01-217Couucil File # O \ � J� �� ` � L � .�.=�., � Presented By Referred To 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 ORDINANCE OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Ordinance # Green Sheet # �0,1,a �� � 33 Committee Date : An Administrarive Ordinance Providing for an Additional Citizen Board Member to Represent Suburban Customers on the Board of Water Commissioners THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SA1NT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. A new Chapter 103 is hereby enacted as part of the Saint Paul Administrative Code to read as follows: CHAPTER 103 Section 103.10 BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS Pursuant to Saint Paul City Charter § 15.03, there sha11 be a boazd of water commissioners composed of seven (7) members. Three (3) of the seven members shali be Saint Paul City Council Members, and two (2) of the seven members shall be resident citizens of Saint Paul who hold no other city office or city employment. The remaining two (2) members shall be resident citizens of a suburb or suburbs whose water system is owned by the Board, and shall be appointed as provided for in the water extension agreements with the suburbs. Section 2. This Ordinance shall be effective thirty (30) days following its passage, approval and publication. Requested by Department of: Sa int Paul Regional Water Services By:I�R�Ql�ei.? ��.�o_�,. � `General Manager Form Approved by City Attorney $ ��-. � •�� 2•�3.oI -� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary Approved b Mayor f� Submission to Council BY: By: � � /+i'{' � Approved by M o: Date �� \� aCO� f BY' p �USli� I���� � Adopted by Council: Date �� a-E7p � � � l —��7 ���� ouzoioi Bernie R. Bullert 266-6274 1US7 BE ON �UNCIL AGH�4 8Y (MT� � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PA(9ES t GREEN SHEET No 102?!� 1 �„�,�.��� u�,�..- d,,,.,,�, �. `� �3_61 Q �� - , wrw�aaressun `/n ❑ nwxa+�aan�ccra , �M��w�/ � � `�, " ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCA OTI NS FOR SIGNATUR� Execution of an Administrative Ordinance Providing for An Additional Citizen Board Member to Represent Suburban Customers on the Board of Water Couffiissioners. Attached: Board of Water Commissioners Resolution No. 4457 City Council Resolution No. 96-1365 PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMITfEE CIVIL SERVECE COMMIS310N FI� mic aersoruTim everworkea under a can4act r« mis aeFamrantz YES NO Vias tltie PeisoNfirm evM been a tity empbyee? YES NO Dces ihis pe�sonlfirm P�B e sldli not namaly'P� M�Y WrteM ah' emPbYeeT vES rav �s mis peisoMim n tarpetea vendort . VES NO ' A December I1, 1996 ordinance specifies that the Board of Water Commissioners i.*ill increase its membership to seven members when four suburban cities enter into asset transfer agreeme with the Board. The suburban cities are �Iaplewood., I�auderdale, Falcon Heights, and.[dest Saint Paul. Required by prior agreements isnovaNracESiFaaaRavEo None ISADVANTAGESIFNOTAPPROVED OTAL At�WUNT OF TRANSAC710N S UNDINO SOURCE ' iwacwi wwr.Aana+SExawM �; . G1TY ATTQR��Y COSTIREVENUE BUOGETm (CIRCLE CME) ACTNRY NUMBER YES NO �� ���g�.i;.�' ��?'i �.�n � r�,sa� L CtTY OF 57. PAUL OFFiCE OF THE BOARD OF WATER CDMMISSIONERS RESOLUTiON — GENEt2AL FORM C \ . .1��'� No 4457 �RESENTED BY p _ ' �OMMISSiONEi' - - — - tii'HEREAS, The AQreement bet�veen the $oazd and Cicy of 1�Ianlewood that w111 result in reoresentation on the $oard by VSapiewood; and �VHERE�S, The Board anticipates that additionat suburban cirizs l�ilt enter into a�eements similar to �Iaple�vood where the Board i�ill own and operate those communities' water scstems: and �VAERE�S, The representation of vlaple�cood and other future suburban communities on the Board u;ill require a chanae to the Saint Paul City Charte: permir�inQ said representation; and «'HERE �S, Staff has prepared and recommends chanees to the Saint Paul City Chazter as follow�s: Sec. 1�.03. Board of �Vater Commissioners. �--- There shatl be a Board of Watez Commissioners composed of six (6j members appointed as follows: The ivlayor shall appoini with the approval of the council three (3) members who sha11 be members of thz cirv council for tzrms to coincide �vith fr,eir elected terms of officz and nvo (2) members who shail be zesident citizens of Saint Pau1 who hold no other city office or cits employment. The sixth (bth) member who shall be a residznt ci�izen of a suburb served by the Board's water system to be appointed in the manner provided for in the « extension aaz with the suhurb(s). Ait citizen members shall serve for a term of four (4) yeazs. A citizen member appointed to fill a vacancy shall serve for ihe unexpired term_ In the event of a tie vote on any issue before the Boazd the Nlayor of Saint Paul shall be considered an ex officio member with the ri�ht to vote to bzeak the tie vote. The council may provide for an additional citizen Board member to be appointed as provided for in ihe water extension a�eements ��ith the suburbs. The Board shall elect bi-annually from iTs membership a president, and vice-president. The Board may make bylaws, ruies and regulations for iu govemment not inconsistent herewith, subject to the approval of the city councii. The compensation of the Board, if any, and the compensation of all officers and employees, shali be fixed by the city council. Water Commissioners �. Yeas In favor Nays Oppose� Adopted by the Board of Water Commissioners IMPORTAN7 �ETURN TO BQARD MINUTES fILE secY. nRir.i�ini CI'tY OF ST. PAUL OFHCE OF THE BOARD OF WA7ER COMM15510NER5 RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM o � -it� No �+ '�RESENTED HY Harris pq � Seatember 9, 2996 � "' �OMMISSIONER - T_.,__ ��_il t_ _ Tl _FTi/....