99-969ORIGENAL Council File # �L. Ordinance # Green Sheet # 102953 ORDINAPICE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 7 10 11 12 13 14 IS l6 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 ������� ► g WHEREAS, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes §462.357 and Section §64.40Q ofthe Saint Paul Legislafive Code, the SAINT PAITL BRASS AND ALLJMINC7M FOITNDRY duly petitioned to rezone property located directly south of 954 and 976 Minnehaha Avenue between Chatsworth Street and the Wilder Foundafion campus, being legally described as: The North 100 feet (measured at right angles to the north line thereo fl of that part of the West Half of the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter, Section 35, Township 29 North, Range 23 West, lying south of the extended centerline of Van Buren Avenue, Ramsey Counry, Minnesota, from RM-2 (multi-family residential) to I-i (Industrial) for the purpose of providing far employee parking and truck access to the rear of the existing foundry building, the petition having been certified by the Planning staff on July 9, 1999, as having be€n consented to by at least 67 percent of the owners of the area of the properiy to be rezoned, and fiuther having been consented to by at least two- thirds of the owners of property situated within 100 feet of the total contiguous property within one year preceding the date of the petition; and WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Planniug Commission on August 19, 1999, held a public hearing for the purpose of considering the rezoning petition, and pursuant to Secrion § 107.03 of the Saint Paul Administrarive Coda, submitted its recommendation to the Plamiiug Commission that the petition be granted; and WI3EREAS, the Planning Commission considered the rezoning perition at its meeting held on August 27, 1999, and recommended that the City Councii approve the petition; and 25 WHEREAS, notice of a public hearing before the City Council on the said rezoning petition was duly 26 published in the official newspaper of the City on September 4, 1999 and notices were duly mailed to each ?7 owner of affected property and property situated wholly or partly within 350 feet of the property sought to be '.8 rezoned; and �9 0 WHEREAS, a public hearing before the City Council having been conducted on September 8, 1999, where 1 all interested parties were heard, and the Council having considered all the facts and recammendarions 2 conceming the petition; now, therefore, �`� ,� 3 • � THB COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: i Section 1. ' That the zoning map of the City of Saint Pau1, Sheet Number 11, as incotporated by reference in Section §60.301 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, as amended, is hereby fiirther amended as foliows: An ordinance amending Chapter 60 of the Saint Paul Legislarive Code pertaiiung to zoning for the City of Saint Paul and the zoning maps thereo£ �tg-a�9 39 That properiy located directiy south of 954 and 976 Minnehaha Avenue between Chatsworth Street and 40 the Wilder Fouttdation campus, being more particularly described as: 41 42 The North 100 feet (measured at right angles to the north line thereo fl of that part of the West Half of 43 the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of the Nortbwest Quarter, Section 35, Townsiup 24 44 North, Range 23 West, lying south of the extended centerline of Van Buren Avenue, Ramsey County, 45 Minnesota_ 46 47 be and is hereby rezoned from RM-2 to I-l. 48 49 Section 2. 50 This ordinance shali take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and a8er its passage, approval and 51 publication. PIIAI ISN�A ORIGINAL Adoption Certi£ied by Council Secretary HY: �=� �1� ( `�' Approved by Mayor: Da � By: �� � .:� Requested by Department of: Plannina & Economic Develonment EY; `^' �(((�N � Fonn Approved by Cit Attorney �!/"!�'�'1'7L� � By: Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council g C��� ���i6� Adopted by Council: Date yV aa ,�,\��{G ) � GREEN Homans As soon as possible 266-6557 TOTAL # OF SIGNANRE PAGES Qa -�tG�L No 102�53 L;,� a.,�,�.� . , y �� ��—. r � an�nauev ❑ urru.m¢ ❑ rsura.�,�s oa ❑ n�.ro.�,�rn�xra �r�vacpnnasrwn ❑ (CLIP ALl LOCATIONS �OR SIGHATUR� prp(rnG.»CS— Adopt� to finalize council ackion taken on September 8, 1999 to rezone properiy located direcfly south of 954 and 976 West Minnehaha Avenue from RM-2 to I-1 to allow Saint Paul $rass and Ahtmiuum to provide employee pazking and truck access to the reaz of the e�sting foundry building. PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE C{ViL SERYICE CAMMISSION PERSONALSERYSCE CONTRAC75 F{UST AtiSWERiHE FOIIOWIHG Q t. Has inis persoMrm ever workea unaer a cantract tor this aecertmeM7 vES NO Has Mia ce�soMrm ever teen a d1Y emabYeeT vES t� Does thic Peison�i�m posses6 8 s1a71 not mm�alrypossessetl DY anY a1rteM citY emPloYee? VES NO IS Nis pe�sorvRm� a ta�petetl vendaft VES NO Adopt � to finalize council approval of the rezoning described above. �.�, ��e�_ ���,�, . OrdinG.nt�. �� � � � � �� �'� ,� Cr P�-�E "` ;�*�«:�.,":f`;�-�ri;,�"�t.,' E S; � s': � i c �l:. 2'' : •� �=�.� 4 'i:ei;�..£'sG'r:. s � Rezoning will allow conrinued operarion of the St. Paul Brass Foundry that has lost pernussion to access its loading dock through a neighboring property. . IF APPROVED None. Applicant would have to close its operation or redesign its manufachmng plant to accommodate alternative access. 'OTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S COS71PfiVENUE HUDGLTED (CI0.CLE ON� YES NO UNDING SOURCE NANGAL MFORMATION (IXPW� ACiNI7Y NUMBER �$� �8'�ufi�fG�i vrrtl#'�i SEP 2 3 1999 DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Bri¢rs Sweeney, Dir¢ctor C ll S Ol' J1y11V 1 LAIJL Norm Colemarz, Mayor August 20, 1999 Ms. Nancy Anderson City Council Research Office Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Ms. Anderson: 25 R'es1 Foutth SEreet Saint Paul, MN 55101 `lg- Tetephone: b51-26b-6655 Facslmile: 651-228-33I4 I would like to confizm that a public hearing before the City Council is scheduled for Wednesday September 8, 1999 for the following zoning case: Applicant: SAINT PAUL BRASS AND AI.IIMINiJM FOLINDRY FileNumber: #99-194 Purpose: Rezone property from RM-2 (multi-family) to I-1 (industrial) to provide for employee parking and truck access to the rear of the existing foundry building. Address: Property directly south of 954 and 976 West Minnehaha Avenue, between Chatsworth and the Wilder Foundation campus. Legal Description of Property: Previous Action: The North 100 feet (measured at right angles to the north line thereof� of that part of the West Half of the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter, Secfion 35, Township 29 North, Range 23 West, lying south of the extended centerline of Van Buren Avenue, Ramsey County, Minnesota. Planning Commission Recommendarion: Pending Zoning Committee Recommendarion: Approval, vote: 7-0, August 19, 1999 My understanding is that this public hearing request will appear on the agenda for the September l, 1999 City Council meeting and that you wi11 publish notice of the hearing in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger. Please call me at 266-6557 if you have any questions. � Sincerely, �,���- Nancy Homans City Planner cc: File #�94-194 Wendy Lane Paul Dubruiel Carol Martineau rmsrxviv • � NO'MCEOFPUBLICHEARIl�TG - � The Saint Paul City Council will condvct a public hearing on Wednesday, Septem6er S, 1999,�at 5:30 p.m. in,the City Council Chambers, Third Floor, City Hall-Courthouse. - to consider the application of Saint Paul Brass.and Aluminum Foundry to resone property from RM-2 (multi-fami7y) to I-1 (industrialt tn provide for employee parking and truck access to the reaz of the esisYing foundry buitding directly south of 954 and 976 Minnehaha Avenue between Chatsworth and the Wilder Foundation campus: DaYeck: August 25, 1999 - � _ ,NAt�3CYAPtDELtSON - AssSsfantCYyCounci�l5ecretaTy ` � fnug_. zl)- c�=�.ST. PAULLEGALLBD68R--=s=�= DEPARTMENT OF PLANNII3G & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Brirsn Sweeney, Director CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Calemart, Mayor August 31, 1999 Ms. Nancy Anderson Secretary to the City Council Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesofa 55102 25 West Founh Street Sainf Paul, MN 55102 �� Tetephorse: 651-266b655 Facsimile: 651-228-3374 RE: Zoning File #99-194 ST. PALTL BRASS AND ALi.JMINUM FOiJNDRY (Peter Ryan) City Council Hearing: September 8, 1999, 530 p.m. City Council Chambers PURPOSE: To consider rezoning property directly south of 954 and 976 West Minnehaha Avenue (between Chatsworth and the Wilder Foundation Campus) from RM-2 (mulri-family residential) to I-1 (industrial) to provide for employee parking and truck access to the rear of the exisring St. Paul Brass building. PLANDIING COMMISSION RECOMMENAATION APPROVAL vote: unanimous ZONING COMMIT"I'EE RECOMMENDATION APPROVAL vote: 7-0 STAFF RECONIMENDATTON APPROVAL SUPPORT: One person spoke. District Seven Planning Council voted to support the rezoning. OPPOSITION: No one spoke. Three letters were received in opposition. Dear Ms. Anderson: The SAINT PAUL BRASS AND ALLJMINIJM FOCJNDRY (Peter Ryan) submitted a petition to rezone properiy directly south of 954 and 976 West Minnehaha. The Zoning Commirtee of the Planning Commission held a public hearing on the proposed rezoning on August 19, 1999. The applicant addressed the committee. At the close of the public hearing, the committee voted 7-Q to recommend approval to rezone to I-I. The Planning Commission upheid the Zoning Committee's recommendarion for approval on a unanimous vote on August 27, 1999. This proposed rezoning is scheduled to be heard by the City Council on September 8, 1999. Please notify Nancy Homans (6-6557) if any member of the City Council wishes to have slides of the site presented at the public hearing. Sincerely, ��� � Kenneth Ford Planning Administrator Attachments cc: City Council members �t�-`t�°� city of saint paul planning commission resolution #iie number 99-54 �te August 27, 1999 WHEREAS, the SAINT PAUL BRASS AND ALUMINUM FOUNDRY, file #99-194, has petitioned to rezone a 100' by 293.91' parcel of property directly south of 954 and 976 Wesf Minnehaha Avenue, situated between Chatsworth and the Wilder Foundation campus, from RM-2 to I-1 to provide for employee parking and truck access to the rear of the existing St. Paul Brass buiiding; and WHEREAS, the Zoning Commiftee of the Planning Commission, on August 19, 1999, held a public hearing af which all persons presenf were given an apportunity to be heard pursuant to said application in accordance with the requirements of Section 64.400 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code; and WtiEREAS, the Saint Paui Planning Commission, based on the evfdence presented to its Zoning Committee at the public hearing, as substantially reHected in the minutes, made the folfowing findings of fact: The Saint Pau; Srass and Aluminum Foundry has operated at 954 West Minnehaha since 1869 and is, therefore, a legaily nonconforming i-2 use in an 1-1 districf. The most efficient access for bringing raw materials to the foundry has besn to tfie rear of the buifding a�ross a driveway and parking lot owned by the Leaflet Missal Company, the neighboring property to the west. The Leaffet Missal Company has now withdrawn its permission for the Foundry to use its property for access. The applicant has reached an agreement to purchase a 100 ft. x 294 ft. piece of properfy along the south side of their current property from the Wilder Square Co-op. They have app{ied for a lot split and have submitted a site p{an for a new driveway and a parking srea for 43 cars, both of which are permitted accessory uses. Both appfications have received favorabfe reviews, pending the rezoning. The appfication for rezoning is submitted jointfy by the Saint Paul Brass and Aluminum Foundry (Peter Ryan) and the Wiider Square Co-op (Morris Manning). ' moved by Field secor�ded by in favor Consent against Zoning File #99-i 94 Page Two of Resolution 2. The property proposed to be rezoned is contiguous to property to the north curcenfly zoned I-1 (the exisfing St. Paul Brass and Afuminum Foundry and the Leaflet Missal Company" properties). The industria! property is long-estabiished and is on the corner of the b(ock : across Minnehaha from the Minnehaha Mall, a two block commercial area, zoned B-2. The rezoning would eniarge the industria( portion of the biock, buf would not change the existing land use pattern of the area. To the easT of the site is the Wilder Foundation campus, zoned RM-2; to the south is the Wi(der Square Co-op, a medium density residentiai area, also zoned RM-2. To the west is a low to mid-density residential area, zoned RM-2 and it-4. 3. A site plan submitted for the construction of the driveway and parking indicafes fhe replacement of a berm on the south boundary, heavy landscaping on the east and south edges screening the industriai building as weil as tfie drive and parking area, instailation of a fence to buffer the traffic from the Wilde� Square Co-op property, and replacement of a fialf-court basketbal( court for off-hours use by Wilder Square residents. The site plan has been reviewed and approved, contingent upon the rezoning. 4. The impact on those that live or work in the surrounding area is expected, on bafance, fo be positive. The amount of truck traffic is not expected to increase from the current fewer than one truck a week. Instead of on a makeshift grave( drive, the tr�cks will frave( on a paved and heavily landscaped driveway. Employees, instead of parking on surtounding residential streets, will park on the improved parking tof on the site. The entrance to the site that will be moved 80 feef to the south will not pose any trafric hazard or any significantly different impact on surrounding residents. • 5. The rezoning would be consistent with the comprehensive plan that calls for the careful and sensitive integration of uses in neighborhoods. (Land Use Plan, 5.0J In this eight biock area are a major commercial/retaii sife, foundation ofrices and a range of housing typ2s as we!! as two significant industrial empiayers. The at'tention to sife design and iandscaping improves fhe integration of the uses and provides for fhe confinued operation of an historic neighborhood-based Saint Paul business. 6. The applicants have submitfed a pefifion witf� signztures of the owners of 12 of the 18 eligible signatures, meeting the required standard of 67 percent of the property owners within 100 feet of fhe property to be rezoned. � NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Saint Paul Planning Commission that the petition of the SAINT PAU� BRASS AND ALUMINUM FOUNDRY to rezone properfy direcfly fo the south of 954 and 976 West Minnehaha Avenue, more partict�larly described in the file, from a RM-2 zoning ciassificzfion to an f-1 zoning cfassi�ication is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan for the City; and BE IT FURTNEr2 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul Plannirta Commissron daes hereby recommend to the Council o� th2 City oi Saint Paul inai prop2rty located directly to the south of 954 and 97o W�st Minnehaha Avenue b= rezoned rrom RM-2 to I-1 in accordance wifh ffie pztition for rezoning on iile with fhe Saint Paul Planning Diti�ision. � The minutes of the August 27,1999 Planning Commission meeting were not available at the time this packet was prepared. This rezoning, however, was recommended with a unanimous vote with no discussion. Copies of the minutes will be available at the City Council public hearing on September 8,1999. MINUTES OF THE ZONING COMMITTEE Tfiursday, August 19, 7959 - 3:30 p.m. City Council Chambers, 3'd Fioor City Hall and Court House 15 West Keliogg Boulevard PRESENT: EXGUSED: OTHERS PRESENT: Engh, Field, Gervais, Gordon, Kramer, Morton, and Nowlin Faricy Caroi Martineau, AIIan Torstenson, Nancy Homans of PED The meeting was chaired by Commissioner Fieid. `t `\ - q.�� St. Paul Brass Foundry- 99-194 - Rezoning from RM-2 to 1-7 to provide for empfoyee parking and truck access to the rear of the existing St. Paul Brass buiiding. Nancy Homans showed slides and presented the staff report. Ms. Homans stated the staff and District 7 recommended approvai of the rezoning. Three Ietters from apartme�t owners were received with concerns about increased truck traffic. Ms. Homans explained that the truck traffic wi{i not increase. At the question of Commissioner Gordon, Ms. fiomans stated theirwiff be no change in the number of employees, but that they would 6e able to park on-site rather than on the street. At the question Commissioner Gordon, Mr. Torstenson stated P-1 Zoni�g wouldn't work because the proposed use, including off-street loading, does not meet the conditions required of P-1 Zoning uses. Mr. Peter Ryan, President of St. Pau{ Brass, presented a map and stated that the new iot and driveway would be a plus forthe neighborhood because ofthe shrubbery and landscaping thatthey are planning to irnplement. St. Paul Brass wants to work with the neighborhood and there was no opposition when they obtained signatures for the petition. At the question of Commissioner Gordon, Mr. Ryan stated St. Paul Brass has a sh+ft and one-half working at the present time. if there is a need forfurtherexpansion the company would incorporate add+tional shifts . Ms MeNassa Martinez Sonas, District Seven Planning Council, presented a letter of recommendation from the Executive Director Mike Samuelson. At the question of Commissioner Gordon, Mr. Ryan stated the amount of traffic won't change. The rezoning will make it possible to receive shipments during the day in iieu of evening or early morning deliveries. Commissioner Gordon moved approval of the rezoning to i-1. Commissioner Morton second it. Adopted Yeas -7 Nays - 0 Drafted by: �.tA�,1/�2lfM�c�U Carol Martineau Recording Secretary Submitted by: L. C v %��"�ZR�r�� a.�r� Nancy Homans Zoning Section Approved by: Litton Field Chair AUG-19-99 12-48 PM ➢ISTRIGT T PLRNNING CNCL 632 2985072 P_61 �Dntr,c� F�le�r -(��' �. � � .Yf� �l � District 7 Planning Council b89 North Dale Street SAIn! Pttul, M�nnesota SSI03-1644 651/Z98-5068 (office) 65l/Z98-5071 (/'axJ August itl, f999 Litton Pield, Jr., Chair Zoning Committae St. Paul Planning Commission 25 West Fourth Street Si. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Mr. Field: �g -�c��t At aur May 27, 1999 board ot dlrectors meeting. the District 7 Planning Gouncii passed the following motlon regarding the zoning changa request being macfa by tha St. Pauf 6rass and Aluminum Foundry to the St. Pauf Planning Commission: j�qygQ; That tha District 7 Planning Council suppoR the proposais to rezone property from resldentiai to fight industria�, the pruperty subdivlsion and the site plan being made by the St. Pau1 Brsss and Aiuminum Poundry, 954 W. Minnehahe Ave., in order for a ioading dock entrence and employee parking to he adtled to this site and f�rther that we request that the new parking iot be c�osed off when the bueinees ie not open, that the basketball courl be relocated and �eplaced and that the chai� link fencing proposed for the south end of the new lot use a colored, vinyl ciad matori.nl so to soften its look. Our community council reviewed this matter in depth on Monday, May 10 at our Physlcal Plannlflg Committee. At that meeting we heard from represe�tacives from the St. Paul 9rass Foundry regarding this building expansion and parking lot project and ths nscessary zon{�g change request they must firat have approved i� ordvr to make ii happen. Afler this revlew ovr commfttee voted to support this request as long as the issuss that ware addressed In tho motion presented above were adequaiely addressed. We understand irom our diSCUSelons wtth both city licensing stafi and the applicant that our concerns hava been considefed positively and wlil be implemented as wa have requested. Our full board approved their recommendations at its May 27 meetlnA. W� want to note that whlie we had recefved a few caiis from nearby neighbors of this business who were opposed to this rezonin8 change and lhe resuitant loss of presn space from this now open iot and fleld, our district council telt that this request made sense tor the overall Thomas Dafe community. While we share the concerns they have voiced regarding the foss of psesn space from iha area, we felt it was aquelly important to support the expaneion and retentio� ot a business that has operated at this same location tor over 130 years, that empioys over 40 employees and one that has a clean operating history wiih tocai poiiution control otticlals. We are pieased that St. Paul Brase hae pledged to replace the basketball caurt that will be removed as a result of this expanslon and will work to make sura that this expanslon !s not harm(ul to thelr surrounding neighbors. With the stab�lity that thls expansion wdl give them ws fiope to be abie to share our community with ttfem for yet another t3o yearsi Another primary reason ior our support was the fact that this whole Issue would not have reaChed this point unlese the several hom�, ownera that make up the Wilder Square Coop and their board hatl not given thelr approval for the saia of thle property end the necaesary zoning change to St. Paul Braem. We appreclete th01r council on this matter Serving the ne�ghborlroads of Mt. sl iry, Capitol fleig/:1s, Lower Rice Street, Frogtowre and East Midway AUG-19-99 12�48 PM DISTRICT 7 PLRNNING CNCL 611 L�LJUI■ Planning Commission/St. Paui Brass letter August 18, 1989 - page two and applsud thslr support for a business that they feel hes been and wlll continue to work hard to be a good neighbor to not just them bui for the whols community. The easy route would have been to oppose thls eftort being mede by St. Paui 8rass to stay in the inner ciry. 8ecause of thelr suppori and foresight we do not have to find yet snother reuse tor an abandoned tactory site in Thomas Daie. For this they deserve a collective thank youl On behali af our district counc!!, i thank yau for the opportunity to raview this zoni�g change roquest wlth aur residents. Please contact me it you naed any turther iniormation o� this matter. Sincerely, t=�,�„p �` /� Michael Samuelson. Executiva Direator Dlstrict 7 Plannirtg Coancll ca St. Paul Brass and Aluminum Poundry ; Dlstrict 7 PlanNng Council Board oi Direcrors; Councll member Jerry elakey; Mayor Norm Caleman; Tom 8each, LIEP; Wiider Square Co-op Boerd; Tom Kingston, Wildar Foundatfon; Frogtowr� Action Alfience; Frogtown Tlmes; Midway Como Monitor, and surrourtding nelghbors of the business. 2 �onr v�5 Sandy Hill Apartments M.D. Green, Owner P.O. Box 10746 White Bear Lake, MN 55110 488-7455 City of St. Paul Zoning Committee 25 West Fourth Street 1400 City Annex St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 August 12, 1999 Re: St. Paul Brass Foundry Request for Rezoning 1=ife� t�i- l�� ��-�c�� fax 488-7089 I am the owner of an eleven unit apartment building located at the corner of Van Buren and Chatsworth in the city of St. Pal�l.. I am strongly opposed to any foundry traffic being re-routed near the entrance of my apartment building. Trucks would greatly disturb the peace o£ my tenants. Dust and dirt would also contribute to environmental problens. There are days when just the smells coming from the foundry are unbeara-le. R�spect ly yours d � /��---, M. Delores Gre n Ow er of 984 Van Buren �(71'111'tGt �'t ��.�G'f t - �� r 2910 Cantegra Glen Escondido, CA 92025-7360 Saint Paul Planning Commission Zoning Committee 25 West Fourth Street 1400 City Annex Saint Paul. Minnesota 55102 August 13, 1999 Zaning File Number: 99-194 Zoning File Name: St. Paul Brass Eoundry I am the owner of two apartment buildings located.at 990 La£ond and 625 Chatsworth, which are within 350 £eet o£ the proposed zoning change. Although I aat a resi.dent of Cali£ornia, I was born and raised in 3aint Paul, and am £amiliar with the area under consideration. I note that the purpose of the request is rezoning from RM-2 to I-I °to provide for employee parking and truck access to the rear of the existing St. Paul Brass building.° However, once the property is rezonefl to I-1, ANY permitted use is allowed. A perusal o£ principal uses permitted (sec. 60-612) inc2ude: warehousing ... and trucking facilities. (3) .,. the manu£acture...processing... ar treatment of such products as, but not limited to:.., tool, die> gauge aad machine shops. (4) Lwnber yards (22) Recycling processsing center (18) Tire retreading (21} Clearly, the potential permitted uses are incompatible within 350 £eet of esisting multiple £amily structures. Assuming that the nse o£ the property were constrained to employee parking and truck access, the increased truck traffic through residential neighborhoods would be intolerable in terms o£ pedestrian sa£ety, children playing, $ecreased vehicular driver vision, noise and increased pollution. On behalf o£ myself and my tenants, I respect£ully request that you do not approve the request contained in Zoning Eile Number 99-194. Sincerely, G�G���{�'jZf�_ ' ���r���'�� _ JoAnne Regenofd Murray 291a Cantegra Gfen Escondido, CA 92025 �hfn� 1=�1� ���-t� R�-`��5 ll� � • i • . i • • 644 West Cottage Avenue St. Paul Minnesota 55�17 August 16, 1999 City O£ St. Paul Zoning CommitteP 25 West Fourth Street 1400 City Annex Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 RE: Zoning File Number 99-194 To Whom It May Conaern: we are the co-owners of an eleven unit apartment building located at 996 Van Buren Ave., 5t. Paul M�. The location o£ this building is within 350 feet of the St. Paul Brass Foundry. We are writing to strongly voice our opposition to the proposed re- zoning of the property that the Foundry currently occupies from RM-2 to I-1. In re-zoning this property it is our understanding that industrial traffic £rom trucks and general tra£fic from employees will be greatly increased in this area. This is unacceptable to us because our building is located in a residential area populated by both adults and children. We are concerned about pedestrian safety, increased noise levels and increased pollution. Even now, the odors are so strong that it is unbearable to be outside at times. Besides being concerned for our residents and their peace and safety we are also concerned about the environmental issues that will arise due to this re-zoning. In conclusion, we therefore respectfully request that you do not approve the request contained in Zoning Fi1e Number 99-194. Thank you £or your time and cooperation regarding this matter. Sincerely Jack �d �.`l —`tc�`� ZOivING COMII�TTEE STAFF REPORT FILE # 99-194 APPLICANT: SAINT PAUL BRASS AND ALUMINIJM FOUNDRY (PETER RYAN and MORRIS MANNING) DATE OF HEARING: 8119/99 2. CLASSIFICATIOI�i: Rezoning 3. LOCATION: Property directly south of 954 and 976 West Minnehaha, beriveen Chatsworth and the Wilder Foundation campus 4. PLANNTNG DISTRICT: 7 5. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: The North 100 feet (measured at right angles to the north line thereo� of that part of the West half of the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter, Section 35, Township 29 North, Range 23 West, lying south of the extended centerline of Van Bwen Avenue, Ramsey County, Minnesota. 6. PRESENT ZONING: RM-2 ZONING CODE REFERENCE: Sec. 64.400 7. STAFF INVESTIGATION AND REPORT: DATE: 8/12/99 BY: Nancy Homans 8. DATE RECEIVED: July 9, 1999 DEADLINE FOR ACTION: September 7, 1999 A. PURPOSE: Rezoning from RM-2 to I-1 to provide for employee parking and tnxck access to the rear of the exisring St. Paul Brass and Aluminum Foundry building. B. PARCEL SIZE: 100 feet on Chatsworth x 293.91 feet parallel to Mimiehaha and vacated Blair = 29,391 square feet C. EXISTI1�iG LAND USE: Open space/recreational use for Wiider Square Co-op Apartments D. STJRROUNDING LAND USE: North: East: South: West: Two indushial uses (St. Paul Brass and Aluminuxn Foundry and the Leaflet Missal Co., zoned I-1) Wilder Foundation campus, zoned RM-2 Wilder Square Co-op campus, zoned RM-2 Low to medium density residential, zoned RM-2 and R-4 E. Z01�TING CODE CTTATION: Sec. 64.40Q(a) of the Zoning Code provides in part that "the council may, from time to rime, amend, supplement or change the district boundaries or the regulations herein, or subsequentiy established herein pursuant to the provisions of Zoning File #99-194 Page two Minnesota Statutes Section 462.357 and amendments thereto as may be made from time to time. Ttte planning commission may, from time to rime, review district boundary lines to determine if, pursuant to state Iaws, such district boundary lines should be changed." Section 64.400(b) provides, in part, that "an amendment to the zoning code may be uutiated by the council, the planning commission or by a petition of the owners of 67 percent of the area of the property to he rezoned." F. HISTORY/DISCUSSION: Previous zoning cases involved residenfial facilities located on the Wilder campus, south of the site under discassion in this case. G. DISTRICT COUNCIL RECOMMENDATION: The District Seven Plamiing Council recommends approval. I�� ��I�IRC!'ls� 1. The Saint Paui Brass and Aluminum Foundry has operated at 954 West Minnehaha since 1869 and is, therefore, a legally nonconforming I-2 use in an I-1 district. The most efficient access for bringing raw mafierials to the foundry has been to the rear of fhe building across a driveway and parking lot owned by tke Leaflet Missal Company, the neighboring property to the west, The Leaflet Missal Company has now withdrawn its pernussion for the Foundry to use its property for access. The applicant has reached an a�eement to purchase a 100 $. x 294 8. piece of property along the south side of their current property from the Wilder Square Co-op. They have applied for a lot split and have submitted a site plan for a new driveway and a parking area for 43 cazs, both of which are permitted accessory uses. Both applications have received favorable reviews, pending the rezoning. The application for rezoning is submitted jointly by the Saint Paul Brass Foundry (Peter Ryan) and the Wilder Squaze Co-op {Morris Manning). 2. The property proposed to be rezoned is contiguous to properry to the north currently zoned I-i (the exisring St. Paui Brass and Aluuiinum Foundry and the Leaflet Missal Company properties). The industrial property is long-estabiished, is on the comer of the block across Minnehaha from the Minnehaha Mall, a two biock commercial azea, zoned B-2. The rezoning would enlar�e the industrial portion of the block, but would not change the existing land use pattem of the area. To the east of the site is the Wilder Foundation campus, zoned RM-2; to the south is the Wilder Square Co-op, a medium density residenfial area, also zoned RM-2. To the west is a low to mid-density residential azea, zoned RM-2 and R-4. °I.� --`��� Zoning File #99-194 Page three 3. A site plan submitted for the construction of the driveway and pazking indicates the replacement of a berm on the south boundary, heavy landscaping on the east and south edges screening the industrial building as well as the drive and parking area, installation of a fence to buffer the traffic from the Wilder Square Co-op properiy, and replacement of a half-court basketball court for off-hours use by Wiider Squaze residents. The site p1an has been reviewed and approved, contingent upon the rezoning. 4. The impact on those that live or work in the surrounding azea is expected, on balance, to be positive. The amount of truck traffic is not expected to increase from the current fewer than one a week.. Instead of on a makeshift grauel dzive, the hucks will travel on a paved and heavily landscaped driveway. Bmployees, instead of parking on surrounding residential streets, will park on the improved parking lot on the site. The entrance to the site that will be moved 80 feet to the south will not pose any traffic hazard or any significantly different impact on surrounding residents. The rezoning would be consistent with the comprehensive plan that calls for the careful and sensitive integration of uses in neighborhoods. (Land Use Plan, S.0) In tlus eight block azea are a major commerciaUretail site, foundation offices and a range of housing types as well as two significant industrial employers. The attention to site design and landscaping improves the integration of the uses and provides for the continued operation of an lustoric neighborhood-based Saint Paul business. 6. The applicants have submitted a petition with signatures of the owners of 12 of the 18 eligible signatures, meeting the required standazd of 67 percent of the property owners within 100 feet of the property to be rezoned.. I. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Based on findin�s 1 through 6, staff recommends approval of the rezoning peYition. PETITION TO AMEND THE ZONING CODE Department of Planxing and Economic DevelopmenY ZonFng Sectiox I100 City F7af1 ftnnex 25 West Fourth Street Saint Paul, MN 55102 „ 266-6589 APPLICANT � Property City �f, �cv St�.f`Lip �S Daytime Contact person (if � PROPERTY AddresslLocation /�� �e�I.. 9.�Y � �7G !d, �l%.,�.�a•�c� LOCATION �egal description -s-e� �/fu-�i�ed� (attach addifiona! sheet if 70 THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CIN COUNCIL: Pursuant to Section 64.400 of the Saint Paui Zoning Ordinance and to Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statues, p�fe.- /�vG..,� , the owner of all the land proposed for rezoning, hereby pefitions yd fo rezone tfie above described properfy from a ,�,/� -� zoning district to a 1'—� zoning disYrict, for the purpose of: F,�,� /, Y�.� /-l� � �T �� l (atfach additional sheet(s) if necess ) Atiachmenis: Required site plan � Consent pelition .� c � �-ss Affidavit � Subscribed and swom to before me this / SL day oF _ ���� 9 9� Public MP,f2Y L SIVEDANL . _. _. Notary Pubiic Minnesota RAMSEY COtINiY Conuitiston E�ires 113112tT30 • W r�de�>. Fee Qwner of prap Page 1 of � ;�} J �i� o f7 �' �t� -._.__-.� ✓ �escs-•Qo 7 --=-.------- � `�.-� c�`i The North 100 feet (measured at right angles to the north line thereoP) of that part of the West Ha1P of the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter, Section 35, Township 29 North, Range 23 West, lyinq south oP the extended centerline af Van Buren Avenue, Ramsey County, Minnesota, s _ _ ,_;� - __= °l,� -`l�°� ..�� - - -- _ St. PdU�. Brass and Aluminum � . FOL111C� 954 W�t Mrv�hah0 Avenue � Sf. PaSd M'inne.wta 55104-7587 . � . �4}zr 488-5567 X723 FAX: (633Yn88-0908 PETER RYAN E-bWL: petertyan@spbo.net p _ __�t S'I ) - ------ _ : Hprn �cn, tyyy i Alan K r��'w , av� 7he McSherry Group, Inc. 410 Hayward Avenue North Saint Paul (OaKdale), Minne 55128 Phone: (851) 731- 08�� f65i1731-0421 Toii Free: (800) 321-6719 Website: www.mcsherrygroup.com Email: mcsherrygp@aoLcom - - -.,,:.-•.:��°; ti _ z' _,_' _. .:-., _ -:.;,���-,::_,<..-. - �' . _: - -" - — _�;�:�;�:=� - - _ x.=: _ � �=. �=:�;;: _ .._. $ :.- �'a ._:;� -�- ' - t�.. � .,3+.-"-«:,t'`,.Y, r.s� .s __ _. . ._ .� .__ _ .. _.. .-:. .; _..;_t`-��t-er_'''�° Apri! 26, 1999 SY. Pau! Brass arrd Aluminum Poundry Addifion 954 West Minnehaha Avenue Saint Paul, MN By: St. Paui Brass and Aluminum Foundry _ 954 West Minnehaha Avenue Saint Paul, MN 55104-1587 REQUEST: Tfiis existing industria( site lies in the southeast quadrant of Minnehaha Avenue and Chatsworth Street wifh frontage on Minnehaha. The parce( under consideration for rezoning is adjacent to the existing foundry sife and has frontage on Chatsworth. We are requesting the foitowing approvals, which would allow for fhis exisEing, viab(e business to fit in better with the surrounding uses: i1 2. � A lot split for the Wilder Square, tnc. property located immediately south of St. Pauf Brass & Aluminum Foundry's site that will aliow for the northern 100 feet to be divided from fheir overali property. Rezoning of the 100 foot newly created parcei from RM-2 (Multiple Family F2esidential) to f-1 (Industrial). Site plan approvai for a 43 space employee parking lot located on the existing St. Paul Brass property and the newly created parcel. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The purpose for this proposed site expansion of St. Paui Brass and Aluminum is to provide for employee parking and truck access to the rear of the existing building. The attached concept site layout provides a tasteful, e�cient proposai that blends weli with the existing land-use intensity of the neighborhood, promotes safe and orderly traffic flow, and creates a handsome parking area with proper site orientation and extensive landscaping, while preserving the existing significant slope {with trees) to the east Careful consideration was taken in the arraignment and placement of the proposed uses on the site expansion. Currently along the Southern property line, the existing fopography rises from the St. Paul Brass site, creating an earthen berm ihat screens their existing industrial site from the existing multi-family site located further to the south. The placement of Yhe proposed parking utilizes the remaining open space on the new parcei for placement of a new earthen berm, emuiating the existing pattern between the two parcels. SUBMtTTAL PACKAGE: Attached with this narrative are four plan sheets that identify the existing and proposed zoning, the existing conditions and the conceptual site layout. Pians for the site pian review and approvai will be submiffed at a tater date. The attached sheets are: Sheet CM1 - Sheet CM2 - Existing Zoning Proposed Zoning Sheet C'! - Existing Conditlons and Removals Plan O The McSherry Group, lnc. April 26, 1999 Page 1 Rezoning Submittal for ST. PAUL BRASS 8� ALUMINUM FOUNDRY �t.°� �6q Sheet C2 - Sheet C3 - Sheet C4 - Sheet C5 - Sheet C6 - Site Layout Plan Grading, Drainage, Erosion Controi and Utility Plan Existing Drainage Area Calculations Pfan Proposed Drainage Area Calculations Plan Lighting Pian Sheet C7-C10 - Civil Detaiis Plans Sheet L1 - SheetL2 Sheet L3 - Landscape Plan Landscape Area Detaiis Plan landscape Defaifs Plan In addition, the rezoning petition, the three related affidavits and the appiication fee are also included. REZONING REQUEST: The St. Paui City Zoning Code states in Section 64.400 (a) that " the council may, from time to time, amend, supplement or change the district boundaries or the regulations herein, or subsequently estabiish herein pursuant to the provisions of Minnesota Statutes Section 462.357 and amendments thereto as may be made from time to time. 7he pfanning commission may, from time to time, review district boundary lines to determine if, pursuant to state laws, such disVict boundary lines shouid be changed." Section 64.400 (b} states in part that "an amendment tn the zoning code may be initiated by the council, the pianning commission or by petiYion of sixty-seven (67) percent of the area of the property to be rezon2d" A iist of the adjacent property owners was received from the City of St. Paut, as requested. The attached petition includes a number of signatures that meets and/or exceeds the minimum Code requirements from adjacent property owners in the neighborhood who are in support of the rezoning request. Genera!ly, four primary issues are addressed when the City ofi St. Paui evaivates a rezoning request. These issues are: Compatibility with land use and zoning ciassification of property within the generai area. 2. 3. Suitability of the property for the use permitted under the existing zoning classification. The trend of development in the area of the property in question. 