01-348t •'':� ti j J — N��t.� o�S c3CC` t<� i,. �.. � i� f v �cc�s�ns:c�e�ey ov l ��7. ��{, aUO\ Wi�hJrawa e..� Na./. ?e }ao� ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, NII1�iNESOTA Presented By Referred To CouncilFile # C�i� — 3 �� ��_ � . � _ • Green Sheet # J p� �s �� � O� ..,.�i �� . Committee An ordinance to amend Saint Paul Legislativ Code Chapter 376 to eliminate the controls on t nuxnber of taacicab vehicle licenses and e ablishing additional requirements for new vehic taacicab licenses THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL gOES ORDAIN: Section 376.02 of the Saint Paui Legislative Sec. 376.02. Defmitions. is hereby amended to read as follows: Except where otherwise expre y stated, the following terms, wherever used in this chapter, shall have the meanings res ctively ascribed to them in this section: Auto-car. An "auto-car" ' hereby defined to be a self-propelled motor vehicle with a capacity for carrying seven (7) assengers for hire and which operates from a garage or livery and which is kept at all time n such garage or livery, except when answering a call, and is hired from such garage or livery nly. d Driver. T term "driver" shall mean the individual in immediate control of the movement of t public vehicle. �r. The word "owner" sha11 mean any person, firm, copartnership, corporation ar that has the bona fide legal title and the right of control, direction, operation and e of such licensed taxicab so operated for hire on the streets of the City of Saint Paul. / Passenger service vehicZe. The term "passenger service vehicie" shall mean and include any motor vehicie carrying passengers for hire or for a fee, but shall not include any vehicle used in providing limousine service as defined in Minnesota Statutes, Section 221.84. Person(s) with disabilities. The term "person(s) with disabilities" shall mean any person � for whom, by reason of age, or disability as defined in Minnesota Statutes, Section 363.01, 8�- � Y subdivision 13, their access to and use of taxicabs would be facilitated by being able to ride in the front passenger seat of the taacicab. PubZic vehicZes. The term "public vehicles" shali mean and include taYicabs passenger service vehicles. � Taxicab. The term "taacicab" shall mean and include any motor-driven , hicle for the transportation for hire of passengers, which is equipped with a tasimeter an a distinctive color scheme as hereinafter defined. Taximeter. The term "taacimeter" shall mean and include any device, approved by the inspector, by which the charge for hire of a calculated, and on which such charge is plainly indicated. � Section 2 Section 376.05 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code shall be Sec. 376.05. Public convenience and necessity. dcai instrument or is mechanicaliy to read as follows: (a) Number of licenses. The authorized number�f taxicab licenses shall be one hundred fifty (150), until May 31. 2001, after which tim�the nuxnber will be determined accordingto the requirements of Section 376.10. fj' irs!s-- -- -- - - - -- ---- ----- - - - - - -- --- - ---- - -- - - . ---- ----- -- ----- -- - - -- -- - -- -- - - --- --- - �:,r.,.r.,:,.�.:.� - :,sa�:..r.,.a.n�.,y: - - , � Y _ w�l�L�l���l�I��ln��wiVt ��wiRN����� Section 3 Section 376.08 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code shall be amended to Sec. 376.08. Applicant--Requirements. as follows: (a) Each applicant for license to operate for hire a public velyfcle must comply with the following conditions to the satisfaction of the anspecto�/ (1) Be the state license registered owner or a 1 see, if the motor vehicle is the subject of a lease having an initial term of six (6) onths or longer, of the public vehicle. (2) Be of the age of eighteen (18) yeazs, over, in the case of an individual, and in the case of any copartnership or co oration, must be authorized to operate taxicabs and cany on business in ccordance with the laws of the State of Minnesota. (3) Must obtain a license for ea�th and every such vehicle to be operated. (4) Must fill out upon a bl form to be pzovided by the inspector a statement covering each vehicle o be so licensed, giving full name and address of the owner; the class an assenger-carrying capacity of the vehicle for which a license is desired; e length of time the vehicle has been in use; the make of car; the engine numb r; the serial number and the state license number; what insurance or bond again personal injury or properiy damage is carried, and in what amount. If s�d application is made by an individual owner, said owner shall sign and swear said application; if said application is made by a partnership, then by one (1) o the partners; and if by a corporation, then by one (1) of the duly elected officer of said corporation. (b) Said applic tion shall also include an accurate and detailed description of the color scheme o the public vehicle, if it is to be used as a taxicab, including inscriptions or mono s thereon, proposed to be operated by said applicant, which shall be distinctly differ t from that of the taacicabs of any other licensed owner or operator, so that the o rship and identity may be readily ascertained by the deparhnent of police and p ons of any tasicab, except that one (1) or mare applicants who are members of the ame association and who are authorized to use the colar scheme of tasicabs, including the inscriptions or monograms thereon, of such associations may be licensed to do so when proper evidence of their right from such association to use such color scheme and inscriptions or monograms shall be filed with their application; and it shall be unlawful for the owner of any such taxacab, or tlae operator or driver thereof, licensed under the terms of thi s chapter to make any change whatever in the color scheme of the taxicabs or � 1��� Y the inscriptions or monograms thereon without first obtaining the approval of the city council. Y • Secrion 4 Section 37610 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code shail be amended to read as Sec. 376.10. License--Issuance. (a) Renewal licenses Upon satisfactory fulfillment of the requue nts of sections 376.08, 376.09 and the following threshold criteria enuxnerated belo , it shall be the duty of the license inspector to issue licenses to qualified applicants. e threshold criteria shall be: (1) Affiliation with a capable service company dispatching, advertising, recard keeping an� taxicab owners and operators using a disti� �2) (3) Demonsiration of fmancial ability to Adequate level of past service, if � �ng that provides radio ;r common services to a group of color scheme and company name. taxicab services. b� New licenses. An�ew applicant for a vehicle license shall. in addition to the re�uirements above, meet the followine criteria: 1 � The applicant must affiliate with a service com�anv with a minimum of fifteen 2 j151 Citv of Saint Paul licensed vehicles. Q�'��r 4 � 6 7 The vehicie(s that applicant intends to license must be a new vehicie, defined as current model year and with less than ten thousand (10.0001 miles on the odometer. Any repiacement vehicles must meet these same requirements. 8 � All new vehicle licenses issued after May 31, 2001 will be restricted to Saint Paul 9 licensin�onlv, and shall not operate in other cities or jurisdictions, including the 10 Mimieapolis-St. Paul International Airport. 11 12 Section 5 13 14 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force tlurty (30) days following its pa age, approval 15 and publication. ����E$V�� Adopted by Council: Adoption ��W _ T � �pc�\ Council Secretary $Y� _ 1 Appxoved by yor: Date Sy: Requested by Department of: r By: Form Approved by City Attor � By: — '/ ) Approved for S_�mission to Council B � :� OFFICE OF LIEP Robert Kessler 266-9112 be on Council Agenda by= Date: .m. � � GREEN SHEET No.103771 CTION REQUESTED: An ordinance to amend Saint Paul Legislative Co e Chaptes 76; eliminating controls on the number of t�icab vehicle lice ses issued_ NDATIONS: APPROVE (A) OR REJECT (R) NING COMMISSION CIVIL SERVICE COtM1ISSI0' COMMITTBE HUSINESS REVIEW COUNCIL F RICP COi1AT S WHICEi COUNCZL OBJECl'IVE? ONAL SHRVICS CONTRACfS MflST ANSWSR THS G: Has the person/firm ever worked under a contract for this depaxtment? YES NO Has this person/Eirm ever been a C' y employee? YSS NO Does this person/firm possess a ki11 not normally possessed by any Clurent City employee? YES NO ain all Y85 aaswera on a s rate sheet and attach. ..�.���y.... ....,..L�, ., �.,.,.,.., .,��....�.,..�_. �....,, ore taxicab vehicle licenses are needed to aint Paul. Elimination of the cap on the n ssued, rather than increasing the number of emoves the difficulty in determining how t eceive additional licenses, if there are� vailable licenses. What, When, Where, i�7hy): mp ve the level of service in er of taxicab vehicle Ticenses uch licenses by a set amount, choose who is best qualified to e license applications than TAGES IF APPROVED: taxicabs will be available to s e the public's needs. �af���� i�vi�.s� q taxicabs will not be a ilable to meet the public's needs. AMOi3NT OF TRANSACT N S COST/REVENUE BUDGETED YES NO SOURCE : (EXPLAIN) ACTIVITY NUMBER ��a?���"� ..