�_!'�.�_�:..,,:._�,��.. ,�„ut .�L= ' ` __� ..,..���. . . a �__________ J _____ __________________�______ ..J�aa��.l�.�ialaZlllU�.LJLLUVV111l�.UU�u��. �IS3cm�-QIZxccac''cV''Y2, [�..ire�6�:;e�. � � �uuu v.. �..�..,....� _rc_:_ n,. _i _..L_ i__ia _ _ i,,._,. _=r__ _ ^ '� -:'__-- ,. :... _ ..;«�- • y _ . � i ___ __ _____ _ ___ � _ _ _ _. � . a auLaL'c1Lra1L. LuLLJll[lll J�.1��. L1 �+ i rr ' t � _ _ ....._, . , , . � _� :. .... .. . .,. � 1 : . . .. � . r � ri _ r - .. ,., .�� _ , . .. .. ... , ... .. . „ . ' . . .,. . . � u , .0 � v y . ... � . . . u � . . .�.r. . , . . . .. . .... _ ..0 � . .. .. ,. i C. ' ' r' . . � . t _ .� .. ., . , ...t i . . . ., ... . ,.� ; _. , . . . . _ .. . �.. . .. _ _ eat:�e;b Employees of the Board shail be considered employees oi the Ciry of Saint Paul. Esceat as modified by this Char�er or state law, the Board and iu emploqees shall in all respects be subiect to and subordinate to all provisions of this Chaner and the or¢inances and resoiutions enacted in pursuance thereof. The Board of Water Commissioners shall exercise aII auLhorin� for the operarion oi che tiUater Ltility as provided by Chapter 110, Special Laws oz tiiinnesota for 138�. �vhich is �°a-- inco:porated herein as fu21y and effectively as if set fonh herein ti�erbati*n: ; no�c, thzrefore, be ic RESOLVED, That the Boazd does concur and approve staffs recommended chan�es to the Saint Paul City Charter; and, be it FURTHER RESOLVEb, That the Saint Paul Cinr Council is requested to concur with the Board's proposed City Charter amendment. Water Commissionexs Yeas Arcand Harris Haselmann ident Guerin In favor 4 Nays Oppose� � Adopted bp the Board of Water Commissioners September 9, z9 96 L�vr�-t.e. �-�-i SECY. v� ORIGINAL t� t ` ) Counci l Fi l e 7��: �3� > r�- f.> �t �A ` �� f ^� ? /5 � �� E �= t�`- `_ � s Ordi nance T '� �-��'1 '� 6reen Sheet ;` �`��Z�° ORDINAAFCE CTTY OF SAINT PAl7L, M3NNESOTA 39 (a Preseni�d By �,/1�._ �/,�4.� Reierred To ___ Carmiite°: Date i � 3 An ordinance enacted pursuGnt to ,iinnesota 4 Statutes, Section 410,12, Subdiv_sion 7, 5 2mending Sec�ion 15.03 0_ the Sair:� Paul City 6 Charter. 7 8 The Counc?1 0� the City of Sair_t Paul Does =ereby Ordain: 9 IO Section 1 11 � 32 That in accordanc� with the authority cranted to Che City 13 Council pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section ?10.12, 14 Sui�dzvision 7, anc3 upon the reconsnendation ox the Saint Paul 1� Charter Commission, Section 15.03 of the Hcme RuZe Chartez for 16 the City of Saint Pau1 be and is hereby am�nded to read as 17 follows: � 18 29 Sec_ 15.03. Baard of watez comcnissioners. 20 _....:,:,:,.:. ::. _.....::.: ;: ::,:: ...;:..:::::::::>:: •:.: .; ->:.::: ;::::;::: ,::.;::.::::::=.:; ,.; ::::::..::::.::: ..::..:..:.::..:::.:.::: ::..:. . :.....::.::.:..:.:.:. :>"f 2I �e;��>:;;:sha:1:1:;;:ii?�: .. .....:.:... . , ... . 22 ss.i�:;`�fi:� ,�ecrcbers app�agCedr:a�<:>���.1r�v�s �e r.;a�s� _sha11 : aPPc?as�� : 23 vr��h t�� ap�rasral �� t�e avu�t��.i th�� �33 rae�rs �13,�s slia�l.::be • ... . : 24 _ , .... ...:_ . iiiea��s::::�€=::::::�h�`s::'.C:a:�;;::::_��u�i�':�:I:�:::_��r`> t�`.�t�zs::�.::t�:_:��szuc:a:ti�:>:sr�:t�i;;:�Iie�i :::::. ::::: .: ::.:::::::::::::::::::::: :.:::.::::::: �.::: .::::::::::::::::::.:::.::::::;:::::::::::: _:::::::�.::::.::;..::.>::,..:::::; ;,:::::::.::::;::.:::::..::::�;:,< ::_.:::. _.,-..,-...:,.-..., .:.:.:..:: .. . : :.: .::::::: .:::.:: :>: : .;;:..: : ..._ :... . :: _: .:. <:;:: : .: ::>;> .:. :.,.,.,. ...... :... .._: iia _.�., :. 25 �:1e:c:Ced<:<���s;:.s3f>;af�>i:�e.::an3:<::t�c�_: 26 .:..::..:....:......>..,.. ..: ,:....: ....,.:... `.c:z�s:z�u:s,:.�€:;SaizsC Pau1 n�,.a�he�, �aty„�ffx�e_ �r �sty 27 ��sl�xymes?t. s;zXth.;: f6�3?�;':`?nez�e�rer srh�z shGi2 �� a> �es�.d�iit .... .::::: .....:; .: _....;) � . � ��:� . �:, �::: �..:: .:;.>::::.:....:::...::r�:-:;:::�:::.:: �>::; >- ::,;.::_..:::,.:::.,:::;,:..,:,: :.... 2& ��:t�ze�i:::>��:::;�:::>su�?�:rY�::<:s��-v�d:b.::_:th�:=:;�rd:;::�_:.:wat��::�:s..:s;t��:::::C��:be :...,.::..::.:::.,.::::,.:.:<:<:;..:.:;:.:::.:.::::;.:;.::-;.:>;.<,.:<:.:::,:...;, ;;:;.;:;. -:-.-- :.::.....:..:.,,.;..:>_.:<:.::;::;�:-:_::<;.::<-:<:..::::>:::._.. ...:._.._.. ...__. _. . agpa�?zt�d;;; in:�>::��se:.«�aaii�`r:';:gr�v3d.ed:;:;zrir::<<>ia<:::th� :::vrate�;<�x.t�ns_s�n :. . 30 agreem�xz� sv�.th �he: su�auzk�Cs1 A3.� ��t�zeu rter,u�ers shal� s�rve fc�r � .:.......:....::.:::.; ..:::�::_.;::.<.:_-:..: .:. ._...::.. _ ;. :.=:_ .._.:_:,...::...,.:: _:..:;<.,>;:,-,:_.:;. ::,.,..::.::.,. .<. .. :: :: . 3I a':=>:��r�>::��<::>�ou:r:::<:;E�:�>:=;; :ea=�s<_>:<=::A>::;czt2:ze�i:<::�ietr.a�r:;a: : =a�.ed:;:::��::;>:f:3T1;:>a :.::::::::.:::::::.:.:.:.:...: ::::.: : ::::.:.:.:._:: :: :.:::.:: -:::...:.::..::::.-.::.:-;.;.;..-::,..>::::.-:.;<-. ;�:.:.:_.: :.:;:;>:..:PPt?_,.:::::._,::.:,.:�::;;;:;:.:.::._ :.;::_.... 32 _ _:.. . . ,,... ;:: ° ... ..:. ::.:::::;.:. .:::,.., .,:::: ::.. ,,.. :..:;: "- .: :.. . :....: :.:. :.>: . . - - >�ac�i�c�r sI?a13.,.sez�e _ .=2erl.; th�. . .. � : 33 �tx� . u�t�,. t�g anY �ssu� .l�e:fax� tlie bna_�ri the ?