00-315ORlG1�JAL Presented By Referred To 2 � 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2Q 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 council File # � �� 31 � Ordinance # Green Sheet # 106457 RDINAN � CITY INT PA , ESOTA �L� 3 I M�' 3 0'� Committee: Date An ordinance amending Chapter 60 ofthe Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to zoning for the City of Saint Paul and the zoning maps thereof: WHEREAS, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes §462.357 and Section §64.400 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, the AIVIHERST WII,DER FOUNDATION duly petitioned to rezone a portion of the property located at 510 Humbolt, being included in a newly platted parcel legally described as: That part of Lot S, Block 63, together with that part of vacated East Win�ed Street, together with that part of vacated Onega S�eet, all Zocated in YVEST ST. PAUL PROPER on file and of record zn the office of the Register of Deeds of Ramsey County, Minnesota, as described as follows: Commencing at the northwest corner of Lot 1 q Block 76, WEST ST. PA UL PROPER; thence North 89 degrees 40 mmutes ll seconds East along the north Zine of said Lot 10 a distance of 80. 00 feet; thence North 01 degree 00 minutes 34 seconds West a distance of 80. 00 feet, thence northerly and easterly along a curve tangential to said Zine, concave to the southeast and having a radius of 260. 00 feet, an arc length of 108. 86 feet, a central angle of 23 degrees 59 minutes 20 seconds, a chord distance of 108. 06 feet, and a chord bearing of North 10 degrees 59 minutes 06 seconds East; thence on a Zine non-tangential to said curve bearing South 89 degrees 40 minutes 11 seconds West a distance of 32.26 feet; thence southerly and westerly long a curve non-tangential to said Zine, concave to the southeast and having a radius of 290.00 feet, an arc length of 6991 feet, a central angle of 13 degrees 48 mznutes 40 seconds, a chord dzstance of 69.73 feet and a chord bearing of Soutk 13 degrees 32 minutes 39 sec�nds West; thence on a line non-tangential to said curve bearing North 83 degrees 2l mim�tes 44 seconds West a r�istance of 30.00 feet; thence South 67 degrees 03 minutes 18 seconds West a distance of 56.97 feet; thence South OI degree 00 minutes 34 seconds EasZ a distance of 50.00 feet; thence North 89 degrees 40 minutes 11 seconds East a distance of 30.00 feet; thence South 01 degree 00 minutes 34 seconds East a distance of 30. DO feef to the point of beganning and there terminating. from B-2(commercial) so that the entire pazcel is zoned RM-2 (multi-family residential) and a portion of the property located at 514 South Robert, being included in a newly platted parcel legally described as. That part of Lots 13, 14, I5, and I6, Block 64, WEST ST. PA UL PROPER on file and of record in the offzce of the Register of Deeds of Ramsey County, Minnesota, as described as follows: Commencing at the northeast corner of said Lot 16, thence North 46 degrees 26 minutes 44 seconds West along the northeast line of said Lot 16 a distance of 280. 69 feet; thence South 01 degrees 00 minutes 34 seconds East a distance of 169.24 feet; thence North 88 degrees 59 minutes 26 seconds East a distance of 50.00 feet; thence South 80 degrees 32 minutes 14 seconds East a distance of 152.53 feet to the point of beginning and there terminating. 35 from P-1 (parking) to so that the entire parcel is zoned RM-2 (multi-family residential) for the purpose of 36 resolving split zoning on two lots created by the replatting of Wilder's Rarig campus, the petition having been 37 certified by the Planning staff on December 9, 1999, as having been consented to by at least 67 percent of the 3 8 owners of the area of the property to be rezoned, and further having been consented to be at least two-thirds 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 6'T 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 8� - 315 of the owners of property situated within 100 feet of the total contiguous property within one year preceding the date of the petition; and WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission, on January 6, 2000, held a public hearing for the purpose of considering the rezoning petition, and pursuant to Section § 107.03 of the Saint Paul Admuustrative Code, submitted its recommendation to the Planning Commission that the petition be granted; and WFIEREAS, the Planving Commission considered the rezoning petition at its meeting held on 3anuary 14, 2000, and recommended that the City Council approve the petition; and WFIEREAS, notice of a public hearing before the City Council on the said rezoning petition was duly published in the official newspaper of the City on January 29, 2000 and notices were duly mailed to each owner of affected property and property situated wholly or partly within 350 feet of the property sought to be rezoned; and WIIEREAS, a public hearing before the City Council having been conducted on February 2, 2000, where all interested parties were heazd, and the Council having considered all the facts and recommendations concerning the petition; now, therefore, THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN Section 1. That the zoning map of the City of Saint Paul, Sheet Number 37, as incoiporated by reference in Section §60301 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, as amended, is hereby fixrther amended as follows: That a portion of the property at 510 Humboldt be and is hereby rezoned from B-2 to RM-2 so that the entire parcel more particulazly described above is zoned RM-2; and That a portion of the property at 514 South Robert be and is herebly rezoned from P-1 to RM-2 so that the entire parcel more particularly described above is zoned RM-2. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. Requested by Department of: Plannin & Eco omic Develo ment B Y' �� Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date a..p Adoption Certified by Council retary BY� g, � a-_ ��.-��Y_ � � 1� /i � � ,.. ,, �, � Approved by Mayor for Submission to� n+ � Approved by Mayor: Date ��G�YE(/ Council �.�����!i7/r/`-� TAq 3�7 gq7 By: By: DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COliNCIL: DATE IlVITIATED GREEN SHEET No.: 106487 c PED: West Team Mazch 10, 2000 O o- 3 L CONTACi' PERSON & PHONE: m INiTTAIlDnTE Nancy Homans 6-6557 � z nsrax�rn�rrr nm. s ciTr couxcu. MUST BE ON COL�1'CII, AGENDA BY ATL �SIGN 3 CITY ATTORNEY ,� _ CITY CLERK � � VITMBER �'�CIALSERVDIIL FIIvAiVCIALSERV/ACCTG FOR 4MAYOR(ORASSTJ CIVII.SERVICECOM.MISSION ROUTING 1 WF,STT£AM(Fiazrea) O'd' ORDER TOTAL # OF SIGNATi7AE PAGES I_(CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATIJRE) acriox x�uESTEn: Rezone portions of the Wilder Foundarion's Rarig Campus to resolve split zoning of newly platted property. City Council public hearing held on February 2, 2000. RECOM1bfENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Rejear (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TFIE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. Has this pe�on/Scm ever worked undea a contrac[ forthis departmem? A__ PLANNINCrCOMMISSION Yw No / CIB COMMITTEE 2. Aas this pe�on/finn ever been a ciTy employee? -� CIVILSERVICECOMMISSION Yes No 3. Does tltis persrnJfvm possess a skill not nrnmally possessed by any cusent ciTy employee? Yes No Eaplain all yes answers on sepxrate sheet and attach to green sheM INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTi7NI1'Y (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Replatting of Wilder Foundation's Rarig Campus to transfer ownership ofthe long term care facilities to Health East resuited in 2 parcels with split zones. This resolves the split zoning. ADVANTAGESIFA.PPROVED: The transfer of property can be completed. DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: ��� ���'�"�`�'� ��'�� None ,�� �� � � DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: The transfer of property will not be approved by HUD that has provided financing to both parties. Further delay will add to the time and expense borne by the Wilder Foundation. TOTAL AMOT3NT OF TRANSACTIOYi: $ COSTfREUFd3UE BS3DGETED: � ��� �� �� FCTNDING SOURCE: ACTIVITY vT1MBER: FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) gy7�R �� ZOOV � � ` �F.�. .i c 'us � s s ., x.,. � K �Shared�IiOMANS\�nstit @m . � DEPAR'tMENT OF PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Bnan Sweeney, Drrector Qp-3iS L� CTTY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor Januazy 20, 200Q Ms. Nancy Anderson City Council Research Office Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Ms. Anderson: 25 WestFaurth Street SaintPau{ MN55102 Tetephone: 651-2666655 Facsimile: 651-2283314 I would like to confirm that a public hearing before the City Council is scheduled for Weduesday February 2, 2000 for the following zoning case: Applicant: File Number: Purpose: Address: Legal Description of Properry: Previous Action: ANTFIERST WILDER FOUNDATION #99-178-571 Rezone property from B-2 to RM-2 and P-1 to RM-2 to avoid creating lots with split wning when replatting Wilder's Rarig campus to create sepazate lots for the nursing home building now owned by Health East and for the independent senior housing buildings still owned by the Wilder Foundation. 510 Humboldt and 514 South Robert Street Available on file. Planning Commission Recommeudation: Approval, vote: unanunous, January 14, 20Q0 Zoning Committee Recommendation: Approval, vote: 7-0, January 6, 2000 My understanding is that this public hearing request will appear on the agenda for the January 26 City Council meeting and that you will publish notice of the hearing in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger. Please ca11 me at 266-6557 if you have any questions. Sincerely, ��� d Nancy Homans City Planner cc: File #99-178-571 Wendy Lane Paul Dubruiel Carol Martineau -- �FH2STRfTN� , .� ^` �NO]RCL�':.UF'PUBLICHRtSItILRG : ' '�1tie Saflrt Patil CityCpuncil w3ll conduc� a publlc hearing on�Wednesday, �ebruary 2. 200Q to considu the -appHcal3oa of AiaheY�t Wild@r -FOUndation fo rezune �properry' at 510 HumboldCAVenue and 514 South Robert Street from8-2 to RM-2 and P-1 to RM-z to avota creaUng lots with spllt zoning when iepl'atting_Wildei s Rartg campus,to create sepazate lots for the n�ssing home buildia'g nosa owned b.y Health Easf aiid for the independent semor housingbnilaings.still owned by the Wilda Foundation. �. . — - - � Dated: Jarivary 25, �2000 ' � . NANCYANDERSON. _ AssistaiitE,ityCqt}ncil"Secretary"� ' . � ' [Jau..2Y) � . "`81:'PAIIL-IEGAT.",_`""�,°"'��-_ �- DEPART�IEI`T OF PLAh:tiI\G & ECOVOMIC DEVEIAP.�SEI�R' Bnars Sweeney, Direcmr SAIHT PAUL � AAAA CTTY OF SAINT PAUL T,`orm Coleman, Mayor January 25, 2000 Ms. Nancy Anderson Secretary to the City Council Room 310 City Ha11 Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 RE Zoning File #99-178-571: Cm Council Hearing: 25 Wes[ Four(h Sbeei SamlPau; M.V 55101 OO _'��S Telephone: 612-266-65b5 Facsim�[e: 611-228-3314 AMI-�RST WILDER FOUNDATION February 2, 2000, 5:30 p.m. City Council Chambers PURPOSE: Rezone property from B-2 to RM-2 and P-1 to RM-2 to avoid creating lots �vith split zoning when replatting Wilder's Rarig campus to create separate lots for the nursing home building now o«ned by Health East and for the independent senior housing buildings still owned by the Wilder Foundation. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION: Approval; Unanimous - ZONING COMMITTEE ACTION: Approval; 7-0 , STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval • SUPPORT: No one spoke in support. OPPOSITION: No one spoke in opposition. Dear Ms. Anderson: The AMHERST WILDER FOLTNDATION has applied to rezone two portions of its Rarig Center campus located at 510 Humboldt and � 14 South Robert as required by the City Council resolution (#99-1093) approving a plat for the subdivision of the site. The zoning committae held a public hearing on the appiication on Januar}� 6, 2000. The applicant addressed the committee. At the close of the public hearing the committee voted unanimously to recommend the rezoning. The Planning Commission voted to support the committee's recommendation at its January 14, 2000 meeting. This application is schaduled to be heard by the City Council on February 2, 2000. Please notify me if any member of the Ciry Council ��ishes to have slides of the site presented at the public hearing. S'ncerely, awrence Soderholm Planning Administrator Attachments • cc: Ctty Council members d _� �s • city of saint paul planning commission resolution file number oo-os date .ranuar ia, z000 WHEREAS, the Ab1HERST H. WILDER FOUNDATION, file 1f99-178-571, has petitioned to rezone property at 510 Humboldt, situated between Con�ress and George, from B-2 [o Rhi-2, and 514 South Robert, situated 6et�veen Concord and George, from P-1 to RM-2, to resolve split zoning on two Iots recently created on the Wilder Foundation's Rarig Campus; and �VHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission, on January 6, 2000, held a pubiic hearin� a[ �vhich alf persons present were given an opportunity to be heard pursuant to said application in accordance with the requirements of Section 64.400 of the Saint Paul Le�isla[i�•e Code; and �VHEREAS, the Saint Paul Planning Commission, based on the evidence presen�ed to its Zoning Committee at the public hearing, as substantially reflected in the minutes, made the follonin� findings of fact: 1. As Qart of an effort to focus its operation, the Wilder Foundation has reached an a;reement to transfer the portion of its Rari� Campus related to a nursing home/health care facility to • HealthEast. In order to accomplish that tradsfer in a manner acceptable to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (which holds a financial interest in both [he housing and the liealth care facility), the property must be replatted into separate lots that conform to the individual buildings on the sire. 2. On November 10, 1999, the City Counci! (Council File #l99-1093) approvzd a preliminary and final plat for subdivision of the Rarig Campus into seven lots, subject to the condition that the rezonin� of portions of Lots 4 and 6, to avoid creatin� lots with split zoninR, be approved by the Ciry Council. This application is submitted in compliance with that condition. 3. The applicant proposes tha[ the northeast portion of the new Lot 6 be re-zoned from P-1 to RM-2. The current use of Lot 6 is a board and lodeing residence for seniors. Its parking lot is ]ocated at the wes[ entrance of the buildin� toward the interiot of the campus. The por[ion of the lot to be rezoned is located on South Robert Street, east of the existing buildin�, and is characrerized by a significant bluff and heavy vegetation. It is unlikely that this portion of the site lias bzen or can be used for parkino. The adjacent Lot 7 will remain in the P-1 zoning distric[ and may be used, at some furure time, by the neighboring commercial building for parking. moved by Field seconded by in faV �I' Unaninous • c`T�b�ifflSr Zoning File N99-178-571 Page Two of ResoIution 4. Tlie applicant further proposes that the western portion of the new Lot 4, currently in a B-2 district, also be rezoned to RM-2. The lot is currently used as a parking lot and straddles the B-2 and Rb4-2 districts. The site will continue to be used as a parkin� lot for the adjacent apartment building. 5. The proposed rezonin�s, therefore, do not involve any new facilities or chan;e of use. As such, they would have no impact on surrounding properry owners or on propem• vataes in the area. Nor would they result in any increase in traffic or greater impact on the various public systems (e.g. streets, sewers, transit, schoo]s) that serve the area. 6. The proposed zoning would be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan tha[ encourages the preservation of higher density multi-family housing, especially housing affordable to lower income households. 