01-277� �'�s S'�•'�'�'��' 6• 21� - o � ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, NIINNESOTA Presented By Referred To � Committee Da�te 1 An Ordinance creating a new Chapter 156 and Amending Chapter 18 of the Saint Paul 2 Legislative Code to Authorize the Designation of �e�a€et�y- Safe Pedestrian Crossings 3 and 0 0 to Authorize the Legislative Hearing Officer to heaz appeals of decisions related to �i�rrStrfet� Safe Pedestrian Crossings. TI� COUNCIL OF Tf� CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 A new Saint Paul Legislative Code Chapter 156 is hereby adopted to read as follows: 10 CHAPTER 15b: Traffic Code - Safe Pedestrian Crossings Sec. 156.01. Declaration of public policy and purpose. 11 The council of the City of Saint Paul finds that there may be intersections or areas within the 12 City of Saint Paul which require ea�tra time for pedestrians to safely cross streets, in addition to 13 the time recommended under the Minnesota Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices for 14 pedestrian signals. This ��-s� safe nedestrian crossing ordinance is hereby established 15 in order to protect children and other pedestrians from bodily injury and to protect real and 16 personal property from damage by reducing such hazardous traffic conditions. 17 Sec.156.02. �esfrixa-�ai'et� Safe oedestrian crossings authorized. 18 19 20 21 22 23 The director of public works or council, pursuant to this chapter, may establish and designate intersections or other azeas as�e�es�iaerse€eEy safe nedestrian crossings . The timing of pedestrian crossing signals for such intersections or azeas may be ea�tended consistent with this ordinance or, to the eartent the timing is consistent with this ordinance, the recommendations of the Minnesota Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices for pedestrian signal timing at senior citizen and handicapped pedestrian crossings, as amended from time to time. For the purpose of Council File # Q 1 +��� Ordinance # Green Sheet # U� 3 O Q � E'U$LIS1iE� �� �1l 23 'p� °``� � ��-o � o�.a�� 24 this ordinance, the recommended timing for a�e�estriafl-sa€e� safe oedestrian crossing shall be, 25 as follows: 26 • `WALK' _ ' ,� 27 � seven (71 seconds minimum; and 28 • Flashiug `DON'T VJALK' = Distance from curb to the opposite curb, divided by �kree 29 {3j two and hatf (2.5� feet/second minimum. 30 The Council may also by resolution subsequenfly discontinue or remove any such �es� 31 sa€et� safepedestrian crossing designarion. 32 The authority of the director of publio works to deternune pedestrian signal timing under this 33 chapter is in addition to any oiher control exercised by the director over the timing of pedesirian 34 signals. The director of public works, on his or her initiative or at the reauest of inembers of the 35 public. mav establish a safe nedestrian crossin�. Therefore citizens seeking to establish a safe 36 nedestrian crossine should initiate anv attempt to create such a crossing bv first contacting the 37 director of public works before undertaking the roetition nrocess described in Section 156 03 38 Sec.156.03. Petition. 39 (a) The designation of a pe�esti�a�q safe pedeskrian crossing may also be initiated by a 40 petition filed with the director of public works stating that a particulaz intersection or azea is 41 encountering serious pedestrian safety problems because of inadequate pedestrian signal crossing 42 times. A filing fee of ten dollazs ($10.00) shall accompany every petition. 43 (t�) T% petition must specifically state the serious pedestrian safety problems being caused by 44 inadequate pedestrian signal crossing times aud the specific location where pedestrian signal 45 crossing time is to be increased. 46 (c) Each signer shall thereon write his or her name and address. It shall be signed by at least -tea 47 {-�9j twentv five (251 percent of all: business property owners and all owners and/or residents of 48 private residences, dwe3iings and apartment houses located within i�88 600 feet in any direction 49 from the intersec�on 'The signatures shall be verified by the office of the city clerk. Any name 50 appearing on the petition not conforming to the ownership/residency requirement at the time the 51 petition is submitted to the city clerk shall be stricken and shall not be included. Any signer may 52 withdraw his or her name by filing a written request with the director within fifteen (15) days of 53 the date that the director receives the petition. If for any reason the number of signers falls below 54 ten (10) percent within fifteen (15) days of the date that the director receives the petition, the 55 petition shall be deemed defective and shall not be considered. 2 � G"-��"° ( a i • a�� 56 (d) Each sepazate page of the petirion shall have appended thereto a certificate, verified by oath, 57 that each signature was signed by the person purporting to have signed the petition. The petition 58 shall designate an owner or a resident of dwelling located within i�99 600 feet of the intersection 59 who shall have the responsibility of verifying each separate page of signatures, as well as the 60 responsibility of assisting the director in the investigation of the request to implement a 61 pe�estri�n-s� safe pedestrian crossing in Yhe proposed azea. 62 (e) The petition shall be reviewed by the relevant local district council who may make a 63 recommendation of support or non-support regazding the proposed pe�es�et� safe 64 uedestrian crossing azea 65 Lfl The oefition shall also snecifv that the si�ner has read and understands the literature vrenazed 66 bv the Deoartment of Public Works earolainin¢ what the uedestrian indications mean and signed a 67 nledpe indicating their responsibility as both pede�t*�an and motorist 68 Sec.156.04. Investigation, analysis, and decision 69 After the director of public works receives and validates a petition alleging serious pedestrian 70 safety problems in the designated azea, the director sha11 make an investigation to assess the 71 nature and extem of the safety problems, if any, at that location and determine the feasibility of a 72 pe�es� safe vedestrian crossing for that area or related areas. This investigation shall 73 last no longer than ninety (90) days from the receipt of the petition. The investigarion may 74 include, but shall not be limited to, observations, surveys, studies or any other data-gathering 75 method which will assist the director in determiniug whether to designate a�iarrsa€et� safe 76 uedestrian crossing. After analyzing the results of the investigation, and after considering any 77 relevant material submitted by any person or group having an interest in the establishment of a 78 �-saf'et� safe pedestrian crossing for that azea, the director shall issue a written report 79 rej ecting or des'sgnating a sQecific �e�es�sa-sateYy safe pedestrian crossing area If the director 80 concludes that safety problems do vvanaul the designation of a ge�esFr� safe pedestrian 81 crossing, the director shall implement a pedestrian crossing in the proposed azea pursuant to 82 section 156.06. The director may provide pefltioners with a range of technological alternatives 83 includine the use of aush-buttons. bv which the e�rterided time mav be implemented if the 84 directoi concludes tk�at the safety problems or lack thereof do not warrant the designation of a 85 ge�es�etp safe nedestrian erossing, the director shall submiY that conclusion in a letter 86 with any supporting statements to the councii and the signer of the certificate. In such an event, 87 the petitioners may appeal in the manner provided in section 156.05. 3 � ly� ����( a�..z�� � 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 Sec.156.05. Appeal and hearing. In the event the director does not approve the implementafion of a ge��+� safe estrian crossing azea, the owner or resident designated pursuant to section 156.03 (d) may submit a written request for an appeal to the council. The council shail forwazd the appeal to a legislative hearing officer for a hearing on the petition pursuant to Saint Paul legislative code chapter 18. At least ten (10) days prior to the hearing, the City Council shall provide notice of the hearing in the official City Council agenda. At least ten (10) days prior to the hearing, notice shall also be served by mail on the owner or the resident designated pursuant to section 156.03(d). No other notice shail be required. At the hearing, the legislative hearing officer shall hear all interested persons and shall receive and consider all materials relevant to the merits of the petition. The legislative hearing officer shall then make a recommendation in resolution form to the city council, which may accept or reject the hearing officer's recommendation, as provided for in Legislative Code Chagter 18. Sec. 156.06. Signal adjustment. 102 Upon the director's deternunation pursuant to sections 156.02 or 156.04 that safety problems do 103 warrant the designation of a gc �estria�ss€et� safe nedestrian crossing, or upon passage of a 104 council resolution authorizing the crea6on of a ge�es�iaa-saf�ty safe pedestrian crossing under 105 sections 156.02 or 156.05, the director shall cause the �e�+�sa€et� safe pedestrian crossing 106 to be created as authorized by (1) this chapter; (2) Chapter 488, article 6, section 5, Minnesota 107 Laws; and (3) the Minnesota-Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, as amended from time 108 to time. 109 If, after a minimum of ninet�(901 davs after the unnlementation of safe nedestrian crossine 110 citizens who netitioned for the safe nedestrian crossin� aze unsatisfied with e7ctended time 1 i 1 nrovided. the netitioner(sl mav reouest. in wriring an assessment of the effectiveness of the 112 e�ended time �ovided at safe nedestrian crossing The director of nublic works shall com�lete 113 #his assessment sixty €6E►1 davs a�er recei�t of the wriiten rewest from netitioner Unon 114 comnletion of the assessment the director shall issue a written report stat� the results of the 115 assessment and a statement of whether the director decided to e�ctend the time further at the safe l lb nedestrian crossin¢. This written renort shall be issued to the petitioner(sl who reauested the 117 assessment and the Citv Council. 0 .�",�'` G% � 7-c ( a�-��� i18 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 Section 2 Saint Paul Legislative Code Section 18.01 is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec.18.01. Legislative hearing officer. In order to hear and decide appeals of orders, decisions or determinations made by the enforcement officers relative to the enforcement of health, housing, building or fire codes contained in the Saint Paul Legislative Code, and in order to hear anneals and make determinations relarive to ge�esEriatrs� safe pedestrian crossing azeas under section 156 OS of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. there shall be and is hereby created a legislative hearing officer. The legislative hearing officer shall be a City of Saint Paul employee appointed by the president of the city council. The legislative hearing officer shall have the authority to heaz appeals to orders, decisions or detemrinations of the enforcement officers or others and make recommendations to the city council. The hearing o�cer shall not have the power to grant waivers of the Minnesota State Building Code. All matters, orders, decisions and determinations of the hearing officer shall be forwarded to the city council in resolution form within ten (10) days of the hearin� officer's actions. The city council shall have the authority to approve, modify, reverse, revoke, wholly or partty, ihe hearing officer's orders, decisions or deternunations and shall make such order, decision or determination as ought to be made. Section 3 This ordinance is effective thirry (30) days after its passage, approval and publication. 5 -F�'"" �°�-7 � f oi-a�� xv� Requested by Department of: 8 �" Yy�� � 1� Approved by Mayor: Dat�V (� � � By: / � BY: Form Apprd$eed by City Ab f ey BYv/��� � /i ��'�� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: '_• I .�..� ( Adopted by Council: Date `,§���n � Adoption Certified by Counci Secr y h� a � -a�� DFPARTMINTlOFFICE/COUNCIL � DA7E n+iruTeD 1 I O J O O c�t coun��i z-zs-oi GREEN SHEET No CONTACT PERSON 8 PHONE inmaWae InM1a11Date Councilmember Harris �p�30 oerr�rtumrtnnrzrde a,rea.ra. MUSi BE ON COUNCIL AGFNDA BY (DA'fE) ASSIGN 3-7-01 - rmwnou�v anc�nc NUMBERFOR ROUTING �� wlllYlu.BErtVICFSOR nIAlrJUaErtITALRC - ❑ WYORIORA8A8lMlT� ❑ TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION RE�UESTm An Ordinance creating a new Chapter 156 and amending Chapter 18 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code to authorize the designation of Pedestrian Safety Crossings and to authorize the Legislative Hearing Officer to hear appeals of decisions related to Pedestrian Safety Crossings. RECOMMENDATION Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACfS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWSNG QUESTIONS: 1. Has this persoNflrm ever waAced under a coMract for this departmenl't PLANNING CAMMISSION VES NO CIB COMMITTEE 2. Has Nis person/firm ever been a dty employee? CIVILSERVICECOMMISSION YES NO 3. Dces this persoNfiim possess a skill not normaltypossessed by any curtent city empbyee4 VES NO � 4. I8 this person/firm a fergeted ventloY! YES NO i F�mlain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to preen sheet INITIATING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPoR7UNIN (WM, What, When, Where, Why) . ADVAMAGES IFAPPROVED The City of Saint Paul will be able to extend pedestr3an crosswalk time through the implementation of Pedestrian Safety Crossings. DISADVANTAGES IF APPR9VED None DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED The City of Saint Paul will be unable to extend pedestrian crosswalk time and will not be able to im lement Pe TOTALAMOUNTOFTRANSACTIONS COST/REVENUEBUDGEfED(CIRCLEONE) VES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTNITY NUMBER FINANCW. MFORMATIIXJ (IXPWN) ' ° � (� �j S�J�lit y / y�°/ �✓ i'+,s vilVI�SL Presented By ORDINANCE OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Council File # �!' Z 7 7 Ordinance # Green Sheet # / /v �d aq Referred To Committee D�,f' /� 1 An Ordinance creating a new Chapter 156 and Amending Chapter 18 �the Saint Paul Legislative 2 Code to Authorize the Designation of Pedestrian Safety Crossings� 3 and ,� 4 to Authorize the Legislative Hearing Office�o hear appeals 5 of decisions related to Pedestrian Saf,�fy Crossings. 6 THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SA1NT PAUL DOLS ORDAIN: 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 A new Saint Paul Legislative Code CHAPTER 156: Traffic Code - Sec. 156.01. Declaration of public The council of the City of Saint Paul of Saint Paul which require extra tim time recommended under the Minn�: pedestrian signals. This pedestrian sa protect children and other pedest an: from damage by reducing such�iazar 156 is hereby adopted to read as follows: Crossings and purpose. �ids that there may be intersections or areas within the City for pedestrians to safely cross streets, in addition to the ita Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices for ety crossing ordinance is hereby established in order to from bodily injury and to protect real and personal property ous traffic conditions. Sec. 156.02. Pedestrian s�ety crossings authorized. The director of public rks or council, pursuant to this chapter, may establish and designate intersections or other eas as pedestrian safety crossings. The timing of pedestrian crossing signals for such inte ections or areas may be extended consistent with this ardinance or, to the extent the timing ' consistent with this ordinance, the recommendations of the Minnesota Manual of Uniform Tr c Control Devices for pedestrian signal timing at senior citizen and handicapped pedestrian crossings, as amended from time to time. For the purpose of this ordinance, the 1 o�-a��� DRIG��1�L 24 25 26 27 recommended liming for a pedestrian safety crossing shall be, as follows: `WALK' = Distance from curb to the opposite curb, divided by three (3) feeUsecond ininimum; and 28 • Flashing `DON'T WALK' = Distance from curb to the opposite curb, divided by th3e 29 feet/second minimum. � / ,,. 30 The Council may also by resolution subsequently discontinue or remove any s}�eh pedestrian 31 safety crossing designation. % 32 33 34 35 The authority of the director of public works to determine chapter is in addition to any other control exercised by the signals. Sec.156.03. Petition. timing under tlus over the timing of pedestrian 36 (a) The designation of a pedestrian safety crossing m�also be initiated by a petition filed with the 37 director of pubiic works stating that a particular inte ection or area is encountering serious 38 pedestrian safety problems because of inadequate p�destrian signal crossing times. A filing fee of 39 ten dollars ($10.00) shall accompany every petition. 40 (b) The petition must specifically state the se '� s pedestrian safety problems being caused by 41 inadequate pedestrian signal crossing times � d the specific location where pedestrian signal 42 crossing time is to be increased. 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 (c) Each signer shall thereon write�or her name and address. It shall be signed by at least ten (10) percent of all: business prope owners and all owners and/or residents of private residences, dwellings and apartm houses located within �99 600 feet in any direction from the intersection. The signatures shaYl be verified by the office of the city clerk. Any name appearing on the petirion not conformin�to the ownership/residency requirement at the tnne the petition is submitted to the city clerk s 1 be stricken and sha11 not be included. Any signer may withdraw his or her name by filing �tten request with the director within fifteen (15) days of the date that the director percent within f be deemed defe� he petition. If for any reason the number of signers falls below ten (10) ) days of the date that the director receives the petition, the petition shail shall not be considered. ° (d) Each sepazat�e page of the petition sha11 have appended thereto a certificate, verified by oath, that each signature was signed by the person purporting to have signed the petifion. The petition 2 o l- �-� 7 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 �.'I �f vii`ur fmo0 shall designate an owner or a resident of dwelling located within i�66�feet of the intersection who shall have the responsibility of verifying each separate page of signatures, as well as th responsibility of assisting the director in the investigation of the request to impieme a pedeshian safety crossing in the proposed azea. (e) The pefition shall be reviewed by the relevant local district council who recommendation of support or non-support regazding the proposed pedestr��' area. � Sec. 156.04. Investigation, analysis, and decision 63 tlfter the director of public works receives and validates a 64 safety problems in the designated area, the director shall n 65 nature and eatent of the safety problems, if any, at that loc iy make a safety crossing �n alleging serious pedestrian �n investigation to assess the and determine the feasibility of a 66 pedestrian safety crossing for that area or related areas. Tl�s investigation shall last no longer 67 than ninety (90) days from the receipt of the petition. Th�investigation may include, but shall not 68 be limited to, observations, surveys, studies or any othe�'data-gathering method which will assist 69 the director in determining whether to designate a ped safety crossing. After analyzing the 70 results of the invesfigation, and after considering an}�relevant material submitted by any person or 71 group having an interest in the establishment of a p�destrian safety crossing for that area, the 72 director shall issue a written report rejecting or d�;�ignating a specific pedestrian safety crossing 73 area. If the director concludes that safety probl�ns do warrant the designation of a pedestrian 74 safety crossing, the directar shail implement �a� crossing in the proposed azea pursuant 75 to section 156.06. If the director concludes tt�at the safety problems or lack thereof do not 76 warrant the designation of a pedestrian safe� crossing, the director shall submit that conclusion in 77 a letter with any supporting statements to the council and the signer of the certificate. In such an 78 event, the peritioners may appeal in the n�Y�er provided in secfion 156.05. 