00-548ORlG1NAL Presented By Referred To ORDINANCE "" OF SAINT PAUL, NIIl�INESOTA Council File # O 0.5 Ordinance # Green Sheet # � � Z�\S a9 Comxnittee Date : 1 An ordinance to amend Chapter 19 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code 2 to allow inspectors of the board of water commissioners to issue sumuionses. 3 THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SA1NT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: 4 Section 1 5 Chapter 19 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 6 Sec. 19.01. Power of inspectors to issue summonses. 7 All duty appointed, qualified and acting inspectors of �i � �j� the departments of the City of Saint Paul g 6� �1�+��'���'����'1' _,_, m ,� , q �.�„ M , u ,� ,���z� shall have the same power as possessed by police officers of the 9 city to issue summonses in the same manner and with the same force and effect as summonses issued 10 by police officers, but such summonses shall relate only to violations of the Saint Paul Legislative 11 Code relating to building construction, operation and maintenance; fire and fire prevention; public 12 health and sanitation; �°��r�ff and zoning, and the provisions of the Minnesota Code of Agency 13 Rules enforced by the division of public health. Said suuunonses shall be such form as approved by the 14 Ramsey County Municipal Court. 15 16 17 Section 2 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thiriy days following its passage, approval and publication. Requested by Department of: Saint Paul Regional Water Services By: �..Q/t.v.^P /L ` r���i�C neral Manager By: U \ C , Approved by Mayor: Date By: i _.� i Form A proved by City Attorney B � 5- zs-B� Approved by Mayor r Submission to Council By: _I v��(� v �l�si't�� � � �,: Adopted by Council: Date d�p op Adoption Certified by Counci Secr ry I/ � Bernie R. Bullert 266-6274 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES T co -sy� GREEN SHEET No 10 2 21 :� � � �.��� �ZY-i000 �.� ��j F � ' anwnaear_!` '� ❑arcaeuc �� ' wNw�taoacou� ❑ wywr�tmiwKCra i� Iw��sm�urt�1L`_11�- a V ' (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� City Council approval of ordinance amending_Chapter 19 of the Saint Paul LeoisZative Code pertaining to power of inspectors to issue summonses. Attachments: 1) Staff report 2) Ordinance 3) Board of Water Co�issionexs Reso].ution No. 471I w PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMfTTEE CML SERVICE CAMMISSION Rnard nf Watar Cnmmiaainnanc Flas thic a�soNfinn e+er Mancea untler a� krthis depaMient? YES NO Flasihie ce��m e+ec4een a a"ty empbyee4 YES NO Oces tliis Person?rtn P�e�e a sl� nOt lqrmallYO� bY anY curteM ci[y employee7 YES NO Is mis pcsavfirm a tarpeted vendort YES NO I'IATING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, YYhere, Whyj 3nspectors of the Board of Water Commissioners are unable to issue summonses for non-complaince with the water code. �:. _ . �. Inspectors of the Board of Water Commissioners will be able to issue summonses for non-compliance with the water code, as inspectors of other departments of the City are now able to do for violations of their respective codes. None Enforcement of the water code will continue to be more difficult for water inspectors as there are few consequences for non-compliance. OFTRANSACTION (�WM COST/REVEHUEBUDGETED(qRCLEONE) YES NO ACTNIiY NUMBER �E32c�PC�i Ci9P1#2P �°�Y � Q 2000 � BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONEAS bo -sy� RESOtUT10N — GErfERAL fORM Na 4� i i PRESEMED BV Arcand May 16, 2000 COMMISSIONER pqTF WFIEREAS Boazd of Water Coaunissioners ("Board") staff recommends that Chapter 19 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code ("Code") be amended so that Board inspectors have the right to issue sununonses for violations of the water code; and WI3EREAS, Boazd staff has prepazed a proposed St. Paul City Council Ordinance ("Ordinance") which amends the Code, and the Ordinance has been reviewed and recommended for approval by the St. Paul ftegional Water Services General Manager, and the form has been approved by the Assistant City Attomey, and a copy of the Ordinance is attached hereto and incorporated herein; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Boazd of Water Commissioners does hereby approve the attached Ordinance amending Chapter 19 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code; and, be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Board requests that the Honorable Council of the City of St. Paul approve and adopt said Ordinance. Water Commissionexs Yeas Arcand Nays Cardinal Vice President Haselmann President Reiter Adopted by the Board of R'ater Commissioners May 16, � Z000 In favor!