01-402CouncilFile# Oti—y0}— Presented bp Referred To Green Sheet # 62999 Committee Date 1 AnAduvnistrativeOrdinanceestablisFringtheposirion titledDeputyDirector 2 of Parks and Recreation as specified by Chapter 12 of the Charter of the City 3 of Saint Paul, Section 12.03.2(I-� thereof. 4 TI� COUNCIL OF TF� CITY OF SAINT PAUI, I90BS ORDAIN: 5 Section 1. 6 That it is appropriate and desirable to establish tlie posrtion titled Deputy Director of Parks and Recreation. 7 8 9 10 I1 12 13 14 dtequested by Department of. '= 3►� rJffice of Huxnan Resoutces � �� �': � ��M Form P�oved aty An mep ; $Y Section 2. That pursuant to Section 12.03.2(F3) of the City Charter, such posi6on be established in the Unclassified Sezvice of the Ciry of Sanrt Paul by ardinance with the consent of the Civil Service Commission Section 3. `That such posrtion shall be appointed by the Parks and Recreation Director subject to approval by the Mayor. Section 4. That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days from and after its passage and approval, lnclud°uig approval by the Civil Service Commission. Adopted bp Council: Date Adoption Approved by Iviayor: `-' Ap'�roved by Iyiayor foa Approved By:�/`� ORDINANCE OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 33 to Council � S - } —.. � DEPARTNID�T/OFF[CElCOUNCII.: DATE INITTATID GREEN 5HEET No.s 62999 Office of Human Resources 03/27/01 O)—t '�O CONTACf PERSON & PHONE: INI'erALNA'1'E IN1TTnt./nA'rE LisaMcKeowII266-6479 - tDFrnxrn¢rrrn�5�1or <��� John Shockley 266-6482 "�t�D � NOMBEtiFOR 2Cm?ATiORNEY CCSYQ.SRK ROUTING ORDH2 FA]ANCIALSEfNDIIt FLWNQAI.SFRV/ACCif MUST BE ON COUNCII. AGIIVDA BY (DATE) 3 auYOn(oR,+ssr.) As soon as possible TOTAL tt OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOGTIONS FOR SIGNATURE) atTioN 1tE@ItESTEU: Approval of the ordinance establishing an unclassified Deputy Director of Pazks and Recreation position pursuant to Secrion 12.03.2(I-n of the City Charter. RECObA�NDATIONS: Approve (A) M Rejec[ (R) PERSONAL SERV[CE CONTRACfS MOS'C ANSWER 7NE FOLLOWQVG QUF.STIONS: 1. flastpispersov/fumeverworkedmderaconrtactforthisdepartmrnCl PLA4dNII7GCOAIIv1[SSION Yes No � Cffi CAMA9TTEE Z. Has t6�s persodfum everbun a aty employee7 CIVII,SERVICECAMbIISSION , Yes No 3. Dcesthisperson/5rmpossessasldllnotnmmallypossessedbyauYCmrentcityemployee? Ya Na 4. Is tLis pezsanfFnn atazgeted vepda7 Yes No Explain all yes aoswers m separah 36eet Aud BtteCb [o green slleet IN111ATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When� W6ere, Why): This action is based upon a study of a provisional Progxam Adminis�ator posirion that is per£orming duties in assisting the Pazks and Recreation Director i¢ carrying out the mission, goals and vision of the Divisiun; managing the environmental and legislative progams of the Division; assuming the Director's responsibIlities for the day-fo-day management of the Division and at public meetings in lus/her absence, and managing a secrion of the Division. Because of this close relaflonship wiffi the Parks and Recrea6on Director, the Mayor's Office, and State Legislature, the position should tie unclassified. ,env,uv'CnGES [F aPrxovEn: Approval of this ordinance will allow the creation of an unciassified posirion appointed Uy the Pazks and Recreation Director with approval from the Mayor. r;,'^, L �� Q°. Pts`s�. �a�pn., DISADVANI'AGES IF APPROVEA: NOnO. i ,� .¢ ��� 3* '� DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: No position will be established to perform duties assisting the Pazks and Recreation Diiector in carrying out the mission, goals and vision of the Division, including presenting atState Legislature to secure necessazy funding for the deparbnent. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: COST/REVENUE BUDGETED: FUNDING SOURCE: ACTIVITY NUMBER: N/A FINANCIAY. INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) � � � � � � � � G�\Shaz�edlClassiACI.ASS�Resolutions&Ordinmcu\gieenshcetd�.dir.parks.ordwpd r ;� r � ����� '.� '� # OFFiCE OF HUMAN RESOURCES ,lohn Hmnikon, Disector CITY OF SAIN"I' PAUL 40o c,� x�t � Nmm Coieman, Mayar 25 West Fmvth Sbeet SaintPmet, Ylirv+esota SSIO2-1631 TO: Vic Wittgenstein, Pazks and Recreation Director FROM: Lisa McKeown, Human Resour �t � DAT`E: 03/19/01 RE: Classification Study Results ��,�oy Telephone: 6I2-?66-6500 1DDJITY: 6I&2bb-6i01 Joblirre: 612-266-6302 Facsimile: 612-292-7656 We haue compieted our study of the provisional Program Administrator position in the Division of Pazks and Reczeation held by Liz Anderson. An anterview was conducted with the incumbent and comparisons were made with other classes and positions. Based upon that information, we have determined that an unclassified pasition titled Deputy Director of Parks and Recreafion be created and be placed at Grade 29 of the Non- Represented City Managers, Employee Group 17, Salary Schedule. �'lur next step is to get Council's approval �n the creation of the title and establishment af the title's rate of pay. Then #he Civii Service Commission needs to give final approval on the creation of the unclassifie3 tide. Please shaze this information with the employee(s) affeated; ar if you would like me to inform them, please let me know. I have also attached the advisory spec;fication for this #ide. Please let me know if you have any concerns with this specifacation. I have drafted and attached the necessary green sheers, ordinance and resolution. Please fee? free to review and make suggested changes. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please conCact me at 266-6479. I am in the office on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays. G:15hared\TeamI�I.ISAICLASSIFViz.anderson.parkdep.d'u�DETER'�IAV. WPD ,u.' ,.-.. .`: .. .,. -; ' .. j � Proposed Title of Class: Code: 200B DEPUTY DII2ECTOR OF PARKS AND BU: 17 4 p} RECREATION (ADVISOItY SPEC) � � � Effective: DESCRIPTION OF VJORK General Statement of Duties: Assists the Pazks and Recrea6on Director in carrying out the mission, goals and vision of the Division; manages the environmental and legisladve programs of the Division; assumes the duector's responsibilities for the day-to-day management of the Division and at public meetings in his(her absence. Manages, directs and operates a Section or Sections o£the Division. Su�ervision Received: Works under the general direction of the Parks and Recreation Director. Sunervision Exercised: Exercises within the Sec6on(s), general supervision over supervisory, professional, technical and clerical employees either directly or through subordinate supervisors. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by all positions in this c]ass. Assists Parks and Recreation Director in cazrying out the mission, vision and goals of the Division and assume the Director's responsibi]ities for the day-to-day management of the Division in hisf4ier absence. Directs the overall operation of a section or sections of the Parks and Recreation Division. Manages section budgets and multiple programs and activities. Manages human resources to deliver services to the public and support Division acrivities. Supervises, directly or through subordinate supervisors, all wark of the 5ection; assigns and reviews work; coaches and develops employees; evaluates performance. Establish policies, procedures, standards, pricing, etc., for pro�rams, services and facilities. Manages major projects for new services, facilities and /or partnerships. Secures public and private funding; works with community and neighborhood groups, business community and advocacy groups; establishes cooperative relationships. Manages Division Environmental and Legislative Prograuis; represents the Division at the legislature. Manages contracts and agreements necessary to carry out Section and Division operations. (DEPUTY DIRECTOR OF PARKS AND RECREATION (ADVISORY SPEC)) Page 1 of 2 Proposed Tifle of Class: KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, AB7LI'I�S, AND COMPETENCIES Code: 200B Bu: i� D �_�tc? - Effective: Considerable lmowledge of the pazks and recreation services, trends and pracrices. Considerable knowledge of legislative process. Considerabie knowledge of personnel practices, Civil Service rules, labor contracts, policies, procedures and laws. Considerable latowledge of environmental procedwes and practices. Considerable knowledge of project management and the ability to develop, manage and evaluate projects. Considerable abiliTy to work with the D'uector to lead the Division and problem solvs. Considerable ability ta set priorities and to manage multiQle priorifies and deadlines effectively. Considerable ability to manage a major Section, including multiple programs, budgets, facil3ties and/or staff and volunteers. Considerable ability to represent the Division in legislative, private fundraising and business settings. Considerable ability to organize and communicate information effectively, orally and in writing. Considerable ability to create par[nerships with community, business and academic organizations. Considerable ability to influence legislative process. Considerable ability to work with high profile funders and gain their conf'idence. Considerable ability to analyze and solve complex problems. Considerable ability to comprehend and administer laws, ordinances, contracts and rules and regulafions. Considerable ability to devlop and maintain cooperative working relationships. Considerable ability to generate revenue through grants, user fees and other sources to fund non-general fund acfivities. Considerable abiliTy to organize, plan, direct and evaluate the work of others. biINIMUM QUALTFICATIONS Bachelor's degree wittt ma}or course work in Pazks and Recreation Administration, Public Administrarion, Landscape Architecture, Envuonmental Sciences or related fieId AND 5 yeazs of Public Administration experience, 3 of which relate to the field of Pazks and Recrearion. �DEPUTY AIRECTOR OP PARKS AND RECREATION IADVISOItY SPEC)1 Page 2 of 2 � CLASSIFICA'�ION STUDY REPORT Class Studied: Incumbent: Department: Date Stadied: Studied By: Deputy Director of Parks and Recreation (new title) Incumbent curren�ly holds provisional title of Program Administrator Liz Anderson Division of Parks and Recreation March, 2001 Lisa McKeown APPROVAL OF THE CLASSIFICATION �ND COMPENSATION LEADER: BACKGROiJND The Department of Parks and Recreation employs at its highest management levels a Parks and . Recreation Director, then a Provisional Program Administrator, then six Park and Recreation Managers. In 1999 the Pazks and Recreation Managers were upgraded from SPSO grade 23 to grade 26. Because of this, the Pazks and Recreation Managers ate at the same grade as the position studied. Also in 1999, the Parks and Recreation Director (formerly Superintendent of Parks and Recreation) was placed in the unclassified service at grade 32 of Non-represented City Managers, Employee Group 17. On 8l23f99, the provisional appointment was made to the Program Administrator posirion. The Director believes that the duties performed by this position are at a higher level than those of the Parks and Recreation Managers, therefore, the Parks and Recreation Director asked that the Office of Huuiaii Resources conduct a study of the position in order to determine appropriate classification and compensation. STUDY COMPONENTS at-'�Oy Review of the job profile completed by the incumbent of the posirion Interview with incumbent of position Comparison to related classifications and positions. QES evaluation and analysis. DATE: � — � Z - � J POSITION DESCRTPTION This position assists the Director in canying out the mission, goals and vision of the division and manages the environmental and legislative programs of the Division of Pazks and Recreation. This position assumes the Director's responsibilities for the day-to-day management of the Division and at public meetings in his absence. The position manages, directs and operates the Como Zoo and Conservatory Campus and works under the general supervision of the Director. Typical Duties Performed: Assists Parks and Recreation Director in carrying out the mission, vision and goals of the Division and assumes the Dixector's responsibities for the day-to-day management of the Division in his/her absence. Dixects the overall operation of a section of the Parks and Recreation Division. (Currently the position is directing the overall operation of the Como Zoo and Conservatory Campus.) Manages Section budgets and multiple programs and activities. Manages human resources to deliver services to the public and support Division activities. Supervises, directly or through subordinate supervisors, all work of the Section, assigns and reviews wark; coaches and develops employees; evaluates performance. Establish policies, procedures, standards, pricing, etc., for