D00244� C I • City Clerk Fnance CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER BUDGET REVISION $795,480.33 ADMINISTRA7IVE ORDER, Consis[ent with the authority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and base� on the reque� of the Director of the Department of Planning & Econwnic Development, to amend the 1994 budget of the Community Development Block Grant fund. The Director of the Department of Flnance and Management Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following ma�ner: 1994 CDBG Program Selby CAmmons Phase 11 P6-100-37808-0567-61397 Unprogrammed Contingency P6-100-37878-0558-61999 �k?t�?:;�xik] ' -_ • ��.� .. - -��e Change $42,107.89 ($42,107.89) S�.oO Amended Budget $80.107.89 $753,3724A $83.3,480.33 �r�� ` � i.: • � � �� � � - � . � �rl ��� BIMi4\M:ADODBUDG.WKI PED i/1/94 Current Budget : ��� �� .�� oe�m.a�ro�ic�cour+cw DAfEI1NTIASED GREEN SHEE N 21 947 PED - Project Services 08/29/94 M NiACTPF�SON&PNONE DEPAR'fMENTDIRECfORN C �� uNC � INRIAUDATE ara 0 Neill g66620 ,��cx �CRYATTOfiNEY �CRVCLERK B ILAG N ppUIING� p a BUDGETDIflECfOR FlN. & M6T. SEqVICES DIFi. N/A ORCER � MpYOR (OR ASSISTAM) CG�Q�� 1 70TA1 # OF SiGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) n�wa REo�ESr�o' 12eview and approval of the attached Administrative Order - Budget Revision will provide an additional $42,107.89 to the Selby Coffions Phase II relocation budget. This action will allow the final court mediated relocation claim to be settled. Funding will be rovided throu h the CDBG Un ro ra RECOMMENDASroNS: Apprwe (N m Reject (R) PERSONAL SENVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWEfl TNE FOLLOWING UUESTIONS: _ PIANNMG COMMISSION _ CIVIL SEflVICE CqMMI$SiON �� � m�s personffirm ever worketl untler a Contract for this department? _ qB CAMMI7TEE _ YES NO 2. Has Nis perso�rm e�er been a ciry employee? — �� — YES NO _ OiS7R1CT CouRT _ 3. Doec Mis person/fam possess a skilt twt `wrmalty possessed by any curtent city employee? SUP70RTS WHICH COUNqL OBJECTIVEI YES NO Explafn all yes answers on separete aMaet and attach to green sheet INITIATING PFOBLEM, ISSUE. OPPORTUNITY (Who. What, When, Where, Why): On August 25, 1994, the city agreed to a court mediated settlement in the final relocation claim of Mr. Steven Mogol, owner of PAST, PRESENT, EUTURE, a business previously located aC 976 Se1by Avenue. The building had been acquired through condemnation in conjunction with Che Selby Commons Phase II Urban Revitalization Action Program. The agreed final settlement is $49,000. With a current relocation project balance of $6,892.11, an additional $42,107.89 needs to be added to fulfill the terms of the settlemen , ANTAGESIFAPPROVED� The final relocation claim for this projecC can be settled, and the project may be closed. DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED' None RECEIVED SEP - 81994 GITY CLERK DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPqOVEO: The city will not be able to meet the terms of the court negotiated settlement. Additional costs will be incurred, and future court action wi11 result. � l � Uv TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ L� 9� 1(17 - R9 COST/REVENUE BUDGETEU (CIRCLE ONE) VES NO FUNDINGSOURCE CDBG Unprogrammed Fund Account A��VITYNUMBER p6-1�0-37518-0558-61999 FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) � V 4'