01-647Council File # O_1� G4h ORIGlNAL Presented By Referred To Committee: Date 1 An ordinance to amend Section 33.04(G) (7) 2 of the Saint Paui Legislarive Code; consolidating 3 the two pernuts currenUy needed to install a water 4 heater into one pemut and permit fee 5 6 THE COUNCIL OF TFIE CITY OF SAINT PAiIL DOES ORDAIN: 7 S Section 33.04 (G) (7) of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is amended to read as follows: 9 10 11 (7) Plumbing fees: 12 (a) Drain waste and vent, water suorolv and fixtures. 13 1. The fee for all initial permits issued by the Office o£ License, Inspections and Environmental Protection shall be 14 . fiftv-five doilars ($55.00). In addition to this fee, the fee for each fixture, whether set, 15 rough-in, or replaced shail be twenty dollars ($20.00). Each water su��ly fixture shall be $4.00. 16 (b) Building sewer permit fees ....$45.00 17 (c) Each private waste treatment system .... 155.00 18 (d) Gas burning water heaters, dryers, ranges or other devices including gas piping: 19 1. For devices up to 100,000 BTU's, each .... 20.00 20 2. Each additional 100,000 BTU's or portion thereof .... 8.00 21 3. Minimum fee .... 42.00 22 23 24 25 26 27 1 Ordinance # Green Sheet # ��13 �.S�i ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA ,( • : ► � �30'01 1 4. Maxunum fee .... 550.00 � ORIGfi�AL ° '�` y � � se�t�on z 0 This ordinance shall take effect and be in fixll force thirry (30) days following its passage, approval and publication Requested by Department of: Office of License, Inspections and Adopted by Council: Date � Op , Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: �.. ` `�\ � ii . -. �_ - �: i,i i r', . � j�/ ry�� � Enviro a tal Prote i &y: Eorm Approved b� City Attorney By: Approved b Mayor for Submi ion to Council, BY = � v(f `� 2 � OFFICg oF LISP Date: GREEN SHEET Tom Ridderiag May 23 2001 266-9014 No . 103256 °�'�`� 1 BPARTMBNT DZRECTOR C, ITY COONCIL ,� 2 ITY ATTORNSY /� ITY CLE[tR �� � 7! ust be on Council Agenda by: � 3°D�T D=xacm�` mT. � MGT. SVC. DIR. � 4 YOR (OR ASSISTANf) OTAL # OF SIGNATIIRS PAGLS 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUESTED: ordinance to amend Section 33_04(G)(7) of the Saint Paul Legislative Code; consolidating the two permits currently n�e�ed�ed to a water heater into ne permit and permit fee. � MI i COhII�ffiNDATIONS: APPROV& (A) OR REJEGT (R) BRSONIIL SBRVICS CONTRI�CfS MOST AIiSWSR THB POLLO➢PIIiG: PLANNING CONAIISSION CIVIL SERVZCE COMMISSION 1. Has the person{fixm ever worked under a contract for this department? CIB COhfi1ITTEE SUSINESS REVI&W COUNCIL � YSS NO STAFF _ 2. Has this gerson/firm eves been a City employee? D251RICT WURT . � . YES - - NO 3. Does tkti.s' possess a skill not normally possessed by any UPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJ&CTIVS? C�rrrent City employee? YBS NO lain all YSS aaswers oa a aepa;ate aheet and attach. INITIATTNG PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why): wo permits are currently required to install a water heater; this ordinance ill reduce the number of permits required to one. {please see the attached explanation.) VANTAGES IF APPROVED: Permit applicants will fill out only one permit application; in some instances, the permit fee will be reduced. (We intend this to be revenue-neutral.) ISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: In some instances, permit applicants will experience a nominal permit fee increase. (We intend this to be revenue-neutral.) ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: Permit applicants wi11 continue-=t•o -�fit-�-ro�-��wo permits and pay two permit .� _ - - fees. OTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION � �I�J �'a �i^COST/REVENUE BUDGETED YES NO FUNDING SOURCE �a§,��<. �e� ��VITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) MAY 2 4 2�ia i C{TY ATTURNEY I 01-� Explanahon: This code amendment is a customer-friendly change designed to simpli£y the process of securing plumbing and water supply pemuts. Presently, when someone wants to install a water heater, two permits aze required, a permit for the water lines and a plumbing permit for the waste, vent and gas lines. This has been a long time annoyance for customers and this proposal will consolidate such permits into one while being essentially revenue neutral. A new permit form is being designed to reflect these changes. Although it appeazs that we are snnply proposing to increase a$25.00 fee to a$55.00 fee, we aze also rolling "water supply" into the existing plumbing pernut so that a second water supply permit, and its fees, will not be required. The $55.00 number was derived by averaging the $25.00 base fee for residential water supply work and the $35.00 base fee for commercial water supply work (see Section 92.06(1) SPLC) for an auerage base fee of $30.00 for water supply pernuts. We then added the $25.00 base fee for the plumbing permit (from Section 33.04(G)(7)) for a consolidated base fee of $55.00. The existing per-fixture fees would then be added to the base fee. No changes are proposed to the Water Utility permit fees. Fees before and after the change aze shown below for some common permits. Pernut Office remodel (toilet, lauatory, sink, floor drain, & water heater) Kitchen sink replacement Water heater replacement Existine fee $153AQ $69A� $42.00 Pronosed fee $147.50 $79.5Q $42.00 