01-559Council File # a�'�559 � i� ! � I �� � ,�°1 L Ordinance # Green Sheet # 1liD 8 ORDINANCE OF Presented By Referred To PAUL, MINNESOTA Committee: Date �� 1 An ordinance amending Chapter 60 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code perta.ining to zoning for the City of 2 Saint Paul and the zoning maps thereof: 0 6 7 9 10 11 WHEREAS, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes §462.357 and §64.400 of the Legislative Code, Northem Star Co. duly petitioned to rezone properiy at 1055 West Gate Drive from I-2 (Industrial District) to I-1 (Industrial Dishict) to allow construction of a 98,000 sq. ft. office/warehouse building, the petition hauing been certified by the Plamiiug staff on 02/16/Ol as having been consented to by at least 67% of the owners of the area of the property to be rezoned, and fiuther having been consented to by at least two-thirds of the owners of the property situated within 100 feet of the total configuous properry within one year preceeding the date of the petition; and 12 WHEREAS, The Zoning Committee of the Plauning Commission on Q3(15(Ol, held a public hearing for the 13 purpose of considering the rezoning petition, and pursuant to § 107.03 of the Administrative Code, submitted 14 its recommendation to the Planning Commission that the petirion be granted; and 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 WHEREAS, The Planning Commission considered the rezoning petition at its meeting held on 03/23/O1 and recommended that the City Council approve the petition; and WHEREAS, notice of public hearing before the City Councii on the said rezoning petirion was duly published in the official newspaper of the City on 04/02/Ol, and notices were duly mailed to each owner of affected property and property situated wholly or partly within 350 feet of the property sought to be rezoned; and WI3EREAS, a public hearing befare the City Council having been conducted on 04/25/Ol, where all interested parties were heard, the Council having considered all the facts and recommendations concerning the petition; now, therefore f!�F�I 'I���Zili►[ _I�IIii�Ti11.ITi7Y11L�]ai.�i�(� 1�1�111�Z�]x.Y� ' � _•\t�� 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 Section 1. That the zoning map of the City of Saint Paul, Sheet Number 9, as incoxporated by reference in §60301 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, as amended, is hereby further amended as follows: That property located at 1055 West Gate Drive, being more particularly described as: That part of the Northwest Quarter of Section 29, Township 29 North, Range 23 West, 4`� Principal Meridian, Ramsey County, Minnesota, described as follows: Q(�${�$}�p :�11.16 �1 or-SSq 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 Beginning at the northwest corner of Outlot B, WEST GATE ADDITION NO. 3, according to the recorded plot thereof, Ramsey County, Miunesota; thence North 89 degrees 47 minutes 02 seconds East, along the north line of said Outlot B, a distance of 78.96 feet; thence South 00 degrees 06 minutes 30 seconds West, along the east line of said Outlot B, a distance of 22.00 feet thence South 22 degrees 00 minutes 45 seconds East, along said east line, a distance of 1939 feet; thence South 21 de�rees 43 minutes 45 seconds East, along said east line, a distance of 21.50 feet; thence North 89 degrees 47 minutes 02 seconds East, along the lot line of Lot 2, Block 1, said WEST GATE ADDITION NO. 3, a distance of 315.75 feet; thence North 00 degrees 06 minutes 30 seconds East, along the westerly line of said Lot 2, a distance of 272.50 feet; thence South 89 degrees 47 minutes 02 seconds West, along the lot line of said Lot 2, a distance of 410.01 feet to the west line of said Northwest Quarter; thence South 00 degrees 06 minutes 30 seconds West, along said west line, to the point of b a°iuuing. Which lies Northerly and Easterly of the following described line: Commencing at the Southeast corner of said Lot 2; thence South 89 degrees 47 minutes 02 seconds West, along the South line of said I,ot 2, a distance of 455.75 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence North 00 degrees 08 minutes 03 seconds West, a distance of 227.50 feet; thence South 89 degrees 36 minutes 54 seconds West, a distance of 167.12 feet to the west line of the Southwest 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of said Secrion 29 and there said line terminates. be and is hereby rezoned from I-2 to I-1. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirry (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. Yeas Na s sent Benanav Blake Bostrom Coleman Harris Laat Reiter Adopted by Counci� Date �� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: �- , Approved by Mayor: ➢aCe �� �a ��� By: Requested by Department of: Plannin & conomic Develo ment By: SU� Form Approved by City Attoxney sY: `�31�. k�=?/'�� Appxove by Mayor or Submision to Council By. �t1�PiL�+ J� ib �'�� DEPARI'MENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL: DATE INl'CIATED GREEN SHEET No.: 111089 ��� SS PED - West Team May 2, 2001 CONiACI' PERSON & PHONE: ,1Y, �y�✓/A INl'rIAL/DA1'E 1' Donna Drummond 266-6556 2 DEPARTMENT DIR 4 MAYOA (OR ASST.) MUST BE ON COUNCII. AGENDA BY (DATE) �IG�` 3 CITI ATIORI3EY 5 Cf7Y COUNCIL CTTY CLERK May 23, 2001 F p� ER =FUVnxCU�, S�zV D� �_� . � ROI71'ING — ��CIAL SEAV/ACCTG /'lp // ORDER —dy t SeanKershaw 5 � 5-3 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES _I_(CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNA'1'URE) ncnox�QuESrEn: Adoption of rezoning ordinance. RECOVIIvIENDAI'IONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAI, SERVICE CON1'RACI'S M[JST ANSWER 1'HE FOLLOWLVG QUESTTONS: A, PLANNING COMA9ISSION i. Has this person/fum ever worked under a contracC for [his depattrne�t? CIB COMMITTEE Yu No CIVIL SERVICE COMbIISSION 2. Has Uvs person/fimi ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not notmally possessed by any curtent city employee� Yes No Explaio all yes answers on separate sheet and aitach to green shee[ INITTA1'ING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPOR'1'UNIT'Y (Who, W6at, When, Where, Why): Adopt an ordinance to finalize council approval of a petirion of Northern Star Co. to rezone property at 1055 West Gate Drive from I-2 Industrial District to I-1 Industrial District (public hearing held 04/25/Ol). ADVANI'AGES IF APPROVED: Properry will be rezoned to allow conshuction of a 98,000 sq. ft. office/wazehouse building. DISADYAN'1'AGES IF APPROVED: rrone �waa�cA� �d��e�r�n �ertSe� MAY �. 8 2001 DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: . Construcrion of a 98,000 sq, ft. office/warehouse building will not be allowed. TOTAL AMOI7NT OF TRANSACTION: $ 0 COST/REVENUE SUDGETED: EUNDING SOUACE: ACTNi'LY NUMBER: FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) K:VShared�PWDRL1hA10ND�ZOTIING�01-180-542 aiceosheetwpd � DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Brinn Sweeney, Director CTTY OF SAINT PAUL Narm Coleman, Mayor March 26, 2001 Ms. Nancy Anderson City Council Reseazch Office Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Deaz Ms. Anderson: 25 Wut Fourth Sbeet Sninf Pau[, MN 55102 �l\ — S�9 Gy Telephone: 612-266-6655 F¢csimi[e: 6J2-?28-3374 I would like to confirm that a public hearing before the City Council is scheduled for Wednesday, Apri125, 2001, 5:30 p.m. for the following property rezoning that has been acted upon by the Planning Commission: Applicant: NORTHERN STAR CO. File Number: #O1-180-542 Purpose: Rezone property from I-2 Industrial District to I-1 Industrial District to a11ow construction of a 98,000 sq. ft. office/warehouse building. Address: 1055 West Gate Drive (northwest of the cul-de-sac). Legal Description of Property: See file. Previous Action: Planning Commission Recommendarion: Approval, unanimous, March 23, 2001. Zoning Committee Recommendation: Approval, unanimous, March 15, 2001. My understanding is that this public hearing request will appeaz on the agenda far the April 18, 2001, City Council meeting and that you will publish notice of the hearing in Yhe Saint Paul Legal Ledger. Please call me at 266-6556 if you have any quesrions. Sincerely, ��� Donna Druinmond City Planner cc: File #01-180-542 Allan Torstenson Paul Dubruiel Carol Mariineau MaY Hoffinan, Northern Staz Co. Suzanne Berndt, CSM Corp. • �.srn[nv NOTICE OF PUBLIC The Saint Pavi �Yty Council will con- duct a public hearin� on Wednesday, Apn1 25, 2001, at 5:30 p.m. i,n the City CoUnc1 Cliambers, 3rd Fioor GYty Hall, W adnsider the applicatlon of Northe;n Star Company to rezone properiy from I-2 Industrial Dishict to I-1 Industiial District to allow wnstruction of a� 98,000. sq_ ft. offtce/warehouse b�rilding at 7055 Westgate Drive (northwest of the cul de- sac1. Dated: March 29, 2001 NANCYANDERSON . Assistant GYty Council Sccretary � jApri12) '— = S1: PADL L6GkL I�DGffit 02020386� . DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Brian Sweersey, Dirutor � � — SS ° � CITY OF SAIl�IT PAUL Norm Cofem¢n, M¢yor � April 13, 2001 1VIs. Nancy Anderson Secretary to the City Councii Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 RE: Zoning File #00-180-542 Dear Ms. Anderson: 25 WestFow�th Street Telephone: 612-266-6655 SairttPaul,MN55702 Facsimile:612-228-3314 The following rezoning application is scheduled for the City Council's Apri125, 2001 public hearing agenda: Applicant: Northern Star Co. Address: 1055 West Gate Drive Purpose: Rezoning from I-2 Industrial District to I-1 Industrial District to a11ow conshuction of a 98,000 sq. ft. office/warehouse building. Planning Commission Recommendation: Approve, vote: Unanimous, Mar. 23, 2001. Zoning Committee 12ecommendation; Approve, vote: Unanimous, Mar. 15, 2001. Staff Recommendation: Approve. Pablic Hearing Support: None. Public Hearing Opposition: None. District Council: The St. Anthony Park Community Council supports the rezoning. Please norify me (266-6556) if any member of the City Council wishes to have slides of the site presented at the public hearing. Sincerely, �Ol�'�'��/l.t'v"'v"t,'� Donna Drummond City Planner Attachments cc: City Council members � o � -ss� r city of-saint paul planning commission resoiution file number oi-22 date rsar�h 23, Zoo� NHEREAS, NORTHERIv STAR CO., fi(e � 00-180-542, has petitioned to rezone 1055 WEST GATE DRIVE, northwest of the �Vest Gate cul-de-sac, from I-2 to I-1 to allosv construction of a 98,000 sq. ft. office/warehouse buildin�; and NHEREAS, the Zonin� Committee of the Planning Commission on March 15, 2001, held a public hearin� at which all persons present were given an opportunity To be heard pursiiant to said application in lccordance with the requirements of Section 64300 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code; and ._,. �VHEREAS, the Saint Paul Plannin� Commission, based on the evidence presented to its Zoning Committee at the public hearina as substantially reflected in the minutes, made thz followin� findings of fact: 1. The o«ner of th: propertp, Northern Star Co., i> a food manufacturer ��hose buildino stradles thz border beriveen St. Paul and Minneapolis. �orthem Star intends to sell a portion of its property • on the St. Paul sidz to CSM Corp. for decelopment of a new 95,000 sq. ft. officehvarehouse buildin�. A portion of the property to bz sold is cunently zoned I-2, and the baiance is zoned I- 1. I�TOrthem Star has also applied for a repiat of this property to create a ne�v larger lot that it �vill sell to CSM. The rezonin� will result in the entire ne�o�ly created parcel bein� zoned I-i, rather than sp1iT beheeen trvo zones. The proposed plat (attached) will bz schzduled at City Council for Apri125, 2001. i�'orthem Star will retain a a small lot that �cill continue to be zoned I-2. Its current buildin� stradles the border. A portion of the building is on the property that �vill be sold to CSVI (a freezer/cooler buildin� �vith a shared ��all) and this part ��•ill be demolishzd to accommodate the ne�v eonstniction. A preliminary site plan of ihe ne�c building is also attached. 2. A portion of the property that Northern Star is selling to CSM is polluted. CSM, «'orking �vith the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,has developed a plan for clean-up and has applied to the port Authority for tax inerement financin� assistance to heip pay for the clean-up casts. The proposed rezottin� to I-1 is in conformance with the Saint Paul Comprehensice Plan. Thz City's Land Use Plan (1999) includes policies that support cleaning up and redevelopin� contaminated industrial sites (Policy 7.5.1). moved by ��� UCBG�E'_� � in favor Kra�er � �� Un2nimous against . Zoning File #Ol-18Q-542 Page T�vo of Resolution 4. The proposed rezoning to I-1 is consistent and compatible with the �vay the area has developed � and will not have an adverse impact on the surcounding area. The property is surrounded on all four sides by industriat uses, and the rezoning will allow development of a ne�v officehvarehouse building that �cill be an addition to the Port Authoriry's West Gate Industriat Park. T'he new development �vill have access from the �Vest Gate Dr. cul-de-sac. - 5. The applicant submitted a sufficient petition signed by rivo-thirds of the property o�c�ners within one hundred (100) feet of the property to be rezoned (14 parcels eligible, 10 parcels needed, and 11 parcels sie ed). N01V, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Saint Paul Planning Commission that the petition of NORTHERN STAR CO. to rezone property at 1055 WEST GATE DRIVE, as legally described in the file,from a I-2 to a I-1 zoning classification is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan for the City; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul Planning Commission does hereby recommend to tlie Council of the City of Saint Paul that 1055 WEST GATE DRIVE be rezoned from I-2 to I-1 in accordance with the petition for rezoning on file with the Saint Pau( Department of Plannina and Economic Development. � � MWUTES OF THE ZONWG COMMITTEE Thursday, March 15, 2001 - 3:30 p.m. � � City Councii Chambers, 3'� Floor City Hali and Court House 15 West Kettogg Boulevard PRESENT: EXCUSEO: OTHERS PRESENT: Anfang, Alton, Faricy, Kramer, and Morton Field, Gordon, and Mardeil Peter Warner Caro! Martineau and Donna Drummond of PED � � -SS °t The meei+rtg was chaired by Commissioner Kramer. Northern Star Company - 07-180-542 - Rezone from I-2 to i-1 for new development. 