00-1066� � e'('S � d TJ 'T`('c�Yh al 4 -Y� , c�-� , �� � ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA r Presented By Referred To Counci] File # C'� O — �O (ofp Ordinance # GreenSheet# �pS�$'y ys Committee Date : 2 An ordinance amending Chapter 66.216 of the Saint 3 Paul Legislative Code pertaining to special sign 4 district sign plans by creating a new special sign 5 district plan for the Thomas/Dale District 7 6 Neighborhood to be known as the Thomas/Dale 7 District 7 Special District Sign Plan. 9 10 THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Section 1 That Chapter 66.216 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be and is hereby amended to add the following provisions thereto: Sec. 66.2169.6 Thomas/Dale District 7 Svecial District Sien Plan (al Intent and Purpose. The Thomas/Dale District 7 S�ecial Sign District Plan, as provided in Section 66.216 of the Zoning Code, is intended to �rovide advertisin�sign controls in the � Thomas/Dale District 7 neighborhood. In keepine with the Thomas/Dale District 7 Community Plan, this Special Si�n District Plan is intended to reduce visual clutter and enhance the neie�iborhood feel of commercial districts in the Thomas(Dale District 7 neie;hborhood. Neighborhood efforts are currentiv underwa�o redesi�n Dale Street to reduce the ne�ative impacts of hieh traffic, noise and poor apnearance ° and to improve and enhance University Avenue. 28 Adding siens to the existine visuallandscape detracts from the vedestrian and neiehborhood 29 friendliness of the commercial environment. Residents and other consumers often comUlain that 30 Universitv and Dale feel more like a hi lg iwavs than a city streets. Advertisin� siens clearl�plav 31 a lar¢e role in this perception. Addin¢ to the existin densit�of sians will only exacerbate this 32 problem. Furthermare, additional sians will work aQainst current efforts to imnrove the 33 annearance and economic vitalitv of University Avenue and Dale Street. 34 35 36 � PUBLISh��: ; � 1 �3 eo - �� �cc 1 2 The �urpose of advertisin¢ siens is to attract peonles' attention lon�enouQh to read the messaee 3 of the sign. Drivers whose attention is on advertisine si�ns rather than the road can cause 4 collisions. Dale Street is e�e-e£�Ce-Hr�siest a busystreets =- ar�m with more than 3322.000 5 cars per daypassina throu the neiehborhood. Likewise, University Avenue is even �e-ry-Hnsv 6 busier. carrvine more than 285.000 cars per day. Because of these large traffic volumes. 7 advertisine si¢ns disuact driver attention and are a traffic safetv hazazd. 9 (b1 Area Description. The Thomas/Dale District 7 Special Sien District Pian shall apkly to the 10 following desienated area as follows: Beginnine at the intersections of the centerlines of 11 i3niversit�Avenue and Lexineton Parkwav thence north alon� the centerline of Lexin on 12 Pazkwav to its intersection with the centerline of the railroad tracks north of Pierce Butler Route; 13 then east alone the centerline of the railroad tracks north of Peirce Butler Route to its intersection 14 with the centerline of Interstate 35E: then south along the centerline of Interstate 35E to its 15 intersection with the centerline of Universit�Avenue; then west alon�the centerline of l6 university Avenue to its intersection with the centerline of Lexington Parkwav, but excepting the 17 canital area bounded bv Marion Street, Pennsylvania Avenue and Jackson Street; 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 (c) Interpretation and D�nitions. The provisions of this si�n plan are supplementai t�-� o the provisions of Chapter 66. Si¢ns. of the ZoninQ Code. All words and terms shall be defined as in Leeislative Code §,& 66103 - 66.128. The provisions of this special sign plan that are more restrictive than provisions of Chapter 66 shall prevail and supersede the provisions of Chapter 66. 25 (dl Advertisin�Sirns. No advertising siens shall be permitted within the Thomas/Dale Dishict 7 26 Suecial Si�n District except si�ns on transit shelters and courtesy benches licensed or franchised 27 bv the citv. Bxistine advertising siens shall be allowed to stay, nrovided they meet all provisions 28 of Chapter 66. Sians, of the Zonin�Code. 29 30 U Business Signs. The reQUlation of business si�ns in the Thomas/Dale District 7 Special Si�n 31 District shall be pursuant to Section 66 of the Zonina Code. 32 33 (f� Noncon�ormin�Signs. Reeulation of nonconforming siens within the Thomas/Dale District 34 7 Snecial Si�n District which lawfullv e�sted prior to the effective date of this si�n plan or any 35 amendments hereto and which would be�rohibited, reaulated, or restricted under the provisions 36 of this plan, ma�continue to exist as leeal non-conformine si s reaulated under the provisions 37 of Section 66.300 nertainina to non-conformin� siens, subject to the followin¢ additional 38 reJc uirements: 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 1. No non-conformin� si� shall be: � � � � altered or enlar�ed in any way; or replaced bv another non-conformin�signn, thou a change in the messa.�e wili not be deemed to be a re�lacement; or relocated to anv other location in the District 1 S�ecial SiQn District; or reconstructed after incurrina damage in an amount exceeding 50% of its replacement cost at the time of the loss, as determined by the City: or �j„D 1,( J� 01 i � maintained throu�h replacement of structural elements. �°-- � �� 2 3 2. A non-conformine s�shall be immediately removed from the District 1 S ecial 4 Sien District at the cost of the owner if: 6 �a,2 it is an imminent danQer to life or properiy; or 8 b� it incurs damage in an amount exceeding_50°l0 of its renlacement cost at 9 the tune of loss, as determined bv the City� or 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 � use of the sa�n has been discontinued for a period of three consecutive months. (¢l Administration and Enforcement. The Zonin� Administrator shall enforce the nrovisions of this plan as a supplement to Chapter 66. Signs, of the ZoninQ Code. Whenever a permit re uest for an advertisin� si�n in the Thomas/Dale District 7 Special Sign District is reqnested, such permit shall not be issued unless the �lans for the advertisine sign have been approved b�the Zonin¢ Administrator as in com�liance with this supplement and other provisions of Chapter 66. Signs, of the Zonin Code. Section 2 This ordinance shall become effective thirty (30) days after its passage, approval and publication. Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY � � �-� ?�- . 1-�- _ Requested by Department ot: By: Form Appr by City Attorney By: 7'"� �WGyIA'G�. Z•� cf�� 0/ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: ApprovEd by Mayoz: Date / l BY: .�.� � S e.�.-. . -� l �r� � • �1'3 L( Ft1$�;s:i� `��Z' f i flal Adopted by Council: Date �� � �00 � —l— O a -�ov� GREEN SHEET 266-8610 November 8, 2000 TOTAL � OF SIGNATURE PAGES No 105984 �-r r� � u,v.*roaa,r ❑ rnvasnc o .��.� ❑�.� ❑IMYw'l�AStlR""p ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� An ordinance amending Chapter 66.216 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to special sig► district sign plans by creating a new special sign district plan for the Thomas/Dale District 7 Neighborhood to be known as the ThomaslDale District 7 Special Sign Plan. a PLANNING CAMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE CAMMISSION rms m� aa��n � wo�a u�. a�et ro.m�s aea�e�i� vES rip Has aus pereoMfi'm eNerbeen a dty emo�Yee4 res rro oces mis pe�oMUm o�es e alan nu norme�bo�d bv e�y arreirt dry emalovee7 VES NO la tl�is pe�sa�tm atergeted vendort YES NO ��7y\. �• SOURCE COET/REVENUE BUDfiETED (CIRCLE ON� AC7NITV NUMBER VES NO INFORMATON (EXPWN) �"`1 !`1 i �` �¢� � `,s" �t � L.J � i t[ ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PEyUL, MINNESOTA Presented Referred To CouncIl FIle # pQ .. �Q « Ordinance # GreenSheet# ITtq$__t� Committee Date : 2 An ordinance amending Chapter 66.216 of the Saint 3 Paul Legislative Code pertaining to special sign 4 district sign plans by creating a new speciai sign 5 district plan for the Thomas/Dale District 7 6 Neighborhood to be known as the Thomas/Dale 7 District 7 Special District Sign Plan. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 That Chapter 66.216 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be and is hereby amended to add the following provisions thereto: Sec. 66.2169.6 Thomas/Dale District 7 Special District Sim Plan 19 �a] Intent and Purpose. The Thomas/Dale District 7 Special Sign District Plan, as orovided in 20 Section 66.216 of the Zonine Code, is intended to rorovide advertisin� si¢n controls in the 22 Thomas/Dale District 7 neiehborhood. In keepinQ with the Thomas/Dale Disfrict 7 Community 22 Plan, this Special Sign District Plan is intended to reduce visual clutter and enhance the 23 nei�hborhood feel of commercial districts in the Thomas/Dale District 7 neighborhood. 