00-375�$S�tTGt��. ��17�� 'L An�v.� �- 5 � ti'1 �� o ORDINANCE CITY OF 5AINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To /� i Council File # ��'3 t 3 Ordinance # Green Sheet # ���� t �? Committee Date : An ordinance to amend Chapter 200 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code to permit dogs to be in posted off-leash dog areas without restraints. 5 THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: 7 Section 1 9 Section 200.06 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 Sec. 200.06. Running at large. PUBUS�i�i� .�N 2 6 '00 The license holder, owner ar keeper of any canine shall be responsible for the effective restraint of such canine and shall not permit the canine to run at large. Any canine which is not effectively contained within a fenced area, or any canine which is on any unfenced area or lot abutting a street, alley, public pazk, public place or upon any other private land without being effectively restrained by chain or leash from moving beyond such unfenced area or lot, or any canine on any street, public park, school grounds or public place without being effectively restrained by chain or leash not exceeding six (6) feet in length, shall be deemed to be running at large. The provisions of this section shall not applv to a do�. iL , ' • ty {yp�.t, �fA�B�G�M1 {u4� irfA�6tt�i, ltW+6SN�"� (1) the dog is licensed by the Citv of Saint Pau� !�G(,(,t,tttr,(tity�[ �i� (21 the dog is present with an owner or keeper in an area which has been officially designated and_posted as an off-leash dog area pursuant to Section 170.06 of the Le�Islative Code; (31 the do�has not been designated as potentiallv dangerous or dangerous under Sections 20Q12(d,�-(El of the Legslative Code; and �1 the do�has not heen excluded from the particular off-leash dog area or the park in which such area is lacated either for violation of rules and regulations promulgated bv the director or under Section 17010(e) of the Legislative Code. A secand violation of this section within one (1) year shall be punishable by a fine of at least fifly dollars ($50.00), but not more than three hundred dollars ($300.00). The first violation of �� �� � v ' .I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 this section for a canine that has been declared to be a dangerous dog shall be a misdemeanor p p_ 3 � S punishable by a fine of three hundred dollars ($30Q.Q0). Invisible (underground electric) fences may be used as a secondary restraint only, and is not an acceptable replacement for a chain, leash or properly fenced-in area. Section 2 This section shall take effect and be in farce thirty (30) days following its passage, approval and publication. Requested by DeparCment of: By: Form Approved by City Attorney By: Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: I--� _'�.. c � - _ f-'�•-� . By: � Approved by Mayor� Date V�Q (�✓ �G�� By: PUBl.�SF�EO ,RJN 2 6 'U� Adopted by Council: Date �,�, �} r �.�'� p Adoption Cerufied by Council Secretary DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNQL Parks and Recreation CONTACT PEPSON AND PHONE Mike Rossberg 266-6447 MU5T BE ON COUNCIL A6ENDA BV iDA7E� Apri{ 19, 2000 GREEN SHEET � �� NO ���� DA7EINITIATED Aprii 4, 2000 p O- 31l C INRIAVDATE INITIAL/DATE �I DEPARTMENTDIRECTOR A� pTYGOUNqL ASS�Gro — NUMBER WR Z Q'fY ATTORNEY _CI'fY CLERK POUTIN6 OFDER _FINANqAL SERVICES DIR. 3 MAYOR {�R ASSISTANi]_� �J ROSSIIefq 300 CHA TOTAL S OF $IGNATURE PAGES � (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS f-0R SIGNAiURE) AGTION REQUESTED: Request passage of an ordinance to amend Chapter 200 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code to permit dogs to be in posted off-leash dog areas without restraints. REGOMMENDATIONS: ApPrOVe (A) or Reject IR) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTpACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: __PLANNING COMMISSION _CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �, ylas thi3 personffi�m ever wotketl untler a conttact for fiis department? CB COMMITTEE A Parks Commission VES NO f� STAFF 2. Has Mis Oerson/firm ev¢r been a c�ry employee? VES NO _DISTPICT pOUNQL — 3. Does [his pe�son/firm possess a skill no[ notmalty possessed by any curren[ ciry employee? SUPPOflT$ WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? VES NO Explain atl yas answers on sepa�ata shest antl attach to green sheet. INITIATIN6 PROBIEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When. Where, Whyl: Citizens have expressed a desire to have areas specially designated within the city on public property where dogs are allowed to run and play without wearing a leash. The Parks and Recreation Commission studied this matter and concurs. Passage of this ordinance to amend Chapter 200 of the Legislative Code witi allow the Division of Parks and Recreation to proceed with the Commission's recommendation to establish an off-leash dog area in Arlington Arkwright Park in 2000 and consider establishing 4-6 additional off-leash dog areas in 2001. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: This action will exempt designated off-{eash dogs areas from the alf-encompassing legal prohibition against allowing dogs Yo run oft-leash on public property, which will make it possible for the Division of Parks and Recreation to pursue this worthwhile recreational opportunity for the city's dog owners. DISADVANTAGES If APPROVED: None. DISADVAMAGES IF NOT APPROVED: ,�.;�°�� �. 4 2�a4 The all-encompassing legal prohibition against allowing dogs to run off leash on public property wi41 remain in effect, which will prohibit the Division of Parks and Recreation from pursuing the establishment of off-leash dog areas, which it views as a worthwhile recreational opportunity for the city's dog owners. TOTALAMOUMOFTqANSACTION S N�A FlJNDWG FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAINJ COST/ftEVENUE BUDGEfED (CIRCLE ONEI qCTIV1TY NUMBER VES NO � 4R�G��IAL ORDINANCE CTTY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To Council File # fl fl-� 3r{ S orainan�e # Green Sheet # f � £� � L� � / � / � Committee Date : 1 An ordinance to asnend Chapter 20Q o£the Saiut Paul Legislative 2 Code to pernut dogs to be in posted off-leash dog areas without 3 restraints � THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT P Section 200.06 of the Saint Paul DOES ORDAIN: 1 is hereby amended to read as £ollows: Sec. 200.06. Running at large. The license holder, owner r keepet of any canine shall be responsible for the effecrive restraint of such canine and sha not permit the canine to run at large. Any canine which is not effectively contained within a enced area, or any canine which is on any unfenced azea or lot abutting a street, alley, publ' pazk, public place or upon any other private land without being effectively restrained by c ain or leash from moving beyond such unfenced area or lot, or any canine on any street, pu ic pazk, schooi grounds or public place without being effectively restrained by chain or eash not exceeding six (6) feet in length, shall be deemed to be nuuung at large. The rovision of this section shall not a 1 to a do which is resent with an owner or kee er in an area hich has been officiall desitrnated and osted as an off-leash do azea. A second violatio of this section within one (1) year shall be punishable by a fine of at least fifty dollazs ($50.0 , but not more than three hundred dollars ($300.00). The first violation of this section for anine that has been declared to be a dangerous dog sha11 be a misdemeanar punishabl y a fine of three hundred dollars ($300.00). Invisible (underground electric} fences may be sed as a secondary restraint only, and is are not an acceptabie replacement for a chain, leash properly fenced-in area. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 se�c�on a This ordinance shall take effect and be in force tlurty (30) da and publication. OR1GlNAL Approved by Mayor: BYo by Council Secretaxy Date ao -3�s �$S�tTGt��. ��17�� 'L An�v.� �- 5 � ti'1 �� o ORDINANCE CITY OF 5AINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To /� i Council File # ��'3 t 3 Ordinance # Green Sheet # ���� t �? Committee Date : An ordinance to amend Chapter 200 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code to permit dogs to be in posted off-leash dog areas without restraints. 5 THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: 7 Section 1 9 Section 200.06 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 Sec. 200.06. Running at large. PUBUS�i�i� .�N 2 6 '00 The license holder, owner ar keeper of any canine shall be responsible for the effective restraint of such canine and shall not permit the canine to run at large. Any canine which is not effectively contained within a fenced area, or any canine which is on any unfenced area or lot abutting a street, alley, public pazk, public place or upon any other private land without being effectively restrained by chain or leash from moving beyond such unfenced area or lot, or any canine on any street, public park, school grounds or public place without being effectively restrained by chain or leash not exceeding six (6) feet in length, shall be deemed to be running at large. The provisions of this section shall not applv to a do�. iL , ' • ty {yp�.t, �fA�B�G�M1 {u4� irfA�6tt�i, ltW+6SN�"� (1) the dog is licensed by the Citv of Saint Pau� !