00-374S��st:���e� — lv����y, a000 ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To Committee Date : 1 An ordinance to amend Chapter 170 of the Saint Paul Legislative 2 Code to pemiit dogs to be unrestrained in posted off-leash dog 3 areas of the Saint Paul park system. 4 THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 Section 170.06 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 10 11 Sec. 170.06. General conduct. 12 �: � �i � , t! 13 (a) Animals restr�icted Save and except upon special permission of the director, no 14 quadruped or other animal except those placed in the pazk by the authoxity o£the director, or 15 horses with the police horse patrol while in performance of their duty, and e�cepting dogs 16 accompanying their owners or other persons having chazge thereof and restrained by a chain or 17 leash, shall be conducted into, ridden or driven in the park or parkways or designated recreation 18 areas, or be allowed to remain flierein. A doe mav be unrestrained bv a leash or chain in an area 19 of the Saint Paul parks system which has been designated and posted as an off-leash doog area- 20 subject to the rules and regulations for such areas. Notwithstanding the foregoing, no erson 21 shall take, allow or release, into or in any park or off-leash dog area, a do�which has 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 (i) been designated as either uotentiallv dangerous or dangerous under Sections 200.12(d)-(g� of the Legislative Code; (ul is not licensed by the City of Saint Paul or another jurisdiction having similar licensing reguirements; or (iiil has been excluded from the particular dog leash area or the park in which such area is located either for violation of rules and regulations promulgated by the director or under Section 170.10(el of the Legisiative Code. 33 (a-11 Off-leash dog areas. An off-leasl} dogarea ("area or such area'� mav be 34 created� the director of parks and recreation onlv in compliance with the following ���✓� 35 procedures and requirements. "�° - -°'- - _ _ti�„ t_ _ .._._� ___,_,._ .t_ _ _ _r�_._ 36 y �. Council File # 00 — � ''j � Ordinance # Green Sheet # l � l3Jl {� �}(o 1 2 3 4 5 . No such 6 area shall be created unfil after the city council has solicited a recnmmendation from the 7 area district council. held a hearing and approved the des�nation of such area by 8 resolution. The designation of any such area may be revoked bY the director on published 9 notice in a newspaper of �enerai circulafion within the citv, and without further notice or 10 hearing, or showin� of cause for such action. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 (a-2) Rules and regulations. Rules and regulafions may bepromulgsted bv the director upon approuriate nofice and hearing, which hearing may be satisfied bv the o�portunity to submit written comment on pronosed rules and re6ulations. The violafion of such rules and re¢ulations shall subject violators to exclusion from the off-leash do�areas or other Saint Paul parks nursuant to Sections 17010(el-(hl of the Legislative Code. The council may bv ordinance enact any or all of such rules and regulafions, and therein subject violators to criminal penalties. (b) Weupons, explosives, etc. No person shall fire or discharge or set off any firearm, missile, firewarks or explosives, or throw any stones or missiles within the parks or parkways, nor shall any person other than a law enforcement officer carry any firearm in any park. (c) Exhibit of goods. No goods, wares or merchandise shall be placed far e�iibition or storage on any part of a parkway, and no person shall leave any goods ar supplies which he may be about receiving or delzvering on said parkway for a period of time exceeding one (1) day. (d) Advertising. No person shall post or affix any printed or written bill or placazd, notice or other paper or any sign upon any tree, structure or thing within the parks ar parkways, or upon any gate, fence or enclosure within the limits thereof. (e) Protection of trees, structures, etc. No person shall climb any tree, or pluck any flower or fruit, whether wild or cultivated, or break, cut down, trample upon or remove, or in any manner injure or deface any statue, ornament, tree, plant, shrub, flower, flowerbed, turf ar any of the buildings, fences, bridges or other construction within the several parks and parkways; nar shall any person write on any building, structure, statue, fence, bench, rock or stone within such parks, parkways or designated recreation areas. (f j Trees. No shade tree within ar upon the parks and parkways shall be planted or cut down, nor any branch not projecting over abutting property be cut off without the kno�vledge and consent of the director. po -3�(�{ (g) Concessions. No person shall play any music or keep or offer anything for sale or post or display any sign or placard, flag, banner, target, transparency, advertisement or device of business within any pazks or pazkways, building or place under the jurisdiction of the director, unless by the permission of said director, or by some person duly authorized by the director, and subj ect to such rules and regulations as the director shall prescribe, and no person shall in any such pazk or parkway or in any refectory, restaurant, building or place within the same solicit fares or beg or publicly solicit subscriptions, or tell foriunes, or play any game of cards or othe���� 2 J ��( h 1 game of chance, or any game with table or instruments of gaming, or utter loud, threatening or oo -'S`�y 2 abusive ar indecent language or any language tending to cause a breach of the peace, or be guilty 3 of any indecent, obscene or disorderly conduct, or w111fully violate any rules or regulations made 4 by such director for the conducting and regulating of any refectory or restaurant within such pazk 5 ar pazkways or designated recreation area. 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 (h) Parades, entertainment, public meetings. No processions, pazades, pageants, ceremonies, e�ibitions, celebrations, training exercises, speeches, entertainment or other public gatherings shall be allowed to pass through or take place within any park except with the written permission of the director. (i) Glass beverage containers. Except in such facilities as aze so designated and where the use thereof is specifically permitted by the director, no person shall use any glass beverage container within any park. (j) Dumping of trash and refuse prohibited No person shall deposit, pile, place,litter or allow to remain any rubbish, wood, coal, dirt, gazbage, refuse, paper or cardboard, lumber, used fizrniture or appliances, clothing, machinery or machinery parts, tires, automobile parts, fihh or offal, shrubbery or grass trimmings, leaves or branches, or any trash in any park or on any parkway. Section 2 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days following its passage, approval and publication. Requested by nepartment of: By: By: �.v_� _��_ c ��� L `��� - � % ( � / � J � n Appsoved by Mayos: Date U`tM'((i f� (�(/ '� Hy: Form proved City Attorney BY: � � 5-z�F-e� Approved b Mayor f Submission to Council BY: � " . 