01-68(� A A Council File # ol — G� � ` , � �/ � � / , � Ordinance # - - Green Sheet # �� ORDINANCE (� ' (��TY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA r }Y �� � � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 An ordinance amending Chapter 60 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to zoning for the City of Saint Paul and the zoning maps thereof. WHEREAS, Pursuarst to Minnesota Statutes {462.357 and 64.400 of the Legislative Code, Cayuga Street LLC duly petitioned to rezone property at 178, 182 and 186 Cayuga Street being legally described as (see file), from RT-1 (two-family residential) to P-1 (parking) to allow development of an off-street parking lot, the petition having been certified by the Planning Division on 09/18/00 as having been consented to by at least 67% of the owners of the azea of the property to be rezoned, and further ha�ing been consented to by at least two-thirds o£the owners of the property situated within 100 feet of the total contiguous property witlun one year proceeding the date of the petition; and 'WHEREAS, The Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission on 10l26l00, held a public hearing for the purpose of considering the rezoning petition, and pursuant to { 107.03 of the Administrative Code, submitted its recommendation to the Plaiming Commission that the petition be granted; and WHEREAS, The Planning Commission considered the rezoning petition at its meeting held on 11/17/00 and recommended that the City Council approve the petition; and WHEREAS, notice of public hearing before the City Council on the said rezoning petition was duly published in the official newspaper of the City on 12/04/00 and notices were duly mailed to each owner of affected property and property situated wholly or partly within 350 feet of the property sought to be rezoned; and WHEREAS, a public hearing before the City Council having been conducted on 12/20/00, where all interested parties were heard, the Council having considered all the facts and recommendations concerning the petition; now, therefore THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOE5 ORDAIN: Section 1. That the zoning map ofthe City of Saint Paul, Sheet Number 13, as incorporated by reference in {60.301 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, as amended, is hereby further amended as follows: That property located at 178, 182 and 186 Cayuga Street being more particularly described as: See file be and is hereby rezoned from RT-1 to P-1. Section 2. : 1 +' : 1 41 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and 42 publication. p , � (� 43 � ORIGINAL PU�LiSNE� 4��;� :, i � ------ �� � ..��.�� ` � Adopted by Council: Date ��,�� �00� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary �!!►� �.T���" u � !.D �.. . -. . _ . �_ - � . i� % �� �Ii/�.u� JU//��1�. � _ ����� Plannin & onomic Develo ment By: Form App ved by City Attorney B � l�l.�� /_ �_G I Approved b� Mayor for Submision to Council /(/�/��� B ""�-_� v " a �- � � DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COi3NCII.: DATE INTTIATED GREEN SHEET NO.: PED December 21, �Q �°f ( f j 2000 CONTACf PERSON & PHONE: � IN1TTar/DATE James Zdon 266-6559 z nsr.��rn�N�r nrx.� s crrrcovrrcu, ASSIGN 3 CITYATTORNEY� -�'u� CTTYCLERK M[SSf BE ON COUNCII. AGENDA BY (DATL� FINA1�iCIAL SERV DII2, FINANCIAL SERV/A TG 7anuary�2001 ��� 4 MAYOR(ORASST.) i s�a�w g�Y ROL7TING ORDER TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES I,(CI,IP ALL LO('ATIONS FOR SIGNATTJRE) ncriox �.Q�;srEn: Adoption of rezoning ordinance RECOMMIENDATIONS: Apprwe (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS NN5T ANSVYER THE FOLLO'WING QUESTIONS: 1. Hasihispecson(finneverworkedunderaconhactfoxthisdepaz4nent? PLANNINGCAMMISSION Yes No CTB COMMITl'EE 2. Has tivs person/fum ever been a city employee? CIVll,SERVICECAMMISSION Ye No 3. Does fltis person/firmpossess a skill not nrnmally possessed by any cwrent city empSoyee? Yes No Eaplain all yes answers on separate sheM and attach to green sheet INITSATING PROBLEM, IS5UE, OPPORTUPIITY (Whn, What, Whety Whem, Why): Adopt an ordivance to finalize councii approval of a petition of the Cayuga Street LLC to rezone property located at 178, 182 and 186 Cayuga Street from RT-1 to P-1 (public hearing held 12/20/00) . ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: Property will be rezoned and off-street parking facility will be developed for Tilsner Carton Company. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: , None - DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: Needed off-street parlang will not be developed. ��-�, a����rt � TOTALAMOUNT OFTRANSACfION: $ 0 � COST/REVENUEBUDGETED: �� �� ��� n � t5� S.� FUNDINGSOURCE: ACTIVITYNUMBER: J!-1CSi 0 26<�� FINANCIALINFORMATION:(EXPLAI� G`y�'�� ��.'�a�, V�%�°�r �°'� p VIT�° i'e�'�'C��$l�E� S +V ' xY IJ � K�Shared�Ped�ZDON�7ANING�00144d54geensheetdec2l.wpd ' "� � DEPARTMENT OF PI�ANNING & EWNOMIC DEVEIAPMENT � \ — C 3a� OF SAINT PAUL Coteman, Mayar �� November 28, 2000 Ms. Nancy Anderson City Council Research Office Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Ms. Anderson: Division ofPlanning 25 WestFounh Street Telephone, 612-26Gb565 SRintPau{MN55T02 Facsim�le:612-228-3314 �' =��:i ����2iL � �%��"� vi+� � � � ���� I would like to confirm that a pubiic hearing before the City Council is scheduled for Wednesday December 20, 2000, for the purpose of rewning property at 178, 182 and 186 Cayuga Street. AppGcam: File Number: Purpose: Address: Legal Description of Property: Cayuga Street LLC #00-144-454 Rezoning of properry from RT-1 to P-1 to allow development of an off=street pazking lot. 178, 182 and 186 Cayuga Street. See file. My understanding is that you will publish notice of the hearmg in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger. Please call me at 266-6�59 if you have any questions. Sincerely, � mcF„� �4�irc, � James Zd City P1 er cc: File #00-144-454 Paul Dubruiel Cazol Martineau �r�IIZSrni�N� . . : .: ^NQTiCE*OF �: � �. .. .. . _ .� . r ,..._. , _...-. _ .1 ...... y, � � HallS,CquiEhouse,- �-Kell'ogg $oule�azd,�Saint F'afil; NIN, to comsider-€he �..appllcafioii, of Cayuga'Street U.0 tA recoi[e propecty�at TS2,'an8•186 Street fiam P-3:to allow develop-� me.nt��of an off=sireef�, }ot � � ' :-, Dated:�l4wemher'�9;20�0`-�: =� . - �NANCYANDER30N : '�-� . � - . - � ; Assistant Gtty Crnmcil . � :,-- _ , = - � (flacembei;� . . ; ' _ ��9: PAD/ ��.L80GBR =-m?� . ' �02Y178GI8. :- . _ DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ECOIVOMIC DEVEIAPMENT ����� CITY OF SAR�IT PAUL Norm Caleman, Mayor Y�� November 28, 2000 Ms. Nancy Anderson Secretary to the City Council Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Mimiesota 55102 � Re: Zoning File #00-144-454 Deaz Ms. Anderson: Divesion afP7anning 25 West Fourth Sbeet SaintPaul, MN 35102 Telephone: 61 2-2 66 65 65 F¢csrmde: 6T 2-228-3314 The following rezoning application is scheduled for the City Council's December 20, 2000 public hearing agenda: Applicant: Cayuga Street LLC. Address: 178, 182 and 186 Cayuga Street. Purpose: Rezoning from RT-1 to P-1 to allow development of an off-street parlang lot. Planning Commission Recommendation: Approve, vote: Unanimous. Zoning Committee Recommendation: Approve, vote: 5- 0. Staff Recommendation: Approve. Public Hearing Support: None. Public Hearing Opposition: Two residents had concerns with the pazking lot site plan. District Council: The District 6 Planning Council had no objections subject to the applicant working with the council on landscaping.. Please notify me (266-6559) if any member of the City Councd wishes to have slides of the site presented at the public hearing. Sincg�ely, '�/12�e/1 I�PjI/' � es 7do�r City Plazm r cc CiTy Councii members � o� -�S" � � city of saint paul planning commission resolution �le number date 00-67 11-17-00 WHEREAS, CAYUGA STREET LLC, file #00-144-454, has applied to rezone property located at 178, 182, and 186 Cayuga from RT-1 to P-i, situated between Agate and Lorient; and WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission, on October 26, 2000, held a public hearing at which ail persons present were given an opporiunity to be heard pursuant to said application in accordance with the requirements of Section 64.400 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code; and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Planning Commission, based on the evidence presented to its Zoning Committee at the public hearing, as substantially reflected in the minutes, made the follow3ng findings of fact: 1. Cayuga St. LLC is the owner of the vacant properties at 178, 182 and 186 Cayuga Sireet. Cayuga St LLC is a land ownership corporation for Tilsner Carton Company. Cayuga St. LLC is zequesting the rezoning to provide off-street parking for Tilsner Carton Company employees. The company designs and manufactures corrugated packaging, point of purchase displays, wood pallets and packaging supplies. Cayuga St. LLC has received conditional site plan approval from LIEP for an off-street parking facility of 43 parking spaces. The approval is contingent upon the applicant reaoning the property from RT-1 to P-1, obtaining a front setback variance and a variance for securing the entrance at night. The proposed parking lot is adjacent to the City's Cayuga playground. Staff from the Parks and Recreation Department have reviewed the site plan and have no objections. r� u moved by Fi°ld seconded by i n favor Unanimous against 2. Section 60.723 stipulates the following conditions sflail be required in a P-1 Vehicular Parking DistricY. a. The parking facility shall be accessory to and for use in connection with one or more businesses, industries, institutions, or multifamily residences. This fmding is met. The proposed parking facility will serve the Titsner Carton Company to the north. b. The pazking facility shall not be used during hours when the principle use is not in operation. During such periods the parking facility shall be inaccessible for public use, When there is a written agreement between two (2) or more buildings or uses to share a parking �acility in a P-1 District in accordance with section 62.103(fl(3) and (4), then the parking facility may remain open for all the hours of operation of the building or uses. This finding is met. The Tilsner Carton Company only has one working shift from 5:00 am to 5:00 pm. The parking lot will only be used to serve employees working within this time period. c. The parking facility shall be used solely for parking of private passenger vefiicles and sfiall not be used as on off street loading area. This finding is met. The parking facility will only be used for employee private passenger vehicles. d. No commercial repair work or service of any kind, or sale or display thereof, shall be conducted in such parking facility. This £inding is met. The parking facility will only be used for employee parkittg. e. No signs of any kind, Ot�leI Ill3R SIgTI� itcaiyi�diu;b-�,..�� �f=� °°:r°'TfA conditions of use, shail be maintained on such pazking facility. This finding is met. The only sign planned by Cayuga St. LLC is an interior stop sign at the parking lot exit. f. No building other than that for the shelter of attendants shail be erected upon the premises unless specifically approved by the planning administrator during site plan review. This finding is met. The approved site plan shows no buildinas. 3. The rezoning is consistent with the comprehensive plan. The 1999 � � r7 L_� �1-teb' . Comprehensive Plan Summary and General Policy States, "Economic Development is well estabiished as a clear priority for Saint Paul, and healthy economic growth is a well recognized reality today....Therefore, high priorities for Saint Paul now are: to ensure that land resources with potential for business use are made available and used � to their maximum economic and community benefit." Page 24. 4. The rezoning is consistent with the way the area has developed and rezoning the property wili not have an adverse impact upon the neighborhood. The subject property is across the street from industrial zoned property, abutted on the east by the Cayuga playground and abutted on the south and west by residential properties. The residential properties to the south and west should not be adversely impacted because of the natural topography of the site which slopes down to the northeast. The P-1 parking facility with its extensive landscaping should act as a land use buffer between the residential and industrial uses and also between the residentiai uses and the playground. 5. The intent of the RT-1 zoning district states: "The RT-1 Two-Family Residential district is designed to afford a transition of use in existing housing areas by permitting new construction or conversion of existing structures between adjacent residential and commercial, office, thoroughfares or other uses which would affect residential character. " � The intent of the P-i Vehicle Parking District is intended to permit the establishment of Off-street parking facilities to be used solely for off-street parking of private passenger vehicles as a use incidental to a principle use. The district will serve a use district which has developed without adequate off-street parking. 6. The applicant submitted a sufficient petition of two-thirds of the property owners within one hundred (100) feet of the property stating support for the rezoning (23 parcels eligible, 16 parcels required, and 16 parceis signed). NOW, THEREFORE, BE TT RESOLVED, based on findings 1 through 6, the Saint Paui Planning Comznission recommends to the Saint Paul City Council approval of the application of Cayuga Street LLC to rezone property at 178, 182, and 186 Cayuga Street from RT_ 1 to P-1 with the condition that the applicant perform one of the following altematives: 1. Install a six foot privacy fence along the west property line of the parking lot; or 2. Vacate the fifteen foot alley right-of-way along the west property line of the parking lot and install a six foot privacy fence along the midpoint of the vacated right-of-way. � a t -c�� � PRESENT: EXCUSED: OTHERS PRESENT: MlNUTES OF THE ZONING COMMITTEE Thursday, Ocfober 26, 2000 - 3:30 p.m. Cify Council Chambers, 3` Floor City Haii and Court Hause 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Kramer, Mardell and Morton Engh, Faricy, Field, Gervais and Gordon Peter Warner Caroi Martineau, Allan Torstenson, and Joel Spoonheim of PED The meeting was chaired by Commissioner Kramer. Cayuga Street LLC ( 00-144454) - Rezone from RT-1 to P-1 (Parking) to allow construction of a parldng lot to serve Tilsner Carton Company. 178-186 Cayuga Stteet, south side between Aeate and 35 E. Joel Spoonheim showed slides and presented the staff report with a recommendation for approval of the rezoning. At the question of Commissioner Morton, Mr. Spoonheim stated the appfication for the two variances is on file with the BZA pending the outcome of this hearing. Mr. AI Krefman, Site Design Services, represented the applicant, said there will be gate on the � parking lot, but they wouid like to leave it open on a trial basis to afford some amenity to the neighborhood for access to the playground. Ms. Dianna Wilson, 850 Agate Street, stated she had concerns about the noise generated by the parking Iot. She would like to see a six foot privacy fence erected on the parking lot directiy facing her property. At the question of Commissioner Kramer, Mr. Spoonheim explained no semi-trailers would be al{owed to use the parking lot, and it is designed not to accommodate them. At the question Commissioner Morton, Mr. Spoonheim stated the site plan has been approved pending the outcome of this hearing. Ms. Leann Melon and Ms. Angela Barela, 177 Granite Street, appeared and stated they had concerns about access from Cayuga Street to a future garage they plan to buiid. Mr. Krefman responded that they intend to ask for a vacation of the alley a4ong the west side of their property down the center of the alley once iYs vacated, as requested by Ms. Wilson. They might be able to ailow some encroachment onto the upper part of their property so that Ms. Me{on and Ms. Barela can make the turn on the al{ey to have access ta their future garage. The hearing was closed. � � Zoning Committee Minutes Octaber 26, 2000 File #: OD-144-454 Page 2 Commissioner Morton moved to lay the case over to November 9, 2000. Commissioner Mardell seconded it. Adopted Yeas - 3 Drafted by: ���� Carot Martineau Recording Secretary Nays - 0 Submitted by: Joe! Spo�lnheim �� �� Zoning Section � � � Approved by: � � MINUTES OF THE ZONtNG GOMMtTTEE Thursday, November 9, 2000 - 3:30 p.m. PRESENT: f�ld�F'�� OTHERS PRESENT: Cify Council Chambers, 3` Floor City Hall and Court House 15 West Ke(logg Boulevacd Faricy, Fiefd, Gordon, Kramer, and Morton Engh, Gervais, and Mardell Peter Warner Caroi Martineau, Alfan Torstenson, and James Zdon of PED The meeiing was chaired by Commissioner Field. ot-c�� Cayuga Street LLC - OD•14d-454 - Rezone from RT-1 P-1 (Parking) to alfow construction of a parking lot to serve Tiisner Carton Company. 