01-799A`('c�er� e�. V e.rs � o v`1 — N o V. cZ g� a-o O\ Council File # p � — `�q q Ordinance # Green Sheet # � 33 3, Presented By Referred To Committee Date : An ordinance to amend Saint Paul Legislative Code Chapter 376 to eliminate the controls on the number of tasicab vehicle licenses, the fares taxicab companies may charge and establishing additional requirements for new vehicletaxicab licenses THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 Section 376.02 of the Saint Paui Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 376.02. Definitions. Except where otherwise expressly stated, the following terms, wherever used in this chapter, shall have the meanings respectively ascribed to them in this section: Auto-car. An "auto-car" is hereby defined to be a self-propelled motor vehicle with a capacity for carrying seven (7) passengers for hire and which operates from a garage or livery and which is kept at all times in such garage or livery, except when answering a cali, and is hired from such garage or livery only. Director. The term "directar" shall mean the director of the Office of License, Ins ecp tions and Environmental Protection. Driver. The term °driver" shall mean the individual in immediate control of the movement of the public vehicle. Owner. The word "owner" shall mean any person, firm, coparinership, corporation or association that has the bona fide legal title and the right of control, direction, operation and maintenance of such licensed tasicab so operated for hire on the streets of the City of Saint Paul. Passenger service vehicle. The term "passenger service vehicle" shall mean and include � any motor vehicle carrying passengers for hire or for a fee, but shall not include any vehicle used ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA \� � 27 '�� 1 in providing limousine service as defined in Minnesota Statutes, Section 221.84. O\- 11°i 2 3 Person(s) with disabilities. The term "person(s) with disabilities" shall mean any person 4 for whom, by reason of age, or disability as defined in Minnesota Statutes, Section 363A1, 5 subdivision 13, their access to and use of taxicabs would be facilitated by being able to ride in the front passenger seat of the tasicab. Public vehicles. The term "public vehicles" shall mean and include taYicabs and 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 passenger service velucles. Taxicab. The term "taYicab" shall mean and include any motor-driven vehicle for the transportation for hire of passengers, which is equipped with a taximeter and a distinctive color scheme as hereinafter defined. Taximeter. The term "taacimeter" shall mean and include any mechanical instrument or device, approved by the inspector, by which the chazge for hire of a tasicab is mechanically calculated, and on which such charge is plainly indicated. 19 Waiting time at address. The term "waitine time at address" is defined to mean the time 20 beainnine when a cab arrives at an address to which it has been called, and ending when it 21 denarts from such address. 22 23 Waitin tQ ime after ensaeement. The term "waitine time after en�agemenY' shall mean the 24 time a cab is not in motion at the request of the passen e�passen�ers after the cab has 25 commenced the transportation of such passen e� r or passeneers. 26 27 28 29 30 Section 2 Sec. 376.05. Public convenience and necessity. .- . - . -� �- � .� - - .-. - � -. 1 • �.- 11 - - - �- .- •- - -� . � � • � - -� - • � . 1 , -- - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - � -- - - -- -- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - : ' - ' - -- - - -- -- - -- - - - --- -- ---- � - ------ -- - '1 - -- -- - - - -- - - -- -- -- - -- - ' - - - - - - ---- -- -- -- -- - ' - -- - -- - - - - - - - •- - - - --- � - -- -- --- -- - - -- - - - - -- - - -- - .. - -- - - - - - - - ---- - - - - � - -- - - ---- -- - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - -- '� - - - - - - - -- - - --- - - - -- - 47 48 49 50 51 rf.�.�,,...�...,��....�.�� 2 3 4 5 6 7 _ _ " ' _" _ "_ "_ " _ _ ' • __ � - - - - - - a:,::.:i.b:ad,,.'v:w�.�<,.:..:e+i - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1� 11 IZ 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 --- -- -- ---- - -- '- - - --- --- -- • - - - - -- - - - -- `- - - - -- - - ------ - Section 3 Section 376.08 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code shall be amended to read as follows: Sec. 376.08. Applicant--Requirements. (a) Each applicant for license to operate for hire a public vehicle must comply with the following conditions to the satisfaction of the inspector: (1) Be the state license registered owner or a lessee, if the motor vehicle is the subject of a lease having an initial term of six (6) months ar longer, of the public vehicle. (2) Be of the age of eighteen (18) years, or over, in the case of an individual, and in the case of any copartnership or corporation, must be authorized to operate taacicabs and cany on business in accordance with the laws of the State of Minnesota. (3) Must obtain a license for each and every such vehicle to be operated. (4) Must fill out upon a blank form to be provided by the inspector a statement covering each vehicle to be