01-280Council File # � � ag �R�C��'�1�� I Presented Refened To ORDINANCE SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � Green Sheet # 62997 Committee Date i 2 3 An Administrative Ordinance piacing the position rifled General Manager-Saint Paul Regional Water Services, in the unclassified service pursuant to Section12.032(H) of the City of Saint Paul Charter. 4 Tf� COUNCIL OF Tf-� CTTY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: 5 Section l. That it is appropriate and desirable to place the position titled 6 General Manager-Saint Paul Regional Water Services in the unclassified service when the 7 current incumbent vacates the position. 8 Secrion 2. That pursuant to Section 12.03 2(I� of the Ciry Charter, such position 9 shall be established in the unclassified service of the City of Saint Paul by ordinance with the 10 consent of the Civil Service Commission. 11 Section 3. That upon the position becoming vacant, appoinhnents to such position 12 shall be made by the Boazd of Water Commissioners and the appointee shall seroe at the 13 will and pleasure of the Boazd. 14 Section 4. This ordinance shalt take effect and be in force 30 days from and after its 15 passage and approval, including approval by the Civil Service Commission. 1�� ;`;-- _{ , Requested by Department of Office of Human Resources BY: �„Q� rsan Form Appmved by City Attorney -�.��.� - �-�, � - - �� , - � , — ' �� � -� � . � �. - i�%" i /`� � � %// � / ���%%//// B ��«"�--p 3 ,�_ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: �YYL�.e i%GQ�'t�. Approved� y.`Civil Service Commission `�~ Adopted by CouncIl: Date H��� t �-O O� Gsr ;� - DEPARTNIENT�OFFICFJCOUNCII,: HiJivIAN RESOURCES CONTAGT PERSON & PHONE: JOHN HAMII.TON 266-6470 or J03�T SHOCKLEY 266-6482 ML6TSE0.*`COIIFCbAGEqDA BY(DA'[E) DATE INTTIATED 03-01-01 hSSTC+L7FD NQIDIgERFOB BOI/TING ORDER ei t"JpCATiONS rnuoxnr, smvica coivxiwcrsamsr,uvswm x� i+ora.owsrc QuFSSiorrs: ]. Aasihispaso�JS�mevaworkedimdaeconhautfortiilsdepazhnert? ., :r� 2 Assthisperson/�umevchee,aciryemployecY Yes No 3. DorsthispersoNEumPosseaaskillnot�mnnallypassessedbyanyart[entcityemploym? Ys No 4. Is tFtis petsrn✓fUm ataBe�ed vendoYf Yes No $aplain a0yes attawxrs on upank sheN and atfach to green sheM s carmvrtca �arrc�.auc o � -aro IlVEC7A7JDATE arrlorr �Quxs-rEn: Request approval of an ordinance placing the position tifled General Manager- Saint Paul Regional Water Services (SPRWS) in the unclassified service pursuant to Section 12.03.2(Ei) ofthe Ciry Charter. This action would become effective when the current incumbem vacates the position. RECOMI.�LIDAIIONS' APPi°°° �A) a�l� �) _p;,,;�.ti�•vu;.V;,.sss,: �,a _CB CObA-IlTTEE _CML S&RVICE CAMMISSION r .r�^,. CG" ' �io����� � n _' � �"?� 'tt — ����� � INI'i7A17NG PROBLENI� 7SSUE, OPPORTIINPLY (Whq What� WheW Where, �Y)� The Board of Water Commissioners requested that the Office of Human Resources conduct a study and make a recommendation regarding whether the Geneial Manager SPRWS should be classified or unclassified. The study revealed that a11 other City positions at the same level of responsibility as the General Manager SPRWS aze in the unclassified service. The Office of Human Resources recommends that the position be placed in the unclassified service as soon as the current incumbent vacates the position. This recommendation is supported by the Boazd of Water Commissioners in the attached resolution dated February 13, 2001. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: � Approval of this ordinance will allow the General Manager SPRWS position to become unclassified and appointed directly by the Boazd of Water Commissioners when the posirion is vacated by the current incum�g,�nt r° se r– c a, e— r� IF APPROVED: None. DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: No.: 62997 �I�� �������� The General Manager SPRWS position responsible for carrying out the initiatives of the Boazd of Water Commissioners would remain classified. This limits the Board's choices in filling the position to classified SPRWS employees who pass the General Manager SPRWS test. All other posirions at this level aze in the unciassified service and serve at the will and pleasure ofthe corresponding'appointing authority. TOTAI. AMOi7N1' OF 1'RANSACITON: none FONDING SOURCE: �A� � � ��+i `: @�� �l\L. : � /// ���Il��I�� I DEPARTMEM' D� � 2ClfYAT1Y]RNEY ; FlNNNCIqLSERV DIlt 4MAY0&(ORA4C.) � COST/REVENUE BUDGETED: AG'11ViTY NUNIBER: FINANCIAL INFORMAITON: (EXPLAIN) @OA�D OF W�TE� CDAAPV115510tdE�5 RESOLUTiON — 6calE�AL �-0RA:I PREScNTE eY Cardinal COMMISSiONER OI-2�'� � 4764 oATF February 13, 2001 �V"HEREAS, The Chair of the Board of Water Corrunissioners requested a classification and compensation study for the position of General Manager of die Saint Paul ReQional Water Services; and WHEREAS, The Office of Human Resources has studied the position of General �ianager of the Saint Paul Re�ional Water Services in the classified sercice of the City of Saint Paul; and �VHEREAS, The Office of Human Resources has determined that all other City positions at this Ievel are unclassified: and WHERE?,S, The Office of Human Resources has determined that the General vlanaQer of the Saint Paul Re�ional Water Services should be placed in the unclassified service when the current incumbent vacates the position; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Board of Water Commissioners recommends to the Saint Paul City Council that the General Nlanaver position of the Saint Paul 12egional Water Services be chan�ed to [he unclassified service when the current incumbent vacates the position. Water Comm:ssioners Yeas Anfang t'days Cardinal Harris Aaopiefi �y the Board of Water Commissioners Vice President Haselmann President Reiter February 13, i� 2001 In favor�__ Oppos� � ���� �, ? SECY. ��_�-� CTTY OF SAINr PAUL Norm Caleman..'fayor TO: The Boazd Of Water Commissioners President: James Reite: Vice President: Stephen Haselmann Commissioner: Matt Anfang Commissioner: Robert Cardinal OEFICE OF i-IU'vIAN RESOURCES 7ahn Hamdton. D+rector -f00C:ryXail..nn¢ L` WutFourth Streer Saln[PouLNinnesom 5�102-?631 Commissioner Pat Harris FROM: 7ohn H. Shockley, Senior Consultant���� l'� Office of Human Resources DATE: '� February 7, 2001 Telepnone: IDDiZTY. Janline: Facsrm�le: 1' Oonan: ?" Opnon: 3^` Opnon: General Manager SPItWS Study Deierniination and 20 Day Notice 631-266-6500 551-366-6_'01 651-?66-650? 651-?92-6�1-F 651-?92-6115 651-?92-:656 We have completed the attached sYudy that you requested of Yhe General Manager of the Saint Paul Regional Water Services (SPRWS). You requested that our office determine appropriate compensation for the position, and make recommendations regarding whether the position should be classified or unclassified. Also, you requested that recommendations be made regarding tke cninimum qualifications for the position and the selection process. We have reviewed the current job infonnation, coaducted an interview with the incumbent, compared the position with related City department head positions, and surveyed other metropolitan water utilities regarding their generat manager positions. An analysis of the position was aiso conducted using the City's job evaluarion system. Based upon that information, we have made the following deternunations and recommendations: 1. Salary The current salary of the General Manager SPRWS should be changed from grade 35 to grade 37 of the Non-represented, Employee Group 17, Salary Schedule. This determination is based upon the salary relationships within the hierarchy of City of Saint Paui jobs. Grade 37 is the same pay grade as department head positions in the City of Saint Paul. 2. Status af the Position It is recommended that when the current incumbent vacates the position, the General Manager SPRWS should be placed in the unclassified service. All other City positions at this levei are unciassified. Having the position classified, limits the Boazd's choices in £lting the position to SPRWS empioyees