7. Sec. 64.400(b) of the Zoning Code requires that a rezonin� may be initiated by peti[ion of Ihe owners of sixty-seven percent of the area of the property to be rezoned. As the documentation included in thz file indicates, consen[ of owners of 33 of the eligible 49 parcels �vas required for the application to be deemed suffcient. Owners of 35 of the parcels indica[ed their consent. r1 L_J NObV, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Saint Paa! Planning Commission tha[ the petition of • die Ab1HERST H. WILDER FOUNDATION to rezone property at 510 Humooldt and �14 South Robert, more particularly described in the file, from B-2 and P-1 zonin,; classifications, rzspectively, to an RM-2 zoning classification is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan for �he City; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul Piannine Commission does hereby recommend to the Council of the City of Saint Paul that property at 510 Humboldt and 514 South Robert be rezoned from S-2 and P-1, respectively, ro RM-2 in accordance with the petition for rezonin� on file with the Saint Paul Department of Planning and Economic Development. • MINUTES OF THE ZONING COMMiTTEE Thursday, January 6, 2000 - 3:30 p.m. C J City Council Cfiambers, 3` Floor City Hall and Court House 15 West Kellogg Boulevard PRESENT: EXCUSED: OTHERS PRESENT: Engh, Faricy, Field, Gervais, Gordon, Kramer, and Morton. Peter Warner Carol Martineau, Allan Torstenson, and Nancy Homans of PED The meeting was chaired by Commissioner Field. O c� ' �`S Amherst Witder Foundation - 99-178-571 - Rezoning from B-2 to RM-2 and from P-1 to RM-2 to avoid creating lots with split zoniFlg when replatting Wilder's Rarig campus to create separate lots for the nursing home buildings now owned by Heaith East and for the independent senior housing buildings stili owned by Wilder. 510 Humboldt Ave. and 514 South Robert St. Ms. Nancy Homans showed slides and gave the staff report. Ms. Homans stated a lot split was approved by the City Council pending the rezoning of portions of the two lots to avoid split zoning. Ms. Homans also stated the Zoning Staff recommends approval ofi the rezoning. • Ms. Mary Kay Paimer, Representative of Wilder Foundation, appeared and stated they so{d two parcels to Health East on January 1, 1999. This rezoning is part of thet process to allow theWilder Foundation to deed the property to Heaith East. Mr. Dennis Honsa, Consu4tant for Wilder Foundation, appeared and stated there is one building in RM-2 which is zoned P-1 parking. There is no new construction or improvements planned. The rezoniRg is to correct the zoning to fit the existing land use. Commissioner Faricy moved to approve the rezoning. Commissioner Kramer seconded it. Adopted Yeas - 7 Drafted by: • �f�t,� �-��'I%��n/,c�c�,��v Carol Mahineau Recording Secretary Nays - 0 Subm+fted by: %(� � 5��4�-�.� '' � ,i� Nancy Homans Litton Zoning Section Chai� ao-�t� � ZOi�ING COMMITTEE STAFF ItEPORT FILE # 99-178571 C � C � 1. APPLTCANT: AMF�RST H. WII.DER FOUNDATION DATE OF HEARTi�TG: 1/6/00 2. CLASSIFICATION: Rezoning 3. LOCATION: 510 Humboldt and 514 South Robert 4. PLANNING DISTRICT: 3 5 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: on file b. PRESENT ZONING: B-2 and P-1 ZONING CODE I2EFERENCE: Sec. b4.400 7. STAFF INVESTIGATION AND I2EPORT: DATE. 12l30/99 BY: I3ancy Homans 8 DATE RECEIVED: December 9, 1999 DEADLINE FOR ACTION: February 7, 2000 A. PURPOSE: Rezoning from B-2 and P-1 to RM-2 to facilitate the re-platting of the Wilder senior campus required for the sale of a portion of the complex to HealthEast. B. PARCEL SIZE: Portion of Lot 6: Appro�mately 150 x I50 = 22,500 sq. ft. Portion ofLot 4: Irregular shape, approximately 3,750 sq. fr. C. EXISTING LAND USE: Wilder Foundation Rarig Campus: Housing and health care facility for seniors. D. SURROUNDING LAND USE: North: Riverview Library/Low density residential/1�Ieighborhood commercial, Zoned RT-I and B-1 East Concord and Robert Streets, Mixed commercial and residential, Zoned B-2, B-3, RM-2 South: Mixed commercial and low density residential, Zoned B-2 and B-3 West: St. Matthew's Church and School/Low density residential, Zoned RT-1 E. ZONING CODE CITATION: Sec. 64.400(a) of the Zoning Code provides in part that "the council may, from time to time, amend, supplement or change the district boundaries or the regulations herein, or subsequently estabiished herein pursuant to the provisions of Minnesota Statutes Section 462357 and amendments thereto as may be made from time to time- The planning commission may, from time to time, review district boundary lines to determine if, pursuant to state laws, such district boundary lines should be changed." Zoning File #991�8571 Page two Section 64.400(b) provides, in part, that "an amendment to the zoning code may be initiated by the council, the planning commission or by a petition of the owners of 67 percent of the area of the property to be rezoned." F. HISTORY/DISCUSSION: In 1959, the Wilder Foundation was granted approval of a rezoning to allow it to develop three one-story residence buildings to serve a totaI of 170 senior residents, one four-story convalescent center for 64 residents and a community center that would include a dining hall and recreational facilities. The deveIopment was to be phased beginning with the construction of the convalescent center. In I962, a permit was issued allov�ing Wilder to construct a 30 car parking lot in conjunction with two of the apartment buildings on the site and, in 1965, a pernut for a 52 car parking lot was approved in conjunction with the constractian of the board and care home. Finalty, in 1989, the Commission approved a River Comdor Modification that allowed Wilder to build an new health care facility to serve persons with Alzheimer's disease. That addition was aever constracted. G. DISTRICT COUNCIL ItECOMMENDATION: No recommendation had been received at the time Yhis staffreport was prepared. � • H FINDINGS: . 1. As part of an effort to focus its operation, the Wilder Foundation has reached an agreement to transfer the portion of its Rarig Campus related to a nursing home/health care facility� to HealthEast. In order to accomplish that transfer in a manner acceptable to the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (which holds a financial interest in both the housin� and the health care facility), the property must be replatted into separate lots that conform to the individual buildings on the site. On November 10, 1999, the City Council (Council File �99-1093) approved a preliminary and final plat for subdivision of the Rarig Campus into seven lots, subject to the condition that the rezoning of portions of Lots 4 and 6, to avoid creating lots with split zonin�, be approved by the City Councit. Tlus application is submitted in compiiance with that condition. The appIicant proposes that the northeast portion ofthe new Lot 6 be re-zoned from P-1 to RM-2. The current use of Lot 6 is a board and lodging residence for seniors. Its parking lot is located at the west entrance of the building toward the interior of the campus. The portion of the lot to be rezoned is located on South Robert Street, east of the existing building, and is characterized by a significant bluff and heavy vegetation. It is unlikely thaY this portion of the site has been or can be used for parking. The adjacent Lot '7 will remain in the P-1 zonin� district and may be used, at some future time, by the neiahboring commercial buildinQ for parking. C� ao -�ts Zoning File #99178571 • Page three 4. The applicant further proposes that the westem portion of the new Lot 4, currently in a B-2 district, also be rezoned to RM-2. The lot is currently used as a pazking lot and straddles the B-2 and RM-2 districts. The site will continue to be used as a parking lot for the adjacent apartment building. The proposed rezonings, therefore, do not invoive any new facilities or chan�e of use. As such, they would have no impact on surrounding property owners or on property values in the area. Nor would they result in any increase in traffio or greater impact on the various public systems (e.g. streets, sewers, transit, schools) that serve the area. 6. The proposed zoning would be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan that encourases the preservation of higher density multi-family housing, especially housing affordable to lower income households. Sec. 64.400(b) of the Zoning Code requires that a rezoning may be initiated by petition of the owners of sixty-seven percent of the area of the property to be rezoned. As the attached documentation indicates, consent of owners of 33 of the eligible 49 parcels was required for the application to be deemed sufficient. Own€rs of 35 of the parcels indicated their consent. • I. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Based on findings 1 through 7, staffrecommends that the Planning Commission recommend to the City Council approval ofthe rezoning ofthe northeast portion ofLot 6 from P-1 to RM-2 and the western portion of Lot 4 from B-2 to RM-2. • xn�v i.,.a i� 1 1 11R1A P�TiT10N TO AltitEND'fHE,ZON[NG CODE • DepaxmeR� oJP[anning amd Ecotsorraic Dr.velopment Zaning SeMion 1100 City FI'c1lAnnrs 25 West Fourih Streel Saint Pau1, MN SS101 266-6589 APPLICANT PropertyOwner}}„�hpYS� �. u)r/C�p�'' �ar,<Y�,�t.`pYj Address �]19 1 a-�or'kj /�aJpn�,{�Q. City SE,• f�.L�(. St.j�7_ip 4 lo¢ paytime phone (a59 - f�01�}- Contact person (if difierent) fUi(stt��a }�c�( Mpt^ PftOPERTY LOCATION � Legaidescription Srr a� }^i@ LQro( he5crr��i-� � (attach additional sheet if ner.essary) 70 THE HONORAB�E MAYOR AND CtTY CQUNCIL: Pursuant to Section 64.400 of ihe Saint Paul Zo ing Ordinance and to S_ction 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statues, l�rr�F+�rc� }}: �,t)i1C'l�cv �uYtc4r �`nYl , the owner of all the land proposed • (or rezonino, hereby pztit(ons you to rezone th=_ above described properfy from a 8 zoning district to a. fZw1 - 2 zoning districf, fo� the purpose of: -�nc�eYk�L��' ho�cSi:nq �or Sen� or� � Car2. C.er�f'£S'' J (aftach addilionai sheet(s) if necessaryJ Atta:hments: Required site plan O Cons=nt petition ❑ Subscribed and sworn to betore me this. 29 �� day or Jw�, �,�_, � 9 99 . 'l.� u� ��<w�-/�r✓�.C� Notary Public MARY KAY PALMER • �_~ NO7AAYPUBIIC•MIN DAKOTA COUNT�' Ey Umm¢slan Eqtra Jst ii. �WO A�davit � ,� $y:� or Rsa s t� Page 1 of Z- � a .'Sl5 , <...� :rwuc f� I 1 R�A� PETiTiON TO AMEND THE ZpNING CODE • DeparrrruRt af Planrting artd Economic Developmerrt zoning Section ' 11Q0 City Ha11,4xnez 25 West Foutth Street Saint Paul, MN SS101 �66-6589 APPLICANT PROPERTY LOCATION Property Owner l� t ` py� o � Address Q t �{ L - For'� City 5't• - f�au � St.FM/7_ip�_payt;me phone fa59 -CaOI�}- Contact person (if different)_V�(�,Yu l�n,� P.,I.v,en Address/Location *�- 51�- Sa,,�}, _p„L,e,_t S�- Legaldescription �re a�OGytPt� �eaal .I}cvr-;n�:..,� {attach additional sheet if ner.essarv) TO 7HE HONORABL& MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL: Pursuant to Section 64.4Q0 of ihe Saint Pauf Zoning Ordinance and to 5=_ction 462.357(5) o` Minnesota Statues, /�mh�er'St l�• txJi (�pY��c_�, the owner of atl the (znd proposed for rezoning, hereby petitions you to I'ezone the above described property from a P- � zoning districi to a Rw1-2. zoning district, for the purpose of: Sr�el�er hou5�r,� �orS � Cce C�`tE�i" (a.tacb addifiona/ sheet(s) if necesSaryJ Attachm=nts: Required site pian ❑ Consent Subscribed and sworn to before me this. Z�r� day of �c�ri�_.19�. �7� � ��,C - �..� Notary Public i � l'' MARY KAY PALMER �� NOT1JiYPU9lIC-MINNESOTA � DAKOTACOUNTY kr cmv�don �n, nn si. xao ❑ Affidavit O of Page 9 of ,�_ � � LJ • 00 -3�S ORIGINAL Council File k � �l — ( O �{ � Resolution n � 1 , 3 , > 6 7 Preser.ted Hy Referred To � Green Sheet � � ��/ 2 6 , _ RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT'PAUL M[NNESOTA % / �� 3 � � �' _�/� _ ' �� /� , _. , -` � , i Cor,mittee: Date Preliminary and Final Plat Approval for Amherst H. �Vilder Foundation Raria Campus WHEREAS, Boiton and Menk, Inc. has submitted the attached preliminar}� and final plat for subdivision of the Amherst H. Wilder Foundation Rarig Campus at 508-516 Humbolt Avenue into seven lots for City Council approval; and � «'HEREAS, the appropriate City departments have reviewed the plat and found, subject to the conditions � recommended in the staff report to the City Council, that it meets the requirements of Chapter 67 of the :0 Zonin� Code; and :1 y '- «'HEREAS, notice of a public hearinQ before the City Council was dul}• published in the officia( neGCSpape, � 3 of the City and notices were mailed to each o«ner of affected property includina all property situated �vith;n 0 feet of the subject property; and � 5 �L'HEREAS, the City Council held a public hearing ofthe proposed plat on August 4. 1999. where a11 7 interested parties were given the opporiunity to be heazd and the Council considered a!I facts and S recommendations concerning the plat; 9 �\OW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Cit}� Council accepts and approves the attached : preliminan' and final plat for the .Amherst H. R'ilder Foundation Rario Campus at SOS-� 16 Hum6olt Avenue ? subject to the follo��in� conditions: � , � 1. ; 3 2. ' ' 3. 4. : • Rezonin, of the northeast corner of proposed Lot 6 from P- I to RM-2, and rezonir:� of the northu�est corner of the property from B-2 to RM-2, necessan to avoid crzating lo:c ��ith split zoning, must be approved by the City Council. The applicant shal] file a copy of the Council Resolution appro��ing the plat with t!:e Ramse;• County Recorder's Office. The applicant shall file a copy of the Declazation of Easements. Covenan:s and Res;rictions required bv the Cit}' for access, parking and utilities along with the final plat. Cit}� Council approval of ��acation of the following: All that part ofLivinestoa Avenue 1} in� bztuzen the seath line o.`Coneres Stre�t ar,c a line parallel «�ith and 17� feet north of the north line of �: acated �i inifred S:; eet; also 0 R I G! N A �°�- � that part of Livingston Avenue Iying south of a line pazallel k�ith, and I31.5 feet i north of, the north tine of George Street within the proposed plat; also 42 43 A11 that part ofthe east-west alley as platted in Vollmer's Rearrangement, lyin� between• 44 the west tine of Robert Street and the east line of Livingston Avenue. 4� r� L Requested by Depar�ment of: �'__�cion Cer:i°ied by Council Secretary Py: =='o�ed hy M. 2v: Flanni�a � nconomic Develovne^= Ef: Fozm A�_ roved by C_ty Atto_^..ey �prove . h�o�ted by Counci2: Date �1C� 1RC�ci n:�: �:�� � ?��-�11 o � _��s • CITIZEN PARTICIPATIO DIS RIC S . 1.SUNRAY-BATTLECREEK-HI6HWOOD GREATER EAST SIDE 3. EST SIDE .DAYTON'S BLUFF 5.PAYNE-PHALEN 6.NORTH END 7.THOMAS-DALE 8.SUMMI7-UNIVERSITY 9.WEST SEVENTH IO.COMO II.HAMLINE-MIDWAY 12.ST. ANTHONY 13.MERRIAM PK.-LEXINGTON HA;ILINE 14.GROVELAND-MACALESTER 75.HIGHLAND 16.SUMMIT HILL l l . DOWNTO'+1"� q�-)'7�s 7 � CITIZEN PARTICIPATION PLANNIN6 DISTRICTS � WEST SIDE DISTRICT a ,�.. . ..� °!� - (��f,S� � LZONING FILE -� - ■ �t�� � �{o Y � . A � O I OT�}-I I o �R Y •_ �� {, i v ti 4 1 � � ; � i ' Y�� `• :: ��,- �!. �'�'""_ � :�� vi � - - � ��`� I �i���, � Q l�' � V O �l.l ---�- o 0 ! � �' ,' �---- . a �� o o Y a�o�o o�i o c�n �. S�'�V�RRS S� 1 t.�, L,�� f S ��= `. �y j u�� - � �°� � K�'�. - �.., zon;n� dis•�.�t t•�.,���z PU�?OS� � — //' � . �`.� e' /^' ) � ��" � � 9 �� � cJ�J;�CI �.': _ _.i'J r ' _ ^'\ _ ,� � J V1 LL'LL/JJ _ �ILE n,� i t �i""" � ; D.�TE , _ _ - � PLNG D�ST� ht,=,P r O on> Izmll;� �^ c- i � �,� b fr:olami; m .,.-. ..� ' ,.�b�Dct - � - fi="_r`r,�j� �'l""" �l mu�lip�el� . ..-.- - _ - �T(l' V I -.yT°"T�"T°__-r,-.�-i r - � � . . -- 0 n .�. � � O �< � L_ � • 1 , , zor��T� �r�zT�onT svrrzcz��Tc�� cr�c�: s�nc�T �zo�i��G scu� � ncu� fiIRST SUBMITTED DATE PETITION SUBhIITTED: DATE OFFICiALLY RECEIVED; PARCLLS ELIGIBLE: PARCELS P.EQUIP.ED: PARCELS SIG`iED: r.�sus�rzrrED od _ DATE PETITIOY RcSUBMITTED: C I"Z7 ` 1% N DATE OFFICIALLY RECEIVED: J � °'-� ` `:-! PARCELS &LIGISLr: � ( PARCELS REQUIRED: �� PARCELS SiGNED: � CHECKED BY: / ��'� f�/ „��```"_, _"�� DATE: � Z � / y J J (J�I'i 7'% � Cr /�-� /2 '� -> `�'/ 5 [zo�l�� ���� 1 .� . ` . .:°�� �a �� �. : - .i� : �'�1 . ' � � � � cx�cx ��' SA.XI�'� 1, �ONSENT'�OF ADJOINING PROPER� �FZEZONING �r 1 We, tlie undersigned, otvners oFthe property within 100 feet ofih= toTai contiguous desaiption of real estate o�vned, purchased, or sold by TH6 PETIT(Oi IGR within one year precedino the datz oP this petition ackno�vledoe that �ve (�ave becn presented ��•ich tlie folio���ing: 1. A copy of the petition of - (name oPpetitioner) to rezone tiic property located at #_SIZ IJ�,.,• from a Q-Z F� zonh�o district to a}Z(�-z zoningdistrict. 2. A copy oCsections GI .l0! tLrougl: G!