00-889COUncil File # �0 � � ORIGINAL ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Green Sheet # /03?35 Presented Referred To Committee: Date 2 An ordinance to amend 5aint Paul Legislative 3 Code Chaptez 376; requiring annual tasicab 4 vehicle inspections instead of biannual 5 inspections and allowing for appeazance 6 inspections oftasicab vehicles up to six (6) 7 times per yeaz 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 THE COUNCIL OF THE CTTY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN Section 1 Section 376.12 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is amended to read as follows: Sec. 376.12. Taxicabs--Regulations. (a) Taxicab defined. The term "taacicab," whenever and wherever used in this section, shall be held to mean and embrace all motor vehicles as defined by the laws of the State of Minnesota, the rental for which is computed from the distance traveled by means of a taacimeter attached thereto; the term "tasimeter" shall be held to mean and embrace any instrument or device attached to a motor vehicle designed or intended to mechanically measure the distance traueled, to record the time said vehicle is waiting, and upon which said taYimeter there shall be a record indicating, by means of figures or designs, the amount of the fare. 23 (b) Tc�.rimeters required. All taxicabs shall have affixed thereto a taximeter, and no person, firm or corporation 24 owning or operating any taxicab shall offer or let the same for hire or rewazd, anywhere within the Gity of Saint 25 Paul, unless the taximeter does properly and conectly register, indicate or display the amount of the fare according 26 to the distance traveled and the time consumed. 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 (c) Register of taximeter visible to passenger. Every taacimeter shall be connected and affixed to the tasicab so that the amount of fare determined and chuged for its use shall be plainly visible to all passengers or occupants of the taxicab and from one (1) hour after sunset to one (1) hour before sunrise shall have the face of said tasimeter illumined so as to make plainly visible the amount of the fare determined and charged for its use, and there shall be posted in a conspicuous place in the inside of the taxicab and on the outside right and left rear doors of the taacicab a card on which shall be printed in plain, legible type, the rates of fare provided for herein and reference to the ordinance by number. 34 (d) Taximeter. It shall be the duty of the operator or driver of every tasicab, at the termination of his or her service 35 or trip, to s� the taximeter and call the passenger`s Ca`�:�_�S: ���5 Ordinance # �� ;%+ °�;� �; �>: y ,, _, ,�,,�, oo-vt1 1 attenrion to the amount of the fare registered. The taximeter shall not be changed so as to destroy the amount of the 2 faze registered until after the fare is paid or a chazge ticket therefor made out and delivered to the person hiring such 3 taxicab. I3o driver or operator of any taYicab shall permit any person to ride thereon or therein, without the consent of the owner thereof, when the flag is up or toward a vertical position where the fare is not being recorded on the taatimeter, and no person shail tamper with, break or murilate any tasimeter or its attachments with the intention of causing the same to register improperly, inconectly or inaccurately. 8 Waiting time shall include the time during which the taxicab is not in motion, begiuv.ing with its arrival at the place 9 to which it has been called, or the time consumed while standing at the direction of the passenger, but no charge 10 shall be made for the tixne lost due to the inefficiency of the taYicab or its operator or for the time consumed by 11 premature arrival in response to a call. 12 (e) Rules to determine time. When the charge is to be paid on the meter basis, the charge shall begin at the place 13 where the passenger is received and shail continue until he ar she is delivered at his or her destination, excepting as 14 hereinbefore or hereinafter provided. When the chazge is to be paid for on the hour basis, the time shall begin when 15 the motor vehicle is ready at the time and place from which it has been called by the passenger and shall continue 16 until the passenger has been discharged and until the car shall haue had time thereafter to retum to the place from 17 which it has been called by the most direct route, and at the maYimum speed permitted by law; provided, that when 18 any person shail engage or hire a taxicab, unless otherwise agreed at the time of hiring, the fare for such tasicab 19 shall be determined by the taacuneter according to the rates provided for in this chapter; and provided further, that no 20 driver of any taxicab shall charge more for the use of said taacicab than is shown to be due upon the face of said 21 tasimeter. 