�G(,(,t,tttr,(tity�[ �i� (21 the dog is present with an owner or keeper in an area which has been officially designated and_posted as an off-leash dog area pursuant to Section 170.06 of the Le�Islative Code; (31 the do�has not been designated as potentiallv dangerous or dangerous under Sections 20Q12(d,�-(El of the Legslative Code; and �1 the do�has not heen excluded from the particular off-leash dog area or the park in which such area is lacated either for violation of rules and regulations promulgated bv the director or under Section 17010(e) of the Legislative Code. A secand violation of this section within one (1) year shall be punishable by a fine of at least fifly dollars ($50.00), but not more than three hundred dollars ($300.00). The first violation of �� �� � v ' .I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 this section for a canine that has been declared to be a dangerous dog shall be a misdemeanor p p_ 3 � S punishable by a fine of three hundred dollars ($30Q.Q0). Invisible (underground electric) fences may be used as a secondary restraint only, and is not an acceptable replacement for a chain, leash or properly fenced-in area. Section 2 This section shall take effect and be in farce thirty (30) days following its passage, approval and publication. Requested by DeparCment of: By: Form Approved by City Attorney By: Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: I--� _'�.. c � - _ f-'�•-� . By: � Approved by Mayor� Date V�Q (�✓ �G�� By: PUBl.�SF�EO ,RJN 2 6 'U� Adopted by Council: Date �,�, �} r �.�'� p Adoption Cerufied by Council Secretary DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNQL Parks and Recreation CONTACT PEPSON AND PHONE Mike Rossberg 266-6447 MU5T BE ON COUNCIL A6ENDA BV iDA7E� Apri{ 19, 2000 GREEN SHEET � �� NO ���� DA7EINITIATED Aprii 4, 2000 p O- 31l C INRIAVDATE INITIAL/DATE �I DEPARTMENTDIRECTOR A� pTYGOUNqL ASS�Gro — NUMBER WR Z Q'fY ATTORNEY _CI'fY CLERK POUTIN6 OFDER _FINANqAL SERVICES DIR. 3 MAYOR {�R ASSISTANi]_� �J ROSSIIefq 300 CHA TOTAL S OF $IGNATURE PAGES � (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS f-0R SIGNAiURE) AGTION REQUESTED: Request passage of an ordinance to amend Chapter 200 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code to permit dogs to be in posted off-leash dog areas without restraints. REGOMMENDATIONS: ApPrOVe (A) or Reject IR) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTpACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: __PLANNING COMMISSION _CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �, ylas thi3 personffi�m ever wotketl untler a conttact for fiis department? CB COMMITTEE A Parks Commission VES NO f� STAFF 2. Has Mis Oerson/firm ev¢r been a c�ry employee? VES NO _DISTPICT pOUNQL — 3. Does [his pe�son/firm possess a skill no[ notmalty possessed by any curren[ ciry employee? SUPPOflT$ WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? VES NO Explain atl yas answers on sepa�ata shest antl attach to green sheet. INITIATIN6 PROBIEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When. Where, Whyl: Citizens have expressed a desire to have areas specially designated within the city on public property where dogs are allowed to run and play without wearing a leash. The Parks and Recreation Commission studied this matter and concurs. Passage of this ordinance to amend Chapter 200 of the Legislative Code witi allow the Division of Parks and Recreation to proceed with the Commission's recommendation to establish an off-leash dog area in Arlington Arkwright Park in 2000 and consider establishing 4-6 additional off-leash dog areas in 2001. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: This action will exempt designated off-{eash dogs areas from the alf-encompassing legal prohibition against allowing dogs Yo run oft-leash on public property, which will make it possible for the Division of Parks and Recreation to pursue this worthwhile recreational opportunity for the city's dog owners. DISADVANTAGES If APPROVED: None. DISADVAMAGES IF NOT APPROVED: ,�.;�°�� �. 4 2�a4 The all-encompassing legal prohibition against allowing dogs to run off leash on public property wi41 remain in effect, which will prohibit the Division of Parks and Recreation from pursuing the establishment of off-leash dog areas, which it views as a worthwhile recreational opportunity for the city's dog owners. TOTALAMOUMOFTqANSACTION S N�A FlJNDWG FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAINJ COST/ftEVENUE BUDGEfED (CIRCLE ONEI qCTIV1TY NUMBER VES NO � 4R�G��IAL ORDINANCE CTTY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To Council File # fl fl-� 3r{ S orainan�e # Green Sheet # f � £� � L� � / � / � Committee Date : 1 An ordinance to asnend Chapter 20Q o£the Saiut Paul Legislative 2 Code to pernut dogs to be in posted off-leash dog areas without 3 restraints � THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT P Section 200.06 of the Saint Paul DOES ORDAIN: 1 is hereby amended to read as £ollows: Sec. 200.06. Running at large. The license holder, owner r keepet of any canine shall be responsible for the effecrive restraint of such canine and sha not permit the canine to run at large. Any canine which is not effectively contained within a enced area, or any canine which is on any unfenced azea or lot abutting a street, alley, publ' pazk, public place or upon any other private land without being effectively restrained by c ain or leash from moving beyond such unfenced area or lot, or any canine on any street, pu ic pazk, schooi grounds or public place without being effectively restrained by chain or eash not exceeding six (6) feet in length, shall be deemed to be nuuung at large. The rovision of this section shall not a 1 to a do which is resent with an owner or kee er in an area hich has been officiall desitrnated and osted as an off-leash do azea. A second violatio of this section within one (1) year shall be punishable by a fine of at least fifty dollazs ($50.0 , but not more than three hundred dollars ($300.00). The first violation of this section for anine that has been declared to be a dangerous dog sha11 be a misdemeanar punishabl y a fine of three hundred dollars ($300.00). Invisible (underground electric} fences may be sed as a secondary restraint only, and is are not an acceptabie replacement for a chain, leash properly fenced-in area. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 se�c�on a This ordinance shall take effect and be in force tlurty (30) da and publication. OR1GlNAL Approved by Mayor: BYo by Council Secretaxy Date ao -3�s �$S�tTGt��. ��17�� 'L An�v.� �- 5 � ti'1 �� o ORDINANCE CITY OF 5AINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To /� i Council File # ��'3 t 3 Ordinance # Green Sheet # ���� t �? Committee Date : An ordinance to amend Chapter 200 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code to permit dogs to be in posted off-leash dog areas without restraints. 5 THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: 7 Section 1 9 Section 200.06 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 Sec. 200.06. Running at large. PUBUS�i�i� .�N 2 6 '00 The license holder, owner ar keeper of any canine shall be responsible for the effective restraint of such canine and shall not permit the canine to run at large. Any canine which is not effectively contained within a fenced area, or any canine which is on any unfenced area or lot abutting a street, alley, public pazk, public place or upon any other private land without being effectively restrained by chain or leash from moving beyond such unfenced area or lot, or any canine on any street, public park, school grounds or public place without being effectively restrained by chain or leash not exceeding six (6) feet in length, shall be deemed to be running at large. The provisions of this section shall not applv to a do�. iL , ' • ty {yp�.t, �fA�B�G�M1 {u4� irfA�6tt�i, ltW+6SN�"� (1) the dog is licensed by the Citv of Saint Pau� !�G(,(,t,tttr,(tity�[ �i� (21 the dog is present with an owner or keeper in an area which has been officially designated and_posted as an off-leash dog area pursuant to Section 170.06 of the Le�Islative Code; (31 the do�has not been designated as potentiallv dangerous or dangerous under Sections 20Q12(d,�-(El of the Legslative Code; and �1 the do�has not heen excluded from the particular off-leash dog area or the park in which such area is lacated either for violation of rules and regulations promulgated bv the director or under Section 17010(e) of the Legislative Code. A secand violation of this section within one (1) year shall be punishable by a fine of at least fifly dollars ($50.00), but not more than three hundred dollars ($300.00). The first violation of �� �� � v ' .I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 this section for a canine that has been declared to be a dangerous dog shall be a misdemeanor p p_ 3 � S punishable by a fine of three hundred dollars ($30Q.Q0). Invisible (underground electric) fences may be used as a secondary restraint only, and is not an acceptable replacement for a chain, leash or properly fenced-in area. Section 2 This section shall take effect and be in farce thirty (30) days following its passage, approval and publication. Requested by DeparCment of: By: Form Approved by City Attorney By: Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: I--� _'�.. c � - _ f-'�•-� . By: � Approved by Mayor� Date V�Q (�✓ �G�� By: PUBl.�SF�EO ,RJN 2 6 'U� Adopted by Council: Date �,�, �} r �.�'� p Adoption Cerufied by Council Secretary DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNQL Parks and Recreation CONTACT PEPSON AND PHONE Mike Rossberg 266-6447 MU5T BE ON COUNCIL A6ENDA BV iDA7E� Apri{ 19, 2000 GREEN SHEET � �� NO ���� DA7EINITIATED Aprii 4, 2000 p O- 31l C INRIAVDATE INITIAL/DATE �I DEPARTMENTDIRECTOR A� pTYGOUNqL ASS�Gro — NUMBER WR Z Q'fY ATTORNEY _CI'fY CLERK POUTIN6 OFDER _FINANqAL SERVICES DIR. 3 MAYOR {�R ASSISTANi]_� �J ROSSIIefq 300 CHA TOTAL S OF $IGNATURE PAGES � (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS f-0R SIGNAiURE) AGTION REQUESTED: Request passage of an ordinance to amend Chapter 200 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code to permit dogs to be in posted off-leash dog areas without restraints. REGOMMENDATIONS: ApPrOVe (A) or Reject IR) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTpACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: __PLANNING COMMISSION _CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �, ylas thi3 personffi�m ever wotketl untler a conttact for fiis department? CB COMMITTEE A Parks Commission VES NO f� STAFF 2. Has Mis Oerson/firm ev¢r been a c�ry employee? VES NO _DISTPICT pOUNQL — 3. Does [his pe�son/firm possess a skill no[ notmalty possessed by any curren[ ciry employee? SUPPOflT$ WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? VES NO Explain atl yas answers on sepa�ata shest antl attach to green sheet. INITIATIN6 PROBIEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When. Where, Whyl: Citizens have expressed a desire to have areas specially designated within the city on public property where dogs are allowed to run and play without wearing a leash. The Parks and Recreation Commission studied this matter and concurs. Passage of this ordinance to amend Chapter 200 of the Legislative Code witi allow the Division of Parks and Recreation to proceed with the Commission's recommendation to establish an off-leash dog area in Arlington Arkwright Park in 2000 and consider establishing 4-6 additional off-leash dog areas in 2001. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: This action will exempt designated off-{eash dogs areas from the alf-encompassing legal prohibition against allowing dogs Yo run oft-leash on public property, which will make it possible for the Division of Parks and Recreation to pursue this worthwhile recreational opportunity for the city's dog owners. DISADVANTAGES If APPROVED: None. DISADVAMAGES IF NOT APPROVED: ,�.;�°�� �. 4 2�a4 The all-encompassing legal prohibition against allowing dogs to run off leash on public property wi41 remain in effect, which will prohibit the Division of Parks and Recreation from pursuing the establishment of off-leash dog areas, which it views as a worthwhile recreational opportunity for the city's dog owners. TOTALAMOUMOFTqANSACTION S N�A FlJNDWG FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAINJ COST/ftEVENUE BUDGEfED (CIRCLE ONEI qCTIV1TY NUMBER VES NO � 4R�G��IAL ORDINANCE CTTY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To Council File # fl fl-� 3r{ S orainan�e # Green Sheet # f � £� � L� � / � / � Committee Date : 1 An ordinance to asnend Chapter 20Q o£the Saiut Paul Legislative 2 Code to pernut dogs to be in posted off-leash dog areas without 3 restraints � THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT P Section 200.06 of the Saint Paul DOES ORDAIN: 1 is hereby amended to read as £ollows: Sec. 200.06. Running at large. The license holder, owner r keepet of any canine shall be responsible for the effecrive restraint of such canine and sha not permit the canine to run at large. Any canine which is not effectively contained within a enced area, or any canine which is on any unfenced azea or lot abutting a street, alley, publ' pazk, public place or upon any other private land without being effectively restrained by c ain or leash from moving beyond such unfenced area or lot, or any canine on any street, pu ic pazk, schooi grounds or public place without being effectively restrained by chain or eash not exceeding six (6) feet in length, shall be deemed to be nuuung at large. The rovision of this section shall not a 1 to a do which is resent with an owner or kee er in an area hich has been officiall desitrnated and osted as an off-leash do azea. A second violatio of this section within one (1) year shall be punishable by a fine of at least fifty dollazs ($50.0 , but not more than three hundred dollars ($300.00). The first violation of this section for anine that has been declared to be a dangerous dog sha11 be a misdemeanar punishabl y a fine of three hundred dollars ($300.00). Invisible (underground electric} fences may be sed as a secondary restraint only, and is are not an acceptabie replacement for a chain, leash properly fenced-in area. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 se�c�on a This ordinance shall take effect and be in force tlurty (30) da and publication. OR1GlNAL Approved by Mayor: BYo by Council Secretaxy Date ao -3�s