01-936Council File # 0 � 3 Presented By Referred To Committee Date : An ordinance amending Chapter 376 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code to alter the hearing requirements for revocation of a provisional taxicab driver's license THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 Section 376.16 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 376.17. Taxicab driver training course. (a) Taxicab driver training course required. The license inspector shall establish a taxicab driver training course pursuant to the terms of this section. The course shall be designed to enhance the proficiency of drivers in all aspects of taxicab driving, and may include topics such as geography of the metropolitan area, traffic laws, vehicle safety, taxicab licensing laws and driver code of conduct, radio communications, cab stand and call procedures, taxicab fares, vehicle cleanliness and maintenance, customer relations, and courtesy. (b) Component of driver training. The driver training course may consist of components taught by city staff, or components taught by an educational institution under contract with the city, or by a combination of such components. (c) Prerequisite for licensure. Successful completion of the taxicab driver training course shall be a prerequisite for obtaining a license for all taxicab drivers not licensed on the effective date of this section and all taxicab drivers whose license have lapsed for more than one (1) year. The city council may impose successful completion of the taxicab driver training course as a requirement in any disciplinary action against a licensed driver; as a condition £or renewal of a taxicab driver's license in the event of customer complaints, violations of taxicab regulations, or moving ��-��^^� violations; and as a condition for reinstatement of any � I $ rot S� ���4�+-� 9��b/ � Ordinance # Green Sheet # �Q�� 6 �O ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA aa i 2 3 revoked or suspended taxicab driver's license. D i -`l (d) Provisional operator status. An applicant who has met all of the requirements for an original license except for the successful completion of taxicab driver traininc3 shall be authorized to operate as a provisional operator until the first available opening in a training class, at which time the applicant must enroll in and successfully complete the class_ Upon the successful completion of the training class, the applicant shall receive a license valid through the remainder of the one-year licensing period. Provisional operator status may be revoked for failure to enroll in the first available opening in the training class, or failure to successfully complete the class. The applicant shall be entitled to � written notice of the intent to revoke provisional operator status, sent to the apAlicant's last known address and nublished once on the notice and shall advise the apolicant of the riaht to reauest a public hearing before the council =__ .:______ __-.._ ____ _-_______ ___�__ to determine whether of LIEP mav administratively revoke the license. For any other basis proposed for adverse action, an applicant shall be entitled to the hearing procedures of section 310.05. An applicant perroct whose provisional operator status has been revoked may reapply no sooner than twelve (12) months after the date of the original application. Section 2 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days following its passage, approval and publication. Requested by Department of: By: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary Form Approved by City Attorn�:y�� 8,.: ` / i � -� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: �.- \ �a By: Approved by Mayor: Date y �E�����_� ! � By: � �/�/ PilBL�S:ai f::Q�; " : 1 Adopted by Council: Date � c�_ '3 �-p O\ OFFICS oF LI$P Date: GREEN SHEET Virginsa Palmer Au�st 2a, 2ooi 61 ,��1► 266-8710 NO . 103286 .3�� d ..a ..�m � � �., 'AL # OF SIGNATURS PAGBS 1 ( CLIP ALL LOCATI FOR SIGNATURE) 'ION REQUESTED: ordinance amending Chapter.376 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code to alter hearing reguirements for revocation of a provisional taxicab driver's 2IDATIONS: APPROVS (A) OR REJSCT (R) SR30NN. SSRVIC& CONTA7ICTS MOST ANSWS[t THS POLL04TING: INING CO[MfI5SI0N CNZL SERVICE WMMISSION Has the person/firm eveY vrorked undeY a contraCt for this department? CAMMITTHE _ HUSINESS REVIEW COUNCIL YES NO 'F _ Has this person/firm ever been a City employee? RICT COURT _ Y6S NO 3. Does this person/firm possess a ski11 not normally possessed by any 'S WHICH COUNCIL OHJ&CTIVE? Current City employee? YES NO laia all 1BS anawera on a sepazata aheat aad attach. IATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Whyj: a [r`•� �f` IF APPROVED: AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION UNDING SOURCE INANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) COST/REVENUE BUDGETED YES NO ACTIVITY NUMBER Council File # �� - 93 b i t �'° ' ' � i '�� .r � i -. _ �i' f j�.� � \ ` L.` ; � V '`i {� Ordinance # Green Sheet # �C3?.QG �r ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To Committee Date : �q An ordinance amending Chapter 376 of Saint Paul Legislative Code to alter hearing requirements for revocation provisional taxicab driver's license the � TIiE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAU2, DOES AIN: Section 1 Section 376.16 of the Saint Paul Legis ative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 376.17. Taxicab driver course. (a) Taxicab driver training c rse required. The license inspector shall establis a taxicab driver training course pursuant to the terms o this section. The course shall be designed to enhance th proficiency of drivers in all aspects of taxicab dr ving, and may include topics such as geography of the met opolitan area, traffic laws, vehicle safety, taxicab lic nsing laws and driver code of conduct, radio communicatio s, cab stand and call procedures, taxicab fares, vehicle c anliness and maintenance, customer relations, and urtesy. (b) Component of iver training. The driver training course may consist of c mponents taught by city staff, or components taught by a educational institution under contract with the city, or b a combination of such components. (c) Prerequi ite for licensure. Successful completion of the taxicab driver training course shall be a prerequisite for obtai ng a license for all taxicab drivers not licensed on the fective date of this section and all taxicab drivers who license have lapsed for more than one (1) year. The ciL�y council may impose successful completion of the taxicab driver training course as a requirement in any disciplinary action against a licensed driver; as a condition for renewal of a taxicab driver's license in the event of customer complaints, violations of taxicab regulations, or moving violations; and as a condition for reinstatement of any 1�-�� r� ;�-: i�'evoked or suspended taxicab driver's license. 2�� t" : ,.'-, : : ;i r- �-. 3 (d) Provisional operator status_ An applicant who has met all 4 the requirements for an original license except for the 5 successful completion of taxicab driver training shall be 6 authorized to operate as a provisional operator until the 7 first available opening in a training class, at which t'm 8 the applicant must enroll in and successfully complete h a����G o£ 9 class. Upon the successful completion of the trainin class, 10 the applicant shall receive a license valid through he 11 remainder of the one-year licensing period. Provi onal 12 operator status may be revoked for failure to en oll in the 13 first available opening in the training class, r failure to 14 successfully complete the class. The applican shall be 15 entitled to t3zree written notice of t intent to 16 revoke rovisional o erator status sent t the a licant's 17 last known address. The notice shall adv se the a licant 18 of the right to recruest a public hearin before the council 19 20 i�eard to determine whether revocatio is a ro riate. If a 21 rovisional o erator fails to res o to the notice or to 22 re est a hearin the Office of L P ma administrativel 23 revoke the license. For any other asis proposed for adverse 24 action, an applicant shall be e itled to the hearing 25 procedures of section 310.05. applicant fai�i�to 26 whose 27 rovisional o erator status s been revoked may reapply no 28 sooner than twelve (12) mon s after the date of the 29 original application. 30 31 32 ction 2 33 34 This ordinance shall take fect and be in force thirty (30) days 35 following its passage, app oval and publication. Adopted by Council: Adoption Certifie By: AppYOVed by Mayor: Byc Council Secretary Date Requested by Department of: BY: �(l���J / � ��/ Form Approved by City At� By: ,!/ Approved by �yor for Submission to Council � � g C