99-7279q- 7a � ��� � � ��� � �� 1 � ���'� .� c� � 9 �`�8' S �`��� - �'G.�� - ��y�`l`l Council File # � _— � r�� orainan�e # Green Sheet # O'3 g ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, NIINNESOTA Presented By Referred To Committee Date : An ordinance to amend Chapter 376 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code by establishing a one-year change in the faze structure to a11ow taxicab companies to set their own fares within a maximum ceiling, and to impose a one-tune surcharge on vehicle license fees to partially pay far the cost of a comprehensive survey on tasicab service in Saint Paul aitai rcuc� 31 _ � .. 10 11 12 Section 1 13 Chapter 376 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to add the following section: 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 3_5 :�G THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Sec. 376.15.1. Council Findinas. The Council finds that there is a need for a comprehensive surve�performed by an outside professional to studv the current level and ualit�of taxicab service in the Citv of Saint Paul. and that the survey is intended to address what �opulations are served or underserved by the taxicab indushv, whether there is a need far additional t�icabs, whether the perce�tion of problems in the industrv is accurate, and whether all of the current re�ulations, includine fare restrictions, are necessary. This survev is necessarY to adequately and prouerly regulate the taxicab industr�It is the Council's intent that the cost of this survey should be �artially defra�d through the imroosition of a one-time surct�aree on taxi cab vehicle license fees. The Council further finds that a trial period of allowin� tasicab companies to set their own fazes wiUun a ma�mum ceiline would be beneficial in determinin� whether the current fare re�ulations are necessary Section 2 Chapter 376 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to add the following section: Sec. 376.15.2. Temporary fares and charges. (a) Fares. Notcvithstandin¢ the krovisions of �37615, effective October 1, 1999 throu�h Seutember 30, 2000, anY.person. firm or comoration owuing_operatine or controllin�any motor vehicle operated and licensed as a t�icab in the City of Saint Paul shall set rates 1 as herein urovided: 2 � a � . �l �'- 3 � The maximum rate of faze for t�icabs operatine within the city shall be two 4 dollazs ($2.00) far the first one-sixteenth (1/16) of a mile. The rate for each 5 additional mile bevond the first mile shall be one dollar and sixtvi cents ($1.601. 6 All fazes for distances greater than one (� mile shall be calculated in sia�teen cent 7 ($0.161 increments of one-sixteenth (i/161 of a mile Each t�icab com�anv's 8 miniinum and roer-mile rates shall be re�istered with LIEP. Minimum and per 9 mile rntes maybe chan�ed following a 72 hour notice to LIEP and aproroval of 10 said rate chan�e. Rates must be posted on the outside ri�ht and left reaz doors of 11 the taxicab and inside the passeneer comnartment in the following manner and of 12 sufficient size and shape so as to be cleariy le ig ble: 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 Ta�ticab Fares (Maximum not to exceed�$2.00 ist 1/16 Mile (Maximum not to exceedl Sixteen Cents Each 1/16 Mile Therea8er (Maximum not to exceed�Minunum Faze $5.00 � No greater fare for the o�eration of such taxicabs, than as described in subsection (11 above shall be chazged by the operators thereof. � No ea�tra fare shall be chazeed bv the owner or overators of such t�icabs for additional passen e� rs• (b WaitinQ time. Charges for waiting time sha11 not exceed the followi� (1) For each hour of "waitine time at address." twenty-one dollazs ($21.001. � For each two (21 minutes of "waiting tnne for engaeement," fifty cents ($0.501: nrovided, that no charee shall be made for the time lost on account of inefficiencY of any taxicab or its o�eration, ar tnne consumed by�remature resnonse call. (cl "N'aitins time" defined. "Waitine time at address" is herein defined to mean the time beginnine when a cab arrives at an address to which it has been called, and endine when it denarts from such address. "Waitine tune after enga�ement" shall mean the time a cab is not in motion at the request of the passen e¢ r or passengers after the cab has commenced the transportation of such passen¢er or passenngers• (d Hourly rates. Nothine herein contained shall �revent an�person from makin�an a�xeement with the oroerator of a tasicab to furnish transportation at a rate to be a¢reed upon between them for an hour. dav, week. month or lon�er neriod. Section 3 Chapter 376 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to add the following section: 2 0 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Sec.376.15.3. Surcharge. �� .12-`� In order to partially defrav the cost of a study of the taxi cab industr�in Saint Paul there shall be a one-time surcharge imnosed on all taxi cab vehicle licenses of $50 per licensed vehicle, which shall be in addition to the annual vehicle license fee and which shali be due and navable at the time each vehicle in the Citv of Saint Paul renews its annual license or receives a new license wit�un one veaz from the effective date of this section. Section 4 This ordinance shall take effect and be in full force thiriy (30) days after its passage, approval and publication. DfiRiISHF,fl i �: :.... Reguested by Department of: Adopted by Council: Date _5���� Adoption Certified by Council Sec etary HY: Approved by y r: Dat ` �� 8,.: G /� � `--� � j���� ! " � � I/ � _ _ Ii J y " � Foxm Approved by City Attorney gY' -� ✓K-GC, ! 