01-278� �.�D s e� - S�p �. `� S, ae o\ ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By CounCil File # � l— a�g Ordinance # Green Sheet # �O 3 g�5 �S Referred To Committee: Date 1 2 An ordinance adopting food protection standards 3 which wi11 pernut the City to enter inYo a 4 delegation agreement with the Department 5 of Agriculture 6 7 8 THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: 9 10 Section 1 11 12 13 Sec. 331A.Q1. Purpose. 14 15 �al The purpose of this ordinance is to establish standards to orotect the health, safetv and the eeneral welfare of 16 the �eonle of Saint Paulpursuant to powers granted under Minnesota Statutes Chapter 145A and Secfions 375.51 - 17 375.55. 18 19 (bl These eeneral ob',�ectives include the followine: 20 � Prevent food-borne illness; 21 22 � Correct and prevent condirions that may adverselv affect persons utilizine food 23 establishxnents; 24 25 � Provide minimum standards for the design, construction, oroeration and maintenance 26 of food establishments; and 27 28 � Meet consumer ea�ectarions of the c�ualitv and safety of food establishments. 29 30 Sec. 331A.02. Scoue. 31 �a) This ordinance shall be a�licable to all retail food establishments such as, but not limited to, restaurants. 32 bakeries, butcher shops. pastrv shous, boarding houses, drive-ins. bars, tavems, cafeterias. delicatessens, snack 33 bars rg ocery stores, convenience stores. caterers, cafes. clubs, lodges, commissaries, youth camps, lodein2 34 facilities resorts, public and private schools, public buildines. ¢roup dav care facilities, vending machines, and 35 similar businesses and establishments where food, meals, lunches or beveraees are �renazed or served for 1 ' .�► i�Nl 21'01 1 consumntion on the premises or immediate consumption off the premises. 2 3 (bl In the event of a conflict between the orovisions of this ordinance and the provisions of anv other ordinances. 4 statutes, rules and/or re¢ularions to which a food establishment is subject_ the most restrictive ordinance, statute, 5 rule or re�ulation shali applv. 6 7 Sec. 331A.03. General Provisions. 8�al All of the vrovisions of the Saint Paul Le�islative Code shall applv as if fully set forth herein. 9 10 1bl Health Authority Defined. This ordinance shali be administered bv the Saint Paul Office of License, 11 Insnections and Environmentai Protection. The term "Office" where used in this ordinance or the Saint Paul 12 Le�islative Code. and the term "ret?ulatory authority" where used in the Minnesota Food Code, Minnesota Rules 13 Chapter 4626, shall mean the Saint Paul Office of License, Insnections and Environmental Protection. 14 15 (cl Other Definitions. 16 17 (11 Definitions of words, nhrases, and terms used in this ordinance shall be those set forth 18 in Minnesota Rules Chapter 4626, the Saint Paul LeQislative Code, and this section. 19 20 ;.. .(Z� Bakery Producls shail meau produc#s h�anufac�uted-in a bakerv. E�amples breact; �olls l�uns..cak - - .., 21 comkies ezackers dou ts:,pi��:pasLries;:pretzelsandpotata:chi�; 22 23 (3): : C'aferer s�a�� �eac� a busi�ess �rxa�dan��renarrng� and(or�elvxn� �aod�ia ge�ons ar �oiaps •wki�� . 24 �21 ��t1 �nd 5ei��e e�z�tsas ����d Uv �te pexso�r oi �au� =not £ar'irriii�al salas 'I1ie 25 pr " a�a�i. anidzdel�ue���`�x �tbhes fram a l�cesise� x�sta�'ani is �o��caas�dare� a eateiatY � _. r.._. _ ._.._ n r . . _ �..� 26 f1i�reti'o�t: _....:. - __ 27 28 �:t�l CitL shall mean Saint Paul. Minnesota. 29 30 �{5) Citv Council shall mean the Saint Paul Citv Council. 31 _._...., . 32 l�i�-= Co�rr�sai'��'��n��t a��xF�s�#a�mst�n�# that�ovit2ase�%p�er� uta�ts�� s�j5�lies at'stora� 33 f�e�'tiCi�s�ar•�[s�by��a�e�e�`o���"6i�e�€�d"�h�cle��eka��xr ... _ _.. .. . . _ �... . 34 35 :i- �7:=Director shall mean the Director of the Environmental Health Section of the Saint Paul 36 Office of License. Inspections and Environmental Protection or his/her designated a�;ent. 37 38 :�� �8�'- �� �^e�trr�ecZ ��r� s�a�L�a�"a�5? �a�r� tivh'tcl7�iass'�eefl r��crc�ss�d or=" ran�ec��n att �€ceas�c . ... .w. _..., v_�. _ _...... _._. _..._ .,... . 39 �d°esta�s��s�ex�or o�r:�at� �e F��oxatie-�rran�€ed �aods ar<�;�a��eiriri�d ta,be so�d �r servec� i _. . .._._... . 40 aa���i�e�"f�r�id�s���tex�aiz�ub3ice�en�f�c��LOn Lk�Is�.�€a�'Sec 15��2� � . _ . ....... .. .. ... _.�.. � .... 41 42 "� f9) Pc�rs��ili��atuaurli�i�a1=���t�o�tra#on:rassocxa�ron-at�at#�teislx� :...... ._.._ .. _.__ . .... _..., ... - ....... -...».. , --._ ...., . ... ... - ...,... .__ ... 43 44 ;� fa�41 Po�rtk� T�l'��:si�l� �nea� vwa�s�.:fi'arn asou�c�t�af uleets t�te�a��sio�s:eif�i�e 2t+Lajne"siita . :. 45 �7e�sai'�aeat�cr�-Hea��#asxel���#� piabl�c w�:sii�ply arid�� w�Yei�i . -,.. 46 o�-a'1t 2 1 �111 Salva�e shall mean to recover or rorocess dama¢ed or deteriorated food and/or vet products for 2 resale. 01 -a�Y 4 (121 Sel�contained shall mean a food establishment that, within its confines, contains all the facilities_ 5 equipment utensils and space necessary for its o erp ation. 7 (131 Snacks shall mean foods that require limited, on-site food handling or service. Example: fruits, 8 cereals. prepackased baker�products, candv, chiks, etc. 9 10 (141 Special Event shail mean a fair. carnival. circus, public e�ibition or communitv celebration. 11 12 (151 Unwholesome shalI mean anythiu� adulterated. unsound_ unhealthfizl, unclean or unfit for human 13 consum tp ion• 14 15 Sec. 331A.04. License Administrarion. 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 (a) License Reguired. No person shall operate a food estabiishment within the City unless a license for the current year of the applicable tvpe shall have been obtained from the Office pursuant to ttris ordinance and the Saint Paul �islative Code. �b) License A�plication. The application for such licenses shall be made on forms fiu•uished by the Office and shall set forth such informataon as may be reasonablv required bv the Office. The issuance of such licenses and their maintenance, terxnination, and administration shall be in accordance with and subject to all conditions of the Saint Paul Leeislative Code, unless otherwise nrovided herein. 29 main food establishment, as determined by the Office. 30 31 °:'� B ��b�sd es�ab�s3iime�t���os� ��d�ninat�E s��s ar� xefatP ba�er�Urodu�is; �::: ' _... .... _� _._.. __... . . _....: _ ... . _ .... 32 33 �_: y�,:�el�e� t��fa�d:establhs�rrie�rt`whu�se�p�e�b��n��saCesate potal'tr� �s�:irrse�oocl 34 " �c�t�`�s: . _,. _, ,.. _ _.._...� . _...... . 35 36 .:-= , ��:C;2xex�i� :° �,��t�te<7;: t��at�re:�-wh� �ren�eS �id;serves £oUd Ticensed fa�r8 esf�b�islkmen�and _ . ., ... 37 �z� ��� �f �s�`f�I�fe �o�a���`� � �oad"�ei�icT�llr,e�i'se ��it��`kier�nat�ds .. _._.. _ .. 38 39 ':z:: (4�:�t�n� -�u� �cate�'er�u�at�axispoi�s�n�serves-f�oda�"��e�la�etoc�f�o�x(� ��oo�t�eliic7 �� _. _ . _. ... _ ._ _. _.., 40 ii��n5ea�see��F�.<��p�x��ii�`fncs�`fs�spesY��a�fa�ie�.s�t�f b� t��cz�xde�; ., . _.v 41 42 �:;� i �ter�x� � Adtko� �4 catea`�'��ha €�'�'rcenseci i�i �o��nc�ion ��� � iestat�raat: t� F`ocad �elv�ie�Iai �—� :_ .... _. „ . . _._ ..... ... , 43 r��rz���a �r��t:ast� serit��� ae<sate��� �ocatfon�s� �4��o�ad ��od trarls�ZOrt czr�Ea;i�ers it�ast �Se €vc+ 44 45 �-�. t6�;-Dav �aCe Fcwd :�i�r€tec� t�vrtayca�e_fac�`�'t�"ui��e�e £ood �ePai�tiort ts hrii�fi��snacks (�t�-sii _ _ ... . �.. _.... 46 pr.�ua��hatt=��p6ten�ial�� haaarda� foiac�s isntz�p��it�e:et; 47 48 1 �71 Dav Caze Food: A dav caze facilitv where food is prenazed and served on-site. a���r�r 2 3_ _(81 Food Processor - to 2d00 sq. ft.: A wholesale establishment that nrocesses. wazehouses and distributes 4 food products. A Food Vehicle license is rec�uired to transport food uroducts. 5 6 (9) Food Processor - 2000 sq. ft. or more: A wholesale establishment that �rocesses, warehouses and 7 distributes food products. A Food Vehicle license is rec�uired to trausport food products. 8 9 {I01 Food 5alvaQe: An establishznent that salva¢es and sells damaged food Uroducts. which mav include the 10 salvaee and sates of vet food. 11 12 71I1 Food VehicIe: A vehicle used fortransnorting food �roducts_ 13 1� - (12j Food Vendin� Machine: A cnrrency o�e�ated maohine that dispenses food products. Canned and 15 bottledpop�machaies do.ncit.require.a Citvrof Saint Paifl f�cense. - 16 17 (I3) Faoel Vending 1Viachiiie Onerator� An individuaY:oi busiriess tl�af owns ancl"operafes`foo8 vending _. �... 18 inachines. � opzi`ator's licen'se is uoTreqiiired if'the vending'inachine(sl is owned atidlocated'withiri the 19 opera�or's: o`wu bti%ldirig� 20 21 '. : �) F�ad'�are�ozxseJDistritiutor A wIiolesale es�ablishmeritused^fox stonng°:and dish fooii �,�. 22 i>r4d�uc� .F.00tt nrocessuxe � not p�rnii#ted 5� Foo� V�l�icle kee�sei is ree�ut'r.ed #a frarisparf ft�od p�odACts; �,_,. _... � �. _ . __,. 23 24 �:r �i`S7 �'ood° E��rdr�r�a�x'�rt��n-es���ish�cen�w�i�e �'�z�3s pr�perect a�c�Fot°s�Y�d Ycra anfs;of.a 25 I�en,se�, bec� �b�i���`a��� aii��r �iaa�dit�g�oii5exi��t a�e�uased �aat�i�ig ar�d7or'boa�if% I��txs�: ..... _. . .v._, .. . ........ . ..... v. .., . . _., . 26 2� : : k 1�i���b�sd : �ist��t�Q� �l� : �n es�fili�is�et�w�iere��czd-xs ���red andF�ezuzd u�a,5�a�ipro�it. ,..r _. 28 �e1a�b�AF�d�c�t�a�:j�tsL����h "E�at�spfe� hosnr�� �c�ioa`�s ��irs�n��ailies t:i�eh�s �tc: � � ..�. . . .,. ..., _. . . .... . _... .m . .. . m,. m... 29 30 : -r �I�k ��� °�c� gro� ��r,�z�zat�bn op`��� �f"at��:s�1��' �bn�t�fit „ocer� :(S� �tsts`e�y t�i ��_. _., , . ._...,.. _... . - 31 �lt���c��ftTk 32 33 =;- �(��� �rcer �er'�s 1��ce��1 £eaa� es�abli�net�ape�`�i a���'��er'��k�t `i'See �r�e��o _. ... ___ ......._. . .. �.. . � .. , .�..... 34 �!4(}�q� �cl�cisi� �r1�i�€a��a�sa�ida�l��od ���eais�3�w ��iz�ti28� 1,5: -�t�i2� '�.. ��r�ns s�kf� .., 35 fk�� p�ad�tsafl��i� fart� or�a�de����ed � eui�uatecl b��� do-not �iu� ��it� �� 5�rt� Pa�T��e�use� . �..., . . _... . . .. ._ 36 37 .;•_�� 42 C�p��r�� ��E�Q sc� �f: : Ek refa3� €�od establishvnen���s r�i�n ��?Q� us�l�s� ,Et. �Yt�e t�e 38 p�edamr��ales are gxepa�kaged £€�a� �r��ets�tl �Y�ol� �� �id v�e�ab�es �i��ed �ae�d�srviee�ieh=as 39 eo�ee pp�c� �a�aleo�t�3v� b�uera�es �r�s� s��tsh �s �er�ited: �n a���'o�ed ��c��at+,��sav':b� �re�e€� �s: 40 si�ep�naza�o�tax°pia�ess�yaf��ods�t��ec��ead���oiia��ic��;�e�: 41 42 -; (2fi} C'rroeery 2ff�lOsq �€ �r irior� Aret�1 food�si�rl�e�t o£ZQflB=orm�e �isabY���, �e�e�e 43 predt�ts�nantsaTe�axe�ePaekagedfaacl��oc�ets'�d�suha�e_fi Ya��edfood-sererr���ic��s 44 e�e� �opcor�s �orialcohc��c b��era�es or�ce skusii� �SermYt�ed p�vapa�QVed macra�aue �ia}� be �to�ded =On- 45 s�te roret�at�at�on or:ii�aee�s�n�:iz�foods i��lxeq�t�e addihoi�atl�e�i,s�'s: 46 _. _m� __. _. 47 ': (2'��..1V�o"b�e�aad.Ueliiele.�;�itiiterl.A:ribri:moforizedvelvcle.suefi:asari�fi�.,thatis�d�self'eAnta[ried _ _ . . ... .._ -.-..... .... 4$ a�d mY�st'U� ieturn�d'darFvto=a con�stissaiv.for s�ipniv ancl°cleaYruie: n 1 (22) Mobile Food Vehicle - Fuli: A food estabiishment prenaring and servine foods from a self-contained 2 vehicle, either motorized or within a trailer_ Food items are limiYed bv the equipment within the vehicle. A 3 separate commissarv is not re mq . red• ��_�7� 4 5 (231 Mobile Food Velticle - Non-profit: A mobile food velucle that is licensed by, or for, a non-urofit 6 organization. 7 8 �241 OriQinal Container: An establisl�ment where the nredominant business is not food sales. Food items to 9 be sold are limited to �repackaged candv_ snacks or chips and canned or bottled nonalcoholic bevera� 10 11 {251 Original Container - Non-profit: A non-profit organizarion licensed to sell food items limited to 12 prepackaged candy. snacks or chips and canned or bottled nonalcoholic bevera� li 14 (261 Ori¢inal Container - Temporarv: An or�anization licensed fo se11 food items for one (11 to fourteen 15 (�:4Lvs. Food ite�ns €o be so�d are to prenackaged candy; snacks or chius aud canned or bottled 16 nbnalcoholic 6evera�es: 17. _. 18 . (271 Restatiirant- I;imited: l4ii establi"siunent=where food se�ce is=tiriiited°to:lievera�es;:bakei�v oroducts or 19 prepack'ag°ed faods (See lY1i�i� �tat= °Sec ' 157 20 Loiv�2isk EstaliIisliment ,ZExact�ple coffee -sho� �..... � � . _ 20 21 : f�8� Resfaurant 1�Ied�t� A�'establishme�� vvs�rltrnited foaz� preoar�aii aad servrce �r�marrlv for carry= 22 au�o�delivety f�e�`lU��nt� �ta� �ee-2�'�2T?�feclittt��skEstahli"s3trnenf�E�atnples d�1��zzaa�oLdoQ'"s= 23 . _ .. 24 ;.� �29=1 L�s�at�� �a�; �esta�luu��:w�t� ��isi�e foodGprepaxatin� and�s�3v��e £or��� s�te �itixng._ . _ ��.. . ���.. 25 kS���GT�:��i�t��c���7�EY�I�T7��i���tab�sl�et�Yt�xa�pt� �serFZtee�staaw�an� �._... . _ . . ..._._. _.. .. � ... .... ._... ..._ _R. ...._.. 26 27 �= �3fl�I�e�;�ri��� ��d'a� ��3�cense'£��:a��i�d�'t�natr�s€aura�t.ape���n�riiiafaci�i . m . ... ... 28 ��s�'a�5�a�t� Ft�i����€ u. _ ..... . . _:.... . _ _ . ...., ., , . . . _. ..,... . 29 30 0':� �#3 i� �es�au��tet- ��ist€��, t�,�l�ee�s��c� �x�Y�nd €�SAC�y��c�at�v� diui�t narrxra� be��ress kc��s� �ta e�r�� ..... ..... . .... .� .. �.... _ .. _ ._, 31 a��a��c�cit��t��s £a-���� r�rt. E�ai[t�1�s b�� ~p�t�E���$ 32 , r , ._ , 33 = u �3�1 �roectai ��e��'xx�d �ales-;T�� fa 3=���s .t� �ei�`e�%��� ��� �� �i�tiec��faad p�e�sa�aj:i��i �r3 34 sa�ar�:p�am��e,r� �ie�e���a'��n�te�eee€��re�(�1.cat�se�ti�v��l�� 35 ... 