99-1229OR�GINAL CITY OF SAIN'T PAUL, M.INNESOTA Presented Referred To A 171et1de-c� — i'S/bo ORDINANCE Committee Date : a� AIIRII.SN� 2 An ordinance amending Chapter 66.216 o£the Saint 3 Paui Legislative Code pertaining to special sign 4 district sign plans creating a new special sign 5 district ordinance far the Snelling-Hamline � 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 neighborhood to be lrnown as the Snelling- Hamline Special District Sign Plan. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 r � _� ,.` That Chapter 66.216 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be and is hereby amended to add the foliowing new provisions: Sec. 66.2166. Snellin�Hamline Special District Si�n Plan (a) Intent and Purpose. The Snelling Haxnline Soecial Sien District Plan, created as nrovided in Section 66.216 of the Zoning Code, to provide si�n controls in the Snelling-Hamline neghborhood is intended to protect prooertv values, to maintain and enhance the visibilitv of unique architectural and natural features, and to encouraee investment and beautification in residential and commercial areas bv reducin� the visual clutter of advertisin�siens wkuch im� the effectiveness of nei�hborhood business and institutional signs and otherwise detract from the a�pearance, uerception and safetv of Snelline-Hamline's neiehborhoods and commercial districts. �bZ Area Description. The Snelling-Hamline Special Si�n District Plan shall ap�lv to the area described area is as follows: Commencing at the center of the intersection of Snellin� Avenue and University Avenue, the boundarv shall e�end south alone the centerline of Snelline Avenue to the centerline of Summit Avenue, then east alone the centerline of Siumnit Avenue extending to the centerline of Avd Mill Road, then n,nnin¢ northwesterly alone the centerline of A� Road, then north on the Chica¢o, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad rieht-of-way to the centerline of Mazshall Avenue. east to the centerline of Hamline Avenue, north to the centerline of Universitv Avenue, then west to the point of beginnine. all in the city of St. Paul. Minnesota. Council File # �q - i � � g Ordinance # Green Sheet # od s aq (c Interpretation and Definitions. The provisions of this sien plan are supplementary to the provisions of the Zonine Code, Chapter 66, entitled "Siens." Provisions of this sign plan that aze mare restrictive than the provisions of Chapter 66 shall nrevaii and su ersede provisions in c�q _� Z7'� Chapter b6. All other nrovisions of Chapter 66 of the Zoning Code shall continue to a�plv to signs in the Snelling-Hamline Special Sien District All words and terms shall be defined as in this sien plan and in Cha�ter 66 of the Zonine Code. 8 (dl General SfQn Restrictions. Signs within the Snellin�-Hamline S�ecial Sien District shall be 9 sub�ect to the following restrictions: 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2� 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 1. No advertising si�ns shall be permitted, except siens on transit shelters and courtesy benches licensed or franchised bv the Citv: 2. Roof signs which advertise a�roduct, service or entertainment which is offered, sold or manufactured on the premises shall not be permitted, but a roof sien mav identifv the name, lo¢o. and nature of the business carried on in the premises. 3. Business siens are not affected bv this si�n plan. N o ncC .�k t m� (el Noncon ormin�SiQrzs• i ns within the Snelline-Hamline Special Sien District which la�vfullv existed prior to the effective date of this sien nlan or any amendments hereto and which would be prohibited, re�ulated, or restricted under the rorovisions of this plan, mav continue to exist as leeal non-conformine si ns ze ulated under the provisions of Section 66300 pertainina to non-conformina si¢ns, subiect to tl�e followin�additional requirements: 1. No non-conforming sisn shall be: � altered or enlart ed in anv wa�or � � � � replaced bv another non-conformine sien, thoi�h a change in the messaee will not be deemed to be a replacement; or relocated to any other location in the Snelline-Hamline S ecial Si.