01-964ORIGINAL Presented By Referred To Green Sheet # �, � ORDINANCE a3 PAUL, MINNESOTA 2 0 10 11 12 13 14 Council File # � " y Ordinance # Committee: Date An ordinance amending Chapter 60 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertauung to zoning for the City of Saint Paul and the zoning maps thereof: WHEREAS, Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes {462357 and 64.400 of the Legislative Code, Ronald Alcorn duly petitioned to rezone properiy at 1581 Ford Pazkway being legally described as(see file), from B-2 (community business) to B-3 (commercial) to allow for the construciton of an auto repair station, the petition having been certified by the Planning Division on 06/OS/O1 as hauing been consented to by at least 67% of the owners of the area of the property to be rezoned, and further having been consented to by at least two-thirds of the owners of the property situated within 100 feet of the total contiguous property within one year proceeding the date of the petition; and WHEREAS, The Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission on 07/OS/O1, held a pubiic hearing for the purpose of considering the rezoning petition, and pursuant to { 107.03 of the Administrative Code, submitted its recotnmendation to the Planning Commission that the petition be granted; and 15 16 WHEREAS, The Planning Commission considered the rezoning petition at its meeting held on 07/13/O1 and 17 recommended that the City Council approve the petition; and 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 WHEREAS, notice of public hearing before the City Council on the said rezoning petition was duly published in the official newspaper of the City on 07/19/Ol and notices were duly mailed to each owner of affected property and property situated wholly or partly within 350 feet of the property sought to be rezoned; and WHEREAS, a public hearing before the City Council having been conducted on 08/O1/O1, where all interested parties were heard, the Council hauing considered all the facts and recommendations concerning the petition; now, therefore THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. 32 That the zoning map of the City of Saint Paul, Sheet Number 37, as incorporated by reference in {60301 of 33 the Saint Paul Legislative Code, as amended, is hereby further amended as follows: 34 35 That property located at 1581 Ford Parkway being more particularly described as: 36 37 See file 38 PU8Lt5HEn 39 be and is hereby rezoned from B-2 to B-3. �f 18 'd1 40 QRIG1N�� �t-�4� 41 42 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirry (30) days from and after its passage, approval and 43 publication. 44 � Requested by Department of: Plannin & Onomic Develo ment By: r� O Adopted by Council: Date ��S _� �-� �� Form Ap ed b�y C�i Attorney � �_s� ^ f /���a Adoption Certified by Council Secretasy By: e � J By: cl— '�__ . Approved by Mayor: Date / Approved by Mayor fo. Submision to Council By: By: ' L /'i�Wr�' i�1}SLt��?� �; ; � DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL: DATE INITIATED GREEN SHEET No.:l 13111 O`� Y PED 30 August 2001 � y CO:YTACC PERSO\ & PHO\E: j INITIAL/DA7'E IM74lL/DATF Joel Spoonheim y 2 DEPARTME2�T DIR. 5 CITY COUNCII. �IOST BE O�i COLICSL AGEtiDA Bl' (DATE) ASSIGN ' y tir hU:IISER } CITS'ATCORNEY °�- t _CITYCLERK S ' ppg FINANCIAL SERV DIR. _ FINANCIAL SERV/ACCLG ROUTING 4 Ml+POR(ORASS� TJ� _C[VILSERVICECOMMISSION_ ORDER 1 Sean Kershat� 1 TOTAL'� OF SIGVAT[JRE PAGES l,_(CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ncriov xeQuESTen: Adoption of rezoning ordinance RECOMMENDAT[ONS:Approve(A)orRejec[(R) PERSONALSERVICECO\�RAC1'SMUSTAu\"SWERTHEFOLLOWLVG QUESTIOYS: A PLANNING COMMISSION 1. Has this person/fiim ever worked under a contract for this depar6nent? CIB COMMITI'EE Yes No CN[L SERVICE COMMISSION 2- Haz this person/firm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does t6is person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee� Yes No Ezplain all yes ansvers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEbI, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Mho, Wha[, When, Where, Why): Adopt an ordinance to finalize council approval of a petition of Ronald Alcorn to rezone properiy at 1581 Ford Parkway from B-2 to B-3 (public heazing held 08/Ol/Ol) . � � ,,���11t8t ����>� ADVANTAGESIFAYPROVED: New auto service facility will be constructed on blighYed lot. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED - � none DISAD�'ANTA�F.S IF I30T APFROVED: No new investment on blighted site. TOTAL ANIOUNT OF TRANSACTION: SO COST/REVENUE BUDGETED: FUNDING SOURCE: ACTIVITY NUMBER: FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) %�ShareTPed\S�oonAriV omnS Cases115St Ford Pkwy Alwrn\g:eenshcct wpd DEPAR'I'MENT OF PLANNING & ECANOMIC DEVEIAPMENT BrionSweeney, Director 6 t -�.� y � —� C.TTY OF SAIN'f PAUL Norm Codeman, Mayar July 13, 2001 Ms. Nancy Anderson City Council Research Office Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Deaz Ms. Anderson: 25WestFourlhStreet SamtPau� MN55102 2eZephone: 651-2666655 Facsimile: 651-228-3314 �"Irc S•ye�. `� �l G�n�� �� � ��_ , e-av v� r'�� � JUL �.`� 2�iQ1 g/ i +� _ . _ . +�- - I would ]ike to confirm that a public hearing before the City Council is scheduled for Wednesday August 1, 2001 for the following zoning case: Applicant: File Number: Purpose: Address: Legal Description of Psoperry: ALCORN, INC. #01-209-063 Rezone property from S-2 to B-3 to a11ow for the construction of an auto repair station. 1581 Ford Parkway, behveen Snelling and Macalester Subject to Ford Pazkway, Lots 26, 27, and 28, Block 4, Hardenbergh Addition, Ramsey County, Mimiesota Previous Action: Planning Commission Recommendation: Approval, vote: unanimous, July 13, 2001 Zoning Committee Recommendation: Approval, vote: 6-0, July 5, 2001 My understanding is that this public hearnig request wiil appear on the agenda for the July 25, 2001 City Councii meeting—or be read into the record at that meeting--and that you will publish notice of the hearing in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger. Please call me at 266-6557 if you haue any questions. Sincerely, �� ���-�/ City Planner cc: File #01-209-063 Wendy I,ane Paul Dubruiel Cazol Martineau s� rwa�.� � _: a�oaa'� , • �nrs5'zum� • - �IOTICE OF PUBYSC vcsRnv'G"': C The Saint Paul Clty Covnell w19 Gu?i- dvet� a�ptibll� heazing on Nf�edxiesday, August, l, 2001, at 5:30 p.m., City Counc7l cn�t�s, �a ��r cccy �r. ca �n8�aer _ the appliqUon of At.CORN. Inc., to rezone perfy ¢om g-2. to B-3 to allow for the � c� nstructlon of an auto repa� starion. at 15&2� Ford Parkway lbetweep Snellfng- Avenue and Macalester Street) - � - - � Dafed: Jvly�17, 2001' . . _ - __ NANCY ANRERSON - -- ' - .,,AsslsYant Cit}! Cauncii Secretary' � . � _ bLn$' ZsJ . . . . , DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING &ECONOMICDEVELAPMENT Brian Sweeney, Director b l -`l�`l CfiTY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor July 20, 2001 Ms. Nancy Anderson Secretary to the City Council Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 RE: Zoning File #O1-209-063 City Council Hearing: 25WestFourthStseet Telephone:651-2666655 SaintPaul,MN55102 Facsimile:651-1283314 ALCORN, INC. August 1, 2001, 5:30 p.m. City Council Chambers PURPOSE To consider rezoning properry located at 1581 Ford Parkway (between Snelling and Macalester) from B-2 (commercial) to B-3 (commercial) to allow for the construction of an auto repair station. PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDAT'ION APPROVAL vote: unanimous ZONING COMMITTEE RECONIMENDAT'ION APPROVAL vote: 6-0 • STAFF RECOMMENDATION: 'APPROVAL S[3PPORT: No one spoke. The Highland Area Community Councd (District 15� voted to support the rezoning. OPPOSITION: No one spoke. Dear Ms. Anderson: ALCORN, INC. submitted a petition to rezone property located at 1581 Ford Parkway from B-2 (commercial) to B-3 (commercial) . The Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission held a public heazing on the proposed rezoning on July 5, 2001. The applicant addressed the committee. At the close of the public hearing, the committee voted 6-0 to recommend approval to rezone to B-3. The Planning Commission upheld the Zoning Comrciittee's recommendation for approval on a unanimous vote on July 13, 2001. This proposed rezoning is scheduled to be heazd by the City Council on August 1, 2001. Please notify Joel Spoonheim (6-6614) if any member of the City Council wishes to have slides of the site presented at the public hearing. Sincerely, • �c��. ��'�'�.-._-° Nancy Homans CiTy Planner Attachments cc: City Council members ol-�c� � file number 01-5$ date Suly 13 Zooi city ofi saint paul planning commission resolution WHEREAS, Alcorn, Inc., File #01-209-L163, has applied 4or a Rezoning fcom B-2 to B-3 under the provisions of §64.400 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, to allow the construction of an auto repair station on property located at 1581 Ford Par{cway, legally described as Subject to Ford Parkway, Lots 26, 27, and 28, Biock 4, tiardenbergh Addition, Ramsey County, Minnesota; and WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission, on July 5, 2001, held a public hearing at which all persons present were given an opportunity to be heard pursuant to said application in accordance with the requirements of §64.300 of the Saint Paul Legisiative Code; and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Planning Commission, based on the evidence presented to its Zoning Committee at the pubiic hearing as substantialiy refiected in the minutes, made the following findings of fact: • 1. The appiicant proposes to demolish an existing vacant auto service staiion and construct a new seven-bay 4661 square foot auto repair station with parking spaces for 27 cars. A concurrent application for a special condition use permit and setback variance has also been filed. 2. The property has been used for auto related uses since at least 1954 and is across Ford Parkway from a newly reconstructed SuperAmerica auto service station. As such, the establishment of a new auto repair use is unlikely to have an adverse impact on the fuiiy developed surrounding neighborhood. Furthermore, because the site has been vacant for some time, the new facility would represent the elimination of a blighting influence on a heavily traveled corner. 3. The property is currentiy zoned B-2 and is contiguous to OS-1, RM-2 and R-3 zoning districts. As such, rezoning would not result in a spot zoning, but, rather, the kind of fine-grained zoning that is appropriate for a major transportation corridor. 4. The use is not inconsistent with the provisions of the comprehensive pian. moved by Field seconded by r . ir� favor Unanimous • against Zoning File #01-209-063 Planning Commission Resolution Page 2 5. The zoning code provides that an application for rezoning must be accompanied by a consent petition of the owners of two thirds of the properties within 100 feet of the property to be rezoned. Eight signatures were required. Eight were received. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Saint Paui Pianning Commission, under the authority of the City's Legislative Code, that the appiication of Aicorn, Inc. for a Rezoning from B-2 to B-3 at 1581 Ford Parkway, is hereby recommended to the Saint Paul City Council. � � C� b l -`�(,� Zoning File #01-209-063 Planning Commission Resolution Page 2 5. The zoning code provides that an application for rezoning must be accompanied by a consent petition of the owners of two thirds of the properties within 100 feet of the property to be rezoned. Eight signatures were required. Eight were received. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Saint Paul Planning Commission, under the authority of the City's Legisla6ve Code, that the appiication of Alcom, Inc. for a Rezoning from B-2 to B-3 at 1581 Ford Parkway, is hereby recommended to the Saint Paul City Council. � • • ___ - - _ _ _�_--�- --�-�-_,. �t-��y • Saint Paul Planning Commission City Hall Conference Center 15 Kellogg Boulevard West Minutes of Jaly 13, 2001 A meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Saint Paul was held Friday, July 13, 2001, at 8:30 a.m. in the Conference Ceuter of City Hall. Commissioners Present: Commissioners Absent: Mmes. Duarte, Faricy, Zimmer Lonetti, Morton, and Shoriridge; and Messrs. Alton, Dandrea, Field, Gervais, Gordon, Johnson, Kong, Kramer, Mardell and Mejia. Mmes. *Donnelly-Cohen, and *McCall,; and Messrs. *Anfang, *Fotsch, and *Galles. *Excused Also Present: Larry Soderholm, Planning AdminisUator; Nancy Homans, Yang Zhang, Virginia Burke, A1 Lovejoy, Jim Zdon, and Mary Bruton, Department of Planning and Ewnomic Developmern staff. I. Approval of Minutes of June 22, 2001 • II. III. . MOTION Commissioner Johnson moved approval of the minutes of June 22, 2001. Commissioner Lonetti seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimous[y on a voice vate Chair's Ar,nouncements No Chair announcements. Planning Administrator's Announcements Mr. Soderholm announced that PED staff, Nancy Homans, requested a leave of absence to work as Legislarive Aide to Council Member Chris Coleman. Mr. Soderholm recognized Ms. Homans and fl�anked her for the outstanding work she has done. Mr. Soderholm passed around a dot map from the Metropolitan Council showing the distriburion of population in Minnesota and the metro azea in 2000. Mr. Soderholm talked about City Council business: The Buffalo Sober house was approved for 16 resideirts The White Bear Avenue Plan and 40-Acre Study were adopted. Mi. Soderholm congratulated Commissioner Richard Kramer and PED Planner Patricia James for their hazd work. He stated the City Council is worldng on redevelopment project financing m response to changes in local property taxes and TIF adopted by the legislature. The State will provide a fund to compensate municipalities partially for TIF losses on major projects that are in the pipeline at the time of the changes. The City CouaciI aud PED are worldng to certify the West • Side Flats, the Upper Landing, and a few other projects as pipeline projects fl�at will become eligible for State compensatory funds. The Arcade Street moratorium that is going through. The City Council approved the rezoning as RT-2 (three or four units) for the Arcnstrong House to be moved to the Plastics Inc. site. Mr. Soderholm reported that at the HItA meeting this week, PED presented its full work program, including a complete list of planning projects. The Steering Comxnittee wi11 discuss the list in two weeks. Mr. Soderholm also presented to the City Council some of the implications in the change in State law with regazds to zoning. He stated the requirement for petitions signed by the neighbors has been lazgely removed from State Law. Now a perition is required from the neighbors only if residentials properly is being changed to commercial or industrial. If you have a single family house and you want to make a dupleaL, 3-plelc, or 4-pleac, you can just come to the Zoning Office, write your check, fill out your application, and it will come to the Zoning Committee. The neighbors will be notified of the public hearings at the Zoning Committee and the Ciry Council. After some discussion, tkris matter was referred to ihe Zoning Committee to consider whether the new rules will work okay or whether the City should revise our local zoning procedural requirements. IV. Zoning Committee OLD BUSINESS • #O1-206-105 Heartland Auto Sales Inc. - Modification of a Special Condition Use Permit (SCUP) to increase number of vehicles allowed to be parked on the lot: 27 vehicles ailowed under 1999 SCUP for second hand auto sales business; expansion of lot to allow a total of 37 vehicles on the lot proposed. 1236 Arcade Street, NE comer Arcade & Hawthome. (Rich Malloy, 651/266-6647) Commissioner Field stated that a letter from the District 5 Plannnig Council was received in opposition. No one spoke in support, one party spoke in opposition. The public hearing was closed. The Zoning Committee on a vote of 5-1 (Akon), laid the matter over to the meeting on July 19, Comtnissioner Field said that Rich Malloy's memo for the neact Zoning Comcnittee meeting indicates that Peter Wamer, who was on vacation at the last Zoning Committee meeting, has opined that the new Arcade Street moratorium catches this application. At the next committee meeting, Mr. Wamer will be recommending denial based on the moratorium. NEW BUSINESS #f11-208-086 Sueedway Suaer America - Special Cond�tion Use Pemut,for an auto service starion, and a pazlang variance (13 spaces required; 11 spaces proposed). 925 Grand, NW corner at Mikon. (Nancy Homans, 651/266-6557) Cotnmissioner Field stated that no district comment was received. No one spoke in support and no one spoke in opposition. The public hearing was closed. The Zoning Committee recommended • 2 b 1 �`{ G`� pipeline at the time of the ckianges. The City Councfl and PED aze worldng to certify the West � Side Flats, the Upper Landing, and a few other projects as pipeline projects that will become eligible for State compensatory funds. The Arcade Street moratorium that is going through. The City Council approved the rezoning as RT-2 (three or four units) for the Armstrong House to be moved to the Plastics Inc. site. Mr. Soderholm reported that at �e HRA mceting tbis week, PED preserned iu fiill work program, including a complete list of planning projects. The Steering Committee will discuss the list in two weeks. Mr. Soderholm atso presented to ihe City Council some of the implications in the change in State law with regards to zoning. He stated the requirement for petitions signed by ihe neighbors bas been lazgety remcsved from State Law. Now a petition is required from the neighbors only if residentials properry is being changed to commerciai or industrial. If you haue a single family house and you want to make a duplex, 3-plex, or 4-plex, you can just come to the Zoning Office, write your check, fill out youz application, and it will come to the Zoning Committee. The neighbors will be notified of the public hearings at the Zoning Committee and the City Council. After some discussion, tlus matter was referred to the Zoning Committee to consider whether the new rules will work okay or whether the City should revise our local wning procedural requirements. IV. Zoning Committee OLD BUSINESS #O1-206-105 Heartland Auto Sales Inc. - Modification of a Specia] Condition Use Permit (SCUP) • to increase namber of vehicles allowed to be parked on the lot: 27 vehicles allowed under 1999 SCUP for secand hand auto sales business; expansion of lot to allow a total of 37 vehicles on the lot proposed. 1236 Arcade Street, NE comer Arcade & Hawthome. (Rich Malloy, 651/266-6647) Commissioner Field stated that a letter from the District 5 Planning Council was received in opposition. No one spoke in support, one party spoke in opposition. The public hearing was closed. The Zoning Committee on a vote of 5-1 (Alton), laid the matter over to the meeting on July 19, 2001. Comn�issioner Field said that Rich Malloy's memo for the nelct Zoning Committee meeting indicates that Peter Wamer, who was on vacation at the last Zoning Committee meeting, has opined that the new Arcade Street moratorium catches this application. At the next committee meeting, Mr. Warner will be recommending denial based on the moratorium. NEW BUSINESS #Ol-2U8-086 Saeedway Suoer America - Special Condition Use Pemtit for an auto service station, and a pazldng variance (13 spaces required; 11 spaces proposed). 925 Grand, NW comer at Milton. (NancyHomans,651/266-6557) Commissioner Field stated that no district comment was received. No one spoke in support and no one spoke in opposition. The public hearing was closed. The Zoning Committee recommended o 2 oti-�1�y • approval with conditions on a vote of 6-0. MOTION Commissioner Field moved the Zoning Committee's recommendation to approve the SCUP. The motion carried unanimous[y on a voice vote #Q1-209-063 Parkwav Auto Care - Rewning from B-2 to B-3 and a Special Condition Use Permit for an auto repair business, and a setback vaziance for parldng along Ford Parkway {25 foot setback requued; 6 foot setback proposed). 1581 Ford Pazkway, NW wmer at Snelling. (Nancy Homans, 651/266-6557) Commissioner Field stated that district council submitted written comments. No one spoke in support, no one spoke in opposition. The public hearing was closed. The Zoning Committee recommended approval with conditions on a vote of 6-0. MOTION Conrnrissioner �eld moved the Zoning Committee's recommendation to approve the rezoning, and contingent on City Council approval of the reZOning, also to approve the SCi7P with conditions as [isted in the resolution. The motion carried unanimously on a voice vote Commissioner Field announced the agenda for the Zoning Committee meeting on July 19, 2001. OLD BUSINESS #O1-206-105 Heartland Auto Sales Inc. - Special Condition Use Pemut (SCUP) to increase • number of vehicles allowed to be parked on the lot: 27 vehicles allowed under 1999 SCUP for second hand auto sales business; 37 proposed including 4 spaces for adjacent restaurant. 1236 Arcade Street. (Rich Malloy, 651l266-664'7) NEW BUSINESS #O1-211-585 Macalester ColleQe - One year renewal of a Special Condition Use Permit for a coliege domutory. 1576 Summit, SE comer at Snelling. (Donna Drummond, 651/266-6556) #O1-211-125 Richard Harnden - Rezone from B-2 Business to B-3 Business to allow indoor auto sales. 459 Toronto, SW comer at James. (Nancy Homans, 651/266-6557) #O1-211-535 Sarint PCS - Special Condition Use Pernvt to install cellulaz telephone antennas on an existing multi-family residential structure less than 60 feet tall. 618 Grand, between St. Albans & Dale. (Nancy Homans, 651/266-6557) #O1-211-717 Lagos Hill - Sign Variances (letter height and number of projecting banners) to allow one 36 inch high letter and one 66 inch high letter in a business logo sign, and 5 pro}ecting banners. 