� �ni=;'?:.d� �i�� ; � 2��3 May 2, 2001, City Council Acrion Minutes i 0 ��,3� ro Page 6 27. Final Reading - 01-348 - An ordinance amending Saint Paul Legislative Code Chapter 376 to eliminate the controls on the number of taxicab vehicle licenses and establishing additional requirements for new vehicle taxicab licenses. (Substitute inlroduced on Apri125) Laid over to Angust 1 Yeas - 6 Nays -1(Blakey) (The City Council requested the Office of License, Inspections and � Environmental Protection (LIEP) to provide a comprehensive report as to how they will deal with the increased number of cabs, improve service, eleaner cabs, new ways of regulating cabs on a metto-wide approach, an e rcement provision, fee structure for the license and fare structures.) 28. Final Reading - 01-349 - An ordinance amending Saint Paul Legislative Code Chapter 376; making the temporary maximum taxicab faze structure, that was approved on October 1, 1999, permanent and requiring an annual review of the faze structure. Adopted Yeas - 7 Nays - 0 29. Final Reading - O1-350 - An ardinance amending Chapter 225 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code to pernut Animal Control Officers to carry and dischazge a fireazm while carrying on the duties of their occupation. Adopted Yeas - 7 Nays - 0 30. Final Reading - 01-375 - An ordinance amending Chapter 246 of the Saint Paul Legislarive Code to pemut temporary liquor and 3.2 beer licenses to be issued in City pazks and to delete obsolete references to the department of community services. Adopted Yeas - 7 Nays - 0 31. Final Reading - O1-377 - An ordinance extending the interim ordinance in Counci] File No. 00-152 which preserved the status quo with respect to the use of property pending the completion of studies and amendments to the Saint Paul Zoning Code relating to gun shops. Adopted Yeas - 7 Nays - 0 . 32. Third Reading - O1-401 - An ordinance finalizing City Council action approving a petition of Metzger Building Materials to rezone property at 763 and 765 Bradley Street from RT-1 to I-1 to permit outside storage of inetal framing for drywall. (Public hearing held on February 7, 2001) Laid over to May 9 for final adoption Council FIIe # �� �' �� G�(GI��L ora���e # Crreen Sheet # /0� �J/ ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL,IVIIl�iNESOTA Presented By Referred To �x An ordinance to amend Saint Paul Le� Chapter 376 to eliminate the controls number of taacicab vehicle licenses an� additional requirements for new vehi� licenses � THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT 1 Section 376.02 of the Saint Paul Sec. 376.02. Definitions. Except where otherwise e chapter, shall have the meanings Committee ] / slat� e Code n e ,.stablishing ;taxicab ORAAIN: is hereby amended to read as follows: stated, the following terms, wherever used in this elv ascribed to them in this secrion: Auto-can An "auto-car" s hereby defined to be a self-propelled motor vehicle with a capacity for carrying seven (7 passengers for hire and which operates from a gazage or livery and which is kept at all rime in such gazage or livery, except when answering a call, and is hired from such garage or livery nly. Driver. term "driver" shall mean the individual in immediate controi of the movement of th roublic vehicle. f. The word "owner" shall mean any person, fum, coparinership, corparation or iat has the bona fide legal title and the right of control, direction, operation and of such licensed tasicab so operated for hire on the streets of the City of Saint Paul. Passenger service vehicle. The term "passenger service vetricle" shall mean and include any motor vehicle carrying passengers for hire or for a fee, but shall not include any vehicle used in providing limousine service as defined in Nlinnesota Statutes, Section 221.84. di-��r� Person(s) with disabilities. The term "person(s) with disabilities" shall mean any person £or whom, by reason of age, or disability as defined in Minnesota Statutes, Section 363.01, subdivision 13, their access to and use of taacicabs wouid be facilitated by being able to ride in the front passenger seat of the tazicab. PubZic vehicles. The term "public vehicles" shall mean and include t�icabs and passenger service vehicles. Taxicab. The term "t�icab" shall mean and include any motor-driven ve � e for the transportation for hire of passengers, which is equipped with a ta�cimeter and a�stinctive color scheme as hereinafter defined. Taximeter. The term "taYimeter" shali mean and include any me anical insirument or device, approved by the inspector, by which the charge for hire of a t icab is mechanically calculated, and on which such charge is piainly indicated. Section 2 Section 376.05 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code shall be to read as follows: Sec. 376.05. Public convenience and necessity. (a) Number of licenses. The authorized number licenses shall be one hundred fifty �' the requirements of Section 37610. �.�:: .. : --- ------ --- -- -- -- - - - -- -��.....�.- - - _ ' _- _= r_" _ ' __ _ __ ' __" "_ "_ "_' _" _ '_ _ 1� 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 Secrion 3 Section 376.08 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code shall be amended Sec. 376.08. Applicant--Requirements. as foliows: di-.� �r/ (a) Each applicant for license to operate for hire a public hicle must comply with the following conditions to the satisfaction of the inspec r: (1) Be the state license registered owner or a essee, if the motor vehicle is the subject of a lease having an nutial term of six months or longer, of the public vehicle. (2) Be of the age of eighteen (18) year , or over, in the case of an individual, and in the case of any copartnership or c rporation, must be authorized to operate taxicabs and carry on business � accordance with the laws of the State of Minnesota. (3) - Must obtain a license for ach and every such vehicle to be operated. (4) Must fill out upon a b ank form to be provided by the inspector a statement covering each vehi e to be so licensed, giving full name and address of the owner; the class d passenger-canying capacity of the vehicle for which a license is desire ; the length of time the vehicle has been in use; the make of car; the engine n ber; the serial number and the state license number; what insurance or bond aga st personal injury or property damage is carried, and in what amount. I said application is made by an individual owner, said owner shall sign and swe to said applicarion; if said application is made by a partnership, then by one (1 of the partners; and if by a corparation, then by one (1) of the duly elected offi rs of said corporation. (b) 5aid ap ication shall also include an accurate and detailed description of the color sche of the public vehicle, if it is to be used as a ta�cicab, including inscriptions or mo grams thereon, proposed to be operated by said applicant, which shall be distinctly di erent from that of the taacicabs of any other licensed owner or operator, so that the 46 ership and identity may be readily ascertained by tke deparhnent of police and 47 patrons of any taxicab, except that one (1) or more applicants who are members of the 48 same association and who are authorized to use the color scheme of tasicabs, including 49 the inscriptions or monograms thereon, of such associations may be licensed to do so 50 when proper evidence of their right from such association to use such color scheme and 51 inscriptions or monogratns shall be filed with their application; and it shall be unlawful far the owner of any such taxicab, or the operator or driver thereof, licensed under the � ��� terms of this chapter to make any change whatever in the color scheme of the taacicabs or the inscriptions or monograms thereon without first obtaining the approval of the city council. Section 4 Section 376.10 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code shall be amended to ead as foliows: Sec. 376.10. License—Issuance. (a) Renewal licenses: Upon satisfactory fulfillment 376.09 and the following threshold criteria enun license inspector to issue licenses to qualified ap requirements of sections 376.08, below, it shall be the duty of the s. The threshold criteria shall be: (1) Affiliation with a capable service comp y� that provides radio dispatching, advertising, record keep� g and other common services to a group of tasicab owners and operators using distinctive color scheme and company name. (2) Demonstration of financial (3) Adequate level of past to operate taacicab services. if any. b� New licenses. An ny ew applicant for a vehicle license shall, in addition to the re�uirements above, meet the followine criteria: O� =3 �r� � The applicant must affiliate with a service company with a minimum of fifteen (151 Cit�of Saint Paul licensed vehicles. � Minnea�olis-St. Paul Intemational Airport. Section 5 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days fo owing its passage, approval and publication. � The vehicle(sl that applicant intends to license must be a new vehicle, defined as current model vear and with less than ten thousand (10,0001 miles on the� odometer. Reguested by Department of: Adopted by Counc' Adoption Certi ed By: Approved y Mayor: By: . Date by Council Secretary ��- / ��� ��"�_�� r Fosm Approved by City By: Date Approved b�'N�ayor for Submission to Council ay: o ,_��.a' CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM .�„rt�; :?c.. .,. July 26, 2001 To: Saint Paul City Council Fr: Roger Curtis, LIEP Duector �� At�� ' �� 2�fl� Re: Eliminating Economic Controls on Saint PauYs T cab Industry As you recall, on May 2, 2001, the City Council laid ove the ordinance removing the limit on the number of taxicab licenses issued by the Office of P. Among the many issues councilmembers raised at that meeting, all of which 'll be addressed below, was the issue of eliminating the controls on fazes in conjunction ' the controls on the nuxnber of vehicle licenses. While licensing stafFwanted to be sur eliminating the controls on fazes coincided with the removal of the vehicle cap, both provisio aze in the amended ordinance proposed for August 1, 2001. Impact of Deregulation in Other Cincinnati Ohio In 1994, after Cincinnati elimina d the number of licenses issued by its Public Vehicles Department, 237 new taxis be providing additional taxi services almost imxnediately. Cleveland. Ohio When Cieveland elimina d its entry restrictions, in 1994, the number of licenses juxnped from 350 to 420. The numb of taxicab vehicles reached its peak in 1995 with 574. By 20Q1, due to market forces - and n based on an arbitrary number set by the licensing staff - the number of vehicles tapered o at 440, 25% above the 1994 fleet size. No new cab c mpanies were created in Denver from 1947 to 1995. At that time, the Institute for Justice, on half of four entrepreneurs who were turned down by the Colorado Public Utilities Commiss' n, sued and won the right to start taxicab companies in Denver. The first new cab comp in Denver in alxnost fifty yeazs employed over 100 people within the first year. ' e Denver is often used as a model for taxicab deregulation, in fact it s611 controls entry b ed on "public convenience and necessity." However, in yeazs past, any potential trepreneurs looking to enter Denver's taxicab market had to prove that "public convenience and necessiTy" e�sted. After the 19951aw suit, the onus has shifted to opponents of new cab U1-�� companies that must prove public convenience and necessity is currently fulfilled. Indianapolis. Indiana Indianapolis is the model licensing staff used when formulating this ordinance. In July 1994, Indianapolis deregulated both fazes and vehicle license limits. The result was a tremendous change in that city's taxicab market. The number of licensed taxi operators increased 60%. Since deregulation was initiated, 29 new companies were created. Seventy-five percent the new companies are female or minoriTy owned. The number of vehicles themselves r e by 7%. While the number of licensed cab companies increased, the amount charged i those rides decreased: fazes for pick-up charges dropped 12%; the average mileage rat opped 3%; the average first-mile rate dropped 7%. Unlicensed, Illegal Taxicabs (or "Bandit Cabs") A black market is a telltale sign that economic controls in plac ate not working the way regulators intended. We assume the reason the vast majority f bandit cabs enter Saint Paul and pick-up illegally is, quite simply, because they are unable receive tasicab vehicle licenses from LIEP. Ending the artificial cap on the number of taxica velucle licenses issued will reduce bandit cabs entering Saint Paul. > Since we aze among two xnajor, conriguous metro olitan ciries along with an internafional airport and several suburbs, all with sepazate regulato control agencies over taxicabs, there will always be drivers who are unwilling to "dead head," t is, drive back to the municipality that they aze licensed in without a passenger. If you wei the cost of enforcing bandit cabs (taxicab inspectors' time, police time, administra ' e costs of tags) with the problems they will cause after deregulation, it is not worth coxnmittin the resources to pro-actively catch bandit cabs. We will continue to enforce bandit cabs on a mplaint-basis. Increase in Taaicab Inspections/by the City's Garage Problems haue occurred this t year with our garage being backed up and, occasionaily, taxicab drivers waiting in Ii e for an inspection, despite having an appointment. However, it is not the inspections aze overwhelming the inspectors at the City's garage but the reinspections and the re einspections. Creating age lunits on vehicles and sending out vehicle "pre-inspection" shee ahead of tune will eliminate the need for these reinspections, offsetting the impact of addid al taxicabs on the garage stafF. Licensing staff 1 be available to answer any questions you may have at the City Council meeting on Au st 1, 2001. In the meantime, if you haue questions, issues or concerns, please contact me or ave Lobejko. c: M or Norm Coleman Bill Huepenbecker, Mayor's Office Business Review Council OFFICE OF LICENSE, INSPECTIONS AND ENVIRONMENTAL PRpTECTION Roger Cunis, Dirutor CITY OF SA1NT PAUL Narm Coleman, Mayor LOWRYPROFESSIONAL BUILDING Suite 300 350 St Petu Street SaintP¢ul, Minnesoia SS102-I570 Telephone: 651-266-9090 Facsfmile: 65I-198-9I24 Differences between Ordinance DI-799 and Ordinance OI-348 Fare Deregulation 348 - does not effecf regulafions 799 - eluninates fare regulations Number of licenses both eluninate the cap - currently set at 150 cabs Applicant Requirements 348 - applicant must be affiliated with a service company with a minimum of 15 vehicles 799 - 24 hour radio service and 24 hour dispatch must still be provided under current nxles. No minimum number of vehicles. New Vehicle Licenses 348 - restricts the vehicle to being licensed in Saint Paul only. They cannot be also licensed in any other jurisdiction including the airport. 799 - vehicles can be licensed in other jurisdictions 348 - a car must be current model year (re: 2002 at this date) for original licensing. Car could after this initial licensing be allowed to remain in service, essentially, in perpetuity as long as vehicle can pass inspection. 799 - the car can only be five yeazs old from current model year (re: 1997 at this date) - only for new licensing. As long as vehicle passes mechanical and shict appeazance reshictions it is allowed to be re-licensed. t •'':� ti j J — N��t.� o�S c3CC` t<� i,. �.. � i� f v �cc�s�ns:c�e�ey ov l ��7. ��{, aUO\ Wi�hJrawa e..� Na./. ?e }ao� ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, NII1�iNESOTA Presented By Referred To CouncilFile # C�i� — 3 �� ��_ � . � _ • Green Sheet # J p� �s �� � O� ..,.�i �� . Committee An ordinance to amend Saint Paul Legislativ Code Chapter 376 to eliminate the controls on t nuxnber of taacicab vehicle licenses and e ablishing additional requirements for new vehic taacicab licenses THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL gOES ORDAIN: Section 376.02 of the Saint Paui Legislative Sec. 376.02. Defmitions. is hereby amended to read as follows: Except where otherwise expre y stated, the following terms, wherever used in this chapter, shall have the meanings res ctively ascribed to them in this section: Auto-car. An "auto-car" ' hereby defined to be a self-propelled motor vehicle with a capacity for carrying seven (7) assengers for hire and which operates from a garage or livery and which is kept at all time n such garage or livery, except when answering a call, and is hired from such garage or livery nly. d Driver. T term "driver" shall mean the individual in immediate control of the movement of t public vehicle. �r. The word "owner" sha11 mean any person, firm, copartnership, corporation ar that has the bona fide legal title and the right of control, direction, operation and e of such licensed taxicab so operated for hire on the streets of the City of Saint Paul. / Passenger service vehicZe. The term "passenger service vehicie" shall mean and include any motor vehicie carrying passengers for hire or for a fee, but shall not include any vehicle used in providing limousine service as defined in Minnesota Statutes, Section 221.84. Person(s) with disabilities. The term "person(s) with disabilities" shall mean any person � for whom, by reason of age, or disability as defined in Minnesota Statutes, Section 363.01, 8�- � Y subdivision 13, their access to and use of taxicabs would be facilitated by being able to ride in the front passenger seat of the taacicab. PubZic vehicZes. The term "public vehicles" shali mean and include taYicabs passenger service vehicles. � Taxicab. The term "taacicab" shall mean and include any motor-driven , hicle for the transportation for hire of passengers, which is equipped with a tasimeter an a distinctive color scheme as hereinafter defined. Taximeter. The term "taacimeter" shall mean and include any device, approved by the inspector, by which the charge for hire of a calculated, and on which such charge is plainly indicated. � Section 2 Section 376.05 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code shall be Sec. 376.05. Public convenience and necessity. dcai instrument or is mechanicaliy to read as follows: (a) Number of licenses. The authorized number�f taxicab licenses shall be one hundred fifty (150), until May 31. 2001, after which tim�the nuxnber will be determined accordingto the requirements of Section 376.10. fj' irs!s-- -- -- - - - -- ---- ----- - - - - - -- --- - ---- - -- - - . ---- ----- -- ----- -- - - -- -- - -- -- - - --- --- - �:,r.,.r.,:,.