00-1042�4�tG��A� ��.e�.-e-� � N��. aa, �o� ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To Committee Date : �� 2 An ordinance amending Chapter 66.216 of the Saint 3 Paul Legislative Code pertaining to special sign 4 district sign plans creating a new special sign 5 district ordinance for East Side neighborhoods to be 6 known as the Greater Eastside Area Special District 7 Sign Plan. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 That Chapter 66.216 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be and is hereby amended to add the following new provisions: Sec. 66.2169.5 Greater Eastside Area Special District Sien Plan 19 (al Intent and Purpose. The Greater Eastside Area Snecial Sign District Plan, created as 20 nrovided in Section 66.216 of the Zonin� Code, in order to provide sien controls within the 21 Greater Eastside Area neiehborhood, is intended to �rotect �ro�ertv values, to maintain and 22 enhance the visibility of unique architectural and natural features, and to encouraee investment 23 and beautification in residential and commercial areas bv reducine the visual clutter of 24 advertising siens which unpair the effectiveness of neighborhood business and institutional siens 25 and otherwise detract from the appearance, perception and safetv of Greater Eastside Area 26 neighborhoods and commercial districts. 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 fbl Area Description. The Greater Eastside Area Special5ian District Plan shall consist of the followingfour azeas: l. White Bear Avenue Subazea: the entire leneth of White Bear Avenue beeinnin on the south at its junction with Interstate 94 and nroceedin� north alone the avenue to its junction with Lamenteur Avenue. The width�of this subarea shall extend one-half block on either side of the avenue. FI143Li5:3Efl co,����F��e# oo_ iay�. Ordinance # Green Sheet # I Ot.� � r 1 i •: }1 1 2. Pavne Avenue Subazea: the entire leneth of Pavne Avenue beeinnine on the south 2 at its junction with East Seventh Street and proceedinp north alon� the avenue to 3 its junction with Wheelock Pazkwav. The width of this subarea shall extend one- 00 ���KY 4 half block on either side of the avenue. 6 3. 7 8 9 10 M�r land A� Phalen Boulevard/Phalen Village: this subarea shall consist of that area defined in the Phalen Villa�e Small tlrea Pian as the Phalen Boulevard/Phalen Village as ado�ted b�the Citv of Saint Paul in 1994 and �ie�3s�es�c�r�a��ia�ai�-b� rt�£e�elie� Lhe planned road known as Phalen Blvd. from I-35E on the west to �. on the e2st. The w�dth of the subarea shatl�extend fl faPr aithar ciAo 11 _ ade Street Subarea: the entire leneth of Arcade Street be�imiine on the south 12 at its iunction with East Seventh Street and roroceedine north alonQ the avenue to 13 its junction with Lazpenteur Avenue. The width of this subarea shall extend one- 14 half block on either side of the avenue. 15 16 � Interpretation and Defanitions. The provisions of this si�n plan are supulementarv to the 17 provisions of the Zonina_ Code. Chapter 66, entitled "Sip_ns." Provisions of this si�n plan that aze 18 more restrictive than the �rovisions of Chapter 66 shall prevail and su erp sede nrovisions in 19 Cha�ter 66. All other rorovisions of Cha�ter 66 of the Zonine Code shall continue to applv to 20 siens in the Greater Eastside Area Special Sien District. All words and terms shall be defined as 21 in this sign plan and in Chanter 66 of the Zoning Code• 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 (dl General Sign Restrictions. SiQns within the Greater Eastside Area Special Sie_n District shall be subiect to the followingrestrictions: 1. No advertisin�s�i�ns shall be permitted, exce t signs on transit shelters and courtesy benches licensed or franchised bv the Citv: 2. Roof siens which advertise a product. service or entertainment which is offered, sold or manufactured on the uremises shall not be permitted. but a roof si�n may identify the name, logo. and nature of the business carried on in the premises. 