programs, services and facilities. Manages major projects for new services, facilities and !or partnerships. Secures public and private funding; works with community and neighborhood groups, business community and advocacy groups; establishes cooperative relationships. Manages Division Environmental and Legislative Programs; represents the Division at the State legislature. o�-yor Manages contracts and agreements necessary to carry out Section and Division operations. �j-��` CLASSIFICATION COMPARISON Titles with similaz QES points to the position sludied include Treasury Manager and Assistant Fire Chief. Both of these positions aze responsible for inauaging a section or sections of their Division. These positions also have a lugh level of responsibility for representing the Division. The Treasury Manager develops treasury-related legislation, and testifies before the City Council and State legislature wluch is similar to the position studied. The Treasury Manager is paid at grade 29 of SPSO. The Assistant Fire Cluef is paid at grade 28 of Non-regresented City Managers group. There is current recommendafion to upgrade this posifion to grade 30 of the Non-represented City Managers group. COMPARISON TO OTHER POSITIONS The position studied has some overlap in responsibilities and duties with both positions allocated to Parks and Recreation Manager as well as Parks and Recreation Director. The position studied is responsible for managing one section of the Division of Parks and Recreation which is similaz to a Parks and Recreation Manager responsibility. The position represents the Division at Legislature and at public meetings which is similar to the Parks and Recreation Director responsibility. The position also has the responsibilities of the Parks and Recreation Director when tha Director is unavailable which occurs appro�mately 2- 4 days per month. The job specification for Program Admiinistrator does not accurately reflect the position being studied. BARGAINING iJNIT REPRESENTATION The position manages a section of the Pazks and Recreation Division and supervises, directly and through other supervisors, 57 people year round and an addifional 10-15 during the suminer. The position also has access to information used in collective bargaining since it works closely with the Parks and Recreation Director. Because of ttie confidential nature of the position, it is recommended the position be part of Employee Group 17 (Non-Represented City IVlanagers). UNCLASSIFIED VS. CLASSIFIED The position studied reports d'uectly to the Pazks and Recreation Director. The positfon has the responsiblity of acting on behalf of the Pazks and Recreafion Director as we11 as the Mayor's Office while working to secure public and private funding and warking with community and neighborhood groups, the business community, advocacy groups and the State legislature. Because of the nature of the position, it is recommended that the posirion be unclassified. QES EVALUATION The QES analysis supports assigning the position to grade 29 of the Non-represented City Managers, Employee Crroup 17, Salary Schedule. L7��II]y Iui �►17�1 �(7►1 It is recommended that the position titled Deputy D'uector of Pazks and Recreation be created in the unclassified service and compensated in grade 29 of the Non-represented City Managers, Employee Group 17, Salary Schedule. G:\Shazed\Team1�LISA\CLASSIF\liz.anderson.park.dep.dir\study.wpd .Ql V�� -s � 1:� � O1-��� �i�l^f �= 1 . . . . , r ������ City ofi Saint Paul City Council Research 310 C+ty Hal{ Saint Paul, MN 55102 (651)266-8564 INTER-DEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM DATE: TO: :�u SLTBJECT: May 14, 2001 Linda Crosby Human Resources 400 City Hall Annex ,f � Nancy Anderson l� City Council Resolution No. 01-402 I am forwarding to you the original resolution, Council File No. 01-402, adopted by the City Council on May 9, 2001, for Civil Service Commission approval (it has not been signed by the Mayor). Please return to me when it has been signed by the Civil Service Commission. If you have any quesrions, please contact me at 266-8564. Thanks. a NA Attachment: 1- Original Council Resolution 3 -��C A, 'L7 � b w 3'� '" A-C:n Z 1 .�� �t7 �...,.� t'.; � �� _.. � � �-i._ ' �C S �4: c'z � (Tkr � CouncilFile# Oti—y0}— Presented bp Referred To Green Sheet # 62999 Committee Date 1 AnAduvnistrativeOrdinanceestablisFringtheposirion titledDeputyDirector 2 of Parks and Recreation as specified by Chapter 12 of the Charter of the City 3 of Saint Paul, Section 12.03.2(I-� thereof. 4 TI� COUNCIL OF TF� CITY OF SAINT PAUI, I90BS ORDAIN: 5 Section 1. 6 That it is appropriate and desirable to establish tlie posrtion titled Deputy Director of Parks and Recreation. 7 8 9 10 I1 12 13 14 dtequested by Department of. '= 3►� rJffice of Huxnan Resoutces � �� �': � ��M Form P�oved aty An mep ; $Y Section 2. That pursuant to Section 12.03.2(F3) of the City Charter, such posi6on be established in the Unclassified Sezvice of the Ciry of Sanrt Paul by ardinance with the consent of the Civil Service Commission Section 3. `That such posrtion shall be appointed by the Parks and Recreation Director subject to approval by the Mayor. Section 4. That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days from and after its passage and approval, lnclud°uig approval by the Civil Service Commission. Adopted bp Council: Date Adoption Approved by Iviayor: `-' Ap'�roved by Iyiayor foa Approved By:�/`� ORDINANCE OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 33 to Council � S - } —.. � DEPARTNID�T/OFF[CElCOUNCII.: DATE INITTATID GREEN 5HEET No.s 62999 Office of Human Resources 03/27/01 O)—t '�O CONTACf PERSON & PHONE: INI'erALNA'1'E IN1TTnt./nA'rE LisaMcKeowII266-6479 - tDFrnxrn¢rrrn�5�1or <��� John Shockley 266-6482 "�t�D � NOMBEtiFOR 2Cm?ATiORNEY CCSYQ.SRK ROUTING ORDH2 FA]ANCIALSEfNDIIt FLWNQAI.SFRV/ACCif MUST BE ON COUNCII. AGIIVDA BY (DATE) 3 auYOn(oR,+ssr.) As soon as possible TOTAL tt OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOGTIONS FOR SIGNATURE) atTioN 1tE@ItESTEU: Approval of the ordinance establishing an unclassified Deputy Director of Pazks and Recreation position pursuant to Secrion 12.03.2(I-n of the City Charter. RECObA�NDATIONS: Approve (A) M Rejec[ (R) PERSONAL SERV[CE CONTRACfS MOS'C ANSWER 7NE FOLLOWQVG QUF.STIONS: 1. flastpispersov/fumeverworkedmderaconrtactforthisdepartmrnCl PLA4dNII7GCOAIIv1[SSION