�ay�r��sf SazAZ Paul 34 . s�all,.b�.�v�:isarier�d a�i,ex;.�ff�:cz�,.��£. �ri:�7i the_ zigiit -t�_vc��e ... 35 C� ��eak`:;..�2s�::.<tie::v�a�e ,;Tl�e ez�ui�cxl zza'y ft�r an a�tiits�.nai . ..,:.... 36 cxC�z�a board zz�azber t�r ;�� =:a�p��.nt�ct ;as �rc�adet�. ,€csr..in;::the wateY 37 aX:��i�si�n:>;`a : 'eeai�iit:s<>:;ri�.�ri>:;��e:::<;subu��is_;<::= ....:........ - -.......�._._...................:._.-......._.......... .................... 38 _.:::.:;:::.:; :.:::.;.:, :>.<-.. ,..: •;:: ,:: «<:: ..: ::::::::: .:::: ..:.:.:>::::.:.:>:;;:..;>;: :_ >=:..:::: :.:,.:_:: ,: : -: -;::.::-::.: :.:.:;:..::::-.:. ._:. ; :. 39 ��>.��arci shall_eleat bi.-�ngual�y frorz--xts,=r�.ember�h'i.g`:a . 40 preszde�t, GIId,Tr�ce=pr�sideut :: '�2?e �iaar� ;;�� :�cake; by3.ai;rs, 'xu�es , :::::: -,.- : :.:...::.:...::_.. ....:.,:::.<;;:;, .:.:: -::: ..-.:,.. _ :-.::.., ...::,:.:.: :..:::.:. :.::::.:..::.; ..,. . - _.. ... 41 ,.. .; a�d;.;regulatzons .:€or its `goverECZn�n� nt�t .�n�c�sis�ent .hererrztha 42 su1��e�� �r� ;�3�2 agpr�;Fal ;r�E th2. c�.ty ;��una�.3_. �he-:c�mvensatit�u :�:� 43 the :T�aai�.�;;..�.f any, ; aad_ the ��mpensatsisa �� :aI2 �f£xcers aiid ;;<:::::;,, . .:...: :..:.. ...... ... . . .... ... 44 .. :.. :. ........_ . :;:;=::. . 2m�lss��c�;s:;;>:< stia;l:�;: be;i:;�iX2ii::;:iiYs;:: C�i�:r;c:=�Y>:<��un.c:�,7?:i: 45 1 � Tpexe-s�a3?-�e-a-�ea=e-e€-Wa�e�-ee�ss�axe�s-eexsaese�-e€-€;ve ���3b� � 2 - YS'r-�e�be�s-agae�x�e�-�y-��e-�a�e=-ax�-agg 3��Z� 3 T��ee-{3�-�e�e�s-ska??-�e-�ex�be=s-e°_-E�e-e��y-eexae=_?-aa�-se;ve 4 �e�es-�e-ee}�e��e-w���-��e;�-e�ee�e�-�e�-e�-s€r�ee. "5 �e�hexs-spa??-�e-�es=�ese-e�e�seas-e€-Sa�pe-Paa�-K�e-�e?�-ae Ot-��1 6 e��e�-e���-e€€�ee-e�-e-�y-e�s�ey�aes�.--Saeh-s�a??-se�*e-€e=-a-�ena 7 e_ - �e�x - {4} - yea=s, - -exee��-epa�-eae-e€-��e-�we-4�}-�e�e�s-°:=s� 8 aaae�$�e�-s�a??-se`ve-°s=-a-�e�a-e€-�ae-{?}-�ea�s--A-e;�_>ea 9 �e�er-aggeia�e�-�e-��??-a-vaeaaey-s�a?=-se�e-€e�-�pe-�aexs��e� 10 ee�--T�e-�eaK�-s�a??-e?ee�-a�xa??p-exe-e€-��s-�e�exs-�e-�e I1 ��es_�ea�-e€-��e-�ea��-aa�-eae-e€-��s-�e*.nbe�s-a�ee-g�es��es�, 12 ��-�ay-�ake-�y?aws;-�?es-aa�-=eg�?a�_sas-£e�-=�s-�eve�x�es�-�et 13 =_aee�s�s�ep�-�e=ew�E�,-s�b�ee�-�e-Epe-aas�eaa?-e€-��e-e:�p 14 ee�ae�?:-��e-ee�seasaE;er.-e€-��e-�ea=sr-�=-a.�y,--aa�-d§e IS ee��easae}ea-e€-a?,-e€:_eexs-aa�-e�s?eyees, 16 e��y-ee�ae�?.- I7 18 Employees of the board shall be considered emplayees o� the 19 City of Saint Paul. Except as modified by this Charter or state 20 law, the board and its employees shall in all resoects be subject 2I to and subordinate to all provisions o� this Charter and the ?? ordinances and 'resolutions enacted in nursuar_ce thereof. 23 � 24 The board of water commissioners shall exercise all 25 authority for the operation of the water utility as provided by 26 Chapter 110, Special Laws of Minnesota for 1885, whzch is 27 incorporated herein as fully and effectively as if set forth 28 herein verbatim. 29 �� Section 2 31 32 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force ninety (901 days 33 from and after its adoption, approval and publication unless �4 within 60 days of its passage and publication a petition 35 requesting a referendum on this ordinance is filed with the City 36 Clerk. 3 7 Requesied by Department oi: Water Utili.ty Adoption Certlfied by Council Secretary By: � � —�---- -- Approved by Mayor: Date 13 ��r �y_ _ ��L �� �i�,«�� g ; ' ..Pivt� 4� +^-u� General Manager Form Approved by City ALtorney s y: �� .., � ft , �� -,�,--� Approved by Mayor for Submission io Council � ��� , DEG 2� 1996 Adopted by Council: Date �� >>�\�1�� Couucil File # O \ � J� �� ` � L � .�.=�., � Presented By Referred To 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 ORDINANCE OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Ordinance # Green Sheet # �0,1,a �� � 33 Committee Date : An Administrarive Ordinance Providing for an Additional Citizen Board Member to Represent Suburban Customers on the Board of Water Commissioners THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SA1NT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. A new Chapter 103 is hereby enacted as part of the Saint Paul Administrative Code to read as follows: CHAPTER 103 Section 103.10 BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS Pursuant to Saint Paul City Charter § 15.03, there sha11 be a boazd of water commissioners composed of seven (7) members. Three (3) of the seven members shali be Saint Paul City Council Members, and two (2) of the seven members shall be resident citizens of Saint Paul who hold no other city office or city employment. The remaining two (2) members shall be resident citizens of a suburb or suburbs whose water system is owned by the Board, and shall be appointed as provided for in the water extension agreements with the suburbs. Section 2. This Ordinance shall be effective thirty (30) days following its passage, approval and publication. Requested by Department of: Sa int Paul Regional Water Services By:I�R�Ql�ei.? ��.�o_�,. � `General Manager Form Approved by City Attorney $ ��-. � •�� 2•�3.oI -� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary Approved b Mayor f� Submission to Council BY: By: � � /+i'{' � Approved by M o: Date �� \� aCO� f BY' p �USli� I���� � Adopted by Council: Date �� a-E7p � � � l —��7 ���� ouzoioi Bernie R. Bullert 266-6274 1US7 BE ON �UNCIL AGH�4 8Y (MT� � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PA(9ES t GREEN SHEET No 102?!