3. Business signs aze not affected b� this si ng�lan. (e) Nonconforming Si�ns. ReQUlation of nonconforming siens within the Greater Eastside Area Special Sien District which lawfullv existed nrior to the effective date of this sign nlan or any amendments hereto and which would be prohibited, reeulated, or resriicted under the nrovisions of this lu an, may continue to exist as le¢al non-conformin�siens regulated under the urovisions of Section 66300 pertaining, to non-conformine siens, subiect to the followine additional requirements: 1. No non-conforming sim shall be: � � � altered or enlarged in any way: or replaced bv another non-conformingsign, thou¢h a change in the messaee will not be deemed to be a reulacement; or relocated to anyother location in the Greater Eastside Area Special Si�n District: ar 2 3 4 5 6 2. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 L Requested by Department of: By: Adopted by Council: Date ��.C.`O� Form Approved by City Attorney B ��,7r. Ll�pn,v�+ JI -/- J J Adoption Certified by Council Secretary Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council B `I' � �����—� Hy: � \ Approved by Mayor: Date — �A�$L��i�� B �-��i� ,��. .� ���.�, �..,�`S �-���' JNV 29'01 �� � - V � � reconstructed after incurrin� damage in an amount exceedin�50% of its replacement cost at the time of the loss, as determined bv the Citv; or maintained through re�lacement of shuctural elements. A non-conformin�si�n shall be immediatelyremoved from the Greater Eastside Area Special Sien District at the cost of the owner if: � �[77 � it is an imuiinent danger to life or proneriv; or it incurs damage in an amount exceeding 50% of its replacement cost at the time of loss, as deternuned bv the Citv: or use of the si� has been discontinued for a period of three consecutive months. OC-/D�IY �l Siqn Permits: administration. Whenever a permit for a sian in the Greater Eastside Area Speciai Sien District is required under the provisions of the Saint Paul Leeislative Code Cha t�er 66 a nermit shall not be issued unless the plans for the sian have been approved bv the zonin¢ administrator in conformance with this sien plan. All building permit applications for sims in the Greater Eastside Area Special Si�n District shali be submitted to the zoningadministrator for review and approval. A fee to cover the costs of the review shall be established bv resolution of the Citv Council. All applications submitted for zonin� administrator ap�roval shall be of sufficient detail to demonstrate that the proposed sien com�lies with the provisions of this sg� plan. The zonins administrator shall review the application within thirt�(301 days and notifv the a�plicant of anv decision to a�nrove or disapprove the apnlication. Written reasons, �renared bv the zonin� administrator, shall accom�any all application decisions. Section 2 This ordinance shall become effective thirty (30) days after its passage, approval and publication. � Dan Bostrom's Office � GREEN SHEET oo-My3- No106127 Renst om - u ��� u �� Sf BE ON COUNCIL AGB�A BY (ONTq 11�01�0� � N111�6twR ❑alY�nalYev drvet.oec Rqlillt0 �� ❑wYl1CMLfBMCFiqI R1WGtf ❑ WYORI�AififAMn ❑ TOTAL � OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CL1P ALL LOCA710NS FOR SIGNATUR� Ordinance creating a"Greater Eastside Area Special Sign District Plan PLANNWG CAMdllSS10N CIB COMMITTEE CNIL SERVICE CAMMISSION ITAGES IF NOT APPROVEL IpUNT OF TRANSACTION SOURCE INFORMATION (IXPLPIN) rlac mis a�rm ererNOrRea unaer a eon��act r« tnic aepartment4 YES NO Fles this PneoMirm ever been e citY emWoYee7 YE3 NO Does this P� P� a sldl not namel�YF� M a�Y �urtent dtY emWoYce? YES MO k this pemoMmm a tarpetetl ventlor? . YES NO �, au vea smweia on eeoazate sheet a�w aVecn to areen aheM COET/FtEVENUE BUDfiETED (CIRCLE ON� AC7N17Y NW�BER YEE NO �4�tG��A� ��.e�.