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Ordinance # Green Sheet # ���.Q�� • ' � NESOTA Presented By Referred To Committee: Date /� 2 � 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CI�APTE$ 60 OF THE SAINT PAUL LEGISLATIVE CODE PERTAINING TO ZONING FOR THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL AND THE ZONING MAPS THEREOF WHEREAS, tl�e Saint Paul Planning Commission has made a survey of the area generally bounded by the Mississippi River on the north, Robert Street on the east, Wood Street on the south and Wabasha Street on the west for the purpose of considering amendments to the Zoning Code, and has determined that: 1) the shxdy area is at least 40 acres in size; 2) the number of real estate descriptions affected by the amendments renders the obtaining of written consent impractical; and 3) the proposed amendments are related to the overail needs of the community, to existing land use or to plans for future land use, as stated in the Land Use Plan chapter of the City's Comprehensive Plan, the West Side Flats Development Strategy and the Saint Paul on the Mississippi Development Framework, and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on the "City-Wide Mixed-Use Urban Village Zoning and West Side Flats 40-Acre Zoning Study" on September 22, 2000 and, after considering public testimony, 1) found the City-Wide Mixed-Use Urban Village Zoning and West Side Flats 40-Acre Zoning Study consistent with the Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan, the West Side Flats Development Strategy and the Saint Paul on the Mississippi Development Framework; and 2) recommended on October 6, 2000 that the Zoning Code be amended as per the 40-Acre Study; and WHEREAS, the City Council held a public hearing on November 1, 2000, notice of which was published in the Saint Paul Pioneer Press on October 15, October 22 and October 29, 2000; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby amend the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to zoning for the City of Saint Paul by making the following tea-t changes: ARTICLE II. DEFINITIONS Sec. 60.203. C. ; . ;,: - . : :. : .. . .. � : .. : :. :: . . • :� : : : . : . . 36 PIIRI icu^� iYUY L Fd� rn.+ J � 00 - q�l�- 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 Sec. 60.204. D. Dwelling, multiple family. A building, or portion thereof, designed exclusively for occupancy by three (3) or more families living independently of each other in individual dwelling units. Dweiling, townhouse. A one-family dwelling unit, with a private entrance, which is part of a structure whose dwelling units are attached horizontally in a linear arrangement, and having a totally exposed front and rear wall to be used for access, light and ventilation. Dwellin� carriage house. An accessorv dwelline above a detached eara�e. Dwelling unit. A building, or portion thereof, designed for occupancy by one family for residential purposes used or intended to be used far living, sleeping and cooking or eating purposes. ARTICLE III. DISTRICT USES AND REGULATIONS Division 2. 60.400. Residential Districts Subdivision 2. 60.410. R-1 through R-4 One-Family Residential Districts Sec. 60.413. Principal uses permitted subject to special conditions. (14) A carriage house apgrtmeirt dwelline in an accessory building subject to the following conditions. � [� The building planned for use as a carriage house �xt dwelline had space originally built to house domestic employees. The applicant shall obtain a petition signed by two-thirds of the property owners within one hundred (100) feet of the applicant's property line consenting to the carriage house � dwellin2. c. The applicant shall not reduce the number of existing off-street parking spaces on the properry and shall also provide additional off-street parking as required for the carriage house apa�nern dwelline. A site plan and a building plan shall be submitted to the planning commission at the time of application. Carriage house �ts dwellines are exceptions to one (1) main buildina pex zoning lot requirements. Division 3. 60.500. Business Districts Subdivision 1. 60.510. OS-1 Local Off ce_Service District Sec. 60.511. Intent. The OS-1 Local Office-Service District is intended to accommodate various types of office and service uses performing administrative, professional and personal services and to serve as a transitional use between the more intensive uses of land such as major thoroughfares or commercial districts and the less intensive uses of land such as one-family residential. 00 _ �,��. 78 (Code 1956, §§ 60.471; C.F. No. 96-694, §§ 6, 7-10-96) 79 Sec. 60.512. Principal uses permitted. 80 In an OS-1 Local Office-Service District the use of land, the location and erection of new buildings or 81 structures, and the alteration, enlazgement and moving of existing buildings or structures from other 82 locations or districts sha11 conform to the following specified uses, unless otherwise provided in this 83 code: 84 (1) 85 (2) 86 Executive, � administrative and nonprofit or2anization offices. Business offices such as, but not limited to, insurance offices, real estate offices, banks loan companies, savings and loan associations, and sales o�ces. 87 (3) Professional offices such as, but not limited to, medical offices, including medical clinics and 88 medical laboratories; massage centers; offices of engineers, architects and accountants; 89 auditing, bookkeeping, and legal offices; and studios of artists and photographers. 90 91 . 92 � Service businesses �rovidin services on the premises. such as, but not limited to. 93 photocopvin� repair shops (watches, shoes. etc.), tailor shops, beautv parlors and barbershops. 94 (5) Family day care, group family day care and group day care. 95 (6) Churches, synagogues, temples and other similaz houses of worship; convents, rectories and 96 parsonaees; elementary�iunior hieh and hieh schools; dance schools; business schools: 97 nonacademic colleges or trade schools operated for a profit: libraries, parks and community 98 recreational facilities. 99 � Colleges universities and seminazies and other such institutions of hieher learning public 100 and �rivate offerin�courses in t�eneral technical or reli¢ious education and not operated for 101 rorofit; provided, that: 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 . 114 115 116 117 118 119 ��� a. Dormitories or other eroup student housin�shall not be permitted within the district; b. When an institution is established in the district, the institution shall be required to provide the minimum number of off-street parkin�soaces for employees, staff, or students as set forth in section 62.103(g). The institution shall be required to provide additional pazki� spaces only when the minimum number of parkine spaces will have to be increased due to a more than ten (101 percent or three hundred (3001 eain in the total number of em�loyees, staff or students. whichever is less. Thereafter. additional parkin�aces will have to be provided for each subsequent gain of more than ten (10) percent or three hundred (3001 in the total number of employees, staff or students: and c. To determine compliance with paz�� requirements in item b. above. the institution must file an annual reoort with the �lannine administrator stating the number of empiovees. staff and students associated with the institution. Multiple family dwellines, and mixed residential and commercial �`�z uses subject to the following conditions: .. - • ! . . .. � . . . . . . .. .: '.. ... ':: . . : : . - : . : .: :� : � '.: . ., . . . . .: . • .- -• � . - • - �- -. - . . . . 00 -g'!?-- 120 121 122 123 124 125 � First floor s�ace ori inallv desi2ned and built for a nonresidential nurpose shall not be used for a residential pumose• 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 � . Foster homes and freestanding foster care homes. " � ar Human service-licensed community residential facilities for sixteen (16) or fewer facility residents subject to the condition that they are at least one thousand three hundred twenty (1,320) radial feet from another similar facility. � riJ�uw-.zab�wi�o�w�u��er�n�n�n�nno�in�wnPiwi�iSSTniwi:»�r.ti�����u�n:ia�tiuna:i:��ai�nr�a ,...s�..., . . : . ($11) Cellular telephone antennas located on an existing structure, subject to the following conditions: a. The antennas shall not extend more than fifteen (15) feet above the structL�ral height of the structure to which they are attached. [a c. Antennas located in historic districts or on historic buildings shall be subject to the review and approval of the heritage preservation commission. Antennas on lattice towers may be laterally supported by the tower. 135 d. Transmitting, xeceiving and switching equipment shall be housed within an existing 136 structure whenever possible. If a new equipment building is necessary, it shall be 137 permitted and regulated as an accessory building, section 62.106, and screened from 138 view by landscaping where appropriate. 139 � Other uses similar to the above uses. 140 (913) Accessory buiidings, structures and uses as defined in section 60.201. 141 (Code 1956, §§ 60.472; Ord. No. 16913, 4-27-82; Ord. No. 17204, 1-15-85; C.F. No. 93-1718, §§§§ 142 28--31, 12-14-93; C.F. No. 9�-472, §§ 2, 5-31-95; C.F. No. 95-557, §§ 2, 6-14-95; C.F. No. 95-1444, 143 §§ 2, 1-17-96; C.F. No. 96-694, §§ 6, 7-10-96; C.F. No. 97-565, §§ 6, 6-11-97; C.F. No. 99-7>0, §§ 2, 144 9-1-99) 145 Sec. 60.513. Required conditions. 146 The following conditions shall be required of ail uses in the OS-1 Local Office Service District: 147 Except for off-street pazking or loading, all business, storage, servicing or processing shall be 148 conducted within completely enclosed buildings. 149 150 151 152 153 154 ' 155 (C.F. No. 92-1479, §§ 3, 12-15-92; C.F. No. 95-1444, §§ 2, 1-17-96; C.F. No. 96-694, §§ 6, 7-10-96) Sec. 60.514. Principal uses permitted subject to special conditions. The foilowing additional uses shall be permitted, subject to the conditions hereinafter imposed for each use and subject to the standards specified for all special condition uses as set forth in section 64300(ed). All principal uses perxnitted subject to special conditions shall be reviewed and approved by the planning commission. i��� ii.r.nd��nntbwi• niioi.���in �bnii rw� 156 (�1) Publiclv owned buildines; roublic utilitv buildings; telephone exchange buildings• water and 157 sewage pumping stations; but not including storage yards, transformer stations, substations, or 158 gas regulator stations. 159 �2,� Railroad rieht-of-wav, but not includine terminal freieht facilities. transfer and storage tracks. 00 —q� � 160 (3) Hospices serving sixteen (16) or fewer facility residents. 161 162 163 164 165 166 (4) Shelters for battered persons or transitional housing serving sixteen (16) or fewer facility residents, provided they are not located in a planning district in which one (1) percent or more of the population lives in licensed human service community residential facilities, licensed conectional community residential facilities, health departrnent-licensed communiry residential facilities, transitional housing, shelters for battered persons, emergency housing or ovemight shelters. 167 I68 -- - canaici - viis 169 . . 1 - - - - - - i..�.r�rswe�s�.nw.�.a..�...a�o.E - - . . � -. . . • ... . . . . -: . . . : - • : � -. -- : - : . ..:--: .- : - . - : - : ::. : - -: .- . - - -. :. - - .. ..: :� . - . .- � • - i •' _ - •' uou' nKti�nr.dtainioutasvnu�oi.l�ai r ' - � 1�5 �e�.e�rwras�ar.z�.e�ww� . = .. : . : - : : .: : : . : : �: : 177 178 179 180 .. . .. • .. . . : .. . . .. . :.. : . � . .: .. : . . . . .; :.:: . : .: � . . . (65) Cellular telephone antennas located on a freestanding pole, subject to the following conditions: 181 a. The applicant demonstrates that the proposed antennas cannot be accommodated on an 182 existing freestanding pole, an existing resadential structure at least sixty (60) feet high, 183 an existing institutional use structure, or a business building within one-half ('/z) mile 184 radius of the proposed antennas due to one (1) or more of the following reasons: 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 1. The planned equipment would exceed the structural capacity of the existing pole or structure. 2. The planned equipment would cause interference with other existing or planned equipment on the pole or structure. 3. The planned equipment cannot be accommodated at a height necessary to function reasonably. 4. The owner of the existing pole, structure or building is unwillin� to co-locate an antenna. 193 b. The freestanding pole shall not exceed seventy-five (75) feet in height, unless the 194 applicant demonstrates that the surrounding topography, structures, or vegetation 195 renders a seventy-five-foot pole impractical. Freestanding poles may exceed the above 196 height limit by twenty-five (25) feet if the pole is designed to carry two (2) antennas. 197 � a Antennas sha11 not be located in a required front or side yard and shall be set back one 198 (1) times the height of the antenna plus ten (10) feet from the nearest residential 199 structure. 200 d. The antennas shall be designed where possible to blend into the surrounding 201 envaronment through the use of color and camouflaging architectural treatment. 202 Drawings or photoa aphic perspectives showing the pole and antennas shali be 203 provided to the planning commission to determine compiiance ��ith this provision. oo-g��- 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 Sec. 60.515. Area, bulk, and setback requirements. 213 (Code 1956, §§ 60.473; Ord. No. 16913, 4-27-82; Ord. No. 16956, 9-9-82; Ord. No. 17039, 7-7-83; 214 Ord. No. 17204, 1-15-85; Ord. No. 17845, §§ 22, 6-27-91; Ord. No. 17894, §§ l, 12-3-91; C.F. No. 215 92-1479, §§ 3, 12-15-92; C.F. No. 93-1718, §§ 32, 12-14-93; C.F. No. 95-1444, §§ 2, 1-17-96; C.F. 216 No. 96-694, §§ 6, 7-10-96; C.F. No. 97-565, §§ 7, 6-11-97; C.F. No. 99-750, §§ 2, 9-1-99) 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 See Chapter 61, Schedule of Regulations, limiting the height and bulk of buildings, the minimum size of lot permitted by land use, and providing minimum yard setback requirements. (Code 1956, §§ 60.474; C.F. No. 96-694, §§ 6, 7-10-96) Subdivision 2. 60.520. OS-2 General Of,�ce-Service District Sec. 60.521. Intent. 225 The OS-2 General Office-Service District is intended to provide for development of compact, 226 pedestrian-oriented urban villaees with a diverse mix of commercial, residential, civic and recreational 227 uses located within a quarter mile of hith-frequency transit service. 228 Sec. 60.522. Principal uses permitted. 229 In an OS-2 General Office-Service District the use of land, the location and erection of new buildines 230 or structures, and the alteration. enlaz�ement and movine of existinQ buildines or siructures from other 231 locations or districts shall conform to the followinE specified uses. unless otherwise provided in this 232 code: 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 � � �� f. Antennas located in historic districts shall be subject to the review and approval of the heritage preservafion commission. Freestanding poles shall be a monopole design. g. Transmitting, receiving and switching equipment shall be housed within an existing structure whenever possible. If a new equipment building is necessary, it shall be permitted and regulated as an accessory building, section 62.106, and shall be screened from view by landscaping where appropriate. h. The zoning lot on which the pole is located shall be within contiguous property with zenee�OS-1 or less restrictive zonine and at least one (1) acre in area. Ail principal uses permitted and uses permitted subiect to special conditions and as reeulated in the OS-1 District, except cellulaz telephone antennas located on a freestandin�ole. Post offices and similaz @overnmental offices. � Retail businesses that supplv commodities on the �remises, such as, but not limited to. groceries, meats. dairv_products. baked aoods or other foods, drues. drygoods, clothine and notions. hazdware, books, stationery and plants, with up to 10,000 sguare feet of eross floor area. � � Eating and liquor-licensed establishments, exceot drive-in or fast-food restaurants. Hotels and hospitals. 242 � Drv cleaning establiskunents, or ip Ckup stafions. dealine directiv with the customer, and self- 243 service laundries and drv cleaners. Central dry cleaninQ olants servicing more than one (11 244 retail outlet aze prohibited. 0 0 —g1 �- 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 zsa 253 254 255 � � � Manufacturiu�of small precision eoods such as dental sur�cal or o t�n �cal �oods or electronic assemblies. alonE with light assemblv. packa�ng and distribution activities. Other uses similar to the above uses. 256 257 258 259 260 Accessor�buildings. structures and uses as defined in section 60.201. �10� Carriaee house dwellings, provided that a maximuxn of one carria�e house dwellin� shall be ailowed per pxincl dwellingunit. 11 Above ground parking buildings not exceeding foriy-five (451 feet in hei¢ht. Sec. 60.523. Rec�uired conditions. The followin� conditions shali be required of all uses in the OS-2 General Office-Service District: � � Except for off-street pazking or loadin�, all business, stora�e, servicin� or processin� shall be conducted within completely enclosed buiidings. The scale, massinQ and materials of buildings sha11 be comoatible with adjacent structures in the district. The base, middle and top of buildings shall be azchitecturallv delineated. �3,� The exterior surface of buildings sha11 be articulated with vertical elements. Windows, doors and other buildine openines sha11 be squaze or vertical in �r000rtion. The first floor shall be articulated with windows, entrances, etc. that relate to the scale of a pedestrian at street level. 261 � Roof-top mechanical svstems, service e� pment and head houses for elevators and stairs shall 262 be enclosed and not visible from public rights-of-wax 263 � Parking shall be provided underground below- r�ade) or to the reaz of buildints. Access to 264 pazking sha11 be at the rear or interior of the lot to the areatest extent possible. Garaee doors 265 for under round parkinng mav face the street, but shall be as unobtrusive and �edestrian- 266 friendlYas possible. 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 Sec. 60.524. Principal uses subject to suecial conditions. The followine additional uses shall be permitted, subject to the conditions hereinafter imposed for each and subject to the standards specified for all sUecial condition uses as set forth in section 64.300(d�. Ali_principal uses permitted subject to suecial conditions shall be reviewed and approved bv theplannine commission. � � � (4) � Retail businesses that sup�lv commodities on the nremises, as allowed in the OS-2 district section 60.522(�, with more than 10,000 square feet of u_ross floor area. Buildines over six !61 stories or sixtv-five (651 feet in heisht, whichever is less. subject to the followin� conditions: a. Views and vistas from �ublic rights-of-wav and o�en spaces sha11 be retained. esneciallybetween the bluffs and the river and between the river valley floar and the bluffs. Applicants shall provide the plannina commission an analysis. includine site plans and perspective drawings, showina how the buildin�s will affect views. b. No buildine shall exceed eieht (8Ltories or one-hundred (100) feet in heieht, whichever is less. Above-eround ar)� ki�buildin�s over forty-five (451 £eet in heieht, subject to the condirion that no such building sha11 exceed six -five (65 feet in heieht• Cellular telephone antennas located on a freestanding�ole, as reeulated in the OS-1 district, section 60.514(Sla throueh h. Accessory buildines, structures and uses customarily incident to the above uses. 0 0 — q'l?— 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 Sec. 60.525. Area, bulk and setback rec�uirements. See cha�ter 61. Schedule of Re�ulations. limitine the height and bulk of buildines, the minimum size of lot bv permitted land use. and providing minimum vard setback requirements. Subdivision �3. 60.5�30. B-1 Local Business District Sec. 60.5�31. Intent. The B-1 Local Business District is intended to permit those uses as are necessary to satisfy the basic convenience shopping or service needs of persons residing in nearby residential areas. (Code 1956, §§ 60.481) Sec. 60.5�32. Principal uses permitted. 300 In a B-1 Local Business District the use of land, the location and erection of new buildings or 301 structures, and the alteration, enlazgement and moving of existing buildings or structures from other 302 locations or districts shall conforxn to the following specified uses, unless otherwise provided in this 303 code: 304 (1) All principal uses permitted and uses permitted subject to special conditions and as regulated 305 in the OS-1 District, except residential uses and cellular telephone antennas located on a 306 freestanding pole. 307 (2) Retail businesses vrkieYi that supply commodities on the premises, such as, but not limited to, 308 groceries, meats, dairy products, baked goods or other foods, drugs, dry goods, clothing and 309 notions, hardware, books, starionery, plants, carry-out restaurants and hobby supplies. 1 • . . � . : . . . .. . : . .. . . . . . :. . . .: : . .: . . . . ._ . � .: . :. : . . . .: :: 313 (�3) Dry cleaning establishments, or pickup stations, dealing directly with the consumer, and self- 314 service laundries and drv cleaners. Central dry cleaning plants servicing more than one (1) 315 retail outlet are prohibited. 316 �r 317 (64) 318 319 (�� Post office and similar governmental office buildings, resi�e�. Other uses similar to the above uses. 320 ($6) Mixed residential and commercial uses subject to the following conditions: 321 a. Residential uses are limited to not more than fifty (50) percent of the basement and first 322 floor. The entire upper floors may be used for residential use. At least fifty (50) percent ' 323 � of the basement and first floor shall be devoYed to a principal use permitted in this 324 district, except residential use. 325 b. Residential uses may be occupied by foster homes, freestanding foster care homes, or 326 huxnan service-licensed communit�esidential facilities for si�teen (16) or fewer 327 facility residents subject to the condition that they are at least one thousand three 328 hundred twenty (1,320) radial feet from another similar facility. bo — �'1 y- • - - ..��..�.���..�......,�„�.�..� 330 331 w�-.�.�wi..,rr.iw..sa�..�w..�� (97) Accessory buildings, structures and uses as defined in section 60.201. 332 (Code 1956, §§ 60.482; Ord. No. 1b913, 4-27-82; Ord. No. 17204, 1-15-85; Ord. No. 17689, §§ 3, 10- 333 26-89; C.F. No. 93-1718, §§§§ 33--35, 12-14-93; C.F. No. 93-1815, §§ 6, 12-28-93; C.F. No. 95-472, 334 §§ 3, 5-31-95; C.F. No. 96-694, §§ 7, 7-10-96; C.F. No. 97-565, §§ 8, 6-11-97; C.F. No. 99-750, §§ 3, 335 9-1-99) 336 Sec. 60.5�33. Required conditions. 337 The following conditions shall be required of all uses in the B-1 Local Business District: 338 (1) 339 340 341 (2) 342 343 344 All business establishments shall be retail or service establishments dealing directly with customers. All goods produced on the premises shall be sold at retail on the premises where produced. Except for off-street pazking or loading, all business, storage, servicing or processing shall be conducted within completely enclosed buildings. (Code 1956, §§ 6Q.483; C.F. No. 92-1479, §§ 4, 12-15-92) Sec. 60.5�34. Principal uses permitted subject to special conditions. 345 The following additional uses sha11 be permitted, subject to the conditions hereinafter imposed for 346 each use and subject to the standazds specified for all special condition uses as set forth in section 347 64300(ed). All principal uses permitted subject to special conditions shall be reviewed and approved 348 by the planning commission. 349 j� Multiple familv dwellinES and mixed residential and commercial uses subject to the followin� 350 conditions: 351 a. The pronosed use is part of a redevelopment �roject proposed bv a public aeencv as the 352 applicant or done in accordance with a specific plan pertainin¢ to the oroposed use. which 353 snecific �lan has been approved bv the citv. 354 b. Commercial uses shall be limited to those otherwise permitted in the district which do not 355 reouire a separation distance from residentiallv zoned or occupied propertv. 356 (�� , , , Electric transformer 357 stations and substations; gas regulator stations with service yards, but without storage yards�ci ai�a 358 . . • .: . .. . : : C.1 : . . : : . - . .. . . . .. . .. . . . . : : : ., : . . . � . _ : . . . . . : : .. .. . • : . � . � .�� : . . . . � ..� .� : : .:. : � ..� � : .. . � : .: : . . . .:. = : .. ,: 366 (53) Cellulaz telephone antennas located on a freestanding pole, as regulated in the OS-1 district, section 367 60.514(6)a. through g. 368 (54) Accessory buildings, struchxres and uses customarily incident to the above permitted uses. Oo —g1 �- 369 (Code 195b, §§ 60.484; Ord. No. 16956, 9-9-82; Ord. No. 17039, 7-7-83; Ord. No. 17845, §§ 23, 6- 370 27-91; Ord. No. 17894, §§ 2, 12-3-91; C.F. No. 93-1718, §§§§ 36, 37, 12-14-93; C.F. No. 93-1815, §§ 371 7, 12-28-93; C.F. No. 97-565, §§ 9, 6-11-97; C.F. No. 99-750, §§ 3, 9-1-99) 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 Sec. 60.5435. Area, bulk and setback requirements. See Chapter 61, Schedule of Regulations, limiting the height and bulk of buildings, the minimum size of lot by permitted land use, and providing minimum yard setback requirements. (Code 1956, §§ 60.48�) Subdivision �4. 60.5340. B-2 Community Business District Sec. 60.5341. Intent. 380 The B-2 Community Business District is intended to serve the needs of a consumer population larger 381 than that served by the "Local Business District," and is generally characterized by a cluster of 382 establishments generating large volumes of vehicular and pedestrian traffic. 383 384 (Code 19�6, §§ 60.491) Sec. 60.5342. Principal uses permitted. 385 In a B-2 Community Business Dis2rict the use of land, the location and erection of new buildings or 386 structures, and the alteration, enlargement and moving of existing buildings or structures from other 387 locations or districts shall conform to the following specified uses unless otherwise provided in this 388 code: 389 (1) 390 (2) 391 392 All principal uses as permitted and as regulated in a B-1 District. All retail business, service establishxnents or processing uses as follows: a. Any retail business whose principal activity is the sale of inerchandise in an enclosed building. 393 b. Any service establishxnent ', housine an office, showroom or 394 workshop xrattire of a contractor (inciuding, but not limited to, plumbing, heating, air 395 conditioning, electrical, mechanical), decorator, dressmaker, tai�ar, baker, painter, 396 upholsterer, a radio, television or home appliance repair 397 business, Pi�etaea�q�mg�nd or similaz service establishments. 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 c. � e. Private clubs, fraternal organizations, liquor licensed establishments and lodge halls. Restaurants and fast-food restaurants when incorporated within a multi-use retail center and which do not provide drive-through window service. Theaters, assembly halls, auction ha11s, bingo halls, concert halls, reception halls or similar places of assembly when conducted completely within enclosed buildings. ��1�1�1�R�ATT19�P1�1P��lO�F4TPM���IRR�)R�l•1�A1U��ri 4�1Q�I�O1�Jw1UU�Ip144��Pl�J f. Veterinarv clinics without boazdin�(except for medical procedures • tattoo pazlors. - � - - - :� • - '� - _ :� i • - • w • i i � • :� � • � • i � � - � - - � n " - - - - m - i i � - - i - i i i a� -g��- 407 �g. 'xh. ji. � � i i i i - - i � � i � �w�n�ii.����nii��inu�a�r.n�uiiois� ' ' � ' � - � 1 • - - - - �s�fwr�re�iaiw�rsrnesww�s��i�a�ww� . . .. • . • . .. : : � 1 . .• . . . . . . . . � .. . . . ' -. : . :. � .: � :.. . . . . . � . . . . . . .. � .. _ .. :.. .. . 0 . . . .. . . . : . . . : • : .: :.. . � . . .: : . . :. . : : .. :. : . C � � . . � : . CO : . . . ..� . .. : ca� �a�l���t:iq�N�aaRiJOOn�qiA.��vut��r��au�aa:tin��an��aw��r:ia���an���ari��tiix:�was��w�s�a���iiaa� 41g 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 (3) 430 431 432 433 434 435 � uan�t:t���Gio i • G • � ' i ' , • Mail order houses. Health/sport clubs, conversation/rap parlors, massage parlors and steam roomlbathhouse facilities which are not adult uses. Food catering establishments. '.. . . :. . : . . . .> . .: : ... :. : . . :. . : . . �i. mk. nl. Brew on premises stores as regulated by Minnesota State laws. Coffee kiosks. Fully enclosed auto sales when incorporated within a multi-use retail center. Recycling drop-off stat[on; provided, that the facility: a. b. c. d. Shail not occupy an area more than two hundred (200) square feet and shall not interfere with pazking and maneuvering requirements of the principal use; Shall be screened pursuant to section 62.107 if it abuts a residential use or district; Shall be set back at least ten (10) feet from any property line and sha11 not obstruct pedestrian or vehicular circulation; and Shall be maintained free of litter and other undesirable materials. 436 (4) Currency exchange business when located aY least one hundred (100) feet from any residential 437 lot in a residential district or at least one hundred (100) feet from any residential lot occupied 438 with a one-, two-, three-, four-, townhouse, or multiple-family dwelling, measured from the 439 closest point of the building in which the business is located to the closest residential property 440 line. 441 (5) 442 (6) Qther uses similaz to the above uses. Accessory building, structures and uses as defined in section 60.201. 443 (Code 1956, §§ 60.492; Ord. No. 16956, 9-9-82; Ord. No. 17204, 1-15-85; Ord. No. 17524, §§ 12, 1- 4�4 6-88; Ord. No. 17�64, §§ 7, 5-19-88; Ord. No. 17611, §§§§ 1, 2, 11-3-88; Ord. No. 17b46, §§ 6, 4-6- 445 89; Ord. No. 17689, §§ 4, 10-26-89; Ord. No. 17777, 10-11-90; C.F. No. 93-1713, §§ 38, 12-14-93; a e —�,�9- 446 447 .., ..• C.F. No. 94-1863, §§ 2, 1-18-95; C.F. No. 96-77, §§ 2, 2-14-96; C.F. No. 96-1342, §§ 2, 11-13-96; C.F. No. 97-1089, §§§§ 2, 3, 10-1-97) Sec. 60.5343. Required conditions. The following conditions shall be required o£ all uses in the B-2 Community Business District: 450 (1) All business establishments shall be retail or service establishments dealing directly with 451 consumers. All goods provided on the premises shall be soid at retail on the premises where 452 produced. 453 (2) All business, storage, servicing or processing shall be conducted within completely enclosed 454 buildings. Provided, however, that the following uses may be conducted outdoors if 455 specifically allowed as a permitted use or special condition use: Off-street parking, off-street 456 loading or outdoor businesses and outdoor businesses with outdoor storage. 457 458 459 460 461 (Code 1956, §§ 60.493; C.F. No. 92-1479, §§ 5, 12-15-92) Sec. 60.5344. Principal uses permitted subject to special conditions. The following additional uses shall be permitted, subject to the standards specified for all special condition uses as set forth in section 64300(ed). All principal uses permitted subject to special conditions shall be reviewed and approved by the planning commission. 462 (1) All uses as permitted and regulated in the B-1 Local Business Distsict under principal uses 463 permitted subject to specia] conditions. 464 465 466 467 468 464 470 471 472 Sec. 60.5345. Area, bulk and yard setback reguirements. See Chapter 61, Schedule of Regulations, limiting the height and bulk of buildings, the minimum siae of lot permitted by land use, the maximum density permitted, and providing minimum yard setback requirements. (Code 1956, §§ 60.495) Subdivision �5. 60. 5�50. B-2C Community Business (Converted) District Sec. 60.5�51. Intent. 473 It is the intent of the B-2C Community Business (Converted) District to create a business district 474 expressly for existing residential structures in commercial azeas, which will permit the operation of 475 businesses which do not generate large amounts of traffic and at the same time will retain the visual 476 character of the building forms and open space associated with residential uses. This includes a 1'united 477 height on buildings and front and side yards. It is fiuflier the intent of this district to provide parking 478 for employees who work in buildings which are converted from residential to business use. 479 � 480 481 482 483 484 (Ord. No. 17062, 10-20-83) Sec: 60.5�52. Principal uses permitted. Sec. 60.5�53. Required conditions. The following conditions shall be required of all uses in the B-2C Community Business (Converted) Dishict: � 486 Sec. 60.5454. Principal uses permitted subject to special condifions. � -�t�� 487 The following additional uses shall be permitted, subject to the conditions hereinafter unposed for 488 each use and subject to the standazds specified far all special condirion uses as set forth in section 489 64.300(ed). All principal uses permitted subject to special conditions shall be reviewed and approved 440 by the planning commission. 491 492 5ec. 605�55. Area, hulk, and yard setback requirements. 493 . .. 495 496 Sec.66.5�61.Intent. Subdivision �6. 6D.5�460. B-3 General Business District 497 The B-3 General Business District is intended to provide sites for more diversified types of businesses 498 than those in the B-1 and B-2 Business Districts, and is intended for location, along major traffic 499 arteries or adjacent to the Community Business Districts. 500 (Code 1456, §§ 60.501) 501 502 503 504 505 Sec. 60.5#62. Principal uses permitted. In a B-3 General Business District, the use of land, the location and erection of new buildings or structures, and the alteration, enlargement and moving of exis6ng buildings or shuctures from other locations or districts shall conform to the follQwing specified uses, unless otherwise provided in this code: 506 (1) All principal uses permitted and uses permitted subject to special conditions and as re ulated in 507 OS-l B 1, and B-2 Districts, except auto service stations, auto convenience markets, a���k�d � ;;� ,� , ..�a.� 508 ��`��:�i� licensed correctional community residential facilities, health department-hcensed 509 community residential facilities and emergency housing, pawn shops when the business is conducted i 10 within completely enclosed buiidings, and cellulaz telephone antennas located on a freestanding pole. �11 12 13 14 l5 6 7 8 9 (12) Hospitals: veterinary clinics with boarding. Sec. 60.5�63. Bequired condifions. The following conditions shall be required of a11 uses in the B-3 General Business District: All business, storage, servicing or processing sha11 be conducted within completely enclosed buildings. Provided, however, that the following uses may be conducted outdoors if specifically allowed as a pernutted use or special condition use: Off-street parking, off-street loading or outdoor businesses and outdoor businesses with outdoor storage. (Ord. No. 17524, §§ 16, 1-6-88; C.F. No. 42-1479, §§ 6, 12-15-92) Sec. 60.5#64. Principal uses permitted subject to special conditions. The following additionai uses shail be permitted, subject to the conditions hereinafter unposed far each use and subject to the standards specified for all special condition uses as set forth in section 64.300(ed). All principal uses permitted subject to special conditions shall be reviewed and approved 525 by the pianning commission. 526 527 52& 529 530 531 532 S33 534 535 536 537 538 539 00—�'1�— (1) Auto service stations,� auto convenience mazkets and�auto��peciaityr,stores as regulated in the B-2 District. Sec. 60.5�65. Area, bulk and setback requirements. Subdivision 37. 60.5370. B-4 Central Business District Sec. 60.5571. Intent. Sec. b0.5572. Principal nses permitted. Sec. 60.5573. Required conditions. Sec. 60.5574. Principal uses permitted subject to special conditions. 540 The following additional uses shail be permitted, subject to the conditions hereinafter imposed for 541 each use and subject to the standazds specified for all special condition uses as set forth in section 542 64300(ed). All principal uses permitted subject to special conditions shall be reviewed and approved 543 by the pianning commission. 544 545 Sec. 60.5575. Area, bulk and yard setback requirements. 546 547 G�: 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 Subdivision fi8. b0.5fi80. B-S Central Business-Service Distrzct Sec. 60.568L Intent. Sec. 60.5682. Principal uses permitted. Sec. 60.5683. Required conditions. Sec. 60.5684. Principal uses permitted subject to special conditions. 556 The following additional uses shall be permitted, subject to the conditions hereinafter imposed for 557 each use and subject to the standards specified for all special condition uses as set forth in section 558 64300(e�. All principal uses permitted subject to special conditions shall be reviewed and approved 554 by the planning commission. 560 561 Sec. 605685. Area, bulk, and yard setback requirements. 562 563 564 565 >66 i67 �68 69 70 71 572 573 574 5�5 576 577 S78 579 5$0 581 582 583 584 S$5 $g6 587 $g8 589 590 591 592 593 Sec. 61.103. Business districts. Oo—a�� hlinimum. S�ze 2.Saximum Rlazimum Lot Size Per Height M'utimum Yard Setback percent of FJoot [init of Scruccures (Per Lot in Feeci � Area Side • Oaupied ' Ratio Azea in VJidth B}� Aiain iFAR) Square in In In Front hlini- 7'otal Rear guitding ZoningDistrict Feet Feet Stories Feet mum of'Ih�o 61.103 BL'SIVESS DISTRICTS OS-1 ff�ce-Sen Loca.� none none 3 d 30 d 15 a,Xa b 6 6,c none 1.0 OS��Gener4l CFir.e-$er,,ic2 no�ne, ro�e 6e 65e Og 6 6 6, r.one 3.0 B•1 Local Business none none 3 30 15 aY3 b b 6,c none 1.0 B-2 Community� Business aone none � d 30 d O�f,q b b b,e none 2.0 B�2C Community Business none none 3d 30d 25jij 4 8 25 30�2 hA (Converted) B�3 General Business none none d 30 d O�y b b b,e none 2-0 B-4 Central Business none none no limit no limit no limit none none none c none S.0 �{ � B-5 Central Business Sen�ice none none no hmit no limit no l�mit none none none c none ` 5.0 i; f (Ord. ho. 1i062, 10-20-fi3 Ord. I�o. 17'LU4, 1-lo-a�; t,.r. t�o. yo-l�io, y o<, ,�-�Y-��. Notes to 61.103 Business Districts: 594 (a) Off-street parking shall be permitted to occupy a required front yazd setback; provided, that the off- 595 street parking area, exclusive of access driveways, shall be set back a minimum distance of six (6) feet 596 from any front or side street right-of-way and the off-street pazking area setback meets the 597 requirements of section 61.103(�. 598 (b) No side or rear yards are required along the interior lot lines of the district, except as otherwise 599 specified in the building code; provided, that if walls of stnxctures facing such interior lot lines contain 600 windows, or other openings, yards of not less than ten six (i�86) feet shall be provided. Side and rear 601 yazds of at least six (i�6) feet shall be reyuired when a business district adjoins a side yazd in an 602 adjacent residence district. These setback requirements from interior lot lines shall be waived when an 603 easement aereement is recorded as to the affected properties. Proof of such recarded easement shall 604 be provided at the time of aprolication for a building roermit The recording of the easement aereement 605 shall be interoreted to mean that the followinQ intents and�umoses of these setback rec�uirements are 606 met adequate suppiv of sunlight and air to ad'a� cent proroerty_ sufficient soace for maintenance of the 607 buildin� from the same lot and prevenfion of dama�e to adioiningpropert�v fire or runoff from 6Q8 roofs. 609 610 611 612 613 (c) Off-street loading space shall be provided in the rear yard in accordance with the requirements of section 62.105. (d) The height of the structure may exceed t3urt�{S9}feet. the masimum buildine heieht allowed in the district, provided the structure is set back from all praPertq setback lines a distance equal to the height which said structure exceeds the ma�timum buildin height �btalAiag allowed in the district. `614 (e) The heiaht of structures in an OS-Z Generai Office-Service District mav exceed six (61 stories and 615 sixtv-five (65) feet in heiaht subiect to conditions under section 60.524(21. The heieht of above 616 ¢round parkinu buildinQS in an OS-2 General O�ce-Service District ma�exceed fortv-five (451 feet in 617 hei¢ht. subiect to the conditions under section 60.524(31. 618 (ef, Floor azea bonuses, which encourage certain building features which pzoduce public benefits, shall 619 be granted as follows: 620 (fg) On those lots or pazcels, or portions of lots or parcels, which adjoin a right-of-way line of a � Oo — 4�1 �- 621 622 623 624 625 626 b27 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 parkway, the required setbacks from the parkGVay right-of-way line shall be equal to that required for residentia] uses in effect along the parkway right-of-way or twenty-five (25) feet, whichever is greater. (gh) Those parkways and portions of pazkways listed below aze excluded from the setback requirements established in subsection (g) above: Ford Parkway (from Kenneth Street to �inn Street and north side between Finn Street and Mount Curve Boulevard). Gannon Road. (�i) Since B-2C zoned properiy has a residential character, buildings shall maintain a twenty-fiv�foot front setback or meet the requirements of section 61.1 Q 1(a). (Code 1956, §§ 61.103; Ord. No. 17204, 1-15-85; Ord.I�io. 17778, §§ 1, 10-11-9Q; C.F. No. 93-1718, §§ 63, 12-14-93; C.F. No. 97-1089, §§ 5, 10-1-97) Sec. 62.103. Parking requirements. (a) Off-street parking. Except in a B-4 or B-5 District, off-street pazking spaces shall be provided in all districts at the time of erection, enlazgement or expansion of all buildings in accordance with the requirements of this section. Before a certificate of occupancy shall be issued, the number of off=street parking spaces provided shall be as hereinafter prescribed. In an OS-2 District, the number of off- street parkino spaces provided shall be at least two-thirds of the number hereinafter nrescribed. Sec. 62.106. Accessory buildings. Accessory buildings, except as otherwise provided in this code, shall be subject to the following regulations: (i) �2) When the accessory building is structurally attached to a main building, it shall be subject to, and must conform to, al1 regulations of this code applicable to main buildings. Accessory buildings, structures ar uses sha11 not be erected in or established in a required yard except a rear yard. On corner lots, accessory buildings, structures or uses shall be set back from the street a distance equal to that required of the principal structure. 549 When an accessory building, structure or use is constructed in a rear yard which adjoins a side i50 yazd or front yazd, the accessory building, structure or use shall be set back from the interior lot S51 line a distance equal to the minimum side yard required � of the i52 Rrin�al structure. 53 On all other lots, accessory buildings shall be set back at least three (3) feet from all interior lot 54 lines, and overhangs shall be set back at least one-third (1!3) the distance of the setback of the 55 garage wall or one (1) foot, whichever is greater. >b , This setback requirement from all interior lot lines for accessory buildings in rear yards shall +7 be waived when a maintenance easement is recorded ent�,�dee�s-�Fa�t as to the affected �8 properties, when proof of such recorded easement is provided at the time of application for a 9 building permit and when the accessory building is located at least three (3) feet from any 0 building on an adjoining lot. The recording of the maintenance easement shall be interpreted to 1 mean that the following intenYS and purposes of this setback requirement are met: ? a. Adequate supply of sunlight and air to adjacent property; Oo —` 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 b83 684 685 686 6$7 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 � 699 700 701 702 � c. Sufficient space for maintenance of the building from the same lot; and Prevention of damage to adjoining property by fire or runoff from roofs. A recorded common wall agreement is permitted in lieu of a maintenance easement if the accessory structure is attached to an accessory structure on an adjoining lot. (3) In any residential area, accessory buildings shall not exceed fifteen (15) feet in height; provided, however, that accessory buildings with a flat or shed roof style sha11 not exceed twelve (12) feet in height. Carria�e house dwellines in an OS-2 General Office-Service District shall not exceed 25 feet in hei�ht. Exception: Accessory building heights shall not appiy to property wathin designated Heritage Preservation Districts nor to designated historic sites. In these cases appropriate building heights for accessory structures shall be determined through the design review process to ensure that heights are acceptable and in keeping with scale and style of development on the property. (4) Accessory buildings on a zoning lot may occupy up to thirty-five (35) percent of the rear yard. Rear yards which adjoin alleys may include half the area of the alley to calculate the area of the rear yazd which may be occupied by accessory buildings. (5) (6) ��) On zoning lots containing one- and two-family dwellings, accessory buildings shall not occupy more than one thousand (1,000) square feet of the zoning lot. On zoning lots containing all other uses, accessory buildings may occupy the same percent of the zoning lot as main buildings are allowed to occupy, as specified in tables in sections 61.101, 61.103, 61.104 and 6].105. In those instances where the rear lot line or a side lot line is coterminous with the alley right- of-way, the accessory building shall not be closer than one foot to such rear lot lines. On through lots, where frontage is cleazly established within a given block, rear yazd setbacks shall be equal to the side yard setback of the district in which located. Accessory buildings shall be located at least six (6) feet from the principal structure or shall be considered attached for purposes of the zoning code. (Code 1956, §§ 62.106; Ord. No. 17038, 7-5-83; Ord. No. 17204, 1-15-85; Ord. No. 17476, §§ l, 7- 15-87; Ord. No. 17511, §§ 7, 11-12-87; Ord. No. 17524, §§§§ 27, 28, 1-b-88; C.F. No. 93-1718, §§�§ 74, 75, 12-14-93; C.F. No. 96-77, §§ 4, 2-14-96; C.F. No. 96-1342, §§ 4, 11-13-96; C.F. No. 49-750, §§ 9, 9-1-99) Chapter 66. Zoning Code - Signs Sec. 66.206. OS-2, B-2. B-2C and B-3 Business Districts - (5) Electronic message signs shall be prohibited from-tke OS-2. B-2 distriet and�he B-2C districts; provided, that electronic message signs giving public information, such as time, temperature, stock auerages and the like, are permitted in OS-2 and B-2 districts. 703 704 0 0 — Q'� a" 705 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby amend the Saint 706 Paul Zoning Code by changing the zoning classification far the following properties on the zoning maps of 707 the City of Saint Paul, Sheet No. 29, as incorporated by reference in Section 60301 of the Saint Paul 708 Legislative Code: 709 710 711 PINNCTMBER 712 713 RCR-1 to OS-2 714 715 062822410046 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 062822140002 062822140018 Q62822140019 741 742 062822410006 743 744 745 746 747 748 749 750 751 062822410007 �752 ' 753 754 755 Q62822410�05 756 757 758 759 ADDRESS Unassigned LECrAL DESCRIPTION SUBJ TO ST; THE FOL; PART OF LOT 1 DESC AS BEG AT SW COR OF SD LOT 1 TH NELY TO A PT ON WL OF E 10 FT. DIST 15 FT. N FROM SL OF SD LOT 1 TH N ON SD WL TO NL OF LOT 1 TH �V TO NW COR TH S TO BEG & ALL OF LOTS 2 T'IIRU LOT 4 BLK A Unassigned SUB TO FLOOD WALL ESMT A TRIANGLTLAR TRACT BOLTNDED BY MISSISSIPPI RIVER ON NW EXTENDED SWLY LOFCUSTERSTONSWANDWR/WLOFCGWRYONEIN GOVT LOT 7 SEC 6 TN 28 RN 22 40 Water Street E COM AT NW COR OF LOT 14 BLK 4 BAZIL & ROBERTS AAD TH NWLY 481 FT ON EXTENDED SWLY L OF SD LOT TH 55.71 FT NWLY AT AN ANGLE TO R OF 26 DEG 45 MIN TO PT OF BEG TH CONT. NWLY ON LAST DESC L 185 FT TO HARBOR L TH NELY ON SD HARBOR L TO INTERSECT WITH EXTENDED SWLY L QF CUST'ER ST VAC TH SELY ON SD EXTENDED L TO WL OF C G W RY RW AT A PT 158 PT NWLY FROM NWLY L OF SD BLK 4 TH SLY ON SD RWL TO A PT Robert St. S VAC STS & ALLEYS ACCRLTING & SUBJ TO ESMTS. THE FOL: THAT PART OF GOVT LOT 7 LY1NG ELY OF RR R/W & WLY OF ROBERT ST & THAT PART OF BLK 175 OF ROBERTSONS ADD & BLK 4 OF BAZTL & ROBERTS ADD LY1NG ELY OF RR R/W. ALSO IN BAZIL & ROBERTS ADD. THE NWLY 44.75 FT OF BLK 2& ALL OF BLK 3 2 Starkey St. BEG ON NL WATER ST & SW L L 14 B4 BAZIL & ROBTS AAD TH NW ON SD L TO NW COR SD LOT TH CONT NW 48.1 FT TH NW AT AND R 26D 45M TO RI VER TH S W ON ItIV TO PT 20 FT ELY OF EL BH ROBERTSONS ADD TH SE PAR TO BH TO PT 300 FT N OF NL ST TH NE PAR TO 3T TO L RUN 10 FT SW OF & PAR TO SD L l4 TH SE ON SD L TO INT W L OF STARKEY ST EXT TH S TO NL WATER ST TH ELY TO BEG BEGIN PART OF GL 7(SUB7 TO ESMT IN SEC 6 TTT 28 RN 22 2 Starkey St. EX SBLY 300 FT THE SWLY 20 FT OF PART OF GOVT LOT 7 � NELY OF ROBERTSONS ADD AND NWI.Y OF WATER ST IN SEC6TN28RN22 Water St. E. PART OF GOVT LOT 7 IN SEC 6 T 28 R 22 & PART OF LOT 14 BLK 41N SD BAZIL & ROBERTS ADD DESC AS BEG AT NW COR LOT 14 TH NWLY ON EX SW L SD LOT 48.1 FT TH N AT ANGLE TO R 26DG 45 MN 55.71 FT TO NtiV L OF SE 100 FT OF GL 7 TH NELY ON SD NW L TO ELY OF STARKEY ST TH SLY 00 -g7�— 760 761 762 763 062822410044 764 765 766 767 768 769 770 771 772 773 062822410002 774 775 776 777 778 062822410014 779 780 781 782 062822410003 783 784 785 786 062822410043 787 788 789 790 791 792 793 794 795 RCI-1 to OS-2 796 797 062822410018 798 799 8�0 801 802 803 804 805 062822410024 806 807 � 8Q8 06282241Q029 809 810 811 812 813 062822410030 814 815 ON SD EL TO INT SW L OF LOT 14 TH I�SWLY ON SW L LOT 14 TO BEG 40 Water St. E. BEG AT INTERSECTION OF NWLY L OF WATER ST & EXTENDED NELY L OF BLK 176 ROBERTSONS ADD TH NWI,Y ON SD EXTENDED L TO 1NTERSECTION OF A L 10 FT SWLY FROM & PAR WITH SWLY L OF LOT 14 BLK 4 BAZIL & ROBERTS ADD TH NWLY ON SD PAR L TO INTERSECT L 300 FT NWLY FROM & PAR WITH NWLY L OF WATER ST TH SWLY ON SD PAR L TO INTERSECT A L 20 FT NELY FROM & PAR WITH NELY L OF ROBERTSONS ADD TH NWLY ON LAST DESC L Unassigned SUBJ TO FLOOD WF.I,L ESMT PART OF SPUR R/W IN BLK 4 SERVING PURE OIL CO AND SUBJ TO CUSTER ST A 50 FT RY R/W RUNNING N FROM LEVEE L ACROSS GOVT LOT 7 SEC 6 T 28 R 22 AND ACROSS PART OF BLK 4 Fillmore Ave. E. 43 Water St. E. IN THE CITY OF ST PAUL REVISED DESCRIPTION NUMBER 717 A SPECIFIC PART OF LOTS 8 THRU 10 BLK 4 BAZIL AND ROBERTS ADD AND PART OF BLK 175 IN THE CIT OF ST PAUL REVISED DESCRiPTION 1VLJMBER 693 A SPECIFIC PART OF GOVT LOT 7 IN SEC 6 T 28 R 22 AND PART OF LOTS 3 THRU LOT 6 BLK 4 43 Water St. E. SUBJ TO LEVEE ESMT OVEA ELY %z FT BEG AT INTERSECTION OP SLY L OF LOT 6& EXTENDED ELY L OF STARKEY ST TH NWI..Y ON SD EXTENDED L 34.52 FT TO IIVTERSECT A L 60 FT NWI.,Y FROM & PAR WITH LEVEE L TH NELY ON SD PAR L 6A22 FT TO INTERSECT A L PAR WITH & 8 FT AT RA FROM CL OF PURE OIL CO SPUR TRACK TH SLY ON SD PAR L 53.9 FT TO SLY L OF LOT 6 TH SWLY ON SD L 37.46 FT TO BEG BEING PART OF SD LOT 6 BLK 4 Fillmore Ave. E. VAC ST ACCRUING IN DOC NO 1819955 & T S 567230 & FOL; PART OF STARKEY ST VAC SWLY OF A L BEG AT PT ON NWI,Y L OF FAIRFIELD AVE 20 FT NELY OF SE COR BLK 177 TH NWLY TO PT 35 FT SWLY OF NWLY CQR OF LOT 3 BLK 174 TH NW 9 FT ELY OF & PAR TO MOST ELY SPUR TRACK TO SELY L OF FILLMORE AVE & THERE TERM ALSO LOT i NELY 15 FT OF LOT 2& ALL OF LOT 13 BLK 177 Unassigned STS & ALLEY ACCRUING AS VAC IN ABST DOC 1819955 & TS DOC 567230 & FOL; LOTS 1& LOT 13 BLK 178 Unassigned STS & ALLEY ACCRUTNG AS VAC IN ASST DOC 1819955 & TS DOC 567230 & FOL; PART OF LOT 1 NELY OF A LINE 8 FT SWLY OF & PAR WITH CL OF SWLY TRACK OF RY ACROSS SD LOT 1 BLK 179 Unassigned ST & ALLEY ACCRUING AS VAC IN ABST DOC 1819955 & TS DOC 567230 & FOL; 1170 SQ FT DESC AS FOL; EX NELY 8 FT; PART OF LOT 1 SWLY OF CL OF SWLY `i'RACK OF RY 816 817 818 062822410031 819 820 821 052822320012 822 823 824 052822320013 825 826 827 828 052822320014 829 830 831 832 833 834 052822320015 835 836 837 838 $39 052822320030 840 841 052822320029 842 S43 052822320017 &44 845 846 05282232001b 847 848 849 85Q 052822320028 851 852 853 854 855 052822320035 856 857 358 359 i64 ;61 62 63 64 062822410038 65 56 i7 i8 i9 '0 1 Plato Blvd. W Robert St. S. Robert St. S. ACROSS SD LOT 1 BLK 179 Oo -4�?- STS & ALLEY AS VAC IN ABST DOC 1819955 & TS DOC 567230 & LOT 13 BLK 179 STS & ALLEY ACCRUING AS VA IN ABST DOC 1819955 & TS DOC 567230 & FOL; LOTS 1'I'HRU LOT 5 BLK 10 ST ACCRUING AS VAC IN ABST DOC 1819955 & TS DOC 567230 & FQL; EX SWLY 15 FT; LOTS 1& 2& EX SWLY 30 FT; LOT 3 BLK 15 Unassigned STS & ALLEY ACCRIJING AS VA IN ABST DOC 1819955 & TS DOC 567230 & FOL; SWLY IS FT OF LOTS 1& 2& W 30 FT OF LOT 3& SWLY QUADRANGULAR PART OF LOTS 4& 5 MEASIJRING 10 FT ON SELY LINE OF LOT 5& 24 FT ON NWLY LINE OF SD LOT 4 BLK 15 173 Robert St. S. ST ACCRUING AS VAC IN ABST DOC 181955 & TS DOC 567230 & FOL; EX SWLY QUADRANGULAR PART MEASURING 10 FT ON SELY L OF LOT 5 AND 24 FT ON NWLY L OF LOT 4 LOTS 4 AND LOT 5 BLK 15 Unassigned Unassigned Plato Blvd W 193 Robert St. S. VAC ALLEY ACCRUING & LOT 7 BLK 1 S VAC ALLEY & ST ACCRUING & LOT 6 BLK 15 VAC STS & ALLEYS ACCRTJING & THE FOL; LOT 6 LYING NLY OF PLATO BLVD & ALL OF LOTS 7 THRU LOT 10 BLK i& ST AND ALLEY ACCRUING AS VAC IN ABST DOC 1819955 & TS DOC 567230 & FOL; PART LYING NWLY OF PLATO BLVD O FLOTS 1 THRU LOT 5 BLK 18 Unassigned VAC ST ACCRiTING & SUB7 TO ESMT; EX NWLY 22.4 FT & EX NELY 115 FT LOT 4& EX PART NELY OF A LINE MEAS i 1 S FT ON `i`HE NELY LINE & 117.76 FT ON THE SELY LIlVE LOT 5 BLK 13 Robert St. S. VAC STS & ALLEYS ACCRLTING & SUBJ TO BSMTS. THE FOL; BEG ON THE SWLY LIlVE OF ROBERT ST & THE NWLY LINE OF FILLMORE ST. TH SELY ALONG ROBERT ST TO THE CL OF VAC FAIRFIELD ST. TH SWLY ALONG CL OF FAIItFIELD ST 125 FT TO THE CL OF VAC ALLEY IN BLK I O TH SELY ALONG SD CL OF ALLEY IN BLK 10 & CONT ON CL IN BLK 15 TO THE ELY EXT ON SELY LINE OF LOT 8 BLK 15. TH SWLY ALONG LAST DESC LINE TO Tf� NELY LINE OF VAC 41 Chicago Ave. E. TRACT H REGISTERED LAND SURVEY 350 & IN SD ROBERTSONS ADDIT`ION STS ACCRUING AS VAC 1N ABST DOC. 1819955 & TS DOC. 567230 & PART SWLY OF C N W RY R/W & SELY OF EXTENDED SELY LINE OF 1VWI,Y 47.4 FT OF LOT 2 BLK 172 SD ROBERTSONS ADD OF FOL TRACT LOTS 4 & 5 BLK 13 BAZIL & ROBERTS ADD & PART OF GL 7 IN SEC 5 TN 28 RN 22 & IN SD ROBERTSONS ADD LOT 2 BLK 172 872 873 RCC-1 to OS-2 87G 875 062822410015 876 877 062822410012 878 879 880 881 062822410013 882 883 ' 884 885 062822410016 886 887 888 889 062822420003 890 891 892 893 $94 062822410020 895 896 897 898 062822410019 899 900 901 902 0628222410017 903 904 905 906 062822410022 907 908 909 910 911 912 913 062822410036 914 915 916 062822410021 917 918 919 ' 920 062822410045 921 922 062822410025 923 924 925 926 062822410026 927 tl0 � 84 Wabasha St. S 1 Water St. 21 Water St. W, Wabasha St. LOT5 1 TI3RU LOT 7 BLK 176 W: VAC ALLEY & ST ACCRUING AS VAC IN TS DOC NO 561084 & ABST DOC NOS 1687963 & 1806646 & FOL; NELY % OF LOT 4& ALL OF LOTS 1 2& LOT 3 BLK B VAC STS ACCRUING AS VAC IN TS DOC NO. 561084 & ABST DOC NO 1806646 & FOL; SWLY %z OF LOT 4& ALL OF LOTS 5 & LOT 6 BLK B PART LYING NLY OF REALIGNED WATER ST OF FOL; VAC STS ACCRUING & SUBJ TO ST; LOTS 1 2& 3 NELY %z OF LOT 4 BLK 182 51 Water St. W. VAC STS ACCRUING AS VAC IN ABST DOC NO. 1806646 & TS DOC NO 561084 & FOL TRACT; SUBJ TO ALLEY PART LY1NG NLY OF RE-ALIGNED WATER ST OF BLK 184 & EX WLY 15 FT. LOT 5& ALL OF LOTS 1 THRU LOT 4 BLK 183 114 W abasha St. S. ALLEYS & ST ACCRUING AS VAC IN ABST DOC. 1819955 & TS DOC 567230 & FOL; EX NE 15 FT; LOT 2& ALL QF LQTS 3 THRU LOT 9 BLK 177 34 Fillmore Ave. E. SUB3 TO & WITH ESMT; THE FOL; VAC STS & ALLEYS ACCRUING & LOTS 10 11 & 12 BLK 177 & LOTS 2 3& LOT 4 BLK 178 Wabasha St. S. PART LYING NLY OF REALIGI�iED WATER ST OF FOL; VAC STS ACCRUING & SWLY %z OF LOT 4& ALL OF LOTS 5 AND LOT 6 BLK 182 30 Water St. W. VAC STS ACCRUING & EX A TRIANGLE IN NW COR MEAS 35.65 FT ON SW LRVE OF RE-ALIGNED WATER ST & 68.09 FT ON SW LINE OF NE %z OF VAC EDWARD ST & EX NELY 180 FT THE N 240 FT OF THE FOL TRACT; PART OF LOTS 1& 2 IN BiJRNS RE & IN ROBERTSONS ADD PART SLY OF WATER ST OF BLK 182 & LOTS 8 9& LOT 10 BLK 181 Wabasha St. S. 115 Wabasha St. VAC ALLEYS & ALL OF VAC INDIANA ST ACCRUING & FOL; SWLY %z OF LQT 7& ALL OF LQTS 8 9 1Q 11 & LOT 12 BLK 178 SUBJ TO ST & VAC ST & ALLEY ACCRUING THE FOL TRACT; PART OF LOT 2 BURNS RE & PART SLY OF RE-ALIGi�1ED WATER ST THE iVE 180 FT OF NW 240 FT OF BLK 181 155 Wabasha St. S. OUTLOT A& LOTS 1 2 3& LOT 4 BLK 2 120 Wabasha St. S. Wabasha St. S. ST & ALLEY ACCRUING AS VAC IN ABST DOC 1$19955 & TX DOC 567230 & FOL; NWLY 1.4 FT OF SWLY 81.6 FT OF LOT 6 & ALL OF LOT 5 BLK 178 ALLEY ACCRUING AS VAC IN ABST DOC 1819955 & TS DOC 567230 & FOL; NWLY %z OF LOT 7& EX NWLY 1.4 FT OF 928 929 930 062822410037 931 932 933 062822410033 934 935 936 937 052822230021 938 939 940 I-1 to OS-2 941 942 062822440095 943 944 062822440094 945 446 062822440079 947 948 949 950 951 952 953 954 955 062822440080 956 957 958 959 960 06282244077 961 962 963 964 062822430042 965 966 967 I-1 to B-3 968 969 062822440001 970 971 062822440002 972 973 974 975 062822440003 976 977 978 OS2822330047 �79 )80 181 Unassigned 162 Wabasha 5t. 63 Robert St. 8 Plato Blvd. W, 40 Plato B1vd.W SWLY 81.6 FT LOT 6 BLK 178 0 p _q�17„" SUBJ TO PLATO BLVD; VAC STS & ALLEX ACCRUING & LOTS 2 3 4 10 ll& 12 BLK 179 THE VAC 20 FT VJIDE N-S ALLEY ADJ & PART LYING NLY OF PLATO BLVD AS RELOCATED OF FOL TRACT; LOTS 5 THRU LOT 9 BLK 179 VAC STS & ALLEYS ACCRUlNG THE FQL; EX THE NWLY 44.75 FT ALL OF BLK 2 OUTLOTS B C& D& LOTS 7 8 9 10 & LOT I 1 BLK 1 LOTS&6BLK1 215 Wabasha St. S. VAC ST & FOL; BEG ON SL OF LOT 7 BLK 167 & 30 FT SW OF NE L OF LOT 7 TH NLY PAR TO SD L 40 FT TH S 41 DEG 58 MIN 24 SEC W 79.12 FT TH N 85 DEG 28 MN W 3.86 FT TH S 23 MTNE4.SSFTTHS41DEG58MIN24SECW 11.86FTTHS3 MIN E TO TOE OF CLIFF TH E ON TOE L TO PT 8.5 FT W OF E L OF LOT TH N PAR TO SD L 931� FT TH NWLY 872 FT TQ PT OF BEG & SUBJ TO ALLEY & ALLEY BLVD; E 8.5 FT OF LOT 2 & ALL OF LOT 1 BLK 7 Unassigned 'I'ItACT B REG LAND SURVEY 327 & IN SD ROBERTSONS ADD A TRACT OF LAND LYING N OF PROSPECT TERRACE & SLY OF TOE OF CLIFF ACROSS BLKS 160 8 9& EX E 8 FT; LOT 5& LOTS 6 7& LOT 8 BLK 7 Unassigned 120 P1aYo Blvd. W 30 Plato Blvd. W 200 Wabasha 5t. S. 206 Wabasha St. S. A TRACT OF LAND LY1NG N OF PROSPECT TERRACE & SLY OF TOE OF CLIFF ACROSS EX E 8.5 FT; LOT 2& LOT 2& ALL OFLOTS34&E8FTOFLOTSBLK7 LOT 4 BLK 1 LOT 1 BLK 1 VAC ST5 & ALLEY ACCRUAVG & SUBJ TO RELOCATED PLATO BLVD LOT 5 AND ALL OF LOTS 6 THRU LOT 9 BLK 169 VAC ST & ALLEY ACCRUING & N 50 FT OF LOT A CHANNEL ADD & IN SD ROBERTSONS ADD LOT 2 BLK 168 216 Wabasha St. S. VAC STS 8z ALLEY ACCRUlNG &"I'fIE FOL; LOTS 3& 4 BLK 168 ROBERTSONS ADD ALSO EX N SO FT LOT A& ALL OF LOT B OF CHANNEL ADD & IN WEST INDi3ST'RIAL PARK NO. 3 LOT 6 BLK I p rq'1 �- THIS PAGE HAS BEEN LEFT BLANK Ii�TEPiTIONALLY. IT IS THE SIGNATURE PAGE ACCOMPAiyYING GREEN SHEET IQO. 106979: "AN ORDINANCE 144Ei�IDING CHA.°TER 60 Or THE SAINT PAUL LEGZSLATIVE CODE PERTAINING � ZONING FOR THE CITY OF SAINT PAUI, AND THE ZQNI�IG MAPS THEREOE." ����I �������. . �� . �)il Requested by Department of: � Adoption Ce�ified by Co Planninct & Economic Develonment � ��`� � Form APProve y City Attoxney uncil-Secxetary � � " � ! V � G `� � � J/ � f � Approved by Mayor for Subm'ssion to Council Approved by Mayor: ➢ate �U �� "+� " � � ��� �--� Adopted by Council: Date ,� '"Q � ,c � L � � � Ip T � tn � N 7 � � � ,�� >. 67 (�6 LL � , N p U _ � �`�t � � �w�UUC.Z C� �il � (n J � ' �,.�' f ,�:: � v -�7 f � � � a � ,.__ - �•. -=A _:::; � ` � " � - .,t�U'. _ , �� / �y P� � � � � �' � F° � _ . . _ .'��:n.., .... .,�'� �� � d� ♦' �a _ - (Y,` . - ` _' � � 'q'. .. � � �`_:`` � ��� � � � \�\ - ' �-,� - ,, � � �` _ �- - - - -'. _:_ . _ � . � �.�,� .. 00 -q'I Y � � � ` `� � � ` �.4� � �� ��_4 /,,.. a � � � •' \ \`� � � � \ \ \`� a� c \ �\ �� �, ���\ ;, � �, _ ,.-'" � `� f:'. �. ; �% � �= Do - R1 i� I �-- � ,.,�� � \ \ ���� ���� ,� DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCII,: DATE IlVITIATED GREEN SHEET No.:106979 �Q � l�a` PED October 6, 2000 CQNTAGT PERSON & PHONE: [HIT�nvunTE mt'L7nLmA1'E LiiC�J TIlOTTl'p5021� ZE)E)-GS Ig � 1 DEPARTMEN'1' DIR. 4 CITYCOUNCII. M[JST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) �IGN ? CTTY ATTORNEY _ CTIY CLERK October 18 2000 F��rrcin�. sIIZV nm _ Firrnr�c�v. s�viACCrc NOiYIBER � FOR 3 MAYOR (OR ASST.) _ CIVIL SERVICE CObIIvIISSION ROiI'IYNG ORDER TOTAL # OF SIGNAT'IJRE PAGES I ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNAI'[JRE) ACITON REQi3ESTED: RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAI, SERVICE CONTRACTS MIJST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: A_ PLANNIlVG COMMISSION 1. Has tLis personlfirm ever worked under a contract for this depaztment? CIB COMIvIITTEE Yes No CML SERVICE COM�RSSION 2. Has this person/firtn ever bee� a c�ry employee? Yes No 3 Does this persodfirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current ciry employee? Yes No Explain aIl yes auswers on separate sheet aud attac6 to green sheet INITIAT'1NG PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTiJNITY (W ho, W hat, When, Where, W Ly): The Land Use Plan chapter of the Ciry's Comprehensive Plan calls for changes to the Zoning Code to support and promote the development of new mixed-use urban v111ages on lazge-scale redevelopment sites, including the creation of a new "urban village" zoning district. The Saint Paul on the Mississippi Development Framework and West Side Flats Development Strate� both call for the development of a new mixed-use urban village on the West Side Flats, roughly bounded by the Mississippi River, Robert Street, Wood Street and Wabasha Street. Tn fact, when the West Side Flats Development Strategy was endorsed by the City Council, the Council asked that staff prepare amendments to the Zoning Code to implement the vision of the Development Strategy. In response, the Pianning Commission initiated a 40-Acre Study in July 2000 to recommend Zoning Code amendments in two areas: 1) text amendments to create a new zoning district, OS-2, a medium-density, mixed-use district within a quarter mile of high-frequency transit routes; and 2) map amendments (rezonings) to facilitate the development of a mixed-use urban village on the West Side Flats. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED. The City will haue a new zoning district to encourage the development of mixed-use urban villages, and the West Side Flats will be appropriately zoned to be redeveloped as a mixed-use urban village. DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: �����1.��/ ��°� None. Q�i�� T T �3�1 --� �s ° ._.- `�„ �- T�.