99-889��� e.h� � � d �-� � � � `� \� Council File # q - SS' Ordinance # Green Sheet # ( �� � OS ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, NIINNESOTA 3�� Presented By Refened To Committee Date : arrarr,cu�,� An ordinance amending Chapter 66.216 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertanung to special sign district sign plans by creating a new special sign district plan for the Merriam Park Neighborhood to be known as the Merriam Park Special District Sign Plan. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SA1NT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 �CT 3� 1999 That Chapter 66.216 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be and is hereby amended to add the following provisions thereto: 66.2166 Merriam Pazk Special District Si�n Plan (a) Intent and Pur_pose. The Merriam Pazk Special District Sien Plan, as provided in Section 66.216 of the Zonine Code, is adopted to provide si�n controls that build unon the uniaue character and identit�of Merriam Pazk. This Si¢n Plan is intended to: � � � � maintain and enhance the scenic view of unic�ue architectural and natural features visible from the residential and commercial azeas of Merriam Park; nrotect and encourage investment and beautificarion in the Universit�Avenue. Marshall Avenue, Snellin� Avenue and Selbv Avenue corridors; reduce the clutter and chaotic diversity of advertisine sienage that impairs the efFectiveness of si�ns identif�ngbusinesses and institutions in Merriam Park: create a more aesthetically_pleasing fusion ofresidential and commercia] areas in Meniam Park; and qg. sa9 2 LSZ protect�ropertv values in Merriam Pazk and reflect the uride its residents. 3 businesses and institutions olace in the communitv. 4 5 (bLDefznitions and Interpretation. The provisions of this Sign Plan aze supolementary to the 6 provisions of Chapter 66. Siuvs, of the Zonine Code. The �rovisions of this Si�n Plan that aze 7 more restrictive than provisions of Chapter 66 shall prevail and supersede anv conflicting 8 provisions of Chapter 66. All other provisions of Chapter 66 of the Zonine Code shall continue 9 to a��lv to siena�e within the Merriam Pazk Special Sign District. All words and terms shall be 10 defined as in this Sign Plan and in Chapter 66 of the Zonin¢ Code. Provisions that use the word 11 "shall" aze mandatorv. Provisions that use the word "should" or "recommend" are advisory to 12 carryine out the intent and purpose of this Sign Plan but aze not mandatory. 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 (eLSpecial Si�n District Area. The Merriam Pazk Special Si�n District Plan shall a�plv to the area defined as follows: Commencin�at the center of the intersection of Snelling Avenue and Universit�Avenue, the boundazy shall eatend south alon�the center-line of Snelling Avenue to the center-line of Stumnit Avenue, then west alon¢ the center-line of Suminit Avenue extending to the western citv limit. then northerly along the western city limit to the median of Interstate Hiehway 94, easterlv along the median of Interstate Hi�wav 94 until the center-line of Cleveland Avenue. then north alonE the center-line of Cleveland Avenue to the center-line of Universitv Avenue, then easterlv along the center-line of University Avenue until the center-line of Snellin�Avenue. (d) Provisions.' � � No advertisine sien shall be roermitted, except siens on transit shelters and courtesv benches licensed or franchised b�the citv. No free-standine or roof business sgn shall be permitted, excent business signs which identify the name, logo, and/or nature of the business or orofession existed prior to the adoption of this Sien Plan by the City Council, and which would be prohibited, reeulated or restricted under the provisions of this Sien Plan or amendments hereto. may continue to exist as legal non-confomung signs under the nrovisions of Section 66.300, Non-Conformina Signs, of the Zonine Code, subject to the followine additional requirements: acLuen-k-:s: {� No non-conformine siens shall be: � 7i altered in any wav. other than changin¢ the messaee on a painted or printed si�n; rerolaced bv another non-conformine: iii relocated to any other location in the Merriam Park S�ecial District; iv reconstntcted after incurrin�damage in an amount exceeding 50% of its di�lay, as determined by the Citv; or 5 �..