who pass the General Manager test. This is due to the promotional preference eiven Ciry employeas in the Civil Service Rules. This recommendation can be implemented via an administrative ordinance, approved by the City Council and the Civil Service Commission. '1 �. (S 1— rt'��- 3. Minimnm Quaii�cations It is also recommended that the Boazd establish desired job qualificaxions at the time of the poszing when the position becomes vacant. These should be based upon existing and future leaderstup needs of the SPRWS. Human Resoarces can assist the SPRWS managemeat and tke Board in deternuning the competencies required of a General Manager based upon the organization's strategic goals and iniriatives_ The minimum quaIifications should be stated as desired and not as absolute. Absolute minimum qualifications such as those currently established for the position, serve to Iimit the pool of job applicants. They are not necessarily related to the organizations mission and vision. It is further recommended tkat in establishing future minimum qualifications, the Board should cansider, based on information gathered from other utilities, emphasizin¢ general management experience aad training instead of the current major emphasis on Civit Engineering training and experience. 4. Selection Process When the General Manager posiuon becomes vacant, selection should be based on competency requirements determined by the Board and the SPRWS management with The assistance ofHuman Resources. Once the desired comgetencies are developed, then the vacancy shouid be announced and advertised, listing tke desired competencies. Appiicants wouid submit resumes and cover letters. Iiuman Resources wouid screen the resumes and letters and identify those applicants wha have demonsuated the desired compeiencies. The top candidates would be referred to the Board for interviews and setection. We will be processing a resolution implementing the aforementioned salary upgrade. Also, we will drafi an ordinanca placing the position in the unclassified service to become effective at the time the current incumbent vacates the position. If you agree with these aciions, please notify me of same withirc twenty days of recaipt of this memorandum. If I do not hear &om you wittan this twenty day notica period, I will assume a,,ureement and proceed with the resolution and the ocdinance. If you would like to waive the twenty day notice period and indicate your agreement, please sign in the sDace below and returuihis memorandum to me: Signature '^� -ZCO Date If you have any questions or need assistance in this matter, please call me at 266-6482, Thank you. Attachment ::3 �. _ .. . , ,. Council File # � � ag �R�C��'�1�� I Presented Refened To ORDINANCE SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � Green Sheet # 62997 Committee Date i 2 3 An Administrative Ordinance piacing the position rifled General Manager-Saint Paul Regional Water Services, in the unclassified service pursuant to Section12.032(H) of the City of Saint Paul Charter. 4 Tf� COUNCIL OF Tf-� CTTY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: 5 Section l. That it is appropriate and desirable to place the position titled 6 General Manager-Saint Paul Regional Water Services in the unclassified service when the 7 current incumbent vacates the position. 8 Secrion 2. That pursuant to Section 12.03 2(I� of the Ciry Charter, such position 9 shall be established in the unclassified service of the City of Saint Paul by ordinance with the 10 consent of the Civil Service Commission. 11 Section 3. That upon the position becoming vacant, appoinhnents to such position 12 shall be made by the Boazd of Water Commissioners and the appointee shall seroe at the 13 will and pleasure of the Boazd. 14 Section 4. This ordinance shalt take effect and be in force 30 days from and after its 15 passage and approval, including approval by the Civil Service Commission. 1�� ;`;-- _{ , Requested by Department of Office of Human Resources BY: �„Q� rsan Form Appmved by City Attorney -�.