99-728Council File # l 1 -'1a Y ORlGINAL Ordinance # Green Sheet # Q 3{ 3 ORDINANCE CITY dF�AINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To 3a. Committee: Date An ordinance to amend section 376.05 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code bringing the license cap to 150. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: se�tion 1 Section 376.05 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 1 Sec. 376.05. Public convenience and necessity. � �� 21 1 9�� 3 (a) Number of licenses. The authorized number of tasicab licenses shall be 4�2,4j one hundred and fifty (15Q�. 6 (b) Additional license. No additional public vehicle licenses shall hereafter be issued unless the city council, 7 after a public hearing, shall by resolution declare that public convenience and necessity require that additional public 8 vehicle licenses be issued. (c) Basis for determination. In determining whether public convenience and necessity require the licensing of additional public vehicles for which application may be made, the city council shall take into consideration whether the demands of public convenience and necessity require additional public vehicles within the City of Saint Paul; the increased traffic congestion and demand for increased pazking space upon the streets of the city which may result; whether the safe use of the streets by the public, both vehicular and pedestrian, will be preserved by the granting of such additional licenses; and such other relevant facts as the city council may deem advisable ox necessary. (d) Renewals, abandonment: (1) �Z) The authorized number of public vehicle licenses may be renewed annually by the license holders so long as all other provisions of this chapter are fulfilled. Failure to apply for renewal of any public vehicle license within thirry (30) days af[er expirarion shall be deemed an abandonment of the licensee's rigY�t to such renewal. (3) It shall be the duty of the license inspectar to make an annual report to the city council during the q� - �a8 1 month of May each calendar year. Said report shall contain the license inspector's recommendations 2 regazding public convenience and necessity for additional licenses and whether there aze any 3 abandoned licenses that are available far issuance to qualified applicants. 4 5 (e) Six-month license. The ciTy council may by resolution determine that the public convenience and 6 necessity require a greater number of licensed taxicabs during the winter months commencing October 15 and 7 ending April 15 of the following yeaz and upon such a finding issue additionai public vehicie licenses for the 8 aforesaid sis-month period. Any taxicab license issued for the six-month period shall expire on Apri115 and may be 9 renewed on the foilowing October 15 without an additional finding of necessity if all other requirements of this 10 chapter aze fulfilled. 11 12 13 Section 2 14 This ordinance shatl take effect and be in full force thirty (30) days following its passage, approval, and publication. 15 16 Requested by Department of: Adopted by Council: Date �.��q Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY = � � �- e F �•� ��� r —�� Approved by .�,�ay r: Date � 3 q I � l L By: � QRiG1NAL Office of License, Insoections and Environmental Protection $ �i� �r�iicuF� ��:_� " i "'ill�,�, OFFICE oF LIEP Date: GREEN SHEET Robert Kessler May 19 1999 266-9112 N° 50383 qQ"� 1 iPARTf+PcNT DIRECTOa2 3 ITY COUNCiL � 2 ITY A1i'1�� ITY CLE�7C ust be on Council Agenda by: W^�^ �'%T DTR%CTOR IN. 4 MGT. SVC. DIeT. � SAP sox tox asszsx OTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUESTED: Establishing the City Council authorized eighteen (18) temporary winter taxicab licenses as permanent licenses and adding eight (8) ew licenses. This modest action will bring the license cap to 150. t'CO,M�1^zNDATIONS: APPROVE (A) OR REJECT (R) EASONAL SSRVICB CONTRACTS MIIST ANS{P%R T'HB POLLOSPING: P7,At.'NING CONAfIS520N CIVIL SERVICE CON�,ISSION 1. Has Che person/fixm ever worked under a contract for this depar^_ment? CIB COIMIITTEE _ SIISiNE55 Re."VIEW