�.:.� - :,sa�:..r.,.a.n�.,y: - - , � Y _ w�l�L�l���l�I��ln��wiVt ��wiRN����� Section 3 Section 376.08 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code shall be amended to Sec. 376.08. Applicant--Requirements. as follows: (a) Each applicant for license to operate for hire a public velyfcle must comply with the following conditions to the satisfaction of the anspecto�/ (1) Be the state license registered owner or a 1 see, if the motor vehicle is the subject of a lease having an initial term of six (6) onths or longer, of the public vehicle. (2) Be of the age of eighteen (18) yeazs, over, in the case of an individual, and in the case of any copartnership or co oration, must be authorized to operate taxicabs and cany on business in ccordance with the laws of the State of Minnesota. (3) Must obtain a license for ea�th and every such vehicle to be operated. (4) Must fill out upon a bl form to be pzovided by the inspector a statement covering each vehicle o be so licensed, giving full name and address of the owner; the class an assenger-carrying capacity of the vehicle for which a license is desired; e length of time the vehicle has been in use; the make of car; the engine numb r; the serial number and the state license number; what insurance or bond again personal injury or properiy damage is carried, and in what amount. If s�d application is made by an individual owner, said owner shall sign and swear said application; if said application is made by a partnership, then by one (1) o the partners; and if by a corporation, then by one (1) of the duly elected officer of said corporation. (b) Said applic tion shall also include an accurate and detailed description of the color scheme o the public vehicle, if it is to be used as a taxicab, including inscriptions or mono s thereon, proposed to be operated by said applicant, which shall be distinctly differ t from that of the taacicabs of any other licensed owner or operator, so that the o rship and identity may be readily ascertained by the deparhnent of police and p ons of any tasicab, except that one (1) or mare applicants who are members of the ame association and who are authorized to use the colar scheme of tasicabs, including the inscriptions or monograms thereon, of such associations may be licensed to do so when proper evidence of their right from such association to use such color scheme and inscriptions or monograms shall be filed with their application; and it shall be unlawful for the owner of any such taxacab, or tlae operator or driver thereof, licensed under the terms of thi s chapter to make any change whatever in the color scheme of the taxicabs or � 1��� Y the inscriptions or monograms thereon without first obtaining the approval of the city council. Y • Secrion 4 Section 37610 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code shail be amended to read as Sec. 376.10. License--Issuance. (a) Renewal licenses Upon satisfactory fulfillment of the requue nts of sections 376.08, 376.09 and the following threshold criteria enuxnerated belo , it shall be the duty of the license inspector to issue licenses to qualified applicants. e threshold criteria shall be: (1) Affiliation with a capable service company dispatching, advertising, recard keeping an� taxicab owners and operators using a disti� �2) (3) Demonsiration of fmancial ability to Adequate level of past service, if � �ng that provides radio ;r common services to a group of color scheme and company name. taxicab services. b� New licenses. An�ew applicant for a vehicle license shall. in addition to the re�uirements above, meet the followine criteria: 1 � The applicant must affiliate with a service com�anv with a minimum of fifteen 2 j151 Citv of Saint Paul licensed vehicles. Q�'��r 4 � 6 7 The vehicie(s that applicant intends to license must be a new vehicie, defined as current model year and with less than ten thousand (10.0001 miles on the odometer. Any repiacement vehicles must meet these same requirements. 8 � All new vehicle licenses issued after May 31, 2001 will be restricted to Saint Paul 9 licensin�onlv, and shall not operate in other cities or jurisdictions, including the 10 Mimieapolis-St. Paul International Airport. 11 12 Section 5 13 14 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force tlurty (30) days following its pa age, approval 15 and publication. ����E$V�� Adopted by Council: Adoption ��W _ T � �pc�\ Council Secretary $Y� _ 1 Appxoved by yor: Date Sy: Requested by Department of: r By: Form Approved by City Attor � By: — '/ ) Approved for S_�mission to Council B � :� OFFICE OF LIEP Robert Kessler 266-9112 be on Council Agenda by= Date: .m. � � GREEN SHEET No.103771 CTION REQUESTED: An ordinance to amend Saint Paul Legislative Co e Chaptes 76; eliminating controls on the number of t�icab vehicle lice ses issued_ NDATIONS: APPROVE (A) OR REJECT (R) NING COMMISSION CIVIL SERVICE COtM1ISSI0' COMMITTBE HUSINESS REVIEW COUNCIL F RICP COi1AT S WHICEi COUNCZL OBJECl'IVE? ONAL SHRVICS CONTRACfS MflST ANSWSR THS G: Has the person/firm ever worked under a contract for this depaxtment? YES NO Has this person/Eirm ever been a C' y employee? YSS NO Does this person/firm possess a ki11 not normally possessed by any Clurent City employee? YES NO ain all Y85 aaswera on a s rate sheet and attach. ..�.���y.... ....,..L�, ., �.,.,.,.., .,��....�.,..�_. �....,, ore taxicab vehicle licenses are needed to aint Paul. Elimination of the cap on the n ssued, rather than increasing the number of emoves the difficulty in determining how t eceive additional licenses, if there are� vailable licenses. What, When, Where, i�7hy): mp ve the level of service in er of taxicab vehicle Ticenses uch licenses by a set amount, choose who is best qualified to e license applications than TAGES IF APPROVED: taxicabs will be available to s e the public's needs. �af���� i�vi�.s� q taxicabs will not be a ilable to meet the public's needs. AMOi3NT OF TRANSACT N S COST/REVENUE BUDGETED YES NO SOURCE : (EXPLAIN) ACTIVITY NUMBER ��a?���"� ..� �ni=;'?:.d� �i�� ; � 2��3 May 2, 2001, City Council Acrion Minutes i 0 ��,3� ro Page 6 27. Final Reading - 01-348 - An ordinance amending Saint Paul Legislative Code Chapter 376 to eliminate the controls on the number of taxicab vehicle licenses and establishing additional requirements for new vehicle taxicab licenses. (Substitute inlroduced on Apri125) Laid over to Angust 1 Yeas - 6 Nays -1(Blakey) (The City Council requested the Office of License, Inspections and � Environmental Protection (LIEP) to provide a comprehensive report as to how they will deal with the increased number of cabs, improve service, eleaner cabs, new ways of regulating cabs on a metto-wide approach, an e rcement provision, fee structure for the license and fare structures.) 28. Final Reading - 01-349 - An ordinance amending Saint Paul Legislative Code Chapter 376; making the temporary maximum taxicab faze structure, that was approved on October 1, 1999, permanent and requiring an annual review of the faze structure. Adopted Yeas - 7 Nays - 0 29. Final Reading - O1-350 - An ardinance amending Chapter 225 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code to pernut Animal Control Officers to carry and dischazge a fireazm while carrying on the duties of their occupation. Adopted Yeas - 7 Nays - 0 30. Final Reading - 01-375 - An ordinance amending Chapter 246 of the Saint Paul Legislarive Code to pemut temporary liquor and 3.2 beer licenses to be issued in City pazks and to delete obsolete references to the department of community services. Adopted Yeas - 7 Nays - 0 31. Final Reading - O1-377 - An ordinance extending the interim ordinance in Counci] File No. 00-152 which preserved the status quo with respect to the use of property pending the completion of studies and amendments to the Saint Paul Zoning Code relating to gun shops. Adopted Yeas - 7 Nays - 0 . 