� DISADVAN7'AGESIFNOTAPPROVED; � . � The true integcation of land uses in an urban pattern, at medium densities; witTi°a sirong �public realm will be legally permitted on the West Side Flats. The City will finally have a regulatory tool to encourage the development and preservation ofmixed-use urban neighborhoods. TOTAL AMOUN'f OF TRANSACTION: $ NA COST/REVENUE BUDGETED: Ff7NDING SOORCE: ACTIVITY NUMBER: FiNANCIA.L INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) x��snarea�rcioa�si,nwoaf.res�sn«c J DNR WRTER Fax�651-296-OA45 Nov 1'00 17=18 P.02/03 00 -R�}" Minnesota Department of Natural Resources SOO t.afayztte Foad Sc Paid. Minnesota SSI55-00_ 651-296-4802 Fax 651-296-0445 steve.johnson@dn r.state.mn. us November1,2000 Lucy Thompson Department of Planning City of St. Paul 1300 City Hail Annex 25 W. Fourfh St. St. Paul, MN 55102 and Economic Development Re; West Side Flats Zoning Study Dear Ms. Thompson: In addition to our previous correspondence, please include this comment tetter as part of the public hearing record for today s public hearing. City staffs assertion in ari Oct. 30 memo tfiat DNR does not have jurisdiction is incorrect. The proposed OS-2 zoning would establish standards that, in the words of Minnesota Statutes 116G.07, "deai with or affect the area or areas so designated" Minnesota Rules, part 4410.9000 uses tfie phrase "p{ans and regulations to goverr4 the use of the criticaf area" The city clearly propases to use OS-2 zoning to affect regulation of land within the Mississippi Critical Area, and therefore that proposed action is subject to DNR review and approval before it can take effect. The city staff concludes DNR has jurisdiction with respect to Chapter 65. Chapter 65 includes references to the underfying zoning district as part and parcei of the river corridor standards. :Changes to those underfying districts c{early need DNR approval. The city's proposed action would rezone rivercorridor-titled zoning districtsto OS-2, clearly changing development standards in the river corridor. That cannot occur without DNR approval. : The proposed rezoning appears inconsistentwith the city's state-approved St Paul Critical Area Plan. A plan amendment wi31 be required, and must be approvsd by DNR. The ciiy staff inemorandum also misunderstands our previous comment on use of the terms "structure" and "building." Our comments were specifically geared to the cit�s DNRInt'ormaGon:651-296-6]57 • I-8S8-646G3G7 • T1Y:651-296-548a • 1-800-b57-3929 M E9uil OppotNnilY L•mD�q'u W!ro valuts Di�tniry �� Prinroa on Fecycled Pepa Comain�ny a AAinimufn 0110% PoSbCrnsutnef Waste DNR WATER Fax=651-296-0445 Nov 1'00 17�19 P.03/03 vo—g�� zoningcodedefinitions. Useoffheterm"structure"ismorecomprehensivethan"buiiding," which requires a roof and wails. The city is creating a potentia( Ioophole it should not create. {f the city adopts fhis proposed ordinance, eithes intact or with amendments, pfease transmit it to us so we can begin our formal review. Sincerely, 1, I; ��-- Steve Johnson, Community Stewardship Supervisor Water Management Section, DNR Waters ca CommissionerAfien Garber Kim Bonde, CMO Steve Morse, CM0 Kent Lokkesmoe, Waters John Linc Stine, Watera Sandy Fecht, Waters Daie Homuth, Region 6 Molly Shodeen, Region 6 Kristina SmiBen, Metropofitan Council Richard ThomQson, Metropolitan Counci� Kate.Hanson, National Park Service Nancy Duncan, Nationai Park Service oa-`l�r CTTY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayar DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: October 6, 2000 390 City Hal[ IS West Kellogg Boulevard Saint P¢ul, MN55102 Telephone: 65I-266-8510 Facsimile: 651-228-8513 Council President Dan B strom an embers of the Saint Paul City Council Mayor Norm Coleman City-Wide Mixed-Use i3rban Village Zoning and West Side Flats 40-Acre Zoning Study I am attaching for your consideration the Planning Commission's reconunendations regarding the City-Wide Mixed-Use Urban Village Zoning and West Side Flats 40-Acre Zoning Study. A copy of the memo the Chair of the Comxnission sent to me is attached for your information and background. I think this memo very clearly explains the impetus behind the 40- Acre Study, the key recommendations of the study and their relationship to the Saint Paui Comprehensive Plan, West Side Flats Development Strategy and Saint Paul on the Mississippi Development Framework. I concur with the Planning Commission's findings and recommendations, and encourage the City Council to adopt the recommendations of the City-Wide Mixed-Use Urban Village Zoning and West Side Flats 40-Acre Zoning Study. Thank you. Attachments PLAiWi ING COMMISSION CTTY OF SAIlVT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: October 6, 2000 G[adys Morton, Chair 25 West Fourth St�eet Soint Ppu(, MN 55702 Mayor Norm Coleman Gladys Morton, Chair, Saint Paul Planning Commission � Qp_al�? a— Telephane: 651-266-6565 Facsimile: 657-228d374 City-Wide Mixed-Use Urban Village Zoning and West Side Flats 40-Acre Zoning Study BACKGROUND When the Saint Paul City Council endorsed the West Side Flats Development Strategy in January 2000, it asked PED staff to recommend to the Planning Commission changes to the Zoning Code, where needed, to implement the Development Strategy's vision. In addition, implementation of the vision of the Saint PauZ on the Mississippi Development Framework requires some changes to the Zoning Code in order to encourage and facilitate the transformation of downtown and central riverfront redevelopment sites into a series of mixed-use urban villages. Further, with the recent announcement by U.S. Bancorp of its choice as the West Side Flats for a client services center, and the City's interest in seeing residenfial and related uses developed at the same time, we aze now clearer about the zoning barriers currently keeping us from realizing that goal, and what changes are needed to have the West Side Flats urban village comply with the Development Strategy and Development Framework. Finally, the Land Use Plan chapter of the City's Comprehensive Plan calls for Zoning Code amendments to support new urban villages on large-scale redevelopment sites, and to preserve and enhance existing urban villages city-wide. For a11 of these reasons, on July 14, 2000, the Saint Paul Planning Commission initiated the City- Wide Mixed-Use Urban Village Zoning and West Side Flats 40-Acre Zoning Study. Minnesota State Statutes allow Saint Paul to amend its Zoning Code (text and map) without the otherwise- required written consent of the owners of two-thirds of the real estate within 100 feet of the affected parcels if two conditions are met: 1) the area to be considered for rezoning is at least 40 acres in size; and 2) the number of parcel descriptions affected by the changes renders the obtaining of written consent impractical. The Planning Commission determined that these two conditions were met for the portion of the West Side Flats covered by the West Side Flats Development Strategy (i.e. the azea between Robert Street, Plato Boulevard, Wabasha Street and the Mississippi River) and an additional set of pazcels on the periphery of this area where zoning is currently inconsistent with existing or proposed 1and use. DO Mayor Norm Coleman October 6, 2000 Page Two THE 40-ACRE STUDY The City-Wide Mixed-Use Urban Village Zoning and West Side Flats 40-Acre Zoning Study proposes changes to both the text and map of the Zoning Code. The proposed text changes are attached and include: Creation of a new zoning district, OS-2 General Office-Service District. This zoning district would provide for a mix of commercial and multi-family residential uses at medium densities, and would be available for application city-wide. It would allow the types of uses typically found in mixed-use urban villages within a quarter mile of high-frequency transit service, at higher densities than are allowed in the most of the other (non-downtown) commercial districts. Changes to the list o1' permitted uses in the OS-2, B-1, B-2 and B-3 districts to make better sense of the hierarchy of zoning districts, in light of the new OS-2 district. The Planning Commission has long felt that some permitted uses and special condition uses should be first allowed in lower-density commercial districts. A key change here is the allowance of 100% multi-family residential stnxctures in the OS-1 and OS-2 districts. 3. Gramraatical changes that improve the flow and comprehensibility of the code, without signi�icantly changing its content. The proposed map changes (i.e. rezonings) are attached and include: 4. Rezoning of several parcels to implement the West Side Flats Development Strategy, the Saint Paul on tl:e Mississippi Development Framework and the Land Use Plan. The 40-Acre Study recommends rezoning most of the RCR-1 and all of the KCI-1 parcels between the Mississippi River and Plato Boulevard to OS-2. The RCGl parcels along Wabasha Street north of Plato Boulevazd are proposed to be rezoned to OS-2. Roughly half of the T-1 zoned land south of Plato Boulevard is recommended for rezoning to B-3 or OS-2, with the exception ofparcels between Wabasha and Robert streets currently being used for industrial purposes (which are proposed to remain T-1). Rezonings are not being proposed outside of the West Side Flats area at this time. A draft set of recommendations was released by the Planning Commission on August I 1, 2000. A community meeting sponsored by the West Side Citizens Organization (WSCO) was held on August 28, 2000 to discuss the proposed Zoning Code changes, answer questions and receive comments. The Planning Commission held its public hearing on September 22, 2000, at which WSCO and a few affected property owners from the West Side spoke. We believe the 40-Acre Study recommendations being forwarded by the Planning Commission to you and the City � -q�ta- Mayor Norm Coleman October 6, 2000 Page Three Council address the regulatory issues necessary to implement the Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan, the West Side FZats Development Strategy and the Saint Paul on the Mississippi Development Framework, as well as the concerns raised by potentially affected property owners on the West Side Fiats. RECOMMENDATION The Saint Paul Planning Commission recommends that you forward the attached City-Wide Mixed-Use Urban Village Zoning and West Side Flats 40-Acre Zoning Study to the City Council for adoption. Attachments 245 � Manufacturin�of small rorecision goods such as dental sur ical or oprical eoods or electronic 246 assemblies. alone with li¢ht assembly�packagine and distribution activities. 247 � Other uses s'unilar to the above uses. 248 �9,� Accessorv buildin�s. structures and uses as defined in section 60.201. 249 10 Carria�e house dwellin�s, provided that a maximum of one carria¢e house dwelling shall be 250 allowed Qer pI'lllCl dwelline unit. 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 secfion 60.514(5 a. through h. � Accessor�buildin ,s, structures and uses customarily incident to the above uses. 0 0 -`�'� �' Business Districts / OS-2 Mised-Use Urban Village Zoning Text Amendments 6 October 2000 DRAFT ARTICLE II_ DEFIlViTIONS Sec. 60.203. C. .• . -.,. - . .: : :: . .. : . :. � .. : :. :: . : • : : . : : : :� � Sec. 60.204. D. Dwelling, multiple family. A building, or portion thereof, designed exclusively for occupancy by three (3) or more families living independently of each other in individual dwelling units. Dwelling, townhouse. A one-family dwelling unit, with a private entrance, which is part of a stmcture whose dwelling units are attached horizontally in a linear arrangement, and having a totally exposed front and rear wall to be used for access, light and ventilation. Dwelline carriaoe house. An accessorv dwelling above a detached �azaQe. Dwelling unit. A building, or portion thereof, designed for occupancy by one family for residential purposes used or intended to be used for living, sleeping and cooking or eating purposes. ARTICLE TII. DISTRICT USES AND REGULATIONS Aivision 2. 60.400. Residential Districts Subdivision 2. 60.410. R-1 through R-4 One-Family Xesidential Districts Sec. 60.413. Principal uses perznitted subject to special conditions. (14) A carriage house �merrt dwellina in an accessory building subject to the following conditions. a. The building planned for use as a carriage house aparinrerrt dwelling had space ori�inally built to house domestic employees. b. The applicant shall obtain a petition signed by two-thirds of the property owners within one hundred (100) feet of the applicant's property line consenting to the carriage house ap�rEmer�t dwelline. Business Districts / OS-2 Urban Village Zoning Text Amendments Page 2 6 October 2000 D R A F T �� _°1'17 a The applicant shall not reduce the number of existing off-street parking spaces on the property and shall also provide additional off-street pazking as required for the carriage house apar�neat dwelline. A site plan and a building plan shall be submitted to the planning commission at the time of application. Carriage house aparhnents dwellings are exceptions to one (1) main building per zoning lot requirements. Division 3. 60.500. Business Districts Subdivision 1. 60.510. OS-1 Local Office_Service District Sec. 60.511. Intent. The OS-1 Local Office-Service District is intended to accommodate various types of office and service uses performing administrative, professional and personal services and to serve as a transitional use between the more intensive uses of land such as major thoroughfazes or commercial districts and the less intensive uses of land such as one-family residential. (Code 1956, §§ 60.471; C.F. No. 96-694, §§ 6, 7-10-96) Sec. 60.512. Principal uses permitted. In an OS-1 Local Office-Service District the use of land, the location and erection of new buildings or structures, and the alteration, enlargement and moving of existing buildings or structures from other locations or districts shall conform to the following specified uses, unless otherwise provided in this code: (1) Executive, � administrative and nonprofit orsanization offices. (2) Business offices such as, but not limited to, insurance offices, real estate offices, banks. loan companies, savings and loan associations, and sales offices. (3) Professional offices such as, but not limited to, medical offices, including medical clinics and medical laboratories; massage centers; offices of engineers, architects and accountants; auditing, bookkeeping, and legal offices; and studios of artists and photographers. � Service businesses �rovidin services on the premises, such as, but not limited to, photocopyinG reoair shops (watches, shoes, etcJ, tailor shops, beauty parlors and barbershovs. (5) Family day care, group family day caze and group day care. Business Districts J OS-2 i3rban Village Zoning Text Amendments Page 3 6 October 2000 D R A F T �_q'1 � (6) Churches, synagogues, temples and other similaz houses of worship; convents. rectories and pazsonaees• elementary,junior hieh and hieh schools� dance schools• business schools• nonacademic colleaes or trade schools operated for a profit; libraries, parks and community recreational facilities. � ColleQes universities and seminaries and other such institutions of higher learnin�, �ublic and private offerina courses in „�eeneral technical or relieious education and not �erated for profit; �rovided, that: a. Dormitories or other �roup student housine shall not be permitted within the district; b. When an institution is established in the district, the institution shall be requixed to nrovide the minimum number of off-street pazki� spaces for em�lovees staff or students as set forth in sectian 62.103(e). The institution shall be required to �rovide additional parkin�spaces only when the minimum number of parking s�aces will have to be increased due to a more than ten (101 �ercent or three hundred (3001 gain in the total number of emplovees, staff or students, whichever is less. Thereafter additional parkin,g spaces will have to be provided for each subsequent �ain of more than ten (10) oercent or three hundred (300) in the total number of emplovees, staff or students and c. To determine compliance with parkine requirements in item b. above, the institution must file an annual re�ort with the plannin�administrator statin�the number of emplovees, staff and students associated with the institution. (�8� Multiple familv dwellines. and mixed residential and commercial a€fice-sc�-viae uses subject to the following condiuons: a. Commercial uses shall be limited to those otl�erwise permitted 'an this the district; b. First floor space ori inallv desi ned and built for a nonresidential pu�ose shall not be used for a residential �urpose. � . Foster homes and freestanding foster care homes. � ar Human service-licensed community residential facillties for sixteen (16) or fewer facility residents subject to the condition that they are at least one thousand three hundred twenty (1,320) radial feet from another similar facility. �.�..� . : : :. .. . . . . .. . . . . . . ($� Cellular telephone antennas located on an existing structure, subject to the following conditions: Business Districts / OS-2 Urban Village Zoning Text Amendments Paae 4 6 October 2000 D R A F T r� '� �p.9 a. The antennas shall not extend more than fifteen (15) feet above the structural height of the structure to which they aze attached. b. Antennas located in historic districts or on historic buildings shall be subject to the review and approval of the heritaae preservation commission. c. Antennas on lattice towers may be laterally supported by the tower. d. Transmitting, receiving and switching equipment shall be housed within an existing structure whenever possible. If a new equipment building is necessary, it shall be pernutted and regulated as an accessory building, section 62.106, and screened from view by landscaping where appropriate. � Qther uses similar to the above uses. (9� Accessory buildings, structures and uses as defined in section 60.201. (Code 1956, §§ 60.472; Ord. No. 16913, 4-27-82; Ord. No. 17204, 1-15-85; C.F. No. 93-1718, §§§§ 28--31, 12-14-93; C.F. No. 95-472, §§ 2, 5-31-95; C.F. No. 95-557, §§ 2, 6-14-95; C.F. No. 95-1444, §§ 2, 1-17-96; C.F. No. 96-694, §§ 6, 7-10-96; C.F. No. 97-565, §§ 6, 6-11-97; C.F. No. 99-750, §§ 2, 9-1-99) Sec. 60.513. Required conditions. The following conditions shall be required of all uses in the OS-1 Local Office Service District: Except for off-street parking or loading, all business, storage, servicing or processing shall be conducted within completely enclosed buildings. (C.F. No. 92-1479, §§ 3, 12-15-92; C.F. No. 95-1444, §§ 2, 1-17-96; C.F. No. 96-694, §§ 6, 7- 10-96) Sec. 60.514. Principal uses permitted subject to special conditions. The following additional uses shall be pernutted, subject to the conditions hereinafter imposed for each use and subject to the standards specified for all special condition uses as set forth in section 64.300(e�. All principal uses pernutted subject to special conditions shall be reviewed and approved by the planning commission. {�� Publicly owned buildin�s; public utiliYV buildinas: telephone exchange buildings• water and sewage pumping stations;; but not including storage yards, transformer stations, substations, or gas regulator stations. � Railroad right-of-wav, but not includine terminal freight facilities, transfer and storage tracks. (3) Hospices serving sixteen (16) or fewer facility residents. Business Districts / OS-2 Urban Village Zoning Text Amendments Page 5 6 October 2000 D R A F T aa-91a (4) Shelters for battered persons or transitional housing serving sixteen (16) or fewer facility residents, provided they are not located in a glanning district in which one (1) percent or more of tt�e population lives in licensed human service community residential facilities, licensed conectional community residential facilities, healtb department-licensed community residential facilities, transitional housing, shelters for battered persons, emergency housing or overnight shelters. �� . : . . : : : . : : . . .. . . . : : . �� n�:ri� n.:i�.� a:�•.r wiii��w nr" n�•aau�wien�naai�aiir+�niina�am����r�.�i�unniii:i • - • - 'i �-- i - • �r�"i - i • : ' '� � '� i • • : - - • - "i � � i i • ��" -� •"- • - •" • - i " G •i • :� �G •' • ' - -• i• • - - •• iii : • • •"" i � - • - - � ' • • • i - • ' - i i - - - i • - - i i • i i • ' �• i - i - i " i "� - ' •�" ' n "i •" i i •�i •• i" i • ��- • - - i � ' •• - � - • i�" • i�i -� i " '- - • •• - - • � G '� • • " " • • � ' � ' ' "i �i� i i• (6� Cellular telephone antennas located on a freestanding pole, subject to the following conditions: a. The applicant demonstrates that the proposed antennas cannot be accommodated on an existing freestanding pole, an existing residential structure at least sixty (60) feet high, an existing institutional use structure, or a business building within one- half ('/z) mile radius of the proposed antennas due to one (1) or more of the following reasons: 1. The planned equipment would exceed the structural capacity of the existing pole or structure. 2. The planned equipment would cause interference with other existing or planned equipment on the pole or structure. 3. The planned equipment cannot be accommodated at a height necessary to function reasonably. 4. The owner of the existing pole, structure or building is unwilling to co-locate an antenna. Business Districts / OS-2 Urban Village Zoning Text Amendments Page b 6 October 2000 D R A F T ac-�t� b. The freestanding pole shall not exceed seventy-five (75) feet in height, uniess the applicant demonstrates that the surrounding topography, structures, or veaetarion renders a seventy-five-foot pole impractical. Freestanding poles may exceed the above height limit by twenty-five (25) feet if the pole is designed to carry two (2) antennas. c. Antennas shall not be located in a required front or side yard and shall be set back one (1) times the height of the antenna plus ten (10) feet from the nearest residential structure. d. The antennas shall be designed where possible to blend into the surrounding environment through the use of color and camouflaging architectural treatment. Drawings or photographic perspectives showing the pole and antennas shall be provided to the planning commission to determine compliance with this provision. e. Antennas located in historic districts shall be subject to the review and approval of the heritage preservation commission. f. Freestanding poles shall be a monopole design. g. Transmitting, receiving and switching equipment shall be housed within an existing structure whenever possible. If a new equipment building is necessary, it shall be permitted and regulated as an accessory building, section 62.106, and shall be screened from view by landscaping where appropriate. The zoning lot on which the pole is located shall be within contiguous property with �enet�OS-1 or less restrictive zonin and at least one (1) acre in area. (Code 1956, §§ 60.473; Ord. No. 16913, 4-27-82; Ord. No. 16956, 9-9-82; Ord. No. 17039, 7-7- 83; Ord. No. 17204, 1-15-85; Ord. No. 17845, §§ 22, 6-27-91; Ord. No. 17894, §§ 1, 12-3-91; C.F. No. 92-1479, §§ 3, 12-15-92; C.F. No. 93-1718, §§ 32, 12-14-93; C.F. No. 95-1444, §§ 2, 1-17-96; C.F. No. 96-694, §§ 6, 7-10-96; C.F. No. 97-565, §§ 7, 6-11-97; C.F. No. 99-750, §§ 2, 9-1-99) Sec. 60.515. Area, bulk, and setback requirements. See Chapter 61, Schedule of Regulations, limiting the height and bulk of buildings, the minimum size of lot permitted by land use, and providing minimum yard setback requirements. (Code 1956, §§ 60.474; C.F. No. 96-694, §§ 6, 7-10-96) Business Districts / OS-2 L7rban Village Zoning Text Amendments 6 October 2000 D R A F T Stcbdivision 2. 60.520. OS-2 General Office-Service District Sec. 60.521. Intent. Page 7 �p_q�a- The OS-2 General Office-Service District is intended to provide for develogment of compact. �edestrian-orienCed urban villages with a diverse mix of commercial residential, civic and recreational uses located within a quarter mile of hieh-freguency transit service. Sec. 60.522. Principal uses nermitted. In an OS-2 General Office-Service District the use of ]and. the location and erection of new buildin�s or structures and the alteration enlareement and movine of existine buildings or stzuctures from other locations or districts shall conform to the followin�specified uses, unless otherwise provided in this code: � All orincipal uses permitted and uses �ermitted sub,�ect to special conditions and as re�ulated in the OS-1 District exceot cellular telephone antennas located on a freestandine pole. �2] Post offices and similar eovernmental offices. �3� Retail businesses that supplv commodities on the premises such as but not limited to eroceries meats dairv Droducts baked aoods or other foods, drues, dry Poods, clothing and notions hardware books stationerv and plants with up to 10 000 square feet of eross floor area. � � Eatine and liquor-licensed establishments exceot drive-in or fast-food restaurants. Hotels and hosp�tals. � Drv cleanin�establishments or pickup stations dealine directiv with the customer and self-service laundries and drv cleaners. Central drV cleanin�plants servicing more than one (1) retail ouflet are Qrohibited. � � � Manufacturina of small precision goods such as dental su�ical or optical goods or electronic assemblies, alona with li6ht assembly�packasing and distribution activities. Other uses similar to the above uses. Accessory buildinss, structures and uses as defined in section 60.201. 10 CarriaQe house dwellings orovided that a maximum of one carriaae house dwellin sQ hall be allowed per �rincipal dwelline unit. 11 Above around �kina buildinas not exceedine forty-five (45) feet in hei� Business Districts / OS-2 Urban Village Zoning Text Amendments Page 8 6 October 2000 D R A F T Oo -q� a Sec. 60.523. Reguired conditions. The followine conditions shall be rec�uired of all uses in the OS-2 General Office-Service District: � Except for off-street parkinQ or loadine all business storaee, servicinF OT processin� shall be conducted within completely enclosed buildin�s. � The scale massine and materials of buildi�s shall be comnatible with adjacent structures in the district. The base, middle and top of buildin� shall be azchitecturallv delineated. � The exterior surface of buildings shall be articulated with vertical elements. Windows, doors and other buildine openin�s shall be squaze or vertical in provortion The first floor shall be articulated with windows entrances, etc. that relate to the scale of a pedestrian at street level. � Roof-top mechanical systems, service equioment and head hous_es for elevators and stairs shall be enclosed and not visible from public riQhts-of-way. � Parkine shall be provided underaround (below-grade) or to the rear of buildings. Access to oarkinQ shall be at the rear or interior of the lot to the preatest extent possible. Garaee doars for under round parkine may face the street but shall be as unobtrusive and pedestrian-friendly as possible. � In river corridor overlay districts, the Citv's river corridor standazds and criteria (section 65.400) shall be met. Sec. 60.524. Principal uses subiect to snecial conditions. The followine additional uses shall be permitted subject to the conditions hereinafter imposed for each and subject to the standards specified for all special condition uses as set forth in section 64 300(d) All principal uses pernutted subject to soecial conditions shall be reviewed and ap�roved bv the plannine commission. � Retail businesses that su�plv commodities on the premises as allowed in the OS-2 district section 60.522(2), with more than 10.000 square feet of �?ross floor area. � Buildings over six (6) stories or sixty-five (65) feet in heioht whichever is less, subject to the followin� conditions: a. Views and vistas from �ublic riahts-of-way and open spaces shall be retained. esoeciallv between the bluffs and the river and between the river valley floor and the bluffs. Ap�licants shall provide the planning commission an analysis includina site plans and perspective drawines, showing how the buildines will affect views. b. No building shall exceed eieht (81 stories or one-hundred (10�) feet in heieht, whichever is less. �, Above-eround parkina buildings over forty-five (451 feet in height, subject to the condition that no such building shall exceed sixty-five (65) feet in height. Business Districts / OS-2 Urban Viilage Zoning Text Amendments Page 9 6 October 2000 D R A F T Oo-9' � Cellular telephone antennas located on a freestanding �ole as reeulated in the OS-1 district, section 60.514(5)a. through h. � Accessory buildin�s structures and uses customarilv incident to the above uses. Sec. 60.525. Area, bulk and setback requirements. See chapter 61 Schedule of Reeulations, limitine the hei¢ht and bulk of buildines, the minimum size of lot bypernutted land use and providine minimum vard setback requirements. Subdivision �3. 60.5�30. B-1 Local Buszness Distrtct Sec. 60.5�31. Intent. The B-1 Loca1 Business District is intended to permit those uses as are necessary to satisfy the basic convenience shopping or service needs of persons residing in nearby residential areas. (Code 1956, §§ 60.481) Sec. 60.5�32. Principal uses permitted. In a B-1 Local Business District the use of land, the location and erection of new buildings or structures, and the alteration, enlargement and moving of existing buildings or structures from other locations or districts shall conform to the following specified uses, unless otherwise provided an tbis code: (1) All principal uses permitted and uses pernutted subject to special conditions and as regulated in the OS-1 District, except residential uses and cellular telephone antennas located on a freestanding pole. (2) Retail businesses whiel� that supply commodities on the premises, such as, but not limited to, groceries, meats, dairy products, baked goods or other foods, drugs, dry goods, clothing and notions, hardware, books, stationery, plants, carry-out restaurants and hobby supplies. > , , sehaelr > > (�� Dry cleaning establishments, or pickup stations, dealing directly with the consumer, and self-service laundries and drv cieaners. Central dry cleaning plants servicing more than one (1) retail outlet are prohibited. Business Districts 1 OS-2 Urban Village Zoning Text Amendments Page 10 6 October 2000 D R A F T f�3----B�I�s- (6� Post office and similar govemmental office buildings, � b � (�5� Other uses similar to the above uses. ($G� Mixed residential and commercial uses subject to the following conditions: 0�-91� a. Residential uses are limited to not more than fifty (50) percent of the basement and first floor. The entire upper floors may be used for residential use. At least fifty (50) percent of the basement and first floor shall be devoted to a principal use pernutted in this district, except residential use. b. Residential uses may be occupied by foster homes, freestanding foster care homes, or human service-licensed communitY residential facilities for sixteen (16) or fewer facility residents subject to the condition that they are at least one thousand three hundred twenty (1,320) radial feet from another similar facility. . . . . � . :. :: . . . :. : . . . : (97) Accessory buildings, structures and uses as defined in section 60.201. (Code 1956, §§ 60.482; Ord. No. 16913, 4-27-82; Ord. No. 17204, 1-15-85; Ord. No. 17689, §§ 3, 10-26-89; C.F. No. 93-1718, §§§§ 33--35, 12-14-93; C.F. No. 93-1815, §§ 6, 1228-93; C.F. No. 95-472 §§ 3, 5-31-95; C.F. No. 96-694, §§ 7, 7-10-96; C.F. No. 97-565, §§ 8, 6-11-97; C.F. No. 99-750, §§ 3, 9-1-99) Sec. 60.5�33. Required conditions. The following conditions shail be required of all uses in the B-1 Local Business District: (1) All business establishments shall be retail or service establishments dealing directly with customers. All goods produced on the premises shall be sold at retail on the premises where produced. (2) Except for off-street parking or loading, all business, storage, servicing or processing shall be conducted within completely enclosed buildings. (Code 1956, §§ 60.483; C.F. No. 92-1479, §§ 4, 12-15-92) Business Districts / OS-2 Urban Village Zoning Text Amendments Page 11 6 October 2000 D R A F T Sec. 60.5�34. Principal uses permitted subject to special conditions. � 0 - g The following additional uses shall be pertnitted, subject to the conditions hereinafter imposed for each use and subject to the standards specified for all special condition uses as set forth in section 64300(e1�. All principal uses permitted subject to special conditions shail be reviewed and approved by the planning commission. � Multiple familv dwellines and mixed residential and commercial uses, subject to the followin� conditions: a. The pronosed use ispart of a redevelo ment proiect pr000sed b�public a�encv as the applicant or done in accordance with a specific plan pertainine to the �roposed use which s�ecific �lan has been ap_proved bv the citk b. Commercial uses shall be limited to those otherwise permitted in the district which do not require a separation distance from residentially zoned or occu ied nropertv. (}2) , , Electric transformer stations and substations; gas regulator stations with service yards, but without storage yards, . �.�..�.s . . .. . .. . : . . . : - : .: : . : . : :. . : . . � . : : . . : . . : : .... : . . : � . : - . . - . . . . . : . . : .. - : .. : . : :. _ : . • (53� Cellular telephone antennas located on a freestanding pole, as regulated in the OS-1 district, section 60.514(6)a. through g. (6� Accessory buildings, structures and uses customarily incident to the above permitted uses. (Code 1956, §§ 60.484; Ord. No. 16956, 9-9-82; Ord. No. 17039, 7-7-83; Ord. No. 17845, §§ 23, 6-27-91; Ord. No. 17894, §§ 2, 12-3-91; C.F. No. 93-1718, §§§§ 36, 37, 12-14-93; C.F. No. 93- 1815, §§ 7, 12-28-93; C.F. No. 97-565, §§ 9, 6-11-97; C.F. No. 99-750, §§ 3, 9-1-99) Sec. 60.5�35. Area, bulk and setback requirements. See Chapter 61, Schedule of Regulations, limiting the height and bulk of buildings, the minimum size of lot by permitted land use, and providing minimum yud setback requirements. Business Districts i OS-2 Z3rban Village Zoning Text Amendments Page 12 6 Octoberber2000 D R A F T 80 -°���' Sacbdivision 34. 60.5�40. B-2 Community Business District Sec. 60.5341. Intent. The B-2 Community Business District is intended to serve the needs of a consumer population larger than that served by the "L.ocal Business District," and is generally chazacterized by a cluster of establishments generating lazge volumes of vehiculaz and pedestrian traffic. (Code 1956, §§ 60.491) Sec. 60.5342. Principal uses permitted. In a B-2 Community Business District the use of land, the location and erection of new buildings or structures, and the alteration, enlargement and moving of existing buildings or structures from other locations or districts shall conform to the following specified uses unless otherwise provided in this code: (1) All principal uses as pemutted and as regulated in a B-1 District. (2) All retail business, service establishments or processing uses as follows: a. Any retail business whose principal activity is the sale of inerchandise in an enclosed building. b. Any service establishment ', housin an office, showroom or workshop rrxttire of a contractor (including, but not limited to, plumbing, heating, air conditioning, electrical, mechanical), decorator, dressmaker, tailar, baker, painter, upholsterer, a radio, television or home appliance repair business, pliateeepyiss�,�rce� or similar service establishments. c. Private clubs, fraternal organizations, liquor licensed establishments and lodge halls. d. Restaurants and fast-food restaurants when incorporated within a multi-use retail center and which do not provide drive-through window service. e. Theaters, assembly halls, auction halls, bingo halls, concert halls, reception halls or similar places of assembly when conducted completely within enclosed buildings. f. Veterinarv clinics without boazding (except for medical proceduresl: tattoo azP lors. Business Districts / OS-2 Urban Village Zoning Text Amendments Page 13 6 October 2000 D R A F T 0 n - ° : : , :. : : . . . ... . . .. . .. .. . . .. . . . . .. . :. , . : . ... .: .. . . . . .: . . : .: . :. : :. .• : � . . . : . .,. .. : ... : .: . . . C . : . :. : : .:• :�. . .. . .: : . . . . : .:,. . . . : .. : : . . . : OC -. . . . : ..• : .. .. : . �. . :. .: . : ,. :. . . 0 . : . : : 0: : . . . :. : . : : . . . . :. .. • . . . -. : . . . .: . . . : . . ixg. Mail order houses. ih. Healthlsport clubs, conversation/rap pazlors, massage parlors and steam room/bathhouse facilities which are not adult uses. ji. Food catering establishments. , � �i. Brew on premises stores as regulated by Minnesota State laws. mk. Coffee kiosks. nl. Fully enclosed auto sales when incorporated within a multi-use retail center. (3) Recycling drop-off station; provided, that the facility: a. 3ha11 not occupy an area more than two hundred (200) square feet and shall not interfere with pazking and maneuvering requirements of the principal use; b. Shall be screened pursuant to section 62.107 if it abuts a residential use or district; a Shall be set back at least ten (10) feet from any property line and shall not obstruct pedestrian or vehicular circulation; and d. Shall be maintained free of litter and other undesirable materials. Business Districts ! OS-2 Urban Village Zoning Text Amendments Page 14 6 October 2000 D R A F T Oo- q��' (4) Cunency exchange business when located at least one hundred (lOQ) feet from any residential lot in a residential district or at least one hundred (100) feet from any residential lot occupied with a one-, two-, three-, four-, townhouse, or multiple-family dwelling, measured from the closest point of the building in which the husiness is located to the closest residential property line. (5) Other uses similar to the above uses. (6) Accessory building, structures and uses as defined an section 60.201. (Code 1956, §§ 60.492; Ord. No. 16956, 9-9-82; Ord. No. 17204, 1-15-85; Ord. No. 17524, §§ 12, 1-6-88; Ord. No. 17564, §§ 7, 5-19-88; Ord. No. 17611, §§§§ 1, 2, 11-3-88; Ord. No. 17646, §§ 6, 4-6-89; Ord. No. 17689, §§ 4, 10-26-89; Ord. No. 17777, 10-11-90; C.F. No. 93-1718, §§ 38, 12-14-93; C.F. No. 94-1863, §§ 2, 1-18-95; C.F. No. 96-77, §§ 2, 2-14-96; C.F. No. 96-1342, §§ 2, 11-13-96; C.F. No. 97-1089, §§§§ 2, 3,10-i-97) Sec. 60.5343. Required conditions. The following conditions shall be required of all uses in the B-2 Community Business District: (1) All business establishments shall be retail or service establishments dealing directly with consumers. All goods provided on the premises shall be sold at retail on the premises where produced. (2) All business, storage, servicing or processing shall be conducted within completely enclosed buildings. Provided, however, that the following uses may be conducted outdoors if specifically allowed as a permitted use or special condition use: Off-street parking, off-street loading or outdoor businesses and outdoor businesses with outdoor storage. (Code 1956, §§ 60.493; C.F. No. 92-1479, §§ 5, 12-15-92) Sec. 60.5344. Principal uses permitted subject to special conditions. The following additional uses shall be permitted, subject to the standards specified for all special condition uses as set forth in section 64300(e�. All principal uses pernutted subject to special conditions shall be reviewed and approved by the planning commission. (1) All uses as permitted and regulated in the B-1 Local Business District under principal uses permitted subject to special conditions. Sec. 60.5345. Area, bulk and yard setback requirements. See Chapter 61, Schedule of Regulations, limiting the height and bulk of buildings, the minimum size of lot permitted by land use, the maximum density pernutted, and providing minimum yard setback requirements. (Code 1956, §§ 60.495) Business Districts ( OS-2 Urban Village Zoning Text Amendments Page 15 6 October 2000 D R A F T Subdzvision �S. 60.5�50. B-2C Community Business (Converted) District Sec. 60.5�51. Intent. 00-°l'1� It is the intent of the B-2C Community Business (Converted) District to create a business district expressly for existing residential structures in commercial areas, which will permit the operation of businesses which do not generate large amounts of traffic and at the same time will retain the visual character of the building forms and open space associated with residential uses. This includes a limited height on buildings and front and side yards. It is further the intent of this district to provide parking for employees who work in buildings which aze converted from residential to business use. (Ord. No. 17062, 10-20-83) Sec. 60.5�52. Principal uses permitted. Sec. 60.5�53. Required conditions. The following conditions shall be required of all uses in the B-2C Community Business (Converted) District: Sec. 60.5�54. Principal uses permitted subject to special conditions. The following additional uses shall be permitted, subject to the conditions hereinafter imposed for each use and subject to the standards specified for all special condition uses as set forth in section 64.300(e�. All principal uses pernutted subject to special conditions shall be reviewed and approved by the planning commission. Sec. 60.5�55. Area, bulk, and yard setback requirements. Business Districts / OS-2 Urban Village Zoning Text Amendments Page 16 6 October 2000 D R A F T Subdivision �6. 60.5�60. B-3 General Business District 00-9�� Sec. 60.5461. Intent. The B-3 General Business District is intended to provide sites for more diversified types of businesses than those in the B-1 and g-2 Business Districts, and is intended for location, along major traffic arteries or adjacent to the Community Business Districts. (Code 1956, §§ 6Q.501) Sec. 60.5$62. Principal uses permitted. In a B-3 General Business District, the use of land, the location and erection of new buildings or structures, and the altezation, enlargement and moving of existing buildings or stnzctures from oYher locations or districts shall conform to the following specified uses, unless otherwise provided in this code: (1) All principal uses pernutted and uses pernutted subject to special conditions and as regulated in OS-1, B-1, and B-2 Districts, except auto service stations, auto convenience markets, �$ licensed coirectional community residential facilities, health department-licensed community residential facilities and emergency housing, pawn shops when the business is conducted within completely enclosed buildings, and cellulaz telephone antennas located on a freestanding pole. (12) Hospitals: veterinary clinics with boazding. Sec. 60.5463. Required conditions. The following conditions shall be required of all uses in the B-3 General Business District: All business, storage, servicing or processing shall be conducted within completely enclosed buildings. Provided, however, that the following uses may be conducted outdoors if specifically allowed as a permitted use or special condition use: Off-street parking, off-street loading or outdoor businesses and outdoor businesses with outdoor storage. (Ord. No. 17524, §§ 16, 1-6-88; C.F. No. 92-1479, §§ 6, 12-15-92) Sec. 60.5�64. Principal uses permitted subject to special conditions. The following additional uses shall be permitted, subject to the conditions hereinafter imposed for each use and subject to the standards specified for all special condition uses as set forth in section 64.300(ed). All principal uses permitted subject to special conditions shall be reviewed and approved by the planning commission. (1) Auto service stations; and auto convenience markets, as regulated in the B-2 District. Sec. 60.5�65. Area, bulk and setback requirements. Business Districts / OS-2 Urban Village Zoning Text Amendments Page 17 6 October 2000 D R A F T 60 -`t�1�^ Sc�bdivision 37. 60.5370. B-4 Central Business District Sec. 60.5571. Intent. Sec. 60.5572. Principal uses pertnitted. Sec. 60.5573. Required conditions. Sec. 60.5574. Principal uses permitted subject to special conditions. The following additional uses shall be pernutted, subject to the conditions hereinafter imposed for each use and subject to the standazds specified for all special condition uses as set forth in section 64.300(e�. All principal uses permitted subject to special conditions shall be reviewed and approved by the planning commission. Sec. 60.5575. Area, buik and yard setback requirements. Subdivision 68. 60.Sff80. B-S Central Business-Service District Sec. 60.5681. Intent. Sec. 60.Sfr82. Principal uses permitted. Sec. 60.5583. Required conditions. Sec. 60.5684. Principal uses permitted subject to special conditions. The following additional uses shall be permitted, subject to the condirions hereinafter imposed for each use and subject to the standards specified for all special condition uses as set forth in section 64300(e�. Ali principal uses permitted subject to special conditions shall be reviewed and approved by the planning commission. Sec. 60.5685. Area, bulk; and yard setback requirements. Business Districts / OS-2 Urban Village Zoning Text Amendments Page 18 6 October 2000 D R A F T l90 -"l`1'b" Sec. 61.103. Business districts. bfinimum Size bfazinum Diazimum Lot Size Per Height Minimu� Yard Setback pezcent of Floor tinit of Structures (Per Lo[ in Feet� y�t Area Area i� 1'iidth Side � Occvpied ' Ratio Square in In I Front �,��_ T Rear BJ' I�fain (FAR) ZoningDistrict Feet Feet Stories Feet mum oC�k•o guilding s i.1 b3 BL'SI\ESS DISTRICTS OS•l ff�ce-Sen-ice Loca.� none none 3 d 30 d 15 a,Yq b b b,� none 1.0 p$-���nera40ff�e-$2r�ic� na�� r.oxe (e, 6Se 09 6 6 b�c ho�� 3.0 B-1 Local Business none none 3 3� 15 a;{g b b b,c none 1.Q B-2 Communit�� Business none none I d 30 d 0 J�[,g b b b,t none 2.0 B•2C Community Business none none 3d 30d 25?fj 4 8 25 30�� I`A (Converced� B•3 General Business none none d 30 d 0�9 6 b b.c none 2.0 B-4 Central Business none none no l�mit no limit no linit none none none c none 6.0 �{ B-5 Central Business Senice none none no limit no limit no hmit none none none c none 5.0 qf (Ord. No. 1 i062, 10•20-53; Ord. I�o. 17204, 1-15-85; G.F. I�o. 93•1718, § 6Z, 1'L-14-ySJ Notes to 61.103 Business Districts: (a) Off-street parking shall be pernzitted to occupy a required front yazd setback; provided, that the off-street parking area, exclusive of access driveways, shall be set back a minimum distance of six (6) feet from any front or side street right-of-way and the off-street parking area setback meets the requirements of section 61.103(t). (b) No side or rear yards are required along the interior lot lines of the district, except as otherwise specified in the building code; provided, that if walls of structures facing such interior lot lines contain windows, or other openin�s, yards of not less than ten six ( feet shall be provided. Side and rear yards of at least�en six (�8� feet shall be required when a business district adjoins a side yard in an adjacen[ residence district. These setback requirements from interior lot lines shall be waived when an easement aareement is recorded as to the affected rooerties Proof of such recorded easement shall be provided at the time of application for a buildin�ermit The recordin� of the easement aareement shall be inte�reted to mean that the followin� intents and pumoses of these setback requirements are met• adequate supply of sunli�ht and air to adjacent propertv' sufficient space for maintenance of the buildine from the same lot: and prevention of damase to adjoinin2 propertv bv fire or runoff from roofs. (c) Off-street loading sgace shall be provided in the rear yazd in accordance with the requirements of section 62.105. Business Districts / OS-2 Urban Village Zoning Text Amendments Page 19 6 October 2000 D R A F T ao —���— (d) The height of the structure may exceed t�mtq-E36�€eet the maacimum buildina height allowed in the district, provided the structure is set back from all grapertq setback lines a distance equal to the height which said st�*ucture exceeds the maximum buildina height a�bui� aIlowed in the district. �e The heieht of structures in an OS-2 General Office-Service District mav exceed six (6) stories and sixtv-five (b51 feet in heieht, subject to conditions under section 60.524(2). The heiaht of above �round parkinQ buildines in an OS-2 General Office-Service District mav exceed fortv- five (451 feet in height subject to the conditions under section 60.524(31. (efJ Floor area bonuses, which encourage certain building features which produce public benefits, shall be granted as follows: (€� On those lots or parcels, or portions of lots or parcels, which adjoin a right-of-way line of a parkway, the required setbacks from the parkway right-of-way line shall be equal to that required for residential uses in effect along the pazkway right-of-way or twenty-five (25) feet, whichever is greater. (�h) Those parkways and portions of pazkways listed below aze excluded from the setback requirements established in subsection (g) above: Ford Pazkway (from Kenneth Street to Finn Street and north side between Finn Street and Mount Curve Boulevard). Gannon Road. (tri) Since B-2C zoned property has a residential chazacter, buildings shall maintain a twenty- five=foot front setback or meet the requirements of section 61.101(a). (Code 1956, §§ 61103; Ord. No. 17204, 1-15-85; Ord. No. 17778, §§ 1, 10-11-90; C.F. No. 93- 1718, §§ 63, 12-14-93; C.�. No. 97-1089, §§ 5, 10-1-97) Sec. 62.103. Parking requirements. (a) Off-street parking. Except in a B-4 or B-5 District, off-street pazking spaces shall be provided in all districts at the time of erecUon, enlargement or expansion of all buildings in accordance with the requirements of this section. Before a certificate of occupancy shall be issued, the number of off-street parking spaces provided shall be as hereinafter prescribed. In an OS-2 District the number of off-street narkina space�rovided shall be at least two-ihirds of the number hereinafter prescribed. Business Districts / OS-2 Urban Village Zoning Text Amendments Page 20 6 October 2000 D R A F T fl O - q`�a Sec. 62.106. Accessory buildings. Accessory buildings, except as otherwise provided in this code, shall be subject to the following regulations: (1) When the accessory building is structurally attached to a main building, it shall be subject to, and must conform to, all regulations of this code applicable to main buildings. (2) Accessory buildings, structures or uses shall not be erected in or established in a required yard except a rear yard. On corner lots, accessory buildings, structures or uses shall be set back from the street a distance equal to that required of the principal structure. When an accessory building, structure or use is constructed in a reaz yazd which adjoins a side yard or front yard, the accessory building, structure or use shall be set back from the interior lot line a distance equal to the minimum side yard required °- -'-`' -` -°'-' °` �e$ of the principal structure. On all other lots, accessory buildings shall be set back at least three (3) feet from all interior lot lines, and overhangs shall be set back at least one-third (1/3) the distance of the setback of the garage wall or one (1) foot, whichever is greater. This setback requirement from all interior lot lines for accessory buildings in rear yards shall be waived when a maintenance easement is recorded an-�he-deeds-a€-al� as to the affected properties, when proof of such recorded easement is provided at the time of application for a building pertnit and when the accessory building is located at least three (3) feet from any bu3lding on an adjoining lot. The recording of the maintenance easement shall be interpreted to mean that the following intents and purposes of this setback requirement are met: a. Adequate supply of sunlight and air to adjacent property; b. Sufficient space for maintenance of the building from the same lot; and c. Prevention of damage to adjoining property by fire or runoff from roofs. A recorded common wall agreement is pemvtted in lieu of a maintenance easement if the accessory structure is attached to an accessory structure on an adjoining lot. (3) In any residential area, accessory buildings shall not exceed fifteen (15) feet in height; provided, however, that accessory buildings with a flat or shed roof style shall not exceed twelve (12) feet in height. Carriaee house dwellines in an OS-2 General Office-Service District shall not exceed 25 feet in heiQht. Exception: Accessory building heights shall not apply to property within designated Heritage Preservation Districts nor to designated historic sites. In these cases appropsiate building heights for accessory structures shall be determined through the design review process to ensure that heights are acceptable and in keeping with scale and style of development on the property. Business Districts / OS-2 Urban Village Zoning Text Amendments Page 21 6 October 2000 D R A F T ao-�.`��- (4) Accessory buildings on a zoning lot may occupy up to thirty-five (35) percent of the rear yard. Rear yards which adjoin alleys may include half the area of the alley to calculate the area of the rear yazd which may be occupied by accessory buildings. On zoning lots containing one- and two-family dwellings, accessory buildings shall not occupy more than one thousand (1,000) square feet of the zoning lot. On zoning lots containing all other uses, accessory buiidings may occupy the same percent of the zoning lot as main buildings are allowed to occupy, as specified in tables in sections 61.101, 61.103, 61.104 and 61.105. (5) In those instances where the rear lot line or a side lot line is cotemunous with the alley right-of-way, the accessory building shall not be closer than one foot to such rear lot lines. (6) On through lots, where frontage is clearly established within a given block, rear yard setbacks shall be equal to the side yazd setback of the district in which located. (7) Accessory buildings shall be located at least six (6) feet from the principal structure or shall be considered attached for purposes of the zoning code. (Code 1956, §§ 62.106; Ord. No. 17038, 7-5-83; Ord. No. 17204, 1-15-85; Ord. No. 17476, §§ 1, 7-15-87; Ord. No. 17511, §§ 7, 11-12-87; Ord. No. 17524, §§§§ 27, 28, 1-6-88; C.F. No. 93- 1718, §§§§ 74, 75, 12-14-93; C.F. No. 96-77, §§ 4, 2-14-96; C.F. No. 96-1342, §§ 4, 11-13-96; C.F. No. 99-750, §§ 9, 9-1-99) Chapter 66. Zoning Code - Signs Sec. 66.206. OS-2, B-2�B-2C and B-3 Bus+ness Districts - (5) Electronic message signs shall be prohibited fromt�e OS-Z B-2 distriet and�he B-2C districts; provided, that electronic message signs giving public information, such as time, temperature, stock averages and the like, are pernutted in OS-2 and B-2 districts. ��1 �� t� �, '� Q� �� � � � � �, �. � � � .''. � X ��tA W � � � � a � � ' �(:JLJ ��=� <,s � � > -\, _ �, , , �'� . ��'��. . � � O � � , '� � 0 ... `� , �N� . -�� - �'� � N. �:` ��� � �:0-�. :- -: - �: i1.% � - � _�3-' .."'� , :. �._ , U?_ .:..�` N � � `����, : , \ ` ` \'� � ; ��� ` �f�'�{x wll! be � SQrr( pv�d►��7 �hc. � pU�( ic heurihy. `, \ , 1' \ 00 -°l�a- i � , �� ����� ; ; i -- � �._.__._._._._ � , �--� �, � ORIGINAL Presented By 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Referred To CE Council File # 00 - qR a Ordinance # Green Sheet # ��6 l�q% , � �. Committee: Date AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CFIAPTER 60 % OF THE SAINT PAUL LEGISLATIVE CODE PERT ING TO ZONING FOR THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL AND THE ZON G MAPS THEREOF WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Planning Commission has made a surve of the area generally bounded by the Mississippi River on the north, Robert Street on the east, Wood reet on the south and Wabasha Street on the west for the purpose of considering amendments to the Zoni `Code, and has determined that: 1) the study area is at least 40 acres in size; 2) the number of real estate escriptions affected by the amendments renders the obtaining of written consent impractical; and 3) the 'oposed amendments are related to the overall needs of the community, to existing land use or to plans for �ture land use, as stated in the Land Use Plan chapter of the City's Comprehensive Plan, the West Side Fl "ts Development Strategy and the Saint Paul on the Mississippi Development Framework, and W�IEREAS, the Planning Comtnission held public hearing on the "City-Wide Mixed-Use Urban Village Zoning and West Side Flats 40-Acre Zoni "Study" on September 22, 2000 and, after considering public testimony, 1) found the City-Wide Mixe = se Urban Village Zoning and West Side Flats 40-Acre Zoning Study consistent with the Saint Paul C,'� prehensive Plan, the West Side Flats Development Strategy and the Saint Paul on the Mississippi Develo ment Framework; and 2) recommended on October 6, 2000 that the Zoning Code be amended as per th 40-Acre Study; and WHEREAS, the City Council ld a public hearing on November 1, 2000, notice of which was published in the Saint Paul Pioneer Press ' October 15, October 22 and October 29, 2000; NOW, THEREFORE, the Saint Paul Legislai changes: cfT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby amend Code pertaining to zoning for the City of Saint Paul by making the following text ARTICLE IL DEFINTTIONS Sec. 60.�13. C. 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 Sec. 60.204. D. 00- l'1�. Dwelling, multiple family. A building, or portion thereof, designed exclusively for occupancy by three (3) ar more families living independently of each other in individual dwelling units. � Dwelling, townhouse. A one-faxnily dwelling unit, with a private entrance, which is art of a structure whose dwelling units aze attached horizontally in a linear arrangement, and hav' a totally exposed front and reaz wall to be used for access, light and ventilation. 44 Dwelling unit. A building, or portion thereof, designed for occupanc y one family for residential 45 purposes used or intended to be used for living, sleeping and coo g ar eating purposes. 46 47 ARTICLE III. DISTRICT USES AND GULATIONS 48 49 Division 2. 60.400. Resid �tial Districts 50 51 Subdivision 2. 60.410. R-1 through 4 One-Family Residential Distviets 52 53 Sec. 60.413. Principal uses permitted 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 (14) A carriage house ap�tiner�f conditions. a. The building plan originally built to to special conditions. in an accessory building subject to the following � use as a carriage house �. dwellinE had space domesric employees. b. The applicant s 1 obtain a petition signed by two-thirds of the properiy owners within one hundred ( Q) feet of the applicant's property line consenting to the carriage house apaxtnre� d llina. c. The appli nt shail not reduce the number of existing off-street parking spaces on the property d shall also provide additional off-street parking as required for the carriage house dwellin�. A site plan d a building plan shall be submitted to the planning commission at the rime of applicati Carriage house �ts dwellines are exceptions to one (1) main building per zoning t requirements. Division 3. 60.500. Business Districts Subdivision 1. 60.510. OS-1 Local Office-Service District Sec. 60.511. Intent. The OS-1 Local Office-Service D'astrict is intended to accommodate various types of office and service uses performing administrative, professional and personal services and to serve as a transitional use between the more intensive uses of land such as major thoroughfares or commercial districts and the less intensive uses of land such as one-family residential. 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 9G 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 (Code 1956, §§ 60.471; C.F. No. 96-694, §§ 6, 7-10-96) Sec. 60.512. Principal uses permitted. 00 -9q? In an OS-1 Loca1 Office-Service District the use of 1and, the location and erection of n buildings or structures, and the alteration, enlargement and movmg of e�sting buildings or struc es from other locations or districts shall conforxn to the following specified uses, unless othe � e provided in this code: (1) Executive, a� administrative and non�rofit oreanization offices. (2) Business offices such as, but not limited to, insurance offlces, r al estate offices, banks, loan companies, savings and loan associations, and sales offices. ,/` (3) Professional offices such as, but not limited to, medical o ices, including medical clinics and medical laboratories; massage centers; offices of engin ers, architects and accountants; auditing, bookkeeping, and legal offices; and studios�, f artists and photographers. • 1 �� � LU��bIY • � � i � (5) �� � Family day care, group family day care Churches, synagogues, temples and otY; group day care. similar houses of worship; convents rectories and parks and community recreational facilities. rorofit; provided, that: � � c. (�8) N following coiiditions: mixed residential and commercial affree-serviee uses subject to •'. �' _ '_ 'i � �i i _ __ i • ' i 'w_ _ � ' �_ e_ • •• ' •�- •i - • •- i " �- - ' - --' — •- ' e i •:-- " ii - - •- i - i i - • - • �- • " ' .- -. � � - . • .- -. � - . . 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 O o -qR �. b. First floor space originallv desiened and built for a nonresidential purpose shall not be used for a residenrial pumose. � . Foster homes and freestanding foster care homes. � er Human service-licensed community residential facilities far sixteen (16) or fewer residents subject to the condition that they are at least one thousand three hundred�C (1,320) radial feet from another similar facility. � . . : : . 128 ($11) Cellular telephone antennas located on an existing structure, subj 129 conditions: 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 � � The antennas shall not e�end more than fifteen (15) the structure to which they are attached. , Antennas located in historic districts or on review and approval of the heritage preser the following above the stnxctural height of shall be subject to the c. Antennas on lattice towers may be laterally �upported by the tower. d. Transmitting, receiving and switching e pment shall be housed within an existing structure whenever possible. If a new e'pment building is necessary, it shall be permitted and regulated as an accesso building, section 62.106, and screened from view by landscaping where appropr' te. � Other uses similar to the above uses. 140 (913) Accessory buildings, structures and u�s as defined in section 60201. 141 (Code 1956, §§ 60.472; Ord. No. 16913, 4�L7-82; Ord. No. 17204, 1-15-85; C.F. No. 93-1718, §§§§ 142 28--31, 12-14-93; C.F. No. 95-472, §§ 2, � 31-95; C.F. No. 95-557, §§ 2, 6-14-95; C.F. No. 95-1444, 143 §§ 2, 1-17-96; C.F. No. 96-694, §§ 6, 7 0-96; C.F. No. 97-565, §§ 6, 6-11-97; C.F. No. 99-750, §§ 2, 144 9-1-99) 145 Sec. 60.513. Required conditions. 146 The following conditions shall be required of all uses in the OS-1 Local Office Service District: 147 Except for off-street pazking o�'�oading, all business, storage, servicing or processing shall be 148 conducted within completely�enclosed buildings. 149 (C.F. No. 92-1479, §§ 3, 1�-�15-92; C.F. No. 95-1444, §§ 2, 1-17-96; C.F. No. 96-694, §§ 6, 7-10-96) 150 Sec. 60.514. Principal�ses permitted subject to special conditions. 151 The following additi nal uses sha11 be pernutted, subject to the conditions hereinafter imposed for 152 each use and subje to the standards specified for all special condition uses as set forth in section 153 64300(ed). All p'ncipal uses permitted subject to special conditions shall be reviewed and approved 154 by the planning„ ommission. 155 156 (�1) Pu icl owned buildin s• ublic utili buildin s� telephone exchange buildings; water and 157 s age pumpuig stations;; but not including storage yards, transformer stations, substations, or 158 gas regulator stations. 159 � Railroad rieht-of-way, but not including terminal freiaht facilities. transfer and storage tracks. 160 (3) Hospices serving sixteen (16) ar fewer £acility residents. 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 1�2 173 174 1 1/6 17� 1/O 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 � -9� �. (4) Shelters for battered persons ar transitional housing serving sixteen (16) or fewer cility residents, provided they are not located in a planning district in which one (1) rcent or more of the population lives in licensed human service community residential f ities, licensed correctional coznmunity residential facilities, health department-license community residenrial facilities, transitional housing, shelters for battered persons, emer� y housing or overnight shelters. w.w�as.a.w �R.,�,.,�,�.,.�,. � uaau u m in na � w� ua u r• u w 1�1421U I l�l!l�U1�li�l��l1%n]� ��SRS9lR. (5� Cellulaz telephone antennas located �#n a freestanding pole, subject to the following conditions: a. The applicant demonstrat that the proposed antennas cannot be accommodated on an exisfing freestanding pol ; an existing residential structure at least siaty (60) feet high, an existing institutiona ,� se shucture, or a business building within one-half (%2) mile radius of the propose antennas due to one (1) ox more of the following seasons: 1. The planned structure. 2. The planned equipment o� 3. The pl�ed would exceed the structural capacity of the existing pole or uipment would cause interference with other existing or planned pole or structure. equipment cannot be accommodated at a height necessary to function 4. The,,owner of the existing pole, structure or building is unwilling to co-locate an b. Th eestanding pole shall not exceed seventy-five (75) feet in height, unless the ap licant demonsirates that the surrounding topography, stnxctures, or vegetation r. ders a seventy-five-foot pole impractical. Freestanding poles may exceed the above eight limit by twenty-five (25) feet if the pole is designed to cany two (2) antennas. a Antennas sha11 not be located in a required ftont or side yard and shall be set back one (1) times the height of the antenna plus ten (10) feet from the nearest residential shucture. d. The antennas shall be designed where possible to blend into the surrounding environment through the use of color and camouflaging architectural treatment. Drawings or photographic perspectives showing the pole and antennas shall be provided to the planning commission to determine compliance with this provision. 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 do -ir1�- e. Antennas located in historic districts shall be subject to the review and approval of the heritage preservation commission. f. Freestanding poles shall be a monopole design. g. Transmitting, receiving and switching equipment sha11 be hou�d within an e�sting shucture whenever possible. ff a new equipment building is �fecessary, it shall be permitted and regulated as an accessory building, section 62.106, and shall be screened from view by landscaping where appropriate. ,� h. The zoning lot on which the pole is located sha11 be within contiguous properry with zene�OS-1 or less restrictive zonina and at least�one (1) acre in area. 213 (Code 1956, §§ 60.473; Ord. No. 16913, 4-27-82; Ord. No. 1%U956, 9-9-82; Ord. No. 17039, 7-7-83; 214 Ord. No. 172Q4, 1-15-85; Ord. No. 17845, §§ 22, 6-27-91�rd. No. 17894, §§ 1, 12-3-91; C.F. No. 215 92-1479, §§ 3, 12-15-92; C.F. No. 93-1718, §§ 32, 12-14`-93; C.F. No. 95-1444, §§ 2, 1-17-96; C.F. 216 No. 96-694, §§ 6, 7-10-96; C.F. No. 97-565, §§ 7, 6-1 `97; C.F. No. 99-750, §§ 2, 9-1-99) 217 Sec. 60.515. Area, bulk, and setback requirement� 218 See Chapter 61, Schedule of Regulations, limiting , e height and bulk of buildings, the minimum size 219 of lot permitted by land use, and providing mini� yard setback requirements. 220 221 222 223 224 (Code 1956, §§ 60.474; C.F. No. 96-694, §§ 6,��3-10-96) Sec. 60.521. Intent. 225 The C 226 roedes 227 uses 1 228 Sec. t 229 In an 230 or stn 231 locati 232 code: 233 � 234 235 {2� Post 236 � Reta 237 grocE 238 notic 239 area. ►�1 241 242 243 244 � Eatin and liquor-lic� � Hotels and hospitals. � Drv cleanine establishments, or pickup stations. dealin d�irectly with the customer, and self- service laundries and dry cleaners. Central drv cleaning plants servicin� more than one (� retail outlet are prohibited. 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 � � � 10 00 1��• Manufacturin� of small, precision ¢oods such as dental, surgical or optical �oods. or electronic assemblies, alongwith light assembly_packaging and distribution activities. Other uses sunilar to the above uses. Accessor�buildings. structures and uses as defined in section 60.201. � allowed per principal dwelling unit• 11 Above ground parkine builc Sec. 60.523. Required conditions. � � � � � � conducted within completely enclosed buildines. friendlv as possible. 65.400) shall be met. bv the planning commission. � Retail businesses tha� � Bi fo. a. b. (� Al � (4) _ whichever is less. section 60.514(5 a. through h. {� Accessory buildines, structures and uses customarilv incident to the above uses. 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 Sec. 60.525. Area, bulk and setback re�uirements. 00 -9'1�. See chapter 61. Schedule of Reeulations, limitine the hei�ht and bulk of buildings, the minimum size of lot by�emutted land use. and �rovidine minunum yazd setback reauirements. � � Subdivision �3. 60.5�30. B-1 �/ Local Business District f' , Sec. 60.5�31. Intent. _ The S-1 Local Business District is intended to permit those uses as ar"e necessary to satisfy the basic convenience shopping or service needs of persons residing in nearby residential areas. r (Code 1956, §§ 60.481} Sec. 60.5�32. Principal uses permitted. In a B-1 Local Business District the use of land, the locat�on and erection of new buildings or shuctures, and the alteration, enlargement and moving �. existing buildings or structures from other locations or districts shall conform to the following sp�cified uses, unless otherwise provided in this code: �`� 304 (1) All principal uses perxnitted and uses 305 in the OS-1 District, except residenti� 306 freestanding pole. 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 subject to special conditions and as regulated cellular telephone antennas located on a (2) Retail businesses v�iriek that supply�ommodities on the premises, such as, but not limited to, groceries, meats, dairy products, b�a`ked goods or other foods, drugs, dry goods, clothing and notions, hardware, books, statio ry, plants, cany-out restaurants and hobby supplies. , � , > , > , �, > N , , � > - , b � (�3) Dry cleaning establishm�ents, or pickup stations, dealing directly with the consumer, and self- service laundries and div cleaners. Central dry cleaning plants servicing more than one (1) retail outlet are �� (64) Post office an , resi�ei (�5) Other use sim ($6) Mixed esident governmental office buildings, to the above uses. and commercial uses subject to the following conditions: 321 a. � Residential uses are limited to not more than fifty (50) percent of the basement and first 322 floor. The entire upper floors may be used for residential use. At least fifry (50) percent 323 � of the basement and first floor shali be devoted to a principal use permitted in this 324 district, except residential use. 325 / b. Residenrial uses may be occupied by foster homes, freestanding foster care homes, or 326 human service-licensed communitv residential facilities for sixteen (16) or fewer 327 facility residents subject to the condition that they are at least one thousand three 328 hundred twenty (1,320) radial feet from another similar facility. 