36 ° f331 S�eera�����i� �l�s � 9U l� `I�ys A�iecral ����t du��g v�€e� liiit�f�d fo�d ii��p�a'��i�o� at�i� 37 sa�es�arep�n��e� ?�ie�e����r�u�e��ia�excee�fe�e�n fL�� c��se�t��eda�s� .._ .< « . n. r..... _._. .. . .._�. . .... . .. ..w., _ �......... _�, . . 38 39 r �3�� ��aecia7 Euen� �oiad �a7es ��al qt� �3c�s��r�r a� �il'I�z�ed �iunb�� s�specia2 eve� �n��s a 1`� 40 �icsn`f3� per�od �w�3g �1�h 1�#exi fond�xrena�a�on and sa�es a�e ne,�f�et� A� t}ae ��i��s�a��ii�cafta� �l �d� .. _ .. 41 ��etii�#b:be'soic��tt�:Peue�s:to-T��roa�-�teiva€editi:clt�ctt� f1�e`�e,ar�titig 12:riatt�t� i���ie lt�tec7en3�.c�ia��ei�_�rierin 42 clr�� the 12`mtsn�°I�e��se �r�od�v�ll ra n�e ane� �sce�: 43 -- -_.� m. __.... - ._. 44 ;�m f351 �pecial<Evenf Fooc! �a#es: �E�te�oi� �Y Tt�eYiser 45 e4n�ieuotis�to Yhe�re"sxaurant c�m�ric#rnn cv�fik�:acnecialaevei 46 47 °� (3�1 Spec�al ��en��vod S�Tes:--C`iive awav �ln iu�usd� or atgaiueatlo�:cTas#ribuf�g fcyod �Aduets a£tia 48 c'�at¢e€ _. . _ . . _ . � . .._ .. . ..... �__ . _.... 1 (37) Special Event Food Sales - Non-profit: A non-profit or�anization selling food in conjunctaon with a 2 special event. The event must not exceed fourteen (141 consecufive days. ��� r 3 \- 4 (dl License Expiration. Licenses issued oursuant to this ordinance shall ex�e in accordance with Chapter 5 310.08(al of the Saint Paul Le�islative Code. 7 (e) Transfer and Dis�ay ofLicense. 9 �11 Only a roerson who complies with the requirements of this ordinance shall be entitled to receive a 10 license. A license shall not be transferable as to person or nlace. A license obtained for a food estabiishment shall 11 be conspicuouslv displaved to the public. 12 13 (21 A catering food vehicle operatin¢ in the City shall be identified with the name, city, and tele hone 14 number of the licensee disolaved on both sides of the vehicie in a conspicuou�lace as designated bv the Office. 15 The name shall be in letters of four (4) inches mnumum heig,ht and of a color contrastin� with the backeround. 16 17 � Food Sa�ty Training. The Office may require an ap�licant for a license to varticipate in a meetine or training 18 session provided bv the Office, includina the use of videotape or other alternative training methods, for the p_nr�ose 19 of providine information in the factors that cause and �revent foodborne illness if the apolicant is not required to 20 employ a certified food manager. 21 22 Sec. 331A.05. Insnections and Plan Review. 23 (a Inspection Reauired. The Office shall inspect each food establishment prior to issuine a license for a new 24 establishment or chanee of ownership. A license shall not be issued until the corrections rec�u'�red bv the Office. as 25 a result of the pre-licensine ins�ection haue been made, to the satisfaction of the Office. 26 27 1b Inspection ofFood Establishments. The Office shall ins�ect every food establishment as frequently as it may 28 deem necessary to insure comnliance with this ordinance, but not less than the minimum frequencv for 29 establishments established by Mannesota Statutes 157.20 or other applicable statutes or rules. 30 31 1c Inspection Report. The Office shall mail an inspection report to the licensee or his/her authorized aeent by 32 reeular mail. A copy of the ins�ection report shall be filed with the records of the Office. 33 34 (d) Access to Premises and Records � Interference with Health Authority. The person operatine the food 35 establishment shall. upon rec�uest and after proper identification by the Office, permit access to all narts of the 36 establishment at any reasonable time for the putpose of insroection, and shall e�ibit and allow co�ying of anv 37 recards necessarv to ascertain sources of foods and methods of food urevarafion. No �ersons shall interfere with or 38 hinder the Office in the performance of its duties, or refuse to permit the Office to make such in�ections. 39 40 (eLRemoval and Correction o,[Violations. After receivin a re oU rt�ving notificarion of one or more violations 41 of this ordinance. a licensee shall conect each violation in a reasonable lenpth of time as determined by the Office. 42 The length of time for the conection of each such violation shall be noted on the inspection re�ort. The failure to 43 correct each such violation withiu the time period noted on the inspection renort shall constitute a sepazate violation 44 ofthis ordinance. 45 46 _( fl Construction Plan Keview Reguired. A person shall not beein to construct extensivelv remodel or alter a 47 food establishment until the Office has reviewed and approved the plans and s�ecifications rec�uired bv this 48 subsection. The food establishment shall be constructed and finished in conformance with the a�proved plans. The 0 o�a�t 1 Office ma insnect the food establishments as fre uently as deemed necessary during construction to ensure that 2 construction occurs in conformance with this ordinance. The Office shall conduct a final inspection prior to the 3 start of operations and issuance of an a�Droved license. If work has commenced �rior to a�proval of plans when 4 required, the Office mav issue orders to halt the construction. extensive remodelin�, exoansion, or alteration. or mav 5 issue orders, including demolition or removal. if reasonablv necessarv to detennine compliance with the standazds 6 of this ordinance. 8 Sec. 331A.06. Grounds for Emergency Closure. 9 (a2Single Violations. The Office may issue orders to siunmarilv close anv food establishment for anv of the 10 following reasons: 11 (11 Failure to possess a license required bv this ordinance: 12 13 (2) Evidence of a sewa¢e backup in a food �reuazation, food storaee, or utensil washing 14 15 are3 16 (31 Lack of potable. hot or cold water under pressure to the extent that handwashing, 17 utensil washin ,g food preparation. or toilet facilities are not operational: 18 19 (4) Lack of electrici or 2as service to the extent that handwashing, utensil washing, 20 food preparation, liehtine, or toilet facilities aze not operational: 21 22 _(51 Evidence of an on¢oing foodborne illness caused bv the o�eration of the 23 establishment; or 24 25 _�6) The presence of anv condition that ooses an imminent risk of substantial harm to the 26 public health, safetv or welfare. 27 28 (b) Procedure for Emergency,Closure. 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 (11 If, followin¢ an on-site ins�ecfion, the Office determines that closure of a food establishment is re uired in order to protect public health as provided in this section, the Director st�all order the immediate closure of the establistiment in writine. The order shall identify the food establishment, describe the specific �rounds uuon which closure is based, direct the immediate closure of the establishment and vacatin¢ of the oremises bv consumers. list the corrective actions necessary to re-open the establishment, and state that a hearinQ on the emergency closure may be rec�uested by the licensee. The order shall be served in person on the owner, man�er, or person in chazee of operations of the premises. 21 The uerson receiving the order shall close the establishment and request all persons to vacate. The establishment shall remain closed until the Office rescinds the order for emereency closure. Failure to close the establishment is a misdemeanor. In the event the Uerson receiving the order fails to close the establishment, the Office may order all persons to vacate the premises. Failure to leave unon said orders is a misdemeanor. Where a verson fails to vacate the nremises as ordered bv the Office, the police maXbe summoned to assist in vacati�the premises and issuing such citations or makine such arrests as ma�be necessary to com�iv with this subsection. (31 The licensee mav request, in writing, a hearing on the emergencv closure, and the conditions, if any, to be imposed for reopenine the food establislunent. The hearinp sha11 be held within two �1 business days before an independent hearina examiner, except that the licensee may waive the foreeoine time restrictions and consent to scheduling the heazingat a later date. The independent hearine examiner shall render a written decision within two 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 (2) business days after the conclusion of the hearine, and shall either sustain the ¢rounds set forth in the order of emereencv closure, in which case the order sha11 remain in full force and effect en ndin�further orders of the Office, or fmd that the evidence does not su�port the emereenCV closure, in which case the order shall be deemed dismissed and the establishment mav reopen forthwith, sub�ect to an�further �roceedings for adverse action. 01-'3�1� (41 Anv person aggrieved bv the fmdings and conclusions of the independent hearing examiner mav appeal to the citv council by fil� a norice with the cit�clerk, who shall note the matter for hearing at the citv council meeting nea�t followine the date of such appeal. The council mav modifv the findings and conclusion of the independent hearing examiner as it deems appropriate on the record. or continue the closure order ep nding_the fiu�ther orders of the Office. 12 Sec. 331A.07. Standards for Health, 5afetv, and Nuisance. 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 (a) Standards Ado�ted. Mimiesota Rules, Chapter 4626 (Minnesota Food Code) in effect on the effective date of this ordinance, as it mav be amended from time to tune. is hereby adoUted bv reference and made a nart of this ordinance except as otherwise ex ressly.provided in this ordinance. (bl Standards Amended. The standards imposed bv the above ado�ted rules, as incorporated herein by reference. are herebv modified as follows: (1) The standazd im o� sed byMinnesota Ru1es 46261050. �aza�anh A is modified as follows: A handwashine lauator�shall be equipped to provide water at a temperature of at least 43 de ees C 110 deerees F), but not more than 54 degrees C j130 de rees F), throueh a mixin� valve or combination faucet, excent that the maximum tem�erature in a food establishment utilizine a hot water sanitizine dishwashing machine that was installed prior to August 29. 1993 shall not exceed 140 de rep es F• (60 deerees C.�from the faucet. _�Z Except far food establishments licensed under the authority of Minn. Stat. Chapter 28A, the standazd imposed bv Minnesota Rules 46261325, paraara� A, sub�agranh (3) is modified as follows: nonabsorbent and constructed ofmaterial which resists the wear and abuse to which thev are subjected such as c�u _arrv tile, ceramic tile, or tenazzo, for food �reroaration. food serving, wait station, kitchen. bar. walk-in refri¢eration, warewashing toilet, mobile food establishment servicine, handwashing,janitorial, laundry, and interior garbage and refuse storap_e areas; areas subject to flushin or spray cieanin� methods; and other ueas subject to moisture. 36 37 (31 The standard im op sed b�Minnesota Rules 4626.1440 is modified as foilows: 38 Each handwashine lavatorv or ¢roup of two adjacent lavatories shall have available: 39 a. a sup�lv of liquid, powder or bar soa� 40 b. a nailbrush at the handwashing lavatory used by em�loyees; and 41 c. a si¢n directine food service emplovees to wash their hands. 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 (41 The standazd im o��sed b�Minnesota Rules 4626.1715. paraeranh B, is modified as follows: A party mav appeal the denial, revocation. or refusal to renew a variance in accordance with and subject to all conditions of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, unless otherwise provided herein. !cl Food Manap_er Certification. 1 (1) A licensee shall maintain in emnlovment at each licensed establishment at least one 2 owner, manager, or supervisor who spends a substantial amount of his or her working y 3 hours at the food establistunent, has completed an approved food service mana�er a�- a 1 4 certification program. and is registered with the Office or the Minnesota Department of 5 Health as a Certified Food Manaeer. 6 7 (21 The certificate issued by the Office or the Minnesota Department of Health to verify 8 successful completion of an approved food manaeer certification course and 9 r�istration as a Certified Food Manager shall be cons�cuouslv displaved to the 10 up blic• 11 12 (3) This subsection shall not a��l t�porary food establishments or food 13 establishments which do not �renaze potentially hazardous food. 14 15 Sec. 331A.08. IndustcxSelf-Survey and Trainin�Responsibilitv. 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 1a) Self-Inspection Program. (11 Everv licensee of a food establishment shall arran�e for and maintain a proeram of sanitation self-inspection conducted bv the owner, mana�er, sanitation su�ervisor, or designated aeent. The self-inspection program shall be approved bv the Office. (21 The licensee shall maintain. on the premises, up-to-date written �olicies or guidelines for food nrepazation and handlin¢, including�ro en r temperature maintenance of potentiallv hazardous food; sanitation practices and techniques; em l�oyee uainin¢ in food handli� nrocedures and personal hvgiene; monitorine of all activities listed above; a facilit �.}_equipment and utensil cleanin� schedule: and other means as xe uired bv the Office. 30 Sec.331A.09. Separabilitv. 