01-215��I�I���� Council File # C�j-'�� Ordinance # Green Sheet # ����Ze�- 2 � 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 Presented By Referred To ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA m Committee: Date An ordinance amending Chapter 60 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertauung to zoning for the City of Saint Paul and the zoning maps thereof: WHEREAS, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes {462357 and 64.400 of the Legislative Code, O'Hara Enterprises, Inc. duly petitioned to rezone property at 225 North Wilder Street being legally described as the south 67 and U10 feet of Lots 1 and 2, Block 6, Merriam Park Second Addition, from B-2 (Community Business District) to RT-1 (Two-Family Residential District) to allow conversion to a duplex, the petition having been certified by the Planning staff on 11%30/00 as having been consented to by at least 67% of the owners of the area of the property to be rezoned, and further having been consented to by at least two-thirds of the owners of the property situated within 100 feet of the total contiguous properry within one year preceeding the date of the petition; and .,/ WE3EREAS, The Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission on Ol/04/Ol, held a public hearing for the purpose of considering the rezoning petition, and pursuant to { 107.03 of the Administrative Code, submitted its recommendation to the Planning Commission that the petition be granted; and WHEREAS, The Planning Commission considered the rezoning petition at its meeting held on Ol/12/O1 and recommended that the City Council approve the petition; and WHEREAS, notice of public hearing before the City Council on the said rezoning petition was duly published in the official newspaper of the City on Ol/25/Ol and notices were duly mailed to each owner of affected property and property situated wholly or partly within 350 feet of the property sought to be rezoned; and WHEREAS, a public hearing before the City Council having been conducted on 02/07/Ol, where all interested parties were heard, the Council having considered all the facts and recommendations concerning the petition; now, therefore THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the zoning map of the City of Saint Paul, Sheet Number 17, as incorporated by reference in {60.301 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, as amended, is hereby fiirther amended as follows: That property located at 225 North Wilder Street being more particularly described as: the south 67 and U10 feet of Lots 1 and 2, Block 6, Merriam Park Second Addition : d ;�s� . � ; 40 be and is hereby rezoned from B-2 to RT-1. 41 � � -��S 42 Section 2. 43 44 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirry (30) days from and after its passage, approval and 45 publication. 46 � � � � � gy � "� . 4 L� a� E r @ ' � is y � Yeas Na s sent Requested by Department of: Benanav Blake / � BoStYOm ✓ Plannin & onomiC Develo ment� Coleman ✓ � Harris By: Lant ✓ Reites Adopted by Council: Date �����«i_��G�� Adoptio Certified by Council Secretary By: \ \ .��� � �� — _— Approved by Mayor: Date �� / � �/ By: Form App ved b / City Attorney gY: hW!/IyV�"� Z�Z`��4 ( Approve b Mayor for si ouncil By: DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL: DATE INITIATED v PED - West Team February 9, 2001 G�EN SHEET No.: 101922 O� -�,�,$ CONTACi' PERSON & PHONE: INITIAJ✓71ATE � INITIAIJDATE Donna Drnnuuond 266-6556 � Z DEPARTMENT DI _,j� 4 MAYOR (OR ASST.) 9� MUST BE ON COUNCII. AGENDA BY (DATE) �IGN 3 CITY ATTORNEY [ J•� 5 CITY COUNCIL CITY CLERK M3LCI1 �I� LOOI FNUMBER _ FINANCIAL SERV DIR. ROIJ1'ING _ FMANCIAI, SERV/ACCTG ORDER 1 Sean Kershaw � � TOTAL # OF SIGNA'['URE PAGES _1_(CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNA'1"(JRE) ncnoN xEQUES�n: Adoption of rezoning ordivance. RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Rejec[ (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONIBACPS MIJST ANSR'ER TFiE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: A PLANNING COMMISSION 1. Has this person/ftrtn ever worked under a contract for Utis department? CIB COMMITTEE Yes No CIV[L SERVICE COMIvIISSION 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee� Yes No 3. Does this person/fum possess a skill not noanalty possessed by any cuaent ciTy employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet aud attach to green sheet INITIATiNG PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORT[JNITY (Who, What, Wheu, Where, Why): � Adopt an ordinance to finalize council approval of a petition of O'Haza Enterprises, Inc. to rezone property at 225 North Wilder Street from B-2 Communiry Business District to RT-1 Two-Family Residential District (public hearing held 02/07/O 1). ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED Property will be rezoned to allow conversion to a duplex. DISADVAN'I'AGES IF APPROVED: None �?aasc?�'� Rra�F wrr� �.eav�F?� DISADVAN'1'AGES IF NOT APPROVED: Conversion to a duplex will not be allowed. ��������� g �� aa s TOTAL AMOUNT OF TR ANSACTION: S 0 COST/REVENUE BUDGETED: �d FUNDINGSOURCE: ACTIVI'I'YNUMBER: ��6 � �tr �;f;t; D FINANCIAL IIVFORMATION: (EXPLAl1V) ���� S ���,�-p � q� y�� l� 4.6 p �d K 4Shared�Ped�DR[JMMOND�ZONIN(\i 00151530 �*cnsheet DEPARTMENTOFPLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Brian Sweeney, Director CTTY OF SAINT PAUL Narm Colem¢n, Mayor Janaury 12, 2001 Ms. Nancy Anderson City Council Research Office Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Deaz Ms. Anderson: zs wesrFor�nh sneee Saint Paul, MN55102 ot-»S Telephane: 612-266-6655 Fncsimile: 612-228-3314 I would like to confirm that a public hearing before the City Council is scheduled for Wednesday, February 7, 2001, 5:30 p.m. for the following property rezoning that has been acted upon by the Planning Commission: Applicant: O'HARA ENTERPRISES, INC. File Number: #00-151-530 Purpose: Rezone properry from B-2 Community Business District to RT-1 Two-Family Residential Dislrict to allow conversion to a duplex. Address: 225 N. Wilder, between Marshall and Dayton Avenues. Legal Description of Property: Previous Action: The south 67 and 1/10 feet of Lots 1 and 2, Block 6, Merriam Park Second Addition. Planning Commission Recommendarion: Approval, unanimous, Jan. 12, 2001. Zoning Committee Recommendation: Approval, unanimous, Jan. 4, 2001. My understanding is that this public hearing request will appear on the agenda for the January 24, 2001, City Council meeting and that you will publish notice of the hearing in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger. Please call me at 266-6556 if you have any questions. Sincerely, �°�^'�'��/�-�^o� Donna Drmmnond Cily Planner cc: File #00-151-530 Allan Torstenson Paul Dubruiel Carol Martineau Matthew O'Haza � �; ��yui � • �.srxrm* • - i f , � .,� z=� - NOTiCE-UI+ PUBIdC HEARING = aS � ��% t �� The Saint Paul City Councl will cot�--- duct a public hearing on Wednesday, February'7, 2001, at 5:30 p.m. in the City co,uicil cnav,bers, 17�ira Flou= cicy xau-. Courthouse, 15 West Rellogg Bou7evard. SaiFrt Paul, NIN, to consider the application of O'Haza Enterprises, Inc., to rezone prop- erty from � Community Bueiness" Mstrict to RT;1 ltvo Fainily Residential District to allow conversion to a duplex at 225 N. Wilder Street (behueen Marsha}i and Dayton Avenpes). Dated:Jannax}k�6,�?001. ,� _ _ NANCYANDERS6fI . ' �'. � , Assistant �City Conncil SecretaiYY� � (Janaary i$1 - - _=_= SL PAIIf. LEGAL LC'17GE$ — Q20�?�B6: . � �, '.. __ . _ � . � DEPARTMENT OF PI.ANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Brian Sweeney, Direcia� CITY OF SAII�IT PAUL Norm Co[eman, Mayor Januazy 31, 2001 Ms. Nancy Anderson Secretary to the City Council Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 • RE: Zoning File #00-151-530 Dear Ms. Anderson: 25 Wut Fourth Streei Saint Paul, MN55l02 01-1�5 . Telephone: 672-266-6655 F¢csimi[e: 6! 2-328-33 /4 The following rezoning application is scheduled for the City Council's February 7, 2001 public hearing agenda: Applicant: O'Hara Enterprises, Inc. Address: 225I3. Wilder Street Purpose: Rezoning from B-2 Community Business District to RT-i Two-Family Residential District to allow conversion to a duplex. Planning Commission Recommendation: Approve, vote: Unanimous. Zoning Committee Recommendation: Approve, vote: 5-0. Staff Recommendation: Approve. Public Hearing Support: None. Public Hearing Opposition: None. District Council: The Merriam Park Community Council supports the rezoning. Please notify me (266-6556) if any member of the City Council wishes to have slides of the site presented at the public hearing. Sincerely, ��rw����'�' '9 Donna Drummond City Planner Attachments cc: City Council members . O� r y � J ! city of saint paul planning commission resolution file number o0-05 date o1-12-01 WHEREAS, O'HARA ENTERPRISES, INC., file # 00-151-530, has petitioned to rezone 225 NORTH WILDER STREET, behveen Marshall and Dayton Avenues, from B-2 to RT-1 to al(ow conversion ofthe existing single-family structure to a duplex; and WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission on January 4, 2001, held a public hearin� at which a(I persons present were given an opportunity to be heard pursuant to said application in accordance with the requirements of Section 64300 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code; and �VHEREAS, the Saint Paul Planning Commission, based on the evidence presented to its Zoning Committee at the public hearing as substantially reflected in the minutes, made the following findings of fact: 1. The owner of the property, Matthew O'Hara, recently purchased the singte-family residential property at 225 N. Wifder St. He has stated he intends to fulfy rehabifitate the buildin� and convert it to a duptes. The structure is on the City's vacant building list and has had an � inspection to determine necessary improvements to fully meet code requirements. Mr. O'Hara stated he intends to sell the duplex to an owner-occupant upon comptetion of the renovation. 2 The applicant has requested that the properiy be remned from B-2 Communit}• Commercial to RT-1 Two Family Residential. The properry contains a large single-family residential structure that is not suited for commercial use. The proposed use, a duplex or rivo-family residence, is first permitted in tlie RT-1 zoning district, and is not permitted in the B-2 zonina district. Therefore, this is the most appropriate zone for the proposed use. 3. The RT-I zone requires a minimum lot size of 3,000 square feet per unit, for a duplex, a minimum lot size of 6,000 square feet. The property is 6,700 square feet, therefore meetin� this requirement. 4. The proposed rezonin� to RT-1 is in conformance witU the Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan. The City's Housing Plan (1999) includes policies that encoura�e rehabilitation ofthe e�istin� housing stock, and the addition of new housing units, paRicularly rental units and units that serve smallec households. The proposed rezoning of the Qroperty and conversion of the structure to a duplex would help meet these goals. moved by Field seconded by � in favor Unanimous . against Zoning File #00-151-530 Page Two of Resolution x � The proposed rezoning to RT-1 is consistent and compatible with the tvay the area has developed and �vill not have an adverse impact on the surroundino area. There is a � duplex across the street to the east in a RM-2 multi-fami(y residential zone. Across the afley to the south are duplex and single-family residences in an RT-1 zone. 6. The parking requirement for two residential units is three parking spaces. The property has a double garage aad room for an additional space on a parking pad to the side, therefore meetina the parking requirement. 