00-357A C`('�cr�.e�, - �'Pr:� a6� e�000 CouncilFIle# [;t� —35 Ordinance # Green Sheet # �Ud t ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Refened To 3a Committee Date : 2 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 An ordinance to amend Sections 73.03 and 73.04 of the St. Paul Legislative Code relaring to the membership of the Heritage Preservation Commission. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF 5AINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 Sections 73.03-.04 of the St. Paul Legislative Code aze hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 73.03. Heritage Preservation Commission established. 13 (a) Members. There is hereby created and established a Saint Paul Heritage Preservation 14 Coxnmission, hereinafter the "commission," which shall consist of thirteen (13) voting members 15 who sha11 be residents of Saint Paul appointed by the mayor, with the advice and consent of the 16 city council. One (1) of the members shall be a representative of the Ramsey County Historical 17 Society, if available, and at least three (3) of the members shall be professional registered 18 architects. 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 (b) Term. All appoinhnents shall be for a term of three (3) years, , , . , . In the event of a vacancy, the vacancy for the unexpired term shall be filled in the same manner as the appointment is made. Members shall serve without compensation and shall continue to hold office until their successors have been appointed and qualified. (c) Apnointments When an a�pointment or reappointment is rec�u'ued to fiil a vacancv in the membership of the commission the ma�or shall take into consideration the written sununarv of needed commission expertise prenared pursuant to Section 73 04(� of this charoter and mav solicit ap�lications for apnointment from�ersons or or�anizations on the list nrepazed pursuant to Secfion 73A4�121 of this chanter. The term vacancy includes the expiration of a term notwithstanding that the incumbent member continues to serve until his or her successor is a�pointed and c�ualified Nothin¢ herein sha11 except as otherwise provided bv law or ardinance 1'unit the power of the mayor to make a�poinhnents or reappointments to the commission nor the discretion of the council to advise and consent, ar not to advise and consent, to such mavoral ap�ointments or reappoinhnents. � .� t J,�, R r f �� 1 f ej � Organization. The commission when formed shall elect from its members such d p„ 35 � 2 officers as it may deem necessary. The commission shall have the power to designate and 3 appoint from its members various committees with powers and duries equivalent to and not 4 inconsistent with the powers and duties of the coxnmission. The commission shall make such 5 rules and regulations as it may deem advisable and necessary for the conduct of its affairs, for the 6 purpose of catrying out ffie intent of this chapter, wiuch aze not inconsistent with the laws of the 7 City of Saint Paul and the State of Minuesota. 5uch rules may provide for the delegation of 8 commission duties, responsibilities and powers to a subcommittee of the commission, or to the 9 head of the division of plamiing of the department of planuing and economic development or 10 such employees as that person may designate in accordance with and subject to law. Such rules 11 and amendments thereto are not effective until filed with the city clerk. The commission shall use 12 the services of the staff of the division of plauniug as required for the conduct of comxnission 13 business and performance of the duties prescribed under this chapter. The commission sha11 14 make an annual report, containnig a statement of its activities, to the mayor, city council and city 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 plauning commission. Sec. 73.04. Powers and duties of the commission. The commission shall have the following powers and duties in addition to those otherwise specified in this chapter: (i) Advisory body. The commission shall serve as an advisory body to the mayor and city council on municipal heritage preservation matters. It shall review and comment on plans and studies which relate to the historic and azchitectural heritage of the city submitted by the office of the mayor through the division of planning and shall recommend to the mayor iniriation of such studies and prepazation of such reports as it deems necessary to perform its duties and carry out the intent of this chapter. All such studies and reports transmitted to the mayor and city council sha11 contain the recommendations of both the division of �2) planning and the heritage preservation commission. The division