99-568Counci{ Fife # q � rj(� g Green Sheet # 09152 Presented By: Referred To: Committee: Date � 2 3 a s s � a s io 11 12 13 14 15 76 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 RESOLVED, that the proper City officials are hereby authorized and directed to execute a hazardous materials emergency response contract with the State of Minnesota, Department of Public Safety as provided by Saint Paul's Department of Fire & Safety Services; a copy of said agreement to be kept on file and of record in the Office of Financial Services. Requested by Department of: Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Coun ' Secretary: � APF I:� RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Fire & Safety Sei qces B y�"-� ' � � �� Appro I R�nded b� �Bud �t Director: By: � U�—�.� �— Form r ved by City (� By: � Approved b Mayor for Submission to Council: By: <� K n�,��,o��o��d a,� � 49 �56� Fire&SafetyServices 5/6/99 GREEN SH ET NO. 09152 CONL/+CfPERSON&YFIONE � DEYARIMENI'DIltECfOR, � C1lYCAVNCQ. FireChiefTimFuller 228-6250 � mvwrro�r ���� � c�ncr,sax MU5[BEONCOUNCII.ACBf�ABY(DAIE) � BODGEfDIRECLOR � flN.&MGt.SERVICESDIR � MAYOR(ORASSLSTAI�'I) � � CCHIEFFACCOUNfAN3' TOTAL # OF SIGPIATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCAT[ONS FOR SIGNATURE) CIIONREQOESLID Approval of the attached CouncIl Resolution authorizing the Department of Fire & Safety Services to enter into a hazardous materials emergency response contract with the StaTe of Mivnesota, Depa[hnent of Public Safety. aECOea.grmnnoNS a�m.e �a� o�xe)eapy PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACfS MUSf ANSR'ER THE FOLIAK'ING QUESTIONS: � _PLAITII[lGCOMRIISSION _QVll.SERVECE COMMCSSION ]. Has this persodfirm ever worked under a comrac[ for tlils department? i cmcoMnmrg YES NO w_Sraf't�' 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? nrs�rxicrcoma YES NO s[mroxrs wtnC[i coUn*ca os�ecme? 3. DoeS this person/fivn possess a skill nOt noaually possessed by atry curtent ciTy employee? YES NO (Eaplain all yes answers on separate shcet and atfach to green sheet) IIJIRATiNGPROBLEM, LSSLJE, OPPORIlA7TY (Who. WLm, Nhm, Where, Why)' The Minnesota Legislature has determined the need e�sts for a system of regionally located Hazardous Materials Emergency Response Teams to assist local authorities in protecting Yhe public from the effects of a hazardous materials release. Saint Paul Fire is qualified and is willing to perform these needed services. ADVANTAGES ff APPRO�'ED: Additional revenues will be generated by the Saint Paul Fire Department. D[$ADVANTAGES ff APPROVID , '7' d � �� � None. � � �� � � °�a'� � � e �.-� �r9A�' 11 ��99 �.��w� ����� �� a �� £ � �� ������ �nY h G `S DISADVANiAGES OF NOi APPROVED. Loss of potenrial revenue for the City. mrnc.+mouxroxaxnNSncaoN 12O OOO cosrmevEnuesonca�n�cmcceoxE� � xo �rowcsooacE General Fund AcrmirNU�eR GL-001-05122-4301 FII�'ANCIAL IN£ORMATfON' (EXPLAIN) Counci{ Fife # q � rj(� g Green Sheet # 09152 Presented By: Referred To: Committee: Date � 2 3 a s s � a s io 11 12 13 14 15 76 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 RESOLVED, that the proper City officials are hereby authorized and directed to execute a hazardous materials emergency response contract with the State of Minnesota, Department of Public Safety as provided by Saint Paul's Department of Fire & Safety Services; a copy of said agreement to be kept on file and of record in the Office of Financial Services. Requested by Department of: Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Coun ' Secretary: � APF I:� RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Fire & Safety Sei qces B y�"-� ' � � �� Appro I R�nded b� �Bud �t Director: By: � U�—�.� �— Form r ved by City (� By: � Approved b Mayor for Submission to Council: By: <� K n�,��,o��o��d a,� � 49 �56� Fire&SafetyServices 5/6/99 GREEN SH ET NO. 09152 CONL/+CfPERSON&YFIONE � DEYARIMENI'DIltECfOR, � C1lYCAVNCQ. FireChiefTimFuller 228-6250 � mvwrro�r ���� � c�ncr,sax MU5[BEONCOUNCII.ACBf�ABY(DAIE) � BODGEfDIRECLOR � flN.