1055 W est Gate Drive, 140 feet west of W est Gate cul-de-sac. • Donna Drummond showed slides and presented the staff report. Ms. Drummond stated the Zoning Staff recommends approvai of the rezoning and a letter was received from the St. Anthony Park Community Council in support of the replat and rezoning. She aiso stated LIEP is reviewing the site plan for the 98,000 square foot building. Mr. Mark Nordtand, CSM Corporation, appeared and siated there is no tenant commitment on this project due to a lack of time frame for the finished project. They are anticipating a high technology warehouse with 40 percent of the building being allocated for warehouse space and 60 percent for laboratory and technicai space. No one spoke in support or opposition. The hearing was closed. Commissioner Morton moved to approve the rezoning. Commissioner Alton seconded it. The motion passed by a vote 5 to 0. Adopted Yeas - 5 Drafted by: Nays - 0 Submitted by: Approved by: � � �� � ichard Kramer Chair � C�li�/l.l���/t��''�o��,t � Uo`^^.�_�'"""'"`" � Carol Martineau Donna Drummond Recording Secretary Zoning Section O 1-s.s� � ZONING COAtMITTSB STAFF RSPORT ___________________�_________ FILE # 01-180-542 � \I 1. APPLSCANT: NORTF�RN STAR CO 2. CLASSIFICATIONz Rezoning DATS OF HEARING: 03/15/O1 3. LOCATION: 1055 West Gate Drive (northwest of the West Gate cul-de-sac) 4. PLANNTNG DISTRICT: 12 (St. Anthony Park) 5. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: See file. 6. PRESENT ZONING: 2-2 Z027ING CODE REFERSNCE: §64.400 7. STAEF INVESTIGATION AND R&PORT: DATS: 03/07/O1 SY: Donna Drummond 8. DATfi RECSIVED: 2-16-01 DEADLINS FOR ACTION: 04/19/O1 A. PIIRPOSE: Rezone property from I-2 Industrial District to 2-1 Industrial District for construction of a 98,000 sq. ft. office/warehouse building. B. PARCBI, SIZB: The area to be rezoned totals 86,021 sq. ft. (1.97 acres) located approximately 140 west of the West Gate Dr. cul-de-sac. C. EXISTING LAND IISE: Industrial building owned by Northern Star Co. D. SVRROIINDSNG LAND IISE: North: Vacant property in an I-1 zone. East: Vacant property immediately east, and light industrial uses beyond in an I-1 zone. South: Light industrial uses in an I-1 zone. West: Northern Star Co. facility in an I-2 zone, and other industrial uses beyond in Minneapolis. E. ZONTNG CODS CITATION: Section 64.400(a) of the zoning code states in part, "the council may, from time to time, amend, supplement or change the district boundaries or the regulations herein, or subsequently established herein pursuant to the provisions of Minnesota Statutes Section 462.357 and amendments thereto as may be made from time to time. Trie planning commission may, from time to time, review district boundary lines to determine if, pursuant to state 2aws, such district boundary lines should be changed." Section 64.400(b) states in part, "an amendment to the zoning code may be initiated by the council, the planning commission or by petition of the owners of sixty-seven (67) percent of the area of the property to be ' rezoned." F. HISTORY/DISCIISSION: Northern Star Co. has also submitted an application to Zoning File #01-180-542 Page 2 replat the property to be rezoned, in order to create a la=ger single lot ` that will be sold to CSM Corp. for development of a new office/warehouse business center. G. DISTRICT COIINCSL RECOt�R�NDATION: The St. Anthony Park Community Council had not taken a position on the application as of the date of the staff report. H. FINDINGS• 1. The owner of the property, Northern Star Co., is a food manufacturer whose building stradles the border between St. Paul and Minneapolis. Northern Star intends to sell a portion of its property on the St. Yaul side to CSM Corp. for development of a new 98,000 sq. ft. officeJwarehouse building. A portion of the property to be sold is currently zoned I-2, and the balance is zoned I-1. Northern Star has also applied for a replat of this property to create a new larger lot that it will sell to CSM. The rezoning will result in the entire riewly created parcel being zoned I-1, rather than split between two zones. The proposed plat (attached) will be scheduled at City Council for April 25, 2001. Northern Star will retain a a small lot that will continue to be zoned I-2. Its current building stradles the border. A portion of the building is on the property that will be sold to CSM (a freezer/cooler building with a shared wall) and this part will be demolished to accommodate the new construction. A preliminary site plan of the new building is also attached. � 2. A portion of the property that Northern Star is selling to CSM is polluted. CSM, working with the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,has developed a plan for clean-up and has applied to the Port Authoxity for Cax increment financiag assistance to help pay for the clean-up costs. 3. The proposed rezoning to 2-1 is in conformance with the Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan. The City's Land Use Plan (1999) includes policies that support cleaning up and redeveloping contaminated industrial sites (Policy 7.5.1). 4. The proposed rezoning to I-1 is consistent and compatible with the way the area has developed and will not have an adverse impact on the surrounding area. The property is surrounded on all four sides by industrial uses, and the rezoning will a11ow development of a new ofPice/warehouse building that wi11 be an addition to the Port Authority's West Gate Industrial Park. The new development will have access from the West Gate Dr. cul-de-sac. p • icienC petition signed by two-thirds of 5 the pro pertytownerstwitHins ne hundred (100) feet of the property to be rezoned (14 parcels eligible, 10 parcels needed, and 11 parcels signed). I. STAFF RECOb4QENDATION: Based on Findings 1 through 5, staff recommends approval of the petition to rezone trie property Erom I-2 to I-1. � �� �i�S� PETITION TO AMEND THE ZONING CODE • � Departmeet of Plaxning aed Ecortornic Development Zoning Sectiorr I100 City Hal! Aaxer 25 West Fourth Street Saint Paul, MN 55101 266-b589 APPLICANT � Property Owner ��'�= St�r Co. S*xe�t S �. ,`� 57�st�ate �c (vacazt City �'`°�°�?ci Sf.�"°' Zip 5 � 1 �� Daytime phone �'�C!j� Contact person (if different) A`��` �'Of�` ' PROPERTY Addre LOCATION Leqai (attach addrtional � See stt�ch�. �. �b_t A. for l� - 4! ts-^'_z3`.io^_ de.r�i., _io�. of �ro�x*_y to C..- 70 THE HONORAB�E MAYOR AMD CITY GOUNCIL: Pursuant to Section 64.400 0£ the Saint Pau! Zoning Ordinance and to Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statues, "O�'-'r° Sr�r �O• , the owner of all the tand proposed {oT rezoning, hereby pe2itions you to rezone the above described property from a - zoning district to a 1 zoning district, for the purpose of: 'Ih? 1e�11y desa p�2�el- witl b� caabined throu�h platting with t2� 2.d�t �rcel wirich is zon�d T—I. R�a.onina t2� 7�11y d�a parcel fras Z-2 to I-1 wi11 aJ1ow tt� *_�'ca glatted �rnet to be z�Rd I-1. (attach additionaf sheet(s) if necessary) Attachments: Required site plan D Consent petition � Affidavit � �� ����� _2-(3� � suoscnoea ana swom io before me this � �h day of "°�n �r�, � ;�-x n200/ • ..-��� C ���� Notary Public 2 � � CAROLE A. LEONARD S � �� NOTARYPUBCIC.AIINNESOTA S FtY COMMISSION EXPIAES h31-P005 S B '/'tCt,j�' `��itt'�„� �ee owner of properfy Title: �'��� Page � of -_-_ --. _-._ -' CSM Corporation 2575 University Ave. W., #150 St. Paul, MN 55 1 1 4-1 024 February 13, 2001 City of St. Paul Dept. of Plazuiing-14"' Floor Attn: Allan Torstenson 25 West Fourth Street St. Paul, MN 55102 Re: Northern Star to CSM Investors II-Rezoning Application Dear Allen: � Please accept this petition to amend the zoning code. The follo«in� lists the required documents attached to this letter. � l. Petition to Amend the Zoning Code 2. Exhibit A: Legal Description of the uea to be rezoned 3. Exhibit B: Depiction of area to be rezoned 4. Check for rezoning application Fee 5. Zoning petition list 6. Affidavit of the Person Circulating the Consent Petition 7. Petition to Rezone-affidavit of Petitioner 8. Consent for rezonin from 12 of the 14 ro ett o e It is my understanding that submittal of the application at this time will put us on the agenda for the Mazch 15`" zoning committee and the March 23` planning commission meeting. Please call me with any questions at 651-603-7628. Thank you for considering our application. Sincerely, CSM Corporauon� Su�dt Project Architect n �J • C� • :e 2 O W� � OI � ti Q U � J � � � U u N E � c ;a'_ � O C V C a` � � h � n N d a C C t z rn N a N 3 f° oi N c ,O � � O � v � O j�j 3 3 � p � � 3 tn � o Z � .o y'C � � y �- U O 0 `a a 4 � O C ti � c �r tis � !, ' ��4"��N�S � � o�aoa��oo m0 w W 00 d � d3 a �,_ a ,c u e�.er N _ O .� p �... a c in m v � 'S �n °�•_ ' a a -in H m c y e ^ o � v � � O � Y � D d a °' y a; V N �t O'G Cl C O � y V O�i O� c�" �N � � C a rn N m �'C Q� �� ��." _ y y C t .0 O . O C> > O y � O� O W � C Q ".' C�W m o �'_ � �� m a c c ��. b ,�. s' � o= � V-Y c O N N U O.... E y 2 C U W C 1�r I+: ` t O � d p O y y p L L.O " � h`��" � � U O W b C�� � G Z r° M � o��� m�o Z�v � c � O Q E y�:o � m � � � y O O F " v� C O� O fn ��' p a� '- O C W� 3 0 O j� N N y � V Q W�Eo � � o °�' c '- o+c � m� �� aib�E ai c o= �"' v� p� N�"] N-�C y m°� � m y N`�tO....ti� 3 � 3 �'�,c H y.:.:o v a� � m�:: o�i�0 y aiao�o rn ci� � in N ^ m o�� y � Ef� �t G 0 O'� Vl G N'�t j � O � r` O�.... � N U 41 N .� u o m � m o' :�° 0 3 � u��cn rn� y N � d �� C b b b U� � � C� N O � U � o � N y LNN vdi 3 �� - � � O�O t y� O� p J J t�y ` c°p w.°�'Znp v� ��� � u o� m G� �`o °M c Z " u � � c � � a� z o� o E � p C p y •. F= C d� �V O O� p_ c o C.� y 4] Ql �... �� v1 b U Q � O C y � C O d� m 'o+E °� °"?� y a N ¢ � m��ObNC7 3 �a ai c v d d U � a a 0 O m � �... 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" �-- � •,, Z ^` � W �� � � �.� _ � ���ryE-S i� � �j� ai i •• � t a € �� 3 � r� �$ a �t � :3 s.} S"g #� 3 E . �S 2 � Y � �, ¢ �a : ° � � � � .s aa : � �� � s�i a � _ d r � �� ; �� ?� � � 3i 5'g •, � � � �� �� s § �� � � � _ �€ �` � � 9 �e � a 3Y �. ag I �� s � �: F� � �� � S" � p P 3 ; � � �� j g � �. 6 # a� E � 8E � b �\ '� � i ii �i i �'i � �i J. � • � . • �-------�--------,�; � ----__ �— '- — -- — — — — �� n � � ._�.. r . � ;� ! �d � ^.._ ,s_ �L_ � i8 , '— 1 tG °: � 3r' � ^ � � N �: �, U � I I� � . 3� )� �~ I v ~ 'E."°'°°'� v ` IS O , ���''� �s &c' z; � .,. I _ „_ _. -..� , "_.•� �` ♦ ( m�r �< e .{. ; •x '£.:.j` _._ I; . __�4 � �1�� ,a��...--�: ,��.� =_^.�.�I��l ... ..,. ................... � . , f � � Y � � � S s � �' eg p � �� �� � 3� ; a a �i € :: a (��-SSq E� L: ! � _ � a a � L *•a =s=.:: 2 ' i _ :a —. g Y 3 Y . i � a � l� , ' =1• �'� .iE i y jg ��� ���. �; � �e J � i � dx: _,� �i �;•;. F � `� �= � �•>••`� �> ' � . j 5�' '. F=. �..�° ]k ' t�� �� '� � �'* t�t x d�i �Z rz 3 '� ? ,,, i:F� �n �t1 nb � .--._`�' /—_ � : �. �u " :ii �s� ......._....; �: > ��� 14 <�F d� E"�L21 �� �mV N� 3 �:,� ;� l � . E� _I;it� a s � :1�ii� il��l: 4 O F _ � rti ' F : � N • � � � .ro ��a N � J z Q o F = ui � . Z Q�Y N � � d�a Y K � U U � � � QVOa5537�H �ba 0 a � O O K N N W U a � 3niY� � 31.v: • y3h� C `��� � d �, Y1� Y 2 �¢�( L.i � � • %O��L'r �� x�zo�zh� FIRST SUBMITTED DATE PETITIOc I SUBMITTED: �' I3'4 � DATE OFFICIALLY RECEIVED: �� � PARCL'-LS ELIGIBLE: /� PARCELSRBQUIRED: I d PARCELS SIGNEb: �•_ SCUP I�CUP RESUBMITTED DATE PETITIOi I RESUBhIITTED: ^ 0 �_�S`L DATE OFFICIALLY RECEIVED: " pARCEIS $LTGIBLE: PARCL•LS REQUIRED: PARCEIS SIG�.�'ED: CHECRED BX: � n�� ��"-1��G� DATE: ���� 'v ( ZCJNi�#C �1L� °� ! , ._ - - . . m AFFIDAVIT � OF PERSON CIRCULATiNG THE CONSENT PETITION STATE OF MfNNESOTA} COUNT`( OF RAMSEY) :SS � s uz�N�� �� ��P`.N3�1� + being first du{y sworn, deposes an�d stafes that helshe is the person who circulated the consenf petition consisting of � Pa9es; that affiant represents that the part9es described on the consent petition are a1f the respective owners of the properties placed immediafely before each name; that affiant is informed and believes that each of the parties described on the consent petition is an owner of the property which is within 100 feet of any prope[ty owned, purchased, or so{d by petitioner within one (1) year preceding the date of this petition which is contiguous fo the property described in tfie petiti {� nd that the signatures ase the true . and correct signatures of each and al! of the parties so described. �cGvtt' �• �°�GGG�' NAM L� lo CS�'''r (oRPo�A��a�r! a5�5 tJ�u ✓�g5��-r Av� c.�.,�r5�� sT Pauc. rnn1 55ri� ADDRESS c�5�—��3—��z TEI.EPHONE NUMBER Subscribed and swor o before me Zo �� this !4� day of r NOTARY � ��ud� . -p/��Ce� � ��� U �gG�(! ,.� e��� . ` JOAN M. KUSCHKE � � '�+.�.-'- IJOTARYpUBllC-MIHNES6SA � MyGamntE�i�ee.h�S pv � Page ( of � 1 /3/00• �u.Zqn��. �un�- f': . O t -SS � � �'�'z'I'X'ZON'z'O �2��OI�� ArrzA�.vz� or ���cz�zon�n ; S3 COtNTY OF RAMS�I' ) - Thc petitioner, ,��tL��t fJ1 `>�-er �.E' , being first duty� swo:n, deposes and _ stltes tliat Ute consent petition contains siQnatures from at least two-thirds ( oi atl eligible properties «•itliin 100 feet of 1!I property o��'ned, purdtased, or sold by petitioner t�'ithin one (1) year precedin� the date of titis p�tition ��'Itich is conti�uous to the property described in the petition; petitioner is informed that the consent petition nnist contain signahuzs from ezch and all o��'ners of jointl}'-o«•ned property in order to constitute eonsent from that property ai�d that failure to obtain consent front each �nd nit o��Tters could in�•atidate !he conseiit petition; p�titioncr belic�•es that the consent petition tvas signed by each of said 4ti�'ners aad that the sienitures 4re tite true and correct si�natures of eacli and nl! of the parties so described. STATE OF Mtt�TNESOTA) Subscribcd and s��•orn to beFore me this __[ �_ day of,�-���/ „�°200 / ���-�._ C,� , NOTAR)' PUBLIC • . . „t CAROLE A. LEONARD `+�`� NO7AAYPU&IGdINNE50TA .-Y MYCOMMISSIONFXPIRES1-31-2005 �� 9�=� 1.�. � ! ��c /`���y�nrr.f ItAME 3 t �) I (=,��f-� Sf � � � � � n; �S � ADD SS � ���— �I�- �fc'3�— TELEPHONE I� U� �BER P2ge � o� � 1131197 , • ... .