14 Adopted by Council: Date a a0 � Adoption Certified by Counci Secretary ////��� ✓ p0 -3�� � pEPAqTMENT/OFFICE/COUNdL DATEINITIATED GREEN SHEET lY �� NO. 101376 Parks and Recreation Aprii 4, 2000 CONTALTPEflSONANDPHONE INITIAVDATE INITAVDATE Mike Rossberg 266-6447 � � DEPARTMENTDIFECTOR 4 CITYCOUNCIL ASSIGN NUMBEq FO Z p1V AiTORNEY CITY CLERK MUST BE ON COUNqL AGENDA BY (DATEI ROUTING OFOEH FINANCIALSEqVICESDIfl. � April 19 � Z��O 3 MAYDR (OR ASSISTANn� 5 f�OSS'DBfQ 300 CHA 70TAL 8 OF SIGNAiURE PAGES � (CLIP ALL LOCAilONS f-0R SIGNAiURE1 ACT10N REQUESiED: ' Request passage of an ordinance to amend Chapter 170 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code to permit dogs to be unrestrained in posted off-leash dog areas of the Saint Paul parks system. ftECOMMENDATI0N5: Approve fAI or Rejec[ (R� PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST {1NSWER iHE FOLLOWING WESTIONS: _PLANNING COMMISSION CIVII, SEFVICE COMMISSION �. Has Chis person/firtn sver worketl under a conYract for this tlepertmenU CIB COMMITTEE A Parks Commission YES NO A STAFP Z. Has Yhis persoNfirm ever been a city ¢mployee? VES NO DISTRICT COUNQL -- 3. �oes N� persoNfkm possess a skill not vortn2lty Aossessed 6y aay wrreat uty employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNdL 0&IECTNE? YES NO Fxplain all yes answers on 5e0ara[e sheet and attach to green sM1ee[. INITIATING PROBLEM. ISSUE. OPPORTUNIiV (Who. What, When, Where. Why�: Citizens have expressed a desire to have areas specially designated within the city parks system where dogs are allowed to run and play without wearing a leash. The Parks and Recreation Commission studied this matter and concurs. Passage of this ordinance to amend Chapter 170 of the Legislative Code wiil allow the Division of Parks and Recreation to proceed with the Commission's recommendation to establish an off-leash dog area in Arlington Arkwright Park in 20Q0 and consider esta6lishing 4-6 additional off-leash dog areas in 2001. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: This action will exempt designated off-leash dogs areas from the legal prohibition against altowing dogs to run off-leash in city parks, which will make it possible for the Division of Parks and Recreation to pursue this worthwhile recreational opportunity for the city's dog owners. , DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: �y^.�. F'F��P�w "�6'u�e�i�iY None. � �i�`� � � fB#�� DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED: The legal prohibition against allowing dogs to run off leash in city parks will remain.in effecF whictt will p�ohibit the Division ot Parks and Recreation from pursuing the establishment of off-leash dog areas, which it views as a worthwhile recreational opportunity for the city's dog owners. TOTAI AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S N�A COST/REVENUE BUDGEfED (CIRCLE ONF� YES NO FUNDING SOUNCE N�A ACTIVITY NUMBER N/A FINANCIA� INFORMATION: (EJCPL4IN) ✓ �it�StrTt�fr� cl {�mev�.�. .�l�l � / a0 5 �i'l�oo ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To Cauncil File # QQ' �'�" Ordinance # Green Sheet # ��� � + V Z� / Date : An ordinance to amend Chapter 170 of the Code to permit dogs to be unrestrained in � azeas of the Saint Paul pazk system. � THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT P Section Section 170.06 of the Saint Paul Sec.170.06. General conduct. (a) Animals restricted. quadruped or other animal ex� horses with the police horse p accompanying their owners leash, shall be conducted ' to, azeas, or be allowed to r aix Paul Legislative off-leash dog C�] 7�7e\I�� Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Sa and except upon special permission of the director, no e t those placed in the pazk by the autharity of the director, or ol while in performance of their duty, and excepting dogs other persons having chazge thereof and restrained by a chain or ridden or driven in the park or parkways or designated recreation therein. A dog mav be unrestrained bv a leash or chain in an area . . . • . �,�t/t�AGf+pa �dV►ts�' bL!<N�itl �tuvt�u�' l�ltuBt��3 / area is located either for violation of rules and regulations promulgated bv the director or under Section 170.10�) of the Legislative Code. / �a-l�Off-leash dog areas. An off-leash dog area ("area or such area") mav be created by the director of parks and recreation only in compliance with the following procedures and requirements. No such area shall be created unless the owners of two- thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situate within 300 feet of the area shall have � I given within the six months immediately before the designation of the area, their written '� � 'J' 1 consent to the designation and oneration of such area, after having been given com�lete 2 and detailed information on the location and dimensions of such area, on the rules and 3 re�ulations which will be promuigated, and on the enforcement personnel or other 4 resources which will be devoted to policing the area and its rules and regulafions. No such 5 area shall be created until after the city council has held a hearing and a�nroved the / 8 and without further notice or hearing, or showing of cause for such acfion. 10 11 12 13 14 15 I6 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 subject violators to criminal penalfies. (b) Weapons, expZosives, etc. No person shall fire or d' charge or set off any fireann, missile, fireworks or explosives, or throw any stones or mi iles within the parks or parkways, nor shall any person other than a law enforcement office arry any fireazm in any park. (c) Exhibit ofgoods. No goods, wares or mer andise sha11 be placed for e�ibition or storage on any part of a parkway, and no person sh l leave any goods or supplies which he may be about receiving or delivering on said pazkway or a period of time exceeding one (1) day. (d) Advertising. No person shall post affix any printed or written bill or placard, notice or other paper or any sign upon any tree, s cture or thing within the parks or parkways, or upon any gate, fence or enclosure within the li ts thereof. (e) Protection of trees, structur s, etc. No person shall climb any tree, or pluck any flower or fruit, whether wild or culti ated, or break, cut down, trample upon or remove, or in any manner injure or deface any statue ornament, tree, plant, shrub, flower, flowerbed, turf or any of the buildings, fences, bridges or er construction within the several pazks and parkways; nor shall any person write on any b lding, structure, statue, fence, bench, rock or stone within such parks, parkways or designate recreation areas. (fl Trees. No s down, noz any branch consent of the directo� �tree within or upon the parks and parkways shall be planted or cut projecting over abutting property be cut off without the knowledge and bb� 41 (g) Conces ¢ons. No person shall play any music or keep or offer anything for sale or post 42 or display any s' n or placard, flag, banner, target, transparency, advertisement or device of 43 business withi any parks or parkways, building or place under the jurisdiction of the director, 44 45 46 47 48 49 unless by th permission of said director, or by some person duly authorized by the director, and subject to ch rules and regulations as the director shall prescribe, and no person shall in any such p or parkway or in any refectory, restaurant, building or place within the same solicit fares beg or publicly solicit subscriptions, or tell fortunes, or play any game of cazds ar other g of chance, or any game with table or instruments of gaming, or utter loud, threatening or a sive or indecent language or any language tending to cause a breach of the peace, or be guilty z �,7,P� 1 of any indecent, obscene or disorderly conduct, or willfully violate any rules or regulations made 2 by such direcYor for the conducting and regulating of any refectory or restaurant within such park 3 or parkways or designated recreation area. 4 6 (h) Parades, entertainment, public meetings. No processions, parades, pageants, 7 ceremonies, e�ibitions, celebrations, tra.ining exercises, speeches, entertaimnent or other public 8 gatherings shall be allowed to pass through or take place within any park except with the written 9 permission of the director. / 10 11 (i) Glass beverage containers. Except in such facilities as aze so designated and w re the 12 use thereof is specifically permitted by the director, no person shall use any glass beve e 13 container within any park. 14 15 (j) Dumping of irash and refuse prohibited No person shall deposit, pile place, litter or 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 allow to remain any rubbish, wood, coa1, dirt, garbage, refuse, paper or cardb d, luxnber, used furniture or appliances, clothing, machinery or machinery parts, tires, auto bile parts, filth or offal, shrubbery or grass trimmings, leaves or branches, or any trash in park or on any pazkway. Section 2 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty approval and publication. days following its passage, DC .3�`� Requested by Department of: By: Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Cou: By: Approved by Mayor: Form Approved by City �ttorney r� B /O� J�-/ Approved by Ma or for S mission to Council By: By: ORIGINAL ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, NIINNESOTA , Presented By Referred To Sec.170.06. General conduct. 