24 NeiQhborhood efforts are currently underwav to redesign Dale Street to reduce the ne a� tive 25 impacts of hieh traffia noise and poor appearance and to reduce and to improve and enhance 26 Universitv Avenue. 27 28 Adding si2ns to the existin� visual landscape detracts from The pedestrian and neiehborhood 29 friendliness of the commercial environment Residents and other consumers often comrolain that 30 University and Dale feel more like a hi�hway than a citv street Advertisin� si�ns cleazlyplav a 31 large role in this percention. Addin¢ to the existin¢ densitv of sians will onl�exacerbate this 32 roroblem. Furthermore, additional siens will work aeainst current efforts to improve the 33 a�pearance and economic vitalitv of Universitv Avenue and Dale Street. 34 35 36 1 �O-loC.6 2 Thekurpose of advertisine si�ns is to attract �eonles' attention long enough to read message of 3 the si�. Drivers whose attention is on advertisine si¢ns rather than the road can cause 4 collisions. Dale Street is one of the busiest streets in St. Paul with more than 35.000 cazsper 5 day passin� throu the neie.hborhood. Likewise_ University Avenue is verv busv, carryine more 6 than 20,000 cazs per dav. Because of these lazee traffic volumes, advertisin� siais distract driver 7 attention and are a traffic safety hazard. 9 /b) Area Description. The Thomas/Dale DistricY 7 Special Si2n District Plan shall ap�ly to the 10 followin desi�ated area as follows: Be¢inning at the intersections of the centerlines of 11 Universitv Avenue and Lexineton Parkway thence north alon� the centerline of Lexington 12 Parkwav to its intersection with the centerline of the raitroad tracks north of Pierce Butler Route; 13 then east alon� the centerline of the raikoad tracks north of Peirce Butlet Route to its intersection 14 with the centerline of Interstate 35E; then south alongthe centerline of Interstate 35E to its 15 intersection with the centerline of Universitv Avenue; then west along the centerline of 16 university Avenue to its intersection with the centerline of Lexineton Parkwav. 17 18 (c Interpretation and Defnitions. The provisions ofthis sign �lan aze supplementary to the 19 vrovisions of Cha�ter 66. Signs, of the Zonine Code. All words and terms shall be defined as in 20 Leeislative Code && 66.103 - 66.128. The provisions of this special sig�ulan that are more 21 restrictive than provisions of Chapter 66 shall prevail and supersede theprovisions of Chapter 22 66. 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 (dl Advertisin�Siens. No advertisin¢ siens shall be permitted within the Thomas/Dale District 7 Special Si�n District except sitms on transit shelters and courtesy benches licensed ar franchised b the citv. Existine advertisin¢ siens shall be ailowed to sta� provided thev meet all vrovisions of Charoter 66. Signs, of the Zonin�Code. �e) Business SiQns. The re�ulation of business si�ns in the Thomas/Da1e District 7 Special Si,�n District shall be �ursuant to Secfion 66 of the Zonine Code. (fl Nonconformin�gns. The regulation ofnonconforming signs shall be nursuant to the rorovisions of Article III. 66.300, nonconformine siens, of the Zonine Code. b0-1�6 (�1 Administration and Enforcement. The Zoning Administrator shall enforce the orovisions of this �lan as a suppiement to Chapter 66, Siais, of the Zoning Code. Whenever a perxnit rec�uest for an advertisin sign in the Thomas/Dale District 7 Special Sien District is requested, such vermit shall not be issued unless the plans for the advertisin� si�n have been approved by the Zonin� Administrator as in compliance with this supplement and other provisions of Cha tep r 66, SiQns. of the Zonine Code. Section 2 This ordinance shall become effective thirty (30) days after its passage, approval and publication. �' � Requested by Department of: Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: Approved by Mayor: Date B�': Form Approv by City Attorney gy_ � ��AiYY�'� �I-��V O Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Sy: By: a0 - lo�co �g 28. REPORT FROM THE PLANNING COMIVIISSION ON COUNCIL FILE 00-1Ob6 REGARDING THE THOMAS/DALE DISTRICT 7 SPECIAL DISTRICT SIGN PLAN. DEPARTMENT OF PLAi'�NING & ECONOMIC DEVEIAPMENT Bnan Sweeney, Intenm PED Directar � CITY OF SAIN'I' PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor 25WestFou'thStreet Saint Paul, MN 55702 January 18, 2001 Ms. Nancy Anderson Secretary to the City Council Room 31 D City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 RE: Council File #00-1066 Thomas/Dale District 7 Special Sign District Oo— tC�(c,� Telephone: 612-2666700 Facsimile: 612-228-3220 City Council Action Scheduled: January 24, 2001, 3:30, City Council Chambers • PURPOSE: To give the Planning Commission's recommendations to fhe City Council, as required by ordinance and as requested by Council Resotution, regarding the proposed new special sign district that would prohibit new biliboards. Dear Ms. Anderson: The Council requested the Plamiing Commission's recommendation on the proposed Thomas/Dale District 7 Special Sign District, pursuant to state law and Zoning Code procedures. The Plamiiug Commission held a public hearing on the matter at the Zoning Committee meeting on January 4, 2001, and the Planning Commission made it's recommendarion on January 12th. The Commission's resolution is attached. In summary, the Commission recommends the following: l. Like the other anti-bIllboard speciat sign districts, the Thomas/Dale District 7 Special Sign District is unnecessary and redundant since the adoption of the citywide prohibition against new billboards. It should not be adopted. 2. But if it is adopted, two corrections should be made: (a) the Capitol Area should be removed from the map of the district because the Ciry does not have zoning authoriTy there; and (b) the traffic volume cited for Dale Street should be conected. 3. A11 of the anti-billboard special signs districts should be standardized to nnprove administrarive efficiency. 4. The Plamiiug Commission reaffirms its previous recommenc3ation that the citywide provisions regarding repair of existing billboards should be revised. (The ordinance currendy under consideration by the Council is very sunilar to the recommendation made by the Planning • K:\Shared�Ped\SODERHOUZONINGIbillb-ssd7-responsetoCC.ltcwpd Planning Commission on ThomaslDale Special Sign District January 18, 2001 Page 2 Commission last October, �cept that the Plvmiag Commission recommended that sign face replacemeTrt be permitted as a repair.) I will give Counci]member Blakey the minor conections recommended by the Planning Commission. Please call me at 266-6575 if you have any questions. Sincerely, Larry S rholm Plauning Administrator Attachments: Planning Commission resolution Staff report to Zoning Committee cc: City Council members Susan Kimberly, Mayors Office Peter Wamer, City Attorney's Office Wendy Lane, LIEP Tom Harren, PED District 7 Pluming Council Chris McCarver, Eller Media Co. Mike Cronin, Eller Media rep. Peter Coyle, DeLite Outdoor atty. Brian Bates, Scenic MN. John Mannillo, Scenic MN. • . K;�Shared�Ped150DERHOL�ZONA;GVnIlb-ssd7-response[oCC.ltr.wpd • oo-to�o� Pl annina Commission on Thomas/Dale Special Sign District 7anuary I8, 200I Page 2 Commission last October, except that the Planniug Commission recommended that sign face replacement be peimitted as a repairJ I will give Councilznember Blakey the minor corrections recommended by the Plannuig Commission. Please call me at 266-6575 if you have any questions. Sincerely, Larry S rholm PIam�ing Administrator Attachments: Planning Commission resoluUon Staff report to Zoning Committee cc: Ciry Conncil members Susan Kimberly, Mayor's Office Peter Wamer, City Attomey's Office Wendy Lane, LIEP Tom Harren, PED District 7 Planning Council Chris McCarver, Eller Media Co. Mike Cmnin, Eller Media rep. Peter Coyle, DeLite Outdoor atty. Brian Bates, Scenic NIlV. John Mannillo, Scenic MN. � K:�Shared�Ped�SODERFIOL�ZONINGW �Ib-ssd7•responsetoCCAtr.wpd � c� - loco� � city of saint paul planning commission resolution file number oo-o� date oi-i2-oi TAOMAS-DALE ANTI-BTLLBOARD SPECIAL SIGN DISTRICT �J � �VHEREAS, Section 662 i 6 of the Saint Paul Zoning Code provides for the creation of special si�n districts where the citywide regulaYions for signs may be modified; �VHEREAS, the City Councii received a request for a special sign district for the Thomas- Dale/District 7 community where new advertising signs would be prohibited; �VHEREAS, the City Council referred the raquest to the Planning Commission, as provided in Section 66216, and also scheduled readings and held a Council public hearing on the proposed district; �VHEREAS, the Piannin� Commission held its public hearing on the proposed Thomas-Dale sign district at the Zoning Committee meeting on January 4, 2001, but no one came to give testimony; �VHEREAS, the