31 If any provision or a�plication of an�nrovision of this ordinance is held invalid, that invaliditv shall not affect other 32 urovisions or a�plications of this ordinance. 33 34 Sec.331A.10. Penaltv. 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 Any uerson who violates this ordinance_ or who oermits a violation to exist on the nremises under hislher control. or fails to take action to abate the existence of the violation within the specified rime period when ardered ar notified to do so bv the Office shall be uiltv of a misdemeanar and upon conviction thereof shall be punished as �rovided 1 b�� 2 01-���' Section 2 4 5 � 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 �9 20 21 22 This ordinance shall take effect and be in full force tluriy (30) days following its passage, approval and publication 23 By: 24 Requested by Department of: Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protec ' � By. � Form Approved by City Attorney B � �� ` 1 i/r��fi�-�4 /� 1 » �` Approved b Mayor for Submission to Council � ���_ c���a�'/,� ��/ By � 25 Approved by Mayor: Date ! 26 27 By: � PI�t.I5NE11 �1Y21� io Adopted by Council: Date e\ Adoption Certified by Council Secretary OFFICS oF LIEP Date: .GREEN SHEET Roger Curtis February 12, zooi O` ��� 266-9013 NO . 10 3 815 1 HPARIMENT DIREClOR 4 ITY CODNCIL _ 2 ITY ATTOANBY ITY CLER& . x�sm� ust be on Council Agenda by: '°°" �ET D=�zacroR ix. a n,cx. svc. nix. � �11 . 3 YOR (OR ASSISTANTI OTAL # OF SIGNAT[TRE: PAG23S 1 (CEIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR-"SIGF7ATURE) CTION REQUESTED: • ordinance adopting new food protection standards that will bring the_City of Saint Paul into compliance with the requirements of the Minnesota Departments of Health and griculture to allow the City ta enter into delegation agreements witYi�each-agency. COPAYPI�DATIONS: APPROV& (A) OR ASJECT (R) . SRSONAL SHRVZCB� CONTRACfS MITST AN54i8R TH6 POLL(%iII7G; PI,tiNNING-COtR+.ISSION CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION Has the person/£irm ever worked under a contract for this department? CIB COMMITTEE _ BUSINESS REVZSW COUNCIL� YES NO � STAFF _ Has this person/fizm ever been a City employee? DISTRICT COi1RT _ Y&5 NO Does this person/firm possess a ski11 not normally possessed by any UPPORTS WHICH COUNCZL OBJECTIVB? Clirrent City employee? YE5 NO laia all YSS anawera ori separate 'sheet and attach. FNFTIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, Wfiat, When, Where, Why): dopting the new food=code standards will aliow the City of Saint Paul to follow the same standards that the Minnesota Departments o€ Hea3.th and Agriculture have already adopted for foocl, beverage and lodging facilities,, grocery and "convenience stores and ending machines. The Minnesota Departments of Health and Agriculture require the Citlr to adopt the State food code to become delegated license and inspection agents of - the State. VANTAGES IF APPROVED: dopting the new food code will allow the City of Saint Paul to continue to license, tnspect and-enforce the standards for all food, beverage and lodging facilities, aIl rocery and convenience stores: and all vending machines within-the City oP Saint.Paul. cantinuing to license the5e businesses, the City of Saint Paul will retain approximately.$680,600 in license revenue that woUld otherwise go to the Departments € Health and'Agrieu}.ture. ESADVANTAGES IF APPROT7ED: FooB facili.ty owners must be advised of the new requirements. AD AN ES IR NO'F APPR SED: he Minnesota Departments of.Health and Agriculture could withdraw their delegation greements. This would require the City to stop licensing and inspecting all food, everage and lodging facilities, a1S grocerg and convenience stores and all vending achines within the City of Saint 'Paul. The loss of the delegation agreements would esult in the City losing all revenue derived from li�ensing the listed types o€ usinesses. This loss in revenue would be a roximatel 680,000. OTAL AMOUN'F OF TRANSACTIOAF $ t� L�.�' BUDGETED YES NO A �� -..--r- ��������� �'. UNDING SOURCE ,.nrt,� ACTIVITY NUM$E� ^ 9" !\! 1° 1"1 FIA7diNCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN} ,,z,, � Q �' r5 �T�TT� i`?AR U 2 ia�fl`3 f ClTY ATTORNE1l QRIGINAL Presented By Referred To i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 i7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 Council File # Q 1� �..- y�^ �,�� Ordinance # Green Sheet # '� g � ORDINANCE CITI� OF SAINT PAUL,IVIINNESOTA ��� � �� Committee Date : An Ordinance adopting food protection standazds which will permit the City of Saint Paul to enter into a delegation agreement with the Aepartment of Agriculture / THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES Section 1 A new Chapter 331A of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is Sec. 331A.01. Purpose. Chapter 145A and Sections 375.51 - 375.55. 1�1 Prevent food � Correct and t utilizing foo< � Provide mini and maintent � Meet consun establishme� / , Sec. 331A.02. Swne.r'� or immediate consumption off the premises. enacted: o�� 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 most restrictive ordinance, statute, rule or regulation sha11 appl� Sec. 331A.03. General Provisions. _(al Ail of the provisions of the Saint Paul Legislative Code shall�nlv as if fullv set forth herein. License, Ins�ecfions and Environxnental Protection. (cl Other Defuutions. � Paul LeEislative Code, and this section. � Citv shall mean Saint Paul, Minnesota. � � Sec. 331A.04. License Administration. _(el Transfer and Dfsplav o License. (11 Onl� a uerson who com�lies with the rec�uirements of this ardinance shall be entitled d► a.� O�IG 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 il l2 13 14 �21 A catering food vehicle operatine in the City shall be identified with the name, city, and telephone number of the licensee dis�layed on both sides of the velucle in a consnicuous place as desienated by the Office. The name sha11 be in letters of four �41 inches muumum / hei�ht and of a color contrasting with the background• Sec. 331A.05. InsQections and Plan Review. the satisfaction of the Office. �licable statutes or rules. of the Office. o � -��� reasonably necessar�to determine compliance with the standards of this ordinance. O�IG 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 il 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 � �� � � � Evidence of a sewaee backup in a food prepazarion. food stora�e, or utensil washine azea; are not o�erational; not operational; of the establishxnent or (bl Procedure far Emer�ency Closure. case the order shall be deemed dismissed and the establishment may reopen forthwith, subject to an� fiu•ther�roceedines for adverse action. o ,�.�� for any the following reasons: � Failure to possess a license required by this ordinance: o�i� 3 4 5 6 7 matter for hearin¢ at the city council meetine next followin� the date of such appeal. The council may modif�the findines and conclusion of the indenendent hearing examiner as it deems „ Sec. 331A.07. Standards for Health. Safetv. and Nuisance. ordinance. herein by reference. aze hereby,modified as follows: � faucet. � moisture. � a. a suppl�f liquid, powder or baz soa� b. a nailbrush at the handwashing lavatory used b�emolovees: and c a si¢n directing food service emplovees to wash theu hands. �/ The standard imposed bv Minnesota Rules 4626.1715. paraeranh B. is modified as follows: A part�mav anpeal the denial. revocation, or refusal to renew a variance in accordance with and su�ect to a11 conditions of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, unless otherwise provided herein. o,.��� 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 .� 41 42 43 44 45 46 (cl Food Manaeer Certification. � R�� i i 1i P'S � � A licensee shall maintain in employment at each licensed establishment at least one owner, manager, or supervisor who s�ends a substantial amount of his or her warkine hours at the food establishment, has completed an approved food service manager certification proeram, and is registered with the Office or the Mivnesota Department of Health as a Certified Food Manaver � The certificate issued by the Office or the Minnesota Department of Health to verifv successful completion of an apqroved food manaeer certification course and registration as a Certified Food Manaeer shall be cons�cuousl �}�d�is�layed to the public. �) food. (a Self-Inspection Proeram. � � Sec.331A.09. Se�arabilitv. Sec.331A10. Penaltv, O\-a��l � z 3 4 5 ORIGI�1�iL Section 2 �� a�,� This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days following its passage, approval and publicarion. Requested by Department of: Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Co�d By: Approved by Mayo . Date By: � By: - Form Approve y City Attorney By: /xLQ � Secretary Approve ayor for Sub 'ssion to Council By: � �.�D s e� - S�p �. `� S, ae o\ ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By CounCil File # � l— a�g Ordinance # Green Sheet # �O 3 g�5 �S Referred To Committee: Date 1 2 An ordinance adopting food protection standards 3 which wi11 pernut the City to enter inYo a 4 delegation agreement with the Department 5 of Agriculture 6 7 8 THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: 9 10 Section 1 11 12 13 Sec. 331A.Q1. Purpose. 14 15 �al The purpose of this ordinance is to establish standards to orotect the health, safetv and the eeneral welfare of 16 the �eonle of Saint Paulpursuant to powers granted under Minnesota Statutes Chapter 145A and Secfions 375.51 - 17 375.55. 18 19 (bl These eeneral ob',�ectives include the followine: 20 � Prevent food-borne illness; 21 22 � Correct and prevent condirions that may adverselv affect persons utilizine food 23 establishxnents; 24 25 � Provide minimum standards for the design, construction, oroeration and maintenance 26 of food establishments; and 27 28 � Meet consumer ea�ectarions of the c�ualitv and safety of food establishments. 29 30 Sec. 331A.02. Scoue. 31 �a) This ordinance shall be a�licable to all retail food establishments such as, but not limited to, restaurants. 32 bakeries, butcher shops. pastrv shous, boarding houses, drive-ins. bars, tavems, cafeterias. delicatessens, snack 33 bars rg ocery stores, convenience stores. caterers, cafes. clubs, lodges, commissaries, youth camps, lodein2 34 facilities resorts, public and private schools, public buildines. ¢roup dav care facilities, vending machines, and 35 similar businesses and establishments where food, meals, lunches or beveraees are �renazed or served for 1 ' .�► i�Nl 21'01 1 consumntion on the premises or immediate consumption off the premises. 2 3 (bl In the event of a conflict between the orovisions of this ordinance and the provisions of anv other ordinances. 4 statutes, rules and/or re¢ularions to which a food establishment is subject_ the most restrictive ordinance, statute, 5 rule or re�ulation shali applv. 6 7 Sec. 331A.03. General Provisions. 8�al All of the vrovisions of the Saint Paul Le�islative Code shall applv as if fully set forth herein. 9 10 1bl Health Authority Defined. This ordinance shali be administered bv the Saint Paul Office of License, 11 Insnections and Environmentai Protection. The term "Office" where used in this ordinance or the Saint Paul 12 Le�islative Code. and the term "ret?ulatory authority" where used in the Minnesota Food Code, Minnesota Rules 13 Chapter 4626, shall mean the Saint Paul Office of License, Insnections and Environmental Protection. 14 15 (cl Other Definitions. 16 17 (11 Definitions of words, nhrases, and terms used in this ordinance shall be those set forth 18 in Minnesota Rules Chapter 4626, the Saint Paul LeQislative Code, and this section. 19 20 ;.. .(Z� Bakery Producls shail meau produc#s h�anufac�uted-in a bakerv. E�amples breact; �olls l�uns..cak - - .., 21 comkies ezackers dou ts:,pi��:pasLries;:pretzelsandpotata:chi�; 22 23 (3): : C'aferer s�a�� �eac� a busi�ess �rxa�dan��renarrng� and(or�elvxn� �aod�ia ge�ons ar �oiaps •wki�� . 24 �21 ��t1 �nd 5ei��e e�z�tsas ����d Uv �te pexso�r oi �au� =not £ar'irriii�al salas 'I1ie 25 pr " a�a�i. anidzdel�ue���`�x �tbhes fram a l�cesise� x�sta�'ani is �o��caas�dare� a eateiatY � _. r.._. _ ._.._ n r . . _ �..� 26 f1i�reti'o�t: _....:. - __ 27 28 �:t�l CitL shall mean Saint Paul. Minnesota. 29 30 �{5) Citv Council shall mean the Saint Paul Citv Council. 31 _._...., . 32 l�i�-= Co�rr�sai'��'��n��t a��xF�s�#a�mst�n�# that�ovit2ase�%p�er� uta�ts�� s�j5�lies at'stora� 33 f�e�'tiCi�s�ar•�[s�by��a�e�e�`o���"6i�e�€�d"�h�cle��eka��xr ... _ _.. .. . . _ �... . 34 35 :i- �7:=Director shall mean the Director of the Environmental Health Section of the Saint Paul 36 Office of License. Inspections and Environmental Protection or his/her designated a�;ent. 37 38 :�� �8�'- �� �^e�trr�ecZ ��r� s�a�L�a�"a�5? �a�r� tivh'tcl7�iass'�eefl r��crc�ss�d or=" ran�ec��n att �€ceas�c . ... .w. _..., v_�. _ _...... _._. _..._ .,... . 39 �d°esta�s��s�ex�or o�r:�at� �e F��oxatie-�rran�€ed �aods ar<�;�a��eiriri�d ta,be so�d �r servec� i _. . .._._... . 40 aa���i�e�"f�r�id�s���tex�aiz�ub3ice�en�f�c��LOn Lk�Is�.�€a�'Sec 15��2� � . _ . ....... .. .. ... _.�.. � .... 41 42 "� f9) Pc�rs��ili��atuaurli�i�a1=���t�o�tra#on:rassocxa�ron-at�at#�teislx� :...... ._.._ .. _.