so licensed, giving full name and address of the owner; the class and passenger-catrying capacity of the vehicle for which a license is desired; the length of time the vehicle has been in use; the make of car; the engine number; the serial number and the state license number; what insurance or bond against personal injury or property damage is carried, and in what amount. If said application is made by an individual owner, said owner shall sign and sweaz to said application; if said application is made by a partnership, then by one (1) of the partners; and if by a corporation, then by one (1) of the duly elected officers of said coxporation. (b) Said application shall also include an accurate and detailed description of the color scheme of the public vehicle, if it is to be used as a taxicab, including inscriptions or monograms thereon, proposed to be operated by said applicant, which shall be distinctly different from that of the tasicabs of any other licensed owner or operator, so that the p�_ 1ga� 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 ownership and identity may be readily ascertained by the department of police and patrons of any taacicab, except that one (1) or more applicants who are members of the same association and who are authorized to use the color scheme of taacicabs, including the inscriptions or monograms thereon, of such associations may be licensed to do so when proper evidence of their right from such association to use such color scheme and inscriprions or monograms shall be filed with their application; and it shall be unlawful far the owner of any such tasicab, or the operator or driver thereof, licensed under the terms of this chapter to make any change whatever in the color scheme of the taxicabs or the inscriptions or monograms thereon without first obtaining the approval of the city council. - � -� - - - - - - -- - - ------ --- --- - - -- -- - ". -- -- - - --- - � • -- - �- ---- - -- --- ---- -- ---- -- Section 4 Section 376.10 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code shall be amended to read as follows: Sec. 376.10. License--Issuance. (a) Renewal licenses: Upon satisfactory fulfillment of the requirements of secrions 376.08, 376.09 and the following threshold criteria enuxnerated below, it shall be the duty of the license inspector to issue licenses to qualified applicants. The threshold criteria shall be: (1) Affiliation with a capable service company grsvi� that provides 24-hour radio dispatching, advertising, record keeping and other common services to a group of taxicab owners and operators using a distinctive color scheme and company name. �2) (3) Demonstration of financial ability to operate taacicab services. Adequate level of past service, if any. - - - - --- - ----- - -- --- - - - - - -- --- - ----- - -- - -"� �...�:,:..,��,,.s:.:.:. - - - F.�a6a:�rn:.:.:..i,,...��:,.:ri�:»r w..:i:i...R�:a.e�i.a�:R...:s�:,�:.:�;saw ,�.� :...�.:�,� �..:.�-- --- - - - - - ,� �.-- - - -- - - - - - - - ----- --- - - --- -- - - - - - -- - - ------ - -- -- - - - - ------ ---- . - -- --- -� ---- - - ---- -- -- ----- - - - - --- - ---- - - -- - � New licenses. Anv new applicant for a vehicle license shall, in addition to the reguirements above, meet the followinQ criteria: 10 � The vehicle(s� that appiicant intends to license must be a maximum of five �ars 11 oid from the current model vear. An �}_replacement vehicles must meet these same requirements. 12 13 Section 5 14 Sec. 376.12. Taxicabs--Regulations. 15 (a) Taxicab defined. The term "tasicab," whenever and wherever used in this section, shall be 16 held to mean and embrace all motor vehicles as defined by the laws of the State of Minnesota, 17 the rental for which is computed from the distance traveled by means of a tazimeter attached 18 thereto; the term "taximeter" shall be held to mean and embrace any instrument or device 19 attached to a motor vehicle designed or intended to mechanically measure the distance traveled, 20 to record the time said vehicle is waiting, and upon which said taacimeter there shall be a record 21 indicating, by means of figures or designs, the amount of the fare. 22 (b) Taximeters required. All taxicabs shall have affixed thereto a tasimeter, and no person, firm 23 or corporation owning or operating any tasicab shall offer or let the same for hire or rewazd, 24 anywhere within the City of Saint Paul, unless the tasimeter does properly and correctly register, 25 indicate or display the amount of the faze according to the distance traveled and the time 26 consumed. 27 (c) Register of ta.rimeter visible to passengen Every taacimeter shall be connected and affixed to 28 the taxicab so that the amount of fare determined and charged for its use shall be plainly visible 29 to all passengers or occupants of the tasicab and from one (1) hour a$er sunset to one (1) hour 30 before sunrise shall have the face of said taacimeter illuxnined so as to make plainly visible the 31 amount of the faze determined and charged for its use, and there shall be posted in a conspicuous 32 place in the inside of the tasicab and on the outside right and left rear doors of the taacicab a cazd 33 on which shall be printed in plain, legible type, the rates of fare provided for herein and reference 34 to the ordinance by number. 