1 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: OFFICE oF �z�P Date: GREEN SHEET Robert Kessler May 24, 1999 ��,� 266-9I12 N° 50385 � 1 'c?AR17d�'.,NT D?FSC!'OY 3 Ci� COUNCIL Z I3Y A1?O�NEY iTY CLEn3C ust be on Cotincil Agenda by: �°'°� `m=T ns�csca �_s. � v�c:. svc. nia. � �SAP YOR (OR ASSiSTAN� TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES '1 (CLIP ALL LOCAIIONS FOR SIGATATURE) CTZON RFQUESTED: Authorization for LIEP to collect a one-time surcharge of $50.00 on taxicab vehicle licenses to cover the cost of a customer survey by an outside consultant. Representatives of the taxicab industry agreed to fund the survey via the surcharge. Also establishes a maximum fare seructure. RcCOM.M^cT�ATIONS: A?F�OI�' l�+1 OR @ES°CT (Y) PERSONAL SERVICS CONTRACTS MOST lNSWER TAE ?OLLO'FIYG: PLAPN?NG COMNZSSION CIVIL SEP.VZC^c CO!?�+;ISSION 1. 3as the ?erscn/fi= evez worked crder a ccacrac[ for `.tis cepartment? CIB COMMITTEE _ SUS?��SS RR�?�ii COiJ!�CIL YES NO STAFF _ xas this person/fitm evez b�en a City emoloyzz? DISTAICT COVRT _ YES NO 3. Does this person/finn possess a skill not normally posszsse3 by any SUPPORTS k'HICH WUtv':iL 09T°CTIVE? Clirrent City employee? YES NO laia all YES aaswers oa a separate sheet and attach. INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Taxiczb owners, drivers, the Convention and Visitor's BureQu, AMTRACK, the lock Nurses, City staff, the public, and the Business Review Council (BRC) ring different expectations and needs to the taxicab discussion. Prior to aking significant changes in the regulatory structure, all parties agreed that there is a need for a customer survey to be conducted by a neutral,party. VANTAGES IF APPROVED: 11 interested parties will continue to work together. DISADVANTAGBS IF APPROVED: one. ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: Consensus on any course of action with regard to taxicabs will be impossible. OTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S COST/32EVENUE BUDGETED YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) CITY.WSDE-CRB.CO 48$ 7444 ::athie Wcndell Iu3=F Como A�cnuc St f'aul. YiN 551U3 ?�ucutt 10. 1499 S�. I'auE Louncii member t'ila Eial] >t PauE, MN �5f0! RE': 1'roposed orci�nanre amendments re�JardFng taxicabs it'�m �1's 99-727 and 9s}-'128 i)ear � uuncil tinztnUer: P.05 �37 ��.��� As an oL«eer at E� iry Wide Cab Company, I ask that you to gtease take a clo�cr inok at thc proposed changes in the both the fare structure for 2axicabs and zhe nun�l3er of i�ceiucs. Neithec is likely help to provide better service ta St. Panl citzzens at this ti�ne. , 99 Numb;,rufLicenscs. 'Ch cap has aheaciy been raised approximately 25°/a in the past fe�� y�ars_ t��u : dan r beheve rt has done an}zhing to hel� prnvide t�tter service. 'I'here are�'t too few taxis in St. Paul; t}tere are too few� drivers. it's reaiiy that simpic. It bas been i�zore and more difficuff to attract quaEi6ed people to dnve taxaca6s tor a eanet}• of reasorzs. Tbe main reason is that the faxi indusuy, like so mviv uth�rs io aiu preseat ecc�natny, ctoes not have enaugh peapke ta Yi1i the positions availabie Ac�d !<� rhis i�e Ioliowing: i Many people still adhere to the old slereotypica! image of the cab drrver:tn�! thcr.11i�rr consider it demcanina to dtive a taxicah. �. Many consid�r there to be more danger inhereat in driving a taxi than �n m.mv ucher :ypcs <3f'jobs, espec;�aih� after such tragic incidents like The Mpls. cab drivzr �+�ho ��as tnurdcre�f last vear. 3. t3eFore a dri�er can begin to drive a cab in St. Paul helshe needs to pa�- 56b.tl0 li�r a c:�b license, 58.00 fnr the Bureau of Crimiu�l Apprehention check, and �4.t��� ior a cop�� of�nis driving recorct 7'hen there is a waiting period, usuatiy of several days, t�tfare he:s4�e can obrasa ttse iicense. These particidars can be a deterent, es}x,�isHy Hheia thc �" CITY.WIDE.CAB-CO 4S8 7444 P_06 /�l� ._ l� ;,�rson doesn't knoi� if cab drivina �vill utiimately be sotuething hefshe ��iil likc: and ,30 ktcU at. E3ecause vf'the dnver shortage, iYs possible that some company's statid.