� 1 �„�,�.��� u�,�..- d,,,.,,�, �. `� �3_61 Q �� - , wrw�aaressun `/n ❑ nwxa+�aan�ccra , �M��w�/ � � `�, " ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCA OTI NS FOR SIGNATUR� Execution of an Administrative Ordinance Providing for An Additional Citizen Board Member to Represent Suburban Customers on the Board of Water Couffiissioners. Attached: Board of Water Commissioners Resolution No. 4457 City Council Resolution No. 96-1365 PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMITfEE CIVIL SERVECE COMMIS310N FI� mic aersoruTim everworkea under a can4act r« mis aeFamrantz YES NO Vias tltie PeisoNfirm evM been a tity empbyee? YES NO Dces ihis pe�sonlfirm P�B e sldli not namaly'P� M�Y WrteM ah' emPbYeeT vES rav �s mis peisoMim n tarpetea vendort . VES NO ' A December I1, 1996 ordinance specifies that the Board of Water Commissioners i.*ill increase its membership to seven members when four suburban cities enter into asset transfer agreeme with the Board. The suburban cities are �Iaplewood., I�auderdale, Falcon Heights, and.[dest Saint Paul. Required by prior agreements isnovaNracESiFaaaRavEo None ISADVANTAGESIFNOTAPPROVED OTAL At�WUNT OF TRANSAC710N S UNDINO SOURCE ' iwacwi wwr.Aana+SExawM �; . G1TY ATTQR��Y COSTIREVENUE BUOGETm (CIRCLE CME) ACTNRY NUMBER YES NO �� ���g�.i;.�' ��?'i �.�n � r�,sa� L CtTY OF 57. PAUL OFFiCE OF THE BOARD OF WATER CDMMISSIONERS RESOLUTiON — GENEt2AL FORM C \ . .1��'� No 4457 �RESENTED BY p _ ' �OMMISSiONEi' - - — - tii'HEREAS, The AQreement bet�veen the $oazd and Cicy of 1�Ianlewood that w111 result in reoresentation on the $oard by VSapiewood; and �VHERE�S, The Board anticipates that additionat suburban cirizs l�ilt enter into a�eements similar to �Iaple�vood where the Board i�ill own and operate those communities' water scstems: and �VAERE�S, The representation of vlaple�cood and other future suburban communities on the Board u;ill require a chanae to the Saint Paul City Charte: permir�inQ said representation; and «'HERE �S, Staff has prepared and recommends chanees to the Saint Paul City Chazter as follow�s: Sec. 1�.03. Board of �Vater Commissioners. �--- There shatl be a Board of Watez Commissioners composed of six (6j members appointed as follows: The ivlayor shall appoini with the approval of the council three (3) members who sha11 be members of thz cirv council for tzrms to coincide �vith fr,eir elected terms of officz and nvo (2) members who shail be zesident citizens of Saint Pau1 who hold no other city office or cits employment. The sixth (bth) member who shall be a residznt ci�izen of a suburb served by the Board's water system to be appointed in the manner provided for in the « extension aaz with the suhurb(s). Ait citizen members shall serve for a term of four (4) yeazs. A citizen member appointed to fill a vacancy shall serve for ihe unexpired term_ In the event of a tie vote on any issue before the Boazd the Nlayor of Saint Paul shall be considered an ex officio member with the ri�ht to vote to bzeak the tie vote. The council may provide for an additional citizen Board member to be appointed as provided for in ihe water extension a�eements ��ith the suburbs. The Board shall elect bi-annually from iTs membership a president, and vice-president. The Board may make bylaws, ruies and regulations for iu govemment not inconsistent herewith, subject to the approval of the city councii. The compensation of the Board, if any, and the compensation of all officers and employees, shali be fixed by the city council. Water Commissioners �. Yeas In favor Nays Oppose� Adopted by the Board of Water Commissioners IMPORTAN7 �ETURN TO BQARD MINUTES fILE secY. nRir.i�ini CI'tY OF ST. PAUL OFHCE OF THE BOARD OF WA7ER COMM15510NER5 RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM o � -it� No �+ '�RESENTED HY Harris pq � Seatember 9, 2996 � "' �OMMISSIONER - T_.,__ ��_il t_ _ Tl _FTi/....�_!'�.�_�:..,,:._�,��.. ,�„ut .�L= ' ` __� ..,..���. . . a �__________ J _____ __________________�______ ..J�aa��.l�.�ialaZlllU�.LJLLUVV111l�.UU�u��. �IS3cm�-QIZxccac''cV''Y2, [�..ire�6�:;e�. � � �uuu v.. �..�..,....� _rc_:_ n,. _i _..L_ i__ia _ _ i,,._,. _=r__ _ ^ '� -:'__-- ,. :... _ ..;«�- • y _ . � i ___ __ _____ _ ___ � _ _ _ _. � . a auLaL'c1Lra1L. LuLLJll[lll J�.1��. L1 �+ i rr ' t � _ _ ....._, . , , . � _� :. .... .. . .,. � 1 : . . .. � . r � ri _ r - .. ,., .�� _ , . .. .. ... , ... .. . „ . ' . . .,. . . � u , .0 � v y . ... � . . . u � . . .�.r. . , . . . .. . .... _ ..0 � . .. .. ,. i C. ' ' r' . . � . t _ .� .. ., . , ...t i . . . ., ... . ,.� ; _. , . . . . _ .. . �.. . .. _ _ eat:�e;b Employees of the Board shail be considered employees oi the Ciry of Saint Paul. Esceat as modified by this Char�er or state law, the Board and iu emploqees shall in all respects be subiect to and subordinate to all provisions of this Chaner and the or¢inances and resoiutions enacted in pursuance thereof. The Board of Water Commissioners shall exercise aII auLhorin� for the operarion oi che tiUater Ltility as provided by Chapter 110, Special Laws oz tiiinnesota for 138�. �vhich is �°a-- inco:porated herein as fu21y and effectively as if set fonh herein ti�erbati*n: ; no�c, thzrefore, be ic RESOLVED, That the Boazd does concur and approve staffs recommended chan�es to the Saint Paul City Charter; and, be it FURTHER RESOLVEb, That the Saint Paul Cinr Council is requested to concur with the Board's proposed City Charter amendment. Water Commissionexs Yeas Arcand Harris Haselmann ident Guerin In favor 4 Nays Oppose� � Adopted bp the Board of Water Commissioners September 9, z9 96 L�vr�-t.e. �-�-i SECY. v� ORIGINAL t� t ` ) Counci l Fi l e 7��: �3� > r�- f.