01-401Council File # � ��ti"�O l Ordinance # ORDINANCE Presented By Green Sheet # 1�O l g� i CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 30 Referred To Committee: Date 2 0 6 7 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 An ordinance amending Chapter 60 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to zoning for the Ciry of Saint Paul and the zoning maps thereo£ WHEREAS, Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes §462357 and §64.400 of the Legislative Code, Metzger Building Materials duly petitioned to rezone 763 and 765 Bradley Street, being legally described as Lot 8 and the north half of Lot 9, Block 14, Stinson's Addition, from RT-1 to I-1 to permit outside storage of inetal framing for drywall, the petition having been certified by the Planning D'avision on December 20, 2000, as having been consented to by at least 67 percent of the owners of the area to be rezoned, and further having been consented to by at least two-thirds of the owners of the property situated within 100 feet of the total contiguous properiy within one year preceding the date of the petition; and WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Pianning Commission held a public hearing on January 18, 2001, for the purpose of considering the rezoning petition, and pursuant to § 107.03 of the Administrative Code, submitted its recommendation to the Piaiuiiug Coxnmission that the petition be granted; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission considered the rezoning petition at its meeting held on January 26, 2001, and recommended that the City Council approve the petition; and WITEREAS, notice of public hearing before the City Council on said rezoning petition was duly published in the official newspaper of the City on January 25, 2001, and notices were duly mailed to each owner of affected property and property situated wholly or partly within 350 feet or the properry sought to be rezoned; and WHEREAS, a public hearing before the City Council having been conducted on February 7, 2001, at which a11 interested parties were given an opportunity to be heazd, the Council having considered all the facts and recommendafions concerning the petition; now, therefore THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAlNT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. 33 That the zoning map of the City of Saint Paul, Sheet Number 13, as incorporated by reference in §60.301 of 34 the Saint Pau1 Legislative Code, as amended, is hereby fiu�ther amended as follows: � �� ����" � � °�`� 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 That the properiy at 763 and 765 BRADLEY STREET, being more particularly described as: Lot 8 and the north half of Lot 9, Block 14, Stinson's Addition be and is hereby rezoned from RT-1 to I-1. Section 2. Q l—�W\ This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thiriy (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. Requested by Department of: Adopted by Council: Date a40"\ . Adoption Certified by Council Sec ry By: ����. � \`�---a� - Approved by Mayor: Date �j_��///y/ {T (iN/r � By: ` 7 Plannina & ECOnomiC DeveloPment BY:w _ , /� �k4`^' l Form Approved by City Attorney B `�iSc� '�i - 2� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council g � � ��� �' 2 9 �i7 nErauim�iv�rio�zce✓covrrcn.: DATE s�1TjATED GREEN SHEET l�io.• llolss PED -East Team April 3, 2001 ' �_� CONTACI' PERSON & PHONE: TE INIi'7ALmATE Patricia James 266-6639 � z nEr.vrrn�r�T nm a Mnrox �ox nssT.� M[JST BE ON COUNCII, AGENDA BY (DATE) �IGN 3 CITY ATTORNEY 5 CITY COUNCII, A ri125 2001 NuMR� — CTTY CLERK P � FOR FiNANCIAL SERV DIl2. ROUTING _ ��CSAL SERVfACCTG oxnEx i Amy Filice�_ TOTAL # OF SIGNAITIRE PAGES 1_(CLIP ALL LOCATiONS FOR SIGNATURE) ncriox �QUES�n: Adoption of rezoning ordinance. RECOMI�4ENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAI. SERVICE CON112ACT5 MIJST ANSR'ER TAE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: A PLANNING COM��IISSION 1. Has this pecsonlfimi evec worked under a conhact for this depactcnent? CIB COMVIIII'EE Yes No CI'VIL SERVICE COMPvIISSION 2. fias this persrnJfum ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/firtn possess a skill not normally possessed by any curzent ciTy employee? Yes No Eaplain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INITL4TING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORI'[JNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Adopt an ordinance to fmalize council approval of a pefition of Metzger Building Materials to rezone properiy at 763 and 765 Bradley from RT-1 to I-1 to permit outside storage of inetal framing for drywall (public hearing held February 7, 2001) �`OG��'�'��'�tp�� ���cn"� � � `� 2��� �; :, - ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: Property will be rezoned per city council decision DISADVANTA6E5IF APPROVED: None ,4PR 0 5 �"Q�? �� � � �� �� �1TY �4TTORNEY � DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: Rezoning will not take effect TOTAL AMOIIN'P OF TRANSACTION: $ 0 COSTlREVEPiI1E BUDGETED: F'UNDING SOURCE: ACTIVYTY NLIMBER: FdNANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAl1V) K�\Shar��PedVAMES1ZONING\00153630 Mevgageen shcet wpd � DEPAR'fMEN'C OF PLANNINC� & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Pome7n Wfr¢elocY, Directo> d\—`��� �a CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor J3IIll3TS' 23� 2001 Ms. Nancy Anderson City Council Research Office Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Deaz Ms. Anderson: �.,\o� I would like to confirm that a public hearing before the City Council is scheduled for Wednesday February ?, 2001, for the fo]lowing zoning case: Applicant: METZGER BUILDING MATERIALS File Number: #00-153430 Purpose: Rezoning from RT-1 to I-1 to use property for outside storage of inetal framing for drywall Address: 'Jb3 and 765 Bradley Street Legal Description of Property: Lot $ and the north half of lot 9, Block 14, Stinson's Addition Previous Action: Planning Commission Recommendation January 26, 2001 �"� Zoning Committee Recommendation: Approval, January 18, 2001 � My understanding is that this public heazing request will appear on p.he agenda for the �/� 3a�e�a� 2001, City Councii meeting and that you will publish any required notice of the hearing in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger. Please call me at 266-6639 if you have any questions. / ��„ � s%� - �l/ -. Patricia James City Plannei cc: File# 00-153430 Cazol Martineau Panl Dubruiel Telephone: 611-266-6655 Focsimi7e: 672128-326I � ,. �� II , ��msi'[roir� � �01�(�OP"�B�C�REAitIIiG._� - "The SaArrt-Panl Cit,� �Council u�511�con- duct a public he.azing on�Wednesday. February 7; Z001 �at 5:30 p.m. iri the dty Gouncil Chambers, 71�ird Floor.City �Ha11- Courthouse, 15 West Ifellogg Boulevard, &at�it Panl, MN, �o consideF the application of bIBtzger Butldifi �1oTateiials to - t�zone property at 76$ and 765 Sradiey Street and RT-i, to I-1 to use for outside stocage of inefal framii�ig for drywell. Dated: Jamiarg 23, 2007 ��. . � - .. NANCY,ANAERSON , Assistant (,tity,Cauntlt Secretary . - . . � - =_- fJanuax�.251: . - . l -S'�' PAIR. B@GA4IF.�C�.'R j 0203�75�_:. - " ' ` ' _ ` � , 25 West Fourth Street SaintPaul, MN55102 w" DEPARTMENT OF PIrINNING & ECONOMlC DEVELOPMENT Brian Sweexey, Directar CTI'Y OF SAINi' PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor 7anuary 31, 2001 Ms. Nancy Anderson Secretary to the City Council Room 310 Ciry Hall Saint Paul, MN 55102 � � 25 Wur Fourlh Sueet Saint Pau1, MN 55702 �l- �f�l Telephone: 651266-6626 Farsimile: 657-228-3341 RE: Zoning File #00-153430 METZGER BUILDING MATERIALS City Council Hearing: February 7, 2001, 5:30 p.m. Ciry Council Chambers PURPOSE: Rezone from RT-1 to I-1 to use properiy for outside storage of inetal framing for drywall. PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION: APPROVAL vote: unanimous ZONING COMMITTEE RECOMMEI3DATION: APPROVAL vote: 6- 0 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval SUPPORT: None OPPOSITION: None Dear Ms. Anderson: METZGER BUILDING MAT'ERIALS has petitioned to rezone property at 763 and 765 Bradley St. from RT-1 (2-family residential) to I-1 (Industrial) for use as outside storage of inetal framing for drywall. The Zoning Cammittee of the Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the petition on January 18, 2001. Staff presented a regort recommending approval. The property owner spoke in support. There was no other testunony. At the close of the public hearing the committee voted 6- 0 to recommend approval of the rezoning. The Planning Commission upheld the Zoning Committee's recommendation for approval on a unanimous vote on January 26, 2001. This rezoning is scheduled to be heard by the Ciry Council on February 7, 2001. Please call me at 266- 6639 if there are any questions. 