of planning shall inform the commission of city planning and development activities which relate to or have potential impact on the historic and architectural heritage of the city. Sur-vey. The commission sha11 conduct a continuing survey of all areas, places, buildings, structures or similar objects in the City of Saint Paul which the commission, on the basis of information available or presented to it, has reason to believe aze or will be eligible for designafion as heritage preservation sites. (3) Designation of sites. The commission sha11 recommend to the mayor and city council areas, buildings, objects or districts to be designated as heritage preservation sites in the Ciry of Saint Paul, except for the Capitol Area, as defined in Minnesota Statutes, Secfion 15.50, Subdivision 2, along with programs for the preservation of such sites. (4) Review ofpermits. The commission shall protect the architectural character of heritage preservation sites through review and approval or denial of applications for city permits for exterior work witlun designated heritage preservation sites. (5) Eminent domain. The heritage preservation commission may recommend to the city council, after review and comment by the city planning commission, that certain property eligible for designation as a heritage preservation site be acquired by gift, by negotiation or by eminent domain as provided for in Chapter 117 of Minnesota Statutes. (6) Education. The commission shall wark for the continuing education of the citizens of the City of Saint Paul with respect to the historic and architectural z �$ o° ��. 1 heritage of the city. It shall keep current and public a register of designated d d 3 5 ` 2 heritage preservation sites and areas. 3 (7) Technzcal experts. The commission may accept the services on a permauent or 4 part-time basis of technical experts and such other persons as may be required to 5 perform its duties. 7 (8) Solicitation of gifts. The commission shall have authority to solicit gifts and 8 contributions to be made to the city and to assist in the preparation of applications 9 for grant funds to be made to the city for the purposes of heritage preservation. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2b 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 (9) Naizonal Register nominations. The commission shali make no appiication to the National Register or to the State of Minnesota for the desin ation of a historic site or district without the consent of the city council. (10) Street name changes. The commission shail review and comment on any proposed name change for a Saint Paui city street which has had its current name for fifty (50) yeazs or more prior to action on the name change by the city council. In their review of and recommendations on such street name changes, the commission sha11 utilize guidelines and criteria as adopted by the commission on Apri114, 1488. � Written summary of commission expertise. The commission shall prepare and maintain a swmnary of the skills, knowledEe, competencies and technical exnertise in herita�e �reservation and related areas which aze needed by the commission to carry out its duties and functions under this chapter, but which its membership does not have or in which the commission should have more de�th. Such sununary shall be in writing and shall be updated when there are vacancies in the membership of the commission, and before the re up lar expiration of the terms of anv members of the commission. Such summary and each update thereof shall be filed with the ofPice of the cit� clerk, and sha11 be delivered to the mavor and council when preuared. City stafF assigned to assist the commission shall assist in the �re�aration of such smiunarv. Faiiure to prepaze or update such summarv shall not in anv res�ect limit or affect the abilitv of the ma ov r to appoint ar reapuoint or the council to advise and consent to a�pointments or rea�pointments to the commission. � List of orQanizations. The citv staff assiened to assist the commission shall prepare and maintain a list of Saint Paul organizations professional associations businesses and individual persons who aze known to the commission or to the staff to have (il a demonsttated interest in historic preservation, or (ii) skiils, knowledge, comnetencies or technicai expertise in heritage preservafion or related azeas. Such list shall be filed with the office of the citv clerk, and sha11 be �nembetshi�ofti�eeenunis�yon�ac��e€ox�e-ti�e-���'ar-e�tier�tr€-tk�e�e�s-0#= �uc�3ner�tbers-e€fi�eam�iss�� Failure to include an�one on the list or to send them notice shall not in anv zes�ect limit or affect the abilitv of the mavor to avuoint or the council to advise and consent to appointments or reappointments to the commission. s before anticipated or actual vacancies occur on the commission �-�� eaular exniration of the terms of inembers of the commission, Citv �aff shall for anvointment to the commission. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 �} p _ 3S'l Section 2 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (3Q) days following its passage, apgroval and publication. Requested by Department of: Adopted by Council: Date 1 v 3 pOC b Adoption Certified by Council Secr t ry By: ��� � 6—�r<- � � Approved by Mayor: Date a{(yp By: sy: Form App oved by City Attorney $ �� �� ' �. �-7�e�� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: � •l�L1SL:Ef.�.� � ,� 1 1'� d a - 3 S'� Councilmember Benanav 4/12/2000 GREEN SHEET ,:� ,, No u�7b2 Councilmember Benanav 266-8640 4/12/2000 wrt TOTAL S OF SIGNATURE PAGES oa.urrrtoeicrae ancou+c�. ❑ arc�nouar ❑ o�rc�uc ❑ n��xcYUaavenos ❑ nuxw�a ❑�MYdIIaRAmTMrt� ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE� Counci] approval of ordinance amending Sections 73.03 and 73.04 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code rela[ing to the membership of the Heritage Preservation Commission. PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION FI� thie Pe��� ermrxakeC untler a contradta Mie dePeNnenr! YFS NO Has ihis pereoNfirm ever heen a IXlY dnpbyee9 YES NO Daes tltie A� P� a skAl not normel�YR�esaeC M�Y curteM citY BmWoyee7 VES NO le Mis pereanfirtn a tarpetetl vendorJ YES NO attaoFi to areen shee[ There has been considerable controversy over nominations to ihe Heritage Preservation Commission in the last year and an improved method for screening candidatzs would be useful. I�y3..3�P��a Screening of Heri[age Preservation Commissiocer applicants would be facilitatad by the development of periodically updated report which speaks to the skills, knowledge and interests of cunent Commission members, and the needs of the Commission in these azeas. Additionatly, the ordinance provides for the developmen[ of a lis[ of individuals, businesses and organizations who could act as resources for fillin� future Commission vacancies. wSASNANrqGES 1F NOT APPROVm The laty woula not have the beneYtt ot mdrvldual, business and organ3zation resources m identifying potential candidates for the Heri[age Preservation Commission. "Che City would also not have the use of a Commission report identifying the skill, knowtedge and incerest areas where Ihe Heritage Preservation Commission is currently lacking, in order to select future Commissioners. ANWUNT OF TRANSI1CTbN S COSTIREYENUE BIID6ETED (qRCIE W1fl YES NC AGTIVT' NUMBER �'�'t�.t� t��r��C" yla��oo HPC Ordinance Amendment Page 3, line 43-46 REPLACE ...delivered to the mayor and council when prepazed or updated. Forty-five days before anticipated or actual vacancies occur on the commission and before the regulaz expiration of the terms of inembers of the commission, city staff shall notify this list of such vacancies with the goal of generating a pool of qualified app]icants for appointment to the commission. Failure to include anyone on the list or to... A C`('�cr�.e�, - �'Pr:� a6� e�000 CouncilFIle# [;t� —35 Ordinance # Green Sheet # �Ud t ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Refened To 3a Committee Date : 2 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 An ordinance to amend Sections 73.03 and 73.04 of the St. Paul Legislative Code relaring to the membership of the Heritage Preservation Commission. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF 5AINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 Sections 73.03-.04 of the St. Paul Legislative Code aze hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 73.03. Heritage Preservation Commission established. 13 (a) Members. There is hereby created and established a Saint Paul Heritage Preservation 14 Coxnmission, hereinafter the "commission," which shall consist of thirteen (13) voting members 15 who sha11 be residents of Saint Paul appointed by the mayor, with the advice and consent of the 16 city council. One (1) of the members shall be a representative of the Ramsey County Historical 17 Society, if available, and at least three (3) of the members shall be professional registered 18 architects. 