CLUNCIL YES NO STAFF _ Has Chis person/firm ever been a City employee? DISTRIC2 Wi7RT _ YES NO 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any UPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? Clirrent City employee? YES NO laia all YSS answara on a aeparata aheeC aad attach. ; INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why): It is generally accepted that additional taxicabs are needed to service the ublic. The temporary addition of eighteen (18) winter licenses earlier this ear de�nonstrated that a market exists for these cabs. Sta£f analysis suggests that these cabs can be made permanent with an additional increase of " eight (8) licenses to bring the cap to 150. Qualified applicants have been identified for the eight new licenses. VANTAGES IF APPROVED: arket analysis demonstrates that market demand exists for additional cabs. his addition will not adversely affect current operators. ISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: one. ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: xisting market demand will slowly find alternative methods of transportation or locations. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S COST/REVENUE BUDGETED YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) CZTY.WIDE.CAB.GO 488 7444 P_05 _ fi� 3 7 `, �� ��� :: :. • • C:aihie Wende!! (�3=d �orno Avcnue St ('aul. MN 551U3 Aueust 10. i 4�9 St. S'aui c:ottnc.ii mem6cr i'ftv fiall >t P.�uE, MN �5,O! KI: f'roposed ordina4�ce amencLnents reb taxicabs it�n� ll's 49-727 and 9t1-728 t7ear �:uuncil �nrznber: A. an ou�ier at � iry Wide Cab Company, I ask tttat you to please Ea&e a clo.�r iouh at thc proposed cl3anges in the both the ftzre strueture for taxicabs a��d the nui�sL3er of 3ice��scs. Neithcr is likely hclp to provide-better service to St. Paul ciiizens at this titne. `>9- �'_8. NumFh r of Licenscs. '['h� cap has alrE�ady been raised approximsteiy 25°/a in the past few v�ars. hut : c4on z belzeve it has done anything to hel� prouide he.tter service. 'I'here ar�n't toa €ew tauis ia St i'aul; there aFe too few drivers. It's reai Iy thaa • s��n�le. 3t has been enare and more difficutf to attract qaalified people to dnve taxica{�, for rf vanety of reasorrs. The main reason fc that the ta�ci industiy, like so mviv ott��.rs �a ofrr present ecc�nocny, does not have enaugh pzople to Yill the posit'sons avaiiahte. Ac�d s<� this �t�e iol{owing: i Many peopie still adhei�e to the old stereotypica4 image ofthe cak� dnver <�n�l �hcr.�fi�r� Lonsider rt deme:aning t� drive a taacical�. �. Many consider there to be more danger inherent in driving a taxi th�n ;n mxny uther typc�; ot�}o6s, espet;iall�� after such tragie incidenis lik� the Mpls. cah drivzr �;ho tiz<ati rnurcicred last vear. 3_ f3sFnre a driver ean begin to ct�iue a ca�i in St. Paul he/she needs ta pay �66.00 li�c � cafib iicettsc, 58.00 for the Bureaa of Crimin�l Apg;ehention check, and $�.���z tor a�o�iv o£ nis dri�ing rccor�. Then there is a waitiazg period, usua(ly of several d�ys, tx f'ure hcislze can obtain the iicense. These �articidars cnn be a deterent, es�n.>cEt�fly H'tia�3 the CITY.WIDE.CAB.GO 4S8 7444 P.B6 �� -��' C� ;�erson dc}esn't knoi*� if cab ctrivsna �vilt utiimateiy 4x: soruething he,'she v�iil 1ik� and �Sc� s��cll at Because of'ttie drtver shortao , it's possible Fhat some companV's stafid.3rds tvr drr�ers evill go down in an eff4rt to keep thesr cabs on [he street. A �iriver Sctio ha� be�n t�E gu hy one company may jvst move on to the o#her c�ainpanies. "i72is could 6e deiriF7zntal to the pubiic, esQecialfy in instarues such as this: Recenily, �ur Citv C'ouacFi rrFC�ve.