��.� - �-�, � - - �� , - � , — ' �� � -� � . � �. - i�%" i /`� � � %// � / ���%%//// B ��«"�--p 3 ,�_ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: �YYL�.e i%GQ�'t�. Approved� y.`Civil Service Commission `�~ Adopted by CouncIl: Date H��� t �-O O� Gsr ;� - DEPARTNIENT�OFFICFJCOUNCII,: HiJivIAN RESOURCES CONTAGT PERSON & PHONE: JOHN HAMII.TON 266-6470 or J03�T SHOCKLEY 266-6482 ML6TSE0.*`COIIFCbAGEqDA BY(DA'[E) DATE INTTIATED 03-01-01 hSSTC+L7FD NQIDIgERFOB BOI/TING ORDER ei t"JpCATiONS rnuoxnr, smvica coivxiwcrsamsr,uvswm x� i+ora.owsrc QuFSSiorrs: ]. Aasihispaso�JS�mevaworkedimdaeconhautfortiilsdepazhnert? ., :r� 2 Assthisperson/�umevchee,aciryemployecY Yes No 3. DorsthispersoNEumPosseaaskillnot�mnnallypassessedbyanyart[entcityemploym? Ys No 4. Is tFtis petsrn✓fUm ataBe�ed vendoYf Yes No $aplain a0yes attawxrs on upank sheN and atfach to green sheM s carmvrtca �arrc�.auc o � -aro IlVEC7A7JDATE arrlorr �Quxs-rEn: Request approval of an ordinance placing the position tifled General Manager- Saint Paul Regional Water Services (SPRWS) in the unclassified service pursuant to Section 12.03.2(Ei) ofthe Ciry Charter. This action would become effective when the current incumbem vacates the position. RECOMI.�LIDAIIONS' APPi°°° �A) a�l� �) _p;,,;�.ti�•vu;.V;,.sss,: �,a _CB CObA-IlTTEE _CML S&RVICE CAMMISSION r .r�^,. CG" ' �io����� � n _' � �"?� 'tt — ����� � INI'i7A17NG PROBLENI� 7SSUE, OPPORTIINPLY (Whq What� WheW Where, �Y)� The Board of Water Commissioners requested that the Office of Human Resources conduct a study and make a recommendation regarding whether the Geneial Manager SPRWS should be classified or unclassified. The study revealed that a11 other City positions at the same level of responsibility as the General Manager SPRWS aze in the unclassified service. The Office of Human Resources recommends that the position be placed in the unclassified service as soon as the current incumbent vacates the position. This recommendation is supported by the Boazd of Water Commissioners in the attached resolution dated February 13, 2001. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: � Approval of this ordinance will allow the General Manager SPRWS position to become unclassified and appointed directly by the Boazd of Water Commissioners when the posirion is vacated by the current incum�g,�nt r° se r– c a, e— r� IF APPROVED: None. DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: No.: 62997 �I�� �������� The General Manager SPRWS position responsible for carrying out the initiatives of the Boazd of Water Commissioners would remain classified. This limits the Board's choices in filling the position to classified SPRWS employees who pass the General Manager SPRWS test. All other posirions at this level aze in the unciassified service and serve at the will and pleasure ofthe corresponding'appointing authority. TOTAI. AMOi7N1' OF 1'RANSACITON: none FONDING SOURCE: �A� � � ��+i `: @�� �l\L. : � /// ���Il��I�� I DEPARTMEM' D� � 2ClfYAT1Y]RNEY ; FlNNNCIqLSERV DIlt 4MAY0&(ORA4C.) � COST/REVENUE BUDGETED: AG'11ViTY NUNIBER: FINANCIAL INFORMAITON: (EXPLAIN) @OA�D OF W�TE� CDAAPV115510tdE�5 RESOLUTiON — 6calE�AL �-0RA:I PREScNTE eY Cardinal COMMISSiONER OI-2�'� � 4764 oATF February 13, 2001 �V"HEREAS, The Chair of the Board of Water Corrunissioners requested a classification and compensation study for the position of General Manager of die Saint Paul ReQional Water Services; and WHEREAS, The Office of Human Resources has studied the position of General �ianager of the Saint Paul Re�ional Water Services in the classified sercice of the City of Saint Paul; and �VHEREAS, The Office of Human Resources has determined that all other City positions at this Ievel are unclassified: and WHERE?,S, The Office of Human Resources has determined that the General vlanaQer of the Saint Paul Re�ional Water Services should be placed in the unclassified service when the current incumbent vacates the position; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Board of Water Commissioners recommends to the Saint Paul City Council that the General Nlanaver position of the Saint Paul 12egional Water Services be chan�ed to [he unclassified service when the current incumbent vacates the position. Water Comm:ssioners Yeas Anfang t'days Cardinal Harris Aaopiefi �y the Board of Water Commissioners Vice President Haselmann President Reiter February 13, i� 2001 In favor�__ Oppos� � ���� �, ? SECY. ��_�-� CTTY OF SAINr PAUL Norm Caleman..'fayor TO: The Boazd Of Water Commissioners President: James Reite: Vice President: Stephen Haselmann Commissioner: Matt Anfang Commissioner: Robert Cardinal OEFICE OF i-IU'vIAN RESOURCES 7ahn Hamdton. D+rector -f00C:ryXail..nn¢ L` WutFourth Streer Saln[PouLNinnesom 5�102-?631 Commissioner Pat Harris FROM: 7ohn H. Shockley, Senior Consultant���� l'� Office of Human Resources DATE: '� February 7, 2001 Telepnone: IDDiZTY. Janline: Facsrm�le: 1' Oonan: ?" Opnon: 3^` Opnon: General Manager SPItWS Study Deierniination and 20 Day Notice 631-266-6500 551-366-6_'01 651-?66-650? 651-?92-6�1-F 651-?92-6115 651-?92-:656 We have completed the attached sYudy that you requested of Yhe General Manager of the Saint Paul Regional Water Services (SPRWS). You requested that our office determine appropriate compensation for the position, and make recommendations regarding whether the position should be classified or unclassified. Also, you requested that recommendations be made regarding tke cninimum qualifications for the position and the selection process. We have reviewed the current job infonnation, coaducted an interview with the incumbent, compared the position with related City department head positions, and surveyed other metropolitan water utilities regarding their generat manager positions. An analysis of the position was aiso conducted using the City's job evaluarion system. Based upon that information, we have made the following deternunations and recommendations: 1. Salary The current salary of the General Manager SPRWS should be changed from grade 35 to grade 37 of the Non-represented, Employee Group 17, Salary Schedule. This determination is based upon the salary relationships within the hierarchy of City of Saint Paui jobs. Grade 37 is the same pay grade as department head positions in the City of Saint Paul. 2. Status af the Position It is recommended that when the current incumbent vacates the position, the General Manager SPRWS should be placed in the unclassified service. All other City positions at this levei are unciassified. Having the position classified, limits the Boazd's choices in £lting the position to SPRWS empioyees who pass the General Manager test. This is due to the promotional preference eiven Ciry employeas in the Civil Service Rules. This recommendation can be implemented via an administrative ordinance, approved by the City Council and the Civil Service Commission. '1 �. (S 1— rt'��- 3. Minimnm Quaii�cations It is also recommended that the Boazd establish desired job qualificaxions at the time of the poszing when the position becomes vacant. These should be based upon existing and future leaderstup needs of the SPRWS. Human Resoarces can assist the SPRWS managemeat and tke Board in deternuning the competencies required of a General Manager based upon the organization's strategic goals and iniriatives_ The minimum quaIifications should be stated as desired and not as absolute. Absolute minimum qualifications such as those currently established for the position, serve to Iimit the pool of job applicants. They are not necessarily related to the organizations mission and vision. It is further recommended tkat in establishing future minimum qualifications, the Board should cansider, based on information gathered from other utilities, emphasizin¢ general management experience aad training instead of the current major emphasis on Civit Engineering training and experience. 