> �t �A ` �� f ^� ? /5 � �� E �= t�`- `_ � s Ordi nance T '� �-��'1 '� 6reen Sheet ;` �`��Z�° ORDINAAFCE CTTY OF SAINT PAl7L, M3NNESOTA 39 (a Preseni�d By �,/1�._ �/,�4.� Reierred To ___ Carmiite°: Date i � 3 An ordinance enacted pursuGnt to ,iinnesota 4 Statutes, Section 410,12, Subdiv_sion 7, 5 2mending Sec�ion 15.03 0_ the Sair:� Paul City 6 Charter. 7 8 The Counc?1 0� the City of Sair_t Paul Does =ereby Ordain: 9 IO Section 1 11 � 32 That in accordanc� with the authority cranted to Che City 13 Council pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section ?10.12, 14 Sui�dzvision 7, anc3 upon the reconsnendation ox the Saint Paul 1� Charter Commission, Section 15.03 of the Hcme RuZe Chartez for 16 the City of Saint Pau1 be and is hereby am�nded to read as 17 follows: � 18 29 Sec_ 15.03. Baard of watez comcnissioners. 20 _....:,:,:,.:. ::. _.....::.: ;: ::,:: ...;:..:::::::::>:: •:.: .; ->:.::: ;::::;::: ,::.;::.::::::=.:; ,.; ::::::..::::.::: ..::..:..:.::..:::.:.::: ::..:. . :.....::.::.:..:.:.:. :>"f 2I �e;��>:;;:sha:1:1:;;:ii?�: .. .....:.:... . , ... . 22 ss.i�:;`�fi:� ,�ecrcbers app�agCedr:a�<:>���.1r�v�s �e r.;a�s� _sha11 : aPPc?as�� : 23 vr��h t�� ap�rasral �� t�e avu�t��.i th�� �33 rae�rs �13,�s slia�l.::be • ... . : 24 _ , .... ...:_ . iiiea��s::::�€=::::::�h�`s::'.C:a:�;;::::_��u�i�':�:I:�:::_��r`> t�`.�t�zs::�.::t�:_:��szuc:a:ti�:>:sr�:t�i;;:�Iie�i :::::. ::::: .: ::.:::::::::::::::::::::: :.:::.::::::: �.::: .::::::::::::::::::.:::.::::::;:::::::::::: _:::::::�.::::.::;..::.>::,..:::::; ;,:::::::.::::;::.:::::..::::�;:,< ::_.:::. _.,-..,-...:,.-..., .:.:.:..:: .. . : :.: .::::::: .:::.:: :>: : .;;:..: : ..._ :... . :: _: .:. <:;:: : .: ::>;> .:. :.,.,.,. ...... :... .._: iia _.�., :. 25 �:1e:c:Ced<:<���s;:.s3f>;af�>i:�e.::an3:<::t�c�_: 26 .:..::..:....:......>..,.. ..: ,:....: ....,.:... `.c:z�s:z�u:s,:.�€:;SaizsC Pau1 n�,.a�he�, �aty„�ffx�e_ �r �sty 27 ��sl�xymes?t. s;zXth.;: f6�3?�;':`?nez�e�rer srh�z shGi2 �� a> �es�.d�iit .... .::::: .....:; .: _....;) � . � ��:� . �:, �::: �..:: .:;.>::::.:....:::...::r�:-:;:::�:::.:: �>::; >- ::,;.::_..:::,.:::.,:::;,:..,:,: :.... 2& ��:t�ze�i:::>��:::;�:::>su�?�:rY�::<:s��-v�d:b.::_:th�:=:;�rd:;::�_:.:wat��::�:s..:s;t��:::::C��:be :...,.::..::.:::.,.::::,.:.:<:<:;..:.:;:.:::.:.::::;.:;.::-;.:>;.<,.:<:.:::,:...;, ;;:;.;:;. -:-.-- :.::.....:..:.,,.;..:>_.:<:.::;::;�:-:_::<;.::<-:<:..::::>:::._.. ...:._.._.. ...__. _. . agpa�?zt�d;;; in:�>::��se:.«�aaii�`r:';:gr�v3d.ed:;:;zrir::<<>ia<:::th� :::vrate�;<�x.t�ns_s�n :. . 30 agreem�xz� sv�.th �he: su�auzk�Cs1 A3.� ��t�zeu rter,u�ers shal� s�rve fc�r � .:.......:....::.:::.; ..:::�::_.;::.<.:_-:..: .:. ._...::.. _ ;. :.=:_ .._.:_:,...::...,.:: _:..:;<.,>;:,-,:_.:;. ::,.,..::.::.,. .<. .. :: :: . 3I a':=>:��r�>::��<::>�ou:r:::<:;E�:�>:=;; :ea=�s<_>:<=::A>::;czt2:ze�i:<::�ietr.a�r:;a: : =a�.ed:;:::��::;>:f:3T1;:>a :.::::::::.:::::::.:.:.:.:...: ::::.: : ::::.:.:.:._:: :: :.:::.:: -:::...:.::..::::.-.::.:-;.;.;..-::,..>::::.-:.;<-. ;�:.:.:_.: :.:;:;>:..:PPt?_,.:::::._,::.:,.:�::;;;:;:.:.::._ :.;::_.... 32 _ _:.. . . ,,... ;:: ° ... ..:. ::.:::::;.:. .:::,.., .,:::: ::.. ,,.. :..:;: "- .: :.. . :....: :.:. :.>: . . - - >�ac�i�c�r sI?a13.,.sez�e _ .=2erl.; th�. . .. � : 33 �tx� . u�t�,. t�g anY �ssu� .l�e:fax� tlie bna_�ri the ?�ay�r��sf SazAZ Paul 34 . s�all,.b�.�v�:isarier�d a�i,ex;.�ff�:cz�,.��£. �ri:�7i the_ zigiit -t�_vc��e ... 35 C� ��eak`:;..�2s�::.<tie::v�a�e ,;Tl�e ez�ui�cxl zza'y ft�r an a�tiits�.nai . ..,:.... 36 cxC�z�a board zz�azber t�r ;�� =:a�p��.nt�ct ;as �rc�adet�. ,€csr..in;::the wateY 37 aX:��i�si�n:>;`a : 'eeai�iit:s<>:;ri�.�ri>:;��e:::<;subu��is_;<::= ....:........ - -.......�._._...................:._.-......._.......... .................... 38 _.:::.:;:::.:; :.:::.;.:, :>.<-.. ,..: •;:: ,:: «<:: ..: ::::::::: .:::: ..:.:.:>::::.:.:>:;;:..;>;: :_ >=:..:::: :.:,.:_:: ,: : -: -;::.::-::.: :.:.:;:..::::-.:. ._:. ; :. 39 ��>.��arci shall_eleat bi.-�ngual�y frorz--xts,=r�.ember�h'i.g`:a . 40 preszde�t, GIId,Tr�ce=pr�sideut :: '�2?e �iaar� ;;�� :�cake; by3.ai;rs, 'xu�es , :::::: -,.- : :.:...::.:...::_.. ....:.,:::.<;;:;, .:.:: -::: ..-.:,.. _ :-.::.., ...::,:.:.: :..:::.:. :.::::.:..::.; ..,. . - _.. ... 41 ,.. .; a�d;.;regulatzons .:€or its `goverECZn�n� nt�t .�n�c�sis�ent .hererrztha 42 su1��e�� �r� ;�3�2 agpr�;Fal ;r�E th2. c�.ty ;��una�.3_. �he-:c�mvensatit�u :�:� 43 the :T�aai�.�;;..�.f any, ; aad_ the ��mpensatsisa �� :aI2 �f£xcers aiid ;;<:::::;,, . .:...: :..:.. ...... ... . . .... ... 44 .. :.. :. ........_ . :;:;=::. . 2m�lss��c�;s:;;>:< stia;l:�;: be;i:;�iX2ii::;:iiYs;:: C�i�:r;c:=�Y>:<��un.c:�,7?:i: 45 1 � Tpexe-s�a3?-�e-a-�ea=e-e€-Wa�e�-ee�ss�axe�s-eexsaese�-e€-€;ve ���3b� � 2 - YS'r-�e�be�s-agae�x�e�-�y-��e-�a�e=-ax�-agg 3��Z� 3 T��ee-{3�-�e�e�s-ska??-�e-�ex�be=s-e°_-E�e-e��y-eexae=_?-aa�-se;ve 4 �e�es-�e-ee}�e��e-w���-��e;�-e�ee�e�-�e�-e�-s€r�ee. "5 �e�hexs-spa??-�e-�es=�ese-e�e�seas-e€-Sa�pe-Paa�-K�e-�e?�-ae Ot-��1 6 e��e�-e���-e€€�ee-e�-e-�y-e�s�ey�aes�.--Saeh-s�a??-se�*e-€e=-a-�ena 7 e_ - �e�x - {4} - yea=s, - -exee��-epa�-eae-e€-��e-�we-4�}-�e�e�s-°:=s� 8 aaae�$�e�-s�a??