01-612council File # Ot�6\i. QRICI�IAL Ordinance # Green Sheet # O\ �✓ Presented By Referred To Committee c Date ORDINANCE ADOPTING ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT5 RELATED TO THE WHITE BEAR AVENUE SMALL AREA PLAN AND 40 ACRE STUDY WIIEREAS, the Plamiing Commission has made a survey of the area of Saint Paul defined by properties on either side of White Beaz Avenue from Interstate Highway 94 on the south to Larpenteur Avenue on the north, for the purpose of considering amendments to the Zoning Ordinance of the ciry, and has determined that the number of real estate descriptions being affected by the proposed changes would render obtaining written consent impractical; and 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 WHEREAS, the Pianning Commission, following a public hearing held for that purpose on April 12, 2001, recommended, on Apri127, 2001, that the Zoning Ordinance be amended, and the City Council, having considered the report and recommendations of the Planning Commission and having conducted a public hearing on the proposed Zoning Ordinance amendments, does hereby amend Che Zoning Ordinance pursuant to the authority granted by and in accordance with the grocedures set forth in Minnesota Statutes 462357; The Council of the CiTy of Saint Paul Does Ordain: SECTION l The Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby amend the Saint Paul Zoning Ordinance by amending the zoning classifications for the following properties on the zoning maps of the City of Saint Paui Sheet Nos. 7, 15, and 23, as incorporated by reference in Section 60.301 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code: Requested by Department of; Plaxuiin & Economic D elo me By: ��( �`�'`„ Form Approved by City Attorney �l � � � ,- / r/ s BY t �-r' Approved by Ma Date _ _ , / �}�\� By: ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Approved by Mayo fo Submission to Council � By: �� �l� i7U1. L� �U� Adopted by Council: Date tj\� V a , Adoption Certifi�d by CRuncil Secretary 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 �3 � � B-3 to B-2 PIN 222922110037 2229221I0056 222922110055 272922ll 0177 222922140001 222922140019 222922140020 222922140021 222922140037 232922320154 232922320155 222922410095 222922440012 n.�.�:�:�xy 1581 White Bear Ave LEGAL DESCRIPTION L. T. LAWTON'S SUBDIVISION OF LOT NO. 8 OF KERWINS OUTLOTS LOTS 1 2 AND LOT 3 BLK 2 1567 White Beaz Ave L. T. LAWTOI�3'S SUBDIVISION OF LOT NO. 8 OF KERWINS OUTLOTS EX S 44 FT Tf� E% OF LOT 27 AND EX S 44 FT LOTS 28 29 AND LOT 30 BLK 2 1563 White Bear Ave L. T. LAWTON'S SUBDIVISION OF LOT NO. 8 OF KERWINS OUTLOTS S 44 FT OF E%z OF LOT 27 AND S 44 FT OF LOTS 28 29 AND LOT 30 BLK 2 0 Maryland Ave 1557 White Bear Ave 1537 White Beaz Ave. EDGAR'S ADD. N 10819 FT OF LOT 22 J. A. HCTNIl'HREYS' SUBDIVISION A, ST. PAUL, NIINN. LOTS 1 2 AND LOT 3 BLK 1 J. A. HiJMI'HREYS' SUBDIVISION A, ST. PAUL, MINN. N 40 FT OF LOTS 28 29 AND LOT 30 BLK i J. A. I�LJMI'HREYS' SUBDIVISION A, ST. PAUL, MINN. EX N 40 FT LOTS 28 29 AND LOT 30 BLK 1 1529 White Bear Ave J. A. IIUMPHREYS' SUBDIVISION A, ST. PAUL, MINN. N Yz OF VAC ALLEY ADJ AND FOL LOTS 1 2 AND E 18 FT OF LOT 3 BLK 2 1517 White Bear Ave 1330 White Bear Ave 1328 White Bear Ave 1321 W}iite Bear Ave 1315 White Beaz Ave J. A. I-iiIMPHREYS' SUBDIVISION A, ST. PAUL, NIINN. S�Jz OF VAC ALLEY ADJ AND FOL LOTS 26 THRU LOT 30 BLK 2 HAYDEN HEIGHTS EX N 19 07/100 FT LOT 28 AND ALL OF LOT 29 BLK 16 HAYDEN HEIGHTS LOTS 30 AND LOT 31 BLK 16 AMES ACRE LOTS S 100 FT OF LOT 10 BLK 4 GERARDINE'S GARDEN LOTS EX S 52 FT Tf� E 115 FT OF LOT 12 D�-L�i 43 232922330105 44 PIN 45 222922440042 46 47 48 222922440043 49 232922330180 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 262922220021 272922110001 272922ll 0002 OSl to R4 222922140058 222922140059 222922140060 222922140061 232922230164 >9 26292233013b �D 262922330135 1 B2 to R4 ? 222922410002 � 222922410003 222922410027 22292241Q028 1314 White Bear Ave IIAZEL PARK DIVISION 5 TO ST. PAUL LOTS 14 AND LOT 15 BLK 2 ADDRESS LEGAL DESCRIPTION 1201 White Bear Ave GERARDINE'S GARDEN LOTS N'/z OF LOT 2 GERARDINE'S GARDEN LOTS EX W 147 FT TF� S'ls OF LOT 2 AND EX W 196 FT LOT 1 1783 Maryland Ave. 1200 White Beaz Ave I 199 White Bear Ave unassigned HAZEL PARK DIVISION 5 TO ST. PA.UL LOTS 16 AND LOT 17 BLK 7 SECTION 26 TOWI3 29 RANGE 22 E 147 22/100 FT OF W 180 221100 FT OF S 182 88/100 FT OF N 215 88/100 FT OF NW 114 OF NW 1/4 SEC 26 TN 29 RN 22 EDGAR'S ADD. 5UBJ TO ST; LOT 1 EDGAR'S ADD. LOT 2 1465 White Bear Ave. MOODY'S REARRANGEMENT LOT 2 1459 White Bear Ave. MOODY'S REAR.RANGEMENT LOT 3 1455 White Bear Ave. MOODY'S REARRANGEMENT LOT 4 1447 White Bear Ave. MOODY'S REARRANGEMENT LOT 5 1456 White Bear Ave. HAYDEN HEIGHTS LOTS 32 THRU LOT 37 BLK 4 1789 Bush Ave AURORA ADDITION TO ST. PAiJL, MINN. W %z OF LOT 19 AND ALL OF LOT 18 BLK 3 17$3 Bush Ave ALTRORA ADDITION TO ST. PAUL, MINN. LOT 17 BLK 3 1427 White Bear Ave 1423 White Beaz Ave. 1399 White Bear Ave 1395 White Bear Ave LARSON'5 HAZEL PARK HOMESITES LOT 4 LARSON'S HAZEL PARK HOMESITES LOT 3 CAVANAUGH`S SUB. LOT 2 CAVANAUGH'S SUB. LOT 3 �\ - G\? 66 PIN 67 272422410059 68 272922440001 69 2�2922440002 70 272922440021 71 272922440022 72 73 B3 to R3 74 222922440013 75 272922110178 76 RM2 to OSl 77 272922410034 78 B2 to OSl 79 272922410057 80 272922410058 � ADDRESS LEGALDESCRIPTION V�`���- 871 White Beaz Ave BIl2MINGHAM'5 Pt1RK LOT5 1 THRU LOT 5 BLK 4 1778 7 St. E 1768 7` St. E 1769 Ross Ave 811 White Bear Ave 1311 White Beu Ave unassigned 905 White Bear Ave 891 WhiteBearAve 877 White Bear Ave KUHI,'S 2ND ADDITION TO ST. PAUL E'/z OF LOT 2 AND ALL OF LOT 1 BLK 1 KUHI,'S 2ND ADDITION TO ST. PAUL W'h OF LOT 2 AND ALL OF LOT 3 BLK 1 KUHI,'S 2ND ADDITION TO ST. FAUL LOT 28 BLK 1 KUHI,'S 2ND ADDITION TO ST. PAUL LOTS 29 & LOT 30 BLK 1 GERARDINE'S GARDEN LOTS S 52 FT OF E 115 FT OF LOT 12 BDGAR' S ADD. EX N 108.19 FT LOT 22 BIRMINGHAM'S PARK LOT i BLK 3 BIRMINGHANPS PARK N'/z OF FOL LOTS 29 AND LOT 30 BLK 3 BIRNIINGI�AM'S PARK S'/z OF FOL LOTS 29 AND LOT 30 BLK 3 � �� e f� � 32 �3 ;4 5 6 7 8 3 ) 0 SECTION 2 The Council of the Cily of Saint Paul does hereby amend the Saint Paul Zoning Ordinance by amending Chapter 60, Division 5, Subdivision 10. 60, 950 White Bear Avenue Overlay District Sec.60.451 General provisions. (a) Establishment of overlay district; intent. There is hereby established within the City of Saint Paul a special zoning district wMch sha11 be known as the 4Vhite Beaz Avenue Overlay District (WBD). This district is established to impiement the White Bear Avenue Smal1 Area Plan, maintain a unique character, to promote mixed use development, and to protect public health, safety and welfaze within the designated district. ati-Lta- 94 95 96 97 98 49 100 101 1�2 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 I10 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 l30 !31 32 33 34 35 36 3? 38 39 FO Z (b) Relationship to other applicable regulations. Property located within the oveflay district shall be subject to the provisions of the primary zoning district and the new overlay district. Because overlay district regularions may be more or less restrictive than the primary zoning district, where provisions of the overlay disirict conflict with the primary zoning dishict, the provisions of the overlay district shall govem. (c) Established boundaries. Overlay district boundaries shall be as specified in the overlay district regulations. The overlay district designation shall be shown on the zoning map (Attachment A) in addition to the underlying zoning district designation (Zoning Maps 7, 15, 23). Sec. 60952. White Beaz Avenue Overlay District. (a) Purpose. The White Bear Avenue Overlay District (WBOD) is designed to facilitate implementation of recommendations in the White Bear Avenue Small Area Plan. Redevelopment in the district shall be designed to enhance the livabllity of the area, to reduce adverse tr�c and parking conditions and to create building uses and space consistent and compatible with the azchitecture of Saint Paul. (b) Established boundaries. The boundaries of the White Bear Avenue Overlay District shall be the area shown on the official zoning map. (c) Prohibited uses. The following uses shall be prohibited in the White Bear Avenue Overlay I}istrict: (1) Currency exchange businesses. (2) Pawn shops. (3) Cellular telephone antennas not located on an existing structure. (4) Finishing shops. (5) Recycling collection centers. (6) Outdoar sales space for the sale or rental of new, secondhand, or pawned automobiles, trucks, motorcycles, trailers, or boats. Except that caz rental offices with 6 or fewer passenger vehicles may be permitted, subject to a special condition use permit. (d) Building regulations. The following building regulations shall pertain to the White Beaz Avenue Overlay District. (i) Commercial buildings should be built as close to the sidewalk as possible. (2) Fencing on White Beaz Avenue shall: (i) act as a unifying element on the street, with commercial and residential designs relating to each other. (ii) be adaptable, e.g. fencing might top a wa11 or be freestanding; (iii) be constructed of high quality and low maintenance materiais, e.g. wood for residenfial uses and ornamental iron for institutional and business uses (not including chain link fencing); (iv) relate to the street by limiting maYimum heights along White Bear Avenue to three (3) feet. (3) Walls shall be: (i) constructed of high quality, low maintenance materials, including natural stone and precast conerete systems; (ii) compatible with their surroundings; (iii) capable of being integrated with fencing and landscape materials. ot- tta- 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 lbl 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 17? 