01-349Council File # 0� d' � � � � � � ���v�a��r:.� Green Sheet # �dei7�-3 Ordinance # ORDINANCE � CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To Committee: Date 1 An ordinance to amend Saint Paul Legislative 2 Code Chapter 376; making the temporary maximum 3 taxicab faze structure, that was approved 4 October 1, 1999, permanent, and requiring an 5 annual review of the fare structure. 6 7 THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 10 11 Section 376.15 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is amended to read as follows: 12 13 Sec. 376.15. Fares and charges; regulations. � 14 (a) Fares. No person, firm or corporation owning, operating or controlling any motor vehicle operated and licensed 15 as a taxicab shall charge any other rate except as herein provided: 16 (11 The masimum rate of faze for taxicabs operatin�within the citv sha11 be two dollars ($2.00) for the first fraction 17 of a mile of one-sixteenth (1/16) of a mile or fraction of reater pronortion. The rate for each additional mile beyond 18 the first mile shall not exceed one dollar sixtvi cents ($1.601. All fares bevond the first fraction shall be calculated in 19 ten-cent ($0.101 increments of one-sixteenth (1/16�f a mile, or a fracfion of 2reater proportion. Each taxicab 20 companv's minimum and per-mile rates shall be reeistered with LIEP. Minimum and ver mile rates may be changed 21 followin� a seventy-two-hour notice to LIEP and approval of said rate chan2e. Rates must be Dosted on the outside 22 ri¢ht and left reaz doors of the taxicab and inside the passen e�partsnent in the followine manner and of 23 sufficient size and shape so as to be clearlv le�ible: 24 . 25 . 26 . . 27 ' . 2& 29 . � 'T' t�C' 21 �81 Taxicab Fares 2 °" .°^ ' -` ' " "' " `='- (Maxiinuxn not to exceedl $2.00 first 1/16 mile 3 -r__ r.__._ r,.,.ti i i� o ,,,�:,_ �..___�._ ��mum not to exceed) ten cents each 1/16 mile �i-.� �� 4 . �lvlaximum not to exceedl ininimum faze $5_00 5(2) No greater ar-�essef faze for the operation of such taxicabs, than as described in subsection (1) above shall be 6 chazged by the operators thereof; provided, however, that discounts of up to fifteen (15) percent may be applied to 7 the total faze on the following conditions: 8 a. Such discounts aze cleariy posted inside the passenger compartment of the taxicab; 9 b. Such discounts may be given only to persons in one (1) or more of the following groups: 10 l. Senior citizens (age 55 or older); 11 2. Persons with disabilities; and 12 3. Officers and employees of businesses located within the city whose volume use of tasicabs is significant. 13 (3) No extra faze shall be chazged by the owner or operators of such taxicabs for additional passengers. 14 (b) Waiting time. Charges for wairing time shall not exceed the following: � - � � � ... . - � - .�- - - --- -- • .. • - � - �� 11 - - - -- - - � . . - - - -- -- - : - -- - -- -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - � 20 (c) "Waiting time"defzned. "Waiting time at address" is herein defined to mean the time beginning when a cab 21 arrives at an address to which it has been called, and ending when it departs from such address. 22 "Waiting fime after engagement" shall mean the time a cab is not in motion at the request of the passenger or 23 passengers after the cab has commenced the transportation of such passenger or passengers. 24 (d) Hourly rates. Nothing herein contained shall prevent any person from making an agreement with the operator of 25 a ta��icab to fiunish transportation at a rate to be agreed upon between them for an hour, day, week, month or longer 26 period, except that when furnished by the hour, the minimum rate sha11 be six dollazs ($6.00), but the person with 27 whom the operator of a taxicab makes such agreement shall not be permitted to hire out the vehicle to any other 28 person. 29 (e) Annual review offares and charQes. The license inspector shali, each calendar vear durin¢ the month of Mav. 30 review the maximum allowable fazes and char�es for tasicab services to determine whether thev shouid be adjusted. 31 If it is deternuned that such fazes and charges should be adjusted, the license inspector will make such 32 recommendation to the citv council. 33 34 2 O/-�s�9 2 Section 2 3 Section 376.15.12 is amended to read as follows: ��..s:,..�...,..,..-.�.:.��.:.:,�...