00-1018Council File # �Q ��Q � a Ordinance # Green Sheet # 1 U U 5 t 5 ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, NIINNESOTA Presented By Referred To � Committee Date : An ordinance amending Chapter 66.216 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to special sigi district sign plans creating a new special sign district ordinance for the Shepard Davern neighborhood to be known as the Shepard Davern Special District Sign Plan. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 That Chapter 66.216 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be and is hereby amended to add the following new provisions: Sec. 66.21691 Shepard Davem Sroecial District Si�n Plan 19 (a) Intent and Purpose. The Shepard Davern Special Si¢n District Plan, created as provided in 20 Section 66.216 of the Zonin� Code, in order to provide si�n controls in the Shepard Davern 21 neiQhborhood, is intended to protect propertv values, to maintain and enhance the visibilitv of 22 unic�ue architectural and natural features, and to encoura�e investment and beautification in 23 residential and commercial azeas bv reducin¢ the visual clutter of advertising siens which im�r 24 the effectiveness of neighborhood business and institurional siens and otherwise detract from the 25 aproeazance, perception and safetv of Shepard Davem neighborhoods and commercial districts. 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 {b) Area Description. The Shepard Davern Special Si�n District Plan shall apply to the area described azea is as follows: Be inning at a point where She� d Road, Mississippi River Boulevard and West Seventh intersect, northeasterly along West Seventh Street to Edgecumbe Road, north on Ed�ecumbe Road to St. Paul Avenue, east alongSt. Paul Avenue to West Seventh Street, northeasterlv along West Seventh Street to Homer Street, southeasterl�alonQ Homer Street to Shepard Road, southwesterly alonQ Shepard Road to the point of the be i��nning, p�a'tR$ N� fcl Interpretation and De�initions. The provisions of this sien plan are supplementarv to the � provisions of the Zoning Code, Chapter 66. entitled "Signs." Provisions of this sig�plan that are� '� 5 D �' more restrictive than the �rovisions of Chapter 66 shall prevail and supersede provisions in p{)gt�µ� �� JAN + � •^, 1 Chapter 66. All other provisions of Chapter 66 of the ZoninQ Code shall continue to appl� 2 siens in the Shepard Davern�ecial Sign District. All words and terms shall be defined as in 00 � �p t� 3 this si n�plan and in Chapter 66 of the Zonina Code. 4 5 (d) General Sz�n Restrictions. Sigxts within the Shepard Davem Special Sien District shall be 6 subject to the followina reshictions: l. No advertising siens shall be �ermitted, except signs on transit shelters and courtesv benches licensed or franchised by the Ci : 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 2. Roof siens which advertise a�roduct, service or entertainment which is offered, sold or manufactured on the premises shall not be permitted, but a roof sim mav identifv the name. logo, and nature of the business carried on in the premises. 3. Business si�ns are not affected b t��n plan. 17 (el Nonconformin� Signs. Regulation of nonconformine si�ns within the Shepard Davern 18 S�ecial SiPn District which lawfully existed �rior to the effective date of this si�n plan ar anv 19 amendments hereto and which would be prohibited, rep_ulated, or restricted under the provisions 20 of this plan, mav continue to exist as leeal non-conformin¢ siens reeulated under the provisions 21 of Section 66300 pertainin� to non-conformin� si s, subject to the followin�additional 22 reguirements: 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 1. No non-conforming si¢n shall be: � �?l � � � altered or enlareed in any wa ��,}�or renlaced bv another non-conformin� si ,en thou¢h a chanee in the messa�e will not be deemed to be a renlacement: ar relocated to anY other location in the Shepard Davern S�ecial Si�n District; or reconstructed after incurrin¢ damage in an amount exceedine 50% of its renlacement cost at the time of the loss, as determined by the City; ar maintained throu¢h replacement of structural elements. 