- t o2 , i�d�s;ve of ciie Saint Pau] Zoning Code; and ncknor:ledge tliat we are aware ofal( oF the uses permitted in a PJ� -Z . Zoning district and we 2re aware tlint any of diese uses can be established upon Ciry Coucci( approva( of the rezoning. �Ve hereby consent to the rczonitig of the property in the petitiai oF ! � �� _ ��C�or7 € N/t�r�fr�-� .�n�, toa l�V•{.Z. ioningdistrict. � (Name oFpetitione�) «'c consent fo tlie �pproval of this rezoninb as �vas expInined fo us by flie �PP�ic:�nt o; his/lier represenf�tivc. . � o�, -t;i -<z-ZI - ou c ar (a2��� J ' 08 =zEl - zz.=z =0��5 P•cL h�� B enr� Warn .�rtJ. Sh�rc.?!n�'' . �� =zs' =zz=z� `'oo�;�` Lten , hltCCeY OH''LS''[Zr'�Z1�'�00�}$� S{YiEP.. 04' �W E � � . 0 8 - ��2=-ZZ-�^,j � r� ��i. lvaJa.� F h-.i•_:` .. ...'. . .. � n�: d � Sta�E..o� (y11J i�u5� E1Cer V � F3�rqC�,en�:� [�,.�2, OS� z8 =iZ=iz=:ocq< x� , o rtk1�,,� ,1. i.5cuu ��7A�.ESL4_<NL3�f 4t'n`'_ � 1� Cour:E.� �=�:s�""zz��"��'�' � _ 1.2-A81-9�� }�irS+�nS M�cha�,J. GJele. NOT�: This petition shall not be considered as offici� d aysafteritisreceivedbythePlanningDivision. Any name therefrom by tvritten request �vithin that time. � �� '--�' �3 �--� 3°� � � !� r (��,�i `� �« ` G G !t yr' a o� 0 ��.��� �.t�.. a= L , I7`-/I � • until t lapse of seven (7) ���orking ofthispetitionmay ' hdra•;�hisfner . � , . � � � ' n LJ from a 8 P � zoning district to a RvLI - z Zoning districi. :... � 2. `� A�copy of sections _ Col . f O I tlirough C„1 •! OZ, inclusive ofthe Saint Paul Zoning Code; and -=<' r=-` ' ackiio�e{cdne"ttiaY�"ve �re nwnre oFnll oFthe uses ermiaed in a__ =_ '���'^'= ° P �V�{ zoning district and tve are , ,�Ya�4arc tiii; aay of thcse uses can oe estabGshed upon City Cour.cii approval oF the rezoning. We hereby �` • consent to the rezoning oFtl�e property in the petitian of; — ` �� �O� � ' "'`�� ��- to 1 !Z�-Z zoning district. (Name of petitioner) 0 CZ�'X O�' SA.XI�'� PA�CTL CONSENT OF AD70INING PROPERTY OWN�RS rOR A REZON�NG � , ��s We, (lie undersigned, owncrs oFthe property witliin 100 feet oFthc total con[iguous description of rea} estate o�vned, purchased, or sold by THE PETITIO� IGR �vithin one }'ear precedino the date of this petition ackno�vledge that we ttiave bccn presented teid� the followina; I. A copy of the pe[ition of to reZOne thc property !c Wc consent to flie Zpproval of this rczoninb as it tivas explained to us by fhe �PPIiclnt or his/her represenfativc. � nnnitrss oa r i N �8 �.'o8-ZR -zz=z3= nR-�R-» _ ��_ . .�;,.;:.,�..'�; �. � - c c - �J - 001 �5 (�fYi£ � `2L'�2 = �1 . f/e� �'ZZ-`Z'S=GOZS7� 'u_' 'A1.^:t. .M^n ..��- . . ' �� j-..YS*.4';y.�... . . � _ - , ` 08 'LS - ZZ-Z3-GOU �t OS' 2$ - 2Z-23 - D�Zi �,:4-x. Z ;=r���� ;.: A3: ZB=:: � 2 =: z4= �cZ'ni b�- 2b -ZZ - 24-�: � - � L _� w 3 zs" �q z �ti(�. ���" �..v -1.�3-- �Q E' '=�1'�i D�;esri�,a7Yti .h' �:a�'� l , k ..,.��� . : Zg'���53`ao�(f�.'' tVEiL 4 SPR8ARL1�NcDtCr �/,p . NO'T�. This petttion shal! not be considered as offioial y fiied until the lapse of seyen (7) working days after it is received by the Planning T?ivision. Any signator of this petition inay withdraw hislher name therefrom by written request within that time. .... . . �. � �--�. . ( � K • . . � � �,P ,c�e i - a C A� X OJ.' �.C'i_�i`l A ��V� CONSEN'f' OF ADJOINING PkOPERTY dWN�RS FOR A .�ZEZONING 4Ve, the undersigned, o�vncrs of the property widiin � 00 Fect of thc total contiguous description oF real estate orvned, purchased, or sold by 7'HE PE'I'lTtONGR within one yezr precedin� ttie dlte of this petition ackno�vledoe that we hlve becn presented t�•idt tl�e {oNo�vino: I. AcopyaF[hepetitionof to rezone thc property locnted at � Si Z F�uri �p(ci� /�J'Q.. from n B-Z, - zoning distric[ to a Y�� -Z zoning district ' :-, 2. _-.A copy o(sections (� 1. 1b1 • tivoagh ( lOZ , inctusiv: ofthe Saint Paul Zoning Code; and ;.,_ _.acknoivledge thntive'nre a�varo`of nlf of the uses permitted in a �N�-.Z, =zoning district and we are ? nwarc that any oPUuse uscs cnn be established upon Ciry Ceuncit appravll of tf�c tezoning. �Ve hcreby eonsent to Aie rczoning oFtlie properry in the petition of; ,. _ 5ol_Eov� f 1 Qpj� �C.• toa�zoningdistrict. (Nnme oFpetrtioner) We consent fo tlie approval of fltis ►•ezoninb as it �vas explained fo us by flie zpplic�nt or his/her represent�tive. -- �' CFi"li?'lc'-2Z—QI}4- u v -� .�._.r-r--- .� , - . .. _ .. _ ��. _. ;_ , ----- 5 _ .. �� �:%.i3 rZt3�=2z-z3;�i�:��:;�; � ..� �'.�'_.Ta ' �", Y� :. Z' � . ' r:Y.T�.�`pyyS.4'.Y�R'. '. �"SKA T Y z •�y 3YY s vV�Sd � . �, ``"`�i.fi';;�`".' _` `,==-. ; - .. ;=. }���?�7i�3�;aL' ��oo'"�?:r u p fo : .�-- ;�� �,�, =�";:: . .� ``..'OB • 28 -22- 2 i — �11 3 �� t,' 3..,:{T-,�.��a.°Y3Z���c C.ib. fi08i28=77 =rL �nnr7� .,. : � JF 5�. Q 1P1 -..<<de � er.;�rrP:.c:: ,: `�:a �k�v �nc _J. 5.4,�:v; L�� _Dv �"d4 J. C��'eieY' >nc{a L. chr�5� '.[Ey o�F 5E. r?zuL c't'u ) �(r'.f�'i"' � � �� � . �Xc f ,c a� oF SF .1-av L F1.J Gorrr�n ac (�eo� N� 4 l�nf4 T �1Zd'1� � �.___! 0 .. C7T 1x C 2', • � �� 7 _ t � sr�'.'" � � � � � ���� ��. . . �, "'� ,. ' .�'__.. �/ /� 9 � . , �� 9 y�„�� � 3-30- G G� i t ,�� - - �� �-� R � ��C � � - T' � o8-2i3'=2z-23"�t4° Pnrb� N �t1e� � �02, f9 f l.� �rr�k�diC� �n.e �o G�i� v�r 3 I�tOTT: Thts petitlon shall not be considered as officially filed until the lapse of sevea (7) working ., days after it is received by the Pla.*uiing Division. Any signato� of this petition may withdrawhislher � name therefrom by written request within that time. �-� � � - �2 .. �� �� P `°� RiBht-of-K'a�� P<rmi4. blaps and Rcmrdt ._`. , CITY OF SAINT PAUL �� S.E�.XNT'��'>.A.TJ�` � . : . -,,,� Dc�-��s DEPAFY('MEhTOFPUBUCWORKS INING PROPERTY OWNERS FOR A RIGFtf-OF-�' DlV1S[ON $00 Ciry Hdl Annes REZON,�NG - 25WenFom�hStrtet T<h6S1-266-6127 $aintPaul,MN55)01-1660 Fa.c:65l-298-4559 rmail: linla.d:tkhu(@cis+paulsm.ut g�spomi�e5m�icrs•4vafiryFariliiies•&np�oye<Pridr y�v7tlii�il00feetofthctotalcon[iguousdescriptionofrealestate � ITIOi IL•[L tivithin one year precedino the date of ;his peci�ioil --••.•...•��..o� wa� we uave bccn presented �vitli the followino: 1. A copy oE the pe[ition of ' (name of petidoner) ' to rezone the property loca[ed at __ � 512 f-�uril�)p d� /�JY. from a g-Z - zoning district m 1 y �f _2. zoning district. 2. A copy of sections (, i. 101 through ( I•/OZ. , inclusive of the Saint Paul Zoning Code; and lckno�cicdge tliat tve �re aware of �II of the ttses permiUed in a �rt�{ Z zoning district and we are �ware dtiat any of t{iese uses can be established upon Ciry Council approvat oFtL•e rezoning. �Ve hereby consent to t6e rczoning of the propeRy in Qie pctition of; �uo(_EoYI f /`1Q1')r� �C.• to��2oningdistrict. (Name of petitioner) � l�c consent fo fiic �pproval of this rezonin; as it �vas ezpllined to_us by flie �ppliclnt or his/licr represenf�tivc. • -�a . »_»:;;; �/7"lP !1' UISj� 3S \.r.�e. 5`��. 5.;}�?GI 08 • Z8 -ZZ-Z3 - aA2 79 c,«� S: :t �I«� a 8- Z8 - ZL-z \ 3 - cXp3 S"ZS' t�v....�o\tr � � o8 S C-�ie.G>_ si�«k 2/ ,s.K<<io Q�.,a cs-zB-zZ-zi• ZSI .�.once�� . ,.� �8"z8"ZZ'z3 � 08 -28 - zz -� � E�.,4 e-e�.,� l�LS+ �A _ v. � ? � c�E � �. 0�8 ' vt Srnr — ooll ' � f i � C� o� SF . Riu —ooiZ Gcrn� c � S} ` 001 -.' }'� � �Nd� �'� ] cSF C�MILL ���n_/ �1 % �I.�1 J '�; t� f�o 2="G:ee.e � i�IOT�: This petition shall not be considered as officially �ted unti( the lapse of seyen (7) working days after it is received by the Planning Division. Any signator of this petition may withdraw his/her name thereErom by written requesf within that time. • ' ' L ' . _. �. ��--� J �"�' .` l" C � C� • CJ �� . ; - <• ., , .; . CXT"S� O� SA.XN'X' PA,�TL CONSEN'T�OF AD30INING PROBERTY OWN�RS I�OR A .REZONING 1�Ve, tlie undersigned, o�vners oftlie propcRy �vithin 100 feet oFt(ic totat contiguous description of real estate owned, purcliased, or so[d by THE PETiTIO�GR within one }�ear precedina ll�e da[e of th'ts pe[ition acknowiedoe that we have bcen presei�ted «•ith the follo�ving: 1. A copy of the petition oF � ti �"`c' "�� "'• •"• (name of petitionec} to rezone the property located at T�5 ! Z t-�urt�ol��.` �E-• froni � B-2� P- zoning district to a�.V�{ -Z zaning district. �` 2. A copy of sections to� • lo� - through !a �•� OZ , inclesive of die Saint Paul Zoning Code; and ncknot'vlcdge tlinE we �re uwzre of nll of the uscs permitted in a R.t�{ ��'-" district and �ve aro nware tliat any of tliese uses can be established upon City Cour.cit approval of the rezoning. \Ve hereby consent to the rezottino of the property in thc pe[ition of; - � / W� � ,�(.�,� �� 1 =j7 '(�. (0 8 ���' 20RIIla (�ISfCIC�. l � (Name of pefitioner) � Wc consent to tlie approval of this rezoning as it �vas expl�ined fo us by fhe �pplicant or his/hcr representative. � - 3'h x o8-zs"-zz=zz-oia t � _ � .. -::.' �jr�;.�_C5 r ,, ;;�:�,-°n� _ :o �� q ` ��'i ,;;-• ?u':;za': ' - �oizo ,, , : . �� ' �3 �` ,;; }-, _; .:- � � � �,..:_�;'�_ ' L - _, .,:<- :- �r='. OILS' , . . .. _... _ :��.:= - - ' ">"'''•:-'i�I7�e � ::6•, �*, .'. ��,. - � -- � _ _ rO1Z . _ a�s.t::.z:�-._• -• _ .: •;�,�.:-. ..,—... _.. y � . ` � � `�-' K � f o,i8 > IyOT�: 'Ihis petition shatL not be considered as offic�ally fited antit the tapse oI seyen �i� w���' g days after it is received by the Pfanning Division. Any signator of this petitian may v+ithdrawhislhe� name therefcom by written request within that time. ��, y�� .: p o zs z2� zZ- o( l S (3caoQs�� �•/�� • � o°o z8 2z 'LZ Oog� �ceQc1'� � . ) !/�L/'� \) /f. .. �� �_ _.in..� _ -� -23-1999 11�54 RAMSEY COUNTY PAP.KS & REC 651 748 2508 P.62i05 . . Resolution �g Board of �� �� ; • I Ramsey County C.ommYSS�on+ ' -esented B}' :tention: Cor.�caissioner Reinhardt Budqeti.ng and ACCOUnting Greg Mack, Parks & Recreation Date May 1Z , _ 1999 No. ��� �' , wHcREAS, Ramsey County has b>_en requested to sign a petition of Consent of Adjoining Prop=rty Owners for th° rezoning of 512 Hu.r�'oldt Avenue from P-1 to RM-Z and 484 Wabasha Stre=t from B-2 to RM-2; and j•1'r.EREAS, Tns City of St. Pau1, and other cities of the first class in accordance with Minnesota SCatutes 462.357, Subdivision 5, reouires the consent of Cwo-thirds of the adjacent property ownerr: within 10o feet before it can accept an application for rezoning; �nd PIHEREAS, The Ramsey County Parks and Recreation Department hzs revi=o-red the �roposed rezoning and determined that it wi21 not be detrimental or have a signiticant impact on County parkland; and • t•1HEP.EAS, The petitioner requires th� County's signature to p:cceed �•rith local re�iew; Tiovr, Therefore, B2 It P.ESOLVBD, That the Rzmsey County Board oi Commissioner= authorizes its Chair to �ign th= p=tition of Cons_nt of Adjoi.ning Proper=y Own=rs for rezoning 512 Humboldt Avenu> from P-1 to RM-2, ar.d 484 F7abasha Streer fzom B-2 Co P.M-2, and to sign and forward to th= St. Paul Zoning Authority, a letter stating that Ramsey Count}� is signing only for the purpose of allo•.�ing the rezoning matter te preceed ��rith local review and action by the City o° St. Paul and tn>_t Ramsey County neither supports nor objects to the rezoning. 4\[SEl' [OII�Tl' BO \RD OF CO�(`f[ SI�VERS �•E � �.qY cZTNER �nv B<nnec; �� sno Gucrin �— ��h X s rteva x iccori� Rainhard; X nice Rcttm:in X n N'izssner !� bsent Ra( � ORlG1�JAL Presented By Referred To 2 � 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2Q 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 council File # � �� 31 � Ordinance # Green Sheet # 106457 RDINAN � CITY INT PA , ESOTA �L� 3 I M�' 3 0'� Committee: Date An ordinance amending Chapter 60 ofthe Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to zoning for the City of Saint Paul and the zoning maps thereof: WHEREAS, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes §462.357 and Section §64.400 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, the AIVIHERST WII,DER FOUNDATION duly petitioned to rezone a portion of the property located at 510 Humbolt, being included in a newly platted parcel legally described as: That part of Lot S, Block 63, together with that part of vacated East Win�ed Street, together with that part of vacated Onega S�eet, all Zocated in YVEST ST. PAUL PROPER on file and of record zn the office of the Register of Deeds of Ramsey County, Minnesota, as described as follows: Commencing at the northwest corner of Lot 1 q Block 76, WEST ST. PA UL PROPER; thence North 89 degrees 40 mmutes ll seconds East along the north Zine of said Lot 10 a distance of 80. 00 feet; thence North 01 degree 00 minutes 34 seconds West a distance of 80. 00 feet, thence northerly and easterly along a curve tangential to said Zine, concave to the southeast and having a radius of 260. 00 feet, an arc length of 108. 86 feet, a central angle of 23 degrees 59 minutes 20 seconds, a chord distance of 108. 06 feet, and a chord bearing of North 10 degrees 59 minutes 06 seconds East; thence on a Zine non-tangential to said curve bearing South 89 degrees 40 minutes 11 seconds West a distance of 32.26 feet; thence southerly and westerly long a curve non-tangential to said Zine, concave to the southeast and having a radius of 290.00 feet, an arc length of 6991 feet, a central angle of 13 degrees 48 mznutes 40 seconds, a chord dzstance of 69.73 feet and a chord bearing of Soutk 13 degrees 32 minutes 39 sec�nds West; thence on a line non-tangential to said curve bearing North 83 degrees 2l mim�tes 44 seconds West a r�istance of 30.00 feet; thence South 67 degrees 03 minutes 18 seconds West a distance of 56.97 feet; thence South OI degree 00 minutes 34 seconds EasZ a distance of 50.00 feet; thence North 89 degrees 40 minutes 11 seconds East a distance of 30.00 feet; thence South 01 degree 00 minutes 34 seconds East a distance of 30. DO feef to the point of beganning and there terminating. from B-2(commercial) so that the entire pazcel is zoned RM-2 (multi-family residential) and a portion of the property located at 514 South Robert, being included in a newly platted parcel legally described as. That part of Lots 13, 14, I5, and I6, Block 64, WEST ST. PA UL PROPER on file and of record in the offzce of the Register of Deeds of Ramsey County, Minnesota, as described as follows: Commencing at the northeast corner of said Lot 16, thence North 46 degrees 26 minutes 44 seconds West along the northeast line of said Lot 16 a distance of 280. 69 feet; thence South 01 degrees 00 minutes 34 seconds East a distance of 169.24 feet; thence North 88 degrees 59 minutes 26 seconds East a distance of 50.00 feet; thence South 80 degrees 32 minutes 14 seconds East a distance of 152.53 feet to the point of beginning and there terminating. 35 from P-1 (parking) to so that the entire parcel is zoned RM-2 (multi-family residential) for the purpose of 36 resolving split zoning on two lots created by the replatting of Wilder's Rarig campus, the petition having been 37 certified by the Planning staff on December 9, 1999, as having been consented to by at least 67 percent of the 3 8 owners of the area of the property to be rezoned, and further having been consented to be at least two-thirds 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 6'T 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 8� - 315 of the owners of property situated within 100 feet of the total contiguous property within one year preceding the date of the petition; and WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission, on January 6, 2000, held a public hearing for the purpose of considering the rezoning petition, and pursuant to Section § 107.03 of the Saint Paul Admuustrative Code, submitted its recommendation to the Planning Commission that the petition be granted; and WFIEREAS, the Planving Commission considered the rezoning petition at its meeting held on 3anuary 14, 2000, and recommended that the City Council approve the petition; and WFIEREAS, notice of a public hearing before the City Council on the said rezoning petition was duly published in the official newspaper of the City on January 29, 2000 and notices were duly mailed to each owner of affected property and property situated wholly or partly within 350 feet of the property sought to be rezoned; and WIIEREAS, a public hearing before the City Council having been conducted on February 2, 2000, where all interested parties were heazd, and the Council having considered all the facts and recommendations concerning the petition; now, therefore, THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN Section 1. That the zoning map of the City of Saint Paul, Sheet Number 37, as incoiporated by reference in Section §60301 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, as amended, is hereby fixrther amended as follows: That a portion of the property at 510 Humboldt be and is hereby rezoned from B-2 to RM-2 so that the entire parcel more particulazly described above is zoned RM-2; and That a portion of the property at 514 South Robert be and is herebly rezoned from P-1 to RM-2 so that the entire parcel more particularly described above is zoned RM-2. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. Requested by Department of: Plannin & Eco omic Develo ment B Y' �� Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date a..p Adoption Certified by Council retary BY� g, � a-_ ��.-��Y_ � � 1� /i � � ,.. ,, �, � Approved by Mayor for Submission to� n+ � Approved by Mayor: Date ��G�YE(/ Council �.�����!i7/r/`-� TAq 3�7 gq7 By: By: DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COliNCIL: DATE IlVITIATED GREEN SHEET No.: 106487 c PED: West Team Mazch 10, 2000 O o- 3 L CONTACi' PERSON & PHONE: m INiTTAIlDnTE Nancy Homans 6-6557 � z nsrax�rn�rrr nm. s ciTr couxcu. MUST BE ON COL�1'CII, AGENDA BY ATL �SIGN 3 CITY ATTORNEY ,� _ CITY CLERK � � VITMBER �'�CIALSERVDIIL FIIvAiVCIALSERV/ACCTG FOR 4MAYOR(ORASSTJ CIVII.SERVICECOM.MISSION ROUTING 1 WF,STT£AM(Fiazrea) O'd' ORDER TOTAL # OF SIGNATi7AE PAGES I_(CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATIJRE) acriox x�uESTEn: Rezone portions of the Wilder Foundarion's Rarig Campus to resolve split zoning of newly platted property. City Council public hearing held on February 2, 2000. RECOM1bfENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Rejear (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TFIE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. Has this pe�on/Scm ever worked undea a contrac[ forthis departmem? A__ PLANNINCrCOMMISSION Yw No / CIB COMMITTEE 2. Aas this pe�on/finn ever been a ciTy employee? -� CIVILSERVICECOMMISSION Yes No 3. Does tltis persrnJfvm possess a skill not nrnmally possessed by any cusent ciTy employee? Yes No Eaplain all yes answers on sepxrate sheet and attach to green sheM INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTi7NI1'Y (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Replatting of Wilder Foundation's Rarig Campus to transfer ownership ofthe long term care facilities to Health East resuited in 2 parcels with split zones. This resolves the split zoning. ADVANTAGESIFA.PPROVED: The transfer of property can be completed. DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: ��� ���'�"�`�'� ��'�� None ,�� �� � � DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: The transfer of property will not be approved by HUD that has provided financing to both parties. Further delay will add to the time and expense borne by the Wilder Foundation. TOTAL AMOT3NT OF TRANSACTIOYi: $ COSTfREUFd3UE BS3DGETED: � ��� �� �� FCTNDING SOURCE: ACTIVITY vT1MBER: FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) gy7�R �� ZOOV � � ` �F.�. .i c 'us � s s ., x.,. � K �Shared�IiOMANS\�nstit @m . � DEPAR'tMENT OF PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Bnan Sweeney, Drrector Qp-3iS L� CTTY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor Januazy 20, 200Q Ms. Nancy Anderson City Council Research Office Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Ms. Anderson: 25 WestFaurth Street SaintPau{ MN55102 Tetephone: 651-2666655 Facsimile: 651-2283314 I would like to confirm that a public hearing before the City Council is scheduled for Weduesday February 2, 2000 for the following zoning case: Applicant: File Number: Purpose: Address: Legal Description of Properry: Previous Action: ANTFIERST WILDER FOUNDATION #99-178-571 Rezone property from B-2 to RM-2 and P-1 to RM-2 to avoid creating lots with split wning when replatting Wilder's Rarig campus to create sepazate lots for the nursing home building now owned by Health East and for the independent senior housing buildings still owned by the Wilder Foundation. 510 Humboldt and 514 South Robert Street Available on file. Planning Commission Recommeudation: Approval, vote: unanunous, January 14, 20Q0 Zoning Committee Recommendation: Approval, vote: 7-0, January 6, 2000 My understanding is that this public hearing request will appear on the agenda for the January 26 City Council meeting and that you will publish notice of the hearing in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger. Please ca11 me at 266-6557 if you have any questions. Sincerely, ��� d Nancy Homans City Planner cc: File #99-178-571 Wendy Lane Paul Dubruiel Carol Martineau -- �FH2STRfTN� , .� ^` �NO]RCL�':.UF'PUBLICHRtSItILRG : ' '�1tie Saflrt Patil CityCpuncil w3ll conduc� a publlc hearing on�Wednesday, �ebruary 2. 200Q to considu the -appHcal3oa of AiaheY�t Wild@r -FOUndation fo rezune �properry' at 510 HumboldCAVenue and 514 South Robert Street from8-2 to RM-2 and P-1 to RM-z to avota creaUng lots with spllt zoning when iepl'atting_Wildei s Rartg campus,to create sepazate lots for the n�ssing home buildia'g nosa owned b.y Health Easf aiid for the independent semor housingbnilaings.still owned by the Wilda Foundation. �. . — - - � Dated: Jarivary 25, �2000 ' � . NANCYANDERSON. _ AssistaiitE,ityCqt}ncil"Secretary"� ' . � ' [Jau..2Y) � . "`81:'PAIIL-IEGAT.",_`""�,°"'��-_ �- DEPART�IEI`T OF PLAh:tiI\G & ECOVOMIC DEVEIAP.�SEI�R' Bnars Sweeney, Direcmr SAIHT PAUL � AAAA CTTY OF SAINT PAUL T,`orm Coleman, Mayor January 25, 2000 Ms. Nancy Anderson Secretary to the City Council Room 310 City Ha11 Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 RE Zoning File #99-178-571: Cm Council Hearing: 25 Wes[ Four(h Sbeei SamlPau; M.V 55101 OO _'��S Telephone: 612-266-65b5 Facsim�[e: 611-228-3314 AMI-�RST WILDER FOUNDATION February 2, 2000, 5:30 p.m. City Council Chambers PURPOSE: Rezone property from B-2 to RM-2 and P-1 to RM-2 to avoid creating lots �vith split zoning when replatting Wilder's Rarig campus to create separate lots for the nursing home building now o«ned by Health East and for the independent senior housing buildings still owned by the Wilder Foundation. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION: Approval; Unanimous - ZONING COMMITTEE ACTION: Approval; 7-0 , STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval • SUPPORT: No one spoke in support. OPPOSITION: No one spoke in opposition. Dear Ms. Anderson: The AMHERST WILDER FOLTNDATION has applied to rezone two portions of its Rarig Center campus located at 510 Humboldt and � 14 South Robert as required by the City Council resolution (#99-1093) approving a plat for the subdivision of the site. The zoning committae held a public hearing on the appiication on Januar}� 6, 2000. The applicant addressed the committee. At the close of the public hearing the committee voted unanimously to recommend the rezoning. The Planning Commission voted to support the committee's recommendation at its January 14, 2000 meeting. This application is schaduled to be heard by the City Council on February 2, 2000. Please notify me if any member of the Ciry Council ��ishes to have slides of the site presented at the public hearing. S'ncerely, awrence Soderholm Planning Administrator Attachments • cc: Ctty Council members d _� �s • city of saint paul planning commission resolution file number oo-os date .ranuar ia, z000 WHEREAS, the Ab1HERST H. WILDER FOUNDATION, file 1f99-178-571, has petitioned to rezone property at 510 Humboldt, situated between Con�ress and George, from B-2 [o Rhi-2, and 514 South Robert, situated 6et�veen Concord and George, from P-1 to RM-2, to resolve split zoning on two Iots recently created on the Wilder Foundation's Rarig Campus; and �VHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission, on January 6, 2000, held a pubiic hearin� a[ �vhich alf persons present were given an opportunity to be heard pursuant to said application in accordance with the requirements of Section 64.400 of the Saint Paul Le�isla[i�•e Code; and �VHEREAS, the Saint Paul Planning Commission, based on the evidence presen�ed to its Zoning Committee at the public hearing, as substantially reflected in the minutes, made the follonin� findings of fact: 1. As Qart of an effort to focus its operation, the Wilder Foundation has reached an a;reement to transfer the portion of its Rari� Campus related to a nursing home/health care facility to • HealthEast. In order to accomplish that tradsfer in a manner acceptable to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (which holds a financial interest in both [he housing and the liealth care facility), the property must be replatted into separate lots that conform to the individual buildings on the sire. 2. On November 10, 1999, the City Counci! (Council File #l99-1093) approvzd a preliminary and final plat for subdivision of the Rarig Campus into seven lots, subject to the condition that the rezonin� of portions of Lots 4 and 6, to avoid creatin� lots with split zoninR, be approved by the Ciry Council. This application is submitted in compliance with that condition. 3. The applicant proposes tha[ the northeast portion of the new Lot 6 be re-zoned from P-1 to RM-2. The current use of Lot 6 is a board and lodeing residence for seniors. Its parking lot is ]ocated at the wes[ entrance of the buildin� toward the interiot of the campus. The por[ion of the lot to be rezoned is located on South Robert Street, east of the existing buildin�, and is characrerized by a significant bluff and heavy vegetation. It is unlikely that this portion of the site lias bzen or can be used for parkino. The adjacent Lot 7 will remain in the P-1 zoning distric[ and may be used, at some furure time, by the neighboring commercial building for parking. moved by Field seconded by in faV �I' Unaninous • c`T�b�ifflSr Zoning File N99-178-571 Page Two of ResoIution 4. Tlie applicant further proposes that the western portion of the new Lot 4, currently in a B-2 district, also be rezoned to RM-2. The lot is currently used as a parking lot and straddles the B-2 and Rb4-2 districts. The site will continue to be used as a parkin� lot for the adjacent apartment building. 5. The proposed rezonin�s, therefore, do not involve any new facilities or chan;e of use. As such, they would have no impact on surrounding properry owners or on propem• vataes in the area. Nor would they result in any increase in traffic or greater impact on the various public systems (e.g. streets, sewers, transit, schoo]s) that serve the area. 6. The proposed zoning would be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan tha[ encourages the preservation of higher density multi-family housing, especially housing affordable to lower income households. 7. Sec. 64.400(b) of the Zoning Code requires that a rezonin� may be initiated by peti[ion of Ihe owners of sixty-seven percent of the area of the property to be rezoned. As the documentation included in thz file indicates, consen[ of owners of 33 of the eligible 49 parcels �vas required for the application to be deemed suffcient. Owners of 35 of the parcels indica[ed their consent. r1 L_J NObV, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Saint Paa! Planning Commission tha[ the petition of • die Ab1HERST H. WILDER FOUNDATION to rezone property at 510 Humooldt and �14 South Robert, more particularly described in the file, from B-2 and P-1 zonin,; classifications, rzspectively, to an RM-2 zoning classification is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan for �he City; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul Piannine Commission does hereby recommend to the Council of the City of Saint Paul that property at 510 Humboldt and 514 South Robert be rezoned from S-2 and P-1, respectively, ro RM-2 in accordance with the petition for rezonin� on file with the Saint Paul Department of Planning and Economic Development. • MINUTES OF THE ZONING COMMiTTEE Thursday, January 6, 2000 - 3:30 p.m. C J City Council Cfiambers, 3` Floor City Hall and Court House 15 West Kellogg Boulevard PRESENT: EXCUSED: OTHERS PRESENT: Engh, Faricy, Field, Gervais, Gordon, Kramer, and Morton. Peter Warner Carol Martineau, Allan Torstenson, and Nancy Homans of PED The meeting was chaired by Commissioner Field. O c� ' �`S Amherst Witder Foundation - 99-178-571 - Rezoning from B-2 to RM-2 and from P-1 to RM-2 to avoid creating lots with split zoniFlg when replatting Wilder's Rarig campus to create separate lots for the nursing home buildings now owned by Heaith East and for the independent senior housing buildings stili owned by Wilder. 510 Humboldt Ave. and 514 South Robert St. Ms. Nancy Homans showed slides and gave the staff report. Ms. Homans stated a lot split was approved by the City Council pending the rezoning of portions of the two lots to avoid split zoning. Ms. Homans also stated the Zoning Staff recommends approval ofi the rezoning. • Ms. Mary Kay Paimer, Representative of Wilder Foundation, appeared and stated they so{d two parcels to Health East on January 1, 1999. This rezoning is part of thet process to allow theWilder Foundation to deed the property to Heaith East. Mr. Dennis Honsa, Consu4tant for Wilder Foundation, appeared and stated there is one building in RM-2 which is zoned P-1 parking. There is no new construction or improvements planned. The rezoniRg is to correct the zoning to fit the existing land use. Commissioner Faricy moved to approve the rezoning. Commissioner Kramer seconded it. Adopted Yeas - 7 Drafted by: • �f�t,� �-��'I%��n/,c�c�,��v Carol Mahineau Recording Secretary Nays - 0 Subm+fted by: %(� � 5��4�-�.� '' � ,i� Nancy Homans Litton Zoning Section Chai� ao-�t� � ZOi�ING COMMITTEE STAFF ItEPORT FILE # 99-178571 C � C � 1. APPLTCANT: AMF�RST H. WII.DER FOUNDATION DATE OF HEARTi�TG: 1/6/00 2. CLASSIFICATION: Rezoning 3. LOCATION: 510 Humboldt and 514 South Robert 4. PLANNING DISTRICT: 3 5 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: on file b. PRESENT ZONING: B-2 and P-1 ZONING CODE I2EFERENCE: Sec. b4.400 7. STAFF INVESTIGATION AND I2EPORT: DATE. 12l30/99 BY: I3ancy Homans 8 DATE RECEIVED: December 9, 1999 DEADLINE FOR ACTION: February 7, 2000 A. PURPOSE: Rezoning from B-2 and P-1 to RM-2 to facilitate the re-platting of the Wilder senior campus required for the sale of a portion of the complex to HealthEast. B. PARCEL SIZE: Portion of Lot 6: Appro�mately 150 x I50 = 22,500 sq. ft. Portion ofLot 4: Irregular shape, approximately 3,750 sq. fr. C. EXISTING LAND USE: Wilder Foundation Rarig Campus: Housing and health care facility for seniors. D. SURROUNDING LAND USE: North: Riverview Library/Low density residential/1�Ieighborhood commercial, Zoned RT-I and B-1 East Concord and Robert Streets, Mixed commercial and residential, Zoned B-2, B-3, RM-2 South: Mixed commercial and low density residential, Zoned B-2 and B-3 West: St. Matthew's Church and School/Low density residential, Zoned RT-1 E. ZONING CODE CITATION: Sec. 64.400(a) of the Zoning Code provides in part that "the council may, from time to time, amend, supplement or change the district boundaries or the regulations herein, or subsequently estabiished herein pursuant to the provisions of Minnesota Statutes Section 462357 and amendments thereto as may be made from time to time- The planning commission may, from time to time, review district boundary lines to determine if, pursuant to state laws, such district boundary lines should be changed." Zoning File #991�8571 Page two Section 64.400(b) provides, in part, that "an amendment to the zoning code may be initiated by the council, the planning commission or by a petition of the owners of 67 percent of the area of the property to be rezoned." F. HISTORY/DISCUSSION: In 1959, the Wilder Foundation was granted approval of a rezoning to allow it to develop three one-story residence buildings to serve a totaI of 170 senior residents, one four-story convalescent center for 64 residents and a community center that would include a dining hall and recreational facilities. The deveIopment was to be phased beginning with the construction of the convalescent center. In I962, a permit was issued allov�ing Wilder to construct a 30 car parking lot in conjunction with two of the apartment buildings on the site and, in 1965, a pernut for a 52 car parking lot was approved in conjunction with the constractian of the board and care home. Finalty, in 1989, the Commission approved a River Comdor Modification that allowed Wilder to build an new health care facility to serve persons with Alzheimer's disease. That addition was aever constracted. G. DISTRICT COUNCIL ItECOMMENDATION: No recommendation had been received at the time Yhis staffreport was prepared. � • H FINDINGS: . 