�ci to sus�end the license of a driver because the Council of his behavior toward, a � ust{�rner. i have tk:en told that this person is nocv driving for a subtu ban cornpafn :;i coinyzany that �vants more �icenses in St PRUl. Althaugh this no lan�er affeccs �t. Ya�AI resicents, it is an exam�4e of how a peison c�nsidered unsatisfactory as a drev�r t an <tiii �•o�xinue io drfve a ta.et. ':j4-73?. Farc irtcr„ase. t am una�vare of any driver complaints at our company about the present tarc • structure: h��wever, this could change w�di additional tticenses. We havc bc;en tolfl by the License Division tY,at raising the ceiling <>n 1'ares azad �ftaninating the tt�inimtim will increase cowpetion and possibty even lower tares C�� vpposJte is mo��a iikeiy to occur. A company with highet Fares ntight tend tu do izu�r� buainess with cus�oraers who can better afYord higher fares, such as thc traveiTn� �rubiic and risriars fram out oftown who don�t kaow otrr fare siructure. thereby providin� frss :•:ervice to the gcnerat pi�blic who jtist nced t4 get work or to the doctcsrs oiTice, tc� thc !a«ndramat. horr:e from the grocery store, hame frosn the bar, etc. Furthem�ore. ii'oth�:� cainpanies raiseel their S'ares, we ��•ou3d eventually be forced to do like�,��se j ast in kecp o�r dnvers iiom l�aving For a company «�ith the higher fares. To sum it u�� �Vhen ecsnditions change so thar more drivers are ava�IubCe, I'1-lk�:*S c:ons�der addiUViia! licenses. If you still fee3 the adcEitional licensas are ti�•arranted ai tht. tinie, then tlie fii�her fares may be necessary to keep the drivess aticu�t i�a a marc t�agme.nred industry; hut it should be at oc�e set rate, p�ssibly with pr�visions to allat+ cosn;rnnies w c�3npete in ways such as giving senior citizen discounts. 5inc�rely, � �,, J /' s' � G'.>�;� � % � t°athie Wendelt . Council File # l 1 -'1a Y ORlGINAL Ordinance # Green Sheet # Q 3{ 3 ORDINANCE CITY dF�AINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To 3a. Committee: Date An ordinance to amend section 376.05 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code bringing the license cap to 150. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: se�tion 1 Section 376.05 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 1 Sec. 376.05. Public convenience and necessity. � �� 21 1 9�� 3 (a) Number of licenses. The authorized number of tasicab licenses shall be 4�2,4j one hundred and fifty (15Q�. 6 (b) Additional license. No additional public vehicle licenses shall hereafter be issued unless the city council, 7 after a public hearing, shall by resolution declare that public convenience and necessity require that additional public 8 vehicle licenses be issued. (c) Basis for determination. In determining whether public convenience and necessity require the licensing of additional public vehicles for which application may be made, the city council shall take into consideration whether the demands of public convenience and necessity require additional public vehicles within the City of Saint Paul; the increased traffic congestion and demand for increased pazking space upon the streets of the city which may result; whether the safe use of the streets by the public, both vehicular and pedestrian, will be preserved by the granting of such additional licenses; and such other relevant facts as the city council may deem advisable ox necessary. (d) Renewals, abandonment: (1) �Z) The authorized number of public vehicle licenses may be renewed annually by the license holders so long as all other provisions of this chapter are fulfilled. Failure to apply for renewal of any public vehicle license within thirry (30) days af[er expirarion shall be deemed an abandonment of the licensee's rigY�t to such renewal. (3) It shall be the duty of the license inspectar to make an annual report to the city council during the q� - �a8 1 month of May each calendar year. Said report shall contain the license inspector's recommendations 2 regazding public convenience and necessity for additional licenses and whether there aze any 3 abandoned licenses that are available far issuance to qualified applicants. 4 5 (e) Six-month license. The ciTy council may by resolution determine that the public convenience and 6 necessity require a greater number of licensed taxicabs during the winter months commencing October 15 and 7 ending April 15 of the following yeaz and upon such a finding issue additionai public vehicie licenses for the 8 aforesaid sis-month period. Any taxicab license issued for the six-month period shall expire on Apri115 and may be 9 renewed on the foilowing October 15 without an additional finding of necessity if all other requirements of this 10 chapter aze fulfilled. 