01-983council File # �\ qY3 Ordinance # Green Sheet # ��3�t0 AOI'11A1 A AI/"C 2 0 7 10 11 12 13 14 15 Presented By Referred To Committee: Date An ordinance amending Chapter 60 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to zoning for the City of Saint Paul and the zoning maps thereof: WHEREAS, Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes {462357 and 64.400 of the Legislative Code, Richazd Harnden duly petitioned to rezone properiy at 459 Toronto being legally described as(see file), from B-2 (community business) to B-3 (general business) to allow indoor auto sales, the petition having been certified by the Planning Division on 06/14/O1 as having been consented to by at least 67% of the owners of the area of the property to be rezoned, and furtlier having been consented to by at least two-thirds of the owners of the property situated within 140 feet of the total contiguous property within one year proceeding the date of the petition; and WHEREAS, The Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission on 07/19/O1, held a public hearing for the purpose of considering the rezoning petition, and pursuant to { 107.03 of the Administrative Code, submitted its recommendation to the Planning Commission that the perition be granted; and 16 WHEREAS, The Planning Commission considered the rezoning petition at its meeting held on 07/27/O1 and 17 recommended that the City Council approve the petition; and 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 WHEREAS, notice of public hearing before the City Council on the said rezoning petition was duly published in the official newspaper of the City on 08/09/O1 and notices were duly mailed to each owner of affected property and property situated wholly or partly within 350 feet of the properiy sought to be rezoned; and WHEREAS, a public hearing before the City Council having been conducted on 08/22/O1, where all interested parties were heard, the Council having considered all the facts and recommendations concerning the petition; now, therefore THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAlNT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. 32 That the zoning map of the City of Saint Paul, Sheet Number 37, as incorporated by reference in {60301 of 33 the Saint Paul Legislative Code, as amended, is hereby further amended as follows: 34 35 36 37 That property located at 459 Toronto being more particularly described as: See file �: ►, 3s 1�V i � 39 be and is hereby rezoned from B-2 to B-3. 40 Section 2. 0 � - ��, 41 42 This ordinance sha11 take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and 43 publication. 44 � ' Adopted by Council: Date v� \p � b O\ � Adoption Certified by Council Secretary B �`� _ - a- . � .,,�-------- Approved by Mayor: Date �l•K/� By � -- ���r y bn v ilJ Requested by Department of: Plannin & E �nomic Develo ment By: Form App ved b City Attomey ay: 7':tf/-�G��R'y!^t"� °���� 0 ( Approve y Mayor for 5 sion o o cil By: � ���� i� �� DEPARTMENTJOFFICE/COL PED COlV iACf FERSO\ & PHONE. Joel Spoonheim ;FiUST BE ON Cf3P\CSL AGE\DA ?S" (zATE) DATE I.�'ITIATED I Gg��N SAEET 3 � AUgllSt 20� 1 ._ � A&S(G\ M1'U�IBER FOR ROUTiNG ORDER IVITIAL/DaTE '? DEPA.T2TIvfENT DIR.__� 3 CI"CYh7TOILVEY �'� FINANCIAL SERV DIR. 4 MAYOR (OR ASS . I Sean Kersha No.:113110 �\ `9 �� INIT�AIJD.17'E 5 CITYCOUNCIL , �li"S' CI.ERK_ FR�iANCIAL SEKV/F.CCTG CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION_ TOTAL � OF SIGrATURE PAGES _1_(CLIP ALL LOCATIOFS FOR SIGNATURE) ncriox xeQUESren: Adoption of rezoning ordinanee RECOMMEPtDATIONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) A PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE CNIL SERV[CE COMMiSS[ON PERSONAL SERVICE CO\'IRACTS hIDST A\SWER TfiE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. Has this peesodF{m ever worked under a wntract for this depaztment? Yes No 2. Has this person/firm ever been a ciTy employee? Yes No 3. Does [his person/fian possess a skil, not normally possessed by any wrtent ciTy employze' Yes No Ezp�ain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet iNTTIATING PROBLENI, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, Where,Nhy): Adopt an ordinance to finalize council approval of a petition of Richard Harnden to zezone property at 459 Toronto from B-2 to B-3 (public hearing held 08l22(Ol) . ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED' New indoor classic auto sales room will be created. biSADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED. r_one DISAD'vA;VT9GES IF �OT AYPROCED: No new investment in the builciing. TOTAL AMOUVT OF TRANSACTION: SO FUNDING SOURCE: FINANCIAT.IrFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) s, COST/REVENUE BUDGETED: ACTIVITY NUMBER: : �. ., ; "; �;`� . DEPARTMF:N'I' OF PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT � 1 � `l�3 crrY oF sa�rr Pavr. Norm Caleman, Mayor August 2, 2001 Division af Plmmtitg 25 West Fourth Street Sar,u Pmi[, MNSSIO2 Te[ephane: 612-266-6565 Facsimi[e: 6I2-228-3314 .�_.`n7 �c� T �°Cv: , ��� u :. � P p !� t i � �S; ��'� ' Ms. Nancy Anderson �`'"`�' City Council Research Office Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 , Dear Ms. Anderson: I would like to confirm that a.�blic� he� efore the City Council is scheduled for Wednesday August 22, 2001, for the following zoning case: Applicant: Richazd Harnden FileNumber: #O1-211-125 Purpose: Address: Rezone property from B-2 (Community Business) to B-3 (General Business) to allow indoor auto sales 459 Toronto, southwest corner at James Legal Description of Property: Ex w 50 ft; Lot 1 and all of Lots 28, 29 and 30, Block 31, Thomas Daly's Subdivision of Blocks 18 and 31 of Stinson, Brown and Ramsey's Addition Previous Action: Zoning Committee Recommendation: Approval; vote: 8-0; July 19,2001 Planning Commission Decision: Approval; unanimous vote; July 27, 2001 �a My understanding is that this public hearing request will appeaz on the agenda for the August� 2001 CiTy Council meeting and that you will publish notice of the hearing in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger. Please call me at 266-6614 if you have any questions. Sincerely, �� Joe Spoonheim CiTy Planner cc: File #01-211-125 Carole Martineau Paul Dubruiel Wendy Lane Larry Soderholm �-= sx rnm, �cni. *-¢^^---= ozozs�si � •�sraun*: . MOTICE OF POBLIC HEARiNG The Saint Paul CYty Councii wlll,con- duct a public hearing on Wednesday, August 22, 2d01, at 5:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambeis. Third Floor. Clty Ha11- Courfltouse, 15 West Kellogg,Boulevatt3, Saint Paul, MN, to consider the applicatton of Ricl�ard Harnden to rezone - property from B-2 � C���ity Business) to B-3 ,(Generat Business)to allow Andoor auto sales at 459 Toronto Street (southwest cor ner atJames Avenne). � Dated: Avgust 7 2d01 NANCYANDERSON ' . Aasfstant�City Councli Secretary �" , - (August 9) � DEPARTMENT OF PLANTIING & ECONOMIC DEVELAPMENT 0 \� `lF� . CTTY OF SAII�TT PAUL Norm Ca(eman, Mayor August 2, 2001 Ms. Nancy Anderson City Council Reseazch Office Room 310 City Hali Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Ms. Anderson: Division af Pfannirsg 25 A'est Fourth Street SaintPau[, MNSSIO2 Telephone: 612-266-65Cz5 Facsimile: 612-228-3314 I would like to confirm that a public hearing before the City Council is scheduled for Wednesday August 22, 2001, for the foliowing zoning case: Applicant: Richard Harnden File Nucnber: #01-211-125 � Purpose: Address: Rezone property from B-2 (Community Business) to B3 (General Business) to allow indoor auto sales 459 Toronto, southwest corner at James Legal Description of Property: Ex w 50 ft; Lot 1 and all of Lots 28, 29 and 30, Block 31, Thomas Daly's Subdivision of Blocks 18 and 31 of Stinson, Brown and Ramsey's Addition Previous Action: Zoning Committee Recommendation: Approval; vote: 8-0; July 19,2001 Planning Commission Decision: Approval; unanimous vote; July 27, 2001 , My understanding is that this public hearing request will appear on the agenda for the August 22, 2001 City Council meeting and that you will publish notice of the hearing in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger. Please call me at 266-6614 if you have any questions. Sincerely, �� Joe Spoonheim City Planner cc: File #01-211-125 Carole Martineau Paut DuUruiel Wendy Lane Larry Soderholm C� o�_��� city of saint paul � pianning commission resolution fife number �1-63 date Ju� z�, 200� WHEREAS, Richard Harnden, Fiie #01-211-125, has applied for a Rezoning from S-2 to B-3 under the provisions of §64.400 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code for property located at 459 Toronto, legally described as Ex W 50 ft; Lot 1 and all of Lots 28, 29 and 30, Block 31, Thomas Daly's Subdivision of Blocks 18 and 31 of Stinson, Brown and Ramsey's Addition; and WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission, on July 19, 2001, held a public hearing at which all persons present were given an opportunity to be heard pursuant to said appiication in accordance with the requirements of §64.300 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code; and � WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Planning Commission, based on the evidence presented to its Zoning Committee at the public hearing, as substantially reflected in the minutes, made the following findings of fact: 1. The applicant proposes to expand an existing auto repair business he recently purchased to incorporate the indoor display and sale of a minimal number of cars. Any � outdoor display or sales would require a speciai condition use permit. 2. Rezoning the property is unlikely to significantly affect the development or improvement of surrounding properties. The property is within a wedge ofi land tucked between the Minnesota Brewing Company and a major industrial parcel that is home to ADM, railroad-owned property used to transfer cars to semi-trucks for delivery, and several auto-related uses. The surrounding zoning is B-2 and I-2. 3. The proposed rezoning is not inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan. In the long term, this area is likely to be redeveloped as new more intensive uses replace the aging industrial uses that surround it. Randolph is slated as a key stop in pians for various transit alternatives in the Riverview Corridor. A B-3 zoning district is consistent with the intensity of deve4opment one might expect at such a node. lndeed, West Seventh Street, while zoned largely B-2, includes a significant number of B-3 nodes. moved by Field seconded by �;, fa�,�os� v�z�n���us against � Zoning File #01-211-125 Planning Commission Resolution Page 2 . 4. Sec. 64.400 of the zoning code requires that an application for rezoning be ." accompanied by a co�sent petition of two-thirds of the property owners within 100 feet of the ptoperty to be rezoned. Ten signatures were required. Ten were received. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Saint Paul Planning Commission, under the authority of fhe City's Legislative Code, that the application of Richard Harnden for a Rezoning from B-2 to B-3 at 459 Toronto, is hereby approved. � U � a1���3 u Saint Paul Pianning Commission City Hall Conference Center 15 Kellogg Boulevard West Minutes of July 27, 2001 A meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Saint Paul was held Friday, July 27 , 2001, at 8:30 a.m. in the Conference Center of City Hall. Commissioners Present: Commissioners Absent: Mmes. Donnelly-Cohen, Duarte, Zimmer Lonetti, McCall, and Morton; and Messrs. Alton, Anfang, Field, Fotsch, Gervais, Gordon, Johnson, Kramer, and Mejia. Mmes. *Faricy, and *Shortridge; and Messrs. *Dandrea, *Galles, *Kong, and *Mardell. *Excused Also Present: Larry Soderholm, Planning Administrator; Allan Torstenson, 7oe1 Spoonheim, Jim Zdon, and Mary Bruton, Department of Planning and Economic Development staff. I. Approval of Minutes of July 13, 2001 � MOTION Commissioizer Johrzsorz moved approval of tlze minutes of July I3, 2001, with a correctiorz on page seven(7). Commissioner Field seconded the nzotion. The motion carried unanimously on a voice vote. II. Chair's Announcements Chair Morton zeferred to a resolution of March 10, 1989, from the Planning Commission Handbook regarding what Planning Commission members should say at other public meetings, to be clear when they are giving Planning Commission positions and when they are giving a different, personal view. A copy will be sent to the Commissioner's in their next packet. III. Planning Administrator's Announcements Mr. Soderholm congratulated Jim Zdon on joining the PED Leadership Team along with Mr. Soderholm. Mr. Zdon will be coordinating neighborhood planning and Mr. Soderholm �vill continue to advocate for the Planning Commission and coordinate citywide planning projects. Also, congratulations were given to Lucy Thompson on her upcoming promotion to Planner IV. Mr. Soderholm thanked her for her dedication to her work and the planning profession. Mr. Soderholm reported on the City Council business of the previous week: A. Livable Community Opportunity Grant applications were approved and submitted to the Metropolitan Councll. B. The Council approved a budget of 3.2 million dollars to buy the Trillium site. l.J C. There will be some biltboard issues comin� back, i.e. DeLite Outdoor Advertising Co.'s non-compliance with City orders for the billboard at Vandalia and I-94 off-ramp. D. Award from Minnesota Parks Association for the work of the City on Harriet Island re- � design. E. Mr. Soderholm passed out flyers on an upcoming meeting on the state of the neighborhoods in Minneapolis and Saint Paul and the public hearings on the Riverview Corridor EIS Scoping document. Mr. Soderholm congratulated all the people who worked on Phalen Corridor plans on the recent announcements that federal government will be putting more money into the Phalen Boulevard Project and the Ames Lake Housing Project. IV. Zoning Committee OLD BUSINESS #O1-206-105 Heartland Auto Sales Inc. - Modification of a Special Condition Use Permit . (SCUP) to increase number of vehicles allowed to be parked on the lot: 27 vehicles allowed under 1999 SCUP for second hand auto sales business; expansion of lot to al(ow a tota( of 37 vehicles on the lot proposed. 1236 Arcade Street, NE corner Arcade & Hawthorne. (Rich Malloy, 651/266-6647) Commissioner Field stated a letter was received from the District 5 Planning Council in opposition. At the public hearing, one party spoke in opposition and no one spoke in support. The public hearing was closed. The Zoning Committee voted 8-0 to place this application in abeyance until the Arcade Street Permit Moratorium expires. MOTION: Comn:issioner Field n:oved o�: belzalf of t/re Zoaing Committee tl:at tke appliention � be placed in abeyance until the Arcade Street Pernait 1l�Ioratorium expires. T/:e motion carried unanimously on a voice vote. NEW BUSINESS -'� #O1-211-58� Macalester Colle�e - One year renewal of a Special Condition Use Permit for a college dormitory. 1576 Summit, SE corner at Snelling. (Donna Drummond, 651/266-6556) Commissioner Field stated District 14 recommends approval of the renewal of the Special Condition Use Permit. No one spoke in support. No one spoke in opposition. The public hearing �vas closed. The Zoning Committee recommended approval on a vote of 8-0. MOTION: Cosnniissiofter Field moved tlae Zoning Cotnniittee's recon:nrendatiar to npprave the Snecird Conditioa Use PerviiL The n:ntion ctrrried unmziniously on [e voice vote. #O1-211-125 Richard Harnden - Rezone from B-2 Business to B-3 Business to allow indoor auto sales. °459 Toronto, SW corner at James_ (Nancy Homans, 651/266-6557) 2 \� �1—`t�� Commissioner Field stated no District Council comment �vas received. No one spoke in support. • I�'o one spoke in opposition. The public hearing was closed. The Zoning Committee recommended approval on a�ote of 8-0. MOTIOiV Coa:n:issioner Field naoved the Zoning Con:»zittee's recon:mendation to approve ihe reZO�zino• Tke n:otion carried tu:a�:in:ously ott a voice vole. �O1-211-535 Sprint PCS - Special Condition Use Permit to install cellular telephone antennas on an existing multi-famify residential structure less than 60 feet tall. 618 Grand, beriveen St. Albans & Dale. (Nancy Homans, 651/266-6557) Commissioner Field stated no District Council comment was received. tQo one spoke in supQort. One paRy spoke in opposition. The public hearing �vas c(osed. Tlie Zoning Committee recommended approval with conditions on a vote of 8-0. MOTION Com�e:issioieer Field n:oved the Zoi:ii:g Comn:ittee's reco»amendatiorr to npprove ibe Specinl Condilion Use Perniit . Commissioner Johnson asked what the nature of the opposition was. Commissioner Field stated it was concern over the historic nature and appearance of the building. Commissiater Alton stated it �vas about aesthetics of the building. T/ee n:otion carried unanin:ously on a voice vote. � #O1-211-717 LnQos Aill - Sign Variances (letter height and number of projecting banners) to allo�v one 36 incli high letter and one 66 inch hi�h letter in a business logo sign, and 5 projecting banners. 