D00247CITY OF SATNT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR • ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER BUDGET REVISION FINANCING PLAN C88-26001-23003 Hazel Pedestrian Bridge 1988 CIB 1994 CIB 1984 PIA • SPENDING PLAN C88-2B00�-23003 Hazel Pedestrian Bridge Construction & Plan 51,887.53 38,385.54 6,976.19 97,249.26 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER� Consiscen� w:zn zhe acenoricy crnLed �o cne h!ayc: _.. Secc�c^ :G.;,'.� of the City Charter anc �ased on the request oi che Dicec�cr ci z�e ::epa_� �e:�:. .,_ Public Worka to amend the 19 $$ bcrice� of =he Capital Proiects •`_aed, :he Cirec�or o: �_ne Department of Fiear.ce arc Manacement Services �:s �.:�nor:zec �c zr,end s�zc b,.cce= _. =^e _..--�.�- . manner: -6,976.19 -6,976.1 9 No.: J�Z � I Date: � I � 51,857.53 38,385.54 0.00 90,273.07 97,249.26 -6,976.19 90,273.07 97,249.26 -6,976.19 90,273.07 Reduce budget to reflect actual financing available. 1984 PIA was transferred into this project on D-9877 in 1988, however money was never transferred from PIR fund. ���" �� Approved 6y: �layur • 7° �`�7 Date Aequesced by: Depamnenc Duector Public Works CANTACT PERSON 8 Michael7_ Eee 266-6143 S OF SIGNATURE PAGES 7/27/94 GREEN SHEET� INITIAVDATE INII �DEPARTMENTDIRECTOp ASSIGN CISY ATTORNEY NU6�FR FOR ❑ NOU7ING ❑5 BUOGETDIRECTOR �� � MAYOR(OR ASSISTANn (CLIP ALL LOCAiIONS PoN SIGNANH� 2 CAP PflQI MGF ❑ <<! — � dTV COUNqL � cmrc�ewc �j FIN & MGT. SE �1 MiceE�um �/ DIR. �3 DEPAR7MENTACCOUNT Approval of attached Administrative Order reducing the spending and 5nancing plan of the Hazel Pedesuian Bridge to reflect acmal financing available. RECOMMENDAMNSA A{�p� ((q or Rqa2 (R) _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CNIL SERVICE COMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE A STAFF _ DISiRICTCOUNqL _ _ SUPPOq7S WHfCH COUNCIL OBJEC7NE? PERSONAL SEFiVICE CONTHACTS AIUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: 1. Has this persoNfirm ever worked under a convact for this departrnent? YES NO 2. Has this persoNfirm ever been a ciry employee? YES NO 3. Dces N�is persoNfirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current ciry employee? VES NO Explain all yas arewers an separate sheet and atlach to grean sheet INITIATING PflOBLEM, ISSUE.OPPORTUNITV (WHO, WHAT, WHEN. WHERE, WHY): The Hazel Pedestrian Bridge was approved and adopted by the City Council in 1988 and amended with Administradve Order D-987� in that same year. The Administrative Order added $6,976.19 of 1984 PIA monies from the Kellogg-W 7th-Robert project, however this money was never tcansfeired to the Hazel Pedestrian Bridge project but used to offset deficits in ihe now closed PII2 fund. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: The Deparm�ent will be able to close out this project with spending and financing being equal to actual costs and revenues. �S� .. � . _�.� DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: None. R �� E NED S � p ti �,199� C11`� �t DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: The budget wIll indicate a siuplus of 1984 PIA funding that dces not exist. Bt����� OeFICE S -6976.19 COST/pEVENUE BUDGETED (CIBCLE ONE) �YES� Na fUNDINGSOUpCE lYX4Y1. FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) ACTIVITY NUMBER C88-2B001-23003 � VY