1 An ordinance ta amend Chapter 170 of 2 Code to permit dogs to be unrestrained 3 areas of the Saint Paul park system 4 5 THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT P 7 Se�on 1 Section 170.06 of the Saint Paul Legislative 10 il 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 (a) Animals restricted. Save quadruped or other animal except tY horses with the police horse patrol ` accompanying their owners or oth leash, shall be conducted into, ri� azeas, or be allowed to remain tl�� re Council File # � O-� 3 Ordinance # Green Sheet # �� � � Iq Date : Paul Legislative off-leash dog DOES ORDAIN: is hereby amended to read as follows: upon special permission of the director, no � e placed in the park by the authority of the director, or le in performance of their duty, and excepting dogs persons having chazge thereof and restrained by a chain or i or driven in the park or parkways or designated recreation n. Notwithstandine the foregoine• a doe mav be (b) Weapons, expl ives, etc. No person shall fire or discharge or set off any firearm, missile, fireworks or exp sives, or throw any stones or missiles within the parks or parkways, nor shall any person o r than a law enforcement officer carry any firearm in any park. (c) Exhibit ofgoods. No goods, wazes or merchandise shall be placed for e�ibition or storage on any p f a parkway, and no person shall leave any goods or supplies which he may be about receivi or delivering on said parkway for a period of time exceeding one (1) day. (d�, A ertising. No person shall post or �x any printed or written bill or placard, notice or other p r or any sign upon any tree, shucture or thing within the pazks or pazkways, or upon any gate, fence or enclosure within the limits thereof. (e) Protection of trees, structures, etc. No person shall climb any tree, or pluck any flower or fruit, whether wild or cultivated, or break, cut down, trample upon or remove, or in any manner injure or deface any statue, ornament, tree, plant, sl�rub, flower, flowerbed, turf or any of 1 the buildings, fences, bridges or other construction within the several pazks and parkways; nor 2 shall any person write on any building, struchue, statue, fence, bench, rock or stone within suc�i' O �� 3 parks, pazkways or designated recreation areas. / 4 5 (fl Trees. No shade tree within or upon the pazks and pazkways shall be plante or cut 6 down, nor any branch not projecting over abutting property be cut off without the wledge and 7 consent of the director. 8 9 (g) Concessions. No person shall piay any music or keep or ofFer an ' g for sale or post 10 or display any sign or placazd, flag, banner, target, transpazency, advertise nt or device of 11 business within any parks or parkways, building or place under the jurisd' tion of the director, 12 unless by the pernussion of said director, or by some person duly autho zed by the director, and 13 subject to such rules and regulations as the director sha11 prescribe, no person shall in any 14 such pazk or parkway or in any refectory, restaurant, buiiding or pl e within the same solicit 15 fazes or beg or publicly solicit subscriptions, or tell fortunes, or p y any game of cazds or other 16 game of chance, or any game with table or instruments of gam' , or utter loud, threatening or 17 abusive or indecent language or any language tending to caus a breach of the peace, or be guilty 18 of any indecent, obscene or disorderly conduct, or willfully olate any rules or regulations made 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 by such director for the conducting and regulating of any r fectory or restaurant within such park or parkways or designated recreation area. (h) Parades, entertainment, public meetings. o processions, parades, pageants, ceremonies, exhibitions, celebrations, training exer ses, speeches, entertaimnent or other public gatherings sha11 be allowed to pass through or tak place within any pazk except with the written permission of the director. (i) Glass beverage containers. ExcE use thereof is specifically pernutted by the container within any pazk. � such facilities as are so designated and where the tor, no person shall use any glass beverage (j) Dumping of trash and refu e prohibited. No person shall deposit, pile, place, litter or allow to remain any rubbish, wood oal, dirt, garbage, refuse, paper or cazdboard, lumber, used furniture or appliances, clothing, achinery or machinery parts, tires, automobile parts, filth or offal, shrubbery or grass tri ' gs, leaves or branches, or any trash in any park or on any parkway. � 2 3 4 5 6 Section 2 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thiriy (30) days following its passage, and publication. ORIGINAL by Department of: Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: Approved by Mayor: Date By Form Approved by City Byc 00 -3�y Approved by I��'yor for Submission to Council By: By: S��st:���e� — lv����y, a000 ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To Committee Date : 1 An ordinance to amend Chapter 170 of the Saint Paul Legislative 2 Code to pemiit dogs to be unrestrained in posted off-leash dog 3 areas of the Saint Paul park system. 4 THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 Section 170.06 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 10 11 Sec. 170.06. General conduct. 12 �: � �i � , t! 13 (a) Animals restr�icted Save and except upon special permission of the director, no 14 quadruped or other animal except those placed in the pazk by the authoxity o£the director, or 15 horses with the police horse patrol while in performance of their duty, and e�cepting dogs 16 accompanying their owners or other persons having chazge thereof and restrained by a chain or 17 leash, shall be conducted into, ridden or driven in the park or parkways or designated recreation 18 areas, or be allowed to remain flierein. A doe mav be unrestrained bv a leash or chain in an area 19 of the Saint Paul parks system which has been designated and posted as an off-leash doog area- 20 subject to the rules and regulations for such areas. Notwithstanding the foregoing, no erson 21 shall take, allow or release, into or in any park or off-leash dog area, a do�which has 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 (i) been designated as either uotentiallv dangerous or dangerous under Sections 200.12(d)-(g� of the Legislative Code; (ul is not licensed by the City of Saint Paul or another jurisdiction having similar licensing reguirements; or (iiil has been excluded from the particular dog leash area or the park in which such area is located either for violation of rules and regulations promulgated by the director or under Section 170.10(el of the Legisiative Code. 33 (a-11 Off-leash dog areas. An off-leasl} dogarea ("area or such area'� mav be 34 created� the director of parks and recreation onlv in compliance with the following ���✓� 35 procedures and requirements. "�° - -°'- - _ _ti�„ t_ _ .._._� ___,_,._ .t_ _ _ _r�_._ 36 y �. Council File # 00 — � ''j � Ordinance # Green Sheet # l � l3Jl {� �}(o 1 2 3 4 5 . No such 6 area shall be created unfil after the city council has solicited a recnmmendation from the 7 area district council. held a hearing and approved the des�nation of such area by 8 resolution. The designation of any such area may be revoked bY the director on published 9 notice in a newspaper of �enerai circulafion within the citv, and without further notice or 10 hearing, or showin� of cause for such action. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 (a-2) Rules and regulations. Rules and regulafions may bepromulgsted bv the director upon approuriate nofice and hearing, which hearing may be satisfied bv the o�portunity to submit written comment on pronosed rules and re6ulations. The violafion of such rules and re¢ulations shall subject violators to exclusion from the off-leash do�areas or other Saint Paul parks nursuant to Sections 17010(el-(hl of the Legislative Code. The council may bv ordinance enact any or all of such rules and regulafions, and therein subject violators to criminal penalties. (b) Weupons, explosives, etc. No person shall fire or discharge or set off any firearm, missile, firewarks or explosives, or throw any stones or missiles within the parks or parkways, nor shall any person other than a law enforcement officer carry any firearm in any park. (c) Exhibit of goods. No goods, wares or merchandise shall be placed far e�iibition or storage on any part of a parkway, and no person shall leave any goods ar supplies which he may be about receiving or delzvering on said parkway for a period of time exceeding one (1) day. (d) Advertising. No person shall post or affix any printed or written bill or placazd, notice or other paper or any sign upon any tree, structure or thing within the parks ar parkways, or upon any gate, fence or enclosure within the limits thereof. (e) Protection of trees, structures, etc. No person shall climb any tree, or pluck any flower or fruit, whether wild or cultivated, or break, cut down, trample upon or remove, or in any manner injure or deface any statue, ornament, tree, plant, shrub, flower, flowerbed, turf ar any of the buildings, fences, bridges or other construction within the several parks and parkways; nar shall any person write on any building, structure, statue, fence, bench, rock or stone within such parks, parkways or designated recreation areas. (f j Trees. No shade tree within ar upon the parks and parkways shall be planted or cut down, nor any branch not projecting over abutting property be cut off without the kno�vledge and consent of the director. po -3�(�{ (g) Concessions. No person shall play any music or keep or offer anything for sale or post or display any sign or placard, flag, banner, target, transparency, advertisement or device of business within any pazks or pazkways, building or place under the jurisdiction of the director, unless by the permission of said director, or by some person duly authorized by the director, and subj ect to such rules and regulations as the director shall prescribe, and no person shall in any such pazk or parkway or in any refectory, restaurant, building or place within the same solicit fares or beg or publicly solicit subscriptions, or tell foriunes, or play any game of cards or othe���� 2 J ��( h 1 game of chance, or any game with table or instruments of gaming, or utter loud, threatening or oo -'S`�y 2 abusive ar indecent language or any language tending to cause a breach of the peace, or be guilty 3 of any indecent, obscene or disorderly conduct, or w111fully violate any rules or regulations made 4 by such director for the conducting and regulating of any refectory or restaurant within such pazk 5 ar pazkways or designated recreation area. 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 (h) Parades, entertainment, public meetings. No processions, pazades, pageants, ceremonies, e�ibitions, celebrations, training exercises, speeches, entertainment or other public gatherings shall be allowed to pass through or take place within any park except with the written permission of the director. (i) Glass beverage containers. Except in such facilities as aze so designated and where the use thereof is specifically permitted by the director, no person shall use any glass beverage container within any park. (j) Dumping of trash and refuse prohibited No person shall deposit, pile, place,litter or allow to remain any rubbish, wood, coal, dirt, gazbage, refuse, paper or cardboard, lumber, used fizrniture or appliances, clothing, machinery or machinery parts, tires, automobile parts, fihh or offal, shrubbery or grass trimmings, leaves or branches, or any trash in any park or on any parkway. Section 2 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days following its passage, approval and publication. Requested by nepartment of: By: By: �.v_� _��_ c ��� L `��� - � % ( � / � J � n Appsoved by Mayos: Date U`tM'((i f� (�(/ '� Hy: Form proved City Attorney BY: � � 5-z�F-e� Approved b Mayor f Submission to Council BY: � " . 14 Adopted by Council: Date a a0 � Adoption Certified by Counci Secretary ////��� ✓ p0 -3�� � pEPAqTMENT/OFFICE/COUNdL DATEINITIATED GREEN SHEET lY �� NO. 101376 Parks and Recreation Aprii 4, 2000 CONTALTPEflSONANDPHONE INITIAVDATE INITAVDATE Mike Rossberg 266-6447 � � DEPARTMENTDIFECTOR 4 CITYCOUNCIL ASSIGN NUMBEq FO Z p1V AiTORNEY CITY CLERK MUST BE ON COUNqL AGENDA BY (DATEI ROUTING OFOEH FINANCIALSEqVICESDIfl. � April 19 � Z��O 3 MAYDR (OR ASSISTANn� 5 f�OSS'DBfQ 300 CHA 70TAL 8 OF SIGNAiURE PAGES � (CLIP ALL LOCAilONS f-0R SIGNAiURE1 ACT10N REQUESiED: ' Request passage of an ordinance to amend Chapter 170 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code to permit dogs to be unrestrained in posted off-leash dog areas of the Saint Paul parks system. ftECOMMENDATI0N5: Approve fAI or Rejec[ (R� PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST {1NSWER iHE FOLLOWING WESTIONS: _PLANNING COMMISSION CIVII, SEFVICE COMMISSION �. Has Chis person/firtn sver worketl under a conYract for this tlepertmenU CIB COMMITTEE A Parks Commission YES NO A STAFP Z. Has Yhis persoNfirm ever been a city ¢mployee? VES NO DISTRICT COUNQL -- 3. �oes N� persoNfkm possess a skill not vortn2lty Aossessed 6y aay wrreat uty employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNdL 0&IECTNE? YES NO Fxplain all yes answers on 5e0ara[e sheet and attach to green sM1ee[. INITIATING PROBLEM. ISSUE. OPPORTUNIiV (Who. What, When, Where. Why�: Citizens have expressed a desire to have areas specially designated within the city parks system where dogs are allowed to run and play without wearing a leash. The Parks and Recreation Commission studied this matter and concurs. Passage of this ordinance to amend Chapter 170 of the Legislative Code wiil allow the Division of Parks and Recreation to proceed with the Commission's recommendation to establish an off-leash dog area in Arlington Arkwright Park in 20Q0 and consider esta6lishing 4-6 additional off-leash dog areas in 2001. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: This action will exempt designated off-leash dogs areas from the legal prohibition against altowing dogs to run off-leash in city parks, which will make it possible for the Division of Parks and Recreation to pursue this worthwhile recreational opportunity for the city's dog owners. , DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: �y^.�. F'F��P�w "�6'u�e�i�iY None. � �i�`� � � fB#�� DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED: The legal prohibition against allowing dogs to run off leash in city parks will remain.in effecF whictt will p�ohibit the Division ot Parks and Recreation from pursuing the establishment of off-leash dog areas, which it views as a worthwhile recreational opportunity for the city's dog owners. TOTAI AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S N�A COST/REVENUE BUDGEfED (CIRCLE ONF� YES NO FUNDING SOUNCE N�A ACTIVITY NUMBER N/A FINANCIA� INFORMATION: (EJCPL4IN) ✓ �it�StrTt�fr� cl {�mev�.�. .�l�l � / a0 5 �i'l�oo ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To Cauncil File # QQ' �'�" Ordinance # Green Sheet # ��� � + V Z� / Date : An ordinance to amend Chapter 170 of the Code to permit dogs to be unrestrained in � azeas of the Saint Paul pazk system. � THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT P Section Section 170.06 of the Saint Paul Sec.170.06. General conduct. (a) Animals restricted. quadruped or other animal ex� horses with the police horse p accompanying their owners leash, shall be conducted ' to, azeas, or be allowed to r aix Paul Legislative off-leash dog C�] 7�7e\I�� Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Sa and except upon special permission of the director, no e t those placed in the pazk by the autharity of the director, or ol while in performance of their duty, and excepting dogs other persons having chazge thereof and restrained by a chain or ridden or driven in the park or parkways or designated recreation therein. A dog mav be unrestrained bv a leash or chain in an area . . . • . �,�t/t�AGf+pa �dV►ts�' bL!