1. As part of an effort to focus its operation, the Wilder Foundation has reached an agreement to transfer the portion of its Rarig Campus related to a nursing home/health care facility� to HealthEast. In order to accomplish that transfer in a manner acceptable to the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (which holds a financial interest in both the housin� and the health care facility), the property must be replatted into separate lots that conform to the individual buildings on the site. On November 10, 1999, the City Council (Council File �99-1093) approved a preliminary and final plat for subdivision of the Rarig Campus into seven lots, subject to the condition that the rezoning of portions of Lots 4 and 6, to avoid creating lots with split zonin�, be approved by the City Councit. Tlus application is submitted in compiiance with that condition. The appIicant proposes that the northeast portion ofthe new Lot 6 be re-zoned from P-1 to RM-2. The current use of Lot 6 is a board and lodging residence for seniors. Its parking lot is located at the west entrance of the building toward the interior of the campus. The portion of the lot to be rezoned is located on South Robert Street, east of the existing building, and is characterized by a significant bluff and heavy vegetation. It is unlikely thaY this portion of the site has been or can be used for parking. The adjacent Lot '7 will remain in the P-1 zonin� district and may be used, at some future time, by the neiahboring commercial buildinQ for parking. C� ao -�ts Zoning File #99178571 • Page three 4. The applicant further proposes that the westem portion of the new Lot 4, currently in a B-2 district, also be rezoned to RM-2. The lot is currently used as a pazking lot and straddles the B-2 and RM-2 districts. The site will continue to be used as a parking lot for the adjacent apartment building. The proposed rezonings, therefore, do not invoive any new facilities or chan�e of use. As such, they would have no impact on surrounding property owners or on property values in the area. Nor would they result in any increase in traffio or greater impact on the various public systems (e.g. streets, sewers, transit, schools) that serve the area. 6. The proposed zoning would be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan that encourases the preservation of higher density multi-family housing, especially housing affordable to lower income households. Sec. 64.400(b) of the Zoning Code requires that a rezoning may be initiated by petition of the owners of sixty-seven percent of the area of the property to be rezoned. As the attached documentation indicates, consent of owners of 33 of the eligible 49 parcels was required for the application to be deemed sufficient. Own€rs of 35 of the parcels indicated their consent. • I. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Based on findings 1 through 7, staffrecommends that the Planning Commission recommend to the City Council approval ofthe rezoning ofthe northeast portion ofLot 6 from P-1 to RM-2 and the western portion of Lot 4 from B-2 to RM-2. • xn�v i.,.a i� 1 1 11R1A P�TiT10N TO AltitEND'fHE,ZON[NG CODE • DepaxmeR� oJP[anning amd Ecotsorraic Dr.velopment Zaning SeMion 1100 City FI'c1lAnnrs 25 West Fourih Streel Saint Pau1, MN SS101 266-6589 APPLICANT PropertyOwner}}„�hpYS� �. u)r/C�p�'' �ar,<Y�,�t.`pYj Address �]19 1 a-�or'kj /�aJpn�,{�Q. City SE,• f�.L�(. St.j�7_ip 4 lo¢ paytime phone (a59 - f�01�}- Contact person (if difierent) fUi(stt��a }�c�( Mpt^ PftOPERTY LOCATION � Legaidescription Srr a� }^i@ LQro( he5crr��i-� � (attach additional sheet if ner.essary) 70 THE HONORAB�E MAYOR AND CtTY CQUNCIL: Pursuant to Section 64.400 of ihe Saint Paul Zo ing Ordinance and to S_ction 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statues, l�rr�F+�rc� }}: �,t)i1C'l�cv �uYtc4r �`nYl , the owner of all the land proposed • (or rezonino, hereby pztit(ons you to rezone th=_ above described properfy from a 8 zoning district to a. fZw1 - 2 zoning districf, fo� the purpose of: -�nc�eYk�L��' ho�cSi:nq �or Sen� or� � Car2. C.er�f'£S'' J (aftach addilionai sheet(s) if necessaryJ Atta:hments: Required site plan O Cons=nt petition ❑ Subscribed and sworn to betore me this. 29 �� day or Jw�, �,�_, � 9 99 . 'l.� u� ��<w�-/�r✓�.C� Notary Public MARY KAY PALMER • �_~ NO7AAYPUBIIC•MIN DAKOTA COUNT�' Ey Umm¢slan Eqtra Jst ii. �WO A�davit � ,� $y:� or Rsa s t� Page 1 of Z- � a .'Sl5 , <...� :rwuc f� I 1 R�A� PETiTiON TO AMEND THE ZpNING CODE • DeparrrruRt af Planrting artd Economic Developmerrt zoning Section ' 11Q0 City Ha11,4xnez 25 West Foutth Street Saint Paul, MN SS101 �66-6589 APPLICANT PROPERTY LOCATION Property Owner l� t ` py� o � Address Q t �{ L - For'� City 5't• - f�au � St.FM/7_ip�_payt;me phone fa59 -CaOI�}- Contact person (if different)_V�(�,Yu l�n,� P.,I.v,en Address/Location *�- 51�- Sa,,�}, _p„L,e,_t S�- Legaldescription �re a�OGytPt� �eaal .I}cvr-;n�:..,� {attach additional sheet if ner.essarv) TO 7HE HONORABL& MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL: Pursuant to Section 64.4Q0 of ihe Saint Pauf Zoning Ordinance and to 5=_ction 462.357(5) o` Minnesota Statues, /�mh�er'St l�• txJi (�pY��c_�, the owner of atl the (znd proposed for rezoning, hereby petitions you to I'ezone the above described property from a P- � zoning districi to a Rw1-2. zoning district, for the purpose of: Sr�el�er hou5�r,� �orS � Cce C�`tE�i" (a.tacb addifiona/ sheet(s) if necesSaryJ Attachm=nts: Required site pian ❑ Consent Subscribed and sworn to before me this. Z�r� day of �c�ri�_.19�. �7� � ��,C - �..� Notary Public i � l'' MARY KAY PALMER �� NOT1JiYPU9lIC-MINNESOTA � DAKOTACOUNTY kr cmv�don �n, nn si. xao ❑ Affidavit O of Page 9 of ,�_ � � LJ • 00 -3�S ORIGINAL Council File k � �l — ( O �{ � Resolution n � 1 , 3 , > 6 7 Preser.ted Hy Referred To � Green Sheet � � ��/ 2 6 , _ RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT'PAUL M[NNESOTA % / �� 3 � � �' _�/� _ ' �� /� , _. , -` � , i Cor,mittee: Date Preliminary and Final Plat Approval for Amherst H. �Vilder Foundation Raria Campus WHEREAS, Boiton and Menk, Inc. has submitted the attached preliminar}� and final plat for subdivision of the Amherst H. Wilder Foundation Rarig Campus at 508-516 Humbolt Avenue into seven lots for City Council approval; and � «'HEREAS, the appropriate City departments have reviewed the plat and found, subject to the conditions � recommended in the staff report to the City Council, that it meets the requirements of Chapter 67 of the :0 Zonin� Code; and :1 y '- «'HEREAS, notice of a public hearinQ before the City Council was dul}• published in the officia( neGCSpape, � 3 of the City and notices were mailed to each o«ner of affected property includina all property situated �vith;n 0 feet of the subject property; and � 5 �L'HEREAS, the City Council held a public hearing ofthe proposed plat on August 4. 1999. where a11 7 interested parties were given the opporiunity to be heazd and the Council considered a!I facts and S recommendations concerning the plat; 9 �\OW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Cit}� Council accepts and approves the attached : preliminan' and final plat for the .Amherst H. R'ilder Foundation Rario Campus at SOS-� 16 Hum6olt Avenue ? subject to the follo��in� conditions: � , � 1. ; 3 2. ' ' 3. 4. : • Rezonin, of the northeast corner of proposed Lot 6 from P- I to RM-2, and rezonir:� of the northu�est corner of the property from B-2 to RM-2, necessan to avoid crzating lo:c ��ith split zoning, must be approved by the City Council. The applicant shal] file a copy of the Council Resolution appro��ing the plat with t!:e Ramse;• County Recorder's Office. The applicant shall file a copy of the Declazation of Easements. Covenan:s and Res;rictions required bv the Cit}' for access, parking and utilities along with the final plat. Cit}� Council approval of ��acation of the following: All that part ofLivinestoa Avenue 1} in� bztuzen the seath line o.`Coneres Stre�t ar,c a line parallel «�ith and 17� feet north of the north line of �: acated �i inifred S:; eet; also 0 R I G! N A �°�- � that part of Livingston Avenue Iying south of a line pazallel k�ith, and I31.5 feet i north of, the north tine of George Street within the proposed plat; also 42 43 A11 that part ofthe east-west alley as platted in Vollmer's Rearrangement, lyin� between• 44 the west tine of Robert Street and the east line of Livingston Avenue. 4� r� L Requested by Depar�ment of: �'__�cion Cer:i°ied by Council Secretary Py: =='o�ed hy M. 2v: Flanni�a � nconomic Develovne^= Ef: Fozm A�_ roved by C_ty Atto_^..ey �prove . h�o�ted by Counci2: Date �1C� 1RC�ci n:�: �:�� � ?��-�11 o � _��s • CITIZEN PARTICIPATIO DIS RIC S . 1.SUNRAY-BATTLECREEK-HI6HWOOD GREATER EAST SIDE 3. EST SIDE .DAYTON'S BLUFF 5.PAYNE-PHALEN 6.NORTH END 7.THOMAS-DALE 8.SUMMI7-UNIVERSITY 9.WEST SEVENTH IO.COMO II.HAMLINE-MIDWAY 12.ST. ANTHONY 13.MERRIAM PK.-LEXINGTON HA;ILINE 14.GROVELAND-MACALESTER 75.HIGHLAND 16.SUMMIT HILL l l . DOWNTO'+1"� q�-)'7�s 7 � CITIZEN PARTICIPATION PLANNIN6 DISTRICTS � WEST SIDE DISTRICT a ,�.. . ..� °!� - (��f,S� � LZONING FILE -� - ■ �t�� � �{o Y � . A � O I OT�}-I I o �R Y •_ �� {, i v ti 4 1 � � ; � i ' Y�� `• :: ��,- �!. �'�'""_ � :�� vi � - - � ��`� I �i���, � Q l�' � V O �l.l ---�- o 0 ! � �' ,' �---- . a �� o o Y a�o�o o�i o c�n �. S�'�V�RRS S� 1 t.�, L,�� f S ��= `. �y j u�� - � �°� � K�'�. - �.., zon;n� dis•�.�t t•�.,���z PU�?OS� � — //' � . �`.� e' /^' ) � ��" � � 9 �� � cJ�J;�CI �.': _ _.i'J r ' _ ^'\ _ ,� � J V1 LL'LL/JJ _ �ILE n,� i t �i""" � ; D.�TE , _ _ - � PLNG D�ST� ht,=,P r O on> Izmll;� �^ c- i � �,� b fr:olami; m .,.-. ..� ' ,.�b�Dct - � - fi="_r`r,�j� �'l""" �l mu�lip�el� . ..-.- - _ - �T(l' V I -.yT°"T�"T°__-r,-.�-i r - � � . . -- 0 n .�. � � O �< � L_ � • 1 , , zor��T� �r�zT�onT svrrzcz��Tc�� cr�c�: s�nc�T �zo�i��G scu� � ncu� fiIRST SUBMITTED DATE PETITION SUBhIITTED: DATE OFFICiALLY RECEIVED; PARCLLS ELIGIBLE: PARCELS P.EQUIP.ED: PARCELS SIG`iED: r.�sus�rzrrED od _ DATE PETITIOY RcSUBMITTED: C I"Z7 ` 1% N DATE OFFICIALLY RECEIVED: J � °'-� ` `:-! PARCELS &LIGISLr: � ( PARCELS REQUIRED: �� PARCELS SiGNED: � CHECKED BY: / ��'� f�/ „��```"_, _"�� DATE: � Z � / y J J (J�I'i 7'% � Cr /�-� /2 '� -> `�'/ 5 [zo�l�� ���� 1 .� . ` . .:°�� �a �� �. : - .i� : �'�1 . ' � � � � cx�cx ��' SA.XI�'� 1, �ONSENT'�OF ADJOINING PROPER� �FZEZONING �r 1 We, tlie undersigned, otvners oFthe property within 100 feet ofih= toTai contiguous desaiption of real estate o�vned, purchased, or sold by TH6 PETIT(Oi IGR within one year precedino the datz oP this petition ackno�vledoe that �ve (�ave becn presented ��•ich tlie folio���ing: 1. A copy of the petition of - (name oPpetitioner) to rezone tiic property located at #_SIZ IJ�,.,• from a Q-Z F� zonh�o district to a}Z(�-z zoningdistrict. 2. A copy oCsections GI .l0! tLrougl: G!- t o2 , i�d�s;ve of ciie Saint Pau] Zoning Code; and ncknor:ledge tliat we are aware ofal( oF the uses permitted in a PJ� -Z . Zoning district and we 2re aware tlint any of diese uses can be established upon Ciry Coucci( approva( of the rezoning. �Ve hereby consent to the rczonitig of the property in the petitiai oF ! � �� _ ��C�or7 € N/t�r�fr�-� .�n�, toa l�V•{.Z. ioningdistrict. � (Name oFpetitione�) «'c consent fo tlie �pproval of this rezoninb as �vas expInined fo us by flie �PP�ic:�nt o; his/lier represenf�tivc. . � o�, -t;i -<z-ZI - ou c ar (a2��� J ' 08 =zEl - zz.=z =0��5 P•cL h�� B enr� Warn .�rtJ. Sh�rc.?!n�'' . �� =zs' =zz=z� `'oo�;�` Lten , hltCCeY OH''LS''[Zr'�Z1�'�00�}$� S{YiEP.. 04' �W E � � . 0 8 - ��2=-ZZ-�^,j � r� ��i. lvaJa.� F h-.i•_:` .. ...'. . .. � n�: d � Sta�E..o� (y11J i�u5� E1Cer V � F3�rqC�,en�:� [�,.�2, OS� z8 =iZ=iz=:ocq< x� , o rtk1�,,� ,1. i.5cuu ��7A�.ESL4_<NL3�f 4t'n`'_ � 1� Cour:E.� �=�:s�""zz��"��'�' � _ 1.2-A81-9�� }�irS+�nS M�cha�,J. GJele. NOT�: This petition shall not be considered as offici� d aysafteritisreceivedbythePlanningDivision. Any name therefrom by tvritten request �vithin that time. � �� '--�' �3 �--� 3°� � � !� r (��,�i `� �« ` G G !t yr' a o� 0 ��.��� �.t�.. a= L , I7`-/I � • until t lapse of seven (7) ���orking ofthispetitionmay ' hdra•;�hisfner . � , . � � � ' n LJ from a 8 P � zoning district to a RvLI - z Zoning districi. :... � 2. `� A�copy of sections _ Col . f O I tlirough C„1 •! OZ, inclusive ofthe Saint Paul Zoning Code; and -=<' r=-` ' ackiio�e{cdne"ttiaY�"ve �re nwnre oFnll oFthe uses ermiaed in a__ =_ '���'^'= ° P �V�{ zoning district and tve are , ,�Ya�4arc tiii; aay of thcse uses can oe estabGshed upon City Cour.cii approval oF the rezoning. We hereby �` • consent to the rezoning oFtl�e property in the petitian of; — ` �� �O� � ' "'`�� ��- to 1 !Z�-Z zoning district. (Name of petitioner) 0 CZ�'X O�' SA.XI�'� PA�CTL CONSENT OF AD70INING PROPERTY OWN�RS rOR A REZON�NG � , ��s We, (lie undersigned, owncrs oFthe property witliin 100 feet oFthc total con[iguous description of rea} estate o�vned, purchased, or sold by THE PETITIO� IGR �vithin one }'ear precedino the date of this petition ackno�vledge that we ttiave bccn presented teid� the followina; I. A copy of the pe[ition of to reZOne thc property !c Wc consent to flie Zpproval of this rczoninb as it tivas explained to us by fhe �PPIiclnt or his/her represenfativc. � nnnitrss oa r i N �8 �.'o8-ZR -zz=z3= nR-�R-» _ ��_ . .�;,.;:.,�..'�; �. � - c c - �J - 001 �5 (�fYi£ � `2L'�2 = �1 . f/e� �'ZZ-`Z'S=GOZS7� 'u_' 'A1.^:t. .M^n ..��- . . ' �� j-..YS*.4';y.�... . . � _ - , ` 08 'LS - ZZ-Z3-GOU �t OS' 2$ - 2Z-23 - D�Zi �,:4-x. Z ;=r���� ;.: A3: ZB=:: � 2 =: z4= �cZ'ni b�- 2b -ZZ - 24-�: � - � L _� w 3 zs" �q z �ti(�. ���" �..v -1.�3-- �Q E' '=�1'�i D�;esri�,a7Yti .h' �:a�'� l , k ..,.��� . : Zg'���53`ao�(f�.'' tVEiL 4 SPR8ARL1�NcDtCr �/,p . NO'T�. This petttion shal! not be considered as offioial y fiied until the lapse of seyen (7) working days after it is received by the Planning T?ivision. Any signator of this petition inay withdraw hislher name therefrom by written request within that time. .... . . �. � �--�. . ( � K • . . � � �,P ,c�e i - a C A� X OJ.' �.C'i_�i`l A ��V� CONSEN'f' OF ADJOINING PkOPERTY dWN�RS FOR A .�ZEZONING 4Ve, the undersigned, o�vncrs of the property widiin � 00 Fect of thc total contiguous description oF real estate orvned, purchased, or sold by 7'HE PE'I'lTtONGR within one yezr precedin� ttie dlte of this petition ackno�vledoe that we hlve becn presented t�•idt tl�e {oNo�vino: I. AcopyaF[hepetitionof to rezone thc property locnted at � Si Z F�uri �p(ci� /�J'Q.. from n B-Z, - zoning distric[ to a Y�� -Z zoning district ' :-, 2. _-.A copy o(sections (� 1. 1b1 • tivoagh ( lOZ , inctusiv: ofthe Saint Paul Zoning Code; and ;.,_ _.acknoivledge thntive'nre a�varo`of nlf of the uses permitted in a �N�-.Z, =zoning district and we are ? nwarc that any oPUuse uscs cnn be established upon Ciry Ceuncit appravll of tf�c tezoning. �Ve hcreby eonsent to Aie rczoning oFtlie properry in the petition of; ,. _ 5ol_Eov� f 1 Qpj� �C.• toa�zoningdistrict. (Nnme oFpetrtioner) We consent fo tlie approval of fltis ►•ezoninb as it �vas explained fo us by flie zpplic�nt or his/her represent�tive. -- �' CFi"li?'lc'-2Z—QI}4- u v -� .�._.r-r--- .� , - . .. _ .. _ ��. _. ;_ , ----- 5 _ .. �� �:%.i3 rZt3�=2z-z3;�i�:��:;�; � ..� �'.�'_.Ta ' �", Y� :. Z' � . ' r:Y.T�.�`pyyS.4'.Y�R'. '. �"SKA T Y z •�y 3YY s vV�Sd � . �, ``"`�i.fi';;�`".' _` `,==-. ; - .. ;=. }���?�7i�3�;aL' ��oo'"�?:r u p fo : .�-- ;�� �,�, =�";:: . .� ``..'OB • 28 -22- 2 i — �11 3 �� t,' 3..,:{T-,�.��a.°Y3Z���c C.ib. fi08i28=77 =rL �nnr7� .,. : � JF 5�. Q 1P1 -..<<de � er.;�rrP:.c:: ,: `�:a �k�v �nc _J. 5.4,�:v; L�� _Dv �"d4 J. C��'eieY' >nc{a L. chr�5� '.[Ey o�F 5E. r?zuL c't'u ) �(r'.f�'i"' � � �� � . �Xc f ,c a� oF SF .1-av L F1.J Gorrr�n ac (�eo� N� 4 l�nf4 T �1Zd'1� � �.___! 0 .. C7T 1x C 2', • � �� 7 _ t � sr�'.'" � � � � � ���� ��. . . �, "'� ,. ' .�'__.. �/ /� 9 � . , �� 9 y�„�� � 3-30- G G� i t ,�� - - �� �-� R � ��C � � - T' � o8-2i3'=2z-23"�t4° Pnrb� N �t1e� � �02, f9 f l.� �rr�k�diC� �n.e �o G�i� v�r 3 I�tOTT: Thts petitlon shall not be considered as officially filed until the lapse of sevea (7) working ., days after it is received by the Pla.*uiing Division. Any signato� of this petition may withdrawhislher � name therefrom by written request within that time. �-� � � - �2 .. �� �� P `°� RiBht-of-K'a�� P<rmi4. blaps and Rcmrdt ._`. , CITY OF SAINT PAUL �� S.E�.XNT'��'>.A.TJ�` � . : . -,,,� Dc�-��s DEPAFY('MEhTOFPUBUCWORKS INING PROPERTY OWNERS FOR A RIGFtf-OF-�' DlV1S[ON $00 Ciry Hdl Annes REZON,�NG - 25WenFom�hStrtet T<h6S1-266-6127 $aintPaul,MN55)01-1660 Fa.c:65l-298-4559 rmail: linla.d:tkhu(@cis+paulsm.ut g�spomi�e5m�icrs•4vafiryFariliiies•&np�oye<Pridr y�v7tlii�il00feetofthctotalcon[iguousdescriptionofrealestate � ITIOi IL•[L tivithin one year precedino the date of ;his peci�ioil --••.