-�a� � ___.�— qq-rs9 � � ii determined by the City: or if use of such sign has been discontinued for a period of three consecutive months. Section 2 This ordinance shall become effective thirty (30) days after its passage, approval and publication. Plmt�cu�n ,� � .. � Requested by Department of: By: Form Appr d by City Attorney s ��WL✓wvir+¢-. °!– 9—`7r7 Adoption Certified by Council Secretary sy: y��— d„ � �U� Approved by Mayor: Date By: _ � by Mayor for Submission to Council By: �V �.� ��"„✓ _J � /V� A��^v ��'� � V ' Special District at the cost of the owner: Adopted by Council: Date � e 7 �� \ q9 GREEN SHEET �"���"&� 266-8640 COUNCILMII�ffiER BENANAV 15, 1999 � TOTAL � OF SIGNATURE PAGES ❑_ sr � �•_., , No ���? u;r-�-� ❑ OIYAii0R1EY ❑ OIYCli1K � w��amrcuov. ❑ wuwew�mro.ec.o ❑ n"'°'�a"wsu"o ❑ (CUP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) An ordinance amending Chapter 66.216 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to spec: sign district sign plans by creating a new special sign district plan for the Merriam Park Neighborhood to be known as the Merriam Park Special District Sign Plan. w PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMITfEE CIVIL SERVICE CAMMISSION IFAPPROVED OF TRANSAC710N SOURCE Has uue aersaJfirm e+ier Maked ieder a cmtrad tormis depmtmerd4 YES NO tim uas pereaNfem ewr heen a aly emWcvee9 YES NO Dces Uire pe�awJNm v� a slall nd namalryPosaesaed M�Y arnnt dry emqoyee? YES NO b this pnaotJfirm a tarpMed �erMoY! YES NO COST/REVENUE BUDQETm (GRCLE ON� ACTIVITY NIRABER YES NO !r�!!il o� � ! • �� qq -��� �, i � , (�� � .��� `�,.� .��3P� �� 7 C�e�nn� C�'el uyn � October 6,1999 '�` O � U � �� 3� � � � � � Councii Pcesident Dan Bostrom Councilmember Jay Benanav Counciimember Jerry Blakey Councilmember Chiis Coleman Councilmember Mike HaLris Councilmember Kathy Isnay Councilmember Jim Reitec Re: agenda :�: �ms 5, 6. 7 on the October 6, 1999 agenda �G�/UO� I have been a iesident of Merriam Park since the early 1970's and have been involved in a broad range of communiry activities including litter pick np, community gaidenin8 and evea got involved in a group buy of underground utilities for residenrs along Laarel Avenue. I have woskad very hard to make this a wonderEul place co live. Our shared community efforts are pay�ng. Since the early years I consideced the billboazds and the heiter skelter nature of some business signs co be a drag on community nmprovement I joined Ruby Huac in trying so reduce ihe number of billboards when she was on the council. I have testified before the council againsc awarding sign variances to ay to prevenc even bigger end more blighdng signs from dominating onr su�eet scape. Now we have a teal ahance to make a diffe�ence. I strongly aupport the Qroposed special district sit,�. r .a,n. During L: late summer another community volunteer and I inventoried all of the signs in Mecriam Park. There ate a rotal of 40 billboards. (By comparison tl�e entiie ciry of Bloomingtcm has only 9 boards.) The boards were in poor iepair. 28°6 of the boards hsd visible maintenance problems including peeling paint, gtaffiri, and msting posts. Some boards appeated W be defying gravity and likely will succumb to that gravity when hit by a particularly strong wind, as happe�d in Highland aad on West 7th. Decaying adverousing faces added w the visual blight caused by the boards_ 2096 of the advertising faces were bubbled, peeling or defaced with graffiti. Once a billboard face begiac to peel or is defaced, ic may stand for weeks or mon[hs without being repaired. If home owness took such a cavalier attitude toward our property we would certaialy hear ��-� from our neighbors and city inspectois. When the buiiding I office in was defaced with grafFiti lasc SaaudaY nigbc, tl� owner immediately hised a crew w remove ic The building aas clean and attractive by MondaY af�noon. Unlike my zesponsible la4dlord, the billboard indusny seems w ignoce pee]in8 P� P�B �'��g signs end gaffiti. 