178-188 Cayuga Street, south side between Agate and 1-35 E. James Zdon presented the updated staff report that was distributed to the Commissioners. At the question of Commiss+oner Kramer, Mr. Zdon stated the residenYs on Granite Street would have access to the garage they are planning to buiid by goi�g through the aliey right-of-way. Upon question of Commissioner Gordon, Mr. Zdon stated the architect taiked to the resident at 850 Agate and the privacy fence between the properfies and along Cayuga Street +s a satisfacfory so(ution. � At the question of Commissioner Gordon, Mr. Torstenson stated P-1 rezoning requires a site plan to conform to aii standards of the code. The Pfanning Commission can grant modifications to requirements for the site plan under 60.723 required conditions or P-1 parking districts. At the question of Commissioner Gordon, Mr. Zdon sfated the staff recommendation woufd be to vacate the right-of-way with the fence in the mid point of the vacated right-of-way. Commissioner Gordon moved to approve the rezoning with the added condition the applicant perform one of the two alternatives set forth in the staff memo invoiving the privacy fence. Commissioner Kramer seconded it. Adopted Yeas - 5 Drafted by: Nays - 0 Submitted by: � / � �.C1.n,a-PJj1�� l�t e.n.�i� �cvriw� �.,�^ Carol Martineau �mes Zdon Recording Secretary �Loning Section Litton Fieid Chair Approved by: 1 ! Ol -Co$� SAINT 4UL � AAAA crrY cF sa�rr PavL Norm Coleman, Mayor November 8, 2000 To: Zoning Committee From: 7ames Zdon Re: Cayuga Street LLC (00-144-454) DEPARTMENT OF PL.4NNIVG & ECONOMIC DEVELAPbfENT Brian Sweeney, Dira�ctor 25 WestFwrth Street SafntPau�MN55702 Telephone: 651-2666655 Facumile: 65l-228-3314 At the October 26, 2000 public hearing, the committee laid over this rezoning application pending further investigation by the applicant into concerns expressed by two adjacent neighbors. The residents at 177 Granite were concemed that access from Cayuga Stteet to their parking area behind their residence would be eliminated by the new parking lot. The applicant's azchitect has investigated this situation and found that access to the rear of their property would continue to be available via a 15 foot alley right-of-way that runs east west behind their property. The architect has examined the tuming radius into the site and determined that larger vehicles could negotiate turns in and out of the site from the alley right-of-way. Figure 1. • The resident at 850 Agate Street expressed concerns about possible noise generated by the parking lot. The applicant's architact has indicated they are prepared to install a 6 foot privacy fence along the west property line of the parking lot. They would prefer, however, to first vacate the 15 foot right-of-way that runs north south between the two properties and install the fence along the midpoint ofthe vacated right-of-way. This option, they believe, is preferabie because the right-of-way midpoint has a higher elevation which will result in better screening by the proposed fence. Figure 2. The applicant's architect has attempted to reach both parties with the results of his analysis but as of 11/07/00 has been unsuccessful. Recommendation: Staffwould recommend rezoning the pzoperty from RT-1 to P-1 based on the findings in the 10126l00 staff report. N � � � o i-� � 1 2 3 4 ZONING COMNIITTEE STAFF REPORT BIL73 # 00-144-454 APPLICANTa Cayuga Street LLC DATS OF AfiARING: 10/26(00 CLASSIFICATION: Rezoning I,OCATION: 178,182 and 186 Cayuga Street PLANNIISG DISTRICT: 6 5. LEGAL See file. 6. PRSSENT ZONING: RT-1 ZOIJING COD& REFSRENCE: Sections 60.720 and 64.400. 7. STAEF INVESTIGAT20N AND REPORT: DATE: 10/18/00 BY: JameS Zdon 8. DATE RECEIVED: 09/13I00 DEADLINB FOR AC2ION: 11/12/00 A. PVRPOSE: Application to rezone £rom RT-1 to P-l. � B. C. D. PARCEL SIZS: This irregular shaped parcel has approximately 245 feet of frontage along Cayuga street and is 150 feet deep for a total of 33,003 square feet. EXIST2NG LAND IISE: Vacant land in a RT-1 zoning district. LAND U5E: North: Industrial warehouse structure in a I-1 zoning district East: City playground in a RT-1 zoning district South: Single family residential structures in a RT-1 zoning district. . West: Single family residential structures in a RT-1 zoning district. E. ZONING CODS CITATION: Section 60.720 identifies conditions £or a P-1 zoning district. Section 64.400(a) states in part, "the council may from time to time, amend, supplement or change the distzict boundaries or the regulations herein, or subsequently established herein pursuant to the provisions of Minnesota Statutes Section 462.357 and amendments thereto as may be make from time to time. The planning commission may from time to time, review district boundary lines to determine if, pursuant to state laws, such district boundary lines should Be changed. Section 64.400(b) states in part that "an amendment to the zoning code may be initiated by the oouncil, the planning commission or by getition � of the owners of sixty-seven i67) percent of [he area of the property to be rezoned." F. HISTORY/DISCIISSION: In 1998, the City approved Cayuga Street, LLC's � application to rezone 199 and 201 Cayuga Street from 12T-1 to I-1. G. DISTRICT COIINCIL RECObPffiNDATION: The Dist=ict 6 Planning Council has reviewed the proposed rezoning and has no objections subject to the applicant working with the district council on landscaping. H. FINDINGS: 1. Cayuga St. LLC is the owner of the vacant properties at 178, 182 and 186 Cayuga Street. Cayuga St. LLC is a land ownership corporation for Tilsner Carton Company. Cayuga St. LLC is requesting the rezoning to provide off-street parking for Tilsner Carton Company employees. The company designs and manufactures corrugated packaging, point of purchase displays, wood pallets and packaging supplies. Cayuga St. LLC has received conditional site plan approval from LIEP for an off-street parking facility of 43 parking spaces. The approval is contingent upon the applicant rezoning the property from RT-1 to P-1, obtaining a front setback variance and a variance for securing the entrance at night. The proposed parking lot is adjacent to the City's Cayuga playground. Staff from the Parks and Recreation Department have reviewed the site plan and have no objections. 2. Section 60.723 stipulates the following conditions shall be required in a P-1 Vehicular Parking District. a, The parking facility shall be accessoxy to and for use in connection with one or more businesses, industries, institutions, or multifamily residenoes. This finding is met. The proposed parking facility will serve the Tilsner Carton Company to the noxth. b. The parking facility shall not be used during hours when the principle use is not in operation. During such periods the parking facility shall be inaccessible for public use, When there is a written agreement between two (2) or more buildings or uses to share a parking facility in a P-1 District in accordance with � se����:%�° -' l"" �� ��� and (4) , then the parking facility may remain . - _� . .. . ._ . _ open for a11 the hours of operatre�x. �� ' '-'-' ?''' ^^_ �r uses .� This finding is met. The Tilsner Carton Company only has one working shift from 5:00 am to 5:00 pm. The parking lot will only be used to serve employees working within this time period. c. The parking facility shall be used solely £or parking of private passenger vehicles and shall not be used as on off street loading area. This finding is met. The parking facility will only be used for employee private passenger vehicles. �-J � d. No commercial repair work or service of any kind, or sale or � display thereof, shall be conducted in such parking facility. a t-�F� � This finding is met. The parking facility will only be used for employee parking. e. No signs of any kind, other than signs designating entrances, exits and conditions of use, shall be maintained on - such parking facility. This finding is met. The only sign planned by Cayuga St. LLC is an interior stop sign at the parking lot exit. f. No building other than that for the shelter of attendants shall be erected upon the premises unless specifically approved by the planning administrator during site plan review. This finding is met. The approved site plan shows no buildings. 3. The rezoning is consistent with the comprehensive plan. The 1999 Comprehensive Plan Summary and General Policy States, "Economic Development is we11 established as a clear priority for Saint Paul, and healthy economic growth is a well recognized reality today....Therefore, high priorities for Saint Paul now are: to ensure that land resources with potential for business use are made available and used to their maximum economic and community benefit." Page 24. 4. The rezoning is consistent with the way the area has developed and rezoning the property will not have an adverse impact upon the � neighborhood. The subject property is across the street from industrial zoned property, abutted on the east by the Cayuga playground and abutted on the south and west by residential properties. The residential properties to the south and west should not be adversely impacted because of the natural topography of the site which slopes down to the northeast. The P-1 parking facility with its extensive landscaping should act as a land use buffer between the residential and industrial uses and also between the residential uses and the playground. 5. The intent of the RT-1 zoning district state5: "The RT-1 Two- Family Residential district is designed to afford a transition of use in existing housing areas by permitting new construction or conversion of � existing structures between adjacent residential and commercial, o£fice, thoroughfares or other uses which would affect residential characteY." The intenC of the P-1 Vehicle Parking District is intended to permit the establishment of Off-street parking facilities to be used solely for off-sCreet parking of private passenger vehicles as a use incidental to a principle use. The district will serve a use district which has developed without adequate off-street parking. 6. Trie applicant submitted a sufficient petition of two-thirds o£ the property owners within one hundred i100} feet of the property stating support for the rezoning l23 parcels eligible, 16 parcels required, and 16 parcels signed). � I. STAFF RECOE�BdENDATION: Based on findings 1 through 6, staE£ recommends approval of the application to rezone tke property at 178, 182 and 186 Cayuga Street from RT-1 to P-l. � .r�as � �itAll� PE'fiS10N 30 AMEt1D THE Z.dN[t3G CODE IJeparfinent of Planning and �`conomic Development Zoning Section � II00 City Hall Annex 25 N'est Fvurlh Street , . ' Sainr Paul, M1Y SSIQ2 26b-6589 APPLICAN7 ` Propetty Owner ��ga screec, tt.c 162 York Ave. E. PROPERTY LOCA71oN City St Pa+�l St.�Zip 55117 Dayfima phoneFSt-223-05 Contact person (if different) David A. Gotlieb � Address/Location see Attached. Legal description additiona/ sheat if necessary) �O THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CiTY COUNCIt: Pursuant to Section 64.400 oafhs S ei�t P�C Zoning Ordinan{he ovner of al{ thela d proposed Minnesota Statues, Cay,�g for rezoning, hereby petitions you to sezo�e the above described prope�y from a Rx-1 _ zoning district to a p- ,_� � zoning district, for the purpose of: Parking (attach additionaf sheet(s) if necessary) Attachments: Required site ptan � Consent Qetition L) Affidavit � ' r...,,..io Subscribed and sw�[n to before me this � Z�� day � � �7er , �Z � � X�/�,i'�v . PAM E.SCHARPEN ��r a�aic � a+.ao� Notary Public By: � I// i/" � WJ Fee o�.vner of proper�y �� -�� secretary Title: Page 1 oF 2 � 'arton - Your Single Packaging Source � �hether you are looking for standard stock boxes, stock or custom displays, or ; for the highest quality coior packag+ng, Ti/sner Carton is your source. Tilsner also offers a complete line of packaging supp(ies as weli as wootl pallet manufacturing and recycling for your shipping needs. Since the early 1920's Tilsner has providetl cartons to entl users for immediate use. Fast turnaround is a / l��_ 11,_•_^ .. �� � Tilsner standard. If custom packaging is calied for, ' :3 '_.�-�, __ `� V Tilsner wiil create and manufacture packag+ng ���:, tlesignetl to cost effecfively ship and dispiay yo� �� ���'' product. Our flexographic printing and die cutting equipment is state of the art. Ali this is done ii quickly to fit your producfion schedule. � 3m For your convenience we have a large inventory of stock boxes, avai!able in the most popular sizes for immetliate ���� � m nr f+o�ilfP111 �i+1..4. _�� .r, _, .. � - At Tilsner we pride ourse(ves on fast turnaround for ali projects, large or small. Ask our sales personnel about samples and prototypes for your next project. r I �J���� Tlsner Carron is a member o! tirst Pak �,�, � Artallianceo/7heAssccralronOf ��"'�°mdef�� ; 7rtdeperrdentCarugatedCarve�ters. • 01-68� � Designers & Manufacturers of Corrugated Packaging, Point Of Purchase Displays, Wood Pallets & Suppfies � �, ;> �� �� � �� � � � €s � �� �� � ¢�� a� �b �� �� �' Y� �" s� eE5 6 i � ��;� ��� ��� ����� � ����� ���� ��� � i �� $ � � 4 ��a ! ������ �� ��� i$���� se ������ �� ��� ���� �� I�I� �.}.�. �. �. � ��t. � 1�4� I I 1���� ���lI��I���E��I� tlE�rldeie399!!#���:aa m III II�IIII��$�1 ��(Ilfl�l#11��4�1►5�1��1 � � 3 " e t�� ittis � it�alr�idtlt����ii��la ���� � 8 � �� � � �� � �����$ �� s . ,$ 0 � �_ ��� � �s ���� � S tl 6 S 8 II G 8+ 9 � � ��� � � ����° �� � ����i�������� �„ «—.a rma rnnowaa arro o� ao wm-�u-�sv� —.w. .rw�..w.�..r, �A� m/Ma� SNOWdNW `JNLLSIX3 .o � (�isc�n� .ys� ••••• I aw i v9n.ttrJ Zsc ��� wwwr."'� �IIi�� •"° Y.��3'Z'��C� �� � 09NO1L'Y9b3NS7I[ �. :;:: �.,,;.:.� °"'�"_"_. 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OFFICE OF LICENSE, INSPEC7fONS AND ENVIR013MEI�'IAL PROTECCION Ro6ert Kessler, Director b 4 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Narm Coleman, Mayor FAX � DATE: .1.819f99' T/ TO: Alan Kretman 731-0421 FROM: Tom Beach RE: Tilsner Carton parking iot at 178 Cayuga Site plan 00-143133 PAGES: 2 BUILDING INSPECTTONAND DESIGN 350 St Peter Saeet Suite 300 SaintPaul, Minnesota 55101-I510 Telephon¢: 651-266-9090 Facsimile: 612-266-9099 On September 20 you met with City staff to discuss the site plan for your project. The comments from that meeting are sammarized belpw. Driveways Bill Hagland of Traffic Engineering (651-266-6206) said the driveway must be 26 feet wide and the radii must match the width af the boulevard (a6out 7 feet). A note must be added to the plan near the driveway stating "Driveways to be removed and constructed to City standards by a licensed and bonded contractor under a permit from Public Works Sidewalk Section (651-266-6120). Sidewalk grades must be carried across the driveways." 2. Sewers Ila Shah of Sewer Engineering (651-266-6231) discussed sanitary sewer services to the properry. They must be abandoned if they have not akeady been. Ila said she would check into . their status. The elevation numbers on the topo map must be corrected. (There is an extra 0 in them now.) Use schedule 40 pipe in the right of way. 3. Water Jerry Strauss of the Water Utility (651-266-6268) said you can use an existing water service if you plan an irrigation system. You will need to install a"dog house" and show it on the site plan. � 4. Permit for obstruction or excavation A note must be added to the site plan stating "The contractor must obtain an Obstruction/Excavation Permit from Public Works (651-266-61'51) if truckslequipment wi(1 be driving over curbs or if construction wiil block City streets, sidewalks or alleys." 5. Lartdscaping I said thaY 4 new boulevard trees must be planted where they aze currently missing. The City Forester can tel] you what species to plant. A note must be added to the plan � stating "Removing or planting trees in the boulevazd requires a permit from the City Forester (651- 632-5129)." There is no chazge for this permit. 6. Zoning The property must be rezoned to P-1. A variance for front yazd setback is also required. You will also need a variance unless you provide a way to secure the entrance at night. 7. Lighting 8. Survey 6127). The photometric pIan looks OK. You must submit a Certificate of Survey to Linda Murphy ofPublic Works 9. Survey monuments A note must be added to the plan stating "Caze must be taken during consYruction and excavation to protect survey any monuments and/or proper[y irons.- Calt Jeff Grosso of Public Works Surveying (651-266-6075} if you have any questions." :. ....' 10. Vacating alley Yoa asked about vacating the alley west of the site. This is not:required for the project. However, if you want moce information about vacating the alley you should call Peter. _ White of Real Estate (651-266-8853) in Room 140 Ciry HaII. 11. Retaining wall If you want to rebui(d the retaining wail prior to the vacarion of.the alley, you will_ � need an Encroachment Permit from Public Works for the part in the alley. Call Linda Murphy of . Pubiic Works (651-266-6127). There is a fee of $150. 