11 12 13 Section 2 14 This ordinance shatl take effect and be in full force thirty (30) days following its passage, approval, and publication. 15 16 Requested by Department of: Adopted by Council: Date �.��q Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY = � � �- e F �•� ��� r —�� Approved by .�,�ay r: Date � 3 q I � l L By: � QRiG1NAL Office of License, Insoections and Environmental Protection $ �i� �r�iicuF� ��:_� " i "'ill�,�, OFFICE oF LIEP Date: GREEN SHEET Robert Kessler May 19 1999 266-9112 N° 50383 qQ"� 1 iPARTf+PcNT DIRECTOa2 3 ITY COUNCiL � 2 ITY A1i'1�� ITY CLE�7C ust be on Council Agenda by: W^�^ �'%T DTR%CTOR IN. 4 MGT. SVC. DIeT. � SAP sox tox asszsx OTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUESTED: Establishing the City Council authorized eighteen (18) temporary winter taxicab licenses as permanent licenses and adding eight (8) ew licenses. This modest action will bring the license cap to 150. t'CO,M�1^zNDATIONS: APPROVE (A) OR REJECT (R) EASONAL SSRVICB CONTRACTS MIIST ANS{P%R T'HB POLLOSPING: P7,At.'NING CONAfIS520N CIVIL SERVICE CON�,ISSION 1. Has Che person/fixm ever worked under a contract for this depar^_ment? CIB COIMIITTEE _ SIISiNE55 Re."VIEW CLUNCIL YES NO STAFF _ Has Chis person/firm ever been a City employee? DISTRIC2 Wi7RT _ YES NO 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any UPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? Clirrent City employee? YES NO laia all YSS answara on a aeparata aheeC aad attach. ; INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why): It is generally accepted that additional taxicabs are needed to service the ublic. The temporary addition of eighteen (18) winter licenses earlier this ear de�nonstrated that a market exists for these cabs. Sta£f analysis suggests that these cabs can be made permanent with an additional increase of " eight (8) licenses to bring the cap to 150. Qualified applicants have been identified for the eight new licenses. VANTAGES IF APPROVED: arket analysis demonstrates that market demand exists for additional cabs. his addition will not adversely affect current operators. ISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: one. ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: xisting market demand will slowly find alternative methods of transportation or locations. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S COST/REVENUE BUDGETED YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) CZTY.WIDE.CAB.GO 488 7444 P_05 _ fi� 3 7 `, �� ��� :: :. • • C:aihie Wende!! (�3=d �orno Avcnue St ('aul. MN 551U3 Aueust 10. i 4�9 St. S'aui c:ottnc.ii mem6cr i'ftv fiall >t P.�uE, MN �5,O! KI: f'roposed ordina4�ce amencLnents reb taxicabs it�n� ll's 49-727 and 9t1-728 t7ear �:uuncil �nrznber: A. an ou�ier at � iry Wide Cab Company, I ask tttat you to please Ea&e a clo.�r iouh at thc proposed cl3anges in the both the ftzre strueture for taxicabs a��d the nui�sL3er of 3ice��scs. Neithcr is likely hclp to provide-better service to St. Paul ciiizens at this titne. `>9- �'_8. NumFh r of Licenscs. '['h� cap has alrE�ady been raised approximsteiy 25°/a in the past few v�ars. hut : c4on z belzeve it has done anything to hel� prouide he.tter service. 'I'here ar�n't toa €ew tauis ia St i'aul; there aFe too few drivers. It's reai Iy thaa • s��n�le. 3t has been enare and more difficutf to attract qaalified people to dnve taxica{�, for rf vanety of reasorrs. The main reason fc that the ta�ci industiy, like so mviv ott��.rs �a ofrr present ecc�nocny, does not have enaugh pzople to Yill the posit'sons avaiiahte. Ac�d s<� this �t�e iol{owing: i Many peopie still adhei�e to the old stereotypica4 image ofthe cak� dnver <�n�l �hcr.�fi�r� Lonsider rt deme:aning t� drive a taacical�. �. Many consider there to be more danger inherent in driving a taxi th�n ;n mxny uther typc�; ot�}o6s, espet;iall�� after such tragie incidenis lik� the Mpls. cah drivzr �;ho tiz<ati rnurcicred last vear. 3_ f3sFnre a driver ean begin to ct�iue a ca�i in St. Paul he/she needs ta pay �66.00 li�c � cafib iicettsc, 58.00 for the Bureaa of Crimin�l Apg;ehention check, and $�.