5inc ly, � Patricia James City Planner Attactunents cc: File # 00-153430 , City Councilmembers 01 � � � city of saint paul planning commission resolution file number o�-o� date 1-26-01 WI�REAS, Metzger Building Materials has petitioned to rezone property at 763 and 765 Bradley Street from RT-1 to I-1 for outside storage of inetai framing for drywall; and WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Pianning Commission, on January 18, 2001, held a public hearing at which all persons present were given an opportunity to be heard pursuant to said petition in accordance with the requirements of Section 64.300 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code; and WHEREAS, the Saint Pau! Planning Commission, based on the evidence presented to its Zoning Committee at the public hearing as substantially reflected in the minutes, made the following findings of fact: l. � 5. � Metzger Building Materials Company is proposing to expand their outdoor storage of metal framing for drywall. To do this they need to purchase and rezone the vacant lot at 765 Bradley, which is currently owned by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority and is immediately south of one of their existing buildings. The two properties south of 765 Bradley (763 or 0 Bradley and 757 Bradley) aze currently owned by Metzger Building Materials Co. 763/0 Bradley is vacant; there is a residential structure at 757 Bradley. Metzger proposes to split the 763 Bradley lot in half and attach each half to the adjacent north and south lots. The lot split is being reviewed by zoning staff and must be approved before this rezoning can proceed. The new, Iarger parcei at 765 Bradley is proposed for rezoning to I-1 for use as outdoor storage of drywall framing. As a condition of the sale, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority is requiring that certain restrictions be placed on the deeds of 765 and 757 Bradley. These restrictions . require that the oid 763 Bradley property be used as a landscaped buffer beriveen the expanded storage use on 765 and the house on 757. §62.108(fl of the zoning code authorizes the zoning administratoz to permit outdoor storage withing 300 feet of a residential district or dweiling provided that: (i) a visual screen, a minimum of 6 feet in height is placed between the outdoor storage and the residential district or use; moved by_ seconded by Eield in favor Unanimous against Zoning File # 00-153-430 Page 2 of Resolution (2) The zoning administrator has considered the location and design of the outdoor storage area and visuai screen in relation to any pIans or guidelines approved by the city council and in relation to the design chazacter and building materials of adjacent residential azeas; and (3) The zoning administrator has notified by mail the properiy owners withing 350 feet of the outdoor storage azea at least 10 days before the administrator is to approve the site plan and has considered the property owners' comments. • 7. §64.400 allows an amendment to ihe zoning code to be initiated by petition of the owners of 67% of the azea of the property fo be rezoned. The rezoning petition must be accompanied by the consent of 67% of the property owners within 100 feet of the pmperty to be rezoned. The applicarrt's petition was determined to be sufftcient as follows: pazcels eligible = 25; parcels required =17; pazcels signed = 22. 8. The Railroad Island Pian, part of the comprehensive plan, calls for buffer zones to be constructed to mitigate land use conflicts where residential properties abut industrial uses. The proposed rezoning and deed restrictions will accomplish this. 9. The proposed reuse is consisYent with the way the azea has developed and will not have an adverse impact on the surrounding azea. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that based on fmdings 1-9, the Saint Paul Planning � Commission recommends to the City Council that the rezonin� of Lot 8 and the north half of Lot 9, Block 14, Stinson's Addition to I-1 be approved. • o t,q�� u ZONING COMIVIITTEE STAFF REPORT 1. 2. FILE # 00-153-430 APPLICANT: Metzger Building Materials Co. DATE OF HEARING: 1l18101 CLASSIFICATION: Rezoning 3. LOCATION: 763 and 765 Bradley Sueet (West side betrveen Bush and Minnehaha) 4. PLANNING DISTRICT: 5(Raikoad Island neighborhood) 5. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 8 and the north half of Lot 9, Block 14, Stinson's Add'ation 6. PRESENT ZOPIING: RT-1 ZONING CODE REFERENCE: §64.400; §60.420; § 60.610; §62.108(fl 7. STAFF INVESTIGATION AND REPORT: DATE: Januazy 8, 2001 BY: Patricia James • • S. DATE RECEIVED: 12/11/00 DEADLINE FOR ACTION: 2I9I01 A. PURPOSE: Rezone from RT-1 to I-1 to use property for outside storage of inetai framing for drywall PARCEL SIZE: 59.95 ft. (Bradley) x 12237 ft. = 7336.08 sq. ft. B. EXISTING LAND IISE: vacant C. SURROUNDING LAND USE: North: Building supply business (I-1) East: Building supply business; residential (I-1, RT-1) South: Residential (RT-1) West: Residential(RT-1) D. ZOl�iING CODE CITATION: §64.400 outlines the process for amending the zoning code; §60.420 describes uses perxnitted in the RT-1 zoning district; § 60.610 describes uses permitted in the I-1 zoning district; §62.108(fl establishes conditions under which the zoning administrator may permit outdoor storage within 3Q0 feet of a residential district. E. F DISTRICT COiJNCIL RECOMMENDAI"ION: No recommendation has been received as of the preparation of this staff report. FINDINGS: , (. Metzger Building Mateziais Company is proposing to expand their outdoor storage of metal framing for drywall. To do this they need to purchase and rezone the vacant lot Zoning File # 00-153-430 January 8, 2001 page 2 Y � at 765 Bradley, which is currently owned by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority and is immediately south of one of their e�cisting buildings. 2. The two properties south of 765 Bradley (763 or 0 Bradley and 757 Bradley) aze currentlq owned by Metzger Building Materiais Co. 763/0 Bradley is vacant; there is a residential structure at 757 Bradley. 3. Metzger proposes to split the 763 Bradley lot in half and attach each half to the adjacent north and south lots. The lot split is being xeviewed by zoning staff and must be approved before this rezoning can proceed. 4. The new, larger pa�+cel at 765 Bradley is proposed for rezoning to I-1 for use as outdoor storage of drywall framing. 5. As a condition of the sale, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority is requiring that certain restrictions be placed on the deeds of 765 and 757 Bradley. These restrictions require that the oid 763 Bradley properiy be used as a landscaped buffer between the expanded storage use on 765 and the house on 757. 6. §62.108(fl of the zoning code authorizes the zoning administrator to pernut outdoor storage withing 300 feet of a residential districT or dwelling provided that: (1) a visual screen, a muumum of 6 feet in height is placed between the ouYdoor storage and the residential district or use; (2) The zoning administrator has considered the location and design of the outdoor storage area and visual screen in relation to any plans or guidelines approved by � the city council and in relation to the design chazacter and building materials of adjacent residential azeas; and (3) The zoning admitustrator has notzfied by mail the properly owners withing 350 feet of the outdoor storage azea at least 10 days before the administrator is to approve the site plan and has considered the property owners' comments. 7. §64,400 allows an amendment to the zoning code to be initiated bq petition of the owners of 67% of the azea of the property to be rezoned. The rezoning petition must be accompanied by the consent of 67% of the property owners within l OQ feeY of the ., ppli ' p tion was determined to be sufficient as 8. The Razlro d Island Plan, part of the compre _��� p �eels sig�ed,- 22 ,, ant s eh P g� — q — hensive lan, calls for buffer zones to be constructed to mitigate land use conflicts where residential properhes abut mdustnal uses. The proposed rezoning and deed restrictions will accomplish this. 9. The proposed reuse is consistent with the way the area has developed and will not have an adverse impact on the surrounding area. 9 H. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Based on findings 1-}�, staff recommends approval of the rezoning of Lot 8 and the north hatf of Lot 9, Block 14, Stinson's Addition to I-1. � qLG-31-1998 15�A9 PE� PETiT1DN TO AMENL3 TH� ZONtNGr CQDE • � DepartmenY ojPlaani+:g cnd Economi` Denelopmeni Zorurcg Sectiaa 7100 Ciiy Hall �3nnex 23 West Faurtlt Streer Saint Paul, MN SSI01 2b�5589 APFL(CAt+t'F PropeCty Ownar �1���Q�l JL41 A/6r k Gontact persan (if difierent) �� �+ti � tTiTiQ� PRO?fRTY AddressJloca!ion `F63�'�`6S f.traa!¢y Si• � LOCA7tON �egai descr}ption tafiach additiona! sheet N nectssaM TO 7HE HONORABL� MiAYOR A�{D C17Y COUNC{t�: Pursuant to 9ection 64.400 of the SainY Peul2oning Ordinance and to Section d62.367(5) ofi � Minnesota Siatuws, el e.r Bld„� lkaftc_ /n. , the owner of ail the land proposed for rezoning, hereby petition you to rezane the above descri8ed property from a /ZT^,� zaning district to a.T — I zoning district, fac the purpase of: 6�� s,d�- s� �� a� .� d�r-� ,—��, f���<��� -� �`'y�v'k�r �i�S�', S�E' �F r!'r / �� �'esTr��� � ���h s. {attach stldittona! sheet{s) if necess ry} '� Art�cl±ments: R?quired ane plan/L� Consent petltion'L`Y Affidavlt , Subscribed and swom to be#ore e this �'f� day af ����� �c� 6512283261 P.H:�.'11 Di-kol � C������� � � �, � r��i �-yQ.�.'� Fee n=� af property t'ba7elhal sLo• n r-- Titie: �` c¢ I'� PI �Cl e-•%9 Page 7 of n `._J z._ .�.. �'`° � � rrt �_JNDELL `� '.,G4�'�'i�igt'�C-MINNESOTA :?A� ;:CyMMi5S10N � e`,:�;�irS lAN.37.20U5 ran-a ��<<�.h�;rz-�' 1����r CERTIF'ICATE OF SURVEY FOR� JOHN MEfZGER 768 Brac9ey Streat St PaW, 6M1 55101 EXIST6VG DESCR�710M1t Lots 8, 9 and 72, Biock 14,. S7INSON"S AD�ITION TO THE C(N OF SAWT PAUL MINNESOTA, ROmsey County, Minnesola. Paoaosm oESCr�ranorvs PARCEL A Lot 8 antl [he North Halt of lo 9. Block 14. STINSON'S ADDIiION 70 THE CITY OF SAINT PA(1L M1NNE507A, Romsey County, Minnesota. PARCEL 8 Lo[ 12 and the South Holf ot Lo[ 9. Block 14, STINSON'S ADDITION TO THE CITY OF SAIN PAUL MINNESOTA, Romsey County. Minnesota. R�5 1 R:D R�S 74946 Y a N 0 z � Im � EASIING NETAI BUILDWG _ I �-------�J \ `"&�N�US PARroNL & ORIyEWAY__ •� 3' iRiPLE IftEE N8959��S�E iF2EE f " SMkUB S �p - -9,p – — i1z O�a� `�< _ �T 12Z.45 meas. PROPOSED D�N90N LINE--,�'9 Sou11� fne el II�e N t/3 ot lot 9—� E�Sr ' 7Y2.47 mrox � NdN Ihe of lhe 5 1/2 of Cot 9� 2 i ` V _ _ ' 122 PIOI �� _ P 122.50 meas� P ewsmvc �+ouse �� �� iREE ,� �Ll TREE � vJ � iREE � Q W �' ��' r � -- .- P�� T �%' L�J SEt "Y Pp --i � - {22%mms , —.� Q IY2 Plal : / ' � T '. N8959'04 ' �(ISi1NC � 14' TREE — ' � H6USE I �� z %� — �� I . a �; ¢ U � I � I I `• , �NO — _ _ _ FND R�5 23500 � �R�S 233p0 1 1.