D00234Wnrte — City CIerY P�nk — Finance Oepi� Gnarv — Oep[. • UrY'ICiF AF THE M.11"UR ADMINIS"�IiATiVE ORDER BI'1lGEI' I2El1SIOX No: � Date: °' `� � w � t ���ZS�.��� �)�ER, Consistent with the authoriry granted to the Mayor m Section 70.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Director of the Department of PILb� � C Heal th to amentl the 79 94 budget of the $P2C7 d� fund. the Director of the Department of Finance antl Management Services is authorized to amend sa�d budget in the follow�ng manner: Current Amendetl Budget Change Budget • SPBCiAL unALi& P&Oa:s"UFPOET 3B$V'S a0b-"s3244-Oiia 30i-"s32v§-02i5 305-3"si44-GaSi a05-33i44-G353 303-a3i49-G3a3 305-33i5i-Oiii 305-aaib's-Oiil GITY OF SAIri'T PALIL Beiu�ee Elih Care - Hedieal &efuEee Alt6 Care - Fees aefvgee Alth Care - Nedical Supulies &efu�ee Elth Care - bab. Gead "roisoning cont:ol - ixooraiorp Sunplies Comm Hltb nducation - Full iiae CSronic Diaease - ruil Time 3"s0,000.GG 325,006.0�1 s'li,7il.G0 #8,866.Q0 ta,G00.�0 $9i,21i.06 972,5's9.G0 $26d,3dfi.OG 3?a,ub0.0u 9i6,000.G� 315,Ou6,66 ;1Q,fi0G.04 ;5,060.OG j$"s0,�7G0.GQa (336,PBO.G01 �u.00 S45,Oftu.00 943, 000.00 ;32,721,G0 ¢i8,96o.00 9iG,��0.00 ;62,iii3OG `s42,�49.GG �254,�48.00 WnS63A3, 3PBNDiNC AUTH"vaIiY i8 NBBDBD IN 33244 r"Oa nnUICAL & P@6Ffi95i0i7AL Fn&S, eNG HBDiGAL AND LR6 BUFPLifiS AND 33i49 iPa FO& L'e60uAi0Si �UFPLSIS; ANO RnSSnAS, iH33B IS SFSNDiNG AiiTHO&FTF iR 53LSP ��S�GS'} DUB TO UNCI4L�H FOSITiON THAr CAN 5B iReNSFBERBD. T@B&fir"OSg BB BESOL4�D, THnT TnB MAFOn AFF&GU6a frin CHAAGE TO TH% i999 BUDCSi, � �%� Prepared by. Activity Manager � �� � ��-t� Requested by: Department director / qo rovetl by: Mayor � �� � 8�— �o—q`� Date �� Public Health Mohrland "��J; '� 292-7702 'A N° 18962 ,9A GREEN SHEET INITIAVDATE INRIAVDATE O DEPAFTMENT DIRECTOA O CRY COUNQL O qTYATTORNEY CffYCLERK FOfl ^ BU�GET DIFECTOR FIN. & MGT. SERVICES DIR. ■ ❑ MAYOfl (Ofl ASSISTAN"1� TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) City signatures on Administrative Order transferring spending authority between various obj codes in the Refugee & L•ead Programs. (A) or Rejee[ _ PLANNING COMMI$$ION _ CIVIL $ERVICE CAMMISSION _ CIB CAMMITTEE _ _ STAFF _ _ OISTRICTCOURT _ SUPPORTS WHICM GOUNCIL OBJECTIVE? PERSONAL SERVICE CON7RACTS MUST ANSWER 7HE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: i. Has this person/Firm ever worketl under a contract for this tlepartmeot? YES NO 2. Has this personRirm ever been a city employee? YES NO 3. Does this perso�rm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current ciry employee? YES NO Explain all yes answers on seperate sheet and attach to green sheet Spending authority is needed in Refugee fo 0215 Medical Fees, 0219 for lab tests and in 0352 0353 for medical « lab. supplies. Authority is needed in Lead 0352 for lab supplies. There spending authority in 33251 & 33254 that could be transferred. IF APPROVED There will be authority to pay for services and suppltes needed for patient care. NONE RECEIVED SEP -1 1994 CITY CLERit Patients will not be served. TOTALAMOUNTOFTRANSACTION $ F)O COST/REVE4lUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) ��i��f A�� � 2 f���t YES NO FUNDINGSOURCE SL�P('la� Filnl�c ACTIVI7YNUMBER ���Q.Q� ��749� ����i�� R���.ri4 �'�� FINANCIAL INFORMATION (EXPLAIt