���z tor a�o�iv o£ nis dri�ing rccor�. Then there is a waitiazg period, usua(ly of several d�ys, tx f'ure hcislze can obtain the iicense. These �articidars cnn be a deterent, es�n.>cEt�fly H'tia�3 the CITY.WIDE.CAB.GO 4S8 7444 P.B6 �� -��' C� ;�erson dc}esn't knoi*� if cab ctrivsna �vilt utiimateiy 4x: soruething he,'she v�iil 1ik� and �Sc� s��cll at Because of'ttie drtver shortao , it's possible Fhat some companV's stafid.3rds tvr drr�ers evill go down in an eff4rt to keep thesr cabs on [he street. A �iriver Sctio ha� be�n t�E gu hy one company may jvst move on to the o#her c�ainpanies. "i72is could 6e deiriF7zntal to the pubiic, esQecialfy in instarues such as this: Recenily, �ur Citv C'ouacFi rrFC�ve.�ci to sus�end the license of a driver because the Council of his behavior toward, a � ust{�rner. i have tk:en told that this person is nocv driving for a subtu ban cornpafn :;i coinyzany that �vants more �icenses in St PRUl. Althaugh this no lan�er affeccs �t. Ya�AI resicents, it is an exam�4e of how a peison c�nsidered unsatisfactory as a drev�r t an <tiii �•o�xinue io drfve a ta.et. ':j4-73?. Farc irtcr„ase. t am una�vare of any driver complaints at our company about the present tarc • structure: h��wever, this could change w�di additional tticenses. We havc bc;en tolfl by the License Division tY,at raising the ceiling <>n 1'ares azad �ftaninating the tt�inimtim will increase cowpetion and possibty even lower tares C�� vpposJte is mo��a iikeiy to occur. A company with highet Fares ntight tend tu do izu�r� buainess with cus�oraers who can better afYord higher fares, such as thc traveiTn� �rubiic and risriars fram out oftown who don�t kaow otrr fare siructure. thereby providin� frss :•:ervice to the gcnerat pi�blic who jtist nced t4 get work or to the doctcsrs oiTice, tc� thc !a«ndramat. horr:e from the grocery store, hame frosn the bar, etc. Furthem�ore. ii'oth�:� cainpanies raiseel their S'ares, we ��•ou3d eventually be forced to do like�,��se j ast in kecp o�r dnvers iiom l�aving For a company «�ith the higher fares. To sum it u�� �Vhen ecsnditions change so thar more drivers are ava�IubCe, I'1-lk�:*S c:ons�der addiUViia! licenses. If you still fee3 the adcEitional licensas are ti�•arranted ai tht. tinie, then tlie fii�her fares may be necessary to keep the drivess aticu�t i�a a marc t�agme.nred industry; hut it should be at oc�e set rate, p�ssibly with pr�visions to allat+ cosn;rnnies w c�3npete in ways such as giving senior citizen discounts. 5inc�rely, � �,, J /' s' � G'.>�;� � % � t°athie Wendelt . Council File # l 1 -'1a Y ORlGINAL Ordinance # Green Sheet # Q 3{ 3 ORDINANCE CITY dF�AINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To 3a. Committee: Date An ordinance to amend section 376.05 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code bringing the license cap to 150. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: se�tion 1 Section 376.05 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 1 Sec. 376.05. Public convenience and necessity. � �� 21 1 9�� 3 (a) Number of licenses. The authorized number of tasicab licenses shall be 4�2,4j one hundred and fifty (15Q�. 6 (b) Additional license. No additional public vehicle licenses shall hereafter be issued unless the city council, 7 after a public hearing, shall by resolution declare that public convenience and necessity require that additional public 8 vehicle licenses be issued. (c) Basis for determination. In determining whether public convenience and necessity require the licensing of additional public vehicles for which application may be made, the city council shall take into consideration whether the demands of public convenience and necessity require additional public vehicles within the City of Saint Paul; the increased traffic congestion and demand for increased pazking space upon the streets of the city which may result; whether the safe use of the streets