12. Parks property The plan shows grading on property to the east that betongs to Parks and Rec. You will need to $et written approval from them for this grading. You must send me a copy of this approval. I3. Fee I cannot find a record that the site plan review fee has been paid. Pleasa send me a copy of the receipt or canceled check or pay the fee. The fee is $270. • , �r- F tanc You should: - • -, r _ _; ..Lrt.. ,.,.° g ` - - � --- 4 ..fr.rFP (65I-266-9082}. __ 1. Apply for the vanances: i.oncm.e .:.�.��-Y,.�:. ,_... " _ _._.. . 2. Submit 5 sets of site plan revised to reflect the commenis in th'tslefter ta m�- .. .. .... ..... .. The site plan is approved subject to you submitting 7 sets of the If you have any questions, you can reach me at me at 651-266-9086 (phone), 651-266-9099 {fax) or tom.beach@ci.stpaul.mn.us (e-mail). F�Wmanda�Zoning�SAdoul0014J133com.v+pd � D � � CITY OB SAINT PAUL Consent Of Adjoin"sng Property Owners For A REZONING V ��b� We, the undersia ed, owners of the property within ]00 feet of the total conti�uous description of real estate owned, purchased, or sold by THE PETITIONER within one year preceding the da[e of this Petition acknowledge that we have been presented with the followina: 1. A copy of the Petition of Cayuaa Street, LLC to rezone the propeRy located at 178, 1&2, and 186 Cayuga Street, St. Paul, Minnesota from a RT-1 zonin� district to a P-1 zoning district. 2. A copy of sections 60.720 to 60.723, inclusive oE the Saint Paul Zoning Code; and acknowledge that we are aware of all of the uses permitted in a P-I zonin� district and we are aware that any of these uses can be established upon Ciry eouncil approval of the rezoning. We hereby consent to the rezoning of the property in the petition of Cayu�a Street, LLC to an P-1 zonin� district. We consent to the approva3 of this rezoning as it was explained to us by the applicant or his/her representative. Address or P.I.N.# Record Owner Si�nature � Aate ! i � Oi-6 30-29-22-42-0089-7 Joel S. Tilsner Joel S. Tilsner Ioel S. Tilsner Joel S. Tilsner Joel S. Tilsner Joe] S. Tilsner Joel S. Tilsner Joel S. Tilsner Joel S. Tilsner Joel S. Tilsner loe( S. Tilsner 3`ry- '�--' �r ' 13' I �'1--- "/ 3 ' 1 ," " ;'(3•i �3'� .n 3 •( 3 - I t� �y'I 3 �I � •�3�t� ' �.�3_ � t3 1 .�� 73'( � NOTE: This PeCition shall not be considered as officially filed until [he lapse of seven (7) workine days aFter it is received by the Planning Division. Any si�nator of this Petition may withdraw hislher name therefrom by writ[en reques[ within [hat time. ?65018v2 b CITY OF SAINT PAUL Consent Of Adjoining Property Owners For A REZOYING We, the undersi�ned, owners of the property within 1QQ fee[ of ihe total contiguous description of real estate owned, purchased, or soid by THE PETITIONER within one year precedin� tYie date of this Petition acknowledae that we have been presented with the followine: 1. A copy of the Petition of Cayuga Street, LLC to rezone ihe property located at 178, 182, and 186 Cayuga Street, St. Pa�l, Minnesota from a RT-1 zoning district to a P-I zoning district. Z. A copy of sections 60.720 to b0.723, inclusive of the Saint Paul Zoning Code; and acknowiedge that we are awaze of all of the uses permitted in a P-1 zoning district and we are awaze that any of these uses can be established upon City Council approval of the rezoning. We hereby consent to the rezoning of the property in the petition of Cayuga Street, LLC to an P-1 zoning district. We consent to the approva] of this rezoning as it was explained to us by the apglicant or hislher representative. Address or P.I.N.# 30-29-22-42-0093-6 Record Owne� City of St. Paul CS/PR 33006 � Date � NOTE: This Petition shall not be considered as offcialiy filed until the lapse of seven (7) workin= days after it is received by the Planning Division. Any signator of this Petition may withdraw his/her name therefrom by rvritten reqaest within that time. �*-r.. nr cAiNT PAUL * DIVISION OF PARKS AND RECREATION - �.��� ,.. _ _..___ _' - _:•• * The signature of the Director of Parks and �ecrea���ca:ss �.�.xr._._ . only to enabie the petitioner to receive a public hearing, and is not to be c as either ap rovai or denial of subject petition. . r n 1 � 3�G�� G` Date � �6aoas�z > �l- � � AFFIDAVIT OF PERSON CIRCULATING THE CONSENT PETITION STATE OF MINNESOTA ) )SS COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) Peter T. Shimabukuro, being first duly sworn, deposes and states that he is the person who circulated the attached consent petition consisting of 2 pages on behalf of Cayuga Street, LLC; that affiant represents that the parties described on the consent petitions aze all the respective owners of the properties placed immediately before each name; that affiant is informed and believes that each of the pazties described on the consent petitions is an owner of the property which is within 100 feet of any property owned, purchased, or sold by petitioner within one (1) year preceding the date of this petition which is contiguous to the property described in the petition; that none of the parties described in the consent petitions has purchased or is purchasing property from the petitioner that is contiguous to the property described on the consent petitions within one (1) year of the date of the petitions; and that the si�natures are the true and correct signatures of each and all of the parties so described. �� Peter T. himabukuro 100 South Fiftb Street Suite 1100 Minneapolis, MN 55402 Ph. No.: (612) 333-2111 Subs ribed and swo �s � da of i�`� � � I�IOTARY PUBLIC to before me � . 2600. PAM E. SC�PEN �N � w� Page I of 3 � 2�oass�i NAY-13-202H ?3-G9 �arsinen Kaplan Levy Resb A�IDavtT OF PERSON CIRCLiLATING THE CO.�'SENT PE STATEOFt��ESOTA j )SS CQCT�I7' OF FIE2�'IQEt'LV 1 61233'..�67:9 P. �2%02 o����� Michae[ 7. Abrams, being fitsc duIy sworn, deposes and s;aces that he is the person who circnlated rhe attached consent petition consisung of 1 page on behalf of Cayuga Sueet, LLC; tfiaz affiant represents that the parties descri6ed an [he consen� pecidon aze all the respective owners of the properties placed immediately 6efore each name; tnat a�ant is informed and betioves that each of the pazcies described on the consent peution is an owaer of the gropercy which is v��ithin 1Q0 feet oi any property owaed, gurchased, or sotd by petiuoner within one (!) yeaz preceding the date oi this petidon which is coniiguous to ihe propercy desrribed in the petirion; that none of the parties described in the consent petition hzs purchased or is purchasing property from the peutioner that is contiguoas to the property described on the conseni petition within one (1) year of the date of the petition; that the consent was signed by each of said o��re; s in the presence of this affiant, and that che segnamres are rhe uue and correct signatures of each and a[1 of the pazdes so described. 4 � ichael J. Abr s � 12424 Cteek Road �Yest Minnetonka, MN 55305 Ph. No.: (612) 860-1459 Subscribeci and sw��n�t�o 6�efore me this � day of _�! Il/�, 20�. U \ NOTARY PtTBLIC �� .-,.•,��� � J �v . • Page 1 of 2 noszs� i � 7pTPL P.02 � CITY OF SAINT PAUL � t �� Consent Of Adjoining Property Owners For A REZONING We, the undersigned, owners of the property within 100 feet of the total contiguous description of real estate owned, purchased, or sold by THE PETTTIOiVER within one year precedin� the date of this Petition acknowled�e that we have been presented with the following: 1. A copy of the Petition of Cayuga Street, LLC to rezone the property located at 178, 1$2, and 186 Cayu�a Street, St. Paul, Minnesota from a RT-i zoning district to a P-1 zoning district. 2. A copy of sections 60.720 to 60.723, inclusive of the Saint Paul Zoning Code; and acknowledge that we are aware of all of the uses pernutted in a P-1 zoning district and we are aware that any of these uses can be established upon City Council approval of the rezoning. We hereby consent to the rezoning of the property in the Qetition of Cayuga Street, LLC to an P-1 mning district. We consent to the approval of this rezoning as it was explained to us by the applicant or his/her representative. 26�048v2 NOTE: This Petition shall not be considered as officially filed until the lapse of seven (7) working days after it is teceived by che Planning Division. Any signator of this Petition may withdraw hislher name therefrom by written request within that time. r��ex�cxor� �ro ��czozv� ,��rxD�vx�c az� ��Txxxon�z�. STATE OF MINI�IESOTA) �p� : SS COtJAITY OF �1G�$��i' ) ' Cayuga Street, LLC, T(�� petitionec, bp David A. Gatlieb , being fcrst dul}� sworn, deposes and stalcs Uiatthe consent petition contains siQnatures u chasedeor sold by t r� ihin on (i) p;operties «•ithin 100 feet of all property o��'ned, p �•ear preceding the date of this petition �ti'hich is contiguous to ihe prop�rty described in the petition; petitioner is informed that the consenf petition tuust contain sigaa�ir� fr} nZ each and all o�vners of jointly-o�vnecl properly in order to conslitute consent from that ro °rt � and thaf faiture to obtain consent from each 1nd al[ o�vners could invalidate the consent petition; petitioner betieres that the consent petition �vas signed by each of said o��•ners and that the signitures are the tn�e and correct signatures of eactl and atI of the parties so described. Ca g t LLC P � G �� � �E David A. Gotlieb; Secr tary 162 York Ave. E. � St. Paul, MN 55117 ADAItESS 651-223-0501 TEL�PHONE?�UMBER Subscribcd and slvorn to before me �� this l� �layof �(}L.'26u.b2� +� � � 1�OTARI' PUBLtC T r 1\ �. t�� Page � of ` 1/31/97 � � � . � . ; � REZONLYG FIRST SUBMITTED scur DATE PETITTON SUBMITTED: � q. Zt.�o DATE OFFICIALLY RECEIVED: � � PARCELS ELIGSBLE: � PAI2CELS REQUIREA: 11lJ - PARCELS SIGNED: �_,J_� � � ( -�� � �cuP RESUB�4I'I'TED DATE PETII'ION RESUB�fITTED: DATE OFFTCIALLY RECEIVED: PARCELS ELIGIBLE: PARCELSIZEQUIRED: PARCELS SIGVED: CHECKED BY: ��,,,�. r��6��i'� � DATE: `f � ��' � zoNi�� ���� �} al=l� CITIZEP� PAR ICIPATI t DIS RI 5 1.SUNRAY—SAT�LECREEK—HIGH:d00D 2.GREATER EAST SIDE 3.41EST S IOE ' -� 4.DAYTON'S BLUFF PAYNE—PHALEN 6 NORTH ENO .TNOMAS—DALE 8.SUMMIT—UNIVERSITY 9.WEST SEUENTH lO.COMO 71.HAMl.INE—MIOWAY i 2. ST. ANTHOPIY 13.hfERRiAM PK.—LEXINGTON HA!1LINE 14. GROVELAtID—hIACALESTER � 15.N(GHLAPIO 16.SUMMIT HILL 1 ? . CIO't1P�T0'.l'� CITIZEN PARTICTPATION PLANSIING DISTP.ICTS � � � � .> � ������� ���� � �- L_ NORTH END DISTRICT 6 � �--� �^" �, '�'-'�°° ����-� ;' `.� ' ; ��fJ'.P `.` r. �,�.,r���� _� �. � j p ��.,,,i •, oL� � .itiLl.� �r�' � �� �I .ui:' �� '�;: � a e.� . i . • a {�= :'1 � L �� ��•_ � o�• r a r� r � �--' � �'' v 1 ., ..L_,;s � �1� �� \ _. ._..___ _'_":"_' ' __' , '__—. '_ ' ... � -M 1 _._I 1� y ; : : ; j�li @i . ! -� � I � : � =-i';' ��: . � � s��� ' .��. ; `�_ ;� 1 . . . � .y � �.� i i �: 11't� - �' � = �r`'�' F.r,�'til �i',i.\� ���; f � � � \ � � ;:i i �, ,, ; ` '! i � --r' � i�� � }J � , `\ r � �, • �� � r �. � ' i. . _ l �v� i" / L'-- Ga �� 0 �� �o����� o Q-� _ 1 j O _ , _ ,. v n o .. " o ioo"o o u � �o � m =` o � r� �G YT. ���-1;�� ;- �� „q, oo =� ''��_ o a o 0 ;��%.;:�T; � ..� iw;� ,, ��li�, �1 \ 'i: ( �%i C-�. : . � : � ��i;� ' � �I � 1 : E { I� L 4 �i�, �� i. 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DIST� � n 0 � : � r� R�� ����..�.�.�.� zoning district boundary DATE lC��.�t3" 4 D � subjed prop2rty MAP # o one famtly r, ¢ two tamily � � �: i �,�-Q multipfe lamfly � ��' • � ^ commerciat � ,.. � indu5lcizl V vacant (� A A Council File # ol — G� � ` , � �/ � � / , � Ordinance # - - Green Sheet # �� ORDINANCE (� ' (��TY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA r }Y �� � � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 An ordinance amending Chapter 60 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to zoning for the City of Saint Paul and the zoning maps thereof. WHEREAS, Pursuarst to Minnesota Statutes {462.357 and 64.400 of the Legislative Code, Cayuga Street LLC duly petitioned to rezone property at 178, 182 and 186 Cayuga Street being legally described as (see file), from RT-1 (two-family residential) to P-1 (parking) to allow development of an off-street parking lot, the petition having been certified by the Planning Division on 09/18/00 as having been consented to by at least 67% of the owners of the azea of the property to be rezoned, and further ha�ing been consented to by at least two-thirds o£the owners of the property situated within 100 feet of the total contiguous property witlun one year proceeding the date of the petition; and 'WHEREAS, The Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission on 10l26l00, held a public hearing for the purpose of considering the rezoning petition, and pursuant to { 107.03 of the Administrative Code, submitted its recommendation to the Plaiming Commission that the petition be granted; and WHEREAS, The Planning Commission considered the rezoning petition at its meeting held on 11/17/00 and recommended that the City Council approve the petition; and WHEREAS, notice of public hearing before the City Council on the said rezoning petition was duly published in the official newspaper of the City on 12/04/00 and notices were duly mailed to each owner of affected property and property situated wholly or partly within 350 feet of the property sought to be rezoned; and WHEREAS, a public hearing before the City Council having been conducted on 12/20/00, where all interested parties were heard, the Council having considered all the facts and recommendations concerning the petition; now, therefore THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOE5 ORDAIN: Section 1. That the zoning map ofthe City of Saint Paul, Sheet Number 13, as incorporated by reference in {60.301 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, as amended, is hereby further amended as follows: That property located at 178, 182 and 186 Cayuga Street being more particularly described as: See file be and is hereby rezoned from RT-1 to P-1. Section 2. : 1 +' : 1 41 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and 42 publication. p , � (� 43 � ORIGINAL PU�LiSNE� 4��;� :, i � ------ �� � ..��.�� ` � Adopted by Council: Date ��,�� �00� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary �!!►� �.T���" u � !.D �.. . -. . _ . �_ - � . i� % �� �Ii/�.u� JU//��1�. � _ ����� Plannin & onomic Develo ment By: Form App ved by City Attorney B � l�l.�� /_ �_G I Approved b� Mayor for Submision to Council /(/�/��� B ""�-_� v " a �- � � DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COi3NCII.: DATE INTTIATED GREEN SHEET NO.: PED December 21, �Q �°f ( f j 2000 CONTACf PERSON & PHONE: � IN1TTar/DATE James Zdon 266-6559 z nsr.��rn�N�r nrx.� s crrrcovrrcu, ASSIGN 3 CITYATTORNEY� -�'u� CTTYCLERK M[SSf BE ON COUNCII. AGENDA BY (DATL� FINA1�iCIAL SERV DII2, FINANCIAL SERV/A TG 7anuary�2001 ��� 4 MAYOR(ORASST.) i s�a�w g�Y ROL7TING ORDER TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES I,(CI,IP ALL LO('ATIONS FOR SIGNATTJRE) ncriox �.Q�;srEn: Adoption of rezoning ordinance RECOMMIENDATIONS: Apprwe (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS NN5T ANSVYER THE FOLLO'WING QUESTIONS: 1. Hasihispecson(finneverworkedunderaconhactfoxthisdepaz4nent? PLANNINGCAMMISSION Yes No CTB COMMITl'EE 2. Has tivs person/fum ever been a city employee? CIVll,SERVICECAMMISSION Ye No 3. Does fltis person/firmpossess a skill not nrnmally possessed by any cwrent city empSoyee? Yes No Eaplain all yes answers on separate sheM and attach to green sheet INITSATING PROBLEM, IS5UE, OPPORTUPIITY (Whn, What, Whety Whem, Why): Adopt an ordivance to finalize councii approval of a petition of the Cayuga Street LLC to rezone property located at 178, 182 and 186 Cayuga Street from RT-1 to P-1 (public hearing held 12/20/00) . ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: Property will be rezoned and off-street parking facility will be developed for Tilsner Carton Company. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: , None - DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: Needed off-street parlang will not be developed. ��-�, a����rt � TOTALAMOUNT OFTRANSACfION: $ 0 � COST/REVENUEBUDGETED: �� �� ��� n � t5� S.� FUNDINGSOURCE: ACTIVITYNUMBER: J!-1CSi 0 26<�� FINANCIALINFORMATION:(EXPLAI� G`y�'�� ��.'�a�, V�%�°�r �°'� p VIT�° i'e�'�'C��$l�E� S +V ' xY IJ � K�Shared�Ped�ZDON�7ANING�00144d54geensheetdec2l.wpd ' "� � DEPARTMENT OF PI�ANNING & EWNOMIC DEVEIAPMENT � \ — C 3a� OF SAINT PAUL Coteman, Mayar �� November 28, 2000 Ms. Nancy Anderson City Council Research Office Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Ms. Anderson: Division ofPlanning 25 WestFounh Street Telephone, 612-26Gb565 SRintPau{MN55T02 Facsim�le:612-228-3314 �' =��:i ����2iL � �%��"� vi+� � � � ���� I would like to confirm that a pubiic hearing before the City Council is scheduled for Wednesday December 20, 2000, for the purpose of rewning property at 178, 182 and 186 Cayuga Street. AppGcam: File Number: Purpose: Address: Legal Description of Property: Cayuga Street LLC #00-144-454 Rezoning of properry from RT-1 to P-1 to allow development of an off=street pazking lot. 178, 182 and 186 Cayuga Street. See file. My understanding is that you will publish notice of the hearmg in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger. Please call me at 266-6�59 if you have any questions. Sincerely, � mcF„� �4�irc, � James Zd City P1 er cc: File #00-144-454 Paul Dubruiel Cazol Martineau �r�IIZSrni�N� . . : .: ^NQTiCE*OF �: � �. .. .. . _ .