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 Sec.156.05. Appeal and hearing. In the event the director does not the owner or resident designatedr an appeal to the council. The c i ove the implementation of a pedestrian safety crossing area, iant to section 156.03(d) may submit a written request for sha11 forward the appeal to a legislative hearing officer for a heazing on the petition purs t to Saint Paullegislative code chapter 18. At least ten (10) days prior to the hearing, the City ouncil shall provide notice of the hearing in the official City Council agenda. At least t(10) days prior to the hearing, notice shall also be served by mail on the owner or the resident esignated pursuant to section 156.03(d). No other nofice sha11 be required. At the hearing e legislative hearing officer sha11 hear all interested persons and shall receive and consider materials relevant to the merits of the petition. The legislative hearing officer shall then m e a recommendation in resolution form to the city councii, which may accept or reject the he ' officer's recommendation, as provided for in Legislative Code Chapter 18. o c - a��� 9� QRi�ii`��� Sec. 156.06. Signal adjustment. 92 Upon the director's deterinination pursuant to sections 156.02 or 156.04 that safeTy � 93 warrant the designation of a pedestrian safety crossing, or upon passage of a council 94 authorizing the creation of a pedeshian safety crossing under sections 156.02 or 156 95 director shall cause the pedestrian safety crossing to be created as authorized by ( 96 (2) Chapter 488, article 6, section 5, Minnesota Laws; and (3) the Muuiesota M ua 97 Traffic Control Devices, as amended from time to time. •;� .. 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 Section 2 �� �,the us chapter; on Uniform Saint Paui Legislative Code Section 18.01 is hereby amended to re�as follows: �" Sec. 18.01. Legislative hearing officer. In order to hear and decide appeals of orders, decisions or, eterminations made by the enforcement o�cers relafive to the enforcement of healt,�; housing, building or fire codes contained in the Saint Paul Legislative Code, Lepislative Code, there shall be and is hereby create� a legislative hearing officer. The legislative heazing officer shall be a City of Saint Paul emplo,j�ee appointed by the president of the city council. The legislarive hearing officer shall hav�the authority to hear appeals to orders, decisions or determinations of the enforcement officers o,� others and make recommendations to the city council. The hearing ofFicer shall not have power to grant waivers of the Minnesota State Building Code. All matters, orders, decisio and determinations of the hearing officer shall be forwarded to the city council in resolufio orm within ten (10) days of the hearing officer's actions. The city council shall have the thority to approve, modify, reverse, revoke, wholly or partly, the hearing officer's orders, deci��ons or determinations and sha11 make such order, decision or determinarion as ought to�e made. Section 3 This ordinance is effec�ve thirty (30) days after its passage, approval and publication. 4 o i - a.�� ��i'viI�AL x�������. Department of : Adopted by Council: Date By: u�'n Approved by City Attorney : ��1...� •`�� �t • �f • �/ Adoption Certified by Council Secretary fi' Approved by Mayos for Submission to Council By: gy_ Approved by Mayor: Date �,� / Hy: � .,�i�6s7: fut� 3- z f� U/ Presented By Referred To Council FSIe # /-17`l Ordinance # Green S�t # / � � Date : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 An Ordinance creating a new Chapter 156 and Legislative Code to Authorize the Designation ofP< and to Authorize the Legislative of decisions related to F THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT P. 1 ORDINANCE OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � E�� - - " ✓ �lD A new Saint Paul Legislative Code CHAPTER 156: Traffic Code - Sec. 156.01. Declaration of public The council of the City of Saint F City of Saint Paul which require the time recommended under the pedestrian signals. This pedestri, protect children and other pede� property from damage by redu ig Chapter 18 of the Saint Paul Safety Crossings )fficer to hear appeals Safety Crossings. �'�• 156 is hereby adopted to read as follows: Safety Crossings and purpose. ul that there may be intersections or areas within the �`ra time far pedestrians to safely cross streets, in addition to Zinnesota Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices for safety crossing ordinance is hereby established in order to uis from bodily injury and to protect real and personal such hazazdous traffic conditions. Sec.156.02. Pedestrian sa"fety crossings authorized. The director of public orks or council, pursuant to this chapter, may establish and designate intersections or other eas as pedeshian safety crossings. The timing ofpedestrian crossing signals for such inte ections or areas may be extended consistent with this ordinance or, to the extent the timing is onsistent with tlus ordinance, the recommendations of the Mivnesota Manual of Unifo Traffic Control Devices for pedestrian signal timing at senior citizen and handicapped ped strian crossings, as amended from time to tune. For the purpose of this ordinance, the r commended tiiniug for a pedestrian safety crossing shall be, as follows: 1 O/-a�� as 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 `WALK' = Distance from curb to the opposite curb, divided by three (3) minimum; and / Flashing `DON'T WALK' = Distance from curb to the opposite (3) feetJsecond m;nimum. The Council may also by resolution subsequently discontinue or safety cross'vug designation. The authority of the director of public works to detennine chapter is in addition to any other control exercised by the signals. a Sec.156.03. Petition. divided by three any such pedestrian m signal timing under this over the timing of pedestrian 36 (a) The designation of a pedestrian safety crossing �'iay also be initiated by a petition filed with 37 the director of public works stating that a particul�r intersection or area is encountering serious 38 pedestrian safety problems because of inadequate pedestrian signal crossing times. A filing fee 39 of ten dollazs ($10.00) shall accompany every ��etirion. 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 (b) The petition must specifically state the s�erious pedestrian safety problems being caused by inadequate pedestrian signal crossing tim� and the specific location where pedestrian signal crossing time is to be increased. (c) Each signer shall thereon write hi�or her name and address. It sha11 be signed by at least ten (10) percent of all: business propert�`owners and all owners and/or residents of private residences, dwellings and apartmet�t houses located within i�96 600 feet in any direction from et the intersection. The signatures s�all be verified by the office of the city clerk. Any name appearing on the petition not co orming to the ownership/residency requirement at the time the petition is submitted to the ci ' clerk sha11 be stricken and shall not be included. Any sxgner may withdraw his or her name by iling a written request with the director within fifteen (15) days of the date that the director re " ives the petirion. If for any reason the number of signers falls below ten (10) percent within fi�en (15) days of the date that the director receives the petition, the petition shall be deemed efective and shall not be considered. 53 (d) Each separate pa of the petirion shall have appended thereto a certificate, verified by oath, 54 that each signature signed by the person purporting to have signed the petition. The perition 55 shall designate an er or a resident of dwelling located within 1200 feet of the intersecrion 56 who shall have the responsibility of verifying each separate page of signatures, as well as the �/-d7i 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 responsibility of assisting the director in the investigation of the request to implement a pedestrian safety crossing in the proposed area. � (e) The petition shall be reviewed by the relevant local district council who may recommendation of support or non-support regazding the proposed pedestrian� area. Sec. 156.04. Investigation, analysis, and decision After the director of public works receives and validates a petition safety problems in the designated area, the director shall make an i nature and extent of Uae safety problems, if any, at that location� pedestrian safety crossing for that azea or zelated areas. This ixvves than ninety (90) days from the receipt of the petition. The in�stig crossmg Ceging serious pedestrian �estigation to assess the detennine the feasibility of a ;ation shall last no longer ion may include, but shall not be limited to, observations, surveys, studies ar any othe� data-gathering method which will assist the director in deternrining whether to designate a p�'destrian safety crossing. After analyzing the results of the investigation, and after cons�L� enng any relevant material submitted by any person or group having an interest in the establishment of a pedestrian safety crossing for that area, the director shall issue a written report rejec�ng or designating a specific pedestrian safety crossing area. If the director concludes that saifety problems do warrant the designation of a pedestrian safety crossing, the director shall i area pursuant to section 156.06. If the d'uector do not warrant the designarion of a pedestrian : conclusion in a letter with any supporting state certificate. In such an event, the pe6tioners rr�< 156.Q5. �� Sec. 156.05. Appeal and hearing. In the event the director does not area, the owner or resident desigx for an appeal to the council. The for a hearing on the petition purs� days prior to the hearing, the Ci�y Council agenda. At least ten ; 0' the owner or the resident des' a required. At the hearing, receive and consider all � officer shall then make a accept or reject the he� Chapter 18. �l�ment a pedestrian crossing in the proposed inciudes that the safety problems or lack thereof ety crossing, the director shall submit that ,nts to the council and the signer of the appeal in the manner provided in section ip�tove the implementation of a pedestrian safety crossing it,�d pursuant to section 156.03(d) may submit a written request "��uncil shali forward the appeal to a legislafive hearing officer ant to Saint Paul legislative code chapter 18. At least ten (10) Council shall provide notice of the hearing in the official City days prior to the hearing, notice shall also be served by mail on �d pursuant to secrion 156.03(d). No other notice shall be �legislative hearing officer shall hear all interested persons and shall � terials relevant to the merits of the perition. The legislative hearing commendation in resolution form to the city council, which may officer's recommendation, as provided for in Legislative Code Oi a � � 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 Sec.156.06. Signai adjustment Upon the director's detetmivarion pursuant to sections 156.02 ar 156.04 that safety warrant the designafion of a pedestrian safety crossing, or upon passage of a co authorizing the creation of a pedestrian safety crossing under sections 156.02 o St �oblems do resolution OS.the director shall cause the pedestrian safety crossing to be created as authorize y(1) this chapter; (2) Chapter 488, article 6, section 5, Minnesota Laws; and (3) the Minnes a Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, as amended from time to time. Before implem ting any such pedestrian safety crossing, the director shall also analyze whether to �'ovide the signal crossing informarion in a non-visual format, such as with audible tones or vef�al messages and/or vibrotactile information, so that it is discemable to the blind. If t�ie director determines that accessible signal crossing inforxnation is not appropriate, the council providing a factual or other basis in support of that d Section 2 Saint Paul Legislative Code Section 18.01 is hereby Sec.18.01. Legislative hearing officer. In order to hear and decide appeals of c enforcement officers relative to the eni contained in the Saint Paul Legislative • shall present a report to the including cost estimates. to read as follows: decisions or determinations made by the ;nt of health, housing, building or fire codes and in order to hear a�peals and make Legislative Code, there shall be and islfiereby created a legislative hearing officer. The legislative hearing officer shall be a City of Sa�uft Paul employee appointed by the president of the city council. The legislative hearing offt�er shall have the authority to hear appeals to orders, decisions or determinations of the�nforcement officers or others and make recommendations to the city council. The hearing off�er shall not have the power to grant waivers of the Minnesota State Buiiding Code. All matte�, orders, decisions and determinations of the hearing officer shall be forwarded to the city �ouncil in resolution form within ten (10) days of the hearing officer's actions. The city co cil shall ha�e the authority to approve, modify, reverse, revoke, wholly or partly, the heari� officer's orders, decisions or deternunations and shall make such order, decision or determ�ation as ought to be made. Section 3 123 This ordin�lice is effective thirty (30) days after its passage, approval and publication. 0 O/-a a� � i-z�� "' CITY OF SAINT PAUL � ;�_ =�' * OFFICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL PATRICK W. HARRIS CoundUnember Mazch 28, 2001 TO: Councilmember Dan Bostrom Councilmember 3erry Blakey Councilmember Chris Coleman Counciimember Jay Benanav Councilmember Jim Reiter Councilmember Kathy Lan FROM: Councilmember Pat Hams� r/���- RE: Today's Agenda Item #40 (CF##01-277) for Second Reading: Technical Amendment to Ordinance Creating a New Chapter 156 and Amending Chapter 18 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code to Authorize the Designation of Pedestrian Safety Crossings I am introducing the following technical amendment to this ordinance: ❑ Page 2, line 45 of the current draft decreases the area from which potential petitioners for pedestrian safety crossings can be drawn from 1200 feet in any direction from the intersecrion to 600 feet in any direction from the intersection CITY HALL SUITE 310C SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102-1615 651/266-8630 ,�.. Prmted on Recytled Paper ORIG{NAL Presented By Referred To Committee � 1 An Ordinance creating a new Chapter 156 and Amending 2 Legislative Code to Authorize the Designation of Pedestrian Sa 3 and 4 to Authorize the Legislative Hearing Offic� 5 of decasions related to Pedestrian Safe$� 6 7 8 9 THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL Section 1 A new Saint Paul Legislative Code Chapter CFIAPTER 156: Traffic Code - Pedestrian 18 of the Saint Paul 'o hear appeals Crossings. is hereby adopted to read as follows: Crossings 10 Sec. 156.01. Declaration of public policy a�id purpose. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 The council of the City of Saint Paul finds,,�that there may be intersections or areas within the City of Saint Paul which require extra tinie for pedestrians to safely cross streets, in addition to the time recommended under the Minn,esota Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices for pedestrian signals. This pedestrian saf�ty crossing ardinance is hereby established in arder to protect children and other pedestriar�s from bodily injury and to protect real and personal properiy from damage by reducing;such hazardous traffic conditions. Sec. 156.02. Pedestrian safet�'crossings authorized. The director of public intersections or other signals for such inters extent the timing is cc Manual of L3niform� handicapped pedes z ordinauce, the rec�mn coun�a F�e # � �— �1'l Ordinance # Green Sheet # '� � � ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MIlVNESOTA � �or� or council, pursuant to this chapter, may establish and designate ��5 as pedestrian safety crossings. The timing of pedestrian crossing �ions or areas may be extended consistent with this ordinance or, to the ;istent with this ordinance, the recommendations of the Minnesota Ffic Control Devices for pedestrian signal tnning at senior citizen and crossings, as amended from time to time. For the purpose of this nded timing for a pedestrian safety crossing shall be, as follows: 1 ORIGINAL 25 � `WALK' = Distance from curb to the opposite curb, divided by three (3) minimum; and 28 • Flashing `DON'T WALK' = Distance from curb to the opposite curb, ddvided by three 29 (3) feeUsecond m;nimum. ✓ „ ;' 3� The Council may also by resolution subsequently discontinue or remove any such pedestrian 31 safety crossing designation. 32 33 34 35 The authority of the director of public works to determine chapter is in addition to any other control exercised by the signals. Sec. 156.03. Petition. o � ��� n signal timing under this over the tixning of pedestrian 36 (a) The designation of a pedestrian safety crossing ina� also be initiated by a petirion filed with 37 the director of public works stating that a particular tintersection ar area is encountering serious 38 pedestrian safety problems because of inadequate �``edestrian signal crossing times. A filing fee 39 of ten dollars ($10.00) shall accompany every pefition. 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 (b) The petition must specifically state the inadequate pedestrian signal crossing time crossing time is to be increased. ,, us pedestrian safety problems being caused by the specific location where pedeshian signal (c) Each signer shall thereon write his,or her name and address. It shall be signed by at least ten (10) percent of all: business property:�wners and all owners and/or residents of private residences, dwellings and aparnnenY"houses located within 1200 feet in any direcrion from the intersecrion. The signatures shall,be verified by the office of the city clerk. Any name appearing on the petition not conforming t�'the ownership/residency requirement at the tune the petition is submitted to the city clerk shai �e stricken and shall not be included. Any signer may withdraw his or her name by filing a �en request with the director within fifteen (15) days of the date that the director receives the,: - etition. If for any reason the number of signers falls below ten (10) percent within fifteen (15) �'ays of the date that the director receives the petition, the petition shall be deemed defectiv and shall not be considered. 