32. Third Reading - O1-401 - An ordinance finalizing City Council action approving a petition of Metzger Building Materials to rezone property at 763 and 765 Bradley Street from RT-1 to I-1 to permit outside storage of inetal framing for drywall. (Public hearing held on February 7, 2001) Laid over to May 9 for final adoption Council FIIe # �� �' �� G�(GI��L ora���e # Crreen Sheet # /0� �J/ ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL,IVIIl�iNESOTA Presented By Referred To �x An ordinance to amend Saint Paul Le� Chapter 376 to eliminate the controls number of taacicab vehicle licenses an� additional requirements for new vehi� licenses � THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT 1 Section 376.02 of the Saint Paul Sec. 376.02. Definitions. Except where otherwise e chapter, shall have the meanings Committee ] / slat� e Code n e ,.stablishing ;taxicab ORAAIN: is hereby amended to read as follows: stated, the following terms, wherever used in this elv ascribed to them in this secrion: Auto-can An "auto-car" s hereby defined to be a self-propelled motor vehicle with a capacity for carrying seven (7 passengers for hire and which operates from a gazage or livery and which is kept at all rime in such gazage or livery, except when answering a call, and is hired from such garage or livery nly. Driver. term "driver" shall mean the individual in immediate controi of the movement of th roublic vehicle. f. The word "owner" shall mean any person, fum, coparinership, corparation or iat has the bona fide legal title and the right of control, direction, operation and of such licensed tasicab so operated for hire on the streets of the City of Saint Paul. Passenger service vehicle. The term "passenger service vetricle" shall mean and include any motor vehicle carrying passengers for hire or for a fee, but shall not include any vehicle used in providing limousine service as defined in Nlinnesota Statutes, Section 221.84. di-��r� Person(s) with disabilities. The term "person(s) with disabilities" shall mean any person £or whom, by reason of age, or disability as defined in Minnesota Statutes, Section 363.01, subdivision 13, their access to and use of taacicabs wouid be facilitated by being able to ride in the front passenger seat of the tazicab. PubZic vehicles. The term "public vehicles" shall mean and include t�icabs and passenger service vehicles. Taxicab. The term "t�icab" shall mean and include any motor-driven ve � e for the transportation for hire of passengers, which is equipped with a ta�cimeter and a�stinctive color scheme as hereinafter defined. Taximeter. The term "taYimeter" shali mean and include any me anical insirument or device, approved by the inspector, by which the charge for hire of a t icab is mechanically calculated, and on which such charge is piainly indicated. Section 2 Section 376.05 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code shall be to read as follows: Sec. 376.05. Public convenience and necessity. (a) Number of licenses. The authorized number licenses shall be one hundred fifty �' the requirements of Section 37610. �.�:: .. : --- ------ --- -- -- -- - - - -- -��.....�.- - - _ ' _- _= r_" _ ' __ _ __ ' __" "_ "_ "_' _" _ '_ _ 1� 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 Secrion 3 Section 376.08 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code shall be amended Sec. 376.08. Applicant--Requirements. as foliows: di-.� �r/ (a) Each applicant for license to operate for hire a public hicle must comply with the following conditions to the satisfaction of the inspec r: (1) Be the state license registered owner or a essee, if the motor vehicle is the subject of a lease having an nutial term of six months or longer, of the public vehicle. (2) Be of the age of eighteen (18) year , or over, in the case of an individual, and in the case of any copartnership or c rporation, must be authorized to operate taxicabs and carry on business � accordance with the laws of the State of Minnesota. (3) - Must obtain a license for ach and every such vehicle to be operated. (4) Must fill out upon a b ank form to be provided by the inspector a statement covering each vehi e to be so licensed, giving full name and address of the owner; the class d passenger-canying capacity of the vehicle for which a license is desire ; the length of time the vehicle has been in use; the make of car; the engine n ber; the serial number and the state license number; what insurance or bond aga st personal injury or property damage is carried, and in what amount. I said application is made by an individual owner, said owner shall sign and swe to said applicarion; if said application is made by a partnership, then by one (1 of the partners; and if by a corparation, then by one (1) of the duly elected offi rs of said corporation. (b) 5aid ap ication shall also include an accurate and detailed description of the color sche of the public vehicle, if it is to be used as a ta�cicab, including inscriptions or mo grams thereon, proposed to be operated by said applicant, which shall be distinctly di erent from that of the taacicabs of any other licensed owner or operator, so that the 46 ership and identity may be readily ascertained by tke deparhnent of police and 47 patrons of any taxicab, except that one (1) or more applicants who are members of the 48 same association and who are authorized to use the color scheme of tasicabs, including 49 the inscriptions or monograms thereon, of such associations may be licensed to do so 50 when proper evidence of their right from such association to use such color scheme and 51 inscriptions or monogratns shall be filed with their application; and it shall be unlawful far the owner of any such taxicab, or the operator or driver thereof, licensed under the � ��� terms of this chapter to make any change whatever in the color scheme of the taacicabs or the inscriptions or monograms thereon without first obtaining the approval of the city council. Section 4 Section 376.10 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code shall be amended to ead as foliows: Sec. 376.10. License—Issuance. (a) Renewal licenses: Upon satisfactory fulfillment 376.09 and the following threshold criteria enun license inspector to issue licenses to qualified ap requirements of sections 376.08, below, it shall be the duty of the s. The threshold criteria shall be: (1) Affiliation with a capable service comp y� that provides radio dispatching, advertising, record keep� g and other common services to a group of tasicab owners and operators using distinctive color scheme and company name. (2) Demonstration of financial (3) Adequate level of past to operate taacicab services. if any. b� New licenses. An ny ew applicant for a vehicle license shall, in addition to the re�uirements above, meet the followine criteria: O� =3 �r� � The applicant must affiliate with a service company with a minimum of fifteen (151 Cit�of Saint Paul licensed vehicles. � Minnea�olis-St. Paul Intemational Airport. Section 5 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days fo owing its passage, approval and publication. � The vehicle(sl that applicant intends to license must be a new vehicle, defined as current model vear and with less than ten thousand (10,0001 miles on the� odometer. Reguested by Department of: Adopted by Counc' Adoption Certi ed By: Approved y Mayor: By: . Date by Council Secretary ��- / ��� ��"�_�� r Fosm Approved by City By: Date Approved b�'N�ayor for Submission to Council ay: o ,_��.a' CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM .�„rt�; :?c.. .,. July 26, 2001 To: Saint Paul City Council Fr: Roger Curtis, LIEP Duector �� At�� ' �� 2�fl� Re: Eliminating Economic Controls on Saint PauYs T cab Industry As you recall, on May 2, 2001, the City Council laid ove the ordinance removing the limit on the number of taxicab licenses issued by the Office of P. Among the many issues councilmembers raised at that meeting, all of which 'll be addressed below, was the issue of eliminating the controls on fazes in conjunction ' the controls on the nuxnber of vehicle licenses. While licensing stafFwanted to be sur eliminating the controls on fazes coincided with the removal of the vehicle cap, both provisio aze in the amended ordinance proposed for August 1, 2001. Impact of Deregulation in Other Cincinnati Ohio In 1994, after Cincinnati elimina d the number of licenses issued by its Public Vehicles Department, 237 new taxis be providing additional taxi services almost imxnediately. Cleveland. Ohio When Cieveland elimina d its entry restrictions, in 1994, the number of licenses juxnped from 350 to 420. The numb of taxicab vehicles reached its peak in 1995 with 574. By 20Q1, due to market forces - and n based on an arbitrary number set by the licensing staff - the number of vehicles tapered o at 440, 25% above the 1994 fleet size. No new cab c mpanies were created in Denver from 1947 to 1995. At that time, the Institute for Justice, on half of four entrepreneurs who were turned down by the Colorado Public Utilities Commiss' n, sued and won the right to start taxicab companies in Denver. The first new cab comp in Denver in alxnost fifty yeazs employed over 100 people within the first year. ' e Denver is often used as a model for taxicab deregulation, in fact it s611 controls entry b ed on "public convenience and necessity." However, in yeazs past, any potential trepreneurs looking to enter Denver's taxicab market had to prove that "public convenience and necessiTy" e�sted. After the 19951aw suit, the onus has shifted to opponents of new cab U1-�� companies that must prove public convenience and necessity is currently fulfilled. Indianapolis. Indiana Indianapolis is the model licensing staff used when formulating this ordinance. In July 1994, Indianapolis deregulated both fazes and vehicle license limits. The result was a tremendous change in that city's taxicab market. The number of licensed taxi operators increased 60%. Since deregulation was initiated, 29 new companies were created. Seventy-five percent the new companies are female or minoriTy owned. The number of vehicles themselves r e by 7%. While the number of licensed cab companies increased, the amount charged i those rides decreased: fazes for pick-up charges dropped 12%; the average mileage rat opped 3%; the average first-mile rate dropped 7%. Unlicensed, Illegal Taxicabs (or "Bandit Cabs") A black market is a telltale sign that economic controls in plac ate not working the way regulators intended. We assume the reason the vast majority