22 (fl Deceit as to direct route. No person owning or driving or operating any motor vehicle used for canying 23 passengers for hire shall deceive by trick or device any passenger who may ride in any such motor vehicle or who 24 may desire to ride in any such motor vehicle as to his or her destinarion or the price authorized by ordinance for 25 such person, or shall convey such person or cause him or her to be conveyed to a place other than that directed by 26 him ar her, or in any other manner convey such person to the piace directed by him or her except by the shortest and 27 most direct route. 28 (g) Pntoxication of driver. No driver or operator of any motor vehicle used for carrying passengers for hire shall be 29 found to be ar known to be in a state of intoxication while on duty as such driver. 30 (h) Inspections: 31 (1) $imnzttuZ inspecttons: Any taYicab owner shall submit each and every licensed taacicab to an i�i�muaf 32 annual inspections ' '. The schedule for such insroections shali be maintained 33 by the license inspector. The inspections shall be camed out at the firelpolice equipment services gazage located at 34 1675 Kasota Street, Saint Paul, at a cost - . ' to be established b�the Cit�garage 35 and approved bv the license ins�ector to be paid by the licensee. If the inspecrion shows repairs to be required, the 36 owner shall order the repairs made and the taxicab returned to the 37 city garage to pass inspecrion. �, 38 39 (2) Periodic inspections: The license inspector shall reserve the right to examine and inspect each and every 40 licensed taYicab at any time. The intent of such an inspecrion is to ensure compliance with all applicable safety 41 requirements of the State of Minnesota and the rules established herein. 42 �) Appearance insDections• The license insnector mav also require apuearance inspections up to six tnnes per vear to ensure that vehicles have: DO -y� a. An interior and exterior that are clean and have a og_od appearance• b. Head li ts, high beams. brake lights and tum signals that aze in Qood workin o2 rder; 8 c. A means to raise and lower windows and to open the doors from the inside of the reaz passen¢er area if so 9 equipped bv the manufacturer; 10 11 d. Safetv belts for all assen�ers in both front and reaz seats: 12 13 e. A taximeter in eood workine order, having a light and sealed, and so placed as to enable the passen e2 r at all 14 times to see the fare re¢istered when operatin¢ on the meter basis: 15 16 f. A nrinted card or si�n showine the rate of fare chareed, conspicuousl�plaved in the compartment of the 17 tasicab occupied b�the nassen�er and on the outside right and left rear doors of the taxicab; 18 19 e. A top lieht on the roof of the cab which can be ligJited when the cab is in service and auailable to receive 20 passengers; 21 22 h. A radio or mobile telephone capable of two-wav voice communication with the taacicab licensee's or affiliated 23 licensee's base station• 24 25 i. Safe tires. 26 (3j � Penalty: Failure by an owner to submit each and every licensed taxicab for a periodic inspections and/or 27 a�roearance inspection at an authorized inspec6on station and/ar for an biannual inspection by the fire/police 28 equipment services garage shall result in the following: 29 a. The license inspector may seize the t�icab license sricker of each and every 30 uninspectedtaxicab; 31 b. The license inspector shall hold the seized license plates unfil the tasicab is inspected and found to be in a safe 32 condirion by an authorized inspecfion station or the fire/police equipment services garage or until action of the 33 council as provided for herein; and 34 c. Immediately after such seizure, the inspector shall notify the licensee, specifying in detail the cause for seizure, 35 and stating that the licensee has a right to a hearing on the seizLUe. The hearing shall be held at the next license 36 meeting of the city council a8er the receipt of a written request for hearing unless a later hearing is requested by the 37 licensee. After such hearing, the council shall determine whether the plates shall still be held and whether such 38 39 40 1 2 license shall be revoked. 