•3rQs iiar ctrr�ers tivifi go down in an effort to keep their cabs on the street. A dmer ~vfta ha� Ex;�n !et gu by ane cvmpany may just move on to the other companies. This cauld be detriEnental to the pu�lic, espeeialTy in instances such as t6is: Recently, aur City c'ouaczi ��naveci to suspend the license of a driver hecause tlie Council af his hehavioT tuuards a � ustomer. T have fx�en told that ihis persan is nocv driving for a subtu�ban c�xnpam•: :i com�any that wants more licenses in St Pxul. Aithough this no lvnger affeees �t. f aul r�,5icems, it is an example of how a person cousidered unsatisfacto�}� as a dr�v�r rafi .ciii �•o�t�nue to dnve a ta.ei �+4-7??. F'arc incr•:,�se. t am una+vare of any driver compIaints at our company about ihe gresent Care structure, however. this could clu�nge tivrth additional lticenses. We havc Fx;en told by tha License Division that raisingthe ceiling an lares and �fi�nrnating the u�inimum wili inaease cowpetian and possibty even lower fares ["be uppos,te is mora iikely to occur. A company with hi�er fazes nli�tit tend to do morL business with custorners who can better a�3ord higher fares, such as the trao•eiing pubiic and ws�tors Crom out of'town who don�t knoivoiu fare structure. thereby prov�ding frss ::ervic;e. to the generat piiblic «rko just need to get wark or to the doctors o{Tice, t� the launcframat. homr frorn the grocery store, hotne from tbe bar, etc. Furthem�ore. i1 othi� cornpanies raised their tares, we t�rould eventually he forced to do like���se just ta kecp our dnvers f'rom feav+ng for a company 1�•ith the higher fares. To sam it ���: �Vhen conditions chan�;e so thar more drivers are ava�luble, 1!�[t_:M c:ons�der add�tiuizaf licenses. If you still feel the addi#ional licenses arc �sarranteci �t thf. �ime, then tlte hi�her fares may be necessary to kecg the drivcxs aIloat in a morr trag�ficnted �ndustry; but it shou]d be at oc�e set rate, possibly �vith provisions to a Ila�+ cum�anic:s w emnpete in �vays such as giving senior cit'tzen discouats. Sinccr�iy, ! _ i i � !� � t:athie Wendeff i i 4 t j Council File # °�� � � a � ORIGINAL Green Sheet # S� �' $ � Presented By Referred To ORDINANCE CTI'Y OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Ordinance # � Committee Date : An ordinance to amend Chapter 376 of the Saint Paul Legis ive Code by establishing a one-yeaz change in the fare struc to allow taxicab companies to set their own fares within a a'ximum ceiling, and to impose a one-time surchazge on vehicl 'cense fees to partially pay for the cost of a comprehensive surv on taxicab service in Saint Paul THE COTJNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL Section 1 Chapter 376 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is Sec. 376.15.1. Council Findin�s. Section 2 Chapter 376 of the Sec. 3'76.15.2. 7].717_\1`►il amended to add the following section: Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to add the following section: fares and charges. �) Fares. Notwithstanding the provisions of &376.15, effective October 1. 1999 throu2h September 30. 2000, anv person, firm or corporation owning operating or controlling anv motor vehicle operated and licensed as a tasicab in the Citv of Saint Paul shall set rates as herein �rovided: °I`l -�a`1 � Ttie maximum rate of faze for taxicabs oneratin2 within the cit�shall be two dollazs ($2.001 for the first one-tenth (1/10) of a mile. The rate for each additional Section 3 Chapter 376 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to add the following section: between them for an hour. dav, week, month or lonter oeriod. Sec.376.15.3. Surcharge. within one vear from the effective date of this section. Secrion 4 ��-� This ordinance shall take effect and be in full force thirty (30) days after its assage, approval and publication. ORIGfNAL Requested by Department of: _ l�,��� � � Adopted by �ncil: Date Adoption Certified by Council Secretaxy By: Approved by Mayor: Date 8yv 9q- 7a � ��� � � ��� � �� 1 � ���'� .� c� � 9 �`�8' S �`��� - �'G.�� - ��y�`l`l Council File # � _— � r�� orainan�e # Green Sheet # O'3 g ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, NIINNESOTA Presented By Referred To Committee Date : An ordinance to amend Chapter 376 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code by establishing a one-year change in the faze structure to a11ow taxicab companies to set their own fares within a maximum ceiling, and to impose a one-tune surcharge on vehicle license fees to partially pay far the cost of a comprehensive survey on tasicab service in Saint Paul aitai rcuc� 31 _ � .. 10 11 12 Section 1 13 Chapter 376 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to add the following section: 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 3_5 :�G THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Sec. 376.15.1. Council Findinas. The Council finds that there is a need for a comprehensive surve�performed by an outside professional to studv the current level and ualit�of taxicab service in the Citv of Saint Paul. and that the survey is intended to address what �opulations are served or underserved by the taxicab indushv, whether there is a need far additional t�icabs, whether the perce�tion of problems in the industrv is accurate, and whether all of the current re�ulations, includine fare restrictions, are necessary. This survev is necessarY to adequately and prouerly regulate the taxicab industr�It is the Council's intent that the cost of this survey should be �artially defra�d through the imroosition of a one-time surct�aree on taxi cab vehicle license fees. The Council further finds that a trial period of allowin� tasicab