•,' I FI1� RLS 23300 � __ _ _ ^ � FND RLS 23300 ��$' • Deno[es iron monument fnd O Denotes iron monument set or "X" morked Beo�ings are assumed � � � i • • L�T 1 EXISTING BUILDING L ❑ T 4 � � w J J Q LOT s I '� ! CArITI�I�/E� fE � i I �_ '� . i' L O T 8 765 Bttq��eY sr. PROPOSED FENCE SbT BA�fC: WEZT ALLEY e EA57 yI�E Wr.6x " TO 6E DCTERMIt�ED �Y GiM [AoE _� � fjEICYNT: TO BE �ETERMINED 6Y G7Y COD£—�, D�SU21Y'�ION:��+AiN LINK�✓i{V VINES (PE�n%s ..Ar+..s E 6«:y� PR�POSED RETAINING WALL r#eic-r�4r. ro 8E �ersRr+��nlEn s✓ TERRkIrI /GiTY Co�e / �lNO - SCAAEtNU CbNSRkGSOR. DESGRIP SEC AT(ALttcD Btb HUFf£R Z.ONE L 0 T 9 LOT 12 EXSSiiNG HOUSE � �1-��� I ZJ� t, • o �-��=� • . CITIZEN PARTICIPATIO DI RICTS 1.SUNRAY-BATTLECREEK-HI6HWOOD 2.GREATER EAST SIDE 3.WEST SIDE 4.DAYTON'S BLUFf YNE-PHALEN . ORTH END I.THOMAS-QALE 8.SUMMIT-UNIVERSITY 9.WEST SEVENTH lO.COMO 11.HAMlINE-MIDWAY 12.ST. ANTHONY 13.MERRIAM PK.-LEXINGTON HAMLINE • 14.GROVELANO-MACALESTER � 15.HIGHLAND 16.SUMMIT HILL 17.DOWN70WN CITIZEN PARTICIPATION PLANNING DISTRICTS � � � � :� L�f�(���7 ,.�l1..� ---� L � � - >. ..' � 'Y . V` .,. - � OI '�� ° , 1 h� "'Cr (�_ ' � � U S H`''�, °l < s) � ° O a �" t-- o > o 0 o � w =o= o ° o r�� ��� �� � 0 ��� _� � -� ' ���� o � � � � �� � � . 4 � �� • . � � .. • e � �� ��:: � �-.,�1 T ui �.. .��� ,�� ; _ � • � � �!?� � �� � `� � � � • G� � � '� �: � �� � • _ . m� v -<J- I V . ��• � � •, ` � s � � � � 1 � • C.'� � A � ❑ C � � � L - �/CY �Q Ttrr� � APPLICF�":T l � �j �� �"' � GEND —T---- ` Q�Z '�� � y`� ` .....r.,..�..,� zoniny distri-t Lrour�da:Y P OSE.__� '�'� — �� Ff� DATE /�'��' O � � subjed propart/ "'rorih=° 'WG. DIS7_�— MAP n r� ��� o on� lami4y •�^ comma:c:': � ¢ pr�p iaRtily 8 �-=x- i�du,r,.i:;', �- �� � em ' b,�-Q mulliple f8tnit� V vac3�': February 5, 2001 752 Bradley Street St. Paul, Minnesota 55125 Zoning Office- Patricia 7ames, PED City of 5aint Paul Planning & Economic Devt. 1400 City Hall Annex 25 west Fourth Street Saint Paul, Ivlinnasota 55102-1634 To Whom It May Concern, Z o� � � �e c�� .� �J C� l'7-�� `bt `Z Z o��S��3p O �-��1 We are writing to you to express our opposition to the rezoning from RT-1 to I-1 to use proQerty for outside storage of inetal framing for drywall at 763 & 765 Bradley, between Bush &r Minnehaha by Metzger Buildiag Materials Company. As ]ong-time, single-family dwelling properiy owners on Bradley Street, we have multiple concems regazding the use of this property for the proposed intention of storage eapansion and I-1 zoning which include the following: • the decrease of property values for the home owners on Bradley Street and surrounding area by adding more I-1 development • the dangers which involve the increased volume of tra�c by large hauling-type vehicles due to the increased volume of inetal framing in the proposed addition • the increased risk factor for inner city children living on Bradley Street and s�uxounding streets due to the increased traffic by the large hauling vehicles • the increased noise levei as a result of increased business traffic We understand that a Rezoning Hearing Date is scheduled for Wednesday, February 7, 2001 at 5:30 p.m. in the Ciry Council Chambers, 3` Floor City Hall of the Court House. Please allow this letter to be submitted as public record in opposition of this proposed rezoning in the event of my absence from this meeting. We wouid be very appreciative if we could be contacYed at your earliest convenience with updates on the February 7th Rezoning meeting and any subsequent developments regazding Rezorung in our neighborhood. Thank you, �� � �I'�-c � E��Q� . G C�C��E��s � �Se. �'{ �U/��/LYi�/ �ttC`CiI�L''i�) � -- --- _�_ ._ _ ' Nancy Anderson� 00 153-430feb7-01cchn.wpd _ �, _ _ ,._.. . _ ._ .. , . _ ..._.,._._ ... ____,__ __ __ ?age 1 STPAULCITYCOWi CII. ratli� s�g xos� CRYOFSAINiPAUL Ih.ptotPi�meand F a�cDcoelopmat Plroam (651) 2666589 Fu (65t)22&3220 FII,E # oo-lss-aso PLI2POSE: Aezoniag Gom RT-I to I-I to use pmpeRy for oufsid¢ sWrage of inetal framing for drywall. PROPERTY ADDRESS: 763 &'765 Bradley; between Bush & Mime6aha AYPLICAN'L: Metzger Building Mazedals Company HEARING DATE: Wedsesdav Februarv 7.2000, at 530 p.m. All public heacings are held in Ciry Council Chambets, 3'� F7oor City Hall - Co�ut House, 15 W. Kellogg Boulevard. You may send writtea commenis to the Zouing Office at the address listed on the reverse side of this card Please cal] Pahicia 7ame, PED, at (651)26b6639, or yow District Comcil Representative at (651) 7745234 ifyou Lave any questions. MIDiled:126l01 I� ��I ���� Public Hearing Notice ST PAUL CITY COUNCII. CITYOFSAWTPAUG Dty� ofPimnwg avd EcouomicDCVdopmcvt Pho�' (65t) 2fifi4589 Pac: (651) 229-3220 FII,E # # 00-153-a3o PURPOSE: Rewniug from RT-I to bl to use p�operry for outside storage of inecal4amiug for drywall. PROPERTY ADDRESS: 763 & 765 Bradley; behveen Bush & Mi�nehaha APPLICANL: Meager Building Materiais Company HEARING DATE: Wednestlav Februarv 7. 2000, at 5:30 o.m. Alt public heazina are held in City Council Chambexs, 3' F400: City Hall - Couct Aouez, IS W. Kellogg Boulevazd. You may und written comments to the Zoning Office az the address listed on the reverse s�de ofthis cazd. Pleue call Paaicia James, PED, at (651)266-6639, or yow District Couacil Rapreseniavve a[ (651) 774-5234 ifyou have any questions. February 5, 2001 752 Bradley Street St. Paul, Minnesota 55125 • Zoning Office- Patricia James, PED City of Saint Paui Planning & Economic Devt. 1400 City Hall Annex 25 west Fourth Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102-1634 To Whom It May Concem, z o R� r,� (�S �t C.�.e� � e t°r�. � 7Z oolS��3p ot-Yo{ We nre writing to yon to ezpress our opposition to the rezoning from RT-1 to I-1 to use property for ontside storage of inetal framing for drywall at 763 &?65 Bradley, between Bush & Minnehaha by Metzger Building Materials Company. As long-time, single-family dwelling properry owners on Bradley Street, we have multiple concerns regarding the use of this property for the proposed intention of storage expansion and I-1 zoning which include the following: • the decrease of properry values for the home owners on Bradley Straet and surrounding area by adding more I-1 development • the dangers which involve the increased volume of traffic by large hauling-type vehicles due to the � increased volume of inetal framing in the proposed addition • the increased risk factor for inner city children living on Bradley Street and surrounding streets due to the increased traffic by the lazge hauling vehicles • the increased noise level as a resnit of increased business uaffic We understand that a Rezoning Hearing Date is scheduled for Wednesday, Februaty 7, 20Q i at 5:30 g.m. in the City Council Chambers, 3� Floor City Hall of the Court House. Please allow this letter to be snbmitted as public record in opposition of this proposed rezoning in the event of my absence from this meeting. We would be very appreciative if we could be contacted at your earliest convenience with updates on the February 7th Rezoning meeting and atty subsequent developments regarding iZezoning in our neighborhood. Thank you, ` f `!.t-c G� E'-r� ,. i �,LJZ, - G��.tG -GCC�`iG��E��- � Se�� ,�'�'/i� �u�c ir�e(j �, Council File # � ��ti"�O l Ordinance # ORDINANCE Presented By Green Sheet # 1�O l g� i CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 30 Referred To Committee: Date 2 0 6 7 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 An ordinance amending Chapter 60 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to zoning for the Ciry of Saint Paul and the zoning maps thereo£ WHEREAS, Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes §462357 and §64.400 of the Legislative Code, Metzger Building Materials duly petitioned to rezone 763 and 765 Bradley Street, being legally described as Lot 8 and the north half of Lot 9, Block 14, Stinson's Addition, from RT-1 to I-1 to permit outside storage of inetal framing for drywall, the petition having been certified by the Planning D'avision on December 20, 2000, as having been consented to by at least 67 percent of the owners of the area to be rezoned, and further having been consented to by at least two-thirds of the owners of the property situated within 100 feet of the total contiguous properiy within one year preceding the date of the petition; and WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Pianning Commission held a public hearing on January 18, 2001, for the purpose of considering the rezoning petition, and pursuant to § 107.03 of the Administrative Code, submitted its recommendation to the Piaiuiiug Coxnmission that the petition be granted; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission considered the rezoning petition at its meeting held on January 26, 2001, and recommended that the City Council approve the petition; and WITEREAS, notice of public hearing before the City Council on said rezoning petition was duly published in the official newspaper of the City on January 25, 2001, and notices were duly mailed to each owner of affected property and property situated wholly or partly within 350 feet or the properry sought to be rezoned; and WHEREAS, a public hearing before the City Council having been conducted on February 7, 2001, at which a11 interested parties were given an opportunity to be heazd, the Council having considered all the facts and recommendafions concerning the petition; now, therefore THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAlNT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. 33 That the zoning map of the City of Saint Paul, Sheet Number 13, as incorporated by reference in §60.301 of 34 the Saint Pau1 Legislative Code, as amended, is hereby fiu�ther amended as follows: � �� ����" � � °�`� 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 That the properiy at 763 and 765 BRADLEY STREET, being more particularly described as: Lot 8 and the north half of Lot 9, Block 14, Stinson's Addition be and is hereby rezoned from RT-1 to I-1. Section 2. Q l—�W\ This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thiriy (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. Requested by Department of: Adopted by Council: Date a40"\ . Adoption Certified by Council Sec ry By: ����. � \`�---a� - Approved by Mayor: Date �j_��///y/ {T (iN/r � By: ` 7 Plannina & ECOnomiC DeveloPment BY:w _ , /� �k4`^' l Form Approved by City Attorney B `�iSc� '�i - 2� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council g � � ��� �' 2 9 �i7 nErauim�iv�rio�zce✓covrrcn.: DATE s�1TjATED GREEN SHEET l�io.