4. Consistency w+th the Comprehensive plan and the District plan. The proposed findings that address these concerns ase as 4ollows: Wiider Square, Inc. is the current owner of the subject property for rezoning and has presented a purchzse agreement to St. Paul Brass and Afuminum Foundry (SPSA) for SPBA's purchase of that property. The rezoning is necessary to allow the change in use of the prnperty. SPBA's plans are to construct an employee parking loi and service vehicie access. The subject property is currently open space with an underutilized basketbail court on it. 2. The rezoning is consistent with the Comprehensive Pian. The District 7 Plan recommends the current mix of business, industrial and residentiai for this general area. The Economic Development Strategy chapter recommends that the Gity provide adequate land for industrial and commercial development and expansion (empfiasis addedj in order to increzse the proportion of commercial/industrial tax base (Policy 25, page 17j. The subject property is currently �O The McSherry Group, Inc. Rezoning Submittal fo� April 26, 1999 Page 2 ST. PAUL BRASS & ALUMINUM FOUNDRY underutilized open space and if devetoped for SPBA, essentiaily as parking, wouid alieviate a lack of parking and accessibitity issues wifh adjacent properties, generate property tax revenue as well as serve the adjacent business. 3. The rezoning is consistent and compatibie with the way the area has been developed over fime. The subject property is adjacent to Industrial on its North and it is very unlikely that the propeRy would be developed for residenYia! use. . ' 4. The rezoning will not have an adverse impact on the adjacent property. The proposed use is compatibie with the existing business and industriai prope+iies to the North and the West. The residential land uses to the East and South should not be adversely impacted due to the existing natural topography of the site, which is being preserved to the East and emufated with a natura! earth berm (and landscape) for the reconstructed edge to the South. 5. SPBA has submitted a sufficient petition of to-thirds of the property owners within one hundred (100) feet of the property stating support for the rezoning (18 parce(s eligib(e, 12 required, 12 signed). 7he proposed use is consistent with the City's Guide Plan, is a well designed environment that is complete and is feasible by itself, and helps to preserve a significant portion of the natural environment on the East end of the site. DEVELOPMENTSTANDARDS: The proposed expansion of the existing St. Paul Brass and Alumin�m Foundry property is generally designed to meet or exceed the Industriai (I-1) Zoning DistricPs minimum standards. The building size, setbacks, parking ratio, and landscaping for the proposed development fall within fhe regulations outlined in the I-1 section of the City ordinances with the exception of the building setback to the East property line. This setback should be 34.5 feet (9 '/: times the building height) because the adjacent property is residential. However, at the Yime St. Paul Brass and Aluminum Foundry was constructed, it was in conformance with City Codes, which makes it legally non-conforming. Site Desiqn: Many other factors were considered in creating an aestheticaily pleasing employee parking !ot and truck access area that would properly support the existing deve(opment. The land ptanning intent was to save as many trees as possible on the East end of the site, especially in tfie sioping area. In addition, the design intent was to emulate the existing earth berm/landscape edge condition along the southern property line. Physical development of the empioyee parking lot begins 2pproximately 30 feef M1torth of the new SouYh property line. Initialiy, the thought was to construct only 36 ot the 43 required spaces. It is anticipated, over time, that fhe additional 7 spaces wili need to be eventually constructed. AfYer reviewing a cost-benefit analysis for the construction timi�g, it was determined that the entire parking loi v✓iA need Yo be constructed. Anotfier goal was to minimize the excavation and soifs that need to be removed from the siYe. This is why earth berming is proposed along the South property tine, which will also emulate the existing edge condition. In addition, this also provides an opportunity to provide landscapirtg, which wiii enhance the curb appeal of this secondary use of the property. From a service perspective, the proposed truck and service access to the existing building has been sited to allow for appropriate emergency vehicle and truck turning radii for the ioading dock and service faclities. � The McSherry Group, Inc. Rezoning Submittat for ----- April 26, '1999 Page 3 ST. PAUL BRASS & ALUMINUM FOUNDRY �l.�t, —�co� V EHI CU LAR .Cf ftCU LATI013: A logicai vehicular circuiation pattern has been created for the proposed site deve{opment, which allows employee and service vehicle traffic to enter and exit the site efficiently, and cleariy defines the main drive aisie from the parking bays. The drive aisie width and parking stalls have been designed to exceed the City of St. Aauf's parking standards. The proposed docklservice area on the south side of the existing building has been positioned to maximize tSie tuming radii available for delivery and service vehicies. UTILITIES/GRADING: Water Main No building addition is currentiy proposed for the current building, therefore, no modifications are proposed to the existing water mai� currently serving the structure. Sanitarv Sewer: An existing sanitary sewer connection from Minnehaha Avenue currentiy serves the existing buitding. No additional sanitary sewer service is proposed. Storm Sewer: The storm water management for this development has been completed in accordance with the requirements of the City of St. Paul Public Works Department and the physical limitations of the property. Storm water drainage will be collected ai a low area in the parking iot (with a limited depth). Stormwater from the low area will discharge into the proposed storm sewer system and be carried to the existing 66" RCP storm sewer pipe located 16 feet under Chatsworth Street. The on-site detention basin, when combined with a restricted outlet, will have the ability to minimize the impact of the 100-year storm event on the downstream system. Gradina: The site wili be re-graded to maintain the character of the existing topography. Erosion control will be provided including silt fence, hay bales at catch basins, and rock construction entrance. Public street sweeping will be done at least once a week, once a day if needed. It is proposed that all of the parking lot and service drive areas will have a bituminous surtace with B612 concrete curb and gutter throughout. PROPOSED SiTE DATA: O The McSherry Group, inc. Rezoning Submittaf for Apri126, 1999 Page 4 5T. PAUL BRASS & ALUMiNUM FOUNDRY DEVELOPMENT DATA: ZONWG; Existing (Proposed Parcel): Proposed (Proposed Parcel}: North: East WesL South: 20NING STANDARDS: Lot Width Minimum: Lot Area Front Yard Setbacks: Building (Fram centerline of r.o.w.) Parking Sign: Side Yard Setbacks: - Standard 6uilding Parking Non Industrial Bu'�4ding Parking Rear Yard Setbacks: Standard Buiiding Parking Non Industrial Building Parking Maximum Buitding Height: Floor Area Ratio: Existing Proposed Maximum Parking: Existing Required Proposed Proof of parking Total RM-2 Multipte Family Residentia! 1-1 tndustriai I-1 Industrial RM-2 Multiple Family Residential RM-2 Multiple Famify Residential RM-2 Multiple Family Residentia! None None 34.5 feet 10.0 feet 5.0 feet 0.0 feet 4.0 feet 34.5feet 10.0 feet 0.0 feet 4.0 feet 34.5 feet 10.0 feet 50.0 feet 0.75 0.42 2.00 0 43 36 7 43 Spaces Spaces Spaces Spaces Spaces � The McSherry Group, inc. Rezorting Submiltal for Aprif 26, 1999 Page � ST. PAUL BRASS & ALUMINllM FOUNDRY �l,R —qc�`1 OWNERIAPPLICANT St. Paui Brass and A{uminum Foundry 954 West Minnefiaha Avenue Saint Paul, MN 55104-1587 Phone: (651) 48&5587 Fax: (6512) 488-0908 S{TE PtANNERILANDSCAPE ARCHiTECT The McSherry Group, Inc. 410 Hayward Avenue North St. Paul, MN 55128 Phone: (651) 731-0308 Fax:{651)731-0421 SURVEYOR Egan Field Nowak, lnc. 4715 Wayzata Boulevard Minneapolis, MN 55426 Phone: (612) 546-6837 Fax: (612) 546-6839 O The McSherry Group, Inc. Rezoning Submittal for April 26, 1999 Page 6 ST. PAUL BRASS 8 ALUMINUM FOUNDRY Exfiibif A LEGAL DESCRIPTION Current St. Paul Brass and Aluminum Foundry Properfy: The East 125 feet of that part of the West one-hatf of fhe Northwesf quarter of the Northeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of Secfion 35, Township 29, Range 23, lying Norfh of the centerline of Van Buren Street, extended East, subject fo pub(ic sfreets, Ramsey County, Minnesota. Newiy created subject parce( to be rezoned: The North 100 feet (measured af right ang(es to the North line thereofl of that part of the West Half of the Northwest quarter of the Northeast quarter of the IVorthwest quarter, Section 35, Township 29 Morth, Range 23 West, fying Soufh of the extended centeriine of Van 8uren Avenue, ftamsey County, Minnesota. OThe McSherry Group, inc. Rezoning Submittal for P.pril 26, 1999 Page 7 ST, PAUL BRASS & ALUMINUM FOUNDRY � `� -`t�q VE, � NG�E � R-4 _ _q _ � �Ui� � � � � � WD�D � i � f HUBBAR� •� 1-1 � �'� BCITLER ;'�-------- � � 8-2 � i RPV9-3 F-- � � _____J--------- A�1E: 33 f __ _ ;lE, � i �� i ; { f SUBJECT PROPERTY�[ I � �� � 1 � � �7 ' � , r t ( � � 4 --- ° RM-2 � i z — � � i� .� � f _� � � ----------- � fQ }— � i — --I- ' - - � I S-2 .3 ` � Rr,� ^' _ _ _ J '�T H ❑ � { � -----� � z , ,� y' � � os-� � ��-2 y E D M U � RT-1 v} MP,S ° N D �� - �r ° Q �T'� �f CHAR LES � H ZONING LEGEND: B-2 BUStNESS DISTWGT S-3 BUSIt�SS DISTRICT 1-1 fNDtSSTRtAL DiSTR1CT OS-1 O�FiCE SUSftJESS DiSTWCT R-4 ONE FAMLY RESIDENTfAL DISTRICT RM'2 MULT� FAMtLY RESmENTIAL DiSTRICT RN1"3 MUL7IPLE FAMILY FtESIDENTiAL DISTR(CT RT-1 TWO FAMLY RES�ENTiAL DISTRICT � Ma9HEARY srnucrt�a� �c�a�r.w a ar� oesx�v s�vx�s tA NIYY(�AiO A �tCWifl � [atin e�a e�r ! A � w 0' S00' 1 �00' i SC'�' I � � � EX{STING ZONING R6EMm. tH6E OOCUNf111S ME M' INSIRUNEM Of SERviCE In0 FRE iHE PROPERTY Oi Ti1E YcSHERR'( CROUP, MC. //�D iuY HC' e_ �+`-� ���T w+� ST. PAUL BRASS 8 ALUMR�UM FOtRmRY 854 W tv�NNEHAtiA AVE, ST. PAllL, Mrf 55104 C�� • "�iir MGI-89076 i � 1 i � � ( I � I ; r —'_ �i i i � —i i----- it � f ��.� � �� � IGI � I� � � � C� ,� #i � �i ; � � �`� ; � � : � � �� �: tI i� ij � � \� , r r „ t I i ! ����i� � ����f = �� ! I;i��fi liiia++ Q t � .... g����1����� ��gA� �� ��' �i''°"i��``�` €���g� q a� �� �°t � Q 3 �� � � ��� � ao� ��� € g #� g I -T �' St lrY(f�l�l�l� f�IP �� � � �?�;�€466666e � � jt ��j(��i�i9l� t ji � <<<�QOpna,� �� � � � � ii�E�ll•,�II•I•I�;•!•fp — -- — • I!�ltll•,�II•I•(: "O Sf.PAUL.BPASSAND.LLUMINUMfdINDRY � � ��� ` ���� C� -Y�fWE57M1lYN8WiAA�FNUE •,s �i'�\�l'�' 6 '� � 'lrxu Sf.PAVIMWNE50TA%163 � + �mum+w ra � �� ° vacura�n+zrwnwccoe�omons .." ' AYD YFMOY�VS RAN —�..� " ... � � p 6 � \� � �----- �� ►� I � I� I � ` � � i � aaina � ����� � ��� � � � f I� s i �d� �$� Sa ��Y �� �9 ;� Ii �$�� s�� �i f��� �� ��� ���� a��� B�� � �i � � a�a � I�� ��' ��� ��� ��� � � � � ��� �a �� E; �� �� ��; � e 7, s �� � " p i � $� �� �' �� �� � Si. Paul flru.ss ar.d A!uminucn Fu�.^,dry� v��.maw usi:�nnnr'u sn � �� � ' �i � �� a � O� � d � S?111 D�,�� � __—_'� L_'_'__ � � \ � i � i i i � ��� --I �--- � —1 ------� L-----------� \ fi � li � B ` n� n �pd� 4 6 } t : C� SAfi� '� > ya a �B ��� Q B� p � � I� 1 � q + —���6s6 .t�. 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P.WL, MINM1ESOiA SSb4 " LWOSCMFOELUISPUN ••`� 6 � � Y a p y a � ��� � ,"��� �+ a� �'7i�7L � SC PaLLI Brdss and Aluminum F wy m,�.�.'.u...ss„' a' .'s ° _ ::' L. -. .. 'w REZ�IYL�(r' FIRST SUBMITTED SCUP R ESUB---- ��ED DATE PETITION SUBMITTED: �_ �_ += � DATE OFFICIALLY RECEIVED: (��_�� PARCELS ELIGIBLE: ! � ---_ . PARCELS REQUIRED: /G-�� PARCELS SIGNED: � ------ �� �b \ DATE PETITION RESUBMII`I'gD; /••� 7-�� w C:r; �- � 7 j DATE OFFICIALLY RECEIVED: '""' � " `� `° j ��t , PARCELS ELIGIBLE: / ,,.Y" _ _ 1'ARCEI,S RgQUIRED: � � —�_ PARCELS SIGNED; NCUP ! � — _—_>--»._.,._.. ,�- '�.= -�. � �_� _ ':� �„ • � \_� ! � CHECKED �Y: ����,��r� / ----._.____._. _ _� - f � f DATE• Ca " 2". �� 1 � -1' � y ,,_, r- T r `.. t�-a:i .'�,n--'S`�" �;.i ""�,. ,r"� ....- _•- V � '.' _} ` '= � zorv►�� ���E �� Jo AbNaharn 25032 SE 384th St Enumclaw, WA 98022 (2S3) 804-9694 Mazch 28, 1999 Mr. Peter Ryan St. Paul Brass and Atuminum Foundry 954 W Minnehaha Ave St. Paul, MN 55104 Dear Mr. Ryan, ,.. ,,. ST. PAUL BRAS'S I am happy to support you in your effort to rezone. The signed petition is enclosed. St. Paul Brass has long been a respected establishment in the neighborhood and I am familiar with your operaTion. As a child, I grew up on Van Buren near Chatsworth in the 50's. We often played in what was then a vacant lot behind the foundry, long before the �Vilder Foundation bought the property. When we found unbroken sand cores discazded from the foundry, they became our "treasures" and we would take them home and try to preserve them in their unbroken state for as long as possible. My parents built Minnehaha Liquors in 1964 and operated it for twenty yeazs. They knew your company's mana�ement and thought highly of your business. Much of their success in business was due to patronization from your employees at the time. Piease do not hesitate to contact me if I can be of further assistance in this matter. Good luck. Sincerely yours, Jo Abraham .. . . 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Ordinance # Green Sheet # 102953 ORDINAPICE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 7 10 11 12 13 14 IS l6 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 ������� ► g WHEREAS, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes §462.357 and Section §64.40Q ofthe Saint Paul Legislafive Code, the SAINT PAITL BRASS AND ALLJMINC7M FOITNDRY duly petitioned to rezone property located directly south of 954 and 976 Minnehaha Avenue between Chatsworth Street and the Wilder Foundafion campus, being legally described as: The North 100 feet (measured at right angles to the north line thereo fl of that part of the West Half of the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter, Section 35, Township 29 North, Range 23 West, lying south of the extended centerline of Van Buren Avenue, Ramsey Counry, Minnesota, from RM-2 (multi-family residential) to I-i (Industrial) for the purpose of providing far employee parking and truck access to the rear of the existing foundry building, the petition having been certified by the Planning staff on July 9, 1999, as having be€n consented to by at least 67 percent of the owners of the area of the properiy to be rezoned, and fiuther having been consented to by at least two- thirds of the owners of property situated within 100 feet of the total contiguous property within one year preceding the date of the petition; and WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Planniug Commission on August 19, 1999, held a public hearing for the purpose of considering the rezoning petition, and pursuant to Secrion § 107.03 of the Saint Paul Administrarive Coda, submitted its recommendation to the Plamiiug Commission that the petition be granted; and WI3EREAS, the Planning Commission considered the rezoning perition at its meeting held on August 27, 1999, and recommended that the City Councii approve the petition; and 25 WHEREAS, notice of a public hearing before the City Council on the said rezoning petition was duly 26 published in the official newspaper of the City on September 4, 1999 and notices were duly mailed to each ?7 owner of affected property and property situated wholly or partly within 350 feet of the property sought to be '.8 rezoned; and �9 0 WHEREAS, a public hearing before the City Council having been conducted on September 8, 1999, where 1 all interested parties were heard, and the Council having considered all the facts and recammendarions 2 conceming the petition; now, therefore, �`� ,� 3 • � THB COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: i Section 1. ' That the zoning map of the City of Saint Pau1, Sheet Number 11, as incotporated by reference in Section §60.301 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, as amended, is hereby fiirther amended as foliows: An ordinance amending Chapter 60 of the Saint Paul Legislarive Code pertaiiung to zoning for the City of Saint Paul and the zoning maps thereo£ �tg-a�9 39 That properiy located directiy south of 954 and 976 Minnehaha Avenue between Chatsworth Street and 40 the Wilder Fouttdation campus, being more particularly described as: 41 42 The North 100 feet (measured at right angles to the north line thereo fl of that part of the West Half of 43 the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of the Nortbwest Quarter, Section 35, Townsiup 24 44 North, Range 23 West, lying south of the extended centerline of Van Buren Avenue, Ramsey County, 45 Minnesota_ 46 47 be and is hereby rezoned from RM-2 to I-l. 48 49 Section 2. 50 This ordinance shali take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and a8er its passage, approval and 51 publication. PIIAI ISN�A ORIGINAL Adoption Certi£ied by Council Secretary HY: �=� �1� ( `�' Approved by Mayor: Da � By: �� � .:� Requested by Department of: Plannina & Economic Develonment EY; `^' �(((�N � Fonn Approved by Cit Attorney �!/"!�'�'1'7L� � By: Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council g C��� ���i6� Adopted by Council: Date yV aa ,�,\��{G ) � GREEN Homans As soon as possible 266-6557 TOTAL # OF SIGNANRE PAGES Qa -�tG�L No 102�53 L;,� a.,�,�.� . , y �� ��—. r � an�nauev ❑ urru.m¢ ❑ rsura.�,�s oa ❑ n�.ro.�,�rn�xra �r�vacpnnasrwn ❑ (CLIP ALl LOCATIONS �OR SIGHATUR� prp(rnG.»CS— Adopt� to finalize council ackion taken on September 8, 1999 to rezone properiy located direcfly south of 954 and 976 West Minnehaha Avenue from RM-2 to I-1 to allow Saint Paul $rass and Ahtmiuum to provide employee pazking and truck access to the reaz of the e�sting foundry building. PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE C{ViL SERYICE CAMMISSION PERSONALSERYSCE CONTRAC75 F{UST AtiSWERiHE FOIIOWIHG Q t. Has inis persoMrm ever workea unaer a cantract tor this aecertmeM7 vES NO Has Mia ce�soMrm ever teen a d1Y emabYeeT vES t� Does thic Peison�i�m posses6 8 s1a71 not mm�alrypossessetl DY anY a1rteM citY emPloYee? VES NO IS Nis pe�sorvRm� a ta�petetl vendaft VES NO Adopt � to finalize council approval of the rezoning described above. �.�, ��e�_ ���,�, . OrdinG.nt�. �� � � � � �� �'� ,� Cr P�-�E "` ;�*�«:�.,":f`;�-�ri;,�"�t.,' E S; � s': � i c �l:. 2'' : •� �=�.� 4 'i:ei;�..£'sG'r:. s � Rezoning will allow conrinued operarion of the St. Paul Brass Foundry that has lost pernussion to access its loading dock through a neighboring property. . IF APPROVED None. Applicant would have to close its operation or redesign its manufachmng plant to accommodate alternative access. 'OTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S COS71PfiVENUE HUDGLTED (CI0.CLE ON� YES NO UNDING SOURCE NANGAL MFORMATION (IXPW� ACiNI7Y NUMBER �$� �8'�ufi�fG�i vrrtl#'�i SEP 2 3 1999 DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Bri¢rs Sweeney, Dir¢ctor C ll S Ol' J1y11V 1 LAIJL Norm Colemarz, Mayor August 20, 1999 Ms. Nancy Anderson City Council Research Office Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Ms. Anderson: 25 R'es1 Foutth SEreet Saint Paul, MN 55101 `lg- Tetephone: b51-26b-6655 Facslmile: 651-228-33I4 I would like to confizm that a public hearing before the City Council is scheduled for Wednesday September 8, 1999 for the following zoning case: Applicant: SAINT PAUL BRASS AND AI.IIMINiJM FOLINDRY FileNumber: #99-194 Purpose: Rezone property from RM-2 (multi-family) to I-1 (industrial) to provide for employee parking and truck access to the rear of the existing foundry building. Address: Property directly south of 954 and 976 West Minnehaha Avenue, between Chatsworth and the Wilder Foundation campus. Legal Description of Property: Previous Action: The North 100 feet (measured at right angles to the north line thereof� of that part of the West Half of the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter, Secfion 35, Township 29 North, Range 23 West, lying south of the extended centerline of Van Buren Avenue, Ramsey County, Minnesota. Planning Commission Recommendarion: Pending Zoning Committee Recommendarion: Approval, vote: 7-0, August 19, 1999 My understanding is that this public hearing request will appear on the agenda for the September l, 1999 City Council meeting and that you wi11 publish notice of the hearing in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger. Please call me at 266-6557 if you have any questions. � Sincerely, �,���- Nancy Homans City Planner cc: File #�94-194 Wendy Lane Paul Dubruiel Carol Martineau rmsrxviv • � NO'MCEOFPUBLICHEARIl�TG - � The Saint Paul City Council will condvct a public hearing on Wednesday, Septem6er S, 1999,�at 5:30 p.m. in,the City Council Chambers, Third Floor, City Hall-Courthouse. - to consider the application of Saint Paul Brass.and Aluminum Foundry to resone property from RM-2 (multi-fami7y) to I-1 (industrialt tn provide for employee parking and truck access to the reaz of the esisYing foundry buitding directly south of 954 and 976 Minnehaha Avenue between Chatsworth and the Wilder Foundation campus: DaYeck: August 25, 1999 - � _ ,NAt�3CYAPtDELtSON - AssSsfantCYyCounci�l5ecretaTy ` � fnug_. zl)- c�=�.ST. PAULLEGALLBD68R--=s=�= DEPARTMENT OF PLANNII3G & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Brirsn Sweeney, Director CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Calemart, Mayor August 31, 1999 Ms. Nancy Anderson Secretary to the City Council Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesofa 55102 25 West Founh Street Sainf Paul, MN 55102 �� Tetephorse: 651-266b655 Facsimile: 651-228-3374 RE: Zoning File #99-194 ST. PALTL BRASS AND ALi.JMINUM FOiJNDRY (Peter Ryan) City Council Hearing: September 8, 1999, 530 p.m. City Council Chambers PURPOSE: To consider rezoning property directly south of 954 and 976 West Minnehaha Avenue (between Chatsworth and the Wilder Foundation Campus) from RM-2 (mulri-family residential) to I-1 (industrial) to provide for employee parking and truck access to the rear of the exisring St. Paul Brass building. PLANDIING COMMISSION RECOMMENAATION APPROVAL vote: unanimous ZONING COMMIT"I'EE RECOMMENDATION APPROVAL vote: 7-0 STAFF RECONIMENDATTON APPROVAL SUPPORT: One person spoke. District Seven Planning Council voted to support the rezoning. OPPOSITION: No one spoke. Three letters were received in opposition. Dear Ms. Anderson: The SAINT PAUL BRASS AND ALLJMINIJM FOCJNDRY (Peter Ryan) submitted a petition to rezone properiy directly south of 954 and 976 West Minnehaha. The Zoning Commirtee of the Planning Commission held a public hearing on the proposed rezoning on August 19, 1999. The applicant addressed the committee. At the close of the public hearing, the committee voted 7-Q to recommend approval to rezone to I-I. The Planning Commission upheid the Zoning Committee's recommendarion for approval on a unanimous vote on August 27, 1999. This proposed rezoning is scheduled to be heard by the City Council on September 8, 1999. Please notify Nancy Homans (6-6557) if any member of the City Council wishes to have slides of the site presented at the public hearing. Sincerely, ��� � Kenneth Ford Planning Administrator Attachments cc: City Council members �t�-`t�°� city of saint paul planning commission resolution #iie number 99-54 �te August 27, 1999 WHEREAS, the SAINT PAUL BRASS AND ALUMINUM FOUNDRY, file #99-194, has petitioned to rezone a 100' by 293.91' parcel of property directly south of 954 and 976 Wesf Minnehaha Avenue, situated between Chatsworth and the Wilder Foundation campus, from RM-2 to I-1 to provide for employee parking and truck access to the rear of the existing St. Paul Brass buiiding; and WHEREAS, the Zoning Commiftee of the Planning Commission, on August 19, 1999, held a public hearing af which all persons presenf were given an apportunity to be heard pursuant to said application in accordance with the requirements of Section 64.400 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code; and WtiEREAS, the Saint Paui Planning Commission, based on the evfdence presented to its Zoning Committee at the public hearing, as substantially reHected in the minutes, made the folfowing findings of fact: The Saint Pau; Srass and Aluminum Foundry has operated at 954 West Minnehaha since 1869 and is, therefore, a legaily nonconforming i-2 use in an 1-1 districf. The most efficient access for bringing raw materials to the foundry has besn to tfie rear of the buifding a�ross a driveway and parking lot owned by the Leaflet Missal Company, the neighboring property to the west. The Leaffet Missal Company has now withdrawn its permission for the Foundry to use its property for access. The applicant has reached an agreement to purchase a 100 ft. x 294 ft. piece of properfy along the south side of their current property from the Wilder Square Co-op. They have app{ied for a lot split and have submitted a site p{an for a new driveway and a parking srea for 43 cars, both of which are permitted accessory uses. Both appfications have received favorabfe reviews, pending the rezoning. The appfication for rezoning is submitted jointfy by the Saint Paul Brass and Aluminum Foundry (Peter Ryan) and the Wiider Square Co-op (Morris Manning). ' moved by Field secor�ded by in favor Consent against Zoning File #99-i 94 Page Two of Resolution 2. The property proposed to be rezoned is contiguous to property to the north curcenfly zoned I-1 (the exisfing St. Paul Brass and Afuminum Foundry and the Leaflet Missal Company" properties). The industria! property is long-estabiished and is on the corner of the b(ock : across Minnehaha from the Minnehaha Mall, a two block commercial area, zoned B-2. The rezoning would eniarge the industria( portion of the biock, buf would not change the existing land use pattern of the area. To the easT of the site is the Wilder Foundation campus, zoned RM-2; to the south is the Wi(der Square Co-op, a medium density residentiai area, also zoned RM-2. To the west is a low to mid-density residential area, zoned RM-2 and it-4. 3. A site plan submitted for the construction of the driveway and parking indicafes fhe replacement of a berm on the south boundary, heavy landscaping on the east and south edges screening the industriai building as weil as tfie drive and parking area, instailation of a fence to buffer the traffic from the Wilde� Square Co-op property, and replacement of a fialf-court basketbal( court for off-hours use by Wilder Square residents. The site plan has been reviewed and approved, contingent upon the rezoning. 4. The impact on those that live or work in the surrounding area is expected, on bafance, fo be positive. The amount of truck traffic is not expected to increase from the current fewer than one truck a week. Instead of on a makeshift grave( drive, the tr�cks will frave( on a paved and heavily landscaped driveway. Employees, instead of parking on surtounding residential streets, will park on the improved parking tof on the site. The entrance to the site that will be moved 80 feef to the south will not pose any trafric hazard or any significantly different impact on surrounding residents. • 5. The rezoning would be consistent with the comprehensive plan that calls for the careful and sensitive integration of uses in neighborhoods. (Land Use Plan, 5.0J In this eight biock area are a major commercial/retaii sife, foundation ofrices and a range of housing typ2s as we!! as two significant industrial empiayers. The at'tention to sife design and iandscaping improves fhe integration of the uses and provides for fhe confinued operation of an historic neighborhood-based Saint Paul business. 6. The applicants have submitfed a pefifion witf� signztures of the owners of 12 of the 18 eligible signatures, meeting the required standard of 67 percent of the property owners within 100 feet of fhe property to be rezoned. � NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Saint Paul Planning Commission that the petition of the SAINT PAU� BRASS AND ALUMINUM FOUNDRY to rezone properfy direcfly fo the south of 954 and 976 West Minnehaha Avenue, more partict�larly described in the file, from a RM-2 zoning ciassificzfion to an f-1 zoning cfassi�ication is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan for the City; and BE IT FURTNEr2 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul Plannirta Commissron daes hereby recommend to the Council o� th2 City oi Saint Paul inai prop2rty located directly to the south of 954 and 97o W�st Minnehaha Avenue b= rezoned rrom RM-2 to I-1 in accordance wifh ffie pztition for rezoning on iile with fhe Saint Paul Planning Diti�ision. � The minutes of the August 27,1999 Planning Commission meeting were not available at the time this packet was prepared. This rezoning, however, was recommended with a unanimous vote with no discussion. Copies of the minutes will be available at the City Council public hearing on September 8,1999. MINUTES OF THE ZONING COMMITTEE Tfiursday, August 19, 7959 - 3:30 p.m. City Council Chambers, 3'd Fioor City Hall and Court House 15 West Keliogg Boulevard PRESENT: EXGUSED: OTHERS PRESENT: Engh, Field, Gervais, Gordon, Kramer, Morton, and Nowlin Faricy Caroi Martineau, AIIan Torstenson, Nancy Homans of PED The meeting was chaired by Commissioner Fieid. `t `\ - q.�� St. Paul Brass Foundry- 99-194 - Rezoning from RM-2 to 1-7 to provide for empfoyee parking and truck access to the rear of the existing St. Paul Brass buiiding. Nancy Homans showed slides and presented the staff report. Ms. Homans stated the staff and District 7 recommended approvai of the rezoning. Three Ietters from apartme�t owners were received with concerns about increased truck traffic. Ms. Homans explained that the truck traffic wi{i not increase. At the question of Commissioner Gordon, Ms. fiomans stated theirwiff be no change in the number of employees, but that they would 6e able to park on-site rather than on the street. At the question Commissioner Gordon, Mr. Torstenson stated P-1 Zoni�g wouldn't work because the proposed use, including off-street loading, does not meet the conditions required of P-1 Zoning uses. Mr. Peter Ryan, President of St. Pau{ Brass, presented a map and stated that the new iot and driveway would be a plus forthe neighborhood because ofthe shrubbery and landscaping thatthey are planning to irnplement. St. Paul Brass wants to work with the neighborhood and there was no opposition when they obtained signatures for the petition. At the question of Commissioner Gordon, Mr. Ryan stated St. Paul Brass has a sh+ft and one-half working at the present time. if there is a need forfurtherexpansion the company would incorporate add+tional shifts . Ms MeNassa Martinez Sonas, District Seven Planning Council, presented a letter of recommendation from the Executive Director Mike Samuelson. At the question of Commissioner Gordon, Mr. Ryan stated the amount of traffic won't change. The rezoning will make it possible to receive shipments during the day in iieu of evening or early morning deliveries. Commissioner Gordon moved approval of the rezoning to i-1. Commissioner Morton second it. Adopted Yeas -7 Nays - 0 Drafted by: �.tA�,1/�2lfM�c�U Carol Martineau Recording Secretary Submitted by: L. C v %��"�ZR�r�� a.�r� Nancy Homans Zoning Section Approved by: Litton Field Chair AUG-19-99 12-48 PM ➢ISTRIGT T PLRNNING CNCL 632 2985072 P_61 �Dntr,c� F�le�r -(��' �. � � .Yf� �l � District 7 Planning Council b89 North Dale Street SAIn! Pttul, M�nnesota SSI03-1644 651/Z98-5068 (office) 65l/Z98-5071 (/'axJ August itl, f999 Litton Pield, Jr., Chair Zoning Committae St. Paul Planning Commission 25 West Fourth Street Si. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Mr. Field: �g -�c��t At aur May 27, 1999 board ot dlrectors meeting. the District 7 Planning Gouncii passed the following motlon regarding the zoning changa request being macfa by tha St. Pauf 6rass and Aluminum Foundry to the St. Pauf Planning Commission: j�qygQ; That tha District 7 Planning Council suppoR the proposais to rezone property from resldentiai to fight industria�, the pruperty subdivlsion and the site plan being made by the St. Pau1 Brsss and Aiuminum Poundry, 954 W. Minnehahe Ave., in order for a ioading dock entrence and employee parking to he adtled to this site and f�rther that we request that the new parking iot be c�osed off when the bueinees ie not open, that the basketball courl be relocated and �eplaced and that the chai� link fencing proposed for the south end of the new lot use a colored, vinyl ciad matori.nl so to soften its look. Our community council reviewed this matter in depth on Monday, May 10 at our Physlcal Plannlflg Committee. At that meeting we heard from represe�tacives from the St. Paul 9rass Foundry regarding this building expansion and parking lot project and ths nscessary zon{�g change request they must firat have approved i� ordvr to make ii happen. Afler this revlew ovr commfttee voted to support this request as long as the issuss that ware addressed In tho motion presented above were adequaiely addressed. We understand irom our diSCUSelons wtth both city licensing stafi and the applicant that our concerns hava been considefed positively and wlil be implemented as wa have requested. Our full board approved their recommendations at its May 27 meetlnA. W� want to note that whlie we had recefved a few caiis from nearby neighbors of this business who were opposed to this rezonin8 change and lhe resuitant loss of presn space from this now open iot and fleld, our district council telt that this request made sense tor the overall Thomas Dafe community. While we share the concerns they have voiced regarding the foss of psesn space from iha area, we felt it was aquelly important to support the expaneion and retentio� ot a business that has operated at this same location tor over 130 years, that empioys over 40 employees and one that has a clean operating history wiih tocai poiiution control otticlals. We are pieased that St. Paul Brase hae pledged to replace the basketball caurt that will be removed as a result of this expanslon and will work to make sura that this expanslon !s not harm(ul to thelr surrounding neighbors. With the stab�lity that thls expansion wdl give them ws fiope to be abie to share our community with ttfem for yet another t3o yearsi Another primary reason ior our support was the fact that this whole Issue would not have reaChed this point unlese the several hom�, ownera that make up the Wilder Square Coop and their board hatl not given thelr approval for the saia of thle property end the necaesary zoning change to St. Paul Braem. We appreclete th01r council on this matter Serving the ne�ghborlroads of Mt. sl iry, Capitol fleig/:1s, Lower Rice Street, Frogtowre and East Midway AUG-19-99 12�48 PM DISTRICT 7 PLRNNING CNCL 611 L�LJUI■ Planning Commission/St. Paui Brass letter August 18, 1989 - page two and applsud thslr support for a business that they feel hes been and wlll continue to work hard to be a good neighbor to not just them bui for the whols community. The easy route would have been to oppose thls eftort being mede by St. Paui 8rass to stay in the inner ciry. 8ecause of thelr suppori and foresight we do not have to find yet snother reuse tor an abandoned tactory site in Thomas Daie. For this they deserve a collective thank youl On behali af our district counc!!, i thank yau for the opportunity to raview this zoni�g change roquest wlth aur residents. Please contact me it you naed any turther iniormation o� this matter. Sincerely, t=�,�„p �` /� Michael Samuelson. Executiva Direator Dlstrict 7 Plannirtg Coancll ca St. Paul Brass and Aluminum Poundry ; Dlstrict 7 PlanNng Council Board oi Direcrors; Councll member Jerry elakey; Mayor Norm Caleman; Tom 8each, LIEP; Wiider Square Co-op Boerd; Tom Kingston, Wildar Foundatfon; Frogtowr� Action Alfience; Frogtown Tlmes; Midway Como Monitor, and surrourtding nelghbors of the business. 2 �onr v�5 Sandy Hill Apartments M.D. Green, Owner P.O. Box 10746 White Bear Lake, MN 55110 488-7455 City of St. Paul Zoning Committee 25 West Fourth Street 1400 City Annex St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 August 12, 1999 Re: St. Paul Brass Foundry Request for Rezoning 1=ife� t�i- l�� ��-�c�� fax 488-7089 I am the owner of an eleven unit apartment building located at the corner of Van Buren and Chatsworth in the city of St. Pal�l.. I am strongly opposed to any foundry traffic being re-routed near the entrance of my apartment building. Trucks would greatly disturb the peace o£ my tenants. Dust and dirt would also contribute to environmental problens. There are days when just the smells coming from the foundry are unbeara-le. R�spect ly yours d � /��---, M. Delores Gre n Ow er of 984 Van Buren �(71'111'tGt �'t ��.�G'f t - �� r 2910 Cantegra Glen Escondido, CA 92025-7360 Saint Paul Planning Commission Zoning Committee 25 West Fourth Street 1400 City Annex Saint Paul. Minnesota 55102 August 13, 1999 Zaning File Number: 99-194 Zoning File Name: St. Paul Brass Eoundry I am the owner of two apartment buildings located.at 990 La£ond and 625 Chatsworth, which are within 350 £eet o£ the proposed zoning change. Although I aat a resi.dent of Cali£ornia, I was born and raised in 3aint Paul, and am £amiliar with the area under consideration. I note that the purpose of the request is rezoning from RM-2 to I-I °to provide for employee parking and truck access to the rear of the existing St. Paul Brass building.° However, once the property is rezonefl to I-1, ANY permitted use is allowed. A perusal o£ principal uses permitted (sec. 60-612) inc2ude: warehousing ... and trucking facilities. (3) .,. the manu£acture...processing... ar treatment of such products as, but not limited to:.., tool, die> gauge aad machine shops. (4) Lwnber yards (22) Recycling processsing center (18) Tire retreading (21} Clearly, the potential permitted uses are incompatible within 350 £eet of esisting multiple £amily structures. Assuming that the nse o£ the property were constrained to employee parking and truck access, the increased truck traffic through residential neighborhoods would be intolerable in terms o£ pedestrian sa£ety, children playing, $ecreased vehicular driver vision, noise and increased pollution. On behalf o£ myself and my tenants, I respect£ully request that you do not approve the request contained in Zoning Eile Number 99-194. Sincerely, G�G���{�'jZf�_ ' ���r���'�� _ JoAnne Regenofd Murray 291a Cantegra Gfen Escondido, CA 92025 �hfn� 1=�1� ���-t� R�-`��5 ll� � • i • . i • • 644 West Cottage Avenue St. Paul Minnesota 55�17 August 16, 1999 City O£ St. Paul Zoning CommitteP 25 West Fourth Street 1400 City Annex Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 RE: Zoning File Number 99-194 To Whom It May Conaern: we are the co-owners of an eleven unit apartment building located at 996 Van Buren Ave., 5t. Paul M�. The location o£ this building is within 350 feet of the St. Paul Brass Foundry. We are writing to strongly voice our opposition to the proposed re- zoning of the property that the Foundry currently occupies from RM-2 to I-1. In re-zoning this property it is our understanding that industrial traffic £rom trucks and general tra£fic from employees will be greatly increased in this area. This is unacceptable to us because our building is located in a residential area populated by both adults and children. We are concerned about pedestrian safety, increased noise levels and increased pollution. Even now, the odors are so strong that it is unbearable to be outside at times. Besides being concerned for our residents and their peace and safety we are also concerned about the environmental issues that will arise due to this re-zoning. In conclusion, we therefore respectfully request that you do not approve the request contained in Zoning Fi1e Number 99-194. Thank you £or your time and cooperation regarding this matter. Sincerely Jack �d �.