� . r ,..._. , _...-. _ .1 ...... y, � � HallS,CquiEhouse,- �-Kell'ogg $oule�azd,�Saint F'afil; NIN, to comsider-€he �..appllcafioii, of Cayuga'Street U.0 tA recoi[e propecty�at TS2,'an8•186 Street fiam P-3:to allow develop-� me.nt��of an off=sireef�, }ot � � ' :-, Dated:�l4wemher'�9;20�0`-�: =� . - �NANCYANDER30N : '�-� . � - . - � ; Assistant Gtty Crnmcil . � :,-- _ , = - � (flacembei;� . . ; ' _ ��9: PAD/ ��.L80GBR =-m?� . ' �02Y178GI8. :- . _ DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ECOIVOMIC DEVEIAPMENT ����� CITY OF SAR�IT PAUL Norm Caleman, Mayor Y�� November 28, 2000 Ms. Nancy Anderson Secretary to the City Council Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Mimiesota 55102 � Re: Zoning File #00-144-454 Deaz Ms. Anderson: Divesion afP7anning 25 West Fourth Sbeet SaintPaul, MN 35102 Telephone: 61 2-2 66 65 65 F¢csrmde: 6T 2-228-3314 The following rezoning application is scheduled for the City Council's December 20, 2000 public hearing agenda: Applicant: Cayuga Street LLC. Address: 178, 182 and 186 Cayuga Street. Purpose: Rezoning from RT-1 to P-1 to allow development of an off-street parlang lot. Planning Commission Recommendation: Approve, vote: Unanimous. Zoning Committee Recommendation: Approve, vote: 5- 0. Staff Recommendation: Approve. Public Hearing Support: None. Public Hearing Opposition: Two residents had concerns with the pazking lot site plan. District Council: The District 6 Planning Council had no objections subject to the applicant working with the council on landscaping.. Please notify me (266-6559) if any member of the City Councd wishes to have slides of the site presented at the public hearing. Sincg�ely, '�/12�e/1 I�PjI/' � es 7do�r City Plazm r cc CiTy Councii members � o� -�S" � � city of saint paul planning commission resolution �le number date 00-67 11-17-00 WHEREAS, CAYUGA STREET LLC, file #00-144-454, has applied to rezone property located at 178, 182, and 186 Cayuga from RT-1 to P-i, situated between Agate and Lorient; and WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission, on October 26, 2000, held a public hearing at which ail persons present were given an opporiunity to be heard pursuant to said application in accordance with the requirements of Section 64.400 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code; and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Planning Commission, based on the evidence presented to its Zoning Committee at the public hearing, as substantially reflected in the minutes, made the follow3ng findings of fact: 1. Cayuga St. LLC is the owner of the vacant properties at 178, 182 and 186 Cayuga Sireet. Cayuga St LLC is a land ownership corporation for Tilsner Carton Company. Cayuga St. LLC is zequesting the rezoning to provide off-street parking for Tilsner Carton Company employees. The company designs and manufactures corrugated packaging, point of purchase displays, wood pallets and packaging supplies. Cayuga St. LLC has received conditional site plan approval from LIEP for an off-street parking facility of 43 parking spaces. The approval is contingent upon the applicant reaoning the property from RT-1 to P-1, obtaining a front setback variance and a variance for securing the entrance at night. The proposed parking lot is adjacent to the City's Cayuga playground. Staff from the Parks and Recreation Department have reviewed the site plan and have no objections. r� u moved by Fi°ld seconded by i n favor Unanimous against 2. Section 60.723 stipulates the following conditions sflail be required in a P-1 Vehicular Parking DistricY. a. The parking facility shall be accessory to and for use in connection with one or more businesses, industries, institutions, or multifamily residences. This fmding is met. The proposed parking facility will serve the Titsner Carton Company to the north. b. The pazking facility shall not be used during hours when the principle use is not in operation. During such periods the parking facility shall be inaccessible for public use, When there is a written agreement between two (2) or more buildings or uses to share a parking �acility in a P-1 District in accordance with section 62.103(fl(3) and (4), then the parking facility may remain open for all the hours of operation of the building or uses. This finding is met. The Tilsner Carton Company only has one working shift from 5:00 am to 5:00 pm. The parking lot will only be used to serve employees working within this time period. c. The parking facility shall be used solely for parking of private passenger vefiicles and sfiall not be used as on off street loading area. This finding is met. The parking facility will only be used for employee private passenger vehicles. d. No commercial repair work or service of any kind, or sale or display thereof, shall be conducted in such parking facility. This £inding is met. The parking facility will only be used for employee parkittg. e. No signs of any kind, Ot�leI Ill3R SIgTI� itcaiyi�diu;b-�,..�� �f=� °°:r°'TfA conditions of use, shail be maintained on such pazking facility. This finding is met. The only sign planned by Cayuga St. LLC is an interior stop sign at the parking lot exit. f. No building other than that for the shelter of attendants shail be erected upon the premises unless specifically approved by the planning administrator during site plan review. This finding is met. The approved site plan shows no buildinas. 3. The rezoning is consistent with the comprehensive plan. The 1999 � � r7 L_� �1-teb' . Comprehensive Plan Summary and General Policy States, "Economic Development is well estabiished as a clear priority for Saint Paul, and healthy economic growth is a well recognized reality today....Therefore, high priorities for Saint Paul now are: to ensure that land resources with potential for business use are made available and used � to their maximum economic and community benefit." Page 24. 4. The rezoning is consistent with the way the area has developed and rezoning the property wili not have an adverse impact upon the neighborhood. The subject property is across the street from industrial zoned property, abutted on the east by the Cayuga playground and abutted on the south and west by residential properties. The residential properties to the south and west should not be adversely impacted because of the natural topography of the site which slopes down to the northeast. The P-1 parking facility with its extensive landscaping should act as a land use buffer between the residential and industrial uses and also between the residentiai uses and the playground. 5. The intent of the RT-1 zoning district states: "The RT-1 Two-Family Residential district is designed to afford a transition of use in existing housing areas by permitting new construction or conversion of existing structures between adjacent residential and commercial, office, thoroughfares or other uses which would affect residential character. " � The intent of the P-i Vehicle Parking District is intended to permit the establishment of Off-street parking facilities to be used solely for off-street parking of private passenger vehicles as a use incidental to a principle use. The district will serve a use district which has developed without adequate off-street parking. 6. The applicant submitted a sufficient petition of two-thirds of the property owners within one hundred (100) feet of the property stating support for the rezoning (23 parcels eligible, 16 parcels required, and 16 parceis signed). NOW, THEREFORE, BE TT RESOLVED, based on findings 1 through 6, the Saint Paui Planning Comznission recommends to the Saint Paul City Council approval of the application of Cayuga Street LLC to rezone property at 178, 182, and 186 Cayuga Street from RT_ 1 to P-1 with the condition that the applicant perform one of the following altematives: 1. Install a six foot privacy fence along the west property line of the parking lot; or 2. Vacate the fifteen foot alley right-of-way along the west property line of the parking lot and install a six foot privacy fence along the midpoint of the vacated right-of-way. � a t -c�� � PRESENT: EXCUSED: OTHERS PRESENT: MlNUTES OF THE ZONING COMMITTEE Thursday, Ocfober 26, 2000 - 3:30 p.m. Cify Council Chambers, 3` Floor City Haii and Court Hause 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Kramer, Mardell and Morton Engh, Faricy, Field, Gervais and Gordon Peter Warner Caroi Martineau, Allan Torstenson, and Joel Spoonheim of PED The meeting was chaired by Commissioner Kramer. Cayuga Street LLC ( 00-144454) - Rezone from RT-1 to P-1 (Parking) to allow construction of a parldng lot to serve Tilsner Carton Company. 178-186 Cayuga Stteet, south side between Aeate and 35 E. Joel Spoonheim showed slides and presented the staff report with a recommendation for approval of the rezoning. At the question of Commissioner Morton, Mr. Spoonheim stated the appfication for the two variances is on file with the BZA pending the outcome of this hearing. Mr. AI Krefman, Site Design Services, represented the applicant, said there will be gate on the � parking lot, but they wouid like to leave it open on a trial basis to afford some amenity to the neighborhood for access to the playground. Ms. Dianna Wilson, 850 Agate Street, stated she had concerns about the noise generated by the parking Iot. She would like to see a six foot privacy fence erected on the parking lot directiy facing her property. At the question of Commissioner Kramer, Mr. Spoonheim explained no semi-trailers would be al{owed to use the parking lot, and it is designed not to accommodate them. At the question Commissioner Morton, Mr. Spoonheim stated the site plan has been approved pending the outcome of this hearing. Ms. Leann Melon and Ms. Angela Barela, 177 Granite Street, appeared and stated they had concerns about access from Cayuga Street to a future garage they plan to buiid. Mr. Krefman responded that they intend to ask for a vacation of the alley a4ong the west side of their property down the center of the alley once iYs vacated, as requested by Ms. Wilson. They might be able to ailow some encroachment onto the upper part of their property so that Ms. Me{on and Ms. Barela can make the turn on the al{ey to have access ta their future garage. The hearing was closed. � � Zoning Committee Minutes Octaber 26, 2000 File #: OD-144-454 Page 2 Commissioner Morton moved to lay the case over to November 9, 2000. Commissioner Mardell seconded it. Adopted Yeas - 3 Drafted by: ���� Carot Martineau Recording Secretary Nays - 0 Submitted by: Joe! Spo�lnheim �� �� Zoning Section � � � Approved by: � � MINUTES OF THE ZONtNG GOMMtTTEE Thursday, November 9, 2000 - 3:30 p.m. PRESENT: f�ld�F'�� OTHERS PRESENT: Cify Council Chambers, 3` Floor City Hall and Court House 15 West Ke(logg Boulevacd Faricy, Fiefd, Gordon, Kramer, and Morton Engh, Gervais, and Mardell Peter Warner Caroi Martineau, Alfan Torstenson, and James Zdon of PED The meeiing was chaired by Commissioner Field. ot-c�� Cayuga Street LLC - OD•14d-454 - Rezone from RT-1 P-1 (Parking) to alfow construction of a parking lot to serve Tiisner Carton Company. 178-188 Cayuga Street, south side between Agate and 1-35 E. James Zdon presented the updated staff report that was distributed to the Commissioners. At the question of Commiss+oner Kramer, Mr. Zdon stated the residenYs on Granite Street would have access to the garage they are planning to buiid by goi�g through the aliey right-of-way. Upon question of Commissioner Gordon, Mr. Zdon stated the architect taiked to the resident at 850 Agate and the privacy fence between the properfies and along Cayuga Street +s a satisfacfory so(ution. � At the question of Commissioner Gordon, Mr. Torstenson stated P-1 rezoning requires a site plan to conform to aii standards of the code. The Pfanning Commission can grant modifications to requirements for the site plan under 60.723 required conditions or P-1 parking districts. At the question of Commissioner Gordon, Mr. Zdon sfated the staff recommendation woufd be to vacate the right-of-way with the fence in the mid point of the vacated right-of-way. Commissioner Gordon moved to approve the rezoning with the added condition the applicant perform one of the two alternatives set forth in the staff memo invoiving the privacy fence. Commissioner Kramer seconded it. Adopted Yeas - 5 Drafted by: Nays - 0 Submitted by: � / � �.C1.n,a-PJj1�� l�t e.n.�i� �cvriw� �.,�^ Carol Martineau �mes Zdon Recording Secretary �Loning Section Litton Fieid Chair Approved by: 1 ! Ol -Co$� SAINT 4UL � AAAA crrY cF sa�rr PavL Norm Coleman, Mayor November 8, 2000 To: Zoning Committee From: 7ames Zdon Re: Cayuga Street LLC (00-144-454) DEPARTMENT OF PL.4NNIVG & ECONOMIC DEVELAPbfENT Brian Sweeney, Dira�ctor 25 WestFwrth Street SafntPau�MN55702 Telephone: 651-2666655 Facumile: 65l-228-3314 At the October 26, 2000 public hearing, the committee laid over this rezoning application pending further investigation by the applicant into concerns expressed by two adjacent neighbors. The residents at 177 Granite were concemed that access from Cayuga Stteet to their parking area behind their residence would be eliminated by the new parking lot. The applicant's azchitect has investigated this situation and found that access to the rear of their property would continue to be available via a 15 foot alley right-of-way that runs east west behind their property. The architect has examined the tuming radius into the site and determined that larger vehicles could negotiate turns in and out of the site from the alley right-of-way. Figure 1. • The resident at 850 Agate Street expressed concerns about possible noise generated by the parking lot. The applicant's architact has indicated they are prepared to install a 6 foot privacy fence along the west property line of the parking lot. They would prefer, however, to first vacate the 15 foot right-of-way that runs north south between the two properties and install the fence along the midpoint ofthe vacated right-of-way. This option, they believe, is preferabie because the right-of-way midpoint has a higher elevation which will result in better screening by the proposed fence. Figure 2. The applicant's architect has attempted to reach both parties with the results of his analysis but as of 11/07/00 has been unsuccessful. Recommendation: Staffwould recommend rezoning the pzoperty from RT-1 to P-1 based on the findings in the 10126l00 staff report. N � � � o i-� � 1 2 3 4 ZONING COMNIITTEE STAFF REPORT BIL73 # 00-144-454 APPLICANTa Cayuga Street LLC DATS OF AfiARING: 10/26(00 CLASSIFICATION: Rezoning I,OCATION: 178,182 and 186 Cayuga Street PLANNIISG DISTRICT: 6 5. LEGAL See file. 6. PRSSENT ZONING: RT-1 ZOIJING COD& REFSRENCE: Sections 60.720 and 64.400. 7. STAEF INVESTIGAT20N AND REPORT: DATE: 10/18/00 BY: JameS Zdon 8. DATE RECEIVED: 09/13I00 DEADLINB FOR AC2ION: 11/12/00 A. PVRPOSE: Application to rezone £rom RT-1 to P-l. � B. C. D. PARCEL SIZS: This irregular shaped parcel has approximately 245 feet of frontage along Cayuga street and is 150 feet deep for a total of 33,003 square feet. EXIST2NG LAND IISE: Vacant land in a RT-1 zoning district. LAND U5E: North: Industrial warehouse structure in a I-1 zoning district East: City playground in a RT-1 zoning district South: Single family residential structures in a RT-1 zoning district. . West: Single family residential structures in a RT-1 zoning district. E. ZONING CODS CITATION: Section 60.720 identifies conditions £or a P-1 zoning district. Section 64.400(a) states in part, "the council may from time to time, amend, supplement or change the distzict boundaries or the regulations herein, or subsequently established herein pursuant to the provisions of Minnesota Statutes Section 462.357 and amendments thereto as may be make from time to time. The planning commission may from time to time, review district boundary lines to determine if, pursuant to state laws, such district boundary lines should Be changed. Section 64.400(b) states in part that "an amendment to the zoning code may be initiated by the oouncil, the planning commission or by getition � of the owners of sixty-seven i67) percent of [he area of the property to be rezoned." F. HISTORY/DISCIISSION: In 1998, the City approved Cayuga Street, LLC's � application to rezone 199 and 201 Cayuga Street from 12T-1 to I-1. G. DISTRICT COIINCIL RECObPffiNDATION: The Dist=ict 6 Planning Council has reviewed the proposed rezoning and has no objections subject to the applicant working with the district council on landscaping. H. FINDINGS: 1. Cayuga St. LLC is the owner of the vacant properties at 178, 182 and 186 Cayuga Street. Cayuga St. LLC is a land ownership corporation for Tilsner Carton Company. Cayuga St. LLC is requesting the rezoning to provide off-street parking for Tilsner Carton Company employees. The company designs and manufactures corrugated packaging, point of purchase displays, wood pallets and packaging supplies. Cayuga St. LLC has received conditional site plan approval from LIEP for an off-street parking facility of 43 parking spaces. The approval is contingent upon the applicant rezoning the property from RT-1 to P-1, obtaining a front setback variance and a variance for securing the entrance at night. The proposed parking lot is adjacent to the City's Cayuga playground. Staff from the Parks and Recreation Department have reviewed the site plan and have no objections. 