Planning Commission, as required by Minnesota Statutes Section 462357, has determined: 2_ � That the number of real estate descriptions affected by these amendments renders the obtaining of written consent impractical, given that the reguIations cover an entire community with about 14,000 residents and several miles of commercial and industrial street frontages, That a survey of an area in excess of farty acres has been made; That the proposed amendments to the Zoning Code are related to the overali needs of the community, to e�cisting land use, and to plans for future land use; and That proper notice of the hearing was given in the Pinneer Press on December 12, 19, and 26, 2000; �VHEREAS, the Pianning Commission has studied advertising signs in the city intensively during moved by_ seconded by in favor against Field Unanimous Resolution on Thomas-Dale Special Sign District 3anuary 12, 2001 Page Two the gast two years and completed a major report �vith detailed recommendations to the City Council in October, 2000; WHEREAS, even though the City Council has adopted eleven anti-biilboard special sign districts, the Planning Commission continues to believe that billboazds should be regulated uniformly throughout the city to give equitable treatment to sign companies, to property owners with billboards, and to neighborhoods; WHEI2EAS, given that the City enaated a new ordinance prohibiting new billboards anywhere in the city, which went into effect last month, the only substantive provision of the Thomas-Dale special sia district as presently drafted—that is, to prohibit new biilboards--is redundant; . WHEREAS, the Thomas-Dale speciai sign district is modeled on the Iiamline-Midway special sign district and lacks the substantive provisions on biliboard repair and rooftop signs that are found in most of the adopted special sign districts, which were modeled on the Saint Anthony Pazk special sign district; these inconsistencies from neighborhood to neighborhood will make administration of the City's billboard regulations unnecessarily cumbersome; WHEREAS, the Thomas-Dale special sign district as drafted contains a couple of errors that � should be corrected: (i) the map should exciude the Capitol Area because the City lacks zoning jurisdiction, and (2) the traffic count for Dale Street is wron�. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Planning Commission recommends the following: i. Since the new citywide ordinance prohibits new advertising signs throughout the city, the proposed ThomaslDale District 7 Speciai Sign District is unnecessary and redundant. Tt wouid add pages to the Zoning Code without addin� any new substance. It should not be adopted. 2, If the City Council decides to approve the ThomaslDale District 7 Special Sign District, the boundaries shouid be revised to exclude the Capitol Area and the traffic count for Dale Street should be corrected. 3. The regula:ions pertaining to billboards in alI ofthe special sign districts should be standardized to improve administrative efficiency. 4. The Planning Commission reai�irm its previous recommendations on advertisin� signs: New citywide regulations for billboard repair are very imgortant and should be acted on bq the City Council; and regulations for rooftop signs should also be made uniform and citvwade. • K:\Shared•Pcd�SO➢ERHOL�ZOYLYGIbillb-specs+gnd�isbDish-P�,�s�a'Pd oo-lo�l� Resolution on Thomas-Dale Special Sign District 7anuaiy 12, 200I Page Two the past two yeazs and completed a major report with detailed recommendations to the City Council in October, 2000; �VHEREAS, even though the City Council has adopted eleven anti-billboard special si?n districts, the Planning Commission continuesto believe that billboa�ds should be regulated uniformly throughaut the city to give equitable treatment to sia companies, to property owners with billboards, and to neighborhoods; �VHEItEAS, given that the City enacted a new ordinance prohibiting new billboards anywhere in the city, which went into effect last month, the only substantive provision of the Thomas-Dale special si�n district as presently draf2ed—that is, to prohibit new biilboards--is redundant; �VHEREAS, the Thomas-Dale special sin district is modeled on the Hamline-Midway special sign district and lacks the substantive provisions on billboard repair and rooftop signs that are found in most of the adopted special sign districts, which were modeled on the Saint Anthony Park special sijn district; these inconsistencies from neighborhood to neighborhood wilt make adminisuation of the City's billboard regulaYions unnecessarily cumbersome; WHEREAS, the Thomas-Dale special sign district as drafted contains a couple of errors that should be corrected: (1) the map should exciude the Capitol Area because the City lacks zoning jurisdiction, and (2) the traffic count for Dale Street is wrong. vpW, T$EgEgpRE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Planning Commission recommends the following: 1. Since the new citywide ordinance prohibits new advertising signs throu�hout the city, the proposed Thomas/Dale District 7 Special Sign District is unnecessary and redundant. It would add pages to the Zoning Code without addin� any new substance. It should not be adoptad. 2. If the City Council decides to approve the Thomas/Dale District 7 Special Sign District, the boundaries shouid be revised to exclude tfie Capitol Area and the traffic count for Dale Street shauld be corrected. 3. The regulatioas pertaining to billboards in ail of the special sign disYricts should be standardized to improve administrative efficiency. 4. The Plannin� Commission reafftrm its previous recommendations on advertising signs: New citywide regulations for bitlboard repair aze very important and should be acted on bp the City Council; and regulations for rooftop signs should atso be made uniform and citywide. K:VShar�d'Pc3�SODERAOLIZO��+Rh-%P�csig�disFDist7-pc.r<s.wpd � � e'('S � d TJ 'T`('c�Yh al 4 -Y� , c�-� , �� � ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA r Presented By Referred To Counci] File # C'� O — �O (ofp Ordinance # GreenSheet# �pS�$'y ys Committee Date : 2 An ordinance amending Chapter 66.216 of the Saint 3 Paul Legislative Code pertaining to special sign 4 district sign plans by creating a new special sign 5 district plan for the Thomas/Dale District 7 6 Neighborhood to be known as the Thomas/Dale 7 District 7 Special District Sign Plan. 9 10 THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Section 1 That Chapter 66.216 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be and is hereby amended to add the following provisions thereto: Sec. 66.2169.6 Thomas/Dale District 7 Svecial District Sien Plan (al Intent and Purpose. The Thomas/Dale District 7 S�ecial Sign District Plan, as provided in Section 66.216 of the Zoning Code, is intended to �rovide advertisin�sign controls in the � Thomas/Dale District 7 neighborhood. In keepine with the Thomas/Dale District 7 Community Plan, this Special Si�n District Plan is intended to reduce visual clutter and enhance the neie�iborhood feel of commercial districts in the Thomas(Dale District 7 neie;hborhood. Neighborhood efforts are currentiv underwa�o redesi�n Dale Street to reduce the ne�ative impacts of hieh traffic, noise and poor apnearance ° and to improve and enhance University Avenue. 28 Adding siens to the existine visuallandscape detracts from the vedestrian and neiehborhood 29 friendliness of the commercial environment. Residents and other consumers often comUlain that 30 Universitv and Dale feel more like a hi lg iwavs than a city streets. Advertisin� siens clearl�plav 31 a lar¢e role in this perception. Addin¢ to the existin densit�of sians will only exacerbate this 32 problem. Furthermare, additional sians will work aQainst current efforts to imnrove the 33 annearance and economic vitalitv of University Avenue and Dale Street. 34 35 36 � PUBLISh��: ; � 1 �3 eo - �� �cc 1 2 The �urpose of advertisin¢ siens is to attract peonles' attention lon�enouQh to read the messaee 3 of the sign. Drivers whose attention is on advertisine si�ns rather than the road can cause 4 collisions. Dale Street is e�e-e£�Ce-Hr�siest a busystreets =- ar�m with more than 3322.000 5 cars per daypassina throu the neiehborhood. Likewise, University Avenue is even �e-ry-Hnsv 6 busier. carrvine more than 285.000 cars per day. Because of these large traffic volumes. 7 advertisine si¢ns disuact driver attention and are a traffic safetv hazazd. 