01-909ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, NIINNESOTA Presented By Referred To Council File # p � . q01 Ordinance # Green Sheet Y� / � � Committee Date : 2 0 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 An interim ordinance pursuant to Minnesota Statute § 462355, Subd. 4, preserving the status quo with respect to the use of property in the area located ori Prior Avenue, north of University Avenue, east of the railroad right-of-way, and south of Minnehaha, [a parcel presently occupied by the Knox Lumber Co.] pending completion of the study and any possible amendments to the City's Comprehensive Plan or Zoning Ordinance necessary to give effect to the study THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 Statement of legislative intent: The City of Saint PauPs 1999 comprehensive municipal plan continues Saint Paul's legacy of strong neighborhood area planning. State law now requires city zoning regulations to be consistent with the city's comprehensive plan. The 19991and use component of the comprehensive plan calls for refining neighborhood area planning studies to insure that any amendments to the zoning code resulting from neighborhood area studies conform with the comprehensive plan. In keeping with the city's tradition ofneighborhood area planning, a study of aportion of the northwest quadrant of University Avenue and Prior Avenue presently occupied by the Knox Lumber Company is to be initiated. The said study may require planning commission review and recommendation and City Council approval if it is to be adopted as part of the comprehensive plan. Pending the department of planning and economic development's completion of the said study, a plamung commission recommendation to amend the City's comprehensive plan and zoning code and the Councal's adoption of such recommendations and for the overall purpose of protecting the City's planning process, a moratorium of limited duration must be enacted for the purpose of prohibiring development(s) which may be inconsistent with comprehensive plan development objectives for the said area. .�� , i 1 i . � � �� � � Section 2 O� -qoq Moratorium imposed: lands affected: Pending completion ofthe said study and any other necessary studies or study recommendations and the adoption of any amendments to the comprehensive plan and zoning code based upon the study or studies as provided under Miuuesota Statute § 462355, Subd. (4), the issuance of plan approvals and lot splits or building and zoning permits for any zoned pazcel of land or part thereof located on Prior Avenue, north of University Avenue, east ofthe railroad right-of-way, and south ofMinnehaha, as depicted on the map attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, shall be prohibited for a period of time not to exceed three (3) months from the effective date of this ordinance_ Section 3 Moratorium, exemptions: The following are exempted for the moratorium provisions imposed under Section 2: 1. Building, plumbing, anechanical and electrical permits for repairs ar minor alterations to conforming or non-conforming structures, or for work on dangerous or vacant buildings admanistered under Legislative Code Chapter 43, or for work on single or multi-family residential structures or uses. 2. Building, plumbing, mechanical and electrical permits for repairs or minor alterations to conforming or non-conforming structures, or for work necessary to maintain health and safety of occupants. 3. Demolition permits for nuisance buildings pursuant to Legislative Code Chapter 45. 4. Permits related to the already approved rehabilitation of the Twins Motar Inn. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 _ _ -- 4 O\-qOg The restrictions enacted herein may be extended by the Council of the City of Saint Paul for additional periods not to exceed an additional eighteen (18) months in the event the studies and recommendarions of the Plamiing Commission and the deliberations of the Saint Paul City Council requires such extensions. Section 5 This interim ordinance for this srixdy area shall take effect and be in force 30 days from and after its passage, approval and publication. Requested by Department of: Hy: Foxm Approved by City Attorney s �� L✓�wMw- g� tL�v f for Submission to Council By: cY \ t 11/»/ Approved by Mayor: Date 7 ly(y By: � By: P LISFEE[T OCT 1 . �� t i d ,' Adopted by Council: Date �___�! _ 1-00, ) Adoption Certified by Council Secretary a�-�oq - MTE WfTNTm - � �� 6� GREEN SHEET No 110316 .._� TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES u �.,,�,�,� � u aTM�.�. — ❑ �.,.� ❑ �«� ❑ �.,��. ❑ �.�.,�,,,,�.� ❑.�,��,,,�..M, Q (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) �G�,{N E��l%A� �' f �I�i �c� l/ PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMITfEE CIVIL SERVICE CAMMISSION RSONAL SERVICE CONTRACrS MUST ANSWER THF FOLLOWING QUESiIONS: Has this persoNfirtn ever vrorked under a wnhad ta this depaAment� YES NO Has this peisoNfrtn ever been a dty empbyee7 YES NO Dces this persoNfirm possess a skill not rwrmaltypossessed by any curtent city employee7 YES NO Is this persoNfirm a taryeted vendor? YES NO OF TRANSACTION C0.5T/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ON� VES NO SOURCE ACTNITY NUMBER INFORMAiION (EXPWN) Building A Stron�er Midway llcvclopers st. amtu,ny P:v k llank wc��u,gtoo �nnAgCiflCili Auiiders Haiulmc L�n�vcraiiy xs rrin�nnard 8roaaca.ung i.��ny s���� ia;���k MiJway NaU.mal liauk Mmnexota Wilc3 Min�:ihc�c I I��cp�inluy Cir0�1r Qwc.� <'��mmunications tt�uk 'lbnn fuin�rmry s�. r:,.,� !'iHt AUIfi0tliy 3M fiti Aank Wclt. Tnqt<� R,mk -�'wacrn ldsnk xccl L'ncrgy MIDWAY CHAMBER �.f COMMERCE �� � August 17, 2001 Councilmember Jay Benanav 310 City Hail IS Wast Keltogg Bivd. �t Paui MN 55102 Dear Cotimcilmember Benaoav: The M'idway Chamber of Commerce is requesting that the City Council place a short term moratorium on redevelopment or rezoning of the approximately 8 ecxe site cutreMiy occupiad by Knox Lumber at 573 Prior Avenue in Ward 4 in order for the city and community to study the options for the site. Knox Lumber has recently announced that it is seeking bankruptcy protection end that its assets will be liquidated. The Chamber believes that this large site has strong redevelopment poternial but that in the bankruptey process a new uss for the site could prevail that does not rnaximize this potential. ln past bankruptcy situations, such as shat invoiving Wintz Trucking on Energy Park Drive three years ago, large Midway II sites have been sold to uses that do not represent the highest and best use of our scaroe land. To prevent this situation from occurring at the Knox site, the Chamber wouid like to see a short term moratorium in place To etlow the city and the community to undertake an analysis of the best Iand use and market pozential. The Chamber recognizes Lhat moratorinms ere unusual but generally we beiieve that large urban sites, such as the Knox site, represent unusual opportunities thst are legitimate for public sector study. The goal of this study would be to examine the options to maximize the site in terms of empioyment, private investment, tax generaaon, etc. We suggest that a smali Task Force of stakeholders, including the Hamline Midway Coali4ian and Ctroasnber, be charged with overseeing a brzef study of the redevetopmemt poten2iaE of ihe site and report bs�k m ihe City Council on the'u fiadings. '� 'sntcsat�cteon af Pr"jor arrfi U�i�€ersity is one of few in the wast Midway that has not san new invescmenx ia recent years. Fairview and University is undergoing a uansformation thanks to Episcopai Homes, Goodwill and Griggs �dway. Vandalia and University has seen a former gxs station uansformed into a new branch bank. Raymond and University o► - � Sprucc'Trcc Ccnttc • SUite #4 • 16(H) Univcrsily Avcnuc Wcst • Sl. Paul, MN $S1fM NHUN�:: (G51) 64fi•2636 FAX: (65/) b46-2297 o�-°�01 has aeen ttie Speciahy Manufacturing building and lvfidtown Commons 3 attracting new office ta�snis. F�ior ead Univer9ity has seen little redavelopment activity and the Chamber believas that thaughtfut redevetapment of the Knox site may be a catalyst to revitaliTation of this entire intersection. Thank you for considering our request and we are bugt�I that wrorking with the city we can ensure increased economic vitality far the Midway and Sf. Paut. Sincerely, G%C����/ Ellen Wattars President Cc: Seaa Kershaw, Planning and Bconomic Devalopment Lorrie Louda, St. Paul Port Authority Knox Lumber Twins Motor Inn o�•ga� �'AtNl' �AUL �FA CXAMBER OF COMMERCE Finc Nauonal Bank Building, 7d-2U$ 332 Minnccoa Saa� Saiac Paul, Minnaord 