00 -q'1 �• • : . . : � �. . . ..� .. : .: �: . .. .. � . : � : : . 331 (�7) Accessory buildings, shuctures and uses as defined in section 60201. 332 (Code 1956, §§ 60.482; Ord. No. 16913, 4-27-82; Ord. No. 17204, 1-15-85; Ord. No. 17689 § 3, 10- 333 26-89; C.F. No. 93-1718, §§§§ 33--35, 12-14-93; C.F. No. 93-1815, §§ 6, 12-28-93; C.F. o. 95-472, 334 §§ 3, 5-31-95; C.F. No. 96-694, §§ 7, 7-10-96; C.F. No. 97-565, §§ 8, 6-11-97; C.F. No 9-750, §§ 3, 335 9-1-99) 336 Sec. 60.5�33. Required conditions. 337 The following conditions sha11 be required of a11 uses in the B-1 Local 338 (1) All business establishments shall be retail or service establislunentsqlealing directly with 339 customers. All goods produced on the premises shall be sold at re� il on the premises where 340 produced. 341 (2) Except far off-street pazking or loading, all business, storage, ervicing or processing sha11 be 342 conducted within completely enclosed buildings. 343 344 (Code 1956, §§ 60.483; C.F. No. 92-1479, §§ 4, 12-15-92) Sec. 60.5�34. Principal uses permitted subject to special 345 The following additional uses shall be permitted, subject to e conditions hereinafter imposed for 346 each use and subject to the standards specified for all spe al condition uses as set forth in section 347 64300(e�. All principal uses permitted subject to spec� conditions shall be reviewed and approved 348 by the pianning commission. 349 � Multi le famil dwellin s and mixed residential d commercial uses sub' ect to the followin 350 conditions: 351 352 353 354 355 356 (�2) 357 358 359 (z^� 360 f3� 361 362 363 364 365 � � , , , Electric transformer stations and substations; gas regul or stations with service yards, but without storage yards�ie� �i,R l�l�l�6'�Iw7Ul��L1114q1�1���l�ll�l�l�Nll�1��P1 W�l�l�l��lURd��!'�Ut�►'L�l����J�1����4�1w 366 (�3) Cellular telephone antennas located on a freestanding pole, as regulated in the OS-1 district, section 367 60.514(6)a.through g. 368 (6� Accessory buildings, structures and uses customarily incident to the above perxnitted uses. 00-1� a 369 (Code 1956, §§ 60.484; Ord. No. 16956, 9-9-82; Ord. No. 17039, ?-7-$3; Ord. No. 17845, §§ 23, 6- 370 27-91; Ord. No. 17894, §§ 2, 12-3-91; C.F. No. 93-1718, §§§§ 36, 37, 12-14-93; C.F. No. 93-1815, §§ 371 7, 12-28-93; C.F. No. 97-565, §§ 9, 6-11-97; C.F. No. 99-750, §§ 3, 9-1-99) 372 Sec. 60.5�35. Area, bulk and setback requirements. � 373 374 375 376 377 See Chapter 61, Schedule of Regulations, luniting the height and t of lot by perxnitted land use, and providang m;nimum yard setback (Code 1956, §§ 60.485) Subdivision 34. 60.5�40. the muumum size 378 Communify Business D' trict 379 Sec.60.5341.Intent. 380 The B-2 Community Business District is intended serve the needs of a consumer population lazger 381 than that served by the "Loca1 Business District," and is generally characterized by a cluster of 382 establishxnents generating large volumes of ve " ular and pedestrian traffic. 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 (Code 1956, §§ 60.491) Sec. 60.5342. Principal uses permitted. In a B-2 Community Business District e use of land, the location and erection of new buildings or structures, and the alteration, enlarge ent and moving of existing buildings or shuctures from other locations or districts shall conform t,' the following specified uses unless otherwise provided in this code: (1) � All principal uses as All retail business, and as regulated in a B-1 District. establishments or processing uses as £ollows: 391 a. Any retail b siness whose principal activity is the sale of inerchandise in an enclosed 392 building. 393 b. Any se ice establishment e€�vcternt�y�efim� housine an office, showroom or 394 works op rr�Eure of a contractar (including, but not limited to, pluxnbing, heating, air 395 con ' ioning, electrical, mechanical), decorator, dressmaker, t�skar, baker, painter, 396 up lsterer, a radio, television or home appliance repair 397 b iness, p�,afi�ix�g,� or similar sexvice establishments. 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 c. � e. clubs, fraternal organizations, liquar licensed establishments and lodge halls. Restaurants and fast-food restaurants when incorporated within a multi-use retail center and which do not provide drive-through window service. Theaters, assembly halls, aucfion ha11s, bingo halls, concert halls, reception halls or similar places of assembly when conducted completely within enclosed buildings. �. �.... f ..+... �.. � �..,.,. �. �. �..+� � inwinnw�:ian �iuur:w � nnr. t:r•i! o-i�na.aau� o-xu:i:iu � �r.r.:t:sannidi w�u n:ir.�tK! � ai���a f. VeterinarY clinics without boardine. (except for medical proceduresl; tattoo�arlors. . . :� : :� . . : : :� ... : . . � .. � . : :. : : :� 407 �1: 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 , ; 429 (3) Recycling drop-off station; pr�ided, that the facility: 430 a. Shall not occupy �ea more than two hundred (200) square feet and shall not 431 interfere with par g and maneuvering requirements of the principal use; 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 (4) i�g. ih. t�. Mail order houses. Health/sport clubs, conversation/rap roomfbathhouse facilities which are Food catering establishments. �. Brew on premises stores as mk. Coffee kiosks. massage parlors and steam : uses. by Minnesota State laws. nl. Fully enclosed auto sales incorporated within a multi-use retail center. b. c. � Shall be screene pursuant to section 62.107 if it abuts a residential use ar district; Shall be set b at least ten (10) feet from any properry line and shall not obstruct pedestrian or ehicular circulation;and Shall be m_ ntained free of litter and other undesirable materials. -�a Currency exchan�e business when located at least one hundred (100) feet from any residential lot in a residen al district or at least one hundred (100) feet from any residential lot occupied with a one-, o-, three-, four-, townhouse, or multiple-family dwelling, measured from the closest point f the building in which the business is located to the closest residential property line. (5) Other us�s similaz to the above uses. 442 (6) Accessory building, structures and uses as defined in section 60.201. 443 (Code 1956, §§ 60.492; Ord. No. 16956, 9-9-82; Ord. No. 17204, 1-15-85; Ord. No. 17524, §§ 12, 1- 444 6-88; Ord. No. 17564, §§ 7, 5-19-88; Ord. No. 17611, §§§§ 1, 2, 11-3-88; Ord. No. 17646, §§ 6, 4-6- 445 89; Ord. No. 17689, §§ 4, 10-26-89; Ord. No. 17777, 10-11-90; C.F. No. 93-1718, §§ 38, 12-14-93; 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 C.F. No. 94-1863, §§ 2, 1-18-95; C.F. No. 96-77, §§ 2, 2-14-96; C.F. No. 96-1342, §§ 2, 11-13-96; C.F. No. 97-1089 §§§§ z, 3, io-i-9�� �� � Sec. 60.5343. Required conditions. The following conditions shall be required of all uses in the B-2 Community (1) All business establishxnents shall be retail or service establishments consumers. All goods provided on the premises shall be sold at reta produced. ,;' District: ing directly with the pzemises where 453 (2) All business, storage, servicing or processing sha11 be conducte$ within completely enclosed 454 buildings. Provided, however, that the following uses may b� conducted outdoors if 455 specifically allowed as a permitted use or special conditio� use: Off-street parking, off=street 456 loading or outdoor businesses and outdoor businesses wi�h outdoor storage. 457 (Code 1956, §§ 60.493; C.F. No. 92-1479, §§ 5, 12-15-92)�� � 458 Sec. 60.5344. Principal uses permitted subject to special conditions. 4' 459 The following additional uses shall be permitted, subj t to the standards specified for all special 460 condition uses as set forth in section 64300(ed). All rincipal uses pernutted subject to special 461 conditions sha11 be reviewed and approved by the anning commission. 462 (1) All uses as permitted and regulated in th -1 Loca1 Business District under principal uses 463 permitted subject to special conditions. 464 Sec. 60.5345. Area, bulk and yard setback 465 See Chapter 61, Schedule of Regulations, l� iting the height and bulk of buildings, the minimum size 466 of lot permitted by land use, the maxim density perxnitted, and providing minimum yard setback 467 requirements. 468 (Code 1956, §§ 60.495) 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 A78 �ision �5. 60.5�50. B-2C Business (Converted) District Sec. 60.5�51. Intent. It is the intent of the B-2C mmunity Business (Converted) District to create a business district expressly for existing resi ntial structures in commercial areas, which will permit the operation of businesses which do not nerate large amounts of traffic and at the same time will retain the visual chazacter of the buildin forms and open space associated with residential uses. This includes a limited height on buildings front and side yards. It is further the intent of this district to provide parking for employees who ork in buildings which are converted from residential to business use. 479 (Ord. No. 17C 480 Sec.60.5�52. 481 � 482 Sec.60.5�53. uses permitted. Required conditions. 483 The following conditions shall be required of all uses in the B-2C Community Business (Converted) 484 District: .; 486 Sec. 60.5�54. Principal uses permitted subject to special conditions. 00 9'1'�- � 487 The following additional uses shall be pemutted, subject to the conditions hereinafter imposed for 488 each use and subject to the standazds specified for all special condition uses as set forth in section 489 64.300(ed). All principal uses pernutted subject to special conditions shall be reviewed and approved 490 by the plauuing commission. 491 �' 492 Sec. 60.5�55. Area, bulk, and yard setback requirements. �' �� 493 �" 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 Subdivision �6. 60.5�60. B-3 General Business District Sec. 60.5461. Intent. The B-3 General Business District is intended to provide sites� for more diversified types of businesses than those in the B-1 and B-2 Business Districts, and is inte ded for location, along majar traffic arteries or adjacent to the Community Business Districts. (Code 1956, §§ 60.501) �� Sec. 60.5�62. Principal uses permitted. � In a B-3 General Business District, the use of land � e location and erection of new buildings or structures, and the alteration, eniargement and m ing of existing buildings or structures from other locations or districts shall conform to the follo , ng specified uses, unless otherwise provided in this code: (1) All principal uses pernutted and use OS-1, B-1, and B-2 Districts, except aut correctional community residential faci facilities and emergency housing, pa enclosed buildings, and cellular tele iox (12) Sec. 60.5#63. Required < s p itted subject to special conditions and as regulated in o ervice stations, auto convenience mazkets. � licensed ]�' ies, health department-licensed community residential shops when the business is conducted within completely antennas located on a freestanding pole. 515 The following conditions all be required of all uses in the B-3 General Business District: All 516 business, storage, servic' g or processing shall be conducted within completely enclosed buildings. 517 Provided, however, th the following uses may be conducted outdoors if specifically allowed as a 518 permitted use or spec condition use: Off-street parking, off=street loading or outdoor businesses and 519 outdoor businesses rth outdoor storage. 520 (Ord. No. 17`_ 521 Sec.60.5�64. 16, 1-6-88; C.F. No. 92-1479, §§ 6, 12-15-92) uses permitted subject to special conditions. 522 The following additional uses shall be permitted, subject to the conditions hereinafter imposed for 523 each use and subject to the standards specified for all special condition uses as set forth in section 524 64300(ed). All principal uses permitted subject to special conditions shall be reviewed and approved 525 by the planning commission. 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 Oo �19— (1) Auto service stations; and auto convenience markets, as regulated in the B-2 District. / Sec. 60.5#65. Area, bulk and setback requirements. Subdivision 37. 60.5§70. B-4 Central Business District Sec. 60.5571. Intent. Sec. 60.5�72. Principal uses permitted. Sec. 60.5573. Required conditions. Sec. 60.5574. Principal uses permitted subject to spc�ial conditions. The following additional uses shall be permitted, su ect to the conditions hereinafter imposed for each use and subject to the standards specified for 1 special condition uses as set forth in section 64300(e�. All principal uses permitted subject ; �pecial conditions shall be reviewed and approved by the planning commission. ,�f Sec. 60.5575. Area, bulk and yard Sec. 60.5681. Intent. Sec. 60.5682. Principal Sec. 60.5683. Required requirements. vision ff8. 60.5880. B-S Business-Service District Sec. 60.Sfr84. Princig°al uses permitted subject to special conditions. 556 The following add�onal uses shall be permitted, subject to the conditions hereinafter imposed for 557 each use and sub�ct to the standazds specified for a11 special condition uses as set forth in section 558 64300(ed). Al�l principal uses permitted subject to special condifions sha11 be reviewed and approved 559 by the planni commission. G.f 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 Sec. 60.5;685. Area, bulk, and yard setback reqnirements. oo-g�a 407 , , . �1: 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 (3) 430 431 432 433 434 435 i�g. Mail order houses. th. Health/sport clubs, conversation/rap room/bathhouse facilities which are Ji. Food catering establishments. � ; . •, � ; �. Brew on premises stores as cgulate� mk. Coffee kiosks. � nl. Fully enclosed auto Recycling drop-off station• � a. Sha11 not occup � an interfere with arki� lors, massage parlors and steam adult uses. by Minnesota State laws. when incorporated within a multi-use retail center. that the facility: azea more than two hundred (200) square feet and sha11 not g and maneuvering requirements of the principal use; b. Shall be sczeened pursuant to section 62.107 if it abuts a residential use or district; c. � Shall be et back at least ten (10) feet from any properry line and shall not obstruct pedes „ an or vehiculaz circulation; and maintained free of litter and other undesirable materials. 436 (4) Currenc , exchange business when located at least one hundred (100) feet from any residential 437 lot in 'esidential district or at least one hundred (100) feet from any residentiallot occupied 438 with one-, two-, three-, four-, townhouse, or multiple-family dwelling, measured from the 439 clo est point of the building in which the business is located to the closest residenrial properiy 440 1� e. 441 (5) 442 Other uses snnilar to the above uses. Accessory building, structures and uses as defined in section 60.201. 443 (Code 1956, §§ 60.492; Ord. No. 16956, 9-9-82; Ord. No. 17204, 1-15-85; Ord. No. 17524, §§ 12, 1- 444 6-88; Ord. No. 17564, §§ 7, 5-19-88; Ord. No. 17611, §§§§ 1, 2, 11-3-88; Ord. No. 17646, §§ 6, 4-6- 445 89; Ord. No. 17689, §§ 4, 10-26-89; Ord. No. 17777, 10-11-90; C.F. No. 93-1718, §§ 38, 12-14-93; ::. . .:,...= .: :..- . . ......��.�.. �.��. . :,. .: . . . .� : : ..: . :�. � : . � : . � . :� : :: : � . . ir. •� •' i - u � i•" _r. i i ' "_ a - �u" - - ' - - _' :ii i�: 446 447 ,; C.F. No. 94-1863, §§ 2, 1-18-95; C.F. No. 96-77, §§ 2, 2-14-96; C.F. No. 96-1342, §§ 2, ll-13-96; C.F. No. 97-1089, §§§§ 2, 3, 10-1-97) Q Q�q�i�- Sec. 60.5343. Required conditions. 449 The following conditions shall be required of all uses in the B-2 Commuruty Business Distric�: 450 (1) Ali business establislunents shall be retail or service establishments dealing directly with 451 consumers. All goods provided on the premises shall be sold at retail on the premises where 452 produced. �� 453 (2) All business, storage, servicing or processing shall be conducted with'v�completely enclosed 454 buildings. Provided, however, that the following uses may be condu�d outdoors if 455 specifically allowed as a permitted use or special condition use: O� street parking, off-street 456 loading or outdoor businesses and outdoor businesses with outd¢br storage. �' 457 (Code 1956, §§ 60.493; C.F. No. 92-1479, §§ 5, 12-15-92) � � : 459 460 4b1 462 463 464 Sec. 60.5344. Principal uses permitted subject to special The following additional uses shall be permitted, subject to condition uses as set forth in section 64300(ed). All princi� conditions shall be reviewed and approved by the planning, (1) All uses as permitted and regulated in the B-1 permitted subject to special conditions. Sec. 60.5345. Area, bulk and yard setback idards specified for all special permitted subjectto special Business District under principal uses 465 See Chapter 61, Schedule of Regulations, limiti�ig the height and bulk of buildings, the minimum size 466 of lot permitted by land use, the maximum de�sity permitted, and providing minimum yard setback 467 requirements. �,� 468 (Code 1956, §§ b0.495) � 469 ,;� 470 Su�ivision �S. 60.5�50. B-2C 471 Comrr�inity Business (Converted) District 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 Sec. 60.5�51. Intent. It is the intent of the B-2C�ommunity Business (Converted) District to create a business district expressly far exisring resYdential shuctures in commercial azeas, which will pernut the operation of businesses which do npt generate large amounts of traffic and at the same time will retain the visual chazacter of the builci'ing forms and open space associated with residential uses. This includes a limited height on building�and front and side yards. It is further the intent of this district to provide parking for employees ��io work in buildings which are converted from zesidential to business use. (Ord. No. 1 Sec. 10-20-83) Principal uses permitted. 60.5�53. Required conditions. The following conditions shall be required of all uses in the B-2C Community Business (Converted) District: !� 486 Sec. 60.5454. Principal uses permitted subject to special conditions. 0 0 -1r1 L. 487 The following additional uses sha11 be permitted, subject to the conditions hereinafter imposed for 488 each use and subject to the standards specified for all special condition uses as set forth in section 489 64300(ed). All principal uses pemutted subject to special conditions shall be reviewe and approved 490 by the pla.nning coxnxnission. 491 / ,% ;� 492 Sec. 60.5�55. Area, bulk, and yard setback requirements. 493 494 495 496 Sec.60.5#61.Intent. Subdivision �6. 60.5�60. B-3 General Business District 497 The B-3 General Business District is intended to provide 498 than those in the B-1 and B-2 Business Districts, and is u 499 arteries or adjacent to the Community Business Districtis. iF` soo �coae 19s6, §§ 6o.soi� �� 501 502 503 504 505 Sec. 60.5�62. Principal uses permitted. j for more diversified types of businesses ed for location, along major traffic In a B-3 General Business District, the use of„kand, the location and erection of new buildings or structures, and the alteration, enlargement asx� moving of existing buildings or structures from other locations or districts shall conforxn to the fo�llowing specified uses, unless otherwise provided in this � code: / 506 (1) All principal uses permitted and u�es permitted subject to special conditions and as regulated in 507 OS-1, B-1, and B-2 Districts, except,�uto service stations, auto convenience markets, � licensed 508 correctional community residentia}�acilities, health deparhnent-licensed community residential 509 facilities and emergency housing; pawn shops when the business is conducted within completely 510 enclosed buildings, and cellular``telephone antennas located on a freestanding pole. f' 511 � 512 (12) 513 �` 514 Sec. 60.5#63. Requir,ed conditions. 515 The following conc�itions shall be required of all uses in the B-3 General Business District: All 516 business, storage��servicing or processing shall be conducted within completely enclosed buildings. 517 Provided, how�er, that the following uses may be conducted outdoors if specifically allowed as a 518 permitted use, r special condition use: Off-street parking, off-street loading or outdoor businesses and 519 outdoor bus,'�iesses with outdoor storage. 520 (Ord. 521 Sec. l 7524, §§ 16, 1-6-88; C.F. No. 92-1479, §§ 6, 12-15-92) Principal uses permitted subject to special conditions. 522 T� following additional uses shall be pernutted, subject to the conditions hereinafter imposed for 523 each use and subject to the standards specified for all special condition uses as set forth in section 524 64300(ed). All principal uses permitted subject to special conditions shall be reviewed and approved 525 by the planning commission. 00 �� �"' 526 (1) Auto service stafions; and auto convenience markets, as regulated in the 527 B-2 District. 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 Sec. 60.5�65. Area, bulk and setback requirements. Subdivision 37. 60.5370. Central Business Distr Sec. 60.5571. Intent. Sec. 60.5572. Principal uses permitted. Sec. 60.5573. Required conditions. Sec. 60.5574. Principal uses permitted subjee4 to special conditions. The following additional uses shall be permitfed, subject to the conditions hereinafter imposed for each use and subject to the standards specifi�d for all special condition uses as set forth in section 64300(ed). All principal uses permitted sg�iject to special conditions shall be reviewed and approved by the planning commission. �,� Sec. 60.5575. Area, bulk and yard s�etback requirements. 547 548 549 Sec.60.5681.Intent. 550 551 Sec. 60.SG82. Princi� 552 553 Sec. 60.5683. Requii 554 � 555 Sec. 60.Sfr84. Priuci� vision fr8. 60.SS80. B-S Business-Service District permitted. conditions. uses permitted subject to special conditions. 556 The following additional uses sha11 be permitted, subject to the conditions hereinafter imposed for 557 each use and u�bject to the standards specified for all special condition uses as set forth in section 558 64300(ed).�11 principal uses permitted subject to special conditions shall be reviewed and approved 559 by the plaxrfiing commission. 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 Sec. 6,�.5685. Area, bulk; and yard setback requirements. 00 -1�1 �. 572 573 574 5�$ 576 $77 5�g 579 580 $gi 582 583 584 $g$ 586 5g� $gg 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 Sec. 61.103. Business districts. 1Sinimum Size TSaximum Lot Size Per Height Minimum Yard Setback Tfaximum linit of Structures (Per Lot in Feeu Percent of Floor t.oc nrea Area in R'idth Side • Occupied ' Ratio Square in In In Front ��_ Total Rear BS hiain (F.:R) Zoning District Feet Feet Stories Feet mum of 2ko Euilding 61.103 BL'SI\ESS DISTRICTS � OS-1 ice-Senice Locce.� none none 3 d 30 d 15 a,�fa b b b,c none 1.0 OS-��eneral0ffl�e-Sero�ce nan� �.oHE 6e o'Se Oy 6 6'" b�c r.one 3.0 $-1 I.oca] Business none aone 3 30 15 ax? b / b b,c none 1.0 B-2 Community Business none none d 30 d O�f,g b �� 6 6,c none 2_0 B-2C Community Business none none 3d 30d 25�(j 4� 8 25 30°T RA (Converted) � B-3 Genera] Business none none d 30 d O�g ;�b b b.c none 2.0 B-4 Central Business none none no hmit no ]imit no limii ;' none none none c none S.0 �?f B-� Centra] Business Sen•ice none none no limit no hmit no li none none none c none 5.0 qrf rnr,i N� �;nR2 1n-20-£�3 Ord. I�o. 17204. 1-15-85: C.E I�o. 93-1718, § 62, 12-14-93) —�` - Notes to 61.103 Business Districts: (a) Off-street parking shall be permitted to occup��equired front yard setback; provided, that the off- street parking area, exclusive of access driveway shall be set back a mimmum distance of six (6) feet from any front or side street right-of-way and tt� off=street parking area setback meets the requirements of section 61.103(fl. ti�' (b) No side or rear yards are required alon ='the interior lot lines of the district, except as otherwise specified in the building code; provided, at if walls of structures facing such interior lot lines contain windows, or other openings, yards of�}ot less than ten six (i�6) feet sha11 be provided. Side and rear yards of at least�ere six (i�6) feet sh�l`I be required when a business district adjoins a side yard in an adjacent residence district. These setback requirements from interior lot lines sha11 be waived when an roofs. 609 (c) Off-street loading�space shall be provided in the reaz yard in accordance with the requirements of 610 section 62.105. i� 611 (d) The height of,� he structure may exceed fi3nr�-�39�feet the maximum buildin¢ height allowed in the 612 district, provid ' the structure is set back from all praperty setback lines a distance equal to the height 613 which said s, cture exceeds the maximum buildin height a€i�lrriir�ing allowed in the district. 614 e The hei t of structures in an OS-2 General Office-Service District ma exceed six 6 stories and 615 six -fiv 65 feet in hei ht sub'ect to conditions under section 60.524 2. The hei ht of above 616 round azkin buildin s in an OS-2 General Office-Service District ma exceed fo -five 45 feet in 617 hei ng t, subject to the conditions under section 60.524(31. 618 619 (efl Floor area bonuses, which encourage certain building features which produce public benefits, shall be granted as follows: 620 (€g) On those lots or parcels, or portions of lots or pazcels, which adjoin a right-of-way line of a 621 parkway, the required setbacks from the pazkway right-of-way line shall be equal to that required for 622 residential uses in effect along the parkway right-of-way or twenty-five (25) feet, whichever is greater. 623 (gh) Those parkways and portions of parkways listed below are excluded from the setback Do-���" 624 requirements established in subsection (g) above: 625 Ford Parkway (from Kenneth Street to Finn Street and north side between Fi,� Street and Mount 626 Curve Boulevazd). � 627 Gannon Road. 628 629 630 631 632 633 (�i) Since B-2C zoned properiy has a residential character, t front setback or meet the requirements of section 61.101(a). (Code 1956, §§ 61.103; Ord. No. 17204, 1-15-85; Ord. No. §§ 63, 12-14-93; C.F. No. 97-1089, §§ 5, 10-1-97) �j Sec. 62.103. Parking requirements. 634 (a) Off-street parking. Except in a B-4 or B-5 Di 635 districts at the time of erecrion, enlargement or e 636 requirements of this section. Before a certificate 637 parking spaces provided shall be as hereinafter . 638 street azkin s aces rovided shall be at leas ' 639 640 Sec. 62106. Accessory buildings. 641 Accessory buildings, except as otherwis provic 642 regulations: � 643 (1) 644 645 (2) 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 When the accessory buil and must conform to, all Accessory buildings, except a rear yard. , On corner lots, distance equal When an yard or fi line a dis sha11 maintain a twenty-five=foot §§ 1, 10-11-90; C.F. No. 93-1718, i, off-street parking spaces shall be provided in all sion of all buildings in accardance with the occupancy shall be issued, the number of off-street In an OS-2 District, the number of off- in this code, shall be subject to the following is structurally attached to a main building, it shall be subject to, lations of this code applicable to main buildings. or uses shall not be erected in or established in a required yard ory buildings, structures or uses shall be set back from the street a required of the principal structure. �SOry building, structure or use is conshucted in a rear yard which adjoins a side ard, the accessory building, structure or use shall be set back from the interior lot equal to the minnnum side yard required ' of the 653 On all `ther lots, accessory buildings shall be set back at least three (3) feet from all interiar lot 654 lines d overhangs sha11 be set back at least one-third (1/3) the distance of the setback of the 655 gar e wall or one (1) foot, whichever is greater. 656 is setback requirement from all interior lot lines for accessory buildings in rear yards shall 657 e waived when a maintenance easement is recorded -- `' as to the affected 658 properties, when proof of such recorded easement is provided at the time of application for a 659 building permit and when the accessory building is located at least three (3) feet from any 660 building on an adjoining lot. The recording of the maintenance easement shall be intetpreted to 661 mean that the following intents and purposes of this setback requirement are met: 662 a. Adequate supply of sunlight and air to adjacent property; 663 ..� 665 666 � c. SufFcient space for maintenance of the building from the same lot; and Prevention of damage to adjoining properry by fire or runoff from roofs. ao-q�� A recorded common waJl agreement is permitted in lieu of a maintenance easement if the accessory shucture is attached to an accessory structure on an adjoining lot. , 667 (3) In any residential area, accessory buildings shall not exceed fifteen (15) feet in hei t; 668 provided, however, that accessory buildings with a flat or shed roof style shall n exceed 669 twelve (12) feet in height. Cama e house dwellin s in an OS-2 General Offi -Service 670 District shall not exceed 25 feet in hei¢ht. 671 Exception: Accessory building heights shall not apply to property wit � designated Heritage 672 Preservation Districts nor to designated historic sites. In these cases propriate building 673 heights for accessory structures sha11 be determined tlu�ough the de 'gn review process to 674 ensure that heights aze acceptable and in keeping with scale and le of development on the 675 property. 676 (4) Accessory buildings on a zoning lot may occupy up to thi -five (35) percent of the rear yazd. 677 Rear yazds which adjoin alleys may include half the azea the alley to calculate the area of the 678 rear yard which may be occupied by accessory buildin . 679 680 681 682 683 684 (5) 685 686 (6) 687 On zoning lots containing one- and two-family dwe ngs, accessory buildings shall not occupy more than one thousand (1,000) squaze feet of the oning lot. On zoning lots containing a11 other uses, accessory buildings may occupy the e percent of the zoning lot as main buildings are allowed to occupy, as specified � tables in sections 61.101, 61.103, 61.104 and 61.105. In those instances where the rear lot line r a side lot line is coterminous with the alley right- of-way, the accessory building shall n be closer than one foot to such rear lot lines. On through lots, where frontage shall be equal to the side yard se established within a given block, reaz yard setbacks of the district in which located. 688 (7) Accessory buildings sha11 be„�located at least six (6) feet from the principal structure or shall be 689 considered attached for p oses of the zoning code. 690 (Code 1956, §§ 62106; Ord. o. 17038, 7-5-83; Ord. No. 17204, 1-15-85; Ord. No. 17476, §§ 1, 7- 691 15-87; Ord. No. 17511, §§ 7 11-12-87; Ord. No. 17524, §§§§ 27, 28, 1-6-88; C.F. No. 93-1718, §§§§ 692 74, 75, 12-14-93; C.F. No 6-77, §§ 4, 2-14-96; C.F. No. 96-1342, §§ 4, 11-13-96; C.F. No. 99-750, 693 §§ 9,9-1-99) 694 695 696 697 698 Chapter 66. Zoning Code - Signs Sec. 66.206.�a` OS-2, B-2. B-2C and B-3 Business Districts - �a 699 700 (5) Electronic message signs shall be prohibited from�l�ce OS-2. B-2 �istiief and�Yce B-2C districts; 701 provided, that electronic message signs giving public information, such as time, temperature, 702 stock averages and the like, are perxnitted in OS-2 and B-2 districts. 703 704 705 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby amend the Saint 706 Paul Zoning Code by changing the zoning classification for the following properties on the zoning maps of 707 the City of Saint Paul, Sheet No. 29, as incorporated by reference in Section 60301 of the Saint aul 00 ��1� 708 Legislative Code: 709 710 711 P1N Ni)1VIBER ADDRESS LEGAL DESCRIPTION 712 713 RCIt-1 to OS-2 714 � 715 062822410046 Unassigned SUBJ TO ST; THE FOL; PART OF OT 1 DESC AS BEG AT SW 716 COR OF SD LOT 1 TH NELY T A PT ON WL OF E 10 FT. DIST 717 15 FT. N FROM SL OF SD LO 1 TH N ON SD WL TO NL OF 718 LOT 1 TH W TO NW COR S TO BEG & ALL OF LOTS 2 719 THRU LOT 4 BLK A 720 � 721 062822140002 Unassigned SUB TO FLOOD WAL ESMT A TRIANGiJLAR TRACT 722 BOLJNDED BY MIS SIPPI RIVER ON NW EXTENDED SWLY 723 L OF CUSTER ST SW AND W R/W L OF C G W RY ON E IN 724 GOVT LOT 7 SE TN 28 RN 22 725 726 062822140018 40 Water Street E COM AT NW OR OF LOT 14 BLK 4 BAZII. & ROBERTS ADD 727 TH NWLY 4.1 FT ON EXTENDED SWLY L OF SD LOT TH 728 55.71 FT LY AT AN ANGLE TO R OF 26 DEG 45 MIN TO PT 729 OF BEG CONT. NWLY ON LAST DESC L 185 FT TO 730 HARB L TH NELY ON SD HARBOR L TO INTERSECT WITH 731 EXTE ED SWLY L OF CUSTER ST VAC TH SELY ON SD 732 EXT NDED L TO WL OF C G W RY RW AT A PT 158 FT NWI.Y 733 F M NWLY L OF SD BLK 4 TH SLY ON SD RWL TO A PT 734 735 062822140019 Robert St. S AC STS & ALLEYS ACCRUING & SUB7 TO ESMTS. TI� FOL: 736 THAT PART OF GOVT LOT 7 LY1NG ELY OF RR R/W & WLY 737 OF ROBERT ST & THAT PART OF BLK 175 OF ROBERTSONS 738 ADD & BLK 4 OF BAZIL & ROBERTS ADD LYING ELY OF RR 739 R/W. ALSO IN BAZIL & ROBERTS ADD. THE NWLY 44.75 FT 740 OF BLK 2& ALL OF BLK 3 741 742 062822410006 2 Starkey S. BEG ON NL WATER ST & SW L L 14 B4 BAZIL & ROBTS ADD 743 TH NW ON SD L TO NW COR SD LOT TH CONT NW 48.1 FT TH 744 NW AT AND R 26D 45M TO RIVER TH S W ON RIV TO PT 20 FT 745 ELY OF EL BA ROBERTSONS ADD TH SE PAR TO BH TO PT 746 300 FT N OF NL ST TH NE PAR TO ST TO L RiTN 10 FT SW OF 747 & PAR TO SD L 14 TH SE ON SD L TO INT W L OF STARKEY 748 ST EXT TH S TO NL WATER ST TH ELY TO BEG BEGIN PART 749 OF GL 7(SUBJ TO ESMT IN SEC 6 TN 28 RN 22 750 751 062822410007 2 Starkey St. EX SELY 300 FT THE SWLY 20 FT OF PART OF GOVT LOT 7 752 NELY OF ROBERTSONS ADD AND NWLY OF WATER ST IN "753 SEC 6 T'N 28 RN 22 754 755 062822410005 Water St. E. PART OF GOVT LOT 7 IN SEC 6 T 28 R 22 & PART OF LOT 14 756 BLK 4 IN SD BAZIL & ROBERTS ADD DESC AS BEG AT NW 757 COR LOT 14 TH NWI,Y ON EX SW L SD LOT 48.1 FT TH N AT 758 ANGLE TO R 26DG 45 MN 55.71 FT TO NW L OF SE 100 FT OF 759 GL 7 TH NELY ON SD NW L TO ELY OF STARKEY ST TH SLY 760 761 762 763 062822410044 764 765 766 767 768 769 770 771 772 773 062822410002 774 775 776 777 778 062822410014 779 780 781 782 062822410003 783 784 785 786 062822410043 787 788 789 790 791 792 793 794 795 RCI-1 to OS-2 796 797 062822410018 798 799 800 801 802 803 804 805 062822410024 806 807 808 062822410029 809 810 811 812 813 062822410030 814 815 ON SD EL TO INT SW L OF LOT 14 TH NWI,Y ON SW L LOT 14 TO BEG � Q �9e) � 40 Water St. E. BEG AT INIBRSECTTON OF NWLY L OF WATER ST & EXTENDED NELY L OF BLK 176 ROBERTSONS ADD TH NWLY ON SD EXTENDED L TO INTERSECTION OF A 10 FT SWLY FROM & PAR WITFI SWLY L OF LOT 14 BL 4 BAZIL & ROBERTS ADD TH NWLY ON SD PAR L TO RSECT L 300 FT NWI,Y FROM & PAR WI'I'I3 NWLY L OF ATER ST TH SWLY ON SD PAR L TO INTERSECT A L 20 F NELY FROM & PAR WITH NELY L OF ROBERTSONS ADD,�TH NWLY ON LAST DESC L , ' Unassigned Fillmore Ave. E. 43 Water St. E. SUBJ TO FLOOD WALL ESMT PART,6F SPUR R/W IN BLK 4 F SERVING PURE OIL CO AND SUBJ/TO CUSTER ST A 50 FT RY R/W RiJNNING N FROM LEVEE L ACROSS GOVT LOT 7 SEC 6 T 28 R 22 A- ND ACROSS PART OF BLK 4 f �' IN THE CITY OF ST PAUL &EVISED DESCRIPTION NiJMBER d 717 A SPECIFIC PART OF� TS 8 THRU 10 BLK 4 BAZIL A- ND ROBERTS ADD AND PAR{T' OF BLK 175 IN THE CTT OF ST A SPECIFIC PART PART OF LOTS 3 " , REVISED DESCRIPTION 1VLJMBER 693 �VTLOT7INSEC6T28R22AND LOT 6 BLK 4 43 Water St. E. SUBJ TO LEVEFp�ESMT OVER ELY %z FT BEG AT IN'I'ERSECTI�G OF SLY L OF LOT 6& EXTENDED ELY L OF STARKEY S�' TH NWLY ON SD EXTENDED L 39.52 FT TO INTERSEC� A L 60 FT NWLY FROM & PAR WITH LEVEE L TH NELY O�SD PAR L 64.22 FT TO INTERSECT A L PAR WITFI & 8 FT A`P`�RA FROM CL OF PiJRE OIL CO SPUR TRACK TH SLY ON SD L 539 FT TO SLY L OF LOT 6 TH SWLY ON SD L 37.�FT TO BEG BEING PART OF SD LOT 6 BLK 4 Fillmore Ave. E. �" VAC ST ACCRiJING IN DOC NO 1819955 & T S 567230 & FOL; � PART OF STARKEY ST VAC SWLY OF A L BEG AT PT ON NWLY L OF FAIRFIELD AVE 20 FT NELY OF SE COR BLK 177 f TH NWI,Y TO PT 35 FT SWLY OF NWLY COR OF LOT 3 BLK � 174 TH NW 9 FT ELY OF & PAR TO MOST ELY SPUR TRACK � TO SELY L OF FILLMORE AVE & THERE TERM ALSO LOT 1 NELY 15 FT OF LOT 2& ALL OF LOT 13 BLK 177 Unassigned STS & ALLEY ACCRUING AS VAC IN ABST DOC 1819955 & TS DOC 567230 & FOL; LOTS 1& LOT 13 BLK 178 STS & ALLEY ACCRUING AS VAC IN ABST DOC 1819955 & TS DOC 567230 & FOL; PART OF LOT 1 NELY OF A LINE 8 FT SWLY OF & PAR WITH CL OF SWLY TRACK OF RY ACROSS SD LOT 1 BLK 179 ST & ALLEY ACCRUING AS VAC IN ABST DOC 1819955 & TS DOC 567230 & FOL; 1170 SQ FT DESC AS FOL; EX NELY 8 FT; PART OF LOT 1 SWLY OF CL OF SWLY TRACK OF RY 816 817 818 062822410031 819 820 821 052822320012 822 823 824 052822320013 825 826 827 828 052822320014 829 830 831 832 833 834 052822320015 835 836 837 838 839 052822320030 840 841 052822320029 842 843 052822320017 844 845 846 052822320016 847 848 849 850 052822320028 851 852 853 854 855 052822320035 856 857 858 859 860 861 862 863 864 062822410038 865 866 867 868 869 870 871 ACROSS SD LOT 1 BLK 179 O O - Plato Blvd. W. STS & ALLEY AS VAC IN ABST DOC 1819955 & TS OC 567230 & LOT 13 BLK 179 Robert St. S. STS & ALLEY ACCRiJING AS VA IN ABST C 1819955 & TS DOC 567230 & FOL; LOTS 1 THRU LOT 5 LK 10 Robert St. S. Unassigned 173 Robert St. S. Unassigned Unassigned Plato Blvd W 193 Robert St. S. ST ACCRUING AS VAC IN ABST 567230 & FOL; EX SWLY 15 FT; I LOT 3 BLK 15 �1819955 & TS DOC 1&2 &EXSWLY30FT; STS & ALLEY ACCRiTING AS" VA IN ABST DOC 1819955 & TS DOC 567230 & FOL; SWLY,;15 FT OF LOTS 1& 2& W 30 FT OF LOT 3& SWLY QUADRA3�IGULAR PART OF LOTS 4& 5 MEASURING 10 FT ON;SELY LINE OF LOT 5& 24 FT ON N�VI.Y LINE OF SDjOT 4 BLK 15 ST ACCRUING AS�/�AC IN ABST DOC 181955 & TS DOC 567230 & FOL; EX SWLIn QUADRANGULAR PART MEASi.TRING 10 FT ON SELY L OF,�OT 5 AND 24 FT ON NWLY L OF LOT 4 LOTS 4 AND LOT 5 BL�K 15 1i1C�7 VAC VAC ACCRUING & LOT 7 BLK 15 & ST ACCRUING & LOT 6 BLK 15 i& ALLEYS ACCRiJING & THE FOL; LOT 6 LYING PLATO BLVD & ALL OF LOTS 7 THRU LOT 10 BLK 18 � AND ALLEY ACCRUING AS VAC IN ABST DOC 1819955 & i DOC 567230 & FOL; PART LYING N4VLY OF PLATO BLVD FLOTS 1 THRU LOT 5 BLK 18 Unassigned VAC ST ACCRUING & SUBJ TO ESMT; EX NWLY 22.4 FT & EX NELY 115 FT LOT 4& EX PART NELY OF A LINE MEAS � 115 FT ON THE NELY LINE & 117.76 FT ON THE SELY LINE „ LOT 5 BLK 13 Robert St� VAC STS & ALLEYS ACCRiJING & SUBJ TO ESMTS. THE FOL; � BEG ON THE SWLY LINE OF ROBERT ST & THE NWI,Y LINE OF FILLMORE ST. TH SELY ALONG ROBERT ST TO THE CL ,� OF VAC FAIRFIELD ST. TH SWLY ALONG CL OF FAIRFIELD y ST 125 FT TO THE CL OF VAC ALLEY IN BLK 10 TH SELY � ALONG SD CL OF ALLEY IN BLK 10 & CONT ON CL IN BLK 15 TO THE ELY EXT ON SELY LINE OF LOT 8 BLK 15. TH SWLY ALONG LAST DESC LINE TO THE NELY LINE OF VAC 41 Chicago Ave. E. TRACT H REGIST'ERED LAND SURVEY 350 & IN SD ROBERTSONS ADDITION STS ACCRUING AS VAC IN ABST DOC. 1819955 & TS DOC. 567230 & PART SWLY OF C N W RY R/W & SELY OF EXTENDED SELY LINE OF NWLY 47.4 FT OF LOT 2 BLK 172 SD ROBERTSONS ADD OF FOL TRACT LOTS 4 & 5 BLK 13 BAZIL & ROBERTS ADD & PART OF GL 7 IN SEC 5 TN 28 RN 22 & IN SD ROBERTSONS ADD LOT 2 BLK 172 872 873 RCC-1 to OS-2 874 875 062822410015 876 877 062822410012 878 879 880 881 062822410013 882 883 884 885 062822410016 886 887 888 889 062822420003 890 891 892 893 894 062822410020 895 896 897 898 062822410019 899 900 901 902 0628222410017 903 904 905 906 062822410022 907 908 909 910 911 912 913 062822410036 914 915 916 062822410021 917 918 919 920 062822410045 921 922 062822410� 923 924 925 926 062822410026 927 Oo-g'1�' 84 Wabasha St. S. 1 Water St. LOTS 1'I'IIRU LOT 7 BLK 176 W: VAC ALLEY & ST ACCRUING AS VAC IN TS D C NO 561084 & ABST DOC NOS 1687963 & 1806646 & F ; NELY %z OF LOT 4& ALL OF LOTS 1 2& LOT 3 BLK B 21 Water St. W. VAC STS ACCRLTING AS VAC IN TS DO NO. 561084 & ABST DOC NO 1806646 & FOL; SWLY %z OF LQ�f 4& ALL OF LOTS 5 & LOT 6 BLK B � Wabasha St. PART LYING NLY OF REALIGNF�D WATER ST OF FOL; VAC STS ACCRUING & SUBJ TO ST�L,OTS 1 2& 3 NELY'/z OF LOT 4 BLK 182 � 51 Water St. W. VAC STS ACCRiJING AS IN ABST DOC NO. 1806646 & TS DOC NO 561084 & FOL/IRACT; SUBJ TO ALLEY PART LYING NLY OF RE-ALIGNED ST OF BLK 184 & EX WLY 15 FT. LOT 5& ALL O$`LOTS 1 THRU LOT 4 BLK 183 114 Wabasha St. S. ALLEXS & ST A�CRUING AS VAC IN ABST DOC. 1819955 & TS DOC 567230/& FOL; EX NE 15 FT; LOT 2& ALL OF LOTS 3 THRU LOT 9 $LK 177 34 Fillmore Ave. E. SUBJ TO & WITH ESMT; THE FOL; VAC STS & ALLEYS ACCRUI�4G & LOTS 10 11 & 12 BLK 177 & LOTS 2 3& LOT 4 BLK 17� /� Wabasha St. S. P�T LYING NLY OF REALIGNED WATER ST OF FOL; VAC ST��S ACCRUING & SWLY'/z OF LOT 4& ALL OF LOTS 5 AND L�OT 6 BLK 182 30 Water St. W. � VAC STS ACCRIJING & EX A TRIANGLE IN NW COR MEAS �' 35.65 FT ON SW LINE OF RE-ALIGNED WATER ST & 68.09 FT � ON SW LINE OF NE '/� OF VAC EDWARD ST & EX NELY 180 FT / THE N 240 FT OF THE FOL TRACT; PART OF LOTS 1& 2 IN BI.TRNS RE & IN ROBERTSONS ADD PART SLY OF WATER ST OF BLK 182 & LOTS 8 9& LOT 10 BLK 181 Wabas�St. S. < ll�'VJabasha St. / i 155 Wabasha St. S. 120 Wabasha St. S. Wabasha St. S. VAC ALLEYS & ALL OF VAC INDIANA ST ACCRUING & FOL; SWLY �h OF LOT 7& ALL OF LOTS 8 9 10 11 & LOT 12 BLK 178 SUBJ TO ST & VAC ST & ALLEY ACCRUING Tf� FOL TRACT; PART OF LOT 2 BURNS RE & PART SLY OF RE-ALIGNED WATER ST THE NE 180 FT OF NW 240 FT OF BLK 181 OUTLOT A& LOTS 1 2 3& LOT 4 BLK 2 ST & ALLEY ACCRUING AS VAC IN ABST DOC 1819955 & TX DOC 567230 & FOL; NWLY 1.4 FT OF SWLY 81.6 FT OF LOT 6 & ALL OF LOT 5 BLK 178 ALLEY ACCRUING AS VAC IN ABST DOC 1819955 & TS DOC 567230 & FOL; NWLY �/: OF LOT 7& EX 1VWLY 1.4 FT OF 928 929 930 062822410037 931 932 933 062822410033 934 935 936 937 052822230021 938 939 940 I-1 to OS-2 941 942 062822440095 943 944 062822440094 945 946 062822440079 947 948 949 950 951 952 953 954 955 062822440080 956 957 958 959 960 06282244077 961 962 963 964 062822430042 965 966 967 I-1 to B-3 968 969 062822440001 970 971 062822440002 972 973 974 975 062822440003 976 977 978 05282233004y 979 980 981 Unassigned 162 Wabasha St. 63 Robert St. 8 Plato Blvd. W 90 Plato $1vd.W SWLY 81.6 FT LOT 6 BLK 178 00 -9'1 �-- SUBJ TO PLATO BLVD; VAC STS & ALLEY ACCRUING & LOTS 2 3 4 10 11 & 12 BLK 179 � TI� VAC 20 FT WIDE N-S ALLEY�ADJ & PART LYING NLY OF PLATO BLVD AS RELOCAT�b OF FOL TRACT; LOTS 5 THRU LOT 9 BLK 179 � VAC STS & ALLEYS ACCRUJNG TF� FOL; EX THE NWI.Y 44.75 FT ALL OF BLK 2 i r� OU'I'LOTS B C& D'� & LOTS 7 8 9 10 & LOT 11 BLK 1 LOTS&6 215 Wabasha St. S. VAC ST & F.�L; BEG ON SL OF LOT 7 BLK 167 & 30 FT SW OF NE L OF L 7 TH NLY PAR TO SD L 40 FT TH S 41 DEG 58 MIN 24 S�C W 79.12 FT TH N 85 DEG 28 MN W 3.86 FT TH S 23 MINE4 SFTTHS41DEG58MIN24SECW11.85FTTHS3 MIN E f O TOE OF CLIFF TH E ON TOE L TO PT 8.5 FT W OF E L OF,�,OT TA N PAR TO SD L 93.10 FT TH NWLY 872 FT TO PT OF �EG & SUBJ TO ALLEY & ALLEY BLVD; E 8.5 FT OF LOT 2 & t1LL OF LOT 1 BLK 7 Unassigned k ,>TRACT B REG LAND SURVEY 327 & IN SD ROBERTSONS ADD �" A TRACT OF LAND LYING N OF PROSPECT TERRACE & SLY > OF TOE OF CLIFF ACROSS BLKS 160 8 9& EX E 8 FT; LOT 5& LOTS 6 7& LOT 8 BLK 7 Unassigned f i I� F ; 120 Plato Blvd. W. ; 'r , i 30 Plato Blvd. W. 200 Wabasha St. S. 206 Wabasha St. S A TRACT OF LAND LYING N OF PROSPECT TERRACE & SLY OF TOE OF CLIFF ACROSS EX E 8.5 FT; LOT 2& LOT 2& ALL OFLOTS34&E8FTOFLOTSBLK7 LOT 4 BLK 1 LOT 1 BLK 1 VAC STS & ALLEY ACCRUING & SUBJ TO RELOCATED PLATO BLVD LOT 5 AND ALL OF LOTS 6 THRU LOT 9 BLK 169 VAC ST & ALLEY ACCRUING & N 50 FT OF LOT A CIiANNEL ADD & IN SD ROBERTSONS ADD LOT 2 BLK 168 216 Wabasha St. S. VAC STS & ALLEY ACCRUING & THE FOL; LOTS 3& 4 BLK 168 ROBERTSONS ADD ALSO EX N 50 FT LOT A& ALL OF LOT B OF CHANNEL ADD & IN WEST IlVDUSTRIAL PARK NO. 3 LOT 6 BLK 1 OR�GINAL THIS PAGE HAS BEEN LEFT BLANR INTEIvQTIONALLY. IT ZS THE SIGNATURE PA E ACCOMPA�IYING GREEN SHEET NO. 106979: "AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTE 60 OF THE SAINT PAUL LEGISLATIVE CODE PERTAINZNG TO ZONING FOR THE / CITY OF SAINT PAUL AND THE ZONING MAPS THEREOF." Benanav Blakey Bostrom Coleman Harris Lantry Reiter / Adopted by Co ; �cil Adoption C rtifi� Approved by Mayor: Requested by Department of: ao -q�'' Plannina & ECOnomic Development � Date by Council Secretary Form Approve y City Attorney , ��yv"-- !o f/ UG� �— Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Date � �.`DS�:'t p ds, a000 council Fi1e # _�) � q� e1.�. Ordinance # Green Sheet # ���.Q�� • ' � NESOTA Presented By Referred To Committee: Date /� 2 � 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CI�APTE$ 60 OF THE SAINT PAUL LEGISLATIVE CODE PERTAINING TO ZONING FOR THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL AND THE ZONING MAPS THEREOF WHEREAS, tl�e Saint Paul Planning Commission has made a survey of the area generally bounded by the Mississippi River on the north, Robert Street on the east, Wood Street on the south and Wabasha Street on the west for the purpose of considering amendments to the Zoning Code, and has determined that: 1) the shxdy area is at least 40 acres in size; 2) the number of real estate descriptions affected by the amendments renders the obtaining of written consent impractical; and 3) the proposed amendments are related to the overail needs of the community, to existing land use or to plans for future land use, as stated in the Land Use Plan chapter of the City's Comprehensive Plan, the West Side Flats Development Strategy and the Saint Paul on the Mississippi Development Framework, and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on the "City-Wide Mixed-Use Urban Village Zoning and West Side Flats 40-Acre Zoning Study" on September 22, 2000 and, after considering public testimony, 1) found the City-Wide Mixed-Use Urban Village Zoning and West Side Flats 40-Acre Zoning Study consistent with the Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan, the West Side Flats Development Strategy and the Saint Paul on the Mississippi Development Framework; and 2) recommended on October 6, 2000 that the Zoning Code be amended as per the 40-Acre Study; and WHEREAS, the City Council held a public hearing on November 1, 2000, notice of which was published in the Saint Paul Pioneer Press on October 15, October 22 and October 29, 2000; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby amend the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to zoning for the City of Saint Paul by making the following tea-t changes: ARTICLE II. DEFINITIONS Sec. 60.203. C. ; . ;,: - . : :. : .. . .. � : .. : :. :: . . • :� : : : . : . . 36 PIIRI icu^� iYUY L Fd� rn.+ J � 00 - q�l�- 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 Sec. 60.204. D. Dwelling, multiple family. A building, or portion thereof, designed exclusively for occupancy by three (3) or more families living independently of each other in individual dwelling units. Dweiling, townhouse. A one-family dwelling unit, with a private entrance, which is part of a structure whose dwelling units are attached horizontally in a linear arrangement, and having a totally exposed front and rear wall to be used for access, light and ventilation. Dwellin� carriage house. An accessorv dwelline above a detached eara�e. Dwelling unit. A building, or portion thereof, designed for occupancy by one family for residential purposes used or intended to be used far living, sleeping and cooking or eating purposes. ARTICLE III. DISTRICT USES AND REGULATIONS Division 2. 60.400. Residential Districts Subdivision 2. 60.410. R-1 through R-4 One-Family Residential Districts Sec. 60.413. Principal uses permitted subject to special conditions. (14) A carriage house apgrtmeirt dwelline in an accessory building subject to the following conditions. � [� The building planned for use as a carriage house �xt dwelline had space originally built to house domestic employees. The applicant shall obtain a petition signed by two-thirds of the property owners within one hundred (100) feet of the applicant's property line consenting to the carriage house � dwellin2. c. The applicant shall not reduce the number of existing off-street parking spaces on the properry and shall also provide additional off-street parking as required for the carriage house apa�nern dwelline. A site plan and a building plan shall be submitted to the planning commission at the time of application. Carriage house �ts dwellines are exceptions to one (1) main buildina pex zoning lot requirements. Division 3. 60.500. Business Districts Subdivision 1. 60.510. OS-1 Local Off ce_Service District Sec. 60.511. Intent. The OS-1 Local Office-Service District is intended to accommodate various types of office and service uses performing administrative, professional and personal services and to serve as a transitional use between the more intensive uses of land such as major thoroughfares or commercial districts and the less intensive uses of land such as one-family residential. 00 _ �,��. 78 (Code 1956, §§ 60.471; C.F. No. 96-694, §§ 6, 7-10-96) 79 Sec. 60.512. Principal uses permitted. 80 In an OS-1 Local Office-Service District the use of land, the location and erection of new buildings or 81 structures, and the alteration, enlazgement and moving of existing buildings or structures from other 82 locations or districts sha11 conform to the following specified uses, unless otherwise provided in this 83 code: 84 (1) 85 (2) 86 Executive, � administrative and nonprofit or2anization offices. Business offices such as, but not limited to, insurance offices, real estate offices, banks loan companies, savings and loan associations, and sales o�ces. 87 (3) Professional offices such as, but not limited to, medical offices, including medical clinics and 88 medical laboratories; massage centers; offices of engineers, architects and accountants; 89 auditing, bookkeeping, and legal offices; and studios of artists and photographers. 90 91 . 92 � Service businesses �rovidin services on the premises. such as, but not limited to. 93 photocopvin� repair shops (watches, shoes. etc.), tailor shops, beautv parlors and barbershops. 94 (5) Family day care, group family day care and group day care. 95 (6) Churches, synagogues, temples and other similaz houses of worship; convents, rectories and 96 parsonaees; elementary�iunior hieh and hieh schools; dance schools; business schools: 97 nonacademic colleges or trade schools operated for a profit: libraries, parks and community 98 recreational facilities. 99 � Colleges universities and seminazies and other such institutions of hieher learning public 100 and �rivate offerin�courses in t�eneral technical or reli¢ious education and not operated for 101 rorofit; provided, that: 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 . 114 115 116 117 118 119 ��� a. Dormitories or other eroup student housin�shall not be permitted within the district; b. When an institution is established in the district, the institution shall be required to provide the minimum number of off-street parkin�soaces for employees, staff, or students as set forth in section 62.103(g). The institution shall be required to provide additional pazki� spaces only when the minimum number of parkine spaces will have to be increased due to a more than ten (101 percent or three hundred (3001 eain in the total number of em�loyees, staff or students. whichever is less. Thereafter. additional parkin�aces will have to be provided for each subsequent gain of more than ten (10) percent or three hundred (3001 in the total number of employees, staff or students: and c. To determine compliance with paz�� requirements in item b. above. the institution must file an annual reoort with the �lannine administrator stating the number of empiovees. staff and students associated with the institution. Multiple family dwellines, and mixed residential and commercial �`�z uses subject to the following conditions: .. - • ! . . .. � . . . . . . .. .: '.. ... ':: . . : : . - : . : .: :� : � '.: . ., . . . . .: . • .- -• � . - • - �- -. - . . . . 00 -g'!?-- 120 121 122 123 124 125 � First floor s�ace ori inallv desi2ned and built for a nonresidential nurpose shall not be used for a residential pumose• 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 � . Foster homes and freestanding foster care homes. " � ar Human service-licensed community residential facilities for sixteen (16) or fewer facility residents subject to the condition that they are at least one thousand three hundred twenty (1,320) radial feet from another similar facility. � riJ�uw-.zab�wi�o�w�u��er�n�n�n�nno�in�wnPiwi�iSSTniwi:»�r.ti�����u�n:ia�tiuna:i:��ai�nr�a ,...s�..., . . : . ($11) Cellular telephone antennas located on an existing structure, subject to the following conditions: a. The antennas shall not extend more than fifteen (15) feet above the structL�ral height of the structure to which they are attached. [a c. Antennas located in historic districts or on historic buildings shall be subject to the review and approval of the heritage preservation commission. Antennas on lattice towers may be laterally supported by the tower. 135 d. Transmitting, xeceiving and switching equipment shall be housed within an existing 136 structure whenever possible. If a new equipment building is necessary, it shall be 137 permitted and regulated as an accessory building, section 62.106, and screened from 138 view by landscaping where appropriate. 139 � Other uses similar to the above uses. 140 (913) Accessory buiidings, structures and uses as defined in section 60.201. 141 (Code 1956, §§ 60.472; Ord. No. 16913, 4-27-82; Ord. No. 17204, 1-15-85; C.F. No. 93-1718, §§§§ 142 28--31, 12-14-93; C.F. No. 9�-472, §§ 2, 5-31-95; C.F. No. 95-557, §§ 2, 6-14-95; C.F. No. 95-1444, 143 §§ 2, 1-17-96; C.F. No. 96-694, §§ 6, 7-10-96; C.F. No. 97-565, §§ 6, 6-11-97; C.F. No. 99-7>0, §§ 2, 144 9-1-99) 145 Sec. 60.513. Required conditions. 146 The following conditions shall be required of ail uses in the OS-1 Local Office Service District: 147 Except for off-street pazking or loading, all business, storage, servicing or processing shall be 148 conducted within completely enclosed buildings. 149 150 151 152 153 154 ' 155 (C.F. No. 92-1479, §§ 3, 12-15-92; C.F. No. 95-1444, §§ 2, 1-17-96; C.F. No. 96-694, §§ 6, 7-10-96) Sec. 60.514. Principal uses permitted subject to special conditions. The foilowing additional uses shall be permitted, subject to the conditions hereinafter imposed for each use and subject to the standards specified for all special condition uses as set forth in section 64300(ed). All principal uses perxnitted subject to special conditions shall be reviewed and approved by the planning commission. i��� ii.r.nd��nntbwi• niioi.���in �bnii rw� 156 (�1) Publiclv owned buildines; roublic utilitv buildings; telephone exchange buildings• water and 157 sewage pumping stations; but not including storage yards, transformer stations, substations, or 158 gas regulator stations. 159 �2,� Railroad rieht-of-wav, but not includine terminal freieht facilities. transfer and storage tracks. 00 —q� � 160 (3) Hospices serving sixteen (16) or fewer facility residents. 161 162 163 164 165 166 (4) Shelters for battered persons or transitional housing serving sixteen (16) or fewer facility residents, provided they are not located in a planning district in which one (1) percent or more of the population lives in licensed human service community residential facilities, licensed conectional community residential facilities, health departrnent-licensed communiry residential facilities, transitional housing, shelters for battered persons, emergency housing or ovemight shelters. 167 I68 -- - canaici - viis 169 . . 1 - - - - - - i..�.r�rswe�s�.nw.�.a..�...a�o.E - - . . � -. . . • ... . . . . -: . . . : - • : � -. -- : - : . ..:--: .- : - . - : - : ::. : - -: .- . - - -. :. - - .. ..: :� . - . .- � • - i •' _ - •' uou' nKti�nr.dtainioutasvnu�oi.l�ai r ' - � 1�5 �e�.e�rwras�ar.z�.e�ww� . = .. : . : - : : .: : : . : : �: : 177 178 179 180 .. . .. • .. . . : .. . . .. . :.. : . � . .: .. : . . . . .; :.:: . : .: � . . . (65) Cellular telephone antennas located on a freestanding pole, subject to the following conditions: 181 a. The applicant demonstrates that the proposed antennas cannot be accommodated on an 182 existing freestanding pole, an existing resadential structure at least sixty (60) feet high, 183 an existing institutional use structure, or a business building within one-half ('/z) mile 184 radius of the proposed antennas due to one (1) or more of the following reasons: 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 1. The planned equipment would exceed the structural capacity of the existing pole or structure. 2. The planned equipment would cause interference with other existing or planned equipment on the pole or structure. 3. The planned equipment cannot be accommodated at a height necessary to function reasonably. 4. The owner of the existing pole, structure or building is unwillin� to co-locate an antenna. 193 b. The freestanding pole shall not exceed seventy-five (75) feet in height, unless the 194 applicant demonstrates that the surrounding topography, structures, or vegetation 195 renders a seventy-five-foot pole impractical. Freestanding poles may exceed the above 196 height limit by twenty-five (25) feet if the pole is designed to carry two (2) antennas. 197 � a Antennas sha11 not be located in a required front or side yard and shall be set back one 198 (1) times the height of the antenna plus ten (10) feet from the nearest residential 199 structure. 200 d. The antennas shall be designed where possible to blend into the surrounding 201 envaronment through the use of color and camouflaging architectural treatment. 202 Drawings or photoa aphic perspectives showing the pole and antennas shali be 203 provided to the planning commission to determine compiiance ��ith this provision. oo-g��- 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 Sec. 60.515. Area, bulk, and setback requirements. 213 (Code 1956, §§ 60.473; Ord. No. 16913, 4-27-82; Ord. No. 16956, 9-9-82; Ord. No. 17039, 7-7-83; 214 Ord. No. 17204, 1-15-85; Ord. No. 17845, §§ 22, 6-27-91; Ord. No. 17894, §§ l, 12-3-91; C.F. No. 215 92-1479, §§ 3, 12-15-92; C.F. No. 93-1718, §§ 32, 12-14-93; C.F. No. 95-1444, §§ 2, 1-17-96; C.F. 216 No. 96-694, §§ 6, 7-10-96; C.F. No. 97-565, §§ 7, 6-11-97; C.F. No. 99-750, §§ 2, 9-1-99) 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 See Chapter 61, Schedule of Regulations, limiting the height and bulk of buildings, the minimum size of lot permitted by land use, and providing minimum yard setback requirements. (Code 1956, §§ 60.474; C.F. No. 96-694, §§ 6, 7-10-96) Subdivision 2. 60.520. OS-2 General Of,�ce-Service District Sec. 60.521. Intent. 225 The OS-2 General Office-Service District is intended to provide for development of compact, 226 pedestrian-oriented urban villaees with a diverse mix of commercial, residential, civic and recreational 227 uses located within a quarter mile of hith-frequency transit service. 228 Sec. 60.522. Principal uses permitted. 229 In an OS-2 General Office-Service District the use of land, the location and erection of new buildines 230 or structures, and the alteration. enlaz�ement and movine of existinQ buildines or siructures from other 231 locations or districts shall conform to the followinE specified uses. unless otherwise provided in this 232 code: 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 � � �� f. Antennas located in historic districts shall be subject to the review and approval of the heritage preservafion commission. Freestanding poles shall be a monopole design. g. Transmitting, receiving and switching equipment shall be housed within an existing structure whenever possible. If a new equipment building is necessary, it shall be permitted and regulated as an accessory building, section 62.106, and shall be screened from view by landscaping where appropriate. h. The zoning lot on which the pole is located shall be within contiguous property with zenee�OS-1 or less restrictive zonine and at least one (1) acre in area. Ail principal uses permitted and uses permitted subiect to special conditions and as reeulated in the OS-1 District, except cellulaz telephone antennas located on a freestandin�ole. Post offices and similaz @overnmental offices. � Retail businesses that supplv commodities on the �remises, such as, but not limited to. groceries, meats. dairv_products. baked aoods or other foods, drues. drygoods, clothine and notions. hazdware, books, stationery and plants, with up to 10,000 sguare feet of eross floor area. � � Eating and liquor-licensed establishments, exceot drive-in or fast-food restaurants. Hotels and hospitals. 242 � Drv cleaning establiskunents, or ip Ckup stafions. dealine directiv with the customer, and self- 243 service laundries and drv cleaners. Central dry cleaninQ olants servicing more than one (11 244 retail outlet aze prohibited. 0 0 —g1 �- 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 zsa 253 254 255 � � � Manufacturiu�of small precision eoods such as dental sur�cal or o t�n �cal �oods or electronic assemblies. alonE with light assemblv. packa�ng and distribution activities. Other uses similar to the above uses. 256 257 258 259 260 Accessor�buildings. structures and uses as defined in section 60.201. �10� Carriaee house dwellings, provided that a maximuxn of one carria�e house dwellin� shall be ailowed per pxincl dwellingunit. 11 Above ground parking buildings not exceeding foriy-five (451 feet in hei¢ht. Sec. 60.523. Rec�uired conditions. The followin� conditions shali be required of all uses in the OS-2 General Office-Service District: � � Except for off-street pazking or loadin�, all business, stora�e, servicin� or processin� shall be conducted within completely enclosed buiidings. The scale, massinQ and materials of buildings sha11 be comoatible with adjacent structures in the district. The base, middle and top of buildings shall be azchitecturallv delineated. �3,� The exterior surface of buildings sha11 be articulated with vertical elements. Windows, doors and other buildine openines sha11 be squaze or vertical in �r000rtion. The first floor shall be articulated with windows, entrances, etc. that relate to the scale of a pedestrian at street level. 261 � Roof-top mechanical svstems, service e� pment and head houses for elevators and stairs shall 262 be enclosed and not visible from public rights-of-wax 263 � Parking shall be provided underground below- r�ade) or to the reaz of buildints. Access to 264 pazking sha11 be at the rear or interior of the lot to the areatest extent possible. Garaee doors 265 for under round parkinng mav face the street, but shall be as unobtrusive and �edestrian- 266 friendlYas possible. 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 Sec. 60.524. Principal uses subject to suecial conditions. The followine additional uses shall be permitted, subject to the conditions hereinafter imposed for each and subject to the standards specified for all sUecial condition uses as set forth in section 64.300(d�. Ali_principal uses permitted subject to suecial conditions shall be reviewed and approved bv theplannine commission. � � � (4) � Retail businesses that sup�lv commodities on the nremises, as allowed in the OS-2 district section 60.522(�, with more than 10,000 square feet of u_ross floor area. Buildines over six !61 stories or sixtv-five (651 feet in heisht, whichever is less. subject to the followin� conditions: a. Views and vistas from �ublic rights-of-wav and o�en spaces sha11 be retained. esneciallybetween the bluffs and the river and between the river valley floar and the bluffs. Applicants shall provide the plannina commission an analysis. includine site plans and perspective drawings, showina how the buildin�s will affect views. b. No buildine shall exceed eieht (8Ltories or one-hundred (100) feet in heieht, whichever is less. Above-eround ar)� ki�buildin�s over forty-five (451 £eet in heieht, subject to the condirion that no such building sha11 exceed six -five (65 feet in heieht• Cellular telephone antennas located on a freestanding�ole, as reeulated in the OS-1 district, section 60.514(Sla throueh h. Accessory buildines, structures and uses customarily incident to the above uses. 0 0 — q'l?— 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 Sec. 60.525. Area, bulk and setback rec�uirements. See cha�ter 61. Schedule of Re�ulations. limitine the height and bulk of buildines, the minimum size of lot bv permitted land use. and providing minimum vard setback requirements. Subdivision �3. 60.5�30. B-1 Local Business District Sec. 60.5�31. Intent. The B-1 Local Business District is intended to permit those uses as are necessary to satisfy the basic convenience shopping or service needs of persons residing in nearby residential areas. (Code 1956, §§ 60.481) Sec. 60.5�32. Principal uses permitted. 300 In a B-1 Local Business District the use of land, the location and erection of new buildings or 301 structures, and the alteration, enlazgement and moving of existing buildings or structures from other 302 locations or districts shall conforxn to the following specified uses, unless otherwise provided in this 303 code: 304 (1) All principal uses permitted and uses permitted subject to special conditions and as regulated 305 in the OS-1 District, except residential uses and cellular telephone antennas located on a 306 freestanding pole. 307 (2) Retail businesses vrkieYi that supply commodities on the premises, such as, but not limited to, 308 groceries, meats, dairy products, baked goods or other foods, drugs, dry goods, clothing and 309 notions, hardware, books, starionery, plants, carry-out restaurants and hobby supplies. 1 • . . � . : . . . .. . : . .. . . . . . :. . . .: : . .: . . . . ._ . � .: . :. : . . . .: :: 313 (�3) Dry cleaning establishments, or pickup stations, dealing directly with the consumer, and self- 314 service laundries and drv cleaners. Central dry cleaning plants servicing more than one (1) 315 retail outlet are prohibited. 316 �r 317 (64) 318 319 (�� Post office and similar governmental office buildings, resi�e�. Other uses similar to the above uses. 320 ($6) Mixed residential and commercial uses subject to the following conditions: 321 a. Residential uses are limited to not more than fifty (50) percent of the basement and first 322 floor. The entire upper floors may be used for residential use. At least fifty (50) percent ' 323 � of the basement and first floor shall be devoYed to a principal use permitted in this 324 district, except residential use. 325 b. Residential uses may be occupied by foster homes, freestanding foster care homes, or 326 huxnan service-licensed communit�esidential facilities for si�teen (16) or fewer 327 facility residents subject to the condition that they are at least one thousand three 328 hundred twenty (1,320) radial feet from another similar facility. bo — �'1 y- • - - ..