53 (d) Each separate pa ' of the petition shall have appended thereto a certificate, verified by oath, 54 that each signature�as signed by the person purporting to ha�e signed the peririon. The perition 55 shall designate an wner or a resident of dwelling located within 1200 feet of the intersection 56 who shall have t�e responsibility of verifying each separate page of signatures, as well as the 2 Q�!GI��L 57 58 59 60 61 62 b3 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 :1 : : : :� :. .. .� . responsibility of assisting the director in the investigation of the request to unplement a pedestrian safety crossing in the proposed area. �_' (e) The petition shall be reviewed by the relevant local district council who recommendation of support or non-support regarding the proposed pedes ' azea. Sec. 156.04. Investigation, analysis, and decision ry make a safety crossing o� -a'1'� After the director of public works receives and validates a petition alleging serious pedestrian safety problems in the designated area, the director shall make an investigation to assess the nature and extent of the safety problems, if any, at that location and detenniue the feasibility of a pedestrian safety crossing for that area or related areas% This investigation shall last no longer than ninety (90) days from the receipt of the petitiont�The investigation may include, but shall not be limited to, observations, surveys, studies ar�ny other data-gathering method which will assist the d'uector in detenniniug whether to des%gnate a pedestrian safety crossing. ABer analyzing the results of the investigation, and aft'er considering any relevant material submitted by any person or group having an interest in t�ie establishment of a pedestrian safety crossing for that azea, the director shall issue a written report rejecting or designating a specific pedestrian safety crossing area. If the directar concludes that safety probiems do warrant the designation of a pedestrian safety crossing, the director shall implement a pedestrian crossing in the proposed area pursuant to section 156.06. If the director concludes that the safety problems or lack thereof do not warrant the designation of a conclusion in a letter with any sup� certificate. In such an event, the p� 156.05. „� Sec.156.05. Appeal and aan safety crossing, the director shall submit that statements to the council and the signer of the rs may appeal in the manner provided in sec6on In the event the director�oes not approve the implementation of a pedestrian safety crossing area, the owner or resid t designated pursuant to section 156.03(d) may submit a written request for an appeal to the cotuicil. The council shall forward the appeal to a legislative hearing officer t for a hearing on the p tition pursuant to Saint Paul legislative code chapter 18. At least ten (10) days prior to the he, `��ing, the City Council shall provide notice of the hearing in the official City Council agenda. � least ten (10) days prior to the hearing, notice shall also be served by mail on the owner or the �esident designated pursuant to section 156.03(d). No other notice shall be required. At the�earing, the legislative hearing officer shall hear all interested persons and shall receive and cc�sider all materials relevant to the merits of the perition. The legislative hearing officer shall�Yhen make a recomxnendation in resolution form to the city council, which may accept or r the hearing officer's recommendafion, as provided for in Legislative Code Chapter 1,�. 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 f 3� } � i r�t. i ni : S `.,o i �. : �...> : k `'� . i ._._ Sec.156.06. Signal adjustment Upon the director's detemzinafion pursuant to sections 156A2 or 156.04 that warrant the designarion of a pedeshian safety crossing, or upon passage of a authorizing the creation of a pedestrian safety crossing under sections 156 director shall cause the pedestrian safety crossing to be created as authonzed (2) Chapter 488, article 6, section 5, Mianesota Laws; and (3) the MiFinesota Tzaffic Control Devices, as amended from time to time. Before implementin u�-��� safe roblems do c cil resolution or 156.05, the by (1) this chapter; Manual on Uniform any such pedestrian safety crossing, the director shall also analyze whethe to provide the signal crossing information in a non-visual format, such as with audibie tones r verbal messages and/or vibrotactile information, so that it is discernable to the blind.� If the director detennines that accessibie signal crossing information is not appropriate, th�' director shall present a report to the council providing a factual or other basis in support of thap�decision, including cost estimates. Section Saint Paul Legislative Code Section 18.01 is Sec. 18.01. Legislative hearing officer. In order to hear and decide appeals of enforcement officers relative to the en contained in the Saint Paul Legislative amended to read as follows: decisions or determinations made by the ent of health, housing, building or fire codes and in order to hear apneais and make Le�islative Code, there sha11 be and�is hereby created a legislative hearing officer. The legislative hearing officer shall be a City of S�int Paul employee appointed by the president of the city council. The legislative hearing 6�ficer shall have the authority to hear appeals to orders, decisions or determinations of 'e enforcement officers or others and make recommendations to the city council. The hearing ficer shall not have the power to grant waivers of the Minnesota State Building Code. All m ers, orders, decisions and determinations of the hearing officer shall be forwarded to the c' council in resolurion form within ten (10) days of the hearing officer's actions. The city�eouncil shall have the authority to approve, modify, reverse, revoke, wholly or partly, the he g officer's orders, decisions or deternunations and shall make such order, decision or deter ination as ought to be made. Section 3 123 This ardin�nce is effective thirry (30) days after its passage, approval and publicarion. � �.lRI�7�iV�L o�-a�� �l=�2-?__= .� „- .� ' ile ; �e, , . �a- �5 ; �er ; or ' i. �ee .s� �k ":04 �,st Philip McDonald has become an expert on pedest�ian crosswalks and traffic issues through his 10•year effort Yo standardize crossing times at metro-area inter: 1N�Ik/don'� wal Philip By Thor Carison Editor He's lobbied leaders at the capitol and citv hall. He's vsritten reams of letters. He's become an outspoken member of an international pedestrian associ- ation. He's enlisted the help of electrical engineering students at Dunwoody Institute to came up with new tech- nolow for crosswalk signals. He's even ° acted" in homemade videos that demonstrate ho�c little time pedestrian� have to cross «'t�ie. busy intersectioiis. For 83-�ear-old Philip �IcDonaid. those are all necessary pieces in �anat has no�v been a 10-year et"fort co make crosswalks more pedestrian friendly. "I'd like to get St. Paul as pedestri- an friendly as possible," the retixed mechanical engineer explained of his hometown. ° I'd like us to set the stan- dard and other communities could see how effective it really is." He figures he spends "a solid 10 hours a week reseazching or lobbying about increased crosswalk safety. He's a familiar face in the halls of the x�an EI�F.EEDBA.C.K _ 3 �_��. , Reader Feedback is a forum•for readers to give their v'iews on issues that have recentiy been covered in Good Age. .:�' '• Is there something in this month's issue that triggers an idea? Readers are always welcome to sfiare their opinions. Tliose want- ing to participate in this forum can send their signed letters: • By mail to Good Age, 570 Asbury St., Ste. 305, St: Paul, MN 55104; • By e-mail to tecQwilder.org; � `�""�`�� ' � • By fax to 651-917-1827. Letters for consideration for the May edition need to be at the Good Age office by Wednesday, April"11. McDonald crusades tc FROM THE EDITOR'S DESK state capitol and'St Pant city hall. ., So whp is Philip w committed to thia pedestrian canse?�He can tell�you the essct date and time that it became a buramg issue to him. " `It was Sept. 10, 1390;'at 10:40 a.m.; vcithin thtee blocks of our house."'.:� -:' . - Tha�s when his wife, Mary Kay, was struck by a. bus es she was crossing at the iatersection of ' Cleveland Aveaue and FordParkway. " � :, � _ "She must, have presumed that the bus was , going to go straight; Philip said. But it�.turned, struck her and' dragged her under the wheei:Phitip was out of Eowri closing np.8heir lake cabii� at� the tinne,of the collisiom'I�Iotified of tfie incident, he rushed home. It was shortly after he arrived at the hospital afteraoon,: bnt.before he got a chance to see her, that Mary Bay;,gassed away. �, " I=onically, five peara: earii'er_she' had written a letter to the editor, eomeone would, killed'. at tfie;:interaection'if safety measures ) �s_my way of copmg; ay'coPe bg drinking; I p . ' ings with a:tone sLet can audibly aleEt blind gedea-, ., . trians that'tliey hape the zight of way�� crqsa.. a 'ih�ng that, idea a, atep fwthe� a' beeping fone�at' :" the,'end' oftfie signat'aterts.that the rig}it of way'ie ':' soon�endinpY , � � • � � � � �� '� � -�I 'tllso, he's-worinag with education eBorts to. heiP '^ ; all, pedestriaas und'erstand how crossing signals -^, work:: � . : :�•;_,; - � `There are ; a . lot-more people tham you'd tivnk ' who don't know.what the (crosswaik'>signal) : but- - tons are for," he said "Peogle.are just' wallrixtg iifto a,trap if they don't'und",'erstand:; We;ve worked.'-to. - get deca}s put on at all the crossings,to eaplain the. .; � �: - . butitons. , � � • � � `� � . ' . . ,r_ : "Some people, get panicked by the flashing�`don't .� walti' sig�ly'� he epntinued. What ��it is is� a.visnal �. Clue th8t E�l ,t1IIle 33 ninnin� OlI� OII j1C(IESCTIBII .. right of,wap end that soon tlie °Don't WalY' signal w�Y be commg. About'fioe years agq Philip:was a' key player in ,a pedestrian safety prog�am put on • �, by-the city o�3t Pmil. � � ,�� � �, . ' � � � = Despite: a}1' fhe, time,' and effort he's gut into the , i.ysue; Philig hasn'x.had'a major victory hang his. . � n3V¢IYL L86CII-8 ailIIK'ffiIIce 7�18� aAy :_' , - -. . . .. ;' '; Bnt he has ; had`a:;t6iist`.for Iearning'more about 'regulations amundRinteisections. Wfiat he's. found: 'is:t}iat:theze are`liugeinconsistencies with`tiie �'amounfs-oft�e aliowed fo'r people to get,across. , :-.: `Pm'fay'tng:to:stsndardizeit,' Ph�7ip said. Federal: : reguIations stipulate`that�pedestrians should fia've. one second per• three feet;�of street they.:have'to ' � Fross:, So on a 120-fao�cvide street; the waltc timers �. _ . ,. . , �guinea pig' daugh� deotaped and timed crossing 'a varietp of intersections. That foot�ge is part of,the arsenal of information he, shoots at'of1i= :asls whea he tries to make.his points. - - , . ', - ;a, couple,other� c ' ,,:,,- - .ry+effort wittr"visiai � __ _` �:Yf, 54= �4. . .. _. _ T j ro � ud J a � bou � l � s y � ••^ 'J W� �.{ �OK � C' S117UItDAY. NGNCH 31: 2001 ' tem, re cideo6 90 pe�c dap. Ri at �Yaffic`�cials�say that,if you change.k}u ing of,the`signals, it will throw off ali'�he�'syi �_ _. _C�l. _ _ _Y_'t MLL• _1��1tp��LnT ��. a tratu�,�_ TM+� uevice. w up as mu¢h speed'[�etween 'be mo;e cautious.° But he rules to make ug,for lost hme: . "I look at this as,zero tolera `�iere slwuld' not be' anyone hii tious motoi?sYs need to be. ,'" - «'in . .!M. w� f!_ _T�__ L !____ T .,�h'[_^�_�� issuea.One is a joint,._ l0,yeazs from,i�aw, tgroups 4n equip, cross ` frustrat�on `But nntiil I ^'tr.-... _ _ . . �—_:. � . .- - -- � . � „ - . , � N' i\ 1VAi'IONAL I3R' w�oed 34 iv�e'Sec�tiais t6at were as cmver6ed W tou'Mabouts. in oavC vauR OgrytS, 7Tpn• w�rc JN plR2pt fCteer aCCid�m'tc af tfio ,� muvda6ouGS StVdied, thr rrpnr( , EauM. .:. O3 ''k- ..�,. T .... . . _-- . . C' � �.ons«as�s�•s�'- T = � = C,r . = N 3.'ac,'3E _'_ c :,3'�0,� �� y� �LSfJ� G�v 0G o -°�'�aE9.c� �='m:-, �' E�„ =_°:o�QJ�>=,. ',md pi 'Ta �.J �fF.�A6�CGO��� �"T� ��z , N .�m , _oo��2_p� E a�:m_m - ° r� tai �� o � R—a W o i t6 ..F ¢� wC`__ m o'-� v v �3 a:a >,,$ p �iY'F ^���_ �9 c �i �a 3 0.=. �_s tO 'wV ��� � j, �����1 m�saces a[ stop etgas and tcaRic -- -- ---^— � � _ � - � � signs�caabemwtmphi�"saia TazaYouPayanIRtlDi�bamaa; :' ' ' , . '. .. Hetting,anaathoroEthestudq. atCmBeDoubkdTaud-AndYalMryOwnOneOf'I}�em - �TIIOOSiM4 OE OElaItlS 0)0[IES ' ronWbeprevented."7hestuQyi� iveai099Sno�mcFmmYaaM�iantFundCumpa�ryfS� . - � ' •TheTcud�il6oucIvngTcmCacelmiu��c, .. � � ., = 3' E, E ;-', please cell ot write to:'s': �?. COD'A' @ 13Y26 6th Ave; N:;:' � Anoka, MI!I�55303' �' � � ` (6I2};718-078'Z � �'�s S'�•'�'�'��' 6• 21� - o � ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, NIINNESOTA Presented By Referred To � Committee Da�te 1 An Ordinance creating a new Chapter 156 and Amending Chapter 18 of the Saint Paul 2 Legislative Code to Authorize the Designation of �e�a€et�y- Safe Pedestrian Crossings 3 and 0 0 to Authorize the Legislative Hearing Officer to heaz appeals of decisions related to �i�rrStrfet� Safe Pedestrian Crossings. TI� COUNCIL OF Tf� CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 A new Saint Paul Legislative Code Chapter 156 is hereby adopted to read as follows: 10 CHAPTER 15b: Traffic Code - Safe Pedestrian Crossings Sec. 156.01. Declaration of public policy and purpose. 11 The council of the City of Saint Paul finds that there may be intersections or areas within the 12 City of Saint Paul which require ea�tra time for pedestrians to safely cross streets, in addition to 13 the time recommended under the Minnesota Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices for 14 pedestrian signals. This ��-s� safe nedestrian crossing ordinance is hereby established 15 in order to protect children and other pedestrians from bodily injury and to protect real and 16 personal property from damage by reducing such hazardous traffic conditions. 17 Sec.156.02. �esfrixa-�ai'et� Safe oedestrian crossings authorized. 18 19 20 21 22 23 The director of public works or council, pursuant to this chapter, may establish and designate intersections or other azeas as�e�es�iaerse€eEy safe nedestrian crossings . The timing of pedestrian crossing signals for such intersections or azeas may be ea�tended consistent with this ordinance or, to the eartent the timing is consistent with this ordinance, the recommendations of the Minnesota Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices for pedestrian signal timing at senior citizen and handicapped pedestrian crossings, as amended from time to time. For the purpose of Council File # Q 1 +��� Ordinance # Green Sheet # U� 3 O Q � E'U$LIS1iE� �� �1l 23 'p� °``� � ��-o � o�.a�� 24 this ordinance, the recommended timing for a�e�estriafl-sa€e� safe oedestrian crossing shall be, 25 as follows: 26 • `WALK' _ ' ,� 27 � seven (71 seconds minimum; and 28 • Flashiug `DON'T VJALK' = Distance from curb to the opposite curb, divided by �kree 29 {3j two and hatf (2.5� feet/second minimum. 30 The Council may also by resolution subsequenfly discontinue or remove any such �es� 31 sa€et� safepedestrian crossing designarion. 32 The authority of the director of publio works to deternune pedestrian signal timing under this 33 chapter is in addition to any oiher control exercised by the director over the timing of pedesirian 34 signals. The director of public works, on his or her initiative or at the reauest of inembers of the 35 public. mav establish a safe nedestrian crossin�. Therefore citizens seeking to establish a safe 36 nedestrian crossine should initiate anv attempt to create such a crossing bv first contacting the 37 director of public works before undertaking the roetition nrocess described in Section 156 03 38 Sec.156.03. Petition. 39 (a) The designation of a pe�esti�a�q safe pedeskrian crossing may also be initiated by a 40 petition filed with the director of public works stating that a particulaz intersection or azea is 41 encountering serious pedestrian safety problems because of inadequate pedestrian signal crossing 42 times. A filing fee of ten dollazs ($10.00) shall accompany every petition. 43 (t�) T% petition must specifically state the serious pedestrian safety problems being caused by 44 inadequate pedestrian signal crossing times aud the specific location where pedestrian signal 45 crossing time is to be increased. 46 (c) Each signer shall thereon write his or her name and address. It shall be signed by at least -tea 47 {-�9j twentv five (251 percent of all: business property owners and all owners and/or residents of 48 private residences, dwe3iings and apartment houses located within i�88 600 feet in any direction 49 from the intersec�on 'The signatures shall be verified by the office of the city clerk. Any name 50 appearing on the petition not conforming to the ownership/residency requirement at the time the 51 petition is submitted to the city clerk shall be stricken and shall not be included. Any signer may 52 withdraw his or her name by filing a written request with the director within fifteen (15) days of 53 the date that the director receives the petition. If for any reason the number of signers falls below 54 ten (10) percent within fifteen (15) days of the date that the director receives the petition, the 55 petition shall be deemed defective and shall not be considered. 2 � G"-��"° ( a i • a�� 56 (d) Each sepazate page of the petirion shall have appended thereto a certificate, verified by oath, 57 that each signature was signed by the person purporting to have signed the petition. The petition 58 shall designate an owner or a resident of dwelling located within i�99 600 feet of the intersection 59 who shall have the responsibility of verifying each separate page of signatures, as well as the 60 responsibility of assisting the director in the investigation of the request to implement a 61 pe�estri�n-s� safe pedestrian crossing in Yhe proposed azea. 62 (e) The petition shall be reviewed by the relevant local district council who may make a 63 recommendation of support or non-support regazding the proposed pe�es�et� safe 64 uedestrian crossing azea 65 Lfl The oefition shall also snecifv that the si�ner has read and understands the literature vrenazed 66 bv the Deoartment of Public Works earolainin¢ what the uedestrian indications mean and signed a 67 nledpe indicating their responsibility as both pede�t*�an and motorist 68 Sec.156.04. Investigation, analysis, and decision 69 After the director of public works receives and validates a petition alleging serious pedestrian 70 safety problems in the designated azea, the director sha11 make an investigation to assess the 71 nature and extem of the safety problems, if any, at that location and determine the feasibility of a 72 pe�es� safe vedestrian crossing for that area or related areas. This investigation shall 73 last no longer than ninety (90) days from the receipt of the petition. The investigarion may 74 include, but shall not be limited to, observations, surveys, studies or any other data-gathering 75 method which will assist the director in determiniug whether to designate a�iarrsa€et� safe 76 uedestrian crossing. After analyzing the results of the investigation, and after considering any 77 relevant material submitted by any person or group having an interest in the establishment of a 78 �-saf'et� safe pedestrian crossing for that azea, the director shall issue a written report 79 rej ecting or des'sgnating a sQecific �e�es�sa-sateYy safe pedestrian crossing area If the director 80 concludes that safety problems do vvanaul the designation of a ge�esFr� safe pedestrian 81 crossing, the director shall implement a pedestrian crossing in the proposed azea pursuant to 82 section 156.06. The director may provide pefltioners with a range of technological alternatives 83 includine the use of aush-buttons. bv which the e�rterided time mav be implemented if the 84 directoi concludes tk�at the safety problems or lack thereof do not warrant the designation of a 85 ge�es�etp safe nedestrian erossing, the director shall submiY that conclusion in a letter 86 with any supporting statements to the councii and the signer of the certificate. In such an event, 87 the petitioners may appeal in the manner provided in section 156.05. 