�n District; or reconstructed after incurrin�damage in an amount exceeding 50% of its rerolacement cost at the time of the loss. as determined bythe City; or maintained through re�lacement of structural elements. 2. A non-confornung sian shall be nnmediatelv removed from the Snellin�Hasnline Special Sien District at the cost of the owner if: � � it is an imminent dan�er to life ar nroveriv: or it incurs damaee in an amount exceedinQ 50% of its replacement cost at the time of loss, as determined b�the Cit�or � use of the sign has been discontinued for a period of three consecufive months. Gt9 -1'i�'� k nernut shall not be issued unless the plans for the sian have been aproroved by the zonin� administrator in conformance with tYus sien plan. All buildingpermit applications for si n¢ s in the Snelline-Hamline Special Sig,n District shall be subautted to the zoning administrator for review and approval. A fee to cover the costs of the review shall be established by resolution of the Citv Council. All applications submitted for zoning administrator apnroval sha11 be of sufficient detail to demonstrate that the �ro oso ed sign complies with the provisions of this si�n nlan. The zonin�administrator shall review the application within thirry�301 days and noti the applicant of anv decision to approve or disapnrove the application. Written reasons. prepared by the zoning adinivistrator, shall accompany a11 application decisions. Section 2 This ordinance shail become effective thiriy (30) days after its passage, approval and publication. ORIGINAL PURPfSN�� � ,�. � ,�, Requested by Department o£: Adopted by Council: Date �. a-COO P.doption Certified 6y Counci Secretary BY � � 1��� Approve� by Mayor: Date '� —' \ ��� � � � By: By: Form App d by City Attorney By: %���yfi+Y�'� Appxoved by Mayos fos Submission to Council By: �l�t -��.�-q Sf. �cr,�./� COanCc�mevrr/oerl,�enQHav, Z(a6-S6�/0 �a-zz-S9 lZ-15-S 9 TOTAL # OF SIGNANRE PAGES GREEN SHEET u�.a,�rowenae No 1 ��!�29 �r'[-=?'..�—� ❑ acr��ia�ear ❑ arccxac ❑,.�.�.�.�.a. ❑..�.,�a � YYORNR11tRfA1R) ❑ (CL1P ALL LOCA770NS FOR SIGNATUR� Di-c(inc�s��e arnenc{in9 C�apfe� G(a. Z/! o�f�u �c<.'ht/�c�/�'es:f/4�ii^P C'crle �2�}air�in5 tc� ,S�a¢e�rl s�yn diS?�rtf Siyh�/anS C+�eafi'vr� ct- new s/�eua/s /Gi9G{/S�Y'�Cf' D/�c%/tCiiJGP TU l - the Spe/% , y-Nam/,He .,� �J.�bo�hoc�c/ ¢o br know�+ as �-he Sr,e/l n�- I�arn��nP S�ec�r/ �iSt�i� f Syn �/�• PIANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMRTEE CML SERVlCE CAMMlSS10N i17tT�9:UFi��7 OF SRANSACT{ON S �m�c arsw��++�ra� w,a�r m ca,aaar«n,�s a�rt�xm� YES NO fies mk o� aer bean e uH ana�� vES NO Does Mie P�� P� a cldl not � UY �Y a+R�� �Y �PbY�? YE3 N0 le Mie P�rm e 1a�Y�eU verMOYl YES NO COSTIREYENUE BUDtiETED (CIRCLE ONEI `!ES NO ACTIVITV NUMBER OR�GINAL CITY OF SAIN'T PAUL, M.INNESOTA Presented Referred To A 171et1de-c� — i'S/bo ORDINANCE Committee Date : a� AIIRII.SN� 2 An ordinance amending Chapter 66.216 o£the Saint 3 Paui Legislative Code pertaining to special sign 4 district sign plans creating a new special sign 5 district ordinance far the Snelling-Hamline � 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 neighborhood to be lrnown as the Snelling- Hamline Special District Sign Plan. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 r � _� ,.` That Chapter 66.216 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be and is hereby amended to add the foliowing new provisions: Sec. 66.2166. Snellin�Hamline Special District Si�n Plan (a) Intent and Purpose. The Snelling Haxnline Soecial Sien District Plan, created as nrovided in Section 66.216 of the Zoning Code, to provide si�n controls in the Snelling-Hamline neghborhood is intended to protect prooertv values, to maintain and enhance the visibilitv of unique architectural and natural features, and to encouraee investment and beautification in residential and commercial areas bv reducin� the visual clutter of advertisin�siens wkuch im� the effectiveness of nei�hborhood business and institutional signs and otherwise detract from the a�pearance, uerception and safetv of Snelline-Hamline's neiehborhoods and commercial districts. �bZ Area