__ . .... _..., ... - ....... -...».. , --._ ...., . ... ... - ...,... .__ ... 43 44 ;� fa�41 Po�rtk� T�l'��:si�l� �nea� vwa�s�.:fi'arn asou�c�t�af uleets t�te�a��sio�s:eif�i�e 2t+Lajne"siita . :. 45 �7e�sai'�aeat�cr�-Hea��#asxel���#� piabl�c w�:sii�ply arid�� w�Yei�i . -,.. 46 o�-a'1t 2 1 �111 Salva�e shall mean to recover or rorocess dama¢ed or deteriorated food and/or vet products for 2 resale. 01 -a�Y 4 (121 Sel�contained shall mean a food establishment that, within its confines, contains all the facilities_ 5 equipment utensils and space necessary for its o erp ation. 7 (131 Snacks shall mean foods that require limited, on-site food handling or service. Example: fruits, 8 cereals. prepackased baker�products, candv, chiks, etc. 9 10 (141 Special Event shail mean a fair. carnival. circus, public e�ibition or communitv celebration. 11 12 (151 Unwholesome shalI mean anythiu� adulterated. unsound_ unhealthfizl, unclean or unfit for human 13 consum tp ion• 14 15 Sec. 331A.04. License Administrarion. 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 (a) License Reguired. No person shall operate a food estabiishment within the City unless a license for the current year of the applicable tvpe shall have been obtained from the Office pursuant to ttris ordinance and the Saint Paul �islative Code. �b) License A�plication. The application for such licenses shall be made on forms fiu•uished by the Office and shall set forth such informataon as may be reasonablv required bv the Office. The issuance of such licenses and their maintenance, terxnination, and administration shall be in accordance with and subject to all conditions of the Saint Paul Leeislative Code, unless otherwise nrovided herein. 29 main food establishment, as determined by the Office. 30 31 °:'� B ��b�sd es�ab�s3iime�t���os� ��d�ninat�E s��s ar� xefatP ba�er�Urodu�is; �::: ' _... .... _� _._.. __... . . _....: _ ... . _ .... 32 33 �_: y�,:�el�e� t��fa�d:establhs�rrie�rt`whu�se�p�e�b��n��saCesate potal'tr� �s�:irrse�oocl 34 " �c�t�`�s: . _,. _, ,.. _ _.._...� . _...... . 35 36 .:-= , ��:C;2xex�i� :° �,��t�te<7;: t��at�re:�-wh� �ren�eS �id;serves £oUd Ticensed fa�r8 esf�b�islkmen�and _ . ., ... 37 �z� ��� �f �s�`f�I�fe �o�a���`� � �oad"�ei�icT�llr,e�i'se ��it��`kier�nat�ds .. _._.. _ .. 38 39 ':z:: (4�:�t�n� -�u� �cate�'er�u�at�axispoi�s�n�serves-f�oda�"��e�la�etoc�f�o�x(� ��oo�t�eliic7 �� _. _ . _. ... _ ._ _. _.., 40 ii��n5ea�see��F�.<��p�x��ii�`fncs�`fs�spesY��a�fa�ie�.s�t�f b� t��cz�xde�; ., . _.v 41 42 �:;� i �ter�x� � Adtko� �4 catea`�'��ha €�'�'rcenseci i�i �o��nc�ion ��� � iestat�raat: t� F`ocad �elv�ie�Iai �—� :_ .... _. „ . . _._ ..... ... , 43 r��rz���a �r��t:ast� serit��� ae<sate��� �ocatfon�s� �4��o�ad ��od trarls�ZOrt czr�Ea;i�ers it�ast �Se €vc+ 44 45 �-�. t6�;-Dav �aCe Fcwd :�i�r€tec� t�vrtayca�e_fac�`�'t�"ui��e�e £ood �ePai�tiort ts hrii�fi��snacks (�t�-sii _ _ ... . �.. _.... 46 pr.�ua��hatt=��p6ten�ial�� haaarda� foiac�s isntz�p��it�e:et; 47 48 1 �71 Dav Caze Food: A dav caze facilitv where food is prenazed and served on-site. a���r�r 2 3_ _(81 Food Processor - to 2d00 sq. ft.: A wholesale establishment that nrocesses. wazehouses and distributes 4 food products. A Food Vehicle license is rec�uired to transport food uroducts. 5 6 (9) Food Processor - 2000 sq. ft. or more: A wholesale establishment that �rocesses, warehouses and 7 distributes food products. A Food Vehicle license is rec�uired to trausport food products. 8 9 {I01 Food 5alvaQe: An establishznent that salva¢es and sells damaged food Uroducts. which mav include the 10 salvaee and sates of vet food. 11 12 71I1 Food VehicIe: A vehicle used fortransnorting food �roducts_ 13 1� - (12j Food Vendin� Machine: A cnrrency o�e�ated maohine that dispenses food products. Canned and 15 bottledpop�machaies do.ncit.require.a Citvrof Saint Paifl f�cense. - 16 17 (I3) Faoel Vending 1Viachiiie Onerator� An individuaY:oi busiriess tl�af owns ancl"operafes`foo8 vending _. �... 18 inachines. � opzi`ator's licen'se is uoTreqiiired if'the vending'inachine(sl is owned atidlocated'withiri the 19 opera�or's: o`wu bti%ldirig� 20 21 '. : �) F�ad'�are�ozxseJDistritiutor A wIiolesale es�ablishmeritused^fox stonng°:and dish fooii �,�. 22 i>r4d�uc� .F.00tt nrocessuxe � not p�rnii#ted 5� Foo� V�l�icle kee�sei is ree�ut'r.ed #a frarisparf ft�od p�odACts; �,_,. _... � �. _ . __,. 23 24 �:r �i`S7 �'ood° E��rdr�r�a�x'�rt��n-es���ish�cen�w�i�e �'�z�3s pr�perect a�c�Fot°s�Y�d Ycra anfs;of.a 25 I�en,se�, bec� �b�i���`a��� aii��r �iaa�dit�g�oii5exi��t a�e�uased �aat�i�ig ar�d7or'boa�if% I��txs�: ..... _. . .v._, .. . ........ . ..... v. .., . . _., . 26 2� : : k 1�i���b�sd : �ist��t�Q� �l� : �n es�fili�is�et�w�iere��czd-xs ���red andF�ezuzd u�a,5�a�ipro�it. ,..r _. 28 �e1a�b�AF�d�c�t�a�:j�tsL����h "E�at�spfe� hosnr�� �c�ioa`�s ��irs�n��ailies t:i�eh�s �tc: � � ..�. . . .,. ..., _. . . .... . _... .m . .. . m,. m... 29 30 : -r �I�k ��� °�c� gro� ��r,�z�zat�bn op`��� �f"at��:s�1��' �bn�t�fit „ocer� :(S� �tsts`e�y t�i ��_. _., , . ._...,.. _... . - 31 �lt���c��ftTk 32 33 =;- �(��� �rcer �er'�s 1��ce��1 £eaa� es�abli�net�ape�`�i a���'��er'��k�t `i'See �r�e��o _. ... ___ ......._. . .. �.. . � .. , .�..... 34 �!4(}�q� �cl�cisi� �r1�i�€a��a�sa�ida�l��od ���eais�3�w ��iz�ti28� 1,5: -�t�i2� '�.. ��r�ns s�kf� .., 35 fk�� p�ad�tsafl��i� fart� or�a�de����ed � eui�uatecl b��� do-not �iu� ��it� �� 5�rt� Pa�T��e�use� . �..., . . _... . . .. ._ 36 37 .;•_�� 42 C�p��r�� ��E�Q sc� �f: : Ek refa3� €�od establishvnen���s r�i�n ��?Q� us�l�s� ,Et. �Yt�e t�e 38 p�edamr��ales are gxepa�kaged £€�a� �r��ets�tl �Y�ol� �� �id v�e�ab�es �i��ed �ae�d�srviee�ieh=as 39 eo�ee pp�c� �a�aleo�t�3v� b�uera�es �r�s� s��tsh �s �er�ited: �n a���'o�ed ��c��at+,��sav':b� �re�e€� �s: 40 si�ep�naza�o�tax°pia�ess�yaf��ods�t��ec��ead���oiia��ic��;�e�: 41 42 -; (2fi} C'rroeery 2ff�lOsq �€ �r irior� Aret�1 food�si�rl�e�t o£ZQflB=orm�e �isabY���, �e�e�e 43 predt�ts�nantsaTe�axe�ePaekagedfaacl��oc�ets'�d�suha�e_fi Ya��edfood-sererr���ic��s 44 e�e� �opcor�s �orialcohc��c b��era�es or�ce skusii� �SermYt�ed p�vapa�QVed macra�aue �ia}� be �to�ded =On- 45 s�te roret�at�at�on or:ii�aee�s�n�:iz�foods i��lxeq�t�e addihoi�atl�e�i,s�'s: 46 _. _m� __. _. 47 ': (2'��..1V�o"b�e�aad.Ueliiele.�;�itiiterl.A:ribri:moforizedvelvcle.suefi:asari�fi�.,thatis�d�self'eAnta[ried _ _ . . ... .._ -.-..... .... 4$ a�d mY�st'U� ieturn�d'darFvto=a con�stissaiv.for s�ipniv ancl°cleaYruie: n 1 (22) Mobile Food Vehicle - Fuli: A food estabiishment prenaring and servine foods from a self-contained 2 vehicle, either motorized or within a trailer_ Food items are limiYed bv the equipment within the vehicle. A 3 separate commissarv is not re mq . red• ��_�7� 4 5 (231 Mobile Food Velticle - Non-profit: A mobile food velucle that is licensed by, or for, a non-urofit 6 organization. 7 8 �241 OriQinal Container: An establisl�ment where the nredominant business is not food sales. Food items to 9 be sold are limited to �repackaged candv_ snacks or chips and canned or bottled nonalcoholic bevera� 10 11 {251 Original Container - Non-profit: A non-profit organizarion licensed to sell food items limited to 12 prepackaged candy. snacks or chips and canned or bottled nonalcoholic bevera� li 14 (261 Ori¢inal Container - Temporarv: An or�anization licensed fo se11 food items for one (11 to fourteen 15 (�:4Lvs. Food ite�ns €o be so�d are to prenackaged candy; snacks or chius aud canned or bottled 16 nbnalcoholic 6evera�es: 17. _. 18 . (271 Restatiirant- I;imited: l4ii establi"siunent=where food se�ce is=tiriiited°to:lievera�es;:bakei�v oroducts or 19 prepack'ag°ed faods (See lY1i�i� �tat= °Sec ' 157 20 Loiv�2isk EstaliIisliment ,ZExact�ple coffee -sho� �..... � � . _ 20 21 : f�8� Resfaurant 1�Ied�t� A�'establishme�� vvs�rltrnited foaz� preoar�aii aad servrce �r�marrlv for carry= 22 au�o�delivety f�e�`lU��nt� �ta� �ee-2�'�2T?�feclittt��skEstahli"s3trnenf�E�atnples d�1��zzaa�oLdoQ'"s= 23 . _ .. 24 ;.� �29=1 L�s�at�� �a�; �esta�luu��:w�t� ��isi�e foodGprepaxatin� and�s�3v��e £or��� s�te �itixng._ . _ ��.. . ���.. 25 kS���GT�:��i�t��c���7�EY�I�T7��i���tab�sl�et�Yt�xa�pt� �serFZtee�staaw�an� �._... . _ . . ..._._. _.. .. � ... .... ._... ..._ _R. ...._.. 26 27 �= �3fl�I�e�;�ri��� ��d'a� ��3�cense'£��:a��i�d�'t�natr�s€aura�t.ape���n�riiiafaci�i . m . ... ... 28 ��s�'a�5�a�t� Ft�i����€ u. _ ..... . . _:.... . _ _ . ...., ., , . . . _. ..,... . 29 30 0':� �#3 i� �es�au��tet- ��ist€��, t�,�l�ee�s��c� �x�Y�nd €�SAC�y��c�at�v� diui�t narrxra� be��ress kc��s� �ta e�r�� ..... ..... . .... .� .. �.... _ .. _ ._, 31 a��a��c�cit��t��s £a-���� r�rt. E�ai[t�1�s b�� ~p�t�E���$ 32 , r , ._ , 33 = u �3�1 �roectai ��e��'xx�d �ales-;T�� fa 3=���s .t� �ei�`e�%��� ��� �� �i�tiec��faad p�e�sa�aj:i��i �r3 34 sa�ar�:p�am��e,r� �ie�e���a'��n�te�eee€��re�(�1.cat�se�ti�v��l�� 35 ... 36 ° f331 S�eera�����i� �l�s � 9U l� `I�ys A�iecral ����t du��g v�€e� liiit�f�d fo�d ii��p�a'��i�o� at�i� 37 sa�es�arep�n��e� ?�ie�e����r�u�e��ia�excee�fe�e�n fL�� c��se�t��eda�s� .._ .< « . n. r..... _._. .. . .._�. . .... . .. ..w., _ �......... _�, . . 38 39 r �3�� ��aecia7 Euen� �oiad �a7es ��al qt� �3c�s��r�r a� �il'I�z�ed �iunb�� s�specia2 eve� �n��s a 1`� 40 �icsn`f3� per�od �w�3g �1�h 1�#exi fond�xrena�a�on and sa�es a�e ne,�f�et� A� t}ae ��i��s�a��ii�cafta� �l �d� .. _ .. 41 ��etii�#b:be'soic��tt�:Peue�s:to-T��roa�-�teiva€editi:clt�ctt� f1�e`�e,ar�titig 12:riatt�t� i���ie lt�tec7en3�.c�ia��ei�_�rierin 42 clr�� the 12`mtsn�°I�e��se �r�od�v�ll ra n�e ane� �sce�: 43 -- -_.� m. __.... - ._. 44 ;�m f351 �pecial<Evenf Fooc! �a#es: �E�te�oi� �Y Tt�eYiser 45 e4n�ieuotis�to Yhe�re"sxaurant c�m�ric#rnn cv�fik�:acnecialaevei 46 47 °� (3�1 Spec�al ��en��vod S�Tes:--C`iive awav �ln iu�usd� or atgaiueatlo�:cTas#ribuf�g fcyod �Aduets a£tia 48 c'�at¢e€ _. . _ . . _ . � . .._ .. . ..... �__ . _.... 1 (37) Special Event Food Sales - Non-profit: A non-profit or�anization selling food in conjunctaon with a 2 special event. The event must not exceed fourteen (141 consecufive days. ��� r 3 \- 4 (dl License Expiration. Licenses issued oursuant to this ordinance shall ex�e in accordance with Chapter 5 310.08(al of the Saint Paul Le�islative Code. 7 (e) Transfer and Dis�ay ofLicense. 9 �11 Only a roerson who complies with the requirements of this ordinance shall be entitled to receive a 10 license. A license shall not be transferable as to person or nlace. A license obtained for a food estabiishment shall 11 be conspicuouslv displaved to the public. 12 13 (21 A catering food vehicle operatin¢ in the City shall be identified with the name, city, and tele hone 14 number of the licensee disolaved on both sides of the vehicie in a conspicuou�lace as designated bv the Office. 15 The name shall be in letters of four (4) inches mnumum heig,ht and of a color contrastin� with the backeround. 16 17 � Food Sa�ty Training. The Office may require an ap�licant for a license to varticipate in a meetine or training 18 session provided bv the Office, includina the use of videotape or other alternative training methods, for the p_nr�ose 19 of providine information in the factors that cause and �revent foodborne illness if the apolicant is not required to 20 employ a certified food manager. 21 22 Sec. 331A.05. Insnections and Plan Review. 23 (a Inspection Reauired. The Office shall inspect each food establishment prior to issuine a license for a new 24 establishment or chanee of ownership. A license shall not be issued until the corrections rec�u'�red bv the Office. as 25 a result of the pre-licensine ins�ection haue been made, to the satisfaction of the Office. 26 27 1b Inspection ofFood Establishments. The Office shall ins�ect every food establishment as frequently as it may 28 deem necessary to insure comnliance with this ordinance, but not less than the minimum frequencv for 29 establishments established by Mannesota Statutes 157.20 or other applicable statutes or rules. 30 31 1c Inspection Report. The Office shall mail an inspection report to the licensee or his/her authorized aeent by 32 reeular mail. A copy of the ins�ection report shall be filed with the records of the Office. 33 34 (d) Access to Premises and Records � Interference with Health Authority. The person operatine the food 35 establishment shall. upon rec�uest and after proper identification by the Office, permit access to all narts of the 36 establishment at any reasonable time for the putpose of insroection, and shall e�ibit and allow co�ying of anv 37 recards necessarv to ascertain sources of foods and methods of food urevarafion. No �ersons shall interfere with or 38 hinder the Office in the performance of its duties, or refuse to permit the Office to make such in�ections. 39 40 (eLRemoval and Correction o,[Violations. After receivin a re oU rt�ving notificarion of one or more violations 41 of this ordinance. a licensee shall conect each violation in a reasonable lenpth of time as determined by the Office. 42 The length of time for the conection of each such violation shall be noted on the inspection re�ort. The failure to 43 correct each such violation withiu the time period noted on the inspection renort shall constitute a sepazate violation 44 ofthis ordinance. 