01-1191�. � F � � �' � '� , � � ���� � � ��� • a� � ��� Council File # O t - \\Z \ Green Sheet # 62922 ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented Referred To �� Committee Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 An Administrative Ordinauce amending Chapter 21 of the Administrative Code, entitled Officer's Qualifications by establishing minimum qualifications for the unclassified position of City Engineer. THE COUNCIL OF TF� CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That it is appropriate to establish minimum qualifications for the Ciiy Engineer position.. Section 2. That Chapter 21 of the Saint Paul Administrarive Eode is hereby amended by adding the following section to read: 21.09. City Engineer Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days from and after its passage and approval. Adoprion Certified by Council Secretary r ` �.—_� � .. � -. . . � �. - I/ /�( /� � �� I � i i i.i i/// �I % % I Requested by Department o£ ' '.�+ Office of Human Resources #�P 31 ro� By: Form Approved by City Attomey B y : ___��� �C?(`�' /6l Approved By: _ Civil Adopted by Council: Date n a� 5 3-0 0� bv Mavor for Submission to Council nErnua�Nrro�cFrcovNCU.: HiJMAN RESOURCES CONTACT PERSON & PHONE: JOI3N HAMII.TON 266-6470 or JOHN SHOCKLEY 266-6482 MUSYBEONCOUNC6AGStIDA BY�AiE) As soon as possible DATE 4VITIATED io-zz-oi ASSIGNED NOhIBER FOR ROUTII'IG ORDER � v GREEN SHEET No.: 62922 � � _►�g,� A7'E i DEPAA2AfrNI DOt �^ � 5'QIY COUNCb 2C[IYA'LlORNEY ' �la(��a� 3 FINANCIALSkRV DIlt 4MAYOR(ORASST.) IMTTALDATE TOTAL#OFS[GNATUREPAGES_1 (CLIPAI.LLOCATiONSFOR51(+NA"1'VRN:) acriox x��srEn: Request approval of an ordinance establishing minimum qualifications for the City Engineer position in Chapter 21 of the Administrative Code, tiUed Officers' Qualificatio�s. This is a companion ordinance to the ordinance estahlishing the CiTy Engineer.position in the unclassified service. RECOhRiENDATIONS: Ayprove(A)wRqect(R) _PLANNA'G COMhIISSION CB CONSIIlTEE CIVII. SERViCH CAMMISSION rEesoxat, sexvice co�eacrs Musr nxswza � soi.wwurc Qu�norvs: 1, EiazBrispe�soNfi'meve+wo�ke.d�mderecontractforiltiadepartmeM? Yea No 2. FiesNUpersrnJf'vmeverbanaciryemplayee? Yu No 3 Doestlusperso��mpwseuashlinotnrnmellYposxssedbye�yaure�tmtyempioyee yp No 4 1s ihis Pe+�rt�fum a mBeted vmdoe? Yes No Explaio ailyn avswem ov aeperatr SLeet end attach to g�'ew 9heet IN117ATING PROBLEhI� ISSUE� OPPOR7TINl1'Y (Who, Wha; Wheu, Where� Why): The Department of Public Works has requested that the posiUon titled City Engineer be fozmally estab(ished' in the unclassified service. Minimum qualifications for unclassified positions are established in Chapter 21 of the Administrative Code. It has been determined that incumbents in the new City Engin@er position should be registered as a professional engineer by the State, of Minnesota and haue at least four yeazs of experience as a registered professional engineer at the Assistant Cify Engineer or Civil Engineer IV level in Public Works. It is plarined thaf the City Enginees will be selected through the system set forth in the recently estabiished Civil Bngineer Competency Modeling Pilot P;oject ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: Appmval of this ordinance will create minimum requirements that will allow employees of the City of Saint Paul Deparhnent of Public Works, who hold senior engineering management positions, to compete for appoinhnent to the unclassified City i Engineer pasifion. The Department has recentYy established an intemai, competency based, selection system for Civil Engmeers. That procedure will be used to provide the Director with a list of employees with the competencies necessary for successful pezformance as the CiTy Engineer. The Director would make an appointinent from that list. Creating these minimum qualifications will provide the Department and the Public Warks Director with the abiliTy to appoint an experienced City of Saint Paul registered professional engineer to assist in the organization, administration, and supervisian of public works activities. This is consistent with Chapter 6 of the Administradve Code which defines the duties of the City Engineer and Director. Aowever, the Public Works Director is not required to be a registered professional engineer and cannot always pXauide the teeianic�' Ieadership and duties that would be provided by the proposed City Engmeer poSition. DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: None. DISADVAIrTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: The Director of the Department of Public Works is not required to be a professional engineer registered by the State. Much of State Law implies that municipali6es have a registered professional "CiTy Engineer." Public Works planning has also revealed a need for separate tecYmical leadership. This may not be provided. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRArSACTION: FIINDA'G SOURCE: �nvAxcw�. s�oxn�nTTOx: �inn�n oone cosr�oErr�svncE�n: eS2�� � ��� Acm�rr r�u��p�d9 Ft ��. � C 2001 � , . ✓ o � -���1 OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES Chapter 22. Officers' Qnalifications* Sec. 21.01. Director—Department nity aervices. , � (a) The director of commu�i�Cy services shall have a baehelor's degree� public administra- tion, business administ�ration or related field, in- cluding fields of librar.3� science, health, parks and recreation, plus f�(5) years' responsible eaperi- ence in public orprivate administration, involving planning, organizing, budgeting, code eaforce- ment, federal programs, buil \g design or any combination of these. (b) Educational requirements m be waived with consent of the council where th is evi- dence of ten (10) years' responsible supe ' ory experience in a high level administrative ca Sec. 21.02. Same—Departmeatoffinanceand management services. The director of the department of finance and management services shall have a bachelor's de- gree in accounting, engineering, bu,sitiess admin- istration or related field, plus seven (7).3eazs' re- sponsible experience in public''or private administ;ation which would provide knowledge of budget administration, assessments, procure- ment, or management information or research, or a combination of these. -- _ § 22.61 Sec��: Director—Departmentofplannin�o and economic developmeat. The director of the department of planning and economic development shall have a degree in public administration, business administration, city planning or related fields, including, but not limited to, the architectural and engineering field, plus seven (7) yeazs' responsible experience in public or private administrative positions in- volving pnblic administration, city planning, eca- nomic development, urban renewal or a combina- tion of these. However, two (2) yeazs of such responsible experience may be waived upon re- quest by the mayor and with the approval of the council. Sec. 21.05. Information and complaint of• ficer. The information and complaint officer shall have a bachelor's degree ia communications, psy- chology, sociology, puhlic relations, public admin- istration or a related field, and two (2) yeazs' pro- fessional experience, at least one (1) yeaz of which must have included administrative responsibili- ties. Sec. 21.06. Affirmative action director. ✓ The affirmative action director shall have as a qualification college graduation, two (2) years' ex- perience as an affirmative action representative, and two (2) years' experience in professional per- sonnel work. No substitution for one-half the ed- ucation requirement, and no more than one (1) year of each of the two (2) experience require- ments can be substituted for the other. (Ord. No. 17261, § 2, 5-1-85) \ � � ��=;F a �.;;J%.4;�. ' z ,''..—���� ��9ea^P ,�y� ;Y.� 5 a � 4 "�.:. The director of the department of putilic��cs shall have a bachelor's degree plus seven (7) ye�a4s' responsible experience in public admitdSErati involving planning, organizing and hudgeting. (C.F. No. 94-27, S 1, 1-26-94) 'Editor's noYe—This chapter is derived_frnm the Iollowing ordinances: Ord. No. Sec. Date Ord. No. Sec. Date 151 i3 — 8-23-72 16187 — 3• 8•77 15207 — 30-30-72 16325 — 7•28•77 16177 — 2-10-77 16929 — 6 &82 16178 — 2-15-i7 17261 2 & 1•85 Chapter 22. Surety Bonds 22.01. O�cial surety bonds. (a) There shail be procured by the city pur- chasing agent, through competitive bidding, as security for the faithful performance of their du- ties and the safekeeping of public funds, a posi- tion schedule bond to cover the mayor and head of the department of finance and management ser- vices in the amount of fifty thousand dollars Supp. No. 26 2533 on j Sec. �. � F � � �' � '� , � � ���� � � ��� • a� � ��� Council File # O t - \\Z \ Green Sheet # 62922 ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented Referred To �� Committee Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 An Administrative Ordinauce amending Chapter 21 of the Administrative Code, entitled Officer's Qualifications by establishing minimum qualifications for the unclassified position of City Engineer. THE COUNCIL OF TF� CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That it is appropriate to establish minimum qualifications for the Ciiy Engineer position.. Section 2. That Chapter 21 of the Saint Paul Administrarive Eode is hereby amended by adding the following section to read: 21.09. City Engineer Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days from and after its passage and approval. Adoprion Certified by Council Secretary r ` �.—_� � .. � -. . . � �. - I/ /�( /� � �� I � i i i.i i/// �I % % I Requested by Department o£ ' '.�+ Office of Human Resources #�P 31 ro� By: Form Approved by City Attomey B y : ___��� �C?(`�' /6l Approved By: _ Civil Adopted by Council: Date n a� 5 3-0 0� bv Mavor for Submission to Council nErnua�Nrro�cFrcovNCU.: HiJMAN RESOURCES CONTACT PERSON & PHONE: JOI3N HAMII.TON 266-6470 or JOHN SHOCKLEY 266-6482 MUSYBEONCOUNC6AGStIDA BY�AiE) As soon as possible DATE 4VITIATED io-zz-oi ASSIGNED NOhIBER FOR ROUTII'IG ORDER � v GREEN SHEET No.: 62922 � � _►�g,� A7'E i DEPAA2AfrNI DOt �^ � 5'QIY COUNCb 2C[IYA'LlORNEY ' �la(��a� 3 FINANCIALSkRV DIlt 4MAYOR(ORASST.) IMTTALDATE TOTAL#OFS[GNATUREPAGES_1 (CLIPAI.LLOCATiONSFOR51(+NA"1'VRN:) acriox x��srEn: Request approval of an ordinance establishing minimum qualifications for the City Engineer position in Chapter 21 of the Administrative Code, tiUed Officers' Qualificatio�s. This is a companion ordinance to the ordinance estahlishing the CiTy Engineer.position in the unclassified service. RECOhRiENDATIONS: Ayprove(A)wRqect(R) _PLANNA'G COMhIISSION CB CONSIIlTEE CIVII. SERViCH CAMMISSION rEesoxat, sexvice co�eacrs Musr nxswza � soi.wwurc Qu�norvs: 1, EiazBrispe�soNfi'meve+wo�ke.d�mderecontractforiltiadepartmeM? Yea No 2. FiesNUpersrnJf'vmeverbanaciryemplayee? Yu No 3 Doestlusperso��mpwseuashlinotnrnmellYposxssedbye�yaure�tmtyempioyee yp No 4 1s ihis Pe+�rt�fum a mBeted vmdoe? Yes No Explaio ailyn avswem ov aeperatr SLeet end attach to g�'ew 9heet IN117ATING PROBLEhI� ISSUE� OPPOR7TINl1'Y (Who, Wha; Wheu, Where� Why): The Department of Public Works has requested that the posiUon titled City Engineer be fozmally estab(ished' in the unclassified service. Minimum qualifications for unclassified positions are established in Chapter 21 of the Administrative Code. It has been determined that incumbents in the new City Engin@er position should be registered as a professional engineer by the State, of Minnesota and haue at least four yeazs of experience as a registered professional engineer at the Assistant Cify Engineer or Civil Engineer IV level in Public Works. It is plarined thaf the City Enginees will be selected through the system set forth in the recently estabiished Civil Bngineer Competency Modeling Pilot P;oject ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: Appmval of this ordinance will create minimum requirements that will allow employees of the City of Saint Paul Deparhnent of Public Works, who hold senior engineering management positions, to compete for appoinhnent to the unclassified City i Engineer pasifion. The Department has recentYy established an intemai, competency based, selection system for Civil Engmeers. That procedure will be used to provide the Director with a list of employees with the competencies necessary for successful pezformance as the CiTy Engineer. The Director would make an appointinent from that list. Creating these minimum qualifications will provide the Department and the Public Warks Director with the abiliTy to appoint an experienced City of Saint Paul registered professional engineer to assist in the organization, administration, and supervisian of public works activities. This is consistent with Chapter 6 of the Administradve Code which defines the duties of the City Engineer and Director. Aowever, the Public Works Director is not required to be a registered professional engineer and cannot always pXauide the teeianic�' Ieadership and duties that would be provided by the proposed City Engmeer poSition. DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: None. DISADVAIrTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: The Director of the Department of Public Works is not required to be a professional engineer registered by the State. Much of State Law implies that municipali6es have a registered professional "CiTy Engineer." Public Works planning has also revealed a need for separate tecYmical leadership. This may not be provided. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRArSACTION: FIINDA'G SOURCE: �nvAxcw�. s�oxn�nTTOx: �inn�n oone cosr�oErr�svncE�n: eS2�� � ��� Acm�rr r�u��p�d9 Ft ��. � C 2001 � , . ✓ o � -���1 OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES Chapter 22. Officers' Qnalifications* Sec. 21.01. Director—Department nity aervices. , � (a) The director of commu�i�Cy services shall have a baehelor's degree� public administra- tion, business administ�ration or related field, in- cluding fields of librar.3� science, health, parks and recreation, plus f�(5) years' responsible eaperi- ence in public orprivate administration, involving planning, organizing, budgeting, code eaforce- ment, federal programs, buil \g design or any combination of these. (b) Educational requirements m be waived with consent of the council where th is evi- dence of ten (10) years' responsible supe ' ory experience in a high level administrative ca Sec. 21.02. Same—Departmeatoffinanceand management services. The director of the department of finance and management services shall have a bachelor's de- gree in accounting, engineering, bu,sitiess admin- istration or related field, plus seven (7).3eazs' re- sponsible experience in public''or private administ;ation which would provide knowledge of budget administration, assessments, procure- ment, or management information or research, or a combination of these. -- _ § 22.61 Sec��: Director—Departmentofplannin�o and economic developmeat. The director of the department of planning and economic development shall have a degree in public administration, business administration, city planning or related fields, including, but not limited to, the architectural and engineering field, plus seven (7) yeazs' responsible experience in public or private administrative positions in- volving pnblic administration, city planning, eca- nomic development, urban renewal or a combina- tion of these. However, two (2) yeazs of such responsible experience may be waived upon re- quest by the mayor and with the approval of the council. Sec. 21.05. Information and complaint of• ficer. The information and complaint officer shall have a bachelor's degree ia communications, psy- chology, sociology, puhlic relations, public admin- istration or a related field, and two (2) yeazs' pro- fessional experience, at least one (1) yeaz of which must have included administrative responsibili- ties. Sec. 21.06. Affirmative action director. ✓ The affirmative action director shall have as a qualification college graduation, two (2) years' ex- perience as an affirmative action representative, and two (2) years' experience in professional per- sonnel work. No substitution for one-half the ed- ucation requirement, and no more than one (1) year of each of the two (2) experience require- ments can be substituted for the other. (Ord. No. 17261, § 2, 5-1-85) \ � � ��=;F a �.;;J%.4;�. ' z ,''..—���� ��9ea^P ,�y� ;Y.� 5 a � 4 "�.:. The director of the department of putilic��cs shall have a bachelor's degree plus seven (7) ye�a4s' responsible experience in public admitdSErati involving planning, organizing and hudgeting. (C.F. No. 94-27, S 1, 1-26-94) 'Editor's noYe—This chapter is derived_frnm the Iollowing ordinances: Ord. No. Sec. Date Ord. No. Sec. Date 151 i3 — 8-23-72 16187 — 3• 8•77 15207 — 30-30-72 16325 — 7•28•77 16177 — 2-10-77 16929 — 6 &82 16178 — 2-15-i7 17261 2 & 1•85 Chapter 22. Surety Bonds 22.01. O�cial surety bonds. (a) There shail be procured by the city pur- chasing agent, through competitive bidding, as security for the faithful performance of their du- ties and the safekeeping of public funds, a posi- tion schedule bond to cover the mayor and head of the department of finance and management ser- vices in the amount of fifty thousand dollars Supp. No. 26 2533 on j Sec. �. � F � � �' � '� , � � ���� � � ��� • a� � ��� Council File # O t - \\Z \ Green Sheet # 62922 ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented Referred To �� Committee Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 An Administrative Ordinauce amending Chapter 21 of the Administrative Code, entitled Officer's Qualifications by establishing minimum qualifications for the unclassified position of City Engineer. THE COUNCIL OF TF� CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That it is appropriate to establish minimum qualifications for the Ciiy Engineer position.. Section 2. That Chapter 21 of the Saint Paul Administrarive Eode is hereby amended by adding the following section to read: 21.09. City Engineer Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days from and after its passage and approval. Adoprion Certified by Council Secretary r ` �.—_� � .. � -. . . � �. - I/ /�( /� � �� I � i i i.i i/// �I % % I Requested by Department o£ ' '.�+ Office of Human Resources #�P 31 ro� By: Form Approved by City Attomey B y : ___��� �C?(`�' /6l Approved By: _ Civil Adopted by Council: Date n a� 5 3-0 0� bv Mavor for Submission to Council nErnua�Nrro�cFrcovNCU.: HiJMAN RESOURCES CONTACT PERSON & PHONE: JOI3N HAMII.TON 266-6470 or JOHN SHOCKLEY 266-6482 MUSYBEONCOUNC6AGStIDA BY�AiE) As soon as possible DATE 4VITIATED io-zz-oi ASSIGNED NOhIBER FOR ROUTII'IG ORDER � v GREEN SHEET No.: 62922 � � _►�g,� A7'E i DEPAA2AfrNI DOt �^ � 5'QIY COUNCb 2C[IYA'LlORNEY ' �la(��a� 3 FINANCIALSkRV DIlt 4MAYOR(ORASST.) IMTTALDATE TOTAL#OFS[GNATUREPAGES_1 (CLIPAI.LLOCATiONSFOR51(+NA"1'VRN:) acriox x��srEn: Request approval of an ordinance establishing minimum qualifications for the City Engineer position in Chapter 21 of the Administrative Code, tiUed Officers' Qualificatio�s. This is a companion ordinance to the ordinance estahlishing the CiTy Engineer.position in the unclassified service. RECOhRiENDATIONS: Ayprove(A)wRqect(R) _PLANNA'G COMhIISSION CB CONSIIlTEE CIVII. SERViCH CAMMISSION rEesoxat, sexvice co�eacrs Musr nxswza � soi.wwurc Qu�norvs: 1, EiazBrispe�soNfi'meve+wo�ke.d�mderecontractforiltiadepartmeM? Yea No 2. FiesNUpersrnJf'vmeverbanaciryemplayee? Yu No 3 Doestlusperso��mpwseuashlinotnrnmellYposxssedbye�yaure�tmtyempioyee yp No 4 1s ihis Pe+�rt�fum a mBeted vmdoe? Yes No Explaio ailyn avswem ov aeperatr SLeet end attach to g�'ew 9heet IN117ATING PROBLEhI� ISSUE� OPPOR7TINl1'Y (Who, Wha; Wheu, Where� Why): The Department of Public Works has requested that the posiUon titled City Engineer be fozmally estab(ished' in the unclassified service. Minimum qualifications for unclassified positions are established in Chapter 21 of the Administrative Code. It has been determined that incumbents in the new City Engin@er position should be registered as a professional engineer by the State, of Minnesota and haue at least four yeazs of experience as a registered professional engineer at the Assistant Cify Engineer or Civil Engineer IV level in Public Works. It is plarined thaf the City Enginees will be selected through the system set forth in the recently estabiished Civil Bngineer Competency Modeling Pilot P;oject ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: Appmval of this ordinance will create minimum requirements that will allow employees of the City of Saint Paul Deparhnent of Public Works, who hold senior engineering management positions, to compete for appoinhnent to the unclassified City i Engineer pasifion. The Department has recentYy established an intemai, competency based, selection system for Civil Engmeers. That procedure will be used to provide the Director with a list of employees with the competencies necessary for successful pezformance as the CiTy Engineer. The Director would make an appointinent from that list. Creating these minimum qualifications will provide the Department and the Public Warks Director with the abiliTy to appoint an experienced City of Saint Paul registered professional engineer to assist in the organization, administration, and supervisian of public works activities. This is consistent with Chapter 6 of the Administradve Code which defines the duties of the City Engineer and Director. Aowever, the Public Works Director is not required to be a registered professional engineer and cannot always pXauide the teeianic�' Ieadership and duties that would be provided by the proposed City Engmeer poSition. DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: None. DISADVAIrTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: The Director of the Department of Public Works is not required to be a professional engineer registered by the State. Much of State Law implies that municipali6es have a registered professional "CiTy Engineer." Public Works planning has also revealed a need for separate tecYmical leadership. This may not be provided. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRArSACTION: FIINDA'G SOURCE: �nvAxcw�. s�oxn�nTTOx: �inn�n oone cosr�oErr�svncE�n: eS2�� � ��� Acm�rr r�u��p�d9 Ft ��. � C 2001 � , . ✓ o � -���1 OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES Chapter 22. Officers' Qnalifications* Sec. 21.01. Director—Department nity aervices. , � (a) The director of commu�i�Cy services shall have a baehelor's degree� public administra- tion, business administ�ration or related field, in- cluding fields of librar.3� science, health, parks and recreation, plus f�(5) years' responsible eaperi- ence in public orprivate administration, involving planning, organizing, budgeting, code eaforce- ment, federal programs, buil \g design or any combination of these. (b) Educational requirements m be waived with consent of the council where th is evi- dence of ten (10) years' responsible supe ' ory experience in a high level administrative ca Sec. 21.02. Same—Departmeatoffinanceand management services. The director of the department of finance and management services shall have a bachelor's de- gree in accounting, engineering, bu,sitiess admin- istration or related field, plus seven (7).3eazs' re- sponsible experience in public''or private administ;ation which would provide knowledge of budget administration, assessments, procure- ment, or management information or research, or a combination of these. -- _ § 22.61 Sec��: Director—Departmentofplannin�o and economic developmeat. The director of the department of planning and economic development shall have a degree in public administration, business administration, city planning or related fields, including, but not limited to, the architectural and engineering field, plus seven (7) yeazs' responsible experience in public or private administrative positions in- volving pnblic administration, city planning, eca- nomic development, urban renewal or a combina- tion of these. However, two (2) yeazs of such responsible experience may be waived upon re- quest by the mayor and with the approval of the council. Sec. 21.05. Information and complaint of• ficer. The information and complaint officer shall have a bachelor's degree ia communications, psy- chology, sociology, puhlic relations, public admin- istration or a related field, and two (2) yeazs' pro- fessional experience, at least one (1) yeaz of which must have included administrative responsibili- ties. Sec. 21.06. Affirmative action director. ✓ The affirmative action director shall have as a qualification college graduation, two (2) years' ex- perience as an affirmative action representative, and two (2) years' experience in professional per- sonnel work. No substitution for one-half the ed- ucation requirement, and no more than one (1) year of each of the two (2) experience require- ments can be substituted for the other. (Ord. No. 17261, § 2, 5-1-85) \ � � ��=;F a �.;;J%.4;�. ' z ,''..—���� ��9ea^P ,�y� ;Y.� 5 a � 4 "�.:. The director of the department of putilic��cs shall have a bachelor's degree plus seven (7) ye�a4s' responsible experience in public admitdSErati involving planning, organizing and hudgeting. (C.F. No. 94-27, S 1, 1-26-94) 'Editor's noYe—This chapter is derived_frnm the Iollowing ordinances: Ord. No. Sec. Date Ord. No. Sec. Date 151 i3 — 8-23-72 16187 — 3• 8•77 15207 — 30-30-72 16325 — 7•28•77 16177 — 2-10-77 16929 — 6 &82 16178 — 2-15-i7 17261 2 & 1•85 Chapter 22. Surety Bonds 22.01. O�cial surety bonds. (a) There shail be procured by the city pur- chasing agent, through competitive bidding, as security for the faithful performance of their du- ties and the safekeeping of public funds, a posi- tion schedule bond to cover the mayor and head of the department of finance and management ser- vices in the amount of fifty thousand dollars Supp. No. 26 2533 on j Sec.