01-501,rks��c�r� v�.f�:� Mrrs� G_s1-et Council Fi1e #� O�-5�\ �'f�(��(�,�,� r 5��100� Ordinance # � L,;,.r,�� 18'S� n,r,.,._, rs...,.« Presented By Referred To Committee: Date tfl��zu 2 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING LEGISLATIVE CODE CHAPTERS b0 AND 61 ANA THE ZONING MAPS AND REGULATIONS PERTAINING THERETO WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Planning Commission made a survey of those areas along the downtown riverfront currently zoned RCR-1, RCG1, or RCI-1, for the purpose of considering amendments to the Zoning Code, and determined that: 1) the study area was at least 40 acres in size; 2) the number of real estate descriptions affected by the amendments rendered obtaining written consent impractical; and 3) the proposed amendments aze related to the overall needs of the community, to existing land use or to plans for future land use, as stated in the River Comdor Plan and Land Use Pian chapters of the City's Comprehensive Plan, and the Saint Paul on the Mississippi Development Framework; and WFIEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on the "Downtown Riverfront 40-Acre Zoning Study" on April 13, 2001 and, after considering public testimony, 1) found the "Downtown Riverfront 40-Acre Zoning Stud}� consistent with the Saint Paul Comprehensive Pian, and the Saint Paul on the Mississippi Development Framework; and 2) recommended on April 27, 2001 ihat the Zoning Code be amended as per the 40-Acre Study; and 20 WHEREAS, the City Council held a public hearing on June 6, 2001, notice of which was published in 21 the Saint Paul Pioneer Press on May 20, May 27, and June 3, 2001; and 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3Q 31 32 S3 '�4 5 WT-IEREAS, the City Council of the City of Saint Pau1 desires to amend the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to zoning for ihe City of Saint Paul by making the following text changes: THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 That Saint Paul Legisiative Code Chapter 60 is amended as follows: Sec. 60.300. Districts established. SPECIAI, DISTRICTS i�' 7 s � 2 3 'A1 .� 41 Sec. 60.305. More restrictive or less restrictive districts. ���$O t 42 43 When the code refers to more restrictive districts or less restrictive districts, the districts in order from 44 more to less restrictive are: R-LL, R-1, R-2, R-3, R-4, RT-1, RT-2, RM-1, RM-2, RCR-1, RM-3, OS- 45 1, B-1, B-2C, ��, B-2, B-3, B-4, B-5, RCI-1, I-1, I-2, I-3. The P-1 district shall be as restrictive as 46 the district for which the P-1 district provides accessory pazking. 47 ,, , Section 2 50 That Saint Paul Legislative Code Chapter b0 is amended as follows: 51 52 n .. . . c �n ��n nrrr+ � n..'__' �+'__ e�__ r+_'_ _ _ __ _> r� ._ •_. UU[/UFVLJLV/L J. UV.lVO. Z�C. 53 54 . . . . 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 �� _ , . '.• : :. : . :.:.: : , . � . .. . - . :. . . . . :� : :. . ; . .. . . . . : : . . .. . .. : .. : :. : . :� . .. : ::: : •. � : : . : : . : :. . : . . . .. : .� :. : . :� : .. . : . .� : . . : : . : . .. . : . : .:•:: � .: - . .: . . : : - . . . . . .. : : . :� � . : : . " .. : : .. . .: : . : .. . .� . . : .: • 73 . . . . 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 31 �,�. . . � ;:: : . . : - . . : : .: : : . : .. : � : . . : . . : : . . .. - - . .: . - : .. . . : : : . : :� : :.. .• . .• . � : � : - . .: . . . .: . .:� : : .. : . � : . : .. . . � : :� : : ... : ,� : :. .: . . . . , . : . .:. .. ;� . . = .. :. . :. : . . .. .: � . . : .: :. . . :. .. : - . . =. : . � . � :. : . . . . . .. : . : . . :. : _'__'__w.ri:�-`u.odu�uv�wa�ni.��n�s:Tn�i�ewz.i:i �i:�wnnn.�nwia:ieiin�uiwwi�w 92 93 . . . . ol- Sot ., � �ti1��w1�w),I���ll$�l�l w��tSbr�l�liDl��I�IUR�ib�G���4Ml�UJ � - � i.� i :� G " - i - - • • i - 96 97 . . . . 98 99 - . 100 101 102 . . 103 - 104 105 106 107 108 _. .. : : .: . : : . : . � • .. . .. . .- . . . . .. :. :.: . : • : . : . : : : : . : ::: - . .. .:. � .. .� . .. ... .. .. ... . 109 . . . . 110 111 . . 112 113 . . . , . 114 115 116 117 113 119 120 .. .. . :. . . .. : . . n��n:au�i�uu.�unu�+ia�rsr.mi��wia�wn.�nr.n��num�i�n�rii�s•i�i.�mui..n:r.�n����ui�iiimuamnnnum�•r.ni • i� Section 3 121 That Saint Paul Legislative Code Chapter 60 is amended as follows: 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 (39 �40 41 42 Subdivision 2. 60.520. OS-2 General Off ce-Service District Sec. 60.524. Principal uses subject to special conditions. The followang additional uses shall be permitted, subject to the conditions hereinafter imposed for each and subject to the standards specified for all special condition uses as set forth in section 64.300(d). All principal uses permitted subject to speciai conditions shall be reviewed and approved by the planning commission. (1) Retail businesses that supply commodities on the premises, as allowed in the OS-2 district section 60.522(2), with more than 10,000 square feet of gross floor area. (2) Buildings over ' , fifty (50) feet in hei t, subject to the following conditions: a. Critical �v_iews and vistas from public rights-of-way and open spaces shali be retained, especially between the bluffs and the river and between the river valley floor and the bluffs. Critical views and vistas shall be as defined in the Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan and anv other views determined to be critical bv the planning administrator. Applicants sha11 provide the planning commission an�x�ysis , . detailed 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 o t-SO l plans of the prouosed building{s) and, far each view for which a view stud is prenazed, at least ttie following: 1) detailed information regarding the heieht and width of the proposed building(sl. including the hei t of roof peaks and rooftop structures, as well as the erade elevarion(s�; 2) detailed information re ag rdin t� he hei t of si�ificant landmarks and/or geo .p�aphical features: 3) a series of photog�aphic unages showin¢ "before" (as is) and "after" (with the proposed structures) conditions: and 4) a comparison of the view unpact of a building(s� 50 feet in height at the proposed location with the view irnpact of the proposed buildine(sl exceedine 50 feet in heieht. Based on the s�ecifics of each case. the plannin¢ commission mav request additional information. The view points, views and vistas shall be accurately�ortrayed in the view studies and clearlv marked as to direction, view station point, view ternunus, and significant landmarks andlor aeoeranhical features. In determining imroact. the planning commission shall make findines related to the followin� � � � � the accuracy of the information presented in the view studies and compliance with the reauirements above: the extent to which critical views and vistas are retained or affected� the impact on views and vistas of theportion�sl of the building(s) that exceeds 50 feet in heieht: and mitigating actions bv the applicant to minimize imnact on critical views and vistas. b. No building shall exceed ' ninet 90 feet in height. ; •-�'-�-��: No above-�ound parking buildin�s shail exceed sixty-five 65�feet in height. (3) Above-�ound parking buildings over forty-five (45) feet in height, subject to the condition that no such building shall exceed sixty-five (65) feet in height. (4) Cellular telephone antennas located on a&eestanding pole, as regulated in the OS-1 district, section 60.514(5)a. through h. (5) Accessory buildings, shuctures and uses customarily incident to the above uses. 177 Sec. 60.524.1 Principal uses subject to special conditions; Exception. 178 174 1$0 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 l88 '89 90 91 92 93 The provisions of section 60.524(2) of this chapter shall not apply to developments for which a master plan has been adopted by the City Council of the City of Saint Paui as of the effective date of this ordinance amendment and for which there is a signed, approved redevelopment agreement with the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul as of the effective date of this ardinance amendmentx �rovided that final design plans are presented to the city council prior to staff approval and �at such projects vnll, to the extent reasonably possible, �allo�v the design guidel'anes of ihe Sustainable Decisions Guide for C�ty�Sau�G�atzl �`aE�2zties or other �sustainable development guidelines. 194 195 Section 4 196 197 That Saint Paul Legislative Code § 61.103 is amended as follows: 198 ZOO Sec. 61.103. Business distiicts. b�-So1 2 1 Zoning Minimum Size Maximum Minimvm Yard Setback Maximum Floor 2 Distsict Lot Siae Per Height (Per Lot in Feet) Percent of Aiea Unit of Structuies Lot Ratio Occupied (E'AR) Axez WidtS Sn S^ Fror�t Sice 3ezr By Main Ston e'eet Suilding Souare Feet es Geet Mini- Total r.mm o£ Two 2�3 61.103 ZO BUSINESS ZOS DISTRICTS 2.o OS-2 none none 6 e fi�i 50 0 g b b b,c none 3.0 2�� Geneial e 20 O£fice- 2,� Service L1U 211 Notes to 61.103 Business Districts: 212 .... 213 214 (e) The height of structures in an OS-2 General Office-Service District may exceed sr�{fi}s�eries� 215 si�N�(�3j fi 50 feet in height, subject to conditions under seation 60.524. The height of above 216 ground parking buildings in an OS-2 General Office-Service District may exceed forty-five (45) feet in 217 height, subject to the coiiditions under section 60_524(3). 218 219 Section 5 220 221That sheet no. 29 of the zoning maps of the City of Saint Paul, maintained as part of the Saint Paul Legislative 222Code and incorporated by reference in Section 60301 of the said code, aze amended by changing the zoning 223classification for the following properties: 224 225PIN NLTMBER ADDRESS LEGAL DESCRIPTION 226NORTH BANK 227 228 RCI-1 tQ I-1 229 230122823110005 501 Shepard Road SUBJ TO SHEPARD RD & SUBJ TO HIGH BRIDGE ROW & 231 NO PART OF VAC HILL ST AND MCMILLAN ST AD7 & EX 232 LEVEE & EX A 700 FT MOL UNION OIL PARCEL ADJ TO 233 5HEPARD RD; THE FOL; PART OF GOVT LOTS 1& 2 LYING 234 NWLY OF SELY LEVEE L1NE LYING SWLY OF SWLY LINE 235 OF HIGH BRIDGE ROW LYING SELY OF NWLY ROW LINE 236 OF SHEPARD RD LY1NG ELY OF A LINE DESC AS BEC� AT 237 MOST NELY COR OF TRACT B RLS 441 TH N 27 DEG 32 238 MIN OS SEC W 70.26 FT TH N 33 DEG 34 MIN 26 SEC E 68.22 239 FT TH 1�3 27 DEG 02 MIN 30 SEC W AND BLKS 4 THRU BLK ?40 6 ?41 >,42 !43 244 245 246 RCI-1 to OS-2 247 248012823440069 249 250 251 252 253 254012823440070 255 256 257 258 259 260062822320074 261 262 263 264 265 266062822320078 267 268 2b9062822310010 270 271 272 273 274062822320084 275 276 277 278 279 28006282231005 281 282 283 284062822320079 285 286062822320039 287 288 28906282232003800 290 291 292 293062822310007 294 295 296062822310004 297 l98 0 �•S�p1 Unassigned PART NWI.Y OF JOINT R/W O C M ST P& P RY & C ST P M & O RY CO & SELY OF BERNI�EIMERS ADD (SUBJ TO IIWY ESMT FOR NEW HIGH BRIDGE) IN SEC i TN 28 RN 23 Unassigned A STR1P OF LAND BEING TFIE FORMER MPLS FARIBAULT & CEAAR VALLEY RY R/W (NOW MILWAtJKEE R/W) ACROSS SE114 OF SE lf4 (SUBJ TO HWY ESMT FOR NEW HIGH BRIDGE)IN SEC 1 TN 28 RN 23 0 Elm Street Unassigned Unassigned TFIAT PART OF BLK 68 WHICH IS INCLUDED WIT'HIN A S'i'RIP I 1 FT WIDE ACROSS SD BLK THE SIDE LINES OF WHICH STRIP ARE PAIL TO AND DISTANT RESPECTIVELY 7 FT AND 18 FT NWLY FROM CL OF 30INT MAIN TRACK OF C M ST PANDPRRANDCSTPMANDORYCOS EX PART DEEDBD FOR ST AND EX PART USED FOR RR PURPOSES BLK 69 X SELY 7 FT PART OF BLK 40 WLY OF CL OF JO1NT MAIN TRACKOFCMSTPANDPRRANDCSTPMANDORYCOS OF BLK 40 Unassigned VAC ST ACCRUING & THE FOL;A 28 FT JOINT RY RlWACROSS BLKS 36 37 39 & 40 BEING BOUNDED BY TWO LINES ONE 7 FT NWLY & THE OTHER 21 PT SELY OF & PAR W ITH CL OF JOINT MAIN TRACK OF C M ST P& P RR & C ST P M& O RY COS ACROSS BLKS 36 37 39 & BLK 40 Unassigned Unassigned Unassigned Unassigned 193 Chestnut St. Unassigned SUBJ TO SPRING LANE PART OF VAC WALNUT ST ADJ AND OF BLK 47 AND 48 NWLY OF CL OF SPRING LANE ACROSS BLKS 48 AND BLK 47 16856 SQ FT MOL USED FOR RR R/WS IN BLK 69 EX NWLY 61 FT PART SELY OF CL OF JOINT MAIN TRACK OF C MSTPANDPRRANDCSTPMANDORYCOSOFBLK 40 SELY 40 FT OF NW1,Y 61 FT OF PART OF BLKS 37 39 AND 40 SELY OF CL OF JOINT MAIN TRACT OF C M ST P AND P RR ANU C 5T P M AND O RY ACKOSS BLKS 37 39 AND BLK 40 SELY 16 FT MOL OF NWI.Y FT MOL OF SWLY 24 FT MOL OF NELY 52 FT MOL OFLOT 12 BLK 47 SELY 16 FT MOL OF NWLY 31 FT MOL OF SWLY 24 FT MOL OF NELY 52 FT MOL OF LOT 12 BLK 47 299 300 301062822320020 302 303 304 305062822320036 3Q6 307 308 309 310062822330006 311 312062822320093 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320062822320037 321 322 323062822310012 324 325 326 327 328 329 330062822320032 331 332 333062822320084 334 335062822320033 336 337 338 339 3400b2822320030 341 342 343 344062822320075 345 34b 347 348 349 S50 �51 52 53 54 0 l. $9�, Unassigned VAC ST ACCRiTING & NWI,Y 32 FT OF SELY 50 FT OF PART OF BLK 36 NWLY CL OF JOINT MAIN TRACK C M ST P& P RR & C ST& O RY BEING P ART OF 5 6 7& LOT 8 BLK Unassigned EX NWLY 61 FT AND EX SELY OF L 8 5/1 O FT MOLSELY FROM CL OF TRACK 86 DESC IN DOC 1274662 PART BLK 39 SELY OF CLOFCMSTPANDPRRAI3DCSTPMAND O RY COS TRACK ACROSS BLK 39 Unassigned LOT A [Inassigned EX PART IN LEASE NO 26415; VAC ST ACCRiTiNG & FOL. NWLY 82 FT OF NWI.Y %z OF 70INT RR R1W THRU BLK 37 & THAT PART OF LOT 10 NWLY OF SD RR R/W & THAT PART OF LOTS 11 & 12 LYING NWLY OF RR Rf W& SELY OF A LINE BEG 6 FT SELY OF MOST WLY COR OF LOT 11 TO THE NELY LINE OF LOT 12 AT A POINT 23.1 FT SE FROM MOST NLY COR OF LOT 12 BLK 37 Unassigned - PART OF LOTS 5 AND 6 SELY OF L 8 5/1 O FT MOL SELY OF CL OF SPUR 86 ACROSS BLK 39 266 Shepard Rd. EX NWLY 99 FT FOR F U G T A TRACT AND SHEPAR.D RD PART OF GOVT LOTS 4 AND 5 OF BLKS 46 THRU 44 ffiCE AND II2VINES ADD E1ND BET RUN SELY AT RA WITH SELY OF SD BLKS FROM S COR OF LOT 1 O BLK 46 AND FROM INTBRSECTION WITH S L GOVT LOT 4 ALL SEC 6 TN 28 RN 22 Unassigned 343 Spring St. EX SELY 50 FT OF LOT 1 SELY OF TRACKS 77 AND 86 AND NLY OF TRACK 94 DESCRIBED IN DOC 1274662 BLK 38 SELY 50 FT LOT 1 BLK 38 Unassigned EX LEASE NO 79886 BEING 12000 SQ FT IN SW COR OF BLK 38 & EX 5ELY 50 FT LOT 1 AND EX PART SELY OF TRACKS 77 AND 86 AND NLY OF TRACK 94 AS DESC IN DOC 1274662 ALL BLK Unassigned EX NWLY 61 FT PART OF BLK 3� 5ELY OF CL OF JOINT MAIN I'RACKOFCMSTPANDPRRANDCSTPMANDORYCOS ACROSS BLK 37 Unassigned A STRIP OF LAND 28 FT OVER AND ACROSS BLK 68 BEING BOiJNDED ON NWI,Y BY A L 7 FT NWLY FROM AND PAR TO THE CL OF THE MAIN TRACK OF SD RR COS AND BOiJNDED ON SELY SIDE BY A L 21 FT SELY FROM AND PAR THE ABOVE MENTIONED CL 355 356 357062822320034 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365062822320076 366 367 368012823410097 369 370 371062822320091 372 373 374 375062822320077 376 377 378062822320092 379 380 381 382062822310013 383 384 385 386 387 388 389062822320035 390 391 392 39306282232Q040 394 395 396 347 398012823410096 399 400 401 302 �03012823440082 t04 405 RCR-1 to OS-2 �06 07062822320072 08 09062822320094 10 0 � - sa\ Unassigned Unassi�ed 0 Wilkin St. 0 Elm St. Unassigned Unassigned Unassigned Unassigned Unassigned BEG AT SW COR OF BLK 38 Tf3 NE ON SE LINE 240 FT MOL TO N LINE OF RR PROPERTY TH WLY ON SD N LINE I 15 PT MOL TO PT 25 FT SE AS MEAS AT RA FROM CL OF RR CO'S FIRST SPUR TRACK Wf�ICH LTES NW SPRING ST TH SW PAR WITH SD SPUR TRACK lA0 FT TO PT ON W LINE OF SD BLK & 50 FT MOL NW FROM BEG TH TO BEG CONTAINING 12000 SQ FT MOL IN BLK 38 II3 THE CITY OF ST PAUL REVISED DE5CRIPTION NLIMBER 651 A SPECIFIC PART BLK 6& A TRIANGULAR TRACT IN THE SE COR OF LOT 7 BEING 20 FT ON WILKIN ST ANU 30 FT ON LEASE NO 26915 CONTAINING 10600 SQ FT MOL OVER PART OF LOTS 6& 7 BLK 37 DAYTON & IRVINES ADD & IN SD IRVINES ENLARGBMENT OVER PART OP LOTS 8 THRU LOT 12 IN THE CITY OF ST PAUL REVISED DESCRIPTION NUMBER 652 A SPECIFIC PART OF BLK EX PART IN LEASE NO 26915; PART OF BLK 68 SELY OF SISTERS OF THE GOOD SHEPARDS SUB & NWLY OF LINE 18 FT NWLY OF & PAR TO CL OF 30INT RY MAIN TRACK SUBJ TO SHEPARD RD SLOPES AND EX PART IN FARMERS IJIVION GRAIN TERMINAL LEASE RIPARIAN RIGHTS ACCRUING AND A TRACT BET SD RD MISSISSIPPI RIVER FROM EXTENDED N L OF BLK 4KINNEY BOND AND TRADERS ADDITION TO CL OF EAGLE BEING PART OF SECS 6 AND 7 SEC 6 T'N 28 RN 22 VAC ST ACCRUING & NWLY i l FT OF SELY 18 FT OF BLKS 36 37 & 39 NWLY OF CL OF JOINT MAIN TRACK OF C M ST P& P RR & ST P M& O RY COS ACROSS BLKS 36 37 BLK 39 PART OF LOTS 8 9 AND 10 SLY OF L RTJN FROM E COR OF LOTI O TO A PT ON SWLY L OF AND 30 FT FROM S COR OF LOT TH TO PT ON SWLY L OF r1ND 85 FT NWI,Y FROM S COR OFLOT 9 TH TO W COR OF LOT 8 ANU ALL LOT 7 BLK 49 0 Wilkin St. PART OF LOTS 6 AND 7 OF A L 50 FT NWLY FROM AND PAR TO THE CL OF C M ST P AND P RR EX A TRIANGULAR TRACT IN THE SE COR BEING20 FT ON WILKIN ST AND 30FT ON GOODRICH BLK 7 0 Wilkin St. Unassigned 266 Chestnut St. LOTS I THRU LOT 8 EX PART DEEDED FOR ST BLK 70 SUBJ TO 5HEPARD RD VAC WALNUT & SHERMAN STS ADJ & FOL EX LOT 12 BLK 41 OF BLKS 47 & 48 SELY OF RUN 152 FT 411 412 413 414 415 416 41� 418 419 42006282233QOQ1 421 422 423 424 425 RCR-1 to R-4 426 427062822240023 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435062822310001 436 437 438 434 440 441062822310003 442 443SOUTH BANK 444 445 RCC-1 to OS-2 446 447052822230031 448 449052822230029 450 451 452052822230030 453 454052822230032 455 456052822230028 457 458052822230027 459 160 �61 162052822230033 463 �64052822230034 65 66 NELY FROM W OF LOT 6 BLK 48 & ON N WLY L OF SD BLK TH NELY IN STRAIGHT L TO E COR OF LOT 1 BLK 47 & LOTS 1 6 t-S`� TFIRU 6, 11 & 12 BLK 49 ALSO PART OF LOT 8 N OF L RUN FROM W COR OF LOT 8 TO PT ON NELY L OF & 85 FT FROM E COR LOT 8 ALSO BEG AT S COR OF BLK 47 TH SWLY ON NWLY L OP WATER ST TO S COR OF LOT 12 BLK 49 TH SELY 12 FT ON EXT SWLY L OF SD LOT 12 TH NELY 247.5 FT TO PT SEC 6 TN 28 RN 22 345 Shepazd Rd. 5UB7 TO AVE AND RD THE STS AND ALLEYS ACCRUING AS VAC IN DOC ib00262 ANA FOL LOTS 80 THRU 90 IN UPPER LEVEE ADD NO 2.AND IN SD UPPER LEVEE ADD LOTS 3'I'I�RU LOT 79 184 Eag]e St. SUBJ TO RD & ESMTS & VAC ST ACCIZUING THE FOL; BEG AT S COR OF LOT 5 BLK 45 TH NWLY 47.4 FT ON SWLY LI1VE OF 5 TH NELY TO A POINT ON CL OF VAC ONTARIO & 132.2 FT NW OF NW LINE OF SHEPARD RD TH CURVE R ON A RAD OF 3544 FT TO THE SE LINE OF BLK 43 ALSO BEING THE NW LINE OF SHEPARD RD TH SW ALONG SD RD TO SLY COR OF BLK 45 TH NWI.Y TO BEG BEING PART BLKS 43 44 & BLK 45 0 Eagle St. SUBJ TO ESMT PART OF LOTS 1 TI�RU 7 SELY OF FOL L; BEG ON NWI,Y L OF & 44.77 FT FROM NW COR OF BLK 46, TH NELY AT ANGLE OF 13 DEG 04 MIN TO R FROM SD NWLY L TO NWLY L OF SD BLK & SUB7 TO RD LOTS 10 11 12 & 14 & ALL OF LOT 13 BLK 46 0 Chestnut St. SUBJ TO SHEPARD RD LOTS 8 AND LOT 9 BLK A6 10 River Park Plaza LOT 4 BLK 2 10 River Park Plaza LOT 2 BLK 2 10 River Park Plaza LOT 3 BLK 2 10 River Park Plaza LOT 5 BLK 2 Unassigned 10 River Park Plaza Unassigned Unassigned LOT 1 BLK 2 LOT 1 BLK 1 OUTLOT A VAC STS & ALLEYS ACCRUING& SUBJ TO STS PART OF GOVT LOT 7& OF BLK 1 IN SD BAZII. & ROBERT5 ADD LYIlVG E OF ROBERT ST AS WIDENED N OF FILLMORE AVE S OF 467 468 469 470 RCG1 to R-4 471 472062822130001 473 474 475 476 477062822140001 478 479 480 4&1 482 483062822420016 484 485 486 487 488 489 490062822340010 491 492 49� 494 495 496 MISSISSIPPI RIVER & W OF RIVER PARK PLAZA. O 1_Sa � 1 Water St. W. EX NELY 60 FT PART OF NAVI' ISLAND SWLY OF L RLTN THItU SE COR OF N PIER AND THRU PT 12 FT NELY FROM NE COR OF S PIER OF OLD WABASHA ST BRIDGE BEING PART OF GOVT LOT 9 SEC 6 TN 28 RN 22 0 Wabasha St. S. SUBJ TO RY R/W & SEWER R!W ESMTS; PART OF NAVY ISLAND NELY OF A L RUN THIZU SE COR OF N PIER & THRU PT 12 FT NELY OF NE COR OF S PIER OP OLD WABASHA ST BRIDGE ALSO NELY b0 FT OF PART SWLY OF SD L BEING PART OF GOVT LOT 9 IN SEC 6 TN 28 RN 22 85 Water St. W 75 Water St. W VAC OLD WATER ST ACCRUING & FOL: SUBJ TO ALLEY; PART NLY OF REALIGNED WATER ST OF 12EALIGNED WATER ST OF FOL NELY %z OF CAC WATER ST AD7 & LOT 6& WLY 15 FT OF LOT 5 BLK 183 ROBERTSON'S ADD TO WEST ST PAUL, ALSO VAC OLD WATER ST ACCRUII3G & FOL PART NLY OF REALZGNED WATER ST & SELY OF A LIIVE KNOWN AS HARBOR LINE OF LOTS 1 THRU LOT 5 SUBJ TO STS, ESMTS & FLOOD CONTROL 7 EX RY R/WS VAC 5TS & ALLEYS ACCRUING & FOL LOTS TARU 6 BLK C& PART OF LOT 1 BLK A DESC AS BEG AT 5W COR OF SD LOT 1 TH NELY TO A PT ON WL OF E 10 FT OF SD LOT 1 DIST 15 FT N FROM SL OF SD LOT 1 TH N ON SD WL OF E 10 FT TO NL OF SD LOT 1 THE E TO NE COR TH S TO SE COR TH W 497 0 \ -50� 44806282242Q002 Unassigned A 30 FT TRACT ACROSS BLK G 499 500 Secrion 6 501 502This ordinance amending Legislative Code Chapters 60 and 61 shail take effect thirry (30) days after its passage, 503 approval and publication. 504 505 Requested by Department of: By: Form Appr�� d by City Attorney BY: �/dLl+� /^� W (3'{/hOr� / /J � ( Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: Appr By: � � 23'0! Adopted by Council: Date �i�a�a-flCS'� Adoption CertiEied by Counci ec t ry L DEPAR'CMENT/OFFICE/COUNCII.: PED DATE INITIATED GREEN SHEET No.: 111234 02 May 2001 � � - $ CONTACT PERSON & PHONE: . f ArE mn�t7ntepnre Martlia Faust 266-6572 � � DEp,uzT nm ' � a crnr covxcn. � ) ASSIGPi 2 CITY ATTORNEY + O CITY CLERK MUST BE ON COUNCII. AGENDA BY ATE _�— r7�7�.�g� _FINANCIAL SERV D _ FINANCIAL SERV/ACCTG (T. Meyer) FOR 3 MAYOR (OR ASST.)�� j_ CIVII. SERVICE COMIvIISSION ROVI'ING ORDER TOTAL # OF SIGNA7'[JRE PAGES 1(CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATCJRE) ACTiON REQ[3ESTED: RECOMI�hENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Rejec[ (R) pERSONAI. SERVICE CON1'Re1C1'S MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING - QUESTIONS: A PLANNING COM1vIlSSION 1. I-Ias this peison/fi�m ever worked under a conhact for this departrnent? ' CIB COMIvIITTEE Yes No CIVIL SERVICE COMIvIISSION 2. Haz this person/fum ever been a ciry empl oyee? Yes No 3. Does this person/finn possess a skill not nomially possessed by any current ciry employee? Yes No Explain alI yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INI'PIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPOR'PTJNITY (R`6o, W hay When, W here, W hy): The Mississippi River Corridor Plan calls for replacing the RCR-1, RCC-1 and RCI-1 zoning districts as they are ineffective, and in some cases, inconsistent with the City's vision (as stated in the Land Use Plan and the Saint Paul on the Mississippi Development Framework) for xnixed-use urban villages along the downtown river&ont. Rezoning the Upper Landing site will prepaze it for redevelopment. Beyond the Upper Landing, there are other sites along the City's downtown riverfront that would benefit from having a zoning classification that is mare consistent with existing and proposed uses, such as Harriet Island Regional Park. In response, the Plauiung Commission initiated a 40-Acre Study in March, 2001 to recommend Zoning Code amendments in two area: 1) map amendments (rezonings) to facilitate redevelopment of the Upper Landing, and rezone other riverfront parcels currendy zoned RCR-1, RCC-1, or RCI-1 to make zoning mare consistent with existing and proposed uses, and 2) text amendments to reduce the maa�unum structure height in the OS-2 zoning district from 100 to 90 feet. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVEA� The Upper Landing will be appropriately zoned to be redeveloped as a medium-density mixed-use neighborhood. DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: Nane DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: �� The Upper Landing will not be rezoned for redevelopment. ��, �!� 1/ TOTAL AMOUNI' OF 1'RANS.�CTION: COST/REVF.NUE BUDGETED: f�r/�� ' CQQ1 �i j �4 �"j' ���.�' FUNDING SOURCE: ACTIVII'Y NUMBER: Budgetcade: �/ FANANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) x_�snarm�r��zo�na�o a�re swa�e�n�.ran � Council File # ��— Sfl� Ordinance # s���1UV�i� —�`�"` C � Green Sheet # � 1\ 3 � aao�_ PAU 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Presented By Referred To 3� Committee: Date AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CI3APTER 60 OF THE SAINT PAUL LEGISLATIVE CODE PERTAT ZONING FOR THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL AND THE ZONING TO 3THEREOF WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Planning Commission has made a survey of thos areas along the downtown riverfront currently zoned RCR-i, RCC-1, or RCI-1, for the purpose of co idering amendments to the Zoning Code, and has deternuned that: 1) the study area is at least 40 ac s in size; 2) the number of real estate descriptions affected by the amendments renders the obtaining written consent impractical; and 3) flle proposed amendments are related to the overall needs of the co unity, to existing land use or to pians for future land use, as stated in the River Corridor Plan and Land se Plan chapters of the City's Comprehensive Plan, and the Saint Paul on the Mississippi De lopment Framework; and WIlEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hear' on the "Downtown Riverfront 40-Acre Zoning S1udy" on April 13, 2001 and, after considering public t timony, 1) found the "Downtown Riverfront 40- Acre Zoning Study consistent with the Saint Paul Co rehensive Plan, and the Saint Paul on the Mississippi Development Framework, and 2) recommended on ri127, 2001 that the Zoning Code be amended as per the 40-Acre Study; and WHEREAS, the City Council held a public he ing on June 6, 2001, notice of which was published in the Saint Paul Pioneer Press on May 20, May 27 and 3une 3, Z001; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVB , that the City Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby amend the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaini g to zoning for the City of Saint Pau1 by making the following text changes: Sec. 60.300. Districts e� SPECIAL DISTRICTS Sec. 60.305. or less restricYive districts. 34 When the code efers to more restrictive districts or less restrictive districts, the districts in order from 35 more to less esh-ictive are: R-LL, R-1, R-2, R-3, R-4, RT-1, RT-2, RM-1, RM-2, RCR-1, RM-3, O5- 36 1, B-1, B-2C, ��, B-2, B-3, B-4, B-5, RCI-1, I-1, I-2, I-3. The P-1 district shall be as restricrive as 37 ihe district for which the P-1 district provides accessory parking. 38 (C.F. No. 96-307, §§ 2, 4-24-96) . � _. _. , . _ - • -- ,� , � �- 50l - -- • � - ---- - -- - - - - - - - - ----- - - - : - - -- --- - - -- � -- � ----- - - - - -- - -- - - -- - - - - ----- - - --= -- - -- - ---- - -- - :- --- --.: - - - -- - - - -- - -- ,. " . . �. � � - - - 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 !:. - -- - --- �- --- ---- - - -- - - � - - • - - - - - -- - - - ._ ; ;,�:,.......�n:..:.::.�r,.:.: �:a.�Fg:!. �:!:::R :��"" , �.. n�:........,�.�R:.....:.: �.:. �. ....:. � �,. ::.�'. ��a ..:,...:� - -- -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - ' - : -- --- _.:- - - --- - -- - - - - - - - -- : - - - -- - . ' • - --- - - --- - .� • .. . -- - -- - ---- -- - - -- -- - -- - -- -- - - - - - � - - - -- - - - -- - - - - -- --- -- - - - - - - - -- - - --. - ---- - -- - - .--- -- -- - - -- - - - :- .. :: s9 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 ioo 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 . . , , , .. . , , . . , , . . . , . - -,:,�.�:n;.,,..�.:,:.,..a. '- Subdivision 2. 60.520. OS-2 General Office-Service Dist�ict Sec. 60.521. Intent. The OS-2 General Office-Service District is intended t rovide for development of compact, pedestrian-oriented urban villages with a diverse mix f commercial, residential, civic and recreational uses located within a quarter mile of high-frequency ansit service. (c.�. rro. 00-9�2, i i-s-oo) Sec. 60.522. Principal uses permitted. In an OS-2 General Office-Service District e use of land, the location and erection of new buildings or structures, and the alteration, enlarge nt and moving of existing buildings or structures from other locations or districts shall conform to following specified uses, unless otherwise provided in this code: (1) All principal uses pernutted OS-1 District, except cellular te (2) Post offices and similar ; permitted subject to special conditions and as regulated in the antennas located on a freestanding pole. offices. 108 (3) Retail businesses that s pply commodities on the premises, such as, but not limited to, groceries, 109 meats, dairy products, b ed goods or other foods, drugs, dry goods, clothing and notions, hardware, 110 books, starionery and ants, with up to 10,000 square feet of gross floor area. 111 (4) Eating and 112 (5) Hotels and establishments, except drive-in or fast-food restaurants. 113 (6) Dry cleaning establishments, or pickup stations, dealing directly with the customer, and self- I1G 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 service laundries and dry cleaners. Central dry cleaning plants servicing more than one (1) retail ouUet are prohibited. p t-S o t (7) Manufactiiring of small, precision goods such as dental, surgical or optical goods, or electronic assemblies, along with light assembly, packaging and distribution activities. (8) Other uses similar to the above uses_ (9) Accessory buildings, structures and uses as defined in section 60.201. (10) Carriage house dwellings, provided that a maximutn of one carriage house dwelling shal e allowed per principal dwelling unit. (11) Above ground pazking buildings not exceeding forty-five (45) feet in height. (C.F. No. 00-972, 11-8-00) Sec. 60.523. Required condirions. The following conditions shail be required of all uses ]n the OS-2 General (1) Except for off-street parking or loading, all business, storage, conducted within compietely enclosed buiidings. District: processing sha11 be 128 (2) The scale, massing and materials of buildings shall be compatible�vith adjacent structures in the 129 district. The base, middle and top of buildings sha11 be architectura,l3y delineated. 130 (3) The exterior surface of buildings shall be articulated with v ical elements. Windows, doors and 131 other building openings shall be squaze or vertical in propo � n. The first floor shall be articulated 132 with windows, entrances, etc. that relate to the scale of a destrian at street levei. 133 (4) Roof-top mechanical systems, service equipment d head houses for elevators and stairs shall be 134 enclosed and not visible from public rights-of-way. 135 (5) Parking shall be provided underground (b 136 shall be at the rear or interior of the lot to the 137 parking may face the street, but shail be as uz 138 (C.F. No. 00-972, 11-8-00) , 139 Sec. 60.524. Princigal uses subject ide) or to the rear of buildings. Access to parking extent possible. Garage doors for underground e and pedestrian-friendly as possible. conditions. 140 The following additional uses shall e permitted, subject to the conditions hereinafter imposed for 141 each and subject to the standards ecified for a11 special condition uses as set forth in section 142 64300(d). All principal uses pe itted subject to speciai conditions shall be reviewed and approved 143 by the planning commission. 144 (1) Retail businesses that pply commodities on the premises, as allowed in the OS-2 dislrict section 145 60.523(2), with mare th 10,000 squaze feet of gross floor azea. 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 Ig$ 186 I8� I88 1g9 19� I91 192 193 194 195 O { -So � �e�iiiceare�s �b`c���; ?2 � 4� t�ft�ai��ac`ii����-������tt�: b. No building shall exceed � °�' No above-eround parkinQ buildin (3) Above-ground parking buildings over forty-five ( such building shall exceed sixty-five (65) feet in heig (4) Cellulaz telephone antennas located on a freest c section 60.514(5)a.through h. (5) Accessory buildings, shuciures and uses c stoma (C.F. No. 00-972, 11-8-QO) Sec. 60.525. Area, bulk and setback r uirements. nine 90 feetin height. ; in height, sub}ect to the condition that no pole, as regulated in the OS-1 district, incident to the above uses. See chapter 61, Schedule of Regulati ns, limiting the height and buik of buildings, the minimum size of lot by permitted land use, and pr iding minimum yard setback requirements. (C.F. No. 00-972, I1-8-00) Sec. 61.103. Business district� m� s;� M�� Size Per Height Unit of Structures Zoning District 61.103 BUSINESS DISTRICT OS-1 Local Office-Se 'ce OS-2 General Offi -Servicc B-1 Local Business B-2 Community Business B-2C Community Business tcon�ertea> B-3 General Business $-4 Central $uaiuesa Area in Width S4vare in In In Feet Feet SWries Feet none none 3 d nane none 6 e none none 3 none none d none none 3d none none d IIORS RqAB ROIIII Mini�num Yard Setback Mammum (Per Lotin Feet) Percent of Floor Lot Aree Side Occupied Ratia By Main (FAfi) Front � �� Reaz B �� g mum of Two 30 d 15 a,g �j e 0 g 30 15 a,g 30 d 0 f,g 30 d 25i b b b b 4 b b b b S b,c b,c b,c b,c 25 30 d 0 g b b b,c � 1i�ait ao limit none flBAO nena e none none none none 30%a none noae 1.0 3.0 i.o 2.0 NA 2.0 s.o f 19b I3otes to 61.103 Business Districts: o�-sa� 197 (a) Off-street parking shall be permitted to occupy a required front yard setback; provided, that the off- 198 street parking area, exclusive of access driveways, shall be set back a minimum distauce of six (6) feet 199 from any front or side street right-of-way and the off=street parkina area setback meets the 200 requirements of section 61.103(fl. 201 (b) No side or rear yards are required along the interior 1ot lines of the district, ex pt as otherwise 202 specified in the building code; provided, that if walls of structures facing such ' erior lot lines contain 203 windows, or other openings, yards of not less than si�c (6) feet shall be provide . Side and rear yazds of 204 at least six (6) feet shall be required when a business district adjoins a side y d in an adjacent 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 residence district. These setback zequirements from interior lot lines shall waived when an easement agreement is recorded as to the affected properties. Proof of su recorded easement shall be provided at the time of application for a building permit. The recordin f the easement agreement shall be interpreted to mean that the following intents and purposes o these setback requirements are met: adequate supply of sunlight and air to adjacent property; suffi 'ent space for maintenance of the building from the same lot; and prevention of damage to adjoini properiy by fire or runoff from roofs. 212 (c) Off-street loading space shall be provided in the rear yar in accordance with the requirements of 213 section 62.105. 214 (d) The height of the structure may exceed the maxim buiiding height allowed in the district, Z I S provided the structure is set back from all setback li s a distance equal to the height which said 216 structure exceeds the maximum building height a1 wed in the district. 