9 (b1 Area Description. The Thomas/Dale District 7 Special Sien District Pian shall apkly to the 10 following desienated area as follows: Beginnine at the intersections of the centerlines of 11 i3niversit�Avenue and Lexineton Parkwav thence north alon� the centerline of Lexin on 12 Pazkwav to its intersection with the centerline of the railroad tracks north of Pierce Butler Route; 13 then east alone the centerline of the railroad tracks north of Peirce Butler Route to its intersection 14 with the centerline of Interstate 35E: then south along the centerline of Interstate 35E to its 15 intersection with the centerline of Universit�Avenue; then west alon�the centerline of l6 university Avenue to its intersection with the centerline of Lexington Parkwav, but excepting the 17 canital area bounded bv Marion Street, Pennsylvania Avenue and Jackson Street; 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 (c) Interpretation and D�nitions. The provisions of this si�n plan are supplementai t�-� o the provisions of Chapter 66. Si¢ns. of the ZoninQ Code. All words and terms shall be defined as in Leeislative Code §,& 66103 - 66.128. The provisions of this special sign plan that are more restrictive than provisions of Chapter 66 shall prevail and supersede the provisions of Chapter 66. 25 (dl Advertisin�Sirns. No advertising siens shall be permitted within the Thomas/Dale Dishict 7 26 Suecial Si�n District except si�ns on transit shelters and courtesy benches licensed or franchised 27 bv the citv. Bxistine advertising siens shall be allowed to stay, nrovided they meet all provisions 28 of Chapter 66. Sians, of the Zonin�Code. 29 30 U Business Signs. The reQUlation of business si�ns in the Thomas/Dale District 7 Special Si�n 31 District shall be pursuant to Section 66 of the Zonina Code. 32 33 (f� Noncon�ormin�Signs. Reeulation of nonconforming siens within the Thomas/Dale District 34 7 Snecial Si�n District which lawfullv e�sted prior to the effective date of this si�n plan or any 35 amendments hereto and which would be�rohibited, reaulated, or restricted under the provisions 36 of this plan, ma�continue to exist as leeal non-conformine si s reaulated under the provisions 37 of Section 66.300 nertainina to non-conformin� siens, subject to the followin¢ additional 38 reJc uirements: 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 1. No non-conformin� si� shall be: � � � � altered or enlar�ed in any way; or replaced bv another non-conformin�signn, thou a change in the messa.�e wili not be deemed to be a re�lacement; or relocated to anv other location in the District 1 S�ecial SiQn District; or reconstructed after incurrina damage in an amount exceeding 50% of its replacement cost at the time of the loss, as determined by the City: or �j„D 1,( J� 01 i � maintained throu�h replacement of structural elements. �°-- � �� 2 3 2. A non-conformine s�shall be immediately removed from the District 1 S ecial 4 Sien District at the cost of the owner if: 6 �a,2 it is an imminent danQer to life or properiy; or 8 b� it incurs damage in an amount exceeding_50°l0 of its renlacement cost at 9 the tune of loss, as determined bv the City� or 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 � use of the sa�n has been discontinued for a period of three consecutive months. (¢l Administration and Enforcement. The Zonin� Administrator shall enforce the nrovisions of this plan as a supplement to Chapter 66. Signs, of the ZoninQ Code. Whenever a permit re uest for an advertisin� si�n in the Thomas/Dale District 7 Special Sign District is reqnested, such permit shall not be issued unless the �lans for the advertisine sign have been approved b�the Zonin¢ Administrator as in com�liance with this supplement and other provisions of Chapter 66. Signs, of the Zonin Code. Section 2 This ordinance shall become effective thirty (30) days after its passage, approval and publication. Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY � � �-� ?�- . 1-�- _ Requested by Department ot: By: Form Appr by City Attorney By: 7'"� �WGyIA'G�. Z•� cf�� 0/ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: ApprovEd by Mayoz: Date / l BY: .�.� � S e.�.-. . -� l �r� � • �1'3 L( Ft1$�;s:i� `��Z' f i flal Adopted by Council: Date �� � �00 � —l— O a -�ov� GREEN SHEET 266-8610 November 8, 2000 TOTAL � OF SIGNATURE PAGES No 105984 �-r r� � u,v.*roaa,r ❑ rnvasnc o .��.� ❑�.� ❑IMYw'l�AStlR""p ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� An ordinance amending Chapter 66.216 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to special sig► district sign plans by creating a new special sign district plan for the Thomas/Dale District 7 Neighborhood to be known as the ThomaslDale District 7 Special Sign Plan. a PLANNING CAMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE CAMMISSION rms m� aa��n � wo�a u�. a�et ro.m�s aea�e�i� vES rip Has aus pereoMfi'm eNerbeen a dty emo�Yee4 res rro oces mis pe�oMUm o�es e alan nu norme�bo�d bv e�y arreirt dry emalovee7 VES NO la tl�is pe�sa�tm atergeted vendort YES NO ��7y\. �• SOURCE COET/REVENUE BUDfiETED (CIRCLE ON� AC7NITV NUMBER VES NO INFORMATON (EXPWN) �"`1 !`1 i �` �¢� � `,s" �t � L.J � i t[ ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PEyUL, MINNESOTA Presented Referred To CouncIl FIle # pQ .. �Q « Ordinance # GreenSheet# ITtq$__t� Committee Date : 2 An ordinance amending Chapter 66.216 of the Saint 3 Paul Legislative Code pertaining to special sign 4 district sign plans by creating a new speciai sign 5 district plan for the Thomas/Dale District 7 6 Neighborhood to be known as the Thomas/Dale 7 District 7 Special District Sign Plan. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 That Chapter 66.216 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be and is hereby amended to add the following provisions thereto: Sec. 66.2169.6 Thomas/Dale District 7 Special District Sim Plan 19 �a] Intent and Purpose. The Thomas/Dale District 7 Special Sign District Plan, as orovided in 20 Section 66.216 of the Zonine Code, is intended to rorovide advertisin� si¢n controls in the 22 Thomas/Dale District 7 neiehborhood. In keepinQ with the Thomas/Dale Disfrict 7 Community 22 Plan, this Special Sign District Plan is intended to reduce visual clutter and enhance the 23 nei�hborhood feel of commercial districts in the Thomas/Dale District 7 neighborhood. 24 NeiQhborhood efforts are currently underwav to redesign Dale Street to reduce the ne a� tive 25 impacts of hieh traffia noise and poor appearance and to reduce and to improve and enhance 26 Universitv Avenue. 27 28 Adding si2ns to the existin� visual landscape detracts from The pedestrian and neiehborhood 29 friendliness of the commercial environment Residents and other consumers often comrolain that 30 University and Dale feel more like a hi�hway than a citv street Advertisin� si�ns cleazlyplav a 31 large role in this percention. Addin¢ to the existin¢ densitv of sians will onl�exacerbate this 32 roroblem. Furthermore, additional siens will work aeainst current efforts to improve the 33 a�pearance and economic vitalitv of Universitv Avenue and Dale Street. 34 35 36 1 �O-loC.6 2 Thekurpose of advertisine si�ns is to attract �eonles' attention long enough to read message of 3 the si�. Drivers whose attention is on advertisine si¢ns rather than the road can cause 4 collisions. Dale Street is one of the busiest streets in St. Paul with more than 35.000 cazsper 5 day passin� throu the neie.hborhood. Likewise_ University Avenue is verv busv, carryine more 6 than 20,000 cazs per dav. Because of these lazee traffic volumes, advertisin� siais distract driver 7 attention and are a traffic safety hazard. 9 /b) Area Description. The Thomas/Dale DistricY 7 Special Si2n District Plan shall ap�ly to the 10 followin desi�ated area as follows: Be¢inning at the intersections of the centerlines of 11 Universitv Avenue and Lexineton Parkway thence north alon� the centerline of Lexington 12 Parkwav to its intersection with the centerline of the raitroad tracks north of Pierce Butler Route; 13 then east alon� the centerline of the raikoad tracks north of Peirce Butlet Route to its intersection 14 with the centerline of Interstate 35E; then south alongthe centerline of Interstate 35E to its 15 intersection with the centerline of Universitv Avenue; then west along the centerline of 16 university Avenue to its intersection with the centerline of Lexineton Parkwav. 17 18 (c Interpretation and Defnitions. The provisions ofthis sign �lan aze supplementary to the 19 vrovisions of Cha�ter 66. Signs, of the Zonine Code. All words and terms shall be defined as in 20 Leeislative Code && 66.103 - 66.128. The provisions of this special sig�ulan that are more 21 restrictive than provisions of Chapter 66 shall prevail and supersede theprovisions of Chapter 22 66. 