2. Section 60.723 stipulates the following conditions shall be required in a P-1 Vehicular Parking District. a, The parking facility shall be accessoxy to and for use in connection with one or more businesses, industries, institutions, or multifamily residenoes. This finding is met. The proposed parking facility will serve the Tilsner Carton Company to the noxth. b. The parking facility shall not be used during hours when the principle use is not in operation. During such periods the parking facility shall be inaccessible for public use, When there is a written agreement between two (2) or more buildings or uses to share a parking facility in a P-1 District in accordance with � se����:%�° -' l"" �� ��� and (4) , then the parking facility may remain . - _� . .. . ._ . _ open for a11 the hours of operatre�x. �� ' '-'-' ?''' ^^_ �r uses .� This finding is met. The Tilsner Carton Company only has one working shift from 5:00 am to 5:00 pm. The parking lot will only be used to serve employees working within this time period. c. The parking facility shall be used solely £or parking of private passenger vehicles and shall not be used as on off street loading area. This finding is met. The parking facility will only be used for employee private passenger vehicles. �-J � d. No commercial repair work or service of any kind, or sale or � display thereof, shall be conducted in such parking facility. a t-�F� � This finding is met. The parking facility will only be used for employee parking. e. No signs of any kind, other than signs designating entrances, exits and conditions of use, shall be maintained on - such parking facility. This finding is met. The only sign planned by Cayuga St. LLC is an interior stop sign at the parking lot exit. f. No building other than that for the shelter of attendants shall be erected upon the premises unless specifically approved by the planning administrator during site plan review. This finding is met. The approved site plan shows no buildings. 3. The rezoning is consistent with the comprehensive plan. The 1999 Comprehensive Plan Summary and General Policy States, "Economic Development is we11 established as a clear priority for Saint Paul, and healthy economic growth is a well recognized reality today....Therefore, high priorities for Saint Paul now are: to ensure that land resources with potential for business use are made available and used to their maximum economic and community benefit." Page 24. 4. The rezoning is consistent with the way the area has developed and rezoning the property will not have an adverse impact upon the � neighborhood. The subject property is across the street from industrial zoned property, abutted on the east by the Cayuga playground and abutted on the south and west by residential properties. The residential properties to the south and west should not be adversely impacted because of the natural topography of the site which slopes down to the northeast. The P-1 parking facility with its extensive landscaping should act as a land use buffer between the residential and industrial uses and also between the residential uses and the playground. 5. The intent of the RT-1 zoning district state5: "The RT-1 Two- Family Residential district is designed to afford a transition of use in existing housing areas by permitting new construction or conversion of � existing structures between adjacent residential and commercial, o£fice, thoroughfares or other uses which would affect residential characteY." The intenC of the P-1 Vehicle Parking District is intended to permit the establishment of Off-street parking facilities to be used solely for off-sCreet parking of private passenger vehicles as a use incidental to a principle use. The district will serve a use district which has developed without adequate off-street parking. 6. Trie applicant submitted a sufficient petition of two-thirds o£ the property owners within one hundred i100} feet of the property stating support for the rezoning l23 parcels eligible, 16 parcels required, and 16 parcels signed). � I. STAFF RECOE�BdENDATION: Based on findings 1 through 6, staE£ recommends approval of the application to rezone tke property at 178, 182 and 186 Cayuga Street from RT-1 to P-l. � .r�as � �itAll� PE'fiS10N 30 AMEt1D THE Z.dN[t3G CODE IJeparfinent of Planning and �`conomic Development Zoning Section � II00 City Hall Annex 25 N'est Fvurlh Street , . ' Sainr Paul, M1Y SSIQ2 26b-6589 APPLICAN7 ` Propetty Owner ��ga screec, tt.c 162 York Ave. E. PROPERTY LOCA71oN City St Pa+�l St.�Zip 55117 Dayfima phoneFSt-223-05 Contact person (if different) David A. Gotlieb � Address/Location see Attached. Legal description additiona/ sheat if necessary) �O THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CiTY COUNCIt: Pursuant to Section 64.400 oafhs S ei�t P�C Zoning Ordinan{he ovner of al{ thela d proposed Minnesota Statues, Cay,�g for rezoning, hereby petitions you to sezo�e the above described prope�y from a Rx-1 _ zoning district to a p- ,_� � zoning district, for the purpose of: Parking (attach additionaf sheet(s) if necessary) Attachments: Required site ptan � Consent Qetition L) Affidavit � ' r...,,..io Subscribed and sw�[n to before me this � Z�� day � � �7er , �Z � � X�/�,i'�v . PAM E.SCHARPEN ��r a�aic � a+.ao� Notary Public By: � I// i/" � WJ Fee o�.vner of proper�y �� -�� secretary Title: Page 1 oF 2 � 'arton - Your Single Packaging Source � �hether you are looking for standard stock boxes, stock or custom displays, or ; for the highest quality coior packag+ng, Ti/sner Carton is your source. Tilsner also offers a complete line of packaging supp(ies as weli as wootl pallet manufacturing and recycling for your shipping needs. Since the early 1920's Tilsner has providetl cartons to entl users for immediate use. Fast turnaround is a / l��_ 11,_•_^ .. �� � Tilsner standard. If custom packaging is calied for, ' :3 '_.�-�, __ `� V Tilsner wiil create and manufacture packag+ng ���:, tlesignetl to cost effecfively ship and dispiay yo� �� ���'' product. Our flexographic printing and die cutting equipment is state of the art. Ali this is done ii quickly to fit your producfion schedule. � 3m For your convenience we have a large inventory of stock boxes, avai!able in the most popular sizes for immetliate ���� � m nr f+o�ilfP111 �i+1..4. _�� .r, _, .. � - At Tilsner we pride ourse(ves on fast turnaround for ali projects, large or small. Ask our sales personnel about samples and prototypes for your next project. r I �J���� Tlsner Carron is a member o! tirst Pak �,�, � Artallianceo/7heAssccralronOf ��"'�°mdef�� ; 7rtdeperrdentCarugatedCarve�ters. • 01-68� � Designers & Manufacturers of Corrugated Packaging, Point Of Purchase Displays, Wood Pallets & Suppfies � �, ;> �� �� � �� � � � €s � �� �� � ¢�� a� �b �� �� �' Y� �" s� eE5 6 i � ��;� ��� ��� ����� � ����� ���� ��� � i �� $ � � 4 ��a ! ������ �� ��� i$���� se ������ �� ��� ���� �� I�I� �.}.�. �. �. � ��t. � 1�4� I I 1���� ���lI��I���E��I� tlE�rldeie399!!#���:aa m III II�IIII��$�1 ��(Ilfl�l#11��4�1►5�1��1 � � 3 " e t�� ittis � it�alr�idtlt����ii��la ���� � 8 � �� � � �� � �����$ �� s . ,$ 0 � �_ ��� � �s ���� � S tl 6 S 8 II G 8+ 9 � � ��� � � ����° �� � ����i�������� �„ «—.a rma rnnowaa arro o� ao wm-�u-�sv� —.w. .rw�..w.�..r, �A� m/Ma� SNOWdNW `JNLLSIX3 .o � (�isc�n� .ys� ••••• I aw i v9n.ttrJ Zsc ��� wwwr."'� �IIi�� •"° Y.��3'Z'��C� �� � 09NO1L'Y9b3NS7I[ �. :;:: �.,,;.:.� °"'�"_"_. 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OFFICE OF LICENSE, INSPEC7fONS AND ENVIR013MEI�'IAL PROTECCION Ro6ert Kessler, Director b 4 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Narm Coleman, Mayor FAX � DATE: .1.819f99' T/ TO: Alan Kretman 731-0421 FROM: Tom Beach RE: Tilsner Carton parking iot at 178 Cayuga Site plan 00-143133 PAGES: 2 BUILDING INSPECTTONAND DESIGN 350 St Peter Saeet Suite 300 SaintPaul, Minnesota 55101-I510 Telephon¢: 651-266-9090 Facsimile: 612-266-9099 On September 20 you met with City staff to discuss the site plan for your project. The comments from that meeting are sammarized belpw. Driveways Bill Hagland of Traffic Engineering (651-266-6206) said the driveway must be 26 feet wide and the radii must match the width af the boulevard (a6out 7 feet). A note must be added to the plan near the driveway stating "Driveways to be removed and constructed to City standards by a licensed and bonded contractor under a permit from Public Works Sidewalk Section (651-266-6120). Sidewalk grades must be carried across the driveways." 2. Sewers Ila Shah of Sewer Engineering (651-266-6231) discussed sanitary sewer services to the properry. They must be abandoned if they have not akeady been. Ila said she would check into . their status. The elevation numbers on the topo map must be corrected. (There is an extra 0 in them now.) Use schedule 40 pipe in the right of way. 3. Water Jerry Strauss of the Water Utility (651-266-6268) said you can use an existing water service if you plan an irrigation system. You will need to install a"dog house" and show it on the site plan. � 4. Permit for obstruction or excavation A note must be added to the site plan stating "The contractor must obtain an Obstruction/Excavation Permit from Public Works (651-266-61'51) if truckslequipment wi(1 be driving over curbs or if construction wiil block City streets, sidewalks or alleys." 5. Lartdscaping I said thaY 4 new boulevard trees must be planted where they aze currently missing. The City Forester can tel] you what species to plant. A note must be added to the plan � stating "Removing or planting trees in the boulevazd requires a permit from the City Forester (651- 632-5129)." There is no chazge for this permit. 6. Zoning The property must be rezoned to P-1. A variance for front yazd setback is also required. You will also need a variance unless you provide a way to secure the entrance at night. 7. Lighting 8. Survey 6127). The photometric pIan looks OK. You must submit a Certificate of Survey to Linda Murphy ofPublic Works 9. Survey monuments A note must be added to the plan stating "Caze must be taken during consYruction and excavation to protect survey any monuments and/or proper[y irons.- Calt Jeff Grosso of Public Works Surveying (651-266-6075} if you have any questions." :. ....' 10. Vacating alley Yoa asked about vacating the alley west of the site. This is not:required for the project. However, if you want moce information about vacating the alley you should call Peter. _ White of Real Estate (651-266-8853) in Room 140 Ciry HaII. 11. Retaining wall If you want to rebui(d the retaining wail prior to the vacarion of.the alley, you will_ � need an Encroachment Permit from Public Works for the part in the alley. Call Linda Murphy of . Pubiic Works (651-266-6127). There is a fee of $150. 12. Parks property The plan shows grading on property to the east that betongs to Parks and Rec. You will need to $et written approval from them for this grading. You must send me a copy of this approval. I3. Fee I cannot find a record that the site plan review fee has been paid. Pleasa send me a copy of the receipt or canceled check or pay the fee. The fee is $270. • , �r- F tanc You should: - • -, r _ _; ..Lrt.. ,.,.° g ` - - � --- 4 ..fr.rFP (65I-266-9082}. __ 1. Apply for the vanances: i.oncm.e .:.�.��-Y,.�:. ,_... " _ _._.. . 2. Submit 5 sets of site plan revised to reflect the commenis in th'tslefter ta m�- .. .. .... ..... .. The site plan is approved subject to you submitting 7 sets of the If you have any questions, you can reach me at me at 651-266-9086 (phone), 651-266-9099 {fax) or tom.beach@ci.stpaul.mn.us (e-mail). F�Wmanda�Zoning�SAdoul0014J133com.v+pd � D � � CITY OB SAINT PAUL Consent Of Adjoin"sng Property Owners For A REZONING V ��b� We, the undersia ed, owners of the property within ]00 feet of the total conti�uous description of real estate owned, purchased, or sold by THE PETITIONER within one year preceding the da[e of this Petition acknowledge that we have been presented with the followina: 1. A copy of the Petition of Cayuaa Street, LLC to rezone the propeRy located at 178, 1&2, and 186 Cayuga Street, St. Paul, Minnesota from a RT-1 zonin� district to a P-1 zoning district. 2. A copy of sections 60.720 to 60.723, inclusive oE the Saint Paul Zoning Code; and acknowledge that we are aware of all of the uses permitted in a P-I zonin� district and we are aware that any of these uses can be established upon Ciry eouncil approval of the rezoning. We hereby consent to the rezoning of the property in the petition of Cayu�a Street, LLC to an P-1 zonin� district. We consent to the approva3 of this rezoning as it was explained to us by the applicant or his/her representative. Address or P.I.N.# Record Owner Si�nature � Aate ! i � Oi-6 30-29-22-42-0089-7 Joel S. Tilsner Joel S. Tilsner Ioel S. Tilsner Joel S. Tilsner Joel S. Tilsner Joe] S. Tilsner Joel S. Tilsner Joel S. Tilsner Joel S. Tilsner Joel S. Tilsner loe( S. Tilsner 3`ry- '�--' �r ' 13' I �'1--- "/ 3 ' 1 ," " ;'(3•i �3'� .n 3 •( 3 - I t� �y'I 3 �I � •�3�t� ' �.�3_ � t3 1 .�� 73'( � NOTE: This PeCition shall not be considered as officially filed until [he lapse of seven (7) workine days aFter it is received by the Planning Division. Any si�nator of this Petition may withdraw hislher name therefrom by writ[en reques[ within [hat time. ?65018v2 b CITY OF SAINT PAUL Consent Of Adjoining Property Owners For A REZOYING We, the undersi�ned, owners of the property within 1QQ fee[ of ihe total contiguous description of real estate owned, purchased, or soid by THE PETITIONER within one year precedin� tYie date of this Petition acknowledae that we have been presented with the followine: 1. A copy of the Petition of Cayuga Street, LLC to rezone ihe property located at 178, 182, and 186 Cayuga Street, St. Pa�l, Minnesota from a RT-1 zoning district to a P-I zoning district. Z. A copy of sections 60.720 to b0.723, inclusive of the Saint Paul Zoning Code; and acknowiedge that we are awaze of all of the uses permitted in a P-1 zoning district and we are awaze that any of these uses can be established upon City Council approval of the rezoning. We hereby consent to the rezoning of the property in the petition of Cayuga Street, LLC to an P-1 zoning district. We consent to the approva] of this rezoning as it was explained to us by the apglicant or hislher representative. Address or P.I.N.# 30-29-22-42-0093-6 Record Owne� City of St. Paul CS/PR 33006 � Date � NOTE: This Petition shall not be considered as offcialiy filed until the lapse of seven (7) workin= days after it is received by the Planning Division. Any signator of this Petition may withdraw his/her name therefrom by rvritten reqaest within that time. �*-r.. nr cAiNT PAUL * DIVISION OF PARKS AND RECREATION - �.��� ,.. _ _..___ _' - _:•• * The signature of the Director of Parks and �ecrea���ca:ss �.�.xr._._ . only to enabie the petitioner to receive a public hearing, and is not to be c as either ap rovai or denial of subject petition. . r n 1 � 3�G�� G` Date � �6aoas�z > �l- � � AFFIDAVIT OF PERSON CIRCULATING THE CONSENT PETITION STATE OF MINNESOTA ) )SS COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) Peter T. Shimabukuro, being first duly sworn, deposes and states that he is the person who circulated the attached consent petition consisting of 2 pages on behalf of Cayuga Street, LLC; that affiant represents that the parties described on the consent petitions aze all the respective owners of the properties placed immediately before each name; that affiant is informed and believes that each of the pazties described on the consent petitions is an owner of the property which is within 100 feet of any property owned, purchased, or sold by petitioner within one (1) year preceding the date of this petition which is contiguous to the property described in the petition; that none of the parties described in the consent petitions has purchased or is purchasing property from the petitioner that is contiguous to the property described on the consent petitions within one (1) year of the date of the petitions; and that the si�natures are the true and correct signatures of each and all of the parties so described. �� Peter T. himabukuro 100 South Fiftb Street Suite 1100 Minneapolis, MN 55402 Ph. No.: (612) 333-2111 Subs ribed and swo �s � da of i�`� � � I�IOTARY PUBLIC to before me � . 