7. The applicant submitted a sufficient petition signed by two-thirds of the property owners within one hundred (100) feet of the property to be rezoned (10 parcels eligible, 7 parcels needed, and 8 parcels signed). NOW, THEREfiORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Saint Pau! Planning Commission that the petition of O'HARA ENTERPRISES, INC. to rezone properry at 225 North Wilder Street, legally described as the south 67 and 1/10 feet of Lots I and 2, Block 6, Merriam Pazk Second Addition, from a B-2 to a RT-1 zoning classification is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan for the City; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul Plannin� Commission does liereby recommend to the Council ofthe City of Saint Paul that 22S North Wiider Street be rezoned from B-2 to RT-1 in accordance with the petition for rezonin� on file with the Saint Paul Department of Planning and Economic Development. � . MINUTES OF THE ZONING COMMITTEE Thursday, January 4, 2000 - 3:30 p.m. � PRESENT: EXCUSED: OTHERS PRESENT: � City Counci{ Chambers, 3 Floor City Hall and Court House 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Faricy, Field, Gordon, Kramer, Mardeil and Morton Engh and Gervais Peter Warner Carol Martineau, Allan Torstenson, and James Zdon of PED The meeting was chaired by Commissioner Field. Matthew O'Hare - 00-151-530 Rezoning trom B-2 to RT-1 to ai{ow conversion to a dupfex. 225 N. W iider Street. James Zdon showed slides and presented the staff report. Mr. Zdon stated the Merriam Park Community Councii supports the rezoning. The Zoning Staff recommends approval of the rezoning. Matthew O'Hara, the appficant appeared and stated a petition was circulated and everyone within 125 feet supports the rezoning. He also stated parking is availabie for six cars in the driveway. No one spoke in support or opposition. The public hearing was closed. Commissioner Faricy moved to approve the rezoning. Commissioner Morton seconded it. Adopted Yeas - 6 Drafted by: � C�,Q��ZZQ�t�.a.�r � Carol Martineau Recording Secretary Nays - 0 Subrr�itted by: � �J n;w� � � J es Zdon` 3 oning Sect� • .- ..-. : _�� .i -r" a�-a�s Q`s �gt0 (Jy a � C7 0 4 ic Merriam Park �� �y�5 Dssnoya Park Community Council, Inc M"r`mnP°rk T ShaduwFal/s - 1573 Selby Avenue • Suite 311 • St. Paul • Minnesota • 55104 Internet: www tcfreenetorg/org/mpcc.top.html 651.645.6887 • fax 651.917.9991 HW�{I O�DI!lCIOR And9 G+vm Pcesda6 sn� s�u, ]rtv1CCPLCS3Q�t ]� 71t�10(11 z,a v� r,a�am: c� N�� Txeawxq s,�.s�m�.,�s��. Auodaeian Reprnenurive Phil Powm S�taY .....: n� a�� s.�,-x� sc'lbomu Repumarive David Beimm �ay ti,n t.�xe ai,aam Tnnspoitacan md Fcanomie tt�ao�m� c�. a� u�h � � t,wa c�. cn.;r a��ma M��, Roger Meyex e�ta;� i..sa uK cn� Dwg Pcine DPIA Rqnvrnurive FMk Sc6amN Nmprofin Repaamts6ve r,aNy s�.oatw. usran•r.n,�. c��u Fnuly Tm�hymki USf Off-Cwpus Caimcil JoM WoodtIl �m�� s„n Shalyn Ywng Hwvng Pmgam Cw:dinaW c�„�o,e.� MatHo7linahead Mw�ng Emtcr, Merriam Pmk Past January 19, 2001 Councilmember Jay Benanav 310-D City Hall 15 W. Kellogg Blvd. Saint Paul, MN 55102 Re: 225 No. Wilder re-zoning Dear Councilmember Benanav: At our December 13, 2000 Boazd meeting, the Merriam Pazk Community Council voted to support the new properry owner, Matt O'Hara, in his application to re- zone 225 No. Wilder from B-2 to RT-i to allow conversion to a duplex. Given our past concerns about the property's health and building code violations, we are pleased that Mr. O'Hara will take the opportunity to rehabilitate the building and bring it into full code compliance. Sincerely, :.� �' ��c�`�'w C�`"c--�__-� P. Andrew Given cc: Donna Drummond, PED Matt O'Haza � a t -d-� • ZOIIING ; FILE # 00-151-530 l. APPLICANT: O'H1�RA ENTERPRISES, INC. DATB OF HSARING: O1/04/O1 2. CLASSIFICATION: Rezoning 3. LOCATION: 225 N. Wilder St. (between Marshall and Dayton Avenues) 4. PLANNING DISTRICT: 13 (Merriam Park) 5. LS6AL DSSCRIPTION: The south 67 and 1/10 feet of Lots 1 and 2, Block 6, Merriam Park Second Addition 6. PRBSENT ZONING: B-2 ZONSNG CODB REF&RBNCE: 364.400 7. STAFF INVSSTIGATION AND RSPORT: DATE: 12/19/00 BY: Donna Drummond 8. DATS RfiC&IVED: 12-01-00 DfiADLINE FOR ACTION: O1/30/O1 A. PIIRPOSE: Rezone property from B-2 Community Business District to RT-1 Two- Family Residential District to allow conversion to a duplex. � B. PARCEL SIZE: The parcel has 67 feet of frontage on Wilder St. and is 100 feet deep for a total lot area of 6,700 square feet. C. BXZSTING LAND IISE: Single-family residential structure. D. S4RROIINDING LAND IISE North: Commercial medical prosthetic supply business in a B-2 zone. East: Single-family and duplex residential structures in a RM-2 zone. South: Residential duplex structure in a RT-1 zone. West: Commercial parking area in a B-2 zone. E. ZONING CODE CITATION: SectiOR 64.400(d) Of the Zoriing code state5 iri part, "the oouncil may, from Cime to time, amend, supplement or change the district boundaries or the regulations herein, or subsequently established herein pursuant to the provisions of Minnesota StaCUtes Section 462.357 and amendments thereto as may be made from time to time. The planning commission may, from time to time, review district boundary lines to determine if, pursuant to state laws, such district boundary lines should be changed." Section 64.400(b) states in part, "an amendment to the zoning code may be initiated by the council, the planning commission or by petition of the owners of sixty-seven (67) percent of the area of the property to be rezoned." i F. HISTORY/DISCIISSION: The property received a determination of similar use � permit from the City Council, on appeal, in May, 2000. The permit was for Zoning File #00-151-530 Page 2 operation of the Lubavitch Yeshiva of Minnesota school, a private, non-� • profit rabbinical studies boarding school. Lubavitch Yeshiva subsequently sold the property to the current owner, reportedly because it determined that the costs to meet code requirements to receive a certificate of occupancy for the building were more than it wished to spend. G. DISTRICT COIINCIL RSCOLIISENDATION: The Merriam Park Community Council voted to support the rezoning at its meeting on December 13, 2000. A letter from the community council should be forthcoming. FI. FINDINGS 1. The owner of the property, Matthew O'Aara, recently purchased the single-family residential property at 225 N. Wilder St. He has stated he intends to fully rehabilitate the building and convert it to a duplex. The structure is on the City's vacant building list and has had an inspection to determine necessaxy improvements to fully meet code requirements. Mr. 0'Hara stated he intends to sell the duplex to an owner-occupant upon completion of the renovation. 2 The applicant has requested that the property be rezoned from B-2 Community Commercial to RT-1 Two Family Residential. The property contains a large single-family residential structure that is not suited for commercial use. The proposed use, a duplex or two-family residence, is first permitted in the RT-1 zoning district, and is not permitted in the B-2 zoning district. Therefore, this is the most appropriate zone � for the proposed use. 3. The RT-1 zone requires a minimum lot size of 3,000 square feet per unit, for a duplex, a minimum lot size of 6,000 square feet. The property is 6,700 square feet, therefore meeting this requirement. 4. The proposed rezoning to RT-1 is in conformance with the Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan. The City's Housing Plan (1999) includes policies that encourage rehabilitation of the existing housing stock, and the addition of new housing units, particularly rental units and units that' �serve smaller households. The oronosed rezoning of the progerty and conversion of the structure to a duplex would help meet these goals. 5. The proposed rezoning to RT-1 is consistent and compatible with the way the area has developed and will not have an adverse impact on the surrounding area. There is a duplex across the street to the east in a RM-2 multi-family residential zone. Across the alley to the south are duplex and single-family residences in an RT-1 zone. 6. The parking requirement for two residential units is three parking spaces. The property has a double garage and room for an additional space on a parking pad to the side, therefore meeting the parking requirement. 7. The applicant submitted a sufficient petition signed by two-thirds of � the property owners within one hundred (100) feet of the property to be Zoning File #00-151-530 Page 3 � rezoned (10 parcels eligible, 7 parcels needed, and 8 parcels signed)k I. STAFF RSC0�7DATION: Based on Findings 1 through 7, staff recommends approval of the petition to rezone the property from B-2 to RT-1. � ot�3�5 � - PETtTION TO AMEND 7HE ZONING CODE • �yy�' Departmen[ oJPlanning and Ecoxomic Develnpment � Zoning Section 1100 City Hal! Annex 25 West Founh Street Saint Paul, MA' S5102 266-6389 APPLICANT PROPERTY LOCATION Property � _ City,�t � tr St.�i Zip � z5 Daytime phone !h -�ZGI -�II`J,� Contact person (if difEerent) Legal description 6a (attach additional sheet i1 necessary) � TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL: Pursuant to Section 64.400 of the Saint Paul Zoning Ordinance and to Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statues, , the owner of ail the land proposed for rezoning, hereby petitions you to rezone the above described property from a fZ zoning district to a � e zoning district, for the purpose of: ! ���y 4•.�-� ����C 2� ��y�.� ZrGI ��CCf (attach additional sheet(s) H necessary) Attachments: Required site plan O Consent petftion ❑ Affidavit � Subscribed and swom to before me this I�r�N, _ day of �r��e,' , 'i�ac�t� `� � Notary Public �l.l��zrd PnCI Suh �n fv }�.� r� �� a,��' a�w �� Na,rz.m�1, �pOC� Q��u�,z. � � � O � G� ;� 22� � '� �t �z v�� � � q-� b`(fa� �n�, �n L B l��(S .�. 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' n'CUP i�,2ESUBMITTED J�� �/.- ao-c�� DATE PETITION SUB�fITTED: l U�! r DATE PETITIO�I RESUBMITTED: AATE OFFICiALLY RECEIVED: DATE OFFICIALLY RECEIVED: 'I� ��� 6 � PARCELS ELIGIBLE: /� PARCELS REQUIRED: �_ PARC6LS SIGNED: ,�_ PARCELS $LIGIBLE: / PARCEIS REQLiIRED: � PARCELS SIGNED: � i r � �� „ . `/�/ CHECI:ED BY: I� \ DATE: ' / � �� zo�vi�� ��L� . ,., - - • � cz�cx o� "sa.x��c ��.u� o � .��s AFFIDAVIT OF PERSON CIRCULATING PETITIO\ � STATE OF MINNESOTA) :SS COUIvTY OF RAMSEY ) � ���y� j� � , being first duly sworn, deposes and s!2tes that he/she is the person �vho circulated the within petition 2nd consent, consisting of � pages; that affiant is informed and believes that the parties described are the o�mers respectively of the lots placed immediately before each name, that a�ant is informed and 6elieves that each of the parties described 2bove is the owner of the property which is wi[hin 100 fee[ from any property o��red or purchased by petitioner or sold by petitioner within one (1) year precedin� the date of this petition which is contiguous to the property described in the petition; that except for none of the parties described above has purchased or is purchasing property from the petitioner contiguous to thz above described property within one (1) year of the date of the petition; that this consent was si�nzd by eacti of said owners in the presences of this affiant, and that the signatures 2re the true and correct signatures of ezch and zll of the parties so described. � �n,hJae2til�c2 0�.� A�'vvv� -� �-t-�,�-- p '/ f "� 4 Y'�� c7�u�3. �4� T'j �uJ2m� c�-OOb .��� Y D�y "„�*- ' � " � � n,�.c.�J � /� �a�r',��� � -�/necJ p �y� �a. �.,_�,.:�.4r�..�,.�.-���...�n.�,�„��..� NAME �;:�,.:;:Y .IAP!IC['�.1' ���h�ln¢� Q[ �/�wa�iQ -,.�r�,/ �I.� �i ���� Alotary Pubtict9innesa?a �pDg�SS • ��,� Ramsey �o�nty �!�•� F �p:, I.n. 31. 2�J�5 '�,'�;," �S1-7�-�t/7� ///�-SI6� TELEPHO�IE � ER Subscribed and swom to before me this �t x�_ day of G,,,�r�2� ,�� � . • ""�'��� .s,. SRAN , •r,:, i!