35 (d) Taximeten It shall be the duty of the operator ar driver of every taxicab, at the termination of 36 his or her service ar trip, to stop the taacimeter and call the passenger's attention to the amount of 37 the fare registered. The taacimeter shall not be changed so as to destroy the amount of the faze 38 registered until after the faze is paid or a chazge ticket therefor made out and delivered to the 39 person hiring such taxicab. 40 No driver or operator of any taaticab shall permit any person to ride thereon or therein, without 41 the consent of the owner thereof, when the flag is up or towazd a vertical position where the fare 42 is not being recorded on the taximeter, and no person shall tamper with, break or mutilate any 43 taYimeter or its attachments with the intention of causing the same to register improperly, 44 incorrectly or inaccurately. 45 Waiting time shall include the time during which the taxicab is not in motion, beginning with its 46 arrival at the place to which it has been called, or the time consumed while standing at the 47 direction of the passenger, but no charge shall be made for the time lost due to the inefficiency of the tasicab or its operator or for the time consumed by premature arrival in response to a call. O�.�q� 2 (e) Rules to determine time. When the charge is to be paid on the meter basis, the charge shall 3 begin at the place where the passenger is received and shall continue until he or she is delivered 4 at his or her destination, excepting as hereinbefore ar hereinafter provided. When the charge is to 5 be paid for on the hour basis, the time shall begin when the motor vehicle is ready at the time and 6 place from which it has been called by the passenger and shall continue until the passenger has 7 been dischazged and until the car shall have had tune thereafter to return to the place from which 8 it has been called by the most direct route, and at the ma�cimum speed permitted by law; 9 provided, that when any person shall engage or hire a tasicab, unless otherwise agreed at the tune 10 of hiring, the fare for such tasicab shall be determined by the tasimeter according to the rates 11 provided for in this chapter; and provided fiuther, that no driver of any taxicab shall charge more 12 for the use of said tasicab than is shown to be due upon the face of said taacimeter. 13 ( fl Deceit as to direct route. No person owning or driving or operating any motor vehicle used 14 for carrying passengers for hire shall deceive by trick or device any passenger who may ride in 15 any such motor vehicle or who may desire to ride in any such motor vehicle as to his or her 16 destination or the price authorized by ardinance for such person, or shall convey such person or 17 cause him or her to be conveyed to a place other than that directed by him or her, or in any other 18 manner convey such person to the place directed by him or her except by the shortest and most 19 direct route. 20 (g) Intoxication of driver. No driver or operator ofany motor vehicle used for carrying 21 passengers for hire shall be found to be or known to be in a state of intoxication while on duty as 22 such driver. 23 (h) Inspections. 24 (1) Annual inspections: Any taxicab owner shall submit each and every licensed taxicab to an 25 annual inspection. The schedule for such inspections shall be maintained by the license inspector. 26 The inspections shall be carried out at the fire/police equipment services garage located at 1675 27 Kasota Street, Saint Paul, at a cost to be estabiished by the city garage and approved by the 28 license inspector to be paid by the licensee. If the inspection shows repairs to be required, the 29 owner shall order the repairs made and the tasicab returned to the city garage to pass inspection. 30 (2) Periodic inspections: The license inspector shall reserve the right to examine and inspect 31 each and every licensed taacicab at any time. The intent of such an inspection is to ensure 32 compliance with all applicable safety requirements of the state and the rules established herein. 33 (3) Appearance inspections: The license inspector may also require appearance inspections, up to 34 six times per year, to ensure that vehicles haue: 35 a. An interior and exterior that are clean and have a good appearance; 36 b. Head lights, high beams, brake lights and turn signals that are in good working order; 37 c. A means to raise and lower windows and to open the doors from the inside of the rear 38 passenger azea, if so equipped by the manufacturer; 39 d. Safety belts for all passengers in both front and rear seats; 40 e. A taximeter in good working order, having a light and sealed, and so placed as to enable the 41 passenger at all rimes to see the fare registered when operating on the meter basis; 42 f. A printed card or sign with letterin� a minimum of one-half inch in leneth showing the rate of fare charged for the minimum fare, fare per mile or fraction thereof, waitin� time at address and O 1-1y1 waiting time for engagement and notifyin� roasseneers that different tasicab companies may ch�e different rates, conspicuously and permanentiv displayed, not temporarilv affixed, in the compartment of the tasicab occupied by the passenger and on the outside right and left rear doors ofthetasicab; 0 g. A top light on the roof of the cab which can be lighted when the cab is in service and available to receive passengers; h. A radio or mobile telephone capable of two-way voice communication with the tasicab licensee's or affiliated licensee's base station; 10 i. Safe tires. 