��..�.���..�......,�„�.�..� 330 331 w�-.�.�wi..,rr.iw..sa�..�w..�� (97) Accessory buildings, structures and uses as defined in section 60.201. 332 (Code 1956, §§ 60.482; Ord. No. 1b913, 4-27-82; Ord. No. 17204, 1-15-85; Ord. No. 17689, §§ 3, 10- 333 26-89; C.F. No. 93-1718, §§§§ 33--35, 12-14-93; C.F. No. 93-1815, §§ 6, 12-28-93; C.F. No. 95-472, 334 §§ 3, 5-31-95; C.F. No. 96-694, §§ 7, 7-10-96; C.F. No. 97-565, §§ 8, 6-11-97; C.F. No. 99-750, §§ 3, 335 9-1-99) 336 Sec. 60.5�33. Required conditions. 337 The following conditions shall be required of all uses in the B-1 Local Business District: 338 (1) 339 340 341 (2) 342 343 344 All business establishments shall be retail or service establishments dealing directly with customers. All goods produced on the premises shall be sold at retail on the premises where produced. Except for off-street pazking or loading, all business, storage, servicing or processing shall be conducted within completely enclosed buildings. (Code 1956, §§ 6Q.483; C.F. No. 92-1479, §§ 4, 12-15-92) Sec. 60.5�34. Principal uses permitted subject to special conditions. 345 The following additional uses sha11 be permitted, subject to the conditions hereinafter imposed for 346 each use and subject to the standazds specified for all special condition uses as set forth in section 347 64300(ed). All principal uses permitted subject to special conditions shall be reviewed and approved 348 by the planning commission. 349 j� Multiple familv dwellinES and mixed residential and commercial uses subject to the followin� 350 conditions: 351 a. The pronosed use is part of a redevelopment �roject proposed bv a public aeencv as the 352 applicant or done in accordance with a specific plan pertainin¢ to the oroposed use. which 353 snecific �lan has been approved bv the citv. 354 b. Commercial uses shall be limited to those otherwise permitted in the district which do not 355 reouire a separation distance from residentiallv zoned or occupied propertv. 356 (�� , , , Electric transformer 357 stations and substations; gas regulator stations with service yards, but without storage yards�ci ai�a 358 . . • .: . .. . : : C.1 : . . : : . - . .. . . . .. . .. . . . . : : : ., : . . . � . _ : . . . . . : : .. .. . • : . � . � .�� : . . . . � ..� .� : : .:. : � ..� � : .. . � : .: : . . . .:. = : .. ,: 366 (53) Cellulaz telephone antennas located on a freestanding pole, as regulated in the OS-1 district, section 367 60.514(6)a. through g. 368 (54) Accessory buildings, struchxres and uses customarily incident to the above permitted uses. Oo —g1 �- 369 (Code 195b, §§ 60.484; Ord. No. 16956, 9-9-82; Ord. No. 17039, 7-7-83; Ord. No. 17845, §§ 23, 6- 370 27-91; Ord. No. 17894, §§ 2, 12-3-91; C.F. No. 93-1718, §§§§ 36, 37, 12-14-93; C.F. No. 93-1815, §§ 371 7, 12-28-93; C.F. No. 97-565, §§ 9, 6-11-97; C.F. No. 99-750, §§ 3, 9-1-99) 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 Sec. 60.5435. Area, bulk and setback requirements. See Chapter 61, Schedule of Regulations, limiting the height and bulk of buildings, the minimum size of lot by permitted land use, and providing minimum yard setback requirements. (Code 1956, §§ 60.48�) Subdivision �4. 60.5340. B-2 Community Business District Sec. 60.5341. Intent. 380 The B-2 Community Business District is intended to serve the needs of a consumer population larger 381 than that served by the "Local Business District," and is generally characterized by a cluster of 382 establishments generating large volumes of vehicular and pedestrian traffic. 383 384 (Code 19�6, §§ 60.491) Sec. 60.5342. Principal uses permitted. 385 In a B-2 Community Business Dis2rict the use of land, the location and erection of new buildings or 386 structures, and the alteration, enlargement and moving of existing buildings or structures from other 387 locations or districts shall conform to the following specified uses unless otherwise provided in this 388 code: 389 (1) 390 (2) 391 392 All principal uses as permitted and as regulated in a B-1 District. All retail business, service establishxnents or processing uses as follows: a. Any retail business whose principal activity is the sale of inerchandise in an enclosed building. 393 b. Any service establishxnent ', housine an office, showroom or 394 workshop xrattire of a contractor (inciuding, but not limited to, plumbing, heating, air 395 conditioning, electrical, mechanical), decorator, dressmaker, tai�ar, baker, painter, 396 upholsterer, a radio, television or home appliance repair 397 business, Pi�etaea�q�mg�nd or similaz service establishments. 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 c. � e. Private clubs, fraternal organizations, liquor licensed establishments and lodge halls. Restaurants and fast-food restaurants when incorporated within a multi-use retail center and which do not provide drive-through window service. Theaters, assembly halls, auction ha11s, bingo halls, concert halls, reception halls or similar places of assembly when conducted completely within enclosed buildings. ��1�1�1�R�ATT19�P1�1P��lO�F4TPM���IRR�)R�l•1�A1U��ri 4�1Q�I�O1�Jw1UU�Ip144��Pl�J f. Veterinarv clinics without boazdin�(except for medical procedures • tattoo pazlors. - � - - - :� • - '� - _ :� i • - • w • i i � • :� � • � • i � � - � - - � n " - - - - m - i i � - - i - i i i a� -g��- 407 �g. 'xh. ji. � � i i i i - - i � � i � �w�n�ii.����nii��inu�a�r.n�uiiois� ' ' � ' � - � 1 • - - - - �s�fwr�re�iaiw�rsrnesww�s��i�a�ww� . . .. • . • . .. : : � 1 . .• . . . . . . . . � .. . . . ' -. : . :. � .: � :.. . . . . . � . . . . . . .. � .. _ .. :.. .. . 0 . . . .. . . . : . . . : • : .: :.. . � . . .: : . . :. . : : .. :. : . C � � . . � : . CO : . . . ..� . .. : ca� �a�l���t:iq�N�aaRiJOOn�qiA.��vut��r��au�aa:tin��an��aw��r:ia���an���ari��tiix:�was��w�s�a���iiaa� 41g 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 (3) 430 431 432 433 434 435 � uan�t:t���Gio i • G • � ' i ' , • Mail order houses. Health/sport clubs, conversation/rap parlors, massage parlors and steam roomlbathhouse facilities which are not adult uses. Food catering establishments. '.. . . :. . : . . . .> . .: : ... :. : . . :. . : . . �i. mk. nl. Brew on premises stores as regulated by Minnesota State laws. Coffee kiosks. Fully enclosed auto sales when incorporated within a multi-use retail center. Recycling drop-off stat[on; provided, that the facility: a. b. c. d. Shail not occupy an area more than two hundred (200) square feet and shall not interfere with pazking and maneuvering requirements of the principal use; Shall be screened pursuant to section 62.107 if it abuts a residential use or district; Shall be set back at least ten (10) feet from any property line and sha11 not obstruct pedestrian or vehicular circulation; and Shall be maintained free of litter and other undesirable materials. 436 (4) Currency exchange business when located aY least one hundred (100) feet from any residential 437 lot in a residential district or at least one hundred (100) feet from any residential lot occupied 438 with a one-, two-, three-, four-, townhouse, or multiple-family dwelling, measured from the 439 closest point of the building in which the business is located to the closest residential property 440 line. 441 (5) 442 (6) Qther uses similaz to the above uses. Accessory building, structures and uses as defined in section 60.201. 443 (Code 1956, §§ 60.492; Ord. No. 16956, 9-9-82; Ord. No. 17204, 1-15-85; Ord. No. 17524, §§ 12, 1- 4�4 6-88; Ord. No. 17�64, §§ 7, 5-19-88; Ord. No. 17611, §§§§ 1, 2, 11-3-88; Ord. No. 17b46, §§ 6, 4-6- 445 89; Ord. No. 17689, §§ 4, 10-26-89; Ord. No. 17777, 10-11-90; C.F. No. 93-1713, §§ 38, 12-14-93; a e —�,�9- 446 447 .., ..• C.F. No. 94-1863, §§ 2, 1-18-95; C.F. No. 96-77, §§ 2, 2-14-96; C.F. No. 96-1342, §§ 2, 11-13-96; C.F. No. 97-1089, §§§§ 2, 3, 10-1-97) Sec. 60.5343. Required conditions. The following conditions shall be required o£ all uses in the B-2 Community Business District: 450 (1) All business establishments shall be retail or service establishments dealing directly with 451 consumers. All goods provided on the premises shall be soid at retail on the premises where 452 produced. 453 (2) All business, storage, servicing or processing shall be conducted within completely enclosed 454 buildings. Provided, however, that the following uses may be conducted outdoors if 455 specifically allowed as a permitted use or special condition use: Off-street parking, off-street 456 loading or outdoor businesses and outdoor businesses with outdoor storage. 457 458 459 460 461 (Code 1956, §§ 60.493; C.F. No. 92-1479, §§ 5, 12-15-92) Sec. 60.5344. Principal uses permitted subject to special conditions. The following additional uses shall be permitted, subject to the standards specified for all special condition uses as set forth in section 64300(ed). All principal uses permitted subject to special conditions shall be reviewed and approved by the planning commission. 462 (1) All uses as permitted and regulated in the B-1 Local Business Distsict under principal uses 463 permitted subject to specia] conditions. 464 465 466 467 468 464 470 471 472 Sec. 60.5345. Area, bulk and yard setback reguirements. See Chapter 61, Schedule of Regulations, limiting the height and bulk of buildings, the minimum siae of lot permitted by land use, the maximum density permitted, and providing minimum yard setback requirements. (Code 1956, §§ 60.495) Subdivision �5. 60. 5�50. B-2C Community Business (Converted) District Sec. 60.5�51. Intent. 473 It is the intent of the B-2C Community Business (Converted) District to create a business district 474 expressly for existing residential structures in commercial azeas, which will permit the operation of 475 businesses which do not generate large amounts of traffic and at the same time will retain the visual 476 character of the building forms and open space associated with residential uses. This includes a 1'united 477 height on buildings and front and side yards. It is fiuflier the intent of this district to provide parking 478 for employees who work in buildings which are converted from residential to business use. 479 � 480 481 482 483 484 (Ord. No. 17062, 10-20-83) Sec: 60.5�52. Principal uses permitted. Sec. 60.5�53. Required conditions. The following conditions shall be required of all uses in the B-2C Community Business (Converted) Dishict: � 486 Sec. 60.5454. Principal uses permitted subject to special condifions. � -�t�� 487 The following additional uses shall be permitted, subject to the conditions hereinafter unposed for 488 each use and subject to the standazds specified far all special condirion uses as set forth in section 489 64.300(ed). All principal uses permitted subject to special conditions shall be reviewed and approved 440 by the planning commission. 491 492 5ec. 605�55. Area, hulk, and yard setback requirements. 493 . .. 495 496 Sec.66.5�61.Intent. Subdivision �6. 6D.5�460. B-3 General Business District 497 The B-3 General Business District is intended to provide sites for more diversified types of businesses 498 than those in the B-1 and B-2 Business Districts, and is intended for location, along major traffic 499 arteries or adjacent to the Community Business Districts. 500 (Code 1456, §§ 60.501) 501 502 503 504 505 Sec. 60.5#62. Principal uses permitted. In a B-3 General Business District, the use of land, the location and erection of new buildings or structures, and the alteration, enlargement and moving of exis6ng buildings or shuctures from other locations or districts shall conform to the follQwing specified uses, unless otherwise provided in this code: 506 (1) All principal uses permitted and uses permitted subject to special conditions and as re ulated in 507 OS-l B 1, and B-2 Districts, except auto service stations, auto convenience markets, a���k�d � ;;� ,� , ..�a.� 508 ��`��:�i� licensed correctional community residential facilities, health department-hcensed 509 community residential facilities and emergency housing, pawn shops when the business is conducted i 10 within completely enclosed buiidings, and cellulaz telephone antennas located on a freestanding pole. �11 12 13 14 l5 6 7 8 9 (12) Hospitals: veterinary clinics with boarding. Sec. 60.5�63. Bequired condifions. The following conditions shall be required of a11 uses in the B-3 General Business District: All business, storage, servicing or processing sha11 be conducted within completely enclosed buildings. Provided, however, that the following uses may be conducted outdoors if specifically allowed as a pernutted use or special condition use: Off-street parking, off-street loading or outdoor businesses and outdoor businesses with outdoor storage. (Ord. No. 17524, §§ 16, 1-6-88; C.F. No. 42-1479, §§ 6, 12-15-92) Sec. 60.5#64. Principal uses permitted subject to special conditions. The following additionai uses shail be permitted, subject to the conditions hereinafter unposed far each use and subject to the standards specified for all special condition uses as set forth in section 64.300(ed). All principal uses permitted subject to special conditions shall be reviewed and approved 525 by the pianning commission. 526 527 52& 529 530 531 532 S33 534 535 536 537 538 539 00—�'1�— (1) Auto service stations,� auto convenience mazkets and�auto��peciaityr,stores as regulated in the B-2 District. Sec. 60.5�65. Area, bulk and setback requirements. Subdivision 37. 60.5370. B-4 Central Business District Sec. 60.5571. Intent. Sec. b0.5572. Principal nses permitted. Sec. 60.5573. Required conditions. Sec. 60.5574. Principal uses permitted subject to special conditions. 540 The following additional uses shail be permitted, subject to the conditions hereinafter imposed for 541 each use and subject to the standazds specified for all special condition uses as set forth in section 542 64300(ed). All principal uses permitted subject to special conditions shall be reviewed and approved 543 by the pianning commission. 544 545 Sec. 60.5575. Area, bulk and yard setback requirements. 546 547 G�: 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 Subdivision fi8. b0.5fi80. B-S Central Business-Service Distrzct Sec. 60.568L Intent. Sec. 60.5682. Principal uses permitted. Sec. 60.5683. Required conditions. Sec. 60.5684. Principal uses permitted subject to special conditions. 556 The following additional uses shall be permitted, subject to the conditions hereinafter imposed for 557 each use and subject to the standards specified for all special condition uses as set forth in section 558 64300(e�. All principal uses permitted subject to special conditions shall be reviewed and approved 554 by the planning commission. 560 561 Sec. 605685. Area, bulk, and yard setback requirements. 562 563 564 565 >66 i67 �68 69 70 71 572 573 574 5�5 576 577 S78 579 5$0 581 582 583 584 S$5 $g6 587 $g8 589 590 591 592 593 Sec. 61.103. Business districts. Oo—a�� hlinimum. S�ze 2.Saximum Rlazimum Lot Size Per Height M'utimum Yard Setback percent of FJoot [init of Scruccures (Per Lot in Feeci � Area Side • Oaupied ' Ratio Azea in VJidth B}� Aiain iFAR) Square in In In Front hlini- 7'otal Rear guitding ZoningDistrict Feet Feet Stories Feet mum of'Ih�o 61.103 BL'SIVESS DISTRICTS OS-1 ff�ce-Sen Loca.� none none 3 d 30 d 15 a,Xa b 6 6,c none 1.0 OS��Gener4l CFir.e-$er,,ic2 no�ne, ro�e 6e 65e Og 6 6 6, r.one 3.0 B•1 Local Business none none 3 30 15 aY3 b b 6,c none 1.0 B-2 Community� Business aone none � d 30 d O�f,q b b b,e none 2.0 B�2C Community Business none none 3d 30d 25jij 4 8 25 30�2 hA (Converted) B�3 General Business none none d 30 d O�y b b b,e none 2-0 B-4 Central Business none none no limit no limit no limit none none none c none S.0 �{ � B-5 Central Business Sen�ice none none no hmit no limit no l�mit none none none c none ` 5.0 i; f (Ord. ho. 1i062, 10-20-fi3 Ord. I�o. 17'LU4, 1-lo-a�; t,.r. t�o. yo-l�io, y o<, ,�-�Y-��. Notes to 61.103 Business Districts: 594 (a) Off-street parking shall be permitted to occupy a required front yazd setback; provided, that the off- 595 street parking area, exclusive of access driveways, shall be set back a minimum distance of six (6) feet 596 from any front or side street right-of-way and the off-street pazking area setback meets the 597 requirements of section 61.103(�. 598 (b) No side or rear yards are required along the interior lot lines of the district, except as otherwise 599 specified in the building code; provided, that if walls of stnxctures facing such interior lot lines contain 600 windows, or other openings, yards of not less than ten six (i�86) feet shall be provided. Side and rear 601 yazds of at least six (i�6) feet shall be reyuired when a business district adjoins a side yazd in an 602 adjacent residence district. These setback requirements from interior lot lines shall be waived when an 603 easement aereement is recorded as to the affected properties. Proof of such recarded easement shall 604 be provided at the time of aprolication for a building roermit The recording of the easement aereement 605 shall be interoreted to mean that the followinQ intents and�umoses of these setback rec�uirements are 606 met adequate suppiv of sunlight and air to ad'a� cent proroerty_ sufficient soace for maintenance of the 607 buildin� from the same lot and prevenfion of dama�e to adioiningpropert�v fire or runoff from 6Q8 roofs. 609 610 611 612 613 (c) Off-street loading space shall be provided in the rear yard in accordance with the requirements of section 62.105. (d) The height of the structure may exceed t3urt�{S9}feet. the masimum buildine heieht allowed in the district, provided the structure is set back from all praPertq setback lines a distance equal to the height which said structure exceeds the ma�timum buildin height �btalAiag allowed in the district. `614 (e) The heiaht of structures in an OS-Z Generai Office-Service District mav exceed six (61 stories and 615 sixtv-five (65) feet in heiaht subiect to conditions under section 60.524(21. The heieht of above 616 ¢round parkinu buildinQS in an OS-2 General O�ce-Service District ma�exceed fortv-five (451 feet in 617 hei¢ht. subiect to the conditions under section 60.524(31. 618 (ef, Floor azea bonuses, which encourage certain building features which pzoduce public benefits, shall 619 be granted as follows: 620 (fg) On those lots or pazcels, or portions of lots or parcels, which adjoin a right-of-way line of a � Oo — 4�1 �- 621 622 623 624 625 626 b27 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 parkway, the required setbacks from the parkGVay right-of-way line shall be equal to that required for residentia] uses in effect along the parkway right-of-way or twenty-five (25) feet, whichever is greater. (gh) Those parkways and portions of pazkways listed below aze excluded from the setback requirements established in subsection (g) above: Ford Parkway (from Kenneth Street to �inn Street and north side between Finn Street and Mount Curve Boulevard). Gannon Road. (�i) Since B-2C zoned properiy has a residential character, buildings shall maintain a twenty-fiv�foot front setback or meet the requirements of section 61.1 Q 1(a). (Code 1956, §§ 61.103; Ord. No. 17204, 1-15-85; Ord.I�io. 17778, §§ 1, 10-11-9Q; C.F. No. 93-1718, §§ 63, 12-14-93; C.F. No. 97-1089, §§ 5, 10-1-97) Sec. 62.103. Parking requirements. (a) Off-street parking. Except in a B-4 or B-5 District, off-street pazking spaces shall be provided in all districts at the time of erection, enlazgement or expansion of all buildings in accordance with the requirements of this section. Before a certificate of occupancy shall be issued, the number of off=street parking spaces provided shall be as hereinafter prescribed. In an OS-2 District, the number of off- street parkino spaces provided shall be at least two-thirds of the number hereinafter nrescribed. Sec. 62.106. Accessory buildings. Accessory buildings, except as otherwise provided in this code, shall be subject to the following regulations: (i) �2) When the accessory building is structurally attached to a main building, it shall be subject to, and must conform to, al1 regulations of this code applicable to main buildings. Accessory buildings, structures ar uses sha11 not be erected in or established in a required yard except a rear yard. On corner lots, accessory buildings, structures or uses shall be set back from the street a distance equal to that required of the principal structure. 549 When an accessory building, structure or use is constructed in a rear yard which adjoins a side i50 yazd or front yazd, the accessory building, structure or use shall be set back from the interior lot S51 line a distance equal to the minimum side yard required � of the i52 Rrin�al structure. 53 On all other lots, accessory buildings shall be set back at least three (3) feet from all interior lot 54 lines, and overhangs shall be set back at least one-third (1!3) the distance of the setback of the 55 garage wall or one (1) foot, whichever is greater. >b , This setback requirement from all interior lot lines for accessory buildings in rear yards shall +7 be waived when a maintenance easement is recorded ent�,�dee�s-�Fa�t as to the affected �8 properties, when proof of such recorded easement is provided at the time of application for a 9 building permit and when the accessory building is located at least three (3) feet from any 0 building on an adjoining lot. The recording of the maintenance easement shall be interpreted to 1 mean that the following intenYS and purposes of this setback requirement are met: ? a. Adequate supply of sunlight and air to adjacent property; Oo —` 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 b83 684 685 686 6$7 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 � 699 700 701 702 � c. Sufficient space for maintenance of the building from the same lot; and Prevention of damage to adjoining property by fire or runoff from roofs. A recorded common wall agreement is permitted in lieu of a maintenance easement if the accessory structure is attached to an accessory structure on an adjoining lot. (3) In any residential area, accessory buildings shall not exceed fifteen (15) feet in height; provided, however, that accessory buildings with a flat or shed roof style sha11 not exceed twelve (12) feet in height. Carria�e house dwellines in an OS-2 General Office-Service District shall not exceed 25 feet in hei�ht. Exception: Accessory building heights shall not appiy to property wathin designated Heritage Preservation Districts nor to designated historic sites. In these cases appropriate building heights for accessory structures shall be determined through the design review process to ensure that heights are acceptable and in keeping with scale and style of development on the property. (4) Accessory buildings on a zoning lot may occupy up to thirty-five (35) percent of the rear yard. Rear yards which adjoin alleys may include half the area of the alley to calculate the area of the rear yazd which may be occupied by accessory buildings. (5) (6) ��) On zoning lots containing one- and two-family dwellings, accessory buildings shall not occupy more than one thousand (1,000) square feet of the zoning lot. On zoning lots containing all other uses, accessory buildings may occupy the same percent of the zoning lot as main buildings are allowed to occupy, as specified in tables in sections 61.101, 61.103, 61.104 and 6].105. In those instances where the rear lot line or a side lot line is coterminous with the alley right- of-way, the accessory building shall not be closer than one foot to such rear lot lines. On through lots, where frontage is cleazly established within a given block, rear yazd setbacks shall be equal to the side yard setback of the district in which located. Accessory buildings shall be located at least six (6) feet from the principal structure or shall be considered attached for purposes of the zoning code. (Code 1956, §§ 62.106; Ord. No. 17038, 7-5-83; Ord. No. 17204, 1-15-85; Ord. No. 17476, §§ l, 7- 15-87; Ord. No. 17511, §§ 7, 11-12-87; Ord. No. 17524, §§§§ 27, 28, 1-b-88; C.F. No. 93-1718, §§�§ 74, 75, 12-14-93; C.F. No. 96-77, §§ 4, 2-14-96; C.F. No. 96-1342, §§ 4, 11-13-96; C.F. No. 49-750, §§ 9, 9-1-99) Chapter 66. Zoning Code - Signs Sec. 66.206. OS-2, B-2. B-2C and B-3 Business Districts - (5) Electronic message signs shall be prohibited from-tke OS-2. B-2 distriet and�he B-2C districts; provided, that electronic message signs giving public information, such as time, temperature, stock auerages and the like, are permitted in OS-2 and B-2 districts. 703 704 0 0 — Q'� a" 705 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby amend the Saint 706 Paul Zoning Code by changing the zoning classification far the following properties on the zoning maps of 707 the City of Saint Paul, Sheet No. 29, as incorporated by reference in Section 60301 of the Saint Paul 708 Legislative Code: 709 710 711 PINNCTMBER 712 713 RCR-1 to OS-2 714 715 062822410046 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 062822140002 062822140018 Q62822140019 741 742 062822410006 743 744 745 746 747 748 749 750 751 062822410007 �752 ' 753 754 755 Q62822410�05 756 757 758 759 ADDRESS Unassigned LECrAL DESCRIPTION SUBJ TO ST; THE FOL; PART OF LOT 1 DESC AS BEG AT SW COR OF SD LOT 1 TH NELY TO A PT ON WL OF E 10 FT. DIST 15 FT. N FROM SL OF SD LOT 1 TH N ON SD WL TO NL OF LOT 1 TH �V TO NW COR TH S TO BEG & ALL OF LOTS 2 T'IIRU LOT 4 BLK A Unassigned SUB TO FLOOD WALL ESMT A TRIANGLTLAR TRACT BOLTNDED BY MISSISSIPPI RIVER ON NW EXTENDED SWLY LOFCUSTERSTONSWANDWR/WLOFCGWRYONEIN GOVT LOT 7 SEC 6 TN 28 RN 22 40 Water Street E COM AT NW COR OF LOT 14 BLK 4 BAZIL & ROBERTS AAD TH NWLY 481 FT ON EXTENDED SWLY L OF SD LOT TH 55.71 FT NWLY AT AN ANGLE TO R OF 26 DEG 45 MIN TO PT OF BEG TH CONT. NWLY ON LAST DESC L 185 FT TO HARBOR L TH NELY ON SD HARBOR L TO INTERSECT WITH EXTENDED SWLY L QF CUST'ER ST VAC TH SELY ON SD EXTENDED L TO WL OF C G W RY RW AT A PT 158 PT NWLY FROM NWLY L OF SD BLK 4 TH SLY ON SD RWL TO A PT Robert St. S VAC STS & ALLEYS ACCRLTING & SUBJ TO ESMTS. THE FOL: THAT PART OF GOVT LOT 7 LY1NG ELY OF RR R/W & WLY OF ROBERT ST & THAT PART OF BLK 175 OF ROBERTSONS ADD & BLK 4 OF BAZTL & ROBERTS ADD LY1NG ELY OF RR R/W. ALSO IN BAZIL & ROBERTS ADD. THE NWLY 44.75 FT OF BLK 2& ALL OF BLK 3 2 Starkey St. BEG ON NL WATER ST & SW L L 14 B4 BAZIL & ROBTS AAD TH NW ON SD L TO NW COR SD LOT TH CONT NW 48.1 FT TH NW AT AND R 26D 45M TO RI VER TH S W ON ItIV TO PT 20 FT ELY OF EL BH ROBERTSONS ADD TH SE PAR TO BH TO PT 300 FT N OF NL ST TH NE PAR TO 3T TO L RUN 10 FT SW OF & PAR TO SD L l4 TH SE ON SD L TO INT W L OF STARKEY ST EXT TH S TO NL WATER ST TH ELY TO BEG BEGIN PART OF GL 7(SUB7 TO ESMT IN SEC 6 TTT 28 RN 22 2 Starkey St. EX SBLY 300 FT THE SWLY 20 FT OF PART OF GOVT LOT 7 � NELY OF ROBERTSONS ADD AND NWI.Y OF WATER ST IN SEC6TN28RN22 Water St. E. PART OF GOVT LOT 7 IN SEC 6 T 28 R 22 & PART OF LOT 14 BLK 41N SD BAZIL & ROBERTS ADD DESC AS BEG AT NW COR LOT 14 TH NWLY ON EX SW L SD LOT 48.1 FT TH N AT ANGLE TO R 26DG 45 MN 55.71 FT TO NtiV L OF SE 100 FT OF GL 7 TH NELY ON SD NW L TO ELY OF STARKEY ST TH SLY 00 -g7�— 760 761 762 763 062822410044 764 765 766 767 768 769 770 771 772 773 062822410002 774 775 776 777 778 062822410014 779 780 781 782 062822410003 783 784 785 786 062822410043 787 788 789 790 791 792 793 794 795 RCI-1 to OS-2 796 797 062822410018 798 799 8�0 801 802 803 804 805 062822410024 806 807 � 8Q8 06282241Q029 809 810 811 812 813 062822410030 814 815 ON SD EL TO INT SW L OF LOT 14 TH I�SWLY ON SW L LOT 14 TO BEG 40 Water St. E. BEG AT INTERSECTION OF NWLY L OF WATER ST & EXTENDED NELY L OF BLK 176 ROBERTSONS ADD TH NWI,Y ON SD EXTENDED L TO 1NTERSECTION OF A L 10 FT SWLY FROM & PAR WITH SWLY L OF LOT 14 BLK 4 BAZIL & ROBERTS ADD TH NWLY ON SD PAR L TO INTERSECT L 300 FT NWLY FROM & PAR WITH NWLY L OF WATER ST TH SWLY ON SD PAR L TO INTERSECT A L 20 FT NELY FROM & PAR WITH NELY L OF ROBERTSONS ADD TH NWLY ON LAST DESC L Unassigned SUBJ TO FLOOD WF.I,L ESMT PART OF SPUR R/W IN BLK 4 SERVING PURE OIL CO AND SUBJ TO CUSTER ST A 50 FT RY R/W RUNNING N FROM LEVEE L ACROSS GOVT LOT 7 SEC 6 T 28 R 22 AND ACROSS PART OF BLK 4 Fillmore Ave. E. 43 Water St. E. IN THE CITY OF ST PAUL REVISED DESCRIPTION NUMBER 717 A SPECIFIC PART OF LOTS 8 THRU 10 BLK 4 BAZIL AND ROBERTS ADD AND PART OF BLK 175 IN THE CIT OF ST PAUL REVISED DESCRiPTION 1VLJMBER 693 A SPECIFIC PART OF GOVT LOT 7 IN SEC 6 T 28 R 22 AND PART OF LOTS 3 THRU LOT 6 BLK 4 43 Water St. E. SUBJ TO LEVEE ESMT OVEA ELY %z FT BEG AT INTERSECTION OP SLY L OF LOT 6& EXTENDED ELY L OF STARKEY ST TH NWI..Y ON SD EXTENDED L 34.52 FT TO IIVTERSECT A L 60 FT NWI.,Y FROM & PAR WITH LEVEE L TH NELY ON SD PAR L 6A22 FT TO INTERSECT A L PAR WITH & 8 FT AT RA FROM CL OF PURE OIL CO SPUR TRACK TH SLY ON SD PAR L 53.9 FT TO SLY L OF LOT 6 TH SWLY ON SD L 37.46 FT TO BEG BEING PART OF SD LOT 6 BLK 4 Fillmore Ave. E. VAC ST ACCRUING IN DOC NO 1819955 & T S 567230 & FOL; PART OF STARKEY ST VAC SWLY OF A L BEG AT PT ON NWI,Y L OF FAIRFIELD AVE 20 FT NELY OF SE COR BLK 177 TH NWLY TO PT 35 FT SWLY OF NWLY CQR OF LOT 3 BLK 174 TH NW 9 FT ELY OF & PAR TO MOST ELY SPUR TRACK TO SELY L OF FILLMORE AVE & THERE TERM ALSO LOT i NELY 15 FT OF LOT 2& ALL OF LOT 13 BLK 177 Unassigned STS & ALLEY ACCRUING AS VAC IN ABST DOC 1819955 & TS DOC 567230 & FOL; LOTS 1& LOT 13 BLK 178 Unassigned STS & ALLEY ACCRUTNG AS VAC IN ASST DOC 1819955 & TS DOC 567230 & FOL; PART OF LOT 1 NELY OF A LINE 8 FT SWLY OF & PAR WITH CL OF SWLY TRACK OF RY ACROSS SD LOT 1 BLK 179 Unassigned ST & ALLEY ACCRUING AS VAC IN ABST DOC 1819955 & TS DOC 567230 & FOL; 1170 SQ FT DESC AS FOL; EX NELY 8 FT; PART OF LOT 1 SWLY OF CL OF SWLY `i'RACK OF RY 816 817 818 062822410031 819 820 821 052822320012 822 823 824 052822320013 825 826 827 828 052822320014 829 830 831 832 833 834 052822320015 835 836 837 838 $39 052822320030 840 841 052822320029 842 S43 052822320017 &44 845 846 05282232001b 847 848 849 85Q 052822320028 851 852 853 854 855 052822320035 856 857 358 359 i64 ;61 62 63 64 062822410038 65 56 i7 i8 i9 '0 1 Plato Blvd. W Robert St. S. Robert St. S. ACROSS SD LOT 1 BLK 179 Oo -4�?- STS & ALLEY AS VAC IN ABST DOC 1819955 & TS DOC 567230 & LOT 13 BLK 179 STS & ALLEY ACCRUING AS VA IN ABST DOC 1819955 & TS DOC 567230 & FOL; LOTS 1'I'HRU LOT 5 BLK 10 ST ACCRUING AS VAC IN ABST DOC 1819955 & TS DOC 567230 & FQL; EX SWLY 15 FT; LOTS 1& 2& EX SWLY 30 FT; LOT 3 BLK 15 Unassigned STS & ALLEY ACCRIJING AS VA IN ABST DOC 1819955 & TS DOC 567230 & FOL; SWLY IS FT OF LOTS 1& 2& W 30 FT OF LOT 3& SWLY QUADRANGULAR PART OF LOTS 4& 5 MEASIJRING 10 FT ON SELY LINE OF LOT 5& 24 FT ON NWLY LINE OF SD LOT 4 BLK 15 173 Robert St. S. ST ACCRUING AS VAC IN ABST DOC 181955 & TS DOC 567230 & FOL; EX SWLY QUADRANGULAR PART MEASURING 10 FT ON SELY L OF LOT 5 AND 24 FT ON NWLY L OF LOT 4 LOTS 4 AND LOT 5 BLK 15 Unassigned Unassigned Plato Blvd W 193 Robert St. S. VAC ALLEY ACCRUING & LOT 7 BLK 1 S VAC ALLEY & ST ACCRUING & LOT 6 BLK 15 VAC STS & ALLEYS ACCRTJING & THE FOL; LOT 6 LYING NLY OF PLATO BLVD & ALL OF LOTS 7 THRU LOT 10 BLK i& ST AND ALLEY ACCRUING AS VAC IN ABST DOC 1819955 & TS DOC 567230 & FOL; PART LYING NWLY OF PLATO BLVD O FLOTS 1 THRU LOT 5 BLK 18 Unassigned VAC ST ACCRiTING & SUB7 TO ESMT; EX NWLY 22.4 FT & EX NELY 115 FT LOT 4& EX PART NELY OF A LINE MEAS i 1 S FT ON `i`HE NELY LINE & 117.76 FT ON THE SELY LIlVE LOT 5 BLK 13 Robert St. S. VAC STS & ALLEYS ACCRLTING & SUBJ TO BSMTS. THE FOL; BEG ON THE SWLY LIlVE OF ROBERT ST & THE NWLY LINE OF FILLMORE ST. TH SELY ALONG ROBERT ST TO THE CL OF VAC FAIRFIELD ST. TH SWLY ALONG CL OF FAIItFIELD ST 125 FT TO THE CL OF VAC ALLEY IN BLK I O TH SELY ALONG SD CL OF ALLEY IN BLK 10 & CONT ON CL IN BLK 15 TO THE ELY EXT ON SELY LINE OF LOT 8 BLK 15. TH SWLY ALONG LAST DESC LINE TO Tf� NELY LINE OF VAC 41 Chicago Ave. E. TRACT H REGISTERED LAND SURVEY 350 & IN SD ROBERTSONS ADDIT`ION STS ACCRUING AS VAC 1N ABST DOC. 1819955 & TS DOC. 567230 & PART SWLY OF C N W RY R/W & SELY OF EXTENDED SELY LINE OF 1VWI,Y 47.4 FT OF LOT 2 BLK 172 SD ROBERTSONS ADD OF FOL TRACT LOTS 4 & 5 BLK 13 BAZIL & ROBERTS ADD & PART OF GL 7 IN SEC 5 TN 28 RN 22 & IN SD ROBERTSONS ADD LOT 2 BLK 172 872 873 RCC-1 to OS-2 87G 875 062822410015 876 877 062822410012 878 879 880 881 062822410013 882 883 ' 884 885 062822410016 886 887 888 889 062822420003 890 891 892 893 $94 062822410020 895 896 897 898 062822410019 899 900 901 902 0628222410017 903 904 905 906 062822410022 907 908 909 910 911 912 913 062822410036 914 915 916 062822410021 917 918 919 ' 920 062822410045 921 922 062822410025 923 924 925 926 062822410026 927 tl0 � 84 Wabasha St. S 1 Water St. 21 Water St. W, Wabasha St. LOT5 1 TI3RU LOT 7 BLK 176 W: VAC ALLEY & ST ACCRUING AS VAC IN TS DOC NO 561084 & ABST DOC NOS 1687963 & 1806646 & FOL; NELY % OF LOT 4& ALL OF LOTS 1 2& LOT 3 BLK B VAC STS ACCRUING AS VAC IN TS DOC NO. 561084 & ABST DOC NO 1806646 & FOL; SWLY %z OF LOT 4& ALL OF LOTS 5 & LOT 6 BLK B PART LYING NLY OF REALIGNED WATER ST OF FOL; VAC STS ACCRUING & SUBJ TO ST; LOTS 1 2& 3 NELY %z OF LOT 4 BLK 182 51 Water St. W. VAC STS ACCRUING AS VAC IN ABST DOC NO. 1806646 & TS DOC NO 561084 & FOL TRACT; SUBJ TO ALLEY PART LY1NG NLY OF RE-ALIGNED WATER ST OF BLK 184 & EX WLY 15 FT. LOT 5& ALL OF LOTS 1 THRU LOT 4 BLK 183 114 W abasha St. S. ALLEYS & ST ACCRUING AS VAC IN ABST DOC. 1819955 & TS DOC 567230 & FOL; EX NE 15 FT; LOT 2& ALL QF LQTS 3 THRU LOT 9 BLK 177 34 Fillmore Ave. E. SUB3 TO & WITH ESMT; THE FOL; VAC STS & ALLEYS ACCRUING & LOTS 10 11 & 12 BLK 177 & LOTS 2 3& LOT 4 BLK 178 Wabasha St. S. PART LYING NLY OF REALIGI�iED WATER ST OF FOL; VAC STS ACCRUING & SWLY %z OF LOT 4& ALL OF LOTS 5 AND LOT 6 BLK 182 30 Water St. W. VAC STS ACCRUING & EX A TRIANGLE IN NW COR MEAS 35.65 FT ON SW LRVE OF RE-ALIGNED WATER ST & 68.09 FT ON SW LINE OF NE %z OF VAC EDWARD ST & EX NELY 180 FT THE N 240 FT OF THE FOL TRACT; PART OF LOTS 1& 2 IN BiJRNS RE & IN ROBERTSONS ADD PART SLY OF WATER ST OF BLK 182 & LOTS 8 9& LOT 10 BLK 181 Wabasha St. S. 115 Wabasha St. VAC ALLEYS & ALL OF VAC INDIANA ST ACCRUING & FOL; SWLY %z OF LQT 7& ALL OF LQTS 8 9 1Q 11 & LOT 12 BLK 178 SUBJ TO ST & VAC ST & ALLEY ACCRUING THE FOL TRACT; PART OF LOT 2 BURNS RE & PART SLY OF RE-ALIGi�1ED WATER ST THE iVE 180 FT OF NW 240 FT OF BLK 181 155 Wabasha St. S. OUTLOT A& LOTS 1 2 3& LOT 4 BLK 2 120 Wabasha St. S. Wabasha St. S. ST & ALLEY ACCRUING AS VAC IN ABST DOC 1$19955 & TX DOC 567230 & FOL; NWLY 1.4 FT OF SWLY 81.6 FT OF LOT 6 & ALL OF LOT 5 BLK 178 ALLEY ACCRUING AS VAC IN ABST DOC 1819955 & TS DOC 567230 & FOL; NWLY %z OF LOT 7& EX NWLY 1.4 FT OF 928 929 930 062822410037 931 932 933 062822410033 934 935 936 937 052822230021 938 939 940 I-1 to OS-2 941 942 062822440095 943 944 062822440094 945 446 062822440079 947 948 949 950 951 952 953 954 955 062822440080 956 957 958 959 960 06282244077 961 962 963 964 062822430042 965 966 967 I-1 to B-3 968 969 062822440001 970 971 062822440002 972 973 974 975 062822440003 976 977 978 OS2822330047 �79 )80 181 Unassigned 162 Wabasha 5t. 63 Robert St. 8 Plato Blvd. W, 40 Plato B1vd.W SWLY 81.6 FT LOT 6 BLK 178 0 p _q�17„" SUBJ TO PLATO BLVD; VAC STS & ALLEX ACCRUING & LOTS 2 3 4 10 ll& 12 BLK 179 THE VAC 20 FT VJIDE N-S ALLEY ADJ & PART LYING NLY OF PLATO BLVD AS RELOCATED OF FOL TRACT; LOTS 5 THRU LOT 9 BLK 179 VAC STS & ALLEYS ACCRUlNG THE FQL; EX THE NWLY 44.75 FT ALL OF BLK 2 OUTLOTS B C& D& LOTS 7 8 9 10 & LOT I 1 BLK 1 LOTS&6BLK1 215 Wabasha St. S. VAC ST & FOL; BEG ON SL OF LOT 7 BLK 167 & 30 FT SW OF NE L OF LOT 7 TH NLY PAR TO SD L 40 FT TH S 41 DEG 58 MIN 24 SEC W 79.12 FT TH N 85 DEG 28 MN W 3.86 FT TH S 23 MTNE4.SSFTTHS41DEG58MIN24SECW 11.86FTTHS3 MIN E TO TOE OF CLIFF TH E ON TOE L TO PT 8.5 FT W OF E L OF LOT TH N PAR TO SD L 931� FT TH NWLY 872 FT TQ PT OF BEG & SUBJ TO ALLEY & ALLEY BLVD; E 8.5 FT OF LOT 2 & ALL OF LOT 1 BLK 7 Unassigned 'I'ItACT B REG LAND SURVEY 327 & IN SD ROBERTSONS ADD A TRACT OF LAND LYING N OF PROSPECT TERRACE & SLY OF TOE OF CLIFF ACROSS BLKS 160 8 9& EX E 8 FT; LOT 5& LOTS 6 7& LOT 8 BLK 7 Unassigned 120 P1aYo Blvd. W 30 Plato Blvd. W 200 Wabasha 5t. S. 206 Wabasha St. S. A TRACT OF LAND LY1NG N OF PROSPECT TERRACE & SLY OF TOE OF CLIFF ACROSS EX E 8.5 FT; LOT 2& LOT 2& ALL OFLOTS34&E8FTOFLOTSBLK7 LOT 4 BLK 1 LOT 1 BLK 1 VAC ST5 & ALLEY ACCRUAVG & SUBJ TO RELOCATED PLATO BLVD LOT 5 AND ALL OF LOTS 6 THRU LOT 9 BLK 169 VAC ST & ALLEY ACCRUING & N 50 FT OF LOT A CHANNEL ADD & IN SD ROBERTSONS ADD LOT 2 BLK 168 216 Wabasha St. S. VAC STS 8z ALLEY ACCRUlNG &"I'fIE FOL; LOTS 3& 4 BLK 168 ROBERTSONS ADD ALSO EX N SO FT LOT A& ALL OF LOT B OF CHANNEL ADD & IN WEST INDi3ST'RIAL PARK NO. 3 LOT 6 BLK I p rq'1 �- THIS PAGE HAS BEEN LEFT BLANK Ii�TEPiTIONALLY. IT IS THE SIGNATURE PAGE ACCOMPAiyYING GREEN SHEET IQO. 106979: "AN ORDINANCE 144Ei�IDING CHA.°TER 60 Or THE SAINT PAUL LEGZSLATIVE CODE PERTAINING � ZONING FOR THE CITY OF SAINT PAUI, AND THE ZQNI�IG MAPS THEREOE." ����I �������. . �� . �)il Requested by Department of: � Adoption Ce�ified by Co Planninct & Economic Develonment � ��`� � Form APProve y City Attoxney uncil-Secxetary � � " � ! V � G `� � � J/ � f � Approved by Mayor for Subm'ssion to Council Approved by Mayor: ➢ate �U �� "+� " � � ��� �--� Adopted by Council: Date ,� '"Q � ,c � L � � � Ip T � tn � N 7 � � � ,�� >. 67 (�6 LL � , N p U _ � �`�t � � �w�UUC.Z C� �il � (n J � ' �,.�' f ,�:: � v -�7 f � � � a � ,.__ - �•. -=A _:::; � ` � " � - .,t�U'. _ , �� / �y P� � � � � �' � F° � _ . . _ .'��:n.., .... .,�'� �� � d� ♦' �a _ - (Y,` . - ` _' � � 'q'. .. � � �`_:`` � ��� � � � \�\ - ' �-,� - ,, � � �` _ �- - - - -'. _:_ . _ � . � �.�,� .. 00 -q'I Y � � � ` `� � � ` �.4� � �� ��_4 /,,.. a � � � •' \ \`� � � � \ \ \`� a� c \ �\ �� �, ���\ ;, � �, _ ,.-'" � `� f:'. �. ; �% � �= Do - R1 i� I �-- � ,.,�� � \ \ ���� ���� ,� DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCII,: DATE IlVITIATED GREEN SHEET No.:106979 �Q � l�a` PED October 6, 2000 CQNTAGT PERSON & PHONE: [HIT�nvunTE mt'L7nLmA1'E LiiC�J TIlOTTl'p5021� ZE)E)-GS Ig � 1 DEPARTMEN'1' DIR. 4 CITYCOUNCII. M[JST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) �IGN ? CTTY ATTORNEY _ CTIY CLERK October 18 2000 F��rrcin�. sIIZV nm _ Firrnr�c�v. s�viACCrc NOiYIBER � FOR 3 MAYOR (OR ASST.) _ CIVIL SERVICE CObIIvIISSION ROiI'IYNG ORDER TOTAL # OF SIGNAT'IJRE PAGES I ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNAI'[JRE) ACITON REQi3ESTED: RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAI, SERVICE CONTRACTS MIJST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: A_ PLANNIlVG COMMISSION 1. Has tLis personlfirm ever worked under a contract for this depaztment? CIB COMIvIITTEE Yes No CML SERVICE COM�RSSION 2. Has this person/firtn ever bee� a c�ry employee? Yes No 3 Does this persodfirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current ciry employee? Yes No Explain aIl yes auswers on separate sheet aud attac6 to green sheet INITIAT'1NG PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTiJNITY (W ho, W hat, When, Where, W Ly): The Land Use Plan chapter of the Ciry's Comprehensive Plan calls for changes to the Zoning Code to support and promote the development of new mixed-use urban v111ages on lazge-scale redevelopment sites, including the creation of a new "urban village" zoning district. The Saint Paul on the Mississippi Development Framework and West Side Flats Development Strate� both call for the development of a new mixed-use urban village on the West Side Flats, roughly bounded by the Mississippi River, Robert Street, Wood Street and Wabasha Street. Tn fact, when the West Side Flats Development Strategy was endorsed by the City Council, the Council asked that staff prepare amendments to the Zoning Code to implement the vision of the Development Strategy. In response, the Pianning Commission initiated a 40-Acre Study in July 2000 to recommend Zoning Code amendments in two areas: 1) text amendments to create a new zoning district, OS-2, a medium-density, mixed-use district within a quarter mile of high-frequency transit routes; and 2) map amendments (rezonings) to facilitate the development of a mixed-use urban village on the West Side Flats. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED. The City will haue a new zoning district to encourage the development of mixed-use urban villages, and the West Side Flats will be appropriately zoned to be redeveloped as a mixed-use urban village. DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: �����1.��/ ��°� None. Q�i�� T T �3�1 --� �s ° ._.- `�„ �- T�.� DISADVAN7'AGESIFNOTAPPROVED; � . � The true integcation of land uses in an urban pattern, at medium densities; witTi°a sirong �public realm will be legally permitted on the West Side Flats. The City will finally have a regulatory tool to encourage the development and preservation ofmixed-use urban neighborhoods. TOTAL AMOUN'f OF TRANSACTION: $ NA COST/REVENUE BUDGETED: Ff7NDING SOORCE: ACTIVITY NUMBER: FiNANCIA.L INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) x��snarea�rcioa�si,nwoaf.res�sn«c J DNR WRTER Fax�651-296-OA45 Nov 1'00 17=18 P.02/03 00 -R�}" Minnesota Department of Natural Resources SOO t.afayztte Foad Sc Paid. Minnesota SSI55-00_ 651-296-4802 Fax 651-296-0445 steve.johnson@dn r.state.mn. us November1,2000 Lucy Thompson Department of Planning City of St. Paul 1300 City Hail Annex 25 W. Fourfh St. St. Paul, MN 55102 and Economic Development Re; West Side Flats Zoning Study Dear Ms. Thompson: In addition to our previous correspondence, please include this comment tetter as part of the public hearing record for today s public hearing. City staffs assertion in ari Oct. 30 memo tfiat DNR does not have jurisdiction is incorrect. The proposed OS-2 zoning would establish standards that, in the words of Minnesota Statutes 116G.07, "deai with or affect the area or areas so designated" Minnesota Rules, part 4410.9000 uses tfie phrase "p{ans and regulations to goverr4 the use of the criticaf area" The city clearly propases to use OS-2 zoning to affect regulation of land within the Mississippi Critical Area, and therefore that proposed action is subject to DNR review and approval before it can take effect. The city staff concludes DNR has jurisdiction with respect to Chapter 65. Chapter 65 includes references to the underfying zoning district as part and parcei of the river corridor standards. :Changes to those underfying districts c{early need DNR approval. The city's proposed action would rezone rivercorridor-titled zoning districtsto OS-2, clearly changing development standards in the river corridor. That cannot occur without DNR approval. : The proposed rezoning appears inconsistentwith the city's state-approved St Paul Critical Area Plan. A plan amendment wi31 be required, and must be approvsd by DNR. The ciiy staff inemorandum also misunderstands our previous comment on use of the terms "structure" and "building." Our comments were specifically geared to the cit�s DNRInt'ormaGon:651-296-6]57 • I-8S8-646G3G7 • T1Y:651-296-548a • 1-800-b57-3929 M E9uil OppotNnilY L•mD�q'u W!ro valuts Di�tniry �� Prinroa on Fecycled Pepa Comain�ny a AAinimufn 0110% PoSbCrnsutnef Waste DNR WATER Fax=651-296-0445 Nov 1'00 17�19 P.03/03 vo—g�� zoningcodedefinitions. Useoffheterm"structure"ismorecomprehensivethan"buiiding," which requires a roof and wails. The city is creating a potentia( Ioophole it should not create. {f the city adopts fhis proposed ordinance, eithes intact or with amendments, pfease transmit it to us so we can begin our formal review. Sincerely, 1, I; ��-- Steve Johnson, Community Stewardship Supervisor Water Management Section, DNR Waters ca CommissionerAfien Garber Kim Bonde, CMO Steve Morse, CM0 Kent Lokkesmoe, Waters John Linc Stine, Watera Sandy Fecht, Waters Daie Homuth, Region 6 Molly Shodeen, Region 6 Kristina SmiBen, Metropofitan Council Richard ThomQson, Metropolitan Counci� Kate.Hanson, National Park Service Nancy Duncan, Nationai Park Service oa-`l�r CTTY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayar DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: October 6, 2000 390 City Hal[ IS West Kellogg Boulevard Saint P¢ul, MN55102 Telephone: 65I-266-8510 Facsimile: 651-228-8513 Council President Dan B strom an embers of the Saint Paul City Council Mayor Norm Coleman City-Wide Mixed-Use i3rban Village Zoning and West Side Flats 40-Acre Zoning Study I am attaching for your consideration the Planning Commission's reconunendations regarding the City-Wide Mixed-Use Urban Village Zoning and West Side Flats 40-Acre Zoning Study. A copy of the memo the Chair of the Comxnission sent to me is attached for your information and background. I think this memo very clearly explains the impetus behind the 40- Acre Study, the key recommendations of the study and their relationship to the Saint Paui Comprehensive Plan, West Side Flats Development Strategy and Saint Paul on the Mississippi Development Framework. I concur with the Planning Commission's findings and recommendations, and encourage the City Council to adopt the recommendations of the City-Wide Mixed-Use Urban Village Zoning and West Side Flats 40-Acre Zoning Study. Thank you. Attachments PLAiWi ING COMMISSION CTTY OF SAIlVT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: October 6, 2000 G[adys Morton, Chair 25 West Fourth St�eet Soint Ppu(, MN 55702 Mayor Norm Coleman Gladys Morton, Chair, Saint Paul Planning Commission � Qp_al�? a— Telephane: 651-266-6565 Facsimile: 657-228d374 City-Wide Mixed-Use Urban Village Zoning and West Side Flats 40-Acre Zoning Study BACKGROUND When the Saint Paul City Council endorsed the West Side Flats Development Strategy in January 2000, it asked PED staff to recommend to the Planning Commission changes to the Zoning Code, where needed, to implement the Development Strategy's vision. In addition, implementation of the vision of the Saint PauZ on the Mississippi Development Framework requires some changes to the Zoning Code in order to encourage and facilitate the transformation of downtown and central riverfront redevelopment sites into a series of mixed-use urban villages. Further, with the recent announcement by U.S. Bancorp of its choice as the West Side Flats for a client services center, and the City's interest in seeing residenfial and related uses developed at the same time, we aze now clearer about the zoning barriers currently keeping us from realizing that goal, and what changes are needed to have the West Side Flats urban village comply with the Development Strategy and Development Framework. Finally, the Land Use Plan chapter of the City's Comprehensive Plan calls for Zoning Code amendments to support new urban villages on large-scale redevelopment sites, and to preserve and enhance existing urban villages city-wide. For a11 of these reasons, on July 14, 2000, the Saint Paul Planning Commission initiated the City- Wide Mixed-Use Urban Village Zoning and West Side Flats 40-Acre Zoning Study. Minnesota State Statutes allow Saint Paul to amend its Zoning Code (text and map) without the otherwise- required written consent of the owners of two-thirds of the real estate within 100 feet of the affected parcels if two conditions are met: 1) the area to be considered for rezoning is at least 40 acres in size; and 2) the number of parcel descriptions affected by the changes renders the obtaining of written consent impractical. The Planning Commission determined that these two conditions were met for the portion of the West Side Flats covered by the West Side Flats Development Strategy (i.e. the azea between Robert Street, Plato Boulevard, Wabasha Street and the Mississippi River) and an additional set of pazcels on the periphery of this area where zoning is currently inconsistent with existing or proposed 1and use. DO Mayor Norm Coleman October 6, 2000 Page Two THE 40-ACRE STUDY The City-Wide Mixed-Use Urban Village Zoning and West Side Flats 40-Acre Zoning Study proposes changes to both the text and map of the Zoning Code. The proposed text changes are attached and include: Creation of a new zoning district, OS-2 General Office-Service District. This zoning district would provide for a mix of commercial and multi-family residential uses at medium densities, and would be available for application city-wide. It would allow the types of uses typically found in mixed-use urban villages within a quarter mile of high-frequency transit service, at higher densities than are allowed in the most of the other (non-downtown) commercial districts. Changes to the list o1' permitted uses in the OS-2, B-1, B-2 and B-3 districts to make better sense of the hierarchy of zoning districts, in light of the new OS-2 district. The Planning Commission has long felt that some permitted uses and special condition uses should be first allowed in lower-density commercial districts. A key change here is the allowance of 100% multi-family residential stnxctures in the OS-1 and OS-2 districts. 3. Gramraatical changes that improve the flow and comprehensibility of the code, without signi�icantly changing its content. The proposed map changes (i.e. rezonings) are attached and include: 4. Rezoning of several parcels to implement the West Side Flats Development Strategy, the Saint Paul on tl:e Mississippi Development Framework and the Land Use Plan. The 40-Acre Study recommends rezoning most of the RCR-1 and all of the KCI-1 parcels between the Mississippi River and Plato Boulevard to OS-2. The RCGl parcels along Wabasha Street north of Plato Boulevazd are proposed to be rezoned to OS-2. Roughly half of the T-1 zoned land south of Plato Boulevard is recommended for rezoning to B-3 or OS-2, with the exception ofparcels between Wabasha and Robert streets currently being used for industrial purposes (which are proposed to remain T-1). Rezonings are not being proposed outside of the West Side Flats area at this time. A draft set of recommendations was released by the Planning Commission on August I 1, 2000. A community meeting sponsored by the West Side Citizens Organization (WSCO) was held on August 28, 2000 to discuss the proposed Zoning Code changes, answer questions and receive comments. The Planning Commission held its public hearing on September 22, 2000, at which WSCO and a few affected property owners from the West Side spoke. We believe the 40-Acre Study recommendations being forwarded by the Planning Commission to you and the City � -q�ta- Mayor Norm Coleman October 6, 2000 Page Three Council address the regulatory issues necessary to implement the Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan, the West Side FZats Development Strategy and the Saint Paul on the Mississippi Development Framework, as well as the concerns raised by potentially affected property owners on the West Side Fiats. RECOMMENDATION The Saint Paul Planning Commission recommends that you forward the attached City-Wide Mixed-Use Urban Village Zoning and West Side Flats 40-Acre Zoning Study to the City Council for adoption. Attachments 245 � Manufacturin�of small rorecision goods such as dental sur ical or oprical eoods or electronic 246 assemblies. alone with li¢ht assembly�packagine and distribution activities. 247 � Other uses s'unilar to the above uses. 248 �9,� Accessorv buildin�s. structures and uses as defined in section 60.201. 249 10 Carria�e house dwellin�s, provided that a maximum of one carria¢e house dwelling shall be 250 allowed Qer pI'lllCl dwelline unit. 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 secfion 60.514(5 a. through h. � Accessor�buildin ,s, structures and uses customarily incident to the above uses. 0 0 -`�'� �' Business Districts / OS-2 Mised-Use Urban Village Zoning Text Amendments 6 October 2000 DRAFT ARTICLE II_ DEFIlViTIONS Sec. 60.203. C. .• . -.,. - . .: : :: . .. : . :. � .. : :. :: . : • : : . : : : :� � Sec. 60.204. D. Dwelling, multiple family. A building, or portion thereof, designed exclusively for occupancy by three (3) or more families living independently of each other in individual dwelling units. Dwelling, townhouse. A one-family dwelling unit, with a private entrance, which is part of a stmcture whose dwelling units are attached horizontally in a linear arrangement, and having a totally exposed front and rear wall to be used for access, light and ventilation. Dwelline carriaoe house. An accessorv dwelling above a detached �azaQe. Dwelling unit. A building, or portion thereof, designed for occupancy by one family for residential purposes used or intended to be used for living, sleeping and cooking or eating purposes. ARTICLE TII. DISTRICT USES AND REGULATIONS Aivision 2. 60.400. Residential Districts Subdivision 2. 60.410. R-1 through R-4 One-Family Xesidential Districts Sec. 60.413. Principal uses perznitted subject to special conditions. (14) A carriage house �merrt dwellina in an accessory building subject to the following conditions. a. The building planned for use as a carriage house aparinrerrt dwelling had space ori�inally built to house domestic employees. b. The applicant shall obtain a petition signed by two-thirds of the property owners within one hundred (100) feet of the applicant's property line consenting to the carriage house ap�rEmer�t dwelline. Business Districts / OS-2 Urban Village Zoning Text Amendments Page 2 6 October 2000 D R A F T �� _°1'17 a The applicant shall not reduce the number of existing off-street parking spaces on the property and shall also provide additional off-street pazking as required for the carriage house apar�neat dwelline. A site plan and a building plan shall be submitted to the planning commission at the time of application. Carriage house aparhnents dwellings are exceptions to one (1) main building per zoning lot requirements. Division 3. 60.500. Business Districts Subdivision 1. 60.510. OS-1 Local Office_Service District Sec. 60.511. Intent. The OS-1 Local Office-Service District is intended to accommodate various types of office and service uses performing administrative, professional and personal services and to serve as a transitional use between the more intensive uses of land such as major thoroughfazes or commercial districts and the less intensive uses of land such as one-family residential. (Code 1956, §§ 60.471; C.F. No. 96-694, §§ 6, 7-10-96) Sec. 60.512. Principal uses permitted. In an OS-1 Local Office-Service District the use of land, the location and erection of new buildings or structures, and the alteration, enlargement and moving of existing buildings or structures from other locations or districts shall conform to the following specified uses, unless otherwise provided in this code: (1) Executive, � administrative and nonprofit orsanization offices. (2) Business offices such as, but not limited to, insurance offices, real estate offices, banks. loan companies, savings and loan associations, and sales offices. (3) Professional offices such as, but not limited to, medical offices, including medical clinics and medical laboratories; massage centers; offices of engineers, architects and accountants; auditing, bookkeeping, and legal offices; and studios of artists and photographers. � Service businesses �rovidin services on the premises, such as, but not limited to, photocopyinG reoair shops (watches, shoes, etcJ, tailor shops, beauty parlors and barbershovs. (5) Family day care, group family day caze and group day care. Business Districts J OS-2 i3rban Village Zoning Text Amendments Page 3 6 October 2000 D R A F T �_q'1 � (6) Churches, synagogues, temples and other similaz houses of worship; convents. rectories and pazsonaees• elementary,junior hieh and hieh schools� dance schools• business schools• nonacademic colleaes or trade schools operated for a profit; libraries, parks and community recreational facilities. � ColleQes universities and seminaries and other such institutions of higher learnin�, �ublic and private offerina courses in „�eeneral technical or relieious education and not �erated for profit; �rovided, that: a. Dormitories or other �roup student housine shall not be permitted within the district; b. When an institution is established in the district, the institution shall be requixed to nrovide the minimum number of off-street pazki� spaces for em�lovees staff or students as set forth in sectian 62.103(e). The institution shall be required to �rovide additional parkin�spaces only when the minimum number of parking s�aces will have to be increased due to a more than ten (101 �ercent or three hundred (3001 gain in the total number of emplovees, staff or students, whichever is less. Thereafter additional parkin,g spaces will have to be provided for each subsequent �ain of more than ten (10) oercent or three hundred (300) in the total number of emplovees, staff or students and c. To determine compliance with parkine requirements in item b. above, the institution must file an annual re�ort with the plannin�administrator statin�the number of emplovees, staff and students associated with the institution. (�8� Multiple familv dwellines. and mixed residential and commercial a€fice-sc�-viae uses subject to the following condiuons: a. Commercial uses shall be limited to those otl�erwise permitted 'an this the district; b. First floor space ori inallv desi ned and built for a nonresidential pu�ose shall not be used for a residential �urpose. � . Foster homes and freestanding foster care homes. � ar Human service-licensed community residential facillties for sixteen (16) or fewer facility residents subject to the condition that they are at least one thousand three hundred twenty (1,320) radial feet from another similar facility. �.�..� . : : :. .. . . . . .. . . . . . . ($� Cellular telephone antennas located on an existing structure, subject to the following conditions: Business Districts / OS-2 Urban Village Zoning Text Amendments Paae 4 6 October 2000 D R A F T r� '� �p.9 a. The antennas shall not extend more than fifteen (15) feet above the structural height of the structure to which they aze attached. b. Antennas located in historic districts or on historic buildings shall be subject to the review and approval of the heritaae preservation commission. c. Antennas on lattice towers may be laterally supported by the tower. d. Transmitting, receiving and switching equipment shall be housed within an existing structure whenever possible. If a new equipment building is necessary, it shall be pernutted and regulated as an accessory building, section 62.106, and screened from view by landscaping where appropriate. � Qther uses similar to the above uses. (9� Accessory buildings, structures and uses as defined in section 60.201. (Code 1956, §§ 60.472; Ord. No. 16913, 4-27-82; Ord. No. 17204, 1-15-85; C.F. No. 93-1718, §§§§ 28--31, 12-14-93; C.F. No. 95-472, §§ 2, 5-31-95; C.F. No. 95-557, §§ 2, 6-14-95; C.F. No. 95-1444, §§ 2, 1-17-96; C.F. No. 96-694, §§ 6, 7-10-96; C.F. No. 97-565, §§ 6, 6-11-97; C.F. No. 99-750, §§ 2, 9-1-99) Sec. 60.513. Required conditions. The following conditions shall be required of all uses in the OS-1 Local Office Service District: Except for off-street parking or loading, all business, storage, servicing or processing shall be conducted within completely enclosed buildings. (C.F. No. 92-1479, §§ 3, 12-15-92; C.F. No. 95-1444, §§ 2, 1-17-96; C.F. No. 96-694, §§ 6, 7- 10-96) Sec. 60.514. Principal uses permitted subject to special conditions. The following additional uses shall be pernutted, subject to the conditions hereinafter imposed for each use and subject to the standards specified for all special condition uses as set forth in section 64.300(e�. All principal uses pernutted subject to special conditions shall be reviewed and approved by the planning commission. {�� Publicly owned buildin�s; public utiliYV buildinas: telephone exchange buildings• water and sewage pumping stations;; but not including storage yards, transformer stations, substations, or gas regulator stations. � Railroad right-of-wav, but not includine terminal freight facilities, transfer and storage tracks. (3) Hospices serving sixteen (16) or fewer facility residents. Business Districts / OS-2 Urban Village Zoning Text Amendments Page 5 6 October 2000 D R A F T aa-91a (4) Shelters for battered persons or transitional housing serving sixteen (16) or fewer facility residents, provided they are not located in a glanning district in which one (1) percent or more of tt�e population lives in licensed human service community residential facilities, licensed conectional community residential facilities, healtb department-licensed community residential facilities, transitional housing, shelters for battered persons, emergency housing or overnight shelters. �� . : . . : : : . : : . . .. . . . : : . �� n�:ri� n.:i�.� a:�•.r wiii��w nr" n�•aau�wien�naai�aiir+�niina�am����r�.�i�unniii:i • - • - 'i �-- i - • �r�"i - i • : ' '� � '� i • • : - - • - "i � � i i • ��" -� •"- • - •" • - i " G •i • :� �G •' • ' - -• i• • - - •• iii : • • •"" i � - • - - � ' • • • i - • ' - i i - - - i • - - i i • i i • ' �• i - i - i " i "� - ' •�" ' n "i •" i i •�i •• i" i • ��- • - - i � ' •• - � - • i�" • i�i -� i " '- - • •• - - • � G '� • • " " • • � ' � ' ' "i �i� i i• (6� Cellular telephone antennas located on a freestanding pole, subject to the following conditions: a. The applicant demonstrates that the proposed antennas cannot be accommodated on an existing freestanding pole, an existing residential structure at least sixty (60) feet high, an existing institutional use structure, or a business building within one- half ('/z) mile radius of the proposed antennas due to one (1) or more of the following reasons: 1. The planned equipment would exceed the structural capacity of the existing pole or structure. 2. The planned equipment would cause interference with other existing or planned equipment on the pole or structure. 3. The planned equipment cannot be accommodated at a height necessary to function reasonably. 4. The owner of the existing pole, structure or building is unwilling to co-locate an antenna. Business Districts / OS-2 Urban Village Zoning Text Amendments Page b 6 October 2000 D R A F T ac-�t� b. The freestanding pole shall not exceed seventy-five (75) feet in height, uniess the applicant demonstrates that the surrounding topography, structures, or veaetarion renders a seventy-five-foot pole impractical. Freestanding poles may exceed the above height limit by twenty-five (25) feet if the pole is designed to carry two (2) antennas. c. Antennas shall not be located in a required front or side yard and shall be set back one (1) times the height of the antenna plus ten (10) feet from the nearest residential structure. d. The antennas shall be designed where possible to blend into the surrounding environment through the use of color and camouflaging architectural treatment. Drawings or photographic perspectives showing the pole and antennas shall be provided to the planning commission to determine compliance with this provision. e. Antennas located in historic districts shall be subject to the review and approval of the heritage preservation commission. f. Freestanding poles shall be a monopole design. g. Transmitting, receiving and switching equipment shall be housed within an existing structure whenever possible. If a new equipment building is necessary, it shall be permitted and regulated as an accessory building, section 62.106, and shall be screened from view by landscaping where appropriate. The zoning lot on which the pole is located shall be within contiguous property with �enet�OS-1 or less restrictive zonin and at least one (1) acre in area. (Code 1956, §§ 60.473; Ord. No. 16913, 4-27-82; Ord. No. 16956, 9-9-82; Ord. No. 17039, 7-7- 83; Ord. No. 17204, 1-15-85; Ord. No. 17845, §§ 22, 6-27-91; Ord. No. 17894, §§ 1, 12-3-91; C.F. No. 92-1479, §§ 3, 12-15-92; C.F. No. 93-1718, §§ 32, 12-14-93; C.F. No. 95-1444, §§ 2, 1-17-96; C.F. No. 96-694, §§ 6, 7-10-96; C.F. No. 97-565, §§ 7, 6-11-97; C.F. No. 99-750, §§ 2, 9-1-99) Sec. 60.515. Area, bulk, and setback requirements. See Chapter 61, Schedule of Regulations, limiting the height and bulk of buildings, the minimum size of lot permitted by land use, and providing minimum yard setback requirements. (Code 1956, §§ 60.474; C.F. No. 96-694, §§ 6, 7-10-96) Business Districts / OS-2 L7rban Village Zoning Text Amendments 6 October 2000 D R A F T Stcbdivision 2. 60.520. OS-2 General Office-Service District Sec. 60.521. Intent. Page 7 �p_q�a- The OS-2 General Office-Service District is intended to provide for develogment of compact. �edestrian-orienCed urban villages with a diverse mix of commercial residential, civic and recreational uses located within a quarter mile of hieh-freguency transit service. Sec. 60.522. Principal uses nermitted. In an OS-2 General Office-Service District the use of ]and. the location and erection of new buildin�s or structures and the alteration enlareement and movine of existine buildings or stzuctures from other locations or districts shall conform to the followin�specified uses, unless otherwise provided in this code: � All orincipal uses permitted and uses �ermitted sub,�ect to special conditions and as re�ulated in the OS-1 District exceot cellular telephone antennas located on a freestandine pole. �2] Post offices and similar eovernmental offices. �3� Retail businesses that supplv commodities on the premises such as but not limited to eroceries meats dairv Droducts baked aoods or other foods, drues, dry Poods, clothing and notions hardware books stationerv and plants with up to 10 000 square feet of eross floor area. � � Eatine and liquor-licensed establishments exceot drive-in or fast-food restaurants. Hotels and hosp�tals. � Drv cleanin�establishments or pickup stations dealine directiv with the customer and self-service laundries and drv cleaners. Central drV cleanin�plants servicing more than one (1) retail ouflet are Qrohibited. � � � Manufacturina of small precision goods such as dental su�ical or optical goods or electronic assemblies, alona with li6ht assembly�packasing and distribution activities. Other uses similar to the above uses. Accessory buildinss, structures and uses as defined in section 60.201. 