•...•��..o� wa� we uave bccn presented �vitli the followino: 1. A copy oE the pe[ition of ' (name of petidoner) ' to rezone the property loca[ed at __ � 512 f-�uril�)p d� /�JY. from a g-Z - zoning district m 1 y �f _2. zoning district. 2. A copy of sections (, i. 101 through ( I•/OZ. , inclusive of the Saint Paul Zoning Code; and lckno�cicdge tliat tve �re aware of �II of the ttses permiUed in a �rt�{ Z zoning district and we are �ware dtiat any of t{iese uses can be established upon Ciry Council approvat oFtL•e rezoning. �Ve hereby consent to t6e rczoning of the propeRy in Qie pctition of; �uo(_EoYI f /`1Q1')r� �C.• to��2oningdistrict. (Name of petitioner) � l�c consent fo fiic �pproval of this rezonin; as it �vas ezpllined to_us by flie �ppliclnt or his/licr represenf�tivc. • -�a . »_»:;;; �/7"lP !1' UISj� 3S \.r.�e. 5`��. 5.;}�?GI 08 • Z8 -ZZ-Z3 - aA2 79 c,«� S: :t �I«� a 8- Z8 - ZL-z \ 3 - cXp3 S"ZS' t�v....�o\tr � � o8 S C-�ie.G>_ si�«k 2/ ,s.K<<io Q�.,a cs-zB-zZ-zi• ZSI .�.once�� . ,.� �8"z8"ZZ'z3 � 08 -28 - zz -� � E�.,4 e-e�.,� l�LS+ �A _ v. � ? � c�E � �. 0�8 ' vt Srnr — ooll ' � f i � C� o� SF . Riu —ooiZ Gcrn� c � S} ` 001 -.' }'� � �Nd� �'� ] cSF C�MILL ���n_/ �1 % �I.�1 J '�; t� f�o 2="G:ee.e � i�IOT�: This petition shall not be considered as officially �ted unti( the lapse of seyen (7) working days after it is received by the Planning Division. Any signator of this petition may withdraw his/her name thereErom by written requesf within that time. • ' ' L ' . _. �. ��--� J �"�' .` l" C � C� • CJ �� . ; - <• ., , .; . CXT"S� O� SA.XN'X' PA,�TL CONSEN'T�OF AD30INING PROBERTY OWN�RS I�OR A .REZONING 1�Ve, tlie undersigned, o�vners oftlie propcRy �vithin 100 feet oFt(ic totat contiguous description of real estate owned, purcliased, or so[d by THE PETiTIO�GR within one }�ear precedina ll�e da[e of th'ts pe[ition acknowiedoe that we have bcen presei�ted «•ith the follo�ving: 1. A copy of the petition oF � ti �"`c' "�� "'• •"• (name of petitionec} to rezone the property located at T�5 ! Z t-�urt�ol��.` �E-• froni � B-2� P- zoning district to a�.V�{ -Z zaning district. �` 2. A copy of sections to� • lo� - through !a �•� OZ , inclesive of die Saint Paul Zoning Code; and ncknot'vlcdge tlinE we �re uwzre of nll of the uscs permitted in a R.t�{ ��'-" district and �ve aro nware tliat any of tliese uses can be established upon City Cour.cit approval of the rezoning. \Ve hereby consent to the rezottino of the property in thc pe[ition of; - � / W� � ,�(.�,� �� 1 =j7 '(�. (0 8 ���' 20RIIla (�ISfCIC�. l � (Name of pefitioner) � Wc consent to tlie approval of this rezoning as it �vas expl�ined fo us by fhe �pplicant or his/hcr representative. � - 3'h x o8-zs"-zz=zz-oia t � _ � .. -::.' �jr�;.�_C5 r ,, ;;�:�,-°n� _ :o �� q ` ��'i ,;;-• ?u':;za': ' - �oizo ,, , : . �� ' �3 �` ,;; }-, _; .:- � � � �,..:_�;'�_ ' L - _, .,:<- :- �r='. OILS' , . . .. _... _ :��.:= - - ' ">"'''•:-'i�I7�e � ::6•, �*, .'. ��,. - � -- � _ _ rO1Z . _ a�s.t::.z:�-._• -• _ .: •;�,�.:-. ..,—... _.. y � . ` � � `�-' K � f o,i8 > IyOT�: 'Ihis petition shatL not be considered as offic�ally fited antit the tapse oI seyen �i� w���' g days after it is received by the Pfanning Division. Any signator of this petitian may v+ithdrawhislhe� name therefcom by written request within that time. ��, y�� .: p o zs z2� zZ- o( l S (3caoQs�� �•/�� • � o°o z8 2z 'LZ Oog� �ceQc1'� � . ) !/�L/'� \) /f. .. �� �_ _.in..� _ -� -23-1999 11�54 RAMSEY COUNTY PAP.KS & REC 651 748 2508 P.62i05 . . Resolution �g Board of �� �� ; • I Ramsey County C.ommYSS�on+ ' -esented B}' :tention: Cor.�caissioner Reinhardt Budqeti.ng and ACCOUnting Greg Mack, Parks & Recreation Date May 1Z , _ 1999 No. ��� �' , wHcREAS, Ramsey County has b>_en requested to sign a petition of Consent of Adjoining Prop=rty Owners for th° rezoning of 512 Hu.r�'oldt Avenue from P-1 to RM-Z and 484 Wabasha Stre=t from B-2 to RM-2; and j•1'r.EREAS, Tns City of St. Pau1, and other cities of the first class in accordance with Minnesota SCatutes 462.357, Subdivision 5, reouires the consent of Cwo-thirds of the adjacent property ownerr: within 10o feet before it can accept an application for rezoning; �nd PIHEREAS, The Ramsey County Parks and Recreation Department hzs revi=o-red the �roposed rezoning and determined that it wi21 not be detrimental or have a signiticant impact on County parkland; and • t•1HEP.EAS, The petitioner requires th� County's signature to p:cceed �•rith local re�iew; Tiovr, Therefore, B2 It P.ESOLVBD, That the Rzmsey County Board oi Commissioner= authorizes its Chair to �ign th= p=tition of Cons_nt of Adjoi.ning Proper=y Own=rs for rezoning 512 Humboldt Avenu> from P-1 to RM-2, ar.d 484 F7abasha Streer fzom B-2 Co P.M-2, and to sign and forward to th= St. Paul Zoning Authority, a letter stating that Ramsey Count}� is signing only for the purpose of allo•.�ing the rezoning matter te preceed ��rith local review and action by the City o° St. Paul and tn>_t Ramsey County neither supports nor objects to the rezoning. 4\[SEl' [OII�Tl' BO \RD OF CO�(`f[ SI�VERS �•E � �.qY cZTNER �nv B<nnec; �� sno Gucrin �— ��h X s rteva x iccori� Rainhard; X nice Rcttm:in X n N'izssner !� bsent Ra( � ORlG1�JAL Presented By Referred To 2 � 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2Q 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 council File # � �� 31 � Ordinance # Green Sheet # 106457 RDINAN � CITY INT PA , ESOTA �L� 3 I M�' 3 0'� Committee: Date An ordinance amending Chapter 60 ofthe Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to zoning for the City of Saint Paul and the zoning maps thereof: WHEREAS, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes §462.357 and Section §64.400 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, the AIVIHERST WII,DER FOUNDATION duly petitioned to rezone a portion of the property located at 510 Humbolt, being included in a newly platted parcel legally described as: That part of Lot S, Block 63, together with that part of vacated East Win�ed Street, together with that part of vacated Onega S�eet, all Zocated in YVEST ST. PAUL PROPER on file and of record zn the office of the Register of Deeds of Ramsey County, Minnesota, as described as follows: Commencing at the northwest corner of Lot 1 q Block 76, WEST ST. PA UL PROPER; thence North 89 degrees 40 mmutes ll seconds East along the north Zine of said Lot 10 a distance of 80. 00 feet; thence North 01 degree 00 minutes 34 seconds West a distance of 80. 00 feet, thence northerly and easterly along a curve tangential to said Zine, concave to the southeast and having a radius of 260. 00 feet, an arc length of 108. 86 feet, a central angle of 23 degrees 59 minutes 20 seconds, a chord distance of 108. 06 feet, and a chord bearing of North 10 degrees 59 minutes 06 seconds East; thence on a Zine non-tangential to said curve bearing South 89 degrees 40 minutes 11 seconds West a distance of 32.26 feet; thence southerly and westerly long a curve non-tangential to said Zine, concave to the southeast and having a radius of 290.00 feet, an arc length of 6991 feet, a central angle of 13 degrees 48 mznutes 40 seconds, a chord dzstance of 69.73 feet and a chord bearing of Soutk 13 degrees 32 minutes 39 sec�nds West; thence on a line non-tangential to said curve bearing North 83 degrees 2l mim�tes 44 seconds West a r�istance of 30.00 feet; thence South 67 degrees 03 minutes 18 seconds West a distance of 56.97 feet; thence South OI degree 00 minutes 34 seconds EasZ a distance of 50.00 feet; thence North 89 degrees 40 minutes 11 seconds East a distance of 30.00 feet; thence South 01 degree 00 minutes 34 seconds East a distance of 30. DO feef to the point of beganning and there terminating. from B-2(commercial) so that the entire pazcel is zoned RM-2 (multi-family residential) and a portion of the property located at 514 South Robert, being included in a newly platted parcel legally described as. That part of Lots 13, 14, I5, and I6, Block 64, WEST ST. PA UL PROPER on file and of record in the offzce of the Register of Deeds of Ramsey County, Minnesota, as described as follows: Commencing at the northeast corner of said Lot 16, thence North 46 degrees 26 minutes 44 seconds West along the northeast line of said Lot 16 a distance of 280. 69 feet; thence South 01 degrees 00 minutes 34 seconds East a distance of 169.24 feet; thence North 88 degrees 59 minutes 26 seconds East a distance of 50.00 feet; thence South 80 degrees 32 minutes 14 seconds East a distance of 152.53 feet to the point of beginning and there terminating. 35 from P-1 (parking) to so that the entire parcel is zoned RM-2 (multi-family residential) for the purpose of 36 resolving split zoning on two lots created by the replatting of Wilder's Rarig campus, the petition having been 37 certified by the Planning staff on December 9, 1999, as having been consented to by at least 67 percent of the 3 8 owners of the area of the property to be rezoned, and further having been consented to be at least two-thirds 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 6'T 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 8� - 315 of the owners of property situated within 100 feet of the total contiguous property within one year preceding the date of the petition; and WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission, on January 6, 2000, held a public hearing for the purpose of considering the rezoning petition, and pursuant to Section § 107.03 of the Saint Paul Admuustrative Code, submitted its recommendation to the Planning Commission that the petition be granted; and WFIEREAS, the Planving Commission considered the rezoning petition at its meeting held on 3anuary 14, 2000, and recommended that the City Council approve the petition; and WFIEREAS, notice of a public hearing before the City Council on the said rezoning petition was duly published in the official newspaper of the City on January 29, 2000 and notices were duly mailed to each owner of affected property and property situated wholly or partly within 350 feet of the property sought to be rezoned; and WIIEREAS, a public hearing before the City Council having been conducted on February 2, 2000, where all interested parties were heazd, and the Council having considered all the facts and recommendations concerning the petition; now, therefore, THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN Section 1. That the zoning map of the City of Saint Paul, Sheet Number 37, as incoiporated by reference in Section §60301 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, as amended, is hereby fixrther amended as follows: That a portion of the property at 510 Humboldt be and is hereby rezoned from B-2 to RM-2 so that the entire parcel more particulazly described above is zoned RM-2; and That a portion of the property at 514 South Robert be and is herebly rezoned from P-1 to RM-2 so that the entire parcel more particularly described above is zoned RM-2. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. Requested by Department of: Plannin & Eco omic Develo ment B Y' �� Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date a..p Adoption Certified by Council retary BY� g, � a-_ ��.-��Y_ � � 1� /i � � ,.. ,, �, � Approved by Mayor for Submission to� n+ � Approved by Mayor: Date ��G�YE(/ Council �.�����!i7/r/`-� TAq 3�7 gq7 By: By: DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COliNCIL: DATE IlVITIATED GREEN SHEET No.: 106487 c PED: West Team Mazch 10, 2000 O o- 3 L CONTACi' PERSON & PHONE: m INiTTAIlDnTE Nancy Homans 6-6557 � z nsrax�rn�rrr nm. s ciTr couxcu. MUST BE ON COL�1'CII, AGENDA BY ATL �SIGN 3 CITY ATTORNEY ,� _ CITY CLERK � � VITMBER �'�CIALSERVDIIL FIIvAiVCIALSERV/ACCTG FOR 4MAYOR(ORASSTJ CIVII.SERVICECOM.MISSION ROUTING 1 WF,STT£AM(Fiazrea) O'd' ORDER TOTAL # OF SIGNATi7AE PAGES I_(CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATIJRE) acriox x�uESTEn: Rezone portions of the Wilder Foundarion's Rarig Campus to resolve split zoning of newly platted property. City Council public hearing held on February 2, 2000. RECOM1bfENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Rejear (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TFIE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. Has this pe�on/Scm ever worked undea a contrac[ forthis departmem? A__ PLANNINCrCOMMISSION Yw No / CIB COMMITTEE 2. Aas this pe�on/finn ever been a ciTy employee? -� CIVILSERVICECOMMISSION Yes No 3. Does tltis persrnJfvm possess a skill not nrnmally possessed by any cusent ciTy employee? Yes No Eaplain all yes answers on sepxrate sheet and attach to green sheM INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTi7NI1'Y (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Replatting of Wilder Foundation's Rarig Campus to transfer ownership ofthe long term care facilities to Health East resuited in 2 parcels with split zones. This resolves the split zoning. ADVANTAGESIFA.PPROVED: The transfer of property can be completed. DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: ��� ���'�"�`�'� ��'�� None ,�� �� � � DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: The transfer of property will not be approved by HUD that has provided financing to both parties. Further delay will add to the time and expense borne by the Wilder Foundation. TOTAL AMOT3NT OF TRANSACTIOYi: $ COSTfREUFd3UE BS3DGETED: � ��� �� �� FCTNDING SOURCE: ACTIVITY vT1MBER: FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) gy7�R �� ZOOV � � ` �F.�. .i c 'us � s s ., x.,. � K �Shared�IiOMANS\�nstit @m . � DEPAR'tMENT OF PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Bnan Sweeney, Drrector Qp-3iS L� CTTY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor Januazy 20, 200Q Ms. Nancy Anderson City Council Research Office Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Ms. Anderson: 25 WestFaurth Street SaintPau{ MN55102 Tetephone: 651-2666655 Facsimile: 651-2283314 I would like to confirm that a public hearing before the City Council is scheduled for Weduesday February 2, 2000 for the following zoning case: Applicant: File Number: Purpose: Address: Legal Description of Properry: Previous Action: ANTFIERST WILDER FOUNDATION #99-178-571 Rezone property from B-2 to RM-2 and P-1 to RM-2 to avoid creating lots with split wning when replatting Wilder's Rarig campus to create sepazate lots for the nursing home building now owned by Health East and for the independent senior housing buildings still owned by the Wilder Foundation. 510 Humboldt and 514 South Robert Street Available on file. Planning Commission Recommeudation: Approval, vote: unanunous, January 14, 20Q0 Zoning Committee Recommendation: Approval, vote: 7-0, January 6, 2000 My understanding is that this public hearing request will appear on the agenda for the January 26 City Council meeting and that you will publish notice of the hearing in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger. Please ca11 me at 266-6557 if you have any questions. Sincerely, ��� d Nancy Homans City Planner cc: File #99-178-571 Wendy Lane Paul Dubruiel Carol Martineau -- �FH2STRfTN� , .� ^` �NO]RCL�':.UF'PUBLICHRtSItILRG : ' '�1tie Saflrt Patil CityCpuncil w3ll conduc� a publlc hearing on�Wednesday, �ebruary 2. 200Q to considu the -appHcal3oa of AiaheY�t Wild@r -FOUndation fo rezune �properry' at 510 HumboldCAVenue and 514 South Robert Street from8-2 to RM-2 and P-1 to RM-z to avota creaUng lots with spllt zoning when iepl'atting_Wildei s Rartg campus,to create sepazate lots for the n�ssing home buildia'g nosa owned b.y Health Easf aiid for the independent semor housingbnilaings.still owned by the Wilda Foundation. �. . — - - � Dated: Jarivary 25, �2000 ' � . NANCYANDERSON. _ AssistaiitE,ityCqt}ncil"Secretary"� ' . � ' [Jau..2Y) � . "`81:'PAIIL-IEGAT.",_`""�,°"'��-_ �- DEPART�IEI`T OF PLAh:tiI\G & ECOVOMIC DEVEIAP.