01-1192Council Fi1e # � �� 1l� y� Ordinance # Green Sheet # �\� � 1 ORDINANCE CITY OF S�,tNT PAUL, MINNESOTA �� ?resented By Referred To Committee: Date An ordinance amending chapters 87, 91 and 92 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaiuing to the rules and regulations of the Saint Paul Regional Water Services as recommended by the Board of Water Commissioners of the City of Saint Paul. The Council of the City of Saint Paui Does Ordain: Section 1 That the following section 87 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended as follows: Chapter 87. Water Code - Water Service Connections Sec. 87.14. Charges for street service connections. (a) Chazges for street service connections sha11 be in accordance with the following Table I and the following: Actual costs, including labor, equipment, materials and overhead, shall be charged for street service connections in the following categories: 1. All connections in the downtown azea. The downtown area shall be defined as follows: An area bounded by and including Umversity Avenue on the north, Lafayette Road and State Trunk Highway 3 on the east, Shepard and Warner Roads on the south and Chestnut Street to Summit Avenue to John Ireland Boulevard to Rice Street on the west. 2. All connections in rock azeas, as determined by the water utility. 3. All one and one-half-inch (1 '/2') and larger connections. The schedule charges in Table I below include the cost of installation, the initiation and maintenance of the account, the first meter setting and turn on, and the guarantee as provided in sections 87.03(e) and 89.10. � 7. _ t-,. 1 o � -1\°ta- 1 TABLEI 2 SCHEDULE CHARGES FOR ONE INCH STREET SERVICE CONNEC"ITONS 3 (through December 31, �989 2���) 4 _..._ ,. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Width of Street Right-of-Way up to 40' street - i main $};93�96 ��;'��iQp 2nd pipe in ditch �3-86 � t,; '��� 41' to 80' street - 1 main �1-;4A9:89 ��"=��„ 2nd pipe in ditch �-3�&89 �'��r�, i:7� 81' to 120' street - 1 main °' ^,�- ^�o , u1�: 2nd pipe in ditch ��343:98 ��; ;���Q 121' to 160' street - 1 main �3HA:69 ;'� 2nd pipe in ditch �-6$S 99 _ 161' to 200' street - 1 main �3-6i-�:66 ° � , > =-�,�m. �.:�'m::. 2nd pipe in ditch �-�9A:06 ��F��� TABLEI SCHEDULE CHARGES FOR ONE INCH STREET SERVICE CONNECTIONS (beginning January 1,�AA� _ ) Width of Street Right-of-Way up to 40' street - 1 main �99 �"� '�� 2nd pipe in ditch $-39&96 - o � 41' to 80' street - 1 main �-1-,3AAr90 �� 2nd pipe in ditch �--4AA�90 ��;��s�� 81' to 120' street - 1 main �A9:96 �����,� 2nd pipe in ditch $-3$3:99 TM��� 121' to 160' street - 1 main �73A:96 _, �(� 2nd pipe in ditch ',6-�33-86 ���;�q 161' to 200' street - 1 main �49-98 �� ����"�� 2nd pipe in ditch �--&�ff69 .;� _ : ,�Q 2 i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 SPECIAL PROVISIONS o � - �1�y 1" 1%i� 2" 4�� 6 g�� Tap (valve and �r266-69 $396-68 ',6�36 �};}59-QB $r,z96-86 �S};396-68 box fiirnished) $2&S�FI $43� �#� $4=75.,,06 �I�265: #70 $1;;42� OQ ��;��0 �0 Excavation by others Tap only- $}56-@@ '�z}6-69 '.6�5&-69 N/A N/A N/A Excavation b $���', �0� f Y � . � � f � ��`�$ others NOTE: A 25% surchazge shall be added when a 16" or larger water main is tapped. Special purpose lateral mains as defined in Section 91.23: The schedule charge for installation of a special purpose lateral main shall be in accordance with Tables I and II. If the owner desires to install domestic and fire services neaz the end of a special purpose lateral main, additional chazges sha11 be as follows: Fire Service--10 percent of the charge for the special purpose lateral main from Table I only. Domestic Street Service Connection--Schedule charge for a thirry-foot street, second pipe in same ditch. NOTE: The following provisions apply to Table I: Charges for street service connections in a cul-de-sac are to be based on a street width equivalent to seventy-five (75) percent of the cul-de-sac diameter. If a street has two (2) mains on opposite sides of the street, the schedule for a street of one-half the width shall be utilized to establish the chazge, but in no case sha11 the chazge be less than the charge for a sixty-foot street. For a second pipe in same ditch, the chazge sha11 be in accordance with Table I. Where excavation and backfilling is provided by others, the charge shall be the schedule for second pipe in same ditch in accordance with Table I, with the exception of the connections listed in section 87.14 (a) above. Where an open cut is not permitted in a street by a governmental unit, and, consequently, a casing tube is required for the street service connecrion installation, the property owner shall obtain the necessary permits and provide the casing tube and casing tube installation, a11 �� the owner's sole expense. 3 o � 7 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 L: i' ,� (b) An administrative fee of seventy-five dollazs ($75.00) sha11 be chazged for each street service connection or fire service installed by a contractor in conjunction with new street mains described in section 87.03. This fee will compensate the water utility for account initiation and account maintenance costs which costs aze included in the schedule chazges for service connection installation work performed by the water ufility. Sec. 87.15. Additional costs; street repair and extraordinary excavafion charges. The following charges shall be made in addition to the regulaz schedule charges of street service connections, in accordance with Table II below: (1) Frost charges, where it is necessary to cut frost in excavating a trench. (2) City of Saint Paul street permit charges, where excavation bq-die-v� requires such percnit from the City of Saint Paul. (3) Charges far street repair, where street service connections er-firesexro�iees are installed or repaired in streets which require the opening of pauement. Actual costs, including labor, e uipment, materials and overhead, shall be charged for all ����� �•����'°" ." inc � and larger street service connections, and all street service connections in the z � downtown azea as defined in section 8714 (a). Street repairs for 2-inch and smaller street service connections and fire services shall be charged in accordance with Table II below: TABLEII SCHEDULE CHARGES FOR STREET REPAIR FOR ONE INCH AND SMALLER STREET SERVICE CONNECTIONS AND EXTRAORDINARY EXCAVATION CIIARGES (Costs to be Added to Street Service Connec6on Charges) Schedule of Street Repair Charges for one-inch Street Service Connections � �- � ' - :1 I -- � : � 1 � .1 - . � 1 - � - - � � .. .. . . .. . .. .. .. . � '� :O4 6! t/ !i �� ii ' 'li tt � - . : � .. .. .. . .. ... .. ' '0R �B ii 86 aB@ 69 ��1 #1 � . � - � ... .. . . .. .. .. . .. � - il �1 '� �#i i! '� .tf 10 '� 00! il � - � 42 City of Saint Paul right-of-way permit charge: 43 As determined and chazged by City of Saint Paul Department of Public Works, 44 pursuant to Saint Paul Legislative Code §135.06. 