&MGt.SERVICESDIR � MAYOR(ORASSLSTAI�'I) � � CCHIEFFACCOUNfAN3' TOTAL # OF SIGPIATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCAT[ONS FOR SIGNATURE) CIIONREQOESLID Approval of the attached CouncIl Resolution authorizing the Department of Fire & Safety Services to enter into a hazardous materials emergency response contract with the StaTe of Mivnesota, Depa[hnent of Public Safety. aECOea.grmnnoNS a�m.e �a� o�xe)eapy PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACfS MUSf ANSR'ER THE FOLIAK'ING QUESTIONS: � _PLAITII[lGCOMRIISSION _QVll.SERVECE COMMCSSION ]. Has this persodfirm ever worked under a comrac[ for tlils department? i cmcoMnmrg YES NO w_Sraf't�' 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? nrs�rxicrcoma YES NO s[mroxrs wtnC[i coUn*ca os�ecme? 3. DoeS this person/fivn possess a skill nOt noaually possessed by atry curtent ciTy employee? YES NO (Eaplain all yes answers on separate shcet and atfach to green sheet) IIJIRATiNGPROBLEM, LSSLJE, OPPORIlA7TY (Who. WLm, Nhm, Where, Why)' The Minnesota Legislature has determined the need e�sts for a system of regionally located Hazardous Materials Emergency Response Teams to assist local authorities in protecting Yhe public from the effects of a hazardous materials release. Saint Paul Fire is qualified and is willing to perform these needed services. ADVANTAGES ff APPRO�'ED: Additional revenues will be generated by the Saint Paul Fire Department. D[$ADVANTAGES ff APPROVID , '7' d � �� � None. � � �� � � °�a'� � � e �.-� �r9A�' 11 ��99 �.��w� ����� �� a �� £ � �� ������ �nY h G `S DISADVANiAGES OF NOi APPROVED. Loss of potenrial revenue for the City. mrnc.+mouxroxaxnNSncaoN 12O OOO cosrmevEnuesonca�n�cmcceoxE� � xo �rowcsooacE General Fund AcrmirNU�eR GL-001-05122-4301 FII�'ANCIAL IN£ORMATfON' (EXPLAIN) Counci{ Fife # q � rj(� g Green Sheet # 09152 Presented By: Referred To: Committee: Date � 2 3 a s s � a s io 11 12 13 14 15 76 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 RESOLVED, that the proper City officials are hereby authorized and directed to execute a hazardous materials emergency response contract with the State of Minnesota, Department of Public Safety as provided by Saint Paul's Department of Fire & Safety Services; a copy of said agreement to be kept on file and of record in the Office of Financial Services. Requested by Department of: Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Coun ' Secretary: � APF I:� RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Fire & Safety Sei qces B y�"-� ' � � �� Appro I R�nded b� �Bud �t Director: By: � U�—�.� �— Form r ved by City (� By: � Approved b Mayor for Submission to Council: By: <� K n�,��,o��o��d a,� � 49 �56� Fire&SafetyServices 5/6/99 GREEN SH ET NO. 09152 CONL/+CfPERSON&YFIONE � DEYARIMENI'DIltECfOR, � C1lYCAVNCQ. FireChiefTimFuller 228-6250 � mvwrro�r ���� � c�ncr,sax MU5[BEONCOUNCII.ACBf�ABY(DAIE) � BODGEfDIRECLOR � flN.&MGt.SERVICESDIR � MAYOR(ORASSLSTAI�'I) � � CCHIEFFACCOUNfAN3' TOTAL # OF SIGPIATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCAT[ONS FOR SIGNATURE) CIIONREQOESLID Approval of the attached CouncIl Resolution authorizing the Department of Fire & Safety Services to enter into a hazardous materials emergency response contract with the StaTe of Mivnesota, Depa[hnent of Public Safety. aECOea.grmnnoNS a�m.e �a� o�xe)eapy PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACfS MUSf ANSR'ER THE FOLIAK'ING QUESTIONS: � _PLAITII[lGCOMRIISSION _QVll.SERVECE COMMCSSION ]. Has this persodfirm ever worked under a comrac[ for tlils department? i cmcoMnmrg YES NO w_Sraf't�' 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? nrs�rxicrcoma YES NO s[mroxrs wtnC[i coUn*ca os�ecme? 3. DoeS this person/fivn possess a skill nOt noaually possessed by atry curtent ciTy employee? YES NO (Eaplain all yes answers on separate shcet and atfach to green sheet) IIJIRATiNGPROBLEM, LSSLJE, OPPORIlA7TY (Who. WLm, Nhm, Where, Why)' The Minnesota Legislature has determined the need e�sts for a system of regionally located Hazardous Materials Emergency Response Teams to assist local authorities in protecting Yhe public from the effects of a hazardous materials release. Saint Paul Fire is qualified and is willing to perform these needed services. ADVANTAGES ff APPRO�'ED: Additional revenues will be generated by the Saint Paul Fire Department. D[$ADVANTAGES ff APPROVID , '7' d � �� � None. � � �� � � °�a'� � � e �.-� �r9A�' 11 ��99 �.��w� ����� �� a �� £ � �� ������ �nY h G `S DISADVANiAGES OF NOi APPROVED. Loss of potenrial revenue for the City. mrnc.+mouxroxaxnNSncaoN 12O OOO cosrmevEnuesonca�n�cmcceoxE� � xo �rowcsooacE General Fund AcrmirNU�eR GL-001-05122-4301 FII�'ANCIAL IN£ORMATfON' (EXPLAIN)