17$ 179 180 181 � sz 183 l84 l85 86 87 88 89 (e) Accessory pazking regulations. The following accessory parking regulations sha11 apply to the White Bear Avenue Overlay District: (1) Location: All on site accessory parking azeas and structures shall be located to the side or rear of the principal building or use served. Buildings on comer lots shall, to the extent possible, locate the principal building at the corner with accessory pazking to the side and rear. Buildings on lots with frontage on three or more sides shall develop a plan that best meets the goals and intent of the W1ute Bear Avenue Small Area Plan and ttris overly district. (2) Quantity: Pazking shall be provided as the zoning requires for each use, except as follows: (iv) For retail, medical, service and office uses, if a transit shelter is provided on site then (v) (vi) required parking spaces shail be reduced by five (5) percent but not to exceed five (5) spaces total; For retail, medical, service, and o�ce uses, required pazking may be reduced by the establishment of a pazking district for the purposes of sharing parking within one shopping azea; pazking azeas must be cleazly identified and provided with dedicated pedestrian links to the street; the establishment of a commercial pazking district to allow a reduction in pazking required shall be subject to review and approvai by the planning commission. The development of shared pazking is allowed as regulated in Sec. 6Q.413(15) and 62.103(7). Additionally, medical and service uses may participate in a shared parking agreement provided that it can be demonstrated that there will be adequate pazking in combination with the other uses listed in Sec. 22103(7). (3) Parking structures fronting along public streets shall comply with the following: (i) Durable maintainable materials (stone, brick, architecturally finished precast concrete or similar materials equal or better in quality) shall be used for parking shucture exteriors. (ii) A landscaped setback area of at least five (5) feet shall be provided between the pazking shucture and public sidewalk. Landscaped areas shall be irrigated by underground watering systems. (fl Landscaping regulations. Street trees and landscaping must be designed with the long term health of the plants in mind. Street trees should be planted along the entire length of White Bear Avenue, making sure that there is sufficient room for root growth and including an irrigation system when necessary. Generous planting beds are preferable to tree grates. Other Iandscaping should be hardy and grimarily native. (1) At least fifty (50) percent af a111andscaped areas should be pianted with species native to Minnesota. (2) Where nonnative species are planted, no exotic invasive species sha11 be used, for e�mple, European bnckthom and Tartarian honeysuckle. (3) Wherever possible, connect new landscape areas to e�sting or neighboring planted areas for landscape connectivity. (4) In areas of screening, the landscaping shall favor planting beds of trees with shrubs in order to have upper and lower plant material. (5) The greatest extent possible, existing healthy native trees and vegetation shall be retained. 40 Subdivision 10. 60.955 Hillcrest Village Overlay Disri-ict. 91 a2 Sec.60.456 Generalprovisions. �3 a�-�i�- 194 195 196 147 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 247 208 209 (a) Establishznent of overlay district; intent. There ls hereby established within the City of Saint Paui a speciai zoning district which sha11 be known as the Hillcrest Village Overlay District. T4us district is established to implement the White Beaz Avenue Small Area Plan, to promote the redevelopment of the azea into a mixed use urban district combining commercial uses and housing, and to protect public health, safety and welfaze within the designated district. {b} Relationship to other applicable regulations. Properiy located within the overlay district shall be subject to the provisions of the primaty zoning district and the new overlay district. Because overlay district regulations may be more or less restrictive than the primary zoning district, where provisions of the overlay district conflict with the prnnary zoning district, the provisions of the overlay districf sha11 govem. (c) Established boundaries. Overlay district boundaries shali be as specified in the individual overlay district regulations. The overlay district desagnations shall be shown on the zoning map (Attachment B) in addition to the underlying zoning district designation (Zoning Map 7). 210 Sec. 60,957. Hillcrest Village Overiay Dishict. 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 ?31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 �0 tl �2 3 (a) Purpose. The Hillcrest Village Overlay District (HVOD) is designed to facilitate implementation of recommendations in the White Beaz Avenue Small Area Plan and to promote the redevelopment of the area into a mixed use urban district combining commercial uses and housing. Redevelopment in the district shall be designed to promote the redevelopment of the area into a mixed use urban district combining commercial uses and housing, to enliance the livability of the area, to reduce adverse traffic and parking conditions and to create building uses and space consistent and compatible with the architecture of 5aint Paul. (b) Established boundaries. The boundaries of the Hillcrest Village Overlay District shall be the area shown on the official zoning map. (c) Prohibited uses. 1. uses prohibited in 60.952(c) 2. automotive related uses: automobile convenience mazkets, auto service stations, auto specialty stores, and auto repair facilities. 3. Building regulations as in 60.952(d). (d) Accessozy parking regulations as in 60.952(e}. (e) Landscaping regulations as in 60.952(fl. SECTION 3 The Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby amend the Saint Paul Zoning Ordinance by amending Chapter 66. Chapter 66.217. VJhite Bear Avenue Special I7istrict 5ign Plan (a) Intent and Purpose The White Beaz Avenue Special District Sign Plan, as provided in Secrion 66116 of the Zoning Code, is intended to provide sign controls for the White Beaz Avenue corridor. These controls wili enha.nce the unique character and identity of White Bear Avenue, reduce sign clutter, and provide strong, clear identificafion of businesses. They recognize the need of businesses to be visible to the high volume of traffic that uses White Bear Avenue. The sign plan provides a unified framework far the sign systems of the various commercial nodes (e.g. Minnehaha, 7�` Street, Hillcrest, etc.), which will fit the architecture of the buildings, cleazly identify businesses, and enhance the image of the business districts and foster 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 28Q 281 282 283 Z84 ?85 t86 ?87 '.88 89 40 91 92 �3 pzide in the adjacent neighborhoods. (b) Area Description o�-���. The area covered by this plan includes commercial property along Wlute Bear Avenue from Larpenteur to I-94. The azea generally e�ctends one-half block east and west of White Beaz Avenue, but extends as needed to encompass commercial nodes. (c) Tnterpretation and Definitions The provisions of this Special District Sign Pian aze supplementary to the provisions of Chapter 66, Signs, of the Zoning Code. The provisions of this Sign Plan that aze more restrictive than provisions of Chapter 66 shall prevail and supersede the provisions of Chapter 66. All words and terms shall be defined as in Chapter 66 of the Zoning Code of the City of Saint Paul. The word shall is mandatory; the word shoutd is advisory. (d) Advertising Signs Advertising signs shall be regulated through the Crreater East Side Special District Sign Pian. (e) Business Signs Business signs are necessary for the viability of the commercial azeas on White Bear Avenue. They inforxn customers about the type of business and its location. The name of the business should be highlighted. In general, words and symbols should take no more than 40 percent of the total area of a sign. Signs with light letters on a dazk background aze easier to spot on a busy street. Sign colors and materials should be compatible with the building and surrounding environment. To masunize the effect of the graphics, the number of colors should be minimal. Lighting of signs should be care£uliy considered; internally lit electric signs aze discouraged. 1. Business signs shail be used to identify the business, not to advertise products. Signs that advertise a product and include the name of the business on the premises where the sign is placed aze prohibited. These signs, which are often provided by product suppliers, fail to highlight the important information - the business name - and clutter the appearance of the street. 2. Roof signs sha11 be parallel to the wall of the building and used to match rooflines and unify sign bands on adjacent buiidings. Roof signs shall not be used for advertising. 3. Wall signs sha11 cover neither windows nor architectural trim and detail. Wa11 signs should be located on the bands of building facades: over the entry, over windows, or between windows. Because wa11 signs are almost always seen from an angie, ea�tended typefaces should be used. Viewiug from an angle diminishes the apparent width and spacing of the letters. Signs painted directly on the wa11 of a building shall not be pernutted. Signs painted directly on the wa11 of a building de£aces the building. Tenants may move and the painted wall sign may be left to mis-idenrify a new tenant or to peel and become unsighfly. 4. Ground signs aze recommended for institutional, professional and industrial buildings. Ground signs for individual establishments should be used oniy when a building is set back 15 feet ar more from the street right-of-way. Ground signs for individual establishments sha11 be placed para11e1 to the street. 5. Grouped signs aze used to identify multiple businesses in a larger building or contiguous buildings. �t-�1s- 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 30$ 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 31'l 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 They are recommended when individual projecting signs would block each other. Grouped signs may be used for businesses that aze not directly accessible from the public sidewalk. T'hey shall be placed within a common framework and may be placed perpendiculaz to the street. 