-e-� � N��. aa, �o� ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To Committee Date : �� 2 An ordinance amending Chapter 66.216 of the Saint 3 Paul Legislative Code pertaining to special sign 4 district sign plans creating a new special sign 5 district ordinance for East Side neighborhoods to be 6 known as the Greater Eastside Area Special District 7 Sign Plan. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 That Chapter 66.216 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be and is hereby amended to add the following new provisions: Sec. 66.2169.5 Greater Eastside Area Special District Sien Plan 19 (al Intent and Purpose. The Greater Eastside Area Snecial Sign District Plan, created as 20 nrovided in Section 66.216 of the Zonin� Code, in order to provide sien controls within the 21 Greater Eastside Area neiehborhood, is intended to �rotect �ro�ertv values, to maintain and 22 enhance the visibility of unique architectural and natural features, and to encouraee investment 23 and beautification in residential and commercial areas bv reducine the visual clutter of 24 advertising siens which unpair the effectiveness of neighborhood business and institutional siens 25 and otherwise detract from the appearance, perception and safetv of Greater Eastside Area 26 neighborhoods and commercial districts. 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 fbl Area Description. The Greater Eastside Area Special5ian District Plan shall consist of the followingfour azeas: l. White Bear Avenue Subazea: the entire leneth of White Bear Avenue beeinnin on the south at its junction with Interstate 94 and nroceedin� north alone the avenue to its junction with Lamenteur Avenue. The width�of this subarea shall extend one-half block on either side of the avenue. FI143Li5:3Efl co,����F��e# oo_ iay�. Ordinance # Green Sheet # I Ot.� � r 1 i •: }1 1 2. Pavne Avenue Subazea: the entire leneth of Pavne Avenue beeinnine on the south 2 at its junction with East Seventh Street and proceedinp north alon� the avenue to 3 its junction with Wheelock Pazkwav. The width of this subarea shall extend one- 00 ���KY 4 half block on either side of the avenue. 6 3. 7 8 9 10 M�r land A� Phalen Boulevard/Phalen Village: this subarea shall consist of that area defined in the Phalen Villa�e Small tlrea Pian as the Phalen Boulevard/Phalen Village as ado�ted b�the Citv of Saint Paul in 1994 and �ie�3s�es�c�r�a��ia�ai�-b� rt�£e�elie� Lhe planned road known as Phalen Blvd. from I-35E on the west to �. on the e2st. The w�dth of the subarea shatl�extend fl faPr aithar ciAo 11 _ ade Street Subarea: the entire leneth of Arcade Street be�imiine on the south 12 at its iunction with East Seventh Street and roroceedine north alonQ the avenue to 13 its junction with Lazpenteur Avenue. The width of this subarea shall extend one- 14 half block on either side of the avenue. 15 16 � Interpretation and Defanitions. The provisions of this si�n plan are supulementarv to the 17 provisions of the Zonina_ Code. Chapter 66, entitled "Sip_ns." Provisions of this si�n plan that aze 18 more restrictive than the �rovisions of Chapter 66 shall prevail and su erp sede nrovisions in 19 Cha�ter 66. All other rorovisions of Cha�ter 66 of the Zonine Code shall continue to applv to 20 siens in the Greater Eastside Area Special Sien District. All words and terms shall be defined as 21 in this sign plan and in Chanter 66 of the Zoning Code• 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 (dl General Sign Restrictions. SiQns within the Greater Eastside Area Special Sie_n District shall be subiect to the followingrestrictions: 1. No advertisin�s�i�ns shall be permitted, exce t signs on transit shelters and courtesy benches licensed or franchised bv the Citv: 2. Roof siens which advertise a product. service or entertainment which is offered, sold or manufactured on the uremises shall not be permitted. but a roof si�n may identify the name, logo. and nature of the business carried on in the premises. 