00-165Council File # 00 � �`.�l, oRl�s�sa� Presented By Referred To ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Ordinance # Green Sheet # lo3a.5a °�� Committee: Date i An ordinance to amend Section 45.03 2 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code; 3 including certain types of vehicles 4 as nuisances 5 6 THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORAAIN: 7 8 Secrion 1 9 10 Section 45.03 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is amended to read as follows: 11 12 Sec. 45.03. Nuisance. 13 A"nuisance" shall mean any substance, matter, emission or thing which creates a dangerous or unhealthy condition 14 or which tk�reatens the public peace, health, safety or sanitaty condition of the city or which is offensive ar has a 15 blighting influence on the community and which is found upon, in, being discharged or flowing from any street, 16 alley, highway, railroad right-of-way, vehicle, railroad car, water, excavation, building, erection, lot, grounds or 17 other properiy located within the city. Nuisances shall include, but not be limited to, those set forth in this section. 18 (20) Unsecured unoccupied buildings. Unoccupied buildings or unoccupied portions of buildings which are 19unsecured. 20 (211 Vehicles. OverweiQht and commercial vehicles as regulated under "General Pazking Restriction" Section 21157.04 �al & b(�. 22 22 �}Yermin harborage. Conditions which, in the opinion of the enforcement officer, aze conducive to the 23 harborage or breeding of vermin. 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 ' ► ,x; �,� 1 23 (3�j Veyrrtin infestations. Infestations ofvernvn such as rats, mice, squirrels, sktuilcs, snakes, bats, grackles, 2 starlings, pigeons, bees, wasps, cockroaches or flies; except for bees or pigeons kept with written permission from, 3 and in accordance with the regulations of, the Office of License, Inspecrions and Environmental Protection. � �_� 4 Secrion 2 7 This ordinance shall take effect and be in full force thiriy (30) days following its passage, approval and publication � 10 Requested by Department of: � 21Adopted by Council: Date �,� r aD02S 22 23Adoption Certified by Council Secretary 24 25&y: �w.,,� � ��.a .�.�� 26 ��� �� 27Approved by M or: Date � 29,By_ ����, Office of License, Insnections and Environmental Protection / � .�� � � �Il Citizen Service Office B C2 �ti��Q�� Form Approved by City Attorney � BY: ,,���'�-� �- ��� L� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council --•. By: �����I.r�"`a`l /'�r��i'v��j' � Pt�i. iSNED ," tt ORiGiNAL _, i OE'FICE OF LIFs'P Date: GREEN SHEET Robert Kessler January 24 200o ao _� 266-9112 No . 10325_0 HPARIM6NI DIRECII�R 4 ITY CUUNCZL ZTY ATTORNEY ITY Q.BRK x�crm ust be on CounCil Agenda by: '°"'° �E'i' DIxa�T°x � IN. & MC+T. SVC. DZR. � SAP 3 ox cox 7,sszs�rrr� ;' OTAL # OF SIGNATURL PAGPsS 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUESTED: ordinance to amend Section 45.03 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code; including certain types of vehicles as nuisances. COtMffiNDATIONS: APPROVE (A) OR REJECP (R) SRSONAL SS8VIC8 CONTRI�CPS MOST ANSNSR TF� FOLLONSNG: PLANNLNG Co[+IM1tISSION CIVIL SERVIC6 COIMIISSTON Has the person/fiEm ever worked under a contract for this department? CIS COMMIITEE BUSINESS RSVIEW COUNCIL YES NO STAFF _ Has [his person/firm evex been a City employee? DISTRICl COURT YES NO 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill� not normally possessed by any SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? C11YYEnt City employee? YES NO lain all Y8S aaswers on a aeparate sheet aad attach. INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why): The current language in Chapter 157 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, which defines a commercial vehicle, is vague. The vague language often prevents enforcement staff from restricting commercial vehicles from parking on residential property and residential streets. This change to Chapter 45 will coincide with the redefining of commercial vehicles in Chapter 157. VANTAGES IF APPROVED: Enforcement staff will be able to enforce the parking of commercial vehicles on residential property and residential streets; commercial vehicles may be considered a"nuisance�� under Section 45.03. ISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: one apparent. DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: Commercial vehicles may not be considered a"nuisance" under Section 45.03; enforcement staff will not be able to enforce the restriction of commercial ehicles parking on residential property and residential streets. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATIONo (EXPLAIN) �i�,��.,�+3� t?n�:�� ��� j 3 G��� f Council File # 00 � �`.