01-982,. GRIGIi�A�. Presented Refetred To Committee Date S _ i Ct'_ 1 An Administrative Ordinance placing the position titled 3- '� D-f:c= 2 Library Director, in the unclassified service pursuant to z,r-: 3 Section 12.03.2(F� of the City of Saint Paul Charter. � �'�°';� !�! N u..:� 4 TI� COUNCIL OF Tf� CITY OF SA1NT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: � ° c��:�- —' C)C� 5 Section I. That it is appropriate and desirable to place the position title�;,� N 6 Librazy Director in the unclassified service when the current incumbent vacates the p�ition. 7 Section 2. That pursuant to Section 12.03.2(I� of the City Charter, such position 8 sha11 be established in the unclassified service of the City of Saint Paul by ordinance with the 9 consent of the Civil Service Commission. 10 Section 3. That upon the position becoming vacant, appointments to such position 11 shall be made by the Mayor with the consent of the City Council and the appointee shall serve at the 12 will and pleasure of Mayor. 13 Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days from and after its 14 passage and approval, including approval by the Civil Service Commission. ��t� � . � �� Requested by Department oE Office of Human Resources $Y� � —��.L`�'P�vy6�o,� \� Form Approved by City Attorney BY: ` "t � ���f�i Approved bv Mavor for Submission to Council Adoption CertiFed by Council Secretary B. � BY � "��� /` ��, �,�/ Approved by Civil ApprovedbyMayor: Date C.!"��T Z�r�� �-'� / By � � BY . ] , c. i G:\Shared\ClassiACLA Council File # O � -� ��a` Green Sheet # 62911 ORD(NANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �{4 WPD Adopted by Council: Date � � \� a o�� —�— r �. �. ��c vJj DEPARTri1ENTlOFFICE/COUNCII.: DATE INITTA'IED GREEN SHEET No.: 6291 t Office of Human Resources 08/03/Ol d 1- COATACT PERSON & PHONE: � ltvtiw/nA'es wn7nune7'e John Aaznilton 266-6470 ,�,�„� ��� �i , cm m,uxv. John Shockley 266-6482 "���*� x�mnc trox z cmr erronr�r �Y �a� mx ccmK ROU7'ING ORDER } FINANCIAL�RV/ACCIG MOST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DA1'� 3 �dAYOR(OAASSI.) _E�L .0 �� " C As soon as possible ? TOTAL # OF SIGNANRE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCA110NS FOR SIGNATORE) acriox xeQUESTEn: Request approval of the ordinance placing the position titled Library Director in the unclassifced service pursuant to Section 12.03.2(Fi) of the City Charter. This action would become effective when the current incumbent vacates the position. RECOb4.gNDATIONS: Approve (A) mReject (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACfS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING Q[)ESI'[ONS: 1. Has this persodfum ever worked wder a convact fm this depatuuent? PLANNAIG COMhIISSION Yes No _{�$�Q�yQvn7TEE Z. H851LISpC19��F1IDNGDEC➢eCl�'CIDP�%[C� CIVILSERVICECOMIMSSION Ya No 3. Does tlris P�dfum possess a slill not namally yossessed by mY oursent city employx? Yes No 4. Is tlus persodfssm a targeted ventlor? Yw No E:pl.m ali yes aoswers oe �epna s6eet and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTONITY (Who, What, Wheu, W6ere, Why): �th the abolishment of the Department of Commuruty Services several yeacs ago, and the establishment of the Office of License Inspections and Environmental Protection (LIEP), the former divisions of the Department of Community Services have become Offices of the Mayor. All the former Community Services division manager positions and all office d'u�ector positions, with the exception of the Library D'uector, are now in the unclassified service. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: Approval of this ordinance will allow the Library D'uector position to become appointed by the Mayor. Future incumbents will serve at the will and pleasure of the Mayor. The current incumbent will retain classified status. DISADVANiAGESIFAPPROVED: NOIIe n�snnv.UVrnces �F xor nrrxovEn: A cabinet level office director position responsible for cazrying out the initiatives of the Mayor would not be appointed by the Mayor, while all other, similazly situated, cabinet level positions would be appointed. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: COST/REVENUE BUDGETED: , � FUNDiNG SOURCE: ACTIVITY NUMBER: N/A Cou�� ., a�s C� FINANCIAL INFORMATION: {EXPLAIN) c:�Snared�aassinc�.nssucesomeons&orainmcesUabrar.v'a.oxn. s ."