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Ci Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby amend the Saint Paul Zoning Code by changing the zoning assification for the following properties on the zoning maps of the City of Saint Paul, Sheet No. 29, as i orporated by reference in Section 60301 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code: PIN NUMBER NORTH BANK RCI-1 to I-1 235 122823110005 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 ADARESS 501 $3�epard Road LEGAL DESCRIPTION SUBJ TO SHEPARD RD & SUBJ TO HIGH BRIDGE ROW & NO FART OF VAC HILL ST AND MCMILLAN ST ADJ & EX LEVEE & EX A 700 FT MOL UNION OIL PAR CEL ADJ TO SHEPARD RD; THE FOL; PART OF GOVT LOTS 1& 2 LYING NWLY OF SELY LEVEE LINE LYING SWLY OF SWLY LINE OF HIGH BRIDGE ROW LY1NG SELY Ok' NWLY ROW LINE OF SHEPARD RD LYING ELY OF A LINE DESC AS BEG AT MOST NELY COR OF TRACT B RLS 441 TH N 27 DEG 32 MIN OS SEC W 70.26 FT TH N 33 244 245 246 247 RCI-1 to OS-2 248 249 012823440069 250 251 252 253 254 255 012823440070 256 257 258 259 260 261 062822320074 262 263 264 265 266 267 062822320078 268 264 270 062822310010 271 272 273 2�4 06282232Q089 275 276 277 278 279 280 06282231005 281 282 283 284 062822320079 285 28b 062822320039 287 288 289 06282232003800 29� 291 ?92 ?93 062822310007 ?94 ?95 !96 062822310004 :97 98 DEG 34 MIN 26 SEC E 68.22 FT TH N 27 DEG 02 MIN 30 SEC W AND BLKS 4 THRU BLK 6 ��_ So � Unassigned PART NWLY OF JOINT R/W O C M ST P& P RY & C ST P M & O RY CO & SELY OF BERNI�IMERS ADD (SUBJ T I�WY ESMT FOR NEW HIGH BRIDGE) IN SEC 1 TN 8 RN 23 Unassigned A S'1'RIP OF LAND BEING THE FORNIER MP S FARIBALTLT & CEDAR VALLEY RY R!W (NOW NIILWA E R!W) ACROSS SEl/4 OF SE 1/4 (SUBJ TO IIWY ESMT F NEW HIGH BRIDGE)IN SEC 1 TN 28 RN 23 0 Eim Street THAT PART OP BLK 68 WI�CH I INCLUDED WITHIN A STRIP I 1 FT WIDE ACROSS SD BLK SIDE L1NES OF VVI-IICH STRIP ARE PAR TO AND DI ANT RESPECTIVELY 7 FT AND 18 FT NWI.Y FROM CL OF INT MAIN TRACK OF C M ST P AND P RR AND C ST P AND O RY COS Unassigned EX PART DEEDED F ST AND EX PART USED FOR RR PURPOSES BLK 6 Unassigned X SELY 7 FT P T OF BLK 40 WLY OF CL OF 70INT MAIN TRACKOFC STPANDPRRANDCSTPMANDORYCOS OF BLK 4 Unassigned VAC S ACCRUING & THE FOL;A 28 FT JOINT RY RIW ROSS BLKS 3b 37 39 & 40 BEING BOUNDED BY TWO L S ONE 7 FT NWL,Y & THE OTHER 21 FT 5ELY OF & PAR HCLOFJOINTMAINTRACKOFCMSTP&PRR&CST P & O RY COS ACROSS BLKS 36 37 39 & BLK 40 Unassigned Unassigned Chestnut St. Unassigned SUBJ TO SPRING LANE PART OF VAC WALNUT ST ADJ AND OF BLK 47 AND 48 NWLY OF CL OF SPRiNG LANE ACROSS BLKS 48 AND BLK 47 16856 SQ FT MOL USED FOR RR R/WS IN BLK 69 EX NWLY 61 FT PART SELY OF CL OF JOINT MAIN TRACK OF CMSTPANDPRRANDCSTPMANDORYCOSOFBLK 40 SELY 40 FT OF NWLY 61 FT OF PART OF BLKS 37 39 AND 40 SELY OF CL OF JOINT MAIN TRACT OF C M ST P AND P RR AND C ST P M AND O RY ACROSS BLKS 37 39 AND BLK 40 SELY 16 FT MOL OF NWI,Y FT MOL OF SWLY 24 FT MOL OF NELY 52 FT MOL OFLOT 12 BLK 47 SELY 16 FT MOL OF NWT,Y 31 FT MOL OR SWLY 24 RT MOL OF NELY 52 FT MOL OF LOT 12 BLK 47 299 062822320020 300 301 302 303 062822320036 304 305 306 307 308 06282233000b 309 310 �62822320093 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 062822320037 319 320 321 062822310012 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 062822320032 329 330 331 062822320084 332 333 062822320033 334 335 336 337 338 062822320030 339 340 341 342 062822320075 343 344 345 346 347 348 062822320034 349 350 351 l i52 353 354 Unassigned VAC ST ACCRtTING & NWLY 32 FT OF SELY 50 FT OF PART OF BLK 36 NWLY CL OF JOINT MAIN TRACK C M ST P& P RR & C ST& O RY BEING PART OF 5 6 7& LOT 8 BLK o �_ Unassia ed EX NWLY 61 FT AND EX SELY OF L 8 5/1 O FT MOLSELY FROM CL OF TRACK 86 DESC IN DOC 1274662 P� T BLK 39 SELY OF CL OF C M ST P AND P RR AND C ST�'M ANA O RY COS TRACK ACROSS BLK 39 / Unassigned LOT A Unassigned EX PART IN LEASE NO 26915; VAC S ACCRUING & FOL. NWLX 82 FT OF NWLY lz OF 70INT RIW THRU BLK 37 & THAT PART OF LOT 101VWLY OF D RR R!W & THAT PART OF LOTS i l& 12 LYING NWLY RR R/W & SELY OF A LINE BEG 6 FT SELY OF MOST WLY OR OF LOT i l TO THE NELY LINE OF LOT 12 AT A POINT 3.1 FT SE FROM MOST NLY COR OF LOT 12 BLK 37 Unassigned PART OF LOTS 5 AND 6 ELY OF L 8 5/I O FT MOL SELX OF CL OF SPUR 86 ACRO S BLK 34 266 Shepard Rd. EX NWLY 99 FT F F U G T A TRACT AND SHEPARD RD PART OF GOVT OTS 4 AND 5 OF BLKS 46 THRU 49 RICE AI�TD IRVINES ADD ND BET RUN SELY AT RA WITH SELY OF SD BLKS FROM COR OF LOT 1 O BLK 46 AND FROM INTERSEC ON WITH S L GOVT LOT 4 ALL SEC 6 TN 28 RN 22 Unassigned 343 Spring St. Unassigned Unassigned EX SE Y 50 FT OF LOT 1 SELY OF TRACKS 77 AND 86 AN Y OF TRACK 94 DESCRIBED IN DOC 1274662 BLK 38 S LY 50 FT LOT 1 BLK 38 EX LEASE NO 79886 BEING 12000 SQ FT IN SW COR OF BLK 38 & EX SELY 50 FT LOT I AND EX PART SELY OF TRACKS 77 AND 86 AND NLY OF TRACK 94 AS DESC 1N DOC 1274662 ALL BLK EX NWLY 6l FT PART OF BLK 37 SELY OF CL OF JOINT MAIN TRACKOFCMSTPANAPRRANDCSTPMANDORYCOS ACROSS BLK 37 A STRIP OF LAND 28 FT OVER AND ACROSS BLK 68 BEING BOIINDED ON NWLY BY A L 7 FT NWLY FROM AND PAR TO THE CL OF THE MAIN TRACK OF SD RR CO5 AND BOLINDED ON SELY STDE BY A L 21 FT SELY FROM AND PAR THE ABOVE MENTIONED CL Unassigned BEG AT S W COR OF BLK 38 TH NE ON SE LINE 240 FT MOL TO N LINE OF RR PROPERTY TH WLY ON SD N LINE 115 FT MOL TO PT 25 FT SE AS MEAS AT RA FROM CL OF RR CO'S FIRST SPUR TRACK WHICH LIES NW SPRING ST TH S W PAR WITH SD SPUR TRACK 14Q FT TO PT ON W LINE OF SD BLK & 50 FT MOL NW FROM BEG TH TO BEG CONTAINING 12000 SQ FT MOL IN BLK 38 355 356 062822320076 357 358 359 012823410097 360 361 362 062822320091 363 3b4 365 366 367 062822320077 368 369 370 062822320092 371 372 373 374 062822310013 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 Q62822320035 382 383 384 385 062822320040 386 387 388 389 390 oi2823410096 391 392 393 394 39� 012823440082 396 39? RCR-1 to OS-2 398 399 062822320072 400 401 062822320094 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 �09 �10 Unassigned 0 Wilkin St, IN Tf� CITY OF ST PAUL REVISED DESCRIPTION NiIMBER 651 A SPECIFIC PART BLK 68 � �_� �� A TRIANGULAR TRACT IN TI� SE COR OF LOT 7 BEING 20 FT ON WILKIN ST AND 30 FT ON 0 Elm St. LEASE NO 26915 CONTAINING 10600 SQ FT MOL OVER PART OF LOTS 6& 7 BLK 37 DAYTON & IRVINES ADD IN SD IRVINES ENLARGEMENT OVER PART OF LOT 8 THIZU LOT 12 Unassigned IN TI� CITY OF ST PAUL REVISED 652 A SPECIFIC PART OF BLK t: Unassigned EX PART IN LEASE NO 26915; PART O BLK 68 SBLY OF SISTERS OF Tf� GOOD SHEPARD5 & NWLY OF LINE 18 FT NWLY OF & PAR TO CL OF JO RY MATN TRACK Unassigned SUBJ TO SHEPARD RD 5LOPES D EX PART IN FARMERS UNION GRAIN TERMINAL LE E RIPARIAN RIGHTS ACCRUING AND A TRACT B SD RD MISSISSIPPI RIVER FROM EXTENDED N L OF K 4KINNEY BOND AND TRADERS ADDITION TO L OF EAGLE BEING PART OF SECS 6 AND 7 SEC 6 TN 28 22 Unassigned VAC ST ACCRUIN� NWLX ll FT OF SELY 18 FT OF BLK5 36 37 & 39 NWLY OF L OF JOINT MAIN TRACK OF C M ST P& P RR & ST P M& RY COS ACROSS BLKS 36 37 BLK 39 Unassigned PART OF L S 8 9 AND 10 SLY OF L RL3N FROM E COR OF LOTIO TO A PT ON SWLY L OF AND 30 FT FROM S COR OF LOT TH PT ON S WI.Y L OF AND 85 FT NWLY FROM S COR OFLOT TH TO W COR OF LOT 8 AND ALL LOT 7 BLK 49 0 Wilkin St. P QF LOTS 6 AND 7 OF A L 50 FT NWLY FROM AND PAR T HE CL OF C M ST P AND P RR EX A TRIANGi3LAR TRACT THE SE COR BEING20 FT ON WTLKIN ST AND 30FT ON OODRICH BLK 7 0 Wilkin St. Unassigned 266 LOTS 1 THRU LOT 8 EX PART DEEDED FOR ST BLK 70 St. SUBJ TO SHEPARD RD VAC WALNI7T & SHERMAN STS ADJ & FOL EX LOT 12 BLK 47 OF BLKS 47 & 48 SELY OF RUN 152 FT NELY FROM W OF LOT 6 BLK 48 & ON NWI,Y L OF SD BLK TH NELY IN STRAIGHT L TO E COR OF LOT 1 BLK 47 & LOTS 1 THRU 6, 11 & 12 BLK 49 ALSO PART OF LOT 8 N OP L RUN FROM W COR OF LOT 8 TO PT ON NELY L OF & 85 FT FROM E COR LOT 8 ALSO BEG AT S COR OF BLK 47 TH SWLY ON NWLY L OF WATER ST TO S COR OF LOT 12 BLK 49 TH SELY 12 FT ON BXT SWLY L OF SD LOT 12 TH NELY 247.5 FT TO PT SEC6TN28RN22 411 �62822330001 412 413 414 415 416 RCR-1 to R-4 417 418 062&22240023 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 062822310001 427 428 429 430 431 432 062822310003 433 434 SOUTH SANK 435 436 RCC-1 to OS-2 437 438 05282223Q031 439 440 052822230029 441 442 052822230030 443 444 052822230032 445 446 052822230028 447 448 052822230027 449 450 052822230033 451 452 052822230034 453 454 455 456 457 RCGl to R-4 458 459 062822130001 �60 �61 �62 163 '64 062822 0001 65 66 345 Shepard Rd. SUBJ TO AVE AND KD TFIE STS AND ALLEYS ACCRUING AS VAC IN DOC 1600262 AND FOL LOTS 80 THRU 90 IN UPPER LEVEE ADA NO 2 AND IN SD UPPER LEVEE ADD LOTS 3 6(— S 4� THRU LOT 79 184 Eagle St. SiIBJ TO RD & ESMTS & VAC ST ACCRUIN FOL; BEG AT S COR OF LOT 5 BLK 45 TH NWI,Y 47. T ON SWLY LINE OF 5 TH NET.Y TO A POINT ON CL OF V ONTARIO & 132.2 FT NW OF NW LINE OF SHEPARD RD CURVE R ON A RAD OF 3544 FT TO Tf� SE LINE OF BLK 4 ALSQ BEING TF� NW LINE OF SHEPAKD RD TH SW ALON SD RD TO SLY COR OF BLK 45 TH NWLY TO BEG BEING P T BLKS 43 44 & BLK 45 0 Eag]e St. SUBJ TO ESMT PART OF LOTS HRU 7 SBLY OF FOL L; BEG ON NWLY L OF & 44.77 FT FR M NW COR OF BLK 46, TH NELY AT ANGLE OF 13 AE 4 MIN TO R FROM SD NWLY L TO NWLY L OF SD BLK 5UB7 TO RD LOTS 10 11 12 & 14 & ALL OF LOT 13 BLI� 46 0 Chestnut St. SUBJ TO SHEPARD LOTS 8 AND LOT 9 BLK 46 1 Q River Park Plaza LOT 4 B 2 10 River Park Piaza 2 10 River Park Plaza �T 3 BLK 2 10 River Park Plaza LOT 5 BLK 2 Unassigned 10 River Park Unassigned LOT i BLK 2 LOT 1 BLK 1 OUTLOT A VAC STS & ALLEY5 ACCRUING& SUBJ TO STS PART OF GOVT LOT 7& OF BLK 1 IN SD BAZIL & ROBERTS ADD LYING E OF ROBERT ST AS WIDENED N OF FILLMORE AVE S OF NIISSISSIPPI RIVER & W OF RIVER PARK PLAZA. 1 Water St. W. EX NELY 60 FT PART OF NAVY ISLAND SWLY OF L RUN THRU SE COR OF N PIER AND TT-IlZU PT 12 FT NELY FROM NE COR OF S PIER OF OLD WABASHA ST BRIDGE BEING PART OF GOVT LOT 9 SEC 6 TN 28 RN 22 0 Wabasha St. S. SUBJ TO RY RJW & SEWER R/W ESMTS; PART OF NAVY ISLAND NELY OF A L RUN THRU SE COR OF N PIER & THRU PT 12 FT NELY OF NE COR OF S PIER OF OLD WABASHA ST 467 468 469 470 062822420016 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 062822340010 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 062822420002 BRIDGE ALSO NELY 60 FT OF PART SWLY OF SD L BEING PART OF GOVT LOT 9 IN SEC b TN 28 RN 22 o i_ Sa � 85 Water St. W. VAC OLD WATER ST ACCRUiNG & FOL: SUBJ TO AI.LBY; PART NLY OF REALIGNED WATER ST OF REALIGNED WATER ST OF FOL NELY '/z OF CAC WATER ST AD7 & LOT 6 & WLY 15 FT OF LOT 5 BLK 183 ROBERTSON'S ADD TO ST PAUL, ALSO VAC OLD WATER ST ACCRUING & FO AP NLY OF REALIGNED WATER ST & SELY OF A LINE OWN AS HARBOR LINE OF LOTS 1 THRU LOT 5 75 Water St. W. SUBJ TO STS, ESMTS & FLOOD CONTROL 7 STS & ALLEYS ACCRUING & FOL LOTS PARS OF LOT 1 BLK A DESC AS BEG AT S TH NELY TO A PT ON Wi, OF E 10 FT OF S N FROM SL OF SD LOT 1 TH N ON SD WL OF SD LOT I THE E TO NE COR TH S TO E Unassigned A 30 FT TRACT ACROSS BLK G E Y RlVJS VAC THR 6BLKC& W OR OF SD LOT 1 LOT 1 DIST 15 FT FE lOFTTONL COR TH W Benanav Blakey BOStzDin CoZeman Hazris Lantzy Reiter Adopted by Council: Adoption Certified Approved by Ma r: HequeSted by Department of: Plannin4 & ECOnomiC DeveloPment Form Approved by City Attorney Council Secretaxy Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Council File # d�• ���_ � � � � � B n : h r �i E i � �t !.._ OF 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 4 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Presented By Referred To Ordinance # Sheet # �1, a3� � � Committee: 1 Date AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER OF THE SAINT PAUL LEGISLATIVE CODE PER AINING TO ZO1vING FOR THE CTTY OF SAINT PAUL AND THE ZO NG MAPS THEREOF 50 WFIEREAS, the Saint Paul Planning Commission has made a survey of those azeas along the downtown riverfront currently zoned RCR-1, RCGl, or RCI-1, for the purpo of considering amendments to the Zoning Code, and has determined that: 1) the study azea is at lea 40 acres in size; 2) the nuxnber of real estate descriptions afFected by the amendments renders the ob 'ng of written consent impractical; and 3) the proposed amendments are related to the overall needs of e community, to existing land use or to plans for future land use, as stated in the River Corridor Plan and and Use Plan chapters of the Ciry's Comprehensive Plan, and the Saint Paul on the Mississip t Development Framework; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a pubfic earing on the "Downtown Riverfront 40-Acre Zoning Study" on April 13, 2001 and, after considering pu ic testimony, 1) found the "Downtown Riverfront 40- Acre Zoning Study consistent with the Saint Paul omprehensive Plan, and the Saint Paul on the Mississippi Development Framework; and 2) recommended n Apri127, 2001 that the Zoning Code be amended as per the 40-Acre Study; and WHEREAS, the City Council held a Saint Paul Pioneer Press on May 20, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOL the Saint Paul Legislative Code pert� changes: � Sec. 60.300. Districts 5PECIAL DISTRICi iearing on June 6, 2001, notice of which was published in the , and June 3, 2001; , that the City Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby amend to zoning for the City of Saint Paul by making the following text Sec. 60.305.1V�bre restrictive or less restricfive districts. 34 When the co e refers to more restrictive districts or less restrictive districts, the districts in order from 35 more to le restrictive are: R-LL, R-1, R-2, R-3, R-4, RT-1, RT-2, RM-1, RM-2, RCR-1, RM-3, OS- 36 1, B-1, -2C, �t��-3-, B-2, B-3, B-4, B-5, RCI-1, I-1, I-2, I-3. The P-1 district shall be as restrictive as 37 the district for which the P-1 district provides accessory pazking. 38 (C.F. No. 96-3Q7, §§ 2, 4-24-96) � • • . r � i� � i r_' � �. �_ _ _ :' _ ""'. . _ • . _ ' ' ""' .' ' ' __ _' '" _ _ - n . i i - - �. G ' " � _'_ _ _ "' _ __ _ _ __ " _ __ " _ _ _ _ _"' _ " i _ __ " _ _ _ __ _ " ' ' ' _"' ' _ _' " _ ' ' ' " _" _ �� _ ' - 'vi ��i���.�.:�iaG�iir.s�� J _ _ ' _ 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 r `- �1�\I�A�I���R -iI��Y►�Y"I) � �."'�L'r:��•��:;'!��!:'!..�,�:�:.��.� �..-,'.���-.� di.��a:oi�wsiiiiiiiiia:��ir:.i���.ii.:iw�wi�vYi:nio�ni���i�w. i�a:i:���i�:�:��ii �.�.-_,.:...:..-a,�.:.,�;�:,:.:,:.:.e�:,,� - - -- .�.��..iycii��zsssr.=�w - -_��...�-��' � .. �: , : � :. . ..;:... :. .:.. �,:, .:.:.. .:,.:.�-.-...a. .:.R�-..��.,:,� � "-- - - - - - - - - . . � �� � 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 9� 91 92 93 94 95 o�—sob lR4il�t��i�l�lAl�i\�!'44�L�A�ilti�'�aitRiaili��i��lilt�lii�l�i�A1`}il����il� �i�It�����1a�1S�����Ii�����liiaA�i�Nin�9'Iii�ll�f��l�1���.aRR� - - - - - - : - - - - - - - - - - - - � • - - - - - - - - - . - :- ::: - -- - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - '- - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - -- - .:- -- - - -- - - .- - . . . � � -- -- - - - -- �:-- - - - -- - - -- ' �- - � - ;� � - - Subdivision 2. 60.520. OS-2 General Office-Service Sec. 60521. Intent 96 The OS-2 General Office-Service District is in nded to provide for development of compact, 9'7 pedestrian-oriented urban villages with a div rse mix of commercial, residential, civic and recreational 98 uses located within a quarter mile of high- equency transit service. 49 (C.F. No. 00-972, I1-8-00) 100 Sec. 60.522. Principal uses In an OS-2 General O�cf or structures, and the altex locations or districts shall code: District the use of land, the location and erection of new buildings azgement and moving of existing buildings ar structures from other to the following specified uses, unless otherwise provided in this 101 102 103 104 105 (1) All principal uses p 'tted and uses permitted subject to special conditions and as regulated in the 106 OS-I District, except ellular telephone antennas located on a freestanding pole. 107 (2) Post offices similar governmental offices. 108 (3) Retaii busi esses that supply commodities on the premises, such as, but not lunited to, groceries, 09 meats, dairy roducts, baked goods or other foods, drugs, dry goods, clothing and notions, hardware, 10 books, sta 'onery and plants, with up to 10,000 squaze feet of gross floor azea. 11 (4) Eati g and liquar-licensed establishments, except drive-in or fast-food restaurants. 12 (5) Hotels and hospitals. 13 (6) Dry cleaning establishments, or pickup stations, dealing directly with the customer, and seif- -- , a e�4—�o4 � i ' 114 � t �` �ervice and dry cleaners. Central dry cleaning plants servicing more than one (i) retail ouflet 115 aze prohibited. 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 (7} Manufacturiug of small, precision goods such as dental, surgical or optical goods, or electronic assemblies, along with light assembly, packaging and distribution activiries. {8) Other uses similar to the above uses. (9) Accessory buildings, structures and uses as defined in section 60.201. (10) Carriage house dwellings, provided that a maximum of one carriage house d� allowed per principal dwelling unit. (11) Above ground parking buiidings not exceeding forty-five (45) feet in height. (C.F. No. 00-972, 11-8-60) � Sec. 60.523. Required conditions. The following conditions shall be required of all uses in the 05-2 (1) Except for off=street pazking or loading, a11 business, storage, conducted within completely enclosed buildings. .['Z, Office-Service District: or processing shali be (2) The scale, massing and materials of buildings sha11 be com tible with adjacent structures in the district. The base, middle and top of buildings shall be archit cturally delineated. (3) The exterior surface of buildings shall be articulated th vertical elements. Windows, doors and other building openings shall be square or vertical in p portion. The first floor shall be articulated wiY1i windows, enfrances, etc. that relate to the scale a pedestrian at street level. 133 (4) Roof-top mechanical systems, service equip�nt and head houses for elevators and stairs shall be 134 enclosed and not visible from public rights-of- ay. 135 (5) Parking sha11 be provided underground elow-grade) or to the rear of buildings. Access to parking 136 shall be at the rear or interior of the lot to e greatest eatent possible. Garage doors for underground 131 parking may face the street, but shall be s unobtrusive and pedestrian-friendly as possible. 138 (C.F. No. 00-9�2, 11-8-00) 139 Sec. 60.524. Principal nses subj t to special condifions. 140 The following additional uses all be permitted, subject to the conditions hereinafter unposed for 141 each and subject to the stan ds specified for all special condifion uses as set forth in section 142 64300(d). AIl principal u s permitted subject to special conditions shall be reviewed and approved 143 by the planning commi ion. 144 (1) Retaii businesse at supply commodities on the premises, as allowed in the OS-2 district section 145 60.522(2), with re than 10,000 square feet of gross floor area. 146 (47 48 49 50 51 (2) Buildings over si�r(�i}steries-er sixry-five (65) feet in height, -- ' - '°�s�; subject to the following conditions: a. Views and vistas from public rights-of-way and open spaces shall be retained, especially betcveen the bluffs and the river and between the river valley floor and the bluffs. Applicants shall provide the planning commission an analysis, including site pians and perspective drawings, showing how the buildings will affect views. �����lU�� �:� �i 152 b. No building shall exceed ' nine 90 feet in height. ; �� � 153 --•'-=-��;- No above-eroun�arking buildines shali exceed sixtv-five (651 feet in heieht 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 17� 171 1�2 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 I81 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 (3) Above-ground pazking buiidings over foriy-five (45) feet in height, subject to the condition that no such building sha11 exceed sixty-five (65) feet in height. (4) Cellulaz telephone antennas located on a freestanding pole, as regulated in the OS-1 ''ct, section 60.514(5)a. through h. (5) Accessory buildings, structures and uses customarily incident to the above u s. (C.F. No. 00-972, 11-8-00) Sec. 60.525. Area, bulk and setback requirements. See chapter 61, Schedule of Regulafions, limiting the height and bulk of lot by pernutted land use, and providing minimum yazd setback re� (C.F. No. 00-972, 11-8-00) Sec. 61.103. Business districts. Zoning District 61.103 BUSINESS DISTRICTS OS-1 Local Office-Service OS-2 General Office-Service B-1 Local Business B-2 Community Business B-2C Community Business (Converted) B3 Genera] Business B-4 Central Business Minimum Size Masimum Lot Size Per Height 4inimum Yard Setback Unit of Structures (Per Lot in Feet) s�ae Area in Width Squaze in In In Front h�ni- Total �eaz F'eet Feet Stories Fee mum of1Wo none none 3 d 30 d 15 a,g b b b,c none none $ 65 e 0 g none none 3 30 15 a,g none no�e d 30 d 0 f,g none non 3d 30 d 25i none one d 30 d 0 g none none no limit no limit no limil b b b,c b b b,c b b b,c 4 8 25 b b b,c none the minimum size Mazimum Percent of Lot Occupied By Ma?n Building Floor Area Ratio (FAA) noae 1.0 none 3.0 none 1.0 none 2.0 3D90 NA none 2.0 8.0 f none � none c � none Notes to 61.103 Business Di 'cts: ' (a) Off-street pazking shal e permitted to occupy a required front yard setback; provided, that the off- street pazking area, excl ive of access driveways, sha11 be set back a minnnum distance of six (6) feet from any front or sade eet right-of-way and the off-street pazking azea setback meets the requirements of secti n 61103( fl. (b) No side or re yazds are required along the interior lot lines of the district, except as otherwise specified in the uiiding code; provided, that if wa11s of structutes facing such interior lot lines contain windows, or er openings, yazds of not less than six (6) feet shall be provided. Side and rear yards of at least six feet shall be required when a business district adjoins a side yard in an adjacent residence istrict. These setback requirements from interior lot lines shall be waived when an easement agreement is recorded as to the affected properties. Proof of such recorded easement shall be provlded at the time of application for a building pernut. The recording of the easement agreement shall be intetpreted to mean that the following intents and purposes of these setback requirements aze met: adequate supply of sunlight and air to adjacent properiy; sufficient space for maintenance of the t � � ° (� � �� � ; o�-So� 196 �'� �b�4d�g �om�the same lot; and prevention of damage to adjoining properiy by fire or runoff from 197 roofs. 198 (c) OfF street loading space shall be provided in the reaz yard in accordance with the requirements of 194 section 62.105. 200 (d) The height of the strucriue may exceed the maximum building height allowed in the di "ct, 201 provided the structure is set back from all setback lines a distance equal to the height �ch said 202 structure exceeds the maximum building height allowed in the dishict. 203 (e) The height of structures in an OS-2 General Office-Service District may exce d si�`(�ij-ste�ies�ta� 204 sia�ty-five (65) feet in height, subject to conditions under section 60.524(2). height of above 205 ground parking buildings in an OS-2 General Office-Service District may e eed forty-five (45) feet 206 in height, subject to the conditions under section 60.524(3). 207 208 209 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Saint 210 Paul Zorung Code by changing the zoning classification for the followin 211 the City of Saint Paul, Sheet No. 29, as incorporated by reference in Se ic 212 Legisla6ve Code: 213 214 215 PIN NUMBER 216 217 NORTH BANK 218 219 RCI-1 to I-1 220 221 122823110005 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 RCI-1 to OS-2 012823440069 Z41 012823440070 ?42 ?43 ?44 ?45 ADDRESS 501 Shepard Road iul does hereby amend the Saint �perties on the zoning maps of 60.301 of the Saint Paul SUBJ T SHEPARD RD & SUBJ TO HIGH BRIDGE ROW & NO P T OF VAC HILL ST AND MCMILLAN ST ADJ & EX VEE & EX A 700 FT MOL UNION OIL PARCEL ADJ TO HEPARD RD; THE FOL; PART OF GOVT LOTS 1& 2 L ING NWLY OF SELY LEVEE LINE LY1NG SWLY OP WLY LINE OF HIGA BRIDGE ROW LYING SELY OF NWLY ROW LINE OF SHEPARD RD LYING ELY OF A LII�iE DESC AS BEG AT MOST NELY COR OF TRACT B RLS 441 TH N 27 DEG 32 MIN OS SEC W 70.26 FT TH N 33 DEG 34 MIN 26 SEC E 68.22 FT TH N 27 DEG 02 MIN 30 SEC W AND BLKS 4 THRU BLK 6 PARTNWLYOFJOINTR/WO CMSTP&PRY&CSTPM & O RY CO & SELY OF BERNHEIMERS ADD (SUBS TO HWY ESMT FOR NEW HIGH BRIDGE) IN SEC 1 TN 28 RN 23 Unassigned A STRIP OF LAND BEING TF�E FORMER MPLS FARIBAULT & CEDAR VALLEY RY R!W (NOW MILWAUKEE R/W) ACROSS SEl/4 OF SE 1/4 (SUBJ TO IIWY ESMT FOR NEW HIGH BRIDGE)IN SEC 1 TN 28 RN 23 ���`�'�{ 246 i% � i�� �°'< .�._ 247 062822320074 0 Elm Street 248 249 250 251 252 253 062822320078 254 255 256 062822310010 257 258 259 260 062822320089 261 262 263 264 265 266 06282231005 267 268 269 270 062822320079 271 272 062822320039 273 2�4 275 06282232003800 276 277 278 279 062822310007 280 281 282 062822310004 283 284 285 062822320020 286 287 288 289 062822320036 290 29l 292 293 294 062822330006 295 296 062822320093 297 29g / 299 � 300 301 Unassigned Unassigned Ol�$O� TIIAT PART OF BLK 68 WHICH IS INCLUDED WIT'HIN A STRIP ll FT WIDE ACROSS SD BLK TFIE SIDE LINES OF WHICH STRIP ARE PAR TO AND DISTANT RESPECTTVELY 7 FT AND 18 FT NWLY FROM CL OF JOINT MAIN TRACK OF C M ST PANDPRRANDCSTPMANDORYCOS EX PART DEEDED FOR ST AND EX PART USED PURPOSES BLK 69 X SELY 7 FT PART OF BLK 40 WLY OF CL �R JOINT MAIN TRACK OF C M ST P AND P RR AND C ST A���L ANI7 O RY COS OF BLK 40 I� Unassigned VAC ST ACCRUING & THE FOL;A 28 T JOINT RY R/WACROSS BLKS 36 37 39 & 40 BE G BOiJNDED BY TWO LINES ONE 7 FT NWLY & Tf IE O R 21 FT SELY OF & PAR WITH CL OF JOINT MAIN TRAC OF C M ST P& P RR & C ST P M& O RY COS ACROSS BL 36 37 39 & BLK 40 Unassigned Unassigned Unassigned Unassigned 193 Chestnut St. Unassigned Unassigned SUBJ TO SPRING LANE'. OF BLK 47 AND 48 NWL BLKS 48 AND BLK 47 , 16856 SQ FT MOL OF VAC WALNUT ST ADS AND CL OF SPRING LANE ACROSS FOR RR R/WS IN BLK 69 EX NWLY 61 FT�ART SELY OF CL OF JOINT MAIN TRACK OF C M ST P ANDds RR AND C ST P M AND O RY COS OF BLK 40 SELY 40 F OF NWI,Y 61 FT OF PART OF BLKS 37 39 AND 40 SELY O CL OF JOINT MAIN TRACT OF C M ST P AND P RR AND T P M AND O RY ACROSS BLKS 37 39 AND BLK 40 Y 16 FT MOL OF NWLY FT MOL OF SWLY 24 FT MOL OF ,Y 52 FT MOL OFLOT 12 BLK 47 SELY 16 FT MOL OF NWLY 31 FT MOL OF SWLY 24 FT MOL OF NELY 52 FT MOL OF LOT 12 BLK 47 VAC ST ACCRUING & NWLY 32 FT OF SELY 50 FT OF PART OF BLK 36 NWLY CL OF JOINT MAIN T'RACK C M 5T P& P RR & C ST& O RY BEING PART OF 5 6 7& LOT 8 BLK EX NWLY 61 FT AND EX SELY OF L 8 5/10 FT MOLSELY FROM CL OF TRACK 86 DESC IN DOC 1274662 PART BLK 39 SELYOFCLOFCMSTPANDPRRANDCSTPMAND O RY COS TRACK ACROSS BLK 39 LOT A Unassigned EX PART IN LEASE NO 26915; VAC ST ACCRIJING & FOL. NWLY 82 FT OF NWLY'/z OF JOINT RR R/W THRU BLK 37 & THAT PART OF LOT 10 NWLY OF SD RR R/W & THAT PART OF LOTS 11 & 12 LYING NWLY OF RR R/W & SELY OF A LINE BEG 6 FT SELY OF MOST WLY COR OF LOT 11 TO THE NELY LINE OF LOT 12 AT A POINT 23.1 FT SE FROM MOST NLY 302 ;.,+�.�;.�'u;`v� 303 304 062822320037 305 306 307 062822310012 308 309 31Q 311 312 313 314 062822320032 315 316 317 062822320084 318 319 062822320033 320 321 322 323 324 062822320030 325 326 327 328 062822320075 329 330 331 332 333 334 062822320034 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 062822320076 343 344 345 012823410097 346 347 348 06282232�091 349 350 351 352 353 06282232007� 354 � 355 356 062822320092 357 IInassigned COR OF LOT 12 BLK 37 O�-Sct PART OF LOTS 5 AND 6 SELY OF L 8 5/10 FT MOL 5ELY OF CL OF SPUR 86 ACROSS BLK 39 266 Shepazd Rd. EX NWI,Y 99 FT FOR F U G T A TRACT AND SHEPARD RD PART OF GOVT LOTS 4 AND 5 OF BLKS 46 THRU 49 RICE AND IRVINES ADD AND BET RUN SELY AT RA WITH SELX OF SD BLKS FROM S COR OF LOT 10 BLK 46 AND FROM INTERSECTION WITH S L GOVT LOT 4 ALL SEC 6 TN 28 RN 22 Unassigned 343 Spring St. Unassigned Unassigned Unassigned EX SELY 50 FT OF LOT 1 SELY OF TRACKS 77 AND 86 AND NLY OF TRACK 94 DESCRIBED Iit1 AOC 1274662 BLK 38 i SELY 50 RT LOT 1 BLK 38 �� EX LEASE NO 79886 BEING 120,00 SQ FT IN SW COR OF SLK 38 & EX SELY 50 FT LOT 1 AND EX PART SELY OF TRACKS 77 AND 86 AND NLY OF TR 94 A5 DESC IN DOC 1274662 ALL BLK / EX NWLY 61 FT PART "OF BLK 37 SELY OF CL OF JOINT MAIN TRACK OF C M ST P`AND P RR AND C ST P M AND O RY COS ACROSS BLK 37� � A STRIP OF L6XND 28 FT OVER AND ACROSS BLK 68 BEING BOU,I�DED ON NWi,Y BY A L 7 FT NWLY FROM AND PAR TO TIdE CL OF Tf� MAIN TRACK OF SD RR COS �1ND BOt INDED ON SELY SIDE BY A L 21 FT SELY FROM AND PAR THE ,9BOVE MENTIONED CL Unassigned BE�Q'i AT SW COR OF BLK 38 TH NE ON 5E LINE 240 FT MOL T N LINE OF RR PROPERTY TH WLY ON SD N LINE 115 FT �IVIOL TO PT 25 FT SE AS MEAS AT RA FROM CL OF RR CO'S / FIRST SPUR TRACK WHICH LIES NW SPRING ST TH SW PAR j WITH SD SPUR TRACK 140 FT TO PT ON W L1NE OF SD BLK / & 50 FT MOL NW FItOM BEG TH TO BEG CONTAINING 12000 � SQ FT MOL IN BLK 38 Unassigned 0 Wil ' St. lm St. Unassigned Unassigned IN THE CITY OF ST PAUL REVISED DESCRIPTION NUMBER 651 A SPECIFIC PART BLK 68 A TRIANGULAR TRACT IN THE SE COR OF LOT 7 BEING 20 FT ON WILKIN ST AND 30 FT ON LEASE NO 26915 CONTAINING 10600 SQ FT MOL OVER PART OF LOTS 6& 7 BLK 37 DAYTON & IKVINES ADD & IN SD IRVINES EAILARGEMENT OVER PART OF LOTS 8 THRU LOT 12 IN T'f� CITY OF ST PAUL REVISED DESCRIPTION N'[.7MBER 652 A SPECIFIC PART OF BLK EX PART IN LEASE NO 26915; PART OF BLK 68 SELY OP SISTERS OF THE GOOD SHEPARDS SUB & NWLY OF LINE 18 �� � � 358 •_• _� . °«� ! ! � r�"; i_ 359 360 062822310013 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 062822320035 368 3b9 370 371 062822320040 372 373 374 375 376 012823410096 377 378 379 380 381 012823440082 382 383 RCR-1 to OS-2 384 385 062822320072 386 387 062822320094 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 062822330001 399 400 401 402 403 RCR-1 to R-4 404 405 062822240023 406 407 408 409 � � � 410 411 412 413 062822310001 FT NWI,Y OF & PAR TO CL OF JOINT RY MAIN TRACK 6 l � SO� Unassigned SUBJ TO SHEPAIZD RD SLOPES AND EX PART IN FARMERS iJNION GRAIN TERMINAL LEASE RIPARIAN RIGHTS ACCRUING AND A TRACT BET SD RD MISSISSIPPI RIVER FROM EXTENDED N L OF BLK 4KINNEY BOND AND TRADERS ADDITION TO CL OF EAGLE BEING PART OF S� 6 AND 7 SEC 6 TN 28 RN 22 �� Unassigned VAC ST ACCRUING & NWLY 11 FT OF SELY 18 FT BLKS 36 37 & 39 NWLY OF CL OF 30INT MAIN TRACK O M ST P& P RR & ST P M& O RY COS ACROSS BLRS 36 37 K 39 Unassigned PART OF LOTS 8 9 AND 1 O SLY OF L R OM E COR OF LOT10 TO A PT ON SWLY L OF AND 3 T FROM S COR OF LOT TH TO PT ON SWI,Y L OF AND 8 T NWLY FROM S COR OFLOT 9 TH TO W COR OF LOT 8 ALL LOT 7 BLK 49 0 Wilkin St. PART OF LOTS 6 AND 7 OF A L FT NWLY FROM AND PAR TO TT� CL OF C M ST P AND RR EX A TRIANGULAR TRACT IN THE SE COR BEING20 F N WILKIN ST AND 30FT ON GOODRICH BLK 7 0 Wilkin St. LOTS 1'i'HItU LOT 8 i Unassigned EX PART DEE LI�F ST BLK 70 266 Chestnut St. SUBJ TO S P RD VAC WALNCIT & SHERMAN STS ADJ & FOL E LO 12 BLK 47 OF BLKS 47 & 48 SELY OF RUN 152 FT NE F M W OF LOT 6 BLK 48 & ON NWLY L OF SD BLK TH Y STRAIGHT L TO E COR OF LOT 1 BLK 47 & LOTS I U 1 I& 12 BLK 49 ALSO PART OF LOT 8 N OF L RLJN F COR OF LOT 8 TO PT ON NELY L OF & 85 FT FROM C LOT 8 ALSO BECs AT S COR OF BLK 47 TH SWLY ON Y L OF WATER ST TO S COR OF LOT 12 BLK 49 TH SELY FT ON EXT SWLY L OF SD LOT 12 TH NELY 247.5 FT TO PT SEC6T'N28RN22 345 Shepard R. SUBJ TO AVE AND RD "lI� ST5 AND ALLEYS ACCRIJilVG AS VAC IN DOC 1600262 ANA POL LOTS 80 THRU 90 IN UPPER LEVEE ADD NO 2 AND IN SD UPPEK LEVEE ADD LOTS 3 THRU LOT 79 St. SUBJ TO RD & ESMTS & VAC ST ACCRUING Tf� FOL; BEG AT S COR OF LOT 5 BLK 45 TH NWLY 47.4 FT ON S WLY LINE OF 5 TH NELY TO A POINT ON CL OF VAC ONTARIO & 132.2 PT NW OF NW LINE OF SHEPARD RD TH CURVE R ON A RAD OF 3544 FT TO THE SE LINE OF BLK 43 ALSO BEING TIIE NW LINE OF SHEPARD RA TH SW ALONG SD RD TO SLY COR OF BLK 45 TH NWLY TO BEG BEING PART BLKS 43 44 & BLK 45 184 0 Eagle St. SUBJ TO ESMT PART OP LOTS 1 THRU 7 SELY OF FOL L; BEG 414 °-° ' � • —' , 415 416 417 418 419 062822310003 420 421 SOUTH BANK 422 423 RCC-1 to OS-2 424 425 052822230031 426 427 052822230029 428 429 052822230030 430 431 052822230032 432 433 052822230028 434 435 052822230027 436 43� 052822230033 438 439 052822230034 440 441 442 443 444 RCC-1 to R-4 445 446 062822130001 447 448 449 450 451 062822140001 452 453 454 455 456 457 062822420016 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 � 465 062822340010' 466 l 467 468 469 o�-Sot -- ON NWI,Y L OF & 44.17 FT FROM NW COR OF BLK 46, TH NELY AT ANGLE OF 13 DEG 04 NIIN TO R FROM SD NWLY L TO NWLY L OF SD BLK & SUB7 TO RD LOTS 10 11 12 & 14 & ALL OF LOT 13 BLK 46 0 Chestnut St. SUBJ TO SHEPr1RD RD LOTS 8 AND LOT 9 BLK 46 10 River Pazk Plaza LOT 4 BLK 2 10 Rivet Pazk Plaza LOT 2 BLK 2 10 River Pazk Plaza LOT 3 BLK 2 10 River Park Plaza LOT 5 BLK 2 Unassigned LOT 1 BLK 2 10 Itiver Park Plaza LOT 1 BLK 1 Unassigned OUTLOT A Unassigned VAC 5TS & ALL S ACCRUING& SUBJ TO STS PART OF GOVT LOT 7& F BLK 1 IN SD BAZIL & ROBERTS ADD LYING E OF BERT ST AS WIDENED N OF FILLMORE AVE S OF MISSI IPPI RIVER & W OF RIVER PARK PLAZA. 1 Water St. W. EX LY 60 FT PART OF NAVY ISLt1ND SWLY OF L RiJN SE COR OF N PIER AND THRU PT 12 FT NELY FROM NE C R OF 5 PIER OF OLD WABASHA ST BRIDGE BEING PART F GOVT LOT 9 SEC 6 TN 28 RN 22 0 Wabasha St S. 5UBJ TO RY R/W & SEWER RiW SSMTS; PART OF NAVY ISLAND NELY OF A L RUN THRU SE COR OF N PIER & THRU PT 12 FT NELY OF NE COR OF S PIER OF OLD WABASHA ST SRIDGE ALSO NELY 60 FT OF PART SWLY OF SD L BEING PART OF GOVT LOT 9 IN SEC 6 TN 28 RN 22 85 Wat St. W. VAC OLD WATER ST ACCRUING & FOL: SUBJ TO ALLEY; PART NLY OF REALIGNED WATER ST OF REALIGNED WATER ST OF FOL NELY'/ OF CAC WATER ST ADJ & LOT 6 & WLY 15 FT OF LOT 5 BLK 183 ROBERTSON'S ADD TO WEST ST PAUL, ALSO VAC OLD WATER ST ACCRUING & FOL PART NLY OF REALIGNED WATER ST & 5ELY OF A LINE KNOWN AS HARBOR LINE OF LOTS i THRU LOT 5 75 Water St. W. SUB7 TO STS, ESMTS & FLOOD CONTROL 7 EX RY RfWS VAC STS & ALLEYS ACCRUING & FOL LOTS THRU 6 BLK C& PART OF LOT 1 BLK A DESC AS BEG AT SW COR OF SD LOT 1 TH NELY TO A PT ON WL OF E 10 FT OF SD LOT 1 DIST 15 FT N FROM SL OF SD LOT 1 TH N ON SD WL OF E 10 FT TO NL 4�� �§ � ! r^a f , ; . � ,'�: 471 � E € `�i' ; ; '� r` 472 062822420002 Unassigned Benanav Bostrom Harris Adopted by Council: Adoption Requested by Department of: O � -So1 Plannin & Economic Devel �ment • Form Approved Uy City Attomey D e by Council Secretasy RY� ( ��^ �w�'� � _ t-�K-e� Approved by 6Fayor: Date R . OF SD LOT 1 Tf� E TO NE COR TH S TO SE COR TH W A 30 FT TRACT ACROSS BLK G Approved by Mayor for Suh�iyis, on to Council .� �V�i r O�-So� CTTY OF SAIN'T PAUL Norm Colemaa, dlayar DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: May 4, 2401 340 Ci[y Hall IS Wec[ Kellogg Bou[evard Satitt Pau� MN 55702 TeLephone 65I-266-8570 Facsimile: 651-228-SSI3 Council President Bostrom d Me bers of the Saint Paul City Council Mayor Norm Coleman �� / l�-� Downtown Riverfront 40-Acre Zoning Study I am attaching for your consideration the Planning Commission's recommendations regarding the Downtown Riverfront 40-Acre Zoning Study. A copy of the memo the Chair o£the Commission sent to me is attached for your information and background. I think this memo very clearly explains the impetus behind the 40-Acre Study, the key recommendations of the study and their relationship ta the Saint Pau1 Comprehensive Plan, and the Saint Paul on the Mississippi Development Framework. I concur with the Planning Commission's findings and recommendations, and encourage the City Council to adopt the recommendations of the Downtown Riverfront 40-Acre Zoning Study. Thank you. Attachments PLANNING COMMISSION CITY OF SAIlVT PAUL Norm Colemaa, Mayor DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: May 3, 2001 Mayor Norm Coleman CladysMorton, Chair 25 West Founk SYree1 Saint Pau� MN 55102 Gladys Morton, Chair, Saint Paul Planning Commission� l� Downtown River&ont 40-Acre Zoning Study C� :1 lll O� -3a� Te[ephone: 65Z-266-6565 Facsimile: 651-128-3314 The Downtown Riverfront 40-Acre Study has three goals: 1) to implement the Mississippi River Corridor Plan, the Land Use Plan, and the Saint Paul on the Mississippi Development Framework; 2} to prepare the Upper Landing site for redevelopment; and 3) to make zoning more consistent with existing and proposed land uses along the City's riverfront. The recently adopted Mississippi River Corridor Plan states that the RCR-1, RCC-1 and RCI-1 zoning districts aze ineffective, and in some cases, inconsistent with the City's vision (as stated in the Land Use Plan and the Saint Paul on the Mississippi Development Framework) for mixed-use urban villages along the downtown Mississippi riverfront. No changes are being proposed in this 40-Acre Study to the river corridor overlay adopted to comply with the State's Critical Area requirements. The Upper Landing site is currently zoned RCR-1. While this zoning category would allow the type of residenual development envisioned in the Upper Landing Urban Design Master Plan, it does not allow commercial uses. The intent of the zoning changes proposed for the Upper Landing is to facilitate a finer-grained mix of uses within one large development site. Beyond the Upper Landing, there are other sites along the City's downtown riverfront that would benefit from having a zoning classification that is more consistent with existing and proposed uses, such as Harriet Island Regional Pazk. It is the intent in this 40-Acre Study to recommend rezoning these parcels to other zoning classifications that allow existing uses, so that no non-confornung uses will be created. Far example, where there aze industrial uses on land zoned RCI-1, rezoning to I-1 is generally recommended. One exception is the area immediately south of Harriet Island (currently zoned RCR-1 and RCI-1), which is part of a larger area that has been selected by the Metropolitan Council as a Smart Growth Twin Cities Opportunity Site. With the study currently underway, rezoning this area would be premature at this time. o�-.s Mayor Norm Coleman May 3, 2001 Page Two For all of these reasons, on January 26, 2001, the Saint Paul Planning Commission initiated the Downtown Riverfront 40-Acre Zoning Study. Minnesota State Statutes allow Saint Paul to amend its Zoning Code (text and map) without the otherwise-required written consent of the owners of two-thirds of the real estate within 100 feet of the affected parcels if two conditions are met: 1) the azea to be considered for rezoning is at least 40 acres in size; and 2) the number of pazcel descriptions affected by the changes renders the obtaining of written consent impractical. The Planning Commission determined that these two conditions were met for those parceis currently zoned RCR-1, RCC-1 or RCI-1. THE 40-ACRE STUDY The Downtown Riverfront 40-Acre Zoning Study proposes changes to the both the text and the map o£the Zoning Code. The proposed map changes (i.e. rezonings) are attached and include: Rezoning of most parcels currently zoned RCR-1, RCGl, or RCI-1 to reflect the draft Mississippi River Corridor Plan, the Land Use Plan, and the Saint Paul on the Misszssippi Development Framework. NORTH BANK Recommendation #1: Rezone the Upper Landing development site and other parcels along Shepard Road (except Xcel Energy property) to OS-2. Recommendation #2: Recommendation #3: Rationale: Removes RCR-1 and RCI-1; allows new development that matches the City's vision for the Upper Landing. Rezone Xcel Energy property to I-1. Rationale: Removes RCI-1; rezones to allow the non- developed portion of Xcel's property to continue to have an industrial zoning designation. Rezone parcels east of Chestnut south of Shepard Road to R-4. Rationale: Removes RCR-1; allows development of new Upper Landing Park and puts R-4 zoning in place for a11 riverfront park space. Ol-SC� Mayor Norm Coleman May 3, 2001 Page Three SOiTTH BANK Recommendation #4: Recommendation #5: Recommendation #6 Rezone Raspberry Island to R-4. Rarionale: Removes RCR-1 and RCC-1; rezones to allow eacisting uses to remain as permitted uses. Rezone Harriet Island to R-4. Rationale: Removes RCR-1; rezones to a11ow existing uses to remain as permitted uses. Rezone former Department of Revenue site to OS-2. Rationale: The proposed text changes are attached and include: Removes RCC-1; rezones to allow new development compatible with the West Side Flats urban village; allows housing at river's edge. 2. Amending the height limits in OS-2 to reduce permitted building heights. This recommendation acknowledges neighborhood concerns raised about the Upper Landing, and the desire to preserve public views of the river. Similar concerns were expressed by the West Side Citizens Organization at the time OS-2 was cxeated to apply to the West Side Flats. Indeed, transitions between OS-2 and adjacent zoning districts will be important anywhere in the city. The 40-Acre Study recommends that the maximum building height allowed in the OS-2 district be lowered from 100 feet to 90 feet. The height aY which a Special Condition Use Permit would be required would remain at 65 feet. A draft set of recommendations was released by the Planning Commission on Mazch 9, 2001. A wmmunity meeting sponsored by the West Side Citizens Organization (WSCO) was held on February 13, 2001 to discuss the proposed Zoning Code changes, answer questions and receive comments. Ciry staff also met with representatives of the Irvine Park neighborhood and the West 7`�/Fort Road Federation for the same purpose. The Planning Commission held its public hearing on April 13, 2001 at which Irvine Pazk and Centex Muiti-Family Communities, L.P. spoke, and WSCO submitted a resolution. We believe the 40-Acre Study recommendafions being O�-Sc� Mayor Norm Coleman May 3, 2001 Page Four forwarded by the Plamiing Commission to you and the City Council address the regulatory issues necessary to implement the Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan and the Saint Paul on the Mississippz Development Framework, as well as the concerns raised by WSCO and Centex Multi-Family Communities, L.P. RECOMMENDATION The Saint Pau1 Planning Commission recommends that you forwazd the attached Downtown Riverfront 40-Acre Zoning Study to the City Council for adoption. Attachments oti- So� Downtown Riverfront 40-Acre Zoning Study Text Amendments 27 Apri12001 L17��1111 Sec. 60.300. Districts established. SPECIAL DISTffiCTS nn� i n._ __ n_..._�,._ n_W�__,.s_i r�:...._,,. Sec. 60.305. More restrictive or less resirictive districts. When the code refers to more restrictive districts or less restrictive districts, the districts in order from more to less restrictive are: R-LL, R-1, R-2, R-3, R-4, RT-1, RT-2, RM-1, RM-2, RCR-1, RM-3, OS-1, B-1, B-2C, �C-�-1-, B-2, B-3, B-4, B-5, RCI-1, I-1, I-2, I-3. The P-1 district sha11 be as restricfive as the district for which the P-1 district provides accessory parking. (C.F. No. 96-307, §§ 2, 4-24-96) _. _. , . � - - .. - - � � - � � - - --- --- - � - - -- - - - - -- - - -- - � - - -- - - - :. - -- -- - - - - - - - - : - - - - -- -- - ._ . - ._ _� � . _. ... _. ... _ . . _. __. - .. - - - � - - - - - - -- --- - -- - - - - - . - - - - - -- - - - - --- - -- - - -:-- -- -- - • -- -- --- -- --- -- ' � - - � - - ---- -- •--- - - --- -- : - - --- - - - - -- -- - - -� - - • -- - - - - - - - -- --- - - - -- - - - - -- -- - -- -- � ------- - --- - - -- -- --- --- -- -- --- --- -- - - .