companies to set their own fazes wiUun a ma�mum ceiline would be beneficial in determinin� whether the current fare re�ulations are necessary Section 2 Chapter 376 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to add the following section: Sec. 376.15.2. Temporary fares and charges. (a) Fares. Notcvithstandin¢ the krovisions of �37615, effective October 1, 1999 throu�h Seutember 30, 2000, anY.person. firm or comoration owuing_operatine or controllin�any motor vehicle operated and licensed as a t�icab in the City of Saint Paul shall set rates 1 as herein urovided: 2 � a � . �l �'- 3 � The maximum rate of faze for t�icabs operatine within the city shall be two 4 dollazs ($2.00) far the first one-sixteenth (1/16) of a mile. The rate for each 5 additional mile bevond the first mile shall be one dollar and sixtvi cents ($1.601. 6 All fazes for distances greater than one (� mile shall be calculated in sia�teen cent 7 ($0.161 increments of one-sixteenth (i/161 of a mile Each t�icab com�anv's 8 miniinum and roer-mile rates shall be re�istered with LIEP. Minimum and per 9 mile rntes maybe chan�ed following a 72 hour notice to LIEP and aproroval of 10 said rate chan�e. Rates must be posted on the outside ri�ht and left reaz doors of 11 the taxicab and inside the passeneer comnartment in the following manner and of 12 sufficient size and shape so as to be cleariy le ig ble: 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 Ta�ticab Fares (Maximum not to exceed�$2.00 ist 1/16 Mile (Maximum not to exceedl Sixteen Cents Each 1/16 Mile Therea8er (Maximum not to exceed�Minunum Faze $5.00 � No greater fare for the o�eration of such taxicabs, than as described in subsection (11 above shall be chazged by the operators thereof. � No ea�tra fare shall be chazeed bv the owner or overators of such t�icabs for additional passen e� rs• (b WaitinQ time. Charges for waiting time sha11 not exceed the followi� (1) For each hour of "waitine time at address." twenty-one dollazs ($21.001. � For each two (21 minutes of "waiting tnne for engaeement," fifty cents ($0.501: nrovided, that no charee shall be made for the time lost on account of inefficiencY of any taxicab or its o�eration, ar tnne consumed by�remature resnonse call. (cl "N'aitins time" defined. "Waitine time at address" is herein defined to mean the time beginnine when a cab arrives at an address to which it has been called, and endine when it denarts from such address. "Waitine tune after enga�ement" shall mean the time a cab is not in motion at the request of the passen e¢ r or passengers after the cab has commenced the transportation of such passen¢er or passenngers• (d Hourly rates. Nothine herein contained shall �revent an�person from makin�an a�xeement with the oroerator of a tasicab to furnish transportation at a rate to be a¢reed upon between them for an hour. dav, week. month or lon�er neriod. Section 3 Chapter 376 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to add the following section: 2 0 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Sec.376.15.3. Surcharge. �� .12-`� In order to partially defrav the cost of a study of the taxi cab industr�in Saint Paul there shall be a one-time surcharge imnosed on all taxi cab vehicle licenses of $50 per licensed vehicle, which shall be in addition to the annual vehicle license fee and which shali be due and navable at the time each vehicle in the Citv of Saint Paul renews its annual license or receives a new license wit�un one veaz from the effective date of this section. Section 4 This ordinance shall take effect and be in full force thiriy (30) days after its passage, approval and publication. DfiRiISHF,fl i �: :.... Reguested by Department of: Adopted by Council: Date _5���� Adoption Certified by Council Sec etary HY: Approved by y r: Dat ` �� 8,.: G /� � `--� � j���� ! " � � I/ � _ _ Ii J y " � Foxm Approved by City Attorney gY' -� ✓K-GC, ! 1 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: OFFICE oF �z�P Date: GREEN SHEET Robert Kessler May 24, 1999 ��,� 266-9I12 N° 50385 � 1 'c?AR17d�'.,NT D?FSC!'OY 3 Ci� COUNCIL Z I3Y A1?O�NEY iTY CLEn3C ust be on Cotincil Agenda by: �°'°� `m=T ns�csca �_s. � v�c:. svc. nia. � �SAP YOR (OR ASSiSTAN� TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES '1 (CLIP ALL LOCAIIONS FOR SIGATATURE) CTZON RFQUESTED: Authorization for LIEP to collect a one-time surcharge of $50.00 on taxicab vehicle licenses to cover the cost of a customer survey by an outside consultant. Representatives of the taxicab industry agreed to fund the survey via the surcharge. Also establishes a maximum fare seructure. RcCOM.M^cT�ATIONS: A?F�OI�' l�+1 OR @ES°CT (Y) PERSONAL SERVICS CONTRACTS MOST lNSWER TAE ?OLLO'FIYG: PLAPN?NG COMNZSSION CIVIL SEP.VZC^c CO!?�+;ISSION 1. 3as the ?erscn/fi= evez worked crder a ccacrac[ for `.tis cepartment? CIB COMMITTEE _ SUS?��SS RR�?�ii COiJ!