3. Business signs aze not affected b� this si ng�lan. (e) Nonconforming Si�ns. ReQUlation of nonconforming siens within the Greater Eastside Area Special Sien District which lawfullv existed nrior to the effective date of this sign nlan or any amendments hereto and which would be prohibited, reeulated, or resriicted under the nrovisions of this lu an, may continue to exist as le¢al non-conformin�siens regulated under the urovisions of Section 66300 pertaining, to non-conformine siens, subiect to the followine additional requirements: 1. No non-conforming sim shall be: � � � altered or enlarged in any way: or replaced bv another non-conformingsign, thou¢h a change in the messaee will not be deemed to be a reulacement; or relocated to anyother location in the Greater Eastside Area Special Si�n District: ar 2 3 4 5 6 2. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 L Requested by Department of: By: Adopted by Council: Date ��.C.`O� Form Approved by City Attorney B ��,7r. Ll�pn,v�+ JI -/- J J Adoption Certified by Council Secretary Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council B `I' � �����—� Hy: � \ Approved by Mayor: Date — �A�$L��i�� B �-��i� ,��. .� ���.�, �..,�`S �-���' JNV 29'01 �� � - V � � reconstructed after incurrin� damage in an amount exceedin�50% of its replacement cost at the time of the loss, as determined bv the Citv; or maintained through re�lacement of shuctural elements. A non-conformin�si�n shall be immediatelyremoved from the Greater Eastside Area Special Sien District at the cost of the owner if: � �[77 � it is an imuiinent danger to life or proneriv; or it incurs damage in an amount exceeding 50% of its replacement cost at the time of loss, as deternuned bv the Citv: or use of the si� has been discontinued for a period of three consecutive months. OC-/D�IY �l Siqn Permits: administration. Whenever a permit for a sian in the Greater Eastside Area Speciai Sien District is required under the provisions of the Saint Paul Leeislative Code Cha t�er 66 a nermit shall not be issued unless the plans for the sian have been approved bv the zonin¢ administrator in conformance with this sien plan. All building permit applications for sims in the Greater Eastside Area Special Si�n District shali be submitted to the zoningadministrator for review and approval. A fee to cover the costs of the review shall be established bv resolution of the Citv Council. All applications submitted for zonin� administrator ap�roval shall be of sufficient detail to demonstrate that the proposed sien com�lies with the provisions of this sg� plan. The zonins administrator shall review the application within thirt�(301 days and notifv the a�plicant of anv decision to a�nrove or disapprove the apnlication. Written reasons, �renared bv the zonin� administrator, shall accom�any all application decisions. Section 2 This ordinance shall become effective thirty (30) days after its passage, approval and publication. � Dan Bostrom's Office � GREEN SHEET oo-My3- No106127 Renst om - u ��� u �� Sf BE ON COUNCIL AGB�A BY (ONTq 11�01�0� � N111�6twR ❑alY�nalYev drvet.oec Rqlillt0 �� ❑wYl1CMLfBMCFiqI R1WGtf ❑ WYORI�AififAMn ❑ TOTAL � OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CL1P ALL LOCA710NS FOR SIGNATUR� Ordinance creating a"Greater Eastside Area Special Sign District Plan PLANNWG CAMdllSS10N CIB COMMITTEE CNIL SERVICE CAMMISSION ITAGES IF NOT APPROVEL IpUNT OF TRANSACTION SOURCE INFORMATION (IXPLPIN) rlac mis a�rm ererNOrRea unaer a eon��act r« tnic aepartment4 YES NO Fles this PneoMirm ever been e citY emWoYee7 YE3 NO Does this P� P� a sldl not namel�YF� M a�Y �urtent dtY emWoYce? YES MO k this pemoMmm a tarpetetl ventlor? . YES NO �, au vea smweia on eeoazate sheet a�w aVecn to areen aheM COET/FtEVENUE BUDfiETED (CIRCLE ON� AC7N17Y NW�BER YEE NO �4�tG��A� ��.e�.