6. Projecting signs are effective for both vehiculaz and pedestrian traffic, but they also tend to obstruct the view of other signs and aze a major source of sign clutter. Projecting signs that display a symbolic or business name are permitted. No more than one projecting sign per 40 feet shall be pemutted. Multiple businesses closer to one another than 40 feet shall not use projecting signs. 7. Pole signs can bring a business with a setback up to the street. Like pro}ecting signs, pole signs are effective for both vehiculaz and peclestrian traffic, but they also can be a source of sign clutter. Pole si�s are permitted for individual buildings that aze occupied by a single business and that have a setback from the street right-af-way of 35 feet or more. Pole signs shall use as little structure as possible, shall be starionary, and sha11 be no higher than 20 feet above grade at the highest point. 5tructural elements of the sign should be painted black or another dazk color. 8. Permanent window signs are permitted and shall not exceed 10% of the store window glass azea. 9. Portable signs sha11 not be pernutted in the White Beat Avenue Sign District. 10. Banners identifying White Bear Avenue business districts attached to street lights are permitted. They shall be designed with a common shape within the Sign District, while patterns may reflect the neighborhood designation. SECTIOIV 4 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (3�) days from and after its passage, approval and pubiication. b1-G�a- city of saint paul planning commission resolution file number o�-32 __ date April 27 Zoo� RESOLUTION RECOMMENDING ADOPTION OF THE `WFIITE BEAR AVENUE FORTY ACRE STUDY WHEREAS, the Planning Commission is authorized under Minnesota Statutes Section 462.257(S) and Section 64.400 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code to initiate a 40-Acre Study for the purposes of amending the Zoning Code; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Saint Paul on July ll, 1997, initiated a 40- Acre Study, in conjunction with a small azea plan, for the purposes of considering amendments to Chapters 60, 61 and 66 of the Saint Pau1 Legislative Code pertaining to the VJhite $ear Avenue ' area; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission released proposed amendments in the White Beaz Avenue community for pubiic review on Mazch 9, 2001, and held a public hearing on April 13, 2001; and WHEREAS, at the conclusion of the haaring, the Neighborhood and Current Planning Committee took the testimony under advisement and recommended a series of amendments; and WHBREAS, the Planning Commission, in accordance with state statutes has determined: l. That the number of real estate descriptions affected by the amendments renders the obtaining of written consent impractical; 2. That a study of the White Beaz Avenue area has been made; 3. That the proposed amendments are related to the overall needs of the community, to existing land use, and to plans for future land use; and 4. That pzoper notice of the hearing was given in the Saint Paul Pioneer Press on Mazch 16, 23, and 30, 2001. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Planning Commission recommends approval of the Zoning Code amendments attached hereto and directs the Pianning Administratar to forwazd tkae study and this resolution to the Mayor and Ciry Council for their review and final action. moved by Rramer se��a���c� �� in fav�r Unanimous against PED - East Team CONTACf PERSON & PHONE: Patricia James 6-6639 MUST BE ON COUNCII. AGENDA BY (DATE) �@1 TOTAL # OF DA� �,TT,�.�D o� • t►a 4/30/01 GREEN SHEET No.: 110164 � RVITIAIIDATE IN1TTAL/DATE 2 DEPARTSvIENT' DIIL 5 CiTY COUNCII, ASSIGAi 3 CTfY ATCORNEY CI'CP CLERK NIIMBER FINANCIAI. SERV DIR FINANCIAL SERV/ACCTG FOR 4 MAYOR (OR ASST.) _ CIVII, SERVICE COMIvIISSION ROUTIlVG I EAST TEAM LEADER ORDER ALL LOCAT[ONS FOR SIGNAT[JRE) ncnox xEQur:S 40-Acre study to the City Council for adopfion RECOMIviENDA7TONS: Approve (A) or Rejec[ (R) _A PLANNING CObA�IISSlON CIB COMMITI'EE CTVIL SERVICECOMMISSION PERSONA.L SERVICE CON'CRACI'S MUST ANSWER T'AE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: I. Has this petsoNfum ever worked under a contract for tivs depaztrneut? Yes No 2. Hu this pe`son/firm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/fivn possess a skill not novnally possessed by any cnnent city employee? Yes No Explain alI yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INTI7ATING PROBLEM, ISSLJE, OPPOR'PUNITX (Who, What, When, Where, Why): The Planning Commission mitiated a small azea plan for White Bear Avenue from I-94 to Larpenteur. A task force of citizens, businesses, and institutional representatives met and developed the 40-Acre study recommendations. The Planning Commission held a public hearing on this item on April 13, 2001, and recommended approval of the 40-Acre study on April 27, 2001. The 4�-acre study provides zoning changes that will help to accomplish plan goals. The 40-acre study needs to be adopted by the City Council to become o�cial city policy. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: White Bear Avenue will have a set of zoning changes designed to improve the safety, functioning and appeazance of the street, and the work of the citizens who developed the plan will be brought to fruition. The moratorium on building permits for White Beaz will be discontinued. Zoning will more accutately reflect uses on the Avenue, and the overlay districts will unprove the appearance and mix of uses on the street. These changes wili work in concert with the Smart Growth Twin Cities opportunity site planning process currenUy underway for the Hillcrest azea. DISADVANI'AGES IF APPROVED: Some commercial uses currently permitted by the zoning ordinance would no longer be permitted under the proposed overlay disteicts. Site improvements required by the overlay districts may-be more expensive than under current code requirements. DYSADVAIV'fAGES IF Y30T APPROVED: The current moratorium on building permits along VJhite Bear Avenue will stay in force. The recommendations of area citizens and community councils will be voided. Zoning more appropriate to the avenue wil] not be put into effect, and the zoning overlay districts designed to help in White Beaz Avenue's improvement will not be adopted. TOTAL AMOYINI' OF TRANSACTION: $ &RJND7NG SOURCE: FINAlVCYAL INFORMATION: (F.XPI,A,IlV) COST/REVENUE BUDGETED: ACTIVITYN[7MBER: �SeStCh G9�§2t � i�R� 15 20fl1 ` : , � ... .�. � � \ � council File # Ot�6\i. QRICI�IAL Ordinance # Green Sheet # O\ �✓ Presented By Referred To Committee c Date ORDINANCE ADOPTING ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT5 RELATED TO THE WHITE BEAR AVENUE SMALL AREA PLAN AND 40 ACRE STUDY WIIEREAS, the Plamiing Commission has made a survey of the area of Saint Paul defined by properties on either side of White Beaz Avenue from Interstate Highway 94 on the south to Larpenteur Avenue on the north, for the purpose of considering amendments to the Zoning Ordinance of the ciry, and has determined that the number of real estate descriptions being affected by the proposed changes would render obtaining written consent impractical; and 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 WHEREAS, the Pianning Commission, following a public hearing held for that purpose on April 12, 2001, recommended, on Apri127, 2001, that the Zoning Ordinance be amended, and the City Council, having considered the report and recommendations of the Planning Commission and having conducted a public hearing on the proposed Zoning Ordinance amendments, does hereby amend Che Zoning Ordinance pursuant to the authority granted by and in accordance with the grocedures set forth in Minnesota Statutes 462357; The Council of the CiTy of Saint Paul Does Ordain: SECTION l The Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby amend the Saint Paul Zoning Ordinance by amending the zoning classifications for the following properties on the zoning maps of the City of Saint Paui Sheet Nos. 7, 15, and 23, as incorporated by reference in Section 60.301 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code: Requested by Department of; Plaxuiin & Economic D elo me By: ��( �`�'`„ Form Approved by City Attorney �l � � � ,- / r/ s BY t �-r' Approved by Ma Date _ _ , / �}�\� By: ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Approved by Mayo fo Submission to Council � By: �� �l� i7U1. L� �U� Adopted by Council: Date tj\� V a , Adoption Certifi�d by CRuncil Secretary 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 �3 � � B-3 to B-2 PIN 222922110037 2229221I0056 222922110055 272922ll 0177 222922140001 222922140019 222922140020 222922140021 222922140037 232922320154 232922320155 222922410095 222922440012 n.�.�:�:�xy 1581 White Bear Ave LEGAL DESCRIPTION L. T. LAWTON'S SUBDIVISION OF LOT NO. 8 OF KERWINS OUTLOTS LOTS 1 2 AND LOT 3 BLK 2 1567 White Beaz Ave L. T. LAWTOI�3'S SUBDIVISION OF LOT NO. 8 OF KERWINS OUTLOTS EX S 44 FT Tf� E% OF LOT 27 AND EX S 44 FT LOTS 28 29 AND LOT 30 BLK 2 1563 White Bear Ave L. T. LAWTON'S SUBDIVISION OF LOT NO. 8 OF KERWINS OUTLOTS S 44 FT OF E%z OF LOT 27 AND S 44 FT OF LOTS 28 29 AND LOT 30 BLK 2 0 Maryland Ave 1557 White Bear Ave 1537 White Beaz Ave. EDGAR'S ADD. N 10819 FT OF LOT 22 J. A. HCTNIl'HREYS' SUBDIVISION A, ST. PAUL, NIINN. LOTS 1 2 AND LOT 3 BLK 1 J. A. HiJMI'HREYS' SUBDIVISION A, ST. PAUL, MINN. N 40 FT OF LOTS 28 29 AND LOT 30 BLK i J. A. I�LJMI'HREYS' SUBDIVISION A, ST. PAUL, MINN. EX N 40 FT LOTS 28 29 AND LOT 30 BLK 1 1529 White Bear Ave J. A. IIUMPHREYS' SUBDIVISION A, ST. PAUL, MINN. N Yz OF VAC ALLEY ADJ AND FOL LOTS 1 2 AND E 18 FT OF LOT 3 BLK 2 1517 White Bear Ave 1330 White Bear Ave 1328 White Bear Ave 1321 W}iite Bear Ave 1315 White Beaz Ave J. A. I-iiIMPHREYS' SUBDIVISION A, ST. PAUL, NIINN. S�Jz OF VAC ALLEY ADJ AND FOL LOTS 26 THRU LOT 30 BLK 2 HAYDEN HEIGHTS EX N 19 07/100 FT LOT 28 AND ALL OF LOT 29 BLK 16 HAYDEN HEIGHTS LOTS 30 AND LOT 31 BLK 16 AMES ACRE LOTS S 100 FT OF LOT 10 BLK 4 GERARDINE'S GARDEN LOTS EX S 52 FT Tf� E 115 FT OF LOT 12 D�-L�i 43 232922330105 44 PIN 45 222922440042 46 47 48 222922440043 49 232922330180 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 262922220021 272922110001 272922ll 0002 OSl to R4 222922140058 222922140059 222922140060 222922140061 232922230164 >9 26292233013b �D 262922330135 1 B2 to R4 ? 