`l —`tc�`� ZOivING COMII�TTEE STAFF REPORT FILE # 99-194 APPLICANT: SAINT PAUL BRASS AND ALUMINIJM FOUNDRY (PETER RYAN and MORRIS MANNING) DATE OF HEARING: 8119/99 2. CLASSIFICATIOI�i: Rezoning 3. LOCATION: Property directly south of 954 and 976 West Minnehaha, beriveen Chatsworth and the Wilder Foundation campus 4. PLANNTNG DISTRICT: 7 5. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: The North 100 feet (measured at right angles to the north line thereo� of that part of the West half of the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter, Section 35, Township 29 North, Range 23 West, lying south of the extended centerline of Van Bwen Avenue, Ramsey County, Minnesota. 6. PRESENT ZONING: RM-2 ZONING CODE REFERENCE: Sec. 64.400 7. STAFF INVESTIGATION AND REPORT: DATE: 8/12/99 BY: Nancy Homans 8. DATE RECEIVED: July 9, 1999 DEADLINE FOR ACTION: September 7, 1999 A. PURPOSE: Rezoning from RM-2 to I-1 to provide for employee parking and tnxck access to the rear of the exisring St. Paul Brass and Aluminum Foundry building. B. PARCEL SIZE: 100 feet on Chatsworth x 293.91 feet parallel to Mimiehaha and vacated Blair = 29,391 square feet C. EXISTI1�iG LAND USE: Open space/recreational use for Wiider Square Co-op Apartments D. STJRROUNDING LAND USE: North: East: South: West: Two indushial uses (St. Paul Brass and Aluminuxn Foundry and the Leaflet Missal Co., zoned I-1) Wilder Foundation campus, zoned RM-2 Wilder Square Co-op campus, zoned RM-2 Low to medium density residential, zoned RM-2 and R-4 E. Z01�TING CODE CTTATION: Sec. 64.40Q(a) of the Zoning Code provides in part that "the council may, from time to rime, amend, supplement or change the district boundaries or the regulations herein, or subsequentiy established herein pursuant to the provisions of Zoning File #99-194 Page two Minnesota Statutes Section 462.357 and amendments thereto as may be made from time to time. Ttte planning commission may, from time to rime, review district boundary lines to determine if, pursuant to state Iaws, such district boundary lines should be changed." Section 64.400(b) provides, in part, that "an amendment to the zoning code may be uutiated by the council, the planning commission or by a petition of the owners of 67 percent of the area of the property to he rezoned." F. HISTORY/DISCUSSION: Previous zoning cases involved residenfial facilities located on the Wilder campus, south of the site under discassion in this case. G. DISTRICT COUNCIL RECOMMENDATION: The District Seven Plamiing Council recommends approval. I�� ��I�IRC!'ls� 1. The Saint Paui Brass and Aluminum Foundry has operated at 954 West Minnehaha since 1869 and is, therefore, a legally nonconforming I-2 use in an I-1 district. The most efficient access for bringing raw mafierials to the foundry has been to the rear of fhe building across a driveway and parking lot owned by tke Leaflet Missal Company, the neighboring property to the west, The Leaflet Missal Company has now withdrawn its pernussion for the Foundry to use its property for access. The applicant has reached an a�eement to purchase a 100 $. x 294 8. piece of property along the south side of their current property from the Wilder Square Co-op. They have applied for a lot split and have submitted a site plan for a new driveway and a parking area for 43 cazs, both of which are permitted accessory uses. Both applications have received favorable reviews, pending the rezoning. The application for rezoning is submitted jointly by the Saint Paul Brass Foundry (Peter Ryan) and the Wilder Squaze Co-op {Morris Manning). 2. The property proposed to be rezoned is contiguous to properry to the north currently zoned I-i (the exisring St. Paui Brass and Aluuiinum Foundry and the Leaflet Missal Company properties). The industrial property is long-estabiished, is on the comer of the block across Minnehaha from the Minnehaha Mall, a two biock commercial azea, zoned B-2. The rezoning would enlar�e the industrial portion of the block, but would not change the existing land use pattem of the area. To the east of the site is the Wilder Foundation campus, zoned RM-2; to the south is the Wilder Square Co-op, a medium density residenfial area, also zoned RM-2. To the west is a low to mid-density residential azea, zoned RM-2 and R-4. °I.� --`��� Zoning File #99-194 Page three 3. A site plan submitted for the construction of the driveway and pazking indicates the replacement of a berm on the south boundary, heavy landscaping on the east and south edges screening the industrial building as well as the drive and parking area, installation of a fence to buffer the traffic from the Wilder Square Co-op properiy, and replacement of a half-court basketball court for off-hours use by Wiider Squaze residents. The site p1an has been reviewed and approved, contingent upon the rezoning. 4. The impact on those that live or work in the surrounding azea is expected, on balance, to be positive. The amount of truck traffic is not expected to increase from the current fewer than one a week.. Instead of on a makeshift grauel dzive, the hucks will travel on a paved and heavily landscaped driveway. Bmployees, instead of parking on surrounding residential streets, will park on the improved parking lot on the site. The entrance to the site that will be moved 80 feet to the south will not pose any traffic hazard or any significantly different impact on surrounding residents. The rezoning would be consistent with the comprehensive plan that calls for the careful and sensitive integration of uses in neighborhoods. (Land Use Plan, S.0) In tlus eight block azea are a major commerciaUretail site, foundation offices and a range of housing types as well as two significant industrial employers. The attention to site design and landscaping improves the integration of the uses and provides for the continued operation of an lustoric neighborhood-based Saint Paul business. 6. The applicants have submitted a petition with signatures of the owners of 12 of the 18 eligible signatures, meeting the required standazd of 67 percent of the property owners within 100 feet of the property to be rezoned.. I. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Based on findin�s 1 through 6, staff recommends approval of the rezoning peYition. PETITION TO AMEND THE ZONING CODE Department of Planxing and Economic DevelopmenY ZonFng Sectiox I100 City F7af1 ftnnex 25 West Fourth Street Saint Paul, MN 55102 „ 266-6589 APPLICANT � Property City �f, �cv St�.f`Lip �S Daytime Contact person (if � PROPERTY AddresslLocation /�� �e�I.. 9.�Y � �7G !d, �l%.,�.�a•�c� LOCATION �egal description -s-e� �/fu-�i�ed� (attach addifiona! sheet if 70 THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CIN COUNCIL: Pursuant to Section 64.400 of the Saint Paui Zoning Ordinance and to Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statues, p�fe.- /�vG..,� , the owner of all the land proposed for rezoning, hereby pefitions yd fo rezone tfie above described properfy from a ,�,/� -� zoning district to a 1'—� zoning disYrict, for the purpose of: F,�,� /, Y�.� /-l� � �T �� l (atfach additional sheet(s) if necess ) Atiachmenis: Required site plan � Consent pelition .� c � �-ss Affidavit � Subscribed and swom to before me this / SL day oF _ ���� 9 9� Public MP,f2Y L SIVEDANL . _. _. Notary Pubiic Minnesota RAMSEY COtINiY Conuitiston E�ires 113112tT30 • W r�de�>. Fee Qwner of prap Page 1 of � ;�} J �i� o f7 �' �t� -._.__-.� ✓ �escs-•Qo 7 --=-.------- � `�.-� c�`i The North 100 feet (measured at right angles to the north line thereoP) of that part of the West Ha1P of the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter, Section 35, Township 29 North, Range 23 West, lyinq south oP the extended centerline af Van Buren Avenue, Ramsey County, Minnesota, s _ _ ,_;� - __= °l,� -`l�°� ..�� - - -- _ St. PdU�. Brass and Aluminum � . FOL111C� 954 W�t Mrv�hah0 Avenue � Sf. PaSd M'inne.wta 55104-7587 . � . �4}zr 488-5567 X723 FAX: (633Yn88-0908 PETER RYAN E-bWL: petertyan@spbo.net p _ __�t S'I ) - ------ _ : Hprn �cn, tyyy i Alan K r��'w , av� 7he McSherry Group, Inc. 410 Hayward Avenue North Saint Paul (OaKdale), Minne 55128 Phone: (851) 731- 08�� f65i1731-0421 Toii Free: (800) 321-6719 Website: www.mcsherrygroup.com Email: mcsherrygp@aoLcom - - -.,,:.-•.:��°; ti _ z' _,_' _. .:-., _ -:.;,���-,::_,<..-. - �' . _: - -" - — _�;�:�;�:=� - - _ x.=: _ � �=. �=:�;;: _ .._. $ :.- �'a ._:;� -�- ' - t�.. � .,3+.-"-«:,t'`,.Y, r.s� .s __ _. . ._ .� .__ _ .. _.. .-:. .; _..;_t`-��t-er_'''�° Apri! 26, 1999 SY. Pau! Brass arrd Aluminum Poundry Addifion 954 West Minnehaha Avenue Saint Paul, MN By: St. Paui Brass and Aluminum Foundry _ 954 West Minnehaha Avenue Saint Paul, MN 55104-1587 REQUEST: Tfiis existing industria( site lies in the southeast quadrant of Minnehaha Avenue and Chatsworth Street wifh frontage on Minnehaha. The parce( under consideration for rezoning is adjacent to the existing foundry sife and has frontage on Chatsworth. We are requesting the foitowing approvals, which would allow for fhis exisEing, viab(e business to fit in better with the surrounding uses: i1 2. � A lot split for the Wilder Square, tnc. property located immediately south of St. Pauf Brass & Aluminum Foundry's site that will aliow for the northern 100 feet to be divided from fheir overali property. Rezoning of the 100 foot newly created parcei from RM-2 (Multiple Family F2esidential) to f-1 (Industrial). Site plan approvai for a 43 space employee parking lot located on the existing St. Paul Brass property and the newly created parcel. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The purpose for this proposed site expansion of St. Paui Brass and Aluminum is to provide for employee parking and truck access to the rear of the existing building. The attached concept site layout provides a tasteful, e�cient proposai that blends weli with the existing land-use intensity of the neighborhood, promotes safe and orderly traffic flow, and creates a handsome parking area with proper site orientation and extensive landscaping, while preserving the existing significant slope {with trees) to the east Careful consideration was taken in the arraignment and placement of the proposed uses on the site expansion. Currently along the Southern property line, the existing fopography rises from the St. Paul Brass site, creating an earthen berm ihat screens their existing industrial site from the existing multi-family site located further to the south. The placement of Yhe proposed parking utilizes the remaining open space on the new parcei for placement of a new earthen berm, emuiating the existing pattern between the two parcels. SUBMtTTAL PACKAGE: Attached with this narrative are four plan sheets that identify the existing and proposed zoning, the existing conditions and the conceptual site layout. Pians for the site pian review and approvai will be submiffed at a tater date. The attached sheets are: Sheet CM1 - Sheet CM2 - Existing Zoning Proposed Zoning Sheet C'! - Existing Conditlons and Removals Plan O The McSherry Group, lnc. April 26, 1999 Page 1 Rezoning Submittal for ST. PAUL BRASS 8� ALUMINUM FOUNDRY �t.°� �6q Sheet C2 - Sheet C3 - Sheet C4 - Sheet C5 - Sheet C6 - Site Layout Plan Grading, Drainage, Erosion Controi and Utility Plan Existing Drainage Area Calculations Pfan Proposed Drainage Area Calculations Plan Lighting Pian Sheet C7-C10 - Civil Detaiis Plans Sheet L1 - SheetL2 Sheet L3 - Landscape Plan Landscape Area Detaiis Plan landscape Defaifs Plan In addition, the rezoning petition, the three related affidavits and the appiication fee are also included. REZONING REQUEST: The St. Paui City Zoning Code states in Section 64.400 (a) that " the council may, from time to time, amend, supplement or change the district boundaries or the regulations herein, or subsequently estabiish herein pursuant to the provisions of Minnesota Statutes Section 462.357 and amendments thereto as may be made from time to time. 7he pfanning commission may, from time to time, review district boundary lines to determine if, pursuant to state laws, such disVict boundary lines shouid be changed." Section 64.400 (b} states in part that "an amendment tn the zoning code may be initiated by the council, the pianning commission or by petiYion of sixty-seven (67) percent of the area of the property to be rezon2d" A iist of the adjacent property owners was received from the City of St. Paut, as requested. The attached petition includes a number of signatures that meets and/or exceeds the minimum Code requirements from adjacent property owners in the neighborhood who are in support of the rezoning request. Genera!ly, four primary issues are addressed when the City ofi St. Paui evaivates a rezoning request. These issues are: Compatibility with land use and zoning ciassification of property within the generai area. 2. 3. Suitability of the property for the use permitted under the existing zoning classification. The trend of development in the area of the property in question. 4. Consistency w+th the Comprehensive plan and the District plan. The proposed findings that address these concerns ase as 4ollows: Wiider Square, Inc. is the current owner of the subject property for rezoning and has presented a purchzse agreement to St. Paul Brass and Afuminum Foundry (SPSA) for SPBA's purchase of that property. The rezoning is necessary to allow the change in use of the prnperty. SPBA's plans are to construct an employee parking loi and service vehicie access. The subject property is currently open space with an underutilized basketbail court on it. 2. The rezoning is consistent with the Comprehensive Pian. The District 7 Plan recommends the current mix of business, industrial and residentiai for this general area. The Economic Development Strategy chapter recommends that the Gity provide adequate land for industrial and commercial development and expansion (empfiasis addedj in order to increzse the proportion of commercial/industrial tax base (Policy 25, page 17j. The subject property is currently �O The McSherry Group, Inc. Rezoning Submittal fo� April 26, 1999 Page 2 ST. PAUL BRASS & ALUMINUM FOUNDRY underutilized open space and if devetoped for SPBA, essentiaily as parking, wouid alieviate a lack of parking and accessibitity issues wifh adjacent properties, generate property tax revenue as well as serve the adjacent business. 3. The rezoning is consistent and compatibie with the way the area has been developed over fime. The subject property is adjacent to Industrial on its North and it is very unlikely that the propeRy would be developed for residenYia! use. . ' 4. The rezoning will not have an adverse impact on the adjacent property. The proposed use is compatibie with the existing business and industriai prope+iies to the North and the West. The residential land uses to the East and South should not be adversely impacted due to the existing natural topography of the site, which is being preserved to the East and emufated with a natura! earth berm (and landscape) for the reconstructed edge to the South. 5. SPBA has submitted a sufficient petition of to-thirds of the property owners within one hundred (100) feet of the property stating support for the rezoning (18 parce(s eligib(e, 12 required, 12 signed). 7he proposed use is consistent with the City's Guide Plan, is a well designed environment that is complete and is feasible by itself, and helps to preserve a significant portion of the natural environment on the East end of the site. DEVELOPMENTSTANDARDS: The proposed expansion of the existing St. Paul Brass and Alumin�m Foundry property is generally designed to meet or exceed the Industriai (I-1) Zoning DistricPs minimum standards. The building size, setbacks, parking ratio, and landscaping for the proposed development fall within fhe regulations outlined in the I-1 section of the City ordinances with the exception of the building setback to the East property line. This setback should be 34.5 feet (9 '/: times the building height) because the adjacent property is residential. However, at the Yime St. Paul Brass and Aluminum Foundry was constructed, it was in conformance with City Codes, which makes it legally non-conforming. Site Desiqn: Many other factors were considered in creating an aestheticaily pleasing employee parking !ot and truck access area that would properly support the existing deve(opment. The land ptanning intent was to save as many trees as possible on the East end of the site, especially in tfie sioping area. In addition, the design intent was to emulate the existing earth berm/landscape edge condition along the southern property line. Physical development of the empioyee parking lot begins 2pproximately 30 feef M1torth of the new SouYh property line. Initialiy, the thought was to construct only 36 ot the 43 required spaces. It is anticipated, over time, that fhe additional 7 spaces wili need to be eventually constructed. AfYer reviewing a cost-benefit analysis for the construction timi�g, it was determined that the entire parking loi v✓iA need Yo be constructed. Anotfier goal was to minimize the excavation and soifs that need to be removed from the siYe. This is why earth berming is proposed along the South property tine, which will also emulate the existing edge condition. In addition, this also provides an opportunity to provide landscapirtg, which wiii enhance the curb appeal of this secondary use of the property. From a service perspective, the proposed truck and service access to the existing building has been sited to allow for appropriate emergency vehicle and truck turning radii for the ioading dock and service faclities. � The McSherry Group, Inc. Rezoning Submittat for ----- April 26, '1999 Page 3 ST. PAUL BRASS & ALUMINUM FOUNDRY �l.�t, —�co� V EHI CU LAR .Cf ftCU LATI013: A logicai vehicular circuiation pattern has been created for the proposed site deve{opment, which allows employee and service vehicle traffic to enter and exit the site efficiently, and cleariy defines the main drive aisie from the parking bays. The drive aisie width and parking stalls have been designed to exceed the City of St. Aauf's parking standards. The proposed docklservice area on the south side of the existing building has been positioned to maximize tSie tuming radii available for delivery and service vehicies. UTILITIES/GRADING: Water Main No building addition is currentiy proposed for the current building, therefore, no modifications are proposed to the existing water mai� currently serving the structure. Sanitarv Sewer: An existing sanitary sewer connection from Minnehaha Avenue currentiy serves the existing buitding. No additional sanitary sewer service is proposed. Storm Sewer: The storm water management for this development has been completed in accordance with the requirements of the City of St. Paul Public Works Department and the physical limitations of the property. Storm water drainage will be collected ai a low area in the parking iot (with a limited depth). Stormwater from the low area will discharge into the proposed storm sewer system and be carried to the existing 66" RCP storm sewer pipe located 16 feet under Chatsworth Street. The on-site detention basin, when combined with a restricted outlet, will have the ability to minimize the impact of the 100-year storm event on the downstream system. Gradina: The site wili be re-graded to maintain the character of the existing topography. Erosion control will be provided including silt fence, hay bales at catch basins, and rock construction entrance. Public street sweeping will be done at least once a week, once a day if needed. It is proposed that all of the parking lot and service drive areas will have a bituminous surtace with B612 concrete curb and gutter throughout. PROPOSED SiTE DATA: O The McSherry Group, inc. Rezoning Submittaf for Apri126, 1999 Page 4 5T. PAUL BRASS & ALUMiNUM FOUNDRY DEVELOPMENT DATA: ZONWG; Existing (Proposed Parcel): Proposed (Proposed Parcel}: North: East WesL South: 20NING STANDARDS: Lot Width Minimum: Lot Area Front Yard Setbacks: Building (Fram centerline of r.o.w.) Parking Sign: Side Yard Setbacks: - Standard 6uilding Parking Non Industrial Bu'�4ding Parking Rear Yard Setbacks: Standard Buiiding Parking Non Industrial Building Parking Maximum Buitding Height: Floor Area Ratio: Existing Proposed Maximum Parking: Existing Required Proposed Proof of parking Total RM-2 Multipte Family Residentia! 