-� �• "'• 8 deP.d'v.Parks.md.gs.wPd OFFICE OF HUMAN RESOURCES John Hamihon, Direcfor C1TY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Co7emon, Mayor TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Norm Coleman, Mayor Susan Kimberly, Deputy Mayor John I�amilton, Director Office of Human Resources August 8, Z001 IOOCiryHaUAnnee 25 WenFounh Street SaintPau{Mim�esota SSI01-763] Library Duector Deternunation and 20 Day Notice Telephone: 1DD/TTY- Jobliae: Facsimrle: I'Optiar: 1" OpJion: 3'�Option: 6\-°lC'�' 651-266-6500 651-2666501 651-2666502 651-292-b414 651-292-6415 651-292-7656 For the past several years, aiier the Department of Community Services was disbanded, we have been ptacing positions that were formerly division manager level positions in that Department in the unclassified service. This has been done because these positions aze now members ofthe Mayor's cabinet and report directly to the Mayor. They are subject to meeting the expectations set by the Mayor. ConsequenUy, it is both fitting and proper that these positions serve at the wil] and pleasure of the Mayor. Only one such position, the Lib� Director, remains in the olassified service, and subject to the civil service appointment and removal process. We believe it is now time to introduce an ordinance placing the Library Director position in the unclassified service. We propose that this action would become effective upon the position being vacated by the current incumbent. Recently, a similaz action was taken at the request of the Board of Water Commissioners. The General Manager of the Saint Paul Regional Water Services (SPRW S) position was placed in the unclassified service upon the retirement or resignation of the cunent incumbent. We are proposing no change in salary or bazganvng unit for Lhis pasition. The position of Library DirecYor is already in the Nonrepresented City Managers, Employee Group 17, and is paid in salary grade 32. Attached, for your review,is the proposed green sheet and ordinance. Also attached,is tha current class specification for the Library Director class. Upon the position becoming unclassified, this specification would become advisory only. It would be used to assist the Mayor's Administration in the recruitmenY and selection of a future Library Director. The Office of FIuman Resources would be availabte to provide service in any future selection process. Pursuant to City of Saint Paul, Civil Service Rule 3.(C), this memorandum is to inform you of the aforementioned proposed action. If you would like us to move forwazd on this, please notify me within twenry days of receipt of tivs memorandum. If you have any questions or nced assistance in any matter, please call me at 266-6470, or John Shockley at 266-6482. Thank you. � Attackments G:1SharedlHRCOMMON�SHOCKLEY1Library.Dit.det and notitt.wpd t TITLE OF CLASS: LIBRARY DIRECTOR DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement o£ Duties Performs highly responsible administrative work in planning, organizing, leading, and directing the operation of the library system; and performs other related duties as requ3red. Supervision Received: Works under the administrative supervision of the Mayor. S�ervision Exercised; Exercises general, technical, and administrative supervision directly and through subordinate supervisors over all Library personnel. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by all positions in this class. Establishes and "zmplements goals, objectives, policies and procedures for the library system. Directs the preparation, implementation, and administration of the library system operating budget. Directs the overall planning and implementation of the public services, technical, and support services functions of the library system. and services for the library system. Initiates and develops programs and services £or the library system. Initiates and determines personnel actions and staffing needs. Interprets and enforces policies, rules, and procedures. Determines the need for, and recommends additions or changes in, location and services of the central and branch libraries. Plans for services and facilities in cooperation with other libraries. Represents the library before civic and community groups and in meetings of department and office directors. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ABILITIES AND COMPETENCIES Knowledge of Minnesota statutes pertaining to library service. (continued on reverse side) CODE: 577A BU: 17 EFFECTIVE: 12/Z4/97 �ti"�1 � LIBRARY DIRECTOR Page 2 LIBAARY DIRECTOR G t-9,i Y Knowledge of the ethics and values of the profession, such as those advocated by the Minnesota Library and other 2oca1 and state professional associations, American Library and other national organizations, covering such areas as: rights of access of patrons of a11 ages; First Amendment; Library and Children's Library Rights; intellectual freedom; and ProfessionaZ Ethics for Librarians. Knowledge of the legal (especially copyright), stsuctural, and regulatory environments of the library, as well as the speci£ic network environment in which the library interacts to enhance resource sharing. Ability to understand the process used to identify community needs, develop library service programs and necessary policy development for Mayor and City Council review. Ability to develop strategies promoting library goals and objectives and to implement policies and procedures. Ability to develop and maintain cooperative relationships with various library-related organizations. Ability to develop and maintain collaborative partnerships with other relevant organizations. Ability to develop, review, and revise written job descriptions for alI staff, select and train new staff, Ability to demonstrate a commitment to the ethics, values and legal requirements of the profession. Respect for customers, employees, and co-workers, demonstrating a sensitivity to diversity. Fairness and equity in dealing with employees. MINIMUM QUALZFICATIONS A master's degree in library science and eight years of professional library experience at least three years of which must have been in a responsible administrative position. LIBRARY DIRECTOR ,. GRIGIi�A�. Presented Refetred To Committee Date S _ i Ct'_ 1 An Administrative Ordinance placing the position titled 3- '� D-f:c= 2 Library Director, in the unclassified service pursuant to z,r-: 3 Section 12.03.2(F� of the City of Saint Paul Charter. � �'�°';� !�! N u..:� 4 TI� COUNCIL OF Tf� CITY OF SA1NT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: � ° c��:�- —' C)C� 5 Section I. That it is appropriate and desirable to place the position title�;,� N 6 Librazy Director in the unclassified service when the current incumbent vacates the p�ition. 7 Section 2. That pursuant to Section 12.03.2(I� of the City Charter, such position 8 sha11 be established in the unclassified service of the City of Saint Paul by ordinance with the 9 consent of the Civil Service Commission. 10 Section 3. That upon the position becoming vacant, appointments to such position 11 shall be made by the Mayor with the consent of the City Council and the appointee shall serve at the 12 will and pleasure of Mayor. 13 Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days from and after its 14 passage and approval, including approval by the Civil Service Commission. ��t� � . � �� Requested by Department oE Office of Human Resources $Y� � —��.L`�'P�vy6�o,� \� Form Approved by City Attorney BY: ` "t � ���f�i Approved bv Mavor for Submission to Council Adoption CertiFed by Council Secretary B. � BY � "��� /` ��, �,�/ Approved by Civil ApprovedbyMayor: Date C.!"��T Z�r�� �-'� / By � � BY . ] , c. i G:\Shared\ClassiACLA Council File # O � -� ��a` Green Sheet # 62911 ORD(NANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �{4 WPD Adopted by Council: Date � � \� a o�� —�— r �. �. ��c vJj DEPARTri1ENTlOFFICE/COUNCII.: DATE INITTA'IED GREEN SHEET No.: 6291 t Office of Human Resources 08/03/Ol d 1- COATACT PERSON & PHONE: � ltvtiw/nA'es wn7nune7'e John Aaznilton 266-6470 ,�,�„� ��� �i , cm m,uxv. John Shockley 266-6482 "���*� x�mnc trox z cmr erronr�r �Y �a� mx ccmK ROU7'ING ORDER } FINANCIAL�RV/ACCIG MOST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DA1'� 3 �dAYOR(OAASSI.) _E�L .0 �� " C As soon as possible ? TOTAL # OF SIGNANRE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCA110NS FOR SIGNATORE) acriox xeQUESTEn: Request approval of the ordinance placing the position titled Library Director in the unclassifced service pursuant to Section 12.03.2(Fi) of the City Charter. This action would become effective when the current incumbent vacates the position. RECOb4.gNDATIONS: Approve (A) mReject (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACfS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING Q[)ESI'[ONS: 1. Has this persodfum ever worked wder a convact fm this depatuuent? PLANNAIG COMhIISSION Yes No _{�$�Q�yQvn7TEE Z. H851LISpC19��F1IDNGDEC➢eCl�'CIDP�%[C� CIVILSERVICECOMIMSSION Ya No 3. Does tlris P�dfum possess a slill not namally yossessed by mY oursent city employx? Yes No 4. Is tlus persodfssm a targeted ventlor? Yw No E:pl.m ali yes aoswers oe �epna s6eet and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTONITY (Who, What, Wheu, W6ere, Why): �th the abolishment of the Department of Commuruty Services several yeacs ago, and the establishment of the Office of License Inspections and Environmental Protection (LIEP), the former divisions of the Department of Community Services have become Offices of the Mayor. All the former Community Services division manager positions and all office d'u�ector positions, with the exception of the Library D'uector, are now in the unclassified service. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: Approval of this ordinance will allow the Library D'uector position to become appointed by the Mayor. Future incumbents will serve at the will and pleasure of the Mayor. The current incumbent will retain classified status. DISADVANiAGESIFAPPROVED: NOIIe n�snnv.UVrnces �F xor nrrxovEn: A cabinet level office director position responsible for cazrying out the initiatives of the Mayor would not be appointed by the Mayor, while all other, similazly situated, cabinet level positions would be appointed. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: COST/REVENUE BUDGETED: , � FUNDiNG SOURCE: ACTIVITY NUMBER: N/A Cou�� ., a�s C� FINANCIAL INFORMATION: {EXPLAIN) c:�Snared�aassinc�.nssucesomeons&orainmcesUabrar.v'a.oxn. s ."-� �• "'• 8 deP.d'v.Parks.md.gs.wPd OFFICE OF HUMAN RESOURCES John Hamihon, Direcfor C1TY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Co7emon, Mayor TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Norm Coleman, Mayor Susan Kimberly, Deputy Mayor John I�amilton, Director Office of Human Resources August 8, Z001 IOOCiryHaUAnnee 25 WenFounh Street SaintPau{Mim�esota SSI01-763] Library Duector Deternunation and 20 Day Notice Telephone: 1DD/TTY- Jobliae: Facsimrle: I'Optiar: 1" OpJion: 3'�Option: 6\-°lC'�' 651-266-6500 651-2666501 651-2666502 651-292-b414 651-292-6415 651-292-7656 For the past several years, aiier the Department of Community Services was disbanded, we have been ptacing positions that were formerly division manager level positions in that Department in the unclassified service. This has been done because these positions aze now members ofthe Mayor's cabinet and report directly to the Mayor. They are subject to meeting the expectations set by the Mayor. ConsequenUy, it is both fitting and proper that these positions serve at the wil] and pleasure of the Mayor. Only one such position, the Lib� Director, remains in the olassified service, and subject to the civil service appointment and removal process. We believe it is now time to introduce an ordinance placing the Library Director position in the unclassified service. We propose that this action would become effective upon the position being vacated by the current incumbent. Recently, a similaz action was taken at the request of the Board of Water Commissioners. The General Manager of the Saint Paul Regional Water Services (SPRW S) position was placed in the unclassified service upon the retirement or resignation of the cunent incumbent. We are proposing no change in salary or bazganvng unit for Lhis pasition. The position of Library DirecYor is already in the Nonrepresented City Managers, Employee Group 17, and is paid in salary grade 32. Attached, for your review,is the proposed green sheet and ordinance. Also attached,is tha current class specification for the Library Director class. Upon the position becoming unclassified, this specification would become advisory only. It would be used to assist the Mayor's Administration in the recruitmenY and selection of a future Library Director. The Office of FIuman Resources would be availabte to provide service in any future selection process. Pursuant to City of Saint Paul, Civil Service Rule 3.(C), this memorandum is to inform you of the aforementioned proposed action. If you would like us to move forwazd on this, please notify me within twenry days of receipt of tivs memorandum. If you have any questions or nced assistance in any matter, please call me at 266-6470, or John Shockley at 266-6482. Thank you. � Attackments G:1SharedlHRCOMMON�SHOCKLEY1Library.Dit.det and notitt.wpd t TITLE OF CLASS: LIBRARY DIRECTOR DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement o£ Duties Performs highly responsible administrative work in planning, organizing, leading, and directing the operation of the library system; and performs other related duties as requ3red. Supervision Received: Works under the administrative supervision of the Mayor. S�ervision Exercised; Exercises general, technical, and administrative supervision directly and through subordinate supervisors over all Library personnel. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by all positions in this class. Establishes and "zmplements goals, objectives, policies and procedures for the library system. Directs the preparation, implementation, and administration of the library system operating budget. Directs the overall planning and implementation of the public services, technical, and support services functions of the library system. and services for the library system. Initiates and develops programs and services £or the library system. Initiates and determines personnel actions and staffing needs. Interprets and enforces policies, rules, and procedures. Determines the need for, and recommends additions or changes in, location and services of the central and branch libraries. Plans for services and facilities in cooperation with other libraries. Represents the library before civic and community groups and in meetings of department and office directors. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ABILITIES AND COMPETENCIES Knowledge of Minnesota statutes pertaining to library service. (continued on reverse side) CODE: 577A BU: 17 EFFECTIVE: 12/Z4/97 �ti"�1 � LIBRARY DIRECTOR Page 2 LIBAARY DIRECTOR G t-9,i Y Knowledge of the ethics and values of the profession, such as those advocated by the Minnesota Library and other 2oca1 and state professional associations, American Library and other national organizations, covering such areas as: rights of access of patrons of a11 ages; First Amendment; Library and Children's Library Rights; intellectual freedom; and ProfessionaZ Ethics for Librarians. Knowledge of the legal (especially copyright), stsuctural, and regulatory environments of the library, as well as the speci£ic network environment in which the library interacts to enhance resource sharing. Ability to understand the process used to identify community needs, develop library service programs and necessary policy development for Mayor and City Council review. Ability to develop strategies promoting library goals and objectives and to implement policies and procedures. Ability to develop and maintain cooperative relationships with various library-related organizations. Ability to develop and maintain collaborative partnerships with other relevant organizations. Ability to develop, review, and revise written job descriptions for alI staff, select and train new staff, Ability to demonstrate a commitment to the ethics, values and legal requirements of the profession. Respect for customers, employees, and co-workers, demonstrating a sensitivity to diversity. Fairness and equity in dealing with employees. MINIMUM QUALZFICATIONS A master's degree in library science and eight years of professional library experience at least three years of which must have been in a responsible administrative position. LIBRARY DIRECTOR ,. GRIGIi�A�. Presented Refetred To Committee Date S _ i Ct'_ 1 An Administrative Ordinance placing the position titled 3- '� D-f:c= 2 Library Director, in the unclassified service pursuant to z,r-: 3 Section 12.03.2(F� of the City of Saint Paul Charter. � �'�°';� !�! N u..:� 4 TI� COUNCIL OF Tf� CITY OF SA1NT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: � ° c��:�- —' C)C� 5 Section I. That it is appropriate and desirable to place the position title�;,� N 6 Librazy Director in the unclassified service when the current incumbent vacates the p�ition. 7 Section 2. That pursuant to Section 12.03.2(I� of the City Charter, such position 8 sha11 be established in the unclassified service of the City of Saint Paul by ordinance with the 9 consent of the Civil Service Commission. 10 Section 3. That upon the position becoming vacant, appointments to such position 11 shall be made by the Mayor with the consent of the City Council and the appointee shall serve at the 12 will and pleasure of Mayor. 13 Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days from and after its 14 passage and approval, including approval by the Civil Service Commission. ��t� � . � �� Requested by Department oE Office of Human Resources $Y� � —��.L`�'P�vy6�o,� \� Form Approved by City Attorney BY: ` "t � ���f�i Approved bv Mavor for Submission to Council Adoption CertiFed by Council Secretary B. � BY � "��� /` ��, �,�/ Approved by Civil ApprovedbyMayor: Date C.!"