f bandit cabs enter Saint Paul and pick-up illegally is, quite simply, because they are unable receive tasicab vehicle licenses from LIEP. Ending the artificial cap on the number of taxica velucle licenses issued will reduce bandit cabs entering Saint Paul. > Since we aze among two xnajor, conriguous metro olitan ciries along with an internafional airport and several suburbs, all with sepazate regulato control agencies over taxicabs, there will always be drivers who are unwilling to "dead head," t is, drive back to the municipality that they aze licensed in without a passenger. If you wei the cost of enforcing bandit cabs (taxicab inspectors' time, police time, administra ' e costs of tags) with the problems they will cause after deregulation, it is not worth coxnmittin the resources to pro-actively catch bandit cabs. We will continue to enforce bandit cabs on a mplaint-basis. Increase in Taaicab Inspections/by the City's Garage Problems haue occurred this t year with our garage being backed up and, occasionaily, taxicab drivers waiting in Ii e for an inspection, despite having an appointment. However, it is not the inspections aze overwhelming the inspectors at the City's garage but the reinspections and the re einspections. Creating age lunits on vehicles and sending out vehicle "pre-inspection" shee ahead of tune will eliminate the need for these reinspections, offsetting the impact of addid al taxicabs on the garage stafF. Licensing staff 1 be available to answer any questions you may have at the City Council meeting on Au st 1, 2001. In the meantime, if you haue questions, issues or concerns, please contact me or ave Lobejko. c: M or Norm Coleman Bill Huepenbecker, Mayor's Office Business Review Council OFFICE OF LICENSE, INSPECTIONS AND ENVIRONMENTAL PRpTECTION Roger Cunis, Dirutor CITY OF SA1NT PAUL Narm Coleman, Mayor LOWRYPROFESSIONAL BUILDING Suite 300 350 St Petu Street SaintP¢ul, Minnesoia SS102-I570 Telephone: 651-266-9090 Facsfmile: 65I-198-9I24 Differences between Ordinance DI-799 and Ordinance OI-348 Fare Deregulation 348 - does not effecf regulafions 799 - eluninates fare regulations Number of licenses both eluninate the cap - currently set at 150 cabs Applicant Requirements 348 - applicant must be affiliated with a service company with a minimum of 15 vehicles 799 - 24 hour radio service and 24 hour dispatch must still be provided under current nxles. No minimum number of vehicles. New Vehicle Licenses 348 - restricts the vehicle to being licensed in Saint Paul only. They cannot be also licensed in any other jurisdiction including the airport. 799 - vehicles can be licensed in other jurisdictions 348 - a car must be current model year (re: 2002 at this date) for original licensing. Car could after this initial licensing be allowed to remain in service, essentially, in perpetuity as long as vehicle can pass inspection. 799 - the car can only be five yeazs old from current model year (re: 1997 at this date) - only for new licensing. As long as vehicle passes mechanical and shict appeazance reshictions it is allowed to be re-licensed. t •'':� ti j J — N��t.� o�S c3CC` t<� i,. �.. � i� f v �cc�s�ns:c�e�ey ov l ��7. ��{, aUO\ Wi�hJrawa e..� Na./. ?e }ao� ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, NII1�iNESOTA Presented By Referred To CouncilFile # C�i� — 3 �� ��_ � . � _ • Green Sheet # J p� �s �� � O� ..,.�i �� . Committee An ordinance to amend Saint Paul Legislativ Code Chapter 376 to eliminate the controls on t nuxnber of taacicab vehicle licenses and e ablishing additional requirements for new vehic taacicab licenses THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL gOES ORDAIN: Section 376.02 of the Saint Paui Legislative Sec. 376.02. Defmitions. is hereby amended to read as follows: Except where otherwise expre y stated, the following terms, wherever used in this chapter, shall have the meanings res ctively ascribed to them in this section: Auto-car. An "auto-car" ' hereby defined to be a self-propelled motor vehicle with a capacity for carrying seven (7) assengers for hire and which operates from a garage or livery and which is kept at all time n such garage or livery, except when answering a call, and is hired from such garage or livery nly. d Driver. T term "driver" shall mean the individual in immediate control of the movement of t public vehicle. �r. The word "owner" sha11 mean any person, firm, copartnership, corporation ar that has the bona fide legal title and the right of control, direction, operation and e of such licensed taxicab so operated for hire on the streets of the City of Saint Paul. / Passenger service vehicZe. The term "passenger service vehicie" shall mean and include any motor vehicie carrying passengers for hire or for a fee, but shall not include any vehicle used in providing limousine service as defined in Minnesota Statutes, Section 221.84. Person(s) with disabilities. The term "person(s) with disabilities" shall mean any person � for whom, by reason of age, or disability as defined in Minnesota Statutes, Section 363.01, 8�- � Y subdivision 13, their access to and use of taxicabs would be facilitated by being able to ride in the front passenger seat of the taacicab. PubZic vehicZes. The term "public vehicles" shali mean and include taYicabs passenger service vehicles. � Taxicab. The term "taacicab" shall mean and include any motor-driven , hicle for the transportation for hire of passengers, which is equipped with a tasimeter an a distinctive color scheme as hereinafter defined. Taximeter. The term "taacimeter" shall mean and include any device, approved by the inspector, by which the charge for hire of a calculated, and on which such charge is plainly indicated. � Section 2 Section 376.05 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code shall be Sec. 376.05. Public convenience and necessity. dcai instrument or is mechanicaliy to read as follows: (a) Number of licenses. The authorized number�f taxicab licenses shall be one hundred fifty (150), until May 31. 2001, after which tim�the nuxnber will be determined accordingto the requirements of Section 376.10. fj' irs!s-- -- -- - - - -- ---- ----- - - - - - -- --- - ---- - -- - - . ---- ----- -- ----- -- - - -- -- - -- -- - - --- --- - �:,r.,.r.,:,.�.:.� - :,sa�:..r.,.a.n�.,y: - - , � Y _ w�l�L�l���l�I��ln��wiVt ��wiRN����� Section 3 Section 376.08 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code shall be amended to Sec. 376.08. Applicant--Requirements. as follows: (a) Each applicant for license to operate for hire a public velyfcle must comply with the following conditions to the satisfaction of the anspecto�/ (1) Be the state license registered owner or a 1 see, if the motor vehicle is the subject of a lease having an initial term of six (6) onths or longer, of the public vehicle. (2) Be of the age of eighteen (18) yeazs, over, in the case of an individual, and in the case of any copartnership or co oration, must be authorized to operate taxicabs and cany on business in ccordance with the laws of the State of Minnesota. (3) Must obtain a license for ea�th and every such vehicle to be operated. (4) Must fill out upon a bl form to be pzovided by the inspector a statement covering each vehicle o be so licensed, giving full name and address of the owner; the class an assenger-carrying capacity of the vehicle for which a license is desired; e length of time the vehicle has been in use; the make of car; the engine numb r; the serial number and the state license number; what insurance or bond again personal injury or properiy damage is carried, and in what amount. If s�d application is made by an individual owner, said owner shall sign and swear said application; if said application is made by a partnership, then by one (1) o the partners; and if by a corporation, then by one (1) of the duly elected officer of said corporation. (b) Said applic tion shall also include an accurate and detailed description of the color scheme o the public vehicle, if it is to be used as a taxicab, including inscriptions or mono s thereon, proposed to be operated by said applicant, which shall be distinctly differ t from that of the taacicabs of any other licensed owner or operator, so that the o rship and identity may be readily ascertained by the deparhnent of police and p ons of any tasicab, except that one (1) or mare applicants who are members of the ame association and who are authorized to use the colar scheme of tasicabs, including the inscriptions or monograms thereon, of such associations may be licensed to do so when proper evidence of their right from such association to use such color scheme and inscriptions or monograms shall be filed with their application; and it shall be unlawful for the owner of any such taxacab, or tlae operator or driver thereof, licensed under the terms of thi s chapter to make any change whatever in the color scheme of the taxicabs or � 1��� Y the inscriptions or monograms thereon without first obtaining the approval of the city council. Y • Secrion 4 Section 37610 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code shail be amended to read as Sec. 376.10. License--Issuance. (a) Renewal licenses Upon satisfactory fulfillment of the requue nts of sections 376.08, 376.09 and the following threshold criteria enuxnerated belo , it shall be the duty of the license inspector to issue licenses to qualified applicants. e threshold criteria shall be: (1) Affiliation with a capable service company dispatching, advertising, recard keeping an� taxicab owners and operators using a disti� �2) (3) Demonsiration of fmancial ability to Adequate level of past service, if � �ng that provides radio ;r common services to a group of color scheme and company name. taxicab services. b� New licenses. An�ew applicant for a vehicle license shall. in addition to the re�uirements above, meet the followine criteria: 1 � The applicant must affiliate with a service com�anv with a minimum of fifteen 2 j151 Citv of Saint Paul licensed vehicles. Q�'��r 4 � 6 7 The vehicie(s that applicant intends to license must be a new vehicie, defined as current model year and with less than ten thousand (10.0001 miles on the odometer. Any repiacement vehicles must meet these same requirements. 