�CIL YES NO STAFF _ xas this person/fitm evez b�en a City emoloyzz? DISTAICT COVRT _ YES NO 3. Does this person/finn possess a skill not normally posszsse3 by any SUPPORTS k'HICH WUtv':iL 09T°CTIVE? Clirrent City employee? YES NO laia all YES aaswers oa a separate sheet and attach. INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Taxiczb owners, drivers, the Convention and Visitor's BureQu, AMTRACK, the lock Nurses, City staff, the public, and the Business Review Council (BRC) ring different expectations and needs to the taxicab discussion. Prior to aking significant changes in the regulatory structure, all parties agreed that there is a need for a customer survey to be conducted by a neutral,party. VANTAGES IF APPROVED: 11 interested parties will continue to work together. DISADVANTAGBS IF APPROVED: one. ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: Consensus on any course of action with regard to taxicabs will be impossible. OTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S COST/32EVENUE BUDGETED YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) CITY.WSDE-CRB.CO 48$ 7444 ::athie Wcndell Iu3=F Como A�cnuc St f'aul. YiN 551U3 ?�ucutt 10. 1499 S�. I'auE Louncii member t'ila Eial] >t PauE, MN �5f0! RE': 1'roposed orci�nanre amendments re�JardFng taxicabs it'�m �1's 99-727 and 9s}-'128 i)ear � uuncil tinztnUer: P.05 �37 ��.��� As an oL«eer at E� iry Wide Cab Company, I ask that you to gtease take a clo�cr inok at thc proposed changes in the both the fare structure for 2axicabs and zhe nun�l3er of i�ceiucs. Neithec is likely help to provide better service ta St. Panl citzzens at this ti�ne. , 99 Numb;,rufLicenscs. 'Ch cap has aheaciy been raised approximately 25°/a in the past fe�� y�ars_ t��u : dan r beheve rt has done an}zhing to hel� prnvide t�tter service. 'I'here are�'t too few taxis in St. Paul; t}tere are too few� drivers. it's reaiiy that simpic. It bas been i�zore and more difficuff to attract quaEi6ed people to dnve taxaca6s tor a eanet}• of reasorzs. Tbe main reason is that the faxi indusuy, like so mviv uth�rs io aiu preseat ecc�natny, ctoes not have enaugh peapke ta Yi1i the positions availabie Ac�d !<� rhis i�e Ioliowing: i Many people still adhere to the old slereotypica! image of the cab drrver:tn�! thcr.11i�rr consider it demcanina to dtive a taxicah. �. Many consid�r there to be more danger inhereat in driving a taxi than �n m.mv ucher :ypcs <3f'jobs, espec;�aih� after such tragic incidents like The Mpls. cab drivzr �+�ho ��as tnurdcre�f last vear. 3. t3eFore a dri�er can begin to drive a cab in St. Paul helshe needs to pa�- 56b.tl0 li�r a c:�b license, 58.00 fnr the Bureau of Crimiu�l Apprehention check, and �4.t��� ior a cop�� of�nis driving recorct 7'hen there is a waiting period, usuatiy of several days, t�tfare he:s4�e can obrasa ttse iicense. These particidars can be a deterent, es}x,�isHy Hheia thc �" CITY.WIDE.CAB-CO 4S8 7444 P_06 /�l� ._ l� ;,�rson doesn't knoi� if cab drivina �vill utiimately be sotuething hefshe ��iil likc: and ,30 ktcU at. E3ecause vf'the dnver shortage, iYs possible that some company's statid.•3rQs iiar ctrr�ers tivifi go down in an effort to keep their cabs on the street. A dmer ~vfta ha� Ex;�n !et gu by ane cvmpany may just move on to the other companies. This cauld be detriEnental to the pu�lic, espeeialTy in instances such as t6is: Recently, aur City c'ouaczi ��naveci to suspend the license of a driver hecause tlie Council af his hehavioT tuuards a � ustomer. T have fx�en told that ihis persan is nocv driving for a subtu�ban c�xnpam•: :i com�any that wants more licenses in St Pxul. Aithough this no lvnger affeees �t. f aul r�,5icems, it is an example of how a person cousidered unsatisfacto�}� as a dr�v�r rafi .ciii �•o�t�nue to dnve a ta.ei �+4-7??. F'arc incr•:,�se. t am una+vare of any driver compIaints at our company about ihe gresent Care structure, however. this could clu�nge tivrth additional lticenses. We havc Fx;en told by tha License Division that raisingthe ceiling an lares and �fi�nrnating the u�inimum wili inaease cowpetian and possibty even lower fares ["be uppos,te is mora iikely to occur. A company with hi�er fazes nli�tit tend to do morL business with custorners who can better a�3ord higher fares, such as the trao•eiing pubiic and ws�tors Crom out of'town who don�t knoivoiu fare structure. thereby prov�ding frss ::ervic;e. to the generat piiblic «rko just need to get wark or to the doctors o{Tice, t� the launcframat. homr frorn the grocery store, hotne from tbe bar, etc. Furthem�ore. i1 othi� cornpanies raised their tares, we t�rould eventually he forced to do like���se just ta kecp our dnvers f'rom feav+ng for a company 1�•ith the higher fares. To sam it ���: �Vhen conditions chan�;e so thar more drivers are ava�luble, 1!�[t_:M c:ons�der add�tiuizaf licenses. If you still feel the addi#ional licenses arc �sarranteci �t thf. �ime, then tlte hi�her fares may be necessary to kecg the drivcxs aIloat in a morr trag�ficnted �ndustry; but it shou]d be at oc�e set rate, possibly �vith provisions to a Ila�+ cum�anic:s w emnpete in �vays such as giving senior cit'tzen discouats. Sinccr�iy, ! _ i i � !