01-865�„ ,`__� _� � r E �� S -�% ._r :` ; S " i l, . f r E:.�Y p�': � . 2 .� Council File # ��" o �S Ordinance # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 Presented By Green Sheet # ��� ��� ORDINANCE 11N PA L, MIN SOT a,G � � , Referred To Committee: Date An ordinance amending Chapter 60 ofthe Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to zoning for the City of Saint Paul and the zoning maps thereof: WIIEREAS, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes {462357 and 64.400 of the Legislative Code, the City of Saint PauUHRA duly petitioned to rezone properry at 235 Chestnut Street being legally described as EX NWLY 10123 FT, LOT 1 AND LOTS 9 AND 1Q BLOCK 35, RICE AND IRVINE'S ADDITION BLOCKS 26 THRU 41 AND 46 THRU 53 from P-1 (pazking) to RT-2 (fourple�townhouse residential) to allow a residential use, the petition having been certified by the Planning Division on OS/O1/O1 as having been consented to by at least 67% of the owners of the area of the property to be rezoned, and further having been consented to by at least two-thirds of the owners of the property situated within 100 feet of the total contiguous property within one year proceeding the date of the petition; and WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission on 05/3 U01, held a public hearing for the purpose of considering the rezoning petition, and pursuant to Section 107.03 of the Administrative Code, submitted its recommendation to the Plam�ing Commission that the petition be granted; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission considered the rezoning petition at its meeting held on 06/08/O1 and recommended that the City Council approve the petition; and WHEREAS, notice of the public hearing before the City Council on the said rezoning petition was duly published in the official newspaper of the City and was duly mailed to each owner of affected property and property situated wholly or partly within 350 feet of the property sought to be rezoned; and WF3EREAS, a public hearing before the City Council having been conducted on 07/11/O1, where all interested parties were heazd, the Council having considered all the facts and recommendations concerning the petition; now, therefore THE COiTNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIIV: Section 1. That the zoning map of the City of 5aint Paul, Sheet Number 21, as incorporated by reference in Section 60301 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, as amended, is hereby further amended as follows: That property located at 235 Chestnu Street being more particulazly described as: EX NWLY 10123 FT, LOT 1 AND LOTS 9 AND 10, BLOCK 35, RICE AND IRVINE'S ADDITION BLOCKS 26 THRU 41 AND 46 THRU 53 be and is hereby rezoned from P-1 to RT-2. Pu`�LI.S€ ��£� , r J 41 Section 2. °` O 1-�'�s 42 43 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and 44 publication. 45 > eas a s . Absent Requested by e ar men o : enanav a e ostrom „� Plannin & conomic Develo ment o eman ,i arris By: � antr ea ter � a � Adopted by Council: Date �,�-_ �� �a1t Adoption Certified by Council Secretary i ► _ � •.. . -. . . ._ - i � ' /i� -� , i/ / rI�%��. ��� . Form Appr ed by y Attorney By: Approved� Mayor fo Submision to Council By: / /1 /�� �� ���Sy� `"°'° `� �� DEPARTMENT/OFFtCE/COUNCIL: DATE INIT7ATED GREEN SHEET NO.: 1 1 J 1 OO � � PED Zoning 08/06/Ol 6� � CONTACT PERSON & PHONE: A 1N1II.1uDnT'E Larry Soderholm 266-6575 � 2 nErnxrn�rrr Dm. s crrr couxcn, MUST BE ON COUNCII. AGENDA BY ATE �SIGN 3 CTTY ATTY. _ CITY CLERK � � NIIMBER �`�'CIAL SERV D FINANCIAL SERV/ CCTG FOR 4 MAYOR (OR ASST.)� 1 PLANNING ADMA'p�7y� ROi7TING � ORDER TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1_(CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATiJRE) acriox �QUESrEn: Adopt � to approve rezoning of 235 Chestnut Street (former Plastics, Inc. parking lot) from P-1 (parking) to RT-2 (fourplear/townhouse residential). The City Council held a public hearing and voted 7-0 to approve the rezoning on July 11, 2001. - RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Rejec[ (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACf S MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. Has Utis peison/fum ever worked under a cortrac[ for fltis department? A PLANNING COMMISSION Yes No CIB COMMITTEE 2. Has ihis puson/fum ever been a city employee? CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION Yes No A Staff 3. Does this pe�on/fum possess a skill not nocmally possssed by any cumnt ciTy employee? Yes No Eaplain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTi1NITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why): The City Council identified this property as the site where the historic Armstrong House will be moved. The Historic Irvine Park Association was designated as the tentative developer and they have decided to restore the house as a threeplex or fowplex. Thus RT-2 zoning is appropriate. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: The zoning will permit moving of the Aimstrong House to the site for residential use. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: "� � V ��\/!� 1 9 V 1� � None. AUG 0 7 2001 CITY ATTOR N �Y DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: With the current P-1 zone, the only pernritted use of the property is parking. The Armstrong House cannot be moved to the site. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACfION: S COST/REVENUE BUDGETED: NUNDINGSOURCE: ACTIViTYNUMBER: ' " " � " �� FINANCIALINFORMATION:(EXPLAI� � ' AUG � �'-{IYII! ��a ' R2�Y M S�. � �� . �r�t�a',�� .i i i 'i �- /% � _ � O\-j'GS' � J ` �. � ` `'� � - � �/ j I ;"/ � " ,� '/�� i j/� ', , . i f, .i� � . � . � ` / ,i �f �3 �s , i' /� / �� � � � � � / ��� / �," � l �' / —_ ��yj - I �, � ; "x m � - �� i �� � � \ s/ G� � � -��.9. t � .��.. � � _ � �'� . j �� ,( �.� % R Ei G . ��/ `y _ '.-. g . /`\ Gi�Y/ � R a�/ � ./.�` . f � �, �♦ �.�. — . \, - s � '�� r.� Rb / R � � � �`^ +`�'. . � ' A, � / ` '� � � �' ��� � l ' � �� , _ qa # 'a __ __— --- � . � ~� � nt�' �,� � s���,.4 � !+� , u e3� ., s� �y r� - .N + '��h� . ` . � $ �.' � p w � i a�;+�y� � ' - \ii ji � ���Y�'4'.� � T� ��Y�' `` ��fi�C "3 � f*' j -�._ i.�t,� 4 el'Cn m. �� / � J '_� Y � ° ��� � � �� ��� � � � '� �� g n �.��. �.�b -. c ��ie � � � A + ' � q -. 51 ✓�,�*, ` q � pY�'�� �/ ' o�� �'w� ryj .€s � '�--- � � � d p s a�N .��'8 � /z-, ra+�,,.���ro -� �'o / �z �( F,. �� � 3 a -�I �' �t,;, � R, , ,r ] .$ � � ° � � ">�`"A '�����" � �� � � t� � ti i-a �� � J�-Q. .-. —_ _� �.m ' I _�� � / \ 7 g °� _ m � % K j , / ���_ � , _ .. o ~ v� R a^ � � �/ : t �`!,/-//� � / o F �i �w�5 j 6 \ \ � j ; j� 't �� , N3 � ` ' I10 j6 m0� \ / ^ _� �/ ``` � Z o / / / � � . /' \ 0 ' i�, x� � �' " I < � �. ''°-�'�g� � , , , ti; %-�i�•' , % - � - 'N . ' �� o% `n _ �� t/ �. y��� � � � . g.'�m_ I _ �� � � � � y f��� ;� * L �� _ � �. -�,�; �_:�� ��' , � , , .:�, . n . :°� � I� � ��,' , � \ ' .' ,. , ,, .' � , ,� -_ . ... .. . ._. O\ -P'GS _ �``� ' � _ W � � �� LP r. �' `� n � � � � i � � � � i � � \ �i � � � � � \ �y C/V/C C�c-��. PQRK/NG RQ�P � G � /� 1 - *� � '�� � .. I����`°''; . m � ;.._ . > .t t:`� , :.� m• • � ,;:;� �,�y�;�, .� . � r4� WY � ���� ' . ,�`� ` E'a'IY'��� �-J 8 , /, � �� \` ::� / � � � . ♦ / � /� \ � � y /� } ♦ ! / � � , �` Y {�� / G c \ 'PLICANT � O� ��� �� LEGEND 1RPOSE-�� �� �..� zoning district Fi�undary � ��� ° ° �r� DATE�,��'�° � subject property �-� orth� NG. DIST Mqp � � o orte (amil . Y • � ^ commerciai _' ¢ F+vo family } .,,., indusL•ial _ � ,,:� t�¢Q multipl� (amily V vzcant � - - �— --- 'Z ✓ _� Q Q � �C v. SAINT PAUL �' AAAA'' � � DEPAILTMENT OF PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVEIAPMENT Brian Sweeney, D+reMOr CTTY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayar June 8, 2001 Ms. Nancy Anderson City CouncIl Research Office Room 310 City Hall Sairn Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Ms. Anderson: 25WestFourthStreet SaintPaul, A9J55702 I would like to confirm that a public hearing before the City Council is scheduled for Wednesday, 7uly 11, 2001, 5:30 p.m. for the following property rezoning that has been acted upon by the Planning Cortunission: Applrcant: FiZe Number: Purpose: Address: Legal Description of Property: Previous Action: CTTY OF SAINT PAUL #01-189-219 Rewne property from P-1 (Puking District) to either RT-1 (Twafamily Residential District) or RT-2 (Townhouse Resideirtial District) or RM-1 (Apartments) to allow the Historic Armstrong House to be moved to the site and restored as housing. 235 Chestnut Street (former pazking lot of Plastics, Inc.) See file. Planning Commission Recommendation: Approval, unanimous with one abstention, June 8, 2001. Zoning Committee Recommendation: Approval, unanimous with one abstemion, May 31, 2001. My understanding is that this public hearing request will appear on the agenda for the July 11, 2001, City Council meedng and that you will publish notice of the hearing in the Saint Paul Lega1 Ledger. Please call me at 266-6575 if you have any questions. Sincerely, V✓r " Larry S rholm Planning Administrator cc: File #01-189-219 Allan Torstenson Paul Dubruiel Cazol Martineau Bob Geurs Barbaza McCormick, Historic Irvine Pazk Association . ��. NOTICS OF POBIdC HEARING The Saint Pavl Clty Council wN con- duct a publlc hearing on Wednesday, July 11. 2001, at 5:30 p.m., City Covndt Chambexs. 3rd Floor Ctty Hall. to constder the applicaUOn of the City of Saint Paul to rezone property from p-1 (Pazking Distrtct) .to elther RT-1 (lbvo-famlly Residential Dlstrict) or RT-2 [fownhouse Residenttal DlstriaU or RM-1 (Apartments) W allow the historic Armstrong House to be moved to the stte and restored as hopsing at 235 Chestnut Street (former parking tut of Plasttcs. IncJ. Dated: Jnne 12. 2001 . ' NANCYANDERSON Asslstant pry Councn secn,tacy (June 1dJ SL PADL 7EfiAL IdLfiFB' � So Telephone: 61 2-2 66 6655 Facsim:le: 611-128-3314 O�'��S DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Brian Sweeney, Director a)-B�C� CTTY OF SAI1�l'f PAUL Norm CoLeman, Mayor Jllly 3, 2��1 Ms. Nancy Anderson Secret2ry to the City Council Room 310 City Hall Sairn Paul, Minnesota 55102 RE: Zoning File #01-189-219 City Council Heariug: 25WestFourthStreet Telephone:651-2666655 SaintPaul MN55102 Facsimile: 651-228-3314 CTTY OF SAINT PAUL/I3RA July 11, 2001, 5:30 p.m City Council Cbambers PURPOSE: To consider rezo nino property located at 235 Chestnut St. (former Plastics, Inc. pazking lot, �� between Ryan Ave. and Shepard RdJ from P-1 (pazking) to RT-1, RT-2, or RM-1 (altemative residential zones with different densities) for the purpose of moving the historic Armstrong House to the site for restoration as housing. PLANNING COMD�IISSION RECONIMENDATION APPROVAL ofwhichever ofthe three residential zoning districts is selected by the Historic Irvine Pazk Association. Vote: unanimous with one abstention. ZONING COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: APPROVAL, vote: 6-0 with one abstention. STAFF RECOMbIENDATION APPROVAL SUPPORT: One person spoke. The West Seveirth Federation supports rezoning to a residential district. OPPOSI'I'ION: No one spoke. Deaz Ms. Anderson: � The City of Saint Paul/HRA submitted three petitions to rezone property located at 235 Chestnut Street from P-1(pazking) to any one of the following residential zones: RT-1 (dupl�), RT-2 (fourplex or townhouse) or RM-1(multi-faznily). Before the City Council public hearing the Historic Irvine Park Association is supposed to detennine which of these zoning districts conesponds to the number of units they need to develop in order for the Amistrong House move to be economically feasible at the level of subsidy the HRA has already committed. The Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission held a public hearing on the proposed rezoning on May 31, 2001. There was neighborhood support and no opposition. At the close of the public hearing, the committee voted 6-0 with one abstention to recommend approval of whichever residential district was detemvned to work for the project. On June 8, 2001, the Plam�nig Commission upheld the Zoning Committee's recommendation for approval, again on a unauimous vote with one abstention. Ms. Nancy Anderson Zoning File # O1-189-219 July 3, 2001 Page 2 This proposed rezoning is scheduled to be heard by the City Council on July 11, 2001. Please notify Larry Soderholm (266-6575) if any member of ihe City Council wishes to have slides of the site preseirted at the public hearing. Sincerely, WrY► Lazry rholm Planning Administrator Attachments cc: City Council members Bob Geurs, PED Barb McCormick, Historic Irvine Pazk Association Ed Johnson, WestSeventh Federation Kevin McCrrath, neighbor � � u K.�Shazed�Ped�SODERFIOL�ZONiNGkc01-189-219.Ih.wpd fl, .�Gf � Attachments for Armsirong House/Plastics, Inc. Parldng Lot Rezoning Paees 1. Three rezoning petitions with addendum and affidavits 1-9 2. Plauning Commission resolution 10-12 3. Minutes of Zoning Committee and Planning Commission acrions 13-16 4. Zoning staff report 17-20 5. City Council resolution of April 25, 2001 21-24 6. Photos and floor plans of Armstrong House 25-29 . 7. Size of house in relation to the site 30 8. Zoning maps 31-33 � DI'�`S PETITION TO AMEND TFIE ZONING CODE Deparhnent of Planning and Bcnnomic Development Zoning Section I400 City HaU Arsnex 25 West Fourth Street `�� Saint Paul, MN SSIO2-1634 (651) 266-6589 Property Owner. APPLICANT PROPERTY LOCATION Zom�fg oftiee use only �� File�_" - n� _ Fee: 7enta6ve.Hearing Date: ,��ri' "V L Cit�F��',�/ � St. �i F�! Zip �S l D�i Daytime Phone Contact Person ('rf different)��7��y�1 Y37 Phone��Q `�oi�� Address / Location Legal Description Current Zoning �'` � _ (attach additional sheet if necessary) TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL: Pursuant to Section 64.400 of the Saint Pa Zoning Ordinance and to Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statues, EnY� G�' b� ��� � I� owner of land proposed for rezoning, hereby petitions you to rezone the above described property from a�� zoning district to��`�' 7T1' � j �'�/ zoning district, for the purpose of: (f( �" 1 �'�, - f�.��'u-� �,�rr� ;j �^�-e � `�e ���"e �s;�l�`� � � �P�-�► � .� }� `��ar�'wi'�^e � ��1 � i� . s� � �� �C�� � � � � ���r� � � ���Srb�� � � ����' �i� Ul �Rr-� d� �})� � r� �� � � �� �� �� i� ✓ � �i�,�, S�S . (attach additional sheet(s�if necessary) �� � y, � Attachments: Required Site Plan � Consent Petition � Affidavit l�l, � / � Subscribed and sworn to before me this ��� day of Q 20 n� . � Fee Owner of Property Title•%k-�i.Y-� �ir� c7-av` �—,�.�-.r : ° � __ . _ � p .YFi?S:4r �1. �RdSOPd-HEWS � r• G� ! �iJnni� � Eic�t� Dec• M�TARY rJ8UC- MINNE�TA �.A"t f,AAAMISSIOtd EX?P6tE5 ,ieYN. 34. 200'S Page 7 of _ CX'T�' O� SA.XNT P.A.�CJS� CONSENT' OF AD70INING PROPERTY OWNERS FOR , . .z�EZONZNc We, ihe undersigned, owncrs oFthe property within 100 feet oFtlic total contiguous description of rzal estate o�wied, purcUased, or sold by 7'HE PETlT10NGR within oae year preceding the date oE this pe[ition lcknowledoe that tive have becn presented �ti•ith the follo�ving; A copy oFtlie petition of (name of ctitioner) � / 1. to rezone Ilie Property located at a3S G� ES�A�.i,"�"' �� � ��� �l S!('22-� . from 1 �-' � zo�iing district to ah_ �'' 2oning district. � 2. A copy of sections (�.�I througl�,�� inclusive oFdi� Saint Paul Zoning Code; and nckno�vled�e diat �se nre aware of nl! oF die uses permitted in x q�'� zoning district znd tve arz lware that any oF tf�ese uses cnn be establisl�ed upon City Counci! approval oFthe rezoning. hereby consent to the rczonin� of dte property in the petition of; s �;_'.L,1_ 1]„�., a�� G�'`( o� S,�r1 �J7"' �'I�V L.'( PGj� �:�� j� �►� Z_to, � I zonino2istrict. ���.Vyy� (Namz of petitioner) �Vc conscnt to tlie �pproval of this rezoning as i �PPlic�nf or hisllier representafivc. o�z�t 2� s.c o0o t c;�y of s�;.,-t �au.L. o(, zgzz32, oolo C�f., o f S���f P��..L �z82ZZ3 0�3$ � DAv�d Cose.t{��, U628z�3Z 000�{ x�v� I�o!( 9f 2ts22 3z0003 � o6zgz232ooaS o6z�z�3.�oc�oQ o� z8zz3zoo�1 d�r Fcrn hoLz � (� �,/Rrner �AWk+�3e� 1Jan7Cf '� an q 171rk l�ArrfuwlA R.x.'{ 9 Rn'tv-w�a t�. 1��` �� er e.r1 U(p.2$ z Z3Zool2 r►1olly 1-k�we LynnTrus D . .. �-Ckt'S �i�/�MO/}�' '. �02� 2"z3�.0��3 !lr�ren SaSOri U�o 2 � 2 2 310610 I�Soo �ine. �ai �ra�c� pCo 28 z� a�{ c1�G�1 <<� aF sT E�A� f�G, �Q ��.25� /7A7[� Cr'f-46� 5�' NOT�: This petition shall not be considered as o�ciallyfled until tne lapse of seven (7) iti•orking days after it is recei�•ed by the Planning Division. Any signator of thispetition may withdra�ti�his/he� name thereE'rom by «ritten request within that time. :,:: � � expinined fo us by the °l 5� -/.1-cs � `f . /6 �dl r4\� i s � � u • • CX�'�' O� SA.XN'Z' P.A.Y1S� CONSENT�OF ADJOINING PROPERTX OZVNERS FOR A . •IZEZONXNG � � ,�GS 1Ve, llie undersigned, o�vncrs of the propery �vitl�in 100 feet ofthc rotal contiguous description of raal estate owited, purchased, or sold by THE PETITIO� IER �vithin on: year precedin� tiie date of this p�tition �cknowledge that we have been presentzd �vith tlie follou•ing: i. A copyoEthe petition of to rezone the property located at a3S Ches7'n�.i,'S" e..� d 5� �-����� Sfr��fi from 1 �� ` zoning district to a� oning district. 2, AcopyoCsections �•��2through �Q•�3,inclusiveoftlieSaintPautZoningCode; and ncknoti�•Icdge tlint we nre a�varo oP111 oFthe uses permitted in a�� zonin� district 2nd we are lware that any oF thzse uses cnn be established upon City Council approvxl of thz r.zonin�. 14' hereb�l �' consent to the rczoniug of the property in the petition oF, ����"�q �� t�Gi Ci� I'1 �t' ✓f��N 1 � r G�J / to 1��ionin^ �istrict. ��" "��� �_�� o (Nnme of petitioner) e of \Vc consent fo flie �pproval of fhis rezoning as it `vas expl�ined fo us by the :�pPlicanf or hislticr represenfafivc. OCn2$ Z�.S7. 000 l I C�� o-F Sa.n't ('kl�.L oG �k z'�.3� oo to C�'(-ti o� s�r�t PRk.L �z8zZZ3 oi3g v628zZ3z 000�{ p�z8zZ3�0003 o6z�zz32000S vGZ�z23�o�09 o � z8 z z.32oo►1 (�Avic� �',oset{'� o�t �teGro�.�f-h Fcrn hoLz on �a�ne� c��r!` t7Pr K t7. qn'�"u.rna Dan-tu.�+, q L�. Hn�Eu.vnA i� Rn'i �� I-�� I I er e.n U 6.Z8 Z z3ZooIZ �Ily 1-�we Cynn`G 06z8 zz3zoa�3 �-°"'S �, JIM6�1 �la�nn .T�S�Yl U�o 2 Fj 2 2 310610 �Soo Lin2. �.i �raac� p(o 2g Z� �� Gb��'f C�t`j�S Au.l.Science 06 �8 z�a4� vo7o c,=F 6� sT Pl�w L y., � -o� �/6 ��l ►µ�� � ��� o —/S i < hOT�: 7his petition shali not be considered as officially filed untit tne lapse of seven (7) �eorking days after it is recei��ed by the Planning Division. Any signator of this petition may withdrasti•hisme� name thertCrom by ��Titten request within that time. :: : ,•_1 3 ' ` �l m � C�'X'X O�' S.A.XI�T'� PA.�CJIJ COI�TSENT' OF ADJOINING PROPBRTY OWNERS POR A f . ..�.�zoNZNc We, the undersigned, otvncrs oftlie propery within 100 feet of thc total contigirous description of rzal estate o�vned, purct�ased, or sold by THE PETIT(O�ER within one year pczceding ili_ 2atz of this petition acknotiv(edge that we have becn presented u•ith the follo�vino: 1. A cop�' of the petition oF �name or p euuoner� �,( - to rezone the property localed at a3S Gh esfn�,�. - f - �..� et ?� ��� �� Sfr'e�� from 1 �-' � zoningdistrict to a}��zoningdistrict. � 2. AcopyoFsections �•��Z throuoh �.�3,inclusiveofdrSaintPaidZoningCodz; and ncknou•icdge diat a•e nre ativnro oFt�l( of the uses ptrmitted in �- l zoning district 2nd we are nware tliat any of tlitse uses can be estabtislied upon City Councii approval of tlie t:zoning. 11'c hereby' consent to the rezoning oP the property in the petition oF, L�� ��i N�A(,�Z� G � �"! � J41�� �_��i � to.�zonino2i;trict. (��� (Name of petitioner) �— 1Vc consent to flie �pproval of fhis rezoning as it tivas expl�ined fo us by the �PPIiclnf or his/}icr represenfafivc. 0�2,$ z� 32 000 ► C��ht� o-F Sa�n�t Pk1.a.L o!0 7-ff 2'�3Z oolo C��I-y of srat�t PA4.L �z82Z z3 o i3$ � pqv�c� �',o set{'c`. o62sz�3z 000� I mo zgzz 3zocio3 06 z$ Z 2 32 Oo 6S� obz�z23.�o�09 aG z82z32.00i1 Fern hoLz ; �c/Rrner iwr(��3<n �arnC�, c�trK i�Anfi'�ma Air K L�An'Euwiq f��ec I � � er er� 0(�.Z 8 z Z3Zoo1 �lly 1-F�we Lyn 0628 zz3Zool3 `-"�is F:ilMO� ICArer1 J'aS�rL U�n 2 � 2 2 31 O610I �Soo L�n� �i ��oc�.c� 01 J p� 2g z�z�f �.b��i ����sz�au.�x�ca�e n! seum ' 06 �8 z� a5r ao7o Cr�-y 6� ST PAw L ��-�--. 4-�.z�,�-- hOT�: This petition shall not be considered as officially filed until fne lapse of seven (7) tvork►ng , days aRer it is recei�•ed by the PlanningDivision. Any signator of thispetetion m�y �rithdra�� his/he� name therefrom by «Titten request within that time. � � `� �J • �Xk�b��f�u �— V�� a� ���.�- �. �,k�� V�� X.6�aao� � Addendum to Rezoning Petitions for 235 Chestnut St. and 0 Hill St. l J o, -��s 1. Parties agreeing to addendum. This addendum to the rezoning petitions for 235 C`� ��� Chestnut Street and 0 I3'ill Sueet has been reviewed and agreed to by the followin� parties: Saint Paul PED, Historic Irvine Park Association (HIPA), Kevin McGrath a Molly Femholz, Patrick and Rita Hawkinso Warner, Dirk and Ruth Dantuma, Peter �y� Hilleren, Louis Fillmon and Karen 7ason� �� }/te�� -�y�z �Yn,. e `� / 2. Purpose. The parties want to accelerate rezoning of 235 Chestnut Street to peanit the moving of the historic Armstrong House from its present location north of the Xcel Arena to the site. The site's present zoning is P-i, which aliows only surface pazking. Before the City can issue moving and foundation permits, the site needs to be zoned to permit housing. The parties agree that the property on Chestnut Street should be rezoned • to allow the Armstrong House to be moved and that the new zoning should be the most restrictive residential zone in which the house can feasibly be restored and sold. The City wants to move the house as soon as possible to open up the site north of the arena for redevelopment. Simultaneous zoning steps and redevelopment analysis. HIPA is negotiating to take ownership of the Armstrong House and to partner with a developer to restore and market it. At the time of the filing of the rezoning petitions, F3II'A has not had time to select a partner, complete a project feasibility analysis, or determine how many residential units will be at the site. While HIPA is working with developers, public agencies, and contractors to devise a feasible restoration plan for the properry, the City and the property ownecs within 1QQ feet of the Chestnut Street site are initiating three separate residential rezoning petitions for RT-1 (duplex), RT-2 (3-4 units), and RM-1 (multi-family) so that any one of them can be chosen later. The petitions will initiate the rezoning process at the Planning Commission; the parties expect that all three alternatives may still be under consideration when the Planning Commission holds its hearing and makes its recommendation. At least ten days before the rezoning petitions come before the City Council for third reading and public hearing, H1PA wili have determined and submitted to the City in writing which of the three alternative rezonings fits its restoration plan. The other two petitions will be withdrawn by the parties. If HIPA has not made a written recommendation, the parties will recommend that the Councii approve the RT-1 rezoning alternative. As soon as practical � � � after the Council approves a new zoning district, PED will request building permits for • excavarioq a new foundatioq and the house move. In addition to the rezoning, other City approvals will be required before building permits aze issued, including height and setback variances, site plan review, and historic review. 4. Nullification of the consents given on the rezoning petitions. Most of the petition signers specifically support the moving and restoration of the Armstrong House, but would not support whatever residential development may be permitted in the zoning district without the house. If the Armstrong Iiouse is not moved to Chestnut Street or suffers severe damage during the move and cannot be restored, the parties want to retum the zoning, at least for the time being, to P-1. 5. Attachment to rezoning petitions for RT-1, RT-2, and RM-1. This addendum is hereby attached to each of the three rezoning petitions as an explanation for why multiple petitions aze being submitted and as a safeguard for the affected neighbors. 6. Signatures of the Parties. I agree with the provisions of this addendum. (Please sign and date.) . , � �,����� � Molly uth Danhuna K:�Sfiared�PedVSODF.RIIOUZONING�Am�sLmM,HuuscZAddendum2.apd Z � u V, .