11 12 13 14 15 (4) Penalty: Failure by an owner to submit each and every licensed tasicab for a periodic inspection and/or appeazance inspection at an authorized inspection station and/or for an annual inspection by the fire/police equipment services garage shall result in the following: a. The license inspector may seize the tasicab license sticker of each and every uninspected tasicab; 16 b. The license inspector shail hold the seized license plates until the taxicab is inspected and 17 _ found to be in a safe condition by an authorized inspection station or the firelpolice equipment 18 services garage or until action of the council as provided for herein; and 19 c. Ixnxnediately after such seizure, the inspector shall notify the licensee, specifying in detail the 20 cause for seizure, and stating that the licensee has a right to a hearing on the seizure. The hearing 21 shall be held at the next license meeting of the city council after the receipt of a written request 22 for hearing unless a later hearing is requested by the licensee. After such hearing the council 23 shall determine whether the plates shall still be held and whether such license shali be revoked. 24 25 26 27 28 Section 6 This ordinance shall take effect and be in full force thirty (30) days following its passage, approval and publication Requested by Department of: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary B "�. - a- . A Approved by Mayor: Date �L �(.Ty / By: By: Form Approved by City Attorn� BY � � .G c�c-!' Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: �L`�l:sa,=i:.'3 �� = ��i L�`� Adopted by Council: Date �p,� T p p, � \ .. �194 DEPARTMINflOFFICElCOUNCIL DAiEINmATED � � c�t coun��i Aug. 1, zoo� GREEN SHEET nio 110332 COMACT PERSIXJ 8 PHONE ' InNIaUD#� NItIaINale Councilmember Blakey 2668610 , ,,,,.� MUST BE ON COUNC�L AGFNDA BY (OATEj ASSIGN Au ust 1 2001 Sus ension N � N �� anw,row�r a,raEnK RWTING ORDER ALMCMLeFANCFiGW. RYNGLlFNV/4CCT6 ❑ WYORlORl14W4fAlll) ❑ TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUESTm An ordinance amending the Saint Paul Legislaive Code Chapter 376 to eliminate the controls on the number of taxicab vehicle licenses, the fares taxicab companies may charge and establishing additional requirements for new vehicle taxicab licenses. RECAMMENDATION AFIPfOVC (A) Of R2j2Cf (R) PEIt50NAL5ERVICE CONTRACTS MUSTANSWER THE FOLLOWIN6 QUESiIONS: 1. Has fhis persoNfirm ever wrorked untler a contract for fhis tlepartmenC) PLANNING COMMISSION YES NO qB COMMITTEE 2. Has this peisoNfirm ever been a cily empbyee? CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION YES NO 3. Does this persoMfitm possess a sltill not normalypossessed by any current city employee? YES NO 4. Is Mis persoNfirm a fargetetl vendoR VES NO Eiylain all yes answers on separste sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORTUNITV (Who, What, When, Where, Why) , ADVANTAGESIFAPpROVED DISADVAMAGESIFAPPROVED . DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED TOTALAMOUNTOFTRANSACTIONS COST/REVENUEBUDGETED(CIRCLEON� VES NO � FUNOING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FlNFNCWL INFORMATION (IXPLNN) �.. \ tY: I�.w�e.�e.� _ N ov. 0'l8� aon � Council File # �� Ordinance ,� Green Sheet ,� ��a33� Presented By Referred To ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 1 2 An ordinance to amend Saint Paul Legislative 3 Code Chagter 376 to elinunate the controls on 4 the number of taxicab vehicle licenses, the 5 fares taxicab companies may chazge and 6 establishing additional requirements for new 7 vehicle t�icab licenses 8 9 THE COUNCIL OF TFIE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: 10 11 Section 1 12 X 13 14 Section 376.02 ofthe Saint Paui Legislafive Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 15 16 Sec. 376.02. Definitions. 17 18 Except where otherwise expressly stated, the following terms, wherever used in this chapter, shall have the 19 meanings respectively ascribed to them in this section: 20 21 Auto-car. An "auto-car" is hereby defined to be a self-propelled motor vehicle with a capacity for canying 22 seven (7) passengers for hire and which operates from a gazage or livery and wluch is kept at all tunes in such 23 garage or livery, except when answering a call, and is hired from such gazage or livery only. 24 25 Director. The term "director" shall mean the director of the Office of License. Ins�ections and 26 Environmental Protection. 27 28 Driver. The term "driver" shall mean the individual in immediate control of the movement of the public 29 vehicle. 30 31 Owner. The word "owner" shall mean any person, firm, copartnership, corporation or associatian that has 32 the bona fide legal title and the right of control, direction, operation and maintenance of such licensed taxicab so 33 operated for hire on the streets of the City of Saint Paul. 34 35 Passenger service vehicle. The term "passenger service vehicle" shall mean and include any motor vehicle ,` .� � ; � � 1 � '•� . . �. � . �. � o i -'1gq 1 cam, ing passengers for hire ar for a:ee, but shall not include any veiucie use3 in pzoviding limousine se: vice as 2 defined in Mivnesota Statutes, Section 221.84. 4 Person(s) with disabilities. The term "person(s) with disabilities" shall mean any person for whom, by 5 reason of age, or disabiliry as define3 in Minnesota Statutes, Section 3b3.01, subdivision 13, their access to and use 6 of taxicabs wouid be facilitated by being able to ride in the front passenger seat of the taxicab. 7 8 Public vehicles. The term "public vehicles" shali mean and include taYicabs and passenger service vehicles. 9 10 Tazicab. The term "taxicab" shall mean and include any motor-driven vehicle for the transportation for hire 11 of passengers, which is equipped with a tasimeter and a distincfive color scheme as hereinafter defined. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Tarfineter. The term "taximeter" shall mean and include any mechanical instrument or device, approved by the inspector, by which the chazge for hire of a taxicab is mechazrically calculated, and on which such charge is plainly indicated. WaitinQ time at address. The term "waitinE time at address" is defined to mean the time be�inving when a cab arrives at an address to which it has been called. and endine when it deDarts from such address. Waiting time after enga�ement. The term "waiting time after engaQemenP' shall mean the time a cab is not in motion at the rec�uest of the passenger or passengers after the cab has commenced the transportation of such passeneer or passen�ers. Section 2 26 Sec. 376.05. Public convenience and necessity. 2� 28 (a) Number of licenses. The authorized number of taxicab licenses sha11 be one hundred fi$y (150). until 29 October 1. 2001, after which time the number will be determined accordingto the reauirements of Section 30 376.10. 31 32 . . 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 _ �we!�w��..�!Re.,�!r.�r�!�ee.�.�rrrr.;as..�rwr�,- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ i�nr;a..�e�e�re�.:�e!�.ese-.�e.Fw+�as!�esi..s;.�s�r_�..�.v� - - - - - - - - �F - • - - - -- - - - - - ---- - - -- - - .;: 44 , . 45 46 2 J 1 -`l �5 �� - - -- - --- - - - - - - - -•--- - - -- -- - --- - - - � - - - -- - - --- - -- - -- - - - -- - 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 `airwe��w�s�sne!��+i ----- ----- - - -- - -- --- - �---�� - - - - -- -- - -- - - - - - - - - -- :......:: �.,�: - - _ .. _ . _ . . . . Y i ni ii i - � i • G i i inu _ " ' _ " _ _ _ " _ _ " _ _ _ _ _ _ " _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ " _ _ _ _ � _ _ " " _ - :.: -- - - - - - -- - - - - - --- - - - - --- -- - - - - --- �- -- - --- - - - - - - --�--- - - - -- . Secfion 3 20 Section 376.08 of the Saint Paui Legislative Code shall be amended to read as follows: 21 22 Sec. 376.08. Applicant--Requirements. 23 x 24 (a) Bach applicant for license to operate for hire a public vehicle must comply with the following conditions to 25 the safisfaction ofthe inspector: 26 27 (1) Be the state license registered owner or a lessee, if the motor vekucle is the subject of a lease having 28 an uutial term of six (6) months or longer, of the pubiic vehicle. 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 (2) Be of the age of eighteen (18) years, or over, in the case of an individual, and in the case of any copartnersiup or corporation, must be authorized to operate taxicabs and carry on business in accordance with the laws of the State of Minuesota. (3) Must obtain a license for each and every such vehicle to be operated. (4) Must fili out upon a blank form to be provided by the inspector a statement covering each vehicle to be so licensed, giving full name and address of the owner; the class and passenger-carrying capacity of the vehicle for which a license is desired; the length of time the vehicle has been in use; the make of caz; the engine number; the serial number and the state license number; what insurance or bond against personal injury or property damage is carried, and in what amount. If said application is made by an individual owner, said owner shall sign and sweaz to said application; if said application is made by a partnerslup, then by one (1) of the pariners; and if by a corporation, then by one (1) of the duly elected officers of said corporation. 