'i'he impect of the billboazds in our neighborhood is almost completely nega�ve. Althongh a handful of building owners may eam a few hundied dollars per year, that in no way is compensation to the community for lost saaic views� 24 hour lights shining inm tl�e windows of nearby homes and apartrnents, end diminishefl property values of nearby propeity oavners. 'This is tmly a cave w�re ane pecsoa siightly benefits and the whole �ouP suffers. To add insult to injury, billboaids do not conuibute to our tax coffers. TheY P$Y no �ity tazes. Lan,d with a billbos�d on it pays no more taxes than a vacant lot The citizens of Merriam Pa�c have worlced hard to make ours a wonderful place to live. W hen I moved hetc it was a neighborhood thac peoPle movad h om to 5nd a good place to raise their childcen. Now it is a plece people move to when uyu►g to fiad a good place to raise their family and pnt dow►t iootv. We can be ea even more attrective place_ Reducing the billboazd clutter is somethiag we can do wtnch will make a diffeience. I strongly supporc the Speciel Sign Disuict Plan• . p��� �� �� T '"� ` `�^ J Weigum � ��� e.h� � � d �-� � � � `� \� Council File # q - SS' Ordinance # Green Sheet # ( �� � OS ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, NIINNESOTA 3�� Presented By Refened To Committee Date : arrarr,cu�,� An ordinance amending Chapter 66.216 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertanung to special sign district sign plans by creating a new special sign district plan for the Merriam Park Neighborhood to be known as the Merriam Park Special District Sign Plan. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SA1NT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 �CT 3� 1999 That Chapter 66.216 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be and is hereby amended to add the following provisions thereto: 66.2166 Merriam Pazk Special District Si�n Plan (a) Intent and Pur_pose. The Merriam Pazk Special District Sien Plan, as provided in Section 66.216 of the Zonine Code, is adopted to provide si�n controls that build unon the uniaue character and identit�of Merriam Pazk. This Si¢n Plan is intended to: � � � � maintain and enhance the scenic view of unic�ue architectural and natural features visible from the residential and commercial azeas of Merriam Park; nrotect and encourage investment and beautificarion in the Universit�Avenue. Marshall Avenue, Snellin� Avenue and Selbv Avenue corridors; reduce the clutter and chaotic diversity of advertisine sienage that impairs the efFectiveness of si�ns identif�ngbusinesses and institutions in Merriam Park: create a more aesthetically_pleasing fusion ofresidential and commercia] areas in Meniam Park; and qg. sa9 2 LSZ protect�ropertv values in Merriam Pazk and reflect the uride its residents. 3 businesses and institutions olace in the communitv. 4 5 (bLDefznitions and Interpretation. The provisions of this Sign Plan aze supolementary to the 6 provisions of Chapter 66. Siuvs, of the Zonine Code. The �rovisions of this Si�n Plan that aze 7 more restrictive than provisions of Chapter 66 shall prevail and supersede anv conflicting 8 provisions of Chapter 66. All other provisions of Chapter 66 of the Zonine Code shall continue 9 to a��lv to siena�e within the Merriam Pazk Special Sign District. All words and terms shall be 10 defined as in this Sign Plan and in Chapter 66 of the Zonin¢ Code. Provisions that use the word 11 "shall" aze mandatorv. Provisions that use the word "should" or "recommend" are advisory to 12 carryine out the intent and purpose of this Sign Plan but aze not mandatory. 