Description. The Snelling-Hamline Special Si�n District Plan shall ap�lv to the area described area is as follows: Commencing at the center of the intersection of Snellin� Avenue and University Avenue, the boundarv shall e�end south alone the centerline of Snelline Avenue to the centerline of Summit Avenue, then east alone the centerline of Siumnit Avenue extending to the centerline of Avd Mill Road, then n,nnin¢ northwesterly alone the centerline of A� Road, then north on the Chica¢o, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad rieht-of-way to the centerline of Mazshall Avenue. east to the centerline of Hamline Avenue, north to the centerline of Universitv Avenue, then west to the point of beginnine. all in the city of St. Paul. Minnesota. Council File # �q - i � � g Ordinance # Green Sheet # od s aq (c Interpretation and Definitions. The provisions of this sien plan are supplementary to the provisions of the Zonine Code, Chapter 66, entitled "Siens." Provisions of this sign plan that aze mare restrictive than the provisions of Chapter 66 shall nrevaii and su ersede provisions in c�q _� Z7'� Chapter b6. All other nrovisions of Chapter 66 of the Zoning Code shall continue to a�plv to signs in the Snelling-Hamline Special Sien District All words and terms shall be defined as in this sien plan and in Cha�ter 66 of the Zonine Code. 8 (dl General SfQn Restrictions. Signs within the Snellin�-Hamline S�ecial Sien District shall be 9 sub�ect to the following restrictions: 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2� 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 1. No advertising si�ns shall be permitted, except siens on transit shelters and courtesy benches licensed or franchised bv the Citv: 2. Roof signs which advertise a�roduct, service or entertainment which is offered, sold or manufactured on the premises shall not be permitted, but a roof sien mav identifv the name, lo¢o. and nature of the business carried on in the premises. 3. Business siens are not affected bv this si�n plan. N o ncC .�k t m� (el Noncon ormin�SiQrzs• i ns within the Snelline-Hamline Special Sien District which la�vfullv existed prior to the effective date of this sien nlan or any amendments hereto and which would be prohibited, re�ulated, or restricted under the rorovisions of this plan, mav continue to exist as leeal non-conformine si ns ze ulated under the provisions of Section 66300 pertainina to non-conformina si¢ns, subiect to tl�e followin�additional requirements: 1. No non-conforming sisn shall be: � altered or enlart ed in anv wa�or � � � � replaced bv another non-conformine sien, thoi�h a change in the messaee will not be deemed to be a replacement; or relocated to any other location in the Snelline-Hamline S ecial Si.�n District; or reconstructed after incurrin�damage in an amount exceeding 50% of its rerolacement cost at the time of the loss. as determined bythe City; or maintained through re�lacement of structural elements. 2. A non-confornung sian shall be nnmediatelv removed from the Snellin�Hasnline Special Sien District at the cost of the owner if: � � it is an imminent dan�er to life ar nroveriv: or it incurs damaee in an amount exceedinQ 50% of its replacement cost at the time of loss, as determined b�the Cit�or � use of the sign has been discontinued for a period of three consecufive months. Gt9 -1'i�'� k nernut shall not be issued unless the plans for the sian have been aproroved by the zonin� administrator in conformance with tYus sien plan. All buildingpermit applications for si n¢ s in the Snelline-Hamline Special Sig,n District shall be subautted to the zoning administrator for review and approval. A fee to cover the costs of the review shall be established by resolution of the Citv Council. All applications submitted for zoning administrator apnroval sha11 be of sufficient detail to demonstrate that the �ro oso ed sign complies with the provisions of this si�n nlan. The zonin�administrator shall review the application within thirry�301 days and noti the applicant of anv decision to approve or disapnrove the application. Written reasons. prepared by the zoning adinivistrator, shall accompany a11 application decisions. Section 2 This ordinance shail become effective thiriy (30) days after its passage, approval and publication. ORIGINAL PURPfSN�� � ,�. � ,�, Requested by Department o£: Adopted by Council: Date �. a-COO P.doption Certified 6y Counci Secretary BY � � 1��� Approve� by Mayor: Date '� —' \ ��� � � � By: By: Form App d by City Attorney By: %���yfi+Y�'� Appxoved by Mayos fos Submission to Council By: �l�t -��.