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 (b) Term. All appoinhnents shall be for a term of three (3) years, , , . , . In the event of a vacancy, the vacancy for the unexpired term shall be filled in the same manner as the appointment is made. Members shall serve without compensation and shall continue to hold office until their successors have been appointed and qualified. (c) Apnointments When an a�pointment or reappointment is rec�u'ued to fiil a vacancv in the membership of the commission the ma�or shall take into consideration the written sununarv of needed commission expertise prenared pursuant to Section 73 04(� of this charoter and mav solicit ap�lications for apnointment from�ersons or or�anizations on the list nrepazed pursuant to Secfion 73A4�121 of this chanter. The term vacancy includes the expiration of a term notwithstanding that the incumbent member continues to serve until his or her successor is a�pointed and c�ualified Nothin¢ herein sha11 except as otherwise provided bv law or ardinance 1'unit the power of the mayor to make a�poinhnents or reappointments to the commission nor the discretion of the council to advise and consent, ar not to advise and consent, to such mavoral ap�ointments or reappoinhnents. � .� t J,�, R r f �� 1 f ej � Organization. The commission when formed shall elect from its members such d p„ 35 � 2 officers as it may deem necessary. The commission shall have the power to designate and 3 appoint from its members various committees with powers and duries equivalent to and not 4 inconsistent with the powers and duties of the coxnmission. The commission shall make such 5 rules and regulations as it may deem advisable and necessary for the conduct of its affairs, for the 6 purpose of catrying out ffie intent of this chapter, wiuch aze not inconsistent with the laws of the 7 City of Saint Paul and the State of Minuesota. 5uch rules may provide for the delegation of 8 commission duties, responsibilities and powers to a subcommittee of the commission, or to the 9 head of the division of plamiing of the department of planuing and economic development or 10 such employees as that person may designate in accordance with and subject to law. Such rules 11 and amendments thereto are not effective until filed with the city clerk. The commission shall use 12 the services of the staff of the division of plauniug as required for the conduct of comxnission 13 business and performance of the duties prescribed under this chapter. The commission sha11 14 make an annual report, containnig a statement of its activities, to the mayor, city council and city 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 plauning commission. Sec. 73.04. Powers and duties of the commission. The commission shall have the following powers and duties in addition to those otherwise specified in this chapter: (i) Advisory body. The commission shall serve as an advisory body to the mayor and city council on municipal heritage preservation matters. It shall review and comment on plans and studies which relate to the historic and azchitectural heritage of the city submitted by the office of the mayor through the division of planning and shall recommend to the mayor iniriation of such studies and prepazation of such reports as it deems necessary to perform its duties and carry out the intent of this chapter. All such studies and reports transmitted to the mayor and city council sha11 contain the recommendations of both the division of �2) planning and the heritage preservation commission. The division of planning shall inform the commission of city planning and development activities which relate to or have potential impact on the historic and architectural heritage of the city. Sur-vey. The commission sha11 conduct a continuing survey of all areas, places, buildings, structures or similar objects in the City of Saint Paul which the commission, on the basis of information available or presented to it, has reason to believe aze or will be eligible for designafion as heritage preservation sites. (3) Designation of sites. The commission sha11 recommend to the mayor and city council areas, buildings, objects or districts to be designated as heritage preservation sites in the Ciry of Saint Paul, except for the Capitol Area, as defined in Minnesota Statutes, Secfion 15.50, Subdivision 2, along with programs for the preservation of such sites. (4) Review ofpermits. The commission shall protect the architectural character of heritage preservation sites through review and approval or denial of applications for city permits for exterior work witlun designated heritage preservation sites. (5) Eminent domain. The heritage preservation commission may recommend to the city council, after review and comment by the city planning commission, that certain property eligible for designation as a heritage preservation site be acquired by gift, by negotiation or by eminent domain as provided for in Chapter 117 of Minnesota Statutes. (6) Education. The commission shall wark for the continuing education of the citizens of the City of Saint Paul with respect to the historic and architectural z �$ o° ��. 