2600. PAM E. SC�PEN �N � w� Page I of 3 � 2�oass�i NAY-13-202H ?3-G9 �arsinen Kaplan Levy Resb A�IDavtT OF PERSON CIRCLiLATING THE CO.�'SENT PE STATEOFt��ESOTA j )SS CQCT�I7' OF FIE2�'IQEt'LV 1 61233'..�67:9 P. �2%02 o����� Michae[ 7. Abrams, being fitsc duIy sworn, deposes and s;aces that he is the person who circnlated rhe attached consent petition consisung of 1 page on behalf of Cayuga Sueet, LLC; tfiaz affiant represents that the parties descri6ed an [he consen� pecidon aze all the respective owners of the properties placed immediately 6efore each name; tnat a�ant is informed and betioves that each of the pazcies described on the consent peution is an owaer of the gropercy which is v��ithin 1Q0 feet oi any property owaed, gurchased, or sotd by petiuoner within one (!) yeaz preceding the date oi this petidon which is coniiguous to ihe propercy desrribed in the petirion; that none of the parties described in the consent petition hzs purchased or is purchasing property from the peutioner that is contiguoas to the property described on the conseni petition within one (1) year of the date of the petition; that the consent was signed by each of said o��re; s in the presence of this affiant, and that che segnamres are rhe uue and correct signatures of each and a[1 of the pazdes so described. 4 � ichael J. Abr s � 12424 Cteek Road �Yest Minnetonka, MN 55305 Ph. No.: (612) 860-1459 Subscribeci and sw��n�t�o 6�efore me this � day of _�! Il/�, 20�. U \ NOTARY PtTBLIC �� .-,.•,��� � J �v . • Page 1 of 2 noszs� i � 7pTPL P.02 � CITY OF SAINT PAUL � t �� Consent Of Adjoining Property Owners For A REZONING We, the undersigned, owners of the property within 100 feet of the total contiguous description of real estate owned, purchased, or sold by THE PETTTIOiVER within one year precedin� the date of this Petition acknowled�e that we have been presented with the following: 1. A copy of the Petition of Cayuga Street, LLC to rezone the property located at 178, 1$2, and 186 Cayu�a Street, St. Paul, Minnesota from a RT-i zoning district to a P-1 zoning district. 2. A copy of sections 60.720 to 60.723, inclusive of the Saint Paul Zoning Code; and acknowledge that we are aware of all of the uses pernutted in a P-1 zoning district and we are aware that any of these uses can be established upon City Council approval of the rezoning. We hereby consent to the rezoning of the property in the Qetition of Cayuga Street, LLC to an P-1 mning district. We consent to the approval of this rezoning as it was explained to us by the applicant or his/her representative. 26�048v2 NOTE: This Petition shall not be considered as officially filed until the lapse of seven (7) working days after it is teceived by che Planning Division. Any signator of this Petition may withdraw hislher name therefrom by written request within that time. r��ex�cxor� �ro ��czozv� ,��rxD�vx�c az� ��Txxxon�z�. STATE OF MINI�IESOTA) �p� : SS COtJAITY OF �1G�$��i' ) ' Cayuga Street, LLC, T(�� petitionec, bp David A. Gatlieb , being fcrst dul}� sworn, deposes and stalcs Uiatthe consent petition contains siQnatures u chasedeor sold by t r� ihin on (i) p;operties «•ithin 100 feet of all property o��'ned, p �•ear preceding the date of this petition �ti'hich is contiguous to ihe prop�rty described in the petition; petitioner is informed that the consenf petition tuust contain sigaa�ir� fr} nZ each and all o�vners of jointly-o�vnecl properly in order to conslitute consent from that ro °rt � and thaf faiture to obtain consent from each 1nd al[ o�vners could invalidate the consent petition; petitioner betieres that the consent petition �vas signed by each of said o��•ners and that the signitures are the tn�e and correct signatures of eactl and atI of the parties so described. Ca g t LLC P � G �� � �E David A. Gotlieb; Secr tary 162 York Ave. E. � St. Paul, MN 55117 ADAItESS 651-223-0501 TEL�PHONE?�UMBER Subscribcd and slvorn to before me �� this l� �layof �(}L.'26u.b2� +� � � 1�OTARI' PUBLtC T r 1\ �. t�� Page � of ` 1/31/97 � � � . � . ; � REZONLYG FIRST SUBMITTED scur DATE PETITTON SUBMITTED: � q. Zt.�o DATE OFFICIALLY RECEIVED: � � PARCELS ELIGSBLE: � PAI2CELS REQUIREA: 11lJ - PARCELS SIGNED: �_,J_� � � ( -�� � �cuP RESUB�4I'I'TED DATE PETII'ION RESUB�fITTED: DATE OFFTCIALLY RECEIVED: PARCELS ELIGIBLE: PARCELSIZEQUIRED: PARCELS SIGVED: CHECKED BY: ��,,,�. r��6��i'� � DATE: `f � ��' � zoNi�� ���� �} al=l� CITIZEP� PAR ICIPATI t DIS RI 5 1.SUNRAY—SAT�LECREEK—HIGH:d00D 2.GREATER EAST SIDE 3.41EST S IOE ' -� 4.DAYTON'S BLUFF PAYNE—PHALEN 6 NORTH ENO .TNOMAS—DALE 8.SUMMIT—UNIVERSITY 9.WEST SEUENTH lO.COMO 71.HAMl.INE—MIOWAY i 2. ST. ANTHOPIY 13.hfERRiAM PK.—LEXINGTON HA!1LINE 14. GROVELAtID—hIACALESTER � 15.N(GHLAPIO 16.SUMMIT HILL 1 ? . CIO't1P�T0'.l'� CITIZEN PARTICTPATION PLANSIING DISTP.ICTS � � � � .> � ������� ���� � �- L_ NORTH END DISTRICT 6 � �--� �^" �, '�'-'�°° ����-� ;' `.� ' ; ��fJ'.P `.` r. �,�.,r���� _� �. � j p ��.,,,i •, oL� � .itiLl.� �r�' � �� �I .ui:' �� '�;: � a e.� . i . • a {�= :'1 � L �� ��•_ � o�• r a r� r � �--' � �'' v 1 ., ..L_,;s � �1� �� \ _. ._..___ _'_":"_' ' __' , '__—. '_ ' ... � -M 1 _._I 1� y ; : : ; j�li @i . ! -� � I � : � =-i';' ��: . � � s��� ' .��. ; `�_ ;� 1 . . . � .y � �.� i i �: 11't� - �' � = �r`'�' F.r,�'til �i',i.\� ���; f � � � \ � � ;:i i �, ,, ; ` '! i � --r' � i�� � }J � , `\ r � �, • �� � r �. � ' i. . _ l �v� i" / L'-- Ga �� 0 �� �o����� o Q-� _ 1 j O _ , _ ,. v n o .. " o ioo"o o u � �o � m =` o � r� �G YT. ���-1;�� ;- �� „q, oo =� ''��_ o a o 0 ;��%.;:�T; � ..� iw;� ,, ��li�, �1 \ 'i: ( �%i C-�. : . � : � ��i;� ' � �I � 1 : E { I� L 4 �i�, �� i. 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D � ; }� � __ 1�\ � %'r ,:€�_i =.� ������-� ��� -�'r ;l"i � -4� z � ;F j�l�� _ � ,;,. _�� ! � `a It- ui LL Sr ' ' 1 . 1�e � }, _ ._ � � BE�WCVff �_S�T�}n `L�`:�[� �1i � 1 S -: �� ��;� , � -��� � ''� �1'0 : ? ` �;1 �i "i 1 _r —�_ � _ � '� � - '• . s: -' d � � J Z �`, j k � � , f ,m�s , ''�:� j; a R-4 RM- - l, i' � � �`� �} () ;' i :'ti, ���p ` tLl�� ` �i. r��V/ � ..� ... ..�..� ��_ r , �A�.. • •� �r r o � : �... .... ,: ���• � � o . � �� � �,�����'� �: , . ,, � . .. �► . ::..� i �. � j �.� . � � ! � . • � � �j ( t @. tr"�� � � �� ❑ �6 � _ � � � �, 4PPUCANT� � • ?URPOSE� =1LE �.3L`�—i ` °LNG. DIST� � n 0 � : � r� R�� ����..�.�.�.� zoning district boundary DATE lC��.�t3" 4 D � subjed prop2rty MAP # o one famtly r, ¢ two tamily � � �: i �,�-Q multipfe lamfly � ��' • � ^ commerciat � ,.. � indu5lcizl V vacant (� A A Council File # ol — G� � ` , � �/ � � / , � Ordinance # - - Green Sheet # �� ORDINANCE (� ' (��TY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA r }Y �� � � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 An ordinance amending Chapter 60 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to zoning for the City of Saint Paul and the zoning maps thereof. WHEREAS, Pursuarst to Minnesota Statutes {462.357 and 64.400 of the Legislative Code, Cayuga Street LLC duly petitioned to rezone property at 178, 182 and 186 Cayuga Street being legally described as (see file), from RT-1 (two-family residential) to P-1 (parking) to allow development of an off-street parking lot, the petition having been certified by the Planning Division on 09/18/00 as having been consented to by at least 67% of the owners of the azea of the property to be rezoned, and further ha�ing been consented to by at least two-thirds o£the owners of the property situated within 100 feet of the total contiguous property witlun one year proceeding the date of the petition; and 'WHEREAS, The Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission on 10l26l00, held a public hearing for the purpose of considering the rezoning petition, and pursuant to { 107.03 of the Administrative Code, submitted its recommendation to the Plaiming Commission that the petition be granted; and WHEREAS, The Planning Commission considered the rezoning petition at its meeting held on 11/17/00 and recommended that the City Council approve the petition; and WHEREAS, notice of public hearing before the City Council on the said rezoning petition was duly published in the official newspaper of the City on 12/04/00 and notices were duly mailed to each owner of affected property and property situated wholly or partly within 350 feet of the property sought to be rezoned; and WHEREAS, a public hearing before the City Council having been conducted on 12/20/00, where all interested parties were heard, the Council having considered all the facts and recommendations concerning the petition; now, therefore THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOE5 ORDAIN: Section 1. That the zoning map ofthe City of Saint Paul, Sheet Number 13, as incorporated by reference in {60.301 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, as amended, is hereby further amended as follows: That property located at 178, 182 and 186 Cayuga Street being more particularly described as: See file be and is hereby rezoned from RT-1 to P-1. Section 2. : 1 +' : 1 41 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and 42 publication. p , � (� 43 � ORIGINAL PU�LiSNE� 4��;� :, i � ------ �� � ..��.�� ` � Adopted by Council: Date ��,�� �00� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary �!!►� �.T���" u � !.D �.. . -. . _ . �_ - � . i� % �� �Ii/�.u� JU//��1�. � _ ����� Plannin & onomic Develo ment By: Form App ved by City Attorney B � l�l.�� /_ �_G I Approved b� Mayor for Submision to Council /(/�/��� B ""�-_� v " a �- � � DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COi3NCII.: DATE INTTIATED GREEN SHEET NO.: PED December 21, �Q �°f ( f j 2000 CONTACf PERSON & PHONE: � IN1TTar/DATE James Zdon 266-6559 z nsr.��rn�N�r nrx.� s crrrcovrrcu, ASSIGN 3 CITYATTORNEY� -�'u� CTTYCLERK M[SSf BE ON COUNCII. AGENDA BY (DATL� FINA1�iCIAL SERV DII2, FINANCIAL SERV/A TG 7anuary�2001 ��� 4 MAYOR(ORASST.) i s�a�w g�Y ROL7TING ORDER TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES I,(CI,IP ALL LO('ATIONS FOR SIGNATTJRE) ncriox �.Q�;srEn: Adoption of rezoning ordinance RECOMMIENDATIONS: Apprwe (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS NN5T ANSVYER THE FOLLO'WING QUESTIONS: 1. Hasihispecson(finneverworkedunderaconhactfoxthisdepaz4nent? PLANNINGCAMMISSION Yes No CTB COMMITl'EE 2. Has tivs person/fum ever been a city employee? CIVll,SERVICECAMMISSION Ye No 3. Does fltis person/firmpossess a skill not nrnmally possessed by any cwrent city empSoyee? Yes No Eaplain all yes answers on separate sheM and attach to green sheet INITSATING PROBLEM, IS5UE, OPPORTUPIITY (Whn, What, Whety Whem, Why): Adopt an ordivance to finalize councii approval of a petition of the Cayuga Street LLC to rezone property located at 178, 182 and 186 Cayuga Street from RT-1 to P-1 (public hearing held 12/20/00) . ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: Property will be rezoned and off-street parking facility will be developed for Tilsner Carton Company. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: , None - DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: Needed off-street parlang will not be developed. ��-�, a����rt � TOTALAMOUNT OFTRANSACfION: $ 0 � COST/REVENUEBUDGETED: �� �� ��� n � t5� S.� FUNDINGSOURCE: ACTIVITYNUMBER: J!-1CSi 0 26<�� FINANCIALINFORMATION:(EXPLAI� G`y�'�� ��.'�a�, V�%�°�r �°'� p VIT�° i'e�'�'C��$l�E� S +V ' xY IJ � K�Shared�Ped�ZDON�7ANING�00144d54geensheetdec2l.wpd ' "� � DEPARTMENT OF PI�ANNING & EWNOMIC DEVEIAPMENT � \ — C 3a� OF SAINT PAUL Coteman, Mayar �� November 28, 2000 Ms. Nancy Anderson City Council Research Office Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Ms. Anderson: Division ofPlanning 25 WestFounh Street Telephone, 612-26Gb565 SRintPau{MN55T02 Facsim�le:612-228-3314 �' =��:i ����2iL � �%��"� vi+� � � � ���� I would like to confirm that a pubiic hearing before the City Council is scheduled for Wednesday December 20, 2000, for the purpose of rewning property at 178, 182 and 186 Cayuga Street. AppGcam: File Number: Purpose: Address: Legal Description of Property: Cayuga Street LLC #00-144-454 Rezoning of properry from RT-1 to P-1 to allow development of an off=street pazking lot. 178, 182 and 186 Cayuga Street. See file. My understanding is that you will publish notice of the hearmg in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger. Please call me at 266-6�59 if you have any questions. Sincerely, � mcF„� �4�irc, � James Zd City P1 er cc: File #00-144-454 Paul Dubruiel Cazol Martineau �r�IIZSrni�N� . . : .: ^NQTiCE*OF �: � �. .. .. . _ .� . r ,..._. , _...-. _ .1 ...... y, � � HallS,CquiEhouse,- �-Kell'ogg $oule�azd,�Saint F'afil; NIN, to comsider-€he �..appllcafioii, of Cayuga'Street U.0 tA recoi[e propecty�at TS2,'an8•186 Street fiam P-3:to allow develop-� me.nt��of an off=sireef�, }ot � � ' :-, Dated:�l4wemher'�9;20�0`-�: =� . - �NANCYANDER30N : '�-� . � - . - � ; Assistant Gtty Crnmcil . � :,-- _ , = - � (flacembei;� . . ; ' _ ��9: PAD/ ��.L80GBR =-m?� . ' �02Y178GI8. :- . _ DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ECOIVOMIC DEVEIAPMENT ����� CITY OF SAR�IT PAUL Norm Caleman, Mayor Y�� November 28, 2000 Ms. Nancy Anderson Secretary to the City Council Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Mimiesota 55102 � Re: Zoning File #00-144-454 Deaz Ms. Anderson: Divesion afP7anning 25 West Fourth Sbeet SaintPaul, MN 35102 Telephone: 61 2-2 66 65 65 F¢csrmde: 6T 2-228-3314 The following rezoning application is scheduled for the City Council's December 20, 2000 public hearing agenda: Applicant: Cayuga Street LLC. Address: 178, 182 and 186 Cayuga Street. Purpose: Rezoning from RT-1 to P-1 to allow development of an off-street parlang lot. Planning Commission Recommendation: Approve, vote: Unanimous. Zoning Committee Recommendation: Approve, vote: 5- 0. Staff Recommendation: Approve. Public Hearing Support: None. Public Hearing Opposition: Two residents had concerns with the pazking lot site plan. District Council: The District 6 Planning Council had no objections subject to the applicant working with the council on landscaping.. Please notify me (266-6559) if any member of the City Councd wishes to have slides of the site presented at the public hearing. Sincg�ely, '�/12�e/1 I�PjI/' � es 7do�r City Plazm r cc CiTy Councii members � o� -�S" � � city of saint paul planning commission resolution �le number date 00-67 11-17-00 WHEREAS, CAYUGA STREET LLC, file #00-144-454, has applied to rezone property located at 178, 182, and 186 Cayuga from RT-1 to P-i, situated between Agate and Lorient; and WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission, on October 26, 2000, held a public hearing at which ail persons present were given an opporiunity to be heard pursuant to said application in accordance with the requirements of Section 64.400 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code; and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Planning Commission, based on the evidence presented to its Zoning Committee at the public hearing, as substantially reflected in the minutes, made the follow3ng findings of fact: 1. Cayuga St. LLC is the owner of the vacant properties at 178, 182 and 186 Cayuga Sireet. Cayuga St LLC is a land ownership corporation for Tilsner Carton Company. Cayuga St. LLC is zequesting the rezoning to provide off-street parking for Tilsner Carton Company employees. The company designs and manufactures corrugated packaging, point of purchase displays, wood pallets and packaging supplies. Cayuga St. LLC has received conditional site plan approval from LIEP for an off-street parking facility of 43 parking spaces. The approval is contingent upon the applicant reaoning the property from RT-1 to P-1, obtaining a front setback variance and a variance for securing the entrance at night. The proposed parking lot is adjacent to the City's Cayuga playground. Staff from the Parks and Recreation Department have reviewed the site plan and have no objections. r� u moved by Fi°ld seconded by i n favor Unanimous against 2. Section 60.723 stipulates the following conditions sflail be required in a P-1 Vehicular Parking DistricY. a. The parking facility shall be accessory to and for use in connection with one or more businesses, industries, institutions, or multifamily residences. This fmding is met. The proposed parking facility will serve the Titsner Carton Company to the north. b. The pazking facility shall not be used during hours when the principle use is not in operation. During such periods the parking facility shall be inaccessible for public use, When there is a written agreement between two (2) or more buildings or uses to share a parking �acility in a P-1 District in accordance with section 62.103(fl(3) and (4), then the parking facility may remain open for all the hours of operation of the building or uses. This finding is met. The Tilsner Carton Company only has one working shift from 5:00 am to 5:00 pm. The parking lot will only be used to serve employees working within this time period. c. The parking facility shall be used solely for parking of private passenger vefiicles and sfiall not be used as on off street loading area. This finding is met. The parking facility will only be used for employee private passenger vehicles. d. No commercial repair work or service of any kind, or sale or display thereof, shall be conducted in such parking facility. This £inding is met. The parking facility will only be used for employee parkittg. e. No signs of any kind, Ot�leI Ill3R SIgTI� itcaiyi�diu;b-�,..