� o l_So� �• ' - �� �1 ' - �� � � - - �u�� ' - � 1 � ' . .� ...- -'- -�- - -- ' - ' - . .. � -� - � r _" ' _ _' "_ _ i:. .w _' _" '_ '__ ' "_ _ __ __' _ ' " 1 _" " _ ___ _"_ _ _ _ _ �• _ • _ _ _ � " ' " _ ' "_ ' _ _ r_' _ " _ " __ ' _ • _ ' _ ' _ ' ' _ _ ' ' __ ' '_" _ _ ' _ _ _ e"" __ ' ' ' " _ _ ' . ' "" " ' _ " _ _ " ' " ' _ _ " " ' " ' " _ - _ _ _ � ' _ _ _ " � � ' " ' _ ' "' '"_ _ '"_ ' ' '_ _ """ _ "_ ' ' ' _ '__ ' ' '"' _" ' ' "'_ ' """"" _ ' "' ' _' "' __' '_' " _ '"" "" "_ • • � _" . . . � _ . . . _ . . ' ' ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' ' . ' ' ' ' .�. �� � ' ' ' " ' i _ _ " ' _ ' ' _ _ ' _ " _ ' ' _ " _ • � ' � • " ii: _ • � . " ' """ ' _ '" '"" _" ' _ " "_"'" " "' _" ""_" " " ' ' _" ' " " " _'"" ' " _"" �_' """ ' _' "'� _' " " ' '"' _' ' "'_" " " _ """ ' '_'" ' ' " "' ___""_ '_'_'""_' "'"' _' " � ' _"" "' "' ' ' "' "_ _"'_ � • � � .. � ... . .. _.. . . ."" '"" '"" " _"_""' "_" " ..._ _'"' '_'• . oi.�sw� u.�.i� o�-so� Downtown Riverfront 40-Acre Zoning Study Te�ct Amendments Page 3 27 April 2001 D R A F T . . , > . . . , - „ ,� > , , , • , , Subdivision 2. 60.520. OS-Z General Office-Service District Sec. 60.521. Intent. The OS-2 General O�ce�Service District is intended to provide for development of compact, pedestrian-oriented urban villages with a diverse mlx of commercial, residential, civic and recreational uses located within a quarter mile of high-frequency transit service. (C.F. No. 00-972, 11-8-00) Sec. 60.522. Principal uses permitted. In an OS-2 General Office-Service District the use of land, the location and erection of new buildings or structures, and the alteration, enlazgement and moving of existing buildings or structures from other locations ar districts shall conform to the following specified uses, unless otherwise provided in tkiis code: (1) Ail principal uses permitted and uses pernutted subject to special conditions and as regulated in the OS-1 District, except cellulaz telephone antennas located on a freestanding pole. (2) Post offices and similar governmental offices. (3) Retail businesses that supply commodities on the premises, such as, but not limited to, groceries, ineats, dairy products, baked goods or other foods, drugs, dry goods, clothing and notions, hardware, books, stationery and plants, with up to 10,000 square feet of gross floor area. (4) Eating and liquor-licensed establishments, except drive-in or fast-food restaurants. (5) Hotels and hospitals. (6) Dry cieaning establishments, or pickup stations, dealing directly with the customer, and seif- service laundries and dry cieaners. Central dry cleaning plants servicing more than one (i) retail outlet are prohibited. (7) Manufacturing of small, precision goods such as dental, surgical or optical goods, or electronic assemblies, along with light assembly, packaging and distribution activities. �1-SO � Downtown Riverfront 40-Acre Zoning Study Text Amendments Page 4 27 Apri12001 D R A F T (8) Other uses similaz to the above uses. (9) Accessory buildings, structures and uses as defined in section 60.201. (10) Carriage house dwellings, provided that a maxiinum of one carriage house dwelling sha11 be allowed per principal dwelling unit. (11) Above ground parking buildings not exceeding forty-five (45) feet in height. (C.F. No. 00-972, 11-8-00) Sec. 60.523. Required conditions. The following conditions shall be required of all uses in the OS-2 General Office-Service District: (1) Except for off-street parking or loading, all business, storage, servicing or processing sha11 be conducted within completely enclosed buildings. (2) The scale, massing and materials of buildings shall be compatible with adjacent structures in the district. The base, middle and top of buildings shall be architecturally delineated. (3) The exterior surface of buildings shall be articulated with vertical elements. Windows, doors and other building openings shall be square or vertical in proportion. The first floor sha11 be articulated with windows, entrances, etc. that relate to the scale of a pedestrian at street level. (4) Roof-top mechanical systems, service equipment and head houses for elevators and stairs shall be enclosed and not visible from public rights-of-way. (5) Parking shall be provided underground (below-grade) or to the reaz of buildings. Access to parking shall be at the rear or interior of the lot to the greatest extent possible. Garage doors for underground parking may face the street, but shall be as unobtrusive and pedestrian-friendly as possible. (C.F. No. 00-972, 11-8-00) Sec. 60.524. Principal uses subject to special conditions. The following additional uses shall be permitted, subject to the conditions hereinafter imposed for each and subject to the standazds specified for all special condition uses as set forth in section 64.300(d). All principal uses permitted subject to special conditions sha11 be reviewed and approved by the planning commission. (1) Retail businesses that supply commodities on the premises, as allowed in the OS-2 district secfion 60.522(2), with more than 10,000 square feet of gross floor azea. o�-so1 Downtown River&ont 40-Acre Zoning Study Tea�t Amendments Page 5 27 Apri12001 D R A F T �2) Buildings over si���tij-steries-er sixty-five (65) feet in height, - '-z,=,�s subject to the following conditions: a. Views and vistas from public rights-of-way and open spaces shall be retained, especially between the bluffs and the river and between the river valley floor and the bluffs. Applicants shail provide the planning commission an analysis, including site plans and perspective drawings, showing how the buildings wi11 affect views. b. No building shall exceed � nine 90 feet in height. ; ry�'��=��s No above-ground Aarking buildings shail exceed sixty five (65, feet in hei¢ht• (3) Above-ground parking buildings over foriy-five (45) feet in height, subject to the condition that no such building shall exceed sixty-five (65) feet in height. (4) Ceilulaz telephone antennas located on a freestanding pole, as regulated in the OS-1 district, section 60.514(5)a.through h. (5) Accessory buildings, structures and uses customarily incident to the above uses. (C.F. No. 00-972, 11-8-00) Sec. 60.525. Area, bulk and setback requirements. See chapter 61, Schedule of Regulafions, limiting the height and bulk of buildings, the minimum size of lot by permitted land use, and providing minimum yazd setback requirements. (C.F. No. 00-972, 11-8-00) Sec. 61.103. Business districts. Minimum Size Mavmum .. � Iat Size Per Height Minimum Yard Setback ��m� Unit of Structures (Per Lot in Feet) Percent of Floor Lot Area Side Ocrupied Ratio Area in Width Front BY Main (FAR) Squue in In �In ��_ �� Reaz B � d � g Zoning District Peet Feet Stories Feet mum of ltvo 61.103 BUSINESS DISTRICTS OS-1 Local OfficeService none none 3 d 30 d lb a,g b b b,c none 1.0 OS2 General Office-Service none none �}e 65 e 0 g b b b,c none 3.0 B-1 Local Business none none 3 30 15 a,g b b b,c none 1.0 B-2 Commvnity Business none none d 30 d 0 f,g b b b,c none 2.0 B-2C Community Business none none 3d 30 d 25i 4 S 25 30% NA (Cunverted) B-3 General Business none none d 30 d 0 g b b b,c none 2.0 B-4 Central Business none none no limit no limit no limit none none none c none 8.0 f O�-So� Downtown Riverfront 40-Acre Zoning Study Text Amendments Page 6 27 Apri12001 D R A F T Notes to 61.103 Business Districts: (a) OfF street pazking shall be permitted to occupy a required front yard setback; provided, that the off-street pazking azea, exclusive of access driveways, shal] be set back a m;nimum distance of sis (6) feet from any $ont or side street right-of-way and the off-street pazking azea setback meets the requirements of section 61.103( fl. (b) No side or rear yazds aze required along the interior lot lines of the district, except as otherwise specified in the building code; provided, that if walls of structures facing such interior lot lines contain windows, or other openings, yards of not less than six (6) feet shall be provided. Side and reaz yards of at least six (6) feet sha11 be required when a business district adjoins a side yard in an adjacent residence district. These setback requirements from interior lot lines shall be waived when an easement agreement is recorded as to the affected propertaes. Proof of such recorded easement sha11 be provided at the time of application for a building permit. The recording of the easement agreement shall be interpreted to mean that the following intents and purposes of these setback requirements are met: adequate supply of sunlight and air to adjacent property; sufficient space for maintenance of the building from the same lot; and prevention of damage to adjoining properiy by fire or runoff &om roofs. (c) Off-street loading space shall be provided in the rear yard in accordance with the requirements of section 62.105. (d) The height of the structure may exceed the maximum building height aliowed in the district, provided the structure is set back from all setback lines a distance equal to the height which said structure exceeds the maximum building height allowed in the district. (e) The height of structures in an OS-2 General Office-Service District may exceed si�e {6jstet�es an� sixty-five (65) feet in height, subject to conditions under sec6on 60.524(2). The height of above ground parking buildings in an OS-2 General Office-Service District may exceed forly- five (45) feet in height, subject to the conditions under section 60.524(3). T � 0 N L � Q ti r �..i � _ ._ O N ' d � O Q O � a � � O � d > � C 3 0 w _ 3 0 � � > v \ �//l C•7 �a � r � nn ��G/ � � N � M � � o��o. ¢, � { � i � _ � � N o � N � � � V U � L � � � I i I � Q w��a �1 i�l � e � ��Q 11_�� d� UoQQ`� � c c� � 3 -a � � o �v� �3 Q�o�cn a cncna �oo� �oo� �,� � � I I� � _ � a 0�-50� � 3v Interdepartmentai Memorandum CITY OF SA1N1' PAUL DATE: June 21, 2001 TO: Saint Paul City Council FROM: Lucy Thompson, PED I/(�(��y�rY�� V� SUBJECT: Written Testimony Received on Downtown Riverfront 40-Acre Study I have attached for your information the two letters we received before the 530 p.m. June 6, 2001 cut-off time for written comment on the Downtown Riverfront 40-Acre Study. Kevin McGrath addressed the City Council at the June 6, 2001 public hearing. The JLT Group letter was received by FAX just before 5:00 p.m. on June 6, 2001. Attachments Ot-5of Kevin McGrath 33'istozic Irvnne Park Association 2341tyan Avenue St. Paul, MN 55102 (651)224-8947 dune 6, 2001 Members of the Saint Paul City Council: T'hank you for the oppoztunity to gzesent tfie testimony ofthe H'istaric Irvine Park Association and the West SeventhlFort Road Federation. We are here today to ask the City Council to take the advice oPthe City's planners and amend the proposed OS-2 wzring regviations to provide that Special Conditional Use Pennits bc required for all buildiags taller than 45 feet in height. In additioq we ask that 4he zoning code be amended to reflect more precise requirements €or vzew impa� analysis and that the Plaaning Commission be required to make speci&c findings iegarding a SCiJ� apglicant's compliance with the code. While this issue is befora the Council in connection with the Ugper Landing project, be certain that ttus ia a city-wide issue of great importance. The issue be£ore you today is what is the best way to impiement the City's new "urban vii(age" zoauig regulations and how to balance the City's desire for medium-dansiiy mixed use development with the sometimes competing interests of estai>&shed, traditional neighhorhoods. The new OS-2 zone cvili not be limiied to the Upper Landing or the West Side Flats. This is a zomng ctassification tk�at wlll likely be impiemented at sites tYuoughout the city. Our neighborhood groups suppozt the concept of mixed-use zoning dassif'icarions. Mix�d uses aza impoitant to a vihrazrt community. Muced uses — when properly balanced — help make St. Paul's neighborhoods great plac,�s to live. When this matter initially cazne to the Planning Commissioq skaff recotnmended lowering the maximum height withouY a Special Coaditioual Use Pezmit from 65 feet to 45 feet in tbe OS-2 zoning regulations. Following ths pubfic hearing and in advance of the Planning Comaussion Neig6borhoods' Committee, staff raised its recommendation to 55 feet. Both of these spproaches were rejectad by the Planning Comarission, which mted to retain the 65-foot ttueshold. We supp�rted — and continue to support — the initial reco�endation of PED in this matter, lowerir�g the mxxirnum building height without a Speciai Condirional Use Pern�it from 65 feet to 45 feet. These aznendments make sense not only for the Upper Landing but also for the eutire City because OS-2 by its nature will be used in plsces whece commercial, medium-density, and high-density residentiai and cammercial devetopment adjoin traditional St. Paul neighborhoods. QS-2 has been refened to as the "Urbmn V�lage" zoning classification_ The intenY of the OS-2 mmng district is "to provide £or developme.nt of compact, pedestrian-oriented urban villages ... locaxed within a quarter mile of firgh-frequency transit service." OS-2 zaning may be appropriata ViZ 'd 6DIE'oN �1tlS0�C lOOZ '8 •un� vt-5ol for sites in and azound t'3owntow� sucn as tne upper i.anding and 2cie iiorth:�ua6raru; si�es aIong Utaiversity Avenue at Dale (Pan-Asian Village), Lexington (fiome Depot �s housizag), SnelSing and I-94; the Fra�:lin-University-Raymond area north of I-94 and on both s3des of Ii'ighway 280; sates along Robert Street such as the West Side Flats; and sites along West Severnh from Aavem to East Seventh at Arcade. OS-2 might have been the choice for Shepard-Davern if it had been on the books at the time planning took place for the area OS-2 couId be used if an urban village approach is deemed apprapriate £or the Hanun's Brewery area. Whetber it is the West Side Flats, the Upper Landing, or the proposed Pan Asian Village, buildings taller tkaan 45 feet warrant special consideratioq pazticulazly when they are adjacent to traditional residential nei�iborhoods. As an e�mple, the four-story build'angs currenfly under consttuction just blocks away from City �Iall in the North Quadrant ara 44-£eet fall and would not require a SCITP under our proposal. The changes we urge are only triggered when buildiz�s are taller than 45 feet. The only added requirement to the SCiTP process recommended by staff is that a developer provides a view analysis as part of the application. Whi1e the views to and from ttze bluf£neighborhoods are certainly preczous, the viecvs of the Capitol or the CathedraI also command special consideration. Placing a 65-�oot building in close proximity to a traditional neighborhood of story azzd a half, two-story and three-story buildin�s could result in the new developmem negatively impactu�g the existing neighborhood. The zequized view analysis we urge could result in modifications to building placement and design that malce the new neighborhoods a better fit with the old. The usefulness of requixin� a view analysis as part o£the SCUP application has been mixed. On the Upper Landing, most ofthe energy and attention given to the subject focused on whether the applicant had submitted enough informarion to comply with the code, rather than on the impact o£ the proposed bui(dings which require a SCITP. Very few of the renderings aztached to the application accurately parttayed the impact on views. �ey vie�*�s and vistas were not identified. To prevent problems like this froni recurring, the code should be changed to provide; Applicants shall submit decailed plans of the proposed building(s), and included an the application shall be any proposed cY�ange in grade &om existing grade (measured in feet); heights and widths of the buildings, including the heights of all roof structures and any rooftop structures (measured in feet); and the heights of signi6cant landmarks or geographic features (measured in feet). The applicant should be required to provide before and after renderings of tbe site and should have to demonsttate the imgact on views and vistas of any portion of the building tbat exceeds the SCUP threshold. By inctuding these requirements, the discussion can focus on whether a proposed development blends with the suirounding neighborhoods or whether it is too disniptive. Applicants should be required to identify l�ey pubtic views and vistas in concezt witfi the planning sta�' (and the impaded neighborhnods). The Planning Conunission should be required to malang 5ndings 2 fii£ 'd so�E��u Nir�o:t l�Ol �B •unp ol-5ot fP.gasulil$ i�16 8Cc'ufaGy Oi i i1��iifCa�Ofl; il'i6 EatFsu`. il3 w'tuu uiitii.ai "viEriS iu�li �i v1y�55 �i E 7ci8iaF.�i or impacted, in whole or an pazt; the impact on views and vistas of ihe portion{s} of Yhe building(s) that exceeds the height which requires a Special Condition�l ITse Pe�avit; and any mitigating actions made or that are necessary to m;n;m;�e impact on critical views and vistas_ Reducing the threshol3 height from 65 feet to 45 feret for a SCUI' w�l pzotect ea+astin$ neighborhoods and ensure that buildings taller than 45 feet biend with their surround'u�gs. Defining whst is required in a view anatysis wiU stceamline the process and allow the Planning Commission to focus on the impact of the proposed bwlding heights. For these reasons, we recommend the SCITi'threshold be 45 feet and that the additional requ'uements outlined above be incotporated iato the OS-2 zomqg code as part of the Upper Landing 40-Acre Study. T'harilc you for your consideration and for the opportunity to be heard. Respectfully, Kevin McGrath Histozic Iiviae Park Association CC: St. Paul PED Becca Nme West Sevent6/Fort Road Federation h/q 'd n"�:£'oy Pld9D�t 1001 �8 �un� 06/06/2001 16:57 6516411244 J�T GROUP rH�t n�in� � 0�-50� ._.°�LTGROUP INC. 739 Vandalia Street • St. Pau(, MN 55114 (651) 641-i 111 • Fax (651) 641-1244 June 6, 2001 VIA FAC3IMILE Lucy Thompson Department of Planning & Economic Deve(opment 1300 City Hall Annex 25 West Fourth Street Saint Paul, MN 55102 Dear ivls. Thompson: Re: J 0 River Park Plaza (Comer of Robert and Pilimore) This letter is �vritten in response to the Downtown Rivezfront 40-Acze Study. In general, wa have certain rights regarding development of our above zeferenced property that were negotiated just a few years ago. We expect that these wiil not change. In addition, we have the following general concerns regarding the draft of the study we received on May 18, 2001: 1. Building heights. There aze structures in the area that aze of significant height. 2. "The seale, massing and materials of buildings sha116Q compatible with adjacent sti�uctures in the disb�ict. Tlse base, middle and top of buildings shall be architecturally delineated. " These are restrictive and �vill hinder development. "The exterior surface of buildings slsa/l be articulated with vertical elements. Windows, doors and other building openings shal! be square or vertical in proportion. The firstfloor shaZl be articulated with windows, entrances, etc that relate to the scale of a pedestrian at street level " These are restrictive and wili hinder development. 4. "Parking shall be provided underground (below-grade) or to the rear of buildings. Access to parking shall be at the rear or interior of the lot to the gr•eatest extent possible. Garage doors for underground parking may face the street. But shall be as unobbusive and pedestrian friendly as possible. " These aze restrictive and will hinder development. We appreciate your consideration of our concerns as the plan moves toward finalization. Sincerely, .Y6e Meyer JLT Group, Inc. o!-5e! CTTY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor DATE: June 20, 2001 TO: FROM: Saint Paul CiTy Council DEPART�IEKT OF PLAWING & ECONO�IiC DEVELOPMENT Brian Sweeney, Director 25 Wes1 Founh Street Saint Paul, MN 55702 Telepl:one: 65I-2666565 Facsimile: 657-228-3261 Lucy Thompson, PED �NG��` SUBJECT: Clarification of terms used in ordinance adopting Downtown Riverfront 40-Acre Study To assist in your review of the Substitute Ordinance offered by Councilmember Coleman on June 6, 2001 regarding the Downtown Riverfront 40-Acre Study, I am providing a brief definition of several terms used in Section 60.524(2). View: what is seen from the view station point to the view terminus. Typically a narrower view shed than that seen in a"vista." Vista: a wider-angle view from a view station point. With a vista, the view terminus is not a point or narrow "slice," but a wider full-horizon view. View station point: where you are standing to study the view or vista; the "beginning" of the view or vista. View terminus: the end point of the view or vista; what you are looking at. Landmazk: a structure (building, sign, public artwork, eta) that has historic, azchitectural, social, cultural and/or neighborhood identity significance. In this definition, a landmazk does not have to be officially designated as a heritage preservation site by the Saint Paul Heritage Preservation Commission, but it may. It may simply be a landmark that neighborhood residents identify as significant in its history, identity, sense of place, etc. Geographical feature: a physical feature (such as a blufF, Indian mound or watenvay) that defines a development site, or is a prominent feature within or adjacent to a development site. ,rks��c�r� v�.f�:� Mrrs� G_s1-et Council Fi1e #� O�-5�\ �'f�(��(�,�,� r 5��100� Ordinance # � L,;,.r,�� 18'S� n,r,.,._, rs...,.« Presented By Referred To Committee: Date tfl��zu 2 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING LEGISLATIVE CODE CHAPTERS b0 AND 61 ANA THE ZONING MAPS AND REGULATIONS PERTAINING THERETO WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Planning Commission made a survey of those areas along the downtown riverfront currently zoned RCR-1, RCG1, or RCI-1, for the purpose of considering amendments to the Zoning Code, and determined that: 1) the study area was at least 40 acres in size; 2) the number of real estate descriptions affected by the amendments rendered obtaining written consent impractical; and 3) the proposed amendments aze related to the overall needs of the community, to existing land use or to plans for future land use, as stated in the River Comdor Plan and Land Use Pian chapters of the City's Comprehensive Plan, and the Saint Paul on the Mississippi Development Framework; and WFIEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on the "Downtown Riverfront 40-Acre Zoning Study" on April 13, 2001 and, after considering public testimony, 1) found the "Downtown Riverfront 40-Acre Zoning Stud}� consistent with the Saint Paul Comprehensive Pian, and the Saint Paul on the Mississippi Development Framework; and 2) recommended on April 27, 2001 ihat the Zoning Code be amended as per the 40-Acre Study; and 20 WHEREAS, the City Council held a public hearing on June 6, 2001, notice of which was published in 21 the Saint Paul Pioneer Press on May 20, May 27, and June 3, 2001; and 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3Q 31 32 S3 '�4 5 WT-IEREAS, the City Council of the City of Saint Pau1 desires to amend the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to zoning for ihe City of Saint Paul by making the following text changes: THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 That Saint Paul Legisiative Code Chapter 60 is amended as follows: Sec. 60.300. Districts established. SPECIAI, DISTRICTS i�' 7 s � 2 3 'A1 .� 41 Sec. 60.305. More restrictive or less restrictive districts. ���$O t 42 43 When the code refers to more restrictive districts or less restrictive districts, the districts in order from 44 more to less restrictive are: R-LL, R-1, R-2, R-3, R-4, RT-1, RT-2, RM-1, RM-2, RCR-1, RM-3, OS- 45 1, B-1, B-2C, ��, B-2, B-3, B-4, B-5, RCI-1, I-1, I-2, I-3. The P-1 district shall be as restrictive as 46 the district for which the P-1 district provides accessory pazking. 47 ,, , Section 2 50 That Saint Paul Legislative Code Chapter b0 is amended as follows: 51 52 n .. . . c �n ��n nrrr+ � n..'__' �+'__ e�__ r+_'_ _ _ __ _> r� ._ •_. UU[/UFVLJLV/L J. UV.lVO. Z�C. 53 54 . . . . 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 �� _ , . '.• : :. : . :.:.: : , . � . .. . - . :. . . . . :� : :. . ; . .. . . . . : : . . .. . .. : .. : :. : . :� . .. : ::: : •. � : : . : : . : :. . : . . . .. : .� :. : . :� : .. . : . .� : . . : : . : . .. . : . : .:•:: � .: - . .: . . : : - . . . . . .. : : . :� � . : : . " .. : : .. . .: : . : .. . .� . . : .: • 73 . . . . 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 31 �,�. . . � ;:: : . . : - . . : : .: : : . : .. : � : . . : . . : : . . .. - - . .: . - : .. . . : : : . : :� : :.. .• . .• . � : � : - . .: . . . .: . .:� : : .. : . � : . : .. . . � : :� : : ... : ,� : :. .: . . . . , . : . .:. .. ;� . . = .. :. . :. : . . .. .: � . . : .: :. . . :. .. : - . . =. : . � . � :. : . . . . . .. : . : . . :. : _'__'__w.ri:�-`u.odu�uv�wa�ni.��n�s:Tn�i�ewz.i:i �i:�wnnn.�nwia:ieiin�uiwwi�w 92 93 . . . . ol- Sot ., � �ti1��w1�w),I���ll$�l�l w��tSbr�l�liDl��I�IUR�ib�G���4Ml�UJ � - � i.� i :� G " - i - - • • i - 96 97 . . . . 98 99 - . 100 101 102 . . 103 - 104 105 106 107 108 _. .. : : .: . : : . : . � • .. . .. . .- . . . . .. :. :.: . : • : . : . : : : : . : ::: - . .. .:. � .. .� . .. ... .. .. ... . 109 . . . . 110 111 . . 112 113 . . . , . 114 115 116 117 113 119 120 .. .. . :. . . .. : . . n��n:au�i�uu.�unu�+ia�rsr.mi��wia�wn.�nr.n��num�i�n�rii�s•i�i.�mui..n:r.�n����ui�iiimuamnnnum�•r.ni • i� Section 3 121 That Saint Paul Legislative Code Chapter 60 is amended as follows: 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 (39 �40 41 42 Subdivision 2. 60.520. OS-2 General Off ce-Service District Sec. 60.524. Principal uses subject to special conditions. The followang additional uses shall be permitted, subject to the conditions hereinafter imposed for each and subject to the standards specified for all special condition uses as set forth in section 64.300(d). All principal uses permitted subject to speciai conditions shall be reviewed and approved by the planning commission. (1) Retail businesses that supply commodities on the premises, as allowed in the OS-2 district section 60.522(2), with more than 10,000 square feet of gross floor area. (2) Buildings over ' , fifty (50) feet in hei t, subject to the following conditions: a. Critical �v_iews and vistas from public rights-of-way and open spaces shali be retained, especially between the bluffs and the river and between the river valley floor and the bluffs. Critical views and vistas shall be as defined in the Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan and anv other views determined to be critical bv the planning administrator. Applicants sha11 provide the planning commission an�x�ysis , . detailed 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 o t-SO l plans of the prouosed building{s) and, far each view for which a view stud is prenazed, at least ttie following: 1) detailed information regarding the heieht and width of the proposed building(sl. including the hei t of roof peaks and rooftop structures, as well as the erade elevarion(s�; 2) detailed information re ag rdin t� he hei t of si�ificant landmarks and/or geo .p�aphical features: 3) a series of photog�aphic unages showin¢ "before" (as is) and "after" (with the proposed structures) conditions: and 4) a comparison of the view unpact of a building(s� 50 feet in height at the proposed location with the view irnpact of the proposed buildine(sl exceedine 50 feet in heieht. Based on the s�ecifics of each case. the plannin¢ commission mav request additional information. The view points, views and vistas shall be accurately�ortrayed in the view studies and clearlv marked as to direction, view station point, view ternunus, and significant landmarks andlor aeoeranhical features. In determining imroact. the planning commission shall make findines related to the followin� � � � � the accuracy of the information presented in the view studies and compliance with the reauirements above: the extent to which critical views and vistas are retained or affected� the impact on views and vistas of theportion�sl of the building(s) that exceeds 50 feet in heieht: and mitigating actions bv the applicant to minimize imnact on critical views and vistas. b. No building shall exceed ' ninet 90 feet in height. ; •-�'-�-��: No above-�ound parking buildin�s shail exceed sixty-five 65�feet in height. (3) Above-�ound parking buildings over forty-five (45) feet in height, subject to the condition that no such building shall exceed sixty-five (65) feet in height. (4) Cellular telephone antennas located on a&eestanding pole, as regulated in the OS-1 district, section 60.514(5)a. through h. (5) Accessory buildings, shuctures and uses customarily incident to the above uses. 177 Sec. 60.524.1 Principal uses subject to special conditions; Exception. 178 174 1$0 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 l88 '89 90 91 92 93 The provisions of section 60.524(2) of this chapter shall not apply to developments for which a master plan has been adopted by the City Council of the City of Saint Paui as of the effective date of this ordinance amendment and for which there is a signed, approved redevelopment agreement with the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul as of the effective date of this ardinance amendmentx �rovided that final design plans are presented to the city council prior to staff approval and �at such projects vnll, to the extent reasonably possible, �allo�v the design guidel'anes of ihe Sustainable Decisions Guide for C�ty�Sau�G�atzl �`aE�2zties or other �sustainable development guidelines. 194 195 Section 4 196 197 That Saint Paul Legislative Code § 61.103 is amended as follows: 198 ZOO Sec. 61.103. Business distiicts. b�-So1 2 1 Zoning Minimum Size Maximum Minimvm Yard Setback Maximum Floor 2 Distsict Lot Siae Per Height (Per Lot in Feet) Percent of Aiea Unit of Structuies Lot Ratio Occupied (E'AR) Axez WidtS Sn S^ Fror�t Sice 3ezr By Main Ston e'eet Suilding Souare Feet es Geet Mini- Total r.mm o£ Two 2�3 61.103 ZO BUSINESS ZOS DISTRICTS 2.o OS-2 none none 6 e fi�i 50 0 g b b b,c none 3.0 2�� Geneial e 20 O£fice- 2,� Service L1U 211 Notes to 61.103 Business Districts: 212 .... 213 214 (e) The height of structures in an OS-2 General Office-Service District may exceed sr�{fi}s�eries� 215 si�N�(�3j fi 50 feet in height, subject to conditions under seation 60.524. The height of above 216 ground parking buildings in an OS-2 General Office-Service District may exceed forty-five (45) feet in 217 height, subject to the coiiditions under section 60_524(3). 