1 heritage of the city. It shall keep current and public a register of designated d d 3 5 ` 2 heritage preservation sites and areas. 3 (7) Technzcal experts. The commission may accept the services on a permauent or 4 part-time basis of technical experts and such other persons as may be required to 5 perform its duties. 7 (8) Solicitation of gifts. The commission shall have authority to solicit gifts and 8 contributions to be made to the city and to assist in the preparation of applications 9 for grant funds to be made to the city for the purposes of heritage preservation. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2b 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 (9) Naizonal Register nominations. The commission shali make no appiication to the National Register or to the State of Minnesota for the desin ation of a historic site or district without the consent of the city council. (10) Street name changes. The commission shail review and comment on any proposed name change for a Saint Paui city street which has had its current name for fifty (50) yeazs or more prior to action on the name change by the city council. In their review of and recommendations on such street name changes, the commission sha11 utilize guidelines and criteria as adopted by the commission on Apri114, 1488. � Written summary of commission expertise. The commission shall prepare and maintain a swmnary of the skills, knowledEe, competencies and technical exnertise in herita�e �reservation and related areas which aze needed by the commission to carry out its duties and functions under this chapter, but which its membership does not have or in which the commission should have more de�th. Such sununary shall be in writing and shall be updated when there are vacancies in the membership of the commission, and before the re up lar expiration of the terms of anv members of the commission. Such summary and each update thereof shall be filed with the ofPice of the cit� clerk, and sha11 be delivered to the mavor and council when preuared. City stafF assigned to assist the commission shall assist in the �re�aration of such smiunarv. Faiiure to prepaze or update such summarv shall not in anv res�ect limit or affect the abilitv of the ma ov r to appoint ar reapuoint or the council to advise and consent to a�pointments or rea�pointments to the commission. � List of orQanizations. The citv staff assiened to assist the commission shall prepare and maintain a list of Saint Paul organizations professional associations businesses and individual persons who aze known to the commission or to the staff to have (il a demonsttated interest in historic preservation, or (ii) skiils, knowledge, comnetencies or technicai expertise in heritage preservafion or related azeas. Such list shall be filed with the office of the citv clerk, and sha11 be �nembetshi�ofti�eeenunis�yon�ac��e€ox�e-ti�e-���'ar-e�tier�tr€-tk�e�e�s-0#= �uc�3ner�tbers-e€fi�eam�iss�� Failure to include an�one on the list or to send them notice shall not in anv zes�ect limit or affect the abilitv of the mavor to avuoint or the council to advise and consent to appointments or reappointments to the commission. s before anticipated or actual vacancies occur on the commission �-�� eaular exniration of the terms of inembers of the commission, Citv �aff shall for anvointment to the commission. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 �} p _ 3S'l Section 2 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (3Q) days following its passage, apgroval and publication. Requested by Department of: Adopted by Council: Date 1 v 3 pOC b Adoption Certified by Council Secr t ry By: ��� � 6—�r<- � � Approved by Mayor: Date a{(yp By: sy: Form App oved by City Attorney $ �� �� ' �. �-7�e�� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: � •l�L1SL:Ef.�.� � ,� 1 1'� d a - 3 S'� Councilmember Benanav 4/12/2000 GREEN SHEET ,:� ,, No u�7b2 Councilmember Benanav 266-8640 4/12/2000 wrt TOTAL S OF SIGNATURE PAGES oa.urrrtoeicrae ancou+c�. ❑ arc�nouar ❑ o�rc�uc ❑ n��xcYUaavenos ❑ nuxw�a ❑�MYdIIaRAmTMrt� ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE� Counci] approval of ordinance amending Sections 73.03 and 73.04 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code rela[ing to the membership of the Heritage Preservation Commission. PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION FI� thie Pe��� ermrxakeC untler a contradta Mie dePeNnenr! YFS NO Has ihis pereoNfirm ever heen a IXlY dnpbyee9 YES NO Daes tltie A� P� a skAl not normel�YR�esaeC M�Y curteM citY BmWoyee7 VES NO le Mis pereanfirtn a tarpetetl vendorJ YES NO attaoFi to areen shee[ There has been considerable controversy