0 � - �l`[a- Sec. 87.16. Cut off charges. . . :. -� : �-. .: :,� . � � . . . . . .: . . �� � ..: :�.: . :. : • �: .; • - . � . . .��:,s. �a� �'eetset�c�.can�ee�or�-cu�of�wor�,s�aIl�eperf��ec�Fsy thee--u�ate���€y; . Section 2 That the following secrion 91 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended as follows: Chapter 91. Water Code - Miscellaneous Provisions Sec. 91.13. Turn-on service charge. (d) When water has been turned off for nonpayment of charges due, for any infraction of nxles or upon request of the owner or authorized�agent, the water may not_be turned on again until a turn-on service charge of twenr���`� dollars {',&i6:98j ���� has been paid or arrangements for payment have been made and approved by the water utility. Section 3 Chapter 92. Water Code - Plumbing Sec. 92.06. Permit fees; penalty. Plumbing pernuts shall be paid according to the following schedule: (1) Interior Piping: Base fee residential = r�� (one and two family dwellings) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $-25c6@ ��� Base fee commercial (other than one and two family dwellings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • �3�68 ��u n,x_i� E QI-tlq2- �2) Section 4 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. � ,�doption Cer[ified by Coundl Seaetary BY• 1\� a.. . Y--�. . 0_..____.�-- Approved by Mayor: Date� Iz ZQg'� BY � Each fixture installed (this fee to be chazged in addition to base fees on fiatures installed or roughed-in for new installations, additions, and rehabilitations No fixture chazge on repairs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4.00 Underground Piping: 2-inch and smaller water service connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . �G� 86 $ 63.Q0 4-inch and larger water service connections and fire supplies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $�8:66 $135.00 NOTE: Permit fees for underground piping are for first 75 feet of piping and each 75 feet thereafter Requrstcd by Departmcnt of: f;, I Saint Paul Regional Water Services . � $y .rw�i General Manager Form Approved by Ciry Attorney Br � �S�L �' ��� � - �� Approv Mayor for Su� ion to Cou�cil 6 Adop[ed by Counc�l: Date ��- S 300� F. .... � �QQ xureErtcnrt RdmNG ORDER TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 GREEN SHEET � �� _1��Y No 11 �857 L� ovut�+t owrcroa s^� r rv . s L� �y�pNy _ � anwrran�r �� � arvarnK ❑ wwcw.aertNCesou� ❑ wuwoium�wxcrn � ����� /0 D ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) City Council approval of ordinance amending Chapters 87, 91, and 92 of the Saint Paul , Legislative Code pertaining to the rules and regulations of the Board of Water Commissioners. IAttachments: 1) Staff report 2) Ordinance 3) Board of Water Commissioners Resolutioa No. 4796 _ PL4NNINGCOMMISSION _ CIB COMMITTEE CML SERVECE CAMMISSION A Board of Water Commissioner RSONAL SERViCE CON7RACT5 MUST ANSWER TXE FOLLOWIN6 QUESTiONS: Has this peisoNfirm everx+orked under a contrac[ fwthis departmeM? VES NO Has thi6 pe�soMrm ever been a dly empbyee7 YE8 NO Dces this persoNfirtn poesess a sltill not nwmallypossessetl by any curreM cKy employee? VES NO is ihis persoMrm a tarpeted vendoR YES NO Schedule charges for the installation of water service street connections, street repair and plumbing permits do not cover the cost to perform such services. Certain charges for services will be increased to better cover costs. IF None Cost of providing those services will continue to far exceed the charges collected. S COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ON� ACTIVITYNUMBER INFORMA710N (IXPWN) YES NO BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION - GENERAL f-0RM PRESEMED er Haselmann COMMISSIONER a��ltg�- No 4796 OAT� October 16. 2001 WHEREAS, Board of Water Commissioners (`Board") staffrecommends that Chapters 87, 91 and 92 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code ("Code") be amended so that certain fees for services be increased to more closely reflect the cost to the Board of providing those services; and WHEREAS, Board staffhas prepared a City of Saint Paul Ordinance ("Ordinance") which amends the Code to provide for these fee increases, copy of the Ordinance being attached hereto and incorporated herein; and WHEREAS, the Ordinance has been reviewed and recommended for approval by Saint Paul Regional Water Services General Manager, and the form has been approved by the Assistant City Attorney; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Board of Water Commissioners does hereby approve the attached Ordinance amending Chapters 87, 91 and 92 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code; and, be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Board of Water Commissioners does hereby request that the Honorable Council of the City of Saint Pau1 approve and adopt said Ordinance. Water Coaunissioners 1'eas Anfang Nays Cardirial Vice President Haselmann President Reiter Adopted by the Board of Water Commissioners October 16, �c 2001 In favor 4_ Opposed � �� SECY. o � ..11q�- STAFF REPORT PROPOSED REVISIONS TO THE WATER CODE October 19, 2001 Chapter 87. Water Code--Water service Connections Sec. 87.14. Charges for street service connections and fire services. Table I: Increase charges for 1-inch street service connections installations by 5% in 2002 and 5% in 2003. Increases in the schedule chazges are recommended to better reflect the cost of installation. Staff is recommending an increase of 5% for 2002 and 5% for 2003, bringing the chazge for a typical installation in 2003 to $1655. This compares favorably to the $1,885 average charge for plumbers to replace lead water service connections in private property. Special Provisions: Staff also recommends a 10% increase in the tap, valve and box schedule charges, wluch have not been increased since 1998. Sec. 87.15. Additional costs; street repair and extraordinary excuvution charges. The proposed language changes in 87.15 (3) are necessary for the section to be consistent with revisions made elsewhere in the Code in 1999. Table II: Increase the street repair schedule charges for 1-inch street service connections by 18% - 2�%. Increases in the schedule chazges are recommended to better reflect the cost of the wark. The typical restoration for a 1-inch street service connection involves repairing two excauations; one in the street and one in the boulevard. The restoration of these excavations frequently includes repairs to concrete curb, driveway aprons and sidewalks. In addition, winter excavations require a temporary patch which must be removed and replaced with permanent in the spring. The current restoration charge of $340 for a typical 1-inch street service connecrion is $1601ess tk�an the averaged costs for providing this work. N:�BTSCF3IDA\CODE�2001\Summary_CiTy.wpd O� -t►`[}- TABLE II: (continued) Recent history of 1-inch street service connection street restoration chazges: 1981 $225 Raised 16% in 1985 to $260 15% in 1998 to $300 10% in 2000 to $330 Current 3% in 2000 to $340 51°/a greater than 1981 chazges 93% increase in CPI during same period Proposed 18%-20% in 20U2 to $4�� Increase the frost charge for 1-inch street service connections installations by 30%. Increases in the schedule chazges are recommended to better reflect the cost ofperforming work in frozen ground. A frost charge is collected for service installations paid for after the first week in October and until April the following year, but is refunded if less than one foot of frost is encountered during the installation. Besides the increased costs resulting from breaking through frozen ground in two excavations, it takes longer to perform all aspects of the installation during the winter months. Street and boulevard restoration is especially expensive in the coldest part of winter, when frost is usually encountered. Although less than five 1-inch street service connections are usually installed in frost each year, the average total cost of their installation is over $1,200 more than is collected in charges. Sec. 87.16. Cut offcharges. Require property owners to pay for cut off of existing water service connections in two specific situations. The replacement of existing water services in the two situarions listed below requires an additional excavation in order to cut offthe existing service. The proposed language requires that the properiy owner pay for that excavation and cut off. 1. If a properiy owner requests replacement of an existing lead connection in a location more than 3 feet from the existing; and 2. If a property owner requests replacement of a 3-inch or larger connection serving an existing building. N:�BTSCHIDA\CODE�2001\Summary_CiTy.wpd Chapter 91. Water Code—Miscellaneous Provisions Sec. 91.13. Turn-on service charge. Raise water service turn-on charge 25%, from $20 to $25. 6� .�11Y An increase in the charge is recommended to better reflect the cost of performing the work. The proposed 2002 budget reflects a 25% increase in riun-on chazges collected. There is no chazge far the initial turn on of a new water service. When water has been shut off for non-payment of charges due, or any infraction of rules, or upon the request of the owner, a tum-on chazge must be paid before water can be turned on. The charge was last raised in 1995 from $10 to $20. Chapter 92. Water Code—Plumbing Sec. 92.06. Permitfees; penalty Increase fees to produce a typical increase o£ 5% or less. Increases in fees chazged far plumbing permits are recommended to better reflect the cost of performing inspections. The proposed 2002 budget reflects a 5% increase in plumbing permit fees collected. Current and proposed plumbing permit fees: 2001 Base Residential Base Commercial Per Fixture Underground small Underground large $ 25 $ 35 $ 4 $ 60 $ 120 Proposed 2002 $ 28 $ 45 $ 4 (unchanged) $ 63 $ 135 Estimated Permit Fees Proposed Resulting for typical user: 2001 2002 increase Lead Replacement, underground only Single Family, 13 Fixtures; with underground Commercial, 10 Unit, 2-inch service, 73 Fixtures, with underground Commercial, 50 Unit, 6-inch service, 375 Fiatures, with outside ditch $ 60 $ 63 $ 137 $ 143 $ 387 $ 400 $1,655 $1,680 - end - 5.0% 4.4% 33°/a 1.5% N:�BTSCHIDA\CODE�2001\Summary_City.wpd Council Fi1e # � �� 1l� y� Ordinance # Green Sheet # �\� � 1 ORDINANCE CITY OF S�,tNT PAUL, MINNESOTA �� ?resented By Referred To Committee: Date An ordinance amending chapters 87, 91 and 92 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaiuing to the rules and regulations of the Saint Paul Regional Water Services as recommended by the Board of Water Commissioners of the City of Saint Paul. The Council of the City of Saint Paui Does Ordain: Section 1 That the following section 87 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended as follows: Chapter 87. Water Code - Water Service Connections Sec. 87.14. Charges for street service connections. (a) Chazges for street service connections sha11 be in accordance with the following Table I and the following: Actual costs, including labor, equipment, materials and overhead, shall be charged for street service connections in the following categories: 1. All connections in the downtown azea. The downtown area shall be defined as follows: An area bounded by and including Umversity Avenue on the north, Lafayette Road and State Trunk Highway 3 on the east, Shepard and Warner Roads on the south and Chestnut Street to Summit Avenue to John Ireland Boulevard to Rice Street on the west. 2. All connections in rock azeas, as determined by the water utility. 3. All one and one-half-inch (1 '/2') and larger connections. The schedule charges in Table I below include the cost of installation, the initiation and maintenance of the account, the first meter setting and turn on, and the guarantee as provided in sections 87.03(e) and 89.10. � 7. _ t-,. 1 o � -1\°ta- 1 TABLEI 2 SCHEDULE CHARGES FOR ONE INCH STREET SERVICE CONNEC"ITONS 3 (through December 31, �989 2���) 4 _..._ ,. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Width of Street Right-of-Way up to 40' street - i main $};93�96 ��;'��iQp 2nd pipe in ditch �3-86 � t,; '��� 41' to 80' street - 1 main �1-;4A9:89 ��"=��„ 2nd pipe in ditch �-3�&89 �'��r�, i:7� 81' to 120' street - 1 main °' ^,�- ^�o , u1�: 2nd pipe in ditch ��343:98 ��; ;���Q 121' to 160' street - 1 main �3HA:69 ;'� 2nd pipe in ditch �-6$S 99 _ 161' to 200' street - 1 main �3-6i-�:66 ° � , > =-�,�m. �.:�'m::. 2nd pipe in ditch �-�9A:06 ��F��� TABLEI SCHEDULE CHARGES FOR ONE INCH STREET SERVICE CONNECTIONS (beginning January 1,�AA� _ ) Width of Street Right-of-Way up to 40' street - 1 main �99 �"� '�� 2nd pipe in ditch $-39&96 - o � 41' to 80' street - 1 main �-1-,3AAr90 �� 2nd pipe in ditch �--4AA�90 ��;��s�� 81' to 120' street - 1 main �A9:96 �����,� 2nd pipe in ditch $-3$3:99 TM��� 121' to 160' street - 1 main �73A:96 _, �(� 2nd pipe in ditch ',6-�33-86 ���;�q 161' to 200' street - 1 main �49-98 �� ����"�� 2nd pipe in ditch �--&�ff69 .;� _ : ,�Q 2 i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 SPECIAL PROVISIONS o � - �1�y 1" 1%i� 2" 4�� 6 g�� Tap (valve and �r266-69 $396-68 ',6�36 �};}59-QB $r,z96-86 �S};396-68 box fiirnished) $2&S�FI $43� �#� $4=75.,,06 �I�265: #70 $1;;42� OQ ��;��0 �0 Excavation by others Tap only- $}56-@@ '�z}6-69 '.6�5&-69 N/A N/A N/A Excavation b $���', �0� f Y � . � � f � ��`�$ others NOTE: A 25% surchazge shall be added when a 16" or larger water main is tapped. Special purpose lateral mains as defined in Section 91.23: The schedule charge for installation of a special purpose lateral main shall be in accordance with Tables I and II. If the owner desires to install domestic and fire services neaz the end of a special purpose lateral main, additional chazges sha11 be as follows: Fire Service--10 percent of the charge for the special purpose lateral main from Table I only. Domestic Street Service Connection--Schedule charge for a thirry-foot street, second pipe in same ditch. NOTE: The following provisions apply to Table I: Charges for street service connections in a cul-de-sac are to be based on a street width equivalent to seventy-five (75) percent of the cul-de-sac diameter. If a street has two (2) mains on opposite sides of the street, the schedule for a street of one-half the width shall be utilized to establish the chazge, but in no case sha11 the chazge be less than the charge for a sixty-foot street. For a second pipe in same ditch, the chazge sha11 be in accordance with Table I. Where excavation and backfilling is provided by others, the charge shall be the schedule for second pipe in same ditch in accordance with Table I, with the exception of the connections listed in section 87.14 (a) above. Where an open cut is not permitted in a street by a governmental unit, and, consequently, a casing tube is required for the street service connecrion installation, the property owner shall obtain the necessary permits and provide the casing tube and casing tube installation, a11 �� the owner's sole expense. 3 o � 7 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 L: i' ,� (b) An administrative fee of seventy-five dollazs ($75.00) sha11 be chazged for each street service connection or fire service installed by a contractor in conjunction with new street mains described in section 87.03. This fee will compensate the water utility for account initiation and account maintenance costs which costs aze included in the schedule chazges for service connection installation work performed by the water ufility. Sec. 87.15. Additional costs; street repair and extraordinary excavafion charges. The following charges shall be made in addition to the regulaz schedule charges of street service connections, in accordance with Table II below: (1) Frost charges, where it is necessary to cut frost in excavating a trench. (2) City of Saint Paul street permit charges, where excavation bq-die-v� requires such percnit from the City of Saint Paul. (3) Charges far street repair, where street service connections er-firesexro�iees are installed or repaired in streets which require the opening of pauement. Actual costs, including labor, e uipment, materials and overhead, shall be charged for all ����� �•����'°" ." inc � and larger street service connections, and all street service connections in the z � downtown azea as defined in section 8714 (a). Street repairs for 2-inch and smaller street service connections and fire services shall be charged in accordance with Table II below: TABLEII SCHEDULE CHARGES FOR STREET REPAIR FOR ONE INCH AND SMALLER STREET SERVICE CONNECTIONS AND EXTRAORDINARY EXCAVATION CIIARGES (Costs to be Added to Street Service Connec6on Charges) Schedule of Street Repair Charges for one-inch Street Service Connections � �- � ' - :1 I -- � : � 1 � .1 - . � 1 - � - - � � .. .. . . .. . .. .. .. . � '� :O4 6! t/ !i �� ii ' 'li tt � - . : � .. .. .. . .. ... .. ' '0R �B ii 86 aB@ 69 ��1 #1 � . � - � ... .. . . .. .. .. . .. � - il �1 '� �#i i! '� .tf 10 '� 00! il � - � 42 City of Saint Paul right-of-way permit charge: 43 As determined and chazged by City of Saint Paul Department of Public Works, 44 pursuant to Saint Paul Legislative Code §135.06. 0 � - �l`[a- Sec. 87.16. Cut off charges. . . :. -� : �-. .: :,� . � � . . . . . .: . . �� � ..: :�.: . :. : • �: .; • - . � . . .��:,s. �a� �'eetset�c�.can�ee�or�-cu�of�wor�,s�aIl�eperf��ec�Fsy thee--u�ate���€y; . Section 2 That the following secrion 91 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended as follows: Chapter 91. Water Code - Miscellaneous Provisions Sec. 91.13. Turn-on service charge. (d) When water has been turned off for nonpayment of charges due, for any infraction of nxles or upon request of the owner or authorized�agent, the water may not_be turned on again until a turn-on service charge of twenr���`� dollars {',&i6:98j ���� has been paid or arrangements for payment have been made and approved by the water utility. Section 3 Chapter 92. Water Code - Plumbing Sec. 92.06. Permit fees; penalty. Plumbing pernuts shall be paid according to the following schedule: (1) Interior Piping: Base fee residential = r�� (one and two family dwellings) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $-25c6@ ��� Base fee commercial (other than one and two family dwellings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • �3�68 ��u n,x_i� E QI-tlq2- �2) Section 4 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. � ,�doption Cer[ified by Coundl Seaetary BY• 1\� a.. . Y--�. . 0_..____.�-- Approved by Mayor: Date� Iz ZQg'� BY � Each fixture installed (this fee to be chazged in addition to base fees on fiatures installed or roughed-in for new installations, additions, and rehabilitations No fixture chazge on repairs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4.00 Underground Piping: 2-inch and smaller water service connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . �G� 86 $ 63.Q0 4-inch and larger water service connections and fire supplies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $�8:66 $135.00 NOTE: Permit fees for underground piping are for first 75 feet of piping and each 75 feet thereafter Requrstcd by Departmcnt of: f;, I Saint Paul Regional Water Services . � $y .rw�i General Manager Form Approved by Ciry Attorney Br � �S�L �' ��� � - �� Approv Mayor for Su� ion to Cou�cil 6 Adop[ed by Counc�l: Date ��- S 300� F. .... � �QQ xureErtcnrt RdmNG ORDER TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 GREEN SHEET � �� _1��Y No 11 �857 L� ovut�+t owrcroa s^� r rv . s L� �y�pNy _ � anwrran�r �� � arvarnK ❑ wwcw.aertNCesou� ❑ wuwoium�wxcrn � ����� /0 D ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) City Council approval of ordinance amending Chapters 87, 91, and 92 of the Saint Paul , Legislative Code pertaining to the rules and regulations of the Board of Water Commissioners. IAttachments: 1) Staff report 2) Ordinance 3) Board of Water Commissioners Resolutioa No. 4796 _ PL4NNINGCOMMISSION _ CIB COMMITTEE CML SERVECE CAMMISSION A Board of Water Commissioner RSONAL SERViCE CON7RACT5 MUST ANSWER TXE FOLLOWIN6 QUESTiONS: Has this peisoNfirm everx+orked under a contrac[ fwthis departmeM? VES NO Has thi6 pe�soMrm ever been a dly empbyee7 YE8 NO Dces this persoNfirtn poesess a sltill not nwmallypossessetl by any curreM cKy employee? VES NO is ihis persoMrm a tarpeted vendoR YES NO Schedule charges for the installation of water service street connections, street repair and plumbing permits do not cover the cost to perform such services. Certain charges for services will be increased to better cover costs. IF None Cost of providing those services will continue to far exceed the charges collected. S COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ON� ACTIVITYNUMBER INFORMA710N (IXPWN) YES NO BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION - GENERAL f-0RM PRESEMED er Haselmann COMMISSIONER a��ltg�- No 4796 OAT� October 16. 2001 WHEREAS, Board of Water Commissioners (`Board") staffrecommends that Chapters 87, 91 and 92 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code ("Code") be amended so that certain fees for services be increased to more closely reflect the cost to the Board of providing those services; and WHEREAS, Board staffhas prepared a City of Saint Paul Ordinance ("Ordinance") which amends the Code to provide for these fee increases, copy of the Ordinance being attached hereto and incorporated herein; and WHEREAS, the Ordinance has been reviewed and recommended for approval by Saint Paul Regional Water Services General Manager, and the form has been approved by the Assistant City Attorney; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Board of Water Commissioners does hereby approve the attached Ordinance amending Chapters 87, 91 and 92 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code; and, be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Board of Water Commissioners does hereby request that the Honorable Council of the City of Saint Pau1 approve and adopt said Ordinance. Water Coaunissioners 1'eas Anfang Nays Cardirial Vice President Haselmann President Reiter Adopted by the Board of Water Commissioners October 16, �c 2001 In favor 4_ Opposed � �� SECY. o � ..11q�- STAFF REPORT PROPOSED REVISIONS TO THE WATER CODE October 19, 2001 Chapter 87. Water Code--Water service Connections Sec. 87.14. Charges for street service connections and fire services. Table I: Increase charges for 1-inch street service connections installations by 5% in 2002 and 5% in 2003. Increases in the schedule chazges are recommended to better reflect the cost of installation. Staff is recommending an increase of 5% for 2002 and 5% for 2003, bringing the chazge for a typical installation in 2003 to $1655. This compares favorably to the $1,885 average charge for plumbers to replace lead water service connections in private property. Special Provisions: Staff also recommends a 10% increase in the tap, valve and box schedule charges, wluch have not been increased since 1998. Sec. 87.15. Additional costs; street repair and extraordinary excuvution charges. The proposed language changes in 87.15 (3) are necessary for the section to be consistent with revisions made elsewhere in the Code in 1999. Table II: Increase the street repair schedule charges for 1-inch street service connections by 18% - 2�%. Increases in the schedule chazges are recommended to better reflect the cost of the wark. The typical restoration for a 1-inch street service connection involves repairing two excauations; one in the street and one in the boulevard. The restoration of these excavations frequently includes repairs to concrete curb, driveway aprons and sidewalks. In addition, winter excavations require a temporary patch which must be removed and replaced with permanent in the spring. The current restoration charge of $340 for a typical 1-inch street service connecrion is $1601ess tk�an the averaged costs for providing this work. N:�BTSCF3IDA\CODE�2001\Summary_CiTy.wpd O� -t►`[}- TABLE II: (continued) Recent history of 1-inch street service connection street restoration chazges: 1981 $225 Raised 16% in 1985 to $260 15% in 1998 to $300 10% in 2000 to $330 Current 3% in 2000 to $340 51°/a greater than 1981 chazges 93% increase in CPI during same period Proposed 18%-20% in 20U2 to $4�� Increase the frost charge for 1-inch street service connections installations by 30%. Increases in the schedule chazges are recommended to better reflect the cost ofperforming work in frozen ground. A frost charge is collected for service installations paid for after the first week in October and until April the following year, but is refunded if less than one foot of frost is encountered during the installation. Besides the increased costs resulting from breaking through frozen ground in two excavations, it takes longer to perform all aspects of the installation during the winter months. Street and boulevard restoration is especially expensive in the coldest part of winter, when frost is usually encountered. Although less than five 1-inch street service connections are usually installed in frost each year, the average total cost of their installation is over $1,200 more than is collected in charges. Sec. 87.16. Cut offcharges. Require property owners to pay for cut off of existing water service connections in two specific situations. The replacement of existing water services in the two situarions listed below requires an additional excavation in order to cut offthe existing service. The proposed language requires that the properiy owner pay for that excavation and cut off. 1. If a properiy owner requests replacement of an existing lead connection in a location more than 3 feet from the existing; and 2. If a property owner requests replacement of a 3-inch or larger connection serving an existing building. N:�BTSCHIDA\CODE�2001\Summary_CiTy.wpd Chapter 91. Water Code—Miscellaneous Provisions Sec. 91.13. Turn-on service charge. Raise water service turn-on charge 25%, from $20 to $25. 6� .�11Y An increase in the charge is recommended to better reflect the cost of performing the work. The proposed 2002 budget reflects a 25% increase in riun-on chazges collected. There is no chazge far the initial turn on of a new water service. When water has been shut off for non-payment of charges due, or any infraction of rules, or upon the request of the owner, a tum-on chazge must be paid before water can be turned on. The charge was last raised in 1995 from $10 to $20. Chapter 92. Water Code—Plumbing Sec. 92.06. Permitfees; penalty Increase fees to produce a typical increase o£ 5% or less. Increases in fees chazged far plumbing permits are recommended to better reflect the cost of performing inspections. The proposed 2002 budget reflects a 5% increase in plumbing permit fees collected. Current and proposed plumbing permit fees: 2001 Base Residential Base Commercial Per Fixture Underground small Underground large $ 25 $ 35 $ 4 $ 60 $ 120 Proposed 2002 $ 28 $ 45 $ 4 (unchanged) $ 63 $ 135 Estimated Permit Fees Proposed Resulting for typical user: 2001 2002 increase Lead Replacement, underground only Single Family, 13 Fixtures; with underground Commercial, 10 Unit, 2-inch service, 73 Fixtures, with underground Commercial, 50 Unit, 6-inch service, 375 Fiatures, with outside ditch $ 60 $ 63 $ 137 $ 143 $ 387 $ 400 $1,655 $1,680 - end - 5.0% 4.4% 33°/a 1.5% N:�BTSCHIDA\CODE�2001\Summary_City.wpd Council Fi1e # � �� 1l� y� Ordinance # Green Sheet # �\� � 1 ORDINANCE CITY OF S�,tNT PAUL, MINNESOTA �� ?resented By Referred To Committee: Date An ordinance amending chapters 87, 91 and 92 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaiuing to the rules and regulations of the Saint Paul Regional Water Services as recommended by the Board of Water Commissioners of the City of Saint Paul. The Council of the City of Saint Paui Does Ordain: Section 1 That the following section 87 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended as follows: Chapter 87. Water Code - Water Service Connections Sec. 87.14. Charges for street service connections. (a) Chazges for street service connections sha11 be in accordance with the following Table I and the following: Actual costs, including labor, equipment, materials and overhead, shall be charged for street service connections in the following categories: 1. All connections in the downtown azea. The downtown area shall be defined as follows: An area bounded by and including Umversity Avenue on the north, Lafayette Road and State Trunk Highway 3 on the east, Shepard and Warner Roads on the south and Chestnut Street to Summit Avenue to John Ireland Boulevard to Rice Street on the west. 2. All connections in rock azeas, as determined by the water utility. 3. All one and one-half-inch (1 '/2') and larger connections. The schedule charges in Table I below include the cost of installation, the initiation and maintenance of the account, the first meter setting and turn on, and the guarantee as provided in sections 87.03(e) and 89.10. � 7. _ t-,. 1 o � -1\°ta- 1 TABLEI 2 SCHEDULE CHARGES FOR ONE INCH STREET SERVICE CONNEC"ITONS 3 (through December 31, �989 2���) 4 _..._ ,. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Width of Street Right-of-Way up to 40' street - i main $};93�96 ��;'��iQp 2nd pipe in ditch �3-86 � t,; '��� 41' to 80' street - 1 main �1-;4A9:89 ��"=��„ 2nd pipe in ditch �-3�&89 �'��r�, i:7� 81' to 120' street - 1 main °' ^,�- ^�o , u1�: 2nd pipe in ditch ��343:98 ��; ;���Q 121' to 160' street - 1 main �3HA:69 ;'� 2nd pipe in ditch �-6$S 99 _ 161' to 200' street - 1 main �3-6i-�:66 ° � , > =-�,�m. �.:�'m::. 2nd pipe in ditch �-�9A:06 ��F��� TABLEI SCHEDULE CHARGES FOR ONE INCH STREET SERVICE CONNECTIONS (beginning January 1,�AA� _ ) Width of Street Right-of-Way up to 40' street - 1 main �99 �"� '�� 2nd pipe in ditch $-39&96 - o � 41' to 80' street - 1 main �-1-,3AAr90 �� 2nd pipe in ditch �--4AA�90 ��;��s�� 81' to 120' street - 1 main �A9:96 �����,� 2nd pipe in ditch $-3$3:99 TM��� 121' to 160' street - 1 main �73A:96 _, �(� 2nd pipe in ditch ',6-�33-86 ���;�q 161' to 200' street - 1 main �49-98 �� ����"�� 2nd pipe in ditch �--&�ff69 .;� _ : ,�Q 2 i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 SPECIAL PROVISIONS o � - �1�y 1" 1%i� 2" 4�� 6 g�� Tap (valve and �r266-69 $396-68 ',6�36 �};}59-QB $r,z96-86 �S};396-68 box fiirnished) $2&S�FI $43� �#� $4=75.,,06 �I�265: #70 $1;;42� OQ ��;��0 �0 Excavation by others Tap only- $}56-@@ '�z}6-69 '.6�5&-69 N/A N/A N/A Excavation b $���', �0� f Y � . � � f � ��`�$ others NOTE: A 25% surchazge shall be added when a 16" or larger water main is tapped. Special purpose lateral mains as defined in Section 91.23: The schedule charge for installation of a special purpose lateral main shall be in accordance with Tables I and II. If the owner desires to install domestic and fire services neaz the end of a special purpose lateral main, additional chazges sha11 be as follows: Fire Service--10 percent of the charge for the special purpose lateral main from Table I only. Domestic Street Service Connection--Schedule charge for a thirry-foot street, second pipe in same ditch. NOTE: The following provisions apply to Table I: Charges for street service connections in a cul-de-sac are to be based on a street width equivalent to seventy-five (75) percent of the cul-de-sac diameter. If a street has two (2) mains on opposite sides of the street, the schedule for a street of one-half the width shall be utilized to establish the chazge, but in no case sha11 the chazge be less than the charge for a sixty-foot street. For a second pipe in same ditch, the chazge sha11 be in accordance with Table I. Where excavation and backfilling is provided by others, the charge shall be the schedule for second pipe in same ditch in accordance with Table I, with the exception of the connections listed in section 87.14 (a) above. Where an open cut is not permitted in a street by a governmental unit, and, consequently, a casing tube is required for the street service connecrion installation, the property owner shall obtain the necessary permits and provide the casing tube and casing tube installation, a11 �� the owner's sole expense. 3 o � 7 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 L: i' ,� (b) An administrative fee of seventy-five dollazs ($75.00) sha11 be chazged for each street service connection or fire service installed by a contractor in conjunction with new street mains described in section 87.03. This fee will compensate the water utility for account initiation and account maintenance costs which costs aze included in the schedule chazges for service connection installation work performed by the water ufility. Sec. 87.15. Additional costs; street repair and extraordinary excavafion charges. The following charges shall be made in addition to the regulaz schedule charges of street service connections, in accordance with Table II below: (1) Frost charges, where it is necessary to cut frost in excavating a trench. (2) City of Saint Paul street permit charges, where excavation bq-die-v� requires such percnit from the City of Saint Paul. (3) Charges far street repair, where street service connections er-firesexro�iees are installed or repaired in streets which require the opening of pauement. Actual costs, including labor, e uipment, materials and overhead, shall be charged for all ����� �•����'°" ." inc � and larger street service connections, and all street service connections in the z � downtown azea as defined in section 8714 (a). Street repairs for 2-inch and smaller street service connections and fire services shall be charged in accordance with Table II below: TABLEII SCHEDULE CHARGES FOR STREET REPAIR FOR ONE INCH AND SMALLER STREET SERVICE CONNECTIONS AND EXTRAORDINARY EXCAVATION CIIARGES (Costs to be Added to Street Service Connec6on Charges) Schedule of Street Repair Charges for one-inch Street Service Connections � �- � ' - :1 I -- � : � 1 � .1 - . � 1 - � - - � � .. .. . . .. . .. .. .. . � '� :O4 6! t/ !i �� ii ' 'li tt � - . : � .. .. .. . .. ... .. ' '0R �B ii 86 aB@ 69 ��1 #1 � . � - � ... .. . . .. .. .. . .. � - il �1 '� �#i i! '� .tf 10 '� 00! il � - � 42 City of Saint Paul right-of-way permit charge: 43 As determined and chazged by City of Saint Paul Department of Public Works, 44 pursuant to Saint Paul Legislative Code §135.06. 0 � - �l`[a- Sec. 87.16. Cut off charges. . . :. -� : �-. .: :,� . � � . . . . . .: . . �� � ..: :�.: . :. : • �: .; • - . � . . .��:,s. �a� �'eetset�c�.can�ee�or�-cu�of�wor�,s�aIl�eperf��ec�Fsy thee--u�ate���€y; . Section 2 That the following secrion 91 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended as follows: Chapter 91. Water Code - Miscellaneous Provisions Sec. 91.13. Turn-on service charge. (d) When water has been turned off for nonpayment of charges due, for any infraction of nxles or upon request of the owner or authorized�agent, the water may not_be turned on again until a turn-on service charge of twenr���`� dollars {',&i6:98j ���� has been paid or arrangements for payment have been made and approved by the water utility. Section 3 Chapter 92. Water Code - Plumbing Sec. 92.06. Permit fees; penalty. Plumbing pernuts shall be paid according to the following schedule: (1) Interior Piping: Base fee residential = r�� (one and two family dwellings) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $-25c6@ ��� Base fee commercial (other than one and two family dwellings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • �3�68 ��u n,x_i� E QI-tlq2- �2) Section 4 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. � ,�doption Cer[ified by Coundl Seaetary BY• 1\� a.. . Y--�. . 0_..____.�-- Approved by Mayor: Date� Iz ZQg'� BY � Each fixture installed (this fee to be chazged in addition to base fees on fiatures installed or roughed-in for new installations, additions, and rehabilitations No fixture chazge on repairs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4.00 Underground Piping: 2-inch and smaller water service connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . �G� 86 $ 63.Q0 4-inch and larger water service connections and fire supplies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $�8:66 $135.00 NOTE: Permit fees for underground piping are for first 75 feet of piping and each 75 feet thereafter Requrstcd by Departmcnt of: f;, I Saint Paul Regional Water Services . � $y .rw�i General Manager Form Approved by Ciry Attorney Br � �S�L �' ��� � - �� Approv Mayor for Su� ion to Cou�cil 6 Adop[ed by Counc�l: Date ��- S 300� F. .... � �QQ xureErtcnrt RdmNG ORDER TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 GREEN SHEET � �� _1��Y No 11 �857 L� ovut�+t owrcroa s^� r rv . s L� �y�pNy _ � anwrran�r �� � arvarnK ❑ wwcw.aertNCesou� ❑ wuwoium�wxcrn � ����� /0 D ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) City Council approval of ordinance amending Chapters 87, 91, and 92 of the Saint Paul , Legislative Code pertaining to the rules and regulations of the Board of Water Commissioners. IAttachments: 1) Staff report 2) Ordinance 3) Board of Water Commissioners Resolutioa No. 4796 _ PL4NNINGCOMMISSION _ CIB COMMITTEE CML SERVECE CAMMISSION A Board of Water Commissioner RSONAL SERViCE CON7RACT5 MUST ANSWER TXE FOLLOWIN6 QUESTiONS: Has this peisoNfirm everx+orked under a contrac[ fwthis departmeM? VES NO Has thi6 pe�soMrm ever been a dly empbyee7 YE8 NO Dces this persoNfirtn poesess a sltill not nwmallypossessetl by any curreM cKy employee? VES NO is ihis persoMrm a tarpeted vendoR YES NO Schedule charges for the installation of water service street connections, street repair and plumbing permits do not cover the cost to perform such services. Certain charges for services will be increased to better cover costs. IF None Cost of providing those services will continue to far exceed the charges collected. S COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ON� ACTIVITYNUMBER INFORMA710N (IXPWN) YES NO BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION - GENERAL f-0RM PRESEMED er Haselmann COMMISSIONER a��ltg�- No 4796 OAT� October 16. 2001 WHEREAS, Board of Water Commissioners (`Board") staffrecommends that Chapters 87, 91 and 92 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code ("Code") be amended so that certain fees for services be increased to more closely reflect the cost to the Board of providing those services; and WHEREAS, Board staffhas prepared a City of Saint Paul Ordinance ("Ordinance") which amends the Code to provide for these fee increases, copy of the Ordinance being attached hereto and incorporated herein; and WHEREAS, the Ordinance has been reviewed and recommended for approval by Saint Paul Regional Water Services General Manager, and the form has been approved by the Assistant City Attorney; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Board of Water Commissioners does hereby approve the attached Ordinance amending Chapters 87, 91 and 92 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code; and, be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Board of Water Commissioners does hereby request that the Honorable Council of the City of Saint Pau1 approve and adopt said Ordinance. Water Coaunissioners 1'eas Anfang Nays Cardirial Vice President Haselmann President Reiter Adopted by the Board of Water Commissioners October 16, �c 2001 In favor 4_ Opposed � �� SECY. o � ..11q�- STAFF REPORT PROPOSED REVISIONS TO THE WATER CODE October 19, 2001 Chapter 87. Water Code--Water service Connections Sec. 87.14. Charges for street service connections and fire services. Table I: Increase charges for 1-inch street service connections installations by 5% in 2002 and 5% in 2003. Increases in the schedule chazges are recommended to better reflect the cost of installation. Staff is recommending an increase of 5% for 2002 and 5% for 2003, bringing the chazge for a typical installation in 2003 to $1655. This compares favorably to the $1,885 average charge for plumbers to replace lead water service connections in private property. Special Provisions: Staff also recommends a 10% increase in the tap, valve and box schedule charges, wluch have not been increased since 1998. Sec. 87.15. Additional costs; street repair and extraordinary excuvution charges. The proposed language changes in 87.15 (3) are necessary for the section to be consistent with revisions made elsewhere in the Code in 1999. Table II: Increase the street repair schedule charges for 1-inch street service connections by 18% - 2�%. Increases in the schedule chazges are recommended to better reflect the cost of the wark. The typical restoration for a 1-inch street service connection involves repairing two excauations; one in the street and one in the boulevard. The restoration of these excavations frequently includes repairs to concrete curb, driveway aprons and sidewalks. In addition, winter excavations require a temporary patch which must be removed and replaced with permanent in the spring. The current restoration charge of $340 for a typical 1-inch street service connecrion is $1601ess tk�an the averaged costs for providing this work. N:�BTSCF3IDA\CODE�2001\Summary_CiTy.wpd O� -t►`[}- TABLE II: (continued) Recent history of 1-inch street service connection street restoration chazges: 1981 $225 Raised 16% in 1985 to $260 15% in 1998 to $300 10% in 2000 to $330 Current 3% in 2000 to $340 51°/a greater than 1981 chazges 93% increase in CPI during same period Proposed 18%-20% in 20U2 to $4�� Increase the frost charge for 1-inch street service connections installations by 30%. Increases in the schedule chazges are recommended to better reflect the cost ofperforming work in frozen ground. A frost charge is collected for service installations paid for after the first week in October and until April the following year, but is refunded if less than one foot of frost is encountered during the installation. Besides the increased costs resulting from breaking through frozen ground in two excavations, it takes longer to perform all aspects of the installation during the winter months. Street and boulevard restoration is especially expensive in the coldest part of winter, when frost is usually encountered. Although less than five 1-inch street service connections are usually installed in frost each year, the average total cost of their installation is over $1,200 more than is collected in charges. Sec. 87.16. Cut offcharges. Require property owners to pay for cut off of existing water service connections in two specific situations. The replacement of existing water services in the two situarions listed below requires an additional excavation in order to cut offthe existing service. The proposed language requires that the properiy owner pay for that excavation and cut off. 1. If a properiy owner requests replacement of an existing lead connection in a location more than 3 feet from the existing; and 2. If a property owner requests replacement of a 3-inch or larger connection serving an existing building. N:�BTSCHIDA\CODE�2001\Summary_CiTy.wpd Chapter 91. Water Code—Miscellaneous Provisions Sec. 91.13. Turn-on service charge. Raise water service turn-on charge 25%, from $20 to $25. 6� .�11Y An increase in the charge is recommended to better reflect the cost of performing the work. The proposed 2002 budget reflects a 25% increase in riun-on chazges collected. There is no chazge far the initial turn on of a new water service. When water has been shut off for non-payment of charges due, or any infraction of rules, or upon the request of the owner, a tum-on chazge must be paid before water can be turned on. The charge was last raised in 1995 from $10 to $20. Chapter 92. Water Code—Plumbing Sec. 92.06. Permitfees; penalty Increase fees to produce a typical increase o£ 5% or less. Increases in fees chazged far plumbing permits are recommended to better reflect the cost of performing inspections. The proposed 2002 budget reflects a 5% increase in plumbing permit fees collected. Current and proposed plumbing permit fees: 2001 Base Residential Base Commercial Per Fixture Underground small Underground large $ 25 $ 35 $ 4 $ 60 $ 120 Proposed 2002 $ 28 $ 45 $ 4 (unchanged) $ 63 $ 135 Estimated Permit Fees Proposed Resulting for typical user: 2001 2002 increase Lead Replacement, underground only Single Family, 13 Fixtures; with underground Commercial, 10 Unit, 2-inch service, 73 Fixtures, with underground Commercial, 50 Unit, 6-inch service, 375 Fiatures, with outside ditch $ 60 $ 63 $ 137 $ 143 $ 387 $ 400 $1,655 $1,680 - end - 5.0% 4.4% 33°/a 1.5% N:�BTSCHIDA\CODE�2001\Summary_City.wpd