3 4 5 6 � 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 oo-�y9 Section 2 This ordinance shall take effect and be in full force tiurty (30) days following its passage, approval and publication Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By : � ,._ �O- . � . �\ -I Approved by Mayor: Date ellO�F ��� By: ORIGINAL Requested by Department of: Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protec io �i���.�:f�' `� By: Form Approved y City �tor y BY � � � �—C°�� Approved by Mayor for Submission to P�uncil BY : � ✓+�' F " 6 V� � � ' ; L' Adopted by Council: Date p-�j ` �ooa OFFICE OF LIEP Robert Kessler 256-9112 t be on Council Agenda by: # OF SIGNATi7RL PAG$S Date: September i, a000 GRE EN S HE E T No. 103735 d0 ..a � � ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) I OAI 12EQUES TED : ordinance to amend Saint Paul Legislative Code Chapter 376; requiring annual icab vehicle inspections instead of biannual inspections and allowing for earance inspections of taacicab vehicles up to six (6) times per year. APPROVE (A) OR RE.TECT (R) ��BRSONAL SHRVZCB CONTRACPS MQST ANSWSR Tiffi FOLLOSPffiG: ?LANNING CO[41ISSION CIVIL SERVZC& Cqt4tISSION 1. Has the persan/fiim ever workefl under a rnntract for this department? ]IB Cb[MSITTEE HUSIN6SS REVISW COUNCIL YES NO iTAFF _ F33s this person/firm ever been a City employee? JISTRICT COURT Y&5 NO� 3. Does this person/fism possess a skill not noxmally possessefl by any ?ORTS WHICH COVNCIL OBJECTIVE? C4iYrent City employee? YSS NO laia all Y$3 ansaers aa a separate sheet aad attach. ITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why): ty officials have agreed to reduce mechanical inspections of taxicab vehicles om biannual inspections to annual; in return, taxicab industry members agreefl an increase in the number of appearance inspections. VANTAGES IF APPROVED: decrease in the number of inechanical inspections will result in less spection fees paid by taxicab company owners. apparent. apparent. a IF NOT APPROVED: AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION SOURCE L INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) COST/REVENUE BUDGETED YES NO ACTIVITY NUMBER a ----- ---- - --- - - -- Cou�rc� Research GeRter SEP 19 2000 COUncil File # �0 � � ORIGINAL ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Green Sheet # /03?35 Presented Referred To Committee: Date 2 An ordinance to amend 5aint Paul Legislative 3 Code Chaptez 376; requiring annual tasicab 4 vehicle inspections instead of biannual 5 inspections and allowing for appeazance 6 inspections oftasicab vehicles up to six (6) 7 times per yeaz 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 THE COUNCIL OF THE CTTY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN Section 1 Section 376.12 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is amended to read as follows: Sec. 376.12. Taxicabs--Regulations. (a) Taxicab defined. The term "taacicab," whenever and wherever used in this section, shall be held to mean and embrace all motor vehicles as defined by the laws of the State of Minnesota, the rental for which is computed from the distance traveled by means of a taacimeter attached thereto; the term "tasimeter" shall be held to mean and embrace any instrument or device attached to a motor vehicle designed or intended to mechanically measure the distance traueled, to record the time said vehicle is waiting, and upon which said taYimeter there shall be a record indicating, by means of figures or designs, the amount of the fare. 23 (b) Tc�.rimeters required. All taxicabs shall have affixed thereto a taximeter, and no person, firm or corporation 24 owning or operating any taxicab shall offer or let the same for hire or rewazd, anywhere within the Gity of Saint 25 Paul, unless the taximeter does properly and conectly register, indicate or display the amount of the fare according 26 to the distance traveled and the time consumed. 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 (c) Register of taximeter visible to passenger. Every taacimeter shall be connected and affixed to the tasicab so that the amount of fare determined and chuged for its use shall be plainly visible to all passengers or occupants of the taxicab and from one (1) hour after sunset to one (1) hour before sunrise shall have the face of said tasimeter illumined so as to make plainly visible the amount of the fare determined and charged for its use, and there shall be posted in a conspicuous place in the inside of the taxicab and on the outside right and left rear doors of the taacicab a card on which shall be printed in plain, legible type, the rates of fare provided for herein and reference to the ordinance by number. 