222922410002 � 222922410003 222922410027 22292241Q028 1314 White Bear Ave IIAZEL PARK DIVISION 5 TO ST. PAUL LOTS 14 AND LOT 15 BLK 2 ADDRESS LEGAL DESCRIPTION 1201 White Bear Ave GERARDINE'S GARDEN LOTS N'/z OF LOT 2 GERARDINE'S GARDEN LOTS EX W 147 FT TF� S'ls OF LOT 2 AND EX W 196 FT LOT 1 1783 Maryland Ave. 1200 White Beaz Ave I 199 White Bear Ave unassigned HAZEL PARK DIVISION 5 TO ST. PA.UL LOTS 16 AND LOT 17 BLK 7 SECTION 26 TOWI3 29 RANGE 22 E 147 22/100 FT OF W 180 221100 FT OF S 182 88/100 FT OF N 215 88/100 FT OF NW 114 OF NW 1/4 SEC 26 TN 29 RN 22 EDGAR'S ADD. 5UBJ TO ST; LOT 1 EDGAR'S ADD. LOT 2 1465 White Bear Ave. MOODY'S REARRANGEMENT LOT 2 1459 White Bear Ave. MOODY'S REAR.RANGEMENT LOT 3 1455 White Bear Ave. MOODY'S REARRANGEMENT LOT 4 1447 White Bear Ave. MOODY'S REARRANGEMENT LOT 5 1456 White Bear Ave. HAYDEN HEIGHTS LOTS 32 THRU LOT 37 BLK 4 1789 Bush Ave AURORA ADDITION TO ST. PAiJL, MINN. W %z OF LOT 19 AND ALL OF LOT 18 BLK 3 17$3 Bush Ave ALTRORA ADDITION TO ST. PAUL, MINN. LOT 17 BLK 3 1427 White Bear Ave 1423 White Beaz Ave. 1399 White Bear Ave 1395 White Bear Ave LARSON'5 HAZEL PARK HOMESITES LOT 4 LARSON'S HAZEL PARK HOMESITES LOT 3 CAVANAUGH`S SUB. LOT 2 CAVANAUGH'S SUB. LOT 3 �\ - G\? 66 PIN 67 272422410059 68 272922440001 69 2�2922440002 70 272922440021 71 272922440022 72 73 B3 to R3 74 222922440013 75 272922110178 76 RM2 to OSl 77 272922410034 78 B2 to OSl 79 272922410057 80 272922410058 � ADDRESS LEGALDESCRIPTION V�`���- 871 White Beaz Ave BIl2MINGHAM'5 Pt1RK LOT5 1 THRU LOT 5 BLK 4 1778 7 St. E 1768 7` St. E 1769 Ross Ave 811 White Bear Ave 1311 White Beu Ave unassigned 905 White Bear Ave 891 WhiteBearAve 877 White Bear Ave KUHI,'S 2ND ADDITION TO ST. PAUL E'/z OF LOT 2 AND ALL OF LOT 1 BLK 1 KUHI,'S 2ND ADDITION TO ST. PAUL W'h OF LOT 2 AND ALL OF LOT 3 BLK 1 KUHI,'S 2ND ADDITION TO ST. FAUL LOT 28 BLK 1 KUHI,'S 2ND ADDITION TO ST. PAUL LOTS 29 & LOT 30 BLK 1 GERARDINE'S GARDEN LOTS S 52 FT OF E 115 FT OF LOT 12 BDGAR' S ADD. EX N 108.19 FT LOT 22 BIRMINGHAM'S PARK LOT i BLK 3 BIRMINGHANPS PARK N'/z OF FOL LOTS 29 AND LOT 30 BLK 3 BIRNIINGI�AM'S PARK S'/z OF FOL LOTS 29 AND LOT 30 BLK 3 � �� e f� � 32 �3 ;4 5 6 7 8 3 ) 0 SECTION 2 The Council of the Cily of Saint Paul does hereby amend the Saint Paul Zoning Ordinance by amending Chapter 60, Division 5, Subdivision 10. 60, 950 White Bear Avenue Overlay District Sec.60.451 General provisions. (a) Establishment of overlay district; intent. There is hereby established within the City of Saint Paul a special zoning district wMch sha11 be known as the 4Vhite Beaz Avenue Overlay District (WBD). This district is established to impiement the White Bear Avenue Smal1 Area Plan, maintain a unique character, to promote mixed use development, and to protect public health, safety and welfaze within the designated district. ati-Lta- 94 95 96 97 98 49 100 101 1�2 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 I10 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 l30 !31 32 33 34 35 36 3? 38 39 FO Z (b) Relationship to other applicable regulations. Property located within the oveflay district shall be subject to the provisions of the primary zoning district and the new overlay district. Because overlay district regularions may be more or less restrictive than the primary zoning district, where provisions of the overlay disirict conflict with the primary zoning dishict, the provisions of the overlay district shall govem. (c) Established boundaries. Overlay district boundaries shall be as specified in the overlay district regulations. The overlay district designation shall be shown on the zoning map (Attachment A) in addition to the underlying zoning district designation (Zoning Maps 7, 15, 23). Sec. 60952. White Beaz Avenue Overlay District. (a) Purpose. The White Bear Avenue Overlay District (WBOD) is designed to facilitate implementation of recommendations in the White Bear Avenue Small Area Plan. Redevelopment in the district shall be designed to enhance the livabllity of the area, to reduce adverse tr�c and parking conditions and to create building uses and space consistent and compatible with the azchitecture of Saint Paul. (b) Established boundaries. The boundaries of the White Bear Avenue Overlay District shall be the area shown on the official zoning map. (c) Prohibited uses. The following uses shall be prohibited in the White Bear Avenue Overlay I}istrict: (1) Currency exchange businesses. (2) Pawn shops. (3) Cellular telephone antennas not located on an existing structure. (4) Finishing shops. (5) Recycling collection centers. (6) Outdoar sales space for the sale or rental of new, secondhand, or pawned automobiles, trucks, motorcycles, trailers, or boats. Except that caz rental offices with 6 or fewer passenger vehicles may be permitted, subject to a special condition use permit. (d) Building regulations. The following building regulations shall pertain to the White Beaz Avenue Overlay District. (i) Commercial buildings should be built as close to the sidewalk as possible. (2) Fencing on White Beaz Avenue shall: (i) act as a unifying element on the street, with commercial and residential designs relating to each other. (ii) be adaptable, e.g. fencing might top a wa11 or be freestanding; (iii) be constructed of high quality and low maintenance materiais, e.g. wood for residenfial uses and ornamental iron for institutional and business uses (not including chain link fencing); (iv) relate to the street by limiting maYimum heights along White Bear Avenue to three (3) feet. (3) Walls shall be: (i) constructed of high quality, low maintenance materials, including natural stone and precast conerete systems; (ii) compatible with their surroundings; (iii) capable of being integrated with fencing and landscape materials. ot- tta- 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 lbl 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 17? 17$ 179 180 181 � sz 183 l84 l85 86 87 88 89 (e) Accessory pazking regulations. The following accessory parking regulations sha11 apply to the White Bear Avenue Overlay District: (1) Location: All on site accessory parking azeas and structures shall be located to the side or rear of the principal building or use served. Buildings on comer lots shall, to the extent possible, locate the principal building at the corner with accessory pazking to the side and rear. Buildings on lots with frontage on three or more sides shall develop a plan that best meets the goals and intent of the W1ute Bear Avenue Small Area Plan and ttris overly district. (2) Quantity: Pazking shall be provided as the zoning requires for each use, except as follows: (iv) For retail, medical, service and office uses, if a transit shelter is provided on site then (v) (vi) required parking spaces shail be reduced by five (5) percent but not to exceed five (5) spaces total; For retail, medical, service, and o�ce uses, required pazking may be reduced by the establishment of a pazking district for the purposes of sharing parking within one shopping azea; pazking azeas must be cleazly identified and provided with dedicated pedestrian links to the street; the establishment of a commercial pazking district to allow a reduction in pazking required shall be subject to review and approvai by the planning commission. The development of shared pazking is allowed as regulated in Sec. 6Q.413(15) and 62.103(7). Additionally, medical and service uses may participate in a shared parking agreement provided that it can be demonstrated that there will be adequate pazking in combination with the other uses listed in Sec. 22103(7). (3) Parking structures fronting along public streets shall comply with the following: (i) Durable maintainable materials (stone, brick, architecturally finished precast concrete or similar materials equal or better in quality) shall be used for parking shucture exteriors. (ii) A landscaped setback area of at least five (5) feet shall be provided between the pazking shucture and public sidewalk. Landscaped areas shall be irrigated by underground watering systems. (fl Landscaping regulations. Street trees and landscaping must be designed with the long term health of the plants in mind. Street trees should be planted along the entire length of White Bear Avenue, making sure that there is sufficient room for root growth and including an irrigation system when necessary. Generous planting beds are preferable to tree grates. Other Iandscaping should be hardy and grimarily native. (1) At least fifty (50) percent af a111andscaped areas should be pianted with species native to Minnesota. (2) Where nonnative species are planted, no exotic invasive species sha11 be used, for e�mple, European bnckthom and Tartarian honeysuckle. (3) Wherever possible, connect new landscape areas to e�sting or neighboring planted areas for landscape connectivity. (4) In areas of screening, the landscaping shall favor planting beds of trees with shrubs in order to have upper and lower plant material. (5) The greatest extent possible, existing healthy native trees and vegetation shall be retained. 40 Subdivision 10. 