�:...:��,,,.:� - - - - -- � -- - - - - - - --- - --- -- ---- - �- --- ... - - -- -- --- . ... _ ,. - - - - -- --- - ----- - - - - - -- - - ::.- .:_ - --- - - - -- - -- - -- - .�.:....R.,.i.:.::,s:;:.�:;:ri:: c:,��.::,�i.��:,�.�:::.,...v.. sR: � r_' _" ' "' _" ' ' " " ' ' •• _ ` _ ' " "" _ _ _ _' ' _ _" "_ r_" ' " " _ " "" ' _" '_" � _' ' '_ _ _" " " ' "_ __ _ ' ___ ' • " _' '_' _ ' "_ ' _' "" _ "_ '_' ' • • _" "__"_ " "" ' __' _ ' ' ' ' " " ' "' "' ' '__' __ _ "'_ _' '_' " "'_ _"' _" ' __ ' __ __ '_"' __ " ' """ _' "' " " "' _ � „ _ "' " "_ ___ " " ' ' ' ' _' ' '" "_' ' ' _' _' "" ' � "_" ' _' ' ' " " " ' " _'"'"_ �" " " ' _" _" "" � _ ' _' "' " ""' " '" _ _" "" _ ' " "_ _""_ "" ' _ ' _ __ '_" '" _ __ "" _ '_ " " �" ' "- _ " 16 �Yl�#!f!f�el!!41lR� .�.,..�,..�..��� , , - -- -- - - - - - - - ��...��.�r�.. � \'I f! �i� � � � � �. � � � � � \�I � A�1A l R R4 � � � �lq �� 1�� � � wl � i __ " " _ _ _ _ _ _ : �5'ia:,:iiawidw:iii�i���i.�i 19 . 2� � 21 . - ° - - - - --- - - -- -- --- - - ---- -- - - - � - - -- - - --- - - --- -- -- - .. - ---- - -- - -- - - - - - ------ -- -- -- - ' • - - --- -- - - - -- - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- -- - - - - ' - ' - - --- -- - -- -- - --- --- - - - - -- -- - -- -- - - - -- • --- . ' --- -- - - --- --- - -- �- --- -- -- - - - - -- --- -- --- -- - - -- --- �`19�1�1���i�{q� � ' �� • 33 34 35 36 /�'/-..��� 2 3 � - - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - -- - -- --- -- - ---- - - -- --- - - - - - -- --- -- - - - - - - :.--- -- - -- - - - -- - ---- - - - . - - Section 3 10 This ordinance shail take effect and be in full force thirty (30) days following its passage, approval and publication �� 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Adopted by Councii: Date a�� � 30 31 Adoption Certified by Council Secretary 32 - � j � � 33 By: 0 ` __ 3 , � -�—,._�-- 34 _ J������r Zd� 35 Approved by Mayor: Date „�_� 36 37 By: /r/� Requested by Department of: Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protecti By � ' Form Approved by City � By: `� � u,l Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: (.�,� %���°�--� , ,. : , � �' 2�. �!' 0 OFFICE oF LIEP Date: GREEN SHEET Robert Kessler December is, 2000 �/�� 266-9112 N0 103773 1 %PARTNILNT DIR&CPOR ITY COIINCIL � 'Z ITY ATPORNSY ITY CLSRR ust be on Council Agenda byc �°° �'r nnzacrox xx. a Mcr. svc. nxx_ �. -� 3 YOR (OR ASSZSTANT) OTAL # OF SIGNATIIRE PAGBS I (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUESTED: An action to amend.Saint Paul Legislative Code Chapter 376; aking the temporary maximum taxicab fare structure, that was approved October 1, 1999, permanent, and requiring an annual review of the fare structure. COM1IIMiNDATIONS: APPROVS (A) OR REJECP (R) 8&SONAI, S8RVIC8 CONTRTClS MQST ANSWBR T88 FOLLONII7G: � PLPS1`iIING CONASISSION CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION Has the person/fixm evet worked under a contract for this depastment? CIB COMMITTEE BUSINBSS RSVIEW COUNCIL YHS NO STAFF _ Has this person/fixm ever been a City employee? DI5IRICT COURT SBS NO Does this person/firm possess a skill no[ normally possessed by any ' UPPORTS WHZCH COUNCIL OBJECTIV&? Nrrent City employee? Y%S NO lain all Y&5 aaswera oa a aeparate aheet and attach. INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (UIho, What, When, Where, Why): IEP desires to make permanent the maximum fare structure currently in force for taxicab service. Because this fare structure was set up as temporary, it requires the approval of the city council to make the fare structure permanent. dditionally, the need is seen for an annual review of taxicab service fares and charges. VANTAGES IF APPROVED: It will make permanent a taxicab service fare structure that allows for price competition under a predetermined maximum rate, and allows for regular review of that structure. ISADVAN3'AGES IF APPROVED: None. ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: The fare structure currently used for Saint Paul lieensed taxicab service will.remain on a temporary basis, rather than a ermanent one. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S COST/REVENUE BUDGETED YES NO = FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER - FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) �- �a���� � �� aaL:^: rK e 3-, ui-^:;:::a: F S. u.._.. r��flA ��C � � L�:� �'ir � 6d ���� CITY �T����1��