1-1 tndustriai I-1 Industrial RM-2 Multiple Family Residential RM-2 Multiple Famify Residential RM-2 Multiple Family Residentia! None None 34.5 feet 10.0 feet 5.0 feet 0.0 feet 4.0 feet 34.5feet 10.0 feet 0.0 feet 4.0 feet 34.5 feet 10.0 feet 50.0 feet 0.75 0.42 2.00 0 43 36 7 43 Spaces Spaces Spaces Spaces Spaces � The McSherry Group, inc. Rezorting Submiltal for Aprif 26, 1999 Page � ST. PAUL BRASS & ALUMINllM FOUNDRY �l,R —qc�`1 OWNERIAPPLICANT St. Paui Brass and A{uminum Foundry 954 West Minnefiaha Avenue Saint Paul, MN 55104-1587 Phone: (651) 48&5587 Fax: (6512) 488-0908 S{TE PtANNERILANDSCAPE ARCHiTECT The McSherry Group, Inc. 410 Hayward Avenue North St. Paul, MN 55128 Phone: (651) 731-0308 Fax:{651)731-0421 SURVEYOR Egan Field Nowak, lnc. 4715 Wayzata Boulevard Minneapolis, MN 55426 Phone: (612) 546-6837 Fax: (612) 546-6839 O The McSherry Group, Inc. Rezoning Submittal for April 26, 1999 Page 6 ST. PAUL BRASS 8 ALUMINUM FOUNDRY Exfiibif A LEGAL DESCRIPTION Current St. Paul Brass and Aluminum Foundry Properfy: The East 125 feet of that part of the West one-hatf of fhe Northwesf quarter of the Northeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of Secfion 35, Township 29, Range 23, lying Norfh of the centerline of Van Buren Street, extended East, subject fo pub(ic sfreets, Ramsey County, Minnesota. Newiy created subject parce( to be rezoned: The North 100 feet (measured af right ang(es to the North line thereofl of that part of the West Half of the Northwest quarter of the Northeast quarter of the IVorthwest quarter, Section 35, Township 29 Morth, Range 23 West, fying Soufh of the extended centeriine of Van 8uren Avenue, ftamsey County, Minnesota. OThe McSherry Group, inc. Rezoning Submittal for P.pril 26, 1999 Page 7 ST, PAUL BRASS & ALUMINUM FOUNDRY � `� -`t�q VE, � NG�E � R-4 _ _q _ � �Ui� � � � � � WD�D � i � f HUBBAR� •� 1-1 � �'� BCITLER ;'�-------- � � 8-2 � i RPV9-3 F-- � � _____J--------- A�1E: 33 f __ _ ;lE, � i �� i ; { f SUBJECT PROPERTY�[ I � �� � 1 � � �7 ' � , r t ( � � 4 --- ° RM-2 � i z — � � i� .� � f _� � � ----------- � fQ }— � i — --I- ' - - � I S-2 .3 ` � Rr,� ^' _ _ _ J '�T H ❑ � { � -----� � z , ,� y' � � os-� � ��-2 y E D M U � RT-1 v} MP,S ° N D �� - �r ° Q �T'� �f CHAR LES � H ZONING LEGEND: B-2 BUStNESS DISTWGT S-3 BUSIt�SS DISTRICT 1-1 fNDtSSTRtAL DiSTR1CT OS-1 O�FiCE SUSftJESS DiSTWCT R-4 ONE FAMLY RESIDENTfAL DISTRICT RM'2 MULT� FAMtLY RESmENTIAL DiSTRICT RN1"3 MUL7IPLE FAMILY FtESIDENTiAL DISTR(CT RT-1 TWO FAMLY RES�ENTiAL DISTRICT � Ma9HEARY srnucrt�a� �c�a�r.w a ar� oesx�v s�vx�s tA NIYY(�AiO A �tCWifl � [atin e�a e�r ! A � w 0' S00' 1 �00' i SC'�' I � � � EX{STING ZONING R6EMm. tH6E OOCUNf111S ME M' INSIRUNEM Of SERviCE In0 FRE iHE PROPERTY Oi Ti1E YcSHERR'( CROUP, MC. //�D iuY HC' e_ �+`-� ���T w+� ST. PAUL BRASS 8 ALUMR�UM FOtRmRY 854 W tv�NNEHAtiA AVE, ST. PAllL, Mrf 55104 C�� • "�iir MGI-89076 i � 1 i � � ( I � I ; r —'_ �i i i � —i i----- it � f ��.� � �� � IGI � I� � � � C� ,� #i � �i ; � � �`� ; � � : � � �� �: tI i� ij � � \� , r r „ t I i ! ����i� � ����f = �� ! I;i��fi liiia++ Q t � .... g����1����� ��gA� �� ��' �i''°"i��``�` €���g� q a� �� �°t � Q 3 �� � � ��� � ao� ��� € g #� g I -T �' St lrY(f�l�l�l� f�IP �� � � �?�;�€466666e � � jt ��j(��i�i9l� t ji � <<<�QOpna,� �� � � � � ii�E�ll•,�II•I•I�;•!•fp — -- — • I!�ltll•,�II•I•(: "O Sf.PAUL.BPASSAND.LLUMINUMfdINDRY � � ��� ` ���� C� -Y�fWE57M1lYN8WiAA�FNUE •,s �i'�\�l'�' 6 '� � 'lrxu Sf.PAVIMWNE50TA%163 � + �mum+w ra � �� ° vacura�n+zrwnwccoe�omons .." 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P.WL, MINM1ESOiA SSb4 " LWOSCMFOELUISPUN ••`� 6 � � Y a p y a � ��� � ,"��� �+ a� �'7i�7L � SC PaLLI Brdss and Aluminum F wy m,�.�.'.u...ss„' a' .'s ° _ ::' L. -. .. 'w REZ�IYL�(r' FIRST SUBMITTED SCUP R ESUB---- ��ED DATE PETITION SUBMITTED: �_ �_ += � DATE OFFICIALLY RECEIVED: (��_�� PARCELS ELIGIBLE: ! � ---_ . PARCELS REQUIRED: /G-�� PARCELS SIGNED: � ------ �� �b \ DATE PETITION RESUBMII`I'gD; /••� 7-�� w C:r; �- � 7 j DATE OFFICIALLY RECEIVED: '""' � " `� `° j ��t , PARCELS ELIGIBLE: / ,,.Y" _ _ 1'ARCEI,S RgQUIRED: � � —�_ PARCELS SIGNED; NCUP ! � — _—_>--»._.,._.. ,�- '�.= -�. � �_� _ ':� �„ • � \_� ! � CHECKED �Y: ����,��r� / ----._.____._. _ _� - f � f DATE• Ca " 2". �� 1 � -1' � y ,,_, r- T r `.. t�-a:i .'�,n--'S`�" �;.i ""�,. ,r"� ....- _•- V � '.' _} ` '= � zorv►�� ���E �� Jo AbNaharn 25032 SE 384th St Enumclaw, WA 98022 (2S3) 804-9694 Mazch 28, 1999 Mr. Peter Ryan St. Paul Brass and Atuminum Foundry 954 W Minnehaha Ave St. Paul, MN 55104 Dear Mr. Ryan, ,.. ,,. ST. PAUL BRAS'S I am happy to support you in your effort to rezone. The signed petition is enclosed. St. Paul Brass has long been a respected establishment in the neighborhood and I am familiar with your operaTion. As a child, I grew up on Van Buren near Chatsworth in the 50's. We often played in what was then a vacant lot behind the foundry, long before the �Vilder Foundation bought the property. When we found unbroken sand cores discazded from the foundry, they became our "treasures" and we would take them home and try to preserve them in their unbroken state for as long as possible. My parents built Minnehaha Liquors in 1964 and operated it for twenty yeazs. They knew your company's mana�ement and thought highly of your business. Much of their success in business was due to patronization from your employees at the time. Piease do not hesitate to contact me if I can be of further assistance in this matter. Good luck. Sincerely yours, Jo Abraham .. . . ' C �O f Mv.T t � R1 I �21 a .o-.. ` -�.s ' : , : 6 = � . y; "° } ....,.< .� f g F t' 'J S KQ ' rcn � ' � � ; p J �o �tt fe 3 . <.,� c �� y £ p � a f ° <� I . i ......... .. t "�-°. : ° $ � „ � S E /: F f � '� ���n I �I 4 � e I� - �I � t $ I ,� $^� ` . , " " _ = .� .� � � �„ � .:,�� � r- � pp �� `� ' �� y �� a \\ `� 4 \ ��' Z ��S 1 \ \ i ,. e.. ,. r , p: ,- • 3 ' ` �4 <•,,.�. ' •� : � ..�_ � 9 ��' �>' 1 i ; � � '� : � �?r x . 1 �5 z i .. � � E . Z ° � � �j � i ; � , i F p � A^ a ...- i vv �•? `o.. aa =I F -.raa �� � F a g �rp �P � F J � ' j \ � w .. .. .< 3 � i ��.� � 4 , � � . j ( _ F �/ . _ �� / : /�� �i—� / L l� �"�C� t� CTTIZEN PARTICIPATION PLANNING DISTRICIS 1. 2. 3. 4. S. 6. � 9. 10. il. 12. 13. 1?. 15. 16. 17, 2 � \ SUNRA7'-BATTLECREEK-HIGHFVOOD fIf1ZEL PARK HADEN-PROSPERTTY HILLCREST WEST SIDE DAXTOi i'S BLUFF PAYNE-PHAZ,EN NORTH END THOMAS-DALE SUMMIT-UNIVERSITY WEST SEVENIT3 COMO HAMLI�'E-MIbWAY ST. ANTHO\TY PARiC MERRIAM PARK-LEXINGTON HAhiLIir'E-S?�,'ELLINC Hf,�iLr�tiE M.ACAI,ESTER GROVELAND HIGHLAND SUMMIT I�TLL DOWNT'OWN ZC�t�l�lG FIL� - / 9 � ZONINC �iLE �- � 7HOMAS-DALE DISTRICT 7 O ... _ „ � 4�� p • . a >q�Qp I i i i e � i i > 000,0 �'� ., _� ��. � �� • � �--t� � • • ?) � • • • .��: , �->=. � :?:�1, !�� 0 24 �2a 0 � � � � � � � � � � � � • O ��' 1 � ��� v ��-�� � ^ 24 , J L�I 0 � � -b-. � U ��o�o�o��t� � _ � ., `���d) � Id�c'���I hl����l„� ;I��� ,-.,����:.�.- + ��' ? �,."��. - ° � °g LEG=�4� ='J=� f `� a�s�j'`s'�,� _��«� ��, "� _�..� . g . zo:�:n� C, !n��t b�unda�y � �'_�. �� �:s La' DF,Tc ° ` � � sub' p;op>_ �Y °u:� D,�- p.t=.� r ��'�� .� fl' o o��> lanir,. ` .�:.. o r::� �a- ; a� �� n{�Q r..:p;a �a � � , ,•. -� r- ^ T �-�r>r, -� n n i n':Y{'��in-r�s —IC� ��rvS�r-� .v.r�in;n�n. � -� o , p UJ/LDER CENTER � -O- � � O � 7`-J �\=- e a n —, - = I � ��, ._-_ {i3 , � �?��n � uY4- ORIGENAL Council File # �L. Ordinance # Green Sheet # 102953 ORDINAPICE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 7 10 11 12 13 14 IS l6 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 ������� ► g WHEREAS, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes §462.357 and Section §64.40Q ofthe Saint Paul Legislafive Code, the SAINT PAITL BRASS AND ALLJMINC7M FOITNDRY duly petitioned to rezone property located directly south of 954 and 976 Minnehaha Avenue between Chatsworth Street and the Wilder Foundafion campus, being legally described as: The North 100 feet (measured at right angles to the north line thereo fl of that part of the West Half of the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter, Section 35, Township 29 North, Range 23 West, lying south of the extended centerline of Van Buren Avenue, Ramsey Counry, Minnesota, from RM-2 (multi-family residential) to I-i (Industrial) for the purpose of providing far employee parking and truck access to the rear of the existing foundry building, the petition having been certified by the Planning staff on July 9, 1999, as having be€n consented to by at least 67 percent of the owners of the area of the properiy to be rezoned, and fiuther having been consented to by at least two- thirds of the owners of property situated within 100 feet of the total contiguous property within one year preceding the date of the petition; and WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Planniug Commission on August 19, 1999, held a public hearing for the purpose of considering the rezoning petition, and pursuant to Secrion § 107.03 of the Saint Paul Administrarive Coda, submitted its recommendation to the Plamiiug Commission that the petition be granted; and WI3EREAS, the Planning Commission considered the rezoning perition at its meeting held on August 27, 1999, and recommended that the City Councii approve the petition; and 25 WHEREAS, notice of a public hearing before the City Council on the said rezoning petition was duly 26 published in the official newspaper of the City on September 4, 1999 and notices were duly mailed to each ?7 owner of affected property and property situated wholly or partly within 350 feet of the property sought to be '.8 rezoned; and �9 0 WHEREAS, a public hearing before the City Council having been conducted on September 8, 1999, where 1 all interested parties were heard, and the Council having considered all the facts and recammendarions 2 conceming the petition; now, therefore, �`� ,� 3 • � THB COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: i Section 1. ' That the zoning map of the City of Saint Pau1, Sheet Number 11, as incotporated by reference in Section §60.301 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, as amended, is hereby fiirther amended as foliows: An ordinance amending Chapter 60 of the Saint Paul Legislarive Code pertaiiung to zoning for the City of Saint Paul and the zoning maps thereo£ �tg-a�9 39 That properiy located directiy south of 954 and 976 Minnehaha Avenue between Chatsworth Street and 40 the Wilder Fouttdation campus, being more particularly described as: 41 42 The North 100 feet (measured at right angles to the north line thereo fl of that part of the West Half of 43 the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of the Nortbwest Quarter, Section 35, Townsiup 24 44 North, Range 23 West, lying south of the extended centerline of Van Buren Avenue, Ramsey County, 45 Minnesota_ 46 47 be and is hereby rezoned from RM-2 to I-l. 48 49 Section 2. 50 This ordinance shali take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and a8er its passage, approval and 51 publication. PIIAI ISN�A ORIGINAL Adoption Certi£ied by Council Secretary HY: �=� �1� ( `�' Approved by Mayor: Da � By: �� � .:� Requested by Department of: Plannina & Economic Develonment EY; `^' �(((�N � Fonn Approved by Cit Attorney �!/"!�'�'1'7L� � By: Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council g C��� ���i6� Adopted by Council: Date yV aa ,�,\��{G ) � GREEN Homans As soon as possible 266-6557 TOTAL # OF SIGNANRE PAGES Qa -�tG�L No 102�53 L;,� a.,�,�.� . , y �� ��—. r � an�nauev ❑ urru.m¢ ❑ rsura.�,�s oa ❑ n�.ro.�,�rn�xra �r�vacpnnasrwn ❑ (CLIP ALl LOCATIONS �OR SIGHATUR� prp(rnG.»CS— Adopt� to finalize council ackion taken on September 8, 1999 to rezone properiy located direcfly south of 954 and 976 West Minnehaha Avenue from RM-2 to I-1 to allow Saint Paul $rass and Ahtmiuum to provide employee pazking and truck access to the reaz of the e�sting foundry building. PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE C{ViL SERYICE CAMMISSION PERSONALSERYSCE CONTRAC75 F{UST AtiSWERiHE FOIIOWIHG Q t. Has inis persoMrm ever workea unaer a cantract tor this aecertmeM7 vES NO Has Mia ce�soMrm ever teen a d1Y emabYeeT vES t� Does thic Peison�i�m posses6 8 s1a71 not mm�alrypossessetl DY anY a1rteM citY emPloYee? VES NO IS Nis pe�sorvRm� a ta�petetl vendaft VES NO Adopt � to finalize council approval of the rezoning described above. �.�, ��e�_ ���,�, . OrdinG.nt�. �� � � � � �� �'� ,� Cr P�-�E "` ;�*�«:�.,":f`;�-�ri;,�"�t.,' E S; � s': � i c �l:. 2'' : •� �=�.� 4 'i:ei;�..£'sG'r:. s � Rezoning will allow conrinued operarion of the St. Paul Brass Foundry that has lost pernussion to access its loading dock through a neighboring property. . IF APPROVED None. Applicant would have to close its operation or redesign its manufachmng plant to accommodate alternative access. 'OTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S COS71PfiVENUE HUDGLTED (CI0.CLE ON� YES NO UNDING SOURCE NANGAL MFORMATION (IXPW� ACiNI7Y NUMBER �$� �8'�ufi�fG�i vrrtl#'�i SEP 2 3 1999 DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Bri¢rs Sweeney, Dir¢ctor C ll S Ol' J1y11V 1 LAIJL Norm Colemarz, Mayor August 20, 1999 Ms. Nancy Anderson City Council Research Office Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Ms. Anderson: 25 R'es1 Foutth SEreet Saint Paul, MN 55101 `lg- Tetephone: b51-26b-6655 Facslmile: 651-228-33I4 I would like to confizm that a public hearing before the City Council is scheduled for Wednesday September 8, 1999 for the following zoning case: Applicant: SAINT PAUL BRASS AND AI.IIMINiJM FOLINDRY FileNumber: #99-194 Purpose: Rezone property from RM-2 (multi-family) to I-1 (industrial) to provide for employee parking and truck access to the rear of the existing foundry building. Address: Property directly south of 954 and 976 West Minnehaha Avenue, between Chatsworth and the Wilder Foundation campus. Legal Description of Property: Previous Action: The North 100 feet (measured at right angles to the north line thereof� of that part of the West Half of the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter, Secfion 35, Township 29 North, Range 23 West, lying south of the extended centerline of Van Buren Avenue, Ramsey County, Minnesota. Planning Commission Recommendarion: Pending Zoning Committee Recommendarion: Approval, vote: 7-0, August 19, 1999 My understanding is that this public hearing request will appear on the agenda for the September l, 1999 City Council meeting and that you wi11 publish notice of the hearing in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger. Please call me at 266-6557 if you have any questions. � Sincerely, �,���- Nancy Homans City Planner cc: File #�94-194 Wendy Lane Paul Dubruiel Carol Martineau rmsrxviv • � NO'MCEOFPUBLICHEARIl�TG - � The Saint Paul City Council will condvct a public hearing on Wednesday, Septem6er S, 1999,�at 5:30 p.m. in,the City Council Chambers, Third Floor, City Hall-Courthouse. - to consider the application of Saint Paul Brass.and Aluminum Foundry to resone property from RM-2 (multi-fami7y) to I-1 (industrialt tn provide for employee parking and truck access to the reaz of the esisYing foundry buitding directly south of 954 and 976 Minnehaha Avenue between Chatsworth and the Wilder Foundation campus: DaYeck: August 25, 1999 - � _ ,NAt�3CYAPtDELtSON - AssSsfantCYyCounci�l5ecretaTy ` � fnug_. zl)- c�=�.ST. PAULLEGALLBD68R--=s=�= DEPARTMENT OF PLANNII3G & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Brirsn Sweeney, Director CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Calemart, Mayor August 31, 1999 Ms. Nancy Anderson Secretary to the City Council Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesofa 55102 25 West Founh Street Sainf Paul, MN 55102 �� Tetephorse: 651-266b655 Facsimile: 651-228-3374 RE: Zoning File #99-194 ST. PALTL BRASS AND ALi.JMINUM FOiJNDRY (Peter Ryan) City Council Hearing: September 8, 1999, 530 p.m. City Council Chambers PURPOSE: To consider rezoning property directly south of 954 and 976 West Minnehaha Avenue (between Chatsworth and the Wilder Foundation Campus) from RM-2 (mulri-family residential) to I-1 (industrial) to provide for employee parking and truck access to the rear of the exisring St. Paul Brass building. PLANDIING COMMISSION RECOMMENAATION APPROVAL vote: unanimous ZONING COMMIT"I'EE RECOMMENDATION APPROVAL vote: 7-0 STAFF RECONIMENDATTON APPROVAL SUPPORT: One person spoke. District Seven Planning Council voted to support the rezoning. OPPOSITION: No one spoke. Three letters were received in opposition. Dear Ms. Anderson: The SAINT PAUL BRASS AND ALLJMINIJM FOCJNDRY (Peter Ryan) submitted a petition to rezone properiy directly south of 954 and 976 West Minnehaha. The Zoning Commirtee of the Planning Commission held a public hearing on the proposed rezoning on August 19, 1999. The applicant addressed the committee. At the close of the public hearing, the committee voted 7-Q to recommend approval to rezone to I-I. The Planning Commission upheid the Zoning Committee's recommendarion for approval on a unanimous vote on August 27, 1999. This proposed rezoning is scheduled to be heard by the City Council on September 8, 1999. Please notify Nancy Homans (6-6557) if any member of the City Council wishes to have slides of the site presented at the public hearing. Sincerely, ��� � Kenneth Ford Planning Administrator Attachments cc: City Council members �t�-`t�°� city of saint paul planning commission resolution #iie number 99-54 �te August 27, 1999 WHEREAS, the SAINT PAUL BRASS AND ALUMINUM FOUNDRY, file #99-194, has petitioned to rezone a 100' by 293.91' parcel of property directly south of 954 and 976 Wesf Minnehaha Avenue, situated between Chatsworth and the Wilder Foundation campus, from RM-2 to I-1 to provide for employee parking and truck access to the rear of the existing St. Paul Brass buiiding; and WHEREAS, the Zoning Commiftee of the Planning Commission, on August 19, 1999, held a public hearing af which all persons presenf were given an apportunity to be heard pursuant to said application in accordance with the requirements of Section 64.400 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code; and WtiEREAS, the Saint Paui Planning Commission, based on the evfdence presented to its Zoning Committee at the public hearing, as substantially reHected in the minutes, made the folfowing findings of fact: The Saint Pau; Srass and Aluminum Foundry has operated at 954 West Minnehaha since 1869 and is, therefore, a legaily nonconforming i-2 use in an 1-1 districf. The most efficient access for bringing raw materials to the foundry has besn to tfie rear of the buifding a�ross a driveway and parking lot owned by the Leaflet Missal Company, the neighboring property to the west. The Leaffet Missal Company has now withdrawn its permission for the Foundry to use its property for access. The applicant has reached an agreement to purchase a 100 ft. x 294 ft. piece of properfy along the south side of their current property from the Wilder Square Co-op. They have app{ied for a lot split and have submitted a site p{an for a new driveway and a parking srea for 43 cars, both of which are permitted accessory uses. Both appfications have received favorabfe reviews, pending the rezoning. The appfication for rezoning is submitted jointfy by the Saint Paul Brass and Aluminum Foundry (Peter Ryan) and the Wiider Square Co-op (Morris Manning). ' moved by Field secor�ded by in favor Consent against Zoning File #99-i 94 Page Two of Resolution 2. The property proposed to be rezoned is contiguous to property to the north curcenfly zoned I-1 (the exisfing St. Paul Brass and Afuminum Foundry and the Leaflet Missal Company" properties). The industria! property is long-estabiished and is on the corner of the b(ock : across Minnehaha from the Minnehaha Mall, a two block commercial area, zoned B-2. The rezoning would eniarge the industria( portion of the biock, buf would not change the existing land use pattern of the area. To the easT of the site is the Wilder Foundation campus, zoned RM-2; to the south is the Wi(der Square Co-op, a medium density residentiai area, also zoned RM-2. To the west is a low to mid-density residential area, zoned RM-2 and it-4. 