867 Grand, Grand at Victoria. (Nancy Homans, 651/266-6557) V. Comprehensive Planning Committee • Central Corridor• Resaonse to Preliminarv Scoaina Work - Adopt resolution. (Atlen I,ovejoy, 651/266-6576) Commissioner Gordon stated tUat the resolution regazding the Central Corridor transit improvements states that the Ramsey County Regional Rail Authority has initiated an Environmental Impact Statement process and H�at now is the time to suggest any additional akematives to be studied as a part of the EI3. Conunissioner Gordon stated that there aze three altematives defined for further analysis in the Midway Area: LRT on I-94; LRT on University Avenue and Busway on TJniversity Avenue. The Committee found that the set of three was adequate. The two LRT proposals cusently deSned £or downtown include: a Cedar/4th Street altemative terminating in the Union Depot; a 7ackson, Sibley and 4`� Streets alternative temunating in the Entertainment DistricT. Commissioner Gordon stated the Comprehensive Planning Committee fluuks there ought to be iwo additional altematives studied; Altemarives B and C as included in today's packet. Altemative B brings the line down St. Peter Street, on the West side of the downtown core area, down to the Entertainment District, then east along 4`�' Street to the Union Depot, continues on to Williams Hill and Lafayette Pazk via the rail cotridor and west on University Avenue to Regions Hospital. Altemative C uses Robert Street down the central part of the dorvntown core azea and goes west on 4�' Sireet to the Entertainment District. � Mr. Allen Lovejoy, City Planner, stated that in 1999 the Plamung Commission recommended that a two way LRT system connecting downYown to the University of Minuesota and downtown Minneapolis can be accommodated well within the elcisting University Avenue right-of-way. The Comtnission also stated that LRT would likely make a very positive contribution to improvement . and development goals for University Avenue; and that the disruption of businesses on the Avenue can be kept to a tolerable minimum -- a key issue to the Plazuilng Commission. The Commission aiso stated that the City should play an active role in timely approval of the EIS. Mr. Lovejoy stated tl�at there have been major developments downtown since the last LRT study in the early 1990s. Most important is the emergence of the Entertainment District, which will attract 4-5 million visitors a year. He stated that decisions on LRT must recognize that change by directly serving the Entertainment District. e visitors and e lo ees of downtown. Those criteria include an"Office Core" station, an Entertainment District station, and a Lowertown station. Further, stations should be designed with historical and azclutectural chazacter, avoid impacting major street connections to the Interstate System and Shepazd/Wamer Road, and minimize use of major traffic stzeets. Mr. Lovejoy showed maps of all downtown Altematives. He stated Fourth Street was the most practical thtu East/West street to use due to traffic constraints. He touched on the three Alternatives that aze being looked at in the Midway. Mr. Lovejoy reported the Comprehensive Planning Committee tallced about the two downtown altematives previously discussed. He then apologized for making last minute staff recommendations, and described a third potential altemative: Altemative A: eastwazd on Universiry • 4 o���c��I (Allen Lovejoy, 651/266-6576) Commissioner Gordon stated that the resolution regazding the Central Corridor transit improvements states that the Ramsey County Regional Rail Authority t�as initiated an Environmental Impact Statement process and tt�at now is the time to suggest any additional altematives to be studied as a part of the EIS. Commissioner Crordon stated that there aze tkuee altematives defined for further analysis in the Midway Area: LRT on I-94; LRT on Univecsity Avenue and Busway on University Avenue. 'I7�e Committee found that the set of three was adequate. The two LRT proposals cuaenfly defined for downtown include: a Cedar/4th Street alternative terminating in the Union Depot; a Jackson, Sibley and 4�' Streets aitemative tenninating in the Entertauunent Dishict. Commissioner Gordon stated the Comprehensive Planning Committee thinks there ought to be two additional altematives studied; Akematives B and C as included in today's packet. Altemative B brings the line down St. Peter Street, on the West side of the downtown core azea, down to the Entertainment District, then east along 4`" Street to the Union Depot, continues on to Williams Hill and Lafayette Pazk via the rail wmdor and west on University Avenue to Regions Hospital. Alternative C uses Robert Street down the central part of the downtown core azea and goes west on 4`" Street to the Entertainment District. Mr. Allen Lovejoy, City Planner, stated that in 1999 the Planning Commission recommended that a two way LRT system connecting downtown to the University of Minnesota and downtown Minneapolis can be accommodated well within the existing University Avenue right-of-way. The Commission also sfaEed thai LRT would likely make a very positive contribution to improvement and deuelapment goais for Umversity Avenue; and that the disruption of businesses on the Avenue can be kept to a tolerable minunum — a key issue to the Planning Commission. The Commission also stated that the City should play an active role in timely approval of the EIS. Mr. I.ovejoy stated that there have been major developments downtown since the last LRT study in the early 1990s. Most important is the emergence of the Entertainment District, w]uch will attract 4-5 miliion visitors a yeaz. He stated that decisions on LRT must recoguze that change by directly serving the Entertainment District. The cunent resoluti� � creteria thaE mvst be met to accommodate the visitors and employees of downTrnvn. Those criteria incfude an "O£fice Care" station, an Entertainment District station, and a Lawertown station. Further, stations should be designed with historical and azchitectural character, avoid impacting major street connections to the Interstate System and Shepazd/Wamer Road, and m;n;,,,;ze use of major traffic streets. • Mr. Lovejoy showed maps of all downtown Altematives. He stated Fourth Street was the most practical thru East/West street to use due to traffic constraints. He touched on the three Altematives that ue being looked at in the Midway. � Mr. Lovejoy reported the Comprehensive Planning Committee tallced about the two downtown altematives previously discussed. He then apologized for making last minute staff recommendations, and described a third potential altemative: Altemative A: easrivard on University � 4 � ����� • Avenue, north of the Capitol, to the eastem end of the Avenue at Lafayette Road, then using the rail corridor to connect up with Prince Street east of Diamond Products, then west on 4`� Street to the Entertainment District. This altemative would avoid the problems of using St. Peter Street while meeting all the criteria outlined in the resolution. He stated tbat this altemative aiso seemed to meet the spirit of the Committee discussions. MOTION: Conv�rissioner Gordon mmed approval ofAlternateA submitted by PED staff today and Attachments B and C in the resolution from the document of July 3, 2001. Commusioner Kramer seconded the motion. Commissioner Dandrea asked Mr. Lovejoy about urility relocation. Mr. Lovejoy stated there a lot of utilities in Fourth Street and St. Peter Streets. There ue very few utilities in the middle of University Avenue west of Westem. He stated the staff didn't know what the utility impacts were for Altematives A and B along University Avenue and Prince Street or for Alternative C on Robert Street from University Avenue to 4�' Street. In response to a station location question Mr. Lovejoy discussed the station platforms in relation to the length of the city blocks and placement of stations. Downtown blocks are often 300 feet squaze and LRT stations need 300 feet for three-car LRT trains. This means tt�at many blocks aze too small to accommodate the three-caz stations. He stated that three-caz versus two-caz trains might be the topic of further LRT discussions as the EIS proceeds. The motion carried unanimously on a voice vote � VI. Neighborhood and Cnrrent Planning Committee Trout Brook Greenwav Plan and Area Plan Summarv - Presentation, release for public review, set public hearing date for September 7, 2001. (Virginia Burke, 651/266-6661) Michael Mazgulies, former Planning Commissioner and Chair of the Trout Brook Greemvay Task Force addressed the Commission and explained how the project started. He stated there c��as e�ctensive and in-depth community participation. Mr. Mazgulies complimented consultant Sherri Buss with Bonestroo, Rosene, Anderlik who brought a lot of thought and creativity to the project. He stated the result is that the Plan is creative, thoughtful, and very practical. Mr. Margulies stated he is very appreciative of the work the staff did in preparing this. Ms. Virginia Burke, City Planner, stated that the Department of Natural Resources' 199 7"Metro Greenprint" report first identified the project area as one of the few remaining azeas in St. Paul with a high potential for protection and restoration of natural resources. In 1999 the concept of the Trout Brook - Lower Phalen greenway was incorporated into the Comprehensive Plan and in 2000 the City received a planning grant from the DNR to create a plan for the proposed greenway, and hired the consulting firm of Bonestroo, Rosene, Anderlik. She stated that last Fall the Pluming Commission initiated a Small Area Planning process and a 40-Acre Study for the Trout Brook - I,ower Phalen Greenway. Serving on the Greenway Task Force were representatives from District Councils 4, 5, and 6; Friends oF Swede Hollow; Tri-Area Block Club; a Commissioner from the Parks and Recreation Commission; Ramsey County Parks staff; Capitol Region Watershed District; • Diamond Products (formerly Gillette); the Lowertown Depot; and Department of Natural Resources staff. They also convened a technical advisory group with staff from the DeparRnent of � Transportation, Metropo&tan Council, Great Rivu Greening, Department of Natural Resources, Friends of Parks and Trails, Bicycle Advisory Boazd, and Public Works. She stated the Task Force met six times between November 2000 and May 2001 and at their last meeting recommended the Trout Brook Greenway Plan to the Planning Commission. Ms. Burke staYed the 40-Acre Study has not yet been done, The City is invoived in negotiations to purchase rivo lazge sites in the greenway, both currenfly zoned for indusuial use. Land Use law prohibits the City from down zonino land ttiax it is involved in purchasing. They have until the year 2003 to complete the 40-Acre Study. Ms. Shem Buss from Bonestroo, Rosene, Anderlik gave a presentation on the Trout Brook Greenway Plan. She stated the idea of this plan was to see how to create a l�abitat corridor through the azea, as well as trail connections, and how to bring the old Trout Brook to the surface on the Trillium site. Ms. Buss stated the trail corridoi would connect to the County's e�cisting Trout Brook Trail, also link to the Gateway trail and the Bruce Vento Regional Trail in Swede Hollow Pazk. Ms. Buss passed out coIored maps ofthe Triliium Site Concept Plan. She taiked about plans to recreate Trout Brook creek with water &om the water utility and McCarron's Lake, and new wetlands with storm water from the neighborhood adjacent to the Trillium Site. The eacisting storm water pond at Sims and Agate will move slighUy when 35E is reconstreicted. Ms. Buss talked about restoring the vegetation to those communities that were there at settlement, and installing eskers (berms) and a fence to sepazate the Trillium Site from the railroad tracks MOTION: Commissioner Faricy moved to re[ease Trout Brook Greenway Plan and Area Plan Summary for public rwiew and set a public hearing date for September 7, 2001. Commissioner Johnson seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously on a voice vote Mac-Groveland Communitv Plan Summarv - Adopt resolution. (Yang Zhang, 651/266-6659) • Commissioner Faricy stated at the Neighborhood and Curreat Planning Committee meeting there was a discussion regarding signs and the Macalester-Groveland District Council decided not to take the Committee's advice. Commissioner Faricy stated it was referred back to the Committee for clarification. West Side Communitv Plans Summarv - Adopt resolution. (Yang Zhang, 651/266-6659) Commissioner Faricy stat e nmmary consi o ve ma�or az community identity, transportation and infrastruciure, commercial corridor revitalization, housing, and public safety, followed by a sedes of actions requiring city participation. MOTION: Comnrissioner Faricy moved on behalf of the Neighborhood and Current Planning Committee the following reso[ution that the Saint Paul Planning Commission finds that the West 3ide Community Plan and Riverview Commercial Corridor Rwitalization Program Summary are general[y consistent with the Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan and other relevant City policies and recommends the adoption of the Summary by the City Council as an addendum to [he ComprehensivePltrns repfacing the f981 Disfrzef 3 Plan. The•matian carried unanimously on a voice vote Commissioner Faricy stated the Neighborhood and Cunent Platuiing Comnuttee held a public L o�-`tc�y staff. They also conveaed a technical advisory group with staff from the Department of Transportation, Metropolitan Council, Great River Greening, Department of Natural Resources, � Friends of Parks and Trails, Bicycle Advisory Board, and public Works. She stated the Task Force met sic times between November 2000 and May 2001 and aY their Iast meering recommended tha Trout Brook Greenway Plan to the Planning Commission. Ms. Burke stated the 40-Acre Study has not yet been done. The City is involved in negotiations to purchase two large sites in the greeaway, both currenfly zoned for industrial use. Land Use law prolribits the City from down zoning land that it is involved in purchasing. They ]�ave until the year 2003 to complete the 40-Acre Study. Ms. Sherri Buss from Bonestroo, Rosene, Anderlik gave a presentation on the Trout Brook Greenway Plan. She stated the idea of this plan was to see how to create a habitat corridor through the azea, as well as trail connections, and how to bring the old Trout Brook to the surface on the Trillium site. Ms. Buss stated the trail corridor would connect to the County's existing Trout Brook Trail, aLso link to the Gateway trail and the Bruce Vento Regional Trail in Swede Hollow Park. Ms. Buss passed out colored maps of the Trillium Site Concept Plan. She talked about plans to recreate Trout Brook creek with water from the water utility and McCarron's Lake, and new wetlands with sto:m water from the neighborhood adjacent to the Trillium Site. The existing storm water pond at Sims and Agate will move slightly when 35E is reconstructed. Ms. Buss talked about restoring the vegetation to those communities that were there at settlement, and installing eskers (berms) and a fence to separate the Trillium Site from the railroad tracks MOTION; Commissioner Faricy moved to relettse Trout Brook Greenway Ptan and Area Ptan Summary for public review and set a public hearing date for September 7, 2001. Commissioner Johnson seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimausly on a voice vote Mac-Groveland Community Plan Summarv - Adopt resolution. (Yang Zhang, 651/266-6659) � Commissioner Faricy stated at the Neighborhood and Cuneirt Planning Committee meeting there was a discussion regazding signs and the Macalester-Groveland District Council decided not to take the Conunittee's advice. Commissioner Faricy stated it was referred back to the Committee for clarification. West Side Communitv Plarts Summarv - Adopt resotution. (Yang Zhang, 651i266-b659) Commissioner Faricy stated the Summary consists of five major azeas of focus, including ���t3' I�tS', #r�Fo�Dn and infrastructure, commercial corridor revitalizatioq housing, and public safety, £oi3owe� by a series o€actions requiring city participation. MOTION: Commissioner Faricy moved on behalf of the Neighborhood and Current Planning Committee the following resolution that the Saint Paul Planning Commission finds that the R'est Side Conrnrun&y Plan and Riverview Commercial Conidor Rwita[ization Program Summary aregenerally consistent with theSaintPaul CompreherrsivePlan and other relevant City policies and recommends the adoption of the Summary by the City Council as an addendum to the Comprehensive Plans replacing the 1981 District 3 Plan. The motion carried unanimously on a voice vote Commissioner Faricy stated the Neighborhood and Current Planning Committee held a public �I � l _°I c�`l • meeting last Tuesday at the Little Sisters of the Poor where the Cent� Development Project and some of the Planning Commission members attended. Commissioner Faricy stated the neighbors stated they felt they were not involved enough in the process but in the end all they want from Centex and the City is to make this project better regarding azchitecture, etc. She stated on July 25, 2001, the written portion of the public meeting will be closed and at fl�at time staff will gather all the comments and it will then come back to the Neighborhood Comnuttee sometime after July 25`� . VII. Communications Committee No report. VIII. TaskForceReports No reports. IX. Old Business Commissioner Dandrea updated the Commission on the Gene Corbey memorial stones and volunteered to take Mrs. Corbey to look at them after they zre instailed. X. • XI. New Business None. Adjournment Meeting adjoumed at 10:17 a.m. Recorded and prepazed by Mary Bruton, Plancung Commission Secretary Planning and Economic Development Department, City of Saint Paul Respectfully submitted, Lany Soderholm Planning Administrator Approved (Date) Kathi Donnelly-Cohen Secretary of the Planning Commission • G:\Shazed�Ped�Bruton�Minuteslminutes 7-13-01 • �� • MINUTES OF THE ZONING COMMITTEE Thursday, July 5, 2001 - 3:30 p.m. City Council Chambers, 3' Floor City Hall and Court House 15 West Kellogg Boulevard PRESENT: EXCUSED: OTHERS PRESENT: Alton, Field, Gordon, Kramer, Mejia, and Morton Anfang and Faricy Carol Martineau and Nancy Homans of PED The meeting was chaired by Commissioner Field. � � -��� ParkwayAutoCare-01-209-063,01-209 RezoningfromB-2toB-3. SpecialGonditionUse Permit for an auto repair business. Setback variance for parking along Ford Parkway (25 foot setback required; 6 foot setback proposed). 1581 Ford Parkway, NW corner at Snelling. Nancy Homans showed siides and presented the staff report. In addition to recommending approval of the rezoning and setback variance, Ms. Homans stated the Zoning Staff aiso recommends approval of the Special Condition Use Permit with the conditions in the staff report and the additional conditions recommended by the District 15 Planning Councii: i) A privacy fence will be built on the western boundary of the property. 2) Hours of operation will be Monday- Friday, 7 a.m. to 9 p.m., and Saturday from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. 3) {f a pylon sign is erected, it wiU be no taller than the one at Super America across the street. Mr. Ronaid Atcorn, the applicant, appeared and offered to answer any questions. At the question of Commissioner Gordon, Mr. Alcorn stated he was in agreement with the conditions. Commissioner Alton moved approva! of the rezoning, and Special Condition Use Permit with conditions, and set-back variance. Commissioner Gordon seconded the motion. The motion passed by a vote of 6-0. Adopted Yeas - 6 Drafted by: C�Q n.a�!7�r�.u�2� c�1v Carol Martineau Recording Secretary Nays - 0 Submitted by: Approved by: � � Nancy H ans Litton Field Zoning Section Chair HACC DIST 15 TEL�612— Jun 2�'U1 y�5u ryo.uvi r.vc � HIGHLAND DISTRICT COUNCIL $uilding a Stronger Community Through Citizen Participation 1978 Ford Parkway, Saint Paul MN 5511b (651)695-4005 Fax (651)695-4607 Council Members Olficors: L.aum Deut3eerry, President Stiawn Bartsh, V'ice President C. ScottBuni4 Tteasure� Sally Cousu, Secretary Members: Grid 1: Clvis Ohnsorg Grid 2: Batbara Hussen Grid 3: Scott Bunin Grid 4: Gary F'iscl�bAeh Grid 5: Bill Poulos Crrid 6: Win Borden Cuid7: Rtede Wtbster Grid 8: Grcg Klicndl Grid 9: Sally Couser Grid 10; Shawn Bartsh Grid ! 1: Angie Kline Grid 12: Laura Deubcrry • At Uarge: Gary Marx Iahn Nelson Micch Gordon Larry Hampel Highland Business Assaiation: West End Business Association Dan Galies Alumatcs: Rick Dagcnais Msrdelle LaMnur Cammunity Organizer: Gayle Summers Crime Prevention: Metissa Summcrs • June 28, 2001 St. Paul Planning Commission Zoning Comm'rttee t tU0 City Hall A�nex 25 West 4"' Stteet St. Paul MN 55102 To Whom it IvJay Concern; o t ���`� On Wednesday, June 2�'�, the Community Development Committee of the Highland District Council met with representatives of Parkway Auto Cate and neighbors of the proposed development at Snelling and Ford Parkway. With the conditions listed below, that Mr. Alcorn has agreed to, the Committee approved the zoning change from B-2 to B-3, the Special Condition Use Pernut and the 19' variance along Ford Parkway. The Conditions are: 1. There will be landscaping along Snelling and Ford Pazkway which will include fencing similar to the fencing at Super America, across the street. Shrubs wil! planted and maintained behind the fence. 2. A privacy fence will be built along the western boundry of the property. 3. Hours oP opecation wiil be Monday - Friday 7AM - 9PM, Saturday from 7AM - 3PM. 4. Tf a pylon sign is erected it will be no tall than the one at Super America. Sincerely, Gayle W. Summers ������ � 1. 2. ZONING COMMITTEE STAFF REPORT FILE # 01-209-063 APPLICANT: Alcom, Inc. (Pazkway Auto Care) HEARING DATE: July 5, 2001 TYPE OF APPLTCATION: Rezoning 3. LOCATION: 1581 Ford Pazkway, between Snelling and Macalester 4. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Subject to Ford Pazkway, Lots 26, 27, and 28, Block 4, Hardenbergh Addition, Ranisey County, Nlinnesota 5. PLAN1vING DISTRICT: 15 6. ZONING CODE REFERENCE: 64.400 STAFF REPORT DATE: June 21, 2001 8. DATE RECEIVED: May 24, 2001 PRESENT ZOIVING: B-2 BY: Nancy Homans DEADLINE FOR ACTION: 7uly 23, 2001 A. • B. C. PURPOSE: Rezone from B-2 to B-3 to allow for the construction of an auto repair station. PARCEL SIZE: 13825 x 111.19 = 15,372 sq. ft. EXISTING LAND USE: Vacant auto secvice center D. SURRGUNDING LAND USE: North: Office and single family residential, zoned OS-1 and R-3 South: Auto service station, zoned B-2 East: Highland Park, zoned R-1 West: Multiple family residential, zoned RM-2 E. ZONING CODE CITATION: Sec. 64.400 of the zoning code provides for amendment of the district boundaries. F. HISTORY/DISCUSSION: A pemut for a filling station operated by SocconVacuum Oil Company was approved in August 1954. A major variance was approved in May 1994 reducing the tequired setback for a canopy over the fueltanks. G. DISTRICT COUNCIL RECOMMENDATION: A recommendation had not been received at the time this staff report was prepared. � H. FINDTNGS: 1. The applicant proposes to demolish an existing vacant auto service station and constmct a new seven-bay 4661 squaze foot auto repair station with parking spaces for 27 cars. A concurrent application for a special condition use permit and setback variance has also been filed. Zoning File #O1-209-063 Page two 2. The properry has been used for auto related uses since at least 1954 and is across Ford Parkway from a newly reconstructed SuperAmerica auto service station. As such, the establishmern of a new auto repair use is unlikely to have an adverse impact oa the fully developed surrounding neighborhood. Furthermore, because the site has been vacant for some time, the new facility would represent the elimination of a blighting influence on a heavily travelad comer. 3. The property is currenUy zoned B-2 and is contiguous to OS-1, RM-2 and R-3 zoning districts. As such, rezoning would not result in a spot wning, but, rather, the ldnd of fine- grained zoning that is appropriafe for a xnajor transportation corridor. 4. The use is not inconsistent with the provisions of the comprehensive plan. 5. The code provides that an application for rezoning must be accompanied by a conse� petition of the owners of two thirds of the properties withui 100 feet of the property to be rezoned. Eight signatures were req�ired. Eight were received. I. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the rezoning of 1581 Ford Pazkway from B-2 to B-3. • • � Zoning File #O1-209-063 Page two � �—�c�( 2. The property has been used for auto related uses since at least 1954 and is across Ford Pazkway fi'om a newly reconstructad SuperAmerica auto service station. As such, the establishment of a new auto repair use is unlikely to I�ave an adverse impact on the fully developed surrounding neighborhood. Furthermore, because the site has been vacant for some time, the new facility would representthe elimination of a hlighting influence on a heavily traveled corner. 3. The property is cuaenily zoned B-2 and is contiguous to OS-1, RM-2 and R-3 zoning districts. As such, rezoning would not result in a spot zoning, but, rather, the ldnd of fine- p3ained zoning that is appropriaie for a major transportation corridor. 4. The use is not inconsisteut with the provisions of the comprehensive plan. The code provides that an application for rezoning must be accompanied by a conse� petition of the owners of rivo thirds of the properties within 100 feet of the properry to be rezoned. Eight signatures were required. Eight were received. I. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the rezoning of 1581 Ford Pazkway from B-2 to B-3. � � PETITION TO AMEND THE 20NING CODE Department of Planning and Ecorsomrc De'velopment Zoning Section I400 City HaUAnnex 2s wess Fourth streer Saint Paul, MN SSIO2-I634 (651) 266-6589 Property APPLICANT PROPERTY LOCATION City Contact Person (if Address / Location � (attach addi4iona4 sheet tf Z� Daytime TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL: Zoning tf ce u 'o - :at����o�� File • Fee:�� •j� . . Tentative Hearing Date: - � -S- U_ � G' Zoning ��-,-,,2 Pursuant to Section 64.400 of the Saint Paul Zoning Ordinance and to Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statues, �0�'iC< <C� ��C�Y' Yl , owner of land proposed tor rezoning, hereby petitions you to rezone the above described property from a �'oZ zoning district to a �'� zoning district, for the purpose of: fl uto re�c<< r st�- � (attach additional sheet(s) if necessary) Attachments: Required Site Plan .� Subscribed and sworn to before me o ���/i day this — . � �� 20 �� Consent Petition � ot-`l�`� G (� �0(3 - ►��= ��� � 3,�- Z �`7v ANdavit +� 8 : --,� j L � `� ee Owner of Property JANICE E. MAGNUSON ` Notary Public-Minnescta { �. � �c/ , r Ramsey County Notary Public -, My Commission Expires Jan. 31. 2005 Page 1 of _ 06/21/2601 08:38 6447599 ALL�'Y PUBUC AILEY � � � � T � ._� �.� 1 ��� . �— r � �i 'c�u' � — pc+e' , iwr" 1 f� °°7� f 12 FULL SIZE PARKING STALLS 13 COMPAC7 PARKING STALLS ,o Uul.rnt�y ucv��.� � � + I � ao� u�oeoi+c Roo' �n arc eoErax 9 � � _ � _ .�'0�1� .��I�'���Y PUBLIC RIGHT OF WnY — � 0 d � �CEN7ERUNE FORD PARKWAY � � � nei u i int �ll�'Y PUBUC AUEY rait tr�e� no � T � ._ �� 1 ��� �,-�,T _ uic � - �9nr �., ,�,�—� �.�-� f 12 FULL SIZE PARKING STALLS 13 COMPACT PARKIN6 STALLS n . I 6ED' U�DlGVf {AO' 1Er CK �R s cc aea __ _ _ �sv � � , 01-� �� i ! ) ', u c ' ii u : II ` V I ' �I c � i � I �� TRAFFIC LICHT � � , L�/)�j,l ����� T� �CENTERUNE FORD PARKWAr ,t� ti li 1 I PUBUC RIGHT OF WAY � ..� ; . � Tt�ZONING FIRST SUBMITTED S�� DATE PETITION SUBMITTED: � �� � � DATE OFFICIALLY RECEIVEA: � � �� � � PARCELS ELIGIBLE: � PARCELS REQUIRED: � PARCELS SIGNED: _� ��� 12ESUBYfITTED DATE PETITION RESUBMITTED: DATE OFFICIALLY RECEIVED: PARCELS ELIGIBLE: PARCELS REQUIRED: PARCELS SIGNED: Q � ���y . CHECY.ED BX: I/ � DATE: � S O i ��NI�G F1L� � � � 1- 2�S-o�3 , �. - - - CITY OF SAII�T PAUL CONSENT OF ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNE�S FOR A REZONING We, the undersigned, owners of the property within 100 feet of the total contiguous description of real estate owned, purchased, or sold by THE PETITIONER within one year preceding t�he date of this petition acknowledge that we have been presented with the follo�ving: ( 1. Acopyofthepefitionof Ronald`Alcorn (name of petitioner) to rezone the property located at 1581 Ford Parkway irom a B-2 zoning district to a B-3 zoning district. 2. A copy of sections 60.560 through 60.565 inclusive of the Saint Paul Zoning Code; and acknowledgc that �vc an: a��•are of all of the uses permitred in B-3 zoning district and we are aware that any of these uses can be established upon City Council approva] of the rezoning. �Ve hereb}' consent to tl�e rezoning of the property in the petition of; Ronald Alcorn to a B-3 zoning district. m (Name of petitioner) \Ve consent to the appro�'al of this rezoning as it rcas expiained to us b}' the applicant or his/her rcpresentative. 1600 Ford Parkway 1603 Ford Parkway y 4 �� 1609 Ford Parkc� 757 Snelling 1588 Pine urst 1592 Pinehurst 1596 P 160 P i n ehurst 1606 Pinehurst 1580 Poid - Parkc i �a T(\ SSs�R.-.�2 , � �.r A sweC.�i-,� � p-0c,�� G . ta-�.�.t 1� C� n 1�J �z`t�� � )/iK�r � - �- z3 �/ � Sj S�o/ �zx o/ v 9/�/ ls�t'�N� -� - — - � I 7 0 5u�at� P ' � �� � NorE: - Tt�is petition shall not be considered as officiallp filed until the lapse o seven (7) ��•orking da}�s aiter it is recci�•ed by ttic Pianning Di�•ision. Any signator of fhis petition ms�' �sithdrati�• his/her ►:ame theretrom by tit•ritten request �sithin thlt time. {.GI CITY OF SAInT PAUL CONSENT OF ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS FOR A REZONING (name 1581 R We, thc undersigned, owners of the property within 100 feet of the total contiguous description of real estate o�vned, purchased, or sold by THE PETITIONER within one year preceding th� e date of tliis petition acknowledge that �ve have been presented with the foliowing: � ]. Acopyofthepetition to rezone the property located at from a B-2 zoaing district to a A-3 zoning district. 2. A copy of sections 60. 560 through 60.565 , inclusive of the Saint Paul Zoning Code; and acknowledge that �vc aro a���are oCall of the uses permitted in�a B-3 zoning district and �ve are aware that any of these uses can be established upon City Council approval of the rezoning. We hereby consent to the cezoning of the property in ihe petition of; Ronald Alcorn to a B-3 zoning district. � (Name of petitioner) �1'c conscnt to thc appro�'al of this rezoninp as it rti•as explained to us b'}• tlie upplicant or his/her representative. 1bl�C Ford Pa rkway �603 �'ord Parkway 1609 Ford Parkway 757 Snelling 15s8 Pinehurst ��p� `S', � �-� • 1592 Piu3eknsrst 1596 P inehurst 1600 Pinehurst ib05 Pinehur ts ` 1 580 I`oid •Pa� � 153Irw>�w ,1G. Q swetfA-,�.) p,or,4:�. G . tkw.t � � t ., `l�`f 1 � . �- zs �/ s ( Y/a Sl S�o/ �za �o/ j/9 z4 ! Jv v...w-•-- . . r- . _ Nore: This petition shall not be considered as officialt}' filed until the lapse o seven ) � �vorking d:+ys s�fter it is recei��ed by t}ie Pianning Di�•ision. An}� signator of this petition may ���ithdra�r his/her rame therefrom by �rritten request �cithin that time. I.GI � 1\ ,�� ) � CITY OF SAINT PAUL � AFFIDAVIT OF PERSON CIRCULATING PETITION STATE OF MINNESOTA) :SS COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) � D � � `�c�`� �_ ��,t}U� , being first duly sworn, deposes and states that he/she is the person who circulated the within petition and consent, consisting of � pages; that affiant is informed and believes that the parties described are the owners respectively of the lots placed immediately before each name, that affiant is informed and believes that each of the parties described above is the owner of the property which is within 100 feet from any property owned or purchased y petitioner or sold by petitioner within one (1) year preceding the date of this petition which is conkiguous to the property described in the petition; that except for none of the parties described above has purchased or is purchasing property from the petitioner contiguous to the above described property within one (1) year of the date of this petition; that this consent was signed by each said owners in the presences of this affiant, and that the signatures are the true and correct signatures of each and all of the parties so described. � Subscribed and worn to before me this 2 `{ day of�, 20D �. � .a. �! ', � / .� � -��_ � � A E 1�i(o� SN�.u..�(s l7sz.T�.���i3�.co� t�eil�EtS�l 55t13 ADDRESS C�s>>a,n-az.� 1(�5�� ��-�5� TELEPHONE NUMBER AA��� NOTA�'�� Fl � •µ'NNESO`A -i7:?� 71 3t.Y�.`5 NI�%- :S-'c ...wrJ�/V✓dN� I.OI � S'�'Z'Zx'xOI1 'Z'O X2�70I�� �A.rxzn�vzr oz� ��xz�zon�R STATE OF MThTNESOTA) __ :SS COiNTi' OF RAMSEI' ) . The petiti�ner, � aN�-� ��-�+�� . being first duly s�vo:r., deposes and states tliat tlie consent petition contains si� natures from Gt least two-thirds (z/a) of al t eligible pruperties �ti•itl�iu 100 feet of al! property o��•n�d, purchased, or sold by petitioner «'ithin one (1) year precedin� the date of titis p�tition ��fiich is conti�uous to ihe prop�rt�• described in tho_ petition; petitioner is informed that the consent petition must contzinsignatures from ezch�and all o�ti•ners of jointty property i�i order to conslitute consent from thzt propaRy and that failure to oUtain conserit from cach �nd �lt o��ners couldinvalidatethe consentpetition; p�titioncr betic�•es lhat the eonsent petition «1s signed by cach of said o«•ners 2ad that tiie si�natures aro Uie true and correct signatures of eacli and all of theparties so d.scribed. ������ ���N � � � .2�� C�Si� (��`f —� 5��3 TELEPHO\E I�U�SBER Subscribed and s�tirorn �,o,beFore me this�/ dayof_��1G , �aoo� � Rl' PUBLIC JANICE E. MAGNUSON Notary Pu6lic-Minnesota Ramsey County on Expires Jan. 31, 2005 p of �� 1(31!)7 � All1J1ttJJ x'��'x7'ZOi� �'O X2�70I�� -Ar<rzzi�vzr or ��cxzrzon�R STATE OF Mit4DIESOTA) �} `D���lo� :SS COLNTI' OF RAMSLI' ) . 7'!i: pctitianzr, � o�i?E�t—`�.� � 1—Ct%�� , baing fint dulp s4�•o:r., deposes and stltcs that the consent petition contains signa:uras from �i least twathirds (�h) of a] i eligible prupertias ��•itliin 100 feet of 111 property a�rned, purcliased, or sold by petitioner ��•ithin one (1) year precedin� the date of il�is p�tition ��l�ich is contiguous to ihe prop�rtp desccibed in the tY� pelition; petitioner is informed ttiat the consent petition must containsignati�res from ez:h and 21l o�cners of jointl}•-o�ti•ned propcfty i�t orde� to conslituta consrnt from thzt propaRy and that failure to obtain conserit from cach flnd s�ll o��ners could im•alidate ihe consent peiition; pctitioncr belicti•es tltat thc consrnt petition �v1s signed b}• oach of s±id o«•ners aad that tiie si�natures s�ra the true nnd correct si� natures of each and r.11 of the p�rties so dascribed. �_��s.,�.� ��e-N : � AUL1Ct.JJ CC S� � 6�f-`f -� S�F-O TELEPHO\E I�U�;BER � Subscrib:d and s��•orn o before me this �/- day of � , 'R�c�DO/ PUBLIC JANICE E. MAGNUSON Notary Pubiic-Minnesota Ramsey County y Commission Ettpires Jan. 31, 2005 pzo� of � 11311)7 _� , - - --�. � � i I CITIZEN PARTICIPA IO DIS RICTS � � 1.Sl4NRAY-BATTLECREEK-HIGHWOOD � 2.GREATER EAST=SIDE • 3.WEST SIDE � 4.DAYTON'S BLUFf , 5.PAYNE-PHALEN 6.NORTH END 7.TNOMAS-DALE 8.SUMMIT-UNIVERSITY 9.WEST SEVENTH � lO.COMO 11 . HAMLIN E-MI D4lAY 12.ST. ANTHONY 13.MERRIAM PK.-LEXINGTON HAMLINE 14 GROVELAND-h1ACALESTER � HLAND . MMIT HILL ��� n O � � O� � _ 17. DOWtITOWN L CITIZEN PARTICIPA7ION PLANNIN6 DISTRICTS CITIZEN PAR ICIPATI OI I 7S o � ���� ��� � 1.SUNRAY-BATTIECREEK-HIGHWOOD 2.GRE�TER EAST=SIDE • 3.WES7 SIDE 4.DAYTON'S BLUFf S,PRYNE-PHALEN S.NORTH END 7.TNOMAS-DALE 8.SUMMI7-UNIVERSITY 9.WEST SEVENTN iQ.COMO 11.NAMLINE-MIDWAY 12.ST. ANTHONY 13.MERRIAM PK.-LEXINGTOY HAMLItiE 14 GROVELAND-MACALESTER HLAND . 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D1ST�— MAP n ¢ r,:� (amify � � . "" rruttipie lamil� .:�___. A�R n•� on*�- . � n cor..,^BrGZ� � ,�. � indv>:: iat y v2C_ :I b� -�(�`[ NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The Saint Paul City Councii will conduct a public hearing on Wednesday, August 1, 2001, at 5:30 p.m., City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall, to consider the application of ALCORN, Inc., to rezone property from B-2 to B-3 to allow for the construction of an auto repair station at 1581 Ford Parkway (between Snelling Avenue and Macalester Street). Dated: July 17, 2001 Nancy Anderson Assistant City Council Secretary ORIGINAL Presented By Referred To Green Sheet # �, � ORDINANCE a3 PAUL, MINNESOTA 2 0 10 11 12 13 14 Council File # � " y Ordinance # Committee: Date An ordinance amending Chapter 60 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertauung to zoning for the City of Saint Paul and the zoning maps thereof: WHEREAS, Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes {462357 and 64.400 of the Legislative Code, Ronald Alcorn duly petitioned to rezone properiy at 1581 Ford Pazkway being legally described as(see file), from B-2 (community business) to B-3 (commercial) to allow for the construciton of an auto repair station, the petition having been certified by the Planning Division on 06/OS/O1 as hauing been consented to by at least 67% of the owners of the area of the property to be rezoned, and further having been consented to by at least two-thirds of the owners of the property situated within 100 feet of the total contiguous property within one year proceeding the date of the petition; and WHEREAS, The Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission on 07/OS/O1, held a pubiic hearing for the purpose of considering the rezoning petition, and pursuant to { 107.03 of the Administrative Code, submitted its recotnmendation to the Planning Commission that the petition be granted; and 15 16 WHEREAS, The Planning Commission considered the rezoning petition at its meeting held on 07/13/O1 and 17 recommended that the City Council approve the petition; and 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 WHEREAS, notice of public hearing before the City Council on the said rezoning petition was duly published in the official newspaper of the City on 07/19/Ol and notices were duly mailed to each owner of affected property and property situated wholly or partly within 350 feet of the property sought to be rezoned; and WHEREAS, a public hearing before the City Council having been conducted on 08/O1/O1, where all interested parties were heard, the Council hauing considered all the facts and recommendations concerning the petition; now, therefore THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. 32 That the zoning map of the City of Saint Paul, Sheet Number 37, as incorporated by reference in {60301 of 33 the Saint Paul Legislative Code, as amended, is hereby further amended as follows: 34 35 That property located at 1581 Ford Parkway being more particularly described as: 36 37 See file 38 PU8Lt5HEn 39 be and is hereby rezoned from B-2 to B-3. �f 18 'd1 40 QRIG1N�� �t-�4� 41 42 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirry (30) days from and after its passage, approval and 43 publication. 44 � Requested by Department of: Plannin & Onomic Develo ment By: r� O Adopted by Council: Date ��S _� �-� �� Form Ap ed b�y C�i Attorney � �_s� ^ f /���a Adoption Certified by Council Secretasy By: e � J By: cl— '�__ . Approved by Mayor: Date / Approved by Mayor fo. Submision to Council By: By: ' L /'i�Wr�' i�1}SLt��?� �; ; � DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL: DATE INITIATED GREEN SHEET No.:l 13111 O`� Y PED 30 August 2001 � y CO:YTACC PERSO\ & PHO\E: j INITIAL/DA7'E IM74lL/DATF Joel Spoonheim y 2 DEPARTME2�T DIR. 5 CITY COUNCII. �IOST BE O�i COLICSL AGEtiDA Bl' (DATE) ASSIGN ' y tir hU:IISER } CITS'ATCORNEY °�- t _CITYCLERK S ' ppg FINANCIAL SERV DIR. _ FINANCIAL SERV/ACCLG ROUTING 4 Ml+POR(ORASS� TJ� _C[VILSERVICECOMMISSION_ ORDER 1 Sean Kershat� 1 TOTAL'� OF SIGVAT[JRE PAGES l,_(CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ncriov xeQuESTen: Adoption of rezoning ordinance RECOMMENDAT[ONS:Approve(A)orRejec[(R) PERSONALSERVICECO\�RAC1'SMUSTAu\"SWERTHEFOLLOWLVG QUESTIOYS: A PLANNING COMMISSION 1. Has this person/fiim ever worked under a contract for this depar6nent? CIB COMMITI'EE Yes No CN[L SERVICE COMMISSION 2- Haz this person/firm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does t6is person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee� Yes No Ezplain all yes ansvers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEbI, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Mho, Wha[, When, Where, Why): Adopt an ordinance to finalize council approval of a petition of Ronald Alcorn to rezone properiy at 1581 Ford Parkway from B-2 to B-3 (public heazing held 08/Ol/Ol) . � � ,,���11t8t ����>� ADVANTAGESIFAYPROVED: New auto service facility will be constructed on blighYed lot. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED - � none DISAD�'ANTA�F.S IF I30T APFROVED: No new investment on blighted site. TOTAL ANIOUNT OF TRANSACTION: SO COST/REVENUE BUDGETED: FUNDING SOURCE: ACTIVITY NUMBER: FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) %�ShareTPed\S�oonAriV omnS Cases115St Ford Pkwy Alwrn\g:eenshcct wpd DEPAR'I'MENT OF PLANNING & ECANOMIC DEVEIAPMENT BrionSweeney, Director 6 t -�.� y � —� C.TTY OF SAIN'f PAUL Norm Codeman, Mayar July 13, 2001 Ms. Nancy Anderson City Council Research Office Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Deaz Ms. Anderson: 25WestFourlhStreet SamtPau� MN55102 2eZephone: 651-2666655 Facsimile: 651-228-3314 �"Irc S•ye�. `� �l G�n�� �� � ��_ , e-av v� r'�� � JUL �.`� 2�iQ1 g/ i +� _ . _ . +�- - I would ]ike to confirm that a public hearing before the City Council is scheduled for Wednesday August 1, 2001 for the following zoning case: Applicant: File Number: Purpose: Address: Legal Description of Psoperry: ALCORN, INC. #01-209-063 Rezone property from S-2 to B-3 to a11ow for the construction of an auto repair station. 1581 Ford Parkway, behveen Snelling and Macalester Subject to Ford Pazkway, Lots 26, 27, and 28, Block 4, Hardenbergh Addition, Ramsey County, Mimiesota Previous Action: Planning Commission Recommendation: Approval, vote: unanimous, July 13, 2001 Zoning Committee Recommendation: Approval, vote: 6-0, July 5, 2001 My understanding is that this public hearnig request wiil appear on the agenda for the July 25, 2001 City Councii meeting—or be read into the record at that meeting--and that you will publish notice of the hearing in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger. Please call me at 266-6557 if you haue any questions. Sincerely, �� ���-�/ City Planner cc: File #01-209-063 Wendy I,ane Paul Dubruiel Cazol Martineau s� rwa�.� � _: a�oaa'� , • �nrs5'zum� • - �IOTICE OF PUBYSC vcsRnv'G"': C The Saint Paul Clty Covnell w19 Gu?i- dvet� a�ptibll� heazing on Nf�edxiesday, August, l, 2001, at 5:30 p.m., City Counc7l cn�t�s, �a ��r cccy �r. ca �n8�aer _ the appliqUon of At.CORN. Inc., to rezone perfy ¢om g-2. to B-3 to allow for the � c� nstructlon of an auto repa� starion. at 15&2� Ford Parkway lbetweep Snellfng- Avenue and Macalester Street) - � - - � Dafed: Jvly�17, 2001' . . _ - __ NANCY ANRERSON - -- ' - .,,AsslsYant Cit}! Cauncii Secretary' � . � _ bLn$' ZsJ . . . . , DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING &ECONOMICDEVELAPMENT Brian Sweeney, Director b l -`l�`l CfiTY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor July 20, 2001 Ms. Nancy Anderson Secretary to the City Council Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 RE: Zoning File #O1-209-063 City Council Hearing: 25WestFourthStseet Telephone:651-2666655 SaintPaul,MN55102 Facsimile:651-1283314 ALCORN, INC. August 1, 2001, 5:30 p.m. City Council Chambers PURPOSE To consider rezoning properry located at 1581 Ford Parkway (between Snelling and Macalester) from B-2 (commercial) to B-3 (commercial) to allow for the construction of an auto repair station. PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDAT'ION APPROVAL vote: unanimous ZONING COMMITTEE RECONIMENDAT'ION APPROVAL vote: 6-0 • STAFF RECOMMENDATION: 'APPROVAL S[3PPORT: No one spoke. The Highland Area Community Councd (District 15� voted to support the rezoning. OPPOSITION: No one spoke. Dear Ms. Anderson: ALCORN, INC. submitted a petition to rezone property located at 1581 Ford Parkway from B-2 (commercial) to B-3 (commercial) . The Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission held a public heazing on the proposed rezoning on July 5, 2001. The applicant addressed the committee. At the close of the public hearing, the committee voted 6-0 to recommend approval to rezone to B-3. The Planning Commission upheld the Zoning Comrciittee's recommendation for approval on a unanimous vote on July 13, 2001. This proposed rezoning is scheduled to be heazd by the City Council on August 1, 2001. Please notify Joel Spoonheim (6-6614) if any member of the City Council wishes to have slides of the site presented at the public hearing. Sincerely, • �c��. ��'�'�.