over nominations to ihe Heritage Preservation Commission in the last year and an improved method for screening candidatzs would be useful. I�y3..3�P��a Screening of Heri[age Preservation Commissiocer applicants would be facilitatad by the development of periodically updated report which speaks to the skills, knowledge and interests of cunent Commission members, and the needs of the Commission in these azeas. Additionatly, the ordinance provides for the developmen[ of a lis[ of individuals, businesses and organizations who could act as resources for fillin� future Commission vacancies. wSASNANrqGES 1F NOT APPROVm The laty woula not have the beneYtt ot mdrvldual, business and organ3zation resources m identifying potential candidates for the Heri[age Preservation Commission. "Che City would also not have the use of a Commission report identifying the skill, knowtedge and incerest areas where Ihe Heritage Preservation Commission is currently lacking, in order to select future Commissioners. ANWUNT OF TRANSI1CTbN S COSTIREYENUE BIID6ETED (qRCIE W1fl YES NC AGTIVT' NUMBER �'�'t�.t� t��r��C" yla��oo HPC Ordinance Amendment Page 3, line 43-46 REPLACE ...delivered to the mayor and council when prepazed or updated. Forty-five days before anticipated or actual vacancies occur on the commission and before the regulaz expiration of the terms of inembers of the commission, city staff shall notify this list of such vacancies with the goal of generating a pool of qualified app]icants for appointment to the commission. Failure to include anyone on the list or to... A C`('�cr�.e�, - �'Pr:� a6� e�000 CouncilFIle# [;t� —35 Ordinance # Green Sheet # �Ud t ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Refened To 3a Committee Date : 2 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 An ordinance to amend Sections 73.03 and 73.04 of the St. Paul Legislative Code relaring to the membership of the Heritage Preservation Commission. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF 5AINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 Sections 73.03-.04 of the St. Paul Legislative Code aze hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 73.03. Heritage Preservation Commission established. 13 (a) Members. There is hereby created and established a Saint Paul Heritage Preservation 14 Coxnmission, hereinafter the "commission," which shall consist of thirteen (13) voting members 15 who sha11 be residents of Saint Paul appointed by the mayor, with the advice and consent of the 16 city council. One (1) of the members shall be a representative of the Ramsey County Historical 17 Society, if available, and at least three (3) of the members shall be professional registered 18 architects. 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 (b) Term. All appoinhnents shall be for a term of three (3) years, , , . , . In the event of a vacancy, the vacancy for the unexpired term shall be filled in the same manner as the appointment is made. Members shall serve without compensation and shall continue to hold office until their successors have been appointed and qualified. (c) Apnointments When an a�pointment or reappointment is rec�u'ued to fiil a vacancv in the membership of the commission the ma�or shall take into consideration the written sununarv of needed commission expertise prenared pursuant to Section 73 04(� of this charoter and mav solicit ap�lications for apnointment from�ersons or or�anizations on the list nrepazed pursuant to Secfion 73A4�121 of this chanter. The term vacancy includes the expiration of a term notwithstanding that the incumbent member continues to serve until his or her successor is a�pointed and c�ualified Nothin¢ herein sha11 except as otherwise provided bv law or ardinance 1'unit the power of the mayor to make a�poinhnents or reappointments to the commission nor the discretion of the council to advise and consent, ar not to advise and consent, to such mavoral ap�ointments or reappoinhnents. � .� t J,�, R r f �� 1 f ej � Organization. The commission when formed shall elect from its members such d p„ 35 � 2 officers as it may deem necessary. The commission shall have the power to designate and 3 appoint from its members various committees with powers and duries equivalent to and not 4 inconsistent with the powers and duties of the coxnmission. The commission shall make such 5 rules and regulations as it may deem advisable and necessary for the conduct of its affairs, for the 6 purpose of catrying out ffie intent of this chapter, wiuch aze not inconsistent with the laws of the 7 City of Saint Paul and the State of Minuesota. 