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 (eLSpecial Si�n District Area. The Merriam Pazk Special Si�n District Plan shall a�plv to the area defined as follows: Commencin�at the center of the intersection of Snelling Avenue and Universit�Avenue, the boundazy shall eatend south alon�the center-line of Snelling Avenue to the center-line of Stumnit Avenue, then west alon¢ the center-line of Suminit Avenue extending to the western citv limit. then northerly along the western city limit to the median of Interstate Hiehway 94, easterlv along the median of Interstate Hi�wav 94 until the center-line of Cleveland Avenue. then north alonE the center-line of Cleveland Avenue to the center-line of Universitv Avenue, then easterlv along the center-line of University Avenue until the center-line of Snellin�Avenue. (d) Provisions.' � � No advertisine sien shall be roermitted, except siens on transit shelters and courtesv benches licensed or franchised b�the citv. No free-standine or roof business sgn shall be permitted, excent business signs which identify the name, logo, and/or nature of the business or orofession existed prior to the adoption of this Sien Plan by the City Council, and which would be prohibited, reeulated or restricted under the provisions of this Sien Plan or amendments hereto. may continue to exist as legal non-confomung signs under the nrovisions of Section 66.300, Non-Conformina Signs, of the Zonine Code, subject to the followine additional requirements: acLuen-k-:s: {� No non-conformine siens shall be: � 7i altered in any wav. other than changin¢ the messaee on a painted or printed si�n; rerolaced bv another non-conformine: iii relocated to any other location in the Merriam Park S�ecial District; iv reconstntcted after incurrin�damage in an amount exceeding 50% of its di�lay, as determined by the Citv; or 5 �..-�a� � ___.�— qq-rs9 � � ii determined by the City: or if use of such sign has been discontinued for a period of three consecutive months. Section 2 This ordinance shall become effective thirty (30) days after its passage, approval and publication. Plmt�cu�n ,� � .. � Requested by Department of: By: Form Appr d by City Attorney s ��WL✓wvir+¢-. °!– 9—`7r7 Adoption Certified by Council Secretary sy: y��— d„ � �U� Approved by Mayor: Date By: _ � by Mayor for Submission to Council By: �V �.� ��"„✓ _J � /V� A��^v ��'� � V ' Special District at the cost of the owner: Adopted by Council: Date � e 7 �� \ q9 GREEN SHEET �"���"&� 266-8640 COUNCILMII�ffiER BENANAV 15, 1999 � TOTAL � OF SIGNATURE PAGES ❑_ sr � �•_., , No ���? u;r-�-� ❑ OIYAii0R1EY ❑ OIYCli1K � w��amrcuov. ❑ wuwew�mro.ec.o ❑ n"'°'�a"wsu"o ❑ (CUP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) An ordinance amending Chapter 66.216 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to spec: sign district sign plans by creating a new special sign district plan for the Merriam Park Neighborhood to be known as the Merriam Park Special District Sign Plan. w PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMITfEE CIVIL SERVICE CAMMISSION IFAPPROVED OF TRANSAC710N SOURCE Has uue aersaJfirm e+ier Maked ieder a cmtrad tormis depmtmerd4 YES NO tim uas pereaNfem ewr heen a aly emWcvee9 YES NO Dces Uire pe�awJNm v� a slall nd namalryPosaesaed M�Y arnnt dry emqoyee? YES NO b this pnaotJfirm a tarpMed �erMoY! YES NO COST/REVENUE BUDQETm (GRCLE ON� ACTIVITY NIRABER YES NO !r�!!il o� � ! • �� qq -��� �, i � , (�� � .��� `�,.� .��3P� �� 7 C�e�nn� C�'el uyn � October 6,1999 '�` O � U � �� 3� � � � � � Councii Pcesident Dan Bostrom Councilmember Jay Benanav Counciimember Jerry Blakey Councilmember Chiis Coleman Councilmember Mike HaLris Councilmember Kathy Isnay Councilmember Jim Reitec Re: agenda :�: �ms 5, 6. 