01-49_ - : �`cne�,ec� _ 'p.p � �� , �c � Council FIle # � � ora��e # ('tteen Sheet # � )S � 7.a �� Presented By Refened To Committee Date : An ordinance amending Chapter 66.216 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to special sign district sign plans creating a new special sign district ordinance for the downtown area to be known as the Downtown Area Special District Sign Plan. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 �. ��� �' I4 �� That Chapter 66.216 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be and is hereby amended to add the following new provisions: Sec. 66.2169. Downtown Area Special District Sign Plan (a� Intent and Pur�ose. The Downtown Special Si�n District Plan, as provided in section 66.216 of this code. is adopted to provide advertising sign controls that build upon the unique character and identity of the City's downtown. This Si� Plan is intended to: � Maintain and enhance the scenic view of unique architecturai and natural features visible from the residential and commercial azeas of Downtown : (� Protect and encour�e inveshnent and beantification of Downtown ; (� Reduce the clutter and chaoric diversity of advertising signa�e that impairs the effectiveness of sigxts idenrif�inQ businesses and institutions in Downtown : � Create a more aesthetically_pleasine fusion of residential and commercial areas in Downtown; and � Protect property values in Downtown and reflect the pride its residents. businesses and institutions �ace in the communitv. • ��. _ . . . - - _ .��... __ .. . .. • -- -�:,...... •. ._ - - • s- . . . , . . - - &. The pr the District 17 P1an a ��+ � CaintPanl Rn �7 �� a,_.i�. rr_""__'..' . ions of the Downtown Special District Sign ghborhood District Council but excludes thc ction of [Ire �apital e�rea Architectural and within the boundaries District 17 which ar Board as 1, . 2 4 5 6 7 10 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 A4 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 �idr '_'_� r_,n.._ • - ' ' r _ ' _ e by Minnesota Statute 15.5(1. C� Within the Downtown Special Si�n District, advertising sians shall be sublect to the following restricrions: a�-y9 � No adveriising signs shali be vermitted except siQns on transit shelters and courtesv benches licensed or franchised by the Citv; � Advertisin�Siats within the Downtown Special Sien District which lawfullv existed prior to the adoption of this special siQn plan and which would be prohibited, re¢ulated, or reshicted under the provisions of this sign plan or amendments hereto, maY continue to exist as lesal nonconforniin� s3gns under the provisions of le�islative Code section 66.300 pertaining to nonconfornunq si ng_s. subiect to the foliowine additional rec�uirements: � ii No nonconfornune advertisine sien shall be: � Altered or enlar�ed in any way; or b� Replaced by another nonconforming advertisin� si i� though a chan�e in the messa�e on a nonconformine advertisin¢ s� will not be deemed to be a reolacement: or �c,2 Relocated to anv other location in the Downtown Special Sien District: or j� Reconstructed after incurring dama�e to the advertising sign displav surface or advertisine sign structure in an amount exceedin� fifty-one (S l�percent of the replacement cost of the advertisin� sign displav surface or fift -y one (S1Zpercent of the replacement cost of the advertising sign structure at the time of loss, as determined btithe Zoning Administrator; or f� Maintained throu¢h replacement of shuctural elements. Anv nonconforming advertisin,�siQn shall be immediately removed from the Downtown Special Si�n District at the cost of the owner if: �j It is deemed unsafe or hazardous bv the Zoning Administrator; or b� The advertising sien face or advertisin� si�n shucture sustaans damaee in an amount exceedin� fifty-one (512percent of the replacement cost of the advertising si�n display surface ar advertising si�n structure at the time of loss; or � Use of such advertising sig.n has been discontinued for a period of three f3) consecutive months. D� The Zonin�? Administrator shall enforce the provisions of this sian plan as a supplement to Saint Paul Legislative Code Chapter 66. Whenever a permit for an advertising sign in the Downtown Special Si�n District is required under the provisions of Saint Paul Leeislative Code Chapter 66, such pernut shall not be issued unless the plans for the si�n have been approved bv the Zonine Administrator as in conformance with this sign nian. All buildins permit apnlications for advertising signs in the Sneciai Sien District shall be submitted to the Zonine Administrator for review and approval. A fee to cover the costs of the review shall be established bv resolution of the citv council. All ulans submitted 1 � 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 for Zoninp Administrator approval shall be of sufficient detail to demonstrate that the ' vronosed sign complies with the provisions of this sig�plan. The Zoning Admuustrator shall review the plans within thirty1301 days and notify both the auplicant and the Deoartment of License. Inspections and Environmental protection of any decision to approve or disapprove the plans. Written reasons for denial shall be prepared bv the Zonin� Administrator and sha11 accompanv any decision to disapprove the nlans. Any decision bv the Zoning Administrator mav be appealed to the Plaunin2 Commission as provided in Saint Paul Legislative Code Section 66.408(a) Secrion 2 This ordinance shall become effective thirty (30) days after its passage, approval and publicarion. 0 l -''�� Requested by Department of: By: Adopted by Council: Date `p �00� Adoption Certified by Council Secretaxy BY: �1 \`— eY _ 7'�? _ � �. A4PZ'OVEd��MdVOi: ➢dtE By' � � Foxm Approved by City Attorney By: ���"� !/'�1 Appzoved by Mayor £oz Submission to Council Byc L -�,-�.��-�-�' ��., -.s � � PI�L)SH€D �. .'! �. `� '. caun�il %JNfAGT PEfiSON & PHONE INff1AL/DATE INRIAVDATE aDEPARTMENT�IRECTOR �CT'COUNpL Chris Coleman 266-8620 assicx OCRYATTORNEY Ocirvc�aK AU5i BE DN COUNCIL AGENDA BV DATE NUYBEFi FOfl / ( � flQUiiNG � BUDGEf DIflECTOR � FIN. & MGT. SEf2VIC �Iq. 1� 1 J/ OI ONDER � MAYOR (OR ASSISTANT} O T # OF SIGNATURE PAGES {CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR S1GPlATUR� �CiION REQUESTED: An ordinance creating a new special sign districtordinance for the downtown area to be known as the Downtown Area Special District Sign Plan. MMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Re�ec[ (R� PLANNINGCOMMI$SIQN _ CIVIL q8 COMMfREE _ _ STAfF DI5iA1Cf GOURT __ _ 9HTS WHICH COUNCIL O&IECTIVE? IF APPROVE�. GREEN SHEET PERSONAL SERVICE CON'fHACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. Has this personlfirm ever worked undw a conVace for Mis departmsnt? YES NO 2. Has this personHirm ever been a city emplayee? YES NO 3. Does this personttirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any curren[ city employee? YES NO Explain all yea answers on seperate shcet antl attach to green sheet When, Where, Why�: a�-49 3802`7 IF NOT APPROVED: TOTAL AMOUNi OF TRANSACTION S COS7/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIflCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDI{iG SOURCE ACTIYITV NUMBEH FINANCIA� INFORhfAT10N: (EXPWN) � ouncil File # b,— • � � Or mance # �- - een Sheet # ORDINANCE CITYOF SAINT PAUL, NIINNESOTA Presented By Referred To Committee AaYe : 2 An ordinance amending Chapter 66.216 of the Saint 3 Paul Legislative Code pertaining to special sign 4 district sign plans creating a new special sign 5 district ordinance for the downtown area to be 6 known as the Downtown Area Special Dishict Sign 7 Plan. 9 10 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 M3;J�K�1�3`►[�LS�]aY�f'��11 • � �_ Section l That Chapter 66.216 of the Saint Paul Legislarive Code be and is hereby amended to add the following new provisions: Sec. 66.2169. Downtown Area�ecial District Sign Plan (a) Intent and Purpose. The Downtown Special Sign District Plan, as urovided in section 66.216 of this code, is adopted toprovide advertisan� siQ;n controls that build upon the uniaue chazacter and identity of the City's downtown. This SiQn Plan is intended to: � Maintain and enhance the scenic view of uni9ue architectural and natural features visible from the residential and commercial areas of Downtown : � Protect and encoura�e investment and beautification of Downtown ; � Reduce the clutter and chaotic diversity of advertising that imnairs the effectiveness of siens identifyine businesses and institutions in Downtown ; (4) Create a more aesthetically_pleasine fusion of residential and commercial areas in Downtown: and �5,2 Protect pronertv values in Downtown and reflect the�ride its residents, businesses and instihxtions place in the communitv. B� The provisions of the Downtown S�eoia� District Sign Plan au�lv within the boundaries of the District 17 Neighborhood District Council but excludes those areas of District 17 which are subject to the jurisdiction of the Capital Area Architectural and Planning Boazd as provided bv Minn. Stat. �,15.50. ,-�,lQ� 3� r �� a� p2 _ - : �`cne�,ec� _ 'p.p � �� , �c � Council FIle # � � ora��e # ('tteen Sheet # � )S � 7.a �� Presented By Refened To Committee Date : An ordinance amending Chapter 66.216 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to special sign district sign plans creating a new special sign district ordinance for the downtown area to be known as the Downtown Area Special District Sign Plan. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 �. ��� �' I4 �� That Chapter 66.216 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be and is hereby amended to add the following new provisions: Sec. 66.2169. Downtown Area Special District Sign Plan (a� Intent and Pur�ose. The Downtown Special Si�n District Plan, as provided in section 66.216 of this code. is adopted to provide advertising sign controls that build upon the unique character and identity of the City's downtown. This Si� Plan is intended to: � Maintain and enhance the scenic view of unique architecturai and natural features visible from the residential and commercial azeas of Downtown : (� Protect and encour�e inveshnent and beantification of Downtown ; (� Reduce the clutter and chaoric diversity of advertising signa�e that impairs the effectiveness of sigxts idenrif�inQ businesses and institutions in Downtown : � Create a more aesthetically_pleasine fusion of residential and commercial areas in Downtown; and � Protect property values in Downtown and reflect the pride its residents. businesses and institutions �ace in the communitv. • ��. _ . . . - - _ .��... __ .. . .. • -- -�:,...... •. ._ - - • s- . . . , . . - - &. The pr the District 17 P1an a ��+ � CaintPanl Rn �7 �� a,_.i�. rr_""__'..' . ions of the Downtown Special District Sign ghborhood District Council but excludes thc ction of [Ire �apital e�rea Architectural and within the boundaries District 17 which ar Board as 1, . 2 4 5 6 7 10 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 A4 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 �idr '_'_� r_,n.._ • - ' ' r _ ' _ e by Minnesota Statute 15.5(1. C� Within the Downtown Special Si�n District, advertising sians shall be sublect to the following restricrions: a�-y9 � No adveriising signs shali be vermitted except siQns on transit shelters and courtesv benches licensed or franchised by the Citv; � Advertisin�Siats within the Downtown Special Sien District which lawfullv existed prior to the adoption of this special siQn plan and which would be prohibited, re¢ulated, or reshicted under the provisions of this sign plan or amendments hereto, maY continue to exist as lesal nonconforniin� s3gns under the provisions of le�islative Code section 66.300 pertaining to nonconfornunq si ng_s. subiect to the foliowine additional rec�uirements: � ii No nonconfornune advertisine sien shall be: � Altered or enlar�ed in any way; or b� Replaced by another nonconforming advertisin� si i� though a chan�e in the messa�e on a nonconformine advertisin¢ s� will not be deemed to be a reolacement: or �c,2 Relocated to anv other location in the Downtown Special Sien District: or j� Reconstructed after incurring dama�e to the advertising sign displav surface or advertisine sign structure in an amount exceedin� fifty-one (S l�percent of the replacement cost of the advertisin� sign displav surface or fift -y one (S1Zpercent of the replacement cost of the advertising sign structure at the time of loss, as determined btithe Zoning Administrator; or f� Maintained throu¢h replacement of shuctural elements. Anv nonconforming advertisin,�siQn shall be immediately removed from the Downtown Special Si�n District at the cost of the owner if: �j It is deemed unsafe or hazardous bv the Zoning Administrator; or b� The advertising sien face or advertisin� si�n shucture sustaans damaee in an amount exceedin� fifty-one (512percent of the replacement cost of the advertising si�n display surface ar advertising si�n structure at the time of loss; or � Use of such advertising sig.n has been discontinued for a period of three f3) consecutive months. D� The Zonin�? Administrator shall enforce the provisions of this sian plan as a supplement to Saint Paul Legislative Code Chapter 66. Whenever a permit for an advertising sign in the Downtown Special Si�n District is required under the provisions of Saint Paul Leeislative Code Chapter 66, such pernut shall not be issued unless the plans for the si�n have been approved bv the Zonine Administrator as in conformance with this sign nian. All buildins permit apnlications for advertising signs in the Sneciai Sien District shall be submitted to the Zonine Administrator for review and approval. A fee to cover the costs of the review shall be established bv resolution of the citv council. All ulans submitted 1 � 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 for Zoninp Administrator approval shall be of sufficient detail to demonstrate that the ' vronosed sign complies with the provisions of this sig�plan. The Zoning Admuustrator shall review the plans within thirty1301 days and notify both the auplicant and the Deoartment of License. Inspections and Environmental protection of any decision to approve or disapprove the plans. Written reasons for denial shall be prepared bv the Zonin� Administrator and sha11 accompanv any decision to disapprove the nlans. Any decision bv the Zoning Administrator mav be appealed to the Plaunin2 Commission as provided in Saint Paul Legislative Code Section 66.408(a) Secrion 2 This ordinance shall become effective thirty (30) days after its passage, approval and publicarion. 0 l -''�� Requested by Department of: By: Adopted by Council: Date `p �00� Adoption Certified by Council Secretaxy BY: �1 \`— eY _ 7'�? _ � �. A4PZ'OVEd��MdVOi: ➢dtE By' � � Foxm Approved by City Attorney By: ���"� !/'�1 Appzoved by Mayor £oz Submission to Council Byc L -�,-�.��-�-�' ��., -.s � � PI�L)SH€D �. .'! �. `� '. caun�il %JNfAGT PEfiSON & PHONE INff1AL/DATE INRIAVDATE aDEPARTMENT�IRECTOR �CT'COUNpL Chris Coleman 266-8620 assicx OCRYATTORNEY Ocirvc�aK AU5i BE DN COUNCIL AGENDA BV DATE NUYBEFi FOfl / ( � flQUiiNG � BUDGEf DIflECTOR � FIN. & MGT. SEf2VIC �Iq. 1� 1 J/ OI ONDER � MAYOR (OR ASSISTANT} O T # OF SIGNATURE PAGES {CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR S1GPlATUR� �CiION REQUESTED: An ordinance creating a new special sign districtordinance for the downtown area to be known as the Downtown Area Special District Sign Plan. MMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Re�ec[ (R� PLANNINGCOMMI$SIQN _ CIVIL q8 COMMfREE _ _ STAfF DI5iA1Cf GOURT __ _ 9HTS WHICH COUNCIL O&IECTIVE? IF APPROVE�. GREEN SHEET PERSONAL SERVICE CON'fHACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. Has this personlfirm ever worked undw a conVace for Mis departmsnt? YES NO 2. Has this personHirm ever been a city emplayee? YES NO 3. Does this personttirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any curren[ city employee? YES NO Explain all yea answers on seperate shcet antl attach to green sheet When, Where, Why�: a�-49 3802`7 IF NOT APPROVED: TOTAL AMOUNi OF TRANSACTION S COS7/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIflCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDI{iG SOURCE ACTIYITV NUMBEH FINANCIA� INFORhfAT10N: (EXPWN) � ouncil File # b,— • � � Or mance # �- - een Sheet # ORDINANCE CITYOF SAINT PAUL, NIINNESOTA Presented By Referred To Committee AaYe : 2 An ordinance amending Chapter 66.216 of the Saint 3 Paul Legislative Code pertaining to special sign 4 district sign plans creating a new special sign 5 district ordinance for the downtown area to be 6 known as the Downtown Area Special Dishict Sign 7 Plan. 9 10 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 M3;J�K�1�3`►[�LS�]aY�f'��11 • � �_ Section l That Chapter 66.216 of the Saint Paul Legislarive Code be and is hereby amended to add the following new provisions: Sec. 66.2169. Downtown Area�ecial District Sign Plan (a) Intent and Purpose. The Downtown Special Sign District Plan, as urovided in section 66.216 of this code, is adopted toprovide advertisan� siQ;n controls that build upon the uniaue chazacter and identity of the City's downtown. This SiQn Plan is intended to: � Maintain and enhance the scenic view of uni9ue architectural and natural features visible from the residential and commercial areas of Downtown : � Protect and encoura�e investment and beautification of Downtown ; � Reduce the clutter and chaotic diversity of advertising that imnairs the effectiveness of siens identifyine businesses and institutions in Downtown ; (4) Create a more aesthetically_pleasine fusion of residential and commercial areas in Downtown: and �5,2 Protect pronertv values in Downtown and reflect the�ride its residents, businesses and instihxtions place in the communitv. B� The provisions of the Downtown S�eoia� District Sign Plan au�lv within the boundaries of the District 17 Neighborhood District Council but excludes those areas of District 17 which are subject to the jurisdiction of the Capital Area Architectural and Planning Boazd as provided bv Minn. Stat. �,15.50. ,-�,lQ� 3� r �� a� p2 _ - : �`cne�,ec� _ 'p.p � �� , �c � Council FIle # � � ora��e # ('tteen Sheet # � )S � 7.a �� Presented By Refened To Committee Date : An ordinance amending Chapter 66.216 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to special sign district sign plans creating a new special sign district ordinance for the downtown area to be known as the Downtown Area Special District Sign Plan. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 �. ��� �' I4 �� That Chapter 66.216 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be and is hereby amended to add the following new provisions: Sec. 66.2169. Downtown Area Special District Sign Plan (a� Intent and Pur�ose. The Downtown Special Si�n District Plan, as provided in section 66.216 of this code. is adopted to provide advertising sign controls that build upon the unique character and identity of the City's downtown. This Si� Plan is intended to: � Maintain and enhance the scenic view of unique architecturai and natural features visible from the residential and commercial azeas of Downtown : (� Protect and encour�e inveshnent and beantification of Downtown ; (� Reduce the clutter and chaoric diversity of advertising signa�e that impairs the effectiveness of sigxts idenrif�inQ businesses and institutions in Downtown : � Create a more aesthetically_pleasine fusion of residential and commercial areas in Downtown; and � Protect property values in Downtown and reflect the pride its residents. businesses and institutions �ace in the communitv. • ��. _ . . . - - _ .��... __ .. . .. • -- -�:,...... •. ._ - - • s- . . . , . . - - &. The pr the District 17 P1an a ��+ � CaintPanl Rn �7 �� a,_.i�. rr_""__'..' . ions of the Downtown Special District Sign ghborhood District Council but excludes thc ction of [Ire �apital e�rea Architectural and within the boundaries District 17 which ar Board as 1, . 2 4 5 6 7 10 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 A4 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 �idr '_'_� r_,n.._ • - ' ' r _ ' _ e by Minnesota Statute 15.5(1. C� Within the Downtown Special Si�n District, advertising sians shall be sublect to the following restricrions: a�-y9 � No adveriising signs shali be vermitted except siQns on transit shelters and courtesv benches licensed or franchised by the Citv; � Advertisin�Siats within the Downtown Special Sien District which lawfullv existed prior to the adoption of this special siQn plan and which would be prohibited, re¢ulated, or reshicted under the provisions of this sign plan or amendments hereto, maY continue to exist as lesal nonconforniin� s3gns under the provisions of le�islative Code section 66.300 pertaining to nonconfornunq si ng_s. subiect to the foliowine additional rec�uirements: � ii No nonconfornune advertisine sien shall be: � Altered or enlar�ed in any way; or b� Replaced by another nonconforming advertisin� si i� though a chan�e in the messa�e on a nonconformine advertisin¢ s� will not be deemed to be a reolacement: or �c,2 Relocated to anv other location in the Downtown Special Sien District: or j� Reconstructed after incurring dama�e to the advertising sign displav surface or advertisine sign structure in an amount exceedin� fifty-one (S l�percent of the replacement cost of the advertisin� sign displav surface or fift -y one (S1Zpercent of the replacement cost of the advertising sign structure at the time of loss, as determined btithe Zoning Administrator; or f� Maintained throu¢h replacement of shuctural elements. Anv nonconforming advertisin,�siQn shall be immediately removed from the Downtown Special Si�n District at the cost of the owner if: �j It is deemed unsafe or hazardous bv the Zoning Administrator; or b� The advertising sien face or advertisin� si�n shucture sustaans damaee in an amount exceedin� fifty-one (512percent of the replacement cost of the advertising si�n display surface ar advertising si�n structure at the time of loss; or � Use of such advertising sig.n has been discontinued for a period of three f3) consecutive months. D� The Zonin�? Administrator shall enforce the provisions of this sian plan as a supplement to Saint Paul Legislative Code Chapter 66. Whenever a permit for an advertising sign in the Downtown Special Si�n District is required under the provisions of Saint Paul Leeislative Code Chapter 66, such pernut shall not be issued unless the plans for the si�n have been approved bv the Zonine Administrator as in conformance with this sign nian. All buildins permit apnlications for advertising signs in the Sneciai Sien District shall be submitted to the Zonine Administrator for review and approval. A fee to cover the costs of the review shall be established bv resolution of the citv council. All ulans submitted 1 � 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 for Zoninp Administrator approval shall be of sufficient detail to demonstrate that the ' vronosed sign complies with the provisions of this sig�plan. The Zoning Admuustrator shall review the plans within thirty1301 days and notify both the auplicant and the Deoartment of License. Inspections and Environmental protection of any decision to approve or disapprove the plans. Written reasons for denial shall be prepared bv the Zonin� Administrator and sha11 accompanv any decision to disapprove the nlans. Any decision bv the Zoning Administrator mav be appealed to the Plaunin2 Commission as provided in Saint Paul Legislative Code Section 66.408(a) Secrion 2 This ordinance shall become effective thirty (30) days after its passage, approval and publicarion. 0 l -''�� Requested by Department of: By: Adopted by Council: Date `p �00� Adoption Certified by Council Secretaxy BY: �1 \`— eY _ 7'�? _ � �. A4PZ'OVEd��MdVOi: ➢dtE By' � � Foxm Approved by City Attorney By: ���"� !/'�1 Appzoved by Mayor £oz Submission to Council Byc L -�,-�.��-�-�' ��., -.s � � PI�L)SH€D �. .'! �. `� '. caun�il %JNfAGT PEfiSON & PHONE INff1AL/DATE INRIAVDATE aDEPARTMENT�IRECTOR �CT'COUNpL Chris Coleman 266-8620 assicx OCRYATTORNEY Ocirvc�aK AU5i BE DN COUNCIL AGENDA BV DATE NUYBEFi FOfl / ( � flQUiiNG � BUDGEf DIflECTOR � FIN. & MGT. SEf2VIC �Iq. 1� 1 J/ OI ONDER � MAYOR (OR ASSISTANT} O T # OF SIGNATURE PAGES {CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR S1GPlATUR� �CiION REQUESTED: An ordinance creating a new special sign districtordinance for the downtown area to be known as the Downtown Area Special District Sign Plan. MMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Re�ec[ (R� PLANNINGCOMMI$SIQN _ CIVIL q8 COMMfREE _ _ STAfF DI5iA1Cf GOURT __ _ 9HTS WHICH COUNCIL O&IECTIVE? IF APPROVE�. GREEN SHEET PERSONAL SERVICE CON'fHACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. Has this personlfirm ever worked undw a conVace for Mis departmsnt? YES NO 2. Has this personHirm ever been a city emplayee? YES NO 3. Does this personttirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any curren[ city employee? YES NO Explain all yea answers on seperate shcet antl attach to green sheet When, Where, Why�: a�-49 3802`7 IF NOT APPROVED: TOTAL AMOUNi OF TRANSACTION S COS7/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIflCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDI{iG SOURCE ACTIYITV NUMBEH FINANCIA� INFORhfAT10N: (EXPWN) � ouncil File # b,— • � � Or mance # �- - een Sheet # ORDINANCE CITYOF SAINT PAUL, NIINNESOTA Presented By Referred To Committee AaYe : 2 An ordinance amending Chapter 66.216 of the Saint 3 Paul Legislative Code pertaining to special sign 4 district sign plans creating a new special sign 5 district ordinance for the downtown area to be 6 known as the Downtown Area Special Dishict Sign 7 Plan. 9 10 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 M3;J�K�1�3`►[�LS�]aY�f'��11 • � �_ Section l That Chapter 66.216 of the Saint Paul Legislarive Code be and is hereby amended to add the following new provisions: Sec. 66.2169. Downtown Area�ecial District Sign Plan (a) Intent and Purpose. The Downtown Special Sign District Plan, as urovided in section 66.216 of this code, is adopted toprovide advertisan� siQ;n controls that build upon the uniaue chazacter and identity of the City's downtown. This SiQn Plan is intended to: � Maintain and enhance the scenic view of uni9ue architectural and natural features visible from the residential and commercial areas of Downtown : � Protect and encoura�e investment and beautification of Downtown ; � Reduce the clutter and chaotic diversity of advertising that imnairs the effectiveness of siens identifyine businesses and institutions in Downtown ; (4) Create a more aesthetically_pleasine fusion of residential and commercial areas in Downtown: and �5,2 Protect pronertv values in Downtown and reflect the�ride its residents, businesses and instihxtions place in the communitv. B� The provisions of the Downtown S�eoia� District Sign Plan au�lv within the boundaries of the District 17 Neighborhood District Council but excludes those areas of District 17 which are subject to the jurisdiction of the Capital Area Architectural and Planning Boazd as provided bv Minn. Stat. �,15.50. ,-�,lQ� 3� r �� a� p2