-se`ve-°s=-a-�e�a-e€-�ae-{?}-�ea�s--A-e;�_>ea 9 �e�er-aggeia�e�-�e-��??-a-vaeaaey-s�a?=-se�e-€e�-�pe-�aexs��e� 10 ee�--T�e-�eaK�-s�a??-e?ee�-a�xa??p-exe-e€-��s-�e�exs-�e-�e I1 ��es_�ea�-e€-��e-�ea��-aa�-eae-e€-��s-�e*.nbe�s-a�ee-g�es��es�, 12 ��-�ay-�ake-�y?aws;-�?es-aa�-=eg�?a�_sas-£e�-=�s-�eve�x�es�-�et 13 =_aee�s�s�ep�-�e=ew�E�,-s�b�ee�-�e-Epe-aas�eaa?-e€-��e-e:�p 14 ee�ae�?:-��e-ee�seasaE;er.-e€-��e-�ea=sr-�=-a.�y,--aa�-d§e IS ee��easae}ea-e€-a?,-e€:_eexs-aa�-e�s?eyees, 16 e��y-ee�ae�?.- I7 18 Employees of the board shall be considered emplayees o� the 19 City of Saint Paul. Except as modified by this Charter or state 20 law, the board and its employees shall in all resoects be subject 2I to and subordinate to all provisions o� this Charter and the ?? ordinances and 'resolutions enacted in nursuar_ce thereof. 23 � 24 The board of water commissioners shall exercise all 25 authority for the operation of the water utility as provided by 26 Chapter 110, Special Laws of Minnesota for 1885, whzch is 27 incorporated herein as fully and effectively as if set forth 28 herein verbatim. 29 �� Section 2 31 32 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force ninety (901 days 33 from and after its adoption, approval and publication unless �4 within 60 days of its passage and publication a petition 35 requesting a referendum on this ordinance is filed with the City 36 Clerk. 3 7 Requesied by Department oi: Water Utili.ty Adoption Certlfied by Council Secretary By: � � —�---- -- Approved by Mayor: Date 13 ��r �y_ _ ��L �� �i�,«�� g ; ' ..Pivt� 4� +^-u� General Manager Form Approved by City ALtorney s y: �� .., � ft , �� -,�,--� Approved by Mayor for Submission io Council � ��� , DEG 2� 1996 Adopted by Council: Date �� >>�\�1�� Couucil File # O \ � J� �� ` � L � .�.=�., � Presented By Referred To 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 ORDINANCE OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Ordinance # Green Sheet # �0,1,a �� � 33 Committee Date : An Administrarive Ordinance Providing for an Additional Citizen Board Member to Represent Suburban Customers on the Board of Water Commissioners THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SA1NT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. A new Chapter 103 is hereby enacted as part of the Saint Paul Administrative Code to read as follows: CHAPTER 103 Section 103.10 BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS Pursuant to Saint Paul City Charter § 15.03, there sha11 be a boazd of water commissioners composed of seven (7) members. Three (3) of the seven members shali be Saint Paul City Council Members, and two (2) of the seven members shall be resident citizens of Saint Paul who hold no other city office or city employment. The remaining two (2) members shall be resident citizens of a suburb or suburbs whose water system is owned by the Board, and shall be appointed as provided for in the water extension agreements with the suburbs. Section 2. This Ordinance shall be effective thirty (30) days following its passage, approval and publication. Requested by Department of: Sa int Paul Regional Water Services By:I�R�Ql�ei.? ��.�o_�,. � `General Manager Form Approved by City Attorney $ ��-. � •�� 2•�3.oI -� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary Approved b Mayor f� Submission to Council BY: By: � � /+i'{' � Approved by M o: Date �� \� aCO� f BY' p �USli� I���� � Adopted by Council: Date �� a-E7p � � � l —��7 ���� ouzoioi Bernie R. Bullert 266-6274 1US7 BE ON �UNCIL AGH�4 8Y (MT� � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PA(9ES t GREEN SHEET No 102?!� 1 �„�,�.��� u�,�..- d,,,.,,�, �. `� �3_61 Q �� - , wrw�aaressun `/n ❑ nwxa+�aan�ccra , �M��w�/ � � `�, " ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCA OTI NS FOR SIGNATUR� Execution of an Administrative Ordinance Providing for An Additional Citizen Board Member to Represent Suburban Customers on the Board of Water Couffiissioners. Attached: Board of Water Commissioners Resolution No. 4457 City Council Resolution No. 96-1365 PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMITfEE CIVIL SERVECE COMMIS310N FI� mic aersoruTim everworkea under a can4act r« mis aeFamrantz YES NO Vias tltie PeisoNfirm evM been a tity empbyee? YES NO Dces ihis pe�sonlfirm P�B e sldli not namaly'P� M�Y WrteM ah' emPbYeeT vES rav �s mis peisoMim n tarpetea vendort . VES NO ' A December I1, 1996 ordinance specifies that the Board of Water Commissioners i.*ill increase its membership to seven members when four suburban cities enter into asset transfer agreeme with the Board. The suburban cities are �Iaplewood., I�auderdale, Falcon Heights, and.[dest Saint Paul. Required by prior agreements isnovaNracESiFaaaRavEo None ISADVANTAGESIFNOTAPPROVED OTAL At�WUNT OF TRANSAC710N S UNDINO SOURCE ' iwacwi wwr.Aana+SExawM �; . G1TY ATTQR��Y COSTIREVENUE BUOGETm (CIRCLE CME) ACTNRY NUMBER YES NO �� ���g�.i;.�' ��?'i �.