by the public, both vehicular and pedestrian, will be preserved by the granting of such additional licenses; and such other relevant facts as the city council may deem advisable ox necessary. (d) Renewals, abandonment: (1) �Z) The authorized number of public vehicle licenses may be renewed annually by the license holders so long as all other provisions of this chapter are fulfilled. Failure to apply for renewal of any public vehicle license within thirry (30) days af[er expirarion shall be deemed an abandonment of the licensee's rigY�t to such renewal. (3) It shall be the duty of the license inspectar to make an annual report to the city council during the q� - �a8 1 month of May each calendar year. Said report shall contain the license inspector's recommendations 2 regazding public convenience and necessity for additional licenses and whether there aze any 3 abandoned licenses that are available far issuance to qualified applicants. 4 5 (e) Six-month license. The ciTy council may by resolution determine that the public convenience and 6 necessity require a greater number of licensed taxicabs during the winter months commencing October 15 and 7 ending April 15 of the following yeaz and upon such a finding issue additionai public vehicie licenses for the 8 aforesaid sis-month period. Any taxicab license issued for the six-month period shall expire on Apri115 and may be 9 renewed on the foilowing October 15 without an additional finding of necessity if all other requirements of this 10 chapter aze fulfilled. 11 12 13 Section 2 14 This ordinance shatl take effect and be in full force thirty (30) days following its passage, approval, and publication. 15 16 Requested by Department of: Adopted by Council: Date �.��q Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY = � � �- e F �•� ��� r —�� Approved by .�,�ay r: Date � 3 q I � l L By: � QRiG1NAL Office of License, Insoections and Environmental Protection $ �i� �r�iicuF� ��:_� " i "'ill�,�, OFFICE oF LIEP Date: GREEN SHEET Robert Kessler May 19 1999 266-9112 N° 50383 qQ"� 1 iPARTf+PcNT DIRECTOa2 3 ITY COUNCiL � 2 ITY A1i'1�� ITY CLE�7C ust be on Council Agenda by: W^�^ �'%T DTR%CTOR IN. 4 MGT. SVC. DIeT. � SAP sox tox asszsx OTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUESTED: Establishing the City Council authorized eighteen (18) temporary winter taxicab licenses as permanent licenses and adding eight (8) ew licenses. This modest action will bring the license cap to 150. t'CO,M�1^zNDATIONS: APPROVE (A) OR REJECT (R) EASONAL SSRVICB CONTRACTS MIIST ANS{P%R T'HB POLLOSPING: P7,At.'NING CONAfIS520N CIVIL SERVICE CON�,ISSION 1. Has Che person/fixm ever worked under a contract for this depar^_ment? CIB COIMIITTEE _ SIISiNE55 Re."VIEW CLUNCIL YES NO STAFF _ Has Chis person/firm ever been a City employee? DISTRIC2 Wi7RT _ YES NO 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any UPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? Clirrent City employee? YES NO laia all YSS answara on a aeparata aheeC aad attach. ; INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why): It is generally accepted that additional taxicabs are needed to service the ublic. The temporary addition of eighteen (18) winter licenses earlier this ear de�nonstrated that a market exists for these cabs. Sta£f analysis suggests that these cabs can be made permanent with an additional increase of " eight (8) licenses to bring the cap to 150. Qualified applicants have been identified for the eight new licenses. VANTAGES IF APPROVED: arket analysis demonstrates that market demand exists for additional cabs. his addition will not adversely affect current operators. ISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: one. ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: xisting market demand will slowly find alternative methods of transportation or locations. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S COST/REVENUE BUDGETED YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) CZTY.WIDE.CAB.GO 488 7444 P_05 _ fi� 3 7 `, �� ��� :: :. • • C:aihie Wende!! (�3=d �orno Avcnue St ('aul. MN 551U3 Aueust 10. i 4�9 St. S'aui c:ottnc.ii mem6cr i'ftv fiall >t P.