�:. . . ti � .. , •.' '�: . •3 • ' . • :: • . . CX�'�' OT' S.f�.X1�T�' �'.A.'CTr+ CONSfiN'I'�OF AD30INING PROPERTX OWi�IERS FOR A ,REZONXNG We, the t+ndersigned, ownecs of tlte propetty tvitlti�t 1aQ feet af Q�e lotat contiguous description of reai estate oti�ned, purcl�ased, or sold by THE PETITIONGR within one year precedin� the date oE' this petition ncknowledge that we havc bccn presented n•ith ihc folloti�•ing: - ' - - - n .. 1. A copyoftlie petition oP (name of pctitioner) to rezone tltie property located at��K6�Cfn9RT�-1�t:RT - ANb AS L.E� from n Z�' zoning district to a Z" � zoning district. �SI�IB�t� DN EXf-118rT'f� 2. A copy of sections (DD. ln � � tl�rouoli �0�. � � 5, inctusive of tlie Saint Paul Zoning Code; and ncknowtedgc that we nre nwlrc of n41 of tl�e uscs parmitted in a T_ 1 zoning district and we are nware that any oPtltiesc uses cnn be estl6tished upon Ciry Couneil approval oPthe rezoning. 1Ve hercby.. . consent ro the remning of tlie property in the petition of; �pp�'��J?jN O� 14pj `O. to a�' � 2oniiig district. (Namc oEpetitioner) '1Vc conscnt fo ftie �pproval of fhis i•ezonind as it tivas explflined to us by fhe �PP�ic�nf or his/licr represenfafive. � 29- z9-23 Z3-a�3� TC�I CoROoP,�rionl zq-19-23-Z3-«�4�7"CLJ L'oRpoR�o� 29-Zg -23-23 -�30 S���i Co. 29-29-�33-�3-003/ �l�oR u�r�iR Cc�. ,' , � hOT�a This petition shall not be considered as officially filed until the lapse of seyen (7) �4orking days after it is received by the Planning Division. Any signato: of this p�tifion rnay withdra« his�eC name therefrom by �vritten request within that iime. •-'.>; .• . , z : . � ' ,•• .� : :;; : �'.. . ', • •''. ' ' : • e' •;•' = � � � .' � . D1=SS`! , _<- . - - - cx�c��o� s�.xh�c��.�x� _ = _• _ . .,. CONSENT•OF AD30INING PROPERTX�OWNERS FOR A� � � � �E201�.�N. G .. We, the undersigned, o�mcrs of tlie propecty �vidiin 1D0 fat oFihc total contiguous dcser�ption of real estate o�med, purc0ued, or sold by THE PETITIQi IER tivithin one year precedin,� the date_ of this peticion �cknotivledoe fliat �ve ltavc becn preset�ted witii 2he follotiei��g: - NORTH�RN -STAR C0. �; I. A copyof tlu petition nF �name oFpetitioner) torezoaetlicpropetty]oeatedat,T„�,,, �4;ma'ra loration d�p ;�tad on Exhibi�_�.�fiown sha � and as legally described on Exh�b�t A froni � I-2 zoninodistrict to a I-1 zoningdistrict. -_ •. 2, p copy of sections 60.610 through 60.615 � inetusiva of the Saint Paul Zoning and aeknotivlcdge tliat �vo nra nware of nll oF Uu uses pamicted in a�' zonino oistrict and �ve are aware tliat any oE dusc usES cnn be ostnbtistied upon City Counci! approval of the rezonins._ ,1Ve heroby ,.. consent to the rczoning oFthe propaty in thc p�tition oF; NORTHERN STAR.CO. to � I-1 zoniiigdistrict. ' (Alame of petitioner) tiyc conscnt to flic �pproval of fhis rczoninb as it �vas expl�ineci to us by the � �zpplic�nt or hisllicr represenf�tive. nnierss a��tN e Rr• reno� r•.n . t�VAr rRr•. n r• ` �14RL B�L�nlb��'1 � Cp D./ a9-a9- �3-a� _ 0008 ��,�p Son15 C�mPAn .OA i.�f..._/ n � .� � � ,: � � , - hOx .- (!s et tp on shall not be considered as o�ciallY of this it on rimay withdra ��hiSJh � days after it is received by thePlanning Division. Any s�g P� ,;`: _ name therefcom by vaitten request tivithin that iime. . .,' :. L _ �S ± rZ' �l. . ' i.���... � �•1���� � � �. • � �� • ��� - - - = � ci���� o� s.A.x��c ���:x� . � s• . � . � �3 CONSEt�IT•OP AD70INING PROP�RTX�OWNERS FOR A : . � � �z�zo�xNC ._ We, the wtdersigned, owncrs of the propeKy �vithin l00 feetoftlu tolal contigaous deseription of real estate o�vned, purdiased, or sold by TIiE PETITSO�IGR �vithin one year preeadin� the date_of this petition aeknotivledge tl�at we I�ave bcen preset�ted tti'ith tGc folto�ti'�no: ' i. A copy of the petition of � 60. 615 � icicfusive of the Saint Paul Zoning_Code; and 2, Aeo�yofsections 60.610 titrouoh,�_ I-I zoningdistrictandweare t�cknawicdgc that �ve nra n�varo of ail of the uses permated in a a�vare that any of these uses ean be estlblislud upon City Couneil appcoval oE tlu rtzonins•_ We hereby eonsent to thc rczonino of the property in thc petition of; to n 1-1 zoni�ig district. NORTHERN STAR_C0. . (l�Iame oF petitioner) NORTH�RN.STAR C0. (name of pctihoneq totezonetlsepropertyTocatedat„ im Te loc tion deoicted on Exhib�t 8"� shac and as legally described on -Exh�bit A froma I-2 zoninodistricttoa I-1 ?oningdisErict. _ . • � � a9-��-a�-aa -�� I�pT�; This petition shall notbe considered as otttctauy n�:u uu«< «<�.aY�� -- --: -• daysafteritisreceivedbythePlanningAivision. Anysignzto:offhispetitionri�aywithdratis;his�er name fheretrom bY �'n►�ten request �vithin that time. ••',:. �Ye conscnt fo flic �pproval of this z'czoning as it �vas explained fo us by the ��PP�icant or hisllier rcpresentafivc. - l��TC_ � z' •T ' 4 ��� r.: a• . •� •..'� �;' • � , � :..i.�^ ' � . ' � ... ... . . .�`� .t. . - - - � cz���o� s.A.xhx ��.�:x� � . � �= b �-SSq CONSENT•OF AD30INING PROP�RTX�OWNERS FOR A ; •. � � RE,ZONII�G We, tiie tmdersigited, otivncrs of tt3e property �vidiin 100 feet oFtlic lotal eontiguous deseription of real estate o�vned, purcliased, or sold by THE PETITIO�IER widiin one year pceccdin� tlie date of this petition acknotivtedge titat tve have been pcesocited u•ith the follosti•ino: - F NORTH�RN -STAR C0. '; 1. ?: copy of die petuion o (name of petitionec) forezonethepropertylocatedat ��r a���x' lo� deoicted on Exhibit�hr_�wn sha and as legally descr�bed on Exh�blt A p� I_p zoningdistricttoa I-1 zoningc�istciet. _ •- Z. A eopy of sectians 60. 610 tl�rough 60. 615 , icielusivo of thc Saint Paul Zoning 2od nckno�vlcdge that we nre nwnra of t�!! of die uscs pamitted in a I' 1 zonino distcict and tve are ntivnre titat any of those us�s ean be estabtisl�ed tepon City Covneil approvnl of d�e razoning. \Ve hercby _.. eonsent to the rczonino of the properiy in thc petition of; NORTHERN STAR.CO. tp � I-1 zoni�iodistrict. . ' (Nzme of petitioner) �Ye consent to flic �pproval of fhis i•czoninb as if �vas explained fo us by the � �pPlicant or his/lier represenf�tivc. . ICNAT 1R� n �' I ` noitr•s� ai�.�.� � Rr• Rno� r:a i � 2(08(O� �� aq-aq-.a3-a.�- 0033 �sm ��v�sTo�s, ,Nc ` � p � \ halt not be considered as ofricially fil.d untd the lapse of s y i n(7) tis ork�ng �nOx�: This petition s . daysafteritisreceivedbythePlanningDivision. Anyszgaato:ofthispe,itionmay�vithdcau`hislher name ihereErom by written request �vithinthatiime. . ..,: ' • 5 • ti y�•'��: . � • '�.�' - .. . ..`• • . • .. � . L • .. y't' :i. : •• ... x } . • V J.�� � OJ.' i.�FJ.J.J. \ J. �� V J.1 • .' t i CONSENT'•OF AD30INING PROP�RTI''OWNERS FOR A � . � . . �z�zoNxNC � �Ye, the tntdersigned, o�vners of the propefty �vithin 100 fcet of ttie to�al contiguous description oF real estate otvned, purctiased, or soid by TFIE PETiTtO, IER tvithin one year precedin� the date. of this petition �cksiotivledoe Ehat we linve bccn presented �vidi the follotiv�ng: NORTHERN -STAR C0. �, A copy oPdie pettt�ott oF sha (name to reione tlic property located at '"' "• "' - "�' and as legally described on�.Exhibit A froiu n -�2 zonino district fo a I-___ 1 ioningc�istrict. . •. 2, A copy oCseetions 60. 610 tiirouoh 60.615 , icietusive of dtie Saint Paut Zoning_Code; and ncknotvlcdgc tliat �vo nro n�vare of n1! oEthe uses parmiued in a T-1 zontno district and tve are ntiv;erc that any oFtliesc uses can be estnblishtd upon Ciry Counci{ approval oEtlie rezoning,__�`1e hereby .._ eonsent to the rezoning of ttu properry in thc potition oF, NORTHERN STAR.CO. ta1 1-1 zoni�iodistrict. . - (Name of petitionar) '�Ve conscnf to flie �pproval of fhis t•ezoninb as it �vas expl�ined to us 6y fhc ��pP]icant or hisliicr represent�fivc. _ �}�°! a9- �9_a 3 - �?� _ 0010 e ` . I�pT�; ThispetitionshallnotbeconsidUfvisionoAnysig zto ofthispett onm }�vithdra} , daysafteritisreceivedbythePlann g _ •; �:,` name thetefrom by ttn'itten request �vithin that iimc. ..,: , ' �� � � . ' . � , .ti,'» � •_ , • z c - ' ti �'7:�C`:�. �.. , ; • •.�_ e• � . � : ' . • 1 Y � L (��{� � A A Y f 7 1 T � ' . ' Y!� �+� !` ' O� �I J��� �A J� V N • • CONS�N'T'•OF A.D30INING PROPERTI'�OWNBRS FOR A. � �. � ��zo�.r�vc i i. ft copyof ii�c pehuon oF (name j i b 1'S S� '3 W e, the undecsigned, owners of ttie propefty tivithin } 00 feet of the totat contiguous deseciption of reat estate o�vned, purel�ased, or soid by THE PETITIO�iL•R evithin ont yeu preceditt� the date tlzis petiEion lcknoivledge tiiat tve ttave boeti gresented tivith tiie fo!lo�ving: � NORTH�RN -STAR C0. � ; • V V1� �� � ..�• to rezone thc property located ai _ and as legally described on�.Exhibit A from � I-2 zoning district to a I-1 zaningdistrici. _ -� , inclusive oFtlie Saint Paul Zoning Code; and 2, p copy of sections 60.�_ through 60. 615 I _ 1 zoning dist�ict and tve are r.cknotivlcdge tl�at we �ro nwaro of nll of th� uses pumitted in a s y nware tliat any of tt�esc tisds ean be establishmd tipon Ciry Couneit appcovat oF tli� cezonin 1Ve hercb ... conseut to the rezonino oF the property in tlie petition of; NORTHERN STAR.CO. to;� I- � zoni�igdistrict. � (Alamo of patitioner) �'Ye consent to tlic �pproYa] of fhis rczoninb as if tivas expl�ine8 fo us by the �pp]icanf or hislher representative. �rlDlIS7RIgL L. � a9. FiP lNDt157R+qL Ll`� � sha :. np�'�; This pekitian stial! not be considered as offtcially oFthis itPon may �vithdra S daysafteritisreceivedbythePlann�ngDivision.Anys�S P� . .: _ name thereFrom by tivritten request within that iime. ••::, o�-ssa 1. SUNRAY-BATTLECREEK 2. HAZHL PARK HAI�EI�I-PROSPERTTY HILLCREST 3. WEST SIDE 4. AAYTODI'S BLUFF 5. PAYNE•PkiA.LEN 6. NORTH END �. THOMAS-DALE 8. SUMMIT-UNIVEItSTTY • 9, WEST SEVENT.Ei 10. COMO . HAMLTNE-MTDWAY � 22. ST. ANIT-IONY PARK MERRIAM PARK-LEXINGTOi�i HAhB,LNE-SNELLIh`G H.4ML�'E 14. MACALES"I'ER GROVELAND 15. HIGHLAND 16. SUMMIT HILL �/� �,��C 17. 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' �� '.:1_:�j.:.:+.r,.. ; — � =-;----� � `-=-=-----. • � — `C f�ip , `� � � .�. Q P���R-t:-.--. -.- .r ( � P t � ;� � �� � � v , f i�� �; �r- �, �, �, , �. �L t � �� �' � , 0 � ��; � ._ �- � � 7 � � �i � � ' , �� � T �� I ° t� � , ' � F,Q� `'� " \ , � ' o • l, % , /T , , ! , ,, � � , u ;,� p Ri �,.i �(,.{,��� i _ � � ��. �. : ,.�� �•. A - \< � APr L(C<�`iT Of 1`�'K �.� LEG�N� Pu�=os=.��- �' Z T ' - � � ....,� zoniny distr;_, tou:�dz:g � �4/�" ( �V �./ l � DkTE �+ t V � � , � sub;ect p;or>:�y . PLNG. D1ST -� tilAP K o one lamily c � fxOlamily �9� � .�'�°�' ��Q muit�pi� tz:aEt, _ � � . � _ i . Iti'°i T \ '\/ /% �---�- I�� � ---o _ ' I � �� ��j� 0 0 : o ; o ' -o- i ( n . . r .0 �,� • ♦ �' CO��n�_ / �...-_ indtt[;:i " V v's1Cgn; V �j � Council File # a�'�559 � i� ! � I �� � ,�°1 L Ordinance # Green Sheet # 1liD 8 ORDINANCE OF Presented By Referred To PAUL, MINNESOTA Committee: Date �� 1 An ordinance amending Chapter 60 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code perta.ining to zoning for the City of 2 Saint Paul and the zoning maps thereof: 0 6 7 9 10 11 WHEREAS, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes §462.357 and §64.400 of the Legislative Code, Northem Star Co. duly petitioned to rezone properiy at 1055 West Gate Drive from I-2 (Industrial District) to I-1 (Industrial Dishict) to allow construction of a 98,000 sq. ft. office/warehouse building, the petition hauing been certified by the Plamiiug staff on 02/16/Ol as having been consented to by at least 67% of the owners of the area of the property to be rezoned, and fiuther having been consented to by at least two-thirds of the owners of the property situated within 100 feet of the total configuous properry within one year preceeding the date of the petition; and 12 WHEREAS, The Zoning Committee of the Plauning Commission on Q3(15(Ol, held a public hearing for the 13 purpose of considering the rezoning petition, and pursuant to § 107.03 of the Administrative Code, submitted 14 its recommendation to the Planning Commission that the petirion be granted; and 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 WHEREAS, The Planning Commission considered the rezoning petition at its meeting held on 03/23/O1 and recommended that the City Council approve the petition; and WHEREAS, notice of public hearing before the City Councii on the said rezoning petirion was duly published in the official newspaper of the City on 04/02/Ol, and notices were duly mailed to each owner of affected property and property situated wholly or partly within 350 feet of the property sought to be rezoned; and WI3EREAS, a public hearing befare the City Council having been conducted on 04/25/Ol, where all interested parties were heard, the Council having considered all the facts and recommendations concerning the petition; now, therefore f!�F�I 'I���Zili►[ _I�IIii�Ti11.ITi7Y11L�]ai.�i�(� 1�1�111�Z�]x.Y� ' � _•\t�� 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 Section 1. That the zoning map of the City of Saint Paul, Sheet Number 9, as incoxporated by reference in §60301 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, as amended, is hereby further amended as follows: That property located at 1055 West Gate Drive, being more particularly described as: That part of the Northwest Quarter of Section 29, Township 29 North, Range 23 West, 4`� Principal Meridian, Ramsey County, Minnesota, described as follows: Q(�${�$}�p :�11.16 �1 or-SSq 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 Beginning at the northwest corner of Outlot B, WEST GATE ADDITION NO. 3, according to the recorded plot thereof, Ramsey County, Miunesota; thence North 89 degrees 47 minutes 02 seconds East, along the north line of said Outlot B, a distance of 78.96 feet; thence South 00 degrees 06 minutes 30 seconds West, along the east line of said Outlot B, a distance of 22.00 feet thence South 22 degrees 00 minutes 45 seconds East, along said east line, a distance of 1939 feet; thence South 21 de�rees 43 minutes 45 seconds East, along said east line, a distance of 21.50 feet; thence North 89 degrees 47 minutes 02 seconds East, along the lot line of Lot 2, Block 1, said WEST GATE ADDITION NO. 3, a distance of 315.75 feet; thence North 00 degrees 06 minutes 30 seconds East, along the westerly line of said Lot 2, a distance of 272.50 feet; thence South 89 degrees 47 minutes 02 seconds West, along the lot line of said Lot 2, a distance of 410.01 feet to the west line of said Northwest Quarter; thence South 00 degrees 06 minutes 30 seconds West, along said west line, to the point of b a°iuuing. Which lies Northerly and Easterly of the following described line: Commencing at the Southeast corner of said Lot 2; thence South 89 degrees 47 minutes 02 seconds West, along the South line of said I,ot 2, a distance of 455.75 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence North 00 degrees 08 minutes 03 seconds West, a distance of 227.50 feet; thence South 89 degrees 36 minutes 54 seconds West, a distance of 167.12 feet to the west line of the Southwest 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of said Secrion 29 and there said line terminates. be and is hereby rezoned from I-2 to I-1. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirry (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. Yeas Na s sent Benanav Blake Bostrom Coleman Harris Laat Reiter Adopted by Counci� Date �� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: �- , Approved by Mayor: ➢aCe �� �a ��� By: Requested by Department of: Plannin & conomic Develo ment By: SU� Form Approved by City Attoxney sY: `�31�. k�=?/'�� Appxove by Mayor or Submision to Council By. �t1�PiL�+ J� ib �'�� DEPARI'MENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL: DATE INl'CIATED GREEN SHEET No.: 111089 ��� SS PED - West Team May 2, 2001 CONiACI' PERSON & PHONE: ,1Y, �y�✓/A INl'rIAL/DA1'E 1' Donna Drummond 266-6556 2 DEPARTMENT DIR 4 MAYOA (OR ASST.) MUST BE ON COUNCII. AGENDA BY (DATE) �IG�` 3 CITI ATIORI3EY 5 Cf7Y COUNCIL CTTY CLERK May 23, 2001 F p� ER =FUVnxCU�, S�zV D� �_� . � ROI71'ING — ��CIAL SEAV/ACCTG /'lp // ORDER —dy t SeanKershaw 5 � 5-3 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES _I_(CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNA'1'URE) ncnox�QuESrEn: Adoption of rezoning ordinance. RECOVIIvIENDAI'IONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAI, SERVICE CON1'RACI'S M[JST ANSWER 1'HE FOLLOWLVG QUESTTONS: A, PLANNING COMA9ISSION i. Has this person/fum ever worked under a contracC for [his depattrne�t? CIB COMMITTEE Yu No CIVIL SERVICE COMbIISSION 2. Has Uvs person/fimi ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not notmally possessed by any curtent city employee� Yes No Explaio all yes answers on separate sheet and aitach to green shee[ INITTA1'ING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPOR'1'UNIT'Y (Who, W6at, When, Where, Why): Adopt an ordinance to finalize council approval of a petirion of Northern Star Co. to rezone property at 1055 West Gate Drive from I-2 Industrial District to I-1 Industrial District (public hearing held 04/25/Ol). ADVANI'AGES IF APPROVED: Properry will be rezoned to allow conshuction of a 98,000 sq. ft. office/wazehouse building. DISADYAN'1'AGES IF APPROVED: rrone �waa�cA� �d��e�r�n �ertSe� MAY �. 8 2001 DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: . Construcrion of a 98,000 sq, ft. office/warehouse building will not be allowed. TOTAL AMOI7NT OF TRANSACTION: $ 0 COST/REVENUE SUDGETED: EUNDING SOUACE: ACTNi'LY NUMBER: FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) K:VShared�PWDRL1hA10ND�ZOTIING�01-180-542 aiceosheetwpd � DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Brinn Sweeney, Director CTTY OF SAINT PAUL Narm Coleman, Mayor March 26, 2001 Ms. Nancy Anderson City Council Reseazch Office Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Deaz Ms. Anderson: 25 Wut Fourth Sbeet Sninf Pau[, MN 55102 �l\ — S�9 Gy Telephone: 612-266-6655 F¢csimi[e: 6J2-?28-3374 I would like to confirm that a public hearing before the City Council is scheduled for Wednesday, Apri125, 2001, 5:30 p.m. for the following property rezoning that has been acted upon by the Planning Commission: Applicant: NORTHERN STAR CO. File Number: #O1-180-542 Purpose: Rezone property from I-2 Industrial District to I-1 Industrial District to a11ow construction of a 98,000 sq. ft. office/warehouse building. Address: 1055 West Gate Drive (northwest of the cul-de-sac). Legal Description of Property: See file. Previous Action: Planning Commission Recommendarion: Approval, unanimous, March 23, 2001. Zoning Committee Recommendation: Approval, unanimous, March 15, 2001. My understanding is that this public hearing request will appeaz on the agenda far the April 18, 2001, City Council meeting and that you will publish notice of the hearing in Yhe Saint Paul Legal Ledger. Please call me at 266-6556 if you have any quesrions. Sincerely, ��� Donna Druinmond City Planner cc: File #01-180-542 Allan Torstenson Paul Dubruiel Carol Mariineau MaY Hoffinan, Northern Staz Co. Suzanne Berndt, CSM Corp. • �.srn[nv NOTICE OF PUBLIC The Saint Pavi �Yty Council will con- duct a public hearin� on Wednesday, Apn1 25, 2001, at 5:30 p.m. i,n the City CoUnc1 Cliambers, 3rd Fioor GYty Hall, W adnsider the applicatlon of Northe;n Star Company to rezone properiy from I-2 Industrial Dishict to I-1 Industiial District to allow wnstruction of a� 98,000. sq_ ft. offtce/warehouse b�rilding at 7055 Westgate Drive (northwest of the cul de- sac1. Dated: March 29, 2001 NANCYANDERSON . Assistant GYty Council Sccretary � jApri12) '— = S1: PADL L6GkL I�DGffit 02020386� . DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Brian Sweersey, Dirutor � � — SS ° � CITY OF SAIl�IT PAUL Norm Cofem¢n, M¢yor � April 13, 2001 1VIs. Nancy Anderson Secretary to the City Councii Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 RE: Zoning File #00-180-542 Dear Ms. Anderson: 25 WestFow�th Street Telephone: 612-266-6655 SairttPaul,MN55702 Facsimile:612-228-3314 The following rezoning application is scheduled for the City Council's Apri125, 2001 public hearing agenda: Applicant: Northern Star Co. Address: 1055 West Gate Drive Purpose: Rezoning from I-2 Industrial District to I-1 Industrial District to a11ow conshuction of a 98,000 sq. ft. office/warehouse building. Planning Commission Recommendation: Approve, vote: Unanimous, Mar. 23, 2001. Zoning Committee 12ecommendation; Approve, vote: Unanimous, Mar. 15, 2001. Staff Recommendation: Approve. Pablic Hearing Support: None. Public Hearing Opposition: None. District Council: The St. Anthony Park Community Council supports the rezoning. Please norify me (266-6556) if any member of the City Council wishes to have slides of the site presented at the public hearing. Sincerely, �Ol�'�'��/l.t'v"'v"t,'� Donna Drummond City Planner Attachments cc: City Council members � o � -ss� r city of-saint paul planning commission resoiution file number oi-22 date rsar�h 23, Zoo� NHEREAS, NORTHERIv STAR CO., fi(e � 00-180-542, has petitioned to rezone 1055 WEST GATE DRIVE, northwest of the �Vest Gate cul-de-sac, from I-2 to I-1 to allosv construction of a 98,000 sq. ft. office/warehouse buildin�; and NHEREAS, the Zonin� Committee of the Planning Commission on March 15, 2001, held a public hearin� at which all persons present were given an opportunity To be heard pursiiant to said application in lccordance with the requirements of Section 64300 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code; and ._,. �VHEREAS, the Saint Paul Plannin� Commission, based on the evidence presented to its Zoning Committee at the public hearina as substantially reflected in the minutes, made thz followin� findings of fact: 1. The o«ner of th: propertp, Northern Star Co., i> a food manufacturer ��hose buildino stradles thz border beriveen St. Paul and Minneapolis. �orthem Star intends to sell a portion of its property • on the St. Paul sidz to CSM Corp. for decelopment of a new 95,000 sq. ft. officehvarehouse buildin�. A portion of the property to bz sold is cunently zoned I-2, and the baiance is zoned I- 1. I�TOrthem Star has also applied for a repiat of this property to create a ne�v larger lot that it �vill sell to CSM. The rezonin� will result in the entire ne�o�ly created parcel bein� zoned I-i, rather than sp1iT beheeen trvo zones. The proposed plat (attached) will bz schzduled at City Council for Apri125, 2001. i�'orthem Star will retain a a small lot that �cill continue to be zoned I-2. Its current buildin� stradles the border. A portion of the building is on the property that �vill be sold to CSVI (a freezer/cooler buildin� �vith a shared ��all) and this part ��•ill be demolishzd to accommodate the ne�v eonstniction. A preliminary site plan of ihe ne�c building is also attached. 2. A portion of the property that Northern Star is selling to CSM is polluted. CSM, «'orking �vith the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,has developed a plan for clean-up and has applied to the port Authority for tax inerement financin� assistance to heip pay for the clean-up casts. The proposed rezottin� to I-1 is in conformance with the Saint Paul Comprehensice Plan. Thz City's Land Use Plan (1999) includes policies that support cleaning up and redevelopin� contaminated industrial sites (Policy 7.5.1). moved by ��� UCBG�E'_� � in favor Kra�er � �� Un2nimous against . Zoning File #Ol-18Q-542 Page T�vo of Resolution 4. The proposed rezoning to I-1 is consistent and compatible with the �vay the area has developed � and will not have an adverse impact on the surcounding area. The property is surrounded on all four sides by industriat uses, and the rezoning will allow development of a ne�v officehvarehouse building that �cill be an addition to the Port Authoriry's West Gate Industriat Park. T'he new development �vill have access from the �Vest Gate Dr. cul-de-sac. - 5. The applicant submitted a sufficient petition signed by rivo-thirds of the property o�c�ners within one hundred (100) feet of the property to be rezoned (14 parcels eligible, 10 parcels needed, and 11 parcels sie ed). N01V, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Saint Paul Planning Commission that the petition of NORTHERN STAR CO. to rezone property at 1055 WEST GATE DRIVE, as legally described in the file,from a I-2 to a I-1 zoning classification is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan for the City; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul Planning Commission does hereby recommend to tlie Council of the City of Saint Paul that 1055 WEST GATE DRIVE be rezoned from I-2 to I-1 in accordance with the petition for rezoning on file with the Saint Pau( Department of Plannina and Economic Development. � � MWUTES OF THE ZONWG COMMITTEE Thursday, March 15, 2001 - 3:30 p.m. � � City Councii Chambers, 3'� Floor City Hali and Court House 15 West Kettogg Boulevard PRESENT: EXCUSEO: OTHERS PRESENT: Anfang, Alton, Faricy, Kramer, and Morton Field, Gordon, and Mardeil Peter Warner Caro! Martineau and Donna Drummond of PED � � -SS °t The meei+rtg was chaired by Commissioner Kramer. Northern Star Company - 07-180-542 - Rezone from I-2 to i-1 for new development. 1055 W est Gate Drive, 140 feet west of W est Gate cul-de-sac. • Donna Drummond showed slides and presented the staff report. Ms. Drummond stated the Zoning Staff recommends approvai of the rezoning and a letter was received from the St. Anthony Park Community Council in support of the replat and rezoning. She aiso stated LIEP is reviewing the site plan for the 98,000 square foot building. Mr. Mark Nordtand, CSM Corporation, appeared and siated there is no tenant commitment on this project due to a lack of time frame for the finished project. They are anticipating a high technology warehouse with 40 percent of the building being allocated for warehouse space and 60 percent for laboratory and technicai space. No one spoke in support or opposition. The hearing was closed. Commissioner Morton moved to approve the rezoning. Commissioner Alton seconded it. The motion passed by a vote 5 to 0. Adopted Yeas - 5 Drafted by: Nays - 0 Submitted by: Approved by: � � �� � ichard Kramer Chair � C�li�/l.l���/t��''�o��,t � Uo`^^.�_�'"""'"`" � Carol Martineau Donna Drummond Recording Secretary Zoning Section O 1-s.s� � ZONING COAtMITTSB STAFF RSPORT ___________________�_________ FILE # 01-180-542 � \I 1. APPLSCANT: NORTF�RN STAR CO 2. CLASSIFICATIONz Rezoning DATS OF HEARING: 03/15/O1 3. LOCATION: 1055 West Gate Drive (northwest of the West Gate cul-de-sac) 4. PLANNTNG DISTRICT: 12 (St. Anthony Park) 5. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: See file. 6. PRESENT ZONING: 2-2 Z027ING CODE REFERSNCE: §64.400 7. STAEF INVESTIGATION AND R&PORT: DATS: 03/07/O1 SY: Donna Drummond 8. DATfi RECSIVED: 2-16-01 DEADLINS FOR ACTION: 04/19/O1 A. PIIRPOSE: Rezone property from I-2 Industrial District to 2-1 Industrial District for construction of a 98,000 sq. ft. office/warehouse building. B. PARCBI, SIZB: The area to be rezoned totals 86,021 sq. ft. (1.97 acres) located approximately 140 west of the West Gate Dr. cul-de-sac. C. EXISTING LAND IISE: Industrial building owned by Northern Star Co. D. SVRROIINDSNG LAND IISE: North: Vacant property in an I-1 zone. East: Vacant property immediately east, and light industrial uses beyond in an I-1 zone. South: Light industrial uses in an I-1 zone. West: Northern Star Co. facility in an I-2 zone, and other industrial uses beyond in Minneapolis. E. ZONTNG CODS CITATION: Section 64.400(a) of the zoning code states in part, "the council may, from time to time, amend, supplement or change the district boundaries or the regulations herein, or subsequently established herein pursuant to the provisions of Minnesota Statutes Section 462.357 and amendments thereto as may be made from time to time. Trie planning commission may, from time to time, review district boundary lines to determine if, pursuant to state 2aws, such district boundary lines should be changed." Section 64.400(b) states in part, "an amendment to the zoning code may be initiated by the council, the planning commission or by petition of the owners of sixty-seven (67) percent of the area of the property to be ' rezoned." F. HISTORY/DISCIISSION: Northern Star Co. has also submitted an application to Zoning File #01-180-542 Page 2 replat the property to be rezoned, in order to create a la=ger single lot ` that will be sold to CSM Corp. for development of a new office/warehouse business center. G. DISTRICT COIINCSL RECOt�R�NDATION: The St. Anthony Park Community Council had not taken a position on the application as of the date of the staff report. H. FINDINGS• 1. The owner of the property, Northern Star Co., is a food manufacturer whose building stradles the border between St. Paul and Minneapolis. Northern Star intends to sell a portion of its property on the St. Yaul side to CSM Corp. for development of a new 98,000 sq. ft. officeJwarehouse building. A portion of the property to be sold is currently zoned I-2, and the balance is zoned I-1. Northern Star has also applied for a replat of this property to create a new larger lot that it will sell to CSM. The rezoning will result in the entire riewly created parcel being zoned I-1, rather than split between two zones. The proposed plat (attached) will be scheduled at City Council for April 25, 2001. Northern Star will retain a a small lot that will continue to be zoned I-2. Its current building stradles the border. A portion of the building is on the property that will be sold to CSM (a freezer/cooler building with a shared wall) and this part will be demolished to accommodate the new construction. A preliminary site plan of the new building is also attached. � 2. A portion of the property that Northern Star is selling to CSM is polluted. CSM, working with the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,has developed a plan for clean-up and has applied to the Port Authoxity for Cax increment financiag assistance to help pay for the clean-up costs. 