3. A site plan submitted for the construction of the driveway and parking indicafes fhe replacement of a berm on the south boundary, heavy landscaping on the east and south edges screening the industriai building as weil as tfie drive and parking area, instailation of a fence to buffer the traffic from the Wilde� Square Co-op property, and replacement of a fialf-court basketbal( court for off-hours use by Wilder Square residents. The site plan has been reviewed and approved, contingent upon the rezoning. 4. The impact on those that live or work in the surrounding area is expected, on bafance, fo be positive. The amount of truck traffic is not expected to increase from the current fewer than one truck a week. Instead of on a makeshift grave( drive, the tr�cks will frave( on a paved and heavily landscaped driveway. Employees, instead of parking on surtounding residential streets, will park on the improved parking tof on the site. The entrance to the site that will be moved 80 feef to the south will not pose any trafric hazard or any significantly different impact on surrounding residents. • 5. The rezoning would be consistent with the comprehensive plan that calls for the careful and sensitive integration of uses in neighborhoods. (Land Use Plan, 5.0J In this eight biock area are a major commercial/retaii sife, foundation ofrices and a range of housing typ2s as we!! as two significant industrial empiayers. The at'tention to sife design and iandscaping improves fhe integration of the uses and provides for fhe confinued operation of an historic neighborhood-based Saint Paul business. 6. The applicants have submitfed a pefifion witf� signztures of the owners of 12 of the 18 eligible signatures, meeting the required standard of 67 percent of the property owners within 100 feet of fhe property to be rezoned. � NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Saint Paul Planning Commission that the petition of the SAINT PAU� BRASS AND ALUMINUM FOUNDRY to rezone properfy direcfly fo the south of 954 and 976 West Minnehaha Avenue, more partict�larly described in the file, from a RM-2 zoning ciassificzfion to an f-1 zoning cfassi�ication is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan for the City; and BE IT FURTNEr2 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul Plannirta Commissron daes hereby recommend to the Council o� th2 City oi Saint Paul inai prop2rty located directly to the south of 954 and 97o W�st Minnehaha Avenue b= rezoned rrom RM-2 to I-1 in accordance wifh ffie pztition for rezoning on iile with fhe Saint Paul Planning Diti�ision. � The minutes of the August 27,1999 Planning Commission meeting were not available at the time this packet was prepared. This rezoning, however, was recommended with a unanimous vote with no discussion. Copies of the minutes will be available at the City Council public hearing on September 8,1999. MINUTES OF THE ZONING COMMITTEE Tfiursday, August 19, 7959 - 3:30 p.m. City Council Chambers, 3'd Fioor City Hall and Court House 15 West Keliogg Boulevard PRESENT: EXGUSED: OTHERS PRESENT: Engh, Field, Gervais, Gordon, Kramer, Morton, and Nowlin Faricy Caroi Martineau, AIIan Torstenson, Nancy Homans of PED The meeting was chaired by Commissioner Fieid. `t `\ - q.�� St. Paul Brass Foundry- 99-194 - Rezoning from RM-2 to 1-7 to provide for empfoyee parking and truck access to the rear of the existing St. Paul Brass buiiding. Nancy Homans showed slides and presented the staff report. Ms. Homans stated the staff and District 7 recommended approvai of the rezoning. Three Ietters from apartme�t owners were received with concerns about increased truck traffic. Ms. Homans explained that the truck traffic wi{i not increase. At the question of Commissioner Gordon, Ms. fiomans stated theirwiff be no change in the number of employees, but that they would 6e able to park on-site rather than on the street. At the question Commissioner Gordon, Mr. Torstenson stated P-1 Zoni�g wouldn't work because the proposed use, including off-street loading, does not meet the conditions required of P-1 Zoning uses. Mr. Peter Ryan, President of St. Pau{ Brass, presented a map and stated that the new iot and driveway would be a plus forthe neighborhood because ofthe shrubbery and landscaping thatthey are planning to irnplement. St. Paul Brass wants to work with the neighborhood and there was no opposition when they obtained signatures for the petition. At the question of Commissioner Gordon, Mr. Ryan stated St. Paul Brass has a sh+ft and one-half working at the present time. if there is a need forfurtherexpansion the company would incorporate add+tional shifts . Ms MeNassa Martinez Sonas, District Seven Planning Council, presented a letter of recommendation from the Executive Director Mike Samuelson. At the question of Commissioner Gordon, Mr. Ryan stated the amount of traffic won't change. The rezoning will make it possible to receive shipments during the day in iieu of evening or early morning deliveries. Commissioner Gordon moved approval of the rezoning to i-1. Commissioner Morton second it. Adopted Yeas -7 Nays - 0 Drafted by: �.tA�,1/�2lfM�c�U Carol Martineau Recording Secretary Submitted by: L. C v %��"�ZR�r�� a.�r� Nancy Homans Zoning Section Approved by: Litton Field Chair AUG-19-99 12-48 PM ➢ISTRIGT T PLRNNING CNCL 632 2985072 P_61 �Dntr,c� F�le�r -(��' �. � � .Yf� �l � District 7 Planning Council b89 North Dale Street SAIn! Pttul, M�nnesota SSI03-1644 651/Z98-5068 (office) 65l/Z98-5071 (/'axJ August itl, f999 Litton Pield, Jr., Chair Zoning Committae St. Paul Planning Commission 25 West Fourth Street Si. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Mr. Field: �g -�c��t At aur May 27, 1999 board ot dlrectors meeting. the District 7 Planning Gouncii passed the following motlon regarding the zoning changa request being macfa by tha St. Pauf 6rass and Aluminum Foundry to the St. Pauf Planning Commission: j�qygQ; That tha District 7 Planning Council suppoR the proposais to rezone property from resldentiai to fight industria�, the pruperty subdivlsion and the site plan being made by the St. Pau1 Brsss and Aiuminum Poundry, 954 W. Minnehahe Ave., in order for a ioading dock entrence and employee parking to he adtled to this site and f�rther that we request that the new parking iot be c�osed off when the bueinees ie not open, that the basketball courl be relocated and �eplaced and that the chai� link fencing proposed for the south end of the new lot use a colored, vinyl ciad matori.nl so to soften its look. Our community council reviewed this matter in depth on Monday, May 10 at our Physlcal Plannlflg Committee. At that meeting we heard from represe�tacives from the St. Paul 9rass Foundry regarding this building expansion and parking lot project and ths nscessary zon{�g change request they must firat have approved i� ordvr to make ii happen. Afler this revlew ovr commfttee voted to support this request as long as the issuss that ware addressed In tho motion presented above were adequaiely addressed. We understand irom our diSCUSelons wtth both city licensing stafi and the applicant that our concerns hava been considefed positively and wlil be implemented as wa have requested. Our full board approved their recommendations at its May 27 meetlnA. W� want to note that whlie we had recefved a few caiis from nearby neighbors of this business who were opposed to this rezonin8 change and lhe resuitant loss of presn space from this now open iot and fleld, our district council telt that this request made sense tor the overall Thomas Dafe community. While we share the concerns they have voiced regarding the foss of psesn space from iha area, we felt it was aquelly important to support the expaneion and retentio� ot a business that has operated at this same location tor over 130 years, that empioys over 40 employees and one that has a clean operating history wiih tocai poiiution control otticlals. We are pieased that St. Paul Brase hae pledged to replace the basketball caurt that will be removed as a result of this expanslon and will work to make sura that this expanslon !s not harm(ul to thelr surrounding neighbors. With the stab�lity that thls expansion wdl give them ws fiope to be abie to share our community with ttfem for yet another t3o yearsi Another primary reason ior our support was the fact that this whole Issue would not have reaChed this point unlese the several hom�, ownera that make up the Wilder Square Coop and their board hatl not given thelr approval for the saia of thle property end the necaesary zoning change to St. Paul Braem. We appreclete th01r council on this matter Serving the ne�ghborlroads of Mt. sl iry, Capitol fleig/:1s, Lower Rice Street, Frogtowre and East Midway AUG-19-99 12�48 PM DISTRICT 7 PLRNNING CNCL 611 L�LJUI■ Planning Commission/St. Paui Brass letter August 18, 1989 - page two and applsud thslr support for a business that they feel hes been and wlll continue to work hard to be a good neighbor to not just them bui for the whols community. The easy route would have been to oppose thls eftort being mede by St. Paui 8rass to stay in the inner ciry. 8ecause of thelr suppori and foresight we do not have to find yet snother reuse tor an abandoned tactory site in Thomas Daie. For this they deserve a collective thank youl On behali af our district counc!!, i thank yau for the opportunity to raview this zoni�g change roquest wlth aur residents. Please contact me it you naed any turther iniormation o� this matter. Sincerely, t=�,�„p �` /� Michael Samuelson. Executiva Direator Dlstrict 7 Plannirtg Coancll ca St. Paul Brass and Aluminum Poundry ; Dlstrict 7 PlanNng Council Board oi Direcrors; Councll member Jerry elakey; Mayor Norm Caleman; Tom 8each, LIEP; Wiider Square Co-op Boerd; Tom Kingston, Wildar Foundatfon; Frogtowr� Action Alfience; Frogtown Tlmes; Midway Como Monitor, and surrourtding nelghbors of the business. 2 �onr v�5 Sandy Hill Apartments M.D. Green, Owner P.O. Box 10746 White Bear Lake, MN 55110 488-7455 City of St. Paul Zoning Committee 25 West Fourth Street 1400 City Annex St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 August 12, 1999 Re: St. Paul Brass Foundry Request for Rezoning 1=ife� t�i- l�� ��-�c�� fax 488-7089 I am the owner of an eleven unit apartment building located at the corner of Van Buren and Chatsworth in the city of St. Pal�l.. I am strongly opposed to any foundry traffic being re-routed near the entrance of my apartment building. Trucks would greatly disturb the peace o£ my tenants. Dust and dirt would also contribute to environmental problens. There are days when just the smells coming from the foundry are unbeara-le. R�spect ly yours d � /��---, M. Delores Gre n Ow er of 984 Van Buren �(71'111'tGt �'t ��.�G'f t - �� r 2910 Cantegra Glen Escondido, CA 92025-7360 Saint Paul Planning Commission Zoning Committee 25 West Fourth Street 1400 City Annex Saint Paul. Minnesota 55102 August 13, 1999 Zaning File Number: 99-194 Zoning File Name: St. Paul Brass Eoundry I am the owner of two apartment buildings located.at 990 La£ond and 625 Chatsworth, which are within 350 £eet o£ the proposed zoning change. Although I aat a resi.dent of Cali£ornia, I was born and raised in 3aint Paul, and am £amiliar with the area under consideration. I note that the purpose of the request is rezoning from RM-2 to I-I °to provide for employee parking and truck access to the rear of the existing St. Paul Brass building.° However, once the property is rezonefl to I-1, ANY permitted use is allowed. A perusal o£ principal uses permitted (sec. 60-612) inc2ude: warehousing ... and trucking facilities. (3) .,. the manu£acture...processing... ar treatment of such products as, but not limited to:.., tool, die> gauge aad machine shops. (4) Lwnber yards (22) Recycling processsing center (18) Tire retreading (21} Clearly, the potential permitted uses are incompatible within 350 £eet of esisting multiple £amily structures. Assuming that the nse o£ the property were constrained to employee parking and truck access, the increased truck traffic through residential neighborhoods would be intolerable in terms o£ pedestrian sa£ety, children playing, $ecreased vehicular driver vision, noise and increased pollution. On behalf o£ myself and my tenants, I respect£ully request that you do not approve the request contained in Zoning Eile Number 99-194. Sincerely, G�G���{�'jZf�_ ' ���r���'�� _ JoAnne Regenofd Murray 291a Cantegra Gfen Escondido, CA 92025 �hfn� 1=�1� ���-t� R�-`��5 ll� � • i • . i • • 644 West Cottage Avenue St. Paul Minnesota 55�17 August 16, 1999 City O£ St. Paul Zoning CommitteP 25 West Fourth Street 1400 City Annex Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 RE: Zoning File Number 99-194 To Whom It May Conaern: we are the co-owners of an eleven unit apartment building located at 996 Van Buren Ave., 5t. Paul M�. The location o£ this building is within 350 feet of the St. Paul Brass Foundry. We are writing to strongly voice our opposition to the proposed re- zoning of the property that the Foundry currently occupies from RM-2 to I-1. In re-zoning this property it is our understanding that industrial traffic £rom trucks and general tra£fic from employees will be greatly increased in this area. This is unacceptable to us because our building is located in a residential area populated by both adults and children. We are concerned about pedestrian safety, increased noise levels and increased pollution. Even now, the odors are so strong that it is unbearable to be outside at times. Besides being concerned for our residents and their peace and safety we are also concerned about the environmental issues that will arise due to this re-zoning. In conclusion, we therefore respectfully request that you do not approve the request contained in Zoning Fi1e Number 99-194. Thank you £or your time and cooperation regarding this matter. Sincerely Jack �d �.`l —`tc�`� ZOivING COMII�TTEE STAFF REPORT FILE # 99-194 APPLICANT: SAINT PAUL BRASS AND ALUMINIJM FOUNDRY (PETER RYAN and MORRIS MANNING) DATE OF HEARING: 8119/99 2. CLASSIFICATIOI�i: Rezoning 3. LOCATION: Property directly south of 954 and 976 West Minnehaha, beriveen Chatsworth and the Wilder Foundation campus 4. PLANNTNG DISTRICT: 7 5. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: The North 100 feet (measured at right angles to the north line thereo� of that part of the West half of the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter, Section 35, Township 29 North, Range 23 West, lying south of the extended centerline of Van Bwen Avenue, Ramsey County, Minnesota. 6. PRESENT ZONING: RM-2 ZONING CODE REFERENCE: Sec. 64.400 7. STAFF INVESTIGATION AND REPORT: DATE: 8/12/99 BY: Nancy Homans 8. DATE RECEIVED: July 9, 1999 DEADLINE FOR ACTION: September 7, 1999 A. PURPOSE: Rezoning from RM-2 to I-1 to provide for employee parking and tnxck access to the rear of the exisring St. Paul Brass and Aluminum Foundry building. B. PARCEL SIZE: 100 feet on Chatsworth x 293.91 feet parallel to Mimiehaha and vacated Blair = 29,391 square feet C. EXISTI1�iG LAND USE: Open space/recreational use for Wiider Square Co-op Apartments D. STJRROUNDING LAND USE: North: East: South: West: Two indushial uses (St. Paul Brass and Aluminuxn Foundry and the Leaflet Missal Co., zoned I-1) Wilder Foundation campus, zoned RM-2 Wilder Square Co-op campus, zoned RM-2 Low to medium density residential, zoned RM-2 and R-4 E. Z01�TING CODE CTTATION: Sec. 64.40Q(a) of the Zoning Code provides in part that "the council may, from time to rime, amend, supplement or change the district boundaries or the regulations herein, or subsequentiy established herein pursuant to the provisions of Zoning File #99-194 Page two Minnesota Statutes Section 462.357 and amendments thereto as may be made from time to time. Ttte planning commission may, from time to rime, review district boundary lines to determine if, pursuant to state Iaws, such district boundary lines should be changed." Section 64.400(b) provides, in part, that "an amendment to the zoning code may be uutiated by the council, the planning commission or by a petition of the owners of 67 percent of the area of the property to he rezoned." F. HISTORY/DISCUSSION: Previous zoning cases involved residenfial facilities located on the Wilder campus, south of the site under discassion in this case. G. DISTRICT COUNCIL RECOMMENDATION: The District Seven Plamiing Council recommends approval. I�� ��I�IRC!'ls� 1. The Saint Paui Brass and Aluminum Foundry has operated at 954 West Minnehaha since 1869 and is, therefore, a legally nonconforming I-2 use in an I-1 district. The most efficient access for bringing raw mafierials to the foundry has been to the rear of fhe building across a driveway and parking lot owned by tke Leaflet Missal Company, the neighboring property to the west, The Leaflet Missal Company has now withdrawn its pernussion for the Foundry to use its property for access. The applicant has reached an a�eement to purchase a 100 $. x 294 8. piece of property along the south side of their current property from the Wilder Square Co-op. They have applied for a lot split and have submitted a site plan for a new driveway and a parking area for 43 cazs, both of which are permitted accessory uses. Both applications have received favorable reviews, pending the rezoning. The application for rezoning is submitted jointly by the Saint Paul Brass Foundry (Peter Ryan) and the Wilder Squaze Co-op {Morris Manning). 2. The property proposed to be rezoned is contiguous to properry to the north currently zoned I-i (the exisring St. Paui Brass and Aluuiinum Foundry and the Leaflet Missal Company properties). The industrial property is long-estabiished, is on the comer of the block across Minnehaha from the Minnehaha Mall, a two biock commercial azea, zoned B-2. The rezoning would enlar�e the industrial portion of the block, but would not change the existing land use pattem of the area. To the east of the site is the Wilder Foundation campus, zoned RM-2; to the south is the Wilder Square Co-op, a medium density residenfial area, also zoned RM-2. To the west is a low to mid-density residential azea, zoned RM-2 and R-4. °I.� --`��� Zoning File #99-194 Page three 3. A site plan submitted for the construction of the driveway and pazking indicates the replacement of a berm on the south boundary, heavy landscaping on the east and south edges screening the industrial building as well as the drive and parking area, installation of a fence to buffer the traffic from the Wilder Square Co-op properiy, and replacement of a half-court basketball court for off-hours use by Wiider Squaze residents. The site p1an has been reviewed and approved, contingent upon the rezoning. 