5uch rules may provide for the delegation of 8 commission duties, responsibilities and powers to a subcommittee of the commission, or to the 9 head of the division of plamiing of the department of planuing and economic development or 10 such employees as that person may designate in accordance with and subject to law. Such rules 11 and amendments thereto are not effective until filed with the city clerk. The commission shall use 12 the services of the staff of the division of plauniug as required for the conduct of comxnission 13 business and performance of the duties prescribed under this chapter. The commission sha11 14 make an annual report, containnig a statement of its activities, to the mayor, city council and city 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 plauning commission. Sec. 73.04. Powers and duties of the commission. The commission shall have the following powers and duties in addition to those otherwise specified in this chapter: (i) Advisory body. The commission shall serve as an advisory body to the mayor and city council on municipal heritage preservation matters. It shall review and comment on plans and studies which relate to the historic and azchitectural heritage of the city submitted by the office of the mayor through the division of planning and shall recommend to the mayor iniriation of such studies and prepazation of such reports as it deems necessary to perform its duties and carry out the intent of this chapter. All such studies and reports transmitted to the mayor and city council sha11 contain the recommendations of both the division of �2) planning and the heritage preservation commission. The division of planning shall inform the commission of city planning and development activities which relate to or have potential impact on the historic and architectural heritage of the city. Sur-vey. The commission sha11 conduct a continuing survey of all areas, places, buildings, structures or similar objects in the City of Saint Paul which the commission, on the basis of information available or presented to it, has reason to believe aze or will be eligible for designafion as heritage preservation sites. (3) Designation of sites. The commission sha11 recommend to the mayor and city council areas, buildings, objects or districts to be designated as heritage preservation sites in the Ciry of Saint Paul, except for the Capitol Area, as defined in Minnesota Statutes, Secfion 15.50, Subdivision 2, along with programs for the preservation of such sites. (4) Review ofpermits. The commission shall protect the architectural character of heritage preservation sites through review and approval or denial of applications for city permits for exterior work witlun designated heritage preservation sites. (5) Eminent domain. The heritage preservation commission may recommend to the city council, after review and comment by the city planning commission, that certain property eligible for designation as a heritage preservation site be acquired by gift, by negotiation or by eminent domain as provided for in Chapter 117 of Minnesota Statutes. (6) Education. The commission shall wark for the continuing education of the citizens of the City of Saint Paul with respect to the historic and architectural z �$ o° ��. 1 heritage of the city. It shall keep current and public a register of designated d d 3 5 ` 2 heritage preservation sites and areas. 3 (7) Technzcal experts. The commission may accept the services on a permauent or 4 part-time basis of technical experts and such other persons as may be required to 5 perform its duties. 7 (8) Solicitation of gifts. The commission shall have authority to solicit gifts and 8 contributions to be made to the city and to assist in the preparation of applications 9 for grant funds to be made to the city for the purposes of heritage preservation. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2b 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 (9) Naizonal Register nominations. The commission shali make no appiication to the National Register or to the State of Minnesota for the desin ation of a historic site or district without the consent of the city council. (10) Street name changes. The commission shail review and comment on any proposed name change for a Saint Paui city street which has had its current name for fifty (50) yeazs or more prior to action on the name change by the city council. In their review of and recommendations on such street name changes, the commission sha11 utilize guidelines and criteria as adopted by the commission on Apri114, 1488. � Written summary of commission expertise. The commission shall prepare and maintain a swmnary of the skills, knowledEe, competencies and technical exnertise in herita�e �reservation and related areas which aze needed by the