<N�itl �tuvt�u�' l�ltuBt��3 / area is located either for violation of rules and regulations promulgated bv the director or under Section 170.10�) of the Legislative Code. / �a-l�Off-leash dog areas. An off-leash dog area ("area or such area") mav be created by the director of parks and recreation only in compliance with the following procedures and requirements. No such area shall be created unless the owners of two- thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situate within 300 feet of the area shall have � I given within the six months immediately before the designation of the area, their written '� � 'J' 1 consent to the designation and oneration of such area, after having been given com�lete 2 and detailed information on the location and dimensions of such area, on the rules and 3 re�ulations which will be promuigated, and on the enforcement personnel or other 4 resources which will be devoted to policing the area and its rules and regulafions. No such 5 area shall be created until after the city council has held a hearing and a�nroved the / 8 and without further notice or hearing, or showing of cause for such acfion. 10 11 12 13 14 15 I6 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 subject violators to criminal penalfies. (b) Weapons, expZosives, etc. No person shall fire or d' charge or set off any fireann, missile, fireworks or explosives, or throw any stones or mi iles within the parks or parkways, nor shall any person other than a law enforcement office arry any fireazm in any park. (c) Exhibit ofgoods. No goods, wares or mer andise sha11 be placed for e�ibition or storage on any part of a parkway, and no person sh l leave any goods or supplies which he may be about receiving or delivering on said pazkway or a period of time exceeding one (1) day. (d) Advertising. No person shall post affix any printed or written bill or placard, notice or other paper or any sign upon any tree, s cture or thing within the parks or parkways, or upon any gate, fence or enclosure within the li ts thereof. (e) Protection of trees, structur s, etc. No person shall climb any tree, or pluck any flower or fruit, whether wild or culti ated, or break, cut down, trample upon or remove, or in any manner injure or deface any statue ornament, tree, plant, shrub, flower, flowerbed, turf or any of the buildings, fences, bridges or er construction within the several pazks and parkways; nor shall any person write on any b lding, structure, statue, fence, bench, rock or stone within such parks, parkways or designate recreation areas. (fl Trees. No s down, noz any branch consent of the directo� �tree within or upon the parks and parkways shall be planted or cut projecting over abutting property be cut off without the knowledge and bb� 41 (g) Conces ¢ons. No person shall play any music or keep or offer anything for sale or post 42 or display any s' n or placard, flag, banner, target, transparency, advertisement or device of 43 business withi any parks or parkways, building or place under the jurisdiction of the director, 44 45 46 47 48 49 unless by th permission of said director, or by some person duly authorized by the director, and subject to ch rules and regulations as the director shall prescribe, and no person shall in any such p or parkway or in any refectory, restaurant, building or place within the same solicit fares beg or publicly solicit subscriptions, or tell fortunes, or play any game of cazds ar other g of chance, or any game with table or instruments of gaming, or utter loud, threatening or a sive or indecent language or any language tending to cause a breach of the peace, or be guilty z �,7,P� 1 of any indecent, obscene or disorderly conduct, or willfully violate any rules or regulations made 2 by such direcYor for the conducting and regulating of any refectory or restaurant within such park 3 or parkways or designated recreation area. 4 6 (h) Parades, entertainment, public meetings. No processions, parades, pageants, 7 ceremonies, e�ibitions, celebrations, tra.ining exercises, speeches, entertaimnent or other public 8 gatherings shall be allowed to pass through or take place within any park except with the written 9 permission of the director. / 10 11 (i) Glass beverage containers. Except in such facilities as aze so designated and w re the 12 use thereof is specifically permitted by the director, no person shall use any glass beve e 13 container within any park. 14 15 (j) Dumping of irash and refuse prohibited No person shall deposit, pile place, litter or 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 allow to remain any rubbish, wood, coa1, dirt, garbage, refuse, paper or cardb d, luxnber, used furniture or appliances, clothing, machinery or machinery parts, tires, auto bile parts, filth or offal, shrubbery or grass trimmings, leaves or branches, or any trash in park or on any pazkway. Section 2 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty approval and publication. days following its passage, DC .3�`� Requested by Department of: By: Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Cou: By: Approved by Mayor: Form Approved by City �ttorney r� B /O� J�-/ Approved by Ma or for S mission to Council By: By: ORIGINAL ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, NIINNESOTA , Presented By Referred To Sec.170.06. General conduct. 1 An ordinance ta amend Chapter 170 of 2 Code to permit dogs to be unrestrained 3 areas of the Saint Paul park system 4 5 THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT P 7 Se�on 1 Section 170.06 of the Saint Paul Legislative 10 il 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 (a) Animals restricted. Save quadruped or other animal except tY horses with the police horse patrol ` accompanying their owners or oth leash, shall be conducted into, ri� azeas, or be allowed to remain tl�� re Council File # � O-� 3 Ordinance # Green Sheet # �� � � Iq Date : Paul Legislative off-leash dog DOES ORDAIN: is hereby amended to read as follows: upon special permission of the director, no � e placed in the park by the authority of the director, or le in performance of their duty, and excepting dogs persons having chazge thereof and restrained by a chain or i or driven in the park or parkways or designated recreation n. Notwithstandine the foregoine• a doe mav be (b) Weapons, expl ives, etc. No person shall fire or discharge or set off any firearm, missile, fireworks or exp sives, or throw any stones or missiles within the parks or parkways, nor shall any person o r than a law enforcement officer carry any firearm in any park. (c) Exhibit ofgoods. No goods, wazes or merchandise shall be placed for e�ibition or storage on any p f a parkway, and no person shall leave any goods or supplies which he may be about receivi or delivering on said parkway for a period of time exceeding one (1) day. (d�, A ertising. No person shall post or �x any printed or written bill or placard, notice or other p r or any sign upon any tree, shucture or thing within the pazks or pazkways, or upon any gate, fence or enclosure within the limits thereof. (e) Protection of trees, structures, etc. No person shall climb any tree, or pluck any flower or fruit, whether wild or cultivated, or break, cut down, trample upon or remove, or in any manner injure or deface any statue, ornament, tree, plant, sl�rub, flower, flowerbed, turf or any of 1 the buildings, fences, bridges or other construction within the several pazks and parkways; nor 2 shall any person write on any building, struchue, statue, fence, bench, rock or stone within suc�i' O �� 3 parks, pazkways or designated recreation areas. / 4 5 (fl Trees. No shade tree within or upon the pazks and pazkways shall be plante or cut 6 down, nor any branch not projecting over abutting property be cut off without the wledge and 7 consent of the director. 