4. Selection Process When the General Manager posiuon becomes vacant, selection should be based on competency requirements determined by the Board and the SPRWS management with The assistance ofHuman Resources. Once the desired comgetencies are developed, then the vacancy shouid be announced and advertised, listing tke desired competencies. Appiicants wouid submit resumes and cover letters. Iiuman Resources wouid screen the resumes and letters and identify those applicants wha have demonsuated the desired compeiencies. The top candidates would be referred to the Board for interviews and setection. We will be processing a resolution implementing the aforementioned salary upgrade. Also, we will drafi an ordinanca placing the position in the unclassified service to become effective at the time the current incumbent vacates the position. If you agree with these aciions, please notify me of same withirc twenty days of recaipt of this memorandum. If I do not hear &om you wittan this twenty day notica period, I will assume a,,ureement and proceed with the resolution and the ocdinance. If you would like to waive the twenty day notice period and indicate your agreement, please sign in the sDace below and returuihis memorandum to me: Signature '^� -ZCO Date If you have any questions or need assistance in this matter, please call me at 266-6482, Thank you. Attachment ::3 �. _ .. . , ,. Council File # � � ag �R�C��'�1�� I Presented Refened To ORDINANCE SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � Green Sheet # 62997 Committee Date i 2 3 An Administrative Ordinance piacing the position rifled General Manager-Saint Paul Regional Water Services, in the unclassified service pursuant to Section12.032(H) of the City of Saint Paul Charter. 4 Tf� COUNCIL OF Tf-� CTTY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: 5 Section l. That it is appropriate and desirable to place the position titled 6 General Manager-Saint Paul Regional Water Services in the unclassified service when the 7 current incumbent vacates the position. 8 Secrion 2. That pursuant to Section 12.03 2(I� of the Ciry Charter, such position 9 shall be established in the unclassified service of the City of Saint Paul by ordinance with the 10 consent of the Civil Service Commission. 11 Section 3. That upon the position becoming vacant, appoinhnents to such position 12 shall be made by the Boazd of Water Commissioners and the appointee shall seroe at the 13 will and pleasure of the Boazd. 14 Section 4. This ordinance shalt take effect and be in force 30 days from and after its 15 passage and approval, including approval by the Civil Service Commission. 1�� ;`;-- _{ , Requested by Department of Office of Human Resources BY: �„Q� rsan Form Appmved by City Attorney -�.��.� - �-�, � - - �� , - � , — ' �� � -� � . � �. - i�%" i /`� � � %// � / ���%%//// B ��«"�--p 3 ,�_ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: �YYL�.e i%GQ�'t�. Approved� y.`Civil Service Commission `�~ Adopted by CouncIl: Date H��� t �-O O� Gsr ;� - DEPARTNIENT�OFFICFJCOUNCII,: HiJivIAN RESOURCES CONTAGT PERSON & PHONE: JOHN HAMII.TON 266-6470 or J03�T SHOCKLEY 266-6482 ML6TSE0.*`COIIFCbAGEqDA BY(DA'[E) DATE INTTIATED 03-01-01 hSSTC+L7FD NQIDIgERFOB BOI/TING ORDER ei t"JpCATiONS rnuoxnr, smvica coivxiwcrsamsr,uvswm x� i+ora.owsrc QuFSSiorrs: ]. Aasihispaso�JS�mevaworkedimdaeconhautfortiilsdepazhnert? ., :r� 2 Assthisperson/�umevchee,aciryemployecY Yes No 3. DorsthispersoNEumPosseaaskillnot�mnnallypassessedbyanyart[entcityemploym? Ys No 4. Is tFtis petsrn✓fUm ataBe�ed vendoYf Yes No $aplain a0yes attawxrs on upank sheN and atfach to green sheM s carmvrtca �arrc�.auc o � -aro IlVEC7A7JDATE arrlorr �Quxs-rEn: Request approval of an ordinance placing the position tifled General Manager- Saint Paul Regional Water Services (SPRWS) in the unclassified service pursuant to Section 12.03.2(Ei) ofthe Ciry Charter. This action would become effective when the current incumbem vacates the position. RECOMI.�LIDAIIONS' APPi°°° �A) a�l� �) _p;,,;�.ti�•vu;.V;,.sss,: �,a _CB CObA-IlTTEE _CML S&RVICE CAMMISSION r .r�^,. CG" ' �io����� � n _' � �"?