7 on the October 6, 1999 agenda �G�/UO� I have been a iesident of Merriam Park since the early 1970's and have been involved in a broad range of communiry activities including litter pick np, community gaidenin8 and evea got involved in a group buy of underground utilities for residenrs along Laarel Avenue. I have woskad very hard to make this a wonderEul place co live. Our shared community efforts are pay�ng. Since the early years I consideced the billboazds and the heiter skelter nature of some business signs co be a drag on community nmprovement I joined Ruby Huac in trying so reduce ihe number of billboards when she was on the council. I have testified before the council againsc awarding sign variances to ay to prevenc even bigger end more blighdng signs from dominating onr su�eet scape. Now we have a teal ahance to make a diffe�ence. I strongly aupport the Qroposed special district sit,�. r .a,n. During L: late summer another community volunteer and I inventoried all of the signs in Mecriam Park. There ate a rotal of 40 billboards. (By comparison tl�e entiie ciry of Bloomingtcm has only 9 boards.) The boards were in poor iepair. 28°6 of the boards hsd visible maintenance problems including peeling paint, gtaffiri, and msting posts. Some boards appeated W be defying gravity and likely will succumb to that gravity when hit by a particularly strong wind, as happe�d in Highland aad on West 7th. Decaying adverousing faces added w the visual blight caused by the boards_ 2096 of the advertising faces were bubbled, peeling or defaced with graffiti. Once a billboard face begiac to peel or is defaced, ic may stand for weeks or mon[hs without being repaired. If home owness took such a cavalier attitude toward our property we would certaialy hear ��-� from our neighbors and city inspectois. When the buiiding I office in was defaced with grafFiti lasc SaaudaY nigbc, tl� owner immediately hised a crew w remove ic The building aas clean and attractive by MondaY af�noon. Unlike my zesponsible la4dlord, the billboard indusny seems w ignoce pee]in8 P� P�B �'��g signs end gaffiti. 'i'he impect of the billboazds in our neighborhood is almost completely nega�ve. Althongh a handful of building owners may eam a few hundied dollars per year, that in no way is compensation to the community for lost saaic views� 24 hour lights shining inm tl�e windows of nearby homes and apartrnents, end diminishefl property values of nearby propeity oavners. 'This is tmly a cave w�re ane pecsoa siightly benefits and the whole �ouP suffers. To add insult to injury, billboaids do not conuibute to our tax coffers. TheY P$Y no �ity tazes. Lan,d with a billbos�d on it pays no more taxes than a vacant lot The citizens of Merriam Pa�c have worlced hard to make ours a wonderful place to live. W hen I moved hetc it was a neighborhood thac peoPle movad h om to 5nd a good place to raise their childcen. Now it is a plece people move to when uyu►g to fiad a good place to raise their family and pnt dow►t iootv. We can be ea even more attrective place_ Reducing the billboazd clutter is somethiag we can do wtnch will make a diffeience. I strongly supporc the Speciel Sign Disuict Plan• . p��� �� �� T '"� ` `�^ J Weigum � ��� e.h� � � d �-� � � � `� \� Council File # q - SS' Ordinance # Green Sheet # ( �� � OS ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, NIINNESOTA 3�� Presented By Refened To Committee Date : arrarr,cu�,� An ordinance amending Chapter 66.216 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertanung to special sign district sign plans by creating a new special sign district plan for the Merriam Park Neighborhood to be known as the Merriam Park Special District Sign Plan. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SA1NT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 �CT 3� 1999 That Chapter 66.216 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be and is hereby amended to add the following provisions thereto: 66.2166 Merriam Pazk Special District Si�n Plan (a) Intent and Pur_pose. The Merriam Pazk Special District Sien Plan, as provided in Section 66.216 of the Zonine Code, is adopted to provide si�n controls that build unon the uniaue character and identit�of Merriam Pazk. This Si¢n Plan is intended to: � � � � maintain and enhance the scenic view of unic�ue architectural and natural features visible from the residential and commercial azeas of Merriam Park; nrotect and encourage investment and beautificarion in the Universit�Avenue. Marshall Avenue, Snellin� Avenue and Selbv Avenue corridors; reduce the clutter and chaotic diversity of advertisine sienage that impairs the efFectiveness of si�ns identif�ngbusinesses and institutions in Merriam Park: create a more aesthetically_pleasing fusion ofresidential and commercia] areas in Meniam Park; and qg. sa9 2 LSZ protect�ropertv values in Merriam Pazk and reflect the uride its residents. 