8 9 (g) Concessions. No person shall piay any music or keep or ofFer an ' g for sale or post 10 or display any sign or placazd, flag, banner, target, transpazency, advertise nt or device of 11 business within any parks or parkways, building or place under the jurisd' tion of the director, 12 unless by the pernussion of said director, or by some person duly autho zed by the director, and 13 subject to such rules and regulations as the director sha11 prescribe, no person shall in any 14 such pazk or parkway or in any refectory, restaurant, buiiding or pl e within the same solicit 15 fazes or beg or publicly solicit subscriptions, or tell fortunes, or p y any game of cazds or other 16 game of chance, or any game with table or instruments of gam' , or utter loud, threatening or 17 abusive or indecent language or any language tending to caus a breach of the peace, or be guilty 18 of any indecent, obscene or disorderly conduct, or willfully olate any rules or regulations made 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 by such director for the conducting and regulating of any r fectory or restaurant within such park or parkways or designated recreation area. (h) Parades, entertainment, public meetings. o processions, parades, pageants, ceremonies, exhibitions, celebrations, training exer ses, speeches, entertaimnent or other public gatherings sha11 be allowed to pass through or tak place within any pazk except with the written permission of the director. (i) Glass beverage containers. ExcE use thereof is specifically pernutted by the container within any pazk. � such facilities as are so designated and where the tor, no person shall use any glass beverage (j) Dumping of trash and refu e prohibited. No person shall deposit, pile, place, litter or allow to remain any rubbish, wood oal, dirt, garbage, refuse, paper or cazdboard, lumber, used furniture or appliances, clothing, achinery or machinery parts, tires, automobile parts, filth or offal, shrubbery or grass tri ' gs, leaves or branches, or any trash in any park or on any parkway. � 2 3 4 5 6 Section 2 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thiriy (30) days following its passage, and publication. ORIGINAL by Department of: Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: Approved by Mayor: Date By Form Approved by City Byc 00 -3�y Approved by I��'yor for Submission to Council By: By: S��st:���e� — lv����y, a000 ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To Committee Date : 1 An ordinance to amend Chapter 170 of the Saint Paul Legislative 2 Code to pemiit dogs to be unrestrained in posted off-leash dog 3 areas of the Saint Paul park system. 4 THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 Section 170.06 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 10 11 Sec. 170.06. General conduct. 12 �: � �i � , t! 13 (a) Animals restr�icted Save and except upon special permission of the director, no 14 quadruped or other animal except those placed in the pazk by the authoxity o£the director, or 15 horses with the police horse patrol while in performance of their duty, and e�cepting dogs 16 accompanying their owners or other persons having chazge thereof and restrained by a chain or 17 leash, shall be conducted into, ridden or driven in the park or parkways or designated recreation 18 areas, or be allowed to remain flierein. A doe mav be unrestrained bv a leash or chain in an area 19 of the Saint Paul parks system which has been designated and posted as an off-leash doog area- 20 subject to the rules and regulations for such areas. Notwithstanding the foregoing, no erson 21 shall take, allow or release, into or in any park or off-leash dog area, a do�which has 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 (i) been designated as either uotentiallv dangerous or dangerous under Sections 200.12(d)-(g� of the Legislative Code; (ul is not licensed by the City of Saint Paul or another jurisdiction having similar licensing reguirements; or (iiil has been excluded from the particular dog leash area or the park in which such area is located either for violation of rules and regulations promulgated by the director or under Section 170.10(el of the Legisiative Code. 33 (a-11 Off-leash dog areas. An off-leasl} dogarea ("area or such area'� mav be 34 created� the director of parks and recreation onlv in compliance with the following ���✓� 35 procedures and requirements. "�° - -°'- - _ _ti�„ t_ _ .._._� ___,_,._ .t_ _ _ _r�_._ 36 y �. Council File # 00 — � ''j � Ordinance # Green Sheet # l � l3Jl {� �}(o 1 2 3 4 5 . No such 6 area shall be created unfil after the city council has solicited a recnmmendation from the 7 area district council. held a hearing and approved the des�nation of such area by 8 resolution. The designation of any such area may be revoked bY the director on published 9 notice in a newspaper of �enerai circulafion within the citv, and without further notice or 10 hearing, or showin� of cause for such action. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 (a-2) Rules and regulations. Rules and regulafions may bepromulgsted bv the director upon approuriate nofice and hearing, which hearing may be satisfied bv the o�portunity to submit written comment on pronosed rules and re6ulations. The violafion of such rules and re¢ulations shall subject violators to exclusion from the off-leash do�areas or other Saint Paul parks nursuant to Sections 17010(el-(hl of the Legislative Code. The council may bv ordinance enact any or all of such rules and regulafions, and therein subject violators to criminal penalties. (b) Weupons, explosives, etc. No person shall fire or discharge or set off any firearm, missile, firewarks or explosives, or throw any stones or missiles within the parks or parkways, nor shall any person other than a law enforcement officer carry any firearm in any park. (c) Exhibit of goods. No goods, wares or merchandise shall be placed far e�iibition or storage on any part of a parkway, and no person shall leave any goods ar supplies which he may be about receiving or delzvering on said parkway for a period of time exceeding one (1) day. (d) Advertising. No person shall post or affix any printed or written bill or placazd, notice or other paper or any sign upon any tree, structure or thing within the parks ar parkways, or upon any gate, fence or enclosure within the limits thereof. (e) Protection of trees, structures, etc. No person shall climb any tree, or pluck any flower or fruit, whether wild or cultivated, or break, cut down, trample upon or remove, or in any manner injure or deface any statue, ornament, tree, plant, shrub, flower, flowerbed, turf ar any of the buildings, fences, bridges or other construction within the several parks and parkways; nar shall any person write on any building, structure, statue, fence, bench, rock or stone within such parks, parkways or designated recreation areas. (f j Trees. No shade tree within ar upon the parks and parkways shall be planted or cut down, nor any branch not projecting over abutting property be cut off without the kno�vledge and consent of the director. po -3�(�{ (g) Concessions. No person shall play any music or keep or offer anything for sale or post or display any sign or placard, flag, banner, target, transparency, advertisement or device of business within any pazks or pazkways, building or place under the jurisdiction of the director, unless by the permission of said director, or by some person duly authorized by the director, and subj ect to such rules and regulations as the director shall prescribe, and no person shall in any such pazk or parkway or in any refectory, restaurant, building or place within the same solicit fares or beg or publicly solicit subscriptions, or tell foriunes, or play any game of cards or othe���� 2 J ��( h 1 game of chance, or any game with table or instruments of gaming, or utter loud, threatening or oo -'S`�y 2 abusive ar indecent language or any language tending to cause a breach of the peace, or be guilty 3 of any indecent, obscene or disorderly conduct, or w111fully violate any rules or regulations made 4 by such director for the conducting and regulating of any refectory or restaurant within such pazk 5 ar pazkways or designated recreation area. 