�� �f=� °°:r°'TfA conditions of use, shail be maintained on such pazking facility. This finding is met. The only sign planned by Cayuga St. LLC is an interior stop sign at the parking lot exit. f. No building other than that for the shelter of attendants shail be erected upon the premises unless specifically approved by the planning administrator during site plan review. This finding is met. The approved site plan shows no buildinas. 3. The rezoning is consistent with the comprehensive plan. The 1999 � � r7 L_� �1-teb' . Comprehensive Plan Summary and General Policy States, "Economic Development is well estabiished as a clear priority for Saint Paul, and healthy economic growth is a well recognized reality today....Therefore, high priorities for Saint Paul now are: to ensure that land resources with potential for business use are made available and used � to their maximum economic and community benefit." Page 24. 4. The rezoning is consistent with the way the area has developed and rezoning the property wili not have an adverse impact upon the neighborhood. The subject property is across the street from industrial zoned property, abutted on the east by the Cayuga playground and abutted on the south and west by residential properties. The residential properties to the south and west should not be adversely impacted because of the natural topography of the site which slopes down to the northeast. The P-1 parking facility with its extensive landscaping should act as a land use buffer between the residential and industrial uses and also between the residentiai uses and the playground. 5. The intent of the RT-1 zoning district states: "The RT-1 Two-Family Residential district is designed to afford a transition of use in existing housing areas by permitting new construction or conversion of existing structures between adjacent residential and commercial, office, thoroughfares or other uses which would affect residential character. " � The intent of the P-i Vehicle Parking District is intended to permit the establishment of Off-street parking facilities to be used solely for off-street parking of private passenger vehicles as a use incidental to a principle use. The district will serve a use district which has developed without adequate off-street parking. 6. The applicant submitted a sufficient petition of two-thirds of the property owners within one hundred (100) feet of the property stating support for the rezoning (23 parcels eligible, 16 parcels required, and 16 parceis signed). NOW, THEREFORE, BE TT RESOLVED, based on findings 1 through 6, the Saint Paui Planning Comznission recommends to the Saint Paul City Council approval of the application of Cayuga Street LLC to rezone property at 178, 182, and 186 Cayuga Street from RT_ 1 to P-1 with the condition that the applicant perform one of the following altematives: 1. Install a six foot privacy fence along the west property line of the parking lot; or 2. Vacate the fifteen foot alley right-of-way along the west property line of the parking lot and install a six foot privacy fence along the midpoint of the vacated right-of-way. � a t -c�� � PRESENT: EXCUSED: OTHERS PRESENT: MlNUTES OF THE ZONING COMMITTEE Thursday, Ocfober 26, 2000 - 3:30 p.m. Cify Council Chambers, 3` Floor City Haii and Court Hause 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Kramer, Mardell and Morton Engh, Faricy, Field, Gervais and Gordon Peter Warner Caroi Martineau, Allan Torstenson, and Joel Spoonheim of PED The meeting was chaired by Commissioner Kramer. Cayuga Street LLC ( 00-144454) - Rezone from RT-1 to P-1 (Parking) to allow construction of a parldng lot to serve Tilsner Carton Company. 178-186 Cayuga Stteet, south side between Aeate and 35 E. Joel Spoonheim showed slides and presented the staff report with a recommendation for approval of the rezoning. At the question of Commissioner Morton, Mr. Spoonheim stated the appfication for the two variances is on file with the BZA pending the outcome of this hearing. Mr. AI Krefman, Site Design Services, represented the applicant, said there will be gate on the � parking lot, but they wouid like to leave it open on a trial basis to afford some amenity to the neighborhood for access to the playground. Ms. Dianna Wilson, 850 Agate Street, stated she had concerns about the noise generated by the parking Iot. She would like to see a six foot privacy fence erected on the parking lot directiy facing her property. At the question of Commissioner Kramer, Mr. Spoonheim explained no semi-trailers would be al{owed to use the parking lot, and it is designed not to accommodate them. At the question Commissioner Morton, Mr. Spoonheim stated the site plan has been approved pending the outcome of this hearing. Ms. Leann Melon and Ms. Angela Barela, 177 Granite Street, appeared and stated they had concerns about access from Cayuga Street to a future garage they plan to buiid. Mr. Krefman responded that they intend to ask for a vacation of the alley a4ong the west side of their property down the center of the alley once iYs vacated, as requested by Ms. Wilson. They might be able to ailow some encroachment onto the upper part of their property so that Ms. Me{on and Ms. Barela can make the turn on the al{ey to have access ta their future garage. The hearing was closed. � � Zoning Committee Minutes Octaber 26, 2000 File #: OD-144-454 Page 2 Commissioner Morton moved to lay the case over to November 9, 2000. Commissioner Mardell seconded it. Adopted Yeas - 3 Drafted by: ���� Carot Martineau Recording Secretary Nays - 0 Submitted by: Joe! Spo�lnheim �� �� Zoning Section � � � Approved by: � � MINUTES OF THE ZONtNG GOMMtTTEE Thursday, November 9, 2000 - 3:30 p.m. PRESENT: f�ld�F'�� OTHERS PRESENT: Cify Council Chambers, 3` Floor City Hall and Court House 15 West Ke(logg Boulevacd Faricy, Fiefd, Gordon, Kramer, and Morton Engh, Gervais, and Mardell Peter Warner Caroi Martineau, Alfan Torstenson, and James Zdon of PED The meeiing was chaired by Commissioner Field. ot-c�� Cayuga Street LLC - OD•14d-454 - Rezone from RT-1 P-1 (Parking) to alfow construction of a parking lot to serve Tiisner Carton Company. 178-188 Cayuga Street, south side between Agate and 1-35 E. James Zdon presented the updated staff report that was distributed to the Commissioners. At the question of Commiss+oner Kramer, Mr. Zdon stated the residenYs on Granite Street would have access to the garage they are planning to buiid by goi�g through the aliey right-of-way. Upon question of Commissioner Gordon, Mr. Zdon stated the architect taiked to the resident at 850 Agate and the privacy fence between the properfies and along Cayuga Street +s a satisfacfory so(ution. � At the question of Commissioner Gordon, Mr. Torstenson stated P-1 rezoning requires a site plan to conform to aii standards of the code. The Pfanning Commission can grant modifications to requirements for the site plan under 60.723 required conditions or P-1 parking districts. At the question of Commissioner Gordon, Mr. Zdon sfated the staff recommendation woufd be to vacate the right-of-way with the fence in the mid point of the vacated right-of-way. Commissioner Gordon moved to approve the rezoning with the added condition the applicant perform one of the two alternatives set forth in the staff memo invoiving the privacy fence. Commissioner Kramer seconded it. Adopted Yeas - 5 Drafted by: Nays - 0 Submitted by: � / � �.C1.n,a-PJj1�� l�t e.n.�i� �cvriw� �.,�^ Carol Martineau �mes Zdon Recording Secretary �Loning Section Litton Fieid Chair Approved by: 1 ! Ol -Co$� SAINT 4UL � AAAA crrY cF sa�rr PavL Norm Coleman, Mayor November 8, 2000 To: Zoning Committee From: 7ames Zdon Re: Cayuga Street LLC (00-144-454) DEPARTMENT OF PL.4NNIVG & ECONOMIC DEVELAPbfENT Brian Sweeney, Dira�ctor 25 WestFwrth Street SafntPau�MN55702 Telephone: 651-2666655 Facumile: 65l-228-3314 At the October 26, 2000 public hearing, the committee laid over this rezoning application pending further investigation by the applicant into concerns expressed by two adjacent neighbors. The residents at 177 Granite were concemed that access from Cayuga Stteet to their parking area behind their residence would be eliminated by the new parking lot. The applicant's azchitect has investigated this situation and found that access to the rear of their property would continue to be available via a 15 foot alley right-of-way that runs east west behind their property. The architect has examined the tuming radius into the site and determined that larger vehicles could negotiate turns in and out of the site from the alley right-of-way. Figure 1. • The resident at 850 Agate Street expressed concerns about possible noise generated by the parking lot. The applicant's architact has indicated they are prepared to install a 6 foot privacy fence along the west property line of the parking lot. They would prefer, however, to first vacate the 15 foot right-of-way that runs north south between the two properties and install the fence along the midpoint ofthe vacated right-of-way. This option, they believe, is preferabie because the right-of-way midpoint has a higher elevation which will result in better screening by the proposed fence. Figure 2. The applicant's architect has attempted to reach both parties with the results of his analysis but as of 11/07/00 has been unsuccessful. Recommendation: Staffwould recommend rezoning the pzoperty from RT-1 to P-1 based on the findings in the 10126l00 staff report. N � � � o i-� � 1 2 3 4 ZONING COMNIITTEE STAFF REPORT BIL73 # 00-144-454 APPLICANTa Cayuga Street LLC DATS OF AfiARING: 10/26(00 CLASSIFICATION: Rezoning I,OCATION: 178,182 and 186 Cayuga Street PLANNIISG DISTRICT: 6 5. LEGAL See file. 6. PRSSENT ZONING: RT-1 ZOIJING COD& REFSRENCE: Sections 60.720 and 64.400. 7. STAEF INVESTIGAT20N AND REPORT: DATE: 10/18/00 BY: JameS Zdon 8. DATE RECEIVED: 09/13I00 DEADLINB FOR AC2ION: 11/12/00 A. PVRPOSE: Application to rezone £rom RT-1 to P-l. � B. C. D. PARCEL SIZS: This irregular shaped parcel has approximately 245 feet of frontage along Cayuga street and is 150 feet deep for a total of 33,003 square feet. EXIST2NG LAND IISE: Vacant land in a RT-1 zoning district. LAND U5E: North: Industrial warehouse structure in a I-1 zoning district East: City playground in a RT-1 zoning district South: Single family residential structures in a RT-1 zoning district. . West: Single family residential structures in a RT-1 zoning district. E. ZONING CODS CITATION: Section 60.720 identifies conditions £or a P-1 zoning district. Section 64.400(a) states in part, "the council may from time to time, amend, supplement or change the distzict boundaries or the regulations herein, or subsequently established herein pursuant to the provisions of Minnesota Statutes Section 462.357 and amendments thereto as may be make from time to time. The planning commission may from time to time, review district boundary lines to determine if, pursuant to state laws, such district boundary lines should Be changed. Section 64.400(b) states in part that "an amendment to the zoning code may be initiated by the oouncil, the planning commission or by getition � of the owners of sixty-seven i67) percent of [he area of the property to be rezoned." F. HISTORY/DISCIISSION: In 1998, the City approved Cayuga Street, LLC's � application to rezone 199 and 201 Cayuga Street from 12T-1 to I-1. G. DISTRICT COIINCIL RECObPffiNDATION: The Dist=ict 6 Planning Council has reviewed the proposed rezoning and has no objections subject to the applicant working with the district council on landscaping. H. FINDINGS: 1. Cayuga St. LLC is the owner of the vacant properties at 178, 182 and 186 Cayuga Street. Cayuga St. LLC is a land ownership corporation for Tilsner Carton Company. Cayuga St. LLC is requesting the rezoning to provide off-street parking for Tilsner Carton Company employees. The company designs and manufactures corrugated packaging, point of purchase displays, wood pallets and packaging supplies. Cayuga St. LLC has received conditional site plan approval from LIEP for an off-street parking facility of 43 parking spaces. The approval is contingent upon the applicant rezoning the property from RT-1 to P-1, obtaining a front setback variance and a variance for securing the entrance at night. The proposed parking lot is adjacent to the City's Cayuga playground. Staff from the Parks and Recreation Department have reviewed the site plan and have no objections. 2. Section 60.723 stipulates the following conditions shall be required in a P-1 Vehicular Parking District. a, The parking facility shall be accessoxy to and for use in connection with one or more businesses, industries, institutions, or multifamily residenoes. This finding is met. The proposed parking facility will serve the Tilsner Carton Company to the noxth. b. The parking facility shall not be used during hours when the principle use is not in operation. During such periods the parking facility shall be inaccessible for public use, When there is a written agreement between two (2) or more buildings or uses to share a parking facility in a P-1 District in accordance with � se����:%�° -' l"" �� ��� and (4) , then the parking facility may remain . - _� . .. . ._ . _ open for a11 the hours of operatre�x. �� ' '-'-' ?''' ^^_ �r uses .� This finding is met. The Tilsner Carton Company only has one working shift from 5:00 am to 5:00 pm. The parking lot will only be used to serve employees working within this time period. c. The parking facility shall be used solely £or parking of private passenger vehicles and shall not be used as on off street loading area. This finding is met. The parking facility will only be used for employee private passenger vehicles. �-J � d. No commercial repair work or service of any kind, or sale or � display thereof, shall be conducted in such parking facility. a t-�F� � This finding is met. The parking facility will only be used for employee parking. e. No signs of any kind, other than signs designating entrances, exits and conditions of use, shall be maintained on - such parking facility. This finding is met. The only sign planned by Cayuga St. LLC is an interior stop sign at the parking lot exit. f. No building other than that for the shelter of attendants shall be erected upon the premises unless specifically approved by the planning administrator during site plan review. This finding is met. The approved site plan shows no buildings. 3. The rezoning is consistent with the comprehensive plan. The 1999 Comprehensive Plan Summary and General Policy States, "Economic Development is we11 established as a clear priority for Saint Paul, and healthy economic growth is a well recognized reality today....Therefore, high priorities for Saint Paul now are: to ensure that land resources with potential for business use are made available and used to their maximum economic and community benefit." Page 24. 4. The rezoning is consistent with the way the area has developed and rezoning the property will not have an adverse impact upon the � neighborhood. The subject property is across the street from industrial zoned property, abutted on the east by the Cayuga playground and abutted on the south and west by residential properties. The residential properties to the south and west should not be adversely impacted because of the natural topography of the site which slopes down to the northeast. The P-1 parking facility with its extensive landscaping should act as a land use buffer between the residential and industrial uses and also between the residential uses and the playground. 5. The intent of the RT-1 zoning district state5: "The RT-1 Two- Family Residential district is designed to afford a transition of use in existing housing areas by permitting new construction or conversion of � existing structures between adjacent residential and commercial, o£fice, thoroughfares or other uses which would affect residential characteY." The intenC of the P-1 Vehicle Parking District is intended to permit the establishment of Off-street parking facilities to be used solely for off-sCreet parking of private passenger vehicles as a use incidental to a principle use. The district will serve a use district which has developed without adequate off-street parking. 