�'' � � STATE OF MiNNESOTA) COtJ�ITY OF RA1vISGI' ) .: b � -�� �'�'�'Z7'�03\"z'O Rr701l� .A.T�'FIDAVi�' or ��xz�zon SS The petitioner,��� �p�' C �'��n' first dul}• swo:n, deposes and states tliat tiie consent petition contains sianatures from at least ttivo-thirds (zh) of all eli�ible pruperties t�•ithin ] 00 feet of all property o��•ned, purchlsed, or sold by petitioner ��•ithin one (1) year precedin; tlie date of this p�tition ��•hich is conti�uous lo ihe p;op�rty described in the pelition; petitioner is informed that the consent petition must contain signahirz; from each all ot`•ners of jointly-o��•neci property in order to constitute consent from that propeRy� and that failure to oUtain consent from each �nd 11l oti�Ters could im�alidate tha consent p�tition; pctitioner beliet•es that the consent petition �vas signed by each of said o��•ners zad that the si�nattrces nre the true and correct si�natures of eacit and all of the parties so described. . �--- � rAME GL �� ' - P�r� � ADDRESS Gs/-a6�� 66�� TELEPHONE I� U�SBER Subscribed and s��•orn to before me � this�,' dayof ��,}g ° �.dHTH9� Af. �R&SON-HEYK . �3FRRYPUBLIC•&11W�E9DTA A9Y C9AAMISSION �$pl��S JAk. 38� 2005 � � !��'� �� . AR1 PUBLIC Pa�e of • • 1 /31 /97 � ;,�!� .. � � � ` ' AFFlDAVIT OF PERSON CIRCULATING THE CONSENT PETITiON STATE OF MINNESOTA) :SS COUNTY OF RAMSEY) � � , being first duly sNrorn, deposes and states that he/she is the person who circulated the consent petifion consisting of A t! Pages; that affiant represents fhat the parties described on the consenE petition are al! the respective owners of the properties placed immediately before each name; that affiant is informed and betieves that each of the parties described on the consent pefifion is an owner of the property which is wifhin 100 faet of any property owned, purchased, or soid by petitioner avithin one (1) year preceding fhe date of this pefition �vhich is contiguous to the�property described in the petition; t °^� ^,, `'.. , and that the signatures are the true and correct signatures of each and ali of the parties so described. ��,�k9 ; S-1 -o 5��n���re.' this I5�- day of me �,/�,�n h,t���af�, NAME 23�t �r� �"�"✓L ADDRESS �Sl- 22�t-�9�7 TELEPF-lONE NUMBER � � --�, �D, .-�.s f�J. �JJ�� NO ARY PUBLIC ,.•:, ,, -• ,_�;. � • �Y � �YI'. � . Page � of 1/3/00 � % . . � . . ♦ � FIRST SUBMITTED � DATE PETITION SUBtitITTED: J�� D� DATE OFFICIALLY RECEIVED: 5� �' PARCELS ELIGIBLE: PARCELS REQUIRED: PARCELS SIGNED: RESUB�4ITTED DATE PETITTON RESUBSfITTED: _ DATE OFFIC[ALLY RECEIVED: PARCELS ELIGIBLE: PARCELS REQUIRED: PARCELS StG`IED: CHECKED BY: �^'� ' ���``� DATE: 5���� � �4.rI� �f� YMe. �3 9 �0 ,. a � �cS zONiNG �ILE � city of saint paul planning commission resolution fiie number ol-So date ' June 8 2��1 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paui, File #0'I-189-219, has petitioned for a rezor+ing under the provisions of §64.400 and §60.720 of the Saint Paul Legisiative Code, from • P-1 to a residential district--either RT-1, RT-2, or RM-1—for property located at 235 Chestnut Street (commoniy referred to as the former Plastics, Inc. parking lot); and WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission, on May 31, 2001, held a public hearing at which ali persons present were given an opportunity to be heard pursuant to said application in accordance the requirements of §64.300 of the , Saint Paul Legislative Code; and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Planning Commission, based on the evidence presented to its Zoning Committee at the public hearing as substantially reflected in the minutes, made the following findings of fact: � 1. The parcel is 21,000 square feet, with a poiential addition of roughly 4,000 � square feet if the Hill Street right-of-way is vacated. Hill Street cannot be built because of the topography. The parcel is presently zoned P-1 and is an unstriped parking lot for roughfy 60 cars. If was a parking lot for Piastics, Inc. untii the company was purchased by the City to make way for the Science Museum of Minnesota. The westerly edge of the parcel is a steep siope with some retaining walis; the parking surface is about 14 feet below the level of the yard of the historic Ohage House (the yellow brick house), which faces Irvine Park. Along the site, Chestnut Streef slopes down toward the river. The parking ace that reduces the angle of the slopes. 2. The proposed use is to move the historic Armstrong House to the site and restore it as residential units. To get a house moving permit from the City, the Plastics lot must first be rezoned to a residential district. The Armstrong House is a large structure with a footprint of approximately 3,500 square feet, a potential finished floor area of 11,000 square feet on three floors, and a height of 45 feet to the ridge (staff estimate). The fiouse was originally built as a side-by- moved -by Rramer seconded b�r in favor Approved (Faricv abstained) against � 10 a 1-�LS � Zoning File # 01-189-219 Planning Commission Resolution page 2 side double house. It was later used as a nursing home, but much of the originai floor QI'an was keQt. 3. As planned, the Historic Irvine Park Association (HIPA} wiil become the developer ofi the house and will select a co-developer to heip them with the renovation. The HRA will move the house, pui it on a new foundation, and do much of the exterior restoration to make the house secure and weather tight, for example, window and door repairs, tuckpointing, new roof, and front porches. Then the co-developers wiil take over and do the interior, utilities, parking, and landscaping. HIPA is currently conducting their feasibility analysis to determine what number of housing units are necessary on the property to make the project work financially. HIPA's goal is to consfruct the fewest number of units on the property that will be feasible; the new, residential zoning on fhe property should be to a correspondingly restrictive residential zoning district. � 4. On 4l25/01 the City Councii approved this redevelopment strategy for the Armstrong House at the Plastics parking lot and for the Smith Avenue Transit Hub, which is a$30 million project north of the Xcel Arena, where the Armstrong House currently sits. Their action is laid ou and named HfPA to he �23. On 5/23/01 the HRA concurred in this strategy redeveloper of the Plastics lot. 5. Therefore, the City of Saint Paui, as current owner of the Plastics lot, has submitted three alternative rezoning petitions for different residential densities-- RT-1 Duplex; RT-2 Threeplex/FourplexlTownhouse; and RM-1 Apartments. The petitions are subject to an addendum that explains the proposed redevelopment steps, as described in findings 2and 3 above. At the time of this Planning Commission resolution, PED and HIPA do not know how many units will be developed. They request the Planning Commission to recommend to the City Councii that any of the three zoning districts is satisfactory. The addendum says that HIPA will decide which of the three zoning districts it wants at least ten days before the City Councii's public hearing on the rezoning. If <-iIPA does not submit its preference, the petitioners will recommend RT-1 Duplex zoning. The addendum has a furfher provision that if the Armstrong Nouse cannot, for some reason, be moved to the site, the petitioners want the zoning to be returned fo P-1 Parking. � 6. The three rezoning petitions are sufificient. The petitiona cels were�needed, 10 5/1/01. 13 parcels were eligibie to sign the petition, 9 p l� � Zoning Fite # 09-989-299 Pianning Commission Resolution Page 3 signed. The addendum was also signed by the same parties. The City and all of the eligibie, nearby homeowners signed the pet+tion. 7. A residential rezoning of the parcel_is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. Historic preservation is advocated in both the Land Use Chapter (Policy 5.9.1) and the Housing Chapter (Policy 4.2). The Housing Plan calis for the production of more housing units (Policy 5.1) and design solutions that compiement existing neighborhoods (Policy 5.2). The Land Use Plan calls for development on the fringes of downtown that create more inviting access to and from the neighborhoods adjacent to downtown--the Plastics lot prominently overiooks the new Science Museum Park (Policy 4.6.1). � In addition, the redevelopment of the W. Seventh and Kellogg site as a transportation center supports the downtown office and visitor sectors with parking and supports the Riverview Transit Corridor and other bus lines with a high quality station area. The proposed transportation center conforms to the goals of fhe Transportation and Land Use chapters of the Comprehensive Plan. 8. Since the John M. Armstrong House is listed on the National Register of Historic � Places, guidelines for the moving and restoration of the house are spelied out in detail in a Memorandum of Agreement among the Federal Highway Administration, the Advisory Councii on Flistoric Preservation, the State N+storic Preservation Office, and the City. The Section 106 historic preservation procedures are being followed. The Plastics lot is within the boundaries of the local Historic Irvine Park Historic District, where development is reviewed by the Saint Paul Heritage Preservation Commission. PED sfaff showed the Zoning Committee drawings illustrating fhe house move concepc. i ne ioi nas amp�e width for the Armstrong House plus outbuilding(s), but is shallower than would be ideal, depending on the size of the oorches that will be added to the front and maybe the rear. Depending on the final siting of the structure, it is possible thaf variances will be requested for front or rear setbacks and for height. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul Planning Commission recommends to the City Council that it approve, after receiving the preference of the Hisforic Irvine Park Association in writing, any one of the three residentia! rezoning petitions submitted by the City of Saint Paul for RT-1, RT-2, or RM-1 for the property located af 235 Chestnut Street (legally described as Lot 1, except the northwesteriy 101.23 feet thereof, and all of Lots 9 and 10, Block 35, Rice and Irvine's Addition to Blocks 26-41) as the new site for the historic John M. Armstrong House, which is to be � resfored as housing unifs, according to the terms City Council Resolution # 01-423. �v • � � MINUTES OF THE ZONING COMMITTEE Thursday, May 31, 2001 - 3:30 p.m. City Council Chambers, 3` Floor City Hall and Court House 15 West Kellogg Boulevard PRESENT: EXCUSED: Anfang, Alton, Faricy, Gordon, Kramer, Mejia, and Morton Field OTHERS Peter Warner PRESENT: Carol Martineau, Allan Torstenson, Larry Soderholm of PED The meeting was chaired by Commissioner Kramer. �� ,�CS City of St. Paul HRA - 01-189-219 - Rezone from P-1 to RT-1, RT-2 or RM-1 Residential for the purpose of moving the historic Armstrong House to the site for restoration as housing. Larry Soderholm showed a photo board depicting the site from various angles and presented the staff report. Mr. Soderholm explained that one of the neighborhood concerns is how the Armstrong House wiil impact the views. Mr. Soderhoim explained the Historic Irvine Park Association will become the developer of the property and wilt select a co-devetoper to help with the renovations. HRA will provide the funding to do much of the exterior work and the developers wiil decide how many units are necessary to have a feasible development and wiil do the interior finishing. The Zoning Staff recommends Approval and the City Council endorsed the concept of moving the house to Irvine Park and rezoning it for residential use in a resolution passed in April of 2001. Commissioner Gordon said that he approved of the Armstrong house being saved and preserved. He asked how many units were allowed under the alternative zoning districts. Mr. Soderholm explained that the Armstrong House is designed as a double house, and it couid stay that way or it could be made into four, five or six units. Townhouses by definition have a front and back door, and it would be impossible to redevelop the Armstrong house as townhouses for more than two units. Mr. Soderholm stated that the Zoning Staff recommends the rezoning move ahead with a Planning Commission Resolution that supports any of the three rezonings, whichever the developers choose before the City Council's public hearing on the case. At the question of Commissioner Morton, Mr. Soderholm stated City Staff has a meeting scheduled nextweek with the State Historic Preservation Office, HPC Representatives, and the neighborhood to check on the progress of the development plan for the Armstrong House. Mr. Dan Smith, Project Manager with the Department of Planning and Economic Development, appeared on behalf of the applicant and offered to answer questions. Mr. Kevin McGrath, Vice President of the Historic Irvine Park Association, reported that ali the neighbors who were within the 100-foot radius signed the zoning petition. He also explained that they were in the process of finding a co-developer. At the question of Commissioner Caordon, Mr. McGrath stated the neighbors realize that the Armstrong Nouse wit4 block some views. Upon the question of Commissioner Anfang, Mr. McGrath stated that architect Dick Faricy is working with the City on the house move. The important factors are to get good views from 13 Zoning Committee Minutes May 31, 2001 File #: 00-189-219 Page 2 Shepard Road and the Science Museum and grouping the Armstrong House, Ohage House, McCarthy House, and Simonds House so that people can get a view of both the Armstrong House and the buildings that are higher on the bluff. The hearing was closed. Commissioner Alton moved approval of the zoning applications subject to the terms of the rezoning petitions and the City Council Resolution. Commission Anfang seconded it. The motion passed by a vote of 6-0 with Commissioner Faricy abstaining. Adopted Yeas - 6 Drafted by: , � Carol Martineau Recording Secretary Nays - 0 Abstained -1 (Faricy) Submitted by: �' ���`� Lar S derholm Zoning Section Approved by: r 1 LJ ����� � Ric ard Kramer Chair � • �� a�-8�S � Saint Paul Planning Commission City Hall Conference Center 15 Kellogg Boulevard W est Minutes of June 8, 2001 A meeting of the.Pianning Commission of the City of Saint Paul was held Friday, June 8, 2001, at 8:30 a.m. in the Conference Center of City Hall. Commissioners Mmes. Donnelly-Cohen, Duarte, Faricy, Zimmer Lonetti, McCall, Morton; and Present: Messrs. Alton, Anfang, Dandrea, Kong, Kramer, and Mejia. Commissioners Mmes. *Shortridge; and Messrs. *Field, *Fotsch, *Galles, �Gervais, *Gordon, Absent: *Johnson, and *Mardell. *Excused Also Present: Larry Soderholm, Planning Administrator; Tom Harren, Virginia Burke, Jeremy Lenz, Yang Zhang, Patricia James, M2rtha Faust, Gary Peltier, Allan Torstenson, and Mary Bruton, Deparhnent of Plamiing and Economic Development staff. � I. II. III • (No minutes ready for approval) Chair's Announcements No announcements. Planning Administrator's Announcements Mr. Soderholm reported the study of the Red Rock Corridor (the commuter rail corridor from Hastings to Saint Paul) has been moving along and wili be shown at an open house next Tuesday, June 12"' , 4:00 - 6:30 p.m. at the 5aint Paul Union Depot. It is the completion of Phase 1, the Commuter Rail Feasibility Study. Phase 2 is Conceptuai Design, which will be done over the next two years. The 12egional Growth exercise will be conducted again on June 19�' and June 22nd. Mr. Soderholm reported reading in the newspaper that the McKnight Foundation is contributing one million dollars a year to traffic calming and to green space preservation. He stated there is a group, including a McKnight representative and PED staff, that will continuing working on traffic calming. A4r. Soderliolm reported a� the City Council issues this week: Buffalo Sober House public hearing is scheduled for June 27` �� � , support, and one person spoke in opposition. The public hearing was closed. The Zoning � Committee recommended approval on a vote of 7-0 MOTION: Commissioner Kramer moved the Zoning Committee's recommendation to apprme the rezoning. The motion carried unanimous[y on a voice vote #Ol-1R9-219 Citv of St. Paul HRA - Rezone from P-1 pazking to RT-1, RT-2 or RM-1 residential for the purpose of moving the historic Armstrong House to the site for restoration as housing. 235 Chesmut St., xx Hill St. (Larry Soderholm, 651/266-6575) Commissioner Kramer stated that the staff and the West Seventh Federation both recommend approval of residential rezoning. One person spoke in support, no one spoke in opposition. The public hearing was closed. The Historic Irvine Pazk Associarion is the tentaUve redeveloper and they are working currenfly to detemvne which one of the three residential districts will match the number of units they will need to put on the property to make the project economically feasible. Before the City Council public hearing, they wiil decide which of the three districts they want. The Zoning Committee moved approval of any of the three residential zones on a vote of 6-0 with 1.. abstention. MOTION Commissioner Kramer moved the Zoning Committee's recommendation to approve the rezoning. The motzon was approved with 1 abstention (Commissioner Faricy). - 9-] 02 St. Paul Coaeneration - River Comdor Special Condition Use Pemut to construct a fuel receiving building with equipment located below the regulatory flood protection elevation in the RC-2 Flood Fringe District. 76 Kellogg, between vacated Mazket and vacated Ontario. � (Martha Faust, 651/266-6572) Commissioner Kramer stated that the staff and the CapitolRiver Council recommend approval of the Rivet Corridor SCUP. One person spoke in support, no one spoke in opposition. The public hearing was closed. The Zoning Commit[ee recommended approval on a vote of 7-0. MOTION Commissio�zer Kramer moved the Zoning Committee's recomn:endatio�t to approve the SCUP. The motion carried unanimously on a voice vote. ommissioner ramer a n�'IRfC� o ��Q� - #O1-201-645 St. Bernard's School - Sign area and height variances to allow a 2-sided, 3 feet high by 6 feet 8 inches wide identification sign and electronic bulletin board mounted on a 10 foot high pole along Rice Street. 160 Rose Ave. W. (147 Geranium), Rice between Rose & Geranium. (Yang Zhang, 651/266-6659) #O1-206-105 Heartland Auto Sales Inc. - Special Condition Use Pernut (SCUP) to increase number of vehicles allowed to be parked on the lot: 27 vehicles allowed under 1999 SCUP for second hand auto saTes business; 37 propoSad including 4 spaces for adjacent restaurant. 1236 Arcade Street. (Rich Malloy, 651/266-664�) • � a �,�cS �.1 � � ZOl�TING COMMITTEE STAFF REPORT FILE # O1-189-219 1. APPLICANT: CITY OF SAINT PAUL HEARING DATE: 5/31/Ol 2. TYPE OF APPLICATION: Rew nina &om P-1 to RT-1 or RT-2 or RM-1 3. LOCATION: 235 Chestnut St. (northwest comer of Chesmut and Hill Streeu) 4. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: See Sle 5. PLANIVING DISTRICT: 9(W. Sevemh St.) PRESENT ZOIVING: P-1 6. ZOIVING CODE REF�RENCE: Sec. 64.400 on rezoning; Sec. 60.714 on P-1; Sec. 60.420 through 60.440 on RT-1 through RM-1 mnes 7. STAFF REPORT DATE: 5/24/Ol DATE RECEIVED: 5/1/Ol BY: Larry Soderholm DEADLINE FOR ACTION: 6/30/O1 A. PURPOSE: Rezone from P-1 (parking) to RT-1, RT-2, or RM-1 (residenUal zones with differeirt densities) for the purpose of moving the historic Armstrong House to the site for restoration as housing. B. C. D. PARCEL SIZE: 21,000 square feet (with the potential of adding 3,960 more square feet if Hill Street is vacated) EXISTING LAND USE: Pazldng lot for roughly 60 cars (old, unstriped asphalt) SURROIJNDING LAND USE: Fasterly across Chestnut: Science Museum Pazk which opened in 2000. Chestnut St. is a major entry point to the downtown; however there is no recent traffic coLwt since the completion of Shepazd Road and the Xcel Arena. Northerly: Vacant lot at SW corner of Cheslnut and Ryan; across Ryan, the Panama Flats 6-unit condominiums built in the `80s. Westerly: Restored houses of the Historic Izvine Pazk neighborhood with one to three units. Mostly lazge structures. The site is at a grade about 14 feet below the abutting yazd of the Justus Ohage House (lazge yellow brick one). Southerly: Unbuilt right-of-way for Hill St.; Soo Line/CP railroad tracks with billboard;new Shepazd Road;proposed Upper Landing mixed use redevelopment on the river; the riverbank is about 800 feet from the site. � _ ,; E, ZONIIVG CODE CITATION: Sec. 64.400(a) states in part, "the council may from time to vme, amend, suppleme�rt or change fhe district boundaries or the regutations herein, or subsequemiy � established herein pursuant to the provisions of Minnesota Statutes Section 462357 .... The planning comwission may from time to time, review district boundaries lines to determine if, pursuant to state laws, such district boimdary lines should be changed. Sec. 64.OD(b) states in part that "an amendment to the zoning code may be initiated by the council, the planning commission or by petition of the owners of sixty-seven (67) parcent of the area of the property to be rezoned." Sec. 60.714 describes the restrictions in the P-1 Pazldng District, which is the cnrrent wning on the properry. Sec. 60.420 describes the permitted uses in the RT-1 Dupleic zone. Sec. 60.430 describes the pemutted uses in the RT-2 Triplels/Fourplex/Townhouse zone. Sec. 60.440 describes the pemutted uses in the RM-1 Multifamily zone. As eicplained in findings 3, 4, and 5 below, ttris application is unusual in that three petitions for three alternative proposed residential mning districts have been submitted simultaneously in order to expedite the moving of the Annstrong House. F. HISTORYlDISCUSSION: For many years this pazcel was used as a pazldng lot for Plastics, Inc., wluch had an indushial plant across Chestnut Street from the lot. In the 1998 the City bought Plastics, Inc. as part of the redevelopmem site for the Minuesota Science Museum. All of the Plastics, Inc. properry east of Chestnut St. has been redeveloped. This pazldng lot on the west side of Chestnut St. is a leftover pazcel. The parldng lot is now a nonconforming use inasmuch as the pazidng is no longer accessory to a specific business. It is a commercially operated lot and, under the Zoning Code, a principal use. In 1999 and 2000 the Saint Paul HRA worked with a developer � to build new multifamily housing and to move the Am�strong House to the site. However, the Irvine Pazk neighbors refused to sign a rezoning petition for the number of housing units proposed (last proposal was for 12 units) and the proposal died. Meanwhile, the Saint Paul HItA was also loolang for a workable site and redevelopment plan to move the long-vacant, historic Armstrong House from Smith Ave. near Kellogg Blvd., thus opening up a large site that is proposed to become the Smith Avenue Transit Hub at W. Seventh and Kellogg. The Historic Irvine Pazk Association (HIPA) has long been interested in the fate of the Armstrong House because of its proximity to their neighborhood and because a couple of other candidate sites for its relocation were in their neighborhood. When the idea azose that the Armstrong House could be moved to the Plastics pazldng lot site with the neighborhood in control of its redevelopmem, the interests of the City and the neighborhood converged. The City will be able to move the Armstrong House and make way for the new transit and will also ensure the redevelopment of the Plastics lot. The Irvine Pazk neighborhood will be able to save the Armstrong House and co�rol the fuhue land use of the Plastics lot. This redevelopment package was approved by the City Councd in a detailed a tesolution approved on 4/25/01 (aitached). G. DISTRICT COTJNCIL RECOMNIENDAITON: "`Tfie West Sevent[i Fed'eration recommends' approval of rewning the pazcel to a residential mning district for the Armstrong House move. Furthermore, they are actively participating in efforts to put together a feasible development proposal for its restoration. • 2 �t� o � -�c.s H. FINDINGS: * 1. The pazcel is 21,000 square feet, with a potential addition of roughly 4,000 squaze feet if the Hill Street righbof-way is vacated. Hill Street cannot be built because of the topography. T'he pazcel is presently zoned P-1 and is an unstriped parldng lot for roughly 60 cars. It was a pazldng lot for Plastics, Inc. until the wmpany as purchased by the City to make way for the Science Museum of Miunesota. The westerly edge of the pazcel is a steep slope with some retaining walls; the pazlang surface is about 14 feet below the level of the yazd of the ]ristoric Ohage House (fihe yellow brick house), wluch faces Irvine Pazk. Along the site, Chestnut Street slopes down towazd the river. The pazldng lot has been graded as a terrace that reduces the angle of the slopes. 