3. The proposed rezoning to 2-1 is in conformance with the Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan. The City's Land Use Plan (1999) includes policies that support cleaning up and redeveloping contaminated industrial sites (Policy 7.5.1). 4. The proposed rezoning to I-1 is consistent and compatible with the way the area has developed and will not have an adverse impact on the surrounding area. The property is surrounded on all four sides by industrial uses, and the rezoning will a11ow development of a new ofPice/warehouse building that wi11 be an addition to the Port Authority's West Gate Industrial Park. The new development will have access from the West Gate Dr. cul-de-sac. p • icienC petition signed by two-thirds of 5 the pro pertytownerstwitHins ne hundred (100) feet of the property to be rezoned (14 parcels eligible, 10 parcels needed, and 11 parcels signed). I. STAFF RECOb4QENDATION: Based on Findings 1 through 5, staff recommends approval of the petition to rezone trie property Erom I-2 to I-1. � �� �i�S� PETITION TO AMEND THE ZONING CODE • � Departmeet of Plaxning aed Ecortornic Development Zoning Sectiorr I100 City Hal! Aaxer 25 West Fourth Street Saint Paul, MN 55101 266-b589 APPLICANT � Property Owner ��'�= St�r Co. S*xe�t S �. ,`� 57�st�ate �c (vacazt City �'`°�°�?ci Sf.�"°' Zip 5 � 1 �� Daytime phone �'�C!j� Contact person (if different) A`��` �'Of�` ' PROPERTY Addre LOCATION Leqai (attach addrtional � See stt�ch�. �. �b_t A. for l� - 4! ts-^'_z3`.io^_ de.r�i., _io�. of �ro�x*_y to C..- 70 THE HONORAB�E MAYOR AMD CITY GOUNCIL: Pursuant to Section 64.400 0£ the Saint Pau! Zoning Ordinance and to Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statues, "O�'-'r° Sr�r �O• , the owner of all the tand proposed {oT rezoning, hereby pe2itions you to rezone the above described property from a - zoning district to a 1 zoning district, for the purpose of: 'Ih? 1e�11y desa p�2�el- witl b� caabined throu�h platting with t2� 2.d�t �rcel wirich is zon�d T—I. R�a.onina t2� 7�11y d�a parcel fras Z-2 to I-1 wi11 aJ1ow tt� *_�'ca glatted �rnet to be z�Rd I-1. (attach additionaf sheet(s) if necessary) Attachments: Required site plan D Consent petition � Affidavit � �� ����� _2-(3� � suoscnoea ana swom io before me this � �h day of "°�n �r�, � ;�-x n200/ • ..-��� C ���� Notary Public 2 � � CAROLE A. LEONARD S � �� NOTARYPUBCIC.AIINNESOTA S FtY COMMISSION EXPIAES h31-P005 S B '/'tCt,j�' `��itt'�„� �ee owner of properfy Title: �'��� Page � of -_-_ --. _-._ -' CSM Corporation 2575 University Ave. W., #150 St. Paul, MN 55 1 1 4-1 024 February 13, 2001 City of St. Paul Dept. of Plazuiing-14"' Floor Attn: Allan Torstenson 25 West Fourth Street St. Paul, MN 55102 Re: Northern Star to CSM Investors II-Rezoning Application Dear Allen: � Please accept this petition to amend the zoning code. The follo«in� lists the required documents attached to this letter. � l. Petition to Amend the Zoning Code 2. Exhibit A: Legal Description of the uea to be rezoned 3. Exhibit B: Depiction of area to be rezoned 4. Check for rezoning application Fee 5. Zoning petition list 6. Affidavit of the Person Circulating the Consent Petition 7. Petition to Rezone-affidavit of Petitioner 8. Consent for rezonin from 12 of the 14 ro ett o e It is my understanding that submittal of the application at this time will put us on the agenda for the Mazch 15`" zoning committee and the March 23` planning commission meeting. Please call me with any questions at 651-603-7628. Thank you for considering our application. Sincerely, CSM Corporauon� Su�dt Project Architect n �J • C� • :e 2 O W� � OI � ti Q U � J � � � U u N E � c ;a'_ � O C V C a` � � h � n N d a C C t z rn N a N 3 f° oi N c ,O � � O � v � O j�j 3 3 � p � � 3 tn � o Z � .o y'C � � y �- U O 0 `a a 4 � O C ti � c �r tis � !, ' ��4"��N�S � � o�aoa��oo m0 w W 00 d � d3 a �,_ a ,c u e�.er N _ O .� p �... a c in m v � 'S �n °�•_ ' a a -in H m c y e ^ o � v � � O � Y � D d a °' y a; V N �t O'G Cl C O � y V O�i O� c�" �N � � C a rn N m �'C Q� �� ��." _ y y C t .0 O . O C> > O y � O� O W � C Q ".' C�W m o �'_ � �� m a c c ��. b ,�. s' � o= � V-Y c O N N U O.... 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F=. �..�° ]k ' t�� �� '� � �'* t�t x d�i �Z rz 3 '� ? ,,, i:F� �n �t1 nb � .--._`�' /—_ � : �. �u " :ii �s� ......._....; �: > ��� 14 <�F d� E"�L21 �� �mV N� 3 �:,� ;� l � . E� _I;it� a s � :1�ii� il��l: 4 O F _ � rti ' F : � N • � � � .ro ��a N � J z Q o F = ui � . Z Q�Y N � � d�a Y K � U U � � � QVOa5537�H �ba 0 a � O O K N N W U a � 3niY� � 31.v: • y3h� C `��� � d �, Y1� Y 2 �¢�( L.i � � • %O��L'r �� x�zo�zh� FIRST SUBMITTED DATE PETITIOc I SUBMITTED: �' I3'4 � DATE OFFICIALLY RECEIVED: �� � PARCL'-LS ELIGIBLE: /� PARCELSRBQUIRED: I d PARCELS SIGNEb: �•_ SCUP I�CUP RESUBMITTED DATE PETITIOi I RESUBhIITTED: ^ 0 �_�S`L DATE OFFICIALLY RECEIVED: " pARCEIS $LTGIBLE: PARCL•LS REQUIRED: PARCEIS SIG�.�'ED: CHECRED BX: � n�� ��"-1��G� DATE: ���� 'v ( ZCJNi�#C �1L� °� ! , ._ - - . . m AFFIDAVIT � OF PERSON CIRCULATiNG THE CONSENT PETITION STATE OF MfNNESOTA} COUNT`( OF RAMSEY) :SS � s uz�N�� �� ��P`.N3�1� + being first du{y sworn, deposes an�d stafes that helshe is the person who circulated the consenf petition consisting of � Pa9es; that affiant represents that the part9es described on the consent petition are a1f the respective owners of the properties placed immediafely before each name; that affiant is informed and believes that each of the parties described on the consent petition is an owner of the property which is within 100 feet of any prope[ty owned, purchased, or so{d by petitioner within one (1) year preceding the date of this petition which is contiguous fo the property described in tfie petiti {� nd that the signatures ase the true . and correct signatures of each and al! of the parties so described. �cGvtt' �• �°�GGG�' NAM L� lo CS�'''r (oRPo�A��a�r! a5�5 tJ�u ✓�g5��-r Av� c.�.,�r5�� sT Pauc. rnn1 55ri� ADDRESS c�5�—��3—��z TEI.EPHONE NUMBER Subscribed and swor o before me Zo �� this !4� day of r NOTARY � ��ud� . -p/��Ce� � ��� U �gG�(! ,.� e��� . ` JOAN M. KUSCHKE � � '�+.�.-'- IJOTARYpUBllC-MIHNES6SA � MyGamntE�i�ee.h�S pv � Page ( of � 1 /3/00• �u.Zqn��. �un�- f': . O t -SS � � �'�'z'I'X'ZON'z'O �2��OI�� ArrzA�.vz� or ���cz�zon�n ; S3 COtNTY OF RAMS�I' ) - Thc petitioner, ,��tL��t fJ1 `>�-er �.E' , being first duty� swo:n, deposes and _ stltes tliat Ute consent petition contains siQnatures from at least two-thirds ( oi atl eligible properties «•itliin 100 feet of 1!I property o��'ned, purdtased, or sold by petitioner t�'ithin one (1) year precedin� the date of titis p�tition ��'Itich is conti�uous to the property described in the petition; petitioner is informed that the consent petition nnist contain signahuzs from ezch and all o��'ners of jointl}'-o«•ned property in order to constitute eonsent from that property ai�d that failure to obtain consent front each �nd nit o��Tters could in�•atidate !he conseiit petition; p�titioncr belic�•es that the consent petition tvas signed by each of said 4ti�'ners aad that the sienitures 4re tite true and correct si�natures of eacli and nl! of the parties so described. STATE OF Mtt�TNESOTA) Subscribcd and s��•orn to beFore me this __[ �_ day of,�-���/ „�°200 / ���-�._ C,� , NOTAR)' PUBLIC • . . „t CAROLE A. LEONARD `+�`� NO7AAYPU&IGdINNE50TA .-Y MYCOMMISSIONFXPIRES1-31-2005 �� 9�=� 1.�. � ! ��c /`���y�nrr.f ItAME 3 t �) I (=,��f-� Sf � � � � � n; �S � ADD SS � ���— �I�- �fc'3�— TELEPHONE I� U� �BER P2ge � o� � 1131197 , • ... .�:. . . ti � .. , •.' '�: . •3 • ' . • :: • . . CX�'�' OT' S.f�.X1�T�' �'.A.'CTr+ CONSfiN'I'�OF AD30INING PROPERTX OWi�IERS FOR A ,REZONXNG We, the t+ndersigned, ownecs of tlte propetty tvitlti�t 1aQ feet af Q�e lotat contiguous description of reai estate oti�ned, purcl�ased, or sold by THE PETITIONGR within one year precedin� the date oE' this petition ncknowledge that we havc bccn presented n•ith ihc folloti�•ing: - ' - - - n .. 1. A copyoftlie petition oP (name of pctitioner) to rezone tltie property located at��K6�Cfn9RT�-1�t:RT - ANb AS L.E� from n Z�' zoning district to a Z" � zoning district. �SI�IB�t� DN EXf-118rT'f� 2. A copy of sections (DD. ln � � tl�rouoli �0�. � � 5, inctusive of tlie Saint Paul Zoning Code; and ncknowtedgc that we nre nwlrc of n41 of tl�e uscs parmitted in a T_ 1 zoning district and we are nware that any oPtltiesc uses cnn be estl6tished upon Ciry Couneil approval oPthe rezoning. 1Ve hercby.. . consent ro the remning of tlie property in the petition of; �pp�'��J?jN O� 14pj `O. to a�' � 2oniiig district. (Namc oEpetitioner) '1Vc conscnt fo ftie �pproval of fhis i•ezonind as it tivas explflined to us by fhe �PP�ic�nf or his/licr represenfafive. � 29- z9-23 Z3-a�3� TC�I CoROoP,�rionl zq-19-23-Z3-«�4�7"CLJ L'oRpoR�o� 29-Zg -23-23 -�30 S���i Co. 29-29-�33-�3-003/ �l�oR u�r�iR Cc�. ,' , � hOT�a This petition shall not be considered as officially filed until the lapse of seyen (7) �4orking days after it is received by the Planning Division. Any signato: of this p�tifion rnay withdra« his�eC name therefrom by �vritten request within that iime. •-'.>; .• . , z : . � ' ,•• .� : :;; : �'.. . ', • •''. ' ' : • e' •;•' = � � � .' � . D1=SS`! , _<- . - - - cx�c��o� s�.xh�c��.�x� _ = _• _ . .,. CONSENT•OF AD30INING PROPERTX�OWNERS FOR A� � � � �E201�.�N. G .. We, the undersigned, o�mcrs of tlie propecty �vidiin 1D0 fat oFihc total contiguous dcser�ption of real estate o�med, purc0ued, or sold by THE PETITIQi IER tivithin one year precedin,� the date_ of this peticion �cknotivledoe fliat �ve ltavc becn preset�ted witii 2he follotiei��g: - NORTH�RN -STAR C0. �; I. A copyof tlu petition nF �name oFpetitioner) torezoaetlicpropetty]oeatedat,T„�,,, �4;ma'ra loration d�p ;�tad on Exhibi�_�.�fiown sha � and as legally described on Exh�b�t A froni � I-2 zoninodistrict to a I-1 zoningdistrict. -_ •. 2, p copy of sections 60.610 through 60.615 � inetusiva of the Saint Paul Zoning and aeknotivlcdge tliat �vo nra nware of nll oF Uu uses pamicted in a�' zonino oistrict and �ve are aware tliat any oE dusc usES cnn be ostnbtistied upon City Counci! approval of the rezonins._ ,1Ve heroby ,.. consent to the rczoning oFthe propaty in thc p�tition oF; NORTHERN STAR.CO. to � I-1 zoniiigdistrict. ' (Alame of petitioner) tiyc conscnt to flic �pproval of fhis rczoninb as it �vas expl�ineci to us by the � �zpplic�nt or hisllicr represenf�tive. nnierss a��tN e Rr• reno� r•.n . t�VAr rRr•. n r• ` �14RL B�L�nlb��'1 � Cp D./ a9-a9- �3-a� _ 0008 ��,�p Son15 C�mPAn .OA i.�f..._/ n � .� � � ,: � � , - hOx .- (!s et tp on shall not be considered as o�ciallY of this it on rimay withdra ��hiSJh � days after it is received by thePlanning Division. Any s�g P� ,;`: _ name therefcom by vaitten request tivithin that iime. . .,' :. L _ �S ± rZ' �l. . ' i.���... � �•1���� � � �. • � �� • ��� - - - = � ci���� o� s.A.x��c ���:x� . � s• . � . � �3 CONSEt�IT•OP AD70INING PROP�RTX�OWNERS FOR A : . � � �z�zo�xNC ._ We, the wtdersigned, owncrs of the propeKy �vithin l00 feetoftlu tolal contigaous deseription of real estate o�vned, purdiased, or sold by TIiE PETITSO�IGR �vithin one year preeadin� the date_of this petition aeknotivledge tl�at we I�ave bcen preset�ted tti'ith tGc folto�ti'�no: ' i. A copy of the petition of � 60. 615 � icicfusive of the Saint Paul Zoning_Code; and 2, Aeo�yofsections 60.610 titrouoh,�_ I-I zoningdistrictandweare t�cknawicdgc that �ve nra n�varo of ail of the uses permated in a a�vare that any of these uses ean be estlblislud upon City Couneil appcoval oE tlu rtzonins•_ We hereby eonsent to thc rczonino of the property in thc petition of; to n 1-1 zoni�ig district. NORTHERN STAR_C0. . (l�Iame oF petitioner) NORTH�RN.STAR C0. (name of pctihoneq totezonetlsepropertyTocatedat„ im Te loc tion deoicted on Exhib�t 8"� shac and as legally described on -Exh�bit A froma I-2 zoninodistricttoa I-1 ?oningdisErict. _ . • � � a9-��-a�-aa -�� I�pT�; This petition shall notbe considered as otttctauy n�:u uu«< «<�.aY�� -- --: -• daysafteritisreceivedbythePlanningAivision. Anysignzto:offhispetitionri�aywithdratis;his�er name fheretrom bY �'n►�ten request �vithin that time. ••',:. �Ye conscnt fo flic �pproval of this z'czoning as it �vas explained fo us by the ��PP�icant or hisllier rcpresentafivc. - l��TC_ � z' •T ' 4 ��� r.: a• . •� •..'� �;' • � , � :..i.�^ ' � . ' � ... ... . . .�`� .t. . - - - � cz���o� s.A.xhx ��.�:x� � . � �= b �-SSq CONSENT•OF AD30INING PROP�RTX�OWNERS FOR A ; •. � � RE,ZONII�G We, tiie tmdersigited, otivncrs of tt3e property �vidiin 100 feet oFtlic lotal eontiguous deseription of real estate o�vned, purcliased, or sold by THE PETITIO�IER widiin one year pceccdin� tlie date of this petition acknotivtedge titat tve have been pcesocited u•ith the follosti•ino: - F NORTH�RN -STAR C0. '; 1. ?: copy of die petuion o (name of petitionec) forezonethepropertylocatedat ��r a���x' lo� deoicted on Exhibit�hr_�wn sha and as legally descr�bed on Exh�blt A p� I_p zoningdistricttoa I-1 zoningc�istciet. _ •- Z. A eopy of sectians 60. 610 tl�rough 60. 615 , icielusivo of thc Saint Paul Zoning 2od nckno�vlcdge that we nre nwnra of t�!! of die uscs pamitted in a I' 1 zonino distcict and tve are ntivnre titat any of those us�s ean be estabtisl�ed tepon City Covneil approvnl of d�e razoning. \Ve hercby _.. eonsent to the rczonino of the properiy in thc petition of; NORTHERN STAR.CO. tp � I-1 zoni�iodistrict. . ' (Nzme of petitioner) �Ye consent to flic �pproval of fhis i•czoninb as if �vas explained fo us by the � �pPlicant or his/lier represenf�tivc. . ICNAT 1R� n �' I ` noitr•s� ai�.