�SEI�R' Bnars Sweeney, Direcmr SAIHT PAUL � AAAA CTTY OF SAINT PAUL T,`orm Coleman, Mayor January 25, 2000 Ms. Nancy Anderson Secretary to the City Council Room 310 City Ha11 Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 RE Zoning File #99-178-571: Cm Council Hearing: 25 Wes[ Four(h Sbeei SamlPau; M.V 55101 OO _'��S Telephone: 612-266-65b5 Facsim�[e: 611-228-3314 AMI-�RST WILDER FOUNDATION February 2, 2000, 5:30 p.m. City Council Chambers PURPOSE: Rezone property from B-2 to RM-2 and P-1 to RM-2 to avoid creating lots �vith split zoning when replatting Wilder's Rarig campus to create separate lots for the nursing home building now o«ned by Health East and for the independent senior housing buildings still owned by the Wilder Foundation. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION: Approval; Unanimous - ZONING COMMITTEE ACTION: Approval; 7-0 , STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval • SUPPORT: No one spoke in support. OPPOSITION: No one spoke in opposition. Dear Ms. Anderson: The AMHERST WILDER FOLTNDATION has applied to rezone two portions of its Rarig Center campus located at 510 Humboldt and � 14 South Robert as required by the City Council resolution (#99-1093) approving a plat for the subdivision of the site. The zoning committae held a public hearing on the appiication on Januar}� 6, 2000. The applicant addressed the committee. At the close of the public hearing the committee voted unanimously to recommend the rezoning. The Planning Commission voted to support the committee's recommendation at its January 14, 2000 meeting. This application is schaduled to be heard by the City Council on February 2, 2000. Please notify me if any member of the Ciry Council ��ishes to have slides of the site presented at the public hearing. S'ncerely, awrence Soderholm Planning Administrator Attachments • cc: Ctty Council members d _� �s • city of saint paul planning commission resolution file number oo-os date .ranuar ia, z000 WHEREAS, the Ab1HERST H. WILDER FOUNDATION, file 1f99-178-571, has petitioned to rezone property at 510 Humboldt, situated between Con�ress and George, from B-2 [o Rhi-2, and 514 South Robert, situated 6et�veen Concord and George, from P-1 to RM-2, to resolve split zoning on two Iots recently created on the Wilder Foundation's Rarig Campus; and �VHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission, on January 6, 2000, held a pubiic hearin� a[ �vhich alf persons present were given an opportunity to be heard pursuant to said application in accordance with the requirements of Section 64.400 of the Saint Paul Le�isla[i�•e Code; and �VHEREAS, the Saint Paul Planning Commission, based on the evidence presen�ed to its Zoning Committee at the public hearing, as substantially reflected in the minutes, made the follonin� findings of fact: 1. As Qart of an effort to focus its operation, the Wilder Foundation has reached an a;reement to transfer the portion of its Rari� Campus related to a nursing home/health care facility to • HealthEast. In order to accomplish that tradsfer in a manner acceptable to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (which holds a financial interest in both [he housing and the liealth care facility), the property must be replatted into separate lots that conform to the individual buildings on the sire. 2. On November 10, 1999, the City Counci! (Council File #l99-1093) approvzd a preliminary and final plat for subdivision of the Rarig Campus into seven lots, subject to the condition that the rezonin� of portions of Lots 4 and 6, to avoid creatin� lots with split zoninR, be approved by the Ciry Council. This application is submitted in compliance with that condition. 3. The applicant proposes tha[ the northeast portion of the new Lot 6 be re-zoned from P-1 to RM-2. The current use of Lot 6 is a board and lodeing residence for seniors. Its parking lot is ]ocated at the wes[ entrance of the buildin� toward the interiot of the campus. The por[ion of the lot to be rezoned is located on South Robert Street, east of the existing buildin�, and is characrerized by a significant bluff and heavy vegetation. It is unlikely that this portion of the site lias bzen or can be used for parkino. The adjacent Lot 7 will remain in the P-1 zoning distric[ and may be used, at some furure time, by the neighboring commercial building for parking. moved by Field seconded by in faV �I' Unaninous • c`T�b�ifflSr Zoning File N99-178-571 Page Two of ResoIution 4. Tlie applicant further proposes that the western portion of the new Lot 4, currently in a B-2 district, also be rezoned to RM-2. The lot is currently used as a parking lot and straddles the B-2 and Rb4-2 districts. The site will continue to be used as a parkin� lot for the adjacent apartment building. 5. The proposed rezonin�s, therefore, do not involve any new facilities or chan;e of use. As such, they would have no impact on surrounding properry owners or on propem• vataes in the area. Nor would they result in any increase in traffic or greater impact on the various public systems (e.g. streets, sewers, transit, schoo]s) that serve the area. 6. The proposed zoning would be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan tha[ encourages the preservation of higher density multi-family housing, especially housing affordable to lower income households. 7. Sec. 64.400(b) of the Zoning Code requires that a rezonin� may be initiated by peti[ion of Ihe owners of sixty-seven percent of the area of the property to be rezoned. As the documentation included in thz file indicates, consen[ of owners of 33 of the eligible 49 parcels �vas required for the application to be deemed suffcient. Owners of 35 of the parcels indica[ed their consent. r1 L_J NObV, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Saint Paa! Planning Commission tha[ the petition of • die Ab1HERST H. WILDER FOUNDATION to rezone property at 510 Humooldt and �14 South Robert, more particularly described in the file, from B-2 and P-1 zonin,; classifications, rzspectively, to an RM-2 zoning classification is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan for �he City; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul Piannine Commission does hereby recommend to the Council of the City of Saint Paul that property at 510 Humboldt and 514 South Robert be rezoned from S-2 and P-1, respectively, ro RM-2 in accordance with the petition for rezonin� on file with the Saint Paul Department of Planning and Economic Development. • MINUTES OF THE ZONING COMMiTTEE Thursday, January 6, 2000 - 3:30 p.m. C J City Council Cfiambers, 3` Floor City Hall and Court House 15 West Kellogg Boulevard PRESENT: EXCUSED: OTHERS PRESENT: Engh, Faricy, Field, Gervais, Gordon, Kramer, and Morton. Peter Warner Carol Martineau, Allan Torstenson, and Nancy Homans of PED The meeting was chaired by Commissioner Field. O c� ' �`S Amherst Witder Foundation - 99-178-571 - Rezoning from B-2 to RM-2 and from P-1 to RM-2 to avoid creating lots with split zoniFlg when replatting Wilder's Rarig campus to create separate lots for the nursing home buildings now owned by Heaith East and for the independent senior housing buildings stili owned by Wilder. 510 Humboldt Ave. and 514 South Robert St. Ms. Nancy Homans showed slides and gave the staff report. Ms. Homans stated a lot split was approved by the City Council pending the rezoning of portions of the two lots to avoid split zoning. Ms. Homans also stated the Zoning Staff recommends approval ofi the rezoning. • Ms. Mary Kay Paimer, Representative of Wilder Foundation, appeared and stated they so{d two parcels to Health East on January 1, 1999. This rezoning is part of thet process to allow theWilder Foundation to deed the property to Heaith East. Mr. Dennis Honsa, Consu4tant for Wilder Foundation, appeared and stated there is one building in RM-2 which is zoned P-1 parking. There is no new construction or improvements planned. The rezoniRg is to correct the zoning to fit the existing land use. Commissioner Faricy moved to approve the rezoning. Commissioner Kramer seconded it. Adopted Yeas - 7 Drafted by: • �f�t,� �-��'I%��n/,c�c�,��v Carol Mahineau Recording Secretary Nays - 0 Subm+fted by: %(� � 5��4�-�.� '' � ,i� Nancy Homans Litton Zoning Section Chai� ao-�t� � ZOi�ING COMMITTEE STAFF ItEPORT FILE # 99-178571 C � C � 1. APPLTCANT: AMF�RST H. WII.DER FOUNDATION DATE OF HEARTi�TG: 1/6/00 2. CLASSIFICATION: Rezoning 3. LOCATION: 510 Humboldt and 514 South Robert 4. PLANNING DISTRICT: 3 5 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: on file b. PRESENT ZONING: B-2 and P-1 ZONING CODE I2EFERENCE: Sec. b4.400 7. STAFF INVESTIGATION AND I2EPORT: DATE. 12l30/99 BY: I3ancy Homans 8 DATE RECEIVED: December 9, 1999 DEADLINE FOR ACTION: February 7, 2000 A. PURPOSE: Rezoning from B-2 and P-1 to RM-2 to facilitate the re-platting of the Wilder senior campus required for the sale of a portion of the complex to HealthEast. B. PARCEL SIZE: Portion of Lot 6: Appro�mately 150 x I50 = 22,500 sq. ft. Portion ofLot 4: Irregular shape, approximately 3,750 sq. fr. C. EXISTING LAND USE: Wilder Foundation Rarig Campus: Housing and health care facility for seniors. D. SURROUNDING LAND USE: North: Riverview Library/Low density residential/1�Ieighborhood commercial, Zoned RT-I and B-1 East Concord and Robert Streets, Mixed commercial and residential, Zoned B-2, B-3, RM-2 South: Mixed commercial and low density residential, Zoned B-2 and B-3 West: St. Matthew's Church and School/Low density residential, Zoned RT-1 E. ZONING CODE CITATION: Sec. 64.400(a) of the Zoning Code provides in part that "the council may, from time to time, amend, supplement or change the district boundaries or the regulations herein, or subsequently estabiished herein pursuant to the provisions of Minnesota Statutes Section 462357 and amendments thereto as may be made from time to time- The planning commission may, from time to time, review district boundary lines to determine if, pursuant to state laws, such district boundary lines should be changed." Zoning File #991�8571 Page two Section 64.400(b) provides, in part, that "an amendment to the zoning code may be initiated by the council, the planning commission or by a petition of the owners of 67 percent of the area of the property to be rezoned." F. HISTORY/DISCUSSION: In 1959, the Wilder Foundation was granted approval of a rezoning to allow it to develop three one-story residence buildings to serve a totaI of 170 senior residents, one four-story convalescent center for 64 residents and a community center that would include a dining hall and recreational facilities. The deveIopment was to be phased beginning with the construction of the convalescent center. In I962, a permit was issued allov�ing Wilder to construct a 30 car parking lot in conjunction with two of the apartment buildings on the site and, in 1965, a pernut for a 52 car parking lot was approved in conjunction with the constractian of the board and care home. Finalty, in 1989, the Commission approved a River Comdor Modification that allowed Wilder to build an new health care facility to serve persons with Alzheimer's disease. That addition was aever constracted. G. DISTRICT COUNCIL ItECOMMENDATION: No recommendation had been received at the time Yhis staffreport was prepared. � • H FINDINGS: . 1. As part of an effort to focus its operation, the Wilder Foundation has reached an agreement to transfer the portion of its Rarig Campus related to a nursing home/health care facility� to HealthEast. In order to accomplish that transfer in a manner acceptable to the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (which holds a financial interest in both the housin� and the health care facility), the property must be replatted into separate lots that conform to the individual buildings on the site. On November 10, 1999, the City Council (Council File �99-1093) approved a preliminary and final plat for subdivision of the Rarig Campus into seven lots, subject to the condition that the rezoning of portions of Lots 4 and 6, to avoid creating lots with split zonin�, be approved by the City Councit. Tlus application is submitted in compiiance with that condition. The appIicant proposes that the northeast portion ofthe new Lot 6 be re-zoned from P-1 to RM-2. The current use of Lot 6 is a board and lodging residence for seniors. Its parking lot is located at the west entrance of the building toward the interior of the campus. The portion of the lot to be rezoned is located on South Robert Street, east of the existing building, and is characterized by a significant bluff and heavy vegetation. It is unlikely thaY this portion of the site has been or can be used for parking. The adjacent Lot '7 will remain in the P-1 zonin� district and may be used, at some future time, by the neiahboring commercial buildinQ for parking. C� ao -�ts Zoning File #99178571 • Page three 4. The applicant further proposes that the westem portion of the new Lot 4, currently in a B-2 district, also be rezoned to RM-2. The lot is currently used as a pazking lot and straddles the B-2 and RM-2 districts. The site will continue to be used as a parking lot for the adjacent apartment building. The proposed rezonings, therefore, do not invoive any new facilities or chan�e of use. As such, they would have no impact on surrounding property owners or on property values in the area. Nor would they result in any increase in traffio or greater impact on the various public systems (e.g. streets, sewers, transit, schools) that serve the area. 6. The proposed zoning would be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan that encourases the preservation of higher density multi-family housing, especially housing affordable to lower income households. Sec. 64.400(b) of the Zoning Code requires that a rezoning may be initiated by petition of the owners of sixty-seven percent of the area of the property to be rezoned. As the attached documentation indicates, consent of owners of 33 of the eligible 49 parcels was required for the application to be deemed sufficient. Own€rs of 35 of the parcels indicated their consent. • I. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Based on findings 1 through 7, staffrecommends that the Planning Commission recommend to the City Council approval ofthe rezoning ofthe northeast portion ofLot 6 from P-1 to RM-2 and the western portion of Lot 4 from B-2 to RM-2. • xn�v i.,.a i� 1 1 11R1A P�TiT10N TO AltitEND'fHE,ZON[NG CODE • DepaxmeR� oJP[anning amd Ecotsorraic Dr.velopment Zaning SeMion 1100 City FI'c1lAnnrs 25 West Fourih Streel Saint Pau1, MN SS101 266-6589 APPLICANT PropertyOwner}}„�hpYS� �. u)r/C�p�'' �ar,<Y�,�t.`pYj Address �]19 1 a-�or'kj /�aJpn�,{�Q. City SE,• f�.L�(. St.j�7_ip 4 lo¢ paytime phone (a59 - f�01�}- Contact person (if difierent) fUi(stt��a }�c�( Mpt^ PftOPERTY LOCATION � Legaidescription Srr a� }^i@ LQro( he5crr��i-� � (attach additional sheet if ner.essary) 70 THE HONORAB�E MAYOR AND CtTY CQUNCIL: Pursuant to Section 64.400 of ihe Saint Paul Zo ing Ordinance and to S_ction 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statues, l�rr�F+�rc� }}: �,t)i1C'l�cv �uYtc4r �`nYl , the owner of all the land proposed • (or rezonino, hereby pztit(ons you to rezone th=_ above described properfy from a 8 zoning district to a. fZw1 - 2 zoning districf, fo� the purpose of: -�nc�eYk�L��' ho�cSi:nq �or Sen� or� � Car2. C.er�f'£S'' J (aftach addilionai sheet(s) if necessaryJ Atta:hments: Required site plan O Cons=nt petition ❑ Subscribed and sworn to betore me this. 29 �� day or Jw�, �,�_, � 9 99 . 'l.� u� ��<w�-/�r✓�.C� Notary Public MARY KAY PALMER • �_~ NO7AAYPUBIIC•MIN DAKOTA COUNT�' Ey Umm¢slan Eqtra Jst ii. �WO A�davit � ,� $y:� or Rsa s t� Page 1 of Z- � a .'Sl5 , <...� :rwuc f� I 1 R�A� PETiTiON TO AMEND THE ZpNING CODE • DeparrrruRt af Planrting artd Economic Developmerrt zoning Section ' 11Q0 City Ha11,4xnez 25 West Foutth Street Saint Paul, MN SS101 �66-6589 APPLICANT PROPERTY LOCATION Property Owner l� t ` py� o � Address Q t �{ L - For'� City 5't• - f�au � St.FM/7_ip�_payt;me phone fa59 -CaOI�}- Contact person (if different)_V�(�,Yu l�n,� P.,I.v,en Address/Location *�- 51�- Sa,,�}, _p„L,e,_t S�- Legaldescription �re a�OGytPt� �eaal .I}cvr-;n�:..,� {attach additional sheet if ner.essarv) TO 7HE HONORABL& MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL: Pursuant to Section 64.4Q0 of ihe Saint Pauf Zoning Ordinance and to 5=_ction 462.357(5) o` Minnesota Statues, /�mh�er'St l�• txJi (�pY��c_�, the owner of atl the (znd proposed for rezoning, hereby petitions you to I'ezone the above described property from a P- � zoning districi to a Rw1-2. zoning district, for the purpose of: Sr�el�er hou5�r,� �orS � Cce C�`tE�i" (a.tacb addifiona/ sheet(s) if necesSaryJ Attachm=nts: Required site pian ❑ Consent Subscribed and sworn to before me this. Z�r� day of �c�ri�_.19�. �7� � ��,C - �..