D00238CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF TE� MAYOR ADMIlVISTRATIVE ORDER • ADMIATISTRAITVE ORDER, No• �UU L:IV Date: ` WE�REAS, the Division of Pazks and Recreafion requires independent engineering review of its plans and specificafions for the Harriet Island Public Dock, and recommendations to reduce project cost, and WHEREAS, Fredric C. Hunt, P.E. of Columbus, Ohio, has extensive experience in such matters and is available to provide said review and recommendations, THEREFORE, it is ordered that the proper City officials are hereby authorized and directed to pay Fredric C. Hunt, P.E., 1790 Meriweather, Columbus, Ohio 43221, an amount not to exceed $500.00 for review and recommendarions concerning the Harriet Island Public Dock plans and specificafions. C� C94-3R050-0883-34131 1 APPROVED AS TO FORM � • Assistam City Atto ey Date � �i C� � �Q23� DEPARTh1ENf/OFFICE/COUNCIL DATE INRIATED N� 2 8 3 9 2 Parks & Recreation 8/29/94 GREEN SHEE CAMACT PEqSON & PHONE INiS1AL1DATE INITfALDATE m DEPARTMENT DIRECTOB � CITV COUNdL John Wlrkd 266-6411 p��GN �CITYATfORNEI' �ClTVCIERK T 6E ON COUNCIL AGENDA BV (DAT� NU4BEB FOR � 8���, pIflECTOR � FlN. 8 MGT. SERVICES �IR. AOUfING NA OROER f7ify�pyOR(ORASSI5TANf) � Datrtic A. �loJ TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION FEQUESTED: . Approval of Administrative Order ar�thorizing payment for independent engineering review of Harriet Island public dock plans. FtECOMMENOA7�ONS: Appmve (A) or Rejeq (R) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRAGTS MUST AHSWER THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: _ PIJWNING CAM611SSION _ CIV4SFAVECECAMhUSS10N �� Has this personRirm ever worked under a contract for ihis departmeni? _ CIB CoMMR7EE YES "NO A STAFF Z. Has this personRirm ev¢r been a ciry empl0yee? — — YES NO � DISiRIC7 COUFi _ 3. Does this perSOnRirm possess a skill not nOrmally possessetl by any current ciry employee? SUPPORTS WNICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE7 YES NO Expiain all yes answers on seperate sheet and attach to green sheet 1NITIpTING PROBLEM. ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When. Where. Why): Narriet Island public dock project bids exceeded budget. In order to maintain project quality, reduce costs and attract more bidders, Parks and Recreation needs an independent review �"f its plans. Fredric C. Hunt is familiar with this locale having performed a similar service for the St. Paul Yacht Club. �i�:�;;�4�s� ��;� �31 1994 AN7AGES IF APPAOVED: ;:Sit� �"f�f y�>4 € °Ax-.-� n.- .,o+"-� :<.; i; Independent engineering review and recommendations for project revisions prior to rebidding, at a very reasonable cost. "��CEiVED DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED' �uG � � 7ssa None RECEIVE� ���� �T;����� 5EP — 21994 CITY CLERK DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED Engineering review services will have to be obtained elsewhere. Rebidding process could be delayed. TOTAL AMOUNT OF THANSACTION $ SOO. OO COS7fREYE4lUE BUDGE7ED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIfdGSOURCE �IB ACTIVITYNUMBER C94-3R050-0883-34131 FINANCIAL INFORMATION' (E%PLAIN) e � 11