10 CarriaQe house dwellings orovided that a maximum of one carriaae house dwellin sQ hall be allowed per �rincipal dwelline unit. 11 Above around �kina buildinas not exceedine forty-five (45) feet in hei� Business Districts / OS-2 Urban Village Zoning Text Amendments Page 8 6 October 2000 D R A F T Oo -q� a Sec. 60.523. Reguired conditions. The followine conditions shall be rec�uired of all uses in the OS-2 General Office-Service District: � Except for off-street parkinQ or loadine all business storaee, servicinF OT processin� shall be conducted within completely enclosed buildin�s. � The scale massine and materials of buildi�s shall be comnatible with adjacent structures in the district. The base, middle and top of buildin� shall be azchitecturallv delineated. � The exterior surface of buildings shall be articulated with vertical elements. Windows, doors and other buildine openin�s shall be squaze or vertical in provortion The first floor shall be articulated with windows entrances, etc. that relate to the scale of a pedestrian at street level. � Roof-top mechanical systems, service equioment and head hous_es for elevators and stairs shall be enclosed and not visible from public riQhts-of-way. � Parkine shall be provided underaround (below-grade) or to the rear of buildings. Access to oarkinQ shall be at the rear or interior of the lot to the preatest extent possible. Garaee doars for under round parkine may face the street but shall be as unobtrusive and pedestrian-friendly as possible. � In river corridor overlay districts, the Citv's river corridor standazds and criteria (section 65.400) shall be met. Sec. 60.524. Principal uses subiect to snecial conditions. The followine additional uses shall be permitted subject to the conditions hereinafter imposed for each and subject to the standards specified for all special condition uses as set forth in section 64 300(d) All principal uses pernutted subject to soecial conditions shall be reviewed and ap�roved bv the plannine commission. � Retail businesses that su�plv commodities on the premises as allowed in the OS-2 district section 60.522(2), with more than 10.000 square feet of �?ross floor area. � Buildings over six (6) stories or sixty-five (65) feet in heioht whichever is less, subject to the followin� conditions: a. Views and vistas from �ublic riahts-of-way and open spaces shall be retained. esoeciallv between the bluffs and the river and between the river valley floor and the bluffs. Ap�licants shall provide the planning commission an analysis includina site plans and perspective drawines, showing how the buildines will affect views. b. No building shall exceed eieht (81 stories or one-hundred (10�) feet in heieht, whichever is less. �, Above-eround parkina buildings over forty-five (451 feet in height, subject to the condition that no such building shall exceed sixty-five (65) feet in height. Business Districts / OS-2 Urban Viilage Zoning Text Amendments Page 9 6 October 2000 D R A F T Oo-9' � Cellular telephone antennas located on a freestanding �ole as reeulated in the OS-1 district, section 60.514(5)a. through h. � Accessory buildin�s structures and uses customarilv incident to the above uses. Sec. 60.525. Area, bulk and setback requirements. See chapter 61 Schedule of Reeulations, limitine the hei¢ht and bulk of buildines, the minimum size of lot bypernutted land use and providine minimum vard setback requirements. Subdivision �3. 60.5�30. B-1 Local Buszness Distrtct Sec. 60.5�31. Intent. The B-1 Loca1 Business District is intended to permit those uses as are necessary to satisfy the basic convenience shopping or service needs of persons residing in nearby residential areas. (Code 1956, §§ 60.481) Sec. 60.5�32. Principal uses permitted. In a B-1 Local Business District the use of land, the location and erection of new buildings or structures, and the alteration, enlargement and moving of existing buildings or structures from other locations or districts shall conform to the following specified uses, unless otherwise provided an tbis code: (1) All principal uses permitted and uses pernutted subject to special conditions and as regulated in the OS-1 District, except residential uses and cellular telephone antennas located on a freestanding pole. (2) Retail businesses whiel� that supply commodities on the premises, such as, but not limited to, groceries, meats, dairy products, baked goods or other foods, drugs, dry goods, clothing and notions, hardware, books, stationery, plants, carry-out restaurants and hobby supplies. > , , sehaelr > > (�� Dry cleaning establishments, or pickup stations, dealing directly with the consumer, and self-service laundries and drv cieaners. Central dry cleaning plants servicing more than one (1) retail outlet are prohibited. Business Districts 1 OS-2 Urban Village Zoning Text Amendments Page 10 6 October 2000 D R A F T f�3----B�I�s- (6� Post office and similar govemmental office buildings, � b � (�5� Other uses similar to the above uses. ($G� Mixed residential and commercial uses subject to the following conditions: 0�-91� a. Residential uses are limited to not more than fifty (50) percent of the basement and first floor. The entire upper floors may be used for residential use. At least fifty (50) percent of the basement and first floor shall be devoted to a principal use pernutted in this district, except residential use. b. Residential uses may be occupied by foster homes, freestanding foster care homes, or human service-licensed communitY residential facilities for sixteen (16) or fewer facility residents subject to the condition that they are at least one thousand three hundred twenty (1,320) radial feet from another similar facility. . . . . � . :. :: . . . :. : . . . : (97) Accessory buildings, structures and uses as defined in section 60.201. (Code 1956, §§ 60.482; Ord. No. 16913, 4-27-82; Ord. No. 17204, 1-15-85; Ord. No. 17689, §§ 3, 10-26-89; C.F. No. 93-1718, §§§§ 33--35, 12-14-93; C.F. No. 93-1815, §§ 6, 1228-93; C.F. No. 95-472 §§ 3, 5-31-95; C.F. No. 96-694, §§ 7, 7-10-96; C.F. No. 97-565, §§ 8, 6-11-97; C.F. No. 99-750, §§ 3, 9-1-99) Sec. 60.5�33. Required conditions. The following conditions shail be required of all uses in the B-1 Local Business District: (1) All business establishments shall be retail or service establishments dealing directly with customers. All goods produced on the premises shall be sold at retail on the premises where produced. (2) Except for off-street parking or loading, all business, storage, servicing or processing shall be conducted within completely enclosed buildings. (Code 1956, §§ 60.483; C.F. No. 92-1479, §§ 4, 12-15-92) Business Districts / OS-2 Urban Village Zoning Text Amendments Page 11 6 October 2000 D R A F T Sec. 60.5�34. Principal uses permitted subject to special conditions. � 0 - g The following additional uses shall be pertnitted, subject to the conditions hereinafter imposed for each use and subject to the standards specified for all special condition uses as set forth in section 64300(e1�. All principal uses permitted subject to special conditions shail be reviewed and approved by the planning commission. � Multiple familv dwellines and mixed residential and commercial uses, subject to the followin� conditions: a. The pronosed use ispart of a redevelo ment proiect pr000sed b�public a�encv as the applicant or done in accordance with a specific plan pertainine to the �roposed use which s�ecific �lan has been ap_proved bv the citk b. Commercial uses shall be limited to those otherwise permitted in the district which do not require a separation distance from residentially zoned or occu ied nropertv. (}2) , , Electric transformer stations and substations; gas regulator stations with service yards, but without storage yards, . �.�..�.s . . .. . .. . : . . . : - : .: : . : . : :. . : . . � . : : . . : . . : : .... : . . : � . : - . . - . . . . . : . . : .. - : .. : . : :. _ : . • (53� Cellular telephone antennas located on a freestanding pole, as regulated in the OS-1 district, section 60.514(6)a. through g. (6� Accessory buildings, structures and uses customarily incident to the above permitted uses. (Code 1956, §§ 60.484; Ord. No. 16956, 9-9-82; Ord. No. 17039, 7-7-83; Ord. No. 17845, §§ 23, 6-27-91; Ord. No. 17894, §§ 2, 12-3-91; C.F. No. 93-1718, §§§§ 36, 37, 12-14-93; C.F. No. 93- 1815, §§ 7, 12-28-93; C.F. No. 97-565, §§ 9, 6-11-97; C.F. No. 99-750, §§ 3, 9-1-99) Sec. 60.5�35. Area, bulk and setback requirements. See Chapter 61, Schedule of Regulations, limiting the height and bulk of buildings, the minimum size of lot by permitted land use, and providing minimum yud setback requirements. Business Districts i OS-2 Z3rban Village Zoning Text Amendments Page 12 6 Octoberber2000 D R A F T 80 -°���' Sacbdivision 34. 60.5�40. B-2 Community Business District Sec. 60.5341. Intent. The B-2 Community Business District is intended to serve the needs of a consumer population larger than that served by the "L.ocal Business District," and is generally chazacterized by a cluster of establishments generating lazge volumes of vehiculaz and pedestrian traffic. (Code 1956, §§ 60.491) Sec. 60.5342. Principal uses permitted. In a B-2 Community Business District the use of land, the location and erection of new buildings or structures, and the alteration, enlargement and moving of existing buildings or structures from other locations or districts shall conform to the following specified uses unless otherwise provided in this code: (1) All principal uses as pemutted and as regulated in a B-1 District. (2) All retail business, service establishments or processing uses as follows: a. Any retail business whose principal activity is the sale of inerchandise in an enclosed building. b. Any service establishment ', housin an office, showroom or workshop rrxttire of a contractor (including, but not limited to, plumbing, heating, air conditioning, electrical, mechanical), decorator, dressmaker, tailar, baker, painter, upholsterer, a radio, television or home appliance repair business, pliateeepyiss�,�rce� or similar service establishments. c. Private clubs, fraternal organizations, liquor licensed establishments and lodge halls. d. Restaurants and fast-food restaurants when incorporated within a multi-use retail center and which do not provide drive-through window service. e. Theaters, assembly halls, auction halls, bingo halls, concert halls, reception halls or similar places of assembly when conducted completely within enclosed buildings. f. Veterinarv clinics without boazding (except for medical proceduresl: tattoo azP lors. Business Districts / OS-2 Urban Village Zoning Text Amendments Page 13 6 October 2000 D R A F T 0 n - ° : : , :. : : . . . ... . . .. . .. .. . . .. . . . . .. . :. , . : . ... .: .. . . . . .: . . : .: . :. : :. .• : � . . . : . .,. .. : ... : .: . . . C . : . :. : : .:• :�. . .. . .: : . . . . : .:,. . . . : .. : : . . . : OC -. . . . : ..• : .. .. : . �. . :. .: . : ,. :. . . 0 . : . : : 0: : . . . :. : . : : . . . . :. .. • . . . -. : . . . .: . . . : . . ixg. Mail order houses. ih. Healthlsport clubs, conversation/rap pazlors, massage parlors and steam room/bathhouse facilities which are not adult uses. ji. Food catering establishments. , � �i. Brew on premises stores as regulated by Minnesota State laws. mk. Coffee kiosks. nl. Fully enclosed auto sales when incorporated within a multi-use retail center. (3) Recycling drop-off station; provided, that the facility: a. 3ha11 not occupy an area more than two hundred (200) square feet and shall not interfere with pazking and maneuvering requirements of the principal use; b. Shall be screened pursuant to section 62.107 if it abuts a residential use or district; a Shall be set back at least ten (10) feet from any property line and shall not obstruct pedestrian or vehicular circulation; and d. Shall be maintained free of litter and other undesirable materials. Business Districts ! OS-2 Urban Village Zoning Text Amendments Page 14 6 October 2000 D R A F T Oo- q��' (4) Cunency exchange business when located at least one hundred (lOQ) feet from any residential lot in a residential district or at least one hundred (100) feet from any residential lot occupied with a one-, two-, three-, four-, townhouse, or multiple-family dwelling, measured from the closest point of the building in which the husiness is located to the closest residential property line. (5) Other uses similar to the above uses. (6) Accessory building, structures and uses as defined an section 60.201. (Code 1956, §§ 60.492; Ord. No. 16956, 9-9-82; Ord. No. 17204, 1-15-85; Ord. No. 17524, §§ 12, 1-6-88; Ord. No. 17564, §§ 7, 5-19-88; Ord. No. 17611, §§§§ 1, 2, 11-3-88; Ord. No. 17646, §§ 6, 4-6-89; Ord. No. 17689, §§ 4, 10-26-89; Ord. No. 17777, 10-11-90; C.F. No. 93-1718, §§ 38, 12-14-93; C.F. No. 94-1863, §§ 2, 1-18-95; C.F. No. 96-77, §§ 2, 2-14-96; C.F. No. 96-1342, §§ 2, 11-13-96; C.F. No. 97-1089, §§§§ 2, 3,10-i-97) Sec. 60.5343. Required conditions. The following conditions shall be required of all uses in the B-2 Community Business District: (1) All business establishments shall be retail or service establishments dealing directly with consumers. All goods provided on the premises shall be sold at retail on the premises where produced. (2) All business, storage, servicing or processing shall be conducted within completely enclosed buildings. Provided, however, that the following uses may be conducted outdoors if specifically allowed as a permitted use or special condition use: Off-street parking, off-street loading or outdoor businesses and outdoor businesses with outdoor storage. (Code 1956, §§ 60.493; C.F. No. 92-1479, §§ 5, 12-15-92) Sec. 60.5344. Principal uses permitted subject to special conditions. The following additional uses shall be permitted, subject to the standards specified for all special condition uses as set forth in section 64300(e�. All principal uses pernutted subject to special conditions shall be reviewed and approved by the planning commission. (1) All uses as permitted and regulated in the B-1 Local Business District under principal uses permitted subject to special conditions. Sec. 60.5345. Area, bulk and yard setback requirements. See Chapter 61, Schedule of Regulations, limiting the height and bulk of buildings, the minimum size of lot permitted by land use, the maximum density pernutted, and providing minimum yard setback requirements. (Code 1956, §§ 60.495) Business Districts ( OS-2 Urban Village Zoning Text Amendments Page 15 6 October 2000 D R A F T Subdzvision �S. 60.5�50. B-2C Community Business (Converted) District Sec. 60.5�51. Intent. 00-°l'1� It is the intent of the B-2C Community Business (Converted) District to create a business district expressly for existing residential structures in commercial areas, which will permit the operation of businesses which do not generate large amounts of traffic and at the same time will retain the visual character of the building forms and open space associated with residential uses. This includes a limited height on buildings and front and side yards. It is further the intent of this district to provide parking for employees who work in buildings which aze converted from residential to business use. (Ord. No. 17062, 10-20-83) Sec. 60.5�52. Principal uses permitted. Sec. 60.5�53. Required conditions. The following conditions shall be required of all uses in the B-2C Community Business (Converted) District: Sec. 60.5�54. Principal uses permitted subject to special conditions. The following additional uses shall be permitted, subject to the conditions hereinafter imposed for each use and subject to the standards specified for all special condition uses as set forth in section 64.300(e�. All principal uses pernutted subject to special conditions shall be reviewed and approved by the planning commission. Sec. 60.5�55. Area, bulk, and yard setback requirements. Business Districts / OS-2 Urban Village Zoning Text Amendments Page 16 6 October 2000 D R A F T Subdivision �6. 60.5�60. B-3 General Business District 00-9�� Sec. 60.5461. Intent. The B-3 General Business District is intended to provide sites for more diversified types of businesses than those in the B-1 and g-2 Business Districts, and is intended for location, along major traffic arteries or adjacent to the Community Business Districts. (Code 1956, §§ 6Q.501) Sec. 60.5$62. Principal uses permitted. In a B-3 General Business District, the use of land, the location and erection of new buildings or structures, and the altezation, enlargement and moving of existing buildings or stnzctures from oYher locations or districts shall conform to the following specified uses, unless otherwise provided in this code: (1) All principal uses pernutted and uses pernutted subject to special conditions and as regulated in OS-1, B-1, and B-2 Districts, except auto service stations, auto convenience markets, �$ licensed coirectional community residential facilities, health department-licensed community residential facilities and emergency housing, pawn shops when the business is conducted within completely enclosed buildings, and cellulaz telephone antennas located on a freestanding pole. (12) Hospitals: veterinary clinics with boazding. Sec. 60.5463. Required conditions. The following conditions shall be required of all uses in the B-3 General Business District: All business, storage, servicing or processing shall be conducted within completely enclosed buildings. Provided, however, that the following uses may be conducted outdoors if specifically allowed as a permitted use or special condition use: Off-street parking, off-street loading or outdoor businesses and outdoor businesses with outdoor storage. (Ord. No. 17524, §§ 16, 1-6-88; C.F. No. 92-1479, §§ 6, 12-15-92) Sec. 60.5�64. Principal uses permitted subject to special conditions. The following additional uses shall be permitted, subject to the conditions hereinafter imposed for each use and subject to the standards specified for all special condition uses as set forth in section 64.300(ed). All principal uses permitted subject to special conditions shall be reviewed and approved by the planning commission. (1) Auto service stations; and auto convenience markets, as regulated in the B-2 District. Sec. 60.5�65. Area, bulk and setback requirements. Business Districts / OS-2 Urban Village Zoning Text Amendments Page 17 6 October 2000 D R A F T 60 -`t�1�^ Sc�bdivision 37. 60.5370. B-4 Central Business District Sec. 60.5571. Intent. Sec. 60.5572. Principal uses pertnitted. Sec. 60.5573. Required conditions. Sec. 60.5574. Principal uses permitted subject to special conditions. The following additional uses shall be pernutted, subject to the conditions hereinafter imposed for each use and subject to the standazds specified for all special condition uses as set forth in section 64.300(e�. All principal uses permitted subject to special conditions shall be reviewed and approved by the planning commission. Sec. 60.5575. Area, buik and yard setback requirements. Subdivision 68. 60.Sff80. B-S Central Business-Service District Sec. 60.5681. Intent. Sec. 60.Sfr82. Principal uses permitted. Sec. 60.5583. Required conditions. Sec. 60.5684. Principal uses permitted subject to special conditions. The following additional uses shall be permitted, subject to the condirions hereinafter imposed for each use and subject to the standards specified for all special condition uses as set forth in section 64300(e�. Ali principal uses permitted subject to special conditions shall be reviewed and approved by the planning commission. Sec. 60.5685. Area, bulk; and yard setback requirements. Business Districts / OS-2 Urban Village Zoning Text Amendments Page 18 6 October 2000 D R A F T l90 -"l`1'b" Sec. 61.103. Business districts. bfinimum Size bfazinum Diazimum Lot Size Per Height Minimu� Yard Setback pezcent of Floor tinit of Structures (Per Lo[ in Feet� y�t Area Area i� 1'iidth Side � Occvpied ' Ratio Square in In I Front �,��_ T Rear BJ' I�fain (FAR) ZoningDistrict Feet Feet Stories Feet mum oC�k•o guilding s i.1 b3 BL'SI\ESS DISTRICTS OS•l ff�ce-Sen-ice Loca.� none none 3 d 30 d 15 a,Yq b b b,� none 1.0 p$-���nera40ff�e-$2r�ic� na�� r.oxe (e, 6Se 09 6 6 b�c ho�� 3.0 B-1 Local Business none none 3 3� 15 a;{g b b b,c none 1.Q B-2 Communit�� Business none none I d 30 d 0 J�[,g b b b,t none 2.0 B•2C Community Business none none 3d 30d 25?fj 4 8 25 30�� I`A (Converced� B•3 General Business none none d 30 d 0�9 6 b b.c none 2.0 B-4 Central Business none none no l�mit no limit no linit none none none c none 6.0 �{ B-5 Central Business Senice none none no limit no limit no hmit none none none c none 5.0 qf (Ord. No. 1 i062, 10•20-53; Ord. I�o. 17204, 1-15-85; G.F. I�o. 93•1718, § 6Z, 1'L-14-ySJ Notes to 61.103 Business Districts: (a) Off-street parking shall be pernzitted to occupy a required front yazd setback; provided, that the off-street parking area, exclusive of access driveways, shall be set back a minimum distance of six (6) feet from any front or side street right-of-way and the off-street parking area setback meets the requirements of section 61.103(t). (b) No side or rear yards are required along the interior lot lines of the district, except as otherwise specified in the building code; provided, that if walls of structures facing such interior lot lines contain windows, or other openin�s, yards of not less than ten six ( feet shall be provided. Side and rear yards of at least�en six (�8� feet shall be required when a business district adjoins a side yard in an adjacen[ residence district. These setback requirements from interior lot lines shall be waived when an easement aareement is recorded as to the affected rooerties Proof of such recorded easement shall be provided at the time of application for a buildin�ermit The recordin� of the easement aareement shall be inte�reted to mean that the followin� intents and pumoses of these setback requirements are met• adequate supply of sunli�ht and air to adjacent propertv' sufficient space for maintenance of the buildine from the same lot: and prevention of damase to adjoinin2 propertv bv fire or runoff from roofs. (c) Off-street loading sgace shall be provided in the rear yazd in accordance with the requirements of section 62.105. Business Districts / OS-2 Urban Village Zoning Text Amendments Page 19 6 October 2000 D R A F T ao —���— (d) The height of the structure may exceed t�mtq-E36�€eet the maacimum buildina height allowed in the district, provided the structure is set back from all grapertq setback lines a distance equal to the height which said st�*ucture exceeds the maximum buildina height a�bui� aIlowed in the district. �e The heieht of structures in an OS-2 General Office-Service District mav exceed six (6) stories and sixtv-five (b51 feet in heieht, subject to conditions under section 60.524(2). The heiaht of above �round parkinQ buildines in an OS-2 General Office-Service District mav exceed fortv- five (451 feet in height subject to the conditions under section 60.524(31. (efJ Floor area bonuses, which encourage certain building features which produce public benefits, shall be granted as follows: (€� On those lots or parcels, or portions of lots or parcels, which adjoin a right-of-way line of a parkway, the required setbacks from the parkway right-of-way line shall be equal to that required for residential uses in effect along the pazkway right-of-way or twenty-five (25) feet, whichever is greater. (�h) Those parkways and portions of pazkways listed below aze excluded from the setback requirements established in subsection (g) above: Ford Pazkway (from Kenneth Street to Finn Street and north side between Finn Street and Mount Curve Boulevard). Gannon Road. (tri) Since B-2C zoned property has a residential chazacter, buildings shall maintain a twenty- five=foot front setback or meet the requirements of section 61.101(a). (Code 1956, §§ 61103; Ord. No. 17204, 1-15-85; Ord. No. 17778, §§ 1, 10-11-90; C.F. No. 93- 1718, §§ 63, 12-14-93; C.�. No. 97-1089, §§ 5, 10-1-97) Sec. 62.103. Parking requirements. (a) Off-street parking. Except in a B-4 or B-5 District, off-street pazking spaces shall be provided in all districts at the time of erecUon, enlargement or expansion of all buildings in accordance with the requirements of this section. Before a certificate of occupancy shall be issued, the number of off-street parking spaces provided shall be as hereinafter prescribed. In an OS-2 District the number of off-street narkina space�rovided shall be at least two-ihirds of the number hereinafter prescribed. Business Districts / OS-2 Urban Village Zoning Text Amendments Page 20 6 October 2000 D R A F T fl O - q`�a Sec. 62.106. Accessory buildings. Accessory buildings, except as otherwise provided in this code, shall be subject to the following regulations: (1) When the accessory building is structurally attached to a main building, it shall be subject to, and must conform to, all regulations of this code applicable to main buildings. (2) Accessory buildings, structures or uses shall not be erected in or established in a required yard except a rear yard. On corner lots, accessory buildings, structures or uses shall be set back from the street a distance equal to that required of the principal structure. When an accessory building, structure or use is constructed in a reaz yazd which adjoins a side yard or front yard, the accessory building, structure or use shall be set back from the interior lot line a distance equal to the minimum side yard required °- -'-`' -` -°'-' °` �e$ of the principal structure. On all other lots, accessory buildings shall be set back at least three (3) feet from all interior lot lines, and overhangs shall be set back at least one-third (1/3) the distance of the setback of the garage wall or one (1) foot, whichever is greater. This setback requirement from all interior lot lines for accessory buildings in rear yards shall be waived when a maintenance easement is recorded an-�he-deeds-a€-al� as to the affected properties, when proof of such recorded easement is provided at the time of application for a building pertnit and when the accessory building is located at least three (3) feet from any bu3lding on an adjoining lot. The recording of the maintenance easement shall be interpreted to mean that the following intents and purposes of this setback requirement are met: a. Adequate supply of sunlight and air to adjacent property; b. Sufficient space for maintenance of the building from the same lot; and c. Prevention of damage to adjoining property by fire or runoff from roofs. A recorded common wall agreement is pemvtted in lieu of a maintenance easement if the accessory structure is attached to an accessory structure on an adjoining lot. (3) In any residential area, accessory buildings shall not exceed fifteen (15) feet in height; provided, however, that accessory buildings with a flat or shed roof style shall not exceed twelve (12) feet in height. Carriaee house dwellines in an OS-2 General Office-Service District shall not exceed 25 feet in heiQht. Exception: Accessory building heights shall not apply to property within designated Heritage Preservation Districts nor to designated historic sites. In these cases appropsiate building heights for accessory structures shall be determined through the design review process to ensure that heights are acceptable and in keeping with scale and style of development on the property. Business Districts / OS-2 Urban Village Zoning Text Amendments Page 21 6 October 2000 D R A F T ao-�.`��- (4) Accessory buildings on a zoning lot may occupy up to thirty-five (35) percent of the rear yard. Rear yards which adjoin alleys may include half the area of the alley to calculate the area of the rear yazd which may be occupied by accessory buildings. On zoning lots containing one- and two-family dwellings, accessory buildings shall not occupy more than one thousand (1,000) square feet of the zoning lot. On zoning lots containing all other uses, accessory buiidings may occupy the same percent of the zoning lot as main buildings are allowed to occupy, as specified in tables in sections 61.101, 61.103, 61.104 and 61.105. (5) In those instances where the rear lot line or a side lot line is cotemunous with the alley right-of-way, the accessory building shall not be closer than one foot to such rear lot lines. (6) On through lots, where frontage is clearly established within a given block, rear yard setbacks shall be equal to the side yazd setback of the district in which located. (7) Accessory buildings shall be located at least six (6) feet from the principal structure or shall be considered attached for purposes of the zoning code. (Code 1956, §§ 62.106; Ord. No. 17038, 7-5-83; Ord. No. 17204, 1-15-85; Ord. No. 17476, §§ 1, 7-15-87; Ord. No. 17511, §§ 7, 11-12-87; Ord. No. 17524, §§§§ 27, 28, 1-6-88; C.F. No. 93- 1718, §§§§ 74, 75, 12-14-93; C.F. No. 96-77, §§ 4, 2-14-96; C.F. No. 96-1342, §§ 4, 11-13-96; C.F. No. 99-750, §§ 9, 9-1-99) Chapter 66. Zoning Code - Signs Sec. 66.206. OS-2, B-2�B-2C and B-3 Bus+ness Districts - (5) Electronic message signs shall be prohibited fromt�e OS-Z B-2 distriet and�he B-2C districts; provided, that electronic message signs giving public information, such as time, temperature, stock averages and the like, are pernutted in OS-2 and B-2 districts. ��1 �� t� �, '� Q� �� � � � � �, �. � � � .''. � X ��tA W � � � � a � � ' �(:JLJ ��=� <,s � � > -\, _ �, , , �'� . ��'��. . � � O � � , '� � 0 ... `� , �N� . -�� - �'� � N. �:` ��� � �:0-�. :- -: - �: i1.% � - � _�3-' .."'� , :. �._ , U?_ .:..�` N � � `����, : , \ ` ` \'� � ; ��� ` �f�'�{x wll! be � SQrr( pv�d►��7 �hc. � pU�( ic heurihy. `, \ , 1' \ 00 -°l�a- i � , �� ����� ; ; i -- � �._.__._._._._ � , �--� �, � ORIGINAL Presented By 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Referred To CE Council File # 00 - qR a Ordinance # Green Sheet # ��6 l�q% , � �. Committee: Date AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CFIAPTER 60 % OF THE SAINT PAUL LEGISLATIVE CODE PERT ING TO ZONING FOR THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL AND THE ZON G MAPS THEREOF WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Planning Commission has made a surve of the area generally bounded by the Mississippi River on the north, Robert Street on the east, Wood reet on the south and Wabasha Street on the west for the purpose of considering amendments to the Zoni `Code, and has determined that: 1) the study area is at least 40 acres in size; 2) the number of real estate escriptions affected by the amendments renders the obtaining of written consent impractical; and 3) the 'oposed amendments are related to the overall needs of the community, to existing land use or to plans for �ture land use, as stated in the Land Use Plan chapter of the City's Comprehensive Plan, the West Side Fl "ts Development Strategy and the Saint Paul on the Mississippi Development Framework, and W�IEREAS, the Planning Comtnission held public hearing on the "City-Wide Mixed-Use Urban Village Zoning and West Side Flats 40-Acre Zoni "Study" on September 22, 2000 and, after considering public testimony, 1) found the City-Wide Mixe = se Urban Village Zoning and West Side Flats 40-Acre Zoning Study consistent with the Saint Paul C,'� prehensive Plan, the West Side Flats Development Strategy and the Saint Paul on the Mississippi Develo ment Framework; and 2) recommended on October 6, 2000 that the Zoning Code be amended as per th 40-Acre Study; and WHEREAS, the City Council ld a public hearing on November 1, 2000, notice of which was published in the Saint Paul Pioneer Press ' October 15, October 22 and October 29, 2000; NOW, THEREFORE, the Saint Paul Legislai changes: cfT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby amend Code pertaining to zoning for the City of Saint Paul by making the following text ARTICLE IL DEFINTTIONS Sec. 60.�13. C. 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 Sec. 60.204. D. 00- l'1�. Dwelling, multiple family. A building, or portion thereof, designed exclusively for occupancy by three (3) ar more families living independently of each other in individual dwelling units. � Dwelling, townhouse. A one-faxnily dwelling unit, with a private entrance, which is art of a structure whose dwelling units aze attached horizontally in a linear arrangement, and hav' a totally exposed front and reaz wall to be used for access, light and ventilation. 44 Dwelling unit. A building, or portion thereof, designed for occupanc y one family for residential 45 purposes used or intended to be used for living, sleeping and coo g ar eating purposes. 46 47 ARTICLE III. DISTRICT USES AND GULATIONS 48 49 Division 2. 60.400. Resid �tial Districts 50 51 Subdivision 2. 60.410. R-1 through 4 One-Family Residential Distviets 52 53 Sec. 60.413. Principal uses permitted 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 (14) A carriage house ap�tiner�f conditions. a. The building plan originally built to to special conditions. in an accessory building subject to the following � use as a carriage house �. dwellinE had space domesric employees. b. The applicant s 1 obtain a petition signed by two-thirds of the properiy owners within one hundred ( Q) feet of the applicant's property line consenting to the carriage house apaxtnre� d llina. c. The appli nt shail not reduce the number of existing off-street parking spaces on the property d shall also provide additional off-street parking as required for the carriage house dwellin�. A site plan d a building plan shall be submitted to the planning commission at the rime of applicati Carriage house �ts dwellines are exceptions to one (1) main building per zoning t requirements. Division 3. 60.500. Business Districts Subdivision 1. 60.510. OS-1 Local Office-Service District Sec. 60.511. Intent. The OS-1 Local Office-Service D'astrict is intended to accommodate various types of office and service uses performing administrative, professional and personal services and to serve as a transitional use between the more intensive uses of land such as major thoroughfares or commercial districts and the less intensive uses of land such as one-family residential. 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 9G 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 (Code 1956, §§ 60.471; C.F. No. 96-694, §§ 6, 7-10-96) Sec. 60.512. Principal uses permitted. 00 -9q? In an OS-1 Loca1 Office-Service District the use of 1and, the location and erection of n buildings or structures, and the alteration, enlargement and movmg of e�sting buildings or struc es from other locations or districts shall conforxn to the following specified uses, unless othe � e provided in this code: (1) Executive, a� administrative and non�rofit oreanization offices. (2) Business offices such as, but not limited to, insurance offlces, r al estate offices, banks, loan companies, savings and loan associations, and sales offices. ,/` (3) Professional offices such as, but not limited to, medical o ices, including medical clinics and medical laboratories; massage centers; offices of engin ers, architects and accountants; auditing, bookkeeping, and legal offices; and studios�, f artists and photographers. • 1 �� � LU��bIY • � � i � (5) �� � Family day care, group family day care Churches, synagogues, temples and otY; group day care. similar houses of worship; convents rectories and parks and community recreational facilities. rorofit; provided, that: � � c. (�8) N following coiiditions: mixed residential and commercial affree-serviee uses subject to •'. �' _ '_ 'i � �i i _ __ i • ' i 'w_ _ � ' �_ e_ • •• ' •�- •i - • •- i " �- - ' - --' — •- ' e i •:-- " ii - - •- i - i i - • - • �- • " ' .- -. � � - . • .- -. � - . . 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 O o -qR �. b. First floor space originallv desiened and built for a nonresidential purpose shall not be used for a residenrial pumose. � . Foster homes and freestanding foster care homes. � er Human service-licensed community residential facilities far sixteen (16) or fewer residents subject to the condition that they are at least one thousand three hundred�C (1,320) radial feet from another similar facility. � . . : : . 128 ($11) Cellular telephone antennas located on an existing structure, subj 129 conditions: 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 � � The antennas shall not e�end more than fifteen (15) the structure to which they are attached. , Antennas located in historic districts or on review and approval of the heritage preser the following above the stnxctural height of shall be subject to the c. Antennas on lattice towers may be laterally �upported by the tower. d. Transmitting, receiving and switching e pment shall be housed within an existing structure whenever possible. If a new e'pment building is necessary, it shall be permitted and regulated as an accesso building, section 62.106, and screened from view by landscaping where appropr' te. � Other uses similar to the above uses. 140 (913) Accessory buildings, structures and u�s as defined in section 60201. 141 (Code 1956, §§ 60.472; Ord. No. 16913, 4�L7-82; Ord. No. 17204, 1-15-85; C.F. No. 93-1718, §§§§ 142 28--31, 12-14-93; C.F. No. 95-472, §§ 2, � 31-95; C.F. No. 95-557, §§ 2, 6-14-95; C.F. No. 95-1444, 143 §§ 2, 1-17-96; C.F. No. 96-694, §§ 6, 7 0-96; C.F. No. 97-565, §§ 6, 6-11-97; C.F. No. 99-750, §§ 2, 144 9-1-99) 145 Sec. 60.513. Required conditions. 146 The following conditions shall be required of all uses in the OS-1 Local Office Service District: 147 Except for off-street pazking o�'�oading, all business, storage, servicing or processing shall be 148 conducted within completely�enclosed buildings. 149 (C.F. No. 92-1479, §§ 3, 1�-�15-92; C.F. No. 95-1444, §§ 2, 1-17-96; C.F. No. 96-694, §§ 6, 7-10-96) 150 Sec. 60.514. Principal�ses permitted subject to special conditions. 151 The following additi nal uses sha11 be pernutted, subject to the conditions hereinafter imposed for 152 each use and subje to the standards specified for all special condition uses as set forth in section 153 64300(ed). All p'ncipal uses permitted subject to special conditions shall be reviewed and approved 154 by the planning„ ommission. 155 156 (�1) Pu icl owned buildin s• ublic utili buildin s� telephone exchange buildings; water and 157 s age pumpuig stations;; but not including storage yards, transformer stations, substations, or 158 gas regulator stations. 159 � Railroad rieht-of-way, but not including terminal freiaht facilities. transfer and storage tracks. 160 (3) Hospices serving sixteen (16) ar fewer £acility residents. 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 1�2 173 174 1 1/6 17� 1/O 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 � -9� �. (4) Shelters for battered persons ar transitional housing serving sixteen (16) or fewer cility residents, provided they are not located in a planning district in which one (1) rcent or more of the population lives in licensed human service community residential f ities, licensed correctional coznmunity residential facilities, health department-license community residenrial facilities, transitional housing, shelters for battered persons, emer� y housing or overnight shelters. w.w�as.a.w �R.,�,.,�,�.,.�,. � uaau u m in na � w� ua u r• u w 1�1421U I l�l!l�U1�li�l��l1%n]� ��SRS9lR. (5� Cellulaz telephone antennas located �#n a freestanding pole, subject to the following conditions: a. The applicant demonstrat that the proposed antennas cannot be accommodated on an exisfing freestanding pol ; an existing residential structure at least siaty (60) feet high, an existing institutiona ,� se shucture, or a business building within one-half (%2) mile radius of the propose antennas due to one (1) ox more of the following seasons: 1. The planned structure. 2. The planned equipment o� 3. The pl�ed would exceed the structural capacity of the existing pole or uipment would cause interference with other existing or planned pole or structure. equipment cannot be accommodated at a height necessary to function 4. The,,owner of the existing pole, structure or building is unwilling to co-locate an b. Th eestanding pole shall not exceed seventy-five (75) feet in height, unless the ap licant demonsirates that the surrounding topography, stnxctures, or vegetation r. ders a seventy-five-foot pole impractical. Freestanding poles may exceed the above eight limit by twenty-five (25) feet if the pole is designed to cany two (2) antennas. a Antennas sha11 not be located in a required ftont or side yard and shall be set back one (1) times the height of the antenna plus ten (10) feet from the nearest residential shucture. d. The antennas shall be designed where possible to blend into the surrounding environment through the use of color and camouflaging architectural treatment. Drawings or photographic perspectives showing the pole and antennas shall be provided to the planning commission to determine compliance with this provision. 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 do -ir1�- e. Antennas located in historic districts shall be subject to the review and approval of the heritage preservation commission. f. Freestanding poles shall be a monopole design. g. Transmitting, receiving and switching equipment sha11 be hou�d within an e�sting shucture whenever possible. ff a new equipment building is �fecessary, it shall be permitted and regulated as an accessory building, section 62.106, and shall be screened from view by landscaping where appropriate. ,� h. The zoning lot on which the pole is located sha11 be within contiguous properry with zene�OS-1 or less restrictive zonina and at least�one (1) acre in area. 213 (Code 1956, §§ 60.473; Ord. No. 16913, 4-27-82; Ord. No. 1%U956, 9-9-82; Ord. No. 17039, 7-7-83; 214 Ord. No. 172Q4, 1-15-85; Ord. No. 17845, §§ 22, 6-27-91�rd. No. 17894, §§ 1, 12-3-91; C.F. No. 215 92-1479, §§ 3, 12-15-92; C.F. No. 93-1718, §§ 32, 12-14`-93; C.F. No. 95-1444, §§ 2, 1-17-96; C.F. 216 No. 96-694, §§ 6, 7-10-96; C.F. No. 97-565, §§ 7, 6-1 `97; C.F. No. 99-750, §§ 2, 9-1-99) 217 Sec. 60.515. Area, bulk, and setback requirement� 218 See Chapter 61, Schedule of Regulations, limiting , e height and bulk of buildings, the minimum size 219 of lot permitted by land use, and providing mini� yard setback requirements. 220 221 222 223 224 (Code 1956, §§ 60.474; C.F. No. 96-694, §§ 6,��3-10-96) Sec. 60.521. Intent. 225 The C 226 roedes 227 uses 1 228 Sec. t 229 In an 230 or stn 231 locati 232 code: 233 � 234 235 {2� Post 236 � Reta 237 grocE 238 notic 239 area. ►�1 241 242 243 244 � Eatin and liquor-lic� � Hotels and hospitals. � Drv cleanine establishments, or pickup stations. dealin d�irectly with the customer, and self- service laundries and dry cleaners. Central drv cleaning plants servicin� more than one (� retail outlet are prohibited. 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 � � � 10 00 1��• Manufacturin� of small, precision ¢oods such as dental, surgical or optical �oods. or electronic assemblies, alongwith light assembly_packaging and distribution activities. Other uses sunilar to the above uses. Accessor�buildings. structures and uses as defined in section 60.201. � allowed per principal dwelling unit• 11 Above ground parkine builc Sec. 60.523. Required conditions. � � � � � � conducted within completely enclosed buildines. friendlv as possible. 65.400) shall be met. bv the planning commission. � Retail businesses tha� � Bi fo. a. b. (� Al � (4) _ whichever is less. section 60.514(5 a. through h. {� Accessory buildines, structures and uses customarilv incident to the above uses. 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 Sec. 60.525. Area, bulk and setback re�uirements. 00 -9'1�. See chapter 61. Schedule of Reeulations, limitine the hei�ht and bulk of buildings, the minimum size of lot by�emutted land use. and �rovidine minunum yazd setback reauirements. � � Subdivision �3. 60.5�30. B-1 �/ Local Business District f' , Sec. 60.5�31. Intent. _ The S-1 Local Business District is intended to permit those uses as ar"e necessary to satisfy the basic convenience shopping or service needs of persons residing in nearby residential areas. r (Code 1956, §§ 60.481} Sec. 60.5�32. Principal uses permitted. In a B-1 Local Business District the use of land, the locat�on and erection of new buildings or shuctures, and the alteration, enlargement and moving �. existing buildings or structures from other locations or districts shall conform to the following sp�cified uses, unless otherwise provided in this code: �`� 304 (1) All principal uses perxnitted and uses 305 in the OS-1 District, except residenti� 306 freestanding pole. 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 subject to special conditions and as regulated cellular telephone antennas located on a (2) Retail businesses v�iriek that supply�ommodities on the premises, such as, but not limited to, groceries, meats, dairy products, b�a`ked goods or other foods, drugs, dry goods, clothing and notions, hardware, books, statio ry, plants, cany-out restaurants and hobby supplies. , � , > , > , �, > N , , � > - , b � (�3) Dry cleaning establishm�ents, or pickup stations, dealing directly with the consumer, and self- service laundries and div cleaners. Central dry cleaning plants servicing more than one (1) retail outlet are �� (64) Post office an , resi�ei (�5) Other use sim ($6) Mixed esident governmental office buildings, to the above uses. and commercial uses subject to the following conditions: 321 a. � Residential uses are limited to not more than fifty (50) percent of the basement and first 322 floor. The entire upper floors may be used for residential use. At least fifry (50) percent 323 � of the basement and first floor shali be devoted to a principal use permitted in this 324 district, except residential use. 325 / b. Residenrial uses may be occupied by foster homes, freestanding foster care homes, or 326 human service-licensed communitv residential facilities for sixteen (16) or fewer 327 facility residents subject to the condition that they are at least one thousand three 328 hundred twenty (1,320) radial feet from another similar facility. 00 -q'1 �• • : . . : � �. . . ..� .. : .: �: . .. .. � . : � : : . 331 (�7) Accessory buildings, shuctures and uses as defined in section 60201. 332 (Code 1956, §§ 60.482; Ord. No. 16913, 4-27-82; Ord. No. 17204, 1-15-85; Ord. No. 17689 § 3, 10- 333 26-89; C.F. No. 93-1718, §§§§ 33--35, 12-14-93; C.F. No. 93-1815, §§ 6, 12-28-93; C.F. o. 95-472, 334 §§ 3, 5-31-95; C.F. No. 96-694, §§ 7, 7-10-96; C.F. No. 97-565, §§ 8, 6-11-97; C.F. No 9-750, §§ 3, 335 9-1-99) 336 Sec. 60.5�33. Required conditions. 337 The following conditions sha11 be required of a11 uses in the B-1 Local 338 (1) All business establishments shall be retail or service establislunentsqlealing directly with 339 customers. All goods produced on the premises shall be sold at re� il on the premises where 340 produced. 341 (2) Except far off-street pazking or loading, all business, storage, ervicing or processing sha11 be 342 conducted within completely enclosed buildings. 343 344 (Code 1956, §§ 60.483; C.F. No. 92-1479, §§ 4, 12-15-92) Sec. 60.5�34. Principal uses permitted subject to special 345 The following additional uses shall be permitted, subject to e conditions hereinafter imposed for 346 each use and subject to the standards specified for all spe al condition uses as set forth in section 347 64300(e�. All principal uses permitted subject to spec� conditions shall be reviewed and approved 348 by the pianning commission. 349 � Multi le famil dwellin s and mixed residential d commercial uses sub' ect to the followin 350 conditions: 351 352 353 354 355 356 (�2) 357 358 359 (z^� 360 f3� 361 362 363 364 365 � � , , , Electric transformer stations and substations; gas regul or stations with service yards, but without storage yards�ie� �i,R l�l�l�6'�Iw7Ul��L1114q1�1���l�ll�l�l�Nll�1��P1 W�l�l�l��lURd��!'�Ut�►'L�l����J�1����4�1w 366 (�3) Cellular telephone antennas located on a freestanding pole, as regulated in the OS-1 district, section 367 60.514(6)a.through g. 368 (6� Accessory buildings, structures and uses customarily incident to the above perxnitted uses. 00-1� a 369 (Code 1956, §§ 60.484; Ord. No. 16956, 9-9-82; Ord. No. 17039, ?-7-$3; Ord. No. 17845, §§ 23, 6- 370 27-91; Ord. No. 17894, §§ 2, 12-3-91; C.F. No. 93-1718, §§§§ 36, 37, 12-14-93; C.F. No. 93-1815, §§ 371 7, 12-28-93; C.F. No. 97-565, §§ 9, 6-11-97; C.F. No. 99-750, §§ 3, 9-1-99) 372 Sec. 60.5�35. Area, bulk and setback requirements. � 373 374 375 376 377 See Chapter 61, Schedule of Regulations, luniting the height and t of lot by perxnitted land use, and providang m;nimum yard setback (Code 1956, §§ 60.485) Subdivision 34. 60.5�40. the muumum size 378 Communify Business D' trict 379 Sec.60.5341.Intent. 380 The B-2 Community Business District is intended serve the needs of a consumer population lazger 381 than that served by the "Loca1 Business District," and is generally characterized by a cluster of 382 establishxnents generating large volumes of ve " ular and pedestrian traffic. 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 (Code 1956, §§ 60.491) Sec. 60.5342. Principal uses permitted. In a B-2 Community Business District e use of land, the location and erection of new buildings or structures, and the alteration, enlarge ent and moving of existing buildings or shuctures from other locations or districts shall conform t,' the following specified uses unless otherwise provided in this code: (1) � All principal uses as All retail business, and as regulated in a B-1 District. establishments or processing uses as £ollows: 391 a. Any retail b siness whose principal activity is the sale of inerchandise in an enclosed 392 building. 393 b. Any se ice establishment e€�vcternt�y�efim� housine an office, showroom or 394 works op rr�Eure of a contractar (including, but not limited to, pluxnbing, heating, air 395 con ' ioning, electrical, mechanical), decorator, dressmaker, t�skar, baker, painter, 396 up lsterer, a radio, television or home appliance repair 397 b iness, p�,afi�ix�g,� or similar sexvice establishments. 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 c. � e. clubs, fraternal organizations, liquar licensed establishments and lodge halls. Restaurants and fast-food restaurants when incorporated within a multi-use retail center and which do not provide drive-through window service. Theaters, assembly halls, aucfion ha11s, bingo halls, concert halls, reception halls or similar places of assembly when conducted completely within enclosed buildings. �. �.... f ..+... �.. � �..,.,. �. �. �..+� � inwinnw�:ian �iuur:w � nnr. t:r•i! o-i�na.aau� o-xu:i:iu � �r.r.:t:sannidi w�u n:ir.�tK! � ai���a f. VeterinarY clinics without boardine. (except for medical proceduresl; tattoo�arlors. . . :� : :� . . : : :� ... : . . � .. � . : :. : : :� 407 �1: 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 , ; 429 (3) Recycling drop-off station; pr�ided, that the facility: 430 a. Shall not occupy �ea more than two hundred (200) square feet and shall not 431 interfere with par g and maneuvering requirements of the principal use; 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 (4) i�g. ih. t�. Mail order houses. Health/sport clubs, conversation/rap roomfbathhouse facilities which are Food catering establishments. �. Brew on premises stores as mk. Coffee kiosks. massage parlors and steam : uses. by Minnesota State laws. nl. Fully enclosed auto sales incorporated within a multi-use retail center. b. c. � Shall be screene pursuant to section 62.107 if it abuts a residential use ar district; Shall be set b at least ten (10) feet from any properry line and shall not obstruct pedestrian or ehicular circulation;and Shall be m_ ntained free of litter and other undesirable materials. -�a Currency exchan�e business when located at least one hundred (100) feet from any residential lot in a residen al district or at least one hundred (100) feet from any residential lot occupied with a one-, o-, three-, four-, townhouse, or multiple-family dwelling, measured from the closest point f the building in which the business is located to the closest residential property line. (5) Other us�s similaz to the above uses. 442 (6) Accessory building, structures and uses as defined in section 60.201. 443 (Code 1956, §§ 60.492; Ord. No. 16956, 9-9-82; Ord. No. 17204, 1-15-85; Ord. No. 17524, §§ 12, 1- 444 6-88; Ord. No. 17564, §§ 7, 5-19-88; Ord. No. 17611, §§§§ 1, 2, 11-3-88; Ord. No. 17646, §§ 6, 4-6- 445 89; Ord. No. 17689, §§ 4, 10-26-89; Ord. No. 17777, 10-11-90; C.F. No. 93-1718, §§ 38, 12-14-93; 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 C.F. No. 94-1863, §§ 2, 1-18-95; C.F. No. 96-77, §§ 2, 2-14-96; C.F. No. 96-1342, §§ 2, 11-13-96; C.F. No. 97-1089 §§§§ z, 3, io-i-9�� �� � Sec. 60.5343. Required conditions. The following conditions shall be required of all uses in the B-2 Community (1) All business establishxnents shall be retail or service establishments consumers. All goods provided on the premises shall be sold at reta produced. ,;' District: ing directly with the pzemises where 453 (2) All business, storage, servicing or processing sha11 be conducte$ within completely enclosed 454 buildings. Provided, however, that the following uses may b� conducted outdoors if 455 specifically allowed as a permitted use or special conditio� use: Off-street parking, off=street 456 loading or outdoor businesses and outdoor businesses wi�h outdoor storage. 457 (Code 1956, §§ 60.493; C.F. No. 92-1479, §§ 5, 12-15-92)�� � 458 Sec. 60.5344. Principal uses permitted subject to special conditions. 4' 459 The following additional uses shall be permitted, subj t to the standards specified for all special 460 condition uses as set forth in section 64300(ed). All rincipal uses pernutted subject to special 461 conditions sha11 be reviewed and approved by the anning commission. 462 (1) All uses as permitted and regulated in th -1 Loca1 Business District under principal uses 463 permitted subject to special conditions. 464 Sec. 60.5345. Area, bulk and yard setback 465 See Chapter 61, Schedule of Regulations, l� iting the height and bulk of buildings, the minimum size 466 of lot permitted by land use, the maxim density perxnitted, and providing minimum yard setback 467 requirements. 468 (Code 1956, §§ 60.495) 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 A78 �ision �5. 60.5�50. B-2C Business (Converted) District Sec. 60.5�51. Intent. It is the intent of the B-2C mmunity Business (Converted) District to create a business district expressly for existing resi ntial structures in commercial areas, which will permit the operation of businesses which do not nerate large amounts of traffic and at the same time will retain the visual chazacter of the buildin forms and open space associated with residential uses. This includes a limited height on buildings front and side yards. It is further the intent of this district to provide parking for employees who ork in buildings which are converted from residential to business use. 479 (Ord. No. 17C 480 Sec.60.5�52. 481 � 482 Sec.60.5�53. uses permitted. Required conditions. 483 The following conditions shall be required of all uses in the B-2C Community Business (Converted) 484 District: .; 486 Sec. 60.5�54. Principal uses permitted subject to special conditions. 00 9'1'�- � 487 The following additional uses shall be pemutted, subject to the conditions hereinafter imposed for 488 each use and subject to the standazds specified for all special condition uses as set forth in section 489 64.300(ed). All principal uses pernutted subject to special conditions shall be reviewed and approved 490 by the plauuing commission. 491 �' 492 Sec. 60.5�55. Area, bulk, and yard setback requirements. �' �� 493 �" 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 Subdivision �6. 60.5�60. B-3 General Business District Sec. 60.5461. Intent. The B-3 General Business District is intended to provide sites� for more diversified types of businesses than those in the B-1 and B-2 Business Districts, and is inte ded for location, along majar traffic arteries or adjacent to the Community Business Districts. (Code 1956, §§ 60.501) �� Sec. 60.5�62. Principal uses permitted. � In a B-3 General Business District, the use of land � e location and erection of new buildings or structures, and the alteration, eniargement and m ing of existing buildings or structures from other locations or districts shall conform to the follo , ng specified uses, unless otherwise provided in this code: (1) All principal uses pernutted and use OS-1, B-1, and B-2 Districts, except aut correctional community residential faci facilities and emergency housing, pa enclosed buildings, and cellular tele iox (12) Sec. 60.5#63. Required < s p itted subject to special conditions and as regulated in o ervice stations, auto convenience mazkets. � licensed ]�' ies, health department-licensed community residential shops when the business is conducted within completely antennas located on a freestanding pole. 515 The following conditions all be required of all uses in the B-3 General Business District: All 516 business, storage, servic' g or processing shall be conducted within completely enclosed buildings. 517 Provided, however, th the following uses may be conducted outdoors if specifically allowed as a 518 permitted use or spec condition use: Off-street parking, off=street loading or outdoor businesses and 519 outdoor businesses rth outdoor storage. 520 (Ord. No. 17`_ 521 Sec.60.5�64. 16, 1-6-88; C.F. No. 92-1479, §§ 6, 12-15-92) uses permitted subject to special conditions. 522 The following additional uses shall be permitted, subject to the conditions hereinafter imposed for 523 each use and subject to the standards specified for all special condition uses as set forth in section 524 64300(ed). All principal uses permitted subject to special conditions shall be reviewed and approved 525 by the planning commission. 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 Oo �19— (1) Auto service stations; and auto convenience markets, as regulated in the B-2 District. / Sec. 60.5#65. Area, bulk and setback requirements. Subdivision 37. 60.5§70. B-4 Central Business District Sec. 60.5571. Intent. Sec. 60.5�72. Principal uses permitted. Sec. 60.5573. Required conditions. Sec. 60.5574. Principal uses permitted subject to spc�ial conditions. The following additional uses shall be permitted, su ect to the conditions hereinafter imposed for each use and subject to the standards specified for 1 special condition uses as set forth in section 64300(e�. All principal uses permitted subject ; �pecial conditions shall be reviewed and approved by the planning commission. ,�f Sec. 60.5575. Area, bulk and yard Sec. 60.5681. Intent. Sec. 60.5682. Principal Sec. 60.5683. Required requirements. vision ff8. 60.5880. B-S Business-Service District Sec. 60.Sfr84. Princig°al uses permitted subject to special conditions. 556 The following add�onal uses shall be permitted, subject to the conditions hereinafter imposed for 557 each use and sub�ct to the standazds specified for a11 special condition uses as set forth in section 558 64300(ed). Al�l principal uses permitted subject to special condifions sha11 be reviewed and approved 559 by the planni commission. G.f 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 Sec. 60.5;685. Area, bulk, and yard setback reqnirements. oo-g�a 407 , , . �1: 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 (3) 430 431 432 433 434 435 i�g. Mail order houses. th. Health/sport clubs, conversation/rap room/bathhouse facilities which are Ji. Food catering establishments. � ; . •, � ; �. Brew on premises stores as cgulate� mk. Coffee kiosks. � nl. Fully enclosed auto Recycling drop-off station• � a. Sha11 not occup � an interfere with arki� lors, massage parlors and steam adult uses. by Minnesota State laws. when incorporated within a multi-use retail center. that the facility: azea more than two hundred (200) square feet and sha11 not g and maneuvering requirements of the principal use; b. Shall be sczeened pursuant to section 62.107 if it abuts a residential use or district; c. � Shall be et back at least ten (10) feet from any properry line and shall not obstruct pedes „ an or vehiculaz circulation; and maintained free of litter and other undesirable materials. 436 (4) Currenc , exchange business when located at least one hundred (100) feet from any residential 437 lot in 'esidential district or at least one hundred (100) feet from any residentiallot occupied 438 with one-, two-, three-, four-, townhouse, or multiple-family dwelling, measured from the 439 clo est point of the building in which the business is located to the closest residenrial properiy 440 1� e. 441 (5) 442 Other uses snnilar to the above uses. Accessory building, structures and uses as defined in section 60.201. 443 (Code 1956, §§ 60.492; Ord. No. 16956, 9-9-82; Ord. No. 17204, 1-15-85; Ord. No. 17524, §§ 12, 1- 444 6-88; Ord. No. 17564, §§ 7, 5-19-88; Ord. No. 17611, §§§§ 1, 2, 11-3-88; Ord. No. 17646, §§ 6, 4-6- 445 89; Ord. No. 17689, §§ 4, 10-26-89; Ord. No. 17777, 10-11-90; C.F. No. 93-1718, §§ 38, 12-14-93; ::. . .:,...= .: :..- . . ......��.�.. �.��. . :,. .: . . . .� : : ..: . :�. � : . � : . � . :� : :: : � . . ir. •� •' i - u � i•" _r. i i ' "_ a - �u" - - ' - - _' :ii i�: 446 447 ,; C.F. No. 94-1863, §§ 2, 1-18-95; C.F. No. 96-77, §§ 2, 2-14-96; C.F. No. 96-1342, §§ 2, ll-13-96; C.F. No. 97-1089, §§§§ 2, 3, 10-1-97) Q Q�q�i�- Sec. 60.5343. Required conditions. 449 The following conditions shall be required of all uses in the B-2 Commuruty Business Distric�: 450 (1) Ali business establislunents shall be retail or service establishments dealing directly with 451 consumers. All goods provided on the premises shall be sold at retail on the premises where 452 produced. �� 453 (2) All business, storage, servicing or processing shall be conducted with'v�completely enclosed 454 buildings. Provided, however, that the following uses may be condu�d outdoors if 455 specifically allowed as a permitted use or special condition use: O� street parking, off-street 456 loading or outdoor businesses and outdoor businesses with outd¢br storage. �' 457 (Code 1956, §§ 60.493; C.F. No. 92-1479, §§ 5, 12-15-92) � � : 459 460 4b1 462 463 464 Sec. 60.5344. Principal uses permitted subject to special The following additional uses shall be permitted, subject to condition uses as set forth in section 64300(ed). All princi� conditions shall be reviewed and approved by the planning, (1) All uses as permitted and regulated in the B-1 permitted subject to special conditions. Sec. 60.5345. Area, bulk and yard setback idards specified for all special permitted subjectto special Business District under principal uses 465 See Chapter 61, Schedule of Regulations, limiti�ig the height and bulk of buildings, the minimum size 466 of lot permitted by land use, the maximum de�sity permitted, and providing minimum yard setback 467 requirements. �,� 468 (Code 1956, §§ b0.495) � 469 ,;� 470 Su�ivision �S. 60.5�50. B-2C 471 Comrr�inity Business (Converted) District 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 Sec. 60.5�51. Intent. It is the intent of the B-2C�ommunity Business (Converted) District to create a business district expressly far exisring resYdential shuctures in commercial azeas, which will pernut the operation of businesses which do npt generate large amounts of traffic and at the same time will retain the visual chazacter of the builci'ing forms and open space associated with residential uses. This includes a limited height on building�and front and side yards. It is further the intent of this district to provide parking for employees ��io work in buildings which are converted from zesidential to business use. (Ord. No. 1 Sec. 10-20-83) Principal uses permitted. 60.5�53. Required conditions. The following conditions shall be required of all uses in the B-2C Community Business (Converted) District: !� 486 Sec. 60.5454. Principal uses permitted subject to special conditions. 0 0 -1r1 L. 487 The following additional uses sha11 be permitted, subject to the conditions hereinafter imposed for 488 each use and subject to the standards specified for all special condition uses as set forth in section 489 64300(ed). All principal uses pemutted subject to special conditions shall be reviewe and approved 490 by the pla.nning coxnxnission. 491 / ,% ;� 492 Sec. 60.5�55. Area, bulk, and yard setback requirements. 493 494 495 496 Sec.60.5#61.Intent. Subdivision �6. 60.5�60. B-3 General Business District 497 The B-3 General Business District is intended to provide 498 than those in the B-1 and B-2 Business Districts, and is u 499 arteries or adjacent to the Community Business Districtis. iF` soo �coae 19s6, §§ 6o.soi� �� 501 502 503 504 505 Sec. 60.5�62. Principal uses permitted. j for more diversified types of businesses ed for location, along major traffic In a B-3 General Business District, the use of„kand, the location and erection of new buildings or structures, and the alteration, enlargement asx� moving of existing buildings or structures from other locations or districts shall conforxn to the fo�llowing specified uses, unless otherwise provided in this � code: / 506 (1) All principal uses permitted and u�es permitted subject to special conditions and as regulated in 507 OS-1, B-1, and B-2 Districts, except,�uto service stations, auto convenience markets, � licensed 508 correctional community residentia}�acilities, health deparhnent-licensed community residential 509 facilities and emergency housing; pawn shops when the business is conducted within completely 510 enclosed buildings, and cellular``telephone antennas located on a freestanding pole. f' 511 � 512 (12) 513 �` 514 Sec. 60.5#63. Requir,ed conditions. 515 The following conc�itions shall be required of all uses in the B-3 General Business District: All 516 business, storage��servicing or processing shall be conducted within completely enclosed buildings. 517 Provided, how�er, that the following uses may be conducted outdoors if specifically allowed as a 518 permitted use, r special condition use: Off-street parking, off-street loading or outdoor businesses and 519 outdoor bus,'�iesses with outdoor storage. 520 (Ord. 521 Sec. l 7524, §§ 16, 1-6-88; C.F. No. 92-1479, §§ 6, 12-15-92) Principal uses permitted subject to special conditions. 522 T� following additional uses shall be pernutted, subject to the conditions hereinafter imposed for 523 each use and subject to the standards specified for all special condition uses as set forth in section 524 64300(ed). All principal uses permitted subject to special conditions shall be reviewed and approved 525 by the planning commission. 00 �� �"' 526 (1) Auto service stafions; and auto convenience markets, as regulated in the 527 B-2 District. 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 Sec. 60.5�65. Area, bulk and setback requirements. Subdivision 37. 60.5370. Central Business Distr Sec. 60.5571. Intent. Sec. 60.5572. Principal uses permitted. Sec. 60.5573. Required conditions. Sec. 60.5574. Principal uses permitted subjee4 to special conditions. The following additional uses shall be permitfed, subject to the conditions hereinafter imposed for each use and subject to the standards specifi�d for all special condition uses as set forth in section 64300(ed). All principal uses permitted sg�iject to special conditions shall be reviewed and approved by the planning commission. �,� Sec. 60.5575. Area, bulk and yard s�etback requirements. 547 548 549 Sec.60.5681.Intent. 550 551 Sec. 60.SG82. Princi� 552 553 Sec. 60.5683. Requii 554 � 555 Sec. 60.Sfr84. Priuci� vision fr8. 60.SS80. B-S Business-Service District permitted. conditions. uses permitted subject to special conditions. 