218 219 Section 5 220 221That sheet no. 29 of the zoning maps of the City of Saint Paul, maintained as part of the Saint Paul Legislative 222Code and incorporated by reference in Section 60301 of the said code, aze amended by changing the zoning 223classification for the following properties: 224 225PIN NLTMBER ADDRESS LEGAL DESCRIPTION 226NORTH BANK 227 228 RCI-1 tQ I-1 229 230122823110005 501 Shepard Road SUBJ TO SHEPARD RD & SUBJ TO HIGH BRIDGE ROW & 231 NO PART OF VAC HILL ST AND MCMILLAN ST AD7 & EX 232 LEVEE & EX A 700 FT MOL UNION OIL PARCEL ADJ TO 233 5HEPARD RD; THE FOL; PART OF GOVT LOTS 1& 2 LYING 234 NWLY OF SELY LEVEE L1NE LYING SWLY OF SWLY LINE 235 OF HIGH BRIDGE ROW LYING SELY OF NWLY ROW LINE 236 OF SHEPARD RD LY1NG ELY OF A LINE DESC AS BEC� AT 237 MOST NELY COR OF TRACT B RLS 441 TH N 27 DEG 32 238 MIN OS SEC W 70.26 FT TH N 33 DEG 34 MIN 26 SEC E 68.22 239 FT TH 1�3 27 DEG 02 MIN 30 SEC W AND BLKS 4 THRU BLK ?40 6 ?41 >,42 !43 244 245 246 RCI-1 to OS-2 247 248012823440069 249 250 251 252 253 254012823440070 255 256 257 258 259 260062822320074 261 262 263 264 265 266062822320078 267 268 2b9062822310010 270 271 272 273 274062822320084 275 276 277 278 279 28006282231005 281 282 283 284062822320079 285 286062822320039 287 288 28906282232003800 290 291 292 293062822310007 294 295 296062822310004 297 l98 0 �•S�p1 Unassigned PART NWI.Y OF JOINT R/W O C M ST P& P RY & C ST P M & O RY CO & SELY OF BERNI�EIMERS ADD (SUBJ TO IIWY ESMT FOR NEW HIGH BRIDGE) IN SEC i TN 28 RN 23 Unassigned A STR1P OF LAND BEING TFIE FORMER MPLS FARIBAULT & CEAAR VALLEY RY R/W (NOW MILWAtJKEE R/W) ACROSS SE114 OF SE lf4 (SUBJ TO HWY ESMT FOR NEW HIGH BRIDGE)IN SEC 1 TN 28 RN 23 0 Elm Street Unassigned Unassigned TFIAT PART OF BLK 68 WHICH IS INCLUDED WIT'HIN A S'i'RIP I 1 FT WIDE ACROSS SD BLK THE SIDE LINES OF WHICH STRIP ARE PAIL TO AND DISTANT RESPECTIVELY 7 FT AND 18 FT NWLY FROM CL OF 30INT MAIN TRACK OF C M ST PANDPRRANDCSTPMANDORYCOS EX PART DEEDBD FOR ST AND EX PART USED FOR RR PURPOSES BLK 69 X SELY 7 FT PART OF BLK 40 WLY OF CL OF JO1NT MAIN TRACKOFCMSTPANDPRRANDCSTPMANDORYCOS OF BLK 40 Unassigned VAC ST ACCRUING & THE FOL;A 28 FT JOINT RY RlWACROSS BLKS 36 37 39 & 40 BEING BOUNDED BY TWO LINES ONE 7 FT NWLY & THE OTHER 21 PT SELY OF & PAR W ITH CL OF JOINT MAIN TRACK OF C M ST P& P RR & C ST P M& O RY COS ACROSS BLKS 36 37 39 & BLK 40 Unassigned Unassigned Unassigned Unassigned 193 Chestnut St. Unassigned SUBJ TO SPRING LANE PART OF VAC WALNUT ST ADJ AND OF BLK 47 AND 48 NWLY OF CL OF SPRING LANE ACROSS BLKS 48 AND BLK 47 16856 SQ FT MOL USED FOR RR R/WS IN BLK 69 EX NWLY 61 FT PART SELY OF CL OF JOINT MAIN TRACK OF C MSTPANDPRRANDCSTPMANDORYCOSOFBLK 40 SELY 40 FT OF NW1,Y 61 FT OF PART OF BLKS 37 39 AND 40 SELY OF CL OF JOINT MAIN TRACT OF C M ST P AND P RR ANU C 5T P M AND O RY ACKOSS BLKS 37 39 AND BLK 40 SELY 16 FT MOL OF NWI.Y FT MOL OF SWLY 24 FT MOL OF NELY 52 FT MOL OFLOT 12 BLK 47 SELY 16 FT MOL OF NWLY 31 FT MOL OF SWLY 24 FT MOL OF NELY 52 FT MOL OF LOT 12 BLK 47 299 300 301062822320020 302 303 304 305062822320036 3Q6 307 308 309 310062822330006 311 312062822320093 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320062822320037 321 322 323062822310012 324 325 326 327 328 329 330062822320032 331 332 333062822320084 334 335062822320033 336 337 338 339 3400b2822320030 341 342 343 344062822320075 345 34b 347 348 349 S50 �51 52 53 54 0 l. $9�, Unassigned VAC ST ACCRiTING & NWI,Y 32 FT OF SELY 50 FT OF PART OF BLK 36 NWLY CL OF JOINT MAIN TRACK C M ST P& P RR & C ST& O RY BEING P ART OF 5 6 7& LOT 8 BLK Unassigned EX NWLY 61 FT AND EX SELY OF L 8 5/1 O FT MOLSELY FROM CL OF TRACK 86 DESC IN DOC 1274662 PART BLK 39 SELY OF CLOFCMSTPANDPRRAI3DCSTPMAND O RY COS TRACK ACROSS BLK 39 Unassigned LOT A [Inassigned EX PART IN LEASE NO 26415; VAC ST ACCRiTiNG & FOL. NWLY 82 FT OF NWI.Y %z OF 70INT RR R1W THRU BLK 37 & THAT PART OF LOT 10 NWLY OF SD RR R/W & THAT PART OF LOTS 11 & 12 LYING NWLY OF RR Rf W& SELY OF A LINE BEG 6 FT SELY OF MOST WLY COR OF LOT 11 TO THE NELY LINE OF LOT 12 AT A POINT 23.1 FT SE FROM MOST NLY COR OF LOT 12 BLK 37 Unassigned - PART OF LOTS 5 AND 6 SELY OF L 8 5/1 O FT MOL SELY OF CL OF SPUR 86 ACROSS BLK 39 266 Shepard Rd. EX NWLY 99 FT FOR F U G T A TRACT AND SHEPAR.D RD PART OF GOVT LOTS 4 AND 5 OF BLKS 46 THRU 44 ffiCE AND II2VINES ADD E1ND BET RUN SELY AT RA WITH SELY OF SD BLKS FROM S COR OF LOT 1 O BLK 46 AND FROM INTBRSECTION WITH S L GOVT LOT 4 ALL SEC 6 TN 28 RN 22 Unassigned 343 Spring St. EX SELY 50 FT OF LOT 1 SELY OF TRACKS 77 AND 86 AND NLY OF TRACK 94 DESCRIBED IN DOC 1274662 BLK 38 SELY 50 FT LOT 1 BLK 38 Unassigned EX LEASE NO 79886 BEING 12000 SQ FT IN SW COR OF BLK 38 & EX 5ELY 50 FT LOT 1 AND EX PART SELY OF TRACKS 77 AND 86 AND NLY OF TRACK 94 AS DESC IN DOC 1274662 ALL BLK Unassigned EX NWLY 61 FT PART OF BLK 3� 5ELY OF CL OF JOINT MAIN I'RACKOFCMSTPANDPRRANDCSTPMANDORYCOS ACROSS BLK 37 Unassigned A STRIP OF LAND 28 FT OVER AND ACROSS BLK 68 BEING BOiJNDED ON NWI,Y BY A L 7 FT NWLY FROM AND PAR TO THE CL OF THE MAIN TRACK OF SD RR COS AND BOiJNDED ON SELY SIDE BY A L 21 FT SELY FROM AND PAR THE ABOVE MENTIONED CL 355 356 357062822320034 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365062822320076 366 367 368012823410097 369 370 371062822320091 372 373 374 375062822320077 376 377 378062822320092 379 380 381 382062822310013 383 384 385 386 387 388 389062822320035 390 391 392 39306282232Q040 394 395 396 347 398012823410096 399 400 401 302 �03012823440082 t04 405 RCR-1 to OS-2 �06 07062822320072 08 09062822320094 10 0 � - sa\ Unassigned Unassi�ed 0 Wilkin St. 0 Elm St. Unassigned Unassigned Unassigned Unassigned Unassigned BEG AT SW COR OF BLK 38 Tf3 NE ON SE LINE 240 FT MOL TO N LINE OF RR PROPERTY TH WLY ON SD N LINE I 15 PT MOL TO PT 25 FT SE AS MEAS AT RA FROM CL OF RR CO'S FIRST SPUR TRACK Wf�ICH LTES NW SPRING ST TH SW PAR WITH SD SPUR TRACK lA0 FT TO PT ON W LINE OF SD BLK & 50 FT MOL NW FROM BEG TH TO BEG CONTAINING 12000 SQ FT MOL IN BLK 38 II3 THE CITY OF ST PAUL REVISED DE5CRIPTION NLIMBER 651 A SPECIFIC PART BLK 6& A TRIANGULAR TRACT IN THE SE COR OF LOT 7 BEING 20 FT ON WILKIN ST ANU 30 FT ON LEASE NO 26915 CONTAINING 10600 SQ FT MOL OVER PART OF LOTS 6& 7 BLK 37 DAYTON & IRVINES ADD & IN SD IRVINES ENLARGBMENT OVER PART OP LOTS 8 THRU LOT 12 IN THE CITY OF ST PAUL REVISED DESCRIPTION NUMBER 652 A SPECIFIC PART OF BLK EX PART IN LEASE NO 26915; PART OF BLK 68 SELY OF SISTERS OF THE GOOD SHEPARDS SUB & NWLY OF LINE 18 FT NWLY OF & PAR TO CL OF 30INT RY MAIN TRACK SUBJ TO SHEPARD RD SLOPES AND EX PART IN FARMERS IJIVION GRAIN TERMINAL LEASE RIPARIAN RIGHTS ACCRUING AND A TRACT BET SD RD MISSISSIPPI RIVER FROM EXTENDED N L OF BLK 4KINNEY BOND AND TRADERS ADDITION TO CL OF EAGLE BEING PART OF SECS 6 AND 7 SEC 6 T'N 28 RN 22 VAC ST ACCRUING & NWLY i l FT OF SELY 18 FT OF BLKS 36 37 & 39 NWLY OF CL OF JOINT MAIN TRACK OF C M ST P& P RR & ST P M& O RY COS ACROSS BLKS 36 37 BLK 39 PART OF LOTS 8 9 AND 10 SLY OF L RTJN FROM E COR OF LOTI O TO A PT ON SWLY L OF AND 30 FT FROM S COR OF LOT TH TO PT ON SWLY L OF r1ND 85 FT NWI,Y FROM S COR OFLOT 9 TH TO W COR OF LOT 8 ANU ALL LOT 7 BLK 49 0 Wilkin St. PART OF LOTS 6 AND 7 OF A L 50 FT NWLY FROM AND PAR TO THE CL OF C M ST P AND P RR EX A TRIANGULAR TRACT IN THE SE COR BEING20 FT ON WILKIN ST AND 30FT ON GOODRICH BLK 7 0 Wilkin St. Unassigned 266 Chestnut St. LOTS I THRU LOT 8 EX PART DEEDED FOR ST BLK 70 SUBJ TO 5HEPARD RD VAC WALNUT & SHERMAN STS ADJ & FOL EX LOT 12 BLK 41 OF BLKS 47 & 48 SELY OF RUN 152 FT 411 412 413 414 415 416 41� 418 419 42006282233QOQ1 421 422 423 424 425 RCR-1 to R-4 426 427062822240023 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435062822310001 436 437 438 434 440 441062822310003 442 443SOUTH BANK 444 445 RCC-1 to OS-2 446 447052822230031 448 449052822230029 450 451 452052822230030 453 454052822230032 455 456052822230028 457 458052822230027 459 160 �61 162052822230033 463 �64052822230034 65 66 NELY FROM W OF LOT 6 BLK 48 & ON N WLY L OF SD BLK TH NELY IN STRAIGHT L TO E COR OF LOT 1 BLK 47 & LOTS 1 6 t-S`� TFIRU 6, 11 & 12 BLK 49 ALSO PART OF LOT 8 N OF L RUN FROM W COR OF LOT 8 TO PT ON NELY L OF & 85 FT FROM E COR LOT 8 ALSO BEG AT S COR OF BLK 47 TH SWLY ON NWLY L OP WATER ST TO S COR OF LOT 12 BLK 49 TH SELY 12 FT ON EXT SWLY L OF SD LOT 12 TH NELY 247.5 FT TO PT SEC 6 TN 28 RN 22 345 Shepazd Rd. 5UB7 TO AVE AND RD THE STS AND ALLEYS ACCRUING AS VAC IN DOC ib00262 ANA FOL LOTS 80 THRU 90 IN UPPER LEVEE ADD NO 2.AND IN SD UPPER LEVEE ADD LOTS 3'I'I�RU LOT 79 184 Eag]e St. SUBJ TO RD & ESMTS & VAC ST ACCIZUING THE FOL; BEG AT S COR OF LOT 5 BLK 45 TH NWLY 47.4 FT ON SWLY LI1VE OF 5 TH NELY TO A POINT ON CL OF VAC ONTARIO & 132.2 FT NW OF NW LINE OF SHEPARD RD TH CURVE R ON A RAD OF 3544 FT TO THE SE LINE OF BLK 43 ALSO BEING THE NW LINE OF SHEPARD RD TH SW ALONG SD RD TO SLY COR OF BLK 45 TH NWI.Y TO BEG BEING PART BLKS 43 44 & BLK 45 0 Eagle St. SUBJ TO ESMT PART OF LOTS 1 TI�RU 7 SELY OF FOL L; BEG ON NWI,Y L OF & 44.77 FT FROM NW COR OF BLK 46, TH NELY AT ANGLE OF 13 DEG 04 MIN TO R FROM SD NWLY L TO NWLY L OF SD BLK & SUB7 TO RD LOTS 10 11 12 & 14 & ALL OF LOT 13 BLK 46 0 Chestnut St. SUBJ TO SHEPARD RD LOTS 8 AND LOT 9 BLK A6 10 River Park Plaza LOT 4 BLK 2 10 River Park Plaza LOT 2 BLK 2 10 River Park Plaza LOT 3 BLK 2 10 River Park Plaza LOT 5 BLK 2 Unassigned 10 River Park Plaza Unassigned Unassigned LOT 1 BLK 2 LOT 1 BLK 1 OUTLOT A VAC STS & ALLEYS ACCRUING& SUBJ TO STS PART OF GOVT LOT 7& OF BLK 1 IN SD BAZII. & ROBERT5 ADD LYIlVG E OF ROBERT ST AS WIDENED N OF FILLMORE AVE S OF 467 468 469 470 RCG1 to R-4 471 472062822130001 473 474 475 476 477062822140001 478 479 480 4&1 482 483062822420016 484 485 486 487 488 489 490062822340010 491 492 49� 494 495 496 MISSISSIPPI RIVER & W OF RIVER PARK PLAZA. O 1_Sa � 1 Water St. W. EX NELY 60 FT PART OF NAVI' ISLAND SWLY OF L RLTN THItU SE COR OF N PIER AND THRU PT 12 FT NELY FROM NE COR OF S PIER OF OLD WABASHA ST BRIDGE BEING PART OF GOVT LOT 9 SEC 6 TN 28 RN 22 0 Wabasha St. S. SUBJ TO RY R/W & SEWER R!W ESMTS; PART OF NAVY ISLAND NELY OF A L RUN THIZU SE COR OF N PIER & THRU PT 12 FT NELY OF NE COR OF S PIER OP OLD WABASHA ST BRIDGE ALSO NELY b0 FT OF PART SWLY OF SD L BEING PART OF GOVT LOT 9 IN SEC 6 TN 28 RN 22 85 Water St. W 75 Water St. W VAC OLD WATER ST ACCRUING & FOL: SUBJ TO ALLEY; PART NLY OF REALIGNED WATER ST OF 12EALIGNED WATER ST OF FOL NELY %z OF CAC WATER ST AD7 & LOT 6& WLY 15 FT OF LOT 5 BLK 183 ROBERTSON'S ADD TO WEST ST PAUL, ALSO VAC OLD WATER ST ACCRUII3G & FOL PART NLY OF REALZGNED WATER ST & SELY OF A LIIVE KNOWN AS HARBOR LINE OF LOTS 1 THRU LOT 5 SUBJ TO STS, ESMTS & FLOOD CONTROL 7 EX RY R/WS VAC 5TS & ALLEYS ACCRUING & FOL LOTS TARU 6 BLK C& PART OF LOT 1 BLK A DESC AS BEG AT 5W COR OF SD LOT 1 TH NELY TO A PT ON WL OF E 10 FT OF SD LOT 1 DIST 15 FT N FROM SL OF SD LOT 1 TH N ON SD WL OF E 10 FT TO NL OF SD LOT 1 THE E TO NE COR TH S TO SE COR TH W 497 0 \ -50� 44806282242Q002 Unassigned A 30 FT TRACT ACROSS BLK G 499 500 Secrion 6 501 502This ordinance amending Legislative Code Chapters 60 and 61 shail take effect thirry (30) days after its passage, 503 approval and publication. 504 505 Requested by Department of: By: Form Appr�� d by City Attorney BY: �/dLl+� /^� W (3'{/hOr� / /J � ( Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: Appr By: � � 23'0! Adopted by Council: Date �i�a�a-flCS'� Adoption CertiEied by Counci ec t ry L DEPAR'CMENT/OFFICE/COUNCII.: PED DATE INITIATED GREEN SHEET No.: 111234 02 May 2001 � � - $ CONTACT PERSON & PHONE: . f ArE mn�t7ntepnre Martlia Faust 266-6572 � � DEp,uzT nm ' � a crnr covxcn. � ) ASSIGPi 2 CITY ATTORNEY + O CITY CLERK MUST BE ON COUNCII. AGENDA BY ATE _�— r7�7�.�g� _FINANCIAL SERV D _ FINANCIAL SERV/ACCTG (T. Meyer) FOR 3 MAYOR (OR ASST.)�� j_ CIVII. SERVICE COMIvIISSION ROVI'ING ORDER TOTAL # OF SIGNA7'[JRE PAGES 1(CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATCJRE) ACTiON REQ[3ESTED: RECOMI�hENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Rejec[ (R) pERSONAI. SERVICE CON1'Re1C1'S MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING - QUESTIONS: A PLANNING COM1vIlSSION 1. I-Ias this peison/fi�m ever worked under a conhact for this departrnent? ' CIB COMIvIITTEE Yes No CIVIL SERVICE COMIvIISSION 2. Haz this person/fum ever been a ciry empl oyee? Yes No 3. Does this person/finn possess a skill not nomially possessed by any current ciry employee? Yes No Explain alI yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INI'PIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPOR'PTJNITY (R`6o, W hay When, W here, W hy): The Mississippi River Corridor Plan calls for replacing the RCR-1, RCC-1 and RCI-1 zoning districts as they are ineffective, and in some cases, inconsistent with the City's vision (as stated in the Land Use Plan and the Saint Paul on the Mississippi Development Framework) for xnixed-use urban villages along the downtown river&ont. Rezoning the Upper Landing site will prepaze it for redevelopment. Beyond the Upper Landing, there are other sites along the City's downtown riverfront that would benefit from having a zoning classification that is mare consistent with existing and proposed uses, such as Harriet Island Regional Park. In response, the Plauiung Commission initiated a 40-Acre Study in March, 2001 to recommend Zoning Code amendments in two area: 1) map amendments (rezonings) to facilitate redevelopment of the Upper Landing, and rezone other riverfront parcels currendy zoned RCR-1, RCC-1, or RCI-1 to make zoning mare consistent with existing and proposed uses, and 2) text amendments to reduce the maa�unum structure height in the OS-2 zoning district from 100 to 90 feet. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVEA� The Upper Landing will be appropriately zoned to be redeveloped as a medium-density mixed-use neighborhood. DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: Nane DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: �� The Upper Landing will not be rezoned for redevelopment. ��, �!� 1/ TOTAL AMOUNI' OF 1'RANS.�CTION: COST/REVF.NUE BUDGETED: f�r/�� ' CQQ1 �i j �4 �"j' ���.�' FUNDING SOURCE: ACTIVII'Y NUMBER: Budgetcade: �/ FANANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) x_�snarm�r��zo�na�o a�re swa�e�n�.ran � Council File # ��— Sfl� Ordinance # s���1UV�i� —�`�"` C � Green Sheet # � 1\ 3 � aao�_ PAU 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Presented By Referred To 3� Committee: Date AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CI3APTER 60 OF THE SAINT PAUL LEGISLATIVE CODE PERTAT ZONING FOR THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL AND THE ZONING TO 3THEREOF WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Planning Commission has made a survey of thos areas along the downtown riverfront currently zoned RCR-i, RCC-1, or RCI-1, for the purpose of co idering amendments to the Zoning Code, and has deternuned that: 1) the study area is at least 40 ac s in size; 2) the number of real estate descriptions affected by the amendments renders the obtaining written consent impractical; and 3) flle proposed amendments are related to the overall needs of the co unity, to existing land use or to pians for future land use, as stated in the River Corridor Plan and Land se Plan chapters of the City's Comprehensive Plan, and the Saint Paul on the Mississippi De lopment Framework; and WIlEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hear' on the "Downtown Riverfront 40-Acre Zoning S1udy" on April 13, 2001 and, after considering public t timony, 1) found the "Downtown Riverfront 40- Acre Zoning Study consistent with the Saint Paul Co rehensive Plan, and the Saint Paul on the Mississippi Development Framework, and 2) recommended on ri127, 2001 that the Zoning Code be amended as per the 40-Acre Study; and WHEREAS, the City Council held a public he ing on June 6, 2001, notice of which was published in the Saint Paul Pioneer Press on May 20, May 27 and 3une 3, Z001; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVB , that the City Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby amend the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaini g to zoning for the City of Saint Pau1 by making the following text changes: Sec. 60.300. Districts e� SPECIAL DISTRICTS Sec. 60.305. or less restricYive districts. 34 When the code efers to more restrictive districts or less restrictive districts, the districts in order from 35 more to less esh-ictive are: R-LL, R-1, R-2, R-3, R-4, RT-1, RT-2, RM-1, RM-2, RCR-1, RM-3, O5- 36 1, B-1, B-2C, ��, B-2, B-3, B-4, B-5, RCI-1, I-1, I-2, I-3. The P-1 district shall be as restricrive as 37 ihe district for which the P-1 district provides accessory parking. 38 (C.F. No. 96-307, §§ 2, 4-24-96) . � _. _. , . _ - • -- ,� , � �- 50l - -- • � - ---- - -- - - - - - - - - ----- - - - : - - -- --- - - -- � -- � ----- - - - - -- - -- - - -- - - - - ----- - - --= -- - -- - ---- - -- - :- --- --.: - - - -- - - - -- - -- ,. " . . �. � � - - - 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 !:. - -- - --- �- --- ---- - - -- - - � - - • - - - - - -- - - - ._ ; ;,�:,.......�n:..:.::.�r,.:.: �:a.�Fg:!. �:!:::R :��"" , �.. n�:........,�.�R:.....:.: �.:. �. ....:. � �,. ::.�'. ��a ..:,...:� - -- -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - ' - : -- --- _.:- - - --- - -- - - - - - - - -- : - - - -- - . ' • - --- - - --- - .� • .. . -- - -- - ---- -- - - -- -- - -- - -- -- - - - - - � - - - -- - - - -- - - - - -- --- -- - - - - - - - -- - - --. - ---- - -- - - .--- -- -- - - -- - - - :- .. :: s9 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 ioo 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 . . , , , .. . , , . . , , . . . , . - -,:,�.�:n;.,,..�.:,:.,..a. '- Subdivision 2. 60.520. OS-2 General Office-Service Dist�ict Sec. 60.521. Intent. The OS-2 General Office-Service District is intended t rovide for development of compact, pedestrian-oriented urban villages with a diverse mix f commercial, residential, civic and recreational uses located within a quarter mile of high-frequency ansit service. (c.�. rro. 00-9�2, i i-s-oo) Sec. 60.522. Principal uses permitted. In an OS-2 General Office-Service District e use of land, the location and erection of new buildings or structures, and the alteration, enlarge nt and moving of existing buildings or structures from other locations or districts shall conform to following specified uses, unless otherwise provided in this code: (1) All principal uses pernutted OS-1 District, except cellular te (2) Post offices and similar ; permitted subject to special conditions and as regulated in the antennas located on a freestanding pole. offices. 108 (3) Retail businesses that s pply commodities on the premises, such as, but not limited to, groceries, 109 meats, dairy products, b ed goods or other foods, drugs, dry goods, clothing and notions, hardware, 110 books, starionery and ants, with up to 10,000 square feet of gross floor area. 111 (4) Eating and 112 (5) Hotels and establishments, except drive-in or fast-food restaurants. 113 (6) Dry cleaning establishments, or pickup stations, dealing directly with the customer, and self- I1G 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 service laundries and dry cleaners. Central dry cleaning plants servicing more than one (1) retail ouUet are prohibited. p t-S o t (7) Manufactiiring of small, precision goods such as dental, surgical or optical goods, or electronic assemblies, along with light assembly, packaging and distribution activities. (8) Other uses similar to the above uses_ (9) Accessory buildings, structures and uses as defined in section 60.201. (10) Carriage house dwellings, provided that a maximutn of one carriage house dwelling shal e allowed per principal dwelling unit. (11) Above ground pazking buildings not exceeding forty-five (45) feet in height. (C.F. No. 00-972, 11-8-00) Sec. 60.523. Required condirions. The following conditions shail be required of all uses ]n the OS-2 General (1) Except for off-street parking or loading, all business, storage, conducted within compietely enclosed buiidings. District: processing sha11 be 128 (2) The scale, massing and materials of buildings shall be compatible�vith adjacent structures in the 129 district. The base, middle and top of buildings sha11 be architectura,l3y delineated. 130 (3) The exterior surface of buildings shall be articulated with v ical elements. Windows, doors and 131 other building openings shall be squaze or vertical in propo � n. The first floor shall be articulated 132 with windows, entrances, etc. that relate to the scale of a destrian at street levei. 133 (4) Roof-top mechanical systems, service equipment d head houses for elevators and stairs shall be 134 enclosed and not visible from public rights-of-way. 135 (5) Parking shall be provided underground (b 136 shall be at the rear or interior of the lot to the 137 parking may face the street, but shail be as uz 138 (C.F. No. 00-972, 11-8-00) , 139 Sec. 60.524. Princigal uses subject ide) or to the rear of buildings. Access to parking extent possible. Garage doors for underground e and pedestrian-friendly as possible. conditions. 140 The following additional uses shall e permitted, subject to the conditions hereinafter imposed for 141 each and subject to the standards ecified for a11 special condition uses as set forth in section 142 64300(d). All principal uses pe itted subject to speciai conditions shall be reviewed and approved 143 by the planning commission. 144 (1) Retail businesses that pply commodities on the premises, as allowed in the OS-2 dislrict section 145 60.523(2), with mare th 10,000 squaze feet of gross floor azea. 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 Ig$ 186 I8� I88 1g9 19� I91 192 193 194 195 O { -So � �e�iiiceare�s �b`c���; ?2 � 4� t�ft�ai��ac`ii����-������tt�: b. No building shall exceed � °�' No above-eround parkinQ buildin (3) Above-ground parking buildings over forty-five ( such building shall exceed sixty-five (65) feet in heig (4) Cellulaz telephone antennas located on a freest c section 60.514(5)a.through h. (5) Accessory buildings, shuciures and uses c stoma (C.F. No. 00-972, 11-8-QO) Sec. 60.525. Area, bulk and setback r uirements. nine 90 feetin height. ; in height, sub}ect to the condition that no pole, as regulated in the OS-1 district, incident to the above uses. See chapter 61, Schedule of Regulati ns, limiting the height and buik of buildings, the minimum size of lot by permitted land use, and pr iding minimum yard setback requirements. (C.F. No. 00-972, I1-8-00) Sec. 61.103. Business district� m� s;� M�� Size Per Height Unit of Structures Zoning District 61.103 BUSINESS DISTRICT OS-1 Local Office-Se 'ce OS-2 General Offi -Servicc B-1 Local Business B-2 Community Business B-2C Community Business tcon�ertea> B-3 General Business $-4 Central $uaiuesa Area in Width S4vare in In In Feet Feet SWries Feet none none 3 d nane none 6 e none none 3 none none d none none 3d none none d IIORS RqAB ROIIII Mini�num Yard Setback Mammum (Per Lotin Feet) Percent of Floor Lot Aree Side Occupied Ratia By Main (FAfi) Front � �� Reaz B �� g mum of Two 30 d 15 a,g �j e 0 g 30 15 a,g 30 d 0 f,g 30 d 25i b b b b 4 b b b b S b,c b,c b,c b,c 25 30 d 0 g b b b,c � 1i�ait ao limit none flBAO nena e none none none none 30%a none noae 1.0 3.0 i.o 2.0 NA 2.0 s.o f 19b I3otes to 61.103 Business Districts: o�-sa� 197 (a) Off-street parking shall be permitted to occupy a required front yard setback; provided, that the off- 198 street parking area, exclusive of access driveways, shall be set back a minimum distauce of six (6) feet 199 from any front or side street right-of-way and the off=street parkina area setback meets the 200 requirements of section 61.103(fl. 201 (b) No side or rear yards are required along the interior 1ot lines of the district, ex pt as otherwise 202 specified in the building code; provided, that if walls of structures facing such ' erior lot lines contain 203 windows, or other openings, yards of not less than si�c (6) feet shall be provide . Side and rear yazds of 204 at least six (6) feet shall be required when a business district adjoins a side y d in an adjacent 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 residence district. These setback zequirements from interior lot lines shall waived when an easement agreement is recorded as to the affected properties. Proof of su recorded easement shall be provided at the time of application for a building permit. The recordin f the easement agreement shall be interpreted to mean that the following intents and purposes o these setback requirements are met: adequate supply of sunlight and air to adjacent property; suffi 'ent space for maintenance of the building from the same lot; and prevention of damage to adjoini properiy by fire or runoff from roofs. 212 (c) Off-street loading space shall be provided in the rear yar in accordance with the requirements of 213 section 62.105. 214 (d) The height of the structure may exceed the maxim buiiding height allowed in the district, Z I S provided the structure is set back from all setback li s a distance equal to the height which said 216 structure exceeds the maximum building height a1 wed in the district. 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Ci Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby amend the Saint Paul Zoning Code by changing the zoning assification for the following properties on the zoning maps of the City of Saint Paul, Sheet No. 29, as i orporated by reference in Section 60301 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code: PIN NUMBER NORTH BANK RCI-1 to I-1 235 122823110005 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 ADARESS 501 $3�epard Road LEGAL DESCRIPTION SUBJ TO SHEPARD RD & SUBJ TO HIGH BRIDGE ROW & NO FART OF VAC HILL ST AND MCMILLAN ST ADJ & EX LEVEE & EX A 700 FT MOL UNION OIL PAR CEL ADJ TO SHEPARD RD; THE FOL; PART OF GOVT LOTS 1& 2 LYING NWLY OF SELY LEVEE LINE LYING SWLY OF SWLY LINE OF HIGH BRIDGE ROW LY1NG SELY Ok' NWLY ROW LINE OF SHEPARD RD LYING ELY OF A LINE DESC AS BEG AT MOST NELY COR OF TRACT B RLS 441 TH N 27 DEG 32 MIN OS SEC W 70.26 FT TH N 33 244 245 246 247 RCI-1 to OS-2 248 249 012823440069 250 251 252 253 254 255 012823440070 256 257 258 259 260 261 062822320074 262 263 264 265 266 267 062822320078 268 264 270 062822310010 271 272 273 2�4 06282232Q089 275 276 277 278 279 280 06282231005 281 282 283 284 062822320079 285 28b 062822320039 287 288 289 06282232003800 29� 291 ?92 ?93 062822310007 ?94 ?95 !96 062822310004 :97 98 DEG 34 MIN 26 SEC E 68.22 FT TH N 27 DEG 02 MIN 30 SEC W AND BLKS 4 THRU BLK 6 ��_ So � Unassigned PART NWLY OF JOINT R/W O C M ST P& P RY & C ST P M & O RY CO & SELY OF BERNI�IMERS ADD (SUBJ T I�WY ESMT FOR NEW HIGH BRIDGE) IN SEC 1 TN 8 RN 23 Unassigned A S'1'RIP OF LAND BEING THE FORNIER MP S FARIBALTLT & CEDAR VALLEY RY R!W (NOW NIILWA E R!W) ACROSS SEl/4 OF SE 1/4 (SUBJ TO IIWY ESMT F NEW HIGH BRIDGE)IN SEC 1 TN 28 RN 23 0 Eim Street THAT PART OP BLK 68 WI�CH I INCLUDED WITHIN A STRIP I 1 FT WIDE ACROSS SD BLK SIDE L1NES OF VVI-IICH STRIP ARE PAR TO AND DI ANT RESPECTIVELY 7 FT AND 18 FT NWI.Y FROM CL OF INT MAIN TRACK OF C M ST P AND P RR AND C ST P AND O RY COS Unassigned EX PART DEEDED F ST AND EX PART USED FOR RR PURPOSES BLK 6 Unassigned X SELY 7 FT P T OF BLK 40 WLY OF CL OF 70INT MAIN TRACKOFC STPANDPRRANDCSTPMANDORYCOS OF BLK 4 Unassigned VAC S ACCRUING & THE FOL;A 28 FT JOINT RY RIW ROSS BLKS 3b 37 39 & 40 BEING BOUNDED BY TWO L S ONE 7 FT NWL,Y & THE OTHER 21 FT 5ELY OF & PAR HCLOFJOINTMAINTRACKOFCMSTP&PRR&CST P & O RY COS ACROSS BLKS 36 37 39 & BLK 40 Unassigned Unassigned Chestnut St. Unassigned SUBJ TO SPRING LANE PART OF VAC WALNUT ST ADJ AND OF BLK 47 AND 48 NWLY OF CL OF SPRiNG LANE ACROSS BLKS 48 AND BLK 47 16856 SQ FT MOL USED FOR RR R/WS IN BLK 69 EX NWLY 61 FT PART SELY OF CL OF JOINT MAIN TRACK OF CMSTPANDPRRANDCSTPMANDORYCOSOFBLK 40 SELY 40 FT OF NWLY 61 FT OF PART OF BLKS 37 39 AND 40 SELY OF CL OF JOINT MAIN TRACT OF C M ST P AND P RR AND C ST P M AND O RY ACROSS BLKS 37 39 AND BLK 40 SELY 16 FT MOL OF NWI,Y FT MOL OF SWLY 24 FT MOL OF NELY 52 FT MOL OFLOT 12 BLK 47 SELY 16 FT MOL OF NWT,Y 31 FT MOL OR SWLY 24 RT MOL OF NELY 52 FT MOL OF LOT 12 BLK 47 299 062822320020 300 301 302 303 062822320036 304 305 306 307 308 06282233000b 309 310 �62822320093 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 062822320037 319 320 321 062822310012 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 062822320032 329 330 331 062822320084 332 333 062822320033 334 335 336 337 338 062822320030 339 340 341 342 062822320075 343 344 345 346 347 348 062822320034 349 350 351 l i52 353 354 Unassigned VAC ST ACCRtTING & NWLY 32 FT OF SELY 50 FT OF PART OF BLK 36 NWLY CL OF JOINT MAIN TRACK C M ST P& P RR & C ST& O RY BEING PART OF 5 6 7& LOT 8 BLK o �_ Unassia ed EX NWLY 61 FT AND EX SELY OF L 8 5/1 O FT MOLSELY FROM CL OF TRACK 86 DESC IN DOC 1274662 P� T BLK 39 SELY OF CL OF C M ST P AND P RR AND C ST�'M ANA O RY COS TRACK ACROSS BLK 39 / Unassigned LOT A Unassigned EX PART IN LEASE NO 26915; VAC S ACCRUING & FOL. NWLX 82 FT OF NWLY lz OF 70INT RIW THRU BLK 37 & THAT PART OF LOT 101VWLY OF D RR R!W & THAT PART OF LOTS i l& 12 LYING NWLY RR R/W & SELY OF A LINE BEG 6 FT SELY OF MOST WLY OR OF LOT i l TO THE NELY LINE OF LOT 12 AT A POINT 3.1 FT SE FROM MOST NLY COR OF LOT 12 BLK 37 Unassigned PART OF LOTS 5 AND 6 ELY OF L 8 5/I O FT MOL SELX OF CL OF SPUR 86 ACRO S BLK 34 266 Shepard Rd. EX NWLY 99 FT F F U G T A TRACT AND SHEPARD RD PART OF GOVT OTS 4 AND 5 OF BLKS 46 THRU 49 RICE AI�TD IRVINES ADD ND BET RUN SELY AT RA WITH SELY OF SD BLKS FROM COR OF LOT 1 O BLK 46 AND FROM INTERSEC ON WITH S L GOVT LOT 4 ALL SEC 6 TN 28 RN 22 Unassigned 343 Spring St. Unassigned Unassigned EX SE Y 50 FT OF LOT 1 SELY OF TRACKS 77 AND 86 AN Y OF TRACK 94 DESCRIBED IN DOC 1274662 BLK 38 S LY 50 FT LOT 1 BLK 38 EX LEASE NO 79886 BEING 12000 SQ FT IN SW COR OF BLK 38 & EX SELY 50 FT LOT I AND EX PART SELY OF TRACKS 77 AND 86 AND NLY OF TRACK 94 AS DESC 1N DOC 1274662 ALL BLK EX NWLY 6l FT PART OF BLK 37 SELY OF CL OF JOINT MAIN TRACKOFCMSTPANAPRRANDCSTPMANDORYCOS ACROSS BLK 37 A STRIP OF LAND 28 FT OVER AND ACROSS BLK 68 BEING BOIINDED ON NWLY BY A L 7 FT NWLY FROM AND PAR TO THE CL OF THE MAIN TRACK OF SD RR CO5 AND BOLINDED ON SELY STDE BY A L 21 FT SELY FROM AND PAR THE ABOVE MENTIONED CL Unassigned BEG AT S W COR OF BLK 38 TH NE ON SE LINE 240 FT MOL TO N LINE OF RR PROPERTY TH WLY ON SD N LINE 115 FT MOL TO PT 25 FT SE AS MEAS AT RA FROM CL OF RR CO'S FIRST SPUR TRACK WHICH LIES NW SPRING ST TH S W PAR WITH SD SPUR TRACK 14Q FT TO PT ON W LINE OF SD BLK & 50 FT MOL NW FROM BEG TH TO BEG CONTAINING 12000 SQ FT MOL IN BLK 38 355 356 062822320076 357 358 359 012823410097 360 361 362 062822320091 363 3b4 365 366 367 062822320077 368 369 370 062822320092 371 372 373 374 062822310013 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 Q62822320035 382 383 384 385 062822320040 386 387 388 389 390 oi2823410096 391 392 393 394 39� 012823440082 396 39? RCR-1 to OS-2 398 399 062822320072 400 401 062822320094 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 �09 �10 Unassigned 0 Wilkin St, IN Tf� CITY OF ST PAUL REVISED DESCRIPTION NiIMBER 651 A SPECIFIC PART BLK 68 � �_� �� A TRIANGULAR TRACT IN TI� SE COR OF LOT 7 BEING 20 FT ON WILKIN ST AND 30 FT ON 0 Elm St. LEASE NO 26915 CONTAINING 10600 SQ FT MOL OVER PART OF LOTS 6& 7 BLK 37 DAYTON & IRVINES ADD IN SD IRVINES ENLARGEMENT OVER PART OF LOT 8 THIZU LOT 12 Unassigned IN TI� CITY OF ST PAUL REVISED 652 A SPECIFIC PART OF BLK t: Unassigned EX PART IN LEASE NO 26915; PART O BLK 68 SBLY OF SISTERS OF Tf� GOOD SHEPARD5 & NWLY OF LINE 18 FT NWLY OF & PAR TO CL OF JO RY MATN TRACK Unassigned SUBJ TO SHEPARD RD 5LOPES D EX PART IN FARMERS UNION GRAIN TERMINAL LE E RIPARIAN RIGHTS ACCRUING AND A TRACT B SD RD MISSISSIPPI RIVER FROM EXTENDED N L OF K 4KINNEY BOND AND TRADERS ADDITION TO L OF EAGLE BEING PART OF SECS 6 AND 7 SEC 6 TN 28 22 Unassigned VAC ST ACCRUIN� NWLX ll FT OF SELY 18 FT OF BLK5 36 37 & 39 NWLY OF L OF JOINT MAIN TRACK OF C M ST P& P RR & ST P M& RY COS ACROSS BLKS 36 37 BLK 39 Unassigned PART OF L S 8 9 AND 10 SLY OF L RL3N FROM E COR OF LOTIO TO A PT ON SWLY L OF AND 30 FT FROM S COR OF LOT TH PT ON S WI.Y L OF AND 85 FT NWLY FROM S COR OFLOT TH TO W COR OF LOT 8 AND ALL LOT 7 BLK 49 0 Wilkin St. P QF LOTS 6 AND 7 OF A L 50 FT NWLY FROM AND PAR T HE CL OF C M ST P AND P RR EX A TRIANGi3LAR TRACT THE SE COR BEING20 FT ON WTLKIN ST AND 30FT ON OODRICH BLK 7 0 Wilkin St. Unassigned 266 LOTS 1 THRU LOT 8 EX PART DEEDED FOR ST BLK 70 St. SUBJ TO SHEPARD RD VAC WALNI7T & SHERMAN STS ADJ & FOL EX LOT 12 BLK 47 OF BLKS 47 & 48 SELY OF RUN 152 FT NELY FROM W OF LOT 6 BLK 48 & ON NWI,Y L OF SD BLK TH NELY IN STRAIGHT L TO E COR OF LOT 1 BLK 47 & LOTS 1 THRU 6, 11 & 12 BLK 49 ALSO PART OF LOT 8 N OP L RUN FROM W COR OF LOT 8 TO PT ON NELY L OF & 85 FT FROM E COR LOT 8 ALSO BEG AT S COR OF BLK 47 TH SWLY ON NWLY L OF WATER ST TO S COR OF LOT 12 BLK 49 TH SELY 12 FT ON BXT SWLY L OF SD LOT 12 TH NELY 247.5 FT TO PT SEC6TN28RN22 411 �62822330001 412 413 414 415 416 RCR-1 to R-4 417 418 062&22240023 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 062822310001 427 428 429 430 431 432 062822310003 433 434 SOUTH SANK 435 436 RCC-1 to OS-2 437 438 05282223Q031 439 440 052822230029 441 442 052822230030 443 444 052822230032 445 446 052822230028 447 448 052822230027 449 450 052822230033 451 452 052822230034 453 454 455 456 457 RCGl to R-4 458 459 062822130001 �60 �61 �62 163 '64 062822 0001 65 66 345 Shepard Rd. SUBJ TO AVE AND KD TFIE STS AND ALLEYS ACCRUING AS VAC IN DOC 1600262 AND FOL LOTS 80 THRU 90 IN UPPER LEVEE ADA NO 2 AND IN SD UPPER LEVEE ADD LOTS 3 6(— S 4� THRU LOT 79 184 Eagle St. SiIBJ TO RD & ESMTS & VAC ST ACCRUIN FOL; BEG AT S COR OF LOT 5 BLK 45 TH NWI,Y 47. T ON SWLY LINE OF 5 TH NET.Y TO A POINT ON CL OF V ONTARIO & 132.2 FT NW OF NW LINE OF SHEPARD RD CURVE R ON A RAD OF 3544 FT TO Tf� SE LINE OF BLK 4 ALSQ BEING TF� NW LINE OF SHEPAKD RD TH SW ALON SD RD TO SLY COR OF BLK 45 TH NWLY TO BEG BEING P T BLKS 43 44 & BLK 45 0 Eag]e St. SUBJ TO ESMT PART OF LOTS HRU 7 SBLY OF FOL L; BEG ON NWLY L OF & 44.77 FT FR M NW COR OF BLK 46, TH NELY AT ANGLE OF 13 AE 4 MIN TO R FROM SD NWLY L TO NWLY L OF SD BLK 5UB7 TO RD LOTS 10 11 12 & 14 & ALL OF LOT 13 BLI� 46 0 Chestnut St. SUBJ TO SHEPARD LOTS 8 AND LOT 9 BLK 46 1 Q River Park Plaza LOT 4 B 2 10 River Park Piaza 2 10 River Park Plaza �T 3 BLK 2 10 River Park Plaza LOT 5 BLK 2 Unassigned 10 River Park Unassigned LOT i BLK 2 LOT 1 BLK 1 OUTLOT A VAC STS & ALLEY5 ACCRUING& SUBJ TO STS PART OF GOVT LOT 7& OF BLK 1 IN SD BAZIL & ROBERTS ADD LYING E OF ROBERT ST AS WIDENED N OF FILLMORE AVE S OF NIISSISSIPPI RIVER & W OF RIVER PARK PLAZA. 1 Water St. W. EX NELY 60 FT PART OF NAVY ISLAND SWLY OF L RUN THRU SE COR OF N PIER AND TT-IlZU PT 12 FT NELY FROM NE COR OF S PIER OF OLD WABASHA ST BRIDGE BEING PART OF GOVT LOT 9 SEC 6 TN 28 RN 22 0 Wabasha St. S. SUBJ TO RY RJW & SEWER R/W ESMTS; PART OF NAVY ISLAND NELY OF A L RUN THRU SE COR OF N PIER & THRU PT 12 FT NELY OF NE COR OF S PIER OF OLD WABASHA ST 467 468 469 470 062822420016 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 062822340010 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 062822420002 BRIDGE ALSO NELY 60 FT OF PART SWLY OF SD L BEING PART OF GOVT LOT 9 IN SEC b TN 28 RN 22 o i_ Sa � 85 Water St. W. VAC OLD WATER ST ACCRUiNG & FOL: SUBJ TO AI.LBY; PART NLY OF REALIGNED WATER ST OF REALIGNED WATER ST OF FOL NELY '/z OF CAC WATER ST AD7 & LOT 6 & WLY 15 FT OF LOT 5 BLK 183 ROBERTSON'S ADD TO ST PAUL, ALSO VAC OLD WATER ST ACCRUING & FO AP NLY OF REALIGNED WATER ST & SELY OF A LINE OWN AS HARBOR LINE OF LOTS 1 THRU LOT 5 75 Water St. W. SUBJ TO STS, ESMTS & FLOOD CONTROL 7 STS & ALLEYS ACCRUING & FOL LOTS PARS OF LOT 1 BLK A DESC AS BEG AT S TH NELY TO A PT ON Wi, OF E 10 FT OF S N FROM SL OF SD LOT 1 TH N ON SD WL OF SD LOT I THE E TO NE COR TH S TO E Unassigned A 30 FT TRACT ACROSS BLK G E Y RlVJS VAC THR 6BLKC& W OR OF SD LOT 1 LOT 1 DIST 15 FT FE lOFTTONL COR TH W Benanav Blakey BOStzDin CoZeman Hazris Lantzy Reiter Adopted by Council: Adoption Certified Approved by Ma r: HequeSted by Department of: Plannin4 & ECOnomiC DeveloPment Form Approved by City Attorney Council Secretaxy Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Council File # d�• ���_ � � � � � B n : h r �i E i � �t !.._ OF 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 4 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Presented By Referred To Ordinance # Sheet # �1, a3� � � Committee: 1 Date AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER OF THE SAINT PAUL LEGISLATIVE CODE PER AINING TO ZO1vING FOR THE CTTY OF SAINT PAUL AND THE ZO NG MAPS THEREOF 50 WFIEREAS, the Saint Paul Planning Commission has made a survey of those azeas along the downtown riverfront currently zoned RCR-1, RCGl, or RCI-1, for the purpo of considering amendments to the Zoning Code, and has determined that: 1) the study azea is at lea 40 acres in size; 2) the nuxnber of real estate descriptions afFected by the amendments renders the ob 'ng of written consent impractical; and 3) the proposed amendments are related to the overall needs of e community, to existing land use or to plans for future land use, as stated in the River Corridor Plan and and Use Plan chapters of the Ciry's Comprehensive Plan, and the Saint Paul on the Mississip t Development Framework; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a pubfic earing on the "Downtown Riverfront 40-Acre Zoning Study" on April 13, 2001 and, after considering pu ic testimony, 1) found the "Downtown Riverfront 40- Acre Zoning Study consistent with the Saint Paul omprehensive Plan, and the Saint Paul on the Mississippi Development Framework; and 2) recommended n Apri127, 2001 that the Zoning Code be amended as per the 40-Acre Study; and WHEREAS, the City Council held a Saint Paul Pioneer Press on May 20, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOL the Saint Paul Legislative Code pert� changes: � Sec. 60.300. Districts 5PECIAL DISTRICi iearing on June 6, 2001, notice of which was published in the , and June 3, 2001; , that the City Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby amend to zoning for the City of Saint Paul by making the following text Sec. 60.305.1V�bre restrictive or less restricfive districts. 34 When the co e refers to more restrictive districts or less restrictive districts, the districts in order from 35 more to le restrictive are: R-LL, R-1, R-2, R-3, R-4, RT-1, RT-2, RM-1, RM-2, RCR-1, RM-3, OS- 36 1, B-1, -2C, �t��-3-, B-2, B-3, B-4, B-5, RCI-1, I-1, I-2, I-3. The P-1 district shall be as restrictive as 37 the district for which the P-1 district provides accessory pazking. 38 (C.F. No. 96-3Q7, §§ 2, 4-24-96) � • • . r � i� � i r_' � �. �_ _ _ :' _ ""'. . _ • . _ ' ' ""' .' ' ' __ _' '" _ _ - n . i i - - �. G ' " � _'_ _ _ "' _ __ _ _ __ " _ __ " _ _ _ _ _"' _ " i _ __ " _ _ _ __ _ " ' ' ' _"' ' _ _' " _ ' ' ' " _" _ �� _ ' - 'vi ��i���.�.:�iaG�iir.s�� J _ _ ' _ 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 r `- �1�\I�A�I���R -iI��Y►�Y"I) � �."'�L'r:��•��:;'!��!:'!..�,�:�:.��.� �..-,'.���-.� di.��a:oi�wsiiiiiiiiia:��ir:.i���.ii.:iw�wi�vYi:nio�ni���i�w. i�a:i:���i�:�:��ii �.�.-_,.:...:..-a,�.:.,�;�:,:.:,:.:.e�:,,� - - -- .�.��..iycii��zsssr.=�w - -_��...�-��' � .. �: , : � :. . ..;:... :. .:.. �,:, .:.:.. .:,.:.�-.-...a. .:.R�-..��.,:,� � "-- - - - - - - - - . . � �� � 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 9� 91 92 93 94 95 o�—sob lR4il�t��i�l�lAl�i\�!'44�L�A�ilti�'�aitRiaili��i��lilt�lii�l�i�A1`}il����il� �i�It�����1a�1S�����Ii�����liiaA�i�Nin�9'Iii�ll�f��l�1���.aRR� - - - - - - : - - - - - - - - - - - - � • - - - - - - - - - . - :- ::: - -- - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - '- - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - -- - .:- -- - - -- - - .- - . . . � � -- -- - - - -- �:-- - - - -- - - -- ' �- - � - ;� � - - Subdivision 2. 60.520. OS-2 General Office-Service Sec. 60521. Intent 96 The OS-2 General Office-Service District is in nded to provide for development of compact, 9'7 pedestrian-oriented urban villages with a div rse mix of commercial, residential, civic and recreational 98 uses located within a quarter mile of high- equency transit service. 49 (C.F. No. 00-972, I1-8-00) 100 Sec. 60.522. Principal uses In an OS-2 General O�cf or structures, and the altex locations or districts shall code: District the use of land, the location and erection of new buildings azgement and moving of existing buildings ar structures from other to the following specified uses, unless otherwise provided in this 101 102 103 104 105 (1) All principal uses p 'tted and uses permitted subject to special conditions and as regulated in the 106 OS-I District, except ellular telephone antennas located on a freestanding pole. 107 (2) Post offices similar governmental offices. 108 (3) Retaii busi esses that supply commodities on the premises, such as, but not lunited to, groceries, 09 meats, dairy roducts, baked goods or other foods, drugs, dry goods, clothing and notions, hardware, 10 books, sta 'onery and plants, with up to 10,000 squaze feet of gross floor azea. 11 (4) Eati g and liquar-licensed establishments, except drive-in or fast-food restaurants. 12 (5) Hotels and hospitals. 13 (6) Dry cleaning establishments, or pickup stations, dealing directly with the customer, and seif- -- , a e�4—�o4 � i ' 114 � t �` �ervice and dry cleaners. Central dry cleaning plants servicing more than one (i) retail ouflet 115 aze prohibited. 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 (7} Manufacturiug of small, precision goods such as dental, surgical or optical goods, or electronic assemblies, along with light assembly, packaging and distribution activiries. {8) Other uses similar to the above uses. (9) Accessory buildings, structures and uses as defined in section 60.201. (10) Carriage house dwellings, provided that a maximum of one carriage house d� allowed per principal dwelling unit. (11) Above ground parking buiidings not exceeding forty-five (45) feet in height. (C.F. No. 00-972, 11-8-60) � Sec. 60.523. Required conditions. The following conditions shall be required of all uses in the 05-2 (1) Except for off=street pazking or loading, a11 business, storage, conducted within completely enclosed buildings. .['Z, Office-Service District: or processing shali be (2) The scale, massing and materials of buildings sha11 be com tible with adjacent structures in the district. The base, middle and top of buildings shall be archit cturally delineated. (3) The exterior surface of buildings shall be articulated th vertical elements. Windows, doors and other building openings shall be square or vertical in p portion. The first floor shall be articulated wiY1i windows, enfrances, etc. that relate to the scale a pedestrian at street level. 133 (4) Roof-top mechanical systems, service equip�nt and head houses for elevators and stairs shall be 134 enclosed and not visible from public rights-of- ay. 135 (5) Parking sha11 be provided underground elow-grade) or to the rear of buildings. Access to parking 136 shall be at the rear or interior of the lot to e greatest eatent possible. Garage doors for underground 131 parking may face the street, but shall be s unobtrusive and pedestrian-friendly as possible. 138 (C.F. No. 00-9�2, 11-8-00) 139 Sec. 60.524. Principal nses subj t to special condifions. 140 The following additional uses all be permitted, subject to the conditions hereinafter unposed for 141 each and subject to the stan ds specified for all special condifion uses as set forth in section 142 64300(d). AIl principal u s permitted subject to special conditions shall be reviewed and approved 143 by the planning commi ion. 144 (1) Retaii businesse at supply commodities on the premises, as allowed in the OS-2 district section 145 60.522(2), with re than 10,000 square feet of gross floor area. 146 (47 48 49 50 51 (2) Buildings over si�r(�i}steries-er sixry-five (65) feet in height, -- ' - '°�s�; subject to the following conditions: a. Views and vistas from public rights-of-way and open spaces shall be retained, especially betcveen the bluffs and the river and between the river valley floor and the bluffs. Applicants shall provide the planning commission an analysis, including site pians and perspective drawings, showing how the buildings will affect views. �����lU�� �:� �i 152 b. No building shall exceed ' nine 90 feet in height. ; �� � 153 --•'-=-��;- No above-eroun�arking buildines shali exceed sixtv-five (651 feet in heieht 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 17� 171 1�2 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 I81 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 (3) Above-ground pazking buiidings over foriy-five (45) feet in height, subject to the condition that no such building sha11 exceed sixty-five (65) feet in height. (4) Cellulaz telephone antennas located on a freestanding pole, as regulated in the OS-1 ''ct, section 60.514(5)a. through h. (5) Accessory buildings, structures and uses customarily incident to the above u s. (C.F. No. 00-972, 11-8-00) Sec. 60.525. Area, bulk and setback requirements. See chapter 61, Schedule of Regulafions, limiting the height and bulk of lot by pernutted land use, and providing minimum yazd setback re� (C.F. No. 00-972, 11-8-00) Sec. 61.103. Business districts. Zoning District 61.103 BUSINESS DISTRICTS OS-1 Local Office-Service OS-2 General Office-Service B-1 Local Business B-2 Community Business B-2C Community Business (Converted) B3 Genera] Business B-4 Central Business Minimum Size Masimum Lot Size Per Height 4inimum Yard Setback Unit of Structures (Per Lot in Feet) s�ae Area in Width Squaze in In In Front h�ni- Total �eaz F'eet Feet Stories Fee mum of1Wo none none 3 d 30 d 15 a,g b b b,c none none $ 65 e 0 g none none 3 30 15 a,g none no�e d 30 d 0 f,g none non 3d 30 d 25i none one d 30 d 0 g none none no limit no limit no limil b b b,c b b b,c b b b,c 4 8 25 b b b,c none the minimum size Mazimum Percent of Lot Occupied By Ma?n Building Floor Area Ratio (FAA) noae 1.0 none 3.0 none 1.0 none 2.0 3D90 NA none 2.0 8.0 f none � none c � none Notes to 61.103 Business Di 'cts: ' (a) Off-street pazking shal e permitted to occupy a required front yard setback; provided, that the off- street pazking area, excl ive of access driveways, sha11 be set back a minnnum distance of six (6) feet from any front or sade eet right-of-way and the off-street pazking azea setback meets the requirements of secti n 61103( fl. (b) No side or re yazds are required along the interior lot lines of the district, except as otherwise specified in the uiiding code; provided, that if wa11s of structutes facing such interior lot lines contain windows, or er openings, yazds of not less than six (6) feet shall be provided. Side and rear yards of at least six feet shall be required when a business district adjoins a side yard in an adjacent residence istrict. These setback requirements from interior lot lines shall be waived when an easement agreement is recorded as to the affected properties. Proof of such recorded easement shall be provlded at the time of application for a building pernut. The recording of the easement agreement shall be intetpreted to mean that the following intents and purposes of these setback requirements aze met: adequate supply of sunlight and air to adjacent properiy; sufficient space for maintenance of the t � � ° (� � �� � ; o�-So� 196 �'� �b�4d�g �om�the same lot; and prevention of damage to adjoining properiy by fire or runoff from 197 roofs. 198 (c) OfF street loading space shall be provided in the reaz yard in accordance with the requirements of 194 section 62.105. 200 (d) The height of the strucriue may exceed the maximum building height allowed in the di "ct, 201 provided the structure is set back from all setback lines a distance equal to the height �ch said 202 structure exceeds the maximum building height allowed in the dishict. 203 (e) The height of structures in an OS-2 General Office-Service District may exce d si�`(�ij-ste�ies�ta� 204 sia�ty-five (65) feet in height, subject to conditions under section 60.524(2). height of above 205 ground parking buildings in an OS-2 General Office-Service District may e eed forty-five (45) feet 206 in height, subject to the conditions under section 60.524(3). 207 208 209 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Saint 210 Paul Zorung Code by changing the zoning classification for the followin 211 the City of Saint Paul, Sheet No. 29, as incorporated by reference in Se ic 212 Legisla6ve Code: 213 214 215 PIN NUMBER 216 217 NORTH BANK 218 219 RCI-1 to I-1 220 221 122823110005 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 RCI-1 to OS-2 012823440069 Z41 012823440070 ?42 ?43 ?44 ?45 ADDRESS 501 Shepard Road iul does hereby amend the Saint �perties on the zoning maps of 60.301 of the Saint Paul SUBJ T SHEPARD RD & SUBJ TO HIGH BRIDGE ROW & NO P T OF VAC HILL ST AND MCMILLAN ST ADJ & EX VEE & EX A 700 FT MOL UNION OIL PARCEL ADJ TO HEPARD RD; THE FOL; PART OF GOVT LOTS 1& 2 L ING NWLY OF SELY LEVEE LINE LY1NG SWLY OP WLY LINE OF HIGA BRIDGE ROW LYING SELY OF NWLY ROW LINE OF SHEPARD RD LYING ELY OF A LII�iE DESC AS BEG AT MOST NELY COR OF TRACT B RLS 441 TH N 27 DEG 32 MIN OS SEC W 70.26 FT TH N 33 DEG 34 MIN 26 SEC E 68.22 FT TH N 27 DEG 02 MIN 30 SEC W AND BLKS 4 THRU BLK 6 PARTNWLYOFJOINTR/WO CMSTP&PRY&CSTPM & O RY CO & SELY OF BERNHEIMERS ADD (SUBS TO HWY ESMT FOR NEW HIGH BRIDGE) IN SEC 1 TN 28 RN 23 Unassigned A STRIP OF LAND BEING TF�E FORMER MPLS FARIBAULT & CEDAR VALLEY RY R!W (NOW MILWAUKEE R/W) ACROSS SEl/4 OF SE 1/4 (SUBJ TO IIWY ESMT FOR NEW HIGH BRIDGE)IN SEC 1 TN 28 RN 23 ���`�'�{ 246 i% � i�� �°'< .�._ 247 062822320074 0 Elm Street 248 249 250 251 252 253 062822320078 254 255 256 062822310010 257 258 259 260 062822320089 261 262 263 264 265 266 06282231005 267 268 269 270 062822320079 271 272 062822320039 273 2�4 275 06282232003800 276 277 278 279 062822310007 280 281 282 062822310004 283 284 285 062822320020 286 287 288 289 062822320036 290 29l 292 293 294 062822330006 295 296 062822320093 297 29g / 299 � 300 301 Unassigned Unassigned Ol�$O� TIIAT PART OF BLK 68 WHICH IS INCLUDED WIT'HIN A STRIP ll FT WIDE ACROSS SD BLK TFIE SIDE LINES OF WHICH STRIP ARE PAR TO AND DISTANT RESPECTTVELY 7 FT AND 18 FT NWLY FROM CL OF JOINT MAIN TRACK OF C M ST PANDPRRANDCSTPMANDORYCOS EX PART DEEDED FOR ST AND EX PART USED PURPOSES BLK 69 X SELY 7 FT PART OF BLK 40 WLY OF CL �R JOINT MAIN TRACK OF C M ST P AND P RR AND C ST A���L ANI7 O RY COS OF BLK 40 I� Unassigned VAC ST ACCRUING & THE FOL;A 28 T JOINT RY R/WACROSS BLKS 36 37 39 & 40 BE G BOiJNDED BY TWO LINES ONE 7 FT NWLY & Tf IE O R 21 FT SELY OF & PAR WITH CL OF JOINT MAIN TRAC OF C M ST P& P RR & C ST P M& O RY COS ACROSS BL 36 37 39 & BLK 40 Unassigned Unassigned Unassigned Unassigned 193 Chestnut St. Unassigned Unassigned SUBJ TO SPRING LANE'. OF BLK 47 AND 48 NWL BLKS 48 AND BLK 47 , 16856 SQ FT MOL OF VAC WALNUT ST ADS AND CL OF SPRING LANE ACROSS FOR RR R/WS IN BLK 69 EX NWLY 61 FT�ART SELY OF CL OF JOINT MAIN TRACK OF C M ST P ANDds RR AND C ST P M AND O RY COS OF BLK 40 SELY 40 F OF NWI,Y 61 FT OF PART OF BLKS 37 39 AND 40 SELY O CL OF JOINT MAIN TRACT OF C M ST P AND P RR AND T P M AND O RY ACROSS BLKS 37 39 AND BLK 40 Y 16 FT MOL OF NWLY FT MOL OF SWLY 24 FT MOL OF ,Y 52 FT MOL OFLOT 12 BLK 47 SELY 16 FT MOL OF NWLY 31 FT MOL OF SWLY 24 FT MOL OF NELY 52 FT MOL OF LOT 12 BLK 47 VAC ST ACCRUING & NWLY 32 FT OF SELY 50 FT OF PART OF BLK 36 NWLY CL OF JOINT MAIN T'RACK C M 5T P& P RR & C ST& O RY BEING PART OF 5 6 7& LOT 8 BLK EX NWLY 61 FT AND EX SELY OF L 8 5/10 FT MOLSELY FROM CL OF TRACK 86 DESC IN DOC 1274662 PART BLK 39 SELYOFCLOFCMSTPANDPRRANDCSTPMAND O RY COS TRACK ACROSS BLK 39 LOT A Unassigned EX PART IN LEASE NO 26915; VAC ST ACCRIJING & FOL. NWLY 82 FT OF NWLY'/z OF JOINT RR R/W THRU BLK 37 & THAT PART OF LOT 10 NWLY OF SD RR R/W & THAT PART OF LOTS 11 & 12 LYING NWLY OF RR R/W & SELY OF A LINE BEG 6 FT SELY OF MOST WLY COR OF LOT 11 TO THE NELY LINE OF LOT 12 AT A POINT 23.1 FT SE FROM MOST NLY 302 ;.,+�.�;.�'u;`v� 303 304 062822320037 305 306 307 062822310012 308 309 31Q 311 312 313 314 062822320032 315 316 317 062822320084 318 319 062822320033 320 321 322 323 324 062822320030 325 326 327 328 062822320075 329 330 331 332 333 334 062822320034 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 062822320076 343 344 345 012823410097 346 347 348 06282232�091 349 350 351 352 353 06282232007� 354 � 355 356 062822320092 357 IInassigned COR OF LOT 12 BLK 37 O�-Sct PART OF LOTS 5 AND 6 SELY OF L 8 5/10 FT MOL 5ELY OF CL OF SPUR 86 ACROSS BLK 39 266 Shepazd Rd. EX NWI,Y 99 FT FOR F U G T A TRACT AND SHEPARD RD PART OF GOVT LOTS 4 AND 5 OF BLKS 46 THRU 49 RICE AND IRVINES ADD AND BET RUN SELY AT RA WITH SELX OF SD BLKS FROM S COR OF LOT 10 BLK 46 AND FROM INTERSECTION WITH S L GOVT LOT 4 ALL SEC 6 TN 28 RN 22 Unassigned 343 Spring St. Unassigned Unassigned Unassigned EX SELY 50 FT OF LOT 1 SELY OF TRACKS 77 AND 86 AND NLY OF TRACK 94 DESCRIBED Iit1 AOC 1274662 BLK 38 i SELY 50 RT LOT 1 BLK 38 �� EX LEASE NO 79886 BEING 120,00 SQ FT IN SW COR OF SLK 38 & EX SELY 50 FT LOT 1 AND EX PART SELY OF TRACKS 77 AND 86 AND NLY OF TR 94 A5 DESC IN DOC 1274662 ALL BLK / EX NWLY 61 FT PART "OF BLK 37 SELY OF CL OF JOINT MAIN TRACK OF C M ST P`AND P RR AND C ST P M AND O RY COS ACROSS BLK 37� � A STRIP OF L6XND 28 FT OVER AND ACROSS BLK 68 BEING BOU,I�DED ON NWi,Y BY A L 7 FT NWLY FROM AND PAR TO TIdE CL OF Tf� MAIN TRACK OF SD RR COS �1ND BOt INDED ON SELY SIDE BY A L 21 FT SELY FROM AND PAR THE ,9BOVE MENTIONED CL Unassigned BE�Q'i AT SW COR OF BLK 38 TH NE ON 5E LINE 240 FT MOL T N LINE OF RR PROPERTY TH WLY ON SD N LINE 115 FT �IVIOL TO PT 25 FT SE AS MEAS AT RA FROM CL OF RR CO'S / FIRST SPUR TRACK WHICH LIES NW SPRING ST TH SW PAR j WITH SD SPUR TRACK 140 FT TO PT ON W L1NE OF SD BLK / & 50 FT MOL NW FItOM BEG TH TO BEG CONTAINING 12000 � SQ FT MOL IN BLK 38 Unassigned 0 Wil ' St. lm St. Unassigned Unassigned IN THE CITY OF ST PAUL REVISED DESCRIPTION NUMBER 651 A SPECIFIC PART BLK 68 A TRIANGULAR TRACT IN THE SE COR OF LOT 7 BEING 20 FT ON WILKIN ST AND 30 FT ON LEASE NO 26915 CONTAINING 10600 SQ FT MOL OVER PART OF LOTS 6& 7 BLK 37 DAYTON & IKVINES ADD & IN SD IRVINES EAILARGEMENT OVER PART OF LOTS 8 THRU LOT 12 IN T'f� CITY OF ST PAUL REVISED DESCRIPTION N'[.7MBER 652 A SPECIFIC PART OF BLK EX PART IN LEASE NO 26915; PART OF BLK 68 SELY OP SISTERS OF THE GOOD SHEPARDS SUB & NWLY OF LINE 18 �� � � 358 •_• _� . °«� ! ! � r�"; i_ 359 360 062822310013 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 062822320035 368 3b9 370 371 062822320040 372 373 374 375 376 012823410096 377 378 379 380 381 012823440082 382 383 RCR-1 to OS-2 384 385 062822320072 386 387 062822320094 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 062822330001 399 400 401 402 403 RCR-1 to R-4 404 405 062822240023 406 407 408 409 � � � 410 411 412 413 062822310001 FT NWI,Y OF & PAR TO CL OF JOINT RY MAIN TRACK 6 l � SO� Unassigned SUBJ TO SHEPAIZD RD SLOPES AND EX PART IN FARMERS iJNION GRAIN TERMINAL LEASE RIPARIAN RIGHTS ACCRUING AND A TRACT BET SD RD MISSISSIPPI RIVER FROM EXTENDED N L OF BLK 4KINNEY BOND AND TRADERS ADDITION TO CL OF EAGLE BEING PART OF S� 6 AND 7 SEC 6 TN 28 RN 22 �� Unassigned VAC ST ACCRUING & NWLY 11 FT OF SELY 18 FT BLKS 36 37 & 39 NWLY OF CL OF 30INT MAIN TRACK O M ST P& P RR & ST P M& O RY COS ACROSS BLRS 36 37 K 39 Unassigned PART OF LOTS 8 9 AND 1 O SLY OF L R OM E COR OF LOT10 TO A PT ON SWLY L OF AND 3 T FROM S COR OF LOT TH TO PT ON SWI,Y L OF AND 8 T NWLY FROM S COR OFLOT 9 TH TO W COR OF LOT 8 ALL LOT 7 BLK 49 0 Wilkin St. PART OF LOTS 6 AND 7 OF A L FT NWLY FROM AND PAR TO TT� CL OF C M ST P AND RR EX A TRIANGULAR TRACT IN THE SE COR BEING20 F N WILKIN ST AND 30FT ON GOODRICH BLK 7 0 Wilkin St. LOTS 1'i'HItU LOT 8 i Unassigned EX PART DEE LI�F ST BLK 70 266 Chestnut St. SUBJ TO S P RD VAC WALNCIT & SHERMAN STS ADJ & FOL E LO 12 BLK 47 OF BLKS 47 & 48 SELY OF RUN 152 FT NE F M W OF LOT 6 BLK 48 & ON NWLY L OF SD BLK TH Y STRAIGHT L TO E COR OF LOT 1 BLK 47 & LOTS I U 1 I& 12 BLK 49 ALSO PART OF LOT 8 N OF L RLJN F COR OF LOT 8 TO PT ON NELY L OF & 85 FT FROM C LOT 8 ALSO BECs AT S COR OF BLK 47 TH SWLY ON Y L OF WATER ST TO S COR OF LOT 12 BLK 49 TH SELY FT ON EXT SWLY L OF SD LOT 12 TH NELY 247.5 FT TO PT SEC6T'N28RN22 345 Shepard R. SUBJ TO AVE AND RD "lI� ST5 AND ALLEYS ACCRIJilVG AS VAC IN DOC 1600262 ANA POL LOTS 80 THRU 90 IN UPPER LEVEE ADD NO 2 AND IN SD UPPEK LEVEE ADD LOTS 3 THRU LOT 79 St. SUBJ TO RD & ESMTS & VAC ST ACCRUING Tf� FOL; BEG AT S COR OF LOT 5 BLK 45 TH NWLY 47.4 FT ON S WLY LINE OF 5 TH NELY TO A POINT ON CL OF VAC ONTARIO & 132.2 PT NW OF NW LINE OF SHEPARD RD TH CURVE R ON A RAD OF 3544 FT TO THE SE LINE OF BLK 43 ALSO BEING TIIE NW LINE OF SHEPARD RA TH SW ALONG SD RD TO SLY COR OF BLK 45 TH NWLY TO BEG BEING PART BLKS 43 44 & BLK 45 184 0 Eagle St. SUBJ TO ESMT PART OP LOTS 1 THRU 7 SELY OF FOL L; BEG 414 °-° ' � • —' , 415 416 417 418 419 062822310003 420 421 SOUTH BANK 422 423 RCC-1 to OS-2 424 425 052822230031 426 427 052822230029 428 429 052822230030 430 431 052822230032 432 433 052822230028 434 435 052822230027 436 43� 052822230033 438 439 052822230034 440 441 442 443 444 RCC-1 to R-4 445 446 062822130001 447 448 449 450 451 062822140001 452 453 454 455 456 457 062822420016 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 � 465 062822340010' 466 l 467 468 469 o�-Sot -- ON NWI,Y L OF & 44.17 FT FROM NW COR OF BLK 46, TH NELY AT ANGLE OF 13 DEG 04 NIIN TO R FROM SD NWLY L TO NWLY L OF SD BLK & SUB7 TO RD LOTS 10 11 12 & 14 & ALL OF LOT 13 BLK 46 0 Chestnut St. SUBJ TO SHEPr1RD RD LOTS 8 AND LOT 9 BLK 46 10 River Pazk Plaza LOT 4 BLK 2 10 Rivet Pazk Plaza LOT 2 BLK 2 10 River Pazk Plaza LOT 3 BLK 2 10 River Park Plaza LOT 5 BLK 2 Unassigned LOT 1 BLK 2 10 Itiver Park Plaza LOT 1 BLK 1 Unassigned OUTLOT A Unassigned VAC 5TS & ALL S ACCRUING& SUBJ TO STS PART OF GOVT LOT 7& F BLK 1 IN SD BAZIL & ROBERTS ADD LYING E OF BERT ST AS WIDENED N OF FILLMORE AVE S OF MISSI IPPI RIVER & W OF RIVER PARK PLAZA. 1 Water St. W. EX LY 60 FT PART OF NAVY ISLt1ND SWLY OF L RiJN SE COR OF N PIER AND THRU PT 12 FT NELY FROM NE C R OF 5 PIER OF OLD WABASHA ST BRIDGE BEING PART F GOVT LOT 9 SEC 6 TN 28 RN 22 0 Wabasha St S. 5UBJ TO RY R/W & SEWER RiW SSMTS; PART OF NAVY ISLAND NELY OF A L RUN THRU SE COR OF N PIER & THRU PT 12 FT NELY OF NE COR OF S PIER OF OLD WABASHA ST SRIDGE ALSO NELY 60 FT OF PART SWLY OF SD L BEING PART OF GOVT LOT 9 IN SEC 6 TN 28 RN 22 85 Wat St. W. VAC OLD WATER ST ACCRUING & FOL: SUBJ TO ALLEY; PART NLY OF REALIGNED WATER ST OF REALIGNED WATER ST OF FOL NELY'/ OF CAC WATER ST ADJ & LOT 6 & WLY 15 FT OF LOT 5 BLK 183 ROBERTSON'S ADD TO WEST ST PAUL, ALSO VAC OLD WATER ST ACCRUING & FOL PART NLY OF REALIGNED WATER ST & 5ELY OF A LINE KNOWN AS HARBOR LINE OF LOTS i THRU LOT 5 75 Water St. W. SUB7 TO STS, ESMTS & FLOOD CONTROL 7 EX RY RfWS VAC STS & ALLEYS ACCRUING & FOL LOTS THRU 6 BLK C& PART OF LOT 1 BLK A DESC AS BEG AT SW COR OF SD LOT 1 TH NELY TO A PT ON WL OF E 10 FT OF SD LOT 1 DIST 15 FT N FROM SL OF SD LOT 1 TH N ON SD WL OF E 10 FT TO NL 4�� �§ � ! r^a f , ; . � ,'�: 471 � E € `�i' ; ; '� r` 472 062822420002 Unassigned Benanav Bostrom Harris Adopted by Council: Adoption Requested by Department of: O � -So1 Plannin & Economic Devel �ment • Form Approved Uy City Attomey D e by Council Secretasy RY� ( ��^ �w�'� � _ t-�K-e� Approved by 6Fayor: Date R . OF SD LOT 1 Tf� E TO NE COR TH S TO SE COR TH W A 30 FT TRACT ACROSS BLK G Approved by Mayor for Suh�iyis, on to Council .� �V�i r O�-So� CTTY OF SAIN'T PAUL Norm Colemaa, dlayar DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: May 4, 2401 340 Ci[y Hall IS Wec[ Kellogg Bou[evard Satitt Pau� MN 55702 TeLephone 65I-266-8570 Facsimile: 651-228-SSI3 Council President Bostrom d Me bers of the Saint Paul City Council Mayor Norm Coleman �� / l�-� Downtown Riverfront 40-Acre Zoning Study I am attaching for your consideration the Planning Commission's recommendations regarding the Downtown Riverfront 40-Acre Zoning Study. A copy of the memo the Chair o£the Commission sent to me is attached for your information and background. I think this memo very clearly explains the impetus behind the 40-Acre Study, the key recommendations of the study and their relationship ta the Saint Pau1 Comprehensive Plan, and the Saint Paul on the Mississippi Development Framework. I concur with the Planning Commission's findings and recommendations, and encourage the City Council to adopt the recommendations of the Downtown Riverfront 40-Acre Zoning Study. Thank you. Attachments PLANNING COMMISSION CITY OF SAIlVT PAUL Norm Colemaa, Mayor DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: May 3, 2001 Mayor Norm Coleman CladysMorton, Chair 25 West Founk SYree1 Saint Pau� MN 55102 Gladys Morton, Chair, Saint Paul Planning Commission� l� Downtown River&ont 40-Acre Zoning Study C� :1 lll O� -3a� Te[ephone: 65Z-266-6565 Facsimile: 651-128-3314 The Downtown Riverfront 40-Acre Study has three goals: 1) to implement the Mississippi River Corridor Plan, the Land Use Plan, and the Saint Paul on the Mississippi Development Framework; 2} to prepare the Upper Landing site for redevelopment; and 3) to make zoning more consistent with existing and proposed land uses along the City's riverfront. The recently adopted Mississippi River Corridor Plan states that the RCR-1, RCC-1 and RCI-1 zoning districts aze ineffective, and in some cases, inconsistent with the City's vision (as stated in the Land Use Plan and the Saint Paul on the Mississippi Development Framework) for mixed-use urban villages along the downtown Mississippi riverfront. No changes are being proposed in this 40-Acre Study to the river corridor overlay adopted to comply with the State's Critical Area requirements. The Upper Landing site is currently zoned RCR-1. While this zoning category would allow the type of residenual development envisioned in the Upper Landing Urban Design Master Plan, it does not allow commercial uses. The intent of the zoning changes proposed for the Upper Landing is to facilitate a finer-grained mix of uses within one large development site. Beyond the Upper Landing, there are other sites along the City's downtown riverfront that would benefit from having a zoning classification that is more consistent with existing and proposed uses, such as Harriet Island Regional Pazk. It is the intent in this 40-Acre Study to recommend rezoning these parcels to other zoning classifications that allow existing uses, so that no non-confornung uses will be created. Far example, where there aze industrial uses on land zoned RCI-1, rezoning to I-1 is generally recommended. One exception is the area immediately south of Harriet Island (currently zoned RCR-1 and RCI-1), which is part of a larger area that has been selected by the Metropolitan Council as a Smart Growth Twin Cities Opportunity Site. With the study currently underway, rezoning this area would be premature at this time. o�-.s Mayor Norm Coleman May 3, 2001 Page Two For all of these reasons, on January 26, 2001, the Saint Paul Planning Commission initiated the Downtown Riverfront 40-Acre Zoning Study. Minnesota State Statutes allow Saint Paul to amend its Zoning Code (text and map) without the otherwise-required written consent of the owners of two-thirds of the real estate within 100 feet of the affected parcels if two conditions are met: 1) the azea to be considered for rezoning is at least 40 acres in size; and 2) the number of pazcel descriptions affected by the changes renders the obtaining of written consent impractical. The Planning Commission determined that these two conditions were met for those parceis currently zoned RCR-1, RCC-1 or RCI-1. THE 40-ACRE STUDY The Downtown Riverfront 40-Acre Zoning Study proposes changes to the both the text and the map o£the Zoning Code. The proposed map changes (i.e. rezonings) are attached and include: Rezoning of most parcels currently zoned RCR-1, RCGl, or RCI-1 to reflect the draft Mississippi River Corridor Plan, the Land Use Plan, and the Saint Paul on the Misszssippi Development Framework. NORTH BANK Recommendation #1: Rezone the Upper Landing development site and other parcels along Shepard Road (except Xcel Energy property) to OS-2. Recommendation #2: Recommendation #3: Rationale: Removes RCR-1 and RCI-1; allows new development that matches the City's vision for the Upper Landing. Rezone Xcel Energy property to I-1. Rationale: Removes RCI-1; rezones to allow the non- developed portion of Xcel's property to continue to have an industrial zoning designation. Rezone parcels east of Chestnut south of Shepard Road to R-4. Rationale: Removes RCR-1; allows development of new Upper Landing Park and puts R-4 zoning in place for a11 riverfront park space. Ol-SC� Mayor Norm Coleman May 3, 2001 Page Three SOiTTH BANK Recommendation #4: Recommendation #5: Recommendation #6 Rezone Raspberry Island to R-4. Rarionale: Removes RCR-1 and RCC-1; rezones to allow eacisting uses to remain as permitted uses. Rezone Harriet Island to R-4. Rationale: Removes RCR-1; rezones to a11ow existing uses to remain as permitted uses. Rezone former Department of Revenue site to OS-2. Rationale: The proposed text changes are attached and include: Removes RCC-1; rezones to allow new development compatible with the West Side Flats urban village; allows housing at river's edge. 2. Amending the height limits in OS-2 to reduce permitted building heights. This recommendation acknowledges neighborhood concerns raised about the Upper Landing, and the desire to preserve public views of the river. Similar concerns were expressed by the West Side Citizens Organization at the time OS-2 was cxeated to apply to the West Side Flats. Indeed, transitions between OS-2 and adjacent zoning districts will be important anywhere in the city. The 40-Acre Study recommends that the maximum building height allowed in the OS-2 district be lowered from 100 feet to 90 feet. The height aY which a Special Condition Use Permit would be required would remain at 65 feet. A draft set of recommendations was released by the Planning Commission on Mazch 9, 2001. A wmmunity meeting sponsored by the West Side Citizens Organization (WSCO) was held on February 13, 2001 to discuss the proposed Zoning Code changes, answer questions and receive comments. Ciry staff also met with representatives of the Irvine Park neighborhood and the West 7`�/Fort Road Federation for the same purpose. The Planning Commission held its public hearing on April 13, 2001 at which Irvine Pazk and Centex Muiti-Family Communities, L.P. spoke, and WSCO submitted a resolution. We believe the 40-Acre Study recommendafions being O�-Sc� Mayor Norm Coleman May 3, 2001 Page Four forwarded by the Plamiing Commission to you and the City Council address the regulatory issues necessary to implement the Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan and the Saint Paul on the Mississippz Development Framework, as well as the concerns raised by WSCO and Centex Multi-Family Communities, L.P. RECOMMENDATION The Saint Pau1 Planning Commission recommends that you forwazd the attached Downtown Riverfront 40-Acre Zoning Study to the City Council for adoption. Attachments oti- So� Downtown Riverfront 40-Acre Zoning Study Text Amendments 27 Apri12001 L17��1111 Sec. 60.300. Districts established. SPECIAL DISTffiCTS nn� i n._ __ n_..._�,._ n_W�__,.s_i r�:...._,,. Sec. 60.305. More restrictive or less resirictive districts. When the code refers to more restrictive districts or less restrictive districts, the districts in order from more to less restrictive are: R-LL, R-1, R-2, R-3, R-4, RT-1, RT-2, RM-1, RM-2, RCR-1, RM-3, OS-1, B-1, B-2C, �C-�-1-, B-2, B-3, B-4, B-5, RCI-1, I-1, I-2, I-3. The P-1 district sha11 be as restricfive as the district for which the P-1 district provides accessory parking. (C.F. No. 96-307, §§ 2, 4-24-96) _. _. , . � - - .. - - � � - � � - - --- --- - � - - -- - - - - -- - - -- - � - - -- - - - :. - -- -- - - - - - - - - : - - - - -- -- - ._ . - ._ _� � . _. ... _. ... _ . . _. __. - .. - - - � - - - - - - -- --- - -- - - - - - . - - - - - -- - - - - --- - -- - - -:-- -- -- - • -- -- --- -- --- -- ' � - - � - - ---- -- •--- - - --- -- : - - --- - - - - -- -- - - -� - - • -- - - - - - - - -- --- - - - -- - - - - -- -- - -- -- � ------- - --- - - -- -- --- --- -- -- --- --- -- - - .� o l_So� �• ' - �� �1 ' - �� � � - - �u�� ' - � 1 � ' . .� ...- -'- -�- - -- ' - ' - . .. � -� - � r _" ' _ _' "_ _ i:. .w _' _" '_ '__ ' "_ _ __ __' _ ' " 1 _" " _ ___ _"_ _ _ _ _ �• _ • _ _ _ � " ' " _ ' "_ ' _ _ r_' _ " _ " __ ' _ • _ ' _ ' _ ' ' _ _ ' ' __ ' '_" _ _ ' _ _ _ e"" __ ' ' ' " _ _ ' . ' "" " ' _ " _ _ " ' " ' _ _ " " ' " ' " _ - _ _ _ � ' _ _ _ " � � ' " ' _ ' "' '"_ _ '"_ ' ' '_ _ """ _ "_ ' ' ' _ '__ ' ' '"' _" ' ' "'_ ' """"" _ ' "' ' _' "' __' '_' " _ '"" "" "_ • • � _" . . . � _ . . . _ . . ' ' ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' ' . ' ' ' ' .�. �� � ' ' ' " ' i _ _ " ' _ ' ' _ _ ' _ " _ ' ' _ " _ • � ' � • " ii: _ • � . " ' """ ' _ '" '"" _" ' _ " "_"'" " "' _" ""_" " " ' ' _" ' " " " _'"" ' " _"" �_' """ ' _' "'� _' " " ' '"' _' ' "'_" " " _ """ ' '_'" ' ' " "' ___""_ '_'_'""_' "'"' _' " � ' _"" "' "' ' ' "' "_ _"'_ � • � � .. � ... . .. _.. . . ."" '"" '"" " _"_""' "_" " ..._ _'"' '_'• . oi.�sw� u.�.i� o�-so� Downtown Riverfront 40-Acre Zoning Study Te�ct Amendments Page 3 27 April 2001 D R A F T . . , > . . . , - „ ,� > , , , • , , Subdivision 2. 60.520. OS-Z General Office-Service District Sec. 60.521. Intent. The OS-2 General O�ce�Service District is intended to provide for development of compact, pedestrian-oriented urban villages with a diverse mlx of commercial, residential, civic and recreational uses located within a quarter mile of high-frequency transit service. (C.F. No. 00-972, 11-8-00) Sec. 60.522. Principal uses permitted. In an OS-2 General Office-Service District the use of land, the location and erection of new buildings or structures, and the alteration, enlazgement and moving of existing buildings or structures from other locations ar districts shall conform to the following specified uses, unless otherwise provided in tkiis code: (1) Ail principal uses permitted and uses pernutted subject to special conditions and as regulated in the OS-1 District, except cellulaz telephone antennas located on a freestanding pole. (2) Post offices and similar governmental offices. (3) Retail businesses that supply commodities on the premises, such as, but not limited to, groceries, ineats, dairy products, baked goods or other foods, drugs, dry goods, clothing and notions, hardware, books, stationery and plants, with up to 10,000 square feet of gross floor area. (4) Eating and liquor-licensed establishments, except drive-in or fast-food restaurants. (5) Hotels and hospitals. (6) Dry cieaning establishments, or pickup stations, dealing directly with the customer, and seif- service laundries and dry cieaners. Central dry cleaning plants servicing more than one (i) retail outlet are prohibited. (7) Manufacturing of small, precision goods such as dental, surgical or optical goods, or electronic assemblies, along with light assembly, packaging and distribution activities. �1-SO � Downtown Riverfront 40-Acre Zoning Study Text Amendments Page 4 27 Apri12001 D R A F T (8) Other uses similaz to the above uses. (9) Accessory buildings, structures and uses as defined in section 60.201. (10) Carriage house dwellings, provided that a maxiinum of one carriage house dwelling sha11 be allowed per principal dwelling unit. (11) Above ground parking buildings not exceeding forty-five (45) feet in height. (C.F. No. 00-972, 11-8-00) Sec. 60.523. Required conditions. The following conditions shall be required of all uses in the OS-2 General Office-Service District: (1) Except for off-street parking or loading, all business, storage, servicing or processing sha11 be conducted within completely enclosed buildings. (2) The scale, massing and materials of buildings shall be compatible with adjacent structures in the district. The base, middle and top of buildings shall be architecturally delineated. (3) The exterior surface of buildings shall be articulated with vertical elements. Windows, doors and other building openings shall be square or vertical in proportion. The first floor sha11 be articulated with windows, entrances, etc. that relate to the scale of a pedestrian at street level. (4) Roof-top mechanical systems, service equipment and head houses for elevators and stairs shall be enclosed and not visible from public rights-of-way. (5) Parking shall be provided underground (below-grade) or to the reaz of buildings. Access to parking shall be at the rear or interior of the lot to the greatest extent possible. Garage doors for underground parking may face the street, but shall be as unobtrusive and pedestrian-friendly as possible. (C.F. No. 00-972, 11-8-00) Sec. 60.524. Principal uses subject to special conditions. The following additional uses shall be permitted, subject to the conditions hereinafter imposed for each and subject to the standazds specified for all special condition uses as set forth in section 64.300(d). All principal uses permitted subject to special conditions sha11 be reviewed and approved by the planning commission. (1) Retail businesses that supply commodities on the premises, as allowed in the OS-2 district secfion 60.522(2), with more than 10,000 square feet of gross floor azea. o�-so1 Downtown River&ont 40-Acre Zoning Study Tea�t Amendments Page 5 27 Apri12001 D R A F T �2) Buildings over si���tij-steries-er sixty-five (65) feet in height, - '-z,=,�s subject to the following conditions: a. Views and vistas from public rights-of-way and open spaces shall be retained, especially between the bluffs and the river and between the river valley floor and the bluffs. Applicants shail provide the planning commission an analysis, including site plans and perspective drawings, showing how the buildings wi11 affect views. b. No building shall exceed � nine 90 feet in height. ; ry�'��=��s No above-ground Aarking buildings shail exceed sixty five (65, feet in hei¢ht• (3) Above-ground parking buildings over foriy-five (45) feet in height, subject to the condition that no such building shall exceed sixty-five (65) feet in height. (4) Ceilulaz telephone antennas located on a freestanding pole, as regulated in the OS-1 district, section 60.514(5)a.through h. (5) Accessory buildings, structures and uses customarily incident to the above uses. (C.F. No. 00-972, 11-8-00) Sec. 60.525. Area, bulk and setback requirements. See chapter 61, Schedule of Regulafions, limiting the height and bulk of buildings, the minimum size of lot by permitted land use, and providing minimum yazd setback requirements. (C.F. No. 00-972, 11-8-00) Sec. 61.103. Business districts. Minimum Size Mavmum .. � Iat Size Per Height Minimum Yard Setback ��m� Unit of Structures (Per Lot in Feet) Percent of Floor Lot Area Side Ocrupied Ratio Area in Width Front BY Main (FAR) Squue in In �In ��_ �� Reaz B � d � g Zoning District Peet Feet Stories Feet mum of ltvo 61.103 BUSINESS DISTRICTS OS-1 Local OfficeService none none 3 d 30 d lb a,g b b b,c none 1.0 OS2 General Office-Service none none �}e 65 e 0 g b b b,c none 3.0 B-1 Local Business none none 3 30 15 a,g b b b,c none 1.0 B-2 Commvnity Business none none d 30 d 0 f,g b b b,c none 2.0 B-2C Community Business none none 3d 30 d 25i 4 S 25 30% NA (Cunverted) B-3 General Business none none d 30 d 0 g b b b,c none 2.0 B-4 Central Business none none no limit no limit no limit none none none c none 8.0 f O�-So� Downtown Riverfront 40-Acre Zoning Study Text Amendments Page 6 27 Apri12001 D R A F T Notes to 61.103 Business Districts: (a) OfF street pazking shall be permitted to occupy a required front yard setback; provided, that the off-street pazking azea, exclusive of access driveways, shal] be set back a m;nimum distance of sis (6) feet from any $ont or side street right-of-way and the off-street pazking azea setback meets the requirements of section 61.103( fl. (b) No side or rear yazds aze required along the interior lot lines of the district, except as otherwise specified in the building code; provided, that if walls of structures facing such interior lot lines contain windows, or other openings, yards of not less than six (6) feet shall be provided. Side and reaz yards of at least six (6) feet sha11 be required when a business district adjoins a side yard in an adjacent residence district. These setback requirements from interior lot lines shall be waived when an easement agreement is recorded as to the affected propertaes. Proof of such recorded easement sha11 be provided at the time of application for a building permit. The recording of the easement agreement shall be interpreted to mean that the following intents and purposes of these setback requirements are met: adequate supply of sunlight and air to adjacent property; sufficient space for maintenance of the building from the same lot; and prevention of damage to adjoining properiy by fire or runoff &om roofs. (c) Off-street loading space shall be provided in the rear yard in accordance with the requirements of section 62.105. (d) The height of the structure may exceed the maximum building height aliowed in the district, provided the structure is set back from all setback lines a distance equal to the height which said structure exceeds the maximum building height allowed in the district. (e) The height of structures in an OS-2 General Office-Service District may exceed si�e {6jstet�es an� sixty-five (65) feet in height, subject to conditions under sec6on 60.524(2). The height of above ground parking buildings in an OS-2 General Office-Service District may exceed forly- five (45) feet in height, subject to the conditions under section 60.524(3). T � 0 N L � Q ti r �..i � _ ._ O N ' d � O Q O � a � � O � d > � C 3 0 w _ 3 0 � � > v \ �//l C•7 �a � r � nn ��G/ � � N � M � � o��o. ¢, � { � i � _ � � N o � N � � � V U � L � � � I i I � Q w��a �1 i�l � e � ��Q 11_�� d� UoQQ`� � c c� � 3 -a � � o �v� �3 Q�o�cn a cncna �oo� �oo� �,� � � I I� � _ � a 0�-50� � 3v Interdepartmentai Memorandum CITY OF SA1N1' PAUL DATE: June 21, 2001 TO: Saint Paul City Council FROM: Lucy Thompson, PED I/(�(��y�rY�� V� SUBJECT: Written Testimony Received on Downtown Riverfront 40-Acre Study I have attached for your information the two letters we received before the 530 p.m. June 6, 2001 cut-off time for written comment on the Downtown Riverfront 40-Acre Study. Kevin McGrath addressed the City Council at the June 6, 2001 public hearing. The JLT Group letter was received by FAX just before 5:00 p.m. on June 6, 2001. Attachments Ot-5of Kevin McGrath 33'istozic Irvnne Park Association 2341tyan Avenue St. Paul, MN 55102 (651)224-8947 dune 6, 2001 Members of the Saint Paul City Council: T'hank you for the oppoztunity to gzesent tfie testimony ofthe H'istaric Irvine Park Association and the West SeventhlFort Road Federation. We are here today to ask the City Council to take the advice oPthe City's planners and amend the proposed OS-2 wzring regviations to provide that Special Conditional Use Pennits bc required for all buildiags taller than 45 feet in height. In additioq we ask that 4he zoning code be amended to reflect more precise requirements €or vzew impa� analysis and that the Plaaning Commission be required to make speci&c findings iegarding a SCiJ� apglicant's compliance with the code. While this issue is befora the Council in connection with the Ugper Landing project, be certain that ttus ia a city-wide issue of great importance. The issue be£ore you today is what is the best way to impiement the City's new "urban vii(age" zoauig regulations and how to balance the City's desire for medium-dansiiy mixed use development with the sometimes competing interests of estai>&shed, traditional neighhorhoods. The new OS-2 zone cvili not be limiied to the Upper Landing or the West Side Flats. This is a zomng ctassification tk�at wlll likely be impiemented at sites tYuoughout the city. Our neighborhood groups suppozt the concept of mixed-use zoning dassif'icarions. Mix�d uses aza impoitant to a vihrazrt community. Muced uses — when properly balanced — help make St. Paul's neighborhoods great plac,�s to live. When this matter initially cazne to the Planning Commissioq skaff recotnmended lowering the maximum height withouY a Special Coaditioual Use Pezmit from 65 feet to 45 feet in tbe OS-2 zoning regulations. Following ths pubfic hearing and in advance of the Planning Comaussion Neig6borhoods' Committee, staff raised its recommendation to 55 feet. Both of these spproaches were rejectad by the Planning Comarission, which mted to retain the 65-foot ttueshold. We supp�rted — and continue to support — the initial reco�endation of PED in this matter, lowerir�g the mxxirnum building height without a Speciai Condirional Use Pern�it from 65 feet to 45 feet. These aznendments make sense not only for the Upper Landing but also for the eutire City because OS-2 by its nature will be used in plsces whece commercial, medium-density, and high-density residentiai and cammercial devetopment adjoin traditional St. Paul neighborhoods. QS-2 has been refened to as the "Urbmn V�lage" zoning classification_ The intenY of the OS-2 mmng district is "to provide £or developme.nt of compact, pedestrian-oriented urban villages ... locaxed within a quarter mile of firgh-frequency transit service." OS-2 zaning may be appropriata ViZ 'd 6DIE'oN �1tlS0�C lOOZ '8 •un� vt-5ol for sites in and azound t'3owntow� sucn as tne upper i.anding and 2cie iiorth:�ua6raru; si�es aIong Utaiversity Avenue at Dale (Pan-Asian Village), Lexington (fiome Depot �s housizag), SnelSing and I-94; the Fra�:lin-University-Raymond area north of I-94 and on both s3des of Ii'ighway 280; sates along Robert Street such as the West Side Flats; and sites along West Severnh from Aavem to East Seventh at Arcade. OS-2 might have been the choice for Shepard-Davern if it had been on the books at the time planning took place for the area OS-2 couId be used if an urban village approach is deemed apprapriate £or the Hanun's Brewery area. Whetber it is the West Side Flats, the Upper Landing, or the proposed Pan Asian Village, buildings taller tkaan 45 feet warrant special consideratioq pazticulazly when they are adjacent to traditional residential nei�iborhoods. As an e�mple, the four-story build'angs currenfly under consttuction just blocks away from City �Iall in the North Quadrant ara 44-£eet fall and would not require a SCITP under our proposal. The changes we urge are only triggered when buildiz�s are taller than 45 feet. The only added requirement to the SCiTP process recommended by staff is that a developer provides a view analysis as part of the application. Whi1e the views to and from ttze bluf£neighborhoods are certainly preczous, the viecvs of the Capitol or the CathedraI also command special consideration. Placing a 65-�oot building in close proximity to a traditional neighborhood of story azzd a half, two-story and three-story buildin�s could result in the new developmem negatively impactu�g the existing neighborhood. The zequized view analysis we urge could result in modifications to building placement and design that malce the new neighborhoods a better fit with the old. The usefulness of requixin� a view analysis as part o£the SCUP application has been mixed. On the Upper Landing, most ofthe energy and attention given to the subject focused on whether the applicant had submitted enough informarion to comply with the code, rather than on the impact o£ the proposed bui(dings which require a SCITP. Very few of the renderings aztached to the application accurately parttayed the impact on views. �ey vie�*�s and vistas were not identified. To prevent problems like this froni recurring, the code should be changed to provide; Applicants shall submit decailed plans of the proposed building(s), and included an the application shall be any proposed cY�ange in grade &om existing grade (measured in feet); heights and widths of the buildings, including the heights of all roof structures and any rooftop structures (measured in feet); and the heights of signi6cant landmarks or geographic features (measured in feet). The applicant should be required to provide before and after renderings of tbe site and should have to demonsttate the imgact on views and vistas of any portion of the building tbat exceeds the SCUP threshold. By inctuding these requirements, the discussion can focus on whether a proposed development blends with the suirounding neighborhoods or whether it is too disniptive. Applicants should be required to identify l�ey pubtic views and vistas in concezt witfi the planning sta�' (and the impaded neighborhnods). The Planning Conunission should be required to malang 5ndings 2 fii£ 'd so�E��u Nir�o:t l�Ol �B •unp ol-5ot fP.gasulil$ i�16 8Cc'ufaGy Oi i i1��iifCa�Ofl; il'i6 EatFsu`. il3 w'tuu uiitii.ai "viEriS iu�li �i v1y�55 �i E 7ci8iaF.�i or impacted, in whole or an pazt; the impact on views and vistas of ihe portion{s} of Yhe building(s) that exceeds the height which requires a Special Condition�l ITse Pe�avit; and any mitigating actions made or that are necessary to m;n;m;�e impact on critical views and vistas_ Reducing the threshol3 height from 65 feet to 45 feret for a SCUI' w�l pzotect ea+astin$ neighborhoods and ensure that buildings taller than 45 feet biend with their surround'u�gs. Defining whst is required in a view anatysis wiU stceamline the process and allow the Planning Commission to focus on the impact of the proposed bwlding heights. For these reasons, we recommend the SCITi'threshold be 45 feet and that the additional requ'uements outlined above be incotporated iato the OS-2 zomqg code as part of the Upper Landing 40-Acre Study. T'harilc you for your consideration and for the opportunity to be heard. Respectfully, Kevin McGrath Histozic Iiviae Park Association CC: St. Paul PED Becca Nme West Sevent6/Fort Road Federation h/q 'd n"�:£'oy Pld9D�t 1001 �8 �un� 06/06/2001 16:57 6516411244 J�T GROUP rH�t n�in� � 0�-50� ._.°�LTGROUP INC. 739 Vandalia Street • St. Pau(, MN 55114 (651) 641-i 111 • Fax (651) 641-1244 June 6, 2001 VIA FAC3IMILE Lucy Thompson Department of Planning & Economic Deve(opment 1300 City Hall Annex 25 West Fourth Street Saint Paul, MN 55102 Dear ivls. Thompson: Re: J 0 River Park Plaza (Comer of Robert and Pilimore) This letter is �vritten in response to the Downtown Rivezfront 40-Acze Study. In general, wa have certain rights regarding development of our above zeferenced property that were negotiated just a few years ago. We expect that these wiil not change. In addition, we have the following general concerns regarding the draft of the study we received on May 18, 2001: 1. Building heights. There aze structures in the area that aze of significant height. 2. "The seale, massing and materials of buildings sha116Q compatible with adjacent sti�uctures in the disb�ict. Tlse base, middle and top of buildings shall be architecturally delineated. " These are restrictive and �vill hinder development. "The exterior surface of buildings slsa/l be articulated with vertical elements. Windows, doors and other building openings shal! be square or vertical in proportion. The firstfloor shaZl be articulated with windows, entrances, etc that relate to the scale of a pedestrian at street level " These are restrictive and wili hinder development. 4. "Parking shall be provided underground (below-grade) or to the rear of buildings. Access to parking shall be at the rear or interior of the lot to the gr•eatest extent possible. Garage doors for underground parking may face the street. But shall be as unobbusive and pedestrian friendly as possible. " These aze restrictive and will hinder development. We appreciate your consideration of our concerns as the plan moves toward finalization. Sincerely, .Y6e Meyer JLT Group, Inc. o!-5e! CTTY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor DATE: June 20, 2001 TO: FROM: Saint Paul CiTy Council DEPART�IEKT OF PLAWING & ECONO�IiC DEVELOPMENT Brian Sweeney, Director 25 Wes1 Founh Street Saint Paul, MN 55702 Telepl:one: 65I-2666565 Facsimile: 657-228-3261 Lucy Thompson, PED �NG��` SUBJECT: Clarification of terms used in ordinance adopting Downtown Riverfront 40-Acre Study To assist in your review of the Substitute Ordinance offered by Councilmember Coleman on June 6, 2001 regarding the Downtown Riverfront 40-Acre Study, I am providing a brief definition of several terms used in Section 60.524(2). View: what is seen from the view station point to the view terminus. Typically a narrower view shed than that seen in a"vista." Vista: a wider-angle view from a view station point. With a vista, the view terminus is not a point or narrow "slice," but a wider full-horizon view. View station point: where you are standing to study the view or vista; the "beginning" of the view or vista. View terminus: the end point of the view or vista; what you are looking at. Landmazk: a structure (building, sign, public artwork, eta) that has historic, azchitectural, social, cultural and/or neighborhood identity significance. In this definition, a landmazk does not have to be officially designated as a heritage preservation site by the Saint Paul Heritage Preservation Commission, but it may. It may simply be a landmark that neighborhood residents identify as significant in its history, identity, sense of place, etc. Geographical feature: a physical feature (such as a blufF, Indian mound or watenvay) that defines a development site, or is a prominent feature within or adjacent to a development site. ,rks��c�r� v�.f�:� Mrrs� G_s1-et Council Fi1e #� O�-5�\ �'f�(��(�,�,� r 5��100� Ordinance # � L,;,.r,�� 18'S� n,r,.,._, rs...,.« Presented By Referred To Committee: Date tfl��zu 2 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING LEGISLATIVE CODE CHAPTERS b0 AND 61 ANA THE ZONING MAPS AND REGULATIONS PERTAINING THERETO WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Planning Commission made a survey of those areas along the downtown riverfront currently zoned RCR-1, RCG1, or RCI-1, for the purpose of considering amendments to the Zoning Code, and determined that: 1) the study area was at least 40 acres in size; 2) the number of real estate descriptions affected by the amendments rendered obtaining written consent impractical; and 3) the proposed amendments aze related to the overall needs of the community, to existing land use or to plans for future land use, as stated in the River Comdor Plan and Land Use Pian chapters of the City's Comprehensive Plan, and the Saint Paul on the Mississippi Development Framework; and WFIEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on the "Downtown Riverfront 40-Acre Zoning Study" on April 13, 2001 and, after considering public testimony, 1) found the "Downtown Riverfront 40-Acre Zoning Stud}� consistent with the Saint Paul Comprehensive Pian, and the Saint Paul on the Mississippi Development Framework; and 2) recommended on April 27, 2001 ihat the Zoning Code be amended as per the 40-Acre Study; and 20 WHEREAS, the City Council held a public hearing on June 6, 2001, notice of which was published in 21 the Saint Paul Pioneer Press on May 20, May 27, and June 3, 2001; and 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3Q 31 32 S3 '�4 5 WT-IEREAS, the City Council of the City of Saint Pau1 desires to amend the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to zoning for ihe City of Saint Paul by making the following text changes: THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 That Saint Paul Legisiative Code Chapter 60 is amended as follows: Sec. 60.300. Districts established. SPECIAI, DISTRICTS i�' 7 s � 2 3 'A1 .� 41 Sec. 60.305. More restrictive or less restrictive districts. ���$O t 42 43 When the code refers to more restrictive districts or less restrictive districts, the districts in order from 44 more to less restrictive are: R-LL, R-1, R-2, R-3, R-4, RT-1, RT-2, RM-1, RM-2, RCR-1, RM-3, OS- 45 1, B-1, B-2C, ��, B-2, B-3, B-4, B-5, RCI-1, I-1, I-2, I-3. The P-1 district shall be as restrictive as 46 the district for which the P-1 district provides accessory pazking. 47 ,, , Section 2 50 That Saint Paul Legislative Code Chapter b0 is amended as follows: 51 52 n .. . . c �n ��n nrrr+ � n..'__' �+'__ e�__ r+_'_ _ _ __ _> r� ._ •_. UU[/UFVLJLV/L J. UV.lVO. Z�C. 53 54 . . . . 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 �� _ , . '.• : :. : . :.:.: : , . � . .. . - . :. . . . . :� : :. . ; . .. . . . . : : . . .. . .. : .. : :. : . :� . .. : ::: : •. � : : . : : . : :. . : . . . .. : .� :. : . :� : .. . : . .� : . . : : . : . .. . : . : .:•:: � .: - . .: . . : : - . . . . . .. : : . :� � . : : . 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OS-2 General Off ce-Service District Sec. 60.524. Principal uses subject to special conditions. The followang additional uses shall be permitted, subject to the conditions hereinafter imposed for each and subject to the standards specified for all special condition uses as set forth in section 64.300(d). All principal uses permitted subject to speciai conditions shall be reviewed and approved by the planning commission. (1) Retail businesses that supply commodities on the premises, as allowed in the OS-2 district section 60.522(2), with more than 10,000 square feet of gross floor area. (2) Buildings over ' , fifty (50) feet in hei t, subject to the following conditions: a. Critical �v_iews and vistas from public rights-of-way and open spaces shali be retained, especially between the bluffs and the river and between the river valley floor and the bluffs. Critical views and vistas shall be as defined in the Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan and anv other views determined to be critical bv the planning administrator. Applicants sha11 provide the planning commission an�x�ysis , . detailed 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 o t-SO l plans of the prouosed building{s) and, far each view for which a view stud is prenazed, at least ttie following: 1) detailed information regarding the heieht and width of the proposed building(sl. including the hei t of roof peaks and rooftop structures, as well as the erade elevarion(s�; 2) detailed information re ag rdin t� he hei t of si�ificant landmarks and/or geo .p�aphical features: 3) a series of photog�aphic unages showin¢ "before" (as is) and "after" (with the proposed structures) conditions: and 4) a comparison of the view unpact of a building(s� 50 feet in height at the proposed location with the view irnpact of the proposed buildine(sl exceedine 50 feet in heieht. Based on the s�ecifics of each case. the plannin¢ commission mav request additional information. The view points, views and vistas shall be accurately�ortrayed in the view studies and clearlv marked as to direction, view station point, view ternunus, and significant landmarks andlor aeoeranhical features. In determining imroact. the planning commission shall make findines related to the followin� � � � � the accuracy of the information presented in the view studies and compliance with the reauirements above: the extent to which critical views and vistas are retained or affected� the impact on views and vistas of theportion�sl of the building(s) that exceeds 50 feet in heieht: and mitigating actions bv the applicant to minimize imnact on critical views and vistas. b. No building shall exceed ' ninet 90 feet in height. ; •-�'-�-��: No above-�ound parking buildin�s shail exceed sixty-five 65�feet in height. (3) Above-�ound parking buildings over forty-five (45) feet in height, subject to the condition that no such building shall exceed sixty-five (65) feet in height. (4) Cellular telephone antennas located on a&eestanding pole, as regulated in the OS-1 district, section 60.514(5)a. through h. (5) Accessory buildings, shuctures and uses customarily incident to the above uses. 177 Sec. 60.524.1 Principal uses subject to special conditions; Exception. 178 174 1$0 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 l88 '89 90 91 92 93 The provisions of section 60.524(2) of this chapter shall not apply to developments for which a master plan has been adopted by the City Council of the City of Saint Paui as of the effective date of this ordinance amendment and for which there is a signed, approved redevelopment agreement with the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul as of the effective date of this ardinance amendmentx �rovided that final design plans are presented to the city council prior to staff approval and �at such projects vnll, to the extent reasonably possible, �allo�v the design guidel'anes of ihe Sustainable Decisions Guide for C�ty�Sau�G�atzl �`aE�2zties or other �sustainable development guidelines. 194 195 Section 4 196 197 That Saint Paul Legislative Code § 61.103 is amended as follows: 198 ZOO Sec. 61.103. Business distiicts. b�-So1 2 1 Zoning Minimum Size Maximum Minimvm Yard Setback Maximum Floor 2 Distsict Lot Siae Per Height (Per Lot in Feet) Percent of Aiea Unit of Structuies Lot Ratio Occupied (E'AR) Axez WidtS Sn S^ Fror�t Sice 3ezr By Main Ston e'eet Suilding Souare Feet es Geet Mini- Total r.mm o£ Two 2�3 61.103 ZO BUSINESS ZOS DISTRICTS 2.o OS-2 none none 6 e fi�i 50 0 g b b b,c none 3.0 2�� Geneial e 20 O£fice- 2,� Service L1U 211 Notes to 61.103 Business Districts: 212 .... 213 214 (e) The height of structures in an OS-2 General Office-Service District may exceed sr�{fi}s�eries� 215 si�N�(�3j fi 50 feet in height, subject to conditions under seation 60.524. The height of above 216 ground parking buildings in an OS-2 General Office-Service District may exceed forty-five (45) feet in 217 height, subject to the coiiditions under section 60_524(3). 218 219 Section 5 220 221That sheet no. 29 of the zoning maps of the City of Saint Paul, maintained as part of the Saint Paul Legislative 222Code and incorporated by reference in Section 60301 of the said code, aze amended by changing the zoning 223classification for the following properties: 224 225PIN NLTMBER ADDRESS LEGAL DESCRIPTION 226NORTH BANK 227 228 RCI-1 tQ I-1 229 230122823110005 501 Shepard Road SUBJ TO SHEPARD RD & SUBJ TO HIGH BRIDGE ROW & 231 NO PART OF VAC HILL ST AND MCMILLAN ST AD7 & EX 232 LEVEE & EX A 700 FT MOL UNION OIL PARCEL ADJ TO 233 5HEPARD RD; THE FOL; PART OF GOVT LOTS 1& 2 LYING 234 NWLY OF SELY LEVEE L1NE LYING SWLY OF SWLY LINE 235 OF HIGH BRIDGE ROW LYING SELY OF NWLY ROW LINE 236 OF SHEPARD RD LY1NG ELY OF A LINE DESC AS BEC� AT 237 MOST NELY COR OF TRACT B RLS 441 TH N 27 DEG 32 238 MIN OS SEC W 70.26 FT TH N 33 DEG 34 MIN 26 SEC E 68.22 239 FT TH 1�3 27 DEG 02 MIN 30 SEC W AND BLKS 4 THRU BLK ?40 6 ?41 >,42 !43 244 245 246 RCI-1 to OS-2 247 248012823440069 249 250 251 252 253 254012823440070 255 256 257 258 259 260062822320074 261 262 263 264 265 266062822320078 267 268 2b9062822310010 270 271 272 273 274062822320084 275 276 277 278 279 28006282231005 281 282 283 284062822320079 285 286062822320039 287 288 28906282232003800 290 291 292 293062822310007 294 295 296062822310004 297 l98 0 �•S�p1 Unassigned PART NWI.Y OF JOINT R/W O C M ST P& P RY & C ST P M & O RY CO & SELY OF BERNI�EIMERS ADD (SUBJ TO IIWY ESMT FOR NEW HIGH BRIDGE) IN SEC i TN 28 RN 23 Unassigned A STR1P OF LAND BEING TFIE FORMER MPLS FARIBAULT & CEAAR VALLEY RY R/W (NOW MILWAtJKEE R/W) ACROSS SE114 OF SE lf4 (SUBJ TO HWY ESMT FOR NEW HIGH BRIDGE)IN SEC 1 TN 28 RN 23 0 Elm Street Unassigned Unassigned TFIAT PART OF BLK 68 WHICH IS INCLUDED WIT'HIN A S'i'RIP I 1 FT WIDE ACROSS SD BLK THE SIDE LINES OF WHICH STRIP ARE PAIL TO AND DISTANT RESPECTIVELY 7 FT AND 18 FT NWLY FROM CL OF 30INT MAIN TRACK OF C M ST PANDPRRANDCSTPMANDORYCOS EX PART DEEDBD FOR ST AND EX PART USED FOR RR PURPOSES BLK 69 X SELY 7 FT PART OF BLK 40 WLY OF CL OF JO1NT MAIN TRACKOFCMSTPANDPRRANDCSTPMANDORYCOS OF BLK 40 Unassigned VAC ST ACCRUING & THE FOL;A 28 FT JOINT RY RlWACROSS BLKS 36 37 39 & 40 BEING BOUNDED BY TWO LINES ONE 7 FT NWLY & THE OTHER 21 PT SELY OF & PAR W ITH CL OF JOINT MAIN TRACK OF C M ST P& P RR & C ST P M& O RY COS ACROSS BLKS 36 37 39 & BLK 40 Unassigned Unassigned Unassigned Unassigned 193 Chestnut St. Unassigned SUBJ TO SPRING LANE PART OF VAC WALNUT ST ADJ AND OF BLK 47 AND 48 NWLY OF CL OF SPRING LANE ACROSS BLKS 48 AND BLK 47 16856 SQ FT MOL USED FOR RR R/WS IN BLK 69 EX NWLY 61 FT PART SELY OF CL OF JOINT MAIN TRACK OF C MSTPANDPRRANDCSTPMANDORYCOSOFBLK 40 SELY 40 FT OF NW1,Y 61 FT OF PART OF BLKS 37 39 AND 40 SELY OF CL OF JOINT MAIN TRACT OF C M ST P AND P RR ANU C 5T P M AND O RY ACKOSS BLKS 37 39 AND BLK 40 SELY 16 FT MOL OF NWI.Y FT MOL OF SWLY 24 FT MOL OF NELY 52 FT MOL OFLOT 12 BLK 47 SELY 16 FT MOL OF NWLY 31 FT MOL OF SWLY 24 FT MOL OF NELY 52 FT MOL OF LOT 12 BLK 47 299 300 301062822320020 302 303 304 305062822320036 3Q6 307 308 309 310062822330006 311 312062822320093 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320062822320037 321 322 323062822310012 324 325 326 327 328 329 330062822320032 331 332 333062822320084 334 335062822320033 336 337 338 339 3400b2822320030 341 342 343 344062822320075 345 34b 347 348 349 S50 �51 52 53 54 0 l. $9�, Unassigned VAC ST ACCRiTING & NWI,Y 32 FT OF SELY 50 FT OF PART OF BLK 36 NWLY CL OF JOINT MAIN TRACK C M ST P& P RR & C ST& O RY BEING P ART OF 5 6 7& LOT 8 BLK Unassigned EX NWLY 61 FT AND EX SELY OF L 8 5/1 O FT MOLSELY FROM CL OF TRACK 86 DESC IN DOC 1274662 PART BLK 39 SELY OF CLOFCMSTPANDPRRAI3DCSTPMAND O RY COS TRACK ACROSS BLK 39 Unassigned LOT A [Inassigned EX PART IN LEASE NO 26415; VAC ST ACCRiTiNG & FOL. NWLY 82 FT OF NWI.Y %z OF 70INT RR R1W THRU BLK 37 & THAT PART OF LOT 10 NWLY OF SD RR R/W & THAT PART OF LOTS 11 & 12 LYING NWLY OF RR Rf W& SELY OF A LINE BEG 6 FT SELY OF MOST WLY COR OF LOT 11 TO THE NELY LINE OF LOT 12 AT A POINT 23.1 FT SE FROM MOST NLY COR OF LOT 12 BLK 37 Unassigned - PART OF LOTS 5 AND 6 SELY OF L 8 5/1 O FT MOL SELY OF CL OF SPUR 86 ACROSS BLK 39 266 Shepard Rd. EX NWLY 99 FT FOR F U G T A TRACT AND SHEPAR.D RD PART OF GOVT LOTS 4 AND 5 OF BLKS 46 THRU 44 ffiCE AND II2VINES ADD E1ND BET RUN SELY AT RA WITH SELY OF SD BLKS FROM S COR OF LOT 1 O BLK 46 AND FROM INTBRSECTION WITH S L GOVT LOT 4 ALL SEC 6 TN 28 RN 22 Unassigned 343 Spring St. EX SELY 50 FT OF LOT 1 SELY OF TRACKS 77 AND 86 AND NLY OF TRACK 94 DESCRIBED IN DOC 1274662 BLK 38 SELY 50 FT LOT 1 BLK 38 Unassigned EX LEASE NO 79886 BEING 12000 SQ FT IN SW COR OF BLK 38 & EX 5ELY 50 FT LOT 1 AND EX PART SELY OF TRACKS 77 AND 86 AND NLY OF TRACK 94 AS DESC IN DOC 1274662 ALL BLK Unassigned EX NWLY 61 FT PART OF BLK 3� 5ELY OF CL OF JOINT MAIN I'RACKOFCMSTPANDPRRANDCSTPMANDORYCOS ACROSS BLK 37 Unassigned A STRIP OF LAND 28 FT OVER AND ACROSS BLK 68 BEING BOiJNDED ON NWI,Y BY A L 7 FT NWLY FROM AND PAR TO THE CL OF THE MAIN TRACK OF SD RR COS AND BOiJNDED ON SELY SIDE BY A L 21 FT SELY FROM AND PAR THE ABOVE MENTIONED CL 355 356 357062822320034 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365062822320076 366 367 368012823410097 369 370 371062822320091 372 373 374 375062822320077 376 377 378062822320092 379 380 381 382062822310013 383 384 385 386 387 388 389062822320035 390 391 392 39306282232Q040 394 395 396 347 398012823410096 399 400 401 302 �03012823440082 t04 405 RCR-1 to OS-2 �06 07062822320072 08 09062822320094 10 0 � - sa\ Unassigned Unassi�ed 0 Wilkin St. 0 Elm St. Unassigned Unassigned Unassigned Unassigned Unassigned BEG AT SW COR OF BLK 38 Tf3 NE ON SE LINE 240 FT MOL TO N LINE OF RR PROPERTY TH WLY ON SD N LINE I 15 PT MOL TO PT 25 FT SE AS MEAS AT RA FROM CL OF RR CO'S FIRST SPUR TRACK Wf�ICH LTES NW SPRING ST TH SW PAR WITH SD SPUR TRACK lA0 FT TO PT ON W LINE OF SD BLK & 50 FT MOL NW FROM BEG TH TO BEG CONTAINING 12000 SQ FT MOL IN BLK 38 II3 THE CITY OF ST PAUL REVISED DE5CRIPTION NLIMBER 651 A SPECIFIC PART BLK 6& A TRIANGULAR TRACT IN THE SE COR OF LOT 7 BEING 20 FT ON WILKIN ST ANU 30 FT ON LEASE NO 26915 CONTAINING 10600 SQ FT MOL OVER PART OF LOTS 6& 7 BLK 37 DAYTON & IRVINES ADD & IN SD IRVINES ENLARGBMENT OVER PART OP LOTS 8 THRU LOT 12 IN THE CITY OF ST PAUL REVISED DESCRIPTION NUMBER 652 A SPECIFIC PART OF BLK EX PART IN LEASE NO 26915; PART OF BLK 68 SELY OF SISTERS OF THE GOOD SHEPARDS SUB & NWLY OF LINE 18 FT NWLY OF & PAR TO CL OF 30INT RY MAIN TRACK SUBJ TO SHEPARD RD SLOPES AND EX PART IN FARMERS IJIVION GRAIN TERMINAL LEASE RIPARIAN RIGHTS ACCRUING AND A TRACT BET SD RD MISSISSIPPI RIVER FROM EXTENDED N L OF BLK 4KINNEY BOND AND TRADERS ADDITION TO CL OF EAGLE BEING PART OF SECS 6 AND 7 SEC 6 T'N 28 RN 22 VAC ST ACCRUING & NWLY i l FT OF SELY 18 FT OF BLKS 36 37 & 39 NWLY OF CL OF JOINT MAIN TRACK OF C M ST P& P RR & ST P M& O RY COS ACROSS BLKS 36 37 BLK 39 PART OF LOTS 8 9 AND 10 SLY OF L RTJN FROM E COR OF LOTI O TO A PT ON SWLY L OF AND 30 FT FROM S COR OF LOT TH TO PT ON SWLY L OF r1ND 85 FT NWI,Y FROM S COR OFLOT 9 TH TO W COR OF LOT 8 ANU ALL LOT 7 BLK 49 0 Wilkin St. PART OF LOTS 6 AND 7 OF A L 50 FT NWLY FROM AND PAR TO THE CL OF C M ST P AND P RR EX A TRIANGULAR TRACT IN THE SE COR BEING20 FT ON WILKIN ST AND 30FT ON GOODRICH BLK 7 0 Wilkin St. Unassigned 266 Chestnut St. LOTS I THRU LOT 8 EX PART DEEDED FOR ST BLK 70 SUBJ TO 5HEPARD RD VAC WALNUT & SHERMAN STS ADJ & FOL EX LOT 12 BLK 41 OF BLKS 47 & 48 SELY OF RUN 152 FT 411 412 413 414 415 416 41� 418 419 42006282233QOQ1 421 422 423 424 425 RCR-1 to R-4 426 427062822240023 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435062822310001 436 437 438 434 440 441062822310003 442 443SOUTH BANK 444 445 RCC-1 to OS-2 446 447052822230031 448 449052822230029 450 451 452052822230030 453 454052822230032 455 456052822230028 457 458052822230027 459 160 �61 162052822230033 463 �64052822230034 65 66 NELY FROM W OF LOT 6 BLK 48 & ON N WLY L OF SD BLK TH NELY IN STRAIGHT L TO E COR OF LOT 1 BLK 47 & LOTS 1 6 t-S`� TFIRU 6, 11 & 12 BLK 49 ALSO PART OF LOT 8 N OF L RUN FROM W COR OF LOT 8 TO PT ON NELY L OF & 85 FT FROM E COR LOT 8 ALSO BEG AT S COR OF BLK 47 TH SWLY ON NWLY L OP WATER ST TO S COR OF LOT 12 BLK 49 TH SELY 12 FT ON EXT SWLY L OF SD LOT 12 TH NELY 247.5 FT TO PT SEC 6 TN 28 RN 22 345 Shepazd Rd. 5UB7 TO AVE AND RD THE STS AND ALLEYS ACCRUING AS VAC IN DOC ib00262 ANA FOL LOTS 80 THRU 90 IN UPPER LEVEE ADD NO 2.AND IN SD UPPER LEVEE ADD LOTS 3'I'I�RU LOT 79 184 Eag]e St. SUBJ TO RD & ESMTS & VAC ST ACCIZUING THE FOL; BEG AT S COR OF LOT 5 BLK 45 TH NWLY 47.4 FT ON SWLY LI1VE OF 5 TH NELY TO A POINT ON CL OF VAC ONTARIO & 132.2 FT NW OF NW LINE OF SHEPARD RD TH CURVE R ON A RAD OF 3544 FT TO THE SE LINE OF BLK 43 ALSO BEING THE NW LINE OF SHEPARD RD TH SW ALONG SD RD TO SLY COR OF BLK 45 TH NWI.Y TO BEG BEING PART BLKS 43 44 & BLK 45 0 Eagle St. SUBJ TO ESMT PART OF LOTS 1 TI�RU 7 SELY OF FOL L; BEG ON NWI,Y L OF & 44.77 FT FROM NW COR OF BLK 46, TH NELY AT ANGLE OF 13 DEG 04 MIN TO R FROM SD NWLY L TO NWLY L OF SD BLK & SUB7 TO RD LOTS 10 11 12 & 14 & ALL OF LOT 13 BLK 46 0 Chestnut St. SUBJ TO SHEPARD RD LOTS 8 AND LOT 9 BLK A6 10 River Park Plaza LOT 4 BLK 2 10 River Park Plaza LOT 2 BLK 2 10 River Park Plaza LOT 3 BLK 2 10 River Park Plaza LOT 5 BLK 2 Unassigned 10 River Park Plaza Unassigned Unassigned LOT 1 BLK 2 LOT 1 BLK 1 OUTLOT A VAC STS & ALLEYS ACCRUING& SUBJ TO STS PART OF GOVT LOT 7& OF BLK 1 IN SD BAZII. & ROBERT5 ADD LYIlVG E OF ROBERT ST AS WIDENED N OF FILLMORE AVE S OF 467 468 469 470 RCG1 to R-4 471 472062822130001 473 474 475 476 477062822140001 478 479 480 4&1 482 483062822420016 484 485 486 487 488 489 490062822340010 491 492 49� 494 495 496 MISSISSIPPI RIVER & W OF RIVER PARK PLAZA. O 1_Sa � 1 Water St. W. EX NELY 60 FT PART OF NAVI' ISLAND SWLY OF L RLTN THItU SE COR OF N PIER AND THRU PT 12 FT NELY FROM NE COR OF S PIER OF OLD WABASHA ST BRIDGE BEING PART OF GOVT LOT 9 SEC 6 TN 28 RN 22 0 Wabasha St. S. SUBJ TO RY R/W & SEWER R!W ESMTS; PART OF NAVY ISLAND NELY OF A L RUN THIZU SE COR OF N PIER & THRU PT 12 FT NELY OF NE COR OF S PIER OP OLD WABASHA ST BRIDGE ALSO NELY b0 FT OF PART SWLY OF SD L BEING PART OF GOVT LOT 9 IN SEC 6 TN 28 RN 22 85 Water St. W 75 Water St. W VAC OLD WATER ST ACCRUING & FOL: SUBJ TO ALLEY; PART NLY OF REALIGNED WATER ST OF 12EALIGNED WATER ST OF FOL NELY %z OF CAC WATER ST AD7 & LOT 6& WLY 15 FT OF LOT 5 BLK 183 ROBERTSON'S ADD TO WEST ST PAUL, ALSO VAC OLD WATER ST ACCRUII3G & FOL PART NLY OF REALZGNED WATER ST & SELY OF A LIIVE KNOWN AS HARBOR LINE OF LOTS 1 THRU LOT 5 SUBJ TO STS, ESMTS & FLOOD CONTROL 7 EX RY R/WS VAC 5TS & ALLEYS ACCRUING & FOL LOTS TARU 6 BLK C& PART OF LOT 1 BLK A DESC AS BEG AT 5W COR OF SD LOT 1 TH NELY TO A PT ON WL OF E 10 FT OF SD LOT 1 DIST 15 FT N FROM SL OF SD LOT 1 TH N ON SD WL OF E 10 FT TO NL OF SD LOT 1 THE E TO NE COR TH S TO SE COR TH W 497 0 \ -50� 44806282242Q002 Unassigned A 30 FT TRACT ACROSS BLK G 499 500 Secrion 6 501 502This ordinance amending Legislative Code Chapters 60 and 61 shail take effect thirry (30) days after its passage, 503 approval and publication. 504 505 Requested by Department of: By: Form Appr�� d by City Attorney BY: �/dLl+� /^� W (3'{/hOr� / /J � ( Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: Appr By: � � 23'0! Adopted by Council: Date �i�a�a-flCS'� Adoption CertiEied by Counci ec t ry L DEPAR'CMENT/OFFICE/COUNCII.: PED DATE INITIATED GREEN SHEET No.: 111234 02 May 2001 � � - $ CONTACT PERSON & PHONE: . f ArE mn�t7ntepnre Martlia Faust 266-6572 � � DEp,uzT nm ' � a crnr covxcn. � ) ASSIGPi 2 CITY ATTORNEY + O CITY CLERK MUST BE ON COUNCII. AGENDA BY ATE _�— r7�7�.�g� _FINANCIAL SERV D _ FINANCIAL SERV/ACCTG (T. Meyer) FOR 3 MAYOR (OR ASST.)�� j_ CIVII. SERVICE COMIvIISSION ROVI'ING ORDER TOTAL # OF SIGNA7'[JRE PAGES 1(CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATCJRE) ACTiON REQ[3ESTED: RECOMI�hENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Rejec[ (R) pERSONAI. SERVICE CON1'Re1C1'S MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING - QUESTIONS: A PLANNING COM1vIlSSION 1. I-Ias this peison/fi�m ever worked under a conhact for this departrnent? ' CIB COMIvIITTEE Yes No CIVIL SERVICE COMIvIISSION 2. Haz this person/fum ever been a ciry empl oyee? Yes No 3. Does this person/finn possess a skill not nomially possessed by any current ciry employee? Yes No Explain alI yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INI'PIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPOR'PTJNITY (R`6o, W hay When, W here, W hy): The Mississippi River Corridor Plan calls for replacing the RCR-1, RCC-1 and RCI-1 zoning districts as they are ineffective, and in some cases, inconsistent with the City's vision (as stated in the Land Use Plan and the Saint Paul on the Mississippi Development Framework) for xnixed-use urban villages along the downtown river&ont. Rezoning the Upper Landing site will prepaze it for redevelopment. Beyond the Upper Landing, there are other sites along the City's downtown riverfront that would benefit from having a zoning classification that is mare consistent with existing and proposed uses, such as Harriet Island Regional Park. In response, the Plauiung Commission initiated a 40-Acre Study in March, 2001 to recommend Zoning Code amendments in two area: 1) map amendments (rezonings) to facilitate redevelopment of the Upper Landing, and rezone other riverfront parcels currendy zoned RCR-1, RCC-1, or RCI-1 to make zoning mare consistent with existing and proposed uses, and 2) text amendments to reduce the maa�unum structure height in the OS-2 zoning district from 100 to 90 feet. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVEA� The Upper Landing will be appropriately zoned to be redeveloped as a medium-density mixed-use neighborhood. DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: Nane DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: �� The Upper Landing will not be rezoned for redevelopment. ��, �!� 1/ TOTAL AMOUNI' OF 1'RANS.�CTION: COST/REVF.NUE BUDGETED: f�r/�� ' CQQ1 �i j �4 �"j' ���.�' FUNDING SOURCE: ACTIVII'Y NUMBER: Budgetcade: �/ FANANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) x_�snarm�r��zo�na�o a�re swa�e�n�.ran � Council File # ��— Sfl� Ordinance # s���1UV�i� —�`�"` C � Green Sheet # � 1\ 3 � aao�_ PAU 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Presented By Referred To 3� Committee: Date AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CI3APTER 60 OF THE SAINT PAUL LEGISLATIVE CODE PERTAT ZONING FOR THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL AND THE ZONING TO 3THEREOF WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Planning Commission has made a survey of thos areas along the downtown riverfront currently zoned RCR-i, RCC-1, or RCI-1, for the purpose of co idering amendments to the Zoning Code, and has deternuned that: 1) the study area is at least 40 ac s in size; 2) the number of real estate descriptions affected by the amendments renders the obtaining written consent impractical; and 3) flle proposed amendments are related to the overall needs of the co unity, to existing land use or to pians for future land use, as stated in the River Corridor Plan and Land se Plan chapters of the City's Comprehensive Plan, and the Saint Paul on the Mississippi De lopment Framework; and WIlEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hear' on the "Downtown Riverfront 40-Acre Zoning S1udy" on April 13, 2001 and, after considering public t timony, 1) found the "Downtown Riverfront 40- Acre Zoning Study consistent with the Saint Paul Co rehensive Plan, and the Saint Paul on the Mississippi Development Framework, and 2) recommended on ri127, 2001 that the Zoning Code be amended as per the 40-Acre Study; and WHEREAS, the City Council held a public he ing on June 6, 2001, notice of which was published in the Saint Paul Pioneer Press on May 20, May 27 and 3une 3, Z001; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVB , that the City Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby amend the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaini g to zoning for the City of Saint Pau1 by making the following text changes: Sec. 60.300. Districts e� SPECIAL DISTRICTS Sec. 60.305. or less restricYive districts. 34 When the code efers to more restrictive districts or less restrictive districts, the districts in order from 35 more to less esh-ictive are: R-LL, R-1, R-2, R-3, R-4, RT-1, RT-2, RM-1, RM-2, RCR-1, RM-3, O5- 36 1, B-1, B-2C, ��, B-2, B-3, B-4, B-5, RCI-1, I-1, I-2, I-3. The P-1 district shall be as restricrive as 37 ihe district for which the P-1 district provides accessory parking. 38 (C.F. No. 96-307, §§ 2, 4-24-96) . � _. _. , . _ - • -- ,� , � �- 50l - -- • � - ---- - -- - - - - - - - - ----- - - - : - - -- --- - - -- � -- � ----- - - - - -- - -- - - -- - - - - ----- - - --= -- - -- - ---- - -- - :- --- --.: - - - -- - - - -- - -- ,. " . . �. � � - - - 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 !:. - -- - --- �- --- ---- - - -- - - � - - • - - - - - -- - - - ._ ; ;,�:,.......�n:..:.::.�r,.:.: �:a.�Fg:!. �:!:::R :��"" , �.. n�:........,�.�R:.....:.: �.:. �. ....:. � �,. ::.�'. ��a ..:,...:� - -- -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - ' - : -- --- _.:- - - --- - -- - - - - - - - -- : - - - -- - . ' • - --- - - --- - .� • .. . -- - -- - ---- -- - - -- -- - -- - -- -- - - - - - � - - - -- - - - -- - - - - -- --- -- - - - - - - - -- - - --. - ---- - -- - - .--- -- -- - - -- - - - :- .. :: s9 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 ioo 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 . . , , , .. . , , . . , , . . . , . - -,:,�.�:n;.,,..�.:,:.,..a. '- Subdivision 2. 60.520. OS-2 General Office-Service Dist�ict Sec. 60.521. Intent. The OS-2 General Office-Service District is intended t rovide for development of compact, pedestrian-oriented urban villages with a diverse mix f commercial, residential, civic and recreational uses located within a quarter mile of high-frequency ansit service. (c.�. rro. 00-9�2, i i-s-oo) Sec. 60.522. Principal uses permitted. In an OS-2 General Office-Service District e use of land, the location and erection of new buildings or structures, and the alteration, enlarge nt and moving of existing buildings or structures from other locations or districts shall conform to following specified uses, unless otherwise provided in this code: (1) All principal uses pernutted OS-1 District, except cellular te (2) Post offices and similar ; permitted subject to special conditions and as regulated in the antennas located on a freestanding pole. offices. 108 (3) Retail businesses that s pply commodities on the premises, such as, but not limited to, groceries, 109 meats, dairy products, b ed goods or other foods, drugs, dry goods, clothing and notions, hardware, 110 books, starionery and ants, with up to 10,000 square feet of gross floor area. 111 (4) Eating and 112 (5) Hotels and establishments, except drive-in or fast-food restaurants. 113 (6) Dry cleaning establishments, or pickup stations, dealing directly with the customer, and self- I1G 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 service laundries and dry cleaners. Central dry cleaning plants servicing more than one (1) retail ouUet are prohibited. p t-S o t (7) Manufactiiring of small, precision goods such as dental, surgical or optical goods, or electronic assemblies, along with light assembly, packaging and distribution activities. (8) Other uses similar to the above uses_ (9) Accessory buildings, structures and uses as defined in section 60.201. (10) Carriage house dwellings, provided that a maximutn of one carriage house dwelling shal e allowed per principal dwelling unit. (11) Above ground pazking buildings not exceeding forty-five (45) feet in height. (C.F. No. 00-972, 11-8-00) Sec. 60.523. Required condirions. The following conditions shail be required of all uses ]n the OS-2 General (1) Except for off-street parking or loading, all business, storage, conducted within compietely enclosed buiidings. District: processing sha11 be 128 (2) The scale, massing and materials of buildings shall be compatible�vith adjacent structures in the 129 district. The base, middle and top of buildings sha11 be architectura,l3y delineated. 130 (3) The exterior surface of buildings shall be articulated with v ical elements. Windows, doors and 131 other building openings shall be squaze or vertical in propo � n. The first floor shall be articulated 132 with windows, entrances, etc. that relate to the scale of a destrian at street levei. 133 (4) Roof-top mechanical systems, service equipment d head houses for elevators and stairs shall be 134 enclosed and not visible from public rights-of-way. 135 (5) Parking shall be provided underground (b 136 shall be at the rear or interior of the lot to the 137 parking may face the street, but shail be as uz 138 (C.F. No. 00-972, 11-8-00) , 139 Sec. 60.524. Princigal uses subject ide) or to the rear of buildings. Access to parking extent possible. Garage doors for underground e and pedestrian-friendly as possible. conditions. 140 The following additional uses shall e permitted, subject to the conditions hereinafter imposed for 141 each and subject to the standards ecified for a11 special condition uses as set forth in section 142 64300(d). All principal uses pe itted subject to speciai conditions shall be reviewed and approved 143 by the planning commission. 144 (1) Retail businesses that pply commodities on the premises, as allowed in the OS-2 dislrict section 145 60.523(2), with mare th 10,000 squaze feet of gross floor azea. 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 Ig$ 186 I8� I88 1g9 19� I91 192 193 194 195 O { -So � �e�iiiceare�s �b`c���; ?2 � 4� t�ft�ai��ac`ii����-������tt�: b. No building shall exceed � °�' No above-eround parkinQ buildin (3) Above-ground parking buildings over forty-five ( such building shall exceed sixty-five (65) feet in heig (4) Cellulaz telephone antennas located on a freest c section 60.514(5)a.through h. (5) Accessory buildings, shuciures and uses c stoma (C.F. No. 00-972, 11-8-QO) Sec. 60.525. Area, bulk and setback r uirements. nine 90 feetin height. ; in height, sub}ect to the condition that no pole, as regulated in the OS-1 district, incident to the above uses. See chapter 61, Schedule of Regulati ns, limiting the height and buik of buildings, the minimum size of lot by permitted land use, and pr iding minimum yard setback requirements. (C.F. No. 00-972, I1-8-00) Sec. 61.103. Business district� m� s;� M�� Size Per Height Unit of Structures Zoning District 61.103 BUSINESS DISTRICT OS-1 Local Office-Se 'ce OS-2 General Offi -Servicc B-1 Local Business B-2 Community Business B-2C Community Business tcon�ertea> B-3 General Business $-4 Central $uaiuesa Area in Width S4vare in In In Feet Feet SWries Feet none none 3 d nane none 6 e none none 3 none none d none none 3d none none d IIORS RqAB ROIIII Mini�num Yard Setback Mammum (Per Lotin Feet) Percent of Floor Lot Aree Side Occupied Ratia By Main (FAfi) Front � �� Reaz B �� g mum of Two 30 d 15 a,g �j e 0 g 30 15 a,g 30 d 0 f,g 30 d 25i b b b b 4 b b b b S b,c b,c b,c b,c 25 30 d 0 g b b b,c � 1i�ait ao limit none flBAO nena e none none none none 30%a none noae 1.0 3.0 i.o 2.0 NA 2.0 s.o f 19b I3otes to 61.103 Business Districts: o�-sa� 197 (a) Off-street parking shall be permitted to occupy a required front yard setback; provided, that the off- 198 street parking area, exclusive of access driveways, shall be set back a minimum distauce of six (6) feet 199 from any front or side street right-of-way and the off=street parkina area setback meets the 200 requirements of section 61.103(fl. 201 (b) No side or rear yards are required along the interior 1ot lines of the district, ex pt as otherwise 202 specified in the building code; provided, that if walls of structures facing such ' erior lot lines contain 203 windows, or other openings, yards of not less than si�c (6) feet shall be provide . Side and rear yazds of 204 at least six (6) feet shall be required when a business district adjoins a side y d in an adjacent 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 residence district. These setback zequirements from interior lot lines shall waived when an easement agreement is recorded as to the affected properties. Proof of su recorded easement shall be provided at the time of application for a building permit. The recordin f the easement agreement shall be interpreted to mean that the following intents and purposes o these setback requirements are met: adequate supply of sunlight and air to adjacent property; suffi 'ent space for maintenance of the building from the same lot; and prevention of damage to adjoini properiy by fire or runoff from roofs. 212 (c) Off-street loading space shall be provided in the rear yar in accordance with the requirements of 213 section 62.105. 214 (d) The height of the structure may exceed the maxim buiiding height allowed in the district, Z I S provided the structure is set back from all setback li s a distance equal to the height which said 216 structure exceeds the maximum building height a1 wed in the district. 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Ci Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby amend the Saint Paul Zoning Code by changing the zoning assification for the following properties on the zoning maps of the City of Saint Paul, Sheet No. 29, as i orporated by reference in Section 60301 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code: PIN NUMBER NORTH BANK RCI-1 to I-1 235 122823110005 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 ADARESS 501 $3�epard Road LEGAL DESCRIPTION SUBJ TO SHEPARD RD & SUBJ TO HIGH BRIDGE ROW & NO FART OF VAC HILL ST AND MCMILLAN ST ADJ & EX LEVEE & EX A 700 FT MOL UNION OIL PAR CEL ADJ TO SHEPARD RD; THE FOL; PART OF GOVT LOTS 1& 2 LYING NWLY OF SELY LEVEE LINE LYING SWLY OF SWLY LINE OF HIGH BRIDGE ROW LY1NG SELY Ok' NWLY ROW LINE OF SHEPARD RD LYING ELY OF A LINE DESC AS BEG AT MOST NELY COR OF TRACT B RLS 441 TH N 27 DEG 32 MIN OS SEC W 70.26 FT TH N 33 244 245 246 247 RCI-1 to OS-2 248 249 012823440069 250 251 252 253 254 255 012823440070 256 257 258 259 260 261 062822320074 262 263 264 265 266 267 062822320078 268 264 270 062822310010 271 272 273 2�4 06282232Q089 275 276 277 278 279 280 06282231005 281 282 283 284 062822320079 285 28b 062822320039 287 288 289 06282232003800 29� 291 ?92 ?93 062822310007 ?94 ?95 !96 062822310004 :97 98 DEG 34 MIN 26 SEC E 68.22 FT TH N 27 DEG 02 MIN 30 SEC W AND BLKS 4 THRU BLK 6 ��_ So � Unassigned PART NWLY OF JOINT R/W O C M ST P& P RY & C ST P M & O RY CO & SELY OF BERNI�IMERS ADD (SUBJ T I�WY ESMT FOR NEW HIGH BRIDGE) IN SEC 1 TN 8 RN 23 Unassigned A S'1'RIP OF LAND BEING THE FORNIER MP S FARIBALTLT & CEDAR VALLEY RY R!W (NOW NIILWA E R!W) ACROSS SEl/4 OF SE 1/4 (SUBJ TO IIWY ESMT F NEW HIGH BRIDGE)IN SEC 1 TN 28 RN 23 0 Eim Street THAT PART OP BLK 68 WI�CH I INCLUDED WITHIN A STRIP I 1 FT WIDE ACROSS SD BLK SIDE L1NES OF VVI-IICH STRIP ARE PAR TO AND DI ANT RESPECTIVELY 7 FT AND 18 FT NWI.Y FROM CL OF INT MAIN TRACK OF C M ST P AND P RR AND C ST P AND O RY COS Unassigned EX PART DEEDED F ST AND EX PART USED FOR RR PURPOSES BLK 6 Unassigned X SELY 7 FT P T OF BLK 40 WLY OF CL OF 70INT MAIN TRACKOFC STPANDPRRANDCSTPMANDORYCOS OF BLK 4 Unassigned VAC S ACCRUING & THE FOL;A 28 FT JOINT RY RIW ROSS BLKS 3b 37 39 & 40 BEING BOUNDED BY TWO L S ONE 7 FT NWL,Y & THE OTHER 21 FT 5ELY OF & PAR HCLOFJOINTMAINTRACKOFCMSTP&PRR&CST P & O RY COS ACROSS BLKS 36 37 39 & BLK 40 Unassigned Unassigned Chestnut St. Unassigned SUBJ TO SPRING LANE PART OF VAC WALNUT ST ADJ AND OF BLK 47 AND 48 NWLY OF CL OF SPRiNG LANE ACROSS BLKS 48 AND BLK 47 16856 SQ FT MOL USED FOR RR R/WS IN BLK 69 EX NWLY 61 FT PART SELY OF CL OF JOINT MAIN TRACK OF CMSTPANDPRRANDCSTPMANDORYCOSOFBLK 40 SELY 40 FT OF NWLY 61 FT OF PART OF BLKS 37 39 AND 40 SELY OF CL OF JOINT MAIN TRACT OF C M ST P AND P RR AND C ST P M AND O RY ACROSS BLKS 37 39 AND BLK 40 SELY 16 FT MOL OF NWI,Y FT MOL OF SWLY 24 FT MOL OF NELY 52 FT MOL OFLOT 12 BLK 47 SELY 16 FT MOL OF NWT,Y 31 FT MOL OR SWLY 24 RT MOL OF NELY 52 FT MOL OF LOT 12 BLK 47 299 062822320020 300 301 302 303 062822320036 304 305 306 307 308 06282233000b 309 310 �62822320093 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 062822320037 319 320 321 062822310012 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 062822320032 329 330 331 062822320084 332 333 062822320033 334 335 336 337 338 062822320030 339 340 341 342 062822320075 343 344 345 346 347 348 062822320034 349 350 351 l i52 353 354 Unassigned VAC ST ACCRtTING & NWLY 32 FT OF SELY 50 FT OF PART OF BLK 36 NWLY CL OF JOINT MAIN TRACK C M ST P& P RR & C ST& O RY BEING PART OF 5 6 7& LOT 8 BLK o �_ Unassia ed EX NWLY 61 FT AND EX SELY OF L 8 5/1 O FT MOLSELY FROM CL OF TRACK 86 DESC IN DOC 1274662 P� T BLK 39 SELY OF CL OF C M ST P AND P RR AND C ST�'M ANA O RY COS TRACK ACROSS BLK 39 / Unassigned LOT A Unassigned EX PART IN LEASE NO 26915; VAC S ACCRUING & FOL. NWLX 82 FT OF NWLY lz OF 70INT RIW THRU BLK 37 & THAT PART OF LOT 101VWLY OF D RR R!W & THAT PART OF LOTS i l& 12 LYING NWLY RR R/W & SELY OF A LINE BEG 6 FT SELY OF MOST WLY OR OF LOT i l TO THE NELY LINE OF LOT 12 AT A POINT 3.1 FT SE FROM MOST NLY COR OF LOT 12 BLK 37 Unassigned PART OF LOTS 5 AND 6 ELY OF L 8 5/I O FT MOL SELX OF CL OF SPUR 86 ACRO S BLK 34 266 Shepard Rd. EX NWLY 99 FT F F U G T A TRACT AND SHEPARD RD PART OF GOVT OTS 4 AND 5 OF BLKS 46 THRU 49 RICE AI�TD IRVINES ADD ND BET RUN SELY AT RA WITH SELY OF SD BLKS FROM COR OF LOT 1 O BLK 46 AND FROM INTERSEC ON WITH S L GOVT LOT 4 ALL SEC 6 TN 28 RN 22 Unassigned 343 Spring St. Unassigned Unassigned EX SE Y 50 FT OF LOT 1 SELY OF TRACKS 77 AND 86 AN Y OF TRACK 94 DESCRIBED IN DOC 1274662 BLK 38 S LY 50 FT LOT 1 BLK 38 EX LEASE NO 79886 BEING 12000 SQ FT IN SW COR OF BLK 38 & EX SELY 50 FT LOT I AND EX PART SELY OF TRACKS 77 AND 86 AND NLY OF TRACK 94 AS DESC 1N DOC 1274662 ALL BLK EX NWLY 6l FT PART OF BLK 37 SELY OF CL OF JOINT MAIN TRACKOFCMSTPANAPRRANDCSTPMANDORYCOS ACROSS BLK 37 A STRIP OF LAND 28 FT OVER AND ACROSS BLK 68 BEING BOIINDED ON NWLY BY A L 7 FT NWLY FROM AND PAR TO THE CL OF THE MAIN TRACK OF SD RR CO5 AND BOLINDED ON SELY STDE BY A L 21 FT SELY FROM AND PAR THE ABOVE MENTIONED CL Unassigned BEG AT S W COR OF BLK 38 TH NE ON SE LINE 240 FT MOL TO N LINE OF RR PROPERTY TH WLY ON SD N LINE 115 FT MOL TO PT 25 FT SE AS MEAS AT RA FROM CL OF RR CO'S FIRST SPUR TRACK WHICH LIES NW SPRING ST TH S W PAR WITH SD SPUR TRACK 14Q FT TO PT ON W LINE OF SD BLK & 50 FT MOL NW FROM BEG TH TO BEG CONTAINING 12000 SQ FT MOL IN BLK 38 355 356 062822320076 357 358 359 012823410097 360 361 362 062822320091 363 3b4 365 366 367 062822320077 368 369 370 062822320092 371 372 373 374 062822310013 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 Q62822320035 382 383 384 385 062822320040 386 387 388 389 390 oi2823410096 391 392 393 394 39� 012823440082 396 39? RCR-1 to OS-2 398 399 062822320072 400 401 062822320094 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 �09 �10 Unassigned 0 Wilkin St, IN Tf� CITY OF ST PAUL REVISED DESCRIPTION NiIMBER 651 A SPECIFIC PART BLK 68 � �_� �� A TRIANGULAR TRACT IN TI� SE COR OF LOT 7 BEING 20 FT ON WILKIN ST AND 30 FT ON 0 Elm St. LEASE NO 26915 CONTAINING 10600 SQ FT MOL OVER PART OF LOTS 6& 7 BLK 37 DAYTON & IRVINES ADD IN SD IRVINES ENLARGEMENT OVER PART OF LOT 8 THIZU LOT 12 Unassigned IN TI� CITY OF ST PAUL REVISED 652 A SPECIFIC PART OF BLK t: Unassigned EX PART IN LEASE NO 26915; PART O BLK 68 SBLY OF SISTERS OF Tf� GOOD SHEPARD5 & NWLY OF LINE 18 FT NWLY OF & PAR TO CL OF JO RY MATN TRACK Unassigned SUBJ TO SHEPARD RD 5LOPES D EX PART IN FARMERS UNION GRAIN TERMINAL LE E RIPARIAN RIGHTS ACCRUING AND A TRACT B SD RD MISSISSIPPI RIVER FROM EXTENDED N L OF K 4KINNEY BOND AND TRADERS ADDITION TO L OF EAGLE BEING PART OF SECS 6 AND 7 SEC 6 TN 28 22 Unassigned VAC ST ACCRUIN� NWLX ll FT OF SELY 18 FT OF BLK5 36 37 & 39 NWLY OF L OF JOINT MAIN TRACK OF C M ST P& P RR & ST P M& RY COS ACROSS BLKS 36 37 BLK 39 Unassigned PART OF L S 8 9 AND 10 SLY OF L RL3N FROM E COR OF LOTIO TO A PT ON SWLY L OF AND 30 FT FROM S COR OF LOT TH PT ON S WI.Y L OF AND 85 FT NWLY FROM S COR OFLOT TH TO W COR OF LOT 8 AND ALL LOT 7 BLK 49 0 Wilkin St. P QF LOTS 6 AND 7 OF A L 50 FT NWLY FROM AND PAR T HE CL OF C M ST P AND P RR EX A TRIANGi3LAR TRACT THE SE COR BEING20 FT ON WTLKIN ST AND 30FT ON OODRICH BLK 7 0 Wilkin St. Unassigned 266 LOTS 1 THRU LOT 8 EX PART DEEDED FOR ST BLK 70 St. SUBJ TO SHEPARD RD VAC WALNI7T & SHERMAN STS ADJ & FOL EX LOT 12 BLK 47 OF BLKS 47 & 48 SELY OF RUN 152 FT NELY FROM W OF LOT 6 BLK 48 & ON NWI,Y L OF SD BLK TH NELY IN STRAIGHT L TO E COR OF LOT 1 BLK 47 & LOTS 1 THRU 6, 11 & 12 BLK 49 ALSO PART OF LOT 8 N OP L RUN FROM W COR OF LOT 8 TO PT ON NELY L OF & 85 FT FROM E COR LOT 8 ALSO BEG AT S COR OF BLK 47 TH SWLY ON NWLY L OF WATER ST TO S COR OF LOT 12 BLK 49 TH SELY 12 FT ON BXT SWLY L OF SD LOT 12 TH NELY 247.5 FT TO PT SEC6TN28RN22 411 �62822330001 412 413 414 415 416 RCR-1 to R-4 417 418 062&22240023 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 062822310001 427 428 429 430 431 432 062822310003 433 434 SOUTH SANK 435 436 RCC-1 to OS-2 437 438 05282223Q031 439 440 052822230029 441 442 052822230030 443 444 052822230032 445 446 052822230028 447 448 052822230027 449 450 052822230033 451 452 052822230034 453 454 455 456 457 RCGl to R-4 458 459 062822130001 �60 �61 �62 163 '64 062822 0001 65 66 345 Shepard Rd. SUBJ TO AVE AND KD TFIE STS AND ALLEYS ACCRUING AS VAC IN DOC 1600262 AND FOL LOTS 80 THRU 90 IN UPPER LEVEE ADA NO 2 AND IN SD UPPER LEVEE ADD LOTS 3 6(— S 4� THRU LOT 79 184 Eagle St. SiIBJ TO RD & ESMTS & VAC ST ACCRUIN FOL; BEG AT S COR OF LOT 5 BLK 45 TH NWI,Y 47. T ON SWLY LINE OF 5 TH NET.Y TO A POINT ON CL OF V ONTARIO & 132.2 FT NW OF NW LINE OF SHEPARD RD CURVE R ON A RAD OF 3544 FT TO Tf� SE LINE OF BLK 4 ALSQ BEING TF� NW LINE OF SHEPAKD RD TH SW ALON SD RD TO SLY COR OF BLK 45 TH NWLY TO BEG BEING P T BLKS 43 44 & BLK 45 0 Eag]e St. SUBJ TO ESMT PART OF LOTS HRU 7 SBLY OF FOL L; BEG ON NWLY L OF & 44.77 FT FR M NW COR OF BLK 46, TH NELY AT ANGLE OF 13 AE 4 MIN TO R FROM SD NWLY L TO NWLY L OF SD BLK 5UB7 TO RD LOTS 10 11 12 & 14 & ALL OF LOT 13 BLI� 46 0 Chestnut St. SUBJ TO SHEPARD LOTS 8 AND LOT 9 BLK 46 1 Q River Park Plaza LOT 4 B 2 10 River Park Piaza 2 10 River Park Plaza �T 3 BLK 2 10 River Park Plaza LOT 5 BLK 2 Unassigned 10 River Park Unassigned LOT i BLK 2 LOT 1 BLK 1 OUTLOT A VAC STS & ALLEY5 ACCRUING& SUBJ TO STS PART OF GOVT LOT 7& OF BLK 1 IN SD BAZIL & ROBERTS ADD LYING E OF ROBERT ST AS WIDENED N OF FILLMORE AVE S OF NIISSISSIPPI RIVER & W OF RIVER PARK PLAZA. 1 Water St. W. EX NELY 60 FT PART OF NAVY ISLAND SWLY OF L RUN THRU SE COR OF N PIER AND TT-IlZU PT 12 FT NELY FROM NE COR OF S PIER OF OLD WABASHA ST BRIDGE BEING PART OF GOVT LOT 9 SEC 6 TN 28 RN 22 0 Wabasha St. S. SUBJ TO RY RJW & SEWER R/W ESMTS; PART OF NAVY ISLAND NELY OF A L RUN THRU SE COR OF N PIER & THRU PT 12 FT NELY OF NE COR OF S PIER OF OLD WABASHA ST 467 468 469 470 062822420016 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 062822340010 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 062822420002 BRIDGE ALSO NELY 60 FT OF PART SWLY OF SD L BEING PART OF GOVT LOT 9 IN SEC b TN 28 RN 22 o i_ Sa � 85 Water St. W. VAC OLD WATER ST ACCRUiNG & FOL: SUBJ TO AI.LBY; PART NLY OF REALIGNED WATER ST OF REALIGNED WATER ST OF FOL NELY '/z OF CAC WATER ST AD7 & LOT 6 & WLY 15 FT OF LOT 5 BLK 183 ROBERTSON'S ADD TO ST PAUL, ALSO VAC OLD WATER ST ACCRUING & FO AP NLY OF REALIGNED WATER ST & SELY OF A LINE OWN AS HARBOR LINE OF LOTS 1 THRU LOT 5 75 Water St. W. SUBJ TO STS, ESMTS & FLOOD CONTROL 7 STS & ALLEYS ACCRUING & FOL LOTS PARS OF LOT 1 BLK A DESC AS BEG AT S TH NELY TO A PT ON Wi, OF E 10 FT OF S N FROM SL OF SD LOT 1 TH N ON SD WL OF SD LOT I THE E TO NE COR TH S TO E Unassigned A 30 FT TRACT ACROSS BLK G E Y RlVJS VAC THR 6BLKC& W OR OF SD LOT 1 LOT 1 DIST 15 FT FE lOFTTONL COR TH W Benanav Blakey BOStzDin CoZeman Hazris Lantzy Reiter Adopted by Council: Adoption Certified Approved by Ma r: HequeSted by Department of: Plannin4 & ECOnomiC DeveloPment Form Approved by City Attorney Council Secretaxy Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Council File # d�• ���_ � � � � � B n : h r �i E i � �t !.._ OF 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 4 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Presented By Referred To Ordinance # Sheet # �1, a3� � � Committee: 1 Date AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER OF THE SAINT PAUL LEGISLATIVE CODE PER AINING TO ZO1vING FOR THE CTTY OF SAINT PAUL AND THE ZO NG MAPS THEREOF 50 WFIEREAS, the Saint Paul Planning Commission has made a survey of those azeas along the downtown riverfront currently zoned RCR-1, RCGl, or RCI-1, for the purpo of considering amendments to the Zoning Code, and has determined that: 1) the study azea is at lea 40 acres in size; 2) the nuxnber of real estate descriptions afFected by the amendments renders the ob 'ng of written consent impractical; and 3) the proposed amendments are related to the overall needs of e community, to existing land use or to plans for future land use, as stated in the River Corridor Plan and and Use Plan chapters of the Ciry's Comprehensive Plan, and the Saint Paul on the Mississip t Development Framework; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a pubfic earing on the "Downtown Riverfront 40-Acre Zoning Study" on April 13, 2001 and, after considering pu ic testimony, 1) found the "Downtown Riverfront 40- Acre Zoning Study consistent with the Saint Paul omprehensive Plan, and the Saint Paul on the Mississippi Development Framework; and 2) recommended n Apri127, 2001 that the Zoning Code be amended as per the 40-Acre Study; and WHEREAS, the City Council held a Saint Paul Pioneer Press on May 20, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOL the Saint Paul Legislative Code pert� changes: � Sec. 60.300. Districts 5PECIAL DISTRICi iearing on June 6, 2001, notice of which was published in the , and June 3, 2001; , that the City Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby amend to zoning for the City of Saint Paul by making the following text Sec. 60.305.1V�bre restrictive or less restricfive districts. 34 When the co e refers to more restrictive districts or less restrictive districts, the districts in order from 35 more to le restrictive are: R-LL, R-1, R-2, R-3, R-4, RT-1, RT-2, RM-1, RM-2, RCR-1, RM-3, OS- 36 1, B-1, -2C, �t��-3-, B-2, B-3, B-4, B-5, RCI-1, I-1, I-2, I-3. The P-1 district shall be as restrictive as 37 the district for which the P-1 district provides accessory pazking. 38 (C.F. No. 96-3Q7, §§ 2, 4-24-96) � • • . r � i� � i r_' � �. �_ _ _ :' _ ""'. . _ • . _ ' ' ""' .' ' ' __ _' '" _ _ - n . i i - - �. G ' " � _'_ _ _ "' _ __ _ _ __ " _ __ " _ _ _ _ _"' _ " i _ __ " _ _ _ __ _ " ' ' ' _"' ' _ _' " _ ' ' ' " _" _ �� _ ' - 'vi ��i���.�.:�iaG�iir.s�� J _ _ ' _ 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 r `- �1�\I�A�I���R -iI��Y►�Y"I) � �."'�L'r:��•��:;'!��!:'!..�,�:�:.��.� �..-,'.���-.� di.��a:oi�wsiiiiiiiiia:��ir:.i���.ii.:iw�wi�vYi:nio�ni���i�w. i�a:i:���i�:�:��ii �.�.-_,.:...:..-a,�.:.,�;�:,:.:,:.:.e�:,,� - - -- .�.��..iycii��zsssr.=�w - -_��...�-��' � .. �: , : � :. . ..;:... :. .:.. �,:, .:.:.. .:,.:.�-.-...a. .:.R�-..��.,:,� � "-- - - - - - - - - . . � �� � 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 9� 91 92 93 94 95 o�—sob lR4il�t��i�l�lAl�i\�!'44�L�A�ilti�'�aitRiaili��i��lilt�lii�l�i�A1`}il����il� �i�It�����1a�1S�����Ii�����liiaA�i�Nin�9'Iii�ll�f��l�1���.aRR� - - - - - - : - - - - - - - - - - - - � • - - - - - - - - - . - :- ::: - -- - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - '- - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - -- - .:- -- - - -- - - .- - . . . � � -- -- - - - -- �:-- - - - -- - - -- ' �- - � - ;� � - - Subdivision 2. 60.520. OS-2 General Office-Service Sec. 60521. Intent 96 The OS-2 General Office-Service District is in nded to provide for development of compact, 9'7 pedestrian-oriented urban villages with a div rse mix of commercial, residential, civic and recreational 98 uses located within a quarter mile of high- equency transit service. 49 (C.F. No. 00-972, I1-8-00) 100 Sec. 60.522. Principal uses In an OS-2 General O�cf or structures, and the altex locations or districts shall code: District the use of land, the location and erection of new buildings azgement and moving of existing buildings ar structures from other to the following specified uses, unless otherwise provided in this 101 102 103 104 105 (1) All principal uses p 'tted and uses permitted subject to special conditions and as regulated in the 106 OS-I District, except ellular telephone antennas located on a freestanding pole. 107 (2) Post offices similar governmental offices. 108 (3) Retaii busi esses that supply commodities on the premises, such as, but not lunited to, groceries, 09 meats, dairy roducts, baked goods or other foods, drugs, dry goods, clothing and notions, hardware, 10 books, sta 'onery and plants, with up to 10,000 squaze feet of gross floor azea. 11 (4) Eati g and liquar-licensed establishments, except drive-in or fast-food restaurants. 12 (5) Hotels and hospitals. 13 (6) Dry cleaning establishments, or pickup stations, dealing directly with the customer, and seif- -- , a e�4—�o4 � i ' 114 � t �` �ervice and dry cleaners. Central dry cleaning plants servicing more than one (i) retail ouflet 115 aze prohibited. 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 (7} Manufacturiug of small, precision goods such as dental, surgical or optical goods, or electronic assemblies, along with light assembly, packaging and distribution activiries. {8) Other uses similar to the above uses. (9) Accessory buildings, structures and uses as defined in section 60.201. (10) Carriage house dwellings, provided that a maximum of one carriage house d� allowed per principal dwelling unit. (11) Above ground parking buiidings not exceeding forty-five (45) feet in height. (C.F. No. 00-972, 11-8-60) � Sec. 60.523. Required conditions. The following conditions shall be required of all uses in the 05-2 (1) Except for off=street pazking or loading, a11 business, storage, conducted within completely enclosed buildings. .['Z, Office-Service District: or processing shali be (2) The scale, massing and materials of buildings sha11 be com tible with adjacent structures in the district. The base, middle and top of buildings shall be archit cturally delineated. (3) The exterior surface of buildings shall be articulated th vertical elements. Windows, doors and other building openings shall be square or vertical in p portion. The first floor shall be articulated wiY1i windows, enfrances, etc. that relate to the scale a pedestrian at street level. 133 (4) Roof-top mechanical systems, service equip�nt and head houses for elevators and stairs shall be 134 enclosed and not visible from public rights-of- ay. 135 (5) Parking sha11 be provided underground elow-grade) or to the rear of buildings. Access to parking 136 shall be at the rear or interior of the lot to e greatest eatent possible. Garage doors for underground 131 parking may face the street, but shall be s unobtrusive and pedestrian-friendly as possible. 138 (C.F. No. 00-9�2, 11-8-00) 139 Sec. 60.524. Principal nses subj t to special condifions. 140 The following additional uses all be permitted, subject to the conditions hereinafter unposed for 141 each and subject to the stan ds specified for all special condifion uses as set forth in section 142 64300(d). AIl principal u s permitted subject to special conditions shall be reviewed and approved 143 by the planning commi ion. 144 (1) Retaii businesse at supply commodities on the premises, as allowed in the OS-2 district section 145 60.522(2), with re than 10,000 square feet of gross floor area. 146 (47 48 49 50 51 (2) Buildings over si�r(�i}steries-er sixry-five (65) feet in height, -- ' - '°�s�; subject to the following conditions: a. Views and vistas from public rights-of-way and open spaces shall be retained, especially betcveen the bluffs and the river and between the river valley floor and the bluffs. Applicants shall provide the planning commission an analysis, including site pians and perspective drawings, showing how the buildings will affect views. �����lU�� �:� �i 152 b. No building shall exceed ' nine 90 feet in height. ; �� � 153 --•'-=-��;- No above-eroun�arking buildines shali exceed sixtv-five (651 feet in heieht 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 17� 171 1�2 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 I81 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 (3) Above-ground pazking buiidings over foriy-five (45) feet in height, subject to the condition that no such building sha11 exceed sixty-five (65) feet in height. (4) Cellulaz telephone antennas located on a freestanding pole, as regulated in the OS-1 ''ct, section 60.514(5)a. through h. (5) Accessory buildings, structures and uses customarily incident to the above u s. (C.F. No. 00-972, 11-8-00) Sec. 60.525. Area, bulk and setback requirements. See chapter 61, Schedule of Regulafions, limiting the height and bulk of lot by pernutted land use, and providing minimum yazd setback re� (C.F. No. 00-972, 11-8-00) Sec. 61.103. Business districts. Zoning District 61.103 BUSINESS DISTRICTS OS-1 Local Office-Service OS-2 General Office-Service B-1 Local Business B-2 Community Business B-2C Community Business (Converted) B3 Genera] Business B-4 Central Business Minimum Size Masimum Lot Size Per Height 4inimum Yard Setback Unit of Structures (Per Lot in Feet) s�ae Area in Width Squaze in In In Front h�ni- Total �eaz F'eet Feet Stories Fee mum of1Wo none none 3 d 30 d 15 a,g b b b,c none none $ 65 e 0 g none none 3 30 15 a,g none no�e d 30 d 0 f,g none non 3d 30 d 25i none one d 30 d 0 g none none no limit no limit no limil b b b,c b b b,c b b b,c 4 8 25 b b b,c none the minimum size Mazimum Percent of Lot Occupied By Ma?n Building Floor Area Ratio (FAA) noae 1.0 none 3.0 none 1.0 none 2.0 3D90 NA none 2.0 8.0 f none � none c � none Notes to 61.103 Business Di 'cts: ' (a) Off-street pazking shal e permitted to occupy a required front yard setback; provided, that the off- street pazking area, excl ive of access driveways, sha11 be set back a minnnum distance of six (6) feet from any front or sade eet right-of-way and the off-street pazking azea setback meets the requirements of secti n 61103( fl. (b) No side or re yazds are required along the interior lot lines of the district, except as otherwise specified in the uiiding code; provided, that if wa11s of structutes facing such interior lot lines contain windows, or er openings, yazds of not less than six (6) feet shall be provided. Side and rear yards of at least six feet shall be required when a business district adjoins a side yard in an adjacent residence istrict. These setback requirements from interior lot lines shall be waived when an easement agreement is recorded as to the affected properties. Proof of such recorded easement shall be provlded at the time of application for a building pernut. The recording of the easement agreement shall be intetpreted to mean that the following intents and purposes of these setback requirements aze met: adequate supply of sunlight and air to adjacent properiy; sufficient space for maintenance of the t � � ° (� � �� � ; o�-So� 196 �'� �b�4d�g �om�the same lot; and prevention of damage to adjoining properiy by fire or runoff from 197 roofs. 198 (c) OfF street loading space shall be provided in the reaz yard in accordance with the requirements of 194 section 62.105. 200 (d) The height of the strucriue may exceed the maximum building height allowed in the di "ct, 201 provided the structure is set back from all setback lines a distance equal to the height �ch said 202 structure exceeds the maximum building height allowed in the dishict. 203 (e) The height of structures in an OS-2 General Office-Service District may exce d si�`(�ij-ste�ies�ta� 204 sia�ty-five (65) feet in height, subject to conditions under section 60.524(2). height of above 205 ground parking buildings in an OS-2 General Office-Service District may e eed forty-five (45) feet 206 in height, subject to the conditions under section 60.524(3). 207 208 209 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Saint 210 Paul Zorung Code by changing the zoning classification for the followin 211 the City of Saint Paul, Sheet No. 29, as incorporated by reference in Se ic 212 Legisla6ve Code: 213 214 215 PIN NUMBER 216 217 NORTH BANK 218 219 RCI-1 to I-1 220 221 122823110005 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 RCI-1 to OS-2 012823440069 Z41 012823440070 ?42 ?43 ?44 ?45 ADDRESS 501 Shepard Road iul does hereby amend the Saint �perties on the zoning maps of 60.301 of the Saint Paul SUBJ T SHEPARD RD & SUBJ TO HIGH BRIDGE ROW & NO P T OF VAC HILL ST AND MCMILLAN ST ADJ & EX VEE & EX A 700 FT MOL UNION OIL PARCEL ADJ TO HEPARD RD; THE FOL; PART OF GOVT LOTS 1& 2 L ING NWLY OF SELY LEVEE LINE LY1NG SWLY OP WLY LINE OF HIGA BRIDGE ROW LYING SELY OF NWLY ROW LINE OF SHEPARD RD LYING ELY OF A LII�iE DESC AS BEG AT MOST NELY COR OF TRACT B RLS 441 TH N 27 DEG 32 MIN OS SEC W 70.26 FT TH N 33 DEG 34 MIN 26 SEC E 68.22 FT TH N 27 DEG 02 MIN 30 SEC W AND BLKS 4 THRU BLK 6 PARTNWLYOFJOINTR/WO CMSTP&PRY&CSTPM & O RY CO & SELY OF BERNHEIMERS ADD (SUBS TO HWY ESMT FOR NEW HIGH BRIDGE) IN SEC 1 TN 28 RN 23 Unassigned A STRIP OF LAND BEING TF�E FORMER MPLS FARIBAULT & CEDAR VALLEY RY R!W (NOW MILWAUKEE R/W) ACROSS SEl/4 OF SE 1/4 (SUBJ TO IIWY ESMT FOR NEW HIGH BRIDGE)IN SEC 1 TN 28 RN 23 ���`�'�{ 246 i% � i�� �°'< .�._ 247 062822320074 0 Elm Street 248 249 250 251 252 253 062822320078 254 255 256 062822310010 257 258 259 260 062822320089 261 262 263 264 265 266 06282231005 267 268 269 270 062822320079 271 272 062822320039 273 2�4 275 06282232003800 276 277 278 279 062822310007 280 281 282 062822310004 283 284 285 062822320020 286 287 288 289 062822320036 290 29l 292 293 294 062822330006 295 296 062822320093 297 29g / 299 � 300 301 Unassigned Unassigned Ol�$O� TIIAT PART OF BLK 68 WHICH IS INCLUDED WIT'HIN A STRIP ll FT WIDE ACROSS SD BLK TFIE SIDE LINES OF WHICH STRIP ARE PAR TO AND DISTANT RESPECTTVELY 7 FT AND 18 FT NWLY FROM CL OF JOINT MAIN TRACK OF C M ST PANDPRRANDCSTPMANDORYCOS EX PART DEEDED FOR ST AND EX PART USED PURPOSES BLK 69 X SELY 7 FT PART OF BLK 40 WLY OF CL �R JOINT MAIN TRACK OF C M ST P AND P RR AND C ST A���L ANI7 O RY COS OF BLK 40 I� Unassigned VAC ST ACCRUING & THE FOL;A 28 T JOINT RY R/WACROSS BLKS 36 37 39 & 40 BE G BOiJNDED BY TWO LINES ONE 7 FT NWLY & Tf IE O R 21 FT SELY OF & PAR WITH CL OF JOINT MAIN TRAC OF C M ST P& P RR & C ST P M& O RY COS ACROSS BL 36 37 39 & BLK 40 Unassigned Unassigned Unassigned Unassigned 193 Chestnut St. Unassigned Unassigned SUBJ TO SPRING LANE'. OF BLK 47 AND 48 NWL BLKS 48 AND BLK 47 , 16856 SQ FT MOL OF VAC WALNUT ST ADS AND CL OF SPRING LANE ACROSS FOR RR R/WS IN BLK 69 EX NWLY 61 FT�ART SELY OF CL OF JOINT MAIN TRACK OF C M ST P ANDds RR AND C ST P M AND O RY COS OF BLK 40 SELY 40 F OF NWI,Y 61 FT OF PART OF BLKS 37 39 AND 40 SELY O CL OF JOINT MAIN TRACT OF C M ST P AND P RR AND T P M AND O RY ACROSS BLKS 37 39 AND BLK 40 Y 16 FT MOL OF NWLY FT MOL OF SWLY 24 FT MOL OF ,Y 52 FT MOL OFLOT 12 BLK 47 SELY 16 FT MOL OF NWLY 31 FT MOL OF SWLY 24 FT MOL OF NELY 52 FT MOL OF LOT 12 BLK 47 VAC ST ACCRUING & NWLY 32 FT OF SELY 50 FT OF PART OF BLK 36 NWLY CL OF JOINT MAIN T'RACK C M 5T P& P RR & C ST& O RY BEING PART OF 5 6 7& LOT 8 BLK EX NWLY 61 FT AND EX SELY OF L 8 5/10 FT MOLSELY FROM CL OF TRACK 86 DESC IN DOC 1274662 PART BLK 39 SELYOFCLOFCMSTPANDPRRANDCSTPMAND O RY COS TRACK ACROSS BLK 39 LOT A Unassigned EX PART IN LEASE NO 26915; VAC ST ACCRIJING & FOL. NWLY 82 FT OF NWLY'/z OF JOINT RR R/W THRU BLK 37 & THAT PART OF LOT 10 NWLY OF SD RR R/W & THAT PART OF LOTS 11 & 12 LYING NWLY OF RR R/W & SELY OF A LINE BEG 6 FT SELY OF MOST WLY COR OF LOT 11 TO THE NELY LINE OF LOT 12 AT A POINT 23.1 FT SE FROM MOST NLY 302 ;.,+�.�;.