-e-� � N��. aa, �o� ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To Committee Date : �� 2 An ordinance amending Chapter 66.216 of the Saint 3 Paul Legislative Code pertaining to special sign 4 district sign plans creating a new special sign 5 district ordinance for East Side neighborhoods to be 6 known as the Greater Eastside Area Special District 7 Sign Plan. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 That Chapter 66.216 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be and is hereby amended to add the following new provisions: Sec. 66.2169.5 Greater Eastside Area Special District Sien Plan 19 (al Intent and Purpose. The Greater Eastside Area Snecial Sign District Plan, created as 20 nrovided in Section 66.216 of the Zonin� Code, in order to provide sien controls within the 21 Greater Eastside Area neiehborhood, is intended to �rotect �ro�ertv values, to maintain and 22 enhance the visibility of unique architectural and natural features, and to encouraee investment 23 and beautification in residential and commercial areas bv reducine the visual clutter of 24 advertising siens which unpair the effectiveness of neighborhood business and institutional siens 25 and otherwise detract from the appearance, perception and safetv of Greater Eastside Area 26 neighborhoods and commercial districts. 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 fbl Area Description. The Greater Eastside Area Special5ian District Plan shall consist of the followingfour azeas: l. White Bear Avenue Subazea: the entire leneth of White Bear Avenue beeinnin on the south at its junction with Interstate 94 and nroceedin� north alone the avenue to its junction with Lamenteur Avenue. The width�of this subarea shall extend one-half block on either side of the avenue. FI143Li5:3Efl co,����F��e# oo_ iay�. Ordinance # Green Sheet # I Ot.� � r 1 i •: }1 1 2. Pavne Avenue Subazea: the entire leneth of Pavne Avenue beeinnine on the south 2 at its junction with East Seventh Street and proceedinp north alon� the avenue to 3 its junction with Wheelock Pazkwav. The width of this subarea shall extend one- 00 ���KY 4 half block on either side of the avenue. 6 3. 7 8 9 10 M�r land A� Phalen Boulevard/Phalen Village: this subarea shall consist of that area defined in the Phalen Villa�e Small tlrea Pian as the Phalen Boulevard/Phalen Village as ado�ted b�the Citv of Saint Paul in 1994 and �ie�3s�es�c�r�a��ia�ai�-b� rt�£e�elie� Lhe planned road known as Phalen Blvd. from I-35E on the west to �. on the e2st. The w�dth of the subarea shatl�extend fl faPr aithar ciAo 11 _ ade Street Subarea: the entire leneth of Arcade Street be�imiine on the south 12 at its iunction with East Seventh Street and roroceedine north alonQ the avenue to 13 its junction with Lazpenteur Avenue. The width of this subarea shall extend one- 14 half block on either side of the avenue. 15 16 � Interpretation and Defanitions. The provisions of this si�n plan are supulementarv to the 17 provisions of the Zonina_ Code. Chapter 66, entitled "Sip_ns." Provisions of this si�n plan that aze 18 more restrictive than the �rovisions of Chapter 66 shall prevail and su erp sede nrovisions in 19 Cha�ter 66. All other rorovisions of Cha�ter 66 of the Zonine Code shall continue to applv to 20 siens in the Greater Eastside Area Special Sien District. All words and terms shall be defined as 21 in this sign plan and in Chanter 66 of the Zoning Code• 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 (dl General Sign Restrictions. SiQns within the Greater Eastside Area Special Sie_n District shall be subiect to the followingrestrictions: 1. No advertisin�s�i�ns shall be permitted, exce t signs on transit shelters and courtesy benches licensed or franchised bv the Citv: 2. Roof siens which advertise a product. service or entertainment which is offered, sold or manufactured on the uremises shall not be permitted. but a roof si�n may identify the name, logo. and nature of the business carried on in the premises. 