commission to carry out its duties and functions under this chapter, but which its membership does not have or in which the commission should have more de�th. Such sununary shall be in writing and shall be updated when there are vacancies in the membership of the commission, and before the re up lar expiration of the terms of anv members of the commission. Such summary and each update thereof shall be filed with the ofPice of the cit� clerk, and sha11 be delivered to the mavor and council when preuared. City stafF assigned to assist the commission shall assist in the �re�aration of such smiunarv. Faiiure to prepaze or update such summarv shall not in anv res�ect limit or affect the abilitv of the ma ov r to appoint ar reapuoint or the council to advise and consent to a�pointments or rea�pointments to the commission. � List of orQanizations. The citv staff assiened to assist the commission shall prepare and maintain a list of Saint Paul organizations professional associations businesses and individual persons who aze known to the commission or to the staff to have (il a demonsttated interest in historic preservation, or (ii) skiils, knowledge, comnetencies or technicai expertise in heritage preservafion or related azeas. Such list shall be filed with the office of the citv clerk, and sha11 be �nembetshi�ofti�eeenunis�yon�ac��e€ox�e-ti�e-���'ar-e�tier�tr€-tk�e�e�s-0#= �uc�3ner�tbers-e€fi�eam�iss�� Failure to include an�one on the list or to send them notice shall not in anv zes�ect limit or affect the abilitv of the mavor to avuoint or the council to advise and consent to appointments or reappointments to the commission. s before anticipated or actual vacancies occur on the commission �-�� eaular exniration of the terms of inembers of the commission, Citv �aff shall for anvointment to the commission. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 �} p _ 3S'l Section 2 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (3Q) days following its passage, apgroval and publication. Requested by Department of: Adopted by Council: Date 1 v 3 pOC b Adoption Certified by Council Secr t ry By: ��� � 6—�r<- � � Approved by Mayor: Date a{(yp By: sy: Form App oved by City Attorney $ �� �� ' �. �-7�e�� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: � •l�L1SL:Ef.�.� � ,� 1 1'� d a - 3 S'� Councilmember Benanav 4/12/2000 GREEN SHEET ,:� ,, No u�7b2 Councilmember Benanav 266-8640 4/12/2000 wrt TOTAL S OF SIGNATURE PAGES oa.urrrtoeicrae ancou+c�. ❑ arc�nouar ❑ o�rc�uc ❑ n��xcYUaavenos ❑ nuxw�a ❑�MYdIIaRAmTMrt� ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE� Counci] approval of ordinance amending Sections 73.03 and 73.04 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code rela[ing to the membership of the Heritage Preservation Commission. PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION FI� thie Pe��� ermrxakeC untler a contradta Mie dePeNnenr! YFS NO Has ihis pereoNfirm ever heen a IXlY dnpbyee9 YES NO Daes tltie A� P� a skAl not normel�YR�esaeC M�Y curteM citY BmWoyee7 VES NO le Mis pereanfirtn a tarpetetl vendorJ YES NO attaoFi to areen shee[ There has been considerable controversy over nominations to ihe Heritage Preservation Commission in the last year and an improved method for screening candidatzs would be useful. I�y3..3�P��a Screening of Heri[age Preservation Commissiocer applicants would be facilitatad by the development of periodically updated report which speaks to the skills, knowledge and interests of cunent Commission members, and the needs of the Commission in these azeas. Additionatly, the ordinance provides for the developmen[ of a lis[ of individuals, businesses and organizations who could act as resources for fillin� future Commission vacancies. wSASNANrqGES 1F NOT APPROVm The laty woula not have the beneYtt ot mdrvldual, business and organ3zation resources m identifying potential candidates for the Heri[age Preservation Commission. "Che City would also not have the use of a Commission report identifying the skill, knowtedge and incerest areas where Ihe Heritage Preservation Commission is currently lacking, in order to select future Commissioners. ANWUNT OF TRANSI1CTbN S COSTIREYENUE BIID6ETED (qRCIE W1fl YES NC AGTIVT' NUMBER �'�'t�.t� t��r��C" yla��oo HPC Ordinance Amendment Page 3, line 43-46 REPLACE ...delivered to the mayor and council when prepazed or updated. Forty-five days before anticipated or actual vacancies occur on the commission and before the regulaz expiration of the terms of inembers of the commission, city staff shall notify this list of such vacancies with the goal of generating a pool of qualified app]icants for appointment to the commission. Failure to include anyone on the list or to...