2. The proposed use is to move the lustoric Armstrong Aouse to the site and restore it as reside�ial units. To get a house moving pemut from the City, the Plastics lot must first be rezoned to a residential district. The Amistrong House is a lazge struchue with a footprint of approximately 3,500 square feet, a potential finished floor azea of 11,000 squaze feet on three floors, and a height of 45 feet to the ridge (staff estunate). The house was originally built as a side-by-side double house. It was later used as a nursing home, but much of the original floor plau was kept. 3. As planned, the Historic Irvine Park Association (HIPA) will become the developer of the house and will select a co-developer to help them with the renovation. The I-IRA will move the house, put it on a new fouudation, and do much of the exterior aestoration to make the house secure and weather right, for example, repair windows and doors, tuckpointing, new � roof, and porches. Then the co-developers will take over and do the nrterior, utilities, pazldng, and landscaping. HIPA is currently conducting their feasibility analysis to detemune what number of housing units aze necessary on the property to make the project work financially. HIPA's goal is to construct the fewest number of units on the properry that will be feasible; this rezoning of the properry to will be to a conespondingly restrictive residential zoning district. 4. On 4/25/O 1 the City Council approved this redevelopment strategy for the Armstrong House at the Plastics pazldng lot and the Smith Avenue Transit Hub. Their action is laid out in Council Resolution # O1-423 (attached). On 5/23(Ol the HRA concurred in ttris strategy and named HIPA to be the redeveloper of the site. 5. Therefore, the City of Saint Paul, as current owner of the Plastics lot, has submitted three altemative rezoning petitions for differeirt residential densities--RT-1 Duplex, RT-2 Threeple�Fourple�'Townhouse, and RM-1 Apartmeirts. The petirions aze subject to an addendum that explains ihe proposed redevelopment steps, as described in findings 2 and 3 above. At the time of the Planning Commission's action, PED and F3IPA do not expect to lmow how many units will be developed. They request the Planniug Commission to recommend to the City Council t1�at any of the three zoning districts is satisfactory. The addendum says that I3IPA will decide which of the tluee wning districts it wants at least ten days before the City CounciPs public hearing on the rewning. If HIPA does not submit its preference, the petitioners will recommend RT-1 Duplex zoning. The addendum has a further provision that if the Annstrong House cannot, for some reason, be moved to the site, the petitioners want the zoning to be returned to P-1 Parking. • �_ ( 6. The three rewning petitions are sufficient. The petitions were received on 5/1/Ol . 13 pazcels were eligible to sign the petition, 9 pazceLs were needed, 10 signed. Tha addenduxn � was also signed by the same parties. The City and all of the eligible, nearby homeowners signed the petition. A residential rem nino of the parcel is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. Historic preservation is advocated in both the Land Use Chapter (Policy 5.9.1) and the Housing Chapter (Policy 42). The Housing Plan calls for the production of more housing units (Policy 5.1) and design solutions tbat complement existing neighborhoods (Policy 52). The Land Use Plan calls for development on the fringes of doKmtown that create more inviting access to and from the neighborhoods adjacem to downtown—the Plastics lot prominently overlooks the new Science Museum Park (Policy 4.6.1). In addition, the redevelopment of the W. Sevemh and Kellogg site as a[rausportation center supports the do�vtown office and visitor sectors with pazking and supports the Riverview Transit Corridor and other bus lines with a lugh quality station azea. These aze also goals of the Transportation and Land Use chapter of the Comprehensive Plan. 8. Since the John M. Armstrong House is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Guidelines for the moving and restoration of the house aze spelled out in detail in a Memorandum of Agreemeirt among the Federal Highway Administration, the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation, the State Historic Preservation Office, and the City. The Section 106 Iristoric preservation procedures aze being followed. The Plastics lot is within the boundaries ofthe local Historic Irvine Pazk Historic District, where development is reviecved by the Saint Paul Heritage Preservation Commission. � 9. No site plan has been submitted, but PED staff have previously made drawings to illustrate the house move wncept. The lot has ample width for the Armstrong House plus outbuilding(s), but is shallower than would be ideal, depending on the size of the porches that will be added to the froirt and rear. It is possible tbat variances will be needed for front or rear setbacks and for height. I. STAFF RECOMiVI�NDATION: Based on findings 1 through 9, staffrecommends appmval of the application to rewne 235 Chestnut Street to a residential zoning district, either RT-1, RT-2, or RM-1, whichever district is the most restrictive zone in which the Armstrong House can feasibly be restor an so wi e terms ity ounc eso uhon . e ecision as o w c o """"` the three reside�ial districts will be made by the City Council at the time of their public hearing, after receiving the petitioners' preference. Attachments: Application, petitions with addendum, and sufficiency check City CounciI resolution Newspaper article Photos and floor plans of Amistrong House from 1998 Building Relocation Study New street configuration Zoning Maps of site (old street configuration) i � FINAL �� � I'TY Presented By '" Referred To v 2.�I�S \ � 1N . Council File k Ol � �e�.3 Resolution # ��'(`�� c�� c3-OCf� .S Green Sheet � �� �� ESOLUT O o � -� � � yr� . . Date 1 RESOLUTION SUPPORTING THE SMTTH AVENUE TRANSIT HUB PR03ECT, EXECIITLrG A 2 NIEMORANDUbI OF AGREEME\'T ON THE ARMSTRONG/QUINLAiV HOUSE, ACCEPTL�'G 3 TITLE TO THE ARMSTRONG/QUINLAN HOUSE FROV1 THE STATE A�'D REQUESTIi\G HRA 4 TO RELOCATE AND STABILIZE THE AI2I�ISTRONG/QUINLAi�T HOUSE AT THE FORDIER 5 PLASTICS PARIiII�iG LOT SITE 0 � �VI-IEREAS, the City, after receiving initial approval for a$5.5 miliion federal grant in 1998, as spent 8 more than two yeazs investigating the feasibility of the Smith Avenue Transit Project includin� conducting a 4 federally mandated Section 106 Process with respect to the state owned historic Arnutrong�Quinlan House 10 ("House") and the Project as described in the attached Exhibit`3?; and 11 I Z WF�LEREAS, as part of the federal Section 106 Process, the City of Saint Paul must, together ��•ith the 13 State Historic Preservation Office and the Federal government, make an informed decision on its mitigation �efforts with respect to the House, before proceedin� �vith the Project; and 16 WHEREAS, the City Council supports a measured approach bet�veen preservation of historic stiuctures fD to«� 17 and the development of the Smith Avenue Transi[ Hub, which �vill ser��e the westem end o o�vn 18 including the RiverCentre Area; and : 19 2p �VF�REAS, the House is a federally designated historic house that requires a thorough analysis of the 21 altemative solutions and the impact the Project will have on the historic nature of the House; the altemative 22 solutions reviewed with the City Council include: (1) leaving the House in its present location �vith the 23 Devetopment Program around the House ("In Place Altemative"), (2) moving the House to several possihle 24 sites in either the `Vest Seventh/Irvine Park area, the edge of the site along Seventh Street or Saint Joseph's 25 Lane ("City Sites") or other site acceptable to the City or (3) demolition and mitioation of the House; 2nd 26 27 WI-IEREAS, concemed citizens for preserving the House have eapressed a cleaz preference for the 28 House to be preserved and redeveloped as residential in the Irvine Pazk azea �vhich is attached in the Section 29 106 Report Volumes 1-5 previously submitted to the City Council; and 30 � 31 WF�REAS, the State Legislature in 2000 agreed to donate the House and surround'm� land to the Crty 32 on the condition that City agreed to move the House to an alternative location so that it can be presen and 33 34 WHEREAS, in Res. 00-6/14- 3, HRA provided funds of $2,375,000 for the moving xnd stabilization a � the House with its preferred site being the former Plastics Pzrking Site near Ryan and Chestnut and th2t the City cause the House to be moved and stabilized; and 31 ", � � WHEREAS, a Memorandum of Agreement ("MOA") among the Federat Highway Administration ("FHWA"), the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation ("ACHP") the Minnesota Historical Preservation Office ("SHPO") and the City along with concurring parties has been negotiated and attached 'm Extubit 1; and tiVI�REAS, Saint Paut Heritage Preservation Commission ("HPC") hosted the required public meeting required by the federal SecYion 106 process on August 10, 2000 conceming the House and Smith Aveaue Transit Hub; and WHEREAS, HPC has passed rivo resolutions concerning the House ( HPC Res 99-4 on 7uly 22, 1999 and Res. Oi-1 on January 11 , 2001). The second resoluYion supports execution by HPC of the MOA, subject to its normal review with respect to municipal preservation matters as descn'bed in Chapter 73 of the Saint Paul Legislative code (see Exhibit 1,.Stipulation I C and D); and �VI-�REAS, the City Council recognizes the imgortance of the Seien Comers Gateway Area of &aint Paul, including significant views of the Saint Paul Cathedral, Xcel Energy Center and other important landmarks; and �yI�REAS, the City Council recogniies other projecis that are under consideration including transit projects such as the Riverview Comdor and the Trolley, arid other parkin� projects for Holiday Inn Hotel, United/Children's Hospitals, and others; and � WI-IEREAS, a pazking supply and demand study for the tvestem end of Do«vto��n, including the Smith Avenue Transit Hub, United Hospital campus, Holiday Inn Hotel etc,. `Vill be completed shortly to assist the City: ( I) in the coordination between pending parking and transit projects in the westem end of Downto4vn and (2) in helping determine the final number of pazking spaczs to be financed and constructed as �art of the Smith Avenue Ttansit Hub Project. � NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council approves and directs the following: 1. Accepts the final Section 106 Smith Avenue Transit Hub Report, Voiumes 1-5. This includes Volume 5 which was prepazed after the required public hearing on August 10, 2000 at the Saint Paul Heritage Preservation Commission and contains all written testimony of interested parties and the City's response to the testimony. 74 2. Approves proceeding with the Smith Avenue Transit Hub Pro�ect an accep • 75 from Federal government for the Project and directs staff to complete securing at least 52•0 sullion from 76 Metro Transit, which will be used towazd the transit component of the Project. 77 78 3. Approves execution of the Memorandum of Agreement suhstantialiy in the form as attached in Exhi , be a roved by the City Attorney and . .� � by appropriate City officials, and with such subsequent changes as may pP PED staff that are consistent with the actions taken in this Resolution. 4. Accepts title to the House and surrounding land from th'e State of Minnesota �ith the condician isnposed b'i 2000 Legislature that in exchange for the House being donated to the City, the City a�ree thzt the House be preserved at an alternative site and directs staff to complete acceptance. 5. City selects Site # 7 the focmer Plastics Parking Lot (on Chestnut St. south of Ryan Street) as the site to � which the House will be moved and stabilized for residential rzuse,_ namza Historic Par'b Assoc �n. � a >�<�;> : .:..:: .::.:: ..;;�:: :.,_: :<,<<_ , ._. : Redeveloper, and approves attached Memorandum of Intent,w�nc[�zding a prov�sion.f��sharec paiti,c,?p.._-...-..- - 27i 89 ��� ���11��:..����� �,,....,�#`•�•6?tI ��?37F' �� ��•,� � � ,�,�•'..�flrpeF� ia SuhStantially th0 s �:o��e> ,�.. 90 same form as attached in Exlubit�2 with such suhsequent changes as may be approved by the Ciry Attorney 91 and PED staff that are consistent with the actions taken in this Resolution. Siting, move and stabitizatioa o 1-�' � 92 ivrties of the House on Site #7 w�l be reviewed by the HPC as fiuther descnbed 'm the lines 48-51 abo�'e. � . 93 _ 94 0. Authorizes City staff to commence and complete vacation process to convey Site N7 - Plastics to FiRA, who 95 in turn will convey to the Redeveloper. 96 97 7. Accepts rezoning peritions for the former Plastics Parking I,ot and authorizes rezoning process to begin. 98 � 99 8. Requests HRA to cause: 100 101 A) the House to be moved and stabilized and directs appropriate staff to retain a historic mover and aay 102 other contractors necessary to move and stabilize the House at Site � 7, consistent �vith the City's . 103 obligations descn'bed in the Memorandum of Agreement in Paragraph 3 abo� � 104 105 B) Use the $2375 million dollazs which have previously been bud�eted in HRA Res. 00-6/14-3 to 106 move and stabilize the House on behalf of the City. Further the City Council understands thesa HRA 107 monies are interim funds to the City that shall be reimbursed to the HRAtA no later than the closing on 108 the financing for the Smith Avenue Transit Hub by the City. 109 110 9. City staff is to continue design and traffic work on the Project on this gateway site to the Downtown by i l l Collaborative Design Group Architects(Dick Faricy, Bill Hickey, et. al.) and SRF Consulting Group, in 112 conjunction with other projects under consideration in the project area including Ri�'erview Comdor, Trolley 113 and other parking projectsin the area.. 1 1. .0. Afrer cpmpletion of the parking demand study for the westem end of Downto�cn, �vhich R�ll assist in the 116 coordination of pending parking and transit projects in the azea, the Administration shall return to the City I 17 Council and recommend: 118 119 120 121 x. I22 �:1': 123 124 125 (i) the number of pazking spaces and buses to be built for the Pro�ect (ii) the design concept for Project described in Exhibit 3 (iii) the Finance Plan for the Project which will be developed by PED and Financial Serr 126 127 Exhibit 1-Copy of draft Dec 17, 2000 MOA with City, FHtiVA, SHPO, ACHP, et al 128 t Sice 129 Exhibit 2- Draft Memorandum of Intent with Redeveloper of House at Plastic Pazi:ing I-o 130 131 Exhibit 3- Description of the Development Program for the Smith Avenue Transit Hub Project 132 133 � 2� Attachments to City Council Resolution o�-�t�� � � Adoption Certified by Couacil Secretary By: � �/���� Approved by Mayor: Date _ BY• � Requested by Departmeat af� plaaaiag & Econooic evelopmeat � � By: Approved by Fiaaacial Services Sy: �� %j•� /� U Fozm Apprwed by City` � tam�Y ., �By: aporoved by Mayo o SZsbmissio{�y� C eil � K �r/ 8/: � Adopted by Council: Date ���,. �5 a�01 �:- �.. . �� - A .i L -.��� ;:x. `�5.���"� .Y'a c�++�T-r.'YSE:�� ;c h Vn�. ._.. . ✓ «SYt " i.� ��i�� � . • ...,._ � i '� s £: � �'� .�(`— j t^t�T^i�c- '��� 1�"�� �'\ .� � .� �� ;� t � � ,� µ -a '_� . � I � . = 1: S� � —: � . _� V _ % _ 4 ��� l _ �� � � .�� _- E _ 1�1 � � � � �� �� ' ' —�.r �¢' 3nzre,P._^,.: _ , ., _ ,��.i--.,... , ,�., .�. � � ,W,. s ,.,,.r; ;�_._; , .,_ � �u: .o�.. ,„, .. ..� <.. _.m,.-�«.a, � __.�___����i-1—I � III,�1� • I LU i� i�a ❑ i � 1 � • BASEMENT FLOOR THE ARMSTRONG RESIDENCE � a- - _� �---' � _ _ _ ' � � ' / LS � � S i� � . M i i � �1 .� A3-t f� � � ' i ', 1 ' IU' __IL _2�_..W ��'� y �.-- { - -�-- i � � � T `__� L__'_ I ,G r __" L_ "J (�1 ___'L L--'� • � L� � FIRST FLOOR THE ARMSTRONG RESIDENCE � � � A3-2 �l-$�5 • � SECOND FLOOR (THIRD FLOOR SIMILAR) THE ARMSTRONG RESIDENCE � �/° 1 A33 �� / ., o // - . _- _ � � //{ � �.�:: .�.. 2 / � . / /. � !�� :/ n/ ' F � ' ��� F ' � � : % f' �� �:� � � � .i .. �.• �` � �S 6 i � / � "%� . 6',,, t �0�� - - / ° 6 . Q . �- ^F3 _:/ (� ' . ��iSr j �/ . �� � � i �_� n a a , r - ,: . l, � . .,� � R � .� G � _ �` ��� L �'�. A� `��� :. � .!/-.�� n. j / �� m ^ �' �' ;�' / ' ' �� v . � � d.w�£,' � -- _— � " - � y - �� -- �� � � �_ ri. � _ , � � � ~ � '�� �, - / - Tp�MS � � -/— � i . � �,� t ,,G / � F . � m � � n � *. � � �—_— � / �'" �/ ` o ��" � � � � � �_� � .v /// % � �� � }� �� �: �: � . �.. Fd' � }` ��,a���' �'° F � / � z ti i>,� j . �� � ` � •N , � % � �-a �, Jr-�# � __ _� / O � m/ I � m / j I \ � [ J \ / JN ��� �� __ � t_���"i� \ L � � ^ ' ' 2 O� - %/ o -.;; N. 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Y /\/ 0 0 ' 1 � � � � i , �! ,PPLICANT �°� O� ��°� LEGEND . 'URPOSE �E �� ��� zoning district hnundary 4lE k��� � e� DAqE ,��m�� t � subject propeRy n"`� aRh� 'LNG. DIST___�___ �„�qp � ,� o one tamily ••^ commercial ��� two tamily � ..,. industrial � ',.,,_;: ja-�Q muttipl> tamily V vacarn - — --��-- - - - � - 0 1-fices _ � -� M 2 �y � L/° �� � Q � Q � ti� � � �i G) � n � � � . � . `� � i � � ` �. � � �, .O � \`./ �� F����� � � �„ ,`__� _� � r E �� S -�% ._r :` ; S " i l, . f r E:.�Y p�': � . 2 .� Council File # ��" o �S Ordinance # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 Presented By Green Sheet # ��� ��� ORDINANCE 11N PA L, MIN SOT a,G � � , Referred To Committee: Date An ordinance amending Chapter 60 ofthe Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to zoning for the City of Saint Paul and the zoning maps thereof: WIIEREAS, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes {462357 and 64.400 of the Legislative Code, the City of Saint PauUHRA duly petitioned to rezone properry at 235 Chestnut Street being legally described as EX NWLY 10123 FT, LOT 1 AND LOTS 9 AND 1Q BLOCK 35, RICE AND IRVINE'S ADDITION BLOCKS 26 THRU 41 AND 46 THRU 53 from P-1 (pazking) to RT-2 (fourple�townhouse residential) to allow a residential use, the petition having been certified by the Planning Division on OS/O1/O1 as having been consented to by at least 67% of the owners of the area of the property to be rezoned, and further having been consented to by at least two-thirds of the owners of the property situated within 100 feet of the total contiguous property within one year proceeding the date of the petition; and WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission on 05/3 U01, held a public hearing for the purpose of considering the rezoning petition, and pursuant to Section 107.03 of the Administrative Code, submitted its recommendation to the Plam�ing Commission that the petition be granted; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission considered the rezoning petition at its meeting held on 06/08/O1 and recommended that the City Council approve the petition; and WHEREAS, notice of the public hearing before the City Council on the said rezoning petition was duly published in the official newspaper of the City and was duly mailed to each owner of affected property and property situated wholly or partly within 350 feet of the property sought to be rezoned; and WF3EREAS, a public hearing before the City Council having been conducted on 07/11/O1, where all interested parties were heazd, the Council having considered all the facts and recommendations concerning the petition; now, therefore THE COiTNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIIV: Section 1. That the zoning map of the City of 5aint Paul, Sheet Number 21, as incorporated by reference in Section 60301 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, as amended, is hereby further amended as follows: That property located at 235 Chestnu Street being more particulazly described as: EX NWLY 10123 FT, LOT 1 AND LOTS 9 AND 10, BLOCK 35, RICE AND IRVINE'S ADDITION BLOCKS 26 THRU 41 AND 46 THRU 53 be and is hereby rezoned from P-1 to RT-2. Pu`�LI.S€ ��£� , r J 41 Section 2. °` O 1-�'�s 42 43 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and 44 publication. 45 > eas a s . Absent Requested by e ar men o : enanav a e ostrom „� Plannin & conomic Develo ment o eman ,i arris By: � antr ea ter � a � Adopted by Council: Date �,�-_ �� �a1t Adoption Certified by Council Secretary i ► _ � •.. . -. . . ._ - i � ' /i� -� , i/ / rI�%��. ��� . Form Appr ed by y Attorney By: Approved� Mayor fo Submision to Council By: / /1 /�� �� ���Sy� `"°'° `� �� DEPARTMENT/OFFtCE/COUNCIL: DATE INIT7ATED GREEN SHEET NO.: 1 1 J 1 OO � � PED Zoning 08/06/Ol 6� � CONTACT PERSON & PHONE: A 1N1II.1uDnT'E Larry Soderholm 266-6575 � 2 nErnxrn�rrr Dm. s crrr couxcn, MUST BE ON COUNCII. AGENDA BY ATE �SIGN 3 CTTY ATTY. _ CITY CLERK � � NIIMBER �`�'CIAL SERV D FINANCIAL SERV/ CCTG FOR 4 MAYOR (OR ASST.)� 1 PLANNING ADMA'p�7y� ROi7TING � ORDER TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1_(CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATiJRE) acriox �QUESrEn: Adopt � to approve rezoning of 235 Chestnut Street (former Plastics, Inc. parking lot) from P-1 (parking) to RT-2 (fourplear/townhouse residential). The City Council held a public hearing and voted 7-0 to approve the rezoning on July 11, 2001. - RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Rejec[ (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACf S MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. Has Utis peison/fum ever worked under a cortrac[ for fltis department? A PLANNING COMMISSION Yes No CIB COMMITTEE 2. Has ihis puson/fum ever been a city employee? CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION Yes No A Staff 3. Does this pe�on/fum possess a skill not nocmally possssed by any cumnt ciTy employee? Yes No Eaplain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTi1NITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why): The City Council identified this property as the site where the historic Armstrong House will be moved. The Historic Irvine Park Association was designated as the tentative developer and they have decided to restore the house as a threeplex or fowplex. Thus RT-2 zoning is appropriate. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: The zoning will permit moving of the Aimstrong House to the site for residential use. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: "� � V ��\/!� 1 9 V 1� � None. AUG 0 7 2001 CITY ATTOR N �Y DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: With the current P-1 zone, the only pernritted use of the property is parking. The Armstrong House cannot be moved to the site. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACfION: S COST/REVENUE BUDGETED: NUNDINGSOURCE: ACTIViTYNUMBER: ' " " � " �� FINANCIALINFORMATION:(EXPLAI� � ' AUG � �'-{IYII! ��a ' R2�Y M S�. � �� . �r�t�a',�� .i i i 'i �- /% � _ � O\-j'GS' � J ` �. � ` `'� � - � �/ j I ;"/ � " ,� '/�� i j/� ', , . i f, .i� � . � . � ` / ,i �f �3 �s , i' /� / �� � � � � � / ��� / �," � l �' / —_ ��yj - I �, � ; "x m � - �� i �� � � \ s/ G� � � -��.9. t � .��.. � � _ � �'� . j �� ,( �.� % R Ei G . ��/ `y _ '.-. g . /`\ Gi�Y/ � R a�/ � ./.�` . f � �, �♦ �.�. — . \, - s � '�� r.� Rb / R � � � �`^ +`�'. . � ' A, � / ` '� � � �' ��� � l ' � �� , _ qa # 'a __ __— --- � . � ~� � nt�' �,� � s���,.4 � !+� , u e3� ., s� �y r� - .N + '��h� . ` . � $ �.' � p w � i a�;+�y� � ' - \ii ji � ���Y�'4'.� � T� ��Y�' `` ��fi�C "3 � f*' j -�._ i.�t,� 4 el'Cn m. �� / � J '_� Y � ° ��� � � �� ��� � � � '� �� g n �.��. �.�b -. c ��ie � � � A + ' � q -. 51 ✓�,�*, ` q � pY�'�� �/ ' o�� �'w� ryj .€s � '�--- � � � d p s a�N .��'8 � /z-, ra+�,,.���ro -� �'o / �z �( F,. �� � 3 a -�I �' �t,;, � R, , ,r ] .$ � � ° � � ">�`"A '�����" � �� � � t� � ti i-a �� � J�-Q. .-. —_ _� �.m ' I _�� � / \ 7 g °� _ m � % K j , / ���_ � , _ .. o ~ v� R a^ � � �/ : t �`!,/-//� � / o F �i �w�5 j 6 \ \ � j ; j� 't �� , N3 � ` ' I10 j6 m0� \ / ^ _� �/ ``` � Z o / / / � � . /' \ 0 ' i�, x� � �' " I < � �. ''°-�'�g� � , , , ti; %-�i�•' , % - � - 'N . ' �� o% `n _ �� t/ �. y��� � � � . g.'�m_ I _ �� � � � � y f��� ;� * L �� _ � �. -�,�; �_:�� ��' , � , , .:�, . n . :°� � I� � � � , . � � .� ,. , ,, .' I , �� -_ . ... .. . ._. O\ -P'GS _ �``� ' � _ W 2 � i ��: �� r. �' `� n � � � � i � � � � i � � \ �i � � � � � \ �y C/V/C C�c-��. PQRK/NG RQ�P � G � /� 1 - *� � '�� � .. I����`°''; . m � ;.._ . > .t t:`� , :.� m• • � ,;:;� �,�y�;�, .� . � r4� WY � ���� ' . ,�`� ` E'a'IY'��� �-J 8 , /, � �� \` ::� / � � � . ♦ / � /� \ � � y /� } ♦ ! / � � , �` Y {�� / G c \ 'PLICANT � O� ��� �� LEGEND 1RPOSE-�� �� �..� zoning district Fi�undary � ��� ° ° �r� DATE�,��'�° � subject property �-� orth� NG. DIST Mqp � � o orte (amil . Y • � ^ commerciai _' ¢ F+vo family } .,,., indusL•ial _ � ,,:� t�¢Q multipl� (amily V vzcant � - - �— --- 'Z ✓ _� Q Q � �C v. SAINT PAUL �' AAAA'' � � DEPAILTMENT OF PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVEIAPMENT Brian Sweeney, D+reMOr CTTY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayar June 8, 2001 Ms. Nancy Anderson City CouncIl Research Office Room 310 City Hall Sairn Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Ms. Anderson: 25WestFourthStreet SaintPaul, A9J55702 I would like to confirm that a public hearing before the City Council is scheduled for Wednesday, 7uly 11, 2001, 5:30 p.m. for the following property rezoning that has been acted upon by the Planning Cortunission: Applrcant: FiZe Number: Purpose: Address: Legal Description of Property: Previous Action: CTTY OF SAINT PAUL #01-189-219 Rewne property from P-1 (Puking District) to either RT-1 (Twafamily Residential District) or RT-2 (Townhouse Resideirtial District) or RM-1 (Apartments) to allow the Historic Armstrong House to be moved to the site and restored as housing. 235 Chestnut Street (former pazking lot of Plastics, Inc.) See file. Planning Commission Recommendation: Approval, unanimous with one abstention, June 8, 2001. Zoning Committee Recommendation: Approval, unanimous with one abstemion, May 31, 2001. My understanding is that this public hearing request will appear on the agenda for the July 11, 2001, City Council meedng and that you will publish notice of the hearing in the Saint Paul Lega1 Ledger. Please call me at 266-6575 if you have any questions. Sincerely, V✓r " Larry S rholm Planning Administrator cc: File #01-189-219 Allan Torstenson Paul Dubruiel Cazol Martineau Bob Geurs Barbaza McCormick, Historic Irvine Pazk Association . ��. NOTICS OF POBIdC HEARING The Saint Pavl Clty Council wN con- duct a publlc hearing on Wednesday, July 11. 2001, at 5:30 p.m., City Covndt Chambexs. 3rd Floor Ctty Hall. to constder the applicaUOn of the City of Saint Paul to rezone property from p-1 (Pazking Distrtct) .to elther RT-1 (lbvo-famlly Residential Dlstrict) or RT-2 [fownhouse Residenttal DlstriaU or RM-1 (Apartments) W allow the historic Armstrong House to be moved to the stte and restored as hopsing at 235 Chestnut Street (former parking tut of Plasttcs. IncJ. Dated: Jnne 12. 2001 . ' NANCYANDERSON Asslstant pry Councn secn,tacy (June 1dJ SL PADL 7EfiAL IdLfiFB' � So Telephone: 61 2-2 66 6655 Facsim:le: 611-128-3314 O�'��S DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Brian Sweeney, Director a)-B�C� CTTY OF SAI1�l'f PAUL Norm CoLeman, Mayor Jllly 3, 2��1 Ms. Nancy Anderson Secret2ry to the City Council Room 310 City Hall Sairn Paul, Minnesota 55102 RE: Zoning File #01-189-219 City Council Heariug: 25WestFourthStreet Telephone:651-2666655 SaintPaul MN55102 Facsimile: 651-228-3314 CTTY OF SAINT PAUL/I3RA July 11, 2001, 5:30 p.m City Council Cbambers PURPOSE: To consider rezo nino property located at 235 Chestnut St. (former Plastics, Inc. pazking lot, �� between Ryan Ave. and Shepard RdJ from P-1 (pazking) to RT-1, RT-2, or RM-1 (altemative residential zones with different densities) for the purpose of moving the historic Armstrong House to the site for restoration as housing. PLANNING COMD�IISSION RECONIMENDATION APPROVAL ofwhichever ofthe three residential zoning districts is selected by the Historic Irvine Pazk Association. Vote: unanimous with one abstention. ZONING COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: APPROVAL, vote: 6-0 with one abstention. STAFF RECOMbIENDATION APPROVAL SUPPORT: One person spoke. The West Seveirth Federation supports rezoning to a residential district. OPPOSI'I'ION: No one spoke. Deaz Ms. Anderson: � The City of Saint Paul/HRA submitted three petitions to rezone property located at 235 Chestnut Street from P-1(pazking) to any one of the following residential zones: RT-1 (dupl�), RT-2 (fourplex or townhouse) or RM-1(multi-faznily). Before the City Council public hearing the Historic Irvine Park Association is supposed to detennine which of these zoning districts conesponds to the number of units they need to develop in order for the Amistrong House move to be economically feasible at the level of subsidy the HRA has already committed. The Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission held a public hearing on the proposed rezoning on May 31, 2001. There was neighborhood support and no opposition. At the close of the public hearing, the committee voted 6-0 with one abstention to recommend approval of whichever residential district was detemvned to work for the project. On June 8, 2001, the Plam�nig Commission upheld the Zoning Committee's recommendation for approval, again on a unauimous vote with one abstention. Ms. Nancy Anderson Zoning File # O1-189-219 July 3, 2001 Page 2 This proposed rezoning is scheduled to be heard by the City Council on July 11, 2001. Please notify Larry Soderholm (266-6575) if any member of ihe City Council wishes to have slides of the site preseirted at the public hearing. Sincerely, WrY► Lazry rholm Planning Administrator Attachments cc: City Council members Bob Geurs, PED Barb McCormick, Historic Irvine Pazk Association Ed Johnson, WestSeventh Federation Kevin McCrrath, neighbor � � u K.�Shazed�Ped�SODERFIOL�ZONiNGkc01-189-219.Ih.wpd fl, .�Gf � Attachments for Armsirong House/Plastics, Inc. Parldng Lot Rezoning Paees 1. Three rezoning petitions with addendum and affidavits 1-9 2. Plauning Commission resolution 10-12 3. Minutes of Zoning Committee and Planning Commission acrions 13-16 4. Zoning staff report 17-20 5. City Council resolution of April 25, 2001 21-24 6. Photos and floor plans of Armstrong House 25-29 . 7. Size of house in relation to the site 30 8. Zoning maps 31-33 � DI'�`S PETITION TO AMEND TFIE ZONING CODE Deparhnent of Planning and Bcnnomic Development Zoning Section I400 City HaU Arsnex 25 West Fourth Street `�� Saint Paul, MN SSIO2-1634 (651) 266-6589 Property Owner. APPLICANT PROPERTY LOCATION Zom�fg oftiee use only �� File�_" - n� _ Fee: 7enta6ve.Hearing Date: ,��ri' "V L Cit�F��',�/ � St. �i F�! Zip �S l D�i Daytime Phone Contact Person ('rf different)��7��y�1 Y37 Phone��Q `�oi�� Address / Location Legal Description Current Zoning �'` � _ (attach additional sheet if necessary) TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL: Pursuant to Section 64.400 of the Saint Pa Zoning Ordinance and to Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statues, EnY� G�' b� ��� � I� owner of land proposed for rezoning, hereby petitions you to rezone the above described property from a�� zoning district to��`�' 7T1' � j �'�/ zoning district, for the purpose of: (f( �" 1 �'�, - f�.��'u-� �,�rr� ;j �^�-e � `�e ���"e �s;�l�`� � � �P�-�► � .� }� `��ar�'wi'�^e � ��1 � i� . s� � �� �C�� � � � � ���r� � � ���Srb�� � � ����' �i� Ul �Rr-� d� �})� � r� �� � � �� �� �� i� ✓ � �i�,�, S�S . (attach additional sheet(s�if necessary) �� � y, � Attachments: Required Site Plan � Consent Petition � Affidavit l�l, � / � Subscribed and sworn to before me this ��� day of Q 20 n� . � Fee Owner of Property Title•%k-�i.Y-� �ir� c7-av` �—,�.�-.r : ° � __ . _ � p .YFi?S:4r �1. �RdSOPd-HEWS � r• G� ! �iJnni� � Eic�t� Dec• M�TARY rJ8UC- MINNE�TA �.A"t f,AAAMISSIOtd EX?P6tE5 ,ieYN. 34. 200'S Page 7 of _ CX'T�' O� SA.XNT P.A.�CJS� CONSENT' OF AD70INING PROPERTY OWNERS FOR , . .z�EZONZNc We, ihe undersigned, owncrs oFthe property within 100 feet oFtlic total contiguous description of rzal estate o�wied, purcUased, or sold by 7'HE PETlT10NGR within oae year preceding the date oE this pe[ition lcknowledoe that tive have becn presented �ti•ith the follo�ving; A copy oFtlie petition of (name of ctitioner) � / 1. to rezone Ilie Property located at a3S G� ES�A�.i,"�"' �� � ��� �l S!('22-� . from 1 �-' � zo�iing district to ah_ �'' 2oning district. � 2. A copy of sections (�.�I througl�,�� inclusive oFdi� Saint Paul Zoning Code; and nckno�vled�e diat �se nre aware of nl! oF die uses permitted in x q�'� zoning district znd tve arz lware that any oF tf�ese uses cnn be establisl�ed upon City Counci! approval oFthe rezoning. hereby consent to the rczonin� of dte property in the petition of; s �;_'.L,1_ 1]„�., a�� G�'`( o� S,�r1 �J7"' �'I�V L.'( PGj� �:�� j� �►� Z_to, � I zonino2istrict. ���.Vyy� (Namz of petitioner) �Vc conscnt to tlie �pproval of this rezoning as i �PPlic�nf or hisllier representafivc. o�z�t 2� s.c o0o t c;�y of s�;.,-t �au.L. o(, zgzz32, oolo C�f., o f S���f P��..L �z82ZZ3 0�3$ � DAv�d Cose.t{��, U628z�3Z 000�{ x�v� I�o!( 9f 2ts22 3z0003 � o6zgz232ooaS o6z�z�3.�oc�oQ o� z8zz3zoo�1 d�r Fcrn hoLz � (� �,/Rrner �AWk+�3e� 1Jan7Cf '� an q 171rk l�ArrfuwlA R.x.'{ 9 Rn'tv-w�a t�. 1��` �� er e.r1 U(p.2$ z Z3Zool2 r►1olly 1-k�we LynnTrus D . .. �-Ckt'S �i�/�MO/}�' '. �02� 2"z3�.0��3 !lr�ren SaSOri U�o 2 � 2 2 310610 I�Soo �ine. �ai �ra�c� pCo 28 z� a�{ c1�G�1 <<� aF sT E�A� f�G, �Q ��.25� /7A7[� Cr'f-46� 5�' NOT�: This petition shall not be considered as o�ciallyfled until tne lapse of seven (7) iti•orking days after it is recei�•ed by the Planning Division. Any signator of thispetition may withdra�ti�his/he� name thereE'rom by «ritten request within that time. :,:: � � expinined fo us by the °l 5� -/.1-cs � `f . /6 �dl r4\� i s � � u • • CX�'�' O� SA.XN'Z' P.A.Y1S� CONSENT�OF ADJOINING PROPERTX OZVNERS FOR A . •IZEZONXNG � � ,�GS 1Ve, llie undersigned, o�vncrs of the propery �vitl�in 100 feet ofthc rotal contiguous description of raal estate owited, purchased, or sold by THE PETITIO� IER �vithin on: year precedin� tiie date of this p�tition �cknowledge that we have been presentzd �vith tlie follou•ing: i. A copyoEthe petition of to rezone the property located at a3S Ches7'n�.i,'S" e..� d 5� �-����� Sfr��fi from 1 �� ` zoning district to a� oning district. 2, AcopyoCsections �•��2through �Q•�3,inclusiveoftlieSaintPautZoningCode; and ncknoti�•Icdge tlint we nre a�varo oP111 oFthe uses permitted in a�� zonin� district 2nd we are lware that any oF thzse uses cnn be established upon City Council approvxl of thz r.zonin�. 14' hereb�l �' consent to the rczoniug of the property in the petition oF, ����"�q �� t�Gi Ci� I'1 �t' ✓f��N 1 � r G�J / to 1��ionin^ �istrict. ��" "��� �_�� o (Nnme of petitioner) e of \Vc consent fo flie �pproval of fhis rezoning as it `vas expl�ined fo us by the :�pPlicanf or hislticr represenfafivc. OCn2$ Z�.S7. 000 l I C�� o-F Sa.n't ('kl�.L oG �k z'�.3� oo to C�'(-ti o� s�r�t PRk.L �z8zZZ3 oi3g v628zZ3z 000�{ p�z8zZ3�0003 o6z�zz32000S vGZ�z23�o�09 o � z8 z z.32oo►1 (�Avic� �',oset{'� o�t �teGro�.�f-h Fcrn hoLz on �a�ne� c��r!` t7Pr K t7. qn'�"u.rna Dan-tu.�+, q L�. Hn�Eu.vnA i� Rn'i �� I-�� I I er e.n U 6.Z8 Z z3ZooIZ �Ily 1-�we Cynn`G 06z8 zz3zoa�3 �-°"'S �, JIM6�1 �la�nn .T�S�Yl U�o 2 Fj 2 2 310610 �Soo Lin2. �.i �raac� p(o 2g Z� �� Gb��'f C�t`j�S Au.l.Science 06 �8 z�a4� vo7o c,=F 6� sT Pl�w L y., � -o� �/6 ��l ►µ�� � ��� o —/S i < hOT�: 7his petition shali not be considered as officially filed untit tne lapse of seven (7) �eorking days after it is recei��ed by the Planning Division. Any signator of this petition may withdrasti•hisme� name thertCrom by ��Titten request within that time. :: : ,•_1 3 ' ` �l m � C�'X'X O�' S.A.XI�T'� PA.�CJIJ COI�TSENT' OF ADJOINING PROPBRTY OWNERS POR A f . ..�.�zoNZNc We, the undersigned, otvncrs oftlie propery within 100 feet of thc total contigirous description of rzal estate o�vned, purct�ased, or sold by THE PETIT(O�ER within one year pczceding ili_ 2atz of this petition acknotiv(edge that we have becn presented u•ith the follo�vino: 1. A cop�' of the petition oF �name or p euuoner� �,( - to rezone the property localed at a3S Gh esfn�,�. - f - �..� et ?� ��� �� Sfr'e�� from 1 �-' � zoningdistrict to a}��zoningdistrict. � 2. AcopyoFsections �•��Z throuoh �.�3,inclusiveofdrSaintPaidZoningCodz; and ncknou•icdge diat a•e nre ativnro oFt�l( of the uses ptrmitted in �- l zoning district 2nd we are nware tliat any of tlitse uses can be estabtislied upon City Councii approval of tlie t:zoning. 11'c hereby' consent to the rezoning oP the property in the petition oF, L�� ��i N�A(,�Z� G � �"! � J41�� �_��i � to.�zonino2i;trict. (��� (Name of petitioner) �— 1Vc consent to flie �pproval of fhis rezoning as it tivas expl�ined fo us by the �PPIiclnf or his/}icr represenfafivc. 0�2,$ z� 32 000 ► C��ht� o-F Sa�n�t Pk1.a.L o!0 7-ff 2'�3Z oolo C��I-y of srat�t PA4.L �z82Z z3 o i3$ � pqv�c� �',o set{'c`. o62sz�3z 000� I mo zgzz 3zocio3 06 z$ Z 2 32 Oo 6S� obz�z23.�o�09 aG z82z32.00i1 Fern hoLz ; �c/Rrner iwr(��3<n �arnC�, c�trK i�Anfi'�ma Air K L�An'Euwiq f��ec I � � er er� 0(�.Z 8 z Z3Zoo1 �lly 1-F�we Lyn 0628 zz3Zool3 `-"�is F:ilMO� ICArer1 J'aS�rL U�n 2 � 2 2 31 O610I �Soo L�n� �i ��oc�.c� 01 J p� 2g z�z�f �.b��i ����sz�au.�x�ca�e n! seum ' 06 �8 z� a5r ao7o Cr�-y 6� ST PAw L ��-�--. 4-�.z�,�-- hOT�: This petition shall not be considered as officially filed until fne lapse of seven (7) tvork►ng , days aRer it is recei�•ed by the PlanningDivision. Any signator of thispetetion m�y �rithdra�� his/he� name therefrom by «Titten request within that time. � � `� �J • �Xk�b��f�u �— V�� a� ���.�- �. �,k�� V�� X.6�aao� � Addendum to Rezoning Petitions for 235 Chestnut St. and 0 Hill St. l J o, -��s 1. Parties agreeing to addendum. This addendum to the rezoning petitions for 235 C`� ��� Chestnut Street and 0 I3'ill Sueet has been reviewed and agreed to by the followin� parties: Saint Paul PED, Historic Irvine Park Association (HIPA), Kevin McGrath a Molly Femholz, Patrick and Rita Hawkinso Warner, Dirk and Ruth Dantuma, Peter �y� Hilleren, Louis Fillmon and Karen 7ason� �� }/te�� -�y�z �Yn,. e `� / 2. Purpose. The parties want to accelerate rezoning of 235 Chestnut Street to peanit the moving of the historic Armstrong House from its present location north of the Xcel Arena to the site. The site's present zoning is P-i, which aliows only surface pazking. Before the City can issue moving and foundation permits, the site needs to be zoned to permit housing. The parties agree that the property on Chestnut Street should be rezoned • to allow the Armstrong House to be moved and that the new zoning should be the most restrictive residential zone in which the house can feasibly be restored and sold. The City wants to move the house as soon as possible to open up the site north of the arena for redevelopment. Simultaneous zoning steps and redevelopment analysis. HIPA is negotiating to take ownership of the Armstrong House and to partner with a developer to restore and market it. At the time of the filing of the rezoning petitions, F3II'A has not had time to select a partner, complete a project feasibility analysis, or determine how many residential units will be at the site. While HIPA is working with developers, public agencies, and contractors to devise a feasible restoration plan for the properry, the City and the property ownecs within 1QQ feet of the Chestnut Street site are initiating three separate residential rezoning petitions for RT-1 (duplex), RT-2 (3-4 units), and RM-1 (multi-family) so that any one of them can be chosen later. The petitions will initiate the rezoning process at the Planning Commission; the parties expect that all three alternatives may still be under consideration when the Planning Commission holds its hearing and makes its recommendation. At least ten days before the rezoning petitions come before the City Council for third reading and public hearing, H1PA wili have determined and submitted to the City in writing which of the three alternative rezonings fits its restoration plan. The other two petitions will be withdrawn by the parties. If HIPA has not made a written recommendation, the parties will recommend that the Councii approve the RT-1 rezoning alternative. As soon as practical � � � after the Council approves a new zoning district, PED will request building permits for • excavarioq a new foundatioq and the house move. In addition to the rezoning, other City approvals will be required before building permits aze issued, including height and setback variances, site plan review, and historic review. 4. Nullification of the consents given on the rezoning petitions. Most of the petition signers specifically support the moving and restoration of the Armstrong House, but would not support whatever residential development may be permitted in the zoning district without the house. If the Armstrong Iiouse is not moved to Chestnut Street or suffers severe damage during the move and cannot be restored, the parties want to retum the zoning, at least for the time being, to P-1. 5. Attachment to rezoning petitions for RT-1, RT-2, and RM-1. This addendum is hereby attached to each of the three rezoning petitions as an explanation for why multiple petitions aze being submitted and as a safeguard for the affected neighbors. 6. Signatures of the Parties. I agree with the provisions of this addendum. (Please sign and date.) . , � �,����� � Molly uth Danhuna K:�Sfiared�PedVSODF.RIIOUZONING�Am�sLmM,HuuscZAddendum2.apd Z � u V, .�'' � � STATE OF MiNNESOTA) COtJ�ITY OF RA1vISGI' ) .: b � -�� �'�'�'Z7'�03\"z'O Rr701l� .A.T�'FIDAVi�' or ��xz�zon SS The petitioner,��� �p�' C �'��n' first dul}• swo:n, deposes and states tliat tiie consent petition contains sianatures from at least ttivo-thirds (zh) of all eli�ible pruperties t�•ithin ] 00 feet of all property o��•ned, purchlsed, or sold by petitioner ��•ithin one (1) year precedin; tlie date of this p�tition ��•hich is conti�uous lo ihe p;op�rty described in the pelition; petitioner is informed that the consent petition must contain signahirz; from each all ot`•ners of jointly-o��•neci property in order to constitute consent from that propeRy� and that failure to oUtain consent from each �nd 11l oti�Ters could im�alidate tha consent p�tition; pctitioner beliet•es that the consent petition �vas signed by each of said o��•ners zad that the si�nattrces nre the true and correct si�natures of eacit and all of the parties so described. . �--- � rAME GL �� ' - P�r� � ADDRESS Gs/-a6�� 66�� TELEPHONE I� U�SBER Subscribed and s��•orn to before me � this�,' dayof ��,}g ° �.dHTH9� Af. �R&SON-HEYK . �3FRRYPUBLIC•&11W�E9DTA A9Y C9AAMISSION �$pl��S JAk. 38� 2005 � � !��'� �� . AR1 PUBLIC Pa�e of • • 1 /31 /97 � ;,�!� .. � � � ` ' AFFlDAVIT OF PERSON CIRCULATING THE CONSENT PETITiON STATE OF MINNESOTA) :SS COUNTY OF RAMSEY) � � , being first duly sNrorn, deposes and states that he/she is the person who circulated the consent petifion consisting of A t! Pages; that affiant represents fhat the parties described on the consenE petition are al! the respective owners of the properties placed immediately before each name; that affiant is informed and betieves that each of the parties described on the consent pefifion is an owner of the property which is wifhin 100 faet of any property owned, purchased, or soid by petitioner avithin one (1) year preceding fhe date of this pefition �vhich is contiguous to the�property described in the petition; t °^� ^,, `'.. , and that the signatures are the true and correct signatures of each and ali of the parties so described. ��,�k9 ; S-1 -o 5��n���re.' this I5�- day of me �,/�,�n h,t���af�, NAME 23�t �r� �"�"✓L ADDRESS �Sl- 22�t-�9�7 TELEPF-lONE NUMBER � � --�, �D, .-�.s f�J. �JJ�� NO ARY PUBLIC ,.•:, ,, -• ,_�;. � • �Y � �YI'. � . Page � of 1/3/00 � % . . � . . ♦ � FIRST SUBMITTED � DATE PETITION SUBtitITTED: J�� D� DATE OFFICIALLY RECEIVED: 5� �' PARCELS ELIGIBLE: PARCELS REQUIRED: PARCELS SIGNED: RESUB�4ITTED DATE PETITTON RESUBSfITTED: _ DATE OFFIC[ALLY RECEIVED: PARCELS ELIGIBLE: PARCELS REQUIRED: PARCELS StG`IED: CHECKED BY: �^'� ' ���``� DATE: 5���� � �4.rI� �f� YMe. �3 9 �0 ,. a � �cS zONiNG �ILE � city of saint paul planning commission resolution fiie number ol-So date ' June 8 2��1 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paui, File #0'I-189-219, has petitioned for a rezor+ing under the provisions of §64.400 and §60.720 of the Saint Paul Legisiative Code, from • P-1 to a residential district--either RT-1, RT-2, or RM-1—for property located at 235 Chestnut Street (commoniy referred to as the former Plastics, Inc. parking lot); and WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission, on May 31, 2001, held a public hearing at which ali persons present were given an opportunity to be heard pursuant to said application in accordance the requirements of §64.300 of the , Saint Paul Legislative Code; and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Planning Commission, based on the evidence presented to its Zoning Committee at the public hearing as substantially reflected in the minutes, made the following findings of fact: � 1. The parcel is 21,000 square feet, with a poiential addition of roughly 4,000 � square feet if the Hill Street right-of-way is vacated. Hill Street cannot be built because of the topography. The parcel is presently zoned P-1 and is an unstriped parking lot for roughfy 60 cars. If was a parking lot for Piastics, Inc. untii the company was purchased by the City to make way for the Science Museum of Minnesota. The westerly edge of the parcel is a steep siope with some retaining walis; the parking surface is about 14 feet below the level of the yard of the historic Ohage House (the yellow brick house), which faces Irvine Park. Along the site, Chestnut Streef slopes down toward the river. The parking ace that reduces the angle of the slopes. 2. The proposed use is to move the historic Armstrong House to the site and restore it as residential units. To get a house moving permit from the City, the Plastics lot must first be rezoned to a residential district. The Armstrong House is a large structure with a footprint of approximately 3,500 square feet, a potential finished floor area of 11,000 square feet on three floors, and a height of 45 feet to the ridge (staff estimate). The fiouse was originally built as a side-by- moved -by Rramer seconded b�r in favor Approved (Faricv abstained) against � 10 a 1-�LS � Zoning File # 01-189-219 Planning Commission Resolution page 2 side double house. It was later used as a nursing home, but much of the originai floor QI'an was keQt. 3. As planned, the Historic Irvine Park Association (HIPA} wiil become the developer ofi the house and will select a co-developer to heip them with the renovation. The HRA will move the house, pui it on a new foundation, and do much of the exterior restoration to make the house secure and weather tight, for example, window and door repairs, tuckpointing, new roof, and front porches. Then the co-developers wiil take over and do the interior, utilities, parking, and landscaping. HIPA is currently conducting their feasibility analysis to determine what number of housing units are necessary on the property to make the project work financially. HIPA's goal is to consfruct the fewest number of units on the property that will be feasible; the new, residential zoning on fhe property should be to a correspondingly restrictive residential zoning district. � 4. On 4l25/01 the City Councii approved this redevelopment strategy for the Armstrong House at the Plastics parking lot and for the Smith Avenue Transit Hub, which is a$30 million project north of the Xcel Arena, where the Armstrong House currently sits. Their action is laid ou and named HfPA to he �23. On 5/23/01 the HRA concurred in this strategy redeveloper of the Plastics lot. 5. Therefore, the City of Saint Paui, as current owner of the Plastics lot, has submitted three alternative rezoning petitions for different residential densities-- RT-1 Duplex; RT-2 Threeplex/FourplexlTownhouse; and RM-1 Apartments. The petitions are subject to an addendum that explains the proposed redevelopment steps, as described in findings 2and 3 above. At the time of this Planning Commission resolution, PED and HIPA do not know how many units will be developed. They request the Planning Commission to recommend to the City Councii that any of the three zoning districts is satisfactory. The addendum says that HIPA will decide which of the three zoning districts it wants at least ten days before the City Councii's public hearing on the rezoning. If <-iIPA does not submit its preference, the petitioners will recommend RT-1 Duplex zoning. The addendum has a furfher provision that if the Armstrong Nouse cannot, for some reason, be moved to the site, the petitioners want the zoning to be returned fo P-1 Parking. � 6. The three rezoning petitions are sufificient. The petitiona cels were�needed, 10 5/1/01. 