2. A non-conformin� si�n shall be immediatelv removed from the Shepard Davern Snecial Sien District at the cost of the owner if: � � � it is an imminent daneer to life or �ropertv; or it incurs dama�e in an amount exceedine 50% of its replacement cost at the time of loss, as determined by the Citv: or use of the sign has been discontinued for a period of three consecutive months. �l Sign Permits: administration. Whenever a permit for a si�n in the Shepard Davern Special Sien District is required under the �rovisions of the Saint Paul Legislative Code Chapter 66, a 1 permit shall not be issued unless the plans for the siQn have been approved bv the zoning 2 administrator in conformance with this si�n plan. All buildin�permit apulicarions for signs in 0� —�0�� 3 the Shepard Davem Special Si¢n District shall be submitted to the zonin� administrator for 4 review and approval. A fee to cover the costs of the review shall be established bv resolution of 5 the City Council. All applications submitted for zoning administrator apvroval shail be of 6 sufficient detail to demonstrate that the proposed si complies with the provisions of this si�n 7 plan. The zonin� administrator shall review the application within thirtv (30) days and noti the 8 applicant of any decision to approve or disapprove the application. Written reasons, pre�ared by 9 the zonine administrator, shall accompany all ap�licarion decisions. 10 11 Section 2 12 13 This ordinance shall become effective thiriy (30) days after its passage, approval and 14 publicarion. 15 Requested by Department of: By: Form Approved by City Attorney By: �� G✓��tMdn / O- L L o J Adoption CertiEied by Council Secretary Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council `6� � `,� , B Y' , A�'M�` ' — BY: r Approved Mayor: Date � ��� -:��. ,��.�,� � ` - H y �S A Adopted by Council: Date �]__ a� a�'Sp�j� �o • to�p' GREEN SHEET Councilmember Pat Hams 6-8630 xiryeetwrt ORDBt TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES m No � �'� J ` 5 �� ; aneaura ❑ anwnoear ❑ ane�au� ❑ wwr.u�mxeun� ❑ wuNeuu.a ❑wraeroR�uorwm ❑ (Cl1P ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� An ordinance amending Chapter 66.216 of the Saint Paul Legisla6ve Code pertaining to special sign district sign plans creating a new special sign district ordinance for the Shepazd Davem neighborhood to be Imown as ffie Shepazd Davem Special Sign Dishict Plan. PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE CAMMISSION SOURCE tlas enie ca�rm e�srworked untler a con6sa formis aepanment4 vES wo Flas tlxs penoNfirm mx bmn a dlY emphyee4 YES � Does this Pe�saNfirm P� a sldN rot nann�yposae¢ceE by arry arteM cilY emPbyee4 YES � Is dus perooNfilm e tarpeted venda'! YE3 NO da� all ves anaweis on seoa2te sheet aMl aUach to Lreen sheM CO3T/REVENUE BUIXiETm (CIRCLE ON� ACTNRY NUMBER YES NO , ��4.''J!?liH Council File # �Q ��Q � a Ordinance # Green Sheet # 1 U U 5 t 5 ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, NIINNESOTA Presented By Referred To � Committee Date : An ordinance amending Chapter 66.216 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to special sigi district sign plans creating a new special sign district ordinance for the Shepard Davern neighborhood to be known as the Shepard Davern Special District Sign Plan. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 That Chapter 66.216 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be and is hereby amended to add the following new provisions: Sec. 66.21691 Shepard Davem Sroecial District Si�n Plan 19 (a) Intent and Purpose. The Shepard Davern Special Si¢n District Plan, created as provided in 20 Section 66.216 of the Zonin� Code, in order to provide si�n controls in the Shepard Davern 21 neiQhborhood, is intended to protect propertv values, to maintain and enhance the visibilitv of 22 unic�ue architectural and natural features, and to encoura�e investment and beautification in 23 residential and commercial azeas bv reducin¢ the visual clutter of advertising siens which im�r 24 the effectiveness of neighborhood business and institurional siens and otherwise detract from the 25 aproeazance, perception and safetv of Shepard Davem neighborhoods and commercial districts. 