5510] Phone: G51.223.5000 Fax: GS L223.5119 x'w�v.uincpaulc6ambeccom YOUR BUSINESS August 22, 2001 co,m�u M� Jay B� 310 D - City Hall 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Saint Paul, MN 55102 � : , �:� .. _�,:. : :,.,� . The Saint Paul Area Chamber of Commerce, repres�ting over 2,000 businesse.s and professional as�rion s would l�lce to express our support of the s�cty-day redevelopm� moratoriam the Midway Chamber of Commerce is requesting for the Knox lumba site. Although it is generally our policy to not s�ppoit moratorinms of this sort, this request by the Midway Q�amba see�s masoaable and with good mezit Because we atso have membexs who may be m tl�e position to be a creditor in lhis bankruPtc.y procceding, we want to be stue this is a sizty.day moratoriu� and no more. 'Tlvs s�aould be s�cient time for the city and the community to undertake an analysis of the b�st land use and market poten6al at the sazne time ���8 P��� �tors to be able to collect in a timely fashion For these r�oas, the Saiat Paui Area Chamber of Camme�ce supports a sixty day redevelopment/rewaing moratorivm on tt� I�noa (� site at 573 Prior Avenue. If you have any questions ar concems, piease contact me at 651.265.2771. SincereiY . . /_� _ � I�- Sandra Westerman Vice President of Public A�its � �Norm CoIeman �air+t P� Ciiy Counc� �� > Samt 1'av1 Planning and Economic Development Elten Watters, Midway Chambea of Commerce ADVOCATE ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, NIINNESOTA Presented By Referred To Council File # p � . q01 Ordinance # Green Sheet Y� / � � Committee Date : 2 0 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 An interim ordinance pursuant to Minnesota Statute § 462355, Subd. 4, preserving the status quo with respect to the use of property in the area located ori Prior Avenue, north of University Avenue, east of the railroad right-of-way, and south of Minnehaha, [a parcel presently occupied by the Knox Lumber Co.] pending completion of the study and any possible amendments to the City's Comprehensive Plan or Zoning Ordinance necessary to give effect to the study THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 Statement of legislative intent: The City of Saint PauPs 1999 comprehensive municipal plan continues Saint Paul's legacy of strong neighborhood area planning. State law now requires city zoning regulations to be consistent with the city's comprehensive plan. The 19991and use component of the comprehensive plan calls for refining neighborhood area planning studies to insure that any amendments to the zoning code resulting from neighborhood area studies conform with the comprehensive plan. In keeping with the city's tradition ofneighborhood area planning, a study of aportion of the northwest quadrant of University Avenue and Prior Avenue presently occupied by the Knox Lumber Company is to be initiated. The said study may require planning commission review and recommendation and City Council approval if it is to be adopted as part of the comprehensive plan. Pending the department of planning and economic development's completion of the said study, a plamung commission recommendation to amend the City's comprehensive plan and zoning code and the Councal's adoption of such recommendations and for the overall purpose of protecting the City's planning process, a moratorium of limited duration must be enacted for the purpose of prohibiring development(s) which may be inconsistent with comprehensive plan development objectives for the said area. .�� , i 1 i . � � �� � � Section 2 O� -qoq Moratorium imposed: lands affected: Pending completion ofthe said study and any other necessary studies or study recommendations and the adoption of any amendments to the comprehensive plan and zoning code based upon the study or studies as provided under Miuuesota Statute § 462355, Subd. (4), the issuance of plan approvals and lot splits or building and zoning permits for any zoned pazcel of land or part thereof located on Prior Avenue, north of University Avenue, east ofthe railroad right-of-way, and south ofMinnehaha, as depicted on the map attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, shall be prohibited for a period of time not to exceed three (3) months from the effective date of this ordinance_ Section 3 Moratorium, exemptions: The following are exempted for the moratorium provisions imposed under Section 2: 1. Building, plumbing, anechanical and electrical permits for repairs ar minor alterations to conforming or non-conforming structures, or for work on dangerous or vacant buildings admanistered under Legislative Code Chapter 43, or for work on single or multi-family residential structures or uses. 2. Building, plumbing, mechanical and electrical permits for repairs or minor alterations to conforming or non-conforming structures, or for work necessary to maintain health and safety of occupants. 