3 � ly� ����( a�..z�� � 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 Sec.156.05. Appeal and hearing. In the event the director does not approve the implementafion of a ge��+� safe estrian crossing azea, the owner or resident designated pursuant to section 156.03 (d) may submit a written request for an appeal to the council. The council shail forwazd the appeal to a legislative hearing officer for a hearing on the petition pursuant to Saint Paul legislative code chapter 18. At least ten (10) days prior to the hearing, the City Council shall provide notice of the hearing in the official City Council agenda. At least ten (10) days prior to the hearing, notice shall also be served by mail on the owner or the resident designated pursuant to section 156.03(d). No other notice shail be required. At the hearing, the legislative hearing officer shall hear all interested persons and shall receive and consider all materials relevant to the merits of the petition. The legislative hearing officer shall then make a recommendation in resolution form to the city council, which may accept or reject the hearing officer's recommendation, as provided for in Legislative Code Chagter 18. Sec. 156.06. Signal adjustment. 102 Upon the director's deternunation pursuant to sections 156.02 or 156.04 that safety problems do 103 warrant the designation of a gc �estria�ss€et� safe nedestrian crossing, or upon passage of a 104 council resolution authorizing the crea6on of a ge�es�iaa-saf�ty safe pedestrian crossing under 105 sections 156.02 or 156.05, the director shall cause the �e�+�sa€et� safe pedestrian crossing 106 to be created as authorized by (1) this chapter; (2) Chapter 488, article 6, section 5, Minnesota 107 Laws; and (3) the Minnesota-Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, as amended from time 108 to time. 109 If, after a minimum of ninet�(901 davs after the unnlementation of safe nedestrian crossine 110 citizens who netitioned for the safe nedestrian crossin� aze unsatisfied with e7ctended time 1 i 1 nrovided. the netitioner(sl mav reouest. in wriring an assessment of the effectiveness of the 112 e�ended time �ovided at safe nedestrian crossing The director of nublic works shall com�lete 113 #his assessment sixty €6E►1 davs a�er recei�t of the wriiten rewest from netitioner Unon 114 comnletion of the assessment the director shall issue a written report stat� the results of the 115 assessment and a statement of whether the director decided to e�ctend the time further at the safe l lb nedestrian crossin¢. This written renort shall be issued to the petitioner(sl who reauested the 117 assessment and the Citv Council. 0 .�",�'` G% � 7-c ( a�-��� i18 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 Section 2 Saint Paul Legislative Code Section 18.01 is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec.18.01. Legislative hearing officer. In order to hear and decide appeals of orders, decisions or determinations made by the enforcement officers relative to the enforcement of health, housing, building or fire codes contained in the Saint Paul Legislative Code, and in order to hear anneals and make determinations relarive to ge�esEriatrs� safe pedestrian crossing azeas under section 156 OS of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. there shall be and is hereby created a legislative hearing officer. The legislative hearing officer shall be a City of Saint Paul employee appointed by the president of the city council. The legislative hearing officer shall have the authority to heaz appeals to orders, decisions or detemrinations of the enforcement officers or others and make recommendations to the city council. The hearing o�cer shall not have the power to grant waivers of the Minnesota State Building Code. All matters, orders, decisions and determinations of the hearing officer shall be forwarded to the city council in resolution form within ten (10) days of the hearin� officer's actions. The city council shall have the authority to approve, modify, reverse, revoke, wholly or partty, ihe hearing officer's orders, decisions or deternunations and shall make such order, decision or determination as ought to be made. Section 3 This ordinance is effective thirry (30) days after its passage, approval and publication. 5 -F�'"" �°�-7 � f oi-a�� xv� Requested by Department of: 8 �" Yy�� � 1� Approved by Mayor: Dat�V (� � � By: / � BY: Form Apprd$eed by City Ab f ey BYv/��� � /i ��'�� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: '_• I .�..� ( Adopted by Council: Date `,§���n � Adoption Certified by Counci Secr y h� a � -a�� DFPARTMINTlOFFICE/COUNCIL � DA7E n+iruTeD 1 I O J O O c�t coun��i z-zs-oi GREEN SHEET No CONTACT PERSON 8 PHONE inmaWae InM1a11Date Councilmember Harris �p�30 oerr�rtumrtnnrzrde a,rea.ra. MUSi BE ON COUNCIL AGFNDA BY (DA'fE) ASSIGN 3-7-01 - rmwnou�v anc�nc NUMBERFOR ROUTING �� wlllYlu.BErtVICFSOR nIAlrJUaErtITALRC - ❑ WYORIORA8A8lMlT� ❑ TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION RE�UESTm An Ordinance creating a new Chapter 156 and amending Chapter 18 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code to authorize the designation of Pedestrian Safety Crossings and to authorize the Legislative Hearing Officer to hear appeals of decisions related to Pedestrian Safety Crossings. RECOMMENDATION Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACfS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWSNG QUESTIONS: 1. Has this persoNflrm ever waAced under a coMract for this departmenl't PLANNING CAMMISSION VES NO CIB COMMITTEE 2. Has Nis person/firm ever been a dty employee? CIVILSERVICECOMMISSION YES NO 3. Dces this persoNfiim possess a skill not normaltypossessed by any curtent city empbyee4 VES NO � 4. I8 this person/firm a fergeted ventloY! YES NO i F�mlain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to preen sheet INITIATING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPoR7UNIN (WM, What, When, Where, Why) . ADVAMAGES IFAPPROVED The City of Saint Paul will be able to extend pedestr3an crosswalk time through the implementation of Pedestrian Safety Crossings. DISADVANTAGES IF APPR9VED None DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED The City of Saint Paul will be unable to extend pedestrian crosswalk time and will not be able to im lement Pe TOTALAMOUNTOFTRANSACTIONS COST/REVENUEBUDGEfED(CIRCLEONE) VES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTNITY NUMBER FINANCW. MFORMATIIXJ (IXPWN) ' ° � (� �j S�J�lit y / y�°/ �✓ i'+,s vilVI�SL Presented By ORDINANCE OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Council File # �!' Z 7 7 Ordinance # Green Sheet # / /v �d aq Referred To Committee D�,f' /� 1 An Ordinance creating a new Chapter 156 and Amending Chapter 18 �the Saint Paul Legislative 2 Code to Authorize the Designation of Pedestrian Safety Crossings� 3 and ,� 4 to Authorize the Legislative Hearing Office�o hear appeals 5 of decisions related to Pedestrian Saf,�fy Crossings. 6 THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SA1NT PAUL DOLS ORDAIN: 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 A new Saint Paul Legislative Code CHAPTER 156: Traffic Code - Sec. 156.01. Declaration of public The council of the City of Saint Paul of Saint Paul which require extra tim time recommended under the Minn�: pedestrian signals. This pedestrian sa protect children and other pedest an: from damage by reducing such�iazar 156 is hereby adopted to read as follows: Crossings and purpose. �ids that there may be intersections or areas within the City for pedestrians to safely cross streets, in addition to the ita Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices for ety crossing ordinance is hereby established in order to from bodily injury and to protect real and personal property ous traffic conditions. Sec. 156.02. Pedestrian s�ety crossings authorized. The director of public rks or council, pursuant to this chapter, may establish and designate intersections or other eas as pedestrian safety crossings. The timing of pedestrian crossing signals for such inte ections or areas may be extended consistent with this ardinance or, to the extent the timing ' consistent with this ordinance, the recommendations of the Minnesota Manual of Uniform Tr c Control Devices for pedestrian signal timing at senior citizen and handicapped pedestrian crossings, as amended from time to time. For the purpose of this ordinance, the 1 o�-a��� DRIG��1�L 24 25 26 27 recommended liming for a pedestrian safety crossing shall be, as follows: `WALK' = Distance from curb to the opposite curb, divided by three (3) feeUsecond ininimum; and 28 • Flashing `DON'T WALK' = Distance from curb to the opposite curb, divided by th3e 29 feet/second minimum. � / ,,. 30 The Council may also by resolution subsequently discontinue or remove any s}�eh pedestrian 31 safety crossing designation. % 32 33 34 35 The authority of the director of public works to determine chapter is in addition to any other control exercised by the signals. Sec.156.03. Petition. timing under tlus over the timing of pedestrian 36 (a) The designation of a pedestrian safety crossing m�also be initiated by a petition filed with the 37 director of pubiic works stating that a particular inte ection or area is encountering serious 38 pedestrian safety problems because of inadequate p�destrian signal crossing times. A filing fee of 39 ten dollars ($10.00) shall accompany every petition. 40 (b) The petition must specifically state the se '� s pedestrian safety problems being caused by 41 inadequate pedestrian signal crossing times � d the specific location where pedestrian signal 42 crossing time is to be increased. 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 (c) Each signer shall thereon write�or her name and address. It shall be signed by at least ten (10) percent of all: business prope owners and all owners and/or residents of private residences, dwellings and apartm houses located within �99 600 feet in any direction from the intersection. The signatures shaYl be verified by the office of the city clerk. Any name appearing on the petirion not conformin�to the ownership/residency requirement at the tnne the petition is submitted to the city clerk s 1 be stricken and sha11 not be included. Any signer may withdraw his or her name by filing �tten request with the director within fifteen (15) days of the date that the director percent within f be deemed defe� he petition. If for any reason the number of signers falls below ten (10) ) days of the date that the director receives the petition, the petition shail shall not be considered. ° (d) Each sepazat�e page of the petition sha11 have appended thereto a certificate, verified by oath, that each signature was signed by the person purporting to have signed the petifion. The petition 2 o l- �-� 7 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 �.'I �f vii`ur fmo0 shall designate an owner or a resident of dwelling located within i�66�feet of the intersection who shall have the responsibility of verifying each separate page of signatures, as well as th responsibility of assisting the director in the investigation of the request to impieme a pedeshian safety crossing in the proposed azea. (e) The pefition shall be reviewed by the relevant local district council who recommendation of support or non-support regazding the proposed pedestr��' area. � Sec. 156.04. Investigation, analysis, and decision 63 tlfter the director of public works receives and validates a 64 safety problems in the designated area, the director shall n 65 nature and eatent of the safety problems, if any, at that loc iy make a safety crossing �n alleging serious pedestrian �n investigation to assess the and determine the feasibility of a 66 pedestrian safety crossing for that area or related areas. Tl�s investigation shall last no longer 67 than ninety (90) days from the receipt of the petition. Th�investigation may include, but shall not 68 be limited to, observations, surveys, studies or any othe�'data-gathering method which will assist 69 the director in determining whether to designate a ped safety crossing. After analyzing the 70 results of the invesfigation, and after considering an}�relevant material submitted by any person or 71 group having an interest in the establishment of a p�destrian safety crossing for that area, the 72 director shall issue a written report rejecting or d�;�ignating a specific pedestrian safety crossing 73 area. If the director concludes that safety probl�ns do warrant the designation of a pedestrian 74 safety crossing, the directar shail implement �a� crossing in the proposed azea pursuant 75 to section 156.06. If the director concludes tt�at the safety problems or lack thereof do not 76 warrant the designation of a pedestrian safe� crossing, the director shall submit that conclusion in 77 a letter with any supporting statements to the council and the signer of the certificate. In such an 78 event, the peritioners may appeal in the n�Y�er provided in secfion 156.05. 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 Sec.156.05. Appeal and hearing. In the event the director does not the owner or resident designatedr an appeal to the council. The c i ove the implementation of a pedestrian safety crossing area, iant to section 156.03(d) may submit a written request for sha11 forward the appeal to a legislative hearing officer for a heazing on the petition purs t to Saint Paullegislative code chapter 18. At least ten (10) days prior to the hearing, the City ouncil shall provide notice of the hearing in the official City Council agenda. At least t(10) days prior to the hearing, notice shall also be served by mail on the owner or the resident esignated pursuant to section 156.03(d). No other nofice sha11 be required. At the hearing e legislative hearing officer sha11 hear all interested persons and shall receive and consider materials relevant to the merits of the petition. The legislative hearing officer shall then m e a recommendation in resolution form to the city councii, which may accept or reject the he ' officer's recommendation, as provided for in Legislative Code Chapter 18. o c - a��� 9� QRi�ii`��� Sec. 156.06. Signal adjustment. 92 Upon the director's deterinination pursuant to sections 156.02 or 156.04 that safeTy � 93 warrant the designation of a pedestrian safety crossing, or upon passage of a council 94 authorizing the creation of a pedeshian safety crossing under sections 156.02 or 156 95 director shall cause the pedestrian safety crossing to be created as authorized by ( 96 (2) Chapter 488, article 6, section 5, Minnesota Laws; and (3) the Muuiesota M ua 97 Traffic Control Devices, as amended from time to time. •;� .. 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 Section 2 �� �,the us chapter; on Uniform Saint Paui Legislative Code Section 18.01 is hereby amended to re�as follows: �" Sec. 18.01. Legislative hearing officer. In order to hear and decide appeals of orders, decisions or, eterminations made by the enforcement o�cers relafive to the enforcement of healt,�; housing, building or fire codes contained in the Saint Paul Legislative Code, Lepislative Code, there shall be and is hereby create� a legislative hearing officer. The legislative heazing officer shall be a City of Saint Paul emplo,j�ee appointed by the president of the city council. The legislarive hearing officer shall hav�the authority to hear appeals to orders, decisions or determinations of the enforcement officers o,� others and make recommendations to the city council. The hearing ofFicer shall not have power to grant waivers of the Minnesota State Building Code. All matters, orders, decisio and determinations of the hearing officer shall be forwarded to the city council in resolufio orm within ten (10) days of the hearing officer's actions. The city council shall have the thority to approve, modify, reverse, revoke, wholly or partly, the hearing officer's orders, deci��ons or determinations and sha11 make such order, decision or determinarion as ought to�e made. Section 3 This ordinance is effec�ve thirty (30) days after its passage, approval and publication. 4 o i - a.�� ��i'viI�AL x�������. Department of : Adopted by Council: Date By: u�'n Approved by City Attorney : ��1...� •`�� �t • �f • �/ Adoption Certified by Council Secretary fi' Approved by Mayos for Submission to Council By: gy_ Approved by Mayor: Date �,� / Hy: � .,�i�6s7: fut� 3- z f� U/ Presented By Referred To Council FSIe # /-17`l Ordinance # Green S�t # / � � Date : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 An Ordinance creating a new Chapter 156 and Legislative Code to Authorize the Designation ofP< and to Authorize the Legislative of decisions related to F THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT P. 1 ORDINANCE OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � E�� - - " ✓ �lD A new Saint Paul Legislative Code CHAPTER 156: Traffic Code - Sec. 156.01. Declaration of public The council of the City of Saint F City of Saint Paul which require the time recommended under the pedestrian signals. This pedestri, protect children and other pede� property from damage by redu ig Chapter 18 of the Saint Paul Safety Crossings )fficer to hear appeals Safety Crossings. �'�• 156 is hereby adopted to read as follows: Safety Crossings and purpose. ul that there may be intersections or areas within the �`ra time far pedestrians to safely cross streets, in addition to Zinnesota Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices for safety crossing ordinance is hereby established in order to uis from bodily injury and to protect real and personal such hazazdous traffic conditions. Sec.156.02. Pedestrian sa"fety crossings authorized. The director of public orks or council, pursuant to this chapter, may establish and designate intersections or other eas as pedeshian safety crossings. The timing ofpedestrian crossing signals for such inte ections or areas may be extended consistent with this ordinance or, to the extent the timing is onsistent with tlus ordinance, the recommendations of the Mivnesota Manual of Unifo Traffic Control Devices for pedestrian signal timing at senior citizen and handicapped ped strian crossings, as amended from time to tune. For the purpose of this ordinance, the r commended tiiniug for a pedestrian safety crossing shall be, as follows: 1 O/-a�� as 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 `WALK' = Distance from curb to the opposite curb, divided by three (3) minimum; and / Flashing `DON'T WALK' = Distance from curb to the opposite (3) feetJsecond m;nimum. The Council may also by resolution subsequently discontinue or safety cross'vug designation. The authority of the director of public works to detennine chapter is in addition to any other control exercised by the signals. a Sec.156.03. Petition. divided by three any such pedestrian m signal timing under this over the timing of pedestrian 36 (a) The designation of a pedestrian safety crossing �'iay also be initiated by a petition filed with 37 the director of public works stating that a particul�r intersection or area is encountering serious 38 pedestrian safety problems because of inadequate pedestrian signal crossing times. A filing fee 39 of ten dollazs ($10.00) shall accompany every ��etirion. 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 (b) The petition must specifically state the s�erious pedestrian safety problems being caused by inadequate pedestrian signal crossing tim� and the specific location where pedestrian signal crossing time is to be increased. (c) Each signer shall thereon write hi�or her name and address. It sha11 be signed by at least ten (10) percent of all: business propert�`owners and all owners and/or residents of private residences, dwellings and apartmet�t houses located within i�96 600 feet in any direction from et the intersection. The signatures s�all be verified by the office of the city clerk. Any name appearing on the petition not co orming to the ownership/residency requirement at the time the petition is submitted to the ci ' clerk sha11 be stricken and shall not be included. Any sxgner may withdraw his or her name by iling a written request with the director within fifteen (15) days of the date that the director re " ives the petirion. If for any reason the number of signers falls below ten (10) percent within fi�en (15) days of the date that the director receives the petition, the petition shall be deemed efective and shall not be considered. 53 (d) Each separate pa of the petirion shall have appended thereto a certificate, verified by oath, 54 that each signature signed by the person purporting to have signed the petition. The perition 55 shall designate an er or a resident of dwelling located within 1200 feet of the intersecrion 56 who shall have the responsibility of verifying each separate page of signatures, as well as the �/-d7i 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 responsibility of assisting the director in the investigation of the request to implement a pedestrian safety crossing in the proposed area. � (e) The petition shall be reviewed by the relevant local district council who may recommendation of support or non-support regazding the proposed pedestrian� area. Sec. 156.04. Investigation, analysis, and decision After the director of public works receives and validates a petition safety problems in the designated area, the director shall make an i nature and extent of Uae safety problems, if any, at that location� pedestrian safety crossing for that azea or zelated areas. This ixvves than ninety (90) days from the receipt of the petition. The in�stig crossmg Ceging serious pedestrian �estigation to assess the detennine the feasibility of a ;ation shall last no longer ion may include, but shall not be limited to, observations, surveys, studies ar any othe� data-gathering method which will assist the director in deternrining whether to designate a p�'destrian safety crossing. After analyzing the results of the investigation, and after cons�L� enng any relevant material submitted by any person or group having an interest in the establishment of a pedestrian safety crossing for that area, the director shall issue a written report rejec�ng or designating a specific pedestrian safety crossing area. If the director concludes that saifety problems do warrant the designation of a pedestrian safety crossing, the director shall i area pursuant to section 156.06. If the d'uector do not warrant the designarion of a pedestrian : conclusion in a letter with any supporting state certificate. In such an event, the pe6tioners rr�< 156.Q5. �� Sec. 156.05. Appeal and hearing. In the event the director does not area, the owner or resident desigx for an appeal to the council. The for a hearing on the petition purs� days prior to the hearing, the Ci�y Council agenda. At least ten ; 0' the owner or the resident des' a required. At the hearing, receive and consider all � officer shall then make a accept or reject the he� Chapter 18. �l�ment a pedestrian crossing in the proposed inciudes that the safety problems or lack thereof ety crossing, the director shall submit that ,nts to the council and the signer of the appeal in the manner provided in section ip�tove the implementation of a pedestrian safety crossing it,�d pursuant to section 156.03(d) may submit a written request "��uncil shali forward the appeal to a legislafive hearing officer ant to Saint Paul legislative code chapter 18. At least ten (10) Council shall provide notice of the hearing in the official City days prior to the hearing, notice shall also be served by mail on �d pursuant to secrion 156.03(d). No other notice shall be �legislative hearing officer shall hear all interested persons and shall � terials relevant to the merits of the perition. The legislative hearing commendation in resolution form to the city council, which may officer's recommendation, as provided for in Legislative Code Oi a � � 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 Sec.156.06. Signai adjustment Upon the director's detetmivarion pursuant to sections 156.02 ar 156.04 that safety warrant the designafion of a pedestrian safety crossing, or upon passage of a co authorizing the creation of a pedestrian safety crossing under sections 156.02 o St �oblems do resolution OS.the director shall cause the pedestrian safety crossing to be created as authorize y(1) this chapter; (2) Chapter 488, article 6, section 5, Minnesota Laws; and (3) the Minnes a Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, as amended from time to time. Before implem ting any such pedestrian safety crossing, the director shall also analyze whether to �'ovide the signal crossing informarion in a non-visual format, such as with audible tones or vef�al messages and/or vibrotactile information, so that it is discemable to the blind. If t�ie director determines that accessible signal crossing inforxnation is not appropriate, the council providing a factual or other basis in support of that d Section 2 Saint Paul Legislative Code Section 18.01 is hereby Sec.18.01. Legislative hearing officer. In order to hear and decide appeals of c enforcement officers relative to the eni contained in the Saint Paul Legislative • shall present a report to the including cost estimates. to read as follows: decisions or determinations made by the ;nt of health, housing, building or fire codes and in order to hear a�peals and make Legislative Code, there shall be and islfiereby created a legislative hearing officer. The legislative hearing officer shall be a City of Sa�uft Paul employee appointed by the president of the city council. The legislative hearing offt�er shall have the authority to hear appeals to orders, decisions or determinations of the�nforcement officers or others and make recommendations to the city council. The hearing off�er shall not have the power to grant waivers of the Minnesota State Buiiding Code. All matte�, orders, decisions and determinations of the hearing officer shall be forwarded to the city �ouncil in resolution form within ten (10) days of the hearing officer's actions. The city co cil shall ha�e the authority to approve, modify, reverse, revoke, wholly or partly, the heari� officer's orders, decisions or deternunations and shall make such order, decision or determ�ation as ought to be made. Section 3 123 This ordin�lice is effective thirty (30) days after its passage, approval and publication. 0 O/-a a� � i-z�� "' CITY OF SAINT PAUL � ;�_ =�' * OFFICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL PATRICK W. HARRIS CoundUnember Mazch 28, 2001 TO: Councilmember Dan Bostrom Councilmember 3erry Blakey Councilmember Chris Coleman Counciimember Jay Benanav Councilmember Jim Reiter Councilmember Kathy Lan FROM: Councilmember Pat Hams� r/���- RE: Today's Agenda Item #40 (CF##01-277) for Second Reading: Technical Amendment to Ordinance Creating a New Chapter 156 and Amending Chapter 18 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code to Authorize the Designation of Pedestrian Safety Crossings I am introducing the following technical amendment to this ordinance: ❑ Page 2, line 45 of the current draft decreases the area from which potential petitioners for pedestrian safety crossings can be drawn from 1200 feet in any direction from the intersecrion to 600 feet in any direction from the intersection CITY HALL SUITE 310C SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102-1615 651/266-8630 ,�.. Prmted on Recytled Paper ORIG{NAL Presented By Referred To Committee � 1 An Ordinance creating a new Chapter 156 and Amending 2 Legislative Code to Authorize the Designation of Pedestrian Sa 3 and 4 to Authorize the Legislative Hearing Offic� 5 of decasions related to Pedestrian Safe$� 6 7 8 9 THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL Section 1 A new Saint Paul Legislative Code Chapter CFIAPTER 156: Traffic Code - Pedestrian 18 of the Saint Paul 'o hear appeals Crossings. is hereby adopted to read as follows: Crossings 10 Sec. 156.01. Declaration of public policy a�id purpose. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 The council of the City of Saint Paul finds,,�that there may be intersections or areas within the City of Saint Paul which require extra tinie for pedestrians to safely cross streets, in addition to the time recommended under the Minn,esota Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices for pedestrian signals. This pedestrian saf�ty crossing ardinance is hereby established in arder to protect children and other pedestriar�s from bodily injury and to protect real and personal properiy from damage by reducing;such hazardous traffic conditions. Sec. 156.02. Pedestrian safet�'crossings authorized. The director of public intersections or other signals for such inters extent the timing is cc Manual of L3niform� handicapped pedes z ordinauce, the rec�mn coun�a F�e # � �— �1'l Ordinance # Green Sheet # '� � � ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MIlVNESOTA � �or� or council, pursuant to this chapter, may establish and designate ��5 as pedestrian safety crossings. The timing of pedestrian crossing �ions or areas may be extended consistent with this ordinance or, to the ;istent with this ordinance, the recommendations of the Minnesota Ffic Control Devices for pedestrian signal tnning at senior citizen and crossings, as amended from time to time. For the purpose of this nded timing for a pedestrian safety crossing shall be, as follows: 1 ORIGINAL 25 � `WALK' = Distance from curb to the opposite curb, divided by three (3) minimum; and 28 • Flashing `DON'T WALK' = Distance from curb to the opposite curb, ddvided by three 29 (3) feeUsecond m;nimum. ✓ „ ;' 3� The Council may also by resolution subsequently discontinue or remove any such pedestrian 31 safety crossing designation. 32 33 34 35 The authority of the director of public works to determine chapter is in addition to any other control exercised by the signals. Sec. 156.03. Petition. o � ��� n signal timing under this over the tixning of pedestrian 36 (a) The designation of a pedestrian safety crossing ina� also be initiated by a petirion filed with 37 the director of public works stating that a particular tintersection ar area is encountering serious 38 pedestrian safety problems because of inadequate �``edestrian signal crossing times. A filing fee 39 of ten dollars ($10.00) shall accompany every pefition. 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 (b) The petition must specifically state the inadequate pedestrian signal crossing time crossing time is to be increased. ,, us pedestrian safety problems being caused by the specific location where pedeshian signal (c) Each signer shall thereon write his,or her name and address. It shall be signed by at least ten (10) percent of all: business property:�wners and all owners and/or residents of private residences, dwellings and aparnnenY"houses located within 1200 feet in any direcrion from the intersecrion. The signatures shall,be verified by the office of the city clerk. Any name appearing on the petition not conforming t�'the ownership/residency requirement at the tune the petition is submitted to the city clerk shai �e stricken and shall not be included. Any signer may withdraw his or her name by filing a �en request with the director within fifteen (15) days of the date that the director receives the,: - etition. If for any reason the number of signers falls below ten (10) percent within fifteen (15) �'ays of the date that the director receives the petition, the petition shall be deemed defectiv and shall not be considered. 53 (d) Each separate pa ' of the petition shall have appended thereto a certificate, verified by oath, 54 that each signature�as signed by the person purporting to ha�e signed the peririon. The perition 55 shall designate an wner or a resident of dwelling located within 1200 feet of the intersection 56 who shall have t�e responsibility of verifying each separate page of signatures, as well as the 2 Q�!GI��L 57 58 59 60 61 62 b3 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 :1 : : : :� :. .. .� . responsibility of assisting the director in the investigation of the request to unplement a pedestrian safety crossing in the proposed area. �_' (e) The petition shall be reviewed by the relevant local district council who recommendation of support or non-support regarding the proposed pedes ' azea. Sec. 156.04. Investigation, analysis, and decision ry make a safety crossing o� -a'1'� After the director of public works receives and validates a petition alleging serious pedestrian safety problems in the designated area, the director shall make an investigation to assess the nature and extent of the safety problems, if any, at that location and detenniue the feasibility of a pedestrian safety crossing for that area or related areas% This investigation shall last no longer than ninety (90) days from the receipt of the petitiont�The investigation may include, but shall not be limited to, observations, surveys, studies ar�ny other data-gathering method which will assist the d'uector in detenniniug whether to des%gnate a pedestrian safety crossing. ABer analyzing the results of the investigation, and aft'er considering any relevant material submitted by any person or group having an interest in t�ie establishment of a pedestrian safety crossing for that azea, the director shall issue a written report rejecting or designating a specific pedestrian safety crossing area. If the directar concludes that safety probiems do warrant the designation of a pedestrian safety crossing, the director shall implement a pedestrian crossing in the proposed area pursuant to section 156.06. If the director concludes that the safety problems or lack thereof do not warrant the designation of a conclusion in a letter with any sup� certificate. In such an event, the p� 156.05. „� Sec.156.05. Appeal and aan safety crossing, the director shall submit that statements to the council and the signer of the rs may appeal in the manner provided in sec6on In the event the director�oes not approve the implementation of a pedestrian safety crossing area, the owner or resid t designated pursuant to section 156.03(d) may submit a written request for an appeal to the cotuicil. The council shall forward the appeal to a legislative hearing officer t for a hearing on the p tition pursuant to Saint Paul legislative code chapter 18. At least ten (10) days prior to the he, `��ing, the City Council shall provide notice of the hearing in the official City Council agenda. � least ten (10) days prior to the hearing, notice shall also be served by mail on the owner or the �esident designated pursuant to section 156.03(d). No other notice shall be required. At the�earing, the legislative hearing officer shall hear all interested persons and shall receive and cc�sider all materials relevant to the merits of the perition. The legislative hearing officer shall�Yhen make a recomxnendation in resolution form to the city council, which may accept or r the hearing officer's recommendafion, as provided for in Legislative Code Chapter 1,�. 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 f 3� } � i r�t. i ni : S `.,o i �. : �...> : k `'� . i ._._ Sec.156.06. Signal adjustment Upon the director's detemzinafion pursuant to sections 156A2 or 156.04 that warrant the designarion of a pedeshian safety crossing, or upon passage of a authorizing the creation of a pedestrian safety crossing under sections 156 director shall cause the pedestrian safety crossing to be created as authonzed (2) Chapter 488, article 6, section 5, Mianesota Laws; and (3) the MiFinesota Tzaffic Control Devices, as amended from time to time. Before implementin u�-��� safe roblems do c cil resolution or 156.05, the by (1) this chapter; Manual on Uniform any such pedestrian safety crossing, the director shall also analyze whethe to provide the signal crossing information in a non-visual format, such as with audibie tones r verbal messages and/or vibrotactile information, so that it is discernable to the blind.� If the director detennines that accessibie signal crossing information is not appropriate, th�' director shall present a report to the council providing a factual or other basis in support of thap�decision, including cost estimates. Section Saint Paul Legislative Code Section 18.01 is Sec. 18.01. Legislative hearing officer. In order to hear and decide appeals of enforcement officers relative to the en contained in the Saint Paul Legislative amended to read as follows: decisions or determinations made by the ent of health, housing, building or fire codes and in order to hear apneais and make Le�islative Code, there sha11 be and�is hereby created a legislative hearing officer. The legislative hearing officer shall be a City of S�int Paul employee appointed by the president of the city council. The legislative hearing 6�ficer shall have the authority to hear appeals to orders, decisions or determinations of 'e enforcement officers or others and make recommendations to the city council. The hearing ficer shall not have the power to grant waivers of the Minnesota State Building Code. All m ers, orders, decisions and determinations of the hearing officer shall be forwarded to the c' council in resolurion form within ten (10) days of the hearing officer's actions. The city�eouncil shall have the authority to approve, modify, reverse, revoke, wholly or partly, the he g officer's orders, decisions or deternunations and shall make such order, decision or deter ination as ought to be made. Section 3 123 This ardin�nce is effective thirry (30) days after its passage, approval and publicarion. � �.lRI�7�iV�L o�-a�� �l=�2-?__= .� „- .� ' ile ; �e, , . �a- �5 ; �er ; or ' i. �ee .s� �k ":04 �,st Philip McDonald has become an expert on pedest�ian crosswalks and traffic issues through his 10•year effort Yo standardize crossing times at metro-area inter: 1N�Ik/don'� wal Philip By Thor Carison Editor He's lobbied leaders at the capitol and citv hall. He's vsritten reams of letters. He's become an outspoken member of an international pedestrian associ- ation. He's enlisted the help of electrical engineering students at Dunwoody Institute to came up with new tech- nolow for crosswalk signals. He's even ° acted" in homemade videos that demonstrate ho�c little time pedestrian� have to cross «'t�ie. busy intersectioiis. For 83-�ear-old Philip �IcDonaid. those are all necessary pieces in �anat has no�v been a 10-year et"fort co make crosswalks more pedestrian friendly. "I'd like to get St. Paul as pedestri- an friendly as possible," the retixed mechanical engineer explained of his hometown. ° I'd like us to set the stan- dard and other communities could see how effective it really is." He figures he spends "a solid 10 hours a week reseazching or lobbying about increased crosswalk safety. He's a familiar face in the halls of the x�an EI�F.EEDBA.C.K _ 3 �_��. , Reader Feedback is a forum•for readers to give their v'iews on issues that have recentiy been covered in Good Age. .:�' '• Is there something in this month's issue that triggers an idea? Readers are always welcome to sfiare their opinions. Tliose want- ing to participate in this forum can send their signed letters: • By mail to Good Age, 570 Asbury St., Ste. 305, St: Paul, MN 55104; • By e-mail to tecQwilder.org; � `�""�`�� ' � • By fax to 651-917-1827. Letters for consideration for the May edition need to be at the Good Age office by Wednesday, April"11. McDonald crusades tc FROM THE EDITOR'S DESK state capitol and'St Pant city hall. ., So whp is Philip w committed to thia pedestrian canse?�He can tell�you the essct date and time that it became a buramg issue to him. " `It was Sept. 10, 1390;'at 10:40 a.m.; vcithin thtee blocks of our house."'.:� -:' . - Tha�s when his wife, Mary Kay, was struck by a. bus es she was crossing at the iatersection of ' Cleveland Aveaue and FordParkway. " � :, � _ "She must, have presumed that the bus was , going to go straight; Philip said. But it�.turned, struck her and' dragged her under the wheei:Phitip was out of Eowri closing np.8heir lake cabii� at� the tinne,of the collisiom'I�Iotified of tfie incident, he rushed home. It was shortly after he arrived at the hospital afteraoon,: bnt.before he got a chance to see her, that Mary Bay;,gassed away. �, " I=onically, five peara: earii'er_she' had written a letter to the editor, eomeone would, killed'. at tfie;:interaection'if safety measures ) �s_my way of copmg; ay'coPe bg drinking; I p . ' ings with a:tone sLet can audibly aleEt blind gedea-, ., . trians that'tliey hape the zight of way�� crqsa.. a 'ih�ng that, idea a, atep fwthe� a' beeping fone�at' :" the,'end' oftfie signat'aterts.that the rig}it of way'ie ':' soon�endinpY , � � • � � � � �� '� � -�I 'tllso, he's-worinag with education eBorts to. heiP '^ ; all, pedestriaas und'erstand how crossing signals -^, work:: � . : :�•;_,; - � `There are ; a . lot-more people tham you'd tivnk ' who don't know.what the (crosswaik'>signal) : but- - tons are for," he said "Peogle.are just' wallrixtg iifto a,trap if they don't'und",'erstand:; We;ve worked.'-to. - get deca}s put on at all the crossings,to eaplain the. .; � �: - . butitons. , � � • � � `� � . ' . . ,r_ : "Some people, get panicked by the flashing�`don't .� walti' sig�ly'� he epntinued. What ��it is is� a.visnal �. Clue th8t E�l ,t1IIle 33 ninnin� OlI� OII j1C(IESCTIBII .. right of,wap end that soon tlie °Don't WalY' signal w�Y be commg. About'fioe years agq Philip:was a' key player in ,a pedestrian safety prog�am put on • �, by-the city o�3t Pmil. � � ,�� � �, . ' � � � = Despite: a}1' fhe, time,' and effort he's gut into the , i.ysue; Philig hasn'x.had'a major victory hang his. . � n3V¢IYL L86CII-8 ailIIK'ffiIIce 7�18� aAy :_' , - -. . . .. ;' '; Bnt he has ; had`a:;t6iist`.for Iearning'more about 'regulations amundRinteisections. Wfiat he's. found: 'is:t}iat:theze are`liugeinconsistencies with`tiie �'amounfs-oft�e aliowed fo'r people to get,across. , :-.: `Pm'fay'tng:to:stsndardizeit,' Ph�7ip said. Federal: : reguIations stipulate`that�pedestrians should fia've. one second per• three feet;�of street they.:have'to ' � Fross:, So on a 120-fao�cvide street; the waltc timers �. _ . ,. . , �guinea pig' daugh� deotaped and timed crossing 'a varietp of intersections. That foot�ge is part of,the arsenal of information he, shoots at'of1i= :asls whea he tries to make.his points. - - , . ', - ;a, couple,other� c ' ,,:,,- - .ry+effort wittr"visiai � __ _` �:Yf, 54= �4. . .. _. _ T j ro � ud J a � bou � l � s y � ••^ 'J W� �.{ �OK � C' S117UItDAY. NGNCH 31: 2001 ' tem, re cideo6 90 pe�c dap. Ri at �Yaffic`�cials�say that,if you change.k}u ing of,the`signals, it will throw off ali'�he�'syi �_ _. _C�l. _ _ _Y_'t MLL• _1��1tp��LnT ��. a tratu�,�_ TM+� uevice. w up as mu¢h speed'[�etween 'be mo;e cautious.° But he rules to make ug,for lost hme: . "I look at this as,zero tolera `�iere slwuld' not be' anyone hii tious motoi?sYs need to be. ,'" - «'in . .!M. w� f!_ _T�__ L !____ T .,�h'[_^�_�� issuea.One is a joint,._ l0,yeazs from,i�aw, tgroups 4n equip, cross ` frustrat�on `But nntiil I ^'tr.-... _ _ . . �—_:. � . .- - -- � . � „ - . , � N' i\ 1VAi'IONAL I3R' w�oed 34 iv�e'Sec�tiais t6at were as cmver6ed W tou'Mabouts. in oavC vauR OgrytS, 7Tpn• w�rc JN plR2pt fCteer aCCid�m'tc af tfio ,� muvda6ouGS StVdied, thr rrpnr( , EauM. .:. O3 ''k- ..�,. T .... . . _-- . . C' � �.ons«as�s�•s�'- T = � = C,r . = N 3.'ac,'3E _'_ c :,3'�0,� �� y� �LSfJ� G�v 0G o -°�'�aE9.c� �='m:-, �' E�„ =_°:o�QJ�>=,. ',md pi 'Ta �.J �fF.�A6�CGO��� �"T� ��z , N .�m , _oo��2_p� E a�:m_m - ° r� tai �� o � R—a W o i t6 ..F ¢� wC`__ m o'-� v v �3 a:a >,,$ p �iY'F ^���_ �9 c �i �a 3 0.=. �_s tO 'wV ��� � j, �����1 m�saces a[ stop etgas and tcaRic -- -- ---^— � � _ � - � � signs�caabemwtmphi�"saia TazaYouPayanIRtlDi�bamaa; :' ' ' , . '. .. Hetting,anaathoroEthestudq. atCmBeDoubkdTaud-AndYalMryOwnOneOf'I}�em - �TIIOOSiM4 OE OElaItlS 0)0[IES ' ronWbeprevented."7hestuQyi� iveai099Sno�mcFmmYaaM�iantFundCumpa�ryfS� . - � ' •TheTcud�il6oucIvngTcmCacelmiu��c, .. � � ., = 3' E, E ;-', please cell ot write to:'s': �?. COD'A' @ 13Y26 6th Ave; N:;:' � Anoka, MI!I�55303' �' � � ` (6I2};718-078'Z � �'�s S'�•'�'�'��' 6• 21� - o � ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, NIINNESOTA Presented By Referred To � Committee Da�te 1 An Ordinance creating a new Chapter 156 and Amending Chapter 18 of the Saint Paul 2 Legislative Code to Authorize the Designation of �e�a€et�y- Safe Pedestrian Crossings 3 and 0 0 to Authorize the Legislative Hearing Officer to heaz appeals of decisions related to �i�rrStrfet� Safe Pedestrian Crossings. TI� COUNCIL OF Tf� CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 A new Saint Paul Legislative Code Chapter 156 is hereby adopted to read as follows: 10 CHAPTER 15b: Traffic Code - Safe Pedestrian Crossings Sec. 156.01. Declaration of public policy and purpose. 11 The council of the City of Saint Paul finds that there may be intersections or areas within the 12 City of Saint Paul which require ea�tra time for pedestrians to safely cross streets, in addition to 13 the time recommended under the Minnesota Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices for 14 pedestrian signals. This ��-s� safe nedestrian crossing ordinance is hereby established 15 in order to protect children and other pedestrians from bodily injury and to protect real and 16 personal property from damage by reducing such hazardous traffic conditions. 17 Sec.156.02. �esfrixa-�ai'et� Safe oedestrian crossings authorized. 18 19 20 21 22 23 The director of public works or council, pursuant to this chapter, may establish and designate intersections or other azeas as�e�es�iaerse€eEy safe nedestrian crossings . The timing of pedestrian crossing signals for such intersections or azeas may be ea�tended consistent with this ordinance or, to the eartent the timing is consistent with this ordinance, the recommendations of the Minnesota Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices for pedestrian signal timing at senior citizen and handicapped pedestrian crossings, as amended from time to time. For the purpose of Council File # Q 1 +��� Ordinance # Green Sheet # U� 3 O Q � E'U$LIS1iE� �� �1l 23 'p� °``� � ��-o � o�.a�� 24 this ordinance, the recommended timing for a�e�estriafl-sa€e� safe oedestrian crossing shall be, 25 as follows: 26 • `WALK' _ ' ,� 27 � seven (71 seconds minimum; and 28 • Flashiug `DON'T VJALK' = Distance from curb to the opposite curb, divided by �kree 29 {3j two and hatf (2.5� feet/second minimum. 30 The Council may also by resolution subsequenfly discontinue or remove any such �es� 31 sa€et� safepedestrian crossing designarion. 32 The authority of the director of publio works to deternune pedestrian signal timing under this 33 chapter is in addition to any oiher control exercised by the director over the timing of pedesirian 34 signals. The director of public works, on his or her initiative or at the reauest of inembers of the 35 public. mav establish a safe nedestrian crossin�. Therefore citizens seeking to establish a safe 36 nedestrian crossine should initiate anv attempt to create such a crossing bv first contacting the 37 director of public works before undertaking the roetition nrocess described in Section 156 03 38 Sec.156.03. Petition. 39 (a) The designation of a pe�esti�a�q safe pedeskrian crossing may also be initiated by a 40 petition filed with the director of public works stating that a particulaz intersection or azea is 41 encountering serious pedestrian safety problems because of inadequate pedestrian signal crossing 42 times. A filing fee of ten dollazs ($10.00) shall accompany every petition. 43 (t�) T% petition must specifically state the serious pedestrian safety problems being caused by 44 inadequate pedestrian signal crossing times aud the specific location where pedestrian signal 45 crossing time is to be increased. 46 (c) Each signer shall thereon write his or her name and address. It shall be signed by at least -tea 47 {-�9j twentv five (251 percent of all: business property owners and all owners and/or residents of 48 private residences, dwe3iings and apartment houses located within i�88 600 feet in any direction 49 from the intersec�on 'The signatures shall be verified by the office of the city clerk. Any name 50 appearing on the petition not conforming to the ownership/residency requirement at the time the 51 petition is submitted to the city clerk shall be stricken and shall not be included. Any signer may 52 withdraw his or her name by filing a written request with the director within fifteen (15) days of 53 the date that the director receives the petition. If for any reason the number of signers falls below 54 ten (10) percent within fifteen (15) days of the date that the director receives the petition, the 55 petition shall be deemed defective and shall not be considered. 2 � G"-��"° ( a i • a�� 56 (d) Each sepazate page of the petirion shall have appended thereto a certificate, verified by oath, 57 that each signature was signed by the person purporting to have signed the petition. The petition 58 shall designate an owner or a resident of dwelling located within i�99 600 feet of the intersection 59 who shall have the responsibility of verifying each separate page of signatures, as well as the 60 responsibility of assisting the director in the investigation of the request to implement a 61 pe�estri�n-s� safe pedestrian crossing in Yhe proposed azea. 62 (e) The petition shall be reviewed by the relevant local district council who may make a 63 recommendation of support or non-support regazding the proposed pe�es�et� safe 64 uedestrian crossing azea 65 Lfl The oefition shall also snecifv that the si�ner has read and understands the literature vrenazed 66 bv the Deoartment of Public Works earolainin¢ what the uedestrian indications mean and signed a 67 nledpe indicating their responsibility as both pede�t*�an and motorist 68 Sec.156.04. Investigation, analysis, and decision 69 After the director of public works receives and validates a petition alleging serious pedestrian 70 safety problems in the designated azea, the director sha11 make an investigation to assess the 71 nature and extem of the safety problems, if any, at that location and determine the feasibility of a 72 pe�es� safe vedestrian crossing for that area or related areas. This investigation shall 73 last no longer than ninety (90) days from the receipt of the petition. The investigarion may 74 include, but shall not be limited to, observations, surveys, studies or any other data-gathering 75 method which will assist the director in determiniug whether to designate a�iarrsa€et� safe 76 uedestrian crossing. After analyzing the results of the investigation, and after considering any 77 relevant material submitted by any person or group having an interest in the establishment of a 78 �-saf'et� safe pedestrian crossing for that azea, the director shall issue a written report 79 rej ecting or des'sgnating a sQecific �e�es�sa-sateYy safe pedestrian crossing area If the director 80 concludes that safety problems do vvanaul the designation of a ge�esFr� safe pedestrian 81 crossing, the director shall implement a pedestrian crossing in the proposed azea pursuant to 82 section 156.06. The director may provide pefltioners with a range of technological alternatives 83 includine the use of aush-buttons. bv which the e�rterided time mav be implemented if the 84 directoi concludes tk�at the safety problems or lack thereof do not warrant the designation of a 85 ge�es�etp safe nedestrian erossing, the director shall submiY that conclusion in a letter 86 with any supporting statements to the councii and the signer of the certificate. In such an event, 87 the petitioners may appeal in the manner provided in section 156.05. 3 � ly� ����( a�..z�� � 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 Sec.156.05. Appeal and hearing. In the event the director does not approve the implementafion of a ge��+� safe estrian crossing azea, the owner or resident designated pursuant to section 156.03 (d) may submit a written request for an appeal to the council. The council shail forwazd the appeal to a legislative hearing officer for a hearing on the petition pursuant to Saint Paul legislative code chapter 18. At least ten (10) days prior to the hearing, the City Council shall provide notice of the hearing in the official City Council agenda. At least ten (10) days prior to the hearing, notice shall also be served by mail on the owner or the resident designated pursuant to section 156.03(d). No other notice shail be required. At the hearing, the legislative hearing officer shall hear all interested persons and shall receive and consider all materials relevant to the merits of the petition. The legislative hearing officer shall then make a recommendation in resolution form to the city council, which may accept or reject the hearing officer's recommendation, as provided for in Legislative Code Chagter 18. Sec. 156.06. Signal adjustment. 102 Upon the director's deternunation pursuant to sections 156.02 or 156.04 that safety problems do 103 warrant the designation of a gc �estria�ss€et� safe nedestrian crossing, or upon passage of a 104 council resolution authorizing the crea6on of a ge�es�iaa-saf�ty safe pedestrian crossing under 105 sections 156.02 or 156.05, the director shall cause the �e�+�sa€et� safe pedestrian crossing 106 to be created as authorized by (1) this chapter; (2) Chapter 488, article 6, section 5, Minnesota 107 Laws; and (3) the Minnesota-Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, as amended from time 108 to time. 109 If, after a minimum of ninet�(901 davs after the unnlementation of safe nedestrian crossine 110 citizens who netitioned for the safe nedestrian crossin� aze unsatisfied with e7ctended time 1 i 1 nrovided. the netitioner(sl mav reouest. in wriring an assessment of the effectiveness of the 112 e�ended time �ovided at safe nedestrian crossing The director of nublic works shall com�lete 113 #his assessment sixty €6E►1 davs a�er recei�t of the wriiten rewest from netitioner Unon 114 comnletion of the assessment the director shall issue a written report stat� the results of the 115 assessment and a statement of whether the director decided to e�ctend the time further at the safe l lb nedestrian crossin¢. This written renort shall be issued to the petitioner(sl who reauested the 117 assessment and the Citv Council. 0 .�",�'` G% � 7-c ( a�-��� i18 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 Section 2 Saint Paul Legislative Code Section 18.01 is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec.18.01. Legislative hearing officer. In order to hear and decide appeals of orders, decisions or determinations made by the enforcement officers relative to the enforcement of health, housing, building or fire codes contained in the Saint Paul Legislative Code, and in order to hear anneals and make determinations relarive to ge�esEriatrs� safe pedestrian crossing azeas under section 156 OS of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. there shall be and is hereby created a legislative hearing officer. The legislative hearing officer shall be a City of Saint Paul employee appointed by the president of the city council. The legislative hearing officer shall have the authority to heaz appeals to orders, decisions or detemrinations of the enforcement officers or others and make recommendations to the city council. The hearing o�cer shall not have the power to grant waivers of the Minnesota State Building Code. All matters, orders, decisions and determinations of the hearing officer shall be forwarded to the city council in resolution form within ten (10) days of the hearin� officer's actions. The city council shall have the authority to approve, modify, reverse, revoke, wholly or partty, ihe hearing officer's orders, decisions or deternunations and shall make such order, decision or determination as ought to be made. Section 3 This ordinance is effective thirry (30) days after its passage, approval and publication. 5 -F�'"" �°�-7 � f oi-a�� xv� Requested by Department of: 8 �" Yy�� � 1� Approved by Mayor: Dat�V (� � � By: / � BY: Form Apprd$eed by City Ab f ey BYv/��� � /i ��'�� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: '_• I .�..