3 businesses and institutions olace in the communitv. 4 5 (bLDefznitions and Interpretation. The provisions of this Sign Plan aze supolementary to the 6 provisions of Chapter 66. Siuvs, of the Zonine Code. The �rovisions of this Si�n Plan that aze 7 more restrictive than provisions of Chapter 66 shall prevail and supersede anv conflicting 8 provisions of Chapter 66. All other provisions of Chapter 66 of the Zonine Code shall continue 9 to a��lv to siena�e within the Merriam Pazk Special Sign District. All words and terms shall be 10 defined as in this Sign Plan and in Chapter 66 of the Zonin¢ Code. Provisions that use the word 11 "shall" aze mandatorv. Provisions that use the word "should" or "recommend" are advisory to 12 carryine out the intent and purpose of this Sign Plan but aze not mandatory. 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 (eLSpecial Si�n District Area. The Merriam Pazk Special Si�n District Plan shall a�plv to the area defined as follows: Commencin�at the center of the intersection of Snelling Avenue and Universit�Avenue, the boundazy shall eatend south alon�the center-line of Snelling Avenue to the center-line of Stumnit Avenue, then west alon¢ the center-line of Suminit Avenue extending to the western citv limit. then northerly along the western city limit to the median of Interstate Hiehway 94, easterlv along the median of Interstate Hi�wav 94 until the center-line of Cleveland Avenue. then north alonE the center-line of Cleveland Avenue to the center-line of Universitv Avenue, then easterlv along the center-line of University Avenue until the center-line of Snellin�Avenue. (d) Provisions.' � � No advertisine sien shall be roermitted, except siens on transit shelters and courtesv benches licensed or franchised b�the citv. No free-standine or roof business sgn shall be permitted, excent business signs which identify the name, logo, and/or nature of the business or orofession existed prior to the adoption of this Sien Plan by the City Council, and which would be prohibited, reeulated or restricted under the provisions of this Sien Plan or amendments hereto. may continue to exist as legal non-confomung signs under the nrovisions of Section 66.300, Non-Conformina Signs, of the Zonine Code, subject to the followine additional requirements: acLuen-k-:s: {� No non-conformine siens shall be: � 7i altered in any wav. other than changin¢ the messaee on a painted or printed si�n; rerolaced bv another non-conformine: iii relocated to any other location in the Merriam Park S�ecial District; iv reconstntcted after incurrin�damage in an amount exceeding 50% of its di�lay, as determined by the Citv; or 5 �..-�a� � ___.�— qq-rs9 � � ii determined by the City: or if use of such sign has been discontinued for a period of three consecutive months. Section 2 This ordinance shall become effective thirty (30) days after its passage, approval and publication. Plmt�cu�n ,� � .. � Requested by Department of: By: Form Appr d by City Attorney s ��WL✓wvir+¢-. °!– 9—`7r7 Adoption Certified by Council Secretary sy: y��— d„ � �U� Approved by Mayor: Date By: _ � by Mayor for Submission to Council By: �V �.� ��"„✓ _J � /V� A��^v ��'� � V ' Special District at the cost of the owner: Adopted by Council: Date � e 7 �� \ q9 GREEN SHEET �"���"&� 266-8640 COUNCILMII�ffiER BENANAV 15, 1999 � TOTAL � OF SIGNATURE PAGES ❑_ sr � �•_., , No ���? u;r-�-� ❑ OIYAii0R1EY ❑ OIYCli1K � w��amrcuov. ❑ wuwew�mro.ec.o ❑ n"'°'�a"wsu"o ❑ (CUP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) An ordinance amending Chapter 66.216 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to spec: sign district sign plans by creating a new special sign district plan for the Merriam Park Neighborhood to be known as the Merriam Park Special District Sign Plan. w PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMITfEE CIVIL SERVICE CAMMISSION IFAPPROVED OF TRANSAC710N SOURCE Has uue aersaJfirm e+ier Maked ieder a cmtrad tormis depmtmerd4 YES NO tim uas pereaNfem ewr heen a aly emWcvee9 YES NO Dces Uire pe�awJNm v� a slall nd namalryPosaesaed M�Y arnnt dry emqoyee? YES NO b this pnaotJfirm a tarpMed �erMoY! YES NO COST/REVENUE BUDQETm (GRCLE ON� ACTIVITY NIRABER YES NO !r�!!il o� � ! • �� qq -��� �, i � , (�� � .