� � t:athie Wendeff i i 4 t j Council File # °�� � � a � ORIGINAL Green Sheet # S� �' $ � Presented By Referred To ORDINANCE CTI'Y OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Ordinance # � Committee Date : An ordinance to amend Chapter 376 of the Saint Paul Legis ive Code by establishing a one-yeaz change in the fare struc to allow taxicab companies to set their own fares within a a'ximum ceiling, and to impose a one-time surchazge on vehicl 'cense fees to partially pay for the cost of a comprehensive surv on taxicab service in Saint Paul THE COTJNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL Section 1 Chapter 376 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is Sec. 376.15.1. Council Findin�s. Section 2 Chapter 376 of the Sec. 3'76.15.2. 7].717_\1`►il amended to add the following section: Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to add the following section: fares and charges. �) Fares. Notwithstanding the provisions of &376.15, effective October 1. 1999 throu2h September 30. 2000, anv person, firm or corporation owning operating or controlling anv motor vehicle operated and licensed as a tasicab in the Citv of Saint Paul shall set rates as herein �rovided: °I`l -�a`1 � Ttie maximum rate of faze for taxicabs oneratin2 within the cit�shall be two dollazs ($2.001 for the first one-tenth (1/10) of a mile. The rate for each additional Section 3 Chapter 376 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to add the following section: between them for an hour. dav, week, month or lonter oeriod. Sec.376.15.3. Surcharge. within one vear from the effective date of this section. Secrion 4 ��-� This ordinance shall take effect and be in full force thirty (30) days after its assage, approval and publication. ORIGfNAL Requested by Department of: _ l�,��� � � Adopted by �ncil: Date Adoption Certified by Council Secretaxy By: Approved by Mayor: Date 8yv 9q- 7a � ��� � � ��� � �� 1 � ���'� .� c� � 9 �`�8' S �`��� - �'G.�� - ��y�`l`l Council File # � _— � r�� orainan�e # Green Sheet # O'3 g ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, NIINNESOTA Presented By Referred To Committee Date : An ordinance to amend Chapter 376 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code by establishing a one-year change in the faze structure to a11ow taxicab companies to set their own fares within a maximum ceiling, and to impose a one-tune surcharge on vehicle license fees to partially pay far the cost of a comprehensive survey on tasicab service in Saint Paul aitai rcuc� 31 _ � .. 10 11 12 Section 1 13 Chapter 376 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to add the following section: 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 3_5 :�G THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Sec. 376.15.1. Council Findinas. The Council finds that there is a need for a comprehensive surve�performed by an outside professional to studv the current level and ualit�of taxicab service in the Citv of Saint Paul. and that the survey is intended to address what �opulations are served or underserved by the taxicab indushv, whether there is a need far additional t�icabs, whether the perce�tion of problems in the industrv is accurate, and whether all of the current re�ulations, includine fare restrictions, are necessary. This survev is necessarY to adequately and prouerly regulate the taxicab industr�It is the Council's intent that the cost of this survey should be �artially defra�d through the imroosition of a one-time surct�aree on taxi cab vehicle license fees. The Council further finds that a trial period of allowin� tasicab companies to set their own fazes wiUun a ma�mum ceiline would be beneficial in determinin� whether the current fare re�ulations are necessary Section 2 Chapter 376 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to add the following section: Sec. 376.15.2. Temporary fares and charges. (a) Fares. Notcvithstandin¢ the krovisions of �37615, effective October 1, 1999 throu�h Seutember 30, 2000, anY.person. firm or comoration owuing_operatine or controllin�any motor vehicle operated and licensed as a t�icab in the City of Saint Paul shall set rates 1 as herein urovided: 2 � a � . �l �'- 3 � The maximum rate of faze for t�icabs operatine within the city shall be two 4 dollazs ($2.00) far the first one-sixteenth (1/16) of a mile. The rate for each 5 additional mile bevond the first mile shall be one dollar and sixtvi cents ($1.601. 6 All fazes for distances greater than one (� mile shall be calculated in sia�teen cent 7 ($0.161 increments of one-sixteenth (i/161 of a mile Each t�icab com�anv's 8 miniinum and roer-mile rates shall be re�istered with LIEP. Minimum and per 9 mile rntes maybe chan�ed following a 72 hour notice to LIEP and aproroval of 10 said rate chan�e. Rates must be posted on the outside ri�ht and left reaz doors of 11 the taxicab and inside the passeneer comnartment in the following manner and of 12 sufficient size and shape so as to be cleariy le ig ble: 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 Ta�ticab Fares (Maximum not to exceed�$2.00 ist 1/16 Mile (Maximum not to exceedl Sixteen Cents Each 1/16 Mile Therea8er (Maximum not to exceed�Minunum Faze $5.00 � No greater fare for the o�eration of such taxicabs, than as described in subsection (11 above