4. The impact on those that live or work in the surrounding azea is expected, on balance, to be positive. The amount of truck traffic is not expected to increase from the current fewer than one a week.. Instead of on a makeshift grauel dzive, the hucks will travel on a paved and heavily landscaped driveway. Bmployees, instead of parking on surrounding residential streets, will park on the improved parking lot on the site. The entrance to the site that will be moved 80 feet to the south will not pose any traffic hazard or any significantly different impact on surrounding residents. The rezoning would be consistent with the comprehensive plan that calls for the careful and sensitive integration of uses in neighborhoods. (Land Use Plan, S.0) In tlus eight block azea are a major commerciaUretail site, foundation offices and a range of housing types as well as two significant industrial employers. The attention to site design and landscaping improves the integration of the uses and provides for the continued operation of an lustoric neighborhood-based Saint Paul business. 6. The applicants have submitted a petition with signatures of the owners of 12 of the 18 eligible signatures, meeting the required standazd of 67 percent of the property owners within 100 feet of the property to be rezoned.. I. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Based on findin�s 1 through 6, staff recommends approval of the rezoning peYition. PETITION TO AMEND THE ZONING CODE Department of Planxing and Economic DevelopmenY ZonFng Sectiox I100 City F7af1 ftnnex 25 West Fourth Street Saint Paul, MN 55102 „ 266-6589 APPLICANT � Property City �f, �cv St�.f`Lip �S Daytime Contact person (if � PROPERTY AddresslLocation /�� �e�I.. 9.�Y � �7G !d, �l%.,�.�a•�c� LOCATION �egal description -s-e� �/fu-�i�ed� (attach addifiona! sheet if 70 THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CIN COUNCIL: Pursuant to Section 64.400 of the Saint Paui Zoning Ordinance and to Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statues, p�fe.- /�vG..,� , the owner of all the land proposed for rezoning, hereby pefitions yd fo rezone tfie above described properfy from a ,�,/� -� zoning district to a 1'—� zoning disYrict, for the purpose of: F,�,� /, Y�.� /-l� � �T �� l (atfach additional sheet(s) if necess ) Atiachmenis: Required site plan � Consent pelition .� c � �-ss Affidavit � Subscribed and swom to before me this / SL day oF _ ���� 9 9� Public MP,f2Y L SIVEDANL . _. _. Notary Pubiic Minnesota RAMSEY COtINiY Conuitiston E�ires 113112tT30 • W r�de�>. Fee Qwner of prap Page 1 of � ;�} J �i� o f7 �' �t� -._.__-.� ✓ �escs-•Qo 7 --=-.------- � `�.-� c�`i The North 100 feet (measured at right angles to the north line thereoP) of that part of the West Ha1P of the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter, Section 35, Township 29 North, Range 23 West, lyinq south oP the extended centerline af Van Buren Avenue, Ramsey County, Minnesota, s _ _ ,_;� - __= °l,� -`l�°� ..�� - - -- _ St. PdU�. Brass and Aluminum � . FOL111C� 954 W�t Mrv�hah0 Avenue � Sf. PaSd M'inne.wta 55104-7587 . � . �4}zr 488-5567 X723 FAX: (633Yn88-0908 PETER RYAN E-bWL: petertyan@spbo.net p _ __�t S'I ) - ------ _ : Hprn �cn, tyyy i Alan K r��'w , av� 7he McSherry Group, Inc. 410 Hayward Avenue North Saint Paul (OaKdale), Minne 55128 Phone: (851) 731- 08�� f65i1731-0421 Toii Free: (800) 321-6719 Website: www.mcsherrygroup.com Email: mcsherrygp@aoLcom - - -.,,:.-•.:��°; ti _ z' _,_' _. .:-., _ -:.;,���-,::_,<..-. - �' . _: - -" - — _�;�:�;�:=� - - _ x.=: _ � �=. �=:�;;: _ .._. $ :.- �'a ._:;� -�- ' - t�.. � .,3+.-"-«:,t'`,.Y, r.s� .s __ _. . ._ .� .__ _ .. _.. .-:. .; _..;_t`-��t-er_'''�° Apri! 26, 1999 SY. Pau! Brass arrd Aluminum Poundry Addifion 954 West Minnehaha Avenue Saint Paul, MN By: St. Paui Brass and Aluminum Foundry _ 954 West Minnehaha Avenue Saint Paul, MN 55104-1587 REQUEST: Tfiis existing industria( site lies in the southeast quadrant of Minnehaha Avenue and Chatsworth Street wifh frontage on Minnehaha. The parce( under consideration for rezoning is adjacent to the existing foundry sife and has frontage on Chatsworth. We are requesting the foitowing approvals, which would allow for fhis exisEing, viab(e business to fit in better with the surrounding uses: i1 2. � A lot split for the Wilder Square, tnc. property located immediately south of St. Pauf Brass & Aluminum Foundry's site that will aliow for the northern 100 feet to be divided from fheir overali property. Rezoning of the 100 foot newly created parcei from RM-2 (Multiple Family F2esidential) to f-1 (Industrial). Site plan approvai for a 43 space employee parking lot located on the existing St. Paul Brass property and the newly created parcel. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The purpose for this proposed site expansion of St. Paui Brass and Aluminum is to provide for employee parking and truck access to the rear of the existing building. The attached concept site layout provides a tasteful, e�cient proposai that blends weli with the existing land-use intensity of the neighborhood, promotes safe and orderly traffic flow, and creates a handsome parking area with proper site orientation and extensive landscaping, while preserving the existing significant slope {with trees) to the east Careful consideration was taken in the arraignment and placement of the proposed uses on the site expansion. Currently along the Southern property line, the existing fopography rises from the St. Paul Brass site, creating an earthen berm ihat screens their existing industrial site from the existing multi-family site located further to the south. The placement of Yhe proposed parking utilizes the remaining open space on the new parcei for placement of a new earthen berm, emuiating the existing pattern between the two parcels. SUBMtTTAL PACKAGE: Attached with this narrative are four plan sheets that identify the existing and proposed zoning, the existing conditions and the conceptual site layout. Pians for the site pian review and approvai will be submiffed at a tater date. The attached sheets are: Sheet CM1 - Sheet CM2 - Existing Zoning Proposed Zoning Sheet C'! - Existing Conditlons and Removals Plan O The McSherry Group, lnc. April 26, 1999 Page 1 Rezoning Submittal for ST. PAUL BRASS 8� ALUMINUM FOUNDRY �t.°� �6q Sheet C2 - Sheet C3 - Sheet C4 - Sheet C5 - Sheet C6 - Site Layout Plan Grading, Drainage, Erosion Controi and Utility Plan Existing Drainage Area Calculations Pfan Proposed Drainage Area Calculations Plan Lighting Pian Sheet C7-C10 - Civil Detaiis Plans Sheet L1 - SheetL2 Sheet L3 - Landscape Plan Landscape Area Detaiis Plan landscape Defaifs Plan In addition, the rezoning petition, the three related affidavits and the appiication fee are also included. REZONING REQUEST: The St. Paui City Zoning Code states in Section 64.400 (a) that " the council may, from time to time, amend, supplement or change the district boundaries or the regulations herein, or subsequently estabiish herein pursuant to the provisions of Minnesota Statutes Section 462.357 and amendments thereto as may be made from time to time. 7he pfanning commission may, from time to time, review district boundary lines to determine if, pursuant to state laws, such disVict boundary lines shouid be changed." Section 64.400 (b} states in part that "an amendment tn the zoning code may be initiated by the council, the pianning commission or by petiYion of sixty-seven (67) percent of the area of the property to be rezon2d" A iist of the adjacent property owners was received from the City of St. Paut, as requested. The attached petition includes a number of signatures that meets and/or exceeds the minimum Code requirements from adjacent property owners in the neighborhood who are in support of the rezoning request. Genera!ly, four primary issues are addressed when the City ofi St. Paui evaivates a rezoning request. These issues are: Compatibility with land use and zoning ciassification of property within the generai area. 2. 3. Suitability of the property for the use permitted under the existing zoning classification. The trend of development in the area of the property in question. 4. Consistency w+th the Comprehensive plan and the District plan. The proposed findings that address these concerns ase as 4ollows: Wiider Square, Inc. is the current owner of the subject property for rezoning and has presented a purchzse agreement to St. Paul Brass and Afuminum Foundry (SPSA) for SPBA's purchase of that property. The rezoning is necessary to allow the change in use of the prnperty. SPBA's plans are to construct an employee parking loi and service vehicie access. The subject property is currently open space with an underutilized basketbail court on it. 2. The rezoning is consistent with the Comprehensive Pian. The District 7 Plan recommends the current mix of business, industrial and residentiai for this general area. The Economic Development Strategy chapter recommends that the Gity provide adequate land for industrial and commercial development and expansion (empfiasis addedj in order to increzse the proportion of commercial/industrial tax base (Policy 25, page 17j. The subject property is currently �O The McSherry Group, Inc. Rezoning Submittal fo� April 26, 1999 Page 2 ST. PAUL BRASS & ALUMINUM FOUNDRY underutilized open space and if devetoped for SPBA, essentiaily as parking, wouid alieviate a lack of parking and accessibitity issues wifh adjacent properties, generate property tax revenue as well as serve the adjacent business. 3. The rezoning is consistent and compatibie with the way the area has been developed over fime. The subject property is adjacent to Industrial on its North and it is very unlikely that the propeRy would be developed for residenYia! use. . ' 4. The rezoning will not have an adverse impact on the adjacent property. The proposed use is compatibie with the existing business and industriai prope+iies to the North and the West. The residential land uses to the East and South should not be adversely impacted due to the existing natural topography of the site, which is being preserved to the East and emufated with a natura! earth berm (and landscape) for the reconstructed edge to the South. 5. SPBA has submitted a sufficient petition of to-thirds of the property owners within one hundred (100) feet of the property stating support for the rezoning (18 parce(s eligib(e, 12 required, 12 signed). 7he proposed use is consistent with the City's Guide Plan, is a well designed environment that is complete and is feasible by itself, and helps to preserve a significant portion of the natural environment on the East end of the site. DEVELOPMENTSTANDARDS: The proposed expansion of the existing St. Paul Brass and Alumin�m Foundry property is generally designed to meet or exceed the Industriai (I-1) Zoning DistricPs minimum standards. The building size, setbacks, parking ratio, and landscaping for the proposed development fall within fhe regulations outlined in the I-1 section of the City ordinances with the exception of the building setback to the East property line. This setback should be 34.5 feet (9 '/: times the building height) because the adjacent property is residential. However, at the Yime St. Paul Brass and Aluminum Foundry was constructed, it was in conformance with City Codes, which makes it legally non-conforming. Site Desiqn: Many other factors were considered in creating an aestheticaily pleasing employee parking !ot and truck access area that would properly support the existing deve(opment. The land ptanning intent was to save as many trees as possible on the East end of the site, especially in tfie sioping area. In addition, the design intent was to emulate the existing earth berm/landscape edge condition along the southern property line. Physical development of the empioyee parking lot begins 2pproximately 30 feef M1torth of the new SouYh property line. Initialiy, the thought was to construct only 36 ot the 43 required spaces. It is anticipated, over time, that fhe additional 7 spaces wili need to be eventually constructed. AfYer reviewing a cost-benefit analysis for the construction timi�g, it was determined that the entire parking loi v✓iA need Yo be constructed. Anotfier goal was to minimize the excavation and soifs that need to be removed from the siYe. This is why earth berming is proposed along the South property tine, which will also emulate the existing edge condition. In addition, this also provides an opportunity to provide landscapirtg, which wiii enhance the curb appeal of this secondary use of the property. From a service perspective, the proposed truck and service access to the existing building has been sited to allow for appropriate emergency vehicle and truck turning radii for the ioading dock and service faclities. � The McSherry Group, Inc. Rezoning Submittat for ----- April 26, '1999 Page 3 ST. PAUL BRASS & ALUMINUM FOUNDRY �l.�t, —�co� V EHI CU LAR .Cf ftCU LATI013: A logicai vehicular circuiation pattern has been created for the proposed site deve{opment, which allows employee and service vehicle traffic to enter and exit the site efficiently, and cleariy defines the main drive aisie from the parking bays. The drive aisie width and parking stalls have been designed to exceed the City of St. Aauf's parking standards. The proposed docklservice area on the south side of the existing building has been positioned to maximize tSie tuming radii available for delivery and service vehicies. UTILITIES/GRADING: Water Main No building addition is currentiy proposed for the current building, therefore, no modifications are proposed to the existing water mai� currently serving the structure. Sanitarv Sewer: An existing sanitary sewer connection from Minnehaha Avenue currentiy serves the existing buitding. No additional sanitary sewer service is proposed. Storm Sewer: The storm water management for this development has been completed in accordance with the requirements of the City of St. Paul Public Works Department and the physical limitations of the property. Storm water drainage will be collected ai a low area in the parking iot (with a limited depth). Stormwater from the low area will discharge into the proposed storm sewer system and be carried to the existing 66" RCP storm sewer pipe located 16 feet under Chatsworth Street. The on-site detention basin, when combined with a restricted outlet, will have the ability to minimize the impact of the 100-year storm event on the downstream system. Gradina: The site wili be re-graded to maintain the character of the existing topography. Erosion control will be provided including silt fence, hay bales at catch basins, and rock construction entrance. Public street sweeping will be done at least once a week, once a day if needed. It is proposed that all of the parking lot and service drive areas will have a bituminous surtace with B612 concrete curb and gutter throughout. PROPOSED SiTE DATA: O The McSherry Group, inc. Rezoning Submittaf for Apri126, 1999 Page 4 5T. PAUL BRASS & ALUMiNUM FOUNDRY DEVELOPMENT DATA: ZONWG; Existing (Proposed Parcel): Proposed (Proposed Parcel}: North: East WesL South: 20NING STANDARDS: Lot Width Minimum: Lot Area Front Yard Setbacks: Building (Fram centerline of r.o.w.) Parking Sign: Side Yard Setbacks: - Standard 6uilding Parking Non Industrial Bu'�4ding Parking Rear Yard Setbacks: Standard Buiiding Parking Non Industrial Building Parking Maximum Buitding Height: Floor Area Ratio: Existing Proposed Maximum Parking: Existing Required Proposed Proof of parking Total RM-2 Multipte Family Residentia! 1-1 tndustriai I-1 Industrial RM-2 Multiple Family Residential RM-2 Multiple Famify Residential RM-2 Multiple Family Residentia! None None 34.5 feet 10.0 feet 5.0 feet 0.0 feet 4.0 feet 34.5feet 10.0 feet 0.0 feet 4.0 feet 34.5 feet 10.0 feet 50.0 feet 0.75 0.42 2.00 0 43 36 7 43 Spaces Spaces Spaces Spaces Spaces � The McSherry Group, inc. Rezorting Submiltal for Aprif 26, 1999 Page � ST. PAUL BRASS & ALUMINllM FOUNDRY �l,R —qc�`1 OWNERIAPPLICANT St. Paui Brass and A{uminum Foundry 954 West Minnefiaha Avenue Saint Paul, MN 55104-1587 Phone: (651) 48&5587 Fax: (6512) 488-0908 S{TE PtANNERILANDSCAPE ARCHiTECT The McSherry Group, Inc. 410 Hayward Avenue North St. Paul, MN 55128 Phone: (651) 731-0308 Fax:{651)731-0421 SURVEYOR Egan Field Nowak, lnc. 4715 Wayzata Boulevard Minneapolis, MN 55426 Phone: (612) 546-6837 Fax: (612) 546-6839 O The McSherry Group, Inc. Rezoning Submittal for April 26, 1999 Page 6 ST. PAUL BRASS 8 ALUMINUM FOUNDRY Exfiibif A LEGAL DESCRIPTION Current St. Paul Brass and Aluminum Foundry Properfy: The East 125 feet of that part of the West one-hatf of fhe Northwesf quarter of the Northeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of Secfion 35, Township 29, Range 23, lying Norfh of the centerline of Van Buren Street, extended East, subject fo pub(ic sfreets, Ramsey County, Minnesota. Newiy created subject parce( to be rezoned: The North 100 feet (measured af right ang(es to the North line thereofl of that part of the West Half of the Northwest quarter of the Northeast quarter of the IVorthwest quarter, Section 35, Township 29 Morth, Range 23 West, fying Soufh of the extended centeriine of Van 8uren Avenue, ftamsey County, Minnesota. OThe McSherry Group, inc. Rezoning Submittal for P.pril 26, 1999 Page 7 ST, PAUL BRASS & ALUMINUM FOUNDRY � `� -`t�q VE, � NG�E � R-4 _ _q _ � �Ui� � � � � � WD�D � i � f HUBBAR� •� 1-1 � �'� BCITLER ;'�-------- � � 8-2 � i RPV9-3 F-- � � _____J--------- A�1E: 33 f __ _ ;lE, � i �� i ; { f SUBJECT PROPERTY�[ I � �� � 1 � � �7 ' � , r t ( � � 4 --- ° RM-2 � i z — � � i� .� � f _� � � ----------- � fQ }— � i — --I- ' - - � I S-2 .3 ` � Rr,� ^' _ _ _ J '�T H ❑ � { � -----� � z , ,� y' � � os-� � ��-2 y E D M U � RT-1 v} MP,S ° N D �� - �r ° Q �T'� �f CHAR LES � H ZONING LEGEND: B-2 BUStNESS DISTWGT S-3 BUSIt�SS DISTRICT 1-1 fNDtSSTRtAL DiSTR1CT OS-1 O�FiCE SUSftJESS DiSTWCT R-4 ONE FAMLY RESIDENTfAL DISTRICT RM'2 MULT� FAMtLY RESmENTIAL DiSTRICT RN1"3 MUL7IPLE FAMILY FtESIDENTiAL DISTR(CT RT-1 TWO FAMLY RES�ENTiAL DISTRICT � Ma9HEARY srnucrt�a� �c�a�r.w a ar� oesx�v s�vx�s tA NIYY(�AiO A �tCWifl � [atin e�a e�r ! 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P.WL, MINM1ESOiA SSb4 " LWOSCMFOELUISPUN ••`� 6 � � Y a p y a � ��� � ,"��� �+ a� �'7i�7L � SC PaLLI Brdss and Aluminum F wy m,�.�.'.u...ss„' a' .'s ° _ ::' L. -. .. 'w REZ�IYL�(r' FIRST SUBMITTED SCUP R ESUB---- ��ED DATE PETITION SUBMITTED: �_ �_ += � DATE OFFICIALLY RECEIVED: (��_�� PARCELS ELIGIBLE: ! � ---_ . PARCELS REQUIRED: /G-�� PARCELS SIGNED: � ------ �� �b \ DATE PETITION RESUBMII`I'gD; /••� 7-�� w C:r; �- � 7 j DATE OFFICIALLY RECEIVED: '""' � " `� `° j ��t , PARCELS ELIGIBLE: / ,,.Y" _ _ 1'ARCEI,S RgQUIRED: � � —�_ PARCELS SIGNED; NCUP ! � — _—_>--»._.,._.. ,�- '�.= -�. � �_� _ ':� �„ • � \_� ! � CHECKED �Y: ����,��r� / ----._.____._. _ _� - f � f DATE• Ca " 2". �� 1 � -1' � y ,,_, r- T r `.. t�-a:i .'�,n--'S`�" �;.i ""�,. ,r"� ....- _•- V � '.' _} ` '= � zorv►�� ���E �� Jo AbNaharn 25032 SE 384th St Enumclaw, WA 98022 (2S3) 804-9694 Mazch 28, 1999 Mr. Peter Ryan St. Paul Brass and Atuminum Foundry 954 W Minnehaha Ave St. Paul, MN 55104 Dear Mr. Ryan, ,.. ,,. ST. PAUL BRAS'S I am happy to support you in your effort to rezone. The signed petition is enclosed. St. Paul Brass has long been a respected establishment in the neighborhood and I am familiar with your operaTion. As a child, I grew up on Van Buren near Chatsworth in the 50's. We often played in what was then a vacant lot behind the foundry, long before the �Vilder Foundation bought the property. When we found unbroken sand cores discazded from the foundry, they became our "treasures" and we would take them home and try to preserve them in their unbroken state for as long as possible. My parents built Minnehaha Liquors in 1964 and operated it for twenty yeazs. They knew your company's mana�ement and thought highly of your business. Much of their success in business was due to patronization from your employees at the time. Piease do not hesitate to contact me if I can be of further assistance in this matter. Good luck. Sincerely yours, Jo Abraham .. . . 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