02-1086'� � COUNCIL FILE #: ��, +� Q g'(p GREEN SHEET #: 203320 RESOLUTION CI PAUL, NIINNESOTA � Presented By: L Referred to: Committee Date: 1 WHEREAS, the Dunnin� Boosten hav� #pplied for and recei�¢ a STAR gant to purchase and install a new scoreboazd, 2 new dugouts, new batting cages, and a b��sketball court at the l�iuning Baseball Stadium (Toni Stone Field) site; and 3 4 WHEREAS, the Dunning Boosters have secured and will provide matching funds for said STAR grant; and 5 6 V✓HEREAS, the Dunning Boosters have requested that Parks and Recreation manage and implement this project; and 7 8 WHEREAS, Pazks and Recrearion is willing to provide conshuction management and implementation services upon the 9 amendment of the 2002 Municipal Athletics budget; and 10 11 WIIEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, does certify that there aze 12 available for appropriation, funds of $28,090 in excess of those estimated in the 2002 budget; and 13 14 WHEREAS, the Mayor recommends that the following additions be made to the 2002 budget: 15 16 17 CURRENT AMENDED 18 FINANCING PLAN: BUDGET CHANGES BUDGET 19 394 - Municipal Athletics 20 33143 - Municipal Athlefics Programming 21 7306 - Transfer from Capital Project Fund 0 28,090 28.090 22 0 28,090 28,090 23 SPENDING PLAN: 24 394 - Municipal Athletics 25 33143 - Municipal Athlerics Progtamming 26 0547 - Payments to Sub-Contractors 0 28,090 28,090 27 0 28,090 28,090 28 29 Tf�REFOT2E BE IT RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul approves these changes to the 2002 budget G:1FMlQRJW31Resolutions, AOs, G�een SheetslResolutionslOUnning Boostere Resolution.x/s Page: 1 of 2 _ ; x RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MfNNESOTA Presented By: Referred to: couivcn.FII,Ea: o�.-�0$6 GREEN SHEET H: 203320 Committee Date: Requested by: Adopted by Council: Date: �\ _ yp � a,p� �_ Adoption Certified by Council Secretary Division of Parks and Recrearion _ BY� �`�� D�� —�l� � ` Approval Recomme ded by Financi�=ervices Director: BY� irJ�G� � o'"VL. Form Approved by City � . � . � �.�*. .. - /Si:y:r��/ ' .. . � . � . G:IFMIQiL/W3�ResnluGons, AOs, Greert SheetsU2es01utionslDunning Boosters Resol�tion.x/s Page: 2 of 2 � ��_ � . .�_ . �� � , � oepaR - onTemirwleo � GREEN SHEET NUMBER: 203320 , Q�„•,�� Parks and Recreation"' �ofzsi2ooz CONTACTPERSONANDPHONE �� '� INITIAIlDATE MI7IAUOATE JasonWirka266-6417 ASqIGN � DEPARTMENTDIRECTOR �L `�95 CT'COUNCIL Bob Smith 558-2253 NUMBER 3 CIT' ATTORNEY C1TY CLERK FOR ROUTING % MUSTBEONCOUNCILAGENDABY(DATE): � pRDER � 2 fINANG�ALSERVICESDIR. 6 O.FS.-ACCOUNTING j 4 MAYOR(ORASSISTANn 7 OTHER:ParksantlRecreation ASAP — TOTALNUMBEROFSIGNATUREPAGES: 9 CLIPALLLOGATIONSFORSIGNATURE ACTION REQUESTED: Parksand Recreation requests that the SaiM Paul City Councif approves the attached budget resofutioo for a STAR rant thaY was received to upgrade amenities and make improvements at the Dunning Baseball SYadium site. �� ����� o�T � U �Qil2 RECOMMENDATIONS (Approve(A)orReject(R) PERSONALSERVICECONTRACTSMUSTANS E L G E PLANNINGGOMMISSION CIVILSERVICECOMMISSION 1. Hasiheperson/firmeverworketlunderwntractforthistlepartrnenl'� CIB COMMITTEE 07HER; ❑ Ye5 ❑ NO A S7AFF OTHER: 2. HasNeperson/firtneverbeenacityemployee? DISTRICTCOUNCIL OTHER � ❑Yes ❑No � 3 Doesthepersonffirmpossessaski�inotnormalPOSSESSEDbyawrtentcityemployee? ❑ Yes ❑ No Explain all yes answers on seaarate sheet antl attach to green sheet. INITIATING PROB�EM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY,(Who, What, When, Wnere, Why): Parks and Recreation, thYOUgh a cooperetive effort with the Dunning Boosters and Fnends of Saint Paul Basebafl; developed a plan, raised funds and worked in partnelrship to secure STAR grant money for the Dunning Stadium project. Dunning is the premier baseball field in Saint Paul for amateur ball players, youth and adWt aiike, lt was in desperate need of.improvements which inciutle: scorepoard, batting cages and �dug-6uts. ' � , - ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED. . . � The Dunning Baseball Stadium plays host to youth toumaments, high school and colleges teams, as well as to our Saint Paul Men's Amateur � Baseball League. Dunning is also a site for championship baseball games for players of alf ages and skill Ieveis. If approved, the improvements/amenities wilt become a reality, and the collaboretive effocts of both division staff and community groups will be rewarded. �ISADVANTAGESIFAPPftOVED; � ' ' . None. DfSADYANTAGESIFNOTAPPROVED ' " � If not approved, relatlonships with the Dunning Boosters and Friends ot Saint Paul Baseball wiN suRer. Both non-profits provide financiat and programming support'for Saint Paul Parks and Recreation. Also, the Municipal Athletics budget will not maintain sufficient spending autkarity at the budget coMrol levet. � , TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSAGTION: Q2S,OSO COSLREVENUE BU�GETED (Check One) ❑ Ye5 fl NO � FUNDINGSOURCE: STAR /�CTNITYNUMBER: "� ���3JG-33143""` �" - " '" '°' ' FINANqAL WPORMAiION; (EXPLAIN) �� Res��rch Center NflU 9 4 2002 � �O , � , G.�FMIQ7LlW31Resolutlons. AOS, Green SheetslGreen Sheetsl�unning Gree�sheet xls Page: 9 oi 1 . � , � _. ' � � "�' C. ✓ : �.�` y '.. a..,..,, ,.>...., _. ,,.."_ _ . , # .. ., �� ��� "7�5�� N �S ��,`' o N 84 L 7aa ��t w� �� S s o � S S .`'�� i� Z � � � DC��i �r a� Boosters � � � �, 8 � s s , ��Q o� GnggS �� S t� Paul, M JUne 10, 2002 Michele Swanson STAR Program 25 West Fourth Street Suite #1400 St. Paul, MN 55102 Dear Michele, As we spoke earlier the Dunning Boosters will be the intermediary and non profit, while Park and Rec wi11 serve as the project manager. So the Dunning Boosters give St. Paul Parks and Recreation authority to manage this project and also receive payment . If you have any question please cail me at 659-Q613. Thank you for your time. Sincerely, � � U jim Kelley Project Manager, Dunning Booster a�.-�o trG� _.� � _ ;' .. � �� € : � �',. .f�. ��{����n �� � �-N.�` � � '4���F'•X� . .�� ���� �� ��� �� y � a wm p ��� ✓ t �� �� � � �� �� � b�..\O 8( STAR PROJECT Ih1TERDEPARTMENTAL MEMO OF tlNDERSTANDING In accordance with the STAR 2000 adopted budget for fhe Neighborhood initiafive. Program, Saint Paul Parks and Recreation wili administer STAR Project #77565, Dunning Baseball Stadium. Work on this projecf is expected to commence on June 25, 2002 and be completed on or about May Ist, 2003. STAR funds in the amounf of $ 28,090 fiave been allocated for this project. As work progresses, Sa+nt Park and Recseation wiA bill the STAR Program using the Gity's ID billing system. The disbursement code is: P-7-930-90306-0547-77565. Attached to th� ID will be an accounting of actual costs (time and materiais) incurred which correspond to the reimbursement amount requested. finished. When work has been completed, the STAR manager will be notified that the project is STAR PROJECT MANAGER: Hoa Young Signature: T�l ��t ��9"u�-� �' f! 9�T �" PROJECT MANAGER: Signature: Bob Smith is � D� ^, H:\STAR\FORMS1lnterdepartmental Memo of Understanding.wpd