shall be chazged by the operators thereof. � No ea�tra fare shall be chazeed bv the owner or overators of such t�icabs for additional passen e� rs• (b WaitinQ time. Charges for waiting time sha11 not exceed the followi� (1) For each hour of "waitine time at address." twenty-one dollazs ($21.001. � For each two (21 minutes of "waiting tnne for engaeement," fifty cents ($0.501: nrovided, that no charee shall be made for the time lost on account of inefficiencY of any taxicab or its o�eration, ar tnne consumed by�remature resnonse call. (cl "N'aitins time" defined. "Waitine time at address" is herein defined to mean the time beginnine when a cab arrives at an address to which it has been called, and endine when it denarts from such address. "Waitine tune after enga�ement" shall mean the time a cab is not in motion at the request of the passen e¢ r or passengers after the cab has commenced the transportation of such passen¢er or passenngers• (d Hourly rates. Nothine herein contained shall �revent an�person from makin�an a�xeement with the oroerator of a tasicab to furnish transportation at a rate to be a¢reed upon between them for an hour. dav, week. month or lon�er neriod. Section 3 Chapter 376 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to add the following section: 2 0 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Sec.376.15.3. Surcharge. �� .12-`� In order to partially defrav the cost of a study of the taxi cab industr�in Saint Paul there shall be a one-time surcharge imnosed on all taxi cab vehicle licenses of $50 per licensed vehicle, which shall be in addition to the annual vehicle license fee and which shali be due and navable at the time each vehicle in the Citv of Saint Paul renews its annual license or receives a new license wit�un one veaz from the effective date of this section. Section 4 This ordinance shall take effect and be in full force thiriy (30) days after its passage, approval and publication. DfiRiISHF,fl i �: :.... Reguested by Department of: Adopted by Council: Date _5���� Adoption Certified by Council Sec etary HY: Approved by y r: Dat ` �� 8,.: G /� � `--� � j���� ! " � � I/ � _ _ Ii J y " � Foxm Approved by City Attorney gY' -� ✓K-GC, ! 1 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: OFFICE oF �z�P Date: GREEN SHEET Robert Kessler May 24, 1999 ��,� 266-9I12 N° 50385 � 1 'c?AR17d�'.,NT D?FSC!'OY 3 Ci� COUNCIL Z I3Y A1?O�NEY iTY CLEn3C ust be on Cotincil Agenda by: �°'°� `m=T ns�csca �_s. � v�c:. svc. nia. � �SAP YOR (OR ASSiSTAN� TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES '1 (CLIP ALL LOCAIIONS FOR SIGATATURE) CTZON RFQUESTED: Authorization for LIEP to collect a one-time surcharge of $50.00 on taxicab vehicle licenses to cover the cost of a customer survey by an outside consultant. Representatives of the taxicab industry agreed to fund the survey via the surcharge. Also establishes a maximum fare seructure. RcCOM.M^cT�ATIONS: A?F�OI�' l�+1 OR @ES°CT (Y) PERSONAL SERVICS CONTRACTS MOST lNSWER TAE ?OLLO'FIYG: PLAPN?NG COMNZSSION CIVIL SEP.VZC^c CO!?�+;ISSION 1. 3as the ?erscn/fi= evez worked crder a ccacrac[ for `.tis cepartment? CIB COMMITTEE _ SUS?��SS RR�?�ii COiJ!�CIL YES NO STAFF _ xas this person/fitm evez b�en a City emoloyzz? DISTAICT COVRT _ YES NO 3. Does this person/finn possess a skill not normally posszsse3 by any SUPPORTS k'HICH WUtv':iL 09T°CTIVE? Clirrent City employee? YES NO laia all YES aaswers oa a separate sheet and attach. INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Taxiczb owners, drivers, the Convention and Visitor's BureQu, AMTRACK, the lock Nurses, City staff, the public, and the Business Review Council (BRC) ring different expectations and needs to the taxicab discussion. Prior to aking significant changes in the regulatory structure, all parties agreed that there is a need for a customer survey to be conducted by a neutral,party. VANTAGES IF APPROVED: 11 interested parties will continue to work together. DISADVANTAGBS IF APPROVED: one. ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: Consensus on any course of action with regard to taxicabs will be impossible. OTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S COST/32EVENUE BUDGETED YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) CITY.WSDE-CRB.CO 48$ 7444 ::athie Wcndell Iu3=F Como A�cnuc St f'aul. YiN 551U3 ?�ucutt 10. 1499 S�. I'auE Louncii member t'ila Eial] >t PauE, MN �5f0! RE': 1'roposed orci�nanre amendments re�JardFng taxicabs it'�m �1's 99-727 and 9s}-'128 i)ear � uuncil tinztnUer: P.05 �37 ��.��� As an oL«eer at E� iry Wide Cab Company, I ask that you to gtease take a clo�cr inok at thc proposed changes in the both the fare structure for 2axicabs and zhe nun�l3er of i�ceiucs. Neithec is likely help to provide better service ta St. Panl citzzens at this ti�ne. , 99 Numb;,rufLicenscs. 'Ch cap has aheaciy been raised approximately 25°/a in the past fe�� y�ars_ t��u : dan r beheve rt has done an}zhing to hel� prnvide t�tter service. 