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 {b) Area Description. The Shepard Davern Special Si�n District Plan shall apply to the area described azea is as follows: Be inning at a point where She� d Road, Mississippi River Boulevard and West Seventh intersect, northeasterly along West Seventh Street to Edgecumbe Road, north on Ed�ecumbe Road to St. Paul Avenue, east alongSt. Paul Avenue to West Seventh Street, northeasterlv along West Seventh Street to Homer Street, southeasterl�alonQ Homer Street to Shepard Road, southwesterly alonQ Shepard Road to the point of the be i��nning, p�a'tR$ N� fcl Interpretation and De�initions. The provisions of this sien plan are supplementarv to the � provisions of the Zoning Code, Chapter 66. entitled "Signs." Provisions of this sig�plan that are� '� 5 D �' more restrictive than the �rovisions of Chapter 66 shall prevail and supersede provisions in p{)gt�µ� �� JAN + � •^, 1 Chapter 66. All other provisions of Chapter 66 of the ZoninQ Code shall continue to appl� 2 siens in the Shepard Davern�ecial Sign District. All words and terms shall be defined as in 00 � �p t� 3 this si n�plan and in Chapter 66 of the Zonina Code. 4 5 (d) General Sz�n Restrictions. Sigxts within the Shepard Davem Special Sien District shall be 6 subject to the followina reshictions: l. No advertising siens shall be �ermitted, except signs on transit shelters and courtesv benches licensed or franchised by the Ci : 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 2. Roof siens which advertise a�roduct, service or entertainment which is offered, sold or manufactured on the premises shall not be permitted, but a roof sim mav identifv the name. logo, and nature of the business carried on in the premises. 3. Business si�ns are not affected b t��n plan. 17 (el Nonconformin� Signs. Regulation of nonconformine si�ns within the Shepard Davern 18 S�ecial SiPn District which lawfully existed �rior to the effective date of this si�n plan ar anv 19 amendments hereto and which would be prohibited, rep_ulated, or restricted under the provisions 20 of this plan, mav continue to exist as leeal non-conformin¢ siens reeulated under the provisions 21 of Section 66300 pertainin� to non-conformin� si s, subject to the followin�additional 22 reguirements: 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 1. No non-conforming si¢n shall be: � �?l � � � altered or enlareed in any wa ��,}�or renlaced bv another non-conformin� si ,en thou¢h a chanee in the messa�e will not be deemed to be a renlacement: ar relocated to anY other location in the Shepard Davern S�ecial Si�n District; or reconstructed after incurrin¢ damage in an amount exceedine 50% of its renlacement cost at the time of the loss, as determined by the City; ar maintained throu¢h replacement of structural elements. 2. A non-conformin� si�n shall be immediatelv removed from the Shepard Davern Snecial Sien District at the cost of the owner if: � � � it is an imminent daneer to life or �ropertv; or it incurs dama�e in an amount exceedine 50% of its replacement cost at the time of loss, as determined by the Citv: or use of the sign has been discontinued for a period of three consecutive months. �l Sign Permits: administration. Whenever a permit for a si�n in the Shepard Davern Special Sien District is required under the �rovisions of the Saint Paul Legislative Code Chapter 66, a 1 permit shall not be issued unless the plans for the siQn have been approved bv the zoning 2 administrator in conformance with this si�n plan. All buildin�permit apulicarions for signs in 0� —�0�� 3 the Shepard Davem Special Si¢n District shall be submitted to the zonin� administrator for 4 review and approval. A fee to cover the costs of the review shall be established bv resolution of 5 the City Council. All applications submitted for zoning administrator apvroval shail be of 6 sufficient detail to demonstrate that the proposed si complies with the provisions of this si�n 7 plan. The zonin� administrator shall review the application within thirtv (30) days and noti the 8 applicant of any decision to approve or disapprove the application. Written reasons, pre�ared by 9 the zonine administrator, shall accompany all ap�licarion decisions. 