+ _ Oppos� � �� � �/ secv. 00 -swY Saint Paul Regional STAFF REPORT - Water Services �Y 9, 2000 SUBJECT BOARD RESOLUTION NO. 4711 Pertainang to proposed changes to Chapter 19 of the Legislarive Code of the City of Saint Paul. BACKGROUND INFORMATION Staff is proposing a change to Chapter 19 of the Saint Paui Legislative Code to allow inspectors of the board of water commissioners to issue summonses. Currently, inspectors of the board have little recoutse against plumbers or contractors who don't follow our rules, other than to begin adverse license proceedings, which typically involves a pattern of non-compliance rather than a single incident, and is a lengthy process. The ability to issue sununonses �vould give inspectors a quick and efficient way to bring about compliance with our code. The city attomey has reviewed the proposed changes and has approved them as to form. Upon approval by the Board, they will be forwarded to the Saint Paul Ciry Council for adoption. RECOMMENDATION Board approval is recommended. ORlG1NAL Presented By Referred To ORDINANCE "" OF SAINT PAUL, NIIl�INESOTA Council File # O 0.5 Ordinance # Green Sheet # � � Z�\S a9 Comxnittee Date : 1 An ordinance to amend Chapter 19 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code 2 to allow inspectors of the board of water commissioners to issue sumuionses. 3 THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SA1NT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: 4 Section 1 5 Chapter 19 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 6 Sec. 19.01. Power of inspectors to issue summonses. 7 All duty appointed, qualified and acting inspectors of �i � �j� the departments of the City of Saint Paul g 6� �1�+��'���'����'1' _,_, m ,� , q �.�„ M , u ,� ,���z� shall have the same power as possessed by police officers of the 9 city to issue summonses in the same manner and with the same force and effect as summonses issued 10 by police officers, but such summonses shall relate only to violations of the Saint Paul Legislative 11 Code relating to building construction, operation and maintenance; fire and fire prevention; public 12 health and sanitation; �°��r�ff and zoning, and the provisions of the Minnesota Code of Agency 13 Rules enforced by the division of public health. Said suuunonses shall be such form as approved by the 14 Ramsey County Municipal Court. 15 16 17 Section 2 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thiriy days following its passage, approval and publication. Requested by Department of: Saint Paul Regional Water Services By: �..Q/t.v.^P /L ` r���i�C neral Manager By: U \ C , Approved by Mayor: Date By: i _.� i Form A proved by City Attorney B � 5- zs-B� Approved by Mayor r Submission to Council By: _I v��(� v �l�si't�� � � �,: Adopted by Council: Date d�p op Adoption Certified by Counci Secr ry I/ � Bernie R. Bullert 266-6274 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES T co -sy� GREEN SHEET No 10 2 21 :� � � �.��� �ZY-i000 �.� ��j F � ' anwnaear_!` '� ❑arcaeuc �� ' wNw�taoacou� ❑ wywr�tmiwKCra i� Iw��sm�urt�1L`_11�- a V ' (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� City Council approval of ordinance amending_Chapter 19 of the Saint Paul LeoisZative Code pertaining to power of inspectors to issue summonses. Attachments: 1) Staff report 2) Ordinance 3) Board of Water Co�issionexs Reso].ution No. 471I w PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMfTTEE CML SERVICE CAMMISSION Rnard nf Watar Cnmmiaainnanc Flas thic a�soNfinn e+er Mancea untler a� krthis depaMient? YES NO Flasihie ce��m e+ec4een a a"ty empbyee4 YES NO Oces tliis Person?rtn P�e�e a sl� nOt lqrmallYO� bY anY curteM ci[y employee7 YES NO Is mis pcsavfirm a tarpeted vendort YES NO I'IATING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, YYhere, Whyj 3nspectors of the Board of Water Commissioners are unable to issue summonses for non-complaince with the water code. �:. _ . �. Inspectors of the Board of Water Commissioners will be able to issue summonses for non-compliance with the water code, as inspectors of other departments of the City are now able to do for violations of their respective codes. None Enforcement of the water code will continue to be more difficult for water inspectors as there are few consequences for non-compliance. OFTRANSACTION (�WM COST/REVEHUEBUDGETED(qRCLEONE) YES NO ACTNIiY NUMBER �E32c�PC�i Ci9P1#2P �°�Y � Q 2000 � BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONEAS bo -sy� RESOtUT10N — GErfERAL fORM Na 4� i i PRESEMED BV Arcand May 16, 2000 COMMISSIONER pqTF WFIEREAS Boazd of Water Coaunissioners ("Board") staff recommends that Chapter 19 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code ("Code") be amended so that Board inspectors have the right to issue sununonses for violations of the water code; and WI3EREAS, Boazd staff has prepazed a proposed St. Paul City Council Ordinance ("Ordinance") which amends the Code, and the Ordinance has been reviewed and recommended for approval by the St. Paul ftegional Water Services General Manager, and the form has been approved by the Assistant City Attomey, and a copy of the Ordinance is attached hereto and incorporated herein; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Boazd of Water Commissioners does hereby approve the attached Ordinance amending Chapter 19 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code; and, be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Board requests that the Honorable Council of the City of St. Paul approve and adopt said Ordinance. Water Commissionexs Yeas Arcand Nays Cardinal Vice President Haselmann President Reiter Adopted by the Board of R'ater Commissioners May 16, � Z000 In favor!+ _ Oppos� � �� � �/ secv. 00 -swY Saint Paul Regional STAFF REPORT - Water Services �Y 9, 2000 SUBJECT BOARD RESOLUTION NO. 4711 Pertainang to proposed changes to Chapter 19 of the Legislarive Code of the City of Saint Paul. BACKGROUND INFORMATION Staff is proposing a change to Chapter 19 of the Saint Paui Legislative Code to allow inspectors of the board of water commissioners to issue summonses. Currently, inspectors of the board have little recoutse against plumbers or contractors who don't follow our rules, other than to begin adverse license proceedings, which typically involves a pattern of non-compliance rather than a single incident, and is a lengthy process. The ability to issue sununonses �vould give inspectors a quick and efficient way to bring about compliance with our code. The city attomey has reviewed the proposed changes and has approved them as to form. Upon approval by the Board, they will be forwarded to the Saint Paul Ciry Council for adoption. RECOMMENDATION Board approval is recommended. ORlG1NAL Presented By Referred To ORDINANCE "" OF SAINT PAUL, NIIl�INESOTA Council File # O 0.5 Ordinance # Green Sheet # � � Z�\S a9 Comxnittee Date : 1 An ordinance to amend Chapter 19 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code 2 to allow inspectors of the board of water commissioners to issue sumuionses. 3 THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SA1NT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: 4 Section 1 5 Chapter 19 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 6 Sec. 19.01. Power of inspectors to issue summonses. 7 All duty appointed, qualified and acting inspectors of �i � �j� the departments of the City of Saint Paul g 6� �1�+��'���'����'1' _,_, m ,� , q �.�„ M , u ,� ,���z� shall have the same power as possessed by police officers of the 9 city to issue summonses in the same manner and with the same force and effect as summonses issued 10 by police officers, but such summonses shall relate only to violations of the Saint Paul Legislative 11 Code relating to building construction, operation and maintenance; fire and fire prevention; public 12 health and sanitation; �°��r�ff and zoning, and the provisions of the Minnesota Code of Agency 13 Rules enforced by the division of public health. Said suuunonses shall be such form as approved by the 14 Ramsey County Municipal Court. 15 16 17 Section 2 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thiriy days following its passage, approval and publication. Requested by Department of: Saint Paul Regional Water Services By: �..Q/t.v.^P /L ` r���i�C neral Manager By: U \ C , Approved by Mayor: Date By: i _.� i Form A proved by City Attorney B � 5- zs-B� Approved by Mayor r Submission to Council By: _I v��(� v �l�si't�� � � �,: Adopted by Council: Date d�p op Adoption Certified by Counci Secr ry I/ � Bernie R. Bullert 266-6274 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES T co -sy� GREEN SHEET No 10 2 21 :� � � �.��� �ZY-i000 �.� ��j F � ' anwnaear_!` '� ❑arcaeuc �� ' wNw�taoacou� ❑ wywr�tmiwKCra i� Iw��sm�urt�1L`_11�- a V ' (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� City Council approval of ordinance amending_Chapter 19 of the Saint Paul LeoisZative Code pertaining to power of inspectors to issue summonses. Attachments: 1) Staff report 2) Ordinance 3) Board of Water Co�issionexs Reso].ution No. 471I w PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMfTTEE CML SERVICE CAMMISSION Rnard nf Watar Cnmmiaainnanc Flas thic a�soNfinn e+er Mancea untler a� krthis depaMient? YES NO Flasihie ce��m e+ec4een a a"ty empbyee4 YES NO Oces tliis Person?rtn P�e�e a sl� nOt lqrmallYO� bY anY curteM ci[y employee7 YES NO Is mis pcsavfirm a tarpeted vendort YES NO I'IATING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, YYhere, Whyj 3nspectors of the Board of Water Commissioners are unable to issue summonses for non-complaince with the water code. �:. _ . �. Inspectors of the Board of Water Commissioners will be able to issue summonses for non-compliance with the water code, as inspectors of other departments of the City are now able to do for violations of their respective codes. None Enforcement of the water code will continue to be more difficult for water inspectors as there are few consequences for non-compliance. OFTRANSACTION (�WM COST/REVEHUEBUDGETED(qRCLEONE) YES NO ACTNIiY NUMBER �E32c�PC�i Ci9P1#2P �°�Y � Q 2000 � BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONEAS bo -sy� RESOtUT10N — GErfERAL fORM Na 4� i i PRESEMED BV Arcand May 16, 2000 COMMISSIONER pqTF WFIEREAS Boazd of Water Coaunissioners ("Board") staff recommends that Chapter 19 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code ("Code") be amended so that Board inspectors have the right to issue sununonses for violations of the water code; and WI3EREAS, Boazd staff has prepazed a proposed St. Paul City Council Ordinance ("Ordinance") which amends the Code, and the Ordinance has been reviewed and recommended for approval by the St. Paul ftegional Water Services General Manager, and the form has been approved by the Assistant City Attomey, and a copy of the Ordinance is attached hereto and incorporated herein; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Boazd of Water Commissioners does hereby approve the attached Ordinance amending Chapter 19 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code; and, be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Board requests that the Honorable Council of the City of St. Paul approve and adopt said Ordinance. Water Commissionexs Yeas Arcand Nays Cardinal Vice President Haselmann President Reiter Adopted by the Board of R'ater Commissioners May 16, � Z000 In favor!+ _ Oppos� � �� � �/ secv. 00 -swY Saint Paul Regional STAFF REPORT - Water Services �Y 9, 2000 SUBJECT BOARD RESOLUTION NO. 4711 Pertainang to proposed changes to Chapter 19 of the Legislarive Code of the City of Saint Paul. BACKGROUND INFORMATION Staff is proposing a change to Chapter 19 of the Saint Paui Legislative Code to allow inspectors of the board of water commissioners to issue summonses. Currently, inspectors of the board have little recoutse against plumbers or contractors who don't follow our rules, other than to begin adverse license proceedings, which typically involves a pattern of non-compliance rather than a single incident, and is a lengthy process. The ability to issue sununonses �vould give inspectors a quick and efficient way to bring about compliance with our code. The city attomey has reviewed the proposed changes and has approved them as to form. Upon approval by the Board, they will be forwarded to the Saint Paul Ciry Council for adoption. RECOMMENDATION Board approval is recommended.