13 parcels were eligibie to sign the petition, 9 p l� � Zoning Fite # 09-989-299 Pianning Commission Resolution Page 3 signed. The addendum was also signed by the same parties. The City and all of the eligibie, nearby homeowners signed the pet+tion. 7. A residential rezoning of the parcel_is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. Historic preservation is advocated in both the Land Use Chapter (Policy 5.9.1) and the Housing Chapter (Policy 4.2). The Housing Plan calis for the production of more housing units (Policy 5.1) and design solutions that compiement existing neighborhoods (Policy 5.2). The Land Use Plan calls for development on the fringes of downtown that create more inviting access to and from the neighborhoods adjacent to downtown--the Plastics lot prominently overiooks the new Science Museum Park (Policy 4.6.1). � In addition, the redevelopment of the W. Seventh and Kellogg site as a transportation center supports the downtown office and visitor sectors with parking and supports the Riverview Transit Corridor and other bus lines with a high quality station area. The proposed transportation center conforms to the goals of fhe Transportation and Land Use chapters of the Comprehensive Plan. 8. Since the John M. Armstrong House is listed on the National Register of Historic � Places, guidelines for the moving and restoration of the house are spelied out in detail in a Memorandum of Agreement among the Federal Highway Administration, the Advisory Councii on Flistoric Preservation, the State N+storic Preservation Office, and the City. The Section 106 historic preservation procedures are being followed. The Plastics lot is within the boundaries of the local Historic Irvine Park Historic District, where development is reviewed by the Saint Paul Heritage Preservation Commission. PED sfaff showed the Zoning Committee drawings illustrating fhe house move concepc. i ne ioi nas amp�e width for the Armstrong House plus outbuilding(s), but is shallower than would be ideal, depending on the size of the oorches that will be added to the front and maybe the rear. Depending on the final siting of the structure, it is possible thaf variances will be requested for front or rear setbacks and for height. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul Planning Commission recommends to the City Council that it approve, after receiving the preference of the Hisforic Irvine Park Association in writing, any one of the three residentia! rezoning petitions submitted by the City of Saint Paul for RT-1, RT-2, or RM-1 for the property located af 235 Chestnut Street (legally described as Lot 1, except the northwesteriy 101.23 feet thereof, and all of Lots 9 and 10, Block 35, Rice and Irvine's Addition to Blocks 26-41) as the new site for the historic John M. Armstrong House, which is to be � resfored as housing unifs, according to the terms City Council Resolution # 01-423. �v • � � MINUTES OF THE ZONING COMMITTEE Thursday, May 31, 2001 - 3:30 p.m. City Council Chambers, 3` Floor City Hall and Court House 15 West Kellogg Boulevard PRESENT: EXCUSED: Anfang, Alton, Faricy, Gordon, Kramer, Mejia, and Morton Field OTHERS Peter Warner PRESENT: Carol Martineau, Allan Torstenson, Larry Soderholm of PED The meeting was chaired by Commissioner Kramer. �� ,�CS City of St. Paul HRA - 01-189-219 - Rezone from P-1 to RT-1, RT-2 or RM-1 Residential for the purpose of moving the historic Armstrong House to the site for restoration as housing. Larry Soderholm showed a photo board depicting the site from various angles and presented the staff report. Mr. Soderholm explained that one of the neighborhood concerns is how the Armstrong House wiil impact the views. Mr. Soderhoim explained the Historic Irvine Park Association will become the developer of the property and wilt select a co-devetoper to help with the renovations. HRA will provide the funding to do much of the exterior work and the developers wiil decide how many units are necessary to have a feasible development and wiil do the interior finishing. The Zoning Staff recommends Approval and the City Council endorsed the concept of moving the house to Irvine Park and rezoning it for residential use in a resolution passed in April of 2001. Commissioner Gordon said that he approved of the Armstrong house being saved and preserved. He asked how many units were allowed under the alternative zoning districts. Mr. Soderholm explained that the Armstrong House is designed as a double house, and it couid stay that way or it could be made into four, five or six units. Townhouses by definition have a front and back door, and it would be impossible to redevelop the Armstrong house as townhouses for more than two units. Mr. Soderholm stated that the Zoning Staff recommends the rezoning move ahead with a Planning Commission Resolution that supports any of the three rezonings, whichever the developers choose before the City Council's public hearing on the case. At the question of Commissioner Morton, Mr. Soderholm stated City Staff has a meeting scheduled nextweek with the State Historic Preservation Office, HPC Representatives, and the neighborhood to check on the progress of the development plan for the Armstrong House. Mr. Dan Smith, Project Manager with the Department of Planning and Economic Development, appeared on behalf of the applicant and offered to answer questions. Mr. Kevin McGrath, Vice President of the Historic Irvine Park Association, reported that ali the neighbors who were within the 100-foot radius signed the zoning petition. He also explained that they were in the process of finding a co-developer. At the question of Commissioner Caordon, Mr. McGrath stated the neighbors realize that the Armstrong Nouse wit4 block some views. Upon the question of Commissioner Anfang, Mr. McGrath stated that architect Dick Faricy is working with the City on the house move. The important factors are to get good views from 13 Zoning Committee Minutes May 31, 2001 File #: 00-189-219 Page 2 Shepard Road and the Science Museum and grouping the Armstrong House, Ohage House, McCarthy House, and Simonds House so that people can get a view of both the Armstrong House and the buildings that are higher on the bluff. The hearing was closed. Commissioner Alton moved approval of the zoning applications subject to the terms of the rezoning petitions and the City Council Resolution. Commission Anfang seconded it. The motion passed by a vote of 6-0 with Commissioner Faricy abstaining. Adopted Yeas - 6 Drafted by: , � Carol Martineau Recording Secretary Nays - 0 Abstained -1 (Faricy) Submitted by: �' ���`� Lar S derholm Zoning Section Approved by: r 1 LJ ����� � Ric ard Kramer Chair � • �� a�-8�S � Saint Paul Planning Commission City Hall Conference Center 15 Kellogg Boulevard W est Minutes of June 8, 2001 A meeting of the.Pianning Commission of the City of Saint Paul was held Friday, June 8, 2001, at 8:30 a.m. in the Conference Center of City Hall. Commissioners Mmes. Donnelly-Cohen, Duarte, Faricy, Zimmer Lonetti, McCall, Morton; and Present: Messrs. Alton, Anfang, Dandrea, Kong, Kramer, and Mejia. Commissioners Mmes. *Shortridge; and Messrs. *Field, *Fotsch, *Galles, �Gervais, *Gordon, Absent: *Johnson, and *Mardell. *Excused Also Present: Larry Soderholm, Planning Administrator; Tom Harren, Virginia Burke, Jeremy Lenz, Yang Zhang, Patricia James, M2rtha Faust, Gary Peltier, Allan Torstenson, and Mary Bruton, Deparhnent of Plamiing and Economic Development staff. � I. II. III • (No minutes ready for approval) Chair's Announcements No announcements. Planning Administrator's Announcements Mr. Soderholm reported the study of the Red Rock Corridor (the commuter rail corridor from Hastings to Saint Paul) has been moving along and wili be shown at an open house next Tuesday, June 12"' , 4:00 - 6:30 p.m. at the 5aint Paul Union Depot. It is the completion of Phase 1, the Commuter Rail Feasibility Study. Phase 2 is Conceptuai Design, which will be done over the next two years. The 12egional Growth exercise will be conducted again on June 19�' and June 22nd. Mr. Soderholm reported reading in the newspaper that the McKnight Foundation is contributing one million dollars a year to traffic calming and to green space preservation. He stated there is a group, including a McKnight representative and PED staff, that will continuing working on traffic calming. A4r. Soderliolm reported a� the City Council issues this week: Buffalo Sober House public hearing is scheduled for June 27` �� � , support, and one person spoke in opposition. The public hearing was closed. The Zoning � Committee recommended approval on a vote of 7-0 MOTION: Commissioner Kramer moved the Zoning Committee's recommendation to apprme the rezoning. The motion carried unanimous[y on a voice vote #Ol-1R9-219 Citv of St. Paul HRA - Rezone from P-1 pazking to RT-1, RT-2 or RM-1 residential for the purpose of moving the historic Armstrong House to the site for restoration as housing. 235 Chesmut St., xx Hill St. (Larry Soderholm, 651/266-6575) Commissioner Kramer stated that the staff and the West Seventh Federation both recommend approval of residential rezoning. One person spoke in support, no one spoke in opposition. The public hearing was closed. The Historic Irvine Pazk Associarion is the tentaUve redeveloper and they are working currenfly to detemvne which one of the three residential districts will match the number of units they will need to put on the property to make the project economically feasible. Before the City Council public hearing, they wiil decide which of the three districts they want. The Zoning Committee moved approval of any of the three residential zones on a vote of 6-0 with 1.. abstention. MOTION Commissioner Kramer moved the Zoning Committee's recommendation to approve the rezoning. The motzon was approved with 1 abstention (Commissioner Faricy). - 9-] 02 St. Paul Coaeneration - River Comdor Special Condition Use Pemut to construct a fuel receiving building with equipment located below the regulatory flood protection elevation in the RC-2 Flood Fringe District. 76 Kellogg, between vacated Mazket and vacated Ontario. � (Martha Faust, 651/266-6572) Commissioner Kramer stated that the staff and the CapitolRiver Council recommend approval of the Rivet Corridor SCUP. One person spoke in support, no one spoke in opposition. The public hearing was closed. The Zoning Commit[ee recommended approval on a vote of 7-0. MOTION Commissio�zer Kramer moved the Zoning Committee's recomn:endatio�t to approve the SCUP. The motion carried unanimously on a voice vote. ommissioner ramer a n�'IRfC� o ��Q� - #O1-201-645 St. Bernard's School - Sign area and height variances to allow a 2-sided, 3 feet high by 6 feet 8 inches wide identification sign and electronic bulletin board mounted on a 10 foot high pole along Rice Street. 160 Rose Ave. W. (147 Geranium), Rice between Rose & Geranium. (Yang Zhang, 651/266-6659) #O1-206-105 Heartland Auto Sales Inc. - Special Condition Use Pernut (SCUP) to increase number of vehicles allowed to be parked on the lot: 27 vehicles allowed under 1999 SCUP for second hand auto saTes business; 37 propoSad including 4 spaces for adjacent restaurant. 1236 Arcade Street. (Rich Malloy, 651/266-664�) • � a �,�cS �.1 � � ZOl�TING COMMITTEE STAFF REPORT FILE # O1-189-219 1. APPLICANT: CITY OF SAINT PAUL HEARING DATE: 5/31/Ol 2. TYPE OF APPLICATION: Rew nina &om P-1 to RT-1 or RT-2 or RM-1 3. LOCATION: 235 Chestnut St. (northwest comer of Chesmut and Hill Streeu) 4. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: See Sle 5. PLANIVING DISTRICT: 9(W. Sevemh St.) PRESENT ZOIVING: P-1 6. ZOIVING CODE REF�RENCE: Sec. 64.400 on rezoning; Sec. 60.714 on P-1; Sec. 60.420 through 60.440 on RT-1 through RM-1 mnes 7. STAFF REPORT DATE: 5/24/Ol DATE RECEIVED: 5/1/Ol BY: Larry Soderholm DEADLINE FOR ACTION: 6/30/O1 A. PURPOSE: Rezone from P-1 (parking) to RT-1, RT-2, or RM-1 (residenUal zones with differeirt densities) for the purpose of moving the historic Armstrong House to the site for restoration as housing. B. C. D. PARCEL SIZE: 21,000 square feet (with the potential of adding 3,960 more square feet if Hill Street is vacated) EXISTING LAND USE: Pazldng lot for roughly 60 cars (old, unstriped asphalt) SURROIJNDING LAND USE: Fasterly across Chestnut: Science Museum Pazk which opened in 2000. Chestnut St. is a major entry point to the downtown; however there is no recent traffic coLwt since the completion of Shepazd Road and the Xcel Arena. Northerly: Vacant lot at SW corner of Cheslnut and Ryan; across Ryan, the Panama Flats 6-unit condominiums built in the `80s. Westerly: Restored houses of the Historic Izvine Pazk neighborhood with one to three units. Mostly lazge structures. The site is at a grade about 14 feet below the abutting yazd of the Justus Ohage House (lazge yellow brick one). Southerly: Unbuilt right-of-way for Hill St.; Soo Line/CP railroad tracks with billboard;new Shepazd Road;proposed Upper Landing mixed use redevelopment on the river; the riverbank is about 800 feet from the site. � _ ,; E, ZONIIVG CODE CITATION: Sec. 64.400(a) states in part, "the council may from time to vme, amend, suppleme�rt or change fhe district boundaries or the regutations herein, or subsequemiy � established herein pursuant to the provisions of Minnesota Statutes Section 462357 .... The planning comwission may from time to time, review district boundaries lines to determine if, pursuant to state laws, such district boimdary lines should be changed. Sec. 64.OD(b) states in part that "an amendment to the zoning code may be initiated by the council, the planning commission or by petition of the owners of sixty-seven (67) parcent of the area of the property to be rezoned." Sec. 60.714 describes the restrictions in the P-1 Pazldng District, which is the cnrrent wning on the properry. Sec. 60.420 describes the permitted uses in the RT-1 Dupleic zone. Sec. 60.430 describes the pemutted uses in the RT-2 Triplels/Fourplex/Townhouse zone. Sec. 60.440 describes the pemutted uses in the RM-1 Multifamily zone. As eicplained in findings 3, 4, and 5 below, ttris application is unusual in that three petitions for three alternative proposed residential mning districts have been submitted simultaneously in order to expedite the moving of the Annstrong House. F. HISTORYlDISCUSSION: For many years this pazcel was used as a pazldng lot for Plastics, Inc., wluch had an indushial plant across Chestnut Street from the lot. In the 1998 the City bought Plastics, Inc. as part of the redevelopmem site for the Minuesota Science Museum. All of the Plastics, Inc. properry east of Chestnut St. has been redeveloped. This pazldng lot on the west side of Chestnut St. is a leftover pazcel. The parldng lot is now a nonconforming use inasmuch as the pazidng is no longer accessory to a specific business. It is a commercially operated lot and, under the Zoning Code, a principal use. In 1999 and 2000 the Saint Paul HRA worked with a developer � to build new multifamily housing and to move the Am�strong House to the site. However, the Irvine Pazk neighbors refused to sign a rezoning petition for the number of housing units proposed (last proposal was for 12 units) and the proposal died. Meanwhile, the Saint Paul HItA was also loolang for a workable site and redevelopment plan to move the long-vacant, historic Armstrong House from Smith Ave. near Kellogg Blvd., thus opening up a large site that is proposed to become the Smith Avenue Transit Hub at W. Seventh and Kellogg. The Historic Irvine Pazk Association (HIPA) has long been interested in the fate of the Armstrong House because of its proximity to their neighborhood and because a couple of other candidate sites for its relocation were in their neighborhood. When the idea azose that the Armstrong House could be moved to the Plastics pazldng lot site with the neighborhood in control of its redevelopmem, the interests of the City and the neighborhood converged. The City will be able to move the Armstrong House and make way for the new transit and will also ensure the redevelopment of the Plastics lot. The Irvine Pazk neighborhood will be able to save the Armstrong House and co�rol the fuhue land use of the Plastics lot. This redevelopment package was approved by the City Councd in a detailed a tesolution approved on 4/25/01 (aitached). G. DISTRICT COTJNCIL RECOMNIENDAITON: "`Tfie West Sevent[i Fed'eration recommends' approval of rewning the pazcel to a residential mning district for the Armstrong House move. Furthermore, they are actively participating in efforts to put together a feasible development proposal for its restoration. • 2 �t� o � -�c.s H. FINDINGS: * 1. The pazcel is 21,000 square feet, with a potential addition of roughly 4,000 squaze feet if the Hill Street righbof-way is vacated. Hill Street cannot be built because of the topography. T'he pazcel is presently zoned P-1 and is an unstriped parldng lot for roughly 60 cars. It was a pazldng lot for Plastics, Inc. until the wmpany as purchased by the City to make way for the Science Museum of Miunesota. The westerly edge of the pazcel is a steep slope with some retaining walls; the pazlang surface is about 14 feet below the level of the yazd of the ]ristoric Ohage House (fihe yellow brick house), wluch faces Irvine Pazk. Along the site, Chestnut Street slopes down towazd the river. The pazldng lot has been graded as a terrace that reduces the angle of the slopes. 2. The proposed use is to move the lustoric Armstrong Aouse to the site and restore it as reside�ial units. To get a house moving pemut from the City, the Plastics lot must first be rezoned to a residential district. The Amistrong House is a lazge struchue with a footprint of approximately 3,500 square feet, a potential finished floor azea of 11,000 squaze feet on three floors, and a height of 45 feet to the ridge (staff estunate). The house was originally built as a side-by-side double house. It was later used as a nursing home, but much of the original floor plau was kept. 3. As planned, the Historic Irvine Park Association (HIPA) will become the developer of the house and will select a co-developer to help them with the renovation. The I-IRA will move the house, put it on a new fouudation, and do much of the exterior aestoration to make the house secure and weather right, for example, repair windows and doors, tuckpointing, new � roof, and porches. Then the co-developers will take over and do the nrterior, utilities, pazldng, and landscaping. HIPA is currently conducting their feasibility analysis to detemune what number of housing units aze necessary on the property to make the project work financially. HIPA's goal is to construct the fewest number of units on the properry that will be feasible; this rezoning of the properry to will be to a conespondingly restrictive residential zoning district. 4. On 4/25/O 1 the City Council approved this redevelopment strategy for the Armstrong House at the Plastics pazldng lot and the Smith Avenue Transit Hub. Their action is laid out in Council Resolution # O1-423 (attached). On 5/23(Ol the HRA concurred in ttris strategy and named HIPA to be the redeveloper of the site. 5. Therefore, the City of Saint Paul, as current owner of the Plastics lot, has submitted three altemative rezoning petitions for differeirt residential densities--RT-1 Duplex, RT-2 Threeple�Fourple�'Townhouse, and RM-1 Apartmeirts. The petirions aze subject to an addendum that explains ihe proposed redevelopment steps, as described in findings 2 and 3 above. At the time of the Planning Commission's action, PED and F3IPA do not expect to lmow how many units will be developed. They request the Planniug Commission to recommend to the City Council t1�at any of the three zoning districts is satisfactory. The addendum says that I3IPA will decide which of the tluee wning districts it wants at least ten days before the City CounciPs public hearing on the rewning. If HIPA does not submit its preference, the petitioners will recommend RT-1 Duplex zoning. The addendum has a further provision that if the Annstrong House cannot, for some reason, be moved to the site, the petitioners want the zoning to be returned to P-1 Parking. • �_ ( 6. The three rewning petitions are sufficient. The petitions were received on 5/1/Ol . 13 pazcels were eligible to sign the petition, 9 pazceLs were needed, 10 signed. Tha addenduxn � was also signed by the same parties. The City and all of the eligible, nearby homeowners signed the petition. A residential rem nino of the parcel is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. Historic preservation is advocated in both the Land Use Chapter (Policy 5.9.1) and the Housing Chapter (Policy 42). The Housing Plan calls for the production of more housing units (Policy 5.1) and design solutions tbat complement existing neighborhoods (Policy 52). The Land Use Plan calls for development on the fringes of doKmtown that create more inviting access to and from the neighborhoods adjacem to downtown—the Plastics lot prominently overlooks the new Science Museum Park (Policy 4.6.1). In addition, the redevelopment of the W. Sevemh and Kellogg site as a[rausportation center supports the do�vtown office and visitor sectors with pazking and supports the Riverview Transit Corridor and other bus lines with a lugh quality station azea. These aze also goals of the Transportation and Land Use chapter of the Comprehensive Plan. 8. Since the John M. Armstrong House is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Guidelines for the moving and restoration of the house aze spelled out in detail in a Memorandum of Agreemeirt among the Federal Highway Administration, the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation, the State Historic Preservation Office, and the City. The Section 106 Iristoric preservation procedures aze being followed. The Plastics lot is within the boundaries ofthe local Historic Irvine Pazk Historic District, where development is reviecved by the Saint Paul Heritage Preservation Commission. � 9. No site plan has been submitted, but PED staff have previously made drawings to illustrate the house move wncept. The lot has ample width for the Armstrong House plus outbuilding(s), but is shallower than would be ideal, depending on the size of the porches that will be added to the froirt and rear. It is possible tbat variances will be needed for front or rear setbacks and for height. I. STAFF RECOMiVI�NDATION: Based on findings 1 through 9, staffrecommends appmval of the application to rewne 235 Chestnut Street to a residential zoning district, either RT-1, RT-2, or RM-1, whichever district is the most restrictive zone in which the Armstrong House can feasibly be restor an so wi e terms ity ounc eso uhon . e ecision as o w c o """"` the three reside�ial districts will be made by the City Council at the time of their public hearing, after receiving the petitioners' preference. Attachments: Application, petitions with addendum, and sufficiency check City CounciI resolution Newspaper article Photos and floor plans of Amistrong House from 1998 Building Relocation Study New street configuration Zoning Maps of site (old street configuration) i � FINAL �� � I'TY Presented By '" Referred To v 2.