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 (h) Parades, entertainment, public meetings. No processions, pazades, pageants, ceremonies, e�ibitions, celebrations, training exercises, speeches, entertainment or other public gatherings shall be allowed to pass through or take place within any park except with the written permission of the director. (i) Glass beverage containers. Except in such facilities as aze so designated and where the use thereof is specifically permitted by the director, no person shall use any glass beverage container within any park. (j) Dumping of trash and refuse prohibited No person shall deposit, pile, place,litter or allow to remain any rubbish, wood, coal, dirt, gazbage, refuse, paper or cardboard, lumber, used fizrniture or appliances, clothing, machinery or machinery parts, tires, automobile parts, fihh or offal, shrubbery or grass trimmings, leaves or branches, or any trash in any park or on any parkway. Section 2 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days following its passage, approval and publication. Requested by nepartment of: By: By: �.v_� _��_ c ��� L `��� - � % ( � / � J � n Appsoved by Mayos: Date U`tM'((i f� (�(/ '� Hy: Form proved City Attorney BY: � � 5-z�F-e� Approved b Mayor f Submission to Council BY: � " . 14 Adopted by Council: Date a a0 � Adoption Certified by Counci Secretary ////��� ✓ p0 -3�� � pEPAqTMENT/OFFICE/COUNdL DATEINITIATED GREEN SHEET lY �� NO. 101376 Parks and Recreation Aprii 4, 2000 CONTALTPEflSONANDPHONE INITIAVDATE INITAVDATE Mike Rossberg 266-6447 � � DEPARTMENTDIFECTOR 4 CITYCOUNCIL ASSIGN NUMBEq FO Z p1V AiTORNEY CITY CLERK MUST BE ON COUNqL AGENDA BY (DATEI ROUTING OFOEH FINANCIALSEqVICESDIfl. � April 19 � Z��O 3 MAYDR (OR ASSISTANn� 5 f�OSS'DBfQ 300 CHA 70TAL 8 OF SIGNAiURE PAGES � (CLIP ALL LOCAilONS f-0R SIGNAiURE1 ACT10N REQUESiED: ' Request passage of an ordinance to amend Chapter 170 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code to permit dogs to be unrestrained in posted off-leash dog areas of the Saint Paul parks system. ftECOMMENDATI0N5: Approve fAI or Rejec[ (R� PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST {1NSWER iHE FOLLOWING WESTIONS: _PLANNING COMMISSION CIVII, SEFVICE COMMISSION �. Has Chis person/firtn sver worketl under a conYract for this tlepertmenU CIB COMMITTEE A Parks Commission YES NO A STAFP Z. Has Yhis persoNfirm ever been a city ¢mployee? VES NO DISTRICT COUNQL -- 3. �oes N� persoNfkm possess a skill not vortn2lty Aossessed 6y aay wrreat uty employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNdL 0&IECTNE? YES NO Fxplain all yes answers on 5e0ara[e sheet and attach to green sM1ee[. INITIATING PROBLEM. ISSUE. OPPORTUNIiV (Who. What, When, Where. Why�: Citizens have expressed a desire to have areas specially designated within the city parks system where dogs are allowed to run and play without wearing a leash. The Parks and Recreation Commission studied this matter and concurs. Passage of this ordinance to amend Chapter 170 of the Legislative Code wiil allow the Division of Parks and Recreation to proceed with the Commission's recommendation to establish an off-leash dog area in Arlington Arkwright Park in 20Q0 and consider esta6lishing 4-6 additional off-leash dog areas in 2001. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: This action will exempt designated off-leash dogs areas from the legal prohibition against altowing dogs to run off-leash in city parks, which will make it possible for the Division of Parks and Recreation to pursue this worthwhile recreational opportunity for the city's dog owners. , DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: �y^.�. F'F��P�w "�6'u�e�i�iY None. � �i�`� � � fB#�� DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED: The legal prohibition against allowing dogs to run off leash in city parks will remain.in effecF whictt will p�ohibit the Division ot Parks and Recreation from pursuing the establishment of off-leash dog areas, which it views as a worthwhile recreational opportunity for the city's dog owners. TOTAI AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S N�A COST/REVENUE BUDGEfED (CIRCLE ONF� YES NO FUNDING SOUNCE N�A ACTIVITY NUMBER N/A FINANCIA� INFORMATION: (EJCPL4IN) ✓ �it�StrTt�fr� cl {�mev�.�. .�l�l � / a0 5 �i'l�oo ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To Cauncil File # QQ' �'�" Ordinance # Green Sheet # ��� � + V Z� / Date : An ordinance to amend Chapter 170 of the Code to permit dogs to be unrestrained in � azeas of the Saint Paul pazk system. � THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT P Section Section 170.06 of the Saint Paul Sec.170.06. General conduct. (a) Animals restricted. quadruped or other animal ex� horses with the police horse p accompanying their owners leash, shall be conducted ' to, azeas, or be allowed to r aix Paul Legislative off-leash dog C�] 7�7e\I�� Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Sa and except upon special permission of the director, no e t those placed in the pazk by the autharity of the director, or ol while in performance of their duty, and excepting dogs other persons having chazge thereof and restrained by a chain or ridden or driven in the park or parkways or designated recreation therein. A dog mav be unrestrained bv a leash or chain in an area . . . • . �,�t/t�AGf+pa �dV►ts�' bL!<N�itl �tuvt�u�' l�ltuBt��3 / area is located either for violation of rules and regulations promulgated bv the director or under Section 170.10�) of the Legislative Code. / �a-l�Off-leash dog areas. An off-leash dog area ("area or such area") mav be created by the director of parks and recreation only in compliance with the following procedures and requirements. No such area shall be created unless the owners of two- thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situate within 300 feet of the area shall have � I given within the six months immediately before the designation of the area, their written '� � 'J' 1 consent to the designation and oneration of such area, after having been given com�lete 2 and detailed information on the location and dimensions of such area, on the rules and 3 re�ulations which will be promuigated, and on the enforcement personnel or other 4 resources which will be devoted to policing the area and its rules and regulafions. No such 5 area shall be created until after the city council has held a hearing and a�nroved the / 8 and without further notice or hearing, or showing of cause for such acfion. 