• llolss PED -East Team April 3, 2001 ' �_� CONTACI' PERSON & PHONE: TE INIi'7ALmATE Patricia James 266-6639 � z nEr.vrrn�r�T nm a Mnrox �ox nssT.� M[JST BE ON COUNCII, AGENDA BY (DATE) �IGN 3 CITY ATTORNEY 5 CITY COUNCII, A ri125 2001 NuMR� — CTTY CLERK P � FOR FiNANCIAL SERV DIl2. ROUTING _ ��CSAL SERVfACCTG oxnEx i Amy Filice�_ TOTAL # OF SIGNAITIRE PAGES 1_(CLIP ALL LOCATiONS FOR SIGNATURE) ncriox �QUES�n: Adoption of rezoning ordinance. RECOMI�4ENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAI. SERVICE CON112ACT5 MIJST ANSR'ER TAE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: A PLANNING COM��IISSION 1. Has this pecsonlfimi evec worked under a conhact for this depactcnent? CIB COMVIIII'EE Yes No CI'VIL SERVICE COMPvIISSION 2. fias this persrnJfum ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/firtn possess a skill not normally possessed by any curzent ciTy employee? Yes No Eaplain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INITL4TING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORI'[JNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Adopt an ordinance to fmalize council approval of a pefition of Metzger Building Materials to rezone properiy at 763 and 765 Bradley from RT-1 to I-1 to permit outside storage of inetal framing for drywall (public hearing held February 7, 2001) �`OG��'�'��'�tp�� ���cn"� � � `� 2��� �; :, - ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: Property will be rezoned per city council decision DISADVANTA6E5IF APPROVED: None ,4PR 0 5 �"Q�? �� � � �� �� �1TY �4TTORNEY � DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: Rezoning will not take effect TOTAL AMOIIN'P OF TRANSACTION: $ 0 COSTlREVEPiI1E BUDGETED: F'UNDING SOURCE: ACTIVYTY NLIMBER: FdNANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAl1V) K�\Shar��PedVAMES1ZONING\00153630 Mevgageen shcet wpd � DEPAR'fMEN'C OF PLANNINC� & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Pome7n Wfr¢elocY, Directo> d\—`��� �a CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor J3IIll3TS' 23� 2001 Ms. Nancy Anderson City Council Research Office Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Deaz Ms. Anderson: �.,\o� I would like to confirm that a public hearing before the City Council is scheduled for Wednesday February ?, 2001, for the fo]lowing zoning case: Applicant: METZGER BUILDING MATERIALS File Number: #00-153430 Purpose: Rezoning from RT-1 to I-1 to use property for outside storage of inetal framing for drywall Address: 'Jb3 and 765 Bradley Street Legal Description of Property: Lot $ and the north half of lot 9, Block 14, Stinson's Addition Previous Action: Planning Commission Recommendation January 26, 2001 �"� Zoning Committee Recommendation: Approval, January 18, 2001 � My understanding is that this public heazing request will appear on p.he agenda for the �/� 3a�e�a� 2001, City Councii meeting and that you will publish any required notice of the hearing in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger. Please call me at 266-6639 if you have any questions. / ��„ � s%� - �l/ -. Patricia James City Plannei cc: File# 00-153430 Cazol Martineau Panl Dubruiel Telephone: 611-266-6655 Focsimi7e: 672128-326I � ,. �� II , ��msi'[roir� � �01�(�OP"�B�C�REAitIIiG._� - "The SaArrt-Panl Cit,� �Council u�511�con- duct a public he.azing on�Wednesday. February 7; Z001 �at 5:30 p.m. iri the dty Gouncil Chambers, 71�ird Floor.City �Ha11- Courthouse, 15 West Ifellogg Boulevard, &at�it Panl, MN, �o consideF the application of bIBtzger Butldifi �1oTateiials to - t�zone property at 76$ and 765 Sradiey Street and RT-i, to I-1 to use for outside stocage of inefal framii�ig for drywell. Dated: Jamiarg 23, 2007 ��. . � - .. NANCY,ANAERSON , Assistant (,tity,Cauntlt Secretary . - . . � - =_- fJanuax�.251: . - . l -S'�' PAIR. B@GA4IF.�C�.'R j 0203�75�_:. - " ' ` ' _ ` � , 25 West Fourth Street SaintPaul, MN55102 w" DEPARTMENT OF PIrINNING & ECONOMlC DEVELOPMENT Brian Sweexey, Directar CTI'Y OF SAINi' PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor 7anuary 31, 2001 Ms. Nancy Anderson Secretary to the City Council Room 310 Ciry Hall Saint Paul, MN 55102 � � 25 Wur Fourlh Sueet Saint Pau1, MN 55702 �l- �f�l Telephone: 651266-6626 Farsimile: 657-228-3341 RE: Zoning File #00-153430 METZGER BUILDING MATERIALS City Council Hearing: February 7, 2001, 5:30 p.m. Ciry Council Chambers PURPOSE: Rezone from RT-1 to I-1 to use properiy for outside storage of inetal framing for drywall. PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION: APPROVAL vote: unanimous ZONING COMMITTEE RECOMMEI3DATION: APPROVAL vote: 6- 0 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval SUPPORT: None OPPOSITION: None Dear Ms. Anderson: METZGER BUILDING MAT'ERIALS has petitioned to rezone property at 763 and 765 Bradley St. from RT-1 (2-family residential) to I-1 (Industrial) for use as outside storage of inetal framing for drywall. The Zoning Cammittee of the Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the petition on January 18, 2001. Staff presented a regort recommending approval. The property owner spoke in support. There was no other testunony. At the close of the public hearing the committee voted 6- 0 to recommend approval of the rezoning. The Planning Commission upheld the Zoning Committee's recommendation for approval on a unanimous vote on January 26, 2001. This rezoning is scheduled to be heard by the Ciry Council on February 7, 2001. Please call me at 266- 6639 if there are any questions. 5inc ly, � Patricia James City Planner Attactunents cc: File # 00-153430 , City Councilmembers 01 � � � city of saint paul planning commission resolution file number o�-o� date 1-26-01 WI�REAS, Metzger Building Materials has petitioned to rezone property at 763 and 765 Bradley Street from RT-1 to I-1 for outside storage of inetai framing for drywall; and WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Pianning Commission, on January 18, 2001, held a public hearing at which all persons present were given an opportunity to be heard pursuant to said petition in accordance with the requirements of Section 64.300 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code; and WHEREAS, the Saint Pau! Planning Commission, based on the evidence presented to its Zoning Committee at the public hearing as substantially reflected in the minutes, made the following findings of fact: l. � 5. � Metzger Building Materials Company is proposing to expand their outdoor storage of metal framing for drywall. To do this they need to purchase and rezone the vacant lot at 765 Bradley, which is currently owned by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority and is immediately south of one of their existing buildings. The two properties south of 765 Bradley (763 or 0 Bradley and 757 Bradley) aze currently owned by Metzger Building Materials Co. 763/0 Bradley is vacant; there is a residential structure at 757 Bradley. Metzger proposes to split the 763 Bradley lot in half and attach each half to the adjacent north and south lots. The lot split is being reviewed by zoning staff and must be approved before this rezoning can proceed. The new, Iarger parcei at 765 Bradley is proposed for rezoning to I-1 for use as outdoor storage of drywall framing. As a condition of the sale, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority is requiring that certain restrictions be placed on the deeds of 765 and 757 Bradley. These restrictions . require that the oid 763 Bradley property be used as a landscaped buffer beriveen the expanded storage use on 765 and the house on 757. §62.108(fl of the zoning code authorizes the zoning administratoz to permit outdoor storage withing 300 feet of a residential district or dweiling provided that: (i) a visual screen, a minimum of 6 feet in height is placed between the outdoor storage and the residential district or use; moved by_ seconded by Eield in favor Unanimous against Zoning File # 00-153-430 Page 2 of Resolution (2) The zoning administrator has considered the location and design of the outdoor storage area and visuai screen in relation to any pIans or guidelines approved by the city council and in relation to the design chazacter and building materials of adjacent residential azeas; and (3) The zoning administrator has notified by mail the properiy owners withing 350 feet of the outdoor storage azea at least 10 days before the administrator is to approve the site plan and has considered the property owners' comments. • 7. §64.400 allows an amendment to ihe zoning code to be initiated by petition of the owners of 67% of the azea of the property fo be rezoned. The rezoning petition must be accompanied by the consent of 67% of the property owners within 100 feet of the pmperty to be rezoned. The applicarrt's petition was determined to be sufftcient as follows: pazcels eligible = 25; parcels required =17; pazcels signed = 22. 8. The Railroad Island Pian, part of the comprehensive plan, calls for buffer zones to be constructed to mitigate land use conflicts where residential properties abut industrial uses. The proposed rezoning and deed restrictions will accomplish this. 9. The proposed reuse is consisYent with the way the azea has developed and will not have an adverse impact on the surrounding azea. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that based on fmdings 1-9, the Saint Paul Planning � Commission recommends to the City Council that the rezonin� of Lot 8 and the north half of Lot 9, Block 14, Stinson's Addition to I-1 be approved. • o t,q�� u ZONING COMIVIITTEE STAFF REPORT 1. 2. FILE # 00-153-430 APPLICANT: Metzger Building Materials Co. DATE OF HEARING: 1l18101 CLASSIFICATION: Rezoning 3. LOCATION: 763 and 765 Bradley Sueet (West side betrveen Bush and Minnehaha) 4. PLANNING DISTRICT: 5(Raikoad Island neighborhood) 5. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 8 and the north half of Lot 9, Block 14, Stinson's Add'ation 6. PRESENT ZOPIING: RT-1 ZONING CODE REFERENCE: §64.400; §60.420; § 60.610; §62.108(fl 7. STAFF INVESTIGATION AND REPORT: DATE: Januazy 8, 2001 BY: Patricia James • • S. DATE RECEIVED: 12/11/00 DEADLINE FOR ACTION: 2I9I01 A. PURPOSE: Rezone from RT-1 to I-1 to use property for outside storage of inetai framing for drywall PARCEL SIZE: 59.95 ft. (Bradley) x 12237 ft. = 7336.08 sq. ft. B. EXISTING LAND IISE: vacant C. SURROUNDING LAND USE: North: Building supply business (I-1) East: Building supply business; residential (I-1, RT-1) South: Residential (RT-1) West: Residential(RT-1) D. ZOl�iING CODE CITATION: §64.400 outlines the process for amending the zoning code; §60.420 describes uses perxnitted in the RT-1 zoning district; § 60.610 describes uses permitted in the I-1 zoning district; §62.108(fl establishes conditions under which the zoning administrator may permit outdoor storage within 3Q0 feet of a residential district. E. F DISTRICT COiJNCIL RECOMMENDAI"ION: No recommendation has been received as of the preparation of this staff report. FINDINGS: , (. Metzger Building Mateziais Company is proposing to expand their outdoor storage of metal framing for drywall. To do this they need to purchase and rezone the vacant lot Zoning File # 00-153-430 January 8, 2001 page 2 Y � at 765 Bradley, which is currently owned by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority and is immediately south of one of their e�cisting buildings. 2. The two properties south of 765 Bradley (763 or 0 Bradley and 757 Bradley) aze currentlq owned by Metzger Building Materiais Co. 763/0 Bradley is vacant; there is a residential structure at 757 Bradley. 3. Metzger proposes to split the 763 Bradley lot in half and attach each half to the adjacent north and south lots. The lot split is being xeviewed by zoning staff and must be approved before this rezoning can proceed. 4. The new, larger pa�+cel at 765 Bradley is proposed for rezoning to I-1 for use as outdoor storage of drywall framing. 5. As a condition of the sale, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority is requiring that certain restrictions be placed on the deeds of 765 and 757 Bradley. These restrictions require that the oid 763 Bradley properiy be used as a landscaped buffer between the expanded storage use on 765 and the house on 757. 6. §62.108(fl of the zoning code authorizes the zoning administrator to pernut outdoor storage withing 300 feet of a residential districT or dwelling provided that: (1) a visual screen, a muumum of 6 feet in height is placed between the ouYdoor storage and the residential district or use; (2) The zoning administrator has considered the location and design of the outdoor storage area and visual screen in relation to any plans or guidelines approved by � the city council and in relation to the design chazacter and building materials of adjacent residential azeas; and (3) The zoning admitustrator has notzfied by mail the properly owners withing 350 feet of the outdoor storage azea at least 10 days before the administrator is to approve the site plan and has considered the property owners' comments. 7. §64,400 allows an amendment to the zoning code to be initiated bq petition of the owners of 67% of the azea of the property to be rezoned. The rezoning petition must be accompanied by the consent of 67% of the property owners within l OQ feeY of the ., ppli ' p tion was determined to be sufficient as 8. The Razlro d Island Plan, part of the compre _��� p �eels sig�ed,- 22 ,, ant s eh P g� — q — hensive lan, calls for buffer zones to be constructed to mitigate land use conflicts where residential properhes abut mdustnal uses. The proposed rezoning and deed restrictions will accomplish this. 9. The proposed reuse is consistent with the way the area has developed and will not have an adverse impact on the surrounding area. 9 H. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Based on findings 1-}�, staff recommends approval of the rezoning of Lot 8 and the north hatf of Lot 9, Block 14, Stinson's Addition to I-1. � qLG-31-1998 15�A9 PE� PETiT1DN TO AMENL3 TH� ZONtNGr CQDE • � DepartmenY ojPlaani+:g cnd Economi` Denelopmeni Zorurcg Sectiaa 7100 Ciiy Hall �3nnex 23 West Faurtlt Streer Saint Paul, MN SSI01 2b�5589 APFL(CAt+t'F PropeCty Ownar �1���Q�l JL41 A/6r k Gontact persan (if difierent) �� �+ti � tTiTiQ� PRO?fRTY AddressJloca!ion `F63�'�`6S f.traa!¢y Si• � LOCA7tON �egai descr}ption tafiach additiona! sheet N nectssaM TO 7HE HONORABL� MiAYOR A�{D C17Y COUNC{t�: Pursuant to 9ection 64.400 of the SainY Peul2oning Ordinance and to Section d62.367(5) ofi � Minnesota Siatuws, el e.r Bld„� lkaftc_ /n. , the owner of ail the land proposed for rezoning, hereby petition you to rezane the above descri8ed property from a /ZT^,� zaning district to a.T — I zoning district, fac the purpase of: 6�� s,d�- s� �� a� .� d�r-� ,—��, f���<��� -� �`'y�v'k�r �i�S�', S�E' �F r!'r / �� �'esTr��� � ���h s. {attach stldittona! sheet{s) if necess ry} '� Art�cl±ments: R?quired ane plan/L� Consent petltion'L`Y Affidavlt , Subscribed and swom to be#ore e this �'f� day af ����� �c� 6512283261 P.H:�.'11 Di-kol � C������� � � �, � r��i �-yQ.�.'� Fee n=� af property t'ba7elhal sLo• n r-- Titie: �` c¢ I'� PI �Cl e-•%9 Page 7 of n `._J z._ .�.. �'`° � � rrt �_JNDELL `� '.,G4�'�'i�igt'�C-MINNESOTA :?A� ;:CyMMi5S10N � e`,:�;�irS lAN.37.20U5 ran-a ��<<�.h�;rz-�' 1����r CERTIF'ICATE OF SURVEY FOR� JOHN MEfZGER 768 Brac9ey Streat St PaW, 6M1 55101 EXIST6VG DESCR�710M1t Lots 8, 9 and 72, Biock 14,. S7INSON"S AD�ITION TO THE C(N OF SAWT PAUL MINNESOTA, ROmsey County, Minnesola. Paoaosm oESCr�ranorvs PARCEL A Lot 8 antl [he North Halt of lo 9. Block 14. STINSON'S ADDIiION 70 THE CITY OF SAINT PA(1L M1NNE507A, Romsey County, Minnesota. PARCEL 8 Lo[ 12 and the South Holf ot Lo[ 9. Block 14, STINSON'S ADDITION TO THE CITY OF SAIN PAUL MINNESOTA, Romsey County. Minnesota. R�5 1 R:D R�S 74946 Y a N 0 z � Im � EASIING NETAI BUILDWG _ I �-------�J \ `"&�N�US PARroNL & ORIyEWAY__ •� 3' iRiPLE IftEE N8959��S�E iF2EE f " SMkUB S �p - -9,p – — i1z O�a� `�< _ �T 12Z.45 meas. PROPOSED D�N90N LINE--,�'9 Sou11� fne el II�e N t/3 ot lot 9—� E�Sr ' 7Y2.47 mrox � NdN Ihe of lhe 5 1/2 of Cot 9� 2 i ` V _ _ ' 122 PIOI �� _ P 122.50 meas� P ewsmvc �+ouse �� �� iREE ,� �Ll TREE � vJ � iREE � Q W �' ��' r � -- .- P�� T �%' L�J SEt "Y Pp --i � - {22%mms , —.� Q IY2 Plal : / ' � T '. N8959'04 ' �(ISi1NC � 14' TREE — ' � H6USE I �� z %� — �� I . a �; ¢ U � I � I I `• , �NO — _ _ _ FND R�5 23500 � �R�S 233p0 1 1.•,' I FI1� RLS 23300 � __ _ _ ^ � FND RLS 23300 ��$' • Deno[es iron monument fnd O Denotes iron monument set or "X" morked Beo�ings are assumed � � � i • • L�T 1 EXISTING BUILDING L ❑ T 4 � � w J J Q LOT s I '� ! CArITI�I�/E� fE � i I �_ '� . i' L O T 8 765 Bttq��eY sr. PROPOSED FENCE SbT BA�fC: WEZT ALLEY e EA57 yI�E Wr.6x " TO 6E DCTERMIt�ED �Y GiM [AoE _� � fjEICYNT: TO BE �ETERMINED 6Y G7Y COD£—�, D�SU21Y'�ION:��+AiN LINK�✓i{V VINES (PE�n%s ..Ar+..s E 6«:y� PR�POSED RETAINING WALL r#eic-r�4r. ro 8E �ersRr+��nlEn s✓ TERRkIrI /GiTY Co�e / �lNO - SCAAEtNU CbNSRkGSOR. DESGRIP SEC AT(ALttcD Btb HUFf£R Z.ONE L 0 T 9 LOT 12 EXSSiiNG HOUSE � �1-��� I ZJ� t, • o �-��=� • . CITIZEN PARTICIPATIO DI RICTS 1.SUNRAY-BATTLECREEK-HI6HWOOD 2.GREATER EAST SIDE 3.WEST SIDE 4.DAYTON'S BLUFf YNE-PHALEN . ORTH END I.THOMAS-QALE 8.SUMMIT-UNIVERSITY 9.WEST SEVENTH lO.COMO 11.HAMlINE-MIDWAY 12.ST. ANTHONY 13.MERRIAM PK.-LEXINGTON HAMLINE • 14.GROVELANO-MACALESTER � 15.HIGHLAND 16.SUMMIT HILL 17.DOWN70WN CITIZEN PARTICIPATION PLANNING DISTRICTS � � � � :� L�f�(���7 ,.�l1..� ---� L � � - >. ..' � 'Y . V` .,. - � OI '�� ° , 1 h� "'Cr (�_ ' � � U S H`''�, °l < s) � ° O a �" t-- o > o 0 o � w =o= o ° o r�� ��� �� � 0 ��� _� � -� ' ���� o � � � � �� � � . 4 � �� • . � � .. • e � �� ��:: � �-.,�1 T ui �.. .��� ,�� ; _ � • � � �!?� � �� � `� � � � • G� � � '� �: � �� � • _ . m� v -<J- I V . ��• � � •, ` � s � � � � 1 � • C.'� � A � ❑ C � � � L - �/CY �Q Ttrr� � APPLICF�":T l � �j �� �"' � GEND —T---- ` Q�Z '�� � y`� ` .....r.,..�..,� zoniny distri-t Lrour�da:Y P OSE.__� '�'� — �� Ff� DATE /�'��' O � � subjed propart/ "'rorih=° 'WG. DIS7_�— MAP n r� ��� o on� lami4y •�^ comma:c:': � ¢ pr�p iaRtily 8 �-=x- i�du,r,.i:;', �- �� � em ' b,�-Q mulliple f8tnit� V vac3�': February 5, 2001 752 Bradley Street St. Paul, Minnesota 55125 Zoning Office- Patricia 7ames, PED City of 5aint Paul Planning & Economic Devt. 1400 City Hall Annex 25 west Fourth Street Saint Paul, Ivlinnasota 55102-1634 To Whom It May Concern, Z o� � � �e c�� .� �J C� l'7-�� `bt `Z Z o��S��3p O �-��1 We are writing to you to express our opposition to the rezoning from RT-1 to I-1 to use proQerty for outside storage of inetal framing for drywall at 763 & 765 Bradley, between Bush &r Minnehaha by Metzger Buildiag Materials Company. As ]ong-time, single-family dwelling properiy owners on Bradley Street, we have multiple concems regazding the use of this property for the proposed intention of storage eapansion and I-1 zoning which include the following: • the decrease of property values for the home owners on Bradley Street and surrounding area by adding more I-1 development • the dangers which involve the increased volume of tra�c by large hauling-type vehicles due to the increased volume of inetal framing in the proposed addition • the increased risk factor for inner city children living on Bradley Street and s�uxounding streets due to the increased traffic by the large hauling vehicles • the increased noise levei as a result of increased business traffic We understand that a Rezoning Hearing Date is scheduled for Wednesday, February 7, 2001 at 5:30 p.m. in the Ciry Council Chambers, 3` Floor City Hall of the Court House. Please allow this letter to be submitted as public record in opposition of this proposed rezoning in the event of my absence from this meeting. We wouid be very appreciative if we could be contacYed at your earliest convenience with updates on the February 7th Rezoning meeting and any subsequent developments regazding Rezorung in our neighborhood. Thank you, �� � �I'�-c � E��Q� . G C�C��E��s � �Se. �'{ �U/��/LYi�/ �ttC`CiI�L''i�) � -- --- _�_ ._ _ ' Nancy Anderson� 00 153-430feb7-01cchn.wpd _ �, _ _ ,._.. . _ ._ .. , . _ ..._.,._._ ... ____,__ __ __ ?age 1 STPAULCITYCOWi CII. ratli� s�g xos� CRYOFSAINiPAUL Ih.ptotPi�meand F a�cDcoelopmat Plroam (651) 2666589 Fu (65t)22&3220 FII,E # oo-lss-aso PLI2POSE: Aezoniag Gom RT-I to I-I to use pmpeRy for oufsid¢ sWrage of inetal framing for drywall. PROPERTY ADDRESS: 763 &'765 Bradley; between Bush & Mime6aha AYPLICAN'L: Metzger Building Mazedals Company HEARING DATE: Wedsesdav Februarv 7.2000, at 530 p.m. All public heacings are held in Ciry Council Chambets, 3'� F7oor City Hall - Co�ut House, 15 W. Kellogg Boulevard. You may send writtea commenis to the Zouing Office at the address listed on the reverse side of this card Please cal] Pahicia 7ame, PED, at (651)26b6639, or yow District Comcil Representative at (651) 7745234 ifyou Lave any questions. MIDiled:126l01 I� ��I ���� Public Hearing Notice ST PAUL CITY COUNCII. CITYOFSAWTPAUG Dty� ofPimnwg avd EcouomicDCVdopmcvt Pho�' (65t) 2fifi4589 Pac: (651) 229-3220 FII,E # # 00-153-a3o PURPOSE: Rewniug from RT-I to bl to use p�operry for outside storage of inecal4amiug for drywall. PROPERTY ADDRESS: 763 & 765 Bradley; behveen Bush & Mi�nehaha APPLICANL: Meager Building Materiais Company HEARING DATE: Wednestlav Februarv 7. 