45 46 _( fl Construction Plan Keview Reguired. A person shall not beein to construct extensivelv remodel or alter a 47 food establishment until the Office has reviewed and approved the plans and s�ecifications rec�uired bv this 48 subsection. The food establishment shall be constructed and finished in conformance with the a�proved plans. The 0 o�a�t 1 Office ma insnect the food establishments as fre uently as deemed necessary during construction to ensure that 2 construction occurs in conformance with this ordinance. The Office shall conduct a final inspection prior to the 3 start of operations and issuance of an a�Droved license. If work has commenced �rior to a�proval of plans when 4 required, the Office mav issue orders to halt the construction. extensive remodelin�, exoansion, or alteration. or mav 5 issue orders, including demolition or removal. if reasonablv necessarv to detennine compliance with the standazds 6 of this ordinance. 8 Sec. 331A.06. Grounds for Emergency Closure. 9 (a2Single Violations. The Office may issue orders to siunmarilv close anv food establishment for anv of the 10 following reasons: 11 (11 Failure to possess a license required bv this ordinance: 12 13 (2) Evidence of a sewa¢e backup in a food �reuazation, food storaee, or utensil washing 14 15 are3 16 (31 Lack of potable. hot or cold water under pressure to the extent that handwashing, 17 utensil washin ,g food preparation. or toilet facilities are not operational: 18 19 (4) Lack of electrici or 2as service to the extent that handwashing, utensil washing, 20 food preparation, liehtine, or toilet facilities aze not operational: 21 22 _(51 Evidence of an on¢oing foodborne illness caused bv the o�eration of the 23 establishment; or 24 25 _�6) The presence of anv condition that ooses an imminent risk of substantial harm to the 26 public health, safetv or welfare. 27 28 (b) Procedure for Emergency,Closure. 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 (11 If, followin¢ an on-site ins�ecfion, the Office determines that closure of a food establishment is re uired in order to protect public health as provided in this section, the Director st�all order the immediate closure of the establistiment in writine. The order shall identify the food establishment, describe the specific �rounds uuon which closure is based, direct the immediate closure of the establishment and vacatin¢ of the oremises bv consumers. list the corrective actions necessary to re-open the establishment, and state that a hearinQ on the emergency closure may be rec�uested by the licensee. The order shall be served in person on the owner, man�er, or person in chazee of operations of the premises. 21 The uerson receiving the order shall close the establishment and request all persons to vacate. The establishment shall remain closed until the Office rescinds the order for emereency closure. Failure to close the establishment is a misdemeanor. In the event the Uerson receiving the order fails to close the establishment, the Office may order all persons to vacate the premises. Failure to leave unon said orders is a misdemeanor. Where a verson fails to vacate the nremises as ordered bv the Office, the police maXbe summoned to assist in vacati�the premises and issuing such citations or makine such arrests as ma�be necessary to com�iv with this subsection. (31 The licensee mav request, in writing, a hearing on the emergencv closure, and the conditions, if any, to be imposed for reopenine the food establislunent. The hearinp sha11 be held within two �1 business days before an independent hearina examiner, except that the licensee may waive the foreeoine time restrictions and consent to scheduling the heazingat a later date. The independent hearine examiner shall render a written decision within two 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 (2) business days after the conclusion of the hearine, and shall either sustain the ¢rounds set forth in the order of emereencv closure, in which case the order sha11 remain in full force and effect en ndin�further orders of the Office, or fmd that the evidence does not su�port the emereenCV closure, in which case the order shall be deemed dismissed and the establishment mav reopen forthwith, sub�ect to an�further �roceedings for adverse action. 01-'3�1� (41 Anv person aggrieved bv the fmdings and conclusions of the independent hearing examiner mav appeal to the citv council by fil� a norice with the cit�clerk, who shall note the matter for hearing at the citv council meeting nea�t followine the date of such appeal. The council mav modifv the findings and conclusion of the independent hearing examiner as it deems appropriate on the record. or continue the closure order ep nding_the fiu�ther orders of the Office. 12 Sec. 331A.07. Standards for Health, 5afetv, and Nuisance. 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 (a) Standards Ado�ted. Mimiesota Rules, Chapter 4626 (Minnesota Food Code) in effect on the effective date of this ordinance, as it mav be amended from time to tune. is hereby adoUted bv reference and made a nart of this ordinance except as otherwise ex ressly.provided in this ordinance. (bl Standards Amended. The standards imposed bv the above ado�ted rules, as incorporated herein by reference. are herebv modified as follows: (1) The standazd im o� sed byMinnesota Ru1es 46261050. �aza�anh A is modified as follows: A handwashine lauator�shall be equipped to provide water at a temperature of at least 43 de ees C 110 deerees F), but not more than 54 degrees C j130 de rees F), throueh a mixin� valve or combination faucet, excent that the maximum tem�erature in a food establishment utilizine a hot water sanitizine dishwashing machine that was installed prior to August 29. 1993 shall not exceed 140 de rep es F• (60 deerees C.�from the faucet. _�Z Except far food establishments licensed under the authority of Minn. Stat. Chapter 28A, the standazd imposed bv Minnesota Rules 46261325, paraara� A, sub�agranh (3) is modified as follows: nonabsorbent and constructed ofmaterial which resists the wear and abuse to which thev are subjected such as c�u _arrv tile, ceramic tile, or tenazzo, for food �reroaration. food serving, wait station, kitchen. bar. walk-in refri¢eration, warewashing toilet, mobile food establishment servicine, handwashing,janitorial, laundry, and interior garbage and refuse storap_e areas; areas subject to flushin or spray cieanin� methods; and other ueas subject to moisture. 36 37 (31 The standard im op sed b�Minnesota Rules 4626.1440 is modified as foilows: 38 Each handwashine lavatorv or ¢roup of two adjacent lavatories shall have available: 39 a. a sup�lv of liquid, powder or bar soa� 40 b. a nailbrush at the handwashing lavatory used by em�loyees; and 41 c. a si¢n directine food service emplovees to wash their hands. 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 (41 The standazd im o��sed b�Minnesota Rules 4626.1715. paraeranh B, is modified as follows: A party mav appeal the denial, revocation. or refusal to renew a variance in accordance with and subject to all conditions of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, unless otherwise provided herein. !cl Food Manap_er Certification. 1 (1) A licensee shall maintain in emnlovment at each licensed establishment at least one 2 owner, manager, or supervisor who spends a substantial amount of his or her working y 3 hours at the food establistunent, has completed an approved food service mana�er a�- a 1 4 certification program. and is registered with the Office or the Minnesota Department of 5 Health as a Certified Food Manaeer. 6 7 (21 The certificate issued by the Office or the Minnesota Department of Health to verify 8 successful completion of an approved food manaeer certification course and 9 r�istration as a Certified Food Manager shall be cons�cuouslv displaved to the 10 up blic• 11 12 (3) This subsection shall not a��l t�porary food establishments or food 13 establishments which do not �renaze potentially hazardous food. 14 15 Sec. 331A.08. IndustcxSelf-Survey and Trainin�Responsibilitv. 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 1a) Self-Inspection Program. (11 Everv licensee of a food establishment shall arran�e for and maintain a proeram of sanitation self-inspection conducted bv the owner, mana�er, sanitation su�ervisor, or designated aeent. The self-inspection program shall be approved bv the Office. (21 The licensee shall maintain. on the premises, up-to-date written �olicies or guidelines for food nrepazation and handlin¢, including�ro en r temperature maintenance of potentiallv hazardous food; sanitation practices and techniques; em l�oyee uainin¢ in food handli� nrocedures and personal hvgiene; monitorine of all activities listed above; a facilit �.}_equipment and utensil cleanin� schedule: and other means as xe uired bv the Office. 30 Sec.331A.09. Separabilitv. 31 If any provision or a�plication of an�nrovision of this ordinance is held invalid, that invaliditv shall not affect other 32 urovisions or a�plications of this ordinance. 33 34 Sec.331A.10. Penaltv. 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 Any uerson who violates this ordinance_ or who oermits a violation to exist on the nremises under hislher control. or fails to take action to abate the existence of the violation within the specified rime period when ardered ar notified to do so bv the Office shall be uiltv of a misdemeanar and upon conviction thereof shall be punished as �rovided 1 b�� 2 01-���' Section 2 4 5 � 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 �9 20 21 22 This ordinance shall take effect and be in full force tluriy (30) days following its passage, approval and publication 23 By: 24 Requested by Department of: Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protec ' � By. � Form Approved by City Attorney B � �� ` 1 i/r��fi�-�4 /� 1 » �` Approved b Mayor for Submission to Council � ���_ c���a�'/,� ��/ By � 25 Approved by Mayor: Date ! 26 27 By: � PI�t.I5NE11 �1Y21� io Adopted by Council: Date e\ Adoption Certified by Council Secretary OFFICS oF LIEP Date: .GREEN SHEET Roger Curtis February 12, zooi O` ��� 266-9013 NO . 10 3 815 1 HPARIMENT DIREClOR 4 ITY CODNCIL _ 2 ITY ATTOANBY ITY CLER& . x�sm� ust be on Council Agenda by: '°°" �ET D=�zacroR ix. a n,cx. svc. nix. � �11 . 3 YOR (OR ASSISTANTI OTAL # OF SIGNAT[TRE: PAG23S 1 (CEIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR-"SIGF7ATURE) CTION REQUESTED: • ordinance adopting new food protection standards that will bring the_City of Saint Paul into compliance with the requirements of the Minnesota Departments of Health and griculture to allow the City ta enter into delegation agreements witYi�each-agency. COPAYPI�DATIONS: APPROV& (A) OR ASJECT (R) . SRSONAL SHRVZCB� CONTRACfS MITST AN54i8R TH6 POLL(%iII7G; PI,tiNNING-COtR+.ISSION CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION Has the person/£irm ever worked under a contract for this department? CIB COMMITTEE _ BUSINESS REVZSW COUNCIL� YES NO � STAFF _ Has this person/fizm ever been a City employee? DISTRICT COi1RT _ Y&5 NO Does this person/firm possess a ski11 not normally possessed by any UPPORTS WHICH COUNCZL OBJECTIVB? Clirrent City employee? YE5 NO laia all YSS anawera ori separate 'sheet and attach. FNFTIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, Wfiat, When, Where, Why): dopting the new food=code standards will aliow the City of Saint Paul to follow the same standards that the Minnesota Departments o€ Hea3.th and Agriculture have already adopted for foocl, beverage and lodging facilities,, grocery and "convenience stores and ending machines. The Minnesota Departments of Health and Agriculture require the Citlr to adopt the State food code to become delegated license and inspection agents of - the State. VANTAGES IF APPROVED: dopting the new food code will allow the City of Saint Paul to continue to license, tnspect and-enforce the standards for all food, beverage and lodging facilities, aIl rocery and convenience stores: and all vending machines within-the City oP Saint.Paul. cantinuing to license the5e businesses, the City of Saint Paul will retain approximately.$680,600 in license revenue that woUld otherwise go to the Departments € Health and'Agrieu}.ture. ESADVANTAGES IF APPROT7ED: FooB facili.ty owners must be advised of the new requirements. AD AN ES IR NO'F APPR SED: he Minnesota Departments of.Health and Agriculture could withdraw their delegation greements. This would require the City to stop licensing and inspecting all food, everage and lodging facilities, a1S grocerg and convenience stores and all vending achines within the City of Saint 'Paul. The loss of the delegation agreements would esult in the City losing all revenue derived from li�ensing the listed types o€ usinesses. This loss in revenue would be a roximatel 680,000. OTAL AMOUN'F OF TRANSACTIOAF $ t� L�.�' BUDGETED YES NO A �� -..--r- ��������� �'. UNDING SOURCE ,.nrt,� ACTIVITY NUM$E� ^ 9" !\! 1° 1"1 FIA7diNCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN} ,,z,, � Q �' r5 �T�TT� i`?AR U 2 ia�fl`3 f ClTY ATTORNE1l QRIGINAL Presented By Referred To i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 i7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 Council File # Q 1� �..