� ( Adopted by Council: Date `,§���n � Adoption Certified by Counci Secr y h� a � -a�� DFPARTMINTlOFFICE/COUNCIL � DA7E n+iruTeD 1 I O J O O c�t coun��i z-zs-oi GREEN SHEET No CONTACT PERSON 8 PHONE inmaWae InM1a11Date Councilmember Harris �p�30 oerr�rtumrtnnrzrde a,rea.ra. MUSi BE ON COUNCIL AGFNDA BY (DA'fE) ASSIGN 3-7-01 - rmwnou�v anc�nc NUMBERFOR ROUTING �� wlllYlu.BErtVICFSOR nIAlrJUaErtITALRC - ❑ WYORIORA8A8lMlT� ❑ TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION RE�UESTm An Ordinance creating a new Chapter 156 and amending Chapter 18 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code to authorize the designation of Pedestrian Safety Crossings and to authorize the Legislative Hearing Officer to hear appeals of decisions related to Pedestrian Safety Crossings. RECOMMENDATION Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACfS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWSNG QUESTIONS: 1. Has this persoNflrm ever waAced under a coMract for this departmenl't PLANNING CAMMISSION VES NO CIB COMMITTEE 2. Has Nis person/firm ever been a dty employee? CIVILSERVICECOMMISSION YES NO 3. Dces this persoNfiim possess a skill not normaltypossessed by any curtent city empbyee4 VES NO � 4. I8 this person/firm a fergeted ventloY! YES NO i F�mlain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to preen sheet INITIATING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPoR7UNIN (WM, What, When, Where, Why) . ADVAMAGES IFAPPROVED The City of Saint Paul will be able to extend pedestr3an crosswalk time through the implementation of Pedestrian Safety Crossings. DISADVANTAGES IF APPR9VED None DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED The City of Saint Paul will be unable to extend pedestrian crosswalk time and will not be able to im lement Pe TOTALAMOUNTOFTRANSACTIONS COST/REVENUEBUDGEfED(CIRCLEONE) VES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTNITY NUMBER FINANCW. MFORMATIIXJ (IXPWN) ' ° � (� �j S�J�lit y / y�°/ �✓ i'+,s vilVI�SL Presented By ORDINANCE OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Council File # �!' Z 7 7 Ordinance # Green Sheet # / /v �d aq Referred To Committee D�,f' /� 1 An Ordinance creating a new Chapter 156 and Amending Chapter 18 �the Saint Paul Legislative 2 Code to Authorize the Designation of Pedestrian Safety Crossings� 3 and ,� 4 to Authorize the Legislative Hearing Office�o hear appeals 5 of decisions related to Pedestrian Saf,�fy Crossings. 6 THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SA1NT PAUL DOLS ORDAIN: 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 A new Saint Paul Legislative Code CHAPTER 156: Traffic Code - Sec. 156.01. Declaration of public The council of the City of Saint Paul of Saint Paul which require extra tim time recommended under the Minn�: pedestrian signals. This pedestrian sa protect children and other pedest an: from damage by reducing such�iazar 156 is hereby adopted to read as follows: Crossings and purpose. �ids that there may be intersections or areas within the City for pedestrians to safely cross streets, in addition to the ita Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices for ety crossing ordinance is hereby established in order to from bodily injury and to protect real and personal property ous traffic conditions. Sec. 156.02. Pedestrian s�ety crossings authorized. The director of public rks or council, pursuant to this chapter, may establish and designate intersections or other eas as pedestrian safety crossings. The timing of pedestrian crossing signals for such inte ections or areas may be extended consistent with this ardinance or, to the extent the timing ' consistent with this ordinance, the recommendations of the Minnesota Manual of Uniform Tr c Control Devices for pedestrian signal timing at senior citizen and handicapped pedestrian crossings, as amended from time to time. For the purpose of this ordinance, the 1 o�-a��� DRIG��1�L 24 25 26 27 recommended liming for a pedestrian safety crossing shall be, as follows: `WALK' = Distance from curb to the opposite curb, divided by three (3) feeUsecond ininimum; and 28 • Flashing `DON'T WALK' = Distance from curb to the opposite curb, divided by th3e 29 feet/second minimum. � / ,,. 30 The Council may also by resolution subsequently discontinue or remove any s}�eh pedestrian 31 safety crossing designation. % 32 33 34 35 The authority of the director of public works to determine chapter is in addition to any other control exercised by the signals. Sec.156.03. Petition. timing under tlus over the timing of pedestrian 36 (a) The designation of a pedestrian safety crossing m�also be initiated by a petition filed with the 37 director of pubiic works stating that a particular inte ection or area is encountering serious 38 pedestrian safety problems because of inadequate p�destrian signal crossing times. A filing fee of 39 ten dollars ($10.00) shall accompany every petition. 40 (b) The petition must specifically state the se '� s pedestrian safety problems being caused by 41 inadequate pedestrian signal crossing times � d the specific location where pedestrian signal 42 crossing time is to be increased. 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 (c) Each signer shall thereon write�or her name and address. It shall be signed by at least ten (10) percent of all: business prope owners and all owners and/or residents of private residences, dwellings and apartm houses located within �99 600 feet in any direction from the intersection. The signatures shaYl be verified by the office of the city clerk. Any name appearing on the petirion not conformin�to the ownership/residency requirement at the tnne the petition is submitted to the city clerk s 1 be stricken and sha11 not be included. Any signer may withdraw his or her name by filing �tten request with the director within fifteen (15) days of the date that the director percent within f be deemed defe� he petition. If for any reason the number of signers falls below ten (10) ) days of the date that the director receives the petition, the petition shail shall not be considered. ° (d) Each sepazat�e page of the petition sha11 have appended thereto a certificate, verified by oath, that each signature was signed by the person purporting to have signed the petifion. The petition 2 o l- �-� 7 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 �.'I �f vii`ur fmo0 shall designate an owner or a resident of dwelling located within i�66�feet of the intersection who shall have the responsibility of verifying each separate page of signatures, as well as th responsibility of assisting the director in the investigation of the request to impieme a pedeshian safety crossing in the proposed azea. (e) The pefition shall be reviewed by the relevant local district council who recommendation of support or non-support regazding the proposed pedestr��' area. � Sec. 156.04. Investigation, analysis, and decision 63 tlfter the director of public works receives and validates a 64 safety problems in the designated area, the director shall n 65 nature and eatent of the safety problems, if any, at that loc iy make a safety crossing �n alleging serious pedestrian �n investigation to assess the and determine the feasibility of a 66 pedestrian safety crossing for that area or related areas. Tl�s investigation shall last no longer 67 than ninety (90) days from the receipt of the petition. Th�investigation may include, but shall not 68 be limited to, observations, surveys, studies or any othe�'data-gathering method which will assist 69 the director in determining whether to designate a ped safety crossing. After analyzing the 70 results of the invesfigation, and after considering an}�relevant material submitted by any person or 71 group having an interest in the establishment of a p�destrian safety crossing for that area, the 72 director shall issue a written report rejecting or d�;�ignating a specific pedestrian safety crossing 73 area. If the director concludes that safety probl�ns do warrant the designation of a pedestrian 74 safety crossing, the directar shail implement �a� crossing in the proposed azea pursuant 75 to section 156.06. If the director concludes tt�at the safety problems or lack thereof do not 76 warrant the designation of a pedestrian safe� crossing, the director shall submit that conclusion in 77 a letter with any supporting statements to the council and the signer of the certificate. In such an 78 event, the peritioners may appeal in the n�Y�er provided in secfion 156.05. 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 Sec.156.05. Appeal and hearing. In the event the director does not the owner or resident designatedr an appeal to the council. The c i ove the implementation of a pedestrian safety crossing area, iant to section 156.03(d) may submit a written request for sha11 forward the appeal to a legislative hearing officer for a heazing on the petition purs t to Saint Paullegislative code chapter 18. At least ten (10) days prior to the hearing, the City ouncil shall provide notice of the hearing in the official City Council agenda. At least t(10) days prior to the hearing, notice shall also be served by mail on the owner or the resident esignated pursuant to section 156.03(d). No other nofice sha11 be required. At the hearing e legislative hearing officer sha11 hear all interested persons and shall receive and consider materials relevant to the merits of the petition. The legislative hearing officer shall then m e a recommendation in resolution form to the city councii, which may accept or reject the he ' officer's recommendation, as provided for in Legislative Code Chapter 18. o c - a��� 9� QRi�ii`��� Sec. 156.06. Signal adjustment. 92 Upon the director's deterinination pursuant to sections 156.02 or 156.04 that safeTy � 93 warrant the designation of a pedestrian safety crossing, or upon passage of a council 94 authorizing the creation of a pedeshian safety crossing under sections 156.02 or 156 95 director shall cause the pedestrian safety crossing to be created as authorized by ( 96 (2) Chapter 488, article 6, section 5, Minnesota Laws; and (3) the Muuiesota M ua 97 Traffic Control Devices, as amended from time to time. •;� .. 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 Section 2 �� �,the us chapter; on Uniform Saint Paui Legislative Code Section 18.01 is hereby amended to re�as follows: �" Sec. 18.01. Legislative hearing officer. In order to hear and decide appeals of orders, decisions or, eterminations made by the enforcement o�cers relafive to the enforcement of healt,�; housing, building or fire codes contained in the Saint Paul Legislative Code, Lepislative Code, there shall be and is hereby create� a legislative hearing officer. The legislative heazing officer shall be a City of Saint Paul emplo,j�ee appointed by the president of the city council. The legislarive hearing officer shall hav�the authority to hear appeals to orders, decisions or determinations of the enforcement officers o,� others and make recommendations to the city council. The hearing ofFicer shall not have power to grant waivers of the Minnesota State Building Code. All matters, orders, decisio and determinations of the hearing officer shall be forwarded to the city council in resolufio orm within ten (10) days of the hearing officer's actions. The city council shall have the thority to approve, modify, reverse, revoke, wholly or partly, the hearing officer's orders, deci��ons or determinations and sha11 make such order, decision or determinarion as ought to�e made. Section 3 This ordinance is effec�ve thirty (30) days after its passage, approval and publication. 4 o i - a.�� ��i'viI�AL x�������. Department of : Adopted by Council: Date By: u�'n Approved by City Attorney : ��1...� •`�� �t • �f • �/ Adoption Certified by Council Secretary fi' Approved by Mayos for Submission to Council By: gy_ Approved by Mayor: Date �,� / Hy: � .,�i�6s7: fut� 3- z f� U/ Presented By Referred To Council FSIe # /-17`l Ordinance # Green S�t # / � � Date : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 An Ordinance creating a new Chapter 156 and Legislative Code to Authorize the Designation ofP< and to Authorize the Legislative of decisions related to F THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT P. 1 ORDINANCE OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � E�� - - " ✓ �lD A new Saint Paul Legislative Code CHAPTER 156: Traffic Code - Sec. 156.01. Declaration of public The council of the City of Saint F City of Saint Paul which require the time recommended under the pedestrian signals. This pedestri, protect children and other pede� property from damage by redu ig Chapter 18 of the Saint Paul Safety Crossings )fficer to hear appeals Safety Crossings. �'�• 156 is hereby adopted to read as follows: Safety Crossings and purpose. ul that there may be intersections or areas within the �`ra time far pedestrians to safely cross streets, in addition to Zinnesota Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices for safety crossing ordinance is hereby established in order to uis from bodily injury and to protect real and personal such hazazdous traffic conditions. Sec.156.02. Pedestrian sa"fety crossings authorized. The director of public orks or council, pursuant to this chapter, may establish and designate intersections or other eas as pedeshian safety crossings. The timing ofpedestrian crossing signals for such inte ections or areas may be extended consistent with this ordinance or, to the extent the timing is onsistent with tlus ordinance, the recommendations of the Mivnesota Manual of Unifo Traffic Control Devices for pedestrian signal timing at senior citizen and handicapped ped strian crossings, as amended from time to tune. For the purpose of this ordinance, the r commended tiiniug for a pedestrian safety crossing shall be, as follows: 1 O/-a�� as 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 `WALK' = Distance from curb to the opposite curb, divided by three (3) minimum; and / Flashing `DON'T WALK' = Distance from curb to the opposite (3) feetJsecond m;nimum. The Council may also by resolution subsequently discontinue or safety cross'vug designation. The authority of the director of public works to detennine chapter is in addition to any other control exercised by the signals. a Sec.156.03. Petition. divided by three any such pedestrian m signal timing under this over the timing of pedestrian 36 (a) The designation of a pedestrian safety crossing �'iay also be initiated by a petition filed with 37 the director of public works stating that a particul�r intersection or area is encountering serious 38 pedestrian safety problems because of inadequate pedestrian signal crossing times. A filing fee 39 of ten dollazs ($10.00) shall accompany every ��etirion. 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 (b) The petition must specifically state the s�erious pedestrian safety problems being caused by inadequate pedestrian signal crossing tim� and the specific location where pedestrian signal crossing time is to be increased. (c) Each signer shall thereon write hi�or her name and address. It sha11 be signed by at least ten (10) percent of all: business propert�`owners and all owners and/or residents of private residences, dwellings and apartmet�t houses located within i�96 600 feet in any direction from et the intersection. The signatures s�all be verified by the office of the city clerk. Any name appearing on the petition not co orming to the ownership/residency requirement at the time the petition is submitted to the ci ' clerk sha11 be stricken and shall not be included. Any sxgner may withdraw his or her name by iling a written request with the director within fifteen (15) days of the date that the director re " ives the petirion. If for any reason the number of signers falls below ten (10) percent within fi�en (15) days of the date that the director receives the petition, the petition shall be deemed efective and shall not be considered. 53 (d) Each separate pa of the petirion shall have appended thereto a certificate, verified by oath, 54 that each signature signed by the person purporting to have signed the petition. The perition 55 shall designate an er or a resident of dwelling located within 1200 feet of the intersecrion 56 who shall have the responsibility of verifying each separate page of signatures, as well as the �/-d7i 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 responsibility of assisting the director in the investigation of the request to implement a pedestrian safety crossing in the proposed area. � (e) The petition shall be reviewed by the relevant local district council who may recommendation of support or non-support regazding the proposed pedestrian� area. Sec. 156.04. Investigation, analysis, and decision After the director of public works receives and validates a petition safety problems in the designated area, the director shall make an i nature and extent of Uae safety problems, if any, at that location� pedestrian safety crossing for that azea or zelated areas. This ixvves than ninety (90) days from the receipt of the petition. The in�stig crossmg Ceging serious pedestrian �estigation to assess the detennine the feasibility of a ;ation shall last no longer ion may include, but shall not be limited to, observations, surveys, studies ar any othe� data-gathering method which will assist the director in deternrining whether to designate a p�'destrian safety crossing. After analyzing the results of the investigation, and after cons�L� enng any relevant material submitted by any person or group having an interest in the establishment of a pedestrian safety crossing for that area, the director shall issue a written report rejec�ng or designating a specific pedestrian safety crossing area. If the director concludes that saifety problems do warrant the designation of a pedestrian safety crossing, the director shall i area pursuant to section 156.06. If the d'uector do not warrant the designarion of a pedestrian : conclusion in a letter with any supporting state certificate. In such an event, the pe6tioners rr�< 156.Q5. �� Sec. 156.05. Appeal and hearing. In the event the director does not area, the owner or resident desigx for an appeal to the council. The for a hearing on the petition purs� days prior to the hearing, the Ci�y Council agenda. At least ten ; 0' the owner or the resident des' a required. At the hearing, receive and consider all � officer shall then make a accept or reject the he� Chapter 18. �l�ment a pedestrian crossing in the proposed inciudes that the safety problems or lack thereof ety crossing, the director shall submit that ,nts to the council and the signer of the appeal in the manner provided in section ip�tove the implementation of a pedestrian safety crossing it,�d pursuant to section 156.03(d) may submit a written request "��uncil shali forward the appeal to a legislafive hearing officer ant to Saint Paul legislative code chapter 18. At least ten (10) Council shall provide notice of the hearing in the official City days prior to the hearing, notice shall also be served by mail on �d pursuant to secrion 156.03(d). No other notice shall be �legislative hearing officer shall hear all interested persons and shall � terials relevant to the merits of the perition. The legislative hearing commendation in resolution form to the city council, which may officer's recommendation, as provided for in Legislative Code Oi a � � 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 Sec.156.06. Signai adjustment Upon the director's detetmivarion pursuant to sections 156.02 ar 156.04 that safety warrant the designafion of a pedestrian safety crossing, or upon passage of a co authorizing the creation of a pedestrian safety crossing under sections 156.02 o St �oblems do resolution OS.the director shall cause the pedestrian safety crossing to be created as authorize y(1) this chapter; (2) Chapter 488, article 6, section 5, Minnesota Laws; and (3) the Minnes a Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, as amended from time to time. Before implem ting any such pedestrian safety crossing, the director shall also analyze whether to �'ovide the signal crossing informarion in a non-visual format, such as with audible tones or vef�al messages and/or vibrotactile information, so that it is discemable to the blind. If t�ie director determines that accessible signal crossing inforxnation is not appropriate, the council providing a factual or other basis in support of that d Section 2 Saint Paul Legislative Code Section 18.01 is hereby Sec.18.01. Legislative hearing officer. In order to hear and decide appeals of c enforcement officers relative to the eni contained in the Saint Paul Legislative • shall present a report to the including cost estimates. to read as follows: decisions or determinations made by the ;nt of health, housing, building or fire codes and in order to hear a�peals and make Legislative Code, there shall be and islfiereby created a legislative hearing officer. The legislative hearing officer shall be a City of Sa�uft Paul employee appointed by the president of the city council. The legislative hearing offt�er shall have the authority to hear appeals to orders, decisions or determinations of the�nforcement officers or others and make recommendations to the city council. The hearing off�er shall not have the power to grant waivers of the Minnesota State Buiiding Code. All matte�, orders, decisions and determinations of the hearing officer shall be forwarded to the city �ouncil in resolution form within ten (10) days of the hearing officer's actions. The city co cil shall ha�e the authority to approve, modify, reverse, revoke, wholly or partly, the heari� officer's orders, decisions or deternunations and shall make such order, decision or determ�ation as ought to be made. Section 3 123 This ordin�lice is effective thirty (30) days after its passage, approval and publication. 