� 'tt — ����� � INI'i7A17NG PROBLENI� 7SSUE, OPPORTIINPLY (Whq What� WheW Where, �Y)� The Board of Water Commissioners requested that the Office of Human Resources conduct a study and make a recommendation regarding whether the Geneial Manager SPRWS should be classified or unclassified. The study revealed that a11 other City positions at the same level of responsibility as the General Manager SPRWS aze in the unclassified service. The Office of Human Resources recommends that the position be placed in the unclassified service as soon as the current incumbent vacates the position. This recommendation is supported by the Boazd of Water Commissioners in the attached resolution dated February 13, 2001. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: � Approval of this ordinance will allow the General Manager SPRWS position to become unclassified and appointed directly by the Boazd of Water Commissioners when the posirion is vacated by the current incum�g,�nt r° se r– c a, e— r� IF APPROVED: None. DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: No.: 62997 �I�� �������� The General Manager SPRWS position responsible for carrying out the initiatives of the Boazd of Water Commissioners would remain classified. This limits the Board's choices in filling the position to classified SPRWS employees who pass the General Manager SPRWS test. All other posirions at this level aze in the unciassified service and serve at the will and pleasure ofthe corresponding'appointing authority. TOTAI. AMOi7N1' OF 1'RANSACITON: none FONDING SOURCE: �A� � � ��+i `: @�� �l\L. : � /// ���Il��I�� I DEPARTMEM' D� � 2ClfYAT1Y]RNEY ; FlNNNCIqLSERV DIlt 4MAY0&(ORA4C.) � COST/REVENUE BUDGETED: AG'11ViTY NUNIBER: FINANCIAL INFORMAITON: (EXPLAIN) @OA�D OF W�TE� CDAAPV115510tdE�5 RESOLUTiON — 6calE�AL �-0RA:I PREScNTE eY Cardinal COMMISSiONER OI-2�'� � 4764 oATF February 13, 2001 �V"HEREAS, The Chair of the Board of Water Corrunissioners requested a classification and compensation study for the position of General Manager of die Saint Paul ReQional Water Services; and WHEREAS, The Office of Human Resources has studied the position of General �ianager of the Saint Paul Re�ional Water Services in the classified sercice of the City of Saint Paul; and �VHEREAS, The Office of Human Resources has determined that all other City positions at this Ievel are unclassified: and WHERE?,S, The Office of Human Resources has determined that the General vlanaQer of the Saint Paul Re�ional Water Services should be placed in the unclassified service when the current incumbent vacates the position; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Board of Water Commissioners recommends to the Saint Paul City Council that the General Nlanaver position of the Saint Paul 12egional Water Services be chan�ed to [he unclassified service when the current incumbent vacates the position. Water Comm:ssioners Yeas Anfang t'days Cardinal Harris Aaopiefi �y the Board of Water Commissioners Vice President Haselmann President Reiter February 13, i� 2001 In favor�__ Oppos� � ���� �, ? SECY. ��_�-� CTTY OF SAINr PAUL Norm Caleman..'fayor TO: The Boazd Of Water Commissioners President: James Reite: Vice President: Stephen Haselmann Commissioner: Matt Anfang Commissioner: Robert Cardinal OEFICE OF i-IU'vIAN RESOURCES 7ahn Hamdton. D+rector -f00C:ryXail..nn¢ L` WutFourth Streer Saln[PouLNinnesom 5�102-?631 Commissioner Pat Harris FROM: 7ohn H. Shockley, Senior Consultant���� l'� Office of Human Resources DATE: '� February 7, 2001 Telepnone: IDDiZTY. Janline: Facsrm�le: 1' Oonan: ?" Opnon: 3^` Opnon: General Manager SPItWS Study Deierniination and 20 Day Notice 631-266-6500 551-366-6_'01 651-?66-650? 