�.� � Rr• Rno� r:a i � 2(08(O� �� aq-aq-.a3-a.�- 0033 �sm ��v�sTo�s, ,Nc ` � p � \ halt not be considered as ofricially fil.d untd the lapse of s y i n(7) tis ork�ng �nOx�: This petition s . daysafteritisreceivedbythePlanningDivision. Anyszgaato:ofthispe,itionmay�vithdcau`hislher name ihereErom by written request �vithinthatiime. . ..,: ' • 5 • ti y�•'��: . � • '�.�' - .. . ..`• • . • .. � . L • .. y't' :i. : •• ... x } . • V J.�� � OJ.' i.�FJ.J.J. \ J. �� V J.1 • .' t i CONSENT'•OF AD30INING PROP�RTI''OWNERS FOR A � . � . . �z�zoNxNC � �Ye, the tntdersigned, o�vners of the propefty �vithin 100 fcet of ttie to�al contiguous description oF real estate otvned, purctiased, or soid by TFIE PETiTtO, IER tvithin one year precedin� the date. of this petition �cksiotivledoe Ehat we linve bccn presented �vidi the follotiv�ng: NORTHERN -STAR C0. �, A copy oPdie pettt�ott oF sha (name to reione tlic property located at '"' "• "' - "�' and as legally described on�.Exhibit A froiu n -�2 zonino district fo a I-___ 1 ioningc�istrict. . •. 2, A copy oCseetions 60. 610 tiirouoh 60.615 , icietusive of dtie Saint Paut Zoning_Code; and ncknotvlcdgc tliat �vo nro n�vare of n1! oEthe uses parmiued in a T-1 zontno district and tve are ntiv;erc that any oFtliesc uses can be estnblishtd upon Ciry Counci{ approval oEtlie rezoning,__�`1e hereby .._ eonsent to the rezoning of ttu properry in thc potition oF, NORTHERN STAR.CO. ta1 1-1 zoni�iodistrict. . - (Name of petitionar) '�Ve conscnf to flie �pproval of fhis t•ezoninb as it �vas expl�ined to us 6y fhc ��pP]icant or hisliicr represent�fivc. _ �}�°! a9- �9_a 3 - �?� _ 0010 e ` . I�pT�; ThispetitionshallnotbeconsidUfvisionoAnysig zto ofthispett onm }�vithdra} , daysafteritisreceivedbythePlann g _ •; �:,` name thetefrom by ttn'itten request �vithin that iimc. ..,: , ' �� � � . ' . � , .ti,'» � •_ , • z c - ' ti �'7:�C`:�. �.. , ; • •.�_ e• � . � : ' . • 1 Y � L (��{� � A A Y f 7 1 T � ' . ' Y!� �+� !` ' O� �I J��� �A J� V N • • CONS�N'T'•OF A.D30INING PROPERTI'�OWNBRS FOR A. � �. � ��zo�.r�vc i i. ft copyof ii�c pehuon oF (name j i b 1'S S� '3 W e, the undecsigned, owners of ttie propefty tivithin } 00 feet of the totat contiguous deseciption of reat estate o�vned, purel�ased, or soid by THE PETITIO�iL•R evithin ont yeu preceditt� the date tlzis petiEion lcknoivledge tiiat tve ttave boeti gresented tivith tiie fo!lo�ving: � NORTH�RN -STAR C0. � ; • V V1� �� � ..�• to rezone thc property located ai _ and as legally described on�.Exhibit A from � I-2 zoning district to a I-1 zaningdistrici. _ -� , inclusive oFtlie Saint Paul Zoning Code; and 2, p copy of sections 60.�_ through 60. 615 I _ 1 zoning dist�ict and tve are r.cknotivlcdge tl�at we �ro nwaro of nll of th� uses pumitted in a s y nware tliat any of tt�esc tisds ean be establishmd tipon Ciry Couneit appcovat oF tli� cezonin 1Ve hercb ... conseut to the rezonino oF the property in tlie petition of; NORTHERN STAR.CO. to;� I- � zoni�igdistrict. � (Alamo of patitioner) �'Ye consent to tlic �pproYa] of fhis rczoninb as if tivas expl�ine8 fo us by the �pp]icanf or hislher representative. �rlDlIS7RIgL L. � a9. FiP lNDt157R+qL Ll`� � sha :. np�'�; This pekitian stial! not be considered as offtcially oFthis itPon may �vithdra S daysafteritisreceivedbythePlann�ngDivision.Anys�S P� . .: _ name thereFrom by tivritten request within that iime. ••::, o�-ssa 1. SUNRAY-BATTLECREEK 2. HAZHL PARK HAI�EI�I-PROSPERTTY HILLCREST 3. WEST SIDE 4. AAYTODI'S BLUFF 5. PAYNE•PkiA.LEN 6. NORTH END �. THOMAS-DALE 8. SUMMIT-UNIVEItSTTY • 9, WEST SEVENT.Ei 10. COMO . HAMLTNE-MTDWAY � 22. ST. ANIT-IONY PARK MERRIAM PARK-LEXINGTOi�i HAhB,LNE-SNELLIh`G H.4ML�'E 14. MACALES"I'ER GROVELAND 15. HIGHLAND 16. SUMMIT HILL �/� �,��C 17. AOWNTOWN � Q�' �W � CITTZEN PARTICIFATION PIAIdtZR`IG T)ISTRiCTS � �� � ��� �� � �.� 11 y q J i�' 11 � fy f �� a ,; 1 f -1���.._� �� I 1 �c �I,: � � Y� �� _ � V�i✓ '- __.1C i ', • ' _r` � �' � 11 !�. �, �' .::�`S R ;: _ n . = L. _J �_ �. .` � � = -� � � �� � �� 1:,:...�—_�--� ;.g`: � r � � 1 :.�� �_ � ��'^C_� �,� ,;�', � ��; ���1��� �������, � . ;;;�;,�_t ,�• �..�, f ,Z ..., �`j „ tir i .V�.1,\�:�. �6� •� c � I• i.�\ L'� ... _ " —__—_' — _�_:-��• i ( �S�' / � t ': � ' J k � � ` `��'�.1 t ..,� ca-; �� : ' •• vs r �"�G . 4 'R � � �.� .. 1 _. J i �,�.. ^ 't 9 � Y ` � 1 �� _� r . ` � . � _...•' �� �t }, - — i �') 1 �♦ �` �` �\�f.� /� .... 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' �� '.:1_:�j.:.:+.r,.. ; — � =-;----� � `-=-=-----. • � — `C f�ip , `� � � .�. Q P���R-t:-.--. -.- .r ( � P t � ;� � �� � � v , f i�� �; �r- �, �, �, , �. �L t � �� �' � , 0 � ��; � ._ �- � � 7 � � �i � � ' , �� � T �� I ° t� � , ' � F,Q� `'� " \ , � ' o • l, % , /T , , ! , ,, � � , u ;,� p Ri �,.i �(,.{,��� i _ � � ��. �. : ,.�� �•. A - \< � APr L(C<�`iT Of 1`�'K �.� LEG�N� Pu�=os=.��- �' Z T ' - � � ....,� zoniny distr;_, tou:�dz:g � �4/�" ( �V �./ l � DkTE �+ t V � � , � sub;ect p;or>:�y . PLNG. D1ST -� tilAP K o one lamily c � fxOlamily �9� � .�'�°�' ��Q muit�pi� tz:aEt, _ � � . � _ i . Iti'°i T \ '\/ /% �---�- I�� � ---o _ ' I � �� ��j� 0 0 : o ; o ' -o- i ( n . . r .0 �,� • ♦ �' CO��n�_ / �...-_ indtt[;:i " V v's1Cgn; V �j � Council File # a�'�559 � i� ! � I �� � ,�°1 L Ordinance # Green Sheet # 1liD 8 ORDINANCE OF Presented By Referred To PAUL, MINNESOTA Committee: Date �� 1 An ordinance amending Chapter 60 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code perta.ining to zoning for the City of 2 Saint Paul and the zoning maps thereof: 0 6 7 9 10 11 WHEREAS, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes §462.357 and §64.400 of the Legislative Code, Northem Star Co. duly petitioned to rezone properiy at 1055 West Gate Drive from I-2 (Industrial District) to I-1 (Industrial Dishict) to allow construction of a 98,000 sq. ft. office/warehouse building, the petition hauing been certified by the Plamiiug staff on 02/16/Ol as having been consented to by at least 67% of the owners of the area of the property to be rezoned, and fiuther having been consented to by at least two-thirds of the owners of the property situated within 100 feet of the total configuous properry within one year preceeding the date of the petition; and 12 WHEREAS, The Zoning Committee of the Plauning Commission on Q3(15(Ol, held a public hearing for the 13 purpose of considering the rezoning petition, and pursuant to § 107.03 of the Administrative Code, submitted 14 its recommendation to the Planning Commission that the petirion be granted; and 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 WHEREAS, The Planning Commission considered the rezoning petition at its meeting held on 03/23/O1 and recommended that the City Council approve the petition; and WHEREAS, notice of public hearing before the City Councii on the said rezoning petirion was duly published in the official newspaper of the City on 04/02/Ol, and notices were duly mailed to each owner of affected property and property situated wholly or partly within 350 feet of the property sought to be rezoned; and WI3EREAS, a public hearing befare the City Council having been conducted on 04/25/Ol, where all interested parties were heard, the Council having considered all the facts and recommendations concerning the petition; now, therefore f!�F�I 'I���Zili►[ _I�IIii�Ti11.ITi7Y11L�]ai.�i�(� 1�1�111�Z�]x.Y� ' � _•\t�� 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 Section 1. That the zoning map of the City of Saint Paul, Sheet Number 9, as incoxporated by reference in §60301 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, as amended, is hereby further amended as follows: That property located at 1055 West Gate Drive, being more particularly described as: That part of the Northwest Quarter of Section 29, Township 29 North, Range 23 West, 4`� Principal Meridian, Ramsey County, Minnesota, described as follows: Q(�${�$}�p :�11.16 �1 or-SSq 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 Beginning at the northwest corner of Outlot B, WEST GATE ADDITION NO. 3, according to the recorded plot thereof, Ramsey County, Miunesota; thence North 89 degrees 47 minutes 02 seconds East, along the north line of said Outlot B, a distance of 78.96 feet; thence South 00 degrees 06 minutes 30 seconds West, along the east line of said Outlot B, a distance of 22.00 feet thence South 22 degrees 00 minutes 45 seconds East, along said east line, a distance of 1939 feet; thence South 21 de�rees 43 minutes 45 seconds East, along said east line, a distance of 21.50 feet; thence North 89 degrees 47 minutes 02 seconds East, along the lot line of Lot 2, Block 1, said WEST GATE ADDITION NO. 3, a distance of 315.75 feet; thence North 00 degrees 06 minutes 30 seconds East, along the westerly line of said Lot 2, a distance of 272.50 feet; thence South 89 degrees 47 minutes 02 seconds West, along the lot line of said Lot 2, a distance of 410.01 feet to the west line of said Northwest Quarter; thence South 00 degrees 06 minutes 30 seconds West, along said west line, to the point of b a°iuuing. Which lies Northerly and Easterly of the following described line: Commencing at the Southeast corner of said Lot 2; thence South 89 degrees 47 minutes 02 seconds West, along the South line of said I,ot 2, a distance of 455.75 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence North 00 degrees 08 minutes 03 seconds West, a distance of 227.50 feet; thence South 89 degrees 36 minutes 54 seconds West, a distance of 167.12 feet to the west line of the Southwest 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of said Secrion 29 and there said line terminates. be and is hereby rezoned from I-2 to I-1. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirry (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. Yeas Na s sent Benanav Blake Bostrom Coleman Harris Laat Reiter Adopted by Counci� Date �� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: �- , Approved by Mayor: ➢aCe �� �a ��� By: Requested by Department of: Plannin & conomic Develo ment By: SU� Form Approved by City Attoxney sY: `�31�. k�=?/'�� Appxove by Mayor or Submision to Council By. �t1�PiL�+ J� ib �'�� DEPARI'MENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL: DATE INl'CIATED GREEN SHEET No.: 111089 ��� SS PED - West Team May 2, 2001 CONiACI' PERSON & PHONE: ,1Y, �y�✓/A INl'rIAL/DA1'E 1' Donna Drummond 266-6556 2 DEPARTMENT DIR 4 MAYOA (OR ASST.) MUST BE ON COUNCII. AGENDA BY (DATE) �IG�` 3 CITI ATIORI3EY 5 Cf7Y COUNCIL CTTY CLERK May 23, 2001 F p� ER =FUVnxCU�, S�zV D� �_� . � ROI71'ING — ��CIAL SEAV/ACCTG /'lp // ORDER —dy t SeanKershaw 5 � 5-3 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES _I_(CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNA'1'URE) ncnox�QuESrEn: Adoption of rezoning ordinance. RECOVIIvIENDAI'IONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAI, SERVICE CON1'RACI'S M[JST ANSWER 1'HE FOLLOWLVG QUESTTONS: A, PLANNING COMA9ISSION i. Has this person/fum ever worked under a contracC for [his depattrne�t? CIB COMMITTEE Yu No CIVIL SERVICE COMbIISSION 2. Has Uvs person/fimi ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not notmally possessed by any curtent city employee� Yes No Explaio all yes answers on separate sheet and aitach to green shee[ INITTA1'ING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPOR'1'UNIT'Y (Who, W6at, When, Where, Why): Adopt an ordinance to finalize council approval of a petirion of Northern Star Co. to rezone property at 1055 West Gate Drive from I-2 Industrial District to I-1 Industrial District (public hearing held 04/25/Ol). ADVANI'AGES IF APPROVED: Properry will be rezoned to allow conshuction of a 98,000 sq. ft. office/wazehouse building. DISADYAN'1'AGES IF APPROVED: rrone �waa�cA� �d��e�r�n �ertSe� MAY �. 8 2001 DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: . Construcrion of a 98,000 sq, ft. office/warehouse building will not be allowed. TOTAL AMOI7NT OF TRANSACTION: $ 0 COST/REVENUE SUDGETED: EUNDING SOUACE: ACTNi'LY NUMBER: FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) K:VShared�PWDRL1hA10ND�ZOTIING�01-180-542 aiceosheetwpd � DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Brinn Sweeney, Director CTTY OF SAINT PAUL Narm Coleman, Mayor March 26, 2001 Ms. Nancy Anderson City Council Reseazch Office Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Deaz Ms. Anderson: 25 Wut Fourth Sbeet Sninf Pau[, MN 55102 �l\ — S�9 Gy Telephone: 612-266-6655 F¢csimi[e: 6J2-?28-3374 I would like to confirm that a public hearing before the City Council is scheduled for Wednesday, Apri125, 2001, 5:30 p.m. for the following property rezoning that has been acted upon by the Planning Commission: Applicant: NORTHERN STAR CO. File Number: #O1-180-542 Purpose: Rezone property from I-2 Industrial District to I-1 Industrial District to a11ow construction of a 98,000 sq. ft. office/warehouse building. Address: 1055 West Gate Drive (northwest of the cul-de-sac). Legal Description of Property: See file. Previous Action: Planning Commission Recommendarion: Approval, unanimous, March 23, 2001. Zoning Committee Recommendation: Approval, unanimous, March 15, 2001. My understanding is that this public hearing request will appeaz on the agenda far the April 18, 2001, City Council meeting and that you will publish notice of the hearing in Yhe Saint Paul Legal Ledger. Please call me at 266-6556 if you have any quesrions. Sincerely, ��� Donna Druinmond City Planner cc: File #01-180-542 Allan Torstenson Paul Dubruiel Carol Mariineau MaY Hoffinan, Northern Staz Co. Suzanne Berndt, CSM Corp. • �.srn[nv NOTICE OF PUBLIC The Saint Pavi �Yty Council will con- duct a public hearin� on Wednesday, Apn1 25, 2001, at 5:30 p.m. i,n the City CoUnc1 Cliambers, 3rd Fioor GYty Hall, W adnsider the applicatlon of Northe;n Star Company to rezone properiy from I-2 Industrial Dishict to I-1 Industiial District to allow wnstruction of a� 98,000. sq_ ft. offtce/warehouse b�rilding at 7055 Westgate Drive (northwest of the cul de- sac1. Dated: March 29, 2001 NANCYANDERSON . Assistant GYty Council Sccretary � jApri12) '— = S1: PADL L6GkL I�DGffit 02020386� . DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Brian Sweersey, Dirutor � � — SS ° � CITY OF SAIl�IT PAUL Norm Cofem¢n, M¢yor � April 