�uE, MN �5,O! KI: f'roposed ordina4�ce amencLnents reb taxicabs it�n� ll's 49-727 and 9t1-728 t7ear �:uuncil �nrznber: A. an ou�ier at � iry Wide Cab Company, I ask tttat you to please Ea&e a clo.�r iouh at thc proposed cl3anges in the both the ftzre strueture for taxicabs a��d the nui�sL3er of 3ice��scs. Neithcr is likely hclp to provide-better service to St. Paul ciiizens at this titne. `>9- �'_8. NumFh r of Licenscs. '['h� cap has alrE�ady been raised approximsteiy 25°/a in the past few v�ars. hut : c4on z belzeve it has done anything to hel� prouide he.tter service. 'I'here ar�n't toa €ew tauis ia St i'aul; there aFe too few drivers. It's reai Iy thaa • s��n�le. 3t has been enare and more difficutf to attract qaalified people to dnve taxica{�, for rf vanety of reasorrs. The main reason fc that the ta�ci industiy, like so mviv ott��.rs �a ofrr present ecc�nocny, does not have enaugh pzople to Yill the posit'sons avaiiahte. Ac�d s<� this �t�e iol{owing: i Many peopie still adhei�e to the old stereotypica4 image ofthe cak� dnver <�n�l �hcr.�fi�r� Lonsider rt deme:aning t� drive a taacical�. �. Many consider there to be more danger inherent in driving a taxi th�n ;n mxny uther typc�; ot�}o6s, espet;iall�� after such tragie incidenis lik� the Mpls. cah drivzr �;ho tiz<ati rnurcicred last vear. 3_ f3sFnre a driver ean begin to ct�iue a ca�i in St. Paul he/she needs ta pay �66.00 li�c � cafib iicettsc, 58.00 for the Bureaa of Crimin�l Apg;ehention check, and $�.���z tor a�o�iv o£ nis dri�ing rccor�. Then there is a waitiazg period, usua(ly of several d�ys, tx f'ure hcislze can obtain the iicense. These �articidars cnn be a deterent, es�n.>cEt�fly H'tia�3 the CITY.WIDE.CAB.GO 4S8 7444 P.B6 �� -��' C� ;�erson dc}esn't knoi*� if cab ctrivsna �vilt utiimateiy 4x: soruething he,'she v�iil 1ik� and �Sc� s��cll at Because of'ttie drtver shortao , it's possible Fhat some companV's stafid.3rds tvr drr�ers evill go down in an eff4rt to keep thesr cabs on [he street. A �iriver Sctio ha� be�n t�E gu hy one company may jvst move on to the o#her c�ainpanies. "i72is could 6e deiriF7zntal to the pubiic, esQecialfy in instarues such as this: Recenily, �ur Citv C'ouacFi rrFC�ve.�ci to sus�end the license of a driver because the Council of his behavior toward, a � ust{�rner. i have tk:en told that this person is nocv driving for a subtu ban cornpafn :;i coinyzany that �vants more �icenses in St PRUl. Althaugh this no lan�er affeccs �t. Ya�AI resicents, it is an exam�4e of how a peison c�nsidered unsatisfactory as a drev�r t an <tiii �•o�xinue io drfve a ta.et. ':j4-73?. Farc irtcr„ase. t am una�vare of any driver complaints at our company about the present tarc • structure: h��wever, this could change w�di additional tticenses. We havc bc;en tolfl by the License Division tY,at raising the ceiling <>n 1'ares azad �ftaninating the tt�inimtim will increase cowpetion and possibty even lower tares C�� vpposJte is mo��a iikeiy to occur. A company with highet Fares ntight tend tu do izu�r� buainess with cus�oraers who can better afYord higher fares, such as thc traveiTn� �rubiic and risriars fram out oftown who don�t kaow otrr fare siructure. thereby providin� frss :•:ervice to the gcnerat pi�blic who jtist nced t4 get work or to the doctcsrs oiTice, tc� thc !a«ndramat. horr:e from the grocery store, hame frosn the bar, etc. Furthem�ore. ii'oth�:� cainpanies raiseel their S'ares, we ��•ou3d eventually be forced to do like�,��se j ast in kecp o�r dnvers iiom l�aving For a company «�ith the higher fares. To sum it u�� �Vhen ecsnditions change so thar more drivers are ava�IubCe, I'1-lk�:*S c:ons�der addiUViia! licenses. If you still fee3 the adcEitional licensas are ti�•arranted ai tht. tinie, then tlie fii�her fares may be necessary to keep the drivess aticu�t i�a a marc t�agme.nred industry; hut it should be at oc�e set rate, p�ssibly with pr�visions to allat+ cosn;rnnies w c�3npete in ways such as giving senior citizen discounts. 5inc�rely, � �,, J /' s' � G'.>�;� � % � t°athie Wendelt .