�-q Sf. �cr,�./� COanCc�mevrr/oerl,�enQHav, Z(a6-S6�/0 �a-zz-S9 lZ-15-S 9 TOTAL # OF SIGNANRE PAGES GREEN SHEET u�.a,�rowenae No 1 ��!�29 �r'[-=?'..�—� ❑ acr��ia�ear ❑ arccxac ❑,.�.�.�.�.a. ❑..�.,�a � YYORNR11tRfA1R) ❑ (CL1P ALL LOCA770NS FOR SIGNATUR� Di-c(inc�s��e arnenc{in9 C�apfe� G(a. Z/! o�f�u �c<.'ht/�c�/�'es:f/4�ii^P C'crle �2�}air�in5 tc� ,S�a¢e�rl s�yn diS?�rtf Siyh�/anS C+�eafi'vr� ct- new s/�eua/s /Gi9G{/S�Y'�Cf' D/�c%/tCiiJGP TU l - the Spe/% , y-Nam/,He .,� �J.�bo�hoc�c/ ¢o br know�+ as �-he Sr,e/l n�- I�arn��nP S�ec�r/ �iSt�i� f Syn �/�• PIANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMRTEE CML SERVlCE CAMMlSS10N i17tT�9:UFi��7 OF SRANSACT{ON S �m�c arsw��++�ra� w,a�r m ca,aaar«n,�s a�rt�xm� YES NO fies mk o� aer bean e uH ana�� vES NO Does Mie P�� P� a cldl not � UY �Y a+R�� �Y �PbY�? YE3 N0 le Mie P�rm e 1a�Y�eU verMOYl YES NO COSTIREYENUE BUDtiETED (CIRCLE ONEI `!ES NO ACTIVITV NUMBER OR�GINAL CITY OF SAIN'T PAUL, M.INNESOTA Presented Referred To A 171et1de-c� — i'S/bo ORDINANCE Committee Date : a� AIIRII.SN� 2 An ordinance amending Chapter 66.216 o£the Saint 3 Paui Legislative Code pertaining to special sign 4 district sign plans creating a new special sign 5 district ordinance far the Snelling-Hamline � 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 neighborhood to be lrnown as the Snelling- Hamline Special District Sign Plan. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 r � _� ,.` That Chapter 66.216 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be and is hereby amended to add the foliowing new provisions: Sec. 66.2166. Snellin�Hamline Special District Si�n Plan (a) Intent and Purpose. The Snelling Haxnline Soecial Sien District Plan, created as nrovided in Section 66.216 of the Zoning Code, to provide si�n controls in the Snelling-Hamline neghborhood is intended to protect prooertv values, to maintain and enhance the visibilitv of unique architectural and natural features, and to encouraee investment and beautification in residential and commercial areas bv reducin� the visual clutter of advertisin�siens wkuch im� the effectiveness of nei�hborhood business and institutional signs and otherwise detract from the a�pearance, uerception and safetv of Snelline-Hamline's neiehborhoods and commercial districts. �bZ Area Description. The Snelling-Hamline Special Si�n District Plan shall ap�lv to the area described area is as follows: Commencing at the center of the intersection of Snellin� Avenue and University Avenue, the boundarv shall e�end south alone the centerline of Snelline Avenue to the centerline of Summit Avenue, then east alone the centerline of Siumnit Avenue extending to the centerline of Avd Mill Road, then n,nnin¢ northwesterly alone the centerline of A� Road, then north on the Chica¢o, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad rieht-of-way to the centerline of Mazshall Avenue. east to the centerline of Hamline Avenue, north to the centerline of Universitv Avenue, then west to the point of beginnine. all in the city of St. Paul. Minnesota. Council File # �q - i � � g Ordinance # Green Sheet # od s aq (c Interpretation and Definitions. The provisions of this sien plan are supplementary to the provisions of the Zonine Code, Chapter 66, entitled "Siens." Provisions of this sign plan that aze mare restrictive than the provisions of Chapter 66 shall nrevaii and su ersede provisions in c�q _� Z7'� Chapter b6. All other nrovisions of Chapter 66 of the Zoning Code shall continue to a�plv to signs in the Snelling-Hamline Special Sien District All words and terms shall be defined as in this sien plan and in Cha�ter 66 of the Zonine Code. 8 (dl General SfQn Restrictions. Signs within the Snellin�-Hamline S�ecial Sien District shall be 9 sub�ect to the following restrictions: 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2� 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 1. No advertising si�ns shall be permitted, except siens on transit shelters and courtesy benches licensed or franchised bv the Citv: 2. Roof signs which advertise a�roduct, service or entertainment which is offered, sold or manufactured on the premises shall not be permitted, but a roof sien mav identifv the name, lo¢o. and nature of the business carried on in the premises. 