��� `�,.� .��3P� �� 7 C�e�nn� C�'el uyn � October 6,1999 '�` O � U � �� 3� � � � � � Councii Pcesident Dan Bostrom Councilmember Jay Benanav Counciimember Jerry Blakey Councilmember Chiis Coleman Councilmember Mike HaLris Councilmember Kathy Isnay Councilmember Jim Reitec Re: agenda :�: �ms 5, 6. 7 on the October 6, 1999 agenda �G�/UO� I have been a iesident of Merriam Park since the early 1970's and have been involved in a broad range of communiry activities including litter pick np, community gaidenin8 and evea got involved in a group buy of underground utilities for residenrs along Laarel Avenue. I have woskad very hard to make this a wonderEul place co live. Our shared community efforts are pay�ng. Since the early years I consideced the billboazds and the heiter skelter nature of some business signs co be a drag on community nmprovement I joined Ruby Huac in trying so reduce ihe number of billboards when she was on the council. I have testified before the council againsc awarding sign variances to ay to prevenc even bigger end more blighdng signs from dominating onr su�eet scape. Now we have a teal ahance to make a diffe�ence. I strongly aupport the Qroposed special district sit,�. r .a,n. During L: late summer another community volunteer and I inventoried all of the signs in Mecriam Park. There ate a rotal of 40 billboards. (By comparison tl�e entiie ciry of Bloomingtcm has only 9 boards.) The boards were in poor iepair. 28°6 of the boards hsd visible maintenance problems including peeling paint, gtaffiri, and msting posts. Some boards appeated W be defying gravity and likely will succumb to that gravity when hit by a particularly strong wind, as happe�d in Highland aad on West 7th. Decaying adverousing faces added w the visual blight caused by the boards_ 2096 of the advertising faces were bubbled, peeling or defaced with graffiti. Once a billboard face begiac to peel or is defaced, ic may stand for weeks or mon[hs without being repaired. If home owness took such a cavalier attitude toward our property we would certaialy hear ��-� from our neighbors and city inspectois. When the buiiding I office in was defaced with grafFiti lasc SaaudaY nigbc, tl� owner immediately hised a crew w remove ic The building aas clean and attractive by MondaY af�noon. Unlike my zesponsible la4dlord, the billboard indusny seems w ignoce pee]in8 P� P�B �'��g signs end gaffiti. 'i'he impect of the billboazds in our neighborhood is almost completely nega�ve. Althongh a handful of building owners may eam a few hundied dollars per year, that in no way is compensation to the community for lost saaic views� 24 hour lights shining inm tl�e windows of nearby homes and apartrnents, end diminishefl property values of nearby propeity oavners. 'This is tmly a cave w�re ane pecsoa siightly benefits and the whole �ouP suffers. To add insult to injury, billboaids do not conuibute to our tax coffers. TheY P$Y no �ity tazes. Lan,d with a billbos�d on it pays no more taxes than a vacant lot The citizens of Merriam Pa�c have worlced hard to make ours a wonderful place to live. W hen I moved hetc it was a neighborhood thac peoPle movad h om to 5nd a good place to raise their childcen. Now it is a plece people move to when uyu►g to fiad a good place to raise their family and pnt dow►t iootv. We can be ea even more attrective place_ Reducing the billboazd clutter is somethiag we can do wtnch will make a diffeience. I strongly supporc the Speciel Sign Disuict Plan• . p��� �� �� T '"� ` `�^ J Weigum �