�'u;`v� 303 304 062822320037 305 306 307 062822310012 308 309 31Q 311 312 313 314 062822320032 315 316 317 062822320084 318 319 062822320033 320 321 322 323 324 062822320030 325 326 327 328 062822320075 329 330 331 332 333 334 062822320034 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 062822320076 343 344 345 012823410097 346 347 348 06282232�091 349 350 351 352 353 06282232007� 354 � 355 356 062822320092 357 IInassigned COR OF LOT 12 BLK 37 O�-Sct PART OF LOTS 5 AND 6 SELY OF L 8 5/10 FT MOL 5ELY OF CL OF SPUR 86 ACROSS BLK 39 266 Shepazd Rd. EX NWI,Y 99 FT FOR F U G T A TRACT AND SHEPARD RD PART OF GOVT LOTS 4 AND 5 OF BLKS 46 THRU 49 RICE AND IRVINES ADD AND BET RUN SELY AT RA WITH SELX OF SD BLKS FROM S COR OF LOT 10 BLK 46 AND FROM INTERSECTION WITH S L GOVT LOT 4 ALL SEC 6 TN 28 RN 22 Unassigned 343 Spring St. Unassigned Unassigned Unassigned EX SELY 50 FT OF LOT 1 SELY OF TRACKS 77 AND 86 AND NLY OF TRACK 94 DESCRIBED Iit1 AOC 1274662 BLK 38 i SELY 50 RT LOT 1 BLK 38 �� EX LEASE NO 79886 BEING 120,00 SQ FT IN SW COR OF SLK 38 & EX SELY 50 FT LOT 1 AND EX PART SELY OF TRACKS 77 AND 86 AND NLY OF TR 94 A5 DESC IN DOC 1274662 ALL BLK / EX NWLY 61 FT PART "OF BLK 37 SELY OF CL OF JOINT MAIN TRACK OF C M ST P`AND P RR AND C ST P M AND O RY COS ACROSS BLK 37� � A STRIP OF L6XND 28 FT OVER AND ACROSS BLK 68 BEING BOU,I�DED ON NWi,Y BY A L 7 FT NWLY FROM AND PAR TO TIdE CL OF Tf� MAIN TRACK OF SD RR COS �1ND BOt INDED ON SELY SIDE BY A L 21 FT SELY FROM AND PAR THE ,9BOVE MENTIONED CL Unassigned BE�Q'i AT SW COR OF BLK 38 TH NE ON 5E LINE 240 FT MOL T N LINE OF RR PROPERTY TH WLY ON SD N LINE 115 FT �IVIOL TO PT 25 FT SE AS MEAS AT RA FROM CL OF RR CO'S / FIRST SPUR TRACK WHICH LIES NW SPRING ST TH SW PAR j WITH SD SPUR TRACK 140 FT TO PT ON W L1NE OF SD BLK / & 50 FT MOL NW FItOM BEG TH TO BEG CONTAINING 12000 � SQ FT MOL IN BLK 38 Unassigned 0 Wil ' St. lm St. Unassigned Unassigned IN THE CITY OF ST PAUL REVISED DESCRIPTION NUMBER 651 A SPECIFIC PART BLK 68 A TRIANGULAR TRACT IN THE SE COR OF LOT 7 BEING 20 FT ON WILKIN ST AND 30 FT ON LEASE NO 26915 CONTAINING 10600 SQ FT MOL OVER PART OF LOTS 6& 7 BLK 37 DAYTON & IKVINES ADD & IN SD IRVINES EAILARGEMENT OVER PART OF LOTS 8 THRU LOT 12 IN T'f� CITY OF ST PAUL REVISED DESCRIPTION N'[.7MBER 652 A SPECIFIC PART OF BLK EX PART IN LEASE NO 26915; PART OF BLK 68 SELY OP SISTERS OF THE GOOD SHEPARDS SUB & NWLY OF LINE 18 �� � � 358 •_• _� . °«� ! ! � r�"; i_ 359 360 062822310013 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 062822320035 368 3b9 370 371 062822320040 372 373 374 375 376 012823410096 377 378 379 380 381 012823440082 382 383 RCR-1 to OS-2 384 385 062822320072 386 387 062822320094 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 062822330001 399 400 401 402 403 RCR-1 to R-4 404 405 062822240023 406 407 408 409 � � � 410 411 412 413 062822310001 FT NWI,Y OF & PAR TO CL OF JOINT RY MAIN TRACK 6 l � SO� Unassigned SUBJ TO SHEPAIZD RD SLOPES AND EX PART IN FARMERS iJNION GRAIN TERMINAL LEASE RIPARIAN RIGHTS ACCRUING AND A TRACT BET SD RD MISSISSIPPI RIVER FROM EXTENDED N L OF BLK 4KINNEY BOND AND TRADERS ADDITION TO CL OF EAGLE BEING PART OF S� 6 AND 7 SEC 6 TN 28 RN 22 �� Unassigned VAC ST ACCRUING & NWLY 11 FT OF SELY 18 FT BLKS 36 37 & 39 NWLY OF CL OF 30INT MAIN TRACK O M ST P& P RR & ST P M& O RY COS ACROSS BLRS 36 37 K 39 Unassigned PART OF LOTS 8 9 AND 1 O SLY OF L R OM E COR OF LOT10 TO A PT ON SWLY L OF AND 3 T FROM S COR OF LOT TH TO PT ON SWI,Y L OF AND 8 T NWLY FROM S COR OFLOT 9 TH TO W COR OF LOT 8 ALL LOT 7 BLK 49 0 Wilkin St. PART OF LOTS 6 AND 7 OF A L FT NWLY FROM AND PAR TO TT� CL OF C M ST P AND RR EX A TRIANGULAR TRACT IN THE SE COR BEING20 F N WILKIN ST AND 30FT ON GOODRICH BLK 7 0 Wilkin St. LOTS 1'i'HItU LOT 8 i Unassigned EX PART DEE LI�F ST BLK 70 266 Chestnut St. SUBJ TO S P RD VAC WALNCIT & SHERMAN STS ADJ & FOL E LO 12 BLK 47 OF BLKS 47 & 48 SELY OF RUN 152 FT NE F M W OF LOT 6 BLK 48 & ON NWLY L OF SD BLK TH Y STRAIGHT L TO E COR OF LOT 1 BLK 47 & LOTS I U 1 I& 12 BLK 49 ALSO PART OF LOT 8 N OF L RLJN F COR OF LOT 8 TO PT ON NELY L OF & 85 FT FROM C LOT 8 ALSO BECs AT S COR OF BLK 47 TH SWLY ON Y L OF WATER ST TO S COR OF LOT 12 BLK 49 TH SELY FT ON EXT SWLY L OF SD LOT 12 TH NELY 247.5 FT TO PT SEC6T'N28RN22 345 Shepard R. SUBJ TO AVE AND RD "lI� ST5 AND ALLEYS ACCRIJilVG AS VAC IN DOC 1600262 ANA POL LOTS 80 THRU 90 IN UPPER LEVEE ADD NO 2 AND IN SD UPPEK LEVEE ADD LOTS 3 THRU LOT 79 St. SUBJ TO RD & ESMTS & VAC ST ACCRUING Tf� FOL; BEG AT S COR OF LOT 5 BLK 45 TH NWLY 47.4 FT ON S WLY LINE OF 5 TH NELY TO A POINT ON CL OF VAC ONTARIO & 132.2 PT NW OF NW LINE OF SHEPARD RD TH CURVE R ON A RAD OF 3544 FT TO THE SE LINE OF BLK 43 ALSO BEING TIIE NW LINE OF SHEPARD RA TH SW ALONG SD RD TO SLY COR OF BLK 45 TH NWLY TO BEG BEING PART BLKS 43 44 & BLK 45 184 0 Eagle St. SUBJ TO ESMT PART OP LOTS 1 THRU 7 SELY OF FOL L; BEG 414 °-° ' � • —' , 415 416 417 418 419 062822310003 420 421 SOUTH BANK 422 423 RCC-1 to OS-2 424 425 052822230031 426 427 052822230029 428 429 052822230030 430 431 052822230032 432 433 052822230028 434 435 052822230027 436 43� 052822230033 438 439 052822230034 440 441 442 443 444 RCC-1 to R-4 445 446 062822130001 447 448 449 450 451 062822140001 452 453 454 455 456 457 062822420016 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 � 465 062822340010' 466 l 467 468 469 o�-Sot -- ON NWI,Y L OF & 44.17 FT FROM NW COR OF BLK 46, TH NELY AT ANGLE OF 13 DEG 04 NIIN TO R FROM SD NWLY L TO NWLY L OF SD BLK & SUB7 TO RD LOTS 10 11 12 & 14 & ALL OF LOT 13 BLK 46 0 Chestnut St. SUBJ TO SHEPr1RD RD LOTS 8 AND LOT 9 BLK 46 10 River Pazk Plaza LOT 4 BLK 2 10 Rivet Pazk Plaza LOT 2 BLK 2 10 River Pazk Plaza LOT 3 BLK 2 10 River Park Plaza LOT 5 BLK 2 Unassigned LOT 1 BLK 2 10 Itiver Park Plaza LOT 1 BLK 1 Unassigned OUTLOT A Unassigned VAC 5TS & ALL S ACCRUING& SUBJ TO STS PART OF GOVT LOT 7& F BLK 1 IN SD BAZIL & ROBERTS ADD LYING E OF BERT ST AS WIDENED N OF FILLMORE AVE S OF MISSI IPPI RIVER & W OF RIVER PARK PLAZA. 1 Water St. W. EX LY 60 FT PART OF NAVY ISLt1ND SWLY OF L RiJN SE COR OF N PIER AND THRU PT 12 FT NELY FROM NE C R OF 5 PIER OF OLD WABASHA ST BRIDGE BEING PART F GOVT LOT 9 SEC 6 TN 28 RN 22 0 Wabasha St S. 5UBJ TO RY R/W & SEWER RiW SSMTS; PART OF NAVY ISLAND NELY OF A L RUN THRU SE COR OF N PIER & THRU PT 12 FT NELY OF NE COR OF S PIER OF OLD WABASHA ST SRIDGE ALSO NELY 60 FT OF PART SWLY OF SD L BEING PART OF GOVT LOT 9 IN SEC 6 TN 28 RN 22 85 Wat St. W. VAC OLD WATER ST ACCRUING & FOL: SUBJ TO ALLEY; PART NLY OF REALIGNED WATER ST OF REALIGNED WATER ST OF FOL NELY'/ OF CAC WATER ST ADJ & LOT 6 & WLY 15 FT OF LOT 5 BLK 183 ROBERTSON'S ADD TO WEST ST PAUL, ALSO VAC OLD WATER ST ACCRUING & FOL PART NLY OF REALIGNED WATER ST & 5ELY OF A LINE KNOWN AS HARBOR LINE OF LOTS i THRU LOT 5 75 Water St. W. SUB7 TO STS, ESMTS & FLOOD CONTROL 7 EX RY RfWS VAC STS & ALLEYS ACCRUING & FOL LOTS THRU 6 BLK C& PART OF LOT 1 BLK A DESC AS BEG AT SW COR OF SD LOT 1 TH NELY TO A PT ON WL OF E 10 FT OF SD LOT 1 DIST 15 FT N FROM SL OF SD LOT 1 TH N ON SD WL OF E 10 FT TO NL 4�� �§ � ! r^a f , ; . � ,'�: 471 � E € `�i' ; ; '� r` 472 062822420002 Unassigned Benanav Bostrom Harris Adopted by Council: Adoption Requested by Department of: O � -So1 Plannin & Economic Devel �ment • Form Approved Uy City Attomey D e by Council Secretasy RY� ( ��^ �w�'� � _ t-�K-e� Approved by 6Fayor: Date R . OF SD LOT 1 Tf� E TO NE COR TH S TO SE COR TH W A 30 FT TRACT ACROSS BLK G Approved by Mayor for Suh�iyis, on to Council .� �V�i r O�-So� CTTY OF SAIN'T PAUL Norm Colemaa, dlayar DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: May 4, 2401 340 Ci[y Hall IS Wec[ Kellogg Bou[evard Satitt Pau� MN 55702 TeLephone 65I-266-8570 Facsimile: 651-228-SSI3 Council President Bostrom d Me bers of the Saint Paul City Council Mayor Norm Coleman �� / l�-� Downtown Riverfront 40-Acre Zoning Study I am attaching for your consideration the Planning Commission's recommendations regarding the Downtown Riverfront 40-Acre Zoning Study. A copy of the memo the Chair o£the Commission sent to me is attached for your information and background. I think this memo very clearly explains the impetus behind the 40-Acre Study, the key recommendations of the study and their relationship ta the Saint Pau1 Comprehensive Plan, and the Saint Paul on the Mississippi Development Framework. I concur with the Planning Commission's findings and recommendations, and encourage the City Council to adopt the recommendations of the Downtown Riverfront 40-Acre Zoning Study. Thank you. Attachments PLANNING COMMISSION CITY OF SAIlVT PAUL Norm Colemaa, Mayor DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: May 3, 2001 Mayor Norm Coleman CladysMorton, Chair 25 West Founk SYree1 Saint Pau� MN 55102 Gladys Morton, Chair, Saint Paul Planning Commission� l� Downtown River&ont 40-Acre Zoning Study C� :1 lll O� -3a� Te[ephone: 65Z-266-6565 Facsimile: 651-128-3314 The Downtown Riverfront 40-Acre Study has three goals: 1) to implement the Mississippi River Corridor Plan, the Land Use Plan, and the Saint Paul on the Mississippi Development Framework; 2} to prepare the Upper Landing site for redevelopment; and 3) to make zoning more consistent with existing and proposed land uses along the City's riverfront. The recently adopted Mississippi River Corridor Plan states that the RCR-1, RCC-1 and RCI-1 zoning districts aze ineffective, and in some cases, inconsistent with the City's vision (as stated in the Land Use Plan and the Saint Paul on the Mississippi Development Framework) for mixed-use urban villages along the downtown Mississippi riverfront. No changes are being proposed in this 40-Acre Study to the river corridor overlay adopted to comply with the State's Critical Area requirements. The Upper Landing site is currently zoned RCR-1. While this zoning category would allow the type of residenual development envisioned in the Upper Landing Urban Design Master Plan, it does not allow commercial uses. The intent of the zoning changes proposed for the Upper Landing is to facilitate a finer-grained mix of uses within one large development site. Beyond the Upper Landing, there are other sites along the City's downtown riverfront that would benefit from having a zoning classification that is more consistent with existing and proposed uses, such as Harriet Island Regional Pazk. It is the intent in this 40-Acre Study to recommend rezoning these parcels to other zoning classifications that allow existing uses, so that no non-confornung uses will be created. Far example, where there aze industrial uses on land zoned RCI-1, rezoning to I-1 is generally recommended. One exception is the area immediately south of Harriet Island (currently zoned RCR-1 and RCI-1), which is part of a larger area that has been selected by the Metropolitan Council as a Smart Growth Twin Cities Opportunity Site. With the study currently underway, rezoning this area would be premature at this time. o�-.s Mayor Norm Coleman May 3, 2001 Page Two For all of these reasons, on January 26, 2001, the Saint Paul Planning Commission initiated the Downtown Riverfront 40-Acre Zoning Study. Minnesota State Statutes allow Saint Paul to amend its Zoning Code (text and map) without the otherwise-required written consent of the owners of two-thirds of the real estate within 100 feet of the affected parcels if two conditions are met: 1) the azea to be considered for rezoning is at least 40 acres in size; and 2) the number of pazcel descriptions affected by the changes renders the obtaining of written consent impractical. The Planning Commission determined that these two conditions were met for those parceis currently zoned RCR-1, RCC-1 or RCI-1. THE 40-ACRE STUDY The Downtown Riverfront 40-Acre Zoning Study proposes changes to the both the text and the map o£the Zoning Code. The proposed map changes (i.e. rezonings) are attached and include: Rezoning of most parcels currently zoned RCR-1, RCGl, or RCI-1 to reflect the draft Mississippi River Corridor Plan, the Land Use Plan, and the Saint Paul on the Misszssippi Development Framework. NORTH BANK Recommendation #1: Rezone the Upper Landing development site and other parcels along Shepard Road (except Xcel Energy property) to OS-2. Recommendation #2: Recommendation #3: Rationale: Removes RCR-1 and RCI-1; allows new development that matches the City's vision for the Upper Landing. Rezone Xcel Energy property to I-1. Rationale: Removes RCI-1; rezones to allow the non- developed portion of Xcel's property to continue to have an industrial zoning designation. Rezone parcels east of Chestnut south of Shepard Road to R-4. Rationale: Removes RCR-1; allows development of new Upper Landing Park and puts R-4 zoning in place for a11 riverfront park space. Ol-SC� Mayor Norm Coleman May 3, 2001 Page Three SOiTTH BANK Recommendation #4: Recommendation #5: Recommendation #6 Rezone Raspberry Island to R-4. Rarionale: Removes RCR-1 and RCC-1; rezones to allow eacisting uses to remain as permitted uses. Rezone Harriet Island to R-4. Rationale: Removes RCR-1; rezones to a11ow existing uses to remain as permitted uses. Rezone former Department of Revenue site to OS-2. Rationale: The proposed text changes are attached and include: Removes RCC-1; rezones to allow new development compatible with the West Side Flats urban village; allows housing at river's edge. 2. Amending the height limits in OS-2 to reduce permitted building heights. This recommendation acknowledges neighborhood concerns raised about the Upper Landing, and the desire to preserve public views of the river. Similar concerns were expressed by the West Side Citizens Organization at the time OS-2 was cxeated to apply to the West Side Flats. Indeed, transitions between OS-2 and adjacent zoning districts will be important anywhere in the city. The 40-Acre Study recommends that the maximum building height allowed in the OS-2 district be lowered from 100 feet to 90 feet. The height aY which a Special Condition Use Permit would be required would remain at 65 feet. A draft set of recommendations was released by the Planning Commission on Mazch 9, 2001. A wmmunity meeting sponsored by the West Side Citizens Organization (WSCO) was held on February 13, 2001 to discuss the proposed Zoning Code changes, answer questions and receive comments. Ciry staff also met with representatives of the Irvine Park neighborhood and the West 7`�/Fort Road Federation for the same purpose. The Planning Commission held its public hearing on April 13, 2001 at which Irvine Pazk and Centex Muiti-Family Communities, L.P. spoke, and WSCO submitted a resolution. We believe the 40-Acre Study recommendafions being O�-Sc� Mayor Norm Coleman May 3, 2001 Page Four forwarded by the Plamiing Commission to you and the City Council address the regulatory issues necessary to implement the Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan and the Saint Paul on the Mississippz Development Framework, as well as the concerns raised by WSCO and Centex Multi-Family Communities, L.P. RECOMMENDATION The Saint Pau1 Planning Commission recommends that you forwazd the attached Downtown Riverfront 40-Acre Zoning Study to the City Council for adoption. Attachments oti- So� Downtown Riverfront 40-Acre Zoning Study Text Amendments 27 Apri12001 L17��1111 Sec. 60.300. Districts established. SPECIAL DISTffiCTS nn� i n._ __ n_..._�,._ n_W�__,.s_i r�:...._,,. Sec. 60.305. More restrictive or less resirictive districts. When the code refers to more restrictive districts or less restrictive districts, the districts in order from more to less restrictive are: R-LL, R-1, R-2, R-3, R-4, RT-1, RT-2, RM-1, RM-2, RCR-1, RM-3, OS-1, B-1, B-2C, �C-�-1-, B-2, B-3, B-4, B-5, RCI-1, I-1, I-2, I-3. The P-1 district sha11 be as restricfive as the district for which the P-1 district provides accessory parking. (C.F. No. 96-307, §§ 2, 4-24-96) _. _. , . � - - .. - - � � - � � - - --- --- - � - - -- - - - - -- - - -- - � - - -- - - - :. - -- -- - - - - - - - - : - - - - -- -- - ._ . - ._ _� � . _. ... _. ... _ . . _. __. - .. - - - � - - - - - - -- --- - -- - - - - - . - - - - - -- - - - - --- - -- - - -:-- -- -- - • -- -- --- -- --- -- ' � - - � - - ---- -- •--- - - --- -- : - - --- - - - - -- -- - - -� - - • -- - - - - - - - -- --- - - - -- - - - - -- -- - -- -- � ------- - --- - - -- -- --- --- -- -- --- --- -- - - .� o l_So� �• ' - �� �1 ' - �� � � - - �u�� ' - � 1 � ' . .� ...- -'- -�- - -- ' - ' - . .. � -� - � r _" ' _ _' "_ _ i:. .w _' _" '_ '__ ' "_ _ __ __' _ ' " 1 _" " _ ___ _"_ _ _ _ _ �• _ • _ _ _ � " ' " _ ' "_ ' _ _ r_' _ " _ " __ ' _ • _ ' _ ' _ ' ' _ _ ' ' __ ' '_" _ _ ' _ _ _ e"" __ ' ' ' " _ _ ' . ' "" " ' _ " _ _ " ' " ' _ _ " " ' " ' " _ - _ _ _ � ' _ _ _ " � � ' " ' _ ' "' '"_ _ '"_ ' ' '_ _ """ _ "_ ' ' ' _ '__ ' ' '"' _" ' ' "'_ ' """"" _ ' "' ' _' "' __' '_' " _ '"" "" "_ • • � _" . . . � _ . . . _ . . ' ' ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' ' . ' ' ' ' .�. �� � ' ' ' " ' i _ _ " ' _ ' ' _ _ ' _ " _ ' ' _ " _ • � ' � • " ii: _ • � . " ' """ ' _ '" '"" _" ' _ " "_"'" " "' _" ""_" " " ' ' _" ' " " " _'"" ' " _"" �_' """ ' _' "'� _' " " ' '"' _' ' "'_" " " _ """ ' '_'" ' ' " "' ___""_ '_'_'""_' "'"' _' " � ' _"" "' "' ' ' "' "_ _"'_ � • � � .. � ... . .. _.. . . ."" '"" '"" " _"_""' "_" " ..._ _'"' '_'• . oi.�sw� u.�.i� o�-so� Downtown Riverfront 40-Acre Zoning Study Te�ct Amendments Page 3 27 April 2001 D R A F T . . , > . . . , - „ ,� > , , , • , , Subdivision 2. 60.520. OS-Z General Office-Service District Sec. 60.521. Intent. The OS-2 General O�ce�Service District is intended to provide for development of compact, pedestrian-oriented urban villages with a diverse mlx of commercial, residential, civic and recreational uses located within a quarter mile of high-frequency transit service. (C.F. No. 00-972, 11-8-00) Sec. 60.522. Principal uses permitted. In an OS-2 General Office-Service District the use of land, the location and erection of new buildings or structures, and the alteration, enlazgement and moving of existing buildings or structures from other locations ar districts shall conform to the following specified uses, unless otherwise provided in tkiis code: (1) Ail principal uses permitted and uses pernutted subject to special conditions and as regulated in the OS-1 District, except cellulaz telephone antennas located on a freestanding pole. (2) Post offices and similar governmental offices. (3) Retail businesses that supply commodities on the premises, such as, but not limited to, groceries, ineats, dairy products, baked goods or other foods, drugs, dry goods, clothing and notions, hardware, books, stationery and plants, with up to 10,000 square feet of gross floor area. (4) Eating and liquor-licensed establishments, except drive-in or fast-food restaurants. (5) Hotels and hospitals. (6) Dry cieaning establishments, or pickup stations, dealing directly with the customer, and seif- service laundries and dry cieaners. Central dry cleaning plants servicing more than one (i) retail outlet are prohibited. (7) Manufacturing of small, precision goods such as dental, surgical or optical goods, or electronic assemblies, along with light assembly, packaging and distribution activities. �1-SO � Downtown Riverfront 40-Acre Zoning Study Text Amendments Page 4 27 Apri12001 D R A F T (8) Other uses similaz to the above uses. (9) Accessory buildings, structures and uses as defined in section 60.201. (10) Carriage house dwellings, provided that a maxiinum of one carriage house dwelling sha11 be allowed per principal dwelling unit. (11) Above ground parking buildings not exceeding forty-five (45) feet in height. (C.F. No. 00-972, 11-8-00) Sec. 60.523. Required conditions. The following conditions shall be required of all uses in the OS-2 General Office-Service District: (1) Except for off-street parking or loading, all business, storage, servicing or processing sha11 be conducted within completely enclosed buildings. (2) The scale, massing and materials of buildings shall be compatible with adjacent structures in the district. The base, middle and top of buildings shall be architecturally delineated. (3) The exterior surface of buildings shall be articulated with vertical elements. Windows, doors and other building openings shall be square or vertical in proportion. The first floor sha11 be articulated with windows, entrances, etc. that relate to the scale of a pedestrian at street level. (4) Roof-top mechanical systems, service equipment and head houses for elevators and stairs shall be enclosed and not visible from public rights-of-way. (5) Parking shall be provided underground (below-grade) or to the reaz of buildings. Access to parking shall be at the rear or interior of the lot to the greatest extent possible. Garage doors for underground parking may face the street, but shall be as unobtrusive and pedestrian-friendly as possible. (C.F. No. 00-972, 11-8-00) Sec. 60.524. Principal uses subject to special conditions. The following additional uses shall be permitted, subject to the conditions hereinafter imposed for each and subject to the standazds specified for all special condition uses as set forth in section 64.300(d). All principal uses permitted subject to special conditions sha11 be reviewed and approved by the planning commission. (1) Retail businesses that supply commodities on the premises, as allowed in the OS-2 district secfion 60.522(2), with more than 10,000 square feet of gross floor azea. o�-so1 Downtown River&ont 40-Acre Zoning Study Tea�t Amendments Page 5 27 Apri12001 D R A F T �2) Buildings over si���tij-steries-er sixty-five (65) feet in height, - '-z,=,�s subject to the following conditions: a. Views and vistas from public rights-of-way and open spaces shall be retained, especially between the bluffs and the river and between the river valley floor and the bluffs. Applicants shail provide the planning commission an analysis, including site plans and perspective drawings, showing how the buildings wi11 affect views. b. No building shall exceed � nine 90 feet in height. ; ry�'��=��s No above-ground Aarking buildings shail exceed sixty five (65, feet in hei¢ht• (3) Above-ground parking buildings over foriy-five (45) feet in height, subject to the condition that no such building shall exceed sixty-five (65) feet in height. (4) Ceilulaz telephone antennas located on a freestanding pole, as regulated in the OS-1 district, section 60.514(5)a.through h. (5) Accessory buildings, structures and uses customarily incident to the above uses. (C.F. No. 00-972, 11-8-00) Sec. 60.525. Area, bulk and setback requirements. See chapter 61, Schedule of Regulafions, limiting the height and bulk of buildings, the minimum size of lot by permitted land use, and providing minimum yazd setback requirements. (C.F. No. 00-972, 11-8-00) Sec. 61.103. Business districts. Minimum Size Mavmum .. � Iat Size Per Height Minimum Yard Setback ��m� Unit of Structures (Per Lot in Feet) Percent of Floor Lot Area Side Ocrupied Ratio Area in Width Front BY Main (FAR) Squue in In �In ��_ �� Reaz B � d � g Zoning District Peet Feet Stories Feet mum of ltvo 61.103 BUSINESS DISTRICTS OS-1 Local OfficeService none none 3 d 30 d lb a,g b b b,c none 1.0 OS2 General Office-Service none none �}e 65 e 0 g b b b,c none 3.0 B-1 Local Business none none 3 30 15 a,g b b b,c none 1.0 B-2 Commvnity Business none none d 30 d 0 f,g b b b,c none 2.0 B-2C Community Business none none 3d 30 d 25i 4 S 25 30% NA (Cunverted) B-3 General Business none none d 30 d 0 g b b b,c none 2.0 B-4 Central Business none none no limit no limit no limit none none none c none 8.0 f O�-So� Downtown Riverfront 40-Acre Zoning Study Text Amendments Page 6 27 Apri12001 D R A F T Notes to 61.103 Business Districts: (a) OfF street pazking shall be permitted to occupy a required front yard setback; provided, that the off-street pazking azea, exclusive of access driveways, shal] be set back a m;nimum distance of sis (6) feet from any $ont or side street right-of-way and the off-street pazking azea setback meets the requirements of section 61.103( fl. (b) No side or rear yazds aze required along the interior lot lines of the district, except as otherwise specified in the building code; provided, that if walls of structures facing such interior lot lines contain windows, or other openings, yards of not less than six (6) feet shall be provided. Side and reaz yards of at least six (6) feet sha11 be required when a business district adjoins a side yard in an adjacent residence district. These setback requirements from interior lot lines shall be waived when an easement agreement is recorded as to the affected propertaes. Proof of such recorded easement sha11 be provided at the time of application for a building permit. The recording of the easement agreement shall be interpreted to mean that the following intents and purposes of these setback requirements are met: adequate supply of sunlight and air to adjacent property; sufficient space for maintenance of the building from the same lot; and prevention of damage to adjoining properiy by fire or runoff &om roofs. (c) Off-street loading space shall be provided in the rear yard in accordance with the requirements of section 62.105. (d) The height of the structure may exceed the maximum building height aliowed in the district, provided the structure is set back from all setback lines a distance equal to the height which said structure exceeds the maximum building height allowed in the district. (e) The height of structures in an OS-2 General Office-Service District may exceed si�e {6jstet�es an� sixty-five (65) feet in height, subject to conditions under sec6on 60.524(2). The height of above ground parking buildings in an OS-2 General Office-Service District may exceed forly- five (45) feet in height, subject to the conditions under section 60.524(3). T � 0 N L � Q ti r �..i � _ ._ O N ' d � O Q O � a � � O � d > � C 3 0 w _ 3 0 � � > v \ �//l C•7 �a � r � nn ��G/ � � N � M � � o��o. ¢, � { � i � _ � � N o � N � � � V U � L � � � I i I � Q w��a �1 i�l � e � ��Q 11_�� d� UoQQ`� � c c� � 3 -a � � o �v� �3 Q�o�cn a cncna �oo� �oo� �,� � � I I� � _ � a 0�-50� � 3v Interdepartmentai Memorandum CITY OF SA1N1' PAUL DATE: June 21, 2001 TO: Saint Paul City Council FROM: Lucy Thompson, PED I/(�(��y�rY�� V� SUBJECT: Written Testimony Received on Downtown Riverfront 40-Acre Study I have attached for your information the two letters we received before the 530 p.m. June 6, 2001 cut-off time for written comment on the Downtown Riverfront 40-Acre Study. Kevin McGrath addressed the City Council at the June 6, 2001 public hearing. The JLT Group letter was received by FAX just before 5:00 p.m. on June 6, 2001. Attachments Ot-5of Kevin McGrath 33'istozic Irvnne Park Association 2341tyan Avenue St. Paul, MN 55102 (651)224-8947 dune 6, 2001 Members of the Saint Paul City Council: T'hank you for the oppoztunity to gzesent tfie testimony ofthe H'istaric Irvine Park Association and the West SeventhlFort Road Federation. We are here today to ask the City Council to take the advice oPthe City's planners and amend the proposed OS-2 wzring regviations to provide that Special Conditional Use Pennits bc required for all buildiags taller than 45 feet in height. In additioq we ask that 4he zoning code be amended to reflect more precise requirements €or vzew impa� analysis and that the Plaaning Commission be required to make speci&c findings iegarding a SCiJ� apglicant's compliance with the code. While this issue is befora the Council in connection with the Ugper Landing project, be certain that ttus ia a city-wide issue of great importance. The issue be£ore you today is what is the best way to impiement the City's new "urban vii(age" zoauig regulations and how to balance the City's desire for medium-dansiiy mixed use development with the sometimes competing interests of estai>&shed, traditional neighhorhoods. The new OS-2 zone cvili not be limiied to the Upper Landing or the West Side Flats. This is a zomng ctassification tk�at wlll likely be impiemented at sites tYuoughout the city. Our neighborhood groups suppozt the concept of mixed-use zoning dassif'icarions. Mix�d uses aza impoitant to a vihrazrt community. Muced uses — when properly balanced — help make St. Paul's neighborhoods great plac,�s to live. When this matter initially cazne to the Planning Commissioq skaff recotnmended lowering the maximum height withouY a Special Coaditioual Use Pezmit from 65 feet to 45 feet in tbe OS-2 zoning regulations. Following ths pubfic hearing and in advance of the Planning Comaussion Neig6borhoods' Committee, staff raised its recommendation to 55 feet. Both of these spproaches were rejectad by the Planning Comarission, which mted to retain the 65-foot ttueshold. We supp�rted — and continue to support — the initial reco�endation of PED in this matter, lowerir�g the mxxirnum building height without a Speciai Condirional Use Pern�it from 65 feet to 45 feet. These aznendments make sense not only for the Upper Landing but also for the eutire City because OS-2 by its nature will be used in plsces whece commercial, medium-density, and high-density residentiai and cammercial devetopment adjoin traditional St. Paul neighborhoods. QS-2 has been refened to as the "Urbmn V�lage" zoning classification_ The intenY of the OS-2 mmng district is "to provide £or developme.nt of compact, pedestrian-oriented urban villages ... locaxed within a quarter mile of firgh-frequency transit service." OS-2 zaning may be appropriata ViZ 'd 6DIE'oN �1tlS0�C lOOZ '8 •un� vt-5ol for sites in and azound t'3owntow� sucn as tne upper i.anding and 2cie iiorth:�ua6raru; si�es aIong Utaiversity Avenue at Dale (Pan-Asian Village), Lexington (fiome Depot �s housizag), SnelSing and I-94; the Fra�:lin-University-Raymond area north of I-94 and on both s3des of Ii'ighway 280; sates along Robert Street such as the West Side Flats; and sites along West Severnh from Aavem to East Seventh at Arcade. OS-2 might have been the choice for Shepard-Davern if it had been on the books at the time planning took place for the area OS-2 couId be used if an urban village approach is deemed apprapriate £or the Hanun's Brewery area. Whetber it is the West Side Flats, the Upper Landing, or the proposed Pan Asian Village, buildings taller tkaan 45 feet warrant special consideratioq pazticulazly when they are adjacent to traditional residential nei�iborhoods. As an e�mple, the four-story build'angs currenfly under consttuction just blocks away from City �Iall in the North Quadrant ara 44-£eet fall and would not require a SCITP under our proposal. The changes we urge are only triggered when buildiz�s are taller than 45 feet. The only added requirement to the SCiTP process recommended by staff is that a developer provides a view analysis as part of the application. Whi1e the views to and from ttze bluf£neighborhoods are certainly preczous, the viecvs of the Capitol or the CathedraI also command special consideration. Placing a 65-�oot building in close proximity to a traditional neighborhood of story azzd a half, two-story and three-story buildin�s could result in the new developmem negatively impactu�g the existing neighborhood. The zequized view analysis we urge could result in modifications to building placement and design that malce the new neighborhoods a better fit with the old. The usefulness of requixin� a view analysis as part o£the SCUP application has been mixed. On the Upper Landing, most ofthe energy and attention given to the subject focused on whether the applicant had submitted enough informarion to comply with the code, rather than on the impact o£ the proposed bui(dings which require a SCITP. Very few of the renderings aztached to the application accurately parttayed the impact on views. �ey vie�*�s and vistas were not identified. To prevent problems like this froni recurring, the code should be changed to provide; Applicants shall submit decailed plans of the proposed building(s), and included an the application shall be any proposed cY�ange in grade &om existing grade (measured in feet); heights and widths of the buildings, including the heights of all roof structures and any rooftop structures (measured in feet); and the heights of signi6cant landmarks or geographic features (measured in feet). The applicant should be required to provide before and after renderings of tbe site and should have to demonsttate the imgact on views and vistas of any portion of the building tbat exceeds the SCUP threshold. By inctuding these requirements, the discussion can focus on whether a proposed development blends with the suirounding neighborhoods or whether it is too disniptive. Applicants should be required to identify l�ey pubtic views and vistas in concezt witfi the planning sta�' (and the impaded neighborhnods). The Planning Conunission should be required to malang 5ndings 2 fii£ 'd so�E��u Nir�o:t l�Ol �B •unp ol-5ot fP.gasulil$ i�16 8Cc'ufaGy Oi i i1��iifCa�Ofl; il'i6 EatFsu`. il3 w'tuu uiitii.ai "viEriS iu�li �i v1y�55 �i E 7ci8iaF.�i or impacted, in whole or an pazt; the impact on views and vistas of ihe portion{s} of Yhe building(s) that exceeds the height which requires a Special Condition�l ITse Pe�avit; and any mitigating actions made or that are necessary to m;n;m;�e impact on critical views and vistas_ Reducing the threshol3 height from 65 feet to 45 feret for a SCUI' w�l pzotect ea+astin$ neighborhoods and ensure that buildings taller than 45 feet biend with their surround'u�gs. Defining whst is required in a view anatysis wiU stceamline the process and allow the Planning Commission to focus on the impact of the proposed bwlding heights. For these reasons, we recommend the SCITi'threshold be 45 feet and that the additional requ'uements outlined above be incotporated iato the OS-2 zomqg code as part of the Upper Landing 40-Acre Study. T'harilc you for your consideration and for the opportunity to be heard. Respectfully, Kevin McGrath Histozic Iiviae Park Association CC: St. Paul PED Becca Nme West Sevent6/Fort Road Federation h/q 'd n"�:£'oy Pld9D�t 1001 �8 �un� 06/06/2001 16:57 6516411244 J�T GROUP rH�t n�in� � 0�-50� ._.°�LTGROUP INC. 739 Vandalia Street • St. Pau(, MN 55114 (651) 641-i 111 • Fax (651) 641-1244 June 6, 2001 VIA FAC3IMILE Lucy Thompson Department of Planning & Economic Deve(opment 1300 City Hall Annex 25 West Fourth Street Saint Paul, MN 55102 Dear ivls. Thompson: Re: J 0 River Park Plaza (Comer of Robert and Pilimore) This letter is �vritten in response to the Downtown Rivezfront 40-Acze Study. In general, wa have certain rights regarding development of our above zeferenced property that were negotiated just a few years ago. We expect that these wiil not change. In addition, we have the following general concerns regarding the draft of the study we received on May 18, 2001: 1. Building heights. There aze structures in the area that aze of significant height. 2. "The seale, massing and materials of buildings sha116Q compatible with adjacent sti�uctures in the disb�ict. Tlse base, middle and top of buildings shall be architecturally delineated. " These are restrictive and �vill hinder development. "The exterior surface of buildings slsa/l be articulated with vertical elements. Windows, doors and other building openings shal! be square or vertical in proportion. The firstfloor shaZl be articulated with windows, entrances, etc that relate to the scale of a pedestrian at street level " These are restrictive and wili hinder development. 4. "Parking shall be provided underground (below-grade) or to the rear of buildings. Access to parking shall be at the rear or interior of the lot to the gr•eatest extent possible. Garage doors for underground parking may face the street. But shall be as unobbusive and pedestrian friendly as possible. " These aze restrictive and will hinder development. We appreciate your consideration of our concerns as the plan moves toward finalization. Sincerely, .Y6e Meyer JLT Group, Inc. o!-5e! CTTY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor DATE: June 20, 2001 TO: FROM: Saint Paul CiTy Council DEPART�IEKT OF PLAWING & ECONO�IiC DEVELOPMENT Brian Sweeney, Director 25 Wes1 Founh Street Saint Paul, MN 55702 Telepl:one: 65I-2666565 Facsimile: 657-228-3261 Lucy Thompson, PED �NG��` SUBJECT: Clarification of terms used in ordinance adopting Downtown Riverfront 40-Acre Study To assist in your review of the Substitute Ordinance offered by Councilmember Coleman on June 6, 2001 regarding the Downtown Riverfront 40-Acre Study, I am providing a brief definition of several terms used in Section 60.524(2). View: what is seen from the view station point to the view terminus. Typically a narrower view shed than that seen in a"vista." Vista: a wider-angle view from a view station point. With a vista, the view terminus is not a point or narrow "slice," but a wider full-horizon view. View station point: where you are standing to study the view or vista; the "beginning" of the view or vista. View terminus: the end point of the view or vista; what you are looking at. Landmazk: a structure (building, sign, public artwork, eta) that has historic, azchitectural, social, cultural and/or neighborhood identity significance. In this definition, a landmazk does not have to be officially designated as a heritage preservation site by the Saint Paul Heritage Preservation Commission, but it may. It may simply be a landmark that neighborhood residents identify as significant in its history, identity, sense of place, etc. Geographical feature: a physical feature (such as a blufF, Indian mound or watenvay) that defines a development site, or is a prominent feature within or adjacent to a development site.