45 (b) Said application shall also inciude an accurate and detailed description of the color scheme of the public 46 vehicle, if it is to be used as a taxicab, including inscriptions or monograms thereon, proposed to be operated 47 by said applicant, which shall be distincfly different from that of the taxicabs of any other licensed owner or 48 operator, so that the ownership and identity may be readily ascertained by the department of police and 4� g���;�. P � O�_'1q`� 1..s � w:�o�n� ���,Y taxicab, except that one (1) or more appiicants who are membe:s of the same association and Z who are aut�'�orized to use the color scheme of taxicabs, including the inscriptions or monograms thereon, oT 3 such associations may be licensed to do so when proper evidence of their right from such association to use 4 such color scheme and inscripfions or monograms shall be filed with their application; and it shali be 5 unlawfiil for the owner of any such taxicab, or the operator or driver thereof, licensed under the terms of this 6 chapter to make any change whatever in the co2or scheme of tl�e taxicabs or the inscriptions or monograms 7 thereon without first obtaining the approval of the city council. • :.:� - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - -- I " • 13 14 Section 4 15 Section 376.10 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code shall be amended to read as follows: 16 17 Sec. 376.10. License—Issuance. 18 19 (a) Renewallicenses: Upon satisfactory fulfillment of the requirements of sections 376.08, 376.09 and the 20 following threshold criteria enumerated below, it shall be the duty of the license inspector to issue licenses 21 to qualified applicants. The tlueshold criteria shall be: 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 (1) Affiliation with a capable service company � that provides 24-hour radio dispatching, advertising, record keeping and other common services to a group of taxicab owners and operators using a distincfive color scheme and company name. �Z) (3) Demonstration of financial ability to operate taxicab services. Adequate level of past service, if any. • - - - - - - ----- -- -- --- -- - - -- - -- --- - -- -- --- - - - - -- � "�ah�a..ii:���:�irenr.e;�:iaira:��iiirii�raiii ' _ " ' ' ' _ _ _ _ ' _ " ' _ • • i� � i ♦� � Y_A_l�5. .�.lRl�fli7�R�!!�!!� i � i .I/!R5!!!R�!!�!l�iRA!!!!Rf_R!f!!�5 _ !!!F�!l7fR!!1«fl77!f!!�!!�!R'�F�!!f!P_!!9_!R! �. ��.:va�i.no�eiedv�v ���.... � � . " _ ' _ _ _ "!!!F_� " ' _ _ ' "R!!!!!_F3�f!Nf ' ' _ _ " _ " " ' A!!fl � ���ni�ir:.i� ii�:�i�s'v�:ioiiGi:��u�bir:.ia.��'�iii�•�:��abi�ri�.ia:�i.ii��� ibv�i� '� r" _ ' _ _ ' _ _ ' _ ' ' ' ""'_'_ '" __ _ __ "' _ T � '..'-:_._ _ """':..i." _: ' _ _ " '_' __ _'_ __ _' _ " _ ' i • _ " _" _ _ _ _ ' _" � ' _ _ :ib��h�:ni"v.:�ii.6:i�:.�b:r.nv:.b:��w�.aa"a.s:i:�:. "' n 2 '�.i' � . L.,� , i `; o <+ t .I 6 l — ��a 3� New licenses. Anv new aupiicant for a vehicle license shail, in addition to *1ie reauuements above, meei the 4 followin� criteria: 7 �1� The vehicle(� that applicant intends to �icense must be a maYiinum of five vears old from the current 8 model veaz. Anv replacement vehicles must meet these same requirements. 9 10 Section 5 I 1 Sec. 376.12. Taxicabs--Regulations. 12 (a) Taxicab defzned. The term "taxicab," whenever and wherever used in this section, shall be held to mean and 13 embrace all motor vehicles as defined by the laws of the State of Minnesota, the rental for which is computed from 14 the distance h�aveled by means of a taYimetez attached thereto; the term "taximeter" shall be held to mean and 15 embrace any instrument or device attached to a motor vehicIe designed or intended to mechanically measure the 16 distance traveled, to record the time said vehicle is waiting, and upon which said tasimeter there shall be a record 17 indicating, by means of figures or designs, the amount of the fare. 18 (b) Tcnimeters required. All taxicabs shall haue affixed thereto a taximeter, and no person, fum or corporation 19 owning or operating any taxicab shall offer or let the same for hire or reward, anywhere within the City of Saint 20 Paui, unless the tasimeter does properly and conectly register, indicate or display the amount of the faze according 21 to the distance traveled and the time consumed. 22 (c) Register of taximeter visible to passenger. Every taximeter shall be connected and affixed to the taxicab so that 23 the amount of fare deternuned and chazged for its use shall be plainly visible to a11 passengers or occupants of the 24 taxicab and from one (1) hour after sunset to one (1) hour before sunrise shall have the face of said t�imeter 25 illumined so as to make plainly visible the amount of the fare determined and charged for its use, and there shall be 26 posted in a conspicuous place in the inside of the ta�cicab and on the outside right and left rear doors of the tarcicab a 27 cazd on which shall be printed in plain, legibie type, the rates of fare provided for herein and reference to the 28 ordinance by nuxnber. 29 (d) Tarimeter. It sha11 be the dury of the operator or driver of every t�icab, at the ternunation of his or her service 30 or trip, to stop the taximeter and call the passenger's attention to the amount of the faze registered. The taximeter 31 shall not be changed so as to destroy the amount of the faze registered until after the faze is paid or a chazge ticket 32 therefor made out and delivered to the person hiring such taxicab. 33 No driver or operator of any taa�icab shall permit any person to ride thereon or therein, without the consent of the 34 owner thereof, when the flag is up or toward a vertical position where the faze is not being recorded on the 35 taximeter, and no person shali tamper with, break or mufilate any tasimeter or its attachments with the intention of 36 causing the same to register improperly, incorrecdy or inaccurately. 