�I�S \ � 1N . Council File k Ol � �e�.3 Resolution # ��'(`�� c�� c3-OCf� .S Green Sheet � �� �� ESOLUT O o � -� � � yr� . . Date 1 RESOLUTION SUPPORTING THE SMTTH AVENUE TRANSIT HUB PR03ECT, EXECIITLrG A 2 NIEMORANDUbI OF AGREEME\'T ON THE ARMSTRONG/QUINLAiV HOUSE, ACCEPTL�'G 3 TITLE TO THE ARMSTRONG/QUINLAN HOUSE FROV1 THE STATE A�'D REQUESTIi\G HRA 4 TO RELOCATE AND STABILIZE THE AI2I�ISTRONG/QUINLAi�T HOUSE AT THE FORDIER 5 PLASTICS PARIiII�iG LOT SITE 0 � �VI-IEREAS, the City, after receiving initial approval for a$5.5 miliion federal grant in 1998, as spent 8 more than two yeazs investigating the feasibility of the Smith Avenue Transit Project includin� conducting a 4 federally mandated Section 106 Process with respect to the state owned historic Arnutrong�Quinlan House 10 ("House") and the Project as described in the attached Exhibit`3?; and 11 I Z WF�LEREAS, as part of the federal Section 106 Process, the City of Saint Paul must, together ��•ith the 13 State Historic Preservation Office and the Federal government, make an informed decision on its mitigation �efforts with respect to the House, before proceedin� �vith the Project; and 16 WHEREAS, the City Council supports a measured approach bet�veen preservation of historic stiuctures fD to«� 17 and the development of the Smith Avenue Transi[ Hub, which �vill ser��e the westem end o o�vn 18 including the RiverCentre Area; and : 19 2p �VF�REAS, the House is a federally designated historic house that requires a thorough analysis of the 21 altemative solutions and the impact the Project will have on the historic nature of the House; the altemative 22 solutions reviewed with the City Council include: (1) leaving the House in its present location �vith the 23 Devetopment Program around the House ("In Place Altemative"), (2) moving the House to several possihle 24 sites in either the `Vest Seventh/Irvine Park area, the edge of the site along Seventh Street or Saint Joseph's 25 Lane ("City Sites") or other site acceptable to the City or (3) demolition and mitioation of the House; 2nd 26 27 WI-IEREAS, concemed citizens for preserving the House have eapressed a cleaz preference for the 28 House to be preserved and redeveloped as residential in the Irvine Pazk azea �vhich is attached in the Section 29 106 Report Volumes 1-5 previously submitted to the City Council; and 30 � 31 WF�REAS, the State Legislature in 2000 agreed to donate the House and surround'm� land to the Crty 32 on the condition that City agreed to move the House to an alternative location so that it can be presen and 33 34 WHEREAS, in Res. 00-6/14- 3, HRA provided funds of $2,375,000 for the moving xnd stabilization a � the House with its preferred site being the former Plastics Pzrking Site near Ryan and Chestnut and th2t the City cause the House to be moved and stabilized; and 31 ", � � WHEREAS, a Memorandum of Agreement ("MOA") among the Federat Highway Administration ("FHWA"), the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation ("ACHP") the Minnesota Historical Preservation Office ("SHPO") and the City along with concurring parties has been negotiated and attached 'm Extubit 1; and tiVI�REAS, Saint Paut Heritage Preservation Commission ("HPC") hosted the required public meeting required by the federal SecYion 106 process on August 10, 2000 conceming the House and Smith Aveaue Transit Hub; and WHEREAS, HPC has passed rivo resolutions concerning the House ( HPC Res 99-4 on 7uly 22, 1999 and Res. Oi-1 on January 11 , 2001). The second resoluYion supports execution by HPC of the MOA, subject to its normal review with respect to municipal preservation matters as descn'bed in Chapter 73 of the Saint Paul Legislative code (see Exhibit 1,.Stipulation I C and D); and �VI-�REAS, the City Council recognizes the imgortance of the Seien Comers Gateway Area of &aint Paul, including significant views of the Saint Paul Cathedral, Xcel Energy Center and other important landmarks; and �yI�REAS, the City Council recogniies other projecis that are under consideration including transit projects such as the Riverview Comdor and the Trolley, arid other parkin� projects for Holiday Inn Hotel, United/Children's Hospitals, and others; and � WI-IEREAS, a pazking supply and demand study for the tvestem end of Do«vto��n, including the Smith Avenue Transit Hub, United Hospital campus, Holiday Inn Hotel etc,. `Vill be completed shortly to assist the City: ( I) in the coordination between pending parking and transit projects in the westem end of Downto4vn and (2) in helping determine the final number of pazking spaczs to be financed and constructed as �art of the Smith Avenue Ttansit Hub Project. � NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council approves and directs the following: 1. Accepts the final Section 106 Smith Avenue Transit Hub Report, Voiumes 1-5. This includes Volume 5 which was prepazed after the required public hearing on August 10, 2000 at the Saint Paul Heritage Preservation Commission and contains all written testimony of interested parties and the City's response to the testimony. 74 2. Approves proceeding with the Smith Avenue Transit Hub Pro�ect an accep • 75 from Federal government for the Project and directs staff to complete securing at least 52•0 sullion from 76 Metro Transit, which will be used towazd the transit component of the Project. 77 78 3. Approves execution of the Memorandum of Agreement suhstantialiy in the form as attached in Exhi , be a roved by the City Attorney and . .� � by appropriate City officials, and with such subsequent changes as may pP PED staff that are consistent with the actions taken in this Resolution. 4. Accepts title to the House and surrounding land from th'e State of Minnesota �ith the condician isnposed b'i 2000 Legislature that in exchange for the House being donated to the City, the City a�ree thzt the House be preserved at an alternative site and directs staff to complete acceptance. 5. City selects Site # 7 the focmer Plastics Parking Lot (on Chestnut St. south of Ryan Street) as the site to � which the House will be moved and stabilized for residential rzuse,_ namza Historic Par'b Assoc �n. � a >�<�;> : .:..:: .::.:: ..;;�:: :.,_: :<,<<_ , ._. : Redeveloper, and approves attached Memorandum of Intent,w�nc[�zding a prov�sion.f��sharec paiti,c,?p.._-...-..- - 27i 89 ��� ���11��:..����� �,,....,�#`•�•6?tI ��?37F' �� ��•,� � � ,�,�•'..�flrpeF� ia SuhStantially th0 s �:o��e> ,�.. 90 same form as attached in Exlubit�2 with such suhsequent changes as may be approved by the Ciry Attorney 91 and PED staff that are consistent with the actions taken in this Resolution. Siting, move and stabitizatioa o 1-�' � 92 ivrties of the House on Site #7 w�l be reviewed by the HPC as fiuther descnbed 'm the lines 48-51 abo�'e. � . 93 _ 94 0. Authorizes City staff to commence and complete vacation process to convey Site N7 - Plastics to FiRA, who 95 in turn will convey to the Redeveloper. 96 97 7. Accepts rezoning peritions for the former Plastics Parking I,ot and authorizes rezoning process to begin. 98 � 99 8. Requests HRA to cause: 100 101 A) the House to be moved and stabilized and directs appropriate staff to retain a historic mover and aay 102 other contractors necessary to move and stabilize the House at Site � 7, consistent �vith the City's . 103 obligations descn'bed in the Memorandum of Agreement in Paragraph 3 abo� � 104 105 B) Use the $2375 million dollazs which have previously been bud�eted in HRA Res. 00-6/14-3 to 106 move and stabilize the House on behalf of the City. Further the City Council understands thesa HRA 107 monies are interim funds to the City that shall be reimbursed to the HRAtA no later than the closing on 108 the financing for the Smith Avenue Transit Hub by the City. 109 110 9. City staff is to continue design and traffic work on the Project on this gateway site to the Downtown by i l l Collaborative Design Group Architects(Dick Faricy, Bill Hickey, et. al.) and SRF Consulting Group, in 112 conjunction with other projects under consideration in the project area including Ri�'erview Comdor, Trolley 113 and other parking projectsin the area.. 1 1. .0. Afrer cpmpletion of the parking demand study for the westem end of Downto�cn, �vhich R�ll assist in the 116 coordination of pending parking and transit projects in the azea, the Administration shall return to the City I 17 Council and recommend: 118 119 120 121 x. I22 �:1': 123 124 125 (i) the number of pazking spaces and buses to be built for the Pro�ect (ii) the design concept for Project described in Exhibit 3 (iii) the Finance Plan for the Project which will be developed by PED and Financial Serr 126 127 Exhibit 1-Copy of draft Dec 17, 2000 MOA with City, FHtiVA, SHPO, ACHP, et al 128 t Sice 129 Exhibit 2- Draft Memorandum of Intent with Redeveloper of House at Plastic Pazi:ing I-o 130 131 Exhibit 3- Description of the Development Program for the Smith Avenue Transit Hub Project 132 133 � 2� Attachments to City Council Resolution o�-�t�� � � Adoption Certified by Couacil Secretary By: � �/���� Approved by Mayor: Date _ BY• � Requested by Departmeat af� plaaaiag & Econooic evelopmeat � � By: Approved by Fiaaacial Services Sy: �� %j•� /� U Fozm Apprwed by City` � tam�Y ., �By: aporoved by Mayo o SZsbmissio{�y� C eil � K �r/ 8/: � Adopted by Council: Date ���,. �5 a�01 �:- �.. . �� - A .i L -.��� ;:x. `�5.���"� .Y'a c�++�T-r.'YSE:�� ;c h Vn�. ._.. . ✓ «SYt " i.� ��i�� � . • ...,._ � i '� s £: � �'� .�(`— j t^t�T^i�c- '��� 1�"�� �'\ .� � .� �� ;� t � � ,� µ -a '_� . � I � . = 1: S� � —: � . _� V _ % _ 4 ��� l _ �� � � .�� _- E _ 1�1 � � � � �� �� ' ' —�.r �¢' 3nzre,P._^,.: _ , ., _ ,��.i--.,... , ,�., .�. � � ,W,. s ,.,,.r; ;�_._; , .,_ � �u: .o�.. ,„, .. ..� <.. _.m,.-�«.a, � __.�___����i-1—I � III,�1� • I LU i� i�a ❑ i � 1 � • BASEMENT FLOOR THE ARMSTRONG RESIDENCE � a- - _� �---' � _ _ _ ' � � ' / LS � � S i� � . 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Y /\/ 0 0 ' 1 � � � � i , �! ,PPLICANT �°� O� ��°� LEGEND . 'URPOSE �E �� ��� zoning district hnundary 4lE k��� � e� DAqE ,��m�� t � subject propeRy n"`� aRh� 'LNG. DIST___�___ �„�qp � ,� o one tamily ••^ commercial ��� two tamily � ..,. industrial � ',.,,_;: ja-�Q muttipl> tamily V vacarn - — --��-- - - - � - 0 1-fices _ � -� M 2 �y � L/° �� � Q � Q � ti� � � �i G) � n � � � . � . `� � i � � ` �. � � �, .O � \`./ �� F����� � � �„ ,`__� _� � r E �� S -�% ._r :` ; S " i l, . f r E:.�Y p�': � . 2 .� Council File # ��" o �S Ordinance # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 Presented By Green Sheet # ��� ��� ORDINANCE 11N PA L, MIN SOT a,G � � , Referred To Committee: Date An ordinance amending Chapter 60 ofthe Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to zoning for the City of Saint Paul and the zoning maps thereof: WIIEREAS, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes {462357 and 64.400 of the Legislative Code, the City of Saint PauUHRA duly petitioned to rezone properry at 235 Chestnut Street being legally described as EX NWLY 10123 FT, LOT 1 AND LOTS 9 AND 1Q BLOCK 35, RICE AND IRVINE'S ADDITION BLOCKS 26 THRU 41 AND 46 THRU 53 from P-1 (pazking) to RT-2 (fourple�townhouse residential) to allow a residential use, the petition having been certified by the Planning Division on OS/O1/O1 as having been consented to by at least 67% of the owners of the area of the property to be rezoned, and further having been consented to by at least two-thirds of the owners of the property situated within 100 feet of the total contiguous property within one year proceeding the date of the petition; and WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission on 05/3 U01, held a public hearing for the purpose of considering the rezoning petition, and pursuant to Section 107.03 of the Administrative Code, submitted its recommendation to the Plam�ing Commission that the petition be granted; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission considered the rezoning petition at its meeting held on 06/08/O1 and recommended that the City Council approve the petition; and WHEREAS, notice of the public hearing before the City Council on the said rezoning petition was duly published in the official newspaper of the City and was duly mailed to each owner of affected property and property situated wholly or partly within 350 feet of the property sought to be rezoned; and WF3EREAS, a public hearing before the City Council having been conducted on 07/11/O1, where all interested parties were heazd, the Council having considered all the facts and recommendations concerning the petition; now, therefore THE COiTNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIIV: Section 1. That the zoning map of the City of 5aint Paul, Sheet Number 21, as incorporated by reference in Section 60301 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, as amended, is hereby further amended as follows: That property located at 235 Chestnu Street being more particulazly described as: EX NWLY 10123 FT, LOT 1 AND LOTS 9 AND 10, BLOCK 35, RICE AND IRVINE'S ADDITION BLOCKS 26 THRU 41 AND 46 THRU 53 be and is hereby rezoned from P-1 to RT-2. Pu`�LI.S€ ��£� , r J 41 Section 2. °` O 1-�'�s 42 43 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and 44 publication. 45 > eas a s . Absent Requested by e ar men o : enanav a e ostrom „� Plannin & conomic Develo ment o eman ,i arris By: � antr ea ter � a � Adopted by Council: Date �,�-_ �� �a1t Adoption Certified by Council Secretary i ► _ � •.. . -. . . ._ - i � ' /i� -� , i/ / rI�%��. ��� . Form Appr ed by y Attorney By: Approved� Mayor fo Submision to Council By: / /1 /�� �� ���Sy� `"°'° `� �� DEPARTMENT/OFFtCE/COUNCIL: DATE INIT7ATED GREEN SHEET NO.: 1 1 J 1 OO � � PED Zoning 08/06/Ol 6� � CONTACT PERSON & PHONE: A 1N1II.1uDnT'E Larry Soderholm 266-6575 � 2 nErnxrn�rrr Dm. s crrr couxcn, MUST BE ON COUNCII. AGENDA BY ATE �SIGN 3 CTTY ATTY. _ CITY CLERK � � NIIMBER �`�'CIAL SERV D FINANCIAL SERV/ CCTG FOR 4 MAYOR (OR ASST.)� 1 PLANNING ADMA'p�7y� ROi7TING � ORDER TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1_(CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATiJRE) acriox �QUESrEn: Adopt � to approve rezoning of 235 Chestnut Street (former Plastics, Inc. parking lot) from P-1 (parking) to RT-2 (fourplear/townhouse residential). The City Council held a public hearing and voted 7-0 to approve the rezoning on July 11, 2001. - RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Rejec[ (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACf S MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. Has Utis peison/fum ever worked under a cortrac[ for fltis department? A PLANNING COMMISSION Yes No CIB COMMITTEE 2. Has ihis puson/fum ever been a city employee? CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION Yes No A Staff 3. Does this pe�on/fum possess a skill not nocmally possssed by any cumnt ciTy employee? Yes No Eaplain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTi1NITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why): The City Council identified this property as the site where the historic Armstrong House will be moved. The Historic Irvine Park Association was designated as the tentative developer and they have decided to restore the house as a threeplex or fowplex. Thus RT-2 zoning is appropriate. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: The zoning will permit moving of the Aimstrong House to the site for residential use. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: "� � V ��\/!� 1 9 V 1� � None. AUG 0 7 2001 CITY ATTOR N �Y DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: With the current P-1 zone, the only pernritted use of the property is parking. The Armstrong House cannot be moved to the site. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACfION: S COST/REVENUE BUDGETED: NUNDINGSOURCE: ACTIViTYNUMBER: ' " " � " �� FINANCIALINFORMATION:(EXPLAI� � ' AUG � �'-{IYII! ��a ' R2�Y M S�. � �� . �r�t�a',�� .i i i 'i �- /% � _ � O\-j'GS' � J ` �. � ` `'� � - � �/ j I ;"/ � " ,� '/�� i j/� ', , . i f, .i� � . � . � ` / ,i �f �3 �s , i' /� / �� � � � � � / ��� / �," � l �' / —_ ��yj - I �, � ; "x m � - �� i �� � � \ s/ G� � � -��.9. t � .��.. � � _ � �'� . j �� ,( �.� % R Ei G . ��/ `y _ '.-. g . /`\ Gi�Y/ � R a�/ � ./.�` . f � �, �♦ �.�. — . \, - s � '�� r.� Rb / R � � � �`^ +`�'. . � ' A, � / ` '� � � �' ��� � l ' � �� , _ qa # 'a __ __— --- � . � ~� � nt�' �,� � s���,.4 � !+� , u e3� ., s� �y r� - .N + '��h� . ` . � $ �.' � p w � i a�;+�y� � ' - \ii ji � ���Y�'4'.� � T� ��Y�' `` ��fi�C "3 � f*' j -�._ i.�t,� 4 el'Cn m. �� / � J '_� Y � ° ��� � � �� ��� � � � '� �� g n �.��. �.�b -. c ��ie � � � A + ' � q -. 51 ✓�,�*, ` q � pY�'�� �/ ' o�� �'w� ryj .€s � '�--- � � � d p s a�N .��'8 � /z-, ra+�,,.���ro -� �'o / �z �( F,. �� � 3 a -�I �' �t,;, � R, , ,r ] .$ � � ° � � ">�`"A '�����" � �� � � t� � ti i-a �� � J�-Q. .-. —_ _� �.m ' I _�� � / \ 7 g °� _ m � % K j , / ���_ � , _ .. o ~ v� R a^ � � �/ : t �`!,/-//� � / o F �i �w�5 j 6 \ \ � j ; j� 't �� , N3 � ` ' I10 j6 m0� \ / ^ _� �/ ``` � Z o / / / � � . /' \ 0 ' i�, x� � �' " I < � �. ''°-�'�g� � , , , ti; %-�i�•' , % - � - 'N . ' �� o% `n _ �� t/ �. y��� � � � . g.'�m_ I _ �� � � � � y f��� ;� * L �� _ � �. -�,�; �_:�� ��' , � , , .:�, . n . :°� � I� � � � , . � � .� ,. , ,, .' I , �� -_ . ... .. . ._. O\ -P'GS _ �``� ' � _ W 2 � i ��: �� r. �' `� n � � � � i � � � � i � � \ �i � � � � � \ �y C/V/C C�c-��. PQRK/NG RQ�P � G � /� 1 - *� � '�� � .. I����`°''; . m � ;.._ . > .t t:`� , :.� m• • � ,;:;� �,�y�;�, .� . � r4� WY � ���� ' . ,�`� ` E'a'IY'��� �-J 8 , /, � �� \` ::� / � � � . ♦ / � /� \ � � y /� } ♦ ! / � � , �` Y {�� / G c \ 'PLICANT � O� ��� �� LEGEND 1RPOSE-�� �� �..� zoning district Fi�undary � ��� ° ° �r� DATE�,��'�° � subject property �-� orth� NG. DIST Mqp � � o orte (amil . Y • � ^ commerciai _' ¢ F+vo family } .,,., indusL•ial _ � ,,:� t�¢Q multipl� (amily V vzcant � - - �— --- 'Z ✓ _� Q Q � �C v. SAINT PAUL �' AAAA'' � � DEPAILTMENT OF PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVEIAPMENT Brian Sweeney, D+reMOr CTTY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayar June 8, 2001 Ms. Nancy Anderson City CouncIl Research Office Room 310 City Hall Sairn Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Ms. Anderson: 25WestFourthStreet SaintPaul, A9J55702 I would like to confirm that a public hearing before the City Council is scheduled for Wednesday, 7uly 11, 2001, 5:30 p.m. for the following property rezoning that has been acted upon by the Planning Cortunission: Applrcant: FiZe Number: Purpose: Address: Legal Description of Property: Previous Action: CTTY OF SAINT PAUL #01-189-219 Rewne property from P-1 (Puking District) to either RT-1 (Twafamily Residential District) or RT-2 (Townhouse Resideirtial District) or RM-1 (Apartments) to allow the Historic Armstrong House to be moved to the site and restored as housing. 235 Chestnut Street (former pazking lot of Plastics, Inc.) See file. Planning Commission Recommendation: Approval, unanimous with one abstention, June 8, 2001. Zoning Committee Recommendation: Approval, unanimous with one abstemion, May 31, 2001. My understanding is that this public hearing request will appear on the agenda for the July 11, 2001, City Council meedng and that you will publish notice of the hearing in the Saint Paul Lega1 Ledger. Please call me at 266-6575 if you have any questions. Sincerely, V✓r " Larry S rholm Planning Administrator cc: File #01-189-219 Allan Torstenson Paul Dubruiel Cazol Martineau Bob Geurs Barbaza McCormick, Historic Irvine Pazk Association . ��. NOTICS OF POBIdC HEARING The Saint Pavl Clty Council wN con- duct a publlc hearing on Wednesday, July 11. 2001, at 5:30 p.m., City Covndt Chambexs. 3rd Floor Ctty Hall. to constder the applicaUOn of the City of Saint Paul to rezone property from p-1 (Pazking Distrtct) .to elther RT-1 (lbvo-famlly Residential Dlstrict) or RT-2 [fownhouse Residenttal DlstriaU or RM-1 (Apartments) W allow the historic Armstrong House to be moved to the stte and restored as hopsing at 235 Chestnut Street (former parking tut of Plasttcs. IncJ. Dated: Jnne 12. 2001 . ' NANCYANDERSON Asslstant pry Councn secn,tacy (June 1dJ SL PADL 7EfiAL IdLfiFB' � So Telephone: 61 2-2 66 6655 Facsim:le: 611-128-3314 O�'��S DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Brian Sweeney, Director a)-B�C� CTTY OF SAI1�l'f PAUL Norm CoLeman, Mayor Jllly 3, 2��1 Ms. Nancy Anderson Secret2ry to the City Council Room 310 City Hall Sairn Paul, Minnesota 55102 RE: Zoning File #01-189-219 City Council Heariug: 25WestFourthStreet Telephone:651-2666655 SaintPaul MN55102 Facsimile: 651-228-3314 CTTY OF SAINT PAUL/I3RA July 11, 2001, 5:30 p.m City Council Cbambers PURPOSE: To consider rezo nino property located at 235 Chestnut St. (former Plastics, Inc. pazking lot, �� between Ryan Ave. and Shepard RdJ from P-1 (pazking) to RT-1, RT-2, or RM-1 (altemative residential zones with different densities) for the purpose of moving the historic Armstrong House to the site for restoration as housing. PLANNING COMD�IISSION RECONIMENDATION APPROVAL ofwhichever ofthe three residential zoning districts is selected by the Historic Irvine Pazk Association. Vote: unanimous with one abstention. ZONING COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: APPROVAL, vote: 6-0 with one abstention. STAFF RECOMbIENDATION APPROVAL SUPPORT: One person spoke. The West Seveirth Federation supports rezoning to a residential district. OPPOSI'I'ION: No one spoke. Deaz Ms. Anderson: � The City of Saint Paul/HRA submitted three petitions to rezone property located at 235 Chestnut Street from P-1(pazking) to any one of the following residential zones: RT-1 (dupl�), RT-2 (fourplex or townhouse) or RM-1(multi-faznily). Before the City Council public hearing the Historic Irvine Park Association is supposed to detennine which of these zoning districts conesponds to the number of units they need to develop in order for the Amistrong House move to be economically feasible at the level of subsidy the HRA has already committed. The Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission held a public hearing on the proposed rezoning on May 31, 2001. There was neighborhood support and no opposition. At the close of the public hearing, the committee voted 6-0 with one abstention to recommend approval of whichever residential district was detemvned to work for the project. On June 8, 2001, the Plam�nig Commission upheld the Zoning Committee's recommendation for approval, again on a unauimous vote with one abstention. Ms. Nancy Anderson Zoning File # O1-189-219 July 3, 2001 Page 2 This proposed rezoning is scheduled to be heard by the City Council on July 11, 2001. Please notify Larry Soderholm (266-6575) if any member of ihe City Council wishes to have slides of the site preseirted at the public hearing. Sincerely, WrY► Lazry rholm Planning Administrator Attachments cc: City Council members Bob Geurs, PED Barb McCormick, Historic Irvine Pazk Association Ed Johnson, WestSeventh Federation Kevin McCrrath, neighbor � � u K.�Shazed�Ped�SODERFIOL�ZONiNGkc01-189-219.Ih.wpd fl, .�Gf � Attachments for Armsirong House/Plastics, Inc. Parldng Lot Rezoning Paees 1. Three rezoning petitions with addendum and affidavits 1-9 2. Plauning Commission resolution 10-12 3. Minutes of Zoning Committee and Planning Commission acrions 13-16 4. Zoning staff report 17-20 5. City Council resolution of April 25, 2001 21-24 6. Photos and floor plans of Armstrong House 25-29 . 7. Size of house in relation to the site 30 8. Zoning maps 31-33 � DI'�`S PETITION TO AMEND TFIE ZONING CODE Deparhnent of Planning and Bcnnomic Development Zoning Section I400 City HaU Arsnex 25 West Fourth Street `�� Saint Paul, MN SSIO2-1634 (651) 266-6589 Property Owner. APPLICANT PROPERTY LOCATION Zom�fg oftiee use only �� File�_" - n� _ Fee: 7enta6ve.Hearing Date: ,��ri' "V L Cit�F��',�/ � St. �i F�! Zip �S l D�i Daytime Phone Contact Person ('rf different)��7��y�1 Y37 Phone��Q `�oi�� Address / Location Legal Description Current Zoning �'` � _ (attach additional sheet if necessary) TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL: Pursuant to Section 64.400 of the Saint Pa Zoning Ordinance and to Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statues, EnY� G�' b� ��� � I� owner of land proposed for rezoning, hereby petitions you to rezone the above described property from a�� zoning district to��`�' 7T1' � j �'�/ zoning district, for the purpose of: (f( �" 1 �'�, - f�.��'u-� �,�rr� ;j �^�-e � `�e ���"e �s;�l�`� � � �P�-�► � .� }� `��ar�'wi'�^e � ��1 � i� . s� � �� �C�� � � � � ���r� � � ���Srb�� � � ����' �i� Ul �Rr-� d� �})� � r� �� � � �� �� �� i� ✓ � �i�,�, S�S . (attach additional sheet(s�if necessary) �� � y, � Attachments: Required Site Plan � Consent Petition � Affidavit l�l, � / � Subscribed and sworn to before me this ��� day of Q 20 n� . � Fee Owner of Property Title•%k-�i.Y-� �ir� c7-av` �—,�.�-.r : ° � __ . _ � p .YFi?S:4r �1. �RdSOPd-HEWS � r• G� ! �iJnni� � Eic�t� Dec• M�TARY rJ8UC- MINNE�TA �.A"t f,AAAMISSIOtd EX?P6tE5 ,ieYN. 34. 200'S Page 7 of _ CX'T�' O� SA.XNT P.A.�CJS� CONSENT' OF AD70INING PROPERTY OWNERS FOR , . .z�EZONZNc We, ihe undersigned, owncrs oFthe property within 100 feet oFtlic total contiguous description of rzal estate o�wied, purcUased, or sold by 7'HE PETlT10NGR within oae year preceding the date oE this pe[ition lcknowledoe that tive have becn presented �ti•ith the follo�ving; A copy oFtlie petition of (name of ctitioner) � / 1. to rezone Ilie Property located at a3S G� ES�A�.i,"�"' �� � ��� �l S!('22-� . from 1 �-' � zo�iing district to ah_ �'' 2oning district. � 2. A copy of sections (�.�I througl�,�� inclusive oFdi� Saint Paul Zoning Code; and nckno�vled�e diat �se nre aware of nl! oF die uses permitted in x q�'� zoning district znd tve arz lware that any oF tf�ese uses cnn be establisl�ed upon City Counci! approval oFthe rezoning. hereby consent to the rczonin� of dte property in the petition of; s �;_'.L,1_ 1]„�., a�� G�'`( o� S,�r1 �J7"' �'I�V L.'( PGj� �:�� j� �►� Z_to, � I zonino2istrict. ���.Vyy� (Namz of petitioner) �Vc conscnt to tlie �pproval of this rezoning as i �PPlic�nf or hisllier representafivc. o�z�t 2� s.c o0o t c;�y of s�;.,-t �au.L. o(, zgzz32, oolo C�f., o f S���f P��..L �z82ZZ3 0�3$ � DAv�d Cose.t{��, U628z�3Z 000�{ x�v� I�o!