00-1020co���i F�te # 6 O — /m� Ordinance # Green Sheet # � (� n �J l � ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To � �7 �.9 Committee Date : 2 An ordinance amending Chapter 66.216 of the Saint 3 Paul Legislative Code pertaining to special sign 4 district sign plans creating a new special sign 5 district ordinance for the Macalester-Groveland 6 neighborhood to be known as the Macalester- 7 Groveland Special District Sign Plan. 10 THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 Section 1 That Chapter 66.216 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be and is hereby amended to add the following new provisions: Sec. 66.21693 Macalester-Groveland Special District Sien Plan �al Intent and Purpose. The Macalester-Groveland Special Si¢n District Plan, created as nrovided in Section 66.216 of the Zonin� Code, in order to provide sign controls in the Macalester-Groveland neighborhood, is intended to protect propertv values, to maintain and enhance the visibilitv of unique architectural and natural features, and to encourage inveshnent and beautification in residential and commercial areas bv reducing the visual clutter of advertisina siens which impair the effecriveness of neighborhood business and institutional si ns and otherwise detract from the appearance, perception and safetv of Macalester-Groveland neiEhborhoods and commercial districts. (b) Area Description. The Macalester-Groveland Special Sign District Plan shall apply to the area described area is as follows: Be i� nnin� at a point where Mississippi River Boulevard and Summit Avenue intersect, alone Summit Avenue to Avd Mill Road, Southeasterl �} along Avd Mill Road to the 35E Corridor, then South alon� the 35E Corridor to Randoiph Avenue, West along Randolph Avenue to Mississip�i River Boulevard, then North alone Mississippi River Boulevard to the uoint of the be ig'nnine except those azeas presentiv controlled under the provisions of Le¢islative Code § 66.2161. �c Interpretation and Definitions. The provisions of this si�n plan are supplementary to the /;^ • � + i provisions of the Zonine Code. Chapter 66, entitled "Si�ns." Provisions of this sign plan that aze 2 more restrictive than the provisions of Cha�ter 66 shall prevail and supersede provisions in �� ,l �� 3 Charoter 66. All other provisions of Chapter 66 of the Zonine Code shall continue to ap�ly to 4 si¢ns in the Macalester-Groveland�ecial Sim District. All words and terms shall be defined as 5 in this si�n plan and in Chapter 66 of the Zonine Code• 7 (dl General Sig.n Restrictions. Siais within the Macalester-Groveland Special Sign District shall 8 be subject to the followine restrictions: 9 10 1. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 No advertising sims shall be pernutted. except signs on transit shelters and courtesv benches licensed or franchised by the Citv; 2. Roof signs which advertise a product, service or entertainment which is offered, sold or manufactured on the premises shall not be permitted, but a roof siEn may identifv the name, logo, and nature of the business carried on in the �remises. 3. Business si¢ns aze not affected by this si�,n pian. 19 (el Nonconformin�Si n�gulation of nonconforxnine signs within the Macalester-Groveland 20 Speciai SiQn Disriict which lawfullv existed prior to the effective date of this si�n plan or anv 21 amendments hereto and which would be protubited, reeulated, or restricted under the provisions 22 of this plan, mav continue to exist as le�al non-conformin¢ si s reeulated under the urovisions 23 of Section 66300 roertainine to non-conformin signs, subject to the followinQ additional 24 reauirements: 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 1. No non-conformin sign shall be: � � � � � altered or enlareed in anv way; or replaced bv another non-conforming sien, thou�h a chan�e in the messa�e will not be deemed to be a rPplacement: or relocated to anv other location in the Macalester-Groveland Special Si� District or reconstructed after incurrine dama�e in an amount exceeding 50% of its replacement cost at the time of the loss, as determined by the Citv; or maintained throueh replacement of structural elements. 2. A non-conformine si¢n shall be immediately removed from the Macalester- Groveland Soecial Sien District at the cost of the owner if: � � � it is an imminent danger to life or �roperiv: or it incurs damaee in an amount exceeding 50% of its renlacement cost at the time of loss, as determined bv the City; or use of the sien has been discontinued for a period of three consecutive months. 2 � 10 il 12 13 14 15 16 17 (el Sien Permits: administration. Whenever a permit for a sien in the Macalester-Groveland Svecial Si� District is required under the urovisions of the Saint Paul LeQislative Code Cha t�er �� � t� aul 66. a permit shall not be issued unless the plans for the sien have been approved bv the zoninQ administrator in conformance with this sien plan. All buildin� ep rmit applications for signs in the Macalester-Groveland Special Sien District shall be submitted to the zonine administrator for review and approval. A fee to cover the costs of the review shall be established bv resolution of the Citv Council. All aprolications submitted for zoning administrator approval shall be of sufficient detail to demonstrate that the pr000sed si com�l�ies with the provisions of this sien plan. The zonine adniiuistrator shall review the application within thirty_{30) days and notifv the apnlicant of any decision to ap�rove or disapprove the application. Written reasons, prepared by the zonin¢ administrator, shall accompanv all apnlication decisions. Section 2 This ordinance shall become effective thiriy (30) days after its passage, approval and publication. Requested by Department of: By: Form Approved by City Attorney By: �� �G�fYYN�"� � N� Z S O�i Adoption Certified by Council Secretary Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council g Y = �r� a` �,_��, w,�ib ��'�'BY: Approved Mayor: Date �/�(� � ��'� /' ' \,� B Y' � ��2�2 ]1,�1 6� ` \ �� Y Y � rJ�415 '�1 � Adopted by Council: Date � �_ ���D� GREEN SHEET Councilmember Pat Harris 6-8630 � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES An ordinance amending Chapter 66216 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertainiug to special sign distdct sign plans creating a new special sign district ordinance for the Macalester-Groveland neighborhood to be lmown as the Macalester-Groveland Special District Sign Plan. PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE CAMMISSION na..�r owccrae ❑ anAilmEY ❑ onaHU[ ❑ IIIIIIIGLiF1t111CFlOR ❑ �11111iWLf�YC.'f0 ❑ WYORI�YYTl111I) ❑ (CUP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� Has Mie P�� everwdketl uMer a �ontrxt (orthie dePerhneM7 VES NO Has ttds o�rm aer hea� a dlY emnbYee� YES NO Does Uue peraoMiim P� a sldll not namBlypweeaeetl Dy enY CurteM citY emPbYe�'-? YE3 NO Is Mie perBaUfifm a tatpeted �endoR VE3 NO oo= ��� No l��Ji7 arccprta all vec arreweB a18eDafate aheet and attach OF 7RANSACTION COET/REVENUE BUDfiE7m (CIRCLE ONE) u�' SOURCE ACTNffY NMIBER (�WM co���i F�te # 6 O — /m� Ordinance # Green Sheet # � (� n �J l � ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To � �7 �.9 Committee Date : 2 An ordinance amending Chapter 66.216 of the Saint 3 Paul Legislative Code pertaining to special sign 4 district sign plans creating a new special sign 5 district ordinance for the Macalester-Groveland 6 neighborhood to be known as the Macalester- 7 Groveland Special District Sign Plan. 10 THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 Section 1 That Chapter 66.216 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be and is hereby amended to add the following new provisions: Sec. 66.21693 Macalester-Groveland Special District Sien Plan �al Intent and Purpose. The Macalester-Groveland Special Si¢n District Plan, created as nrovided in Section 66.216 of the Zonin� Code, in order to provide sign controls in the Macalester-Groveland neighborhood, is intended to protect propertv values, to maintain and enhance the visibilitv of unique architectural and natural features, and to encourage inveshnent and beautification in residential and commercial areas bv reducing the visual clutter of advertisina siens which impair the effecriveness of neighborhood business and institutional si ns and otherwise detract from the appearance, perception and safetv of Macalester-Groveland neiEhborhoods and commercial districts. (b) Area Description. The Macalester-Groveland Special Sign District Plan shall apply to the area described area is as follows: Be i� nnin� at a point where Mississippi River Boulevard and Summit Avenue intersect, alone Summit Avenue to Avd Mill Road, Southeasterl �} along Avd Mill Road to the 35E Corridor, then South alon� the 35E Corridor to Randoiph Avenue, West along Randolph Avenue to Mississip�i River Boulevard, then North alone Mississippi River Boulevard to the uoint of the be ig'nnine except those azeas presentiv controlled under the provisions of Le¢islative Code § 66.2161. �c Interpretation and Definitions. The provisions of this si�n plan are supplementary to the /;^ • � + i provisions of the Zonine Code. Chapter 66, entitled "Si�ns." Provisions of this sign plan that aze 2 more restrictive than the provisions of Cha�ter 66 shall prevail and supersede provisions in �� ,l �� 3 Charoter 66. All other provisions of Chapter 66 of the Zonine Code shall continue to ap�ly to 4 si¢ns in the Macalester-Groveland�ecial Sim District. All words and terms shall be defined as 5 in this si�n plan and in Chapter 66 of the Zonine Code• 7 (dl General Sig.n Restrictions. Siais within the Macalester-Groveland Special Sign District shall 8 be subject to the followine restrictions: 9 10 1. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 No advertising sims shall be pernutted. except signs on transit shelters and courtesv benches licensed or franchised by the Citv; 2. Roof signs which advertise a product, service or entertainment which is offered, sold or manufactured on the premises shall not be permitted, but a roof siEn may identifv the name, logo, and nature of the business carried on in the �remises. 3. Business si¢ns aze not affected by this si�,n pian. 19 (el Nonconformin�Si n�gulation of nonconforxnine signs within the Macalester-Groveland 20 Speciai SiQn Disriict which lawfullv existed prior to the effective date of this si�n plan or anv 21 amendments hereto and which would be protubited, reeulated, or restricted under the provisions 22 of this plan, mav continue to exist as le�al non-conformin¢ si s reeulated under the urovisions 23 of Section 66300 roertainine to non-conformin signs, subject to the followinQ additional 24 reauirements: 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 1. No non-conformin sign shall be: � � � � � altered or enlareed in anv way; or replaced bv another non-conforming sien, thou�h a chan�e in the messa�e will not be deemed to be a rPplacement: or relocated to anv other location in the Macalester-Groveland Special Si� District or reconstructed after incurrine dama�e in an amount exceeding 50% of its replacement cost at the time of the loss, as determined by the Citv; or maintained throueh replacement of structural elements. 2. A non-conformine si¢n shall be immediately removed from the Macalester- Groveland Soecial Sien District at the cost of the owner if: � � � it is an imminent danger to life or �roperiv: or it incurs damaee in an amount exceeding 50% of its renlacement cost at the time of loss, as determined bv the City; or use of the sien has been discontinued for a period of three consecutive months. 2 � 10 il 12 13 14 15 16 17 (el Sien Permits: administration. Whenever a permit for a sien in the Macalester-Groveland Svecial Si� District is required under the urovisions of the Saint Paul LeQislative Code Cha t�er �� � t� aul 66. a permit shall not be issued unless the plans for the sien have been approved bv the zoninQ administrator in conformance with this sien plan. All buildin� ep rmit applications for signs in the Macalester-Groveland Special Sien District shall be submitted to the zonine administrator for review and approval. A fee to cover the costs of the review shall be established bv resolution of the Citv Council. All aprolications submitted for zoning administrator approval shall be of sufficient detail to demonstrate that the pr000sed si com�l�ies with the provisions of this sien plan. The zonine adniiuistrator shall review the application within thirty_{30) days and notifv the apnlicant of any decision to ap�rove or disapprove the application. Written reasons, prepared by the zonin¢ administrator, shall accompanv all apnlication decisions. Section 2 This ordinance shall become effective