8 � All new vehicle licenses issued after May 31, 2001 will be restricted to Saint Paul 9 licensin�onlv, and shall not operate in other cities or jurisdictions, including the 10 Mimieapolis-St. Paul International Airport. 11 12 Section 5 13 14 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force tlurty (30) days following its pa age, approval 15 and publication. ����E$V�� Adopted by Council: Adoption ��W _ T � �pc�\ Council Secretary $Y� _ 1 Appxoved by yor: Date Sy: Requested by Department of: r By: Form Approved by City Attor � By: — '/ ) Approved for S_�mission to Council B � :� OFFICE OF LIEP Robert Kessler 266-9112 be on Council Agenda by= Date: .m. � � GREEN SHEET No.103771 CTION REQUESTED: An ordinance to amend Saint Paul Legislative Co e Chaptes 76; eliminating controls on the number of t�icab vehicle lice ses issued_ NDATIONS: APPROVE (A) OR REJECT (R) NING COMMISSION CIVIL SERVICE COtM1ISSI0' COMMITTBE HUSINESS REVIEW COUNCIL F RICP COi1AT S WHICEi COUNCZL OBJECl'IVE? ONAL SHRVICS CONTRACfS MflST ANSWSR THS G: Has the person/firm ever worked under a contract for this depaxtment? YES NO Has this person/Eirm ever been a C' y employee? YSS NO Does this person/firm possess a ki11 not normally possessed by any Clurent City employee? YES NO ain all Y85 aaswera on a s rate sheet and attach. ..�.���y.... ....,..L�, ., �.,.,.,.., .,��....�.,..�_. �....,, ore taxicab vehicle licenses are needed to aint Paul. Elimination of the cap on the n ssued, rather than increasing the number of emoves the difficulty in determining how t eceive additional licenses, if there are� vailable licenses. What, When, Where, i�7hy): mp ve the level of service in er of taxicab vehicle Ticenses uch licenses by a set amount, choose who is best qualified to e license applications than TAGES IF APPROVED: taxicabs will be available to s e the public's needs. �af���� i�vi�.s� q taxicabs will not be a ilable to meet the public's needs. AMOi3NT OF TRANSACT N S COST/REVENUE BUDGETED YES NO SOURCE : (EXPLAIN) ACTIVITY NUMBER ��a?���"� ..� �ni=;'?:.d� �i�� ; � 2��3 May 2, 2001, City Council Acrion Minutes i 0 ��,3� ro Page 6 27. Final Reading - 01-348 - An ordinance amending Saint Paul Legislative Code Chapter 376 to eliminate the controls on the number of taxicab vehicle licenses and establishing additional requirements for new vehicle taxicab licenses. (Substitute inlroduced on Apri125) Laid over to Angust 1 Yeas - 6 Nays -1(Blakey) (The City Council requested the Office of License, Inspections and � Environmental Protection (LIEP) to provide a comprehensive report as to how they will deal with the increased number of cabs, improve service, eleaner cabs, new ways of regulating cabs on a metto-wide approach, an e rcement provision, fee structure for the license and fare structures.) 28. Final Reading - 01-349 - An ordinance amending Saint Paul Legislative Code Chapter 376; making the temporary maximum taxicab faze structure, that was approved on October 1, 1999, permanent and requiring an annual review of the faze structure. Adopted Yeas - 7 Nays - 0 29. Final Reading - O1-350 - An ardinance amending Chapter 225 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code to pernut Animal Control Officers to carry and dischazge a fireazm while carrying on the duties of their occupation. Adopted Yeas - 7 Nays - 0 30. Final Reading - 01-375 - An ordinance amending Chapter 246 of the Saint Paul Legislarive Code to pemut temporary liquor and 3.2 beer licenses to be issued in City pazks and to delete obsolete references to the department of community services. Adopted Yeas - 7 Nays - 0 31. Final Reading - O1-377 - An ordinance extending the interim ordinance in Counci] File No. 00-152 which preserved the status quo with respect to the use of property pending the completion of studies and amendments to the Saint Paul Zoning Code relating to gun shops. Adopted Yeas - 7 Nays - 0 . 32. Third Reading - O1-401 - An ordinance finalizing City Council action approving a petition of Metzger Building Materials to rezone property at 763 and 765 Bradley Street from RT-1 to I-1 to permit outside storage of inetal framing for drywall. (Public hearing held on February 7, 2001) Laid over to May 9 for final adoption Council FIIe # �� �' �� G�(GI��L ora���e # Crreen Sheet # /0� �J/ ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL,IVIIl�iNESOTA Presented By Referred To �x An ordinance to amend Saint Paul Le� Chapter 376 to eliminate the controls number of taacicab vehicle licenses an� additional requirements for new vehi� licenses � THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT 1 Section 376.02 of the Saint Paul Sec. 376.02. Definitions. Except where otherwise e chapter, shall have the meanings Committee ] / slat� e Code n e ,.stablishing ;taxicab ORAAIN: is hereby amended to read as follows: stated, the following terms, wherever used in this elv ascribed to them in this secrion: Auto-can An "auto-car" s hereby defined to be a self-propelled motor vehicle with a capacity for carrying seven (7 passengers for hire and which operates from a gazage or livery and which is kept at all rime in such gazage or livery, except when answering a call, and is hired from such garage or livery nly. Driver. term "driver" shall mean the individual in immediate controi of the movement of th roublic vehicle. f. The word "owner" shall mean any person, fum, coparinership, corparation or iat has the bona fide legal title and the right of control, direction, operation and of such licensed tasicab so operated for hire on the streets of the City of Saint Paul. Passenger service vehicle. The term "passenger service vetricle" shall mean and include any motor vehicle carrying passengers for hire or for a fee, but shall not include any vehicle used in providing limousine service as defined in Nlinnesota Statutes, Section 221.84. di-��r� Person(s) with disabilities. The term "person(s) with disabilities" shall mean any person £or whom, by reason of age, or disability as defined in Minnesota Statutes, Section 363.01, subdivision 13, their access to and use of taacicabs wouid be facilitated by being able to ride in the front passenger seat of the tazicab. PubZic vehicles. The term "public vehicles" shall mean and include t�icabs and passenger service vehicles. Taxicab. The term "t�icab" shall mean and include any motor-driven ve � e for the transportation for hire of passengers, which is equipped with a ta�cimeter and a�stinctive color scheme as hereinafter defined. Taximeter. The term "taYimeter" shali mean and include any me anical insirument or device, approved by the inspector, by which the charge for hire of a t icab is mechanically calculated, and on which such charge is piainly indicated. Section 2 Section 376.05 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code shall be to read as follows: Sec. 376.05. Public convenience and necessity. (a) Number of licenses. The authorized number licenses shall be one hundred fifty �' the requirements of Section 37610. �.�:: .. : --- ------ --- -- -- -- - - - -- -��.....�.- - - _ ' _- _= r_" _ ' __ _ __ ' __" "_ "_ "_' _" _ '_ _ 1� 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 Secrion 3 Section 376.08 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code shall be amended Sec. 376.08. Applicant--Requirements. as foliows: di-.