-._-° Nancy Homans CiTy Planner Attachments cc: City Council members ol-�c� � file number 01-5$ date Suly 13 Zooi city ofi saint paul planning commission resolution WHEREAS, Alcorn, Inc., File #01-209-L163, has applied 4or a Rezoning fcom B-2 to B-3 under the provisions of §64.400 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, to allow the construction of an auto repair station on property located at 1581 Ford Par{cway, legally described as Subject to Ford Parkway, Lots 26, 27, and 28, Biock 4, tiardenbergh Addition, Ramsey County, Minnesota; and WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission, on July 5, 2001, held a public hearing at which all persons present were given an opportunity to be heard pursuant to said application in accordance with the requirements of §64.300 of the Saint Paul Legisiative Code; and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Planning Commission, based on the evidence presented to its Zoning Committee at the pubiic hearing as substantialiy refiected in the minutes, made the following findings of fact: • 1. The appiicant proposes to demolish an existing vacant auto service staiion and construct a new seven-bay 4661 square foot auto repair station with parking spaces for 27 cars. A concurrent application for a special condition use permit and setback variance has also been filed. 2. The property has been used for auto related uses since at least 1954 and is across Ford Parkway from a newly reconstructed SuperAmerica auto service station. As such, the establishment of a new auto repair use is unlikely to have an adverse impact on the fuiiy developed surrounding neighborhood. Furthermore, because the site has been vacant for some time, the new facility would represent the elimination of a blighting influence on a heavily traveled corner. 3. The property is currentiy zoned B-2 and is contiguous to OS-1, RM-2 and R-3 zoning districts. As such, rezoning would not result in a spot zoning, but, rather, the kind of fine-grained zoning that is appropriate for a major transportation corridor. 4. The use is not inconsistent with the provisions of the comprehensive pian. moved by Field seconded by r . ir� favor Unanimous • against Zoning File #01-209-063 Planning Commission Resolution Page 2 5. The zoning code provides that an application for rezoning must be accompanied by a consent petition of the owners of two thirds of the properties within 100 feet of the property to be rezoned. Eight signatures were required. Eight were received. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Saint Paui Pianning Commission, under the authority of the City's Legislative Code, that the appiication of Aicorn, Inc. for a Rezoning from B-2 to B-3 at 1581 Ford Parkway, is hereby recommended to the Saint Paul City Council. � � C� b l -`�(,� Zoning File #01-209-063 Planning Commission Resolution Page 2 5. The zoning code provides that an application for rezoning must be accompanied by a consent petition of the owners of two thirds of the properties within 100 feet of the property to be rezoned. Eight signatures were required. Eight were received. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Saint Paul Planning Commission, under the authority of the City's Legisla6ve Code, that the appiication of Alcom, Inc. for a Rezoning from B-2 to B-3 at 1581 Ford Parkway, is hereby recommended to the Saint Paul City Council. � • • ___ - - _ _ _�_--�- --�-�-_,. �t-��y • Saint Paul Planning Commission City Hall Conference Center 15 Kellogg Boulevard West Minutes of Jaly 13, 2001 A meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Saint Paul was held Friday, July 13, 2001, at 8:30 a.m. in the Conference Ceuter of City Hall. Commissioners Present: Commissioners Absent: Mmes. Duarte, Faricy, Zimmer Lonetti, Morton, and Shoriridge; and Messrs. Alton, Dandrea, Field, Gervais, Gordon, Johnson, Kong, Kramer, Mardell and Mejia. Mmes. *Donnelly-Cohen, and *McCall,; and Messrs. *Anfang, *Fotsch, and *Galles. *Excused Also Present: Larry Soderholm, Planning AdminisUator; Nancy Homans, Yang Zhang, Virginia Burke, A1 Lovejoy, Jim Zdon, and Mary Bruton, Department of Planning and Ewnomic Developmern staff. I. Approval of Minutes of June 22, 2001 • II. III. . MOTION Commissioner Johnson moved approval of the minutes of June 22, 2001. Commissioner Lonetti seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimous[y on a voice vate Chair's Ar,nouncements No Chair announcements. Planning Administrator's Announcements Mr. Soderholm announced that PED staff, Nancy Homans, requested a leave of absence to work as Legislarive Aide to Council Member Chris Coleman. Mr. Soderholm recognized Ms. Homans and fl�anked her for the outstanding work she has done. Mr. Soderholm passed around a dot map from the Metropolitan Council showing the distriburion of population in Minnesota and the metro azea in 2000. Mr. Soderholm talked about City Council business: The Buffalo Sober house was approved for 16 resideirts The White Bear Avenue Plan and 40-Acre Study were adopted. Mi. Soderholm congratulated Commissioner Richard Kramer and PED Planner Patricia James for their hazd work. He stated the City Council is worldng on redevelopment project financing m response to changes in local property taxes and TIF adopted by the legislature. The State will provide a fund to compensate municipalities partially for TIF losses on major projects that are in the pipeline at the time of the changes. The City CouaciI aud PED are worldng to certify the West • Side Flats, the Upper Landing, and a few other projects as pipeline projects fl�at will become eligible for State compensatory funds. The Arcade Street moratorium that is going through. The City Council approved the rezoning as RT-2 (three or four units) for the Arcnstrong House to be moved to the Plastics Inc. site. Mr. Soderholm reported that at the HItA meeting this week, PED presented its full work program, including a complete list of planning projects. The Steering Comxnittee wi11 discuss the list in two weeks. Mr. Soderholm also presented to the City Council some of the implications in the change in State law with regazds to zoning. He stated the requirement for petitions signed by the neighbors has been lazgely removed from State Law. Now a perition is required from the neighbors only if residentials properly is being changed to commercial or industrial. If you have a single family house and you want to make a dupleaL, 3-plelc, or 4-pleac, you can just come to the Zoning Office, write your check, fill out your application, and it will come to the Zoning Committee. The neighbors will be notified of the public hearings at the Zoning Committee and the Ciry Council. After some discussion, tkris matter was referred to ihe Zoning Committee to consider whether the new rules will work okay or whether the City should revise our local zoning procedural requirements. IV. Zoning Committee OLD BUSINESS • #O1-206-105 Heartland Auto Sales Inc. - Modification of a Special Condition Use Permit (SCUP) to increase number of vehicles allowed to be parked on the lot: 27 vehicles ailowed under 1999 SCUP for second hand auto sales business; expansion of lot to allow a total of 37 vehicles on the lot proposed. 1236 Arcade Street, NE comer Arcade & Hawthome. (Rich Malloy, 651/266-6647) Commissioner Field stated that a letter from the District 5 Plannnig Council was received in opposition. No one spoke in support, one party spoke in opposition. The public hearing was closed. The Zoning Committee on a vote of 5-1 (Akon), laid the matter over to the meeting on July 19, Comtnissioner Field said that Rich Malloy's memo for the neact Zoning Comcnittee meeting indicates that Peter Wamer, who was on vacation at the last Zoning Committee meeting, has opined that the new Arcade Street moratorium catches this application. At the next committee meeting, Mr. Wamer will be recommending denial based on the moratorium. NEW BUSINESS #f11-208-086 Sueedway Suaer America - Special Cond�tion Use Pemut,for an auto service starion, and a pazlang variance (13 spaces required; 11 spaces proposed). 925 Grand, NW corner at Mikon. (Nancy Homans, 651/266-6557) Cotnmissioner Field stated that no district comment was received. No one spoke in support and no one spoke in opposition. The public hearing was closed. The Zoning Committee recommended • 2 b 1 �`{ G`� pipeline at the time of the ckianges. The City Councfl and PED aze worldng to certify the West � Side Flats, the Upper Landing, and a few other projects as pipeline projects that will become eligible for State compensatory funds. The Arcade Street moratorium that is going through. The City Council approved the rezoning as RT-2 (three or four units) for the Armstrong House to be moved to the Plastics Inc. site. Mr. Soderholm reported that at �e HRA mceting tbis week, PED preserned iu fiill work program, including a complete list of planning projects. The Steering Committee will discuss the list in two weeks. Mr. Soderholm atso presented to ihe City Council some of the implications in the change in State law with regards to zoning. He stated the requirement for petitions signed by ihe neighbors bas been lazgety remcsved from State Law. Now a petition is required from the neighbors only if residentials properry is being changed to commerciai or industrial. If you haue a single family house and you want to make a duplex, 3-plex, or 4-plex, you can just come to the Zoning Office, write your check, fill out youz application, and it will come to the Zoning Committee. The neighbors will be notified of the public hearings at the Zoning Committee and the City Council. After some discussion, tlus matter was referred to the Zoning Committee to consider whether the new rules will work okay or whether the City should revise our local wning procedural requirements. IV. Zoning Committee OLD BUSINESS #O1-206-105 Heartland Auto Sales Inc. - Modification of a Specia] Condition Use Permit (SCUP) • to increase namber of vehicles allowed to be parked on the lot: 27 vehicles allowed under 1999 SCUP for secand hand auto sales business; expansion of lot to allow a total of 37 vehicles on the lot proposed. 1236 Arcade Street, NE comer Arcade & Hawthome. (Rich Malloy, 651/266-6647) Commissioner Field stated that a letter from the District 5 Planning Council was received in opposition. No one spoke in support, one party spoke in opposition. The public hearing was closed. The Zoning Committee on a vote of 5-1 (Alton), laid the matter over to the meeting on July 19, 2001. Comn�issioner Field said that Rich Malloy's memo for the nelct Zoning Committee meeting indicates that Peter Wamer, who was on vacation at the last Zoning Committee meeting, has opined that the new Arcade Street moratorium catches this application. At the next committee meeting, Mr. Warner will be recommending denial based on the moratorium. NEW BUSINESS #Ol-2U8-086 Saeedway Suoer America - Special Condition Use Pemtit for an auto service station, and a pazldng variance (13 spaces required; 11 spaces proposed). 925 Grand, NW comer at Milton. (NancyHomans,651/266-6557) Commissioner Field stated that no district comment was received. No one spoke in support and no one spoke in opposition. The public hearing was closed. The Zoning Committee recommended o 2 oti-�1�y • approval with conditions on a vote of 6-0. MOTION Commissioner Field moved the Zoning Committee's recommendation to approve the SCUP. The motion carried unanimous[y on a voice vote #Q1-209-063 Parkwav Auto Care - Rewning from B-2 to B-3 and a Special Condition Use Permit for an auto repair business, and a setback vaziance for parldng along Ford Parkway {25 foot setback requued; 6 foot setback proposed). 1581 Ford Pazkway, NW wmer at Snelling. (Nancy Homans, 651/266-6557) Commissioner Field stated that district council submitted written comments. No one spoke in support, no one spoke in opposition. The public hearing was closed. The Zoning Committee recommended approval with conditions on a vote of 6-0. MOTION Conrnrissioner �eld moved the Zoning Committee's recommendation to approve the rezoning, and contingent on City Council approval of the reZOning, also to approve the SCi7P with conditions as [isted in the resolution. The motion carried unanimously on a voice vote Commissioner Field announced the agenda for the Zoning Committee meeting on July 19, 2001. OLD BUSINESS #O1-206-105 Heartland Auto Sales Inc. - Special Condition Use Pemut (SCUP) to increase • number of vehicles allowed to be parked on the lot: 27 vehicles allowed under 1999 SCUP for second hand auto sales business; 37 proposed including 4 spaces for adjacent restaurant. 1236 Arcade Street. (Rich Malloy, 651l266-664'7) NEW BUSINESS #O1-211-585 Macalester ColleQe - One year renewal of a Special Condition Use Permit for a coliege domutory. 1576 Summit, SE comer at Snelling. (Donna Drummond, 651/266-6556) #O1-211-125 Richard Harnden - Rezone from B-2 Business to B-3 Business to allow indoor auto sales. 459 Toronto, SW comer at James. (Nancy Homans, 651/266-6557) #O1-211-535 Sarint PCS - Special Condition Use Pernvt to install cellulaz telephone antennas on an existing multi-family residential structure less than 60 feet tall. 618 Grand, between St. Albans & Dale. (Nancy Homans, 651/266-6557) #O1-211-717 Lagos Hill - Sign Variances (letter height and number of projecting banners) to allow one 36 inch high letter and one 66 inch high letter in a business logo sign, and 5 pro}ecting banners. 867 Grand, Grand at Victoria. (Nancy Homans, 651/266-6557) V. Comprehensive Planning Committee • Central Corridor• Resaonse to Preliminarv Scoaina Work - Adopt resolution. (Atlen I,ovejoy, 651/266-6576) Commissioner Gordon stated tUat the resolution regazding the Central Corridor transit improvements states that the Ramsey County Regional Rail Authority has initiated an Environmental Impact Statement process and H�at now is the time to suggest any additional akematives to be studied as a part of the EI3. Conunissioner Gordon stated that there aze three altematives defined for further analysis in the Midway Area: LRT on I-94; LRT on University Avenue and Busway on TJniversity Avenue. The Committee found that the set of three was adequate. The two LRT proposals cusently deSned £or downtown include: a Cedar/4th Street altemative terminating in the Union Depot; a 7ackson, Sibley and 4`� Streets alternative temunating in the Entertainment DistricT. Commissioner Gordon stated the Comprehensive Planning Committee fluuks there ought to be iwo additional altematives studied; Altemarives B and C as included in today's packet. Altemative B brings the line down St. Peter Street, on the West side of the downtown core area, down to the Entertainment District, then east along 4`�' Street to the Union Depot, continues on to Williams Hill and Lafayette Pazk via the rail cotridor and west on University Avenue to Regions Hospital. Altemative C uses Robert Street down the central part of the dorvntown core azea and goes west on 4�' Sireet to the Entertainment District. � Mr. Allen Lovejoy, City Planner, stated that in 1999 the Plamung Commission recommended that a two way LRT system connecting downYown to the University of Minuesota and downtown Minneapolis can be accommodated well within the elcisting University Avenue right-of-way. The Comtnission also stated that LRT would likely make a very positive contribution to improvement . and development goals for University Avenue; and that the disruption of businesses on the Avenue can be kept to a tolerable minimum -- a key issue to the Plazuilng Commission. The Commission aiso stated that the City should play an active role in timely approval of the EIS. Mr. Lovejoy stated tl�at there have been major developments downtown since the last LRT study in the early 1990s. Most important is the emergence of the Entertainment District, which will attract 4-5 million visitors a year. He stated that decisions on LRT must recognize that change by directly serving the Entertainment District. e visitors and e lo ees of downtown. Those criteria include an"Office Core" station, an Entertainment District station, and a Lowertown station. Further, stations should be designed with historical and azclutectural chazacter, avoid impacting major street connections to the Interstate System and Shepazd/Wamer Road, and minimize use of major traffic stzeets. Mr. Lovejoy showed maps of all downtown Altematives. He stated Fourth Street was the most practical thtu East/West street to use due to traffic constraints. He touched on the three Alternatives that aze being looked at in the Midway. Mr. Lovejoy reported the Comprehensive Planning Committee tallced about the two downtown altematives previously discussed. He then apologized for making last minute staff recommendations, and described a third potential altemative: Altemative A: eastwazd on Universiry • 4 o���c��I (Allen Lovejoy, 651/266-6576) Commissioner Gordon stated that the resolution regazding the Central Corridor transit improvements states that the Ramsey County Regional Rail Authority t�as initiated an Environmental Impact Statement process and tt�at now is the time to suggest any additional altematives to be studied as a part of the EIS. Commissioner Crordon stated that there aze tkuee altematives defined for further analysis in the Midway Area: LRT on I-94; LRT on Univecsity Avenue and Busway on University Avenue. 'I7�e Committee found that the set of three was adequate. The two LRT proposals cuaenfly defined for downtown include: a Cedar/4th Street alternative terminating in the Union Depot; a Jackson, Sibley and 4�' Streets aitemative tenninating in the Entertauunent Dishict. Commissioner Gordon stated the Comprehensive Planning Committee thinks there ought to be two additional altematives studied; Akematives B and C as included in today's packet. Altemative B brings the line down St. Peter Street, on the West side of the downtown core azea, down to the Entertainment District, then east along 4`" Street to the Union Depot, continues on to Williams Hill and Lafayette Pazk via the rail wmdor and west on University Avenue to Regions Hospital. Alternative C uses Robert Street down the central part of the downtown core azea and goes west on 4`" Street to the Entertainment District. Mr. Allen Lovejoy, City Planner, stated that in 1999 the Planning Commission recommended that a two way LRT system connecting downtown to the University of Minnesota and downtown Minneapolis can be accommodated well within the existing University Avenue right-of-way. The Commission also sfaEed thai LRT would likely make a very positive contribution to improvement and deuelapment goais for Umversity Avenue; and that the disruption of businesses on the Avenue can be kept to a tolerable minunum — a key issue to the Planning Commission. The Commission also stated that the City should play an active role in timely approval of the EIS. Mr. I.ovejoy stated that there have been major developments downtown since the last LRT study in the early 1990s. Most important is the emergence of the Entertainment District, w]uch will attract 4-5 miliion visitors a yeaz. He stated that decisions on LRT must recoguze that change by directly serving the Entertainment District. The cunent resoluti� � creteria thaE mvst be met to accommodate the visitors and employees of downTrnvn. Those criteria incfude an "O£fice Care" station, an Entertainment District station, and a Lawertown station. Further, stations should be designed with historical and azchitectural character, avoid impacting major street connections to the Interstate System and Shepazd/Wamer Road, and m;n;,,,;ze use of major traffic streets. • Mr. Lovejoy showed maps of all downtown Altematives. He stated Fourth Street was the most practical thru East/West street to use due to traffic constraints. He touched on the three Altematives that ue being looked at in the Midway. � Mr. Lovejoy reported the Comprehensive Planning Committee tallced about the two downtown altematives previously discussed. He then apologized for making last minute staff recommendations, and described a third potential altemative: Altemative A: easrivard on University � 4 � ����� • Avenue, north of the Capitol, to the eastem end of the Avenue at Lafayette Road, then using the rail corridor to connect up with Prince Street east of Diamond Products, then west on 4`� Street to the Entertainment District. This altemative would avoid the problems of using St. Peter Street while meeting all the criteria outlined in the resolution. He stated tbat this altemative aiso seemed to meet the spirit of the Committee discussions. MOTION: Conv�rissioner Gordon mmed approval ofAlternateA submitted by PED staff today and Attachments B and C in the resolution from the document of July 3, 2001. Commusioner Kramer seconded the motion. Commissioner Dandrea asked Mr. Lovejoy about urility relocation. Mr. Lovejoy stated there a lot of utilities in Fourth Street and St. Peter Streets. There ue very few utilities in the middle of University Avenue west of Westem. He stated the staff didn't know what the utility impacts were for Altematives A and B along University Avenue and Prince Street or for Alternative C on Robert Street from University Avenue to 4�' Street. In response to a station location question Mr. Lovejoy discussed the station platforms in relation to the length of the city blocks and placement of stations. Downtown blocks are often 300 feet squaze and LRT stations need 300 feet for three-car LRT trains. This means tt�at many blocks aze too small to accommodate the three-caz stations. He stated that three-caz versus two-caz trains might be the topic of further LRT discussions as the EIS proceeds. The motion carried unanimously on a voice vote � VI. Neighborhood and Cnrrent Planning Committee Trout Brook Greenwav Plan and Area Plan Summarv - Presentation, release for public review, set public hearing date for September 7, 2001. (Virginia Burke, 651/266-6661) Michael Mazgulies, former Planning Commissioner and Chair of the Trout Brook Greemvay Task Force addressed the Commission and explained how the project started. He stated there c��as e�ctensive and in-depth community participation. Mr. Mazgulies complimented consultant Sherri Buss with Bonestroo, Rosene, Anderlik who brought a lot of thought and creativity to the project. He stated the result is that the Plan is creative, thoughtful, and very practical. Mr. Margulies stated he is very appreciative of the work the staff did in preparing this. Ms. Virginia Burke, City Planner, stated that the Department of Natural Resources' 199 7"Metro Greenprint" report first identified the project area as one of the few remaining azeas in St. Paul with a high potential for protection and restoration of natural resources. In 1999 the concept of the Trout Brook - Lower Phalen greenway was incorporated into the Comprehensive Plan and in 2000 the City received a planning grant from the DNR to create a plan for the proposed greenway, and hired the consulting firm of Bonestroo, Rosene, Anderlik. She stated that last Fall the Pluming Commission initiated a Small Area Planning process and a 40-Acre Study for the Trout Brook - I,ower Phalen Greenway. Serving on the Greenway Task Force were representatives from District Councils 4, 5, and 6; Friends oF Swede Hollow; Tri-Area Block Club; a Commissioner from the Parks and Recreation Commission; Ramsey County Parks staff; Capitol Region Watershed District; • Diamond Products (formerly Gillette); the Lowertown Depot; and Department of Natural Resources staff. They also convened a technical advisory group with staff from the DeparRnent of � Transportation, Metropo&tan Council, Great Rivu Greening, Department of Natural Resources, Friends of Parks and Trails, Bicycle Advisory Boazd, and Public Works. She stated the Task Force met six times between November 2000 and May 2001 and at their last meeting recommended the Trout Brook Greenway Plan to the Planning Commission. Ms. Burke staYed the 40-Acre Study has not yet been done, The City is invoived in negotiations to purchase rivo lazge sites in the greenway, both currenfly zoned for indusuial use. Land Use law prohibits the City from down zonino land ttiax it is involved in purchasing. They have until the year 2003 to complete the 40-Acre Study. Ms. Shem Buss from Bonestroo, Rosene, Anderlik gave a presentation on the Trout Brook Greenway Plan. She stated the idea of this plan was to see how to create a l�abitat corridor through the azea, as well as trail connections, and how to bring the old Trout Brook to the surface on the Trillium site. Ms. Buss stated the trail corridoi would connect to the County's e�cisting Trout Brook Trail, also link to the Gateway trail and the Bruce Vento Regional Trail in Swede Hollow Pazk. Ms. Buss passed out coIored maps ofthe Triliium Site Concept Plan. She taiked about plans to recreate Trout Brook creek with water &om the water utility and McCarron's Lake, and new wetlands with storm water from the neighborhood adjacent to the Trillium Site. The eacisting storm water pond at Sims and Agate will move slighUy when 35E is reconstreicted. Ms. Buss talked about restoring the vegetation to those communities that were there at settlement, and installing eskers (berms) and a fence to sepazate the Trillium Site from the railroad tracks MOTION: Commissioner Faricy moved to re[ease Trout Brook Greenway Plan and Area Plan Summary for public rwiew and set a public hearing date for September 7, 2001. Commissioner Johnson seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously on a voice vote Mac-Groveland Communitv Plan Summarv - Adopt resolution. (Yang Zhang, 651/266-6659) • Commissioner Faricy stated at the Neighborhood and Curreat Planning Committee meeting there was a discussion regarding signs and the Macalester-Groveland District Council decided not to take the Committee's advice. Commissioner Faricy stated it was referred back to the Committee for clarification. West Side Communitv Plans Summarv - Adopt resolution. (Yang Zhang, 651/266-6659) Commissioner Faricy stat e nmmary consi o ve ma�or az community identity, transportation and infrastruciure, commercial corridor revitalization, housing, and public safety, followed by a sedes of actions requiring city participation. MOTION: Comnrissioner Faricy moved on behalf of the Neighborhood and Current Planning Committee the following reso[ution that the Saint Paul Planning Commission finds that the West 3ide Community Plan and Riverview Commercial Corridor Rwitalization Program Summary are general[y consistent with the Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan and other relevant City policies and recommends the adoption of the Summary by the City Council as an addendum to [he ComprehensivePltrns repfacing the f981 Disfrzef 3 Plan. The•matian carried unanimously on a voice vote Commissioner Faricy stated the Neighborhood and Cunent Platuiing Comnuttee held a public L o�-`tc�y staff. They also conveaed a technical advisory group with staff from the Department of Transportation, Metropolitan Council, Great River Greening, Department of Natural Resources, � Friends of Parks and Trails, Bicycle Advisory Board, and public Works. She stated the Task Force met sic times between November 2000 and May 2001 and aY their Iast meering recommended tha Trout Brook Greenway Plan to the Planning Commission. Ms. Burke stated the 40-Acre Study has not yet been done. The City is involved in negotiations to purchase two large sites in the greeaway, both currenfly zoned for industrial use. Land Use law prolribits the City from down zoning land that it is involved in purchasing. They ]�ave until the year 2003 to complete the 40-Acre Study. Ms. Sherri Buss from Bonestroo, Rosene, Anderlik gave a presentation on the Trout Brook Greenway Plan. She stated the idea of this plan was to see how to create a habitat corridor through the azea, as well as trail connections, and how to bring the old Trout Brook to the surface on the Trillium site. Ms. Buss stated the trail corridor would connect to the County's existing Trout Brook Trail, aLso link to the Gateway trail and the Bruce Vento Regional Trail in Swede Hollow Park. Ms. Buss passed out colored maps of the Trillium Site Concept Plan. She talked about plans to recreate Trout Brook creek with water from the water utility and McCarron's Lake, and new wetlands with sto:m water from the neighborhood adjacent to the Trillium Site. The existing storm water pond at Sims and Agate will move slightly when 35E is reconstructed. Ms. Buss talked about restoring the vegetation to those communities that were there at settlement, and installing eskers (berms) and a fence to separate the Trillium Site from the railroad tracks MOTION; Commissioner Faricy moved to relettse Trout Brook Greenway Ptan and Area Ptan Summary for public review and set a public hearing date for September 7, 2001. Commissioner Johnson seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimausly on a voice vote Mac-Groveland Community Plan Summarv - Adopt resolution. (Yang Zhang, 651/266-6659) � Commissioner Faricy stated at the Neighborhood and Cuneirt Planning Committee meeting there was a discussion regazding signs and the Macalester-Groveland District Council decided not to take the Conunittee's advice. Commissioner Faricy stated it was referred back to the Committee for clarification. West Side Communitv Plarts Summarv - Adopt resotution. (Yang Zhang, 651i266-b659) Commissioner Faricy stated the Summary consists of five major azeas of focus, including ���t3' I�tS', #r�Fo�Dn and infrastructure, commercial corridor revitalizatioq housing, and public safety, £oi3owe� by a series o€actions requiring city participation. MOTION: Commissioner Faricy moved on behalf of the Neighborhood and Current Planning Committee the following resolution that the Saint Paul Planning Commission finds that the R'est Side Conrnrun&y Plan and Riverview Commercial Conidor Rwita[ization Program Summary aregenerally consistent with theSaintPaul CompreherrsivePlan and other relevant City policies and recommends the adoption of the Summary by the City Council as an addendum to the Comprehensive Plans replacing the 1981 District 3 Plan. The motion carried unanimously on a voice vote Commissioner Faricy stated the Neighborhood and Current Planning Committee held a public �I � l _°I c�`l • meeting last Tuesday at the Little Sisters of the Poor where the Cent� Development Project and some of the Planning Commission members attended. Commissioner Faricy stated the neighbors stated they felt they were not involved enough in the process but in the end all they want from Centex and the City is to make this project better regarding azchitecture, etc. She stated on July 25, 2001, the written portion of the public meeting will be closed and at fl�at time staff will gather all the comments and it will then come back to the Neighborhood Comnuttee sometime after July 25`� . VII. Communications Committee No report. VIII. TaskForceReports No reports. IX. Old Business Commissioner Dandrea updated the Commission on the Gene Corbey memorial stones and volunteered to take Mrs. Corbey to look at them after they zre instailed. X. • XI. New Business None. Adjournment Meeting adjoumed at 10:17 a.m. Recorded and prepazed by Mary Bruton, Plancung Commission Secretary Planning and Economic Development Department, City of Saint Paul Respectfully submitted, Lany Soderholm Planning Administrator Approved (Date) Kathi Donnelly-Cohen Secretary of the Planning Commission • G:\Shazed�Ped�Bruton�Minuteslminutes 7-13-01 • �� • MINUTES OF THE ZONING COMMITTEE Thursday, July 5, 2001 - 3:30 p.m. City Council Chambers, 3' Floor City Hall and Court House 15 West Kellogg Boulevard PRESENT: EXCUSED: OTHERS PRESENT: Alton, Field, Gordon, Kramer, Mejia, and Morton Anfang and Faricy Carol Martineau and Nancy Homans of PED The meeting was chaired by Commissioner Field. � � -��� ParkwayAutoCare-01-209-063,01-209 RezoningfromB-2toB-3. SpecialGonditionUse Permit for an auto repair business. Setback variance for parking along Ford Parkway (25 foot setback required; 6 foot setback proposed). 1581 Ford Parkway, NW corner at Snelling. Nancy Homans showed siides and presented the staff report. In addition to recommending approval of the rezoning and setback variance, Ms. Homans stated the Zoning Staff aiso recommends approval of the Special Condition Use Permit with the conditions in the staff report and the additional conditions recommended by the District 15 Planning Councii: i) A privacy fence will be built on the western boundary of the property. 2) Hours of operation will be Monday- Friday, 7 a.m. to 9 p.m., and Saturday from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. 3) {f a pylon sign is erected, it wiU be no taller than the one at Super America across the street. Mr. Ronaid Atcorn, the applicant, appeared and offered to answer any questions. At the question of Commissioner Gordon, Mr. Alcorn stated he was in agreement with the conditions. Commissioner Alton moved approva! of the rezoning, and Special Condition Use Permit with conditions, and set-back variance. Commissioner Gordon seconded the motion. The motion passed by a vote of 6-0. Adopted Yeas - 6 Drafted by: C�Q n.a�!7�r�.u�2� c�1v Carol Martineau Recording Secretary Nays - 0 Submitted by: Approved by: � � Nancy H ans Litton Field Zoning Section Chair HACC DIST 15 TEL�612— Jun 2�'U1 y�5u ryo.uvi r.vc � HIGHLAND DISTRICT COUNCIL $uilding a Stronger Community Through Citizen Participation 1978 Ford Parkway, Saint Paul MN 5511b (651)695-4005 Fax (651)695-4607 Council Members Olficors: L.aum Deut3eerry, President Stiawn Bartsh, V'ice President C. ScottBuni4 Tteasure� Sally Cousu, Secretary Members: Grid 1: Clvis Ohnsorg Grid 2: Batbara Hussen Grid 3: Scott Bunin Grid 4: Gary F'iscl�bAeh Grid 5: Bill Poulos Crrid 6: Win Borden Cuid7: Rtede Wtbster Grid 8: Grcg Klicndl Grid 9: Sally Couser Grid 10; Shawn Bartsh Grid ! 1: Angie Kline Grid 12: Laura Deubcrry • At Uarge: Gary Marx Iahn Nelson Micch Gordon Larry Hampel Highland Business Assaiation: West End Business Association Dan Galies Alumatcs: Rick Dagcnais Msrdelle LaMnur Cammunity Organizer: Gayle Summers Crime Prevention: Metissa Summcrs • June 28, 2001 St. Paul Planning Commission Zoning Comm'rttee t tU0 City Hall A�nex 25 West 4"' Stteet St. Paul MN 55102 To Whom it IvJay Concern; o t ���`� On Wednesday, June 2�'�, the Community Development Committee of the Highland District Council met with representatives of Parkway Auto Cate and neighbors of the proposed development at Snelling and Ford Parkway. With the conditions listed below, that Mr. Alcorn has agreed to, the Committee approved the zoning change from B-2 to B-3, the Special Condition Use Pernut and the 19' variance along Ford Parkway. The Conditions are: 1. There will be landscaping along Snelling and Ford Pazkway which will include fencing similar to the fencing at Super America, across the street. Shrubs wil! planted and maintained behind the fence. 2. A privacy fence will be built along the western boundry of the property. 3. Hours oP opecation wiil be Monday - Friday 7AM - 9PM, Saturday from 7AM - 3PM. 4. Tf a pylon sign is erected it will be no tall than the one at Super America. Sincerely, Gayle W. Summers ������ � 1. 2. ZONING COMMITTEE STAFF REPORT FILE # 01-209-063 APPLICANT: Alcom, Inc. (Pazkway Auto Care) HEARING DATE: July 5, 2001 TYPE OF APPLTCATION: Rezoning 3. LOCATION: 1581 Ford Pazkway, between Snelling and Macalester 4. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Subject to Ford Pazkway, Lots 26, 27, and 28, Block 4, Hardenbergh Addition, Ranisey County, Nlinnesota 5. PLAN1vING DISTRICT: 15 6. ZONING CODE REFERENCE: 64.400 STAFF REPORT DATE: June 21, 2001 8. DATE RECEIVED: May 24, 2001 PRESENT ZOIVING: B-2 BY: Nancy Homans DEADLINE FOR ACTION: 7uly 23, 2001 A. • B. C. PURPOSE: Rezone from B-2 to B-3 to allow for the construction of an auto repair station. PARCEL SIZE: 13825 x 111.19 = 15,372 sq. ft. EXISTING LAND USE: Vacant auto secvice center D. SURRGUNDING LAND USE: North: Office and single family residential, zoned OS-1 and R-3 South: Auto service station, zoned B-2 East: Highland Park, zoned R-1 West: Multiple family residential, zoned RM-2 E. ZONING CODE CITATION: Sec. 64.400 of the zoning code provides for amendment of the district boundaries. F. HISTORY/DISCUSSION: A pemut for a filling station operated by SocconVacuum Oil Company was approved in August 1954. A major variance was approved in May 1994 reducing the tequired setback for a canopy over the fueltanks. G. DISTRICT COUNCIL RECOMMENDATION: A recommendation had not been received at the time this staff report was prepared. � H. FINDTNGS: 1. The applicant proposes to demolish an existing vacant auto service station and constmct a new seven-bay 4661 squaze foot auto repair station with parking spaces for 27 cars. A concurrent application for a special condition use permit and setback variance has also been filed. Zoning File #O1-209-063 Page two 2. The properry has been used for auto related uses since at least 1954 and is across Ford Parkway from a newly reconstructed SuperAmerica auto service station. As such, the establishmern of a new auto repair use is unlikely to have an adverse impact oa the fully developed surrounding neighborhood. Furthermore, because the site has been vacant for some time, the new facility would represent the elimination of a blighting influence on a heavily travelad comer. 3. The property is currenUy zoned B-2 and is contiguous to OS-1, RM-2 and R-3 zoning districts. As such, rezoning would not result in a spot wning, but, rather, the ldnd of fine- grained zoning that is appropriafe for a xnajor transportation corridor. 4. The use is not inconsistent with the provisions of the comprehensive plan. 5. The code provides that an application for rezoning must be accompanied by a conse� petition of the owners of two thirds of the properties withui 100 feet of the property to be rezoned. Eight signatures were req�ired. Eight were received. I. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the rezoning of 1581 Ford Pazkway from B-2 to B-3. • • � Zoning File #O1-209-063 Page two � �—�c�( 2. The property has been used for auto related uses since at least 1954 and is across Ford Pazkway fi'om a newly reconstructad SuperAmerica auto service station. As such, the establishment of a new auto repair use is unlikely to I�ave an adverse impact on the fully developed surrounding neighborhood. Furthermore, because the site has been vacant for some time, the new facility would representthe elimination of a hlighting influence on a heavily traveled corner. 3. The property is cuaenily zoned B-2 and is contiguous to OS-1, RM-2 and R-3 zoning districts. As such, rezoning would not result in a spot zoning, but, rather, the ldnd of fine- p3ained zoning that is appropriaie for a major transportation corridor. 4. The use is not inconsisteut with the provisions of the comprehensive plan. The code provides that an application for rezoning must be accompanied by a conse� petition of the owners of rivo thirds of the properties within 100 feet of the properry to be rezoned. Eight signatures were required. Eight were received. I. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the rezoning of 1581 Ford Pazkway from B-2 to B-3. � � PETITION TO AMEND THE 20NING CODE Department of Planning and Ecorsomrc De'velopment Zoning Section I400 City HaUAnnex 2s wess Fourth streer Saint Paul, MN SSIO2-I634 (651) 266-6589 Property APPLICANT PROPERTY LOCATION City Contact Person (if Address / Location � (attach addi4iona4 sheet tf Z� Daytime TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL: Zoning tf ce u 'o - :at����o�� File • Fee:�� •j� . . Tentative Hearing Date: - � -S- U_ � G' Zoning ��-,-,,2 Pursuant to Section 64.400 of the Saint Paul Zoning Ordinance and to Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statues, �0�'iC< <C� ��C�Y' Yl , owner of land proposed tor rezoning, hereby petitions you to rezone the above described property from a �'oZ zoning district to a �'� zoning district, for the purpose of: fl uto re�c<< r st�- � (attach additional sheet(s) if necessary) Attachments: Required Site Plan .� Subscribed and sworn to before me o ���/i day this — . � �� 20 �� Consent Petition � ot-`l�`� G (� �0(3 - ►��= ��� � 3,�- Z �`7v ANdavit +� 8 : --,� j L � `� ee Owner of Property JANICE E. MAGNUSON ` Notary Public-Minnescta { �. � �c/ , r Ramsey County Notary Public -, My Commission Expires Jan. 31. 2005 Page 1 of _ 06/21/2601 08:38 6447599 ALL�'Y PUBUC AILEY � � � � T � ._� �.� 1 ��� . �— r � �i 'c�u' � — pc+e' , iwr" 1 f� °°7� f 12 FULL SIZE PARKING STALLS 13 COMPAC7 PARKING STALLS ,o Uul.rnt�y ucv��.� � � + I � ao� u�oeoi+c Roo' �n arc eoErax 9 � � _ � _ .�'0�1� .��I�'���Y PUBLIC RIGHT OF WnY — � 0 d � �CEN7ERUNE FORD PARKWAY � � � nei u i int �ll�'Y PUBUC AUEY rait tr�e� no � T � ._ �� 1 ��� �,-�,T _ uic � - �9nr �., ,�,�—� �.�-� f 12 FULL SIZE PARKING STALLS 13 COMPACT PARKIN6 STALLS n . I 6ED' U�DlGVf {AO' 1Er CK �R s cc aea __ _ _ �sv � � , 01-� �� i ! ) ', u c ' ii u : II ` V I ' �I c � i � I �� TRAFFIC LICHT � � , L�/)�j,l ����� T� �CENTERUNE FORD PARKWAr ,t� ti li 1 I PUBUC RIGHT OF WAY � ..� ; . � Tt�ZONING FIRST SUBMITTED S�� DATE PETITION SUBMITTED: � �� � � DATE OFFICIALLY RECEIVEA: � � �� � � PARCELS ELIGIBLE: � PARCELS REQUIRED: � PARCELS SIGNED: _� ��� 12ESUBYfITTED DATE PETITION RESUBMITTED: DATE OFFICIALLY RECEIVED: PARCELS ELIGIBLE: PARCELS REQUIRED: PARCELS SIGNED: Q � ���y . CHECY.ED BX: I/ � DATE: � S O i ��NI�G F1L� � � � 1- 2�S-o�3 , �. - - - CITY OF SAII�T PAUL CONSENT OF ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNE�S FOR A REZONING We, the undersigned, owners of the property within 100 feet of the total contiguous description of real estate owned, purchased, or sold by THE PETITIONER within one year preceding t�he date of this petition acknowledge that we have been presented with the follo�ving: ( 1. Acopyofthepefitionof Ronald`Alcorn (name of petitioner) to rezone the property located at 1581 Ford Parkway irom a B-2 zoning district to a B-3 zoning district. 2. A copy of sections 60.560 through 60.565 inclusive of the Saint Paul Zoning Code; and acknowledgc that �vc an: a��•are of all of the uses permitred in B-3 zoning district and we are aware that any of these uses can be established upon City Council approva] of the rezoning. �Ve hereb}' consent to tl�e rezoning of the property in the petition of; Ronald Alcorn to a B-3 zoning district. m (Name of petitioner) \Ve consent to the appro�'al of this rezoning as it rcas expiained to us b}' the applicant or his/her rcpresentative. 1600 Ford Parkway 1603 Ford Parkway y 4 �� 1609 Ford Parkc� 757 Snelling 1588 Pine urst 1592 Pinehurst 1596 P 160 P i n ehurst 1606 Pinehurst 1580 Poid - Parkc i �a T(\ SSs�R.-.�2 , � �.r A sweC.�i-,� � p-0c,�� G . ta-�.�.t 1� C� n 1�J �z`t�� � )/iK�r � - �- z3 �/ � Sj S�o/ �zx o/ v 9/�/ ls�t'�N� -� - — - � I 7 0 5u�at� P ' � �� � NorE: - Tt�is petition shall not be considered as officiallp filed until the lapse o seven (7) ��•orking da}�s aiter it is recci�•ed by ttic Pianning Di�•ision. Any signator of fhis petition ms�' �sithdrati�• his/her ►:ame theretrom by tit•ritten request �sithin thlt time. {.GI CITY OF SAInT PAUL CONSENT OF ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS FOR A REZONING (name 1581 R We, thc undersigned, owners of the property within 100 feet of the total contiguous description of real estate o�vned, purchased, or sold by THE PETITIONER within one year preceding th� e date of tliis petition acknowledge that �ve have been presented with the foliowing: � ]. Acopyofthepetition to rezone the property located at from a B-2 zoaing district to a A-3 zoning district. 2. A copy of sections 60. 560 through 60.565 , inclusive of the Saint Paul Zoning Code; and acknowledge that �vc aro a���are oCall of the uses permitted in�a B-3 zoning district and �ve are aware that any of these uses can be established upon City Council approval of the rezoning. We hereby consent to the cezoning of the property in ihe petition of; Ronald Alcorn to a B-3 zoning district. � (Name of petitioner) �1'c conscnt to thc appro�'al of this rezoninp as it rti•as explained to us b'}• tlie upplicant or his/her representative. 1bl�C Ford Pa rkway �603 �'ord Parkway 1609 Ford Parkway 757 Snelling 15s8 Pinehurst ��p� `S', � �-� • 1592 Piu3eknsrst 1596 P inehurst 1600 Pinehurst ib05 Pinehur ts ` 1 580 I`oid •Pa� � 153Irw>�w ,1G. Q swetfA-,�.) p,or,4:�. G . tkw.t � � t ., `l�`f 1 � . �- zs �/ s ( Y/a Sl S�o/ �za �o/ j/9 z4 ! Jv v...w-•-- . . r- . _ Nore: This petition shall not be considered as officialt}' filed until the lapse o seven ) � �vorking d:+ys s�fter it is recei��ed by t}ie Pianning Di�•ision. An}� signator of this petition may ���ithdra�r his/her rame therefrom by �rritten request �cithin that time. I.GI � 1\ ,�� ) � CITY OF SAINT PAUL � AFFIDAVIT OF PERSON CIRCULATING PETITION STATE OF MINNESOTA) :SS COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) � D � � `�c�`� �_ ��,t}U� , being first duly sworn, deposes and states that he/she is the person who circulated the within petition and consent, consisting of � pages; that affiant is informed and believes that the parties described are the owners respectively of the lots placed immediately before each name, that affiant is informed and believes that each of the parties described above is the owner of the property which is within 100 feet from any property owned or purchased y petitioner or sold by petitioner within one (1) year preceding the date of this petition which is conkiguous to the property described in the petition; that except for none of the parties described above has purchased or is purchasing property from the petitioner contiguous to the above described property within one (1) year of the date of this petition; that this consent was signed by each said owners in the presences of this affiant, and that the signatures are the true and correct signatures of each and all of the parties so described. � Subscribed and worn to before me this 2 `{ day of�, 20D �. � .a. �! ', � / .� � -��_ � � A E 1�i(o� SN�.u..�(s l7sz.T�.���i3�.co� t�eil�EtS�l 55t13 ADDRESS C�s>>a,n-az.� 1(�5�� ��-�5� TELEPHONE NUMBER AA��� NOTA�'�� Fl � •µ'NNESO`A -i7:?� 71 3t.Y�.`5 NI�%- :S-'c ...wrJ�/V✓dN� I.OI � S'�'Z'Zx'xOI1 'Z'O X2�70I�� �A.rxzn�vzr oz� ��xz�zon�R STATE OF MThTNESOTA) __ :SS COiNTi' OF RAMSEI' ) . The petiti�ner, � aN�-� ��-�+�� . being first duly s�vo:r., deposes and states tliat tlie consent petition contains si� natures from Gt least two-thirds (z/a) of al t eligible pruperties �ti•itl�iu 100 feet of al! property o��•n�d, purchased, or sold by petitioner «'ithin one (1) year precedin� the date of titis p�tition ��fiich is conti�uous to ihe prop�rt�• described in tho_ petition; petitioner is informed that the consent petition must contzinsignatures from ezch�and all o�ti•ners of jointty property i�i order to conslitute consent from thzt propaRy and that failure to oUtain conserit from cach �nd �lt o��ners couldinvalidatethe consentpetition; p�titioncr betic�•es lhat the eonsent petition «1s signed by cach of said o«•ners 2ad that tiie si�natures aro Uie true and correct signatures of eacli and all of theparties so d.scribed. ������ ���N � � � .2�� C�Si� (��`f —� 5��3 TELEPHO\E I�U�SBER Subscribed and s�tirorn �,o,beFore me this�/ dayof_��1G , �aoo� � Rl' PUBLIC JANICE E. MAGNUSON Notary Pu6lic-Minnesota Ramsey County on Expires Jan. 31, 2005 p of �� 1(31!)7 � All1J1ttJJ x'��'x7'ZOi� �'O X2�70I�� -Ar<rzzi�vzr or ��cxzrzon�R STATE OF Mit4DIESOTA) �} `D���lo� :SS COLNTI' OF RAMSLI' ) . 7'!i: pctitianzr, � o�i?E�t—`�.� � 1—Ct%�� , baing fint dulp s4�•o:r., deposes and stltcs that the consent petition contains signa:uras from �i least twathirds (�h) of a] i eligible prupertias ��•itliin 100 feet of 111 property a�rned, purcliased, or sold by petitioner ��•ithin one (1) year precedin� the date of il�is p�tition ��l�ich is contiguous to ihe prop�rtp desccibed in the tY� pelition; petitioner is informed ttiat the consent petition must containsignati�res from ez:h and 21l o�cners of jointl}•-o�ti•ned propcfty i�t orde� to conslituta consrnt from thzt propaRy and that failure to obtain conserit from cach flnd s�ll o��ners could im•alidate ihe consent peiition; pctitioncr belicti•es tltat thc consrnt petition �v1s signed b}• oach of s±id o«•ners aad that tiie si�natures s�ra the true nnd correct si� natures of each and r.11 of the p�rties so dascribed. �_��s.,�.� ��e-N : � AUL1Ct.JJ CC S� � 6�f-`f -� S�F-O TELEPHO\E I�U�;BER � Subscrib:d and s��•orn o before me this �/- day of � , 'R�c�DO/ PUBLIC JANICE E. MAGNUSON Notary Pubiic-Minnesota Ramsey County y Commission Ettpires Jan. 31, 2005 pzo� of � 11311)7 _� , - - --�. � � i I CITIZEN PARTICIPA IO DIS RICTS � � 1.Sl4NRAY-BATTLECREEK-HIGHWOOD � 2.GREATER EAST=SIDE • 3.WEST SIDE � 4.DAYTON'S BLUFf , 5.PAYNE-PHALEN 6.NORTH END 7.TNOMAS-DALE 8.SUMMIT-UNIVERSITY 9.WEST SEVENTH � lO.COMO 11 . HAMLIN E-MI D4lAY 12.ST. ANTHONY 13.MERRIAM PK.-LEXINGTON HAMLINE 14 GROVELAND-h1ACALESTER � HLAND . MMIT HILL ��� n O � � O� � _ 17. DOWtITOWN L CITIZEN PARTICIPA7ION PLANNIN6 DISTRICTS CITIZEN PAR ICIPATI OI I 7S o � ���� ��� � 1.SUNRAY-BATTIECREEK-HIGHWOOD 2.GRE�TER EAST=SIDE • 3.WES7 SIDE 4.DAYTON'S BLUFf S,PRYNE-PHALEN S.NORTH END 7.TNOMAS-DALE 8.SUMMI7-UNIVERSITY 9.WEST SEVENTN iQ.COMO 11.NAMLINE-MIDWAY 12.ST. ANTHONY 13.MERRIAM PK.-LEXINGTOY HAMLItiE 14 GROVELAND-MACALESTER HLAND . MNIT HI�L ». oowl�TOwr� ��-ZO�t- �r CI7IZEN PARTICIPATION PLANNING DISTR1Gt5 �` F i f i e � ; � ' HIGHLAND � .� ��� ..... y •• �� � � \ `✓ , I .. :..... . i � .��� =�1.:: • •�e •'J�i& � � —� c�� 1 1 �/� t� t Y•• ' I I - �. !i�/.: ��'�� � '' � r /,. 7' � { i� i �� .=... �� C;! 1 �� '`, ..._ ' � ; ��� •� .r • / y �.: . ���.� f ... . ��,�,�, = f' � .� Y,' j ' / JJT"' ; �. : ' , . .� / �% � � �: /^ � . DISTRIC7 15 �� �= .,,. .. - + Z������� 3���,� �ol--Za�_b�3 v �.� cu �c,��c} t i r c Q � � f i < < �. , � ..y � �{Q i P � ' ; C} "v C) ! E.) C3 [ C� € l.'? �. _� O'�! �;jC� p �?��'� �,, � i, t � 4Ef4 �� ,�E� -�- � i `; oEc o 0 0°0�0�0� a� �c u*s . . .� • ��� __� . . _. ,,.,.... .__ _. . . !.�l.���'.�I i �i � ;`_'�! h' I 1 i � I ��� r�• �.� PKw (�_ � � "L("i�S + V j V J V \1 { � � �1, �� .r . � . a 41; �11 • - '' ��/!.� �: + �`� ��, . ��� • • ��� • � a � ' ���' +� f � ���� �� (� ' O 4� � O � i � i . 1� __� 1_ ,__. -T i- _r T _` , ! 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DIST��-- MAP * ¢ r�, lamily "' Q rr�!�iple tam�ty *�°+.t�P�" ' �_:-_. � 4 n � \ . .. � cor^eruz + ,,,, f , ind•.s':ial y v27: ;! �.- -_ �_� 1_� �'`, r � '�- t _ �-. � t'; . `• � 'i'•t '`�= .. . -- , _ .f.. :.4_. �� .... ` � `^�� _ �� _ � e- r .... ��,. - f , � .� - �� - :: ;. , � �. �:--<<�. �� � ,�-.; :�� <-. �•• r". f!:' : ,--�' � Y F�-j �V l.1 �L}�V �lJ`vkVt E , ;o Qo , , o P� '� ��� , � _ ��� L • � � �� _ . . . _.._... _ .___ ...� � �..� ■ � `. � � �� ;.1 �r a PK i � � I I �P � i�� � pl � q � J � d � ; ; ; � � � � � ; , a o � � � � � • ��� � OJI�� a � f ° I��QE�I� A� ktArS' � � t � � Fdt p � t [ 1� 1 t t�ii� '�C�i �i � � ' � ij I � p a, US � W A TE D EPT. ��p a .. ����� .� • Bo� Icz,�� Q � � � � � � �? �o d I 1 1 6 4 g � i �#bl,���l� . bl-9c�f �_�- : �_ :�- � ..�.. �: �.r : r. 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D1ST�— MAP n ¢ r,:� (amify � � . "" rruttipie lamil� .:�___. A�R n•� on*�- . � n cor..,^BrGZ� � ,�. � indv>:: iat y v2C_ :I b� -�(�`[ NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The Saint Paul City Councii will conduct a public hearing on Wednesday, August 1, 2001, at 5:30 p.m., City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall, to consider the application of ALCORN, Inc., to rezone property from B-2 to B-3 to allow for the construction of an auto repair station at 1581 Ford Parkway (between Snelling Avenue and Macalester Street). Dated: July 17, 2001 Nancy Anderson Assistant City Council Secretary ORIGINAL Presented By Referred To Green Sheet # �, � ORDINANCE a3 PAUL, MINNESOTA 2 0 10 11 12 13 14 Council File # � " y Ordinance # Committee: Date An ordinance amending Chapter 60 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertauung to zoning for the City of Saint Paul and the zoning maps thereof: WHEREAS, Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes {462357 and 64.400 of the Legislative Code, Ronald Alcorn duly petitioned to rezone properiy at 1581 Ford Pazkway being legally described as(see file), from B-2 (community business) to B-3 (commercial) to allow for the construciton of an auto repair station, the petition having been certified by the Planning Division on 06/OS/O1 as hauing been consented to by at least 67% of the owners of the area of the property to be rezoned, and further having been consented to by at least two-thirds of the owners of the property situated within 100 feet of the total contiguous property within one year proceeding the date of the petition; and WHEREAS, The Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission on 07/OS/O1, held a pubiic hearing for the purpose of considering the rezoning petition, and pursuant to { 107.03 of the Administrative Code, submitted its recotnmendation to the Planning Commission that the petition be granted; and 15 16 WHEREAS, The Planning Commission considered the rezoning petition at its meeting held on 07/13/O1 and 17 recommended that the City Council approve the petition; and 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 WHEREAS, notice of public hearing before the City Council on the said rezoning petition was duly published in the official newspaper of the City on 07/19/Ol and notices were duly mailed to each owner of affected property and property situated wholly or partly within 350 feet of the property sought to be rezoned; and WHEREAS, a public hearing before the City Council having been conducted on 08/O1/O1, where all interested parties were heard, the Council hauing considered all the facts and recommendations concerning the petition; now, therefore THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. 32 That the zoning map of the City of Saint Paul, Sheet Number 37, as incorporated by reference in {60301 of 33 the Saint Paul Legislative Code, as amended, is hereby further amended as follows: 34 35 That property located at 1581 Ford Parkway being more particularly described as: 36 37 See file 38 PU8Lt5HEn 39 be and is hereby rezoned from B-2 to B-3. �f 18 'd1 40 QRIG1N�� �t-�4� 41 42 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirry (30) days from and after its passage, approval and 43 publication. 44 � Requested by Department of: Plannin & Onomic Develo ment By: r� O Adopted by Council: Date ��S _� �-� �� Form Ap ed b�y C�i Attorney � �_s� ^ f /���a Adoption Certified by Council Secretasy By: e � J By: cl— '�__ . Approved by Mayor: Date / Approved by Mayor fo. Submision to Council By: By: ' L /'i�Wr�' i�1}SLt��?� �; ; � DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL: DATE INITIATED GREEN SHEET No.:l 13111 O`� Y PED 30 August 2001 � y CO:YTACC PERSO\ & PHO\E: j INITIAL/DA7'E IM74lL/DATF Joel Spoonheim y 2 DEPARTME2�T DIR. 5 CITY COUNCII. �IOST BE O�i COLICSL AGEtiDA Bl' (DATE) ASSIGN ' y tir hU:IISER } CITS'ATCORNEY °�- t _CITYCLERK S ' ppg FINANCIAL SERV DIR. _ FINANCIAL SERV/ACCLG ROUTING 4 Ml+POR(ORASS� TJ� _C[VILSERVICECOMMISSION_ ORDER 1 Sean Kershat� 1 TOTAL'� OF SIGVAT[JRE PAGES l,_(CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ncriov xeQuESTen: Adoption of rezoning ordinance RECOMMENDAT[ONS:Approve(A)orRejec[(R) PERSONALSERVICECO\�RAC1'SMUSTAu\"SWERTHEFOLLOWLVG QUESTIOYS: A PLANNING COMMISSION 1. Has this person/fiim ever worked under a contract for this depar6nent? CIB COMMITI'EE Yes No CN[L SERVICE COMMISSION 2- Haz this person/firm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does t6is person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee� Yes No Ezplain all yes ansvers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEbI, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Mho, Wha[, When, Where, Why): Adopt an ordinance to finalize council approval of a petition of Ronald Alcorn to rezone properiy at 1581 Ford Parkway from B-2 to B-3 (public heazing held 08/Ol/Ol) . � � ,,���11t8t ����>� ADVANTAGESIFAYPROVED: New auto service facility will be constructed on blighYed lot. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED - � none DISAD�'ANTA�F.S IF I30T APFROVED: No new investment on blighted site. TOTAL ANIOUNT OF TRANSACTION: SO COST/REVENUE BUDGETED: FUNDING SOURCE: ACTIVITY NUMBER: FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) %�ShareTPed\S�oonAriV omnS Cases115St Ford Pkwy Alwrn\g:eenshcct wpd DEPAR'I'MENT OF PLANNING & ECANOMIC DEVEIAPMENT BrionSweeney, Director 6 t -�.� y � —� C.TTY OF SAIN'f PAUL Norm Codeman, Mayar July 13, 2001 Ms. Nancy Anderson City Council Research Office Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Deaz Ms. Anderson: 25WestFourlhStreet SamtPau� MN55102 2eZephone: 651-2666655 Facsimile: 651-228-3314 �"Irc S•ye�. `� �l G�n�� �� � ��_ , e-av v� r'�� � JUL �.`� 2�iQ1 g/ i +� _ . _ . +�- - I would ]ike to confirm that a public hearing before the City Council is scheduled for Wednesday August 1, 2001 for the following zoning case: Applicant: File Number: Purpose: Address: Legal Description of Psoperry: ALCORN, INC. #01-209-063 Rezone property from S-2 to B-3 to a11ow for the construction of an auto repair station. 1581 Ford Parkway, behveen Snelling and Macalester Subject to Ford Pazkway, Lots 26, 27, and 28, Block 4, Hardenbergh Addition, Ramsey County, Mimiesota Previous Action: Planning Commission Recommendation: Approval, vote: unanimous, July 13, 2001 Zoning Committee Recommendation: Approval, vote: 6-0, July 5, 2001 My understanding is that this public hearnig request wiil appear on the agenda for the July 25, 2001 City Councii meeting—or be read into the record at that meeting--and that you will publish notice of the hearing in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger. Please call me at 266-6557 if you haue any questions. Sincerely, �� ���-�/ City Planner cc: File #01-209-063 Wendy I,ane Paul Dubruiel Cazol Martineau s� rwa�.� � _: a�oaa'� , • �nrs5'zum� • - �IOTICE OF PUBYSC vcsRnv'G"': C The Saint Paul Clty Covnell w19 Gu?i- dvet� a�ptibll� heazing on Nf�edxiesday, August, l, 2001, at 5:30 p.m., City Counc7l cn�t�s, �a ��r cccy �r. ca �n8�aer _ the appliqUon of At.CORN. Inc., to rezone perfy ¢om g-2. to B-3 to allow for the � c� nstructlon of an auto repa� starion. at 15&2� Ford Parkway lbetweep Snellfng- Avenue and Macalester Street) - � - - � Dafed: Jvly�17, 2001' . . _ - __ NANCY ANRERSON - -- ' - .,,AsslsYant Cit}! Cauncii Secretary' � . � _ bLn$' ZsJ . . . . , DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING &ECONOMICDEVELAPMENT Brian Sweeney, Director b l -`l�`l CfiTY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor July 20, 2001 Ms. Nancy Anderson Secretary to the City Council Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 RE: Zoning File #O1-209-063 City Council Hearing: 25WestFourthStseet Telephone:651-2666655 SaintPaul,MN55102 Facsimile:651-1283314 ALCORN, INC. August 1, 2001, 5:30 p.m. City Council Chambers PURPOSE To consider rezoning properry located at 1581 Ford Parkway (between Snelling and Macalester) from B-2 (commercial) to B-3 (commercial) to allow for the construction of an auto repair station. PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDAT'ION APPROVAL vote: unanimous ZONING COMMITTEE RECONIMENDAT'ION APPROVAL vote: 6-0 • STAFF RECOMMENDATION: 'APPROVAL S[3PPORT: No one spoke. The Highland Area Community Councd (District 15� voted to support the rezoning. OPPOSITION: No one spoke. Dear Ms. Anderson: ALCORN, INC. submitted a petition to rezone property located at 1581 Ford Parkway from B-2 (commercial) to B-3 (commercial) . The Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission held a public heazing on the proposed rezoning on July 5, 2001. The applicant addressed the committee. At the close of the public hearing, the committee voted 6-0 to recommend approval to rezone to B-3. The Planning Commission upheld the Zoning Comrciittee's recommendation for approval on a unanimous vote on July 13, 2001. This proposed rezoning is scheduled to be heazd by the City Council on August 1, 2001. Please notify Joel Spoonheim (6-6614) if any member of the City Council wishes to have slides of the site presented at the public hearing. Sincerely, • �c��. ��'�'�.-._-° Nancy Homans CiTy Planner Attachments cc: City Council members ol-�c� � file number 01-5$ date Suly 13 Zooi city ofi saint paul planning commission resolution WHEREAS, Alcorn, Inc., File #01-209-L163, has applied 4or a Rezoning fcom B-2 to B-3 under the provisions of §64.400 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, to allow the construction of an auto repair station on property located at 1581 Ford Par{cway, legally described as Subject to Ford Parkway, Lots 26, 27, and 28, Biock 4, tiardenbergh Addition, Ramsey County, Minnesota; and WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission, on July 5, 2001, held a public hearing at which all persons present were given an opportunity to be heard pursuant to said application in accordance with the requirements of §64.300 of the Saint Paul Legisiative Code; and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Planning Commission, based on the evidence presented to its Zoning Committee at the pubiic hearing as substantialiy refiected in the minutes, made the following findings of fact: • 1. The appiicant proposes to demolish an existing vacant auto service staiion and construct a new seven-bay 4661 square foot auto repair station with parking spaces for 27 cars. A concurrent application for a special condition use permit and setback variance has also been filed. 2. The property has been used for auto related uses since at least 1954 and is across Ford Parkway from a newly reconstructed SuperAmerica auto service station. As such, the establishment of a new auto repair use is unlikely to have an adverse impact on the fuiiy developed surrounding neighborhood. Furthermore, because the site has been vacant for some time, the new facility would represent the elimination of a blighting influence on a heavily traveled corner. 3. The property is currentiy zoned B-2 and is contiguous to OS-1, RM-2 and R-3 zoning districts. As such, rezoning would not result in a spot zoning, but, rather, the kind of fine-grained zoning that is appropriate for a major transportation corridor. 4. The use is not inconsistent with the provisions of the comprehensive pian. moved by Field seconded by r . ir� favor Unanimous • against Zoning File #01-209-063 Planning Commission Resolution Page 2 5. The zoning code provides that an application for rezoning must be accompanied by a consent petition of the owners of two thirds of the properties within 100 feet of the property to be rezoned. Eight signatures were required. Eight were received. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Saint Paui Pianning Commission, under the authority of the City's Legislative Code, that the appiication of Aicorn, Inc. for a Rezoning from B-2 to B-3 at 1581 Ford Parkway, is hereby recommended to the Saint Paul City Council. � � C� b l -`�(,� Zoning File #01-209-063 Planning Commission Resolution Page 2 5. The zoning code provides that an application for rezoning must be accompanied by a consent petition of the owners of two thirds of the properties within 100 feet of the property to be rezoned. Eight signatures were required. Eight were received. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Saint Paul Planning Commission, under the authority of the City's Legisla6ve Code, that the appiication of Alcom, Inc. for a Rezoning from B-2 to B-3 at 1581 Ford Parkway, is hereby recommended to the Saint Paul City Council. � • • ___ - - _ _ _�_--�- --�-�-_,. �t-��y • Saint Paul Planning Commission City Hall Conference Center 15 Kellogg Boulevard West Minutes of Jaly 13, 2001 A meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Saint Paul was held Friday, July 13, 2001, at 8:30 a.m. in the Conference Ceuter of City Hall. Commissioners Present: Commissioners Absent: Mmes. Duarte, Faricy, Zimmer Lonetti, Morton, and Shoriridge; and Messrs. Alton, Dandrea, Field, Gervais, Gordon, Johnson, Kong, Kramer, Mardell and Mejia. Mmes. *Donnelly-Cohen, and *McCall,; and Messrs. *Anfang, *Fotsch, and *Galles. *Excused Also Present: Larry Soderholm, Planning AdminisUator; Nancy Homans, Yang Zhang, Virginia Burke, A1 Lovejoy, Jim Zdon, and Mary Bruton, Department of Planning and Ewnomic Developmern staff. I. Approval of Minutes of June 22, 2001 • II. III. . MOTION Commissioner Johnson moved approval of the minutes of June 22, 2001. Commissioner Lonetti seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimous[y on a voice vate Chair's Ar,nouncements No Chair announcements. Planning Administrator's Announcements Mr. Soderholm announced that PED staff, Nancy Homans, requested a leave of absence to work as Legislarive Aide to Council Member Chris Coleman. Mr. Soderholm recognized Ms. Homans and fl�anked her for the outstanding work she has done. Mr. Soderholm passed around a dot map from the Metropolitan Council showing the distriburion of population in Minnesota and the metro azea in 2000. Mr. Soderholm talked about City Council business: The Buffalo Sober house was approved for 16 resideirts The White Bear Avenue Plan and 40-Acre Study were adopted. Mi. Soderholm congratulated Commissioner Richard Kramer and PED Planner Patricia James for their hazd work. He stated the City Council is worldng on redevelopment project financing m response to changes in local property taxes and TIF adopted by the legislature. The State will provide a fund to compensate municipalities partially for TIF losses on major projects that are in the pipeline at the time of the changes. The City CouaciI aud PED are worldng to certify the West • Side Flats, the Upper Landing, and a few other projects as pipeline projects fl�at will become eligible for State compensatory funds. The Arcade Street moratorium that is going through. The City Council approved the rezoning as RT-2 (three or four units) for the Arcnstrong House to be moved to the Plastics Inc. site. Mr. Soderholm reported that at the HItA meeting this week, PED presented its full work program, including a complete list of planning projects. The Steering Comxnittee wi11 discuss the list in two weeks. Mr. Soderholm also presented to the City Council some of the implications in the change in State law with regazds to zoning. He stated the requirement for petitions signed by the neighbors has been lazgely removed from State Law. Now a perition is required from the neighbors only if residentials properly is being changed to commercial or industrial. If you have a single family house and you want to make a dupleaL, 3-plelc, or 4-pleac, you can just come to the Zoning Office, write your check, fill out your application, and it will come to the Zoning Committee. The neighbors will be notified of the public hearings at the Zoning Committee and the Ciry Council. After some discussion, tkris matter was referred to ihe Zoning Committee to consider whether the new rules will work okay or whether the City should revise our local zoning procedural requirements. IV. Zoning Committee OLD BUSINESS • #O1-206-105 Heartland Auto Sales Inc. - Modification of a Special Condition Use Permit (SCUP) to increase number of vehicles allowed to be parked on the lot: 27 vehicles ailowed under 1999 SCUP for second hand auto sales business; expansion of lot to allow a total of 37 vehicles on the lot proposed. 