34 (d) Taximeter. It shall be the duty of the operator or driver of every tasicab, at the termination of his or her service 35 or trip, to s� the taximeter and call the passenger`s Ca`�:�_�S: ���5 Ordinance # �� ;%+ °�;� �; �>: y ,, _, ,�,,�, oo-vt1 1 attenrion to the amount of the fare registered. The taximeter shall not be changed so as to destroy the amount of the 2 faze registered until after the fare is paid or a chazge ticket therefor made out and delivered to the person hiring such 3 taxicab. I3o driver or operator of any taYicab shall permit any person to ride thereon or therein, without the consent of the owner thereof, when the flag is up or toward a vertical position where the fare is not being recorded on the taatimeter, and no person shail tamper with, break or murilate any tasimeter or its attachments with the intention of causing the same to register improperly, inconectly or inaccurately. 8 Waiting time shall include the time during which the taxicab is not in motion, begiuv.ing with its arrival at the place 9 to which it has been called, or the time consumed while standing at the direction of the passenger, but no charge 10 shall be made for the tixne lost due to the inefficiency of the taYicab or its operator or for the time consumed by 11 premature arrival in response to a call. 12 (e) Rules to determine time. When the charge is to be paid on the meter basis, the charge shall begin at the place 13 where the passenger is received and shail continue until he ar she is delivered at his or her destination, excepting as 14 hereinbefore or hereinafter provided. When the chazge is to be paid for on the hour basis, the time shall begin when 15 the motor vehicle is ready at the time and place from which it has been called by the passenger and shall continue 16 until the passenger has been discharged and until the car shall haue had time thereafter to retum to the place from 17 which it has been called by the most direct route, and at the maYimum speed permitted by law; provided, that when 18 any person shail engage or hire a taxicab, unless otherwise agreed at the time of hiring, the fare for such tasicab 19 shall be determined by the taacuneter according to the rates provided for in this chapter; and provided further, that no 20 driver of any taxicab shall charge more for the use of said taacicab than is shown to be due upon the face of said 21 tasimeter. 22 (fl Deceit as to direct route. No person owning or driving or operating any motor vehicle used for canying 23 passengers for hire shall deceive by trick or device any passenger who may ride in any such motor vehicle or who 24 may desire to ride in any such motor vehicle as to his or her destinarion or the price authorized by ordinance for 25 such person, or shall convey such person or cause him or her to be conveyed to a place other than that directed by 26 him ar her, or in any other manner convey such person to the piace directed by him or her except by the shortest and 27 most direct route. 28 (g) Pntoxication of driver. No driver or operator of any motor vehicle used for carrying passengers for hire shall be 29 found to be ar known to be in a state of intoxication while on duty as such driver. 30 (h) Inspections: 31 (1) $imnzttuZ inspecttons: Any taYicab owner shall submit each and every licensed taacicab to an i�i�muaf 32 annual inspections ' '. The schedule for such insroections shali be maintained 33 by the license inspector. The inspections shall be camed out at the firelpolice equipment services gazage located at 34 1675 Kasota Street, Saint Paul, at a cost - . ' to be established b�the Cit�garage 35 and approved bv the license ins�ector to be paid by the licensee. If the inspecrion shows repairs to be required, the 36 owner shall order the repairs made and the taxicab returned to the 37 city garage to pass inspecrion. �, 38 39 (2) Periodic inspections: The license inspector shall reserve the right to examine and inspect each and every 40 licensed taYicab at any time. The intent of such an inspecrion is to ensure compliance with all applicable safety 41 requirements of the State of Minnesota and the rules established herein. 