� Notary Public i � l'' MARY KAY PALMER �� NOT1JiYPU9lIC-MINNESOTA � DAKOTACOUNTY kr cmv�don �n, nn si. xao ❑ Affidavit O of Page 9 of ,�_ � � LJ • 00 -3�S ORIGINAL Council File k � �l — ( O �{ � Resolution n � 1 , 3 , > 6 7 Preser.ted Hy Referred To � Green Sheet � � ��/ 2 6 , _ RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT'PAUL M[NNESOTA % / �� 3 � � �' _�/� _ ' �� /� , _. , -` � , i Cor,mittee: Date Preliminary and Final Plat Approval for Amherst H. �Vilder Foundation Raria Campus WHEREAS, Boiton and Menk, Inc. has submitted the attached preliminar}� and final plat for subdivision of the Amherst H. Wilder Foundation Rarig Campus at 508-516 Humbolt Avenue into seven lots for City Council approval; and � «'HEREAS, the appropriate City departments have reviewed the plat and found, subject to the conditions � recommended in the staff report to the City Council, that it meets the requirements of Chapter 67 of the :0 Zonin� Code; and :1 y '- «'HEREAS, notice of a public hearinQ before the City Council was dul}• published in the officia( neGCSpape, � 3 of the City and notices were mailed to each o«ner of affected property includina all property situated �vith;n 0 feet of the subject property; and � 5 �L'HEREAS, the City Council held a public hearing ofthe proposed plat on August 4. 1999. where a11 7 interested parties were given the opporiunity to be heazd and the Council considered a!I facts and S recommendations concerning the plat; 9 �\OW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Cit}� Council accepts and approves the attached : preliminan' and final plat for the .Amherst H. R'ilder Foundation Rario Campus at SOS-� 16 Hum6olt Avenue ? subject to the follo��in� conditions: � , � 1. ; 3 2. ' ' 3. 4. : • Rezonin, of the northeast corner of proposed Lot 6 from P- I to RM-2, and rezonir:� of the northu�est corner of the property from B-2 to RM-2, necessan to avoid crzating lo:c ��ith split zoning, must be approved by the City Council. The applicant shal] file a copy of the Council Resolution appro��ing the plat with t!:e Ramse;• County Recorder's Office. The applicant shall file a copy of the Declazation of Easements. Covenan:s and Res;rictions required bv the Cit}' for access, parking and utilities along with the final plat. Cit}� Council approval of ��acation of the following: All that part ofLivinestoa Avenue 1} in� bztuzen the seath line o.`Coneres Stre�t ar,c a line parallel «�ith and 17� feet north of the north line of �: acated �i inifred S:; eet; also 0 R I G! N A �°�- � that part of Livingston Avenue Iying south of a line pazallel k�ith, and I31.5 feet i north of, the north tine of George Street within the proposed plat; also 42 43 A11 that part ofthe east-west alley as platted in Vollmer's Rearrangement, lyin� between• 44 the west tine of Robert Street and the east line of Livingston Avenue. 4� r� L Requested by Depar�ment of: �'__�cion Cer:i°ied by Council Secretary Py: =='o�ed hy M. 2v: Flanni�a � nconomic Develovne^= Ef: Fozm A�_ roved by C_ty Atto_^..ey �prove . h�o�ted by Counci2: Date �1C� 1RC�ci n:�: �:�� � ?��-�11 o � _��s • CITIZEN PARTICIPATIO DIS RIC S . 1.SUNRAY-BATTLECREEK-HI6HWOOD GREATER EAST SIDE 3. EST SIDE .DAYTON'S BLUFF 5.PAYNE-PHALEN 6.NORTH END 7.THOMAS-DALE 8.SUMMI7-UNIVERSITY 9.WEST SEVENTH IO.COMO II.HAMLINE-MIDWAY 12.ST. ANTHONY 13.MERRIAM PK.-LEXINGTON HA;ILINE 14.GROVELAND-MACALESTER 75.HIGHLAND 16.SUMMIT HILL l l . DOWNTO'+1"� q�-)'7�s 7 � CITIZEN PARTICIPATION PLANNIN6 DISTRICTS � WEST SIDE DISTRICT a ,�.. . ..� °!� - (��f,S� � LZONING FILE -� - ■ �t�� � �{o Y � . A � O I OT�}-I I o �R Y •_ �� {, i v ti 4 1 � � ; � i ' Y�� `• :: ��,- �!. �'�'""_ � :�� vi � - - � ��`� I �i���, � Q l�' � V O �l.l ---�- o 0 ! � �' ,' �---- . a �� o o Y a�o�o o�i o c�n �. S�'�V�RRS S� 1 t.�, L,�� f S ��= `. �y j u�� - � �°� � K�'�. - �.., zon;n� dis•�.�t t•�.,���z PU�?OS� � — //' � . �`.� e' /^' ) � ��" � � 9 �� � cJ�J;�CI �.': _ _.i'J r ' _ ^'\ _ ,� � J V1 LL'LL/JJ _ �ILE n,� i t �i""" � ; D.�TE , _ _ - � PLNG D�ST� ht,=,P r O on> Izmll;� �^ c- i � �,� b fr:olami; m .,.-. ..� ' ,.�b�Dct - � - fi="_r`r,�j� �'l""" �l mu�lip�el� . ..-.- - _ - �T(l' V I -.yT°"T�"T°__-r,-.�-i r - � � . . -- 0 n .�. � � O �< � L_ � • 1 , , zor��T� �r�zT�onT svrrzcz��Tc�� cr�c�: s�nc�T �zo�i��G scu� � ncu� fiIRST SUBMITTED DATE PETITION SUBhIITTED: DATE OFFICiALLY RECEIVED; PARCLLS ELIGIBLE: PARCELS P.EQUIP.ED: PARCELS SIG`iED: r.�sus�rzrrED od _ DATE PETITIOY RcSUBMITTED: C I"Z7 ` 1% N DATE OFFICIALLY RECEIVED: J � °'-� ` `:-! PARCELS &LIGISLr: � ( PARCELS REQUIRED: �� PARCELS SiGNED: � CHECKED BY: / ��'� f�/ „��```"_, _"�� DATE: � Z � / y J J (J�I'i 7'% � Cr /�-� /2 '� -> `�'/ 5 [zo�l�� ���� 1 .� . ` . .:°�� �a �� �. : - .i� : �'�1 . ' � � � � cx�cx ��' SA.XI�'� 1, �ONSENT'�OF ADJOINING PROPER� �FZEZONING �r 1 We, tlie undersigned, otvners oFthe property within 100 feet ofih= toTai contiguous desaiption of real estate o�vned, purchased, or sold by TH6 PETIT(Oi IGR within one year precedino the datz oP this petition ackno�vledoe that �ve (�ave becn presented ��•ich tlie folio���ing: 1. A copy of the petition of - (name oPpetitioner) to rezone tiic property located at #_SIZ IJ�,.,• from a Q-Z F� zonh�o district to a}Z(�-z zoningdistrict. 2. A copy oCsections GI .l0! tLrougl: G!- t o2 , i�d�s;ve of ciie Saint Pau] Zoning Code; and ncknor:ledge tliat we are aware ofal( oF the uses permitted in a PJ� -Z . Zoning district and we 2re aware tlint any of diese uses can be established upon Ciry Coucci( approva( of the rezoning. �Ve hereby consent to the rczonitig of the property in the petitiai oF ! � �� _ ��C�or7 € N/t�r�fr�-� .�n�, toa l�V•{.Z. ioningdistrict. � (Name oFpetitione�) «'c consent fo tlie �pproval of this rezoninb as �vas expInined fo us by flie �PP�ic:�nt o; his/lier represenf�tivc. . � o�, -t;i -<z-ZI - ou c ar (a2��� J ' 08 =zEl - zz.=z =0��5 P•cL h�� B enr� Warn .�rtJ. Sh�rc.?!n�'' . �� =zs' =zz=z� `'oo�;�` Lten , hltCCeY OH''LS''[Zr'�Z1�'�00�}$� S{YiEP.. 04' �W E � � . 0 8 - ��2=-ZZ-�^,j � r� ��i. lvaJa.� F h-.i•_:` .. ...'. . .. � n�: d � Sta�E..o� (y11J i�u5� E1Cer V � F3�rqC�,en�:� [�,.�2, OS� z8 =iZ=iz=:ocq< x� , o rtk1�,,� ,1. i.5cuu ��7A�.ESL4_<NL3�f 4t'n`'_ � 1� Cour:E.� �=�:s�""zz��"��'�' � _ 1.2-A81-9�� }�irS+�nS M�cha�,J. GJele. NOT�: This petition shall not be considered as offici� d aysafteritisreceivedbythePlanningDivision. Any name therefrom by tvritten request �vithin that time. � �� '--�' �3 �--� 3°� � � !� r (��,�i `� �« ` G G !t yr' a o� 0 ��.��� �.t�.. a= L , I7`-/I � • until t lapse of seven (7) ���orking ofthispetitionmay ' hdra•;�hisfner . � , . � � � ' n LJ from a 8 P � zoning district to a RvLI - z Zoning districi. :... � 2. `� A�copy of sections _ Col . f O I tlirough C„1 •! OZ, inclusive ofthe Saint Paul Zoning Code; and -=<' r=-` ' ackiio�e{cdne"ttiaY�"ve �re nwnre oFnll oFthe uses ermiaed in a__ =_ '���'^'= ° P �V�{ zoning district and tve are , ,�Ya�4arc tiii; aay of thcse uses can oe estabGshed upon City Cour.cii approval oF the rezoning. We hereby �` • consent to the rezoning oFtl�e property in the petitian of; — ` �� �O� � ' "'`�� ��- to 1 !Z�-Z zoning district. (Name of petitioner) 0 CZ�'X O�' SA.XI�'� PA�CTL CONSENT OF AD70INING PROPERTY OWN�RS rOR A REZON�NG � , ��s We, (lie undersigned, owncrs oFthe property witliin 100 feet oFthc total con[iguous description of rea} estate o�vned, purchased, or sold by THE PETITIO� IGR �vithin one }'ear precedino the date of this petition ackno�vledge that we ttiave bccn presented teid� the followina; I. A copy of the pe[ition of to reZOne thc property !c Wc consent to flie Zpproval of this rczoninb as it tivas explained to us by fhe �PPIiclnt or his/her represenfativc. � nnnitrss oa r i N �8 �.'o8-ZR -zz=z3= nR-�R-» _ ��_ . .�;,.;:.,�..'�; �. � - c c - �J - 001 �5 (�fYi£ � `2L'�2 = �1 . f/e� �'ZZ-`Z'S=GOZS7� 'u_' 'A1.^:t. .M^n ..��- . . ' �� j-..YS*.4';y.�... . . � _ - , ` 08 'LS - ZZ-Z3-GOU �t OS' 2$ - 2Z-23 - D�Zi �,:4-x. Z ;=r���� ;.: A3: ZB=:: � 2 =: z4= �cZ'ni b�- 2b -ZZ - 24-�: � - � L _� w 3 zs" �q z �ti(�. ���" �..v -1.�3-- �Q E' '=�1'�i D�;esri�,a7Yti .h' �:a�'� l , k ..,.��� . : Zg'���53`ao�(f�.'' tVEiL 4 SPR8ARL1�NcDtCr �/,p . NO'T�. This petttion shal! not be considered as offioial y fiied until the lapse of seyen (7) working days after it is received by the Planning T?ivision. Any signator of this petition inay withdraw hislher name therefrom by written request within that time. .... . . �. � �--�. . ( � K • . . � � �,P ,c�e i - a C A� X OJ.' �.C'i_�i`l A ��V� CONSEN'f' OF ADJOINING PkOPERTY dWN�RS FOR A .�ZEZONING 4Ve, the undersigned, o�vncrs of the property widiin � 00 Fect of thc total contiguous description oF real estate orvned, purchased, or sold by 7'HE PE'I'lTtONGR within one yezr precedin� ttie dlte of this petition ackno�vledoe that we hlve becn presented t�•idt tl�e {oNo�vino: I. AcopyaF[hepetitionof to rezone thc property locnted at � Si Z F�uri �p(ci� /�J'Q.. from n B-Z, - zoning distric[ to a Y�� -Z zoning district ' :-, 2. _-.A copy o(sections (� 1. 1b1 • tivoagh ( lOZ , inctusiv: ofthe Saint Paul Zoning Code; and ;.,_ _.acknoivledge thntive'nre a�varo`of nlf of the uses permitted in a �N�-.Z, =zoning district and we are ? nwarc that any oPUuse uscs cnn be established upon Ciry Ceuncit appravll of tf�c tezoning. �Ve hcreby eonsent to Aie rczoning oFtlie properry in the petition of; ,. _ 5ol_Eov� f 1 Qpj� �C.• toa�zoningdistrict. (Nnme oFpetrtioner) We consent fo tlie approval of fltis ►•ezoninb as it �vas explained fo us by flie zpplic�nt or his/her represent�tive. -- �' CFi"li?'lc'-2Z—QI}4- u v -� .�._.r-r--- .� , - . .. _ .. _ ��. _. ;_ , ----- 5 _ .. �� �:%.i3 rZt3�=2z-z3;�i�:��:;�; � ..� �'.�'_.Ta ' �", Y� :. Z' � . ' r:Y.T�.�`pyyS.4'.Y�R'. '. �"SKA T Y z •�y 3YY s vV�Sd � . �, ``"`�i.fi';;�`".' _` `,==-. ; - .. ;=. }���?�7i�3�;aL' ��oo'"�?:r u p fo : .�-- ;�� �,�, =�";:: . .� ``..'OB • 28 -22- 2 i — �11 3 �� t,' 3..,:{T-,�.��a.°Y3Z���c C.ib. fi08i28=77 =rL �nnr7� .,. : � JF 5�. Q 1P1 -..<<de � er.;�rrP:.c:: ,: `�:a �k�v �nc _J. 5.4,�:v; L�� _Dv �"d4 J. C��'eieY' >nc{a L. chr�5� '.[Ey o�F 5E. r?zuL c't'u ) �(r'.f�'i"' � � �� � . �Xc f ,c a� oF SF .1-av L F1.J Gorrr�n ac (�eo� N� 4 l�nf4 T �1Zd'1� � �.___! 0 .. C7T 1x C 2', • � �� 7 _ t � sr�'.'" � � � � � ���� ��. . . �, "'� ,. ' .�'__.. �/ /� 9 � . , �� 9 y�„�� � 3-30- G G� i t ,�� - - �� �-� R � ��C � � - T' � o8-2i3'=2z-23"�t4° Pnrb� N �t1e� � �02, f9 f l.� �rr�k�diC� �n.e �o G�i� v�r 3 I�tOTT: Thts petitlon shall not be considered as officially filed until the lapse of sevea (7) working ., days after it is received by the Pla.*uiing Division. Any signato� of this petition may withdrawhislher � name therefrom by written request within that time. �-� � � - �2 .. �� �� P `°� RiBht-of-K'a�� P<rmi4. blaps and Rcmrdt ._`. , CITY OF SAINT PAUL �� S.E�.XNT'��'>.A.TJ�` � . : . -,,,� Dc�-��s DEPAFY('MEhTOFPUBUCWORKS INING PROPERTY OWNERS FOR A RIGFtf-OF-�' DlV1S[ON $00 Ciry Hdl Annes REZON,�NG - 25WenFom�hStrtet T<h6S1-266-6127 $aintPaul,MN55)01-1660 Fa.c:65l-298-4559 rmail: linla.d:tkhu(@cis+paulsm.ut g�spomi�e5m�icrs•4vafiryFariliiies•&np�oye<Pridr y�v7tlii�il00feetofthctotalcon[iguousdescriptionofrealestate � ITIOi IL•[L tivithin one year precedino the date of ;his peci�ioil --••.•...•��..o� wa� we uave bccn presented �vitli the followino: 1. A copy oE the pe[ition of ' (name of petidoner) ' to rezone the property loca[ed at __ � 512 f-�uril�)p d� /�JY. from a g-Z - zoning district m 1 y �f _2. zoning district. 2. A copy of sections (, i. 101 through ( I•/OZ. , inclusive of the Saint Paul Zoning Code; and lckno�cicdge tliat tve �re aware of �II of the ttses permiUed in a �rt�{ Z zoning district and we are �ware dtiat any of t{iese uses can be established upon Ciry Council approvat oFtL•e rezoning. �Ve hereby consent to t6e rczoning of the propeRy in Qie pctition of; �uo(_EoYI f /`1Q1')r� �C.• to��2oningdistrict. (Name of petitioner) � l�c consent fo fiic �pproval of this rezonin; as it �vas ezpllined to_us by flie �ppliclnt or his/licr represenf�tivc. • -�a . »_»:;;; �/7"lP !1' UISj� 3S \.r.�e. 5`��. 5.;}�?GI 08 • Z8 -ZZ-Z3 - aA2 79 c,«� S: :t �I«� a 8- Z8 - ZL-z \ 3 - cXp3 S"ZS' t�v....�o\tr � � o8 S C-�ie.G>_ si�«k 2/ ,s.K<<io Q�.,a cs-zB-zZ-zi• ZSI .�.once�� . ,.� �8"z8"ZZ'z3 � 08 -28 - zz -� � E�.,4 e-e�.,� l�LS+ �A _ v. � ? � c�E � �. 0�8 ' vt Srnr — ooll ' � f i � C� o� SF . Riu —ooiZ Gcrn� c � S} ` 001 -.' }'� � �Nd� �'� ] cSF C�MILL ���n_/ �1 % �I.�1 J '�; t� f�o 2="G:ee.e � i�IOT�: This petition shall not be considered as officially �ted unti( the lapse of seyen (7) working days after it is received by the Planning Division. Any signator of this petition may withdraw his/her name thereErom by written requesf within that time. • ' ' L ' . _. �. ��--� J �"�' .` l" C � C� • CJ �� . ; - <• ., , .; . CXT"S� O� SA.XN'X' PA,�TL CONSEN'T�OF AD30INING PROBERTY OWN�RS I�OR A .REZONING 1�Ve, tlie undersigned, o�vners oftlie propcRy �vithin 100 feet oFt(ic totat contiguous description of real estate owned, purcliased, or so[d by THE PETiTIO�GR within one }�ear precedina ll�e da[e of th'ts pe[ition acknowiedoe that we have bcen presei�ted «•ith the follo�ving: 1. A copy of the petition oF � ti �"`c' "�� "'• •"• (name of petitionec} to rezone the property located at T�5 ! Z t-�urt�ol��.` �E-• froni � B-2� P- zoning district to a�.V�{ -Z zaning district. �` 2. A copy of sections to� • lo� - through !a �•� OZ , inclesive of die Saint Paul Zoning Code; and ncknot'vlcdge tlinE we �re uwzre of nll of the uscs permitted in a R.t�{ ��'-" district and �ve aro nware tliat any of tliese uses can be established upon City Cour.cit approval of the rezoning. \Ve hereby consent to the rezottino of the property in thc pe[ition of; - � / W� � ,�(.�,� �� 1 =j7 '(�. (0 8 ���' 20RIIla (�ISfCIC�. l � (Name of pefitioner) � Wc consent to tlie approval of this rezoning as it �vas expl�ined fo us by fhe �pplicant or his/hcr representative. � - 3'h x o8-zs"-zz=zz-oia t � _ � .. -::.' �jr�;.�_C5 r ,, ;;�:�,-°n� _ :o �� q ` ��'i ,;;-• ?u':;za': ' - �oizo ,, , : . �� ' �3 �` ,;; }-, _; .:- � � � �,..:_�;'�_ ' L - _, .,:<- :- �r='. OILS' , . . .. _... _ :��.:= - - ' ">"'''•:-'i�I7�e � ::6•, �*, .'. ��,. - � -- � _ _ rO1Z . _ a�s.t::.z:�-._• -• _ .: •;�,�.:-. ..,—... _.. y � . ` � � `�-' K � f o,i8 > IyOT�: 'Ihis petition shatL not be considered as offic�ally fited antit the tapse oI seyen �i� w���' g days after it is received by the Pfanning Division. Any signator of this petitian may v+ithdrawhislhe� name therefcom by written request within that time. ��, y�� .: p o zs z2� zZ- o( l S (3caoQs�� �•/�� • � o°o z8 2z 'LZ Oog� �ceQc1'� � . ) !/�L/'� \) /f. .. �� �_ _.in..� _ -� -23-1999 11�54 RAMSEY COUNTY PAP.KS & REC 651 748 2508 P.62i05 . . Resolution �g Board of �� �� ; • I Ramsey County C.ommYSS�on+ ' -esented B}' :tention: Cor.�caissioner Reinhardt Budqeti.ng and ACCOUnting Greg Mack, Parks & Recreation Date May 1Z , _ 1999 No. ��� �' , wHcREAS, Ramsey County has b>_en requested to sign a petition of Consent of Adjoining Prop=rty Owners for th° rezoning of 512 Hu.r�'oldt Avenue from P-1 to RM-Z and 484 Wabasha Stre=t from B-2 to RM-2; and j•1'r.EREAS, Tns City of St. Pau1, and other cities of the first class in accordance with Minnesota SCatutes 462.357, Subdivision 5, reouires the consent of Cwo-thirds of the adjacent property ownerr: within 10o feet before it can accept an application for rezoning; �nd PIHEREAS, The Ramsey County Parks and Recreation Department hzs revi=o-red the �roposed rezoning and determined that it wi21 not be detrimental or have a signiticant impact on County parkland; and • t•1HEP.EAS, The petitioner requires th� County's signature to p:cceed �•rith local re�iew; Tiovr, Therefore, B2 It P.ESOLVBD, That the Rzmsey County Board oi Commissioner= authorizes its Chair to �ign th= p=tition of Cons_nt of Adjoi.ning Proper=y Own=rs for rezoning 512 Humboldt Avenu> from P-1 to RM-2, ar.d 484 F7abasha Streer fzom B-2 Co P.M-2, and to sign and forward to th= St. Paul Zoning Authority, a letter stating that Ramsey Count}� is signing only for the purpose of allo•.�ing the rezoning matter te preceed ��rith local review and action by the City o° St. Paul and tn>_t Ramsey County neither supports nor objects to the rezoning. 4\[SEl' [OII�Tl' BO \RD OF CO�(`f[ SI�VERS �•E � �.qY cZTNER �nv B<nnec; �� sno Gucrin �— ��h X s rteva x iccori� Rainhard; X nice Rcttm:in X n N'izssner !� bsent Ra( �