�n � r�,sa� L CtTY OF 57. PAUL OFFiCE OF THE BOARD OF WATER CDMMISSIONERS RESOLUTiON — GENEt2AL FORM C \ . .1��'� No 4457 �RESENTED BY p _ ' �OMMISSiONEi' - - — - tii'HEREAS, The AQreement bet�veen the $oazd and Cicy of 1�Ianlewood that w111 result in reoresentation on the $oard by VSapiewood; and �VHERE�S, The Board anticipates that additionat suburban cirizs l�ilt enter into a�eements similar to �Iaple�vood where the Board i�ill own and operate those communities' water scstems: and �VAERE�S, The representation of vlaple�cood and other future suburban communities on the Board u;ill require a chanae to the Saint Paul City Charte: permir�inQ said representation; and «'HERE �S, Staff has prepared and recommends chanees to the Saint Paul City Chazter as follow�s: Sec. 1�.03. Board of �Vater Commissioners. �--- There shatl be a Board of Watez Commissioners composed of six (6j members appointed as follows: The ivlayor shall appoini with the approval of the council three (3) members who sha11 be members of thz cirv council for tzrms to coincide �vith fr,eir elected terms of officz and nvo (2) members who shail be zesident citizens of Saint Pau1 who hold no other city office or cits employment. The sixth (bth) member who shall be a residznt ci�izen of a suburb served by the Board's water system to be appointed in the manner provided for in the « extension aaz with the suhurb(s). Ait citizen members shall serve for a term of four (4) yeazs. A citizen member appointed to fill a vacancy shall serve for ihe unexpired term_ In the event of a tie vote on any issue before the Boazd the Nlayor of Saint Paul shall be considered an ex officio member with the ri�ht to vote to bzeak the tie vote. The council may provide for an additional citizen Board member to be appointed as provided for in ihe water extension a�eements ��ith the suburbs. The Board shall elect bi-annually from iTs membership a president, and vice-president. The Board may make bylaws, ruies and regulations for iu govemment not inconsistent herewith, subject to the approval of the city councii. The compensation of the Board, if any, and the compensation of all officers and employees, shali be fixed by the city council. Water Commissioners �. Yeas In favor Nays Oppose� Adopted by the Board of Water Commissioners IMPORTAN7 �ETURN TO BQARD MINUTES fILE secY. nRir.i�ini CI'tY OF ST. PAUL OFHCE OF THE BOARD OF WA7ER COMM15510NER5 RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM o � -it� No �+ '�RESENTED HY Harris pq � Seatember 9, 2996 � "' �OMMISSIONER - T_.,__ ��_il t_ _ Tl _FTi/....�_!'�.�_�:..,,:._�,��.. ,�„ut .�L= ' ` __� ..,..���. . . a �__________ J _____ __________________�______ ..J�aa��.l�.�ialaZlllU�.LJLLUVV111l�.UU�u��. �IS3cm�-QIZxccac''cV''Y2, [�..ire�6�:;e�. � � �uuu v.. �..�..,....� _rc_:_ n,. _i _..L_ i__ia _ _ i,,._,. _=r__ _ ^ '� -:'__-- ,. :... _ ..;«�- • y _ . � i ___ __ _____ _ ___ � _ _ _ _. � . a auLaL'c1Lra1L. LuLLJll[lll J�.1��. L1 �+ i rr ' t � _ _ ....._, . , , . � _� :. .... .. . .,. � 1 : . . .. � . r � ri _ r - .. ,., .�� _ , . .. .. ... , ... .. . „ . ' . . .,. . . � u , .0 � v y . ... � . . . u � . . .�.r. . , . . . .. . .... _ ..0 � . .. .. ,. i C. ' ' r' . . � . t _ .� .. ., . , ...t i . . . ., ... . ,.� ; _. , . . . . _ .. . �.. . .. _ _ eat:�e;b Employees of the Board shail be considered employees oi the Ciry of Saint Paul. Esceat as modified by this Char�er or state law, the Board and iu emploqees shall in all respects be subiect to and subordinate to all provisions of this Chaner and the or¢inances and resoiutions enacted in pursuance thereof. The Board of Water Commissioners shall exercise aII auLhorin� for the operarion oi che tiUater Ltility as provided by Chapter 110, Special Laws oz tiiinnesota for 138�. �vhich is �°a-- inco:porated herein as fu21y and effectively as if set fonh herein ti�erbati*n: ; no�c, thzrefore, be ic RESOLVED, That the Boazd does concur and approve staffs recommended chan�es to the Saint Paul City Charter; and, be it FURTHER RESOLVEb, That the Saint Paul Cinr Council is requested to concur with the Board's proposed City Charter amendment. Water Commissionexs Yeas Arcand Harris Haselmann ident Guerin In favor 4 Nays Oppose� � Adopted bp the Board of Water Commissioners September 9, z9 96 L�vr�-t.e. �-�-i SECY. v� ORIGINAL t� t ` ) Counci l Fi l e 7��: �3� > r�- f.> �t �A ` �� f ^� ? /5 � �� E �= t�`- `_ � s Ordi nance T '� �-��'1 '� 6reen Sheet ;` �`��Z�° ORDINAAFCE CTTY OF SAINT PAl7L, M3NNESOTA 39 (a Preseni�d By �,/1�._ �/,�4.� Reierred To ___ Carmiite°: Date i � 3 An ordinance enacted pursuGnt to ,iinnesota 4 Statutes, Section 410,12, Subdiv_sion 7, 5 2mending Sec�ion 15.03 0_ the Sair:� Paul City 6 Charter. 7 8 The Counc?1 0� the City of Sair_t Paul Does =ereby Ordain: 9 IO Section 1 11 � 32 That in accordanc� with the authority cranted to Che City 13 Council pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section ?10.12, 14 Sui�dzvision 7, anc3 upon the reconsnendation ox the Saint Paul 1� Charter Commission, Section 15.03 of the Hcme RuZe Chartez for 16 the City of Saint Pau1 be and is hereby am�nded to read as 17 follows: � 18 29 Sec_ 15.03. Baard of watez comcnissioners. 20 _....:,:,:,.:. ::. _.....::.: ;: ::,:: ...;:..:::::::::>:: •:.: .; ->:.::: ;::::;::: ,::.;::.::::::=.:; ,.; ::::::..::::.::: ..::..:..:.::..:::.:.::: ::..:. . :.....::.::.:..:.:.:. :>"f 2I �e;��>:;;:sha:1:1:;;:ii?�: .. .....:.:... . , ... . 22 ss.i�:;`�fi:� ,�ecrcbers app�agCedr:a�<:>���.1r�v�s �e r.;a�s� _sha11 : aPPc?as�� : 23 vr��h t�� ap�rasral �� t�e avu�t��.i th�� �33 rae�rs �13,�s slia�l.::be • ... . : 24 _ , .... ...:_ . iiiea��s::::�€=::::::�h�`s::'.C:a:�;;::::_��u�i�':�:I:�:::_��r`> t�`.�t�zs::�.::t�:_:��szuc:a:ti�:>:sr�:t�i;;:�Iie�i :::::. ::::: .: ::.:::::::::::::::::::::: :.:::.::::::: �.::: .::::::::::::::::::.:::.::::::;:::::::::::: _:::::::�.::::.::;..::.