6. Trie applicant submitted a sufficient petition of two-thirds o£ the property owners within one hundred i100} feet of the property stating support for the rezoning l23 parcels eligible, 16 parcels required, and 16 parcels signed). � I. STAFF RECOE�BdENDATION: Based on findings 1 through 6, staE£ recommends approval of the application to rezone tke property at 178, 182 and 186 Cayuga Street from RT-1 to P-l. � .r�as � �itAll� PE'fiS10N 30 AMEt1D THE Z.dN[t3G CODE IJeparfinent of Planning and �`conomic Development Zoning Section � II00 City Hall Annex 25 N'est Fvurlh Street , . ' Sainr Paul, M1Y SSIQ2 26b-6589 APPLICAN7 ` Propetty Owner ��ga screec, tt.c 162 York Ave. E. PROPERTY LOCA71oN City St Pa+�l St.�Zip 55117 Dayfima phoneFSt-223-05 Contact person (if different) David A. Gotlieb � Address/Location see Attached. Legal description additiona/ sheat if necessary) �O THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CiTY COUNCIt: Pursuant to Section 64.400 oafhs S ei�t P�C Zoning Ordinan{he ovner of al{ thela d proposed Minnesota Statues, Cay,�g for rezoning, hereby petitions you to sezo�e the above described prope�y from a Rx-1 _ zoning district to a p- ,_� � zoning district, for the purpose of: Parking (attach additionaf sheet(s) if necessary) Attachments: Required site ptan � Consent Qetition L) Affidavit � ' r...,,..io Subscribed and sw�[n to before me this � Z�� day � � �7er , �Z � � X�/�,i'�v . PAM E.SCHARPEN ��r a�aic � a+.ao� Notary Public By: � I// i/" � WJ Fee o�.vner of proper�y �� -�� secretary Title: Page 1 oF 2 � 'arton - Your Single Packaging Source � �hether you are looking for standard stock boxes, stock or custom displays, or ; for the highest quality coior packag+ng, Ti/sner Carton is your source. Tilsner also offers a complete line of packaging supp(ies as weli as wootl pallet manufacturing and recycling for your shipping needs. Since the early 1920's Tilsner has providetl cartons to entl users for immediate use. Fast turnaround is a / l��_ 11,_•_^ .. �� � Tilsner standard. If custom packaging is calied for, ' :3 '_.�-�, __ `� V Tilsner wiil create and manufacture packag+ng ���:, tlesignetl to cost effecfively ship and dispiay yo� �� ���'' product. Our flexographic printing and die cutting equipment is state of the art. Ali this is done ii quickly to fit your producfion schedule. � 3m For your convenience we have a large inventory of stock boxes, avai!able in the most popular sizes for immetliate ���� � m nr f+o�ilfP111 �i+1..4. _�� .r, _, .. � - At Tilsner we pride ourse(ves on fast turnaround for ali projects, large or small. Ask our sales personnel about samples and prototypes for your next project. r I �J���� Tlsner Carron is a member o! tirst Pak �,�, � Artallianceo/7heAssccralronOf ��"'�°mdef�� ; 7rtdeperrdentCarugatedCarve�ters. • 01-68� � Designers & Manufacturers of Corrugated Packaging, Point Of Purchase Displays, Wood Pallets & Suppfies � �, ;> �� �� � �� � � � €s � �� �� � ¢�� a� �b �� �� �' Y� �" s� eE5 6 i � ��;� ��� ��� ����� � ����� ���� ��� � i �� $ � � 4 ��a ! ������ �� ��� i$���� se ������ �� ��� ���� �� I�I� �.}.�. �. �. � ��t. � 1�4� I I 1���� ���lI��I���E��I� tlE�rldeie399!!#���:aa m III II�IIII��$�1 ��(Ilfl�l#11��4�1►5�1��1 � � 3 " e t�� ittis � it�alr�idtlt����ii��la ���� � 8 � �� � � �� � �����$ �� s . ,$ 0 � �_ ��� � �s ���� � S tl 6 S 8 II G 8+ 9 � � ��� � � ����° �� � ����i�������� �„ «—.a rma rnnowaa arro o� ao wm-�u-�sv� —.w. .rw�..w.�..r, �A� m/Ma� SNOWdNW `JNLLSIX3 .o � (�isc�n� .ys� ••••• I aw i v9n.ttrJ Zsc ��� wwwr."'� �IIi�� •"° Y.��3'Z'��C� �� � 09NO1L'Y9b3NS7I[ �. :;:: �.,,;.:.� °"'�"_"_. 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OFFICE OF LICENSE, INSPEC7fONS AND ENVIR013MEI�'IAL PROTECCION Ro6ert Kessler, Director b 4 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Narm Coleman, Mayor FAX � DATE: .1.819f99' T/ TO: Alan Kretman 731-0421 FROM: Tom Beach RE: Tilsner Carton parking iot at 178 Cayuga Site plan 00-143133 PAGES: 2 BUILDING INSPECTTONAND DESIGN 350 St Peter Saeet Suite 300 SaintPaul, Minnesota 55101-I510 Telephon¢: 651-266-9090 Facsimile: 612-266-9099 On September 20 you met with City staff to discuss the site plan for your project. The comments from that meeting are sammarized belpw. Driveways Bill Hagland of Traffic Engineering (651-266-6206) said the driveway must be 26 feet wide and the radii must match the width af the boulevard (a6out 7 feet). A note must be added to the plan near the driveway stating "Driveways to be removed and constructed to City standards by a licensed and bonded contractor under a permit from Public Works Sidewalk Section (651-266-6120). Sidewalk grades must be carried across the driveways." 2. Sewers Ila Shah of Sewer Engineering (651-266-6231) discussed sanitary sewer services to the properry. They must be abandoned if they have not akeady been. Ila said she would check into . their status. The elevation numbers on the topo map must be corrected. (There is an extra 0 in them now.) Use schedule 40 pipe in the right of way. 3. Water Jerry Strauss of the Water Utility (651-266-6268) said you can use an existing water service if you plan an irrigation system. You will need to install a"dog house" and show it on the site plan. � 4. Permit for obstruction or excavation A note must be added to the site plan stating "The contractor must obtain an Obstruction/Excavation Permit from Public Works (651-266-61'51) if truckslequipment wi(1 be driving over curbs or if construction wiil block City streets, sidewalks or alleys." 5. Lartdscaping I said thaY 4 new boulevard trees must be planted where they aze currently missing. The City Forester can tel] you what species to plant. A note must be added to the plan � stating "Removing or planting trees in the boulevazd requires a permit from the City Forester (651- 632-5129)." There is no chazge for this permit. 6. Zoning The property must be rezoned to P-1. A variance for front yazd setback is also required. You will also need a variance unless you provide a way to secure the entrance at night. 7. Lighting 8. Survey 6127). The photometric pIan looks OK. You must submit a Certificate of Survey to Linda Murphy ofPublic Works 9. Survey monuments A note must be added to the plan stating "Caze must be taken during consYruction and excavation to protect survey any monuments and/or proper[y irons.- Calt Jeff Grosso of Public Works Surveying (651-266-6075} if you have any questions." :. ....' 10. Vacating alley Yoa asked about vacating the alley west of the site. This is not:required for the project. However, if you want moce information about vacating the alley you should call Peter. _ White of Real Estate (651-266-8853) in Room 140 Ciry HaII. 11. Retaining wall If you want to rebui(d the retaining wail prior to the vacarion of.the alley, you will_ � need an Encroachment Permit from Public Works for the part in the alley. Call Linda Murphy of . Pubiic Works (651-266-6127). There is a fee of $150. 12. Parks property The plan shows grading on property to the east that betongs to Parks and Rec. You will need to $et written approval from them for this grading. You must send me a copy of this approval. I3. Fee I cannot find a record that the site plan review fee has been paid. Pleasa send me a copy of the receipt or canceled check or pay the fee. The fee is $270. • , �r- F tanc You should: - • -, r _ _; ..Lrt.. ,.,.° g ` - - � --- 4 ..fr.rFP (65I-266-9082}. __ 1. Apply for the vanances: i.oncm.e .:.�.��-Y,.�:. ,_... " _ _._.. . 2. Submit 5 sets of site plan revised to reflect the commenis in th'tslefter ta m�- .. .. .... ..... .. The site plan is approved subject to you submitting 7 sets of the If you have any questions, you can reach me at me at 651-266-9086 (phone), 651-266-9099 {fax) or tom.beach@ci.stpaul.mn.us (e-mail). F�Wmanda�Zoning�SAdoul0014J133com.v+pd � D � � CITY OB SAINT PAUL Consent Of Adjoin"sng Property Owners For A REZONING V ��b� We, the undersia ed, owners of the property within ]00 feet of the total conti�uous description of real estate owned, purchased, or sold by THE PETITIONER within one year preceding the da[e of this Petition acknowledge that we have been presented with the followina: 1. A copy of the Petition of Cayuaa Street, LLC to rezone the propeRy located at 178, 1&2, and 186 Cayuga Street, St. Paul, Minnesota from a RT-1 zonin� district to a P-1 zoning district. 2. A copy of sections 60.720 to 60.723, inclusive oE the Saint Paul Zoning Code; and acknowledge that we are aware of all of the uses permitted in a P-I zonin� district and we are aware that any of these uses can be established upon Ciry eouncil approval of the rezoning. We hereby consent to the rezoning of the property in the petition of Cayu�a Street, LLC to an P-1 zonin� district. We consent to the approva3 of this rezoning as it was explained to us by the applicant or his/her representative. Address or P.I.N.# Record Owner Si�nature � Aate ! i � Oi-6 30-29-22-42-0089-7 Joel S. Tilsner Joel S. Tilsner Ioel S. Tilsner Joel S. Tilsner Joel S. Tilsner Joe] S. Tilsner Joel S. Tilsner Joel S. Tilsner Joel S. Tilsner Joel S. Tilsner loe( S. Tilsner 3`ry- '�--' �r ' 13' I �'1--- "/ 3 ' 1 ," " ;'(3•i �3'� .n 3 •( 3 - I t� �y'I 3 �I � •�3�t� ' �.�3_ � t3 1 .�� 73'( � NOTE: This PeCition shall not be considered as officially filed until [he lapse of seven (7) workine days aFter it is received by the Planning Division. Any si�nator of this Petition may withdraw hislher name therefrom by writ[en reques[ within [hat time. ?65018v2 b CITY OF SAINT PAUL Consent Of Adjoining Property Owners For A REZOYING We, the undersi�ned, owners of the property within 1QQ fee[ of ihe total contiguous description of real estate owned, purchased, or soid by THE PETITIONER within one year precedin� tYie date of this Petition acknowledae that we have been presented with the followine: 1. A copy of the Petition of Cayuga Street, LLC to rezone ihe property located at 178, 182, and 186 Cayuga Street, St. Pa�l, Minnesota from a RT-1 zoning district to a P-I zoning district. Z. A copy of sections 60.720 to b0.723, inclusive of the Saint Paul Zoning Code; and acknowiedge that we are awaze of all of the uses permitted in a P-1 zoning district and we are awaze that any of these uses can be established upon City Council approval of the rezoning. We hereby consent to the rezoning of the property in the petition of Cayuga Street, LLC to an P-1 zoning district. We consent to the approva] of this rezoning as it was explained to us by the apglicant or hislher representative. Address or P.I.N.# 30-29-22-42-0093-6 Record Owne� City of St. Paul CS/PR 33006 � Date � NOTE: This Petition shall not be considered as offcialiy filed until the lapse of seven (7) workin= days after it is received by the Planning Division. Any signator of this Petition may withdraw his/her name therefrom by rvritten reqaest within that time. �*-r.. nr cAiNT PAUL * DIVISION OF PARKS AND RECREATION - �.��� ,.. _ _..___ _' - _:•• * The signature of the Director of Parks and �ecrea���ca:ss �.�.xr._._ . only to enabie the petitioner to receive a public hearing, and is not to be c as either ap rovai or denial of subject petition. . r n 1 � 3�G�� G` Date � �6aoas�z > �l- � � AFFIDAVIT OF PERSON CIRCULATING THE CONSENT PETITION STATE OF MINNESOTA ) )SS COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) Peter T. Shimabukuro, being first duly sworn, deposes and states that he is the person who circulated the attached consent petition consisting of 2 pages on behalf of Cayuga Street, LLC; that affiant represents that the parties described on the consent petitions aze all the respective owners of the properties placed immediately before each name; that affiant is informed and believes that each of the pazties described on the consent petitions is an owner of the property which is within 100 feet of any property owned, purchased, or sold by petitioner within one (1) year preceding the date of this petition which is contiguous to the property described in the petition; that none of the parties described in the consent petitions has purchased or is purchasing property from the petitioner that is contiguous to the property described on the consent petitions within one (1) year of the date of the petitions; and that the si�natures are the true and correct signatures of each and all of the parties so described. �� Peter T. himabukuro 100 South Fiftb Street Suite 1100 Minneapolis, MN 55402 Ph. No.: (612) 333-2111 Subs ribed and swo �s � da of i�`� � � I�IOTARY PUBLIC to before me � . 2600. PAM E. SC�PEN �N � w� Page I of 3 � 2�oass�i NAY-13-202H ?3-G9 �arsinen Kaplan Levy Resb A�IDavtT OF PERSON CIRCLiLATING THE CO.�'SENT PE STATEOFt��ESOTA j )SS CQCT�I7' OF FIE2�'IQEt'LV 1 61233'..�67:9 P. �2%02 o����� Michae[ 7. Abrams, being fitsc duIy sworn, deposes and s;aces that he is the person who circnlated rhe attached consent petition consisung of 1 page on behalf of Cayuga Sueet, LLC; tfiaz affiant represents that the parties descri6ed an [he consen� pecidon aze all the respective owners of the properties placed immediately 6efore each name; tnat a�ant is informed and betioves that each of the pazcies described on the consent peution is an owaer of the gropercy which is v��ithin 1Q0 feet oi any property owaed, gurchased, or sotd by petiuoner within one (!) yeaz preceding the date oi this petidon which is coniiguous to ihe propercy desrribed in the petirion; that none of the parties described in the consent petition hzs purchased or is purchasing property from the peutioner that is contiguoas to the property described on the conseni petition within one (1) year of the date of the petition; that the consent was signed by each of said o��re; s in the presence of this affiant, and that che segnamres are rhe uue and correct signatures of each and a[1 of the pazdes so described. 4 � ichael J. Abr s � 12424 Cteek Road �Yest Minnetonka, MN 55305 Ph. No.: (612) 860-1459 Subscribeci and sw��n�t�o 6�efore me this � day of _�! Il/�, 20�. U \ NOTARY PtTBLIC �� .-,.•,��� � J �v . • Page 1 of 2 noszs� i � 7pTPL P.02 � CITY OF SAINT PAUL � t �� Consent Of Adjoining Property Owners For A REZONING We, the undersigned, owners of the property within 100 feet of the total contiguous description of real estate owned, purchased, or sold by THE PETTTIOiVER within one year precedin� the date of this Petition acknowled�e that we have been presented with the following: 1. A copy of the Petition of Cayuga Street, LLC to rezone the property located at 178, 1$2, and 186 Cayu�a Street, St. Paul, Minnesota from a RT-i zoning district to a P-1 zoning district. 2. A copy of sections 60.720 to 60.723, inclusive of the Saint Paul Zoning Code; and acknowledge that we are aware of all of the uses pernutted in a P-1 zoning district and we are aware that any of these uses can be established upon City Council approval of the rezoning. We hereby consent to the rezoning of the property in the Qetition of Cayuga Street, LLC to an P-1 mning district. We consent to the approval of this rezoning as it was explained to us by the applicant or his/her representative. 26�048v2 NOTE: This Petition shall not be considered as officially filed until the lapse of seven (7) working days after it is teceived by che Planning Division. Any signator of this Petition may withdraw hislher name therefrom by written request within that time. r��ex�cxor� �ro ��czozv� ,��rxD�vx�c az� ��Txxxon�z�. STATE OF MINI�IESOTA) �p� : SS COtJAITY OF �1G�$��i' ) ' Cayuga Street, LLC, T(�� petitionec, bp David A. Gatlieb , being fcrst dul}� sworn, deposes and stalcs Uiatthe consent petition contains siQnatures u chasedeor sold by t r� ihin on (i) p;operties «•ithin 100 feet of all property o��'ned, p �•ear preceding the date of this petition �ti'hich is contiguous to ihe prop�rty described in the petition; petitioner is informed that the consenf petition tuust contain sigaa�ir� fr} nZ each and all o�vners of jointly-o�vnecl properly in order to conslitute consent from that ro °rt � and thaf faiture to obtain consent from each 1nd al[ o�vners could invalidate the consent petition; petitioner betieres that the consent petition �vas signed by each of said o��•ners and that the signitures are the tn�e and correct signatures of eactl and atI of the parties so described. Ca g t LLC P � G �� � �E David A. Gotlieb; Secr tary 162 York Ave. E. � St. Paul, MN 55117 ADAItESS 651-223-0501 TEL�PHONE?�UMBER Subscribcd and slvorn to before me �� this l� �layof �(}L.'26u.b2� +� � � 1�OTARI' PUBLtC T r 1\ �. t�� Page � of ` 1/31/97 � � � . � . ; � REZONLYG FIRST SUBMITTED scur DATE PETITTON SUBMITTED: � q. Zt.�o DATE OFFICIALLY RECEIVED: � � PARCELS ELIGSBLE: � PAI2CELS REQUIREA: 11lJ - PARCELS SIGNED: �_,J_� � � ( -�� � �cuP RESUB�4I'I'TED DATE PETII'ION RESUB�fITTED: DATE OFFTCIALLY RECEIVED: PARCELS ELIGIBLE: PARCELSIZEQUIRED: PARCELS SIGVED: CHECKED BY: ��,,,�. r��6��i'� � DATE: `f � ��' � zoNi�� ���� �} al=l� CITIZEP� PAR ICIPATI t DIS RI 5 1.SUNRAY—SAT�LECREEK—HIGH:d00D 2.GREATER EAST SIDE 3.41EST S IOE ' -� 4.DAYTON'S BLUFF PAYNE—PHALEN 6 NORTH ENO .TNOMAS—DALE 8.SUMMIT—UNIVERSITY 9.WEST SEUENTH lO.COMO 71.HAMl.INE—MIOWAY i 2. ST. ANTHOPIY 13.hfERRiAM PK.—LEXINGTON HA!1LINE 14. GROVELAtID—hIACALESTER � 15.N(GHLAPIO 16.SUMMIT HILL 1 ? . 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