�l, oRl�s�sa� Presented By Referred To ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Ordinance # Green Sheet # lo3a.5a °�� Committee: Date i An ordinance to amend Section 45.03 2 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code; 3 including certain types of vehicles 4 as nuisances 5 6 THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORAAIN: 7 8 Secrion 1 9 10 Section 45.03 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is amended to read as follows: 11 12 Sec. 45.03. Nuisance. 13 A"nuisance" shall mean any substance, matter, emission or thing which creates a dangerous or unhealthy condition 14 or which tk�reatens the public peace, health, safety or sanitaty condition of the city or which is offensive ar has a 15 blighting influence on the community and which is found upon, in, being discharged or flowing from any street, 16 alley, highway, railroad right-of-way, vehicle, railroad car, water, excavation, building, erection, lot, grounds or 17 other properiy located within the city. Nuisances shall include, but not be limited to, those set forth in this section. 18 (20) Unsecured unoccupied buildings. Unoccupied buildings or unoccupied portions of buildings which are 19unsecured. 20 (211 Vehicles. OverweiQht and commercial vehicles as regulated under "General Pazking Restriction" Section 21157.04 �al & b(�. 22 22 �}Yermin harborage. Conditions which, in the opinion of the enforcement officer, aze conducive to the 23 harborage or breeding of vermin. 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 ' ► ,x; �,� 1 23 (3�j Veyrrtin infestations. Infestations ofvernvn such as rats, mice, squirrels, sktuilcs, snakes, bats, grackles, 2 starlings, pigeons, bees, wasps, cockroaches or flies; except for bees or pigeons kept with written permission from, 3 and in accordance with the regulations of, the Office of License, Inspecrions and Environmental Protection. � �_� 4 Secrion 2 7 This ordinance shall take effect and be in full force thiriy (30) days following its passage, approval and publication � 10 Requested by Department of: � 21Adopted by Council: Date �,� r aD02S 22 23Adoption Certified by Council Secretary 24 25&y: �w.,,� � ��.a .�.�� 26 ��� �� 27Approved by M or: Date � 29,By_ ����, Office of License, Insnections and Environmental Protection / � .�� � � �Il Citizen Service Office B C2 �ti��Q�� Form Approved by City Attorney � BY: ,,���'�-� �- ��� L� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council --•. By: �����I.r�"`a`l /'�r��i'v��j' � Pt�i. iSNED ," tt ORiGiNAL _, i OE'FICE OF LIFs'P Date: GREEN SHEET Robert Kessler January 24 200o ao _� 266-9112 No . 10325_0 HPARIM6NI DIRECII�R 4 ITY CUUNCZL ZTY ATTORNEY ITY Q.BRK x�crm ust be on CounCil Agenda by: '°"'° �E'i' DIxa�T°x � IN. & MC+T. SVC. DZR. � SAP 3 ox cox 7,sszs�rrr� ;' OTAL # OF SIGNATURL PAGPsS 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUESTED: ordinance to amend Section 45.03 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code; including certain types of vehicles as nuisances. COtMffiNDATIONS: APPROVE (A) OR REJECP (R) SRSONAL SS8VIC8 CONTRI�CPS MOST ANSNSR TF� FOLLONSNG: PLANNLNG Co[+IM1tISSION CIVIL SERVIC6 COIMIISSTON Has the person/fiEm ever worked under a contract for this department? CIS COMMIITEE BUSINESS RSVIEW COUNCIL YES NO STAFF _ Has [his person/firm evex been a City employee? DISTRICl COURT YES NO 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill� not normally possessed by any SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? C11YYEnt City employee? YES NO lain all Y8S aaswers on a aeparate sheet aad attach. INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why): The current language in Chapter 157 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, which defines a commercial vehicle, is vague. The vague language often prevents enforcement staff from restricting commercial vehicles from parking on residential property and residential streets. This change to Chapter 45 will coincide with the redefining of commercial vehicles in Chapter 157. VANTAGES IF APPROVED: Enforcement staff will be able to enforce the parking of commercial vehicles on residential property and residential streets; commercial vehicles may be considered a"nuisance�� under Section 45.03. ISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: one apparent. DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: Commercial vehicles may not be considered a"nuisance" under Section 45.03; enforcement staff will not be able to enforce the restriction of commercial ehicles parking on residential property and residential streets. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATIONo (EXPLAIN) �i�,��.,�+3� t?n�:�� ��� j 3 G��� f Council File # 00 � �`.