867 Grand, Grand at Victoria. (Nancy Homans, 651/266-6557) Commissioner Field stated that District 16 recommends denial of the sign variance. No one spoke in support. One party spoke in opposition. The public hearing was closed. The Zoning Committee recommended approval of the letter height variance and approval of modified variance of number of projecting banners (2) and reduced banner depth (18 inches). MOTZON: Conunissiotaer Field moved the Zoning Committee's recommendation to approve the Zetter Izeight varia�tce and modified sig�a variance of number of projecting barzners (2) and reduced ba�:ner depth (18 z�rclies). Tlae motion carried zsrzanit�tously on a voice vote. Commissioner Field amtounced the agenda for the Zoning Committee meeting on August 2, 2001. #O1-213-255 Kocl� Materinfs Co. - River Corridor Special Condition Use Permit to construct three (3) additional tanks at an existing tank farm below the regulatory flood level. 2209 Child Road, southern terminus of Childs Road. (Patricia James, 651/266-6639) #O1-213-513 K�o Lee - Cl�ange of Nonconforming Use on first floor from commercial to residential units. 561 Thomas, NW corner of Kent & Thomas. (Yan� Zhang, 651/266-6659) � #Oi-213-912 Frisch Pro�erties LLC - Special Condition Use to permit a 44-unit apartment buitdina with a parking variance. 1215 N. Dale St., NW corner at Maryland. (Yang Zhang, 651/266-6659) � #O1-213-669 David & Ruth Gandera - One-year extension Special Condition Use Permit to open a Bed and Breakfast 58 Prospect Blvd., SE corner at Strykec (Martha Faust, 651/266-6572) Chan es i n Zonin Law in 2001 MN Leeislative Session -(Allan Torstenson, 651/266-6579) V. Comprehensive Planning Committee Re¢ion31 Bluenrint Undate: Process and Issues -(John Kari, Metropolitan Council) Mr. John Kari, Metropolitan Council, gave a power point presentation on the Regional Blueprint. Mr. Kari talked about potential metro policies and actions that could support fully developed communities with redevelopment financing, housing, transportation, polluted sites, etc. Mr. Kari stated the Metropolitan Council is beginning to look to the year 2030 and how to use regional investments in transit, highways, regional parks, sewer systems and airports to help facititate a balanced system that works for both the cities and older suburbs and the new growing suburbs. He stated they have done a series of ineetings on regional growth scenarios using Smart Growth Workshops; some were broader regional meetings and some were specific opportunity sites. Mr. Kari talked about development on the edge of communities and how that relates to transportation, affordable housing, and jobs. � Mr. Kari said that major issues for the Regional Blueprint are mobility, housing choices, livable communities, and natural resoutce preservation. He stated a major focus of this Council is how do we really help central city and older suburban neighborhoods and economic areas to stay vital. Mr. Kari stated that in this region we spend about one million dollars a day on infrastructure, `" whether for sewers, highways, parks, or transit. The Regional Blueprint includes LRT, busways, and commuter rail as well as highway improvements. They arz lookin� at how they leverage both regiona an oca m ras ruc � decisions that will reinforce a good transit system. VI. Neighborhood and Current Planning Conunittee Harriet Island/District del Sol Smart Gro��'th Onnortunitv Site_ - Brief oven�iew of prooram and presentation of alternatives. (Lucy Thompson, 651/266-6575) Ms. Lucy Thompson gave a brief presentation on the Harriet Island/District del Sol site. Ms. Thompson stated that in Jurre of 2000 the City was invite� by the 2.4euopolitan,Council to participate in the Smart Growth Twin Cities Program. The intention of thz program was to identify "Opportunity Sites" tiuoughout the seven county metropolirr.n a*za that can demonstrate � o�_�k� what Smart Growth looks like on the ground. In the Met Council's eyes, "Opportunity Sites" � are new forms of urban development that make use of existing investments in transportation and odier infrastructure and that really try to get better at the relationship between land use and transportation. Six participants were selected, and will receive essentially free planning and urban design assistance from Calthorpe Associates, Berkeley, California to conduct a citizen �vorkshop to generate land use al[ernatives for the site. The final product will be an illustrated master plan, a development program, urban design guidelines, financing program, staging plan, and a before-and-afrer photo simulations that can show existin� conditions and future conditions with new planning principles in place. Ms. Thompson referred to some of the Smart Growth Twin Cities project objectives: (1) Relate development/redevelopment with transit; (2) Intensify land use through appropriate densities and mixing of uses, including housing, to support transit use, walking, biking and community interaction; (3) Connect housing and areas of employment growth; and (4) Provide an integrated mix of housing types and price ranges within a development. These are the kinds of principles tha[ have been incorporated into the Mixed Use Urban Village work, the zoning work, and all of the urban design plans, Master Plans that are implementing new urbanism principles of mixing , land use, creating walkable neighborhoods, connecting housing and jobs, and having a range of housing types within a neighborhood. PED worked with the West Side Citizens Organization, Riverview Economic Development Association, and the Neighborhood Development Alliance to prepare an application to the Met Council for the Harriet Island/District del Sol Site. Ms. Thompson stated it was a good application because it can address planning, design and Smart Growth issues on two kinds of sites on the West Side. Part of the site is the Harriet Island site, the light industrial uses behind Harriet Island generally west of �Vabasha. Once Harriet � Island is completed and the West Side Flats Master Plan, there will a lot of pressure for the area behind Harriet Island to change. The other part of the site is the District del Sol area, which is the Riverview Economic Development Association's name for their corridor revitalization program for Concord, Robert, and Wabasha starting at the base of the bluff and heading up to the upper part of the West Side. The opportunity that that presented to us is to look at how we apply smart growth to these principles on small, incremental, in-fili sites in a built-up neighborhood. So, we have on the Flats the potential for a large redevelopment site, and up on the bluff we have the opportunity for applying these principles on smaller sites. Ms. Thompson stated there was a community workshop in late May 2000 with 75 people attending. There is a Task Force comprised of community partners, Met Council staff, and Ciry staff working with the Cal[hocpe team. At a debriefing session after the workshop, ideas fell into three categories: (1) looking at an alternative for redevelopment on these sites that is more residential intensive; (2) one diat is more employment intensive; and (3) one that includes a Saints ballpark. An open house was held in late June, and a public meeting will be held in the middle of August to do a more formal presentation of the alteri�atives. Ms. Thompson explained the key elements of all three of the altecnatives. The Neighborhood and Current Planning Committee will bring back a preferred alternative to the Commission in late Fall. Commissioner Alton asked Ms. Tliompson �ahether the alternatives are consistent with the City's Compiehensive Plan. D1s. Thompson stated tliat ihe residentiai-in�ensive �nd employment- r1 LJ intensive alternatives are generally consistent with both the Comprehensive Plan and Saint Paul on the Mississippi Development Framework. The Saints ballpark was not envisioned in these documents. • Hillcrest Villaae Smart Growth Opportunitv Site - Presentation of alternatives from May 24, 2001- Open House. (Patricia James, 651/266-6639) Commissioner Kramer gave a presentation on the Hillcrest Villa�e Smart Growth Site. He stated there were a couple of very well-atrended community meetings out of which the planning consultants developed two alternatives A and B. Alternative B tends ro be more intensive in terms of bo[h housing (only about 70 units difference between Alternative A& B) and commercial. The planning area straddles the Maplewood-Saint Paul boundary, so he is not sure how implementation wiil work. The largest block is located in Maplewood and the plan shows intensive development there that would add a lot of housing units and a grocery store in Alternative B. As you move into Saint Paul the emphasis has been on the comers; at the southwes[ corner of Larpenteur and White Bear Avenue, is a commercial redevelopment which may or may not include housing. There was a lot of discussion about the blocks in the Hillcrest Shopping Center south of Idaho Avenue on the east side of White Bear Avenue and both plans call for redevelopment of that block. Commissioner Kramer stated [hat during the neighborhood meetings there was a strong preference for Alternative A. Both alternatives show more greening, pedestrian access, services that Fit the neighborhood, and additional residential units would bolster those services and stores. Mr, Soderholm asked Commissioner Kramer about the Riverview Busway comin� through this area. Commissioner Kramer stated there is a transit hub on Idaho Avenue that could be used. Or there was also talk about extending California Avenue across White Bear Avenue. Maybe buses would lay over at Aldrich Arena so there wouldn't be buses idling on White Bear Avenue. � Commissioner Johnson thanked Commissioner Kramer and Patricia James for their work on this project, and Commissioner Kramer thanked the Planning Commission members that attended some of the community meetings. VII. Amendinent to Tax Increment Fivancing District No 1(North Ouadranfl - adopt resolution finding amendment consistent with Comprehensive Plan. (Allen Carlson, 651/266-6616) Mr. Allen Cadson state t iat t ie ousm� an � proposing expand the district boundaries of whaYs called the Tax Increment Financing District #1 (North Quadrant). The original boundaries of the district were Seventh, Eighth, Wacouta and Sibley Streets. Mr. Carlson stated the City is proposing to expand the boundaries to include the block which is bounded by Eighth, Ninth, Sibley, and Temperance Streets. The reason for the expansion is to allow Tax Increments to assist partially in the financin� the Phase 2 Development, which will be a 122-unit, 5-story, rental building, and a 38 unit, 4-story, for-sale condominium building that will front on the City's new park. Phase 1 is now undzr construction and will be ready for occupancy by January 2002 has 114 units of rental housinQ, some commercial along Sevenfh Street and another 38-unit, for-sale to�vn home candominium development. The tcvo projects are identical it� design and concep[. This proposal is consistent with the Nordi Quadruit Preciuct Plan t3_at was deti�eloped about cwo years ago. �ir. Carlson � a t-q�3 stated that the City is moving forward with approval of an amendment to the Tax Inciement Plan. State statutes require Planning Commission review a finding that the TIF amendments are • consistent with the Comprehensive Plan of the City. nSOTION Commissioner Kramer moved approval of the resolution fznding the amendment to be co�:sistent with the Comprehensive Plan. Commissioner Johnson seconded the motion. The motio�: carried unanimously on a voice vote. ViII. Communications Committee No report. IX. Task Force Reports No reports. X. Old Business None. XI. New Business None. XII. Adjournment � Meeting adjourned at 1033 a.m. Recorded and prepared by Mary Bruton, Planning Commission Secretary Planning and Economic Development Department, City of Saint Paul Respectfully submitted, �✓v � ` v "—�–+ Larry S der olm Plannin ministrator a Shared�PL-,D�Bruton�Minutes�tninutes 7-27-01 Approved �//� /�/ Kathi Donnelfy-Cohen U Secretary of the Plamiing Commission • PRESENT: EXCUSED: OTHERS PRESENT: �� n � MINUTES OF THE ZONING COMMITTEE Thursday, July 19, 2001 - 3:30 p.m. City Council Chambers, 3' Floor City Hail and Court House 15 West Keilogg Boulevard Anfang, Aiton, Faricy, Field, Gordon, Kramer, Mejia, and Morton Peter Warner Caroi Martineau and Nancy Homans of PED The meeting was chaired by Commissioner Field. o�_a�� Richard Harnden (01-211-125) - Rezone from B-2 Business to B-3 Business to ailow indoor auto sales. 459 Toronto, SW corner at James. • Ms. Nancy Homans showed slides and presented the staff report, correcting the legai description in the staff report to include Lot 28 of Block 31. Mr. Harnden, the applicant indicated that he has been in the used car business on W est Seventh Street for 22 years, though he only just recently purchased this business which has been an auto repair business for as long as he can remember. He hopes to sell a few cars—mostly hobby cars--as a part of this repair business. No one spoke in support or opposition. The public hearing was closed. Commissioner Morton moved the staff recommendation to rezone the property from B-2 to B-3. Commissioner Faricy seconded it. The motion passed by a vote of 8-0. Adopted Yeas - 8 Drafted by: L //`��^^�V Carol Martineau Recording Secretary Nays - 0 Submitted by: G�-, S�4'.��'� Nancy Homans Zoning Section Approved by: / i ton Field Chair '�1-`��Z � 1. 2. ZONING COMMITTEE STAFF REPORT FILE # O1-211-125 APPLICANT: Richard Hamden HEARING DATE: July 19, 2001 TYPE OF APPLICATION: Rezoning 3. LOCATION: 459 Toronto, southwest comer at James 4. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Ex w 50 ft; Lot 1 and all of Lots 28, 29 and 30, Block 31, Thomas Da1y's Subdivision of Blocks 18 and 31 of Stinson, Brown and Ramsey's Addition 5. PLANNING DISTRICT: 6. ZONING CODE REFERENCE: Sec. 64.400 7. STAFF REPORT DATE: 7uly 11, 2001 8. DATE RECEIVED: 6l14i01 PRESENT ZONING: B-2 BY: Nancy Homans • DEADLINE FOR ACTION: 8l13/01 A. B. � C. D. E. F. G. H. PURPOSE: Rezone from B-2 to B-3 to allow mdoor auto sales. PARCEL SIZE: 15,050 square feet EXISTING LAND USE: Auto repair SURROUNDING LAND USE: North: Single family residence, zoned B-2 South: Light industrial, zoned I-2 East: Neighborhood commerciaUoffice, zoned B-2 West: Randolph Street, industrial, zoned B-2 and I-2 ZONING CODE CITATION: Sec. 64.400 outlines the process whereby properry may be rezoned. HISTORY/DISCUSSION: None. DISTRICT COUNCIL RECOMMENDATION: The West Seventh/Fort Road Federarion had made no recommendation on the application by the time this staff report was prepared. FINDINGS: The applicant proposes to expand an existing auto repair business he recently purchased to incorporate the indoor display and sale of a minimal number of cars. Any outdoor display or sales would require a special condition use pernut. � 2. Rezoning the property is unlikely to significantly affect the development or nnprovement of surrounding properties. The properry is within a wedge of land tucked between the Zoning File #01-211-125 Page hvo Minnesota Brewing Company and a major industrial pazcel that is home to ADM, . railroad-owned property used to transfer cars to semi-trucks for delivery, and several auto- related uses. The surronnding zoning is B-2 and f-2. 3. The proposed rezoning is not inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan. In the long term, fhis azea is likely to be redeveloped as new more intensive uses replace the aging industrial uses that surround it. Randolph is siated as a key stop in plans for varioas transit altematives in the Riverview Comdor. A B3 zoning district is consiste� with the urtensity of development one might expect at such a node. Indeed, West Seventh Street, while zoned largely B-2, includes a significant number of B-3 nodes. 4. Sea 64.400 of the zoning code requires t6at an application for rezoning be accompanied by a consent petition of two-thirds of the property owners within 100 feet of the property to be rezoned. Ten signatures were required. Ten were received. STAFF RECQMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the rezoning of 459 Toroirto from B-2 to B-3. • � PETITION TO AMEND THE ZONING CODE �I Department oJPlanning and Economic Development • • Zoning Section II00 Ciry Hal1 Anxex 25 West Fourth Street Saint Paul, M1V SSIO2 266-6589 APPLICANT � Property �tting vfifice us 6!- � � Address o3<) 6 J i'�'��( /u �� . � City u �i • PI� ��- � St._Zip S�O Daytime phone �S/-�9 i ro,S Contact person (if different) PROPERTY Address/Locati LOCATION Legal descriptii L (attach addrtionai sheet if TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL: Pursuant to Section 64.400 of the Saint Paul Zonin,9 Ordinance and to Section 462.357(5) of . Minnesota Statues, � r`� ,�(ri Z , the owner of aii the land proposed � for rezo ing,_hereby petitions you to rezone the above described property from a zoning district to a �-� zoning district, for the purpose of: � /1 /3,�i � z�, � � % G/c�� �� ��f ,( � %5 � �d r,/�/u w /J ;�f l ;� � ,� �� � n� � � �;�� � � ,��� _ � �� ,�' A I �.S � � / ON�� (atrach add;tiona! sheet(s) if necessary) Attachments: Required site plan O Consent petition ❑ Subscribed and swom to before me,this = 3L day � � �� 3i , CG/v 8y: �'���� � Fee owner of property Titie: O W N �� . :','U7;3:w �. .r�,3SON�FIEWS !7:1TARi �7i5c:C.-MINhESOTA b11' LpMHISSIOtd "xr'ir�.E5JrL'd.3;, 2CYk Page 1 of �I<�3� ���.z !/�/Lr� �z�,�_ f�> Gl a Idf3J />GSIZb(�� 6N/a� c/�,��SZ� 7t�� Atfidavit O ✓�ic,/,/ $,�} � { 1 �G/-1 � < k2�ZONTAiG� f�+I'IC SCUP n�cvr ` � F'IRST SUBMITTED RESUBI�iITTED DATE PETITIO� I SUBMITTED: 5 � 3 l'U � DATE PETITION RESUBMITTED: (o" 7� _ U ' DATE OFFICIALLY RECEIVED: DATE OFFICIALLY RECENED: ��`�� \ PARCELS ELIGIBLE: 1 � PARCELS REQUIRED: � O PARCELS SIGNED: � CHECKED �Y: PARCELS ELIGIBLH: ' � /\ (,� f� �� PARCLLS REQUll2ED: � v " I PARCELS SIGNED: ` � / n DATE: _� �Q��I�d� ���� � . , • _ ' - , ' _.. • � C� i- CXTX O�' SA.Xi�;`z' S'��L CO\'SE\T OF ADJOINING PROPEP.TS' O�V\TERS FOR A .�ZEZ011'XNG a 1-9� 1�� e, th� und�ri�ned, ouner o` tn� p:ope�:}'v:ithin 100 feet oF tn� total contiguous c'e>cription oF real e;tate o«ned, purdiased, or sold by TEIE PETITIO\EP, �ti'itnin on� }ear preceding t�e da:� oF this peti[ion ac�:noti�'led�z tnat �ve hare been presented ti•.ith the follo�.�'ing: 1. A cop}' of tiie pztition of �<- iA/�-Q ��{� ��J (nanz oF etitionzr) to rezon� Inz propzr}• located 2: y.S � T4�-n��! .Sr � from a� �- �zonin� dis!rict to a 3 zonin� district. 2. A cop}• of sections �l1���{/ tnrouoh %O� �f� , inclu�i�'z oE tnz Sain: Pzul "Lonin� Code; and ackno«'ledge tnat vre zre zware of all of tne uszs pzrmi�ced in a/.�' �_ Z�^in� di>trict and we zre x«are that an}• oFtne>e u>�> can be e;t�blishzd upon Ciry Council2ppro��a1 0� tne rzoning. \Ve hzreb� cons�n[ to the rzzonin� of thz propery in tne petition oE; ��s �/�n../, ��i�2r✓.I7� to a / -� 2�ning di>trict. (�amz oFpetitionzr) \1'e consent to the appro�•al of this rezoning �s it �5•as explained to us by the �pplicant or his/her representatiti•e. ��lOCJ �.�� /?�N�a/,�, l�-� ��� � J S DlZUh n � �r�n.� s � Co l,%ti GG C�, 7*� .r-r (2t� e� �!'� c:v.� n . rlt �s /3UJA���SAUc � � C >�--� Z W���` � .-1djM�S �, ��Scu�� � G, /�� ��,��� � d '/.> - c.� �-/8 -�/ S-a/- 5-ai- °/ S �� _ �/ .� � - �/ �'aa-°� 5-z3-� I (�35 (�a��a � �� �Y t�,� � a3 ��I � \OTE: This pztition shall not be considered as oEficiall}' fi(zd until tti� laps� of se�•en (7) �vorkin_°- days after it is recei�•ed b}• tne Planning Division. An}� signsto; of this petitio� rna}:��ithdrawhisfn�r name therefrom bp ��Titten rzquest ��'ithin thlt time. CX�'X O�' SA.XNT P��JL CO�'SENT OF ADJOI��Ii�G PROPERTI' O�V�TERS FOR A .�.�ZQ�r�.�� �'i 1ti'e, tiie und�rsi�nzd, o��ner of tne prope; �}' «'i[hin 100 fezt of the total contiguous c'z>crip[ion oF real e;tate oa'nzd, purcha;ed, or sold by TE[E PETIT[O\Eft tcithin one yez: p'reczding C�c da'z of tni; pztition ackno��'ledge tnat•«'e hace been p;esented ��'ith tn� folto�vins: A eopy of tiie petition of rJ (namz of petitioner) f to rezonz tnz p;operty lo.atzd zt 5� S �O✓�-�/N / d )� from a/.� �—. zonin� di>trict to a�� ��_zoning Zistrict. 2. A cop}• o; s�ction> �Q SS�/ inrou�h CO -�f�, inclusi�•z oF the Szin! Pa��l Zonin� Code; and ackno«�ledge that ��'e are z«�are of all of the us�s pecmitt�d in x�3 � ZJRtfI_°_ district end tve are a�vare that any oF tnzse uses czn be establishzd upon City Council approvat of tne rezoning. tVe hereb� con>ent to the rzzoning oEthe propeR}' in tne petition of; ��1(�/��� f�,A2/�/,�Cn/ to2 /�"3 zonin2distric[. (\'am� of petitionzr) � \Ve consent fo the �ppro��nl of this rezoning as it «•as explainecl to us by fhe �pplicant or liis/her representative. rnn�ccc n� n ��: F.FCn.D Q'��1FR SfC�4TURF D4TE • r� v'i � ����1 ' �`.�J'' L�! G � �� �!1 R. [:�l'��l�-� i , � NOTE: 7his pztition shall not be considered as offictall}• filed tinh! th� 1?p�e of se�en (7) �rorkin= � days after it is recei�'zd by th� Planning Di�•ision. Any si;naror of tius petition may �tiithdcaw his/her namz therzfrom bp t�rinzn requzst ��'ithin that time. CI'TY Q�' SAIi�T'�' �'A�J7_. b�-`t�� • C04SEI�T OF ADJOT\`I\G PROPEFZ i Y O�V\T�RS FOR A .REZOI�'I14'G 1�'e, tiie undzr>igned, o«ners of t�� p�ope, �}' �vichin 106 Fzct e:` t�e [�t=1 conti�uocs 2e>crip;ior. oF real estate o�.cned, pu:cl:aszd, or sold by TE;� PETITEO�:EF t��ithin onz }ea; precedin� tSe Zate o:` thi; peti[ion zckno«'le3�e t'�a; ti�'e harz been pr�sen[zd ��•ith tn� Fol!o�ti'ing l. A copy of tioz pe:icion of ��-�G`/��� � y�`�'�� � ti (r.a:ne of petitioner) � � � _ to r�zon>_ t!�e propzrh• loca:ed a; L� � f a�ZOnir.� districf to a JS .� zonir.� district. 2. A copy o`s:ction> �A • th .'JU° h C� o, Sy , �. i;tclesi�•e oFtne Ssiat Pzut Zor.in� Code; and ackn���'Izd�z tha: ��e are aware oC zll of th� u;z> permicted �n z_� �_ zonirt� di>!rict and �ve 2re a�varz that any of tne,e uszs e2n be estaSli>hed upon Ciry Council approval oE t�i_ rezoaino. We hereb� cor.s_n; to tn� rtzoaing o`thz propert,• in t�� pzti:ion of; � / � � • /� ��i�'/!�� � r°ruUl%G iN to a f� � zoni�� disr. i�t. (,�'ame o` petitioner) ��'e consent to the nppro�'�cl of this rezoninb as it �t'as esplained to us by the zpplicant or liis/her rep; esentative. • �OTE: This petition shalt not be conside;ed as o:tictau}' nte� unu� inc izps: vi ac���, t+� �Y��ra�=� days aBe, i: is recei�•zd by the Planning D;vision, Any signator of this petieion may «i�hdrawhis�her nam= t:,eceFrom by «Titt>n request tti•ithin thnt timz. �- • a�-��� �J • P�TI�'ION TO REZOI�T� ArrznAViT STATE OF MINNESOTA) COLNTY OF RAMSEY ) . oF ��ri�czon�� SS p , C./"` ��2 � 7y /� I � , being first duly sworn, deposes and The etitiouer �.s states that tite consent petition contains sianatures from at least two-thirds (z/a) of al] eligible properties within 100 feet of all property o�vned, purchased, or sold by petitionzr «�ithin one (1) year preceding the date of this petition «�hich is contigtious to the property described in the petition; petitioner is informed that the consent petition must contain si�natures from each and all otvners of jointly-o�vned property in order to constitute consent from that property and that failure to oUtain consent from each and all owners could invalidate the consent petition; petitioner beliet�es that the consent petition was signed b}� each of said o���ners and that the ' signatures are the true and correct signatures of each and all of the parties so described. ��-,--���-�.. NAME � �.34 6 ��7c°tiJro�-�f�v � ADDRESS S7, �i�:r�y! /�vN -� tS �S/ —.�51 -oSBL TELEPHONE r'UMBER • Subscribed and stivorn to before me this � day of , I�Y �OO' f �. _rn;r:s a c�isoN-r�ws t WJ?lv2t'?�BLIC-IAItUlESOTA '� 61Y C.OMMISSION cX?!^n£5 JA4. 31, 2W5 ��^s�-c«rh�sa�s• � , I3 ARY PUBLIC Pa�e of 1l31(97 PETITION TO 12EZON� Arrzv�vi�c OF PET'ITIOl\ER STATE OF MINNESOTA) SS COLNTY OF RAMSEY ) _ r1 �� The petitioner, ��C �.t7/L� �✓�p/Zti,b�"� first duly sworn, dzposes and states that the consent petition contains si�natures from at least two-thirds ( of all eli�ible properiies «•ithin 100 feet of all property o�vned, purchased, or soid by petitionzr �ti•ithin one (1) year preceding the date of this petition «�hich is contiguous to the property describzd in the petition; petitioner is informed that the consent petition must contain si�natures froin each and all o�vners of jointly-otvned property in order to constitutz consent from that property and that failure to oUtain consent from each and all o�vners could invalidate the consent petition; petitioner beliet�es that the consent petition �vas signed b}' each of said o«�ners and that the ' signatures are the true and correct sianatures of each and all of the parties so described. ��� � / � � �,�o� � ���,��ri.� !�0 v � ADDRESS G��� a�/ - �.S��Z TELEPHONE I�UVIBER . Subscribed and sworn to before me this `�f day of LJ% �it�_ , 3-9" zop/ 1 NO PUBLIC -._.........�...� - �. crt� �. uxtsox-xEws "�TPRY Fi�LiC - MItAESOTA ►dY CAlMMISSION EXPlRES JAN.31, 2005 -r Pa�e of 1/31/97 � cz�cX o� s�.xN�c ��.V � AFFIDAVIT �F PERSON CIRCL3LATING PETITIO\ w STATE OF MIIvTNESOTA) SS COUNTY OF T�MSEY ) � �_��� �L c�r'.�tii✓ �✓�n,/`�,D�/� be'�ng fust duly s�vom, deposes and states tnzt h;,'she is the person who circulated the tvithin petition and consent, consisting of _ pzge;; tnat zffiant is informed and befieves that the pzrties described are the otir�ners respectively of the lots placed immediately before each name, that 2�ant is informed and believes that each of thz par;ies described above is the owner oEthe property which is within 100 feet from any property oi��ned or purchased by petitioner or sold by petitioner within one (1) year precedin� the date ofthis petition which is contiguous to the gropecty described in the pztition; that e�cept for none ofthe parties described above has purchased or is purchasing property from the petitioner contiguous to the zbo��e described property �vithin one (1) year of the date of the petition; th�t��is�rsent �,, ,. �°' ��e-��$�P�:��.....!� and that the signatures are the true and coTec! signatures of ezch and all of the parties so described. L_ J Subscribed and swom to beFore me this _� day of�/��Q,Gj ,-3�I— Zp0 / �/ G% ' �ui'_'�.- NAME • ' � 3 0 6 .��p�i9v� 5�,��. �.l �ri� � AbDRESS � G�i -�s�- a��' TELEPHONE Iv'UMBER �•�e...o..e.-,�_.. �'+'�, CYHi}i!A M. CARi50N-HEWS '� r. VOTARYPUBl1C-Mit�AESOTA ;�€ 1k rAk!M!¢SION r cX?3RE5 lP�3.31.2�305 . ., � >.. �..,.., �,-• �., � .. , � i.///" � / � "'% � / sI � .. . . AFFIDAVIT OF PERSON CIRCULATING THE CONSENT PETITION STATE OF MINNESOTA) SS COUNTY OF'RAMSEY) 7� p �p2�✓1J.5� , being first duly sworn, deposes and states that he/she is the person who circulated the consent petition consisting of _ pages; that a�ant represents that the parties described on the consent petition are ail the respective owners of the properties piaced immediately before each name; that affiant is informed and believes that each of the parties described on the consent petition is an owner of the property which is within 100 feet of any properfy owned, purchased, or sold by petitioner within one (1) year preceding the dafe of this petition which is contiguous to fhe pro,perty described in the petition; t ' � rs-i�i�e-preseRee-e�t��° �-�:� , and that the signatures are the true and correct signatures of each and all of the parEies so described. � o� NAME --- ; 2.�aG Tz'�✓/��/ /�z ADDRESS Gs'� — � 9 � --Q��� TELEPHONE NUMBER �����,.�..� w this �_day of ��Gt�__� 2 crr��sr:u t�. ax�wr��+��� •i0T � COMMliSlON�7A t7CP7RES JAN.31� 2f� _ Page of 1/3/00 � D 1-�t�� . 1. 2. 3. �. 5. b. 7. 8. � 11. 12. 13. 14. 15: 16. 17. SUNRAY-BATTLECREEK-HIGHW OOD HAZEL PARK HADEt�i-PROSPBRITY HILLCREST WEST SIDE AAYlON'S BLUFF PAYNE-PHALEN NORTH EKD - • THO,I�AS-DALE SUMMIT-UI�IIVEFtSITY • WESTSEVENTH COMO HAMLiNE•MIDWA'Y ' ST. ANTHONY PARK MEI2RIAM PAl2K-LEXINGTON HAMLINE-SNELLTNG I-L0.ML�:�E MACALESTER GROVELA?'tD HIGHLAND SUMMTT HrLL / po�o� �p�-21f �-IZ5 CITIZBN PARTICIPATTON PLANNING DISTRICTS � � — --� -.�_._ : - .� '�'. - 9?_:�`�r� ;L.iC i! _ _.= C7��. J� �c ':r 1` �-- - � - -. --'--�=-�=.--_ y::._ : . i� ^'....:. �_• �i, — -- ��-• . .� Z `'_, _.� G,i ,�.�� — � � � � ••'_ � __ \: -.,_ �'� � �L.�J, �u'1—( •' ...{'`. _.'��' J � J } ::.— I ±G� � � .__��. ��.�I� 'I l ! 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V � t �--`— 's � /��/ ..:-. .-...--- — -- G � � �� � } � _ � � :, �, ;.�.- ; „ ; � �`� . �� ,� O;: . ,� . � aPPLiCANT �� �"� d �� n "^"" LEGEND � ��Z �r� • �-2 �- �3 zoning district boundary 'URPOSE �g����� DATE � r � r L� subjedprop2rty north .. �I.NG. DIST.� MAP„ �_� o on2tamily •�^ comme�u� � ¢ fr�o family � ..... industria! � '° -- ^ �� Q muitipie (amily - Y vacznt • _ — o ` , � __ 7 council File # �\ qY3 Ordinance # Green Sheet # ��3�t0 AOI'11A1 A AI/"C 2 0 7 10 11 12 13 14 15 Presented By Referred To Committee: Date An ordinance amending Chapter 60 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to zoning for the City of Saint Paul and the zoning maps thereof: WHEREAS, Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes {462357 and 64.400 of the Legislative Code, Richazd Harnden duly petitioned to rezone properiy at 459 Toronto being legally described as(see file), from B-2 (community business) to B-3 (general business) to allow indoor auto sales, the petition having been certified by the Planning Division on 06/14/O1 as having been consented to by at least 67% of the owners of the area of the property to be rezoned, and furtlier having been consented to by at least two-thirds of the owners of the property situated within 140 feet of the total contiguous property within one year proceeding the date of the petition; and WHEREAS, The Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission on 07/19/O1, held a public hearing for the purpose of considering the rezoning petition, and pursuant to { 107.03 of the Administrative Code, submitted its recommendation to the Planning Commission that the perition be granted; and 16 WHEREAS, The Planning Commission considered the rezoning petition at its meeting held on 07/27/O1 and 17 recommended that the City Council approve the petition; and 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 WHEREAS, notice of public hearing before the City Council on the said rezoning petition was duly published in the official newspaper of the City on 08/09/O1 and notices were duly mailed to each owner of affected property and property situated wholly or partly within 350 feet of the properiy sought to be rezoned; and WHEREAS, a public hearing before the City Council having been conducted on 08/22/O1, where all interested parties were heard, the Council having considered all the facts and recommendations concerning the petition; now, therefore THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAlNT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. 32 That the zoning map of the City of Saint Paul, Sheet Number 37, as incorporated by reference in {60301 of 33 the Saint Paul Legislative Code, as amended, is hereby further amended as follows: 34 35 36 37 That property located at 459 Toronto being more particularly described as: See file �: ►, 3s 1�V i � 39 be and is hereby rezoned from B-2 to B-3. 40 Section 2. 0 � - ��, 41 42 This ordinance sha11 take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and 43 publication. 44 � ' Adopted by Council: Date v� \p � b O\ � Adoption Certified by Council Secretary B �`� _ - a- . � .,,�-------- Approved by Mayor: Date �l•K/� By � -- ���r y bn v ilJ Requested by Department of: Plannin & E �nomic Develo ment By: Form App ved b City Attomey ay: 7':tf/-�G��R'y!^t"� °���� 0 ( Approve y Mayor for 5 sion o o cil By: � ���� i� �� DEPARTMENTJOFFICE/COL PED COlV iACf FERSO\ & PHONE. Joel Spoonheim ;FiUST BE ON Cf3P\CSL AGE\DA ?S" (zATE) DATE I.�'ITIATED I Gg��N SAEET 3 � AUgllSt 20� 1 ._ � A&S(G\ M1'U�IBER FOR ROUTiNG ORDER IVITIAL/DaTE '? DEPA.T2TIvfENT DIR.__� 3 CI"CYh7TOILVEY �'� FINANCIAL SERV DIR. 4 MAYOR (OR ASS . I Sean Kersha No.:113110 �\ `9 �� INIT�AIJD.17'E 5 CITYCOUNCIL , �li"S' CI.ERK_ FR�iANCIAL SEKV/F.CCTG CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION_ TOTAL � OF SIGrATURE PAGES _1_(CLIP ALL LOCATIOFS FOR SIGNATURE) ncriox xeQUESren: Adoption of rezoning ordinanee RECOMMEPtDATIONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) A PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE CNIL SERV[CE COMMiSS[ON PERSONAL SERVICE CO\'IRACTS hIDST A\SWER TfiE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. Has this peesodF{m ever worked under a wntract for this depaztment? Yes No 2. Has this person/firm ever been a ciTy employee? Yes No 3. Does [his person/fian possess a skil, not normally possessed by any wrtent ciTy employze' Yes No Ezp�ain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet iNTTIATING PROBLENI, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, Where,Nhy): Adopt an ordinance to finalize council approval of a petition of Richard Harnden to zezone property at 459 Toronto from B-2 to B-3 (public hearing held 08l22(Ol) . ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED' New indoor classic auto sales room will be created. biSADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED. r_one DISAD'vA;VT9GES IF �OT AYPROCED: No new investment in the builciing. TOTAL AMOUVT OF TRANSACTION: SO FUNDING SOURCE: FINANCIAT.IrFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) s, COST/REVENUE BUDGETED: ACTIVITY NUMBER: : �. ., ; "; �;`� . DEPARTMF:N'I' OF PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT � 1 � `l�3 crrY oF sa�rr Pavr. Norm Caleman, Mayor August 2, 2001 Division af Plmmtitg 25 West Fourth Street Sar,u Pmi[, MNSSIO2 Te[ephane: 612-266-6565 Facsimi[e: 6I2-228-3314 .�_.`n7 �c� T �°Cv: , ��� u :. � P p !� t i � �S; ��'� ' Ms. Nancy Anderson �`'"`�' City Council Research Office Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 , Dear Ms. Anderson: I would like to confirm that a.�blic� he� efore the City Council is scheduled for Wednesday August 22, 2001, for the following zoning case: Applicant: Richazd Harnden FileNumber: #O1-211-125 Purpose: Address: Rezone property from B-2 (Community Business) to B-3 (General Business) to allow indoor auto sales 459 Toronto, southwest corner at James Legal Description of Property: Ex w 50 ft; Lot 1 and all of Lots 28, 29 and 30, Block 31, Thomas Daly's Subdivision of Blocks 18 and 31 of Stinson, Brown and Ramsey's Addition Previous Action: Zoning Committee Recommendation: Approval; vote: 8-0; July 19,2001 Planning Commission Decision: Approval; unanimous vote; July 27, 2001 �a My understanding is that this public hearing request will appeaz on the agenda for the August� 2001 CiTy Council meeting and that you will publish notice of the hearing in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger. Please call me at 266-6614 if you have any questions. Sincerely, �� Joe Spoonheim CiTy Planner cc: File #01-211-125 Carole Martineau Paul Dubruiel Wendy Lane Larry Soderholm �-= sx rnm, �cni. *-¢^^---= ozozs�si � •�sraun*: . MOTICE OF POBLIC HEARiNG The Saint Paul CYty Councii wlll,con- duct a public hearing on Wednesday, August 22, 2d01, at 5:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambeis. Third Floor. Clty Ha11- Courfltouse, 15 West Kellogg,Boulevatt3, Saint Paul, MN, to consider the applicatton of Ricl�ard Harnden to rezone - property from B-2 � C���ity Business) to B-3 ,(Generat Business)to allow Andoor auto sales at 459 Toronto Street (southwest cor ner atJames Avenne). � Dated: Avgust 7 2d01 NANCYANDERSON ' . Aasfstant�City Councli Secretary �" , - (August 9) � DEPARTMENT OF PLANTIING & ECONOMIC DEVELAPMENT 0 \� `lF� . CTTY OF SAII�TT PAUL Norm Ca(eman, Mayor August 2, 2001 Ms. Nancy Anderson City Council Reseazch Office Room 310 City Hali Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Ms. Anderson: Division af Pfannirsg 25 A'est Fourth Street SaintPau[, MNSSIO2 Telephone: 612-266-65Cz5 Facsimile: 612-228-3314 I would like to confirm that a public hearing before the City Council is scheduled for Wednesday August 22, 2001, for the foliowing zoning case: Applicant: Richard Harnden File Nucnber: #01-211-125 � Purpose: Address: Rezone property from B-2 (Community Business) to B3 (General Business) to allow indoor auto sales 459 Toronto, southwest corner at James Legal Description of Property: Ex w 50 ft; Lot 1 and all of Lots 28, 29 and 30, Block 31, Thomas Daly's Subdivision of Blocks 18 and 31 of Stinson, Brown and Ramsey's Addition Previous Action: Zoning Committee Recommendation: Approval; vote: 8-0; July 19,2001 Planning Commission Decision: Approval; unanimous vote; July 27, 2001 , My understanding is that this public hearing request will appear on the agenda for the August 22, 2001 City Council meeting and that you will publish notice of the hearing in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger. Please call me at 266-6614 if you have any questions. Sincerely, �� Joe Spoonheim City Planner cc: File #01-211-125 Carole Martineau Paut DuUruiel Wendy Lane Larry Soderholm C� o�_��� city of saint paul � pianning commission resolution fife number �1-63 date Ju� z�, 200� WHEREAS, Richard Harnden, Fiie #01-211-125, has applied for a Rezoning from S-2 to B-3 under the provisions of §64.400 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code for property located at 459 Toronto, legally described as Ex W 50 ft; Lot 1 and all of Lots 28, 29 and 30, Block 31, Thomas Daly's Subdivision of Blocks 18 and 31 of Stinson, Brown and Ramsey's Addition; and WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission, on July 19, 2001, held a public hearing at which all persons present were given an opportunity to be heard pursuant to said appiication in accordance with the requirements of §64.300 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code; and � WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Planning Commission, based on the evidence presented to its Zoning Committee at the public hearing, as substantially reflected in the minutes, made the following findings of fact: 1. The applicant proposes to expand an existing auto repair business he recently purchased to incorporate the indoor display and sale of a minimal number of cars. Any � outdoor display or sales would require a speciai condition use permit. 2. Rezoning the property is unlikely to significantly affect the development or improvement of surrounding properties. The property is within a wedge ofi land tucked between the Minnesota Brewing Company and a major industrial parcel that is home to ADM, railroad-owned property used to transfer cars to semi-trucks for delivery, and several auto-related uses. The surrounding zoning is B-2 and I-2. 3. The proposed rezoning is not inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan. In the long term, this area is likely to be redeveloped as new more intensive uses replace the aging industrial uses that surround it. Randolph is slated as a key stop in pians for various transit alternatives in the Riverview Corridor. A B-3 zoning district is consistent with the intensity of deve4opment one might expect at such a node. lndeed, West Seventh Street, while zoned largely B-2, includes a significant number of B-3 nodes. moved by Field seconded by �;, fa�,�os� v�z�n���us against � Zoning File #01-211-125 Planning Commission Resolution Page 2 . 4. Sec. 64.400 of the zoning code requires that an application for rezoning be ." accompanied by a co�sent petition of two-thirds of the property owners within 100 feet of the ptoperty to be rezoned. Ten signatures were required. Ten were received. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Saint Paul Planning Commission, under the authority of fhe City's Legislative Code, that the application of Richard Harnden for a Rezoning from B-2 to B-3 at 459 Toronto, is hereby approved. � U � a1���3 u Saint Paul Pianning Commission City Hall Conference Center 15 Kellogg Boulevard West Minutes of July 27, 2001 A meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Saint Paul was held Friday, July 27 , 2001, at 8:30 a.m. in the Conference Center of City Hall. Commissioners Present: Commissioners Absent: Mmes. Donnelly-Cohen, Duarte, Zimmer Lonetti, McCall, and Morton; and Messrs. Alton, Anfang, Field, Fotsch, Gervais, Gordon, Johnson, Kramer, and Mejia. Mmes. *Faricy, and *Shortridge; and Messrs. *Dandrea, *Galles, *Kong, and *Mardell. *Excused Also Present: Larry Soderholm, Planning Administrator; Allan Torstenson, 7oe1 Spoonheim, Jim Zdon, and Mary Bruton, Department of Planning and Economic Development staff. I. Approval of Minutes of July 13, 2001 � MOTION Commissioizer Johrzsorz moved approval of tlze minutes of July I3, 2001, with a correctiorz on page seven(7). Commissioner Field seconded the nzotion. The motion carried unanimously on a voice vote. II. Chair's Announcements Chair Morton zeferred to a resolution of March 10, 1989, from the Planning Commission Handbook regarding what Planning Commission members should say at other public meetings, to be clear when they are giving Planning Commission positions and when they are giving a different, personal view. A copy will be sent to the Commissioner's in their next packet. III. Planning Administrator's Announcements Mr. Soderholm congratulated Jim Zdon on joining the PED Leadership Team along with Mr. Soderholm. Mr. Zdon will be coordinating neighborhood planning and Mr. Soderholm �vill continue to advocate for the Planning Commission and coordinate citywide planning projects. Also, congratulations were given to Lucy Thompson on her upcoming promotion to Planner IV. Mr. Soderholm thanked her for her dedication to her work and the planning profession. Mr. Soderholm reported on the City Council business of the previous week: A. Livable Community Opportunity Grant applications were approved and submitted to the Metropolitan Councll. B. The Council approved a budget of 3.2 million dollars to buy the Trillium site. l.J C. There will be some biltboard issues comin� back, i.e. DeLite Outdoor Advertising Co.'s non-compliance with City orders for the billboard at Vandalia and I-94 off-ramp. D. Award from Minnesota Parks Association for the work of the City on Harriet Island re- � design. E. Mr. Soderholm passed out flyers on an upcoming meeting on the state of the neighborhoods in Minneapolis and Saint Paul and the public hearings on the Riverview Corridor EIS Scoping document. Mr. Soderholm congratulated all the people who worked on Phalen Corridor plans on the recent announcements that federal government will be putting more money into the Phalen Boulevard Project and the Ames Lake Housing Project. IV. Zoning Committee OLD BUSINESS #O1-206-105 Heartland Auto Sales Inc. - Modification of a Special Condition Use Permit . (SCUP) to increase number of vehicles allowed to be parked on the lot: 27 vehicles allowed under 1999 SCUP for second hand auto sales business; expansion of lot to al(ow a tota( of 37 vehicles on the lot proposed. 1236 Arcade Street, NE corner Arcade & Hawthorne. (Rich Malloy, 651/266-6647) Commissioner Field stated a letter was received from the District 5 Planning Council in opposition. At the public hearing, one party spoke in opposition and no one spoke in support. The public hearing was closed. The Zoning Committee voted 8-0 to place this application in abeyance until the Arcade Street Permit Moratorium expires. MOTION: Comn:issioner Field n:oved o�: belzalf of t/re Zoaing Committee tl:at tke appliention � be placed in abeyance until the Arcade Street Pernait 1l�Ioratorium expires. T/:e motion carried unanimously on a voice vote. NEW BUSINESS -'� #O1-211-58� Macalester Colle�e - One year renewal of a Special Condition Use Permit for a college dormitory. 1576 Summit, SE corner at Snelling. (Donna Drummond, 651/266-6556) Commissioner Field stated District 14 recommends approval of the renewal of the Special Condition Use Permit. No one spoke in support. No one spoke in opposition. The public hearing �vas closed. The Zoning Committee recommended approval on a vote of 8-0. MOTION: Cosnniissiofter Field moved tlae Zoning Cotnniittee's recon:nrendatiar to npprave the Snecird Conditioa Use PerviiL The n:ntion ctrrried unmziniously on [e voice vote. #O1-211-125 Richard Harnden - Rezone from B-2 Business to B-3 Business to allow indoor auto sales. °459 Toronto, SW corner at James_ (Nancy Homans, 651/266-6557) 2 \� �1—`t�� Commissioner Field stated no District Council comment �vas received. No one spoke in support. • I�'o one spoke in opposition. The public hearing was closed. The Zoning Committee recommended approval on a�ote of 8-0. MOTIOiV Coa:n:issioner Field naoved the Zoning Con:»zittee's recon:mendation to approve ihe reZO�zino• Tke n:otion carried tu:a�:in:ously ott a voice vole. �O1-211-535 Sprint PCS - Special Condition Use Permit to install cellular telephone antennas on an existing multi-famify residential structure less than 60 feet tall. 618 Grand, beriveen St. Albans & Dale. (Nancy Homans, 651/266-6557) Commissioner Field stated no District Council comment was received. tQo one spoke in supQort. One paRy spoke in opposition. The public hearing �vas c(osed. Tlie Zoning Committee recommended approval with conditions on a vote of 8-0. MOTION Com�e:issioieer Field n:oved the Zoi:ii:g Comn:ittee's reco»amendatiorr to npprove ibe Specinl Condilion Use Perniit . Commissioner Johnson asked what the nature of the opposition was. Commissioner Field stated it was concern over the historic nature and appearance of the building. Commissiater Alton stated it �vas about aesthetics of the building. T/ee n:otion carried unanin:ously on a voice vote. � #O1-211-717 LnQos Aill - Sign Variances (letter height and number of projecting banners) to allo�v one 36 incli high letter and one 66 inch hi�h letter in a business logo sign, and 5 projecting banners. 867 Grand, Grand at Victoria. (Nancy Homans, 651/266-6557) Commissioner Field stated that District 16 recommends denial of the sign variance. No one spoke in support. One party spoke in opposition. The public hearing was closed. The Zoning Committee recommended approval of the letter height variance and approval of modified variance of number of projecting banners (2) and reduced banner depth (18 inches). MOTZON: Conunissiotaer Field moved the Zoning Committee's recommendation to approve the Zetter Izeight varia�tce and modified sig�a variance of number of projecting barzners (2) and reduced ba�:ner depth (18 z�rclies). Tlae motion carried zsrzanit�tously on a voice vote. Commissioner Field amtounced the agenda for the Zoning Committee meeting on August 2, 2001. #O1-213-255 Kocl� Materinfs Co. - River Corridor Special Condition Use Permit to construct three (3) additional tanks at an existing tank farm below the regulatory flood level. 2209 Child Road, southern terminus of Childs Road. (Patricia James, 651/266-6639) #O1-213-513 K�o Lee - Cl�ange of Nonconforming Use on first floor from commercial to residential units. 561 Thomas, NW corner of Kent & Thomas. (Yan� Zhang, 651/266-6659) � #Oi-213-912 Frisch Pro�erties LLC - Special Condition Use to permit a 44-unit apartment buitdina with a parking variance. 1215 N. Dale St., NW corner at Maryland. (Yang Zhang, 651/266-6659) � #O1-213-669 David & Ruth Gandera - One-year extension Special Condition Use Permit to open a Bed and Breakfast 58 Prospect Blvd., SE corner at Strykec (Martha Faust, 651/266-6572) Chan es i n Zonin Law in 2001 MN Leeislative Session -(Allan Torstenson, 651/266-6579) V. Comprehensive Planning Committee Re¢ion31 Bluenrint Undate: Process and Issues -(John Kari, Metropolitan Council) Mr. John Kari, Metropolitan Council, gave a power point presentation on the Regional Blueprint. Mr. Kari talked about potential metro policies and actions that could support fully developed communities with redevelopment financing, housing, transportation, polluted sites, etc. Mr. Kari stated the Metropolitan Council is beginning to look to the year 2030 and how to use regional investments in transit, highways, regional parks, sewer systems and airports to help facititate a balanced system that works for both the cities and older suburbs and the new growing suburbs. He stated they have done a series of ineetings on regional growth scenarios using Smart Growth Workshops; some were broader regional meetings and some were specific opportunity sites. Mr. Kari talked about development on the edge of communities and how that relates to transportation, affordable housing, and jobs. � Mr. Kari said that major issues for the Regional Blueprint are mobility, housing choices, livable communities, and natural resoutce preservation. He stated a major focus of this Council is how do we really help central city and older suburban neighborhoods and economic areas to stay vital. Mr. Kari stated that in this region we spend about one million dollars a day on infrastructure, `" whether for sewers, highways, parks, or transit. The Regional Blueprint includes LRT, busways, and commuter rail as well as highway improvements. They arz lookin� at how they leverage both regiona an oca m ras ruc � decisions that will reinforce a good transit system. VI. Neighborhood and Current Planning Conunittee Harriet Island/District del Sol Smart Gro��'th Onnortunitv Site_ - Brief oven�iew of prooram and presentation of alternatives. (Lucy Thompson, 651/266-6575) Ms. Lucy Thompson gave a brief presentation on the Harriet Island/District del Sol site. Ms. Thompson stated that in Jurre of 2000 the City was invite� by the 2.4euopolitan,Council to participate in the Smart Growth Twin Cities Program. The intention of thz program was to identify "Opportunity Sites" tiuoughout the seven county metropolirr.n a*za that can demonstrate � o�_�k� what Smart Growth looks like on the ground. In the Met Council's eyes, "Opportunity Sites" � are new forms of urban development that make use of existing investments in transportation and odier infrastructure and that really try to get better at the relationship between land use and transportation. Six participants were selected, and will receive essentially free planning and urban design assistance from Calthorpe Associates, Berkeley, California to conduct a citizen �vorkshop to generate land use al[ernatives for the site. The final product will be an illustrated master plan, a development program, urban design guidelines, financing program, staging plan, and a before-and-afrer photo simulations that can show existin� conditions and future conditions with new planning principles in place. Ms. Thompson referred to some of the Smart Growth Twin Cities project objectives: (1) Relate development/redevelopment with transit; (2) Intensify land use through appropriate densities and mixing of uses, including housing, to support transit use, walking, biking and community interaction; (3) Connect housing and areas of employment growth; and (4) Provide an integrated mix of housing types and price ranges within a development. These are the kinds of principles tha[ have been incorporated into the Mixed Use Urban Village work, the zoning work, and all of the urban design plans, Master Plans that are implementing new urbanism principles of mixing , land use, creating walkable neighborhoods, connecting housing and jobs, and having a range of housing types within a neighborhood. PED worked with the West Side Citizens Organization, Riverview Economic Development Association, and the Neighborhood Development Alliance to prepare an application to the Met Council for the Harriet Island/District del Sol Site. Ms. Thompson stated it was a good application because it can address planning, design and Smart Growth issues on two kinds of sites on the West Side. Part of the site is the Harriet Island site, the light industrial uses behind Harriet Island generally west of �Vabasha. Once Harriet � Island is completed and the West Side Flats Master Plan, there will a lot of pressure for the area behind Harriet Island to change. The other part of the site is the District del Sol area, which is the Riverview Economic Development Association's name for their corridor revitalization program for Concord, Robert, and Wabasha starting at the base of the bluff and heading up to the upper part of the West Side. The opportunity that that presented to us is to look at how we apply smart growth to these principles on small, incremental, in-fili sites in a built-up neighborhood. So, we have on the Flats the potential for a large redevelopment site, and up on the bluff we have the opportunity for applying these principles on smaller sites. Ms. Thompson stated there was a community workshop in late May 2000 with 75 people attending. There is a Task Force comprised of community partners, Met Council staff, and Ciry staff working with the Cal[hocpe team. At a debriefing session after the workshop, ideas fell into three categories: (1) looking at an alternative for redevelopment on these sites that is more residential intensive; (2) one diat is more employment intensive; and (3) one that includes a Saints ballpark. An open house was held in late June, and a public meeting will be held in the middle of August to do a more formal presentation of the alteri�atives. Ms. Thompson explained the key elements of all three of the altecnatives. The Neighborhood and Current Planning Committee will bring back a preferred alternative to the Commission in late Fall. Commissioner Alton asked Ms. Tliompson �ahether the alternatives are consistent with the City's Compiehensive Plan. D1s. Thompson stated tliat ihe residentiai-in�ensive �nd employment- r1 LJ intensive alternatives are generally consistent with both the Comprehensive Plan and Saint Paul on the Mississippi Development Framework. The Saints ballpark was not envisioned in these documents. • Hillcrest Villaae Smart Growth Opportunitv Site - Presentation of alternatives from May 24, 2001- Open House. (Patricia James, 651/266-6639) Commissioner Kramer gave a presentation on the Hillcrest Villa�e Smart Growth Site. He stated there were a couple of very well-atrended community meetings out of which the planning consultants developed two alternatives A and B. Alternative B tends ro be more intensive in terms of bo[h housing (only about 70 units difference between Alternative A& B) and commercial. The planning area straddles the Maplewood-Saint Paul boundary, so he is not sure how implementation wiil work. The largest block is located in Maplewood and the plan shows intensive development there that would add a lot of housing units and a grocery store in Alternative B. As you move into Saint Paul the emphasis has been on the comers; at the southwes[ corner of Larpenteur and White Bear Avenue, is a commercial redevelopment which may or may not include housing. There was a lot of discussion about the blocks in the Hillcrest Shopping Center south of Idaho Avenue on the east side of White Bear Avenue and both plans call for redevelopment of that block. Commissioner Kramer stated [hat during the neighborhood meetings there was a strong preference for Alternative A. Both alternatives show more greening, pedestrian access, services that Fit the neighborhood, and additional residential units would bolster those services and stores. Mr, Soderholm asked Commissioner Kramer about the Riverview Busway comin� through this area. Commissioner Kramer stated there is a transit hub on Idaho Avenue that could be used. Or there was also talk about extending California Avenue across White Bear Avenue. Maybe buses would lay over at Aldrich Arena so there wouldn't be buses idling on White Bear Avenue. � Commissioner Johnson thanked Commissioner Kramer and Patricia James for their work on this project, and Commissioner Kramer thanked the Planning Commission members that attended some of the community meetings. VII. Amendinent to Tax Increment Fivancing District No 1(North Ouadranfl - adopt resolution finding amendment consistent with Comprehensive Plan. (Allen Carlson, 651/266-6616) Mr. Allen Cadson state t iat t ie ousm� an � proposing expand the district boundaries of whaYs called the Tax Increment Financing District #1 (North Quadrant). The original boundaries of the district were Seventh, Eighth, Wacouta and Sibley Streets. Mr. Carlson stated the City is proposing to expand the boundaries to include the block which is bounded by Eighth, Ninth, Sibley, and Temperance Streets. The reason for the expansion is to allow Tax Increments to assist partially in the financin� the Phase 2 Development, which will be a 122-unit, 5-story, rental building, and a 38 unit, 4-story, for-sale condominium building that will front on the City's new park. Phase 1 is now undzr construction and will be ready for occupancy by January 2002 has 114 units of rental housinQ, some commercial along Sevenfh Street and another 38-unit, for-sale to�vn home candominium development. The tcvo projects are identical it� design and concep[. This proposal is consistent with the Nordi Quadruit Preciuct Plan t3_at was deti�eloped about cwo years ago. �ir. Carlson � a t-q�3 stated that the City is moving forward with approval of an amendment to the Tax Inciement Plan. State statutes require Planning Commission review a finding that the TIF amendments are • consistent with the Comprehensive Plan of the City. nSOTION Commissioner Kramer moved approval of the resolution fznding the amendment to be co�:sistent with the Comprehensive Plan. Commissioner Johnson seconded the motion. The motio�: carried unanimously on a voice vote. ViII. Communications Committee No report. IX. Task Force Reports No reports. X. Old Business None. XI. New Business None. XII. Adjournment � Meeting adjourned at 1033 a.m. Recorded and prepared by Mary Bruton, Planning Commission Secretary Planning and Economic Development Department, City of Saint Paul Respectfully submitted, �✓v � ` v "—�–+ Larry S der olm Plannin ministrator a Shared�PL-,D�Bruton�Minutes�tninutes 7-27-01 Approved �//� /�/ Kathi Donnelfy-Cohen U Secretary of the Plamiing Commission • PRESENT: EXCUSED: OTHERS PRESENT: �� n � MINUTES OF THE ZONING COMMITTEE Thursday, July 19, 2001 - 3:30 p.m. City Council Chambers, 3' Floor City Hail and Court House 15 West Keilogg Boulevard Anfang, Aiton, Faricy, Field, Gordon, Kramer, Mejia, and Morton Peter Warner Caroi Martineau and Nancy Homans of PED The meeting was chaired by Commissioner Field. o�_a�� Richard Harnden (01-211-125) - Rezone from B-2 Business to B-3 Business to ailow indoor auto sales. 459 Toronto, SW corner at James. • Ms. Nancy Homans showed slides and presented the staff report, correcting the legai description in the staff report to include Lot 28 of Block 31. Mr. Harnden, the applicant indicated that he has been in the used car business on W est Seventh Street for 22 years, though he only just recently purchased this business which has been an auto repair business for as long as he can remember. He hopes to sell a few cars—mostly hobby cars--as a part of this repair business. No one spoke in support or opposition. The public hearing was closed. Commissioner Morton moved the staff recommendation to rezone the property from B-2 to B-3. Commissioner Faricy seconded it. The motion passed by a vote of 8-0. Adopted Yeas - 8 Drafted by: L //`��^^�V Carol Martineau Recording Secretary Nays - 0 Submitted by: G�-, S�4'.��'� Nancy Homans Zoning Section Approved by: / i ton Field Chair '�1-`��Z � 1. 2. ZONING COMMITTEE STAFF REPORT FILE # O1-211-125 APPLICANT: Richard Hamden HEARING DATE: July 19, 2001 TYPE OF APPLICATION: Rezoning 3. LOCATION: 459 Toronto, southwest comer at James 4. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Ex w 50 ft; Lot 1 and all of Lots 28, 29 and 30, Block 31, Thomas Da1y's Subdivision of Blocks 18 and 31 of Stinson, Brown and Ramsey's Addition 5. PLANNING DISTRICT: 6. ZONING CODE REFERENCE: Sec. 64.400 7. STAFF REPORT DATE: 7uly 11, 2001 8. DATE RECEIVED: 6l14i01 PRESENT ZONING: B-2 BY: Nancy Homans • DEADLINE FOR ACTION: 8l13/01 A. B. � C. D. E. F. G. H. PURPOSE: Rezone from B-2 to B-3 to allow mdoor auto sales. PARCEL SIZE: 15,050 square feet EXISTING LAND USE: Auto repair SURROUNDING LAND USE: North: Single family residence, zoned B-2 South: Light industrial, zoned I-2 East: Neighborhood commerciaUoffice, zoned B-2 West: Randolph Street, industrial, zoned B-2 and I-2 ZONING CODE CITATION: Sec. 64.400 outlines the process whereby properry may be rezoned. HISTORY/DISCUSSION: None. DISTRICT COUNCIL RECOMMENDATION: The West Seventh/Fort Road Federarion had made no recommendation on the application by the time this staff report was prepared. FINDINGS: The applicant proposes to expand an existing auto repair business he recently purchased to incorporate the indoor display and sale of a minimal number of cars. Any outdoor display or sales would require a special condition use pernut. � 2. Rezoning the property is unlikely to significantly affect the development or nnprovement of surrounding properties. The properry is within a wedge of land tucked between the Zoning File #01-211-125 Page hvo Minnesota Brewing Company and a major industrial pazcel that is home to ADM, . railroad-owned property used to transfer cars to semi-trucks for delivery, and several auto- related uses. The surronnding zoning is B-2 and f-2. 3. The proposed rezoning is not inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan. In the long term, fhis azea is likely to be redeveloped as new more intensive uses replace the aging industrial uses that surround it. Randolph is siated as a key stop in plans for varioas transit altematives in the Riverview Comdor. A B3 zoning district is consiste� with the urtensity of development one might expect at such a node. Indeed, West Seventh Street, while zoned largely B-2, includes a significant number of B-3 nodes. 4. Sea 64.400 of the zoning code requires t6at an application for rezoning be accompanied by a consent petition of two-thirds of the property owners within 100 feet of the property to be rezoned. Ten signatures were required. Ten were received. STAFF RECQMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the rezoning of 459 Toroirto from B-2 to B-3. • � PETITION TO AMEND THE ZONING CODE �I Department oJPlanning and Economic Development • • Zoning Section II00 Ciry Hal1 Anxex 25 West Fourth Street Saint Paul, M1V SSIO2 266-6589 APPLICANT � Property �tting vfifice us 6!- � � Address o3<) 6 J i'�'��( /u �� . � City u �i • PI� ��- � St._Zip S�O Daytime phone �S/-�9 i ro,S Contact person (if different) PROPERTY Address/Locati LOCATION Legal descriptii L (attach addrtionai sheet if TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL: Pursuant to Section 64.400 of the Saint Paul Zonin,9 Ordinance and to Section 462.357(5) of . Minnesota Statues, � r`� ,�(ri Z , the owner of aii the land proposed � for rezo ing,_hereby petitions you to rezone the above described property from a zoning district to a �-� zoning district, for the purpose of: � /1 /3,�i � z�, � � % G/c�� �� ��f ,( � %5 � �d r,/�/u w /J ;�f l ;� � ,� �� � n� � � �;�� � � ,��� _ � �� ,�' A I �.S � � / ON�� (atrach add;tiona! sheet(s) if necessary) Attachments: Required site plan O Consent petition ❑ Subscribed and swom to before me,this = 3L day � � �� 3i , CG/v 8y: �'���� � Fee owner of property Titie: O W N �� . :','U7;3:w �. .r�,3SON�FIEWS !7:1TARi �7i5c:C.-MINhESOTA b11' LpMHISSIOtd "xr'ir�.E5JrL'd.3;, 2CYk Page 1 of �I<�3� ���.z !/�/Lr� �z�,�_ f�> Gl a Idf3J />GSIZb(�� 6N/a� c/�,��SZ� 7t�� Atfidavit O ✓�ic,/,/ $,�} � { 1 �G/-1 � < k2�ZONTAiG� f�+I'IC SCUP n�cvr ` � F'IRST SUBMITTED RESUBI�iITTED DATE PETITIO� I SUBMITTED: 5 � 3 l'U � DATE PETITION RESUBMITTED: (o" 7� _ U ' DATE OFFICIALLY RECEIVED: DATE OFFICIALLY RECENED: ��`�� \ PARCELS ELIGIBLE: 1 � PARCELS REQUIRED: � O PARCELS SIGNED: � CHECKED �Y: PARCELS ELIGIBLH: ' � /\ (,� f� �� PARCLLS REQUll2ED: � v " I PARCELS SIGNED: ` � / n DATE: _� �Q��I�d� ���� � . , • _ ' - , ' _.. • � C� i- CXTX O�' SA.Xi�;`z' S'��L CO\'SE\T OF ADJOINING PROPEP.TS' O�V\TERS FOR A .�ZEZ011'XNG a 1-9� 1�� e, th� und�ri�ned, ouner o` tn� p:ope�:}'v:ithin 100 feet oF tn� total contiguous c'e>cription oF real e;tate o«ned, purdiased, or sold by TEIE PETITIO\EP, �ti'itnin on� }ear preceding t�e da:� oF this peti[ion ac�:noti�'led�z tnat �ve hare been presented ti•.ith the follo�.�'ing: 1. A cop}' of tiie pztition of �<- iA/�-Q ��{� ��J (nanz oF etitionzr) to rezon� Inz propzr}• located 2: y.S � T4�-n��! .Sr � from a� �- �zonin� dis!rict to a 3 zonin� district. 2. A cop}• of sections �l1���{/ tnrouoh %O� �f� , inclu�i�'z oE tnz Sain: Pzul "Lonin� Code; and ackno«'ledge tnat vre zre zware of all of tne uszs pzrmi�ced in a/.�' �_ Z�^in� di>trict and we zre x«are that an}• oFtne>e u>�> can be e;t�blishzd upon Ciry Council2ppro��a1 0� tne rzoning. \Ve hzreb� cons�n[ to the rzzonin� of thz propery in tne petition oE; ��s �/�n../, ��i�2r✓.I7� to a / -� 2�ning di>trict. (�amz oFpetitionzr) \1'e consent to the appro�•al of this rezoning �s it �5•as explained to us by the �pplicant or his/her representatiti•e. ��lOCJ �.�� /?�N�a/,�, l�-� ��� � J S DlZUh n � �r�n.� s � Co l,%ti GG C�, 7*� .r-r (2t� e� �!'� c:v.� n . rlt �s /3UJA���SAUc � � C >�--� Z W���` � .-1djM�S �, ��Scu�� � G, /�� ��,��� � d '/.> - c.� �-/8 -�/ S-a/- 5-ai- °/ S �� _ �/ .� � - �/ �'aa-°� 5-z3-� I (�35 (�a��a � �� �Y t�,� � a3 ��I � \OTE: This pztition shall not be considered as oEficiall}' fi(zd until tti� laps� of se�•en (7) �vorkin_°- days after it is recei�•ed b}• tne Planning Division. An}� signsto; of this petitio� rna}:��ithdrawhisfn�r name therefrom bp ��Titten rzquest ��'ithin thlt time. CX�'X O�' SA.XNT P��JL CO�'SENT OF ADJOI��Ii�G PROPERTI' O�V�TERS FOR A .�.�ZQ�r�.�� �'i 1ti'e, tiie und�rsi�nzd, o��ner of tne prope; �}' «'i[hin 100 fezt of the total contiguous c'z>crip[ion oF real e;tate oa'nzd, purcha;ed, or sold by TE[E PETIT[O\Eft tcithin one yez: p'reczding C�c da'z of tni; pztition ackno��'ledge tnat•«'e hace been p;esented ��'ith tn� folto�vins: A eopy of tiie petition of rJ (namz of petitioner) f to rezonz tnz p;operty lo.atzd zt 5� S �O✓�-�/N / d )� from a/.� �—. zonin� di>trict to a�� ��_zoning Zistrict. 2. A cop}• o; s�ction> �Q SS�/ inrou�h CO -�f�, inclusi�•z oF the Szin! Pa��l Zonin� Code; and ackno«�ledge that ��'e are z«�are of all of the us�s pecmitt�d in x�3 � ZJRtfI_°_ district end tve are a�vare that any oF tnzse uses czn be establishzd upon City Council approvat of tne rezoning. tVe hereb� con>ent to the rzzoning oEthe propeR}' in tne petition of; ��1(�/��� f�,A2/�/,�Cn/ to2 /�"3 zonin2distric[. (\'am� of petitionzr) � \Ve consent fo the �ppro��nl of this rezoning as it «•as explainecl to us by fhe �pplicant or liis/her representative. rnn�ccc n� n ��: F.FCn.D Q'��1FR SfC�4TURF D4TE • r� v'i � ����1 ' �`.�J'' L�! G � �� �!1 R. [:�l'��l�-� i , � NOTE: 7his pztition shall not be considered as offictall}• filed tinh! th� 1?p�e of se�en (7) �rorkin= � days after it is recei�'zd by th� Planning Di�•ision. Any si;naror of tius petition may �tiithdcaw his/her namz therzfrom bp t�rinzn requzst ��'ithin that time. CI'TY Q�' SAIi�T'�' �'A�J7_. b�-`t�� • C04SEI�T OF ADJOT\`I\G PROPEFZ i Y O�V\T�RS FOR A .REZOI�'I14'G 1�'e, tiie undzr>igned, o«ners of t�� p�ope, �}' �vichin 106 Fzct e:` t�e [�t=1 conti�uocs 2e>crip;ior. oF real estate o�.cned, pu:cl:aszd, or sold by TE;� PETITEO�:EF t��ithin onz }ea; precedin� tSe Zate o:` thi; peti[ion zckno«'le3�e t'�a; ti�'e harz been pr�sen[zd ��•ith tn� Fol!o�ti'ing l. A copy of tioz pe:icion of ��-�G`/��� � y�`�'�� � ti (r.a:ne of petitioner) � � � _ to r�zon>_ t!�e propzrh• loca:ed a; L� � f a�ZOnir.� districf to a JS .� zonir.� district. 2. A copy o`s:ction> �A • th .'JU° h C� o, Sy , �. i;tclesi�•e oFtne Ssiat Pzut Zor.in� Code; and ackn���'Izd�z tha: ��e are aware oC zll of th� u;z> permicted �n z_� �_ zonirt� di>!rict and �ve 2re a�varz that any of tne,e uszs e2n be estaSli>hed upon Ciry Council approval oE t�i_ rezoaino. We hereb� cor.s_n; to tn� rtzoaing o`thz propert,• in t�� pzti:ion of; � / � � • /� ��i�'/!�� � r°ruUl%G iN to a f� � zoni�� disr. i�t. (,�'ame o` petitioner) ��'e consent to the nppro�'�cl of this rezoninb as it �t'as esplained to us by the zpplicant or liis/her rep; esentative. • �OTE: This petition shalt not be conside;ed as o:tictau}' nte� unu� inc izps: vi ac���, t+� �Y��ra�=� days aBe, i: is recei�•zd by the Planning D;vision, Any signator of this petieion may «i�hdrawhis�her nam= t:,eceFrom by «Titt>n request tti•ithin thnt timz. �- • a�-��� �J • P�TI�'ION TO REZOI�T� ArrznAViT STATE OF MINNESOTA) COLNTY OF RAMSEY ) . oF ��ri�czon�� SS p , C./"` ��2 � 7y /� I � , being first duly sworn, deposes and The etitiouer �.s states that tite consent petition contains sianatures from at least two-thirds (z/a) of al] eligible properties within 100 feet of all property o�vned, purchased, or sold by petitionzr «�ithin one (1) year preceding the date of this petition «�hich is contigtious to the property described in the petition; petitioner is informed that the consent petition must contain si�natures from each and all otvners of jointly-o�vned property in order to constitute consent from that property and that failure to oUtain consent from each and all owners could invalidate the consent petition; petitioner beliet�es that the consent petition was signed b}� each of said o���ners and that the ' signatures are the true and correct signatures of each and all of the parties so described. ��-,--���-�.. NAME � �.34 6 ��7c°tiJro�-�f�v � ADDRESS S7, �i�:r�y! /�vN -� tS �S/ —.�51 -oSBL TELEPHONE r'UMBER • Subscribed and stivorn to before me this � day of , I�Y �OO' f �. _rn;r:s a c�isoN-r�ws t WJ?lv2t'?�BLIC-IAItUlESOTA '� 61Y C.OMMISSION cX?!^n£5 JA4. 31, 2W5 ��^s�-c«rh�sa�s• � , I3 ARY PUBLIC Pa�e of 1l31(97 PETITION TO 12EZON� Arrzv�vi�c OF PET'ITIOl\ER STATE OF MINNESOTA) SS COLNTY OF RAMSEY ) _ r1 �� The petitioner, ��C �.t7/L� �✓�p/Zti,b�"� first duly sworn, dzposes and states that the consent petition contains si�natures from at least two-thirds ( of all eli�ible properiies «•ithin 100 feet of all property o�vned, purchased, or soid by petitionzr �ti•ithin one (1) year preceding the date of this petition «�hich is contiguous to the property describzd in the petition; petitioner is informed that the consent petition must contain si�natures froin each and all o�vners of jointly-otvned property in order to constitutz consent from that property and that failure to oUtain consent from each and all o�vners could invalidate the consent petition; petitioner beliet�es that the consent petition �vas signed b}' each of said o«�ners and that the ' signatures are the true and correct sianatures of each and all of the parties so described. ��� � / � � �,�o� � ���,��ri.� !�0 v � ADDRESS G��� a�/ - �.S��Z TELEPHONE I�UVIBER . Subscribed and sworn to before me this `�f day of LJ% �it�_ , 3-9" zop/ 1 NO PUBLIC -._.........�...� - �. crt� �. uxtsox-xEws "�TPRY Fi�LiC - MItAESOTA ►dY CAlMMISSION EXPlRES JAN.31, 2005 -r Pa�e of 1/31/97 � cz�cX o� s�.xN�c ��.V � AFFIDAVIT �F PERSON CIRCL3LATING PETITIO\ w STATE OF MIIvTNESOTA) SS COUNTY OF T�MSEY ) � �_��� �L c�r'.�tii✓ �✓�n,/`�,D�/� be'�ng fust duly s�vom, deposes and states tnzt h;,'she is the person who circulated the tvithin petition and consent, consisting of _ pzge;; tnat zffiant is informed and befieves that the pzrties described are the otir�ners respectively of the lots placed immediately before each name, that 2�ant is informed and believes that each of thz par;ies described above is the owner oEthe property which is within 100 feet from any property oi��ned or purchased by petitioner or sold by petitioner within one (1) year precedin� the date ofthis petition which is contiguous to the gropecty described in the pztition; that e�cept for none ofthe parties described above has purchased or is purchasing property from the petitioner contiguous to the zbo��e described property �vithin one (1) year of the date of the petition; th�t��is�rsent �,, ,. �°' ��e-��$�P�:��.....!� and that the signatures are the true and coTec! signatures of ezch and all of the parties so described. L_ J Subscribed and swom to beFore me this _� day of�/��Q,Gj ,-3�I— Zp0 / �/ G% ' �ui'_'�.- NAME • ' � 3 0 6 .��p�i9v� 5�,��. �.l �ri� � AbDRESS � G�i -�s�- a��' TELEPHONE Iv'UMBER �•�e...o..e.-,�_.. �'+'�, CYHi}i!A M. CARi50N-HEWS '� r. VOTARYPUBl1C-Mit�AESOTA ;�€ 1k rAk!M!¢SION r cX?3RE5 lP�3.31.2�305 . ., � >.. �..,.., �,-• �., � .. , � i.///" � / � "'% � / sI � .. . . AFFIDAVIT OF PERSON CIRCULATING THE CONSENT PETITION STATE OF MINNESOTA) SS COUNTY OF'RAMSEY) 7� p �p2�✓1J.5� , being first duly sworn, deposes and states that he/she is the person who circulated the consent petition consisting of _ pages; that a�ant represents that the parties described on the consent petition are ail the respective owners of the properties piaced immediately before each name; that affiant is informed and believes that each of the parties described on the consent petition is an owner of the property which is within 100 feet of any properfy owned, purchased, or sold by petitioner within one (1) year preceding the dafe of this petition which is contiguous to fhe pro,perty described in the petition; t ' � rs-i�i�e-preseRee-e�t��° �-�:� , and that the signatures are the true and correct signatures of each and all of the parEies so described. � o� NAME --- ; 2.�aG Tz'�✓/��/ /�z ADDRESS Gs'� — � 9 � --Q��� TELEPHONE NUMBER �����,.�..� w this �_day of ��Gt�__� 2 crr��sr:u t�. ax�wr��+��� •i0T � COMMliSlON�7A t7CP7RES JAN.31� 2f� _ Page of 1/3/00 � D 1-�t�� . 1. 2. 3. �. 5. b. 7. 8. � 11. 12. 13. 14. 15: 16. 17. SUNRAY-BATTLECREEK-HIGHW OOD HAZEL PARK HADEt�i-PROSPBRITY HILLCREST WEST SIDE AAYlON'S BLUFF PAYNE-PHALEN NORTH EKD - • THO,I�AS-DALE SUMMIT-UI�IIVEFtSITY • WESTSEVENTH COMO HAMLiNE•MIDWA'Y ' ST. ANTHONY PARK MEI2RIAM PAl2K-LEXINGTON HAMLINE-SNELLTNG I-L0.ML�:�E MACALESTER GROVELA?'tD HIGHLAND SUMMTT HrLL / po�o� �p�-21f �-IZ5 CITIZBN PARTICIPATTON PLANNING DISTRICTS � � — --� -.�_._ : - .� '�'. - 9?_:�`�r� ;L.iC i! _ _.= C7��. J� �c ':r 1` �-- - � - -. --'--�=-�=.--_ y::._ : . i� ^'....:. �_• �i, — -- ��-• . .� Z `'_, _.� G,i ,�.�� — � � � � ••'_ � __ \: -.,_ �'� � �L.�J, �u'1—( •' ...{'`. _.'��' J � J } ::.— I ±G� � � .__��. ��.�I� 'I l ! 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V � t �--`— 's � /��/ ..:-. .-...--- — -- G � � �� � } � _ � � :, �, ;.�.- ; „ ; � �`� . �� ,� O;: . ,� . � aPPLiCANT �� �"� d �� n "^"" LEGEND � ��Z �r� • �-2 �- �3 zoning district boundary 'URPOSE �g����� DATE � r � r L� subjedprop2rty north .. �I.NG. DIST.� MAP„ �_� o on2tamily •�^ comme�u� � ¢ fr�o family � ..... industria! � '° -- ^ �� Q muitipie (amily - Y vacznt • _ — o ` , � __ 7 council File # �\ qY3 Ordinance # Green Sheet # ��3�t0 AOI'11A1 A AI/"C 2 0 7 10 11 12 13 14 15 Presented By Referred To Committee: Date An ordinance amending Chapter 60 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to zoning for the City of Saint Paul and the zoning maps thereof: WHEREAS, Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes {462357 and 64.400 of the Legislative Code, Richazd Harnden duly petitioned to rezone properiy at 459 Toronto being legally described as(see file), from B-2 (community business) to B-3 (general business) to allow indoor auto sales, the petition having been certified by the Planning Division on 06/14/O1 as having been consented to by at least 67% of the owners of the area of the property to be rezoned, and furtlier having been consented to by at least two-thirds of the owners of the property situated within 140 feet of the total contiguous property within one year proceeding the date of the petition; and WHEREAS, The Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission on 07/19/O1, held a public hearing for the purpose of considering the rezoning petition, and pursuant to { 107.03 of the Administrative Code, submitted its recommendation to the Planning Commission that the perition be granted; and 16 WHEREAS, The Planning Commission considered the rezoning petition at its meeting held on 07/27/O1 and 17 recommended that the City Council approve the petition; and 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 WHEREAS, notice of public hearing before the City Council on the said rezoning petition was duly published in the official newspaper of the City on 08/09/O1 and notices were duly mailed to each owner of affected property and property situated wholly or partly within 350 feet of the properiy sought to be rezoned; and WHEREAS, a public hearing before the City Council having been conducted on 08/22/O1, where all interested parties were heard, the Council having considered all the facts and recommendations concerning the petition; now, therefore THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAlNT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. 32 That the zoning map of the City of Saint Paul, Sheet Number 37, as incorporated by reference in {60301 of 33 the Saint Paul Legislative Code, as amended, is hereby further amended as follows: 34 35 36 37 That property located at 459 Toronto being more particularly described as: See file �: ►, 3s 1�V i � 39 be and is hereby rezoned from B-2 to B-3. 40 Section 2. 0 � - ��, 41 42 This ordinance sha11 take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and 43 publication. 44 � ' Adopted by Council: Date v� \p � b O\ � Adoption Certified by Council Secretary B �`� _ - a- . � .,,�-------- Approved by Mayor: Date �l•K/� By � -- ���r y bn v ilJ Requested by Department of: Plannin & E �nomic Develo ment By: Form App ved b City Attomey ay: 7':tf/-�G��R'y!^t"� °���� 0 ( Approve y Mayor for 5 sion o o cil By: � ���� i� �� DEPARTMENTJOFFICE/COL PED COlV iACf FERSO\ & PHONE. Joel Spoonheim ;FiUST BE ON Cf3P\CSL AGE\DA ?S" (zATE) DATE I.�'ITIATED I Gg��N SAEET 3 � AUgllSt 20� 1 ._ � A&S(G\ M1'U�IBER FOR ROUTiNG ORDER IVITIAL/DaTE '? DEPA.T2TIvfENT DIR.__� 3 CI"CYh7TOILVEY �'� FINANCIAL SERV DIR. 4 MAYOR (OR ASS . I Sean Kersha No.:113110 �\ `9 �� INIT�AIJD.17'E 5 CITYCOUNCIL , �li"S' CI.ERK_ FR�iANCIAL SEKV/F.CCTG CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION_ TOTAL � OF SIGrATURE PAGES _1_(CLIP ALL LOCATIOFS FOR SIGNATURE) ncriox xeQUESren: Adoption of rezoning ordinanee RECOMMEPtDATIONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) A PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE CNIL SERV[CE COMMiSS[ON PERSONAL SERVICE CO\'IRACTS hIDST A\SWER TfiE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. Has this peesodF{m ever worked under a wntract for this depaztment? Yes No 2. Has this person/firm ever been a ciTy employee? Yes No 3. Does [his person/fian possess a skil, not normally possessed by any wrtent ciTy employze' Yes No Ezp�ain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet iNTTIATING PROBLENI, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, Where,Nhy): Adopt an ordinance to finalize council approval of a petition of Richard Harnden to zezone property at 459 Toronto from B-2 to B-3 (public hearing held 08l22(Ol) . ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED' New indoor classic auto sales room will be created. biSADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED. r_one DISAD'vA;VT9GES IF �OT AYPROCED: No new investment in the builciing. TOTAL AMOUVT OF TRANSACTION: SO FUNDING SOURCE: FINANCIAT.IrFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) s, COST/REVENUE BUDGETED: ACTIVITY NUMBER: : �. ., ; "; �;`� . DEPARTMF:N'I' OF PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT � 1 � `l�3 crrY oF sa�rr Pavr. Norm Caleman, Mayor August 2, 2001 Division af Plmmtitg 25 West Fourth Street Sar,u Pmi[, MNSSIO2 Te[ephane: 612-266-6565 Facsimi[e: 6I2-228-3314 .�_.`n7 �c� T �°Cv: , ��� u :. � P p !� t i � �S; ��'� ' Ms. Nancy Anderson �`'"`�' City Council Research Office Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 , Dear Ms. Anderson: I would like to confirm that a.�blic� he� efore the City Council is scheduled for Wednesday August 22, 2001, for the following zoning case: Applicant: Richazd Harnden FileNumber: #O1-211-125 Purpose: Address: Rezone property from B-2 (Community Business) to B-3 (General Business) to allow indoor auto sales 459 Toronto, southwest corner at James Legal Description of Property: Ex w 50 ft; Lot 1 and all of Lots 28, 29 and 30, Block 31, Thomas Daly's Subdivision of Blocks 18 and 31 of Stinson, Brown and Ramsey's Addition Previous Action: Zoning Committee Recommendation: Approval; vote: 8-0; July 19,2001 Planning Commission Decision: Approval; unanimous vote; July 27, 2001 �a My understanding is that this public hearing request will appeaz on the agenda for the August� 2001 CiTy Council meeting and that you will publish notice of the hearing in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger. Please call me at 266-6614 if you have any questions. Sincerely, �� Joe Spoonheim CiTy Planner cc: File #01-211-125 Carole Martineau Paul Dubruiel Wendy Lane Larry Soderholm �-= sx rnm, �cni. *-¢^^---= ozozs�si � •�sraun*: . MOTICE OF POBLIC HEARiNG The Saint Paul CYty Councii wlll,con- duct a public hearing on Wednesday, August 22, 2d01, at 5:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambeis. Third Floor. Clty Ha11- Courfltouse, 15 West Kellogg,Boulevatt3, Saint Paul, MN, to consider the applicatton of Ricl�ard Harnden to rezone - property from B-2 � C���ity Business) to B-3 ,(Generat Business)to allow Andoor auto sales at 459 Toronto Street (southwest cor ner atJames Avenne). � Dated: Avgust 7 2d01 NANCYANDERSON ' . Aasfstant�City Councli Secretary �" , - (August 9) � DEPARTMENT OF PLANTIING & ECONOMIC DEVELAPMENT 0 \� `lF� . CTTY OF SAII�TT PAUL Norm Ca(eman, Mayor August 2, 2001 Ms. Nancy Anderson City Council Reseazch Office Room 310 City Hali Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Ms. Anderson: Division af Pfannirsg 25 A'est Fourth Street SaintPau[, MNSSIO2 Telephone: 612-266-65Cz5 Facsimile: 612-228-3314 I would like to confirm that a public hearing before the City Council is scheduled for Wednesday August 22, 2001, for the foliowing zoning case: Applicant: Richard Harnden File Nucnber: #01-211-125 � Purpose: Address: Rezone property from B-2 (Community Business) to B3 (General Business) to allow indoor auto sales 459 Toronto, southwest corner at James Legal Description of Property: Ex w 50 ft; Lot 1 and all of Lots 28, 29 and 30, Block 31, Thomas Daly's Subdivision of Blocks 18 and 31 of Stinson, Brown and Ramsey's Addition Previous Action: Zoning Committee Recommendation: Approval; vote: 8-0; July 19,2001 Planning Commission Decision: Approval; unanimous vote; July 27, 2001 , My understanding is that this public hearing request will appear on the agenda for the August 22, 2001 City Council meeting and that you will publish notice of the hearing in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger. Please call me at 266-6614 if you have any questions. Sincerely, �� Joe Spoonheim City Planner cc: File #01-211-125 Carole Martineau Paut DuUruiel Wendy Lane Larry Soderholm C� o�_��� city of saint paul � pianning commission resolution fife number �1-63 date Ju� z�, 200� WHEREAS, Richard Harnden, Fiie #01-211-125, has applied for a Rezoning from S-2 to B-3 under the provisions of §64.400 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code for property located at 459 Toronto, legally described as Ex W 50 ft; Lot 1 and all of Lots 28, 29 and 30, Block 31, Thomas Daly's Subdivision of Blocks 18 and 31 of Stinson, Brown and Ramsey's Addition; and WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission, on July 19, 2001, held a public hearing at which all persons present were given an opportunity to be heard pursuant to said appiication in accordance with the requirements of §64.300 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code; and � WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Planning Commission, based on the evidence presented to its Zoning Committee at the public hearing, as substantially reflected in the minutes, made the following findings of fact: 1. The applicant proposes to expand an existing auto repair business he recently purchased to incorporate the indoor display and sale of a minimal number of cars. Any � outdoor display or sales would require a speciai condition use permit. 2. Rezoning the property is unlikely to significantly affect the development or improvement of surrounding properties. The property is within a wedge ofi land tucked between the Minnesota Brewing Company and a major industrial parcel that is home to ADM, railroad-owned property used to transfer cars to semi-trucks for delivery, and several auto-related uses. The surrounding zoning is B-2 and I-2. 3. The proposed rezoning is not inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan. In the long term, this area is likely to be redeveloped as new more intensive uses replace the aging industrial uses that surround it. Randolph is slated as a key stop in pians for various transit alternatives in the Riverview Corridor. A B-3 zoning district is consistent with the intensity of deve4opment one might expect at such a node. lndeed, West Seventh Street, while zoned largely B-2, includes a significant number of B-3 nodes. moved by Field seconded by �;, fa�,�os� v�z�n���us against � Zoning File #01-211-125 Planning Commission Resolution Page 2 . 4. Sec. 64.400 of the zoning code requires that an application for rezoning be ." accompanied by a co�sent petition of two-thirds of the property owners within 100 feet of the ptoperty to be rezoned. Ten signatures were required. Ten were received. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Saint Paul Planning Commission, under the authority of fhe City's Legislative Code, that the application of Richard Harnden for a Rezoning from B-2 to B-3 at 459 Toronto, is hereby approved. � U � a1���3 u Saint Paul Pianning Commission City Hall Conference Center 15 Kellogg Boulevard West Minutes of July 27, 2001 A meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Saint Paul was held Friday, July 27 , 2001, at 8:30 a.m. in the Conference Center of City Hall. Commissioners Present: Commissioners Absent: Mmes. Donnelly-Cohen, Duarte, Zimmer Lonetti, McCall, and Morton; and Messrs. Alton, Anfang, Field, Fotsch, Gervais, Gordon, Johnson, Kramer, and Mejia. Mmes. *Faricy, and *Shortridge; and Messrs. *Dandrea, *Galles, *Kong, and *Mardell. *Excused Also Present: Larry Soderholm, Planning Administrator; Allan Torstenson, 7oe1 Spoonheim, Jim Zdon, and Mary Bruton, Department of Planning and Economic Development staff. I. Approval of Minutes of July 13, 2001 � MOTION Commissioizer Johrzsorz moved approval of tlze minutes of July I3, 2001, with a correctiorz on page seven(7). Commissioner Field seconded the nzotion. The motion carried unanimously on a voice vote. II. Chair's Announcements Chair Morton zeferred to a resolution of March 10, 1989, from the Planning Commission Handbook regarding what Planning Commission members should say at other public meetings, to be clear when they are giving Planning Commission positions and when they are giving a different, personal view. A copy will be sent to the Commissioner's in their next packet. III. Planning Administrator's Announcements Mr. Soderholm congratulated Jim Zdon on joining the PED Leadership Team along with Mr. Soderholm. Mr. Zdon will be coordinating neighborhood planning and Mr. Soderholm �vill continue to advocate for the Planning Commission and coordinate citywide planning projects. Also, congratulations were given to Lucy Thompson on her upcoming promotion to Planner IV. Mr. Soderholm thanked her for her dedication to her work and the planning profession. Mr. Soderholm reported on the City Council business of the previous week: A. Livable Community Opportunity Grant applications were approved and submitted to the Metropolitan Councll. B. The Council approved a budget of 3.2 million dollars to buy the Trillium site. l.J C. There will be some biltboard issues comin� back, i.e. DeLite Outdoor Advertising Co.'s non-compliance with City orders for the billboard at Vandalia and I-94 off-ramp. D. Award from Minnesota Parks Association for the work of the City on Harriet Island re- � design. E. Mr. Soderholm passed out flyers on an upcoming meeting on the state of the neighborhoods in Minneapolis and Saint Paul and the public hearings on the Riverview Corridor EIS Scoping document. Mr. Soderholm congratulated all the people who worked on Phalen Corridor plans on the recent announcements that federal government will be putting more money into the Phalen Boulevard Project and the Ames Lake Housing Project. IV. Zoning Committee OLD BUSINESS #O1-206-105 Heartland Auto Sales Inc. - Modification of a Special Condition Use Permit . (SCUP) to increase number of vehicles allowed to be parked on the lot: 27 vehicles allowed under 1999 SCUP for second hand auto sales business; expansion of lot to al(ow a tota( of 37 vehicles on the lot proposed. 1236 Arcade Street, NE corner Arcade & Hawthorne. (Rich Malloy, 651/266-6647) Commissioner Field stated a letter was received from the District 5 Planning Council in opposition. At the public hearing, one party spoke in opposition and no one spoke in support. The public hearing was closed. The Zoning Committee voted 8-0 to place this application in abeyance until the Arcade Street Permit Moratorium expires. MOTION: Comn:issioner Field n:oved o�: belzalf of t/re Zoaing Committee tl:at tke appliention � be placed in abeyance until the Arcade Street Pernait 1l�Ioratorium expires. T/:e motion carried unanimously on a voice vote. NEW BUSINESS -'� #O1-211-58� Macalester Colle�e - One year renewal of a Special Condition Use Permit for a college dormitory. 1576 Summit, SE corner at Snelling. (Donna Drummond, 651/266-6556) Commissioner Field stated District 14 recommends approval of the renewal of the Special Condition Use Permit. No one spoke in support. No one spoke in opposition. The public hearing �vas closed. The Zoning Committee recommended approval on a vote of 8-0. MOTION: Cosnniissiofter Field moved tlae Zoning Cotnniittee's recon:nrendatiar to npprave the Snecird Conditioa Use PerviiL The n:ntion ctrrried unmziniously on [e voice vote. #O1-211-125 Richard Harnden - Rezone from B-2 Business to B-3 Business to allow indoor auto sales. °459 Toronto, SW corner at James_ (Nancy Homans, 651/266-6557) 2 \� �1—`t�� Commissioner Field stated no District Council comment �vas received. No one spoke in support. • I�'o one spoke in opposition. The public hearing was closed. The Zoning Committee recommended approval on a�ote of 8-0. MOTIOiV Coa:n:issioner Field naoved the Zoning Con:»zittee's recon:mendation to approve ihe reZO�zino• Tke n:otion carried tu:a�:in:ously ott a voice vole. �O1-211-535 Sprint PCS - Special Condition Use Permit to install cellular telephone antennas on an existing multi-famify residential structure less than 60 feet tall. 618 Grand, beriveen St. Albans & Dale. (Nancy Homans, 651/266-6557) Commissioner Field stated no District Council comment was received. tQo one spoke in supQort. One paRy spoke in opposition. The public hearing �vas c(osed. Tlie Zoning Committee recommended approval with conditions on a vote of 8-0. MOTION Com�e:issioieer Field n:oved the Zoi:ii:g Comn:ittee's reco»amendatiorr to npprove ibe Specinl Condilion Use Perniit . Commissioner Johnson asked what the nature of the opposition was. Commissioner Field stated it was concern over the historic nature and appearance of the building. Commissiater Alton stated it �vas about aesthetics of the building. T/ee n:otion carried unanin:ously on a voice vote. � #O1-211-717 LnQos Aill - Sign Variances (letter height and number of projecting banners) to allo�v one 36 incli high letter and one 66 inch hi�h letter in a business logo sign, and 5 projecting banners. 867 Grand, Grand at Victoria. (Nancy Homans, 651/266-6557) Commissioner Field stated that District 16 recommends denial of the sign variance. No one spoke in support. One party spoke in opposition. The public hearing was closed. The Zoning Committee recommended approval of the letter height variance and approval of modified variance of number of projecting banners (2) and reduced banner depth (18 inches). MOTZON: Conunissiotaer Field moved the Zoning Committee's recommendation to approve the Zetter Izeight varia�tce and modified sig�a variance of number of projecting barzners (2) and reduced ba�:ner depth (18 z�rclies). Tlae motion carried zsrzanit�tously on a voice vote. Commissioner Field amtounced the agenda for the Zoning Committee meeting on August 2, 2001. #O1-213-255 Kocl� Materinfs Co. - River Corridor Special Condition Use Permit to construct three (3) additional tanks at an existing tank farm below the regulatory flood level. 2209 Child Road, southern terminus of Childs Road. (Patricia James, 651/266-6639) #O1-213-513 K�o Lee - Cl�ange of Nonconforming Use on first floor from commercial to residential units. 561 Thomas, NW corner of Kent & Thomas. (Yan� Zhang, 651/266-6659) � #Oi-213-912 Frisch Pro�erties LLC - Special Condition Use to permit a 44-unit apartment buitdina with a parking variance. 1215 N. Dale St., NW corner at Maryland. (Yang Zhang, 651/266-6659) � #O1-213-669 David & Ruth Gandera - One-year extension Special Condition Use Permit to open a Bed and Breakfast 58 Prospect Blvd., SE corner at Strykec (Martha Faust, 651/266-6572) Chan es i n Zonin Law in 2001 MN Leeislative Session -(Allan Torstenson, 651/266-6579) V. Comprehensive Planning Committee Re¢ion31 Bluenrint Undate: Process and Issues -(John Kari, Metropolitan Council) Mr. John Kari, Metropolitan Council, gave a power point presentation on the Regional Blueprint. Mr. Kari talked about potential metro policies and actions that could support fully developed communities with redevelopment financing, housing, transportation, polluted sites, etc. Mr. Kari stated the Metropolitan Council is beginning to look to the year 2030 and how to use regional investments in transit, highways, regional parks, sewer systems and airports to help facititate a balanced system that works for both the cities and older suburbs and the new growing suburbs. He stated they have done a series of ineetings on regional growth scenarios using Smart Growth Workshops; some were broader regional meetings and some were specific opportunity sites. Mr. Kari talked about development on the edge of communities and how that relates to transportation, affordable housing, and jobs. � Mr. Kari said that major issues for the Regional Blueprint are mobility, housing choices, livable communities, and natural resoutce preservation. He stated a major focus of this Council is how do we really help central city and older suburban neighborhoods and economic areas to stay vital. Mr. Kari stated that in this region we spend about one million dollars a day on infrastructure, `" whether for sewers, highways, parks, or transit. The Regional Blueprint includes LRT, busways, and commuter rail as well as highway improvements. They arz lookin� at how they leverage both regiona an oca m ras ruc � decisions that will reinforce a good transit system. VI. Neighborhood and Current Planning Conunittee Harriet Island/District del Sol Smart Gro��'th Onnortunitv Site_ - Brief oven�iew of prooram and presentation of alternatives. (Lucy Thompson, 651/266-6575) Ms. Lucy Thompson gave a brief presentation on the Harriet Island/District del Sol site. Ms. Thompson stated that in Jurre of 2000 the City was invite� by the 2.4euopolitan,Council to participate in the Smart Growth Twin Cities Program. The intention of thz program was to identify "Opportunity Sites" tiuoughout the seven county metropolirr.n a*za that can demonstrate � o�_�k� what Smart Growth looks like on the ground. In the Met Council's eyes, "Opportunity Sites" � are new forms of urban development that make use of existing investments in transportation and odier infrastructure and that really try to get better at the relationship between land use and transportation. Six participants were selected, and will receive essentially free planning and urban design assistance from Calthorpe Associates, Berkeley, California to conduct a citizen �vorkshop to generate land use al[ernatives for the site. The final product will be an illustrated master plan, a development program, urban design guidelines, financing program, staging plan, and a before-and-afrer photo simulations that can show existin� conditions and future conditions with new planning principles in place. Ms. Thompson referred to some of the Smart Growth Twin Cities project objectives: (1) Relate development/redevelopment with transit; (2) Intensify land use through appropriate densities and mixing of uses, including housing, to support transit use, walking, biking and community interaction; (3) Connect housing and areas of employment growth; and (4) Provide an integrated mix of housing types and price ranges within a development. These are the kinds of principles tha[ have been incorporated into the Mixed Use Urban Village work, the zoning work, and all of the urban design plans, Master Plans that are implementing new urbanism principles of mixing , land use, creating walkable neighborhoods, connecting housing and jobs, and having a range of housing types within a neighborhood. PED worked with the West Side Citizens Organization, Riverview Economic Development Association, and the Neighborhood Development Alliance to prepare an application to the Met Council for the Harriet Island/District del Sol Site. Ms. Thompson stated it was a good application because it can address planning, design and Smart Growth issues on two kinds of sites on the West Side. Part of the site is the Harriet Island site, the light industrial uses behind Harriet Island generally west of �Vabasha. Once Harriet � Island is completed and the West Side Flats Master Plan, there will a lot of pressure for the area behind Harriet Island to change. The other part of the site is the District del Sol area, which is the Riverview Economic Development Association's name for their corridor revitalization program for Concord, Robert, and Wabasha starting at the base of the bluff and heading up to the upper part of the West Side. The opportunity that that presented to us is to look at how we apply smart growth to these principles on small, incremental, in-fili sites in a built-up neighborhood. So, we have on the Flats the potential for a large redevelopment site, and up on the bluff we have the opportunity for applying these principles on smaller sites. Ms. Thompson stated there was a community workshop in late May 2000 with 75 people attending. There is a Task Force comprised of community partners, Met Council staff, and Ciry staff working with the Cal[hocpe team. At a debriefing session after the workshop, ideas fell into three categories: (1) looking at an alternative for redevelopment on these sites that is more residential intensive; (2) one diat is more employment intensive; and (3) one that includes a Saints ballpark. An open house was held in late June, and a public meeting will be held in the middle of August to do a more formal presentation of the alteri�atives. Ms. Thompson explained the key elements of all three of the altecnatives. The Neighborhood and Current Planning Committee will bring back a preferred alternative to the Commission in late Fall. Commissioner Alton asked Ms. Tliompson �ahether the alternatives are consistent with the City's Compiehensive Plan. D1s. Thompson stated tliat ihe residentiai-in�ensive �nd employment- r1 LJ intensive alternatives are generally consistent with both the Comprehensive Plan and Saint Paul on the Mississippi Development Framework. The Saints ballpark was not envisioned in these documents. • Hillcrest Villaae Smart Growth Opportunitv Site - Presentation of alternatives from May 24, 2001- Open House. (Patricia James, 651/266-6639) Commissioner Kramer gave a presentation on the Hillcrest Villa�e Smart Growth Site. He stated there were a couple of very well-atrended community meetings out of which the planning consultants developed two alternatives A and B. Alternative B tends ro be more intensive in terms of bo[h housing (only about 70 units difference between Alternative A& B) and commercial. The planning area straddles the Maplewood-Saint Paul boundary, so he is not sure how implementation wiil work. The largest block is located in Maplewood and the plan shows intensive development there that would add a lot of housing units and a grocery store in Alternative B. As you move into Saint Paul the emphasis has been on the comers; at the southwes[ corner of Larpenteur and White Bear Avenue, is a commercial redevelopment which may or may not include housing. There was a lot of discussion about the blocks in the Hillcrest Shopping Center south of Idaho Avenue on the east side of White Bear Avenue and both plans call for redevelopment of that block. Commissioner Kramer stated [hat during the neighborhood meetings there was a strong preference for Alternative A. Both alternatives show more greening, pedestrian access, services that Fit the neighborhood, and additional residential units would bolster those services and stores. Mr, Soderholm asked Commissioner Kramer about the Riverview Busway comin� through this area. Commissioner Kramer stated there is a transit hub on Idaho Avenue that could be used. Or there was also talk about extending California Avenue across White Bear Avenue. Maybe buses would lay over at Aldrich Arena so there wouldn't be buses idling on White Bear Avenue. � Commissioner Johnson thanked Commissioner Kramer and Patricia James for their work on this project, and Commissioner Kramer thanked the Planning Commission members that attended some of the community meetings. VII. Amendinent to Tax Increment Fivancing District No 1(North Ouadranfl - adopt resolution finding amendment consistent with Comprehensive Plan. (Allen Carlson, 651/266-6616) Mr. Allen Cadson state t iat t ie ousm� an � proposing expand the district boundaries of whaYs called the Tax Increment Financing District #1 (North Quadrant). The original boundaries of the district were Seventh, Eighth, Wacouta and Sibley Streets. Mr. Carlson stated the City is proposing to expand the boundaries to include the block which is bounded by Eighth, Ninth, Sibley, and Temperance Streets. The reason for the expansion is to allow Tax Increments to assist partially in the financin� the Phase 2 Development, which will be a 122-unit, 5-story, rental building, and a 38 unit, 4-story, for-sale condominium building that will front on the City's new park. Phase 1 is now undzr construction and will be ready for occupancy by January 2002 has 114 units of rental housinQ, some commercial along Sevenfh Street and another 38-unit, for-sale to�vn home candominium development. The tcvo projects are identical it� design and concep[. This proposal is consistent with the Nordi Quadruit Preciuct Plan t3_at was deti�eloped about cwo years ago. �ir. Carlson � a t-q�3 stated that the City is moving forward with approval of an amendment to the Tax Inciement Plan. State statutes require Planning Commission review a finding that the TIF amendments are • consistent with the Comprehensive Plan of the City. nSOTION Commissioner Kramer moved approval of the resolution fznding the amendment to be co�:sistent with the Comprehensive Plan. Commissioner Johnson seconded the motion. The motio�: carried unanimously on a voice vote. ViII. Communications Committee No report. IX. Task Force Reports No reports. X. Old Business None. XI. New Business None. XII. Adjournment � Meeting adjourned at 1033 a.m. Recorded and prepared by Mary Bruton, Planning Commission Secretary Planning and Economic Development Department, City of Saint Paul Respectfully submitted, �✓v � ` v "—�–+ Larry S der olm Plannin ministrator a Shared�PL-,D�Bruton�Minutes�tninutes 7-27-01 Approved �//� /�/ Kathi Donnelfy-Cohen U Secretary of the Plamiing Commission • PRESENT: EXCUSED: OTHERS PRESENT: �� n � MINUTES OF THE ZONING COMMITTEE Thursday, July 19, 2001 - 3:30 p.m. City Council Chambers, 3' Floor City Hail and Court House 15 West Keilogg Boulevard Anfang, Aiton, Faricy, Field, Gordon, Kramer, Mejia, and Morton Peter Warner Caroi Martineau and Nancy Homans of PED The meeting was chaired by Commissioner Field. o�_a�� Richard Harnden (01-211-125) - Rezone from B-2 Business to B-3 Business to ailow indoor auto sales. 