Yes No � Cffi CAMA9TTEE Z. Has t6�s persodfum everbun a aty employee7 CIVII,SERVICECAMbIISSION , Yes No 3. Dcesthisperson/5rmpossessasldllnotnmmallypossessedbyauYCmrentcityemployee? Ya Na 4. Is tLis pezsanfFnn atazgeted vepda7 Yes No Explain all yes aoswers m separah 36eet Aud BtteCb [o green slleet IN111ATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When� W6ere, Why): This action is based upon a study of a provisional Progxam Adminis�ator posirion that is per£orming duties in assisting the Pazks and Recreation Director i¢ carrying out the mission, goals and vision of the Divisiun; managing the environmental and legislative progams of the Division; assuming the Director's responsibIlities for the day-fo-day management of the Division and at public meetings in lus/her absence, and managing a secrion of the Division. Because of this close relaflonship wiffi the Parks and Recrea6on Director, the Mayor's Office, and State Legislature, the position should tie unclassified. ,env,uv'CnGES [F aPrxovEn: Approval of this ordinance will allow the creation of an unciassified posirion appointed Uy the Pazks and Recreation Director with approval from the Mayor. r;,'^, L �� Q°. Pts`s�. �a�pn., DISADVANI'AGES IF APPROVEA: NOnO. i ,� .¢ ��� 3* '� DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: No position will be established to perform duties assisting the Pazks and Recreation Diiector in carrying out the mission, goals and vision of the Division, including presenting atState Legislature to secure necessazy funding for the deparbnent. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: COST/REVENUE BUDGETED: FUNDING SOURCE: ACTIVITY NUMBER: N/A FINANCIAY. INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) � � � � � � � � G�\Shaz�edlClassiACI.ASS�Resolutions&Ordinmcu\gieenshcetd�.dir.parks.ordwpd r ;� r � ����� '.� '� # OFFiCE OF HUMAN RESOURCES ,lohn Hmnikon, Disector CITY OF SAIN"I' PAUL 40o c,� x�t � Nmm Coieman, Mayar 25 West Fmvth Sbeet SaintPmet, Ylirv+esota SSIO2-1631 TO: Vic Wittgenstein, Pazks and Recreation Director FROM: Lisa McKeown, Human Resour �t � DAT`E: 03/19/01 RE: Classification Study Results ��,�oy Telephone: 6I2-?66-6500 1DDJITY: 6I&2bb-6i01 Joblirre: 612-266-6302 Facsimile: 612-292-7656 We haue compieted our study of the provisional Program Administrator position in the Division of Pazks and Reczeation held by Liz Anderson. An anterview was conducted with the incumbent and comparisons were made with other classes and positions. Based upon that information, we have determined that an unclassified pasition titled Deputy Director of Parks and Recreafion be created and be placed at Grade 29 of the Non- Represented City Managers, Employee Group 17, Salary Schedule. �'lur next step is to get Council's approval �n the creation of the title and establishment af the title's rate of pay. Then #he Civii Service Commission needs to give final approval on the creation of the unclassifie3 tide. Please shaze this information with the employee(s) affeated; ar if you would like me to inform them, please let me know. I have also attached the advisory spec;fication for this #ide. Please let me know if you have any concerns with this specifacation. I have drafted and attached the necessary green sheers, ordinance and resolution. Please fee? free to review and make suggested changes. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please conCact me at 266-6479. I am in the office on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays. G:15hared\TeamI�I.ISAICLASSIFViz.anderson.parkdep.d'u�DETER'�IAV. WPD ,u.' ,.-.. .`: .. .,. -; ' .. j � Proposed Title of Class: Code: 200B DEPUTY DII2ECTOR OF PARKS AND BU: 17 4 p} RECREATION (ADVISOItY SPEC) � � � Effective: DESCRIPTION OF VJORK General Statement of Duties: Assists the Pazks and Recrea6on Director in carrying out the mission, goals and vision of the Division; manages the environmental and legisladve programs of the Division; assumes the duector's responsibilities for the day-to-day management of the Division and at public meetings in his(her absence. Manages, directs and operates a Section or Sections o£the Division. Su�ervision Received: Works under the general direction of the Parks and Recreation Director. Sunervision Exercised: Exercises within the Sec6on(s), general supervision over supervisory, professional, technical and clerical employees either directly or through subordinate supervisors. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by all positions in this c]ass. Assists Parks and Recreation Director in cazrying out the mission, vision and goals of the Division and assume the Director's responsibi]ities for the day-to-day management of the Division in hisf4ier absence. Directs the overall operation of a section or sections of the Parks and Recreation Division. Manages section budgets and multiple programs and activities. Manages human resources to deliver services to the public and support Division acrivities. Supervises, directly or through subordinate supervisors, all wark of the 5ection; assigns and reviews work; coaches and develops employees; evaluates performance. Establish policies, procedures, standards, pricing, etc., for pro�rams, services and facilities. Manages major projects for new services, facilities and /or partnerships. Secures public and private funding; works with community and neighborhood groups, business community and advocacy groups; establishes cooperative relationships. Manages Division Environmental and Legislative Prograuis; represents the Division at the legislature. Manages contracts and agreements necessary to carry out Section and Division operations. (DEPUTY DIRECTOR OF PARKS AND RECREATION (ADVISORY SPEC)) Page 1 of 2 Proposed Tifle of Class: KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, AB7LI'I�S, AND COMPETENCIES Code: 200B Bu: i� D �_�tc? - Effective: Considerable lmowledge of the pazks and recreation services, trends and pracrices. Considerable knowledge of legislative process. Considerabie knowledge of personnel practices, Civil Service rules, labor contracts, policies, procedures and laws. Considerable latowledge of environmental procedwes and practices. Considerable knowledge of project management and the ability to develop, manage and evaluate projects. Considerable abiliTy to work with the D'uector to lead the Division and problem solvs. Considerable ability ta set priorities and to manage multiQle priorifies and deadlines effectively. Considerable ability to manage a major Section, including multiple programs, budgets, facil3ties and/or staff and volunteers. Considerable ability to represent the Division in legislative, private fundraising and business settings. Considerable ability to organize and communicate information effectively, orally and in writing. Considerable ability to create par[nerships with community, business and academic organizations. Considerable ability to influence legislative process. Considerable ability to work with high profile funders and gain their conf'idence. Considerable ability to analyze and solve complex problems. Considerable ability to comprehend and administer laws, ordinances, contracts and rules and regulafions. Considerable ability to devlop and maintain cooperative working relationships. Considerable ability to generate revenue through grants, user fees and other sources to fund non-general fund acfivities. Considerable abiliTy to organize, plan, direct and evaluate the work of others. biINIMUM QUALTFICATIONS Bachelor's degree wittt ma}or course work in Pazks and Recreation Administration, Public Administrarion, Landscape Architecture, Envuonmental Sciences or related fieId AND 5 yeazs of Public Administration experience, 3 of which relate to the field of Pazks and Recrearion. �DEPUTY AIRECTOR OP PARKS AND RECREATION IADVISOItY SPEC)1 Page 2 of 2 � CLASSIFICA'�ION STUDY REPORT Class Studied: Incumbent: Department: Date Stadied: Studied By: Deputy Director of Parks and Recreation (new title) Incumbent curren�ly holds provisional title of Program Administrator Liz Anderson Division of Parks and Recreation March, 2001 Lisa McKeown APPROVAL OF THE CLASSIFICATION �ND COMPENSATION LEADER: BACKGROiJND The Department of Parks and Recreation employs at its highest management levels a Parks and . Recreation Director, then a Provisional Program Administrator, then six Park and Recreation Managers. In 1999 the Pazks and Recreation Managers were upgraded from SPSO grade 23 to grade 26. Because of this, the Pazks and Recreation Managers ate at the same grade as the position studied. Also in 1999, the Parks and Recreation Director (formerly Superintendent of Parks and Recreation) was placed in the unclassified service at grade 32 of Non-represented City Managers, Employee Group 17. On 8l23f99, the provisional appointment was made to the Program Administrator posirion. The Director believes that the duties performed by this position are at a higher level than those of the Parks and Recreation Managers, therefore, the Parks and Recreation Director asked that the Office of Huuiaii Resources conduct a study of the position in order to determine appropriate classification and compensation. STUDY COMPONENTS at-'�Oy Review of the job profile completed by the incumbent of the posirion Interview with incumbent of position Comparison to related classifications and positions. QES evaluation and analysis. DATE: � — � Z - � J POSITION DESCRTPTION This position assists the Director in canying out the mission, goals and vision of the division and manages the environmental and legislative programs of the Division of Pazks and Recreation. This position assumes the Director's responsibilities for the day-to-day management of the Division and at public meetings in his absence. The position manages, directs and operates the Como Zoo and Conservatory Campus and works under the general supervision of the Director. Typical Duties Performed: Assists Parks and Recreation Director in carrying out the mission, vision and goals of the Division and assumes the Dixector's responsibities for the day-to-day management of the Division in his/her absence. Dixects the overall operation of a section of the Parks and Recreation Division. (Currently the position is directing the overall operation of the Como Zoo and Conservatory Campus.) Manages Section budgets and multiple programs and activities. Manages human resources to deliver services to the public and support Division activities. Supervises, directly or through subordinate supervisors, all work of the Section, assigns and reviews wark; coaches and develops employees; evaluates performance. Establish policies, procedures, standards, pricing, etc., for programs, services and facilities. Manages major projects for new services, facilities and !or partnerships. Secures public and private funding; works with community and neighborhood groups, business community and advocacy groups; establishes cooperative relationships. Manages Division Environmental and Legislative Programs; represents the Division at the State legislature. o�-yor Manages contracts and agreements necessary to carry out Section and Division operations. �j-��` CLASSIFICATION COMPARISON Titles with similaz QES points to the position sludied include Treasury Manager and Assistant Fire Chief. Both of these positions aze responsible for inauaging a section or sections of their Division. These positions also have a lugh level of responsibility for representing the Division. The Treasury Manager develops treasury-related legislation, and testifies before the City Council and State legislature wluch is similar to the position studied. The Treasury Manager is paid at grade 29 of SPSO. The Assistant Fire Cluef is paid at grade 28 of Non-regresented City Managers group. There is current recommendafion to upgrade this posifion to grade 30 of the Non-represented City Managers group. COMPARISON TO OTHER POSITIONS The position studied has some overlap in responsibilities and duties with both positions allocated to Parks and Recreation Manager as well as Parks and Recreation Director. The position studied is responsible for managing one section of the Division of Parks and Recreation which is similaz to a Parks and Recreation Manager responsibility. The position represents the Division at Legislature and at public meetings which is similar to the Parks and Recreation Director responsibility. The position also has the responsibilities of the Parks and Recreation Director when tha Director is unavailable which occurs appro�mately 2- 4 days per month. The job specification for Program Admiinistrator does not accurately reflect the position being studied. BARGAINING iJNIT REPRESENTATION The position manages a section of the Pazks and Recreation Division and supervises, directly and through other supervisors, 57 people year round and an addifional 10-15 during the suminer. The position also has access to information used in collective bargaining since it works closely with the Parks and Recreation Director. Because of ttie confidential nature of the position, it is recommended the position be part of Employee Group 17 (Non-Represented City IVlanagers). UNCLASSIFIED VS. CLASSIFIED The position studied reports d'uectly to the Pazks and Recreation Director. The positfon has the responsiblity of acting on behalf of the Pazks and Recreafion Director as we11 as the Mayor's Office while working to secure public and private funding and warking with community and neighborhood groups, the business community, advocacy groups and the State legislature. Because of the nature of the position, it is recommended that the posirion be unclassified. QES EVALUATION The QES analysis supports assigning the position to grade 29 of the Non-represented City Managers, Employee Crroup 17, Salary Schedule. L7��II]y Iui �►17�1 �(7►1 It is recommended that the position titled Deputy D'uector of Pazks and Recreation be created in the unclassified service and compensated in grade 29 of the Non-represented City Managers, Employee Group 17, Salary Schedule. G:\Shazed\Team1�LISA\CLASSIF\liz.anderson.park.dep.dir\study.wpd .Ql V�� -s � 1:� � O1-��� �i�l^f �= 1 . . . . , r ������ City ofi Saint Paul City Council Research 310 C+ty Hal{ Saint Paul, MN 55102 (651)266-8564 INTER-DEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM DATE: TO: :�u SLTBJECT: May 14, 2001 Linda Crosby Human Resources 400 City Hall Annex ,f � Nancy Anderson l� City Council Resolution No. 01-402 I am forwarding to you the original resolution, Council File No. 01-402, adopted by the City Council on May 9, 2001, for Civil Service Commission approval (it has not been signed by the Mayor). Please return to me when it has been signed by the Civil Service Commission. If you have any quesrions, please contact me at 266-8564. Thanks. a NA Attachment: 1- Original Council Resolution 3 -��C A, 'L7 � b w 3'� '" A-C:n Z 1 .�� �t7 �...,.� t'.; � �� _.. � � �-i._ ' �C S �4: c'z � (Tkr � CouncilFile# Oti—y0}— Presented bp Referred To Green Sheet # 62999 Committee Date 1 AnAduvnistrativeOrdinanceestablisFringtheposirion titledDeputyDirector 2 of Parks and Recreation as specified by Chapter 12 of the Charter of the City 3 of Saint Paul, Section 12.03.2(I-� thereof. 4 TI� COUNCIL OF TF� CITY OF SAINT PAUI, I90BS ORDAIN: 5 Section 1. 6 That it is appropriate and desirable to establish tlie posrtion titled Deputy Director of Parks and Recreation. 7 8 9 10 I1 12 13 14 dtequested by Department of. '= 3►� rJffice of Huxnan Resoutces � �� �': � ��M Form P�oved aty An mep ; $Y Section 2. That pursuant to Section 12.03.2(F3) of the City Charter, such posi6on be established in the Unclassified Sezvice of the Ciry of Sanrt Paul by ardinance with the consent of the Civil Service Commission Section 3. `That such posrtion shall be appointed by the Parks and Recreation Director subject to approval by the Mayor. Section 4. That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days from and after its passage and approval, lnclud°uig approval by the Civil Service Commission. Adopted bp Council: Date Adoption Approved by Iviayor: `-' Ap'�roved by Iyiayor foa Approved By:�/`� ORDINANCE OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 33 to Council � S - } —.. � DEPARTNID�T/OFF[CElCOUNCII.: DATE INITTATID GREEN 5HEET No.s 62999 Office of Human Resources 03/27/01 O)—t '�O CONTACf PERSON & PHONE: INI'erALNA'1'E IN1TTnt./nA'rE LisaMcKeowII266-6479 - tDFrnxrn¢rrrn�5�1or <��� John Shockley 266-6482 "�t�D � NOMBEtiFOR 2Cm?ATiORNEY CCSYQ.SRK ROUTING ORDH2 FA]ANCIALSEfNDIIt FLWNQAI.SFRV/ACCif MUST BE ON COUNCII. AGIIVDA BY (DATE) 3 auYOn(oR,+ssr.) As soon as possible TOTAL tt OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOGTIONS FOR SIGNATURE) atTioN 1tE@ItESTEU: Approval of the ordinance establishing an unclassified Deputy Director of Pazks and Recreation position pursuant to Secrion 12.03.2(I-n of the City Charter. RECObA�NDATIONS: Approve (A) M Rejec[ (R) PERSONAL SERV[CE CONTRACfS MOS'C ANSWER 7NE FOLLOWQVG QUF.STIONS: 1. flastpispersov/fumeverworkedmderaconrtactforthisdepartmrnCl PLA4dNII7GCOAIIv1[SSION Yes No � Cffi CAMA9TTEE Z. Has t6�s persodfum everbun a aty employee7 CIVII,SERVICECAMbIISSION , Yes No 3. Dcesthisperson/5rmpossessasldllnotnmmallypossessedbyauYCmrentcityemployee? Ya Na 4. Is tLis pezsanfFnn atazgeted vepda7 Yes No Explain all yes aoswers m separah 36eet Aud BtteCb [o green slleet IN111ATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When� W6ere, Why): This action is based upon a study of a provisional Progxam Adminis�ator posirion that is per£orming duties in assisting the Pazks and Recreation Director i¢ carrying out the mission, goals and vision of the Divisiun; managing the environmental and legislative progams of the Division; assuming the Director's responsibIlities for the day-fo-day management of the Division and at public meetings in lus/her absence, and managing a secrion of the Division. Because of this close relaflonship wiffi the Parks and Recrea6on Director, the Mayor's Office, and State Legislature, the position should tie unclassified. ,env,uv'CnGES [F aPrxovEn: Approval of this ordinance will allow the creation of an unciassified posirion appointed Uy the Pazks and Recreation Director with approval from the Mayor. r;,'^, L �� Q°. Pts`s�. �a�pn., DISADVANI'AGES IF APPROVEA: NOnO. i ,� .¢ ��� 3* '� DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: No position will be established to perform duties assisting the Pazks and Recreation Diiector in carrying out the mission, goals and vision of the Division, including presenting atState Legislature to secure necessazy funding for the deparbnent. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: COST/REVENUE BUDGETED: FUNDING SOURCE: ACTIVITY NUMBER: N/A FINANCIAY. INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) � � � � � � � � G�\Shaz�edlClassiACI.ASS�Resolutions&Ordinmcu\gieenshcetd�.dir.parks.ordwpd r ;� r � ����� '.� '� # OFFiCE OF HUMAN RESOURCES ,lohn Hmnikon, Disector CITY OF SAIN"I' PAUL 40o c,� x�t � Nmm Coieman, Mayar 25 West Fmvth Sbeet SaintPmet, Ylirv+esota SSIO2-1631 TO: Vic Wittgenstein, Pazks and Recreation Director FROM: Lisa McKeown, Human Resour �t � DAT`E: 03/19/01 RE: Classification Study Results ��,�oy Telephone: 6I2-?66-6500 1DDJITY: 6I&2bb-6i01 Joblirre: 612-266-6302 Facsimile: 612-292-7656 We haue compieted our study of the provisional Program Administrator position in the Division of Pazks and Reczeation held by Liz Anderson. An anterview was conducted with the incumbent and comparisons were made with other classes and positions. Based upon that information, we have determined that an unclassified pasition titled Deputy Director of Parks and Recreafion be created and be placed at Grade 29 of the Non- Represented City Managers, Employee Group 17, Salary Schedule. �'lur next step is to get Council's approval �n the creation of the title and establishment af the title's rate of pay. Then #he Civii Service Commission needs to give final approval on the creation of the unclassifie3 tide. Please shaze this information with the employee(s) affeated; ar if you would like me to inform them, please let me know. I have also attached the advisory spec;fication for this #ide. Please let me know if you have any concerns with this specifacation. I have drafted and attached the necessary green sheers, ordinance and resolution. Please fee? free to review and make suggested changes. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please conCact me at 266-6479. I am in the office on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays. G:15hared\TeamI�I.ISAICLASSIFViz.anderson.parkdep.d'u�DETER'�IAV. WPD ,u.' ,.-.. .`: .. .,. -; ' .. j � Proposed Title of Class: Code: 200B DEPUTY DII2ECTOR OF PARKS AND BU: 17 4 p} RECREATION (ADVISOItY SPEC) � � � Effective: DESCRIPTION OF VJORK General Statement of Duties: Assists the Pazks and Recrea6on Director in carrying out the mission, goals and vision of the Division; manages the environmental and legisladve programs of the Division; assumes the duector's responsibilities for the day-to-day management of the Division and at public meetings in his(her absence. Manages, directs and operates a Section or Sections o£the Division. Su�ervision Received: Works under the general direction of the Parks and Recreation Director. Sunervision Exercised: Exercises within the Sec6on(s), general supervision over supervisory, professional, technical and clerical employees either directly or through subordinate supervisors. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by all positions in this c]ass. Assists Parks and Recreation Director in cazrying out the mission, vision and goals of the Division and assume the Director's responsibi]ities for the day-to-day management of the Division in hisf4ier absence. Directs the overall operation of a section or sections of the Parks and Recreation Division. Manages section budgets and multiple programs and activities. Manages human resources to deliver services to the public and support Division acrivities. Supervises, directly or through subordinate supervisors, all wark of the 5ection; assigns and reviews work; coaches and develops employees; evaluates performance. Establish policies, procedures, standards, pricing, etc., for pro�rams, services and facilities. Manages major projects for new services, facilities and /or partnerships. Secures public and private funding; works with community and neighborhood groups, business community and advocacy groups; establishes cooperative relationships. Manages Division Environmental and Legislative Prograuis; represents the Division at the legislature. Manages contracts and agreements necessary to carry out Section and Division operations. (DEPUTY DIRECTOR OF PARKS AND RECREATION (ADVISORY SPEC)) Page 1 of 2 Proposed Tifle of Class: KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, AB7LI'I�S, AND COMPETENCIES Code: 200B Bu: i� D �_�tc? - Effective: Considerable lmowledge of the pazks and recreation services, trends and pracrices. Considerable knowledge of legislative process. Considerabie knowledge of personnel practices, Civil Service rules, labor contracts, policies, procedures and laws. Considerable latowledge of environmental procedwes and practices. Considerable knowledge of project management and the ability to develop, manage and evaluate projects. Considerable abiliTy to work with the D'uector to lead the Division and problem solvs. Considerable ability ta set priorities and to manage multiQle priorifies and deadlines effectively. Considerable ability to manage a major Section, including multiple programs, budgets, facil3ties and/or staff and volunteers. Considerable ability to represent the Division in legislative, private fundraising and business settings. Considerable ability to organize and communicate information effectively, orally and in writing. Considerable ability to create par[nerships with community, business and academic organizations. Considerable ability to influence legislative process. Considerable ability to work with high profile funders and gain their conf'idence. Considerable ability to analyze and solve complex problems. Considerable ability to comprehend and administer laws, ordinances, contracts and rules and regulafions. Considerable ability to devlop and maintain cooperative working relationships. Considerable ability to generate revenue through grants, user fees and other sources to fund non-general fund acfivities. Considerable abiliTy to organize, plan, direct and evaluate the work of others. biINIMUM QUALTFICATIONS Bachelor's degree wittt ma}or course work in Pazks and Recreation Administration, Public Administrarion, Landscape Architecture, Envuonmental Sciences or related fieId AND 5 yeazs of Public Administration experience, 3 of which relate to the field of Pazks and Recrearion. �DEPUTY AIRECTOR OP PARKS AND RECREATION IADVISOItY SPEC)1 Page 2 of 2 � CLASSIFICA'�ION STUDY REPORT Class Studied: Incumbent: Department: Date Stadied: Studied By: Deputy Director of Parks and Recreation (new title) Incumbent curren�ly holds provisional title of Program Administrator Liz Anderson Division of Parks and Recreation March, 2001 Lisa McKeown APPROVAL OF THE CLASSIFICATION �ND COMPENSATION LEADER: BACKGROiJND The Department of Parks and Recreation employs at its highest management levels a Parks and . Recreation Director, then a Provisional Program Administrator, then six Park and Recreation Managers. In 1999 the Pazks and Recreation Managers were upgraded from SPSO grade 23 to grade 26. Because of this, the Pazks and Recreation Managers ate at the same grade