01-248r� Presented B Referred Council File # � � "'� �'l O orainan�e # Green Sheet # ! l/F�vU / ORDINANCE 3.��. a a � ��cS`��o`� � � iv � D 1 An ordinance to provide for time limits for - 2 completion of construction, alterations or improv�[ients 3 on building perxnits issued by the Building �hcial. 4 5 THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SA1NT PAUL DOES OR3�IN: 6 7 Section 1 8 9 Chapter 33 is hereby amende�'o read as follows: 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 �RIGINA� Sec. 33.04. Establishment of permit fees. (D) Expiration of Building Permit: � Every pernrit issued by the bu�ing official under the provisions of this chapter shall exp�re by limitation and become null at�oid if the building of wark authorized by such permit is not commenced within one hundreclistghty (180) days from the date of such permit or if the building or work authorized by sucla%ermit is suspended or abandoned at any rime after the wark is commenced for a period of one 1�ndred eighty (180) days. Before such work can be recommen�ced, a new permit sh� be first obtained so to do, and the fee therefor shall be one-half the amount required fpila new permit for such work, provided no changes have been made or will be made in the �Sginal plans and specifications for such work; and provided further, that such suspensioil/ar abandonment has not exceeded one year. 25 � Any permitt�holding an unexpired pernut may apply for an extension of the time 26 within which he mayli�lmnence work under that permit when he is unable to commence work 27 within the tnne req�ed by this section for good and satisfactory reasons. The building official 28 may extend the ti�le for action by the pernuttee for a period not exceeding one hundred eighty 29 (180) days upo�iCvritten request by the permittee showing that circumstances beyond the control 30 of the pemiii� have prevented action from being taken. No permit shall be extended more than 31 once. In oraer to renew action on a permit after expiration, the perxnittee shall pay a new full 32 permit fee. 33 34 (32 Moreover, all work commenced pursuant to the issuance of a building permit b�} the 35 building official far constnxcrion. alteration, re�air or remodelin¢ of the exterior nortion of a 36 sitiele-famil,�dwellin� or two-family dwelline, includin� an attached or detached garaee, must �� ;�,, .�,. fiiilN:�`L�il �,: ; � ! CITY OF SAINT PAUL, iVIINNESOTA 1� be com leted within one 1 ear from the date of issuance of the buildin ermit or within one �� �'� � ���` v (l�year om the effective date of this ordinance. whichever is later. The buildins official may 3 extend the time for com�letion upon written request of the permittee establishinQ that 4 circumstances bevond the control of the pemuttee urevented completion of the work for which 5 the buildinQ permit was authorized. 6 7 (41 All work commenced pursuant to the issuance of a buildin� permit bv the buildin� 8 official for conslruction, alteration repair or remodelin¢ of the exterior or the interior �orti�s of 9 R-I proroerties or commercial pronerties where the permit valuarion is under $500,000, t be 10 completed within one (lveaz from the date of issuance of the buiidin�pernrit or witl�Iri one (� 11 year from the effective date of this ordinance, whichever is later. The buildinQ offiti�i may 12 extend the tune for com�letion upon written rec�est of the permittee establishin�knac 13 circumstances beyond the control of the permittee prevented completion of th�e'vork for which 14 the buildine permit was authorized. 15 16 (51 Any_person who violates subsection 33.04(D shall be il f a misdemeanor. 17 18 19 Section 2 20 21 This ardinance shall take effect and in force thirty (�f days following its passage, 22 approval and publication. 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 �� �� 32 33 �19T11 34 35 o� -sy� 3-s-ar :,x.:.� ��.,_„a, TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES GREEN SHEET r-�,.;.- �.�.�, Noi06087 �� ❑ �,,,� 1� �. ❑ �,� ❑,.�,�� ❑,.�.�,�,,.�.o � WYORW�IHOlMf!) ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) An ordinance providing for time limits for completion of construction, alterations or improvements on building permits issued by the Building Official. PLAWNING COMMiSSION CIB COMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION Has Mie Pa�Mmi ererwc'ked uMer a conhact farNis depaitment7 YES hD0 Hes Mb P�suufifin ever 6een a dlY empbyee7 rES rro Does this aa��rm G� a s1a71 not raimaNYP� M any curteM dlY emWovce4 YES NO b this peisoNPom a targeted ventloR YES NO e AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION COST/REVENUE BUDfiETEG (CIRCLE ONE� ACTM7Y NUMBER YES NO INFORMATON (IXPLNN)