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 (dl Advertisin�Siens. No advertisin¢ siens shall be permitted within the Thomas/Dale District 7 Special Si�n District except sitms on transit shelters and courtesy benches licensed ar franchised b the citv. Existine advertisin¢ siens shall be ailowed to sta� provided thev meet all vrovisions of Charoter 66. Signs, of the Zonin�Code. �e) Business SiQns. The re�ulation of business si�ns in the Thomas/Da1e District 7 Special Si,�n District shall be �ursuant to Secfion 66 of the Zonine Code. (fl Nonconformin�gns. The regulation ofnonconforming signs shall be nursuant to the rorovisions of Article III. 66.300, nonconformine siens, of the Zonine Code. b0-1�6 (�1 Administration and Enforcement. The Zoning Administrator shall enforce the orovisions of this �lan as a suppiement to Chapter 66, Siais, of the Zoning Code. Whenever a perxnit rec�uest for an advertisin sign in the Thomas/Dale District 7 Special Sien District is requested, such vermit shall not be issued unless the plans for the advertisin� si�n have been approved by the Zonin� Administrator as in compliance with this supplement and other provisions of Cha tep r 66, SiQns. of the Zonine Code. Section 2 This ordinance shall become effective thirty (30) days after its passage, approval and publication. �' � Requested by Department of: Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: Approved by Mayor: Date B�': Form Approv by City Attorney gy_ � ��AiYY�'� �I-��V O Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Sy: By: a0 - lo�co �g 28. REPORT FROM THE PLANNING COMIVIISSION ON COUNCIL FILE 00-1Ob6 REGARDING THE THOMAS/DALE DISTRICT 7 SPECIAL DISTRICT SIGN PLAN. DEPARTMENT OF PLAi'�NING & ECONOMIC DEVEIAPMENT Bnan Sweeney, Intenm PED Directar � CITY OF SAIN'I' PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor 25WestFou'thStreet Saint Paul, MN 55702 January 18, 2001 Ms. Nancy Anderson Secretary to the City Council Room 31 D City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 RE: Council File #00-1066 Thomas/Dale District 7 Special Sign District Oo— tC�(c,� Telephone: 612-2666700 Facsimile: 612-228-3220 City Council Action Scheduled: January 24, 2001, 3:30, City Council Chambers • PURPOSE: To give the Planning Commission's recommendations to fhe City Council, as required by ordinance and as requested by Council Resotution, regarding the proposed new special sign district that would prohibit new biliboards. Dear Ms. Anderson: The Council requested the Plamiing Commission's recommendation on the proposed Thomas/Dale District 7 Special Sign District, pursuant to state law and Zoning Code procedures. The Plamiiug Commission held a public hearing on the matter at the Zoning Committee meeting on January 4, 2001, and the Planning Commission made it's recommendarion on January 12th. The Commission's resolution is attached. In summary, the Commission recommends the following: l. Like the other anti-bIllboard speciat sign districts, the Thomas/Dale District 7 Special Sign District is unnecessary and redundant since the adoption of the citywide prohibition against new billboards. It should not be adopted. 2. But if it is adopted, two corrections should be made: (a) the Capitol Area should be removed from the map of the district because the Ciry does not have zoning authoriTy there; and (b) the traffic volume cited for Dale Street should be conected. 3. A11 of the anti-billboard special signs districts should be standardized to nnprove administrarive efficiency. 4. The Plamiiug Commission reaffirms its previous recommenc3ation that the citywide provisions regarding repair of existing billboards should be revised. (The ordinance currendy under consideration by the Council is very sunilar to the recommendation made by the Planning • K:\Shared�Ped\SODERHOUZONINGIbillb-ssd7-responsetoCC.ltcwpd Planning Commission on ThomaslDale Special Sign District January 18, 2001 Page 2 Commission last October, �cept that the Plvmiag Commission recommended that sign face replacemeTrt be permitted as a repair.) I will give Counci]member Blakey the minor conections recommended by the Planning Commission. Please call me at 266-6575 if you have any questions. Sincerely, Larry S rholm Plauning Administrator Attachments: Planning Commission resolution Staff report to Zoning Committee cc: City Council members Susan Kimberly, Mayors Office Peter Wamer, City Attorney's Office Wendy Lane, LIEP Tom Harren, PED District 7 Pluming Council Chris McCarver, Eller Media Co. Mike Cronin, Eller Media rep. Peter Coyle, DeLite Outdoor atty. Brian Bates, Scenic MN. John Mannillo, Scenic MN. • . K;�Shared�Ped150DERHOL�ZONA;GVnIlb-ssd7-response[oCC.ltr.wpd • oo-to�o� Pl annina Commission on Thomas/Dale Special Sign District 7anuary I8, 200I Page 2 Commission last October, except that the Planniug Commission recommended that sign face replacement be peimitted as a repairJ I will give Councilznember Blakey the minor corrections recommended by the Plannuig Commission. Please call me at 266-6575 if you have any questions. Sincerely, Larry S rholm PIam�ing Administrator Attachments: Planning Commission resoluUon Staff report to Zoning Committee cc: Ciry Conncil members Susan Kimberly, Mayor's Office Peter Wamer, City Attomey's Office Wendy Lane, LIEP Tom Harren, PED District 7 Planning Council Chris McCarver, Eller Media Co. Mike Cmnin, Eller Media rep. Peter Coyle, DeLite Outdoor atty. Brian Bates, Scenic NIlV. John Mannillo, Scenic MN. � K:�Shared�Ped�SODERFIOL�ZONINGW �Ib-ssd7•responsetoCCAtr.wpd � c� - loco� � city of saint paul planning commission resolution file number oo-o� date oi-i2-oi TAOMAS-DALE ANTI-BTLLBOARD SPECIAL SIGN DISTRICT �J � �VHEREAS, Section 662 i 6 of the Saint Paul Zoning Code provides for the creation of special si�n districts where the citywide regulaYions for signs may be modified; �VHEREAS, the City Councii received a request for a special sign district for the Thomas- Dale/District 7 community where new advertising signs would be prohibited; �VHEREAS, the City Council referred the raquest to the Planning Commission, as provided in Section 66216, and also scheduled readings and held a Council public hearing on the proposed district; �VHEREAS, the Piannin� Commission held its public hearing on the proposed Thomas-Dale sign district at the Zoning Committee meeting on January 4, 2001, but no one came to give testimony; �VHEREAS, the Planning Commission, as required by Minnesota Statutes Section 462357, has determined: 2_ � That the number of real estate descriptions affected by these amendments renders the obtaining of written consent impractical, given that the reguIations cover an entire community with about 14,000 residents and several miles of commercial and industrial street frontages, That a survey of an area in excess of farty acres has been made; That the proposed amendments to the Zoning Code are related to the overali needs of the community, to e�cisting land use, and to plans for future land use; and That proper notice of the hearing was given in the Pinneer Press on December 12, 19, and 26, 2000; �VHEREAS, the Pianning Commission has studied advertising signs in the city intensively during moved by_ seconded by in favor against Field Unanimous Resolution on Thomas-Dale Special Sign District 3anuary 12, 2001 Page Two the gast two years and completed a major report �vith detailed recommendations to the City Council in October, 2000; WHEREAS, even though the City Council has adopted eleven anti-biilboard special sign districts, the Planning Commission continues to believe that billboazds should be regulated uniformly throughout the city to give equitable treatment to sign companies, to property owners with billboards, and to neighborhoods; WHEI2EAS, given that the City enaated a new ordinance prohibiting new billboards anywhere in the city, which went into effect last month, the only substantive provision of the Thomas-Dale special sia district as presently drafted—that is, to prohibit new biilboards--is redundant; . WHEREAS, the Thomas-Dale speciai sign district is modeled on the Iiamline-Midway special sign district and lacks the substantive provisions on biliboard repair and rooftop signs that are found in most of the adopted special sign districts, which were modeled on the Saint Anthony Pazk special sign district; these inconsistencies from neighborhood to neighborhood will make administration of the City's billboard regulations unnecessarily cumbersome; WHEREAS, the Thomas-Dale special sign district as drafted contains a couple of errors that � should be corrected: (i) the map should exciude the Capitol Area because the City lacks zoning jurisdiction, and (2) the traffic count for Dale Street is wron�. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Planning Commission recommends the following: i. Since the new citywide ordinance prohibits new advertising signs throughout the city, the proposed ThomaslDale District 7 Speciai Sign District is unnecessary and redundant. Tt wouid add pages to the Zoning Code without addin� any new substance. It should not be adopted. 2, If the City Council decides to approve the ThomaslDale District 7 Special Sign District, the boundaries shouid be revised to exclude the Capitol Area and the traffic count for Dale Street should be corrected. 3. The regula:ions pertaining to billboards in alI ofthe special sign districts should be standardized to improve administrative efficiency. 4. The Planning Commission reai�irm its previous recommendations on advertisin� signs: New citywide regulations for billboard repair are very imgortant and should be acted on bq the City Council; and regulations for rooftop signs should also be made uniform and citvwade. • K:\Shared•Pcd�SO➢ERHOL�ZOYLYGIbillb-specs+gnd�isbDish-P�,�s�a'Pd oo-lo�l� Resolution on Thomas-Dale Special Sign District 7anuaiy 12, 200I Page Two the past two yeazs and completed a major report with detailed recommendations to the City Council in October, 2000; �VHEREAS, even though the City Council has adopted eleven anti-billboard special si?n districts, the Planning Commission continuesto believe that billboa�ds should be regulated uniformly throughaut the city to give equitable treatment to sia companies, to property owners with billboards, and to neighborhoods; �VHEItEAS, given that the City enacted a new ordinance prohibiting new billboards anywhere in the city, which went into effect last month, the only substantive provision of the Thomas-Dale special si�n district as presently draf2ed—that is, to prohibit new biilboards--is redundant; �VHEREAS, the Thomas-Dale special sin district is modeled on the Hamline-Midway special sign district and lacks the substantive provisions on billboard repair and rooftop signs that are found in most of the adopted special sign districts, which were modeled on the Saint Anthony Park special sijn district; these inconsistencies from neighborhood to neighborhood wilt make adminisuation of the City's billboard regulaYions unnecessarily cumbersome; WHEREAS, the Thomas-Dale special sign district as drafted contains a couple of errors that should be corrected: (1) the map should exciude the Capitol Area because the City lacks zoning jurisdiction, and (2) the traffic count for Dale Street is wrong. vpW, T$EgEgpRE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Planning Commission recommends the following: 1. Since the new citywide ordinance prohibits new advertising signs throu�hout the city, the proposed Thomas/Dale District 7 Special Sign District is unnecessary and redundant. It would add pages to the Zoning Code without addin� any new substance. It should not be adoptad. 2. If the City Council decides to approve the Thomas/Dale District 7 Special Sign District, the boundaries shouid be revised to exclude tfie Capitol Area and the traffic count for Dale Street shauld be corrected. 3. The regulatioas pertaining to billboards in ail of the special sign disYricts should be standardized to improve administrative efficiency. 4. The Plannin� Commission reafftrm its previous recommendations on advertising signs: New citywide regulations for bitlboard repair aze very important and should be acted on bp the City Council; and regulations for rooftop signs should atso be made uniform and citywide. K:VShar�d'Pc3�SODERAOLIZO��+Rh-%P�csig�disFDist7-pc.r<s.wpd � � e'('S � d TJ 'T`('c�Yh al 4 -Y� , c�-� , �� � ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA r Presented By Referred To Counci] File # C'� O — �O (ofp Ordinance # GreenSheet# �pS�$'y ys Committee Date : 2 An ordinance amending Chapter 66.216 of the Saint 3 Paul Legislative Code pertaining to special sign 4 district sign plans by creating a new special sign 5 district plan for the Thomas/Dale District 7 6 Neighborhood to be known as the Thomas/Dale 7 District 7 Special District Sign Plan. 9 10 THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Section 1 That Chapter 66.216 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be and is hereby amended to add the following provisions thereto: Sec. 66.2169.6 Thomas/Dale District 7 Svecial District Sien Plan (al Intent and Purpose. The Thomas/Dale District 7 S�ecial Sign District Plan, as provided in Section 66.216 of the Zoning Code, is intended to �rovide advertisin�sign controls in the � Thomas/Dale District 7 neighborhood. In keepine with the Thomas/Dale District 7 Community Plan, this Special Si�n District Plan is intended to reduce visual clutter and enhance the neie�iborhood feel of commercial districts in the Thomas(Dale District 7 neie;hborhood. Neighborhood efforts are currentiv underwa�o redesi�n Dale Street to reduce the ne�ative impacts of hieh traffic, noise and poor apnearance ° and to improve and enhance University Avenue. 28 Adding siens to the existine visuallandscape detracts from the vedestrian and neiehborhood 29 friendliness of the commercial environment. Residents and other consumers often comUlain that 30 Universitv and Dale feel more like a hi lg iwavs than a city streets. Advertisin� siens clearl�plav 31 a lar¢e role in this perception. Addin¢ to the existin densit�of sians will only exacerbate this 32 problem. Furthermare, additional sians will work aQainst current efforts to imnrove the 33 annearance and economic vitalitv of University Avenue and Dale Street. 34 35 36 � PUBLISh��: ; � 1 �3 eo - �� �cc 1 2 The �urpose of advertisin¢ siens is to attract peonles' attention lon�enouQh to read the messaee 3 of the sign. Drivers whose attention is on advertisine si�ns rather than the road can cause 4 collisions. Dale Street is e�e-e£�Ce-Hr�siest a busystreets =- ar�m with more than 3322.000 5 cars per daypassina throu the neiehborhood. Likewise, University Avenue is even �e-ry-Hnsv 6 busier. carrvine more than 285.000 cars per day. Because of these large traffic volumes. 7 advertisine si¢ns disuact driver attention and are a traffic safetv hazazd. 9 (b1 Area Description. The Thomas/Dale District 7 Special Sien District Pian shall apkly to the 10 following desienated area as follows: Beginnine at the intersections of the centerlines of 11 i3niversit�Avenue and Lexineton Parkwav thence north alon� the centerline of Lexin on 12 Pazkwav to its intersection with the centerline of the railroad tracks north of Pierce Butler Route; 13 then east alone the centerline of the railroad tracks north of Peirce Butler Route to its intersection 14 with the centerline of Interstate 35E: then south along the centerline of Interstate 35E to its 15 intersection with the centerline of Universit�Avenue; then west alon�the centerline of l6 university Avenue to its intersection with the centerline of Lexington Parkwav, but excepting the 17 canital area bounded bv Marion Street, Pennsylvania Avenue and Jackson Street; 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 (c) Interpretation and D�nitions. The provisions of this si�n plan are supplementai t�-� o the provisions of Chapter 66. Si¢ns. of the ZoninQ Code. All words and terms shall be defined as in Leeislative Code §,& 66103 - 66.128. The provisions of this special sign plan that are more restrictive than provisions of Chapter 66 shall prevail and supersede the provisions of Chapter 66. 25 (dl Advertisin�Sirns. No advertising siens shall be permitted within the Thomas/Dale Dishict 7 26 Suecial Si�n District except si�ns on transit shelters and courtesy benches licensed or franchised 27 bv the citv. Bxistine advertising siens shall be allowed to stay, nrovided they meet all provisions 28 of Chapter 66. Sians, of the Zonin�Code. 29 30 U Business Signs. The reQUlation of business si�ns in the Thomas/Dale District 7 Special Si�n 31 District shall be pursuant to Section 66 of the Zonina Code. 32 33 (f� Noncon�ormin�Signs. Reeulation of nonconforming siens within the Thomas/Dale District 34 7 Snecial Si�n District which lawfullv e�sted prior to the effective date of this si�n plan or any 35 amendments hereto and which would be�rohibited, reaulated, or restricted under the provisions 36 of this plan, ma�continue to exist as leeal non-conformine si s reaulated under the provisions 37 of Section 66.300 nertainina to non-conformin� siens, subject to the followin¢ additional 38 reJc uirements: 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 1. No non-conformin� si� shall be: � � � � altered or enlar�ed in any way; or replaced bv another non-conformin�signn, thou a change in the messa.�e wili not be deemed to be a re�lacement; or relocated to anv other location in the District 1 S�ecial SiQn District; or reconstructed after incurrina damage in an amount exceeding 50% of its replacement cost at the time of the loss, as determined by the City: or �j„D 1,( J� 01 i � maintained throu�h replacement of structural elements. �°-- � �� 2 3 2. A non-conformine s�shall be immediately removed from the District 1 S ecial 4 Sien District at the cost of the owner if: 6 �a,2 it is an imminent danQer to life or properiy; or 8 b� it incurs damage in an amount exceeding_50°l0 of its renlacement cost at 9 the tune of loss, as determined bv the City� or 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 � use of the sa�n has been discontinued for a period of three consecutive months. (¢l Administration and Enforcement. The Zonin� Administrator shall enforce the nrovisions of this plan as a supplement to Chapter 66. Signs, of the ZoninQ Code. Whenever a permit re uest for an advertisin� si�n in the Thomas/Dale District 7 Special Sign District is reqnested, such permit shall not be issued unless the �lans for the advertisine sign have been approved b�the Zonin¢ Administrator as in com�liance with this supplement and other provisions of Chapter 66. Signs, of the Zonin Code. Section 2 This ordinance shall become effective thirty (30) days after its passage, approval and publication. Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY � � �-� ?�- . 1-�- _ Requested by Department ot: By: Form Appr by City Attorney By: 7'"� �WGyIA'G�. Z•� cf�� 0/ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: ApprovEd by Mayoz: Date / l BY: .�.� � S e.�.-. . -� l �r� � • �1'3 L( Ft1$�;s:i� `��Z' f i flal Adopted by Council: Date �� � �00 � —l— O a -�ov� GREEN SHEET 266-8610 November 8, 2000 TOTAL � OF SIGNATURE PAGES No 105984 �-r r� � u,v.*roaa,r ❑ rnvasnc o .��.� ❑�.� ❑IMYw'l�AStlR""p ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� An ordinance amending Chapter 66.216 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to special sig► district sign plans by creating a new special sign district plan for the Thomas/Dale District 7 Neighborhood to be known as the ThomaslDale District 7 Special Sign Plan. a PLANNING CAMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE CAMMISSION rms m� aa��n � wo�a u�. a�et ro.m�s aea�e�i� vES rip Has aus pereoMfi'm eNerbeen a dty emo�Yee4 res rro oces mis pe�oMUm o�es e alan nu norme�bo�d bv e�y arreirt dry emalovee7 VES NO la tl�is pe�sa�tm atergeted vendort YES NO ��7y\. �• SOURCE COET/REVENUE BUDfiETED (CIRCLE ON� AC7NITV NUMBER VES NO INFORMATON (EXPWN) �"`1 !`1 i �` �¢� � `,s" �t � L.J � i t[ ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PEyUL, MINNESOTA Presented Referred To CouncIl FIle # pQ .. �Q « Ordinance # GreenSheet# ITtq$__t� Committee Date : 2 An ordinance amending Chapter 66.216 of the Saint 3 Paul Legislative Code pertaining to special sign 4 district sign plans by creating a new speciai sign 5 district plan for the Thomas/Dale District 7 6 Neighborhood to be known as the Thomas/Dale 7 District 7 Special District Sign Plan. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 That Chapter 66.216 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be and is hereby amended to add the following provisions thereto: Sec. 66.2169.6 Thomas/Dale District 7 Special District Sim Plan 19 �a] Intent and Purpose. The Thomas/Dale District 7 Special Sign District Plan, as orovided in 20 Section 66.216 of the Zonine Code, is intended to rorovide advertisin� si¢n controls in the 22 Thomas/Dale District 7 neiehborhood. In keepinQ with the Thomas/Dale Disfrict 7 Community 22 Plan, this Special Sign District Plan is intended to reduce visual clutter and enhance the 23 nei�hborhood feel of commercial districts in the Thomas/Dale District 7 neighborhood. 24 NeiQhborhood efforts are currently underwav to redesign Dale Street to reduce the ne a� tive 25 impacts of hieh traffia noise and poor appearance and to reduce and to improve and enhance 26 Universitv Avenue. 27 28 Adding si2ns to the existin� visual landscape detracts from The pedestrian and neiehborhood 29 friendliness of the commercial environment Residents and other consumers often comrolain that 30 University and Dale feel more like a hi�hway than a citv street Advertisin� si�ns cleazlyplav a 31 large role in this percention. Addin¢ to the existin¢ densitv of sians will onl�exacerbate this 32 roroblem. Furthermore, additional siens will work aeainst current efforts to improve the 33 a�pearance and economic vitalitv of Universitv Avenue and Dale Street. 34 35 36 1 �O-loC.6 2 Thekurpose of advertisine si�ns is to attract �eonles' attention long enough to read message of 3 the si�. Drivers whose attention is on advertisine si¢ns rather than the road can cause 4 collisions. Dale Street is one of the busiest streets in St. Paul with more than 35.000 cazsper 5 day passin� throu the neie.hborhood. Likewise_ University Avenue is verv busv, carryine more 6 than 20,000 cazs per dav. Because of these lazee traffic volumes, advertisin� siais distract driver 7 attention and are a traffic safety hazard. 9 /b) Area Description. The Thomas/Dale DistricY 7 Special Si2n District Plan shall ap�ly to the 10 followin desi�ated area as follows: Be¢inning at the intersections of the centerlines of 11 Universitv Avenue and Lexineton Parkway thence north alon� the centerline of Lexington 12 Parkwav to its intersection with the centerline of the raitroad tracks north of Pierce Butler Route; 13 then east alon� the centerline of the raikoad tracks north of Peirce Butlet Route to its intersection 14 with the centerline of Interstate 35E; then south alongthe centerline of Interstate 35E to its 15 intersection with the centerline of Universitv Avenue; then west along the centerline of 16 university Avenue to its intersection with the centerline of Lexineton Parkwav. 17 18 (c Interpretation and Defnitions. The provisions ofthis sign �lan aze supplementary to the 19 vrovisions of Cha�ter 66. Signs, of the Zonine Code. All words and terms shall be defined as in 20 Leeislative Code && 66.103 - 66.128. The provisions of this special sig�ulan that are more 21 restrictive than provisions of Chapter 66 shall prevail and supersede theprovisions of Chapter 22 66. 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 (dl Advertisin�Siens. No advertisin¢ siens shall be permitted within the Thomas/Dale District 7 Special Si�n District except sitms on transit shelters and courtesy benches licensed ar franchised b the citv. Existine advertisin¢ siens shall be ailowed to sta� provided thev meet all vrovisions of Charoter 66. Signs, of the Zonin�Code. �e) Business SiQns. The re�ulation of business si�ns in the Thomas/Da1e District 7 Special Si,�n District shall be �ursuant to Secfion 66 of the Zonine Code. (fl Nonconformin�gns. The regulation ofnonconforming signs shall be nursuant to the rorovisions of Article III. 66.300, nonconformine siens, of the Zonine Code. b0-1�6 (�1 Administration and Enforcement. The Zoning Administrator shall enforce the orovisions of this �lan as a suppiement to Chapter 66, Siais, of the Zoning Code. Whenever a perxnit rec�uest for an advertisin sign in the Thomas/Dale District 7 Special Sien District is requested, such vermit shall not be issued unless the plans for the advertisin� si�n have been approved by the Zonin� Administrator as in compliance with this supplement and other provisions of Cha tep r 66, SiQns. of the Zonine Code. Section 2 This ordinance shall become effective thirty (30) days after its passage, approval and publication. �' � Requested by Department of: Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: Approved by Mayor: Date B�': Form Approv by City Attorney gy_ � ��AiYY�'� �I-��V O Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Sy: By: a0 - lo�co �g 28. REPORT FROM THE PLANNING COMIVIISSION ON COUNCIL FILE 00-1Ob6 REGARDING THE THOMAS/DALE DISTRICT 7 SPECIAL DISTRICT SIGN PLAN. DEPARTMENT OF PLAi'�NING & ECONOMIC DEVEIAPMENT Bnan Sweeney, Intenm PED Directar � CITY OF SAIN'I' PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor 25WestFou'thStreet Saint Paul, MN 55702 January 18, 2001 Ms. Nancy Anderson Secretary to the City Council Room 31 D City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 RE: Council File #00-1066 Thomas/Dale District 7 Special Sign District Oo— tC�(c,� Telephone: 612-2666700 Facsimile: 612-228-3220 City Council Action Scheduled: January 24, 2001, 3:30, City Council Chambers • PURPOSE: To give the Planning Commission's recommendations to fhe City Council, as required by ordinance and as requested by Council Resotution, regarding the proposed new special sign district that would prohibit new biliboards. Dear Ms. Anderson: The Council requested the Plamiing Commission's recommendation on the proposed Thomas/Dale District 7 Special Sign District, pursuant to state law and Zoning Code procedures. The Plamiiug Commission held a public hearing on the matter at the Zoning Committee meeting on January 4, 2001, and the Planning Commission made it's recommendarion on January 12th. The Commission's resolution is attached. In summary, the Commission recommends the following: l. Like the other anti-bIllboard speciat sign districts, the Thomas/Dale District 7 Special Sign District is unnecessary and redundant since the adoption of the citywide prohibition against new billboards. It should not be adopted. 2. But if it is adopted, two corrections should be made: (a) the Capitol Area should be removed from the map of the district because the Ciry does not have zoning authoriTy there; and (b) the traffic volume cited for Dale Street should be conected. 3. A11 of the anti-billboard special signs districts should be standardized to nnprove administrarive efficiency. 4. The Plamiiug Commission reaffirms its previous recommenc3ation that the citywide provisions regarding repair of existing billboards should be revised. (The ordinance currendy under consideration by the Council is very sunilar to the recommendation made by the Planning • K:\Shared�Ped\SODERHOUZONINGIbillb-ssd7-responsetoCC.ltcwpd Planning Commission on ThomaslDale Special Sign District January 18, 2001 Page 2 Commission last October, �cept that the Plvmiag Commission recommended that sign face replacemeTrt be permitted as a repair.) I will give Counci]member Blakey the minor conections recommended by the Planning Commission. Please call me at 266-6575 if you have any questions. Sincerely, Larry S rholm Plauning Administrator Attachments: Planning Commission resolution Staff report to Zoning Committee cc: City Council members Susan Kimberly, Mayors Office Peter Wamer, City Attorney's Office Wendy Lane, LIEP Tom Harren, PED District 7 Pluming Council Chris McCarver, Eller Media Co. Mike Cronin, Eller Media rep. Peter Coyle, DeLite Outdoor atty. Brian Bates, Scenic MN. John Mannillo, Scenic MN. • . K;�Shared�Ped150DERHOL�ZONA;GVnIlb-ssd7-response[oCC.ltr.wpd • oo-to�o� Pl annina Commission on Thomas/Dale Special Sign District 7anuary I8, 200I Page 2 Commission last October, except that the Planniug Commission recommended that sign face replacement be peimitted as a repairJ I will give Councilznember Blakey the minor corrections recommended by the Plannuig Commission. Please call me at 266-6575 if you have any questions. Sincerely, Larry S rholm PIam�ing Administrator Attachments: Planning Commission resoluUon Staff report to Zoning Committee cc: Ciry Conncil members Susan Kimberly, Mayor's Office Peter Wamer, City Attomey's Office Wendy Lane, LIEP Tom Harren, PED District 7 Planning Council Chris McCarver, Eller Media Co. Mike Cmnin, Eller Media rep. Peter Coyle, DeLite Outdoor atty. Brian Bates, Scenic NIlV. John Mannillo, Scenic MN. � K:�Shared�Ped�SODERFIOL�ZONINGW �Ib-ssd7•responsetoCCAtr.wpd � c� - loco� � city of saint paul planning commission resolution file number oo-o� date oi-i2-oi TAOMAS-DALE ANTI-BTLLBOARD SPECIAL SIGN DISTRICT �J � �VHEREAS, Section 662 i 6 of the Saint Paul Zoning Code provides for the creation of special si�n districts where the citywide regulaYions for signs may be modified; �VHEREAS, the City Councii received a request for a special sign district for the Thomas- Dale/District 7 community where new advertising signs would be prohibited; �VHEREAS, the City Council referred the raquest to the Planning Commission, as provided in Section 66216, and also scheduled readings and held a Council public hearing on the proposed district; �VHEREAS, the Piannin� Commission held its public hearing on the proposed Thomas-Dale sign district at the Zoning Committee meeting on January 4, 2001, but no one came to give testimony; �VHEREAS, the Planning Commission, as required by Minnesota Statutes Section 462357, has determined: 2_ � That the number of real estate descriptions affected by these amendments renders the obtaining of written consent impractical, given that the reguIations cover an entire community with about 14,000 residents and several miles of commercial and industrial street frontages, That a survey of an area in excess of farty acres has been made; That the proposed amendments to the Zoning Code are related to the overali needs of the community, to e�cisting land use, and to plans for future land use; and That proper notice of the hearing was given in the Pinneer Press on December 12, 19, and 26, 2000; �VHEREAS, the Pianning Commission has studied advertising signs in the city intensively during moved by_ seconded by in favor against Field Unanimous Resolution on Thomas-Dale Special Sign District 3anuary 12, 2001 Page Two the gast two years and completed a major report �vith detailed recommendations to the City Council in October, 2000; WHEREAS, even though the City Council has adopted eleven anti-biilboard special sign districts, the Planning Commission continues to believe that billboazds should be regulated uniformly throughout the city to give equitable treatment to sign companies, to property owners with billboards, and to neighborhoods; WHEI2EAS, given that the City enaated a new ordinance prohibiting new billboards anywhere in the city, which went into effect last month, the only substantive provision of the Thomas-Dale special sia district as presently drafted—that is, to prohibit new biilboards--is redundant; . WHEREAS, the Thomas-Dale speciai sign district is modeled on the Iiamline-Midway special sign district and lacks the substantive provisions on biliboard repair and rooftop signs that are found in most of the adopted special sign districts, which were modeled on the Saint Anthony Pazk special sign district; these inconsistencies from neighborhood to neighborhood will make administration of the City's billboard regulations unnecessarily cumbersome; WHEREAS, the Thomas-Dale special sign district as drafted contains a couple of errors that � should be corrected: (i) the map should exciude the Capitol Area because the City lacks zoning jurisdiction, and (2) the traffic count for Dale Street is wron�. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Planning Commission recommends the following: i. Since the new citywide ordinance prohibits new advertising signs throughout the city, the proposed ThomaslDale District 7 Speciai Sign District is unnecessary and redundant. Tt wouid add pages to the Zoning Code without addin� any new substance. It should not be adopted. 2, If the City Council decides to approve the ThomaslDale District 7 Special Sign District, the boundaries shouid be revised to exclude the Capitol Area and the traffic count for Dale Street should be corrected. 3. The regula:ions pertaining to billboards in alI ofthe special sign districts should be standardized to improve administrative efficiency. 4. The Planning Commission reai�irm its previous recommendations on advertisin� signs: New citywide regulations for billboard repair are very imgortant and should be acted on bq the City Council; and regulations for rooftop signs should also be made uniform and citvwade. • K:\Shared•Pcd�SO➢ERHOL�ZOYLYGIbillb-specs+gnd�isbDish-P�,�s�a'Pd oo-lo�l� Resolution on Thomas-Dale Special Sign District 7anuaiy 12, 200I Page Two the past two yeazs and completed a major report with detailed recommendations to the City Council in October, 2000; �VHEREAS, even though the City Council has adopted eleven anti-billboard special si?n districts, the Planning Commission continuesto believe that billboa�ds should be regulated uniformly throughaut the city to give equitable treatment to sia companies, to property owners with billboards, and to neighborhoods; �VHEItEAS, given that the City enacted a new ordinance prohibiting new billboards anywhere in the city, which went into effect last month, the only substantive provision of the Thomas-Dale special si�n district as presently draf2ed—that is, to prohibit new biilboards--is redundant; �VHEREAS, the Thomas-Dale special sin district is modeled on the Hamline-Midway special sign district and lacks the substantive provisions on billboard repair and rooftop signs that are found in most of the adopted special sign districts, which were modeled on the Saint Anthony Park special sijn district; these inconsistencies from neighborhood to neighborhood wilt make adminisuation of the City's billboard regulaYions unnecessarily cumbersome; WHEREAS, the Thomas-Dale special sign district as drafted contains a couple of errors that should be corrected: (1) the map should exciude the Capitol Area because the City lacks zoning jurisdiction, and (2) the traffic count for Dale Street is wrong. vpW, T$EgEgpRE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Planning Commission recommends the following: 1. Since the new citywide ordinance prohibits new advertising signs throu�hout the city, the proposed Thomas/Dale District 7 Special Sign District is unnecessary and redundant. It would add pages to the Zoning Code without addin� any new substance. It should not be adoptad. 2. If the City Council decides to approve the Thomas/Dale District 7 Special Sign District, the boundaries shouid be revised to exclude tfie Capitol Area and the traffic count for Dale Street shauld be corrected. 3. The regulatioas pertaining to billboards in ail of the special sign disYricts should be standardized to improve administrative efficiency. 4. The Plannin� Commission reafftrm its previous recommendations on advertising signs: New citywide regulations for bitlboard repair aze very important and should be acted on bp the City Council; and regulations for rooftop signs should atso be made uniform and citywide. K:VShar�d'Pc3�SODERAOLIZO��+Rh-%P�csig�disFDist7-pc.r<s.wpd