as the position studied. Also in 1999, the Parks and Recreation Director (formerly Superintendent of Parks and Recreation) was placed in the unclassified service at grade 32 of Non-represented City Managers, Employee Group 17. On 8l23f99, the provisional appointment was made to the Program Administrator posirion. The Director believes that the duties performed by this position are at a higher level than those of the Parks and Recreation Managers, therefore, the Parks and Recreation Director asked that the Office of Huuiaii Resources conduct a study of the position in order to determine appropriate classification and compensation. STUDY COMPONENTS at-'�Oy Review of the job profile completed by the incumbent of the posirion Interview with incumbent of position Comparison to related classifications and positions. QES evaluation and analysis. DATE: � — � Z - � J POSITION DESCRTPTION This position assists the Director in canying out the mission, goals and vision of the division and manages the environmental and legislative programs of the Division of Pazks and Recreation. This position assumes the Director's responsibilities for the day-to-day management of the Division and at public meetings in his absence. The position manages, directs and operates the Como Zoo and Conservatory Campus and works under the general supervision of the Director. Typical Duties Performed: Assists Parks and Recreation Director in carrying out the mission, vision and goals of the Division and assumes the Dixector's responsibities for the day-to-day management of the Division in his/her absence. Dixects the overall operation of a section of the Parks and Recreation Division. (Currently the position is directing the overall operation of the Como Zoo and Conservatory Campus.) Manages Section budgets and multiple programs and activities. Manages human resources to deliver services to the public and support Division activities. Supervises, directly or through subordinate supervisors, all work of the Section, assigns and reviews wark; coaches and develops employees; evaluates performance. Establish policies, procedures, standards, pricing, etc., for programs, services and facilities. Manages major projects for new services, facilities and !or partnerships. Secures public and private funding; works with community and neighborhood groups, business community and advocacy groups; establishes cooperative relationships. Manages Division Environmental and Legislative Programs; represents the Division at the State legislature. o�-yor Manages contracts and agreements necessary to carry out Section and Division operations. �j-��` CLASSIFICATION COMPARISON Titles with similaz QES points to the position sludied include Treasury Manager and Assistant Fire Chief. Both of these positions aze responsible for inauaging a section or sections of their Division. These positions also have a lugh level of responsibility for representing the Division. The Treasury Manager develops treasury-related legislation, and testifies before the City Council and State legislature wluch is similar to the position studied. The Treasury Manager is paid at grade 29 of SPSO. The Assistant Fire Cluef is paid at grade 28 of Non-regresented City Managers group. There is current recommendafion to upgrade this posifion to grade 30 of the Non-represented City Managers group. COMPARISON TO OTHER POSITIONS The position studied has some overlap in responsibilities and duties with both positions allocated to Parks and Recreation Manager as well as Parks and Recreation Director. The position studied is responsible for managing one section of the Division of Parks and Recreation which is similaz to a Parks and Recreation Manager responsibility. The position represents the Division at Legislature and at public meetings which is similar to the Parks and Recreation Director responsibility. The position also has the responsibilities of the Parks and Recreation Director when tha Director is unavailable which occurs appro�mately 2- 4 days per month. The job specification for Program Admiinistrator does not accurately reflect the position being studied. BARGAINING iJNIT REPRESENTATION The position manages a section of the Pazks and Recreation Division and supervises, directly and through other supervisors, 57 people year round and an addifional 10-15 during the suminer. The position also has access to information used in collective bargaining since it works closely with the Parks and Recreation Director. Because of ttie confidential nature of the position, it is recommended the position be part of Employee Group 17 (Non-Represented City IVlanagers). UNCLASSIFIED VS. CLASSIFIED The position studied reports d'uectly to the Pazks and Recreation Director. The positfon has the responsiblity of acting on behalf of the Pazks and Recreafion Director as we11 as the Mayor's Office while working to secure public and private funding and warking with community and neighborhood groups, the business community, advocacy groups and the State legislature. Because of the nature of the position, it is recommended that the posirion be unclassified. QES EVALUATION The QES analysis supports assigning the position to grade 29 of the Non-represented City Managers, Employee Crroup 17, Salary Schedule. L7��II]y Iui �►17�1 �(7►1 It is recommended that the position titled Deputy D'uector of Pazks and Recreation be created in the unclassified service and compensated in grade 29 of the Non-represented City Managers, Employee Group 17, Salary Schedule. G:\Shazed\Team1�LISA\CLASSIF\liz.anderson.park.dep.dir\study.wpd .Ql V�� -s � 1:� � O1-��� �i�l^f �= 1 . . . . , r ������ City ofi Saint Paul City Council Research 310 C+ty Hal{ Saint Paul, MN 55102 (651)266-8564 INTER-DEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM DATE: TO: :�u SLTBJECT: May 14, 2001 Linda Crosby Human Resources 400 City Hall Annex ,f � Nancy Anderson l� City Council Resolution No. 01-402 I am forwarding to you the original resolution, Council File No. 01-402, adopted by the City Council on May 9, 2001, for Civil Service Commission approval (it has not been signed by the Mayor). Please return to me when it has been signed by the Civil Service Commission. If you have any quesrions, please contact me at 266-8564. Thanks. a NA Attachment: 1- Original Council Resolution 3 -��C A, 'L7 � b w 3'� '" A-C:n Z 1 .�� �t7 �...,.� t'.; � �� _.. � � �-i._ ' �C S �4: c'z � (Tkr �