( 9f 2ts22 3z0003 � o6zgz232ooaS o6z�z�3.�oc�oQ o� z8zz3zoo�1 d�r Fcrn hoLz � (� �,/Rrner �AWk+�3e� 1Jan7Cf '� an q 171rk l�ArrfuwlA R.x.'{ 9 Rn'tv-w�a t�. 1��` �� er e.r1 U(p.2$ z Z3Zool2 r►1olly 1-k�we LynnTrus D . .. �-Ckt'S �i�/�MO/}�' '. �02� 2"z3�.0��3 !lr�ren SaSOri U�o 2 � 2 2 310610 I�Soo �ine. �ai �ra�c� pCo 28 z� a�{ c1�G�1 <<� aF sT E�A� f�G, �Q ��.25� /7A7[� Cr'f-46� 5�' NOT�: This petition shall not be considered as o�ciallyfled until tne lapse of seven (7) iti•orking days after it is recei�•ed by the Planning Division. Any signator of thispetition may withdra�ti�his/he� name thereE'rom by «ritten request within that time. :,:: � � expinined fo us by the °l 5� -/.1-cs � `f . /6 �dl r4\� i s � � u • • CX�'�' O� SA.XN'Z' P.A.Y1S� CONSENT�OF ADJOINING PROPERTX OZVNERS FOR A . •IZEZONXNG � � ,�GS 1Ve, llie undersigned, o�vncrs of the propery �vitl�in 100 feet ofthc rotal contiguous description of raal estate owited, purchased, or sold by THE PETITIO� IER �vithin on: year precedin� tiie date of this p�tition �cknowledge that we have been presentzd �vith tlie follou•ing: i. A copyoEthe petition of to rezone the property located at a3S Ches7'n�.i,'S" e..� d 5� �-����� Sfr��fi from 1 �� ` zoning district to a� oning district. 2, AcopyoCsections �•��2through �Q•�3,inclusiveoftlieSaintPautZoningCode; and ncknoti�•Icdge tlint we nre a�varo oP111 oFthe uses permitted in a�� zonin� district 2nd we are lware that any oF thzse uses cnn be established upon City Council approvxl of thz r.zonin�. 14' hereb�l �' consent to the rczoniug of the property in the petition oF, ����"�q �� t�Gi Ci� I'1 �t' ✓f��N 1 � r G�J / to 1��ionin^ �istrict. ��" "��� �_�� o (Nnme of petitioner) e of \Vc consent fo flie �pproval of fhis rezoning as it `vas expl�ined fo us by the :�pPlicanf or hislticr represenfafivc. OCn2$ Z�.S7. 000 l I C�� o-F Sa.n't ('kl�.L oG �k z'�.3� oo to C�'(-ti o� s�r�t PRk.L �z8zZZ3 oi3g v628zZ3z 000�{ p�z8zZ3�0003 o6z�zz32000S vGZ�z23�o�09 o � z8 z z.32oo►1 (�Avic� �',oset{'� o�t �teGro�.�f-h Fcrn hoLz on �a�ne� c��r!` t7Pr K t7. qn'�"u.rna Dan-tu.�+, q L�. Hn�Eu.vnA i� Rn'i �� I-�� I I er e.n U 6.Z8 Z z3ZooIZ �Ily 1-�we Cynn`G 06z8 zz3zoa�3 �-°"'S �, JIM6�1 �la�nn .T�S�Yl U�o 2 Fj 2 2 310610 �Soo Lin2. �.i �raac� p(o 2g Z� �� Gb��'f C�t`j�S Au.l.Science 06 �8 z�a4� vo7o c,=F 6� sT Pl�w L y., � -o� �/6 ��l ►µ�� � ��� o —/S i < hOT�: 7his petition shali not be considered as officially filed untit tne lapse of seven (7) �eorking days after it is recei��ed by the Planning Division. Any signator of this petition may withdrasti•hisme� name thertCrom by ��Titten request within that time. :: : ,•_1 3 ' ` �l m � C�'X'X O�' S.A.XI�T'� PA.�CJIJ COI�TSENT' OF ADJOINING PROPBRTY OWNERS POR A f . ..�.�zoNZNc We, the undersigned, otvncrs oftlie propery within 100 feet of thc total contigirous description of rzal estate o�vned, purct�ased, or sold by THE PETIT(O�ER within one year pczceding ili_ 2atz of this petition acknotiv(edge that we have becn presented u•ith the follo�vino: 1. A cop�' of the petition oF �name or p euuoner� �,( - to rezone the property localed at a3S Gh esfn�,�. - f - �..� et ?� ��� �� Sfr'e�� from 1 �-' � zoningdistrict to a}��zoningdistrict. � 2. AcopyoFsections �•��Z throuoh �.�3,inclusiveofdrSaintPaidZoningCodz; and ncknou•icdge diat a•e nre ativnro oFt�l( of the uses ptrmitted in �- l zoning district 2nd we are nware tliat any of tlitse uses can be estabtislied upon City Councii approval of tlie t:zoning. 11'c hereby' consent to the rezoning oP the property in the petition oF, L�� ��i N�A(,�Z� G � �"! � J41�� �_��i � to.�zonino2i;trict. (��� (Name of petitioner) �— 1Vc consent to flie �pproval of fhis rezoning as it tivas expl�ined fo us by the �PPIiclnf or his/}icr represenfafivc. 0�2,$ z� 32 000 ► C��ht� o-F Sa�n�t Pk1.a.L o!0 7-ff 2'�3Z oolo C��I-y of srat�t PA4.L �z82Z z3 o i3$ � pqv�c� �',o set{'c`. o62sz�3z 000� I mo zgzz 3zocio3 06 z$ Z 2 32 Oo 6S� obz�z23.�o�09 aG z82z32.00i1 Fern hoLz ; �c/Rrner iwr(��3<n �arnC�, c�trK i�Anfi'�ma Air K L�An'Euwiq f��ec I � � er er� 0(�.Z 8 z Z3Zoo1 �lly 1-F�we Lyn 0628 zz3Zool3 `-"�is F:ilMO� ICArer1 J'aS�rL U�n 2 � 2 2 31 O610I �Soo L�n� �i ��oc�.c� 01 J p� 2g z�z�f �.b��i ����sz�au.�x�ca�e n! seum ' 06 �8 z� a5r ao7o Cr�-y 6� ST PAw L ��-�--. 4-�.z�,�-- hOT�: This petition shall not be considered as officially filed until fne lapse of seven (7) tvork►ng , days aRer it is recei�•ed by the PlanningDivision. Any signator of thispetetion m�y �rithdra�� his/he� name therefrom by «Titten request within that time. � � `� �J • �Xk�b��f�u �— V�� a� ���.�- �. �,k�� V�� X.6�aao� � Addendum to Rezoning Petitions for 235 Chestnut St. and 0 Hill St. l J o, -��s 1. Parties agreeing to addendum. This addendum to the rezoning petitions for 235 C`� ��� Chestnut Street and 0 I3'ill Sueet has been reviewed and agreed to by the followin� parties: Saint Paul PED, Historic Irvine Park Association (HIPA), Kevin McGrath a Molly Femholz, Patrick and Rita Hawkinso Warner, Dirk and Ruth Dantuma, Peter �y� Hilleren, Louis Fillmon and Karen 7ason� �� }/te�� -�y�z �Yn,. e `� / 2. Purpose. The parties want to accelerate rezoning of 235 Chestnut Street to peanit the moving of the historic Armstrong House from its present location north of the Xcel Arena to the site. The site's present zoning is P-i, which aliows only surface pazking. Before the City can issue moving and foundation permits, the site needs to be zoned to permit housing. The parties agree that the property on Chestnut Street should be rezoned • to allow the Armstrong House to be moved and that the new zoning should be the most restrictive residential zone in which the house can feasibly be restored and sold. The City wants to move the house as soon as possible to open up the site north of the arena for redevelopment. Simultaneous zoning steps and redevelopment analysis. HIPA is negotiating to take ownership of the Armstrong House and to partner with a developer to restore and market it. At the time of the filing of the rezoning petitions, F3II'A has not had time to select a partner, complete a project feasibility analysis, or determine how many residential units will be at the site. While HIPA is working with developers, public agencies, and contractors to devise a feasible restoration plan for the properry, the City and the property ownecs within 1QQ feet of the Chestnut Street site are initiating three separate residential rezoning petitions for RT-1 (duplex), RT-2 (3-4 units), and RM-1 (multi-family) so that any one of them can be chosen later. The petitions will initiate the rezoning process at the Planning Commission; the parties expect that all three alternatives may still be under consideration when the Planning Commission holds its hearing and makes its recommendation. At least ten days before the rezoning petitions come before the City Council for third reading and public hearing, H1PA wili have determined and submitted to the City in writing which of the three alternative rezonings fits its restoration plan. The other two petitions will be withdrawn by the parties. If HIPA has not made a written recommendation, the parties will recommend that the Councii approve the RT-1 rezoning alternative. As soon as practical � � � after the Council approves a new zoning district, PED will request building permits for • excavarioq a new foundatioq and the house move. In addition to the rezoning, other City approvals will be required before building permits aze issued, including height and setback variances, site plan review, and historic review. 4. Nullification of the consents given on the rezoning petitions. Most of the petition signers specifically support the moving and restoration of the Armstrong House, but would not support whatever residential development may be permitted in the zoning district without the house. If the Armstrong Iiouse is not moved to Chestnut Street or suffers severe damage during the move and cannot be restored, the parties want to retum the zoning, at least for the time being, to P-1. 5. Attachment to rezoning petitions for RT-1, RT-2, and RM-1. This addendum is hereby attached to each of the three rezoning petitions as an explanation for why multiple petitions aze being submitted and as a safeguard for the affected neighbors. 6. Signatures of the Parties. I agree with the provisions of this addendum. (Please sign and date.) . , � �,����� � Molly uth Danhuna K:�Sfiared�PedVSODF.RIIOUZONING�Am�sLmM,HuuscZAddendum2.apd Z � u V, .�'' � � STATE OF MiNNESOTA) COtJ�ITY OF RA1vISGI' ) .: b � -�� �'�'�'Z7'�03\"z'O Rr701l� .A.T�'FIDAVi�' or ��xz�zon SS The petitioner,��� �p�' C �'��n' first dul}• swo:n, deposes and states tliat tiie consent petition contains sianatures from at least ttivo-thirds (zh) of all eli�ible pruperties t�•ithin ] 00 feet of all property o��•ned, purchlsed, or sold by petitioner ��•ithin one (1) year precedin; tlie date of this p�tition ��•hich is conti�uous lo ihe p;op�rty described in the pelition; petitioner is informed that the consent petition must contain signahirz; from each all ot`•ners of jointly-o��•neci property in order to constitute consent from that propeRy� and that failure to oUtain consent from each �nd 11l oti�Ters could im�alidate tha consent p�tition; pctitioner beliet•es that the consent petition �vas signed by each of said o��•ners zad that the si�nattrces nre the true and correct si�natures of eacit and all of the parties so described. . �--- � rAME GL �� ' - P�r� � ADDRESS Gs/-a6�� 66�� TELEPHONE I� U�SBER Subscribed and s��•orn to before me � this�,' dayof ��,}g ° �.dHTH9� Af. �R&SON-HEYK . �3FRRYPUBLIC•&11W�E9DTA A9Y C9AAMISSION �$pl��S JAk. 38� 2005 � � !��'� �� . AR1 PUBLIC Pa�e of • • 1 /31 /97 � ;,�!� .. � � � ` ' AFFlDAVIT OF PERSON CIRCULATING THE CONSENT PETITiON STATE OF MINNESOTA) :SS COUNTY OF RAMSEY) � � , being first duly sNrorn, deposes and states that he/she is the person who circulated the consent petifion consisting of A t! Pages; that affiant represents fhat the parties described on the consenE petition are al! the respective owners of the properties placed immediately before each name; that affiant is informed and betieves that each of the parties described on the consent pefifion is an owner of the property which is wifhin 100 faet of any property owned, purchased, or soid by petitioner avithin one (1) year preceding fhe date of this pefition �vhich is contiguous to the�property described in the petition; t °^� ^,, `'.. , and that the signatures are the true and correct signatures of each and ali of the parties so described. ��,�k9 ; S-1 -o 5��n���re.' this I5�- day of me �,/�,�n h,t���af�, NAME 23�t �r� �"�"✓L ADDRESS �Sl- 22�t-�9�7 TELEPF-lONE NUMBER � � --�, �D, .-�.s f�J. �JJ�� NO ARY PUBLIC ,.•:, ,, -• ,_�;. � • �Y � �YI'. � . Page � of 1/3/00 � % . . � . . ♦ � FIRST SUBMITTED � DATE PETITION SUBtitITTED: J�� D� DATE OFFICIALLY RECEIVED: 5� �' PARCELS ELIGIBLE: PARCELS REQUIRED: PARCELS SIGNED: RESUB�4ITTED DATE PETITTON RESUBSfITTED: _ DATE OFFIC[ALLY RECEIVED: PARCELS ELIGIBLE: PARCELS REQUIRED: PARCELS StG`IED: CHECKED BY: �^'� ' ���``� DATE: 5���� � �4.rI� �f� YMe. �3 9 �0 ,. a � �cS zONiNG �ILE � city of saint paul planning commission resolution fiie number ol-So date ' June 8 2��1 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paui, File #0'I-189-219, has petitioned for a rezor+ing under the provisions of §64.400 and §60.720 of the Saint Paul Legisiative Code, from • P-1 to a residential district--either RT-1, RT-2, or RM-1—for property located at 235 Chestnut Street (commoniy referred to as the former Plastics, Inc. parking lot); and WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission, on May 31, 2001, held a public hearing at which ali persons present were given an opportunity to be heard pursuant to said application in accordance the requirements of §64.300 of the , Saint Paul Legislative Code; and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Planning Commission, based on the evidence presented to its Zoning Committee at the public hearing as substantially reflected in the minutes, made the following findings of fact: � 1. The parcel is 21,000 square feet, with a poiential addition of roughly 4,000 � square feet if the Hill Street right-of-way is vacated. Hill Street cannot be built because of the topography. The parcel is presently zoned P-1 and is an unstriped parking lot for roughfy 60 cars. If was a parking lot for Piastics, Inc. untii the company was purchased by the City to make way for the Science Museum of Minnesota. The westerly edge of the parcel is a steep siope with some retaining walis; the parking surface is about 14 feet below the level of the yard of the historic Ohage House (the yellow brick house), which faces Irvine Park. Along the site, Chestnut Streef slopes down toward the river. The parking ace that reduces the angle of the slopes. 2. The proposed use is to move the historic Armstrong House to the site and restore it as residential units. To get a house moving permit from the City, the Plastics lot must first be rezoned to a residential district. The Armstrong House is a large structure with a footprint of approximately 3,500 square feet, a potential finished floor area of 11,000 square feet on three floors, and a height of 45 feet to the ridge (staff estimate). The fiouse was originally built as a side-by- moved -by Rramer seconded b�r in favor Approved (Faricv abstained) against � 10 a 1-�LS � Zoning File # 01-189-219 Planning Commission Resolution page 2 side double house. It was later used as a nursing home, but much of the originai floor QI'an was keQt. 3. As planned, the Historic Irvine Park Association (HIPA} wiil become the developer ofi the house and will select a co-developer to heip them with the renovation. The HRA will move the house, pui it on a new foundation, and do much of the exterior restoration to make the house secure and weather tight, for example, window and door repairs, tuckpointing, new roof, and front porches. Then the co-developers wiil take over and do the interior, utilities, parking, and landscaping. HIPA is currently conducting their feasibility analysis to determine what number of housing units are necessary on the property to make the project work financially. HIPA's goal is to consfruct the fewest number of units on the property that will be feasible; the new, residential zoning on fhe property should be to a correspondingly restrictive residential zoning district. � 4. On 4l25/01 the City Councii approved this redevelopment strategy for the Armstrong House at the Plastics parking lot and for the Smith Avenue Transit Hub, which is a$30 million project north of the Xcel Arena, where the Armstrong House currently sits. Their action is laid ou and named HfPA to he �23. On 5/23/01 the HRA concurred in this strategy redeveloper of the Plastics lot. 5. Therefore, the City of Saint Paui, as current owner of the Plastics lot, has submitted three alternative rezoning petitions for different residential densities-- RT-1 Duplex; RT-2 Threeplex/FourplexlTownhouse; and RM-1 Apartments. The petitions are subject to an addendum that explains the proposed redevelopment steps, as described in findings 2and 3 above. At the time of this Planning Commission resolution, PED and HIPA do not know how many units will be developed. They request the Planning Commission to recommend to the City Councii that any of the three zoning districts is satisfactory. The addendum says that HIPA will decide which of the three zoning districts it wants at least ten days before the City Councii's public hearing on the rezoning. If <-iIPA does not submit its preference, the petitioners will recommend RT-1 Duplex zoning. The addendum has a furfher provision that if the Armstrong Nouse cannot, for some reason, be moved to the site, the petitioners want the zoning to be returned fo P-1 Parking. � 6. The three rezoning petitions are sufificient. The petitiona cels were�needed, 10 5/1/01. 13 parcels were eligibie to sign the petition, 9 p l� � Zoning Fite # 09-989-299 Pianning Commission Resolution Page 3 signed. The addendum was also signed by the same parties. The City and all of the eligibie, nearby homeowners signed the pet+tion. 7. A residential rezoning of the parcel_is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. Historic preservation is advocated in both the Land Use Chapter (Policy 5.9.1) and the Housing Chapter (Policy 4.2). The Housing Plan calis for the production of more housing units (Policy 5.1) and design solutions that compiement existing neighborhoods (Policy 5.2). The Land Use Plan calls for development on the fringes of downtown that create more inviting access to and from the neighborhoods adjacent to downtown--the Plastics lot prominently overiooks the new Science Museum Park (Policy 4.6.1). � In addition, the redevelopment of the W. Seventh and Kellogg site as a transportation center supports the downtown office and visitor sectors with parking and supports the Riverview Transit Corridor and other bus lines with a high quality station area. The proposed transportation center conforms to the goals of fhe Transportation and Land Use chapters of the Comprehensive Plan. 8. Since the John M. Armstrong House is listed on the National Register of Historic � Places, guidelines for the moving and restoration of the house are spelied out in detail in a Memorandum of Agreement among the Federal Highway Administration, the Advisory Councii on Flistoric Preservation, the State N+storic Preservation Office, and the City. The Section 106 historic preservation procedures are being followed. The Plastics lot is within the boundaries of the local Historic Irvine Park Historic District, where development is reviewed by the Saint Paul Heritage Preservation Commission. PED sfaff showed the Zoning Committee drawings illustrating fhe house move concepc. i ne ioi nas amp�e width for the Armstrong House plus outbuilding(s), but is shallower than would be ideal, depending on the size of the oorches that will be added to the front and maybe the rear. Depending on the final siting of the structure, it is possible thaf variances will be requested for front or rear setbacks and for height. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul Planning Commission recommends to the City Council that it approve, after receiving the preference of the Hisforic Irvine Park Association in writing, any one of the three residentia! rezoning petitions submitted by the City of Saint Paul for RT-1, RT-2, or RM-1 for the property located af 235 Chestnut Street (legally described as Lot 1, except the northwesteriy 101.23 feet thereof, and all of Lots 9 and 10, Block 35, Rice and Irvine's Addition to Blocks 26-41) as the new site for the historic John M. Armstrong House, which is to be � resfored as housing unifs, according to the terms City Council Resolution # 01-423. �v • � � MINUTES OF THE ZONING COMMITTEE Thursday, May 31, 2001 - 3:30 p.m. City Council Chambers, 3` Floor City Hall and Court House 15 West Kellogg Boulevard PRESENT: EXCUSED: Anfang, Alton, Faricy, Gordon, Kramer, Mejia, and Morton Field OTHERS Peter Warner PRESENT: Carol Martineau, Allan Torstenson, Larry Soderholm of PED The meeting was chaired by Commissioner Kramer. �� ,�CS City of St. Paul HRA - 01-189-219 - Rezone from P-1 to RT-1, RT-2 or RM-1 Residential for the purpose of moving the historic Armstrong House to the site for restoration as housing. Larry Soderholm showed a photo board depicting the site from various angles and presented the staff report. Mr. Soderholm explained that one of the neighborhood concerns is how the Armstrong House wiil impact the views. Mr. Soderhoim explained the Historic Irvine Park Association will become the developer of the property and wilt select a co-devetoper to help with the renovations. HRA will provide the funding to do much of the exterior work and the developers wiil decide how many units are necessary to have a feasible development and wiil do the interior finishing. The Zoning Staff recommends Approval and the City Council endorsed the concept of moving the house to Irvine Park and rezoning it for residential use in a resolution passed in April of 2001. Commissioner Gordon said that he approved of the Armstrong house being saved and preserved. He asked how many units were allowed under the alternative zoning districts. Mr. Soderholm explained that the Armstrong House is designed as a double house, and it couid stay that way or it could be made into four, five or six units. Townhouses by definition have a front and back door, and it would be impossible to redevelop the Armstrong house as townhouses for more than two units. Mr. Soderholm stated that the Zoning Staff recommends the rezoning move ahead with a Planning Commission Resolution that supports any of the three rezonings, whichever the developers choose before the City Council's public hearing on the case. At the question of Commissioner Morton, Mr. Soderholm stated City Staff has a meeting scheduled nextweek with the State Historic Preservation Office, HPC Representatives, and the neighborhood to check on the progress of the development plan for the Armstrong House. Mr. Dan Smith, Project Manager with the Department of Planning and Economic Development, appeared on behalf of the applicant and offered to answer questions. Mr. Kevin McGrath, Vice President of the Historic Irvine Park Association, reported that ali the neighbors who were within the 100-foot radius signed the zoning petition. He also explained that they were in the process of finding a co-developer. At the question of Commissioner Caordon, Mr. McGrath stated the neighbors realize that the Armstrong Nouse wit4 block some views. Upon the question of Commissioner Anfang, Mr. McGrath stated that architect Dick Faricy is working with the City on the house move. The important factors are to get good views from 13 Zoning Committee Minutes May 31, 2001 File #: 00-189-219 Page 2 Shepard Road and the Science Museum and grouping the Armstrong House, Ohage House, McCarthy House, and Simonds House so that people can get a view of both the Armstrong House and the buildings that are higher on the bluff. The hearing was closed. Commissioner Alton moved approval of the zoning applications subject to the terms of the rezoning petitions and the City Council Resolution. Commission Anfang seconded it. The motion passed by a vote of 6-0 with Commissioner Faricy abstaining. Adopted Yeas - 6 Drafted by: , � Carol Martineau Recording Secretary Nays - 0 Abstained -1 (Faricy) Submitted by: �' ���`� Lar S derholm Zoning Section Approved by: r 1 LJ ����� � Ric ard Kramer Chair � • �� a�-8�S � Saint Paul Planning Commission City Hall Conference Center 15 Kellogg Boulevard W est Minutes of June 8, 2001 A meeting of the.Pianning Commission of the City of Saint Paul was held Friday, June 8, 2001, at 8:30 a.m. in the Conference Center of City Hall. Commissioners Mmes. Donnelly-Cohen, Duarte, Faricy, Zimmer Lonetti, McCall, Morton; and Present: Messrs. Alton, Anfang, Dandrea, Kong, Kramer, and Mejia. Commissioners Mmes. *Shortridge; and Messrs. *Field, *Fotsch, *Galles, �Gervais, *Gordon, Absent: *Johnson, and *Mardell. *Excused Also Present: Larry Soderholm, Planning Administrator; Tom Harren, Virginia Burke, Jeremy Lenz, Yang Zhang, Patricia James, M2rtha Faust, Gary Peltier, Allan Torstenson, and Mary Bruton, Deparhnent of Plamiing and Economic Development staff. � I. II. III • (No minutes ready for approval) Chair's Announcements No announcements. Planning Administrator's Announcements Mr. Soderholm reported the study of the Red Rock Corridor (the commuter rail corridor from Hastings to Saint Paul) has been moving along and wili be shown at an open house next Tuesday, June 12"' , 4:00 - 6:30 p.m. at the 5aint Paul Union Depot. It is the completion of Phase 1, the Commuter Rail Feasibility Study. Phase 2 is Conceptuai Design, which will be done over the next two years. The 12egional Growth exercise will be conducted again on June 19�' and June 22nd. Mr. Soderholm reported reading in the newspaper that the McKnight Foundation is contributing one million dollars a year to traffic calming and to green space preservation. He stated there is a group, including a McKnight representative and PED staff, that will continuing working on traffic calming. A4r. Soderliolm reported a� the City Council issues this week: Buffalo Sober House public hearing is scheduled for June 27` �� � , support, and one person spoke in opposition. The public hearing was closed. The Zoning � Committee recommended approval on a vote of 7-0 MOTION: Commissioner Kramer moved the Zoning Committee's recommendation to apprme the rezoning. The motion carried unanimous[y on a voice vote #Ol-1R9-219 Citv of St. Paul HRA - Rezone from P-1 pazking to RT-1, RT-2 or RM-1 residential for the purpose of moving the historic Armstrong House to the site for restoration as housing. 