13, 2001 1VIs. Nancy Anderson Secretary to the City Councii Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 RE: Zoning File #00-180-542 Dear Ms. Anderson: 25 WestFow�th Street Telephone: 612-266-6655 SairttPaul,MN55702 Facsimile:612-228-3314 The following rezoning application is scheduled for the City Council's Apri125, 2001 public hearing agenda: Applicant: Northern Star Co. Address: 1055 West Gate Drive Purpose: Rezoning from I-2 Industrial District to I-1 Industrial District to a11ow conshuction of a 98,000 sq. ft. office/warehouse building. Planning Commission Recommendation: Approve, vote: Unanimous, Mar. 23, 2001. Zoning Committee 12ecommendation; Approve, vote: Unanimous, Mar. 15, 2001. Staff Recommendation: Approve. Pablic Hearing Support: None. Public Hearing Opposition: None. District Council: The St. Anthony Park Community Council supports the rezoning. Please norify me (266-6556) if any member of the City Council wishes to have slides of the site presented at the public hearing. Sincerely, �Ol�'�'��/l.t'v"'v"t,'� Donna Drummond City Planner Attachments cc: City Council members � o � -ss� r city of-saint paul planning commission resoiution file number oi-22 date rsar�h 23, Zoo� NHEREAS, NORTHERIv STAR CO., fi(e � 00-180-542, has petitioned to rezone 1055 WEST GATE DRIVE, northwest of the �Vest Gate cul-de-sac, from I-2 to I-1 to allosv construction of a 98,000 sq. ft. office/warehouse buildin�; and NHEREAS, the Zonin� Committee of the Planning Commission on March 15, 2001, held a public hearin� at which all persons present were given an opportunity To be heard pursiiant to said application in lccordance with the requirements of Section 64300 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code; and ._,. �VHEREAS, the Saint Paul Plannin� Commission, based on the evidence presented to its Zoning Committee at the public hearina as substantially reflected in the minutes, made thz followin� findings of fact: 1. The o«ner of th: propertp, Northern Star Co., i> a food manufacturer ��hose buildino stradles thz border beriveen St. Paul and Minneapolis. �orthem Star intends to sell a portion of its property • on the St. Paul sidz to CSM Corp. for decelopment of a new 95,000 sq. ft. officehvarehouse buildin�. A portion of the property to bz sold is cunently zoned I-2, and the baiance is zoned I- 1. I�TOrthem Star has also applied for a repiat of this property to create a ne�v larger lot that it �vill sell to CSM. The rezonin� will result in the entire ne�o�ly created parcel bein� zoned I-i, rather than sp1iT beheeen trvo zones. The proposed plat (attached) will bz schzduled at City Council for Apri125, 2001. i�'orthem Star will retain a a small lot that �cill continue to be zoned I-2. Its current buildin� stradles the border. A portion of the building is on the property that �vill be sold to CSVI (a freezer/cooler buildin� �vith a shared ��all) and this part ��•ill be demolishzd to accommodate the ne�v eonstniction. A preliminary site plan of ihe ne�c building is also attached. 2. A portion of the property that Northern Star is selling to CSM is polluted. CSM, «'orking �vith the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,has developed a plan for clean-up and has applied to the port Authority for tax inerement financin� assistance to heip pay for the clean-up casts. The proposed rezottin� to I-1 is in conformance with the Saint Paul Comprehensice Plan. Thz City's Land Use Plan (1999) includes policies that support cleaning up and redevelopin� contaminated industrial sites (Policy 7.5.1). moved by ��� UCBG�E'_� � in favor Kra�er � �� Un2nimous against . Zoning File #Ol-18Q-542 Page T�vo of Resolution 4. The proposed rezoning to I-1 is consistent and compatible with the �vay the area has developed � and will not have an adverse impact on the surcounding area. The property is surrounded on all four sides by industriat uses, and the rezoning will allow development of a ne�v officehvarehouse building that �cill be an addition to the Port Authoriry's West Gate Industriat Park. T'he new development �vill have access from the �Vest Gate Dr. cul-de-sac. - 5. The applicant submitted a sufficient petition signed by rivo-thirds of the property o�c�ners within one hundred (100) feet of the property to be rezoned (14 parcels eligible, 10 parcels needed, and 11 parcels sie ed). N01V, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Saint Paul Planning Commission that the petition of NORTHERN STAR CO. to rezone property at 1055 WEST GATE DRIVE, as legally described in the file,from a I-2 to a I-1 zoning classification is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan for the City; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul Planning Commission does hereby recommend to tlie Council of the City of Saint Paul that 1055 WEST GATE DRIVE be rezoned from I-2 to I-1 in accordance with the petition for rezoning on file with the Saint Pau( Department of Plannina and Economic Development. � � MWUTES OF THE ZONWG COMMITTEE Thursday, March 15, 2001 - 3:30 p.m. � � City Councii Chambers, 3'� Floor City Hali and Court House 15 West Kettogg Boulevard PRESENT: EXCUSEO: OTHERS PRESENT: Anfang, Alton, Faricy, Kramer, and Morton Field, Gordon, and Mardeil Peter Warner Caro! Martineau and Donna Drummond of PED � � -SS °t The meei+rtg was chaired by Commissioner Kramer. Northern Star Company - 07-180-542 - Rezone from I-2 to i-1 for new development. 1055 W est Gate Drive, 140 feet west of W est Gate cul-de-sac. • Donna Drummond showed slides and presented the staff report. Ms. Drummond stated the Zoning Staff recommends approvai of the rezoning and a letter was received from the St. Anthony Park Community Council in support of the replat and rezoning. She aiso stated LIEP is reviewing the site plan for the 98,000 square foot building. Mr. Mark Nordtand, CSM Corporation, appeared and siated there is no tenant commitment on this project due to a lack of time frame for the finished project. They are anticipating a high technology warehouse with 40 percent of the building being allocated for warehouse space and 60 percent for laboratory and technicai space. No one spoke in support or opposition. The hearing was closed. Commissioner Morton moved to approve the rezoning. Commissioner Alton seconded it. The motion passed by a vote 5 to 0. Adopted Yeas - 5 Drafted by: Nays - 0 Submitted by: Approved by: � � �� � ichard Kramer Chair � C�li�/l.l���/t��''�o��,t � Uo`^^.�_�'"""'"`" � Carol Martineau Donna Drummond Recording Secretary Zoning Section O 1-s.s� � ZONING COAtMITTSB STAFF RSPORT ___________________�_________ FILE # 01-180-542 � \I 1. APPLSCANT: NORTF�RN STAR CO 2. CLASSIFICATIONz Rezoning DATS OF HEARING: 03/15/O1 3. LOCATION: 1055 West Gate Drive (northwest of the West Gate cul-de-sac) 4. PLANNTNG DISTRICT: 12 (St. Anthony Park) 5. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: See file. 6. PRESENT ZONING: 2-2 Z027ING CODE REFERSNCE: §64.400 7. STAEF INVESTIGATION AND R&PORT: DATS: 03/07/O1 SY: Donna Drummond 8. DATfi RECSIVED: 2-16-01 DEADLINS FOR ACTION: 04/19/O1 A. PIIRPOSE: Rezone property from I-2 Industrial District to 2-1 Industrial District for construction of a 98,000 sq. ft. office/warehouse building. B. PARCBI, SIZB: The area to be rezoned totals 86,021 sq. ft. (1.97 acres) located approximately 140 west of the West Gate Dr. cul-de-sac. C. EXISTING LAND IISE: Industrial building owned by Northern Star Co. D. SVRROIINDSNG LAND IISE: North: Vacant property in an I-1 zone. East: Vacant property immediately east, and light industrial uses beyond in an I-1 zone. South: Light industrial uses in an I-1 zone. West: Northern Star Co. facility in an I-2 zone, and other industrial uses beyond in Minneapolis. E. ZONTNG CODS CITATION: Section 64.400(a) of the zoning code states in part, "the council may, from time to time, amend, supplement or change the district boundaries or the regulations herein, or subsequently established herein pursuant to the provisions of Minnesota Statutes Section 462.357 and amendments thereto as may be made from time to time. Trie planning commission may, from time to time, review district boundary lines to determine if, pursuant to state 2aws, such district boundary lines should be changed." Section 64.400(b) states in part, "an amendment to the zoning code may be initiated by the council, the planning commission or by petition of the owners of sixty-seven (67) percent of the area of the property to be ' rezoned." F. HISTORY/DISCIISSION: Northern Star Co. has also submitted an application to Zoning File #01-180-542 Page 2 replat the property to be rezoned, in order to create a la=ger single lot ` that will be sold to CSM Corp. for development of a new office/warehouse business center. G. DISTRICT COIINCSL RECOt�R�NDATION: The St. Anthony Park Community Council had not taken a position on the application as of the date of the staff report. H. FINDINGS• 1. The owner of the property, Northern Star Co., is a food manufacturer whose building stradles the border between St. Paul and Minneapolis. Northern Star intends to sell a portion of its property on the St. Yaul side to CSM Corp. for development of a new 98,000 sq. ft. officeJwarehouse building. A portion of the property to be sold is currently zoned I-2, and the balance is zoned I-1. Northern Star has also applied for a replat of this property to create a new larger lot that it will sell to CSM. The rezoning will result in the entire riewly created parcel being zoned I-1, rather than split between two zones. The proposed plat (attached) will be scheduled at City Council for April 25, 2001. Northern Star will retain a a small lot that will continue to be zoned I-2. Its current building stradles the border. A portion of the building is on the property that will be sold to CSM (a freezer/cooler building with a shared wall) and this part will be demolished to accommodate the new construction. A preliminary site plan of the new building is also attached. � 2. A portion of the property that Northern Star is selling to CSM is polluted. CSM, working with the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,has developed a plan for clean-up and has applied to the Port Authoxity for Cax increment financiag assistance to help pay for the clean-up costs. 3. The proposed rezoning to 2-1 is in conformance with the Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan. The City's Land Use Plan (1999) includes policies that support cleaning up and redeveloping contaminated industrial sites (Policy 7.5.1). 4. The proposed rezoning to I-1 is consistent and compatible with the way the area has developed and will not have an adverse impact on the surrounding area. The property is surrounded on all four sides by industrial uses, and the rezoning will a11ow development of a new ofPice/warehouse building that wi11 be an addition to the Port Authority's West Gate Industrial Park. The new development will have access from the West Gate Dr. cul-de-sac. p • icienC petition signed by two-thirds of 5 the pro pertytownerstwitHins ne hundred (100) feet of the property to be rezoned (14 parcels eligible, 10 parcels needed, and 11 parcels signed). I. STAFF RECOb4QENDATION: Based on Findings 1 through 5, staff recommends approval of the petition to rezone trie property Erom I-2 to I-1. � �� �i�S� PETITION TO AMEND THE ZONING CODE • � Departmeet of Plaxning aed Ecortornic Development Zoning Sectiorr I100 City Hal! Aaxer 25 West Fourth Street Saint Paul, MN 55101 266-b589 APPLICANT � Property Owner ��'�= St�r Co. S*xe�t S �. ,`� 57�st�ate �c (vacazt City �'`°�°�?ci Sf.�"°' Zip 5 � 1 �� Daytime phone �'�C!j� Contact person (if different) A`��` �'Of�` ' PROPERTY Addre LOCATION Leqai (attach addrtional � See stt�ch�. �. �b_t A. for l� - 4! ts-^'_z3`.io^_ de.r�i., _io�. of �ro�x*_y to C..- 70 THE HONORAB�E MAYOR AMD CITY GOUNCIL: Pursuant to Section 64.400 0£ the Saint Pau! Zoning Ordinance and to Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statues, "O�'-'r° Sr�r �O• , the owner of all the tand proposed {oT rezoning, hereby pe2itions you to rezone the above described property from a - zoning district to a 1 zoning district, for the purpose of: 'Ih? 1e�11y desa p�2�el- witl b� caabined throu�h platting with t2� 2.d�t �rcel wirich is zon�d T—I. R�a.onina t2� 7�11y d�a parcel fras Z-2 to I-1 wi11 aJ1ow tt� *_�'ca glatted �rnet to be z�Rd I-1. (attach additionaf sheet(s) if necessary) Attachments: Required site plan D Consent petition � Affidavit � �� ����� _2-(3� � suoscnoea ana swom io before me this � �h day of "°�n �r�, � ;�-x n200/ • ..-��� C ���� Notary Public 2 � � CAROLE A. LEONARD S � �� NOTARYPUBCIC.AIINNESOTA S FtY COMMISSION EXPIAES h31-P005 S B '/'tCt,j�' `��itt'�„� �ee owner of properfy Title: �'��� Page � of -_-_ --. _-._ -' CSM Corporation 2575 University Ave. W., #150 St. Paul, MN 55 1 1 4-1 024 February 13, 2001 City of St. Paul Dept. of Plazuiing-14"' Floor Attn: Allan Torstenson 25 West Fourth Street St. Paul, MN 55102 Re: Northern Star to CSM Investors II-Rezoning Application Dear Allen: � Please accept this petition to amend the zoning code. The follo«in� lists the required documents attached to this letter. � l. Petition to Amend the Zoning Code 2. Exhibit A: Legal Description of the uea to be rezoned 3. Exhibit B: Depiction of area to be rezoned 4. Check for rezoning application Fee 5. Zoning petition list 6. Affidavit of the Person Circulating the Consent Petition 7. Petition to Rezone-affidavit of Petitioner 8. Consent for rezonin from 12 of the 14 ro ett o e It is my understanding that submittal of the application at this time will put us on the agenda for the Mazch 15`" zoning committee and the March 23` planning commission meeting. Please call me with any questions at 651-603-7628. Thank you for considering our application. Sincerely, CSM Corporauon� Su�dt Project Architect n �J • C� • :e 2 O W� � OI � ti Q U � J � � � U u N E � c ;a'_ � O C V C a` � � h � n N d a C C t z rn N a N 3 f° oi N c ,O � � O � v � O j�j 3 3 � p � � 3 tn � o Z � .o y'C � � y �- U O 0 `a a 4 � O C ti � c �r tis � !, ' ��4"��N�S � � o�aoa��oo m0 w W 00 d � d3 a �,_ a ,c u e�.er N _ O .� p �... a c in m v � 'S �n °�•_ ' a a -in H m c y e ^ o � v � � O � Y � D d a °' y a; V N �t O'G Cl C O � y V O�i O� c�" �N � � C a rn N m �'C Q� �� ��." _ y y C t .0 O . O C> > O y � O� O W � C Q ".' C�W m o �'_ � �� m a c c ��. b ,�. s' � o= � V-Y c O N N U O.... 