� �r/ (a) Each applicant for license to operate for hire a public hicle must comply with the following conditions to the satisfaction of the inspec r: (1) Be the state license registered owner or a essee, if the motor vehicle is the subject of a lease having an nutial term of six months or longer, of the public vehicle. (2) Be of the age of eighteen (18) year , or over, in the case of an individual, and in the case of any copartnership or c rporation, must be authorized to operate taxicabs and carry on business � accordance with the laws of the State of Minnesota. (3) - Must obtain a license for ach and every such vehicle to be operated. (4) Must fill out upon a b ank form to be provided by the inspector a statement covering each vehi e to be so licensed, giving full name and address of the owner; the class d passenger-canying capacity of the vehicle for which a license is desire ; the length of time the vehicle has been in use; the make of car; the engine n ber; the serial number and the state license number; what insurance or bond aga st personal injury or property damage is carried, and in what amount. I said application is made by an individual owner, said owner shall sign and swe to said applicarion; if said application is made by a partnership, then by one (1 of the partners; and if by a corparation, then by one (1) of the duly elected offi rs of said corporation. (b) 5aid ap ication shall also include an accurate and detailed description of the color sche of the public vehicle, if it is to be used as a ta�cicab, including inscriptions or mo grams thereon, proposed to be operated by said applicant, which shall be distinctly di erent from that of the taacicabs of any other licensed owner or operator, so that the 46 ership and identity may be readily ascertained by tke deparhnent of police and 47 patrons of any taxicab, except that one (1) or more applicants who are members of the 48 same association and who are authorized to use the color scheme of tasicabs, including 49 the inscriptions or monograms thereon, of such associations may be licensed to do so 50 when proper evidence of their right from such association to use such color scheme and 51 inscriptions or monogratns shall be filed with their application; and it shall be unlawful far the owner of any such taxicab, or the operator or driver thereof, licensed under the � ��� terms of this chapter to make any change whatever in the color scheme of the taacicabs or the inscriptions or monograms thereon without first obtaining the approval of the city council. Section 4 Section 376.10 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code shall be amended to ead as foliows: Sec. 376.10. License—Issuance. (a) Renewal licenses: Upon satisfactory fulfillment 376.09 and the following threshold criteria enun license inspector to issue licenses to qualified ap requirements of sections 376.08, below, it shall be the duty of the s. The threshold criteria shall be: (1) Affiliation with a capable service comp y� that provides radio dispatching, advertising, record keep� g and other common services to a group of tasicab owners and operators using distinctive color scheme and company name. (2) Demonstration of financial (3) Adequate level of past to operate taacicab services. if any. b� New licenses. An ny ew applicant for a vehicle license shall, in addition to the re�uirements above, meet the followine criteria: O� =3 �r� � The applicant must affiliate with a service company with a minimum of fifteen (151 Cit�of Saint Paul licensed vehicles. � Minnea�olis-St. Paul Intemational Airport. Section 5 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days fo owing its passage, approval and publication. � The vehicle(sl that applicant intends to license must be a new vehicle, defined as current model vear and with less than ten thousand (10,0001 miles on the� odometer. Reguested by Department of: Adopted by Counc' Adoption Certi ed By: Approved y Mayor: By: . Date by Council Secretary ��- / ��� ��"�_�� r Fosm Approved by City By: Date Approved b�'N�ayor for Submission to Council ay: o ,_��.a' CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM .�„rt�; :?c.. .,. July 26, 2001 To: Saint Paul City Council Fr: Roger Curtis, LIEP Duector �� At�� ' �� 2�fl� Re: Eliminating Economic Controls on Saint PauYs T cab Industry As you recall, on May 2, 2001, the City Council laid ove the ordinance removing the limit on the number of taxicab licenses issued by the Office of P. Among the many issues councilmembers raised at that meeting, all of which 'll be addressed below, was the issue of eliminating the controls on fazes in conjunction ' the controls on the nuxnber of vehicle licenses. While licensing stafFwanted to be sur eliminating the controls on fazes coincided with the removal of the vehicle cap, both provisio aze in the amended ordinance proposed for August 1, 2001. Impact of Deregulation in Other Cincinnati Ohio In 1994, after Cincinnati elimina d the number of licenses issued by its Public Vehicles Department, 237 new taxis be providing additional taxi services almost imxnediately. Cleveland. Ohio When Cieveland elimina d its entry restrictions, in 1994, the number of licenses juxnped from 350 to 420. The numb of taxicab vehicles reached its peak in 1995 with 574. By 20Q1, due to market forces - and n based on an arbitrary number set by the licensing staff - the number of vehicles tapered o at 440, 25% above the 1994 fleet size. No new cab c mpanies were created in Denver from 1947 to 1995. At that time, the Institute for Justice, on half of four entrepreneurs who were turned down by the Colorado Public Utilities Commiss' n, sued and won the right to start taxicab companies in Denver. The first new cab comp in Denver in alxnost fifty yeazs employed over 100 people within the first year. ' e Denver is often used as a model for taxicab deregulation, in fact it s611 controls entry b ed on "public convenience and necessity." However, in yeazs past, any potential trepreneurs looking to enter Denver's taxicab market had to prove that "public convenience and necessiTy" e�sted. After the 19951aw suit, the onus has shifted to opponents of new cab U1-�� companies that must prove public convenience and necessity is currently fulfilled. Indianapolis. Indiana Indianapolis is the model licensing staff used when formulating this ordinance. In July 1994, Indianapolis deregulated both fazes and vehicle license limits. The result was a tremendous change in that city's taxicab market. The number of licensed taxi operators increased 60%. Since deregulation was initiated, 29 new companies were created. Seventy-five percent the new companies are female or minoriTy owned. The number of vehicles themselves r e by 7%. While the number of licensed cab companies increased, the amount charged i those rides decreased: fazes for pick-up charges dropped 12%; the average mileage rat opped 3%; the average first-mile rate dropped 7%. Unlicensed, Illegal Taxicabs (or "Bandit Cabs") A black market is a telltale sign that economic controls in plac ate not working the way regulators intended. We assume the reason the vast majority f bandit cabs enter Saint Paul and pick-up illegally is, quite simply, because they are unable receive tasicab vehicle licenses from LIEP. Ending the artificial cap on the number of taxica velucle licenses issued will reduce bandit cabs entering Saint Paul. > Since we aze among two xnajor, conriguous metro olitan ciries along with an internafional airport and several suburbs, all with sepazate regulato control agencies over taxicabs, there will always be drivers who are unwilling to "dead head," t is, drive back to the municipality that they aze licensed in without a passenger. If you wei the cost of enforcing bandit cabs (taxicab inspectors' time, police time, administra ' e costs of tags) with the problems they will cause after deregulation, it is not worth coxnmittin the resources to pro-actively catch bandit cabs. We will continue to enforce bandit cabs on a mplaint-basis. Increase in Taaicab Inspections/by the City's Garage Problems haue occurred this t year with our garage being backed up and, occasionaily, taxicab drivers waiting in Ii e for an inspection, despite having an appointment. However, it is not the inspections aze overwhelming the inspectors at the City's garage but the reinspections and the re einspections. Creating age lunits on vehicles and sending out vehicle "pre-inspection" shee ahead of tune will eliminate the need for these reinspections, offsetting the impact of addid al taxicabs on the garage stafF. Licensing staff 1 be available to answer any questions you may have at the City Council meeting on Au st 1, 2001. In the meantime, if you haue questions, issues or concerns, please contact me or ave Lobejko. c: M or Norm Coleman Bill Huepenbecker, Mayor's Office Business Review Council OFFICE OF LICENSE, INSPECTIONS AND ENVIRONMENTAL PRpTECTION Roger Cunis, Dirutor CITY OF SA1NT PAUL Narm Coleman, Mayor LOWRYPROFESSIONAL BUILDING Suite 300 350 St Petu Street SaintP¢ul, Minnesoia SS102-I570 Telephone: 651-266-9090 Facsfmile: 65I-198-9I24 Differences between Ordinance DI-799 and Ordinance OI-348 Fare Deregulation 348 - does not effecf regulafions 799 - eluninates fare regulations Number of licenses both eluninate the cap - currently set at 150 cabs Applicant Requirements 348 - applicant must be affiliated with a service company with a minimum of 15 vehicles 799 - 24 hour radio service and 24 hour dispatch must still be provided under current nxles. No minimum number of vehicles. New Vehicle Licenses 348 - restricts the vehicle to being licensed in Saint Paul only. They cannot be also licensed in any other jurisdiction including the airport. 799 - vehicles can be licensed in other jurisdictions 348 - a car must be current model year (re: 2002 at this date) for original licensing. Car could after this initial licensing be allowed to remain in service, essentially, in perpetuity as long as vehicle can pass inspection. 799 - the car can only be five yeazs old from current model year (re: 1997 at this date) - only for new licensing. As long as vehicle passes mechanical and shict appeazance reshictions it is allowed to be re-licensed.