556 The following additional uses sha11 be permitted, subject to the conditions hereinafter imposed for 557 each use and u�bject to the standards specified for all special condition uses as set forth in section 558 64300(ed).�11 principal uses permitted subject to special conditions shall be reviewed and approved 559 by the plaxrfiing commission. 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 Sec. 6,�.5685. Area, bulk; and yard setback requirements. 00 -1�1 �. 572 573 574 5�$ 576 $77 5�g 579 580 $gi 582 583 584 $g$ 586 5g� $gg 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 Sec. 61.103. Business districts. 1Sinimum Size TSaximum Lot Size Per Height Minimum Yard Setback Tfaximum linit of Structures (Per Lot in Feeu Percent of Floor t.oc nrea Area in R'idth Side • Occupied ' Ratio Square in In In Front ��_ Total Rear BS hiain (F.:R) Zoning District Feet Feet Stories Feet mum of 2ko Euilding 61.103 BL'SI\ESS DISTRICTS � OS-1 ice-Senice Locce.� none none 3 d 30 d 15 a,�fa b b b,c none 1.0 OS-��eneral0ffl�e-Sero�ce nan� �.oHE 6e o'Se Oy 6 6'" b�c r.one 3.0 $-1 I.oca] Business none aone 3 30 15 ax? b / b b,c none 1.0 B-2 Community Business none none d 30 d O�f,g b �� 6 6,c none 2_0 B-2C Community Business none none 3d 30d 25�(j 4� 8 25 30°T RA (Converted) � B-3 Genera] Business none none d 30 d O�g ;�b b b.c none 2.0 B-4 Central Business none none no hmit no ]imit no limii ;' none none none c none S.0 �?f B-� Centra] Business Sen•ice none none no limit no hmit no li none none none c none 5.0 qrf rnr,i N� �;nR2 1n-20-£�3 Ord. I�o. 17204. 1-15-85: C.E I�o. 93-1718, § 62, 12-14-93) —�` - Notes to 61.103 Business Districts: (a) Off-street parking shall be permitted to occup��equired front yard setback; provided, that the off- street parking area, exclusive of access driveway shall be set back a mimmum distance of six (6) feet from any front or side street right-of-way and tt� off=street parking area setback meets the requirements of section 61.103(fl. ti�' (b) No side or rear yards are required alon ='the interior lot lines of the district, except as otherwise specified in the building code; provided, at if walls of structures facing such interior lot lines contain windows, or other openings, yards of�}ot less than ten six (i�6) feet sha11 be provided. Side and rear yards of at least�ere six (i�6) feet sh�l`I be required when a business district adjoins a side yard in an adjacent residence district. These setback requirements from interior lot lines sha11 be waived when an roofs. 609 (c) Off-street loading�space shall be provided in the reaz yard in accordance with the requirements of 610 section 62.105. i� 611 (d) The height of,� he structure may exceed fi3nr�-�39�feet the maximum buildin¢ height allowed in the 612 district, provid ' the structure is set back from all praperty setback lines a distance equal to the height 613 which said s, cture exceeds the maximum buildin height a€i�lrriir�ing allowed in the district. 614 e The hei t of structures in an OS-2 General Office-Service District ma exceed six 6 stories and 615 six -fiv 65 feet in hei ht sub'ect to conditions under section 60.524 2. The hei ht of above 616 round azkin buildin s in an OS-2 General Office-Service District ma exceed fo -five 45 feet in 617 hei ng t, subject to the conditions under section 60.524(31. 618 619 (efl Floor area bonuses, which encourage certain building features which produce public benefits, shall be granted as follows: 620 (€g) On those lots or parcels, or portions of lots or pazcels, which adjoin a right-of-way line of a 621 parkway, the required setbacks from the pazkway right-of-way line shall be equal to that required for 622 residential uses in effect along the parkway right-of-way or twenty-five (25) feet, whichever is greater. 623 (gh) Those parkways and portions of parkways listed below are excluded from the setback Do-���" 624 requirements established in subsection (g) above: 625 Ford Parkway (from Kenneth Street to Finn Street and north side between Fi,� Street and Mount 626 Curve Boulevazd). � 627 Gannon Road. 628 629 630 631 632 633 (�i) Since B-2C zoned properiy has a residential character, t front setback or meet the requirements of section 61.101(a). (Code 1956, §§ 61.103; Ord. No. 17204, 1-15-85; Ord. No. §§ 63, 12-14-93; C.F. No. 97-1089, §§ 5, 10-1-97) �j Sec. 62.103. Parking requirements. 634 (a) Off-street parking. Except in a B-4 or B-5 Di 635 districts at the time of erecrion, enlargement or e 636 requirements of this section. Before a certificate 637 parking spaces provided shall be as hereinafter . 638 street azkin s aces rovided shall be at leas ' 639 640 Sec. 62106. Accessory buildings. 641 Accessory buildings, except as otherwis provic 642 regulations: � 643 (1) 644 645 (2) 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 When the accessory buil and must conform to, all Accessory buildings, except a rear yard. , On corner lots, distance equal When an yard or fi line a dis sha11 maintain a twenty-five=foot §§ 1, 10-11-90; C.F. No. 93-1718, i, off-street parking spaces shall be provided in all sion of all buildings in accardance with the occupancy shall be issued, the number of off-street In an OS-2 District, the number of off- in this code, shall be subject to the following is structurally attached to a main building, it shall be subject to, lations of this code applicable to main buildings. or uses shall not be erected in or established in a required yard ory buildings, structures or uses shall be set back from the street a required of the principal structure. �SOry building, structure or use is conshucted in a rear yard which adjoins a side ard, the accessory building, structure or use shall be set back from the interior lot equal to the minnnum side yard required ' of the 653 On all `ther lots, accessory buildings shall be set back at least three (3) feet from all interiar lot 654 lines d overhangs sha11 be set back at least one-third (1/3) the distance of the setback of the 655 gar e wall or one (1) foot, whichever is greater. 656 is setback requirement from all interior lot lines for accessory buildings in rear yards shall 657 e waived when a maintenance easement is recorded -- `' as to the affected 658 properties, when proof of such recorded easement is provided at the time of application for a 659 building permit and when the accessory building is located at least three (3) feet from any 660 building on an adjoining lot. The recording of the maintenance easement shall be intetpreted to 661 mean that the following intents and purposes of this setback requirement are met: 662 a. Adequate supply of sunlight and air to adjacent property; 663 ..� 665 666 � c. SufFcient space for maintenance of the building from the same lot; and Prevention of damage to adjoining properry by fire or runoff from roofs. ao-q�� A recorded common waJl agreement is permitted in lieu of a maintenance easement if the accessory shucture is attached to an accessory structure on an adjoining lot. , 667 (3) In any residential area, accessory buildings shall not exceed fifteen (15) feet in hei t; 668 provided, however, that accessory buildings with a flat or shed roof style shall n exceed 669 twelve (12) feet in height. Cama e house dwellin s in an OS-2 General Offi -Service 670 District shall not exceed 25 feet in hei¢ht. 671 Exception: Accessory building heights shall not apply to property wit � designated Heritage 672 Preservation Districts nor to designated historic sites. In these cases propriate building 673 heights for accessory structures sha11 be determined tlu�ough the de 'gn review process to 674 ensure that heights aze acceptable and in keeping with scale and le of development on the 675 property. 676 (4) Accessory buildings on a zoning lot may occupy up to thi -five (35) percent of the rear yazd. 677 Rear yazds which adjoin alleys may include half the azea the alley to calculate the area of the 678 rear yard which may be occupied by accessory buildin . 679 680 681 682 683 684 (5) 685 686 (6) 687 On zoning lots containing one- and two-family dwe ngs, accessory buildings shall not occupy more than one thousand (1,000) squaze feet of the oning lot. On zoning lots containing a11 other uses, accessory buildings may occupy the e percent of the zoning lot as main buildings are allowed to occupy, as specified � tables in sections 61.101, 61.103, 61.104 and 61.105. In those instances where the rear lot line r a side lot line is coterminous with the alley right- of-way, the accessory building shall n be closer than one foot to such rear lot lines. On through lots, where frontage shall be equal to the side yard se established within a given block, reaz yard setbacks of the district in which located. 688 (7) Accessory buildings sha11 be„�located at least six (6) feet from the principal structure or shall be 689 considered attached for p oses of the zoning code. 690 (Code 1956, §§ 62106; Ord. o. 17038, 7-5-83; Ord. No. 17204, 1-15-85; Ord. No. 17476, §§ 1, 7- 691 15-87; Ord. No. 17511, §§ 7 11-12-87; Ord. No. 17524, §§§§ 27, 28, 1-6-88; C.F. No. 93-1718, §§§§ 692 74, 75, 12-14-93; C.F. No 6-77, §§ 4, 2-14-96; C.F. No. 96-1342, §§ 4, 11-13-96; C.F. No. 99-750, 693 §§ 9,9-1-99) 694 695 696 697 698 Chapter 66. Zoning Code - Signs Sec. 66.206.�a` OS-2, B-2. B-2C and B-3 Business Districts - �a 699 700 (5) Electronic message signs shall be prohibited from�l�ce OS-2. B-2 �istiief and�Yce B-2C districts; 701 provided, that electronic message signs giving public information, such as time, temperature, 702 stock averages and the like, are perxnitted in OS-2 and B-2 districts. 703 704 705 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby amend the Saint 706 Paul Zoning Code by changing the zoning classification for the following properties on the zoning maps of 707 the City of Saint Paul, Sheet No. 29, as incorporated by reference in Section 60301 of the Saint aul 00 ��1� 708 Legislative Code: 709 710 711 P1N Ni)1VIBER ADDRESS LEGAL DESCRIPTION 712 713 RCIt-1 to OS-2 714 � 715 062822410046 Unassigned SUBJ TO ST; THE FOL; PART OF OT 1 DESC AS BEG AT SW 716 COR OF SD LOT 1 TH NELY T A PT ON WL OF E 10 FT. DIST 717 15 FT. N FROM SL OF SD LO 1 TH N ON SD WL TO NL OF 718 LOT 1 TH W TO NW COR S TO BEG & ALL OF LOTS 2 719 THRU LOT 4 BLK A 720 � 721 062822140002 Unassigned SUB TO FLOOD WAL ESMT A TRIANGiJLAR TRACT 722 BOLJNDED BY MIS SIPPI RIVER ON NW EXTENDED SWLY 723 L OF CUSTER ST SW AND W R/W L OF C G W RY ON E IN 724 GOVT LOT 7 SE TN 28 RN 22 725 726 062822140018 40 Water Street E COM AT NW OR OF LOT 14 BLK 4 BAZII. & ROBERTS ADD 727 TH NWLY 4.1 FT ON EXTENDED SWLY L OF SD LOT TH 728 55.71 FT LY AT AN ANGLE TO R OF 26 DEG 45 MIN TO PT 729 OF BEG CONT. NWLY ON LAST DESC L 185 FT TO 730 HARB L TH NELY ON SD HARBOR L TO INTERSECT WITH 731 EXTE ED SWLY L OF CUSTER ST VAC TH SELY ON SD 732 EXT NDED L TO WL OF C G W RY RW AT A PT 158 FT NWI.Y 733 F M NWLY L OF SD BLK 4 TH SLY ON SD RWL TO A PT 734 735 062822140019 Robert St. S AC STS & ALLEYS ACCRUING & SUB7 TO ESMTS. TI� FOL: 736 THAT PART OF GOVT LOT 7 LY1NG ELY OF RR R/W & WLY 737 OF ROBERT ST & THAT PART OF BLK 175 OF ROBERTSONS 738 ADD & BLK 4 OF BAZIL & ROBERTS ADD LYING ELY OF RR 739 R/W. ALSO IN BAZIL & ROBERTS ADD. THE NWLY 44.75 FT 740 OF BLK 2& ALL OF BLK 3 741 742 062822410006 2 Starkey S. BEG ON NL WATER ST & SW L L 14 B4 BAZIL & ROBTS ADD 743 TH NW ON SD L TO NW COR SD LOT TH CONT NW 48.1 FT TH 744 NW AT AND R 26D 45M TO RIVER TH S W ON RIV TO PT 20 FT 745 ELY OF EL BA ROBERTSONS ADD TH SE PAR TO BH TO PT 746 300 FT N OF NL ST TH NE PAR TO ST TO L RiTN 10 FT SW OF 747 & PAR TO SD L 14 TH SE ON SD L TO INT W L OF STARKEY 748 ST EXT TH S TO NL WATER ST TH ELY TO BEG BEGIN PART 749 OF GL 7(SUBJ TO ESMT IN SEC 6 TN 28 RN 22 750 751 062822410007 2 Starkey St. EX SELY 300 FT THE SWLY 20 FT OF PART OF GOVT LOT 7 752 NELY OF ROBERTSONS ADD AND NWLY OF WATER ST IN "753 SEC 6 T'N 28 RN 22 754 755 062822410005 Water St. E. PART OF GOVT LOT 7 IN SEC 6 T 28 R 22 & PART OF LOT 14 756 BLK 4 IN SD BAZIL & ROBERTS ADD DESC AS BEG AT NW 757 COR LOT 14 TH NWI,Y ON EX SW L SD LOT 48.1 FT TH N AT 758 ANGLE TO R 26DG 45 MN 55.71 FT TO NW L OF SE 100 FT OF 759 GL 7 TH NELY ON SD NW L TO ELY OF STARKEY ST TH SLY 760 761 762 763 062822410044 764 765 766 767 768 769 770 771 772 773 062822410002 774 775 776 777 778 062822410014 779 780 781 782 062822410003 783 784 785 786 062822410043 787 788 789 790 791 792 793 794 795 RCI-1 to OS-2 796 797 062822410018 798 799 800 801 802 803 804 805 062822410024 806 807 808 062822410029 809 810 811 812 813 062822410030 814 815 ON SD EL TO INT SW L OF LOT 14 TH NWI,Y ON SW L LOT 14 TO BEG � Q �9e) � 40 Water St. E. BEG AT INIBRSECTTON OF NWLY L OF WATER ST & EXTENDED NELY L OF BLK 176 ROBERTSONS ADD TH NWLY ON SD EXTENDED L TO INTERSECTION OF A 10 FT SWLY FROM & PAR WITFI SWLY L OF LOT 14 BL 4 BAZIL & ROBERTS ADD TH NWLY ON SD PAR L TO RSECT L 300 FT NWI,Y FROM & PAR WI'I'I3 NWLY L OF ATER ST TH SWLY ON SD PAR L TO INTERSECT A L 20 F NELY FROM & PAR WITH NELY L OF ROBERTSONS ADD,�TH NWLY ON LAST DESC L , ' Unassigned Fillmore Ave. E. 43 Water St. E. SUBJ TO FLOOD WALL ESMT PART,6F SPUR R/W IN BLK 4 F SERVING PURE OIL CO AND SUBJ/TO CUSTER ST A 50 FT RY R/W RiJNNING N FROM LEVEE L ACROSS GOVT LOT 7 SEC 6 T 28 R 22 A- ND ACROSS PART OF BLK 4 f �' IN THE CITY OF ST PAUL &EVISED DESCRIPTION NiJMBER d 717 A SPECIFIC PART OF� TS 8 THRU 10 BLK 4 BAZIL A- ND ROBERTS ADD AND PAR{T' OF BLK 175 IN THE CTT OF ST A SPECIFIC PART PART OF LOTS 3 " , REVISED DESCRIPTION 1VLJMBER 693 �VTLOT7INSEC6T28R22AND LOT 6 BLK 4 43 Water St. E. SUBJ TO LEVEFp�ESMT OVER ELY %z FT BEG AT IN'I'ERSECTI�G OF SLY L OF LOT 6& EXTENDED ELY L OF STARKEY S�' TH NWLY ON SD EXTENDED L 39.52 FT TO INTERSEC� A L 60 FT NWLY FROM & PAR WITH LEVEE L TH NELY O�SD PAR L 64.22 FT TO INTERSECT A L PAR WITFI & 8 FT A`P`�RA FROM CL OF PiJRE OIL CO SPUR TRACK TH SLY ON SD L 539 FT TO SLY L OF LOT 6 TH SWLY ON SD L 37.�FT TO BEG BEING PART OF SD LOT 6 BLK 4 Fillmore Ave. E. �" VAC ST ACCRiJING IN DOC NO 1819955 & T S 567230 & FOL; � PART OF STARKEY ST VAC SWLY OF A L BEG AT PT ON NWLY L OF FAIRFIELD AVE 20 FT NELY OF SE COR BLK 177 f TH NWI,Y TO PT 35 FT SWLY OF NWLY COR OF LOT 3 BLK � 174 TH NW 9 FT ELY OF & PAR TO MOST ELY SPUR TRACK � TO SELY L OF FILLMORE AVE & THERE TERM ALSO LOT 1 NELY 15 FT OF LOT 2& ALL OF LOT 13 BLK 177 Unassigned STS & ALLEY ACCRUING AS VAC IN ABST DOC 1819955 & TS DOC 567230 & FOL; LOTS 1& LOT 13 BLK 178 STS & ALLEY ACCRUING AS VAC IN ABST DOC 1819955 & TS DOC 567230 & FOL; PART OF LOT 1 NELY OF A LINE 8 FT SWLY OF & PAR WITH CL OF SWLY TRACK OF RY ACROSS SD LOT 1 BLK 179 ST & ALLEY ACCRUING AS VAC IN ABST DOC 1819955 & TS DOC 567230 & FOL; 1170 SQ FT DESC AS FOL; EX NELY 8 FT; PART OF LOT 1 SWLY OF CL OF SWLY TRACK OF RY 816 817 818 062822410031 819 820 821 052822320012 822 823 824 052822320013 825 826 827 828 052822320014 829 830 831 832 833 834 052822320015 835 836 837 838 839 052822320030 840 841 052822320029 842 843 052822320017 844 845 846 052822320016 847 848 849 850 052822320028 851 852 853 854 855 052822320035 856 857 858 859 860 861 862 863 864 062822410038 865 866 867 868 869 870 871 ACROSS SD LOT 1 BLK 179 O O - Plato Blvd. W. STS & ALLEY AS VAC IN ABST DOC 1819955 & TS OC 567230 & LOT 13 BLK 179 Robert St. S. STS & ALLEY ACCRiJING AS VA IN ABST C 1819955 & TS DOC 567230 & FOL; LOTS 1 THRU LOT 5 LK 10 Robert St. S. Unassigned 173 Robert St. S. Unassigned Unassigned Plato Blvd W 193 Robert St. S. ST ACCRUING AS VAC IN ABST 567230 & FOL; EX SWLY 15 FT; I LOT 3 BLK 15 �1819955 & TS DOC 1&2 &EXSWLY30FT; STS & ALLEY ACCRiTING AS" VA IN ABST DOC 1819955 & TS DOC 567230 & FOL; SWLY,;15 FT OF LOTS 1& 2& W 30 FT OF LOT 3& SWLY QUADRA3�IGULAR PART OF LOTS 4& 5 MEASURING 10 FT ON;SELY LINE OF LOT 5& 24 FT ON N�VI.Y LINE OF SDjOT 4 BLK 15 ST ACCRUING AS�/�AC IN ABST DOC 181955 & TS DOC 567230 & FOL; EX SWLIn QUADRANGULAR PART MEASi.TRING 10 FT ON SELY L OF,�OT 5 AND 24 FT ON NWLY L OF LOT 4 LOTS 4 AND LOT 5 BL�K 15 1i1C�7 VAC VAC ACCRUING & LOT 7 BLK 15 & ST ACCRUING & LOT 6 BLK 15 i& ALLEYS ACCRiJING & THE FOL; LOT 6 LYING PLATO BLVD & ALL OF LOTS 7 THRU LOT 10 BLK 18 � AND ALLEY ACCRUING AS VAC IN ABST DOC 1819955 & i DOC 567230 & FOL; PART LYING N4VLY OF PLATO BLVD FLOTS 1 THRU LOT 5 BLK 18 Unassigned VAC ST ACCRUING & SUBJ TO ESMT; EX NWLY 22.4 FT & EX NELY 115 FT LOT 4& EX PART NELY OF A LINE MEAS � 115 FT ON THE NELY LINE & 117.76 FT ON THE SELY LINE „ LOT 5 BLK 13 Robert St� VAC STS & ALLEYS ACCRiJING & SUBJ TO ESMTS. THE FOL; � BEG ON THE SWLY LINE OF ROBERT ST & THE NWI,Y LINE OF FILLMORE ST. TH SELY ALONG ROBERT ST TO THE CL ,� OF VAC FAIRFIELD ST. TH SWLY ALONG CL OF FAIRFIELD y ST 125 FT TO THE CL OF VAC ALLEY IN BLK 10 TH SELY � ALONG SD CL OF ALLEY IN BLK 10 & CONT ON CL IN BLK 15 TO THE ELY EXT ON SELY LINE OF LOT 8 BLK 15. TH SWLY ALONG LAST DESC LINE TO THE NELY LINE OF VAC 41 Chicago Ave. E. TRACT H REGIST'ERED LAND SURVEY 350 & IN SD ROBERTSONS ADDITION STS ACCRUING AS VAC IN ABST DOC. 1819955 & TS DOC. 567230 & PART SWLY OF C N W RY R/W & SELY OF EXTENDED SELY LINE OF NWLY 47.4 FT OF LOT 2 BLK 172 SD ROBERTSONS ADD OF FOL TRACT LOTS 4 & 5 BLK 13 BAZIL & ROBERTS ADD & PART OF GL 7 IN SEC 5 TN 28 RN 22 & IN SD ROBERTSONS ADD LOT 2 BLK 172 872 873 RCC-1 to OS-2 874 875 062822410015 876 877 062822410012 878 879 880 881 062822410013 882 883 884 885 062822410016 886 887 888 889 062822420003 890 891 892 893 894 062822410020 895 896 897 898 062822410019 899 900 901 902 0628222410017 903 904 905 906 062822410022 907 908 909 910 911 912 913 062822410036 914 915 916 062822410021 917 918 919 920 062822410045 921 922 062822410� 923 924 925 926 062822410026 927 Oo-g'1�' 84 Wabasha St. S. 1 Water St. LOTS 1'I'IIRU LOT 7 BLK 176 W: VAC ALLEY & ST ACCRUING AS VAC IN TS D C NO 561084 & ABST DOC NOS 1687963 & 1806646 & F ; NELY %z OF LOT 4& ALL OF LOTS 1 2& LOT 3 BLK B 21 Water St. W. VAC STS ACCRLTING AS VAC IN TS DO NO. 561084 & ABST DOC NO 1806646 & FOL; SWLY %z OF LQ�f 4& ALL OF LOTS 5 & LOT 6 BLK B � Wabasha St. PART LYING NLY OF REALIGNF�D WATER ST OF FOL; VAC STS ACCRUING & SUBJ TO ST�L,OTS 1 2& 3 NELY'/z OF LOT 4 BLK 182 � 51 Water St. W. VAC STS ACCRiJING AS IN ABST DOC NO. 1806646 & TS DOC NO 561084 & FOL/IRACT; SUBJ TO ALLEY PART LYING NLY OF RE-ALIGNED ST OF BLK 184 & EX WLY 15 FT. LOT 5& ALL O$`LOTS 1 THRU LOT 4 BLK 183 114 Wabasha St. S. ALLEXS & ST A�CRUING AS VAC IN ABST DOC. 1819955 & TS DOC 567230/& FOL; EX NE 15 FT; LOT 2& ALL OF LOTS 3 THRU LOT 9 $LK 177 34 Fillmore Ave. E. SUBJ TO & WITH ESMT; THE FOL; VAC STS & ALLEYS ACCRUI�4G & LOTS 10 11 & 12 BLK 177 & LOTS 2 3& LOT 4 BLK 17� /� Wabasha St. S. P�T LYING NLY OF REALIGNED WATER ST OF FOL; VAC ST��S ACCRUING & SWLY'/z OF LOT 4& ALL OF LOTS 5 AND L�OT 6 BLK 182 30 Water St. W. � VAC STS ACCRIJING & EX A TRIANGLE IN NW COR MEAS �' 35.65 FT ON SW LINE OF RE-ALIGNED WATER ST & 68.09 FT � ON SW LINE OF NE '/� OF VAC EDWARD ST & EX NELY 180 FT / THE N 240 FT OF THE FOL TRACT; PART OF LOTS 1& 2 IN BI.TRNS RE & IN ROBERTSONS ADD PART SLY OF WATER ST OF BLK 182 & LOTS 8 9& LOT 10 BLK 181 Wabas�St. S. < ll�'VJabasha St. / i 155 Wabasha St. S. 120 Wabasha St. S. Wabasha St. S. VAC ALLEYS & ALL OF VAC INDIANA ST ACCRUING & FOL; SWLY �h OF LOT 7& ALL OF LOTS 8 9 10 11 & LOT 12 BLK 178 SUBJ TO ST & VAC ST & ALLEY ACCRUING Tf� FOL TRACT; PART OF LOT 2 BURNS RE & PART SLY OF RE-ALIGNED WATER ST THE NE 180 FT OF NW 240 FT OF BLK 181 OUTLOT A& LOTS 1 2 3& LOT 4 BLK 2 ST & ALLEY ACCRUING AS VAC IN ABST DOC 1819955 & TX DOC 567230 & FOL; NWLY 1.4 FT OF SWLY 81.6 FT OF LOT 6 & ALL OF LOT 5 BLK 178 ALLEY ACCRUING AS VAC IN ABST DOC 1819955 & TS DOC 567230 & FOL; NWLY �/: OF LOT 7& EX 1VWLY 1.4 FT OF 928 929 930 062822410037 931 932 933 062822410033 934 935 936 937 052822230021 938 939 940 I-1 to OS-2 941 942 062822440095 943 944 062822440094 945 946 062822440079 947 948 949 950 951 952 953 954 955 062822440080 956 957 958 959 960 06282244077 961 962 963 964 062822430042 965 966 967 I-1 to B-3 968 969 062822440001 970 971 062822440002 972 973 974 975 062822440003 976 977 978 05282233004y 979 980 981 Unassigned 162 Wabasha St. 63 Robert St. 8 Plato Blvd. W 90 Plato $1vd.W SWLY 81.6 FT LOT 6 BLK 178 00 -9'1 �-- SUBJ TO PLATO BLVD; VAC STS & ALLEY ACCRUING & LOTS 2 3 4 10 11 & 12 BLK 179 � TI� VAC 20 FT WIDE N-S ALLEY�ADJ & PART LYING NLY OF PLATO BLVD AS RELOCAT�b OF FOL TRACT; LOTS 5 THRU LOT 9 BLK 179 � VAC STS & ALLEYS ACCRUJNG TF� FOL; EX THE NWI.Y 44.75 FT ALL OF BLK 2 i r� OU'I'LOTS B C& D'� & LOTS 7 8 9 10 & LOT 11 BLK 1 LOTS&6 215 Wabasha St. S. VAC ST & F.�L; BEG ON SL OF LOT 7 BLK 167 & 30 FT SW OF NE L OF L 7 TH NLY PAR TO SD L 40 FT TH S 41 DEG 58 MIN 24 S�C W 79.12 FT TH N 85 DEG 28 MN W 3.86 FT TH S 23 MINE4 SFTTHS41DEG58MIN24SECW11.85FTTHS3 MIN E f O TOE OF CLIFF TH E ON TOE L TO PT 8.5 FT W OF E L OF,�,OT TA N PAR TO SD L 93.10 FT TH NWLY 872 FT TO PT OF �EG & SUBJ TO ALLEY & ALLEY BLVD; E 8.5 FT OF LOT 2 & t1LL OF LOT 1 BLK 7 Unassigned k ,>TRACT B REG LAND SURVEY 327 & IN SD ROBERTSONS ADD �" A TRACT OF LAND LYING N OF PROSPECT TERRACE & SLY > OF TOE OF CLIFF ACROSS BLKS 160 8 9& EX E 8 FT; LOT 5& LOTS 6 7& LOT 8 BLK 7 Unassigned f i I� F ; 120 Plato Blvd. W. ; 'r , i 30 Plato Blvd. W. 200 Wabasha St. S. 206 Wabasha St. S A TRACT OF LAND LYING N OF PROSPECT TERRACE & SLY OF TOE OF CLIFF ACROSS EX E 8.5 FT; LOT 2& LOT 2& ALL OFLOTS34&E8FTOFLOTSBLK7 LOT 4 BLK 1 LOT 1 BLK 1 VAC STS & ALLEY ACCRUING & SUBJ TO RELOCATED PLATO BLVD LOT 5 AND ALL OF LOTS 6 THRU LOT 9 BLK 169 VAC ST & ALLEY ACCRUING & N 50 FT OF LOT A CIiANNEL ADD & IN SD ROBERTSONS ADD LOT 2 BLK 168 216 Wabasha St. S. VAC STS & ALLEY ACCRUING & THE FOL; LOTS 3& 4 BLK 168 ROBERTSONS ADD ALSO EX N 50 FT LOT A& ALL OF LOT B OF CHANNEL ADD & IN WEST IlVDUSTRIAL PARK NO. 3 LOT 6 BLK 1 OR�GINAL THIS PAGE HAS BEEN LEFT BLANR INTEIvQTIONALLY. IT ZS THE SIGNATURE PA E ACCOMPA�IYING GREEN SHEET NO. 106979: "AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTE 60 OF THE SAINT PAUL LEGISLATIVE CODE PERTAINZNG TO ZONING FOR THE / CITY OF SAINT PAUL AND THE ZONING MAPS THEREOF." Benanav Blakey Bostrom Coleman Harris Lantry Reiter / Adopted by Co ; �cil Adoption C rtifi� Approved by Mayor: Requested by Department of: ao -q�'' Plannina & ECOnomic Development � Date by Council Secretary Form Approve y City Attorney , ��yv"-- !o f/ UG� �— Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Date � �.`DS�:'t p ds, a000 council Fi1e # _�) � q� e1.�. Ordinance # Green Sheet # ���.Q�� • ' � NESOTA Presented By Referred To Committee: Date /� 2 � 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CI�APTE$ 60 OF THE SAINT PAUL LEGISLATIVE CODE PERTAINING TO ZONING FOR THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL AND THE ZONING MAPS THEREOF WHEREAS, tl�e Saint Paul Planning Commission has made a survey of the area generally bounded by the Mississippi River on the north, Robert Street on the east, Wood Street on the south and Wabasha Street on the west for the purpose of considering amendments to the Zoning Code, and has determined that: 1) the shxdy area is at least 40 acres in size; 2) the number of real estate descriptions affected by the amendments renders the obtaining of written consent impractical; and 3) the proposed amendments are related to the overail needs of the community, to existing land use or to plans for future land use, as stated in the Land Use Plan chapter of the City's Comprehensive Plan, the West Side Flats Development Strategy and the Saint Paul on the Mississippi Development Framework, and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on the "City-Wide Mixed-Use Urban Village Zoning and West Side Flats 40-Acre Zoning Study" on September 22, 2000 and, after considering public testimony, 1) found the City-Wide Mixed-Use Urban Village Zoning and West Side Flats 40-Acre Zoning Study consistent with the Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan, the West Side Flats Development Strategy and the Saint Paul on the Mississippi Development Framework; and 2) recommended on October 6, 2000 that the Zoning Code be amended as per the 40-Acre Study; and WHEREAS, the City Council held a public hearing on November 1, 2000, notice of which was published in the Saint Paul Pioneer Press on October 15, October 22 and October 29, 2000; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby amend the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to zoning for the City of Saint Paul by making the following tea-t changes: ARTICLE II. DEFINITIONS Sec. 60.203. C. ; . ;,: - . : :. : .. . .. � : .. : :. :: . . • :� : : : . : . . 36 PIIRI icu^� iYUY L Fd� rn.+ J � 00 - q�l�- 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 Sec. 60.204. D. Dwelling, multiple family. A building, or portion thereof, designed exclusively for occupancy by three (3) or more families living independently of each other in individual dwelling units. Dweiling, townhouse. A one-family dwelling unit, with a private entrance, which is part of a structure whose dwelling units are attached horizontally in a linear arrangement, and having a totally exposed front and rear wall to be used for access, light and ventilation. Dwellin� carriage house. An accessorv dwelline above a detached eara�e. Dwelling unit. A building, or portion thereof, designed for occupancy by one family for residential purposes used or intended to be used far living, sleeping and cooking or eating purposes. ARTICLE III. DISTRICT USES AND REGULATIONS Division 2. 60.400. Residential Districts Subdivision 2. 60.410. R-1 through R-4 One-Family Residential Districts Sec. 60.413. Principal uses permitted subject to special conditions. (14) A carriage house apgrtmeirt dwelline in an accessory building subject to the following conditions. � [� The building planned for use as a carriage house �xt dwelline had space originally built to house domestic employees. The applicant shall obtain a petition signed by two-thirds of the property owners within one hundred (100) feet of the applicant's property line consenting to the carriage house � dwellin2. c. The applicant shall not reduce the number of existing off-street parking spaces on the properry and shall also provide additional off-street parking as required for the carriage house apa�nern dwelline. A site plan and a building plan shall be submitted to the planning commission at the time of application. Carriage house �ts dwellines are exceptions to one (1) main buildina pex zoning lot requirements. Division 3. 60.500. Business Districts Subdivision 1. 60.510. OS-1 Local Off ce_Service District Sec. 60.511. Intent. The OS-1 Local Office-Service District is intended to accommodate various types of office and service uses performing administrative, professional and personal services and to serve as a transitional use between the more intensive uses of land such as major thoroughfares or commercial districts and the less intensive uses of land such as one-family residential. 00 _ �,��. 78 (Code 1956, §§ 60.471; C.F. No. 96-694, §§ 6, 7-10-96) 79 Sec. 60.512. Principal uses permitted. 80 In an OS-1 Local Office-Service District the use of land, the location and erection of new buildings or 81 structures, and the alteration, enlazgement and moving of existing buildings or structures from other 82 locations or districts sha11 conform to the following specified uses, unless otherwise provided in this 83 code: 84 (1) 85 (2) 86 Executive, � administrative and nonprofit or2anization offices. Business offices such as, but not limited to, insurance offices, real estate offices, banks loan companies, savings and loan associations, and sales o�ces. 87 (3) Professional offices such as, but not limited to, medical offices, including medical clinics and 88 medical laboratories; massage centers; offices of engineers, architects and accountants; 89 auditing, bookkeeping, and legal offices; and studios of artists and photographers. 90 91 . 92 � Service businesses �rovidin services on the premises. such as, but not limited to. 93 photocopvin� repair shops (watches, shoes. etc.), tailor shops, beautv parlors and barbershops. 94 (5) Family day care, group family day care and group day care. 95 (6) Churches, synagogues, temples and other similaz houses of worship; convents, rectories and 96 parsonaees; elementary�iunior hieh and hieh schools; dance schools; business schools: 97 nonacademic colleges or trade schools operated for a profit: libraries, parks and community 98 recreational facilities. 99 � Colleges universities and seminazies and other such institutions of hieher learning public 100 and �rivate offerin�courses in t�eneral technical or reli¢ious education and not operated for 101 rorofit; provided, that: 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 . 114 115 116 117 118 119 ��� a. Dormitories or other eroup student housin�shall not be permitted within the district; b. When an institution is established in the district, the institution shall be required to provide the minimum number of off-street parkin�soaces for employees, staff, or students as set forth in section 62.103(g). The institution shall be required to provide additional pazki� spaces only when the minimum number of parkine spaces will have to be increased due to a more than ten (101 percent or three hundred (3001 eain in the total number of em�loyees, staff or students. whichever is less. Thereafter. additional parkin�aces will have to be provided for each subsequent gain of more than ten (10) percent or three hundred (3001 in the total number of employees, staff or students: and c. To determine compliance with paz�� requirements in item b. above. the institution must file an annual reoort with the �lannine administrator stating the number of empiovees. staff and students associated with the institution. Multiple family dwellines, and mixed residential and commercial �`�z uses subject to the following conditions: .. - • ! . . .. � . . . . . . .. .: '.. ... ':: . . : : . - : . : .: :� : � '.: . ., . . . . .: . • .- -• � . - • - �- -. - . . . . 00 -g'!?-- 120 121 122 123 124 125 � First floor s�ace ori inallv desi2ned and built for a nonresidential nurpose shall not be used for a residential pumose• 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 � . Foster homes and freestanding foster care homes. " � ar Human service-licensed community residential facilities for sixteen (16) or fewer facility residents subject to the condition that they are at least one thousand three hundred twenty (1,320) radial feet from another similar facility. � riJ�uw-.zab�wi�o�w�u��er�n�n�n�nno�in�wnPiwi�iSSTniwi:»�r.ti�����u�n:ia�tiuna:i:��ai�nr�a ,...s�..., . . : . ($11) Cellular telephone antennas located on an existing structure, subject to the following conditions: a. The antennas shall not extend more than fifteen (15) feet above the structL�ral height of the structure to which they are attached. [a c. Antennas located in historic districts or on historic buildings shall be subject to the review and approval of the heritage preservation commission. Antennas on lattice towers may be laterally supported by the tower. 135 d. Transmitting, xeceiving and switching equipment shall be housed within an existing 136 structure whenever possible. If a new equipment building is necessary, it shall be 137 permitted and regulated as an accessory building, section 62.106, and screened from 138 view by landscaping where appropriate. 139 � Other uses similar to the above uses. 140 (913) Accessory buiidings, structures and uses as defined in section 60.201. 141 (Code 1956, §§ 60.472; Ord. No. 16913, 4-27-82; Ord. No. 17204, 1-15-85; C.F. No. 93-1718, §§§§ 142 28--31, 12-14-93; C.F. No. 9�-472, §§ 2, 5-31-95; C.F. No. 95-557, §§ 2, 6-14-95; C.F. No. 95-1444, 143 §§ 2, 1-17-96; C.F. No. 96-694, §§ 6, 7-10-96; C.F. No. 97-565, §§ 6, 6-11-97; C.F. No. 99-7>0, §§ 2, 144 9-1-99) 145 Sec. 60.513. Required conditions. 146 The following conditions shall be required of ail uses in the OS-1 Local Office Service District: 147 Except for off-street pazking or loading, all business, storage, servicing or processing shall be 148 conducted within completely enclosed buildings. 149 150 151 152 153 154 ' 155 (C.F. No. 92-1479, §§ 3, 12-15-92; C.F. No. 95-1444, §§ 2, 1-17-96; C.F. No. 96-694, §§ 6, 7-10-96) Sec. 60.514. Principal uses permitted subject to special conditions. The foilowing additional uses shall be permitted, subject to the conditions hereinafter imposed for each use and subject to the standards specified for all special condition uses as set forth in section 64300(ed). All principal uses perxnitted subject to special conditions shall be reviewed and approved by the planning commission. i��� ii.r.nd��nntbwi• niioi.���in �bnii rw� 156 (�1) Publiclv owned buildines; roublic utilitv buildings; telephone exchange buildings• water and 157 sewage pumping stations; but not including storage yards, transformer stations, substations, or 158 gas regulator stations. 159 �2,� Railroad rieht-of-wav, but not includine terminal freieht facilities. transfer and storage tracks. 00 —q� � 160 (3) Hospices serving sixteen (16) or fewer facility residents. 161 162 163 164 165 166 (4) Shelters for battered persons or transitional housing serving sixteen (16) or fewer facility residents, provided they are not located in a planning district in which one (1) percent or more of the population lives in licensed human service community residential facilities, licensed conectional community residential facilities, health departrnent-licensed communiry residential facilities, transitional housing, shelters for battered persons, emergency housing or ovemight shelters. 167 I68 -- - canaici - viis 169 . . 1 - - - - - - i..�.r�rswe�s�.nw.�.a..�...a�o.E - - . . � -. . . • ... . . . . -: . . . : - • : � -. -- : - : . ..:--: .- : - . - : - : ::. : - -: .- . - - -. :. - - .. ..: :� . - . .- � • - i •' _ - •' uou' nKti�nr.dtainioutasvnu�oi.l�ai r ' - � 1�5 �e�.e�rwras�ar.z�.e�ww� . = .. : . : - : : .: : : . : : �: : 177 178 179 180 .. . .. • .. . . : .. . . .. . :.. : . � . .: .. : . . . . .; :.:: . : .: � . . . (65) Cellular telephone antennas located on a freestanding pole, subject to the following conditions: 181 a. The applicant demonstrates that the proposed antennas cannot be accommodated on an 182 existing freestanding pole, an existing resadential structure at least sixty (60) feet high, 183 an existing institutional use structure, or a business building within one-half ('/z) mile 184 radius of the proposed antennas due to one (1) or more of the following reasons: 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 1. The planned equipment would exceed the structural capacity of the existing pole or structure. 2. The planned equipment would cause interference with other existing or planned equipment on the pole or structure. 3. The planned equipment cannot be accommodated at a height necessary to function reasonably. 4. The owner of the existing pole, structure or building is unwillin� to co-locate an antenna. 193 b. The freestanding pole shall not exceed seventy-five (75) feet in height, unless the 194 applicant demonstrates that the surrounding topography, structures, or vegetation 195 renders a seventy-five-foot pole impractical. Freestanding poles may exceed the above 196 height limit by twenty-five (25) feet if the pole is designed to carry two (2) antennas. 197 � a Antennas sha11 not be located in a required front or side yard and shall be set back one 198 (1) times the height of the antenna plus ten (10) feet from the nearest residential 199 structure. 200 d. The antennas shall be designed where possible to blend into the surrounding 201 envaronment through the use of color and camouflaging architectural treatment. 202 Drawings or photoa aphic perspectives showing the pole and antennas shali be 203 provided to the planning commission to determine compiiance ��ith this provision. oo-g��- 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 Sec. 60.515. Area, bulk, and setback requirements. 213 (Code 1956, §§ 60.473; Ord. No. 16913, 4-27-82; Ord. No. 16956, 9-9-82; Ord. No. 17039, 7-7-83; 214 Ord. No. 17204, 1-15-85; Ord. No. 17845, §§ 22, 6-27-91; Ord. No. 17894, §§ l, 12-3-91; C.F. No. 215 92-1479, §§ 3, 12-15-92; C.F. No. 93-1718, §§ 32, 12-14-93; C.F. No. 95-1444, §§ 2, 1-17-96; C.F. 216 No. 96-694, §§ 6, 7-10-96; C.F. No. 97-565, §§ 7, 6-11-97; C.F. No. 99-750, §§ 2, 9-1-99) 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 See Chapter 61, Schedule of Regulations, limiting the height and bulk of buildings, the minimum size of lot permitted by land use, and providing minimum yard setback requirements. (Code 1956, §§ 60.474; C.F. No. 96-694, §§ 6, 7-10-96) Subdivision 2. 60.520. OS-2 General Of,�ce-Service District Sec. 60.521. Intent. 225 The OS-2 General Office-Service District is intended to provide for development of compact, 226 pedestrian-oriented urban villaees with a diverse mix of commercial, residential, civic and recreational 227 uses located within a quarter mile of hith-frequency transit service. 228 Sec. 60.522. Principal uses permitted. 229 In an OS-2 General Office-Service District the use of land, the location and erection of new buildines 230 or structures, and the alteration. enlaz�ement and movine of existinQ buildines or siructures from other 231 locations or districts shall conform to the followinE specified uses. unless otherwise provided in this 232 code: 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 � � �� f. Antennas located in historic districts shall be subject to the review and approval of the heritage preservafion commission. Freestanding poles shall be a monopole design. g. Transmitting, receiving and switching equipment shall be housed within an existing structure whenever possible. If a new equipment building is necessary, it shall be permitted and regulated as an accessory building, section 62.106, and shall be screened from view by landscaping where appropriate. h. The zoning lot on which the pole is located shall be within contiguous property with zenee�OS-1 or less restrictive zonine and at least one (1) acre in area. Ail principal uses permitted and uses permitted subiect to special conditions and as reeulated in the OS-1 District, except cellulaz telephone antennas located on a freestandin�ole. Post offices and similaz @overnmental offices. � Retail businesses that supplv commodities on the �remises, such as, but not limited to. groceries, meats. dairv_products. baked aoods or other foods, drues. drygoods, clothine and notions. hazdware, books, stationery and plants, with up to 10,000 sguare feet of eross floor area. � � Eating and liquor-licensed establishments, exceot drive-in or fast-food restaurants. Hotels and hospitals. 242 � Drv cleaning establiskunents, or ip Ckup stafions. dealine directiv with the customer, and self- 243 service laundries and drv cleaners. Central dry cleaninQ olants servicing more than one (11 244 retail outlet aze prohibited. 0 0 —g1 �- 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 zsa 253 254 255 � � � Manufacturiu�of small precision eoods such as dental sur�cal or o t�n �cal �oods or electronic assemblies. alonE with light assemblv. packa�ng and distribution activities. Other uses similar to the above uses. 256 257 258 259 260 Accessor�buildings. structures and uses as defined in section 60.201. �10� Carriaee house dwellings, provided that a maximuxn of one carria�e house dwellin� shall be ailowed per pxincl dwellingunit. 11 Above ground parking buildings not exceeding foriy-five (451 feet in hei¢ht. Sec. 60.523. Rec�uired conditions. The followin� conditions shali be required of all uses in the OS-2 General Office-Service District: � � Except for off-street pazking or loadin�, all business, stora�e, servicin� or processin� shall be conducted within completely enclosed buiidings. The scale, massinQ and materials of buildings sha11 be comoatible with adjacent structures in the district. The base, middle and top of buildings shall be azchitecturallv delineated. �3,� The exterior surface of buildings sha11 be articulated with vertical elements. Windows, doors and other buildine openines sha11 be squaze or vertical in �r000rtion. The first floor shall be articulated with windows, entrances, etc. that relate to the scale of a pedestrian at street level. 261 � Roof-top mechanical svstems, service e� pment and head houses for elevators and stairs shall 262 be enclosed and not visible from public rights-of-wax 263 � Parking shall be provided underground below- r�ade) or to the reaz of buildints. Access to 264 pazking sha11 be at the rear or interior of the lot to the areatest extent possible. Garaee doors 265 for under round parkinng mav face the street, but shall be as unobtrusive and �edestrian- 266 friendlYas possible. 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 Sec. 60.524. Principal uses subject to suecial conditions. The followine additional uses shall be permitted, subject to the conditions hereinafter imposed for each and subject to the standards specified for all sUecial condition uses as set forth in section 64.300(d�. Ali_principal uses permitted subject to suecial conditions shall be reviewed and approved bv theplannine commission. � � � (4) � Retail businesses that sup�lv commodities on the nremises, as allowed in the OS-2 district section 60.522(�, with more than 10,000 square feet of u_ross floor area. Buildines over six !61 stories or sixtv-five (651 feet in heisht, whichever is less. subject to the followin� conditions: a. Views and vistas from �ublic rights-of-wav and o�en spaces sha11 be retained. esneciallybetween the bluffs and the river and between the river valley floar and the bluffs. Applicants shall provide the plannina commission an analysis. includine site plans and perspective drawings, showina how the buildin�s will affect views. b. No buildine shall exceed eieht (8Ltories or one-hundred (100) feet in heieht, whichever is less. Above-eround ar)� ki�buildin�s over forty-five (451 £eet in heieht, subject to the condirion that no such building sha11 exceed six -five (65 feet in heieht• Cellular telephone antennas located on a freestanding�ole, as reeulated in the OS-1 district, section 60.514(Sla throueh h. Accessory buildines, structures and uses customarily incident to the above uses. 0 0 — q'l?— 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 Sec. 60.525. Area, bulk and setback rec�uirements. See cha�ter 61. Schedule of Re�ulations. limitine the height and bulk of buildines, the minimum size of lot bv permitted land use. and providing minimum vard setback requirements. Subdivision �3. 60.5�30. B-1 Local Business District Sec. 60.5�31. Intent. The B-1 Local Business District is intended to permit those uses as are necessary to satisfy the basic convenience shopping or service needs of persons residing in nearby residential areas. (Code 1956, §§ 60.481) Sec. 60.5�32. Principal uses permitted. 300 In a B-1 Local Business District the use of land, the location and erection of new buildings or 301 structures, and the alteration, enlazgement and moving of existing buildings or structures from other 302 locations or districts shall conforxn to the following specified uses, unless otherwise provided in this 303 code: 304 (1) All principal uses permitted and uses permitted subject to special conditions and as regulated 305 in the OS-1 District, except residential uses and cellular telephone antennas located on a 306 freestanding pole. 307 (2) Retail businesses vrkieYi that supply commodities on the premises, such as, but not limited to, 308 groceries, meats, dairy products, baked goods or other foods, drugs, dry goods, clothing and 309 notions, hardware, books, starionery, plants, carry-out restaurants and hobby supplies. 1 • . . � . : . . . .. . : . .. . . . . . :. . . .: : . .: . . . . ._ . � .: . :. : . . . .: :: 313 (�3) Dry cleaning establishments, or pickup stations, dealing directly with the consumer, and self- 314 service laundries and drv cleaners. Central dry cleaning plants servicing more than one (1) 315 retail outlet are prohibited. 316 �r 317 (64) 318 319 (�� Post office and similar governmental office buildings, resi�e�. Other uses similar to the above uses. 320 ($6) Mixed residential and commercial uses subject to the following conditions: 321 a. Residential uses are limited to not more than fifty (50) percent of the basement and first 322 floor. The entire upper floors may be used for residential use. At least fifty (50) percent ' 323 � of the basement and first floor shall be devoYed to a principal use permitted in this 324 district, except residential use. 325 b. Residential uses may be occupied by foster homes, freestanding foster care homes, or 326 huxnan service-licensed communit�esidential facilities for si�teen (16) or fewer 327 facility residents subject to the condition that they are at least one thousand three 328 hundred twenty (1,320) radial feet from another similar facility. bo — �'1 y- • - - ..��..�.���..�......,�„�.�..� 330 331 w�-.�.�wi..,rr.iw..sa�..�w..�� (97) Accessory buildings, structures and uses as defined in section 60.201. 332 (Code 1956, §§ 60.482; Ord. No. 1b913, 4-27-82; Ord. No. 17204, 1-15-85; Ord. No. 17689, §§ 3, 10- 333 26-89; C.F. No. 93-1718, §§§§ 33--35, 12-14-93; C.F. No. 93-1815, §§ 6, 12-28-93; C.F. No. 95-472, 334 §§ 3, 5-31-95; C.F. No. 96-694, §§ 7, 7-10-96; C.F. No. 97-565, §§ 8, 6-11-97; C.F. No. 99-750, §§ 3, 335 9-1-99) 336 Sec. 60.5�33. Required conditions. 337 The following conditions shall be required of all uses in the B-1 Local Business District: 338 (1) 339 340 341 (2) 342 343 344 All business establishments shall be retail or service establishments dealing directly with customers. All goods produced on the premises shall be sold at retail on the premises where produced. Except for off-street pazking or loading, all business, storage, servicing or processing shall be conducted within completely enclosed buildings. (Code 1956, §§ 6Q.483; C.F. No. 92-1479, §§ 4, 12-15-92) Sec. 60.5�34. Principal uses permitted subject to special conditions. 345 The following additional uses sha11 be permitted, subject to the conditions hereinafter imposed for 346 each use and subject to the standazds specified for all special condition uses as set forth in section 347 64300(ed). All principal uses permitted subject to special conditions shall be reviewed and approved 348 by the planning commission. 349 j� Multiple familv dwellinES and mixed residential and commercial uses subject to the followin� 350 conditions: 351 a. The pronosed use is part of a redevelopment �roject proposed bv a public aeencv as the 352 applicant or done in accordance with a specific plan pertainin¢ to the oroposed use. which 353 snecific �lan has been approved bv the citv. 354 b. Commercial uses shall be limited to those otherwise permitted in the district which do not 355 reouire a separation distance from residentiallv zoned or occupied propertv. 356 (�� , , , Electric transformer 357 stations and substations; gas regulator stations with service yards, but without storage yards�ci ai�a 358 . . • .: . .. . : : C.1 : . . : : . - . .. . . . .. . .. . . . . : : : ., : . . . � . _ : . . . . . : : .. .. . • : . � . � .�� : . . . . � ..� .� : : .:. : � ..� � : .. . � : .: : . . . .:. = : .. ,: 366 (53) Cellulaz telephone antennas located on a freestanding pole, as regulated in the OS-1 district, section 367 60.514(6)a. through g. 368 (54) Accessory buildings, struchxres and uses customarily incident to the above permitted uses. Oo —g1 �- 369 (Code 195b, §§ 60.484; Ord. No. 16956, 9-9-82; Ord. No. 17039, 7-7-83; Ord. No. 17845, §§ 23, 6- 370 27-91; Ord. No. 17894, §§ 2, 12-3-91; C.F. No. 93-1718, §§§§ 36, 37, 12-14-93; C.F. No. 93-1815, §§ 371 7, 12-28-93; C.F. No. 97-565, §§ 9, 6-11-97; C.F. No. 99-750, §§ 3, 9-1-99) 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 Sec. 60.5435. Area, bulk and setback requirements. See Chapter 61, Schedule of Regulations, limiting the height and bulk of buildings, the minimum size of lot by permitted land use, and providing minimum yard setback requirements. (Code 1956, §§ 60.48�) Subdivision �4. 60.5340. B-2 Community Business District Sec. 60.5341. Intent. 380 The B-2 Community Business District is intended to serve the needs of a consumer population larger 381 than that served by the "Local Business District," and is generally characterized by a cluster of 382 establishments generating large volumes of vehicular and pedestrian traffic. 383 384 (Code 19�6, §§ 60.491) Sec. 60.5342. Principal uses permitted. 385 In a B-2 Community Business Dis2rict the use of land, the location and erection of new buildings or 386 structures, and the alteration, enlargement and moving of existing buildings or structures from other 387 locations or districts shall conform to the following specified uses unless otherwise provided in this 388 code: 389 (1) 390 (2) 391 392 All principal uses as permitted and as regulated in a B-1 District. All retail business, service establishxnents or processing uses as follows: a. Any retail business whose principal activity is the sale of inerchandise in an enclosed building. 393 b. Any service establishxnent ', housine an office, showroom or 394 workshop xrattire of a contractor (inciuding, but not limited to, plumbing, heating, air 395 conditioning, electrical, mechanical), decorator, dressmaker, tai�ar, baker, painter, 396 upholsterer, a radio, television or home appliance repair 397 business, Pi�etaea�q�mg�nd or similaz service establishments. 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 c. � e. Private clubs, fraternal organizations, liquor licensed establishments and lodge halls. Restaurants and fast-food restaurants when incorporated within a multi-use retail center and which do not provide drive-through window service. Theaters, assembly halls, auction ha11s, bingo halls, concert halls, reception halls or similar places of assembly when conducted completely within enclosed buildings. ��1�1�1�R�ATT19�P1�1P��lO�F4TPM���IRR�)R�l•1�A1U��ri 4�1Q�I�O1�Jw1UU�Ip144��Pl�J f. Veterinarv clinics without boazdin�(except for medical procedures • tattoo pazlors. - � - - - :� • - '� - _ :� i • - • w • i i � • :� � • � • i � � - � - - � n " - - - - m - i i � - - i - i i i a� -g��- 407 �g. 'xh. ji. � � i i i i - - i � � i � �w�n�ii.����nii��inu�a�r.n�uiiois� ' ' � ' � - � 1 • - - - - �s�fwr�re�iaiw�rsrnesww�s��i�a�ww� . . .. • . • . .. : : � 1 . .• . . . . . . . . � .. . . . ' -. : . :. � .: � :.. . . . . . � . . . . . . .. � .. _ .. :.. .. . 0 . . . .. . . . : . . . : • : .: :.. . � . . .: : . . :. . : : .. :. : . C � � . . � : . CO : . . . ..� . .. : ca� �a�l���t:iq�N�aaRiJOOn�qiA.��vut��r��au�aa:tin��an��aw��r:ia���an���ari��tiix:�was��w�s�a���iiaa� 41g 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 (3) 430 431 432 433 434 435 � uan�t:t���Gio i • G • � ' i ' , • Mail order houses. Health/sport clubs, conversation/rap parlors, massage parlors and steam roomlbathhouse facilities which are not adult uses. Food catering establishments. '.. . . :. . : . . . .> . .: : ... :. : . . :. . : . . �i. mk. nl. Brew on premises stores as regulated by Minnesota State laws. Coffee kiosks. Fully enclosed auto sales when incorporated within a multi-use retail center. Recycling drop-off stat[on; provided, that the facility: a. b. c. d. Shail not occupy an area more than two hundred (200) square feet and shall not interfere with pazking and maneuvering requirements of the principal use; Shall be screened pursuant to section 62.107 if it abuts a residential use or district; Shall be set back at least ten (10) feet from any property line and sha11 not obstruct pedestrian or vehicular circulation; and Shall be maintained free of litter and other undesirable materials. 436 (4) Currency exchange business when located aY least one hundred (100) feet from any residential 437 lot in a residential district or at least one hundred (100) feet from any residential lot occupied 438 with a one-, two-, three-, four-, townhouse, or multiple-family dwelling, measured from the 439 closest point of the building in which the business is located to the closest residential property 440 line. 441 (5) 442 (6) Qther uses similaz to the above uses. Accessory building, structures and uses as defined in section 60.201. 443 (Code 1956, §§ 60.492; Ord. No. 16956, 9-9-82; Ord. No. 17204, 1-15-85; Ord. No. 17524, §§ 12, 1- 4�4 6-88; Ord. No. 17�64, §§ 7, 5-19-88; Ord. No. 17611, §§§§ 1, 2, 11-3-88; Ord. No. 17b46, §§ 6, 4-6- 445 89; Ord. No. 17689, §§ 4, 10-26-89; Ord. No. 17777, 10-11-90; C.F. No. 93-1713, §§ 38, 12-14-93; a e —�,�9- 446 447 .., ..• C.F. No. 94-1863, §§ 2, 1-18-95; C.F. No. 96-77, §§ 2, 2-14-96; C.F. No. 96-1342, §§ 2, 11-13-96; C.F. No. 97-1089, §§§§ 2, 3, 10-1-97) Sec. 60.5343. Required conditions. The following conditions shall be required o£ all uses in the B-2 Community Business District: 450 (1) All business establishments shall be retail or service establishments dealing directly with 451 consumers. All goods provided on the premises shall be soid at retail on the premises where 452 produced. 453 (2) All business, storage, servicing or processing shall be conducted within completely enclosed 454 buildings. Provided, however, that the following uses may be conducted outdoors if 455 specifically allowed as a permitted use or special condition use: Off-street parking, off-street 456 loading or outdoor businesses and outdoor businesses with outdoor storage. 457 458 459 460 461 (Code 1956, §§ 60.493; C.F. No. 92-1479, §§ 5, 12-15-92) Sec. 60.5344. Principal uses permitted subject to special conditions. The following additional uses shall be permitted, subject to the standards specified for all special condition uses as set forth in section 64300(ed). All principal uses permitted subject to special conditions shall be reviewed and approved by the planning commission. 462 (1) All uses as permitted and regulated in the B-1 Local Business Distsict under principal uses 463 permitted subject to specia] conditions. 464 465 466 467 468 464 470 471 472 Sec. 60.5345. Area, bulk and yard setback reguirements. See Chapter 61, Schedule of Regulations, limiting the height and bulk of buildings, the minimum siae of lot permitted by land use, the maximum density permitted, and providing minimum yard setback requirements. (Code 1956, §§ 60.495) Subdivision �5. 60. 5�50. B-2C Community Business (Converted) District Sec. 60.5�51. Intent. 473 It is the intent of the B-2C Community Business (Converted) District to create a business district 474 expressly for existing residential structures in commercial azeas, which will permit the operation of 475 businesses which do not generate large amounts of traffic and at the same time will retain the visual 476 character of the building forms and open space associated with residential uses. This includes a 1'united 477 height on buildings and front and side yards. It is fiuflier the intent of this district to provide parking 478 for employees who work in buildings which are converted from residential to business use. 479 � 480 481 482 483 484 (Ord. No. 17062, 10-20-83) Sec: 60.5�52. Principal uses permitted. Sec. 60.5�53. Required conditions. The following conditions shall be required of all uses in the B-2C Community Business (Converted) Dishict: � 486 Sec. 60.5454. Principal uses permitted subject to special condifions. � -�t�� 487 The following additional uses shall be permitted, subject to the conditions hereinafter unposed for 488 each use and subject to the standazds specified far all special condirion uses as set forth in section 489 64.300(ed). All principal uses permitted subject to special conditions shall be reviewed and approved 440 by the planning commission. 491 492 5ec. 605�55. Area, hulk, and yard setback requirements. 493 . .. 495 496 Sec.66.5�61.Intent. Subdivision �6. 6D.5�460. B-3 General Business District 497 The B-3 General Business District is intended to provide sites for more diversified types of businesses 498 than those in the B-1 and B-2 Business Districts, and is intended for location, along major traffic 499 arteries or adjacent to the Community Business Districts. 500 (Code 1456, §§ 60.501) 501 502 503 504 505 Sec. 60.5#62. Principal uses permitted. In a B-3 General Business District, the use of land, the location and erection of new buildings or structures, and the alteration, enlargement and moving of exis6ng buildings or shuctures from other locations or districts shall conform to the follQwing specified uses, unless otherwise provided in this code: 506 (1) All principal uses permitted and uses permitted subject to special conditions and as re ulated in 507 OS-l B 1, and B-2 Districts, except auto service stations, auto convenience markets, a���k�d � ;;� ,� , ..�a.� 508 ��`��:�i� licensed correctional community residential facilities, health department-hcensed 509 community residential facilities and emergency housing, pawn shops when the business is conducted i 10 within completely enclosed buiidings, and cellulaz telephone antennas located on a freestanding pole. �11 12 13 14 l5 6 7 8 9 (12) Hospitals: veterinary clinics with boarding. Sec. 60.5�63. Bequired condifions. The following conditions shall be required of a11 uses in the B-3 General Business District: All business, storage, servicing or processing sha11 be conducted within completely enclosed buildings. Provided, however, that the following uses may be conducted outdoors if specifically allowed as a pernutted use or special condition use: Off-street parking, off-street loading or outdoor businesses and outdoor businesses with outdoor storage. (Ord. No. 17524, §§ 16, 1-6-88; C.F. No. 42-1479, §§ 6, 12-15-92) Sec. 60.5#64. Principal uses permitted subject to special conditions. The following additionai uses shail be permitted, subject to the conditions hereinafter unposed far each use and subject to the standards specified for all special condition uses as set forth in section 64.300(ed). All principal uses permitted subject to special conditions shall be reviewed and approved 525 by the pianning commission. 526 527 52& 529 530 531 532 S33 534 535 536 537 538 539 00—�'1�— (1) Auto service stations,� auto convenience mazkets and�auto��peciaityr,stores as regulated in the B-2 District. Sec. 60.5�65. Area, bulk and setback requirements. Subdivision 37. 60.5370. B-4 Central Business District Sec. 60.5571. Intent. Sec. b0.5572. Principal nses permitted. Sec. 60.5573. Required conditions. Sec. 60.5574. Principal uses permitted subject to special conditions. 540 The following additional uses shail be permitted, subject to the conditions hereinafter imposed for 541 each use and subject to the standazds specified for all special condition uses as set forth in section 542 64300(ed). All principal uses permitted subject to special conditions shall be reviewed and approved 543 by the pianning commission. 544 545 Sec. 60.5575. Area, bulk and yard setback requirements. 546 547 G�: 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 Subdivision fi8. b0.5fi80. B-S Central Business-Service Distrzct Sec. 60.568L Intent. Sec. 60.5682. Principal uses permitted. Sec. 60.5683. Required conditions. Sec. 60.5684. Principal uses permitted subject to special conditions. 556 The following additional uses shall be permitted, subject to the conditions hereinafter imposed for 557 each use and subject to the standards specified for all special condition uses as set forth in section 558 64300(e�. All principal uses permitted subject to special conditions shall be reviewed and approved 554 by the planning commission. 560 561 Sec. 605685. Area, bulk, and yard setback requirements. 562 563 564 565 >66 i67 �68 69 70 71 572 573 574 5�5 576 577 S78 579 5$0 581 582 583 584 S$5 $g6 587 $g8 589 590 591 592 593 Sec. 61.103. Business districts. Oo—a�� hlinimum. S�ze 2.Saximum Rlazimum Lot Size Per Height M'utimum Yard Setback percent of FJoot [init of Scruccures (Per Lot in Feeci � Area Side • Oaupied ' Ratio Azea in VJidth B}� Aiain iFAR) Square in In In Front hlini- 7'otal Rear guitding ZoningDistrict Feet Feet Stories Feet mum of'Ih�o 61.103 BL'SIVESS DISTRICTS OS-1 ff�ce-Sen Loca.� none none 3 d 30 d 15 a,Xa b 6 6,c none 1.0 OS��Gener4l CFir.e-$er,,ic2 no�ne, ro�e 6e 65e Og 6 6 6, r.one 3.0 B•1 Local Business none none 3 30 15 aY3 b b 6,c none 1.0 B-2 Community� Business aone none � d 30 d O�f,q b b b,e none 2.0 B�2C Community Business none none 3d 30d 25jij 4 8 25 30�2 hA (Converted) B�3 General Business none none d 30 d O�y b b b,e none 2-0 B-4 Central Business none none no limit no limit no limit none none none c none S.0 �{ � B-5 Central Business Sen�ice none none no hmit no limit no l�mit none none none c none ` 5.0 i; f (Ord. ho. 1i062, 10-20-fi3 Ord. I�o. 17'LU4, 1-lo-a�; t,.r. t�o. yo-l�io, y o<, ,�-�Y-��. Notes to 61.103 Business Districts: 594 (a) Off-street parking shall be permitted to occupy a required front yazd setback; provided, that the off- 595 street parking area, exclusive of access driveways, shall be set back a minimum distance of six (6) feet 596 from any front or side street right-of-way and the off-street pazking area setback meets the 597 requirements of section 61.103(�. 598 (b) No side or rear yards are required along the interior lot lines of the district, except as otherwise 599 specified in the building code; provided, that if walls of stnxctures facing such interior lot lines contain 600 windows, or other openings, yards of not less than ten six (i�86) feet shall be provided. Side and rear 601 yazds of at least six (i�6) feet shall be reyuired when a business district adjoins a side yazd in an 602 adjacent residence district. These setback requirements from interior lot lines shall be waived when an 603 easement aereement is recorded as to the affected properties. Proof of such recarded easement shall 604 be provided at the time of aprolication for a building roermit The recording of the easement aereement 605 shall be interoreted to mean that the followinQ intents and�umoses of these setback rec�uirements are 606 met adequate suppiv of sunlight and air to ad'a� cent proroerty_ sufficient soace for maintenance of the 607 buildin� from the same lot and prevenfion of dama�e to adioiningpropert�v fire or runoff from 6Q8 roofs. 609 610 611 612 613 (c) Off-street loading space shall be provided in the rear yard in accordance with the requirements of section 62.105. (d) The height of the structure may exceed t3urt�{S9}feet. the masimum buildine heieht allowed in the district, provided the structure is set back from all praPertq setback lines a distance equal to the height which said structure exceeds the ma�timum buildin height �btalAiag allowed in the district. `614 (e) The heiaht of structures in an OS-Z Generai Office-Service District mav exceed six (61 stories and 615 sixtv-five (65) feet in heiaht subiect to conditions under section 60.524(21. The heieht of above 616 ¢round parkinu buildinQS in an OS-2 General O�ce-Service District ma�exceed fortv-five (451 feet in 617 hei¢ht. subiect to the conditions under section 60.524(31. 618 (ef, Floor azea bonuses, which encourage certain building features which pzoduce public benefits, shall 619 be granted as follows: 620 (fg) On those lots or pazcels, or portions of lots or parcels, which adjoin a right-of-way line of a � Oo — 4�1 �- 621 622 623 624 625 626 b27 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 parkway, the required setbacks from the parkGVay right-of-way line shall be equal to that required for residentia] uses in effect along the parkway right-of-way or twenty-five (25) feet, whichever is greater. (gh) Those parkways and portions of pazkways listed below aze excluded from the setback requirements established in subsection (g) above: Ford Parkway (from Kenneth Street to �inn Street and north side between Finn Street and Mount Curve Boulevard). Gannon Road. (�i) Since B-2C zoned properiy has a residential character, buildings shall maintain a twenty-fiv�foot front setback or meet the requirements of section 61.1 Q 1(a). (Code 1956, §§ 61.103; Ord. No. 17204, 1-15-85; Ord.I�io. 17778, §§ 1, 10-11-9Q; C.F. No. 93-1718, §§ 63, 12-14-93; C.F. No. 97-1089, §§ 5, 10-1-97) Sec. 62.103. Parking requirements. (a) Off-street parking. Except in a B-4 or B-5 District, off-street pazking spaces shall be provided in all districts at the time of erection, enlazgement or expansion of all buildings in accordance with the requirements of this section. Before a certificate of occupancy shall be issued, the number of off=street parking spaces provided shall be as hereinafter prescribed. In an OS-2 District, the number of off- street parkino spaces provided shall be at least two-thirds of the number hereinafter nrescribed. Sec. 62.106. Accessory buildings. Accessory buildings, except as otherwise provided in this code, shall be subject to the following regulations: (i) �2) When the accessory building is structurally attached to a main building, it shall be subject to, and must conform to, al1 regulations of this code applicable to main buildings. Accessory buildings, structures ar uses sha11 not be erected in or established in a required yard except a rear yard. On corner lots, accessory buildings, structures or uses shall be set back from the street a distance equal to that required of the principal structure. 549 When an accessory building, structure or use is constructed in a rear yard which adjoins a side i50 yazd or front yazd, the accessory building, structure or use shall be set back from the interior lot S51 line a distance equal to the minimum side yard required � of the i52 Rrin�al structure. 53 On all other lots, accessory buildings shall be set back at least three (3) feet from all interior lot 54 lines, and overhangs shall be set back at least one-third (1!3) the distance of the setback of the 55 garage wall or one (1) foot, whichever is greater. >b , This setback requirement from all interior lot lines for accessory buildings in rear yards shall +7 be waived when a maintenance easement is recorded ent�,�dee�s-�Fa�t as to the affected �8 properties, when proof of such recorded easement is provided at the time of application for a 9 building permit and when the accessory building is located at least three (3) feet from any 0 building on an adjoining lot. The recording of the maintenance easement shall be interpreted to 1 mean that the following intenYS and purposes of this setback requirement are met: ? a. Adequate supply of sunlight and air to adjacent property; Oo —` 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 b83 684 685 686 6$7 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 � 699 700 701 702 � c. Sufficient space for maintenance of the building from the same lot; and Prevention of damage to adjoining property by fire or runoff from roofs. A recorded common wall agreement is permitted in lieu of a maintenance easement if the accessory structure is attached to an accessory structure on an adjoining lot. (3) In any residential area, accessory buildings shall not exceed fifteen (15) feet in height; provided, however, that accessory buildings with a flat or shed roof style sha11 not exceed twelve (12) feet in height. Carria�e house dwellines in an OS-2 General Office-Service District shall not exceed 25 feet in hei�ht. Exception: Accessory building heights shall not appiy to property wathin designated Heritage Preservation Districts nor to designated historic sites. In these cases appropriate building heights for accessory structures shall be determined through the design review process to ensure that heights are acceptable and in keeping with scale and style of development on the property. (4) Accessory buildings on a zoning lot may occupy up to thirty-five (35) percent of the rear yard. Rear yards which adjoin alleys may include half the area of the alley to calculate the area of the rear yazd which may be occupied by accessory buildings. (5) (6) ��) On zoning lots containing one- and two-family dwellings, accessory buildings shall not occupy more than one thousand (1,000) square feet of the zoning lot. On zoning lots containing all other uses, accessory buildings may occupy the same percent of the zoning lot as main buildings are allowed to occupy, as specified in tables in sections 61.101, 61.103, 61.104 and 6].105. In those instances where the rear lot line or a side lot line is coterminous with the alley right- of-way, the accessory building shall not be closer than one foot to such rear lot lines. On through lots, where frontage is cleazly established within a given block, rear yazd setbacks shall be equal to the side yard setback of the district in which located. Accessory buildings shall be located at least six (6) feet from the principal structure or shall be considered attached for purposes of the zoning code. (Code 1956, §§ 62.106; Ord. No. 17038, 7-5-83; Ord. No. 17204, 1-15-85; Ord. No. 17476, §§ l, 7- 15-87; Ord. No. 17511, §§ 7, 11-12-87; Ord. No. 17524, §§§§ 27, 28, 1-b-88; C.F. No. 93-1718, §§�§ 74, 75, 12-14-93; C.F. No. 96-77, §§ 4, 2-14-96; C.F. No. 96-1342, §§ 4, 11-13-96; C.F. No. 49-750, §§ 9, 9-1-99) Chapter 66. Zoning Code - Signs Sec. 66.206. OS-2, B-2. B-2C and B-3 Business Districts - (5) Electronic message signs shall be prohibited from-tke OS-2. B-2 distriet and�he B-2C districts; provided, that electronic message signs giving public information, such as time, temperature, stock auerages and the like, are permitted in OS-2 and B-2 districts. 703 704 0 0 — Q'� a" 705 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby amend the Saint 706 Paul Zoning Code by changing the zoning classification far the following properties on the zoning maps of 707 the City of Saint Paul, Sheet No. 29, as incorporated by reference in Section 60301 of the Saint Paul 708 Legislative Code: 709 710 711 PINNCTMBER 712 713 RCR-1 to OS-2 714 715 062822410046 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 062822140002 062822140018 Q62822140019 741 742 062822410006 743 744 745 746 747 748 749 750 751 062822410007 �752 ' 753 754 755 Q62822410�05 756 757 758 759 ADDRESS Unassigned LECrAL DESCRIPTION SUBJ TO ST; THE FOL; PART OF LOT 1 DESC AS BEG AT SW COR OF SD LOT 1 TH NELY TO A PT ON WL OF E 10 FT. DIST 15 FT. N FROM SL OF SD LOT 1 TH N ON SD WL TO NL OF LOT 1 TH �V TO NW COR TH S TO BEG & ALL OF LOTS 2 T'IIRU LOT 4 BLK A Unassigned SUB TO FLOOD WALL ESMT A TRIANGLTLAR TRACT BOLTNDED BY MISSISSIPPI RIVER ON NW EXTENDED SWLY LOFCUSTERSTONSWANDWR/WLOFCGWRYONEIN GOVT LOT 7 SEC 6 TN 28 RN 22 40 Water Street E COM AT NW COR OF LOT 14 BLK 4 BAZIL & ROBERTS AAD TH NWLY 481 FT ON EXTENDED SWLY L OF SD LOT TH 55.71 FT NWLY AT AN ANGLE TO R OF 26 DEG 45 MIN TO PT OF BEG TH CONT. NWLY ON LAST DESC L 185 FT TO HARBOR L TH NELY ON SD HARBOR L TO INTERSECT WITH EXTENDED SWLY L QF CUST'ER ST VAC TH SELY ON SD EXTENDED L TO WL OF C G W RY RW AT A PT 158 PT NWLY FROM NWLY L OF SD BLK 4 TH SLY ON SD RWL TO A PT Robert St. S VAC STS & ALLEYS ACCRLTING & SUBJ TO ESMTS. THE FOL: THAT PART OF GOVT LOT 7 LY1NG ELY OF RR R/W & WLY OF ROBERT ST & THAT PART OF BLK 175 OF ROBERTSONS ADD & BLK 4 OF BAZTL & ROBERTS ADD LY1NG ELY OF RR R/W. ALSO IN BAZIL & ROBERTS ADD. THE NWLY 44.75 FT OF BLK 2& ALL OF BLK 3 2 Starkey St. BEG ON NL WATER ST & SW L L 14 B4 BAZIL & ROBTS AAD TH NW ON SD L TO NW COR SD LOT TH CONT NW 48.1 FT TH NW AT AND R 26D 45M TO RI VER TH S W ON ItIV TO PT 20 FT ELY OF EL BH ROBERTSONS ADD TH SE PAR TO BH TO PT 300 FT N OF NL ST TH NE PAR TO 3T TO L RUN 10 FT SW OF & PAR TO SD L l4 TH SE ON SD L TO INT W L OF STARKEY ST EXT TH S TO NL WATER ST TH ELY TO BEG BEGIN PART OF GL 7(SUB7 TO ESMT IN SEC 6 TTT 28 RN 22 2 Starkey St. EX SBLY 300 FT THE SWLY 20 FT OF PART OF GOVT LOT 7 � NELY OF ROBERTSONS ADD AND NWI.Y OF WATER ST IN SEC6TN28RN22 Water St. E. PART OF GOVT LOT 7 IN SEC 6 T 28 R 22 & PART OF LOT 14 BLK 41N SD BAZIL & ROBERTS ADD DESC AS BEG AT NW COR LOT 14 TH NWLY ON EX SW L SD LOT 48.1 FT TH N AT ANGLE TO R 26DG 45 MN 55.71 FT TO NtiV L OF SE 100 FT OF GL 7 TH NELY ON SD NW L TO ELY OF STARKEY ST TH SLY 00 -g7�— 760 761 762 763 062822410044 764 765 766 767 768 769 770 771 772 773 062822410002 774 775 776 777 778 062822410014 779 780 781 782 062822410003 783 784 785 786 062822410043 787 788 789 790 791 792 793 794 795 RCI-1 to OS-2 796 797 062822410018 798 799 8�0 801 802 803 804 805 062822410024 806 807 � 8Q8 06282241Q029 809 810 811 812 813 062822410030 814 815 ON SD EL TO INT SW L OF LOT 14 TH I�SWLY ON SW L LOT 14 TO BEG 40 Water St. E. BEG AT INTERSECTION OF NWLY L OF WATER ST & EXTENDED NELY L OF BLK 176 ROBERTSONS ADD TH NWI,Y ON SD EXTENDED L TO 1NTERSECTION OF A L 10 FT SWLY FROM & PAR WITH SWLY L OF LOT 14 BLK 4 BAZIL & ROBERTS ADD TH NWLY ON SD PAR L TO INTERSECT L 300 FT NWLY FROM & PAR WITH NWLY L OF WATER ST TH SWLY ON SD PAR L TO INTERSECT A L 20 FT NELY FROM & PAR WITH NELY L OF ROBERTSONS ADD TH NWLY ON LAST DESC L Unassigned SUBJ TO FLOOD WF.I,L ESMT PART OF SPUR R/W IN BLK 4 SERVING PURE OIL CO AND SUBJ TO CUSTER ST A 50 FT RY R/W RUNNING N FROM LEVEE L ACROSS GOVT LOT 7 SEC 6 T 28 R 22 AND ACROSS PART OF BLK 4 Fillmore Ave. E. 43 Water St. E. IN THE CITY OF ST PAUL REVISED DESCRIPTION NUMBER 717 A SPECIFIC PART OF LOTS 8 THRU 10 BLK 4 BAZIL AND ROBERTS ADD AND PART OF BLK 175 IN THE CIT OF ST PAUL REVISED DESCRiPTION 1VLJMBER 693 A SPECIFIC PART OF GOVT LOT 7 IN SEC 6 T 28 R 22 AND PART OF LOTS 3 THRU LOT 6 BLK 4 43 Water St. E. SUBJ TO LEVEE ESMT OVEA ELY %z FT BEG AT INTERSECTION OP SLY L OF LOT 6& EXTENDED ELY L OF STARKEY ST TH NWI..Y ON SD EXTENDED L 34.52 FT TO IIVTERSECT A L 60 FT NWI.,Y FROM & PAR WITH LEVEE L TH NELY ON SD PAR L 6A22 FT TO INTERSECT A L PAR WITH & 8 FT AT RA FROM CL OF PURE OIL CO SPUR TRACK TH SLY ON SD PAR L 53.9 FT TO SLY L OF LOT 6 TH SWLY ON SD L 37.46 FT TO BEG BEING PART OF SD LOT 6 BLK 4 Fillmore Ave. E. VAC ST ACCRUING IN DOC NO 1819955 & T S 567230 & FOL; PART OF STARKEY ST VAC SWLY OF A L BEG AT PT ON NWI,Y L OF FAIRFIELD AVE 20 FT NELY OF SE COR BLK 177 TH NWLY TO PT 35 FT SWLY OF NWLY CQR OF LOT 3 BLK 174 TH NW 9 FT ELY OF & PAR TO MOST ELY SPUR TRACK TO SELY L OF FILLMORE AVE & THERE TERM ALSO LOT i NELY 15 FT OF LOT 2& ALL OF LOT 13 BLK 177 Unassigned STS & ALLEY ACCRUING AS VAC IN ABST DOC 1819955 & TS DOC 567230 & FOL; LOTS 1& LOT 13 BLK 178 Unassigned STS & ALLEY ACCRUTNG AS VAC IN ASST DOC 1819955 & TS DOC 567230 & FOL; PART OF LOT 1 NELY OF A LINE 8 FT SWLY OF & PAR WITH CL OF SWLY TRACK OF RY ACROSS SD LOT 1 BLK 179 Unassigned ST & ALLEY ACCRUING AS VAC IN ABST DOC 1819955 & TS DOC 567230 & FOL; 1170 SQ FT DESC AS FOL; EX NELY 8 FT; PART OF LOT 1 SWLY OF CL OF SWLY `i'RACK OF RY 816 817 818 062822410031 819 820 821 052822320012 822 823 824 052822320013 825 826 827 828 052822320014 829 830 831 832 833 834 052822320015 835 836 837 838 $39 052822320030 840 841 052822320029 842 S43 052822320017 &44 845 846 05282232001b 847 848 849 85Q 052822320028 851 852 853 854 855 052822320035 856 857 358 359 i64 ;61 62 63 64 062822410038 65 56 i7 i8 i9 '0 1 Plato Blvd. W Robert St. S. Robert St. S. ACROSS SD LOT 1 BLK 179 Oo -4�?- STS & ALLEY AS VAC IN ABST DOC 1819955 & TS DOC 567230 & LOT 13 BLK 179 STS & ALLEY ACCRUING AS VA IN ABST DOC 1819955 & TS DOC 567230 & FOL; LOTS 1'I'HRU LOT 5 BLK 10 ST ACCRUING AS VAC IN ABST DOC 1819955 & TS DOC 567230 & FQL; EX SWLY 15 FT; LOTS 1& 2& EX SWLY 30 FT; LOT 3 BLK 15 Unassigned STS & ALLEY ACCRIJING AS VA IN ABST DOC 1819955 & TS DOC 567230 & FOL; SWLY IS FT OF LOTS 1& 2& W 30 FT OF LOT 3& SWLY QUADRANGULAR PART OF LOTS 4& 5 MEASIJRING 10 FT ON SELY LINE OF LOT 5& 24 FT ON NWLY LINE OF SD LOT 4 BLK 15 173 Robert St. S. ST ACCRUING AS VAC IN ABST DOC 181955 & TS DOC 567230 & FOL; EX SWLY QUADRANGULAR PART MEASURING 10 FT ON SELY L OF LOT 5 AND 24 FT ON NWLY L OF LOT 4 LOTS 4 AND LOT 5 BLK 15 Unassigned Unassigned Plato Blvd W 193 Robert St. S. VAC ALLEY ACCRUING & LOT 7 BLK 1 S VAC ALLEY & ST ACCRUING & LOT 6 BLK 15 VAC STS & ALLEYS ACCRTJING & THE FOL; LOT 6 LYING NLY OF PLATO BLVD & ALL OF LOTS 7 THRU LOT 10 BLK i& ST AND ALLEY ACCRUING AS VAC IN ABST DOC 1819955 & TS DOC 567230 & FOL; PART LYING NWLY OF PLATO BLVD O FLOTS 1 THRU LOT 5 BLK 18 Unassigned VAC ST ACCRiTING & SUB7 TO ESMT; EX NWLY 22.4 FT & EX NELY 115 FT LOT 4& EX PART NELY OF A LINE MEAS i 1 S FT ON `i`HE NELY LINE & 117.76 FT ON THE SELY LIlVE LOT 5 BLK 13 Robert St. S. VAC STS & ALLEYS ACCRLTING & SUBJ TO BSMTS. THE FOL; BEG ON THE SWLY LIlVE OF ROBERT ST & THE NWLY LINE OF FILLMORE ST. TH SELY ALONG ROBERT ST TO THE CL OF VAC FAIRFIELD ST. TH SWLY ALONG CL OF FAIItFIELD ST 125 FT TO THE CL OF VAC ALLEY IN BLK I O TH SELY ALONG SD CL OF ALLEY IN BLK 10 & CONT ON CL IN BLK 15 TO THE ELY EXT ON SELY LINE OF LOT 8 BLK 15. TH SWLY ALONG LAST DESC LINE TO Tf� NELY LINE OF VAC 41 Chicago Ave. E. TRACT H REGISTERED LAND SURVEY 350 & IN SD ROBERTSONS ADDIT`ION STS ACCRUING AS VAC 1N ABST DOC. 1819955 & TS DOC. 567230 & PART SWLY OF C N W RY R/W & SELY OF EXTENDED SELY LINE OF 1VWI,Y 47.4 FT OF LOT 2 BLK 172 SD ROBERTSONS ADD OF FOL TRACT LOTS 4 & 5 BLK 13 BAZIL & ROBERTS ADD & PART OF GL 7 IN SEC 5 TN 28 RN 22 & IN SD ROBERTSONS ADD LOT 2 BLK 172 872 873 RCC-1 to OS-2 87G 875 062822410015 876 877 062822410012 878 879 880 881 062822410013 882 883 ' 884 885 062822410016 886 887 888 889 062822420003 890 891 892 893 $94 062822410020 895 896 897 898 062822410019 899 900 901 902 0628222410017 903 904 905 906 062822410022 907 908 909 910 911 912 913 062822410036 914 915 916 062822410021 917 918 919 ' 920 062822410045 921 922 062822410025 923 924 925 926 062822410026 927 tl0 � 84 Wabasha St. S 1 Water St. 21 Water St. W, Wabasha St. LOT5 1 TI3RU LOT 7 BLK 176 W: VAC ALLEY & ST ACCRUING AS VAC IN TS DOC NO 561084 & ABST DOC NOS 1687963 & 1806646 & FOL; NELY % OF LOT 4& ALL OF LOTS 1 2& LOT 3 BLK B VAC STS ACCRUING AS VAC IN TS DOC NO. 561084 & ABST DOC NO 1806646 & FOL; SWLY %z OF LOT 4& ALL OF LOTS 5 & LOT 6 BLK B PART LYING NLY OF REALIGNED WATER ST OF FOL; VAC STS ACCRUING & SUBJ TO ST; LOTS 1 2& 3 NELY %z OF LOT 4 BLK 182 51 Water St. W. VAC STS ACCRUING AS VAC IN ABST DOC NO. 1806646 & TS DOC NO 561084 & FOL TRACT; SUBJ TO ALLEY PART LY1NG NLY OF RE-ALIGNED WATER ST OF BLK 184 & EX WLY 15 FT. LOT 5& ALL OF LOTS 1 THRU LOT 4 BLK 183 114 W abasha St. S. ALLEYS & ST ACCRUING AS VAC IN ABST DOC. 1819955 & TS DOC 567230 & FOL; EX NE 15 FT; LOT 2& ALL QF LQTS 3 THRU LOT 9 BLK 177 34 Fillmore Ave. E. SUB3 TO & WITH ESMT; THE FOL; VAC STS & ALLEYS ACCRUING & LOTS 10 11 & 12 BLK 177 & LOTS 2 3& LOT 4 BLK 178 Wabasha St. S. PART LYING NLY OF REALIGI�iED WATER ST OF FOL; VAC STS ACCRUING & SWLY %z OF LOT 4& ALL OF LOTS 5 AND LOT 6 BLK 182 30 Water St. W. VAC STS ACCRUING & EX A TRIANGLE IN NW COR MEAS 35.65 FT ON SW LRVE OF RE-ALIGNED WATER ST & 68.09 FT ON SW LINE OF NE %z OF VAC EDWARD ST & EX NELY 180 FT THE N 240 FT OF THE FOL TRACT; PART OF LOTS 1& 2 IN BiJRNS RE & IN ROBERTSONS ADD PART SLY OF WATER ST OF BLK 182 & LOTS 8 9& LOT 10 BLK 181 Wabasha St. S. 115 Wabasha St. VAC ALLEYS & ALL OF VAC INDIANA ST ACCRUING & FOL; SWLY %z OF LQT 7& ALL OF LQTS 8 9 1Q 11 & LOT 12 BLK 178 SUBJ TO ST & VAC ST & ALLEY ACCRUING THE FOL TRACT; PART OF LOT 2 BURNS RE & PART SLY OF RE-ALIGi�1ED WATER ST THE iVE 180 FT OF NW 240 FT OF BLK 181 155 Wabasha St. S. OUTLOT A& LOTS 1 2 3& LOT 4 BLK 2 120 Wabasha St. S. Wabasha St. S. ST & ALLEY ACCRUING AS VAC IN ABST DOC 1$19955 & TX DOC 567230 & FOL; NWLY 1.4 FT OF SWLY 81.6 FT OF LOT 6 & ALL OF LOT 5 BLK 178 ALLEY ACCRUING AS VAC IN ABST DOC 1819955 & TS DOC 567230 & FOL; NWLY %z OF LOT 7& EX NWLY 1.4 FT OF 928 929 930 062822410037 931 932 933 062822410033 934 935 936 937 052822230021 938 939 940 I-1 to OS-2 941 942 062822440095 943 944 062822440094 945 446 062822440079 947 948 949 950 951 952 953 954 955 062822440080 956 957 958 959 960 06282244077 961 962 963 964 062822430042 965 966 967 I-1 to B-3 968 969 062822440001 970 971 062822440002 972 973 974 975 062822440003 976 977 978 OS2822330047 �79 )80 181 Unassigned 162 Wabasha 5t. 63 Robert St. 8 Plato Blvd. W, 40 Plato B1vd.W SWLY 81.6 FT LOT 6 BLK 178 0 p _q�17„" SUBJ TO PLATO BLVD; VAC STS & ALLEX ACCRUING & LOTS 2 3 4 10 ll& 12 BLK 179 THE VAC 20 FT VJIDE N-S ALLEY ADJ & PART LYING NLY OF PLATO BLVD AS RELOCATED OF FOL TRACT; LOTS 5 THRU LOT 9 BLK 179 VAC STS & ALLEYS ACCRUlNG THE FQL; EX THE NWLY 44.75 FT ALL OF BLK 2 OUTLOTS B C& D& LOTS 7 8 9 10 & LOT I 1 BLK 1 LOTS&6BLK1 215 Wabasha St. S. VAC ST & FOL; BEG ON SL OF LOT 7 BLK 167 & 30 FT SW OF NE L OF LOT 7 TH NLY PAR TO SD L 40 FT TH S 41 DEG 58 MIN 24 SEC W 79.12 FT TH N 85 DEG 28 MN W 3.86 FT TH S 23 MTNE4.SSFTTHS41DEG58MIN24SECW 11.86FTTHS3 MIN E TO TOE OF CLIFF TH E ON TOE L TO PT 8.5 FT W OF E L OF LOT TH N PAR TO SD L 931� FT TH NWLY 872 FT TQ PT OF BEG & SUBJ TO ALLEY & ALLEY BLVD; E 8.5 FT OF LOT 2 & ALL OF LOT 1 BLK 7 Unassigned 'I'ItACT B REG LAND SURVEY 327 & IN SD ROBERTSONS ADD A TRACT OF LAND LYING N OF PROSPECT TERRACE & SLY OF TOE OF CLIFF ACROSS BLKS 160 8 9& EX E 8 FT; LOT 5& LOTS 6 7& LOT 8 BLK 7 Unassigned 120 P1aYo Blvd. W 30 Plato Blvd. W 200 Wabasha 5t. S. 206 Wabasha St. S. A TRACT OF LAND LY1NG N OF PROSPECT TERRACE & SLY OF TOE OF CLIFF ACROSS EX E 8.5 FT; LOT 2& LOT 2& ALL OFLOTS34&E8FTOFLOTSBLK7 LOT 4 BLK 1 LOT 1 BLK 1 VAC ST5 & ALLEY ACCRUAVG & SUBJ TO RELOCATED PLATO BLVD LOT 5 AND ALL OF LOTS 6 THRU LOT 9 BLK 169 VAC ST & ALLEY ACCRUING & N 50 FT OF LOT A CHANNEL ADD & IN SD ROBERTSONS ADD LOT 2 BLK 168 216 Wabasha St. S. VAC STS 8z ALLEY ACCRUlNG &"I'fIE FOL; LOTS 3& 4 BLK 168 ROBERTSONS ADD ALSO EX N SO FT LOT A& ALL OF LOT B OF CHANNEL ADD & IN WEST INDi3ST'RIAL PARK NO. 3 LOT 6 BLK I p rq'1 �- THIS PAGE HAS BEEN LEFT BLANK Ii�TEPiTIONALLY. IT IS THE SIGNATURE PAGE ACCOMPAiyYING GREEN SHEET IQO. 106979: "AN ORDINANCE 144Ei�IDING CHA.°TER 60 Or THE SAINT PAUL LEGZSLATIVE CODE PERTAINING � ZONING FOR THE CITY OF SAINT PAUI, AND THE ZQNI�IG MAPS THEREOE." ����I �������. . �� . �)il Requested by Department of: � Adoption Ce�ified by Co Planninct & Economic Develonment � ��`� � Form APProve y City Attoxney uncil-Secxetary � � " � ! V � G `� � � J/ � f � Approved by Mayor for Subm'ssion to Council Approved by Mayor: ➢ate �U �� "+� " � � ��� �--� Adopted by Council: Date ,� '"Q � ,c � L � � � Ip T � tn � N 7 � � � ,�� >. 67 (�6 LL � , N p U _ � �`�t � � �w�UUC.Z C� �il � (n J � ' �,.�' f ,�:: � v -�7 f � � � a � ,.__ - �•. -=A _:::; � ` � " � - .,t�U'. _ , �� / �y P� � � � � �' � F° � _ . . _ .'��:n.., .... .,�'� �� � d� ♦' �a _ - (Y,` . - ` _' � � 'q'. .. � � �`_:`` � ��� � � � \�\ - ' �-,� - ,, � � �` _ �- - - - -'. _:_ . _ � . � �.�,� .. 00 -q'I Y � � � ` `� � � ` �.4� � �� ��_4 /,,.. a � � � •' \ \`� � � � \ \ \`� a� c \ �\ �� �, ���\ ;, � �, _ ,.-'" � `� f:'. �. ; �% � �= Do - R1 i� I �-- � ,.,�� � \ \ ���� ���� ,� DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCII,: DATE IlVITIATED GREEN SHEET No.:106979 �Q � l�a` PED October 6, 2000 CQNTAGT PERSON & PHONE: [HIT�nvunTE mt'L7nLmA1'E LiiC�J TIlOTTl'p5021� ZE)E)-GS Ig � 1 DEPARTMEN'1' DIR. 4 CITYCOUNCII. M[JST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) �IGN ? CTTY ATTORNEY _ CTIY CLERK October 18 2000 F��rrcin�. sIIZV nm _ Firrnr�c�v. s�viACCrc NOiYIBER � FOR 3 MAYOR (OR ASST.) _ CIVIL SERVICE CObIIvIISSION ROiI'IYNG ORDER TOTAL # OF SIGNAT'IJRE PAGES I ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNAI'[JRE) ACITON REQi3ESTED: RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAI, SERVICE CONTRACTS MIJST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: A_ PLANNIlVG COMMISSION 1. Has tLis personlfirm ever worked under a contract for this depaztment? CIB COMIvIITTEE Yes No CML SERVICE COM�RSSION 2. Has this person/firtn ever bee� a c�ry employee? Yes No 3 Does this persodfirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current ciry employee? Yes No Explain aIl yes auswers on separate sheet aud attac6 to green sheet INITIAT'1NG PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTiJNITY (W ho, W hat, When, Where, W Ly): The Land Use Plan chapter of the Ciry's Comprehensive Plan calls for changes to the Zoning Code to support and promote the development of new mixed-use urban v111ages on lazge-scale redevelopment sites, including the creation of a new "urban village" zoning district. The Saint Paul on the Mississippi Development Framework and West Side Flats Development Strate� both call for the development of a new mixed-use urban village on the West Side Flats, roughly bounded by the Mississippi River, Robert Street, Wood Street and Wabasha Street. Tn fact, when the West Side Flats Development Strategy was endorsed by the City Council, the Council asked that staff prepare amendments to the Zoning Code to implement the vision of the Development Strategy. In response, the Pianning Commission initiated a 40-Acre Study in July 2000 to recommend Zoning Code amendments in two areas: 1) text amendments to create a new zoning district, OS-2, a medium-density, mixed-use district within a quarter mile of high-frequency transit routes; and 2) map amendments (rezonings) to facilitate the development of a mixed-use urban village on the West Side Flats. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED. The City will haue a new zoning district to encourage the development of mixed-use urban villages, and the West Side Flats will be appropriately zoned to be redeveloped as a mixed-use urban village. DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: �����1.��/ ��°� None. Q�i�� T T �3�1 --� �s ° ._.- `�„ �- T�.� DISADVAN7'AGESIFNOTAPPROVED; � . � The true integcation of land uses in an urban pattern, at medium densities; witTi°a sirong �public realm will be legally permitted on the West Side Flats. The City will finally have a regulatory tool to encourage the development and preservation ofmixed-use urban neighborhoods. TOTAL AMOUN'f OF TRANSACTION: $ NA COST/REVENUE BUDGETED: Ff7NDING SOORCE: ACTIVITY NUMBER: FiNANCIA.L INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) x��snarea�rcioa�si,nwoaf.res�sn«c J DNR WRTER Fax�651-296-OA45 Nov 1'00 17=18 P.02/03 00 -R�}" Minnesota Department of Natural Resources SOO t.afayztte Foad Sc Paid. Minnesota SSI55-00_ 651-296-4802 Fax 651-296-0445 steve.johnson@dn r.state.mn. us November1,2000 Lucy Thompson Department of Planning City of St. Paul 1300 City Hail Annex 25 W. Fourfh St. St. Paul, MN 55102 and Economic Development Re; West Side Flats Zoning Study Dear Ms. Thompson: In addition to our previous correspondence, please include this comment tetter as part of the public hearing record for today s public hearing. City staffs assertion in ari Oct. 30 memo tfiat DNR does not have jurisdiction is incorrect. The proposed OS-2 zoning would establish standards that, in the words of Minnesota Statutes 116G.07, "deai with or affect the area or areas so designated" Minnesota Rules, part 4410.9000 uses tfie phrase "p{ans and regulations to goverr4 the use of the criticaf area" The city clearly propases to use OS-2 zoning to affect regulation of land within the Mississippi Critical Area, and therefore that proposed action is subject to DNR review and approval before it can take effect. The city staff concludes DNR has jurisdiction with respect to Chapter 65. Chapter 65 includes references to the underfying zoning district as part and parcei of the river corridor standards. :Changes to those underfying districts c{early need DNR approval. The city's proposed action would rezone rivercorridor-titled zoning districtsto OS-2, clearly changing development standards in the river corridor. That cannot occur without DNR approval. : The proposed rezoning appears inconsistentwith the city's state-approved St Paul Critical Area Plan. A plan amendment wi31 be required, and must be approvsd by DNR. The ciiy staff inemorandum also misunderstands our previous comment on use of the terms "structure" and "building." Our comments were specifically geared to the cit�s DNRInt'ormaGon:651-296-6]57 • I-8S8-646G3G7 • T1Y:651-296-548a • 1-800-b57-3929 M E9uil OppotNnilY L•mD�q'u W!ro valuts Di�tniry �� Prinroa on Fecycled Pepa Comain�ny a AAinimufn 0110% PoSbCrnsutnef Waste DNR WATER Fax=651-296-0445 Nov 1'00 17�19 P.03/03 vo—g�� zoningcodedefinitions. Useoffheterm"structure"ismorecomprehensivethan"buiiding," which requires a roof and wails. The city is creating a potentia( Ioophole it should not create. {f the city adopts fhis proposed ordinance, eithes intact or with amendments, pfease transmit it to us so we can begin our formal review. Sincerely, 1, I; ��-- Steve Johnson, Community Stewardship Supervisor Water Management Section, DNR Waters ca CommissionerAfien Garber Kim Bonde, CMO Steve Morse, CM0 Kent Lokkesmoe, Waters John Linc Stine, Watera Sandy Fecht, Waters Daie Homuth, Region 6 Molly Shodeen, Region 6 Kristina SmiBen, Metropofitan Council Richard ThomQson, Metropolitan Counci� Kate.Hanson, National Park Service Nancy Duncan, Nationai Park Service oa-`l�r CTTY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayar DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: October 6, 2000 390 City Hal[ IS West Kellogg Boulevard Saint P¢ul, MN55102 Telephone: 65I-266-8510 Facsimile: 651-228-8513 Council President Dan B strom an embers of the Saint Paul City Council Mayor Norm Coleman City-Wide Mixed-Use i3rban Village Zoning and West Side Flats 40-Acre Zoning Study I am attaching for your consideration the Planning Commission's reconunendations regarding the City-Wide Mixed-Use Urban Village Zoning and West Side Flats 40-Acre Zoning Study. A copy of the memo the Chair of the Comxnission sent to me is attached for your information and background. I think this memo very clearly explains the impetus behind the 40- Acre Study, the key recommendations of the study and their relationship to the Saint Paui Comprehensive Plan, West Side Flats Development Strategy and Saint Paul on the Mississippi Development Framework. I concur with the Planning Commission's findings and recommendations, and encourage the City Council to adopt the recommendations of the City-Wide Mixed-Use Urban Village Zoning and West Side Flats 40-Acre Zoning Study. Thank you. Attachments PLAiWi ING COMMISSION CTTY OF SAIlVT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: October 6, 2000 G[adys Morton, Chair 25 West Fourth St�eet Soint Ppu(, MN 55702 Mayor Norm Coleman Gladys Morton, Chair, Saint Paul Planning Commission � Qp_al�? a— Telephane: 651-266-6565 Facsimile: 657-228d374 City-Wide Mixed-Use Urban Village Zoning and West Side Flats 40-Acre Zoning Study BACKGROUND When the Saint Paul City Council endorsed the West Side Flats Development Strategy in January 2000, it asked PED staff to recommend to the Planning Commission changes to the Zoning Code, where needed, to implement the Development Strategy's vision. In addition, implementation of the vision of the Saint PauZ on the Mississippi Development Framework requires some changes to the Zoning Code in order to encourage and facilitate the transformation of downtown and central riverfront redevelopment sites into a series of mixed-use urban villages. Further, with the recent announcement by U.S. Bancorp of its choice as the West Side Flats for a client services center, and the City's interest in seeing residenfial and related uses developed at the same time, we aze now clearer about the zoning barriers currently keeping us from realizing that goal, and what changes are needed to have the West Side Flats urban village comply with the Development Strategy and Development Framework. Finally, the Land Use Plan chapter of the City's Comprehensive Plan calls for Zoning Code amendments to support new urban villages on large-scale redevelopment sites, and to preserve and enhance existing urban villages city-wide. For a11 of these reasons, on July 14, 2000, the Saint Paul Planning Commission initiated the City- Wide Mixed-Use Urban Village Zoning and West Side Flats 40-Acre Zoning Study. Minnesota State Statutes allow Saint Paul to amend its Zoning Code (text and map) without the otherwise- required written consent of the owners of two-thirds of the real estate within 100 feet of the affected parcels if two conditions are met: 1) the area to be considered for rezoning is at least 40 acres in size; and 2) the number of parcel descriptions affected by the changes renders the obtaining of written consent impractical. The Planning Commission determined that these two conditions were met for the portion of the West Side Flats covered by the West Side Flats Development Strategy (i.e. the azea between Robert Street, Plato Boulevard, Wabasha Street and the Mississippi River) and an additional set of pazcels on the periphery of this area where zoning is currently inconsistent with existing or proposed 1and use. DO Mayor Norm Coleman October 6, 2000 Page Two THE 40-ACRE STUDY The City-Wide Mixed-Use Urban Village Zoning and West Side Flats 40-Acre Zoning Study proposes changes to both the text and map of the Zoning Code. The proposed text changes are attached and include: Creation of a new zoning district, OS-2 General Office-Service District. This zoning district would provide for a mix of commercial and multi-family residential uses at medium densities, and would be available for application city-wide. It would allow the types of uses typically found in mixed-use urban villages within a quarter mile of high-frequency transit service, at higher densities than are allowed in the most of the other (non-downtown) commercial districts. Changes to the list o1' permitted uses in the OS-2, B-1, B-2 and B-3 districts to make better sense of the hierarchy of zoning districts, in light of the new OS-2 district. The Planning Commission has long felt that some permitted uses and special condition uses should be first allowed in lower-density commercial districts. A key change here is the allowance of 100% multi-family residential stnxctures in the OS-1 and OS-2 districts. 3. Gramraatical changes that improve the flow and comprehensibility of the code, without signi�icantly changing its content. The proposed map changes (i.e. rezonings) are attached and include: 4. Rezoning of several parcels to implement the West Side Flats Development Strategy, the Saint Paul on tl:e Mississippi Development Framework and the Land Use Plan. The 40-Acre Study recommends rezoning most of the RCR-1 and all of the KCI-1 parcels between the Mississippi River and Plato Boulevard to OS-2. The RCGl parcels along Wabasha Street north of Plato Boulevazd are proposed to be rezoned to OS-2. Roughly half of the T-1 zoned land south of Plato Boulevard is recommended for rezoning to B-3 or OS-2, with the exception ofparcels between Wabasha and Robert streets currently being used for industrial purposes (which are proposed to remain T-1). Rezonings are not being proposed outside of the West Side Flats area at this time. A draft set of recommendations was released by the Planning Commission on August I 1, 2000. A community meeting sponsored by the West Side Citizens Organization (WSCO) was held on August 28, 2000 to discuss the proposed Zoning Code changes, answer questions and receive comments. The Planning Commission held its public hearing on September 22, 2000, at which WSCO and a few affected property owners from the West Side spoke. We believe the 40-Acre Study recommendations being forwarded by the Planning Commission to you and the City � -q�ta- Mayor Norm Coleman October 6, 2000 Page Three Council address the regulatory issues necessary to implement the Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan, the West Side FZats Development Strategy and the Saint Paul on the Mississippi Development Framework, as well as the concerns raised by potentially affected property owners on the West Side Fiats. RECOMMENDATION The Saint Paul Planning Commission recommends that you forward the attached City-Wide Mixed-Use Urban Village Zoning and West Side Flats 40-Acre Zoning Study to the City Council for adoption. Attachments 245 � Manufacturin�of small rorecision goods such as dental sur ical or oprical eoods or electronic 246 assemblies. alone with li¢ht assembly�packagine and distribution activities. 247 � Other uses s'unilar to the above uses. 248 �9,� Accessorv buildin�s. structures and uses as defined in section 60.201. 249 10 Carria�e house dwellin�s, provided that a maximum of one carria¢e house dwelling shall be 250 allowed Qer pI'lllCl dwelline unit. 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 secfion 60.514(5 a. through h. � Accessor�buildin ,s, structures and uses customarily incident to the above uses. 0 0 -`�'� �' Business Districts / OS-2 Mised-Use Urban Village Zoning Text Amendments 6 October 2000 DRAFT ARTICLE II_ DEFIlViTIONS Sec. 60.203. C. .• . -.,. - . .: : :: . .. : . :. � .. : :. :: . : • : : . : : : :� � Sec. 60.204. D. Dwelling, multiple family. A building, or portion thereof, designed exclusively for occupancy by three (3) or more families living independently of each other in individual dwelling units. Dwelling, townhouse. A one-family dwelling unit, with a private entrance, which is part of a stmcture whose dwelling units are attached horizontally in a linear arrangement, and having a totally exposed front and rear wall to be used for access, light and ventilation. Dwelline carriaoe house. An accessorv dwelling above a detached �azaQe. Dwelling unit. A building, or portion thereof, designed for occupancy by one family for residential purposes used or intended to be used for living, sleeping and cooking or eating purposes. ARTICLE TII. DISTRICT USES AND REGULATIONS Aivision 2. 60.400. Residential Districts Subdivision 2. 60.410. R-1 through R-4 One-Family Xesidential Districts Sec. 60.413. Principal uses perznitted subject to special conditions. (14) A carriage house �merrt dwellina in an accessory building subject to the following conditions. a. The building planned for use as a carriage house aparinrerrt dwelling had space ori�inally built to house domestic employees. b. The applicant shall obtain a petition signed by two-thirds of the property owners within one hundred (100) feet of the applicant's property line consenting to the carriage house ap�rEmer�t dwelline. Business Districts / OS-2 Urban Village Zoning Text Amendments Page 2 6 October 2000 D R A F T �� _°1'17 a The applicant shall not reduce the number of existing off-street parking spaces on the property and shall also provide additional off-street pazking as required for the carriage house apar�neat dwelline. A site plan and a building plan shall be submitted to the planning commission at the time of application. Carriage house aparhnents dwellings are exceptions to one (1) main building per zoning lot requirements. Division 3. 60.500. Business Districts Subdivision 1. 60.510. OS-1 Local Office_Service District Sec. 60.511. Intent. The OS-1 Local Office-Service District is intended to accommodate various types of office and service uses performing administrative, professional and personal services and to serve as a transitional use between the more intensive uses of land such as major thoroughfazes or commercial districts and the less intensive uses of land such as one-family residential. (Code 1956, §§ 60.471; C.F. No. 96-694, §§ 6, 7-10-96) Sec. 60.512. Principal uses permitted. In an OS-1 Local Office-Service District the use of land, the location and erection of new buildings or structures, and the alteration, enlargement and moving of existing buildings or structures from other locations or districts shall conform to the following specified uses, unless otherwise provided in this code: (1) Executive, � administrative and nonprofit orsanization offices. (2) Business offices such as, but not limited to, insurance offices, real estate offices, banks. loan companies, savings and loan associations, and sales offices. (3) Professional offices such as, but not limited to, medical offices, including medical clinics and medical laboratories; massage centers; offices of engineers, architects and accountants; auditing, bookkeeping, and legal offices; and studios of artists and photographers. � Service businesses �rovidin services on the premises, such as, but not limited to, photocopyinG reoair shops (watches, shoes, etcJ, tailor shops, beauty parlors and barbershovs. (5) Family day care, group family day caze and group day care. Business Districts J OS-2 i3rban Village Zoning Text Amendments Page 3 6 October 2000 D R A F T �_q'1 � (6) Churches, synagogues, temples and other similaz houses of worship; convents. rectories and pazsonaees• elementary,junior hieh and hieh schools� dance schools• business schools• nonacademic colleaes or trade schools operated for a profit; libraries, parks and community recreational facilities. � ColleQes universities and seminaries and other such institutions of higher learnin�, �ublic and private offerina courses in „�eeneral technical or relieious education and not �erated for profit; �rovided, that: a. Dormitories or other �roup student housine shall not be permitted within the district; b. When an institution is established in the district, the institution shall be requixed to nrovide the minimum number of off-street pazki� spaces for em�lovees staff or students as set forth in sectian 62.103(e). The institution shall be required to �rovide additional parkin�spaces only when the minimum number of parking s�aces will have to be increased due to a more than ten (101 �ercent or three hundred (3001 gain in the total number of emplovees, staff or students, whichever is less. Thereafter additional parkin,g spaces will have to be provided for each subsequent �ain of more than ten (10) oercent or three hundred (300) in the total number of emplovees, staff or students and c. To determine compliance with parkine requirements in item b. above, the institution must file an annual re�ort with the plannin�administrator statin�the number of emplovees, staff and students associated with the institution. (�8� Multiple familv dwellines. and mixed residential and commercial a€fice-sc�-viae uses subject to the following condiuons: a. Commercial uses shall be limited to those otl�erwise permitted 'an this the district; b. First floor space ori inallv desi ned and built for a nonresidential pu�ose shall not be used for a residential �urpose. � . Foster homes and freestanding foster care homes. � ar Human service-licensed community residential facillties for sixteen (16) or fewer facility residents subject to the condition that they are at least one thousand three hundred twenty (1,320) radial feet from another similar facility. �.�..� . : : :. .. . . . . .. . . . . . . ($� Cellular telephone antennas located on an existing structure, subject to the following conditions: Business Districts / OS-2 Urban Village Zoning Text Amendments Paae 4 6 October 2000 D R A F T r� '� �p.9 a. The antennas shall not extend more than fifteen (15) feet above the structural height of the structure to which they aze attached. b. Antennas located in historic districts or on historic buildings shall be subject to the review and approval of the heritaae preservation commission. c. Antennas on lattice towers may be laterally supported by the tower. d. Transmitting, receiving and switching equipment shall be housed within an existing structure whenever possible. If a new equipment building is necessary, it shall be pernutted and regulated as an accessory building, section 62.106, and screened from view by landscaping where appropriate. � Qther uses similar to the above uses. (9� Accessory buildings, structures and uses as defined in section 60.201. (Code 1956, §§ 60.472; Ord. No. 16913, 4-27-82; Ord. No. 17204, 1-15-85; C.F. No. 93-1718, §§§§ 28--31, 12-14-93; C.F. No. 95-472, §§ 2, 5-31-95; C.F. No. 95-557, §§ 2, 6-14-95; C.F. No. 95-1444, §§ 2, 1-17-96; C.F. No. 96-694, §§ 6, 7-10-96; C.F. No. 97-565, §§ 6, 6-11-97; C.F. No. 99-750, §§ 2, 9-1-99) Sec. 60.513. Required conditions. The following conditions shall be required of all uses in the OS-1 Local Office Service District: Except for off-street parking or loading, all business, storage, servicing or processing shall be conducted within completely enclosed buildings. (C.F. No. 92-1479, §§ 3, 12-15-92; C.F. No. 95-1444, §§ 2, 1-17-96; C.F. No. 96-694, §§ 6, 7- 10-96) Sec. 60.514. Principal uses permitted subject to special conditions. The following additional uses shall be pernutted, subject to the conditions hereinafter imposed for each use and subject to the standards specified for all special condition uses as set forth in section 64.300(e�. All principal uses pernutted subject to special conditions shall be reviewed and approved by the planning commission. {�� Publicly owned buildin�s; public utiliYV buildinas: telephone exchange buildings• water and sewage pumping stations;; but not including storage yards, transformer stations, substations, or gas regulator stations. � Railroad right-of-wav, but not includine terminal freight facilities, transfer and storage tracks. (3) Hospices serving sixteen (16) or fewer facility residents. Business Districts / OS-2 Urban Village Zoning Text Amendments Page 5 6 October 2000 D R A F T aa-91a (4) Shelters for battered persons or transitional housing serving sixteen (16) or fewer facility residents, provided they are not located in a glanning district in which one (1) percent or more of tt�e population lives in licensed human service community residential facilities, licensed conectional community residential facilities, healtb department-licensed community residential facilities, transitional housing, shelters for battered persons, emergency housing or overnight shelters. �� . : . . : : : . : : . . .. . . . : : . �� n�:ri� n.:i�.� a:�•.r wiii��w nr" n�•aau�wien�naai�aiir+�niina�am����r�.�i�unniii:i • - • - 'i �-- i - • �r�"i - i • : ' '� � '� i • • : - - • - "i � � i i • ��" -� •"- • - •" • - i " G •i • :� �G •' • ' - -• i• • - - •• iii : • • •"" i � - • - - � ' • • • i - • ' - i i - - - i • - - i i • i i • ' �• i - i - i " i "� - ' •�" ' n "i •" i i •�i •• i" i • ��- • - - i � ' •• - � - • i�" • i�i -� i " '- - • •• - - • � G '� • • " " • • � ' � ' ' "i �i� i i• (6� Cellular telephone antennas located on a freestanding pole, subject to the following conditions: a. The applicant demonstrates that the proposed antennas cannot be accommodated on an existing freestanding pole, an existing residential structure at least sixty (60) feet high, an existing institutional use structure, or a business building within one- half ('/z) mile radius of the proposed antennas due to one (1) or more of the following reasons: 1. The planned equipment would exceed the structural capacity of the existing pole or structure. 2. The planned equipment would cause interference with other existing or planned equipment on the pole or structure. 3. The planned equipment cannot be accommodated at a height necessary to function reasonably. 4. The owner of the existing pole, structure or building is unwilling to co-locate an antenna. Business Districts / OS-2 Urban Village Zoning Text Amendments Page b 6 October 2000 D R A F T ac-�t� b. The freestanding pole shall not exceed seventy-five (75) feet in height, uniess the applicant demonstrates that the surrounding topography, structures, or veaetarion renders a seventy-five-foot pole impractical. Freestanding poles may exceed the above height limit by twenty-five (25) feet if the pole is designed to carry two (2) antennas. c. Antennas shall not be located in a required front or side yard and shall be set back one (1) times the height of the antenna plus ten (10) feet from the nearest residential structure. d. The antennas shall be designed where possible to blend into the surrounding environment through the use of color and camouflaging architectural treatment. Drawings or photographic perspectives showing the pole and antennas shall be provided to the planning commission to determine compliance with this provision. e. Antennas located in historic districts shall be subject to the review and approval of the heritage preservation commission. f. Freestanding poles shall be a monopole design. g. Transmitting, receiving and switching equipment shall be housed within an existing structure whenever possible. If a new equipment building is necessary, it shall be permitted and regulated as an accessory building, section 62.106, and shall be screened from view by landscaping where appropriate. The zoning lot on which the pole is located shall be within contiguous property with �enet�OS-1 or less restrictive zonin and at least one (1) acre in area. (Code 1956, §§ 60.473; Ord. No. 16913, 4-27-82; Ord. No. 16956, 9-9-82; Ord. No. 17039, 7-7- 83; Ord. No. 17204, 1-15-85; Ord. No. 17845, §§ 22, 6-27-91; Ord. No. 17894, §§ 1, 12-3-91; C.F. No. 92-1479, §§ 3, 12-15-92; C.F. No. 93-1718, §§ 32, 12-14-93; C.F. No. 95-1444, §§ 2, 1-17-96; C.F. No. 96-694, §§ 6, 7-10-96; C.F. No. 97-565, §§ 7, 6-11-97; C.F. No. 99-750, §§ 2, 9-1-99) Sec. 60.515. Area, bulk, and setback requirements. See Chapter 61, Schedule of Regulations, limiting the height and bulk of buildings, the minimum size of lot permitted by land use, and providing minimum yard setback requirements. (Code 1956, §§ 60.474; C.F. No. 96-694, §§ 6, 7-10-96) Business Districts / OS-2 L7rban Village Zoning Text Amendments 6 October 2000 D R A F T Stcbdivision 2. 60.520. OS-2 General Office-Service District Sec. 60.521. Intent. Page 7 �p_q�a- The OS-2 General Office-Service District is intended to provide for develogment of compact. �edestrian-orienCed urban villages with a diverse mix of commercial residential, civic and recreational uses located within a quarter mile of hieh-freguency transit service. Sec. 60.522. Principal uses nermitted. In an OS-2 General Office-Service District the use of ]and. the location and erection of new buildin�s or structures and the alteration enlareement and movine of existine buildings or stzuctures from other locations or districts shall conform to the followin�specified uses, unless otherwise provided in this code: � All orincipal uses permitted and uses �ermitted sub,�ect to special conditions and as re�ulated in the OS-1 District exceot cellular telephone antennas located on a freestandine pole. �2] Post offices and similar eovernmental offices. �3� Retail businesses that supplv commodities on the premises such as but not limited to eroceries meats dairv Droducts baked aoods or other foods, drues, dry Poods, clothing and notions hardware books stationerv and plants with up to 10 000 square feet of eross floor area. � � Eatine and liquor-licensed establishments exceot drive-in or fast-food restaurants. Hotels and hosp�tals. � Drv cleanin�establishments or pickup stations dealine directiv with the customer and self-service laundries and drv cleaners. Central drV cleanin�plants servicing more than one (1) retail ouflet are Qrohibited. � � � Manufacturina of small precision goods such as dental su�ical or optical goods or electronic assemblies, alona with li6ht assembly�packasing and distribution activities. Other uses similar to the above uses. Accessory buildinss, structures and uses as defined in section 60.201. 10 CarriaQe house dwellings orovided that a maximum of one carriaae house dwellin sQ hall be allowed per �rincipal dwelline unit. 11 Above around �kina buildinas not exceedine forty-five (45) feet in hei� Business Districts / OS-2 Urban Village Zoning Text Amendments Page 8 6 October 2000 D R A F T Oo -q� a Sec. 60.523. Reguired conditions. The followine conditions shall be rec�uired of all uses in the OS-2 General Office-Service District: � Except for off-street parkinQ or loadine all business storaee, servicinF OT processin� shall be conducted within completely enclosed buildin�s. � The scale massine and materials of buildi�s shall be comnatible with adjacent structures in the district. The base, middle and top of buildin� shall be azchitecturallv delineated. � The exterior surface of buildings shall be articulated with vertical elements. Windows, doors and other buildine openin�s shall be squaze or vertical in provortion The first floor shall be articulated with windows entrances, etc. that relate to the scale of a pedestrian at street level. � Roof-top mechanical systems, service equioment and head hous_es for elevators and stairs shall be enclosed and not visible from public riQhts-of-way. � Parkine shall be provided underaround (below-grade) or to the rear of buildings. Access to oarkinQ shall be at the rear or interior of the lot to the preatest extent possible. Garaee doars for under round parkine may face the street but shall be as unobtrusive and pedestrian-friendly as possible. � In river corridor overlay districts, the Citv's river corridor standazds and criteria (section 65.400) shall be met. Sec. 60.524. Principal uses subiect to snecial conditions. The followine additional uses shall be permitted subject to the conditions hereinafter imposed for each and subject to the standards specified for all special condition uses as set forth in section 64 300(d) All principal uses pernutted subject to soecial conditions shall be reviewed and ap�roved bv the plannine commission. � Retail businesses that su�plv commodities on the premises as allowed in the OS-2 district section 60.522(2), with more than 10.000 square feet of �?ross floor area. � Buildings over six (6) stories or sixty-five (65) feet in heioht whichever is less, subject to the followin� conditions: a. Views and vistas from �ublic riahts-of-way and open spaces shall be retained. esoeciallv between the bluffs and the river and between the river valley floor and the bluffs. Ap�licants shall provide the planning commission an analysis includina site plans and perspective drawines, showing how the buildines will affect views. b. No building shall exceed eieht (81 stories or one-hundred (10�) feet in heieht, whichever is less. �, Above-eround parkina buildings over forty-five (451 feet in height, subject to the condition that no such building shall exceed sixty-five (65) feet in height. Business Districts / OS-2 Urban Viilage Zoning Text Amendments Page 9 6 October 2000 D R A F T Oo-9' � Cellular telephone antennas located on a freestanding �ole as reeulated in the OS-1 district, section 60.514(5)a. through h. � Accessory buildin�s structures and uses customarilv incident to the above uses. Sec. 60.525. Area, bulk and setback requirements. See chapter 61 Schedule of Reeulations, limitine the hei¢ht and bulk of buildines, the minimum size of lot bypernutted land use and providine minimum vard setback requirements. Subdivision �3. 60.5�30. B-1 Local Buszness Distrtct Sec. 60.5�31. Intent. The B-1 Loca1 Business District is intended to permit those uses as are necessary to satisfy the basic convenience shopping or service needs of persons residing in nearby residential areas. (Code 1956, §§ 60.481) Sec. 60.5�32. Principal uses permitted. In a B-1 Local Business District the use of land, the location and erection of new buildings or structures, and the alteration, enlargement and moving of existing buildings or structures from other locations or districts shall conform to the following specified uses, unless otherwise provided an tbis code: (1) All principal uses permitted and uses pernutted subject to special conditions and as regulated in the OS-1 District, except residential uses and cellular telephone antennas located on a freestanding pole. (2) Retail businesses whiel� that supply commodities on the premises, such as, but not limited to, groceries, meats, dairy products, baked goods or other foods, drugs, dry goods, clothing and notions, hardware, books, stationery, plants, carry-out restaurants and hobby supplies. > , , sehaelr > > (�� Dry cleaning establishments, or pickup stations, dealing directly with the consumer, and self-service laundries and drv cieaners. Central dry cleaning plants servicing more than one (1) retail outlet are prohibited. Business Districts 1 OS-2 Urban Village Zoning Text Amendments Page 10 6 October 2000 D R A F T f�3----B�I�s- (6� Post office and similar govemmental office buildings, � b � (�5� Other uses similar to the above uses. ($G� Mixed residential and commercial uses subject to the following conditions: 0�-91� a. Residential uses are limited to not more than fifty (50) percent of the basement and first floor. The entire upper floors may be used for residential use. At least fifty (50) percent of the basement and first floor shall be devoted to a principal use pernutted in this district, except residential use. b. Residential uses may be occupied by foster homes, freestanding foster care homes, or human service-licensed communitY residential facilities for sixteen (16) or fewer facility residents subject to the condition that they are at least one thousand three hundred twenty (1,320) radial feet from another similar facility. . . . . � . :. :: . . . :. : . . . : (97) Accessory buildings, structures and uses as defined in section 60.201. (Code 1956, §§ 60.482; Ord. No. 16913, 4-27-82; Ord. No. 17204, 1-15-85; Ord. No. 17689, §§ 3, 10-26-89; C.F. No. 93-1718, §§§§ 33--35, 12-14-93; C.F. No. 93-1815, §§ 6, 1228-93; C.F. No. 95-472 §§ 3, 5-31-95; C.F. No. 96-694, §§ 7, 7-10-96; C.F. No. 97-565, §§ 8, 6-11-97; C.F. No. 99-750, §§ 3, 9-1-99) Sec. 60.5�33. Required conditions. The following conditions shail be required of all uses in the B-1 Local Business District: (1) All business establishments shall be retail or service establishments dealing directly with customers. All goods produced on the premises shall be sold at retail on the premises where produced. (2) Except for off-street parking or loading, all business, storage, servicing or processing shall be conducted within completely enclosed buildings. (Code 1956, §§ 60.483; C.F. No. 92-1479, §§ 4, 12-15-92) Business Districts / OS-2 Urban Village Zoning Text Amendments Page 11 6 October 2000 D R A F T Sec. 60.5�34. Principal uses permitted subject to special conditions. � 0 - g The following additional uses shall be pertnitted, subject to the conditions hereinafter imposed for each use and subject to the standards specified for all special condition uses as set forth in section 64300(e1�. All principal uses permitted subject to special conditions shail be reviewed and approved by the planning commission. � Multiple familv dwellines and mixed residential and commercial uses, subject to the followin� conditions: a. The pronosed use ispart of a redevelo ment proiect pr000sed b�public a�encv as the applicant or done in accordance with a specific plan pertainine to the �roposed use which s�ecific �lan has been ap_proved bv the citk b. Commercial uses shall be limited to those otherwise permitted in the district which do not require a separation distance from residentially zoned or occu ied nropertv. (}2) , , Electric transformer stations and substations; gas regulator stations with service yards, but without storage yards, . �.�..�.s . . .. . .. . : . . . : - : .: : . : . : :. . : . . � . : : . . : . . : : .... : . . : � . : - . . - . . . . . : . . : .. - : .. : . : :. _ : . • (53� Cellular telephone antennas located on a freestanding pole, as regulated in the OS-1 district, section 60.514(6)a. through g. (6� Accessory buildings, structures and uses customarily incident to the above permitted uses. (Code 1956, §§ 60.484; Ord. No. 16956, 9-9-82; Ord. No. 17039, 7-7-83; Ord. No. 17845, §§ 23, 6-27-91; Ord. No. 17894, §§ 2, 12-3-91; C.F. No. 93-1718, §§§§ 36, 37, 12-14-93; C.F. No. 93- 1815, §§ 7, 12-28-93; C.F. No. 97-565, §§ 9, 6-11-97; C.F. No. 99-750, §§ 3, 9-1-99) Sec. 60.5�35. Area, bulk and setback requirements. See Chapter 61, Schedule of Regulations, limiting the height and bulk of buildings, the minimum size of lot by permitted land use, and providing minimum yud setback requirements. Business Districts i OS-2 Z3rban Village Zoning Text Amendments Page 12 6 Octoberber2000 D R A F T 80 -°���' Sacbdivision 34. 60.5�40. B-2 Community Business District Sec. 60.5341. Intent. The B-2 Community Business District is intended to serve the needs of a consumer population larger than that served by the "L.ocal Business District," and is generally chazacterized by a cluster of establishments generating lazge volumes of vehiculaz and pedestrian traffic. (Code 1956, §§ 60.491) Sec. 60.5342. Principal uses permitted. In a B-2 Community Business District the use of land, the location and erection of new buildings or structures, and the alteration, enlargement and moving of existing buildings or structures from other locations or districts shall conform to the following specified uses unless otherwise provided in this code: (1) All principal uses as pemutted and as regulated in a B-1 District. (2) All retail business, service establishments or processing uses as follows: a. Any retail business whose principal activity is the sale of inerchandise in an enclosed building. b. Any service establishment ', housin an office, showroom or workshop rrxttire of a contractor (including, but not limited to, plumbing, heating, air conditioning, electrical, mechanical), decorator, dressmaker, tailar, baker, painter, upholsterer, a radio, television or home appliance repair business, pliateeepyiss�,�rce� or similar service establishments. c. Private clubs, fraternal organizations, liquor licensed establishments and lodge halls. d. Restaurants and fast-food restaurants when incorporated within a multi-use retail center and which do not provide drive-through window service. e. Theaters, assembly halls, auction halls, bingo halls, concert halls, reception halls or similar places of assembly when conducted completely within enclosed buildings. f. Veterinarv clinics without boazding (except for medical proceduresl: tattoo azP lors. Business Districts / OS-2 Urban Village Zoning Text Amendments Page 13 6 October 2000 D R A F T 0 n - ° : : , :. : : . . . ... . . .. . .. .. . . .. . . . . .. . :. , . : . ... .: .. . . . . .: . . : .: . :. : :. .• : � . . . : . .,. .. : ... : .: . . . C . : . :. : : .:• :�. . .. . .: : . . . . : .:,. . . . : .. : : . . . : OC -. . . . : ..• : .. .. : . �. . :. .: . : ,. :. . . 0 . : . : : 0: : . . . :. : . : : . . . . :. .. • . . . -. : . . . .: . . . : . . ixg. Mail order houses. ih. Healthlsport clubs, conversation/rap pazlors, massage parlors and steam room/bathhouse facilities which are not adult uses. ji. Food catering establishments. , � �i. Brew on premises stores as regulated by Minnesota State laws. mk. Coffee kiosks. nl. Fully enclosed auto sales when incorporated within a multi-use retail center. (3) Recycling drop-off station; provided, that the facility: a. 3ha11 not occupy an area more than two hundred (200) square feet and shall not interfere with pazking and maneuvering requirements of the principal use; b. Shall be screened pursuant to section 62.107 if it abuts a residential use or district; a Shall be set back at least ten (10) feet from any property line and shall not obstruct pedestrian or vehicular circulation; and d. Shall be maintained free of litter and other undesirable materials. Business Districts ! OS-2 Urban Village Zoning Text Amendments Page 14 6 October 2000 D R A F T Oo- q��' (4) Cunency exchange business when located at least one hundred (lOQ) feet from any residential lot in a residential district or at least one hundred (100) feet from any residential lot occupied with a one-, two-, three-, four-, townhouse, or multiple-family dwelling, measured from the closest point of the building in which the husiness is located to the closest residential property line. (5) Other uses similar to the above uses. (6) Accessory building, structures and uses as defined an section 60.201. (Code 1956, §§ 60.492; Ord. No. 16956, 9-9-82; Ord. No. 17204, 1-15-85; Ord. No. 17524, §§ 12, 1-6-88; Ord. No. 17564, §§ 7, 5-19-88; Ord. No. 17611, §§§§ 1, 2, 11-3-88; Ord. No. 17646, §§ 6, 4-6-89; Ord. No. 17689, §§ 4, 10-26-89; Ord. No. 17777, 10-11-90; C.F. No. 93-1718, §§ 38, 12-14-93; C.F. No. 94-1863, §§ 2, 1-18-95; C.F. No. 96-77, §§ 2, 2-14-96; C.F. No. 96-1342, §§ 2, 11-13-96; C.F. No. 97-1089, §§§§ 2, 3,10-i-97) Sec. 60.5343. Required conditions. The following conditions shall be required of all uses in the B-2 Community Business District: (1) All business establishments shall be retail or service establishments dealing directly with consumers. All goods provided on the premises shall be sold at retail on the premises where produced. (2) All business, storage, servicing or processing shall be conducted within completely enclosed buildings. Provided, however, that the following uses may be conducted outdoors if specifically allowed as a permitted use or special condition use: Off-street parking, off-street loading or outdoor businesses and outdoor businesses with outdoor storage. (Code 1956, §§ 60.493; C.F. No. 92-1479, §§ 5, 12-15-92) Sec. 60.5344. Principal uses permitted subject to special conditions. The following additional uses shall be permitted, subject to the standards specified for all special condition uses as set forth in section 64300(e�. All principal uses pernutted subject to special conditions shall be reviewed and approved by the planning commission. (1) All uses as permitted and regulated in the B-1 Local Business District under principal uses permitted subject to special conditions. Sec. 60.5345. Area, bulk and yard setback requirements. See Chapter 61, Schedule of Regulations, limiting the height and bulk of buildings, the minimum size of lot permitted by land use, the maximum density pernutted, and providing minimum yard setback requirements. (Code 1956, §§ 60.495) Business Districts ( OS-2 Urban Village Zoning Text Amendments Page 15 6 October 2000 D R A F T Subdzvision �S. 60.5�50. B-2C Community Business (Converted) District Sec. 60.5�51. Intent. 00-°l'1� It is the intent of the B-2C Community Business (Converted) District to create a business district expressly for existing residential structures in commercial areas, which will permit the operation of businesses which do not generate large amounts of traffic and at the same time will retain the visual character of the building forms and open space associated with residential uses. This includes a limited height on buildings and front and side yards. It is further the intent of this district to provide parking for employees who work in buildings which aze converted from residential to business use. (Ord. No. 17062, 10-20-83) Sec. 60.5�52. Principal uses permitted. Sec. 60.5�53. Required conditions. The following conditions shall be required of all uses in the B-2C Community Business (Converted) District: Sec. 60.5�54. Principal uses permitted subject to special conditions. The following additional uses shall be permitted, subject to the conditions hereinafter imposed for each use and subject to the standards specified for all special condition uses as set forth in section 64.300(e�. All principal uses pernutted subject to special conditions shall be reviewed and approved by the planning commission. Sec. 60.5�55. Area, bulk, and yard setback requirements. Business Districts / OS-2 Urban Village Zoning Text Amendments Page 16 6 October 2000 D R A F T Subdivision �6. 60.5�60. B-3 General Business District 00-9�� Sec. 60.5461. Intent. The B-3 General Business District is intended to provide sites for more diversified types of businesses than those in the B-1 and g-2 Business Districts, and is intended for location, along major traffic arteries or adjacent to the Community Business Districts. (Code 1956, §§ 6Q.501) Sec. 60.5$62. Principal uses permitted. In a B-3 General Business District, the use of land, the location and erection of new buildings or structures, and the altezation, enlargement and moving of existing buildings or stnzctures from oYher locations or districts shall conform to the following specified uses, unless otherwise provided in this code: (1) All principal uses pernutted and uses pernutted subject to special conditions and as regulated in OS-1, B-1, and B-2 Districts, except auto service stations, auto convenience markets, �$ licensed coirectional community residential facilities, health department-licensed community residential facilities and emergency housing, pawn shops when the business is conducted within completely enclosed buildings, and cellulaz telephone antennas located on a freestanding pole. (12) Hospitals: veterinary clinics with boazding. Sec. 60.5463. Required conditions. The following conditions shall be required of all uses in the B-3 General Business District: All business, storage, servicing or processing shall be conducted within completely enclosed buildings. Provided, however, that the following uses may be conducted outdoors if specifically allowed as a permitted use or special condition use: Off-street parking, off-street loading or outdoor businesses and outdoor businesses with outdoor storage. (Ord. No. 17524, §§ 16, 1-6-88; C.F. No. 92-1479, §§ 6, 12-15-92) Sec. 60.5�64. Principal uses permitted subject to special conditions. The following additional uses shall be permitted, subject to the conditions hereinafter imposed for each use and subject to the standards specified for all special condition uses as set forth in section 64.300(ed). All principal uses permitted subject to special conditions shall be reviewed and approved by the planning commission. (1) Auto service stations; and auto convenience markets, as regulated in the B-2 District. Sec. 60.5�65. Area, bulk and setback requirements. Business Districts / OS-2 Urban Village Zoning Text Amendments Page 17 6 October 2000 D R A F T 60 -`t�1�^ Sc�bdivision 37. 60.5370. B-4 Central Business District Sec. 60.5571. Intent. Sec. 60.5572. Principal uses pertnitted. Sec. 60.5573. Required conditions. Sec. 60.5574. Principal uses permitted subject to special conditions. The following additional uses shall be pernutted, subject to the conditions hereinafter imposed for each use and subject to the standazds specified for all special condition uses as set forth in section 64.300(e�. All principal uses permitted subject to special conditions shall be reviewed and approved by the planning commission. Sec. 60.5575. Area, buik and yard setback requirements. Subdivision 68. 60.Sff80. B-S Central Business-Service District Sec. 60.5681. Intent. Sec. 60.Sfr82. Principal uses permitted. Sec. 60.5583. Required conditions. Sec. 60.5684. Principal uses permitted subject to special conditions. The following additional uses shall be permitted, subject to the condirions hereinafter imposed for each use and subject to the standards specified for all special condition uses as set forth in section 64300(e�. Ali principal uses permitted subject to special conditions shall be reviewed and approved by the planning commission. Sec. 60.5685. Area, bulk; and yard setback requirements. Business Districts / OS-2 Urban Village Zoning Text Amendments Page 18 6 October 2000 D R A F T l90 -"l`1'b" Sec. 61.103. Business districts. bfinimum Size bfazinum Diazimum Lot Size Per Height Minimu� Yard Setback pezcent of Floor tinit of Structures (Per Lo[ in Feet� y�t Area Area i� 1'iidth Side � Occvpied ' Ratio Square in In I Front �,��_ T Rear BJ' I�fain (FAR) ZoningDistrict Feet Feet Stories Feet mum oC�k•o guilding s i.1 b3 BL'SI\ESS DISTRICTS OS•l ff�ce-Sen-ice Loca.� none none 3 d 30 d 15 a,Yq b b b,� none 1.0 p$-���nera40ff�e-$2r�ic� na�� r.oxe (e, 6Se 09 6 6 b�c ho�� 3.0 B-1 Local Business none none 3 3� 15 a;{g b b b,c none 1.Q B-2 Communit�� Business none none I d 30 d 0 J�[,g b b b,t none 2.0 B•2C Community Business none none 3d 30d 25?fj 4 8 25 30�� I`A (Converced� B•3 General Business none none d 30 d 0�9 6 b b.c none 2.0 B-4 Central Business none none no l�mit no limit no linit none none none c none 6.0 �{ B-5 Central Business Senice none none no limit no limit no hmit none none none c none 5.0 qf (Ord. No. 1 i062, 10•20-53; Ord. I�o. 17204, 1-15-85; G.F. I�o. 93•1718, § 6Z, 1'L-14-ySJ Notes to 61.103 Business Districts: (a) Off-street parking shall be pernzitted to occupy a required front yazd setback; provided, that the off-street parking area, exclusive of access driveways, shall be set back a minimum distance of six (6) feet from any front or side street right-of-way and the off-street parking area setback meets the requirements of section 61.103(t). (b) No side or rear yards are required along the interior lot lines of the district, except as otherwise specified in the building code; provided, that if walls of structures facing such interior lot lines contain windows, or other openin�s, yards of not less than ten six ( feet shall be provided. Side and rear yards of at least�en six (�8� feet shall be required when a business district adjoins a side yard in an adjacen[ residence district. These setback requirements from interior lot lines shall be waived when an easement aareement is recorded as to the affected rooerties Proof of such recorded easement shall be provided at the time of application for a buildin�ermit The recordin� of the easement aareement shall be inte�reted to mean that the followin� intents and pumoses of these setback requirements are met• adequate supply of sunli�ht and air to adjacent propertv' sufficient space for maintenance of the buildine from the same lot: and prevention of damase to adjoinin2 propertv bv fire or runoff from roofs. (c) Off-street loading sgace shall be provided in the rear yazd in accordance with the requirements of section 62.105. Business Districts / OS-2 Urban Village Zoning Text Amendments Page 19 6 October 2000 D R A F T ao —���— (d) The height of the structure may exceed t�mtq-E36�€eet the maacimum buildina height allowed in the district, provided the structure is set back from all grapertq setback lines a distance equal to the height which said st�*ucture exceeds the maximum buildina height a�bui� aIlowed in the district. �e The heieht of structures in an OS-2 General Office-Service District mav exceed six (6) stories and sixtv-five (b51 feet in heieht, subject to conditions under section 60.524(2). The heiaht of above �round parkinQ buildines in an OS-2 General Office-Service District mav exceed fortv- five (451 feet in height subject to the conditions under section 60.524(31. (efJ Floor area bonuses, which encourage certain building features which produce public benefits, shall be granted as follows: (€� On those lots or parcels, or portions of lots or parcels, which adjoin a right-of-way line of a parkway, the required setbacks from the parkway right-of-way line shall be equal to that required for residential uses in effect along the pazkway right-of-way or twenty-five (25) feet, whichever is greater. (�h) Those parkways and portions of pazkways listed below aze excluded from the setback requirements established in subsection (g) above: Ford Pazkway (from Kenneth Street to Finn Street and north side between Finn Street and Mount Curve Boulevard). Gannon Road. (tri) Since B-2C zoned property has a residential chazacter, buildings shall maintain a twenty- five=foot front setback or meet the requirements of section 61.101(a). (Code 1956, §§ 61103; Ord. No. 17204, 1-15-85; Ord. No. 17778, §§ 1, 10-11-90; C.F. No. 93- 1718, §§ 63, 12-14-93; C.�. No. 97-1089, §§ 5, 10-1-97) Sec. 62.103. Parking requirements. (a) Off-street parking. Except in a B-4 or B-5 District, off-street pazking spaces shall be provided in all districts at the time of erecUon, enlargement or expansion of all buildings in accordance with the requirements of this section. Before a certificate of occupancy shall be issued, the number of off-street parking spaces provided shall be as hereinafter prescribed. In an OS-2 District the number of off-street narkina space�rovided shall be at least two-ihirds of the number hereinafter prescribed. Business Districts / OS-2 Urban Village Zoning Text Amendments Page 20 6 October 2000 D R A F T fl O - q`�a Sec. 62.106. Accessory buildings. Accessory buildings, except as otherwise provided in this code, shall be subject to the following regulations: (1) When the accessory building is structurally attached to a main building, it shall be subject to, and must conform to, all regulations of this code applicable to main buildings. (2) Accessory buildings, structures or uses shall not be erected in or established in a required yard except a rear yard. On corner lots, accessory buildings, structures or uses shall be set back from the street a distance equal to that required of the principal structure. When an accessory building, structure or use is constructed in a reaz yazd which adjoins a side yard or front yard, the accessory building, structure or use shall be set back from the interior lot line a distance equal to the minimum side yard required °- -'-`' -` -°'-' °` �e$ of the principal structure. On all other lots, accessory buildings shall be set back at least three (3) feet from all interior lot lines, and overhangs shall be set back at least one-third (1/3) the distance of the setback of the garage wall or one (1) foot, whichever is greater. This setback requirement from all interior lot lines for accessory buildings in rear yards shall be waived when a maintenance easement is recorded an-�he-deeds-a€-al� as to the affected properties, when proof of such recorded easement is provided at the time of application for a building pertnit and when the accessory building is located at least three (3) feet from any bu3lding on an adjoining lot. The recording of the maintenance easement shall be interpreted to mean that the following intents and purposes of this setback requirement are met: a. Adequate supply of sunlight and air to adjacent property; b. Sufficient space for maintenance of the building from the same lot; and c. Prevention of damage to adjoining property by fire or runoff from roofs. A recorded common wall agreement is pemvtted in lieu of a maintenance easement if the accessory structure is attached to an accessory structure on an adjoining lot. (3) In any residential area, accessory buildings shall not exceed fifteen (15) feet in height; provided, however, that accessory buildings with a flat or shed roof style shall not exceed twelve (12) feet in height. Carriaee house dwellines in an OS-2 General Office-Service District shall not exceed 25 feet in heiQht. Exception: Accessory building heights shall not apply to property within designated Heritage Preservation Districts nor to designated historic sites. In these cases appropsiate building heights for accessory structures shall be determined through the design review process to ensure that heights are acceptable and in keeping with scale and style of development on the property. Business Districts / OS-2 Urban Village Zoning Text Amendments Page 21 6 October 2000 D R A F T ao-�.`��- (4) Accessory buildings on a zoning lot may occupy up to thirty-five (35) percent of the rear yard. Rear yards which adjoin alleys may include half the area of the alley to calculate the area of the rear yazd which may be occupied by accessory buildings. On zoning lots containing one- and two-family dwellings, accessory buildings shall not occupy more than one thousand (1,000) square feet of the zoning lot. On zoning lots containing all other uses, accessory buiidings may occupy the same percent of the zoning lot as main buildings are allowed to occupy, as specified in tables in sections 61.101, 61.103, 61.104 and 61.105. (5) In those instances where the rear lot line or a side lot line is cotemunous with the alley right-of-way, the accessory building shall not be closer than one foot to such rear lot lines. (6) On through lots, where frontage is clearly established within a given block, rear yard setbacks shall be equal to the side yazd setback of the district in which located. (7) Accessory buildings shall be located at least six (6) feet from the principal structure or shall be considered attached for purposes of the zoning code. (Code 1956, §§ 62.106; Ord. No. 17038, 7-5-83; Ord. No. 17204, 1-15-85; Ord. No. 17476, §§ 1, 7-15-87; Ord. No. 17511, §§ 7, 11-12-87; Ord. No. 17524, §§§§ 27, 28, 1-6-88; C.F. No. 93- 1718, §§§§ 74, 75, 12-14-93; C.F. No. 96-77, §§ 4, 2-14-96; C.F. No. 96-1342, §§ 4, 11-13-96; C.F. No. 99-750, §§ 9, 9-1-99) Chapter 66. Zoning Code - Signs Sec. 66.206. OS-2, B-2�B-2C and B-3 Bus+ness Districts - (5) Electronic message signs shall be prohibited fromt�e OS-Z B-2 distriet and�he B-2C districts; provided, that electronic message signs giving public information, such as time, temperature, stock averages and the like, are pernutted in OS-2 and B-2 districts. ��1 �� t� �, '� Q� �� � � � � �, �. � � � .''. � X ��tA W � � � � a � � ' �(:JLJ ��=� <,s � � > -\, _ �, , , �'� . ��'��. . � � O � � , '� � 0 ... `� , �N� . -�� - �'� � N. �:` ��� � �:0-�. :- -: - �: i1.% � - � _�3-' .."'� , :. �._ , U?_ .:..�` N � � `����, : , \ ` ` \'� � ; ��� ` �f�'�{x wll! be � SQrr( pv�d►��7 �hc. � pU�( ic heurihy. `, \ , 1' \ 00 -°l�a- i � , �� ����� ; ; i -- � �._.__._._._._ � , �--� �, � ORIGINAL Presented By 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Referred To CE Council File # 00 - qR a Ordinance # Green Sheet # ��6 l�q% , � �. Committee: Date AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CFIAPTER 60 % OF THE SAINT PAUL LEGISLATIVE CODE PERT ING TO ZONING FOR THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL AND THE ZON G MAPS THEREOF WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Planning Commission has made a surve of the area generally bounded by the Mississippi River on the north, Robert Street on the east, Wood reet on the south and Wabasha Street on the west for the purpose of considering amendments to the Zoni `Code, and has determined that: 1) the study area is at least 40 acres in size; 2) the number of real estate escriptions affected by the amendments renders the obtaining of written consent impractical; and 3) the 'oposed amendments are related to the overall needs of the community, to existing land use or to plans for �ture land use, as stated in the Land Use Plan chapter of the City's Comprehensive Plan, the West Side Fl "ts Development Strategy and the Saint Paul on the Mississippi Development Framework, and W�IEREAS, the Planning Comtnission held public hearing on the "City-Wide Mixed-Use Urban Village Zoning and West Side Flats 40-Acre Zoni "Study" on September 22, 2000 and, after considering public testimony, 1) found the City-Wide Mixe = se Urban Village Zoning and West Side Flats 40-Acre Zoning Study consistent with the Saint Paul C,'� prehensive Plan, the West Side Flats Development Strategy and the Saint Paul on the Mississippi Develo ment Framework; and 2) recommended on October 6, 2000 that the Zoning Code be amended as per th 40-Acre Study; and WHEREAS, the City Council ld a public hearing on November 1, 2000, notice of which was published in the Saint Paul Pioneer Press ' October 15, October 22 and October 29, 2000; NOW, THEREFORE, the Saint Paul Legislai changes: cfT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby amend Code pertaining to zoning for the City of Saint Paul by making the following text ARTICLE IL DEFINTTIONS Sec. 60.�13. C. 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 Sec. 60.204. D. 00- l'1�. Dwelling, multiple family. A building, or portion thereof, designed exclusively for occupancy by three (3) ar more families living independently of each other in individual dwelling units. � Dwelling, townhouse. A one-faxnily dwelling unit, with a private entrance, which is art of a structure whose dwelling units aze attached horizontally in a linear arrangement, and hav' a totally exposed front and reaz wall to be used for access, light and ventilation. 44 Dwelling unit. A building, or portion thereof, designed for occupanc y one family for residential 45 purposes used or intended to be used for living, sleeping and coo g ar eating purposes. 46 47 ARTICLE III. DISTRICT USES AND GULATIONS 48 49 Division 2. 60.400. Resid �tial Districts 50 51 Subdivision 2. 60.410. R-1 through 4 One-Family Residential Distviets 52 53 Sec. 60.413. Principal uses permitted 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 (14) A carriage house ap�tiner�f conditions. a. The building plan originally built to to special conditions. in an accessory building subject to the following � use as a carriage house �. dwellinE had space domesric employees. b. The applicant s 1 obtain a petition signed by two-thirds of the properiy owners within one hundred ( Q) feet of the applicant's property line consenting to the carriage house apaxtnre� d llina. c. The appli nt shail not reduce the number of existing off-street parking spaces on the property d shall also provide additional off-street parking as required for the carriage house dwellin�. A site plan d a building plan shall be submitted to the planning commission at the rime of applicati Carriage house �ts dwellines are exceptions to one (1) main building per zoning t requirements. Division 3. 60.500. Business Districts Subdivision 1. 60.510. OS-1 Local Office-Service District Sec. 60.511. Intent. The OS-1 Local Office-Service D'astrict is intended to accommodate various types of office and service uses performing administrative, professional and personal services and to serve as a transitional use between the more intensive uses of land such as major thoroughfares or commercial districts and the less intensive uses of land such as one-family residential. 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 9G 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 (Code 1956, §§ 60.471; C.F. No. 96-694, §§ 6, 7-10-96) Sec. 60.512. Principal uses permitted. 00 -9q? In an OS-1 Loca1 Office-Service District the use of 1and, the location and erection of n buildings or structures, and the alteration, enlargement and movmg of e�sting buildings or struc es from other locations or districts shall conforxn to the following specified uses, unless othe � e provided in this code: (1) Executive, a� administrative and non�rofit oreanization offices. (2) Business offices such as, but not limited to, insurance offlces, r al estate offices, banks, loan companies, savings and loan associations, and sales offices. ,/` (3) Professional offices such as, but not limited to, medical o ices, including medical clinics and medical laboratories; massage centers; offices of engin ers, architects and accountants; auditing, bookkeeping, and legal offices; and studios�, f artists and photographers. • 1 �� � LU��bIY • � � i � (5) �� � Family day care, group family day care Churches, synagogues, temples and otY; group day care. similar houses of worship; convents rectories and parks and community recreational facilities. rorofit; provided, that: � � c. (�8) N following coiiditions: mixed residential and commercial affree-serviee uses subject to •'. �' _ '_ 'i � �i i _ __ i • ' i 'w_ _ � ' �_ e_ • •• ' •�- •i - • •- i " �- - ' - --' — •- ' e i •:-- " ii - - •- i - i i - • - • �- • " ' .- -. � � - . • .- -. � - . . 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 O o -qR �. b. First floor space originallv desiened and built for a nonresidential purpose shall not be used for a residenrial pumose. � . Foster homes and freestanding foster care homes. � er Human service-licensed community residential facilities far sixteen (16) or fewer residents subject to the condition that they are at least one thousand three hundred�C (1,320) radial feet from another similar facility. � . . : : . 128 ($11) Cellular telephone antennas located on an existing structure, subj 129 conditions: 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 � � The antennas shall not e�end more than fifteen (15) the structure to which they are attached. , Antennas located in historic districts or on review and approval of the heritage preser the following above the stnxctural height of shall be subject to the c. Antennas on lattice towers may be laterally �upported by the tower. d. Transmitting, receiving and switching e pment shall be housed within an existing structure whenever possible. If a new e'pment building is necessary, it shall be permitted and regulated as an accesso building, section 62.106, and screened from view by landscaping where appropr' te. � Other uses similar to the above uses. 140 (913) Accessory buildings, structures and u�s as defined in section 60201. 141 (Code 1956, §§ 60.472; Ord. No. 16913, 4�L7-82; Ord. No. 17204, 1-15-85; C.F. No. 93-1718, §§§§ 142 28--31, 12-14-93; C.F. No. 95-472, §§ 2, � 31-95; C.F. No. 95-557, §§ 2, 6-14-95; C.F. No. 95-1444, 143 §§ 2, 1-17-96; C.F. No. 96-694, §§ 6, 7 0-96; C.F. No. 97-565, §§ 6, 6-11-97; C.F. No. 99-750, §§ 2, 144 9-1-99) 145 Sec. 60.513. Required conditions. 146 The following conditions shall be required of all uses in the OS-1 Local Office Service District: 147 Except for off-street pazking o�'�oading, all business, storage, servicing or processing shall be 148 conducted within completely�enclosed buildings. 149 (C.F. No. 92-1479, §§ 3, 1�-�15-92; C.F. No. 95-1444, §§ 2, 1-17-96; C.F. No. 96-694, §§ 6, 7-10-96) 150 Sec. 60.514. Principal�ses permitted subject to special conditions. 151 The following additi nal uses sha11 be pernutted, subject to the conditions hereinafter imposed for 152 each use and subje to the standards specified for all special condition uses as set forth in section 153 64300(ed). All p'ncipal uses permitted subject to special conditions shall be reviewed and approved 154 by the planning„ ommission. 155 156 (�1) Pu icl owned buildin s• ublic utili buildin s� telephone exchange buildings; water and 157 s age pumpuig stations;; but not including storage yards, transformer stations, substations, or 158 gas regulator stations. 159 � Railroad rieht-of-way, but not including terminal freiaht facilities. transfer and storage tracks. 160 (3) Hospices serving sixteen (16) ar fewer £acility residents. 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 1�2 173 174 1 1/6 17� 1/O 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 � -9� �. (4) Shelters for battered persons ar transitional housing serving sixteen (16) or fewer cility residents, provided they are not located in a planning district in which one (1) rcent or more of the population lives in licensed human service community residential f ities, licensed correctional coznmunity residential facilities, health department-license community residenrial facilities, transitional housing, shelters for battered persons, emer� y housing or overnight shelters. w.w�as.a.w �R.,�,.,�,�.,.�,. � uaau u m in na � w� ua u r• u w 1�1421U I l�l!l�U1�li�l��l1%n]� ��SRS9lR. (5� Cellulaz telephone antennas located �#n a freestanding pole, subject to the following conditions: a. The applicant demonstrat that the proposed antennas cannot be accommodated on an exisfing freestanding pol ; an existing residential structure at least siaty (60) feet high, an existing institutiona ,� se shucture, or a business building within one-half (%2) mile radius of the propose antennas due to one (1) ox more of the following seasons: 1. The planned structure. 2. The planned equipment o� 3. The pl�ed would exceed the structural capacity of the existing pole or uipment would cause interference with other existing or planned pole or structure. equipment cannot be accommodated at a height necessary to function 4. The,,owner of the existing pole, structure or building is unwilling to co-locate an b. Th eestanding pole shall not exceed seventy-five (75) feet in height, unless the ap licant demonsirates that the surrounding topography, stnxctures, or vegetation r. ders a seventy-five-foot pole impractical. Freestanding poles may exceed the above eight limit by twenty-five (25) feet if the pole is designed to cany two (2) antennas. a Antennas sha11 not be located in a required ftont or side yard and shall be set back one (1) times the height of the antenna plus ten (10) feet from the nearest residential shucture. d. The antennas shall be designed where possible to blend into the surrounding environment through the use of color and camouflaging architectural treatment. Drawings or photographic perspectives showing the pole and antennas shall be provided to the planning commission to determine compliance with this provision. 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 do -ir1�- e. Antennas located in historic districts shall be subject to the review and approval of the heritage preservation commission. f. Freestanding poles shall be a monopole design. g. Transmitting, receiving and switching equipment sha11 be hou�d within an e�sting shucture whenever possible. ff a new equipment building is �fecessary, it shall be permitted and regulated as an accessory building, section 62.106, and shall be screened from view by landscaping where appropriate. ,� h. The zoning lot on which the pole is located sha11 be within contiguous properry with zene�OS-1 or less restrictive zonina and at least�one (1) acre in area. 213 (Code 1956, §§ 60.473; Ord. No. 16913, 4-27-82; Ord. No. 1%U956, 9-9-82; Ord. No. 17039, 7-7-83; 214 Ord. No. 172Q4, 1-15-85; Ord. No. 17845, §§ 22, 6-27-91�rd. No. 17894, §§ 1, 12-3-91; C.F. No. 215 92-1479, §§ 3, 12-15-92; C.F. No. 93-1718, §§ 32, 12-14`-93; C.F. No. 95-1444, §§ 2, 1-17-96; C.F. 216 No. 96-694, §§ 6, 7-10-96; C.F. No. 97-565, §§ 7, 6-1 `97; C.F. No. 99-750, §§ 2, 9-1-99) 217 Sec. 60.515. Area, bulk, and setback requirement� 218 See Chapter 61, Schedule of Regulations, limiting , e height and bulk of buildings, the minimum size 219 of lot permitted by land use, and providing mini� yard setback requirements. 220 221 222 223 224 (Code 1956, §§ 60.474; C.F. No. 96-694, §§ 6,��3-10-96) Sec. 60.521. Intent. 225 The C 226 roedes 227 uses 1 228 Sec. t 229 In an 230 or stn 231 locati 232 code: 233 � 234 235 {2� Post 236 � Reta 237 grocE 238 notic 239 area. ►�1 241 242 243 244 � Eatin and liquor-lic� � Hotels and hospitals. � Drv cleanine establishments, or pickup stations. dealin d�irectly with the customer, and self- service laundries and dry cleaners. Central drv cleaning plants servicin� more than one (� retail outlet are prohibited. 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 � � � 10 00 1��• Manufacturin� of small, precision ¢oods such as dental, surgical or optical �oods. or electronic assemblies, alongwith light assembly_packaging and distribution activities. Other uses sunilar to the above uses. Accessor�buildings. structures and uses as defined in section 60.201. � allowed per principal dwelling unit• 11 Above ground parkine builc Sec. 60.523. Required conditions. � � � � � � conducted within completely enclosed buildines. friendlv as possible. 65.400) shall be met. bv the planning commission. � Retail businesses tha� � Bi fo. a. b. (� Al � (4) _ whichever is less. section 60.514(5 a. through h. {� Accessory buildines, structures and uses customarilv incident to the above uses. 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 Sec. 60.525. Area, bulk and setback re�uirements. 00 -9'1�. See chapter 61. Schedule of Reeulations, limitine the hei�ht and bulk of buildings, the minimum size of lot by�emutted land use. and �rovidine minunum yazd setback reauirements. � � Subdivision �3. 60.5�30. B-1 �/ Local Business District f' , Sec. 60.5�31. Intent. _ The S-1 Local Business District is intended to permit those uses as ar"e necessary to satisfy the basic convenience shopping or service needs of persons residing in nearby residential areas. r (Code 1956, §§ 60.481} Sec. 60.5�32. Principal uses permitted. In a B-1 Local Business District the use of land, the locat�on and erection of new buildings or shuctures, and the alteration, enlargement and moving �. existing buildings or structures from other locations or districts shall conform to the following sp�cified uses, unless otherwise provided in this code: �`� 304 (1) All principal uses perxnitted and uses 305 in the OS-1 District, except residenti� 306 freestanding pole. 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 subject to special conditions and as regulated cellular telephone antennas located on a (2) Retail businesses v�iriek that supply�ommodities on the premises, such as, but not limited to, groceries, meats, dairy products, b�a`ked goods or other foods, drugs, dry goods, clothing and notions, hardware, books, statio ry, plants, cany-out restaurants and hobby supplies. , � , > , > , �, > N , , � > - , b � (�3) Dry cleaning establishm�ents, or pickup stations, dealing directly with the consumer, and self- service laundries and div cleaners. Central dry cleaning plants servicing more than one (1) retail outlet are �� (64) Post office an , resi�ei (�5) Other use sim ($6) Mixed esident governmental office buildings, to the above uses. and commercial uses subject to the following conditions: 321 a. � Residential uses are limited to not more than fifty (50) percent of the basement and first 322 floor. The entire upper floors may be used for residential use. At least fifry (50) percent 323 � of the basement and first floor shali be devoted to a principal use permitted in this 324 district, except residential use. 325 / b. Residenrial uses may be occupied by foster homes, freestanding foster care homes, or 326 human service-licensed communitv residential facilities for sixteen (16) or fewer 327 facility residents subject to the condition that they are at least one thousand three 328 hundred twenty (1,320) radial feet from another similar facility. 00 -q'1 �• • : . . : � �. . . ..� .. : .: �: . .. .. � . : � : : . 331 (�7) Accessory buildings, shuctures and uses as defined in section 60201. 332 (Code 1956, §§ 60.482; Ord. No. 16913, 4-27-82; Ord. No. 17204, 1-15-85; Ord. No. 17689 § 3, 10- 333 26-89; C.F. No. 93-1718, §§§§ 33--35, 12-14-93; C.F. No. 93-1815, §§ 6, 12-28-93; C.F. o. 95-472, 334 §§ 3, 5-31-95; C.F. No. 96-694, §§ 7, 7-10-96; C.F. No. 97-565, §§ 8, 6-11-97; C.F. No 9-750, §§ 3, 335 9-1-99) 336 Sec. 60.5�33. Required conditions. 337 The following conditions sha11 be required of a11 uses in the B-1 Local 338 (1) All business establishments shall be retail or service establislunentsqlealing directly with 339 customers. All goods produced on the premises shall be sold at re� il on the premises where 340 produced. 341 (2) Except far off-street pazking or loading, all business, storage, ervicing or processing sha11 be 342 conducted within completely enclosed buildings. 343 344 (Code 1956, §§ 60.483; C.F. No. 92-1479, §§ 4, 12-15-92) Sec. 60.5�34. Principal uses permitted subject to special 345 The following additional uses shall be permitted, subject to e conditions hereinafter imposed for 346 each use and subject to the standards specified for all spe al condition uses as set forth in section 347 64300(e�. All principal uses permitted subject to spec� conditions shall be reviewed and approved 348 by the pianning commission. 349 � Multi le famil dwellin s and mixed residential d commercial uses sub' ect to the followin 350 conditions: 351 352 353 354 355 356 (�2) 357 358 359 (z^� 360 f3� 361 362 363 364 365 � � , , , Electric transformer stations and substations; gas regul or stations with service yards, but without storage yards�ie� �i,R l�l�l�6'�Iw7Ul��L1114q1�1���l�ll�l�l�Nll�1��P1 W�l�l�l��lURd��!'�Ut�►'L�l����J�1����4�1w 366 (�3) Cellular telephone antennas located on a freestanding pole, as regulated in the OS-1 district, section 367 60.514(6)a.through g. 368 (6� Accessory buildings, structures and uses customarily incident to the above perxnitted uses. 00-1� a 369 (Code 1956, §§ 60.484; Ord. No. 16956, 9-9-82; Ord. No. 17039, ?-7-$3; Ord. No. 17845, §§ 23, 6- 370 27-91; Ord. No. 17894, §§ 2, 12-3-91; C.F. No. 93-1718, §§§§ 36, 37, 12-14-93; C.F. No. 93-1815, §§ 371 7, 12-28-93; C.F. No. 97-565, §§ 9, 6-11-97; C.F. No. 99-750, §§ 3, 9-1-99) 372 Sec. 60.5�35. Area, bulk and setback requirements. � 373 374 375 376 377 See Chapter 61, Schedule of Regulations, luniting the height and t of lot by perxnitted land use, and providang m;nimum yard setback (Code 1956, §§ 60.485) Subdivision 34. 60.5�40. the muumum size 378 Communify Business D' trict 379 Sec.60.5341.Intent. 380 The B-2 Community Business District is intended serve the needs of a consumer population lazger 381 than that served by the "Loca1 Business District," and is generally characterized by a cluster of 382 establishxnents generating large volumes of ve " ular and pedestrian traffic. 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 (Code 1956, §§ 60.491) Sec. 60.5342. Principal uses permitted. In a B-2 Community Business District e use of land, the location and erection of new buildings or structures, and the alteration, enlarge ent and moving of existing buildings or shuctures from other locations or districts shall conform t,' the following specified uses unless otherwise provided in this code: (1) � All principal uses as All retail business, and as regulated in a B-1 District. establishments or processing uses as £ollows: 391 a. Any retail b siness whose principal activity is the sale of inerchandise in an enclosed 392 building. 393 b. Any se ice establishment e€�vcternt�y�efim� housine an office, showroom or 394 works op rr�Eure of a contractar (including, but not limited to, pluxnbing, heating, air 395 con ' ioning, electrical, mechanical), decorator, dressmaker, t�skar, baker, painter, 396 up lsterer, a radio, television or home appliance repair 397 b iness, p�,afi�ix�g,� or similar sexvice establishments. 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 c. � e. clubs, fraternal organizations, liquar licensed establishments and lodge halls. Restaurants and fast-food restaurants when incorporated within a multi-use retail center and which do not provide drive-through window service. Theaters, assembly halls, aucfion ha11s, bingo halls, concert halls, reception halls or similar places of assembly when conducted completely within enclosed buildings. �. �.... f ..+... �.. � �..,.,. �. �. �..+� � inwinnw�:ian �iuur:w � nnr. t:r•i! o-i�na.aau� o-xu:i:iu � �r.r.:t:sannidi w�u n:ir.�tK! � ai���a f. VeterinarY clinics without boardine. (except for medical proceduresl; tattoo�arlors. . . :� : :� . . : : :� ... : . . � .. � . : :. : : :� 407 �1: 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 , ; 429 (3) Recycling drop-off station; pr�ided, that the facility: 430 a. Shall not occupy �ea more than two hundred (200) square feet and shall not 431 interfere with par g and maneuvering requirements of the principal use; 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 (4) i�g. ih. t�. Mail order houses. Health/sport clubs, conversation/rap roomfbathhouse facilities which are Food catering establishments. �. Brew on premises stores as mk. Coffee kiosks. massage parlors and steam : uses. by Minnesota State laws. nl. Fully enclosed auto sales incorporated within a multi-use retail center. b. c. � Shall be screene pursuant to section 62.107 if it abuts a residential use ar district; Shall be set b at least ten (10) feet from any properry line and shall not obstruct pedestrian or ehicular circulation;and Shall be m_ ntained free of litter and other undesirable materials. -�a Currency exchan�e business when located at least one hundred (100) feet from any residential lot in a residen al district or at least one hundred (100) feet from any residential lot occupied with a one-, o-, three-, four-, townhouse, or multiple-family dwelling, measured from the closest point f the building in which the business is located to the closest residential property line. (5) Other us�s similaz to the above uses. 442 (6) Accessory building, structures and uses as defined in section 60.201. 443 (Code 1956, §§ 60.492; Ord. No. 16956, 9-9-82; Ord. No. 17204, 1-15-85; Ord. No. 17524, §§ 12, 1- 444 6-88; Ord. No. 17564, §§ 7, 5-19-88; Ord. No. 17611, §§§§ 1, 2, 11-3-88; Ord. No. 17646, §§ 6, 4-6- 445 89; Ord. No. 17689, §§ 4, 10-26-89; Ord. No. 17777, 10-11-90; C.F. No. 93-1718, §§ 38, 12-14-93; 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 C.F. No. 94-1863, §§ 2, 1-18-95; C.F. No. 96-77, §§ 2, 2-14-96; C.F. No. 96-1342, §§ 2, 11-13-96; C.F. No. 97-1089 §§§§ z, 3, io-i-9�� �� � Sec. 60.5343. Required conditions. The following conditions shall be required of all uses in the B-2 Community (1) All business establishxnents shall be retail or service establishments consumers. All goods provided on the premises shall be sold at reta produced. ,;' District: ing directly with the pzemises where 453 (2) All business, storage, servicing or processing sha11 be conducte$ within completely enclosed 454 buildings. Provided, however, that the following uses may b� conducted outdoors if 455 specifically allowed as a permitted use or special conditio� use: Off-street parking, off=street 456 loading or outdoor businesses and outdoor businesses wi�h outdoor storage. 457 (Code 1956, §§ 60.493; C.F. No. 92-1479, §§ 5, 12-15-92)�� � 458 Sec. 60.5344. Principal uses permitted subject to special conditions. 4' 459 The following additional uses shall be permitted, subj t to the standards specified for all special 460 condition uses as set forth in section 64300(ed). All rincipal uses pernutted subject to special 461 conditions sha11 be reviewed and approved by the anning commission. 462 (1) All uses as permitted and regulated in th -1 Loca1 Business District under principal uses 463 permitted subject to special conditions. 464 Sec. 60.5345. Area, bulk and yard setback 465 See Chapter 61, Schedule of Regulations, l� iting the height and bulk of buildings, the minimum size 466 of lot permitted by land use, the maxim density perxnitted, and providing minimum yard setback 467 requirements. 468 (Code 1956, §§ 60.495) 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 A78 �ision �5. 60.5�50. B-2C Business (Converted) District Sec. 60.5�51. Intent. It is the intent of the B-2C mmunity Business (Converted) District to create a business district expressly for existing resi ntial structures in commercial areas, which will permit the operation of businesses which do not nerate large amounts of traffic and at the same time will retain the visual chazacter of the buildin forms and open space associated with residential uses. This includes a limited height on buildings front and side yards. It is further the intent of this district to provide parking for employees who ork in buildings which are converted from residential to business use. 479 (Ord. No. 17C 480 Sec.60.5�52. 481 � 482 Sec.60.5�53. uses permitted. Required conditions. 483 The following conditions shall be required of all uses in the B-2C Community Business (Converted) 484 District: .; 486 Sec. 60.5�54. Principal uses permitted subject to special conditions. 00 9'1'�- � 487 The following additional uses shall be pemutted, subject to the conditions hereinafter imposed for 488 each use and subject to the standazds specified for all special condition uses as set forth in section 489 64.300(ed). All principal uses pernutted subject to special conditions shall be reviewed and approved 490 by the plauuing commission. 491 �' 492 Sec. 60.5�55. Area, bulk, and yard setback requirements. �' �� 493 �" 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 Subdivision �6. 60.5�60. B-3 General Business District Sec. 60.5461. Intent. The B-3 General Business District is intended to provide sites� for more diversified types of businesses than those in the B-1 and B-2 Business Districts, and is inte ded for location, along majar traffic arteries or adjacent to the Community Business Districts. (Code 1956, §§ 60.501) �� Sec. 60.5�62. Principal uses permitted. � In a B-3 General Business District, the use of land � e location and erection of new buildings or structures, and the alteration, eniargement and m ing of existing buildings or structures from other locations or districts shall conform to the follo , ng specified uses, unless otherwise provided in this code: (1) All principal uses pernutted and use OS-1, B-1, and B-2 Districts, except aut correctional community residential faci facilities and emergency housing, pa enclosed buildings, and cellular tele iox (12) Sec. 60.5#63. Required < s p itted subject to special conditions and as regulated in o ervice stations, auto convenience mazkets. � licensed ]�' ies, health department-licensed community residential shops when the business is conducted within completely antennas located on a freestanding pole. 515 The following conditions all be required of all uses in the B-3 General Business District: All 516 business, storage, servic' g or processing shall be conducted within completely enclosed buildings. 517 Provided, however, th the following uses may be conducted outdoors if specifically allowed as a 518 permitted use or spec condition use: Off-street parking, off=street loading or outdoor businesses and 519 outdoor businesses rth outdoor storage. 520 (Ord. No. 17`_ 521 Sec.60.5�64. 16, 1-6-88; C.F. No. 92-1479, §§ 6, 12-15-92) uses permitted subject to special conditions. 522 The following additional uses shall be permitted, subject to the conditions hereinafter imposed for 523 each use and subject to the standards specified for all special condition uses as set forth in section 524 64300(ed). All principal uses permitted subject to special conditions shall be reviewed and approved 525 by the planning commission. 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 Oo �19— (1) Auto service stations; and auto convenience markets, as regulated in the B-2 District. / Sec. 60.5#65. Area, bulk and setback requirements. Subdivision 37. 60.5§70. B-4 Central Business District Sec. 60.5571. Intent. Sec. 60.5�72. Principal uses permitted. Sec. 60.5573. Required conditions. Sec. 60.5574. Principal uses permitted subject to spc�ial conditions. The following additional uses shall be permitted, su ect to the conditions hereinafter imposed for each use and subject to the standards specified for 1 special condition uses as set forth in section 64300(e�. All principal uses permitted subject ; �pecial conditions shall be reviewed and approved by the planning commission. ,�f Sec. 60.5575. Area, bulk and yard Sec. 60.5681. Intent. Sec. 60.5682. Principal Sec. 60.5683. Required requirements. vision ff8. 60.5880. B-S Business-Service District Sec. 60.Sfr84. Princig°al uses permitted subject to special conditions. 556 The following add�onal uses shall be permitted, subject to the conditions hereinafter imposed for 557 each use and sub�ct to the standazds specified for a11 special condition uses as set forth in section 558 64300(ed). Al�l principal uses permitted subject to special condifions sha11 be reviewed and approved 559 by the planni commission. G.f 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 Sec. 60.5;685. Area, bulk, and yard setback reqnirements. oo-g�a 407 , , . �1: 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 (3) 430 431 432 433 434 435 i�g. Mail order houses. th. Health/sport clubs, conversation/rap room/bathhouse facilities which are Ji. Food catering establishments. � ; . •, � ; �. Brew on premises stores as cgulate� mk. Coffee kiosks. � nl. Fully enclosed auto Recycling drop-off station• � a. Sha11 not occup � an interfere with arki� lors, massage parlors and steam adult uses. by Minnesota State laws. when incorporated within a multi-use retail center. that the facility: azea more than two hundred (200) square feet and sha11 not g and maneuvering requirements of the principal use; b. Shall be sczeened pursuant to section 62.107 if it abuts a residential use or district; c. � Shall be et back at least ten (10) feet from any properry line and shall not obstruct pedes „ an or vehiculaz circulation; and maintained free of litter and other undesirable materials. 436 (4) Currenc , exchange business when located at least one hundred (100) feet from any residential 437 lot in 'esidential district or at least one hundred (100) feet from any residentiallot occupied 438 with one-, two-, three-, four-, townhouse, or multiple-family dwelling, measured from the 439 clo est point of the building in which the business is located to the closest residenrial properiy 440 1� e. 441 (5) 442 Other uses snnilar to the above uses. Accessory building, structures and uses as defined in section 60.201. 443 (Code 1956, §§ 60.492; Ord. No. 16956, 9-9-82; Ord. No. 17204, 1-15-85; Ord. No. 17524, §§ 12, 1- 444 6-88; Ord. No. 17564, §§ 7, 5-19-88; Ord. No. 17611, §§§§ 1, 2, 11-3-88; Ord. No. 17646, §§ 6, 4-6- 445 89; Ord. No. 17689, §§ 4, 10-26-89; Ord. No. 17777, 10-11-90; C.F. No. 93-1718, §§ 38, 12-14-93; ::. . .:,...= .: :..- . . ......��.�.. �.��. . :,. .: . . . .� : : ..: . :�. � : . � : . � . :� : :: : � . . ir. •� •' i - u � i•" _r. i i ' "_ a - �u" - - ' - - _' :ii i�: 446 447 ,; C.F. No. 94-1863, §§ 2, 1-18-95; C.F. No. 96-77, §§ 2, 2-14-96; C.F. No. 96-1342, §§ 2, ll-13-96; C.F. No. 97-1089, §§§§ 2, 3, 10-1-97) Q Q�q�i�- Sec. 60.5343. Required conditions. 449 The following conditions shall be required of all uses in the B-2 Commuruty Business Distric�: 450 (1) Ali business establislunents shall be retail or service establishments dealing directly with 451 consumers. All goods provided on the premises shall be sold at retail on the premises where 452 produced. �� 453 (2) All business, storage, servicing or processing shall be conducted with'v�completely enclosed 454 buildings. Provided, however, that the following uses may be condu�d outdoors if 455 specifically allowed as a permitted use or special condition use: O� street parking, off-street 456 loading or outdoor businesses and outdoor businesses with outd¢br storage. �' 457 (Code 1956, §§ 60.493; C.F. No. 92-1479, §§ 5, 12-15-92) � � : 459 460 4b1 462 463 464 Sec. 60.5344. Principal uses permitted subject to special The following additional uses shall be permitted, subject to condition uses as set forth in section 64300(ed). All princi� conditions shall be reviewed and approved by the planning, (1) All uses as permitted and regulated in the B-1 permitted subject to special conditions. Sec. 60.5345. Area, bulk and yard setback idards specified for all special permitted subjectto special Business District under principal uses 465 See Chapter 61, Schedule of Regulations, limiti�ig the height and bulk of buildings, the minimum size 466 of lot permitted by land use, the maximum de�sity permitted, and providing minimum yard setback 467 requirements. �,� 468 (Code 1956, §§ b0.495) � 469 ,;� 470 Su�ivision �S. 60.5�50. B-2C 471 Comrr�inity Business (Converted) District 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 Sec. 60.5�51. Intent. It is the intent of the B-2C�ommunity Business (Converted) District to create a business district expressly far exisring resYdential shuctures in commercial azeas, which will pernut the operation of businesses which do npt generate large amounts of traffic and at the same time will retain the visual chazacter of the builci'ing forms and open space associated with residential uses. This includes a limited height on building�and front and side yards. It is further the intent of this district to provide parking for employees ��io work in buildings which are converted from zesidential to business use. (Ord. No. 1 Sec. 10-20-83) Principal uses permitted. 60.5�53. Required conditions. The following conditions shall be required of all uses in the B-2C Community Business (Converted) District: !� 486 Sec. 60.5454. Principal uses permitted subject to special conditions. 0 0 -1r1 L. 487 The following additional uses sha11 be permitted, subject to the conditions hereinafter imposed for 488 each use and subject to the standards specified for all special condition uses as set forth in section 489 64300(ed). All principal uses pemutted subject to special conditions shall be reviewe and approved 490 by the pla.nning coxnxnission. 491 / ,% ;� 492 Sec. 60.5�55. Area, bulk, and yard setback requirements. 493 494 495 496 Sec.60.5#61.Intent. Subdivision �6. 60.5�60. B-3 General Business District 497 The B-3 General Business District is intended to provide 498 than those in the B-1 and B-2 Business Districts, and is u 499 arteries or adjacent to the Community Business Districtis. iF` soo �coae 19s6, §§ 6o.soi� �� 501 502 503 504 505 Sec. 60.5�62. Principal uses permitted. j for more diversified types of businesses ed for location, along major traffic In a B-3 General Business District, the use of„kand, the location and erection of new buildings or structures, and the alteration, enlargement asx� moving of existing buildings or structures from other locations or districts shall conforxn to the fo�llowing specified uses, unless otherwise provided in this � code: / 506 (1) All principal uses permitted and u�es permitted subject to special conditions and as regulated in 507 OS-1, B-1, and B-2 Districts, except,�uto service stations, auto convenience markets, � licensed 508 correctional community residentia}�acilities, health deparhnent-licensed community residential 509 facilities and emergency housing; pawn shops when the business is conducted within completely 510 enclosed buildings, and cellular``telephone antennas located on a freestanding pole. f' 511 � 512 (12) 513 �` 514 Sec. 60.5#63. Requir,ed conditions. 515 The following conc�itions shall be required of all uses in the B-3 General Business District: All 516 business, storage��servicing or processing shall be conducted within completely enclosed buildings. 517 Provided, how�er, that the following uses may be conducted outdoors if specifically allowed as a 518 permitted use, r special condition use: Off-street parking, off-street loading or outdoor businesses and 519 outdoor bus,'�iesses with outdoor storage. 520 (Ord. 521 Sec. l 7524, §§ 16, 1-6-88; C.F. No. 92-1479, §§ 6, 12-15-92) Principal uses permitted subject to special conditions. 522 T� following additional uses shall be pernutted, subject to the conditions hereinafter imposed for 523 each use and subject to the standards specified for all special condition uses as set forth in section 524 64300(ed). All principal uses permitted subject to special conditions shall be reviewed and approved 525 by the planning commission. 00 �� �"' 526 (1) Auto service stafions; and auto convenience markets, as regulated in the 527 B-2 District. 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 Sec. 60.5�65. Area, bulk and setback requirements. Subdivision 37. 60.5370. Central Business Distr Sec. 60.5571. Intent. Sec. 60.5572. Principal uses permitted. Sec. 60.5573. Required conditions. Sec. 60.5574. Principal uses permitted subjee4 to special conditions. The following additional uses shall be permitfed, subject to the conditions hereinafter imposed for each use and subject to the standards specifi�d for all special condition uses as set forth in section 64300(ed). All principal uses permitted sg�iject to special conditions shall be reviewed and approved by the planning commission. �,� Sec. 60.5575. Area, bulk and yard s�etback requirements. 547 548 549 Sec.60.5681.Intent. 550 551 Sec. 60.SG82. Princi� 552 553 Sec. 60.5683. Requii 554 � 555 Sec. 60.Sfr84. Priuci� vision fr8. 60.SS80. B-S Business-Service District permitted. conditions. uses permitted subject to special conditions. 556 The following additional uses sha11 be permitted, subject to the conditions hereinafter imposed for 557 each use and u�bject to the standards specified for all special condition uses as set forth in section 558 64300(ed).�11 principal uses permitted subject to special conditions shall be reviewed and approved 559 by the plaxrfiing commission. 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 Sec. 6,�.5685. Area, bulk; and yard setback requirements. 00 -1�1 �. 572 573 574 5�$ 576 $77 5�g 579 580 $gi 582 583 584 $g$ 586 5g� $gg 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 Sec. 61.103. Business districts. 1Sinimum Size TSaximum Lot Size Per Height Minimum Yard Setback Tfaximum linit of Structures (Per Lot in Feeu Percent of Floor t.oc nrea Area in R'idth Side • Occupied ' Ratio Square in In In Front ��_ Total Rear BS hiain (F.:R) Zoning District Feet Feet Stories Feet mum of 2ko Euilding 61.103 BL'SI\ESS DISTRICTS � OS-1 ice-Senice Locce.� none none 3 d 30 d 15 a,�fa b b b,c none 1.0 OS-��eneral0ffl�e-Sero�ce nan� �.oHE 6e o'Se Oy 6 6'" b�c r.one 3.0 $-1 I.oca] Business none aone 3 30 15 ax? b / b b,c none 1.0 B-2 Community Business none none d 30 d O�f,g b �� 6 6,c none 2_0 B-2C Community Business none none 3d 30d 25�(j 4� 8 25 30°T RA (Converted) � B-3 Genera] Business none none d 30 d O�g ;�b b b.c none 2.0 B-4 Central Business none none no hmit no ]imit no limii ;' none none none c none S.0 �?f B-� Centra] Business Sen•ice none none no limit no hmit no li none none none c none 5.0 qrf rnr,i N� �;nR2 1n-20-£�3 Ord. I�o. 17204. 1-15-85: C.E I�o. 93-1718, § 62, 12-14-93) —�` - Notes to 61.103 Business Districts: (a) Off-street parking shall be permitted to occup��equired front yard setback; provided, that the off- street parking area, exclusive of access driveway shall be set back a mimmum distance of six (6) feet from any front or side street right-of-way and tt� off=street parking area setback meets the requirements of section 61.103(fl. ti�' (b) No side or rear yards are required alon ='the interior lot lines of the district, except as otherwise specified in the building code; provided, at if walls of structures facing such interior lot lines contain windows, or other openings, yards of�}ot less than ten six (i�6) feet sha11 be provided. Side and rear yards of at least�ere six (i�6) feet sh�l`I be required when a business district adjoins a side yard in an adjacent residence district. These setback requirements from interior lot lines sha11 be waived when an roofs. 609 (c) Off-street loading�space shall be provided in the reaz yard in accordance with the requirements of 610 section 62.105. i� 611 (d) The height of,� he structure may exceed fi3nr�-�39�feet the maximum buildin¢ height allowed in the 612 district, provid ' the structure is set back from all praperty setback lines a distance equal to the height 613 which said s, cture exceeds the maximum buildin height a€i�lrriir�ing allowed in the district. 614 e The hei t of structures in an OS-2 General Office-Service District ma exceed six 6 stories and 615 six -fiv 65 feet in hei ht sub'ect to conditions under section 60.524 2. The hei ht of above 616 round azkin buildin s in an OS-2 General Office-Service District ma exceed fo -five 45 feet in 617 hei ng t, subject to the conditions under section 60.524(31. 618 619 (efl Floor area bonuses, which encourage certain building features which produce public benefits, shall be granted as follows: 620 (€g) On those lots or parcels, or portions of lots or pazcels, which adjoin a right-of-way line of a 621 parkway, the required setbacks from the pazkway right-of-way line shall be equal to that required for 622 residential uses in effect along the parkway right-of-way or twenty-five (25) feet, whichever is greater. 623 (gh) Those parkways and portions of parkways listed below are excluded from the setback Do-���" 624 requirements established in subsection (g) above: 625 Ford Parkway (from Kenneth Street to Finn Street and north side between Fi,� Street and Mount 626 Curve Boulevazd). � 627 Gannon Road. 628 629 630 631 632 633 (�i) Since B-2C zoned properiy has a residential character, t front setback or meet the requirements of section 61.101(a). (Code 1956, §§ 61.103; Ord. No. 17204, 1-15-85; Ord. No. §§ 63, 12-14-93; C.F. No. 97-1089, §§ 5, 10-1-97) �j Sec. 62.103. Parking requirements. 634 (a) Off-street parking. Except in a B-4 or B-5 Di 635 districts at the time of erecrion, enlargement or e 636 requirements of this section. Before a certificate 637 parking spaces provided shall be as hereinafter . 638 street azkin s aces rovided shall be at leas ' 639 640 Sec. 62106. Accessory buildings. 641 Accessory buildings, except as otherwis provic 642 regulations: � 643 (1) 644 645 (2) 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 When the accessory buil and must conform to, all Accessory buildings, except a rear yard. , On corner lots, distance equal When an yard or fi line a dis sha11 maintain a twenty-five=foot §§ 1, 10-11-90; C.F. No. 93-1718, i, off-street parking spaces shall be provided in all sion of all buildings in accardance with the occupancy shall be issued, the number of off-street In an OS-2 District, the number of off- in this code, shall be subject to the following is structurally attached to a main building, it shall be subject to, lations of this code applicable to main buildings. or uses shall not be erected in or established in a required yard ory buildings, structures or uses shall be set back from the street a required of the principal structure. �SOry building, structure or use is conshucted in a rear yard which adjoins a side ard, the accessory building, structure or use shall be set back from the interior lot equal to the minnnum side yard required ' of the 653 On all `ther lots, accessory buildings shall be set back at least three (3) feet from all interiar lot 654 lines d overhangs sha11 be set back at least one-third (1/3) the distance of the setback of the 655 gar e wall or one (1) foot, whichever is greater. 656 is setback requirement from all interior lot lines for accessory buildings in rear yards shall 657 e waived when a maintenance easement is recorded -- `' as to the affected 658 properties, when proof of such recorded easement is provided at the time of application for a 659 building permit and when the accessory building is located at least three (3) feet from any 660 building on an adjoining lot. The recording of the maintenance easement shall be intetpreted to 661 mean that the following intents and purposes of this setback requirement are met: 662 a. Adequate supply of sunlight and air to adjacent property; 663 ..� 665 666 � c. SufFcient space for maintenance of the building from the same lot; and Prevention of damage to adjoining properry by fire or runoff from roofs. ao-q�� A recorded common waJl agreement is permitted in lieu of a maintenance easement if the accessory shucture is attached to an accessory structure on an adjoining lot. , 667 (3) In any residential area, accessory buildings shall not exceed fifteen (15) feet in hei t; 668 provided, however, that accessory buildings with a flat or shed roof style shall n exceed 669 twelve (12) feet in height. Cama e house dwellin s in an OS-2 General Offi -Service 670 District shall not exceed 25 feet in hei¢ht. 671 Exception: Accessory building heights shall not apply to property wit � designated Heritage 672 Preservation Districts nor to designated historic sites. In these cases propriate building 673 heights for accessory structures sha11 be determined tlu�ough the de 'gn review process to 674 ensure that heights aze acceptable and in keeping with scale and le of development on the 675 property. 676 (4) Accessory buildings on a zoning lot may occupy up to thi -five (35) percent of the rear yazd. 677 Rear yazds which adjoin alleys may include half the azea the alley to calculate the area of the 678 rear yard which may be occupied by accessory buildin . 679 680 681 682 683 684 (5) 685 686 (6) 687 On zoning lots containing one- and two-family dwe ngs, accessory buildings shall not occupy more than one thousand (1,000) squaze feet of the oning lot. On zoning lots containing a11 other uses, accessory buildings may occupy the e percent of the zoning lot as main buildings are allowed to occupy, as specified � tables in sections 61.101, 61.103, 61.104 and 61.105. In those instances where the rear lot line r a side lot line is coterminous with the alley right- of-way, the accessory building shall n be closer than one foot to such rear lot lines. On through lots, where frontage shall be equal to the side yard se established within a given block, reaz yard setbacks of the district in which located. 688 (7) Accessory buildings sha11 be„�located at least six (6) feet from the principal structure or shall be 689 considered attached for p oses of the zoning code. 690 (Code 1956, §§ 62106; Ord. o. 17038, 7-5-83; Ord. No. 17204, 1-15-85; Ord. No. 17476, §§ 1, 7- 691 15-87; Ord. No. 17511, §§ 7 11-12-87; Ord. No. 17524, §§§§ 27, 28, 1-6-88; C.F. No. 93-1718, §§§§ 692 74, 75, 12-14-93; C.F. No 6-77, §§ 4, 2-14-96; C.F. No. 96-1342, §§ 4, 11-13-96; C.F. No. 99-750, 693 §§ 9,9-1-99) 694 695 696 697 698 Chapter 66. Zoning Code - Signs Sec. 66.206.�a` OS-2, B-2. B-2C and B-3 Business Districts - �a 699 700 (5) Electronic message signs shall be prohibited from�l�ce OS-2. B-2 �istiief and�Yce B-2C districts; 701 provided, that electronic message signs giving public information, such as time, temperature, 702 stock averages and the like, are perxnitted in OS-2 and B-2 districts. 703 704 705 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby amend the Saint 706 Paul Zoning Code by changing the zoning classification for the following properties on the zoning maps of 707 the City of Saint Paul, Sheet No. 29, as incorporated by reference in Section 60301 of the Saint aul 00 ��1� 708 Legislative Code: 709 710 711 P1N Ni)1VIBER ADDRESS LEGAL DESCRIPTION 712 713 RCIt-1 to OS-2 714 � 715 062822410046 Unassigned SUBJ TO ST; THE FOL; PART OF OT 1 DESC AS BEG AT SW 716 COR OF SD LOT 1 TH NELY T A PT ON WL OF E 10 FT. DIST 717 15 FT. N FROM SL OF SD LO 1 TH N ON SD WL TO NL OF 718 LOT 1 TH W TO NW COR S TO BEG & ALL OF LOTS 2 719 THRU LOT 4 BLK A 720 � 721 062822140002 Unassigned SUB TO FLOOD WAL ESMT A TRIANGiJLAR TRACT 722 BOLJNDED BY MIS SIPPI RIVER ON NW EXTENDED SWLY 723 L OF CUSTER ST SW AND W R/W L OF C G W RY ON E IN 724 GOVT LOT 7 SE TN 28 RN 22 725 726 062822140018 40 Water Street E COM AT NW OR OF LOT 14 BLK 4 BAZII. & ROBERTS ADD 727 TH NWLY 4.1 FT ON EXTENDED SWLY L OF SD LOT TH 728 55.71 FT LY AT AN ANGLE TO R OF 26 DEG 45 MIN TO PT 729 OF BEG CONT. NWLY ON LAST DESC L 185 FT TO 730 HARB L TH NELY ON SD HARBOR L TO INTERSECT WITH 731 EXTE ED SWLY L OF CUSTER ST VAC TH SELY ON SD 732 EXT NDED L TO WL OF C G W RY RW AT A PT 158 FT NWI.Y 733 F M NWLY L OF SD BLK 4 TH SLY ON SD RWL TO A PT 734 735 062822140019 Robert St. S AC STS & ALLEYS ACCRUING & SUB7 TO ESMTS. TI� FOL: 736 THAT PART OF GOVT LOT 7 LY1NG ELY OF RR R/W & WLY 737 OF ROBERT ST & THAT PART OF BLK 175 OF ROBERTSONS 738 ADD & BLK 4 OF BAZIL & ROBERTS ADD LYING ELY OF RR 739 R/W. ALSO IN BAZIL & ROBERTS ADD. THE NWLY 44.75 FT 740 OF BLK 2& ALL OF BLK 3 741 742 062822410006 2 Starkey S. BEG ON NL WATER ST & SW L L 14 B4 BAZIL & ROBTS ADD 743 TH NW ON SD L TO NW COR SD LOT TH CONT NW 48.1 FT TH 744 NW AT AND R 26D 45M TO RIVER TH S W ON RIV TO PT 20 FT 745 ELY OF EL BA ROBERTSONS ADD TH SE PAR TO BH TO PT 746 300 FT N OF NL ST TH NE PAR TO ST TO L RiTN 10 FT SW OF 747 & PAR TO SD L 14 TH SE ON SD L TO INT W L OF STARKEY 748 ST EXT TH S TO NL WATER ST TH ELY TO BEG BEGIN PART 749 OF GL 7(SUBJ TO ESMT IN SEC 6 TN 28 RN 22 750 751 062822410007 2 Starkey St. EX SELY 300 FT THE SWLY 20 FT OF PART OF GOVT LOT 7 752 NELY OF ROBERTSONS ADD AND NWLY OF WATER ST IN "753 SEC 6 T'N 28 RN 22 754 755 062822410005 Water St. E. PART OF GOVT LOT 7 IN SEC 6 T 28 R 22 & PART OF LOT 14 756 BLK 4 IN SD BAZIL & ROBERTS ADD DESC AS BEG AT NW 757 COR LOT 14 TH NWI,Y ON EX SW L SD LOT 48.1 FT TH N AT 758 ANGLE TO R 26DG 45 MN 55.71 FT TO NW L OF SE 100 FT OF 759 GL 7 TH NELY ON SD NW L TO ELY OF STARKEY ST TH SLY 760 761 762 763 062822410044 764 765 766 767 768 769 770 771 772 773 062822410002 774 775 776 777 778 062822410014 779 780 781 782 062822410003 783 784 785 786 062822410043 787 788 789 790 791 792 793 794 795 RCI-1 to OS-2 796 797 062822410018 798 799 800 801 802 803 804 805 062822410024 806 807 808 062822410029 809 810 811 812 813 062822410030 814 815 ON SD EL TO INT SW L OF LOT 14 TH NWI,Y ON SW L LOT 14 TO BEG � Q �9e) � 40 Water St. E. BEG AT INIBRSECTTON OF NWLY L OF WATER ST & EXTENDED NELY L OF BLK 176 ROBERTSONS ADD TH NWLY ON SD EXTENDED L TO INTERSECTION OF A 10 FT SWLY FROM & PAR WITFI SWLY L OF LOT 14 BL 4 BAZIL & ROBERTS ADD TH NWLY ON SD PAR L TO RSECT L 300 FT NWI,Y FROM & PAR WI'I'I3 NWLY L OF ATER ST TH SWLY ON SD PAR L TO INTERSECT A L 20 F NELY FROM & PAR WITH NELY L OF ROBERTSONS ADD,�TH NWLY ON LAST DESC L , ' Unassigned Fillmore Ave. E. 43 Water St. E. SUBJ TO FLOOD WALL ESMT PART,6F SPUR R/W IN BLK 4 F SERVING PURE OIL CO AND SUBJ/TO CUSTER ST A 50 FT RY R/W RiJNNING N FROM LEVEE L ACROSS GOVT LOT 7 SEC 6 T 28 R 22 A- ND ACROSS PART OF BLK 4 f �' IN THE CITY OF ST PAUL &EVISED DESCRIPTION NiJMBER d 717 A SPECIFIC PART OF� TS 8 THRU 10 BLK 4 BAZIL A- ND ROBERTS ADD AND PAR{T' OF BLK 175 IN THE CTT OF ST A SPECIFIC PART PART OF LOTS 3 " , REVISED DESCRIPTION 1VLJMBER 693 �VTLOT7INSEC6T28R22AND LOT 6 BLK 4 43 Water St. E. SUBJ TO LEVEFp�ESMT OVER ELY %z FT BEG AT IN'I'ERSECTI�G OF SLY L OF LOT 6& EXTENDED ELY L OF STARKEY S�' TH NWLY ON SD EXTENDED L 39.52 FT TO INTERSEC� A L 60 FT NWLY FROM & PAR WITH LEVEE L TH NELY O�SD PAR L 64.22 FT TO INTERSECT A L PAR WITFI & 8 FT A`P`�RA FROM CL OF PiJRE OIL CO SPUR TRACK TH SLY ON SD L 539 FT TO SLY L OF LOT 6 TH SWLY ON SD L 37.�FT TO BEG BEING PART OF SD LOT 6 BLK 4 Fillmore Ave. E. �" VAC ST ACCRiJING IN DOC NO 1819955 & T S 567230 & FOL; � PART OF STARKEY ST VAC SWLY OF A L BEG AT PT ON NWLY L OF FAIRFIELD AVE 20 FT NELY OF SE COR BLK 177 f TH NWI,Y TO PT 35 FT SWLY OF NWLY COR OF LOT 3 BLK � 174 TH NW 9 FT ELY OF & PAR TO MOST ELY SPUR TRACK � TO SELY L OF FILLMORE AVE & THERE TERM ALSO LOT 1 NELY 15 FT OF LOT 2& ALL OF LOT 13 BLK 177 Unassigned STS & ALLEY ACCRUING AS VAC IN ABST DOC 1819955 & TS DOC 567230 & FOL; LOTS 1& LOT 13 BLK 178 STS & ALLEY ACCRUING AS VAC IN ABST DOC 1819955 & TS DOC 567230 & FOL; PART OF LOT 1 NELY OF A LINE 8 FT SWLY OF & PAR WITH CL OF SWLY TRACK OF RY ACROSS SD LOT 1 BLK 179 ST & ALLEY ACCRUING AS VAC IN ABST DOC 1819955 & TS DOC 567230 & FOL; 1170 SQ FT DESC AS FOL; EX NELY 8 FT; PART OF LOT 1 SWLY OF CL OF SWLY TRACK OF RY 816 817 818 062822410031 819 820 821 052822320012 822 823 824 052822320013 825 826 827 828 052822320014 829 830 831 832 833 834 052822320015 835 836 837 838 839 052822320030 840 841 052822320029 842 843 052822320017 844 845 846 052822320016 847 848 849 850 052822320028 851 852 853 854 855 052822320035 856 857 858 859 860 861 862 863 864 062822410038 865 866 867 868 869 870 871 ACROSS SD LOT 1 BLK 179 O O - Plato Blvd. W. STS & ALLEY AS VAC IN ABST DOC 1819955 & TS OC 567230 & LOT 13 BLK 179 Robert St. S. STS & ALLEY ACCRiJING AS VA IN ABST C 1819955 & TS DOC 567230 & FOL; LOTS 1 THRU LOT 5 LK 10 Robert St. S. Unassigned 173 Robert St. S. Unassigned Unassigned Plato Blvd W 193 Robert St. S. ST ACCRUING AS VAC IN ABST 567230 & FOL; EX SWLY 15 FT; I LOT 3 BLK 15 �1819955 & TS DOC 1&2 &EXSWLY30FT; STS & ALLEY ACCRiTING AS" VA IN ABST DOC 1819955 & TS DOC 567230 & FOL; SWLY,;15 FT OF LOTS 1& 2& W 30 FT OF LOT 3& SWLY QUADRA3�IGULAR PART OF LOTS 4& 5 MEASURING 10 FT ON;SELY LINE OF LOT 5& 24 FT ON N�VI.Y LINE OF SDjOT 4 BLK 15 ST ACCRUING AS�/�AC IN ABST DOC 181955 & TS DOC 567230 & FOL; EX SWLIn QUADRANGULAR PART MEASi.TRING 10 FT ON SELY L OF,�OT 5 AND 24 FT ON NWLY L OF LOT 4 LOTS 4 AND LOT 5 BL�K 15 1i1C�7 VAC VAC ACCRUING & LOT 7 BLK 15 & ST ACCRUING & LOT 6 BLK 15 i& ALLEYS ACCRiJING & THE FOL; LOT 6 LYING PLATO BLVD & ALL OF LOTS 7 THRU LOT 10 BLK 18 � AND ALLEY ACCRUING AS VAC IN ABST DOC 1819955 & i DOC 567230 & FOL; PART LYING N4VLY OF PLATO BLVD FLOTS 1 THRU LOT 5 BLK 18 Unassigned VAC ST ACCRUING & SUBJ TO ESMT; EX NWLY 22.4 FT & EX NELY 115 FT LOT 4& EX PART NELY OF A LINE MEAS � 115 FT ON THE NELY LINE & 117.76 FT ON THE SELY LINE „ LOT 5 BLK 13 Robert St� VAC STS & ALLEYS ACCRiJING & SUBJ TO ESMTS. THE FOL; � BEG ON THE SWLY LINE OF ROBERT ST & THE NWI,Y LINE OF FILLMORE ST. TH SELY ALONG ROBERT ST TO THE CL ,� OF VAC FAIRFIELD ST. TH SWLY ALONG CL OF FAIRFIELD y ST 125 FT TO THE CL OF VAC ALLEY IN BLK 10 TH SELY � ALONG SD CL OF ALLEY IN BLK 10 & CONT ON CL IN BLK 15 TO THE ELY EXT ON SELY LINE OF LOT 8 BLK 15. TH SWLY ALONG LAST DESC LINE TO THE NELY LINE OF VAC 41 Chicago Ave. E. TRACT H REGIST'ERED LAND SURVEY 350 & IN SD ROBERTSONS ADDITION STS ACCRUING AS VAC IN ABST DOC. 1819955 & TS DOC. 567230 & PART SWLY OF C N W RY R/W & SELY OF EXTENDED SELY LINE OF NWLY 47.4 FT OF LOT 2 BLK 172 SD ROBERTSONS ADD OF FOL TRACT LOTS 4 & 5 BLK 13 BAZIL & ROBERTS ADD & PART OF GL 7 IN SEC 5 TN 28 RN 22 & IN SD ROBERTSONS ADD LOT 2 BLK 172 872 873 RCC-1 to OS-2 874 875 062822410015 876 877 062822410012 878 879 880 881 062822410013 882 883 884 885 062822410016 886 887 888 889 062822420003 890 891 892 893 894 062822410020 895 896 897 898 062822410019 899 900 901 902 0628222410017 903 904 905 906 062822410022 907 908 909 910 911 912 913 062822410036 914 915 916 062822410021 917 918 919 920 062822410045 921 922 062822410� 923 924 925 926 062822410026 927 Oo-g'1�' 84 Wabasha St. S. 1 Water St. LOTS 1'I'IIRU LOT 7 BLK 176 W: VAC ALLEY & ST ACCRUING AS VAC IN TS D C NO 561084 & ABST DOC NOS 1687963 & 1806646 & F ; NELY %z OF LOT 4& ALL OF LOTS 1 2& LOT 3 BLK B 21 Water St. W. VAC STS ACCRLTING AS VAC IN TS DO NO. 561084 & ABST DOC NO 1806646 & FOL; SWLY %z OF LQ�f 4& ALL OF LOTS 5 & LOT 6 BLK B � Wabasha St. PART LYING NLY OF REALIGNF�D WATER ST OF FOL; VAC STS ACCRUING & SUBJ TO ST�L,OTS 1 2& 3 NELY'/z OF LOT 4 BLK 182 � 51 Water St. W. VAC STS ACCRiJING AS IN ABST DOC NO. 1806646 & TS DOC NO 561084 & FOL/IRACT; SUBJ TO ALLEY PART LYING NLY OF RE-ALIGNED ST OF BLK 184 & EX WLY 15 FT. LOT 5& ALL O$`LOTS 1 THRU LOT 4 BLK 183 114 Wabasha St. S. ALLEXS & ST A�CRUING AS VAC IN ABST DOC. 1819955 & TS DOC 567230/& FOL; EX NE 15 FT; LOT 2& ALL OF LOTS 3 THRU LOT 9 $LK 177 34 Fillmore Ave. E. SUBJ TO & WITH ESMT; THE FOL; VAC STS & ALLEYS ACCRUI�4G & LOTS 10 11 & 12 BLK 177 & LOTS 2 3& LOT 4 BLK 17� /� Wabasha St. S. P�T LYING NLY OF REALIGNED WATER ST OF FOL; VAC ST��S ACCRUING & SWLY'/z OF LOT 4& ALL OF LOTS 5 AND L�OT 6 BLK 182 30 Water St. W. � VAC STS ACCRIJING & EX A TRIANGLE IN NW COR MEAS �' 35.65 FT ON SW LINE OF RE-ALIGNED WATER ST & 68.09 FT � ON SW LINE OF NE '/� OF VAC EDWARD ST & EX NELY 180 FT / THE N 240 FT OF THE FOL TRACT; PART OF LOTS 1& 2 IN BI.TRNS RE & IN ROBERTSONS ADD PART SLY OF WATER ST OF BLK 182 & LOTS 8 9& LOT 10 BLK 181 Wabas�St. S. < ll�'VJabasha St. / i 155 Wabasha St. S. 120 Wabasha St. S. Wabasha St. S. VAC ALLEYS & ALL OF VAC INDIANA ST ACCRUING & FOL; SWLY �h OF LOT 7& ALL OF LOTS 8 9 10 11 & LOT 12 BLK 178 SUBJ TO ST & VAC ST & ALLEY ACCRUING Tf� FOL TRACT; PART OF LOT 2 BURNS RE & PART SLY OF RE-ALIGNED WATER ST THE NE 180 FT OF NW 240 FT OF BLK 181 OUTLOT A& LOTS 1 2 3& LOT 4 BLK 2 ST & ALLEY ACCRUING AS VAC IN ABST DOC 1819955 & TX DOC 567230 & FOL; NWLY 1.4 FT OF SWLY 81.6 FT OF LOT 6 & ALL OF LOT 5 BLK 178 ALLEY ACCRUING AS VAC IN ABST DOC 1819955 & TS DOC 567230 & FOL; NWLY �/: OF LOT 7& EX 1VWLY 1.4 FT OF 928 929 930 062822410037 931 932 933 062822410033 934 935 936 937 052822230021 938 939 940 I-1 to OS-2 941 942 062822440095 943 944 062822440094 945 946 062822440079 947 948 949 950 951 952 953 954 955 062822440080 956 957 958 959 960 06282244077 961 962 963 964 062822430042 965 966 967 I-1 to B-3 968 969 062822440001 970 971 062822440002 972 973 974 975 062822440003 976 977 978 05282233004y 979 980 981 Unassigned 162 Wabasha St. 63 Robert St. 8 Plato Blvd. W 90 Plato $1vd.W SWLY 81.6 FT LOT 6 BLK 178 00 -9'1 �-- SUBJ TO PLATO BLVD; VAC STS & ALLEY ACCRUING & LOTS 2 3 4 10 11 & 12 BLK 179 � TI� VAC 20 FT WIDE N-S ALLEY�ADJ & PART LYING NLY OF PLATO BLVD AS RELOCAT�b OF FOL TRACT; LOTS 5 THRU LOT 9 BLK 179 � VAC STS & ALLEYS ACCRUJNG TF� FOL; EX THE NWI.Y 44.75 FT ALL OF BLK 2 i r� OU'I'LOTS B C& D'� & LOTS 7 8 9 10 & LOT 11 BLK 1 LOTS&6 215 Wabasha St. S. VAC ST & F.�L; BEG ON SL OF LOT 7 BLK 167 & 30 FT SW OF NE L OF L 7 TH NLY PAR TO SD L 40 FT TH S 41 DEG 58 MIN 24 S�C W 79.12 FT TH N 85 DEG 28 MN W 3.86 FT TH S 23 MINE4 SFTTHS41DEG58MIN24SECW11.85FTTHS3 MIN E f O TOE OF CLIFF TH E ON TOE L TO PT 8.5 FT W OF E L OF,�,OT TA N PAR TO SD L 93.10 FT TH NWLY 872 FT TO PT OF �EG & SUBJ TO ALLEY & ALLEY BLVD; E 8.5 FT OF LOT 2 & t1LL OF LOT 1 BLK 7 Unassigned k ,>TRACT B REG LAND SURVEY 327 & IN SD ROBERTSONS ADD �" A TRACT OF LAND LYING N OF PROSPECT TERRACE & SLY > OF TOE OF CLIFF ACROSS BLKS 160 8 9& EX E 8 FT; LOT 5& LOTS 6 7& LOT 8 BLK 7 Unassigned f i I� F ; 120 Plato Blvd. W. ; 'r , i 30 Plato Blvd. W. 200 Wabasha St. S. 206 Wabasha St. S A TRACT OF LAND LYING N OF PROSPECT TERRACE & SLY OF TOE OF CLIFF ACROSS EX E 8.5 FT; LOT 2& LOT 2& ALL OFLOTS34&E8FTOFLOTSBLK7 LOT 4 BLK 1 LOT 1 BLK 1 VAC STS & ALLEY ACCRUING & SUBJ TO RELOCATED PLATO BLVD LOT 5 AND ALL OF LOTS 6 THRU LOT 9 BLK 169 VAC ST & ALLEY ACCRUING & N 50 FT OF LOT A CIiANNEL ADD & IN SD ROBERTSONS ADD LOT 2 BLK 168 216 Wabasha St. S. VAC STS & ALLEY ACCRUING & THE FOL; LOTS 3& 4 BLK 168 ROBERTSONS ADD ALSO EX N 50 FT LOT A& ALL OF LOT B OF CHANNEL ADD & IN WEST IlVDUSTRIAL PARK NO. 3 LOT 6 BLK 1 OR�GINAL THIS PAGE HAS BEEN LEFT BLANR INTEIvQTIONALLY. IT ZS THE SIGNATURE PA E ACCOMPA�IYING GREEN SHEET NO. 106979: "AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTE 60 OF THE SAINT PAUL LEGISLATIVE CODE PERTAINZNG TO ZONING FOR THE / CITY OF SAINT PAUL AND THE ZONING MAPS THEREOF." Benanav Blakey Bostrom Coleman Harris Lantry Reiter / Adopted by Co ; �cil Adoption C rtifi� Approved by Mayor: Requested by Department of: ao -q�'' Plannina & ECOnomic Development � Date by Council Secretary Form Approve y City Attorney , ��yv"-- !o f/ UG� �— Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Date