'I'here are�'t too few taxis in St. Paul; t}tere are too few� drivers. it's reaiiy that simpic. It bas been i�zore and more difficuff to attract quaEi6ed people to dnve taxaca6s tor a eanet}• of reasorzs. Tbe main reason is that the faxi indusuy, like so mviv uth�rs io aiu preseat ecc�natny, ctoes not have enaugh peapke ta Yi1i the positions availabie Ac�d !<� rhis i�e Ioliowing: i Many people still adhere to the old slereotypica! image of the cab drrver:tn�! thcr.11i�rr consider it demcanina to dtive a taxicah. �. Many consid�r there to be more danger inhereat in driving a taxi than �n m.mv ucher :ypcs <3f'jobs, espec;�aih� after such tragic incidents like The Mpls. cab drivzr �+�ho ��as tnurdcre�f last vear. 3. t3eFore a dri�er can begin to drive a cab in St. Paul helshe needs to pa�- 56b.tl0 li�r a c:�b license, 58.00 fnr the Bureau of Crimiu�l Apprehention check, and �4.t��� ior a cop�� of�nis driving recorct 7'hen there is a waiting period, usuatiy of several days, t�tfare he:s4�e can obrasa ttse iicense. These particidars can be a deterent, es}x,�isHy Hheia thc �" CITY.WIDE.CAB-CO 4S8 7444 P_06 /�l� ._ l� ;,�rson doesn't knoi� if cab drivina �vill utiimately be sotuething hefshe ��iil likc: and ,30 ktcU at. E3ecause vf'the dnver shortage, iYs possible that some company's statid.•3rQs iiar ctrr�ers tivifi go down in an effort to keep their cabs on the street. A dmer ~vfta ha� Ex;�n !et gu by ane cvmpany may just move on to the other companies. This cauld be detriEnental to the pu�lic, espeeialTy in instances such as t6is: Recently, aur City c'ouaczi ��naveci to suspend the license of a driver hecause tlie Council af his hehavioT tuuards a � ustomer. T have fx�en told that ihis persan is nocv driving for a subtu�ban c�xnpam•: :i com�any that wants more licenses in St Pxul. Aithough this no lvnger affeees �t. f aul r�,5icems, it is an example of how a person cousidered unsatisfacto�}� as a dr�v�r rafi .ciii �•o�t�nue to dnve a ta.ei �+4-7??. F'arc incr•:,�se. t am una+vare of any driver compIaints at our company about ihe gresent Care structure, however. this could clu�nge tivrth additional lticenses. We havc Fx;en told by tha License Division that raisingthe ceiling an lares and �fi�nrnating the u�inimum wili inaease cowpetian and possibty even lower fares ["be uppos,te is mora iikely to occur. A company with hi�er fazes nli�tit tend to do morL business with custorners who can better a�3ord higher fares, such as the trao•eiing pubiic and ws�tors Crom out of'town who don�t knoivoiu fare structure. thereby prov�ding frss ::ervic;e. to the generat piiblic «rko just need to get wark or to the doctors o{Tice, t� the launcframat. homr frorn the grocery store, hotne from tbe bar, etc. Furthem�ore. i1 othi� cornpanies raised their tares, we t�rould eventually he forced to do like���se just ta kecp our dnvers f'rom feav+ng for a company 1�•ith the higher fares. To sam it ���: �Vhen conditions chan�;e so thar more drivers are ava�luble, 1!�[t_:M c:ons�der add�tiuizaf licenses. If you still feel the addi#ional licenses arc �sarranteci �t thf. �ime, then tlte hi�her fares may be necessary to kecg the drivcxs aIloat in a morr trag�ficnted �ndustry; but it shou]d be at oc�e set rate, possibly �vith provisions to a Ila�+ cum�anic:s w emnpete in �vays such as giving senior cit'tzen discouats. Sinccr�iy, ! _ i i � !� � t:athie Wendeff i i 4 t j Council File # °�� � � a � ORIGINAL Green Sheet # S� �' $ � Presented By Referred To ORDINANCE CTI'Y OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Ordinance # � Committee Date : An ordinance to amend Chapter 376 of the Saint Paul Legis ive Code by establishing a one-yeaz change in the fare struc to allow taxicab companies to set their own fares within a a'ximum ceiling, and to impose a one-time surchazge on vehicl 'cense fees to partially pay for the cost of a comprehensive surv on taxicab service in Saint Paul THE COTJNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL Section 1 Chapter 376 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is Sec. 376.15.1. Council Findin�s. Section 2 Chapter 376 of the Sec. 3'76.15.2. 7].717_\1`►il amended to add the following section: Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to add the following section: fares and charges. �) Fares. Notwithstanding the provisions of &376.15, effective October 1. 1999 throu2h September 30. 2000, anv person, firm or corporation owning operating or controlling anv motor vehicle operated and licensed as a tasicab in the Citv of Saint Paul shall set rates as herein �rovided: °I`l -�a`1 � Ttie maximum rate of faze for taxicabs oneratin2 within the cit�shall be two dollazs ($2.001 for the first one-tenth (1/10) of a mile. The rate for each additional Section 3 Chapter 376 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to add the following section: between them for an hour. dav, week, month or lonter oeriod. Sec.376.15.3. Surcharge. within one vear from the effective date of this section. Secrion 4 ��-� This ordinance shall take effect and be in full force thirty (30) days after its assage, approval and publication. ORIGfNAL Requested by Department of: _ l�,��� � � Adopted by �ncil: Date Adoption Certified by Council Secretaxy By: Approved by Mayor: Date 8yv