42 �) Appearance insDections• The license insnector mav also require apuearance inspections up to six tnnes per vear to ensure that vehicles have: DO -y� a. An interior and exterior that are clean and have a og_od appearance• b. Head li ts, high beams. brake lights and tum signals that aze in Qood workin o2 rder; 8 c. A means to raise and lower windows and to open the doors from the inside of the reaz passen¢er area if so 9 equipped bv the manufacturer; 10 11 d. Safetv belts for all assen�ers in both front and reaz seats: 12 13 e. A taximeter in eood workine order, having a light and sealed, and so placed as to enable the passen e2 r at all 14 times to see the fare re¢istered when operatin¢ on the meter basis: 15 16 f. A nrinted card or si�n showine the rate of fare chareed, conspicuousl�plaved in the compartment of the 17 tasicab occupied b�the nassen�er and on the outside right and left rear doors of the taxicab; 18 19 e. A top lieht on the roof of the cab which can be ligJited when the cab is in service and auailable to receive 20 passengers; 21 22 h. A radio or mobile telephone capable of two-wav voice communication with the taacicab licensee's or affiliated 23 licensee's base station• 24 25 i. Safe tires. 26 (3j � Penalty: Failure by an owner to submit each and every licensed taxicab for a periodic inspections and/or 27 a�roearance inspection at an authorized inspec6on station and/ar for an biannual inspection by the fire/police 28 equipment services garage shall result in the following: 29 a. The license inspector may seize the t�icab license sricker of each and every 30 uninspectedtaxicab; 31 b. The license inspector shall hold the seized license plates unfil the tasicab is inspected and found to be in a safe 32 condirion by an authorized inspecfion station or the fire/police equipment services garage or until action of the 33 council as provided for herein; and 34 c. Immediately after such seizure, the inspector shall notify the licensee, specifying in detail the cause for seizure, 35 and stating that the licensee has a right to a hearing on the seizLUe. The hearing shall be held at the next license 36 meeting of the city council a8er the receipt of a written request for hearing unless a later hearing is requested by the 37 licensee. After such hearing, the council shall determine whether the plates shall still be held and whether such 38 39 40 1 2 license shall be revoked. 3 4 5 6 � 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 oo-�y9 Section 2 This ordinance shall take effect and be in full force tiurty (30) days following its passage, approval and publication Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By : � ,._ �O- . � . �\ -I Approved by Mayor: Date ellO�F ��� By: ORIGINAL Requested by Department of: Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protec io �i���.�:f�' `� By: Form Approved y City �tor y BY � � � �—C°�� Approved by Mayor for Submission to P�uncil BY : � ✓+�' F " 6 V� � � ' ; L' Adopted by Council: Date p-�j ` �ooa OFFICE OF LIEP Robert Kessler 256-9112 t be on Council Agenda by: # OF SIGNATi7RL PAG$S Date: September i, a000 GRE EN S HE E T No. 103735 d0 ..a � � ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) I OAI 12EQUES TED : ordinance to amend Saint Paul Legislative Code Chapter 376; requiring annual icab vehicle inspections instead of biannual inspections and allowing for earance inspections of taacicab vehicles up to six (6) times per year. APPROVE (A) OR RE.TECT (R) ��BRSONAL SHRVZCB CONTRACPS MQST ANSWSR Tiffi FOLLOSPffiG: ?LANNING CO[41ISSION CIVIL SERVZC& Cqt4tISSION 1. Has the persan/fiim ever workefl under a rnntract for this department? ]IB Cb[MSITTEE HUSIN6SS REVISW COUNCIL YES NO iTAFF _ F33s this person/firm ever been a City employee? JISTRICT COURT Y&5 NO� 3. Does this person/fism possess a skill not noxmally possessefl by any ?ORTS WHICH COVNCIL OBJECTIVE? C4iYrent City employee? YSS NO laia all Y$3 ansaers aa a separate sheet aad attach. ITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why): ty officials have agreed to reduce mechanical inspections of taxicab vehicles om biannual inspections to annual; in return, taxicab industry members agreefl an increase in the number of appearance inspections. VANTAGES IF APPROVED: decrease in the number of inechanical inspections will result in less spection fees paid by taxicab company owners. apparent. apparent. a IF NOT APPROVED: AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION SOURCE L INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) COST/REVENUE BUDGETED YES NO ACTIVITY NUMBER a ----- ---- - --- - - -- Cou�rc� Research GeRter SEP 19 2000