3. Business signs aze not affected b� this si ng�lan. (e) Nonconforming Si�ns. ReQUlation of nonconforming siens within the Greater Eastside Area Special Sien District which lawfullv existed nrior to the effective date of this sign nlan or any amendments hereto and which would be prohibited, reeulated, or resriicted under the nrovisions of this lu an, may continue to exist as le¢al non-conformin�siens regulated under the urovisions of Section 66300 pertaining, to non-conformine siens, subiect to the followine additional requirements: 1. No non-conforming sim shall be: � � � altered or enlarged in any way: or replaced bv another non-conformingsign, thou¢h a change in the messaee will not be deemed to be a reulacement; or relocated to anyother location in the Greater Eastside Area Special Si�n District: ar 2 3 4 5 6 2. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 L Requested by Department of: By: Adopted by Council: Date ��.C.`O� Form Approved by City Attorney B ��,7r. Ll�pn,v�+ JI -/- J J Adoption Certified by Council Secretary Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council B `I' � �����—� Hy: � \ Approved by Mayor: Date — �A�$L��i�� B �-��i� ,��. .� ���.�, �..,�`S �-���' JNV 29'01 �� � - V � � reconstructed after incurrin� damage in an amount exceedin�50% of its replacement cost at the time of the loss, as determined bv the Citv; or maintained through re�lacement of shuctural elements. A non-conformin�si�n shall be immediatelyremoved from the Greater Eastside Area Special Sien District at the cost of the owner if: � �[77 � it is an imuiinent danger to life or proneriv; or it incurs damage in an amount exceeding 50% of its replacement cost at the time of loss, as deternuned bv the Citv: or use of the si� has been discontinued for a period of three consecutive months. OC-/D�IY �l Siqn Permits: administration. Whenever a permit for a sian in the Greater Eastside Area Speciai Sien District is required under the provisions of the Saint Paul Leeislative Code Cha t�er 66 a nermit shall not be issued unless the plans for the sian have been approved bv the zonin¢ administrator in conformance with this sien plan. All building permit applications for sims in the Greater Eastside Area Special Si�n District shali be submitted to the zoningadministrator for review and approval. A fee to cover the costs of the review shall be established bv resolution of the Citv Council. All applications submitted for zonin� administrator ap�roval shall be of sufficient detail to demonstrate that the proposed sien com�lies with the provisions of this sg� plan. The zonins administrator shall review the application within thirt�(301 days and notifv the a�plicant of anv decision to a�nrove or disapprove the apnlication. Written reasons, �renared bv the zonin� administrator, shall accom�any all application decisions. Section 2 This ordinance shall become effective thirty (30) days after its passage, approval and publication. � Dan Bostrom's Office � GREEN SHEET oo-My3- No106127 Renst om - u ��� u �� Sf BE ON COUNCIL AGB�A BY (ONTq 11�01�0� � N111�6twR ❑alY�nalYev drvet.oec Rqlillt0 �� ❑wYl1CMLfBMCFiqI R1WGtf ❑ WYORI�AififAMn ❑ TOTAL � OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CL1P ALL LOCA710NS FOR SIGNATUR� Ordinance creating a"Greater Eastside Area Special Sign District Plan PLANNWG CAMdllSS10N CIB COMMITTEE CNIL SERVICE CAMMISSION ITAGES IF NOT APPROVEL IpUNT OF TRANSACTION SOURCE INFORMATION (IXPLPIN) rlac mis a�rm ererNOrRea unaer a eon��act r« tnic aepartment4 YES NO Fles this PneoMirm ever been e citY emWoYee7 YE3 NO Does this P� P� a sldl not namel�YF� M a�Y �urtent dtY emWoYce? YES MO k this pemoMmm a tarpetetl ventlor? . YES NO �, au vea smweia on eeoazate sheet a�w aVecn to areen aheM COET/FtEVENUE BUDfiETED (CIRCLE ON� AC7N17Y NW�BER YEE NO