�.f3RF`� . �Tp,p�pU8i1C•ti �Y CpM�ISSiON EXPIRES JAN. 31, 2� � ��''�t, N TARY PUBLIC ��c�x�czon x�o x�r�ohac Arrzpnvz�r OF P�x'iTIOFt�R STATE OF MIi�INESOTA) COtJTITl' OF RAMS�I' ) SS � Thc petitioner, �� r,��_Q{�i� rei , being first duly sworn, deposes and stltcs tliat ilie consent pe�ition con[ains siQna:ures froru at least t�vo-thirds (z/a) of al! eligible properlies «'ithin I 00 feet of 1H property o��ned, purctiased, or sold by petition�r u•iihin one (1) }•ear precedin� the date of this p�tition ��•hich is conti�iwus to the property described in the pelition; petitioner is informed that the consent petition nuist contain signatures from e2ch and al! o��•ners of jointl}•-o�ti•ned propert}• in order to constitutz consent from that groperty aad ihat failure to obtain conserit from each 1nd atl o��Ters could im�alidate the consen[ p�tition; petitioner beliet•es that the consent petition �vas siorted by each of said oG�•ners 2nd that the si�natur�s are the tnte and corrzct si� natures of each and ali of the patties so described. c� c,t.�1 �'�,�..fl c� �nC� QcJGtir �o �--��_. �� - l�d�� ao� �� �� IU/ve vr.lo��, �v't7 . r-<--�-� �,c.�..;�. �fi. �ry���- JAN�CE E. �n�Gt�!USO�d Notarv Pubiic-�l�nnesota Ramsey Coun^/ ion Fxp�ros 1an. 3i_'��5 Subscribed and s�vom to before me this {�-�, day of �T12s�v��;�' , �z ��� �� t�OTARYPUBLIC --� /l2.l�Q� L �� /1?��i¢c� � D�a✓�i � NAME I1Zo SG���I��r l�oQ6ur�w� SSIZ�," ADDRESS �s-��y- �r��/�/z-9at TELEPHONEI� .iBER •, DE6F.A S. BRANDIS . M�iFRYPUB��C-MIINl�SOTA pAY CO35R11SSION .. EXPIzZEo:Ah.31. pz�e of 1/31/97 • ';; O 1-i�5 �; – -- — ----- — � � --------------- --- --- ------------_ �__�1w�re.--LIl�U.�u.`F?-!%�_w�(� _ { � : -. . ''7—�'J-�-�-�,�n _-�?�__�,tl_L ,,s-/� --- ---- _�-D�—G`� � G�b w c q ltiS?S Z di` �l,e., _ Gc' S-�/ C f � / i J �t5_v� �_r�..y__.'�-�- �Id: ! — ---- - ---- - --------------- - --- -------�---------------=----p�,d� ------- ------- - - --- -------:------------i�Zo-pa----------------- -------- ---- - - - � - - - --- - -- _- - - � -_ - - - - - - ---- -- -- - - -- - - �--- - --- --- --- --- '--- - -- =-- CZT'Y OT' SA.XN�' PA.UL CO\SEt�;T OF ADJOI[�,TIi�G PROPERTY O�Vi�tERS FOR A REZOl�'I11'G ' � �L'e, the undzrignzd, o«•nzr of the proper}' wi[hin 100 f tt oE thz total contiguou> c'escription of real estatz oa'ned, purchased, or sold by TFIE PETI7IONER within one yea; preceding ti�: da[e of this petition ackno�vled�z that �ce hacz bezn presented �vith the fol(owin�: 1. A cop}' oE thz pe:ition of to rezone tnz p:operty located at (name es from a�_zonin� dis[ricf to z eX zoning district. 2. A cop}' oEsections through , inclusi��e oEthe Sain! Paul Zonin� Codz; xnd ac�:no�rled I�i3I t cz arz au'are of all of the wes permiazd in a zoni�g district and �ve zre aware .na[ any of tnes: us:i can bz estabti>hzd upon City Council approval of tne rezunin�. \Ve hereb� con>�n! to the rzzonina of [hz propert}' in tnz petiiion oE; ��cc7 P nu u �ti to a Rr i zonin•� dist: ict. (��me of pecitionzr) \Z'e consenf to the �pproF'�i of fhis rezonina as it �ti'as explained fo us b}• fhe npplicant or ttis/her representati�•e. � . ... ,,. SIG\4TURf DATF jGt}� Dh`fTU� hvL I ,�7 ��v � ` a � 35 :�,�, � �; ���,� ,��. aoa�� ��� -�� � 6 3�-� A��SHA 2��y— ��s%r,h�s�� �:.�^Py: sa� w; Ile, st. �JC�t'W�V`.�t� (,�ild2t'�.. �.�1� �`r1w�s��al I ie�rr�u�,�� .�r�ec-�ss r .� �lfz,,� y� J�YGthd� ���� �� l� �/� t 3��x.' �'�'3 /:r �,. q i36P 9� �%���L' �//Y/Oo ��� ZOTE: This pztition sh�ll not be considered as official(y fi(zd untii th� Iaps� of s�ren (7) workin� days after it is r:cei�•ed by� the Pl��nin� Di��ision. Any si;nator of this petition ma}'t�i[hdra�v his/h� � name therzfrom b}• ��Ticten request �`�ithin tha[ time. � � �:fi 't': CZ'�'X O� SA.x�T'T P.A.�JX, CONSENT'�OF ADJOINING PROPERTX OWNERS POR A .t�EZONING 0 1 ���s We, the tmdersigned, owncrs of the property �vidiin 100 feet oFd�e total contiguous description oF real estate o�vned, purchased, or sold by 7'HE PETITIONLR within one }'ear precediii� the date oE ttiis petition lcknotivledge that we liave bocn presented tvitli tl�c following: A copy of tlie petition of to rezone tl�e property lo from 1 VaC zoning district fo a� i zoning district. � 2. A copy ofsections dirough , incl�sive ef tl;e Saint Paui Zoning Code; and nckno�vledge tt�at �ve t�re n�vare of alI of tl�e uses permitted in a zoning district and �ve are nware th�t uny oFthese uses can be established upon Ciry Council approval of die rezoning. \Ve hereby consent to the rczonino of the property in the petition oF, `r71M1!/^�/W �(l� toa��zoninsdistrict. (Name of petitione�) '�Ve consent fo fhe �pproval of this rezoninb as if �vas expllined to us by the �pplicant or liis(ficr represenfativc. �U � J;Y, 'iLY - � �Y�" J \ »• ,�ti�� .. 1 • hOT�: This petit+on shali not be consideced as o�cial(y filed until the lapse of seyen (7) working . days after it is received by the Planning Division. Any signztor of this petition may withdra�r hislher name therefrom by �vritten request �vithin that time. ', ��. � o i -3�5 • . CITIZEN PARTICIPATIO DIS RICTS 1.SUNRAY-BATTLECREEK-HIGHtJ00D 2.GREATER EAST SIDE 3.WEST SIDE 4.DAY70N`S BLUFf 5.PAYNE-PHALEN 6.NORTH END 7.THOMAS-DALE 8.SUMMIT-UNIVERSITY 9.WES7 SEVENTH lO.COMO 11.HAMLINE-MID4tAY ST. ANTHONY RRIAM PK.-LEXINGTON HAMIINE � .GROVEIAND-MACAIESTER ' 15.HIGNLAND 16.SUMMIT HILL 17. DOWNTO'AN CITIZEN PARTICIPATION PLANNING DISTRIGTS � HAMLINE DISTRICT 13 ON Q ,� ., '�-�� � ����� � ��.� - I � � �� � � . � 000� t �����eee�ee �� :�. �� :� �_ �� • e o�oo��� � � ��� . ._,,__ __ __ �� � . ........ J n � � E,P��icar:r 0 P�SG—i� o� 'I _,. EI�E t;� DATE� P�t�G. DlST� �'�AP r � ..�0000� � ._ ....... :'.1���� , ---��r�----- � , � O C� ;O�?�JO � �?0��000 � , i i � O I , �; o J � v. , �o 000 � �000�oo ; LAU�EL o �ooc>o 0 0 o � ..: �`�. 0 0000000 I i � i __!---- _ � LEG=ND �� zoning d�strict tvund=_ry �i7TTTlll1 subj��i prope.ry 0 on� izmily � F:ro tamity J�-� � multi�i2 tamiiy ���`'`� • ♦ � COn�'n_:��C� q wa c i'7`S'JSf'i? V vzcz�: t{ l il ! I'I I I{ I I) - - - --_____ Nancy Anderson 00 151 530feb7cchn wpd � „_ _,.,__„ __ ._ _ ,.. __, ___, � _, _ __ _ _� ___ �,,, _Page 1_. ST PAUL CITY COUNCII. Public Hearing Natice CIiYOFSAATPAUL vcpcofn�sana cmvo�cnevaopmcv� Phovc(651)266-6589 Fu (651)22&3220 FII,E # oau�-sso PURPOSE: Rezone property trom B-2 CommuniTy Business distriM to RT-1 Two-Family Residential District to allow conversian to a duplez PROYERT'Y ADDRFSS:225 Pi. Wilde*, between Mazs6all and Dayton Avennes. APPLICANT: O'Haza Enterprises, Eac. HEARING DATE: Wednestlav Februarv 7. 2000, ai 530 o.m. All public heaiings are held in City Comcil Cltambecs, 3 Floor Ciry Hall - Court House, IS W. Kellogg Boulevard You may send written commenis to the Zoaing Of&ce at the address listed on the reverse side ofthis card Please cal] Donna Dcummond, PED, az (651)2666556, or your District Council Repreuvtative at (651) 645-6887 ifyou have any queseons. Mailed:l/2N01 �� �� Public Hearing Notice ST PAUL CITY COUNCIL CLfYOFSAWTPAUI Depc ofPlammg avd 6mnomic Developmrnt PLovc(651)266L589 Pu: (651)2283220 FII.E # # a0-151-53a PURPOSE: Rezane properly from B-2 Community Business district to RT-I lrvo-Family Residential District to allow conversion to a duplea. PROPERIY ADDRESS: 225 N. Wildeq between Marshall and Day[on Avenues. APPLICANT: O'Hara Enterprues, Inc. HNARIlVG DA1'E: Wednesdav Februarv 7. 2000. at 530 o.m. All public hearings are held in City CounC�� Chambers, 3'" Floor City Hall - Court House, 15 W. Kellogg Boulevazd. You may send w+�ttrn comments to ihe Zoning Office at the addtess listed on the i¢vexse side ofthis cz*d. Please call Donna Diwnmond, PED, at (651)2666556, or yoar Distric[ Council Repxesentafive at (651) 645-6887 �fyou have any ques6ons. _, _ ___ � _ _ ..__- -- -- _Nanc�y�Anderson - 00-151-530feb7cchn wpd _ _ _„ _ w ,_ __ _. _,.._ _ _ . _. _ _ , _ , ._ ___ ._ ._.__ _ Page 2 � MvIM:12d01 ot -a�r ��I�I���� Council File # C�j-'�� Ordinance # Green Sheet # ����Ze�- 2 � 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 Presented By Referred To ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA m Committee: Date An ordinance amending Chapter 60 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertauung to zoning for the City of Saint Paul and the zoning maps thereof: WHEREAS, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes {462357 and 64.400 of the Legislative Code, O'Hara Enterprises, Inc. duly petitioned to rezone property at 225 North Wilder Street being legally described as the south 67 and U10 feet of Lots 1 and 2, Block 6, Merriam Park Second Addition, from B-2 (Community Business District) to RT-1 (Two-Family Residential District) to allow conversion to a duplex, the petition having been certified by the Planning staff on 11%30/00 as having been consented to by at least 67% of the owners of the area of the property to be rezoned, and further having been consented to by at least two-thirds of the owners of the property situated within 100 feet of the total contiguous properry within one year preceeding the date of the petition; and .,/ WE3EREAS, The Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission on Ol/04/Ol, held a public hearing for the purpose of considering the rezoning petition, and pursuant to { 107.03 of the Administrative Code, submitted its recommendation to the Planning Commission that the petition be granted; and WHEREAS, The Planning Commission considered the rezoning petition at its meeting held on Ol/12/O1 and recommended that the City Council approve the petition; and WHEREAS, notice of public hearing before the City Council on the said rezoning petition was duly published in the official newspaper of the City on Ol/25/Ol and notices were duly mailed to each owner of affected property and property situated wholly or partly within 350 feet of the property sought to be rezoned; and WHEREAS, a public hearing before the City Council having been conducted on 02/07/Ol, where all interested parties were heard, the Council having considered all the facts and recommendations concerning the petition; now, therefore THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the zoning map of the City of Saint Paul, Sheet Number 17, as incorporated by reference in {60.301 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, as amended, is hereby fiirther amended as follows: That property located at 225 North Wilder Street being more particularly described as: the south 67 and U10 feet of Lots 1 and 2, Block 6, Merriam Park Second Addition : d ;�s� . � ; 40 be and is hereby rezoned from B-2 to RT-1. 41 � � -��S 42 Section 2. 43 44 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirry (30) days from and after its passage, approval and 45 publication. 46 � � � � � gy � "� . 4 L� a� E r @ ' � is y � Yeas Na s sent Requested by Department of: Benanav Blake / � BoStYOm ✓ Plannin & onomiC Develo ment� Coleman ✓ � Harris By: Lant ✓ Reites Adopted by Council: Date �����«i_��G�� Adoptio Certified by Council Secretary By: \ \ .��� � �� — _— Approved by Mayor: Date �� / � �/ By: Form App ved b / City Attorney gY: hW!/IyV�"� Z�Z`��4 ( Approve b Mayor for si ouncil By: DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL: DATE INITIATED v PED - West Team February 9, 2001 G�EN SHEET No.: 101922 O� -�,�,$ CONTACi' PERSON & PHONE: INITIAJ✓71ATE � INITIAIJDATE Donna Drnnuuond 266-6556 � Z DEPARTMENT DI _,j� 4 MAYOR (OR ASST.) 9� MUST BE ON COUNCII. AGENDA BY (DATE) �IGN 3 CITY ATTORNEY [ J•� 5 CITY COUNCIL CITY CLERK M3LCI1 �I� LOOI FNUMBER _ FINANCIAL SERV DIR. ROIJ1'ING _ FMANCIAI, SERV/ACCTG ORDER 1 Sean Kershaw � � TOTAL # OF SIGNA'['URE PAGES _1_(CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNA'1"(JRE) ncnoN xEQUES�n: Adoption of rezoning ordivance. RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Rejec[ (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONIBACPS MIJST ANSR'ER TFiE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: A PLANNING COMMISSION 1. Has this person/ftrtn ever worked under a contract for Utis department? CIB COMMITTEE Yes No CIV[L SERVICE COMIvIISSION 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee� Yes No 3. Does this person/fum possess a skill not noanalty possessed by any cuaent ciTy employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet aud attach to green sheet INITIATiNG PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORT[JNITY (Who, What, Wheu, Where, Why): � Adopt an ordinance to finalize council approval of a petition of O'Haza Enterprises, Inc. to rezone property at 225 North Wilder Street from B-2 Communiry Business District to RT-1 Two-Family Residential District (public hearing held 02/07/O 1). ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED Property will be rezoned to allow conversion to a duplex. DISADVAN'I'AGES IF APPROVED: None �?aasc?�'� Rra�F wrr� �.eav�F?� DISADVAN'1'AGES IF NOT APPROVED: Conversion to a duplex will not be allowed. ��������� g �� aa s TOTAL AMOUNT OF TR ANSACTION: S 0 COST/REVENUE BUDGETED: �d FUNDINGSOURCE: ACTIVI'I'YNUMBER: ��6 � �tr �;f;t; D FINANCIAL IIVFORMATION: (EXPLAl1V) ���� S ���,�-p � q� y�� l� 4.6 p �d K 4Shared�Ped�DR[JMMOND�ZONIN(\i 00151530 �*cnsheet DEPARTMENTOFPLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Brian Sweeney, Director CTTY OF SAINT PAUL Narm Colem¢n, Mayor Janaury 12, 2001 Ms. Nancy Anderson City Council Research Office Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Deaz Ms. Anderson: zs wesrFor�nh sneee Saint Paul, MN55102 ot-»S Telephane: 612-266-6655 Fncsimile: 612-228-3314 I would like to confirm that a public hearing before the City Council is scheduled for Wednesday, February 7, 2001, 5:30 p.m. for the following property rezoning that has been acted upon by the Planning Commission: Applicant: O'HARA ENTERPRISES, INC. File Number: #00-151-530 Purpose: Rezone properry from B-2 Community Business District to RT-1 Two-Family Residential Dislrict to allow conversion to a duplex. Address: 225 N. Wilder, between Marshall and Dayton Avenues. Legal Description of Property: Previous Action: The south 67 and 1/10 feet of Lots 1 and 2, Block 6, Merriam Park Second Addition. Planning Commission Recommendarion: Approval, unanimous, Jan. 12, 2001. Zoning Committee Recommendation: Approval, unanimous, Jan. 4, 2001. My understanding is that this public hearing request will appear on the agenda for the January 24, 2001, City Council meeting and that you will publish notice of the hearing in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger. Please call me at 266-6556 if you have any questions. Sincerely, �°�^'�'��/�-�^o� Donna Drmmnond Cily Planner cc: File #00-151-530 Allan Torstenson Paul Dubruiel Carol Martineau Matthew O'Haza � �; ��yui � • �.srxrm* • - i f , � .,� z=� - NOTiCE-UI+ PUBIdC HEARING = aS � ��% t �� The Saint Paul City Councl will cot�--- duct a public hearing on Wednesday, February'7, 2001, at 5:30 p.m. in the City co,uicil cnav,bers, 17�ira Flou= cicy xau-. Courthouse, 15 West Rellogg Bou7evard. SaiFrt Paul, NIN, to consider the application of O'Haza Enterprises, Inc., to rezone prop- erty from � Community Bueiness" Mstrict to RT;1 ltvo Fainily Residential District to allow conversion to a duplex at 225 N. Wilder Street (behueen Marsha}i and Dayton Avenpes). Dated:Jannax}k�6,�?001. ,� _ _ NANCYANDERS6fI . ' �'. � , Assistant �City Conncil SecretaiYY� � (Janaary i$1 - - _=_= SL PAIIf. LEGAL LC'17GE$ — Q20�?�B6: . � �, '.. __ . _ � . � DEPARTMENT OF PI.ANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Brian Sweeney, Direcia� CITY OF SAII�IT PAUL Norm Co[eman, Mayor Januazy 31, 2001 Ms. Nancy Anderson Secretary to the City Council Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 • RE: Zoning File #00-151-530 Dear Ms. Anderson: 25 Wut Fourth Streei Saint Paul, MN55l02 01-1�5 . Telephone: 672-266-6655 F¢csimi[e: 6! 2-328-33 /4 The following rezoning application is scheduled for the City Council's February 7, 2001 public hearing agenda: Applicant: O'Hara Enterprises, Inc. Address: 225I3. Wilder Street Purpose: Rezoning from B-2 Community Business District to RT-i Two-Family Residential District to allow conversion to a duplex. Planning Commission Recommendation: Approve, vote: Unanimous. Zoning Committee Recommendation: Approve, vote: 5-0. Staff Recommendation: Approve. Public Hearing Support: None. Public Hearing Opposition: None. District Council: The Merriam Park Community Council supports the rezoning. Please notify me (266-6556) if any member of the City Council wishes to have slides of the site presented at the public hearing. Sincerely, ��rw����'�' '9 Donna Drummond City Planner Attachments cc: City Council members . O� r y � J ! city of saint paul planning commission resolution file number o0-05 date o1-12-01 WHEREAS, O'HARA ENTERPRISES, INC., file # 00-151-530, has petitioned to rezone 225 NORTH WILDER STREET, behveen Marshall and Dayton Avenues, from B-2 to RT-1 to al(ow conversion ofthe existing single-family structure to a duplex; and WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission on January 4, 2001, held a public hearin� at which a(I persons present were given an opportunity to be heard pursuant to said application in accordance with the requirements of Section 64300 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code; and �VHEREAS, the Saint Paul Planning Commission, based on the evidence presented to its Zoning Committee at the public hearing as substantially reflected in the minutes, made the following findings of fact: 1. The owner of the property, Matthew O'Hara, recently purchased the singte-family residential property at 225 N. Wifder St. He has stated he intends to fulfy rehabifitate the buildin� and convert it to a duptes. The structure is on the City's vacant building list and has had an � inspection to determine necessary improvements to fully meet code requirements. Mr. O'Hara stated he intends to sell the duplex to an owner-occupant upon comptetion of the renovation. 2 The applicant has requested that the properiy be remned from B-2 Communit}• Commercial to RT-1 Two Family Residential. The properry contains a large single-family residential structure that is not suited for commercial use. The proposed use, a duplex or rivo-family residence, is first permitted in tlie RT-1 zoning district, and is not permitted in the B-2 zonina district. Therefore, this is the most appropriate zone for the proposed use. 3. The RT-I zone requires a minimum lot size of 3,000 square feet per unit, for a duplex, a minimum lot size of 6,000 square feet. The property is 6,700 square feet, therefore meetin� this requirement. 4. The proposed rezonin� to RT-1 is in conformance witU the Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan. The City's Housing Plan (1999) includes policies that encoura�e rehabilitation ofthe e�istin� housing stock, and the addition of new housing units, paRicularly rental units and units that serve smallec households. The proposed rezoning of the Qroperty and conversion of the structure to a duplex would help meet these goals. moved by Field seconded by � in favor Unanimous . against Zoning File #00-151-530 Page Two of Resolution x � The proposed rezoning to RT-1 is consistent and compatible with the tvay the area has developed and �vill not have an adverse impact on the surroundino area. There is a � duplex across the street to the east in a RM-2 multi-fami(y residential zone. Across the afley to the south are duplex and single-family residences in an RT-1 zone. 6. The parking requirement for two residential units is three parking spaces. The property has a double garage aad room for an additional space on a parking pad to the side, therefore meetina the parking requirement. 7. The applicant submitted a sufficient petition signed by two-thirds of the property owners within one hundred (100) feet of the property to be rezoned (10 parcels eligible, 7 parcels needed, and 8 parcels signed). NOW, THEREfiORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Saint Pau! Planning Commission that the petition of O'HARA ENTERPRISES, INC. to rezone properry at 225 North Wilder Street, legally described as the south 67 and 1/10 feet of Lots I and 2, Block 6, Merriam Pazk Second Addition, from a B-2 to a RT-1 zoning classification is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan for the City; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul Plannin� Commission does liereby recommend to the Council ofthe City of Saint Paul that 22S North Wiider Street be rezoned from B-2 to RT-1 in accordance with the petition for rezonin� on file with the Saint Paul Department of Planning and Economic Development. � . MINUTES OF THE ZONING COMMITTEE Thursday, January 4, 2000 - 3:30 p.m. � PRESENT: EXCUSED: OTHERS PRESENT: � City Counci{ Chambers, 3 Floor City Hall and Court House 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Faricy, Field, Gordon, Kramer, Mardeil and Morton Engh and Gervais Peter Warner Carol Martineau, Allan Torstenson, and James Zdon of PED The meeting was chaired by Commissioner Field. Matthew O'Hare - 00-151-530 Rezoning trom B-2 to RT-1 to ai{ow conversion to a dupfex. 225 N. W iider Street. James Zdon showed slides and presented the staff report. Mr. Zdon stated the Merriam Park Community Councii supports the rezoning. The Zoning Staff recommends approval of the rezoning. Matthew O'Hara, the appficant appeared and stated a petition was circulated and everyone within 125 feet supports the rezoning. He also stated parking is availabie for six cars in the driveway. No one spoke in support or opposition. The public hearing was closed. Commissioner Faricy moved to approve the rezoning. Commissioner Morton seconded it. Adopted Yeas - 6 Drafted by: � C�,Q��ZZQ�t�.a.�r � Carol Martineau Recording Secretary Nays - 0 Subrr�itted by: � �J n;w� � � J es Zdon` 3 oning Sect� • .- ..-. : _�� .i -r" a�-a�s Q`s �gt0 (Jy a � C7 0 4 ic Merriam Park �� �y�5 Dssnoya Park Community Council, Inc M"r`mnP°rk T ShaduwFal/s - 1573 Selby Avenue • Suite 311 • St. Paul • Minnesota • 55104 Internet: www tcfreenetorg/org/mpcc.top.html 651.645.6887 • fax 651.917.9991 HW�{I O�DI!lCIOR And9 G+vm Pcesda6 sn� s�u, ]rtv1CCPLCS3Q�t ]� 71t�10(11 z,a v� r,a�am: c� N�� Txeawxq s,�.s�m�.,�s��. Auodaeian Reprnenurive Phil Powm S�taY .....: n� a�� s.�,-x� sc'lbomu Repumarive David Beimm �ay ti,n t.�xe ai,aam Tnnspoitacan md Fcanomie tt�ao�m� c�. a� u�h � � t,wa c�. cn.;r a��ma M��, Roger Meyex e�ta;� i..sa uK cn� Dwg Pcine DPIA Rqnvrnurive FMk Sc6amN Nmprofin Repaamts6ve r,aNy s�.oatw. usran•r.n,�. c��u Fnuly Tm�hymki USf Off-Cwpus Caimcil JoM WoodtIl �m�� s„n Shalyn Ywng Hwvng Pmgam Cw:dinaW c�„�o,e.� MatHo7linahead Mw�ng Emtcr, Merriam Pmk Past January 19, 2001 Councilmember Jay Benanav 310-D City Hall 15 W. Kellogg Blvd. Saint Paul, MN 55102 Re: 225 No. Wilder re-zoning Dear Councilmember Benanav: At our December 13, 2000 Boazd meeting, the Merriam Pazk Community Council voted to support the new properry owner, Matt O'Hara, in his application to re- zone 225 No. Wilder from B-2 to RT-i to allow conversion to a duplex. Given our past concerns about the property's health and building code violations, we are pleased that Mr. O'Hara will take the opportunity to rehabilitate the building and bring it into full code compliance. Sincerely, :.