10 11 Section 2 12 13 This ordinance shall become effective thiriy (30) days after its passage, approval and 14 publicarion. 15 Requested by Department of: By: Form Approved by City Attorney By: �� G✓��tMdn / O- L L o J Adoption CertiEied by Council Secretary Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council `6� � `,� , B Y' , A�'M�` ' — BY: r Approved Mayor: Date � ��� -:��. ,��.�,� � ` - H y �S A Adopted by Council: Date �]__ a� a�'Sp�j� �o • to�p' GREEN SHEET Councilmember Pat Hams 6-8630 xiryeetwrt ORDBt TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES m No � �'� J ` 5 �� ; aneaura ❑ anwnoear ❑ ane�au� ❑ wwr.u�mxeun� ❑ wuNeuu.a ❑wraeroR�uorwm ❑ (Cl1P ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� An ordinance amending Chapter 66.216 of the Saint Paul Legisla6ve Code pertaining to special sign district sign plans creating a new special sign district ordinance for the Shepazd Davem neighborhood to be Imown as ffie Shepazd Davem Special Sign Dishict Plan. PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE CAMMISSION SOURCE tlas enie ca�rm e�srworked untler a con6sa formis aepanment4 vES wo Flas tlxs penoNfirm mx bmn a dlY emphyee4 YES � Does this Pe�saNfirm P� a sldN rot nann�yposae¢ceE by arry arteM cilY emPbyee4 YES � Is dus perooNfilm e tarpeted venda'! YE3 NO da� all ves anaweis on seoa2te sheet aMl aUach to Lreen sheM CO3T/REVENUE BUIXiETm (CIRCLE ON� ACTNRY NUMBER YES NO , ��4.''J!?liH Council File # �Q ��Q � a Ordinance # Green Sheet # 1 U U 5 t 5 ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, NIINNESOTA Presented By Referred To � Committee Date : An ordinance amending Chapter 66.216 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to special sigi district sign plans creating a new special sign district ordinance for the Shepard Davern neighborhood to be known as the Shepard Davern Special District Sign Plan. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 That Chapter 66.216 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be and is hereby amended to add the following new provisions: Sec. 66.21691 Shepard Davem Sroecial District Si�n Plan 19 (a) Intent and Purpose. The Shepard Davern Special Si¢n District Plan, created as provided in 20 Section 66.216 of the Zonin� Code, in order to provide si�n controls in the Shepard Davern 21 neiQhborhood, is intended to protect propertv values, to maintain and enhance the visibilitv of 22 unic�ue architectural and natural features, and to encoura�e investment and beautification in 23 residential and commercial azeas bv reducin¢ the visual clutter of advertising siens which im�r 24 the effectiveness of neighborhood business and institurional siens and otherwise detract from the 25 aproeazance, perception and safetv of Shepard Davem neighborhoods and commercial districts. 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 {b) Area Description. The Shepard Davern Special Si�n District Plan shall apply to the area described azea is as follows: Be inning at a point where She� d Road, Mississippi River Boulevard and West Seventh intersect, northeasterly along West Seventh Street to Edgecumbe Road, north on Ed�ecumbe Road to St. Paul Avenue, east alongSt. Paul Avenue to West Seventh Street, northeasterlv along West Seventh Street to Homer Street, southeasterl�alonQ Homer Street to Shepard Road, southwesterly alonQ Shepard Road to the point of the be i��nning, p�a'tR$ N� fcl Interpretation and De�initions. The provisions of this sien plan are supplementarv to the � provisions of the Zoning Code, Chapter 66. entitled "Signs." Provisions of this sig�plan that are� '� 5 D �' more restrictive than the �rovisions of Chapter 66 shall prevail and supersede provisions in p{)gt�µ� �� JAN + � •^, 1 Chapter 66. All other provisions of Chapter 66 of the ZoninQ Code shall continue to appl� 2 siens in the Shepard Davern�ecial Sign District. All words and terms shall be defined as in 00 � �p t� 3 this si n�plan and in Chapter 66 of the Zonina Code. 4 5 (d) General Sz�n Restrictions. Sigxts within the Shepard Davem Special Sien District shall be 6 subject to the followina reshictions: l. No advertising siens shall be �ermitted, except signs on transit shelters and courtesv benches licensed or franchised by the Ci : 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 2. Roof siens which advertise a�roduct, service or entertainment which is offered, sold or manufactured on the premises shall not be permitted, but a roof sim mav identifv the name. logo, and nature of the business carried on in the premises. 