37 Waiting time shall include the tizne during which the taxicab is not in motion, begimiing with its arrival at the place 38 to which it has been called, or the time consumed while standing at the direction of the passenger, but no charge 39 shall be made for the time lost due to the inefficiency of the taYicab or its operator or for the time consumed by 40 premature arrival in response to a call. 41 (e) Rules to determine time. When the charge is to be paid on the meter basis, the chazge shall begin at the place 42 where the passengez is received and shall continue until he or she is delivered at his or her destination, excepting as 43 hereinbefore or hereinafter provided. When the chazge is to be paid fer on the hour basis, the time shall begin when 44 the motor vehicle is ready at the time and place from which it has been called by the passenger and shall continue � g ; n ; s� � � R�°;' r R� �'�. ��; E 0 I-'LY.� :'�unt�l tiie''�S'aSs�eiige� l�as been discharged and until the caz shatl have had time thereafter to retum to the place from >_ which it has been calied by the most direct route, and at the maximum speed permitted by law; provided, that when 3 any person shall engage or hire a t�icab, unless otherwise agreed at the tune of hiring, the fare for such taxicab � shall be determiued by the taximeter according to the rates provided :or in this chapter; and provided fiirther, that no S driver of any taxicab shall chazge more for the use of said taxicab than is shown to be due upon the face of said 5 taximeter. 7(fl Deceit as to direct route. No person owning or driving or operating any motor vehicle used for caz7ying B passengers for hire shail deceive by trick or device any passenger who may ride in any such motor vehicle or who 9 may desire to ride in any such motor vehicle as to his or her destination or the price authorized by ordinance for 10 such person, or shall convey such person or cause him or her to be conveyed to a place other than that directed by 11 him or her, or in any other manner convey such person to the place directed by him or her except by the shortest and 12 most direct route. 13 (g) Intoxication of driver. No driver or operator of any motor vehicle used for canyiug passengers for hire shall be 14 found to be or laiown to be in a state of into:cication while on duty as such driver. 15 (h) Inspections. 16 (I) Annual inspections: Any tasicab owner shall submit each and every licensed taxicab to an annual inspection. 17 The schedule for such inspections shall be maintained by the license inspector. The inspections shall be carried out 18 at the fire/police equipment services garage located at 1675 Kasota Street, 5aint Paul, at a cost to be established by 19 the city garage and approved by the license inspector to be paid by the licensee. If the inspection shows repairs to be 20 required, the owner sha11 order the repairs made and the taxicab rehuned to the city garage to pass inspection. 21 (2) Periodic inspections: The license inspectoz sha11 reserve the right to exanune and inspect each and every 22 licensed taYicab at any time. The intent of such an inspecfion is to ensure compliance with a11 applicable safety 23 requirements of the state and the rules established herein. 24 (3) Appearance inspections: The license inspector may also require appearance inspections, up to six times per 25 yeaz, to ensure that vehicles have: 26 a. An interior and exterior that aze clean and have a good appeazance; 27 b. Head lights, high beams, brake lights and turn signals that are in good working order; 28 c. A means to raise and lower windows and to open the doors from the inside of the rear passenger area, if so 29 equipped by the manufacturer; 30 d. Safety belts for all passengers in both front and reaz seats; 31 e. A taYimeter in good working order, having a light and sealed, and so placed as to enabie the passenger at all times 32 to see the faze registered when operating on the meter basis; 33 f. A printed cazd or sign with letterin¢ a minnnum of one-half inch in lenath showing the rate of faze charged for the 34 minimum fare. faze �er mile or fraction thereof, waiting rime at address and waifing time for engagement and 35 notifyin¢ nassengers that different taxicab companies mau charge different rates, conspicuously and permanently 36 displayed, not temporarily affixed, in the compartment of the taxicab occupied by the passenger and on the outside 37 right and left reaz doors of the taxicab; 38 g. A top light on the roof ofthe cab which can be lighted when the cab is in service and available to receive 39 passengers; 0 � �; � i � ! �'� ? ,`�t � D t -'14,4 v�s4�""' "I h. � ra�io or mobile �e`?ephone capable of two-way voice communication with the taxicab licensee's or affiiiated 2 licensee's base station; 3 i_ Safe tires. 4(4) Penalty: Failure by an owner to submit each and every licensed taxicab for a periodic inspecrion and/or 5 appearance inspection at an authorized inspection station and/or for an annual inspection by the fire/police 6 equipment services gazage shall result in the following: 7 a The license inspector may seize the taxicab license sticker of each and every uninspected taxicab; 8 b. The license inspector shall hold the seized license plates unfil the taxicab is inspected and found to be in a safe 9 condition by an authorized inspection station or the fire/police equipment services gazage or until acrion of the 10 council as provided for herein; and 11 c. Immediately after such seizure, the inspector shall notify the licensee, specifying in detail the cause for seizure, 12 and stating that the licensee has a right to a hearing on the seizure. The hearing shall be held at the neart license 13 meeting of the city council after the receipt of a written request for hearing unless a later hearing is requested by the 14 licensee. After such hearing, the council shal] detenniue whether the plates shall still be held and whether such 15 license shall be revoked. 16 17 Section 6 18 19 . . . , . 1 - - - � - - -- --- - --- - - - - • - - - -- - - - -- - -- - - " - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - '• - : - - - - " - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' • - -- --- - - - - -- -- - - - � . . -- - - - - - "-- - - - - - -- - -- - - -- - - - . - - -- -- - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 28 29 Q, o„,_.,�„,,..,_ 30 T�_!�_�i,.T__L t/1Q Tl:t_TL_....,.fi�.. 31 . � � - - - - - - - - -- -- - --- j �ti .} � �1 � l�I � li � w1R �1 � � � � �f� � l Aq lR� � � �'� �1 �I�1 RR � � � � 1 �l l � l7 � � l�l � (� n] �S�l � K� �l <R�I � � � iI� � � � � � \�l � � �l L � 1 � l �1 i� F� l T� � �/ � � LI���Ii)11�1��� lV�\�lYy�tK���� € � �; .. , :.f�;e 4 � ';,,: 1 �l T,�.....��_ ��.:iL :I�_ W?:14f . ��a > ��.�9�( � � _ _ ' _ . . _ _ i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' ' . : _ i . _ _ _ _ _ _ " _ " _ _ _ _ _ _ _ � •_ I, _ _ " " _ _ _ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ ' • •• � ' • "� vi• _ • • • /�I.ZI�F[541�!�/.�f17�f __ _FlA7!1�1!f!�!T_FlSf�F12!!f!�!!!!A!!t5!�!!l!Tf!RF!!!!F!!lSSlS!�!!l7�f_ ' __ _" " "_ " " " _ _ _ __ _" _" "__ __ _ _"_ "__ _ __' " _ " _ _ " _ _ - " _ " " " " _ _ " _ _ !Rfi!!AlEt'3!�!'F!!!A7Ef _ "'""_:_':'"' " ""_ _"' """"""' " _' _ _ "" _ """_ ' -" r ' " _ ' _ " " " _ " _ ' " " _ _ " ' _ ' _ _ _ _ ' _ ' _ _ ' _ _ i � " ' " � ' ' ' ' _ " ' ' "" " "" _ ' " '"__ " _ "" '_ '_- "_' "" " _"' _' "__ ' __ '_"' _ "' _' " " _ __ _' ' '_" _" " '" ' " � _ •• _ "' _ •. " "" _ � " '_ _ _' ' " ' ' '_ ' "_ ' _" _ _" ' _ ' ' _ _ " ' 1 7 �C3'36YY i8 19 20 21 �� 25 26 27 2$ 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 Secrion 7 This ordinance shall take effect and be in full force thiriy (30) days following its passage, approval and publication Adopted by Covncil: Date Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: Approved by Mayor: By: D3tE Requested by Department of: Office of License, Inspec 'ons and Envi men al Pr te sy: � � Form Approve by Cit rney By: Approved by Mayor for Submission to council By: Y �� -�44 -- - ---- --- - -- - ----=----- --- -- - - - --- - -- - - - --- -..: - --- - - - -- --- --- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - --- - - ---- - � • ' - - -- - -- ---- -- - -- -- - - - ---- -- - - - - - - --- --- - -- -- -- - - ' . .. �.�.,��.,n.�...,,.� ,�,,....,..-3,....s,.�.,... � ,�-,.w..,R�.� ..,...,��..t=.,,.,., ��I�� 9 10 11 12 , . -- 18 19 20 21 This ordinance shall take effect and be in fixll �� 25 eas 26 Benanav 27 Blakey 28 Bostrom 29 Coleman 30 xarris 31 Lantry 32 Reiter 33 34 35 Adopted by Council: 36 37 Adoption Certi�ied b 38 39 ay: 40 41 Approved by inayor: 42 43 sY: Date y C ci1 Secretary Date r :ction 7 (30) days following its passage, approval and publication Requested by Department of: Office of License, Inspections and EnvironmenCal Protection By: Form Approved by City Attorney By: Approved by Mayor for Submission to council s�: E3 .:• -- - - - - - - - - .::- - - - -- -- - - - - OFFICE OF LICENSE, INSPECTIONS AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Rager Curtis, Diruior CTTY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Colvman, .Nayor LOWRYPROFESSIONAL BUILDING Suite 300 350 SG Peter Street Saint Paul, Minnuota 55702-I570 o� ��� Telephane: 65I-266-9090 Facsimile: 651-298-9I24 Differences between OYdinance OI-799 and Ordinance 01-348 Fare Deregulation 348 - does not effect regulations 799 - eliminates fare regularions Number of licenses both eliminate the cap - currentiy set at 150 cabs Applicant Requirements 348 - applicant must be affiliated with a service company with a minimuxn of 15 vehicles 799 - 24 hour radio service and 24 hour dispatch must still be provided under current rules. No minimum number of vehicles. New Vehicle Licenses 348 - restricts the vekucle to being licensed in Saint Paul only. They cannot be also licensed in any other jurisdiction including the airport. 799 - vehicles can be licensed in other jurisdictions 348 - a car must be current model yeaz (re: 2002 at this date) for original licensing. Car couid after this initial licensing be allowed to remain in service, essentially, in perpetuity as long as vehicle can pass inspection. 799 - the caz can only be five yeazs old from current modei yeaz (re: 1997 at this date) - only for new licensing. As long as vehicle passes mechanical and strict appearance restricrions it is allowed to be re-licensed.