0 O/-a a� � i-z�� "' CITY OF SAINT PAUL � ;�_ =�' * OFFICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL PATRICK W. HARRIS CoundUnember Mazch 28, 2001 TO: Councilmember Dan Bostrom Councilmember 3erry Blakey Councilmember Chris Coleman Counciimember Jay Benanav Councilmember Jim Reiter Councilmember Kathy Lan FROM: Councilmember Pat Hams� r/���- RE: Today's Agenda Item #40 (CF##01-277) for Second Reading: Technical Amendment to Ordinance Creating a New Chapter 156 and Amending Chapter 18 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code to Authorize the Designation of Pedestrian Safety Crossings I am introducing the following technical amendment to this ordinance: ❑ Page 2, line 45 of the current draft decreases the area from which potential petitioners for pedestrian safety crossings can be drawn from 1200 feet in any direction from the intersecrion to 600 feet in any direction from the intersection CITY HALL SUITE 310C SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102-1615 651/266-8630 ,�.. Prmted on Recytled Paper ORIG{NAL Presented By Referred To Committee � 1 An Ordinance creating a new Chapter 156 and Amending 2 Legislative Code to Authorize the Designation of Pedestrian Sa 3 and 4 to Authorize the Legislative Hearing Offic� 5 of decasions related to Pedestrian Safe$� 6 7 8 9 THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL Section 1 A new Saint Paul Legislative Code Chapter CFIAPTER 156: Traffic Code - Pedestrian 18 of the Saint Paul 'o hear appeals Crossings. is hereby adopted to read as follows: Crossings 10 Sec. 156.01. Declaration of public policy a�id purpose. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 The council of the City of Saint Paul finds,,�that there may be intersections or areas within the City of Saint Paul which require extra tinie for pedestrians to safely cross streets, in addition to the time recommended under the Minn,esota Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices for pedestrian signals. This pedestrian saf�ty crossing ardinance is hereby established in arder to protect children and other pedestriar�s from bodily injury and to protect real and personal properiy from damage by reducing;such hazardous traffic conditions. Sec. 156.02. Pedestrian safet�'crossings authorized. The director of public intersections or other signals for such inters extent the timing is cc Manual of L3niform� handicapped pedes z ordinauce, the rec�mn coun�a F�e # � �— �1'l Ordinance # Green Sheet # '� � � ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MIlVNESOTA � �or� or council, pursuant to this chapter, may establish and designate ��5 as pedestrian safety crossings. The timing of pedestrian crossing �ions or areas may be extended consistent with this ordinance or, to the ;istent with this ordinance, the recommendations of the Minnesota Ffic Control Devices for pedestrian signal tnning at senior citizen and crossings, as amended from time to time. For the purpose of this nded timing for a pedestrian safety crossing shall be, as follows: 1 ORIGINAL 25 � `WALK' = Distance from curb to the opposite curb, divided by three (3) minimum; and 28 • Flashing `DON'T WALK' = Distance from curb to the opposite curb, ddvided by three 29 (3) feeUsecond m;nimum. ✓ „ ;' 3� The Council may also by resolution subsequently discontinue or remove any such pedestrian 31 safety crossing designation. 32 33 34 35 The authority of the director of public works to determine chapter is in addition to any other control exercised by the signals. Sec. 156.03. Petition. o � ��� n signal timing under this over the tixning of pedestrian 36 (a) The designation of a pedestrian safety crossing ina� also be initiated by a petirion filed with 37 the director of public works stating that a particular tintersection ar area is encountering serious 38 pedestrian safety problems because of inadequate �``edestrian signal crossing times. A filing fee 39 of ten dollars ($10.00) shall accompany every pefition. 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 (b) The petition must specifically state the inadequate pedestrian signal crossing time crossing time is to be increased. ,, us pedestrian safety problems being caused by the specific location where pedeshian signal (c) Each signer shall thereon write his,or her name and address. It shall be signed by at least ten (10) percent of all: business property:�wners and all owners and/or residents of private residences, dwellings and aparnnenY"houses located within 1200 feet in any direcrion from the intersecrion. The signatures shall,be verified by the office of the city clerk. Any name appearing on the petition not conforming t�'the ownership/residency requirement at the tune the petition is submitted to the city clerk shai �e stricken and shall not be included. Any signer may withdraw his or her name by filing a �en request with the director within fifteen (15) days of the date that the director receives the,: - etition. If for any reason the number of signers falls below ten (10) percent within fifteen (15) �'ays of the date that the director receives the petition, the petition shall be deemed defectiv and shall not be considered. 53 (d) Each separate pa ' of the petition shall have appended thereto a certificate, verified by oath, 54 that each signature�as signed by the person purporting to ha�e signed the peririon. The perition 55 shall designate an wner or a resident of dwelling located within 1200 feet of the intersection 56 who shall have t�e responsibility of verifying each separate page of signatures, as well as the 2 Q�!GI��L 57 58 59 60 61 62 b3 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 :1 : : : :� :. .. .� . responsibility of assisting the director in the investigation of the request to unplement a pedestrian safety crossing in the proposed area. �_' (e) The petition shall be reviewed by the relevant local district council who recommendation of support or non-support regarding the proposed pedes ' azea. Sec. 156.04. Investigation, analysis, and decision ry make a safety crossing o� -a'1'� After the director of public works receives and validates a petition alleging serious pedestrian safety problems in the designated area, the director shall make an investigation to assess the nature and extent of the safety problems, if any, at that location and detenniue the feasibility of a pedestrian safety crossing for that area or related areas% This investigation shall last no longer than ninety (90) days from the receipt of the petitiont�The investigation may include, but shall not be limited to, observations, surveys, studies ar�ny other data-gathering method which will assist the d'uector in detenniniug whether to des%gnate a pedestrian safety crossing. ABer analyzing the results of the investigation, and aft'er considering any relevant material submitted by any person or group having an interest in t�ie establishment of a pedestrian safety crossing for that azea, the director shall issue a written report rejecting or designating a specific pedestrian safety crossing area. If the directar concludes that safety probiems do warrant the designation of a pedestrian safety crossing, the director shall implement a pedestrian crossing in the proposed area pursuant to section 156.06. If the director concludes that the safety problems or lack thereof do not warrant the designation of a conclusion in a letter with any sup� certificate. In such an event, the p� 156.05. „� Sec.156.05. Appeal and aan safety crossing, the director shall submit that statements to the council and the signer of the rs may appeal in the manner provided in sec6on In the event the director�oes not approve the implementation of a pedestrian safety crossing area, the owner or resid t designated pursuant to section 156.03(d) may submit a written request for an appeal to the cotuicil. The council shall forward the appeal to a legislative hearing officer t for a hearing on the p tition pursuant to Saint Paul legislative code chapter 18. At least ten (10) days prior to the he, `��ing, the City Council shall provide notice of the hearing in the official City Council agenda. � least ten (10) days prior to the hearing, notice shall also be served by mail on the owner or the �esident designated pursuant to section 156.03(d). No other notice shall be required. At the�earing, the legislative hearing officer shall hear all interested persons and shall receive and cc�sider all materials relevant to the merits of the perition. The legislative hearing officer shall�Yhen make a recomxnendation in resolution form to the city council, which may accept or r the hearing officer's recommendafion, as provided for in Legislative Code Chapter 1,�. 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 f 3� } � i r�t. i ni : S `.,o i �. : �...> : k `'� . i ._._ Sec.156.06. Signal adjustment Upon the director's detemzinafion pursuant to sections 156A2 or 156.04 that warrant the designarion of a pedeshian safety crossing, or upon passage of a authorizing the creation of a pedestrian safety crossing under sections 156 director shall cause the pedestrian safety crossing to be created as authonzed (2) Chapter 488, article 6, section 5, Mianesota Laws; and (3) the MiFinesota Tzaffic Control Devices, as amended from time to time. Before implementin u�-��� safe roblems do c cil resolution or 156.05, the by (1) this chapter; Manual on Uniform any such pedestrian safety crossing, the director shall also analyze whethe to provide the signal crossing information in a non-visual format, such as with audibie tones r verbal messages and/or vibrotactile information, so that it is discernable to the blind.� If the director detennines that accessibie signal crossing information is not appropriate, th�' director shall present a report to the council providing a factual or other basis in support of thap�decision, including cost estimates. Section Saint Paul Legislative Code Section 18.01 is Sec. 18.01. Legislative hearing officer. In order to hear and decide appeals of enforcement officers relative to the en contained in the Saint Paul Legislative amended to read as follows: decisions or determinations made by the ent of health, housing, building or fire codes and in order to hear apneais and make Le�islative Code, there sha11 be and�is hereby created a legislative hearing officer. The legislative hearing officer shall be a City of S�int Paul employee appointed by the president of the city council. The legislative hearing 6�ficer shall have the authority to hear appeals to orders, decisions or determinations of 'e enforcement officers or others and make recommendations to the city council. The hearing ficer shall not have the power to grant waivers of the Minnesota State Building Code. All m ers, orders, decisions and determinations of the hearing officer shall be forwarded to the c' council in resolurion form within ten (10) days of the hearing officer's actions. The city�eouncil shall have the authority to approve, modify, reverse, revoke, wholly or partly, the he g officer's orders, decisions or deternunations and shall make such order, decision or deter ination as ought to be made. Section 3 123 This ardin�nce is effective thirry (30) days after its passage, approval and publicarion. � �.lRI�7�iV�L o�-a�� �l=�2-?__= .� „- .� ' ile ; �e, , . �a- �5 ; �er ; or ' i. �ee .s� �k ":04 �,st Philip McDonald has become an expert on pedest�ian crosswalks and traffic issues through his 10•year effort Yo standardize crossing times at metro-area inter: 1N�Ik/don'� wal Philip By Thor Carison Editor He's lobbied leaders at the capitol and citv hall. He's vsritten reams of letters. He's become an outspoken member of an international pedestrian associ- ation. He's enlisted the help of electrical engineering students at Dunwoody Institute to came up with new tech- nolow for crosswalk signals. He's even ° acted" in homemade videos that demonstrate ho�c little time pedestrian� have to cross «'t�ie. busy intersectioiis. For 83-�ear-old Philip �IcDonaid. those are all necessary pieces in �anat has no�v been a 10-year et"fort co make crosswalks more pedestrian friendly. "I'd like to get St. Paul as pedestri- an friendly as possible," the retixed mechanical engineer explained of his hometown. ° I'd like us to set the stan- dard and other communities could see how effective it really is." He figures he spends "a solid 10 hours a week reseazching or lobbying about increased crosswalk safety. He's a familiar face in the halls of the x�an EI�F.EEDBA.C.K _ 3 �_��. , Reader Feedback is a forum•for readers to give their v'iews on issues that have recentiy been covered in Good Age. .:�' '• Is there something in this month's issue that triggers an idea? Readers are always welcome to sfiare their opinions. Tliose want- ing to participate in this forum can send their signed letters: • By mail to Good Age, 570 Asbury St., Ste. 305, St: Paul, MN 55104; • By e-mail to tecQwilder.org; � `�""�`�� ' � • By fax to 651-917-1827. Letters for consideration for the May edition need to be at the Good Age office by Wednesday, April"11. McDonald crusades tc FROM THE EDITOR'S DESK state capitol and'St Pant city hall. ., So whp is Philip w committed to thia pedestrian canse?�He can tell�you the essct date and time that it became a buramg issue to him. " `It was Sept. 10, 1390;'at 10:40 a.m.; vcithin thtee blocks of our house."'.:� -:' . - Tha�s when his wife, Mary Kay, was struck by a. bus es she was crossing at the iatersection of ' Cleveland Aveaue and FordParkway. " � :, � _ "She must, have presumed that the bus was , going to go straight; Philip said. But it�.turned, struck her and' dragged her under the wheei:Phitip was out of Eowri closing np.8heir lake cabii� at� the tinne,of the collisiom'I�Iotified of tfie incident, he rushed home. It was shortly after he arrived at the hospital afteraoon,: bnt.before he got a chance to see her, that Mary Bay;,gassed away. �, " I=onically, five peara: earii'er_she' had written a letter to the editor, eomeone would, killed'. at tfie;:interaection'if safety measures ) �s_my way of copmg; ay'coPe bg drinking; I p . ' ings with a:tone sLet can audibly aleEt blind gedea-, ., . trians that'tliey hape the zight of way�� crqsa.. a 'ih�ng that, idea a, atep fwthe� a' beeping fone�at' :" the,'end' oftfie signat'aterts.that the rig}it of way'ie ':' soon�endinpY , � � • � � � � �� '� � -�I 'tllso, he's-worinag with education eBorts to. heiP '^ ; all, pedestriaas und'erstand how crossing signals -^, work:: � . : :�•;_,; - � `There are ; a . lot-more people tham you'd tivnk ' who don't know.what the (crosswaik'>signal) : but- - tons are for," he said "Peogle.are just' wallrixtg iifto a,trap if they don't'und",'erstand:; We;ve worked.'-to. - get deca}s put on at all the crossings,to eaplain the. .; � �: - . butitons. , � � • � � `� � . ' . . ,r_ : "Some people, get panicked by the flashing�`don't .� walti' sig�ly'� he epntinued. What ��it is is� a.visnal �. Clue th8t E�l ,t1IIle 33 ninnin� OlI� OII j1C(IESCTIBII .. right of,wap end that soon tlie °Don't WalY' signal w�Y be commg. About'fioe years agq Philip:was a' key player in ,a pedestrian safety prog�am put on • �, by-the city o�3t Pmil. � � ,�� � �, . ' � � � = Despite: a}1' fhe, time,' and effort he's gut into the , i.ysue; Philig hasn'x.had'a major victory hang his. . � n3V¢IYL L86CII-8 ailIIK'ffiIIce 7�18� aAy :_' , - -. . . .. ;' '; Bnt he has ; had`a:;t6iist`.for Iearning'more about 'regulations amundRinteisections. Wfiat he's. found: 'is:t}iat:theze are`liugeinconsistencies with`tiie �'amounfs-oft�e aliowed fo'r people to get,across. , :-.: `Pm'fay'tng:to:stsndardizeit,' Ph�7ip said. Federal: : reguIations stipulate`that�pedestrians should fia've. one second per• three feet;�of street they.:have'to ' � Fross:, So on a 120-fao�cvide street; the waltc timers �. _ . ,. . , �guinea pig' daugh� deotaped and timed crossing 'a varietp of intersections. That foot�ge is part of,the arsenal of information he, shoots at'of1i= :asls whea he tries to make.his points. - - , . ', - ;a, couple,other� c ' ,,:,,- - .ry+effort wittr"visiai � __ _` �:Yf, 54= �4. . .. _. _ T j ro � ud J a � bou � l � s y � ••^ 'J W� �.{ �OK � C' S117UItDAY. NGNCH 31: 2001 ' tem, re cideo6 90 pe�c dap. Ri at �Yaffic`�cials�say that,if you change.k}u ing of,the`signals, it will throw off ali'�he�'syi �_ _. _C�l. _ _ _Y_'t MLL• _1��1tp��LnT ��. a tratu�,�_ TM+� uevice. w up as mu¢h speed'[�etween 'be mo;e cautious.° But he rules to make ug,for lost hme: . "I look at this as,zero tolera `�iere slwuld' not be' anyone hii tious motoi?sYs need to be. ,'" - «'in . .!M. w� f!_ _T�__ L !____ T .,�h'[_^�_�� issuea.One is a joint,._ l0,yeazs from,i�aw, tgroups 4n equip, cross ` frustrat�on `But nntiil I ^'tr.-... _ _ . . �—_:. � . .- - -- � . � „ - . , � N' i\ 1VAi'IONAL I3R' w�oed 34 iv�e'Sec�tiais t6at were as cmver6ed W tou'Mabouts. in oavC vauR OgrytS, 7Tpn• w�rc JN plR2pt fCteer aCCid�m'tc af tfio ,� muvda6ouGS StVdied, thr rrpnr( , EauM. .:. O3 ''k- ..�,. T .... . . _-- . . C' � �.ons«as�s�•s�'- T = � = C,r . = N 3.'ac,'3E _'_ c :,3'�0,� �� y� �LSfJ� G�v 0G o -°�'�aE9.c� �='m:-, �' E�„ =_°:o�QJ�>=,. ',md pi 'Ta �.J �fF.�A6�CGO��� �"T� ��z , N .�m , _oo��2_p� E a�:m_m - ° r� tai �� o � R—a W o i t6 ..F ¢� wC`__ m o'-� v v �3 a:a >,,$ p �iY'F ^���_ �9 c �i �a 3 0.=. �_s tO 'wV ��� � j, �����1 m�saces a[ stop etgas and tcaRic -- -- ---^— � � _ � - � � signs�caabemwtmphi�"saia TazaYouPayanIRtlDi�bamaa; :' ' ' , . '. .. Hetting,anaathoroEthestudq. atCmBeDoubkdTaud-AndYalMryOwnOneOf'I}�em - �TIIOOSiM4 OE OElaItlS 0)0[IES ' ronWbeprevented."7hestuQyi� iveai099Sno�mcFmmYaaM�iantFundCumpa�ryfS� . - � ' •TheTcud�il6oucIvngTcmCacelmiu��c, .. � � ., = 3' E, E ;-', please cell ot write to:'s': �?. COD'A' @ 13Y26 6th Ave; N:;:' � Anoka, MI!I�55303' �' � � ` (6I2};718-078'Z