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Z Q�Y N � � d�a Y K � U U � � � QVOa5537�H �ba 0 a � O O K N N W U a � 3niY� � 31.v: • y3h� C `��� � d �, Y1� Y 2 �¢�( L.i � � • %O��L'r �� x�zo�zh� FIRST SUBMITTED DATE PETITIOc I SUBMITTED: �' I3'4 � DATE OFFICIALLY RECEIVED: �� � PARCL'-LS ELIGIBLE: /� PARCELSRBQUIRED: I d PARCELS SIGNEb: �•_ SCUP I�CUP RESUBMITTED DATE PETITIOi I RESUBhIITTED: ^ 0 �_�S`L DATE OFFICIALLY RECEIVED: " pARCEIS $LTGIBLE: PARCL•LS REQUIRED: PARCEIS SIG�.�'ED: CHECRED BX: � n�� ��"-1��G� DATE: ���� 'v ( ZCJNi�#C �1L� °� ! , ._ - - . . m AFFIDAVIT � OF PERSON CIRCULATiNG THE CONSENT PETITION STATE OF MfNNESOTA} COUNT`( OF RAMSEY) :SS � s uz�N�� �� ��P`.N3�1� + being first du{y sworn, deposes an�d stafes that helshe is the person who circulated the consenf petition consisting of � Pa9es; that affiant represents that the part9es described on the consent petition are a1f the respective owners of the properties placed immediafely before each name; that affiant is informed and believes that each of the parties described on the consent petition is an owner of the property which is within 100 feet of any prope[ty owned, purchased, or so{d by petitioner within one (1) year preceding the date of this petition which is contiguous fo the property described in tfie petiti {� nd that the signatures ase the true . and correct signatures of each and al! of the parties so described. �cGvtt' �• �°�GGG�' NAM L� lo CS�'''r (oRPo�A��a�r! a5�5 tJ�u ✓�g5��-r Av� c.�.,�r5�� sT Pauc. rnn1 55ri� ADDRESS c�5�—��3—��z TEI.EPHONE NUMBER Subscribed and swor o before me Zo �� this !4� day of r NOTARY � ��ud� . -p/��Ce� � ��� U �gG�(! ,.� e��� . ` JOAN M. KUSCHKE � � '�+.�.-'- IJOTARYpUBllC-MIHNES6SA � MyGamntE�i�ee.h�S pv � Page ( of � 1 /3/00• �u.Zqn��. �un�- f': . O t -SS � � �'�'z'I'X'ZON'z'O �2��OI�� ArrzA�.vz� or ���cz�zon�n ; S3 COtNTY OF RAMS�I' ) - Thc petitioner, ,��tL��t fJ1 `>�-er �.E' , being first duty� swo:n, deposes and _ stltes tliat Ute consent petition contains siQnatures from at least two-thirds ( oi atl eligible properties «•itliin 100 feet of 1!I property o��'ned, purdtased, or sold by petitioner t�'ithin one (1) year precedin� the date of titis p�tition ��'Itich is conti�uous to the property described in the petition; petitioner is informed that the consent petition nnist contain signahuzs from ezch and all o��'ners of jointl}'-o«•ned property in order to constitute eonsent from that property ai�d that failure to obtain consent front each �nd nit o��Tters could in�•atidate !he conseiit petition; p�titioncr belic�•es that the consent petition tvas signed by each of said 4ti�'ners aad that the sienitures 4re tite true and correct si�natures of eacli and nl! of the parties so described. STATE OF Mtt�TNESOTA) Subscribcd and s��•orn to beFore me this __[ �_ day of,�-���/ „�°200 / ���-�._ C,� , NOTAR)' PUBLIC • . . „t CAROLE A. LEONARD `+�`� NO7AAYPU&IGdINNE50TA .-Y MYCOMMISSIONFXPIRES1-31-2005 �� 9�=� 1.�. � ! ��c /`���y�nrr.f ItAME 3 t �) I (=,��f-� Sf � � � � � n; �S � ADD SS � ���— �I�- �fc'3�— TELEPHONE I� U� �BER P2ge � o� � 1131197 , • ... .�:. . . ti � .. , •.' '�: . •3 • ' . • :: • . . CX�'�' OT' S.f�.X1�T�' �'.A.'CTr+ CONSfiN'I'�OF AD30INING PROPERTX OWi�IERS FOR A ,REZONXNG We, the t+ndersigned, ownecs of tlte propetty tvitlti�t 1aQ feet af Q�e lotat contiguous description of reai estate oti�ned, purcl�ased, or sold by THE PETITIONGR within one year precedin� the date oE' this petition ncknowledge that we havc bccn presented n•ith ihc folloti�•ing: - ' - - - n .. 1. A copyoftlie petition oP (name of pctitioner) to rezone tltie property located at��K6�Cfn9RT�-1�t:RT - ANb AS L.E� from n Z�' zoning district to a Z" � zoning district. �SI�IB�t� DN EXf-118rT'f� 2. A copy of sections (DD. ln � � tl�rouoli �0�. � � 5, inctusive of tlie Saint Paul Zoning Code; and ncknowtedgc that we nre nwlrc of n41 of tl�e uscs parmitted in a T_ 1 zoning district and we are nware that any oPtltiesc uses cnn be estl6tished upon Ciry Couneil approval oPthe rezoning. 1Ve hercby.. . consent ro the remning of tlie property in the petition of; �pp�'��J?jN O� 14pj `O. to a�' � 2oniiig district. (Namc oEpetitioner) '1Vc conscnt fo ftie �pproval of fhis i•ezonind as it tivas explflined to us by fhe �PP�ic�nf or his/licr represenfafive. � 29- z9-23 Z3-a�3� TC�I CoROoP,�rionl zq-19-23-Z3-«�4�7"CLJ L'oRpoR�o� 29-Zg -23-23 -�30 S���i Co. 29-29-�33-�3-003/ �l�oR u�r�iR Cc�. ,' , � hOT�a This petition shall not be considered as officially filed until the lapse of seyen (7) �4orking days after it is received by the Planning Division. Any signato: of this p�tifion rnay withdra« his�eC name therefrom by �vritten request within that iime. •-'.>; .• . , z : . � ' ,•• .� : :;; : �'.. . ', • •''. ' ' : • e' •;•' = � � � .' � . D1=SS`! , _<- . - - - cx�c��o� s�.xh�c��.�x� _ = _• _ . .,. CONSENT•OF AD30INING PROPERTX�OWNERS FOR A� � � � �E201�.�N. G .. We, the undersigned, o�mcrs of tlie propecty �vidiin 1D0 fat oFihc total contiguous dcser�ption of real estate o�med, purc0ued, or sold by THE PETITIQi IER tivithin one year precedin,� the date_ of this peticion �cknotivledoe fliat �ve ltavc becn preset�ted witii 2he follotiei��g: - NORTH�RN -STAR C0. �; I. A copyof tlu petition nF �name oFpetitioner) torezoaetlicpropetty]oeatedat,T„�,,, �4;ma'ra loration d�p ;�tad on Exhibi�_�.�fiown sha � and as legally described on Exh�b�t A froni � I-2 zoninodistrict to a I-1 zoningdistrict. -_ •. 2, p copy of sections 60.610 through 60.615 � inetusiva of the Saint Paul Zoning and aeknotivlcdge tliat �vo nra nware of nll oF Uu uses pamicted in a�' zonino oistrict and �ve are aware tliat any oE dusc usES cnn be ostnbtistied upon City Counci! approval of the rezonins._ ,1Ve heroby ,.. consent to the rczoning oFthe propaty in thc p�tition oF; NORTHERN STAR.CO. to � I-1 zoniiigdistrict. ' (Alame of petitioner) tiyc conscnt to flic �pproval of fhis rczoninb as it �vas expl�ineci to us by the � �zpplic�nt or hisllicr represenf�tive. nnierss a��tN e Rr• reno� r•.n . t�VAr rRr•. n r• ` �14RL B�L�nlb��'1 � Cp D./ a9-a9- �3-a� _ 0008 ��,�p Son15 C�mPAn .OA i.�f..._/ n � .� � � ,: � � , - hOx .- (!s et tp on shall not be considered as o�ciallY of this it on rimay withdra ��hiSJh � days after it is received by thePlanning Division. Any s�g P� ,;`: _ name therefcom by vaitten request tivithin that iime. . .,' :. L _ �S ± rZ' �l. . ' i.���... � �•1���� � � �. • � �� • ��� - - - = � ci���� o� s.A.x��c ���:x� . � s• . � . � �3 CONSEt�IT•OP AD70INING PROP�RTX�OWNERS FOR A : . � � �z�zo�xNC ._ We, the wtdersigned, owncrs of the propeKy �vithin l00 feetoftlu tolal contigaous deseription of real estate o�vned, purdiased, or sold by TIiE PETITSO�IGR �vithin one year preeadin� the date_of this petition aeknotivledge tl�at we I�ave bcen preset�ted tti'ith tGc folto�ti'�no: ' i. A copy of the petition of � 60. 615 � icicfusive of the Saint Paul Zoning_Code; and 2, Aeo�yofsections 60.610 titrouoh,�_ I-I zoningdistrictandweare t�cknawicdgc that �ve nra n�varo of ail of the uses permated in a a�vare that any of these uses ean be estlblislud upon City Couneil appcoval oE tlu rtzonins•_ We hereby eonsent to thc rczonino of the property in thc petition of; to n 1-1 zoni�ig district. NORTHERN STAR_C0. . (l�Iame oF petitioner) NORTH�RN.STAR C0. (name of pctihoneq totezonetlsepropertyTocatedat„ im Te loc tion deoicted on Exhib�t 8"� shac and as legally described on -Exh�bit A froma I-2 zoninodistricttoa I-1 ?oningdisErict. _ . • � � a9-��-a�-aa -�� I�pT�; This petition shall notbe considered as otttctauy n�:u uu«< «<�.aY�� -- --: -• daysafteritisreceivedbythePlanningAivision. Anysignzto:offhispetitionri�aywithdratis;his�er name fheretrom bY �'n►�ten request �vithin that time. ••',:. �Ye conscnt fo flic �pproval of this z'czoning as it �vas explained fo us by the ��PP�icant or hisllier rcpresentafivc. - l��TC_ � z' •T ' 4 ��� r.: a• . •� •..'� �;' • � , � :..i.�^ ' � . ' � ... ... . . .�`� .t. . - - - � cz���o� s.A.xhx ��.�:x� � . � �= b �-SSq CONSENT•OF AD30INING PROP�RTX�OWNERS FOR A ; •. � � RE,ZONII�G We, tiie tmdersigited, otivncrs of tt3e property �vidiin 100 feet oFtlic lotal eontiguous deseription of real estate o�vned, purcliased, or sold by THE PETITIO�IER widiin one year pceccdin� tlie date of this petition acknotivtedge titat tve have been pcesocited u•ith the follosti•ino: - F NORTH�RN -STAR C0. '; 1. ?: copy of die petuion o (name of petitionec) forezonethepropertylocatedat ��r a���x' lo� deoicted on Exhibit�hr_�wn sha and as legally descr�bed on Exh�blt A p� I_p zoningdistricttoa I-1 zoningc�istciet. _ •- Z. A eopy of sectians 60. 610 tl�rough 60. 615 , icielusivo of thc Saint Paul Zoning 2od nckno�vlcdge that we nre nwnra of t�!! of die uscs pamitted in a I' 1 zonino distcict and tve are ntivnre titat any of those us�s ean be estabtisl�ed tepon City Covneil approvnl of d�e razoning. \Ve hercby _.. eonsent to the rczonino of the properiy in thc petition of; NORTHERN STAR.CO. tp � I-1 zoni�iodistrict. . ' (Nzme of petitioner) �Ye consent to flic �pproval of fhis i•czoninb as if �vas explained fo us by the � �pPlicant or his/lier represenf�tivc. . ICNAT 1R� n �' I ` noitr•s� ai�.�.� � Rr• Rno� r:a i � 2(08(O� �� aq-aq-.a3-a.�- 0033 �sm ��v�sTo�s, ,Nc ` � p � \ halt not be considered as ofricially fil.d untd the lapse of s y i n(7) tis ork�ng �nOx�: This petition s . daysafteritisreceivedbythePlanningDivision. Anyszgaato:ofthispe,itionmay�vithdcau`hislher name ihereErom by written request �vithinthatiime. . ..,: ' • 5 • ti y�•'��: . � • '�.�' - .. . ..`• • . • .. � . L • .. y't' :i. : •• ... x } . • V J.�� � OJ.' i.�FJ.J.J. \ J. �� V J.1 • .' t i CONSENT'•OF AD30INING PROP�RTI''OWNERS FOR A � . � . . �z�zoNxNC � �Ye, the tntdersigned, o�vners of the propefty �vithin 100 fcet of ttie to�al contiguous description oF real estate otvned, purctiased, or soid by TFIE PETiTtO, IER tvithin one year precedin� the date. of this petition �cksiotivledoe Ehat we linve bccn presented �vidi the follotiv�ng: NORTHERN -STAR C0. �, A copy oPdie pettt�ott oF sha (name to reione tlic property located at '"' "• "' - "�' and as legally described on�.Exhibit A froiu n -�2 zonino district fo a I-___ 1 ioningc�istrict. . •. 2, A copy oCseetions 60. 610 tiirouoh 60.615 , icietusive of dtie Saint Paut Zoning_Code; and ncknotvlcdgc tliat �vo nro n�vare of n1! oEthe uses parmiued in a T-1 zontno district and tve are ntiv;erc that any oFtliesc uses can be estnblishtd upon Ciry Counci{ approval oEtlie rezoning,__�`1e hereby .._ eonsent to the rezoning of ttu properry in thc potition oF, NORTHERN STAR.CO. ta1 1-1 zoni�iodistrict. . - (Name of petitionar) '�Ve conscnf to flie �pproval of fhis t•ezoninb as it �vas expl�ined to us 6y fhc ��pP]icant or hisliicr represent�fivc. _ �}�°! a9- �9_a 3 - �?� _ 0010 e ` . I�pT�; ThispetitionshallnotbeconsidUfvisionoAnysig zto ofthispett onm }�vithdra} , daysafteritisreceivedbythePlann g _ •; �:,` name thetefrom by ttn'itten request �vithin that iimc. ..,: , ' �� � � . ' . � , .ti,'» � •_ , • z c - ' ti �'7:�C`:�. �.. , ; • •.�_ e• � . � : ' . • 1 Y � L (��{� � A A Y f 7 1 T � ' . ' Y!� �+� !` ' O� �I J��� �A J� V N • • CONS�N'T'•OF A.D30INING PROPERTI'�OWNBRS FOR A. � �. � ��zo�.r�vc i i. ft copyof ii�c pehuon oF (name j i b 1'S S� '3 W e, the undecsigned, owners of ttie propefty tivithin } 00 feet of the totat contiguous deseciption of reat estate o�vned, purel�ased, or soid by THE PETITIO�iL•R evithin ont yeu preceditt� the date tlzis petiEion lcknoivledge tiiat tve ttave boeti gresented tivith tiie fo!lo�ving: � NORTH�RN -STAR C0. � ; • V V1� �� � ..�• to rezone thc property located ai _ and as legally described on�.Exhibit A from � I-2 zoning district to a I-1 zaningdistrici. _ -� , inclusive oFtlie Saint Paul Zoning Code; and 2, p copy of sections 60.�_ through 60. 615 I _ 1 zoning dist�ict and tve are r.cknotivlcdge tl�at we �ro nwaro of nll of th� uses pumitted in a s y nware tliat any of tt�esc tisds ean be establishmd tipon Ciry Couneit appcovat oF tli� cezonin 1Ve hercb ... conseut to the rezonino oF the property in tlie petition of; NORTHERN STAR.CO. to;� I- � zoni�igdistrict. � (Alamo of patitioner) �'Ye consent to tlic �pproYa] of fhis rczoninb as if tivas expl�ine8 fo us by the �pp]icanf or hislher representative. �rlDlIS7RIgL L. � a9. FiP lNDt157R+qL Ll`� � sha :. np�'�; This pekitian stial! not be considered as offtcially oFthis itPon may �vithdra S daysafteritisreceivedbythePlann�ngDivision.Anys�S P� . .: _ name thereFrom by tivritten request within that iime. ••::, o�-ssa 1. SUNRAY-BATTLECREEK 2. HAZHL PARK HAI�EI�I-PROSPERTTY HILLCREST 3. WEST SIDE 4. AAYTODI'S BLUFF 5. PAYNE•PkiA.LEN 6. NORTH END �. THOMAS-DALE 8. SUMMIT-UNIVEItSTTY • 9, WEST SEVENT.Ei 10. COMO . HAMLTNE-MTDWAY � 22. ST. ANIT-IONY PARK MERRIAM PARK-LEXINGTOi�i HAhB,LNE-SNELLIh`G H.4ML�'E 14. MACALES"I'ER GROVELAND 15. HIGHLAND 16. SUMMIT HILL �/� �,��C 17. AOWNTOWN � Q�' �W � CITTZEN PARTICIFATION PIAIdtZR`IG T)ISTRiCTS � �� � ��� �� � �.� 11 y q J i�' 11 � fy f �� a ,; 1 f -1���.._� �� I 1 �c �I,: � � Y� �� _ � V�i✓ '- __.1C i ', • ' _r` � �' � 11 !�. �, �' .::�`S R ;: _ n . = L. _J �_ �. .` � � = -� � � �� � �� 1:,:...�—_�--� ;.g`: � r � � 1 :.�� �_ � ��'^C_� �,� ,;�', � ��; ���1��� �������, � . ;;;�;,�_t ,�• �..�, f ,Z ..., �`j „ tir i .V�.1,\�:�. �6� •� c � I• i.�\ L'� ... _ " —__—_' — _�_:-��• i ( �S�' / � t ': � ' J k � � ` `��'�.1 t ..,� ca-; �� : ' •• vs r �"�G . 4 'R � � �.� .. 1 _. J i �,�.. ^ 't 9 � Y ` � 1 �� _� r . ` � . � _...•' �� �t }, - — i �') 1 �♦ �` �` �\�f.� /� .... 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' �� '.:1_:�j.:.:+.r,.. ; — � =-;----� � `-=-=-----. • � — `C f�ip , `� � � .�. Q P���R-t:-.--. -.- .r ( � P t � ;� � �� � � v , f i�� �; �r- �, �, �, , �. �L t � �� �' � , 0 � ��; � ._ �- � � 7 � � �i � � ' , �� � T �� I ° t� � , ' � F,Q� `'� " \ , � ' o • l, % , /T , , ! , ,, � � , u ;,� p Ri �,.i �(,.{,��� i _ � � ��. �. : ,.�� �•. A - \< � APr L(C<�`iT Of 1`�'K �.� LEG�N� Pu�=os=.��- �' Z T ' - � � ....,� zoniny distr;_, tou:�dz:g � �4/�" ( �V �./ l � DkTE �+ t V � � , � sub;ect p;or>:�y . PLNG. D1ST -� tilAP K o one lamily c � fxOlamily �9� � .�'�°�' ��Q muit�pi� tz:aEt, _ � � . � _ i . Iti'°i T \ '\/ /% �---�- I�� � ---o _ ' I � �� ��j� 0 0 : o ; o ' -o- i ( n . . r .0 �,� • ♦ �' CO��n�_ / �...-_ indtt[;:i " V v's1Cgn; V �j �