>::,..:::::; ;,:::::::.::::;::.:::::..::::�;:,< ::_.:::. _.,-..,-...:,.-..., .:.:.:..:: .. . : :.: .::::::: .:::.:: :>: : .;;:..: : ..._ :... . :: _: .:. <:;:: : .: ::>;> .:. :.,.,.,. ...... :... .._: iia _.�., :. 25 �:1e:c:Ced<:<���s;:.s3f>;af�>i:�e.::an3:<::t�c�_: 26 .:..::..:....:......>..,.. ..: ,:....: ....,.:... `.c:z�s:z�u:s,:.�€:;SaizsC Pau1 n�,.a�he�, �aty„�ffx�e_ �r �sty 27 ��sl�xymes?t. s;zXth.;: f6�3?�;':`?nez�e�rer srh�z shGi2 �� a> �es�.d�iit .... .::::: .....:; .: _....;) � . � ��:� . �:, �::: �..:: .:;.>::::.:....:::...::r�:-:;:::�:::.:: �>::; >- ::,;.::_..:::,.:::.,:::;,:..,:,: :.... 2& ��:t�ze�i:::>��:::;�:::>su�?�:rY�::<:s��-v�d:b.::_:th�:=:;�rd:;::�_:.:wat��::�:s..:s;t��:::::C��:be :...,.::..::.:::.,.::::,.:.:<:<:;..:.:;:.:::.:.::::;.:;.::-;.:>;.<,.:<:.:::,:...;, ;;:;.;:;. -:-.-- :.::.....:..:.,,.;..:>_.:<:.::;::;�:-:_::<;.::<-:<:..::::>:::._.. ...:._.._.. ...__. _. . agpa�?zt�d;;; in:�>::��se:.«�aaii�`r:';:gr�v3d.ed:;:;zrir::<<>ia<:::th� :::vrate�;<�x.t�ns_s�n :. . 30 agreem�xz� sv�.th �he: su�auzk�Cs1 A3.� ��t�zeu rter,u�ers shal� s�rve fc�r � .:.......:....::.:::.; ..:::�::_.;::.<.:_-:..: .:. ._...::.. _ ;. :.=:_ .._.:_:,...::...,.:: _:..:;<.,>;:,-,:_.:;. ::,.,..::.::.,. .<. .. :: :: . 3I a':=>:��r�>::��<::>�ou:r:::<:;E�:�>:=;; :ea=�s<_>:<=::A>::;czt2:ze�i:<::�ietr.a�r:;a: : =a�.ed:;:::��::;>:f:3T1;:>a :.::::::::.:::::::.:.:.:.:...: ::::.: : ::::.:.:.:._:: :: :.:::.:: -:::...:.::..::::.-.::.:-;.;.;..-::,..>::::.-:.;<-. ;�:.:.:_.: :.:;:;>:..:PPt?_,.:::::._,::.:,.:�::;;;:;:.:.::._ :.;::_.... 32 _ _:.. . . ,,... ;:: ° ... ..:. ::.:::::;.:. .:::,.., .,:::: ::.. ,,.. :..:;: "- .: :.. . :....: :.:. :.>: . . - - >�ac�i�c�r sI?a13.,.sez�e _ .=2erl.; th�. . .. � : 33 �tx� . u�t�,. t�g anY �ssu� .l�e:fax� tlie bna_�ri the ?�ay�r��sf SazAZ Paul 34 . s�all,.b�.�v�:isarier�d a�i,ex;.�ff�:cz�,.��£. �ri:�7i the_ zigiit -t�_vc��e ... 35 C� ��eak`:;..�2s�::.<tie::v�a�e ,;Tl�e ez�ui�cxl zza'y ft�r an a�tiits�.nai . ..,:.... 36 cxC�z�a board zz�azber t�r ;�� =:a�p��.nt�ct ;as �rc�adet�. ,€csr..in;::the wateY 37 aX:��i�si�n:>;`a : 'eeai�iit:s<>:;ri�.�ri>:;��e:::<;subu��is_;<::= ....:........ - -.......�._._...................:._.-......._.......... .................... 38 _.:::.:;:::.:; :.:::.;.:, :>.<-.. ,..: •;:: ,:: «<:: ..: ::::::::: .:::: ..:.:.:>::::.:.:>:;;:..;>;: :_ >=:..:::: :.:,.:_:: ,: : -: -;::.::-::.: :.:.:;:..::::-.:. ._:. ; :. 39 ��>.��arci shall_eleat bi.-�ngual�y frorz--xts,=r�.ember�h'i.g`:a . 40 preszde�t, GIId,Tr�ce=pr�sideut :: '�2?e �iaar� ;;�� :�cake; by3.ai;rs, 'xu�es , :::::: -,.- : :.:...::.:...::_.. ....:.,:::.<;;:;, .:.:: -::: ..-.:,.. _ :-.::.., ...::,:.:.: :..:::.:. :.::::.:..::.; ..,. . - _.. ... 41 ,.. .; a�d;.;regulatzons .:€or its `goverECZn�n� nt�t .�n�c�sis�ent .hererrztha 42 su1��e�� �r� ;�3�2 agpr�;Fal ;r�E th2. c�.ty ;��una�.3_. �he-:c�mvensatit�u :�:� 43 the :T�aai�.�;;..�.f any, ; aad_ the ��mpensatsisa �� :aI2 �f£xcers aiid ;;<:::::;,, . .:...: :..:.. ...... ... . . .... ... 44 .. :.. :. ........_ . :;:;=::. . 2m�lss��c�;s:;;>:< stia;l:�;: be;i:;�iX2ii::;:iiYs;:: C�i�:r;c:=�Y>:<��un.c:�,7?:i: 45 1 � Tpexe-s�a3?-�e-a-�ea=e-e€-Wa�e�-ee�ss�axe�s-eexsaese�-e€-€;ve ���3b� � 2 - YS'r-�e�be�s-agae�x�e�-�y-��e-�a�e=-ax�-agg 3��Z� 3 T��ee-{3�-�e�e�s-ska??-�e-�ex�be=s-e°_-E�e-e��y-eexae=_?-aa�-se;ve 4 �e�es-�e-ee}�e��e-w���-��e;�-e�ee�e�-�e�-e�-s€r�ee. "5 �e�hexs-spa??-�e-�es=�ese-e�e�seas-e€-Sa�pe-Paa�-K�e-�e?�-ae Ot-��1 6 e��e�-e���-e€€�ee-e�-e-�y-e�s�ey�aes�.--Saeh-s�a??-se�*e-€e=-a-�ena 7 e_ - �e�x - {4} - yea=s, - -exee��-epa�-eae-e€-��e-�we-4�}-�e�e�s-°:=s� 8 aaae�$�e�-s�a??-se`ve-°s=-a-�e�a-e€-�ae-{?}-�ea�s--A-e;�_>ea 9 �e�er-aggeia�e�-�e-��??-a-vaeaaey-s�a?=-se�e-€e�-�pe-�aexs��e� 10 ee�--T�e-�eaK�-s�a??-e?ee�-a�xa??p-exe-e€-��s-�e�exs-�e-�e I1 ��es_�ea�-e€-��e-�ea��-aa�-eae-e€-��s-�e*.nbe�s-a�ee-g�es��es�, 12 ��-�ay-�ake-�y?aws;-�?es-aa�-=eg�?a�_sas-£e�-=�s-�eve�x�es�-�et 13 =_aee�s�s�ep�-�e=ew�E�,-s�b�ee�-�e-Epe-aas�eaa?-e€-��e-e:�p 14 ee�ae�?:-��e-ee�seasaE;er.-e€-��e-�ea=sr-�=-a.�y,--aa�-d§e IS ee��easae}ea-e€-a?,-e€:_eexs-aa�-e�s?eyees, 16 e��y-ee�ae�?.- I7 18 Employees of the board shall be considered emplayees o� the 19 City of Saint Paul. Except as modified by this Charter or state 20 law, the board and its employees shall in all resoects be subject 2I to and subordinate to all provisions o� this Charter and the ?? ordinances and 'resolutions enacted in nursuar_ce thereof. 23 � 24 The board of water commissioners shall exercise all 25 authority for the operation of the water utility as provided by 26 Chapter 110, Special Laws of Minnesota for 1885, whzch is 27 incorporated herein as fully and effectively as if set forth 28 herein verbatim. 29 �� Section 2 31 32 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force ninety (901 days 33 from and after its adoption, approval and publication unless �4 within 60 days of its passage and publication a petition 35 requesting a referendum on this ordinance is filed with the City 36 Clerk. 3 7 Requesied by Department oi: Water Utili.ty Adoption Certlfied by Council Secretary By: � � —�---- -- Approved by Mayor: Date 13 ��r �y_ _ ��L �� �i�,«�� g ; ' ..Pivt� 4� +^-u� General Manager Form Approved by City ALtorney s y: �� .., � ft , �� -,�,--� Approved by Mayor for Submission io Council � ��� , DEG 2� 1996 Adopted by Council: Date �� >>�\�1��