2000, at 5:30 o.m. Alt public heazina are held in City Council Chambexs, 3' F400: City Hall - Couct Aouez, IS W. Kellogg Boulevazd. You may und written comments to the Zoning Office az the address listed on the reverse s�de ofthis cazd. Pleue call Paaicia James, PED, at (651)266-6639, or yow District Couacil Rapreseniavve a[ (651) 774-5234 ifyou have any questions. February 5, 2001 752 Bradley Street St. Paul, Minnesota 55125 • Zoning Office- Patricia James, PED City of Saint Paui Planning & Economic Devt. 1400 City Hall Annex 25 west Fourth Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102-1634 To Whom It May Concem, z o R� r,� (�S �t C.�.e� � e t°r�. � 7Z oolS��3p ot-Yo{ We nre writing to yon to ezpress our opposition to the rezoning from RT-1 to I-1 to use property for ontside storage of inetal framing for drywall at 763 &?65 Bradley, between Bush & Minnehaha by Metzger Building Materials Company. As long-time, single-family dwelling properry owners on Bradley Street, we have multiple concerns regarding the use of this property for the proposed intention of storage expansion and I-1 zoning which include the following: • the decrease of properry values for the home owners on Bradley Straet and surrounding area by adding more I-1 development • the dangers which involve the increased volume of traffic by large hauling-type vehicles due to the � increased volume of inetal framing in the proposed addition • the increased risk factor for inner city children living on Bradley Street and surrounding streets due to the increased traffic by the lazge hauling vehicles • the increased noise level as a resnit of increased business uaffic We understand that a Rezoning Hearing Date is scheduled for Wednesday, Februaty 7, 20Q i at 5:30 g.m. in the City Council Chambers, 3� Floor City Hall of the Court House. Please allow this letter to be snbmitted as public record in opposition of this proposed rezoning in the event of my absence from this meeting. We would be very appreciative if we could be contacted at your earliest convenience with updates on the February 7th Rezoning meeting and atty subsequent developments regarding iZezoning in our neighborhood. Thank you, ` f `!.t-c G� E'-r� ,. i �,LJZ, - G��.tG -GCC�`iG��E��- � Se�� ,�'�'/i� �u�c ir�e(j �, Council File # � ��ti"�O l Ordinance # ORDINANCE Presented By Green Sheet # 1�O l g� i CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 30 Referred To Committee: Date 2 0 6 7 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 An ordinance amending Chapter 60 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to zoning for the Ciry of Saint Paul and the zoning maps thereo£ WHEREAS, Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes §462357 and §64.400 of the Legislative Code, Metzger Building Materials duly petitioned to rezone 763 and 765 Bradley Street, being legally described as Lot 8 and the north half of Lot 9, Block 14, Stinson's Addition, from RT-1 to I-1 to permit outside storage of inetal framing for drywall, the petition having been certified by the Planning D'avision on December 20, 2000, as having been consented to by at least 67 percent of the owners of the area to be rezoned, and further having been consented to by at least two-thirds of the owners of the property situated within 100 feet of the total contiguous properiy within one year preceding the date of the petition; and WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Pianning Commission held a public hearing on January 18, 2001, for the purpose of considering the rezoning petition, and pursuant to § 107.03 of the Administrative Code, submitted its recommendation to the Piaiuiiug Coxnmission that the petition be granted; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission considered the rezoning petition at its meeting held on January 26, 2001, and recommended that the City Council approve the petition; and WITEREAS, notice of public hearing before the City Council on said rezoning petition was duly published in the official newspaper of the City on January 25, 2001, and notices were duly mailed to each owner of affected property and property situated wholly or partly within 350 feet or the properry sought to be rezoned; and WHEREAS, a public hearing before the City Council having been conducted on February 7, 2001, at which a11 interested parties were given an opportunity to be heazd, the Council having considered all the facts and recommendafions concerning the petition; now, therefore THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAlNT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. 33 That the zoning map of the City of Saint Paul, Sheet Number 13, as incorporated by reference in §60.301 of 34 the Saint Pau1 Legislative Code, as amended, is hereby fiu�ther amended as follows: � �� ����" � � °�`� 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 That the properiy at 763 and 765 BRADLEY STREET, being more particularly described as: Lot 8 and the north half of Lot 9, Block 14, Stinson's Addition be and is hereby rezoned from RT-1 to I-1. Section 2. Q l—�W\ This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thiriy (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. Requested by Department of: Adopted by Council: Date a40"\ . Adoption Certified by Council Sec ry By: ����. � \`�---a� - Approved by Mayor: Date �j_��///y/ {T (iN/r � By: ` 7 Plannina & ECOnomiC DeveloPment BY:w _ , /� �k4`^' l Form Approved by City Attorney B `�iSc� '�i - 2� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council g � � ��� �' 2 9 �i7 nErauim�iv�rio�zce✓covrrcn.: DATE s�1TjATED GREEN SHEET l�io.• llolss PED -East Team April 3, 2001 ' �_� CONTACI' PERSON & PHONE: TE INIi'7ALmATE Patricia James 266-6639 � z nEr.vrrn�r�T nm a Mnrox �ox nssT.� M[JST BE ON COUNCII, AGENDA BY (DATE) �IGN 3 CITY ATTORNEY 5 CITY COUNCII, A ri125 2001 NuMR� — CTTY CLERK P � FOR FiNANCIAL SERV DIl2. ROUTING _ ��CSAL SERVfACCTG oxnEx i Amy Filice�_ TOTAL # OF SIGNAITIRE PAGES 1_(CLIP ALL LOCATiONS FOR SIGNATURE) ncriox �QUES�n: Adoption of rezoning ordinance. RECOMI�4ENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAI. SERVICE CON112ACT5 MIJST ANSR'ER TAE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: A PLANNING COM��IISSION 1. Has this pecsonlfimi evec worked under a conhact for this depactcnent? CIB COMVIIII'EE Yes No CI'VIL SERVICE COMPvIISSION 2. fias this persrnJfum ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/firtn possess a skill not normally possessed by any curzent ciTy employee? Yes No Eaplain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INITL4TING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORI'[JNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Adopt an ordinance to fmalize council approval of a pefition of Metzger Building Materials to rezone properiy at 763 and 765 Bradley from RT-1 to I-1 to permit outside storage of inetal framing for drywall (public hearing held February 7, 2001) �`OG��'�'��'�tp�� ���cn"� � � `� 2��� �; :, - ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: Property will be rezoned per city council decision DISADVANTA6E5IF APPROVED: None ,4PR 0 5 �"Q�? �� � � �� �� �1TY �4TTORNEY � DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: Rezoning will not take effect TOTAL AMOIIN'P OF TRANSACTION: $ 0 COSTlREVEPiI1E BUDGETED: F'UNDING SOURCE: ACTIVYTY NLIMBER: FdNANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAl1V) K�\Shar��PedVAMES1ZONING\00153630 Mevgageen shcet wpd � DEPAR'fMEN'C OF PLANNINC� & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Pome7n Wfr¢elocY, Directo> d\—`��� �a CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor J3IIll3TS' 23� 2001 Ms. Nancy Anderson City Council Research Office Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Deaz Ms. Anderson: �.,\o� I would like to confirm that a public hearing before the City Council is scheduled for Wednesday February ?, 2001, for the fo]lowing zoning case: Applicant: METZGER BUILDING MATERIALS File Number: #00-153430 Purpose: Rezoning from RT-1 to I-1 to use property for outside storage of inetal framing for drywall Address: 'Jb3 and 765 Bradley Street Legal Description of Property: Lot $ and the north half of lot 9, Block 14, Stinson's Addition Previous Action: Planning Commission Recommendation January 26, 2001 �"� Zoning Committee Recommendation: Approval, January 18, 2001 � My understanding is that this public heazing request will appear on p.he agenda for the �/� 3a�e�a� 2001, City Councii meeting and that you will publish any required notice of the hearing in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger. Please call me at 266-6639 if you have any questions. / ��„ � s%� - �l/ -. Patricia James City Plannei cc: File# 00-153430 Cazol Martineau Panl Dubruiel Telephone: 611-266-6655 Focsimi7e: 672128-326I � ,. �� II , ��msi'[roir� � �01�(�OP"�B�C�REAitIIiG._� - "The SaArrt-Panl Cit,� �Council u�511�con- duct a public he.azing on�Wednesday. February 7; Z001 �at 5:30 p.m. iri the dty Gouncil Chambers, 71�ird Floor.City �Ha11- Courthouse, 15 West Ifellogg Boulevard, &at�it Panl, MN, �o consideF the application of bIBtzger Butldifi �1oTateiials to - t�zone property at 76$ and 765 Sradiey Street and RT-i, to I-1 to use for outside stocage of inefal framii�ig for drywell. Dated: Jamiarg 23, 2007 ��. . � - .. NANCY,ANAERSON , Assistant (,tity,Cauntlt Secretary . - . . � - =_- fJanuax�.251: . - . l -S'�' PAIR. B@GA4IF.