� �' ��c�`�'w C�`"c--�__-� P. Andrew Given cc: Donna Drummond, PED Matt O'Haza � a t -d-� • ZOIIING ; FILE # 00-151-530 l. APPLICANT: O'H1�RA ENTERPRISES, INC. DATB OF HSARING: O1/04/O1 2. CLASSIFICATION: Rezoning 3. LOCATION: 225 N. Wilder St. (between Marshall and Dayton Avenues) 4. PLANNING DISTRICT: 13 (Merriam Park) 5. LS6AL DSSCRIPTION: The south 67 and 1/10 feet of Lots 1 and 2, Block 6, Merriam Park Second Addition 6. PRBSENT ZONING: B-2 ZONSNG CODB REF&RBNCE: 364.400 7. STAFF INVSSTIGATION AND RSPORT: DATE: 12/19/00 BY: Donna Drummond 8. DATS RfiC&IVED: 12-01-00 DfiADLINE FOR ACTION: O1/30/O1 A. PIIRPOSE: Rezone property from B-2 Community Business District to RT-1 Two- Family Residential District to allow conversion to a duplex. � B. PARCEL SIZE: The parcel has 67 feet of frontage on Wilder St. and is 100 feet deep for a total lot area of 6,700 square feet. C. BXZSTING LAND IISE: Single-family residential structure. D. S4RROIINDING LAND IISE North: Commercial medical prosthetic supply business in a B-2 zone. East: Single-family and duplex residential structures in a RM-2 zone. South: Residential duplex structure in a RT-1 zone. West: Commercial parking area in a B-2 zone. E. ZONING CODE CITATION: SectiOR 64.400(d) Of the Zoriing code state5 iri part, "the oouncil may, from Cime to time, amend, supplement or change the district boundaries or the regulations herein, or subsequently established herein pursuant to the provisions of Minnesota StaCUtes Section 462.357 and amendments thereto as may be made from time to time. The planning commission may, from time to time, review district boundary lines to determine if, pursuant to state laws, such district boundary lines should be changed." Section 64.400(b) states in part, "an amendment to the zoning code may be initiated by the council, the planning commission or by petition of the owners of sixty-seven (67) percent of the area of the property to be rezoned." i F. HISTORY/DISCIISSION: The property received a determination of similar use � permit from the City Council, on appeal, in May, 2000. The permit was for Zoning File #00-151-530 Page 2 operation of the Lubavitch Yeshiva of Minnesota school, a private, non-� • profit rabbinical studies boarding school. Lubavitch Yeshiva subsequently sold the property to the current owner, reportedly because it determined that the costs to meet code requirements to receive a certificate of occupancy for the building were more than it wished to spend. G. DISTRICT COIINCIL RSCOLIISENDATION: The Merriam Park Community Council voted to support the rezoning at its meeting on December 13, 2000. A letter from the community council should be forthcoming. FI. FINDINGS 1. The owner of the property, Matthew O'Aara, recently purchased the single-family residential property at 225 N. Wilder St. He has stated he intends to fully rehabilitate the building and convert it to a duplex. The structure is on the City's vacant building list and has had an inspection to determine necessaxy improvements to fully meet code requirements. Mr. 0'Hara stated he intends to sell the duplex to an owner-occupant upon completion of the renovation. 2 The applicant has requested that the property be rezoned from B-2 Community Commercial to RT-1 Two Family Residential. The property contains a large single-family residential structure that is not suited for commercial use. The proposed use, a duplex or two-family residence, is first permitted in the RT-1 zoning district, and is not permitted in the B-2 zoning district. Therefore, this is the most appropriate zone � for the proposed use. 3. The RT-1 zone requires a minimum lot size of 3,000 square feet per unit, for a duplex, a minimum lot size of 6,000 square feet. The property is 6,700 square feet, therefore meeting this requirement. 4. The proposed rezoning to RT-1 is in conformance with the Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan. The City's Housing Plan (1999) includes policies that encourage rehabilitation of the existing housing stock, and the addition of new housing units, particularly rental units and units that' �serve smaller households. The oronosed rezoning of the progerty and conversion of the structure to a duplex would help meet these goals. 5. The proposed rezoning to RT-1 is consistent and compatible with the way the area has developed and will not have an adverse impact on the surrounding area. There is a duplex across the street to the east in a RM-2 multi-family residential zone. Across the alley to the south are duplex and single-family residences in an RT-1 zone. 6. The parking requirement for two residential units is three parking spaces. The property has a double garage and room for an additional space on a parking pad to the side, therefore meeting the parking requirement. 7. The applicant submitted a sufficient petition signed by two-thirds of � the property owners within one hundred (100) feet of the property to be Zoning File #00-151-530 Page 3 � rezoned (10 parcels eligible, 7 parcels needed, and 8 parcels signed)k I. STAFF RSC0�7DATION: Based on Findings 1 through 7, staff recommends approval of the petition to rezone the property from B-2 to RT-1. � ot�3�5 � - PETtTION TO AMEND 7HE ZONING CODE • �yy�' Departmen[ oJPlanning and Ecoxomic Develnpment � Zoning Section 1100 City Hal! Annex 25 West Founh Street Saint Paul, MA' S5102 266-6389 APPLICANT PROPERTY LOCATION Property � _ City,�t � tr St.�i Zip � z5 Daytime phone !h -�ZGI -�II`J,� Contact person (if difEerent) Legal description 6a (attach additional sheet i1 necessary) � TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL: Pursuant to Section 64.400 of the Saint Paul Zoning Ordinance and to Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statues, , the owner of ail the land proposed for rezoning, hereby petitions you to rezone the above described property from a fZ zoning district to a � e zoning district, for the purpose of: ! ���y 4•.�-� ����C 2� ��y�.� ZrGI ��CCf (attach additional sheet(s) H necessary) Attachments: Required site plan O Consent petftion ❑ Affidavit � Subscribed and swom to before me this I�r�N, _ day of �r��e,' , 'i�ac�t� `� � Notary Public �l.l��zrd PnCI Suh �n fv }�.� r� �� a,��' a�w �� Na,rz.m�1, �pOC� Q��u�,z. � � � O � G� ;� 22� � '� �t �z v�� � � q-� b`(fa� �n�, �n L B l��(S .�. CFa F owner of p perty �'��� Pv���n Title: C�_Bi?rS s. SrTANA15 y.ZTrti`iY �'UBL1C - MINNESOTA ��•r c�anu+ission ex�ia�s s�x. st. aoo5 +. ��fCc E`'}.�=1*i��'-,`s�c7td �� `�� � Notary Qublsc-Nlinnesota Ramsey County y Commissiza Fxpi;?.s .i<:1 3�, ;_'�,`l5 � .. �jat,e,4we� „ �, , � �c.vr«,,� ----� °�- S(?. . �07 ...- ; � � �� s - - _ � � ... - � ,_._ 4 o- . _ _ -__'_ ___ ' "" _ ' ' __ "'_'_ '_______"_'_ -__- _ ' � r`�� - �--- - - - -- _ e.. � �1 . � - - - - � - �. a '' - \ - -- - - - ... _ __._ -- r _-_- � � •a �4. -- --- - - -... �� --- - •�-- -- s_ -- - -- - - 35' 3 - - _ _. F�s� �tno�r : e�«��- - - - .._ . _� _ _ � a (\ �; � N i� -��J�� / • h� \ �� . •-� �)til\+(J � � R�� � 0 ,` i ♦ ... 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' n'CUP i�,2ESUBMITTED J�� �/.- ao-c�� DATE PETITION SUB�fITTED: l U�! r DATE PETITIO�I RESUBMITTED: AATE OFFICiALLY RECEIVED: DATE OFFICIALLY RECEIVED: 'I� ��� 6 � PARCELS ELIGIBLE: /� PARCELS REQUIRED: �_ PARC6LS SIGNED: ,�_ PARCELS $LIGIBLE: / PARCEIS REQLiIRED: � PARCELS SIGNED: � i r � �� „ . `/�/ CHECI:ED BY: I� \ DATE: ' / � �� zo�vi�� ��L� . ,., - - • � cz�cx o� "sa.x��c ��.u� o � .��s AFFIDAVIT OF PERSON CIRCULATING PETITIO\ � STATE OF MINNESOTA) :SS COUIvTY OF RAMSEY ) � ���y� j� � , being first duly sworn, deposes and s!2tes that he/she is the person �vho circulated the within petition 2nd consent, consisting of � pages; that affiant is informed and believes that the parties described are the o�mers respectively of the lots placed immediately before each name, that a�ant is informed and 6elieves that each of the parties described 2bove is the owner of the property which is wi[hin 100 fee[ from any property o��red or purchased by petitioner or sold by petitioner within one (1) year precedin� the date of this petition which is contiguous to the property described in the petition; that except for none of the parties described above has purchased or is purchasing property from the petitioner contiguous to thz above described property within one (1) year of the date of the petition; that this consent was si�nzd by eacti of said owners in the presences of this affiant, and that the signatures 2re the true and correct signatures of ezch and zll of the parties so described. � �n,hJae2til�c2 0�.� A�'vvv� -� �-t-�,�-- p '/ f "� 4 Y'�� c7�u�3. �4� T'j �uJ2m� c�-OOb .��� Y D�y "„�*- ' � " � � n,�.c.�J � /� �a�r',��� � -�/necJ p �y� �a. �.,_�,.:�.4r�..�,.�.-���...�n.�,�„��..� NAME �;:�,.:;:Y .IAP!IC['�.1' ���h�ln¢� Q[ �/�wa�iQ -,.�r�,/ �I.� �i ���� Alotary Pubtict9innesa?a �pDg�SS • ��,� Ramsey �o�nty �!�•� F �p:, I.n. 31. 2�J�5 '�,'�;," �S1-7�-�t/7� ///�-SI6� TELEPHO�IE � ER Subscribed and swom to before me this �t x�_ day of G,,,�r�2� ,�� � . • ""�'��� .s,. SRAN , •r,:, i!�.f3RF`� . �Tp,p�pU8i1C•ti �Y CpM�ISSiON EXPIRES JAN. 31, 2� � ��''�t, N TARY PUBLIC ��c�x�czon x�o x�r�ohac Arrzpnvz�r OF P�x'iTIOFt�R STATE OF MIi�INESOTA) COtJTITl' OF RAMS�I' ) SS � Thc petitioner, �� r,��_Q{�i� rei , being first duly sworn, deposes and stltcs tliat ilie consent pe�ition con[ains siQna:ures froru at least t�vo-thirds (z/a) of al! eligible properlies «'ithin I 00 feet of 1H property o��ned, purctiased, or sold by petition�r u•iihin one (1) }•ear precedin� the date of this p�tition ��•hich is conti�iwus to the property described in the pelition; petitioner is informed that the consent petition nuist contain signatures from e2ch and al! o��•ners of jointl}•-o�ti•ned propert}• in order to constitutz consent from that groperty aad ihat failure to obtain conserit from each 1nd atl o��Ters could im�alidate the consen[ p�tition; petitioner beliet•es that the consent petition �vas siorted by each of said oG�•ners 2nd that the si�natur�s are the tnte and corrzct si� natures of each and ali of the patties so described. c� c,t.�1 �'�,�..fl c� �nC� QcJGtir �o �--��_. �� - l�d�� ao� �� �� IU/ve vr.lo��, �v't7 . r-<--�-� �,c.�..;�. �fi. �ry���- JAN�CE E. �n�Gt�!USO�d Notarv Pubiic-�l�nnesota Ramsey Coun^/ ion Fxp�ros 1an. 3i_'��5 Subscribed and s�vom to before me this {�-�, day of �T12s�v��;�' , �z ��� �� t�OTARYPUBLIC --� /l2.l�Q� L �� /1?��i¢c� � D�a✓�i � NAME I1Zo SG���I��r l�oQ6ur�w� SSIZ�," ADDRESS �s-��y- �r��/�/z-9at TELEPHONEI� .iBER •, DE6F.A S. BRANDIS . M�iFRYPUB��C-MIINl�SOTA pAY CO35R11SSION .. EXPIzZEo:Ah.31. pz�e of 1/31/97 • ';; O 1-i�5 �; – -- — ----- — � � --------------- --- --- ------------_ �__�1w�re.--LIl�U.�u.`F?-!%�_w�(� _ { � : -. . ''7—�'J-�-�-�,�n _-�?�__�,tl_L ,,s-/� --- ---- _�-D�—G`� � G�b w c q ltiS?S Z di` �l,e., _ Gc' S-�/ C f � / i J �t5_v� �_r�..y__.'�-�- �Id: ! — ---- - ---- - --------------- - --- -------�---------------=----p�,d� ------- ------- - - --- -------:------------i�Zo-pa----------------- -------- ---- - - - � - - - --- - -- _- - - � -_ - - - - - - ---- -- -- - - -- - - �--- - --- --- --- --- '--- - -- =-- CZT'Y OT' SA.XN�' PA.UL CO\SEt�;T OF ADJOI[�,TIi�G PROPERTY O�Vi�tERS FOR A REZOl�'I11'G ' � �L'e, the undzrignzd, o«•nzr of the proper}' wi[hin 100 f tt oE thz total contiguou> c'escription of real estatz oa'ned, purchased, or sold by TFIE PETI7IONER within one yea; preceding ti�: da[e of this petition ackno�vled�z that �ce hacz bezn presented �vith the fol(owin�: 1. A cop}' oE thz pe:ition of to rezone tnz p:operty located at (name es from a�_zonin� dis[ricf to z eX zoning district. 2. A cop}' oEsections through , inclusi��e oEthe Sain! Paul Zonin� Codz; xnd ac�:no�rled I�i3I t cz arz au'are of all of the wes permiazd in a zoni�g district and �ve zre aware .na[ any of tnes: us:i can bz estabti>hzd upon City Council approval of tne rezunin�. \Ve hereb� con>�n! to the rzzonina of [hz propert}' in tnz petiiion oE; ��cc7 P nu u �ti to a Rr i zonin•� dist: ict. (��me of pecitionzr) \Z'e consenf to the �pproF'�i of fhis rezonina as it �ti'as explained fo us b}• fhe npplicant or ttis/her representati�•e. � . ... ,,. SIG\4TURf DATF jGt}� Dh`fTU� hvL I ,�7 ��v � ` a � 35 :�,�, � �; ���,� ,��. aoa�� ��� -�� � 6 3�-� A��SHA 2��y— ��s%r,h�s�� �:.�^Py: sa� w; Ile, st. �JC�t'W�V`.�t� (,�ild2t'�.. �.�1� �`r1w�s��al I ie�rr�u�,�� .�r�ec-�ss r .� �lfz,,� y� J�YGthd� ���� �� l� �/� t 3��x.' �'�'3 /:r �,. q i36P 9� �%���L' �//Y/Oo ��� ZOTE: This pztition sh�ll not be considered as official(y fi(zd untii th� Iaps� of s�ren (7) workin� days after it is r:cei�•ed by� the Pl��nin� Di��ision. Any si;nator of this petition ma}'t�i[hdra�v his/h� � name therzfrom b}• ��Ticten request �`�ithin tha[ time. � � �:fi 't': CZ'�'X O� SA.x�T'T P.A.�JX, CONSENT'�OF ADJOINING PROPERTX OWNERS POR A .t�EZONING 0 1 ���s We, the tmdersigned, owncrs of the property �vidiin 100 feet oFd�e total contiguous description oF real estate o�vned, purchased, or sold by 7'HE PETITIONLR within one }'ear precediii� the date oE ttiis petition lcknotivledge that we liave bocn presented tvitli tl�c following: A copy of tlie petition of to rezone tl�e property lo from 1 VaC zoning district fo a� i zoning district. � 2. A copy ofsections dirough , incl�sive ef tl;e Saint Paui Zoning Code; and nckno�vledge tt�at �ve t�re n�vare of alI of tl�e uses permitted in a zoning district and �ve are nware th�t uny oFthese uses can be established upon Ciry Council approval of die rezoning. \Ve hereby consent to the rczonino of the property in the petition oF, `r71M1!/^�/W �(l� toa��zoninsdistrict. (Name of petitione�) '�Ve consent fo fhe �pproval of this rezoninb as if �vas expllined to us by the �pplicant or liis(ficr represenfativc. �U � J;Y, 'iLY - � �Y�" J \ »• ,�ti�� .. 1 • hOT�: This petit+on shali not be consideced as o�cial(y filed until the lapse of seyen (7) working . days after it is received by the Planning Division. Any signztor of this petition may withdra�r hislher name therefrom by �vritten request �vithin that time. ', ��. � o i -3�5 • . CITIZEN PARTICIPATIO DIS RICTS 1.SUNRAY-BATTLECREEK-HIGHtJ00D 2.GREATER EAST SIDE 3.WEST SIDE 4.DAY70N`S BLUFf 5.PAYNE-PHALEN 6.NORTH END 7.THOMAS-DALE 8.SUMMIT-UNIVERSITY 9.WES7 SEVENTH lO.COMO 11.HAMLINE-MID4tAY ST. ANTHONY RRIAM PK.-LEXINGTON HAMIINE � .GROVEIAND-MACAIESTER ' 15.HIGNLAND 16.SUMMIT HILL 17. DOWNTO'AN CITIZEN PARTICIPATION PLANNING DISTRIGTS � HAMLINE DISTRICT 13 ON Q ,� ., '�-�� � ����� � ��.� - I � � �� � � . � 000� t �����eee�ee �� :�. �� :� �_ �� • e o�oo��� � � ��� . ._,,__ __ __ �� � . ........ J n � � E,P��icar:r 0 P�SG—i� o� 'I _,. EI�E t;� DATE� P�t�G. DlST� �'�AP r � ..�0000� � ._ ....... :'.1���� , ---��r�----- � , � O C� ;O�?�JO � �?0��000 � , i i � O I , �; o J � v. , �o 000 � �000�oo ; LAU�EL o �ooc>o 0 0 o � ..: �`�. 0 0000000 I i � i __!---- _ � LEG=ND �� zoning d�strict tvund=_ry �i7TTTlll1 subj��i prope.ry 0 on� izmily � F:ro tamity J�-� � multi�i2 tamiiy ���`'`� • ♦ � COn�'n_:��C� q wa c i'7`S'JSf'i? V vzcz�: t{ l il ! I'I I I{ I I) - - - --_____ Nancy Anderson 00 151 530feb7cchn wpd � „_ _,.,__„ __ ._ _ ,.. __, ___, � _, _ __ _ _� ___ �,,, _Page 1_. ST PAUL CITY COUNCII. Public Hearing Natice CIiYOFSAATPAUL vcpcofn�sana cmvo�cnevaopmcv� Phovc(651)266-6589 Fu (651)22&3220 FII,E # oau�-sso PURPOSE: Rezone property trom B-2 CommuniTy Business distriM to RT-1 Two-Family Residential District to allow conversian to a duplez PROYERT'Y ADDRFSS:225 Pi. Wilde*, between Mazs6all and Dayton Avennes. APPLICANT: O'Haza Enterprises, Eac. HEARING DATE: Wednestlav Februarv 7. 2000, ai 530 o.m. All public heaiings are held in City Comcil Cltambecs, 3 Floor Ciry Hall - Court House, IS W. Kellogg Boulevard You may send written commenis to the Zoaing Of&ce at the address listed on the reverse side ofthis card Please cal] Donna Dcummond, PED, az (651)2666556, or your District Council Repreuvtative at (651) 645-6887 ifyou have any queseons. Mailed:l/2N01 �� �� Public Hearing Notice ST PAUL CITY COUNCIL CLfYOFSAWTPAUI Depc ofPlammg avd 6mnomic Developmrnt PLovc(651)266L589 Pu: (651)2283220 FII.E # # a0-151-53a PURPOSE: Rezane properly from B-2 Community Business district to RT-I lrvo-Family Residential District to allow conversion to a duplea. PROPERIY ADDRESS: 225 N. Wildeq between Marshall and Day[on Avenues. APPLICANT: O'Hara Enterprues, Inc. HNARIlVG DA1'E: Wednesdav Februarv 7. 2000. at 530 o.m. All public hearings are held in City CounC�� Chambers, 3'" Floor City Hall - Court House, 15 W. Kellogg Boulevazd. You may send w+�ttrn comments to ihe Zoning Office at the addtess listed on the i¢vexse side ofthis cz*d. Please call Donna Diwnmond, PED, at (651)2666556, or yoar Distric[ Council Repxesentafive at (651) 645-6887 �fyou have any ques6ons. _, _ ___ � _ _ ..__- -- -- _Nanc�y�Anderson - 00-151-530feb7cchn wpd _ _ _„ _ w ,_ __ _. _,.._ _ _ . _. _ _ , _ , ._ ___ ._ ._.__ _ Page 2 � MvIM:12d01 ot -a�r ��I�I���� Council File # C�j-'�� Ordinance # Green Sheet # ����Ze�- 2 � 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 Presented By Referred To ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA m Committee: Date An ordinance amending Chapter 60 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertauung to zoning for the City of Saint Paul and the zoning maps thereof: WHEREAS, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes {462357 and 64.400 of the Legislative Code, O'Hara Enterprises, Inc. duly petitioned to rezone property at 225 North Wilder Street being legally described as the south 67 and U10 feet of Lots 1 and 2, Block 6, Merriam Park Second Addition, from B-2 (Community Business District) to RT-1 (Two-Family Residential District) to allow conversion to a duplex, the petition having been certified by the Planning staff on 11%30/00 as having been consented to by at least 67% of the owners of the area of the property to be rezoned, and further having been consented to by at least two-thirds of the owners of the property situated within 100 feet of the total contiguous properry within one year preceeding the date of the petition; and .,/ WE3EREAS, The Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission on Ol/04/Ol, held a public hearing for the purpose of considering the rezoning petition, and pursuant to { 107.03 of the Administrative Code, submitted its recommendation to the Planning Commission that the petition be granted; and WHEREAS, The Planning Commission considered the rezoning petition at its meeting held on Ol/12/O1 and recommended that the City Council approve the petition; and WHEREAS, notice of public hearing before the City Council on the said rezoning petition was duly published in the official newspaper of the City on Ol/25/Ol and notices were duly mailed to each owner of affected property and property situated wholly or partly within 350 feet of the property sought to be rezoned; and WHEREAS, a public hearing before the City Council having been conducted on 02/07/Ol, where all interested parties were heard, the Council having considered all the facts and recommendations concerning the petition; now, therefore THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the zoning map of the City of Saint Paul, Sheet Number 17, as incorporated by reference in {60.301 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, as amended, is hereby fiirther amended as follows: That property located at 225 North Wilder Street being more particularly described as: the south 67 and U10 feet of Lots 1 and 2, Block 6, Merriam Park Second Addition : d ;�s� . � ; 40 be and is hereby rezoned from B-2 to RT-1. 41 � � -��S 42 Section 2. 43 44 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirry (30) days from and after its passage, approval and 45 publication. 46 � � � � � gy � "� . 4 L� a� E r @ ' � is y � Yeas Na s sent Requested by Department of: Benanav Blake / � BoStYOm ✓ Plannin & onomiC Develo ment� Coleman ✓ � Harris By: Lant ✓ Reites Adopted by Council: Date �����«i_��G�� Adoptio Certified by Council Secretary By: \ \ .��� � �� — _— Approved by Mayor: Date �� / � �/ By: Form App ved b / City Attorney gY: hW!/IyV�"� Z�Z`��4 ( Approve b Mayor for si ouncil By: DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL: DATE INITIATED v PED - West Team February 9, 2001 G�EN SHEET No.: 101922 O� -�,�,$ CONTACi' PERSON & PHONE: INITIAJ✓71ATE � INITIAIJDATE Donna Drnnuuond 266-6556 � Z DEPARTMENT DI _,j� 4 MAYOR (OR ASST.) 9� MUST BE ON COUNCII. AGENDA BY (DATE) �IGN 3 CITY ATTORNEY [ J•� 5 CITY COUNCIL CITY CLERK M3LCI1 �I� LOOI FNUMBER _ FINANCIAL SERV DIR. ROIJ1'ING _ FMANCIAI, SERV/ACCTG ORDER 1 Sean Kershaw � � TOTAL # OF SIGNA'['URE PAGES _1_(CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNA'1"(JRE) ncnoN xEQUES�n: Adoption of rezoning ordivance. RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Rejec[ (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONIBACPS MIJST ANSR'ER TFiE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: A PLANNING COMMISSION 1. Has this person/ftrtn ever worked under a contract for Utis department? CIB COMMITTEE Yes No CIV[L SERVICE COMIvIISSION 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee� Yes No 3. Does this person/fum possess a skill not noanalty possessed by any cuaent ciTy employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet aud attach to green sheet INITIATiNG PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORT[JNITY (Who, What, Wheu, Where, Why): � Adopt an ordinance to finalize council approval of a petition of O'Haza Enterprises, Inc. to rezone property at 225 North Wilder Street from B-2 Communiry Business District to RT-1 Two-Family Residential District (public hearing held 02/07/O 1). ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED Property will be rezoned to allow conversion to a duplex. DISADVAN'I'AGES IF APPROVED: None �?aasc?�'� Rra�F wrr� �.eav�F?� DISADVAN'1'AGES IF NOT APPROVED: Conversion to a duplex will not be allowed. ��������� g �� aa s TOTAL AMOUNT OF TR ANSACTION: S 0 COST/REVENUE BUDGETED: �d FUNDINGSOURCE: ACTIVI'I'YNUMBER: ��6 � �tr �;f;t; D FINANCIAL IIVFORMATION: (EXPLAl1V) ���� S ���,�-p � q� y�� l� 4.6 p �d K 4Shared�Ped�DR[JMMOND�ZONIN(\i 00151530 �*cnsheet DEPARTMENTOFPLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Brian Sweeney, Director CTTY OF SAINT PAUL Narm Colem¢n, Mayor Janaury 12, 2001 Ms. Nancy Anderson City Council Research Office Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Deaz Ms. Anderson: zs wesrFor�nh sneee Saint Paul, MN55102 ot-»S Telephane: 612-266-6655 Fncsimile: 612-228-3314 I would like to confirm that a public hearing before the City Council is scheduled for Wednesday, February 7, 2001, 5:30 p.m. for the following property rezoning that has been acted upon by the Planning Commission: Applicant: O'HARA ENTERPRISES, INC. File Number: #00-151-530 Purpose: Rezone properry from B-2 Community Business District to RT-1 Two-Family Residential Dislrict to allow conversion to a duplex. Address: 225 N. Wilder, between Marshall and Dayton Avenues. Legal Description of Property: Previous Action: The south 67 and 1/10 feet of Lots 1 and 2, Block 6, Merriam Park Second Addition. Planning Commission Recommendarion: Approval, unanimous, Jan. 12, 2001. Zoning Committee Recommendation: Approval, unanimous, Jan. 4, 2001. My understanding is that this public hearing request will appear on the agenda for the January 24, 2001, City Council meeting and that you will publish notice of the hearing in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger. Please call me at 266-6556 if you have any questions. Sincerely, �°�^'�'��/�-�^o� Donna Drmmnond Cily Planner cc: File #00-151-530 Allan Torstenson Paul Dubruiel Carol Martineau Matthew O'Haza � �; ��yui � • �.srxrm* • - i f , � .,� z=� - NOTiCE-UI+ PUBIdC HEARING = aS � ��% t �� The Saint Paul City Councl will cot�--- duct a public hearing on Wednesday, February'7, 2001, at 5:30 p.m. in the City co,uicil cnav,bers, 17�ira Flou= cicy xau-. Courthouse, 15 West Rellogg Bou7evard. SaiFrt Paul, NIN, to consider the application of O'Haza Enterprises, Inc., to rezone prop- erty from � Community Bueiness" Mstrict to RT;1 ltvo Fainily Residential District to allow conversion to a duplex at 225 N. Wilder Street (behueen Marsha}i and Dayton Avenpes). Dated:Jannax}k�6,�?001. ,� _ _ NANCYANDERS6fI . ' �'. � , Assistant �City Conncil SecretaiYY� � (Janaary i$1 - - _=_= SL PAIIf. LEGAL LC'17GE$ — Q20�?�B6: . � �, '.. __ . _ � . � DEPARTMENT OF PI.ANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Brian Sweeney, Direcia� CITY OF SAII�IT PAUL Norm Co[eman, Mayor Januazy 31, 2001 Ms. Nancy Anderson Secretary to the City Council Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 • RE: Zoning File #00-151-530 Dear Ms. Anderson: 25 Wut Fourth Streei Saint Paul, MN55l02 01-1�5 . Telephone: 672-266-6655 F¢csimi[e: 6! 2-328-33 /4 The following rezoning application is scheduled for the City Council's February 7, 2001 public hearing agenda: Applicant: O'Hara Enterprises, Inc. Address: 225I3. Wilder Street Purpose: Rezoning from B-2 Community Business District to RT-i Two-Family Residential District to allow conversion to a duplex. Planning Commission Recommendation: Approve, vote: Unanimous. Zoning Committee Recommendation: Approve, vote: 5-0. Staff Recommendation: Approve. Public Hearing Support: None. Public Hearing Opposition: None. District Council: The Merriam Park Community Council supports the rezoning. Please notify me (266-6556) if any member of the City Council wishes to have slides of the site presented at the public hearing. Sincerely, ��rw����'�' '9 Donna Drummond City Planner Attachments cc: City Council members . O� r y � J ! city of saint paul planning commission resolution file number o0-05 date o1-12-01 WHEREAS, O'HARA ENTERPRISES, INC., file # 00-151-530, has petitioned to rezone 225 NORTH WILDER STREET, behveen Marshall and Dayton Avenues, from B-2 to RT-1 to al(ow conversion ofthe existing single-family structure to a duplex; and WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission on January 4, 2001, held a public hearin� at which a(I persons present were given an opportunity to be heard pursuant to said application in accordance with the requirements of Section 64300 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code; and �VHEREAS, the Saint Paul Planning Commission, based on the evidence presented to its Zoning Committee at the public hearing as substantially reflected in the minutes, made the following findings of fact: 1. The owner of the property, Matthew O'Hara, recently purchased the singte-family residential property at 225 N. Wifder St. He has stated he intends to fulfy rehabifitate the buildin� and convert it to a duptes. The structure is on the City's vacant building list and has had an � inspection to determine necessary improvements to fully meet code requirements. Mr. O'Hara stated he intends to sell the duplex to an owner-occupant upon comptetion of the renovation. 2 The applicant has requested that the properiy be remned from B-2 Communit}• Commercial to RT-1 Two Family Residential. The properry contains a large single-family residential structure that is not suited for commercial use. The proposed use, a duplex or rivo-family residence, is first permitted in tlie RT-1 zoning district, and is not permitted in the B-2 zonina district. Therefore, this is the most appropriate zone for the proposed use. 3. The RT-I zone requires a minimum lot size of 3,000 square feet per unit, for a duplex, a minimum lot size of 6,000 square feet. The property is 6,700 square feet, therefore meetin� this requirement. 4. The proposed rezonin� to RT-1 is in conformance witU the Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan. The City's Housing Plan (1999) includes policies that encoura�e rehabilitation ofthe e�istin� housing stock, and the addition of new housing units, paRicularly rental units and units that serve smallec households. The proposed rezoning of the Qroperty and conversion of the structure to a duplex would help meet these goals. moved by Field seconded by � in favor Unanimous . against Zoning File #00-151-530 Page Two of Resolution x � The proposed rezoning to RT-1 is consistent and compatible with the tvay the area has developed and �vill not have an adverse impact on the surroundino area. There is a � duplex across the street to the east in a RM-2 multi-fami(y residential zone. Across the afley to the south are duplex and single-family residences in an RT-1 zone. 6. The parking requirement for two residential units is three parking spaces. The property has a double garage aad room for an additional space on a parking pad to the side, therefore meetina the parking requirement. 7. The applicant submitted a sufficient petition signed by two-thirds of the property owners within one hundred (100) feet of the property to be rezoned (10 parcels eligible, 7 parcels needed, and 8 parcels signed). NOW, THEREfiORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Saint Pau! Planning Commission that the petition of O'HARA ENTERPRISES, INC. to rezone properry at 225 North Wilder Street, legally described as the south 67 and 1/10 feet of Lots I and 2, Block 6, Merriam Pazk Second Addition, from a B-2 to a RT-1 zoning classification is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan for the City; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul Plannin� Commission does liereby recommend to the Council ofthe City of Saint Paul that 22S North Wiider Street be rezoned from B-2 to RT-1 in accordance with the petition for rezonin� on file with the Saint Paul Department of Planning and Economic Development. � . MINUTES OF THE ZONING COMMITTEE Thursday, January 4, 2000 - 3:30 p.m. � PRESENT: EXCUSED: OTHERS PRESENT: � City Counci{ Chambers, 3 Floor City Hall and Court House 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Faricy, Field, Gordon, Kramer, Mardeil and Morton Engh and Gervais Peter Warner Carol Martineau, Allan Torstenson, and James Zdon of PED The meeting was chaired by Commissioner Field. Matthew O'Hare - 00-151-530 Rezoning trom B-2 to RT-1 to ai{ow conversion to a dupfex. 225 N. W iider Street. James Zdon showed slides and presented the staff report. Mr. Zdon stated the Merriam Park Community Councii supports the rezoning. The Zoning Staff recommends approval of the rezoning. Matthew O'Hara, the appficant appeared and stated a petition was circulated and everyone within 125 feet supports the rezoning. He also stated parking is availabie for six cars in the driveway. No one spoke in support or opposition. The public hearing was closed. Commissioner Faricy moved to approve the rezoning. Commissioner Morton seconded it. Adopted Yeas - 6 Drafted by: � C�,Q��ZZQ�t�.a.�r � Carol Martineau Recording Secretary Nays - 0 Subrr�itted by: � �J n;w� � � J es Zdon` 3 oning Sect� • .- ..-. : _�� .i -r" a�-a�s Q`s �gt0 (Jy a � C7 0 4 ic Merriam Park �� �y�5 Dssnoya Park Community Council, Inc M"r`mnP°rk T ShaduwFal/s - 1573 Selby Avenue • Suite 311 • St. Paul • Minnesota • 55104 Internet: www tcfreenetorg/org/mpcc.top.html 651.645.6887 • fax 651.917.9991 HW�{I O�DI!lCIOR And9 G+vm Pcesda6 sn� s�u, ]rtv1CCPLCS3Q�t ]� 71t�10(11 z,a v� r,a�am: c� N�� Txeawxq s,�.s�m�.,�s��. Auodaeian Reprnenurive Phil Powm S�taY .....: n� a�� s.�,-x� sc'lbomu Repumarive David Beimm �ay ti,n t.�xe ai,aam Tnnspoitacan md Fcanomie tt�ao�m� c�. a� u�h � � t,wa c�. cn.;r a��ma M��, Roger Meyex e�ta;� i..sa uK cn� Dwg Pcine DPIA Rqnvrnurive FMk Sc6amN Nmprofin Repaamts6ve r,aNy s�.oatw. usran•r.n,�. c��u Fnuly Tm�hymki USf Off-Cwpus Caimcil JoM WoodtIl �m�� s„n Shalyn Ywng Hwvng Pmgam Cw:dinaW c�„�o,e.� MatHo7linahead Mw�ng Emtcr, Merriam Pmk Past January 19, 2001 Councilmember Jay Benanav 310-D City Hall 15 W. Kellogg Blvd. Saint Paul, MN 55102 Re: 225 No. Wilder re-zoning Dear Councilmember Benanav: At our December 13, 2000 Boazd meeting, the Merriam Pazk Community Council voted to support the new properry owner, Matt O'Hara, in his application to re- zone 225 No. Wilder from B-2 to RT-i to allow conversion to a duplex. Given our past concerns about the property's health and building code violations, we are pleased that Mr. O'Hara will take the opportunity to rehabilitate the building and bring it into full code compliance. Sincerely, :.� �' ��c�`�'w C�`"c--�__-� P. Andrew Given cc: Donna Drummond, PED Matt O'Haza � a t -d-� • ZOIIING ; FILE # 00-151-530 l. APPLICANT: O'H1�RA ENTERPRISES, INC. DATB OF HSARING: O1/04/O1 2. CLASSIFICATION: Rezoning 3. LOCATION: 225 N. Wilder St. (between Marshall and Dayton Avenues) 4. PLANNING DISTRICT: 13 (Merriam Park) 5. LS6AL DSSCRIPTION: The south 67 and 1/10 feet of Lots 1 and 2, Block 6, Merriam Park Second Addition 6. PRBSENT ZONING: B-2 ZONSNG CODB REF&RBNCE: 364.400 7. STAFF INVSSTIGATION AND RSPORT: DATE: 12/19/00 BY: Donna Drummond 8. DATS RfiC&IVED: 12-01-00 DfiADLINE FOR ACTION: O1/30/O1 A. PIIRPOSE: Rezone property from B-2 Community Business District to RT-1 Two- Family Residential District to allow conversion to a duplex. � B. PARCEL SIZE: The parcel has 67 feet of frontage on Wilder St. and is 100 feet deep for a total lot area of 6,700 square feet. C. BXZSTING LAND IISE: Single-family residential structure. D. S4RROIINDING LAND IISE North: Commercial medical prosthetic supply business in a B-2 zone. East: Single-family and duplex residential structures in a RM-2 zone. South: Residential duplex structure in a RT-1 zone. West: Commercial parking area in a B-2 zone. E. ZONING CODE CITATION: SectiOR 64.400(d) Of the Zoriing code state5 iri part, "the oouncil may, from Cime to time, amend, supplement or change the district boundaries or the regulations herein, or subsequently established herein pursuant to the provisions of Minnesota StaCUtes Section 462.357 and amendments thereto as may be made from time to time. The planning commission may, from time to time, review district boundary lines to determine if, pursuant to state laws, such district boundary lines should be changed." Section 64.400(b) states in part, "an amendment to the zoning code may be initiated by the council, the planning commission or by petition of the owners of sixty-seven (67) percent of the area of the property to be rezoned." i F. HISTORY/DISCIISSION: The property received a determination of similar use � permit from the City Council, on appeal, in May, 2000. The permit was for Zoning File #00-151-530 Page 2 operation of the Lubavitch Yeshiva of Minnesota school, a private, non-� • profit rabbinical studies boarding school. Lubavitch Yeshiva subsequently sold the property to the current owner, reportedly because it determined that the costs to meet code requirements to receive a certificate of occupancy for the building were more than it wished to spend. G. DISTRICT COIINCIL RSCOLIISENDATION: The Merriam Park Community Council voted to support the rezoning at its meeting on December 13, 2000. A letter from the community council should be forthcoming. FI. FINDINGS 1. The owner of the property, Matthew O'Aara, recently purchased the single-family residential property at 225 N. Wilder St. He has stated he intends to fully rehabilitate the building and convert it to a duplex. The structure is on the City's vacant building list and has had an inspection to determine necessaxy improvements to fully meet code requirements. Mr. 0'Hara stated he intends to sell the duplex to an owner-occupant upon completion of the renovation. 2 The applicant has requested that the property be rezoned from B-2 Community Commercial to RT-1 Two Family Residential. The property contains a large single-family residential structure that is not suited for commercial use. The proposed use, a duplex or two-family residence, is first permitted in the RT-1 zoning district, and is not permitted in the B-2 zoning district. Therefore, this is the most appropriate zone � for the proposed use. 3. The RT-1 zone requires a minimum lot size of 3,000 square feet per unit, for a duplex, a minimum lot size of 6,000 square feet. The property is 6,700 square feet, therefore meeting this requirement. 4. The proposed rezoning to RT-1 is in conformance with the Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan. The City's Housing Plan (1999) includes policies that encourage rehabilitation of the existing housing stock, and the addition of new housing units, particularly rental units and units that' �serve smaller households. The oronosed rezoning of the progerty and conversion of the structure to a duplex would help meet these goals. 5. The proposed rezoning to RT-1 is consistent and compatible with the way the area has developed and will not have an adverse impact on the surrounding area. There is a duplex across the street to the east in a RM-2 multi-family residential zone. Across the alley to the south are duplex and single-family residences in an RT-1 zone. 6. The parking requirement for two residential units is three parking spaces. The property has a double garage and room for an additional space on a parking pad to the side, therefore meeting the parking requirement. 7. The applicant submitted a sufficient petition signed by two-thirds of � the property owners within one hundred (100) feet of the property to be Zoning File #00-151-530 Page 3 � rezoned (10 parcels eligible, 7 parcels needed, and 8 parcels signed)k I. STAFF RSC0�7DATION: Based on Findings 1 through 7, staff recommends approval of the petition to rezone the property from B-2 to RT-1. � ot�3�5 � - PETtTION TO AMEND 7HE ZONING CODE • �yy�' Departmen[ oJPlanning and Ecoxomic Develnpment � Zoning Section 1100 City Hal! Annex 25 West Founh Street Saint Paul, MA' S5102 266-6389 APPLICANT PROPERTY LOCATION Property � _ City,�t � tr St.�i Zip � z5 Daytime phone !h -�ZGI -�II`J,� Contact person (if difEerent) Legal description 6a (attach additional sheet i1 necessary) � TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL: Pursuant to Section 64.400 of the Saint Paul Zoning Ordinance and to Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statues, , the owner of ail the land proposed for rezoning, hereby petitions you to rezone the above described property from a fZ zoning district to a � e zoning district, for the purpose of: ! ���y 4•.�-� ����C 2� ��y�.� ZrGI ��CCf (attach additional sheet(s) H necessary) Attachments: Required site plan O Consent petftion ❑ Affidavit � Subscribed and swom to before me this I�r�N, _ day of �r��e,' , 'i�ac�t� `� � Notary Public �l.l��zrd PnCI Suh �n fv }�.� r� �� a,��' a�w �� Na,rz.m�1, �pOC� Q��u�,z. � � � O � G� ;� 22� � '� �t �z v�� � � q-� b`(fa� �n�, �n L B l��(S .�. CFa F owner of p perty �'��� Pv���n Title: C�_Bi?rS s. SrTANA15 y.ZTrti`iY �'UBL1C - MINNESOTA ��•r c�anu+ission ex�ia�s s�x. st. aoo5 +. ��fCc E`'}.�=1*i��'-,`s�c7td �� `�� � Notary Qublsc-Nlinnesota Ramsey County y Commissiza Fxpi;?.s .i<:1 3�, ;_'�,`l5 � .. �jat,e,4we� „ �, , � �c.vr«,,� ----� °�- S(?. . �07 ...- ; � � �� s - - _ � � ... - � ,_._ 4 o- . _ _ -__'_ ___ ' "" _ ' ' __ "'_'_ '_______"_'_ -__- _ ' � r`�� - �--- - - - -- _ e.. � �1 . � - - - - � - �. a '' - \ - -- - - - ... _ __._ -- r _-_- � � •a �4. -- --- - - -... �� --- - •�-- -- s_ -- - -- - - 35' 3 - - _ _. F�s� �tno�r : e�«��- - - - .._ . _� _ _ � a (\ �; � N i� -��J�� / • h� \ �� . •-� �)til\+(J � � R�� � 0 ,` i ♦ ... 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' n'CUP i�,2ESUBMITTED J�� �/.- ao-c�� DATE PETITION SUB�fITTED: l U�! r DATE PETITIO�I RESUBMITTED: AATE OFFICiALLY RECEIVED: DATE OFFICIALLY RECEIVED: 'I� ��� 6 � PARCELS ELIGIBLE: /� PARCELS REQUIRED: �_ PARC6LS SIGNED: ,�_ PARCELS $LIGIBLE: / PARCEIS REQLiIRED: � PARCELS SIGNED: � i r � �� „ . `/�/ CHECI:ED BY: I� \ DATE: ' / � �� zo�vi�� ��L� . ,., - - • � cz�cx o� "sa.x��c ��.u� o � .��s AFFIDAVIT OF PERSON CIRCULATING PETITIO\ � STATE OF MINNESOTA) :SS COUIvTY OF RAMSEY ) � ���y� j� � , being first duly sworn, deposes and s!2tes that he/she is the person �vho circulated the within petition 2nd consent, consisting of � pages; that affiant is informed and believes that the parties described are the o�mers respectively of the lots placed immediately before each name, that a�ant is informed and 6elieves that each of the parties described 2bove is the owner of the property which is wi[hin 100 fee[ from any property o��red or purchased by petitioner or sold by petitioner within one (1) year precedin� the date of this petition which is contiguous to the property described in the petition; that except for none of the parties described above has purchased or is purchasing property from the petitioner contiguous to thz above described property within one (1) year of the date of the petition; that this consent was si�nzd by eacti of said owners in the presences of this affiant, and that the signatures 2re the true and correct signatures of ezch and zll of the parties so described. � �n,hJae2til�c2 0�.� A�'vvv� -� �-t-�,�-- p '/ f "� 4 Y'�� c7�u�3. �4� T'j �uJ2m� c�-OOb .��� Y D�y "„�*- ' � " � � n,�.c.�J � /� �a�r',��� � -�/necJ p �y� �a. �.,_�,.:�.4r�..�,.�.-���...�n.�,�„��..� NAME �;:�,.:;:Y .IAP!IC['�.1' ���h�ln¢� Q[ �/�wa�iQ -,.�r�,/ �I.� �i ���� Alotary Pubtict9innesa?a �pDg�SS • ��,� Ramsey �o�nty �!�•� F �p:, I.n. 31. 2�J�5 '�,'�;," �S1-7�-�t/7� ///�-SI6� TELEPHO�IE � ER Subscribed and swom to before me this �t x�_ day of G,,,�r�2� ,�� � . • ""�'��� .s,. SRAN , •r,:, i!�.f3RF`� . �Tp,p�pU8i1C•ti �Y CpM�ISSiON EXPIRES JAN. 31, 2� � ��''�t, N TARY PUBLIC ��c�x�czon x�o x�r�ohac Arrzpnvz�r OF P�x'iTIOFt�R STATE OF MIi�INESOTA) COtJTITl' OF RAMS�I' ) SS � Thc petitioner, �� r,��_Q{�i� rei , being first duly sworn, deposes and stltcs tliat ilie consent pe�ition con[ains siQna:ures froru at least t�vo-thirds (z/a) of al! eligible properlies «'ithin I 00 feet of 1H property o��ned, purctiased, or sold by petition�r u•iihin one (1) }•ear precedin� the date of this p�tition ��•hich is conti�iwus to the property described in the pelition; petitioner is informed that the consent petition nuist contain signatures from e2ch and al! o��•ners of jointl}•-o�ti•ned propert}• in order to constitutz consent from that groperty aad ihat failure to obtain conserit from each 1nd atl o��Ters could im�alidate the consen[ p�tition; petitioner beliet•es that the consent petition �vas siorted by each of said oG�•ners 2nd that the si�natur�s are the tnte and corrzct si� natures of each and ali of the patties so described. c� c,t.�1 �'�,�..fl c� �nC� QcJGtir �o �--��_. �� - l�d�� ao� �� �� IU/ve vr.lo��, �v't7 . r-<--�-� �,c.�..;�. �fi. �ry���- JAN�CE E. �n�Gt�!USO�d Notarv Pubiic-�l�nnesota Ramsey Coun^/ ion Fxp�ros 1an. 3i_'��5 Subscribed and s�vom to before me this {�-�, day of �T12s�v��;�' , �z ��� �� t�OTARYPUBLIC --� /l2.l�Q� L �� /1?��i¢c� � D�a✓�i � NAME I1Zo SG���I��r l�oQ6ur�w� SSIZ�," ADDRESS �s-��y- �r��/�/z-9at TELEPHONEI� .iBER •, DE6F.A S. BRANDIS . M�iFRYPUB��C-MIINl�SOTA pAY CO35R11SSION .. EXPIzZEo:Ah.31. pz�e of 1/31/97 • ';; O 1-i�5 �; – -- — ----- — � � --------------- --- --- ------------_ �__�1w�re.--LIl�U.�u.`F?-!%�_w�(� _ { � : -. . ''7—�'J-�-�-�,�n _-�?�__�,tl_L ,,s-/� --- ---- _�-D�—G`� � G�b w c q ltiS?S Z di` �l,e., _ Gc' S-�/ C f � / i J �t5_v� �_r�..y__.'�-�- �Id: ! — ---- - ---- - --------------- - --- -------�---------------=----p�,d� ------- ------- - - --- -------:------------i�Zo-pa----------------- -------- ---- - - - � - - - --- - -- _- - - � -_ - - - - - - ---- -- -- - - -- - - �--- - --- --- --- --- '--- - -- =-- CZT'Y OT' SA.XN�' PA.UL CO\SEt�;T OF ADJOI[�,TIi�G PROPERTY O�Vi�tERS FOR A REZOl�'I11'G ' � �L'e, the undzrignzd, o«•nzr of the proper}' wi[hin 100 f tt oE thz total contiguou> c'escription of real estatz oa'ned, purchased, or sold by TFIE PETI7IONER within one yea; preceding ti�: da[e of this petition ackno�vled�z that �ce hacz bezn presented �vith the fol(owin�: 1. A cop}' oE thz pe:ition of to rezone tnz p:operty located at (name es from a�_zonin� dis[ricf to z eX zoning district. 2. A cop}' oEsections through , inclusi��e oEthe Sain! Paul Zonin� Codz; xnd ac�:no�rled I�i3I t cz arz au'are of all of the wes permiazd in a zoni�g district and �ve zre aware .na[ any of tnes: us:i can bz estabti>hzd upon City Council approval of tne rezunin�. \Ve hereb� con>�n! to the rzzonina of [hz propert}' in tnz petiiion oE; ��cc7 P nu u �ti to a Rr i zonin•� dist: ict. (��me of pecitionzr) \Z'e consenf to the �pproF'�i of fhis rezonina as it �ti'as explained fo us b}• fhe npplicant or ttis/her representati�•e. � . ... ,,. SIG\4TURf DATF jGt}� Dh`fTU� hvL I ,�7 ��v � ` a � 35 :�,�, � �; ���,� ,��. aoa�� ��� -�� � 6 3�-� A��SHA 2��y— ��s%r,h�s�� �:.�^Py: sa� w; Ile, st. �JC�t'W�V`.�t� (,�ild2t'�.. �.�1� �`r1w�s��al I ie�rr�u�,�� .�r�ec-�ss r .� �lfz,,� y� J�YGthd� ���� �� l� �/� t 3��x.' �'�'3 /:r �,. q i36P 9� �%���L' �//Y/Oo ��� ZOTE: This pztition sh�ll not be considered as official(y fi(zd untii th� Iaps� of s�ren (7) workin� days after it is r:cei�•ed by� the Pl��nin� Di��ision. Any si;nator of this petition ma}'t�i[hdra�v his/h� � name therzfrom b}• ��Ticten request �`�ithin tha[ time. � � �:fi 't': CZ'�'X O� SA.x�T'T P.A.�JX, CONSENT'�OF ADJOINING PROPERTX OWNERS POR A .t�EZONING 0 1 ���s We, the tmdersigned, owncrs of the property �vidiin 100 feet oFd�e total contiguous description oF real estate o�vned, purchased, or sold by 7'HE PETITIONLR within one }'ear precediii� the date oE ttiis petition lcknotivledge that we liave bocn presented tvitli tl�c following: A copy of tlie petition of to rezone tl�e property lo from 1 VaC zoning district fo a� i zoning district. � 2. A copy ofsections dirough , incl�sive ef tl;e Saint Paui Zoning Code; and nckno�vledge tt�at �ve t�re n�vare of alI of tl�e uses permitted in a zoning district and �ve are nware th�t uny oFthese uses can be established upon Ciry Council approval of die rezoning. \Ve hereby consent to the rczonino of the property in the petition oF, `r71M1!/^�/W �(l� toa��zoninsdistrict. (Name of petitione�) '�Ve consent fo fhe �pproval of this rezoninb as if �vas expllined to us by the �pplicant or liis(ficr represenfativc. �U � J;Y, 'iLY - � �Y�" J \ »• ,�ti�� .. 1 • hOT�: This petit+on shali not be consideced as o�cial(y filed until the lapse of seyen (7) working . days after it is received by the Planning Division. Any signztor of this petition may withdra�r hislher name therefrom by �vritten request �vithin that time. ', ��. � o i -3�5 • . CITIZEN PARTICIPATIO DIS RICTS 1.SUNRAY-BATTLECREEK-HIGHtJ00D 2.GREATER EAST SIDE 3.WEST SIDE 4.DAY70N`S BLUFf 5.PAYNE-PHALEN 6.NORTH END 7.THOMAS-DALE 8.SUMMIT-UNIVERSITY 9.WES7 SEVENTH lO.COMO 11.HAMLINE-MID4tAY ST. ANTHONY RRIAM PK.-LEXINGTON HAMIINE � .GROVEIAND-MACAIESTER ' 15.HIGNLAND 16.SUMMIT HILL 17. DOWNTO'AN CITIZEN PARTICIPATION PLANNING DISTRIGTS � HAMLINE DISTRICT 13 ON Q ,� ., '�-�� � ����� � ��.� - I � � �� � � . � 000� t �����eee�ee �� :�. �� :� �_ �� • e o�oo��� � � ��� . ._,,__ __ __ �� � . ........ J n � � E,P��icar:r 0 P�SG—i� o� 'I _,. EI�E t;� DATE� P�t�G. DlST� �'�AP r � ..�0000� � ._ ....... :'.1���� , ---��r�----- � , � O C� ;O�?�JO � �?0��000 � , i i � O I , �; o J � v. , �o 000 � �000�oo ; LAU�EL o �ooc>o 0 0 o � ..: �`�. 0 0000000 I i � i __!---- _ � LEG=ND �� zoning d�strict tvund=_ry �i7TTTlll1 subj��i prope.ry 0 on� izmily � F:ro tamity J�-� � multi�i2 tamiiy ���`'`� • ♦ � COn�'n_:��C� q wa c i'7`S'JSf'i? V vzcz�: t{ l il ! I'I I I{ I I) - - - --_____ Nancy Anderson 00 151 530feb7cchn wpd � „_ _,.,__„ __ ._ _ ,.. __, ___, � _, _ __ _ _� ___ �,,, _Page 1_. ST PAUL CITY COUNCII. Public Hearing Natice CIiYOFSAATPAUL vcpcofn�sana cmvo�cnevaopmcv� Phovc(651)266-6589 Fu (651)22&3220 FII,E # oau�-sso PURPOSE: Rezone property trom B-2 CommuniTy Business distriM to RT-1 Two-Family Residential District to allow conversian to a duplez PROYERT'Y ADDRFSS:225 Pi. Wilde*, between Mazs6all and Dayton Avennes. APPLICANT: O'Haza Enterprises, Eac. HEARING DATE: Wednestlav Februarv 7. 2000, ai 530 o.m. All public heaiings are held in City Comcil Cltambecs, 3 Floor Ciry Hall - Court House, IS W. Kellogg Boulevard You may send written commenis to the Zoaing Of&ce at the address listed on the reverse side ofthis card Please cal] Donna Dcummond, PED, az (651)2666556, or your District Council Repreuvtative at (651) 645-6887 ifyou have any queseons. Mailed:l/2N01 �� �� Public Hearing Notice ST PAUL CITY COUNCIL CLfYOFSAWTPAUI Depc ofPlammg avd 6mnomic Developmrnt PLovc(651)266L589 Pu: (651)2283220 FII.E # # a0-151-53a PURPOSE: Rezane properly from B-2 Community Business district to RT-I lrvo-Family Residential District to allow conversion to a duplea. PROPERIY ADDRESS: 225 N. Wildeq between Marshall and Day[on Avenues. APPLICANT: O'Hara Enterprues, Inc. HNARIlVG DA1'E: Wednesdav Februarv 7. 2000. at 530 o.m. All public hearings are held in City CounC�� Chambers, 3'" Floor City Hall - Court House, 15 W. Kellogg Boulevazd. You may send w+�ttrn comments to ihe Zoning Office at the addtess listed on the i¢vexse side ofthis cz*d. Please call Donna Diwnmond, PED, at (651)2666556, or yoar Distric[ Council Repxesentafive at (651) 645-6887 �fyou have any ques6ons. _, _ ___ � _ _ ..__- -- -- _Nanc�y�Anderson - 00-151-530feb7cchn wpd _ _ _„ _ w ,_ __ _. _,.._ _ _ . _. _ _ , _ , ._ ___ ._ ._.__ _ Page 2 � MvIM:12d01 ot -a�r