��T Z�r�� �-'� / By � � BY . ] , c. i G:\Shared\ClassiACLA Council File # O � -� ��a` Green Sheet # 62911 ORD(NANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �{4 WPD Adopted by Council: Date � � \� a o�� —�— r �. �. ��c vJj DEPARTri1ENTlOFFICE/COUNCII.: DATE INITTA'IED GREEN SHEET No.: 6291 t Office of Human Resources 08/03/Ol d 1- COATACT PERSON & PHONE: � ltvtiw/nA'es wn7nune7'e John Aaznilton 266-6470 ,�,�„� ��� �i , cm m,uxv. John Shockley 266-6482 "���*� x�mnc trox z cmr erronr�r �Y �a� mx ccmK ROU7'ING ORDER } FINANCIAL�RV/ACCIG MOST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DA1'� 3 �dAYOR(OAASSI.) _E�L .0 �� " C As soon as possible ? TOTAL # OF SIGNANRE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCA110NS FOR SIGNATORE) acriox xeQUESTEn: Request approval of the ordinance placing the position titled Library Director in the unclassifced service pursuant to Section 12.03.2(Fi) of the City Charter. This action would become effective when the current incumbent vacates the position. RECOb4.gNDATIONS: Approve (A) mReject (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACfS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING Q[)ESI'[ONS: 1. Has this persodfum ever worked wder a convact fm this depatuuent? PLANNAIG COMhIISSION Yes No _{�$�Q�yQvn7TEE Z. H851LISpC19��F1IDNGDEC➢eCl�'CIDP�%[C� CIVILSERVICECOMIMSSION Ya No 3. Does tlris P�dfum possess a slill not namally yossessed by mY oursent city employx? Yes No 4. Is tlus persodfssm a targeted ventlor? Yw No E:pl.m ali yes aoswers oe �epna s6eet and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTONITY (Who, What, Wheu, W6ere, Why): �th the abolishment of the Department of Commuruty Services several yeacs ago, and the establishment of the Office of License Inspections and Environmental Protection (LIEP), the former divisions of the Department of Community Services have become Offices of the Mayor. All the former Community Services division manager positions and all office d'u�ector positions, with the exception of the Library D'uector, are now in the unclassified service. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: Approval of this ordinance will allow the Library D'uector position to become appointed by the Mayor. Future incumbents will serve at the will and pleasure of the Mayor. The current incumbent will retain classified status. DISADVANiAGESIFAPPROVED: NOIIe n�snnv.UVrnces �F xor nrrxovEn: A cabinet level office director position responsible for cazrying out the initiatives of the Mayor would not be appointed by the Mayor, while all other, similazly situated, cabinet level positions would be appointed. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: COST/REVENUE BUDGETED: , � FUNDiNG SOURCE: ACTIVITY NUMBER: N/A Cou�� ., a�s C� FINANCIAL INFORMATION: {EXPLAIN) c:�Snared�aassinc�.nssucesomeons&orainmcesUabrar.v'a.oxn. s ."-� �• "'• 8 deP.d'v.Parks.md.gs.wPd OFFICE OF HUMAN RESOURCES John Hamihon, Direcfor C1TY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Co7emon, Mayor TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Norm Coleman, Mayor Susan Kimberly, Deputy Mayor John I�amilton, Director Office of Human Resources August 8, Z001 IOOCiryHaUAnnee 25 WenFounh Street SaintPau{Mim�esota SSI01-763] Library Duector Deternunation and 20 Day Notice Telephone: 1DD/TTY- Jobliae: Facsimrle: I'Optiar: 1" OpJion: 3'�Option: 6\-°lC'�' 651-266-6500 651-2666501 651-2666502 651-292-b414 651-292-6415 651-292-7656 For the past several years, aiier the Department of Community Services was disbanded, we have been ptacing positions that were formerly division manager level positions in that Department in the unclassified service. This has been done because these positions aze now members ofthe Mayor's cabinet and report directly to the Mayor. They are subject to meeting the expectations set by the Mayor. ConsequenUy, it is both fitting and proper that these positions serve at the wil] and pleasure of the Mayor. Only one such position, the Lib� Director, remains in the olassified service, and subject to the civil service appointment and removal process. We believe it is now time to introduce an ordinance placing the Library Director position in the unclassified service. We propose that this action would become effective upon the position being vacated by the current incumbent. Recently, a similaz action was taken at the request of the Board of Water Commissioners. The General Manager of the Saint Paul Regional Water Services (SPRW S) position was placed in the unclassified service upon the retirement or resignation of the cunent incumbent. We are proposing no change in salary or bazganvng unit for Lhis pasition. The position of Library DirecYor is already in the Nonrepresented City Managers, Employee Group 17, and is paid in salary grade 32. Attached, for your review,is the proposed green sheet and ordinance. Also attached,is tha current class specification for the Library Director class. Upon the position becoming unclassified, this specification would become advisory only. It would be used to assist the Mayor's Administration in the recruitmenY and selection of a future Library Director. The Office of FIuman Resources would be availabte to provide service in any future selection process. Pursuant to City of Saint Paul, Civil Service Rule 3.(C), this memorandum is to inform you of the aforementioned proposed action. If you would like us to move forwazd on this, please notify me within twenry days of receipt of tivs memorandum. If you have any questions or nced assistance in any matter, please call me at 266-6470, or John Shockley at 266-6482. Thank you. � Attackments G:1SharedlHRCOMMON�SHOCKLEY1Library.Dit.det and notitt.wpd t TITLE OF CLASS: LIBRARY DIRECTOR DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement o£ Duties Performs highly responsible administrative work in planning, organizing, leading, and directing the operation of the library system; and performs other related duties as requ3red. Supervision Received: Works under the administrative supervision of the Mayor. S�ervision Exercised; Exercises general, technical, and administrative supervision directly and through subordinate supervisors over all Library personnel. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by all positions in this class. Establishes and "zmplements goals, objectives, policies and procedures for the library system. Directs the preparation, implementation, and administration of the library system operating budget. Directs the overall planning and implementation of the public services, technical, and support services functions of the library system. and services for the library system. Initiates and develops programs and services £or the library system. Initiates and determines personnel actions and staffing needs. Interprets and enforces policies, rules, and procedures. Determines the need for, and recommends additions or changes in, location and services of the central and branch libraries. Plans for services and facilities in cooperation with other libraries. Represents the library before civic and community groups and in meetings of department and office directors. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ABILITIES AND COMPETENCIES Knowledge of Minnesota statutes pertaining to library service. (continued on reverse side) CODE: 577A BU: 17 EFFECTIVE: 12/Z4/97 �ti"�1 � LIBRARY DIRECTOR Page 2 LIBAARY DIRECTOR G t-9,i Y Knowledge of the ethics and values of the profession, such as those advocated by the Minnesota Library and other 2oca1 and state professional associations, American Library and other national organizations, covering such areas as: rights of access of patrons of a11 ages; First Amendment; Library and Children's Library Rights; intellectual freedom; and ProfessionaZ Ethics for Librarians. Knowledge of the legal (especially copyright), stsuctural, and regulatory environments of the library, as well as the speci£ic network environment in which the library interacts to enhance resource sharing. Ability to understand the process used to identify community needs, develop library service programs and necessary policy development for Mayor and City Council review. Ability to develop strategies promoting library goals and objectives and to implement policies and procedures. Ability to develop and maintain cooperative relationships with various library-related organizations. Ability to develop and maintain collaborative partnerships with other relevant organizations. Ability to develop, review, and revise written job descriptions for alI staff, select and train new staff, Ability to demonstrate a commitment to the ethics, values and legal requirements of the profession. Respect for customers, employees, and co-workers, demonstrating a sensitivity to diversity. Fairness and equity in dealing with employees. MINIMUM QUALZFICATIONS A master's degree in library science and eight years of professional library experience at least three years of which must have been in a responsible administrative position. LIBRARY DIRECTOR