thiriy (30) days after its passage, approval and publication. Requested by Department of: By: Form Approved by City Attorney By: �� �G�fYYN�"� � N� Z S O�i Adoption Certified by Council Secretary Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council g Y = �r� a` �,_��, w,�ib ��'�'BY: Approved Mayor: Date �/�(� � ��'� /' ' \,� B Y' � ��2�2 ]1,�1 6� ` \ �� Y Y � rJ�415 '�1 � Adopted by Council: Date � �_ ���D� GREEN SHEET Councilmember Pat Harris 6-8630 � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES An ordinance amending Chapter 66216 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertainiug to special sign distdct sign plans creating a new special sign district ordinance for the Macalester-Groveland neighborhood to be lmown as the Macalester-Groveland Special District Sign Plan. PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE CAMMISSION na..�r owccrae ❑ anAilmEY ❑ onaHU[ ❑ IIIIIIIGLiF1t111CFlOR ❑ �11111iWLf�YC.'f0 ❑ WYORI�YYTl111I) ❑ (CUP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� Has Mie P�� everwdketl uMer a �ontrxt (orthie dePerhneM7 VES NO Has ttds o�rm aer hea� a dlY emnbYee� YES NO Does Uue peraoMiim P� a sldll not namBlypweeaeetl Dy enY CurteM citY emPbYe�'-? YE3 NO Is Mie perBaUfifm a tatpeted �endoR VE3 NO oo= ��� No l��Ji7 arccprta all vec arreweB a18eDafate aheet and attach OF 7RANSACTION COET/REVENUE BUDfiE7m (CIRCLE ONE) u�' SOURCE ACTNffY NMIBER (�WM co���i F�te # 6 O — /m� Ordinance # Green Sheet # � (� n �J l � ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To � �7 �.9 Committee Date : 2 An ordinance amending Chapter 66.216 of the Saint 3 Paul Legislative Code pertaining to special sign 4 district sign plans creating a new special sign 5 district ordinance for the Macalester-Groveland 6 neighborhood to be known as the Macalester- 7 Groveland Special District Sign Plan. 10 THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 Section 1 That Chapter 66.216 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be and is hereby amended to add the following new provisions: Sec. 66.21693 Macalester-Groveland Special District Sien Plan �al Intent and Purpose. The Macalester-Groveland Special Si¢n District Plan, created as nrovided in Section 66.216 of the Zonin� Code, in order to provide sign controls in the Macalester-Groveland neighborhood, is intended to protect propertv values, to maintain and enhance the visibilitv of unique architectural and natural features, and to encourage inveshnent and beautification in residential and commercial areas bv reducing the visual clutter of advertisina siens which impair the effecriveness of neighborhood business and institutional si ns and otherwise detract from the appearance, perception and safetv of Macalester-Groveland neiEhborhoods and commercial districts. (b) Area Description. The Macalester-Groveland Special Sign District Plan shall apply to the area described area is as follows: Be i� nnin� at a point where Mississippi River Boulevard and Summit Avenue intersect, alone Summit Avenue to Avd Mill Road, Southeasterl �} along Avd Mill Road to the 35E Corridor, then South alon� the 35E Corridor to Randoiph Avenue, West along Randolph Avenue to Mississip�i River Boulevard, then North alone Mississippi River Boulevard to the uoint of the be ig'nnine except those azeas presentiv controlled under the provisions of Le¢islative Code § 66.2161. �c Interpretation and Definitions. The provisions of this si�n plan are supplementary to the /;^ • � + i provisions of the Zonine Code. Chapter 66, entitled "Si�ns." Provisions of this sign plan that aze 2 more restrictive than the provisions of Cha�ter 66 shall prevail and supersede provisions in �� ,l �� 3 Charoter 66. All other provisions of Chapter 66 of the Zonine Code shall continue to ap�ly to 4 si¢ns in the Macalester-Groveland�ecial Sim District. All words and terms shall be defined as 5 in this si�n plan and in Chapter 66 of the Zonine Code• 7 (dl General Sig.n Restrictions. Siais within the Macalester-Groveland Special Sign District shall 8 be subject to the followine restrictions: 9 10 1. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 No advertising sims shall be pernutted. except signs on transit shelters and courtesv benches licensed or franchised by the Citv; 2. Roof signs which advertise a product, service or entertainment which is offered, sold or manufactured on the premises shall not be permitted, but a roof siEn may identifv the name, logo, and nature of the business carried on in the �remises. 3. Business si¢ns aze not affected by this si�,n pian. 19 (el Nonconformin�Si n�gulation of nonconforxnine signs within the Macalester-Groveland 20 Speciai SiQn Disriict which lawfullv existed prior to the effective date of this si�n plan or anv 21 amendments hereto and which would be protubited, reeulated, or restricted under the provisions 22 of this plan, mav continue to exist as le�al non-conformin¢ si s reeulated under the urovisions 23 of Section 66300 roertainine to non-conformin signs, subject to the followinQ additional 24 reauirements: 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 1. No non-conformin sign shall be: � � � � � altered or enlareed in anv way; or replaced bv another non-conforming sien, thou�h a chan�e in the messa�e will not be deemed to be a rPplacement: or relocated to anv other location in the Macalester-Groveland Special Si� District or reconstructed after incurrine dama�e in an amount exceeding 50% of its replacement cost at the time of the loss, as determined by the Citv; or maintained throueh replacement of structural elements. 2. A non-conformine si¢n shall be immediately removed from the Macalester- Groveland Soecial Sien District at the cost of the owner if: � � � it is an imminent danger to life or �roperiv: or it incurs damaee in an amount exceeding 50% of its renlacement cost at the time of loss, as determined bv the City; or use of the sien has been discontinued for a period of three consecutive months. 2 � 10 il 12 13 14 15 16 17 (el Sien Permits: administration. Whenever a permit for a sien in the Macalester-Groveland Svecial Si� District is required under the urovisions of the Saint Paul LeQislative Code Cha t�er �� � t� aul 66. a permit shall not be issued unless the plans for the sien have been approved bv the zoninQ administrator in conformance with this sien plan. All buildin� ep rmit applications for signs in the Macalester-Groveland Special Sien District shall be submitted to the zonine administrator for review and approval. A fee to cover the costs of the review shall be established bv resolution of the Citv Council. All aprolications submitted for zoning administrator approval shall be of sufficient detail to demonstrate that the pr000sed si com�l�ies with the provisions of this sien plan. The zonine adniiuistrator shall review the application within thirty_{30) days and notifv the apnlicant of any decision to ap�rove or disapprove the application. Written reasons, prepared by the zonin¢ administrator, shall accompanv all apnlication decisions. Section 2 This ordinance shall become effective thiriy (30) days after its passage, approval and publication. Requested by Department of: By: Form Approved by City Attorney By: �� �G�fYYN�"� � N� Z S O�i Adoption Certified by Council Secretary Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council g Y = �r� a` �,_��, w,�ib ��'�'BY: Approved Mayor: Date �/�(� � ��'� /' ' \,� B Y' � ��2�2 ]1,�1 6� ` \ �� Y Y � rJ�415 '�1 � Adopted by Council: Date � �_ ���D� GREEN SHEET Councilmember Pat Harris 6-8630 � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES An ordinance amending Chapter 66216 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertainiug to special sign distdct sign plans creating a new special sign district ordinance for the Macalester-Groveland neighborhood to be lmown as the Macalester-Groveland Special District Sign Plan. PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE CAMMISSION na..�r owccrae ❑ anAilmEY ❑ onaHU[ ❑ IIIIIIIGLiF1t111CFlOR ❑ �11111iWLf�YC.'f0 ❑ WYORI�YYTl111I) ❑ (CUP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� Has Mie P�� everwdketl uMer a �ontrxt (orthie dePerhneM7 VES NO Has ttds o�rm aer hea� a dlY emnbYee� YES NO Does Uue peraoMiim P� a sldll not namBlypweeaeetl Dy enY CurteM citY emPbYe�'-? YE3 NO Is Mie perBaUfifm a tatpeted �endoR VE3 NO oo= ��� No l��Ji7 arccprta all vec arreweB a18eDafate aheet and attach OF 7RANSACTION COET/REVENUE BUDfiE7m (CIRCLE ONE) u�' SOURCE ACTNffY NMIBER (�WM