459 Toronto, SW corner at James. • Ms. Nancy Homans showed slides and presented the staff report, correcting the legai description in the staff report to include Lot 28 of Block 31. Mr. Harnden, the applicant indicated that he has been in the used car business on W est Seventh Street for 22 years, though he only just recently purchased this business which has been an auto repair business for as long as he can remember. He hopes to sell a few cars—mostly hobby cars--as a part of this repair business. No one spoke in support or opposition. The public hearing was closed. Commissioner Morton moved the staff recommendation to rezone the property from B-2 to B-3. Commissioner Faricy seconded it. The motion passed by a vote of 8-0. Adopted Yeas - 8 Drafted by: L //`��^^�V Carol Martineau Recording Secretary Nays - 0 Submitted by: G�-, S�4'.��'� Nancy Homans Zoning Section Approved by: / i ton Field Chair '�1-`��Z � 1. 2. ZONING COMMITTEE STAFF REPORT FILE # O1-211-125 APPLICANT: Richard Hamden HEARING DATE: July 19, 2001 TYPE OF APPLICATION: Rezoning 3. LOCATION: 459 Toronto, southwest comer at James 4. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Ex w 50 ft; Lot 1 and all of Lots 28, 29 and 30, Block 31, Thomas Da1y's Subdivision of Blocks 18 and 31 of Stinson, Brown and Ramsey's Addition 5. PLANNING DISTRICT: 6. ZONING CODE REFERENCE: Sec. 64.400 7. STAFF REPORT DATE: 7uly 11, 2001 8. DATE RECEIVED: 6l14i01 PRESENT ZONING: B-2 BY: Nancy Homans • DEADLINE FOR ACTION: 8l13/01 A. B. � C. D. E. F. G. H. PURPOSE: Rezone from B-2 to B-3 to allow mdoor auto sales. PARCEL SIZE: 15,050 square feet EXISTING LAND USE: Auto repair SURROUNDING LAND USE: North: Single family residence, zoned B-2 South: Light industrial, zoned I-2 East: Neighborhood commerciaUoffice, zoned B-2 West: Randolph Street, industrial, zoned B-2 and I-2 ZONING CODE CITATION: Sec. 64.400 outlines the process whereby properry may be rezoned. HISTORY/DISCUSSION: None. DISTRICT COUNCIL RECOMMENDATION: The West Seventh/Fort Road Federarion had made no recommendation on the application by the time this staff report was prepared. FINDINGS: The applicant proposes to expand an existing auto repair business he recently purchased to incorporate the indoor display and sale of a minimal number of cars. Any outdoor display or sales would require a special condition use pernut. � 2. Rezoning the property is unlikely to significantly affect the development or nnprovement of surrounding properties. The properry is within a wedge of land tucked between the Zoning File #01-211-125 Page hvo Minnesota Brewing Company and a major industrial pazcel that is home to ADM, . railroad-owned property used to transfer cars to semi-trucks for delivery, and several auto- related uses. The surronnding zoning is B-2 and f-2. 3. The proposed rezoning is not inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan. In the long term, fhis azea is likely to be redeveloped as new more intensive uses replace the aging industrial uses that surround it. Randolph is siated as a key stop in plans for varioas transit altematives in the Riverview Comdor. A B3 zoning district is consiste� with the urtensity of development one might expect at such a node. Indeed, West Seventh Street, while zoned largely B-2, includes a significant number of B-3 nodes. 4. Sea 64.400 of the zoning code requires t6at an application for rezoning be accompanied by a consent petition of two-thirds of the property owners within 100 feet of the property to be rezoned. Ten signatures were required. Ten were received. STAFF RECQMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the rezoning of 459 Toroirto from B-2 to B-3. • � PETITION TO AMEND THE ZONING CODE �I Department oJPlanning and Economic Development • • Zoning Section II00 Ciry Hal1 Anxex 25 West Fourth Street Saint Paul, M1V SSIO2 266-6589 APPLICANT � Property �tting vfifice us 6!- � � Address o3<) 6 J i'�'��( /u �� . � City u �i • PI� ��- � St._Zip S�O Daytime phone �S/-�9 i ro,S Contact person (if different) PROPERTY Address/Locati LOCATION Legal descriptii L (attach addrtionai sheet if TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL: Pursuant to Section 64.400 of the Saint Paul Zonin,9 Ordinance and to Section 462.357(5) of . Minnesota Statues, � r`� ,�(ri Z , the owner of aii the land proposed � for rezo ing,_hereby petitions you to rezone the above described property from a zoning district to a �-� zoning district, for the purpose of: � /1 /3,�i � z�, � � % G/c�� �� ��f ,( � %5 � �d r,/�/u w /J ;�f l ;� � ,� �� � n� � � �;�� � � ,��� _ � �� ,�' A I �.S � � / ON�� (atrach add;tiona! sheet(s) if necessary) Attachments: Required site plan O Consent petition ❑ Subscribed and swom to before me,this = 3L day � � �� 3i , CG/v 8y: �'���� � Fee owner of property Titie: O W N �� . :','U7;3:w �. .r�,3SON�FIEWS !7:1TARi �7i5c:C.-MINhESOTA b11' LpMHISSIOtd "xr'ir�.E5JrL'd.3;, 2CYk Page 1 of �I<�3� ���.z !/�/Lr� �z�,�_ f�> Gl a Idf3J />GSIZb(�� 6N/a� c/�,��SZ� 7t�� Atfidavit O ✓�ic,/,/ $,�} � { 1 �G/-1 � < k2�ZONTAiG� f�+I'IC SCUP n�cvr ` � F'IRST SUBMITTED RESUBI�iITTED DATE PETITIO� I SUBMITTED: 5 � 3 l'U � DATE PETITION RESUBMITTED: (o" 7� _ U ' DATE OFFICIALLY RECEIVED: DATE OFFICIALLY RECENED: ��`�� \ PARCELS ELIGIBLE: 1 � PARCELS REQUIRED: � O PARCELS SIGNED: � CHECKED �Y: PARCELS ELIGIBLH: ' � /\ (,� f� �� PARCLLS REQUll2ED: � v " I PARCELS SIGNED: ` � / n DATE: _� �Q��I�d� ���� � . , • _ ' - , ' _.. • � C� i- CXTX O�' SA.Xi�;`z' S'��L CO\'SE\T OF ADJOINING PROPEP.TS' O�V\TERS FOR A .�ZEZ011'XNG a 1-9� 1�� e, th� und�ri�ned, ouner o` tn� p:ope�:}'v:ithin 100 feet oF tn� total contiguous c'e>cription oF real e;tate o«ned, purdiased, or sold by TEIE PETITIO\EP, �ti'itnin on� }ear preceding t�e da:� oF this peti[ion ac�:noti�'led�z tnat �ve hare been presented ti•.ith the follo�.�'ing: 1. A cop}' of tiie pztition of �<- iA/�-Q ��{� ��J (nanz oF etitionzr) to rezon� Inz propzr}• located 2: y.S � T4�-n��! .Sr � from a� �- �zonin� dis!rict to a 3 zonin� district. 2. A cop}• of sections �l1���{/ tnrouoh %O� �f� , inclu�i�'z oE tnz Sain: Pzul "Lonin� Code; and ackno«'ledge tnat vre zre zware of all of tne uszs pzrmi�ced in a/.�' �_ Z�^in� di>trict and we zre x«are that an}• oFtne>e u>�> can be e;t�blishzd upon Ciry Council2ppro��a1 0� tne rzoning. \Ve hzreb� cons�n[ to the rzzonin� of thz propery in tne petition oE; ��s �/�n../, ��i�2r✓.I7� to a / -� 2�ning di>trict. (�amz oFpetitionzr) \1'e consent to the appro�•al of this rezoning �s it �5•as explained to us by the �pplicant or his/her representatiti•e. ��lOCJ �.�� /?�N�a/,�, l�-� ��� � J S DlZUh n � �r�n.� s � Co l,%ti GG C�, 7*� .r-r (2t� e� �!'� c:v.� n . rlt �s /3UJA���SAUc � � C >�--� Z W���` � .-1djM�S �, ��Scu�� � G, /�� ��,��� � d '/.> - c.� �-/8 -�/ S-a/- 5-ai- °/ S �� _ �/ .� � - �/ �'aa-°� 5-z3-� I (�35 (�a��a � �� �Y t�,� � a3 ��I � \OTE: This pztition shall not be considered as oEficiall}' fi(zd until tti� laps� of se�•en (7) �vorkin_°- days after it is recei�•ed b}• tne Planning Division. An}� signsto; of this petitio� rna}:��ithdrawhisfn�r name therefrom bp ��Titten rzquest ��'ithin thlt time. CX�'X O�' SA.XNT P��JL CO�'SENT OF ADJOI��Ii�G PROPERTI' O�V�TERS FOR A .�.�ZQ�r�.�� �'i 1ti'e, tiie und�rsi�nzd, o��ner of tne prope; �}' «'i[hin 100 fezt of the total contiguous c'z>crip[ion oF real e;tate oa'nzd, purcha;ed, or sold by TE[E PETIT[O\Eft tcithin one yez: p'reczding C�c da'z of tni; pztition ackno��'ledge tnat•«'e hace been p;esented ��'ith tn� folto�vins: A eopy of tiie petition of rJ (namz of petitioner) f to rezonz tnz p;operty lo.atzd zt 5� S �O✓�-�/N / d )� from a/.� �—. zonin� di>trict to a�� ��_zoning Zistrict. 2. A cop}• o; s�ction> �Q SS�/ inrou�h CO -�f�, inclusi�•z oF the Szin! Pa��l Zonin� Code; and ackno«�ledge that ��'e are z«�are of all of the us�s pecmitt�d in x�3 � ZJRtfI_°_ district end tve are a�vare that any oF tnzse uses czn be establishzd upon City Council approvat of tne rezoning. tVe hereb� con>ent to the rzzoning oEthe propeR}' in tne petition of; ��1(�/��� f�,A2/�/,�Cn/ to2 /�"3 zonin2distric[. (\'am� of petitionzr) � \Ve consent fo the �ppro��nl of this rezoning as it «•as explainecl to us by fhe �pplicant or liis/her representative. rnn�ccc n� n ��: F.FCn.D Q'��1FR SfC�4TURF D4TE • r� v'i � ����1 ' �`.�J'' L�! G � �� �!1 R. [:�l'��l�-� i , � NOTE: 7his pztition shall not be considered as offictall}• filed tinh! th� 1?p�e of se�en (7) �rorkin= � days after it is recei�'zd by th� Planning Di�•ision. Any si;naror of tius petition may �tiithdcaw his/her namz therzfrom bp t�rinzn requzst ��'ithin that time. CI'TY Q�' SAIi�T'�' �'A�J7_. b�-`t�� • C04SEI�T OF ADJOT\`I\G PROPEFZ i Y O�V\T�RS FOR A .REZOI�'I14'G 1�'e, tiie undzr>igned, o«ners of t�� p�ope, �}' �vichin 106 Fzct e:` t�e [�t=1 conti�uocs 2e>crip;ior. oF real estate o�.cned, pu:cl:aszd, or sold by TE;� PETITEO�:EF t��ithin onz }ea; precedin� tSe Zate o:` thi; peti[ion zckno«'le3�e t'�a; ti�'e harz been pr�sen[zd ��•ith tn� Fol!o�ti'ing l. A copy of tioz pe:icion of ��-�G`/��� � y�`�'�� � ti (r.a:ne of petitioner) � � � _ to r�zon>_ t!�e propzrh• loca:ed a; L� � f a�ZOnir.� districf to a JS .� zonir.� district. 2. A copy o`s:ction> �A • th .'JU° h C� o, Sy , �. i;tclesi�•e oFtne Ssiat Pzut Zor.in� Code; and ackn���'Izd�z tha: ��e are aware oC zll of th� u;z> permicted �n z_� �_ zonirt� di>!rict and �ve 2re a�varz that any of tne,e uszs e2n be estaSli>hed upon Ciry Council approval oE t�i_ rezoaino. We hereb� cor.s_n; to tn� rtzoaing o`thz propert,• in t�� pzti:ion of; � / � � • /� ��i�'/!�� � r°ruUl%G iN to a f� � zoni�� disr. i�t. (,�'ame o` petitioner) ��'e consent to the nppro�'�cl of this rezoninb as it �t'as esplained to us by the zpplicant or liis/her rep; esentative. • �OTE: This petition shalt not be conside;ed as o:tictau}' nte� unu� inc izps: vi ac���, t+� �Y��ra�=� days aBe, i: is recei�•zd by the Planning D;vision, Any signator of this petieion may «i�hdrawhis�her nam= t:,eceFrom by «Titt>n request tti•ithin thnt timz. �- • a�-��� �J • P�TI�'ION TO REZOI�T� ArrznAViT STATE OF MINNESOTA) COLNTY OF RAMSEY ) . oF ��ri�czon�� SS p , C./"` ��2 � 7y /� I � , being first duly sworn, deposes and The etitiouer �.s states that tite consent petition contains sianatures from at least two-thirds (z/a) of al] eligible properties within 100 feet of all property o�vned, purchased, or sold by petitionzr «�ithin one (1) year preceding the date of this petition «�hich is contigtious to the property described in the petition; petitioner is informed that the consent petition must contain si�natures from each and all otvners of jointly-o�vned property in order to constitute consent from that property and that failure to oUtain consent from each and all owners could invalidate the consent petition; petitioner beliet�es that the consent petition was signed b}� each of said o���ners and that the ' signatures are the true and correct signatures of each and all of the parties so described. ��-,--���-�.. NAME � �.34 6 ��7c°tiJro�-�f�v � ADDRESS S7, �i�:r�y! /�vN -� tS �S/ —.�51 -oSBL TELEPHONE r'UMBER • Subscribed and stivorn to before me this � day of , I�Y �OO' f �. _rn;r:s a c�isoN-r�ws t WJ?lv2t'?�BLIC-IAItUlESOTA '� 61Y C.OMMISSION cX?!^n£5 JA4. 31, 2W5 ��^s�-c«rh�sa�s• � , I3 ARY PUBLIC Pa�e of 1l31(97 PETITION TO 12EZON� Arrzv�vi�c OF PET'ITIOl\ER STATE OF MINNESOTA) SS COLNTY OF RAMSEY ) _ r1 �� The petitioner, ��C �.t7/L� �✓�p/Zti,b�"� first duly sworn, dzposes and states that the consent petition contains si�natures from at least two-thirds ( of all eli�ible properiies «•ithin 100 feet of all property o�vned, purchased, or soid by petitionzr �ti•ithin one (1) year preceding the date of this petition «�hich is contiguous to the property describzd in the petition; petitioner is informed that the consent petition must contain si�natures froin each and all o�vners of jointly-otvned property in order to constitutz consent from that property and that failure to oUtain consent from each and all o�vners could invalidate the consent petition; petitioner beliet�es that the consent petition �vas signed b}' each of said o«�ners and that the ' signatures are the true and correct sianatures of each and all of the parties so described. ��� � / � � �,�o� � ���,��ri.� !�0 v � ADDRESS G��� a�/ - �.S��Z TELEPHONE I�UVIBER . Subscribed and sworn to before me this `�f day of LJ% �it�_ , 3-9" zop/ 1 NO PUBLIC -._.........�...� - �. crt� �. uxtsox-xEws "�TPRY Fi�LiC - MItAESOTA ►dY CAlMMISSION EXPlRES JAN.31, 2005 -r Pa�e of 1/31/97 � cz�cX o� s�.xN�c ��.V � AFFIDAVIT �F PERSON CIRCL3LATING PETITIO\ w STATE OF MIIvTNESOTA) SS COUNTY OF T�MSEY ) � �_��� �L c�r'.�tii✓ �✓�n,/`�,D�/� be'�ng fust duly s�vom, deposes and states tnzt h;,'she is the person who circulated the tvithin petition and consent, consisting of _ pzge;; tnat zffiant is informed and befieves that the pzrties described are the otir�ners respectively of the lots placed immediately before each name, that 2�ant is informed and believes that each of thz par;ies described above is the owner oEthe property which is within 100 feet from any property oi��ned or purchased by petitioner or sold by petitioner within one (1) year precedin� the date ofthis petition which is contiguous to the gropecty described in the pztition; that e�cept for none ofthe parties described above has purchased or is purchasing property from the petitioner contiguous to the zbo��e described property �vithin one (1) year of the date of the petition; th�t��is�rsent �,, ,. �°' ��e-��$�P�:��.....!� and that the signatures are the true and coTec! signatures of ezch and all of the parties so described. L_ J Subscribed and swom to beFore me this _� day of�/��Q,Gj ,-3�I— Zp0 / �/ G% ' �ui'_'�.- NAME • ' � 3 0 6 .��p�i9v� 5�,��. �.l �ri� � AbDRESS � G�i -�s�- a��' TELEPHONE Iv'UMBER �•�e...o..e.-,�_.. �'+'�, CYHi}i!A M. CARi50N-HEWS '� r. VOTARYPUBl1C-Mit�AESOTA ;�€ 1k rAk!M!¢SION r cX?3RE5 lP�3.31.2�305 . ., � >.. �..,.., �,-• �., � .. , � i.///" � / � "'% � / sI � .. . . AFFIDAVIT OF PERSON CIRCULATING THE CONSENT PETITION STATE OF MINNESOTA) SS COUNTY OF'RAMSEY) 7� p �p2�✓1J.5� , being first duly sworn, deposes and states that he/she is the person who circulated the consent petition consisting of _ pages; that a�ant represents that the parties described on the consent petition are ail the respective owners of the properties piaced immediately before each name; that affiant is informed and believes that each of the parties described on the consent petition is an owner of the property which is within 100 feet of any properfy owned, purchased, or sold by petitioner within one (1) year preceding the dafe of this petition which is contiguous to fhe pro,perty described in the petition; t ' � rs-i�i�e-preseRee-e�t��° �-�:� , and that the signatures are the true and correct signatures of each and all of the parEies so described. � o� NAME --- ; 2.�aG Tz'�✓/��/ /�z ADDRESS Gs'� — � 9 � --Q��� TELEPHONE NUMBER �����,.�..� w this �_day of ��Gt�__� 2 crr��sr:u t�. ax�wr��+��� •i0T � COMMliSlON�7A t7CP7RES JAN.31� 2f� _ Page of 1/3/00 � D 1-�t�� . 1. 2. 3. �. 5. b. 7. 8. � 11. 12. 13. 14. 15: 16. 17. SUNRAY-BATTLECREEK-HIGHW OOD HAZEL PARK HADEt�i-PROSPBRITY HILLCREST WEST SIDE AAYlON'S BLUFF PAYNE-PHALEN NORTH EKD - • THO,I�AS-DALE SUMMIT-UI�IIVEFtSITY • WESTSEVENTH COMO HAMLiNE•MIDWA'Y ' ST. ANTHONY PARK MEI2RIAM PAl2K-LEXINGTON HAMLINE-SNELLTNG I-L0.ML�:�E MACALESTER GROVELA?'tD HIGHLAND SUMMTT HrLL / po�o� �p�-21f �-IZ5 CITIZBN PARTICIPATTON PLANNING DISTRICTS � � — --� -.�_._ : - .� '�'. - 9?_:�`�r� ;L.iC i! _ _.= C7��. J� �c ':r 1` �-- - � - -. --'--�=-�=.--_ y::._ : . i� ^'....:. �_• �i, — -- ��-• . .� Z `'_, _.� G,i ,�.�� — � � � � ••'_ � __ \: -.,_ �'� � �L.�J, �u'1—( •' ...{'`. _.'��' J � J } ::.— I ±G� � � .__��. ��.�I� 'I l ! 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