- y�^ �,�� Ordinance # Green Sheet # '� g � ORDINANCE CITI� OF SAINT PAUL,IVIINNESOTA ��� � �� Committee Date : An Ordinance adopting food protection standazds which will permit the City of Saint Paul to enter into a delegation agreement with the Aepartment of Agriculture / THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES Section 1 A new Chapter 331A of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is Sec. 331A.01. Purpose. Chapter 145A and Sections 375.51 - 375.55. 1�1 Prevent food � Correct and t utilizing foo< � Provide mini and maintent � Meet consun establishme� / , Sec. 331A.02. Swne.r'� or immediate consumption off the premises. enacted: o�� 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 most restrictive ordinance, statute, rule or regulation sha11 appl� Sec. 331A.03. General Provisions. _(al Ail of the provisions of the Saint Paul Legislative Code shall�nlv as if fullv set forth herein. License, Ins�ecfions and Environxnental Protection. (cl Other Defuutions. � Paul LeEislative Code, and this section. � Citv shall mean Saint Paul, Minnesota. � � Sec. 331A.04. License Administration. _(el Transfer and Dfsplav o License. (11 Onl� a uerson who com�lies with the rec�uirements of this ardinance shall be entitled d► a.� O�IG 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 il l2 13 14 �21 A catering food vehicle operatine in the City shall be identified with the name, city, and telephone number of the licensee dis�layed on both sides of the velucle in a consnicuous place as desienated by the Office. The name sha11 be in letters of four �41 inches muumum / hei�ht and of a color contrasting with the background• Sec. 331A.05. InsQections and Plan Review. the satisfaction of the Office. �licable statutes or rules. of the Office. o � -��� reasonably necessar�to determine compliance with the standards of this ordinance. O�IG 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 il 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 � �� � � � Evidence of a sewaee backup in a food prepazarion. food stora�e, or utensil washine azea; are not o�erational; not operational; of the establishxnent or (bl Procedure far Emer�ency Closure. case the order shall be deemed dismissed and the establishment may reopen forthwith, subject to an� fiu•ther�roceedines for adverse action. o ,�.�� for any the following reasons: � Failure to possess a license required by this ordinance: o�i� 3 4 5 6 7 matter for hearin¢ at the city council meetine next followin� the date of such appeal. The council may modif�the findines and conclusion of the indenendent hearing examiner as it deems „ Sec. 331A.07. Standards for Health. Safetv. and Nuisance. ordinance. herein by reference. aze hereby,modified as follows: � faucet. � moisture. � a. a suppl�f liquid, powder or baz soa� b. a nailbrush at the handwashing lavatory used b�emolovees: and c a si¢n directing food service emplovees to wash theu hands. �/ The standard imposed bv Minnesota Rules 4626.1715. paraeranh B. is modified as follows: A part�mav anpeal the denial. revocation, or refusal to renew a variance in accordance with and su�ect to a11 conditions of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, unless otherwise provided herein. o,.��� 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 .� 41 42 43 44 45 46 (cl Food Manaeer Certification. � R�� i i 1i P'S � � A licensee shall maintain in employment at each licensed establishment at least one owner, manager, or supervisor who s�ends a substantial amount of his or her warkine hours at the food establishment, has completed an approved food service manager certification proeram, and is registered with the Office or the Mivnesota Department of Health as a Certified Food Manaver � The certificate issued by the Office or the Minnesota Department of Health to verifv successful completion of an apqroved food manaeer certification course and registration as a Certified Food Manaeer shall be cons�cuousl �}�d�is�layed to the public. �) food. (a Self-Inspection Proeram. � � Sec.331A.09. Se�arabilitv. Sec.331A10. Penaltv, O\-a��l � z 3 4 5 ORIGI�1�iL Section 2 �� a�,� This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days following its passage, approval and publicarion. Requested by Department of: Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Co�d By: Approved by Mayo . Date By: � By: - Form Approve y City Attorney By: /xLQ � Secretary Approve ayor for Sub 'ssion to Council By: � �.�D s e� - S�p �. `� S, ae o\ ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By CounCil File # � l— a�g Ordinance # Green Sheet # �O 3 g�5 �S Referred To Committee: Date 1 2 An ordinance adopting food protection standards 3 which wi11 pernut the City to enter inYo a 4 delegation agreement with the Department 5 of Agriculture 6 7 8 THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: 9 10 Section 1 11 12 13 Sec. 331A.Q1. Purpose. 14 15 �al The purpose of this ordinance is to establish standards to orotect the health, safetv and the eeneral welfare of 16 the �eonle of Saint Paulpursuant to powers granted under Minnesota Statutes Chapter 145A and Secfions 375.51 - 17 375.55. 18 19 (bl These eeneral ob',�ectives include the followine: 20 � Prevent food-borne illness; 21 22 � Correct and prevent condirions that may adverselv affect persons utilizine food 23 establishxnents; 24 25 � Provide minimum standards for the design, construction, oroeration and maintenance 26 of food establishments; and 27 28 � Meet consumer ea�ectarions of the c�ualitv and safety of food establishments. 29 30 Sec. 331A.02. Scoue. 31 �a) This ordinance shall be a�licable to all retail food establishments such as, but not limited to, restaurants. 32 bakeries, butcher shops. pastrv shous, boarding houses, drive-ins. bars, tavems, cafeterias. delicatessens, snack 33 bars rg ocery stores, convenience stores. caterers, cafes. clubs, lodges, commissaries, youth camps, lodein2 34 facilities resorts, public and private schools, public buildines. ¢roup dav care facilities, vending machines, and 35 similar businesses and establishments where food, meals, lunches or beveraees are �renazed or served for 1 ' .�► i�Nl 21'01 1 consumntion on the premises or immediate consumption off the premises. 2 3 (bl In the event of a conflict between the orovisions of this ordinance and the provisions of anv other ordinances. 4 statutes, rules and/or re¢ularions to which a food establishment is subject_ the most restrictive ordinance, statute, 5 rule or re�ulation shali applv. 6 7 Sec. 331A.03. General Provisions. 8�al All of the vrovisions of the Saint Paul Le�islative Code shall applv as if fully set forth herein. 9 10 1bl Health Authority Defined. This ordinance shali be administered bv the Saint Paul Office of License, 11 Insnections and Environmentai Protection. The term "Office" where used in this ordinance or the Saint Paul 12 Le�islative Code. and the term "ret?ulatory authority" where used in the Minnesota Food Code, Minnesota Rules 13 Chapter 4626, shall mean the Saint Paul Office of License, Insnections and Environmental Protection. 14 15 (cl Other Definitions. 16 17 (11 Definitions of words, nhrases, and terms used in this ordinance shall be those set forth 18 in Minnesota Rules Chapter 4626, the Saint Paul LeQislative Code, and this section. 19 20 ;.. .(Z� Bakery Producls shail meau produc#s h�anufac�uted-in a bakerv. E�amples breact; �olls l�uns..cak - - .., 21 comkies ezackers dou ts:,pi��:pasLries;:pretzelsandpotata:chi�; 22 23 (3): : C'aferer s�a�� �eac� a busi�ess �rxa�dan��renarrng� and(or�elvxn� �aod�ia ge�ons ar �oiaps •wki�� . 24 �21 ��t1 �nd 5ei��e e�z�tsas ����d Uv �te pexso�r oi �au� =not £ar'irriii�al salas 'I1ie 25 pr " a�a�i. anidzdel�ue���`�x �tbhes fram a l�cesise� x�sta�'ani is �o��caas�dare� a eateiatY � _. r.._. _ ._.._ n r . . _ �..� 26 f1i�reti'o�t: _....:. - __ 27 28 �:t�l CitL shall mean Saint Paul. Minnesota. 29 30 �{5) Citv Council shall mean the Saint Paul Citv Council. 31 _._...., . 32 l�i�-= Co�rr�sai'��'��n��t a��xF�s�#a�mst�n�# that�ovit2ase�%p�er� uta�ts�� s�j5�lies at'stora� 33 f�e�'tiCi�s�ar•�[s�by��a�e�e�`o���"6i�e�€�d"�h�cle��eka��xr ... _ _.. .. . . _ �... . 34 35 :i- �7:=Director shall mean the Director of the Environmental Health Section of the Saint Paul 36 Office of License. Inspections and Environmental Protection or his/her designated a�;ent. 37 38 :�� �8�'- �� �^e�trr�ecZ ��r� s�a�L�a�"a�5? �a�r� tivh'tcl7�iass'�eefl r��crc�ss�d or=" ran�ec��n att �€ceas�c . ... .w. _..., v_�. _ _...... _._. _..._ .,... . 39 �d°esta�s��s�ex�or o�r:�at� �e F��oxatie-�rran�€ed �aods ar<�;�a��eiriri�d ta,be so�d �r servec� i _. . .._._... . 40 aa���i�e�"f�r�id�s���tex�aiz�ub3ice�en�f�c��LOn Lk�Is�.�€a�'Sec 15��2� � . _ . ....... .. .. ... _.�.. � .... 41 42 "� f9) Pc�rs��ili��atuaurli�i�a1=���t�o�tra#on:rassocxa�ron-at�at#�teislx� :...... ._.._ .. _.__ . .... _..., ... - ....... -...».. , --._ ...., . ... ... - ...,... .__ ... 43 44 ;� fa�41 Po�rtk� T�l'��:si�l� �nea� vwa�s�.:fi'arn asou�c�t�af uleets t�te�a��sio�s:eif�i�e 2t+Lajne"siita . :. 45 �7e�sai'�aeat�cr�-Hea��#asxel���#� piabl�c w�:sii�ply arid�� w�Yei�i . -,.. 46 o�-a'1t 2 1 �111 Salva�e shall mean to recover or rorocess dama¢ed or deteriorated food and/or vet products for 2 resale. 01 -a�Y 4 (121 Sel�contained shall mean a food establishment that, within its confines, contains all the facilities_ 5 equipment utensils and space necessary for its o erp ation. 7 (131 Snacks shall mean foods that require limited, on-site food handling or service. Example: fruits, 8 cereals. prepackased baker�products, candv, chiks, etc. 9 10 (141 Special Event shail mean a fair. carnival. circus, public e�ibition or communitv celebration. 11 12 (151 Unwholesome shalI mean anythiu� adulterated. unsound_ unhealthfizl, unclean or unfit for human 13 consum tp ion• 14 15 Sec. 331A.04. License Administrarion. 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 (a) License Reguired. No person shall operate a food estabiishment within the City unless a license for the current year of the applicable tvpe shall have been obtained from the Office pursuant to ttris ordinance and the Saint Paul �islative Code. �b) License A�plication. The application for such licenses shall be made on forms fiu•uished by the Office and shall set forth such informataon as may be reasonablv required bv the Office. The issuance of such licenses and their maintenance, terxnination, and administration shall be in accordance with and subject to all conditions of the Saint Paul Leeislative Code, unless otherwise nrovided herein. 29 main food establishment, as determined by the Office. 30 31 °:'� B ��b�sd es�ab�s3iime�t���os� ��d�ninat�E s��s ar� xefatP ba�er�Urodu�is; �::: ' _... .... _� _._.. __... . . _....: _ ... . _ .... 32 33 �_: y�,:�el�e� t��fa�d:establhs�rrie�rt`whu�se�p�e�b��n��saCesate potal'tr� �s�:irrse�oocl 34 " �c�t�`�s: . _,. _, ,.. _ _.._...� . _...... . 35 36 .:-= , ��:C;2xex�i� :° �,��t�te<7;: t��at�re:�-wh� �ren�eS �id;serves £oUd Ticensed fa�r8 esf�b�islkmen�and _ . ., ... 37 �z� ��� �f �s�`f�I�fe �o�a���`� � �oad"�ei�icT�llr,e�i'se ��it��`kier�nat�ds .. _._.. _ .. 38 39 ':z:: (4�:�t�n� -�u� �cate�'er�u�at�axispoi�s�n�serves-f�oda�"��e�la�etoc�f�o�x(� ��oo�t�eliic7 �� _. _ . _. ... _ ._ _. _.., 40 ii��n5ea�see��F�.<��p�x��ii�`fncs�`fs�spesY��a�fa�ie�.s�t�f b� t��cz�xde�; ., . _.v 41 42 �:;� i �ter�x� � Adtko� �4 catea`�'��ha €�'�'rcenseci i�i �o��nc�ion ��� � iestat�raat: t� F`ocad �elv�ie�Iai �—� :_ .... _. „ . . _._ ..... ... , 43 r��rz���a �r��t:ast� serit��� ae<sate��� �ocatfon�s� �4��o�ad ��od trarls�ZOrt czr�Ea;i�ers it�ast �Se €vc+ 44 45 �-�. t6�;-Dav �aCe Fcwd :�i�r€tec� t�vrtayca�e_fac�`�'t�"ui��e�e £ood �ePai�tiort ts hrii�fi��snacks (�t�-sii _ _ ... . �.. _.... 46 pr.�ua��hatt=��p6ten�ial�� haaarda� foiac�s isntz�p��it�e:et; 47 48 1 �71 Dav Caze Food: A dav caze facilitv where food is prenazed and served on-site. a���r�r 2 3_ _(81 Food Processor - to 2d00 sq. ft.: A wholesale establishment that nrocesses. wazehouses and distributes 4 food products. A Food Vehicle license is rec�uired to transport food uroducts. 5 6 (9) Food Processor - 2000 sq. ft. or more: A wholesale establishment that �rocesses, warehouses and 7 distributes food products. A Food Vehicle license is rec�uired to trausport food products. 8 9 {I01 Food 5alvaQe: An establishznent that salva¢es and sells damaged food Uroducts. which mav include the 10 salvaee and sates of vet food. 11 12 71I1 Food VehicIe: A vehicle used fortransnorting food �roducts_ 13 1� - (12j Food Vendin� Machine: A cnrrency o�e�ated maohine that dispenses food products. Canned and 15 bottledpop�machaies do.ncit.require.a Citvrof Saint Paifl f�cense. - 16 17 (I3) Faoel Vending 1Viachiiie Onerator� An individuaY:oi busiriess tl�af owns ancl"operafes`foo8 vending _. �... 18 inachines. � opzi`ator's licen'se is uoTreqiiired if'the vending'inachine(sl is owned atidlocated'withiri the 19 opera�or's: o`wu bti%ldirig� 20 21 '. : �) F�ad'�are�ozxseJDistritiutor A wIiolesale es�ablishmeritused^fox stonng°:and dish fooii �,�. 22 i>r4d�uc� .F.00tt nrocessuxe � not p�rnii#ted 5� Foo� V�l�icle kee�sei is ree�ut'r.ed #a frarisparf ft�od p�odACts; �,_,. _... � �. _ . __,. 