10 11 12 13 14 15 I6 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 subject violators to criminal penalfies. (b) Weapons, expZosives, etc. No person shall fire or d' charge or set off any fireann, missile, fireworks or explosives, or throw any stones or mi iles within the parks or parkways, nor shall any person other than a law enforcement office arry any fireazm in any park. (c) Exhibit ofgoods. No goods, wares or mer andise sha11 be placed for e�ibition or storage on any part of a parkway, and no person sh l leave any goods or supplies which he may be about receiving or delivering on said pazkway or a period of time exceeding one (1) day. (d) Advertising. No person shall post affix any printed or written bill or placard, notice or other paper or any sign upon any tree, s cture or thing within the parks or parkways, or upon any gate, fence or enclosure within the li ts thereof. (e) Protection of trees, structur s, etc. No person shall climb any tree, or pluck any flower or fruit, whether wild or culti ated, or break, cut down, trample upon or remove, or in any manner injure or deface any statue ornament, tree, plant, shrub, flower, flowerbed, turf or any of the buildings, fences, bridges or er construction within the several pazks and parkways; nor shall any person write on any b lding, structure, statue, fence, bench, rock or stone within such parks, parkways or designate recreation areas. (fl Trees. No s down, noz any branch consent of the directo� �tree within or upon the parks and parkways shall be planted or cut projecting over abutting property be cut off without the knowledge and bb� 41 (g) Conces ¢ons. No person shall play any music or keep or offer anything for sale or post 42 or display any s' n or placard, flag, banner, target, transparency, advertisement or device of 43 business withi any parks or parkways, building or place under the jurisdiction of the director, 44 45 46 47 48 49 unless by th permission of said director, or by some person duly authorized by the director, and subject to ch rules and regulations as the director shall prescribe, and no person shall in any such p or parkway or in any refectory, restaurant, building or place within the same solicit fares beg or publicly solicit subscriptions, or tell fortunes, or play any game of cazds ar other g of chance, or any game with table or instruments of gaming, or utter loud, threatening or a sive or indecent language or any language tending to cause a breach of the peace, or be guilty z �,7,P� 1 of any indecent, obscene or disorderly conduct, or willfully violate any rules or regulations made 2 by such direcYor for the conducting and regulating of any refectory or restaurant within such park 3 or parkways or designated recreation area. 4 6 (h) Parades, entertainment, public meetings. No processions, parades, pageants, 7 ceremonies, e�ibitions, celebrations, tra.ining exercises, speeches, entertaimnent or other public 8 gatherings shall be allowed to pass through or take place within any park except with the written 9 permission of the director. / 10 11 (i) Glass beverage containers. Except in such facilities as aze so designated and w re the 12 use thereof is specifically permitted by the director, no person shall use any glass beve e 13 container within any park. 14 15 (j) Dumping of irash and refuse prohibited No person shall deposit, pile place, litter or 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 allow to remain any rubbish, wood, coa1, dirt, garbage, refuse, paper or cardb d, luxnber, used furniture or appliances, clothing, machinery or machinery parts, tires, auto bile parts, filth or offal, shrubbery or grass trimmings, leaves or branches, or any trash in park or on any pazkway. Section 2 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty approval and publication. days following its passage, DC .3�`� Requested by Department of: By: Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Cou: By: Approved by Mayor: Form Approved by City �ttorney r� B /O� J�-/ Approved by Ma or for S mission to Council By: By: ORIGINAL ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, NIINNESOTA , Presented By Referred To Sec.170.06. General conduct. 1 An ordinance ta amend Chapter 170 of 2 Code to permit dogs to be unrestrained 3 areas of the Saint Paul park system 4 5 THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT P 7 Se�on 1 Section 170.06 of the Saint Paul Legislative 10 il 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 (a) Animals restricted. Save quadruped or other animal except tY horses with the police horse patrol ` accompanying their owners or oth leash, shall be conducted into, ri� azeas, or be allowed to remain tl�� re Council File # � O-� 3 Ordinance # Green Sheet # �� � � Iq Date : Paul Legislative off-leash dog DOES ORDAIN: is hereby amended to read as follows: upon special permission of the director, no � e placed in the park by the authority of the director, or le in performance of their duty, and excepting dogs persons having chazge thereof and restrained by a chain or i or driven in the park or parkways or designated recreation n. Notwithstandine the foregoine• a doe mav be (b) Weapons, expl ives, etc. No person shall fire or discharge or set off any firearm, missile, fireworks or exp sives, or throw any stones or missiles within the parks or parkways, nor shall any person o r than a law enforcement officer carry any firearm in any park. (c) Exhibit ofgoods. No goods, wazes or merchandise shall be placed for e�ibition or storage on any p f a parkway, and no person shall leave any goods or supplies which he may be about receivi or delivering on said parkway for a period of time exceeding one (1) day. (d�, A ertising. No person shall post or �x any printed or written bill or placard, notice or other p r or any sign upon any tree, shucture or thing within the pazks or pazkways, or upon any gate, fence or enclosure within the limits thereof. (e) Protection of trees, structures, etc. No person shall climb any tree, or pluck any flower or fruit, whether wild or cultivated, or break, cut down, trample upon or remove, or in any manner injure or deface any statue, ornament, tree, plant, sl�rub, flower, flowerbed, turf or any of 1 the buildings, fences, bridges or other construction within the several pazks and parkways; nor 2 shall any person write on any building, struchue, statue, fence, bench, rock or stone within suc�i' O �� 3 parks, pazkways or designated recreation areas. / 4 5 (fl Trees. No shade tree within or upon the pazks and pazkways shall be plante or cut 6 down, nor any branch not projecting over abutting property be cut off without the wledge and 7 consent of the director. 8 9 (g) Concessions. No person shall piay any music or keep or ofFer an ' g for sale or post 10 or display any sign or placazd, flag, banner, target, transpazency, advertise nt or device of 11 business within any parks or parkways, building or place under the jurisd' tion of the director, 12 unless by the pernussion of said director, or by some person duly autho zed by the director, and 13 subject to such rules and regulations as the director sha11 prescribe, no person shall in any 14 such pazk or parkway or in any refectory, restaurant, buiiding or pl e within the same solicit 15 fazes or beg or publicly solicit subscriptions, or tell fortunes, or p y any game of cazds or other 16 game of chance, or any game with table or instruments of gam' , or utter loud, threatening or 17 abusive or indecent language or any language tending to caus a breach of the peace, or be guilty 18 of any indecent, obscene or disorderly conduct, or willfully olate any rules or regulations made 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 by such director for the conducting and regulating of any r fectory or restaurant within such park or parkways or designated recreation area. (h) Parades, entertainment, public meetings. o processions, parades, pageants, ceremonies, exhibitions, celebrations, training exer ses, speeches, entertaimnent or other public gatherings sha11 be allowed to pass through or tak place within any pazk except with the written permission of the director. (i) Glass beverage containers. ExcE use thereof is specifically pernutted by the container within any pazk. � such facilities as are so designated and where the tor, no person shall use any glass beverage (j) Dumping of trash and refu e prohibited. No person shall deposit, pile, place, litter or allow to remain any rubbish, wood oal, dirt, garbage, refuse, paper or cazdboard, lumber, used furniture or appliances, clothing, achinery or machinery parts, tires, automobile parts, filth or offal, shrubbery or grass tri ' gs, leaves or branches, or any trash in any park or on any parkway. � 2 3 4 5 6 Section 2 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thiriy (30) days following its passage, and publication. ORIGINAL by Department of: Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: Approved by Mayor: Date By Form Approved by City Byc 00 -3�y Approved by I��'yor for Submission to Council By: By: