00-601ORIGINAL Presented By Referred To Council File # O O � �.O � Ordinance # Green Sheet # �O�'.�.0 Y at Committee Date : An administrative ordinance to provide for the publication and distribution of the legislative and administrative codes by the city clerk. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SA1NT PAUL DOES HEREBY ORDAIN: Section 1 P!lBLISH�b I Section 4.02 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 4.02. Powers and duties. The city clerk shall: (1) Maintain and preserve the minutes and records of the proceedings of the city council in accordance with the Charter and the proceedings of all council committees. (2) Be the legal custodian of and maintain official copies of all ordinances and resolutions of the council. (3) Cause all notices of regular and special meetings of the city council to be served in accordance with state statutes, Charter provisions, city ordinances and the rules of the council, and as d'uected by the president of the council. (4) (5) ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Cause the publication of all notices of public hearings as required by the Charter or othex applicable law. Have custody of the seal of the city and affix it to such documents as may be required and authorized pursuant to law. � Publish the Saint Paul Legislative Code and the Saint Paul Administrative Code. with amendments thereto, as ado�ted bv the citv council and effective pursuant to Section 6.11 of the Charter, and to make such codes, toeether with such amendments thereto available for sale to the general publia The Leeislative Code i�Zf � 1�,� 1 sha11 contain the Charter of the Citv of Saint Paul, all legislative ordinances, an 2 alohabetical index, and such other information as the clerk deems desirabie and Op �Lp, 3 practicable The Administrative Code shall contain all a.dministrative ordinances 4 rules for the conduct of city sovernment and the citv council, an alnhabetical 5 index. and such other information as the clerk deems desirable and practicable. 7 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 ?2 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 � Renumber, and correct clerical or typoerarohical errors in preparine copy for editions of the Legislarive and Administrative codes. and amendments thereto. In doine so, the clerk shall not alter the sense, meaning or effect of anv le¢islative act, but may after consultation with the city attornev renumber sections. subdivisions or clauses and parts of sections. subdivisions or clauses thereof, chanee the wording of headnotes and titles: rearran�e sections, subdivisions or clauses; combine sections, subdivisions or clauses into other sections, subdivisions or clauses or both; chan¢e reference numbers to agree with renumbered chapters, sections, subdivisions or clauses: substitute the nroper section chapter subdivision or clause numbers for the terms "this ordinance " "the precedine section," and the like; substitute figures for written words and vice versa• change capitalization for the purpose of uniformitv: and correct manifest clerical or typographical errors. � Offer the Le�islative Code and the Administrative Code and supplements thereto for nublic sale at a price eauivalent to the ner unit costs of each To the extent that approoriations are available therefor the city clerk is directed to distribute without charge copies of the Leeislative and Administrative Codes and supplements thereto to the iud�es of all courts, to the constitutional officers of the State of Minnesota and to such state departments as would have need of the same and to all citv offices in the numbers requested, and to the Saint Paul Public Librar�and the state law librarv. Section 2 Section 3.02 of the St. Paul Administrafive Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 3.02. Powers and duties. The city attorney shall represent the city in all causes in which city is interested and shall have full and complete charge of the legal business of the city. The city attorney shall be the legal advisor to the mayor, to the council and to a11 departments and agencies of the city except as may be otherwise provided by the Charter. The city attomey sha11 prosecute and defend actions and proceedings by and against the city and every deparrinent and agency thereof. In the furtherance of these general powers, the city attorney shall: (1) �2) Advise the mayor, the council and the heads of all departments and agencies on all matters relating to their official powers, duries and functions. Attend in person or by designee all council meetings and, at the request of the presiding officer, attend committee meetings of the council. a ��te �a 2 0 6 7 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 (3) Be responsible for the preparation of all ordinances and resolurions as requested by the mayor or the council. The city attorney shall advise the council as to the form and sufficiency of all ordinances prior to their adoption, and no ordinance shall be introduced until it shall either have been approved as to form by the city attorney or unril the city attomey has filed with the city clerk a statement of reasons why the ordinance is insufficient. (4) (5) Review and approve a11 contracts, deeds, documents and instruments prior to the execution thereof by or on behalf of the city, its deparhnents and agencies. Render legal opinions upon any question of law submitted to the mayor or the councii, with respect to their official powers, duties and obligations. f70—� (6) Enter into any agreement, comproxnises or settlement of any claun or litigation in which the city is involved. The city attorney may contract with outside consultants or specialists to assist in the collection of registered bills. (7) Conduct and prosecute appeals from orders, decisions or judgments affecting any interest of the city as the city attomey may, in the exercise of discretion, deterxnine to be necessary or desirable. (8) Conduct prosecutions for crimes and offenses occurring in the City of Saint Paul and within the jurisdiction of the Ramsey County Municipal Court and appeals therefrom, including violations of city ordinances, compiaints of any deparhnent under law and violations of rules and regulations duly promulgated and adopted by city departments and agencies. (9) Prepare and approve a11 workers' compensation payrolls and investigate all cases in which workers' compensation is involved and be responsible for the filing of all documents and papers requixed by the Workers' Compensation Act of the State of Minnesota. (10) Maintain appropriate recoxds of all actions, suits, proceedings and matters which relate to the interests of the city, its departments or agencies and report thereon from time to time as required by the mayor and council. (11) Advise the cit�lerk on all matters relarin� to the codification, publication and distribution of the legislative and administrative codes of the citv as provided in Section 4.02 of the Administrative Code (12) Be responsible for representing the city in all causes, hearings, trials, and administrative ar judicial review concerning rates, franchises, valuations, utility conducts, or other issues involving the city and the public utilities which affect it or aze under its control, including, but not limited to, telephone, telegraph, radio, television, cable television, lighting, heating, water, sewer and transportation. In so doing, the city attorney may retain a rate expert or experts to ensure proper review, analysis, study and recommendations on all utility matters, which expert shall prepare far submission to the mayar and the council, upon request, such �� O d i' z U� 1 reports and recommendations as may assist them in resolving rate determinations 2 and other utiliry matters. 00 —G�O\ � 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1'1 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 (13) Have such other and different powers and duties as may be provided by charter or law. Section 3 Section 3.05 of the St. Paul Administrative Code is hereby repealed in its entirety: .. �.�.f.� - -- - - - - - - '- - - -- -- '- -- - - --- -- - - - -:: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - '- •- - - - - -- - - - - -- - :: - - -- - - - - - - --- - - - � 0� I ' v ' �� • . . Y_ ♦ . ♦ I � � • ♦ �• _ _ � � � � " , • � .1 " " ' � �" � � �. � • •. � . � � � � � � � ORIGINAL BY= y � _-___ .�- Approved by Mayor: Date By: Requested ty Depaztment of: C+� A�,.�N B /►'t L� -1-00 Form App�� d by Cit=A�rney • i . By: � � � � for Sub�h�ission to Council 9 ���� Pt�USHED ,�27'� Adopted by Council: Date 'O�fl Adoption Certified by Coun ' Se tary bo-Co� ci Reyne Rofuth Jvne 28, 2000 onrE wrtwreu June 14, 2000 : •_"fii!..'�3 TOTAL � OF SIGNATURE PAGES GREEN SHEET oE.Nn�ro.cera� No 1 C;�?�2 arcm�xn ❑ rnr�nouav ❑ arcctcxrz ❑ w+.xn.�.aFrtuccscw. ❑ wwrx�mnneero ❑���,�.� a (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) An ordinance to transfer the work of publishing the Legislative and Administrative Codes of the City to the City Cle�k (director:of Citizen Services). PLANNING COMMISSION CIB CAMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION PROBLEM ISSUE, RSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER 7HE FOLLOWING QIIESTIONS: FI� thls Pe���fin eMef vAfked ulldef 8 GOn11aC[ fat tlN6�depaRmEnl? ves No Fias mia ce�eeMim avu bem e cdY emPbYee7 vES r� Do� this Person?rm P� a sldll not riom�el�YPcesessed bY anY curtmt dtY emPbvee? YES NO k Mis persaJfirm a targeted veiMOR . YE3 NO Function is more appropriate to other responsibilities and duties of the City Clerk. More efficiency in handling amendments and new•ordinances. None Code will remain out-of-date, continue to require actions of both City CT� and City AMOUNT OF TRANSACTIOH �q.c; �i:� aT1=; Pl i:19.:d a e� 7�rtra.d.;Tla ACTIVIT' NUMBER 2C6-8710 t�a No (IXPWN) ORIGINAL Presented By Referred To Council File # O O � �.O � Ordinance # Green Sheet # �O�'.�.0 Y at Committee Date : An administrative ordinance to provide for the publication and distribution of the legislative and administrative codes by the city clerk. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SA1NT PAUL DOES HEREBY ORDAIN: Section 1 P!lBLISH�b I Section 4.02 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 4.02. Powers and duties. The city clerk shall: (1) Maintain and preserve the minutes and records of the proceedings of the city council in accordance with the Charter and the proceedings of all council committees. (2) Be the legal custodian of and maintain official copies of all ordinances and resolutions of the council. (3) Cause all notices of regular and special meetings of the city council to be served in accordance with state statutes, Charter provisions, city ordinances and the rules of the council, and as d'uected by the president of the council. (4) (5) ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Cause the publication of all notices of public hearings as required by the Charter or othex applicable law. Have custody of the seal of the city and affix it to such documents as may be required and authorized pursuant to law. � Publish the Saint Paul Legislative Code and the Saint Paul Administrative Code. with amendments thereto, as ado�ted bv the citv council and effective pursuant to Section 6.11 of the Charter, and to make such codes, toeether with such amendments thereto available for sale to the general publia The Leeislative Code i�Zf � 1�,� 1 sha11 contain the Charter of the Citv of Saint Paul, all legislative ordinances, an 2 alohabetical index, and such other information as the clerk deems desirabie and Op �Lp, 3 practicable The Administrative Code shall contain all a.dministrative ordinances 4 rules for the conduct of city sovernment and the citv council, an alnhabetical 5 index. and such other information as the clerk deems desirable and practicable. 7 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 ?2 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 � Renumber, and correct clerical or typoerarohical errors in preparine copy for editions of the Legislarive and Administrative codes. and amendments thereto. In doine so, the clerk shall not alter the sense, meaning or effect of anv le¢islative act, but may after consultation with the city attornev renumber sections. subdivisions or clauses and parts of sections. subdivisions or clauses thereof, chanee the wording of headnotes and titles: rearran�e sections, subdivisions or clauses; combine sections, subdivisions or clauses into other sections, subdivisions or clauses or both; chan¢e reference numbers to agree with renumbered chapters, sections, subdivisions or clauses: substitute the nroper section chapter subdivision or clause numbers for the terms "this ordinance " "the precedine section," and the like; substitute figures for written words and vice versa• change capitalization for the purpose of uniformitv: and correct manifest clerical or typographical errors. � Offer the Le�islative Code and the Administrative Code and supplements thereto for nublic sale at a price eauivalent to the ner unit costs of each To the extent that approoriations are available therefor the city clerk is directed to distribute without charge copies of the Leeislative and Administrative Codes and supplements thereto to the iud�es of all courts, to the constitutional officers of the State of Minnesota and to such state departments as would have need of the same and to all citv offices in the numbers requested, and to the Saint Paul Public Librar�and the state law librarv. Section 2 Section 3.02 of the St. Paul Administrafive Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 3.02. Powers and duties. The city attorney shall represent the city in all causes in which city is interested and shall have full and complete charge of the legal business of the city. The city attorney shall be the legal advisor to the mayor, to the council and to a11 departments and agencies of the city except as may be otherwise provided by the Charter. The city attomey sha11 prosecute and defend actions and proceedings by and against the city and every deparrinent and agency thereof. In the furtherance of these general powers, the city attorney shall: (1) �2) Advise the mayor, the council and the heads of all departments and agencies on all matters relating to their official powers, duries and functions. Attend in person or by designee all council meetings and, at the request of the presiding officer, attend committee meetings of the council. a ��te �a 2 0 6 7 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 (3) Be responsible for the preparation of all ordinances and resolurions as requested by the mayor or the council. The city attorney shall advise the council as to the form and sufficiency of all ordinances prior to their adoption, and no ordinance shall be introduced until it shall either have been approved as to form by the city attorney or unril the city attomey has filed with the city clerk a statement of reasons why the ordinance is insufficient. (4) (5) Review and approve a11 contracts, deeds, documents and instruments prior to the execution thereof by or on behalf of the city, its deparhnents and agencies. Render legal opinions upon any question of law submitted to the mayor or the councii, with respect to their official powers, duties and obligations. f70—� (6) Enter into any agreement, comproxnises or settlement of any claun or litigation in which the city is involved. The city attorney may contract with outside consultants or specialists to assist in the collection of registered bills. (7) Conduct and prosecute appeals from orders, decisions or judgments affecting any interest of the city as the city attomey may, in the exercise of discretion, deterxnine to be necessary or desirable. (8) Conduct prosecutions for crimes and offenses occurring in the City of Saint Paul and within the jurisdiction of the Ramsey County Municipal Court and appeals therefrom, including violations of city ordinances, compiaints of any deparhnent under law and violations of rules and regulations duly promulgated and adopted by city departments and agencies. (9) Prepare and approve a11 workers' compensation payrolls and investigate all cases in which workers' compensation is involved and be responsible for the filing of all documents and papers requixed by the Workers' Compensation Act of the State of Minnesota. (10) Maintain appropriate recoxds of all actions, suits, proceedings and matters which relate to the interests of the city, its departments or agencies and report thereon from time to time as required by the mayor and council. (11) Advise the cit�lerk on all matters relarin� to the codification, publication and distribution of the legislative and administrative codes of the citv as provided in Section 4.02 of the Administrative Code (12) Be responsible for representing the city in all causes, hearings, trials, and administrative ar judicial review concerning rates, franchises, valuations, utility conducts, or other issues involving the city and the public utilities which affect it or aze under its control, including, but not limited to, telephone, telegraph, radio, television, cable television, lighting, heating, water, sewer and transportation. In so doing, the city attorney may retain a rate expert or experts to ensure proper review, analysis, study and recommendations on all utility matters, which expert shall prepare far submission to the mayar and the council, upon request, such �� O d i' z U� 1 reports and recommendations as may assist them in resolving rate determinations 2 and other utiliry matters. 00 —G�O\ � 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1'1 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 (13) Have such other and different powers and duties as may be provided by charter or law. Section 3 Section 3.05 of the St. Paul Administrative Code is hereby repealed in its entirety: .. �.�.f.� - -- - - - - - - '- - - -- -- '- -- - - --- -- - - - -:: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - '- •- - - - - -- - - - - -- - :: - - -- - - - - - - --- - - - � 0� I ' v ' �� • . . Y_ ♦ . ♦ I � � • ♦ �• _ _ � � � � " , • � .1 " " ' � �" � � �. � • •. � . � � � � � � � ORIGINAL BY= y � _-___ .�- Approved by Mayor: Date By: Requested ty Depaztment of: C+� A�,.�N B /►'t L� -1-00 Form App�� d by Cit=A�rney • i . By: � � � � for Sub�h�ission to Council 9 ���� Pt�USHED ,�27'� Adopted by Council: Date 'O�fl Adoption Certified by Coun ' Se tary bo-Co� ci Reyne Rofuth Jvne 28, 2000 onrE wrtwreu June 14, 2000 : •_"fii!..'�3 TOTAL � OF SIGNATURE PAGES GREEN SHEET oE.Nn�ro.cera� No 1 C;�?�2 arcm�xn ❑ rnr�nouav ❑ arcctcxrz ❑ w+.xn.�.aFrtuccscw. ❑ wwrx�mnneero ❑���,�.� a (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) An ordinance to transfer the work of publishing the Legislative and Administrative Codes of the City to the City Cle�k (director:of Citizen Services). PLANNING COMMISSION CIB CAMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION PROBLEM ISSUE, RSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER 7HE FOLLOWING QIIESTIONS: FI� thls Pe���fin eMef vAfked ulldef 8 GOn11aC[ fat tlN6�depaRmEnl? ves No Fias mia ce�eeMim avu bem e cdY emPbYee7 vES r� Do� this Person?rm P� a sldll not riom�el�YPcesessed bY anY curtmt dtY emPbvee? YES NO k Mis persaJfirm a targeted veiMOR . YE3 NO Function is more appropriate to other responsibilities and duties of the City Clerk. More efficiency in handling amendments and new•ordinances. None Code will remain out-of-date, continue to require actions of both City CT� and City AMOUNT OF TRANSACTIOH �q.c; �i:� aT1=; Pl i:19.:d a e� 7�rtra.d.;Tla ACTIVIT' NUMBER 2C6-8710 t�a No (IXPWN) ORIGINAL Presented By Referred To Council File # O O � �.O � Ordinance # Green Sheet # �O�'.�.0 Y at Committee Date : An administrative ordinance to provide for the publication and distribution of the legislative and administrative codes by the city clerk. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SA1NT PAUL DOES HEREBY ORDAIN: Section 1 P!lBLISH�b I Section 4.02 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 4.02. Powers and duties. The city clerk shall: (1) Maintain and preserve the minutes and records of the proceedings of the city council in accordance with the Charter and the proceedings of all council committees. (2) Be the legal custodian of and maintain official copies of all ordinances and resolutions of the council. (3) Cause all notices of regular and special meetings of the city council to be served in accordance with state statutes, Charter provisions, city ordinances and the rules of the council, and as d'uected by the president of the council. (4) (5) ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Cause the publication of all notices of public hearings as required by the Charter or othex applicable law. Have custody of the seal of the city and affix it to such documents as may be required and authorized pursuant to law. � Publish the Saint Paul Legislative Code and the Saint Paul Administrative Code. with amendments thereto, as ado�ted bv the citv council and effective pursuant to Section 6.11 of the Charter, and to make such codes, toeether with such amendments thereto available for sale to the general publia The Leeislative Code i�Zf � 1�,� 1 sha11 contain the Charter of the Citv of Saint Paul, all legislative ordinances, an 2 alohabetical index, and such other information as the clerk deems desirabie and Op �Lp, 3 practicable The Administrative Code shall contain all a.dministrative ordinances 4 rules for the conduct of city sovernment and the citv council, an alnhabetical 5 index. and such other information as the clerk deems desirable and practicable. 7 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 ?2 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 � Renumber, and correct clerical or typoerarohical errors in preparine copy for editions of the Legislarive and Administrative codes. and amendments thereto. In doine so, the clerk shall not alter the sense, meaning or effect of anv le¢islative act, but may after consultation with the city attornev renumber sections. subdivisions or clauses and parts of sections. subdivisions or clauses thereof, chanee the wording of headnotes and titles: rearran�e sections, subdivisions or clauses; combine sections, subdivisions or clauses into other sections, subdivisions or clauses or both; chan¢e reference numbers to agree with renumbered chapters, sections, subdivisions or clauses: substitute the nroper section chapter subdivision or clause numbers for the terms "this ordinance " "the precedine section," and the like; substitute figures for written words and vice versa• change capitalization for the purpose of uniformitv: and correct manifest clerical or typographical errors. � Offer the Le�islative Code and the Administrative Code and supplements thereto for nublic sale at a price eauivalent to the ner unit costs of each To the extent that approoriations are available therefor the city clerk is directed to distribute without charge copies of the Leeislative and Administrative Codes and supplements thereto to the iud�es of all courts, to the constitutional officers of the State of Minnesota and to such state departments as would have need of the same and to all citv offices in the numbers requested, and to the Saint Paul Public Librar�and the state law librarv. Section 2 Section 3.02 of the St. Paul Administrafive Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 3.02. Powers and duties. The city attorney shall represent the city in all causes in which city is interested and shall have full and complete charge of the legal business of the city. The city attorney shall be the legal advisor to the mayor, to the council and to a11 departments and agencies of the city except as may be otherwise provided by the Charter. The city attomey sha11 prosecute and defend actions and proceedings by and against the city and every deparrinent and agency thereof. In the furtherance of these general powers, the city attorney shall: (1) �2) Advise the mayor, the council and the heads of all departments and agencies on all matters relating to their official powers, duries and functions. Attend in person or by designee all council meetings and, at the request of the presiding officer, attend committee meetings of the council. a ��te �a 2 0 6 7 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 (3) Be responsible for the preparation of all ordinances and resolurions as requested by the mayor or the council. The city attorney shall advise the council as to the form and sufficiency of all ordinances prior to their adoption, and no ordinance shall be introduced until it shall either have been approved as to form by the city attorney or unril the city attomey has filed with the city clerk a statement of reasons why the ordinance is insufficient. (4) (5) Review and approve a11 contracts, deeds, documents and instruments prior to the execution thereof by or on behalf of the city, its deparhnents and agencies. Render legal opinions upon any question of law submitted to the mayor or the councii, with respect to their official powers, duties and obligations. f70—� (6) Enter into any agreement, comproxnises or settlement of any claun or litigation in which the city is involved. The city attorney may contract with outside consultants or specialists to assist in the collection of registered bills. (7) Conduct and prosecute appeals from orders, decisions or judgments affecting any interest of the city as the city attomey may, in the exercise of discretion, deterxnine to be necessary or desirable. (8) Conduct prosecutions for crimes and offenses occurring in the City of Saint Paul and within the jurisdiction of the Ramsey County Municipal Court and appeals therefrom, including violations of city ordinances, compiaints of any deparhnent under law and violations of rules and regulations duly promulgated and adopted by city departments and agencies. (9) Prepare and approve a11 workers' compensation payrolls and investigate all cases in which workers' compensation is involved and be responsible for the filing of all documents and papers requixed by the Workers' Compensation Act of the State of Minnesota. (10) Maintain appropriate recoxds of all actions, suits, proceedings and matters which relate to the interests of the city, its departments or agencies and report thereon from time to time as required by the mayor and council. (11) Advise the cit�lerk on all matters relarin� to the codification, publication and distribution of the legislative and administrative codes of the citv as provided in Section 4.02 of the Administrative Code (12) Be responsible for representing the city in all causes, hearings, trials, and administrative ar judicial review concerning rates, franchises, valuations, utility conducts, or other issues involving the city and the public utilities which affect it or aze under its control, including, but not limited to, telephone, telegraph, radio, television, cable television, lighting, heating, water, sewer and transportation. In so doing, the city attorney may retain a rate expert or experts to ensure proper review, analysis, study and recommendations on all utility matters, which expert shall prepare far submission to the mayar and the council, upon request, such �� O d i' z U� 1 reports and recommendations as may assist them in resolving rate determinations 2 and other utiliry matters. 00 —G�O\ � 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1'1 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 (13) Have such other and different powers and duties as may be provided by charter or law. Section 3 Section 3.05 of the St. Paul Administrative Code is hereby repealed in its entirety: .. �.�.f.� - -- - - - - - - '- - - -- -- '- -- - - --- -- - - - -:: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - '- •- - - - - -- - - - - -- - :: - - -- - - - - - - --- - - - � 0� I ' v ' �� • . . Y_ ♦ . ♦ I � � • ♦ �• _ _ � � � � " , • � .1 " " ' � �" � � �. � • •. � . � � � � � � � ORIGINAL BY= y � _-___ .�- Approved by Mayor: Date By: Requested ty Depaztment of: C+� A�,.�N B /►'t L� -1-00 Form App�� d by Cit=A�rney • i . By: � � � � for Sub�h�ission to Council 9 ���� Pt�USHED ,�27'� Adopted by Council: Date 'O�fl Adoption Certified by Coun ' Se tary bo-Co� ci Reyne Rofuth Jvne 28, 2000 onrE wrtwreu June 14, 2000 : •_"fii!..'�3 TOTAL � OF SIGNATURE PAGES GREEN SHEET oE.Nn�ro.cera� No 1 C;�?�2 arcm�xn ❑ rnr�nouav ❑ arcctcxrz ❑ w+.xn.�.aFrtuccscw. ❑ wwrx�mnneero ❑���,�.� a (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) An ordinance to transfer the work of publishing the Legislative and Administrative Codes of the City to the City Cle�k (director:of Citizen Services). PLANNING COMMISSION CIB CAMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION PROBLEM ISSUE, RSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER 7HE FOLLOWING QIIESTIONS: FI� thls Pe���fin eMef vAfked ulldef 8 GOn11aC[ fat tlN6�depaRmEnl? ves No Fias mia ce�eeMim avu bem e cdY emPbYee7 vES r� Do� this Person?rm P� a sldll not riom�el�YPcesessed bY anY curtmt dtY emPbvee? YES NO k Mis persaJfirm a targeted veiMOR . YE3 NO Function is more appropriate to other responsibilities and duties of the City Clerk. More efficiency in handling amendments and new•ordinances. None Code will remain out-of-date, continue to require actions of both City CT� and City AMOUNT OF TRANSACTIOH �q.c; �i:� aT1=; Pl i:19.:d a e� 7�rtra.d.;Tla ACTIVIT' NUMBER 2C6-8710 t�a No (IXPWN)