235 Chesmut St., xx Hill St. (Larry Soderholm, 651/266-6575) Commissioner Kramer stated that the staff and the West Seventh Federation both recommend approval of residential rezoning. One person spoke in support, no one spoke in opposition. The public hearing was closed. The Historic Irvine Pazk Associarion is the tentaUve redeveloper and they are working currenfly to detemvne which one of the three residential districts will match the number of units they will need to put on the property to make the project economically feasible. Before the City Council public hearing, they wiil decide which of the three districts they want. The Zoning Committee moved approval of any of the three residential zones on a vote of 6-0 with 1.. abstention. MOTION Commissioner Kramer moved the Zoning Committee's recommendation to approve the rezoning. The motzon was approved with 1 abstention (Commissioner Faricy). - 9-] 02 St. Paul Coaeneration - River Comdor Special Condition Use Pemut to construct a fuel receiving building with equipment located below the regulatory flood protection elevation in the RC-2 Flood Fringe District. 76 Kellogg, between vacated Mazket and vacated Ontario. � (Martha Faust, 651/266-6572) Commissioner Kramer stated that the staff and the CapitolRiver Council recommend approval of the Rivet Corridor SCUP. One person spoke in support, no one spoke in opposition. The public hearing was closed. The Zoning Commit[ee recommended approval on a vote of 7-0. MOTION Commissio�zer Kramer moved the Zoning Committee's recomn:endatio�t to approve the SCUP. The motion carried unanimously on a voice vote. ommissioner ramer a n�'IRfC� o ��Q� - #O1-201-645 St. Bernard's School - Sign area and height variances to allow a 2-sided, 3 feet high by 6 feet 8 inches wide identification sign and electronic bulletin board mounted on a 10 foot high pole along Rice Street. 160 Rose Ave. W. (147 Geranium), Rice between Rose & Geranium. (Yang Zhang, 651/266-6659) #O1-206-105 Heartland Auto Sales Inc. - Special Condition Use Pernut (SCUP) to increase number of vehicles allowed to be parked on the lot: 27 vehicles allowed under 1999 SCUP for second hand auto saTes business; 37 propoSad including 4 spaces for adjacent restaurant. 1236 Arcade Street. (Rich Malloy, 651/266-664�) • � a �,�cS �.1 � � ZOl�TING COMMITTEE STAFF REPORT FILE # O1-189-219 1. APPLICANT: CITY OF SAINT PAUL HEARING DATE: 5/31/Ol 2. TYPE OF APPLICATION: Rew nina &om P-1 to RT-1 or RT-2 or RM-1 3. LOCATION: 235 Chestnut St. (northwest comer of Chesmut and Hill Streeu) 4. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: See Sle 5. PLANIVING DISTRICT: 9(W. Sevemh St.) PRESENT ZOIVING: P-1 6. ZOIVING CODE REF�RENCE: Sec. 64.400 on rezoning; Sec. 60.714 on P-1; Sec. 60.420 through 60.440 on RT-1 through RM-1 mnes 7. STAFF REPORT DATE: 5/24/Ol DATE RECEIVED: 5/1/Ol BY: Larry Soderholm DEADLINE FOR ACTION: 6/30/O1 A. PURPOSE: Rezone from P-1 (parking) to RT-1, RT-2, or RM-1 (residenUal zones with differeirt densities) for the purpose of moving the historic Armstrong House to the site for restoration as housing. B. C. D. PARCEL SIZE: 21,000 square feet (with the potential of adding 3,960 more square feet if Hill Street is vacated) EXISTING LAND USE: Pazldng lot for roughly 60 cars (old, unstriped asphalt) SURROIJNDING LAND USE: Fasterly across Chestnut: Science Museum Pazk which opened in 2000. Chestnut St. is a major entry point to the downtown; however there is no recent traffic coLwt since the completion of Shepazd Road and the Xcel Arena. Northerly: Vacant lot at SW corner of Cheslnut and Ryan; across Ryan, the Panama Flats 6-unit condominiums built in the `80s. Westerly: Restored houses of the Historic Izvine Pazk neighborhood with one to three units. Mostly lazge structures. The site is at a grade about 14 feet below the abutting yazd of the Justus Ohage House (lazge yellow brick one). Southerly: Unbuilt right-of-way for Hill St.; Soo Line/CP railroad tracks with billboard;new Shepazd Road;proposed Upper Landing mixed use redevelopment on the river; the riverbank is about 800 feet from the site. � _ ,; E, ZONIIVG CODE CITATION: Sec. 64.400(a) states in part, "the council may from time to vme, amend, suppleme�rt or change fhe district boundaries or the regutations herein, or subsequemiy � established herein pursuant to the provisions of Minnesota Statutes Section 462357 .... The planning comwission may from time to time, review district boundaries lines to determine if, pursuant to state laws, such district boimdary lines should be changed. Sec. 64.OD(b) states in part that "an amendment to the zoning code may be initiated by the council, the planning commission or by petition of the owners of sixty-seven (67) parcent of the area of the property to be rezoned." Sec. 60.714 describes the restrictions in the P-1 Pazldng District, which is the cnrrent wning on the properry. Sec. 60.420 describes the permitted uses in the RT-1 Dupleic zone. Sec. 60.430 describes the pemutted uses in the RT-2 Triplels/Fourplex/Townhouse zone. Sec. 60.440 describes the pemutted uses in the RM-1 Multifamily zone. As eicplained in findings 3, 4, and 5 below, ttris application is unusual in that three petitions for three alternative proposed residential mning districts have been submitted simultaneously in order to expedite the moving of the Annstrong House. F. HISTORYlDISCUSSION: For many years this pazcel was used as a pazldng lot for Plastics, Inc., wluch had an indushial plant across Chestnut Street from the lot. In the 1998 the City bought Plastics, Inc. as part of the redevelopmem site for the Minuesota Science Museum. All of the Plastics, Inc. properry east of Chestnut St. has been redeveloped. This pazldng lot on the west side of Chestnut St. is a leftover pazcel. The parldng lot is now a nonconforming use inasmuch as the pazidng is no longer accessory to a specific business. It is a commercially operated lot and, under the Zoning Code, a principal use. In 1999 and 2000 the Saint Paul HRA worked with a developer � to build new multifamily housing and to move the Am�strong House to the site. However, the Irvine Pazk neighbors refused to sign a rezoning petition for the number of housing units proposed (last proposal was for 12 units) and the proposal died. Meanwhile, the Saint Paul HItA was also loolang for a workable site and redevelopment plan to move the long-vacant, historic Armstrong House from Smith Ave. near Kellogg Blvd., thus opening up a large site that is proposed to become the Smith Avenue Transit Hub at W. Seventh and Kellogg. The Historic Irvine Pazk Association (HIPA) has long been interested in the fate of the Armstrong House because of its proximity to their neighborhood and because a couple of other candidate sites for its relocation were in their neighborhood. When the idea azose that the Armstrong House could be moved to the Plastics pazldng lot site with the neighborhood in control of its redevelopmem, the interests of the City and the neighborhood converged. The City will be able to move the Armstrong House and make way for the new transit and will also ensure the redevelopment of the Plastics lot. The Irvine Pazk neighborhood will be able to save the Armstrong House and co�rol the fuhue land use of the Plastics lot. This redevelopment package was approved by the City Councd in a detailed a tesolution approved on 4/25/01 (aitached). G. DISTRICT COTJNCIL RECOMNIENDAITON: "`Tfie West Sevent[i Fed'eration recommends' approval of rewning the pazcel to a residential mning district for the Armstrong House move. Furthermore, they are actively participating in efforts to put together a feasible development proposal for its restoration. • 2 �t� o � -�c.s H. FINDINGS: * 1. The pazcel is 21,000 square feet, with a potential addition of roughly 4,000 squaze feet if the Hill Street righbof-way is vacated. Hill Street cannot be built because of the topography. T'he pazcel is presently zoned P-1 and is an unstriped parldng lot for roughly 60 cars. It was a pazldng lot for Plastics, Inc. until the wmpany as purchased by the City to make way for the Science Museum of Miunesota. The westerly edge of the pazcel is a steep slope with some retaining walls; the pazlang surface is about 14 feet below the level of the yazd of the ]ristoric Ohage House (fihe yellow brick house), wluch faces Irvine Pazk. Along the site, Chestnut Street slopes down towazd the river. The pazldng lot has been graded as a terrace that reduces the angle of the slopes. 2. The proposed use is to move the lustoric Armstrong Aouse to the site and restore it as reside�ial units. To get a house moving pemut from the City, the Plastics lot must first be rezoned to a residential district. The Amistrong House is a lazge struchue with a footprint of approximately 3,500 square feet, a potential finished floor azea of 11,000 squaze feet on three floors, and a height of 45 feet to the ridge (staff estunate). The house was originally built as a side-by-side double house. It was later used as a nursing home, but much of the original floor plau was kept. 3. As planned, the Historic Irvine Park Association (HIPA) will become the developer of the house and will select a co-developer to help them with the renovation. The I-IRA will move the house, put it on a new fouudation, and do much of the exterior aestoration to make the house secure and weather right, for example, repair windows and doors, tuckpointing, new � roof, and porches. Then the co-developers will take over and do the nrterior, utilities, pazldng, and landscaping. HIPA is currently conducting their feasibility analysis to detemune what number of housing units aze necessary on the property to make the project work financially. HIPA's goal is to construct the fewest number of units on the properry that will be feasible; this rezoning of the properry to will be to a conespondingly restrictive residential zoning district. 4. On 4/25/O 1 the City Council approved this redevelopment strategy for the Armstrong House at the Plastics pazldng lot and the Smith Avenue Transit Hub. Their action is laid out in Council Resolution # O1-423 (attached). On 5/23(Ol the HRA concurred in ttris strategy and named HIPA to be the redeveloper of the site. 5. Therefore, the City of Saint Paul, as current owner of the Plastics lot, has submitted three altemative rezoning petitions for differeirt residential densities--RT-1 Duplex, RT-2 Threeple�Fourple�'Townhouse, and RM-1 Apartmeirts. The petirions aze subject to an addendum that explains ihe proposed redevelopment steps, as described in findings 2 and 3 above. At the time of the Planning Commission's action, PED and F3IPA do not expect to lmow how many units will be developed. They request the Planniug Commission to recommend to the City Council t1�at any of the three zoning districts is satisfactory. The addendum says that I3IPA will decide which of the tluee wning districts it wants at least ten days before the City CounciPs public hearing on the rewning. If HIPA does not submit its preference, the petitioners will recommend RT-1 Duplex zoning. The addendum has a further provision that if the Annstrong House cannot, for some reason, be moved to the site, the petitioners want the zoning to be returned to P-1 Parking. • �_ ( 6. The three rewning petitions are sufficient. The petitions were received on 5/1/Ol . 13 pazcels were eligible to sign the petition, 9 pazceLs were needed, 10 signed. Tha addenduxn � was also signed by the same parties. The City and all of the eligible, nearby homeowners signed the petition. A residential rem nino of the parcel is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. Historic preservation is advocated in both the Land Use Chapter (Policy 5.9.1) and the Housing Chapter (Policy 42). The Housing Plan calls for the production of more housing units (Policy 5.1) and design solutions tbat complement existing neighborhoods (Policy 52). The Land Use Plan calls for development on the fringes of doKmtown that create more inviting access to and from the neighborhoods adjacem to downtown—the Plastics lot prominently overlooks the new Science Museum Park (Policy 4.6.1). In addition, the redevelopment of the W. Sevemh and Kellogg site as a[rausportation center supports the do�vtown office and visitor sectors with pazking and supports the Riverview Transit Corridor and other bus lines with a lugh quality station azea. These aze also goals of the Transportation and Land Use chapter of the Comprehensive Plan. 8. Since the John M. Armstrong House is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Guidelines for the moving and restoration of the house aze spelled out in detail in a Memorandum of Agreemeirt among the Federal Highway Administration, the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation, the State Historic Preservation Office, and the City. The Section 106 Iristoric preservation procedures aze being followed. The Plastics lot is within the boundaries ofthe local Historic Irvine Pazk Historic District, where development is reviecved by the Saint Paul Heritage Preservation Commission. � 9. No site plan has been submitted, but PED staff have previously made drawings to illustrate the house move wncept. The lot has ample width for the Armstrong House plus outbuilding(s), but is shallower than would be ideal, depending on the size of the porches that will be added to the froirt and rear. It is possible tbat variances will be needed for front or rear setbacks and for height. I. STAFF RECOMiVI�NDATION: Based on findings 1 through 9, staffrecommends appmval of the application to rewne 235 Chestnut Street to a residential zoning district, either RT-1, RT-2, or RM-1, whichever district is the most restrictive zone in which the Armstrong House can feasibly be restor an so wi e terms ity ounc eso uhon . e ecision as o w c o """"` the three reside�ial districts will be made by the City Council at the time of their public hearing, after receiving the petitioners' preference. Attachments: Application, petitions with addendum, and sufficiency check City CounciI resolution Newspaper article Photos and floor plans of Amistrong House from 1998 Building Relocation Study New street configuration Zoning Maps of site (old street configuration) i � FINAL �� � I'TY Presented By '" Referred To v 2.�I�S \ � 1N . Council File k Ol � �e�.3 Resolution # ��'(`�� c�� c3-OCf� .S Green Sheet � �� �� ESOLUT O o � -� � � yr� . . Date 1 RESOLUTION SUPPORTING THE SMTTH AVENUE TRANSIT HUB PR03ECT, EXECIITLrG A 2 NIEMORANDUbI OF AGREEME\'T ON THE ARMSTRONG/QUINLAiV HOUSE, ACCEPTL�'G 3 TITLE TO THE ARMSTRONG/QUINLAN HOUSE FROV1 THE STATE A�'D REQUESTIi\G HRA 4 TO RELOCATE AND STABILIZE THE AI2I�ISTRONG/QUINLAi�T HOUSE AT THE FORDIER 5 PLASTICS PARIiII�iG LOT SITE 0 � �VI-IEREAS, the City, after receiving initial approval for a$5.5 miliion federal grant in 1998, as spent 8 more than two yeazs investigating the feasibility of the Smith Avenue Transit Project includin� conducting a 4 federally mandated Section 106 Process with respect to the state owned historic Arnutrong�Quinlan House 10 ("House") and the Project as described in the attached Exhibit`3?; and 11 I Z WF�LEREAS, as part of the federal Section 106 Process, the City of Saint Paul must, together ��•ith the 13 State Historic Preservation Office and the Federal government, make an informed decision on its mitigation �efforts with respect to the House, before proceedin� �vith the Project; and 16 WHEREAS, the City Council supports a measured approach bet�veen preservation of historic stiuctures fD to«� 17 and the development of the Smith Avenue Transi[ Hub, which �vill ser��e the westem end o o�vn 18 including the RiverCentre Area; and : 19 2p �VF�REAS, the House is a federally designated historic house that requires a thorough analysis of the 21 altemative solutions and the impact the Project will have on the historic nature of the House; the altemative 22 solutions reviewed with the City Council include: (1) leaving the House in its present location �vith the 23 Devetopment Program around the House ("In Place Altemative"), (2) moving the House to several possihle 24 sites in either the `Vest Seventh/Irvine Park area, the edge of the site along Seventh Street or Saint Joseph's 25 Lane ("City Sites") or other site acceptable to the City or (3) demolition and mitioation of the House; 2nd 26 27 WI-IEREAS, concemed citizens for preserving the House have eapressed a cleaz preference for the 28 House to be preserved and redeveloped as residential in the Irvine Pazk azea �vhich is attached in the Section 29 106 Report Volumes 1-5 previously submitted to the City Council; and 30 � 31 WF�REAS, the State Legislature in 2000 agreed to donate the House and surround'm� land to the Crty 32 on the condition that City agreed to move the House to an alternative location so that it can be presen and 33 34 WHEREAS, in Res. 00-6/14- 3, HRA provided funds of $2,375,000 for the moving xnd stabilization a � the House with its preferred site being the former Plastics Pzrking Site near Ryan and Chestnut and th2t the City cause the House to be moved and stabilized; and 31 ", � � WHEREAS, a Memorandum of Agreement ("MOA") among the Federat Highway Administration ("FHWA"), the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation ("ACHP") the Minnesota Historical Preservation Office ("SHPO") and the City along with concurring parties has been negotiated and attached 'm Extubit 1; and tiVI�REAS, Saint Paut Heritage Preservation Commission ("HPC") hosted the required public meeting required by the federal SecYion 106 process on August 10, 2000 conceming the House and Smith Aveaue Transit Hub; and WHEREAS, HPC has passed rivo resolutions concerning the House ( HPC Res 99-4 on 7uly 22, 1999 and Res. Oi-1 on January 11 , 2001). The second resoluYion supports execution by HPC of the MOA, subject to its normal review with respect to municipal preservation matters as descn'bed in Chapter 73 of the Saint Paul Legislative code (see Exhibit 1,.Stipulation I C and D); and �VI-�REAS, the City Council recognizes the imgortance of the Seien Comers Gateway Area of &aint Paul, including significant views of the Saint Paul Cathedral, Xcel Energy Center and other important landmarks; and �yI�REAS, the City Council recogniies other projecis that are under consideration including transit projects such as the Riverview Comdor and the Trolley, arid other parkin� projects for Holiday Inn Hotel, United/Children's Hospitals, and others; and � WI-IEREAS, a pazking supply and demand study for the tvestem end of Do«vto��n, including the Smith Avenue Transit Hub, United Hospital campus, Holiday Inn Hotel etc,. `Vill be completed shortly to assist the City: ( I) in the coordination between pending parking and transit projects in the westem end of Downto4vn and (2) in helping determine the final number of pazking spaczs to be financed and constructed as �art of the Smith Avenue Ttansit Hub Project. � NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council approves and directs the following: 1. Accepts the final Section 106 Smith Avenue Transit Hub Report, Voiumes 1-5. This includes Volume 5 which was prepazed after the required public hearing on August 10, 2000 at the Saint Paul Heritage Preservation Commission and contains all written testimony of interested parties and the City's response to the testimony. 74 2. Approves proceeding with the Smith Avenue Transit Hub Pro�ect an accep • 75 from Federal government for the Project and directs staff to complete securing at least 52•0 sullion from 76 Metro Transit, which will be used towazd the transit component of the Project. 77 78 3. Approves execution of the Memorandum of Agreement suhstantialiy in the form as attached in Exhi , be a roved by the City Attorney and . .� � by appropriate City officials, and with such subsequent changes as may pP PED staff that are consistent with the actions taken in this Resolution. 4. Accepts title to the House and surrounding land from th'e State of Minnesota �ith the condician isnposed b'i 2000 Legislature that in exchange for the House being donated to the City, the City a�ree thzt the House be preserved at an alternative site and directs staff to complete acceptance. 5. City selects Site # 7 the focmer Plastics Parking Lot (on Chestnut St. south of Ryan Street) as the site to � which the House will be moved and stabilized for residential rzuse,_ namza Historic Par'b Assoc �n. � a >�<�;> : .:..:: .::.:: ..;;�:: :.,_: :<,<<_ , ._. : Redeveloper, and approves attached Memorandum of Intent,w�nc[�zding a prov�sion.f��sharec paiti,c,?p.._-...-..- - 27i 89 ��� ���11��:..����� �,,....,�#`•�•6?tI ��?37F' �� ��•,� � � ,�,�•'..�flrpeF� ia SuhStantially th0 s �:o��e> ,�.. 90 same form as attached in Exlubit�2 with such suhsequent changes as may be approved by the Ciry Attorney 91 and PED staff that are consistent with the actions taken in this Resolution. Siting, move and stabitizatioa o 1-�' � 92 ivrties of the House on Site #7 w�l be reviewed by the HPC as fiuther descnbed 'm the lines 48-51 abo�'e. � . 93 _ 94 0. Authorizes City staff to commence and complete vacation process to convey Site N7 - Plastics to FiRA, who 95 in turn will convey to the Redeveloper. 96 97 7. Accepts rezoning peritions for the former Plastics Parking I,ot and authorizes rezoning process to begin. 98 � 99 8. Requests HRA to cause: 100 101 A) the House to be moved and stabilized and directs appropriate staff to retain a historic mover and aay 102 other contractors necessary to move and stabilize the House at Site � 7, consistent �vith the City's . 103 obligations descn'bed in the Memorandum of Agreement in Paragraph 3 abo� � 104 105 B) Use the $2375 million dollazs which have previously been bud�eted in HRA Res. 00-6/14-3 to 106 move and stabilize the House on behalf of the City. Further the City Council understands thesa HRA 107 monies are interim funds to the City that shall be reimbursed to the HRAtA no later than the closing on 108 the financing for the Smith Avenue Transit Hub by the City. 109 110 9. City staff is to continue design and traffic work on the Project on this gateway site to the Downtown by i l l Collaborative Design Group Architects(Dick Faricy, Bill Hickey, et. al.) and SRF Consulting Group, in 112 conjunction with other projects under consideration in the project area including Ri�'erview Comdor, Trolley 113 and other parking projectsin the area.. 1 1. .0. Afrer cpmpletion of the parking demand study for the westem end of Downto�cn, �vhich R�ll assist in the 116 coordination of pending parking and transit projects in the azea, the Administration shall return to the City I 17 Council and recommend: 118 119 120 121 x. I22 �:1': 123 124 125 (i) the number of pazking spaces and buses to be built for the Pro�ect (ii) the design concept for Project described in Exhibit 3 (iii) the Finance Plan for the Project which will be developed by PED and Financial Serr 126 127 Exhibit 1-Copy of draft Dec 17, 2000 MOA with City, FHtiVA, SHPO, ACHP, et al 128 t Sice 129 Exhibit 2- Draft Memorandum of Intent with Redeveloper of House at Plastic Pazi:ing I-o 130 131 Exhibit 3- Description of the Development Program for the Smith Avenue Transit Hub Project 132 133 � 2� Attachments to City Council Resolution o�-�t�� � � Adoption Certified by Couacil Secretary By: � �/���� Approved by Mayor: Date _ BY• � Requested by Departmeat af� plaaaiag & Econooic evelopmeat � � By: Approved by Fiaaacial Services Sy: �� %j•� /� U Fozm Apprwed by City` � tam�Y ., �By: aporoved by Mayo o SZsbmissio{�y� C eil � K �r/ 8/: � Adopted by Council: Date ���,. �5 a�01 �:- �.. . �� - A .i L -.��� ;:x. `�5.���"� .Y'a c�++�T-r.'YSE:�� ;c h Vn�. ._.. . ✓ «SYt " i.� ��i�� � . • ...,._ � i '� s £: � �'� .�(`— j t^t�T^i�c- '��� 1�"�� �'\ .� � .� �� ;� t � � ,� µ -a '_� . � I � . = 1: S� � —: � . _� V _ % _ 4 ��� l _ �� � � .�� _- E _ 1�1 � � � � �� �� ' ' —�.r �¢' 3nzre,P._^,.: _ , ., _ ,��.i--.,... , ,�., .�. � � ,W,. s ,.,,.r; ;�_._; , .,_ � �u: .o�.. ,„, .. ..� <.. _.m,.-�«.a, � __.�___����i-1—I � III,�1� • I LU i� i�a ❑ i � 1 � • BASEMENT FLOOR THE ARMSTRONG RESIDENCE � a- - _� �---' � _ _ _ ' � � ' / LS � � S i� � . 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