651-?92-6�1-F 651-?92-6115 651-?92-:656 We have completed the attached sYudy that you requested of Yhe General Manager of the Saint Paul Regional Water Services (SPRWS). You requested that our office determine appropriate compensation for the position, and make recommendations regarding whether the position should be classified or unclassified. Also, you requested that recommendations be made regarding tke cninimum qualifications for the position and the selection process. We have reviewed the current job infonnation, coaducted an interview with the incumbent, compared the position with related City department head positions, and surveyed other metropolitan water utilities regarding their generat manager positions. An analysis of the position was aiso conducted using the City's job evaluarion system. Based upon that information, we have made the following deternunations and recommendations: 1. Salary The current salary of the General Manager SPRWS should be changed from grade 35 to grade 37 of the Non-represented, Employee Group 17, Salary Schedule. This determination is based upon the salary relationships within the hierarchy of City of Saint Paui jobs. Grade 37 is the same pay grade as department head positions in the City of Saint Paul. 2. Status af the Position It is recommended that when the current incumbent vacates the position, the General Manager SPRWS should be placed in the unclassified service. All other City positions at this levei are unciassified. Having the position classified, limits the Boazd's choices in £lting the position to SPRWS empioyees who pass the General Manager test. This is due to the promotional preference eiven Ciry employeas in the Civil Service Rules. This recommendation can be implemented via an administrative ordinance, approved by the City Council and the Civil Service Commission. '1 �. (S 1— rt'��- 3. Minimnm Quaii�cations It is also recommended that the Boazd establish desired job qualificaxions at the time of the poszing when the position becomes vacant. These should be based upon existing and future leaderstup needs of the SPRWS. Human Resoarces can assist the SPRWS managemeat and tke Board in deternuning the competencies required of a General Manager based upon the organization's strategic goals and iniriatives_ The minimum quaIifications should be stated as desired and not as absolute. Absolute minimum qualifications such as those currently established for the position, serve to Iimit the pool of job applicants. They are not necessarily related to the organizations mission and vision. It is further recommended tkat in establishing future minimum qualifications, the Board should cansider, based on information gathered from other utilities, emphasizin¢ general management experience aad training instead of the current major emphasis on Civit Engineering training and experience. 4. Selection Process When the General Manager posiuon becomes vacant, selection should be based on competency requirements determined by the Board and the SPRWS management with The assistance ofHuman Resources. Once the desired comgetencies are developed, then the vacancy shouid be announced and advertised, listing tke desired competencies. Appiicants wouid submit resumes and cover letters. Iiuman Resources wouid screen the resumes and letters and identify those applicants wha have demonsuated the desired compeiencies. The top candidates would be referred to the Board for interviews and setection. We will be processing a resolution implementing the aforementioned salary upgrade. Also, we will drafi an ordinanca placing the position in the unclassified service to become effective at the time the current incumbent vacates the position. If you agree with these aciions, please notify me of same withirc twenty days of recaipt of this memorandum. If I do not hear &om you wittan this twenty day notica period, I will assume a,,ureement and proceed with the resolution and the ocdinance. If you would like to waive the twenty day notice period and indicate your agreement, please sign in the sDace below and returuihis memorandum to me: Signature '^� -ZCO Date If you have any questions or need assistance in this matter, please call me at 266-6482, Thank you. Attachment ::3 �. _ .. . , ,.