1236 Arcade Street, NE comer Arcade & Hawthome. (Rich Malloy, 651/266-6647) Commissioner Field stated that a letter from the District 5 Plannnig Council was received in opposition. No one spoke in support, one party spoke in opposition. The public hearing was closed. The Zoning Committee on a vote of 5-1 (Akon), laid the matter over to the meeting on July 19, Comtnissioner Field said that Rich Malloy's memo for the neact Zoning Comcnittee meeting indicates that Peter Wamer, who was on vacation at the last Zoning Committee meeting, has opined that the new Arcade Street moratorium catches this application. At the next committee meeting, Mr. Wamer will be recommending denial based on the moratorium. NEW BUSINESS #f11-208-086 Sueedway Suaer America - Special Cond�tion Use Pemut,for an auto service starion, and a pazlang variance (13 spaces required; 11 spaces proposed). 925 Grand, NW corner at Mikon. (Nancy Homans, 651/266-6557) Cotnmissioner Field stated that no district comment was received. No one spoke in support and no one spoke in opposition. The public hearing was closed. The Zoning Committee recommended • 2 b 1 �`{ G`� pipeline at the time of the ckianges. The City Councfl and PED aze worldng to certify the West � Side Flats, the Upper Landing, and a few other projects as pipeline projects that will become eligible for State compensatory funds. The Arcade Street moratorium that is going through. The City Council approved the rezoning as RT-2 (three or four units) for the Armstrong House to be moved to the Plastics Inc. site. Mr. Soderholm reported that at �e HRA mceting tbis week, PED preserned iu fiill work program, including a complete list of planning projects. The Steering Committee will discuss the list in two weeks. Mr. Soderholm atso presented to ihe City Council some of the implications in the change in State law with regards to zoning. He stated the requirement for petitions signed by ihe neighbors bas been lazgety remcsved from State Law. Now a petition is required from the neighbors only if residentials properry is being changed to commerciai or industrial. If you haue a single family house and you want to make a duplex, 3-plex, or 4-plex, you can just come to the Zoning Office, write your check, fill out youz application, and it will come to the Zoning Committee. The neighbors will be notified of the public hearings at the Zoning Committee and the City Council. After some discussion, tlus matter was referred to the Zoning Committee to consider whether the new rules will work okay or whether the City should revise our local wning procedural requirements. IV. Zoning Committee OLD BUSINESS #O1-206-105 Heartland Auto Sales Inc. - Modification of a Specia] Condition Use Permit (SCUP) • to increase namber of vehicles allowed to be parked on the lot: 27 vehicles allowed under 1999 SCUP for secand hand auto sales business; expansion of lot to allow a total of 37 vehicles on the lot proposed. 1236 Arcade Street, NE comer Arcade & Hawthome. (Rich Malloy, 651/266-6647) Commissioner Field stated that a letter from the District 5 Planning Council was received in opposition. No one spoke in support, one party spoke in opposition. The public hearing was closed. The Zoning Committee on a vote of 5-1 (Alton), laid the matter over to the meeting on July 19, 2001. Comn�issioner Field said that Rich Malloy's memo for the nelct Zoning Committee meeting indicates that Peter Wamer, who was on vacation at the last Zoning Committee meeting, has opined that the new Arcade Street moratorium catches this application. At the next committee meeting, Mr. Warner will be recommending denial based on the moratorium. NEW BUSINESS #Ol-2U8-086 Saeedway Suoer America - Special Condition Use Pemtit for an auto service station, and a pazldng variance (13 spaces required; 11 spaces proposed). 925 Grand, NW comer at Milton. (NancyHomans,651/266-6557) Commissioner Field stated that no district comment was received. No one spoke in support and no one spoke in opposition. The public hearing was closed. The Zoning Committee recommended o 2 oti-�1�y • approval with conditions on a vote of 6-0. MOTION Commissioner Field moved the Zoning Committee's recommendation to approve the SCUP. The motion carried unanimous[y on a voice vote #Q1-209-063 Parkwav Auto Care - Rewning from B-2 to B-3 and a Special Condition Use Permit for an auto repair business, and a setback vaziance for parldng along Ford Parkway {25 foot setback requued; 6 foot setback proposed). 1581 Ford Pazkway, NW wmer at Snelling. (Nancy Homans, 651/266-6557) Commissioner Field stated that district council submitted written comments. No one spoke in support, no one spoke in opposition. The public hearing was closed. The Zoning Committee recommended approval with conditions on a vote of 6-0. MOTION Conrnrissioner �eld moved the Zoning Committee's recommendation to approve the rezoning, and contingent on City Council approval of the reZOning, also to approve the SCi7P with conditions as [isted in the resolution. The motion carried unanimously on a voice vote Commissioner Field announced the agenda for the Zoning Committee meeting on July 19, 2001. OLD BUSINESS #O1-206-105 Heartland Auto Sales Inc. - Special Condition Use Pemut (SCUP) to increase • number of vehicles allowed to be parked on the lot: 27 vehicles allowed under 1999 SCUP for second hand auto sales business; 37 proposed including 4 spaces for adjacent restaurant. 1236 Arcade Street. (Rich Malloy, 651l266-664'7) NEW BUSINESS #O1-211-585 Macalester ColleQe - One year renewal of a Special Condition Use Permit for a coliege domutory. 1576 Summit, SE comer at Snelling. (Donna Drummond, 651/266-6556) #O1-211-125 Richard Harnden - Rezone from B-2 Business to B-3 Business to allow indoor auto sales. 459 Toronto, SW comer at James. (Nancy Homans, 651/266-6557) #O1-211-535 Sarint PCS - Special Condition Use Pernvt to install cellulaz telephone antennas on an existing multi-family residential structure less than 60 feet tall. 618 Grand, between St. Albans & Dale. (Nancy Homans, 651/266-6557) #O1-211-717 Lagos Hill - Sign Variances (letter height and number of projecting banners) to allow one 36 inch high letter and one 66 inch high letter in a business logo sign, and 5 pro}ecting banners. 867 Grand, Grand at Victoria. (Nancy Homans, 651/266-6557) V. Comprehensive Planning Committee • Central Corridor• Resaonse to Preliminarv Scoaina Work - Adopt resolution. (Atlen I,ovejoy, 651/266-6576) Commissioner Gordon stated tUat the resolution regazding the Central Corridor transit improvements states that the Ramsey County Regional Rail Authority has initiated an Environmental Impact Statement process and H�at now is the time to suggest any additional akematives to be studied as a part of the EI3. Conunissioner Gordon stated that there aze three altematives defined for further analysis in the Midway Area: LRT on I-94; LRT on University Avenue and Busway on TJniversity Avenue. The Committee found that the set of three was adequate. The two LRT proposals cusently deSned £or downtown include: a Cedar/4th Street altemative terminating in the Union Depot; a 7ackson, Sibley and 4`� Streets alternative temunating in the Entertainment DistricT. Commissioner Gordon stated the Comprehensive Planning Committee fluuks there ought to be iwo additional altematives studied; Altemarives B and C as included in today's packet. Altemative B brings the line down St. Peter Street, on the West side of the downtown core area, down to the Entertainment District, then east along 4`�' Street to the Union Depot, continues on to Williams Hill and Lafayette Pazk via the rail cotridor and west on University Avenue to Regions Hospital. Altemative C uses Robert Street down the central part of the dorvntown core azea and goes west on 4�' Sireet to the Entertainment District. � Mr. Allen Lovejoy, City Planner, stated that in 1999 the Plamung Commission recommended that a two way LRT system connecting downYown to the University of Minuesota and downtown Minneapolis can be accommodated well within the elcisting University Avenue right-of-way. The Comtnission also stated that LRT would likely make a very positive contribution to improvement . and development goals for University Avenue; and that the disruption of businesses on the Avenue can be kept to a tolerable minimum -- a key issue to the Plazuilng Commission. The Commission aiso stated that the City should play an active role in timely approval of the EIS. Mr. Lovejoy stated tl�at there have been major developments downtown since the last LRT study in the early 1990s. Most important is the emergence of the Entertainment District, which will attract 4-5 million visitors a year. He stated that decisions on LRT must recognize that change by directly serving the Entertainment District. e visitors and e lo ees of downtown. Those criteria include an"Office Core" station, an Entertainment District station, and a Lowertown station. Further, stations should be designed with historical and azclutectural chazacter, avoid impacting major street connections to the Interstate System and Shepazd/Wamer Road, and minimize use of major traffic stzeets. Mr. Lovejoy showed maps of all downtown Altematives. He stated Fourth Street was the most practical thtu East/West street to use due to traffic constraints. He touched on the three Alternatives that aze being looked at in the Midway. Mr. Lovejoy reported the Comprehensive Planning Committee tallced about the two downtown altematives previously discussed. He then apologized for making last minute staff recommendations, and described a third potential altemative: Altemative A: eastwazd on Universiry • 4 o���c��I (Allen Lovejoy, 651/266-6576) Commissioner Gordon stated that the resolution regazding the Central Corridor transit improvements states that the Ramsey County Regional Rail Authority t�as initiated an Environmental Impact Statement process and tt�at now is the time to suggest any additional altematives to be studied as a part of the EIS. Commissioner Crordon stated that there aze tkuee altematives defined for further analysis in the Midway Area: LRT on I-94; LRT on Univecsity Avenue and Busway on University Avenue. 'I7�e Committee found that the set of three was adequate. The two LRT proposals cuaenfly defined for downtown include: a Cedar/4th Street alternative terminating in the Union Depot; a Jackson, Sibley and 4�' Streets aitemative tenninating in the Entertauunent Dishict. Commissioner Gordon stated the Comprehensive Planning Committee thinks there ought to be two additional altematives studied; Akematives B and C as included in today's packet. Altemative B brings the line down St. Peter Street, on the West side of the downtown core azea, down to the Entertainment District, then east along 4`" Street to the Union Depot, continues on to Williams Hill and Lafayette Pazk via the rail wmdor and west on University Avenue to Regions Hospital. Alternative C uses Robert Street down the central part of the downtown core azea and goes west on 4`" Street to the Entertainment District. Mr. Allen Lovejoy, City Planner, stated that in 1999 the Planning Commission recommended that a two way LRT system connecting downtown to the University of Minnesota and downtown Minneapolis can be accommodated well within the existing University Avenue right-of-way. The Commission also sfaEed thai LRT would likely make a very positive contribution to improvement and deuelapment goais for Umversity Avenue; and that the disruption of businesses on the Avenue can be kept to a tolerable minunum — a key issue to the Planning Commission. The Commission also stated that the City should play an active role in timely approval of the EIS. Mr. I.ovejoy stated that there have been major developments downtown since the last LRT study in the early 1990s. Most important is the emergence of the Entertainment District, w]uch will attract 4-5 miliion visitors a yeaz. He stated that decisions on LRT must recoguze that change by directly serving the Entertainment District. The cunent resoluti� � creteria thaE mvst be met to accommodate the visitors and employees of downTrnvn. Those criteria incfude an "O£fice Care" station, an Entertainment District station, and a Lawertown station. Further, stations should be designed with historical and azchitectural character, avoid impacting major street connections to the Interstate System and Shepazd/Wamer Road, and m;n;,,,;ze use of major traffic streets. • Mr. Lovejoy showed maps of all downtown Altematives. He stated Fourth Street was the most practical thru East/West street to use due to traffic constraints. He touched on the three Altematives that ue being looked at in the Midway. � Mr. Lovejoy reported the Comprehensive Planning Committee tallced about the two downtown altematives previously discussed. He then apologized for making last minute staff recommendations, and described a third potential altemative: Altemative A: easrivard on University � 4 � ����� • Avenue, north of the Capitol, to the eastem end of the Avenue at Lafayette Road, then using the rail corridor to connect up with Prince Street east of Diamond Products, then west on 4`� Street to the Entertainment District. This altemative would avoid the problems of using St. Peter Street while meeting all the criteria outlined in the resolution. He stated tbat this altemative aiso seemed to meet the spirit of the Committee discussions. MOTION: Conv�rissioner Gordon mmed approval ofAlternateA submitted by PED staff today and Attachments B and C in the resolution from the document of July 3, 2001. Commusioner Kramer seconded the motion. Commissioner Dandrea asked Mr. Lovejoy about urility relocation. Mr. Lovejoy stated there a lot of utilities in Fourth Street and St. Peter Streets. There ue very few utilities in the middle of University Avenue west of Westem. He stated the staff didn't know what the utility impacts were for Altematives A and B along University Avenue and Prince Street or for Alternative C on Robert Street from University Avenue to 4�' Street. In response to a station location question Mr. Lovejoy discussed the station platforms in relation to the length of the city blocks and placement of stations. Downtown blocks are often 300 feet squaze and LRT stations need 300 feet for three-car LRT trains. This means tt�at many blocks aze too small to accommodate the three-caz stations. He stated that three-caz versus two-caz trains might be the topic of further LRT discussions as the EIS proceeds. The motion carried unanimously on a voice vote � VI. Neighborhood and Cnrrent Planning Committee Trout Brook Greenwav Plan and Area Plan Summarv - Presentation, release for public review, set public hearing date for September 7, 2001. (Virginia Burke, 651/266-6661) Michael Mazgulies, former Planning Commissioner and Chair of the Trout Brook Greemvay Task Force addressed the Commission and explained how the project started. He stated there c��as e�ctensive and in-depth community participation. Mr. Mazgulies complimented consultant Sherri Buss with Bonestroo, Rosene, Anderlik who brought a lot of thought and creativity to the project. He stated the result is that the Plan is creative, thoughtful, and very practical. Mr. Margulies stated he is very appreciative of the work the staff did in preparing this. Ms. Virginia Burke, City Planner, stated that the Department of Natural Resources' 199 7"Metro Greenprint" report first identified the project area as one of the few remaining azeas in St. Paul with a high potential for protection and restoration of natural resources. In 1999 the concept of the Trout Brook - Lower Phalen greenway was incorporated into the Comprehensive Plan and in 2000 the City received a planning grant from the DNR to create a plan for the proposed greenway, and hired the consulting firm of Bonestroo, Rosene, Anderlik. She stated that last Fall the Pluming Commission initiated a Small Area Planning process and a 40-Acre Study for the Trout Brook - I,ower Phalen Greenway. Serving on the Greenway Task Force were representatives from District Councils 4, 5, and 6; Friends oF Swede Hollow; Tri-Area Block Club; a Commissioner from the Parks and Recreation Commission; Ramsey County Parks staff; Capitol Region Watershed District; • Diamond Products (formerly Gillette); the Lowertown Depot; and Department of Natural Resources staff. They also convened a technical advisory group with staff from the DeparRnent of � Transportation, Metropo&tan Council, Great Rivu Greening, Department of Natural Resources, Friends of Parks and Trails, Bicycle Advisory Boazd, and Public Works. She stated the Task Force met six times between November 2000 and May 2001 and at their last meeting recommended the Trout Brook Greenway Plan to the Planning Commission. Ms. Burke staYed the 40-Acre Study has not yet been done, The City is invoived in negotiations to purchase rivo lazge sites in the greenway, both currenfly zoned for indusuial use. Land Use law prohibits the City from down zonino land ttiax it is involved in purchasing. They have until the year 2003 to complete the 40-Acre Study. Ms. Shem Buss from Bonestroo, Rosene, Anderlik gave a presentation on the Trout Brook Greenway Plan. She stated the idea of this plan was to see how to create a l�abitat corridor through the azea, as well as trail connections, and how to bring the old Trout Brook to the surface on the Trillium site. Ms. Buss stated the trail corridoi would connect to the County's e�cisting Trout Brook Trail, also link to the Gateway trail and the Bruce Vento Regional Trail in Swede Hollow Pazk. Ms. Buss passed out coIored maps ofthe Triliium Site Concept Plan. She taiked about plans to recreate Trout Brook creek with water &om the water utility and McCarron's Lake, and new wetlands with storm water from the neighborhood adjacent to the Trillium Site. The eacisting storm water pond at Sims and Agate will move slighUy when 35E is reconstreicted. Ms. Buss talked about restoring the vegetation to those communities that were there at settlement, and installing eskers (berms) and a fence to sepazate the Trillium Site from the railroad tracks MOTION: Commissioner Faricy moved to re[ease Trout Brook Greenway Plan and Area Plan Summary for public rwiew and set a public hearing date for September 7, 2001. Commissioner Johnson seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously on a voice vote Mac-Groveland Communitv Plan Summarv - Adopt resolution. (Yang Zhang, 651/266-6659) • Commissioner Faricy stated at the Neighborhood and Curreat Planning Committee meeting there was a discussion regarding signs and the Macalester-Groveland District Council decided not to take the Committee's advice. Commissioner Faricy stated it was referred back to the Committee for clarification. West Side Communitv Plans Summarv - Adopt resolution. (Yang Zhang, 651/266-6659) Commissioner Faricy stat e nmmary consi o ve ma�or az community identity, transportation and infrastruciure, commercial corridor revitalization, housing, and public safety, followed by a sedes of actions requiring city participation. MOTION: Comnrissioner Faricy moved on behalf of the Neighborhood and Current Planning Committee the following reso[ution that the Saint Paul Planning Commission finds that the West 3ide Community Plan and Riverview Commercial Corridor Rwitalization Program Summary are general[y consistent with the Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan and other relevant City policies and recommends the adoption of the Summary by the City Council as an addendum to [he ComprehensivePltrns repfacing the f981 Disfrzef 3 Plan. The•matian carried unanimously on a voice vote Commissioner Faricy stated the Neighborhood and Cunent Platuiing Comnuttee held a public L o�-`tc�y staff. They also conveaed a technical advisory group with staff from the Department of Transportation, Metropolitan Council, Great River Greening, Department of Natural Resources, � Friends of Parks and Trails, Bicycle Advisory Board, and public Works. She stated the Task Force met sic times between November 2000 and May 2001 and aY their Iast meering recommended tha Trout Brook Greenway Plan to the Planning Commission. Ms. Burke stated the 40-Acre Study has not yet been done. The City is involved in negotiations to purchase two large sites in the greeaway, both currenfly zoned for industrial use. Land Use law prolribits the City from down zoning land that it is involved in purchasing. They ]�ave until the year 2003 to complete the 40-Acre Study. Ms. Sherri Buss from Bonestroo, Rosene, Anderlik gave a presentation on the Trout Brook Greenway Plan. She stated the idea of this plan was to see how to create a habitat corridor through the azea, as well as trail connections, and how to bring the old Trout Brook to the surface on the Trillium site. Ms. Buss stated the trail corridor would connect to the County's existing Trout Brook Trail, aLso link to the Gateway trail and the Bruce Vento Regional Trail in Swede Hollow Park. Ms. Buss passed out colored maps of the Trillium Site Concept Plan. She talked about plans to recreate Trout Brook creek with water from the water utility and McCarron's Lake, and new wetlands with sto:m water from the neighborhood adjacent to the Trillium Site. The existing storm water pond at Sims and Agate will move slightly when 35E is reconstructed. Ms. Buss talked about restoring the vegetation to those communities that were there at settlement, and installing eskers (berms) and a fence to separate the Trillium Site from the railroad tracks MOTION; Commissioner Faricy moved to relettse Trout Brook Greenway Ptan and Area Ptan Summary for public review and set a public hearing date for September 7, 2001. Commissioner Johnson seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimausly on a voice vote Mac-Groveland Community Plan Summarv - Adopt resolution. (Yang Zhang, 651/266-6659) � Commissioner Faricy stated at the Neighborhood and Cuneirt Planning Committee meeting there was a discussion regazding signs and the Macalester-Groveland District Council decided not to take the Conunittee's advice. Commissioner Faricy stated it was referred back to the Committee for clarification. West Side Communitv Plarts Summarv - Adopt resotution. (Yang Zhang, 651i266-b659) Commissioner Faricy stated the Summary consists of five major azeas of focus, including ���t3' I�tS', #r�Fo�Dn and infrastructure, commercial corridor revitalizatioq housing, and public safety, £oi3owe� by a series o€actions requiring city participation. MOTION: Commissioner Faricy moved on behalf of the Neighborhood and Current Planning Committee the following resolution that the Saint Paul Planning Commission finds that the R'est Side Conrnrun&y Plan and Riverview Commercial Conidor Rwita[ization Program Summary aregenerally consistent with theSaintPaul CompreherrsivePlan and other relevant City policies and recommends the adoption of the Summary by the City Council as an addendum to the Comprehensive Plans replacing the 1981 District 3 Plan. The motion carried unanimously on a voice vote Commissioner Faricy stated the Neighborhood and Current Planning Committee held a public �I � l _°I c�`l • meeting last Tuesday at the Little Sisters of the Poor where the Cent� Development Project and some of the Planning Commission members attended. Commissioner Faricy stated the neighbors stated they felt they were not involved enough in the process but in the end all they want from Centex and the City is to make this project better regarding azchitecture, etc. She stated on July 25, 2001, the written portion of the public meeting will be closed and at fl�at time staff will gather all the comments and it will then come back to the Neighborhood Comnuttee sometime after July 25`� . VII. Communications Committee No report. VIII. TaskForceReports No reports. IX. Old Business Commissioner Dandrea updated the Commission on the Gene Corbey memorial stones and volunteered to take Mrs. Corbey to look at them after they zre instailed. X. • XI. New Business None. Adjournment Meeting adjoumed at 10:17 a.m. Recorded and prepazed by Mary Bruton, Plancung Commission Secretary Planning and Economic Development Department, City of Saint Paul Respectfully submitted, Lany Soderholm Planning Administrator Approved (Date) Kathi Donnelly-Cohen Secretary of the Planning Commission • G:\Shazed�Ped�Bruton�Minuteslminutes 7-13-01 • �� • MINUTES OF THE ZONING COMMITTEE Thursday, July 5, 2001 - 3:30 p.m. City Council Chambers, 3' Floor City Hall and Court House 15 West Kellogg Boulevard PRESENT: EXCUSED: OTHERS PRESENT: Alton, Field, Gordon, Kramer, Mejia, and Morton Anfang and Faricy Carol Martineau and Nancy Homans of PED The meeting was chaired by Commissioner Field. � � -��� ParkwayAutoCare-01-209-063,01-209 RezoningfromB-2toB-3. SpecialGonditionUse Permit for an auto repair business. Setback variance for parking along Ford Parkway (25 foot setback required; 6 foot setback proposed). 1581 Ford Parkway, NW corner at Snelling. Nancy Homans showed siides and presented the staff report. In addition to recommending approval of the rezoning and setback variance, Ms. Homans stated the Zoning Staff aiso recommends approval of the Special Condition Use Permit with the conditions in the staff report and the additional conditions recommended by the District 15 Planning Councii: i) A privacy fence will be built on the western boundary of the property. 2) Hours of operation will be Monday- Friday, 7 a.m. to 9 p.m., and Saturday from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. 3) {f a pylon sign is erected, it wiU be no taller than the one at Super America across the street. Mr. Ronaid Atcorn, the applicant, appeared and offered to answer any questions. At the question of Commissioner Gordon, Mr. Alcorn stated he was in agreement with the conditions. Commissioner Alton moved approva! of the rezoning, and Special Condition Use Permit with conditions, and set-back variance. Commissioner Gordon seconded the motion. The motion passed by a vote of 6-0. Adopted Yeas - 6 Drafted by: C�Q n.a�!7�r�.u�2� c�1v Carol Martineau Recording Secretary Nays - 0 Submitted by: Approved by: � � Nancy H ans Litton Field Zoning Section Chair HACC DIST 15 TEL�612— Jun 2�'U1 y�5u ryo.uvi r.vc � HIGHLAND DISTRICT COUNCIL $uilding a Stronger Community Through Citizen Participation 1978 Ford Parkway, Saint Paul MN 5511b (651)695-4005 Fax (651)695-4607 Council Members Olficors: L.aum Deut3eerry, President Stiawn Bartsh, V'ice President C. ScottBuni4 Tteasure� Sally Cousu, Secretary Members: Grid 1: Clvis Ohnsorg Grid 2: Batbara Hussen Grid 3: Scott Bunin Grid 4: Gary F'iscl�bAeh Grid 5: Bill Poulos Crrid 6: Win Borden Cuid7: Rtede Wtbster Grid 8: Grcg Klicndl Grid 9: Sally Couser Grid 10; Shawn Bartsh Grid ! 1: Angie Kline Grid 12: Laura Deubcrry • At Uarge: Gary Marx Iahn Nelson Micch Gordon Larry Hampel Highland Business Assaiation: West End Business Association Dan Galies Alumatcs: Rick Dagcnais Msrdelle LaMnur Cammunity Organizer: Gayle Summers Crime Prevention: Metissa Summcrs • June 28, 2001 St. Paul Planning Commission Zoning Comm'rttee t tU0 City Hall A�nex 25 West 4"' Stteet St. Paul MN 55102 To Whom it IvJay Concern; o t ���`� On Wednesday, June 2�'�, the Community Development Committee of the Highland District Council met with representatives of Parkway Auto Cate and neighbors of the proposed development at Snelling and Ford Parkway. With the conditions listed below, that Mr. Alcorn has agreed to, the Committee approved the zoning change from B-2 to B-3, the Special Condition Use Pernut and the 19' variance along Ford Parkway. The Conditions are: 1. There will be landscaping along Snelling and Ford Pazkway which will include fencing similar to the fencing at Super America, across the street. Shrubs wil! planted and maintained behind the fence. 2. A privacy fence will be built along the western boundry of the property. 3. Hours oP opecation wiil be Monday - Friday 7AM - 9PM, Saturday from 7AM - 3PM. 4. Tf a pylon sign is erected it will be no tall than the one at Super America. Sincerely, Gayle W. Summers ������ � 1. 2. ZONING COMMITTEE STAFF REPORT FILE # 01-209-063 APPLICANT: Alcom, Inc. (Pazkway Auto Care) HEARING DATE: July 5, 2001 TYPE OF APPLTCATION: Rezoning 3. LOCATION: 1581 Ford Pazkway, between Snelling and Macalester 4. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Subject to Ford Pazkway, Lots 26, 27, and 28, Block 4, Hardenbergh Addition, Ranisey County, Nlinnesota 5. PLAN1vING DISTRICT: 15 6. ZONING CODE REFERENCE: 64.400 STAFF REPORT DATE: June 21, 2001 8. DATE RECEIVED: May 24, 2001 PRESENT ZOIVING: B-2 BY: Nancy Homans DEADLINE FOR ACTION: 7uly 23, 2001 A. • B. C. PURPOSE: Rezone from B-2 to B-3 to allow for the construction of an auto repair station. PARCEL SIZE: 13825 x 111.19 = 15,372 sq. ft. EXISTING LAND USE: Vacant auto secvice center D. SURRGUNDING LAND USE: North: Office and single family residential, zoned OS-1 and R-3 South: Auto service station, zoned B-2 East: Highland Park, zoned R-1 West: Multiple family residential, zoned RM-2 E. ZONING CODE CITATION: Sec. 64.400 of the zoning code provides for amendment of the district boundaries. F. HISTORY/DISCUSSION: A pemut for a filling station operated by SocconVacuum Oil Company was approved in August 1954. A major variance was approved in May 1994 reducing the tequired setback for a canopy over the fueltanks. G. DISTRICT COUNCIL RECOMMENDATION: A recommendation had not been received at the time this staff report was prepared. � H. FINDTNGS: 1. The applicant proposes to demolish an existing vacant auto service station and constmct a new seven-bay 4661 squaze foot auto repair station with parking spaces for 27 cars. A concurrent application for a special condition use permit and setback variance has also been filed. Zoning File #O1-209-063 Page two 2. The properry has been used for auto related uses since at least 1954 and is across Ford Parkway from a newly reconstructed SuperAmerica auto service station. As such, the establishmern of a new auto repair use is unlikely to have an adverse impact oa the fully developed surrounding neighborhood. Furthermore, because the site has been vacant for some time, the new facility would represent the elimination of a blighting influence on a heavily travelad comer. 3. The property is currenUy zoned B-2 and is contiguous to OS-1, RM-2 and R-3 zoning districts. As such, rezoning would not result in a spot wning, but, rather, the ldnd of fine- grained zoning that is appropriafe for a xnajor transportation corridor. 4. The use is not inconsistent with the provisions of the comprehensive plan. 5. The code provides that an application for rezoning must be accompanied by a conse� petition of the owners of two thirds of the properties withui 100 feet of the property to be rezoned. Eight signatures were req�ired. Eight were received. I. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the rezoning of 1581 Ford Pazkway from B-2 to B-3. • • � Zoning File #O1-209-063 Page two � �—�c�( 2. The property has been used for auto related uses since at least 1954 and is across Ford Pazkway fi'om a newly reconstructad SuperAmerica auto service station. As such, the establishment of a new auto repair use is unlikely to I�ave an adverse impact on the fully developed surrounding neighborhood. Furthermore, because the site has been vacant for some time, the new facility would representthe elimination of a hlighting influence on a heavily traveled corner. 3. The property is cuaenily zoned B-2 and is contiguous to OS-1, RM-2 and R-3 zoning districts. As such, rezoning would not result in a spot zoning, but, rather, the ldnd of fine- p3ained zoning that is appropriaie for a major transportation corridor. 4. The use is not inconsisteut with the provisions of the comprehensive plan. The code provides that an application for rezoning must be accompanied by a conse� petition of the owners of rivo thirds of the properties within 100 feet of the properry to be rezoned. Eight signatures were required. Eight were received. I. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the rezoning of 1581 Ford Pazkway from B-2 to B-3. � � PETITION TO AMEND THE 20NING CODE Department of Planning and Ecorsomrc De'velopment Zoning Section I400 City HaUAnnex 2s wess Fourth streer Saint Paul, MN SSIO2-I634 (651) 266-6589 Property APPLICANT PROPERTY LOCATION City Contact Person (if Address / Location � (attach addi4iona4 sheet tf Z� Daytime TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL: Zoning tf ce u 'o - :at����o�� File • Fee:�� •j� . . Tentative Hearing Date: - � -S- U_ � G' Zoning ��-,-,,2 Pursuant to Section 64.400 of the Saint Paul Zoning Ordinance and to Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statues, �0�'iC< <C� ��C�Y' Yl , owner of land proposed tor rezoning, hereby petitions you to rezone the above described property from a �'oZ zoning district to a �'� zoning district, for the purpose of: fl uto re�c<< r st�- � (attach additional sheet(s) if necessary) Attachments: Required Site Plan .� Subscribed and sworn to before me o ���/i day this — . � �� 20 �� Consent Petition � ot-`l�`� G (� �0(3 - ►��= ��� � 3,�- Z �`7v ANdavit +� 8 : --,� j L � `� ee Owner of Property JANICE E. MAGNUSON ` Notary Public-Minnescta { �. � �c/ , r Ramsey County Notary Public -, My Commission Expires Jan. 31. 2005 Page 1 of _ 06/21/2601 08:38 6447599 ALL�'Y PUBUC AILEY � � � � T � ._� �.� 1 ��� . �— r � �i 'c�u' � — pc+e' , iwr" 1 f� °°7� f 12 FULL SIZE PARKING STALLS 13 COMPAC7 PARKING STALLS ,o Uul.rnt�y ucv��.� � � + I � ao� u�oeoi+c Roo' �n arc eoErax 9 � � _ � _ .�'0�1� .��I�'���Y PUBLIC RIGHT OF WnY — � 0 d � �CEN7ERUNE FORD PARKWAY � � � nei u i int �ll�'Y PUBUC AUEY rait tr�e� no � T � ._ �� 1 ��� �,-�,T _ uic � - �9nr �., ,�,�—� �.�-� f 12 FULL SIZE PARKING STALLS 13 COMPACT PARKIN6 STALLS n . I 6ED' U�DlGVf {AO' 1Er CK �R s cc aea __ _ _ �sv � � , 01-� �� i ! ) ', u c ' ii u : II ` V I ' �I c � i � I �� TRAFFIC LICHT � � , L�/)�j,l ����� T� �CENTERUNE FORD PARKWAr ,t� ti li 1 I PUBUC RIGHT OF WAY � ..� ; . � Tt�ZONING FIRST SUBMITTED S�� DATE PETITION SUBMITTED: � �� � � DATE OFFICIALLY RECEIVEA: � � �� � � PARCELS ELIGIBLE: � PARCELS REQUIRED: � PARCELS SIGNED: _� ��� 12ESUBYfITTED DATE PETITION RESUBMITTED: DATE OFFICIALLY RECEIVED: PARCELS ELIGIBLE: PARCELS REQUIRED: PARCELS SIGNED: Q � ���y . CHECY.ED BX: I/ � DATE: � S O i ��NI�G F1L� � � � 1- 2�S-o�3 , �. - - - CITY OF SAII�T PAUL CONSENT OF ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNE�S FOR A REZONING We, the undersigned, owners of the property within 100 feet of the total contiguous description of real estate owned, purchased, or sold by THE PETITIONER within one year preceding t�he date of this petition acknowledge that we have been presented with the follo�ving: ( 1. Acopyofthepefitionof Ronald`Alcorn (name of petitioner) to rezone the property located at 1581 Ford Parkway irom a B-2 zoning district to a B-3 zoning district. 2. A copy of sections 60.560 through 60.565 inclusive of the Saint Paul Zoning Code; and acknowledgc that �vc an: a��•are of all of the uses permitred in B-3 zoning district and we are aware that any of these uses can be established upon City Council approva] of the rezoning. �Ve hereb}' consent to tl�e rezoning of the property in the petition of; Ronald Alcorn to a B-3 zoning district. m (Name of petitioner) \Ve consent to the appro�'al of this rezoning as it rcas expiained to us b}' the applicant or his/her rcpresentative. 1600 Ford Parkway 1603 Ford Parkway y 4 �� 1609 Ford Parkc� 757 Snelling 1588 Pine urst 1592 Pinehurst 1596 P 160 P i n ehurst 1606 Pinehurst 1580 Poid - Parkc i �a T(\ SSs�R.-.�2 , � �.r A sweC.�i-,� � p-0c,�� G . ta-�.�.t 1� C� n 1�J �z`t�� � )/iK�r � - �- z3 �/ � Sj S�o/ �zx o/ v 9/�/ ls�t'�N� -� - — - � I 7 0 5u�at� P ' � �� � NorE: - Tt�is petition shall not be considered as officiallp filed until the lapse o seven (7) ��•orking da}�s aiter it is recci�•ed by ttic Pianning Di�•ision. Any signator of fhis petition ms�' �sithdrati�• his/her ►:ame theretrom by tit•ritten request �sithin thlt time. {.GI CITY OF SAInT PAUL CONSENT OF ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS FOR A REZONING (name 1581 R We, thc undersigned, owners of the property within 100 feet of the total contiguous description of real estate o�vned, purchased, or sold by THE PETITIONER within one year preceding th� e date of tliis petition acknowledge that �ve have been presented with the foliowing: � ]. Acopyofthepetition to rezone the property located at from a B-2 zoaing district to a A-3 zoning district. 2. A copy of sections 60. 560 through 60.565 , inclusive of the Saint Paul Zoning Code; and acknowledge that �vc aro a���are oCall of the uses permitted in�a B-3 zoning district and �ve are aware that any of these uses can be established upon City Council approval of the rezoning. We hereby consent to the cezoning of the property in ihe petition of; Ronald Alcorn to a B-3 zoning district. � (Name of petitioner) �1'c conscnt to thc appro�'al of this rezoninp as it rti•as explained to us b'}• tlie upplicant or his/her representative. 1bl�C Ford Pa rkway �603 �'ord Parkway 1609 Ford Parkway 757 Snelling 15s8 Pinehurst ��p� `S', � �-� • 1592 Piu3eknsrst 1596 P inehurst 1600 Pinehurst ib05 Pinehur ts ` 1 580 I`oid •Pa� � 153Irw>�w ,1G. Q swetfA-,�.) p,or,4:�. G . tkw.t � � t ., `l�`f 1 � . �- zs �/ s ( Y/a Sl S�o/ �za �o/ j/9 z4 ! Jv v...w-•-- . . r- . _ Nore: This petition shall not be considered as officialt}' filed until the lapse o seven ) � �vorking d:+ys s�fter it is recei��ed by t}ie Pianning Di�•ision. An}� signator of this petition may ���ithdra�r his/her rame therefrom by �rritten request �cithin that time. I.GI � 1\ ,�� ) � CITY OF SAINT PAUL � AFFIDAVIT OF PERSON CIRCULATING PETITION STATE OF MINNESOTA) :SS COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) � D � � `�c�`� �_ ��,t}U� , being first duly sworn, deposes and states that he/she is the person who circulated the within petition and consent, consisting of � pages; that affiant is informed and believes that the parties described are the owners respectively of the lots placed immediately before each name, that affiant is informed and believes that each of the parties described above is the owner of the property which is within 100 feet from any property owned or purchased y petitioner or sold by petitioner within one (1) year preceding the date of this petition which is conkiguous to the property described in the petition; that except for none of the parties described above has purchased or is purchasing property from the petitioner contiguous to the above described property within one (1) year of the date of this petition; that this consent was signed by each said owners in the presences of this affiant, and that the signatures are the true and correct signatures of each and all of the parties so described. � Subscribed and worn to before me this 2 `{ day of�, 20D �. � .a. �! ', � / .� � -��_ � � A E 1�i(o� SN�.u..�(s l7sz.T�.���i3�.co� t�eil�EtS�l 55t13 ADDRESS C�s>>a,n-az.� 1(�5�� ��-�5� TELEPHONE NUMBER AA��� NOTA�'�� Fl � •µ'NNESO`A -i7:?� 71 3t.Y�.`5 NI�%- :S-'c ...wrJ�/V✓dN� I.OI � S'�'Z'Zx'xOI1 'Z'O X2�70I�� �A.rxzn�vzr oz� ��xz�zon�R STATE OF MThTNESOTA) __ :SS COiNTi' OF RAMSEI' ) . The petiti�ner, � aN�-� ��-�+�� . being first duly s�vo:r., deposes and states tliat tlie consent petition contains si� natures from Gt least two-thirds (z/a) of al t eligible pruperties �ti•itl�iu 100 feet of al! property o��•n�d, purchased, or sold by petitioner «'ithin one (1) year precedin� the date of titis p�tition ��fiich is conti�uous to ihe prop�rt�• described in tho_ petition; petitioner is informed that the consent petition must contzinsignatures from ezch�and all o�ti•ners of jointty property i�i order to conslitute consent from thzt propaRy and that failure to oUtain conserit from cach �nd �lt o��ners couldinvalidatethe consentpetition; p�titioncr betic�•es lhat the eonsent petition «1s signed by cach of said o«•ners 2ad that tiie si�natures aro Uie true and correct signatures of eacli and all of theparties so d.scribed. ������ ���N � � � .2�� C�Si� (��`f —� 5��3 TELEPHO\E I�U�SBER Subscribed and s�tirorn �,o,beFore me this�/ dayof_��1G , �aoo� � Rl' PUBLIC JANICE E. MAGNUSON Notary Pu6lic-Minnesota Ramsey County on Expires Jan. 31, 2005 p of �� 1(31!)7 � All1J1ttJJ x'��'x7'ZOi� �'O X2�70I�� -Ar<rzzi�vzr or ��cxzrzon�R STATE OF Mit4DIESOTA) �} `D���lo� :SS COLNTI' OF RAMSLI' ) . 7'!i: pctitianzr, � o�i?E�t—`�.� � 1—Ct%�� , baing fint dulp s4�•o:r., deposes and stltcs that the consent petition contains signa:uras from �i least twathirds (�h) of a] i eligible prupertias ��•itliin 100 feet of 111 property a�rned, purcliased, or sold by petitioner ��•ithin one (1) year precedin� the date of il�is p�tition ��l�ich is contiguous to ihe prop�rtp desccibed in the tY� pelition; petitioner is informed ttiat the consent petition must containsignati�res from ez:h and 21l o�cners of jointl}•-o�ti•ned propcfty i�t orde� to conslituta consrnt from thzt propaRy and that failure to obtain conserit from cach flnd s�ll o��ners could im•alidate ihe consent peiition; pctitioncr belicti•es tltat thc consrnt petition �v1s signed b}• oach of s±id o«•ners aad that tiie si�natures s�ra the true nnd correct si� natures of each and r.11 of the p�rties so dascribed. �_��s.,�.� ��e-N : � AUL1Ct.JJ CC S� � 6�f-`f -� S�F-O TELEPHO\E I�U�;BER � Subscrib:d and s��•orn o before me this �/- day of � , 'R�c�DO/ PUBLIC JANICE E. MAGNUSON Notary Pubiic-Minnesota Ramsey County y Commission Ettpires Jan. 31, 2005 pzo� of � 11311)7 _� , - - --�. � � i I CITIZEN PARTICIPA IO DIS RICTS � � 1.Sl4NRAY-BATTLECREEK-HIGHWOOD � 2.GREATER EAST=SIDE • 3.WEST SIDE � 4.DAYTON'S BLUFf , 5.PAYNE-PHALEN 6.NORTH END 7.TNOMAS-DALE 8.SUMMIT-UNIVERSITY 9.WEST SEVENTH � lO.COMO 11 . HAMLIN E-MI D4lAY 12.ST. ANTHONY 13.MERRIAM PK.-LEXINGTON HAMLINE 14 GROVELAND-h1ACALESTER � HLAND . MMIT HILL ��� n O � � O� � _ 17. DOWtITOWN L CITIZEN PARTICIPA7ION PLANNIN6 DISTRICTS CITIZEN PAR ICIPATI OI I 7S o � ���� ��� � 1.SUNRAY-BATTIECREEK-HIGHWOOD 2.GRE�TER EAST=SIDE • 3.WES7 SIDE 4.DAYTON'S BLUFf S,PRYNE-PHALEN S.NORTH END 7.TNOMAS-DALE 8.SUMMI7-UNIVERSITY 9.WEST SEVENTN iQ.COMO 11.NAMLINE-MIDWAY 12.ST. ANTHONY 13.MERRIAM PK.-LEXINGTOY HAMLItiE 14 GROVELAND-MACALESTER HLAND . 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D1ST�— MAP n ¢ r,:� (amify � � . "" rruttipie lamil� .:�___. A�R n•� on*�- . � n cor..,^BrGZ� � ,�. � indv>:: iat y v2C_ :I b� -�(�`[ NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The Saint Paul City Councii will conduct a public hearing on Wednesday, August 1, 2001, at 5:30 p.m., City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall, to consider the application of ALCORN, Inc., to rezone property from B-2 to B-3 to allow for the construction of an auto repair station at 1581 Ford Parkway (between Snelling Avenue and Macalester Street). Dated: July 17, 2001 Nancy Anderson Assistant City Council Secretary