�C�.'R j 0203�75�_:. - " ' ` ' _ ` � , 25 West Fourth Street SaintPaul, MN55102 w" DEPARTMENT OF PIrINNING & ECONOMlC DEVELOPMENT Brian Sweexey, Directar CTI'Y OF SAINi' PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor 7anuary 31, 2001 Ms. Nancy Anderson Secretary to the City Council Room 310 Ciry Hall Saint Paul, MN 55102 � � 25 Wur Fourlh Sueet Saint Pau1, MN 55702 �l- �f�l Telephone: 651266-6626 Farsimile: 657-228-3341 RE: Zoning File #00-153430 METZGER BUILDING MATERIALS City Council Hearing: February 7, 2001, 5:30 p.m. Ciry Council Chambers PURPOSE: Rezone from RT-1 to I-1 to use properiy for outside storage of inetal framing for drywall. PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION: APPROVAL vote: unanimous ZONING COMMITTEE RECOMMEI3DATION: APPROVAL vote: 6- 0 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval SUPPORT: None OPPOSITION: None Dear Ms. Anderson: METZGER BUILDING MAT'ERIALS has petitioned to rezone property at 763 and 765 Bradley St. from RT-1 (2-family residential) to I-1 (Industrial) for use as outside storage of inetal framing for drywall. The Zoning Cammittee of the Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the petition on January 18, 2001. Staff presented a regort recommending approval. The property owner spoke in support. There was no other testunony. At the close of the public hearing the committee voted 6- 0 to recommend approval of the rezoning. The Planning Commission upheld the Zoning Committee's recommendation for approval on a unanimous vote on January 26, 2001. This rezoning is scheduled to be heard by the Ciry Council on February 7, 2001. Please call me at 266- 6639 if there are any questions. 5inc ly, � Patricia James City Planner Attactunents cc: File # 00-153430 , City Councilmembers 01 � � � city of saint paul planning commission resolution file number o�-o� date 1-26-01 WI�REAS, Metzger Building Materials has petitioned to rezone property at 763 and 765 Bradley Street from RT-1 to I-1 for outside storage of inetai framing for drywall; and WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Pianning Commission, on January 18, 2001, held a public hearing at which all persons present were given an opportunity to be heard pursuant to said petition in accordance with the requirements of Section 64.300 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code; and WHEREAS, the Saint Pau! Planning Commission, based on the evidence presented to its Zoning Committee at the public hearing as substantially reflected in the minutes, made the following findings of fact: l. � 5. � Metzger Building Materials Company is proposing to expand their outdoor storage of metal framing for drywall. To do this they need to purchase and rezone the vacant lot at 765 Bradley, which is currently owned by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority and is immediately south of one of their existing buildings. The two properties south of 765 Bradley (763 or 0 Bradley and 757 Bradley) aze currently owned by Metzger Building Materials Co. 763/0 Bradley is vacant; there is a residential structure at 757 Bradley. Metzger proposes to split the 763 Bradley lot in half and attach each half to the adjacent north and south lots. The lot split is being reviewed by zoning staff and must be approved before this rezoning can proceed. The new, Iarger parcei at 765 Bradley is proposed for rezoning to I-1 for use as outdoor storage of drywall framing. As a condition of the sale, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority is requiring that certain restrictions be placed on the deeds of 765 and 757 Bradley. These restrictions . require that the oid 763 Bradley property be used as a landscaped buffer beriveen the expanded storage use on 765 and the house on 757. §62.108(fl of the zoning code authorizes the zoning administratoz to permit outdoor storage withing 300 feet of a residential district or dweiling provided that: (i) a visual screen, a minimum of 6 feet in height is placed between the outdoor storage and the residential district or use; moved by_ seconded by Eield in favor Unanimous against Zoning File # 00-153-430 Page 2 of Resolution (2) The zoning administrator has considered the location and design of the outdoor storage area and visuai screen in relation to any pIans or guidelines approved by the city council and in relation to the design chazacter and building materials of adjacent residential azeas; and (3) The zoning administrator has notified by mail the properiy owners withing 350 feet of the outdoor storage azea at least 10 days before the administrator is to approve the site plan and has considered the property owners' comments. • 7. §64.400 allows an amendment to ihe zoning code to be initiated by petition of the owners of 67% of the azea of the property fo be rezoned. The rezoning petition must be accompanied by the consent of 67% of the property owners within 100 feet of the pmperty to be rezoned. The applicarrt's petition was determined to be sufftcient as follows: pazcels eligible = 25; parcels required =17; pazcels signed = 22. 8. The Railroad Island Pian, part of the comprehensive plan, calls for buffer zones to be constructed to mitigate land use conflicts where residential properties abut industrial uses. The proposed rezoning and deed restrictions will accomplish this. 9. The proposed reuse is consisYent with the way the azea has developed and will not have an adverse impact on the surrounding azea. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that based on fmdings 1-9, the Saint Paul Planning � Commission recommends to the City Council that the rezonin� of Lot 8 and the north half of Lot 9, Block 14, Stinson's Addition to I-1 be approved. • o t,q�� u ZONING COMIVIITTEE STAFF REPORT 1. 2. FILE # 00-153-430 APPLICANT: Metzger Building Materials Co. DATE OF HEARING: 1l18101 CLASSIFICATION: Rezoning 3. LOCATION: 763 and 765 Bradley Sueet (West side betrveen Bush and Minnehaha) 4. PLANNING DISTRICT: 5(Raikoad Island neighborhood) 5. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 8 and the north half of Lot 9, Block 14, Stinson's Add'ation 6. PRESENT ZOPIING: RT-1 ZONING CODE REFERENCE: §64.400; §60.420; § 60.610; §62.108(fl 7. STAFF INVESTIGATION AND REPORT: DATE: Januazy 8, 2001 BY: Patricia James • • S. DATE RECEIVED: 12/11/00 DEADLINE FOR ACTION: 2I9I01 A. PURPOSE: Rezone from RT-1 to I-1 to use property for outside storage of inetai framing for drywall PARCEL SIZE: 59.95 ft. (Bradley) x 12237 ft. = 7336.08 sq. ft. B. EXISTING LAND IISE: vacant C. SURROUNDING LAND USE: North: Building supply business (I-1) East: Building supply business; residential (I-1, RT-1) South: Residential (RT-1) West: Residential(RT-1) D. ZOl�iING CODE CITATION: §64.400 outlines the process for amending the zoning code; §60.420 describes uses perxnitted in the RT-1 zoning district; § 60.610 describes uses permitted in the I-1 zoning district; §62.108(fl establishes conditions under which the zoning administrator may permit outdoor storage within 3Q0 feet of a residential district. E. F DISTRICT COiJNCIL RECOMMENDAI"ION: No recommendation has been received as of the preparation of this staff report. FINDINGS: , (. Metzger Building Mateziais Company is proposing to expand their outdoor storage of metal framing for drywall. To do this they need to purchase and rezone the vacant lot Zoning File # 00-153-430 January 8, 2001 page 2 Y � at 765 Bradley, which is currently owned by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority and is immediately south of one of their e�cisting buildings. 2. The two properties south of 765 Bradley (763 or 0 Bradley and 757 Bradley) aze currentlq owned by Metzger Building Materiais Co. 763/0 Bradley is vacant; there is a residential structure at 757 Bradley. 3. Metzger proposes to split the 763 Bradley lot in half and attach each half to the adjacent north and south lots. The lot split is being xeviewed by zoning staff and must be approved before this rezoning can proceed. 4. The new, larger pa�+cel at 765 Bradley is proposed for rezoning to I-1 for use as outdoor storage of drywall framing. 5. As a condition of the sale, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority is requiring that certain restrictions be placed on the deeds of 765 and 757 Bradley. These restrictions require that the oid 763 Bradley properiy be used as a landscaped buffer between the expanded storage use on 765 and the house on 757. 6. §62.108(fl of the zoning code authorizes the zoning administrator to pernut outdoor storage withing 300 feet of a residential districT or dwelling provided that: (1) a visual screen, a muumum of 6 feet in height is placed between the ouYdoor storage and the residential district or use; (2) The zoning administrator has considered the location and design of the outdoor storage area and visual screen in relation to any plans or guidelines approved by � the city council and in relation to the design chazacter and building materials of adjacent residential azeas; and (3) The zoning admitustrator has notzfied by mail the properly owners withing 350 feet of the outdoor storage azea at least 10 days before the administrator is to approve the site plan and has considered the property owners' comments. 7. §64,400 allows an amendment to the zoning code to be initiated bq petition of the owners of 67% of the azea of the property to be rezoned. The rezoning petition must be accompanied by the consent of 67% of the property owners within l OQ feeY of the ., ppli ' p tion was determined to be sufficient as 8. The Razlro d Island Plan, part of the compre _��� p �eels sig�ed,- 22 ,, ant s eh P g� — q — hensive lan, calls for buffer zones to be constructed to mitigate land use conflicts where residential properhes abut mdustnal uses. The proposed rezoning and deed restrictions will accomplish this. 9. The proposed reuse is consistent with the way the area has developed and will not have an adverse impact on the surrounding area. 9 H. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Based on findings 1-}�, staff recommends approval of the rezoning of Lot 8 and the north hatf of Lot 9, Block 14, Stinson's Addition to I-1. � qLG-31-1998 15�A9 PE� PETiT1DN TO AMENL3 TH� ZONtNGr CQDE • � DepartmenY ojPlaani+:g cnd Economi` Denelopmeni Zorurcg Sectiaa 7100 Ciiy Hall �3nnex 23 West Faurtlt Streer Saint Paul, MN SSI01 2b�5589 APFL(CAt+t'F PropeCty Ownar �1���Q�l JL41 A/6r k Gontact persan (if difierent) �� �+ti � tTiTiQ� PRO?fRTY AddressJloca!ion `F63�'�`6S f.traa!¢y Si• � LOCA7tON �egai descr}ption tafiach additiona! sheet N nectssaM TO 7HE HONORABL� MiAYOR A�{D C17Y COUNC{t�: Pursuant to 9ection 64.400 of the SainY Peul2oning Ordinance and to Section d62.367(5) ofi � Minnesota Siatuws, el e.r Bld„� lkaftc_ /n. , the owner of ail the land proposed for rezoning, hereby petition you to rezane the above descri8ed property from a /ZT^,� zaning district to a.T — I zoning district, fac the purpase of: 6�� s,d�- s� �� a� .� d�r-� ,—��, f���<��� -� �`'y�v'k�r �i�S�', S�E' �F r!'r / �� �'esTr��� � ���h s. {attach stldittona! sheet{s) if necess ry} '� Art�cl±ments: R?quired ane plan/L� Consent petltion'L`Y Affidavlt , Subscribed and swom to be#ore e this �'f� day af ����� �c� 6512283261 P.H:�.'11 Di-kol � C������� � � �, � r��i �-yQ.�.'� Fee n=� af property t'ba7elhal sLo• n r-- Titie: �` c¢ I'� PI �Cl e-•%9 Page 7 of n `._J z._ .�.. �'`° � � rrt �_JNDELL `� '.,G4�'�'i�igt'�C-MINNESOTA :?A� ;:CyMMi5S10N � e`,:�;�irS lAN.37.20U5 ran-a ��<<�.h�;rz-�' 1����r CERTIF'ICATE OF SURVEY FOR� JOHN MEfZGER 768 Brac9ey Streat St PaW, 6M1 55101 EXIST6VG DESCR�710M1t Lots 8, 9 and 72, Biock 14,. S7INSON"S AD�ITION TO THE C(N OF SAWT PAUL MINNESOTA, ROmsey County, Minnesola. Paoaosm oESCr�ranorvs PARCEL A Lot 8 antl [he North Halt of lo 9. Block 14. STINSON'S ADDIiION 70 THE CITY OF SAINT PA(1L M1NNE507A, Romsey County, Minnesota. PARCEL 8 Lo[ 12 and the South Holf ot Lo[ 9. Block 14, STINSON'S ADDITION TO THE CITY OF SAIN PAUL MINNESOTA, Romsey County. Minnesota. R�5 1 R:D R�S 74946 Y a N 0 z � Im � EASIING NETAI BUILDWG _ I �-------�J \ `"&�N�US PARroNL & ORIyEWAY__ •� 3' iRiPLE IftEE N8959��S�E iF2EE f " SMkUB S �p - -9,p – — i1z O�a� `�< _ �T 12Z.45 meas. PROPOSED D�N90N LINE--,�'9 Sou11� fne el II�e N t/3 ot lot 9—� E�Sr ' 7Y2.47 mrox � NdN Ihe of lhe 5 1/2 of Cot 9� 2 i ` V _ _ ' 122 PIOI �� _ P 122.50 meas� P ewsmvc �+ouse �� �� iREE ,� �Ll TREE � vJ � iREE � Q W �' ��' r � -- .- P�� T �%' L�J SEt "Y Pp --i � - {22%mms , —.� Q IY2 Plal : / ' � T '. N8959'04 ' �(ISi1NC � 14' TREE — ' � H6USE I �� z %� — �� I . a �; ¢ U � I � I I `• , �NO — _ _ _ FND R�5 23500 � �R�S 233p0 1 1.•,' I FI1� RLS 23300 � __ _ _ ^ � FND RLS 23300 ��$' • Deno[es iron monument fnd O Denotes iron monument set or "X" morked Beo�ings are assumed � � � i • • L�T 1 EXISTING BUILDING L ❑ T 4 � � w J J Q LOT s I '� ! CArITI�I�/E� fE � i I �_ '� . i' L O T 8 765 Bttq��eY sr. PROPOSED FENCE SbT BA�fC: WEZT ALLEY e EA57 yI�E Wr.6x " TO 6E DCTERMIt�ED �Y GiM [AoE _� � fjEICYNT: TO BE �ETERMINED 6Y G7Y COD£—�, D�SU21Y'�ION:��+AiN LINK�✓i{V VINES (PE�n%s ..Ar+..s E 6«:y� PR�POSED RETAINING WALL r#eic-r�4r. ro 8E �ersRr+��nlEn s✓ TERRkIrI /GiTY Co�e / �lNO - SCAAEtNU CbNSRkGSOR. DESGRIP SEC AT(ALttcD Btb HUFf£R Z.ONE L 0 T 9 LOT 12 EXSSiiNG HOUSE � �1-��� I ZJ� t, • o �-��=� • . CITIZEN PARTICIPATIO DI RICTS 1.SUNRAY-BATTLECREEK-HI6HWOOD 2.GREATER EAST SIDE 3.WEST SIDE 4.DAYTON'S BLUFf YNE-PHALEN . ORTH END I.THOMAS-QALE 8.SUMMIT-UNIVERSITY 9.WEST SEVENTH lO.COMO 11.HAMlINE-MIDWAY 12.ST. ANTHONY 13.MERRIAM PK.-LEXINGTON HAMLINE • 14.GROVELANO-MACALESTER � 15.HIGHLAND 16.SUMMIT HILL 17.DOWN70WN CITIZEN PARTICIPATION PLANNING DISTRICTS � � � � :� L�f�(���7 ,.�l1..� ---� L � � - >. ..' � 'Y . V` .,. - � OI '�� ° , 1 h� "'Cr (�_ ' � � U S H`''�, °l < s) � ° O a �" t-- o > o 0 o � w =o= o ° o r�� ��� �� � 0 ��� _� � -� ' ���� o � � � � �� � � . 4 � �� • . � � .. • e � �� ��:: � �-.,�1 T ui �.. .��� ,�� ; _ � • � � �!?� � �� � `� � � � • G� � � '� �: � �� � • _ . m� v -<J- I V . ��• � � •, ` � s � � � � 1 � • C.'� � A � ❑ C � � � L - �/CY �Q Ttrr� � APPLICF�":T l � �j �� �"' � GEND —T---- ` Q�Z '�� � y`� ` .....r.,..�..,� zoniny distri-t Lrour�da:Y P OSE.__� '�'� — �� Ff� DATE /�'��' O � � subjed propart/ "'rorih=° 'WG. DIS7_�— MAP n r� ��� o on� lami4y •�^ comma:c:': � ¢ pr�p iaRtily 8 �-=x- i�du,r,.i:;', �- �� � em ' b,�-Q mulliple f8tnit� V vac3�': February 5, 2001 752 Bradley Street St. Paul, Minnesota 55125 Zoning Office- Patricia 7ames, PED City of 5aint Paul Planning & Economic Devt. 1400 City Hall Annex 25 west Fourth Street Saint Paul, Ivlinnasota 55102-1634 To Whom It May Concern, Z o� � � �e c�� .� �J C� l'7-�� `bt `Z Z o��S��3p O �-��1 We are writing to you to express our opposition to the rezoning from RT-1 to I-1 to use proQerty for outside storage of inetal framing for drywall at 763 & 765 Bradley, between Bush &r Minnehaha by Metzger Buildiag Materials Company. As ]ong-time, single-family dwelling properiy owners on Bradley Street, we have multiple concems regazding the use of this property for the proposed intention of storage eapansion and I-1 zoning which include the following: • the decrease of property values for the home owners on Bradley Street and surrounding area by adding more I-1 development • the dangers which involve the increased volume of tra�c by large hauling-type vehicles due to the increased volume of inetal framing in the proposed addition • the increased risk factor for inner city children living on Bradley Street and s�uxounding streets due to the increased traffic by the large hauling vehicles • the increased noise levei as a result of increased business traffic We understand that a Rezoning Hearing Date is scheduled for Wednesday, February 7, 2001 at 5:30 p.m. in the Ciry Council Chambers, 3` Floor City Hall of the Court House. Please allow this letter to be submitted as public record in opposition of this proposed rezoning in the event of my absence from this meeting. We wouid be very appreciative if we could be contacYed at your earliest convenience with updates on the February 7th Rezoning meeting and any subsequent developments regazding Rezorung in our neighborhood. Thank you, �� � �I'�-c � E��Q� . G C�C��E��s � �Se. �'{ �U/��/LYi�/ �ttC`CiI�L''i�) � -- --- _�_ ._ _ ' Nancy Anderson� 00 153-430feb7-01cchn.wpd _ �, _ _ ,._.. . _ ._ .. , . _ ..._.,._._ ... ____,__ __ __ ?age 1 STPAULCITYCOWi CII. ratli� s�g xos� CRYOFSAINiPAUL Ih.ptotPi�meand F a�cDcoelopmat Plroam (651) 2666589 Fu (65t)22&3220 FII,E # oo-lss-aso PLI2POSE: Aezoniag Gom RT-I to I-I to use pmpeRy for oufsid¢ sWrage of inetal framing for drywall. PROPERTY ADDRESS: 763 &'765 Bradley; between Bush & Mime6aha AYPLICAN'L: Metzger Building Mazedals Company HEARING DATE: Wedsesdav Februarv 7.2000, at 530 p.m. All public heacings are held in Ciry Council Chambets, 3'� F7oor City Hall - Co�ut House, 15 W. Kellogg Boulevard. You may send writtea commenis to the Zouing Office at the address listed on the reverse side of this card Please cal] Pahicia 7ame, PED, at (651)26b6639, or yow District Comcil Representative at (651) 7745234 ifyou Lave any questions. MIDiled:126l01 I� ��I ���� Public Hearing Notice ST PAUL CITY COUNCII. CITYOFSAWTPAUG Dty� ofPimnwg avd EcouomicDCVdopmcvt Pho�' (65t) 2fifi4589 Pac: (651) 229-3220 FII,E # # 00-153-a3o PURPOSE: Rewniug from RT-I to bl to use p�operry for outside storage of inecal4amiug for drywall. PROPERTY ADDRESS: 763 & 765 Bradley; behveen Bush & Mi�nehaha APPLICANL: Meager Building Materiais Company HEARING DATE: Wednestlav Februarv 7. 2000, at 5:30 o.m. Alt public heazina are held in City Council Chambexs, 3' F400: City Hall - Couct Aouez, IS W. Kellogg Boulevazd. You may und written comments to the Zoning Office az the address listed on the reverse s�de ofthis cazd. Pleue call Paaicia James, PED, at (651)266-6639, or yow District Couacil Rapreseniavve a[ (651) 774-5234 ifyou have any questions. February 5, 2001 752 Bradley Street St. Paul, Minnesota 55125 • Zoning Office- Patricia James, PED City of Saint Paui Planning & Economic Devt. 1400 City Hall Annex 25 west Fourth Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102-1634 To Whom It May Concem, z o R� r,� (�S �t C.�.e� � e t°r�. � 7Z oolS��3p ot-Yo{ We nre writing to yon to ezpress our opposition to the rezoning from RT-1 to I-1 to use property for ontside storage of inetal framing for drywall at 763 &?65 Bradley, between Bush & Minnehaha by Metzger Building Materials Company. As long-time, single-family dwelling properry owners on Bradley Street, we have multiple concerns regarding the use of this property for the proposed intention of storage expansion and I-1 zoning which include the following: • the decrease of properry values for the home owners on Bradley Straet and surrounding area by adding more I-1 development • the dangers which involve the increased volume of traffic by large hauling-type vehicles due to the � increased volume of inetal framing in the proposed addition • the increased risk factor for inner city children living on Bradley Street and surrounding streets due to the increased traffic by the lazge hauling vehicles • the increased noise level as a resnit of increased business uaffic We understand that a Rezoning Hearing Date is scheduled for Wednesday, Februaty 7, 20Q i at 5:30 g.m. in the City Council Chambers, 3� Floor City Hall of the Court House. Please allow this letter to be snbmitted as public record in opposition of this proposed rezoning in the event of my absence from this meeting. We would be very appreciative if we could be contacted at your earliest convenience with updates on the February 7th Rezoning meeting and atty subsequent developments regarding iZezoning in our neighborhood. Thank you, ` f `!.t-c G� E'-r� ,. i �,LJZ, - G��.tG -GCC�`iG��E��- � Se�� ,�'�'/i� �u�c ir�e(j �,