60.955 Hillcrest Village Overlay Disri-ict. 91 a2 Sec.60.456 Generalprovisions. �3 a�-�i�- 194 195 196 147 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 247 208 209 (a) Establishznent of overlay district; intent. There ls hereby established within the City of Saint Paui a speciai zoning district which sha11 be known as the Hillcrest Village Overlay District. T4us district is established to implement the White Beaz Avenue Small Area Plan, to promote the redevelopment of the azea into a mixed use urban district combining commercial uses and housing, and to protect public health, safety and welfaze within the designated district. {b} Relationship to other applicable regulations. Properiy located within the overlay district shall be subject to the provisions of the primaty zoning district and the new overlay district. Because overlay district regulations may be more or less restrictive than the primary zoning district, where provisions of the overlay district conflict with the prnnary zoning district, the provisions of the overlay districf sha11 govem. (c) Established boundaries. Overlay district boundaries shali be as specified in the individual overlay district regulations. The overlay district desagnations shall be shown on the zoning map (Attachment B) in addition to the underlying zoning district designation (Zoning Map 7). 210 Sec. 60,957. Hillcrest Village Overiay Dishict. 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 ?31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 �0 tl �2 3 (a) Purpose. The Hillcrest Village Overlay District (HVOD) is designed to facilitate implementation of recommendations in the White Beaz Avenue Small Area Plan and to promote the redevelopment of the area into a mixed use urban district combining commercial uses and housing. Redevelopment in the district shall be designed to promote the redevelopment of the area into a mixed use urban district combining commercial uses and housing, to enliance the livability of the area, to reduce adverse traffic and parking conditions and to create building uses and space consistent and compatible with the architecture of 5aint Paul. (b) Established boundaries. The boundaries of the Hillcrest Village Overlay District shall be the area shown on the official zoning map. (c) Prohibited uses. 1. uses prohibited in 60.952(c) 2. automotive related uses: automobile convenience mazkets, auto service stations, auto specialty stores, and auto repair facilities. 3. Building regulations as in 60.952(d). (d) Accessozy parking regulations as in 60.952(e}. (e) Landscaping regulations as in 60.952(fl. SECTION 3 The Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby amend the Saint Paul Zoning Ordinance by amending Chapter 66. Chapter 66.217. VJhite Bear Avenue Special I7istrict 5ign Plan (a) Intent and Purpose The White Beaz Avenue Special District Sign Plan, as provided in Secrion 66116 of the Zoning Code, is intended to provide sign controls for the White Beaz Avenue corridor. These controls wili enha.nce the unique character and identity of White Bear Avenue, reduce sign clutter, and provide strong, clear identificafion of businesses. They recognize the need of businesses to be visible to the high volume of traffic that uses White Bear Avenue. The sign plan provides a unified framework far the sign systems of the various commercial nodes (e.g. Minnehaha, 7�` Street, Hillcrest, etc.), which will fit the architecture of the buildings, cleazly identify businesses, and enhance the image of the business districts and foster 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 28Q 281 282 283 Z84 ?85 t86 ?87 '.88 89 40 91 92 �3 pzide in the adjacent neighborhoods. (b) Area Description o�-���. The area covered by this plan includes commercial property along Wlute Bear Avenue from Larpenteur to I-94. The azea generally e�ctends one-half block east and west of White Beaz Avenue, but extends as needed to encompass commercial nodes. (c) Tnterpretation and Definitions The provisions of this Special District Sign Pian aze supplementary to the provisions of Chapter 66, Signs, of the Zoning Code. The provisions of this Sign Plan that aze more restrictive than provisions of Chapter 66 shall prevail and supersede the provisions of Chapter 66. All words and terms shall be defined as in Chapter 66 of the Zoning Code of the City of Saint Paul. The word shall is mandatory; the word shoutd is advisory. (d) Advertising Signs Advertising signs shall be regulated through the Crreater East Side Special District Sign Pian. (e) Business Signs Business signs are necessary for the viability of the commercial azeas on White Bear Avenue. They inforxn customers about the type of business and its location. The name of the business should be highlighted. In general, words and symbols should take no more than 40 percent of the total area of a sign. Signs with light letters on a dazk background aze easier to spot on a busy street. Sign colors and materials should be compatible with the building and surrounding environment. To masunize the effect of the graphics, the number of colors should be minimal. Lighting of signs should be care£uliy considered; internally lit electric signs aze discouraged. 1. Business signs shail be used to identify the business, not to advertise products. Signs that advertise a product and include the name of the business on the premises where the sign is placed aze prohibited. These signs, which are often provided by product suppliers, fail to highlight the important information - the business name - and clutter the appearance of the street. 2. Roof signs sha11 be parallel to the wall of the building and used to match rooflines and unify sign bands on adjacent buiidings. Roof signs shall not be used for advertising. 3. Wall signs sha11 cover neither windows nor architectural trim and detail. Wa11 signs should be located on the bands of building facades: over the entry, over windows, or between windows. Because wa11 signs are almost always seen from an angie, ea�tended typefaces should be used. Viewiug from an angle diminishes the apparent width and spacing of the letters. Signs painted directly on the wa11 of a building shall not be pernutted. Signs painted directly on the wa11 of a building de£aces the building. Tenants may move and the painted wall sign may be left to mis-idenrify a new tenant or to peel and become unsighfly. 4. Ground signs aze recommended for institutional, professional and industrial buildings. Ground signs for individual establishments should be used oniy when a building is set back 15 feet ar more from the street right-of-way. Ground signs for individual establishments sha11 be placed para11e1 to the street. 5. Grouped signs aze used to identify multiple businesses in a larger building or contiguous buildings. �t-�1s- 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 30$ 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 31'l 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 They are recommended when individual projecting signs would block each other. Grouped signs may be used for businesses that aze not directly accessible from the public sidewalk. T'hey shall be placed within a common framework and may be placed perpendiculaz to the street. 6. Projecting signs are effective for both vehiculaz and pedestrian traffic, but they also tend to obstruct the view of other signs and aze a major source of sign clutter. Projecting signs that display a symbolic or business name are permitted. No more than one projecting sign per 40 feet shall be pemutted. Multiple businesses closer to one another than 40 feet shall not use projecting signs. 7. Pole signs can bring a business with a setback up to the street. Like pro}ecting signs, pole signs are effective for both vehiculaz and peclestrian traffic, but they also can be a source of sign clutter. Pole si�s are permitted for individual buildings that aze occupied by a single business and that have a setback from the street right-af-way of 35 feet or more. Pole signs shall use as little structure as possible, shall be starionary, and sha11 be no higher than 20 feet above grade at the highest point. 5tructural elements of the sign should be painted black or another dazk color. 8. Permanent window signs are permitted and shall not exceed 10% of the store window glass azea. 9. Portable signs sha11 not be pernutted in the White Beat Avenue Sign District. 10. Banners identifying White Bear Avenue business districts attached to street lights are permitted. They shall be designed with a common shape within the Sign District, while patterns may reflect the neighborhood designation. SECTIOIV 4 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (3�) days from and after its passage, approval and pubiication. b1-G�a- city of saint paul planning commission resolution file number o�-32 __ date April 27 Zoo� RESOLUTION RECOMMENDING ADOPTION OF THE `WFIITE BEAR AVENUE FORTY ACRE STUDY WHEREAS, the Planning Commission is authorized under Minnesota Statutes Section 462.257(S) and Section 64.400 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code to initiate a 40-Acre Study for the purposes of amending the Zoning Code; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Saint Paul on July ll, 1997, initiated a 40- Acre Study, in conjunction with a small azea plan, for the purposes of considering amendments to Chapters 60, 61 and 66 of the Saint Pau1 Legislative Code pertaining to the VJhite $ear Avenue ' area; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission released proposed amendments in the White Beaz Avenue community for pubiic review on Mazch 9, 2001, and held a public hearing on April 13, 2001; and WHEREAS, at the conclusion of the haaring, the Neighborhood and Current Planning Committee took the testimony under advisement and recommended a series of amendments; and WHBREAS, the Planning Commission, in accordance with state statutes has determined: l. That the number of real estate descriptions affected by the amendments renders the obtaining of written consent impractical; 2. That a study of the White Beaz Avenue area has been made; 3. That the proposed amendments are related to the overall needs of the community, to existing land use, and to plans for future land use; and 4. That pzoper notice of the hearing was given in the Saint Paul Pioneer Press on Mazch 16, 23, and 30, 2001. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Planning Commission recommends approval of the Zoning Code amendments attached hereto and directs the Pianning Administratar to forwazd tkae study and this resolution to the Mayor and Ciry Council for their review and final action. moved by Rramer se��a���c� �� in fav�r Unanimous against PED - East Team CONTACf PERSON & PHONE: Patricia James 6-6639 MUST BE ON COUNCII. AGENDA BY (DATE) �@1 TOTAL # OF DA� �,TT,�.�D o� • t►a 4/30/01 GREEN SHEET No.: 110164 � RVITIAIIDATE IN1TTAL/DATE 2 DEPARTSvIENT' DIIL 5 CiTY COUNCII, ASSIGAi 3 CTfY ATCORNEY CI'CP CLERK NIIMBER FINANCIAI. SERV DIR FINANCIAL SERV/ACCTG FOR 4 MAYOR (OR ASST.) _ CIVII, SERVICE COMIvIISSION ROUTIlVG I EAST TEAM LEADER ORDER ALL LOCAT[ONS FOR SIGNAT[JRE) ncnox xEQur:S 40-Acre study to the City Council for adopfion RECOMIviENDA7TONS: Approve (A) or Rejec[ (R) _A PLANNING CObA�IISSlON CIB COMMITI'EE CTVIL SERVICECOMMISSION PERSONA.L SERVICE CON'CRACI'S MUST ANSWER T'AE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: I. Has this petsoNfum ever worked under a contract for tivs depaztrneut? Yes No 2. Hu this pe`son/firm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/fivn possess a skill not novnally possessed by any cnnent city employee? Yes No Explain alI yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INTI7ATING PROBLEM, ISSLJE, OPPOR'PUNITX (Who, What, When, Where, Why): The Planning Commission mitiated a small azea plan for White Bear Avenue from I-94 to Larpenteur. A task force of citizens, businesses, and institutional representatives met and developed the 40-Acre study recommendations. The Planning Commission held a public hearing on this item on April 13, 2001, and recommended approval of the 40-Acre study on April 27, 2001. The 4�-acre study provides zoning changes that will help to accomplish plan goals. The 40-acre study needs to be adopted by the City Council to become o�cial city policy. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: White Bear Avenue will have a set of zoning changes designed to improve the safety, functioning and appeazance of the street, and the work of the citizens who developed the plan will be brought to fruition. The moratorium on building permits for White Beaz will be discontinued. Zoning will more accutately reflect uses on the Avenue, and the overlay districts will unprove the appearance and mix of uses on the street. These changes wili work in concert with the Smart Growth Twin Cities opportunity site planning process currenUy underway for the Hillcrest azea. DISADVANI'AGES IF APPROVED: Some commercial uses currently permitted by the zoning ordinance would no longer be permitted under the proposed overlay disteicts. Site improvements required by the overlay districts may-be more expensive than under current code requirements. DYSADVAIV'fAGES IF Y30T APPROVED: The current moratorium on building permits along VJhite Bear Avenue will stay in force. The recommendations of area citizens and community councils will be voided. Zoning more appropriate to the avenue wil] not be put into effect, and the zoning overlay districts designed to help in White Beaz Avenue's improvement will not be adopted. TOTAL AMOYINI' OF TRANSACTION: $ &RJND7NG SOURCE: FINAlVCYAL INFORMATION: (F.XPI,A,IlV) COST/REVENUE BUDGETED: ACTIVITYN[7MBER: �SeStCh G9�§2t � i�R� 15 20fl1 ` : , � ... .�. � � \ � council File # Ot�6\i. QRICI�IAL Ordinance # Green Sheet # O\ �✓ Presented By Referred To Committee c Date ORDINANCE ADOPTING ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT5 RELATED TO THE WHITE BEAR AVENUE SMALL AREA PLAN AND 40 ACRE STUDY WIIEREAS, the Plamiing Commission has made a survey of the area of Saint Paul defined by properties on either side of White Beaz Avenue from Interstate Highway 94 on the south to Larpenteur Avenue on the north, for the purpose of considering amendments to the Zoning Ordinance of the ciry, and has determined that the number of real estate descriptions being affected by the proposed changes would render obtaining written consent impractical; and 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 WHEREAS, the Pianning Commission, following a public hearing held for that purpose on April 12, 2001, recommended, on Apri127, 2001, that the Zoning Ordinance be amended, and the City Council, having considered the report and recommendations of the Planning Commission and having conducted a public hearing on the proposed Zoning Ordinance amendments, does hereby amend Che Zoning Ordinance pursuant to the authority granted by and in accordance with the grocedures set forth in Minnesota Statutes 462357; The Council of the CiTy of Saint Paul Does Ordain: SECTION l The Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby amend the Saint Paul Zoning Ordinance by amending the zoning classifications for the following properties on the zoning maps of the City of Saint Paui Sheet Nos. 7, 15, and 23, as incorporated by reference in Section 60.301 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code: Requested by Department of; Plaxuiin & Economic D elo me By: ��( �`�'`„ Form Approved by City Attorney �l � � � ,- / r/ s BY t �-r' Approved by Ma Date _ _ , / �}�\� By: ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Approved by Mayo fo Submission to Council � By: �� �l� i7U1. L� �U� Adopted by Council: Date tj\� V a , Adoption Certifi�d by CRuncil Secretary 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 �3 � � B-3 to B-2 PIN 222922110037 2229221I0056 222922110055 272922ll 0177 222922140001 222922140019 222922140020 222922140021 222922140037 232922320154 232922320155 222922410095 222922440012 n.�.�:�:�xy 1581 White Bear Ave LEGAL DESCRIPTION L. T. LAWTON'S SUBDIVISION OF LOT NO. 8 OF KERWINS OUTLOTS LOTS 1 2 AND LOT 3 BLK 2 1567 White Beaz Ave L. T. LAWTOI�3'S SUBDIVISION OF LOT NO. 8 OF KERWINS OUTLOTS EX S 44 FT Tf� E% OF LOT 27 AND EX S 44 FT LOTS 28 29 AND LOT 30 BLK 2 1563 White Bear Ave L. T. LAWTON'S SUBDIVISION OF LOT NO. 8 OF KERWINS OUTLOTS S 44 FT OF E%z OF LOT 27 AND S 44 FT OF LOTS 28 29 AND LOT 30 BLK 2 0 Maryland Ave 1557 White Bear Ave 1537 White Beaz Ave. EDGAR'S ADD. N 10819 FT OF LOT 22 J. A. HCTNIl'HREYS' SUBDIVISION A, ST. PAUL, NIINN. LOTS 1 2 AND LOT 3 BLK 1 J. A. HiJMI'HREYS' SUBDIVISION A, ST. PAUL, MINN. N 40 FT OF LOTS 28 29 AND LOT 30 BLK i J. A. I�LJMI'HREYS' SUBDIVISION A, ST. PAUL, MINN. EX N 40 FT LOTS 28 29 AND LOT 30 BLK 1 1529 White Bear Ave J. A. IIUMPHREYS' SUBDIVISION A, ST. PAUL, MINN. N Yz OF VAC ALLEY ADJ AND FOL LOTS 1 2 AND E 18 FT OF LOT 3 BLK 2 1517 White Bear Ave 1330 White Bear Ave 1328 White Bear Ave 1321 W}iite Bear Ave 1315 White Beaz Ave J. A. I-iiIMPHREYS' SUBDIVISION A, ST. PAUL, NIINN. S�Jz OF VAC ALLEY ADJ AND FOL LOTS 26 THRU LOT 30 BLK 2 HAYDEN HEIGHTS EX N 19 07/100 FT LOT 28 AND ALL OF LOT 29 BLK 16 HAYDEN HEIGHTS LOTS 30 AND LOT 31 BLK 16 AMES ACRE LOTS S 100 FT OF LOT 10 BLK 4 GERARDINE'S GARDEN LOTS EX S 52 FT Tf� E 115 FT OF LOT 12 D�-L�i 43 232922330105 44 PIN 45 222922440042 46 47 48 222922440043 49 232922330180 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 262922220021 272922110001 272922ll 0002 OSl to R4 222922140058 222922140059 222922140060 222922140061 232922230164 >9 26292233013b �D 262922330135 1 B2 to R4 ? 222922410002 � 222922410003 222922410027 22292241Q028 1314 White Bear Ave IIAZEL PARK DIVISION 5 TO ST. PAUL LOTS 14 AND LOT 15 BLK 2 ADDRESS LEGAL DESCRIPTION 1201 White Bear Ave GERARDINE'S GARDEN LOTS N'/z OF LOT 2 GERARDINE'S GARDEN LOTS EX W 147 FT TF� S'ls OF LOT 2 AND EX W 196 FT LOT 1 1783 Maryland Ave. 1200 White Beaz Ave I 199 White Bear Ave unassigned HAZEL PARK DIVISION 5 TO ST. PA.UL LOTS 16 AND LOT 17 BLK 7 SECTION 26 TOWI3 29 RANGE 22 E 147 22/100 FT OF W 180 221100 FT OF S 182 88/100 FT OF N 215 88/100 FT OF NW 114 OF NW 1/4 SEC 26 TN 29 RN 22 EDGAR'S ADD. 5UBJ TO ST; LOT 1 EDGAR'S ADD. LOT 2 1465 White Bear Ave. MOODY'S REARRANGEMENT LOT 2 1459 White Bear Ave. MOODY'S REAR.RANGEMENT LOT 3 1455 White Bear Ave. MOODY'S REARRANGEMENT LOT 4 1447 White Bear Ave. MOODY'S REARRANGEMENT LOT 5 1456 White Bear Ave. HAYDEN HEIGHTS LOTS 32 THRU LOT 37 BLK 4 1789 Bush Ave AURORA ADDITION TO ST. PAiJL, MINN. W %z OF LOT 19 AND ALL OF LOT 18 BLK 3 17$3 Bush Ave ALTRORA ADDITION TO ST. PAUL, MINN. LOT 17 BLK 3 1427 White Bear Ave 1423 White Beaz Ave. 1399 White Bear Ave 1395 White Bear Ave LARSON'5 HAZEL PARK HOMESITES LOT 4 LARSON'S HAZEL PARK HOMESITES LOT 3 CAVANAUGH`S SUB. LOT 2 CAVANAUGH'S SUB. LOT 3 �\ - G\? 66 PIN 67 272422410059 68 272922440001 69 2�2922440002 70 272922440021 71 272922440022 72 73 B3 to R3 74 222922440013 75 272922110178 76 RM2 to OSl 77 272922410034 78 B2 to OSl 79 272922410057 80 272922410058 � ADDRESS LEGALDESCRIPTION V�`���- 871 White Beaz Ave BIl2MINGHAM'5 Pt1RK LOT5 1 THRU LOT 5 BLK 4 1778 7 St. E 1768 7` St. E 1769 Ross Ave 811 White Bear Ave 1311 White Beu Ave unassigned 905 White Bear Ave 891 WhiteBearAve 877 White Bear Ave KUHI,'S 2ND ADDITION TO ST. PAUL E'/z OF LOT 2 AND ALL OF LOT 1 BLK 1 KUHI,'S 2ND ADDITION TO ST. PAUL W'h OF LOT 2 AND ALL OF LOT 3 BLK 1 KUHI,'S 2ND ADDITION TO ST. FAUL LOT 28 BLK 1 KUHI,'S 2ND ADDITION TO ST. PAUL LOTS 29 & LOT 30 BLK 1 GERARDINE'S GARDEN LOTS S 52 FT OF E 115 FT OF LOT 12 BDGAR' S ADD. EX N 108.19 FT LOT 22 BIRMINGHAM'S PARK LOT i BLK 3 BIRMINGHANPS PARK N'/z OF FOL LOTS 29 AND LOT 30 BLK 3 BIRNIINGI�AM'S PARK S'/z OF FOL LOTS 29 AND LOT 30 BLK 3 � �� e f� � 32 �3 ;4 5 6 7 8 3 ) 0 SECTION 2 The Council of the Cily of Saint Paul does hereby amend the Saint Paul Zoning Ordinance by amending Chapter 60, Division 5, Subdivision 10. 60, 950 White Bear Avenue Overlay District Sec.60.451 General provisions. (a) Establishment of overlay district; intent. There is hereby established within the City of Saint Paul a special zoning district wMch sha11 be known as the 4Vhite Beaz Avenue Overlay District (WBD). This district is established to impiement the White Bear Avenue Smal1 Area Plan, maintain a unique character, to promote mixed use development, and to protect public health, safety and welfaze within the designated district. ati-Lta- 94 95 96 97 98 49 100 101 1�2 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 I10 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 l30 !31 32 33 34 35 36 3? 