3. Business si�ns are not affected b t��n plan. 17 (el Nonconformin� Signs. Regulation of nonconformine si�ns within the Shepard Davern 18 S�ecial SiPn District which lawfully existed �rior to the effective date of this si�n plan ar anv 19 amendments hereto and which would be prohibited, rep_ulated, or restricted under the provisions 20 of this plan, mav continue to exist as leeal non-conformin¢ siens reeulated under the provisions 21 of Section 66300 pertainin� to non-conformin� si s, subject to the followin�additional 22 reguirements: 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 1. No non-conforming si¢n shall be: � �?l � � � altered or enlareed in any wa ��,}�or renlaced bv another non-conformin� si ,en thou¢h a chanee in the messa�e will not be deemed to be a renlacement: ar relocated to anY other location in the Shepard Davern S�ecial Si�n District; or reconstructed after incurrin¢ damage in an amount exceedine 50% of its renlacement cost at the time of the loss, as determined by the City; ar maintained throu¢h replacement of structural elements. 2. A non-conformin� si�n shall be immediatelv removed from the Shepard Davern Snecial Sien District at the cost of the owner if: � � � it is an imminent daneer to life or �ropertv; or it incurs dama�e in an amount exceedine 50% of its replacement cost at the time of loss, as determined by the Citv: or use of the sign has been discontinued for a period of three consecutive months. �l Sign Permits: administration. Whenever a permit for a si�n in the Shepard Davern Special Sien District is required under the �rovisions of the Saint Paul Legislative Code Chapter 66, a 1 permit shall not be issued unless the plans for the siQn have been approved bv the zoning 2 administrator in conformance with this si�n plan. All buildin�permit apulicarions for signs in 0� —�0�� 3 the Shepard Davem Special Si¢n District shall be submitted to the zonin� administrator for 4 review and approval. A fee to cover the costs of the review shall be established bv resolution of 5 the City Council. All applications submitted for zoning administrator apvroval shail be of 6 sufficient detail to demonstrate that the proposed si complies with the provisions of this si�n 7 plan. The zonin� administrator shall review the application within thirtv (30) days and noti the 8 applicant of any decision to approve or disapprove the application. Written reasons, pre�ared by 9 the zonine administrator, shall accompany all ap�licarion decisions. 10 11 Section 2 12 13 This ordinance shall become effective thiriy (30) days after its passage, approval and 14 publicarion. 15 Requested by Department of: By: Form Approved by City Attorney By: �� G✓��tMdn / O- L L o J Adoption CertiEied by Council Secretary Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council `6� � `,� , B Y' , A�'M�` ' — BY: r Approved Mayor: Date � ��� -:��. ,��.�,� � ` - H y �S A Adopted by Council: Date �]__ a� a�'Sp�j� �o • to�p' GREEN SHEET Councilmember Pat Hams 6-8630 xiryeetwrt ORDBt TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES m No � �'� J ` 5 �� ; aneaura ❑ anwnoear ❑ ane�au� ❑ wwr.u�mxeun� ❑ wuNeuu.a ❑wraeroR�uorwm ❑ (Cl1P ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� An ordinance amending Chapter 66.216 of the Saint Paul Legisla6ve Code pertaining to special sign district sign plans creating a new special sign district ordinance for the Shepazd Davem neighborhood to be Imown as ffie Shepazd Davem Special Sign Dishict Plan. PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE CAMMISSION SOURCE tlas enie ca�rm e�srworked untler a con6sa formis aepanment4 vES wo Flas tlxs penoNfirm mx bmn a dlY emphyee4 YES � Does this Pe�saNfirm P� a sldN rot nann�yposae¢ceE by arry arteM cilY emPbyee4 YES � Is dus perooNfilm e tarpeted venda'! YE3 NO da� all ves anaweis on seoa2te sheet aMl aUach to Lreen sheM CO3T/REVENUE BUIXiETm (CIRCLE ON� ACTNRY NUMBER YES NO , ��4.''J!?liH