�l, oRl�s�sa� Presented By Referred To ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Ordinance # Green Sheet # lo3a.5a °�� Committee: Date i An ordinance to amend Section 45.03 2 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code; 3 including certain types of vehicles 4 as nuisances 5 6 THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORAAIN: 7 8 Secrion 1 9 10 Section 45.03 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is amended to read as follows: 11 12 Sec. 45.03. Nuisance. 13 A"nuisance" shall mean any substance, matter, emission or thing which creates a dangerous or unhealthy condition 14 or which tk�reatens the public peace, health, safety or sanitaty condition of the city or which is offensive ar has a 15 blighting influence on the community and which is found upon, in, being discharged or flowing from any street, 16 alley, highway, railroad right-of-way, vehicle, railroad car, water, excavation, building, erection, lot, grounds or 17 other properiy located within the city. Nuisances shall include, but not be limited to, those set forth in this section. 18 (20) Unsecured unoccupied buildings. Unoccupied buildings or unoccupied portions of buildings which are 19unsecured. 20 (211 Vehicles. OverweiQht and commercial vehicles as regulated under "General Pazking Restriction" Section 21157.04 �al & b(�. 22 22 �}Yermin harborage. Conditions which, in the opinion of the enforcement officer, aze conducive to the 23 harborage or breeding of vermin. 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 ' ► ,x; �,� 1 23 (3�j Veyrrtin infestations. Infestations ofvernvn such as rats, mice, squirrels, sktuilcs, snakes, bats, grackles, 2 starlings, pigeons, bees, wasps, cockroaches or flies; except for bees or pigeons kept with written permission from, 3 and in accordance with the regulations of, the Office of License, Inspecrions and Environmental Protection. � �_� 4 Secrion 2 7 This ordinance shall take effect and be in full force thiriy (30) days following its passage, approval and publication � 10 Requested by Department of: � 21Adopted by Council: Date �,� r aD02S 22 23Adoption Certified by Council Secretary 24 25&y: �w.,,� � ��.a .�.�� 26 ��� �� 27Approved by M or: Date � 29,By_ ����, Office of License, Insnections and Environmental Protection / � .�� � � �Il Citizen Service Office B C2 �ti��Q�� Form Approved by City Attorney � BY: ,,���'�-� �- ��� L� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council --•. By: �����I.r�"`a`l /'�r��i'v��j' � Pt�i. iSNED ," tt ORiGiNAL _, i OE'FICE OF LIFs'P Date: GREEN SHEET Robert Kessler January 24 200o ao _� 266-9112 No . 10325_0 HPARIM6NI DIRECII�R 4 ITY CUUNCZL ZTY ATTORNEY ITY Q.BRK x�crm ust be on CounCil Agenda by: '°"'° �E'i' DIxa�T°x � IN. & MC+T. SVC. DZR. � SAP 3 ox cox 7,sszs�rrr� ;' OTAL # OF SIGNATURL PAGPsS 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUESTED: ordinance to amend Section 45.03 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code; including certain types of vehicles as nuisances. COtMffiNDATIONS: APPROVE (A) OR REJECP (R) SRSONAL SS8VIC8 CONTRI�CPS MOST ANSNSR TF� FOLLONSNG: PLANNLNG Co[+IM1tISSION CIVIL SERVIC6 COIMIISSTON Has the person/fiEm ever worked under a contract for this department? CIS COMMIITEE BUSINESS RSVIEW COUNCIL YES NO STAFF _ Has [his person/firm evex been a City employee? DISTRICl COURT YES NO 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill� not normally possessed by any SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? C11YYEnt City employee? YES NO lain all Y8S aaswers on a aeparate sheet aad attach. INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why): The current language in Chapter 157 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, which defines a commercial vehicle, is vague. The vague language often prevents enforcement staff from restricting commercial vehicles from parking on residential property and residential streets. This change to Chapter 45 will coincide with the redefining of commercial vehicles in Chapter 157. VANTAGES IF APPROVED: Enforcement staff will be able to enforce the parking of commercial vehicles on residential property and residential streets; commercial vehicles may be considered a"nuisance�� under Section 45.03. ISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: one apparent. DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: Commercial vehicles may not be considered a"nuisance" under Section 45.03; enforcement staff will not be able to enforce the restriction of commercial ehicles parking on residential property and residential streets. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATIONo (EXPLAIN) �i�,��.,�+3� t?n�:�� ��� j 3 G��� f