3. Demolition permits for nuisance buildings pursuant to Legislative Code Chapter 45. 4. Permits related to the already approved rehabilitation of the Twins Motar Inn. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 _ _ -- 4 O\-qOg The restrictions enacted herein may be extended by the Council of the City of Saint Paul for additional periods not to exceed an additional eighteen (18) months in the event the studies and recommendarions of the Plamiing Commission and the deliberations of the Saint Paul City Council requires such extensions. Section 5 This interim ordinance for this srixdy area shall take effect and be in force 30 days from and after its passage, approval and publication. Requested by Department of: Hy: Foxm Approved by City Attorney s �� L✓�wMw- g� tL�v f for Submission to Council By: cY \ t 11/»/ Approved by Mayor: Date 7 ly(y By: � By: P LISFEE[T OCT 1 . �� t i d ,' Adopted by Council: Date �___�! _ 1-00, ) Adoption Certified by Council Secretary a�-�oq - MTE WfTNTm - � �� 6� GREEN SHEET No 110316 .._� TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES u �.,,�,�,� � u aTM�.�. — ❑ �.,.� ❑ �«� ❑ �.,��. ❑ �.�.,�,,,,�.� ❑.�,��,,,�..M, Q (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) �G�,{N E��l%A� �' f �I�i �c� l/ PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMITfEE CIVIL SERVICE CAMMISSION RSONAL SERVICE CONTRACrS MUST ANSWER THF FOLLOWING QUESiIONS: Has this persoNfirtn ever vrorked under a wnhad ta this depaAment� YES NO Has this peisoNfrtn ever been a dty empbyee7 YES NO Dces this persoNfirm possess a skill not rwrmaltypossessed by any curtent city employee7 YES NO Is this persoNfirm a taryeted vendor? YES NO OF TRANSACTION C0.5T/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ON� VES NO SOURCE ACTNITY NUMBER INFORMAiION (EXPWN) Building A Stron�er Midway llcvclopers st. amtu,ny P:v k llank wc��u,gtoo �nnAgCiflCili Auiiders Haiulmc L�n�vcraiiy xs rrin�nnard 8roaaca.ung i.��ny s���� ia;���k MiJway NaU.mal liauk Mmnexota Wilc3 Min�:ihc�c I I��cp�inluy Cir0�1r Qwc.� <'��mmunications tt�uk 'lbnn fuin�rmry s�. r:,.,� !'iHt AUIfi0tliy 3M fiti Aank Wclt. Tnqt<� R,mk -�'wacrn ldsnk xccl L'ncrgy MIDWAY CHAMBER �.f COMMERCE �� � August 17, 2001 Councilmember Jay Benanav 310 City Hail IS Wast Keltogg Bivd. �t Paui MN 55102 Dear Cotimcilmember Benaoav: The M'idway Chamber of Commerce is requesting that the City Council place a short term moratorium on redevelopment or rezoning of the approximately 8 ecxe site cutreMiy occupiad by Knox Lumber at 573 Prior Avenue in Ward 4 in order for the city and community to study the options for the site. Knox Lumber has recently announced that it is seeking bankruptcy protection end that its assets will be liquidated. The Chamber believes that this large site has strong redevelopment poternial but that in the bankruptey process a new uss for the site could prevail that does not rnaximize this potential. ln past bankruptcy situations, such as shat invoiving Wintz Trucking on Energy Park Drive three years ago, large Midway II sites have been sold to uses that do not represent the highest and best use of our scaroe land. To prevent this situation from occurring at the Knox site, the Chamber wouid like to see a short term moratorium in place To etlow the city and the community to undertake an analysis of the best Iand use and market pozential. The Chamber recognizes Lhat moratorinms ere unusual but generally we beiieve that large urban sites, such as the Knox site, represent unusual opportunities thst are legitimate for public sector study. The goal of this study would be to examine the options to maximize the site in terms of empioyment, private investment, tax generaaon, etc. We suggest that a smali Task Force of stakeholders, including the Hamline Midway Coali4ian and Ctroasnber, be charged with overseeing a brzef study of the redevetopmemt poten2iaE of ihe site and report bs�k m ihe City Council on the'u fiadings. '� 'sntcsat�cteon af Pr"jor arrfi U�i�€ersity is one of few in the wast Midway that has not san new invescmenx ia recent years. Fairview and University is undergoing a uansformation thanks to Episcopai Homes, Goodwill and Griggs �dway. Vandalia and University has seen a former gxs station uansformed into a new branch bank. Raymond and University o► - � Sprucc'Trcc Ccnttc • SUite #4 • 16(H) Univcrsily Avcnuc Wcst • Sl. Paul, MN $S1fM NHUN�:: (G51) 64fi•2636 FAX: (65/) b46-2297 o�-°�01 has aeen ttie Speciahy Manufacturing building and lvfidtown Commons 3 attracting new office ta�snis. F�ior ead Univer9ity has seen little redavelopment activity and the Chamber believas that thaughtfut redevetapment of the Knox site may be a catalyst to revitaliTation of this entire intersection. Thank you for considering our request and we are bugt�I that wrorking with the city we can ensure increased economic vitality far the Midway and Sf. Paut. Sincerely, G%C����/ Ellen Wattars President Cc: Seaa Kershaw, Planning and Bconomic Devalopment Lorrie Louda, St. Paul Port Authority Knox Lumber Twins Motor Inn o�•ga� �'AtNl' �AUL �FA CXAMBER OF COMMERCE Finc Nauonal Bank Building, 7d-2U$ 332 Minnccoa Saa� Saiac Paul, Minnaord 5510] Phone: G51.223.5000 Fax: GS L223.5119 x'w�v.uincpaulc6ambeccom YOUR BUSINESS August 22, 2001 co,m�u M� Jay B� 310 D - City Hall 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Saint Paul, MN 55102 � : , �:� .. _�,:. : :,.,� . The Saint Paul Area Chamber of Commerce, repres�ting over 2,000 businesse.s and professional as�rion s would l�lce to express our support of the s�cty-day redevelopm� moratoriam the Midway Chamber of Commerce is requesting for the Knox lumba site. Although it is generally our policy to not s�ppoit moratorinms of this sort, this request by the Midway Q�amba see�s masoaable and with good mezit Because we atso have membexs who may be m tl�e position to be a creditor in lhis bankruPtc.y procceding, we want to be stue this is a sizty.day moratoriu� and no more. 'Tlvs s�aould be s�cient time for the city and the community to undertake an analysis of the b�st land use and market poten6al at the sazne time ���8 P��� �tors to be able to collect in a timely fashion For these r�oas, the Saiat Paui Area Chamber of Camme�ce supports a sixty day redevelopment/rewaing moratorivm on tt� I�noa (� site at 573 Prior Avenue. If you have any questions ar concems, piease contact me at 651.265.2771. SincereiY . . /_� _ � I�- Sandra Westerman Vice President of Public A�its � �Norm CoIeman �air+t P� Ciiy Counc� �� > Samt 1'av1 Planning and Economic Development Elten Watters, Midway Chambea of Commerce ADVOCATE ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, NIINNESOTA Presented By Referred To Council File # p � . q01 Ordinance # Green Sheet Y� / � � Committee Date : 2 0 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 An interim ordinance pursuant to Minnesota Statute § 462355, Subd. 4, preserving the status quo with respect to the use of property in the area located ori Prior Avenue, north of University Avenue, east of the railroad right-of-way, and south of Minnehaha, [a parcel presently occupied by the Knox Lumber Co.] pending completion of the study and any possible amendments to the City's Comprehensive Plan or Zoning Ordinance necessary to give effect to the study THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 Statement of legislative intent: The City of Saint PauPs 1999 comprehensive municipal plan continues Saint Paul's legacy of strong neighborhood area planning. State law now requires city zoning regulations to be consistent with the city's comprehensive plan. The 19991and use component of the comprehensive plan calls for refining neighborhood area planning studies to insure that any amendments to the zoning code resulting from neighborhood area studies conform with the comprehensive plan. In keeping with the city's tradition ofneighborhood area planning, a study of aportion of the northwest quadrant of University Avenue and Prior Avenue presently occupied by the Knox Lumber Company is to be initiated. The said study may require planning commission review and recommendation and City Council approval if it is to be adopted as part of the comprehensive plan. Pending the department of planning and economic development's completion of the said study, a plamung commission recommendation to amend the City's comprehensive plan and zoning code and the Councal's adoption of such recommendations and for the overall purpose of protecting the City's planning process, a moratorium of limited duration must be enacted for the purpose of prohibiring development(s) which may be inconsistent with comprehensive plan development objectives for the said area. .�� , i 1 i . � � �� � � Section 2 O� -qoq Moratorium imposed: lands affected: Pending completion ofthe said study and any other necessary studies or study recommendations and the adoption of any amendments to the comprehensive plan and zoning code based upon the study or studies as provided under Miuuesota Statute § 462355, Subd. (4), the issuance of plan approvals and lot splits or building and zoning permits for any zoned pazcel of land or part thereof located on Prior Avenue, north of University Avenue, east ofthe railroad right-of-way, and south ofMinnehaha, as depicted on the map attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, shall be prohibited for a period of time not to exceed three (3) months from the effective date of this ordinance_ Section 3 Moratorium, exemptions: The following are exempted for the moratorium provisions imposed under Section 2: 1. Building, plumbing, anechanical and electrical permits for repairs ar minor alterations to conforming or non-conforming structures, or for work on dangerous or vacant buildings admanistered under Legislative Code Chapter 43, or for work on single or multi-family residential structures or uses. 2. Building, plumbing, mechanical and electrical permits for repairs or minor alterations to conforming or non-conforming structures, or for work necessary to maintain health and safety of occupants. 3. Demolition permits for nuisance buildings pursuant to Legislative Code Chapter 45. 4. Permits related to the already approved rehabilitation of the Twins Motar Inn. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 _ _ -- 4 O\-qOg The restrictions enacted herein may be extended by the Council of the City of Saint Paul for additional periods not to exceed an additional eighteen (18) months in the event the studies and recommendarions of the Plamiing Commission and the deliberations of the Saint Paul City Council requires such extensions. Section 5 This interim ordinance for this srixdy area shall take effect and be in force 30 days from and after its passage, approval and publication. Requested by Department of: Hy: Foxm Approved by City Attorney s �� L✓�wMw- g� tL�v f for Submission to Council By: cY \ t 11/»/ Approved by Mayor: Date 7 ly(y By: � By: P LISFEE[T OCT 1 . �� t i d ,' Adopted by Council: Date �___�! _ 1-00, ) Adoption Certified by Council Secretary a�-�oq - MTE WfTNTm - � �� 6� GREEN SHEET No 110316 .._� TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES u �.,,�,�,� � u aTM�.�. — ❑ �.,.� ❑ �«� ❑ �.,��. ❑ �.�.,�,,,,�.� ❑.�,��,,,�..M, Q (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) �G�,{N E��l%A� �' f �I�i �c� l/ PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMITfEE CIVIL SERVICE CAMMISSION RSONAL SERVICE CONTRACrS MUST ANSWER THF FOLLOWING QUESiIONS: Has this persoNfirtn ever vrorked under a wnhad ta this depaAment� YES NO Has this peisoNfrtn ever been a dty empbyee7 YES NO Dces this persoNfirm possess a skill not rwrmaltypossessed by any curtent city employee7 YES NO Is this persoNfirm a taryeted vendor? YES NO OF TRANSACTION C0.5T/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ON� VES NO SOURCE ACTNITY NUMBER INFORMAiION (EXPWN) Building A Stron�er Midway llcvclopers st. amtu,ny P:v k llank wc��u,gtoo �nnAgCiflCili Auiiders Haiulmc L�n�vcraiiy xs rrin�nnard 8roaaca.ung i.��ny s���� ia;���k MiJway NaU.mal liauk Mmnexota Wilc3 Min�:ihc�c I I��cp�inluy Cir0�1r Qwc.� <'��mmunications tt�uk 'lbnn fuin�rmry s�. r:,.,� !'iHt AUIfi0tliy 3M fiti Aank Wclt. Tnqt<� R,mk -�'wacrn ldsnk xccl L'ncrgy MIDWAY CHAMBER �.f COMMERCE �� � August 17, 2001 Councilmember Jay Benanav 310 City Hail IS Wast Keltogg Bivd. �t Paui MN 55102 Dear Cotimcilmember Benaoav: The M'idway Chamber of Commerce is requesting that the City Council place a short term moratorium on redevelopment or rezoning of the approximately 8 ecxe site cutreMiy occupiad by Knox Lumber at 573 Prior Avenue in Ward 4 in order for the city and community to study the options for the site. Knox Lumber has recently announced that it is seeking bankruptcy protection end that its assets will be liquidated. The Chamber believes that this large site has strong redevelopment poternial but that in the bankruptey process a new uss for the site could prevail that does not rnaximize this potential. ln past bankruptcy situations, such as shat invoiving Wintz Trucking on Energy Park Drive three years ago, large Midway II sites have been sold to uses that do not represent the highest and best use of our scaroe land. To prevent this situation from occurring at the Knox site, the Chamber wouid like to see a short term moratorium in place To etlow the city and the community to undertake an analysis of the best Iand use and market pozential. The Chamber recognizes Lhat moratorinms ere unusual but generally we beiieve that large urban sites, such as the Knox site, represent unusual opportunities thst are legitimate for public sector study. The goal of this study would be to examine the options to maximize the site in terms of empioyment, private investment, tax generaaon, etc. We suggest that a smali Task Force of stakeholders, including the Hamline Midway Coali4ian and Ctroasnber, be charged with overseeing a brzef study of the redevetopmemt poten2iaE of ihe site and report bs�k m ihe City Council on the'u fiadings. '� 'sntcsat�cteon af Pr"jor arrfi U�i�€ersity is one of few in the wast Midway that has not san new invescmenx ia recent years. Fairview and University is undergoing a uansformation thanks to Episcopai Homes, Goodwill and Griggs �dway. Vandalia and University has seen a former gxs station uansformed into a new branch bank. Raymond and University o► - � Sprucc'Trcc Ccnttc • SUite #4 • 16(H) Univcrsily Avcnuc Wcst • Sl. Paul, MN $S1fM NHUN�:: (G51) 64fi•2636 FAX: (65/) b46-2297 o�-°�01 has aeen ttie Speciahy Manufacturing building and lvfidtown Commons 3 attracting new office ta�snis. F�ior ead Univer9ity has seen little redavelopment activity and the Chamber believas that thaughtfut redevetapment of the Knox site may be a catalyst to revitaliTation of this entire intersection. Thank you for considering our request and we are bugt�I that wrorking with the city we can ensure increased economic vitality far the Midway and Sf. Paut. Sincerely, G%C����/ Ellen Wattars President Cc: Seaa Kershaw, Planning and Bconomic Devalopment Lorrie Louda, St. Paul Port Authority Knox Lumber Twins Motor Inn o�•ga� �'AtNl' �AUL �FA CXAMBER OF COMMERCE Finc Nauonal Bank Building, 7d-2U$ 332 Minnccoa Saa� Saiac Paul, Minnaord 5510] Phone: G51.223.5000 Fax: GS L223.5119 x'w�v.uincpaulc6ambeccom YOUR BUSINESS August 22, 2001 co,m�u M� Jay B� 310 D - City Hall 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Saint Paul, MN 55102 � : , �:� .. _�,:. : :,.,� . The Saint Paul Area Chamber of Commerce, repres�ting over 2,000 businesse.s and professional as�rion s would l�lce to express our support of the s�cty-day redevelopm� moratoriam the Midway Chamber of Commerce is requesting for the Knox lumba site. Although it is generally our policy to not s�ppoit moratorinms of this sort, this request by the Midway Q�amba see�s masoaable and with good mezit Because we atso have membexs who may be m tl�e position to be a creditor in lhis bankruPtc.y procceding, we want to be stue this is a sizty.day moratoriu� and no more. 'Tlvs s�aould be s�cient time for the city and the community to undertake an analysis of the b�st land use and market poten6al at the sazne time ���8 P��� �tors to be able to collect in a timely fashion For these r�oas, the Saiat Paui Area Chamber of Camme�ce supports a sixty day redevelopment/rewaing moratorivm on tt� I�noa (� site at 573 Prior Avenue. If you have any questions ar concems, piease contact me at 651.265.2771. SincereiY . . /_� _ � I�- Sandra Westerman Vice President of Public A�its � �Norm CoIeman �air+t P� Ciiy Counc� �� > Samt 1'av1 Planning and Economic Development Elten Watters, Midway Chambea of Commerce ADVOCATE