3. Business siens are not affected bv this si�n plan. N o ncC .�k t m� (el Noncon ormin�SiQrzs• i ns within the Snelline-Hamline Special Sien District which la�vfullv existed prior to the effective date of this sien nlan or any amendments hereto and which would be prohibited, re�ulated, or restricted under the rorovisions of this plan, mav continue to exist as leeal non-conformine si ns ze ulated under the provisions of Section 66300 pertainina to non-conformina si¢ns, subiect to tl�e followin�additional requirements: 1. No non-conforming sisn shall be: � altered or enlart ed in anv wa�or � � � � replaced bv another non-conformine sien, thoi�h a change in the messaee will not be deemed to be a replacement; or relocated to any other location in the Snelline-Hamline S ecial Si.�n District; or reconstructed after incurrin�damage in an amount exceeding 50% of its rerolacement cost at the time of the loss. as determined bythe City; or maintained through re�lacement of structural elements. 2. A non-confornung sian shall be nnmediatelv removed from the Snellin�Hasnline Special Sien District at the cost of the owner if: � � it is an imminent dan�er to life ar nroveriv: or it incurs damaee in an amount exceedinQ 50% of its replacement cost at the time of loss, as determined b�the Cit�or � use of the sign has been discontinued for a period of three consecufive months. Gt9 -1'i�'� k nernut shall not be issued unless the plans for the sian have been aproroved by the zonin� administrator in conformance with tYus sien plan. All buildingpermit applications for si n¢ s in the Snelline-Hamline Special Sig,n District shall be subautted to the zoning administrator for review and approval. A fee to cover the costs of the review shall be established by resolution of the Citv Council. All applications submitted for zoning administrator apnroval sha11 be of sufficient detail to demonstrate that the �ro oso ed sign complies with the provisions of this si�n nlan. The zonin�administrator shall review the application within thirry�301 days and noti the applicant of anv decision to approve or disapnrove the application. Written reasons. prepared by the zoning adinivistrator, shall accompany a11 application decisions. Section 2 This ordinance shail become effective thiriy (30) days after its passage, approval and publication. ORIGINAL PURPfSN�� � ,�. � ,�, Requested by Department o£: Adopted by Council: Date �. a-COO P.doption Certified 6y Counci Secretary BY � � 1��� Approve� by Mayor: Date '� —' \ ��� � � � By: By: Form App d by City Attorney By: %���yfi+Y�'� Appxoved by Mayos fos Submission to Council By: �l�t -��.�-q Sf. �cr,�./� COanCc�mevrr/oerl,�enQHav, Z(a6-S6�/0 �a-zz-S9 lZ-15-S 9 TOTAL # OF SIGNANRE PAGES GREEN SHEET u�.a,�rowenae No 1 ��!�29 �r'[-=?'..�—� ❑ acr��ia�ear ❑ arccxac ❑,.�.�.�.�.a. ❑..�.,�a � YYORNR11tRfA1R) ❑ (CL1P ALL LOCA770NS FOR SIGNATUR� Di-c(inc�s��e arnenc{in9 C�apfe� G(a. Z/! o�f�u �c<.'ht/�c�/�'es:f/4�ii^P C'crle �2�}air�in5 tc� ,S�a¢e�rl s�yn diS?�rtf Siyh�/anS C+�eafi'vr� ct- new s/�eua/s /Gi9G{/S�Y'�Cf' D/�c%/tCiiJGP TU l - the Spe/% , y-Nam/,He .,� �J.�bo�hoc�c/ ¢o br know�+ as �-he Sr,e/l n�- I�arn��nP S�ec�r/ �iSt�i� f Syn �/�• PIANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMRTEE CML SERVlCE CAMMlSS10N i17tT�9:UFi��7 OF SRANSACT{ON S �m�c arsw��++�ra� w,a�r m ca,aaar«n,�s a�rt�xm� YES NO fies mk o� aer bean e uH ana�� vES NO Does Mie P�� P� a cldl not � UY �Y a+R�� �Y �PbY�? YE3 N0 le Mie P�rm e 1a�Y�eU verMOYl YES NO COSTIREYENUE BUDtiETED (CIRCLE ONEI `!ES NO ACTIVITV NUMBER