38 39 FO Z (b) Relationship to other applicable regulations. Property located within the oveflay district shall be subject to the provisions of the primary zoning district and the new overlay district. Because overlay district regularions may be more or less restrictive than the primary zoning district, where provisions of the overlay disirict conflict with the primary zoning dishict, the provisions of the overlay district shall govem. (c) Established boundaries. Overlay district boundaries shall be as specified in the overlay district regulations. The overlay district designation shall be shown on the zoning map (Attachment A) in addition to the underlying zoning district designation (Zoning Maps 7, 15, 23). Sec. 60952. White Beaz Avenue Overlay District. (a) Purpose. The White Bear Avenue Overlay District (WBOD) is designed to facilitate implementation of recommendations in the White Bear Avenue Small Area Plan. Redevelopment in the district shall be designed to enhance the livabllity of the area, to reduce adverse tr�c and parking conditions and to create building uses and space consistent and compatible with the azchitecture of Saint Paul. (b) Established boundaries. The boundaries of the White Bear Avenue Overlay District shall be the area shown on the official zoning map. (c) Prohibited uses. The following uses shall be prohibited in the White Bear Avenue Overlay I}istrict: (1) Currency exchange businesses. (2) Pawn shops. (3) Cellular telephone antennas not located on an existing structure. (4) Finishing shops. (5) Recycling collection centers. (6) Outdoar sales space for the sale or rental of new, secondhand, or pawned automobiles, trucks, motorcycles, trailers, or boats. Except that caz rental offices with 6 or fewer passenger vehicles may be permitted, subject to a special condition use permit. (d) Building regulations. The following building regulations shall pertain to the White Beaz Avenue Overlay District. (i) Commercial buildings should be built as close to the sidewalk as possible. (2) Fencing on White Beaz Avenue shall: (i) act as a unifying element on the street, with commercial and residential designs relating to each other. (ii) be adaptable, e.g. fencing might top a wa11 or be freestanding; (iii) be constructed of high quality and low maintenance materiais, e.g. wood for residenfial uses and ornamental iron for institutional and business uses (not including chain link fencing); (iv) relate to the street by limiting maYimum heights along White Bear Avenue to three (3) feet. (3) Walls shall be: (i) constructed of high quality, low maintenance materials, including natural stone and precast conerete systems; (ii) compatible with their surroundings; (iii) capable of being integrated with fencing and landscape materials. ot- tta- 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 lbl 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 17? 17$ 179 180 181 � sz 183 l84 l85 86 87 88 89 (e) Accessory pazking regulations. The following accessory parking regulations sha11 apply to the White Bear Avenue Overlay District: (1) Location: All on site accessory parking azeas and structures shall be located to the side or rear of the principal building or use served. Buildings on comer lots shall, to the extent possible, locate the principal building at the corner with accessory pazking to the side and rear. Buildings on lots with frontage on three or more sides shall develop a plan that best meets the goals and intent of the W1ute Bear Avenue Small Area Plan and ttris overly district. (2) Quantity: Pazking shall be provided as the zoning requires for each use, except as follows: (iv) For retail, medical, service and office uses, if a transit shelter is provided on site then (v) (vi) required parking spaces shail be reduced by five (5) percent but not to exceed five (5) spaces total; For retail, medical, service, and o�ce uses, required pazking may be reduced by the establishment of a pazking district for the purposes of sharing parking within one shopping azea; pazking azeas must be cleazly identified and provided with dedicated pedestrian links to the street; the establishment of a commercial pazking district to allow a reduction in pazking required shall be subject to review and approvai by the planning commission. The development of shared pazking is allowed as regulated in Sec. 6Q.413(15) and 62.103(7). Additionally, medical and service uses may participate in a shared parking agreement provided that it can be demonstrated that there will be adequate pazking in combination with the other uses listed in Sec. 22103(7). (3) Parking structures fronting along public streets shall comply with the following: (i) Durable maintainable materials (stone, brick, architecturally finished precast concrete or similar materials equal or better in quality) shall be used for parking shucture exteriors. (ii) A landscaped setback area of at least five (5) feet shall be provided between the pazking shucture and public sidewalk. Landscaped areas shall be irrigated by underground watering systems. (fl Landscaping regulations. Street trees and landscaping must be designed with the long term health of the plants in mind. Street trees should be planted along the entire length of White Bear Avenue, making sure that there is sufficient room for root growth and including an irrigation system when necessary. Generous planting beds are preferable to tree grates. Other Iandscaping should be hardy and grimarily native. (1) At least fifty (50) percent af a111andscaped areas should be pianted with species native to Minnesota. (2) Where nonnative species are planted, no exotic invasive species sha11 be used, for e�mple, European bnckthom and Tartarian honeysuckle. (3) Wherever possible, connect new landscape areas to e�sting or neighboring planted areas for landscape connectivity. (4) In areas of screening, the landscaping shall favor planting beds of trees with shrubs in order to have upper and lower plant material. (5) The greatest extent possible, existing healthy native trees and vegetation shall be retained. 40 Subdivision 10. 60.955 Hillcrest Village Overlay Disri-ict. 91 a2 Sec.60.456 Generalprovisions. �3 a�-�i�- 194 195 196 147 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 247 208 209 (a) Establishznent of overlay district; intent. There ls hereby established within the City of Saint Paui a speciai zoning district which sha11 be known as the Hillcrest Village Overlay District. T4us district is established to implement the White Beaz Avenue Small Area Plan, to promote the redevelopment of the azea into a mixed use urban district combining commercial uses and housing, and to protect public health, safety and welfaze within the designated district. {b} Relationship to other applicable regulations. Properiy located within the overlay district shall be subject to the provisions of the primaty zoning district and the new overlay district. Because overlay district regulations may be more or less restrictive than the primary zoning district, where provisions of the overlay district conflict with the prnnary zoning district, the provisions of the overlay districf sha11 govem. (c) Established boundaries. Overlay district boundaries shali be as specified in the individual overlay district regulations. The overlay district desagnations shall be shown on the zoning map (Attachment B) in addition to the underlying zoning district designation (Zoning Map 7). 210 Sec. 60,957. Hillcrest Village Overiay Dishict. 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 ?31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 �0 tl �2 3 (a) Purpose. The Hillcrest Village Overlay District (HVOD) is designed to facilitate implementation of recommendations in the White Beaz Avenue Small Area Plan and to promote the redevelopment of the area into a mixed use urban district combining commercial uses and housing. Redevelopment in the district shall be designed to promote the redevelopment of the area into a mixed use urban district combining commercial uses and housing, to enliance the livability of the area, to reduce adverse traffic and parking conditions and to create building uses and space consistent and compatible with the architecture of 5aint Paul. (b) Established boundaries. The boundaries of the Hillcrest Village Overlay District shall be the area shown on the official zoning map. (c) Prohibited uses. 1. uses prohibited in 60.952(c) 2. automotive related uses: automobile convenience mazkets, auto service stations, auto specialty stores, and auto repair facilities. 3. Building regulations as in 60.952(d). (d) Accessozy parking regulations as in 60.952(e}. (e) Landscaping regulations as in 60.952(fl. SECTION 3 The Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby amend the Saint Paul Zoning Ordinance by amending Chapter 66. Chapter 66.217. VJhite Bear Avenue Special I7istrict 5ign Plan (a) Intent and Purpose The White Beaz Avenue Special District Sign Plan, as provided in Secrion 66116 of the Zoning Code, is intended to provide sign controls for the White Beaz Avenue corridor. These controls wili enha.nce the unique character and identity of White Bear Avenue, reduce sign clutter, and provide strong, clear identificafion of businesses. They recognize the need of businesses to be visible to the high volume of traffic that uses White Bear Avenue. The sign plan provides a unified framework far the sign systems of the various commercial nodes (e.g. Minnehaha, 7�` Street, Hillcrest, etc.), which will fit the architecture of the buildings, cleazly identify businesses, and enhance the image of the business districts and foster 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 28Q 281 282 283 Z84 ?85 t86 ?87 '.88 89 40 91 92 �3 pzide in the adjacent neighborhoods. (b) Area Description o�-���. The area covered by this plan includes commercial property along Wlute Bear Avenue from Larpenteur to I-94. The azea generally e�ctends one-half block east and west of White Beaz Avenue, but extends as needed to encompass commercial nodes. (c) Tnterpretation and Definitions The provisions of this Special District Sign Pian aze supplementary to the provisions of Chapter 66, Signs, of the Zoning Code. The provisions of this Sign Plan that aze more restrictive than provisions of Chapter 66 shall prevail and supersede the provisions of Chapter 66. All words and terms shall be defined as in Chapter 66 of the Zoning Code of the City of Saint Paul. The word shall is mandatory; the word shoutd is advisory. (d) Advertising Signs Advertising signs shall be regulated through the Crreater East Side Special District Sign Pian. (e) Business Signs Business signs are necessary for the viability of the commercial azeas on White Bear Avenue. They inforxn customers about the type of business and its location. The name of the business should be highlighted. In general, words and symbols should take no more than 40 percent of the total area of a sign. Signs with light letters on a dazk background aze easier to spot on a busy street. Sign colors and materials should be compatible with the building and surrounding environment. To masunize the effect of the graphics, the number of colors should be minimal. Lighting of signs should be care£uliy considered; internally lit electric signs aze discouraged. 1. Business signs shail be used to identify the business, not to advertise products. Signs that advertise a product and include the name of the business on the premises where the sign is placed aze prohibited. These signs, which are often provided by product suppliers, fail to highlight the important information - the business name - and clutter the appearance of the street. 2. Roof signs sha11 be parallel to the wall of the building and used to match rooflines and unify sign bands on adjacent buiidings. Roof signs shall not be used for advertising. 3. Wall signs sha11 cover neither windows nor architectural trim and detail. Wa11 signs should be located on the bands of building facades: over the entry, over windows, or between windows. Because wa11 signs are almost always seen from an angie, ea�tended typefaces should be used. Viewiug from an angle diminishes the apparent width and spacing of the letters. Signs painted directly on the wa11 of a building shall not be pernutted. Signs painted directly on the wa11 of a building de£aces the building. Tenants may move and the painted wall sign may be left to mis-idenrify a new tenant or to peel and become unsighfly. 4. Ground signs aze recommended for institutional, professional and industrial buildings. Ground signs for individual establishments should be used oniy when a building is set back 15 feet ar more from the street right-of-way. Ground signs for individual establishments sha11 be placed para11e1 to the street. 5. Grouped signs aze used to identify multiple businesses in a larger building or contiguous buildings. �t-�1s- 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 30$ 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 31'l 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 They are recommended when individual projecting signs would block each other. Grouped signs may be used for businesses that aze not directly accessible from the public sidewalk. T'hey shall be placed within a common framework and may be placed perpendiculaz to the street. 6. Projecting signs are effective for both vehiculaz and pedestrian traffic, but they also tend to obstruct the view of other signs and aze a major source of sign clutter. Projecting signs that display a symbolic or business name are permitted. No more than one projecting sign per 40 feet shall be pemutted. Multiple businesses closer to one another than 40 feet shall not use projecting signs. 7. Pole signs can bring a business with a setback up to the street. Like pro}ecting signs, pole signs are effective for both vehiculaz and peclestrian traffic, but they also can be a source of sign clutter. Pole si�s are permitted for individual buildings that aze occupied by a single business and that have a setback from the street right-af-way of 35 feet or more. Pole signs shall use as little structure as possible, shall be starionary, and sha11 be no higher than 20 feet above grade at the highest point. 5tructural elements of the sign should be painted black or another dazk color. 8. Permanent window signs are permitted and shall not exceed 10% of the store window glass azea. 9. Portable signs sha11 not be pernutted in the White Beat Avenue Sign District. 10. Banners identifying White Bear Avenue business districts attached to street lights are permitted. They shall be designed with a common shape within the Sign District, while patterns may reflect the neighborhood designation. SECTIOIV 4 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (3�) days from and after its passage, approval and pubiication. b1-G�a- city of saint paul planning commission resolution file number o�-32 __ date April 27 Zoo� RESOLUTION RECOMMENDING ADOPTION OF THE `WFIITE BEAR AVENUE FORTY ACRE STUDY WHEREAS, the Planning Commission is authorized under Minnesota Statutes Section 462.257(S) and Section 64.400 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code to initiate a 40-Acre Study for the purposes of amending the Zoning Code; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Saint Paul on July ll, 1997, initiated a 40- Acre Study, in conjunction with a small azea plan, for the purposes of considering amendments to Chapters 60, 61 and 66 of the Saint Pau1 Legislative Code pertaining to the VJhite $ear Avenue ' area; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission released proposed amendments in the White Beaz Avenue community for pubiic review on Mazch 9, 2001, and held a public hearing on April 13, 2001; and WHEREAS, at the conclusion of the haaring, the Neighborhood and Current Planning Committee took the testimony under advisement and recommended a series of amendments; and WHBREAS, the Planning Commission, in accordance with state statutes has determined: l. That the number of real estate descriptions affected by the amendments renders the obtaining of written consent impractical; 2. That a study of the White Beaz Avenue area has been made; 3. That the proposed amendments are related to the overall needs of the community, to existing land use, and to plans for future land use; and 4. That pzoper notice of the hearing was given in the Saint Paul Pioneer Press on Mazch 16, 23, and 30, 2001. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Planning Commission recommends approval of the Zoning Code amendments attached hereto and directs the Pianning Administratar to forwazd tkae study and this resolution to the Mayor and Ciry Council for their review and final action. moved by Rramer se��a���c� �� in fav�r Unanimous against PED - East Team CONTACf PERSON & PHONE: Patricia James 6-6639 MUST BE ON COUNCII. AGENDA BY (DATE) �@1 TOTAL # OF DA� �,TT,�.�D o� • t►a 4/30/01 GREEN SHEET No.: 110164 � RVITIAIIDATE IN1TTAL/DATE 2 DEPARTSvIENT' DIIL 5 CiTY COUNCII, ASSIGAi 3 CTfY ATCORNEY CI'CP CLERK NIIMBER FINANCIAI. SERV DIR FINANCIAL SERV/ACCTG FOR 4 MAYOR (OR ASST.) _ CIVII, SERVICE COMIvIISSION ROUTIlVG I EAST TEAM LEADER ORDER ALL LOCAT[ONS FOR SIGNAT[JRE) ncnox xEQur:S 40-Acre study to the City Council for adopfion RECOMIviENDA7TONS: Approve (A) or Rejec[ (R) _A PLANNING CObA�IISSlON CIB COMMITI'EE CTVIL SERVICECOMMISSION PERSONA.L SERVICE CON'CRACI'S MUST ANSWER T'AE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: I. Has this petsoNfum ever worked under a contract for tivs depaztrneut? Yes No 2. Hu this pe`son/firm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/fivn possess a skill not novnally possessed by any cnnent city employee? Yes No Explain alI yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INTI7ATING PROBLEM, ISSLJE, OPPOR'PUNITX (Who, What, When, Where, Why): The Planning Commission mitiated a small azea plan for White Bear Avenue from I-94 to Larpenteur. A task force of citizens, businesses, and institutional representatives met and developed the 40-Acre study recommendations. The Planning Commission held a public hearing on this item on April 13, 2001, and recommended approval of the 40-Acre study on April 27, 2001. The 4�-acre study provides zoning changes that will help to accomplish plan goals. The 40-acre study needs to be adopted by the City Council to become o�cial city policy. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: White Bear Avenue will have a set of zoning changes designed to improve the safety, functioning and appeazance of the street, and the work of the citizens who developed the plan will be brought to fruition. The moratorium on building permits for White Beaz will be discontinued. Zoning will more accutately reflect uses on the Avenue, and the overlay districts will unprove the appearance and mix of uses on the street. These changes wili work in concert with the Smart Growth Twin Cities opportunity site planning process currenUy underway for the Hillcrest azea. DISADVANI'AGES IF APPROVED: Some commercial uses currently permitted by the zoning ordinance would no longer be permitted under the proposed overlay disteicts. Site improvements required by the overlay districts may-be more expensive than under current code requirements. DYSADVAIV'fAGES IF Y30T APPROVED: The current moratorium on building permits along VJhite Bear Avenue will stay in force. The recommendations of area citizens and community councils will be voided. Zoning more appropriate to the avenue wil] not be put into effect, and the zoning overlay districts designed to help in White Beaz Avenue's improvement will not be adopted. TOTAL AMOYINI' OF TRANSACTION: $ &RJND7NG SOURCE: FINAlVCYAL INFORMATION: (F.XPI,A,IlV) COST/REVENUE BUDGETED: ACTIVITYN[7MBER: �SeStCh G9�§2t � i�R� 15 20fl1 ` : , � ... .�. � � \ �