23 24 �:r �i`S7 �'ood° E��rdr�r�a�x'�rt��n-es���ish�cen�w�i�e �'�z�3s pr�perect a�c�Fot°s�Y�d Ycra anfs;of.a 25 I�en,se�, bec� �b�i���`a��� aii��r �iaa�dit�g�oii5exi��t a�e�uased �aat�i�ig ar�d7or'boa�if% I��txs�: ..... _. . .v._, .. . ........ . ..... v. .., . . _., . 26 2� : : k 1�i���b�sd : �ist��t�Q� �l� : �n es�fili�is�et�w�iere��czd-xs ���red andF�ezuzd u�a,5�a�ipro�it. ,..r _. 28 �e1a�b�AF�d�c�t�a�:j�tsL����h "E�at�spfe� hosnr�� �c�ioa`�s ��irs�n��ailies t:i�eh�s �tc: � � ..�. . . .,. ..., _. . . .... . _... .m . .. . m,. m... 29 30 : -r �I�k ��� °�c� gro� ��r,�z�zat�bn op`��� �f"at��:s�1��' �bn�t�fit „ocer� :(S� �tsts`e�y t�i ��_. _., , . ._...,.. _... . - 31 �lt���c��ftTk 32 33 =;- �(��� �rcer �er'�s 1��ce��1 £eaa� es�abli�net�ape�`�i a���'��er'��k�t `i'See �r�e��o _. ... ___ ......._. . .. �.. . � .. , .�..... 34 �!4(}�q� �cl�cisi� �r1�i�€a��a�sa�ida�l��od ���eais�3�w ��iz�ti28� 1,5: -�t�i2� '�.. ��r�ns s�kf� .., 35 fk�� p�ad�tsafl��i� fart� or�a�de����ed � eui�uatecl b��� do-not �iu� ��it� �� 5�rt� Pa�T��e�use� . �..., . . _... . . .. ._ 36 37 .;•_�� 42 C�p��r�� ��E�Q sc� �f: : Ek refa3� €�od establishvnen���s r�i�n ��?Q� us�l�s� ,Et. �Yt�e t�e 38 p�edamr��ales are gxepa�kaged £€�a� �r��ets�tl �Y�ol� �� �id v�e�ab�es �i��ed �ae�d�srviee�ieh=as 39 eo�ee pp�c� �a�aleo�t�3v� b�uera�es �r�s� s��tsh �s �er�ited: �n a���'o�ed ��c��at+,��sav':b� �re�e€� �s: 40 si�ep�naza�o�tax°pia�ess�yaf��ods�t��ec��ead���oiia��ic��;�e�: 41 42 -; (2fi} C'rroeery 2ff�lOsq �€ �r irior� Aret�1 food�si�rl�e�t o£ZQflB=orm�e �isabY���, �e�e�e 43 predt�ts�nantsaTe�axe�ePaekagedfaacl��oc�ets'�d�suha�e_fi Ya��edfood-sererr���ic��s 44 e�e� �opcor�s �orialcohc��c b��era�es or�ce skusii� �SermYt�ed p�vapa�QVed macra�aue �ia}� be �to�ded =On- 45 s�te roret�at�at�on or:ii�aee�s�n�:iz�foods i��lxeq�t�e addihoi�atl�e�i,s�'s: 46 _. _m� __. _. 47 ': (2'��..1V�o"b�e�aad.Ueliiele.�;�itiiterl.A:ribri:moforizedvelvcle.suefi:asari�fi�.,thatis�d�self'eAnta[ried _ _ . . ... .._ -.-..... .... 4$ a�d mY�st'U� ieturn�d'darFvto=a con�stissaiv.for s�ipniv ancl°cleaYruie: n 1 (22) Mobile Food Vehicle - Fuli: A food estabiishment prenaring and servine foods from a self-contained 2 vehicle, either motorized or within a trailer_ Food items are limiYed bv the equipment within the vehicle. A 3 separate commissarv is not re mq . red• ��_�7� 4 5 (231 Mobile Food Velticle - Non-profit: A mobile food velucle that is licensed by, or for, a non-urofit 6 organization. 7 8 �241 OriQinal Container: An establisl�ment where the nredominant business is not food sales. Food items to 9 be sold are limited to �repackaged candv_ snacks or chips and canned or bottled nonalcoholic bevera� 10 11 {251 Original Container - Non-profit: A non-profit organizarion licensed to sell food items limited to 12 prepackaged candy. snacks or chips and canned or bottled nonalcoholic bevera� li 14 (261 Ori¢inal Container - Temporarv: An or�anization licensed fo se11 food items for one (11 to fourteen 15 (�:4Lvs. Food ite�ns €o be so�d are to prenackaged candy; snacks or chius aud canned or bottled 16 nbnalcoholic 6evera�es: 17. _. 18 . (271 Restatiirant- I;imited: l4ii establi"siunent=where food se�ce is=tiriiited°to:lievera�es;:bakei�v oroducts or 19 prepack'ag°ed faods (See lY1i�i� �tat= °Sec ' 157 20 Loiv�2isk EstaliIisliment ,ZExact�ple coffee -sho� �..... � � . _ 20 21 : f�8� Resfaurant 1�Ied�t� A�'establishme�� vvs�rltrnited foaz� preoar�aii aad servrce �r�marrlv for carry= 22 au�o�delivety f�e�`lU��nt� �ta� �ee-2�'�2T?�feclittt��skEstahli"s3trnenf�E�atnples d�1��zzaa�oLdoQ'"s= 23 . _ .. 24 ;.� �29=1 L�s�at�� �a�; �esta�luu��:w�t� ��isi�e foodGprepaxatin� and�s�3v��e £or��� s�te �itixng._ . _ ��.. . ���.. 25 kS���GT�:��i�t��c���7�EY�I�T7��i���tab�sl�et�Yt�xa�pt� �serFZtee�staaw�an� �._... . _ . . ..._._. _.. .. � ... .... ._... ..._ _R. ...._.. 26 27 �= �3fl�I�e�;�ri��� ��d'a� ��3�cense'£��:a��i�d�'t�natr�s€aura�t.ape���n�riiiafaci�i . m . ... ... 28 ��s�'a�5�a�t� Ft�i����€ u. _ ..... . . _:.... . _ _ . ...., ., , . . . _. ..,... . 29 30 0':� �#3 i� �es�au��tet- ��ist€��, t�,�l�ee�s��c� �x�Y�nd €�SAC�y��c�at�v� diui�t narrxra� be��ress kc��s� �ta e�r�� ..... ..... . .... .� .. �.... _ .. _ ._, 31 a��a��c�cit��t��s £a-���� r�rt. E�ai[t�1�s b�� ~p�t�E���$ 32 , r , ._ , 33 = u �3�1 �roectai ��e��'xx�d �ales-;T�� fa 3=���s .t� �ei�`e�%��� ��� �� �i�tiec��faad p�e�sa�aj:i��i �r3 34 sa�ar�:p�am��e,r� �ie�e���a'��n�te�eee€��re�(�1.cat�se�ti�v��l�� 35 ... 36 ° f331 S�eera�����i� �l�s � 9U l� `I�ys A�iecral ����t du��g v�€e� liiit�f�d fo�d ii��p�a'��i�o� at�i� 37 sa�es�arep�n��e� ?�ie�e����r�u�e��ia�excee�fe�e�n fL�� c��se�t��eda�s� .._ .< « . n. r..... _._. .. . .._�. . .... . .. ..w., _ �......... _�, . . 38 39 r �3�� ��aecia7 Euen� �oiad �a7es ��al qt� �3c�s��r�r a� �il'I�z�ed �iunb�� s�specia2 eve� �n��s a 1`� 40 �icsn`f3� per�od �w�3g �1�h 1�#exi fond�xrena�a�on and sa�es a�e ne,�f�et� A� t}ae ��i��s�a��ii�cafta� �l �d� .. _ .. 41 ��etii�#b:be'soic��tt�:Peue�s:to-T��roa�-�teiva€editi:clt�ctt� f1�e`�e,ar�titig 12:riatt�t� i���ie lt�tec7en3�.c�ia��ei�_�rierin 42 clr�� the 12`mtsn�°I�e��se �r�od�v�ll ra n�e ane� �sce�: 43 -- -_.� m. __.... - ._. 44 ;�m f351 �pecial<Evenf Fooc! �a#es: �E�te�oi� �Y Tt�eYiser 45 e4n�ieuotis�to Yhe�re"sxaurant c�m�ric#rnn cv�fik�:acnecialaevei 46 47 °� (3�1 Spec�al ��en��vod S�Tes:--C`iive awav �ln iu�usd� or atgaiueatlo�:cTas#ribuf�g fcyod �Aduets a£tia 48 c'�at¢e€ _. . _ . . _ . � . .._ .. . ..... �__ . _.... 1 (37) Special Event Food Sales - Non-profit: A non-profit or�anization selling food in conjunctaon with a 2 special event. The event must not exceed fourteen (141 consecufive days. ��� r 3 \- 4 (dl License Expiration. Licenses issued oursuant to this ordinance shall ex�e in accordance with Chapter 5 310.08(al of the Saint Paul Le�islative Code. 7 (e) Transfer and Dis�ay ofLicense. 9 �11 Only a roerson who complies with the requirements of this ordinance shall be entitled to receive a 10 license. A license shall not be transferable as to person or nlace. A license obtained for a food estabiishment shall 11 be conspicuouslv displaved to the public. 12 13 (21 A catering food vehicle operatin¢ in the City shall be identified with the name, city, and tele hone 14 number of the licensee disolaved on both sides of the vehicie in a conspicuou�lace as designated bv the Office. 15 The name shall be in letters of four (4) inches mnumum heig,ht and of a color contrastin� with the backeround. 16 17 � Food Sa�ty Training. The Office may require an ap�licant for a license to varticipate in a meetine or training 18 session provided bv the Office, includina the use of videotape or other alternative training methods, for the p_nr�ose 19 of providine information in the factors that cause and �revent foodborne illness if the apolicant is not required to 20 employ a certified food manager. 21 22 Sec. 331A.05. Insnections and Plan Review. 23 (a Inspection Reauired. The Office shall inspect each food establishment prior to issuine a license for a new 24 establishment or chanee of ownership. A license shall not be issued until the corrections rec�u'�red bv the Office. as 25 a result of the pre-licensine ins�ection haue been made, to the satisfaction of the Office. 26 27 1b Inspection ofFood Establishments. The Office shall ins�ect every food establishment as frequently as it may 28 deem necessary to insure comnliance with this ordinance, but not less than the minimum frequencv for 29 establishments established by Mannesota Statutes 157.20 or other applicable statutes or rules. 30 31 1c Inspection Report. The Office shall mail an inspection report to the licensee or his/her authorized aeent by 32 reeular mail. A copy of the ins�ection report shall be filed with the records of the Office. 33 34 (d) Access to Premises and Records � Interference with Health Authority. The person operatine the food 35 establishment shall. upon rec�uest and after proper identification by the Office, permit access to all narts of the 36 establishment at any reasonable time for the putpose of insroection, and shall e�ibit and allow co�ying of anv 37 recards necessarv to ascertain sources of foods and methods of food urevarafion. No �ersons shall interfere with or 38 hinder the Office in the performance of its duties, or refuse to permit the Office to make such in�ections. 39 40 (eLRemoval and Correction o,[Violations. After receivin a re oU rt�ving notificarion of one or more violations 41 of this ordinance. a licensee shall conect each violation in a reasonable lenpth of time as determined by the Office. 42 The length of time for the conection of each such violation shall be noted on the inspection re�ort. The failure to 43 correct each such violation withiu the time period noted on the inspection renort shall constitute a sepazate violation 44 ofthis ordinance. 45 46 _( fl Construction Plan Keview Reguired. A person shall not beein to construct extensivelv remodel or alter a 47 food establishment until the Office has reviewed and approved the plans and s�ecifications rec�uired bv this 48 subsection. The food establishment shall be constructed and finished in conformance with the a�proved plans. The 0 o�a�t 1 Office ma insnect the food establishments as fre uently as deemed necessary during construction to ensure that 2 construction occurs in conformance with this ordinance. The Office shall conduct a final inspection prior to the 3 start of operations and issuance of an a�Droved license. If work has commenced �rior to a�proval of plans when 4 required, the Office mav issue orders to halt the construction. extensive remodelin�, exoansion, or alteration. or mav 5 issue orders, including demolition or removal. if reasonablv necessarv to detennine compliance with the standazds 6 of this ordinance. 8 Sec. 331A.06. Grounds for Emergency Closure. 9 (a2Single Violations. The Office may issue orders to siunmarilv close anv food establishment for anv of the 10 following reasons: 11 (11 Failure to possess a license required bv this ordinance: 12 13 (2) Evidence of a sewa¢e backup in a food �reuazation, food storaee, or utensil washing 14 15 are3 16 (31 Lack of potable. hot or cold water under pressure to the extent that handwashing, 17 utensil washin ,g food preparation. or toilet facilities are not operational: 18 19 (4) Lack of electrici or 2as service to the extent that handwashing, utensil washing, 20 food preparation, liehtine, or toilet facilities aze not operational: 21 22 _(51 Evidence of an on¢oing foodborne illness caused bv the o�eration of the 23 establishment; or 24 25 _�6) The presence of anv condition that ooses an imminent risk of substantial harm to the 26 public health, safetv or welfare. 27 28 (b) Procedure for Emergency,Closure. 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 (11 If, followin¢ an on-site ins�ecfion, the Office determines that closure of a food establishment is re uired in order to protect public health as provided in this section, the Director st�all order the immediate closure of the establistiment in writine. The order shall identify the food establishment, describe the specific �rounds uuon which closure is based, direct the immediate closure of the establishment and vacatin¢ of the oremises bv consumers. list the corrective actions necessary to re-open the establishment, and state that a hearinQ on the emergency closure may be rec�uested by the licensee. The order shall be served in person on the owner, man�er, or person in chazee of operations of the premises. 21 The uerson receiving the order shall close the establishment and request all persons to vacate. The establishment shall remain closed until the Office rescinds the order for emereency closure. Failure to close the establishment is a misdemeanor. In the event the Uerson receiving the order fails to close the establishment, the Office may order all persons to vacate the premises. Failure to leave unon said orders is a misdemeanor. Where a verson fails to vacate the nremises as ordered bv the Office, the police maXbe summoned to assist in vacati�the premises and issuing such citations or makine such arrests as ma�be necessary to com�iv with this subsection. (31 The licensee mav request, in writing, a hearing on the emergencv closure, and the conditions, if any, to be imposed for reopenine the food establislunent. The hearinp sha11 be held within two �1 business days before an independent hearina examiner, except that the licensee may waive the foreeoine time restrictions and consent to scheduling the heazingat a later date. The independent hearine examiner shall render a written decision within two 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 (2) business days after the conclusion of the hearine, and shall either sustain the ¢rounds set forth in the order of emereencv closure, in which case the order sha11 remain in full force and effect en ndin�further orders of the Office, or fmd that the evidence does not su�port the emereenCV closure, in which case the order shall be deemed dismissed and the establishment mav reopen forthwith, sub�ect to an�further �roceedings for adverse action. 01-'3�1� (41 Anv person aggrieved bv the fmdings and conclusions of the independent hearing examiner mav appeal to the citv council by fil� a norice with the cit�clerk, who shall note the matter for hearing at the citv council meeting nea�t followine the date of such appeal. The council mav modifv the findings and conclusion of the independent hearing examiner as it deems appropriate on the record. or continue the closure order ep nding_the fiu�ther orders of the Office. 12 Sec. 331A.07. Standards for Health, 5afetv, and Nuisance. 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 (a) Standards Ado�ted. Mimiesota Rules, Chapter 4626 (Minnesota Food Code) in effect on the effective date of this ordinance, as it mav be amended from time to tune. is hereby adoUted bv reference and made a nart of this ordinance except as otherwise ex ressly.provided in this ordinance. (bl Standards Amended. The standards imposed bv the above ado�ted rules, as incorporated herein by reference. are herebv modified as follows: (1) The standazd im o� sed byMinnesota Ru1es 46261050. �aza�anh A is modified as follows: A handwashine lauator�shall be equipped to provide water at a temperature of at least 43 de ees C 110 deerees F), but not more than 54 degrees C j130 de rees F), throueh a mixin� valve or combination faucet, excent that the maximum tem�erature in a food establishment utilizine a hot water sanitizine dishwashing machine that was installed prior to August 29. 1993 shall not exceed 140 de rep es F• (60 deerees C.�from the faucet. _�Z Except far food establishments licensed under the authority of Minn. Stat. Chapter 28A, the standazd imposed bv Minnesota Rules 46261325, paraara� A, sub�agranh (3) is modified as follows: nonabsorbent and constructed ofmaterial which resists the wear and abuse to which thev are subjected such as c�u _arrv tile, ceramic tile, or tenazzo, for food �reroaration. food serving, wait station, kitchen. bar. walk-in refri¢eration, warewashing toilet, mobile food establishment servicine, handwashing,janitorial, laundry, and interior garbage and refuse storap_e areas; areas subject to flushin or spray cieanin� methods; and other ueas subject to moisture. 36 37 (31 The standard im op sed b�Minnesota Rules 4626.1440 is modified as foilows: 38 Each handwashine lavatorv or ¢roup of two adjacent lavatories shall have available: 39 a. a sup�lv of liquid, powder or bar soa� 40 b. a nailbrush at the handwashing lavatory used by em�loyees; and 41 c. a si¢n directine food service emplovees to wash their hands. 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 (41 The standazd im o��sed b�Minnesota Rules 4626.1715. paraeranh B, is modified as follows: A party mav appeal the denial, revocation. or refusal to renew a variance in accordance with and subject to all conditions of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, unless otherwise provided herein. !cl Food Manap_er Certification. 1 (1) A licensee shall maintain in emnlovment at each licensed establishment at least one 2 owner, manager, or supervisor who spends a substantial amount of his or her working y 3 hours at the food establistunent, has completed an approved food service mana�er a�- a 1 4 certification program. and is registered with the Office or the Minnesota Department of 5 Health as a Certified Food Manaeer. 6 7 (21 The certificate issued by the Office or the Minnesota Department of Health to verify 8 successful completion of an approved food manaeer certification course and 9 r�istration as a Certified Food Manager shall be cons�cuouslv displaved to the 10 up blic• 11 12 (3) This subsection shall not a��l t�porary food establishments or food 13 establishments which do not �renaze potentially hazardous food. 14 15 Sec. 331A.08. IndustcxSelf-Survey and Trainin�Responsibilitv. 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 1a) Self-Inspection Program. (11 Everv licensee of a food establishment shall arran�e for and maintain a proeram of sanitation self-inspection conducted bv the owner, mana�er, sanitation su�ervisor, or designated aeent. The self-inspection program shall be approved bv the Office. (21 The licensee shall maintain. on the premises, up-to-date written �olicies or guidelines for food nrepazation and handlin¢, including�ro en r temperature maintenance of potentiallv hazardous food; sanitation practices and techniques; em l�oyee uainin¢ in food handli� nrocedures and personal hvgiene; monitorine of all activities listed above; a facilit �.}_equipment and utensil cleanin� schedule: and other means as xe uired bv the Office. 30 Sec.331A.09. Separabilitv. 31 If any provision or a�plication of an�nrovision of this ordinance is held invalid, that invaliditv shall not affect other 32 urovisions or a�plications of this ordinance. 33 34 Sec.331A.10. Penaltv. 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 Any uerson who violates this ordinance_ or who oermits a violation to exist on the nremises under hislher control. or fails to take action to abate the existence of the violation within the specified rime period when ardered ar notified to do so bv the Office shall be uiltv of a misdemeanar and upon conviction thereof shall be punished as �rovided 1 b�� 2 01-���' Section 2 4 5 � 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 �9 20 21 22 This ordinance shall take effect and be in full force tluriy (30) days following its passage, approval and publication 23 By: 24 Requested by Department of: Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protec ' � By. � Form Approved by City Attorney B � �� ` 1 i/r��fi�-�4 /� 1 » �` Approved b Mayor for Submission to Council � ���_ c���a�'/,� ��/ By � 25 Approved by Mayor: Date ! 26 27 By: � PI�t.I5NE11 �1Y21� io Adopted by Council: Date e\ Adoption Certified by Council Secretary OFFICS oF LIEP Date: .GREEN SHEET Roger Curtis February 12, zooi O` ��� 266-9013 NO . 10 3 815 1 HPARIMENT DIREClOR 4 ITY CODNCIL _ 2 ITY ATTOANBY ITY CLER& . x�sm� ust be on Council Agenda by: '°°" �ET D=�zacroR ix. a n,cx. svc. nix. � �11 . 3 YOR (OR ASSISTANTI OTAL # OF SIGNAT[TRE: PAG23S 1 (CEIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR-"SIGF7ATURE) CTION REQUESTED: • ordinance adopting new food protection standards that will bring the_City of Saint Paul into compliance with the requirements of the Minnesota Departments of Health and griculture to allow the City ta enter into delegation agreements witYi�each-agency. COPAYPI�DATIONS: APPROV& (A) OR ASJECT (R) . SRSONAL SHRVZCB� CONTRACfS MITST AN54i8R TH6 POLL(%iII7G; PI,tiNNING-COtR+.ISSION CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION Has the person/£irm ever worked under a contract for this department? CIB COMMITTEE _ BUSINESS REVZSW COUNCIL� YES NO � STAFF _ Has this person/fizm ever been a City employee? DISTRICT COi1RT _ Y&5 NO Does this person/firm possess a ski11 not normally possessed by any UPPORTS WHICH COUNCZL OBJECTIVB? Clirrent City employee? YE5 NO laia all YSS anawera ori separate 'sheet and attach. FNFTIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, Wfiat, When, Where, Why): dopting the new food=code standards will aliow the City of Saint Paul to follow the same standards that the Minnesota Departments o€ Hea3.th and Agriculture have already adopted for foocl, beverage and lodging facilities,, grocery and "convenience stores and ending machines. The Minnesota Departments of Health and Agriculture require the Citlr to adopt the State food code to become delegated license and inspection agents of - the State. VANTAGES IF APPROVED: dopting the new food code will allow the City of Saint Paul to continue to license, tnspect and-enforce the standards for all food, beverage and lodging facilities, aIl rocery and convenience stores: and all vending machines within-the City oP Saint.Paul. cantinuing to license the5e businesses, the City of Saint Paul will retain approximately.$680,600 in license revenue that woUld otherwise go to the Departments € Health and'Agrieu}.ture. ESADVANTAGES IF APPROT7ED: FooB facili.ty owners must be advised of the new requirements. AD AN ES IR NO'F APPR SED: he Minnesota Departments of.Health and Agriculture could withdraw their delegation greements. This would require the City to stop licensing and inspecting all food, everage and lodging facilities, a1S grocerg and convenience stores and all vending achines within the City of Saint 'Paul. The loss of the delegation agreements would esult in the City losing all revenue derived from li�ensing the listed types o€ usinesses. This loss in revenue would be a roximatel 680,000. OTAL AMOUN'F OF TRANSACTIOAF $ t� L�.�' BUDGETED YES NO A �� -..--r- ��������� �'. UNDING SOURCE ,.nrt,� ACTIVITY NUM$E� ^ 9" !\! 1° 1"1 FIA7diNCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN} ,,z,, � Q �' r5 �T�TT� i`?AR U 2 ia�fl`3 f ClTY ATTORNE1l QRIGINAL Presented By Referred To i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 i7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 Council File # Q 1� �..- y�^ �,�� Ordinance # Green Sheet # '� g � ORDINANCE CITI� OF SAINT PAUL,IVIINNESOTA ��� � �� Committee Date : An Ordinance adopting food protection standazds which will permit the City of Saint Paul to enter into a delegation agreement with the Aepartment of Agriculture / THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES Section 1 A new Chapter 331A of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is Sec. 331A.01. Purpose. Chapter 145A and Sections 375.51 - 375.55. 1�1 Prevent food � Correct and t utilizing foo< � Provide mini and maintent � Meet consun establishme� / , Sec. 331A.02. Swne.r'� or immediate consumption off the premises. enacted: o�� 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 most restrictive ordinance, statute, rule or regulation sha11 appl� Sec. 331A.03. General Provisions. _(al Ail of the provisions of the Saint Paul Legislative Code shall�nlv as if fullv set forth herein. License, Ins�ecfions and Environxnental Protection. (cl Other Defuutions. � Paul LeEislative Code, and this section. � Citv shall mean Saint Paul, Minnesota. � � Sec. 331A.04. License Administration. _(el Transfer and Dfsplav o License. (11 Onl� a uerson who com�lies with the rec�uirements of this ardinance shall be entitled d► a.� O�IG 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 il l2 13 14 �21 A catering food vehicle operatine in the City shall be identified with the name, city, and telephone number of the licensee dis�layed on both sides of the velucle in a consnicuous place as desienated by the Office. The name sha11 be in letters of four �41 inches muumum / hei�ht and of a color contrasting with the background• Sec. 331A.05. InsQections and Plan Review. the satisfaction of the Office. �licable statutes or rules. of the Office. o � -��� reasonably necessar�to determine compliance with the standards of this ordinance. O�IG 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 il 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 � �� � � � Evidence of a sewaee backup in a food prepazarion. food stora�e, or utensil washine azea; are not o�erational; not operational; of the establishxnent or (bl Procedure far Emer�ency Closure. case the order shall be deemed dismissed and the establishment may reopen forthwith, subject to an� fiu•ther�roceedines for adverse action. o ,�.�� for any the following reasons: � Failure to possess a license required by this ordinance: o�i� 3 4 5 6 7 matter for hearin¢ at the city council meetine next followin� the date of such appeal. The council may modif�the findines and conclusion of the indenendent hearing examiner as it deems „ Sec. 331A.07. Standards for Health. Safetv. and Nuisance. ordinance. herein by reference. aze hereby,modified as follows: � faucet. � moisture. � a. a suppl�f liquid, powder or baz soa� b. a nailbrush at the handwashing lavatory used b�emolovees: and c a si¢n directing food service emplovees to wash theu hands. �/ The standard imposed bv Minnesota Rules 4626.1715. paraeranh B. is modified as follows: A part�mav anpeal the denial. revocation, or refusal to renew a variance in accordance with and su�ect to a11 conditions of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, unless otherwise provided herein. o,.��� 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 .� 41 42 43 44 45 46 (cl Food Manaeer Certification. � R�� i i 1i P'S � � A licensee shall maintain in employment at each licensed establishment at least one owner, manager, or supervisor who s�ends a substantial amount of his or her warkine hours at the food establishment, has completed an approved food service manager certification proeram, and is registered with the Office or the Mivnesota Department of Health as a Certified Food Manaver � The certificate issued by the Office or the Minnesota Department of Health to verifv successful completion of an apqroved food manaeer certification course and registration as a Certified Food Manaeer shall be cons�cuousl �}�d�is�layed to the public. �) food. (a Self-Inspection Proeram. � � Sec.331A.09. Se�arabilitv. Sec.331A10. Penaltv, O\-a��l � z 3 4 5 ORIGI�1�iL Section 2 �� a�,� This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days following its passage, approval and publicarion. Requested by Department of: Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Co�d By: Approved by Mayo . Date By: � By: - Form Approve y City Attorney By: /xLQ � Secretary Approve ayor for Sub 'ssion to Council By: