00-1189Council File # � d� ��� Presented By Referred To Committee An Ordinance to provide for the collection of refuse assessment and collection of service charges for sucl� THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES Section 1 Charae• _ Ordinance # \ J Green Sheet # \O Ce �'_3 y \ � ` �` ORDINANCE � CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA - �� a `° � ��/�/�, � � � � the A new Chapter 32 of the Saint Paul LegislaJ�ve Code is hereby enacted: Section 32.01. Findings and purpose. Charter. as Administrative costs. "Administrative costs" mean the fee to be imposed for are ba�e collection services. The fee includes but is not limited to, the salaries of city�ersonnel in settin� 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 n� °�1p!earba�e se�vice. to prorata cost of citv equipment, and the cost of repairin citYpropertv and eguipm�nt. :' - 00 — �1Y�{ Buitding. "Buildin�" means a structure suitable for human shelter, a commercial stmcture that is maintained for business activities that involve human occunarion, and includes the real proroertv on which the structure in located. recorded with the Ramsev Countv Department of Properry Tasation for taxation purposes. in the buildina. and whether or not said building is leased or rented to another. Sectiou 32.04. Inspection by enforcement officer; written notice. notice must state: � � as defined. enforcement officers find violations of Section 32.03 which are either new violations or the failure to com�ly with nrevious orders within the twelve (12) month period beQinninQ on the date of service of the written notice, the city reserves the rieht to initiate a refuse collection service for the property, and mav for that pwpose seeks bids from licensed refuse haulers on such terms and conditions as it mav deem ap�ropriate. �1,2 The Qarba�e collection service will be in place for a one-veaz ero riod beeinnine on the compliance date listed on the original notice or the date ;� �°�,, ;,�, �� : of noncompliance within the twelve-month period. O(� _ �U'q � . °' I , �' ,. . � - : .., ,� � Except as provided in para�avh f31, the Qarbage collection service will terminate one year after iniriation. Upon completion of the one veaz tieriod, the owner must provide the City with evidence that eazba�e wili be g� collected in accordance with Chapter 357. In addition to satisfactorv �� evidence of �arba�e collection, the owner will be rec�uired to post a � event that the owner �rovides earba�e service in accardance with Section 32.05. � performance bond. collected as provided in Section 32.06. Charter. mechanism. Section 32.06 Cost; collection owners. services. cost of ¢arbaee services provided durine the previous vear and the portion of such costs to be assessed aeainst each lot and �arcel of nropertv benefitted from such service. Upon receipt thereof, the council shall bv resolution fix a date for public hearine at which time the council O o - ��� (dl Notice of council hearine. Foliowine the adoption of the resolution provided in para anh (cl above, the director of financial services shall �ublish a norice of the hearing in a dailv newspaper of the citv at least five (S�ys nrior to the public hearing. The notice shall state the date, time and klace of hearing the �urpose of the hearing, identify the services j rates of service char¢es to be considered by the council. deferment procedure established pursuant thereto. taxes. 14 of the City Charter. Section 2 This ordinance shall take ef�ct and be in force thiriy (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. � ;; oo- Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Cc By: Approved by Mayor: Dat By: Requested by Department of: By: Form Approved by City Attosney By: 0 0 ..�\�'q �